newsletter - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church


newsletter - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
The Trinity Trumpet
Church Office 480-963-4127
Interim Senior Pastor Beverly Allert
Pastor Scott Thompson
September 2016
Worship 8:00 & 9:30 am
Nursery provided 7:45—10:45 am
Caring & Sharing in the Community
Kicking off FaithX
September 11
9:30 Service
Preschool – 5th grade join us for:
Kids start off in
worship, then
go to FaithX
after the
children’s sermon.
Holy Trinity is supporting Matthew’s Crossing Food Bank through its
“Olympic Competition”
In the spirit of the 2016 Olympics, Matthew’s Crossing Food Bank is sponsoring a food drive
and friendly competition with other Chandler area churches. Holy Trinity is partnering on this
drive as summer is the slowest time of year for food donations but the need remains high. Starting Sunday August 28th and running for five Sundays, we will be “competing” with other churches to collect the five items most needed by Matthews Crossing, canned meat, peanut butter,
pasta, cereal and bottled water.
August 28th
Sept 18th
Sept 4th
Sept 11th
Sept 25th
Please do your part to help Holy Trinity and Matthew’s Crossing address the
growing need in Chandler.
From the Council President
Many are asking what are the next steps in the transition work being completed at Holy Trinity. The Transition Team is completing their work on the Ministry Site Profile for Holy Trinity. This
work will be presented to the Congregation on August 28th at a 10:45 Congregational Meeting.
With this work wrapping up, Holy Trinity’s Congregation Council is preparing to select voting
members for the Call Committee. The Call Committee members should be people of prayer who are
committed to an extended process that may be time consuming. The members should be a diverse
group who are good listeners, spiritually discerning, can maintain confidentiality and are trusted
and respected within the church. The size of the committee will be six members with an additional
two alternates involved in the process. We hope to have the Call Committee in place by early September.
Additionally, Call Committee members must be voting members of Holy Trinity, which means they
are confirmed members who have communed and made a contribution of record in the last
year. Members of the Congregation Council, staff and any of their family members are not eligible
to be on the Call Committee.
More information regarding the call process can be found at
Council Update
YTD Income
YTD Expense
2016 YTD Attendance
2015 YTD Attendance
Going forward the Council agenda, minutes and financials will be posted
on the mobile bulletin board on the patio for review
Join Us For The
Congregational Meeting
Sunday, August 28th
at 10:45 am
In the Sanctuary
The Transition Team will be presenting their findings from the surveys
Update of the Interim Process
THANK YOU for your participation in the small group discussions of the congregational survey results.
The Mission & Ministry Task Force will present the completed Ministry Site Profile to the council on
August 18th and to the congregation on August 28th at 10:45 in the sanctuary. The MMSP will then be
submitted to Bishop Talmage of the Grand Canyon Synod.
The council is presently working on selecting people for the Call Committee, so a smooth transition can
be made to considering candidates for the lead pastor position. Call committee members must be voting members which means they are confirmed members who have communed and made a contribution of record in the last year. Members of the Transition Team, Church Council, staff and any of their
family members are not eligible to be on the call committee.
The MMTF will complete their work at a meeting of the newly appointed call committee, council and
Bishop Talmage.
As the work of the MMTF (Transition Team) comes to a close, I want to thank all the members for
their dedication to their task. They have been phenomenal, and their love for Holy Trinity has been at
the core of all their work.
I especially want to thank Mary Larsen for her gentle, strong,
focused leadership as chairperson. The many hours she spent
entering survey data into the computer, having specific goals for
each meeting agenda, and her interpersonal skills are beyond
words of a simple “Thank You.” It has been a joy to work with
you and the team!
Pastor Beverly Allert
Do you know how to use Power Point
or are willing to learn?
Do you want to help make our
Worship service fun and interactive?
We need some people to develop the slide presentations for worship. Most of the words are
already in place - what you would do is set the background, pictures, fonts and colors to reflect
the season and theme for the day. It’s something people of ALL AGES can do!
If you are interested, contact Pastor Scott.
Holy Trinity is going to Germany!
Pastor Scott and about 10 other members and friends of Holy Trinity will be traveling to Germany in
September to kick off (a little early) the Year of Commemoration of the 500th Anniversary of the
Reformation. We will visit many of the sites where Martin Luther lived and worked - places like
Wittenberg where he nailed the 95 theses to the Castle Church door, the Wartburg where he translated the Bible into German, and Worms where
he famously declared, “My conscience is captive
to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not recant!” Keep us in your prayers: Mary Larsen,
Jeanne Moorhead, Tom and Donna Tennison,
Sharon and Thurman Gilbert, Bob and Becky
Leitner, Paul and Mary Thompson, Pr. Scott and
Jana Thompson. Watch for pictures and updates on the Holy Trinity Facebook page and a
slide show presentation when we return.
