Untitled - Servei Civil Internacional de Catalunya


Untitled - Servei Civil Internacional de Catalunya
Què és el Servei Civil Internacional?
pàg. 3
Què és el Servei Civil Internacional Catalunya?
pàg. 5
Què és un camp internacional de treball voluntari?
pàg. 6
Com m’apunto a un camp?
pàg. 8
Camps de treball a Austràlia i Pacífic
pàg. 9
Camps de treball a Europa
pàg. 12
Camps de treball a l’Àrea mediterrània
pàg. 173
Camps de treball a Amèrica Llatina
pàg. 192
Camps de treball a Àfrica
pàg. 195
Camps de treball a Àsia
pàg. 223
El Servei Civil Internacional és una ONG que va néixer l'any 1920, a partir de la trobada d'unes persones que creien que
la pau no era només una idea sinó que es podia fer realitat si tots plegats es posaven a treballar i creaven les bases per a
la solidaritat entre els pobles que impedís noves guerres.
El 1920 es va realitzar el primer Camp Internacional de Treball Voluntari a Verdú (França). Homes i dones alemanys i
francesos que fins uns mesos abans havien estat combatent uns contra d’altres en la Primera Guerra Mundial es van
reunir per treballar junts. Aquests voluntaris van fer tasques de reconstrucció i recuperació de camps d'aquella zona
devastada per la guerra. Era la primera temptativa de reconciliació que feia servir com a mitjà un servei voluntari i no
A partir de 1924 es va anar elaborant a l’SCI la idea d'un servei civil voluntari internacional com a substitut del servei militar
obligatori i nacional.
Actualment l’SCI està present en més de 40 països als 5 continents.
Pierre Ceresole, fundador de l’SCI
Finalitats de l’SCI
● Fomentar una cultura de pau, la solidaritat internacional, la justícia, l'entesa mútua, la participació política a tots
nivells i un respecte pels individus tal com s'indica a la Declaració Universal dels Drets Humans.
●Organitzar treball voluntari col·laborant amb les comunitats locals, reconeixent la funció educativa d'aquest servei.
●Intentar difondre, mitjançant el treball pràctic col·lectiu i comunitari, un sentiment que trenqui les barreres entre la gent
i les fronteres entre els països.
●Treballar per crear xarxes per tal d’assolir canvis constructius en les estructures injustes que existeixen en la societat
i que divideixen la humanitat.
●Impulsar noves formes de convivència que promouen la participació, la tolerància i la solidaritat i ens ensenyen a
qüestionar-nos les nostres pròpies actituds.
1920, primer camp de treball a Verdú
L’SCI Catalunya és una ONG creada el 1982 per impulsar iniciatives de promoció de la pau. Som part de la
xarxa internacional SCI que fomenta activitats de voluntariat internacional com a eina de construcció de pau.
Treballem conjuntament amb altres organitzacions del nostre país i socis internacionals per formar el diàleg
intercultural, el coneixement mutu entre els pobles, la justícia social i el desenvolupament sostenible com a
premisses per a la pau.
Per avançar en aquests objectius avancem amb diferents línies de treball:
El voluntariat: camps de treball, voluntariat de llarga durada i intercanvis juvenils.
Formació: cursos, jornades, seminaris i cicles formatius per obrir espais a diferents opinions i
presentar discursos i debats que no responguin al discurs dominant.
Cooperació internacional per al desenvolupament: recolzem processos de desenvolupament
participatiu que sorgeixen de la pròpia societat civil a països que intenten superar una situació de
conflicte violent.
Grups de treball de l’SCI Catalunya
Formació. La funció bàsica que té el grup és la de preparar els seminaris de formació per a les persones que
participen dels camps de treball internacionals. Aquests seminaris tenen com a objectiu conèixer la realitat
política i socioeconòmica dels països on anem, desigualtats socio econòmiques i situació política mundial;
coneixements sobre l’SCI i desenvolupament dels camps de treball.
Camps de treballs. L’objectiu és organitzar camps de treball que es fan a Catalunya, País Valencià i Illes
Balears. Aquests camps es realitzen amb associacions i entitats afins a la filosofia de l’SCI.
YUWG. Forma part del grup internacional del SCI i pretén apropar activitats de l’SCI a joves en risc d’exclusió
social, en concret s’organitzen dos intercanvis juvenils europeus amb les altres branques del SCI.
Comunicació. La comunicació és l’eix que vertebra tot el nostre equip humà, tant sigui personal laboral com
socis i voluntaris del SCI. Versa la seva activitat en diversos nivells: difusió de la informació i promoció del SCI a
través d’eines com la web, l’agenda bisetmanal i el butlletí així com la comunicació interna entre la resta de grups
del SCI.
Sàhara. Grup d’estudi i sensibilització al voltant de la problemàtica al Sàhara on es vulneren els Drets Humans i
existeixen comunitats que viuen en camps de refugiats.
És la participació en un projecte de treball voluntari amb persones locals i internacionals. Entenem els camps
de treball com una eina per la construcció de la pau a través de la convivència intercultural.
La vida en grup es basa en un principi essencial “no hi ha una evolució de l’individu sense una aportació del
grup i no hi ha una progressió del grup sense una aportació dels individus”.
Característiques dels camps de treball
Hi ha camps durant tot l’any però la majoria es realitzen durant els mesos d’estiu.
La durada és d’entre 10 i 14 dies.
Entre 25h i 40h de treball setmanal.
De 7 a 25 voluntaris de diferents països a cada camp.
Allotjament, manutenció i assegurança en cas d’accidents.
Xerrades i activitats so bre temes d’interès social: pacifisme, ecologia, solidaritat, resolució de
Contactes amb la població local i grups promotors.
La participació de persones amb disminucions físiques, psíquiques o sensorials és possible en molts
camps, així com la de voluntaris amb nens.
Requisits per participar a un camp de treball
Cal participar durant tot el camp sense arribar tard ni marxar abans.
A la majoria de camps l’anglès és la llengua que s’utilitza. Val la pena que valoreu quin és el vostre
nivell de coneixement de la llengua per tal de ser conscients de fins a quin punt us podreu comunicar
amb el grup.
Normalment no s’admeten grups formats i molt difícilment parelles.
El transport va a càrrec del voluntari/a.
És necessari participar al seminari de formació general, al seminari de formació específica i al
seminari d’avaluació.
Tots els voluntaris/es que participen en un camp de treball han de tenir obligatòriament una assegurança de
Els voluntaris/es que participen en camp de treball a Europa, Japó, Corea, Estats Units i Austràlia tenen
l’assegurança inclosa amb l’SCI en la quota.
Els voluntaris/es que participen en camps de treball qualsevol país excepte els esmentats anteriorment,
l’assegurança no està inclosa en la quota. En aquest cas, és necessari que es faci una assegurança. La pot
fer a través de l’SCI (pel cost d’1€ al dia) o bé a través d’una companyia d’assegurances. El voluntari/a ha de
presentar a l’SCI un document que acrediti que té una assegurança per a viatjar.
L’assegurança de l’SCI:
• Cobreix accidents i malalties produïdes durant el camp.
• Té una durada limitada a l’estada al camp.
• No cobreix els accidents que es produeixin durant el viatge del voluntari al camp i malalties que
provinguin de problemes físics o mentals existents prèviament al camp.
• No cobreix la pèrdua o robatori d’objectes personals.
• Hi ha indemnitzacions limitades en cas d’invalidesa o mort.
La formació és una eina valuosa i essencial per als voluntaris/es que garanteix l’experiència al camp de
treball sigui més enriquidora, per això és un requisit indispensable per participar als camps.
Té com a objectiu general reflexionar i sensibilitzar sobre la realitat política i socioeconòmica mundial i
introduir-nos en l’educació per la pau.
Dates previstes per a la formació 2008:
o 31 de maig i 1 de juny o bé 5 i 6 de juliol. Seminari de formació general que té com a objectiu
reflexionar sobre la realitat política i socioeconòmica mundial i els principis de l’educació per
a la pau.
o 7 de juny. Seminari de formació específica de camps a països del nord, que s’encamina a
preparar el viatge i l’experiència del camp de treball.
o 14 de juny. Seminari de formació específica de camps a països del sud, que s’encamina a
preparar el viatge i l’experiència del camp de treball.
o 4 i 5 d’octubre. Seminari d’avaluació, es realitza a la tornada dels camps i és l’espai per
compartir i valorar l’experiència i proposar noves accions.
Cerca els camp de treball a la Guia de camps 2008 o al cercador de camps de www.sci-cat.org
Omple els formularis d’inscripció:
a) Es troben a:
1) www.sci-cat.org
2) Oficina de l’SCI
ATENCIÓ: consulta amb la nostra oficina si encara queden places en els camps escollits!
Realitza el pagament de la quota d’inscripció:
a) Quota:165€ (30€ de quota de soci, 78€ tasques administratives i 57€ seminaris de
b) Fes l’ingrés al número de compte de La Caixa:
En el cas que finalment decideixis no participar al camp no es tornarà la quota (excepte en casos
En el cas de no poder emplaçar-te en els camps escollits o per cancel·lacions de camps, se’t retornarà a
finals de setembre la quota de formació i la d’administració (135€)
Fes-nos arribar la documentació:
Full d’inscripció per correu electrònic a l’adreça [email protected]
Rebut de pagament i fotocòpia del DNI, NIE o passaport (ho pots portar en persona l’oficina de
l’SCI, per fax al 93 441 70 18 o a l’adreça [email protected])
Es tramita la teva sol·licitud i et truquem per informar-te on has estat emplaçat.
Participa en els seminaris de Formació.
Envia el full de confirmació de participació a l’SCI i a l’organització d’acollida.
Reps el full de ruta o infosheet sobre el teu camp de treball: és el document on t’explicaran de manera
acurada tot allò necessari preparar i arribar al teu camp de treball.
A la tornada, participes al seminari d’avaluació.
1. Australia - IVP Australia
Begin:August 21, 2008, End: August 31, 2008
Topic: Peace and disarmament
Special workcamp to celebrate 20 years of IVP.
This is a work/study camp intended to renew
inspiration and recharge activists. We would
like to have approx 20 Australians and 20
internationals, especially people with previous
workcamp experience or other SCI experience.
The time will be divided between work, study
and play and the participants will influence the
agenda. More details to follow.
Number of Volunteers: 40
2. Australia - IVP Australia
Begin:September 15, 2008, End: September
28, 2008
Topic: Environment
Marou (Vanuatu)
Marou Village, Emao Island, 1.5 hours from the
capital, Port Vila. Marou has a population of
181 and there is a marine conservation area in
the village.
Work: Volunteers will work with the community
to: 1. Lay up stones at the seaside for cyclone
protection. 2. Dive in the lagoon to remove
plastic bags, and remove Crown of Thorns starfish from the reef. 3. Assist with building of an
additional classroom.
Accommodation: Communal hut, very basic
with no electricity, no running water. Vols
should bring camping mattress and sleeping
Extra info: Family camp: There will be the
opportunity for parents to bring children (total 4
children for the camp). Volunteers will be
required to sign Work With Children form or
supply a police record check.
Study: Sustainability, waste management and
recycling, global warming. Extra cost: 125 Euro
which must be paid in local currency (Vatu
17,250) on arrival. This fee will pay for your
food, accommodation, insurance, workcamp
leader and internal fares, and a small
proportion will go towards the further
development of workcamps in Vanuatu.
Number of Volunteers: 12
3. Australia - IVP Australia
Begin:September 15, 2008, End: September
28, 2008
Topic: Environment
Marou, Vanuatu
Marou Village, Emao Island, 1.5 hours from the
capital, Port Vila. Emao is a small island
composed of six different communities, Marou
being largest with a population of 181. There is
a marine conservation area in the village.
Work: Volunteers will work with the community
on three projects: 1. Lay up stones at the
seaside for cyclone protection. 2. Dive in the
lagoon to remove plastic bags, and remove
‘crown of thorns’ star-fish from the reef. 3.
Assist with building of an additional classroom.
Accommodation: Communal hut, very basic
with no electricity, water must be carried by
bucket for washing and for flushing toilets. Vols
should bring camping mattress and sleeping
Extra info: Family camp: There will be the
opportunity for parents to bring children (total 4
children for the camp). Volunteers will be
required to sign a ‘work with children’ form or
supply a police record check.
Study: Sustainability, waste management and
recycling, global warming. Extra cost: 125 Euro
which must be paid in local currency (Vatu
17,250) on arrival. This fee will pay for your
food, accommodation, insurance, workcamp
leader and internal fares, and a small
proportion will go towards the further
development of workcamps in Vanuatu.
Number of Volunteers: 12
4. Australia - IVP Australia
Begin:September 15, 2008, End: September
28, 2008
Topic: Environment
Marou, Vanuatu
Marou Village, Emao Island, 1.5 hours from the
capital, Port Vila. Emao is a small island
composed of six different communities, Marou
being largest with a population of 181. There is
a marine conservation area in the village.
Work: Volunteers will work with the community
on three projects: 1. Lay up stones at the
seaside for cyclone protection. 2. Dive in the
lagoon to remove plastic bags, and remove
‘crown of thorns’ star-fish from the reef. 3.
Assist with building of an additional classroom.
Accommodation: Communal hut, very basic
with no electricity, water must be carried by
bucket for washing and for flushing toilets. Vols
should bring camping mattress and sleeping
Extra info: Family camp: There will be the
opportunity for parents to bring children (total 4
children for the camp). Volunteers will be
required to sign a ‘work with children’ form or
supply a police record check.
Study: Sustainability, waste management and
recycling, global warming. Extra cost: 125 Euro
which must be paid in local currency (Vatu
17,250) on arrival. This fee will pay for your
food, accommodation, insurance, workcamp
leader and internal fares, and a small
proportion will go towards the further
development of workcamps in Vanuatu.
Number of Volunteers: 12
5. Australia - IVP Australia
Begin:September 15, 2008, End: September
28, 2008
Topic: Environment
Marou, Vanuatu
Marou Village, Emao Island, 1.5 hours from the
capital, Port Vila. Emao is a small island
composed of six different communities, Marou
being largest with a population of 181. There is
a marine conservation area in the village.
Work: Volunteers will work with the community
on three projects: 1. Lay up stones at the
seaside for cyclone protection. 2. Dive in the
lagoon to remove plastic bags, and remove
‘crown of thorns’ star-fish from the reef. 3.
Assist with building of an additional classroom.
Accommodation: Communal hut, very basic
with no electricity, water must be carried by
bucket for washing and for flushing toilets. Vols
should bring camping mattress and sleeping
Extra info: Family camp: There will be the
opportunity for parents to bring children (total 4
children for the camp). Volunteers will be
required to sign a ‘work with children’ form or
supply a police record check.
Study: Sustainability, waste management and
recycling, global warming. Extra cost: 125 Euro
which must be paid in local currency (Vatu
17,250) on arrival. This fee will pay for your
food, accommodation, insurance, workcamp
leader and internal fares, and a small
proportion will go towards the further
development of workcamps in Vanuatu.
Number of Volunteers: 12
6. Australia - IVP Australia
Begin:September 15, 2008, End: September
28, 2008
Topic: Environment
Marou, Vanuatu
Marou Village, Emao Island, 1.5 hours from the
capital, Port Vila. Emao is a small island
composed of six different communities, Marou
being largest with a population of 181. There is
a marine conservation area in the village.
Work: Volunteers will work with the community
on three projects: 1. Lay up stones at the
seaside for cyclone protection. 2. Dive in the
lagoon to remove plastic bags, and remove
‘crown of thorns’ star-fish from the reef. 3.
Assist with building of an additional classroom.
Accommodation: Communal hut, very basic
with no electricity, water must be carried by
bucket for washing and for flushing toilets. Vols
should bring camping mattress and sleeping
Extra info: Family camp: There will be the
opportunity for parents to bring children (total 4
children for the camp). Volunteers will be
required to sign a ‘work with children’ form or
supply a police record check.
Study: Sustainability, waste management and
recycling, global warming. Extra cost: 125 Euro
which must be paid in local currency (Vatu
17,250) on arrival. This fee will pay for your
food, accommodation, insurance, workcamp
leader and internal fares, and a small
proportion will go towards the further
development of workcamps in Vanuatu.
Number of Volunteers: 12
7. Australia - IVP Australia
Begin:September 15, 2008, End: September
28, 2008
Topic: Environment
Marou, Vanuatu
Marou Village, Emao Island, 1.5 hours from the
capital, Port Vila. Emao is a small island
composed of six different communities, Marou
being largest with a population of 181. There is
a marine conservation area in the village.
Work: Volunteers will work with the community
on three projects: 1. Lay up stones at the
seaside for cyclone protection. 2. Dive in the
lagoon to remove plastic bags, and remove
‘crown of thorns’ star-fish from the reef. 3.
Assist with building of an additional classroom.
Accommodation: Communal hut, very basic
with no electricity, water must be carried by
bucket for washing and for flushing toilets. Vols
should bring camping mattress and sleeping
Extra info: Family camp: There will be the
opportunity for parents to bring children (total 4
children for the camp). Volunteers will be
required to sign a ‘work with children’ form or
supply a police record check.
Study: Sustainability, waste management and
recycling, global warming. Extra cost: 125 Euro
which must be paid in local currency (Vatu
17,250) on arrival. This fee will pay for your
food, accommodation, insurance, workcamp
leader and internal fares, and a small
proportion will go towards the further
development of workcamps in Vanuatu.
Number of Volunteers: 12
8. Australia - IVP Australia
Begin:September 15, 2008, End: September
28, 2008
Topic: Environment
Marou, Vanuatu
Marou Village, Emao Island, 1.5 hours from the
capital, Port Vila. Emao is a small island
composed of six different communities, Marou
being largest with a population of 181. There is
a marine conservation area in the village.
Work: Volunteers will work with the community
on three projects: 1. Lay up stones at the
seaside for cyclone protection. 2. Dive in the
lagoon to remove plastic bags, and remove
‘crown of thorns’ star-fish from the reef. 3.
Assist with building of an additional classroom.
Accommodation: Communal hut, very basic
with no electricity, water must be carried by
bucket for washing and for flushing toilets. Vols
should bring camping mattress and sleeping
Extra info: Family camp: There will be the
opportunity for parents to bring children (total 4
children for the camp). Volunteers will be
required to sign a ‘work with children’ form or
supply a police record check.
Study: Sustainability, waste management and
recycling, global warming. Extra cost: 125 Euro
which must be paid in local currency (Vatu
17,250) on arrival. This fee will pay for your
food, accommodation, insurance, workcamp
leader and internal fares, and a small
proportion will go towards the further
development of workcamps in Vanuatu.
Number of Volunteers: 12
9. Australia - IVP Australia
Begin:September 15, 2008, End: September
28, 2008
Topic: Environment
Marou, Vanuatu
Marou Village, Emao Island, 1.5 hours from the
capital, Port Vila. Emao is a small island
composed of six different communities, Marou
being largest with a population of 181. There is
a marine conservation area in the village.
Work: Volunteers will work with the community
on three projects: 1. Lay up stones at the
seaside for cyclone protection. 2. Dive in the
lagoon to remove plastic bags, and remove
‘crown of thorns’ star-fish from the reef. 3.
Assist with building of an additional classroom.
Accommodation: Communal hut, very basic
with no electricity, water must be carried by
bucket for washing and for flushing toilets. Vols
should bring camping mattress and sleeping
Extra info: Family camp: There will be the
opportunity for parents to bring children (total 4
children for the camp). Volunteers will be
required to sign a ‘work with children’ form or
supply a police record check.
Study: Sustainability, waste management and
recycling, global warming. Extra cost: 125 Euro
which must be paid in local currency (Vatu
17,250) on arrival. This fee will pay for your
food, accommodation, insurance, workcamp
leader and internal fares, and a small
proportion will go towards the further
development of workcamps in Vanuatu.
Number of Volunteers: 12
required to sign a ‘work with children’ form or
supply a police record check.
Study: Sustainability, waste management and
recycling, global warming. Extra cost: 125 Euro
which must be paid in local currency (Vatu
17,250) on arrival. This fee will pay for your
food, accommodation, insurance, workcamp
leader and internal fares, and a small
proportion will go towards the further
development of workcamps in Vanuatu.
Number of Volunteers: 12
10. Australia - IVP Australia
Begin:December 26, 2008, End: January 9,
Topic: Environment
This workcamp is based around a 4-day
sustainable arts and music festival located just
out of Sydney in the natural environment. Peats
Ridge Festival aims to create the benchmark on
how to run a sustainable event with minimal
impact on the environment. An alternative to
commercial festivals, volunteers are a great
part of its success.
Work: IVP volunteers will help with sustainable
practices in waste management, eg.
composting and recycling. Vols will also help to
build up and break down the festival
infrastructure, including some creative input.
Study: There will be an opportunity to learn
about sustainability and to attend seminars,
workshop and festival events.
Accommodation: camping on site in a
designated IVP area.
Qualifications: Volunteers must be interested
in recycling and sustainability.
Number of Volunteers: 15
1. Vanuatu - Vanuatu Camps
Begin:September 15, 2008, End: September
28, 2008
Topic: Environment
Marou, Vanuatu
Marou Village, Emao Island, 1.5 hours from the
capital, Port Vila. Emao is a small island
composed of six different communities, Marou
being largest with a population of 181. There is
a marine conservation area in the village.
Work: Volunteers will work with the community
on three projects: 1. Lay up stones at the
seaside for cyclone protection. 2. Dive in the
lagoon to remove plastic bags, and remove
‘crown of thorns’ star-fish from the reef. 3.
Assist with building of an additional classroom.
Accommodation: Communal hut, very basic
with no electricity, water must be carried by
bucket for washing and for flushing toilets. Vols
should bring camping mattress and sleeping
Extra info: Family camp: There will be the
opportunity for parents to bring children (total 4
children for the camp). Volunteers will be
1. Albania - PVN Albania
Begin:July 5, 2008, End: July 19, 2008
Topic: Socially disadvantaged
Work with orphans in SOS Kinderdorf
In SOS Kinderdorf there are about 70 children
in the age 6-16 years. The children live in good
conditions, what they need is more entertaining
and creative activities and social support from
the other social categories, especially in the
summer holidays. During the work camp the
children will be divided in groups to organise a
theatre play, to learn about the basic technical
on painting and graffiti, as well on dancing Latin
American, break dance and classic dance. At
the end of the camp there will be organised a
big party with all the creative works of the
children during the camp, where also people
from local community will be invited.
Work: Organising entertaining and creative
Study: Human Rights and Antidiscrimination,
focused on children rights and related with the
concrete situation in Albania and other
representative countries.
Accommodation: In SOS Kinderdorf
Language: English and Albanian
Number of Volunteers: 15
2. Albania - PVN Albania
Begin:July 12, 2008, End: July 26, 2008
Topic: Socially disadvantaged
Work with orphans in Orphanage in Durres
In Orphanage Durres there are children in the
age 0-12 years. In the summer holidays there
are not many activities for the children and the
house has lack of personnel. Beside the
orphanage, the centre has a kindergarten for
children from disadvantaged categories. During
the work camp the vols will support the social
workers especially in outdoor activities, what
actually the most needed is, like going to the
beach, organising exhibition with their creative
works. etc.
Work: Assisting at daily activities and
organizing new one for the children.
Study: Human Rights and Antidiscrimination,
focused on children rights and related with the
concrete situation in Albania and other
representative countries.
Accommodation: In administration offices
Language: English and Albanian
Number of Volunteers: 6
1. Armenia - HUJ Armenia
Begin:June 26, 2008, End: July 15, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
SOS Kinderdorf, Abovyan
The camp is situated in Abovyan (15km from
Yerevan) in the SOS Children’s Village where
children-orphans found their new mothers,
sisters and brothers and live in families. 6-7
children live in separate cottages with their
SOS mothers. SOS Children’s village in
Armenia is built and is financed by SOSKinderdorf international non-governmental
social development organization. SOS
Children's Villages revolve around the effort to
give children who have lost their parents or who
are no longer able to live with them a
permanent home and a stable environment.
The SOS Children's Village family-like structure
is formed by four basic principles: mother,
brothers and sisters, house and village. This
camp has become a popular and traditional one
and children are looking forward to meet the
volunteers in summer
Work: Volunteers will participate in most
activities with the children and have a variety of
different tasks: they’ll organize art workshops painting, sculpturing, handicrafts; dancing,
singing, sports. The main aim of the camp is
the organization of a big performance and an
exhibition of works which will be presented in
the end by volunteers and children. Each
volunteer or group of volunteers from the same
country will teach a group of 5-10 children his
national dance, song or stage an original
performance. Volunteers together with trainers
will organize and participate in “Funfootball”
games selection organized in the village. Also
the volunteers will do ecological work on the
territory and will paint the cottages. The
workcamp is organized together with OSCE
office in Yerevan. (Organization for Security
and Co-operation in Europe)
Study: Some trips and hikes to the most
beautiful places of Armenia, such as Garni
Pagan Temple, Geghard cloister which are
near to the camp, Sevan Lake, Echmiadzin
Cathedral, museums of Yerevan are foreseen
in the program of the camp.
Accommodation: Volunteers will live in a
comfortable cottage on the territory of the
Language: English
Extra info: Participation fee 50 Euro
Number of Volunteers: 15
2. Armenia - HUJ Armenia
Begin:July 1, 2008, End: July 31, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
Aparan1, Aparan
The Summer Treatment camp for children is
situated on the bank of the Aparan lake in
Aragatsotn region, 52 km from Yerevan. The
Center is built in 2007 in a very picturesque
place surrounded by nature
Work: The aim of this camp is to organize the
leisure time activities of 30 children with
development problems. These children usually
don’t have possibility to participate in simple
summer camps. The summer Treatment Camp
will give them a possibility to enjoy the summer,
have rest and interesting holidays in the
countryside without interrupting the treatment.
Volunteers will help the staff of the Center to
organize different workgroups for the children,
where they can draw, sculpture, sing and
dance, do physical training, play games,
organize competitions on the playground and
swimming pool, attend elementary English,
German, French and other language courses
by the children’s wish. Volunteers will bring
along a lot of ideas, spirit, love and warmth,
kindness and make the stay of these children in
this Center a great holiday. Also the volunteers
will participate in the program of cleaning the
small forest. 2 EVS volunteers in Armenia will
be the campleaders of the workcamp.
Study: Volunteers will have possibilities to
arrange excursions to the most beautiful places
of Armenia together with children and also with
the staff of the center. Special requirements:
Motivation Letter is required
Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in
comfortably equipped Center and sleep on
Language: English
Extra info: Participation fee 50 Euro Motivation
Letter is required
Number of Volunteers: 6
3. Armenia - HUJ Armenia
Begin:July 7, 2008, End: July 26, 2008
Topic: Environment
Botanical Garden, Yerevan
The Botanical Garden is situated in the northeastern part of Yerevan.(80 ha of semi-desert
habitat). The Botanical Garden of the National
Academy of Science is responsible for plant
collections in Armenia. It holds rich herbarium
as well as collection of 1070 species which
represent 40% of the national collection and
shrubs which represent 51% of the collection.
The collection of Armenian flora includes
around 200 species of endemic, rare and
declining plant species, and provides a basis
for the study of Armenian flora, and the
ecological interactions of species, in a relatively
natural environment.
Work: The main aim of this camp is to give
assistance to the staff of National Botanical
Garden in variety of environmental
maintenance projects: taking care of spaces of
the Garden, clearing the paths, taking out the
weeds, cultivating the trees, preparing the trees
for planting, cleanness of the territory etc.
Besides the volunteers will carry out irrigation
works together with the staff of the Botanical
Garden. Also the volunteers will visit for several
days the branch of Botanical Garden in
Tsovinar village in Sevan lake region to do
ecological works there and will have rest on the
beach after the work. The staff of the Botanical
Garden will organize interesting seminars for
volunteers on the theme of environment and
Study: Volunteers will have possibilities to
arrange some trips and hikes to the most
beautiful places of Armenia, such as Garni
Pagan temple, Geghard cloister, Echmiadzin
Cathedral, will visit numerous interesting
museums in Yerevan.
Accommodation: Volunteers will live in
separate building on the territory of the
Botanical Garden. They will be provided with
Language: English
Extra info: Participation fee 50 Euro
Number of Volunteers: 15
4. Armenia - HUJ Armenia
Begin:July 9, 2008, End: July 29, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
Rehabilitation Center, Yerevan
The camp is situated not far from the center of
Yerevan, next to the artificial Lake Yerevan, the
Armenian Brandy Factory which is famous all
over the world and near USA Embassy in
Armenia. The territory of the Rehabilitation
Center was former Governmental rest house.
The camp will be opened for the 14th time and
has become a popular and traditional one. Most
of the children are having treatment here every
year and are looking forward to meet the
volunteers in summer.
Work: The aim of this camp is to organize the
leisure of children with motor-system
infringement and cardio-vascular system
diseases and to do some environmental work
on the territory. During the summer period
children live in Rehabilitation Center together
with their mothers. Volunteers’ day will begin
from ecological work: maintaining the territory,
cleaning children’s playground from weeds and
grass. After the children finish their therapy,
volunteers gather together with children to
draw, sculpture, sing and dance, do physical
training, play games. At the end of the camp
volunteers and children will organize a farewell
party. Volunteers will bring along a lot of ideas,
spirit, love and warmth, kindness and make the
stay of these children in this Center a great
holiday. They make these children feel that they
are needed, full-valued and help them to open
their talents and abilities. There must be a strict
discipline in the camp. The workcamp is
organized together with OSCE office in
Yerevan. (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe).
Study: Volunteers will visit places of interest in
Yerevan such as St.Sargis and Zoravor
Churches, museums also will have possibilities
to arrange some trips and hikes to the most
beautiful places of Armenia- Garni Pagan
temple, Geghard cloister, Sevan Lake,
Echmiadzin Cathedral.
Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in a
separate comfortable cottage on the territory of
the Rehabilitation Center and sleep on beds.
Language: English
Extra info: Participation fee 50 Euro
Volunteers are requested to read methodic
literature about work and special games for
Number of Volunteers: 15
5. Armenia - HUJ Armenia
Begin:July 14, 2008, End: August 2, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Krunk, Yerevan
The camp is situated in a secondary school in
Yerevan. There are 647 pupils studying in this
school. The director of the school- an active
volunteer, former staff of Voluntary Service of
Armenia is very dedicated to the ideas of
voluntary movement.
Work: The main aim of the workcamp is the
aesthetic education of children and ecologicalrenovation work on the territory of the school.
Volunteers will teach children songs and
dances of the countries where the volunteers
come from. Volunteers will organize a
performance in different languages on the
suggested theme and an exhibition of their
works. During the workcamp volunteers will
organize different workgroups for children,
where they can draw, sculpture; learn different
national and foreign songs, dances, attend
elementary English, German and French and
other language courses by their wish, play
intellectual games, physical training classes.
Each volunteer or group of volunteers from the
same country will teach a group of 5-10
children a national dance, song or stage an
original performance. Also the volunteers will
carry out ecological-renovation work on
equipping the territory, taking care of trees and
Study: Volunteers will have possibilities to
arrange some trips and hikes to the most
beautiful places of Armenia, such as Sevan
Lake, Garni Pagan temple, Geghard cloister,
Echmiadzin Cathedral, visit museums and
theater performances in Yerevan.
Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in the
school. They will be provided with beds.
Language: English
Extra info: Participation fee 50 Euro
Number of Volunteers: 15
6. Armenia - HUJ Armenia
Begin:July 16, 2008, End: August 5, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Zatik orphanage, Yerevan
The orphanage “Zatik” is located in Yerevan.
There are 135 orphan children living in the
Work: The volunteers will have 2 main tasks:
aesthetic education of children and ecological
work on the territory of the Cattle Breeding
complex of Zatik orphanage. In the morning the
volunteers will carry out ecological work on the
territory of the Cattle Breeding complex. In the
afternoon the volunteers will work with children.
Volunteers will teach children different national
and foreign songs and dances of the countries
where the volunteers come from; organize a big
performance in different languages. During the
workcamp volunteers will organize different
workgroups for children, where they can draw,
sculpture and an exhibition of their works will be
organized in the end of the camp. Children will
also play intellectual games, attend elementary
English, German and French and other
language courses by their wish, physical
training classes and other things according to
the talents and abilities of the volunteers.
Study: Volunteers will visit museums and
theater performances in Yerevan, will have trips
and hikes to the most beautiful places of
Armenia, such as Garni Pagan temple,
Geghard cloister, Sevan Lake, Echmiadzin
Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in the
orphanage. They will be provided with beds.
Language: English
Extra info: Participation fee 50 Euro
Number of Volunteers: 15
7. Armenia - HUJ Armenia
Begin:August 1, 2008, End: August 31, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
Aparan2, Aparan
The Summer Treatment camp for children is
situated on the bank of the Aparan lake in
Aragatsotn region, 52 km from Yerevan. The
Center is built in 2007 in a very picturesque
place surrounded by nature
Work: The aim of this camp is to organize the
leisure time activities of 30 children with
development problems. These children usually
don’t have possibility to participate in simple
summer camps. The summer Treatment Camp
will give them a possibility to enjoy the summer,
have rest and interesting holidays in the
countryside without interrupting the treatment.
Volunteers will help the staff of the Center to
organize different workgroups for the children,
where they can draw, sculpture, sing and
dance, do physical training, play games,
organize competitions on the playground and
swimming pool, attend elementary English,
German, French and other language courses
by the children’s wish. Volunteers will bring
along a lot of ideas, spirit, love and warmth,
kindness and make the stay of these children in
this Center a great holiday. Also the volunteers
will participate in the program of cleaning the
small forest. 2 EVS volunteers in Armenia will
be the campleaders of the workcamp.
Study: Volunteers will have possibilities to
arrange excursions to the most beautiful places
of Armenia together with children and also with
the staff of the center. Special requirements:
Motivation Letter is required
Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in
comfortably equipped Center and sleep on
Language: English
Extra info: Participation fee 50 Euro Motivation
Letter is required
Number of Volunteers: 6
1. Austria - SCI Austria
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 2, 2008
Topic: Environment
Alpine Farming Encouragement Project
‘Save the Alms’
Working and living in the Alps are well known
Austrian clichés, but in reality life there is hard
and unfair. The Austrian mountain farming and
highland agriculture are under considerable
economical and social stresses and strains.
Falling food prices, industrial alimentary
production and movement of labour endanger
the 4000 year old tradition. The Austrian
mountain farmers face a hard present and an
unknown future. Alpine farming doesn’t
represent a social tradition only, but is also very
important for a healthy mountain ecosystem
and a rich biodiversity. Since 20 years the
Austrian Alpine Association (OeAV) has been
supporting people and the environment in the
Alps. Two years ago SCI-Austria and the OeAV
started cooperation by organising workcamps
together. Both NGOs will send eight volunteers
again who will help to clean alpine meadows by
cutting removing shrubs to get back quality
meadows for cattle-breeding and renovate
alpine cottages in a traditional way. The work
will be very hard but useful and important.
Volunteers have to be in a good physical
condition and mountain experience is
advantageous. We will work in the Stodertal,
Totes Gebirge (The Death Mountains) which is
in the south of Upper Austria and part of the
Eastern Alps. During the camp we will change
our accommodation several times because we
work with different farmers in different valleys.
The volunteers will get an intensive feeling of
how the mountain farmers work and live and
will get in contact with Austrian volunteers from
the OeAV.
Work:Cleaning alpine meadows from shrubs
and renovate mountain huts
Study:The volunteers will get an intensive
feeling of how the mountain farmers work and
live and will get in contact with Austrian
volunteers from the OeAV. For our free time
different mountain expeditions, campfires and
the visit of a big local festival are planned.
Accommodation:The accommodation will be
basic in small mountain huts up in the
mountains. We will receive good local and
organic food (also meat) and the mountain
scenery is beautiful and impressive. We have to
change accommodation during the project.
Language: English
Extra info: Motivation letter needed, wherein
reference is made to volunteer’s physical
condition, mountain or farming experience and
overall motivation
Terminal/Region:Hinterstoder, Totes Gebirge,
Upper Austria
Number of Volunteers: 8
2. Austria - SCI Austria
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 2, 2008
Topic: Peace and disarmament
Meeting Place – Paths of Peace. KötschachMauthen/Plöcken
Many traces have been left by the First World
War in the mountains between the Ortler Group
and the Isonzo River during the years 1915-18.
More than thirty years ago, a small group of
mountaineering joined forces with the intention
of restoring and re-opening some of the old
wartime paths which led up these mountains. In
1973 this idea evolved into the founding of the
Association named: “FRIENDS OF THE
DOLOMITES”. Their motto became: "Paths
which once separated us, shall unite us today"
and the name "PATHS OF PEACE". The
friends of the Dolomites are working here since
1983, with the help of their International team of
volunteers to reconstruct old trails, as well as
excavate and reconstruct historical sites. As a
result of such efforts, the impressive Open Air
Museum, up in the mountains, is free of charge
and accessible to everyone. Basically,
everyone is welcome to join us, regardless your
age, gender or whether you have specialized
skills or not, anyone can help. Our
requirements are: Personal dedication,
tolerance, ability to improvise, think
independently and to be a good team player
with the volunteers from the Friends of the
Dolomites (most volunteers are Austrian,
German, Hungarian and Italian). It is essential
to be able to work on mountain construction
sites, to be in good physical condition and be
surefooted on rocky and uneven terrain. The
work will be hard, but useful and very important.
We appreciate volunteers who are openminded, interested in war history, flexible and
with good teamwork spirit. Those who are
looking for a cheap holiday, please abstain.
Work: In the working camps of the Open Air
Museum of the Great War in the mountains
(1915-1917), on the Kleinen Pal (Plöcken Pass)
there are many tasks that must be achieved:
Clearing and maintaining, as well as marking
the existing trails; applying wood varnish
protector to wooden structures; mounting or
placement of information plates; excavation and
clearance of war time trenches and shelters
(caverns) as well as reconstructing collapsed
rock walls.
Study: Here you can combine the experience
of being in some of the most beautiful natural
surroundings with locations where history took
place. Interact, chat, sing, laugh and converse
with the multi-national team of volunteers! In
your free time you can visit the Museum.
Accommodation: The first night you will be
accommodated in the base camp dormitories
(1,275 meters). On Monday you will walk your
way up to the work camp in the mountain,
which is about 1h to 1+1/2h hike. From Monday
to Friday accommodation will be in the
mountain camp (1,800 meters) in a cabin
dormitory or tents. On Friday volunteers will
return back to the base camp for the weekend
at their own leisure. Showers are limited to the
weekend so adecuate change of clothing in the
mountain is recommended. Wholesome freshly
cooked food (including meat) will be served in
the work camp. Supplies and luggage will be
sent up by cable car (weather permitting)
Language: German/English/Italian.
Extra info: Good physical condition. We kindly
request a letter of introduction mentioning what
inspired or motivated you to volunteer with us,
as well as some of your qualifications and
mountain environment experience that you can
contribute with, for the team.
Number of Volunteers: 6
1. Azerbaijan - AYAFE Azerbaijan
Begin:July 1, 2008, End: July 14, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Shamakhi is situated in the North West part of
Azerbaijan, in Caucasian mountains. It is
surrounded with forest, waterfall, has a
beautiful nature. At the moment it is farmer and
agricultural region. Only 130 km separates
Baku from one of the most ancient and most
interesting cities of the country - Shamakhi. In
the 9th - 16th centuries this city was the capital
of Shirvan and the residence Shirvan Dynasty
(before it was moved to Baku ). Standing on the
crossing point of caravans routes it was one of
the largest centers of commerce and crafts in
the Near East . In 1222 after the long siege
Shamakhy was conquered and destroyed by
Mongols. In the mid-18 th century it became the
capital Shamakhy khanate. In 1805 it was
annexed by Russia . The destiny of city might
be regarded as tragic. Destructive earthquakes
shook the city in 1667, 1669, 1828, 1859, 1872
and 1902. Many historical monuments suffered.
For example the former Shirvan Dynasty
Palace (12 th century) was completely
destroyed; Present day Dzhuma Mosque has
been practically restored from scratch. The
ancient structures which have survived are
Gyulistan Fortress (11 th – 12th centuries) – the
last refuge of Shirvan Dynasty, Eddi Gumbez
Mausoleum (“Seven Domes”) - Shamakhy
rulers' tomb, Dzhuma mosque, etc. The lands
of Shamakhy are famous for its vineyards,
pastures, wines and cognacs. The absence of
extreme frosts and exhausting heat, original
nature, mild climate, mineral water springs - all
these attract tourists from all over the world.
Association of Young Azerbaijani Friends will
organize in cooperation with “Umid Yeri” NGO
summer camp for homeless and abandoned
children imposed to street life.
Work: The work will be with homeless and
abandoned children imposed to street life. The
volunteers will teach them English, art, sport
games and other activities are welcome. We
would wish those volunteers who enjoy working
with children, teaching them, making their time
enjoyable and as well making fun for
themselves. Free time: City excursions, games,
discussions, traveling to the nearby regions,
having tour to the Caucasian mountains.
Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in the
house. Sleeping bag would be useful.
Volunteers will eat with children.
Language: Camp language is English.
Knowledge of Turkish or Russian would be an
asset. What to bring: tapes or CD (national
music), national food (drinks, sweets for
intercultural evening) and everything is
welcome that could be interesting for instance
colored papers, pencils, puzzles, games etc.
Number of Volunteers: 12
2. Azerbaijan - AYAFE Azerbaijan
Begin:July 1, 2008, End: August 14, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Shamakhi is situated in the North West part of
Azerbaijan, in Caucasian mountains. It is
surrounded with forest, waterfall, has a
beautiful nature. At the moment it is farmer and
agricultural region. Only 130 km separates
Baku from one of the most ancient and most
interesting cities of the country - Shamakhi. In
the 9th - 16th centuries this city was the capital
of Shirvan and the residence Shirvan Dynasty
(before it was moved to Baku ). Standing on the
crossing point of caravans routes it was one of
the largest centers of commerce and crafts in
the Near East . In 1222 after the long siege
Shamakhy was conquered and destroyed by
Mongols. In the mid-18 th century it became the
capital Shamakhy khanate. In 1805 it was
annexed by Russia . The destiny of city might
be regarded as tragic. Destructive earthquakes
shook the city in 1667, 1669, 1828, 1859, 1872
and 1902. Many historical monuments suffered.
For example the former Shirvan Dynasty
Palace (12 th century) was completely
destroyed; Present day Dzhuma Mosque has
been practically restored from scratch. The
ancient structures which have survived are
Gyulistan Fortress (11 th – 12th centuries) – the
last refuge of Shirvan Dynasty, Eddi Gumbez
Mausoleum (“Seven Domes”) - Shamakhy
rulers' tomb, Dzhuma mosque, etc. The lands
of Shamakhy are famous for its vineyards,
pastures, wines and cognacs. The absence of
extreme frosts and exhausting heat, original
nature, mild climate, mineral water springs - all
these attract tourists from all over the world.
Association of Young Azerbaijani Friends will
organize in cooperation with “Umid Yeri” NGO
summer camp for homeless and abandoned
children imposed to street life.
Work: The work will be with homeless and
abandoned children imposed to street life. The
volunteers will teach them English, art, sport
games and other activities are welcome. We
would wish those volunteers who enjoy working
with children, teaching them, making their time
enjoyable and as well making fun for
themselves. Free time: City excursions, games,
discussions, traveling to the nearby regions,
having tour to the Caucasian mountains.
Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in the
house. Sleeping bag would be useful.
Volunteers will eat with children.
Language: Camp language is English.
Knowledge of Turkish or Russian would be an
asset. What to bring: tapes or CD (national
music), national food (drinks, sweets for
intercultural evening) and everything is
welcome that could be interesting for instance
colored papers, pencils, puzzles, games etc.
Number of Volunteers: 12
1. Belarus - New Group SCI Belarus
Begin:July 21, 2008, End: August 5, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Project “Let’s save Belarus for ourselves
2008”- Blue Lakes
The camp is organized in the framework of
“Youth Transcending New Frontiers”
(www.ytnf.org) project, which is taking place in
Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine. Project
Management Team organizing activities on
social inclusion, human rights and racism and
xenophobia directions. THE PROJEC
Terminal/Region: Place of the project is
Naroch settlement on the territory of
Narochansky national park near Myadzel town.
The idea of carrying out this camp is based on
possibility to give a chance for teenagers from
unhappy families to integrate into community of
voluntary NGO, to spend their free summer
time in interesting and useful way, to meet
people who use their free time for social work,
to give them possibility to meet and to
understand youth from other countries through
communication with foreign participants.
WORK: organizing different language
workshops for teenagers, technical work
(cutting wood, water support), you should be
ready for a physical work and also help in
organizing free time for kids. STUDY PAR
Terminal/Region: The first 3 days of the
workcamp you will spend in Minsk – the capital
of the Republic of Belarus. It is neccesary for
your registration and also it is good opportunity
to get acqaintance with Minsk and visit different
museums, exchebitions and go for sighseeing
on excursions. During the camp it will be
different workshop in field o Human Rights,
Ecology, theatrical for teenagers.
forest near the lake on the territory of National
park “Narazanski”. We will cook for us
ourselves, on the fire, so some ϑnational
receipts from your country may be useful
WHAT TO BRING: • Sleeping bag, karemat
(carpet under sleeping bag), gum boots, light,
cup, spoon, plate, insect repellent, sun
protecting lotion, warm clothes in case of bad
weather might be also very useful. • Bring tent
(if it is not possible, please inform us) • Different
materials about your country: books, postcards,
tapes, traditional recipes from your country. •
High spirits and readiness for unexpected
situations! • Swimming suite
Number of Volunteers: 10
1. Belgium - SCI Belgium
Begin:April 21, 2008, End: May 3, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Sortilèges au chateau - Ath
Action Jeunesse Info is an association which
aims are to fight against social and cultural
exclusions of young people. Along with the
Cultural Centre of Ath, which aims are to create
space for creative expression and to promote
communication and cultural events, they have
been organising for 29 years the
event.Sortilèges au château. Its a one day
event gathering concerts, exhibitions, food and
craft stands all over the city. The theme of this
year is water. Volunteers will have the
opportunity to meet and work with local people
and local youth.
Work: Volunteers will help with the construction
of an entrance of the kids space (building,
decorating) and they will help with the general
organization of the event: setting up and taking
down the facilities and the exhibitions.
Study: Debates about sustainable
development, water, waste and recycling
Accommodation: Volunteers will sleep in a
premise in the centre of the city
Language: Average knowledge of French
Terminal/Region: The event will take place in
the centre of Ath, a city of 15.000 inhabitants
located 50 km west of Brussels
Extra info: Not accessible to wheelchairs
Number of Volunteers: 6
2. Belgium - VIA Belgium
Begin:June 22, 2008, End: July 5, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
NA FIR BOLG (Vorselaar, near Antwerp)
Na Fir Bolg is a three day family festival (2729/6) with the focus on folk music. Last year
they received 6000 spectators. The
organisation started 12 years ago out of
different groups who needed funding for
environmental investments. They want to
provide an alternative for commercial festivals.
For this they choose to work only with
Work: building up and breaking down of the
festival, electricity, water, tents, also creative
input like decoration.
Accommodation: in tents, not accessible for
wheelchairs and vols with children
Number of Volunteers: 10
3. Belgium - VIA Belgium
Begin:June 29, 2008, End: July 12, 2008
Topic: Ideology and spirituality
DE STERRENWIJZER (Olen, near Antwerp)
The Sterrenwijzer is a growing initiative-village
for elderly based upon an anthroposophical
philosophy, situated in a green surrounding and
constructed with organic architecture. The
project is realizing a broad range of new
initiatives through professionals (house for
elderly) and international volunteers work: a
wood shed, textile work-place, eco-fair-trade
store and a gathering place are already
realized, a shelter for construction material, 2
info kiosks and different kinds of wood work is
planned. The project is offering lot’s of
opportunities for philosophical discussions and
intergenerational meetings through music and
camp fire.
Accommodation: in tents, if bad weather
inside sleeping accommodation is foreseen.
Number of Volunteers: 12
4. Belgium - SCI Belgium
Begin:July 4, 2008, End: August 19, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Itinéraires - Bruxelles
Itinéraires is an association offering a help
service for youngsters. Its work is mainly
preventive and offers 3 different types of help:
individual help (counselling, orientation),
collective action (organisation of sport activities
such as climbing, canoeing with youngsters
coming from different social backgrounds) and
community action (organisation of activities
conveying co-operation values, pacific
cohabitation and mutual aid). The aim of the
workcamp will be to fight against ghetto
mechanisms thanks to encounters and
exchanges around an animation project for
children (5 to 11 years old) coming from
different social backgrounds. Activities with the
children will deal with environmental issues.
Work: First week : preparation of the creative
workshops, cleaning of the rooms, climbing
training and training session on the study
themes of the camp. Second week: supervision
and animation of the sport and creative
Study: Discussions about Itinéraires’ missions
and ecology and environmental issues
Accommodation: Volunteers will sleep in the
building of the association
Language: Good knowledge of French
Qualifications: Experience in animation or/and
artistic skills
Terminal/Region: Itinéraires is located in
Saint-Gilles, one of the 19 districts of Brussels,
close to the centre
Extra info: Fill in the extra motivation form. Not
accessible to wheelchairs.
Number of Volunteers: 6
5. Belgium - SCI Belgium
Begin:July 5, 2008, End: September 19, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Festival du conte - Chiny
The Youth House of Chiny contributes to the
social and cultural development of the region by
giving youngsters the opportunity to meet each
other and discover new leisure activities. To
this end, it has taken part very concretely, in the
organisation of the Tale Festival of Chiny along
with the Cultural Centre of Florenville, for the
past few years. The Festival lasts one weekend and takes place in the enchanting village of
Chiny. It offers a wide range of tales told in
French by genuine story tellers. Most tales are
for adults and youngsters, but some children
tales are also programmed.
and http://www.conte.be
Work: Volunteers will help local volunteers with
the preparation and arrangement of the site.
They will put up and take down the facilities
(chairs, stages, sound systems). During the
festival, they will be in charge of the staff area:
hosting of the artists, helping with logistic things
(food, accommodation).
Study: The interest of using an unknown
cultural media such as tales, work and mission
of a youth club. Encounter with the artists
Accommodation: Volunteers will sleep in a
premise in Chiny
Language: Very good knowledge of French is
essential to communicate with the locals
Qualifications: To be interested in art and
culture activities. Lot of physical work.
Terminal/Region: Chiny is a village located in
the Belgian Ardennes near the French border
Extra info: Not accessible to wheelchairs
Number of Volunteers: 15
6. Belgium - SCI Belgium
Begin:July 6, 2008, End: July 19, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
Ferme La Clarine - Manage
La Clarine is an association taking care of
mentally disabled people aged 20 and over, by
giving them the opportunity to work in a farm,
and therefore to be as independent as possible
and opened to the outside world. The
association focuses on the recognition of the
disabled abilities. The products of the farm
(jam, cheese, vegetables, fruits) are sold on
local markets by the disabled themselves.
During the school year, La Clarine also hosts
classes who visit the farm, giving the
opportunity to the disabled to explain their work.
Farmers (disabled people) come in the morning
and leave at 4:00 PM every day.
Work: General farm activities, gardening,
cleaning up the cowsheds and the house of the
association. Overall restoration of the
farmhouse. Volunteers will be working together
with the disabled farmers, until 4:00 PM. In the
evening volunteers will stay at the farm with
their group only.
Study: The integration and socializing of
handicapped people
Accommodation: Volunteers will sleep in
group in the new wing of the association
Language: Fair knowledge of French to
communicate with the farmers
Qualifications: Not to be put off by
unrewarding tasks such as cleaning up the
Terminal/Region: Location of the camp :
Manage is a little town near the city of La
Extra info: Not accessible to wheelchairs
Number of Volunteers: 8
7. Belgium - SCI Belgium
Begin:July 6, 2008, End: July 19, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Maison des jeunes - Neufvilles
The association works with local teenagers,
allowing them to meet other youngsters, like
SCI volunteers, and therefore to open
themselves to other cultures and other
horizons. During the whole year the association
organises cultural, educational and play
activities (drum classes, drawing and
photography workshops, mini trips)
Work: Renovation work in the building
(cleaning, removal of wallpaper, painting, ...),
upkeep of the garden (weeding, etc.),
demolition of an old wall, renovation of a shelter
Study: The usefulness and purpose of a youth
house in a semi-rural area.
Accommodation: Volunteers will sleep
together in a very comfortable house, not far
from the association
Language: Basic knowledge of French to
communicate with the youngsters of the
Qualifications: Manual and technical skills
Terminal/Region: Neufvilles is a small town in
the region of Mons. (25 minutes train ride from
Extra info: Not accessible to wheelchairs
Number of Volunteers: 7
8. Belgium - VIA Belgium
Begin:July 6, 2008, End: July 19, 2008
Topic: Socially disadvantaged
DE WROETER (Kortessem, near Hasselt)
De Wroeter is a non-residential centre for
socially disadvantaged people, some of them
have a minor disability. It is situated in a
beautiful countryside area. Growing vegetables
and fruit in an ecological way is the main
activity, next to maintaining the lanes, flowers
and trees and occasional building activities.
The objective of the organization is to enlarge
the social integration of the people by giving
them work or useful daytime activities.
Work: taking part in the daily tasks together
with the people from De Wroeter, leisure
activities will be organised: group visits, free
concerts, …
Accommodation: inside a building, not
accessible for wheelchairs
Qualifications: motivated to make contacts
with the disadvantaged people from De
Wroeter, sometimes heavy work on the field,
interest in organic farming.
Number of Volunteers: 12
9. Belgium - SCI Belgium
Begin:July 7, 2008, End: July 26, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
Centre de refugies - Rixensart
The Centre for Refugees in Rixensart is an
open centre for asylum seekers (in opposition
with the closed centre where refugees are
forbidden to go outside, work, go to school). Its
main tasks are to feed, accommodate, and
provide social and medical aid to asylum
seekers. The refugees stay in the Centre during
the whole 1st stage of the procedure (4 months
at least). The Centre hosts maximum 160
people (mostly families) and is located in the
residential area of Rixensart. Promoting
intercultural understanding, and proposing new
activities to the residents of the centre are the
main aims of the workcamp. www.fedasil.be
Work: Organising creative workshops for the
refugees of the Centre (mostly with children):
theatre, handicraft, artwork, musical evening
(drums, guitar) games, sport
Study: Belgium as a hosting country: asylum
procedure, Belgian federal system, etc.
Accommodation: Volunteers will sleep in a
large room of the centre
Language: Fair knowledge of French required
as most of the refugees DO NOT speak English
Qualifications: To like children and to be
experienced in animation is necessary; artistic
and musical skills welcomed. The workcamp
could be psychologically tiring
Terminal/Region: Location of the camp :
Rixensart is a charming little town located
approximately 20 km from Brussels
Extra info: 20 and over. Fill in the extra
motivation form.
Number of Volunteers: 8
10. Belgium - VIA Belgium
Begin:July 14, 2008, End: July 27, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
TER DENNEN (Lanaken, near Hasselt)
Ter Dennen is a Red Cross centre for asylum
seekers. After arrival in Belgium, refugees are
sent to a centre where they receive food and a
shelter. Ter Dennen is a quite isolated place in
a green surrounding. Around 200 refugees from
more then 20 countries stay there, of which 70
are children and youngsters. Since a lot of
people from different backgrounds live together
there and the asylum procedure is not always
successful, life in the centre is not always easy.
Work: organizing leisure time activities for
children and youngsters who live in the centre
Accommodation: staying in the centre, not
accessible for wheelchairs and vols with
children. No self-cooking possible, vegetarian
food is possible.
Qualifications: respecting the house rules (no
alcohol, no smoking inside the buildings).
Number of Volunteers: 10
11. Belgium - SCI Belgium
Begin:July 19, 2008, End: August 2, 2008
Topic: Environment
Centre nature - Borzee
The nature centre of Borzee is a social tourism
centre in a small hamlet of the Ardennes. The
centre hosts pupils for their school camps,
families on holidays, individuals or associations
for trainings and seminars all year long. In the
activity program the centre mainly organises
nature awareness activities (walks, treasure
hunts, observation activities, farm activities) as
well as sport and expression activities. Around
40 people work daily in the centre and among
them 10 guides. The encounter is privileged
throughout all activities.
Work: Volunteers will work at the rehabilitation
of an old traditional farm (demolition work).
They will build two stables with the reprocessed
material and will work at the management of a
natural didactical garden. The farm will be used
as a reception and preparation place for tourists
who will visit the archaeological site not far
Study: Reflection about touristic products
friendly to the environment and the patrimony
Accommodation: Group accommodation in
the building of the centre
Language: English but some basic knowledge
of French will be an asset if you want to
communicate with the staff
Qualifications: To like physical outdoor work
Terminal/Region: Borzee is located 2 km away
from La Roche-en-Ardennes in the middle of a
small valley of the Belgian Ardennes
Extra info: Not accessible to wheelchairs
Number of Volunteers: 10
12. Belgium - VIA Belgium
Begin:July 19, 2008, End: August 3, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
near Antwerp)
MPI Oosterlo is an activity centre, which
provides children, youngsters and adult people
with a mental disability useful day activities
according from their strengths. The first week
there is a summer camp for these people,
theme: ‘Mirror , mirror on the wall’. The second
week they work together with Reggae Geel, a
yearly reggae festival, where 15.000 young
people come to listen and to party music. This
is an integration activity for the disabled people
to be active with young people.
Work: the first week organizing workshops:
painting, photo, film, theatre, storytelling,
recycling material… The second week the
workcamp will help the people with a mental
handicap to build up the festival
Accommodation: first week inside a building,
second week on campsite in tents
Qualifications: interest in working with
mentally disabled people
Number of Volunteers: 10
13. Belgium - SCI Belgium
Begin:July 26, 2008, End: August 7, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Festival Esperanzah, Floreffe
For 6 years now, the association has organised
the festival Esperanzah, a world music festival
which aim is to favour open-mindedness,
exchanges, meetings and (north-south) cultural
crossing. Each edition emphasizes on a
specific theme and this years thematic will be a
decent work for all. The event will gather for 3
days musicians from all over the world and lots
of associations working for a fairer and better
world. The whole event tends to promote
through world music and party time, human and
environmental values, peace and equality
between people. www.esperanzah.be
Work: Volunteers will mainly help with setting
up and taking down the festival facilities (tents,
fences, décor, stages;). Some of them might
join the deco team; for a few days for some
painting and drawing. During the festival,
volunteers will attend the concerts. They will
work with local volunteers.
Study: Discussion about a decent work for all
but also about citizenship and mobilization
Accommodation: Volunteers will sleep in
group in a classroom of the school
Qualifications: To show a sense of initiative.
Volunteers with some artistic skills are more
than welcomed
Terminal/Region: The festival will take place in
the beautiful Abbey of Floreffe, close to Namur
Extra info: Not accessible to wheelchairs
Number of Volunteers: 16
14. Belgium - VIA Belgium
Begin:July 27, 2008, End: August 9, 2008
Topic: Environment
HET GANZENHOF (Avelgem, near Kortrijk)
Het Ganzenhof is an organic farm and
educational centre, run by persons with a
disability. The project invites local public to
learn about ecological farming and composting
waste of vegetables and fruit, baking bread in a
traditional wood oven, producing marmalade,
raise animals, … while (re)integrating persons
with less opportunities in society at the same
time. The study part will involve organic farming
and the integration of disabled persons in
Work: removing weeds, harvesting vegetables,
producing marmalade and bread, maintenance
of the farm building.
Accommodation: Sleeping in tents in the inner
square of the charming farm, inside the stable if
bad weather.
Number of Volunteers: 12
15. Belgium - SCI Belgium
Begin:July 30, 2008, End: August 19, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Camp de partage - Rance
The association Le camp de partage is a
volunteer association born in 1974 which
organises a 2 week holiday camp for
approximately 80 children aged 6 to 18 years
old, every year. All of them come from
disadvantaged families or have no families and
most of them live in child welfare institutions.
Most of them have gone through very hard
moments and have deep wounds. Around 30
Belgian volunteers aged 20 to 28 take care of
the kids and organise activities for them.
Around 20 other people of all ages take care of
the logistical aspects.
Work: Helping with the activities for the
children (sport, games, plays, dancing, art and
crafts). Little free time
Study: Discussions over the Child welfare
system and institutions
Accommodation: In tents
Qualifications: To have some previous
experience with kids. Artistic skills and creativity
most welcome
Language: Very good knowledge of French in
order to communicate with the children
Terminal/Region: Rance, a small village in the
south west of Belgium, close to Chimay
Extra info: 20 years old and over. Specific
questionnaire to fill in with application form.
Could be psychologically tiring. Not accessible
to wheel chairs.
Number of Volunteers: 6
16. Belgium - VIA Belgium
Begin:August 3, 2008, End: August 16, 2008
Topic: Ideology and spirituality
DE BEREKLAUW (Herent, near Leuven)
De Bereklauw project exists thanks to the
charismatic owner of a farm who has created
an alternative community of people living
independently from consumer society. The
project brings together an unique group of
young people and artists coming from various
parts of the world. They try to live and work in
an ecological, partly self-sufficient way, by
growing their own fruit and vegetables, by
recycling materials, exchanging food and
materials with others and by keeping some
Work: maintenance of the house and the
garden, ecological gardening, restoration,
painting, taking part in artistic events taking
place at the venue.
Accommodation: primitive and basic
accommodation, interest in community life and
art, if you prefer you can bring your tent, not
accessible for wheelchairs and vols with
Number of Volunteers: 10
17. Belgium - SCI Belgium
Begin:August 4, 2008, End: August 16, 2008
Topic: North South solidarity
Maisons internationale - St Paul - Mons
Workcamp organised with two different
community houses: the International House and
the Saint-Paul House. The International house
offers 42 beds to students coming from third
world countries. It also provides them with
some information about Belgium and its
institutions and tries to raise awareness about
north-south issues through events with different
NGOs. On the other hand, the Saint-Paul
House offers around 50 beds to homeless and
socially disadvantaged men and provides the
residents with some tools to reintegrate the
society (health and administrative advice, dayto-day management, training and work).
Work: General maintenance work (painting,
cleaning, gardening).Organisation of some
common events for both houses and its
residents, such as barbecue and concert.
Study: North South and intercultural issues and
rehabilitation of marginalised people
Accommodation: Group accommodation in
the International house and meals at the SaintPaul house
Qualifications: To like manual work and be
open to meet African students and
disadvantaged people
Terminal/Region: In the centre of the city of
Extra info: Not accessible to wheelchairs
Number of Volunteers: 6
18. Belgium - SCI Belgium
Begin:August 4, 2008, End: August 16, 2008
Topic: Environment
Crie - Frasnes Lez Anvaing
The regional Initiation centre for Environment of
Mouscron was founded in 1998. Its mission is
to organise environmental awareness activities
for a large and varied public and to support
sustainable development projects through
activities such as nature weekends, guided
walks, school activities, garden exhibitions. The
objective of the work-camp will be to
rehabilitate the settling basins of an old sugar
factory into a nature reserve. www.crie.be
Work: Making wooden observatories, setting
up stakes and fences, mowing weed, building
animal sheds
Study: Discussion about the centre missions,
presentation of the project and the reserve.
