Special Bonus Dog Grooming Ebook


Special Bonus Dog Grooming Ebook
Special Bonus
Dog Grooming Ebook
The HappyDogz Team
Table of Contents
Disclaimer ........................................................................................................4
Introduction .....................................................................................................5
The Importance Of Grooming Your Dog ............................................................7
Different Types Of Dog Grooming Tools ..........................................................10
Let’s Talk About Your Dog’s Coat ....................................................................16
Double Coats & Single Coats .......................................................................17
Types Of Coat Textures ................................................................................18
Conditioning Your Dogs To Love Grooming .....................................................21
Bathing Your Dog ...........................................................................................24
How Often Should You Bathe Your Dog? .....................................................25
Time For Bath Time .....................................................................................26
Brushing Your Dog’s Coat ..............................................................................29
How Often Should You Brush Your Dog? .....................................................31
How To Brush Your Dog ..............................................................................33
How To Remove Mats And Tangles ...............................................................35
Clipping Your Dog’s Nails ...............................................................................38
What Is The “Quick”? ...................................................................................39
Steps To Dog Nail Clipping ..........................................................................40
Taking Care Of Your Dog’s Eyes .....................................................................44
Removing Doggy Tear Stains........................................................................46
Caring For Your Dog’s Ears .........................................................................48
Tips For Cleaning Your Dog’s Ears...............................................................49
How To Tell If Your Dog Has An Ear Problem ...............................................52
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Caring For Your Dog’s Teeth ...........................................................................53
Time For Doggy Teeth Brushing ...................................................................55
Choosing A Professional Dog Groomer ............................................................57
Some Questions To Ask Dog Groomers ........................................................59
Dog Grooming FAQs .......................................................................................62
Our Recommendation for Grooming & Other Tools .........................................66
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While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this
publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility
for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein.
The publisher and author assume no responsibility or liability whatsoever on
the behalf of any purchaser or reader of the material provided. The author and
publisher suggest that the purchaser or reader always discuss any changes to
care and management of their dog with their Vet.
HappyDogz Team
Dog Grooming Ebook
Before we get started, thank you for purchasing
one of our quality dog products and
congratulations for downloading this free bonus
Ebook. This means you’re definitely headed in
the right direction for taking the best care of
your dog and keeping them happy and healthy.
Our canine best friends have been one of the
world’s favorite domestic animals for many
centuries now and are considered a very
important member of many families.
The saying by Roger Caras, “Dogs are not our whole life but they make our
lives whole” definitely fits the bill. Our dogs do provide unconditional love,
loyalty and friendship. That being said, it falls into our hands to reciprocate
our canine companion's love by providing them with the necessary things that
they will need to live a healthy and happy life, which includes proper grooming.
Since you’ve downloaded this Ebook we can assume that you understand how
important the grooming process is for your dog. If not, then let us stress that
aside from proper diet and healthy exercise our dogs also need to be given
proper regular grooming.
Contrary to popular belief, grooming our dogs is not only for people who have
extra money to spare. We can all learn how to easily groom our dogs ourselves
at home if we want to. Or at least carry out some of the grooming.
This dog grooming Ebook will provide you many important tips and steps to
help you get started with the grooming process. We’re sure that once you’re
done reading this Ebook, you'll be in a great position to be able to save some
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Dog Grooming Ebook
money because you will no longer need to always take your dog to the pet
This dog grooming Ebook was put together for both dog owners who are total
newbies as well as those who may already have some experience with grooming
their dog.
Just before we get started though, we want to remind dog owners to take each
part of the grooming process slowly at first and never rush into the process. If
there are certain things you’re unsure of that may not be mentioned in this
Ebook, please be sure to contact your vet or your dog groomer before you
With that out of the way, let’s begin shall we?
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Dog Grooming Ebook
The Importance Of Grooming Your Dog
As mentioned before, even in this day and age, there are still dog owners who
think that grooming their dogs is only for those who have some extra cash in
their pockets or for those dog owners who are into entering their pets into show
This is why we thought it’s important to address this question before we
“Why is it important to groom our
Well, think of it this way, how would
you feel if you hadn't taken a bath,
brushed your hair and teeth or got
your nails and hair cut for 3 months?
No doubt you'd feel crummy and
simply miserable right? You’d also
possibly get an infection or some diseases along the way. Dogs like us do like
being clean and well groomed.
Remember grooming your dogs is not only done to keep them pretty and
presentable but also to keep them healthy and happy.
The sad thing is that there are still some dog owners out there who do not
believe in grooming. They think that their dogs can simply clean themselves
which is just not the case. Our dogs need our care and help.
There are actually 5 reasons why it’s important that you take the time to groom
your dog regularly that we will mention them below. We hope that you see the
value in each point and that it helps or encourage you and other dog owners to
partake in this activity as well.
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Here are the 5 reasons;
1. Grooming can promote the health of your
dog’s skin and coat. Believe it or not, an
activity as simple as brushing their coat can
help rejuvenate a dog’s skin and coat. This is
because the brushing process helps boosts
the blood flow underneath the coat making
sure that the cells really get everything they
2. Grooming can help keep your dog clean and smelling great. They say that a
clean dog is a happy dog. By having a clean dog you also get to have a cleaner
home. You also won't have to experience coming home and hugging a stinky
3. Grooming your dog allows you to monitor any problems that may arise. This
is something that many dog owners also fail to appreciate. Through regular dog
grooming you can easily notice any irregularities that your dog may have
developed overtime. By finding these irregularities or problems early, you can
immediately get it checked or treated rather than letting it get worse.
4. Grooming makes your dog feel happy and content. As mentioned above, a
clean dog is a happy dog. You will be surprised to know that regular dog
grooming can help keep your dogs fell calm and content. Believe it or not, like
us our dogs also want to be clean and regularly groomed! If your dog is clean
they will feel more comfortable and less irritable.
5. Grooming enhances your relationship with your dog. Another aspect that
many dog owners fail to see is that by grooming our dogs we develop a special
and stronger bond with them. Dogs love attention and so by grooming them
we’re giving them the attention that they really like. Because of this it’s very
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important that you as a dog owner make the grooming process fun and
enjoyable for you both.
As you can see, there are definitely many advantages to groom your dog. We
hope that we have shed some light on the importance of grooming and why dog
owners everywhere should get involved in this activity.
HappyDogz Team
Dog Grooming Ebook
Different Types Of Dog Grooming Tools
There are many different aspects of dog
grooming that you can expose your dog to.
Each of them plays equal importance to
the well being of your dog. Although each
aspect may be equally important the
frequency of the activities will differ.
Brushing your dog’s coat or giving your
dog a bath is only part of the process.
There are also other dog grooming
activities that you should carry out such as brushing your dog’s teeth, cutting
their nails, removing mats, and a few others.
With the different activities associated with dog grooming, you will also need to
have certain tools to help you get started. Remember that different dogs may
need some different sets of tools.
In this chapter we will show you some of the different types to give you an idea
of what tools you may need for your dog.
There are numerous dog grooming tools available in the market and you
certainly don’t need to buy them all, to successfully groom your dog. At most
you will need to own a dog brush or two, a nail clipper,
a comb and some doggy bathing supplies.
Bristle Brush – Known by many as the most popular
but probably the least useful of the dog grooming
brushes because they are mainly used to fluff your
dog’s hair or for finishing touches. The bristle brush is
suitable for all types of dog breeds and is available in
soft, medium and stiff brushes.
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Pin Brush – The pin brush is available in small to
large sizes. This type of brush is best used for dogs
with longer coats. The small pin brush is best used
for small breeds of dogs with longer coats and the
large pin brush for larger breeds with longer coats.
Never use this brush for dogs with smooth coats as it can possibly damage
their coat.
Slicker Brush – The slicker brush is ideal for most
breeds of dogs and popularly known to remove mats
and tangles as well as dirt from your dog’s hair. The
brush can be used for dogs regardless of whether
they have long or short coats.
Although some say that slicker brushes do not function well as a deshedding
tool, there are certain brands of slicker brushes in the market that are versatile
and work well as a deshedding tool. We generally suggest to dog owners to
invest in both a slicker brush and a deshedding brush.