Because of You
“A Monthly Message from your Stewardship Team”
This past month the Stewardship Ministry Team has been engaged in reading a
book titled, Not Your Parent’s Offering Plate by J. Clif Christopher. One of the
basic tenets that Pastor Christopher shares is the simple fact that people who
share their monetary gifts with their community of faith want to know that the gifts
they share make a difference and lives are changed by their generosity. Such is the
case at Holy Trinity not only in the ministries we support in the Chandler community but through the work of dedicated pastors who have served Holy Trinity for the
past 64 years.
Because of you and your monetary gifts you enable the pastor of Holy Trinity to
serve you 24/7 in many and various ways. Some of these ways are very visible:
weekly worship, Bible study leadership, hospital and home visitations, youth involvement, administrative guidance, and counseling in times of crisis. Yet there are
other ways that you enable our pastors to change lives and make a difference that
are not as visible or known. Our pastors have had a direct influence on people’s
lives that make them leaders in community affairs, become people who see their
lives as serving others, choose careers that serve the community, and become a
force for change and difference making in the lives of people in Chandler and
throughout the world. Our pastors have been difference makers not only because of
who they are but because of the lives they influence.
Because of you and the sharing of your time, talent, and treasures you have
made it possible for pastors of Holy Trinity to change lives and make a difference
that many may never see or witness. Thank you for your gifts and enabling Holy
Trinity through its called pastors to make a difference and change lives.
The Stewardship Ministry Team
Bible Studies
Bible studies will be starting later than normal this year
due to Pastor Scott being in Germany.
Wednesday morning Bible Studies resume at
6:30 and 9:00 am on October 5th.
Thursday evening Bible Study resumes at
6:00 pm on October 6th.
Most people will tell you that
separation and divorce are the
most painful and stressful experiences they’ve ever faced. It’s a
confusing time when you feel
isolated and have lots of questions about issues you’ve never
faced before.
DivorceCare is a friendly, caring
group of people who will walk
alongside you through one of
life’s most difficult experiences. It is led by people who understand what you are going
through and want to help. You
will learn how to heal from the
deep hurt of divorce and discover hope for your future.
DivorceCare groups meet weekly to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life.
DivorceCare for Kids group is
a safe, fun place where your
children can learn skills that
will help them heal. DC4K
groups blend, games, music,
stories, videos and discussion
to help kids process the divorce and move forward.
Groups meet weekly & are designed for children ages 5-12.
A New Session Starts
October 4th.
Stop by the patio table for
more information
A New Session Starts
October 4th.
Stop by the patio table for
more information
DC4K is designed to help minimize the short- and longterm effects of divorce on
your children’s schoolwork,
emotional health and spiritual
life. As your children begin to
heal from the pain and confusion, their relationships with
you, God and others will grow
healthy and strong.
DC4K is designed for kids 5–
12 years of age.
GriefShare is a friendly, caring
group of people who will walk
alongside you through one of
life’s most difficult experiences.
You don’t have to go through
the grieving process alone.
You’ll gain access to GriefShare
resources to help you recover
from your loss and look forward to rebuilding your life.
It may be hard for you to feel
optimistic about the future
right now. If you’ve lost a
spouse, child, family member,
or friend, you’ve probably
found there are not many people who understand the deep
hurt you feel.
This can be a confusing time
when you feel isolated and
have many questions about
things you’ve never faced before.
A New Session Starts
October 4th.