Accommodation: Group accommodation in a
rural hostel
Qualifications: English but basic knowledge of
French can be an advantage, be able to swim
and ride a bicycle and not to be afraid of water
and have some manual skills (handyman)
Terminal/Region: Frasnes-lez-anvaing, a
small village located 20 km away from Tournai
Extra info: Not accessible to wheelchairs
Number of Volunteers: 6
19. Belgium - VIA Belgium
Begin:August 12, 2008, End: August 26, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
WEMEL KAMP (Herentals, near Antwerpen)
Wemel is organizing summer time activities for
children with ADHD (Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder). During the international
workcamp there will be a 7-day camp for
children (age 8-12 and 13-15) with ADHD or a
light form of autism. Camp theme is ‘Pirates’ :
lot’s of creative workshops, campfires, outdoor
games, … The camp place is beautifully
situated in the pine wood.
Work: helping the local leaders with logistics,
cooking, dishes, preparing and organizing
activities with the children, creating a good
Accommodation: In tents, good sanitary. Not
accessible for wheelchairs.
Qualifications: Vols. should consider the
unique approach of the children: respect, no
punishment but encouragement, conflict
resolution through talking. Creative people very
Number of Volunteers: 8
20. Belgium - SCI Belgium
Begin:August 17, 2008, End: August 30, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Teleservices - Bruxelles
Télé-services provides a dozen services aimed
at listening, advising and guiding people in
need or up against difficulties, in order to help
them to acquire autonomy. Amongst these
various activities, the service for young people
organises different types of activities all year
long (creative workshops, homework school,
sport…) for children and youngsters coming
from a densely populated area in the centre of
Brussels and mostly from immigrated origins.
Work: Prepare activities for children coming to
the centre, aged 6 to 12, in the morning and
animate in the afternoon (arts and crafts,
cooking, sports, daily trips in the country or the
sea side)
Study: Immigration and integration issues and
development of the big cities
Accommodation: Volunteers will sleep in the
Don Bosco Centre where they will run the
Qualifications: Animation experience, and
creativity welcomed
Language: Good knowledge of French to
communicate with the children and prepare the
activities with the staff
Terminal/Region: In the centre of Brussels
Extra info: Not accessible to wheelchairs
Number of Volunteers: 6
21. Belgium - VIA Belgium
Begin:August 23, 2008, End: September 5,
Topic: Art, culture, history
BOOMBAL FESTIVAL (Lovendegem, near
Boombalfestival (28-31/8) is a 4-days folk
music and dance festival for young and old.
Atmosphere and social contact are very
important on this small-scale and multicultural
festival (3000 visitors)
Study: Study part around dance initiation and
musical workshops. Personal music
instruments very welcome
Work: building up and breaking down the
festival (tents, dance floors, decoration,
electricity, water, …) . Free time during the
Accommodation: during the festival in tents,
the rest of the camp inside a house. Not
accessible for wheelchairs and vols with
Number of Volunteers: 12
22. Belgium - SCI Belgium
Begin:August 24, 2008, End: September 6,
Topic: Disabilities
Facere, Bruxelles
Facere is a day and residential centre for 35
I.M.C. (Cerebral palsy) i.e. mentally and
physically handicapped people (adults). The
aim of the association is to promote the
autonomy and integration of the residents, by
providing them with an appropriate place to live
in and a range of creative and artistic activities,
meetings, discoveries and guidance in their
daily life. Meeting each other and spending time
together is the main aim of the workcamp.
Volunteers willing to share a passion are
welcomed. www.facere.be
Work: 1) Assist the disabled in their daily life
(awakening, meals, moving, discussion) - 2)
Take part in the activities proposed by the
centre : games and workshops (cartoons,
painting, computer practice, radio,
photography) and outings - 3) Animate
evenings and come up with new activities and
workshops (arts & crafts, music, photography)
Study: The daily life of handicapped people in
a specialised home
Accommodation: Group accommodation in
the centre
Language: Good level of French (required to
communicate with the residents) !
Qualifications: Open-minded, good sense of
creativity (artistic skills) and autonomy. The
work camp could be psychologically tiring
Terminal/Region: The association is located in
the Brussels suburbs
Extra info: Please join a motivation letter to
your application form
Number of Volunteers: 4
23. Belgium - VIA Belgium
Begin:August 25, 2008, End: September 8,
Topic: Socially disadvantaged
RIZSAS (Betekom, near Leuven)
Rizsas is a project on a small farm where useful
daytime activities are organized for youngsters
who need special care: school drop-outs, family
problems, … On the farm the youngsters find
time and space to find/redefine their interests
and capacities.
Work: the first week garden work
(Permaculture) and cleaning of the surrounding
(cleaning the animal houses), making bread,
preparing an open event for the
neighbourhood, … The second week the
youngsters arrive and activities will be
organized with them, maintaining of the
ecological garden, …
Accommodation: Living in primitive conditions,
sleeping in tents. Not accessible for
wheelchairs and vols with children.
Number of Volunteers: 8
24. Belgium - VIA Belgium
Begin:August 30, 2008, End: September 14,
Topic: Environment
(Begijnendijk, near Leuven)
In the valley of the Demer, young ecovolunteers are working on a recently conversed
natural reserve project. An abandoned
agricultural zone is being transferred into a bio
diverse area. There will be also 10 Flemish
volunteers on the work camp
Work: to cut foreign dominant trees, mow the
grasslands, maintain fences, open walking trails
and take care of the sheep and goats.
Organizing neighbour festivity. Heavy, dirty, but
satisfying work!
Accommodation: Basic living conditions, in
tent (no shower but natural pool, ...). The camp
place is close to an alternative community
house of some local volunteers where nature
and music are integrated in the everyday life.
Not accessible for wheelchairs.
Number of Volunteers: 15
25. Belgium - VIA Belgium
Begin:August 31, 2008, End: September 13,
Topic: Disabilities
(Zillebeke, near Ieper)
Milieuboerderij Palingbeek is a very peacefully
located day centre for 15 adult men and women
with a mental disability. Their aim is to give
these people a useful day job with respect for
the human being and nature. The farm and the
nearby educative centre are open for children
and groups who want to learn about farming
and ecology. If you are musical, bring your
instruments with you.
Work: maintaining the ecological gardens,
taking care of the animals, preparing free time
activities for people from the day centre,
including preparation of meals.
Accommodation: inside a comfortable stable,
not accessible for vols with children and
wheelchairs but open to other handicapped
Number of Volunteers: 7
26. Belgium - VIA Belgium
Begin:August 31, 2008, End: September 13,
Topic: Ideology and spirituality
VIA and SCI, the two Belgian SCI branches,
organise one camp to enable Belgian and
international volunteers to discover and discuss
Belgium, it's peculiar political system and
cultural issues, globalisation and organic
farming. The camp will take place at two farms,
situated at a distance of 12 km from each other.
Diggiefarm is a Flemish ‘children farm’ which
proposes educational activities (feeding the
animals, making bread) to school groups, youth
movement, disabled and disadvantaged
children, ... Dorlou is a Walon organic farm
(mainly animals) which sells its own products,
has a restaurant and a camping for tourists and
opens its doors to school groups.
Work: One week in each farm - harvesting,
feeding the animals, repairing fences, doing
some construction work such as painting,
installing a rainwater evacuation system and
conversion of an attic into a meeting room.
Accommodation: On beds in comfortable
rooms at the ‘Diggie’ and on your own
mattresses in tents or in the barn at ‘Le Dorlou’.
Not accessible for wheelchairs
Number of Volunteers: 12
27. Belgium - VIA Belgium
Begin:September 4, 2008, End: September 17,
Topic: Others
TOK VIA (Eeklo)
VIA Belgium is part of 2 international networks:
SCI and ICYE. ICYE stands for International
Cultural Youth Exchange and gives young
people between 18 and 30 the possibility to do
an exchange for one year. The exchange year
starts with a language and orientation camp
where they get informed about the life in
Belgium and where they learn Dutch. This
camp will be a chance to meet 20 people from
all over the world (Africa, Latin-America, Asia,
and Europe) and to spend time with these
Work: logistic support during the language and
orientation camp: cooking, co-ordination,
hosting, animation, exchange between SCI and
Accommodation: inside a building
Number of Volunteers: 6
28. Belgium - SCI Belgium
Begin:September 7, 2008, End: September 20,
Topic: Disabilities
Centre de Hemptinne - Jauche
The Centre de Hemptinne is a residential
centre for mentally handicapped people that
hosts 54 adults living in 6 groups of different
ages and abilities. Each day the residents take
part in collective and appropriate work which
allows them to carry out a task from its
beginning to its end, to approach the
professional world and to promote their
activities (farming, making aromatic vinegar and
liqueur, growing chicory, etc.). The Centre
provides the handicapped people with
appropriate leisure activities: hippotherapy,
swimming in the pool of the Centre, creative
workshops, etc. All those activities give them
the opportunity to build relationships with other
people and contribute to the creation of a place
matching their abilities, their needs and their
Work: Installation of a fitness track outside and
gardening. Some painting work inside.
Possibility for the volunteers to take part in the
residents; leisure activities and workshops
Study: The integration and socializing of
handicapped people
Accommodation: Accommodation in the
Qualifications: Open-minded. Interested in
encountering with handicapped people. The
work camp could be psychologically tiring
Terminal/Region: Jauche is a small village
located 30 km away from Namur and Leuven
and 50 km from Liège and Brussels
Extra info: Not accessible to wheelchairs.
Please join a motivation letter to your
application form
Number of Volunteers: 7
29. Belgium - SCI Belgium
Begin:September 8, 2008, End: September 20,
Topic: Environment
Domaine nature - Mozet
The Mozet property is a social tourism centre
which hosts all year long school groups, youth
movements, associations, families and
companies. It is located in a wonderful country
landscape and the building is a 11th century
farm castle. Many activities are aimed at raising
awareness on nature and patrimony such as
trainings about nature pedagogy, discovery
walks, wild cooking day.The property is also
managed according to sustainable
development principles. http://www.mozet.be
Work: Volunteers will help with the
improvement and maintenance of the park:
cutting trees and vegetation, preparing and
ploughing the ground for plantation, clearing.
Study: Discussion about ecocivism,
biodiversity and environmental awareness
Accommodation: Group accommodation in a
small house next to the castle
Language: English but basic knowledge of
French can be useful to communicate wit the
Qualifications: Special interest for
environmental issues and not to be afraid by
some heavy tasks
Terminal/Region: In the village of Mozet, in the
countryside, 14 km away from Namur - isolated
Extra info: Not accessible to wheelchairs
Number of Volunteers: 15
30. Belgium - VIA Belgium
Begin:September 11, 2008, End: September
21, 2008
Topic: Environment
JNM ZWART WERK (Koersel – Beringen,
near Hasselt)
JNM is a youth organization working around
nature and environment. This is done by
organizing excursions, camps, workshops, and
study sessions, environmental actions and
working in nature reserves. This project aims at
reconstructing and maintaining Flanders’
biggest nature reserve ‘Valley of the black
creek’, 1200 ha. There will be 6 international
and 14 local volunteers, all amateur physicists
and/or science students with a special interest
for nature.
Work: hard work in a moist nature reserve:
mowing grass, cutting trees, …
Accommodation: sleeping in a horse stable,
primitive living, vegetarian food, not accessible
for wheelchairs and vols with children, age
max. 25.
Number of Volunteers: 6
31. Belgium - VIA Belgium
Begin:September 21, 2008, End: October 4,
Topic: Art, culture, history
FIESTA MUNDIAL (Balen, near Antwerp)
Fiesta Mundial (26-28/9) is a world party in the
true sense of the word. 10 years ago it started
out of the initiative of local development
workers who all had there projects in Africa. To
inform and motivate 10.000 spectators about
globalisation workshops, an exotic market and
music is organized. The festival is in the middle
of a nature and recreation centre.
Work: building up and breaking down the
festival, electricity, water, tents, also creative
input like decoration.
Accommodation: inside a house, not
accessible for vols with children
Number of Volunteers: 8
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Youth Centre Livno Bosnia
Begin:July 15, 2008, End: July 22, 2008
Topic: Environment
Sturba 2008, Livno
Organised by "Youth Centre Livno", this is 7th
international workcamp organised in Drzanlije,
on Sturba riverbanks. This workcamp is part of
broader campaign for protection of river Sturba.
Work: The main job for the volunteers will be
cleaning of river banks (Sturba River) and bed
from garbage and organic waste. The
volunteers will work together with local
population and other local participantsof the
camp. Volunteers will also prepare some of the
facilities for the camp.
Study: The workcamp is also followed by the
excursion to Livno town, where volunteers will
have chance to vist all local notability and the
city museum
Accommodation: Tents near the banks of
Sturba River
Language: English and ex-yugoslavian
Terminal/Region: Livno.
Location: Village Dr¾anlije, near town Livno
Extra info: The workcamp is also followed by
the various workshops and Art Colony, in which
volunteers can also take part. Sleeping bags
and warm cloths for cold nights are necessary.
Volunteers can also bring their tents and air
mattresses. Age limit is +24 years.
Number of Volunteers: 10
2. Bosnia and Herzegovina - Youth Centre Livno Bosnia
Begin:July 15, 2008, End: July 22, 2008
Topic: Environment
Youth for life, Motajica ’08
The workcamp will be organized in village
Gornja Lepenica, on hillsides of mountain
Motajica. Srbac is north from Banja Luka, on
border with Croatia. The camp will be held in
order to raise ecological conscience with young
people, and we wish to develop intercultural
dialogue between young people, which will
participate at the camp.
Work: Volunteers will work together with local
population and local volunteers. They will work
on building and accommodating the excursion
site. Also, they will install wooden houses,
tables, benches, swings and seesaws.
Volunteers will participate in ecological and
psychosocial workshops.
Study: Visit to the international reservation of
birds Bardaca
Accommodation: In tents.
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Sarajevo or BanjaLuka, than
city of Srbac
Extra info: Volunteers should bring their own
tents and sleeping bags. A warm clothes for
cold nights is necessary. It would be useful if
volunteers bring music, games or some kind of
traditional food or drink from their
country.Participation fee: 20 Euro
Number of Volunteers: 20
3. Bosnia and Herzegovina - Youth Centre Livno Bosnia
Begin:July 31, 2008, End: August 9, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
International Summer Camp Youth and
Heritage “Æuprija” Home Hospitality 2008
The «Æuprija 2008» is an integrated project
including work, educational and recreational
activities, calling for approximately 40 young
people as well as visiting professors and
specialists from Bosnia and Herzegovina and
abroad, all being part of the programme. The
aim of this enterprise is to build tolerance
among young people from different
backgrounds by installing in them a greater
understanding and appreciation of the diversity
and plurality of world cultures. The working
activities will include the renovation and
rehabilitation of destroyed cultural and natural
heritage in Stolac.
Work: Work during the camp will include
Bregava river cleaning, helping with the
reconstruction of endowment house in Brade
and Æuprija mosque, rebuilding the
surrounding wall of ortodox church, as well as
cleaning of the old Muslim graveyard. Other
additional works are possible.
Study: During the camp there will be organized
five educational workshops on following
subjects: Tolerance, Cultural Memory, Religion
and Heritage and Learning by doing. Visits to
the following sites are envisaged as well:
Sarajevo, Rama, Kravice waterfalls and Mostar.
Accommodation: Volunteers will be
accommodated in private houses of the
participants from Stolac.
Language: English (obligatory)
Terminal/Region: STOLAC
Extra info: Participation fee for the participants
of the neighboring countries (Croatia, Serbia
and Montenegro) is 100 EUR. For all other
participants fee is 250 EUR. Fee covers:
accommodation, food, local travel and
materials. Participants should cover their own
travel costs to Stolac. For those who can not
pay the fee (but are interested in participating)
can ask for the fee reduction from the
organizators and we will do what we can. Age:
Number of Volunteers: 10
4. Bosnia and Herzegovina - Youth Centre Livno Bosnia
Begin:August 1, 2008, End: August 8, 2008
Topic: Environment
Neretva, Konjic
Youth council Konjic is organizing the
workcamp with the aim of promotion of
sustainable developement and protection of life
environment. The workcamp will be contained
of workshops, work actions and excursions.
The municipality of Konjic is located in the
region of Bosnia and Herzegovina known as
northern Herzegovina, roughly 50 kilometres
south of Sarajevo. It is a mountainous, heavily
wooded area. The municipality extends on both
sides of the Neretva River.
Work: Volunteers will clean the canyon of river
Neretva, beaches on Boraèko lake
Study: The workcamp is also followed by the
various workshops (creativity, touristic potential
of this area, lectures about mines and
excursions (rafting on river Neretva, walking
through canion of river Rakitnica and to
Boracko lake)
Accommodation: In elementary school in the
Language: English and ex-yugoslavian
Terminal/Region: Konjic.
Extra info: Age limit is 18-30 years. Volunteers
should bring their sleeping bags.
Number of Volunteers: 10
1. Bulgaria - CVS Bulgaria
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 20, 2008
Topic: Environment
BEGLIKA, Pazardjik
Beglika is located at an altitude of 1500 m
above the sea in the western part of Rhodope
Mountains. The region is famous for its well
preserved nature, lakes and lush forests. In
close proximity are located the natural reserves
called “Mantaritsa” and “Beglika” – both
included in the Man and Biosphere Program of
UNESCO because the rich biodiversity that can
be observed here. The project aims at
generating facilities and organizing an outdoors
festival in order to promote the region as
destination for alternative and eco tourism.
Work: The work that needs to be undertaken
consists of three stages: construction of “North
Shore” facilities (wooden bridges, paths and
steps) and signposts for mountain bike
orienteering; help with the organizing of the
outdoors festival; post activities work including
cleaning the area.
Study: Presentation of the local wildlife and
ways for development of sustainable tourism.
Accommodation: tents and opportunity to use
baths daily. Food will be cooked everyday in
the camp including local dishes and good
vegetarian choice.
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Sofia
Extra info: interest in mountain biking,
orienteering, sustainable development.
Number of Volunteers: 20
2. Bulgaria - CVS Bulgaria
Begin:July 28, 2008, End: August 10, 2008
Topic: Ideology and spirituality
GIGINTZI MONASTERY, Gigintzi village
The monastery “St. St. Cozma and Damyan” is
located in the municipality of Breznik, western
part of Bulgaria at a distance of about 50 km
from Sofia. This is a very remote and quiet
place embedded in the beautiful landscape of
the Cherna Gora mountain. The aim of the
project is to create better life conditions in the
monastery, which is inhabited by a few monks
and novices who are trying to bring new life to
the place. They grow their own food in the
monastery garden and tend to the animals.
Work: The volunteers will help with renovation
works in the monastery, prepare the winter
supplies, gather hay etc. They could also
contribute to the everyday tasks of the
monastery (work in the small farm and attend to
the garden).
Study: Presentation of the local cultural
heritage, excursions in the region (please be
prepared to have 15 euros for excursions, in
case of need). Volunteers will have the
possibility to learn about orthodox liturgy,
philosophy and music. They will have the
possibility to learn how to beat butter, prepare
yoghurt and cheese.
Accommodation: In the monastery in sleeping
rooms. Very simple sanitary conditions. There
is no telephone. Electricity from solar panels.
Simple, mainly organic food, grown in the
monastery garden. Please, bring your sleeping
Terminal/Region: Sofia
Extra info: Readiness to respect the rules
within the monastery and to spend two weeks
in a very remote place far from any village or
public transport; interest in cultural learning,
religion studies, orthodox music, the history of
the region. No wheelchair accessibility.
Number of Volunteers: 12
3. Bulgaria - CVS Bulgaria
Begin:July 30, 2008, End: August 12, 2008
Topic: Environment
The Vlahi village is situated in the western part
of the Pirin Mountain close to the Pirin National
Park, which is part of the Natural Heritage
Programme of UNESCO. The aim of the project
is to build an Eco-center, which will serve as: •
A center for environmental education for
children, pupils, students, organized tourist
groups and individual tourists as a form of ecotourism; • Informational and demonstrational
center for the sustainable use of the natural
resources for the local community and tourists;
• A center for trainings, debates and seminars
on topics related to eco-tourism, environment,
biodiversity, sustainable development, and
renewable energy
Work: Renovation work in the Eco-centre
building, marking of tourist trails
Study: Presentation of the local bio-diversity
and cultural heritage
Accommodation: Tents or on the floor in the
house. Very simple sanitary conditions (outside
showers and compost toilets). The vols will
cook themselves. Primarily vegetarian food.
Bring your sleeping bag and mattress and if you
have a small tent bring it too - it will be great.
Language: English
Number of Volunteers: 10
4. Bulgaria - CVS Bulgaria
Begin:August 18, 2008, End: August 31, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
DOLNA BANYA, Dolna Banya Village
The village of Dolna Banya is situated at about
90 km east of Sofia. The workcamp will take
place in a governmental institution for
disadvantaged children called “Konstantsa
Liapcheva”. The group consists of about 20
children without parents, from poor families, or
neglected children aged between 7 and 18
years old.
Work: The main task of the volunteers will be
to organize the free time of the children during
their summer holiday: organize creative
workshops, excursions, sports and other
Study: Presentation of the local history and
cultural heritage. In their free time there is a
possibility for the vols to have walks in the
nearby parks and hills (together with the kids).
Accommodation: In the social home in a
separate room.
Language: English, Bulgarian
Extra info: Interest in working with children and
good motivation. Volunteers should be over 20
years old.
Number of Volunteers: 5
5. Bulgaria - CVS Bulgaria
Begin:August 25, 2008, End: September 7,
Topic: Ideology and spirituality
GIGINTZI MONASTERY, Gigintzi village
The monastery “St. St. Cozma and Damyan” is
located in the municipality of Breznik, western
part of Bulgaria at a distance of about 50 km
from Sofia. This is a very remote and quiet
place embedded in the beautiful landscape of
the Cherna Gora mountain. The aim of the
project is to create better life conditions in the
monastery, which is inhabited by a few monks
and novices who are trying to bring new life to
the place. They grow their own food in the
monastery garden and tend to the animals.
Work: The volunteers will help with renovation
works in the monastery, prepare the winter
supplies, gather hay etc. They could also
contribute to the everyday tasks of the
monastery (work in the small farm and attend to
the garden).
Study: Presentation of the local cultural
heritage, excursions in the region (please be
prepared to have 15 euros for excursions, in
case of need). Volunteers will have the
possibility to learn about orthodox liturgy,
philosophy and music. They will have the
possibility to learn how to beat butter, prepare
yoghurt and cheese.
Accommodation: In the monastery in sleeping
rooms. Very simple sanitary conditions. There
is no telephone. Electricity from solar panels.
Simple, mainly organic food, grown in the
monastery garden. Please, bring your sleeping
Terminal/Region: Sofia
Extra info: Readiness to respect the rules
within the monastery and to spend two weeks
in a very remote place far from any village or
public transport; interest in cultural learning,
religion studies, orthodox music, the history of
the region. No wheelchair accessibility.
Number of Volunteers: 12
1. Croatia - Volunteers Centre Zagreb
Begin:May 14, 2008, End: May 28, 2008
Topic: Environment
WHAT SEA BRINGS TO US (Tkon, Island of
The Island of Pasman belongs to Zadar
archipelagos. The island's well-preserved
landscape features many species of medicinal
and aromatic herbs, vineyards, fields and olive
groves. The camp has been organized for the
third time in cooperation with TRS Association
which aims at improving the quality of life on
the island.
Work: Volunteers will work on cleaning
garbage off the beach and also run on
beatification projects on the island, such as wall
paintings, planting, decorating etc. Free time:
excursion to Zadar, visits to monasteries,
trekking around the island, swimming in the see
Language: English
Accommodation: Daruvar resort, Ugrnic.
Sleeping bags are necessary
Terminal/Region: Zadar, Biograd
Extra info: The work camp is not accessible for
wheelchairs. Participation fee 10 euro.
Number of Volunteers: 8
2. Croatia - Volunteers Centre Zagreb
Begin:May 26, 2008, End: June 8, 2008
Topic: Environment
TRPANJ (Peljesac Peninsula)
Trpanj is one of the oldest settlements on the
Peljesac Peninsula, an oasis of crystalline sea
and untouched nature. Trpanj and surroundings
are environmentally pure areas, with little stony
and sand beaches, beautiful crystal clear sea.
The camp has been organized for the third time
in cooperation with local Tourist Board and
Work: Work part will involve tree planting,
maintaining walking and mountain trails, as well
as setting up signs around cultural objects.
Also, volunteers will clean up garbage off the
beach, which will be used for recycleArt
workshops with children from local school. Free
time: local history and cultural heritage,
excursion to Dubrovnik.
Accommodation: Tourist camp on the beach.
Toilets and showers are available. Tents and
sleeping bags are necessary.
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Ploce
Extra info: The work camp is not accessible for
wheelchairs. Participation fee 10 €.
Number of Volunteers: 10
3. Croatia - Volunteers Centre Zagreb
Begin:June 20, 2008, End: July 3, 2008
Topic: Environment
KUKLJICA (Island of Ugljan)
ENVI/ART Kukljica is a small village situated on
the Island of Ugljan which lies just few nautical
off-shore from Zadar.
Work: Volunteers will work on clening beaches
and maintaining paths that lead to the beach.
The garbage recollected will be used by
volunteers for SMECART (garbage art), an
exihibition that volunteers and some local
artists will organize at the end of the workcamp.
They will also actively partecipate in the
organization of a poetry event. Free time:
excursion to National park Kornati, monasteries
Accommodation: In a school in Kuklijca.
Sleeping bags are necessary.
Terminal/Region: Zadar
Extra info: Volunteers shold be motivated to
take part in the artistic part of the camp recycleArt. The work camp is not accessible for
wheelchairs. Participation fee 10 euro.
Number of Volunteers: 8
4. Croatia - Volunteers Centre Zagreb
Begin:June 30, 2008, End: July 15, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
FEST Located only 15km from Split on the
beautiful Adriatic coast, Kastel Kambelovac is
one of the 7 towns of the Kastela Bay
characterized by medieval castles. The work
camp has been organized for the past four
Work: Volunteers will help in organizing the
10th annual Dalmatia World Music Festival, one
of the biggest in the region. The main tasks
include preparation of traditional local food,
journalist assignments, building stages for
concerts, buying groceries, etc.
Accommodation: Tourist camp in Kastel
Kambelovac, in tents. Sleeping bags are
necessary. Volunteers will cook for themselves.
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Split
Extra info: Motivation letter required.
Journalists and photographers are desirable.
Extra info: The work camp is not accessible for
wheelchairs. Participation fee 10 euro.
Number of Volunteers: 10
5. Croatia - Volunteers Centre Zagreb
Begin:July 6, 2008, End: July 19, 2008
Topic: Environment
SOLTA SOLAR ACADEMY (Island of ©olta)
Work: The Island of Solta is one-hour boat ride
off Split. The camp is organized in cooperation
with Zelena akcija (Green Action). Volunteers
will renovate abandoned military barracks
which will serve in future as an educational
centre in the field of renewable energy sources,
energy efficiency and general environmental
activism. The camp site is 50 min from the sea
side by foot.
Accommodation: Refurbished rooms with
beds, mattresses and linen. Sleeping bag is
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Split
Extra info: Motivation letter is required.
Knowledge of environmental issues and
technical/practical skills are desirable. The work
camp is not accessible for wheelchairs.
Participation fee 20 euro.
Number of Volunteers: 20
6. Croatia - Volunteers Centre Zagreb
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 2, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Language: Gvozd is a very small town in a
post war area. It is situated about one hour and
half from Zagreb.
Work: Volunteers will primarily organize and
run workshops and different activities
(accordingly with their own skills) with children
and youth from the local community, they will
as well work on beautification projects such as
mosaics and wall paintings and environmental
cleanup. During the camp will be organized
activities and short term project on peace
education and multi/intercultural issues to
promote tolerance and solidarity as a way of
living and thinking.
Language: English
Accommodation: In a house rented in Gvozd.
Sleeping bags and mats are necessary.
Terminal/Region: Gvozd, Zagreb
Extra info: Motivation letter required.
Knowledge on peace issues is desidarable.
The work camp is not accessible for
Number of Volunteers: 7
7. Croatia - Volunteers Centre Zagreb
Begin:July 22, 2008, End: August 2, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
SUPETAR (Island of Brac)
Work: The camp has been organized for the
fourth time in cooperation with St. Anna Home
for Children without Parental Care from
Vinkovci. Volunteers will organize workshops
for children from the Home on the following
topics: dancing, acting, drawing, jewelrymaking, juggling, sports. Volunteers will also
help in preparing daily meals and occasionally
spend time with children on the beach.
Accommodation: Food and accommodation
will be arranged in local children's home.
Showers, toilets, sheets and blankets provided.
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Split
Extra info: Since the main tasks and activities
are aimed at children, volunteers should send a
motivation letter with a short description of their
skills and qualifications and 2 references along
with their application form. A police statement
certifying that volunteer has not been punished
is also required. The work camp is not
accessible for wheelchairs.
Number of Volunteers: 5
8. Croatia - Volunteers Centre Zagreb
Begin:July 25, 2008, End: August 8, 2008
Topic: Environment
(PVP) LOVINAC 2008 (Lovinac)
ENVI/EDU Sveti Rok, Lovinac Municipality, in
region of Lika - Senj County, half way between
Zagreb and Split. This camp is the result of a
long and successful cooperation between VCZ
and the Municipality in Lovinac.
Work: Volunteers' work will include daily
activities such as cleaning and marking of
walking and bike paths, cleaning the lake and
the beach, repainting different facilities,
organization of small local events. This camp
will also have education part on peace topic.
Excursions to one of National Parks in the
region and Adriatic Coast will be organized.
Accommodation: Centre for day care and
domestic help for senior citizens.
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Lovinac (Zagreb, Split,
Zadar, Gospic)
Extra info: The work camp is not accessible for
Number of Volunteers: 12
9. Croatia - Volunteers Centre Zagreb
Begin:July 26, 2008, End: August 9, 2008
Topic: Environment
VILLAGE 2008 (Petlovac)
Language: Municipality of Petlovac is situated
in the western part of Croatia, between Park of
Nature “Kopaèki rit“ in Croatia and National
Park „Dunav-Drava“ in Hungary. This
multinational area is isolated from main cultural
and tourist happenings and therefore this
workcamp will animate and involve local people
in active participation.
Work: Volunteers will work on renovation of a
former military building to create an
enviromental/culture centre that aims to
organize activities and projects for the local
community. Local community will help
volunteers and will cooperate with them.
Language: English
Accommodation: In a camp, sleeping bags
needed. After the first working week vols will
sleep in the building they're going to renovate.
Terminal/Region: Beli Manastir, Osijek
Extra info: The work camp is not accessible for
Number of Volunteers: 15
10. Croatia - Volunteers Centre Zagreb
Begin:August 11, 2008, End: August 23, 2008
Topic: Environment
Work: Kuterevo is small village near Mount
Velebit. The camp is organized in cooperation
with Kuterevo Association which promotes
ecology, sustainable development and ecotourism. The camp will take place in Brown
Bear Refuge Centre. Volunteers will work on
maintenance of natural pools that keep
rainwater for bears and other animals. Paths for
bear sanctuary will be made up and fruits and
herbs for beers will be collected. Also,
volunteers will participate in eco-ethno festival.
Free time: excursions to Adriatic Coast, Velebit
Nature Park and Velebit caves.
Accommodation: Volunteers' house. Sleeping
bags are necessary. The accommodation is
very modest!
Language: English.
Terminal/Region: Zagreb
Extra info: 30 euro participation fee. The work
camp is not accessible for wheelchairs.
Number of Volunteers: 12
11. Croatia - Volunteers Centre Zagreb
Begin:August 12, 2008, End: August 25, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
SLATINA (Slatina)
DISA Slatina is a small nice town with 10 000
inhabitants, situated in Virovitica-podravina
country, between river Drava and mountain
Papuk, and it's surrounded by beautiful
Work: This camp is going in cooperation with
Association of people with disabilities. The main
goal of this project is move this people from
their houses and institutions and show them
some other aspects of life. In the project people
with disabilities and their families will
participate. Local and international volunteers
will work and spend days with members of
Association of disabled people in different art
workshops or in nature. Free time: walking in
vineyards, horseback-riding, games, excursion
in Nature Park Papuk.
Accommodation: NGO centre with all
facilities. Sleeping bags are necessary.
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Zagreb
Number of Volunteers: 10
12. Croatia - Volunteers Centre Zagreb
Begin:August 16, 2008, End: September 4,
Topic: Art, culture, history
MNOGO U MALOM \'08 (Jagnjedovec)
(Jagnjedovec) 16/8-4/9 10 vols FEST/HERI
Jagnjedovec, 7km from Koprivnica, North
Croatia, from more info please visit www.sunny-
village.com.Mnogo u malom 08 is a festival of
(multi)culture which purpose is to broaden the
multicultural experience through an exchange
of knowledge and skills in an eco-ethno
Work: Volunteers will help to create and
prepare the program of the festival. Each
volunteer will be required to prepare her/his
own workshop in advance and give it during the
festival. It should be a practical presentation of
any knowledge or skill which the volunteer
wants to share with the guests of the festival.
One of the festival days will be dedicated to
volunteers' countries (cultures) during which
they should present their country (culture) in
any way they want. During with the festival,
volunteers will participate in a 5 day bike
expedition along the river Drava and
surrounding hills. (not too demanding).
Language: English
Accommodation: Restored village houses,
excellent living conditions. Means of
transportation: bicycle Food: home made,
Terminal/Region: Koprivnica, Zagreb
Extra info: Energy and creativity required.
Participation fee 20 euro. The work camp is not
accessible for wheelchairs.
Number of Volunteers: 10
1. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:April 21, 2008, End: May 5, 2008
Topic: Others
Tvarozna Lhota I
Location: Village lies in White Carpathian (Bile
Karpaty mountains) in South Moravia border
region – region with strong traditional feelings
and habits. There are Protected landscape
area around which protect cultural landscape
with mosaics of meadows and forests. In village
itself INEX-SDA has South Moravian Centre(IN
Klub) which run some projects for landscape
and local people.
Work: picking up herbs for infusion production
(local NGO product – herbal teas), terrain work
outdoors in children educational and tourist
centre in a village vicinity, preparation for the
opening of the local rural centre “salas
Travicna” for the new season.
Accomodation/Food: Inklub- INEX – SDA
branch in the village, sleeping bag and light mat
needed. Cooking together, small kitchen
available in the Inklub. Leisure activities: Trips
in nature, folklore-cultural events.
Number of Volunteers: 8
2. Czech Republic - DUHA Czech Republic
Begin:June 1, 2008, End: June 15, 2008
Topic: Ideology and spirituality
BKS (Vyhlidky)
(CONS, MANU, STUD) Partner: The Vyhlidky
Buddhist Centre (BKS) is one of whole network
of centers of H.H. 17.th Karmapa Trinlay Thaye
Dorje and run under guidance of Lama Ole
Nydahl. The centre was established in 1996.
There are now regular meditations in Vyhlidky
and meditation retreats. There are also
construction works going on. A projet of new
big gompa was started in summer 2004. The
biggest challenge now is the completion of
sanitary facility under the main gompa which
will accommodate larger courses and events.
Work: Work with wood (indoor and in the
forest); excavation work; ground shaping (paths
and garden); clean-out the plaster. Help with
the preparation of meals.
Study: Volunteers can gain some information
about Buddhism, they have possibility to join
the meditations, lectures and visit the
neighbouring interesting sites (Cesky Krumlov,
Trebon, Hluboka nad Vltavou Castle, Nove
Hrady, Sumava protected area).
Accommodation: Sleeping together in one
room on the floor of a building (take the
sleeping bag and kari-mattress with you). Food
will be provided 3 times per day. Vegetarian
meals on request.
Extra info: All volunteers willing to join the
team, who are able to work fyzically and are
interested in Buddhism are wellcome! It is
posible to prolong the stay and join the
consequential workcamp. Motivation letter
Number of Volunteers: 6
3. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:June 2, 2008, End: June 14, 2008
Topic: Others
Location: Svojsin is an ancient village located
in Western Bohemia 40km west from world
capital of beer Pilsen (Plzen). This village was
founded in the 12th century during the first
colonisation of low settled regions in Bohemia.
This region has a very long and striking history.
Czech, German and Jewish people were living
here for centuries. But many things changed
during and after the Second World War.
Work: Renovation of castle park and courtyard,
cutting off invasive plants,cleaning works in
area of castle court and sounding works in
basement of castle help in castle park in
Svojsin. Accomodation/Food: In chateau, bring
your sleeping bag and light mat. Meals will be
partly prepared, partly made by participants.
Extra info: See pictures on www.svojsin.cz
Number of Volunteers: 10
4. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:June 14, 2008, End: June 28, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Hartenberg Archeo
Location: Ruin of castle Hartenberg, neglected
castle park, river, forest, fairly tale valley. Area
rich in interesting animals and plants. The
amazing history of the castle goes back to the
13th century, current sad state of the castle is
the result of eviction of the Sudeten German
inhabitants and of the communist bad will
(castle was several times set on fire on
purpose). The castle is near town of Sokolov in
Western Bohemia.
Work: Archaeological work is at the beginning
by now but it shows interesting situations and
valuable artefacts. Volunteers will make
exploring coil and some prepare works. They
will work under the expert lead of local
archaeological institution. This will be first
archaeological workcamp on Hartenberg castle.
The work is rather hard. Accomodation/Food: In
the castle area in tents, near by a river. Take
your sleeping bag and light mat. Participants
will cook from common resources (bought food)
in the kitchen. Seminars, meetings: Possibility
to meet deputies, to meet people from Nature
Protection Association, from Czech NGO’s.
Opportunity to meet Czech-German (Sudeten)
Extra info: See more info about the camp on
Number of Volunteers: 12
5. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:June 15, 2008, End: June 29, 2008
Topic: Others
Location: The little village called Mezno lies
about 70 km south from Prague. There are
about 250 people living in Mezno and attached
villages. Volunteers will have a chance to
experience the life in an average Czech village.
The purpose of this camp is to bring “the world
to Mezno”.
Work: Volunteers will help with cultivation of
public places in Mezno and surrounded villages
and with organization of two local events: “The
kid’s day 2008” . Accomodation/Food: In a local
“firehouse”. Take your sleeping bag and light
mat. Breakfasts and dinners will be made by
volunteers themselves, lunches will be provided
in a local restaurant. Leisure: Since volunteers
will, above all, work manually, there will be
some leisure program provided in the
afternoon. So bring any ideas how to fulfil your
free time and prepare some presentation about
your country which you will present among
locals and other volunteers. Also some trips to
surrounding towns and sightseeing places will
be made.
Number of Volunteers: 6
6. Czech Republic - DUHA Czech Republic
Begin:June 16, 2008, End: June 30, 2008
Topic: Ideology and spirituality
BKS (Vyhlidky)
(CONS, MANU, STUD) Partner: The Vyhlidky
Buddhist Centre (BKS) is one of whole network
of centers of H.H. 17.th Karmapa Trinlay Thaye
Dorje and run under guidance of Lama Ole
Nydahl. The centre was established in 1996.
There are now regular meditations in Vyhlidky
and meditation retreats. There are also
construction works going on. A projet of new
big gompa was started in summer 2004. The
biggest challenge now is the completion of
sanitary facility under the main gompa which
will accommodate larger courses and events.
Work: Work with wood (indoor and in the
forest); excavation work; ground shaping (paths
and garden); clean-out the plaster. Help with
the preparation of meals.
Study: Volunteers can gain some information
about Buddhism, they have possibility to join
the meditations, lectures and visit the
neighbouring interesting sites (Cesky Krumlov,
Trebon, Hluboka nad Vltavou Castle, Nove
Hrady, Sumava protected area).
Accommodation: Sleeping together in one
room on the floor of a building (take the
sleeping bag and kari-mattress with you). Food
will be provided 3 times per day. Vegetarian
meals on request.
Extra info: All volunteers willing to join the
team, who are able to work fyzically and are
interested in Buddhism are wellcome! It is
posible to prolong the stay and join the
consequential workcamp. Motivation letter
Number of Volunteers: 6
7. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:June 23, 2008, End: July 4, 2008
Topic: Environment
Location: Centre for ecological education in
Zlin town, South Moravian part of the country.
Work: In a Landscape protected area, making
the birds little wooden houses, springs and little
rivers cleaning, outdoor environmental work.
Bring rubber boots along with you.
Accomodation: In the club house, part of the
gym space available, kitchen and bathroom
available. Sleeping bag and a light mat are
necessary. Leisure: Hiking in a beautiful
landscape and protected area, visit in a ecofarm, famous spa Luhacovice. Meetings the
students, interactive lectures about ecology,
games, fire and drums evenings
Extra info: You can find some info (only in
Czech) ON http://www.eko4listek.cz
Number of Volunteers: 6
8. Czech Republic - DUHA Czech Republic
Begin:June 28, 2008, End: July 12, 2008
Topic: Environment
Duha Centrum (Kocvaruv mlyn)
ENVI, CONS, MANU Workcamp, organized by
Duha Centrum local group, with ecological
theme will take place at the children camp site
in Koèvarùv Mlýn in the southern part of
Bohemia. The camp is located in the beautiful
and well-known fishing protected area. There
are two UNESCO sites in the reach of the
workcamp site.
Work: 10 czech volunteers and 10 foreigners
will help with cleaning of the creek and the
forest and making the facilities more functional
for the children camps, which will take place
there during the summer.
Accommodation: In tents with wooden base.
Shower and toilets are available in a part of
mill-house. There is one wooden cabine with
kitchen and living room, where it is possible to
sleep in case of bad weather.
Number of Volunteers: 10
9. Czech Republic - DUHA Czech Republic
Begin:June 28, 2008, End: July 12, 2008
Topic: Environment
Duha Centrum (Kocvaruv mlyn)
ENVI, CONS, MANU Workcamp, organized by
Duha Centrum local group, with ecological
theme will take place at the children camp site
in Koèvarùv Mlýn in the southern part of
Bohemia. The camp is located in the beautiful
and well-known fishing protected area. There
are two UNESCO sites in the reach of the
workcamp site.
Work: 10 czech volunteers and 10 foreigners
will help with cleaning of the creek and the
forest and making the facilities more functional
for the children camps, which will take place
there during the summer.
Accommodation: In tents with wooden base.
Shower and toilets are available in a part of
mill-house. There is one wooden cabine with
kitchen and living room, where it is possible to
sleep in case of bad weather.
Number of Volunteers: 10
10. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:June 28, 2008, End: July 12, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Skola hrou
Location: : Small village Skalice nad Svitavou
about 35 km north from Brno, Capital of
Moravia. Nearest town is Boskovice with a
beautiful countryside (Moravian Karst with
wonderful caves and abyss Machocha) and rich
Work: Volunteers will spend the time with a
group of children or teenagers to help them in
learning English language by playing some
games and conversations. Accomodation/Food:
In a reconstructed mill, cooking together from
common resources. Take your sleeping bag.
Leisure activities: Trips in the area (caves,
castles, nature sightseeing), collective
discussions, playing games with locals.
Extra info: Experiences with children highly
recommended. Motivation letter is required.
Number of Volunteers: 10
11. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:June 28, 2008, End: July 12, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Hartenberg I
Location: Ruin of castle Hartenberg, neglected
castle park, river, forest, fairly tale valley. Area
rich in interesting animals and plants. The
amazing history of the castle goes back to the
13th century, current sad state of the castle is
the result of eviction of the Sudeten German
inhabitants and of the communist bad will
(castle was several times set on fire on
purpose). The castle is near town of Sokolov in
Western Bohemia.
Work: Archaeological work is at the beginning
by now but it shows interesting situations and
valuable artefacts. Volunteers will make
exploring coil and some prepare works. They
will work under the expert lead of local
archaeological institution. This will be first
archaeological workcamp on Hartenberg castle.
The work is rather hard. Accomodation/Food: In
the castle area in tents, near by a river. Take
your sleeping bag and light mat. Participants
will cook from common resources (bought food)
in the kitchen. Seminars, meetings: Possibility
to meet deputies, to meet people from Nature
Protection Association, from Czech NGO’s.
Opportunity to meet Czech-German (Sudeten)
Extra info: See more info about the camp on
Number of Volunteers: 16
12. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:June 30, 2008, End: July 12, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Lipanka I
Location: Children summer camp is organized
in Lipova Lazne (small mountain spa) near
Jesenik town, Eastern Bohemia. Good
connection by train and bus from Prague.
Children program includes hypotherapy,
massage, breathing therapy in the caves.
Work: Work has two parts: work with children –
Help with organisation of children leisure.
Participants will be included into the children
program, help with program preparation.
Second type of work: manual help in the camp
garden (gardening), work on the camp centre
building – painting, cleaning, according to the
current need. Accoodation/Food: In the camp
centre within the children’s camp, take your
sleeping bag. Boarding together with children.
Extra info: For non-smokers preferably.
Motivation letter is required! Preferably
volunteers with interest in work with children
and gardening.
Number of Volunteers: 3
13. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:June 30, 2008, End: July 11, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Location: The traditional viniculture village in
Southern Moravia, near the Velehrad town,
6km from the Uherske Hradiste town.
Work: Work outdoors in archeological skansen
(digs), construction of a historical museum of
Slovanian houses from wood, bushes, hay and
other natural materials. Manual help with
cultural events Seminars, meetings: Craftsmen
handy making traditional products, meeting with
experts in rural and countryside revitalisation,
local folklore etc. Accomodation/Food: Basic in
community house, take your sleeping bag and
light mat! Common cooking from local
Number of Volunteers: 12
14. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:July 1, 2008, End: July 15, 2008
Topic: Environment
Vysoke Veseli
Location: In rural area in territory a few of
villages :Vysoké Veselí, Sbìøi, Kozojedy, Èe¹ov
a Volanice. All villages are situated in area od
region Hradec Kralove and and south part of
Jicin region.(about 110 km from Prague to east)
Work: denotation of the nature trail, installing of
the information boards, clearing place around
the church, (all is easy work suitaible for girls
and boys ) Accomodation: school in Vysoke
Veseli or Kozojedy. Meal will be prepared by
participants in pastorate of locale church.
Leisure activities: trips in nature, visit cultural
monument Cesovské Valy (giant ancienit walls
with ramparts 12 metres high ), In Vysoké
Vesely there are a lot of monuments like
renaissance house, church of Mikulas
Toletinsky, natural monument Vesely Háj,
which is significant habitat of Natura 2000
system, etc
Number of Volunteers: 8
15. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:July 5, 2008, End: July 19, 2008
Topic: Environment
Pilgrimage in Krusne Mountains
Location: naturalistic pilgrimage workcamp to
a few of basements (Medenec, Hrebeny,
Jachymov, Bilina) in Krusne mountains.
Work: volunteers will be help with
determination and addition of animal and plant
species , analysis of soil pits,etc
Accomodation/Food: accommodation in tents or
simply managed spaces. Sleeping bag and mat
are necessary. meals will be prepared by
Language: English –very good knowledge
Extra info: for young people who are oriented
for help in biotope disabled by emissions.
Number of Volunteers: 10
16. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:July 7, 2008, End: July 23, 2008
Topic: Environment
Kostelecke Horky I
Location: Kostelecke Horky in Eastern
Bohemia is a small village with about 150
inhabitants situated in the rolling landscape
between Divoka and Ticha Orlice rivers. It is
situated in North Eastern Bohemia, not far from
the town Hradec Kralove, 6 km from the
important railway junction Chocen. You will help
local NGO INEX – SDA Kostelecke Horky.
Work: Outdoors – cleaning the forest, tree
planting, various spring works in the garden. Be
prepared to work in all types of weather.
Accomodation: Basic in a former village school
(bathroom, hot water available), sleeping bag
needed. Cooking together from local and
common resources in a school kitchen. Leisure
activities: Traditional folklore event – “burning of
witches” (1.5), possibility to participate at
theatre performance, bring your music
Number of Volunteers: 10
17. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:July 7, 2008, End: July 19, 2008
Topic: Environment
Cesky Kras
Location: Landscape protected area Cesky
Kras in a Central Bohemia. Limestone base
forming considerable part of geological
structure, is broken by karsts canyons and
gorges and drilled-through by caves. On the
hillsides, it bears oak groves with uniquely
varied herb layer. Besides landscape and
aesthetic qualities, this area is also of big
natural-science importance. And it was natural
scientists of all people who started to call it
Czech Karst.
Work: In protected areas, mowing grass,
marking trails for tourists, terrain arrangements,
black camping place cleaning, rubbish
collecting, work in a forest. Be prepared to work
in any type of weather, even in rain! Take
water-proof clothes and boots.
Accomodation/food:Basic accommodation in a
cottage, no running water – necessary to bring
drinking and washing water. Sleeping bag and
light mat is necessary. Common cooking.
Leisure activities: Many trips and hiking in
surrounding, castle Karlstejn, caves, lakes,
muzeum of the area.
Extra info: Please find more info on
Number of Volunteers: 8
18. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:July 7, 2008, End: July 19, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Location: Historical town Becov and its big
castle lies on the river Tepla in the natural
preserved area Sladkovsky forest. The nearest
big town is Sokolov in West of Bohemia.
Work: Terrain arrangements of watch-out
place, work in forest, cutting invasive plants,
arranging of the paths and castle environment,
a bit of archaeology digs. Accomodation/Food:
In the youth dormitory. The meals will be partly
served in a canteen, partly prepared by the
volunteers from the common resources in the
dorm kitchen.
Extra info: You can see pictures of the castle
on: www.becovnadteplou.wz.cz and town info
on www.becov.cz
Number of Volunteers: 10
19. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:July 9, 2008, End: July 20, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Malse Castles
Location: In the South of Bohemia in Kaplice
region historic ruins of castles around the Malse
river are situated. The location is the “gate” of
Novohradske mountains and the nearest big
city is Ceske Budejovice.
Work: Installation of collection of stones for the
renovation of the castles, transportation of
heavy stones from sondes, deep a few of
metres, archaeological research. Take good
terrain shoos! The work is physically hard .
Accomodation/Food: in pavilion, take your
sleeping bag! Washing is possible just in a
river. Cooking together from common resources
in the kitchen of the base. Leisure activities:
Visiting different castles in the neighbourhood,
natural reservations, Ceský Krumlov-UNESCO
town, rafting.
Number of Volunteers: 12
20. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:July 12, 2008, End: July 26, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Hartenberg II
Location: Ruin of castle Hartenberg, neglected
castle park, river, forest, fairly tale valley. Area
rich in interesting animals and plants. The
amazing history of the castle goes back to the
13th century, current sad state of the castle is
the result of eviction of the Sudeten German
inhabitants and of the communist bad will
(castle was several times set on fire on
purpose). The castle is near Sokolov in
Western Bohemia.
Work: Work within the castle area: removing
rubble and stones within the castle site,
arranging of the paths and castle environment.
Demanding manual work. Accomodation/Food:
In the castle area in tents, near by a river. Take
your sleeping bag and light mat. Participants
will cook from common resources (bought food)
in the kitchen Seminars, meetings: Possibility to
meet deputies, to meet people from Nature
Protection Association, from Czech NGO’s.
Opportunity to meet Czech-German (Sudeten)
Extra info: See more info about the camp on
Number of Volunteers: 16
21. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:July 13, 2008, End: July 26, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Lipanka II
Location: Children summer camp is organized
in Lipova Lazne (small mountain spa) near
Jesenik town, Eastern Bohemia. Good
connection by train and bus from Prague.
Children program includes hypotherapy,
massage, breathing therapy in the caves.
Work: Work has two parts: work with children –
Help with organisation of children leisure.
Participants will be included into the children
program, help with program preparation.
Second type of work: manual help in the camp
garden (gardening), work on the camp centre
building – painting, cleaning, according to the
current need. Accomodation and board: in the
camp centre within the children’s camp, take
your sleeping bag. Boarding together with
Extra info: For non-smokers preferably.
Motivation letter is required! Preferably
volunteers with interest in work with children
and gardening.
Number of Volunteers: 3
22. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:July 14, 2008, End: July 28, 2008
Topic: Others
Location: The little town of Sedlec-Prcice lies
in the valley called Cesky Meran, between the
towns Tachov and Benesov. A new infocentrum
with a gallery, a regional museum and a
relaxation garden called Atelier Prcice was
opened here last year.
Work: Volunteers will help with the
reconstructions, paintings and cleaning of the
Atelier. They will also work on the relaxation
garden (e.g. planting trees).
Accomodation/Food: In the Atelier which is
situated just in the centre of the town. Take
your sleeping bag and light mat. Breakfasts and
dinners will be made by volunteers themselves.
Lunches in a restaurant. Leisure activities: Trips
to castles of Konopiste, Vrchotovy Janovice,
historical towns of Tabor and Pisek, horse farm,
outdoor museum Vysoký Chlumec.
Number of Volunteers: 8
23. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:July 19, 2008, End: August 2, 2008
Topic: Environment
Location: Association “Yoga in daily life” has
it’s base in a little village of Strilky in Southern
Moravia near the town of Kromeriz.
Work: Volunteers will live and work in the Yoga
Centrum in a castle. Mainly they will work in the
park and outside surroundings of the castle,
e.g. gardening and cleaning. Motivation letter is
required. Accomodation/Food: In the castle,
vegetarian food only. Please notice that drugs
and alcohol are strictly forbidden. Take your
sleeping bag. Seminars, meetings: For those
who are interested in Yoga, in the particular
system "Yoga in Daily Life". Trips, swimming in
nearby quarries, singing, camp fires.
Number of Volunteers: 18
24. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:July 19, 2008, End: August 9, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Hartenberg art
Location: Ruin of castle Hartenberg, neglected
castle park, river, forest, fairly tale valley. Area
rich in interesting animals and plants. The
amazing history of the castle goes back to the
13th century, current sad state of the castle is
the result of eviction of the Sudeten German
inhabitants and of the communist bad will
(castle was several times set on fire on
purpose). The castle is near Sokolov in
Western Bohemia.
Work: Last year there was first art workcamp
on Hartenberg, group of volunteers worked on
drawing- documentation of castle and
surrounding. This collection of drawings will be
published at websites one month before this
year’s workcamp together with the description
of this year theme and description of tools
needed. This project is recommended to art
feeling volunteers. Accomodation/Food: In the
castle area in tents, near by a river. Take your
sleeping bag and light mat. Participants will
cook from common resources (bought food) in
the kitchen. Seminars, meetings: Possibility to
meet deputies, to meet people from Nature
Protection Association, from Czech NGO’s.
Opportunity to meet Czech-German (Sudetten)
Extra info: See more info about the camp on
Number of Volunteers: 15
25. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 2, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Location: Castle Grabstejn is situated near a
small town called Chotyne, in the north of the
country. There is a special area for the training
of military dogs under the castle. Stay in the
castle is quite romantic.
Work: Work is manual! Volunteers will work 7
hours per day in the castle park. Cutting and
removing of the invasive vegetation within the
castle park, cleaning, arranging of the park
paths, building work. Less work in castle itself.
Accomodation/Food: In the castle, equipment
and conditions are simple and just basic. It is
necessary to bring a sleeping bag, light mat
and own eating set! Volunteers will cook for
Extra info: You can check out the web sites of
the castle on: www.grabstejn.info
Number of Volunteers: 10
26. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:July 21, 2008, End: August 4, 2008
Topic: Others
Tvarozna Lhota II
Location: White Carpatian village (Bile
Karpaty) in South Moravia border region –
region with strong traditional feelings and
Work: manual work outdoors - help in a farm
construction, help with activities for public on
the farm, picking of herbs for a local herbal tea.
Leisure activities: Trips in nature, folklorecultural events. Accomodation/Food: Inklub INEX – SDA branch in the village, take your
sleeping bag and light mat! Cooking together,
small kitchen available
Number of Volunteers: 8
27. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:July 21, 2008, End: August 1, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Location: Famous castle Kynzvart (Zamek
Kynzvart) in 19th century belonged to the
councillor Metternich. You will find the castle in
westernmost corner of the Czech Republic region of Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad), district of
Cheb, in the so-called "spa triangle" Karlovy
Vary - Marianske Lazne - Frantiskovy Lazne, at
the town of Lazne Kynzvart, about 11 km from
Marianske Lazne (Marienbad). Around castle
there is a charming park. The amazing history
of the castle goes back to the 13th century.
Work: Work within the castle park, revitalisation
of a park brook, cleaning of historical stairs,
repairs of and old green house, cutting out
invasive plants, removing wood after the
calamity. Accomodation/Food: In the castle
area in a house. Take your sleeping bag and
light mat. Bathroom and small kitchen available.
Extra info: You can find more info on
Number of Volunteers: 12
28. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:July 24, 2008, End: August 8, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Location: Small Moravian town Holesov with
huge pre-war Jewish community destroyed
during WW II.
Work: Within former Jewish cemetery,
removing of invasive plants and bushes,
cleaning of the spot, help with technical
preparation of the festival of Jewish culture in
Holesov. Accomodation/Food: In an old smith
house in Holesov, sleeping bag and light mat
necessary. Cooking partly together from
common sources, partly meals ready.
Seminars: Debates with Jewish community
members, prospects of current Jewish culture
and community.
Extra info: Project is realised in co-operation
with Federation of Jewish Communities of CR.
Volunteers interested in the Jewish culture
issue are welcomed. You can find more info on
the English page www.holesov.cz
Number of Volunteers: 8
29. Czech Republic - DUHA Czech Republic
Begin:July 26, 2008, End: August 10, 2008
Topic: Environment
DoNitra (Osinalice)
ENVI, CONS, MANU Workcamp, organized by
NGO DoNitra, whose main activity is runing
self-developing programs and courses, will be
held in the clean nature of protected area
Kokorinsko. This location is full of ponds, sandstone rocks, castles, frogs and mosquitos :)
The DoNitra will show to the volunteers sample
of their splendid workshops during the
Work: Volunters will work on improvements in
the garden and orchard as well as in the house
of the organisation.
Accommodation: In a reconstructed barn, in 3
rooms with total capacity for 12 people. Others:
only vegetarian food
Number of Volunteers: 10
Extra info: Check out more info on:
Number of Volunteers: 7
30. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:July 26, 2008, End: August 10, 2008
Topic: Others
Location: Small village Skalice nad Svitavou
about 35km north from Brno, Capital of
Moravia. Nearest town is Boskovice with
beautiful countryside and rich history.
Work: Volunteers will help to construct and
decorate Haczko. It is a loft of an ancient mill in
the village used for teenagers to spend their
leasure time and to organise some events for
public. Accomodation/Food: In the mill, cooking
together from common resources. Take your
sleeping bag. Leisure activities: trips in the area
(caves, castles, ruins, nature sightseens),
collective discussions, parties and lectures with
local people.
Extra info: Special competences are not
recomanded, fancy for wood working and
reconstructions are welcomed.
Number of Volunteers: 6
31. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:August 2, 2008, End: August 16, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Hartenberg III
Location: Ruin of castle Hartenberg, neglected
castle park, river, forest, fairly tale valley. Area
rich in interesting animals and plants. The
amazing history of the castle goes back to the
13th century, current sad state of the castle is
the result of eviction of the Sudeten German
inhabitants and of the communist bad will
(castle was several times set on fire on
purpose). The castle is near Sokolov in
Western Bohemia.
Work: Work within the castle area: removing
rubble and stones within the castle site,
arranging of the paths and castle environment.
Demanding manual work. Accomodation/Food:
In the castle area in tents, near by a river. Take
your sleeping bag and light mat. Participants
will cook from common resources (bought food)
in the kitchen. Seminars, meetings: Possibility
to meet deputies, to meet people from Nature
Protection Association, from Czech NGO’s.
Opportunity to meet Czech-German (Sudeten)
Extra info: See more info about the camp on
Number of Volunteers: 16
32. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:August 3, 2008, End: August 17, 2008
Topic: Environment
Location: Museum of Nature in a Landscape
Protected Area Czech Paradise (Cesky raj) in
Eastern Bohemia.
Work: In a museum and its surrounding:
garden and water tank for frogs arrangements,
painting, hey making in a orchid meadows,
terrain arrangements
Accommodation: Tourist hostel with normal
equipment, you don’t need to bring your
sleeping bag. Boarding in a close restaurant.
Leisure: Trips to the Paradise nature – sand
rocks, castles, swimming, debates on an
ecological topics.
33. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:August 4, 2008, End: August 17, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Usti nad Labem
Location: Usti nad Labem is a big town in
North - West Bohemia on the river Elbe where
a big Gypsy minority lives. Living together with
white majority leads in some cases to social
troubles. Co-operation: Foundation “Clovek v
tisni” (“People in Need”)
Work: Reconstruction of the Community Centre
and organising leisure time for Gypsy children,
singing, drawing, trips. Weekend trip with
children to sand rocks. Accomodation/Food:
volunteers will stay in a big room in the
Community centre. They will prepare meals for
themselves or will be boarded in Gypsy
families. Seminars: Learning about minority
problems in the Czech Republic
Extra info: Motivation letter is strictly required!
Number of Volunteers: 10
34. Czech Republic - DUHA Czech Republic
Begin:August 10, 2008, End: August 23, 2008
Topic: Environment
Expedice Natura (Brusov)
ENVI, MANU Expedice Natura is an
organisation running the camp site situated in
the natural protected area in North Bohemian
region in the area with Volcano Mountains (no
volcano has been active for last few thousand
years). Workcamp is taking place at the camp
site, where summer camps for children are
usually organised, surrounded by forest.
Work: Volunteers will maintain the buildings
and surrounding area. Volunteers will also help
with cleaning a natural reservation nearby,
especially a forest. Work can be hard,
experiences with manual work more than
Accommodation: In small huts, two people in
each, showers and bathroom are in a separate
building. Others: Ticks and mosquitos can
appear in this area, better to bring repelent.
Number of Volunteers: 14
35. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:August 12, 2008, End: August 21, 2008
Topic: Others
Locagtion: Little village of Dysina in western
Bohemia near the city of Pilsen.
Work: Manual work on village public spaces
and park, at the end of workcamp will be folk culture festival in the village, volunteers will
help with technical organization.
Accomodation/Food: Volunteers will be
accommodated in the school and meals will be
served in the school canteen. Take your
sleeping bag.
Number of Volunteers: 8
36. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:August 16, 2008, End: August 31, 2008
Topic: Environment
Location: Centre for Ecological Education
Palava, nearest historic town Mikulov right on a
border with Austria. Famous Moravian wine
region. Palava is one of the most beautiful
natural protected area in Czech Republic.
Work: Cleaning the meadows from invasive
plants in protected areas, terrain arrangements
on a natural educational trail, activity for
tourists, eco-leisure activity for children in a
children camp (only few days).
Accomodation/food: In a building of CHKO (
Protected Natural Area ), take your sleeping
bag and light mat. Common cooking. Leisure
activities: 1.9 is European night of flitter mouse
– you will take part in this event. Many trips and
hiking in surrounding, UNESCO landscape
monument Lednice-Valtice area.
Extra info: You can find more info on
Number of Volunteers: 10
37. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:August 16, 2008, End: August 30, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Hartenberg IV
Location: Ruin of castle Hartenberg, neglected
castle park, river, forest, fairly tale valley. Area
rich in interesting animals and plants. The
amazing history of the castle goes back to the
13th century, current sad state of the castle is
the result of eviction of the Sudeten German
inhabitants and of the communist bad will
(castle was several times set on fire on
purpose). The castle is near Sokolov in
Western Bohemia.
Work: Work within the castle area: removing
rubble and stones within the castle site,
arranging of the paths and castle environment.
