The Pamphlet Collection - Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies


The Pamphlet Collection - Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies
Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies
Pamphlet Collection
Alphabetical by authors
While these articles are not organized by subject, a few large collections in specific areas have been
added to the database with a right-margin subject stub.
E. g.
[economic history]
[women, nuns, mystics]
= Bobbs-Merrill Reprint Series in Philosophy (3 volumes)
Version: 16 October 2015
prepared by: Ron B. Thomson
Abbaye bénédictine / S. Benedictusberg, Vaals/Lemiers
Munich and Zurich: Editions Schnell & Steiner, 1992.
Abou-El-Haj, Barbara
“Conservation and Investiture in the Life of Saint Armand, Valenciennes, Bibl. Mun. M S 502”
The Art Bulletin 61 (1979), 342-358
Abraham-Thisse, Simonne
“Les draps de Tournai au Xve siècle. Une draperie en mutation”
10e I.E.H.C (1990)
[economic history]
Abrams, George
“Venetian Xylography at The John Rylands University Library”
Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 1995, pp. 66-82
Abrams, Lesley
“England, Normandy and Scandinavia”
[From:] A Companion to the Anglo-Norman World, ed. Christopher Harper-Bill and Elisabeth
van Houts (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2003), 43-62
Abrams, Lesley
“‘Lucid Intervals’: A rediscovered Anglo-Saxon Royal Diploma from Glastonbury Abbey”
Journal of the Society of Archivists 10 (1989), 43-56
Abrams, Lesley
“St Patrick and Glastonbury Abbey: Nihil ex nihilo fit?”
[From:] Saint Patrick, A.D. 493-1993, ed. David N. Dumville et al, Studies in Celtic History 15
(Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 1993), 233-242
Abrams, Lesley
“A Single-Sheet Facsimile of a Diploma of King Ine for Glastonbury”
[From:] The Archaeology and History of Glastonbury Abbey, ed. Lesley Abrams and James
Carley (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 1991), 97-133
Abrams, Lesley; David N. Parsons
“Place-Names and the History of Scandinavian Settlement in England”
[From:] Land, Sea and Home. Proceedings of a Conference on Viking-Period Settlement at
Cardiff, July 2001, ed. John Hines, Alan Lane and Mark Redknap (Leeds: Maney, 2004), 379431
Abulafia, David
“Ancona, Byzantium and the Adriatic, 1155-1173”
Papers of the British School at Rome, 52 (1984), 195-216
Abulafia, David
“Crocuses and Crusaders: San Gimignano, Pisa and the Kingdom of Jerusalem”
[From:] Outremer – Studies in the History of the Crusading Kingdom of Jerusalem, Presented to
Joshua Prawer, ed. B. Z. Keder et al. (Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben Zvi Institute, 1982), pp. 227-
Abulafia, David
“The Crown and the Economy under Roger II and his Successors”
Dumbarton Oaks Papers, no. 37 (1983), 1-14
Abulafia, David
“Kantorowicz and Frederick II”
History, 62 (1977), 193-210
Abulafia, David
“The Merchants of Messina: Levant Trade and Domestic Economy”
Papers of the British School at Rome, 54 (1986), 196-212
Achinstein, Peter
“Models, Analogies, and Theories”
Philosophy of Science 31 (1964) 328-350
Achinstein, Peter
“On the Meaning of Scientific Terms”
Journal of Philosophy, 61 (1964) 498-509
Adams, Marilyn McCord
“Intuitive Cognition, Certainty, and Scepticism in William Ockham”
Traditio 26 (1970), 389-398
Adams, Marilyn McCord
[Review of:] Leff, Gordon, William of Ockham: The Metamorphosis of Scholastic Discourse
(Totowa, 1975).
Journal of the History of Philosophy 15 (1977), 334-339
Adams, Marilyn McCord
“Ockham on Identity and Distinction”
Franciscan Studies 36 (1976), 5-74
Adams, Marilyn McCord
“Ockham’s Theory of Natural Signification”
The Monist 61 (1978), 444-459
Adams, Marilyn McCord
“What Does Ockham Mean by ‘Supposition’?”
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 17 (1976), 375-391
Adamson, Melitta Weiss
“Der deutsche Anhang zu Hildegard von Bingens ‘Liber simplicis medicinae’ in Codex 6952 der
Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris (fol. 232v-238v)”
Sudhoffs Archiv 79 (1995), 173-192
Adamson, Melitta Weiss
“Preventive Medicine in Fourteenth-Century Würzburg: The Evidence in Michael de Leone’s
[From:] Ir sult sprechen willekomen. Grenzenlose Mediävistik. Festschrift für Helmut Birkhan...,
ed. Christa Tuczay et al. (Bern: Peter Lang, 1998), pp. 501-520.
Adamson, Melitta Weiss
“Technical Literature (Fachliteratur)”
[From:] A Companion to Middle High German Literature to the 14th Century, ed. Francis G.
Gentry (Leiden: Brill, 2002), 319-343
Addleshaw, G. W. O.
Rectors, Vicars and Patrons in Twelfth and Early Thirteenth Century Canon Law
St. Anthony’s Hall Publications 6
London and York: St. Anthony’s Press, 1956.
Adkin, Neil
“A Note on the Dedicatory Epistle to Erasmus’ Edition of Cyprian: Non minus cordatissimi
quam maximi titulo clarus”
Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi 53 (1995), 207-210.
Adkin, Neil
“The Use of Scripture in the Pseudo-Cyprianic ‘De duplici martyrio’”
Giornale Italiano di Filologia 47 (1995), 219-248.
Advice to Private Owners and Small Repositories on How to Exhibit their Documents
Memorandum no. 20
London: British Records Association, Records Preservation Section, 1970
Aerts, Erik.
“Drankvertier en Volks Plezier in Brabant en Lier (1350-1800)”
Heemkunde Antwerpen, 40 (2003), 19-29.
Aerts, Erik.
[economic history]
“Économie, monnaie et société dans les Pays-Bas méridionaux de Charles Quint”
[From:] The World of Emperor Charles V, ed. Wim Blockmans and Nicolette Mout, Koninklijke
Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen Vanhandelingen, Afd. Letterkunde, NS 188 (2004),
Aerts, Erik.
[economic history]
“Economische en sociale Geschiedenis van de Middeleeuwen in 75 Jaargangen Bijdragen”
Heemkunde Antwerpen, 40 (2003), 19-29.
Aerts, Erik.
[economic history]
Enkele Algemeen-Methodologische Bedenkingen bij de Concrete Hantering van
Laatmiddeleeuwse Brabantse Rekeningen
Centrum Brabantse Geschiedenis
Brussel: Universitaire Faculteiten Sint-Aloysius, 1979
Aerts, Erik.
[economic history]
“Financiële en administratief-boekhoudkundige contacten tussen laatmiddeleeuwse Brabantse
central instellingen”
[economic history]
Eigen schoon en de Brabanter, 63 (1980), 149-175
Aerts, Erik.
[economic history]
“L’histoire institutionnelle du duché de Brabant pendant l’Ancien Régime: état de la recherche.”
Revue belge de philologie et d’histoire, 80 (2002), 457-490
Aerts, Erik.
[economic history]
“Historici over bankiers in het middeleewse Brugge”
[From:] Bedrijf en Taal: Opstellen voor Wilfried Janssens / Business and Language: Essays in
Honour of Wilifried Janssens, ed. Dany Jaspers and Philip vermoortel (Leuven: Peeters, 2009),
pp. 49-73.
Aerts, Erik.
[economic history]
“Het historisch onderzoek naar de instellingen van het hertogdom Brabant tijdens het ancien
régime: een stand van Zaken”
[From:] Het Gebruik van Brabantse Archieven voor de Instellingengeschiedenis. Symposium
georganiseerd te Brussel op 21 April 2000, ed. R. Van Uytven, et al., Algemeen Rijksarchief en
Rijksarchief in de Provinciën, Miscillanea Archivistica Studia 138 (Brussel, 2001), pp. 13-56
Aerts, Erik.
[economic history]
“De inhoud der rekeningen van de Brabantse algemeen-ontvangerij (1430-1440). Moeilijkheden
en mogelijkheden voor het historisch onderzoek”
Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis, 59 (1976), 165-199; 61 (1978), 13-95.
Aerts, Erik.
“Lier in een langlopend economisch perspectief (1200-1800)”
Lira Elegans. Liers Genootschap voor Geschiedenis, 6 (1996), 27-59
[economic history]
Aerts, Erik.
“Middeleeuwse bankgeschiedenis volgens Professor Raymond de Roover”
Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis, 63 (1980), 49-86
[economic history]
Aerts, Erik.
[economic history]
“Money and credit, Bruges as a financial centre”
[From:] Bruges and Europe, ed. Valentin Vermeersch (Antwerp: Fonds Mercator, 1992), pp. 5771
Aerts, Erik.
