Saint Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church
Saint Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church
Saint Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church 33 New Hyde Park Road, Franklin Square, New York 11010-3692 Deacons Joseph Benincasa Frank Gonzalez Music Director Evelyn Fiore Organist Jennifer Wells Parish Social—Outreach Ministry Maureen Russell Pastor Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Figliozzi Associate Pastors Rev. Johnny Mendonca Rev. Charles N. Srion Rev. Allan Arneaud Faith Formation Coordinator Debbie Hurley Trustees Dennis Canese Marion G. Dreyfus Retired Priest in Residence Rev. William D. O’Rourke Parish office: (516) 352-0146 FAX: (516) 326-7427 Faith Formation: (516) 354-4554 Social / Outreach: (516) 775-0840 Web Site: Sunday Masses Saturday: Saint Catherine Chapel, Sienna Center 5:00PM Sunday: Church 7:30AM, 9:30AM and 11:30AM Saint Catherine Chapel, Sienna Center 9:00AM, 11:00AM and 1:00PM Weekday Masses Monday through Saturday: 8:00AM Parish Office Hours 990 Holzheimer Street Monday to Thursday, 9 AM—8 PM Friday, 9 AM—7 PM Saturday, 9:00AM—4:00 PM Sunday, 10:00AM– 1:00PM Parish Membership New members are welcome to our parish family and should register at the Parish Office. All are invited to join our many and varied Parish Ministries and Societies. Getting Married? Please make an appointment with a priest or deacon before making social arrangements. Prayer Life Adoration: Fridays 9:00AM-9:00PM in the Saint Catherine Chapel, Sienna Center Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday after the 8:00AM Parishioners with Special Needs The Church & Saint Catherine Chapel, Sienna Center are accessible through the doors on the right side of the Parish Social Ministry Outreach Hours Church, where two buildings meet. The Sienna Center is 995 Lutz Street accessible through front door. An elevator is available Monday through Friday, 11:00AM-1:00PM through main door of Sienna Center (left side of stairs) Thursday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM which allows access to Church as well. 1St Saturday of the month 11:00AM - 1:00PM Assisted Listening Devices are available in the Additional hours by appointment only. Church, for the hearing impaired. Please ask an usher if you need one. Anointing of the Sick Special Needs Advocacy: Dr. Priscilla O’Connell may There is a communal Anointing of the Sick on Thursday be reached by calling the Parish Social Ministry Office at during the 8:00AM Mass. Please notify a priest if anyone is 775-0840, if you have additional needs to be addressed. sick at home. Mass for those with special needs, family & friends is Emergency sick calls at any time: Call 352-0146 celebrated on the 3rd Saturday of each month at 3:00PM Saint Catherine Chapel, Sienna Center. We Celebrate Baptism We celebrate welcoming new people to our parish through Professional Therapy & Counseling Baptism. Call the Parish Office to make arrangements. Family, marriage, and individual therapies, provided by Children: Celebrated every Sunday at 2:00PM New York licensed therapists, are available to our parish. (except Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday - January – June 2014) Call Dr. Giuliani, Catholic Counseling Ctr., 631-243-2503. First & Third Saturdays at 12:30pm Beginning July 2014 Prep. Class: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30PM (pre-registration is required) Adults: Adults to be Baptized or Confirmed are invited 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time to call the Parish Office for assistance. Reconciliation Saturday: 4:00PM-5:00PM January 19, 2014 SANCTUARY LAMP During the week of January 19, the Sanctuary Lamp will burn in our Church For the Priest of the Parish With the prayers of Friends (Jan 20 - Jan 26) MON. 8:00 AM Jan 20 Armando & Giuseppe Cervini TUES. 8:00 AM Jan 21– St. Agnes Warren Miedriech Sr. WED. 8:00 AM Jan 22– Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children Catherine Biscardi THURS. 8:00 AM Jan 23—St. Vincent Vito Sanzone OUTREACH FRI. 8:00 AM Jan 24– St. Francis de Sales Marie McQuire SAT. Jan 25— Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle Pauric Kiernan Joseph Tarricone George & Elizabeth Linehan Bernadette Moran Raymond Hartmann Catherine Biscardi 8:00 AM 5:00 PM SUN. 