Demanding manual work. Accomodation/Food:
In the castle area in tents, near by a river. Take
your sleeping bag and light mat. Participants
will cook from common resources (bought food)
in the kitchen. Seminars, meetings: Possibility
to meet deputies, to meet people from Nature
Protection Association, from Czech NGO’s.
Opportunity to meet Czech-German (Sudeten)
Extra info: See more info about the camp on
Number of Volunteers: 16
38. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:August 16, 2008, End: September 5,
Topic: Art, culture, history
Location: The Cimburk castle is situated 4 km
from the small town Korycany (Southern
Moravia, Kromeriz district). It is almost lost in
the forest of Chriby mountains, quite far away
from civilization. The castle was founded in the
14th century and abandoned in 1705. Now you
can find only ruins which form a significant
dominant feature in the lovely countryside.
Work: You will help with securing castle static.
The kind of work is various: clearing walls from
vegetation, building walls of stones, painting,
auxiliary building activities, sorting
archaeological material. Accomodation/Food:
Right in the castle bastion (take your sleeping
bag). Cooking together from common
resources. The shower is procured at nearby
swimming pool (2 km). Leisure activities: Trips
to surrounding countryside, visiting of nearby
historical monuments (Velehrad monastery,
Buchlov castle), rock climbing.
Extra info: We are working even if it’s raining.
Accommodation is rather uncomfortable. Good
choice for people, who are fond of medieval
kind of living.
Number of Volunteers: 12
39. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:August 25, 2008, End: September 12,
Topic: Environment
Nova zeme
Location: The camp is organised in cooperation with the association NOVA ZEME
(New Land), which has already implemented
many summer activities in this abandoned
(nearest village 11 km far) but exceptionally
beautiful, hilly area of Cesky les (The Czech
Forest) near the western border of our country.
The NOVA ZEME association is Czech partner
of European organisation Eurosolar
(www.eurosolar.org). The camp lies near
Tachov, an old town with the population of
about 10 000 inhabitants, but the camp place is
totally isolated from civilisation.
Work: Pruning trees and bushes, mowing
grass, fence building, wood preparation, care
for the camp place. Accomodation/Food: In
Tee-pees (Indian tents with a fire place in the
middle) on wooden pads. Good sleeping bag is
necessary (nights are cold, in the morning there
could be a temperature around 0°C), blanket or
carry mat, too (! but for your comfort it’s useful
to bring two old sheets which you sew together
and then can be filled with hay). Washing is
possible just in a small “bath”, which was made
in a small stream near the camp = very cold
water. Strictly only vegetarian food and we will
prepare it ourselves. The eating set is
necessary. Leisure activities : Games,
performances, ceramics, woodcarving, trips. An
original pottery kiln and an Indian sauna
available. We plan different excursions.
Extra info: No drugs, no alcohol allowed!
Number of Volunteers: 14
40. Czech Republic - DUHA Czech Republic
Begin:August 31, 2008, End: September 6,
Topic: Environment
Duha Dlazka (Rajnochovice)
ENVI, MANU Workcamp, organized by Duha´s
local group Dla¾ka, will be held in the eastern
part of the Czech Republic (Moravia), at place
where the camps for children usually take
place. People, who like sport and playing
games are more than welcomed, because free
time will be based on it.
Work: 10 Czechs and 15 foreign volunteers will
be cleaning the neighbouring forest and the
camp site. Accommadation: In small huts for 4
people, sleeping bags welcomed but not
necessary. Others: not recommended for
Number of Volunteers: 25
41. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:August 31, 2008, End: September 12,
Topic: Environment
Kostelecke Horky II
Location: Kostelecke Horky in Eastern
Bohemia is a small village with about 150
inhabitants situated in the rolling landscape
between Divoka and Ticha Orlice rivers. It is
situated in North Eastern Bohemia, not far from
the town Hradec Kralove, 6 km from the
important railway junction Chocen. You will help
local NGO INEX – SDA Kostelecke Horky.
Work: Autumn gardening, collecting of fruits
and preparing products (apple juice). Work for
village benefit: cleaning public areas, wood
making for winter, reconstruction work in a
Centre. Acoomodation/Food:Basic in a former
village school (bathroom, hot water available),
sleeping bag needed. Cooking together form
local recourses.
Number of Volunteers: 10
42. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:September 4, 2008, End: September 22,
Topic: Others
Tvarozna Lhota III
Location: Village lies in White Carpathian (Bile
Karpaty mountains) in South Moravia border
region – region with strong traditional feelings
and habits. There are Protected landscape
area around which protect cultural landscape
with mosaics of meadows and forests. In village
itself INEX-SDA has South Moravian Centre (IN
Klub) which run some projects for landscape
and local people.
Work: herb collection, collection of special local
berries for making tea and local brandy. Terrain
work on outdoors children centre (farm with
sheep). Accomodation/Food:Inklub- INEX –
SDA branch in the village, take your sleeping
bag and light mat! Cooking together, small
kitchen available in the Inklub. Leisure
activities: Trips, culture
Number of Volunteers: 8
43. Czech Republic - DUHA Czech Republic
Begin:September 5, 2008, End: September 14,
Topic: Others
Duha Iuridica (Karlstejn)
CONS, ENVI Iuridica, a Duha local group, has
rented a house in Karl¹tejn and adapted it into a
Naturefriends house which serves for
bacpackers as a cheap accomodation centre,
trainings and summer camps are organised
here as well. Karl¹tejn is a small village with few
hundred inhabitants about south-west from
Prague in the valley of the Berounka river, in a
marvellous hilly landscape dominated by a
famous medieval Czech castle.
Work: Volunteers will do small adaptations in
the house as painting furniture and cleaning the
surroundings of the house as well as in the
Natural protected landscape near the river.
Accommodation: in the Naturefriends House,
where several rooms have been arranged as
dormitories; beds are available, but own
sleeping bag needed. Bathrooms and toilets
are in the house as well as cooking facilities.
Others: During the free time, volunteers will
have opportuinity to explore surrounding nature
in the protected landscape area called Czech
Karst, to visit the castle, canoeing on the river,
one-day excursion to Prague. It is possible to
prolong the stay on the site.
Number of Volunteers: 10
44. Czech Republic - INEX Czech Republic
Begin:September 14, 2008, End: September
28, 2008
Topic: Environment
Novy prales
Location: Mountain range nearby a famous
mountain Jested near Liberec city, northern
part of the country. Border region with Poland,
mountains Jizerske hory in a vicinity of Liberec
city. Co-operation: With local NGO Friends for
Nature Liberec
Work: Preparation work for tree planting and
the planting, cleaning the forest, moving the
wood. The aim is to recover original mixed
forests destroyed by monoculture planting. Be
prepare to work in all types of weather. Waterproof clothes and boots necessary. The work is
manual and rather hard. Accomodation/Food:
Probably tourist hostel – will be specified later
in an infosheet. Leisure activities: Hiking in
beautiful landscape, trips to Liberec and other
towns, ecological discussions.
Number of Volunteers: 13
1. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:May 5, 2008, End: May 16, 2008
Topic: Environment
Project:The camp will take place in Soomaa
National Park. Soomaa means huge bogs,
rivers that flood over its banks now and then,
flood pains that extend on riversides, wooded in
flowers, and forests that surround all this.
Soomaa National Park was established in 1993
in order to protect large mires, floodplain
meadows and forests in Estonia, and to
preserve and present cultural lore characteristic
to this area. The total national park area is 37
117 ha. 524 species of vascular plants, 172
species of birds and 46 species of mammals
have been found in Soomaa. Lots of them are
protected and belong to the Estonian Red Data
Book. On more than two thirds of the national
park territory any management activity is
forbidden. There is possible to enjoy the charm
of wildlife on different nature trails. For more
information visit www.soomaa.com Taking part
in this camp you help preservation works in
Soomaa National Park and make the Park
more enjoyable for future visitors!
Work:Spring works in the garden - in Karukose
Farm, where volunteers will stay, there is a
large apple garden. Another job is cleaning of
the nature trails. Karuskose Farm is situated in
the middle of National Park, crossroads of
several Nature Study Trails. Work will be mainly
outdoors. The working days are 6-7 hours long.
The programme is the following: - 5 of May –
arrival, pick up, accommodation, introduction 6-9 of May - four days of ecological work on
different activities in the garden, in the woods 10 of May - Visitor Center of Soomaa National
park; walking on the nature trails of Soomaa 11 of May - canoeing trip on the rivers of
Soomaa, traditional Estonian smoke sauna 12-15 of May - four days of ecological work. 15 of May - evening Farewell Party - 16 of May
- transfer to public buses and train station.
Accommodation:In the rooms of Karuskose
farmhouse, 2 persons in one room. Sleeping
bags are needed. Washing in sauna - a special
floating (!) sauna is available. There is a dry
ecological toilet. Volunteers have to prepare
meals themselves from the food given by the
hosts. Please note the conditions are rather
simple. So you should enjoy being close to
nature and have a sprit of adventure to stay in
the camp.
Terminal/Region:Airport, harbour, bus station
in Tallinn, train to Tori or bus to Joesuu; then
transfer by minivan arranged by hosts.
Extra info:Special requirements:No special
skills are needed. Volunteers should love
nature and be adventurous enough. English is
the camp language. Volunteers have to bring
their sleeping bags, working clothes and
gloves. Leisure time:There are a lot of
possibilities for leisure time activities – walking
and hiking in National Park, canoeing, making
bonfire, having sauna parties, etc. If you love
the nature – this is a place for you to be!
Additional excursions to Viljandi and Parnu can
be done by volunteers in their free time.
Participation fee:As EstYES does not have
funds to support your participation in this camp
neither from the state nor from private
sponsors, you are asked to contribute 60 Euro
towards cost of board and lodging, local
transport and the program. The fee has to be
paid by volunteers upon arrival to the camp.
Number of Volunteers: 6
2. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:May 14, 2008, End: May 25, 2008
Topic: Environment
MANU/ENVI Project:This is a special camp for
those who love adventures and are ready for
unexpected situations, want to do something
useful and learn something new, encounter
Estonian nature and make new friends. It will
take place in the Polva County in the village
Polgaste, the area known for its outstanding
beauty and well-preserved uncultivated nature.
The idea of the camp is to encounter Estonian
nature and learn how to live in harmony with it.
Activity:There will be one or two approximately
25-30 km one-day-long hikes to introduce you
the surrounding as well as few shorter ones.
Even more hikes can be organised on your
request! The local host will provide you with
information about herbs, plants, spring
mushrooms of the area and ways people can
use it. Also teach you fishing trout from the
river, hiking in the forest, surviving in the wild
nature, etc. But do not expect formal lectures
and exercises. The idea of the camp is learning
from each other in easy relaxing and fun way.
Your own contribution will be appreciated! The
exact activities plan will very much depend on
weather conditions. Besides this, visit to Polva
Local Life Museum, excursions to the nearest
larger towns of Voru and Varska as well as a
trip to the South-West of Estonia, Parnumaa
(www.parnumaa.ee) are foreseen.
Work:Beside hiking and adventure the
volunteers are expected to work approximately
5-6 hours some of the camp days. The work
can be quite physical – various construction/
renovation works in the old watermill, building
stone fence from boulders, preparing woods for
heating the house, but also seasonal work in
the garden as well as collecting and drying
herbs and plants.
Accommodation:Volunteers will live in the big
old watermill, which is quite rustic without
special comfort: dry toilet, washing in the river.
Sometimes volunteers can use sauna at
neighbours. Volunteers will prepare meals
themselves in the kitchen or on the open fire
outside. Meals will be simple. Food will be
bought in the shop and from local farmers. You
have to bring sleeping bag and mat.
Location:Polgaste village lies in South-Estonia.
Nearest towns are Polva (15 km), Võru (20 km)
and Otepaa (27 km). You will find picturesque
forests and low hills there, varied with rivers,
creeks and beautiful lakes, several national
parks and reserves. More information on
www.southestonia.info, www.polvamaale.ee,
Terminal/Region:Airport, harbour, bus & train
station in Tallinn, bus to Kanepi.
Extra info:Special requirements:Volunteers
have to be flexible, adventurous and be ready
to give up some comfort. You have to be in a
good physical shape and be ready for hard
work and long hikes. You should be interested
in nature and environment protection. Camp is
not suitable for volunteers allergic to hay or
cats. Generally the age of participants is 18+
but hosts particularly welcome volunteers over
35 years old. Participation fee:Since EstYES
does not receive funds to support your
participation in the camp neither from the state
nor from private sponcors, you are asked to
contribute 60 Euro towards cost of board and
lodging, local transport and the program. The
fee has to be paid by volunteers upon arrival to
the camp.
Number of Volunteers: 8
3. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:June 13, 2008, End: June 27, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
KIDS/TEACH Project:This project is organized
for local children by the language school “In
Down-Town” and non-profit association
“Alternative Language Programs Satellite”. The
project’s aim is to introduce the diversity of
world cultures to children through alternative
language studies. Answering kids need to
practice their knowledge of English, the project
helps them to study national customs and
traditions, develop their multicultural thinking
and tolerance. Thus the idea of the camp is to
provide meaningful summer activities for local
kids helping the school to fulfil the project’s aim.
Work:Activating participants of the school’s
summer camp and providing cross-cultural
learning experience for them. It will be done
through teaching and playing the games and
music popular in the English speaking countries
and the countries the volunteers represent;
training kids to perform pieces of amateur
drama; preparing intellectual and sport games
for them as well as guided discussions on
excursions round the places of interest; actions
for peace and nature protection; leading and
supporting kids in their work on the team
projects within the discussed topics such as
“Healthy body, healthy spirit”, “Good habits”,
“My small home in the big world”, “War and
peace”, etc.; preparing and leading the kid
teams’ presentations on English speaking
countries and the countries the camp
participants are from. Each day of the camp
program will have a special theme and a
related activity. Volunteers along with local
coordinators are responsible for the program of
the camp. The work can be pretty hard,
involving long working hours some days,
requiring high commitment and responsibility
for the camp program and the young
participants. The volunteers will work in pairs in
the smaller groups along with local camp
leaders. The age of youngsters is 10-12. The
total number of kids is around 30. Most of kids
are Russian-speaking from Russian minority
community of Tallinn.
Accommodation:In the class rooms of the
school which is situated in the very centre of
Tallinn. Toilets and showers are available.
Please bring a sleeping bag. Volunteers will
have breakfasts and dinners at their
accommodation, lunches will be organized for
whole camp in the city.
Location:Camp will take place in Tallinn, the
capital of Estonia. More information on
Terminal/Region:Airport, bus or train station,
harbor in Tallinn.
Extra info:Special requirements:You have to
be really motivated to work with kids.
Experience in work with children is an
advantage. All interesting ideas of activities for
kids, games etc. are welcomed. Please bring
some materials, postcards, symbols of your
country, posters, maps, music, etc. typical for
your country. We expect active volunteers with
the good knowledge of history and culture of
their country and ability to present it. Please
add a motivation letter. The good level of
English is required. The minimum age of vols is
Number of Volunteers: 8
4. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:June 17, 2008, End: June 29, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Project:The group of young teachers from
Tallinn’s schools runs children’s camp in
Vihasoo for 15 years. Its main aim is to give
school children possibility of active and
meaningful summer vacations. The camp is
situated in the Lahemaa National Park. Such
location brings children closer to unspoiled
nature and gives them an excellent opportunity
to get acquainted with Estonian national
heritage richly presented in the area. Each
summer period of the camp has its own theme.
The topic for this year is «Tour around the
world» and the aim is to introduce the diversity
of cultures and languages to children of Estonia
helping their integration into modern world. To
achieve the aim Vihasoo camp invites
international volunteers to join it as animators.
Each day of the camp will have a programm
completed by local coordinators and the
volunteers will be helping to realize it. All your
exciting and creative ideas of activities are
welcomed. Most of children are Russianspeaking from Russian minority community of
Work:Activating children making their vacation
more exciting. It will be done through the
games, drama, sport, common discussions. We
expect active volunteers with the good
knowledge of history and culture of their
country and ability to present it. Volunteer will
work in the partnership with professional local
educators, youth leaders and youth workers.
The staff of the camp is about 25 people. There
is going to be around 70-100 children aged 715.
Accommodation:In the separate house with
other staff members in 4-6-bedded rooms.
Volunteers will eat together with children and
staff in the canteen. Showers, dry toiltets and
sauna are available.
Location:Vihasoo is tiny village laying in the
picturesque Lahemaa National Park.
Surrounded by forest, close to the sea, it is the
ideal place for summer vacations. The nearest
town (7km) is Vosu, spa town with about 1000
inhabitants which multiplies in summer.
Distance from Tallinn is 70 km.
Terminal/Region:Airport, harbour, bus & train
stations in Tallinn, specially arranged car to
Extra info:Special requirements:You have to
be really motivated to work with kids. The work
demands 24-hours commitment and it can be
pretty hard sometimes. Weekends are not
necessarily free. Experience in work with
children is an advantage. We expect active
volunteers with the good knowledge of history
and culture of their country and ability to
present it. All exciting ideas of activities for kids,
games etc. are welcomed. English, Russian
and Estonian are the camp languages. Leisure
time:Plenty of possibilities: hiking, swimming,
sunbathing, sports, games. Excursions to the
places of interest in the Lahemaa National Park
as well as one day excursion to Tallinn are
foreseen. Volunteers will have unique chance
to join Mid-Summer festivities on night from 23
to 24 of June, which is actually the largest
celebration in Estonia.
Number of Volunteers: 6
5. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:June 25, 2008, End: July 11, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
KIDS/ TEACH Project:Do you want to spend
two weeks working with kids in the village of
Paris in Estonia? Then this camp is for you!
The camp is organized for kids and teenagers
by the Association of Teachers of French in
Estonia. The main aim of the camp is to provide
intensive experience of learning and practicing
French for kids and teenagers outside school
curriculum using facilities of children camp
Pariisi. The camp program includes games and
activities, performances in the open air, hikes,
excursions and visits, talks and discussions in
the working groups. Naturally the language of
this camp is French – what else would you
speak in Pariisi?
Work:Activating kids and teenagers, providing
cross-cultural learning experience for them as
well as French language environment. It will be
done through the games, drama, sport
activities, excursions, discussions, etc.
Volunteers along with local coordinators will be
responsible for the whole program of the camp.
The work can be pretty hard, involving long
working hours some days, requiring high
commitment and responsibility for the camp
program. There will be two shifts during the
period of camp. The first one will involve kids
aged 8-12, the second one – teenagers aged
11-15. There is going to be around 40
participants in each shift.
Accommodation:Camp has two buildings with
2-5 bedded rooms. Volunteers will have one
room. Beds are provided, but please bring your
sleeping bag. Toilets, showers and sauna are
available. There is a hall for performances,
open air stage, swimming pool, sport facilities
for ball games, table tennis, bicycles, etc.
Volunteers and participants will have their
meals in the local café.
Location:Camp takes place in Pariisi village,
about 100 km from Tallinn the capital of
Estonia. Nearest towns are Rakvere (20km)
and Tapa (15km). The picturesque area around
the camp with many hills, streams, rivers and
lakes is very suitable for hikes and bicycle
tours. Famous Lahemaa National Park is about
20 km from the camp. More information on
www.visitestonia.com , www.lahemaa.ee,
Terminal/Region:Airport, bus or train station,
harbor in Tallinn; bus to Rakvere.
Extra info:Special requirements:The minimum
age of volunteers is 19. Good level of French,
also a Motivation Letter is required!!! You
should be really motivated to work with kids and
teenagers. Previous experience is an asset. All
ideas of activities for youngsters, games etc.
are welcomed. Please bring some materials,
postcards, posters, maps, music, etc. from your
country. Leisure time:There are a lot of
possibilities for leisure time activities:
swimming, hiking, sports, etc. Excursions to
Lahemaa National Park and Rakvere are
Number of Volunteers: 3
6. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:June 27, 2008, End: July 11, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
KIDS/TEACH Project:This camp is organized
for teenagers by the language school “In Down
Town” and non-profit association “Alternative
Language Programs Satellite”. The school’s
aim is to introduce the diversity of world
cultures to youth through language studies,
meetings, visits, direct contacts with young
people from abroad in the hope to help young
Estonians’ integration into modern world. The
main idea of the camp is to provide meaningful
summer activities for local youth helping the
school to realize its aim.
Work:Activating teenage participants of the
school’s summer camp and providing crosscultural learning experience for them. It will be
done through the games popular in the
countries volunteers represent, drama, sports,
excursions, common discussions, actions for
peace and nature protection, etc. Each day of
the camp program will have a special theme
and related activity. Volunteers along with local
coordinators will be responsible for the whole
program of the camp. The work can be pretty
hard, involving long working hours some days,
requiring high commitment and responsibility
for the camp program. The age of youngsters is
14-17. Besides local kids 12 teenage
participants from abroad are expected to join
this camp. In total it is going to be around 40
children. Most of local teenagers are Russianspeaking from Russian minority community.
Accommodation:In the class rooms of the
school which is situated in the very centre of
Tallinn. Toilets and showers are available.
Please bring a sleeping bag. Volunteers will
have breakfasts and dinners in their
accommodation, lunches will be organized for
whole camp in the city.
Location:Camp will take place in Tallinn, the
capital of Estonia. More information on
Terminal/Region:Airport, bus or train station,
harbor in Tallinn.
Extra info:Special requirements:You have to
be really motivated to work with teenagers.
Some experience in work with children is an
advantage. All interesting ideas of activities for
kids, games etc. are welcomed. Please bring
some materials, postcards, symbols of your
country, posters, maps, music, etc. typical for
your country. We expect active volunteers with
the good knowledge of history and culture of
their country and ability to present it. The good
level of English is required. The minimum age
of volunteers is 20. Leisure time:There are a lot
of possibilities for leisure time activities as
camp will take place in the capital where one
can find attractions for all tastes: sightseeing
and museums, festivals, concerts, live music,
pubs, etc. The camp provides an excellent
opportunity to establish contacts with young
Estonians and to experience the local life.
Number of Volunteers: 8
7. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:June 27, 2008, End: July 10, 2008
Topic: Environment
AGRI/STUDY Project: The camp will take place
in Vihula Community in Karepa village at tourist
farm, which is specialised on growing medicinal
herbs, seasonings and unusual (for Estonia)
vegetables. Besides growing herbs and
vegetables Karepa Farm offers various
lectures/ courses such as: • The the history and
legends of medicinal herbs; • Medicinal herbs
and seasonings that should be in everyday use;
• How to pick and dry herbs and make tinctures
and ointments; • The use of plants in cosmetics
and body care, in sauna, etc; • Healthy diets; •
Naturopathy. Trips to the nature to see and
explore medicinal herbs are also offered
throughout the year. The farm is run by the
couple Katrin and Verner Luke, who would like
to introduce their activities to the international
participants and ask them to give a hand in the
seasonal agricultural work.
Work: All work will be mainly outdoors: picking
up the herbs in the garden and in nature. Also
drying and packing the herbs. Occasionally
some odd jobs in the farm can be offered.
There will be also strong study part - everything
about medicinal herbs and the use of it. Work
will be ca 7 hours every day. One full day of the
camp is reserved for excursions and hiking.
Accommodation:Volunteers will stay in the
two rooms of the farm. It is possible to stay in
the tent in the garden as well. Please bring a
sleeping bag. Very luxurious facilities cannot be
provided, but shower, Estonian sauna and dry
toilet is available. Food will be simple homemade Estonian country food from the
farm. And a lot of herbal tea, of course!
Volunteers may be asked to help preparing
meals and cleaning up.
Location:Karepa is a tiny village situated in a
beautiful place on the sea side (about 300m
from the sea) in Vihula community of LääneVirumaa County in North-Estonia. This area
borders to the Lahemaa National Park. Nearest
towns – Kunda 10 km, Jõhvi 56 km, Rakvere 35
km, Narva 100 km, Tallinn 110 km. More
information on www.visitestonia.com,
www.lahemaa.ee, www.ravimtaimeaed.ee
Terminal/Region: Airport, harbour, bus & train
stations in Tallinn, bus to Rakvere or Kunda,
local bus to Karepa.
Extra info:Special requirements Volunteers
should be interested in nature, herbs and
healthy life style. Smoking and drinking alcohol
is not allowed in this camp! Please bring your
sleeping bag, working clothes and gloves.
Camp language is English. Leisure time: There
plenty of possibilities for leisure time: swimming
in the sea, sunbathing, hiking in the picturesque
area of Lahemaa National Park, etc. It is
possible to make a bonfire and try a traditional
Estonian sauna.Volunteers can visit different
historical and cultural objects and places of
interest in the area. Excursions to the other
neighboring tourist farms and Mining Museum
in East Estonia are foreseen. Participation fee:
Volunteers are asked to contribute a modest
fee of 30 Euro towards the costs of leisure
activities and general administration. It has to
be paid by every participant upon arrival to the
Number of Volunteers: 6
8. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:June 30, 2008, End: August 3, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
KIDS/DISA Project:Imastu is an institution for
mentally handicapped children and youngsters.
It caters for over 100 kids and young adults
aged 5 to 26 with severe mental and genetic
deceases. Most of them are orphans.
Youngsters are divided in to 5 family groups
where they live under supervision of staff.
Children attend a special school arranged for
them in Imastu. Since 1994 Imastu has been
hosting international workcamps in summer and
since 1999 - long-term volunteers to assist staff
with daily work, bringing new ideas and
approaches to the daily routine. In summer the
volunteers are particularly needed to support
staff and assist work with kids, especially in
July-August when it is possible to offer more
diverse outdoor activities for kids.
Work:Looking after the children, helping staff in
teaching them basic skills, feeding children,
playing with them, arranging their outings,
assisting in all other required activities. Each
volunteer will work in the own family groups.
Volunteers will work under supervision and with
assistance of local staff 30-35 hours a week, 2
days a week are free.
Accommodation:In the Institution in 2-bedded
rooms. Beds and linens are provided. You do
not have to bring sleeping bag, unless you want
to travel in your free time. Shower and toilet is
in the corridor, shared with the staff. You will
eat together with the staff in local canteen or in
your family groups. Possibility to make own
food is limited.
Location:Imastu is a very tiny village. It lies
90km east from Tallinn and 25 km west from
Rakvere, administrative center of the area. The
nearest city is Tapa (3km), large railway
junction with about 10 000 inhabitants. Useful
links: www.tapa.ee and www.visitestonia.com
for general information about the country.
Terminal/Region:Airport, harbour, bus & train
stations in Tallinn; train or bus to Tapa.
Extra info:Special requirements:You have to
be really motivated and committed to the work
with physically and mentally disable children.
Some previous experience or special
knowledge is an advantage. Motivation letter is
required. Although English is a camp language,
some knowledge of Estonian or Russian will
make communication with locals easier. Leisure
time:Imastu is laying in a picturesque
landscape: fields, forests, lakes and unspoiled
nature. It is the ideal region for hiking and
cycling tours. There are good possibilities for
horse riding and fishing right in Imastu.
Excursions to places of interest in Tallinn,
Rakvere (est.1226), Lahemaa National Park as
well as trips to the seaside (30km from Imastu)
are foreseen.
Number of Volunteers: 5
9. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:July 1, 2008, End: July 13, 2008
Topic: Environment
MANU. Project:It became a good tradition for
EstYES to organize international workcamps in
co-operation with Marjamaa Community, which
is the largest community of Estonia. It lies on
the half way between Tallinn and Parnu, and it
is known for its rich historical and cultural
heritage: ancient settlement in Varbola, XIII
century church in Marjamaa, chapel in Haimre,
numerous German manor houses of XVIII-XIX
centuries, etc. Local authorities see in the
international camps an important tool for local
development - not only in terms of work done
by volunteers but mainly for introduction
multicultural dimension to the population of
local communities in the country. The camp will
take place in the village of Marjamaa, the
centre of the community. The task of the camp
is to assist local authorities’ maintenance plan.
Work:The work will be mainly concentrated
around historical church in Marjamaa – at the
graveyard and the park around it. The work is
simple: clearing and tiding up, mowing grass,
cutting bushes, planting flowers, repairing dry
stone wall, etc. Another proposed work is
managing green public areas in the village
under the supervision of Community Gardener.
The work will be mainly outdoors. In case of
rainy weather some odd jobs in Community
House and local Gymnasium may be proposed.
Accomodation: Volunteers will stay in the
premises of the Community House of Marjamaa
right in the centre of village, sleeping on the
mattresses. Please bring a sleeping bag.
Toilets and showers are available and it will be
possible to try Estonian sauna. Volunteers will
be eating in the school canteena and local
pubs. The possibility of making own food is
Location:Marjamaa is a village with about 4
000 inhabitants on the half way between Tallinn
and Parnu. Distance from Marjamaa to Tallinn
is 70 km. Being an administrative centre of
community, Marjamaa has several shops,
department store, culture house, cinema,
several pubs, night disco club, etc. Larger city
nearby is Rapla (25km), an administrative
centre of the county, with a population of about
10 000 people. Marjamaa has good connection
to Tallinn, Parnu, Haapsalu. More information
on www.marjamaa.ee and www.raplamaa.ee
Terminal/Region:Airport, harbor, bus & train
stations in Tallinn; bus to Marjamaa.
Extra info:Special requirements:Please bring
sleeping bag and pillow, working clothes and
gloves. English is the camp language. Leisure
time:Sport activities at the school stadium,
swimming in the local swimming pool, hiking,
excursions to the ancient settlement in Varbola,
Sillaotsa Farm Museum and other places of
interest of the area. Attending activities of the
local youth centre. It is possible to use free
days to go to Haapsalu or Parnu - Estonian
popular spa towns, very lively in summer.
Extra info:18-99
Number of Volunteers: 7
10. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:July 7, 2008, End: July 20, 2008
Topic: Environment
MANU. Project:Kopu village is a centre of
Community of Kopu, one of the smallest in
Estonia with total population of around one
thousand people. International workcamps
have been taken place there since 2001.
During past summers volunteers helped to build
sport facilities for local school, cleaned up the
school park, and did some renovation jobs in
the old graveyard – maintaining fences,
painting and cutting bushes. Besides practical
help, the volunteers made a significant impact
on community life providing new dynamics,
intercultural exchange and international
contacts to local youth. Inspired by years of
experience Kopu Community authorities
decided to continue hosting international camps
and invite international volunteers this summer
again. This year international camp will be
combined with the national teenage workcamp
taking place in Kopu at the same time.
Work:Kopu School occupies old German
manor house and it is surrounded by the large
park. There will be various jobs in the school
park and inside the school building. The work is
mainly cleaning and tidying up of the park as
well as other objects of local importance of the
community. Also preparing woods for the
school for heating in winter period and, if
weather will be dry, some hay making. Work
will be mostly outdoors. Volunteers will be
working along side with local youngsters of the
national workcamp. The work will last only 4-5
hours a day from 9 to till lunch. After lunch
there will be various activities together with
local youngsters and free time for the group
own activities. The age of local young people is
Accommodation::In the Kopu school sport
facilities. There is WiFi connection in the house.
Vounteers will sleep on the mattresses.
Mattresses are provided, but please bring your
sleeping bags. Toilets and showers are
available. Meals will be prepared by kitchen
staff and served in the school cantine.
Location:Kopu village lies about 20 km to the
west from Viljandi, an administrative centre of
the county with population of 22 000 people.
Distance from Tallinn is 180 km. The area is
very beautiful - hilly with many small lakes and
rivers and a lot of forest with wild nature. Here
begins Soomaa National Park – a very popular
place for hikes and canoe trips. More
information on www.visitestonia.com,
www.viljandi.ee, www.soomaa.ee .
Terminal/Region:Airport, harbor, bus & train
stations in Tallinn; bus to Viljandi; local bus to
Extra info:Special requirements:No special
skills are needed. Tools for the work will be
provided. Please bring sleeping bag, working
clothes and gloves. English and Estonian are
the camp languages. It is important that the
volunteers will follow the rules and schedules of
the national camp. Volunteers age is 18 - 22.
Leisure time:Sport activities at accommodation
site, competitions, swimming, barbeque, hiking
in Soomaa National Park, biking in the area.
Local community festival on the last day of the
camp. Trip to Viljandi, the capital of County,
visit to Tartu - second largest city in Estonia
and the University centre, or to Parnu.
Participation fee:Due to the lack of own
resourses we are forced to ask extra fee of 30
Euro to cover costs linked to free time activities
and local travel costs. This amount has to be
paid by every participant upon arrival to the
Number of Volunteers: 7
11. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:July 7, 2008, End: July 20, 2008
Topic: Environment
MANU/RENO Project:The aim of this camp is to
help renovation of the historical watermill
Koesti. This watermill dating from the end of
18th century is an important object of heritage
protection for local community. The oldest part
of the building existing at present was built in
the second half of 19th century. In 1930 the
watermill was made two-storied and on the river
side the engineering for producing electric
power was built. After the Second World War
several changes have been made there. Today
association managing the watermill put a lot of
effort into developing it into a hydroelectric
plant. It is planned to start the alternative
electricity generating in 2008. This is a very
important step for the local community which
goes along with the general plan to raise
production use of energy from alternative
sources in Estonia. At present such generating
alternative energy projects have not been
developed in Estonia yet to the noticeable
extend, therefore Koesti Watermill is an
important initiative which has to be supported.
Work:The work will include cleaning up the
banks of Koesti creek and clearing up the
green areas. You will also help with different
renovation works at the watermill. Volunteers
will be working 6-7 hours per day and 5 days
for week under supervision of local technical
leaders. Accommodation The accommodation
facilities will be quite simple: you will stay in the
mill house in camp beds. Please bring your own
sleeping bag! Toilets are available. Please note
that the shower will be a self-made “summer
shower”, which means that there will not be any
hot water. But you will have a good chance to
try Estonian sauna at the weekend! Volunteers
will prepare meals themselves from the food
provided by hosts using cooking facilities of the
Location: The project is located at the border
of Viljandi, a town situated in South Estonia on
Sakala Upland. Town of Viljandi with its 20,000
inhabitants is an independent unit of local
authority and the centre of the county. As a
culture town it is well known for its valued
Culture Academy, Ugala Drama Theatre and
the famous international Folk Music Festival
(http://www.folk.ee/ ) held yearly at the end of
July. Viljandi lies 160 km from Tallinn, 98 km
from Parnu and 80 km from Tartu. More
information about Viljandi on
www.viljandi.ee/?id=506 and
Terminal/Region:Airport, harbour, bus & train
station in Tallinn; bus and train to Viljandi.
Extra info:Special requirements: This camp is
not suitable for volunteers allergic to different
plants or hay. Be prepared for physical work.
Please note rather simple washing facilities in
this camp. Please bring your sleeping bag and
working clothes with you. Leisure time:There
are a lot of possibilities for leisure time activities
as camp will take place in the town where one
can find attractions for all tastes: sightseeing
and museums, festivals, concerts, live music,
pubs, etc. You can spend time at Viljandi Lake
and go swimming, of course. In the weekend
trips to Tartu or Parnu are possible.
Number of Volunteers: 10
12. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:July 11, 2008, End: July 25, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
KIDS/TEACH Project:This camp is organized
for teenagers by the language school “In Down
Town” and non-profit association “Alternative
Language Programs Satellite”. The school’s
aim is to introduce the diversity of world
cultures to youth through language studies,
meetings, visits, direct contacts with young
people from abroad in the hope to help young
Estonians’ integration into modern world. The
main idea of the camp is to provide meaningful
summer activities for local youth helping school
to realize its aim. The language of the camp is
Work:Activating teenage participants of the
school’s summer camp and providing crosscultural learning experience for them. It will be
done through the games popular in the
countries you represent, drama, sports,
excursions, common discussions, actions for
peace and nature protection, etc. Each day of
the camp program will have a special theme
and related activity. Volunteers along with local
coordinators will be responsible for the whole
program of the camp. The work can be pretty
hard, involving long working hours some days,
requiring high commitment and responsibility
for the camp program. The age of youngsters is
14-17. Besides local kids 6 teenage participants
from abroad are expected to join this camp. It is
going to be around 15 children in total. Most of
local teenagers are Russian-speaking from
Russian minority community of Tallinn. NB!
Since there will be German and French
speaking camps taking place In Down Town
School at the same time with this Spanish one
some joined activities for both camps (e.g. sport
competitions, parties, etc.) are foreseen.
Accommodation:In the class rooms of the
school which is situated in the every centre of
Tallinn. Toilets and showers are available.
Please bring a sleeping bag. Volunteers will
have breakfasts and dinners in their
accommodation, lunches will be organized for
whole camp in the city.
Location:Camp takes place in Tallinn, the
capital of Estonia. More information on
Terminal/Region:Airport, bus or train station,
harbor in Tallinn.
Extra info:Special requirements:You have to
be really motivated to work with teenagers.
Some experience in work with children is an
advantage. All interesting ideas of activities for
kids, games etc. are welcomed. Please bring
some materials, postcards, symbols of your
country, posters, maps, music, etc. typical for
your country and be ready to present it. Good
level of Spanish is required for this camp. The
minimum age of volunteers is 20. Leisure
time:There are a lot of possibilities for leisure
time activities as camp will take place in the
capital where one can find attractions for any
taste: sightseeing & museums, festivals and
concerts, live music, pubs, etc. The camp
provides an excellent opportunity to establish
contacts with young Estonians and to
experience the local life.
Number of Volunteers: 4
13. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:July 11, 2008, End: July 25, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
KIDS/TEACH This camp is organized for
teenagers by the language school “In Down
Town” and non-profit association “Alternative
Language Programs Satellite”. The school’s
aim is to introduce the diversity of world
cultures to youth through language studies,
meetings, visits, direct contacts with young
people from abroad in the hope to help young
Estonians’ integration into modern world. The
main idea of the camp is to provide meaningful
summer activities for local youth helping school
to realize its aim. French is the language of this
Work:Activating teenage participants of the
school’s summer camp and providing crosscultural learning experience for them. It will be
done through the games popular in the
countries you represent, drama, sports,
excursions, common discussions, actions for
peace and nature protection, etc. Each day of
the camp program will have a special theme
and related activity. Volunteers along with local
coordinators will be responsible for the whole
program of the camp. The work can be pretty
hard, involving long working hours some days,
requiring high commitment and responsibility
for the camp program. The age of youngsters is
14-17. Besides local kids 8 teenage participants
from abroad are expected to join this camp. It is
going to be around 20 children in total. Most of
local teenagers are Russian-speaking from
Russian minority community of Tallinn. NB!
Since there will be German and Spanish
speaking camps taking place In Down Town
School at the same time with this French one
some joined activities for both camps (e.g. sport
competitions, parties, etc.) are foreseen.
Accommodation:In the class rooms of the
school which is situated in the every centre of
Tallinn. Toilets and showers are available.
Please bring a sleeping bag. Volunteers will
have breakfasts and dinners in their
accommodation, lunches will be organized for
whole camp in the city.
Location:Camp takes place in Tallinn, the
capital of Estonia. More information on
Terminal/Region:Airport, bus or train station,
harbor in Tallinn.
Extra info:Special requirements:You have to
be really motivated to work with teenagers.
Some experience in work with children is an
advantage. All interesting ideas of activities for
kids, games etc. are welcomed. Please bring
some materials, postcards, symbols of your
country, posters, maps, music, etc. typical for
your country and be ready to present it. Good
level of French is required for this camp. The
minimum age of volunteers is 20. Leisure
time:There are a lot of possibilities for leisure
time activities as camp will take place in the
capital where one can find attractions for any
taste: sightseeing & museums, festivals and
concerts, live music, pubs, etc. The camp
provides an excellent opportunity to establish
contacts with young Estonians and to
experience the local life.
Number of Volunteers: 4
14. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:July 11, 2008, End: July 25, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Project: This camp is organized for teenagers
by the language school “In Down Town” and
non-profit association “Alternative Language
Programs Satellite”. The school’s aim is to
introduce the diversity of world cultures to youth
through language studies, meetings, visits,
direct contacts with young people from abroad
in the hope to help young Estonians’ integration
into modern world. The main idea of the camp
is to provide meaningful summer activities for
local youth helping school to realize its aim.
The camp language is German.
Work:Activating teenage participants of the
school’s summer camp and providing crosscultural learning experience for them. It will be
done through the games popular in the
countries you represent, drama, sports,
excursions, common discussions, actions for
peace and nature protection, etc. Each day of
the camp program will have a special theme
and related activity. Volunteers along with local
coordinators will be responsible for the whole
program of the camp. The work can be pretty
hard, involving long working hours some days,
requiring high commitment and responsibility
for the camp program. The age of youngsters is
14-17. Besides local kids 8 teenage participants
from abroad are expected to join this camp. It is
going to be around 20 children in total. Most of
local teenagers are Russian-speaking from
Russian minority community of Tallinn. NB!
Since there will be the French and Spanish
speaking camps taking place In Down Town
School at the same time with this German one
some joined activities for both camps (e.g. sport
competitions, parties, etc.) are foreseen.
Accommodation:In the class rooms of the
school which is situated in the very centre of
Tallinn. Toilets and showers are available.
Please bring a sleeping bag. Volunteers will
have breakfasts and dinners in their
accommodation, lunches will be organized for
whole camp in the city.
Location: Camp takes place in Tallinn, the
capital of Estonia. More information on
Terminal/Region: Airport, bus or train station,
harbor in Tallinn.
Extra info:Special requirements: You have to
be really motivated to work with teenagers.
Some experience in work with children is an
advantage. All interesting ideas of activities for
kids, games etc. are welcomed. Please bring
some materials, postcards, symbols of your
country, posters, maps, music, etc. typical for
your country and be ready to present it. Good
level of German is requested for this camp. The
minimum age of volunteers is 20. Leisure time:
There are a lot of possibilities for leisure time
activities as camp will take place in the capital
where one can find attractions for all tastes:
sightseeing and museums, festivals, concerts,
live music, pubs, etc. The camp provides an
excellent opportunity to establish contacts with
young Estonians and to experience the local
Number of Volunteers: 4
15. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:July 14, 2008, End: July 27, 2008
Topic: Environment
MANU/ENVI Project:This is a special camp for
those who love adventures and are ready for
unexpected situations, want to do something
useful and learn something new, encounter
Estonian nature and make new friends. It will
take place in the Polva County in the village
Polgaste, the area known for its outstanding
beauty and well-preserved uncultivated nature.
The idea of the camp is to encounter Estonian
nature and learn how to live in harmony with it.
Activity:There will be one or two approximately
25-30 km one-day-long hikes to introduce you
the surrounding as well as few shorter ones.
Even more hikes can be organised on your
request! The local host will provide you with
information about herbs, plants, berries and
mushrooms of this area and ways people can
use it. Also teach you fishing trout from the
river, hiking in the forest, surviving in the wild
nature, etc. But do not expect formal lectures
and exercises. The idea of the camp is learning
from each other in easy relaxing and fun way.
Your own contribution will be appreciated! The
exact activities plan will very much depend on
weather conditions.
Work:Beside hiking and adventure the
volunteers are expected to work approximately
4-5 hours some of the days. Work can be quite
physical – various construction/ renovation
works in the old watermill and odd jobs in the
forest, weir and at the riverside.
Accommodation:Volunteers will live in the big
old watermill, which is quite rustic without
special comfort: dry toilet, washing in the river.
Sometimes volunteers can use sauna at
neighbours. Volunteers will prepare meals
themselves in the kitchen or on the open fire
outside. Meals will be really simple. Food will
be bought in the shop and from local farmers.
You have to bring sleeping bag and mat.
Location:Polgaste village lies in South-Estonia.
Nearest towns are Polva (15 km), Võru (20 km)
and Otepaa (27 km). You will find picturesque
forests and low hills there, varied with rivers,
creeks and beautiful lakes, several national
parks and reserves. From the architectural side
churches, manor houses and ancient castles
are certainly worth mentioning.
www.southestonia.info, www.polvamaale.ee,
Terminal/Region:Airport, harbour, bus & train
station in Tallinn, bus to Kanepi.
Extra info:Special requirements:Volunteers
have to be flexible, adventurous and be ready
to give up some comfort. You have to be in a
good physical shape and be ready for hard
work and long hikes. You should be interested
in nature and environment protection.
Extra info: it is hard to provide vegetarian and
lactose free food. Camp is not suitable for
volunteers allergic to hay or cats. Leisure
time:Sport activities, wu-shu swimming, fishing,
etc. Visit to Polva Local Life Museum.
Excursions to the nearest bigger towns Voru
and Varska as well as tour to North of Estonia
are foreseen. Participation fee:Since EstYES
does not receive funds to support your
participation in the camp neither from the state
nor from private sponcors, you are asked to
contribute 90 Euro towards cost of board and
lodging, local transport and the program. The
fee has to be paid by volunteers upon arrival to
the camp.
Number of Volunteers: 10
16. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:July 15, 2008, End: July 26, 2008
Topic: Environment
MANU/ENVI Project:The World Zoo and
Aquarium Conservation Strategy adopted in
2005 puts the emphasis on wildlife
conservation as one of the highest priorities for
the zoos around the world. Once offering only
public entertainment, the zoos today must take
the role of wildlife conservation centres,
breeding endangered species and supporting
their recovery in the wild. Tallinn Zoo
(http://www.loomaaed.ee) participates in a
numerous conservation projects, playing a
leading role in the reintroduction project of the
European mink (Mustela lutreola). It has also
provided specimens for the reintroduction of the
Black vulture. Tallinn Zoo introduces the public
to a variety of animals and conveys information
about wildlife through interpretative signs and
boards, interactive devices, printed handouts
and media representations. So far Tallinn Zoo
has been a partner of EstYES for the local
voluntary actions. In the development of our
cooperation the first international workcamp
was be held in Tallinn Zoo in summer 2007.
Following its success this year we introduce
two camps there.
Work:The work mainly consists of doing
various gardening jobs in the green areas of
the large zoo territory: clearing and tiding up,
mowing grass, cutting bushes, planting flowers.
There might be as well small renovation works
and various odd jobs outdoors. In case of rainy
weather alternative work indoors will be found.
The work is planned as 7-8 hours a day. NB!
Work does not include direct contact with the
animals Accomodation: Volunteers will stay in
the residential area of Tallinn in the EstYES
apartment, where long-term EVS volunteers are
usually accommodated. It takes about 20 min
by bus to get from there to the city centre and
about 40-50 min to get to the Zoo from there.
Volunteers will have two rooms, equipped
kitchen, shower rooms and toilet at their
disposal. They will sleep on mattresses on the
floor and in beds. Please bring your sleeping
bags! Volunteers have to prepare their own
meals for breakfasts and dinners. Lunches will
be taken together with the Zoo gardening staff
at the working place. Volunteers will use public
transport to go to work; the tickets will be
provided by EstYE
Location:Tallinn is the capital of Estonia,
www.tallinn.ee or www.visitestonia.com.
Extra info:Special requirements:No special
skills required but you have to be ready for
physical work. This camp is not suitable for
volunteers allergic to hay. Tools will be
provided, just take your working clothes and
gloves and a sleeping bag! The camp language
is English. Leisure time:Besides that volunteers
will get well acquainted with the zoo and its
inhabitants, there are a lot of possibilities for
leisure time activities since camp will take place
in the capital, where one can find attractions for
any taste: sightseeing & museums, festivals
and concerts, live music, pubs, etc. This camp
provides an excellent opportunity to experience
vivid local life of Tallinn. Participation fee:As
EstYES does not have funds to support your
participation in this camp neither from the state
nor from the private sponsors, you are asked to
contribute 50 Euro towards cost of board and
lodging, local transport and the program. The
fee has to be paid by volunteers upon arrival to
the camp.
Number of Volunteers: 5
17. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:July 21, 2008, End: August 3, 2008
Topic: Environment
MANU Project:Hiiumaa – 'Dagaithi' according to
the Nordic sagas emerged from the Baltic Sea
as a small islet more than 10,000 years ago.
The island of Hiiumaa was first mentioned in
historical documents as a deserted island
called Dageida in 1228. The first inhabitants
settled down at the end of the 13th century.
Hiiumaa now is the second biggest island of
Estonia: its area is 965 sq. km, population
around 11 000. It has many historical and
nature sights, and there are kind people known
for their hospitality and good sense of humor.
Vetsitall is a tourist farm established on the site
of old stables built in 1843. It is situated on the
small island Kassari (19 sq. km) which is linked
to Hiiumaa. Vetsitall provides accommodation,
camping, catering, excursions, etc. promoting
eco-tourism, keeping national heritage and
cultural traditions and introducing it to the
World. The area provides a lot of possibilities
for eco-tourism - with its beautiful sand dunes,
pine woods and the high coastal junipers
Kassari Island is ideal for hiking, picnics,
camping, sunbathing and swimming. Kaina Bay
between Kassari and Kaina and the numerous
islets form a bird sanctuary with 70 different
species - ideal place for bird watchers and
nature lovers. More information on
http://www.vetsitall.ee/eng/tutvustus.php For
the number of years EstYES has been
supporting the movement of tourist eco-farms in
the rural areas of Estonia by means of
workcamps. And this camp works for the same
idea. It gives a great chance to experience
everyday Estonian country life on the beautiful
island of Hiiumaa!
Work:The work will mainly include cleaning and
tidying up of the area of the farm, mowing
grass, assisting tourist farm with various
seasonal works at the camping, kitchen end
even in the pub. For some days volunteers may
be asked to work in the local museum. The
working day is 6-7 hours. One day a week is
free but not necessarily on weekend.
Accommodation:In the camping houses of
Vetsitall, where volunteers will have 2 rooms.
Toilet, hot water, sauna is available. Meals will
be served in the local pub.
Location:Hiiumaa Island lies in the Baltic Sea
west of Tallinn, 22 km from the mainland.
Vetsitall is located near to seashore on Kassari
Island. The nearest town Kaina is about 10km
away. See map on
www.vetsitall.ee/eng/kaart.php# More
information on www.hiiumaa.ee
Terminal/Region:Airport, harbor, bus & train
station in Tallinn; bus to Rohukula and ferry to
Extra info:Special requirements:This camp is
not suitable for volunteers allergic to different
plants or hay.
Extra info: it is not easy to provide diverse
vegetarian and lactose free food on the island.
Leisure time:Sport activities sunbathing,
swimming, hiking, birds watching, etc. Very
good camp for nature lovers! It is possible to
get acquainted with the different farm work.
Excursion around the island is planned. Life
music, dancing and parties in the local pub on
weekends. Participants can join Estonian folk
dances parties which are run every weekend in
Number of Volunteers: 5
18. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:July 25, 2008, End: August 8, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
KIDS/TEACH Project:This camp is organized
for teenagers by the language school “In Down
Town” and non-profit association “Alternative
Language Programs Satellite”. The school’s
aim is to introduce the diversity of world
cultures to youth through language studies,
meetings, visits, direct contacts with young
people from abroad in the hope to help young
Estonians’ integration into modern world. The
main idea of the camp is to provide meaningful
summer activities for local youth helping the
school to realize its aim.
Work:Activating teenage participants of the
school’s summer camp and providing crosscultural learning experience for them. It will be
done through the games popular in the
countries volunteers represent, drama, sports,
excursions, common discussions, actions for
peace and nature protection, etc. Each day of
the camp program will have a special theme
and related activity. Volunteers along with local
coordinators will be responsible for the whole
program of the camp. The work can be pretty
hard, involving long working hours some days,
requiring high commitment and responsibility
for the camp program. The age of youngsters is
14-17. Besides local kids 12 teenage
participants from abroad are expected to join
this camp. In total it is going to be around 40
children. Most of local teenagers are Russianspeaking from Russian minority community.
Accommodation:In the class rooms of the
school which is situated in the very centre of
Tallinn. Toilets and showers are available.
Please bring a sleeping bag. Volunteers will
have breakfasts and dinners in their
accommodation, lunches will be organized for
whole camp in the city.
Location:Camp will take place in Tallinn, the
capital of Estonia. More information on
www.tallinn.ee Terminal/Region:Airport, bus or
train station, harbor in Tallinn.
Extra info:Special requirements:You have to
be really motivated to work with teenagers.
Some experience in work with children is an
advantage. All interesting ideas of activities for
kids, games etc. are welcomed. Please bring
some materials, postcards, symbols of your
country, posters, maps, music, etc. typical for
your country. We expect active volunteers with
the good knowledge of history and culture of
their country and ability to present it. The good
level of English is required. The minimum age
of volunteers is 20. Leisure time:There are a lot
of possibilities for leisure time activities as
camp will take place in the capital where one
can find attractions for all tastes: sightseeing
and museums, festivals, concerts, live music,
pubs, etc. The camp provides an excellent
opportunity to establish contacts with young
Estonians and to experience the local life.
Number of Volunteers: 8
Number of Volunteers: 8
19. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:July 26, 2008, End: August 10, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
KIDS/TEACH Project:Do you want to spend two
weeks working with kids in the village of Paris
in Estonia? Then this camp is for you! The
camp is organized for kids and teenagers by
the Association of Teachers of English in
Estonia. The main aim of the camp is to provide
intensive experience of learning and practicing
of English language for kids and teenagers
outside school curriculum using facilities of
children camp Pariisi. The camp program
includes games and activities, performances in
the open air, hikes, excursions and visits, talks
and discussions in the working groups. The
language of the camp is English – although the
name Pariisi might provoke another
Work:Activating kids and teenagers, providing
cross-cultural learning experience for them as
well as English language environment. It will be
done through the games, drama, sport
activities, excursions, discussions, etc.
Volunteers along with local coordinators will be
responsible for the whole program of the camp.
The work can be pretty hard, involving long
working hours some days, requiring high
commitment and responsibility for the camp
program. There will be two shifts during the
period of camp. The first one will involve kids
aged 7-12, the second one – teenagers aged
10-15. There is going to be around 50
participants in each shift.
Accommodation:Camp has two buildings with
2-5 bedded rooms. Volunteers will stay in the
own room. Beds are provided, but please bring
your sleeping bag. Toilets, showers and sauna
are available. There is a hall for performances,
open air stage, swimming pool, sport facilities
for ball games, table tennis, bicycles, etc.
Volunteers and participants will have their
meals in the local café. Location Camp takes
place in Pariisi village, about 100 km from
Tallinn the capital of Estonia. Nearest towns are
Rakvere (20km) and Tapa (15km). The
picturesque area around the camp with many
hills, streams, rivers and lakes is very suitable
for hikes and bicycle tours. Famous Lahemaa
National Park is about 20 km from the camp.
More information on www.visitestonia.com,
www.lahemaa.ee, www.rakvere.ee
Terminal/Region:Airport, bus or train station,
harbor in Tallinn; bus to Rakvere.
Extra info:Special requirements:The minimum
age of volunteers is 19. Good level of English,
also a Motivation Letter is required!!! You
should be really motivated to work with kids and
teenagers. Previous experience is an asset. All
ideas of activities for youngsters, games etc.
are welcomed. Please bring some materials,
postcards, posters, maps, music, etc. from your
country. Leisure time:There are a lot of
possibilities for leisure time activities:
swimming, hiking, sports, horse riding, etc.
Excursions to Lahemaa National Park and
Rakvere are foreseen.
Number of Volunteers: 3
20. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:July 28, 2008, End: August 9, 2008
Topic: Environment
MANU/RENO Project:The aim of this camp is to
help renovation of the historical watermill
Koesti. This watermill dating from the end of
18th century is an important object of heritage
protection for local community. The oldest part
of the building existing at present was built in
the second half of 19th century. In 1930 the
watermill was made two-storied and on the river
side the engineering for producing electric
power was built. After the Second World War
several changes have been made there. Today
association managing the watermill put a lot of
effort into developing it into a hydroelectric
plant. It is planned to start the alternative
electricity generating in 2008. This is a very
important step for the local community which
goes along with the general plan to raise
production use of energy from alternative
sources in Estonia. At present such generating
alternative energy projects have not been
developed in Estonia yet to the noticeable
extend, therefore Koesti Watermill is an
important initiative which has to be supported.
Work:The work will include cleaning up the
banks of Koesti creek and clearing up the
green areas. You will also help with different
renovation works at the watermill. Volunteers
will be working 6-7 hours per day and 5 days
for week under supervision of local technical
leaders. Accommodation The accommodation
facilities will be quite simple: you will stay in the
mill house in camp beds. Please bring your own
sleeping bag! Toilets are available. Please note
that the shower will be a self-made “summer
shower”, which means that there will not be any
hot water. But you will have a good chance to
try Estonian sauna at the weekend! Volunteers
will prepare meals themselves from the food
provided by hosts using cooking facilities of the
Location: The project is located at the border
of Viljandi, a town situated in South Estonia on
Sakala Upland. Town of Viljandi with its 20,000
inhabitants is an independent unit of local
authority and the centre of the county. As a
culture town it is well known for its valued
Culture Academy, Ugala Drama Theatre and
the famous international Folk Music Festival
(http://www.folk.ee/ ) held yearly at the end of
July. Viljandi lies 160 km from Tallinn, 98 km
from Parnu and 80 km from Tartu. More
information about Viljandi on
www.viljandi.ee/?id=506 and
Terminal/Region:Airport, harbour, bus & train
station in Tallinn; bus and train to Viljandi.
Extra info:Special requirements: This camp is
not suitable for volunteers allergic to different
plants or hay. Be prepared for physical work.
Please note rather simple washing facilities in
this camp. Please bring your sleeping bag and
working clothes with you. Leisure time:There
are a lot of possibilities for leisure time activities
as camp will take place in the town where one
can find attractions for all tastes: sightseeing
and museums, festivals, concerts, live music,
pubs, etc. You can spend time at Viljandi Lake
and go swimming, of course. In the weekend
trips to Tartu or Parnu are possible. Number of
Volunteers: 10
Number of Volunteers: 10
21. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:July 29, 2008, End: August 10, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
MANU/KIDS Project:Maidla is an orphanage,
which was established over 50 year ago on the
site of the old German manor house. It caters
for 40 youngsters aged 3 to 18. Children attend
school, gymnasium or professional school in
the county. The aim of the institution is to take
care of children, create good conditions for their
living there, ensure necessary medical and
psychological treatment, organize free time
activities for them and finally, prepare them for
the independent life in future. Besides the
manor houses and the park, which occupies 3
ha, Maidla has also a garden, which supplies
institution with vegetables. Naturally there is a
lot of practical work to do there, especially in
summer, and assistance of international
volunteers will be appreciated. Although many
children will be away for the whole period of
camp living in the “support families”, those
staying in Maidla will join volunteers for work
and leisure.
Work:Maintenance works in the park and on
the territory of institution, possibly light
renovation and painting work in the building,
preparing and piling up fire woods for heating in
winter and other odd jobs outdoors and
indoors. Another task of the camp will be to
activate youngsters of Maidla involving them to
the practical work, running a leisure time
program for them, organizing games and sport
activities, introducing volunteers’ home
countries and cultures, providing practice of
English language, etc. There will be around 15
young people aged 5 to 17 in Maidla at the time
of the camp. Accomodation:Volunteers will stay
in the separate house, which is normally
occupied by the eldest children. They will have
2-3 bedded rooms, shower, toilet, washing
mashine. Sauna is available as well. Meals will
be prepared by volunteers themselves in the
instituton’s kitchen from the food provided by
the institution.
Location:Maidla is a tiny village, which lies 10
km east from Rapla, an administrative centre of
the county with 7 000 inhabitants. Distance
from Tallinn is about 60 km. Area around has a
lot of small rivers and lakes as well as forests
with wild life – nice place for hikes, swimming,
enjoying nature. More information on
Terminal/Region:Airport, harbour, bus & train
stations in Tallinn; bus & train to Rapla; bus to
Extra info:Special requirements:No special
requirements. Tools will be provided. Please
bring working clothes and gloves. It would be
very helpful if you could bring games, songs
popular in your countries, ideas for activities
with children, anything you can use for work
with kids and teenagers of Maidla. Your
previous experience in work with kids is an
advantage. English is the camp language.
Leisure time: Various joined activities with
Maidla youngsters. Hikes in the forest. Sport
activities using institution’s facilities. Excursions
and visits to the places of interest in the area.
Trip to the seaside in Parnu can be organised.
It is possible to visit other workcamps taking
place the same time in this region. Besides
during this time of year, there will be various
cultural events in Rapla and neighbour villages
(like Marjamaa Folk Festival) which is possible
to attend.
Number of Volunteers: 8
22. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:August 4, 2008, End: August 17, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
KIDS/TEACH Project:This camp is organized
for kids by Language School AUGIIT in Estonia.
The aim of the camp is to introduce the
diversity of world cultures to youth through
language studies and active practice, visits,
meetings, contacts with young people from
abroad in the hope to help young people from
Estonia to integrate into modern world. At the
same time the camp aimed at introducing
Estonian national culture as well as culture of
minority groups living in Estonia to the foreign
participants. The camp will offer educational
programs and activities that focus on promoting
equality in human dignity in conjunction with
other programs such as those promoting
intercultural learning, participation and
empowerment of minorities. Last not least,
another idea of the camp is to provide
meaningful summer activities for local
youngsters. Local teenagers are Russianspeaking and representatives from other
minority communities of Estonia.
Work:Activating teenage participants of the
summer camp and providing intercultural
learning experience for them. It will be done
through the games popular in the countries
volunteers represent, theater, sports,
excursions, discussions, actions, etc.
Volunteers along with local coordinator will be
responsible for the whole program of the camp.
The work can be pretty hard, involving long
working hours some days, requiring
commitment, initiative and high responsibility
for the camp program. The age of youngsters is
12-17. Besides local kids 6 teenage participants
from abroad are expected to join this camp. In
total it is going to be around 15 children. Most
of local teenagers are Russian-speaking
representing minority communities in Tallinn.
Accommodation:In the rented apartments with
all facilities in the residential area of Tallinn.
Volunteers have to prepare breakfasts and
dinners themselves at their accommodation;
lunches will be arranged for whole group in the
Location:Camp will take place in Tallinn, the
capital of Estonia. More information on
Terminal/Region:Airport, bus or train station,
harbor in Tallinn. Special requirements:You
have to be really motivated to work with kids.
An experience in work with children is an
advantage. We specially welcome sporty and
musical volunteers. All interesting ideas of
activities for kids, games etc. are welcomed.
Please bring some materials, photos, symbols
of your country, posters, maps, music, etc
typical for your country. We expect active
volunteers with the knowledge of history and
culture of their country and ability to present it.
Good level of English is absolutely required.
The minimum age of volunteers is 20. Leisure
time:There are a lot of possibilities for leisure
activities as camp will take place in the capital
where one can find attractions for all tastes:
historical sights and museums, festivals,
concerts, live music, pubs, etc. Besides, as a
part of the camp program some trips out of
Tallinn will be arranged. Camp provides an
excellent opportunity to establish contacts with
young people of Estonia, learn about the
country and the culture of its minorities.
Number of Volunteers: 3
23. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:August 8, 2008, End: August 22, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
KIDS/TEACH Project:This project is organized
for local children by the language school “In
Down-Town” and non-profit association
“Alternative Language Programs Satellite”. The
project’s aim is to introduce the diversity of
world cultures to children through alternative
language studies. Answering kids need to
practice their knowledge of English, the project
helps them to study national customs and
traditions, develop their multicultural thinking
and tolerance. Thus the idea of the camp is to
provide meaningful summer activities for local
kids helping the school to fulfil the project’s aim.