[economic history]
“No Public Exchange Banks in Flanders and Brabant (1400-1800). An explanation of the
absence of public banks in the Southern Low Countries” [Title varies slightly]
Unpublished lecture.
Aerts, Erik.
[economic history]
“Quelques réflexions sur des comptes du Duché de Brabant au bas moyen âge.”
Archives et Bibliothèques de Belgique, 53 (1982), 108-174
Aerts, Erik.
[economic history]
“Statistiek in de mediëvistiek. Eeen balans van een halve eeuw onderzoek in België”
Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis, 76 (1993), 47-61.
Aerts, Erik; Frank Daelemans
“Sociaal-economische Aspecten van het 16de-eeuwse Brussel”
Tijdschrift voor Brusselse Geschiedenis, 1 (1984), 5-47
Aerts, Erik; Eddy van Cauwenberghe
[economic history]
“Die Grafschaft Flander und die sogenannte spätmittelalterliche Depression”
[From:] Europa 1400. Die Krise des Spätmittelalters, ed. Ferdinand Seibt and Winfried Eberhard
(Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1984), pp. 95-116
Aerts, Erik; Eddy van Cauwenberghe
[economic history]
“Organisation und Technik der Münzherstellung in den Südlichen Niederlanden während des
Ancien Régime”
[From:] Die historische Metrologie in den Wissenschaften, ed. Harald Witthöft, et al. (St.
Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae Verlag, 19864), pp. 338-415.
Aerts, Erik; Cyriel Vleeschouwers
[economic history]
“Ziekte en dood van hertog Filips van Saint-Pol. Geneeskunde en farmacie aan het Brabantse hof
rond 1430”
[From:] In de voetsporen van Jacob van Maerlant, ed. Raoul Bauer, et al. (Leuven: Universitaire
Pers, 2002), pp. 315-335
Aertsen, Jan A.
Medieval Reflections on Truth. Adaequatio rei et intellectus.
Amsterdam: VU Boekhandel/Uitgeverij, Hoofdgebouw Vrije Universiteit, [1984]
Aertsen, Jan A.
“Metaphysics: Theology or Universal Science?”
Averroes Latinus, A New Edition
Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie médiévales, Bibliotheca 4 (ca. 2003), pp. vii-ix.
Aertsen, Jan A.; Carlos Steel; Rüdiger Arnzen
“Averrois Cordubensis Commentaria Magna in Aristotelis Physica, De caelo et Metaphysica”
Averroes Latinus, A New Edition”
Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie médiévales, Bibliotheca 4 (ca. 2003), pp. i-v.
Agerschou, Agnes
“Et fragment af Jóns saga baptista”
Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana [Munksgaard] 20 (Opuscula 1) 97-104
Ahl, Diane Cole
“Benozzo Gozzoli’s Frescoes of the Life of Saint Ougustine in San Gimignano: Their Meaning in
Artibus et Historiae 13(vii), (1986), 35-53
Aik, Henry David
“The Aesthetic Relevance of Belief”
Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 9 (1951) 301-315
[economic history]
Albert, Bat-sheva
“Isidore of Sevile: his Attitude towards Judaism and his Impact on Early Medieval Canon Law”
Jewish Quarterly Review 80 (1990), 207-220.
Albert, Bat-sheva
“Un nouvel examen de la politique anti-juive wisigothique. À propos d’un article récent.”
Revue des Études juives, 135 (1976), 3-29
Alberzoni, Maria Pia
“Giacomo di Rondineto: contributo per una biografia”
[From:] Sulle tracce degli Umiliati, ed. Maria Pia Alberzoni, et al. (Milan: Vita e Pensiero,
1997), pp. 117-162.
Alberzoni, Maria Pia
“Innocenzo III e la Riforma della Chiesa in ‘Lombardia’”
Quellen und Forschungen aus Italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken, 73 (1993), 122-178
Albrecht, Ruth
“Asketinnen im 4. und 5. Jahrhundert in Kleinasten”
XVI. Internationaler Byzantinistenkongress Akten 11/2 = Jahrbuch der Österreichischen
Byzantinistk 32/2, pp. 517-524
Alcocer, Antonio Pérez
“El acto moral según Santo Tomás y las distintas corrientes en Etica”
Revista de Filosofía [Universidad Iberoamericana], 10 (1977), 223-232
Aldridge, David
[economic history]
“Sweden’s grain importations 1717-1718”
[From:] The Baltic Grain Trade. Five Essays, ed. Walter Minchinton (Exeter: Association for the
History of the Northern Seas, Department of Economic History, University of Exeter, 1985) pp.
Alessio, Gian Carlo; Claudia Villa.
“Per Inferno I, 67-87”
Vestigia: studi in onore di Giuseppe Billanovich, ed. Rino Avesani, et al. (Roma: Edizioni di
Storia e Letteratura, 1984), pp. 1-21
Alexander, James W.
“New evidence on the Palatinate of Chester”
English Historical Review, 85 (1970), 715-729
Alexander, Paul J.
“Medieval Apocalypses as Historical Sources”
American Historical Review 73 (1968), 997-1018
Alexander Neckam, see Neckam, Alexander
[Alexander of Hales]
Bychkov, Oleg (trans.)
“Alexander of Hales, The Sum of Theology.”
Franciscan Studies 66 (2008), 63-99
Alexiou, Margaret; Peter Donke
“The Lament on Jephtha’s Daughter: Themes, Traditions, Originality”
Studi Mediaevali, Ser 3, 12 (1971), 819-863
Al Faruqi, Isma’il Ragi A.
“History of Religions: Its Nature and Significance for Christian Education and the MuslimChristian Dialogue”
Numen, International Review for the History of Religions, 12 (1965), 35-95
Alföldi-Rosenbaum, Elisabeth
“Alexandriaca. Studies on Roman Game Counters III”
Chiron, 6 (1976), 205-239; plates 17-36
[Alföldi-] Rosenbaum, Elisabeth
“The Evangelists Portraits of the Ada School and Their Models”
The Art Bulletin, 38 (1956), 81-90; plates 1-26
Alfoldi-Rosenbaum, Elisabeth
“A Flamen Augustalis on a Mosaic Pavement in the ‘Grandi Terme’ of Aquileia”
La Mosaïque Gréco-Romaine 4 (n.d.), 101-105; plates.
Alföldi-Rosenbaum, Elisabeth
“A Funerary Relief from Trier, the Diptych of Probianus, and an Evangelist Type of
Charlemagne’s Court School”
[from] Byzantine East, Latin West. Art-Historical Studies in Honor of Kurt Weitzmann, ed
Christopher Moss and Katherine Kiefer (Princeton: Princeton University, Department of Art and
Archaeology, 1995), 115-118, plates.
Alföldi-Rosenbaum, Elisabeth
“A Gold ‘Bracteate’ in the Cabinet des Médailles in Paris”
[from] Iconologia Sacra. Mythos, Bildkunst und Dichtung in der Religions- und Sozialgeschichte
Alteuropas. Festschrift für Karl Hauck zum 75. Geburtstag, ed. Hagen Keller and Nikolaus
Staubach (Berlin: Gruyter, 1994), 81-90, plates.
Alföldi-Rosenbaum, Elisabeth
“Hadrian and Antinous on the Contornates and in the Vita Hadriani”
[from] Historiae Augustae Colloquium MCMXC , ed. Giorgio Bonamente and Noël Duval
(Macerta: Università degli Studi di Macerata, Faculità di Lettere e Filosofia, 1991), 11-18.
Alföldi Rosenbaum, Elisabeth
“Heliogabalus’ and Aurelian’s Stag Chariots and the Caesar Contorniates.”
[from] Historiae Augustae. Colloquium Genevense. II. Ed. Giorgio Bonamente e François
Paschoud (Bari: Edipuglia, 1994) 5-10.
Alföldi-Rosenbaum, Elisabeth
“Imperial Portraits on the contorniates. Remarks on their Models and the Motives for their
[From:] Roman Portraits. Artistic and Literary, ed. Jan Bouzek and Iva Ondøejová (Mainz:
Philipp von Zabern, 1997), 83-87, plates.
Alföldi-Rosenbaum, Elisabeth
“Mérida Revisited: The Cosmological Mosaic in the Light of Discussions since 1979"
Madrider Mitteilungen 34 (1993), 254-174, plates.
All Souls College List of Fellows 1438-1937.
[Oxford, 1937]
Allen, Martin
“Currency Depreciation and Debasement in Medieval Europe”
[Unpublished paper, n.d.]
[economic history]
Allen, Martin
“English coin hoards, 1158-1544.”
The British Numismatic Journal, 72 (2003), 24-8494.