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30AM (SC) 9:00 AM 11:00AM 1:00 PM BREAD AND WINE During the week of January 19, the Bread and Wine used at Masses will be In Memory of Minnie & Lucy Algieri With the Prayers of Olga DeSonne Jan 26– 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time For the People of the Parish Christopher Fausner Jack D'Amico Work We Do To Help Others This Week Is For the Priest of the Parish With the prayers of Friends PARISH ‘IN HOME’ PRAYER PROGRAM Host Family/Individual: PILGRIM STATUE OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA ANNA TOLOMEO CUP OF PRAYER Ann Azzerallo Josephine Hartley Frank Garrish PARISH OFFICE U.S.NAVY Esn. Anthony Patrick Huskisson PRAY for DECEASED and their Families: Taras W. Andrews, Michael Brogna, Mary Nardone, Doris Collins, James Maidhof, Michelle Casaretto, Mary Ann Paino, Nicholas A. Giambrone, Emanuel Sarfin, Dominick A. Vigliotti Sr., Peter Blondo. PRAY for the SICK: Christine Girgenti, Patrick Connolly, Tyler Flotte, Frankie Foudin, MaryAnn Tolomeo, Joseph Consolazio, William Mossbrugger. USMC Sgt. Patrick Brady PFC Erik Jacobsen PFC Michael P. Kelly ET3 Peter J. King E3 Thomas Mannle USAF Chaplain Col. Msgr. Mark Rowan Airman 1st Class. Phil Gautiere U.S.ARMY Maj. Thomas Babbitt Cpl Thomas R. Kroez, Jr. Maj. Catherine Babbitt Sgt. Michael Salemi Cpl. Christopher Montes Capt. Richard Babbitt Capt. Shaun R. Cullen A.N.G. Cpl. Joseph Blaikie M. Sgt. Peter Jacobsen Robert Vitale Lt. Col. Christopher Congalise MISSION STATEMENT As members of St. Catherine of Sienna Roman Catholic Parish, we are committed by our Baptism to spread the teachings of Jesus Christ by living our faith in loving service to all people. Inspired by the Holy Spirit and through worship and prayer, we use our time, talent and treasure, to nourish the soul, care for the needy, minister to the alienated, nurture the children and WELCOME all people into our community of faith. From Msgr. Figliozzi Scriptural Reflection for the Week “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” (see John 1:29-34) We hear these words of John the Baptist in today’s Gospel as the priest holds up before us the sacred Body and Blood of Christ at each Mass. When these words of two thousand years ago are said today it is as if the whole world is stopping to recognize the One we often take for granted. This moment in which we are invited to approach the table of the Lord is a moment of adoration and a moment in which we can profess faith in the Sacramental Presence of the Lord Jesus now in our midst. We gaze on the One who takes away our sins and those of the whole world. What is then meant to happen within us? We are led to see Jesus in all the moments of our lives. To see Him in our home life; to see Him in our those we walk by; to see Him at work and in the neighborhood we live and once we recognize His presence to then serve Him by serving others. These words, “ Behold, the Lamb of God,” do they make you stop and think? Do they make you see what we should see in one another’s lives? Stewardship….. 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Reflection Today’s responsorial Psalm is the theme song of the good steward: “Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will.” May I, too, stand ready to offer myself and my gifts in the service of God. Stewardship We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who take time each day to pray and discover how the Holy Spirit is working within them. March for Life 2014 Takes places this Wednesday, January 22nd, in Washington, D.C. Please pray for all those standing up for life for the innocent unborn who are being killed by abortion in great numbers (almost one and a half million each year in our country alone). Make a visit to church, offer a Rosary and / or fast during the day to be in solidarity with this basic human right to life issue of our time. Parish Festival 2014: June 25-29 We are always in need of volunteers for this major parish fundraising event. Help is needed in the various booths and behind the scenes as well. If you think you have a skill or talent that could be of use, please call the Office and leave your contact information. It is greatly appreciated. Carnevale 2014: February 22nd Tickets are available beginning this weekend in the Sienna Center lobby. Dnner is being prepared by Papa Ciro’s of New Hyde Park and the evening’s entertainment will be provided by the group, PRIMAVERA. (Our snow date if the following Saturday, March 2nd). You may also call Camille at ——— for ticket reservation. Last Weekend’s Collections Was: Second: Thanks you for your support. One Final Thought “Abortion is the greatest destroyer of peace in the world.” Blessed Teresa of Calcutta upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.“ - Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Parish Activities Complex will be closed Monday, January 20th in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Congratulations : to our newly married couples We welcome the newly Baptized into our Christian Community: for the Month of December 2013 Matthew & Melissa (Ferraro) Baker for the Month of December 2013 Saverio Rocco Basile Luca Joseph Gabriele Anthony Biagio Davis Christopher James Kalyvas Scarlett Alessia Finocchiaro Martin James Ehrmann There are still many current dates available for Sanctuary Lamp, Bread & Wine & Outreach Please consider this special way to honor a loved one, living or deceased. NEED SPECIAL PRAYERS ? The Sisters of Saint Catherine of Sienna Convent will gladly remember your special intentions in their daily Masses and community prayers. Place your petitions in the weekly collection basket or drop off at the Parish Welcome Desk. God Bless You. PLEASE, NO DONATIONS … to our Faith Community & Parish! Saint Catherine of Sienna R.C. Church Serve God by Serving Others BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY WE DID IT! Our Funding Goal: $95,000 Pledged to Date: $96,241 Family Participation Goal: 700 Family/Individuals to Date: 719 Paid: $91,943.50 THANK YOU for supporting the good works of our Catholic Church on LI AND work of our Parish Outreach Ministry helping those in our community! IF YOU HAVE AN OUTSTANDING PLEDGE PLEASE PAY BEFORE JANUARY 31 so we receive our full rebate which has been designated to our Parish Outreach Ministry. 2013 CMA Honor Roll Thank You for Making a Difference in Someone’s Life through LIVING & SHARING YOUR FAITH, CARING FOR GOD’S PEOPLE , and BUILDING THE KINGDOM OF GOD Mr. Ronald Rampino Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Raniolo Mrs. Grace Rapuzzi Mr. and Mrs. Federico Rella Mrs. Veronica Reynolds Mr. George Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riccobono Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Rini Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rippel Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rizzo Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Rode Mr. and Mrs. Allen Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rolla Mrs. Patricia Rosenthal Mr. and Mrs. William Rottkamp Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rottkamp Mr. and Mrs. William J. Rottkamp Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Royce Ms. Nancy Ruf Mr. and Mrs. Victor Runco Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ruperto Mr. Dennis Russell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Russo Mr. and Mrs. Carl Russo Mr. and Mrs. James Senicola Mr. and Mrs. Steven Seyster Mr. and Mrs. John Salemmo Mr. and Mrs. John Shewchuk Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Salerno Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sickler Mr. and Mrs. Frank Salvatore Mr. and Mrs. Mario Simone Ms. Patricia Salvatore Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Simonetti Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Salvo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Siragusa Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sansone Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sivilli Mr. and Mrs. Jorge R. Sanz Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Saporito Mr. and Mrs. John Smith Mrs. Grace Sarnicola Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Saroniero Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snedeker Ms. Linda Snedeker - LoPinto Mr. Michael R. Sarosy Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Soffientini Mr. Luigi Scacchi Mr. and Mrs. Eamon Spollen Mrs. Margaret T. Scainetti Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Scheuplein Rev. Charles