News July - Alberta Holstein Association
News July - Alberta Holstein Association
Alberta Holstein Association News Alberta Holstein Association Volume 2, Issue 3 July 2008 After being trapped indoors for months, now is the time to break free and bask in the warm sunshine! Naturally, there'll be barbecue invitations too… “You Are Invited To The Fourth Annual Alberta Holstein Association Family Picnic!” Where: van de Brake Family & Lacombe Corn Maze When: Thursday, July 31, 2008 Time: 1:00pm Activities: Corn Maze, Playground, Pig Races Dinner: 7:30pm - followed by Gery Schubert Cost: $20 adults, $10 for children between 3&10 Tickets: available from any AHA director & office Direction: From Jct. of Hwy 2 & Hwy 12, 2km W on Hwy 12, 1.2 km S on Rg Rd 27.3 east side For more information please contact: Wim & Hennie van de Brake 403-782-5295 Heidi Voegeli-Bleiker 403-335-5916 Camping & Food Concession available! We look forward to seeing you all there! Thank you to the sponsors that already committed to sponsor the picnic. Your support is greatly appreciated! Inside this issue: Message AHA President Message National Director 2 Tier 1 Judging School 2 6 Bred & Owned Results Alberta Shows 3 Alberta Youth 3 WCC/ Provincial 4-H 6 6 Holstein Canada Press Release Marketing manager/ Field Service 4 Calendar of Events 4 New Members 7 7 AFSC Hail Report 5 Photos of AB Shows 8 Alberta Holstein Page 2 President’s Message: “On behalf of the board of directors, I would like to invite everyone to the AHA Annual Picnic on July 31st at the family farm of Wim & Hennie van de Brake.” As we move into the summer months, I look back on the first few months of being President of the Association. It has been excellent to meet so many new people and revisit with breeders who I haven’t seen in awhile. In March I attended the Green Acres Awards Banquet. The Breeders from the Green Acres Club are very involved and the club is one of the most active clubs in the province. The Banquet was a great event for all who attended and was a pleasure for me to make the trip to the southern part of the province. Late March brought Holstein Canada’s National Convention in London Ontario. The convention holds such events as the President’s Reception, Show & Sale, and Master Breeder Banquet as well there are many different farm tours you can attend while in the area. It was a great event to meet breeders from other provinces and to recognize the “Master Breeders” of our industry. It was also encouraging to see many Alberta breeders on hand to take in the events. Message from National Director: Recently our Provincial Government announced Monetary Aid for the livestock industry. There are some livestock sectors that do not qualify and I do not wish to start a debate in that regards. What we all should be happy about is that in order to qualify for subsequent payments, the program is going to demand premise ID and individual animal ID. “We all need to make sure we are doing our part and lead by example.” After years of and several attempts to get other sectors of livestock to buy in to the importance of ID, some monetary restrictions are being implemented. The AHA sponsors “Best Bred & Owned” at shows across the province and it was a pleasure for myself and Wim (VicePresident) to hand out the awards at the Calgary (April) and Alberta Dairy Congress (June) shows. Looking forward to the summer, on behalf of the board of directors, I would like to invite everyone to the AHA Annual Picnic on July 31st at the family farm of Wim and Hennie van de Brake. There will be many activities for all ages and we will be going across the road to the Corn Maze for hours of family fun and visiting with others in the industry. There will be lunch available, as well stick around for the awesome entertainment of Gery Schubert and excellent dinner in the evening. Tickets are available from any director or contact Heidi at the office. I look forward to seeing many families supporting this picnic and would like to wish everyone a safe and prosperous summer. Jason Rietveld Alberta Holstein Association President One of the factors that have forced the governments to become more aggressive in the ID and trace back system is that sales both domestically and