Work:Activating participants of the school’s
summer camp and providing cross-cultural
learning experience for them. It will be done
through teaching and playing the games and
music popular in the English speaking countries
and the countries the volunteers represent;
training kids to perform pieces of amateur
drama; preparing intellectual and sport games
for them as well as guided discussions on
excursions round the places of interest; actions
for peace and nature protection; leading and
supporting kids in their work on the team
projects within the discussed topics such as
“Healthy body, healthy spirit”, “Good habits”,
“My small home in the big world”, “War and
peace”, etc.; preparing and leading the kid
teams’ presentations on English speaking
countries and the countries the camp
participants are from. Each day of the camp
program will have a special theme and a
related activity. Volunteers along with local
coordinators are responsible for the program of
the camp. The work can be pretty hard,
involving long working hours some days,
requiring high commitment and responsibility
for the camp program and the young
participants. The volunteers will work in pairs in
the smaller groups along with local camp
leaders. The age of youngsters is 10-12. The
total number of kids is around 30. Most of kids
are Russian-speaking from Russian minority
community of Tallinn.
Accommodation:In the class rooms of the
school which is situated in the very centre of
Tallinn. Toilets and showers are available.
Please bring a sleeping bag. Volunteers will
have breakfasts and dinners at their
accommodation, lunches will be organized for
whole camp in the city.
Location:Camp will take place in Tallinn, the
capital of Estonia. More information on
www.tallinn.ee Terminal/Region:Airport, bus or
train station, harbor in Tallinn.
Extra info:Special requirements:You have to
be really motivated to work with kids.
Experience in work with children is an
advantage. All interesting ideas of activities for
kids, games etc. are welcomed. Please bring
some materials, postcards, symbols of your
country, posters, maps, music, etc. typical for
your country. We expect active volunteers with
the good knowledge of history and culture of
their country and ability to present it. Please
add a motivation letter. The good level of
English is required. The minimum age of vols is
20. Number of Volunteers: 8
Number of Volunteers: 8
24. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:August 11, 2008, End: August 24, 2008
MANU/ENVI Project:This is a special camp for
those who love adventures and are ready for
unexpected situations, want to do something
useful and learn something new, encounter
Estonian nature and make new friends. It will
take place in the Polva County in the village
Polgaste, the area known for its outstanding
beauty and well-preserved uncultivated nature.
The idea of the camp is to encounter Estonian
nature and learn how to live in harmony with it.
Activity:There will be one or two approximately
25-30 km one-day-long hikes to introduce you
the surrounding as well as few shorter ones.
Even more hikes can be organised on your
request! The local host will provide you with
information about herbs, plants, berries and
mushrooms of this area and ways people can
use it. Also teach you fishing trout from the
river, hiking in the forest, surviving in the wild
nature, etc. But do not expect formal lectures
and exercises. The idea of the camp is learning
from each other in easy relaxing and fun way.
Your own contribution will be appreciated! The
exact activities plan will very much depend on
weather conditions.
Work:Beside hiking and adventure the
volunteers are expected to work approximately
4-5 hours some of the days. Work can be quite
physical – various construction/ renovation
works in the old watermill and odd jobs in the
forest, weir and at the riverside.
Accommodation:Volunteers will live in the big
old watermill, which is quite rustic without
special comfort: dry toilet, washing in the river.
Sometimes volunteers can use sauna at
neighbours. Volunteers will prepare meals
themselves in the kitchen or on the open fire
outside. Meals will be really simple. Food will
be bought in the shop and from local farmers.
You have to bring sleeping bag and mat.
Location:Polgaste village lies in South-Estonia.
Nearest towns are Polva (15 km), Võru (20 km)
and Otepaa (27 km). You will find picturesque
forests and low hills there, varied with rivers,
creeks and beautiful lakes, several national
parks and reserves. From the architectural side
churches, manor houses and ancient castles
are certainly worth mentioning.
www.southestonia.info, www.polvamaale.ee,
Terminal/Region:Airport, harbour, bus & train
station in Tallinn, bus to Kanepi. Extra
info:Special requirements:Volunteers have to
be flexible, adventurous and be ready to give
up some comfort. You have to be in a good
physical shape and be ready for hard work and
long hikes. You should be interested in nature
and environment protection. Extra info: it is
hard to provide vegetarian and lactose free
food. Camp is not suitable for volunteers
allergic to hay or cats. Leisure time:Sport
activities, wu-shu swimming, fishing, etc. Visit
to Polva Local Life Museum. Excursions to the
nearest bigger towns Voru and Varska as well
as tour to North of Estonia are foreseen.
Participation fee:Since EstYES does not
receive funds to support your participation in
the camp neither from the state nor from private
sponcors, you are asked to contribute 90 Euro
towards cost of board and lodging, local
transport and the program. The fee has to be
paid by volunteers upon arrival to the camp.
Number of Volunteers: 10
25. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:August 14, 2008, End: August 27, 2008
Topic: Environment
AGRI/STUDY Project: The camp will take place
in Vihula Community in Karepa village at tourist
farm, which is specialised on growing medicinal
herbs, seasonings and unusual (for Estonia)
vegetables. Besides growing herbs and
vegetables Karepa Farm offers various
lectures/ courses such as: • The the history and
legends of medicinal herbs; • Medicinal herbs
and seasonings that should be in everyday use;
• How to pick and dry herbs and make tinctures
and ointments; • The use of plants in cosmetics
and body care, in sauna, etc; • Healthy diets; •
Naturopathy. Trips to the nature to see and
explore medicinal herbs are also offered
throughout the year. The farm is run by the
couple Katrin and Verner Luke, who would like
to introduce their activities to the international
participants and ask them to give a hand in the
seasonal agricultural work.
Work: All work will be mainly outdoors: picking
up the herbs in the garden and in nature. Also
drying and packing the herbs. Occasionally
some odd jobs in the farm can be offered.
There will be also strong study part - everything
about medicinal herbs and the use of it. Work
will be ca 7 hours every day. One full day of the
camp is reserved for excursions and hiking.
Accommodation:Volunteers will stay in the
two rooms of the farm. It is possible to stay in
the tent in the garden as well. Please bring a
sleeping bag. Very luxurious facilities cannot be
provided, but shower, Estonian sauna and dry
toilet is available. Food will be simple homemade Estonian country food from the
farm. And a lot of herbal tea, of course!
Volunteers may be asked to help preparing
meals and cleaning up.
Location:Karepa is a tiny village situated in a
beautiful place on the sea side (about 300m
from the sea) in Vihula community of LääneVirumaa County in North-Estonia. This area
borders to the Lahemaa National Park. Nearest
towns – Kunda 10 km, Jõhvi 56 km, Rakvere 35
km, Narva 100 km, Tallinn 110 km. More
information on www.visitestonia.com,
www.lahemaa.ee, www.ravimtaimeaed.ee
Terminal/Region: Airport, harbour, bus & train
stations in Tallinn, bus to Rakvere or Kunda,
local bus to Karepa.
Extra info:Special requirements Volunteers
should be interested in nature, herbs and
healthy life style. Smoking and drinking alcohol
is not allowed in this camp! Please bring your
sleeping bag, working clothes and gloves.
Camp language is English. Leisure time: There
plenty of possibilities for leisure time: swimming
in the sea, sunbathing, hiking in the picturesque
area of Lahemaa National Park, etc. It is
possible to make a bonfire and try a traditional
Estonian sauna.Volunteers can visit different
historical and cultural objects and places of
interest in the area. Excursions to the other
neighboring tourist farms and Mining Museum
in East Estonia are foreseen. Participation fee:
Volunteers are asked to contribute a modest
fee of 30 Euro towards the costs of leisure
activities and general administration. It has to
be paid by every participant upon arrival to the
Number of Volunteers: 6
26. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:August 19, 2008, End: August 2, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
RENO/ FEST Project:In the buildings of a
former Soviet rubber plant Polymer NGO
Culture Factory is developing an environment
for workshops for artists and musicians, cultural
events, youth activities etc. The former
industrial spaces are being renovated for new
uses as exhibition and concert halls, dancing,
theatre and visual arts studios, cultural, youth
and leisure activities. This year Culture Factory
in cooperation with EstYES invites international
volunteers to help renovation works in the
former factory continuing its transformation into
alternative cultural centre as well as to meeting
artists, get experience with various workshops
and help preparing and running annual
alternative art festival. The Culture Factory is a
partner of the international Trans Europe Halles
Network, an organisation uniting similar centres
all over Europe. More information on
www.teh.net and www.kultuuritehas.ee
Work:As the factory buildings have stood
derelict for years, lots of cleaning-up has to be
done. Be ready for the hard and dirty work! It
will be some renovation works, painting, fixing
windows, cleaning, etc. but also jobs linked to
the festival - like preparation/ decoration of the
rooms, putting exhibitions, transporting stuff,
etc. The work will normally last 6-7 hours a day.
Accommodation:Volunteers will live in the
factory building in a studio, where they will have
a big room for living and equipped kitchen for
preparing own meals. Toilets and showers are
available in the factory. Beds, mattresses and
linens will be provided, so there is no need to
bring sleeping bags.
Location:Tallinn is the capital of Estonia. You
can get a lot of information on Tallinn on
www.tallinn.ee and www.visitestonia.com . The
Culture Factory is situated quite in the centre of
Tallinn within walking distance (20 min) to
mediaeval old town, museums, pubs with
intensive nightlife, etc.
Terminal/Region:Airport, bus or train station,
harbor in Tallinn.
Extra info:Special requirements:There are no
special requirements. Tools will be provided.
Please bring working clothes and gloves. Camp
language is English. Leisure time;On site
volunteers are welcome to take part in the
festival and get acquainted with the work of
artists and artisans. During the camp Culture
Factory will run the traditional festival, so a lot
of cultural activities and parties are foreseen:
art, performances, music, etc. Besides, there
are a lot of possibilities for leisure time activities
since camp takes place in the capital where
one can find attractions for all tastes:
sightseeing and museums, festivals, concerts,
live music, pubs, etc. The camp provides an
excellent opportunity to establish contacts with
young Estonian artists. Participation fee:Since
EstYES (neither its camp partner NGO Culture
Factory) does not receive sufficient financial
support for this camp from municipality nor from
private sources we have to charge participants
an extra fee of 70 Euro. It has to be paid by
volunteers upon arrival to the camp, and it is to
cover costs of materials as well as some
cultural activities.
Number of Volunteers: 8
27. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:August 20, 2008, End: August 31, 2008
Topic: Environment
MANU/ENVI Project:The World Zoo and
Aquarium Conservation Strategy adopted in
2005 puts the emphasis on wildlife
conservation as one of the highest priorities for
the zoos around the world. Once offering only
public entertainment, the zoos today must take
the role of wildlife conservation centres,
breeding endangered species and supporting
their recovery in the wild. Tallinn Zoo
(http://www.loomaaed.ee) participates in a
numerous conservation projects, playing a
leading role in the reintroduction project of the
European mink (Mustela lutreola). It has also
provided specimens for the reintroduction of the
Black vulture. Tallinn Zoo introduces the public
to a variety of animals and conveys information
about wildlife through interpretative signs and
boards, interactive devices, printed handouts
and media representations. So far Tallinn Zoo
has been a partner of EstYES for the local
voluntary actions. In the development of our
cooperation the first international workcamp
was be held in Tallinn Zoo in summer 2007.
Following its success this year we introduce
two camps there.
Work:The work mainly consists of doing
various gardening jobs in the green areas of
the large zoo territory: clearing and tiding up,
mowing grass, cutting bushes, planting flowers.
There might be as well small renovation works
and various odd jobs outdoors. In case of rainy
weather alternative work indoors will be found.
The work is planned as 7-8 hours a day. NB!
Work does not include direct contact with the
animals Accomodation: Volunteers will stay in
the residential area of Tallinn in the EstYES
apartment, where long-term EVS volunteers are
usually accommodated. It takes about 20 min
by bus to get from there to the city centre and
about 40-50 min to get to the Zoo from there.
Volunteers will have two rooms, equipped
kitchen, shower rooms and toilet at their
disposal. They will sleep on mattresses on the
floor and in beds. Please bring your sleeping
bags! Volunteers have to prepare their own
meals for breakfasts and dinners. Lunches will
be taken together with the Zoo gardening staff
at the working place. Volunteers will use public
transport to go to work; the tickets will be
provided by EstYE
Location:Tallinn is the capital of Estonia,
www.tallinn.ee or www.visitestonia.com. Extra
info:Special requirements:No special skills
required but you have to be ready for physical
work. This camp is not suitable for volunteers
allergic to hay. Tools will be provided, just take
your working clothes and gloves and a sleeping
bag! The camp language is English. Leisure
time:Besides that volunteers will get well
acquainted with the zoo and its inhabitants,
there are a lot of possibilities for leisure time
activities since camp will take place in the
capital, where one can find attractions for any
taste: sightseeing & museums, festivals and
concerts, live music, pubs, etc. This camp
provides an excellent opportunity to experience
vivid local life of Tallinn. Participation fee:As
EstYES does not have funds to support your
participation in this camp neither from the state
nor from the private sponsors, you are asked to
contribute 50 Euro towards cost of board and
lodging, local transport and the program. The
fee has to be paid by volunteers upon arrival to
the camp.
Number of Volunteers: 5
28. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:September 1, 2008, End: September 14,
Topic: Environment
AGRI/STUDY Project: The camp will take place
in Vihula Community in Karepa village at tourist
farm, which is specialised on growing medicinal
herbs, seasonings and unusual (for Estonia)
vegetables. Besides growing herbs and
vegetables Karepa Farm offers various
lectures/ courses such as: • The the history and
legends of medicinal herbs; • Medicinal herbs
and seasonings that should be in everyday use;
• How to pick and dry herbs and make tinctures
and ointments; • The use of plants in cosmetics
and body care, in sauna, etc; • Healthy diets; •
Naturopathy. Trips to the nature to see and
explore medicinal herbs are also offered
throughout the year. The farm is run by the
couple Katrin and Verner Luke, who would like
to introduce their activities to the international
participants and ask them to give a hand in the
seasonal agricultural work.
Work: All work will be mainly outdoors: picking
up the herbs in the garden and in nature. Also
drying and packing the herbs. Occasionally
some odd jobs in the farm can be offered.
There will be also strong study part - everything
about medicinal herbs and the use of it. Work
will be ca 7 hours every day. One full day of the
camp is reserved for excursions and hiking.
Accommodation:Volunteers will stay in the
two rooms of the farm. It is possible to stay in
the tent in the garden as well. Please bring a
sleeping bag. Very luxurious facilities cannot be
provided, but shower, Estonian sauna and dry
toilet is available. Food will be simple homemade Estonian country food from the
farm. And a lot of herbal tea, of course!
Volunteers may be asked to help preparing
meals and cleaning up.
Location:Karepa is a tiny village situated in a
beautiful place on the sea side (about 300m
from the sea) in Vihula community of LääneVirumaa County in North-Estonia. This area
borders to the Lahemaa National Park. Nearest
towns – Kunda 10 km, Jõhvi 56 km, Rakvere 35
km, Narva 100 km, Tallinn 110 km. More
information on www.visitestonia.com,
www.lahemaa.ee, www.ravimtaimeaed.ee
Terminal/Region: Airport, harbour, bus & train
stations in Tallinn, bus to Rakvere or Kunda,
local bus to Karepa.
Extra info:Special requirements Volunteers
should be interested in nature, herbs and
healthy life style. Smoking and drinking alcohol
is not allowed in this camp! Please bring your
sleeping bag, working clothes and gloves.
Camp language is English. Leisure time: There
plenty of possibilities for leisure time: swimming
in the sea, sunbathing, hiking in the picturesque
area of Lahemaa National Park, etc. It is
possible to make a bonfire and try a traditional
Estonian sauna.Volunteers can visit different
historical and cultural objects and places of
interest in the area. Excursions to the other
neighboring tourist farms and Mining Museum
in East Estonia are foreseen. Participation fee:
Volunteers are asked to contribute a modest
fee of 30 Euro towards the costs of leisure
activities and general administration. It has to
be paid by every participant upon arrival to the
Number of Volunteers: 6
29. Estonia - Eest Yes Estonia
Begin:September 15, 2008, End: September
28, 2008
Topic: Environment
ENVI Project:Hiiumaa according to the Nordic
sagas emerged from the Baltic Sea as a small
islet more than 10,000 years ago. The island of
Hiiumaa was first mentioned in historical
documents as a deserted island called Dageida
in 1228. The first inhabitants settled down at
the end of the 13th century. Hiiumaa now is the
second biggest island of Estonia: its area is 965
sq. km, population around 12 000. It has many
historical and nature sights, and there are kind
people known for their hospitality and good
sense of humor. Ristitee farm is situated on the
small island Kassari (19 sq. km) which is linked
to Hiiumaa. The farm has about 40 horses and
it specializes in eco-tourism in Kassari and
horse riding for tourists. Indeed the area
provides a lot of possibilities for this - with its
beautiful sand dunes, pine woods and the high
coastal junipers Kassari Island is ideal for
hiking, picnics, camping, sunbathing and
swimming. Kaina Bay between Kassari and
Kaina and the numerous islets form a bird
sanctuary with 70 different species - ideal place
for bird watchers and nature lovers. The idea of
the camp is to assist the protection of one of
the environmental objects - coastal meadows,
which are unique in Europe. Give hand to
Kassari people and have the great chance to
experience everyday Estonian country life on
the beautiful island of Hiiumaa!
Work:Volunteers will be mainly working on
preserving coastal meadows. This work will
include cleaning and tidying up, cutting
unwanted grass and bushes, deleting plants
not typical for the meadows. This is an outdoors
work in the very wet area. In addition there can
be some odd jobs in the farm, especially in the
apple garden. The working day is 6-7 hours.
One day a week is free but not necessarily on
Accommodation:In the separate house on the
sleeping mats. Volunteers have to bring
sleeping bags. Toilet, hot water, sauna is
available. Volunteers will have to prepare meals
themselves however with the help of locals.
Location:Hiiumaa Island lies in the Baltic Sea
west of Tallinn, 22 km from the mainland.
Ristitee farm is situated on the seashore very
close to the forest. The nearest village is 10km
Terminal/Region:Airport, harbor, bus & train
station in Tallinn; bus to Rohukula and ferry to
Extra info:Special requirements:This camp is
not suitable for volunteers allergic to different
plants or hay.
Extra info: it is hard to provide diverse
vegetarian and lactose free food on the island.
Volunteers have to bring rubber boots,
waterproof clothes and pocket torch. Volunteers
aged over 35 are especially welcome! Leisure
time:Sunbathing and swimming, hiking, birds
watching, etc. Very good camp for nature
lovers! Excursion around the island is planned.
Since Ristitee is also a horse farm you will get
the possibility to exercise horse riding.
Number of Volunteers: 10
1. Finland - KVT Finland
Begin:May 2, 2008, End: May 25, 2008
Topic: North South solidarity
Estelle, Turku
ENVI, MANU Uusi Tuuli is a NGO in Turku
working for fair trade, solidarity and sustainable
development. Its ship Estelle has sailed to
Angola with aid supplies and brought fair trade
goods to Finland.
Work: First week of the camp will be spent
repairing bicycles in Uusi Tuuli's bicycle "fleamarket". In the second week vols will help
Estelle's crew to make repairs on the ship and
prepare it for sailing. The work is physical and
participants should be able to take their own
initiative. At the end of the camp the Estelle will
sail from Turku to Helsinki. In Helsinki, the
volunteers will participate in the World Village
Festival on 24-25 May.
Study: Fair Trade and other themes of
globalisation. Bicycles will be used as vehicles
during the camp.
Accommodation: First two weeks will spent in
a house but vols will stay on the Estelle during
the sailing trip. It is not possible to accept
disabled or participants with children. More info:
www.estelle.fi and www.worldvillage.fi
Number of Volunteers: 7
2. Finland - KVT Finland
Begin:May 21, 2008, End: June 1, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
World Village Festival, Helsinki
EDU, FEST, PEACE The World Village Festival
(24-25 May) showcases a large range of NGOs
and is organised by KEPA (Service Centre for
Development Cooperation in Finland). The
festival supports multiculturalism, international
solidarity and development co-operation
through music and exhibitions
Work: Firstly, vols will help to set up the festival
area including building and taking down tents,
setting up stalls, decorating the festival area,
etc. After the World Village festival the
volunteers will work for three days in a
reception centre for refugees and asylum
seekers. Vols will take part in cleaning and
maintenance work at the centre and its
surroundings in co-operation with the
inhabitants. Vols will also organise activities for
the children living in the centre (art workshops,
outdoor activities, etc.).
Accommodation: Vols will stay on a small
island in an old house which is maintained by a
small ecological association. The
accommodation is simple, there's no running
water or showers. Vols can use a sauna
building for washing. It is not possible to accept
disabled or participants with children.
Number of Volunteers: 9
3. Finland - KVT Finland
Begin:July 3, 2008, End: July 19, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
Äijälä, Jyväskylä
DISA, MANU Äijälä Farm is situated near
Jyväskylä in Central Finland. The charming old
farmhouse has been repaired to be a home for
disabled people. The community wants to
encourage the integration of disabled and socalled healthy people. Äijälä has been hosting
KVT workcamps since 1980.
Work: Gardening, hay-making, renovating an
old building and household work. Work will be
done together with the people living in Äijälä
and also other disabled people from outside
Extra info: Disabled vols, 30+ vols and families
are especially welcome.
Number of Volunteers: 8
4. Finland - KVT Finland
Begin:July 6, 2008, End: July 19, 2008
Topic: Environment
Rihu, Heinola
AGRI, ENVI Rihu is a biodynamic farm
surrounded by forests and lakes, 30km from
Heinola in Southern Finland. Rihu Association
organises courses on biodynamic farming,
environment and herbal medicine as well as
camps for school children. There are also
domestic animals on the farm.
Work: Gardening, landscaping and painting.
Extra info: Expect hard outdoor work!
Study: Biodynamic farming. More info:
Number of Volunteers: 10
5. Finland - KVT Finland
Begin:July 14, 2008, End: July 25, 2008
Topic: Peace and disarmament
Food Not Bombs, Helsinki
EDU, PEACE Food Not Bombs (FNB) is an
international grassroots anti-military movement
with the aim of promoting disarmament and
social justice. One of their main activities is to
cook and serve meals on the streets and
market places of Helsinki. Food is donated by
local shopkeepers. Vols will also eat donated
food during the camp. The food will be vegan
and/or vegetarian. Vols will mostly travel by
bicycle 5-30 kilometres per day.
Work: Vols will take part in cooking and serving
the meals.
Study: FNB campaign.
Extra info: Extra motivation letter needed.
More info: www.foodnotbombs.net
Number of Volunteers: 12
6. Finland - KVT Finland
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 7, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
Faces Etnofestival, Karjaa
FEST, PEACE, MANU Faces Etnofestival (1st 3rd of August) is a multicultural festival with live
music, theatre, exhibitions, workshops and
dance. The aim of the festival is to promote
understanding between different ethnic groups
and work against racism. The festival is held in
Billnäs, a little village just outside Karjaa, 80 km
west of Helsinki.
Work: The work will be physically demanding
and monotonous: building the stages, carrying
materials, decoration and tidying the area after
the festival. More info: www.faces.fi
Number of Volunteers: 15
7. Finland - KVT Finland
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 3, 2008
Topic: Environment
Unicornia, Kaavi
ENVI Unicornia is an NGO that works to
provide an opportunity for people to live close
to nature in an electricity-free environment. For
this purpose Unicornia has rented a farm next
to a lake in a rural area of central Finland.
Work: Gardening, clearing forest paths and a
beach, painting walls, chopping firewood.
Accommodation: Very basic, washing in a
Study: Local nature and natural living.
Extra info: No electricty nearby. No alcohol
Number of Volunteers: 7
8. Finland - KVT Finland
Begin:July 21, 2008, End: August 3, 2008
Topic: Environment
Forest School, Saarijärvi
EDU, ENVI POKE is a learning centre offering
different kinds of educational programmes for
young people and adults. One of the central
aims of the centre is to promote sustainable
development and multiculturalism. The school
is situated in central Finland.
Work: Vols will help with gardening, taking care
of animals, forest work, making an educational
nature path near the school and picking berries.
Study: The relationship between humans and
nature, sustainable lifestyle and forestry.
Number of Volunteers: 12
9. Finland - KVT Finland
Begin:July 28, 2008, End: August 14, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Kuusaa, Haapajärvi
HERI, FEST The camp is hosted by Jokuset
Village Association, an organisation for
inhabitants of Kuusaa and Jokela villages in
Northwestern Finland.
Work: Helping to organise the Kuusaa
Marathon, renovating the village house,
landscaping, and hosting a restaurant event
(with traditional dishes from the vols’ countries)
in the village house. More info (in Finnish):
Number of Volunteers: 14
10. Finland - KVT Finland
Begin:August 3, 2008, End: August 16, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Hyvä Arki, Espoo
SOCI, KIDS Hyvä Arki organises voluntary
work in Espoo (Greater Helsinki) and is a
meeting place for long-term unemployed
immigrants and other socially disadvantaged
groups. It also delivers food aid to
disadvantaged people in Espoo.
Work: Volunteers will participate in a
multicultural children’s camp taking place in
Espoo centre (5-9 August). The vols will help to
take care of the children and organise games
and activities together with Finnish camp
leaders. The other part of the work will be
gardening and painting the old cottage of the
Hyvä Arki Association. More info: www.hyvaarki.fi (Finnish).
Number of Volunteers: 6
11. Finland - KVT Finland
Begin:September 7, 2008, End: September 20,
Topic: Environment
Keuruu Ecovillage, Keuruu
ENVI, AGRI The purpose of Keuruu Ecovillage
is to pursue a sustainable lifestyle, to cherish
the diversity of nature and to preserve original
plant and animal species in the woody
countryside of Central Finland.
Work: Construction, renovation, harvesting,
Study: Ecovillages in Finland and Europe.
Extra info: Families and 30+ vols are
especially welcome. More info: www.ekokyla.tk
Number of Volunteers: 12
1. France - SCI France
Begin:June 29, 2008, End: July 13, 2008
Topic: Environment
The project of Planete Lilas is situated in the
departmental park of “Les lilas” in the southern
part of Paris. It's aim is to create an activity of
biological farming and fair trade, an open space
for inhabitants of the area, a place for debates
and discussion, and a collective garden.. It is
the second workcamps year on the place.
Volounteers will work in the garden : gardening,
weeding, workshop animation with children and
participation to local events. Going to Paris will
not be possible every day.
Accommodation: tents
Number of Volunteers: 12
2. France - SCI France
Begin:July 1, 2008, End: July 14, 2008
Topic: Environment
The project is about environnemental
protection. It consists in sailing on little boats
through differents sites along the river “Deûle”,
closed to Lille, in the north of France. The
volunteer will actively participate in the river’s
environnement protection by working directly on
pollution effects : cleaning the riversides, the
water and fauna and flora protection.
Work: The volunteers will actively participate in
the river’s environnement protection by working
directly on pollution effects : cleaning the
riversides, the water and fauna and flora
Accommodation: tents
Extra info: non accessible for wheelchairs
Number of Volunteers: 8
3. France - SCI France
Begin:July 4, 2008, End: July 26, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
In a small village, in the East of France, the
Maison Blanche residence welcomes elderly
people. Some of the residents are affected with
alzheimer .
Work: the volunteers will be asked two types of
work : animation, mainly, and small hand labor.
It would be really appreciated if the volunteers
came with their guitars, traditional songs and
dances, national recipes... and lots of ideas.
Accommodation: accomodation in an
independant house of the center
Language: it is necessary to speak french..
Extra info: We ask volunteers to be at least 20
years old, very motivated for this camp and to
speak French. They have to send a motivation
letter in french with the standard application
form. No volunteer will be accepted until we get
this motivation letter. Driving licence would be
an asset (a vehicle is lended to the volunteers).
Extra info: non accessible for wheelchairs
Number of Volunteers: 5
4. France - SCI France
Begin:July 5, 2008, End: July 28, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Tri-national French German and a third country
to be chosen Sirius works for the improvement
of the relation between differents area of Paris
through cultural projects. In 2008, the NGO is
preparing a film and an exhibition called
“Dream in the city – City of dream”. The film
aims to link areas of Paris through artistic
workshops. (videos and plastic art). Volunteers
will help to prepare the film decoration and the
settlement of the video exhibition (24-26 of july)
in the north of Paris.. They will prepare it by
animating workshop with children and
adults(painting; ,joinery, sound installation ...).
Parts of the film are prepared by the inhabitants
and local NGO's.
Accommodation: in the centre of an NGO
partner, in the suburbs.
Language: French, German, and ..
Number of Volunteers: 12
5. France - SCI France
Begin:July 5, 2008, End: July 26, 2008
Topic: Others
This workcamp will be organised in cooperation with Action d'Urgence Internationale
(International Emergency Action). It organises
trainings and works on disasters prevention.
The camps will take place in the Alps.
Work: Volunteers will renovate former silver
mines, archaeological remnants from 9th
century: renovating the ancient galleries, as
well as the outskirts. Volunteers will work 35
hours per week
Accommodation: Big tents, with beds inside.
Sleeping bags needed
Language: French, English and Spanish.
Extra info: Camp non accessible for wheel
Number of Volunteers: 15
6. France - SCI France
Begin:July 6, 2008, End: July 27, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
In an APF center (Association of handicapped
persons, France) in the south of France, the
workcamp will focus on animation activities.
Work: Volunteers will take part to animation
activities and to the residents daily life.
Accommodation: Accommodation in the
Language: It is necessary to have a good
understanding of french.
Extra info: We ask volunteers to be at least 20
years old, very motivated for this camp and to
speak French. They have to send a motivation
letter in french with the standard application
form. No volunteer will be accepted until we get
this motivation letter.
Number of Volunteers: 6
7. France - SCI France
Begin:July 7, 2008, End: July 27, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
The workcamp takes place in Rennes, in a
center for spastic (not mental handicapped).
Work: The volunteers will be in charge of the
animation activities : games, discussions, going
out with residents, introducing their country.
Volunteers knowing arts or theatre are very
Accommodation: in the centre.
Language: It is necessary to speak french.
Extra info: We ask volunteers to be at least 20
years old, very motivated for this camp and to
speak French. They have to send a motivation
letter in french with the standard application
form. No volunteer will be accepted until we get
this motivation letter..
Number of Volunteers: 4
8. France - SCI France
Begin:July 7, 2008, End: July 21, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
The association « Clé de Voûte du Blâmontois
», created in 1991, is renovating a medieval
castel in the village of Blâmont, between Nancy
and Strasbourg.
Work: The volunteers will help with building
work (masonry), reparing the walls, stonecutting, clearing the site and general
maintenance of the site.
Accommodation: The volunteers need to bring
their own tent and sleeping bags.
Qualifications: It is good but not obligatory to
speak a little bit of French because 10 other
french volunteers will be present !
Extra info: non accessible for wheelchairs
Number of Volunteers: 10
9. France - SCI France
Begin:July 7, 2008, End: July 20, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
In the East of France, the Fort de Jouy is an old
military fort of the 19th century. The vols wil
help renovate it with building work (masonry,
Accommodation: very rudimentary in the fort.
The vols need to bring their own sleeping bags
and sleeping mats. The showers are outside of
the workcamp site. Vols must be aware of this
rudimentary lifestyle.
Qualifications: It is good but not obligatory to
speak a little bit of French because 15 other
french volunteers will be present !
Extra info: non accessible for wheelchairs
Number of Volunteers: 15
10. France - SCI France
Begin:July 7, 2008, End: July 27, 2008
Topic: Others
L'association DOJO PAJOT, in the south-east
of Paris, organizes various activities, cultural or
physical, for disadvantaged younggster. The
volunteers will help renovate the building.
Accommodation: tent.
Extra info: Camp non accessible for wheel
Number of Volunteers: 12
11. France - SCI France
Begin:July 11, 2008, End: August 8, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
This APF center, in Chateauneuf sur Cher, in
the heart of France, Le foyer APF de
Chateauneuf sur Cher, dans le centre de la
France, welcomes handicapped persons.
Work: Volunteers will take part to animation
activities and to the residents daily life.
Accommodation: Accommodation in the
Language: It is necessary to have a good
understanding of french.
Extra info: We ask volunteers to be at least 20
years old, very motivated for this camp and to
speak French. They have to send a motivation
letter in french with the standard application
form. No volunteer will be accepted until we get
this motivation letter..
Number of Volunteers: 4
12. France - SCI France
Begin:July 14, 2008, End: August 24, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
In an APF center (Association of handicapped
persons, France) in the North of France, the
workcamp will focus on animation activities.
Work: Volunteers will take part to animation
activities and to the residents daily life. They
will do some artistic work: paintings,
decoration... according to their abilities.
Accommodation: Accommodation in the
Language: It is necessary to speak french.
Qualifications: We ask volunteers to have
artistic competencies such as drawing, painting,
Extra info: We ask volunteers to be at least 20
years old, very motivated for this camp and to
speak French. They have to send a motivation
letter in french with the standard application
form. No volunteer will be accepted until we get
this motivation letter.
Number of Volunteers: 6
13. France - SCI France
Begin:July 14, 2008, End: July 27, 2008
Topic: Environment
The project of Planete Lilas is situated in the
departmental park of “Les lilas” in the southern
part of Paris. It's aim is to create an activity of
biological farming and fair trade, an open space
for inhabitants of the area, a place for debates
and discussion, and a collective garden.. It is
the second workcamps year on the place.
Volounteers will work in the garden : gardening,
weeding, workshop animation with children and
participation to local events. Going to Paris will
not be possible every day.
Accommodation: tents
Number of Volunteers: 12
14. France - SCI France
Begin:July 22, 2008, End: August 4, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
The association « Clé de Voûte du Blâmontois
», created in 1991, is renovating a medieval
castel in the village of Blâmont, between Nancy
and Strasbourg.
Work: The volunteers will help with building
work (masonry), reparing the walls, stonecutting, clearing the site and general
maintenance of the site.
Accommodation: The volunteers need to bring
their own tent and sleeping bags.
Qualifications: It is good but not obligatory to
speak a little bit of French because 10 other
french volunteers will be present !
Extra info: non accessible for wheelchairs
Number of Volunteers: 10
15. France - SCI France
Begin:July 28, 2008, End: August 17, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
The workcamp will be held in a residence for
physically heavily handicapped persons, near
Blois, the Loire valley castles, 45 minutes from
Paris with the TGV. A specialised work is done
in order to give the residents a self-aptitude to
their daily tasks.
Work: The volunteers will bring their personal
competences (music, theatre,...) and national
culture (songs, pictures, diaporama, ...) and
help the animation team, taking part in the
residents daily activities : games, debates,
visits outside, picnics… They'll take their meals
with the residents.
Accommodation: in the centre. A car will be at
their disposal.
Language: it is necessary to speak french
Extra info: We ask volunteers to be at least 20
years old, very motivated for this camp and to
speak French. They have to send a motivation
letter in french with the standard application
form. No volunteer will be accepted until we get
this motivation letter.
Extra info: non accessible for wheelchairs
Number of Volunteers: 5
16. France - SCI France
Begin:August 2, 2008, End: August 23, 2008
Topic: Others
This workcamp will be organised in cooperation with Action d'Urgence Internationale
(International Emergency Action). It organises
trainings and works on disasters prevention.
The camps will take place in the Alps.
Work: Volunteers will renovate former silver
mines, archaeological remnants from 9th
century: renovating the ancient galleries, as
well as the outskirts. Volunteers will work 35
hours per week
Accommodation: Big tents, with beds inside.
Sleeping bags needed
Language: French, English and Spanish.
Extra info: Camp non accessible for wheel
Number of Volunteers: 15
17. France - SCI France
Begin:August 3, 2008, End: August 25, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
The Centre of Bellevue in Marseille
accommodates disabled persons (physically
Work: The volunteers will organize animation
activities. They’ll be careful to maintain
exchanges with the residents and then, to try to
create a friendly and dynamic atmosphere.
They will help during the meals some persons
who can’t eat alone. The volunteers are
encouraged to be dynamic and take initiatives.
Accommodation: in the centre.
Language: It is necessary to speak french.
Extra info: We ask volunteers to be at least 20
years old, very motivated for this camp and to
speak French. They have to send a motivation
letter in french with the standard application
form. No volunteer will be accepted until we get
this motivation letter. Driving licence would be
an asset.
Number of Volunteers: 7
18. France - SCI France
Begin:August 3, 2008, End: August 24, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
In an APF center (Association of handicapped
persons, France) in the south of France, the
workcamp will focus on animation activities.
Work: Volunteers will take part to animation
activities and to the residents daily life.
Accommodation: Accommodation in the
Language: It is necessary to have a good
understanding of french.
Extra info: We ask volunteers to be at least 20
years old, very motivated for this camp and to
speak French. They have to send a motivation
letter in french with the standard application
form. No volunteer will be accepted until we get
this motivation letter.
Number of Volunteers: 6
19. France - SCI France
Begin:August 4, 2008, End: August 24, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
The workcamp takes place in Rennes, in a
center for spastic (not mental handicapped).
Work: The volunteers will be in charge of the
animation activities : games, discussions, going
out with residents, introducing their country.
Volunteers knowing arts or theatre are very
Accommodation: in the centre.
Language: It is necessary to speak french.
Extra info: We ask volunteers to be at least 20
years old, very motivated for this camp and to
speak French. They have to send a motivation
letter in french with the standard application
form. No volunteer will be accepted until we get
this motivation letter..
Number of Volunteers: 4
20. France - SCI France
Begin:August 4, 2008, End: August 17, 2008
Topic: Environment
The project of Planete Lilas is situated in the
departmental park of “Les lilas” in the southern
part of Paris. It's aim is to create an activity of
biological farming and fair trade, an open space
for inhabitants of the area, a place for debates
and discussion, and a collective garden.. It is
the second workcamps year on the place.
Volounteers will work in the garden : gardening,
weeding, workshop animation with children and
participation to local events. Going to Paris will
not be possible every day.
Accommodation: tents
Number of Volunteers: 12
21. France - SCI France
Begin:August 13, 2008, End: August 27, 2008
Topic: Environment
The “Maison de la nature of Sundgau” is an
educational centre promoting ecology. Created
in 1999, it is situated in Altenach, a little village
in Alsace, near Switzerland.
Work: This summer, volunteers will help
restoring the “discovery path” (the wooden
stairs and the “bird observatory”, and creating a
meeting area with natural material ( wood and
stones), arrange a secure place around the
campfire, and build a furnace.
Accommodation: tents.
Extra info: non accessible for wheelchairs
Number of Volunteers: 12
22. France - SCI France
Begin:August 18, 2008, End: August 31, 2008
Topic: Environment
The goal of the project is to built ecological little
houses, around the “Draggon Farm, located in
Merville, in the north of France, which host
visitors with a goal of environment and
ecological building. Each house will be 30m3
tall and built in natural material ( wood and soil).
Work: building ecological little houses
Accommodation: tents
Number of Volunteers: 8
23. France - SCI France
Begin:August 18, 2008, End: August 31, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
In the north of France the volunteers will help
an association working on saving martim
Work: repair old boats for an exhibition in a
maritim museum
Study: maritim history
Accommodation: camping
Qualifications: ability or enthusiasm for
woodwork, curiosity for boats and maritim
Number of Volunteers: 8
24. France - SCI France
Begin:August 28, 2008, End: September 13,
Topic: Environment
The project of Planete Lilas is situated in the
departmental park of “Les lilas” in the southern
part of Paris. It's aim is to create an activity of
biological farming and fair trade, an open space
for inhabitants of the area, a place for debates
and discussion, and a collective garden.. It is
the second workcamps year on the place.
Volounteers will work in the garden : gardening,
weeding, workshop animation with children and
participation to local events. Going to Paris will
not be possible every day.
Accommodation: tents
Number of Volunteers: 12
25. France - SCI France
Begin:September 1, 2008, End: September 14,
Topic: Others
The volunteers will have to help SCI Lille in
north of France to renovate the office, to make
it adapted for hosting volunteers. The work will
be demolition of walls and little building works.
Work: building work
Accommodation: house
Number of Volunteers: 8
1. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:June 1, 2008, End: June 17, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
The 10th "altonale" takes place between 30
May and 15 June. This culture and street
festival in Hamburg has become one of the
most popular events in Northern Germany,
attracting more than 500,000 visitors each time.
Every year, the "altonale" comes up with new
ideas and attractions in the fields of art,
literature and theatre. Before you apply, please
read basic info on this site www.sci-d.de/infofor-you first. Here we explain, what we expect
from volunteers in our camps. A special festival
highlight is the three-day street feast (from13 to
15 June) with numerous musical performances
on 9 stages, a "fun parade", an information mile
and an antiques and flea market. To celebrate
its 10th anniversary, the "altonale" is setting up
a wide range of special areas such as the "city
forest", which includes more than 100 birch
trees, or the festival area, where the European
Football Championship 2008 will be
broadcasted on a big screen, surrounded by 16
tents that represent each of the participating
nations. A big circus tent will complete the
"anniversary mile", where events, readings and
concerts will be held. You will get a close
insight in diverse cultural projects as well as in
the planning and organization of the festival.
Moreover, you will get to know Hamburg and
the district of Altona in particular. Participants
will be invited, together with other international
groups, to an official greeting of the town
Work: Setup an dismantling of the equipment,
decoration, festival organization, providing
information to visitors, posting bills, distribution
of flyers and clean up.
Study: Learn how to organize a big cultural
Accommodation: In a building
Extra info: More information at
Number of Volunteers: 10
4. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:June 28, 2008, End: July 19, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
MOERS (about 30 km north of Düsseldorf)
The City of Moers, located on the border of the
Ruhrgebiet, between Duisburg and Düsseldorf,
is known for the tradition of mining. For more
than 25 years SCI-Moers has been active in
many areas to support the youth of the area.
Three years ago, SCI-Moers began working in
the "Ganztagsbetreuung" (full-time supervision)
of children in preschools. "Ganztagsbetreuung"
creates a learning environment for preschoolers
to occupy the time between the end of the
school day and 4pm. This summer SCI-Moers
will be involved in the "Tummelferien"program
for the City of Moers for the second time.
Tummelferien is a program designed for
children between the ages of 6-14 who are not
going on vacation during their summer break.
Children of different areas are put into a group
of up to 15 to engage in various games, sports
and leisure activities. Outings, sightseeing
tours, art projects, a large KIDS-Parade through
the City, visits to the swimming pool and many
more activities will be part of the program,
Mondays through Fridays, from 9 am to 4 pm.
Before you apply, please read basic info on this
site www.sci-d.de/info-for-you first. Here we
explain, what we expect from volunteers in our
Work: Preparing leisure activities for children
and supporting the staff, which is responsible
for the groups
Study: Getting to know the youth work in the
City of Moers and looking at the school system
in North Rhine-Westphalia
Accommodation: In a school
Food: Lunch with the groups, breakfast and
dinner the camp prepares for themselves
Qualifications: Camp languages: German and
English; motivation to work with kids for long
hours, bringing own ideas for games and
leisure activities with the children
Number of Volunteers: 12
5. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:June 30, 2008, End: July 19, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
BERGE (about 30 km west of Berlin)
The Brandenburg Youth Centre is a
development facility for socially disadvantaged
and mentally disabled young people. Located in
the province of the former Prussian domain of
Berge, northwest of Berlin, the youth centre
offers these young people the opportunity to
reintegrate on social and vocational levels
through development programmes on issues
including ecology, agriculture, building and
kitchen work and wood workshop. The young
people live in family-like structures with
educators as parents. Before you apply, please
read basic info on this site www.sci-d.de/info-
for-you first. Here we explain, what we expect
from volunteers in our camps.
Work: In small groups in the stables, kitchen,
wood workshop and garden, together with the
young people
Study: The socio-ecological concept of the
Youth centre, use of renewable energies,
ecological building, environmental technology,
horse-based therapy
Accommodation: In tents
Qualifications: Knowledge of German is useful
because the young people do not speak
English. Interest to get in contact with the
Extra info: Alcohol and drugs are forbidden in
the project; many free time facilities: swimming,
canoeing, riding, tours by bike, excursions to
Berlin and Potsdam are possible.
Number of Volunteers: 12
6. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:July 13, 2008, End: July 27, 2008
Topic: Environment
The Lindenau Neighbourhood Association
engages in volunteer work in the areas of family
housing, local history and grass root urban
planning (www.lindenauerstadtteilverein.de).
Lindenau is a diverse inner suburb of the green
university town of Leipzig. The great many of
projects include indoor playgrounds, community
gardens and a writer in residence. In 2007 the
association took over an empty house as future
centre and space for activities of non-profit
associations. Public funds helped securing the
roof, however windows and doors are missing
and will be replaced with spare parts from
elsewhere. The Workcamp will help renovating
the place as an attractive location for
community projects. Co-sponsor is Tegula, the
Leipzig Museum of Bricks. Before you apply,
please read basic info on this site www.scid.de/info-for-you first. Here we explain, what we
expect from volunteers in our camps.
Work: Renovation work of the facade (brick
laying, plaster) and designing the backyard
Study: Dealing with empty and derelict houses,
neighbourhood associations
Accommodation: On mattresses in the house,
no running water, showers in the
Qualifications: Fun and endurance with
manual work
Number of Volunteers: 8
7. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:July 19, 2008, End: July 27, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
BERLIN, Russian Summer School
This program aims to train young active
volunteers of the Siberian Creative Group. The
theme of this year's Summer School is "the
dangers of right-wing extremism in Germany
and Russia". In the first week, the participants
will learn methods of intercultural learning and
meet anti-racist initiatives & young people in
Berlin. Afterwards, the volunteers will break into
small groups and join different international
work camps of their choice. Before you apply,
please read basic info on this site www.scid.de/info-for-you first. Here we explain, what we
expect from volunteers in our camps.
Study: Learning about racism in Germany and
in Russia, and ways to fight it
Extra info: Only for medium to good Russian
Number of Volunteers: 20
8. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:July 19, 2008, End: August 9, 2008
Topic: Environment
BERNKASTEL-KUES (about 40 km east of
Friedmunt Sonnemann owns 4 hectares of
land, situated in a forest near the small wine
and tourist town of Bernkastel-Kues, 40km
away from Trier. He cultivates plants, which are
threatened or endangered, and sells the seeds
are to various horticulturists. The hut where he
resides has neither a water pipe nor electricity,
and the road to it is not paved. Life in this
remote area, up one hour up the hill, is not
suitable for everyone, therefore the volunteers
must be economical, willing to avoid waste,
able to adapt to hard living conditions and live
an organic lifestyle. Living room, spring water
and telephone are available. Before you apply,
please read basic info on this site www.scid.de/info-for-you first. Here we explain, what we
expect from volunteers in our camps.
Work: Depending on the weather conditions,
working in the fields or construction of house
with simple materials (loam and straw)
Study: Botany, discussion about the extinction
of rare crops
Accommodation: In the barn, kitchen
available, washing [normally] with cold water,
compost toilet
Qualifications: Adapting to very basic
conditions and endure this life style for three
Extra info: Only vegetarian food; Do not bring
a mobile telephone because of its unhealthy
effect. Because of the high economical
demands of the property, it’s required that the
volunteers work Saturday mornings.
Number of Volunteers: 12
9. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 9, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
ÜBERLINGEN (at Lake Constanze)
Direct on Lake Constance, in Überlingen, you
will find Wiestor School, a primary and
secondary school with about 300 pupils. Many
of the pupils are from immigrant families. The
children have school throughout the day, which
is not common in Germany. The goal is for all
pupils to move on to become successful
citizens by finding a place to train or move on to
further education after schooling is complete.
The historical city of Überlingen and the
surrounding landscape of Lake Constance
presents a great opportunity for the participants
to get to know one of the most beautiful areas
of Germany and is very close to the borders of
Austria and Switzerland. Before you apply,
please read basic info on this site www.scid.de/info-for-you first. Here we explain, what we
expect from volunteers in our camps.
Work: Rearrangement of outdoor areas,
construction of a new five-a-side football field, a
covered sitting area for the pupils of the primary
school, green areas and a play/climb area.
Study: Participation in creating an enjoyable
schoolyard appropriate for children; insight into
the aims of a working primary/secondary
school; visits to historical monuments, such as
the Goldbacher Stollen and KZ Aufkirch from
the Nazi regime
Accommodation: Simple living conditions in a
multipurpose room; showers are next door; two
minute walk from Überlingen Train Station
Qualifications: Interest in the project and
creative design, interest and motivation
Extra info: Trips around Lake Constance and
various points of historical significance
Number of Volunteers: 20
10. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 10, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
JÄNKENDORF (Saxony, about 70 km east of
The association Holderbusch runs a farm with
about 22 hectares of land for agriculture and
pasture. The farm has recently changed over to
ecological agriculture. The aims of the
association consist of perm cultural selfsustainability, landscape conservation,
revitalization of traditional handicraft and
agriculture with horses. There are four adults
and a child living on the farm. Before you apply,
please read basic info on this site www.scid.de/info-for-you first. Here we explain, what we
expect from volunteers in our camps.
Work: Renovation works at the house; work in
the garden and in the fields; fruit gathering
Study: Perma culture, life in harmony with
nature, keeping of animals in their natural
environment, community life
Accommodation: Simple in tents, during rainy
weather in the barn
Food: Self-catering, partly with products from
the farm
Extra info: Not accessible by wheel chair; if
possible bring your bike! Cycling ability! Please
bring along sleeping bag, mat, working clothes
and solid work shoes.
Number of Volunteers: 12
11. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 10, 2008
Topic: Ideology and spirituality
JÄNKENDORF (Saxony, about 70 km east of
The association Holderbusch runs a farm with
about 22 hectares of land for agriculture and
pasture. The farm has recently changed over to
ecological agriculture. The aims of the
association consist of perm cultural selfsustainability, landscape conservation,
revitalization of traditional handicraft and
agriculture with horses. There are four adults
and a child living on the farm. Before you apply,
please read basic info on this site www.scid.de/info-for-you first. Here we explain, what we
expect from volunteers in our camps.
Work: Renovation works at the house; work in
the garden and in the fields; fruit gathering
Study: Perma culture, life in harmony with
nature, keeping of animals in their natural
environment, community life
Accommodation: Simple in tents, during rainy
weather in the barn
Food: Self-catering, partly with products from
the farm
Extra info: Not accessible by wheel chair; if
possible bring your bike! Cycling ability! Please
bring along sleeping bag, mat, working clothes
and solid work shoes.
Number of Volunteers: 12
12. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:July 25, 2008, End: August 15, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
WECHMAR (Thuringia, near Erfurt)
Wechmar is known in the international world of
music as the "home of the forefathers of the
Bach family". In the 16th century, Veit Bach, a
baker, left his home in Hungary and moved to
Wechmar, a village near Erfurt. More than half
of his descendants became musicians, among
them the genius composer Johann Sebastian
Bach, his great great grandson. The original
Bach house in historical centre of Wechmar is
the oldest living and working place of Bach
family in the world. Historic sights can be visited
during free time, like the regional capital Erfurt,
the city of Gotha and the “Wartburg” in
Eisenach. Before you apply, please read basic
info on this site www.sci-d.de/info-for-you first.
Here we explain, what we expect from
volunteers in our camps.
Work: Renovation of the old manor, building a
geological trail on an area surrounded by a
moat, participants will help preparing and take
part in the local feast
Study: Monument conservation, local history,
rural traditions
Accommodation: A building on the sports field
of the community
Food: In the mornings and evenings the group
will prepare their own food, lunch will be
Number of Volunteers: 12
13. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:July 26, 2008, End: August 9, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
RAVENSBRÜCK (near Berlin)
The former women concentration camp of
Ravensbrück was established in 1939 near the
small city of Fürstenberg/Havel. Until the
liberation in April 1945, more than 130.000
women and children, 20.000 men and 1.000
female youth of the so-called “Uckermark Youth
Protective Custody Camp” were incarcerated.
The prisoners came from more than 40
countries. They were required to do forced
labour in different sectors, e.g. for SS-factories
or the company of Siemens. Their daily life was
characterised by hunger, mistreatments and
bad hygienic conditions. Tens of thousands of
prisoners perished. Today, Ravensbrück
Memorial Museum keeps traces and records,
enhances remembrance and research, and
creates a place of active learning and
encounter. Every year, in cooperation with the
Memorial, international work camps are
organised on the former concentration camp
area. Further information can be found on
www.ravensbrueck.de. Before you apply,
please read basic info on this site www.scid.de/info-for-you first. Here we explain, what we
expect from volunteers in our camps.
Work: Indexing and translation of documents in
the archives of the Memorial
Study: Prisoners and female SS-guards,
commemoration and remembrance at
Ravensbrück Memorial
Accommodation: In the international youth
hostel of Ravensbrück on the Memorial site
Extra info: Excursions to the lakes in the
surrounding area
Number of Volunteers: 12
14. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:July 26, 2008, End: August 16, 2008
Topic: Socially disadvantaged
Alimaus is a Christian project for homeless
people. It offers the opportunity for the walk-ins
to congregate and have a warm and welcoming
place to stay. In the house there are also
bathrooms and showers. Basic medical help is
offered as well. Parts of the free regular
services are hot meals and the distribution of
clothes. Currently, the facilities, which are
funded only by donations, are used daily by
approximately 200 guests. After an introductory
period, volunteers will be integrated in the daily
routine of the project and will help with all
necessary tasks. The project is located in St.
Pauli, one of Hamburg’s poorest quarters. At
the same time, it is one of the most popular
living quarters, especially amongst artists and
young people, popular for its colourful and
international atmosphere. Before you apply,
please read basic info on this site www.scid.de/info-for-you first. Here we explain, what we
expect from volunteers in our camps.
Work: Help with the distribution of food and
clothes; own initiatives of the participants are
very welcome.
Study: Poverty and homelessness in Hamburg;
chances to visit other projects for homeless
Accommodation: In a parish close to the
Qualifications: High level of motivation,
willingness to associate with a difficult clientele
Number of Volunteers: 6
15. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:July 27, 2008, End: August 9, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
BUCHENWALD (near Weimar)
Since 1990 this workcamp has taken place in
cooperation with the local youth meeting centre
on the territory of the former concentration
camp (KZ) of Buchenwald. Built in 1937, the KZ
Buchenwald was one of the biggest
concentration camps during the Nazi era. More
than 250.000 people were displaced to KZ
Buchenwald and employed in its more than 100
smaller satellite camps for forced labour. More
than 56.000 people lost their lives. Many of
them were killed or were dying from hunger or
brutal medical experiments. This year the
volunteers will work and do gardening on the
territory of the former KZ Buchenwald. Majority
of participants will be from Russia and Belarus.
Before you apply, please read basic info on this
site www.sci-d.de/info-for-you first. Here we
explain, what we expect from volunteers in our
Work: Gardening, preservation on the former
concentration camp, partly archaeological work
at the former dispensary, railroad line and two
former waste dumps under supervision of an
Study: The history of the concentration camp
and its satellite camps; violence and racism
Accommodation: In the youth hostel
Qualifications: Interest in the topic, good
knowledge of English or German required
Number of Volunteers: 20
16. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:July 27, 2008, End: August 17, 2008
Topic: Peace and disarmament
BERLIN, Travelling Camp
Theme “Pacifist Voluntary Projects” As a first
step, participants will learn from trainers how to
prepare & organize workshops on peace
education & conflict transformation using
innovative methods. The second step is the
travelling phase through Germany. Divided in
small teams, the participants will visit 3-4
international workcamps and conduct one-day
workshops for the volunteers. Last not least the
group will come together to evaluate their
experiences & plan future projects. Before you
apply, please read basic info on this site
www.sci-d.de/info-for-you first. Here we explain,
what we expect from volunteers in our camps.
Study: Preparing and organizing workshops on
peace education & conflict transformation
Accommodation: Education centre, later
accommodation in workcamps
Qualifications: Strong interest in peace
education, good English
Extra info: For this project we have a special
application form. Please ask in the office:
[email protected]; if funding is approved, 70%
travel reimbursement; extra registration fee
Number of Volunteers: 20
17. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:July 27, 2008, End: August 9, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
MINDEN (between Hannover and
Minden is a small town of about 82 000
inhabitants and is situated at the Weser and the
Mittellandkanal at the edge of the
Wesergebirge, the Wiehengebirge and the
North German lowlands. Where other people
spend their holidays, the Lebenshilfe Minden
e.V. offers help to 180 families with disabled
members. The voluntary helpers and qualified
staff will organize regular sporting events, free
time activities and educational groups as well
as holiday games for children and young
people with disabilities. Between 9:00 and
17:00, about 25 to 30 people with various
disabilities are taken care of in small groups of
different interests. The volunteers will support
this care as well as the organisation of the free
time of the children and young people. After the
assessment of the abilities of the children, the
volunteers will be welcomed to present some
ideas, such as games, playing instruments or
handicrafts. They will also organize a party for
all children, adults and their families at the end
of the session. Before you apply, please read
basic info on this site www.sci-d.de/info-for-you
first. Here we explain, what we expect from
volunteers in our camps.
Work: Organisation and arrangement of
holiday games and a party for children and
young people with disabilities
Study: Get to know the institution and the
people taken care of as well as the family
situation of the parents with disabled children
Accommodation: In the house on mattresses
(sleeping-bag necessary)
Food: Breakfast and lunch are provided by the
institution, dinner and the meals on weekends
are to be provided by yourself.
Qualifications: Interest in the work with
disabled people (mandatory) and experiences
in dealing with disabled people (advantageous),
Number of Volunteers: 6
18. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:July 27, 2008, End: August 10, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
BERLIN-NEUKÖLLN Polish/Croatian/German workcamp
Approximately 160 elderly people live in the
CASA REHA residential home for the elderly
"Am Weigandufer" in the Berlin district of
Neukoelln, where they are taken care of. The
goal of the residential home for the elderly is to
maintain their physical and intellectual abilities.
This includes the activation and mobilization of
residents with an attractive leisure activities and
to foster their creativity. Under the motto “We
discover Berlin and sharpen our senses” we will
build two groups, consisting of a max. of 10
elderly people, and get to know Berlin with
them as tourist. Additionally we will sharpen our
senses within smaller projects by designing the
outdoor area of the residential home. We plan
to create a "sensory or herb garden." Before
you apply, please read basic info on this site
www.sci-d.de/info-for-you first. Here we explain,
what we expect from volunteers in our camps.
Work: Organising recreational activities with
elderly people, involvement in project work
Study: Contact with people with mental and
physical disabilities and project work
Accommodation: In the residentila home for
the elderley (1-3 bedroom); Meals will be
provided by the nursing home
Qualifications: Interest and motivation in
working with older people, who need
assistence. At request, a certificate for an
internship will be provided by the nursing home
Number of Volunteers: 8
19. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:July 27, 2008, End: August 10, 2008
Topic: Environment
MARTH (Thuringia, near Göttingen)
The Kastanienhof is a historical timber-framed
farm house under preservation order. It is
situated in a little village, surrounded by
beautiful landscape with hills. The owner is an
association with the aim to sustain nature. The
farm buildings are also reconstructed in an
ecological way. There is a little organic
agriculture focused on the conservation of old
useful plants and domestic animals. Trips to
cities like Göttingen or Hannoversch-Münden
are possible. Before you apply, please read
basic info on this site www.sci-d.de/info-for-you
first. Here we explain, what we expect from
volunteers in our camps.
Work: Reconstruction work on the outside of
the house, plastering and painting, (work on a
scaffold!), a little bit of farm work
Study: Eco House Construction and
Renewable Energy (Solar, plant oil, biomass),
Eco Agriculture
Accommodation: Sleeping in own tents or in
the barn
Food: Own health food
Qualifications: Readiness to do physical work
6 hours daily and adoption to very basic
conditions (bucket toilet, outside showers)
Number of Volunteers: 15
20. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 1, 2008, End: August 23, 2008
Topic: Environment
SCHELINGEN (Kaiserstuhl, near Freiburg)
"Kaiserstuhl", a small volcanic mountain in the
middle of the "Oberrheingraben", is a famous
wine-growing area near the old university town
of Freiburg. Dry land in this area is important,
especially for the numerous rare species.
Therefore, a large part of the "Kaiserstuhl"; is
protected as a nature reserve. The protected
territory requires regular cultivation - cutting
down trees and bushes, which are threatening
to override the endangered vegetation. Before
you apply, please read basic info on this site
www.sci-d.de/info-for-you first. Here we explain,
what we expect from volunteers in our camps.
Work: Mowing fields in cooperation with the
staff of the local organisation, responsible for
the nature protection and landscape
management. Raking the hay on steep area.
Study: Information about flora, fauna, habitat
and protection of the wine-growing horticulture.
Learning about vineyards and wine growing.
Tasting wine. Geographical information about
Oberrheingraben and volcanism. Study tour
with the eco-mobile to explore flora, fauna and
Accommodation: In the hall on mattresses
Qualifications: Interest in ecological themes;
Being prepared for the physical work
Extra info: Trip to the Feldberg, the highest hill
in Schwarzwald (Black forest); Not accessible
for wheel chairs!
Number of Volunteers: 18
21. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 1, 2008, End: August 15, 2008
Topic: Environment
PRENZLAU (about 50 km to Polish border,
about 110 km north of Berlin)
“Naturerlebnis Uckermark” is an environmental
education centre close to the little town
Prenzlau, which is between Berlin and the
Baltic Sea. The centre owns 12,5 hectares of
land where you can find e.g. several model
gardens for educational projects, nature
orientated playing grounds and a zoo for rare
and endangered domestic animals. Very close
is the biggest lake of Brandenburg where you
can go swimming and boating. This year the
workcamp will construct huts as examples to
show how to build facilities for children and
young people in an ecological way. You will
work mostly with rubble, which we will
creatively recycle. Besides we will build a
village with “living and growing huts” by using
material from trees (willows). These huts will be
used for the educational work of our centre.
Work: Building huts by recycling rubble or
using branches from willows
Study: Biotope protection work in an orchard, a
lot of other ecological topics are possible.
Accommodation: Big round tents with straw
on the ground, toilets and showers available
Qualifications: Interest in environmental
issues, willingness to physical work, creativity
for planning the huts
Number of Volunteers: 12
22. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 1, 2008, End: August 15, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
MANSFELD (near Halle/Saale)
The work camp is organised by the YMCA (the
Young Men and Women Christian Association
–German: CVJM) Saxony-Anhalt and the
Christian Youth Meeting Place Mansfeld Castle.
Both organisations have been engaged in the
field of Christian youth work for many years.
Mansfeld Castle is situated in the heart of
Saxony-Anhalt, 40 km to the west of
Halle/Saale. The so called “Mansfelder Land” is
closely connected with Martin Luther, who was
born in Eisleben and also died there. During his
childhood, he lived in Mansfeld. Luther’s
birthplace and last residence in Eisleben are
part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. You
will work on the ground of Mansfeld Castle. On
the weekends, there will be excursions to
Wittenberg and Berlin. For more information
have a look here: www.schloss-mansfeld.de
and www.cvjm-sachsen-anhalt.de. Before you
apply, please read basic info on this site
www.sci-d.de/info-for-you first. Here we explain,
what we expect from volunteers in our camps.
Work: Repairing works around the Castle and
its ground, repairing fences, garden works,
planting of flowers etc.
Study: History of Mansfeld Castle, Christian
youth work during the GDR and today,
excursions to the places of Martin Luther and
the Reformation to Wittenberg, Eisleben and
Mansfeld, excursion to Berlin, outdoor
adventure games, talks about the bible, church
services, possible excursion to a NS-Memorial
Accommodation: In guestrooms at Mansfeld
Food: All meals are prepared in the Castle
Qualifications: Openness for the Christian
Extra info: Maximum age 26 years, if available
please bring your instrument with you.