Srion Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sterling Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schifano Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sticco Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schultheis Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Struzzieri Mrs. Robert Schwarzenberg Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sudul Jean Sciaraffo Mrs. Barbara Sullivan Ms. Michele Sciaraffo Ms. Anna M. Sullivan Ms. Teresa Sciortino Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. John Scully Mr. Edward Sehn Mrs. Lorraine Swartz Mrs. Loretta Selletti Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tabert Dr. Marybeth V. Ryan Ms. Josephine Tamburello Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tarascio Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tedesco Mr. and Mrs. William Teitz Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Testa Mrs. Jean A Thilman Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Thomas Mr. and Mrs. George Tibbe Mr. and Mrs. Aldo Tonti Ms. Lillian A. Totter Mr. Kevin A. Traynor Mr. and Mrs. Richard Treglia Victor and Anne Troiano Mr. and Mrs. Leonardo Ubaldini Mr. William H. Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Unger Mr. and Mrs. Jack N Vaccaro Mr. Mark Vaccaro Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Vallone Mrs. Florence VanWie Ms. Karen Venezia Mr. Charles Verderosa and Ms. Arlene Kunkel Mr. and Mrs. John Veron 2013 CMA Honor Roll … Continued Thank You for Making a Difference in Someone’s Life through LIVING & SHARING YOUR FAITH, CARING FOR GOD’S PEOPLE , and BUILDING THE KINGDOM OF GOD Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Versace Ms. Maryann Versaci Mr. and Mrs. John Vicino Miss Genevieve Villano Mr. Enzo Vito Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Viviano Ms. Theresa C. Vogt Mrs. Mary Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walsh Mr. and Mrs. John Wartski Mr. and Mrs. Danny We Mrs. Jane Weissheier Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Welsh Reverend Dennis J. Whelan Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Wiegmann Mr. and Mrs. Robert Winiarski Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woltman Mrs. Josephine Wood Mr. Charles Woodward Ms. Jerilyn Wren Ms. Eileen Wunsch Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wynne Ms. Emily A. Yannotta Mrs. Katherine Yeaman Mrs. Dominick Zafonte Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Zahradka Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zapart Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Zehend Mrs. Maria Ziarno Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Zwilling Mr. and Mrs. James R. Graf James and Jeanmarie Loeven Mr. and Mrs. Sal Accardo Mr. and Mrs. Michael Acierno Ms. Anna Affrunti Mr. and Mrs. Marco Agostini Ms. Josephine Attianese Mr. and Mrs. John Barbella Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barresi Mr. and Mrs. Armando Belli Mr. Peter T. Brennan Mrs. Rosanne Bronzo Diane Brosnan Ms. Carmela Bruno Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bucicchia Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C Calabrese Mr. and Mrs. Luciano Capogna Mr. and Mrs. Leonardo Caputo Mr. and Mrs. Giuseppe Caputo Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Casano Mr. and Mrs. Richard Casesa Mr. and Mrs. John Catalano Mr. and Mrs. Domenico Cervini Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Chajkewicz Mr. and Mrs. Robert Colalella Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Combs Ms. Francesca Consolazio Ms. Pauline Coppola Mr. Pasquale Correale Mr. and Mrs. Antonio DaSilva Mr. and Mrs. Biagio De Vivo Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Dean Ms. Doris DeCastro Mr. and Mrs. Armando DeLuca Mr. Nenzi Denora Mr. John Derasmo Mrs. Nicholas DeVito Mr. and Mrs. Steven Di Crescento Mr. and Mrs. Peter Di Girolamo Mr. and Mrs. Domenico Di Marzo Mr. and Mrs. Ignacio Diaz Mr. and Mrs. Louis DioLallevi Mr. Angelo DiPalma Mr. Matthew DiProperzio Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Gilberto Edovas Mr. Lino Fratarcangeli Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Furnari Mr. and Mrs. Roy Garofano Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gatto Mr. Gregory Gerber Mrs. Maria