internationally have been lost. It is only months since the US border reopened and early on there were reports of non-compliance. More recently, animals crossing the border have gone very smoothly. We all need to make sure we are doing our part and lead by example. Make sure your animals are officially tagged on the farm, enabling them to leave at any time. John L. Iversen National Director for Alberta Volume 2, Issue 3 Page 3 Alberta Holstein Association Bred & Owned Awards The Alberta Holstein Association Bred and Owned Awards were awarded to the following Breeders: Calgary Dairy Classic: Jr. two year old - Rietben Dundee Ciao, Rietveld Dairies Jr. three year old - Rainyridge Kite Barbara, Rainyridge Holsteins Four year old - RF Romper Ebony, R&F Livestock Five year old - RF Gibson Girl, R&F Livestock Inc./ Chilliwack Cattle Co. Mature cow - Rainyridge Progress Megan, Rainyridge Holsteins Green Acres Holstein Club: Sr. two year old - Pol Butte Blitz Jewel, Pol Butte Holsteins Sr. three year old - Pol Butte Roy Dawn, Pol Butte Holsteins Four year old - Pol Butte Damian Marge, Pol Butte Holsteins Mature cow - Pol Butte Modest Lesley, Pol Butte Holsteins Alberta Dairy Congress: Jr. two year old - Rietben Dundee Ciao, Rietveld Dairies Sr. two year old - RF Lancelot Desiree, R&F Livestock Inc. / Chilliwack Cattle Co. Jr. three year old - Crestomere Lorilee, Everett Simanton Sr. three year old - Thornspyc Atlas Bonni, Thornspyc Dairy Four year old - Corman Brawh Glisten, Corman Holsteins Ltd. Five year old - RF Gibson Girl, R&F Livestock Inc. / Chilliwack Cattle Co. For complete show results and photos please go to the Alberta Holstein Association website Did You Know? The first "organized" meeting of Holstein Breeders in the West (Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta) was in 1908. They formed the "Western Canadian Holstein-Friesian Association" which was the equivalent of a "Provincial Branch" of Holstein Canada at that time. There is a reference in "Rich in Heritage" to the Alberta Branch being formed in 1935. However, there was probably an informal provincial / branch structure prior to that time because of the Association's funding of extension services. The first Master Breeder from Alberta was CPR (Canadian Pacific Railway) Demonstration Farm, Strathmore, AB in 1932. The first National President from Alberta was E.W. Jones, Calgary AB in 1935. Many famous "names" came from Alberta: J.W. Hosford, Hays & Company, Acme, Pickard & Clark, Curtis Clark, Lacombe Experimental Farm, Elwell, W.J. Tregillis…… the list is endless. In addition, there are sections on Alberta in the following historical books: History of the Holstein-Friesian Breed in Canada; Reaman; 1946 Century of Achievement, Holstein Journal, 1984 Rich in Heritage, Southern Alberta Holstein Club, 1985 The Chosen Breed, Morwick, 2002 Seed-Stock, Horace Bakus, 1999 Page 4 Alberta Holstein Harley Nicholson Joins Holstein Canada Team Brantford, ON April 8, 2008 - Holstein Canada welcomes Harley Nicholson as its new Marketing Manager. Jill’s Family & Shylane Holsteins Harley comes to the Association from Langley, BC, following many years in Canada’s cattle breeding and genetics industry. Most recently, he was General Manager of Westgen, Milner, BC, one of Canada’s longest-operating, producer-owned and directed AI organizations. A graduate of the University of Guelph, with a Master of Science in dairy cattle breeding, his first industry posting was within the genetics division at Centre d’insemination artificielle du Québec Inc., St-Hyacinthe, Qc. This was followed with a management role at Eastern Breeders Inc., Kemptville, ON. Having a firm grasp of the intricacies within the Canadian dairy industry, Nicholson has headed several initiatives and served on many committees and boards dealing with genetic improvement programs and New Field Service Coordinator Hired Brantford, ON May 8, 2008—Holstein Canada is pleased to announce the addition of Jill McCallum, Stratford, ON to its marketing department in the role of Field Service Coordinator. Jill will divide her time visiting non-customer Holstein herds in Ontario and several other provinces promoting participation in all breed improvement programsregistration, classification, milk