January 17, 2016 - St. Peter and St. Paul Parish
January 17, 2016 - St. Peter and St. Paul Parish
THE COMMUNITY OF ST. PETER & ST. PAUL PARISH 9135 BANYAN STREET, ALTA LOMA, CA 91737—909-987-9312-FAX 909-980-9404 or www.facebook.com/spspaltaloma.com Faith Formation for Children (Grades 1-5) Baptism (909) 980-9423 School (Preschool - Grade 5) (909) 987-7908 www.stpeterstpaul.com MICHAEL DONALDSON—PASTORAL COORDINATOR REV. CYRIACUS OGU—PRIEST MINISTER DEACON DONNIE GEAGA REV. JOSÉ JARAMILLO, MG—PRIEST MINISTER DEACON JOHN BARNA MASS SCHEDULE MONDAY through FRIDAY— 7:30 am Mass SATURDAY 4:00 pm & 1st Saturday Mass 7:30am SUNDAY 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 am, 1:00 pm (Spanish); 5:00 pm (Life Teen) (Filipino Choir - Fourth Sunday of Each Month, 9:00 am) EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT - Chapel Every Friday there is 24-Hour Adoration - 8:00 am ending with Benediction at 7:45 am Saturday –Every Wednesday from 8am to 8pm CONFESSIONS: Saturday 8:15am & Thursday 7pm HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION: As Announced in the Bulletin PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We the people of St. Peter & St. Paul Parish, as members of the Roman Catholic Church, are a sacramental, worshipping community on a journey towards the fulfillment of Christ’s Kingdom. We strive to provide a spiritual haven for all people without distinction. We are equally committed to the challenge of the Gospel message. We accept its call to ongoing conversion, the use of our gifts for the benefit of the community, and loving service to one another. Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Event Schedule Sunday, January 17 7:00 am 3:00 pm Coffee and Donuts - (Hall) 9:00 am 10:00 am Children’s Liturgy - English - (Library) 9:30 am 10:15 am RCIA Dismissal - (Adoration Chapel) 11:00 am 12:00 pm Children’s Liturgy - English - (Library) 11:00 am 12:00 pm Sunday School - (Hall) 11:00 am 1:00 pm Filipino Choir Practice - (St. Serra Bldg) 1:00 pm 2:00 pm Children’s Liturgy - (Spanish) - (Library) Monday, January 18—Martin Luther King, Jr. Day -OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED 10:00 am 12:00 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry - (JPII, 2nd Fl) 3:00 pm 4:00 pm Children’s Choir - (Church) 6:00 pm 9:00 pm Boy Scouts - (Hall) Tuesday, January 19 5:30 pm 7:00 pm EDGE Sacramental Prep - (JPII, 2nd Fl) 7:00 pm 8:30 pm Life in the Spirit - (Adoration Chapel) 7:30 pm 9:30 pm RCIA Session - (Hall/Library) Wednesday, January 20 8:00 am 8:00 pm Eucharistic Adoration - (Adoration Chapel) 9:00 am 11:00 am Catholicism - AFF— J. Campbell - (JPII, 2nd Fl) 5:30 pm 7:00 pm RCIA for Children - (JPII, 2nd Fl) 6:30 pm 9:00 pm A.C.T.S. Women’s - (Hall) 6:45 pm 8:30 pm CFF—Children’s Faith Formation -1st Reconciliation - (Church) 7:00 pm 9:00 pm Catholicism - AFF— J. Campbell - (JPII, 2nd Fl) 7:00 pm 9:00 pm Living the Eucharist - (JPII, 2nd Fl) Thursday, January 21 9:00 am 10:30 am CFF—Children Faith Formation Parent Mtg. - (JPII, 1st Fl) 7:00 pm 9:00 pm Adult Confirmation - M. Andel - (JPII, 1st Fl) 7:00 pm 9:00 pm Confessions - (Church) 7:00 pm 9:00 pm Hearts on Fire - (JPII, 2nd Fl) 7:30 pm 9:00 pm Estudio Biblico - (JPII, 2nd Fl) Friday, January 22 8:00 am 7:45 am Eucharistic Adoration - 24 hour (Adoration Chapel) 8:45 am 11:00 am Holy Spirit Bible Study - (JPII, 2nd Fl) 7:00 pm 9:00 pm Youth with Vision & Action - (JPII, 2nd Fl) 7:00 pm 9:30 pm PMFP - (JPII, 2nd Fl) Saturday, January 23 7:45 am 8:00 am Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament - (Adoration Chapel) 8:00 am 10:00 am Confessions - (Church) 8:00 am 3:00 pm Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby - (Hall) 9:00 am 11:00 am Eucharistic Ministers Training - (Church) 9:00 am 12:00 pm VIRTUS Training - (JPII, 2nd Fl) - Please See pg. 3 2:00 pm 4:00 pm Filipino Choir Practice - (St. Serra Bldg.) Please Note: Our offices will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Our Charity in Action 2016 Calendar of Events Jan 9th & 10th B.U.G. collection total = 1,158 items Ash Wednesday Feb. 10th Canned Foods May 14th & 15th Undie Sunday Note: **All dates are subject to rescheduling. Please check bulletin for confirmation as the dates draw near. January 17, 2016 Mass Schedule & Intentions Saturday, January 16 4:00 PM †Celia Piceno †Dale Lange †Aleli Madrid Blank Sunday, January 17 7:30 AM †Lucio Umanzar †Gus & †Angie Rodriguez 9:00 AM †Barbara Paulus †Fred & †Juanita Rodriguez †Ella Herrera 11:00 AM †Pamela Thatcher-Lind †Gavino & †Anna D’Alessandro Minda Gamalinda 1:00 PM †Lilia Valenzuela Gerardo Gonzalez 5:00 PM People of the Parish Monday, January 18 7:30 AM †Frank Dioguardi †Juan Moncayo †Lisa Marie Johnson Tuesday, January 19 7:30 AM †Fabio Advincula †Florita Perez Wednesday, January 20 7:30 AM Thelma Giroux †Ed Combs Thursday, January 21 7:30 AM Nikki Leonardo †Esperanza Curiel Friday, January 22 7:30 AM Owen Egger - Happy Birthday 9:00 AM Aurora Torres School Mass Anthony Solano Saturday, January 23 4:00 PM People of the Parish Sunday, January 24 7:30 AM Jaimi Davis - Happy Birthday †Bertha Altenback 9:00 AM †Peter Smits †Carmelo Consiglio 11:00 AM †Ariel Gieseman †Frank Annunziato 1:00 PM †Ronald W. Uhlack †George Leonardo 5:00 PM †Luis Alfonso Cetina Michael Deguzman “Let us pray for the Repose of their Souls and give thanks for their love that has touched our hearts forever” †Dale Lange †Johnny Velasquez †Socorro Reyes †Helen Guinn †Steve Elsey †Albert Mujica †Don Cataldo Page Three Welcome to our God-Sent Ministry This is a Hopeful Loving Memory Ministry ♥ HLMM “ How Love Moves Many” “A fellowship ministry to support, share and reach out to family caregivers of loved ones with memory impaired dementia related hardships” Please come and...