Rubber Brush – This is best used for dogs with short or smooth coats. This
brush can’t remove mats or tangles and is very gentle on your dog’s skin.
Comb – Combs are usually used with the slicker brush to help loosen tangles
or mats on the dog’s fur. We suggest that you choose a comb that is regular
sized with steel teeth. If you really want a comb specifically to remove mats
though, there is a type of comb called a deshedding comb that has long teeth
specifically made for dogs with longer coats.
DeShedding Tool– As its name suggests this useful
shedding tool is used for managing shedding. This tool
greatly helps reduce the pet hair build up in your dog's
coat and in your home.
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Hand Held Dryer – This type of dryer is basically like a hair dryer that we use
when drying our hair. When choosing a hand held dryer make sure that you
can control the heat coming from it. We suggest that you keep the setting to
low to warm. Never put the dryer setting to high as it may harm or damage
your dog’s skin.
Cage Dryer – This is another type of dryer that you can easily attach to your
dog’s cage to dry them. This is a quick and efficient tool to keep your dog calm
and relaxed in the cage while they are being dried.
Floor Dryer – Some floor dyers actually look like a vacuum. This type of dryer
has flexible and long nozzles that can help you efficiently dry your dog’s
undercoat. That said, please bear in mind that some dogs may feel very
uncomfortable being dried using this tool so see how you’re dog reacts to this
before you proceed any further.
Guillotine Dog Nail Clipper – This type of dog nail clipper is ideal for small to
medium sized dogs as well as dog owners who are still new to nail clipping. The
guillotine clipper has a metal hoop where you can insert your dog’s nails in to
and easily cut it. This type of dog clipper is not suitable for larger breeds of
Curved Type Scissor Clippers – This is a version
of the scissor type nail clippers. This clipper is
mostly used by dog groomers who have had some
good experience with clipping dog’s nails.
The scissor type clippers are well known for their
strength and durability. The curved scissor clipper
is perfect for medium to larger sized dogs. This
clipper is not suitable for smaller breeds of dogs.
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Straight Type Scissor Clippers – This is the second variation to the scissor
nail clippers. The straight clipper is identical to the curved clipper. The main
difference is that instead of a curved tip this clipper has a straight one. Also,
unlike the curved scissor, the straight type scissor clipper can be used for both
smaller and larger breed of dogs.
Dremel Tool – The dremel tool is an electronic device that grinds your dog’s
nails to their proper length rather than cut it. There are certain dogs and dog
owners who actually prefer using tool compared to the nail clippers mentioned
Styptic Powder – This is something that you should always have beside you
when cutting your dog’s nails. The styptic powder can help stop any bleeding in
case you accidentally cut through the quick and can help accelerate the
healing process.
Electric Clipper – An electric clipper is used when
clipping your dog’s hair. Electric clippers are
available in rechargeable or plug-in style. When
choosing an electric clipper, make sure that you
assess your dog’s coat first. The thicker your dog’s
coat is the more power you’ll need from your dog
Electric Clipper Blades – The clipper blades are
made for electric clippers that are classified as A5
and A2. Each blade is numbered for your reference
with the higher numbers being designated as closer cuts and thus shorter hair.
Electric Clipper Snap On Comb – This is a great grooming tool to be paired
with electric clippers to guide you with the clipping process giving you precise
and uniform cuts. The snap on comb can easily be fitted into the clipper to
avoid any accidents as well as make the clipping process faster and more
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efficient. The snap on comb comes in 6 different sizes that you can choose from
giving you the option to choose one suitable for your dog.
Electric Clipper Spray Lube – This is something that you need to have when
you’re working with electric clippers. This helps to lubricate and serves as a
coolant for your blades to help avoid burning your dog in the process. The
electric clipper’s blades do get hot so make sure that you always check for that.
Scissors – There are different types of
scissors that may be designed for certain size
of dogs.
Curved Shears – These are commonly used
by professional dog groomers. They use this
tool to add certain specific elements when
grooming your dog. These types of shears are
commonly used when grooming for dog shows but can also be an effective tool
for trimming around your dog’s feet.
Thinning Shears – This type of shear is mostly used to trim hair on some
sensitive parts of your dog’s body such as their eyes and ears. The thinning
shear is also used to help prevent infections that are primarily caused by your
dog’s hair.
Grooming Table – The dog grooming table comes with a rubber matting to
ensure that you’re dog is safe for the duration of dog grooming. Normally,
grooming tables comes in 2 sizes, 18'’ x 34'' and 24" x 36''. The 18'’ x 34'' can
be used for smaller to medium sized dogs but will not work for lager breed of
The 24" x 36'' table can be used for large and small dogs. There is also another
type of grooming table which is hydraulic that you can easily lower or raise up
depending on the size of your dog.
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Silk Handkerchief – Often used for white short haired breeds, the silk
handkerchief is used to polish a dog’s coat.
Some of the dog grooming tools mentioned in this chapter are designed
specifically for dogs with certain type of coats. If you’re not sure what type of
coat your dog has then simply proceed to the next chapter to help you better
understand your dog’s coat.
If you’re new to dog grooming then you don’t actually have to purchase all of
the tools mentioned above. You can start slow and simply have the basics such
as a slicker brush, a deshedding brush and the nail clippers. But as you
continue with the grooming process you will grow confident and may decide to
do more of the grooming yourself.
Bear in mind though that when buying your dog grooming tools you do
generally get what you pay for. It’s important that you don’t choose the
cheapest one in the shelf. Assess the tool first or ask around or read online
reviews before buying it.
Safety first! If you’re not sure how to use a certain grooming tool please do ask
for help from professionals before diving in.
HappyDogz Team
Dog Grooming Ebook
Let’s Talk About Your Dog’s Coat
Just how much do you know about your dog’s
Believe it or not, not many dog owners really
know much about this topic. This is one of
the reasons why some dog owners are not as
efficient and effective when it comes to
grooming their dogs.
In this chapter we give you some information
that you will find useful on certain dog grooming sessions that deals with your
dog’s coat such as brushing or drying.
To start, the dog’s hair is actually made out of the same stuff that human hair
(and other mammals for the matter) is made out of which includes proteins,
largely keratin and dead skin cells.
The only difference between dog hair and human hair is that each dog follicle
grows several different hairs on it while humans only grow one set of hair for
each follicle. This happens because the dog’s hair actually helps them regulate
their body temperature. Dogs actually have 2 types of coats, the double coat
and the single coat.
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Double Coats & Single Coats
Double Coats
Dogs with double coats have a top coat and an undercoat. The dog’s top coat’s
job is to protect the dog’s skin. It contains stiff guard hairs that are usually
water repellant.
The undercoat serves as the dog’s insulation keeping them warm during cold or
harsh weather. The undercoat is usually shorter than the top coat and can be
described as a soft, fleecy or downy type of fur. Dogs with double coats tend to
shed their undercoat heavily twice a year.
To find out if your dog has a double coat, simply touch your dog’s coat and see
if you can feel 2 different sets of textures on their fur.
Some examples of dogs with double coats are the Akita, the Alaskan Husky,
Alaskan Malamute, Chow Chow, Shiba Inu, Siberian Husky, Samoyed,
Pomeranian, Border Collies, Corgi, Golden Retriever and Labrador Retriever
just to name a few.
Single Coats
Unlike dogs with double coats that have a top and undercoat, dogs with single
coats only has the topcoat. Dogs that are classified as single coated shed less
compared to dogs with double coats.
To check if your dog has a single coat simply touch your dog and see if he only
has an even set of fur without any soft undercoat throughout his body.
Some examples of dogs with single coat are the Yorkshire Terriers, Maltese,
Poodle, Chihuahua, Afghan Hound and Papillon to name a few.
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Types Of Coat Textures
Now that we have briefly discussed the 2
types of coats we now then continue to
dig in deeper and talk about the different
type of textures each coat may have. It’s
important to understand what texture
your dog’s coat fall into to properly groom
your dog.
The smooth dog coat – A smooth coat
can be described as short, very sleek and shiny. Dogs with smooth coats don’t
need to be groomed as frequently as other dogs but they still need to be
brushed regularly to help distribute the natural oil on their coat.
Some examples of dogs with smooth coats are the Basset Hound, Beagle,
Boston Terrier, Boxer, Bulldog, Dalmatian, Great Dane, Greyhound, Labrador
Retriever, Miniature Pinscher, Pug and Rottweiler just to name a few.