recording, and artificial insemination. Reporting directly to Brantford, but working closely with field/branch staff and industry partners, Jill will communicate the importance and value of registration to animal traceability and age verification. services. Achievements include Past President of Canadian Association of Animal Breeders, Semex Canada, and Ontario Animal Breeders. Raised at Shylane Holsteins, Stratford, ON, Miss McCallum recently completed the academic requirements for a Diploma in Agriculture at the Ridgetown, ON campus of the University of Guelph, with graduation taking place later in May. “Harley’s knowledge and experience in managing field operations, developing youth activities, participating in international activities, and commitment to bilingualism provide an excellent foundation for directing the Association’s Marketing Department,” states Keith Flaman, Secretary-Manager. Jill has been active in 4-H in her native Perth county since 1999 and has competed successfully at the local and regional levels, as well as at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. As well, she has assisted many other 4-H members train and fit their project calves. Raised on a registered Holstein farm near Ottawa, and active in 4-H and in exhibiting cattle during his youth in Ontario, Québec, and the US, Nicholson and wife Heather will be re-locating to the Brantford area in the coming months. Organized, confident, and with a broad-based knowledge of Canada’s dairy industry, Jill is enthusiastic about the programs and services offered by Holstein Canada. She looks forward to taking up the challenges and opportunities, which accompany her duties which began May 5. Note from the Branch regarding Field Service: Jill spent a week already in Alberta from June 5th to June 13th. The Branch is looking forward to working with her. Please let us know if you require assistance with any Holstein Canada or AB Branch programs. Page 5 “Farmers are hoping this summer isn’t another record breaker for hail in Alberta. Last year a record number of hailstorms blanketed the province, says Carol Simpson, standing beside a map that shows where crops were hit. Simpson is the Coordinator of Insurance Processing for AFSC, the Crown corporation that provides hail insurance to farmers across the province.” Central Alberta Hardest Hit Alberta Farmers Hope to Avoid Another Record Hail Year For two years straight, a record number of hailstorms have battered crops across Alberta. With this summer’s hail season just around the corner and crops beginning to grow, farmers are crossing their fingers, hoping bad hail years don’t come in threes. Two Record Years Back-to-Back A record 89 severe hailstorms pelted the province last summer, leaving unprecedented levels of crop damage behind. “We paid out $40.3 million in claims through our Straight Hail program - the highest ever in our 70-year history,” says Carol Simpson, Coordinator of Insurance Processing for Agriculture Financial Services Corporation (AFSC), the provincial Crown corporation that provides the majority of hail insurance to Alberta farmers. Environment Canada reported 83 severe hailstorms the year before, compared to 48 in an average year. Natural Weather Patterns It’s “mainly chance” that Alberta has seen its two worst years for hail back-to-back, says Geoff Strong, a meteorologist and adjunct professor at the University of Alberta who has studied thunderstorm and hail formation across the province for 35 years. “We’ve seen strings of bad hail years before in this province due to natural weather patterns,” he says, noting that in the early 50s, there were four or five intense hail years in a row. It’s too soon to say if this summer will be another record breaker. A lot depends on how wet and warm things get during the coming weeks, says Strong, explaining heat and humidity from evaporating soil moisture are two key ingredients in hailstorm formation. “Unfortunately the same conditions that promote crop growth set the stage for hail storm formation.” Alberta gets more hail than anywhere else in Canada, thanks in large part to the northwest-southeast alignment of the Rocky Mountains, says Strong. As warm, dry air flows eastward over