♥ be blessed ♥ be heard ♥ be loved Our next meeting is Sat., Feb. 20th - 9-11am (JPII, 2nd Fl) For more information, please contact: Deborah Waters 909-899-7125 Holy Spirit Bible Study All are welcome to join us! We are studying … The Acts of the Apostles Led by Fr. Ogu— Every Friday, 9-11am (JPII, 2nd Fl) Our next gathering will be Jan. 22nd ATTENTION NEW AND RETURNING VOLUNTEERS: Our parish is offering VIRTUS training on Saturday, January 23rd in English from 9:00 AM to Noon. You must register for training through the VIRTUS website. Please call Jenny Campbell at (909)987-9312 for information or questions about how to register, or to let her know that you will be attending so that enough training materials will be prepared. Any adult volunteering in the Diocese of San Bernardino needs to have completed safe environment training within the last five years. The current program for adult volunteers is called “Protecting God’s Children®” by VIRTUS. This training can be accessed on-line on the VIRTUS website. However, due to the content, taking a live session is strongly encouraged. Fortunately, you can take the training at a location and time that is convenient for you anywhere in the diocese. Registration for attendance at any live training i s r e q u ir e d . Please go to www.virtus.org to see the list of local training sessions and to register. Any volunteer whose last training was completed in 2010 or earlier must complete this new training in order to continue volunteering. For more information please contact: Josie at 909-987-7348 Our parish has decided to lead a group of young adults and adults to the next World Youth Day in 2016 in Krakow, Poland. It is our hope to take at least 30 and at most 40 pilgrims. We are at 20 so far. The cost is $4,899 per person. We plan on offering some fundraising opportunities, but the bulk of the trip fee will be on each pilgrim. For more information contact: Christian Gross at [email protected] Altar Server Training Have you ever considered becoming an Altar Server? St. Peter and St. Paul would love to have you on our team. We are called to Know God, to Love God and to Serve God. Altar serving is a great way to serve our Lord, and the community of St. Peter and St. Paul. You will learn all aspects of the Mass and how to best serve Father during the celebration of the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. We will be conducting Altar Server Training Feb 6th, Feb 20th and Mar 12th From 9am to 10am in the Church If you are interested in becoming an Altar Server please contact David or Terry DiGiuseppe at 909- 730-9067 Or email [email protected] All adults and confirmed teens are invited to join us as we go around the world with this epic video documentary, hosted by Bishop Robert Barron. Hear for yourself precisely what the Church believes and why. Feel the depths of conviction that touch the heart, illumine the mind and stir the soul. This is a thematic presentation that uses the art, architecture, literature, music and all the treasures of the Catholic tradition to illuminate the timeless teachings of the Church. Our study will go through LENT. There are 10 independent sessions in all, and you are invited to come to as many as you can. The materials fee for this series is $10 per participant/couple. You may also want to purchase the workbook through www.wordonfire.com, but this is not necessary for our study. Please call Jenny Campbell in the parish office (987-9312) if you have any questions, but most importantly, just show up! The same session is offered at 2 different times each Wednesday: Wednesday mornings 9:00 – 11:00 AM (upstairs JPII) Wednesday evenings 7:00 – 9:00 PM (upstairs JPII) Jan. 20th: “The Ineffable Mystery of God: That Which Nothing Greater Can Be Thought” “Proofs” for God, the Problem of Evil, the Trinity, and Life’s Meaning Jan. 27th: “Our Tainted Nature’s Solitary Boast: Mary, the Mother of God” Immaculate Conception, Assumption, Ark of the Covenant, Mother of God the New Covenant and the Church Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Is God calling you to become Catholic? It begins with an awareness...or stirring in one’s heart for something more. It could be a curiosity or a sense of long for fulfillment. Maybe it’s God calling you to explore the life of faith, love, and justice within the community of the Catholic Church. The RCIA process offers an opportunity for you to learn and ask questions about the Catholic faith. It is primarily for the un-baptized, but also includes a special tract for those baptized in another faith tradition. We also invite inquiring Catholics to also come and join us for refreshers on what they learned as children. We meet all year round. Please come and join us Tuesday evenings from 7:30PM to 9:30PM in the Parish Library. For more information on the process, please call Danny or Vicki Centurioni at 909-987-7971 Marriage Moments: Spiritual Gifts include: wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, accomplishments, prophecy, good judgment, communication skills, understanding... (1 Cor 12:4-11) Which of these gifts is your beloved especially good at? RCIA - What does the term “Stigmata” mean ? The term describes the wounds of Our Lord, the pierced hands, feet and side, and the impression of the crown of thorns which appear in the flesh of certain persons who suffer corresponding pain. There have been many Stigmatist in the history of the Church, the first Stigmata