S. Germana Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ghiraldi Mr. and Mrs. Charles Giambalvo Mr. Jerry Giannetto Mr. Daniel Gill Mr. and Mrs. Peter Giordano Mrs. Elizabeth Gottleib Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hellman Mr. and Mrs. Deda Hota Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Ieraci Mr. and Mrs. Giuseppe Iuso Mr. and Mrs. Dimotrios Karaiskos Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Karl Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kelly Ms. Susan Kennedy Mr. Robert W. Koegler Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Laudato Mr. and Mrs. Vito Letteriello Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lorenzo Mr. and Mrs. John Luca Mr. and Mrs. Frank Luisi Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lundgren Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Marinello Mr. and Mrs. Steven Matarese Mr. and Mrs. James Mc Erlean Mr. and Mrs. William McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miliano Mr. and Mrs. J. Daniel Motto Mrs. Mary Narbutt Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nardone Ms. Vivian Neufeld Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Notaro Mr. and Mrs. Brian O'Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Grady Mr. and Mrs. William A. Orgera Mr. and Mrs. Benedetto Panetta Mr. Donald Pecorino Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pickett Mr. and Mrs. John Piechowiak Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Pignatelli Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Pulidore Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Rando Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Rohrer Ms. Nicolena Roszkowski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sabatino Mr. and Mrs. Bart Salomone Mrs. Josephine Sanzone Mr. and Mrs. John Scala Mr. Richard Schriefer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schwarzenberg Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Scultore Miss Irene Stamation Noel and Lorraine Supnet Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Swedish Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Torquato Mrs. Rosa Tuccio Mr. and Mrs. David Velez Mr. Michael Walker Mr. Bruce Wallace Mr. Donald Walsh Mrs. Jeanne Wangner Ms. Rose Wood Mr. and Mrs. Saverio La Rosa Mr. Robert M. Acquista Mr. and Mrs. David H. Bransfield Miss Donna Campanella Mr. and Mrs. Giannantonio Cinciripini Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Davila Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Deevy Ms. Ellen Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Saverio Grosso & Family Mr. William Halloran Mr. William Harding, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hourihane Mr. and Mrs. Anton Karcic Dr. Jose Llorens and Dr. Cory A. Llorens Mr. and Mrs. Mario Lo Grande Debbie Marzocchi Mrs. Lorraine McCartney Mr. and Mrs. Philip Mule Reverend William D. O'Rourke Mr. and Mrs. Cesar Payano Mr. and Mrs. Cipriano Pillena Mr. and Mrs. Michael Riccobono Rossetti Family Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Samaniego Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sheridan Mrs. Pat Sicinski Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sorrentino Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Marc Surena Mr. and Mrs. Michele Tinelli Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Tumbarello Mr. and Mrs. Frank Di Martino Mr. and Mrs. Vijay Irukulapati Mr. and Mrs. George Bock Ms. June M. Brust Mr. Dennis Butler Mr. and Mrs. William Cockren Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Di Donato Ms. Maria Diaz Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Freese Ms. Rita Luca Reverend Johnny Mendonca Mr. and Mrs. Steven Schweizerhof Mr. and Mrs. Howard Silverstein NOTE: We wish to thank all donors and apologize if we inadvertently left anyone off our Honor Roll. Continued in next bulletin. Pantry Item of the Week Items to bring Next Week: Peanut Butter & Jelly You may leave it in the green bins, labeled for this purpose, conveniently located in the Church and Sienna Center, Parish Activity Complex Welcome Desk or Outreach Offices. during regular office hours. Messa in Italiano La Messa in Italiano sarà celebrata Sabato 25, gennaio 7:30 PM. Sienna Center. Siete pregati di partecipare tutti, e anche informare i