the mountains, it clashes with moisture above the foothills to produce storms. Central Alberta sees the most hail, but no corner of the province is immune, he says. Hail has always been one of the biggest problems facing farmers in Alberta. One minute they can have a bumper crop - ten minutes later, they’ve got nothing because a hailstorm ripped through their fields,” says Rod Rains, a member of the AFSC History Committee, which has been looking back at Alberta’s hail history this spring, as the corporation marks 70 years of providing public hail insurance across the province. Alberta’s Hail History Rains says hail insurance has been around since the early 1900s, but heavy hail losses in the 1920s and 30s made it extremely difficult to provide farmers with hail insurance back then. “Historical accounts show many private insurers went broke shouldering millions of dollars in losses at that time, and the depression years led to the collapse of hail insurance offered by municipalities because farmers couldn’t pay their premiums.” In 1937 - with no municipal hail insurance in place and only a limited number of private insurers - many farmers were left unprotected, he says. “That’s what forced the government to take action and pass special legislation creating the Alberta Hail Insurance Board in 1938, now called AFSC. It made hail insurance available to all farmers in the province, even in the highest risk areas. That same mandate continues today, although now it also includes crop insurance, lending, and income stabilization programs.” “Hail insurance hasn’t changed much since then,” says Simpson. “AFSC continues to build up reserves over time to cover off the bad years, and usually there’s enough surplus to issue premium rebates to farmers.” Farmers can access Straight Hail coverage at any time. Once a policy is written, coverage takes effect at noon the following day. For more information, producers can contact their local hail agent, AFSC office, or call the AFSC Call Centre at 1-888-7867475 Page 6 Alberta Holstein Tier I Judging School, Leduc On June 5th the Tier 1 judging school was held in Leduc at the Alberta Dairy Congress. A total of 25 participants registered and a few sideline judges judged 4 classes of 6 animals (two heifer & two milking). Erik Klugkist was our official judge of the day. The day went well as some senior judges commented it was a great learning day. We had volunteers from WCC help with leading animals as well as 4-H members from three different clubs. Submitted by Rob Crest, Judging & Show chair 2009 Alberta Holstein Calendar Plans are underway for the 2009 calendar. We are still looking for some beautiful scenic pictures to feature on the front page of the 2009 calendar. Please submit your picture to the Branch office and your photo may appear on the cover. Thank you to the breeders that support the calendar project year after year. During the evening program at the family picnic we will be auctioning off one page of the 2009 calendar. Alberta Holstein Directory I hope all members received a directory in the mail. By request directories will be available from the office. Please let me know of any changes that might be required for the next issue. With your help we can make the directory as accurate as possible. I apologize for any changes that have been missed in the 2008 issue. Alberta Youth Young Adult Convention 2008: Amanda Kroeker and Michael Lovich represented Alberta at the Young Adult National Convention in London, ON. Amanda’s comments: “I would like to first acknowledge my sincere gratitude to the Alberta Holstein Association for allowing me the privilege to represent Alberta at the Young Adult Convention in London Ontario on March 26-30. Overall the agenda for the convention was well designed and executed. All the participants at the Young Adult Convention had diverse backgrounds and knowledge that they brought to the convention.” Michael’s comments: “The Convention was an absolute great opportunity for any young adult to meet people and network. I made many friends and learned so much. I recommend this program to everyone! I would like to thank the Alberta Branch for making this awesome opportunity available. Thank you for your continued support of