The wiry dog coat – It’s very easy to spot a dog with wiry dog coat because it
has a unique rough or coarse feel to it that can be compared to a brush’s
bristles. Dogs with wiry coats will need to be bathed and brushed frequently to
make sure that the dirt that gets stuck to the dog’s coat gets removed.
Some examples of dogs with wiry coats are the Affenpinscher, Border Terrier,
Brussels Griffon, Dandie Dinmont Terrier, Irish Terrier, Otterhound, Scottish
Terrier and West Highland White Terrier to name a few.
The curly dog coat – As the name suggests, dogs with curly coats can be
identified by their curly hair. This specific type of coat is harder to maintain
because the hair can easily get tangled and mat.
The curly dog coat is also characterized by its dryness making dog grooming a
little bit more challenging. When dealing with this type of coat make sure that
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you apply a conditioning spray to the fur first before brushing it. Dogs that
have curly coats will also need to be clipped regularly.
Some examples of dogs with curly coats are the Bichon Frise, Curly Coated
Retriever, Irish Water Spaniel, Komondor, Poodle and Portuguese Water Dog to
name a few.
The medium coat – This type of coat is easy to groom and isn’t prone to
matting or tangles. Dogs that have this coat can be identified by their short but
inch thick coats. Dogs with medium coats will need to be bathed monthly and
brushed weekly.
Some examples of dogs with medium coats are the Akita, Australian Shepherd,
Border Collie, Brittany, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, German Shepherd Dog,
Golden Retriever and Great Pyrenees to name a few.
The long coat – We saved this type of coat for last because unlike the smooth
and medium coat, the long coat is a bit hard to classify because it falls into 3
distinct categories such as:
Long parted coats – It’s easy to spot a dog with a long parted coat
because, as the name suggests, the long hair has a parting that runs
straight down their backs. Grooming this type of coat can be challenging
because the hair tends to tangle and mat.
Dogs with these types of coats should be given monthly baths and
should be brushed regularly.
Believe it or not, there are only 8 dog breeds that are identified to
posses this coat and those 8 breeds are the Afghan Hound, Lhasa Apso,
Maltese, Skye Terrier, Shih Tzu, Silky Terrier, Tibetan Terrier and
Yorkshire Terrier.
Long Coated Small Dogs – The only difference between the long coated
small dogs and the long parted one is that long coated small dogs don’t
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have any part at all. This type of coat is also a bit troublesome to groom
because it is prone to mats and tangles.
Some examples of dogs with this type of coat are the Havanese, Chinese
Crested, Pekingese and Pomeranian breeds.
Long Coated Large Dogs – This type of coat is identical with the long coated
small dogs but this type focuses more on larger breed of dogs like the Bearded
Collie, Chow Chow, Cocker Spaniel, Irish Setter, Newfoundland, Old English
Sheepdog, Saint Bernard and Samoyed breeds.
No matter what type of coat your dog has though, with the proper grooming
tools and some help, you will soon be able to get the hang of grooming them.
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Dog Grooming Ebook
Conditioning Your Dogs To Love Grooming
Now that you have some knowledge
about your dog’s coat and have some
idea on what dog grooming tools you
need, it’s time that you understand
what steps you need to make to get
your dog to like grooming.
We created a separate chapter for this
because we feel the need to educate
dog owners on what values and
mindset they need to possess when starting the dog grooming process.
Learning about this can help you and your pet in the right direction when it
comes to dog grooming.
A successful dog grooming session is not just about the pet owner finishing the
job no matter what, but for both pets and pet owners to work together
harmoniously to complete a grooming session.
Every successful dog grooming session can make the next ones much more
With that here are some habits that you need to develop when grooming
your dog.
1. Start early. If you have a puppy, don’t
wait until he’s a grown dog before you start
grooming him. It’s easier to get a puppy to
like dog grooming rather than a grown dog.
You can start by getting your puppy used to
being examined by you daily.
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Slowly open his mouth and close it, check his ears, handle his legs and toes,
touch his nails and his tail, etc. After doing this give your puppy a treat and
praise. This gets your puppy accustomed to certain procedures or movements
that are involved in grooming.
2. Take it one step at a time. There are certain dogs who will really react
strongly to grooming but that doesn’t mean that you can’t change their minds.
It’s important that you don’t rush into the grooming activity right away. This
may possibly cause your dog to hate and avoid grooming more.
Allow your dog to inspect and get familiar with the grooming tools you have
and get them accustomed to certain new sensations that they may encounter
when grooming. For example, if you’re planning on clipping your dog’s nails,
you can touch their nails for a certain amount of time and give them some
treats every time you put her nails down. Sometimes it may take a while but
once you’re there it will be all worth it.
3. Associate grooming to your dog’s favorite things. Basically, make sure
that your dog has a good time during the activity. Offer treats or their favorite
toys after grooming and continue to talk to them and praise him all throughout
the grooming session.
4. Be patient. Never lose your temper or shout at your dog during a grooming
session. Remember that you want your dog to
associate grooming as a fun and positive activity.
5. Never force your dog. If you’ve noticed that
your dog starts being uncomfortable or a bit
scared stop and start from the top. For example,
if your dog won’t give you their paw for nail
clipping, don’t force them.
Let go of their paw and reassure them. Slowly touch their paw again, giving
them a treat when they let you touch the paw, you can continue from there.
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6. Be confident. Don’t be nervous or afraid when grooming your dog. Our dogs
can feel our energy so if we get afraid then they will also be afraid. Always be
confident and exude a happy energy when grooming your dogs.
7. Have fun. As mentioned before dogs can sense our energy. If you’re feeling
negative about dog grooming then the energy may be passed onto your dog as
well. Always show and let your dogs feel that dog grooming is a happy and fun
process. Spread the fun energy and eliminate negativity.
8. Don’t ever lose hope. They say that Rome wasn’t built in a day. This saying
also proves to be true when it comes to dog grooming. As mentioned before,
many dogs find dog grooming a bit strange and a little unpleasant to begin
with. Don’t just wave the white flag give it more time. I assure you your dog will
definitely warm up to the idea.
9. Make grooming a routine. Dogs love routines so if you incorporate dog
grooming at least a few minutes per day then they will definitely get
accustomed to it. If you see your dog getting used to the few short minutes of
grooming per day you can then lengthen it a bit more.
10. Finish grooming on a positive note. Make sure that you finish the
grooming session before your dog gets tired or bored so that each session ends
on a positive note.
By adapting and keeping those points above in mind, you and your dog are on
your way to a successful grooming session. Remember that by making each
dog grooming session fun you’re not only making things easier for your dog but
for yourself as well.
With this done you’re now ready to start grooming your dog!
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Bathing Your Dog
Now that we’ve gone through the things that
you need to keep in mind when grooming
your dog, it’s time to get to the nitty gritty
details and learn HOW to groom your dog.
In this chapter we discuss the steps that you
need to do to properly bathe your dog.
Things that you will need
To get yourself ready to give your dog a bath you will need to have these items
A tub of some description that you can fit your dog
Rinsing tool (Can be a large plastic cup, bowl or a spraying tool)
Before anything else, we want to remind you to NEVER use human shampoos
on your dog. Our dog’s skin has a different PH level compared to us humans,
so using it may result to dry itchy skin and in worst cases some allergic
We also suggest that when choosing a shampoo you choose something that is
natural and gentle on your dog’s skin. Read the shampoo labels properly and if
you see a lot of chemicals added then it’s time to move on the next one.
If you have a dog that has sensitive skin or is suffering from some allergies
then we suggest you look for an oatmeal based shampoo.
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How Often Should You Bathe Your Dog?
There are different types of opinions
concerning how often a dog should be
bathed. There are dog owners who are
believe that bathing too frequently can
damage the dog’s skin.
The fact is that you can actually
choose to bathe your dog every week
so long as you’re using a gentle and
natural dog shampoo.
One of the reasons why a dog’s skin gets damaged from frequent bathing is
when dog owners use human or a cheap quality shampoo when bathing their
Bathing your dog monthly or if you think he’s gotten to dirty or too smelly is a
good routine to start for your dog.