vostri amici. Italian Mass. All parishioners who would like to attend the Italian Mass please join us on Saturday, January 25th at 7:30 PM in the Sienna Center. LIGHT OF CHRIST PRAYER GROUP PLEASE NOTE: New time for our Prayer Meeting is 7:30PM! Mark your calendar: Join us on Monday , January 27th at 7:30PM in the Saint Catherine Chapel with Sister Ave Clark. Her Topic is: A New Year’s Glow called “WONDERFUL GOSPEL LIVING”!! ALL ARE WELCOME BRING A FRIEND OR TWO!! Catechists-Save the Date An evening of prayer and sharing for all our Faith Formation volunteers: Thursday, January 23rd 7:00pm in the Parish Activity Complex Cafeteria Level 4 Mass All fourth grade students and their families are invited to attend Mass on: Sunday, January 26th 9:00am in the Sienna Center Level 5 Mass All fifth grade students and their families are invited to attend Mass on: Sunday, February 2nd 9:00am in the Sienna Center Sienna Small Fries Story Time for Toddlers This fun program for 2-3 year olds includes prayer, song, stories and active play with a different theme each week. Past themes have included colors, animals, counting, rhythm and holidays. Classes will be heldon Tuesdays in the Auditorium and will begin on Tuesday, January 28th (10:00 am to 11:00am) and run for 10 sessions. Pre-registration is required: Please call Carmela at 516-488-7597 for more information or to register. Registration fee is $20. Child’s name, date of birth and copy of birth certificate are required for first-time registrants. Make check payable to: St. Catherine of Sienna and mail to 33 New Hyde Park Road, Franklin Square or drop off in the parish office during business hours. Parents/caregivers are not required to participate, but must remain on the premises. Registration is on a first come, first served basis and is limited to only 25 children!!! ‘IN HOME’ PARISH PRAYER PROGRAMS encouraging families and individuals to pray daily in the home Our CUP OF PRAYER program reminds us of the importance of daily prayer for vocations, priests and our family. It has traveled throughout our parish community weekly to families and individuals. It was initiated in 2010 by a group on a pilgrimage that visited Ars, the home of Saint John Marie Vianney, the Patron of Parish Priests. The parish was presented the CUP by the group to encourage increased daily prayer in the home. Through the program intentions are presented for much needed vocations to the priesthood, our parish priests and their intentions, our own parish family, and also family and individual intentions. The CUP is presented at weekend Mass of your choice; the family or an individual receives a blessing witnessed by those assembled. A Cup of Prayer booklet provides suggested prayers. OUR LADY OF FATIMA PILGRIM VIRGIN STATUE program promotes the daily praying of the Rosary and has been a parish prayer program for 26 years. Initiated here due to the deep devotion to Our Lady of Fatima and praying of the Rosary. It has since touched the lives of hundreds of families and individuals over the years. A ‘pilgrim’ statue of Our Lady of Fatima travels to a home, delivered by a member of the parish, and displayed to inspire praying the Rosary DAILY. There are specific prayers led by the person that delivers and picks up the ‘pilgrim’ statue, prayer booklets and resources for praying throughout the week. THE WEEKLY HOST FAMILY OF EACH PROGRAM IS LISTED IN BULLETIN reserve YOUR WEEK SCRIPTURE STUDY & FAITH SHARING Study the Sunday Scriptures Thursday Mornings, 9:00AM Join women, men and parish priest for prayer, reading of scripture and faith sharing related to their daily life and challenges. ALL ARE WELCOME! PARISH PRAYER LIFE Light of Christ Prayer Group — Monday Evenings, 8:15PM (immediately follows 7:30PM Mass) Magnificat Prayer Group — Monday Evenings, 8:15 PM Our Lady of Trapani Devotion — First Monday, 7:00pm Christ the King Community Prayer Group — Tuesday Evenings, 7:00PM Immaculate Heart of Mary Cenacle — First Wednesday, 7:30pm Padre Pio Prayer Group — Third Wednesday, 7:30pm Call Parish Activity Complex at 516.352.0146 x 400 for more information. PARISH SOCIALOUTREACH MINISTRY What is Parish Social Ministry?.......... We hear this question a lot, so we thought we should address it for you. Basically, Parish Social Ministry” (PSM), also referred to as “Outreach” is here to help the members of our community (Catholic or not) in any way we can. Sometimes, we can help you sort out a problem or give you a referral over the phone (775-0840). In other cases, you may need to come in to more thoroughly review your circumstances and explore options. Whatever the situation, there’s probably something we can do to assist you. Many of you are already familiar with, and so generously support our Food Pantry. We carry a wide variety of non-perishable foods. This can be very helpful to those who ask themselves the question, “Eat or heat?”