the youth industry!” Provincial 4-H Dairy Show: Approximately sixty to eighty 4 -H youth from across the province will qualify to showcase their hard work and dedication to agriculture at the Westerner Park from July15-17, 2008. The showman-ship and confirmation classes will be held on the Red Deer Westerner Grounds on July 17th. WCC: The Western Canadian Classic was started by a group of volunteers from BC, AB, SK and MB. The committee designed a concept of hosting a competitive show dashed with social functions to promote friendly interaction between the participants for all four provinces. The first WCC was held in 1985 in Saskatoon. The 2008 WCC is going to be held in the Keystone Centre in Brandon, MB on August 16 -23, 2008. (Scotiabank) “Classic”: It is with great pleasure that the Ontario Branch announces the new sponsors of the Scotiabank Classic Canadian Dairy Youth Show for the upcoming year and beyond. The "Classic" is pleased again this year to invite 4-H entries from across Canada. Volume 2, Issue 3 Welcome New Members: Agape Dairy Ltd. Jordan van de Kraats, Millet Byemoor Colony Christ Walder, Byemoor De Knar Dairy Andrea & Jan Verhoef, Red Deer Fairview Dairy South Jim & Esther Vuerink, Coaldale Huddlesford Holsteins T.H.Cope, Ponoka Slapshot Genetics, Ryan Ronalds, Ponoka Waeckelin Dairy, Urs & Silvia Waeckelin, Taber Page 7 We are proud to serve you as your board of directors. Please feel free to contact us with any of your questions and concerns. Board of Directors 2008 National Director – John Iversen Phone: (403) 556-8935 Fax: (403) 507-2206 Email: [email protected] Cell: 403-556-0472 President – Jason Rietveld Phone: (780) 992-0918 Fax: (780) 998-1400 Email: [email protected] Cell: 780-915-5914 Past President- Ken Fenske Phone: (403) 783-5974 Fax/Barn: (403) 783-5975 Email: [email protected] Cell: 403-318-1358 Vice- President- Wim van de Brake Calendar of Events: July 15-17: Provincial 4-H Dairy Show, Red Deer July 19: NAHC Dairy Show July 26: CAHC Calf & Heifer Show July 31: Alberta Holstein Picnic August 8&9: Mountain View County Fair August 19-23: WCC, Brandon, Manitoba September 24th: GAHC Herd Builder Sale October 1 - 4: World Dairy Expo, Madison Wisconsin October 24: Central Alberta Holstein Club Showcase Sale October 25: Westerner Champion Ship Show, Red Deer October 30: SAHC Futurity Deadline October 31: Alberta Branch Scholarship Deadline November 15: Deadline for Young Adult Convention November 20: CAHC Christmas Party & Awards Night December 5: SAHC Christmas Party December 5: NAHC Christmas Party Phone: (403) 782-5295 Fax: (403) 782-7145 Email: [email protected] Secretary/ Treasurer – Heidi Voegeli-Bleiker Phone: (403) 335-5916 Fax: (403) 335-4751 Email: [email protected] Directors: Tim Knull Phone/ Fax: (780) 387-4244 [email protected] Cor van Gunst Phone: (403) 732-4063 Fax: (403) 732-4793 Email: [email protected] Cell: 403-308-6272 Rob Crest Phone: (780) 675-4643 Fax: (780) 675-4874 Email: [email protected] Gerwin Molendijk Phone: (403) 556-1961 Fax: (403) 556-1964 Breeder of the Year Note: Email: [email protected] Cell: 403-506-1315 Rene Klugkist “We would like to thank the Alberta Branch for sponsoring the Breeder of the Year Award and also thank Don and Carol Wright for sponsoring at the Club Level. We very much appreciate those who took the time to vote and congratulate all the participants who were also nominated.” The Crew at Crestomere Holsteins Phone: (403) 843 3052 Fax: (403) 843-3047 Email: [email protected] Rita Haynes Phone: (780) 986-5997 Fax: (780) 980-0902 Email: [email protected] Cell: 780-387-1490 Eric Taylor Phone: (403) 337-2101 Fax: (403) 337-2101 Email: [email protected] Alberta Holstein Association Office: Heidi Voegeli-Bleiker RR 1, Didsbury, AB T0M 0W0 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Leduc Dairy Congress: Rietveld Peewee's - Junior show: Chad Crest, Judge Matt Flaman - Judging School Tier I Green Acres Club Show: photos provided by Tony Kok, Junior Show - Djoeke van den Pol - Judge Tom Hofstra Calgary Classic Show: Patiently waiting for placing - Beautiful udders For more photos and show results please go to the Alberta Holstein Association website -
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