was suffered by St. Francis of Assisi in 1224. Some of the more popular Stigmatist include, St. Clare, St. Rita of Cassia, St. John of God, and St. Catherine of Siena. The Italian Priest Padre Pio is an example of a modern day Stigmatist. It seems that God selects certain souls to share the sufferings of Our Lord to help atone for the sins of all mankind. January 17, 2016 Tagalog Corner Isaiah 62:2-5 Makikita ng mga bansa ang pagpapawalang-sala sa iyo, at ng lahat ng hari ang iyong kaningningan. Ikaw ay tatawagin sa isang bagong pangalan,na ang panginoon mismo ang magkakaloob. Ikaw ay magiging magandang korona sa kamay ng Panginoon, isang maharlikang putong na hawak ng Diyos. Hindi ka na tatawaging 'Pinabayaan,' at ang lupain mo'y hindi na rin tatawaging 'Asawang Iniwanan.' Ang itatawag na sa iyo'y 'Kinalulugdan ng Diyos,' at ang lupain mo'y tatawaging 'Maligayang Asawa,'sapagkat ang Panginoon ay nalulugod sa iyo,at ikaw ay magiging parang asawa sa iyong lupain. Tulad ng isang binatang ikinakasal sa isang birhen,ikaw ay pakakasalan ng sa iyo ay lumikha, kung paanong nagagalak ang binata sa kanyang kasintahan, ganoon din ang kagalakan ng Diyos sa iyo. (Nations shall behold your vindication, and all the kings your glory; you shall be called by a new name pronounced by the mouth of the LORD. You shall be a glorious crown in the hand of the LORD, a royal diadem held by your God. No more shall people call you “Forsaken, “or your land “Desolate, “but you shall be called “My Delight, “and your land “Espoused.”For the LORD delights in youand makes your land his spouse. As a young man marries a virgin, your Builder shall marry you; and as a bridegroom rejoices in his bride so shall your God rejoice in you.) St. Vincent de Paul Corner— Helpline– 1-800-716-0646 Mike Parker—President Our next meeting is on Wed, Jan 27, 2016 @ 7:30 pm in the JP II building. Thank you for your continued support!! Prayer Group All are welcome We are members of one another, the body of Christ. We are faith filled people who gather together to pray in a sacred place-a healing place "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I in the midst of them" Matthew 18:20 Wishing all of you a Blessed New Year. We will return January 19th, 2016 Come join us Tuesday evenings 7-8:30 pm (Chapel) Blessings In Faith For info: Please call the Parish Office for more information. Group leaders: Susan Sabahi Maureen Malady Page Five Heaven On Earth….. Come spend some time in the quiet presence of our Lord. Bask in the warmth of His love. Learning to pray in an orderly, varied and gradual manner, from the first steps to the depths of contemplation. Discovering the key for understanding the presence of God in our personal journey and in the world. You are invited come to the Prayer and Life Workshops, a Bible-based method for deepening one’s prayer life. Starting: When: Duration: January 27, thru May 11, 2016. Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm to 9pm 14 Workshop Sessions & Desert Retreat Day Where: St. John Bosco – 2nd floor JP Building When Jesus changes the bread and wine into his Body and Blood, he looks ahead to his death, accepts it in his heart, and turns it into an action of love. On the outside, the death of Jesus is only cruel violence; but from within, it becomes an act of total self-giving love. ---Benedict XVI Homily, World Youth Day Germany, August 21, 2005 For more information, please call Letty Andrade at 909-941-7746 Registration is limited to 25 persons. Please call to confirm your attendance If you would like to sign up for 1 hour, please contact Karen Hein at (909) 987-9312 ext. 230 Times: Wed. 8am-8pm - Fri. 8am-12am - Sat. 12am-7:45am There will be a Lenten Memorial Mass for Victim/Survivors of Violent Loss Knights of Columbus Are you interested in serving your Church, shoulder-to -shoulder with other Catholic men in the Parish? If so, then the Knights of Columbus may be the way to get involved. Your Council 13403 serves in many ways, including: This is a memorial service for victims and family-survivors of homicide. Feb. 29 @ 7pm-8:30pm th St. Mel Parish – 4140 Corona Ave., Norco, CA 92860 WHO IS JESUS? GOSPEL REFLECTIONS ON THE MEANING OF JESUS FOR US TODAY SCRIPTURE STUDY FOR WINTER/SPRING, 2016 We call Jesus the Christ, “the Anointed One,” but who really was he and why has he had such an impact on the world? His vision for the world as it should be and his knowledge of and relationship to God, his “Father,” are as compelling today as they were some 2000 years ago. Our scripture study gives an overview of what is known about Jesus from the Scriptures, the historical record of his time, in order to gain a more complete picture of Jesus and his message. Each week we focus on a specific image/title for Jesus through a key Gospel passage that will offer us another piece of the puzzle of who Jesus is and the meaning he has in our own lives and also in our world today, so that we can more strongly affirm that Jesus is “the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” Our Scripture Study continues on Monday evenings, from 7:00 – 8:30 pm in the St. Augustine room of our JPII Center and for those who prefer a study during the day, Thursday mornings, from 9:00 – 10:30 am in our parish Library. There is a minimal fee for our textbook. Please bring your Bible. For further information, please contact Mary Ann Andel at 909-987-9312 x 250. Culture of Life Activities Seminarian Support Pancake Breakfast Support Individuals w/ Intellectual Disabilities Lenten Fish Fry Food Drives If you would like to join us in serving your fellow parishioners, our priests and