[economic history]
Allen, Martin
“The Output and Profits of the Calais Mint, 1349-1450”
[Unpublished paper, n.d.]
[economic history]
Allen, Martin
“The volume of the English currency, 1158-1470.”
[prepublication copy]
Economic History Review, (2001)
[economic history]
Allan, Donald James
“Fragmenta Aristotelica”
Philosophical Quarterly, 3 (1953) 248-252
Allan, Michael Idomir
“The metrical Passio sanctorum crispini et crispiniani of Henry of Avranches”
Analecta Bollandiana: Revue critique d’hagiographie, 108 (1990), 357-386
Allen, D. E.
“Bramble-dating: A Promising Approach”
[From:] Hedges and Local History (London: National Council of Social Service, 1971), 30-36
Allen, Martin
“Coin hoards in England and Wales, c. 973-1544”
Allen, Martin
[economic history]
“Ecclesiastical Mints in Thirteenth-Century England”
[From:] Thirteenth Century England VIII. Proceedings of the Durham Conference, 1999, ed.
Michael Prestwich et al. (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2001), pp. 113-122
Allen, Martin
“Mints and Money in Norman England”
Anglo-Norman Studies, 34 (2012), 1-21.
[economic history]
Allen, Martin
[economic history]
[economic history]
“The Output and Profits of the Calais Mint, 1349-1450”
British Numismatic Journal, 80 (2010), 131-139
Allen, Martin
[economic history]
“The Proportion of the Denominations in English Mint Outputs, 1351-1485”
British Numistacit Journal, 77 (2007), 190-209
Allen, Martin
“The Volume and composition of the English silver currency, 1279-1351”
British Numistacit Journal, 70 (2000), 38-44
[economic history]
Allen, Martin
“The Volume of the English Currency, 1158-1470”
Economic History Review, 54 (2001), 595-611
[economic history]
Allen, P. S.
“Early Documents Connected with the Library of Merton College, Oxford.”
The Library, Ser. 4, vol. 4 (1924)249-276
Allen, R. E.
“Individual Properties in Aristotle’s Categories”
Phronesis, 14 (1969), 31-39
Allen, R. E.
“The Ontological Argument”
The Philosophical Review 70 (1961), 56-66
Allen, R. E.
“Participation and Prediation in Plato’s Middle Dialogues”
Philosophical Review, 69 (1960), 147-164
Allen, Robert C.
[economic history]
Enclosure, Depopulation, and Inequality in the South Midlands, 1377-1801
Discussion Paper no. 86-36
Vancouver: Department of Economics, University of British Columbia, August 1986
Allen, Robert C.
[economic history]
“The Great Divergence in European Wages and Prices from the Middle Ages to the First World
Explorations in Economic History, 38 (2001), 411-447.
Allen, Robert C.
[economic history]
“The two English agricultural revolutions, 1450-1850.”
[From:] Land, labour and livestock: historical studies in European Agricultural productivity, ed.
Bruce M. S. Campbell and Mark Overton (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1991), pp.
Allmand, C. T.
Henry V
Pamphlet, General Series 68
London: Historical Association, 1968
Alonso, Hilario Casado, see Casado Alonso, Hilario
Alpers, Klaus
Bericht Über Stand und Methode der Ausgabe des etymologicum Genuinum
(Mit einer Ausgabe des Buchstaben Ë)
Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, Historisk-filosofiske Meddelelser 44, 3
Copenhagen: Kommissionaer: Munksgaard, 1969
Alston, William P.
“The Elucidation of Religious Statements”
[From:] The Hartshorne Festschrift: Process and Divinity, ed. William L. Reese and Eugene
Freeman (La Salle: Open Court, 1964), 429-443
Alston, William P.
“Linguistic Acts”
American Philosophical Quarterly 1 (1964) 138-146
Alston, William P.
“Meaning and Use”
Philosophical Quarterly, 13 (1963) 107-124
Alston, William P.
“The Ontological Argument Revisited”
Philosophical Review, 69 (1960) 452-474
Alston, William P.
“Ontological Commitments”
Philosophical Studies, 9 (1958) 8-17
Althoff, Gerd
“Colloquium familiare – Colloquium secretum – Colloquium publicum”
Frühmittelalterliche Studien 24 (1990), 145-167
Altisent, Agusté
“A propos de l’expédition d’Alphonse le Chaste à Toulouse en 1175”
Annales du Midi, 79 (1967), 429-436
Alturo i Perucho. Jesús
“Un altre manuscrit del Llibre dels fets del rei en Jaume”
Arxiu de Textos Catalans Antics, 17 (1998), 490-406
Alturo i Perucho, Jesús.
“El conocimiento del latín en la Cataluña del siglo IX: un capítulo de su historia cultural”
Euphrosyne, NS 21 (1993), 301-318.
Alturo i Perucho, Jesús
“Corpus glossariorum latinorum cataloniae. I. Els Glossaris de Ripoli (I)”
Faventia 12-13 (1990-1991), 141 – 164
Alturo i Perucho, Jesús
“La cultura llatina medieval a Catalunya. Estat de la questio”
[From:] Symposium Internacional sobre els Orígens de Catalunya (Segles VIII-XI) (1991), 1: 2148
Alturo i Perucho, Jesús
“La escritura visigótica de origen transpirenáico. Una aproximación a sus particularidades”
Hispania Sacra 46 (1994) 33-64
Alturo i Perucho, Jesús
“Los estudios sobre fragmentos i membra disiecta de códices en Cataluña. Breve estado de la
[From:] Memoria Ecclesiaei: Los archivos de la iglesia presente y futuro. Actas del cursillo
(Madrid, 12 al 15 de Septiembre de 1988) y elenco de los Archiveros de la Iglesia, ed. J. Ma.
Martí, Matías Vicario Santamaría (Barcelona, 1990), 33-52
Alturo i Perucho, Jesús
“Un Facetus en dístics copiat a Barcelona al segle XII-XIII”
Arxiu de Textos Catalans Antics 15 (1996), 393-399.
Alturo i Perucho, Jesús
“Fragment d’un epítom del Glossarium Ansileubi de la primera meitat del segle X”
Faventia 7 (1985), 75-86
Alturo i Perucho, Jesús
“Fragment d’una traducció Catalana medieval dels Moralia in Iob de Sant Gregori el Gran”
Faventia 7 (1985), 35-51
Alturo i Perucho, Jesús
“Fragments d’un glossari llatí basat en el Liber glossarum”
Faventia 9 (1985), 5-25
Alturo i Perucho, Jesús
“El glossari contingut en el manuscrit París, Bibl. Nat. lat. 2306”
Espacio, Tiempo y Forma Ser. 3, Historia Medieval 3 (1990), 11-19
Alturo i Perucho, Jesús
“El glossari llati en escriptura visigòtica de la Burgerbibliothek de Berna, ms. A. 92.3”
Faventia 14 (1992), 43-52
Alturo i Perucho, Jesús
“El glosario de manuscrito en escritura visigótica París, BN, lat. 609”
Euphrosyne, NS 22 (1994), 185-200
Alturo i Perucho, Jesús
“Les inventaires de livres en Catalogne du IXe au XIIe siècles”
Scriptorium 50 (1996), 370-379
Alturo i Perucho, Jesús
“Le manuscrit 1038 de la bibliothèque de l’Abbaye de Montserrat: un glossaire du VIIIe siècle”
Euphrosyne NS 18 (1990), 291-306
Alturo i Perucho, Jesús
“Un manuscrit du scriptorium de Sant Pere de Rodes (Catalogne): le ‘Tractatus in Iohannem’ de
saint Augustin”
Revue des Études Augustiniennes 39 (1993), 155-160
Alturo i Perucho, Jesús
“El manuscrit més antic del Pamphilus, copiat a Barcelona?”
Faventia 19 (1997), 65-74.
Alturo i Perucho, Jesús
“Un manuscrito del Liber de dono perseuerantiae de san Agustín copiado en Gerona en torno al
decenio 870-880”
Revue des Etudes Augustiniennes 43 (1997), 105-110
Alturo i Perucho, Jesús
“El monestir de Santa Anna de Barcelona”
Catalunya Romànica 20: El Barcelonés, el Baix Llobregat, el Maresme (Barcelona: Enciclopèdia
Catalana, 1992), 41
Alturo i Perucho, Jesús
“El monestir de Santa Eulàlia del Camp”
Catalunya Romànica 20: El Barcelonés, el Baix Llobregat, el Maresme (Barcelona: Enciclopèdia
Catalana, 1992), 40
Alturo i Perucho, Jesús
“Un nou fragment visigòtic dels Moralia in Iob de Sant Gregori el Gran: el 106 de Solsona,
Arxiu Catedralici”
Faventia 6 (1984), 127-136
Alturo i Perucho, Jesús
“Presentació de l’edició crítica de l’Arbor scientiae de Ramon Llull, a cura del Prof. Pere
Villalba i Varneda”
Boletín de la Real Academia de Buenas Letra de Barcelona 48 (2001-2002), 599-606
Alturo i Perucho, Jesús.