. We can help you supplement your nutritional needs, so you can use the money you have for your other needs. The pantry is stocked with items received from our generous donors of both food and money to purchase food. If you’d like to donate food, you can leave it in the green bins, labeled for this purpose, located in the lobby of the Sienna Center or bring to the Parish Social Ministry (Outreach) Office. We never have enough peanut butter, jelly, prepared pasta sauce, tuna, canned meats and canned pastas. We have resources to help with grocery shopping, immigration, legal issues, crisis pregnancies, suicide prevention, domestic abuse, employment assistance, services for veterans, the elderly and those with special needs; the list goes on and on. We will feature individual services and programs, in detail, in this Bulletin, so be sure to look for it. If you’re unable to pay your bills, we can help you to create a budget and/or evaluate your circumstances to see what services you may qualify for, then help advocate for you to get them. You may be eligible for services that you didn’t even know existed! We know that there are those of you who need help, but are too proud or embarrassed to ask. You may not want to be seen coming in to our office. Rest assured that no one will know why you’re coming. You could be making a donation or inquiring about our Caregivers’ or Bereavement Support Groups, among other things. We respect your privacy and want you to know that everything is kept strictly confidential. In addition to food, referral and financial assistance, we have a Special Needs Advocate, to help make sure that our parish facilities are accessible to everyone and address any issues that come up in this area. You may leave a message for her at 775-0840. There is a Special Needs Mass on the third Saturday of each month, September through June, at 3 PM in the Sienna Center, 980 Holzheimer Street, Franklin Square, which is fully accessible. If you need us, please call or come in during our regular office hours– Monday through Thursday, 11AM to1 PM, Thursdays also 4PM to 6PM, and 1st Saturday of the month 11AM to 1PM. If you know someone who can benefit from our services, please encourage them to contact us. If you’d like to help, you may send your donation to St. Catherine of Sienna PSM, 33 New Hyde Park Road, Franklin Square, NY 11010. Checks should be made payable to: St. Catherine of Sienna, PSM. Donations of cash, or Duane Reade, CVS, Old Navy, supermarket, fast food, Visa or other Gift Cards can be dropped off in the Parish Social Ministry (Outreach) Office during our regular hours. On behalf of those assisted with your help, we thank you! Faith Formation Students, please take this page to class Name_______________________ Grade Level________ January 19, 2014 Cross out all the ‘A’ to read Jesus’ reply. PRAY AND REFLECT “ Lord Jesus Christ, fill me with the power of your Holy Spirit and let me grow in the knowledge of your love and truth. Let your Spirit be aflame in my heart that I may know and love you more fervently and strive to do your will in all things” WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS PRAYER IS ABOUT? __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Wednesday 1/22/2014 –Pray for all unborn babies in the world #WalkForLife#GodIsLove CARNEVALE – ITALIANO Carnevale in Italy is a huge winter festival celebrated with parades, masquerade balls, entertainment, music, and parties. The celebration has its roots in Italian culture and continues throughout Italy to this day. The tradition extends to many places including here in Franklin Square. Carnevale is celebrated prior to the beginning of the Season of Lent. It is in part a result of