the Parish in general, contact Nick Ewell, GK at [email protected] or (909) 235-6425. Are you looking for an upbeat, youthful and exciting Catholic TV channel and online resource for the New Evangelization? Well the CatholicTV Network, America’s Catholic Television Network, is now available to cable & satellite providers. Simply visit GetCatholicTV.com as an easy way to petition your cable or satellite provider. Remember the address: GetCatholicTV.com THE EXISTENCE OF GOD No one who understands the reality that God is can think that God does not exist. —St. Anselm of Canterbury Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 17 de enero de 2016 MOMENTOS SORPRESAS La vida está llena de sorpresas, algunas agradables, otras no. La Sagrada Escritura está llena de relatos sobre las sorpresas de Dios que surgen donde menos se esperan: los hijos más jóvenes reciben la herencia, a los más humildes se les dan los sitios de honor; un predicador itinerante, condenado a morir como un criminal, es exaltado hacia la gloria celestial eterna. Cualquiera que haya planificado una boda o celebración similar sabe que está llena de oportunidades para que surjan sorpresas. Para el novio (el cual, en el relato bíblico, no tiene contacto directo con Jesús) la agradable sorpresa vino porque otra persona había prestado atención y tenía fe en Jesús. A lo mejor pensamos que la lección de la conocida historia de las bodas de Caná es que cuando tenemos fe en Jesús, nuestra vida cambiará positivamente. Sin embargo, un cristiano necesita tener una perspectiva más amplia, y darse cuenta que tener fe en Cristo implica que la vida de alguien –sea la tuya, sea la de otra persona– va a mejorarse sorpresivamente LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Como el esposo goza con su esposa, así Dios se regocija con su elegida (Isaías 62:1-5). Salmo — Cantemos la grandeza del Señor (Salmo 96 [95]). Segunda lectura — Todos los diferentes dones y talentos que se encuentran en la comunidad cristiana son obra del mismo Espíritu (1 Corintios 12:4-11). Evangelio — Compartiendo el gozo de una boda en Caná, Jesús rellena la provisión de vino (Juan 2:1-11). MATRIMONIALES Los dones espirituales incluyen: la sabiduría, el conocimiento, la fe, la curación, los logros, la profecía, el buen juicio, la comunicación, la comprensión... (1 Cor 12:4-11) ¿Cuál de estos dones es el que más distingue a tu cónyuge? LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Perdió al UnaVida LA el año pasado? No quiere perdérselo este año. El 23 de enero 2016, únete a Arzobispo Gomez y decenas de miles de personas en el centro de Los Ángeles para el segundo UnaVida LA anual, un evento celebrando la belleza y la dignidad de cada ser humano desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural. Comenzando al mediodía en La Placita/Olvera St., caminaremos al Grand Park para un día familiar con oradores motivadores, música en vivo, entretenimiento, camiones de comida, y puestos de las organizaciones comunitarias que sirven a las personas en necesidad. La Misa de “Réquiem para los No Nacidos” en la catedral seguirá a las 5. http:// Onelifela.org Deborah Cummins: (909) 240-6419 [email protected] 1 Sm 15:16-23; Sal 50 (49):8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mc 2:18-22 1 Sm 16:1-13; Sal 89 (88):20-22, 27-28; Mc 2:23-28 1 Sm 17:32-33, 37, 40-51; Sal 144 (143):1b, 2, 9-10; Mc 3:1-6 1 Sm 18:6-9; 19:1-7; Sal 56 (55):2-3, 9-13; Mc 3:7-12 1 Sm 24:3-21; Sal 57 (56):2-4, 6, 11; Mc 3:13-19, o cualquiera de lecturas para el Día de Oración 2 Sm 1:1-4, 11-12, 19, 23-27; Sal 80 (79):2-3, 5-7; Mc 3:20-21 Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10; Sal 19 (18):8-10, 15; 1 Cor 12:12-30 [12-14, 27]; Lc 1:1-4; 4:14-21 Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Día de Martin Luther King, Jr.; Semana de Oración por la Unidad Cristiana La Teofanía en el calendario juliano (la epifanía) San Fabián; san Sebastián Santa Inés Día de Oración por la Protección Legal de la Criatura en el Vientre Materno San Vicente; santa Marianne Cope; Santa María Virgen Juventud con Visión y Acción (JVA) is a young adult ministry dedicated to youth ages 12-18. JVA is committed to helping the youth build and strengthen their relationship with God. Through JVA, we hope to help the youth grow in their faith and be able to share it with others. Our meetings are every other Friday at 7:00pm in JPII building, located in 9135 Banyan St, Alta Loma, CA 91737. For more information please contact Karina Silva at (909) 827-8485 or [email protected] Juventud con visión y Acción (JVA) es un ministerio para jóvenes de 12-18 años. JVA se dedica a ayudar a los jóvenes a desarrollar una relación personal con Dios. Nuestro anhelo es acercar a los jóvenes más a Cristo y proporcionarles un lugar para compartir su fe. Nuestras reuniones son cada otro viernes a las 7:00 en el edificio JPII, localizado en 9135 Banyan St, Alta Loma, CA 91737. Para más información por favor de llamar: (909) 827-8485 o por correo electrónico: [email protected] Page Seven St. Peter & St. Paul Valentine’s Celebration 2016 SAT., FEB.13th @ 7pm-11pm Couples, Singles, Family & Friends *Child Care Available thru the Parish Family Ministry! Food, Dancing, Fellowship and More! Music by Live DJ! - Cost: $10 per person (Please pay in advance to secure on-site child care) Tickets? Please contact: Sharon Johnson (909) 481-6632 Lorene Santoyo (951) 217-1765 Hosted by ACTS Retreats. Meetings will be every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month from 4-6 pm in the JPII, 2nd Fl St. Bernardine Room. There are no fees to attend the meetings. Cancer