Bear in mind though that you should consult with your vet first if you have a
dog suffering from certain allergic reactions or other types of skin problems.
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Time For Bath Time
In the previous chapter we talked about how to
condition your dog to enjoy dog grooming. There
are dogs who will love water and there are also
those that will definitely not so we remind you
again to take things slowly at first and don’t rush
into the process.
Bathing your dog will probably a bit tricky at first
but as you continue on doing it successfully, it
will definitely get easier in the long run.
The steps below will help you get through your
first doggy bath time:
1. Before giving your dog a bath, make sure that you brush them first using a
slicker brush and remove any mats and tangles that they may have. Bathing
your dog while they still has mats and tangles can worsen the mats and even
create new mats in the process.
2. Fill the tub with a good amount of water and make sure that the water is not
too cold and not to warm before putting your dog in. Make sure that you have
everything you need ready to go.
3. To help make future bathing sessions easier, eventually get your dog to go
into the tub themselves rather than simply placing them in yourself. If your dog
is too little to hop in the tub you can put some little stairs to help them get into
the bath.
The first time might take a while but you can always use treats or things that
your dog loves to get them into the tub. Make sure that you also reward and
praise your dog after he goes into the tub himself.
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4. Don’t pour or spray water on your dog immediately. Splash him maybe once
or twice first to get him accustomed to the water and when you think he’s
ready you can go ahead. You can use the shower head to soak your dog’s body
first, leaving out the face and the ears. Make sure that your dog’s body is
thoroughly wet before you apply the shampoo.
5. When you’re ready to apply the shampoo, make sure that you have read the
instructions first. You can use a sponge or simply your hands to rub the
shampoo on to your dog’s body. Make sure that you rub the shampoo and
lather it all over your dog and that you don’t miss any areas below the head
especially your dog’s paws, groin area and bum.
6. Don’t leave the shampoo too long on your dog’s skin. When you’ve finished
applying the shampoo to all areas of your dog’s body (excluding your dog’s face
and ears), rinse it off using lukewarm water. Be sure to thoroughly rinse your
dog removing all suds especially in the groin area.
7. Once you’ve thoroughly rinsed of your dog
remove any excess water from your dog’s fur by
wiping it off using your hands.
8. When you’re done with the dog’s body,
simply wipe your dog’s face with water to clean
it and you can also remove dirt from your dog’s
ears using a cotton wool buds.
9. Once everything’s done, get the towel and slowly put the towel over your dog.
Don’t apply too much pressure when drying your dog using the towel to avoid
hurting your dog.
You can actually remove some excess water using a patting motion like how
you would pet your dog. Adding in some praise in the process can help let your
dog know that they have done a good job going through bath time and leave a
positive mark on your dog.
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10. After removing some of the excess water you can now cover your dog again
with a water absorbent towel and slowly take your dog away from the tub.
11. After placing your dog to the floor or table, you can now continue to dry
them up. Be sure to use as many towel as you need to remove the excess
When you’re done your dog’s coat should only be a little damp to make the
blow drying process a whole lot easier and faster.
Yes bathing your dog is as easy as that. Well, the actual process may be a bit
tricky at first but if you continue being positive and patient you will be
rewarded with a clean happy dog who enjoys a bath.
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Brushing Your Dog’s Coat
Believe it or not, the simple process of
brushing your dog regularly can have a
great deal of positive impact on your dog’s
health. Brushing your dog is pretty easy
and straightforward but many dog owners
tend to take this for granted.
Here are some of the positive effects of
brushing your dog regularly:
1. Brushing removes dirt and debris from
your dog’s fur. By simply brushing your dog’s fur you’re keeping your dog clean
and clear from all those dirt or debris that may have gotten stuck on your dog’s
coat while they were playing outside.
2. Brushing lessens the amount of fur in your home. Regular brushing is a way
for dog owners to lessen the amount of fur that may accumulate in your home.
3. Brushing helps promote good blood circulation and the spreading of natural
oil. Believe it or not, brushing your dog is a good activity to help with the
circulation of your dog’s blood. It’s also a great way to spread the natural oil in
your dog's fur for a more vibrant and healthy looking coat.
4. Brushing reduces fur mats and tangles. Mats and tangles can prove to be
very uncomfortable for your dog and if not treated
properly these mats can cause some serious skin
5. Brushing promotes bonding and the opportunity to
check for any skin problems that may arise. As we’ve
mentioned in the earlier chapters, dog grooming is a
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way to strengthen your relationship with your dog. Aside from that though,
through regular brushing you can actually see if your dog’s skin and coat is
looking normal or not. This simple observation can help you determine if
there’s something wrong with your dog’s skin so it can get treated immediately.
As you can see a simple activity such as brushing can definitely do wonders for
your dog. All you need is a couple of minutes to get this activity done so please
don’t skip this step.
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How Often Should You Brush Your Dog?
Like bathing your dog, there are many
rumors circulating about the frequency of
brushing a dog’s coat.
There are some that say it should be done
daily and there are those that say it
should only be done once every week or
so. But the truth of the matter is that you can brush your dog as often as you
There is no harm in brushing your dog regularly. As mentioned before,
brushing your dog promotes good blood circulation, keeps your dogs clean and
helps distribute your dog’s natural oil evenly through his body. Your dog has
all to gain and none to lose when it comes to brushing.
To help you get started though, here are some recommendations when
brushing your dog:
* Short haired dogs – We suggest that you brush these type of dogs at least
once a week.
* Thick or coarse coated dogs – For this type we suggest that you brush at
least two to three times a week.
* Long coated dogs – For long coated dogs we suggest a brushing routine of
once a day or every other day.
* Shedding dogs – For dogs that shed a lot, we highly suggest that you brush
them daily to help remove those loose hairs and minimize shedding.
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Remember to make dog brushing a part of your dog’s routine and assign a
certain time of the day for it. We can’t say this enough but dogs love routine
and if you’ve established dog brushing as their regular routine, you’ll see that
they will come to expect this pleasant activity.
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How To Brush Your Dog
Now that you know what brushing can
do for your dog and how often you
should be doing it, we can now proceed
to teach you how do properly carry out
this process.
Don’t worry, brushing your dog isn’t
rocket science and is a very easy task to
do. It may feel tricky if it’s your dog’s first time with the activity but as we’ve
talked about in the previous chapter always introduce the process to your dog
slow and easy.
If it’s your dog’s first time to be brushed or if your dog is a bit afraid of being
brushed, then let them get acquainted with the brush first. Once you’ve
established that the dog brush is harmless, try brushing your dog slowly.
During this time continue to reassure them. If they let you brush them simply
offer them with treats and praise.
Remember to keep the brushing activity short if it’s your dog’s first time and
slowly increase the time as you go.
Now that we’ve got that out of the way, here are the steps to help you
brush your dog properly:
1. Choose a good quality dog brush for your dog. You can check the previous
chapters regarding the different types of brushes that you can choose from and
see the chapter on our recommendations on grooming tools.
2. Make your dog feel comfortable. You can decide to put your dog on a table, a
bench or on the floor.
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3. When you’ve finished choosing a spot to brush your dog and making them
feel comfortable, you can then proceed to brushing them. Make sure that you
start at the front end of your dog and move your way backwards. Start with
one side of your dog at a time and brush at the opposite direction of hair
growth. Doing this helps you remove any tangles in your dog’s coat.
4. Once you’re done with the "opposite" brushing you can now continue to
brush your dog’s coat in the direction of hair growth. This time however, start
at the backend side of your dog going to the front end and like the previous
step take it one side at a time.
Following these steps will ensure that the dirt from your dog’s coat gets
removed leaving your dog’s coat looking shiny and vibrant.
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How To Remove Mats And Tangles
In a previous chapter we showed you
how easy it is to brush your dog’s hair.
That said there are times when your dog
may develop some mats and tangles
that will need to be removed.
Your dog may feel uncomfortable with
these mats if you don’t know how to
properly remove them. It’s important
that you be gentle when going through
this process and really take the time to get it right.
Here are some steps that you can follow to easily and painlessly remove
those fur mats:
1. Get your slicker brush ready. The best way to remove mats and tangles from
your dog’s coat is through the use of a good quality dog slicker brush. You can
also choose to use combs and other brushes but I have always got great results
using a slicker brush.