“Problemàtica de les escriptures dels períodes de transició i de les marginals”
Cultura Neolatina 58 (1998), 121-148.
Alturo i Perucho, Jesús
“Restes codicològiques del més antic manuscrit de Jaufré amb algunes consideracions sobre
aquesta novel-la provençal”
Boletín de la Real Academia de Buenas Letra de Barcelona 46 (1997-98), 9-22
Alturo i Perucho, Jesús
“El sistema educativo en la Cataluña altomedieval”
Memoria Ecclesiae 12 (1997), 31- 61
Alturo i Perucho, Jesús
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“The Collection of Cod. Vat. lat. 3832, a source of the Collection in Seventy four Titles?”
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“The Gregorian Reform Tradition and Pope Alexander III”
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Gilchrist, John
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Studia Gratiana 12 (1967), 1-38.
Gilchrist, John
“Lei eclesiástica e fé Cristã na escolástica (c. 1050-1350)”
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Gilchrist, John
“The Office of Bishop in the Middle Ages”
Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis / Revue d’Histoire du Droit 39 (1971), 85-101
Gilchrist, John
“The Papacy and War against the ‘Saracens’, 795-1216”
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Gilchrist, John
“The Reception of Pope Gregory VII into the Canon Law (1073-1141)”
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Gilchrist, John
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Gilchrist, John
Was there a Gregorian Reform Movement in the Eleventh Century?
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The Kingdom of Germany in the High Middle Ages.
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“L’Édition critique des questions disputées De malo de S. Thomas d’Aquin”
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Chronique. Éditions et codicologie
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“Le manuscrit Napoli, Biblioteca nazionale I. B. 54 est-il de la main de S. Thomas?”
Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Théologiques 49 (1965), 37-591037
Gils, P.-M. J.
“Pour une étude du ms. Pamplona, Catedral 51”
Codicologie et critique textuelle.
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Gilson, Etienne
“L’affaire de l’immortalité de l’âme à venise au début du xvie siècle”
[From] Umanesimo Europeo e Umanesimo Veneziano, ed. Vittore Branca (Florence: Sansoni,
1964) 31-61
Gilson, Etienne
“Alphabetum Scoti”
Modern Schoolman 29 (1951-52) 237-245
Gilson, Etienne
“L’appel du cloître”
Renaissance de Fleury 9 (1958), pp. 12-13
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 6 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Une aristocratie de l’homme moyen”
Esperit 14 (1946), 672-682
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 3 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Aristocratie de l’homme moyen”
Relations (1947)
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 3 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
[=? “Une aristocratie de l’homme moyen” Esperit 14 (1946), 672-682]
Gilson, Etienne
“L’art d’identifier les auteurs, à propos d’André le Chapelain”
Revue du moyen âge latin 3 (1947), 60-62
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 1 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Art et Métaphysique”
Revue de Métaphysique 23 (1916), pp. 243-267
[Found in: E. Gilson, Revue de Métaphysique, B2340.G51 1914 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Artists and Saints”
Measure 1 (1950), pp. 48-59
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 1 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Artists and Saints”
Commonweal 51 (1950), pp. 678-679
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 1 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Aus der Rede von Etienne Gilson anlasslich seiner Aufnahme in die Franzosische Akademie”
Der Schweizerische Rundschau 48 (1947), 291-300
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 6 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Autour de Pomponazzi. Problématique de l’immortalité de l’Ame en Italie au début du XVIe
Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen âge, 28 (1961), 163-279
Gilson, Etienne
“Autour du centenaire de Saint Francois”
[From:] Le VIIe centenaire de la mort de saint François et les franciscains du Canada 12261926 (Montreal: 1928), pp. 45-58
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 6 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“L’avenir de la métaphysique augustinienne”
Revue de philosophie NS l (1930), 690-714
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“L’Avenir de la métaphysique augustinienne
[From:] Mélanges augustiniens publiés à l’occasion du XVe centenaire de saint Augustin (Paris:
1931), pp. 360-384. [Reprint of 1930 publication.]
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 3 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Avicenne et les origins de la notion de cause efficiente”
Aristotelismo padovano e filosofia aristotelica ... vol. 9 (Florence: Sansoni, 1960), pp. 121-130
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Baudelaire et la Muse”
Revue des deux mondes 15 (1948), 218-239
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 3 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
[From:] Antologia della critica dantesca, ed. M. Fubini (Torino: Petrini, 1966), pp. 329-334
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Le Bilan religieux du XIXe siècle français”
Foi et Vie 26 (1923), 1197-1202
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 2 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“The breakdown of modern philosophy”
[From:] Readings for liberal education, vol. 1, ed. Louis G. Locke, et al. (New York: Rinehart,
1947), pp. 706-709; 2nd ed. (1952), pp. 762-765; 3rd ed. (1957), pp. 829-832; 4th ed. (1962), pp.
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 6 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
The Breakdown of Morals and Christian Education
Toronto: St. Michael’s College, 1952
Gilson, Etienne
The Breakdown of Morals and Christian Education
Vancouver: St. Mark’s College, [n.d.]
Gilson, Etienne
“Breakdown of morals and Christian education.”
Ensign (1952), Pt. 1 = 15 March 1952, p. 5; Pt. 2 = 22 March 1952, p. 5
[Abridgement of full lecture]
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 6 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
[Review of:] Bruyne, Edgar de, Études d’esthétique médiévale, 3 vols. (Bruges, 1946)
Revue du moyen âge latin 3 (1947), 275-278
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 1 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Cajetan et l’existence”
Tijdschrift voor Philosophie, 15 (1953), 267-286
Gilson, Etienne
“Can the Existence of God Still Be Demonstrated”
[From:] The McAuley Lectures, 1960. Saint Thomas Aquinas and Philosophy (West Hartford,
CT: Saint Joseph College, 1961), pp. 1-14.
[Gilson, Etienne]
“The Canadian Position on the Korean War”
America, 83 (23 September 1950), pp. 638-639
[Article about Gilson]
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 1 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“The Catholic Mind”
Blackfriar 17 (1936), 408-416
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 5 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Charity is of the will”
Catholic World (1938), pp. 355-356
[Excerpt from The philosophy of St. Bonaventure]
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 5 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Charles Blanc, écrivain et critique”
Revue historique et littéraire du Languedoc 19 (1948), 197-201
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 2 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
[Review of:] Chenu, M.-D., Introduction à l’étude de saint Thomas d’Aquin (Montreal and Paris,
Bulletin Thomiste 8 (1947-53), 5-10
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 2 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Le christianisme et la tradition philosophique”
Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques 30 (1941-1942), 249-266
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 1 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Le christianisme et la tradition philosophique”
[From:] Chercher Dieu (Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1943), pp. 61-81
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 5 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Die christliche Freiheit”
[From:] Zum Augustin–Gespräch der Gegenwart, ed. Carl Andresen (Darmstadt, 1962), pp. 349441
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 5 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Chronique philosophique”
French Quarterly 2 (1920), 100-103
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Chronique philosophique”
French Quarterly 3 (1921), 76-80
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“La conoscenza dell’essere”
Esistenzialismo: Acta Pontificiae Academiae Romanae sancti Thomae Aquinatis 13 (Turin:
1947), pp. 103-114
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 2 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“The Cultural Revolution of the Thirteenth Century”
[From] The Spaulding Distinguished Lectures, 1966-67 (Durham, NH: University of New
Hampshire Press, 1968), 7-19.
Gilson, Etienne
“Dante’s ‘Mirabil Visione’”
The Cornell Library Journal 5 (1968), pp. 1-17
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 6 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Darwin sans l’évolution”
La Revue des deux mondes (1970), pp.264-282
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 6 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“De la connaissance du principe”
Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 66 (1961), 373-397
[Also found in: E. Gilson, Revue de Métaphysique, B2340.G51 1914 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“De la notion d’être divin dans la philosophie de saint Thomas d’Aquin”
Doctor Communis 18 (1965), 113-129 [offprinted paginated 1-17]
[Also found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 2 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“El derrumbamiento de la filosofia moderna”
Finisterre 6 (1948), 39-62
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 2 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Des oiseaux qui tombe faute de rosée”
Revue du seizième siècle 12 (1925), 409-411
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 1 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Descartes en Hollande”
Revue de Métaphysique 28 (1921), pp. 545-556
[Found in: E. Gilson, Revue de Métaphysique, B2340.G51 1914 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Descartes et la métaphysique scolastique”
Revue de l’Université de Bruxelles 29 (1923-24), 105-139
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 6 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Dialectique du portrait”
La Table Ronde 133 (January 1959), pp. 32-43
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 6 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Le dialogue difficile”
Seminarium (S. Congregazione dei Seminari e delle Università degli Studi), 18 (1966), 968-990.