affects a person physically, emotionally, psychologically, mentally, spiritually, and socially. Many times it is difficult to share one’s feelings with family members or friends. This group provides an opportunity to share your feelings and experiences with others in a caring and safe environment. By your sharing and supporting one another it will help give you the courage to cope with your journey regardless of what type of cancer you have. For more information or to RSVP for the first meeting please call Judy Nelson, 909-880-4389 Contact/Facilitator “I refuse to walk in the shadow of cancer and look forward to my future with hope, endurance, love, and laughter.” Judy Nelson, 02/08/08 Ministry to the Homebound, Sick & Elderly Spiritual Motherhood Rosary for Priest Ministry This Apostolate was started by the Vatican to help sanctify priests. We must always remember, as long as we have Priests we have the Holy Eucharist. Saint Pope John Paul II, states in his Letter to priests on Holy Thursday: “…The Priesthood and the Eucharist were born together and their destiny indissolubly linked until the end of the world…” We are also called as women to care for the spiritual needs of our children. Thus through Mary, we became Spiritual Mothers like Mary, who became the Mother of the Church at the foot of the cross on Calvary. We are asking for all women of the parish to please consider making this beautiful time of prayer part of your schedule. We gather each Thursday in the Adoration Chapel, from 7pm -8pm. We look forward to seeing you and praying the rosary together! Kindly keep in mind there will not be a Priest, Eucharist or sacrament, available there. For more information please call: Sylvia Flambures (909) 989-1138 Our Liturgy and celebration of the Eucharist continues after Mass, as our Ministers of Holy Communion bring the Eucharist to those who are unable to attend Mass with the Community. Trained and commissioned lay persons serve Holy Communion to those confined to their homes, facilities or hospitals. Our Ministers have a compassionate ear to listen, provide spiritual support and prayer. If you are unable to attend Mass and are in need of a Homebound Minister, or if you are aware of a parishioner who would like to receive Holy Communion, contact Debby Leonardo to arrange for weekly visits from our Homebound Ministry. To serve as a Sick & Homebound Minister, please contact Debby Leonardo, Pastoral Care, at 909987-9312 x 302, for more information. Catholic Faith-Based Grief Support Group You don’t have to walk this journey alone, there is healing hope in Grief Support. Join us as we search for God’s Healing Love and Comfort, do not grieve alone. Sharing with others, who have experienced loss and loneliness, will help to heal your heart. Please call for our next session. Contact: Andrea Woore, Grief Facilitator at 909-261-3487 Debby Leonardo, Pastoral Care at 909-987-9312 Ext 302 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Youth Ministry Life Teen (High School) EDGE (Junior High) Confirmation (High School) Office Hours— Mon. –Thurs 1-6pm Fri. 9am-12:30pm Christian Gross—Coord. Of Confirmation & Youth Ministry Phone Ext. 225 Email: [email protected] Maegan Odicino—Coord. Of Middle School (EDGE) Ministry Phone Ext. 301 Email: [email protected] Luis Chavez—YM Secretary Phone Ext. 300 Email: [email protected] “For any Youth Ministry questions or concerns, please call 909-987-9312 Ext. 300 or email [email protected] January 17, 2016 Sunday School 11:00 Mass 10:50am to end of mass Ages 3-6 Come join our team! We need teachers and aides! Please contact the Children’s Faith Formation Depart. at 909-980-9423 for more information. Children’s faith formation is not just about sacramental preparation – it is on-going discipleship formation that should be lifelong! January 2016 Schedule Week of 1/4 – 1/6 – Regular Class Schedule Thursday, January 7, 2016 – Sacramental Prep Parent Meeting Time: 9:00 – 10:00 A.M. (Morning Option) Location: JPII, 2nd Floor. St. Bernadine Room Time: 6:00 – 7:00 P.M. (Evening Option) Location: JPII, 2nd Floor. St. Bernadine Room Week of 1/11 – 1/13 – Regular Class Schedule Week of 1/18 – 1/20 – No Classes This Week Wednesday, January 20, 2016 – First Reconciliation Service Time: 6:45 P.M. Location: Church Week of 1/25 – 1/27 – Regular Class Schedule Please call the Children’s Faith Formation Office if you need additional information. 909-980-9423 Attention - ALL PARENTS OF THE CHILDRENS FAITH FORMATION MINISTRY In addition to the monthly meetings offered to the parents of sacramental preparation students, starting in January of 2016 we will be offering classes to all parents. These classes will provide you with an opportunity to increase your knowledge of the Catholic faith. We will discuss Church teachings on Mary, Our Blessed Mother, The Eucharist, The Bible, The Mass, Confession and a variety of other topics. Most classes will be presented in a three part series over three consecutive weeks. Classes will be held on Thursday mornings from 9:00-10:30 A.M. in the JPII building. We will begin with a 3 part series on “THE MASS” Why do we celebrate the Mass ? Why do we sit, stand, and kneel during Mass ? What are the different parts and what do they mean ? Is the Mass in the Bible ? Thursdays, January 14th, 21st, 28th 9:00-10:30 AM- JPII Building/2nd Floor Please bring your bible and a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church contact Tony Mandala if you have any questions. (909) 980-9423 x231 or [email protected] St. Peter & St. Paul Catholic School Page Nine St. Peter & St. Paul Catholic School Preschool - Fifth Grade Administration Kelly Burt - Principal Laura Onopa - Business Manager Annie Valtier - Administrative Assistant Telephone: (909) 987-7908 Fax: (909) 987-6779 Email: [email protected] Website: www.stpeterstpaulschool.com St. Peter & St. Paul Catholic School Employment Opportunity – Immediate Opening January 2016 Preschool Teacher Assistant/ Extended Care – minimal qualifications include 12 ECE units and applicable experience; Monday – Friday. Contact School Office @ 909.987.7908 Please Save The Date 2016-2017 School Registration Preschool: 2, 3, or 5 full or half-day programs, minimum age is 2 years, 10 months; class size is limited to 12 students Kindergarten through Sixth Grade: 8:00 a.m. – 2:45p.m. Before and after school care available Current registration fees and tuition rates are available on the school website, www.stpeterstpaulschool.com Elementary school: Fully credentialed Catholic teachers WCEA/WASC Accredited Bi-weekly School Mass Diocesan and California Common Core State Standards Average class size is 16 Curriculum based field trips throughout the year Co-curricular subjects include Computers, Fine Arts Program (music and art), Sparks© Physical Education, and Spanish. School library & Rancho Cucamonga Library Bookmobile Accelerated Reader program School uniforms Catered hot lunch program 100 Mile Club Jump Rope for Heart Community Service Outreach Programs throughout the school year Priority registration for returning families is February 1-12 New family registration begins February 15 On January 25-29, our school is proudly participating in St. Peter & St. Paul Catholic School Annual Saints Gala Saturday, April 23, 2016 Dinner, Dancing, Auctions, & More Double Tree Hotel, Ontario Please Call the School Office for more information! Second Sunday in Ordinary Time You Are Valued ~ God’s Love is Great Life can be challenging Those in crisis… please seek Counseling….reach out to others. To counsel with our Priests, please call 909-987-9312 for an appointment. After hours, there is an emergency prompt for a call back from a priest. National Suicide Hotlines – Toll-Free / 24 hours / 7 days a week / USA 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) National Hope line Network 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-877-YOUTHLINE (1-877-968-8454) Youth America Hotline – Teens Community Crisis Response Team – CCRT San Bernardino West Valley Phone 909-458-9628 or Pager 909-535-1316 1-888-628-9454 (En Espanol) Sacrament of the Sick The Sacrament of the Sick is a Sacrament offered by the Church for healing in sickness. This sickness may be physical, mental or emotional. Anyone of any age can receive the Sacrament as often as needed, but not usually not less than a 3 month period. Unfortunately, many still refer to this Sacrament as the “Last Rites” and often call the parish for a priest when an individual is critical and close to end of life. The Church has not used the term “Last Rites” since the Vatican II Council; asking the faithful to call for a priest when in the need of Healing. One of the realities of the Church today is a priest shortage. If a call is made to the Church for the Sacrament, when someone is close to the end of life, there might not be enough time for a priest to reach the person prior to them passing away, or a priest might not be available, at that important moment. Only a priest can offer the Sacrament of the Sick. A Deacon is not permitted to administer the rite of this Sacrament because it includes the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The Church will do everything possible, in case of an emergency. However, it may be difficult if it is “last minute”. May this be a reminder to take advantage of the healing Sacraments of the Church~ For Sacrament of the Sick … Please contact the Parish Office at 909-987-9312 During hours the office is closed, call 909-532-3312 for Emergencies Military Photo Update If you have a family member actively serving our country and would like their picture included in the Military Frame of our Soldiers honoring our Men and Women for their service; please bring a photo of your Soldier to the Parish Office and fill out the Military Personnel Information Form. The Military information consists of their rank, stationed location, branch of service, address of soldier, along with Parish family contact. These photos provide the community with recognition of those parishioners and family members serving in the military. Many of our parishioners will keep the names and faces in their hearts and prayers, along with all of our Military Men and Women serving our country. Please contact Debby Leonardo for more information at 909-987-9312 Military Prayer List PFC Patrick Daniel Alenbaugh Justin Andrews, National Guard Capt. Andrew Bowne SPC Andrew Cavazos Maj Jon W. Clanton LTC Jeffrey Conbalecer PFC Candace Cordero SGT Joshua Cornell CPL Justin Crabbe PvVT Jeddah J. Deloria SA Adrian Dominguez SSG Gilbert D. Frasquillo CWO Anthony Gannuscio SSgt Cassie Crough-Guerra Cpl. Mark Steven Guerra Col. Frank Guerrera CPL Alex Jamsa SPC Christen Jamsa SSgt Juan Manuel Juarez, Jr. PFC Shyanna Irwin Cpl Robb McCandlish PFC Kevin McCarthy A1C James A. Montminy PO2 Luke Myers SSG Kamrin Pavlos PFC Paul Perez Sgt. Kurt Rehnberg SSgt Victor Sanez LCpl Zachary Smith A1C Jordan Stone A1C Matthew Toms PFC Riley Villalpando Capt Alex J. Williams SR Nicole Woodall Andrew Jimenez, National Guard SPC Kevin Bovi-Jones January 17, 2016 Prayer For Our Sick “Please Pray for the Healing of our Family & Friends” Please call Debby Leonardo at Ext. 302 in the parish office, to add a person