Number of Volunteers: 20
23. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 1, 2008, End: August 15, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
GOTTSDORF (near Berlin)
Gottsdorf is a small but old village, where a
network of projects dealing with arts, culture,
alternative economics and social projects are
growing up. People with a wide variety
backgrounds have been living there for the past
15 years. The art und cultural projects help to
create sensibility for village traditions and the
countryside, but at the same time serve to open
up the village inhabitants to the wider world &
thus enrich themselves through acquaintance
with foreign cultures. „Globally connected,
locally rooted“ has become the popular motto of
the village. Exhibitions, sound statues, an art
meadow, a labyrinth as well as a “house of
cultures” can all be found in the village.
Following this international tradition, we want to
build „Auroville-capsules“ this summer. These
are a kind of traditionally-built hut vacated
originally by one of the biggest & important
living communities in Auroville, India. Before
you apply, please read basic info on this site
www.sci-d.de/info-for-you first. Here we explain,
what we expect from volunteers in our camps.
Work: Documenting the current state of the
intended locations, removing illegal waste, renaturalisation, geomantic measuring,
constructing „Auroville capsules“
Study: Regional history, nature protection,
integration in national and international cultural
perspectives, e.g. contacts to Auroville, we will
talk about cooperation, integration and
understanding from an artistic point of view
Accommodation: In tents
Qualifications: Manual skills and artistic
interest; Curiosity for the exceptional in
everyday life and relations within a group
Number of Volunteers: 12
24. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 2, 2008, End: August 15, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
DACHAU (near Munich)
The KZ Dachau was the first concentration
camp built by fascist Germany in March 1933. It
was also used as an SS training centre. More
than 200 000 people from all over Europe were
imprisoned here. Many prisoners died as a
result of terror, inhuman work, diseases,
exhaustion and hunger. The study camp will
take place in the frame of the ”International
Youth Meeting” (IYM), which hosts every year
around 120 teenagers and young adults from
about 20 nations. In contrast to other work
camps, the main emphasis will be put on the
studies in the camp. The volunteers will learn
about the history of fascism through
communication with survivors and through
active participation in workshops. The current
political situations will also be discussed. More
information about the IYM: www.youthmeetingdachau.de. Before you apply, please read basic
info on this site www.sci-d.de/info-for-you first.
Here we explain, what we expect from
volunteers in our camps.
Work: Maintenance work at the memorial site
(1-2 mornings/afternoons)
Study: Fascism and concentration camp in
Dachau; workshops, tours on the memorial site,
excursions, lectures
Accommodation: Youth Guest House Dachau,
suitable for wheelchairs
Qualifications: Interested in taking part in
workshops, working knowledge of English
and/or German
Extra info: Volunteers will have to pay a extra
fee of € 120,- upon arrival. Age limit! Volunteers
should not be older than 26!
Number of Volunteers: 12
25. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 2, 2008, End: August 23, 2008
Topic: Environment
Farm ”Hexhof”, first mentioned in town archives
in 1318, extends over 33 hectares. In the early
1970s, the city of Düsseldorf, north of Cologne,
bought the old farmhouse, which resulted in its
protection by conservation law. Today, the
Hexhof functions as the ecological centre
where the landscape preservation work around
Düsseldorf is planned and co-ordinated. The
aim is to preserve rare and endangered
species. This year, Hexhof is hosting its
thirteenth work camp. Before you apply, please
read basic info on this site www.sci-d.de/infofor-you first. Here we explain, what we expect
from volunteers in our camps.
Work: Creating a humid biotop in Düsseldorf
Study: Function and importance of humid
biotopes; nature protection in big cities. Study
tours and excursions
Accommodation: In the attic of the Hexhoffarm in common rooms
Qualifications: Interest in the ecological issues
Extra info: Only for vols. who are ready to start
working at 7.00 am, four days per week,
Monday – Thursday
Number of Volunteers: 12
26. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 3, 2008, End: August 16, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
During World War II, more than 2000 people
from 18 countries were kept as prisoners in this
concentration camp set up by the Gestapo. The
main group of prisoners were forced laborers
who came from the Netherlands and the former
Soviet Union. Their punishment was also used
as a deterrent to more than 25 000 other
women, men and children who were forced to
compulsory labor in the Osnabrück region.
Almost half of them came from the Ukraine,
Belarus and Russia. The young memorial site,
Augustaschacht, has been gradually built up for
the last five years mostly due to the
involvement of motivated volunteers. The
memorial and research site displays the history
of forced labor and national socialism in the
region of Osnabrück. The volunteers of this
camp will support the construction of the
memorial site and learn more about the history
of WWII and its consequences for Russian and
German people. Majority of participants will be
from Russia and Belarus. Before you apply,
please read basic info on this site www.scid.de/info-for-you first. Here we explain, what we
expect from volunteers in our camps.
Work: Help with the renovation of the former
camp building and camp territory
Study: Change of perspective: Russians and
Germans during WWII, forced labor,
commemoration culture in the two countries,
the Gestapo camp Ohrbeck, current problems
with fascism, anti-semitism and racism in
Germany and Russia, meeting of two cultures
Accommodation: In a house of the German
Red Cross (Local group Holzhausen)
Qualifications: Volunteers must be broadminded, open for new perspectives, interested
in the topic and intercultural encounters.
Number of Volunteers: 15
27. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 3, 2008, End: August 24, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Lützensömmern (about 30 km west of Erfurt,
The project ”Seminar House Rittergut" is an
alternative meeting and educational centre. It is
located app. 40 minutes by train from the city of
Erfurt in the East of Germany. Lützensömmern,
an idyllic village, has app. 300 inhabitants and
the manor takes about 4 ha of the village. In
this area residential summer camps for
children, teens and disabled people are
arranged. Surely we always need helpers to
make every day a special day, which is
important for our guests. Besides we will realise
a few manual working-projects. Before you
apply, please read basic info on this site
www.sci-d.de/info-for-you first. Here we explain,
what we expect from volunteers in our camps.
Work: Assisting different residential summer
camps for children and disabled people. Also
manual work around the manor and in the area:
forest and park management or woodwork etc.
Study: Ecological reconstruction of the manor;
the ecological situation of the region; situation
of East-German youths during the GDR and
after unification; social and economic changes;
unemployment in the region
Accommodation: In big tents in the inner
courtyard of the manor, broad cooking facilities
Qualifications: We expect the volunteers to be
autonomous and proactive - minor knowledge
of the German language is advantageous but
not obligatory; in the application form the
volunteers should remark whether they prefer
supporting the residential summer camps or the
manual work in the area.
Extra info: The boarding house is located in a
small Thuringian village 30 km off Erfurt,
restorative environment
Number of Volunteers: 17
28. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 3, 2008, End: August 17, 2008
Topic: Socially disadvantaged
The volunteers will support different projects for
HIV/AIDS prevention in the capital of Germany.
The main target groups are men having sex
with men, male and female prostitutes and HIVdrug users. Thereby, outreach work in these
communities is the first priority in order to
distribute information on HIV/AIDS and
empower people to live healthy. Volunteers will
work on Pub-Crawls, conduct actions and
performances on parties and wherever people
meet. Before you apply, please read basic info
on this site www.sci-d.de/info-for-you first. Here
we explain, what we expect from volunteers in
our camps.
Work: Planning, Organisation and Conducting
an outreach activity: create games, materials,
outfits, etc.; participating in various activities,
support team in every-day-business: managing
info-material (prepare, distribute, ...)
Study: HIV/AIDS in Germany and worldwide,
prevention strategies
Accommodation: Youth centre in Berlin
Qualifications: Volunteers should be open to
work in the gay scene and with the other target
groups and have a strong interest in this topic.
Motivation to do all kinds of work and outreach
actions, good knowledge of English – German
is a plus.
Extra info: For this project we have a special
application form. Please ask for it from:
[email protected].
Number of Volunteers: 12
29. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 3, 2008, End: July 24, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
WEIßANDT-GÖLZAU (between Magdeburg
and Leipzig)
The association Fun has purchased an old
house, which will be reconstructed and used as
a multicultural youth centre with training,
musical and meeting facilities. The aims of the
association are international exchange and
getting to know the regional sights. There will
be possibility creating and participating in
ongoing sport or dance courses and
performances in the house. You will visit a
restored western town, close to a lake with
beach, and will be able to go on a boating tour.
There are also indoor climbing facilities and a
high wire garden. Before you apply, please
read basic info on this site www.sci-d.de/infofor-you first. Here we explain, what we expect
from volunteers in our camps.
Work: Renovation and creational works in and
around the house
Study: Dance courses, excursion in the region
and community life
Accommodation: Within the house
Food: Self-catering
Extra info: Please bring along a sleeping bag
or bedding; if possible bring your bike!
Number of Volunteers: 12
30. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 9, 2008, End: August 30, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
ZEITHAIN (Saxony, near Riesa/Elbe)
In preparation of attack by the Soviet Union, the
POW (prisoner of war) camp Zeithain was
established in April 1941 near the banks of the
Elbe River by the Nazi regime. Its objective
from 1941-42 was to register and
accommodate - up to 30 000 - incoming Soviet
POW’s within Saxony and parts of the occupied
Czech territories. Due to continuous
malnutrition, disease, insufficient medical
treatment and terrible hygienic conditions,
roughly 30 000 Soviet POW’s died at Zeithain
in the period between 1941-1945. Their living
conditions did not comply with the rules of the
Geneva Convention. From February 1943 until
the end of the war, the camp was used as
central POW hospital for Saxony. During this
period, prisoners from other countries,
especially from Italy, Poland and the United
Kingdom, were contained. Like the Soviets, the
Italian POW’s were not treated according to the
Geneva Convention. Their captivity was
characterized by extreme hardship, resulting in
the death of roughly 900 of the so-named
Italian Military Internees (IMI) between 1943-45.
Their fate is not only a long time neglected topic
in Germany, but also in Italy. During five SCIWorkcamps since 2003 the former camp area
was searched under the supervision of an
archaeologist. Although the area was used up
to 1990 by the Soviet Red Army as a tank
driving range, it has been proved, that the
foundations of numerous buildings still exist
along one of the two former main camp roads.
Before you apply, please read basic info on this
site www.sci-d.de/info-for-you first. Here we
explain, what we expect from volunteers in our
Work: Conservation of the remains and their
presentation to the public Additionally
participants are encouraged to contribute ideas
for the future development of the former
campsite, which will be considered in the future
work on a comprehensive development concept
and its integration into the memorial complex of
Study: The fate of the prisoners of war
Accommodation: In a former school; kitchen
and showers are available
Extra info: Good leisure time facilities,
excursions to cities (Dresden, Leipzig, Berlin)
are possible
Number of Volunteers: 15
31. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 9, 2008, End: August 23, 2008
Topic: Environment
ITZEHOE (about 60 km north of Hamburg)
In an area of allotments, Paul Kreß leases
some 3000m² of land from the town. Since
1989 he grows trees, plants, herbs and hedges,
cultivates flower- and vegetable-beds and
builds stone walls. There also is a pond offering
a home for various kinds of frogs. With all his
work, he created a beautiful biotope that now
offers a place for numerous birds and other
seldom animals like grass snakes. Before you
apply, please read basic info on this site
www.sci-d.de/info-for-you first. Here we explain,
what we expect from volunteers in our camps.
Work: Restoration of the overgrown rock
garden, various work in the herb-garden,
flower- and vegetable-beds
Study: Preparation of fresh harvested plants,
botany, drying of herbs and plants, exchange of
Accommodation: Simple: in a garden house
on mattresses, improvised kitchen, washing
with cold water, shower outside, compost toilet
Food: Mostly from the garden
Qualifications: Interest in botany and
motivation for gardening work
Number of Volunteers: 6
read basic info on this site www.sci-d.de/infofor-you first. Here we explain, what we expect
from volunteers in our camps.
Work: Re-creating a path, archaeological
excavation to trace former factory buildings,
making a museum store accessible for the
public, viewing video-interviews with survivors
in other languages than German and working
out summaries in English or German
Study: The history of the concentration camp,
the fate of the Soviet prisoners
Accommodation: In a building, kitchen in a big
Extra info: Excursions to Hamburg, Bremen,
Lübeck and the Baltic Sea; the majority of
participants will be from Russia and Belarus.
Number of Volunteers: 16
32. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 9, 2008, End: August 26, 2008
Topic: Environment
GLÜCKSBURG (Schleswig-Holstein, near
Artefact, located in Gluecksburg/Baltic Sea,
close to the German-Danish border, is a centre
for sustainable development. This non-profit
organisation runs a guesthouse built in an
organic manner of architecture with a
renewable energy supply. The “Powerpark”, an
energy infotainment site for tourists, conducts
project activities for youth as well as specialist
seminars for adults on renewable energy,
building and water management. In order to
keep up its attraction as a target of training and
tourism, installations on the site need to be
improved. Before you apply, please read basic
info on this site www.sci-d.de/info-for-you first.
Here we explain, what we expect from
volunteers in our camps.
Work: Building a wooden work plant and a
compost restroom facility, care and reparation
of the equipment of the Artefact power and
nature parks, wood and metal work
Study: Getting to know the reasons and effects
of climate change and the different options of
renewable and peaceful energy sources for
different climates
Accommodation: In tents, compost toilets and
solar shower facilities nearby
Food: Self-catering
Qualifications: Handicraft skills preferable
Extra info: Trips to Gluecksburg´s famous
castle, the city and port of Flensburg, Baltic and
North sea coast, Denmark possible; please
bring along sleeping bag, isolation mat and
waterproof work clothes.
Number of Volunteers: 15
34. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 10, 2008, End: August 31, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
GOSSELDING (near Munich)
Gosselding is a solitary farm outside a village.
The farmstead is very old and was first
mentioned in 1482. Since then, it has been in
use as a farmhouse throughout the centuries
until the 1960s. There are several comparable
farms in this area. In the 1970s the farmhouse
was converted into a youth centre for boy
scouts. After that it was used for recreational
activities and then, the development
association of “Gosselding e.V.” took over
charge of the house. Since then a lot has been
done. A dilapidated part of the main building
was pulled down and rebuilt, the old building
was completely refurbished. The sanitary
facilities were adapted to comply with modern
standards. Many international work-camps
have helped to put up the new buildings. Since
2004 the house has been operating again and
is available for all kinds of youth groups who
can rent it for free time activities, class outings,
seminars or other such things. Before you
apply, please read basic info on this site
www.sci-d.de/info-for-you first. Here we explain,
what we expect from volunteers in our camps.
Work: Insulation measures in the old building,
paving work, possibly installation and
connection of a solar panel
Study: Conservation of historical monuments,
local history, German history
Accommodation: Communal accommodation
Food: Self-catering. There is a large kitchen.
Extra info: Trips to Munich, Dachau and
Number of Volunteers: 15
33. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 10, 2008, End: August 24, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
During World War II the concentration camp
"Neuengamme" was extended by more than 80
external camps to become the major
concentration camp of Northern Germany. Due
to the system of "Extermination by Work"
followed by the SS roughly one half of the
100.000 prisoners, coming from all over
Europe, died from the sufferings in
Neuengamme and its satellite camps. Today
there is a memorial (2000 m x 350 m and 17
historical buildings) with four historical
exhibitions (cf. http://www.kz-gedenkstaetteneuengamme.de). Before you apply, please
35. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 10, 2008, End: August 28, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
FÖCKINGHAUSEN (80 km east of Dortmund)
The family hostel Föckinghausen lies in the
middle of Sauerland, near of the cities of
Warstein and Meschede. "The Sauerland is a
rural, hilly area, spreading across most of the
east of North Rhine-Westphalia." (Wikipedia)
Youth groups, families, choirs and many more
stay here to arrange seminars or to spend their
spare time. The responsible organisation is the
charity federation of Gelsenkirchen, which has
run a recreational house in the area since 1967
for socially deprived families from the Ruhr
area. Before you apply, please read basic info
on this site www.sci-d.de/info-for-you first. Here
we explain, what we expect from volunteers in
our camps.
Work: Renovation work and paintings, outside
arrangements maintain
Study: Getting to know of the charity federation
and the specific features of a family holidays
Accommodation: In the group house of our
holidays site, shared rooms, full catering by the
Qualifications: Interest in the subject,
readiness to physical work
Extra info: Excursion to the closer
surroundings, e.g., leisure park “Fort Fun”,
information about the house www.ferienstaettefoeckinghausen.de
Number of Volunteers: 15
36. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 15, 2008, End: August 30, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
HITZACKER (Elbe valley, about 70 km south
of Hamburg)
In the natural reserve in the Elbe valley, close
to the historic town of Hitzacker, the Youth
Farm Godewin bought 10 hectares of land and
an old farm. The old farmstead was restored
with the help of several work camps in the past.
Various elements are integrated in the farm,
such as: ecological farming with low use of the
technology, work with horses and cows, school
farming, social work and support of youth by
organizing activities for children and
adolescents with inadequate social behaviours.
Before you apply, please read basic info on this
site www.sci-d.de/info-for-you first. Here we
explain, what we expect from volunteers in our
Work: Agricultural work with horses (especially
to bring in the hay and corn), landscape
architecture, renovation of the old farm house:
building with loam, maintenance of old
agricultural machines
Study: Ecological and biodynamic farming,
animal-supported education and therapy,
architecture corresponding to the human and
animal needs, nature and religion, individual
work with children
Accommodation: Tents or sleeping in the hay
barn on either hay or a mattress
Qualifications: Willing to participate in
laborious work (suitable attire should be
brought by the participant); English and
German will be spoken.
Extra info: Volunteers with children are
welcome. Only restricted areas for smokers;
Possibility of visiting Hamburg and Lüneburg
Number of Volunteers: 14
37. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 16, 2008, End: August 31, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
WÖBBELIN (near Schwerin), German-Italian
Shortly before the end of World War II, a
satellite camp of the concentration camp (KZ) in
Hamburg- Neuengamme was built between
Ludwigslust and Wöbbelin. The first prisoners
came from the main camp in HamburgNeuengamme on February 15th in 1945. They
had to build a camp of stone barracks for
prisoners of war. Later the KZ Wöbbelin
functioned as the end station of the death
march from different satellite camps. During ten
weeks of its existence more than 1000
prisoners died there from hunger, disease or
maltreatment. On May 2nd 1945 several
thousand people from at least 16 different
countries were liberated by the US army. After
the liberation the deceased were given a
dignified burial in Ludwigslust and Wöbbelin. A
memorial with an exhibition about the camp
was set up in 1965 in Wöbbelin under one roof
with the Theodor-Körner-Museum. The poet
Theodor Körner died in 1813 in the "Wars of
Liberation" against Napoleon and was buried in
Wöbbelin. In 1938 a monument was created for
the poet. In 1945 some deceased of the KZ
have been buried next to it. Before you apply,
please read basic info on this site www.scid.de/info-for-you first. Here we explain, what we
expect from volunteers in our camps.
Work: Literally-artistic workshop concerning the
whole issue, maintenance of the area, possibly
a theatre workshop
Study: NS local history at the end of the World
War II, violence and right-wing radicalism
today, interviewing contemporary witnesses,
contemporary forms of remembrance work
Accommodation: In a youth hostel, shared
rooms, bicycles are available.
Number of Volunteers: 15
38. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 16, 2008, End: August 30, 2008
Topic: Environment
WERNSDORF (about 30 km east of Berlin)
German-Polish-Spanish Workcamp
15 people, aged between 1 and 70 years,
moved out of town in order to live and work
together in the countryside. They moved to
Wernsdorf, a small village in Brandenburg, ca.
30 km away from Berlin. In this village they run
the "vacation- and-seminar house Wernsdorf",
which was founded by members of the social
club SSB from Berlin. During the German
Democratic Republic (GDR), the complex had
been used as a summer residence for the
children of police officers. It was renovated by
the members of SSB on their own. Thus a very
nice place has been created which since 1994
can be used for recreational and educational
purposes during the whole year. It has ateliers,
studios and meadows to pursue their various
creative activities. Their aim is to create and
preserve self-managed places to live and work.
The seminar house is situated in a beautiful
landscape and surrounded by a large forest
and a lake to swim. Before you apply, please
read basic info on this site www.sci-d.de/infofor-you first. Here we explain, what we expect
from volunteers in our camps.
Work: Work in the forest, collecting woods,
sawing; renovating buildings; creative design of
the front of the building
Study: Sustainable development and
environment protection, creative workshops
(acrobatics, artistic woodworking, etc.)
Accommodation: In the seminar house
Qualifications: Willingness to physical work,
interest for environmental issues
Number of Volunteers: 12
39. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 16, 2008, End: August 30, 2008
Topic: Ideology and spirituality
The ”Basisgemeinde” is a Christian community
of about 65 people - among them families,
singles, children - situated in a small village in
northern Germany near Kiel. Following the
example of the early Christians, all members of
the community share everything: money and
goods, time, work, political activities. The
members work together within the community in the production of wooden toys, in the kitchen
in the kinder garden and as caretakers. Before
you apply, please read basic info on this site
www.sci-d.de/info-for-you first. Here we explain,
what we expect from volunteers in our camps.
Work: Construction work at the house,
production of wooden toys, household and
kitchen work
Study: Co-operative economy, living in a
community, religion, political activity and faith
as sustainable answers to a world of increasing
economical injustice, exploitation and poverty,
environmental destruction, violence and war
Accommodation: In tents
Qualifications: Readiness to take part in the
life of the community. After the end of the
workcamp, it is possible to stay one week
longer and to live with the community.
Number of Volunteers: 12
40. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 17, 2008, End: September 5,
Topic: Art, culture, history
REINHARDSBRUNN (Thuringia, near Erfurt)
The Youth hostel is situated in a cloister park,
which was build by monks in 11th century. They
created several lakes which still exist and today
are just for fish growing and swimming. As in
old times they have a traditional bakery and
pottery workshop. Different groups of children
and young people visit the hostel during their
holidays or take part in work shops. The house
is located within the beautiful forest of
Thuringia, near the famous historical trade path
Rennsteig. It is a great place for holidays and
leisure time. You will visit historical sights like
the regional capital Erfurt, the city of Gotha and
the Wartburg in Eisenach.
Work: Construction of a playground and
sporting field, setting up a beach ball field,
painting jobs
Study: Local history, international exchange
Accommodation: In a lodging house
Food: Breakfast and/or lunch can be provided,
dinner you will prepare together.
Number of Volunteers: 12
41. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 17, 2008, End: September 7,
Topic: Ideology and spirituality
ALT REHSE (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern,
about 100 km north of Berlin)
The lake district of Mecklenburg, halfway
between Berlin and the Baltic Sea, is one of
Germany’s most beautiful areas. In the 19th
century, Earl Ludwig Freiherr von Hauff,
descendant of the famous fairytale author
Wilhelm Hauff, built the Alt Rhese castle and
landscape park on the banks of the Tollense
Lake. In 1934, the Nazi regime acquired the
park and established the National School of
Physicians by constructing a number of guest
and seminar houses, a gymnasium and a
sports field. From1936 to 1942, about 10,000
young doctors, midwives and pharmacists were
ideologically trained in what the Nazis called
“national health and racial hygiene”, which in
fact was a program for euthanasia and
selective breeding. After World War II, the
German Democratic Republic used the park
consecutively as an orphanage, a training
college for sport teachers, as police barracks,
and an army recreation home. After the
German reunification in 1990, the park was
briefly used by the German army, but soon
abandoned for many years. In 2006, the park
was sold and reopened for the public. Today,
some 30 adults and 10 children live there in an
independent, open minded community free of
any political or religious dogma. Their main
concerns are alternative health care, sports,
culture, spirituality, and community life. They
practice organic gardening and agriculture,
organise cultural events and run a guesthouse,
used for seminars and by individual tourists.
Before you apply, please read basic info on this
site www.sci-d.de/info-for-you first. Here we
explain, what we expect from volunteers in our
Work: Re-establish the original park near the
lake, taking care the needs of ecology and
green tourism; There will also be indoor works,
such as restoring a bowling alley, the
gymnasium and an exhibition room.
Study: Ecology, history, community life,
philosophy; Nazi ideology, modern German
society and culture
Accommodation: Community house, 4-6 beds
per room; please bring your own sleeping bag
Qualifications: Team work and to do physical
labour required; Philosophical discussions are
also welcome. Be prepared to represent your
own country and culture.
Food: Three meals a day together with
community members. You will be expected to
help in the kitchen.
Extra info: Excursion to the former Nazi
Concentration Camp “Ravensbrück” (48
kilometres); optional: excursion to Berlin,
Germany’s capital (136 kilometres).
Number of Volunteers: 12
42. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 17, 2008, End: August 31, 2008
Topic: Environment
GROSS FREDENWALDE (north of Berlin)
The nature education centre "Feld-, Wald- und
Wiesenschule" in Groß Fredenwalde (one hour
away from Berlin by train), is part of the nature
protection area called "Schorfheide Chorin",
one of the most beautiful landscapes northeast
of Berlin. The idea of this place is to make
people appreciate nature and environment. The
focus of interest will be practical experience in
ecological education. Young people work and
study in the project garden and take part in
different workshops like health food, nature
protection, environmental activities, handmade paper processing and creativity. Before
you apply, please read basic info on this site
www.sci-d.de/info-for-you first. Here we explain,
what we expect from volunteers in our camps.
Work: Cleaning the building (a former school)
and the hay barn, garden work, painting
Study: The work of the education centre,
excursion in the nature, herbals
Accommodation: In the barn, sleeping bags
Extra info: Bicycles are available.
Number of Volunteers: 10
43. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 18, 2008, End: September 7,
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
SANZKOW (near Baltic Sea, south of
Stralsund, Baltic Sea)
In the village Sanzkow the Berlin Bürgerhaus
e.V. is building a youth centre in a former
farmer’s house. The centre will provide many
opportunities for foreign and German young
people to meet each other. The region is very
beautiful with many lakes. You will find good
facilities for trips by bike, swimming, canoeing,
having camp-fires. On the weekends there are
several trips planned, for example to the Baltic
Sea, and you will stay a long weekend in Berlin.
Before you apply, please read basic info on this
site www.sci-d.de/info-for-you first. Here we
explain, what we expect from volunteers in our
Work: Various renovations in the house and
the garden, building a tree house
Study: Different techniques of construction; the
problems involved in working with German and
foreign young people, present situation in East
Accommodation: In rooms in the house
Qualifications: Camp language will be English,
but some knowledge of German is desirable
because many young people in the project only
know German.
Number of Volunteers: 12
44. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 23, 2008, End: September 12,
Topic: Environment
SIPPLINGEN (at Lake Constance)
This work camp, in the village Sipplingen (near
Überlingen) on the shores of lake Constance, is
organised in co-operation with the regional
office for nature and landscape protection.
Typical landscape around Sipplingen consists
mainly of steep banks, and the territory around
lake Constance is a natural protected zone.
This area is a habitat of rare and endangered
species, therefore must be regularly cultivated
in order to avoid overgrow by bushes and trees.
Before you apply, please read basic info on this
site www.sci-d.de/info-for-you first. Here we
explain, what we expect from volunteers in our
Work: Working under supervision of the
experts. Cutting trees, removing dried wood
and branches, mowing grass in the protected
Study: Ecological problems, biotope and
nature protection, lake Constance, “flowerisland” Mainau. One day study tour with the
eco-mobile for the purpose of exploring flora,
fauna and habitat.
Accommodation: In tents directly at Lake
Constance. Possibility to swim
Qualifications: Interest in ecological themes,
being prepared for physical work
Extra info: Several trips are possible, e.g. to
Constance, Lake Constance by ship, islands
Mainau and Reichenau. You will work in a
slope position, therefore you have to be
properly equipped for it. Strong working shoes
with jags in the soles will be necessary.
Number of Volunteers: 15
45. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 25, 2008, End: September 6,
Topic: Disabilities
OSTERODE (in the Harz Mountains)
The Harz-Weser-Werkstätten gGmbH is an
institution, which helps mentally disabled
people to rehabilitate. There will be 36
participants, who will live and work together in
the home called "Lange Wiese", which is
located in the midst of the Harz mountains, 10
km away from the city of Osterode. Due to their
mental disorders, the people in care will need a
lot of individual help and support. The camp is a
part of a two-year project to construct a golf
course, which would offer work opportunities for
people dealing with handicaps. At the
beginning of this summer, the land for this golfcourse wiIl be prepared for construction. The
participants will be welcomed to bring in their
ideas to the design of the golf course. Along
with construction of the golf course, participants
will be living daily life in a homestead and will
be offered various free-time activities, which will
give the participants an opportunity to learn
about their environment and get to know some
people. The house is in the middle of the
woods and offers great possibilities for hiking. A
swimming pool is about 5 minutes away. More
information about the institution via www.h-ww.de. Before you apply, please read basic info
on this site www.sci-d.de/info-for-you first. Here
we explain, what we expect from volunteers in
our camps.
Work: Preparation work for the construction of
a leisure golf-course, such as the erection of
fences, installation of drainage pipes, yard
work; bring your own ideas to help with the
Study: Welfare system in Germany, introducing
"Lange Wiese"; and the Harz-WeserWerkstätten gGmbH
Accommodation: Particular level with shared
Food: Supply by the facility
Qualifications: Camp language: English and
German, motivation to work with mentally
disabled people
Number of Volunteers: 10
46. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 30, 2008, End: September 13,
Topic: Environment
Herrsching am Ammersee
DE-SCI 6.43 Herrsching am Ammersee (50 km
southeast of Munich) 30/08-13/09 2008 15 vols
EDU, ENVI, MANU, STUDY “Wartaweil”, the
centre for nature protection and youths, is an
educational institution of the local branch of the
German NGO “Bund Naturschutz”. It is located
directly on the eastern shores of the lake
“Ammersee”. On the huge grounds of the
centre, there is a guest house, the mansion
“Habersack” and a former research institute of
the famous “Fraunhofer Society”. During the
workcamp, we will refurbish a fence at the
lakeside and construct a water site and a stone
terrace with different playground items in front
of the research station. Since we will live and
work directly next to the water, we will have a
study part on this topic with different creative
workshops and common concepts for the
implementation. Before you apply, please read
basic info on this site www.sci-d.de/info-for-you
first. Here we explain, what we expect from
volunteers in our camps.
Work: Creative workshops, designing and
construction work, removal of a tarmac surface,
construction and planting of a dry stone wall
Study: Ecology near waters, implementing an
eco-pedagogical concept
Accommodation: In big tents, in case of bad
whether in the big and heated former
Food: Eco-regional food, self-catering
Qualifications: Creativity, interest in designing
of eco-pedagogical concepts, handicraft skills
Extra info: Please bring working clothes with
Number of Volunteers: 15
47. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:August 31, 2008, End: September 13,
Topic: Art, culture, history
LEIPZIG, Theatre Camp
Good mutual understanding is a precondition
for a successful international exchange. With
theatre we use numerous, above all non-verbal
(mimic, body language, sounds) expressions in
order to facilitate differentiated communication
going beyond existing language barriers. Under
professional tuition the volunteers will learn and
practice some fundamental techniques of acting
and in so doing learn about their different
cultural backgrounds. At the end of the camp,
these volunteers will perform small theatreplays in different parts of the city under the
motto “strange is beautiful”. The majority of the
workcamp will be Belarussians. Before you
apply, please read basic info on this site
www.sci-d.de/info-for-you first. Here we explain,
what we expect from volunteers in our camps.
Work: Acting and performing theatre
Study: “Strange is beautiful” – study
programme on the topic of racism
Accommodation: Probably in a youth cultural
centre in the city
Qualifications: Good knowledge of German or
English language, experience of acting is not
an absolute necessity, more important is the
motivation and courage to learn acting
Extra info: There are 2-3 places for
international volunteers.
Number of Volunteers: 12
48. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:September 6, 2008, End: September 21,
Topic: Environment
TÜBINGEN (about 20 km south of Stuttgart)
This ecology work camp is organised in cooperation with a regional office for nature and
landscape protection in Tübingen and a
regional organisation for the preservation of the
cultural heritage. Two hills of a former wine
growing area near the famous old university
town in Tübingen, are well known as a habitat
for rare and endangered species and have
been declared nature reserves. These areas
have to be maintained regularly, so that bushes
and trees do not override vegetation that must
be sheltered. As an active university town,
Tübingen has a lively student population, which
is displayed by its numerous pubs and active
nightlife. It is also a town of historical
significance, with many famous framework
buildings and the opportunity to punt on the
River Neckar (a special for Tübingen). In
addition, Tübingen is situated in a beautiful
area of Baden-Württemberg and continues to
maintain a great cultural history. Before you
apply, please read basic info on this site
www.sci-d.de/info-for-you first. Here we explain,
what we expect from volunteers in our camps.
Work: Working with experts, woods and fields
have to be cut and dead wood and branches
have to be removed from the protected area.
Study: Ecological problems, biotope and
nature protection, Study tour with the ecomobile to explore flora, fauna and habitat
Accommodation: In a municipal building on
Qualifications: Interest in ecological themes,
being prepared for physical work.
Extra info: You will work in a slope position,
therefore you have to be properly equipped for
it. Hardy working shoes with jags in the soles
will be necessary.
Number of Volunteers: 12
49. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:September 8, 2008, End: September 20,
Topic: Ideology and spirituality
STOLZENHAGEN (about 80 km north of
”Gut Stolzenhagen” farm was built in 17th
century in Brandenburg, situated approx. 80 km
northeast of Berlin, close to the German-Polish
border and national park ”Unteres Odertal”. In
1998, a group of Berlin citizens left the city and
to settle down in Stolzenhagen. They founded a
community with a special social and ecological
lifestyle. Currently, 30 adults live there. The
farm is focused on organic gardening,
renewable energies, conflict resolution, art, etc.
The buildings, however, are in need of
renovation and the lawns need to be brought
into control. For more information: www.gutstolzenhagen.de. Before you apply, please
read basic info on this site www.sci-d.de/infofor-you first. Here we explain, what we expect
from volunteers in our camps.
Work: Work outside on buildings and lawns,
possibly clay building
Study: Exchange about projects, group work,
national park control, practical work
Accommodation: Mattresses with separate
devices, kitchen, solar-powered shower,
compost toilet
Food: Self-provided
Qualifications: If possible, experience with
Extra info: Excursions to the nearby
attractions, possibly Berlin, bikes available,
opportunity for paddle boating
Number of Volunteers: 12
50. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:September 11, 2008, End: September 26,
Topic: Art, culture, history
HAMBURG, International Festival of Cultures
- German-Italian Workcamp
The Hamburg Festival of Cultures is the meeting
festival of cultures. It brings together people with
non - German and German backgrounds.
Prejudice will fade through meeting other
people. It is the goal to create a solid foundation
in which many different cultures live together
based on respect and tolerance for everybody.
Participants from about 80 immigrated nations
present themselves on the ‘Bazaar of Cultures’.
Apart from that, there will be stages were
musicians and artists from all over the world will
present different stiles of world music. Movies
will be shown and there is the opportunity to
explore literature and art of different cultures.
There will also be a program for children and a
big youth project. Before you apply, please read
basic info on this site www.sci-d.de/info-for-you
first. Here we explain, what we expect from
volunteers in our camps. W/
Study: Helping the teams on the bazaar,
cleaning up around the stages, helping with the
projects: Distribution of advertisement material,
distribution of long tables and benches,
assistance to the organization team of the
Festival, shifts at the information booth, possibly
taking part in a workshop
Accommodation: In a house with kitchen and
Food: During the festival on the festival area,
otherwise self-catering
Qualifications: English and /or German
Extra info: Prepared to do physical work and
assistance to the team.
Number of Volunteers: 14
51. Germany - SCI Germany
Begin:November 17, 2008, End: August 15, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
BERLIN, Central Asian Summer School
The summer school aims to train young active multipliers of
our contact organisations in Tajikistan and Kyrghyzstan.
The participants will exchange ideas & experiences on
subjects like project management, sustainable
organisational development, teamwork and conflict-solving.
Afterwards the volunteers will break into small groups and
join different international workcamps. Before you apply,
please read basic info on this site www.sci-d.de/info-for-you
first. Here we explain, what we expect from volunteers in
our camps.
Study: Volunteer work in Germany and Central Asia
Accommodation: In a guest house
Qualifications: Interest in the subject
Extra info: There are a few free places for international
Number of Volunteers: 12
1. Great Britain - IVS GB
Begin:April 5, 2008, End: April 19, 2008
Topic: Environment
Culdees Ecovillage I, Aberfeldy, Perthshire
The project. The aim is to create a community
based eco-village modelled on villages as they
were 100-150 years ago, which were almost
self-sufficient. People work where they live and
create their jobs in a cottage industry-type
environment, showing creativity and re-using
materials that otherwise would go to a land-fill,
eg. making drinking glasses from wine bottles.
The commitment to, and care for each other is
‘from Cradle-to-Grave’ with as much emphasis
on the healthy development of the children, as
respect and inclusion-to-the last of the elderly.
An emphasis is also on restoring the Human
Values and to re-connect with our own inner
guidance. During the build as much material as
possible is recycled/re-used/reclaimed and the
aim is for the village to generate its own energy
through solar/wind/water/biomass. The
ecovillage aims to organise training courses and
Seminars to help educate people –young and
old alike- from outside on how one can ‘walk
one’s talk’.
Work:The ongoing work includes:- Erect an
internal wall in the large barn made with
shredded tetra packs and food wrappings which
otherwise would end up in the landfill: a
Tetrapackpapercretewall Design an Educational
Trail which will also function as a Training Circuit
with exercise plots and suitable for wheelchairusers. Make a wattle screen (a mixture of sticks,
earth and clay) around the recycle street. Build a
number of dry-composting toilets alongside the
trail. Plant the 15,000 trees already given. Build
wildlife observation posts; Erect more
Polytunnels to start the Market Garden and plant
the first trees for the plant nursery. Market
Garden and plant the first trees for the plant
nursery. Start the procedure of designing and
planning for the farm shop with coffee shop
Prepare one field for an experimental trial in
growing crops of Oats, Barley and Hemp; using
the ‘One Straw Revolution’ method.
Accommodation: Is in caravans.
Study: Discuss the idea of a communal Wind
Turbine with the local people and start a workgroup to study the feasibility and an
experimental trial in growing crops of Oats,
Barley and Hemp; using the ‘One Straw
Revolution’ method. Consider the ‘University of
Number of Volunteers: 6
2. Great Britain - IVS GB
Begin:April 19, 2008, End: May 3, 2008
Topic: Environment
Leckmelm Farm, Ullapool
The project is based on Leckmelm Farm, south
of Ullapool, in a particularly beautiful part of NW
Scotland. Leckmelm Farm aims to develop an
organic market garden using permaculture
design. The aim of the project is ecosystem
Work: The work will be revolve around multiple
tasks to conserve and restore the surrounding
eco-system: traditional building restoration,
beach clean, planting organic seeds, weeding,
working in the organic market garden and drystone wall building and instruction . S;
Permaculture design and ecosystem
Accommodation: In a holiday cottage, with
bath, shower, kitchen. Bedding is provided but
a sleeping bag would be useful for a trip to the
Extra info: Ullapool is in NW Scotland and
requires travel to Glasgow, Edinburgh or
Inverness and then travel by bus to Ullapool.
For information about Ullapool see
Number of Volunteers: 6
3. Great Britain - IVS GB
Begin:April 19, 2008, End: May 3, 2008
Topic: Environment
Gowanbank Environmental Art I, Bathgate
Gowanbank Living Heritage was formed by a
group of friends who are interested in historic,
innovative and environmentally conscientious
new buildings. Eleven years ago a social
element was incorporated into community
activity by welcoming and training homeless
young adults.
Work: Work will involve mostly tree-planting
and some laying out paths, building stone walls
and planting shrubs and flowers. There will be
some renovation work of a stone building,
involving some labouring.
Accommodation: Will be in a bunk house or
log-cabins. Food will be vegetarian.
Study: There will be a chance to observe and
learn about the construction of an Eco-friendly
log cabin.
Extra info: There will be a trip to Edinburgh
and to the Highlands. An interest in music or
playing musical instruments is welcome.
Number of Volunteers: 12
4. Great Britain - IVS GB
Begin:May 21, 2008, End: June 11, 2008
Topic: Others
One World Camp, Dumfries:Phantassie
Farm, Dunbar
World Camp is a week-long summer festival on
workshops and lectures on a range of holistic
health, arts, crafts and sports, and natural
cookery. Around 150 people are expected to
take part in the festival.
Work: Part of a team of 20 volunteers helping
set up, run and dismantle the festival. Assisting
with workshops, supervising children,
stewarding, security. Work may be in shifts.
Volunteers will work for around 6 hours a day.
Study:During free time volunteers will be able
to take part in workshops or activities of their
Accommodation: In tents on site, with toilet
and shower facilities provided. Volunteers must
bring WARM sleeping bags and roll mats.
Three healthy meals a day will be provided
which will be mostly vegetarian, or macrobiotic.
Extra info: A certificate is necessary for those
wishing to work with children. Please note there
will be no meat in the food available. Please
visit www.macrobios.com for further
information. The second week will be at
Phantassie Farm, near Dunbar. This is an
organic market farm.
Work: Will be helping in the organic garden
and preparing veg boxes for distribution. S;
There will be an element of peace study and
reflection on the holistic workshops from One
World Camp.
Accommodation: In caravans.
Extra info: Volunteers will have to travel from
the West coast of Scotland to the East coast.
So budget for these costs.
Number of Volunteers: 8
5. Great Britain - IVS GB
Begin:June 7, 2008, End: June 28, 2008
Topic: Environment
Culdees Ecovillage II, Aberfeldy, Perthshire
The project. The aim is to create a community
based eco-village modelled on villages as they
were 100-150 years ago, which were almost
self-sufficient. People work where they live and
create their jobs in a cottage industry-type
environment, showing creativity and re-using
materials that otherwise would go to a land-fill,
eg. making drinking glasses from wine bottles.
The commitment to, and care for each other is
‘from Cradle-to-Grave’ with as much emphasis
on the healthy development of the children, as
respect and inclusion-to-the last of the elderly.
An emphasis is also on restoring the Human
Values and to re-connect with our own inner
guidance. During the build as much material as
possible is recycled/re-used/reclaimed and the
aim is for the village to generate its own energy
through solar/wind/water/biomass. The
ecovillage aims to organise training courses and
Seminars to help educate people –young and
old alike- from outside on how one can ‘walk
one’s talk’.
Work:The ongoing work includes:- Erect an
internal wall in the large barn made with
shredded tetra packs and food wrappings which
otherwise would end up in the landfill: a
Tetrapackpapercretewall Design an Educational
Trail which will also function as a Training Circuit
with exercise plots and suitable for wheelchairusers. Make a wattle screen (a mixture of sticks,
earth and clay) around the recycle street. Build a
number of dry-composting toilets alongside the
trail. Plant the 15,000 trees already given. Build
wildlife observation posts; Erect more
Polytunnels to start the Market Garden and plant
the first trees for the plant nursery. Market
Garden and plant the first trees for the plant
nursery. Start the procedure of designing and
planning for the farm shop with coffee shop
Prepare one field for an experimental trial in
growing crops of Oats, Barley and Hemp; using
the ‘One Straw Revolution’ method.
Accommodation: Is in caravans.
Study: Discuss the idea of a communal Wind
Turbine with the local people and start a workgroup to study the feasibility and an
experimental trial in growing crops of Oats,
Barley and Hemp; using the ‘One Straw
Revolution’ method. Consider the ‘University of
Number of Volunteers: 10
6. Great Britain - IVS GB
Begin:July 19, 2008, End: July 26, 2008
Topic: Others
Scottish Churches House, Dunblane
Scottish Churches House is a conference
centre belonging to all the Scottish churches
together. It was created at the end of 1950s out
of the conversion of some 18th century
cottages on the Cathedral Square in Dunblane,
with a large, secluded garden and mediaeval
chapel behind the house.
Work: To continue the international workcamp
tradition including gardening, wall-building,
interior decorating, internal and external wood
and metalwork painting and maintenance work.
Study: Theology, arts and counter-culture
Accommodation: In comfortable twin rooms
with shared facilities in the main house.
Number of Volunteers: 12
7. Great Britain - IVS GB
Begin:July 19, 2008, End: July 26, 2008
Topic: Others
Scottish Churches House, Dunblane
Scottish Churches House is a conference
centre belonging to all the Scottish churches
together. It was created at the end of 1950s out
of the conversion of some 18th century
cottages on the Cathedral Square in Dunblane,
with a large, secluded garden and mediaeval
chapel behind the house.
Work: To continue the international workcamp
tradition including gardening, wall-building,
interior decorating, internal and external wood
and metalwork painting and maintenance work.
Study: Theology, arts and counter-culture
Accommodation: In comfortable twin rooms
with shared facilities in the main house.
Number of Volunteers: 12
8. Great Britain - IVS GB
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 3, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
INCLUSION PROJECT 1, (Bradford, West
Run as part of the volunteering unit in support
of Bradford City Council’s inclusion program,
this project gives volunteers an opportunity to
take part in the service provision for young
people with physical and learning disabilities
over the summer vacation. W. Vols will support
young people with mild to severe physical
and/or learning disabilities on a day time
recreational scheme Children’s disabilities will
vary but may include both communication and
behavioural difficulties. Some children will be
wheelchair users. Vols will work in different
locations across the city and children's Respite
Units. There are usually 20 children on a
scheme per day and a much smaller number in
the Units. Vols will be matched to individual
children and support that young person through
the day, by encouraging and assisting them to
take part in the range of activities on offer, and
helping children at lunch. Vols will work
alongside project staff and local volunteers and
will not be involved in personal care of the
Study: An insight into Disability Awareness.
Number of Volunteers: 15
9. Great Britain - IVS GB
Begin:July 26, 2008, End: August 17, 2008
Topic: Environment
Gowanbank Living Heritage was formed by a
group of friends who are interested in historic,
innovative and environmentally conscientious
new buildings. Eleven years ago a social
element was incorporated into community
activity by welcoming and training homeless
young adults.
Work: Work will involve mostly tree-planting
and some laying out paths, building stone walls
and planting shrubs and flowers. There will be
some renovation work of a stone building,
involving some labouring.
Accommodation: Will be in a bunk house or
log-cabins. Food will be vegetarian.
Study: There will be a chance to observe and
learn about the construction of an Eco-friendly
log cabin.
Extra info: There will be a trip to Edinburgh
and to the Highlands. An interest in music or
playing musical instruments is welcome.
Number of Volunteers: 12
10. Great Britain - IVS GB
Begin:August 1, 2008, End: August 11, 2008
Topic: Others
ONE WORLD EVENT, (Sevenoaks, Kent)
One World is a week-long summer event which
runs this year from the 04.08 – 10.08.08 The
event offers a range of workshops and lectures
exploring different approaches to life on holistic
themes e.g. natural movement and dance,
exercise for physical and spiritual development,
therapies for health and well being, arts, crafts
and sports. There is a strong emphasis on
macrobiotic cooking. Around 850 people are
expected to take part in the event.
Work: The 15 SCI volunteers will be a small
group within a total number of 100 volunteers
working at the event. You will help staff the
different workshop areas around the event site
e.g. children's area, I.
Terminal/Region: suite, stewarding, security.
Volunteers will work for around 6 hours a day.
SCI volunteers may also spend some time
working on a presentation for the end of the
project which will have a cultural theme. During
free time volunteers will be able to take part in
workshops or activities of their choice or simply
enjoy the beautiful countryside as well as a
group excursion.
Study: Holistic lifestyles.
Accommodation: In tents on site (tents, toilet
and shower facilities provided). Volunteers must
bring warm sleeping bags, a roll mat and a mug
for drinks!). Three meals a day will be provided
which will be mostly organic, vegetarian, vegan
or macrobiotic. Please note there will very little
fish and dairy and no meat in the food available.
Qualifications: Volunteers must be motivated
to work hard to make the event a success, be
enthusiastic and have some understanding of
Terminal/Region: London. The event is held in
the grounds of Sevenoaks School in Kent.
Extra info: Please note this is not a music
Number of Volunteers: 15
11. Great Britain - IVS GB
Begin:August 2, 2008, End: August 23, 2008
Topic: Environment
Culdees Ecovillage III, Aberfeldy, Perthshire
The project. The aim is to create a community
based eco-village modelled on villages as they
were 100-150 years ago, which were almost
self-sufficient. People work where they live and
create their jobs in a cottage industry-type
environment, showing creativity and re-using
materials that otherwise would go to a land-fill,
eg. making drinking glasses from wine bottles.
The commitment to, and care for each other is
‘from Cradle-to-Grave’ with as much emphasis
on the healthy development of the children, as
respect and inclusion-to-the last of the elderly.
An emphasis is also on restoring the Human
Values and to re-connect with our own inner
guidance. During the build as much material as
possible is recycled/re-used/reclaimed and the
aim is for the village to generate its own energy
through solar/wind/water/biomass. The
ecovillage aims to organise training courses and
Seminars to help educate people –young and
old alike- from outside on how one can ‘walk
one’s talk’.
Work:The ongoing work includes:- Erect an
internal wall in the large barn made with
shredded tetra packs and food wrappings which
otherwise would end up in the landfill: a
Tetrapackpapercretewall Design an Educational
Trail which will also function as a Training Circuit
with exercise plots and suitable for wheelchairusers. Make a wattle screen (a mixture of sticks,
earth and clay) around the recycle street. Build a
number of dry-composting toilets alongside the
trail. Plant the 15,000 trees already given. Build
wildlife observation posts; Erect more
Polytunnels to start the Market Garden and plant
the first trees for the plant nursery. Market
Garden and plant the first trees for the plant
nursery. Start the procedure of designing and
planning for the farm shop with coffee shop
Prepare one field for an experimental trial in
growing crops of Oats, Barley and Hemp; using
the ‘One Straw Revolution’ method.
Accommodation: Is in caravans.
Study: Discuss the idea of a communal Wind
Turbine with the local people and start a workgroup to study the feasibility and an
experimental trial in growing crops of Oats,
Barley and Hemp; using the ‘One Straw
Revolution’ method. Consider the ‘University of
Number of Volunteers: 10
12. Great Britain - IVS GB
Begin:August 3, 2008, End: August 24, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
INCLUSION PROJECT 2, (Bradford, West
Run as part of the volunteering unit in support
of Bradford City Council’s inclusion program,
this project gives volunteers an opportunity to
take part in the service provision for young
people with physical and learning disabilities
over the summer vacation. W. Vols will support
young people with mild to severe physical
and/or learning disabilities on a day time
recreational scheme Children’s disabilities will
vary but may include both communication and
behavioural difficulties. Some children will be
wheelchair users. Vols will work in different
locations across the city and children's Respite
Units. There are usually 20 children on a
scheme per day and a much smaller number in
the Units. Vols will be matched to individual
children and support that young person through
the day, by encouraging and assisting them to
take part in the range of activities on offer, and
helping children at lunch. Vols will work
alongside project staff and local volunteers and
will not be involved in personal care of the
Study: An insight into Disability Awareness.
Number of Volunteers: 15
13. Great Britain - IVS GB
Begin:August 6, 2008, End: August 15, 2008
Topic: Peace and disarmament
Sponsored by the Elchanan Elkes Association
for Inter Community Understanding, supported
by Christians Aware & the Leicester Council of
Faiths, this year the project will be held in
memory of Trevor Huddlestone (British
Anglican priest & renowned campaigner against
Apartheid) & Helen Navad, who worked for
peace in Israel.
Work: Volunteers will do practical gardening
work in the grounds of buildings of worship of
different faiths in Leicester: Mosques,
Churches, Synagogues, Gurdwaras, Buddhist
and Hindu temples. There will also be some
painting/decorating tasks and work on
supporting community understanding.
Study: There is a strong study element to this
project around aspects of peace, faith and the
Accommodation: Good, in Housing
Association Flats.
Qualifications: Enjoy practical work and
learning about different faiths and communities.
Terminal/Region: Leicester City
Extra info: Vols in their 20's preferred.
Number of Volunteers: 10
1. Greece - SCI Hellas
Begin:June 15, 2008, End: June 30, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
lemnos, myrine
Lemnos is the eighth largest island in the
Aegean Sea and lies in the North Aegean,
between Lesvos and Samothraki. It actually
forms one Prefecture together with Lesvos and
a smaller island, Aghios Efstratios. The island’s
main town and port is named Myrina, situated
on the west coast. There are another 30
villages on the island, the largest of which is
Moudros, which is also the island’s second
largest port and located in the south. Most
inhabitants make a living on fishing and farming
. Poliohni is the most important archaeological
site in Lemnos island and one of the best
preserved prehistoric fortified settlements of
Greece. The drug prevention center Poliohni,
named after this major historical cultural
meeting point, is an organisation collaborating
with the local administration and other
associations.This year it organises a 4 day
cultural festival on the occasion of the
International Day Against Drugs. The festival
will include diverse cultural events , open
discussions, creative workshops, a music
concert, sports events, in the main town of
Myrina and an one day visit to the small
neighbouring island of Agios Efstratios, where
part of the events will take place. The task of
the SCI volunteers will be to assist with the
organisation of the festival.
Work: helping in the preparation and in the
conduct of the event.: setting up the workshops
of the festival, coordinating the activities, setting
up stages, tables and benches, cleaning,
decoration. Ideas on diverse workshops, games
from their home towns and participatory
activities are welcome from the volunteers.
Study: discussions on drug prevention issues,
voluntarism and cultural issues.
Accommodation : volunteers will sleep in group
in a classroom of a school. Sleeping bags are
necessary. Food will be prepared by the
volunteers – supplies will be provided. (local
specialties and traditional products will be
included). Vegetarian meals possible. Free
time: excursion to the small neighbouring island
of Agios Efstratios, swimming in the beautiful
beaches, sports.
Language: english
Qualifications: willingness to work with the
local people, to share ideas, to take initiatives
concerning the organisation of the event.
Number of Volunteers: 8
2. Greece - SCI Hellas
Begin:June 30, 2008, End: July 13, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
The Reception Centre for Asylum Applicants of
Lavrio, is one of the nine centers in Greece,
where some 300 asylum seekers are hosted
(including family members and children) while
waiting for their application to be processed.
The Centre is run by the Greek Red Cross and
funded by the Greek State. Lavrio is a town
situated some 40 km south east of Athens.
Work: Activities with the families and especially
the children of the refugee centre.
Sensibilisations activities for the community.
Volunteers will work 5 days per week.
Study: History of Refugees, Conflict Resolution
Accommodation: In a hostel in rooms of six
outside the centre Extra info: Food will be
provided in the refugee centre
Number of Volunteers: 10
3. Greece - SCI Hellas
Begin:July 4, 2008, End: July 30, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
pateras mountain, near elefsina
The workcamp is organized with the Happy
Children – Happy Youth Camps a non-profit
volunteers organization with 70 years of action.
The volunteers will help the Camp staff in
hosting 140 very poor children from families
with financial and social problems. The camp is
situated in the Pateras mountain near the city of
Work: Cooking and cleaning, painting and
garden work. Optional and additional activities:
organizing and assisting in the activities with
Study: The volunteers will learn how our
organization provides social and educational
support to the children. They will also learn
things about Traditional Greek Shadow theatre,
handicrafts and other creative activities.
Accommodation: In tents provided by our
organization (own tents not necessary), access
to the shower, bring a sleeping bag. The
volunteers will spend the entire period at the
Language: English, Greek speakers are
welcome Terminal or region: Closest terminal is
Eleftherios Venizelos Airport of Athens in
Greece, but transport will be arranged from the
centre of Elefsina. Extra info: Medical tests (xray, blood test, Faeces microbiological
examination) are required for work in kitchen
under European Union and Greek Sanitary
clauses. No drugs, alcohol allowed.
Transportation to Elefsina or Athens will be
possible at free days. 18-35 years old
volunteers are welcome.
Number of Volunteers: 11
4. Greece - SCI Hellas
Begin:July 7, 2008, End: July 18, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
kallithea. lamia
The Reception Centre for Asylum Applicants of
Ano Kallithea, near Lamia is one of the nine
centers in Greece, where families of asylum
seekers are hosted while waiting for their
application to be processed. The Centre is run
by the Greek Red Cross and funded by the
Greek State. The centre is in a former camping
place for children and it is already outside of the
city in the mountains. The place is quite
isolated and there is no easy accessibility to the
town (there is only a bus twice a week). The
nearest village is Sperchiada which is half an
hour walking far from the Centre.
Work: Activities with the families and especially
the children of the refugees centre. To organize
short excursions, sport events and other
creative activities. Volunteers will work 5 work 5
days per week, 5-6 hours per day.
Study: History of refugees, Conflict Resolution
Accommodation: In tents. Bring a sleeping
bag with you. Extra info: Food will be provided
in the refugee centre
Number of Volunteers: 8
5. Greece - SCI Hellas
Begin:August 17, 2008, End: August 30, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
kafka rhodes
KAFKA is situated at Kolympia, Rhodes.
Rhodes is one of the most popular Greek
islands with a beautiful medieval town and a
very rich cultural heritage. KAFKA is a
residential centre for islanders who because of
disability or old age cannot take care of
themselves. As disability is still a stigma in rural
Greek communities, most KAFKA residents
have little, if any, contact with their families or
the outside world. Volunteers bring a breath of
fresh air in the institution, offer entertainment
and company to the residents and show to the
local community that people with disabilities are
not to be feared or avoided. This is the second
year that the camp is run. Last summer it was a
big success for residents, staff and volunteers
Work: Activities with the residents (swimming,
excursions, handicraft, beauty, helping with
feeding etc). But most importantly, just being
with them and showing that you care.
Language: English, Greek.
Accommodation: Rooms inside the institution.
Bed linen provided. Food: Provided by KAFKA,
we just have to do the dishes! Vegetarians are
Study: Presentation of the Greek health care
system, personal and societal attitudes to
disability and old age. Training: Approaching
people with disabilities (lifting, guiding, personal
care, relating).
Qualifications: Previous experience is not at
all necessary but friendliness, motivation and
respect for people are! Also, keep in mind that
things won’t always run on schedule so some
flexibility is needed. Please attach a short
motivation letter to your application. The camp
is open to all but volunteers over 25 are extra
welcome! MORE INFO: Please check
“Workcamps in Greece” on our webpage at
www.sci.gr to see the camp report of last year.
Number of Volunteers: 9
1. Hungary - SCI Hungary
Begin:July 6, 2008, End: July 15, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Tiszadob is a small village next to river Tisza, in
East Hungary, which is one of the most
deprived areas of the country. In the last
century an orphanage and a school were
founded nearby a 19th century castle. Its
inhabitants (14-24 years old) come from
socially disadvantaged background, mostly
from gypsy communities. They are very
enthusiastic to meet foreign vols since they
have never had the opportunity to travel far
from these dwellings.
Work: gardening, and common leisureintercultural activities with a group of young
Qualifications: Needs creativity, enthusiasm
and openness towards young inhabitants
Accommodation: in house
Number of Volunteers: 13
2. Hungary - SCI Hungary
Begin:July 19, 2008, End: August 2, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
The Foundation in Memory of Kinga Kovács is
an organization to foster intercultural dialogue,
and language learning for talented but
disadvantaged young people. They intend to
boost up the life of the village in cooperation
with the Social Center of Ágasegyháza. The
Social Center mainly takes care of elderly
people of the village and of the nearby farms
the international voluntary camp participants
will help them in their work. 3 Hungarian
volunteers will join the camp as well.
Work: Both social and physical: village site
reconstruction, helping around the houses of
elderly, organizing programs for youth
Accommodation: in houses
Number of Volunteers: 7
3. Hungary - SCI Hungary
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 3, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
This camp aims at restoring an old wind mill in
Pálmonostora, a small village in the vicinity of
Szeged, with organic materials like adobe and
pine tree wood in respectance the environment.
The mill belongs to a French organisation
called Vent d’Est who intends to preserve the
mill in its original shapes and transform it to a
living museum that is the witness of traditional,
local culture. In the workcamp there will be 4
additional French volunteers coming from Vent
Work: Traditional ways of construction,
physical work. Volunteers will help to restore
the planking of the mill on the first and second
floor and/or (depending on materials available)
do the external masonry of the mill.
Accommodation: Vols should be willing to live
among basic circumstances like sleeping in
tents, only cold water, outdoor toilet. The mill is
a bit far from the village and volunteers should
like staying in the nature. Tents are provided
but if you want to sleep alone you have to bring
your tent!
Study: Windmill building technology, visits to
nearby cities and events, carriage travel, bath,
meeting local people who also participate in the
works around the mill.
Language: English and French is an asset
Number of Volunteers: 4
4. Hungary - SCI Hungary
Begin:August 2, 2008, End: August 16, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Gálosfa is a small village in Southwestern
Hungary in a beautiful rural, hilly environment.
This area is typically an underpriviledged region
of Hungary with high rate of unemployment and
high risk of social problems. For the last 3 years
successful camps have helped develop the
local community’s life including reconstructional
works in the village and organizing youth and
children activities for the locals, who rarely have
holiday opportunities during the summer.
Throughout the years the villagers became very
enthusiastic about meeting foreigners.
Work: Both physical and social: reconstruction
work in the village’s community places and
sites and organizing activities for the
Qualifications: Needs creativity, enthusiasm
and openness towards young inhabitants
Accommodation: in tents, bathrooms, kitchen,
toilet, dining room provided
Language: English, some German knowledge
is useful but not necessary
Number of Volunteers: 10
5. Hungary - SCI Hungary
Begin:August 3, 2008, End: August 16, 2008
Topic: Environment
The historical city of Székesfehérvár is situated
half way between Lake Balaton and Budapest.
Gaja Environmental Foundation organizes a
summer camp for local children where they can
learn more about nature protection and helping
stray animals.
Work: Cleaning paths and painting information
boards in a protected part of the area. Taking
care of wild (stray) animals together with
children and handicapped people.
Study: Animal protection and peace education
Extra info: not suitable for people allergic to
Accommodation: in dorm or wooden house
Number of Volunteers: 7
6. Hungary - SCI Hungary
Begin:August 3, 2008, End: August 16, 2008
Topic: Environment
The Kiskunság National Park is in charge of
approximately 284,165 acres of protected area
situated in the the Danube-Tisza Interfluve
region. Every year the National Park organises
environmental camps for kids between the ages
of 10-14, where the kids learn about nature in a
playful way both in Hungarian and English.The
volunteers will help around this camp,
animating games with the children in the 1st
week, then in the 2nd week work will be with
local young volunteers doing rehabilitation in
the woods and fields with both plants and
Work: both social and physical, the camp
expects communicative and extroverted
volunteers who are willing to chat with children
Accommodation: in wooden house in the
nature on the territory of the National Park
Study: environmental issues, nature
Language: Good knowledge of English is
Extra info: not recommended for volunteers
with wild plants allergies
Number of Volunteers: 4
1. Iceland - SEEDS Iceland
Begin:May 24, 2008, End: June 7, 2008
Topic: Environment
Bíldudalur & Langibotn - Western Fjords
Bíldudalur is a small fishing town, at
Arnarfjörður and one of the communities of
Vesturbyggð, where the main trades are/were
fishing and fish processing. However, during
the last years and due to the introduction of the
quota system in the Icelandic fishing sector, the
town lost its share in the fishing amounts to be
caught, which has strongly hit the economy and
living situation in the area. Bíldudalur is in the
southern part of the Western fjords, famed for
its beautiful landscape and good weather. The
summers are often very warm and sunny with
gentle breezes, conditions which are hospitable
for fishing, swimming, hiking and a variety of
other activities. Langibotn in Geirþjófsfjörður is
one of the places where the story of Gísli
Súrsson took place, which is one of the most
famous Icelandic sagas. Although the saga is
only preserved whole in later manuscripts, it
was most likely written down in the early 13th
century with action occurring between 940-980
a.d. Gisli Sursson's Saga is a classic outlaw
saga that is centered on the internal struggles
of Gisli, the saga's protagonist, a 10th century
settler who ends up outlawed - that is, being
declared a person who could be legally killed by
anyone finding him - after he avenges the
death of his blood brother. Differing from the
typical Icelandic Saga, it uses the common
theme of vengeance to divide loyalties within
with family instead of strengthening familial
bonds. The vicinity offers a variety of interesting
places to explore and hiking and mountain
climbing are popular. The sheer beauty of the
region attracts people and tourism has started
to play an increasing role recently. The distance
from Reykjavik is 475 km (7 hours drive) by the
Whale Bay tunnel and it is perhaps one of
Iceland's most remote areas. The Western
Fjords are too often missed by visitors due to its
distance (real and perceived) from Route 1, the
circle road, and from other population centers.