[Also found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Digressions sur l’objet de l’expérience poétique”
LittéRéalité, 9 (1997), 23-36
Gilson, Etienne
“Doctrinal history and its interpretation”
Speculum 24 (1949), 483-492
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 1 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
Dogmatism and Tolerance
New Brunswick NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1952
Gilson, Etienne
“Le domaine public payant”
Revue des deux mondes (1948), pp. 31-45
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 3 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Un drame de l’amitié, Charles du Bos et André Gide”
Esprit 18/171 (1950), 415-419
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 3 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Duns Scotus e o scotismo”
Vozes de Petropolis 31 (1937), pp. 725-728, 782-785
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
L’École à la croisée des chemins
Montreal: Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf, 1954
Gilson, Etienne
“Education and higher learning”
The Norton Reader, 1st ed. (New York, 1965) pp. 213-225; 2nd ed. (New York, 1969) pp. 317328
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 6 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Éloquence et sagesse selon Ciceron”
Phoenix 7 (1953), 1-19
Gilson, Etienne
“The Eminence of Teaching”
[From:] Disputed Questions in Education (New York: Catholic Textbook Division, Doubleday,
1954), 17-30.
Gilson, Etienne
“Erasmus and the Continuity of Classical Culture”
Graduate (University of Toronto), May 1972, pp. 21-24, 59-64.
Gilson, Etienne
“L’Être et Dieu” (Part I)
Thomiste (1962), 181-202
[Also found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 2 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“L’Être et Dieu” (Part II)
Thomiste (1962), 398-416
[Also found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 2 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“L’Europe et la paix”
Revue trimestrielle canadienne 26 (1940), pp. 27-43
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 3 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Europa y la liberacion del arte”
[From:] Europa y el mondo de hoy (Madrid: Guadurrama, 1959), pp. 259-319
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 6 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Examen de Conscience”
Vigile, cahier 2 (1932), 85-99
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 1 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Existence and Philosophy”
Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 21 (1946), 4-16
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 1 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Filozofia sredniowieczna a Humanizm”
Zycie i Mysl no. 4-5 (1956), 32-42
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“A French View of the War”
America 62 (1940), pp. 452-456
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 1 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
[Gilson, Etienne]
“Gilson on Christianity and the World”
Commonweal 51 (28 Oct. 1949) 70-71
[contains excerpts from an address given at the Catholic Intellectuals Week in Paris, May 1949]
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 1 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“The Glory of Bergson
Thought 22 (1947), pp. 581-584
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 3 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“God: existential act”
[From:] A modern introduction to metaphysics, ed. D. A. Drennen (New York, 1962), pp. 656661
[Extract from The History of Christian Philosophy in the Middle Ages]
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 6 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
[Review of:] Harris, Charles R.S., Duns Scotus, 2 vols. (Oxford, 1927)
Mind 37 (1928), pp. 95-99
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 3 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“L’Hemisphere occidental”
Preface to: Romanciers américains contemporains (Paris: 1946), xi-xiv
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 2 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
[Review of:] Hermès Trismégiste, Corpus Hermeticum, ed. A. D. Nock, trans. A.-J. Festugière, 2
vols. (Paris, 1945).
Revue du moyen âge latin 3 (1947), 63-64
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 1 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Historical Research and the Future of Scholasticism”
Modern Schoolman, 29 (1951), 1-10
Gilson, Etienne
“Die historisch-kritische Forschung und die Zukunft der Scholastik”
[From:] André Hayen, Der heilige Thomas von Aquin gestern und heute (Frankfurt, 1954),
Appendix II: pp. 109-119
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“History and Prophecy”
Commonweal 46 (1947), pp. 473-475
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 1 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Hommage à l’Université Laval”
Revue des deux mondes (1952), 16-19
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 3 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Homage to Maimonides”
Essays on Maimonides, an octocentennial volume (New York: Columbia University Press,
1941), pp. 19-35
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 5 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“L’humanisme de Saint Thomas d’Aquin”
Atti del V Congresso internationale di filosofia, Napoli 5-9 maggio 1924 (Naples, 1925), pp.
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 5 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Humanisme medieval et renaissance”
Revue trimestrielle canadienne 16 (1930), 1-17
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 3 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“L’idée de philosophie chez saint Augustin et chez saint Thomas d’Aquin”
[From:] Acta Hebdomadae Augustinianae-Thomisticae (Rome and Turin, 1931), pp. 75-87
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 2 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“L’infinité divine chez saint Augustin”
[From:] Augustinus Magister, Congrès International Augustinien, Paris, 21-24 Septembre 1954:
Extrait des communications (Paris: Études Augustiniennes, [1954])
Gilson, Etienne
“L’innéism cartésien et la théologie”
Revue de Métaphysique 22 (1914), 456-499
[Found in: E. Gilson, Revue de Métaphysique, B2340.G51 1914 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“The Intelligence in the service of Christ the King”
[From:] Modern Catholic Thinkers; an anthology, ed. A. R. Caponigri (New York, 1960), pp.
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 5 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
Intervention dams la discussion de “Les conditions d’existence de l’enseignement supérieur de la
philosophie” (Séance du 13 fevrier 1926)
Bulletin de la Société française de philosophie 26 (1926), 1-28
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 3 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
[Intervention dans la discussion de “La philosophie chrétienne” (Juvisy, 11 Septembre 1933)]
[From:] Journées d’études de la société thomiste (Juvisy: Editions du Cerf, 1933), vol. 2: 62-143;
esp. pp. 63-67, 69-71, 139-142.
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 5 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
Intervention dans la discussion de “La querelle de l’athéisme” (Séance du 24 mars 1928)
Bulletin de la Société française de philosophie 28 (1928), 49-95
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 3 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
[Intervention dans la discussion de “Religion”]
[From:] Bergson et nous. Congrès Bergson (Paris, 1960), vol. 2: 261-278
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 5 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
[Intervention dans la discussion de “Sources et histoire du Bergsonisme”]
[From:] Bergson et nous. Congrés Bergson (Paris, 1960), vol. 2: 213-233
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 5 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
Intervention dans la discussion de “L’unité dans l’oeuvre de Jean-Jacques Rousseau” (Séance du
27 fevrier 1932)
Bulletin de la Société française de philosophie 32 (1932), 45-85
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 3 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Itinéraire de Vermenton à Auxerre”
[From:] Saint Germain d’Auxerre et son temps (Auxerre, 1950), pp. v-xi
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 6 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
[Review of:] Joannis Duns Scoti, Opera Omnia, vols. 1-2, ed. P. C. Balic (Vatican, 1950)
Bulletin Thomiste 8 (1947-53), pp. 107-115
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 2 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Justice politique et justice sociale”
Relations 7 (1947), pp. 304-305
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 3 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Katolicyzm a filozofia”
Zycie i Mysl no. 3-4 (1958), 10-23
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Laws of metaphysical experience”
[From:] A modern introduction to metaphysics, ed. D. A. Drennen (New York, 1962), pp. 42-49
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 6 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
Bulletin de la Société françcaise de philosophie 23 (1923), pp. 46-48
[Appendix to “La mentalité primitive: séance du 15 fevrier 1923”]
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 3 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Lettre à Albert Beguin”
Esprit 19 (1951), 593-596
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 3 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Lettre à Charles du Bos (23 mai 1930)”
Cahiers Charles du Bos 9 (1964), p. 36
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 1 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Lettera (sul pluralismo)”
Sapienza (1965), pp. 439-440
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 1 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Lettre d’Etienne Gilson”
[From:] Hommage et reconnaissance, recueil de travaux publiés … Karl Barth (Paris and
Neuchâtel, 1946), pp. 41-42
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Magisterium (divinale)”
Revue du moyen âge latin 3 (1947), 160
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 1 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Maimonides und die Philosophie des Exodus”
[From:] André Hayen, Der heilige Thomas von Aquin gestern und heute (Frankfurt, 1954),
Appendix I: pp. 96-103
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Malarstwo i Obrazowanie”
Znak no. 61-2 (1959), pp. 931-934
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
[Review of:] Masnovo, Amato, Da Gugielmo d’Auvergne a San Tommaso d’Aquino, vol. 2
(Milan, 1934)
Bulletin Thomiste 4 (1934-6), 87-91
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 2 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Maxime, Erigène, Saint Bernard”
[From:] Aus der Geisteswelt des Mittelalters, ed. Albert Lang et al. (= Beitrage zur Geschichte
der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters, supplementband 3, left 1) (Munster:
Aschendorff, 1935), pp. 188-195
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Medieval universalism and its present value”
[From:] Independence, Convergence and Borrowing in Institutions, Thought and Art
(Cambridge: Harvard University Pr, 1937), pp. 194-215
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Medieval universalism and its present value
[From:] Literature, the channel of culture, ed. F.X. Connolly (New York, 1948), pp. 34-41
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 6 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Medieval Universalism and its present value in the concept of freedom”
[From:] Freedom, Its Meaning (New York, 1940), pp. 152-170
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 1 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Mediaevalism in Toronto”
Commonweal 9 (1929), pp. 738-740
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 1 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“La methode realiste”
Revue de philosophie ns 5 (1935), 97-108
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Mission présente de la philosophie de saint Augustin”
[From:] Dialogues philosophiques de saint Augustin, tr. R. Jolivert et al. (Bruges, 1952), pp. 9-13
(= Preface)
[Extract from “L’avenir de la métaphysique augustinienne,” Mélanges augustiniens (Paris,
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Nature et portée des preuves scotistes de l’existence de Dieu”
[From:] Mélanges Joseph Maréchal (Brussels and Paris, 1950), 2: 378-395
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 2 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Note sur les noms de la matière chez Gilbert de la Porrée”
Revue du moyen âge latin 2 (1946), 173-176
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 1 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Note sur un texte de saint Thomas”
Revue Thomiste 54 (1954), 148-152
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 2 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Notes sur l’être et le temps chez saint Augustin”
Recherches Augustiniennes 2 (1962) 205-223
[Also found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 3 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“On behalf of the Handmaid”
Theology of Renewal, ed. L.K. Shook (New York and Montreal, 1968), vol. 1: 236-249
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 5 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“On the Art of Misunderstanding Thomism”
[From:] The McAuley Lectures, 1966. In Search of Saint Thomas Aquinas (West Hartford, CT:
Saint Joseph College, 1966), pp. 33-44.