to the prayer list. Due to the many prayer requests, the name will remain on the list for 4 weeks. If additional prayers are needed, call to re-submit the name. Thank You & May God Bless You Frances Nicole Magsambol & Family David & Lydia Queen Frances Barron Angelina Rodriguez Lucina Soltero Christopher Csik & Family Spagnolo Family Mary Lee Blow John & Gloria Garcia Kathy Perez Elba Ramirez Patricia Holder Olivia Madrid Paula Smith Josie Emery Irwan Rosadi Kori Marie Kolstad Kate McRae & Family Baby Isabella Cruz Mendez Mary Lou Harshman Mark Schabowski Aurelia Guzman Diane Frend Cathy Fontana Isaiah Valtier & Family David & Anna Gardner Gary Lacy Juliet Castanar Susan Thompson Dora Thompson Evie Onteberos John- John Leon Ariel Mirote Sarah Tompkins Sarah Hernandez Lupe V. Caballero Sandi Hartman Elbert & Louise Wilkerson Thomas Palombo Josephine Holquin Baby Maisie Helton Beatrice Villegas Bertha King Marco Villegas Jr. Carol Uhlack Marci Gifford Maria Hernandez Jackie Hallman George Amara Vicki Coyle Joe Catlin Jeanie Woolf Jonathan Tercero Gerri Baldasano Mary Lou Allen Connie Martinez Ann Marie Razo Fernando Flores & Family Fred Salazar Shelley Mills Ron Gasca Priscilla Hall Christine O’Leary Annette Kosareff Noli Dominguez Jay Guerrero Ray & Ann Williams William Heckler Connie Chico Emma Marie Nelson Nathan Lynch Jason Romero Kathy Encines Joe Stillwell Dan Stillwell Ramirez Family Morales Family Barbara Acosta Bonnie Sequdio Gabriel Wilkerson Andrew Valencia Rosanne Commons Kathy Ruiz Nina Swanberg Samantha Campbell Raina Hernandez Sally Berg Brett Stephens Vicki Ambrosini Lindy Chamness Terry Espinosa Lilly Raya Mary Luman Matthew Decoteau Consuelo Peña Virginia Murphy Leonardo Mirote Milagros Hipol Rosanne Hildum Pat Sauer Frances Cozza Violet Timko Charla Nelson Jeanette Hanson Paul & Norma Castellanos Fernando & Kim Castellanos Ligia Halasi Debby Leo Diane Schefferer Hortencia Perez Gene Tessier Jack Catlin Dolores Trujillo Phyllis Fernandez Vincent Rodriguez Angel Marbulli Paige McDowell Jon-Paul Hector Jacob Gonzales Sage McDowell Doug Bos Cassandra Foley Barbara Benson Gloria De Mauro Velasquez Family Patti McGlasson Page Eleven Attention! DIVORCED, WIDOWED, & SEPARATED WOMEN & MEN “Yesterday is experience, tomorrow is hope...today is getting from one to the other” Any adult who is currently experiencing (or within the last 3-4 years), a separation, divorce or widowhood is invited to join this group, there is no age limit. This was a much needed and active support group here at St. Peter & St. Paul from 1982-2002. Unfortunately, our spouses die and so does love, so the need for this ministry is still viable today. There will be discussions on various topics that affect the group’s needs and you will have the chance to share, if you like, with others that are having to cope with many of the same situations and emotions as you are. It takes time but you will begin to realize that there is life after death of a marriage or death of a spouse. By the bond of our Catholicism, and your ministering to each other through your sharing, trust, and respect for each other through Christ, group members will accept their situation, learn from it, heal, and forgive. You will move forward with peace and happiness in your hearts to the new plan God has for you. Please call if you would like more information. Contact & Facilitator: Judy Nelson 909-880-4389 The Meetings will be held every 2nd & 4th Tues. of the month @ 7-9 pm (JPII, 2nd Fl) ♥ Heart of Mary Women’s Fellowship Feb. 6th —9-11am (Hall) Our Parish Financial Corner Sunday Collection 1-03-16: $ Misc. Income for 1-03-16: $ Total weekly income: $ Solemnity of Mary: $ Total weekly income with Holy Day $ Total weekly expenses: $ (From estimated current budget) Balance: John Paul II Bldg. Fund: Total weekly donations1-03-16: Balance on Parish Debt: (As of 12-27-15) $ 23,263.25 4,691.22 27,954.47 4,356.13 32,310.60 31,426.00 884.60 $ 1,069.00 $1,190,514.92 Year End Appeal to date: $ 2015 Diocesan Development Fund 31,535.00 Current Parish Pledges Total: Diocese Goal: Pledges Made: Gifts Received: Donors: 442 $ 138,300.00 $ 151,868.00 $ 150,483.83 Percent of Goal: 108.81% We presently have $12,183.83 being returned to the parish. These are non assessable funds. Thank you to everyone who have helped us reach our goal! We now have on-line giving available. You can access it through our website, stpeterstpaul.com, our Facebook, www.facebook.com/spsaltaloma.com or [email protected]/1801. At Heart of Mary we gather for a morning of faith sharing and friendship! Please call Michelle at 909-297-0714 if you have any questions. Healing Broken Hearts-One Weekend at a Time. Pope Francis has designated this year as the Holy Year of Mercy and to, “Be merciful as your Father is merciful,” as Jesus told his disciples in Luke 6:36. This year 2016 is an opportunity for spiritual conversion, recognizing how much God loves and cares for us. It is also a time to be merciful towards ourselves, reorienting our hearts to God so that we can be our best selves as we move forward in life. If you have emotional or spiritual wounds as a result of a past abortion, please consider attending our upcoming Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreat February 5-7, 2016. These retreats are therapy of the soul, with Christ as our loving physician. It is an opportunity for women and men to experience the graces of this merciful, holy year and renew and rebuild hearts broken by abortion and life’s circumstances. Participation is strictly confidential. For more information, please contact Mary Huber at 909-475-5353 or [email protected] or visit the website Rachelsvineyard.org. If you use online bill pay through your bank, you can also donate to the church by setting us up as a regular payment using your envelope # as your account. If you do not have envelopes and would like to receive them, please contact the parish office @ (909)987-9312. Thank you to our parish family members who faithfully support our parish. May God bless you and your families during this new year. Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 17, 2016 Christmas Flowers - In Honor and in Memory osephine Inocencio †Julian Inocencio †Jinky Inocencio-Roberto M/M Blanca Inouye †Maria Gil †Robert Gil †Carmen Romero †Alfonso Gil †Helen Pekny M/M Erik Leal †Inocensio Leal †Lecio Leal M. Efren Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Navarro †Frank J. Perez †Lorraine Navarro Mr. & Mrs. Brian Joseph Liberty †Robert & Barbara Liberty †Arthur & †Josephine Lamb †Robert Brunn M/M Ruben Navarro †Hector C. Sanchez †Eva M. Sanchez †Lorraine E. Navarro †Carmelita Garcia M/M Jim Losquadro M/M Douglas Nielsen M/M Rafael Lugo Kate Cerda Nunez †Maria Agustin †Art Nunez †Gabriel, Josefina, Ralph Cerda †Grace & Don Cerda †Pete & Josie Ortiz †Lupe N. Guillen Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Johnson M/M John Johnson †Catherine Reynolds M/M Ralph Manzanares †Yvonne L. Manzanares Mrs. Nan Judge Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Jurado †Maria Flores †Salvador Flores †Carol Flores Virginia Marshall Ray & Myrth Scott Mary Massaro Mr. & Mrs. Douglas McCormack Barbara Katzka Mr. & Mrs. Javier Mercado Helene Kowal †Genia Bogdan †Stefan Bogdan M/M Robert La Belle †Lucille Owens Riley †William Eugene Goodrich †Claudette La Belle †Paul Robert La Belle Victoria Miramontez †Gonzalo Miramontez †Juana Rivera †Candido Rivera Mr. & Mrs. Pat Monaco †Monaco Family Members †Barnhold Family Members M/M Alfredo Ladores †Vicente & Lorenza Huertazuela †Andres Ladores Sr. & Consuelo Ladores †Elena Sena †Emmalou Malinay †Hernani Perez Elizabeth Monica †Levi Monica †Bette Monica Eddie & Jessica Lange Roszlynn Moreno M/M Rudy Lanz †Werner Lanz †Amanda de Leon †Francisco de Leon †Herlinda Lanz-Higueros †Adrian Higueros John Daniel Moretti M/M Ernest Ochoa Annette Kosareff Randy Ochoa Boyle Family †Albino & Mary Castro †Lupe & Lucy Ochoa M/M John Onopa †Michelle J. Onopa †Pablo V. Torres †Celia Onopa Mr. & Mrs. Gary Ornelas †Bardo Sanchez †Vera Ornelas †Larry Ornelas Gabriel & Maria Parisi Solange Moore M/M Robert Peyton M/M Anthony Morbete †Helen & George Pekny M/M Lawrence Musto †M/M Lawrence Musto †M/M Louis Grisolia Joe Piceno †Celia Piceno †Juanita Piceno †Florentino Piceno Kenneth & Catherine Primavera Our Military Past & Present Christmas Flowers - In Honor and in Memory Gerald & Rita Raffee †Joe & Ann Struda †Joe & Lena Raffee †Joe Raffee III †Aunt & Uncles †Nephews & Nieces Michelle Rhiner †Joe & Helen Boyle Mr. & Mrs. William Rivera †Manuel & Celia Rubio †Amanda & Joe Rivera †Ben & Cora Vasquez †Tommy Butchart †Chris Rivera Mr. & Mrs. Robert Robertson †James P. Robertson Frances Scott Roseanne Hilgram †Michael L. Scott †Marcial & Porfinia Ramos †Scott Family †Ramos Family Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Seabrook †Brian Tasker †Brennan Family †Patricia & Raymond Ray †Everett & Jan Seabrook †All Souls in Purgatory Ellen Seitz The Achtelik Family M/M Enrique Serrano Mr. & Mrs. Matias Silva Matias Silva, Jr. Claire Silva †Carlos G. Silva Mr. & Mrs. Robert Slaman †Antoinette & Howard Nichols †Elizabeth & Samuel Slaman †Ronald Woodke †Starr Woodke Mrs. Katie Smith †Gar R. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Richard Soto, Sr. †Rebecca Velasquez †Alfred Velasquez Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Varney †Mr. & Mrs. Al Stiles M/M Pablo Vazquez M/M Ken Sperry †Mary Freedman †Wolf Freedman †Olga Sperry †Victor Sperry Evelyne Ssenkoloto †Judith M. Wako M/M John Veca Patricia Vilardo †Vincent Nicosia †Ramon Santiago †Steve Estrada †Mildred Nicosia Elvira Nicosia M/M Donald Terry Norah Wako Mr. & Mrs. Alan Tibbets Philo & Jeanne Biane Marcella Tomooka †Tom Tomooka †Marcella Holmes †Nami & Tokujiro Tomooka Fay Torres Aurora Torrez Mrs. Diem-Linh Tran †Mrs. Lan P. Tran †Mr. Chien Tran †Mr. Gregory P. Hernandez M/M Tom Walbolt †Jim Walbolt †Fred Bustos Mr. & Mrs. Marlon Waters †Dad O’Leary †Johnny O’Leary †Mom & Grandma Waters †Nana, Sito †Both grandpas †Aunties and Uncles & Uncle John †Jimmy & Teddy Dockerty †Ed Combs †Travell & Lavelle Waters M/M Phil Trinidad †Santiago & Victoria Alidio †Alfredo Trinidad & Victor Gamalinda †Aurora Tarvin & Luz Trinidad †Tina Marie Lino & Miranda Pino †Lita Romvaldez Laura Wycoff The Wycoff Family †Jeanne & John Wycoff †Philip John Wycoff †Linda Marie Wycoff Mr. & Mrs. Filemon Ubiadas †Eduardo B. Abrena †Emiliana M. Abrena †Gabriel Ubiadas †Pelagia G. Ubiadas †Encarnacion Fontanilla Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Zaldana †Olivia Romero †Inocencio Padilla †Alberto Zaldana †Ernie Beltran Mr. & Mrs. William Zelnis †Reinhold Schubert †Elsa Rommerswinkel Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Van Elzakker †Leckband Family Van Elzakker Family M/M George Yankovich Janis K. Yerkey A note to: JS Paluch Bulletin Editor - Debbie Uhlack - Ext. 242 Mon—Thurs. 8:30—1:30 Off on Friday NOTE: Please contact Karen Hein Ext. 230 if you are unable to reach Debbie after 1:30 Thurs. Thank you so much!
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9135 BANYAN STREET, ALTA LOMA, CA 91737—909-987-9312-FAX 909-980-9404 or www.facebook.com/spspaltaloma.com
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