Stop by the patio table for
more information
September 2016
7:00 pm Sanctuary Choir
7:30 pm AA
6:15 am Men’s Breakfast
9:30 am AlAnon
4:00 pm Girl Scouts
9:00 am AA
9:00 am AA
6:15 am Men’s Breakfast
9:30 am AlAnon
4:00 pm Girl Scouts
7:00 pm Sanctuary Choir
7:30 pm AA
9:00 am AA
6:00 pm Cub Scouts
6:30 pm Prayer Shawl
6:15 am Men’s Breakfast
9:30 am AlAnon
4:00 pm Girl Scouts
10:00 am Staff Meeting
5:30 pm OA
7:00 pm CA
7:00 pm Nimble Thimbles
8:30 am Quilters
7:00 pm Sanctuary Choir
7:30 pm AA
6:00 pm Cub Scouts
6:30 pm Prayer Shawl
9:00 am First Bible Class
9:00 am AA
2:00 pm Secret Sisters
9:00 am Martha Circle
10:00 am Staff Meeting
5:30 pm OA
7:00 pm CA
6:15 am Men’s Breakfast
9:30 am AlAnon
4:00 pm Girl Scouts
5:30 pm OA
7:00 pm Council Meeting
7:00 pm Handbells
7:30 pm AA
7:00 pm Sanctuary Choir
7:30 pm AA
Office Closed
9:30 am Faith X
10:45 am Jr High Youth
10:45 am Sr High
Youth Group
10:00 am Widows Mite
6:00 pm Cub Scouts
6:30 pm Prayer Shawl
10:00 am Staff Meeting
5:30 pm OA
7:00 pm CA
7:00 pm Nimble Thimbles
7:00 pm Sanctuary Choir
7:30 pm AA
Chandler CARE Food
9:30 am Faith X
10:45 am Jr High Youth
5:30 pm OA
10:45 am Sr High
7:00 pm Handbells
Youth Group
7:30 pm AA
6:00 pm Cub Scouts
6:30 pm Prayer Shawl
5:30 pm OA
7:30 pm AA
10:00 am Staff Meeting
5:30 pm OA
7:00 pm CA
6:15 am Men’s Breakfast
9:30 am AlAnon
4:00 pm Girl Scouts
9:30 am First Bibles
10:45 am Jr High Youth
5:30 pm OA
10:45 am Sr High
7:00 pm Handbells
Youth Group
7:30 pm AA
Worship Teams – September 2016
Tom Tennison; John & Andrea Snyder
Steve & Anita Schebler; Harold Lindell; Shirley Lodmell
Gail Hakim
Readers (R) & Communion Servers (C)
Sept. 4th
Darcy Mittelstaedt (RC)
Ruth Bartling (C)
Morris Bartling (C)
Vicky Mosher (C)
Dave Timmerman (C)
Faye Gokey (C)
Assisting Ministers
Sharon Gilbert (RC)
Jan Kloster (C)
Ron Kloster (C)
Mike Samuel (C)
Kim Samuel (C)
Carol Thompson (C)
Lynne Schmitt
Sept. 11th
Christine Halvorson (RC)
Deb Hosfield (C)
Linda Malachowski (C)
Erin Rupp (C)
Tracy Lemons (RC)
Jana Thompson (C)
John Christian (C)
Julee Christian (C)
Kismet Weiss
Sept. 18th
Chip Piehl (RC)
JoAnn Piehl (C)
Donna Anderson (C)
Karen Ewart (C)
Ruth Bartling (C)
Morris Bartling (C)
Courtney Harman RC)
Tish Dirks (C)
Sue Gaumont (C)
Sharon Reese (C)
Steve Loyer (C)
Elizabeth Black (C)
Emma Weiss
Sept. 25th
Byron Tarver (R)
Kristen Fox (C)
Donna Anderson (C)
Dave Timmerman (C)
Rich Sisco (RC)
Debbie Sisco(C)
Ed Gielow (C)
Marlene Gielow (C)
Donna Anderson
Bob & Becky Leitner
Karen Ewart
Bob & Becky Leitner
Tom & Donna Tennison
Curt & Lydia Larson
Steve & Patty Loyer
Dennis & Linda Nelson
Paulina Ullmer; Carolyn Price
Coffee Servers
Sept. 4th
Sept. 11th
Sept. 18th
Sept. 25th
Sound Board Tech
Sept. 4th
Sept. 11th
Sept. 18th
Sept. 25th
Elizabeth Black
Kelsey Jones
Richard Anderson
Ken Marayuma
Sept. 4th
Sept. 11th
Sept. 18th
Sept. 25th
Cookie Contributors
Paulina Ullmer
Tony & Mistie Stephens
Richard Anderson
Tyler Howardell
Annika Nord
Dylan Howardell
Flower Contributors
Dennis & Linda Nelson
Steve & Deb Hosfield
Mike & Linae Stoner
Sanctuary Clean Up
Lyle Replogle
Deb Hosfield
Wanda Nissan
Don & Jan Henke
Save the Date!
Blood Drive
November 6th
8:00 am to 11:00 am
Sign Ups start on the patio in October
Electronic Giving
Giving your offerings electronically by a system of automatic withdrawals is a good way to make sure that your giving to Holy Trinity is consistent and regular. You benefit by knowing that you have given your offerings
to God a high priority. You benefit by knowing that, even at times when you are not
able to attend worship, your giving to God continues. And Holy Trinity benefits by having a more predictable stream of income.
It’s easy to set up electronic giving. Just contact Judi Carle in the church office at (480)
963-4127 and she can enroll you in the program. If you decide at a later time that you
want to change the amount of your offerings, a simple phone call to Judi will be all that
is necessary. And, of course, you can still use your offering envelopes to give additional
offerings at any time.