With that said, it’s important that you don’t simply pick out just any slicker
brush in the store. Make sure you assess the quality of the brush before
buying it. Remember that there are some dog brushes out there that can do
more harm than good so choose wisely.
A good slicker brush is something that’s not too hard and not too soft and can
be used for most dog skin types. We also suggest that you pick out a self
cleaning slicker brush to make the process more efficient.
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2. Lay or sit your dog comfortably on a
table or on the floor. It’s important that
you make your dog as comfortable as
possible to make this process easier.
Remember to start slowly if it’s your dog’s
first time to be brushed. Allow him to get
acquainted with the brush first and reassure him. Make the process as fun as
possible. Give a few treats along the way.
3. When getting rid of the mats it’s advisable that you take a small area at a
time. We suggest that you get started with the head area first under your dog’s
ears and work your way down their body.
4. Using your hand, hold the base (the part of the fur that’s closest to your
dog’s skin) of the matted area. Doing this makes sure that you avoid damaging
your dog’s skin and avoid any brush burns as well.
5. Try using a pinch of cornstarch and rub this softly on the matted area.
5. After putting some cornstarch on the matted area, get your slicker brush
and gently brush the mat to loosen it. Use your fingers as well to help untangle
the mats and continue brushing it using the dog slicker brush until it gets
removed. Remember to brush starting from the ends and work your way
6. If the mat is too tangled and can’t be removed using a slicker brush then
don’t be afraid to cut it. Simply use a sharp pair of scissors and slowly and
carefully cut the matted hair with a sawing motion. Make sure that you also
cut the mat in the direction of hair growth so the cut looks natural.
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7. Once you’re done with the process offer your dog praise and a treat for being
good and do a bit more brushing using your dog slicker brush.
Remember that removing mats and tangles should be done prior to bathing
your dog. Bathing a dog with mats and tangles can worsen the problem and
possibly create more matting in the process.
We know we keep on repeating this but please do take your time when
removing mats. As mentioned before, when this process isn’t properly done or
is rushed then it may cause your dog pain which will possibly result in a
negative outlook towards brushing.
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Clipping Your Dog’s Nails
You can actually see many dog owners
shaking their heads with the mention of
dog nail clipping. This is because dogs
don’t usually take to nail clipping well in
the beginning.
That being said though, nail clipping
plays a very important part in keeping
our dogs happy and healthy.
Leaving your dog’s nails too long may cause them to break which can be a
painful experience for your dogs and can sometimes cause an infection. Dogs
with long nails can also develop an abnormal gait that can lead to skeletal
To ensure that your dog continues to be cooperative during this activity, you
will need to learn the proper technique. But before we proceed to show you the
steps you need to take to successfully clip your dog’s nails, let’s talk about a
very important part of your dog’s nails, the quick.
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What Is The “Quick”?
Our dog’s nails are actually composed of an
outer and inner nail. The dog’s outer nail is
hard and is the part that protects the inner
nail. This is the part that we will be cutting.
The inner nail or the quick is the one we
should definitely avoid. Cutting the quick can
hurt your dog and will result in bleeding.
The quick can be identified as the pinkish part
of our dog’s nails which is much softer
compared to the outer nail. It has a blood
vessel through it. The quick can be easily
identified on dogs with lighter nails but is harder to be seen on dogs with black
When clipping a dog with black nails it’s highly recommended that you only
clip small parts of the outer nail first and work your way along it. As you
continue taking small parts of the nail you will see a little dark spot right in the
center of the nail which is your dog’s quick.
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Steps To Dog Nail Clipping
Now that we’ve discussed the
“quick”, you’re now ready to learn
how to start clipping your dog’s
Before anything else though, we just
want to remind dog owners to
NEVER use human nail clippers
when clipping your dog’s nails.
In previous chapters we provided you with some suggestions on dog clipping
tools that you can use for this process. In a later chapter we will share some
recommendations on certain brands for you. Remember to always have some
styptic powder with you when clipping your dog’s nail in case of accidentally
cutting the nail quick and causing bleeding.
As shown in the chapter about dog grooming tools, there are actually 2
common ways of clipping your dog’s nails. You can choose to use the scissor as
well as the guillotine type of nail clippers or you can go with using the dremel
Don’t worry; in this chapter we will be giving you the complete steps on using
both types of tools so you can choose the option that best suits you.
That said we will start with the scissor or guillotine type of nail clippers first.
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Clipping Your Dog’s Nails Using Scissor or Guillotine Clippers
The steps below will show you the techniques in clipping your dog’s nails using
the scissor or guillotine type of nail clippers.
1. In this process, we suggest that you choose to sit on the floor with your dog.
Doing this can give you the optimum view of your dog’s nails as well as give
you the proper leverage if your dog does decide to struggle or wriggle.
2. When both you and your dog are comfortable, slowly take a paw in your
hand. If your dog struggles at this point, make sure that it subsides first before
you start clipping.
3. When you’re dog has calmed down, slowly place the nail clipper around your
dog’s nail and cut in a 45 degree angle. Again we remind you to clip small
portions of the dog’s nails first if you’re new to this activity. Be mindful of the
nail quick and continue clipping until you’re satisfied of the length.
4. Don’t panic if your dog’s nail starts to splinter. This is normal. There are
certain times when the dog’s nail can become brittle. To remove these splinters
you can use a simple nail file sweeping downwards with each stroke following
the curve on the back of the nail.
5. Take the process slowly doing one paw at a time. Be mindful of your dog’s
mood and attitude during this activity. If you think your dog is starting to get
stressed or uncomfortable then stop and rest for a moment. Continue to offer
praise and treats for good behavior.
6. If you’ve made a mistake and accidentally cut your dog’s quick then don’t
panic. Simply take some styptic powder and apply it to your dog’s nail. Apply
pressure to your dog’s nails for a few minutes until the bleeding stops. A word
of caution though, applying styptic powder to a bleeding nail may sting so be
sure to properly hold your dog when applying it.
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7. Your dog’s dew claws should be clipped last. Make sure that you clip this
nail during the process. Failing to get this nail clipped may result to an ingrown toe nail. You can clip the dew claw the same way as you clipped your
dog’s other nails.
Clipping Your Dog’s Nails Using The Dremel Tool
Now that we’re done with the steps and techniques for the scissor and
guillotine type nail clippers, let’s know show you the steps and techniques
when using a dremel tool.
1. In this process, we suggest that you choose to sit on the floor with your dog.
Doing this can give you the optimum view of your dog’s nails as well as give
you the proper leverage if your dog does decide to struggle.
2. Make sure that your dog is secure and comfortable. The dremel tool makes a
sound that may scare or distract your dog until they get used to it.
3. Before you start using the dremel tool introduce the tool to your dog. Let
your dog sniff it while it's turned off and slowly turn it on to get him to be
familiar to the sound that it makes.
Continue to reassure, praise and give your dog treats throughout the process
to help them associate the dremel tool and the sound to something positive. If
it’s your dog’s first time to be clipped using the dremel tool, make the session
short first and lengthen it as your dog gets familiar with the tool.
4. If you think your dog is getting used to the tool and the sound that it’s
making, then slowly but firmly take your dog’s paw into your hand.
5. Slowly get the dremel tool to touch the tip of your dog’s nail slowly without
using too much pressure. Keep reassuring your dog as you go through the
process and offer treats after every few seconds for good behavior.
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6. Slowly move the dremel tool lightly around your dog’s nails and don’t just
focus on the tip of your dog’s nail. Make sure that you don’t touch your dog’s
fur when using the dremel tool.
7. Also make sure that you don’t grind too much off the nail. If you accidentally
grind too much of and shave the quick and the nail starts bleeding, don’t
panic. Simply take some styptic powder and apply it to your dog’s nails. Apply
pressure to your dog’s nails for a few minutes until the bleeding stops. A word
of caution though, applying styptic powder to a bleeding nail may sting so be
sure to properly hold your dog when applying it.
8. Take the process slowly and be sure to stop to rest if you notice that your
dog is starting to get uncomfortable. Don’t forget to continue on reassuring
your dog, praising and offering treats as you move on to the other nails.
There you go!