They are a mass of fjords, mountains and
isolated villages on spits of lands surrounded
by water and mountains.
Work: We will be working on few projects,
building and maintaining hiking trails and
pathways in the area of Langibotn. Additional
tasks may include putting up signs and
descriptive information charts for the trails,
clearing old oil tanks from the abandoned farm
lands in Geirþjófsfjörður & depending on the
advance of the jobs, we may start removing a
stranded boat and take down its engine to be
sent to a museum.
Accommodation: In a local house; sleeping on
mattresses on the floor; bringing a warm
sleeping bag is recommended. Food
ingredients will be provided, volunteers will
share the duties of preparing and cooking
Language: English will be the official language
in the camp, high proficiency is not required.
Study: Environmental messenger in the
project. S/he will be in charge of delivering
ecological and global education messages to
both, International volunteers and local hosts.
S/he will arrange and organise few activities
that intend to raise awareness on environment
related topics.
Terminal/Region: Closest International Airport:
Keflavík (Reykjavík), KEF.
Extra info: Participation fee EUR 120,- .
Excursions in the area as boat trips and hikes
will be arranged for volunteers.
Number of Volunteers: 16
2. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:May 24, 2008, End: June 8, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Hafstraumar “The wave of the ocean” Music
and art festival in the Westfjords
This workcamp will give you the change to see
some of the most beautiful places in Iceland. It
will take place in two different areas of the
country. First we will work in the West of
Iceland for one week and than we will go to the
south for another week. In the West of Iceland
we will stay in Patreksfjörður, a small fishing
town, which bears the name of the fjord. The
town stands on slender sandpits and stretches
two km along the narrow northern shore of the
fjord. Nearness of rich fishing banks, and a
sheltered harbor, makes Patreksfjörður town
one of the main fishing ports in the region. It is
well situated for exploring the southern part of
the West fjords and the contrasting and
interesting sights the area has to offer. It is
close to the huge cliff Látrabjarg, which is more
than 14 km long (the largest in the North
Atlantic) which goes up to 448 m high and is
located in the western-most post of Iceland
(and Europe!!). One million birds; puffins,
guillemots, seagulls and alcas live in it. The
West Fjords are an ideal place for hikers and
nature lovers, in summer and winter alike. In
the South of Iceland we will stay in a village
called Hvolsvöllur which is situated 100 km
south-east of Reykjavík in the district
Rangárvallasýsla. It enjoys some of the finest
sceneries; surrounded by glaciers and on clear
days with a view to the southern seashore. Mt.
Hekla is undoubtedly the best-known landmark
on the grassy west of the lowlands. This very
active volcano still erupts frequently and had its
last eruption in spring 2000. The most famous
of the Icelandic Sagas; Njáls-Saga, has its
background in Hvolsvöllur and the fate of the
people in this thousand year old Saga still
causes heated discussions among the few
hundred local inhabitants.
Work: In Patreksfjörður we will help with the
preparation of the festival “Hafstraumar” which
is one of the most creative music and art
festivals in Iceland more info at
www.myspace.com/hafstraumar. The
organizers are young local people full of life
and energy. There are many young bands
playing and also others which are getting more
known here in Iceland and abroad. There will
also be a painting and sculpture group which
will work on the theme of recycled materials to
produce artwork to present at the festivals. We
will be actively involved in all tasks before and
during the festival. In Patreksfjörður we will also
participate in the Seaman Day which is one of
the traditional festivals in Iceland. In Hvolsvöllur
we will plant trees, help the locals to clean and
beautify the area after the winter time and do
other tasks related to the environment.
Accommodation: In community centers.
Participants are asked to bring their sleeping
Extra info: Participation fee: € 90. Free access
to swimming pools and hot pots, Excursions will
be organized by the locals. If the volunteers
want to arrive earlier than we can arrange one
week work/stay in a farm in the Westfjords. In
the middle of May all the little lambs are getting
born and the farmers need more people to
welcome them and to prevent that they will be
attacked by bigger animals and birds. If you
want to participate in this, than the farmer will
arrange the travel for you from Reykjavik to the
Number of Volunteers: 8
3. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:May 27, 2008, End: June 23, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Viking festival Hafnarfjörður
Hafnarfjörður is a town with the populations of
23.500 people. It is located 10 km away from
the capital, Reykjavík. Hafnarfjördur is famous
for having one of Iceland’s largest settlements
of elves, dwarves and other mystical beings,
which are usually called ‘Hidden Folk.’
Centuries-old folklore has it that whole clans of
such beings reside in the rocks that make up
part of the town’s centre. We do not doubt this
at all. Though elves are visible only to those
with second sight, a great many Icelanders
believe in their existence. Indeed, there is much
evidence to support this belief, as stories
abound of instances where new roads or
housing developments were under construction
and strange happenings took place. Hidden
Folk enjoy a certain regard, and nowhere more
so than in Hafnarfjördur. There is even a
Hidden Worlds tour that takes you to their home
sites, stopping at places like Hellisgerdi Park
and the base of the cliff Hamarinn, which is said
to be home to the Royal Family of the Hidden
Folk. More info
http://www.hafnarfjordur.is/english/ In
Hafnarfjörður there is a small Viking village
were the workcamp will take place. During the
annual Viking Festival modern-day Icelanders
and Vikings from abroad celebrate their
heritage with appropriate style. The Vikings'
wild and adventurous spirit lives on today, in
the people of this unique country. The event is
a lot of fun; there are displays of ancient arts
and crafts, and large gruff men in full Viking
attire demonstrate their ancient battle skills to
anyone brave enough to challenge them. More
info http://www.fjorukrain.is/fjorukrain/en/
Work: The volunteers will help with the
preparation of the festival, the festival itself and
after it has finished. During the festival all
volunteers will receive Viking costumes to wear
and perform different tasks. Different types of
tasks will be performed as control at the
venues, assistance to visitors, and help the
other Viking volunteers in the kitchen or serving
the meals. The festival will start on June 13th
and last until June 17th. Apart from our WF
Vikings there will be around 120 more Viking
volunteers coming from all around the world! A
big collection of artists will be at the Festival:
warriors, bowmen, wrestlers, woodcarvers,
stonemasons, blacksmiths, storytellers and
enchantresses, musicians and magicians. The
working hours are not completely fixed and they
will be flexible according to the busy and
relaxed hours of the festival.
Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in a
local community center with the other Vikings,
sleeping on mattresses on the floor. After the
festival the volunteers will be hosted in a house
near to the area. Don’t forget to bring a warm
sleeping bag
Food: The volunteers will have all the meals
provided and cooked by our hosts in the Viking
Language: English is the language in the
camp, but high level is not required.
Location: Hafnarfjörður in the south of Iceland
Study: The Saga of the Vikings
Terminal/Region: Intl. Airport: Keflavík
(Reykjavík), KEF. – distance from the airport 35
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 120,Leisure time: Excursions and free time activities
will be arranged for volunteers. The volunteers
will have a free access to the local swimming
Number of Volunteers: 8
4. Iceland - SEEDS Iceland
Begin:May 30, 2008, End: June 13, 2008
Topic: Environment
Þórshöfn & Langanes Peninsula
Þórshöfn* is a busy little town at the base of the
Langanes Peninsula in the North-East of
Iceland, located at the Þistilfjörður. The entire
district has 479 Inhabitants (31.12.07) and they
base their livelihood on fishing, fish processing
and commerce serving the surrounding rural
farming area. It is the best place in Iceland to
experience what it is like to live in an isolated
village almost 100 km from the next village.
Around 400 people live in the village itself and
the distance from the capital is 629 km by the
Whale Bay tunnel. The Langanes peninsula is
the last word in Icelandic remoteness and it
narrows like a spear point toward northeast and
its fowling cliffs have been and still are a means
of sustenance for those, who live there.
Nowadays, the area is very sparsely populated.
Most farms have been abandoned. Some of the
remaining farmers tend the breeding colonies of
the eiders and collect their down, clean it and
sell at high prices. Nature lovers often spend
days on end at the densely populated bird cliffs
watching gannets, puffins, guillemots,
brunnich's guillemots, black guillemots,
razorbills, kittiwakes, fulmars etc. One of the
best places for the observation of the gannets
is Cliff Storikarl off the bird cliff Skoruvikurbjarg.
Other bird species colonise different parts of
the peninsula, such as the arctic terns near the
farm Ytra-Lon.
Work: The county administration of the
Langanes district will be our host and we will be
working on environmental related matters. We
will be mainly working on reforestation tasks;
planting trees will be the main job while others
may include follow up on survival and growth of
trees planted in the past. Additional task,
depending on advance of the reforestation
project, will be cleaning up the coastline in the
area, as one of the biggest pollution issues in
the area is the litter brought to the shore due to
sea currents that even bring timber as far as
from Siberia.
Accommodation: We will be lodged in the
local sports centre, sleeping on mattresses on
the floor. Therefore a warm sleeping bag is
highly suggested. Within the facilities of the
centre we will have a kitchen to cater ourselves.
Food will be provided and meals will be then
prepared by volunteers. We have access to the
nearby local swimming pool and sport centre
with top-quality facilities.
Language: English will be the official language
in the camp, but high proficiency is not a
Study: Environmental messenger in the
project. S/he will be in charge of delivering
ecological and global education messages to
both, International volunteers and local hosts.
S/he arranges and organises few activities that
intend to raise awareness on environment
related topics.
Terminal/Region: Closest International
Airports: Keflavík (Reykjavík), KEF and
Akureyri (AEY).
Extra info: Participation fee EUR 100,-. Free
entrance to the local modern swimming pool,
sports centre facilities. Excursions will be
arranged by the local contacts. *The name
Þórshöfn is the harbor of Þór. Þór is the
thunder god. His wife's name is Sif. Þór is the
son of Odin the most powerful god. Odin's
horse Sleipnir put one of its eight feet down in
Ásbyrgi, hence the horseshoe shape. It is a
must to visit the ponds in Ásbyrgi on your way
to Dettifoss.
Number of Volunteers: 8
5. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:June 1, 2008, End: June 15, 2008
Topic: Environment
Neskaupstaður is a medium sized town by
Icelandic standards, has the largest population
(1.420 inh.) of any of the towns in the East
Fjords, is almost completely self-sufficient and
has grown and prospered since the early
1900's, thanks to the fishing industry. Its
remoteness has led to a necessary selfsufficiency, including the town having its own
bakery, dairy, supermarkets, banks, post office,
school, sports hall, swimming pool, church,
hospital, harbour, airstrip, hotel, jazz club,
rescue centre, etc. In fact, it seems to have all
the services you would expect in a larger town
except an optician! To the east of the town,
facing the ocean, there is a nature reserve and
recreational area. The lower section of it, called
Hagi, is the location of the renowned
Páskahellir (Easter Cave), which is essentially
a rock vault over the shore. Holes left by thick,
10-12-million-year-old tree trunks may be seen
inside the vault and, as is typical in Iceland,
there are various folk tales associated with the
cave. Neskaupstaður is only reachable after
driving through a one-way tunnel. “Fjarðabyggð
is a association of different communities in the
Eastfjords of Iceland. It includes the towns of
Eskifjörður, Fáskrúðsfjörður, Mjóifjörður,
Neskaupstaður, Reyðarfjörður and
Stöðvarfjörður. The towns have a lot of things in
common: They are all small fishing villages with
steep mountains just behind the houses. In this
area you will find most of the things that makes
Iceland a unique place on a global scale. The
fjords are magnificent and the sea is full of life,
the birdlife is very rich and you can find a great
variety of hiking paths. You will get to know the
area during your stay in the east and it depends
on the tasks and the situation in Fjarðabyggð
where you will be working during the camp.
Work: Most of the work will be cleaning and
beautifying the towns and the surrounding area.
We will also clean the coastline, plant some
trees and even make hiking paths. The work
available will depend on the weather condition
and that’s why we have to be a bit flexible.
Please keep in mind that the work might be
physically hard and you should be prepared for
unfriendly weather, even though it will be nice
most of the time, hopefully.
Accommodation: In a community center.
Mattresses will be provided and everyone is
asked to bring his/her own warm sleeping bag.
We will have showers at the local swimming
pool and sports centre.
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: The language of the camp will be
Location: Neskaupstaður in Fjarðabyggð. East
of Iceland.
Terminal/Region: Intl. Airport: Keflavík
(Reykjavík), KEF. WF Iceland will organize a
bus from Reykjavik to the workcamp site for a
fair prize. Egilsstaðir airport is 40 km away from
the project EXtra: Free access to the local
swimming pool, great places for hiking.
Excursion or a boat trip will be organized by the
hosting partner.
Number of Volunteers: 10
6. Iceland - SEEDS Iceland
Begin:June 2, 2008, End: June 16, 2008
Topic: Environment
Garður - Reykjanes Peninsula
Garður is located in the south-west of Iceland,
on the Reykjanes peninsula and its population
amounts 1451. This region of Garðskagatá is
unsheltered by any mountains and the view
across the water is panoramic and of great
beauty. The old lighthouse in Garðskagatá was
built in 1897 and has served more than
fishermen and sailors, as it has been a popular
bird watching hideout for many years. In the
spring, many thousands of migrating birds
settle in the south and west of the area to rest
for a few days before spreading out all over the
country. The old fishing grounds just outside
the shore were the reason the settlement here
came to be. Many people are surprised to find
the clearest evidence of agriculture in Iceland
here. This garden is what gave the county its
local name of Garður. Reykjanes (or
Reykjanesskagi) is a peninsula and a volcanic
system situated at the south-western end of
Iceland, near the capital of Reykjavík. The
peninsula is marked by active volcanism under
its surface, and large lava fields, allowing little
vegetation. There are numerous hot springs
and sulphur springs in the southern half of the
peninsula, around the Kleifarvatn lake and the
Krýsuvík geothermal area. There is also a
geothermal power station at Svartsengi. Near
the power station a swimming pool has been
installed using the hot and mineralized water
coming down from the power station; it is
known as the "Blue Lagoon" (Bláa Lónið).
Work: Volunteers will be living and working at
the Garður community in the south-west of
Iceland. The town of Garður celebrates its
100th anniversary this year, on June 15th and
SEEDS volunteers will be a crucial part of
diverse types of jobs prior to the celebrations
on the weekend and the happenings during the
festivities. Volunteers will be performing
different types of tasks during the 2 weeks and
some of them include laying down grass
surfaces, cleaning up the public areas and
coastline, planting trees and flowers,
maintaining some of the trails along the shore
and general preparations for the celebrations.
Depending on the advance of the projects,
volunteers may have other possible tasks as
putting up of signs in noteworthy places; as
works on common and green recreational
areas, gardening and painting works, etc.
Accommodation: Volunteers will be lodged in
a local house, sleeping on mattresses on the
floor; a warm sleeping bag is suggested. If
wished, some volunteers may stay in tents.
Food ingredients will be provided and
volunteers will share common duties as cooking
the meals, among others. The house has a well
equipped kitchen and basic facilities, except for
showers, which are located in the sports centre
nearby. Access to the swimming pool is free of
charge for SEEDS volunteers.
Language: English will be the official language
in the camp; high proficiency is not a
Study: Environmental messenger in the
project. S/he will be in charge of delivering
ecological and global education messages to
both, International volunteers and local hosts.
S/he will arrange and organise few activities
that intend to raise awareness on environment
related topics.
Terminal/Region: Closest International Airport:
Keflavík (Reykjavík), KEF.
Extra info: Participation fee EUR 80,- .
Excursions and free time activities in the area
will be arranged for the volunteers.
Number of Volunteers: 15
7. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:June 5, 2008, End: June 19, 2008
Topic: Environment
The village of the hot springs - Hveragerði
Hveragerði is a small town of about 1,700
inhabitants that lies some 45 km east of
Reykjavík. This friendly little community sits on
top of a highly active geothermal field, providing
heat of hundreds of greenhouses where fruit,
flowers and vegetables are produced
throughout the year, you can even find
bananas growing in thise houses. The name
Hveragerði means ‘hot springs garden’.
Geothermal energy is Hveragerði’s lifeblood,
and it would be difficult to find such a natural
wonder in the middle of a populated area
anywhere else in the world. Very interesting is
Gufudalur, the lovely ‘Steam Valley’ behind the
town. The whole valley explodes with hot
springs, geysers, mud pots, fumaroles and
steaming vents. More info
Work: Fixing walking paths, cleaning and
beautifying the hot spring area in the middle of
the village. Planting trees.
Accommodation: In the local theatre on
mattresses on the floor, participants are asked
to bring a sleeping bag.
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: The language of the work camp is
Location: Hveragerði in the south of Iceland
Terminal/Region: Intl. Airport: Keflavík
(Reykjavík), KEF. Distance from the airport 80
Extra info: Leisure time: Free access to the
local swimming pool. Guided hikes with locals.
Number of Volunteers: 10
8. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:June 5, 2008, End: June 19, 2008
Topic: Environment
Vík í Mýrdal
Vík in Mýrdalur is Iceland's most southerly
village, bordered by the glacial river Jökulsá to
the west and the river Blautakvísl to the east.
It’s northern border is the Mýrdalsjökull glacier,
which caps the volcanic Mt. Katla, while its
southern limits are black sands and the rolling
Atlantic waves. The district lives mainly by
agriculture. Although this community of 600
inhabitants faces the open Atlantic, Vík is the
only seaside settlement in Iceland left without a
harbour due to natural circumstances. The
natural beauty of the area is spectacular. Just
east of the village's outskirts lies one of
Europe's biggest arctic tern breeding grounds.
South of Vík is a beautiful beach, which an
international Magazine named one of the
world's ten best island beaches in 1991. A short
hike within the close vicinity of Vík is sure to
satisfy all serious nature lovers and bird
watchers. Vík and its surroundings is one of the
main bird life areas in Iceland. More info
Work: construct walking and hiking paths,
clean the coastline, take down old fences in the
surroundings of the town. The study theme of
the camp is “The hidden people, alfs and trolls”
Accommodation: in a house owned by the
local community on mattresses on the floor,
participants are asked to bring a sleeping bag.
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: the language of the work camp is
Location: Vík í Mýrdal. South of Iceland.
Terminal/Region: Intl. Airport: Keflavík
(Reykjavík), KEF. Distance from the airport 200
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 60,Leisure time: Free access to the local
swimming pool, good places for hiking.
Excursions will be organized by the hosting
Number of Volunteers: 10
9. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:June 9, 2008, End: June 23, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Viking festival Hafnarfjörður
Hafnarfjörður is a town with the populations of
23.500 people. It is located 10 km away from
the capital, Reykjavík. Hafnarfjördur is famous
for having one of Iceland’s largest settlements
of elves, dwarves and other mystical beings,
which are usually called ‘Hidden Folk.’
Centuries-old folklore has it that whole clans of
such beings reside in the rocks that make up
part of the town’s centre. We do not doubt this
at all. Though elves are visible only to those
with second sight, a great many Icelanders
believe in their existence. Indeed, there is much
evidence to support this belief, as stories
abound of instances where new roads or
housing developments were under construction
and strange happenings took place. Hidden
Folk enjoy a certain regard, and nowhere more
so than in Hafnarfjördur. There is even a
Hidden Worlds tour that takes you to their home
sites, stopping at places like Hellisgerdi Park
and the base of the cliff Hamarinn, which is said
to be home to the Royal Family of the Hidden
Folk. More info
http://www.hafnarfjordur.is/english/ In
Hafnarfjörður there is a small Viking village
were the workcamp will take place. During the
annual Viking Festival modern-day Icelanders
and Vikings from abroad celebrate their
heritage with appropriate style. The Vikings\'
wild and adventurous spirit lives on today, in
the people of this unique country. The event is
a lot of fun; there are displays of ancient arts
and crafts, and large gruff men in full Viking
attire demonstrate their ancient battle skills to
anyone brave enough to challenge them. More
info http://www.fjorukrain.is/fjorukrain/en/
Work: The volunteers will help with the
preparation of the festival, the festival itself and
after it has finished. During the festival all
volunteers will receive Viking costumes to wear
and perform different tasks. Different types of
tasks will be performed as control at the
venues, assistance to visitors, and help the
other Viking volunteers in the kitchen or serving
the meals. The festival will start on June 13th
and last until June 17th. Apart from our WF
Vikings there will be around 120 more Viking
volunteers coming from all around the world! A
big collection of artists will be at the Festival:
warriors, bowmen, wrestlers, woodcarvers,
stonemasons, blacksmiths, storytellers and
enchantresses, musicians and magicians. The
working hours are not completely fixed and they
will be flexible according to the busy and
relaxed hours of the festival.
Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in a
local community center with the other Vikings,
sleeping on mattresses on the floor. After the
festival the volunteers will be hosted in a house
near to the area. Don’t forget to bring a warm
sleeping bag
Food: The volunteers will have all the meals
provided and cooked by our hosts in the Viking
Language: English is the language in the
camp, but high level is not required.
Location: Hafnarfjörður in the south of Iceland
Study: The Saga of the Vikings
Terminal/Region: Intl. Airport: Keflavík
(Reykjavík), KEF. – distance from the airport 35
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 120,Leisure time: Excursions and free time activities
will be arranged for volunteers. The volunteers
will have a free access to the local swimming
Number of Volunteers: 8
10. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:June 13, 2008, End: June 27, 2008
Topic: Environment
Eskifjörður is a major fishing town (population:
972) and an export harbour with direct sailing to
Europe, which is located at the northern shore
of the fjord Eskifjörður. Itis built on a small sand
spit and up the slopes of the mountain which
rises above the town.Its main industries are
fishing and small-scale farming. Eskifjörður
became an authorized trade port in 1786 and
has been a commercial center since 1798. One
of the several shops in Eskifjörður, Gamlabúð,
built in 1816, houses the Maritime Museum Of
East Iceland. Eskifjörður town faces the
mountain Hólmatindur, from the top of which
you can view some of the tallest mountains in
the Icelandic interior. One of the favored sights
in the area is the Helgustaðanáman mine,
which is one of the world’s best-known sources
of Icelandic spar. The area, which is just a tenminute drive from the town, is a nature reserve
and open to all, free of charge. A swimming
pool with hot pots (geothermal pools) and a
sauna is located in Eskifjörður, as well as a
gallery and crafts shop. “Fjarðabyggð is a
association of different communities in the
Eastfjords of Iceland. It includes the towns of
Eskifjörður, Fáskrúðsfjörður, Mjóifjörður,
Neskaupstaður, Reyðarfjörður and
Stöðvarfjörður. The towns have a lot of things in
common: They are all small fishing villages with
steep mountains just behind the houses. In this
area you will find most of the things that makes
Iceland a unique place on a global scale. The
fjords are magnificent and the sea is full of life,
the birdlife is very rich and you can find a great
variety of hiking paths. You will get to know the
area during your stay in the east and it depends
on the tasks and the situation in Fjarðabyggð
where you will be working during the camp.
Work: Most of the work will be cleaning and
beautifying the towns and the surrounding area.
We will also clean the coastline, plant some
trees and even make hiking paths. The work
available will depend on the weather condition
and that’s why we have to be a bit flexible.
Please keep in mind that the work might be
physically hard and you should be prepared for
unfriendly weather, even though it will be nice
most of the time, hopefully.
Accommodation: We will be staying in a nice
community center. Mattresses will be provided
and everyone is asked to bring his/her own
warm sleeping bag. We will have showers at
the local swimming pool and sports centre.
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: The language of the camp will be
Location: Eskifjörður in Fjarðabyggð. East of
Terminal/Region: Intl. Airport: Keflavík
(Reykjavík), KEF. WF Iceland will organize a
bus from Reykjavik to the workcamp site for a
fair prize. Egilsstaðir airport is 40 km away from
the project
Extra info: Free access to the local swimming
pool, guided hikes with locals. Excursions will
be organized by the hosting partner.
Number of Volunteers: 10
11. Iceland - SEEDS Iceland
Begin:June 19, 2008, End: July 3, 2008
Topic: Environment
Island of Viðey: History, Nature & Art
Viðey is the largest island of the Kollafjord Bay
(1,7 km²). It is divided by a short isthmus and
the western part is called The West Island
(Vesturey). The large part, with the church and
Viðeyjarstofa (Viðey House), is called The
Home Island (Heimaey) and the southeastern
part is called The East Island (Austurey). The
island of volcanic origins was formed about 2
million years ago; several spots on the island
depict beautiful basaltic columns, while it is well
vegetated and boggy in places. At least 30
species of breeding birds have been counted &
archaeological excavations have disclosed the
fact, that the island was inhabited already in the
10th century. In the 12th century a church was
built and in 1225 a monastery was established,
a centre for pilgrimage in the Middle Ages until
it was abolished in 1539 after the reformation
had started in Iceland. Viðeyjarstofa was built in
1755 as the first construction made of stone
and cement in the country. The island became
the seat of the first Icelandic treasurer and later
the first sub-governor, Mr Skuli Magnusson. In
the beginning of the 20th century the country's
first harbour for ocean going vessels was built
on its eastern part and a hamlet developed
there. The last inhabitant left it in 1943, when
the harbour of Reykjavik had taken over. There
are hiking and cycling paths around the island
and there is no motor traffic allowed. It also
inhabits art work, amongst them all nine pairs of
basalt pillars that comprise Richard Serra's
work Áfangar and Yoko Ono's peace column.
Viðeyjarnaust, at the southwest of the island, is
a memorial to the twenty men who lost their
lives when the cutter Ingvar sank off Viðey in
1906. Dramatic formations of columnar basalt
may be seen on the shore.
Work: Most of the project will be dedicated to
coastline cleaning up actions. We may have
other possible tasks as maintenance and
marking of hiking paths or bicycle trails, help in
summer events, putting up of signs in
noteworthy places; as works on common and
green recreational areas, gardening and
painting works, etc.
Accommodation: Lodged in a local house,
sleeping on mattresses on the floor; a warm
sleeping bag is suggested. If wished, some
volunteers may stay in tents. Food ingredients
will be provided and volunteers will share
common duties as cooking the meals, among
Language: English will be the official language
in the camp; high proficiency is not a
Study: Environmental messenger in the
project. S/he will be in charge of delivering
ecological and global education messages to
both, International volunteers and local hosts;
organising few activities on topics related to
environment, nature protection and
Terminal/Region: Closest International Airport:
Keflavík (Reykjavík), KEF. Closest bus terminal
in Reykjavík.
Extra info: Participation fee EUR 150,- .
Excursions (as whale watching tours) and free
time activities in the area will be arranged for
the volunteers. Volunteers will have free rides
in the boat/ferry to the city of Reykjavík during
their free time. * Viðey, the name of the island
is translated into English as Wood Island. For
information on Reykjavík please see the
description of our project IS - SEEDS 9.4. RIFF.
Reykjavík International Film Festival.
Number of Volunteers: 12
12. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:June 22, 2008, End: July 6, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Skessuhellir – the cave of the trolls
This workcamp will take place in Reykjanesbær
which is a major center of fishing and fish
processing, although in recent years tourism
has played an increasingly important role in the
local economy. Reykjanes has something for
everyone. Steeped in a rich vein of history,
folklore and tradition, the region is also home to
some of the world's greatest geological
wonders, including the Reykjanes Ridge,
meeting place of the Eurasian and American
continental plates. Teeming with a wealth of
bird and marine life whose habitats lie amid
some of Icelands most spectacular coastal
scenery, Reykjanes is the natural choice for all
lovers of the outdoors. In this town the
authorities are very open for new ideas, for
example here you can find the former NATO
base which is now becoming a University
village and a centre of art and film making.
More info http://www.reykjanes.is/english/ The
authorities are now planning to build “a home
for Trolls” near to the port of the town, close to
the center. Like elves, trolls are also part of the
ancient heritage of the Scandinavian
mythology. Although they are human-like in
form, they are still inhumanly strong, huge and
ugly. They are very often thought to be
fearsome and cruel creatures. But, like elves,
trolls often treat people as they are treated and
they return favors for favors, exerting
vengeance if harmed. Trolls live in mountains,
caves and cliffs, especially bird cliffs. Like
humans, they live together socially. They fish,
cultivate land and keep animals. They are also
very good at handicrafts and hold feasts.
Work: There is an very well known art group
here in Iceland called Nordan Bál that have
been doing all kind of art and performances in
Iceland. This group will do the construction of
the Cave (home) of the Trolls and also make
the furniture and other things that they need for
their daily life. Everything will be oversized so it
will fit the big creatures. We will help the art
group to build the home and we will also do
some environmental work in the area around
the place. Please notice that we will work with
heavy things so the work can be physically hard
Leisure time: Free access to the local
swimming pool. Excursions will be organized by
the locals.
Accommodation: in a house owned by the
local community, participants are asked to bring
a sleeping bag.
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: the language of the work camp is
Location: Reykjanesbær – south of Iceland.
Terminal/Region: Reykjavík – Keflavík Int.
Airport is only 10 minutes away from the town.
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 80,Number of Volunteers: 8
Viking life in Hafnarfjörður
Hafnarfjörður is a town with the populations of
23.500 people. It is located 10 km away from
the capital, Reykjavík. Hafnarfjördur is famous
for having one of Iceland’s largest settlements
of elves, dwarves and other mystical beings,
which are usually called ‘Hidden Folk.’
Centuries-old folklore has it that whole clans of
such beings reside in the rocks that make up
part of the town’s centre. We do not doubt this
at all. Though elves are visible only to those
with second sight, a great many Icelanders
believe in their existence. Indeed, there is much
evidence to support this belief, as stories
abound of instances where new roads or
housing developments were under construction
and strange happenings took place. Hidden
Folk enjoy a certain regard, and nowhere more
so than in Hafnarfjördur. There is even a
Hidden Worlds tour that takes you to their home
sites, stopping at places like Hellisgerdi Park
and the base of the cliff Hamarinn, which is said
to be home to the Royal Family of the Hidden
Folk. Along the way, the guide relates ancient
folk tales of the magical hidden worlds and
describes how the town grew and developed in
harmony with the Hidden Folk. More info
http://www.hafnarfjordur.is/english/ The Vikings
settled Iceland around 874 AD and the
Icelanders are very proud of those brave
people who had the courage to start a life here
in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. In
Hafnarfjörður there is a small Viking village
were the workcamp will take place. Icelanders
and Vikings from abroad celebrate their
heritage with appropriate style. The Vikings'
wild and adventurous spirit lives on today, in
the people of this unique country. In the village
there is a lot of fun; there are displays of
ancient arts and crafts, and large gruff men in
full Viking attire demonstrate their ancient battle
skills to anyone brave enough to challenge
them. More info
Work: The volunteers will work in the Viking
village most of the time but they will also help
the local community with some environmental
tasks. While working in the Viking village the
volunteers will receive Viking costumes to wear
and perform different tasks. They will give
assistance to visitors, and help the other Viking
volunteers in the kitchen, serving meals or
cleaning the area. They will also have the
opportunity to make paintings, sculptures or
other peaces of art and sell them in the
shopping street in the village. This camp is
really perfect for people with art skills.
Accommodation: In a house near to the
center of Hafnarfjörður, sleeping on mattresses
on the floor. Don’t forget to bring a warm
sleeping bag
Food: The volunteers will have all the meals
provided and cooked by our hosts in the Viking
Language: English is the language in the
camp, but high level is not required.
Location: Hafnarfjörður in the south of Iceland
Study: The Saga of the Vikings
Terminal/Region: Intl. Airport: Keflavík
(Reykjavík), KEF. Distance from the airport 35
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 120,Leisure time: Excursions and free time activities
will be arranged for volunteers. The volunteers
will have a free access to the local swimming
Number of Volunteers: 8
13. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:June 24, 2008, End: July 8, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
14. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:June 25, 2008, End: July 9, 2008
Topic: Environment
Neskaupstaður is a medium sized town by
Icelandic standards, has the largest population
(1.420 inh.) of any of the towns in the East
Fjords, is almost completely self-sufficient and
has grown and prospered since the early
1900's, thanks to the fishing industry. Its
remoteness has led to a necessary selfsufficiency, including the town having its own
bakery, dairy, supermarkets, banks, post office,
school, sports hall, swimming pool, church,
hospital, harbour, airstrip, hotel, jazz club,
rescue centre, etc. In fact, it seems to have all
the services you would expect in a larger town
except an optician! To the east of the town,
facing the ocean, there is a nature reserve and
recreational area. The lower section of it, called
Hagi, is the location of the renowned
Páskahellir (Easter Cave), which is essentially
a rock vault over the shore. Holes left by thick,
10-12-million-year-old tree trunks may be seen
inside the vault and, as is typical in Iceland,
there are various folk tales associated with the
cave. Neskaupstaður is only reachable after
driving through a one-way tunnel. “Fjarðabyggð
is a association of different communities in the
Eastfjords of Iceland. It includes the towns of
Eskifjörður, Fáskrúðsfjörður, Mjóifjörður,
Neskaupstaður, Reyðarfjörður and
Stöðvarfjörður. The towns have a lot of things in
common: They are all small fishing villages with
steep mountains just behind the houses. In this
area you will find most of the things that makes
Iceland a unique place on a global scale. The
fjords are magnificent and the sea is full of life,
the birdlife is very rich and you can find a great
variety of hiking paths. You will get to know the
area during your stay in the east and it depends
on the tasks and the situation in Fjarðabyggð
where you will be working during the camp.
Work: Most of the work will be cleaning and
beautifying the towns and the surrounding area.
We will also clean the coastline, plant some
trees and even make hiking paths. The work
available will depend on the weather condition
and that’s why we have to be a bit flexible.
Please keep in mind that the work might be
physically hard and you should be prepared for
unfriendly weather, even though it will be nice
most of the time, hopefully.
Accommodation: In a community center.
Mattresses will be provided and everyone is
asked to bring his/her own warm sleeping bag.
We will have showers at the local swimming
pool and sports centre.
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: The language of the camp will be
Location: Neskaupstaður in Fjarðabyggð. East
of Iceland.
Terminal/Region: Intl. Airport: Keflavík
(Reykjavík), KEF. WF Iceland will organize a
bus from Reykjavik to the workcamp site for a
fair prize. Egilsstaðir airport is 40 km away from
the project Leisure time: Free access to the
local swimming pool, great places for hiking.
Excursion or a boat trip will be organized by the
hosting partner.
Extra info:
Number of Volunteers: 10
15. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:June 25, 2008, End: July 9, 2008
Topic: Environment
Akureyri the capital of the North
Akureyri is situated in north-east Iceland, in one
of the longest fjords in the country and is
surrounded by mountains reaching 1000-1500
m. The Arctic Circle in only 60 km north of
Akureyri but still the climate is mild, with
summer temperatures up to 25°C and winter
temperatures in average around 0˚C. Akureyri
is the second largest urban area after the
capital area of Reykjavík, with a population of
about 17200. Akureyri is the centre of trade and
services in northern Iceland. It is also a town of
culture and education, building on a firm
foundation. Akureyri is a popular tourist
destination for short or long visits. The town
offers a wide range of activities and interesting
places e.g. notable museums, the world's most
northerly botanic garden, one of Iceland’s most
popular swimming facilities, the best skiing area
in the country, good hiking trails and free city
bus. The town is also a good base for many of
Iceland’s most beautiful natural wonders as
waterfalls, volcanic areas and canyons as well
as exciting activities as river rafting, hiking,
fishing, whale watching and horse riding.
Work: Build and maintain hiking paths,
cleaning the coastline.
Accommodation: In the local school on
mattresses on the floor, participants are asked
to bring a sleeping bag.
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: The language of the work camp is
Location: Akureyri.
Terminal/Region: Reykjavík - Keflavík. WF
Iceland will organize a bus from Reykjavik to
the camp site for a fair prize.
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 60,Leisure time: Free access to the local
swimming pool. Excursions will be organized by
the hosting partner.
Number of Volunteers: 10
16. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:June 30, 2008, End: July 14, 2008
Topic: Environment
Fáskrúðsfjörður / Stöðvarfjörður
Fáskrúðsfjörður was the main port for French
fishermen in the 1900s in East Iceland both
prior to and well after the turn of the century. At
Fáskrúðsfjörður there was a French consul, a
French hospital and a French chapel. The
street names are still in Icelandic and in French.
Sandfell mountain very near to Fáskrúdsfjörður
is a cone-shaped, rhyolite mountain on the
south side of the fjord, rising to a height of 743
meters. When molten rhyolite lifts older layers
of lava, so-called laccolith is formed. Sandfell,
about 600 m thick, is a famous example of this
and is in fact one of the best visible examples
of the Tertiary period in the northern
hemisphere. A hike to the top of Sandfell is
extremely enjoyable and takes 2-3 hours.
Skrúður is a grassy but rockbound island east
of Fáskrúðsfjörður. It has an abundance of bird
life, including puffins, kittiwakes, various black
birds from the Alcidae family, gannets, storm
petrels and Leach’s petrels. Skrúðshellir cave
at Skrúður is the largest "puffin cave" in the
world. “Fjarðabyggð is a association of different
communities in the Eastfjords of Iceland. It
includes the towns of Eskifjörður,
Fáskrúðsfjörður, Mjóifjörður, Neskaupstaður,
Reyðarfjörður and Stöðvarfjörður. The towns
have a lot of things in common: They are all
small fishing villages with steep mountains just
behind the houses. In this area you will find
most of the things that makes Iceland a unique
place on a global scale. The fjords are
magnificent and the sea is full of life, the birdlife
is very rich and you can find a great variety of
hiking paths. You will get to know the area
during your stay in the east and it depends on
the tasks and the situation in Fjarðabyggð
where you will be working during the camp.
Work: Most of the work will be cleaning and
beautifying the towns and the surrounding area.
We will also clean the coastline, plant some
trees and even make hiking paths. The work
available will depend on the weather condition
and that’s why we have to be a bit flexible.
Please keep in mind that the work might be
physically hard and you should be prepared for
unfriendly weather, even though it will be nice
most of the time, hopefully.
Accommodation: We will be staying in the
local school. Mattresses will be provided and
everyone is asked to bring his/her own warm
sleeping bag. We will have showers at the local
swimming pool and sports centre.
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: The language of the camp will be
Location: Fáskrúðsfjörður / Stöðvarfjörður in
Fjarðabyggð. East of Iceland.
Terminal/Region: Intl. Airport: Keflavík
(Reykjavík), KEF. WF Iceland will organize a
bus from Reykjavik to the workcamp site for a
fair prize. Egilsstaðir airport is 60 km away from
the project
Extra info: Leisure time: Free access to the
local swimming pool, guided hikes with locals.
Excursions will be organized by the hosting
Number of Volunteers: 10
17. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:July 1, 2008, End: July 15, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
International folksong festival in
Siglufjördur is the northernmost town in Iceland,
located at the foot of towering mountains on the
shore of a small fjord bearing the same name.
Fishing and the processing of marine products
provide the principal source of employment for
the town's 1,600 residents, as the settlement
has developed around one of the country's best
natural harbours. The historic architecture, the
colourful rooftops of the upper town, the
harbour and inspiring backdrop are all postcard
material on a fine day. There is plenty of variety
in the life of the town, which includes many
sorts of social and cultural activities. Both the
church and music school are centres for
musical activities, and sports are very popular.
Furthermore, the splendour of the mountains
and natural beauty are practically an invitation
to everyone. More info www.siglo.is
Work: Planting trees, cleaning the coastline,
making hiking paths. Give a helping hand with
the preparation and the running of the
International folksong Festival, held between
July 4th and 8th.
Accommodation: In a house owned by the
local community on mattresses on the floor,
participants are asked to bring a sleeping bag.
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: The language of the work camp is
Location: Siglufjörður in Fjallabyggð. North of
Terminal/Region: Intl. Airport: Keflavík
(Reykjavík), KEF. WF Iceland will organize a
bus from Reykjavik to the workcamp site for a
fair prize.
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 90,Leisure time: Free access to the local
swimming pool, guided hikes with locals.
Number of Volunteers: 12
18. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:July 4, 2008, End: July 18, 2008
Topic: Environment
Hveragerði is a small town of about 1,700
inhabitants that lies some 45 km east of
Reykjavík. This friendly little community sits on
top of a highly active geothermal field, providing
heat of hundreds of greenhouses where fruit,
flowers and vegetables are produced
throughout the year. The name Hveragerði
means ‘hot springs garden’. Geothermal energy
is Hveragerði’s lifeblood, and it would be
difficult to find such a natural wonder in the
middle of a populated area anywhere else in
the world. Very interesting is Gufudalur, the
lovely ‘Steam Valley’ behind the town. The
whole valley explodes with hot springs,
geysers, mud pots, fumaroles and steaming
vents. More info www.hveragerdi.is
Work: Fixing walking paths, working in the
Accommodation: In the local theatre. Sleeping
on mattresses on the floor, participants are
asked to bring a sleeping bag.
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: the language of the work camp is
Location: Hveragerði in the south of Iceland.
Terminal/Region: Intl. Airport: Keflavík
(Reykjavík), KEF. Distance from the airport 80
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 90,Leisure time: Free access to the local
swimming pool, guided hikes with locals.
Excursions will be organized by the hosting
Number of Volunteers: 12
19. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:July 6, 2008, End: July 19, 2008
Topic: Environment
Mosfellsbær (population: 7.200) lies just 17km
north of Reykjavík. Often called "the green
town", this town enjoys thermal activity and
quite a few greenhouses have been built here.
Since 1933 it has supplied the capital area with
natural hot water for house heating, swimming
pools, etc. The mountainous area around the
town is ideal for walks and hikes, skiing and
fishing for trout and char in the small lakes. The
Nobel Prize laureate for literature in 1955,
Halldór Laxness (1902-1998), was the honorary
citizen of the town. He lived there all his life and
based some of his novels on his experiences
and impressions of his surroundings.
Mosfellsbær is also known as the hometown of
avant-garde-rockband “Sigur Rós”. They still
have their studio in Mosfellsbær. The natural
landscape of Mosfellsbær is rugged, and 80%
of the district lies more than 100 metres above
sea level. Hills such as Mosfell, Grímannsfell,
Helgafell and Úlfarsfell, all 200-300 metres
high, dominate the landscape. Under much of
Mosfellsbær lies a layer of basaltic lava, which
can be seen here and there in hills and rocky
outcrops. More info
Work: Plant trees, rake, seed and fertilize the
earth (to enhance grass growth), clean the
riverside and create walking paths, some work
might be done in the horse stables.
Accommodation: In a community building in
Mosfellsbær on mattresses on the floor,
participants are asked to bring a sleeping bag.
Free access to the local swimming pool.
Excursions will be organized by the local
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: The language of the work camp is
Location: Mosfellsbær in the south of Iceland.
Terminal/Region: Intl. Airport: Keflavík
(Reykjavík), KEF. Distance from the airport 50
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 90,Leisure time: Free access to the local
swimming pool. Excursions will be organized by
the hosting partner. Reykjavík is only ten
minutes away so a City trip is a good option.
Number of Volunteers: 12
20. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:July 7, 2008, End: July 21, 2008
Topic: Environment
Þórshöfn in Langanes
To truly sense the remote beauty of the northeast, then the charming little fishing village of
Þórshöfn on the north-east coast is the place to
go. The town of Þórshöfn lies on the head of
the Langanes peninsula and has 388
inhabitants. There's a variety of outdoor activity
on offer from hiking to salmon and trout fishing
and horse trekking in some of Iceland's most
spectacular scenery. The Langanes Peninsula
is also one of the best areas in which to enjoy
Iceland's rich and varied birdlife. Þórshöfn is
within driving distance of some Iceland's most
prized natural pearls, such as Myvatn, with its
geothermal activity, and the waterfall Dettifoss,
one of Europe's most powerful and spectacular
waterfalls. This village has a good, natural
harbour and the inhabitants base their
livelihood on fishing, fish processing and
commerce. More info
Work: We will be working on cleaning up the
shores and beaches in the area. Additional
work will be undertaken as reforestation tasks,
planting trees and taking care of those already
Accommodation: We will be staying in the
local school, sleeping on mattresses on the
floor, participants are asked to bring a sleeping
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: The language of the work camp is
Location: Þórshöfn in Langanes in the
Northeast of Iceland.
Terminal/Region: Intl. Airport: Keflavík
(Reykjavík), KEF. WF Iceland will organize a
bus from Reykjavik to the workcamp site for a
fair prize. Egilsstaðir airport and Akureyri airport
are more near to the project.
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 90,Leisure time: Free access to the gym and the
local swimming pool with sauna, guided hikes
with locals. Excursions will be organized by the
hosting partner.
Number of Volunteers: 10
21. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:July 7, 2008, End: July 21, 2008
Topic: Environment
Eskifjörður is a major fishing town (population:
972) and an export harbour with direct sailing to
Europe, which is located at the northern shore
of the fjord Eskifjörður. Itis built on a small sand
spit and up the slopes of the mountain which
rises above the town.Its main industries are
fishing and small-scale farming. Eskifjörður
became an authorized trade port in 1786 and
has been a commercial center since 1798. One
of the several shops in Eskifjörður, Gamlabúð,
built in 1816, houses the Maritime Museum Of
East Iceland. Eskifjörður town faces the
mountain Hólmatindur, from the top of which
you can view some of the tallest mountains in
the Icelandic interior. One of the favored sights
in the area is the Helgustaðanáman mine,
which is one of the world’s best-known sources
of Icelandic spar. The area, which is just a tenminute drive from the town, is a nature reserve
and open to all, free of charge. A swimming
pool with hot pots (geothermal pools) and a
sauna is located in Eskifjörður, as well as a
gallery and crafts shop. “Fjarðabyggð is a
association of different communities in the
Eastfjords of Iceland. It includes the towns of
Eskifjörður, Fáskrúðsfjörður, Mjóifjörður,
Neskaupstaður, Reyðarfjörður and
Stöðvarfjörður. The towns have a lot of things in
common: They are all small fishing villages with
steep mountains just behind the houses. In this
area you will find most of the things that makes
Iceland a unique place on a global scale. The
fjords are magnificent and the sea is full of life,
the birdlife is very rich and you can find a great
variety of hiking paths. You will get to know the
area during your stay in the east and it depends
on the tasks and the situation in Fjarðabyggð
where you will be working during the camp.
Work: Most of the work will be cleaning and
beautifying the towns and the surrounding area.
We will also clean the coastline, plant some
trees and even make hiking paths. The work
available will depend on the weather condition
and that’s why we have to be a bit flexible.
Please keep in mind that the work might be
physically hard and you should be prepared for
unfriendly weather, even though it will be nice
most of the time, hopefully.
Accommodation: We will be staying in a nice
community center. Mattresses will be provided
and everyone is asked to bring his/her own
warm sleeping bag. We will have showers at
the local swimming pool and sports centre.
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: The language of the camp will be
Location: Eskifjörður in Fjarðabyggð. In the
east of Iceland.
Terminal/Region: Intl. Airport: Keflavík
(Reykjavík), KEF. WF Iceland will organize a
bus from Reykjavik to the workcamp site for a
fair prize. Egilsstaðir airport is 40 km away from
the project
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 90,Leisure time: Free access to the local
swimming pool, guided hikes with locals.
Excursions will be organized by the hosting
Number of Volunteers: 12
22. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:July 8, 2008, End: July 22, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Skessuhellir – the cave of the trolls
This workcamp will take place in Reykjanesbær
which is a major center of fishing and fish
processing, although in recent years tourism
has played an increasingly important role in the
local economy. Reykjanes has something for
everyone. Steeped in a rich vein of history,
folklore and tradition, the region is also home to
some of the world's greatest geological
wonders, including the Reykjanes Ridge,
meeting place of the Eurasian and American
continental plates. Teeming with a wealth of
bird and marine life whose habitats lie amid
some of Icelands most spectacular coastal
scenery, Reykjanes is the natural choice for all
lovers of the outdoors. In this town the
authorities are very open for new ideas, for
example here you can find the former NATO
base which is now becoming a University
village and a centre of art and film making.
More info http://www.reykjanes.is/english/ The
authorities are now planning to build “a home
for Trolls” near to the port of the town, close to
the center. Like elves, trolls are also part of the
ancient heritage of the Scandinavian
mythology. Although they are human-like in
form, they are still inhumanly strong, huge and
ugly. They are very often thought to be
fearsome and cruel creatures. But, like elves,
trolls often treat people as they are treated and
they return favors for favors, exerting
vengeance if harmed. Trolls live in mountains,
caves and cliffs, especially bird cliffs. Like
humans, they live together socially. They fish,
cultivate land and keep animals. They are also
very good at handicrafts and hold feasts.
Work: There is an very well known art group
here in Iceland called Nordan Bál that have
been doing all kind of art and performances in
Iceland. This group will do the construction of
the Cave (home) of the Trolls and also make
the furniture and other things that they need for
their daily life. Everything will be oversized so it
will fit the big creatures. We will help the art
group to build the home and we will also do
some environmental work in the area around
the place. Please notice that we will work with
heavy things so the work can be physically hard
Accommodation: in a house owned by the
local community, participants are asked to bring
a sleeping bag.
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: the language of the work camp is
Location: Reykjanesbær – south of Iceland.
Terminal/Region: Reykjavík – Keflavík Int.
Airport is only 10 minutes away from the town.
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 80,Leisure time: Free access to the local
swimming pool. Excursions will be organized by
the locals.
Number of Volunteers: 8
23. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:July 9, 2008, End: July 23, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Viking life in Hafnarfjörður
Hafnarfjörður is a town with the populations of
23.500 people. It is located 10 km away from
the capital, Reykjavík. Hafnarfjördur is famous
for having one of Iceland’s largest settlements
of elves, dwarves and other mystical beings,
which are usually called ‘Hidden Folk.’
Centuries-old folklore has it that whole clans of
such beings reside in the rocks that make up
part of the town’s centre. We do not doubt this
at all. Though elves are visible only to those
with second sight, a great many Icelanders
believe in their existence. Indeed, there is much
evidence to support this belief, as stories
abound of instances where new roads or
housing developments were under construction
and strange happenings took place. Hidden
Folk enjoy a certain regard, and nowhere more
so than in Hafnarfjördur. There is even a
Hidden Worlds tour that takes you to their home
sites, stopping at places like Hellisgerdi Park
and the base of the cliff Hamarinn, which is said
to be home to the Royal Family of the Hidden
Folk. Along the way, the guide relates ancient
folk tales of the magical hidden worlds and
describes how the town grew and developed in
harmony with the Hidden Folk. More info
http://www.hafnarfjordur.is/english/ The Vikings
settled Iceland around 874 AD and the
Icelanders are very proud of those brave
people who had the courage to start a life here
in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. In
Hafnarfjörður there is a small Viking village
were the workcamp will take place. Icelanders
and Vikings from abroad celebrate their
heritage with appropriate style. The Vikings'
wild and adventurous spirit lives on today, in
the people of this unique country. In the village
there is a lot of fun; there are displays of
ancient arts and crafts, and large gruff men in
full Viking attire demonstrate their ancient battle
skills to anyone brave enough to challenge
them. More info
Work: The volunteers will work in the Viking
village most of the time but they will also help
the local community with some environmental
tasks. While working in the Viking village the
volunteers will receive Viking costumes to wear
and perform different tasks. They will give
assistance to visitors, and help the other Viking
volunteers in the kitchen, serving meals or
cleaning the area. They will also have the
opportunity to make paintings, sculptures or
other peaces of art and sell them in the
shopping street in the village. This camp is
really perfect for people with art skills.
Accommodation: In a house near to the
center of Hafnarfjörður, sleeping on mattresses
on the floor. Don’t forget to bring a warm
sleeping bag
Food: The volunteers will have all the meals
provided and cooked by our hosts in the Viking
Language: English is the language in the
camp, but high level is not required.
Location: Hafnarfjörður in the south of Iceland
Study: The Saga of the Vikings
Terminal/Region: Intl. Airport: Keflavík
(Reykjavík), KEF. Distance from the airport 35
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 120,Leisure time: Excursions and free time activities
will be arranged for volunteers. The volunteers
will have a free access to the local swimming
Number of Volunteers: 8
24. Iceland - SEEDS Iceland
Begin:July 9, 2008, End: July 23, 2008
Topic: Environment
Reykjavík* & Bláfjöll mountain range
The Bláfjöll volcanic mountain range is located
about 30 minutes drive from Reykjavík and the
river Elliðaá have its source there, streaming
down to the lake Elliðavatn in the eastern
suburban border of the city, on the way it
passes through the nature reserve area of
Heiðmörk. The highest mountain reaches 600m
and therefore since 1968 the region became a
very popular skiing area among Icelanders. For
information on Reykjavík please see the
description of our project IS-SEEDS 9.4;
Reykjavík International Film Festival.
Work: During 2007, SEEDS started working
with few other NGOs in the South-west of
Iceland in charge of the revegetation in this
area. The aim of the project is to halt the
erosion of vegetation and soils and to
strengthen the ecosystem of the area by
enhancing its natural vegetation. Through the
process of using organic waste materials as
fertilizing means, we achieve a double dividend.
Close to 70% of the total population of Iceland
lives in this area of the country and the area
has suffered of overgrazing and volcanic
activity; some areas are stripped of top soil.
Formerly harsh eroded and rocky, Heiðmörk is
now an attractive outdoor haven for the people
of the Capital area, all that because of
ambitious reclamation efforts in the 20th
century. Different kinds of organic waste
materials are being generated in great
quantities annually in the area. Over 130,000
tonnes of organics are being generated every
year, including over 70,000 tonnes of different
kinds of manure. Quantities of organic
household and commercial waste are also
substantial. Causing pollution problems, these
materials have so far lacked a channel where
they can be utilized for reclamation purposes.
However, better fertilizing agents can hardly be
found! The project strives to combine
professionalism with idealism. The reclamation
results and efforts can already be seen at a
number of sites in the area, despite the
project's youth. We will perform three different
types of work: a) Fertilising the slopes in Bláfjöll
by yard-waste cover. b) Monitoring the survival
and growth rate of tree plantations of former
years. c) Cleaning up litter in the vicinity of
caves in the Bláfjöll area. d) Other jobs may
come into account, but are uncertain at the
moment of this description. We will be working
hand-on-hand with Icelandic youngsters from
the working school, Vinnuskóli.
Accommodation: We will be lodged part of the
time directly in the area of Bláfjöll in a house
and the rest of the time in a local school in
Language: English will be the official language
in the camp, but high proficiency is not a
Study: Environmental messenger in the
project. S/he will be in charge of delivering
ecological and global education messages to
both, International volunteers and local hosts.
S/he will arrange and organise few activities
that intend to raise awareness on environment
related topics.
Terminal/Region: Closest International Airport:
Keflavík (Reykjavík), KEF. Closest bus terminal
in Reykjavík.
Extra info: Participation fee EUR 150,- .
Excursions and free time activities in the area
will be arranged for the volunteers. * Reykjavík
means "smoky bay": Given by the first settlers
due to the high geothermal activity and the
constant rise of steam out of the hot springs
Number of Volunteers: 12
25. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:July 11, 2008, End: July 25, 2008
Topic: Environment
Sólheimar \"Home of the sun\" Eco village
Sólheimar Eco-village, founded in 1930, is the
first community of its kind in the world where
so-called able and disabled people live and
work together. Inspired by the theories of
Rudolf Steiner, Sólheimar has focused on
cultivating the individual and the environmental
and is the first community in Scandinavia to
practice organic cultivation. Today, Sólheimar
(The home of the sun) is a charming village of
about 100 inhabitants, renowned for its
international, artistic and ecological
atmosphere, which prides itself on its varied
cultural, social and sporting activities, the
village is only one hour drive from Reykjavik.
The volunteers have free access to the
swimming pool and gym. Volunteers are also
encouraged to take part in social happenings in
Sólheimar like in sports, music, the theatre
group, etc. Sólheimar Arts Summer festival will
last until the beginning of August. The program
is varied with all sorts of arts exhibitions, an
outdoor market, and theatre and cabaret
performances at 4 o’clock every Saturday and
every Sunday in the theatre and café Græna
Kannan. Volunteers are welcome to participate
in the singing groups and cabarets. More info
Work: In Ölur forestry centre, the only organic
reforestation centre in Iceland: plant trees,
construct paths + in Sunna organic cultivation
centre: plant vegetables, dig the weeds and
other kind of gardening work. Other tasks will
be decided according to the need of the
Accommodation: In the sport centre on
mattresses on the floor, participants are asked
to bring a sleeping bag.
Food: Our host in Solheimar is offering a
prepared lunch every working day but all other
food will be provided for the duration of the
work camp and everyone is expected to do
their fair share of the cooking/cleaning for other
meals. It would be nice to share new and
different dishes, so please remember to bring
along recipes from your own countries
Language: The language of the work camp is
Location: Sólheimar í Grímsnesi. In the south
of Iceland.
Terminal/Region: Intl. Airport: Keflavík
(Reykjavík), KEF Distance from the airport 140
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 90,Leisure time: Free access to the local
swimming pool and to the fitness centre.
Excursions will be organized by the hosting
Number of Volunteers: 10
26. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:July 13, 2008, End: July 27, 2008
Topic: Environment
Reyðarfjörður fjord is long, wide and curving,
and is the largest of the eastern fjords. At the
end of it rests the village known variously as
Reyðarfjörður or Búðareyri. On one side there
are magnificent rocky peaks, on the other
gentle green hills, something which should
bring hours of enjoyment to both the
experienced hiker and novice walker. In the
past, Reyðarfjörður was the commercial centre
for farmers in nearby Fljótsdalshérað district.
There is a large duck pond in the village called
Andapollurinn, into which Salmon is released
on a regular basis. The Icelandic World War II
museum in Reyðarfjörður offers an opportunity
to travel back to the days of the occupation,
while a somewhat different attraction is the
burial site of the ancient seer, Völva, who on
her deathbed vowed to protect Reyðarfjörður as
long as her bones remained in their restingplace on Hólmaháls. Also worth seeing are the
summer market and the geological collection.
“Fjarðabyggð is a association of different
communities in the Eastfjords of Iceland. It
includes the towns of Eskifjörður,
Fáskrúðsfjörður, Mjóifjörður, Neskaupstaður,
Reyðarfjörður and Stöðvarfjörður. The towns
have a lot of things in common: They are all
small fishing villages with steep mountains just
behind the houses. In this area you will find
most of the things that makes Iceland a unique
place on a global scale. The fjords are
magnificent and the sea is full of life, the birdlife
is very rich and you can find a great variety of
hiking paths. You will get to know the area
during your stay in the east and it depends on
the tasks and the situation in Fjarðabyggð
where you will be working during the camp.
Work: Most of the work will be cleaning and
beautifying the towns and the surrounding area.
We will also clean the coastline, plant some
trees and even make hiking paths. The work
available will depend on the weather condition
and that’s why we have to be a bit flexible.
Please keep in mind that the work might be
physically hard and you should be prepared for
unfriendly weather, even though it will be nice
most of the time, hopefully.
Accommodation: We will be staying in the
local school. Mattresses will be provided and
everyone is asked to bring his/her own warm
sleeping bag.
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: The language of the camp will be
Location: Reyðarfjörður in Fjarðabyggð. In the
east of Iceland.
Terminal/Region: Intl. Airport: Keflavík
(Reykjavík), KEF. WF Iceland will organize a
bus from Reykjavik to the workcamp site for a
fair prize. Egilsstaðir airport is 40 km away from
the project
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 90,Leisure time: Free access to the local
swimming pool, good places for hikes.
Excursions or boattrips will be organized by the
hosting partner.
Number of Volunteers: 12
27. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:July 14, 2008, End: July 28, 2008
Topic: Environment
Fjallabyggð is the northernmost community in
Iceland, located at the foot of towering
mountains on the shore of a small fjords.
Fishing and the processing of marine products
provide the principal source of employment for
the town's 1,600 residents, as the settlement
has developed around one of the country's best
natural harbours. The historic architecture, the
colourful rooftops of the upper town, the
harbour and inspiring backdrop are all postcard
material on a fine day. There is plenty of variety
in the life of the town, which includes many
sorts of social and cultural activities. Both the
church and music school are centres for
musical activities, and sports are very popular.
Furthermore, the splendour of the mountains
and natural beauty are practically an invitation
to all outdoorsmen. More info www.siglo.is
Work: Planting trees, cleaning the coastline,
making and marking hiking paths.
Accommodation: in a house owned by the
local community on mattresses on the floor,
participants are asked to bring a sleeping bag.
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: the language of the work camp is
Location: Fjallabyggð in the North of Iceland.
Intl. Airport: Keflavík (Reykjavík), KEF
Terminal/Region: Reykjavík - Keflavík. WF
Iceland will organize a bus from Reykjavik to
the camp site for a fair prize.
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 90,Leisure time: Free access to the local
swimming pool. Guided hikes with locals.
Number of Volunteers: 12
28. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:July 19, 2008, End: August 5, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
French days in Fáskrúðsfjörður
Fáskrúðsfjörður was the main port for French
fishermen in the 1900s in East Iceland both
prior to and well after the turn of the century. At
Fáskrúðsfjörður there was a French consul, a
French hospital and a French chapel. The
street names are still in Icelandic and in French.
The mountain slopes in Fáskrúðsfjörður are
partially grown with bushes, including wild
aspens on the north coast. Sandfell mountain
very near to Fáskrúdsfjörður is a cone-shaped,
rhyolite mountain on the south side of the fjord,
rising to a height of 743 meters. . A hike to the
top of Sandfell is extremely enjoyable and takes
2-3 hours. Skrúður is a grassy but rockbound
island east of Fáskrúðsfjörður. It has an
abundance of bird life, including puffins,
kittiwakes, various black birds from the Alcidae
family, gannets, storm petrels and Leach’s
petrels. Skrúðshellir cave at Skrúður is the
largest "puffin cave" in the world. “Fjarðabyggð
is a association of different communities in the
Eastfjords of Iceland. It includes the towns of
Eskifjörður, Fáskrúðsfjörður, Mjóifjörður,
Neskaupstaður, Reyðarfjörður and
Stöðvarfjörður. The towns have a lot of things in
common: They are all small fishing villages with
steep mountains just behind the houses. In this
area you will find most of the things that makes
Iceland a unique place on a global scale. The
fjords are magnificent and the sea is full of life,
the birdlife is very rich and you can find a great
variety of hiking paths. You will get to know the
area during your stay in the east and it depends
on the tasks and the situation in Fjarðabyggð
where you will be working during the camp.