Electronic givers please note: Laminated cards w hich indicate that you give
electronically are available at the entrance to the sanctuary. You may take one and
place it in the offering plate during worship.
Did You Know?
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church earns money for the
Youth Program when we recycle!
What do you have at home that doesn’t fit, is worn out, or you’re just tired of? If you’re ready
to get rid of it, please place it in our blue recycling bin.
Acceptable Items
Clothing –All types
Paired Shoes –All types
seams split?
doesn’t fit?
sick of it?
Unacceptable Items
Household Items
Stuffed Animals
recycle it!
Thanks for
your support!
Tell a friend…
Tell a family member…
Get your neighborhood in-
Experience the Flavors of Korean Cuisine
Chodang Tofu & BBQ
501 N Arizona Ave, Chandler, AZ 85225
(South of Ray; North of Erie)
Sunday, September 25, 2016
11:30 AM
RSVP to Christine Halvorson [email protected] 480-747-8315
Hidden Treasures Thrift Store
610 N. Alma School Suite 30 Chandler, AZ 85224
Hours 9 – 4 Monday – Saturday
9 - 6 P.M. Thursdays
Like us on Facebook
Our mission is to turn gently used items into dollars to do God’s work in our community
September is the month we begin Fall schedules, with school and new programs at church.
Sometime in the next few weeks, Hidden Treasures will be visiting your church to share our
mission and to explore ways we can support each other. Your support in donations has been
astounding. Your shopping has made a difference. Perhaps you will look into ways you can join
us as a volunteer. 4 hours a week is wonderful but we have additional options.
Donations: Jewelry – including broken jewelry; Books – teens and children, novels and mystery.
The new ELCA Federal Credit Union, with offices in the Lutheran Center Building in
Chicago, has opened for business. The grand opening celebration was Monday, June
6th. ELCA members, congregations, synods and the churchwide organization—and
their employees—are all eligible to join the credit union to take advantage of a portfolio of deposit accounts, loans and other services. This new ELCA-sponsored credit union supports the ELCA’s mission to promote responsible stewardship of member’s and
congregations’ financial resources. Because this is a financial cooperative, credit union
members will see more competitive rates on deposits and loans, fewer fees and enhanced services. Learn more by viviting the credit union website, As
a financial institution rooted in your faith community, the ELCA Federal Credit Union
looks forward to serving you.
Women’s Ministries of
Women of all ages, coming together to connect
through fellowship, support and spiritual
Join us on the first Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm for our planning meeting.
We need YOUR ideas!
Children, Youth & Family News
This year the First Bible Class will be held on Saturday, September
24th from 9:30a to 11:30a in Classroom A. Parents AND Third
Grade students are invited to participate in this fun filled class to learn
about the Bible. There will be refreshments available. Please RSVP to
Darcy at [email protected] by Sept. 15th. Bibles will be blessed
and given to the students by their parents on Sunday, September 25th
at the 9:30 a.m. service.
Kick Off
September 11th
10:45 a.m. –12:30 p.m.
There will be food, fun, and Games….
Pastor Scott will be leading the Jr. High Youth Group & Darcy will be leading the Sr. High Youth Group
Parents: Stay for lunch—get all the details!
Thank you for Journeying with me from Seoul to Soul! It was an absolute fantastic Sabbatical filled with lots of rest, relaxation, food, friends, fun, prayer, service, etc. Let me share
my experiences with you on Sunday, September 25th at 9:00 a.m. and again at 10:30 a.m.
in Classroom A. There will be refreshments and some Korean goodies. I will be preaching on October 2nd as well at both services.
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
739 West Erie Street
Chandler, AZ 85225
Published by Holy Trinity Lutheran Church,
Grand Canyon Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Among us —-Those who have been in our prayers this past month.
Please pray for: Illness: Gary & Judy Baker’s friend, Tom Sullivan; Tony Stephen’s dad, John Stephens; Liz Black’s friend, Mindy; Jerry Kennealy; Clayton
Myers; The Baker’s friends, Tom & Jason Sullivan and Paul Buerman; The
Gloe’s relative, Leah Peebles; Pete & Inez Garano’s daughter, Pam Malstrom;
LuAnn McCarty’s friend, Ryan Alberts; Richard Anderson’s friend, Jack Swanson; Jerry Kennealy; Diane Rymer; Jo Mellage’s friend, Joe Simmons; Surgery:
Melinda Tarver’s cousin, GaylenWakefield; Grief: Sandi Lien following the
death of her cousin, Gary; Patty van West following the death of her Mom;
Family & friends of Yvonne Woody following her death;
Reminder: The next newsletter deadline is September 14th.