Gilson, Etienne
“Pas d’illusions rétrospectives”
Esprit 14 (1946), 192-196
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 3 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
La passion dans la pensée française du moyen-âge”
Revue des questions historiques 62 (1934), 146-158
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 2 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“La pensée religieuse de Descartes”
Revue de métaphysique 32 (1925), 519-537
[Found in: E. Gilson, Revue de Métaphysique, B2340.G51 1914 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Petrarque et sa Muse”
[The Philip Maurice Deneke Lecture, 1946]
Reprinted in: Revue de Paris 55 (1948), 3-17
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 2 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“La philosophie et les arts libéraux”
[From:] Arts liberaux et philosophie au moyen âge (Montreal and Paris, 1969), pp.269-271
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 6 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Pierre Lombard et les théologies de l’essence”
Revue du moyen âge latin 1 (1945), pp.61-4
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 1 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“La possibilité philosophique de la philosophie chrétienne”
Revue des sciences religieuses 32 (1958) 168-96.
[Also found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 2 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Pour la servante”
[From:] La Théologie du renouveau, ed. L.K. Shook and Guy Bertrand (Montreal and Paris,
1968), vol. 1: 61-71
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 5 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
[From:] Emile Boutroux, La philosophie de Kant (Paris, 1926), pp. 3-4
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
[From:] Jean Bruchesi, Canada, Realités d’hier et d’aujourd’hui (Montreal, 1948), pp. 7-13
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
[From:] M.-D. Chenu, Nature, Man and Society, in the Twelfth Century (Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1968), pp. ix-xiii
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 6 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
[From:] Marcel de Corte, La doctrine de l’intelligence chez Aristote (Paris, 1934), pp. xi-xii
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
[From:] Charles Du Bos, Choix de Textes (Paris: La Colombe, 1959), pp. 9-15
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
[From:] Les églises de Paris, la rive gauche (Paris, 1947), pp. 3-8
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
[From:] L-B. Geiger, Philosophie et spiritualité (Paris, 1963), pp. 9-12
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
[From:] Denis Huerre, Jean-Baptiste Muard (Saint-Léger-Vauban, 1950), pp. 5-10
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
[From:] Myrrha Lot-Borodine. De l’amour profane à l’amour sacré,(Paris: 1961), pp. vii-ix
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 5 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
[From:] Jacques Nantet, Soyons neutres (Lyon & Paris, 1950), pp. 7-10
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
[From:] M.-A. Ricaud, Frère-Prêcheur (Toulouse, 1950), pp. ix-xi
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 6 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
[From:] Georges Rodier, Etudes de philosophie grecque (Paris, 1926), pp. v-viii
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
Pierre Vallery-Radot, Le grand mystère, de la cellule à l’homme (Paris, 1947), pp. 7-10
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“La preuve du De ente et essentia”
Doctor Communis 2-3 (1950), 257-260
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 5 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Les principes et les causes”
Revue Thomiste 52 (1952), pp. 39-63
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 2 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Il problema dell’ateismo”
[From:] Atti del XVI Convegno del Centro di Studi Filosofici tra Professori Universitari,
Gallarate 1961 (Brescia: Morcelliana, 1962), pp. 39-42
Gilson, Etienne
“Projet d’un commentaire historique du Discours de la méthode”
Bulletin de la Société française de philosophie 24 (1924), 135-150
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 3 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Prolégomènes à la Prima via”
Archives d’Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge, 30 = année 1963 (1964), 53-70
Gilson, Etienne
“Prophetes de malheur”
La Revue des deux mondes (1970), pp. 10-22
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 6 = B2340.G6 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Realisme et Methode”
Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques 21 (1932), 161-186
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 1 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Le réalisme méthodique”
Philosophia Perennis, Abhandlungen zu ihrer Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, Festgabe Joseph
Geyser ... (Regensburg, 1930), vol. 1: 743-755
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Recherches sur la formation du système cartésien, de la critique des formes substantielles au
doute méthodique”
Revue d’histoire de la philosophie 3 (1929), pp. 113-164
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 3 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Réflexions sur l’éducation philosophique.” (1963)
Conférence (Meaux) 26 (2008), 613-631
Gilson, Etienne
“Réflexions sur le controverse saint Thomas-saint Augustin”
[From:] Mélanges Mandonnet, Études d’histoire littéraire et doctrinale du moyen âge (Paris,
1930), vol. 1: 371-383
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 2 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Réflexions sur la situation historique de Dante”
[From:] Atti del Convegno di Studi Dante et la Cultura Veneta, 30 marzo-5 aprile, 1966
(Florence: Olschki, 1966), pp. 3-11
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Regio Dissimilitudinis de Platon à Saint Bernard de Clairvaux”
Mediaeval Studies, 9 (1947), 108-130
Gilson, Etienne
“La religion et la foi”
Revue de Métaphysique 29 (1922), pp. 359-371
[Found in: E. Gilson, Revue de Métaphysique, B2340.G51 1914 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Remarques sur l’Expérience en métaphysique”
[From:] Expérience et métaphsique/Experience and Metaphysics, Proceedings of the Xith
International Congress of Philosophy, Bruxelles, 20-26 August 1953 (Amsterdam: North-Halland
Publishing Co., Louvain: Éditions E. Nauwelaerts, 1954), 4:5-10
Gilson, Etienne
“The right to be neutral”
Nation 172 (1951), 435
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Una sabiduria redentora”
[From:] Jacques Maritain, su obra filosofica (Buenos-Aires 1950), pp. 21-23
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 6 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“La sagesse et le temps”
Lumière et vie 1 (1951), pp. 77-92
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 2 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Une sagesse redemptrice”
Revue Thomiste 48 (1948), 3-5
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 2 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Saint Bonaventure (1221-1274)”
[From:] La vie et les oeuvres de quelques grands saints (Paris, 1926), vol. 1: 221-236
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 6 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Saint François de Sales et le devoir d’etat”
[From:] Saint François de Sales, témoignages et mélanges … (1968), p. 65
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 5 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Saint François et la pensée médiévale”
[From:] L’influence de saint François sur la civilization italienne (Paris, 1926), pp. 83-98
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 6 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Saint François et la pensée médiévale”
Reprinted in: Etudes italiennes 8 (1926), pp. 12-27
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“St. Michael’s establishes Institute of Mediaeval Studies”
University of Toronto Monthly 28 (Dec. 1927), pp. 119-121
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 5 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
Saint Thomas Aquinas
Annual Lecture on a Master Mind–Henriette Hertz Trust of the British Academy (London:
Oxford University Press, 1937). Also in: Proceedings of the British Academy 21 (1935) 28-45.