the practice of abstaining from meat during Lent; carnevale means “farewell to meat.” Some folks may remember the days when meat was not eaten during the Lenten season; Fridays were a day of both fast and abstinence. Here we enjoy an evening of celebration with a festive atmosphere with a scrumptious dinner menu of various meats, great music, dancing and fun. The celebration’s spiritual nature reminds us of our blessings — the bounty we receive throughout the year. It affords opportunity to prepare for sacrifice during the season of Lent. Join us for a fun-filled evening of music, dancing and delicious food!! (dinner will prepared by Papa Ciro’s) ND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 7:00PM st (snow date is March 1 ) St. Catherine of Sienna Auditorium ENTERTAINMENT PROVIDED BY PRIMAVERA Food ~ Wine ~ Dancing ~ Coffee ~ Dessert Raffles ~ Door Prizes $45 per person Tickets on Sale in Sienna Center Lobby after Mass For information, please call 516-437-7396. COMMUNITY NEWS On Saturday, Feb. 8, 2014, the Feast of St. Josephine Bakhita, the Office of Multicultural Diversity Catholics of African Ancestry – Haitian American Apostolate will present rd The 33 Annual Black History Month Mass of Thanksgiving at St. Agnes Cathedral, 2PM Principle Celebrant: Bishop Robert J. Brennan, D.D. Guest Homilist: Rev. James E. Goode, OFM, Ph.D. ALL ARE WELCOME! UPCOMING EVENTS: Blood Drive Feb. 9th, 2014 from 8:15am to 2:15pm in the Lower level of the Sienna Center. Save the date and please pass the word. Give the Gift of Life. St. Joseph Catholic School CATHOLIC SCHOOL SUNDAY MEETING NOTICE: Next Officers meeting will be on Feb. 3rd @7:30pm . Next General Meeting will be on Feb. 10th @ 7:30pm . Please note the change of date. Will be Sunday, 1/26/2014 at St. Joseph School right after the 9:00an Mass. The purpose of Catholic School is to have parents tour our school and reconsider the benefits of a Catholic School Education. For more information please call (516) 747-1520 2014 PSAT/SAT EXAM PREP COURSE For the May 3rd SAT Exam Course will be held on the following Saturdays: March 1,15 & 22, 29 And April 5, 12 9:00—11:30am in Marian Hall Course Fee: $250.00 (includes text book) CONTACT: Mrs. Stytzmann 516-922-488 x 5241 St. Dominic High School 110 Anstice Street Oyster Bay NY 11771 Our Lady of Mercy Academy in Syosset: will offer SAT and ACT prep courses beginning February 2014. The SAT prep class will be held on Saturday’s from 9:30am to 11:30am; February 1, 8, March 1, 8, 15, 28, April 5 and 12, 2014. The Cost is $650. The ACT prep course will be held on Saturday’s from 9:30am to 12:30pm on May 10, 17 and 31. The cost is $400. If taken together the cost is $1,000. To register your daughter or son, please contact Mrs. June Kennedy at (516)921-1047, ext. 112. Knights of Columbus Twelve Apostles # 5001 DUES NOTICE: Jim Walsh PGK FS will be sending out notices for dues for this coming Columbian Year. Dues for the Columbian Year are $30.00 Please send in your payments promptly to avoid suspension. Any question contact the Grand Knight. WINTER STORY TIME At the Franklin Square Library Registration begins Wednesday, January 22nd Classes Starts, Wednesday , January 28th GROUPS: Mondays at 10:30am: Tuesdays at10:30am : Wednesdays at 10:30am: Thursdays at 10:30am: Thursday at 1:30pm: 18/24 Months old 3-4 years old 3-4 years old 2 years old 4-5 years old Attention to all Alumni of Maria Regina Diocesan High School. You and a guest are cordially invited to attend a complimentary Cocktail Social sponsored by Kellenberg Memorial High School on Saturday, February 8, 2014 from 7PM-11PM at Kellenberg Memorial High School. Please come back and join us in making old memories new again. Please register for the event on the Maria Regina Alumni page which can be located at webpage under Alumni in the top right hand corner or by contacting Mrs. Denise Miles at 516-292-0200 ext.245 Online Parish Book Store and More Did you know that we now have a partnership with a new, top-of-the-line, Parish Web Store on the Saint Catherine of Sienna web site! This is a fantastic way to purchase great Catholics books, ebooks, CDs, MP3s, DVDs, rosaries, religious art, Catholic clothing and more. Saint Catherine of Sienna receives a donation from every order! Great gift items for all occasions!