Work: We will help the locals to prepare the
french days which will be from the 24th to the
27th of July and than we will of course
participate in the activites during the weekend.
Other tasks will be cleaning and beautifying the
town and the surrounding area. We will also
clean the coastline and even make hiking
paths. The work available will depend on the
weather condition and that’s why we have to be
a bit flexible. Please keep in mind that the work
might be physically hard and you should be
prepared for unfriendly weather, even though it
will be nice most of the time, hopefully.
Accommodation: We will be staying in the
local school. Mattresses will be provided and
everyone is asked to bring his/her own warm
sleeping bag. We will have showers at the local
swimming pool and sports centre.
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: The language of the camp will be
Location: Fáskrúðsfjörður in Fjarðabyggð. East
of Iceland.
Terminal/Region: Intl. Airport: Keflavík
(Reykjavík), KEF. WF Iceland will organize a
bus from Reykjavik to the workcamp site for a
fair prize. Egilsstaðir airport is 40 km away from
the project
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 90,Leisure time: Free access to the local
swimming pool, guided hikes with locals.
Excursions or boattrip will be organized by the
hosting partner.
Number of Volunteers: 12
29. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:July 24, 2008, End: August 7, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Viking life in Hafnarfjörður
Hafnarfjörður is a town with the populations of
23.500 people. It is located 10 km away from
the capital, Reykjavík. Hafnarfjördur is famous
for having one of Iceland’s largest settlements
of elves, dwarves and other mystical beings,
which are usually called ‘Hidden Folk.’
Centuries-old folklore has it that whole clans of
such beings reside in the rocks that make up
part of the town’s centre. We do not doubt this
at all. Though elves are visible only to those
with second sight, a great many Icelanders
believe in their existence. Indeed, there is much
evidence to support this belief, as stories
abound of instances where new roads or
housing developments were under construction
and strange happenings took place. Hidden
Folk enjoy a certain regard, and nowhere more
so than in Hafnarfjördur. There is even a
Hidden Worlds tour that takes you to their home
sites, stopping at places like Hellisgerdi Park
and the base of the cliff Hamarinn, which is said
to be home to the Royal Family of the Hidden
Folk. Along the way, the guide relates ancient
folk tales of the magical hidden worlds and
describes how the town grew and developed in
harmony with the Hidden Folk. More info
http://www.hafnarfjordur.is/english/ The Vikings
settled Iceland around 874 AD and the
Icelanders are very proud of those brave
people who had the courage to start a life here
in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. In
Hafnarfjörður there is a small Viking village
were the workcamp will take place. Icelanders
and Vikings from abroad celebrate their
heritage with appropriate style. The Vikings'
wild and adventurous spirit lives on today, in
the people of this unique country. In the village
there is a lot of fun; there are displays of
ancient arts and crafts, and large gruff men in
full Viking attire demonstrate their ancient battle
skills to anyone brave enough to challenge
them. More info
Work: The volunteers will work in the Viking
village most of the time but they will also help
the local community with some environmental
tasks. While working in the Viking village the
volunteers will receive Viking costumes to wear
and perform different tasks. They will give
assistance to visitors, and help the other Viking
volunteers in the kitchen, serving meals or
cleaning the area. They will also have the
opportunity to make paintings, sculptures or
other peaces of art and sell them in the
shopping street in the village. This camp is
really perfect for people with art skills.
Accommodation: In a house near to the
center of Hafnarfjörður, sleeping on mattresses
on the floor. Don’t forget to bring a warm
sleeping bag
Food: The volunteers will have all the meals
provided and cooked by our hosts in the Viking
Language: English is the language in the
camp, but high level is not required.
Location: Hafnarfjörður in the south of Iceland
Study: The Saga of the Vikings
Terminal/Region: Intl. Airport: Keflavík
(Reykjavík), KEF. Distance from the airport 35
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 120,Leisure time: Excursions and free time activities
will be arranged for volunteers. The volunteers
will have a free access to the local swimming
Number of Volunteers: 8
30. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:July 25, 2008, End: August 7, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
The festival in Vestmannaeyjar
This is the fifth time that we host this project
and it has been one of the highlights each year.
The Westman Islands consist in a group of
fifteen islands which are situated at a short
distance off the south coast of Iceland. They
are so named because the Nordic settlers in
the country called the Irish after which the
islands are named after "westmen" (=the men
from the west). All the islands have been
created in submarine volcanic eruptions during
comparatively recent geological time. The
colourful town, the beautiful bird-cliffs, the new
lava and volcano and the landscape in general
give the islands a scenic interest as varied in
character as any in the country. Heimaey is the
largest and only inhabited island in the group
and is Iceland´s longest off shore island with an
area of 13,4 sq. km. Fishing and fish
processing and subsidiary trades are the main
source of income. Heimaey is sheltered to the
north by low mountains and the imposing birdlife Heimaklettur, which protects the narrow
cove at the end of which the harbour lies. The
festival: On the first weekend of August,
Icelanders celebrate the 1874 grant of Icelandic
sovereignty with a huge festival in the town on
Heimaey. The population moves into a tent city
in the Herjolfsdalur, a short distance west of
town, for an extended weekend of bonfires,
dance, and song. This festival is the most
popular one in Iceland.
Work: The volunteers will help with the
preparation of the festival, helping to run it and
of course taking part in it and afterwards help to
clean the area. We will also do some
environmental work and help with the project
“Pompei of the North” to excavate 7-10 houses
that were covered by ash after the eruption in
Eldfell 1973. More info
Accommodation: In the community and Sport
center of Heimaey. Participants are asked to
bring their sleeping bags.
Language: The language of the workcamp will
be English.
Location: Vestmannaeyjar in the south of
Terminal/Region: Reykjavík - Keflavík. WF
Iceland will organize a bus and boattrip from
Reykjavik to the workcamp site for a fair prize.
Extra info: Participation fee: € 140 Leisure
time: Free access to the local swimming pool.
Excursion or a boat trip will be organized by the
hosting partner.
Number of Volunteers: 15
small fishing villages with steep mountains just
behind the houses. In this area you will find
most of the things that makes Iceland a unique
place on a global scale. The fjords are
magnificent and the sea is full of life, the birdlife
is very rich and you can find a great variety of
hiking paths. You will get to know the area
during your stay in the east and it depends on
the tasks and the situation in Fjarðabyggð
where you will be working during the camp.
Work: Most of the work will be cleaning and
beautifying the towns and the surrounding area.
We will also clean the coastline, plant some
trees and even make hiking paths. The work
available will depend on the weather condition
and that’s why we have to be a bit flexible.
Please keep in mind that the work might be
physically hard and you should be prepared for
unfriendly weather, even though it will be nice
most of the time, hopefully. There is a festival in
the village during the weekend 29/7 – 01/08
called Neistaflug, we will at least enjoy the
festival and it is also possible that we will help
with the preparation.
Accommodation: In a community center.
Mattresses will be provided and everyone is
asked to bring his/her own warm sleeping bag.
We will have showers at the local swimming
pool and sports centre.
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: The language of the camp will be
Location: Neskaupstaður in Fjarðabyggð. East
of Iceland.
Terminal/Region: Intl. Airport: Keflavík
(Reykjavík), KEF. WF Iceland will organize a
bus from Reykjavik to the workcamp site for a
fair prize. Egilsstaðir airport is 40 km away from
the project
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 90,Leisure time: Free access to the local
swimming pool, great places for hiking.
Excursion or a boat trip will be organized by the
hosting partner.
Number of Volunteers: 12
31. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:July 26, 2008, End: August 9, 2008
Topic: Environment
Neskaupstaður is a medium sized town by
Icelandic standards, has the largest population
(1.420 inh.) of any of the towns in the East
Fjords, is almost completely self-sufficient and
has grown and prospered since the early
1900's, thanks to the fishing industry. Its
remoteness has led to a necessary selfsufficiency, including the town having its own
bakery, dairy, supermarkets, banks, post office,
school, sports hall, swimming pool, church,
hospital, harbour, airstrip, hotel, jazz club,
rescue centre, etc. In fact, it seems to have all
the services you would expect in a larger town
except an optician! To the east of the town,
facing the ocean, there is a nature reserve and
recreational area. Neskaupstaður is only
reachable after driving through a one-way
tunnel. “Fjarðabyggð is a association of
different communities in the Eastfjords of
Iceland. It includes the towns of Eskifjörður,
Fáskrúðsfjörður, Mjóifjörður, Neskaupstaður,
Reyðarfjörður and Stöðvarfjörður. The towns
have a lot of things in common: They are all
32. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:July 27, 2008, End: August 11, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Herring festival in Siglufjörður
Siglufjördur is the northernmost town in Iceland,
located at the foot of towering mountains on the
shore of a small fjord bearing the same name.
Fishing and the processing of marine products
provide the principal source of employment for
the town's 1,600 residents, as the settlement
has developed around one of the country's best
natural harbours. The historic architecture, the
colourful rooftops of the upper town, the
harbour and inspiring backdrop are all postcard
material on a fine day. There is plenty of variety
in the life of the town, which includes many
sorts of social and cultural activities. Both the
church and music school are centres for
musical activities, and sports are very popular.
Furthermore, the splendour of the mountains
and natural beauty are practically an invitation
to all outdoorsmen. More info www.siglo.is
Work: Giving a helping hand with the
preparation of the Herring festval which will
take place in the first weekend of August, we
will also help around during the festival. The
environmental tasks can be planting trees,
cleaning the coastline, making hiking paths. We
will also help the locals with the preparation and
running of a football tournament for young girls
which will take place in the second weekend of
August. Please notice that we will have days of
in the middle of the week but not during the
Accommodation: in a house owned by the
local community on mattresses on the floor,
participants are asked to bring a sleeping bag.
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: the language of the work camp is
Location: Siglufjörður in the North of Iceland.
Terminal/Region: Reykjavík - Keflavík. WF
Iceland will organize a bus from Reykjavik to
the camp site for a fair prize.
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 90,Leisure time: Free access to the local
swimming pool, guided hikes with locals.
Number of Volunteers: 12
33. Iceland - SEEDS Iceland
Begin:July 27, 2008, End: August 10, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Selárdalur - Arnarfjörður. Listasafn Samúels
Jónssonar - Artwork of Samúel Jónsson
Selárdalur is located in the west side of
Arnarfjörður in the icelandic Western Fjords,
which are too often missed by visitors due to its
distance ( real and perceived ) from Route 1
and from other population centers. The West
Fjords are a mass of fjords, mountains and
isolated villages on spits of lands surrounded
by water and mountains. The area includes its
own glacier and Europe's westernmost point at
Látrabjarg, where millions of birds nest, a must
for bird watchers. Samúel Jónsson was a
farmer who lived in Selárdalur. He was born in
1885 and died in 1969. Samúel always
dreamed of being an artist and started carving
and drawing as a young boy. But he had to
work very hard to earn his living and until he
was 65 he didn't have much opportunity to
practice his artistic skills. He began building
palaces and sculptures for the money he got as
old age pension. Then he built a museum for all
these sculptures as well as paintings with
carved frames. Samúel built a grotesque but
charming resemblance to the lion's fountain in
the Alhambra-palace in Granada, Spain, and
many sculptures showing seals and other
animals as well as figures from Icelandic history
like Leif the lucky who found America. When
the church in the valley was one hundred years
Samúel wanted to give it an altarpiece he had
painted; the church-committee decided to reject
Samúel's altarpiece because they thought the
old altarpiece was good enough. Then Samúel
started building a church on his own around his
altarpiece, a church that still stands as a
monument commemorating this old man´s
ingeniousity and marvellous willpower to make
his own dreams come true by means of simple
concrete. Selárdalur is the home of another
remarkable person, Gisli Gislason. He lived
alone on a farm named Uppsalir almost without
any communication with other people. He was
famous for living in total harmony with nature,
not having to use any money or modern
facilities such as electricity, machines or
vehicles. Now there are plans to make a
museum out of his former home. The distance
from Reykjavik is 500 km (7-8 hours drive) by
the Whale Bay tunnel. It is perhaps one of
Iceland's most remote areas.
Work: Volunteers will be working on a
particular project at the artworks of Samúel
Jónsson, an Icelandic artist, who lived at
Selárdalur. During the summer of 2008
volunteers will work taking down Samúel´s
living house in order to build there a new one
with a similar front that can serve as a home for
Accommodation: Volunteers will be hosted at
a local house; sleeping on mattresses on the
floor; therefore bringing a warm sleeping bag is
highly recommended. Food ingredients will be
provided and a kitchen will be available,
volunteers will share the duties of preparing
and cooking meals.
Language: English will be the official language
in the camp, but high proficiency is not a
Study: Environmental messenger in the
project. S/he will be in charge of delivering
ecological and global education messages to
both, International volunteers and local hosts,
organising few activities on topics related to
environment,nature protection and
Terminal/Region: Closest International Airport:
Keflavík (Reykjavík), KEF.
Extra info: Participation fee EUR 120,-.
Excursions in the area will be arranged for
Number of Volunteers: 8
34. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:August 3, 2008, End: August 17, 2008
Topic: Environment
Eskifjörður is a major fishing town (population:
972) and an export harbour with direct sailing to
Europe, which is located at the northern shore
of the fjord Eskifjörður. Itis built on a small sand
spit and up the slopes of the mountain which
rises above the town.Its main industries are
fishing and small-scale farming. Eskifjörður
became an authorized trade port in 1786 and
has been a commercial center since 1798. One
of the several shops in Eskifjörður, Gamlabúð,
built in 1816, houses the Maritime Museum Of
East Iceland. Eskifjörður town faces the
mountain Hólmatindur, from the top of which
you can view some of the tallest mountains in
the Icelandic interior. One of the favored sights
in the area is the Helgustaðanáman mine,
which is one of the world’s best-known sources
of Icelandic spar. The area, which is just a tenminute drive from the town, is a nature reserve
and open to all, free of charge. A swimming
pool with hot pots (geothermal pools) and a
sauna is located in Eskifjörður, as well as a
gallery and crafts shop. “Fjarðabyggð is a
association of different communities in the
Eastfjords of Iceland. It includes the towns of
Eskifjörður, Fáskrúðsfjörður, Mjóifjörður,
Neskaupstaður, Reyðarfjörður and
Stöðvarfjörður. The towns have a lot of things in
common: They are all small fishing villages with
steep mountains just behind the houses. In this
area you will find most of the things that makes
Iceland a unique place on a global scale. The
fjords are magnificent and the sea is full of life,
the birdlife is very rich and you can find a great
variety of hiking paths. You will get to know the
area during your stay in the east and it depends
on the tasks and the situation in Fjarðabyggð
where you will be working during the camp.
Work: Most of the work will be cleaning and
beautifying the towns and the surrounding area.
We will also clean the coastline, plant some
trees and even make hiking paths. The work
available will depend on the weather condition
and that’s why we have to be a bit flexible.
Please keep in mind that the work might be
physically hard and you should be prepared for
unfriendly weather, even though it will be nice
most of the time, hopefully.
Accommodation: We will be staying in a nice
community center. Mattresses will be provided
and everyone is asked to bring his/her own
warm sleeping bag. We will have showers at
the local swimming pool and sports centre.
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: The language of the camp will be
Location: Eskifjörður in Fjarðabyggð. In the
east of Iceland.
Terminal/Region: Intl. Airport: Keflavík
(Reykjavík), KEF. WF Iceland will organize a
bus from Reykjavik to the workcamp site for a
fair prize. Egilsstaðir airport is 40 km away from
the project
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 90,Leisure time: Free access to the local
swimming pool, guided hikes with locals.
Excursions will be organized by the hosting
Number of Volunteers: 10
35. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:August 5, 2008, End: August 19, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
The festival \"Week of love\" in Bolungarvík
Bolungarvík is a village in the North-West of
Iceland, located at the Vestfirðir peninsula,
approximately 13 kilometers from the village of
Ísafjörður and 473 km from the capital city
Reykjavík. It has 957 inhabitants. Bolungarvík
has a long and interesting history, being one of
the oldest fishing towns in Iceland, and one of
the few mentioned in the Sagas. For centuries it
was the greatest fishery town in the West
Fjords and at the turn of the last century, the
greatest in Iceland. The quiet countryside
attracts some tourists, mainly in summer. There
is a indoor swimming pool, a museum for
natural history and an open air fishing museum.
The surroundings of Bolungarvík are quite
popular destinations for hiking, horse riding and
birdwatching. Bolungarvik was the shooting
location for Nói Albínói, a movie by Dagur Kári
about a teenager living in a remote Icelandic
village. The yearly Week of Love in Bolungarvík
will take place on August 10-16th. The program
during the Week of Love is one of variety and
entertainment. The goal of the Week of Love is
to support the increase of newborns in
Bolungarvík and by doing so increasing the
number of residents and to encourage people
to love one another. Among the highlights of
the Week of Love are a hugging course and an
art show by children with the headline “It is
good to love”. Poets from the Westfjords will
read from their work of love poetry. The
program also contains concerts, adventure
yacht trips and last but not least the “Laughing
Healthy Gala Evening”. The residents of the
town of Bolungarvík are encouraged to place
red lights in their homes’ windows, buy a
bouquet of roses for their loved ones, love
themselves, love their spouse, love their
friends, love their children, and love the entire
world and life itself.
Work: Helping with the preparion and during
the festival. Working in the forestry, making
hiking paths. Beautifying the area around the
village, cleaning the coastline Leisure time:
Free access to the local swimming pool,
excursions will be organized by the hosting
Accommodation: We will be staying in the
local community center. Mattresses will be
provided and everyone is asked to bring his/her
own warm sleeping bag.
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: The language of the workcamp will
be English.
Location: Bolungarvík in the west of Iceland.
Terminal/Region: Reykjavík - Keflavík. WF
Iceland will organize a bus from Reykjavik to
the camp site for a fair prize. Ísafjörður airport is
close to the project.
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 120,Number of Volunteers: 12
36. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:August 7, 2008, End: August 21, 2008
Sólheimar \"Home of the sun\" Eco village
Sólheimar Eco-village, founded in 1930, is the
first community of its kind in the world where
so-called able and disabled people live and
work together. Inspired by the theories of
Rudolf Steiner, Sólheimar has focused on
cultivating the individual and the environmental
and is the first community in Scandinavia to
practice organic cultivation. Today, Sólheimar
(The home of the sun) is a charming village of
about 100 inhabitants, renowned for its
international, artistic and ecological
atmosphere, which prides itself on its varied
cultural, social and sporting activities, the
village is only one hour drive from Reykjavik.
The volunteers have free access to the
swimming pool and gym. Volunteers are also
encouraged to take part in social happenings in
Sólheimar like in sports, music, the theatre
group, etc. Sólheimar Arts Summer festival will
last until the beginning of August. The program
is varied with all sorts of arts exhibitions, an
outdoor market, and theatre and cabaret
performances at 4 o’clock every Saturday and
every Sunday in the theatre and café Græna
Kannan. Volunteers are welcome to participate
in the singing groups and cabarets. More info
Work: In Ölur forestry centre, the only organic
reforestation centre in Iceland: plant trees,
construct paths + in Sunna organic cultivation
centre: plant vegetables, dig the weeds and
other kind of gardening work. Other tasks will
be decided according to the need of the
Accommodation: In the sport centre on
mattresses on the floor, participants are asked
to bring a sleeping bag.
Food: Our host in Solheimar is offering a
prepared lunch every working day but all other
food will be provided for the duration of the
work camp and everyone is expected to do
their fair share of the cooking/cleaning for other
meals. It would be nice to share new and
different dishes, so please remember to bring
along recipes from your own countries
Language: The language of the work camp is
Location: Sólheimar í Grímsnesi. In the south
of Iceland.
Terminal/Region: Intl. Airport: Keflavík
(Reykjavík), KEF Distance from the airport 140
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 90,Leisure time: Free access to the local
swimming pool and to the fitness centre.
Excursions will be organized by the hosting
Number of Volunteers: 10
37. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:August 7, 2008, End: August 21, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Flower festival in Hveragerði
The Flower festival in Hveragerði is a mixture of
art and culture with a taste of the flower power
in the area. Hveragerði is a small town of about
1,700 inhabitants that lies some 45 km east of
Reykjavík. This friendly little community sits on
top of a highly active geothermal field, providing
heat of hundreds of greenhouses where fruit,
flowers and vegetables are produced
throughout the year, you can even find
bananas growing in thise houses. The name
Hveragerði means ‘hot springs garden’.
Geothermal energy is Hveragerði’s lifeblood,
and it would be difficult to find such a natural
wonder in the middle of a populated area
anywhere else in the world. Very interesting is
Gufudalur, the lovely ‘Steam Valley’ behind the
town. The whole valley explodes with hot
springs, geysers, mud pots, fumaroles and
steaming vents. More info www.hveragerdi.is
Work: Helping with the preparion and during
the festival. Working in the forestry, making
hiking paths. Beautifying the area around the
village Fixing walking paths, cleaning and
beautifying the hot spring area in the middle of
the village. Planting trees.
Accommodation: In the local theatre on
mattresses on the floor, participants are asked
to bring a sleeping bag.
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: The language of the work camp is
Location: Hveragerði in the south of Iceland.
Terminal/Region: Intl. Airport: Keflavík
(Reykjavík), KEF. Distance from the project 80
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 90,Leisure time: Free access to the local
swimming pool.
Number of Volunteers: 12
38. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:August 8, 2008, End: August 22, 2008
Topic: Environment
Reyðarfjörður fjord is long, wide and curving,
and is the largest of the eastern fjords. At the
end of it rests the village known variously as
Reyðarfjörður or Búðareyri. On one side there
are magnificent rocky peaks, on the other
gentle green hills, something which should
bring hours of enjoyment to both the
experienced hiker and novice walker. In the
past, Reyðarfjörður was the commercial centre
for farmers in nearby Fljótsdalshérað district.
There is a large duck pond in the village called
Andapollurinn, into which Salmon is released
on a regular basis. The Icelandic World War II
museum in Reyðarfjörður offers an opportunity
to travel back to the days of the occupation,
while a somewhat different attraction is the
burial site of the ancient seer, Völva, who on
her deathbed vowed to protect Reyðarfjörður as
long as her bones remained in their restingplace on Hólmaháls. Also worth seeing are the
summer market and the geological collection.
“Fjarðabyggð is a association of different
communities in the Eastfjords of Iceland. It
includes the towns of Eskifjörður,
Fáskrúðsfjörður, Mjóifjörður, Neskaupstaður,
Reyðarfjörður and Stöðvarfjörður. The towns
have a lot of things in common: They are all
small fishing villages with steep mountains just
behind the houses. In this area you will find
most of the things that makes Iceland a unique
place on a global scale. The fjords are
magnificent and the sea is full of life, the birdlife
is very rich and you can find a great variety of
hiking paths. You will get to know the area
during your stay in the east and it depends on
the tasks and the situation in Fjarðabyggð
where you will be working during the camp.
Work: Most of the work will be cleaning and
beautifying the towns and the surrounding area.
We will also clean the coastline, plant some
trees and even make hiking paths. The work
available will depend on the weather condition
and that’s why we have to be a bit flexible.
Please keep in mind that the work might be
physically hard and you should be prepared for
unfriendly weather, even though it will be nice
most of the time, hopefully.
Accommodation: We will be staying in the
local school. Mattresses will be provided and
everyone is asked to bring his/her own warm
sleeping bag.
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: The language of the camp will be
Location: Reyðarfjörður in Fjarðabyggð. In the
east of Iceland.
Terminal/Region: Intl. Airport: Keflavík
(Reykjavík), KEF. WF Iceland will organize a
bus from Reykjavik to the workcamp site for a
fair prize. Egilsstaðir airport is 40 km away from
the project
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 90,Leisure time: Free access to the local
swimming pool, good places for hikes.
Excursions or boattrips will be organized by the
hosting partner.
Number of Volunteers: 12
39. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:August 10, 2008, End: August 24, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Skessuhellir – the cave of the trolls
This workcamp will take place in Reykjanesbær
which is a major center of fishing and fish
processing, although in recent years tourism
has played an increasingly important role in the
local economy. Reykjanes has something for
everyone. Steeped in a rich vein of history,
folklore and tradition, the region is also home to
some of the world's greatest geological
wonders, including the Reykjanes Ridge,
meeting place of the Eurasian and American
continental plates. Teeming with a wealth of
bird and marine life whose habitats lie amid
some of Icelands most spectacular coastal
scenery, Reykjanes is the natural choice for all
lovers of the outdoors. In this town the
authorities are very open for new ideas, for
example here you can find the former NATO
base which is now becoming a University
village and a centre of art and film making.
More info http://www.reykjanes.is/english/ The
authorities are now planning to build “a home
for Trolls” near to the port of the town, close to
the center. Like elves, trolls are also part of the
ancient heritage of the Scandinavian
mythology. Although they are human-like in
form, they are still inhumanly strong, huge and
ugly. They are very often thought to be
fearsome and cruel creatures. But, like elves,
trolls often treat people as they are treated and
they return favors for favors, exerting
vengeance if harmed. Trolls live in mountains,
caves and cliffs, especially bird cliffs. Like
humans, they live together socially. They fish,
cultivate land and keep animals. They are also
very good at handicrafts and hold feasts.
Work: There is an very well known art group
here in Iceland called Nordan Bál that have
been doing all kind of art and performances in
Iceland. This group will do the construction of
the Cave (home) of the Trolls and also make
the furniture and other things that they need for
their daily life. Everything will be oversized so it
will fit the big creatures. We will help the art
group to build the home and we will also do
some environmental work in the area around
the place. Please notice that we will work with
heavy things so the work can be physically hard
Accommodation: in a house owned by the
local community, participants are asked to bring
a sleeping bag.
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: the language of the work camp is
Location: Reykjanesbær – south of Iceland.
Terminal/Region: Reykjavík – Keflavík Int.
Airport is only 10 minutes away from the town.
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 80,Leisure time: Free access to the local
swimming pool. Excursions will be organized by
the locals.
Number of Volunteers: 8
40. Iceland - SEEDS Iceland
Begin:August 12, 2008, End: August 26, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Reykjavík*: Menningarnótt & Maraþon Culture Night and Marathon in Reykjavík.
Reykjavík* has been called Europe's hottest
capital. Slick advertising campaigns have
championed the city's famed nightlife. But there
is more to Reykjavik than clubs.It held the
prestigious title European City of Culture in the
year 2000; a welcome recognition of its
colourful cultural life. The world's northernmost
capital bridges the Atlantic, between Europe
and North America, is framed by the Mt. Esja
and the blue waters of Faxaflói Bay. The
population of the city is about 115,000 (40% of
Iceland's population) in the metropolitan area
and 180,000 including its suburbs. It is growing
steadily and 45% is younger than 30 years old;
83,1% of people aged 16-74 are active on the
labour market. Reykjavík is a modern city in
harmony with beautiful nature. Visitors to
Reykjavik experience the pure energy at the
heart of Iceland's Capital - whether from the
boiling thermal energy underground, the natural
green energy within the city and around it, or
the lively culture and fun-filled nightlife.
Reykjavik is spread across a peninsula with a
panoramic view of the mountains and the
Atlantic Ocean. In the summer, you can sit by
the harbour at midnight and watch the sun dip
slightly below the horizon.
Work:Reykjavík* will be our host again for the
third year in-a-row during these cultural and
sports events, which are the largest ones in the
country. We will be working in two main fields:
Festivals and green areas. During the
workcamp, there will be 2 festivals in the city.
We will be collaborating around the different
tasks before, during and after the festivals. This
means that we will work during the weekend
they take place and will have two days off
during the regular working days. The 2 festivals
will be held on August 23, Menningarnótt (The
Culture Night) and Maraþon (The Reykjavik
Marathon). Apart of the tasks related to the
festivals we will be working with the Public
areas department of the city, in charge of green
areas. We will work before, during and after the
festivals, helping in the many different activities
related to their preparation and execution as rearranging all again, once they are over.
Accommodation: We will be lodged in a
building in the centre of Reykjavík, sharing a
large room and sleeping on mattresses on the
floor. We are expected to cook our own meals,
ingredients will be provided and the common
tasks will be shared fairly.
Language: English will be the official language
in the camp; high proficiency is not a
Study: Environmental messenger in the
project. S/he will be in charge of delivering
ecological and global education messages to
both, International volunteers and local hosts,
organising few activities on topics related to
environment, nature protection and
Terminal/Region: Closest International Airport:
Keflavík (Reykjavík), KEF. Closest bus terminal
in Reykjavík.
Extra info: Participation fee EUR 150,- .
Excursions and free time activities in the area
will be arranged for the volunteers. Free access
to the 8 local swimming pools & tourist cards
will be provided. * The name Reykjavík means
"smoky bay": Given by the first settlers that
arrived to the area due to the high geothermal
activity and the constant rise of steam out of the
hot springs around.
Number of Volunteers: 14
41. Iceland - SEEDS Iceland
Begin:August 14, 2008, End: August 28, 2008
Topic: Environment
Viðey: Saga, Náttúra & List - Island of Viðey
Viðey is the largest island of the Kollafjord Bay
(1,7 km²). It is divided by a short isthmus and
the western part is called The West Island
(Vesturey). The large part, with the church and
Viðeyjarstofa (Viðey House), is called The
Home Island (Heimaey) and the southeastern
part is called The East Island (Austurey). The
island of volcanic origins was formed about 2
million years ago; several spots on the island
depict beautiful basaltic columns, while it is well
vegetated and boggy in places. At least 30
species of breeding birds have been counted &
archaeological excavations have disclosed the
fact, that the island was inhabited already in the
10th century. In the 12th century a church was
built and in 1225 a monastery was established,
a centre for pilgrimage in the Middle Ages until
it was abolished in 1539 after the reformation
had started in Iceland. Viðeyjarstofa was built in
1755 as the first construction made of stone
and cement in the country. The island became
the seat of the first Icelandic treasurer and later
the first sub-governor, Mr Skuli Magnusson. In
the beginning of the 20th century the country\'s
first harbour for ocean going vessels was built
on its eastern part and a hamlet developed
there. The last inhabitant left it in 1943, when
the harbour of Reykjavik had taken over. There
are hiking and cycling paths around the island
and there is no motor traffic allowed. It also
inhabits art work, amongst them all nine pairs of
basalt pillars that comprise Richard Serra\'s
work Áfangar and Yoko Ono\'s peace column.
Viðeyjarnaust, at the southwest of the island, is
a memorial to the twenty men who lost their
lives when the cutter Ingvar sank off Viðey in
1906. Dramatic formations of columnar basalt
may be seen on the shore.
Work: Most of the project will be dedicated to
coastline cleaning up actions. We may have
other possible tasks as maintenance and
marking of hiking paths or bicycle trails, help in
summer events, putting up of signs in
noteworthy places; as works on common and
green recreational areas, gardening and
painting works, etc.
Accommodation: Lodged in a local house,
sleeping on mattresses on the floor; a warm
sleeping bag is suggested. If wished, some
volunteers may stay in tents. Food ingredients
will be provided and volunteers will share
common duties as cooking the meals, among
Language: English will be the official language
in the camp; high proficiency is not a
Study: Environmental messenger in the
project. S/he will be in charge of delivering
ecological and global education messages to
both, International volunteers and local hosts;
organising few activities on topics related to
environment, nature protection and
Terminal/Region: Closest International Airport:
Keflavík (Reykjavík), KEF. Closest bus terminal
in Reykjavík.
Extra info: Participation fee EUR 150,- .
Excursions (as whale watching tours) and free
time activities in the area will be arranged for
the volunteers. Volunteers will have free rides
in the boat/ferry to the city of Reykjavík during
their free time. * Viðey, the name of the island
is translated into English as Wood Island. For
information on Reykjavík please see the
description of our project IS - SEEDS 9.4. RIFF.
Reykjavík International Film Festival.
Number of Volunteers: 12
42. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:August 16, 2008, End: August 30, 2008
Topic: Environment
“Fjarðabyggð is a association of different
communities in the Eastfjords of Iceland. It
includes the towns of Eskifjörður,
Fáskrúðsfjörður, Mjóifjörður, Neskaupstaður,
Reyðarfjörður and Stöðvarfjörður. The towns
have a lot of things in common: They are all
small fishing villages with steep mountains just
behind the houses. In this area you will find
most of the things that makes Iceland a unique
place on a global scale. The fjords are
magnificent and the sea is full of life, the birdlife
is very rich and you can find a great variety of
hiking paths. You will get to know the area
during your stay in the east and it depends on
the tasks and the situation in Fjarðabyggð
where you will be working during the camp.
Work: Most of the work will be cleaning and
beautifying the towns and the surrounding area.
We will also clean the coastline, plant some
trees and even make hiking paths. The work
available will depend on the weather condition
and that’s why we have to be a bit flexible.
Please keep in mind that the work might be
physically hard and you should be prepared for
unfriendly weather, even though it will be nice
most of the time, hopefully.
Accommodation: In a community center.
Mattresses will be provided and everyone is
asked to bring his/her own warm sleeping bag.
We will have showers at the local swimming
pool and sports centre.
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: The language of the camp will be
Location: Fjarðabyggð in the east of Iceland.
Terminal/Region: Intl. Airport: Keflavík
(Reykjavík), KEF. WF Iceland will organize a
bus from Reykjavik to the workcamp site for a
fair prize. Egilsstaðir airport is 40 km away from
the project
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 90,Leisure time: Free access to the local
swimming pool, great places for hiking.
Excursion or a boat trip will be organized by the
hosting partner.
Number of Volunteers: 12
43. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:August 18, 2008, End: August 31, 2008
Topic: Environment
Hvolsvöllur is a small town in the south of
Iceland about 106 km to the east of Reykjavik.
It is a young community whose development
began in 1930 when a large cooperative store
was opened there. The town is located in a
fertile region amid pleasant surroundings with
the snow-capped Mt. Hekla rearing above the
horizon. The inhabitants base their livelihood
mainly on services rendered to the agricultural
surroundings, the manufacture of meat
products, for the domestic market and tourism.
The town is situated in one of the most
important Saga regions of the country, with
some of the main stages of the renowned
Njal's-Saga. Those who are interested in the
Icelandic Sagas should not miss visiting the
Njala Centre in town. Salmon and trout fishing
in the nearby rivers is very rewarding.
Work: We will clean and help the locals to
rebuild old beautiful caves in the area. We will
also plant trees, maintain old trails, mark
footways and help the locals to beautify the
surrounding of Hvolsvöllur. We will also do a
little bit of work around the great waterfalls
“Seljalandsfoss” and “Skógafoss”. More info
www.south.is The study theme of the camp is
“The Icelandic Saga ”
Accommodation: We will stay in a community
center called “Goðaland“, which is about 10
minutes drive from the town.
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: The language of the work camp is
Location: Hvolsvöllur in the south of Iceland.
Terminal/Region: Intl. Airport: Keflavík
(Reykjavík), KEF. Distance from the project 150
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 90,Leisure time: Free access to the swimming pool
in Hvolsvöllur, guided hikes with locals.
Excursions will be organized by the hosting
Number of Volunteers: 12
44. Iceland - SEEDS Iceland
Begin:August 19, 2008, End: September 2,
Topic: Art, culture, history
Suðureyri í Tálknafirði - Like in the old
Suðureyri is located in the district of
Tálknafjarðarhreppur in the Icelandic Western
Fjords. Tálknafjörður is the main town in the
district with around 300 inhabitants. Suðureyri,
on the opposite western side of the fjord was
the location of an old whaling station built at the
end of the 19th century. The whaling station is
now deserted since the year 1939. Today the
great buildings are monuments of times past.
The main sources of income of the town of
Tálknafjörður are fishing and farming. There is
geothermal activity in this area and the water is
used for heating and in the swimming pool.
Tálknafjörður is located around 400 Km from
Reykjavík and around 160 Km from Ísafjörður,
the biggest town in the Western Fjords.
Work: Volunteers will join a project in the
community of Tálknafjörður and its surrounding
area. We will specifically be working at the old
whaling station in Suðureyri. Volunteers' work
will mainly be focused on renovation and
reconstruction works in the old buildings of the
whaling station, and continue the work started
last year by SEEDS' volunteers. After being
abandoned for more than half a century, some
of the buildings have collapsed and the ruins
are spread all around in the area. The main aim
in the longer-term of the project is to rebuild the
facilities and have an art gallery and historic
exhibit about the whaling station, whaling in
Iceland and the different developments
throughout the last 2 centuries on the topic as
its impact in the local socio-economical
circumstances. The group will be divided in
different teams and tasks will be rotated. One of
the sub-groups will be in charge of catching the
fish, collecting berries and gathering the
ingredients as Icelanders used to cater
themselves some decades ago when the
country and this region in particular were very
isolated and transport of "foreign" goods and
products was almost non-existent. Fishing gear,
boat, as needed equipment and training will be
provided by our local hosts. In case of
unsuccessful journeys to "catch our food", we
will have at our disposal a boat to sail to the
nearest convenience store in the town of
Accommodation: Volunteers will be hosted in
a local house at Suðureyri, will sleep on bunk
beds in shared rooms and are asked to bring
their own sleeping bags. Electricity will be
available for short periods of time a day but a
fully equipped kitchen running on gas is at
disposal. Geothermal hot pots are easy to be
reached by boat on the opposite side of the
fjord, as the swimming pool, convenience store
and additional facilities in the town of
Language: English will be the official language
in the camp; high proficiency is not a
Study: Environmental messenger in the
project. S/he will be in charge of delivering
ecological and global education messages to
both, International volunteers and local hosts;
organising few activities on topics related to
environment, nature protection and
Terminal/Region: Closest International Airport:
Keflavík-Reykjavík (KEF).
Extra info: Participation fee EUR 120,- (Euros).
Excursions in the area will be arranged for
volunteers by our local host. Please expect
plenty of Icelandic cod and haddock in the
menu and loads of fun sailing and catching
your own food!!
Number of Volunteers: 12
45. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:August 25, 2008, End: September 8,
Topic: Art, culture, history
Night of the lights in Reykjanesbær
This workcamp will take place in Reykjanesbær
which is a major center of fishing and fish
processing, although in recent years tourism
has played an increasingly important role in the
local economy. Reykjanes has something for
everyone. Steeped in a rich vein of history,
folklore and tradition, the region is also home to
some of the world's greatest geological
wonders, including the Reykjanes Ridge,
meeting place of the Eurasian and American
continental plates. Teeming with a wealth of
bird and marine life whose habitats lie amid
some of Iceland most spectacular coastal
scenery, Reykjanes is the natural choice for all
lovers of the outdoors. In this town the
authorities are very open for new ideas, for
example here you can find the former NATO
base which is now becoming a University
village and a centre of art and film making. The
festival will take place from the 4th to the 7th of
September. This is a cultural festival with a lot
of happenings. Take a look at the programme
from last year.
m_2007/ Here you can also see photos from
the last camp that we had there:
http://www.wf.is/artediem/ The authorities are
now planning to build “a home for Trolls” near
to the port of the town, close to the center. Like
elves, trolls are also part of the ancient heritage
of the Scandinavian mythology. Although they
are human-like in form, they are still inhumanly
strong, huge and ugly. They are very often
thought to be fearsome and cruel creatures.
But, like elves, trolls often treat people as they
are treated and they return favors for favors,
exerting vengeance if harmed. Trolls live in
mountains, caves and cliffs, especially bird
cliffs. Like humans, they live together socially.
They fish, cultivate land and keep animals.
They are also very good at handicrafts and hold
Work: There are two kinds of tasks that we will
have during those two weeks. 1. There is an
very well known art group here in Iceland called
Nordan Bál that have been doing all kind of art
and performances in Iceland. This group will do
the construction of the Cave (home) of the
46. Iceland - WF Iceland
Begin:August 29, 2008, End: September 12,
Topic: Environment
“Fjarðabyggð is a association of different
communities in the Eastfjords of Iceland. It
includes the towns of Eskifjörður,
Fáskrúðsfjörður, Mjóifjörður, Neskaupstaður,
Reyðarfjörður and Stöðvarfjörður. The towns
have a lot of things in common: They are all
small fishing villages with steep mountains just
behind the houses. In this area you will find
most of the things that makes Iceland a unique
place on a global scale. The fjords are
magnificent and the sea is full of life, the birdlife
is very rich and you can find a great variety of
hiking paths. You will get to know the area
during your stay in the east and it depends on
the tasks and the situation in Fjarðabyggð
where you will be working during the camp.
Work: Most of the work will be cleaning and
beautifying the towns and the surrounding area.
We will also clean the coastline, plant some
trees and even make hiking paths. The work
available will depend on the weather condition
and that’s why we have to be a bit flexible.
Please keep in mind that the work might be
physically hard and you should be prepared for
unfriendly weather, even though it will be nice
most of the time, hopefully.
Accommodation: In a community center.
Mattresses will be provided and everyone is
asked to bring his/her own warm sleeping bag.
We will have showers at the local swimming
pool and sports centre.
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: The language of the camp will be
Location: Fjarðabyggð in the east of Iceland.
Terminal/Region: Intl. Airport: Keflavík
(Reykjavík), KEF. WF Iceland will organize a
bus from Reykjavik to the workcamp site for a
fair prize. Egilsstaðir airport is 40 km away from
the project
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 90,Leisure time: Free access to the local
swimming pool, great places for hiking.
Excursion or a boat trip will be organized by the
hosting partner.
Number of Volunteers: 12
Trolls and also make the furniture and other
things that they need for their daily life.
Everything will be oversized so it will fit the big
creatures. We will help the art group to build the
home and we will also do some environmental
work in the area around the place. Please
notice that we will work with heavy things so the
work can be physically hard. 2. We will help
with the preparation of the festival and also with
some practical things during the festival.
Accommodation: in a house owned by the
local community, participants are asked to bring
a sleeping bag.
Food: The food will be provided for the duration
of the work camp and everyone is expected to
do their fair share of the cooking/cleaning. It
would be nice to share new and different
dishes, so please remember to bring along
recipes from your own countries
Language: the language of the work camp is
Location: Reykjanesbær in the south of
Terminal/Region: Reykjavík – Keflavík Int.
Airport is only 10 minutes away from the town.
Extra info: Xtra participation fee EUR 120,Leisure time: Free access to the local
swimming pool. Excursions will be organized by
the locals.
Number of Volunteers: 12
47. Iceland - SEEDS Iceland
Begin:September 23, 2008, End: October 6,
Topic: Art, culture, history
RIFF - Reykjavík* International Film Festival
Reykjavík* has been called Europe's hottest
capital. Slick advertising campaigns have
championed the city's famed nightlife. But there
is more to Reykjavik than clubs. It held the
prestigious title European City of Culture in the
year 2000; a welcome recognition of its
colourful cultural life. The world's northernmost
capital bridges the Atlantic, between Europe
and North America, is framed by the Mt. Esja
and the blue waters of Faxaflói Bay. Its
population is about 115,000 (40% of Iceland's
population) in the metropolitan area and
180,000 including its suburbs. It is growing
steadily and 45% is younger than 30 years old;
83,1% of people aged 16-74 are active on the
labour market. Reykjavík is a modern city in
harmony with beautiful nature. Its International
Film Festival, launched in 2004, holds a unique
position among film festivals organized around
the world. How often are festival-attendees
given the chance to catch the cream of recent
festival films, see dozens of flicks from the
world's youngest and most talented directors,
meet foreign film pioneers, see the shimmering
Northern lights and attend informative
seminars? The programme includes movies
from more than 30 countries; a special category
dedicated to human rights in cooperation with
Work: We will be part of the team organising
the Reykjavík International Film Festival
(RIFF).We will team up with the Icelandic
volunteers from the Film studies of the
University of Iceland. They will share all types
of tasks related to the festival and the group will
be split accordingly to give everyone the
chance to try out different assignments. Our
input will make a big difference in making the
festival an impressive cultural event. Before
starting the festival handing out leaflets, posters
and brochures, receiving guests at the airport
and driving them to the city, as back, selling
entrance tickets and festival passes, controlling
at the entrances in the venues, helping during
the screenings, guiding and assisting
participants and spectators, setting up the
venues before and after the movies and a wide
variety of many different duties. The tasks are
very exciting for volunteers interested in films,
since we try to give them insight into the
working process for a film festival in a creative
Accommodation: We will be lodged in a youth
accommodation building. There will be bunk
beds, mattresses and all facilities needed. Food
will be provided, so cooking and common tasks
will be shared fairly. A warm sleeping bag is
Language: English will be the language in the
camp, but high proficiency is not a requirement.
Study: Environmental messenger in the
project. S/he will be in charge of delivering
ecological and global education messages to
both, International volunteers and local hosts,
organising few activities on topics related to
environment, nature protection and
Terminal/Region: Closest International Airport:
Keflavík (Reykjavík), KEF.
Extra info: Participation fee EUR 150,-.We will
have free passes and access to all the
screenings of the festival including receptions,
while we are having our free time. * The name
Reykjavík means "smoky bay": Given by the
first settlers that arrived to the area due to the
high geothermal activity and the constant rise of
steam out of the hot springs around.
Number of Volunteers: 15
1. Ireland - VSI Ireland
Begin:April 27, 2008, End: May 16, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
CUISLE (Co. Roscommon)
The Irish Wheelchair Association is a voluntary
organisation dedicated to the achievement of
full social, economic and educational
integration of people with physical disabilities,
Cuisle is their holiday centre (www.cuisle.com).
Work: Socialising and interacting with the
holiday guests and accompanying them on
trips. The age and background of the guests
varies, all the guests are physically disabled
and some of the guests may have speech
impairments and / or learning disabilities.
Activities will include lots of entertainment and
music, if you play a musical instrument please
bring it with you. Vols are also asked to help in
the kitchen for approximately one hour each
Study: Disability issues.
Accommodation: Dorm. Meals are provided
by the centre.
Language: Fluent English is essential in order
to communicate with the guests.
Qualifications: Volunteering at Cuisle is a lot
of fun and is a very rewarding experience. Vols
need flexibility, initiative and independence.
Terminal/Region: Cuisle is in an isolated area
in the countryside, in the grounds of Donamon
Castle, 15km from Roscommon Town.
Extra info: Important: Child and Vulnerable
Adult Protection procedures will be applied and
a motivation letter will be requested.
Number of Volunteers: 4
2. Ireland - VSI Ireland
Begin:May 5, 2008, End: May 19, 2008
Topic: Environment
SONAIRTE (Co. Meath)
*Mixed age* Sonairte (www.sonairte.org) was
established in the late 1980s, it is a visitor
centre promoting ecological awareness and
sustainable development. As well as an Energy
Courtyard, there is a walled organic garden and
nature trail. The reception area provides free
info on sustainable living to the public and there
is an Eco-shop and cafe.
Work: Gardening, involving planting, harvesting
and weeding; maintenance on the old farm
buildings. Assisting at the reception desk, eco
shop and café on days Sonairte is open to the
public. Assisting with event days and Farmers
Market. Opportunity to assist leading tours of
school groups around Sonairte (Energy,
Nature, Organic Gardening) for this particular
work training is provided, references required,
details from VSI.
Accommodation: Basic, mixed, in 2 rooms in
the Centre on foam mattresses, bring a
sleeping bag. In line with the ecological ethos
of the Centre, food is vegetarian only.
Volunteers cook and clean for themselves on a
rota basis.
Language: Fluent English is essential in order
to communicate with the public.
Qualifications: Volunteers must enjoy working
with the public and have an interest in
sustainable living.
Study: Renewable Energy, Organic Gardening
Terminal/Region: Sonairte is in an isolated
area, situated in a farm complex of noted
historical interest on the banks of the River
Nanny, within walking distance to the small
coastal town of Laytown. Local sites of interest
include Newgrange Megalithic Passage Tomb,
Knowth and Dowth. Laytown is one hour north
of Dublin city by train or bus.
Extra info: Unsuitable for wheelchairs.
Volunteers are encouraged to use alternative
forms of transport to air travel.
Number of Volunteers: 6
3. Ireland - VSI Ireland
Begin:June 1, 2008, End: June 13, 2008
Topic: Environment
SUNRISE (Co. Clare)
Hosted by the Sunrise Education Trust, these
projects take place on a small organic farm,
focusing on attaining inner and outer peace
through work and cooperative development.
Work: Construction of a polytunnel,
reconstruction of small buildings, organic
planting. Skills in gardening, construction and
forestry would be useful.
Study: Volunteers will learn about sustainable
ecology, vegetarianism and nutrition and
homeopathic first aid. If volunteers are
interested they can also learn and practice
Accommodation: Dorm-style or camping if
preferred. Important: Food is strictly vegetarian
only. Compost toilets. No internet available at
Terminal/Region: Sunrise is very isolated in a
rural area with no local public transport; it’s
situated in the Slieve Aughty, excellent for hillwalking. Local attractions include Lough Derg
and the area is well known for traditional music.
Extra info: The accommodation is wheelchair
accessible, worksite has partial wheelchair
access, please check with VSI.
Number of Volunteers: 8
4. Ireland - VSI Ireland
Begin:June 21, 2008, End: June 27, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
IASBAH (Co. Galway)
The Irish Association for Spina Bifida and
Hydrocephalus (IASBAH, www.iasbah.ie) runs
a 'Summer Independence Training Project' for
its members with Spina Bifida and
Hydrocephalus. Each week there are 16
participants of different age groups, age 12 to
35 years and there will be 17 volunteers in total.
Work: Encouraging and supporting participants
to take part in fun activities, working with
occupational therapists and nursing staff in
promoting independence skills and carrying out
personal care duties, making the week a fun
one for all! Activities include dance, massage,
yoga, music, various sports, occupational
therapy, arts and crafts, shopping day trips and
a disco. Volunteers work for one week at a
time, you are encouraged to apply to take part
in two of the weeks but you must take a week
off for rest in between (volunteers must provide
for themselves during this time).
Study: Health, Education, Social Care,
Disability Awareness, Occupational Therapy.
Accommodation: Dorms or twin rooms. Meals
provided by the centre
Language: Very Important: Advanced to fluent
English is essential in order to be able to
communicate with the participants.
Qualifications: Volunteers must be motivated,
enthusiastic and have a sense of fun for this
extremely worthwhile and enriching experience.
Volunteers working and/or studying in the
Health, Education or Social Care disciplines are
particularly welcome. However, experience is
not essential as training is provided.
Terminal/Region: Important: The meeting
point for all the projects is in Dublin. All
volunteers will meet in the morning of the arrival
day at the IASBAH National Resource Centre
(approximately 45 minute bus journey from
Dublin city centre), regardless of where the
week takes place. All volunteers must therefore
spend the previous night in Dublin.
Extra info: Training will be provided by
IASBAH at the beginning of each week of the
project. In addition to the SCI application form,
volunteers will need to send us a motivation
letter and each vol will be interviewed by
phone. We also need to verbally check two
referees, and receive a signed Declaration
Form from by the vol, VSI will send details of
these extra requirements on receiving
application forms.
Number of Volunteers: 6
5. Ireland - VSI Ireland
Begin:June 21, 2008, End: July 5, 2008
Topic: Environment
Glenstal Abbey is a Benedictine monastery in
County Limerick in the south-west of Ireland
(www.glenstal.org). The abbey, situated
between the plains of the Golden Vale and the
mountains of Slieve Felim, is surrounded by
lakes, streams, exotic trees planted in the
nineteenth century and some of the last
remnants of Ireland's primeval oak forest. The
Abbey is home to a community of monks.
Glenstal Abbey works to preserve and promote
ecological balance.
Work: Conservation of primeval oak woodland.
The work is physically demanding.
Study: Vols will learn about woodland
Accommodation: Half the vols will camp, the
others will sleep in a dorm in a small house on
the grounds, bring a sleeping bag and if
sleeping in the dormitory bring a single bed
sheet too; in your application form please state
whether or not you are able to camp. All meals
will be prepared by the volunteers in the kitchen
of the house. The showers are a 20 minute
walk from the accommodation.
Terminal/Region: Glenstal is in an isolated
area, the cottage is about 2km from the village
of Murroe. Most evening entertainment will be
camp-based; if you play a musical instrument
please bring it with you.
Extra info: Not suitable for wheelchairs.
Volunteers are encouraged to use alternative
forms of transport to air travel.
Number of Volunteers: 12
6. Ireland - VSI Ireland
Begin:June 21, 2008, End: July 4, 2008
Topic: Environment
The Arts for Peace Foundation
(www.artsforpeace.ie) is a global organisation
based in Ireland. The central mission of the
project is to provide residential, recreational
respite programmes for children and young
people affected by conflict. The aims of the
organisation are to create peaceful coexistence, while empowering the young people
through its programmes of recreational sports
and arts activities. So far the Foundation has
worked with teenagers from Palestine and the
community of Moyross in Limerick, Ireland and
in 2008 will host programmes with young
people from Palestine, Israel, Lebanon and
Work: Includes planting shrubs/trees, weeding,
replacing fences, general household chores,
painting and decorating and maybe light
carpentry. Carpenters, gardeners and those
with building skills extremely welcome. Bring
work gloves and work boots. 6 of 12 volunteers
in total.
Accommodation: On floors in Durrow Abbey
House, bring sleeping bag and mat.
Study: Vols will learn about the work of the Arts
for Peace Foundation, as well as have the
opportunity to explore the themes of social
Terminal/Region: Durrow Abbey House is
situated in an isolated area in beautiful
countryside, by the Esker Riada hills, 6.5 km
from Tullamore. St Colmcille founded a
monastery at Durrow Abbey in the sixth
century. Today, the site's structures include a
fine High Cross, a holy well and a derelict
nineteenth-century Protestant Church. The
surrounding land is edged by some of the last
remaining virgin Oak forest of Ireland, and is
home to a family of Sika deer.
Number of Volunteers: 6
7. Ireland - VSI Ireland
Begin:June 26, 2008, End: July 12, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
CUISLE (Co. Roscommon)
The Irish Wheelchair Association is a voluntary
organisation dedicated to the achievement of
full social, economic and educational
integration of people with physical disabilities,
Cuisle is their holiday centre (www.cuisle.com).
Work: Socialising and interacting with the
holiday guests and accompanying them on
trips. The age and background of the guests
varies, all the guests are physically disabled
and some of the guests may have speech
impairments and / or learning disabilities.
Activities will include lots of entertainment and
music, if you play a musical instrument please
bring it with you. Vols are also asked to help in
the kitchen for approximately one hour each
Study: Disability issues.
Accommodation: Dorm. Meals are provided
by the centre.
Language: Fluent English is essential in order
to communicate with the guests.
Qualifications: Volunteering at Cuisle is a lot
of fun and is a very rewarding experience. Vols
need flexibility, initiative and independence.
Terminal/Region: Cuisle is in an isolated area
in the countryside, in the grounds of Donamon
Castle, 15km from Roscommon Town.
Extra info: Important: Child and Vulnerable
Adult Protection procedures will be applied and
a motivation letter will be requested.
Number of Volunteers: 4
8. Ireland - VSI Ireland
Begin:July 4, 2008, End: July 10, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
IASBAH (Dublin)
The Irish Association for Spina Bifida and
Hydrocephalus (IASBAH, www.iasbah.ie) runs
a 'Summer Independence Training Project' for
its members with Spina Bifida and
Hydrocephalus. Each week there are 16
participants of different age groups, age 12 to
35 years and there will be 17 volunteers in total.
Work: Encouraging and supporting participants
to take part in fun activities, working with
occupational therapists and nursing staff in
promoting independence skills and carrying out
personal care duties, making the week a fun
one for all! Activities include dance, massage,
yoga, music, various sports, occupational
therapy, arts and crafts, shopping day trips and
a disco. Volunteers work for one week at a
time, you are encouraged to apply to take part
in two of the weeks but you must take a week
off for rest in between (volunteers must provide
for themselves during this time).
Study: Health, Education, Social Care,
Disability Awareness, Occupational Therapy.
Accommodation: Dorms or twin rooms. Meals
provided by the centre
Language: Very Important:Advanced to fluent
English is essential in order to be able to
communicate with the participants.
Qualifications: Volunteers must be motivated,
enthusiastic and have a sense of fun for this
extremely worthwhile and enriching experience.
Volunteers working and/or studying in the
Health, Education or Social Care disciplines are
particularly welcome. However, experience is
not essential as training is provided.
Terminal/Region:Important: The meeting point
for all the projects is in Dublin. All volunteers
will meet in the morning of the arrival day at the
IASBAH National Resource Centre
(approximately 45 minute bus journey from
Dublin city centre), regardless of where the
week takes place. All volunteers must therefore
spend the previous night in Dublin.
Extra info: Training will be provided by
IASBAH at the beginning of each week of the
project. In addition to the SCI application form,
volunteers will need to send us a motivation
letter and each vol will be interviewed by
phone. We also need to verbally check two
referees, and receive a signed Declaration
Form from by the vol, VSI will send details of
these extra requirements on receiving
application forms.
Number of Volunteers: 6
9. Ireland - VSI Ireland
Begin:July 5, 2008, End: July 19, 2008
Topic: Environment
Glenstal Abbey is a Benedictine monastery in
County Limerick in the south-west of Ireland
(www.glenstal.org). The abbey, situated
between the plains of the Golden Vale and the
mountains of Slieve Felim, is surrounded by
lakes, streams, exotic trees planted in the
nineteenth century and some of the last
remnants of Ireland's primeval oak forest. The
Abbey is home to a community of monks.
Glenstal Abbey works to preserve and promote
ecological balance.
Work: Conservation of primeval oak woodland.
The work is physically demanding.
Study: Vols will learn about woodland
Accommodation: Half the vols will camp, the
others will sleep in a dorm in a small house on
the grounds, bring a sleeping bag and if
sleeping in the dormitory bring a single bed
sheet too; in your application form please state
whether or not you are able to camp. All meals
will be prepared by the volunteers in the kitchen
of the house. The showers are a 20 minute
walk from the accommodation.
Terminal/Region: Glenstal is in an isolated
area, the cottage is about 2km from the village
of Murroe. Most evening entertainment will be
camp-based; if you play a musical instrument
please bring it with you.
Extra info: Not suitable for wheelchairs.
Volunteers are encouraged to use alternative
forms of transport to air travel.
Number of Volunteers: 12
10. Ireland - VSI Ireland
Begin:July 11, 2008, End: July 17, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
IASBAH (Dublin)
The Irish Association for Spina Bifida and
Hydrocephalus (IASBAH, www.iasbah.ie) runs
a 'Summer Independence Training Project' for
its members with Spina Bifida and
Hydrocephalus. Each week there are 16
participants of different age groups, age 12 to
35 years and there will be 17 volunteers in total.
Work: Encouraging and supporting participants
to take part in fun activities, working with
occupational therapists and nursing staff in
promoting independence skills and carrying out
personal care duties, making the week a fun
one for all! Activities include dance, massage,
yoga, music, various sports, occupational
therapy, arts and crafts, shopping day trips and
a disco. Volunteers work for one week at a
time, you are encouraged to apply to take part
in two of the weeks but you must take a week
off for rest in between (volunteers must provide
for themselves during this time).
Study: Health, Education, Social Care,
Disability Awareness, Occupational Therapy.
Accommodation: Dorms or twin rooms. Meals
provided by the centre
Language: Very Important: Advanced to fluent
English is essential in order to be able to
communicate with the participants.
Qualifications: Volunteers must be motivated,
enthusiastic and have a sense of fun for this
extremely worthwhile and enriching experience.
Volunteers working and/or studying in the
Health, Education or Social Care disciplines are
particularly welcome. However, experience is
not essential as training is provided.
Terminal/Region: Important: The meeting
point for all the projects is in Dublin. All
volunteers will meet in the morning of the arrival
day at the IASBAH National Resource Centre
(approximately 45 minute bus journey from
Dublin city centre), regardless of where the
week takes place. All volunteers must therefore
spend the previous night in Dublin.
Extra info: Training will be provided by
IASBAH at the beginning of each week of the
project. In addition to the SCI application form,
volunteers will need to send us a motivation
letter and each vol will be interviewed by
phone. We also need to verbally check two
referees, and receive a signed Declaration
Form from by the vol, VSI will send details of
these extra requirements on receiving
application forms.
Number of Volunteers: 6
11. Ireland - VSI Ireland
Begin:July 19, 2008, End: August 9, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
CUISLE (Co. Roscommon)
The Irish Wheelchair Association is a voluntary
organisation dedicated to the achievement of
full social, economic and educational
integration of people with physical disabilities,
Cuisle is their holiday centre (www.cuisle.com).
Work: Socialising and interacting with the
holiday guests and accompanying them on
trips. The age and background of the guests
varies, all the guests are physically disabled
and some of the guests may have speech
impairments and / or learning disabilities.
Activities will include lots of entertainment and
music, if you play a musical instrument please
bring it with you. Vols are also asked to help in
the kitchen for approximately one hour each
Study: Disability issues.
Accommodation: Dorm. Meals are provided
by the centre.
Language: Fluent English is essential in order
to communicate with the guests.
Qualifications: Volunteering at Cuisle is a lot
of fun and is a very rewarding experience. Vols
need flexibility, initiative and independence.
Terminal/Region: Cuisle is in an isolated area
in the countryside, in the grounds of Donamon
Castle, 15km from Roscommon Town.
Extra info: Important: Child and Vulnerable
Adult Protection procedures will be applied and
a motivation letter will be requested.
Number of Volunteers: 4
12. Ireland - VSI Ireland
Begin:July 25, 2008, End: July 31, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
IASBAH (Co. Roscommon)
The Irish Association for Spina Bifida and
Hydrocephalus (IASBAH, www.iasbah.ie) runs
a 'Summer Independence Training Project' for
its members with Spina Bifida and
Hydrocephalus. Each week there are 16
participants of different age groups, age 12 to
35 years and there will be 17 volunteers in total.
Work: Encouraging and supporting participants
to take part in fun activities, working with
occupational therapists and nursing staff in
promoting independence skills and carrying out
personal care duties, making the week a fun
one for all! Activities include dance, massage,
yoga, music, various sports, occupational
therapy, arts and crafts, shopping day trips and
a disco. Volunteers work for one week at a
time, you are encouraged to apply to take part
in two of the weeks but you must take a week
off for rest in between (volunteers must provide
for themselves during this time).
Study: Health, Education, Social Care,
Disability Awareness, Occupational Therapy.
Accommodation: Dorms or twin rooms. Meals
provided by the centre
Language: Very Important: Advanced to fluent
English is essential in order to be able to
communicate with the participants.
Qualifications: Volunteers must be motivated,
enthusiastic and have a sense of fun for this
extremely worthwhile and enriching experience.
Volunteers working and/or studying in the
Health, Education or Social Care disciplines are
particularly welcome. However, experience is
not essential as training is provided.
Terminal/Region: Important: The meeting
point for all the projects is in Dublin. All
volunteers will meet in the morning of the arrival
day at the IASBAH National Resource Centre
(approximately 45 minute bus journey from
Dublin city centre), regardless of where the
week takes place. All volunteers must therefore
spend the previous night in Dublin.
Extra info: Training will be provided by
IASBAH at the beginning of each week of the
project. In addition to the SCI application form,
volunteers will need to send us a motivation
letter and each vol will be interviewed by
phone. We also need to verbally check two
referees, and receive a signed Declaration
Form from by the vol, VSI will send details of
these extra requirements on receiving
application forms.