As you can see the nail clipping process is not too hard (once you get the hang
of it). All it really takes is patience, praise and treats to get your dog to feel
comfortable with the process.
Be sure to never force or rush your dog through this process and take it one
step at a time.
We suggest that a few weeks before you start clipping your dog’s nails you get
them to feel comfortable when you’re holding their paws. You can do a daily
activity of simply touching your dog’s paws and nails and offering them some
treats to prepare them for the process.
Never give up!
There are certain dogs that may take a few more tries before you can
successfully clipping their nails but once they get used to the process it’s going
to be a whole lot easier.
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Taking Care Of Your Dog’s Eyes
They say that the eyes are the windows to the
soul. The same principles apply to our dogs
as well.
A dog’s eyes may look delicate but they are
very durable but this doesn’t mean that we
should just take them for granted.
We all know how annoying and painful it feels
when something gets lodged in our eyes. Our
dogs feel the same way so it’s very important
that we observe and tend to their eyes
regularly. This is especially true for dogs that have protruding eyes like the
Chihuahua, Boxer and Boston Terrier just to name a few.
In this chapter we will be giving you some useful tips that you can follow to
help keep your dog’s eyes healthy and bacteria free.
Following are some of the things that you can do to care for your dogs
1. Make sure that your dog’s hair doesn’t cover or reach over their eyes. To do
this all you have to do is to get a blunt nosed pair of scissors and carefully trim
the hair around your dog’s eyes. Keeping your dog’s hair from touching his
eyes can prevent bacteria getting into your dog’s eyes.
2. Keep the corners of your dog’s eyes mucus or gunk free. If you see any type
of build-up in the corner of your dog’s eyes, make sure to clean it using a good
dog eyewash or a damp clean wash cloth. Mucus build-up can cause infections
so it’s important to keep an eye on these situations.
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3. Keep your pet away from situations that may cause eye trauma. This is
another reason why dog nail clipping is important. When your dog’s nails get
long they may accidentally scratch their eyes or another dog’s eyes during play
4. When bathing your dog, make sure that you avoid getting any shampoo into
their eyes. Always cover their eyes if you’re going to be applying shampoo or
rinsing them near close to their head.
5. Be sure to clean the tear stains from your dog’s eyes. The steps for this will
be outlined in a section in this chapter.
6. If you’ve observed any abnormalities in your dog’s eyes or if mucus build-up
seems to occur too frequently, be sure to visit the vet as soon as possible.
The tips above will only take you a few minutes to be done so please be sure to
never skip this step.
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Removing Doggy Tear Stains
Tear stains are those reddish brown
streaks that you may see around your
dog’s eyes and near their cheek areas.
Tear stains are often seen more in smaller
dogs because they cannot drain their own
tears naturally via the nose, which is how
we humans usually do it when our tear
ducts are full.
These stains will be more visible on dogs
with lighter colored coats but it still needs to be cleaned even if they aren't too
visible. The tears that come from our dog’s eyes are actually colorless but a
chemical reaction as it touches your dog’s skin causing it to change color.
If the stain is left for too long then it will cause discoloration in your dog’s fur
so it should be removed immediately.
The steps below will show you how to properly remove those tear stains
from your dog’s face.
1. You can use a special tear stain remover to help remove the stains from your
dog’s face or you can create a solution of ten-percent hydrogen peroxide with
water. (9 parts water to 1 part hydrogen peroxide)
2. Get a soft cloth and damp the cloth using the tear stain remover or the
3. Carefully hold your dog’s head to keep them steady as you continue to
reassure and praise him.
4. Once your dog is settled simply wipe the tear stains from your dog’s face. Be
very careful not to let the damp cloth touch your dog’s eyes.
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5. Once it’s done offer your dog some treats and praise for their good behavior.
That’s it! It's not too hard and if done regularly will make a big difference.
Now you know why and how to properly take care of your dog’s eyes.
Remember that it only takes a few minutes to do this so we urge to do it
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Caring For Your Dog’s Ears
Caring for your dog’s ears may not seem
that much compared to other parts of
their body like the nails, eyes, etc but
you’ll be surprised to know that dogs
are quite sensitive when it comes to
their ears as well.
This is because a dog’s sensory
perception as well as the whiskers
found in the ears stops things that are
getting closer.
So you can expect a bit of possible resistance from your dog during this
process initially because it can feel pretty unnatural and uncomfortable with
That being said, like any other dog grooming activity, all it takes is patience,
repetition, rewards and time to get your dog used to the process.
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Tips For Cleaning Your Dog’s Ears
As we’ve mentioned above, cleaning your
dog’s ears may be a bit of a struggle the
first time you do it because dogs see it as
an awkward and unnatural experience.
This shouldn’t worry you though because
as you continue carrying out this activity
the more your dog will feel comfortable
with the procedure and you’ll also be more
Keep in mind to never throw in the towel if your dog struggles. Just stop for a
while and get your dog comfortable and reassure them and try it again. If you
give up when your dog struggles then you’re teaching them that they can have
it their way.
Here are some of the things that you may need to help you clean your
dog’s ears.
Medicated dog ear powder
Sterile cotton balls
Dog ear cleaning solution
When you have the following things ready, you can proceed to cleaning your
dog’s ears.
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The following steps below will show you how to clean your dog’s ears
1. Make sure that you inspect your dog’s ears for any visible problems. If you
notice something foreign things in your dog’s ears, then carefully and slowly
remove it using the tweezers.
If you noticed any swelling, redness or anything unnatural with your dog’s
ears, then we suggest you consult your vet as soon as possible as it may
indicate an infection.
2. When you’re done with your inspection and have sees that everything seems
to be normal, slowly lift your dog’s ears and make sure that you can see the
inner ear. Slightly dampen you index finger and slowly remove the hair that
may be blocking the ear canal.
3. Use an ear powder to help bind any excess wax from your dog’s ears to help
make removing the wax easier.
4. Make sure that you remove any extra hair from the entry of the ear canal to
around half an inch into it. If you still see hair further then we suggest that
you ask your vet for help when removing it.
5. You can remove these hairs using a hemostat and tweezers. All you have to
do is to put some medicated ear powder in your dog’s ears and let it sit for a
while. After waiting for a few minutes you can now slowly pluck out the hair
from the ears. Make sure that you pull out the hair in the same direction as it's
6. After removing the hair, slowly start removing any excess wax from your
dog’s ears using some cotton balls and dog ear cleaning solution. Make sure
that you never insert anything into your dog’s ear canals though.
Unlike brushing your dog’s coat or other dog grooming activities, remember
that cleaning your dog’s ears shouldn’t be done too often. This dog grooming
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activity should only be done from time to time. We do urge dog owners to check
their dog’s ears every week to make sure that there are no infections or
abnormalities found in the dog’s ears.
We also remind dog owners to protect their dog ears from water when giving
their dogs a bath.
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How To Tell If Your Dog Has An Ear Problem
Now that you know that you need to check your
dog’s ears regularly, one of the things that you
may ask is, “how do I know if my dog has an ear
problem?” Well, worry not because it’s actually a
very easy thing to spot.
A healthy dog ear is characterized by a pinkish
sheen to the dog’s skin but if you’ve noticed one or
more of these things below then you need to pay
your vet a visit immediately.
Black discharge
Bad smell coming from the dog’s ears
Excessive ear scratching
Crusty Skin
Hair loss
Again if you notice one or more of these symptoms we really suggest that you
pay your vet a visit immediately. You can always call you Vet to discuss before
rushing in.
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Caring For Your Dog’s Teeth
This will come as a shock to some dog
owners but believe it or not our dog’s teeth
need to be regularly brushed. An extremely
large number of dogs suffer from some
form of periodontal disease each year and
this can lead to serious health issues if not
picked up and managed.
In a way our dog’s teeth are quite similar
to human teeth. Our dog’s teeth can also
be affected by different types of mouth
related diseases due to plaque and tartar build up. For this reason we have to
help them keep their teeth clean.
Firstly, here are some of the most common teeth problems that our dogs can
Gingivitis – This problem develops when bacteria from your dog’s mouth
builds up in their teeth and gums. This results in inflamed gums that will look
red and irritated.
Periodontal disease – This can be a painful tooth problem for your dog that
can spread a serious infection throughout his body. It’s caused by an infection
between the tooth and the gums.