[Also found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 5 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“St. Thomas and Theological Peace”
[From:] Paths to Peace (Kansas City, MO: Rockhurst College, 1961), 12-25,
Gilson, Etienne
“Saint Thomas et la pensée franciscaine”
Estudis Franciscans 38 (1926), 187-198
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Le salut del la France au Canada”
France-Amerique Magazine (1952), pp. 192-196
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 2 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Science, philosophy and religious wisdom”
Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 26 (1952), pp. 5-13
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 1 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“La scolastique et l’esprit classique”
Revue trimestrielle canadienne 16 (1930), 164-176
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 3 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Le sens du terme «abetir» chez Blaise Pascal”
Revue d’Histoire et de philosophie religieuses 1 (1921), 338-344
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 3 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Souvenir de Bergson”
Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 64 (1959), pp. 129-140
[Found in: E. Gilson, Revue de Métaphysique, B2340.G51 1914 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“The Spirit of Thomism”
Reprinted in: Philosophy in the Twentieth Century, ed. William Barrett (New York, 1962), vol.
2: 629-651
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 5 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Der Standpunkt des Vatikans”
[From:] Dokumente. Internationale Beitrage zu kulturellen und sozialen Fragen 3 (1947), 410411
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 5 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
[Review of:] Fernand Van Steenberghen, Siger de Braban d’après ses oeuvres inédites (Louvain,
1942), vol. 2.
Bulletin Thomiste 6 (1940-42), 5-22
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 2 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Sur deux thèmes de réflexion”
Doctor Communis 10 (1957-9), p. 452
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 2 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Sur l’âge de la maturité philosophique selon saint Thomas d’Aquin”
[From:] L’Homme devant Dieu. Mélanges offerts au Père Henri de Lubac, Théologie 57 (Paris:
Aubier, 1964), 151-167
[Also found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 4 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Sur la problématique thomiste de la vision béatifique”
Archives d’Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge, 31 = année 1964 (1965), 67-88
Gilson, Etienne
“Sur le Iesu dulcis memoria”
Speculum 3 (1928), 322-334
[Found in: E. Gilson, Miscellaneous Articles, vol. 1 = B2340.G5 IMSG]
Gilson, Etienne
“Sur le positivisme absolu”
Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger 34 (1909), pp. 63-65
Gilson, Etienne
“Szkola na Rozdrozu”
Znak 54 (1958), pp. 1347-1361
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Mueller, Reinhold C.
[economic history]
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Mueller, Reinhold C.
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[economic history]
Mueller, Reinhold C.
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Mueller, Reinhold C.
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[women, nuns, mystics]
Müller: see also Mueller
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[women, nuns, mystics]
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Muller, J. P.
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Paris O.P.”
Angelicum 33 (1956), 361-414
Müller, Jörg
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Monumenta Iuris Canonici, Ser. C: Subsidia 9, pp. 63-76
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Müller, Jörg
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Muller, Norman E.
“Reflections in a Mirror: Ambrogio Lorenzetti’s Depiction of the Trinity”
The Art Bulletin 61 (1979), 101-102
Müller, Wolfgang
“L’Aquila zwischen Staufern und den Anjou: Ein neu aufgefundener Brief Papst Clemens’ IV.
von 1268”
Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters, 44 (1988) 186-194
Mulrooney, Sean
“Boethius on the Trinity”
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De Gulden Passer, Bulletin van de “Vereeniging der Antwerpsche Bibliophielen” 66-67 (198889), 491-504.
Mund-Dopchie, Monique; Sylvie Vanbaelen
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Les Études Classiques 57 (1989), 209-226
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Trento 22-23 ottobre 1990, ed. Mariarosa Cortesi e Enrico V. Maltese (Naples: M. D’Auria
Editore, 1992), 321-342.
Mund-Dopchie, Monique
“La Survie du ‘Périple d’Hannon’ au XVIe et au XVIIe siècle”
Humanistica Lovaniensia 38 (1989), 163-175
Mund-Dopchie, Monique
“L’« Ultima Thule» de Pythéas dans les textes de la renaissance et du XVIIe siècle. La réalité et
la rêve”
Humanistica Louvaniensia 41 (1992) 134-158
Mundy, John Hine
“Charity and Social Work in Toulouse, 1100-1250”
Traditio 22 (1966), 203-287
Mundy, John Hine
“The Church and Religious Life”
English typescript for 2830: “Kirche und religiöses Leben,” Propyläen Geschichte der Literatur:
Literatur und Gesellschaft der westlichen Welt. 2. Die mittelalterliche Welt, 600-1400, ed. Erika
Wischer (Berlin: Propyläen, 1981-84), pp. 39-62.
Mundy, John Hine
“Des hommes et des femmes: le procès de Dalbs, Abbé de Lézat”
Médiévales: Langue, textes, histoire 12 (1987), 89-99
Mundy, John Hine
“European Society in the Middle Ages”
[From:] Chapters in Western Civilization, 3rd ed., vol. 1
Mundy, John Hine
“The Financing of the Cistercian Order”
Journal of European Economic History 12 (1983), 203-9
Mundy, John Hine
[Review of:] Fink, Carole, Marc Bloch: A Life in History (Cambridge, 1989).
Annals of Scholarship 7 (1990), 407-409
Mundy, John Hine
“Henry [sic] Pirenne: A European Historian”
[Review of] Bryce Lyon, Henri Pierenne: A Biographical and Intellectual Study (Ghent, 1974)
Journal of European Economic History 6 (1977), 473-480
Mundy, John Hine
“John of Gmunden”
Isis 34 (1943), 196-205
Mundy, John Hine
“Kirche und religiöses Leben”
[From:] Propyläen Geschichte der Literatur: Literatur und Gesellschaft der westlichen Welt. 2.
Die mittelalterliche Welt, 600-1400, ed. Erika Wischer (Berlin: Propyläen, 1981-84), pp. 39-62.
English typescript: see no. 2840 [“The Church and Religious Life”]
Mundy, John Hine
“Le mariage et les femmes à Toulouse au temps des cathares”
Annales Économies Sociétés Civilisation (Janvier-Février 1987), 117-134
Mundy, John Hine
“Medieval Urban Liberty”
[From:] The Origins of Modern Freeedom in the West, ed. R. W. Davis (Stanford: Stanford
University Press, 1995), 101-134 [plus typed endnotes/references]
Mundy, John Hine
“Noblesse et hérésie. Une famille cathare: les Maurand”
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Mundy, John Hine
“The Origins of the College of Saint-Raymond at the University of Toulouse”
[From] Philosophy and Humanism. Renaissance Essays in Honor of Paul Oskar Kristeller, ed.
Edward P. Mahoney (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1976), 454-461
Mundy, John Hine
“The Parishes of Toulouse from 1150 to 1250”
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Journal of European Economic History, 28 (1999), 185-200
Mundy, John Hine
“Slavery, Marxism, and Liberty”
Journal of European Economic History 14 (1985), 585-599
Mundy, John Hine
“Un usurier malheureux”
Annales du midi 68 (1956), 217-225
Munier, Charles
“En mémoire du Professeur Cyrille Vogel (1919-1982)”
Revue des Sciences Religieuses, 57 (1983), 1-9
Munman, Robert
“The Evangelists from the Cathedral of Florance: A Renaissance Arrangement Recovered”
The Art Bulletin 62 (1980), 207-217
Munro, Dana Carleton
The Fourth Crusade
Translations and Reprints from the Original Sources of European History, vol. 3, no. 1
Philadelphia: Dept. of History, University of Pennsylvania, 1896.
Munro, Dana Carleton
Letters of the Crusaders (3rd ed.)
Translations and Reprints from the Original Sources of European History, vol. 1, no. 4
Philadelphia: Dept. of History, University of Pennsylvania, 1899.
Munro, Dana Carleton
The Mediaeval Student (revised ed.)
Translations and Reprints from the Original Sources of European History, vol. 2, no. 3
Philadelphia: Dept. of History, University of Pennsylvania, 1899.
Munro, Dana Carleton
Urban and the Crusaders (3rd ed.)
Translations and Reprints from the Original Sources of European History, vol. 1, no. 2
Philadelphia: Dept. of History, University of Pennsylvania, 1898.
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“The 1357 Wool-Price Schedule and the Decline of Yorkshire Wool Values”
Textile History, 10 (1979), 211-219
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“Die Anfänge der Übertragbarketi: einige Kreditinnovationen im englisch-flämischen Handel des
Spätmittelalters (1360-1540)”
[From:] Kredit im Spätmittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Europa, ed. Michael North
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Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“Anglo-Flemish Competition in the International Cloth Trade, 1340-1520”
Publication du centre européen d’études bourguigonnes 35 (1995), 37-60
[= Rencontres d’Oxford (22 au 25 septembre 1994): L’Angleterre et les pays bourguignons:
relations et comparaisons, (XVe-XVIe s.), ed. Jean-Marie Cauchies.]
[with additional, unpublished tables from the original typescript]
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“An Aspect of Medieval Public Finance: The Profits of Counterfeiting in the Fifteenth-Century
Low Countries”
[Part I of:] John H. Munro and Pierre Cockshaw, “Contrefaçons et imitations de monnaies au
XVe siècle”
Revue belge de Mumismatique, 118 (1972), 127-148
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“Before and After the Black Death. Money, Prices, and Wages in Fourteenth-Century England”
[From:] New Approaches to the History of Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe, ed. Troels
Dahlerup and Per Ingesman, Historisk-filosofiske Meddelelser 104 (Copenhagen: Royal Danish
Academy of Sciences and Letters, 2009), pp. 335-364
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“The Behaviour of Wages During Deflation in Late-Medieval England and the Low Countries”
Unpublished paper. Presented to the Ninth International Economic History Congress, 26 August
1986, in Bern, Switzerland.
Munro, John H.
“Bibliography of Western Textiles: Medieval and Early Modern”
Unpublished paper. Updated – 30 July 2013.
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“Billon - Billoen - Billio. From Bullion to Base Coinage (An Essay in Numismatic Philology”
Revue belge de philologie et d’histoire / Belgisch tijdschrift voor filologie en geschiedenis 52
(1974), 293-305
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“Bimetallic Ratios, Exchange Rates, and Labour Strife in the Late-Medieval Flemish Cloth
[Unpublished paper, ca. 1991]
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“Bruges and the Abortive Staple in English Cloth: An Incident in the Shift of Commerce from
Bruges to Antwerp in the Late Fifteenth-Century”
Revue belge, de Philologie et d’Histoire, 44 (1966), 1131-1159
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“Builders’ Wages in Southern England and the Southern Low Countries, 1346-1500: A
Comparative Study of Trends in and Levels of Real Incomes.”
[From:] L’Edilizia prima della rivoluzione industriale secc. xiii-xviii, ed. Simonetta Cavaciocchi,
Atti della “Trentaseiesima Settimana di Studi” 26-30 aprile 2004 (Florence: Le Monnier, 2005),
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“Bullion flows and monetary contraction in late-medieval England and the Low Countries”
[From:] Precious Metals in the Later Medieval and Early Modern Worlds, ed. J. F. Richards
(Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 1983), pp. 97-158
[economic history]
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“Bullionism and the Bill of Exchange in England, 1272-1663: A Study in Monetary Management
and Popular Prejudice.”
[From:] The Dawn of Modern Banking, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1979), pp. 169-239
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“The Central European Silver Mining Boom, Mint Outputs, and Prices in the Low Countries and
England, 1450-1550.”
[From:] Money, Coins and Commerce: Essays in the Monetary History of Asia and Europe (from
Antiquity to Modern Times), ed. Eddy H. G. Van Cauwenberghe (Leuven: Leuven University
Press, 1991), 119-183
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“Coinage Debasements in Burgundian Flanders, 1384-1482: Monetary or Fiscal Policies?”
[From:] Comparative Perspectives on History and Historians. Essays in Memory of Bryce Lyon
(1920-2007), ed. David Nicholas, et al. (Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications, 2012) pp.
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“The Coming of Spanish Wools to the Low Countries. An Industrial Transformation of the
[Draft One]
[Unpublished paper, ca. 1973]
Munro, John H.
“The Cost of Anglo-Burgundian Interdependence”
Revue belge, de Philologie et d’Histoire, 46 (1968), 1228-1238
[economic history]
Munro, John H.
“Crisis and Change in the Later Medieval English Economy”
[Unpublished paper, 1996]
[economic history]
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“Deflation and the Petty Coinage Problem in the Late-Medieval Economy: The Case of Flanders,
Explorations in Economic History 25 (1988), 387-423
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“An economic aspect of the collapse of the Anglo-Burgundian alliance, 1428-1442”
English Historical Review, 85 (1970), 225-244
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“Economic Depression and the Arts in the Fifteenth-Century Low Countries”
Renaissance and Reformation 19 (1983), 235-250
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“English ‘Backwardness’ and Financial Innovations in Commerce with the Low Countries, 14th
to 16th Centuries”
[From:] International Trade in the Low Countries (14th-16th Centuries). Merchants,
Organisation, Infrastructure, ed. Peter Stabel et al., Studies in Urban Social, Economic and
Political History of the Medieval and Early Modern Low Countries 10 (Leuven-Apeldoorn:
Garant, 2000), pp. 105-167
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“Industrial Change in the Draperies of the Late-Medieval Low Countries: Responses to Market
[Unpublsihed manuscript, ca. 1976]
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“The ‘Industrial Crisis’ of the English Textile Towns, c. 1290–c. 1330”
[From:] Thirteenth-Century England, ed. Michael Prestwich, Richard Britnell and Robin Frame
(Woodbridge, UK: Boydell Academic Press, 1999), 103-141.
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“Industrial Entrepreneurship in the Late-Medieval Low Countries: Urban Draperies, Fullers, and
the Art of Survival”
[From:] Entrepreneurship and the Transformation of the Economy (10th-20th Centuries). Essays
in Honour of Herman Van der Wee, ed. Paul Klep and Eddy Van Cauwenberghe (Leuven:
Leuven University Press, 1994), pp. 377-388.
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“Industrial transformations in the north-west European textile trades, c. 1290 - c. 1340: economic
progress or economic crisis?”
[From:] Before the Black Death. Studies in the ‘Crisis’ of the Early Fourteenth Century, ed.
Bruce M. S. Campbell (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1992), pp. 110-148
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“The International Law Merchant and the Evolution of Negotiable Credit in Late-Medieval
England and the Low Countries”
[From:] Banchi pubblici, banchi privati e monti di pietà nell’Europa preindustriale.
Amministrazione, tecniche operative e ruoli economici, ed. Dino Puncuh, Atti del Convegno,
Genova, 1-6 ottobre 1990; Atti della Società Ligure di Storia Patria, NS 31 (Genoa: Società
Ligure di Storia Patria, 1991), 47-80
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“The Late Medieval Decline of English Demesne Agriculture: Demographic, Monetary, and
Political-Fiscal Factors”
[From:] Town and Countryside in the Age of the Black Death, ed. Mark Bailey and Stephen
Rigby (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012), pp. 299-348.
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“A Maze of Medieval Monetary Metrology: Determining Mint Weights in Flanders, France and
England from the Economics of Counterfeiting, 1388-1469
Journal of European Economic History 29 (2000), 173-199
Munro, John H.
“Medieval Monetary Problems: Bimetallism and Bullionism”
[Workshop Summaries]
Journal of Economic History, 43 (1983), 294-298
[economic history]
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“The Medieval Scarlet and the Economics of Sartorial Splendour”
[From:] Cloth and Clothing in Medieval Europe. Essays in Memory of Professor E. M. CarusWilson, ed. N. B. Harte and K. G. Ponting, Pasold Studies in Textile History 2 (London:
Heinemann Educational Books, 1983), 13-70
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“Mint Outputs, Money, and Prices in Late-Medieval England and the Low Countries”
[From:] Münzprägung, Geldumlauf und Wechselkurse / Minting, Monetary Circulation and
Exchange Rates, ed. Eddy van Cauwenberghe and Franz Irsigler, Akten des 8th International
Economic History Congress, Section C 7, Budapest 1982 (Trier: Verlag Trierer Historische
Forschungen, 1984) 31-122.
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“Mint Policies, Ratios, and Outputs in the Low Countries and England, 1335-1420: Some
Reflections on New Data”
Numismatic Chronicle, 141 (1981), 71-116
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“Minting, Moneys-of-Account, and Monetary Change in Late-Medieval Brabant”
[Unpublished typescript, 1970s]
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“Monetary Contraction and Industrial Change in the Late-Medieval Low Countries, 1335-1500”
[From:] Coinage in the Low Countries (880-1500). Third Oxford Symposium on Coinage and
Monetary History, ed. N. J. Mayhew, B.A.R. International Series 54 (Oxford: B.A.R, 1979), pp.
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“Monetary Fluctuations, Bimetallic Ratios, and Guild Strife in the Late-Medieval Flemish Cloth
Industry (1390-1435)”
[Unpublished typescript, late 1980s]
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“Money and Coinage of the Age of Erasmus”
[From:] The Correspondence of Erasmus. 1: Letters 1 to 151, AD 1484-1500, ed. Roger Mynors
et al. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1974), pp. 311-347
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“Money Matters: A Critique of the Postan Thesis on Medieval Population, Prices and Wages.”
[Unpublished paper 2013: to appear in The Late-Medieval Economic and Social Crises:
Rethinking the Postan-Duby Paradigm, ed. John Drendel (Turnhout: Brepols)]
Munro, John H.
[economic history]
“Monnayage, monnaies de compte et mutations monétaires au Brabant à la fin du Moyen Age”
[From:] Études d’histoire monétaire, ed. John Day (Lille: Presses Universitaires de Lille, 1984),
Munro, John H.
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