Halitosis – Or most commonly known by dog owners as "doggy breath". This is
usually the first sign that your dog is developing some sort of teeth problem. If
you notice that your dog has this condition it would be best to pay your vet a
visit and discuss management before things get worse.
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Swollen gums – Dogs usually develop this when tartar builds up and when
food gets stuck in their teeth.
The list above is only some of the many dog teeth conditions that your dog can
develop. Don’t fret though because the problems above can be easily avoided by
regularly brushing your dog’s teeth. As they say, prevention is better than cure.
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Time For Doggy Teeth Brushing
Now that you’re fully aware that our dogs
can also develop teeth conditions like us
and that the best way to avoid it is through
regular tooth brushing, we can now teach
you how to effectively carry out this activity.
Brushing your dog’s teeth can be a very
easy task if you know the proper steps that
you need to take. Like any other dog
grooming activity, we remind you to be very patient with your dog and be
confident in what you do. Exude a positive and happy attitude towards dog
grooming and your dog will do the same.
All that you will need for this process is dog toothbrush and dog toothpaste. We
need to stress that when brushing your dog’s teeth it’s important to NEVER
EVER use a human toothbrush or toothpaste. Some human toothpaste may
contain substances such as xylitol and other chemicals that can be fatal for
With that out of the way, let’s proceed to cleaning your dog’s teeth.
1. If your dog is reacting a bit strongly to you touching their mouth then we
suggest that you do some exercises daily such as touching your dog’s mouth
and brushing their teeth using your fingers for a few days. This can help make
your dog more comfortable with the process. Offer treats and praise or other
things that your dog likes during and after every session.
2. When your dog seems to be relaxed and somewhat comfortable with the
idea of getting their teeth brushed, you can proceed. Get your dog comfortable.
You can put your dog on a table or have him lay down or sit on the floor with
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3. Apply a small amount of doggy toothpaste to the toothbrush. There are
actually 2 kinds of brushes available for dogs, those with long necks that look
similar to human toothbrushes and the soft finger brushes. Choose a brush
that your dog will be most comfortable using.
4. Before putting the brush into your dog’s mouth continue reassuring and
petting them to keep him calm and relaxed. Slowly lift your dog’s lip and insert
the toothbrush slowly and gently start brushing at the back of your dog’s teeth
using a circular motion. Make sure that you don’t just concentrate on the teeth
and also include the line between the gums and teeth as well.
5. Slowly work your way around your dog’s mouth, doing one side before you
proceed to the other. Make sure that you don’t miss out in cleaning your dog’s
teeth in the upper and lower jaw as well.
Yes, that's it!
It’s going to be much more easier as you continue doing this activity with your
dog. Again we just want to remind everyone to take the process slowly and
don’t rush it. It may take a couple of tries so just continue to have a positive
outlook and attitude and you will do fine.
We recommend that you brush your dog’s teeth ideally every day but if time
doesn’t permit this, then brushing your dog’s teeth at least 2 – 3 times a week
can suffice. We also suggest that you start getting your puppy used to the idea
so it can be easier to get him started with the activity.
Aside from regular brushing you can also provide some dental dog chews to
help with your dog’s dental hygiene. The dog chews can help but it shouldn’t be
seen as an alternative to brushing your dog’s teeth.
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Choosing A Professional Dog Groomer
We included this chapter to help those
busy dog owners who would like to
avail the service of a professional dog
That said though, even if you choose to
go with a professional dog groomer, we
still suggest that you perform some of
the simpler dog activity such as
brushing your dog’s coat, eye checking etc.
A professional dog groomer can definitely offer a huge help in keeping your dog
clean and healthy but you have to be aware that not all dog groomers are
created equal. There are those that can do more harm than good for your dog
and can even leave a very traumatic scar that will get your dog to hate being
With this in mind, in this chapter we will be providing you with some tips as
well as some questions that you need ask the dog groomer to make sure that
they offer a great service and will treat your dogs well.
Here are some helpful tips in choosing a professional dog groomer.
1. Ask around. What better way to start your search than by hearing what
other people’s experiences are from certain pet salons or dog groomers. Word
travels fasts and one friend’s experience may help save your dog from
unnecessary trauma. Asking around is also the best way to narrow down your
search. You can also ask around in dog forums or chat rooms about dog
groomers that other recommend.
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2. Visit the pet salon or the groomer’s office. After narrowing down your
targets it’s now time that you pay the dog groomer a visit. Is their office clean?
Are the staff members friendly and accommodating? Is their equipment up to
date? Are the dogs being treated gently or too roughly? Is the place well lit? Do
they have proper business permits and certification?
3. Tell them all about your dog’s needs. During your visit make sure that
you inform them of what your dog’s needs or habits are. If your dog has certain
problems or conditions make sure to inform the groomer and ask if they can
provide the services you require.
4. Ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. By asking questions you
can find out more about the pet salon and you can even see how patient they
are when dealing with their clients.
5. Check if the price they offer fits your budget. Let’s face it; often times
sending your dog to the groomers isn’t cheap. With that said, there are still
reputable groomers out there that can offer you just what you need to look for
Bear in mind though that you usually get what you pay for when dealing with
groomers so be sure not to immediately jump in on the most expensive or the
cheapest service offered. Try to compare prices and services first before
deciding which one to choose.
7. Trust your gut. This is very important. If you’re getting a bad vibe from a
certain salon then immediately cross it out from your list. You may be
thinking, “what if I was wrong?” Well, let’s look at it this way, what if you were
right? No matter how nice or professional a dog grooming salon may look like,
if your gut is telling you, no, then don’t second guess yourself and choose
another location.
We believe that the tips above will definitely be of use to you if you decide to
get your dog groomed by a professional groomer.
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Some Questions To Ask Dog Groomers
In the tips we provided earlier, we told you
to ask a lot of questions to the dog
groomer and to help you with this we have
listed some questions and answers to
really help you chose the best dog
1. How long have you been grooming
dogs? Are you certified? Where were you trained?
First of all, you’ll want to hire a certified professional groomer that has
successfully completed some formal dog grooming training. Ask if the groomer
can show you some certification to back-up their claim. If you’re still having
doubts then you can always call the school or the program they said they
attended to be sure.
2. How long have you been grooming professionally?
You’ll want someone that has at least 2 years of full time grooming experience.
3. Can you give me a tour of your facility?
If they answer yes, then it’s a good sign that they’re pretty confident about their
facilities. But if they answer no then it’s best look for another place because
they might be hiding something.
4. Can you allow me to sit in and watch while a dog is being groomed?
This can give you a good idea of how they handle and treat dogs when
grooming a dog.
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5. What shampoos do you use?
This is a very important question that you need to ask, especially if your dog
has some skin problems or has sensitive skin. Make sure that you hire a
groomer that uses high quality shampoos and not cheap ones. Once you find
out what shampoo they use you can do a quick search on the internet and find
out more about it.
6. Do you have any experience grooming my dog breed?
There are a lot of dog breeds so not all groomers may have had the experience
on working on your dog’s breed. It’s important that the groomer has some good
knowledge when it comes to your dog’s breed so that they know how to handle
your dog as well as knowing what kinds of cuts are available for your breed.
7. How long will it take for you to groom my dog?
An average overall grooming session would take about 1 – 2 1/2 hours. But
this will depend on how dirty or matted your dog’s fur is. If you haven’t
groomed your dog in a long time then it may take longer. But it’s important
that they inform you if the session will take longer and why it will take that
8. Do you muzzle dogs that bite?
If your dog bites then don’t be offended if they do muzzle your dog. They do it
for their safety as well as the dog’s safety. If your dog has complete vaccination
and shots then you shouldn’t worry too much about this.
9. What is included in your dog grooming package?
Make sure that you ask what is included in their dog grooming service and how
much it will cost. There are certain dog groomers that include a head to toe
grooming package. Visit different pet groomers and compare the services they
offer before deciding.
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10. How much will it cost?
This is a very important question to ask the dog groomer. Again before deciding
a pet groomer, make sure that you compare the prices offered by other
groomers to find out what the average price of grooming your dog is.
The questions above should definitely help you find out more about the type of
pet groomer they are. Another thing to keep in mind is that most reputable
groomers actually also ask you questions about your dogs rather than the
other way around.
If you encounter a pet groomer that looks interested in the well being of your
dog by asking you questions as well then that's a pretty good sign.
Remember to be patient when choosing a dog groomer. Don’t rush into things
and make sure that you really see what they can offer you and your dog.
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Dog Grooming FAQs
In this chapter we will be answering some
frequently asked questions asked by dog
owners about dog grooming.
1. How old should my puppy be before I
can groom him?
You can start grooming a puppy when he
is about 10 – 12 weeks old. After their first bath it’s suggested that you get
their hair trimmed 4 – 6 week after.
2. How often do I need to clip my dog’s nails?
It’s suggested to trim your dog’s nails every 6 - 12 weeks. If your dog goes on
long and regular walks on pavements though, their nails may not need to be
clipped as much. You’ll know when your dog needs to get his nails clipped
when you start hearing a pitter patter sound when your dog is walking,
signifying that your dog’s nails are touching the floor when he’s walking.
3. How often should dogs be taken to the groomer?
This will depend on the actual grooming time you spend with your dog at home
and your dog's breed. If you frequently bathe, clip their nails, clean their ears,
etc then you may not need to visit the groomers that much. Remember that
your dog will need to usually have his nail trimmed every 6 – 12 weeks. If you
don’t do any of the grooming at home then it’s suggested to visit the groomers
after 6 – 8 weeks.
4. How long will it take for a professional groomer to groom my dog?
Well, an entire dog grooming session may go for about 1 – 2 hours but this can
go longer if you have a bigger or dirtier dog.
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5. Can I take my dog to the groomers even when she’s in heat?
Most dog groomers don’t suggest that you take your dog to the groomers when
they are in heat. This is because dogs that are in season are much more
sensitive and she may attract the attention of male dogs that may be in the
grooming salon.
6. How often should I bathe my dog?
It really depends. For dogs with normal skin it’s suggested to bathe them once
or twice a month, but if you think your dog is starting to smell or is very dirty
then you can also give them a bath sooner. Just make sure that you’re using a
very mild dog shampoo.
7. What are anal glands?
Ever wonder why dog’s smell another dog’s but? Well it’s because the anal
glands produces a fluid that helps differentiate your dog from other dogs.
Through the fluid produced by the anal gland, dogs can identify another dog’s
age, gender, health, etc.
Anal glands are found is located on the lower part of your dog’s anus. Usually
dogs empty their anal glands automatically when they have a bowel movement
but there are some dogs that have difficulty with this. If dogs can’t empty it
then it can become impacted making bowel movements painful and difficult for
our dogs. This is why some dogs will need to have their anal glands emptied by
a professional groomer or a vet.
8. How often should my dog’s hair be clipped?
Hairy dogs that have long and flowing hair may need to get their hair clipped
after every 4 - 6 weeks. But this will depend on the dog’s breed and the type of
coat they have. When in doubt be sure to consult with a professional groomer
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9. How old does a puppy need to be before I can clip his nails?
There is no age limit for this. If you think your puppy’s nails are starting to
grow long then you can go ahead and get him acquainted with the nail clipping
process. Make sure though to take the process really slow and make it fun to
help make future nail clipping sessions easier.
10. I brush my dog everyday but he still suffers from frequent fur matting.
Why is this happening?
There are 2 reasons why this can happen. The first reason is that you’re not
using the right tool when brushing your dog. It’s recommended to use a good
slicker brush when brushing your dog to make sure that you remove all mats
and tangles.
The second reason why your dog is still suffering from fur mats is that you’re
not brushing the coat thoroughly or are not brushing in all the right places.
Make sure that you not just brush your dog’s body but also the legs, front and
11. How often should I brush my dog’s teeth?
It’s suggested that you brush your dog’s teeth daily but if your schedule doesn’t
allow that then you should at least brush your dog’s teeth 2 – 3 times a week.
12. How often should I brush my pet?
You should brush your dog’s coat daily to get the best results. But if time
doesn’t permit that then you should at least brush your dog’s coat 2 – 3 times
a week.
13. Should I have my dog groomed in the winter?
Yes, dog grooming should be done all year round. Dogs usually grow longer
hair to help them cope up with the cold temperatures that may form mats and
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14. Should I cut my dog’s coat in the summer season?
No, the dog’s coat helps him to get properly insulated. It keeps him cool during
the summer season and warm in the winter. You can give your dog a short trim
but you don’t need to really shorten or shave off their hair in summer.
15. Should I tip my dog groomer?
Yes you should consider doing that. Grooming your dog takes a lot of time and
patience so it’s good etiquette to tip your dog groomer or anybody in the service
industry for that matter. You can tip your dog groomer depending on how well
they’ve groomed your dog.
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Our Recommendation for Grooming & Other
If you need some help choosing good quality dog grooming tools to use for your
dog, then please check some of our recommendations below.
The Magic Pro Dog Deshedding Tool (Dog Shedding Tool)
The Magic Pro Deshedding Tool reduces shedding by up to 95%. This
deshedding tool is highly effective and very versatile. It works on any type of
dog coat whether your dog is single or double coated.
Unlike many other dog shedding tools in the market, this doesn’t have sharp
blades that can cut or damage your dog’s skin.
Benefits Includes:
Special stainless steel shedding blade allows the tool to easily remove
loose hair
Gentle on your dog - will not damage their skin
Ergonomic tool design for easy comfortable use
Recommended by groomers & vets
Click here to check this out.
Best Slicker Brush For Dog Grooming (Slicker Brush)
This slicker brush is designed to offer you the quickest & easiest way to a
healthy, shiny mat free coat for your dog.
You no longer have to worry about hurting or cutting your dog’s sensitive skin
during the brushing process.
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Benefits Includes:
Effortlessly removes debris, mats and dead hair from your pet's coat
Helps build a special bond with you and your dog
Reduces dog hair in your household making your life easier
Keeps your dog looking and feeling great
Also works effectively as a deshedding tool
Click here to check this out.
The PRO Quality Dog Brush (Self Cleaning Slicker Brush)
This slicker brush has a unique patented self cleaning function which allows
removal of hair from the brush in seconds. No more fiddly plucking of hair from
your brush or hurt your fingers and shorten the brush life.
The comfort grip handle and stainless steel pins provide excellent grooming
results with minimal effort.
Benefits Includes:
Removes and helps prevent tangles and matting
Removes debris, dead and hair from your pet's coat
Reduces pet hair in your household
Increases blood circulation
Keeps your pet looking and feeling good
Ideal for both shedding and non shedding dog breeds
Click here to check this out.
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The Security Pro Retractable Dog Leash (Dog Leash)
This is a sturdy, safe and secure retractable dog leash that offers your dog a
secure adjustable freedom zone when walking outside. It has a retractable
brake system gives you full control of your dog enabling instant retraction of
the leash (and your dog) whenever required.
Benefits Includes:
Comfortable modern ergonomic design
Secure locking mechanism & strong nylon leash prevents your dog from
running off
Lightweight yet sturdy and long lasting
Retractible brake system allows instant retraction of the leash (and your
dog) whenever required
Click here to check this out
Resco Deluxe Original Dog Nail Trimmer (Dog Nail Clipper)
Cutting your pet's nails is simple with the Resco Deluxe Nail Trimmer because
it takes less effort with its extra sharp cutting blade. The cutting action is
smooth and reliable with its heavy duty all metal construction doesn't stress
you or your pet.
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Benefits Includes:
Easy cutting action
The original animal nail trimmer American made since 1937
Easy to handle with soft rubber grips
Patented blade replacement feature
Click here to check this out
Dremel 7300-PT (Dog Nail Dremel Tool)
The Dremel Pet Grooming Kit offers a safe, effective way to keep your pet's nails
neat and trim. Rather than risk damage and discomfort with clippers or
scissors, use the kit's rotary tool for painless, easy grooming of your pet's nails.
Benefits Includes:
A Safe and Painless Alternative to Clipping
Lightweight, Cordless Design
Easy Drum and Band Replacements
Click here to check this out.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read our Dog Grooming Ebook. We
hope that you get a lot from this and that it helps you and your dog make
grooming a much more fun and fruitful activity.
Happy grooming!
HappyDogz Team
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Dog Grooming Ebook