Number of Volunteers: 6
13. Ireland - VSI Ireland
Begin:July 26, 2008, End: August 9, 2008
Topic: Environment
BALLYBAY (Co. Monaghan)
Camphill Ballybay (www.camphill.ie) is one of
60 Camphill communities around the world and
one of 14 in Ireland which offers people with
intellectual disabilities a sheltered environment
in which their educational, therapeutic and
social needs can be met. At the community
there is a small farm building, a weavery,
candle-making workshop, a wood workshop
and garden buildings, complete with
glasshouse and plastic tunnels. The farm and
vegetable garden are run along organic/ biodynamic lines.
Work: Picking fruit and general gardening
Study: Vols will learn about the Camphill
philosophy and life in the community.
Accommodation: Bunkbeds in a small house.
Vols will cook for themselves in their own
Terminal/Region: Ballybay is in an isolated
area, located in the countryside, just south of
the border with Northern Ireland.
Extra info: Important: Child and Vulnerable
Adult Protection procedures will be applied.
Number of Volunteers: 6
14. Ireland - VSI Ireland
Begin:July 28, 2008, End: August 18, 2008
Topic: Environment
SONAIRTE (Co. Meath)
*Mixed age* Sonairte (www.sonairte.org) was
established in the late 1980s, it is a visitor
centre promoting ecological awareness and
sustainable development. As well as an Energy
Courtyard, there is a walled organic garden and
nature trail. The reception area provides free
info on sustainable living to the public and there
is an Eco-shop and cafe.
Work: Mainly dealing with visitors by helping in
the Eco shop, Reception and Mustard Seed
Café. Gardening, involving planting, weeding
and harvesting vegetables and soft fruit.
Assisting with event days and Farmers
Study: Organic Gardening
Accommodation: Basic, mixed, in 2 rooms in
the Centre on foam mattresses, bring a
sleeping bag. In line with the ecological ethos
of the Centre, food is vegetarian only.
Volunteers cook and clean for themselves on a
rota basis.
Language: Important: Fluent English is
essential in order to communicate with the
Qualifications: Volunteers must enjoy working
with the public and have an interest in
sustainable living.
Terminal/Region: Sonairte is in an isolated
area, situated in a farm complex of noted
historical interest on the banks of the River
Nanny, within walking distance to the small
coastal town of Laytown. Local sites of interest
include Newgrange Megalithic Passage Tomb,
Knowth and Dowth. Laytown is one hour north
of Dublin city by train or bus.
Extra info: Unsuitable for wheelchairs.
Volunteers are encouraged to use alternative
forms of transport to air travel.
Number of Volunteers: 6
15. Ireland - VSI Ireland
Begin:August 2, 2008, End: August 15, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
MOSNEY (Co. Meath)
Mixed Age Mosney is a former holiday resort,
which now provides housing for almost 700
residents from 50 different countries seeking
asylum in Ireland. There are approximately 100
children aged 4 to 12yrs resident in Mosney,
volunteers are needed to help run a Summer
Activity Camp for some of these children.
Work: Organising activities: sports, arts, drama
etc. for the children, day trips are also planned.
Study: Asylum-seeking process in different
countries (please bring info from your country),
Accommodation: Shared, in former holiday
chalets on the site. Volunteers will prepare their
own breakfast in the chalets, other meals
provided by the centre.
Qualifications: Volunteers should have
experience of working with children, preferably
on summer camps, in arts/ crafts, drama and/or
Terminal/Region: Approximately 48 km north
of Dublin in Co. Meath. The centre is quite
isolated, there is a regular bus service to
Drogheda, the nearest large town, which takes
about 15 minutes. The centre is located next to
a beach; there is a small supermarket on the
Extra info: Important: Child and Vulnerable
Adult Protection procedures will be applied.
Number of Volunteers: 10
16. Ireland - VSI Ireland
Begin:August 8, 2008, End: August 14, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
IASBAH (Dublin)
The Irish Association for Spina Bifida and
Hydrocephalus (IASBAH, www.iasbah.ie) runs
a 'Summer Independence Training Project' for
its members with Spina Bifida and
Hydrocephalus. Each week there are 16
participants of different age groups, age 12 to
35 years and there will be 17 volunteers in total.
Work: Encouraging and supporting participants
to take part in fun activities, working with
occupational therapists and nursing staff in
promoting independence skills and carrying out
personal care duties, making the week a fun
one for all! Activities include dance, massage,
yoga, music, various sports, occupational
therapy, arts and crafts, shopping day trips and
a disco. Volunteers work for one week at a
time, you are encouraged to apply to take part
in two of the weeks but you must take a week
off for rest in between (volunteers must provide
for themselves during this time).
Study: Health, Education, Social Care,
Disability Awareness, Occupational Therapy.
Accommodation: Dorms or twin rooms. Meals
provided by the centre
Language: Very Important: Advanced to fluent
English is essential in order to be able to
communicate with the participants.
Qualifications: Volunteers must be motivated,
enthusiastic and have a sense of fun for this
extremely worthwhile and enriching experience.
Volunteers working and/or studying in the
Health, Education or Social Care disciplines are
particularly welcome. However, experience is
not essential as training is provided.
Terminal/Region: Important: The meeting
point for all the projects is in Dublin. All
volunteers will meet in the morning of the arrival
day at the IASBAH National Resource Centre
(approximately 45 minute bus journey from
Dublin city centre), regardless of where the
week takes place. All volunteers must therefore
spend the previous night in Dublin.
Extra info: Training will be provided by
IASBAH at the beginning of each week of the
project. In addition to the SCI application form,
volunteers will need to send us a motivation
letter and each vol will be interviewed by
phone. We also need to verbally check two
referees, and receive a signed Declaration
Form from by the vol, VSI will send details of
these extra requirements on receiving
application forms.
Number of Volunteers: 6
17. Ireland - VSI Ireland
Begin:August 9, 2008, End: September 8, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
CUISLE (Co. Roscommon)
The Irish Wheelchair Association is a voluntary
organisation dedicated to the achievement of
full social, economic and educational
integration of people with physical disabilities,
Cuisle is their holiday centre (www.cuisle.com).
Work: Socialising and interacting with the
holiday guests and accompanying them on
trips. The age and background of the guests
varies, all the guests are physically disabled
and some of the guests may have speech
impairments and / or learning disabilities.
Activities will include lots of entertainment and
music, if you play a musical instrument please
bring it with you. Vols are also asked to help in
the kitchen for approximately one hour each
Study: Disability issues.
Accommodation: Dorm. Meals are provided
by the centre.
Language: Fluent English is essential in order
to communicate with the guests.
Qualifications: Volunteering at Cuisle is a lot
of fun and is a very rewarding experience. Vols
need flexibility, initiative and independence.
Terminal/Region: Cuisle is in an isolated area
in the countryside, in the grounds of Donamon
Castle, 15km from Roscommon Town.
Extra info: Important: Child and Vulnerable
Adult Protection procedures will be applied and
a motivation letter will be requested.
Number of Volunteers: 4
18. Ireland - VSI Ireland
Begin:August 17, 2008, End: August 29, 2008
Topic: Environment
SUNRISE (Co. Clare)
Hosted by the Sunrise Education Trust, these
projects take place on a small organic farm,
focusing on attaining inner and outer peace
through work and cooperative development.
Work: Creating paths in a forest, organic
planting and possibly creating native
woodlands. Skills in gardening, construction
and forestry would be useful.
Study: Volunteers will learn about sustainable
ecology, vegetarianism and nutrition,
homeopathic first aid. If vols are interested they
can also learn and practice yoga.
Accommodation: Dorm-style or camping if
preferred. Important: Food is strictly vegetarian
only. Compost toilets. No internet available at
Terminal/Region: Sunrise is very isolated in a
rural area with no local public transport; it’s
situated in the Slieve Aughty, excellent for hillwalking. Local attractions include Lough Derg
and the area is well known for traditional music.
Extra info: The accommodation is wheelchair
accessible, worksite has partial wheelchair
access, please check with VSI.
Number of Volunteers: 8
19. Ireland - VSI Ireland
Begin:September 8, 2008, End: September 22,
Topic: Environment
SONAIRTE (Co. Meath)
*Mixed age* Sonairte (www.sonairte.org) was
established in the late 1980s, it is a visitor
centre promoting ecological awareness and
sustainable development. As well as an Energy
Courtyard, there is a walled organic garden and
nature trail. The reception area provides free
info on sustainable living to the public and there
is an Eco-shop and cafe.
Work: Sonairte becomes an apple lover’s
paradise at this time. Harvesters and peelers
please apply. Gardening, including planting,
harvesting and weeding. Assisting at the
reception desk, eco shop and café on days
Sonairte is open to the public. Assisting with
event days and Farmers Market.
Study: Organic Gardening
Accommodation: Basic, mixed, in 2 rooms in
the Centre on foam mattresses, bring a
sleeping bag. In line with the ecological ethos
of the Centre, food is vegetarian only.
Volunteers cook and clean for themselves on a
rota basis.
Language: Fluent English is essential in order
to communicate with the public.
Qualifications: Volunteers must enjoy working
with the public and have an interest in
sustainable living.
Terminal/Region: Sonairte is in an isolated
area, situated in a farm complex of noted
historical interest on the banks of the River
Nanny, within walking distance to the small
coastal town of Laytown. Local sites of interest
include Newgrange Megalithic Passage Tomb,
Knowth and Dowth. Laytown is one hour north
of Dublin city by train or bus.
Extra info: Unsuitable for wheelchairs.
Volunteers are encouraged to use alternative
forms of transport to air travel.
Number of Volunteers: 6
20. Ireland - VSI Ireland
Begin:October 5, 2008, End: October 14, 2008
Topic: Environment
BALLYTOBIN (Co. Kilkenny)
Ballytobin is one of 60 Camphill communities
around the world and one of 14 in Ireland which
offers those in need of special care a sheltered
environment in which their educational,
therapeutic and social needs can be
me.htm). The Ballytobin Community cares for
approximately 50 children and adults, most of
whom will be on holiday during the camp.
Ballytobin is involved in the Bio Energy and
Organic Fertiliser Services Project which
provides fuel and energy needs of the
Community through the production of biogas
(methane) by the anaerobic digestion of farm
Work: Manual/ gardening work on the grounds
of Ballytobin, details to follow.
Study: Volunteers will learn about the Camphill
philosophy and life in the community.
Accommodation: In the houses of the
Terminal/Region: Ballytobin is in an isolated,
rural area in the south east of Ireland near
Callan town, approximately 15 km from
Kilkenny City.
Extra info: Important: Child and Vulnerable
Adult Protection procedures will be applied.
Number of Volunteers: 6
21. Ireland - VSI Ireland
Begin:October 6, 2008, End: October 20, 2008
Topic: Environment
SONAIRTE (Co. Meath)
*Mixed age* Sonairte (www.sonairte.org) was established
in the late 1980s, it is a visitor centre promoting ecological
awareness and sustainable development. As well as an
Energy Courtyard, there is a walled organic garden and
nature trail. The reception area provides free info on
sustainable living to the public and there is an Eco-shop
and cafe. W Sonairte becomes an apple lover’s paradise
at this time. Harvesters and peelers please apply.
Gardening includes planting, harvesting and weeding.
Assisting at the reception desk, eco shop and café on
days Sonairte is open to the public. Assisting with event
days and Farmers Market.
Study: Organic Gardening
Accommodation: Basic, mixed, in 2 rooms in the Centre
on foam mattresses, bring a sleeping bag. In line with the
ecological ethos of the Centre, food is vegetarian only.
Volunteers cook and clean for themselves on a rota basis.
Language: Fluent English is essential in order to
communicate with the public.
Qualifications: Volunteers must enjoy working with the
public and have an interest in sustainable living.
Terminal/Region: Sonairte is in an isolated area, situated
in a farm complex of noted historical interest on the banks
of the River Nanny, within walking distance to the small
coastal town of Laytown. Local sites of interest include
Newgrange Megalithic Passage Tomb, Knowth and
Dowth. Laytown is one hour north of Dublin city by train or
Extra info: Unsuitable for wheelchairs. Volunteers are
encouraged to use alternative forms of transport to air
Number of Volunteers: 6
1. Italy - SCI Italy
Begin:April 19, 2008, End: April 26, 2008
Topic: Environment
ETA BETA, EDUCATIONAL FARM Castelfiorentino (Firenze)
ENVI EDU The workcamp period will be spent
in Eta Beta's educational farm. The farm is
open until 2005 and until now thousands of
children came in with their teachers to have an
experience of natural life with animals, plants
and field natural sciences; but now some
redesign and building work are necessary to
enhance a better access of children. This little
special farm (about 2500 m2) is the only one in
the range of about 40 km. The work consists in
finishing to build the farm building, draw and
build garden paths and stairs, organize the
areas in which the farm is organized, clean
from weeds, take care of plants and trees.
There will be also occasion to learn about the
bees world, because this insects are breeded
here with biological methods. The scenario of
the camp is a blossoming Tuscany, one of the
best times to stay; not too hot, but warm
enough to enjoy to stay outside. Accomodation
is quite spartan in tents, but with the work
progress of the build activities volunteers can
stay under their own new builded roof! If you
have your own bike, take it with you. It is nice to
drive in the hills, and easier to reach the village
which is about 3,5 Km from the farm. If you
can't to bring your bike, you can hire one in the
village for 20 euros/week.
Number of Volunteers: 8
2. Italy - SCI Italy
Begin:May 4, 2008, End: May 14, 2008
Topic: North South solidarity
FOCUS SOMALIA – Torino (Piemonte)
STUDY The workcamp is organized by the SCI
Piemonte in cooperation with IID
Accommodation: IDAA, which is an
association of Somali women, deals with issues
related to Somalia, both in Somalia and in
Merca area, but also from Italy and Kenya. The
7th and 8th of May in Turin will be held a
conference of Somali women form "the
diaspora", whom are refugee in different
European countries, due to state of permanent
civil war that span through the last decades.
This conference follows a similar event held in
Nairobi, which was attended by women coming
from different areas of Somalia. During the
work camp volunteers will cooperate at the
success of the conference mostly with piratical
and hands-on activity. A big part of the work will
also help advertise and make more visible the
conference with info-desks and fliers. To better
prepare the volunteers to the different tasks
there be an initial study part on the political
situation in Somalia and the Somali refugees
Number of Volunteers: 6
3. Italy - SCI Italy
Begin:May 10, 2008, End: May 17, 2008
Topic: Others
ETA BETA I - Castelfiorentino (Toscana)
RENO ENVI Spring and fountains recovering.
From old times to recent past springs were
important halting and meeting places. Tuscany
was crossed until antiquity from important
roads. Although is not arid, in summer is not
easy to find fresh and clean water, because of
the particular geological structure. Fountains
where built before modern aqueducts age to
make easier access to water for people and
animals on trip. Nowadays our springs and
fountains are almost forgotten or in bad state of
conservation. Even though fountains are spride
in the countryside it should be a great act of
civic virtue to preserve them. Cause it is an
exacting camp we'll love to have crafted and
resolute volunteers as well. Work on fountains
have to do with cleaning up, excavations,
building up, hydraulics, restoration, painting .If
you have a bike, it's a good idea to bring it.
Nice trips possible in the hilly outskirts. If you
haven't a bike or you can't manage to bring
yours, its possible to rent a Mountan Bike
locally (costs of renting are about 20 euro a
Number of Volunteers: 6
4. Italy - SCI Italy
Begin:June 8, 2008, End: June 22, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
ZEROGRAVITA’ I- Sordevolo (Biella)
HERI MANU The association "Zero gravità.
Villa Cernigliaro per arti e culture" (Zero gravity.
Villa Cernigliaro for arts and cultures) is a no
profit organization aiming to promote initiatives
in the following fields: social solidarity for
people with mental handicap, creating
opportunities for young artists to express
themselves in different arts, spread the
knowledge about historical issues happened in
the Biellese country that have seen the
participation of important personages like
Benedetto Croce, Giulio Einaudi, Franco
Antonicelli, Gustavo Colonnetti and so on. All
these personages have lived in Villa Cernigliaro
during the II° World War and have been active
in restoring democracy in Italy. Zero gravity
operates in the famous green hills nearby Biella
and it has operators well qualified, with several
years of experiences in national and European
projects. The aim of the camp is to help the
operators in running a successful cultural
season, to preserve and valorise a beautiful
place that is recognized for architectonic
qualities by the italian cultural and
environmental ministry department. Zero gravity
operates inside a well restored greenhouse and
has the facilities to use for its activities the park
of Villa Cernigliaro. The volunteers will help the
operators in the cultural activities like ticket
office bureau, audio and light equipment,
attending disabled guests, maintenance work,
paintings, cutting grass and clean a strech of
woodland. Everything for five day a week and
no more than seven hours for day: kitchen
duties will be fulfilled in rotation. The official
languages of the camp will be english and
italian; volunteers will live and sleep inside Villa
Number of Volunteers: 6
5. Italy - SCI Italy
Begin:June 16, 2008, End: June 27, 2008
Topic: Others
RENO The Municipality of Rome has lended to
SCI Italy an old house which has become the
centre of the SCI-Italy activities at local,
national, international level. The project called
"La Città dell'Utopia" (The City of Utopia) is an
International Permanent Active Citizenship
project. The project consists in putting together
international and local associations (and
experiences..) on participative democracy and
active citizenship, voluntary work, intercultural
and sustainable experiences. Meetings,
workshops, initiatives are organised in this
place and it will be a centre opened to the
different realities of the district. The project
includes a hostel, an intercultural bar and many
international and grass-root activities.
Work: The workcamp will take place in an old
house that the municipality of Rome has lended
to the SCI Italy in order to organize local and
international activities. The volunteers of the
work camp will be involved inside the project
“La Città dell'Utopia” in maintenance works on
the building, like renovation of rooms and
gardening, and also depending on the
programmation, in supporting some cultural
events. Please notice that the living conditions
are quite primitive, a bathroom with hot water
and beds are available.
Number of Volunteers: 8
6. Italy - SCI Italy
Begin:June 26, 2008, End: July 8, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
FORUM SOLIDARIETA’ – Collecchio (Parma)
FEST For the tenth year many local
associations, coordinated by “Forum
Solidarietà”, has organized a Multiethnic
Festival. It takes places in the “Parco Nevicati”
in Collecchio, a town near Parma whose local
administration has always been very open to
social issues. The aim of the festival is to help
the immigrants and local population know each
other better, focusing on culture, tradition and
habits. Concerts, dances, ethnic food prepared
by the different communities, exhibitions of arts
and crafts from the countries of origin etc. are
planned. A special afternoon section is focused
on children. Public discussion and round tables
of the various issues of immigration and
integration are as well included. Volunteers are
expected to help preparing the park for the
festival, setting up equipment, taking care of
various aspects of the organization (Kitchen,
back-stage, exhibitions): They will help in the
surveillance during the nights, cleaning during
the festival and in the dismounting of
equipment at the end. The study part will be on
immigration issue in Europe and northern Italy
in particular; meetings with the immigrants
communities, volunteers associations, local
testimonial are as well planned. The camp
language will be English. Some knowledge of
Italian is welcome, to better interact with the
locals. Also Knowledge of Spanish and French
might be useful, being spoken by many
immigrants. If you also know some Swanili or
Arabic you are most welcome!!!!
Number of Volunteers: 12
7. Italy - SCI Italy
Begin:June 28, 2008, End: July 12, 2008
Topic: Environment
SOLEMINIS – Cagliari (Sardinia)
This camp aims to be the first step towards the
creation of the" naturalistic park of perfumes,
tastes and rural values in locality Mitza' e
S'ullioni on the hills around Soleminis an
agricultural village at about 20km from Cagliari,
on some fields put by the Town Council of
Soleminis in the care of the Comunità di
Soleminis, a community of disabled and not
disabled people who live together and that for
the past 24 years have been growing and
working aromatic plants.
Work: manual work, clearing up the fields from
stones and weeds, tidying up the soil, trimming
of the plants. Playscheme activities in the
evening with the children of the village on the
theme of nature and cataloguing of the different
plants. The study part will refer to the activities
of the Comunità, the region around Soleminis ,
the archeological sites, plants and the cultural
traditions of the village. Accomodation: very
simple in a pubblic building of Soleminis.
Langages of the camp: Italian and
English.Special requirements: volunteers who
are higly motivated to manual work and ready
to meet and work with disabled people.
Number of Volunteers: 10
8. Italy - SCI Italy
Begin:July 2, 2008, End: July 14, 2008
Topic: Environment
ISOLA DELLE FEMMINE I – Palermo (Sicily)
ENVI "Women Island" is a very small island on
the north coast of Sicily, close to Palermo.
Since few years the island is a natural reserve
managed by the environmental organization
"LIPU" (italian birds protection league) that
organize scientific researches, clean up the
island and organize small tours for groups of
students. The volunteers will be asked in the
morning (from 9.00 am to 12.30 am) to clean up
the island from rubbish convoyed by the sea
and in creating small stone-paths; while they
will work on the cost in the afternoon (from 4pm
to 7pm). The work can be hard because
volunteers are expected to work during the
daytime under the sicilian sun: temperatures
can be very warm! Due to safety reasons the
participation in the camp is open only to
volunteers able to swim (every day they go to
the island by boat). All the vols will be hosted in
a nice house that is just on the shore, in front of
the island! (males and females will share the
same rooms).
Number of Volunteers: 8
9. Italy - SCI Italy
Begin:July 13, 2008, End: July 27, 2008
Topic: Environment
ENVI The Granara Ecological Village is an
experiment of sustainable development for an
open community in which different activities
such as solar panel engineering, bioarchitecture, holistic health care, environmental
education, social activities, theatre and art
workshops combine to try and create the
grounds for a new awareness in the lives of
those who reside or simply visit the village. This
year’s project focuses on the preparation of the
facilities for the theatre festival that we hold in
Granara again this coming August, as well as
the completion of the straw-and-clay cottage
that will serve as a library and document center
for the village. This year’s work will be
structured in two separate teams (though each
volunteer can change and try both ): team 1 will
be building a wall in one of the work-rooms of
the village, and plastering it with clay, they will
learn the making of clay-bricks for a natural
heat-accumulator wall, called “trombe wall”, and
help in the completion of the library by putting
up the glasses of the “window-wall”. Team 2 will
be working on the outside facilities, renovating
the tables, solar showers, compost-toilets,
circus and outer stage , and also around the
village and in the woods thereby, preparing
sites and paths for the upcoming theatre
Number of Volunteers: 15
10. Italy - SCI Italy
Begin:July 13, 2008, End: July 27, 2008
Topic: Socially disadvantaged
CASTAGNETO PO – Torino (Piemonte)
DISA AGRI Since 1991, the workcamp has
been organized with “In/contro” social
cooperative, in a residential centre located in
the countryside of Castagneto Po, among the
green Turin’s hills (north-western Italy), where
people with mental disabilities live and work
together. Volunteers will help in agricultural
works and in the maintenance of the buildings
together with the guests. Willingness to fully
participate in the life of the community and to
share daily problems and achievements trying
to socialize and interact with all its members,
flexibility, enthusiasm and motivation are
essential characteristics. A basic knowledge of
Italian language is preferred in order to
communicate with guests. Accommodation in
tents, using kitchen and all facilities of the
community. For more information: www.scipiemonte.it 5 Reserved places for SCI-D
Number of Volunteers: 7
11. Italy - SCI Italy
Begin:July 13, 2008, End: July 27, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
ZEROGRAVITA’ II- Sordevolo (Biella)
HERI MANU The association "Zero gravità.
Villa Cernigliaro per arti e culture" (Zero gravity.
Villa Cernigliaro for arts and cultures) is a no
profit organization aiming to promote initiatives
in the following fields: social solidarity for
people with mental handicap, creating
opportunities for young artists to express
themselves in different arts, spread the
knowledge about historical issues happened in
the Biellese county that have seen the
participation of important personages like
Benedetto Croce, Giulio Einaudi, Franco
Antonicelli, Gustavo Colonnetti and so on. All
these personages have lived in Villa Cernigliaro
during the II° World War and have been active
in restoring democracy in Italy. Zero gravity
operates in the famous green hills nearby Biella
and it has operators well qualified, with several
years of experiences in national and european
projects. The aim of the camp is to help the
operators in running a successful cultural
season, to preserve and valorize a beatiful
place that is recognized for architectonic
qualities by the italian cultural and ambiental
ministry department. Zero gravity operates
inside a well restored greenhouse and has the
facilities to use for its activities the park of Villa
Cernigliaro. The volunteers will help the
operators in the cultural activities like ticket
office bureau, audio and light equipment,
attending disabled guests, maintenance work,
paintings, cutting grass and clean a strech of
woodland. Everything for five day a week and
no more than seven hours for day: kitchen
duties will be fulfilled in rotation. The official
languages of the camp will be english and
italian; volunteers will live and sleep inside Villa
Number of Volunteers: 6
12. Italy - SCI Italy
Begin:July 19, 2008, End: August 2, 2008
Topic: Environment
Giovanni (Reggio Calabria)
ENVI RENO The project
AspromonteLiberaMente is organized by 6
schools of Reggio Calabria area, in cooperation
with the National Park of Aspromonte and local
associations. The main aim of the project is the
environmental education and the recovery of
the environmental resources. The “Aspromonte
Liberamente” wants to convert ex military base
USAF on Nardello Mountain in a scientific
laboratory for the eco-sustainable development,
for monitoring of the pollution, for
experimentation of alternative energy and also
a place as an astronomic observatory.
Work: Making new path from “Grotta dei
Tamburinari” to Gambarie, and remaking of
“Water path” with techniques of environmental
engineering, their system of signs and
information about the places. Jobs of
maintenance in the hostel. Study part: the
history of the project with photos and videos.
Living conditions: Accommodation in a hostel
which is situated in the montains ( Nardello
Mountain- altitude 1800m). From this place
there is a fabulous panorama (a view to Sicily
and Eolie’s Islands). The volunteers are
accommodated in the hostel but it is possible to
pitch own tent and sleep outside. The structure
is without running water and light. Water is
provided by tanks and electricity by a generator
in the evening. The bathrooms are inside the
hostel but showers and washbasins are
outside. Food will be prepared by the
organizers of the camp (a traditional italian and
regional kitchen- very good). The shifts of the
volunteers will be responsible for daily tidying of
the hostel and service in the kitchen. The living
conditions are not very comfortable but the
atmosphere of the workcamp compensate at all
the inconveniences.
Language: English/ Italian, calabrian language
, gesture. WHAT TO BRING: Mountain’s wear
(sweater, winter jacket ecc. ), trekking shoes,
long trousers, torch, sleeping bag and a
materace, summer clothes( bathing costume ).
Number of Volunteers: 20
13. Italy - SCI Italy
Begin:July 19, 2008, End: August 2, 2008
Topic: Environment
SESTU – Cagliari (Sardegna)
ENVI SOC This camp is organized in
collaboration with the town council of Sestu,
and it is the follow up of the camp of 2007. It
consists in the cleaning of an abandoned area
inside the town. At the end of the camp the
volunteers will plant trees in the ground
together with the young people of the town.
Accommodation: is in the primary school of
Study: part about environment and non
violence values.
Language: Italian and English.
Number of Volunteers: 8
14. Italy - SCI Italy
Begin:July 19, 2008, End: July 29, 2008
Topic: Environment
GELA I – Gela (Sicily)
ENVI MANU The "Biviere di Gela" is a small
natural reserve close to the town of Gela, on
the southern coast of Sicily. After many years of
industrial development and implantation of very
high impact industries and agriculture, at the
beginning of the '80s a new approach to
environment protection has started in the area.
The reserve is one of the consequence of this
new approach. The protected area include a
small lake, a wet zone and some fields. The
natural reserve is managed by the
environmental organization "LIPU" (birds
protection league) that organize scientific
researches, clean up the island and organize
small tours for groups of students. The
volunteers will be asked to clean up the area, to
build fences, help in build wooden observation
station for bird-watching, other manual works.
The work is not hard but volunteers are
expected to work during the daytime under the
Sicilian sun: temperatures can be very warm!
Number of Volunteers: 8
15. Italy - SCI Italy
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 3, 2008
Topic: Environment
KAMBIO – Torre Pellice (Torino)
ENVI RENO The association KANBIO it is carry
on a project of practice experience of life
endurableness, al social and environmental
level. At volunteers it will be request to help in
the work of restructure builds, cleaning the
bush and paths, to rebuild dry walls and
wooden enclosures for domestic animals. The
aim it is to have experience, in day to day livesharing, of a self-subsistence research based
on self-production and self-consume. The
project it is in a rural area, at 800 m. of altitude;
volunteers will be hosted in a geodetic dome in
the bush, with basic services (solar-shower,
compost toilettes, camp cooker, etc.)
Number of Volunteers: 12
16. Italy - SCI Italy
Begin:July 23, 2008, End: August 5, 2008
Topic: Environment
DISA ENVI Biriciclabile is the main project of A
Ruota Libera Onlus that is working on the area
of Anzio since 2005's winter. Through the
recycle of olds bikes repaired by people with
disabilities, Biriciclabile has start a path that
going from the education to the diversity, as a
better potential, helping to evalute the ability of
people with fewer opportunity; to the
environment protection education, by recycling
second-hand bikes; and the education of using
common goods, sharing bikes, that are
avalable for free from our borrowing bikes
service, managed by people with disability that
are working in it. The Volunteers will help to
better organize the bike's garage, restructuring
the new rooms that we have in use, cleaning,
painting and redecorating them. They'll support
people with disability in reparing bikes,
managing togheter the borrowing service.
Language: english. Everyone will use a bike to
move. We will sleep in a school. you need your
sleepingbag. Two of the disabled people will
take part to the activity of the group, sleeping
also with it.
Number of Volunteers: 8
17. Italy - SCI Italy
Begin:August 3, 2008, End: August 17, 2008
Topic: Socially disadvantaged
ACQUI TERME – Alessandria (Piemonte)
DISA AGRI Since 1991, the workcamp has
been organized in a residential centre run by
“In/contro” social co-operative, situated in the
historical town of Acqui Terme (north-western
Italy, 90 km from Turin and 60 from Genoa)
where people with mental disabilities live and
work together. Volunteers will help in
agricultural works and in the maintenance of
the buildings together with the guests.
Willingness to fully participate in the life of the
community and to share daily problems and
achievements trying to socialize and interact
with all its members, flexibility, enthusiasm and
motivation are essential characteristics. A basic
knowledge of Italian language is preferred in
order to communicate with guests. For more
information: www.sci-piemonte.it
Accommodation: in tents, using kitchen and
all facilities of the community.
Number of Volunteers: 10
18. Italy - SCI Italy
Begin:August 15, 2008, End: August 30, 2008
Topic: Environment
GELA III – Gela (Sicily)
ENVI MANU The "Biviere di Gela" is a small
natural reserve close to the town of Gela, on
the southern coast of Sicily. After many years of
industrial development and implantation of very
high impact industries and agriculture, at the
beginning of the '80s a new approach to
environment protection has started in the area.
The reserve is one of the consequence of this
new approach. The protected area include a
small lake, a wet zone and some fields. The
natural reserve is managed by the
environmental organization "LIPU" (birds
protection league) that organize scientific
researches, clean up the island and organize
small tours for groups of students. The
volunteers will be asked to clean up the area, to
build fences, help in build wooden observation
station for bird-watching, other manual works.
The work is not hard but volunteers are
expected to work during the daytime under the
Sicilian sun: temperatures can be very warm!
Currently open only for vols from Germany,
Greece and Hungary
Number of Volunteers: 3
19. Italy - SCI Italy
Begin:August 16, 2008, End: August 30, 2008
Topic: Others
ETA BETA II - Castelfiorentino (Toscana)
RENO ENVI Spring and fountains recovering.
From old times to recent past springs were
important halting and meeting places. Tuscany
was crossed until antiquity from important
roads. Although is not arid, in summer is not
easy to find fresh and clean water, because of
the particular geological structure. Fountains
where built before modern acqueducts age to
make easier access to water for people and
animals on trip. Nowadays our springs and
fountains are almost forgotten or in bad state of
conservation. Even though fountains are spride
in the countryside it should be a great act of
civic virtue to preserve them. Cause it is an
exacting camp we'll love to have crafted and
resolute volunteers as well. Work on fountains
have to do with cleaning up, excavations,
building up, hydraulics, restoration, painting.If
you have a bike, it's a good idea to bring it.
Nice trips possible in the hilly outskirts. If you
haven'ta bike or you can't manage to bring
yours, its possible to rent a Mountan Bike
locally (costs of renting are about 20 euro a
Number of Volunteers: 8
20. Italy - SCI Italy
Begin:August 20, 2008, End: September 7,
Topic: North South solidarity
SOCI SCI Italy in collaboration with the Friar
Monastery of Imola organizes a missionary
workcamp in solidarity with Africa. The
volunteers will work collecting pieces of
furniture, bicycles, clothes, books and
miscellaneous to be sold in a “second-hand”
market. The goal of the camp is to get funds to
drill three wells in DawroKonta (Ethiopia) and
raise awareness on North/South countries
issues. The volunteers will stay in the Friar
Monastery in Imola (near Bologna). Some
knowledge of Italian is welcome, as the activity
is supported by 80 local volunteers. The work is
tiring and it is not suitable for people allergic to
dust. 6 Reserved places for SCI-D
Number of Volunteers: 10
21. Italy - SCI Italy
Begin:September 8, 2008, End: September 21,
Topic: Socially disadvantaged
MENSA POPOLARE – Torino (Piemonte)
DISA MANU Volunteers will carry the following
activities: 1) help in the preparation of the lunch
and of the supper in the restaurant managed by
the cooperative In/contro. Volunteers shall
interact with the staff working in the restaurant.
The staff is composed of: people with mental
disabilities, and refugees; 2) clean a center
managed by the cooperative In/contro where
people with mental disabilities follow some
activities 3) VERY IMPORTAN
Terminal/Region: volunteers shall socialize
with the people with mental disabilities, a basic
knowledge of Italian language is preferred.
Accommodation (not luxurious) in a centre
managed by the cooperative In/contro, using
kitchen and facilities of the community. This
workcamp will take place in the city of Torino.
For more information: www.sci-piemonte.it
Number of Volunteers: 8
22. Italy - SCI Italy
Begin:September 24, 2008, End: October 5,
Topic: Others
To be confirmed! RENO FEST The Municipality
of Rome has lended to SCI Italy an old house
which has become the centre of the SCI-Italy
activities at local, national, international level.
The project called "La Città dell'Utopia" (The
City of Utopia) is an International Permanent
Active Citizenship project. The project consists
in putting together international and local
associations (and experiences..) on
participative democracy and active citizenship,
voluntary work, intercultural and sustainable
experiences. Meetings, workshops, initiatives
are organised in this place and it will be a
centre opened to the different realities of the
district. The project includes a hostel, an
intercultural bar and many international and
grass-root activities.
Work: The workcamp will take place in an old
house that the municipality of Rome has lended
to the SCI Italy in order to organize local and
international activities. The volunteers of the
work camp will be involved inside the project
“La Città dell'Utopia” in maintenance works on
the building, like renovation of rooms and
gardening, and also helping the preparation of
the Festa del Casale, event organized in order
to start the activities of the Casale for the year
2008/2009. Please notice that the living
conditions are quite primitive, a bathroom with
hot water and beds are available. 6 Reserved
places for SCI-D
Number of Volunteers: 10
23. Italy - SCI Italy
Begin:September 28, 2008, End: October 12,
Topic: Others
Casale Monferrato (Alessandria)
MANU Volunteers will work together with the
members of “Senape” Cooperative (some of
them are underprivileged with mental or physic
diseases) that manage the dog kennel of city of
Casale Monferrato) fencing the area for the
dogs, posing tiles in dog’s boxes and making
some photographic reportage of the dogs for
realize a calendar for 2008.Volunteers will be
involved in two projects of the cooperative for
the re-use of second hands clothes and
bikes.Study part about personal and collective
growth. Food will be vegetarian.
Number of Volunteers: 8
1. Macedonia - CID Macedonia
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: July 30, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Located in the middle of a long valley 35 km (21 m) to the
northeast of Skopje, Kumanovo is one of Macedonia’s
larger cities. The city and its outlying villages exemplify
Macedonia’s unique multi-ethnic blend, containing as they
do Albanian, Roma, Serbian and Turkish minorities.
Organizing youth open festival will be the best way and
place to foster the multiethnic cooperation, because
people of all ethnicities present meet in the centre
everyday. The three day summer festival should promote
multiethnic cooperation and should aim to strengthen the
peace in the region
Work: First 4 days of the work camp will be divided into
two sessions. The morning session will focus on providing
skills about conflict management, conflict resolution,
peace and Human Rights. Peace Messengers are invited
to act in these days. The afternoon sessions will be more
creative and will focus on making a 3 day festival in the
centre (square) of Kumanovo.
Study: A team of EVS already present in Kumanovo will
be working with the volunteers on different issues such as
organizing the musical performances (if any) organizing
street actions, paining and photography, sports etc. Peace
Messengers will organize workshops on conflict resolution.
Accommodation: Volunteers will be accommodated in a
big apartment in Kumanovo. There are 4 beds in the
apartment and 4 matrices will be places for the other
volunteers. The apartment has a functional kitchen so the
volunteers will cook themselves. Some meals will be
provided by the host organization
Terminal/Region: Kumanovo
Extra info: People with experience in animation, street
performances, musicians, artists etc. are highly welcome
to apply
Number of Volunteers: 8
1. Macedonia - CID Macedonia
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: July 30, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Located in the middle of a long valley 35 km (21
m) to the northeast of Skopje, Kumanovo is one
of Macedonia’s larger cities. The city and its
outlying villages exemplify Macedonia’s unique
multi-ethnic blend, containing as they do
Albanian, Roma, Serbian and Turkish
minorities. Organizing youth open festival will
be the best way and place to foster the
multiethnic cooperation, because people of all
ethnicities present meet in the centre everyday.
The three day summer festival should promote
multiethnic cooperation and should aim to
strengthen the peace in the region
Work: First 4 days of the work camp will be
divided into two sessions. The morning session
will focus on providing skills about conflict
management, conflict resolution, peace and
Human Rights. Peace Messengers are invited
to act in these days. The afternoon sessions
will be more creative and will focus on making a
3 day festival in the centre (square) of
Study: A team of EVS already present in
Kumanovo will be working with the volunteers
on different issues such as organizing the
musical performances (if any) organizing street
actions, paining and photography, sports etc.
Peace Messengers will organize workshops on
conflict resolution.
Accommodation: Volunteers will be
accommodated in a big apartment in
Kumanovo. There are 4 beds in the apartment
and 4 matrices will be places for the other
volunteers. The apartment has a functional
kitchen so the volunteers will cook themselves.
Some meals will be provided by the host
Terminal/Region: Kumanovo
Extra info: People with experience in
animation, street performances, musicians,
artists etc. are highly welcome to apply
Number of Volunteers: 8
1. Moldova - AVI Moldova
Begin:July 14, 2008, End: July 25, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
Tarna Rom
"Tarna Rom" is an association that promote the
rights and culture of Romany minority in
Republic of Moldova. For many years this
organization is running travel camps for people
that whish to discover gipsy culture and their
way of life. During two weeks the participants
(international and from romany comunity) get
deep into the understanding the history and the
past of Gipsys from Moldova, their past and
actual problems in a transition society. The
camp is a mobile one and the conditions are
simulated as in an old Gipsy camp , with
evening fire, song and dances.
Work: Volunteers have to clean and restablish
some of historical and cultural monuments
close to their camping area, near to Nistru river,
the eastern border of the country, and to install,
remove the mobile camp.
Accommodation: The volunteers will sleep in
their tents (to bring) and will build improvised
baths and toilets. Also the food should be made
by volunteers themselves, provided by hosting
Language: English, as well as Romanian and
Number of Volunteers: 10
2. Moldova - AVI Moldova
Begin:August 4, 2008, End: August 15, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
For the third time since 2006, AVI Moldova is
planning to implement a work-camp in Edinet to
assist the local center for disabled children. The
center is run by the NGO “Oameni pentru
Oameni” (People for people) which aims at
supporting the community’s children by offering
them a place to meet and play games, do their
homework, or relax. Special emphasis is put on
the integration of disabled kids. The center was
founded in 2004 and originally offered
specialized services (speech therapists,
psychologists), but had to close in 2005 when
financial support was cut. After a period of
struggling, the center has been running again
on a very basic level since the summer of 2006.
Work: Volunteers are supposed to participate
in implementing the holiday program,
organizing workshops on different subject,
games, concerts, assist motor disabled children
in excursions to different places and nature,
intercultural activities like interactive
presentation of their countries, discussions with
local youth.
Accommodation: We will live in a host family,
but we’ll cook and eat at the center
Study: Situation of (disabled) children in
Moldova and integration of disadvantaged
people in the society.
Language: English (the children will mostly
speak Romanian and Russian, so these
languages are an asset).
Number of Volunteers: 10
1. Netherlands - VIA Netherlands
Begin:June 20, 2008, End: July 3, 2008
Topic: Ideology and spirituality
Okido Yoga, Laren
Description: The camp partner is a yoga centre,
specialised in teaching Okido Yoga. During
courses in the yoga centre, an attempt is made
to communicate the eastern way of living.
Furthermore, the centre promotes a healthy
lifestyle and non-violent communication.
Work: Volunteers will work in the garden of the
yoga centre, as well as renovating the
bathrooms inside. Besides that, the vols will get
to know the way of living that belongs to
OkidoYoga (e.g. meditation, massages and a
balanced vegetarian diet). Study theme: Okido
Yoga lifestyle (balancing body and mind,
integrating in the eastern way of living and learn
to communicate non-violently). The link
between the aims of Okido Yoga and SCI will
be explored. Accomodation: Within the Okido
Yoga Centre. Please bring a sleeping bag.
Language: English.
Qualifications: None. Region: Laren,
Gelderland. Other useful information: As part of
the lifestyle integration, the served food will be
vegan. Alcohol and drugs (caffeine and sugar
included) are not allowed. Be prepared for this!
Number of Volunteers: 12
2. Netherlands - VIA Netherlands
Begin:July 5, 2008, End: July 26, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
AZC, Markelo
Description: AZC Markelo is an asylum seeking
centre, where about 400 refugees stay,
awaiting the decision on their asylum
Work: organising activities – sport, games,
theatre, handicrafts - for the children (4-18
years). Study theme: conflicts in countries
where the refugees come from. Accomodation:
Vols will be housed somewhat 5 km from the
asylum seeking centre, maybe in tents, and will
travel by bicycle. Vols will cook themselves.
Language: English.
Qualifications: Affinity with children is
important. Region: Markelo, Gelderland Other
useful information: Additional motivation letter is
Number of Volunteers: 10
3. Netherlands - VIA Netherlands
Begin:July 13, 2008, End: July 26, 2008
Topic: Peace and disarmament
EMMA, Utrecht
Description: RENO, CONS, MANU, STUDY,
PEACE EMMA is a study-center for world,
peace and environment. EMMA wants to
inspire and facilitate people for global actions
and activities for improving society. There is a
UNESCO-library and some rooms that are used
by a lot of different local NGO's and other
volunteer organizations, which range from the
local amnesty international to dance groups .
EMMA is localized is a former boyscout building
which is always in need of renovation.
Work: Renovating the building, mainly by
painting. There will be some construction work
outside and some gardening.
Study: Cultural stereotypes and prejudice
Accommodation: Indoor, bring your own
sleeping beds, it is possible to bring your own
tent and put it in the garden.
Language: English, Dutch
Qualifications: Technical skills are not
required but would be very helpfull.
Terminal/Region: Utrecht
Number of Volunteers: 12
4. Netherlands - VIA Netherlands
Begin:August 15, 2008, End: September 5,
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Zomerweken \"Zon in huis\", Utrecht
Albert van Koningsbruggen is a nursing home
in Utrecht. The residents are mostly elderly
people who suffer from a defective memory
and/or physical disabilities and have a potential
to get a feeling of loneliness. Although they
need intensive care, they are willing and vital
enough to join excursions, activities in the
nursing home or just to enjoy a nice chat. But
because of a lack of personnel and funds, the
motivated personnel is not always capable of
providing the attention the residents are asking
for. Due to, among other things, government
savings the personal is forced to put their focus
on providing medical care and less on personal
care. During the summer several activities and
some excursions will be organised for the
residents to bring some sunshine inside the
home. Some special attention will be given to
them and an atmosphere will be created in
which the residents will be encouraged to cut
their routine and to meet other people. In order
to realize this there is a huge need for
Work: The volunteers will assist the personnel
in guiding the residents during the activities and
excursions. They will help the elderly people to
enjoy the summer by having time for a chat and
a little walk. There will also be space for the
volunteers to organize an event in the home
(think of theatre, exhibitions, music be
Qualifications: Good verbal communication
skills in English are required in order to guard
the resident’s safety.
Accommodation: In an apartment building
near the nursing home.
Number of Volunteers: 10
1. Northern Ireland - IVS Northern Ireland
Begin:May 26, 2008, End: June 6, 2008
Topic: Environment
Glebe House is a cross community residential
centre on the east coast. It caters for young
people, children and adults from catholic and
protestant communities. It aims to provide a
positive experience for people from all sections,
enabling them to live, play and work together,
and in doing so, come to understand their
different points of view and experience
alternatives to violence and conflict and ways of
living in peace.
Work: Assisting with the Glebe House Open
Day on Sunday 1st June. The group will help
with the preparations for this major fundraising
event and will help out on the day. There will be
some gardening and other environmental work
at the Centre.
Study: There will be time set aside for
discussions on topics relating to Northern
Ireland Politics and history, the Northern Ireland
Peace process and its future direction.
Number of Volunteers: 8
2. Northern Ireland - IVS Northern Ireland
Begin:July 26, 2008, End: August 9, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Barcroft is a housing estate of 4,000 people, on
the edge of Newry City; it suffers from a lack of
facilities and activities for children during the
summer. The local community centre is
planning its 20th annual summer scheme for
children age 6 - 18 years and needs volunteers
to help with the activities.
Work: Volunteers will be involved in organising
games, arts and crafts, helping out with
excursions and sporting events. Vols would
need to bring along an old set of clothes, boots
etc. as a lot of our activities are water based
outward bound. This year we would ask
volunteers to bring some items from their own
countries/cultures, as we may ask for them to
speak to the children about their cultural
backgrounds. Vols need motivation to work with
children, good English an advantage. Child and
Vulnerable Adult Protection procedures will be
Number of Volunteers: 12
3. Northern Ireland - IVS Northern Ireland
Begin:September 1, 2008, End: September 14,
Topic: North South solidarity
Tools for Solidarity (TFS) collects, refurbishes
and ships out old and unwanted hand tools and
sewing machines to skilled trades people,
organisations, crafts people and vocational
schools in Africa. TFS has full time volunteers
and some EVS volunteers.
Work: Preparation for shipment of sewing
machines and equipment to projects in
Tanzania. This will involve sorting out materials,
boxing up equipment, filling a container with
sewing machines and other materials for the
project. There will also be some work in
dismantling and sorting out for future
shipments. The work will involve a lot of lifting
and moving.
Study: Development Education on the work of
TFS and on other relevant issues.
Accommodation: House in north Belfast with
close access to the city centre. Vegetarian
Number of Volunteers: 8
4. Northern Ireland - IVS Northern Ireland
Begin:September 1, 2008, End: September 12,
Topic: Environment
Glebe House is a cross community residential
centre on the east coast. It caters for young
people, children and adults from catholic and
protestant communities. It aims to provide a
positive experience for people from all sections,
enabling them to live, play and work together,
and in doing so, come to understand their
different points of view and experience
alternatives to violence and conflict and ways of
living in peace.
Work: A major clear and tidy up after the busy
summer children’s programme, including
cleaning, redecoration, painting, reorganisation
of programme areas, gardening, picking apples,
work on the land, weeding, strimming and
clearing paths in the wildlife area. There will be
time set aside for discussions on topics relating
to Northern Ireland Politics and history, the
Northern Ireland Peace process and its future
Number of Volunteers: 12
1. Norway - ID Norway
Begin:July 13, 2008, End: July 26, 2008
Topic: Others
Vallersund Gård is a Camphill community, a residential
and work community for adults in need of special care.
The residents include mentally disabled adults and
previous drug addicts. The farm is located about 3 hours
from Trondheim, on the west coast of Norway – directly at
the sea. The site is under historical preservation. There’s a
windmill providing electricity to the farm, a heating system
using ocean water to warm the houses and an ecological
sewage treatment system.
Work: The vols will do landscaping, help in renovating the
houses, work on a path and eventually help on the farm.
Accommodation: In a house of their own in the farm.
Please bring your own sleeping bag and raingear!
Extra info: Absolutely no use of alcohol or drugs!
Terminal/Region: Trondheim
Number of Volunteers: 12
1. Poland - OWA Poland
Begin:July 5, 2008, End: July 19, 2008
Topic: Socially disadvantaged
Description: SOCI OWA- SCI Poland has been
successfully co-operating with Monar for 12
years already. Monar is the biggest Polish NGO
dealing with drug and alcohol addicts,
homeless people and HIV infected. The one in
Gaudynki is a centre dealing mainly with drug
addicts. It is situated in the picturesque area of
the Kingdom of the Great Masurian Lakes in
the north-east part of Poland, among fields and
forests, far away from the hectic cities. In the
Monar Gaudynki there are about 30 patients,
between 20-30 years old, who work and live
together undergoing a group therapy.
Work: The main task of volunteers is to
socialise with the community, by helping them
in their everyday work (gardening, cleaning,
working in the kitchen, renovating etc.) and
taking part in leisure time activities with them.
Games, camp-fires, sport activities, workshops
with/for the residents will bring fresh energy and
relaxation to the centre. During the second
week volunteers go together with the patients
on a camping trip to the beautiful area on the
lakeside. In between there is a collective
excursion to witness a reconstruction of the one
of the greatest Medieval battles.
Study: The problem of drug addiction, anti-drug
therapy, multiculturalism.
Accommodation: In the house of the
community, in one or two rooms and in big
tents during “biwak”.
Extra info: No drugs, no alcohol. Smoking
allowed. Not accessible for wheelchairs.
Number of Volunteers: 8
2. Poland - OWA Poland
Begin:July 5, 2008, End: July 19, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
HOLUCZKOW (Sanok district, near
Description: RENO, HERI 10 vols (+ 5 local
vols) The project will take place in an
undisturbed part of south-east of Poland, in a
small village called Holuczkow in district
Tyrawa Woloska. The place is set in a beautiful
region of Carpathian mountains (Salt
Mountains), close to the Ukrainian Border.
Located in a richly diverse cultural setting, it
has always been a place where members of
different national and ethnic minorities lived
together in harmony (Ruthens, Polish, Jewish,
German, Gipsy). The place faced big historical
regional events, movement of borders, conflicts
and repatriation of civilians after the World War
II. Through reparation work, historical
workshops, art and interactions with local
community we will try to explore the unique
history of the place. We also expect the project
to bring some life to the village, which has
deteriorated, whilst facing the challenges of
Work: The volunteers will do cutting down of
bushes and trees, reparation work at graveyard
(working alongside a professional stone-worker
and woodcutter) and shrines (if possible).
Study: Art and history workshops - multicultural
history of the region, national minorities in
Poland. Participating in awareness rising for the
local culture.
Accommodation: Basic, in the village school.
Language: English and/or Ukrainian.
Qualifications: Motivation for physical work.
Motivation letter required.
Extra info: Not accessible for wheelchairs.
Number of Volunteers: 10
3. Poland - OWA Poland
Begin:July 26, 2008, End: August 9, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
ZABIKOWO (near Poznan)
Description: RENO Zabikowo, initiated in 1941,
was one of forced labour camps for Jews
building a motorway from Frankfurt/Oder aiming
to include Poznan and afterwards whole Poland
in the net of German motorways. The camp
was closed in 1943 and prisoners were sent to
other forced labour camps or to Chelmno/Ner
extermination camp. Subsequently the area
was used as Security Police prison mostly for
the Polish suspected by Gestapo of anti-Nazi
collaboration. Finally, after the war till 1948 it
served as a camp for interned German civilians.
Work: Restoration and documentation of
gravestones saved from a former Jewish
cementary, excavating and exploring channels
to check the hypothesis that they might have
been used as escape routes by the prisoners,
arrangement of a memorial exhibition, other
maintenance works in the camp area.
Study: History of the camp, Chelmno/Ner
extermination camp, Jewish culture, peace &
human rights, genocide nowadays (esp. Tibet),
neo-nazism and neo-fascism.
Accommodation: Inside, sleeping on
mattresses, shared facilities, sleeping bags
Language: English
Qualifications: Interest in the topic.
Extra info: Not accessible for wheelchairs.
Number of Volunteers: 8
4. Poland - OWA Poland
Begin:July 26, 2008, End: August 9, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
NEMOLAND (near Jelenia Gora)
Description: HERI, CONS Situated in the Polish
mountains (Karkonosze) at the border of
Germany and Czech Republic, Nemoland is an
international centre which wants to contribute to
the appreciation and the development of the
region by means of projects for conservation,
protection and promotion of its culture and
ecological activities. Mining projects are
threatening the environment and therefore the
development of economical alternatives such
as rural tourism is important to oppose such
industrial plans.
Work: Volunteers will finish the construction
and decoration of the legend center of Nemo,
and in the meantime prepare some theatre or
artistic performance about local history to be
played and displayed during a festival
organized by Nemo.
Study: Local history of the region, integrating
ecological and environmental aspects, cultural
and social issues.
Accommodation: In Nemo Center.
Qualifications: Motivation for physical work,
interest in artistic expression most welcome.
Extra info: Not accessible for wheelchairs.
Number of Volunteers: 12
5. Poland - OWA Poland
Begin:July 26, 2008, End: August 9, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
REFUGEE CENTER II (Linin, near Warsaw)
Description: KIDS, EDU There are 19 centers
for asylum seekers in Poland and very often
new one is opened. Most of the refugees in
Poland are Chechens. Linin is a small city and
nice city, not far away from Warsaw and it will
be the second project in this center. The aim of
the workcamp is to bring energy of volunteers
and spirit of international solidarity to the
Work: Organizing games, art classes, sport
events for children and teenagers, English
Study: Workshops on refugees in Poland and
Accommodation: Close to the center.
Qualifications: Knowledge of Russian
language will be very welcome and helpful.
Extra info: Not accessible for wheelchairs.
Workcamp closed for Russian volunteers due
to the rules of the center.
Number of Volunteers: 8
6. Poland - OWA Poland
Begin:August 2, 2008, End: August 16, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
REFUGEE CENTER I (Smoszewo, near
Description: KIDS, EDU There are 19 centers
for asylum seekers in Poland and very often
new one is opened. Most of the refugees in
Poland are Chechens. The aim of the project is
to bring energy of volunteers and spirit of
international solidarity to the center.
Work: Organizing games, art classes, sport
events for children and teenagers, English
Study: Workshops on refugees in Poland and
worldwide, SCI peace message.
Accommodation: In the center.
Qualifications: Knowledge of Russian
language will be very welcome and helpful.
Extra info: No possibility of vegetarian food.
Not accessible for wheelchairs. Workcamp
closed for Russian volunteers due to the rules
of the center.
Number of Volunteers: 8
7. Poland - OWA Poland
Begin:August 2, 2008, End: August 16, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
near Warsaw)
Description: KIDS 7 vols (+ 7 local vols)
Petrykozy is a small village located 30
kilometers from Warsaw. They have a beautiful
heritage park and country manor. Heritage Park
is where the international workshops will take
place. They are addressed to children and
organized by the Informal Artists and Animators
Group. We would like to connect the workshops
with the ideas of international dialog.
Work: Preparing workshops for children:
promoting, planning, collecting materials and
distributing them to each day's activities. Every
volunteer will have a chance to make and lead
his own workshop. All volunteers will also
prepare a short performance to present their
cultures to the local society.
Study: How to create interesting workshops for
children, how to safely work with children and
ideas for international dialog.
Accommodation: At school. There’s possibility
to use Internet.
Qualifications: Creative, open-minded
volunteers with communicative English.
Experience in working with children is welcome.
Extra info: Not accessible for wheelchairs.
Number of Volunteers: 7
8. Poland - OWA Poland
Begin:August 2, 2008, End: August 16, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
RADWANOWICE (near Cracow)
Description: DISA Organized in cooperation
with Brother Albert Foundation in local center
for disabled people. Situated in Radwanowicebeautiful village surrounded by forests, about
15km from Cracow. Foundation takes care of
mentally and physically handicapped people
(age 18-62) through organizing and leading
social homes (stationary care) as well as
integration schools, workshops, rehabilitation
camps. The aim of the camp is an integration of
inhabitants and the volunteers, who will try to
change a bit their everyday life routine.
Work: Help in organizing games and artistic
workshops: preparing an exhibition of drawings
or/and photographs together with residents,
provide integrational activities, help with daily
task of the inhabitants.
Study: History of Brother Albert Foundation,
mental disabilities issue, SCI peace message
Accommodation: In the Foundation.
Qualifications: Lots of joy and patience
Extra info: No drugs and alcohol allowed.
Religion play very important role in the therapy
and volunteers are ask to respect that.
Number of Volunteers: 8
9. Poland - OWA Poland
Begin:August 9, 2008, End: August 23, 2008
Topic: Environment
ZIELONA PRZESTRZEN (near Szczecinek)
Description: ENVI, RENO The number of vols
can be extended to 10. Green Space is a fairly
new association based on the enthusiasm of
two people who've settled in the quite isolated
village in the beautiful surroundings of lakes,
forests and rolling hills of Pomorze in the northwest of Poland. The association focus is to act
for the benefit of the traditional character of the
countryside and the environment in general.
They mean to do this through the educational
actions. http://zielona.org/Green_Space
Work: The volunteers will help with the general
clean up after the demolition of the walls of the
barn and the building. In the future these will
become an office and place for workshops.
Apart from this there is a stone wall to be fixed
and a garden path of wood and stones to lay.
Shortly – it is manual labour and can become
tough sometimes.
Accommodation: The volunteers will sleep on
the sleeping mattresses in the loft of the house.
The kitchen and the bathroom is also in the
house but these are to be used only as an
emergency as the outdoor kitchen, showers
and compost toilets will be raised for the
volunteers. For those used to the comforts of
the city it may seem simple but in fact it is very
Qualifications: Interest in ecological lifestyle.
Extra info: Vegetarian food only! Not
accessible for wheelchairs.
Number of Volunteers: 6
10. Poland - OWA Poland
Begin:August 9, 2008, End: August 23, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
SIEMUSZOWA (Sanok district, near
Description: RENO, HERI 10 vols (+ 5 local
vols) The project will take place in an
undisturbed part of south-east of Poland, in a
small village called Siemuszowa in district
Tyrawa Woloska. The place is set in a beautiful
region of Carpathian mountains (Salt
Mountains), close to the Ukrainian Border.
Located in a richly diverse cultural setting, it
has always been a place where members of
different national and ethnic minorities lived
together in harmony (Ruthens, Polish, Jewish,
German, Gipsy). The place faced big historical
regional events, movement of borders, conflicts
and repatriation of civilians after the World War
II. Through reparation work, historical
workshops, art and interactions with local
community we will try to explore the unique
history of the place. We also expect the project
to bring some life to the village, which has
deteriorated, whilst facing the challenges of
Work: The volunteers will do cutting down of
bushes and trees, reparation work at graveyard
(working alongside a professional stone-worker
and woodcutter) and shrines (if possible).
Study: Art and history workshops - multicultural
history of the region, national minorities in
Poland. Participating in awareness rising for the
local culture.
Accommodation: Basic, in the village school.
Language: English and/or Ukrainian.
Qualifications: Motivation for physical work.
Motivation letter required.
Extra info: Not accessible for wheelchairs.
Number of Volunteers: 10
11. Poland - OWA Poland
Begin:August 16, 2008, End: August 30, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and ethnic
Description: RENO, ARCH In the time from 1941 to 1944
Majdanek served the Nazis as a concentration camp. The
camp was going to be the source of a free workforce for
the realization of the plans to build a German empire in the
east. It has been the second largest of its type in Europe.
Around 300.000 people of 50 different nations have been
imprisoned in Majdanek. Nowadays Majdanek operates as
a State Museum - every year around 90 thousands people
come to visit it.
Work: Maintenance works at the memorial site,
archaeological works, educational work in archives.
Study: History of the camp, concentration camps and
death camps, Holocaust, Polish-German relations after
WWII, peace & human rights.
Accommodation: Very Good. In a school dormitory 5
minutes from Majdanek.
Language: English.
Qualifications: Interest in the topic and strong motivation
Extra info: Not accessible for wheelchairs. Age limit 26,
only Polish and German volunteers.
Number of Volunteers: 8
1. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:June 20, 2008, End: July 4, 2008
Topic: Environment
Chestnut trail, Amarante Portugal
Work: Its objectives and tasks will be to clean
the left side of Tâmegas's river (at Sweet
Chestnut trail) and conduct some natural
regeneration of chestnut and some forest water
Accommodation: volunteers will be
accommodated at Casa de Cultura e Juventude
de Amarante – Amarante's Youth and Culture
House and main meals will be prepared by an
fair trade organization (Cor de Tangerina)
managing a vegetarian and biological
Language: English and Portuguese
Terminal/Region: The reference will always be
the Amarante Tourism Station (Amarante Town
Hall building – Alameda Teixeira de Pascoaes)
and the contact phone will always be the mobile
phone no. (+351) 913 051 999 (Miguel Pinto).
LISBON - PORTO By train: Lisbon / Oriente
Railway Station (every hour beginning at 05:55
am until 06:55 pm) – Porto / Campanhã
Railway Station (hour beginning at 09:05 am
until 09:05 pm 09:05) – Ticket price: from €
19,50 to €27,50 (For further information see
http://www.cp.pt) By bus: Lisbon (every hour
starting at 07:00 am until 12:00 am and 03:00
pm) – Porto (10:25 am; 11:30 am; 12:25 am;
03:30 pm; 06:30 pm) – Ticket price: € 15,50
(For further information see http://www.redeexpressos.pt) PORTO-AMARANTE By train:
Porto (07:26 am; 11:26 am; 03:26 pm) Changing at Livração - Amarante: (08:54 am;
12:54 pm; 04:54 pm). Ticket price: € 6,87 (For
further information see http://www.cp.pt) By
bus: Porto (07:00 am; 08:00 am; 09:00 am;
10:00 am; 11:00 am; 01:00 pm; 03:00 pm) –
Amarante (07:50 am; 08:50 am; 09:50 am;
10:50 am; 11:50 am; 01:50 pm; 03:50 pm) –
Ticket price: € 5,20 (For further information see
Number of Volunteers: 20
2. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:July 1, 2008, End: July 15, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
d’Orfeu River World Camp, Águeda,
Work: d’Orfeu River World Camp aims at
promoting interaction between young people
and local community and its environmental and
social cultural patrimony through spaces
optimization/recovery, creation and
maintenance of structures supporting
association’s activities as well as
communitarian activities such as Rio Povo –
platform event of multi artistic scope.
Accommodation: Volunteers will be
accommodated at d’Ormitorium, the artistic
permanent residence for foreign volunteers
hosted by d’Orfeu. Except breakfasts and
coffee-breaks, the meals will be taken in
canteens of local entities.
Language: Portuguese and English
Terminal/Region: Lisbon - Águeda By train
from Lisbon (Lisbon - Aveiro + Aveiro Águeda): • 30 of June – Lisbon 02:09 pm –
Águeda 06:21 pm or Lisbon 04:09 pm –
Águeda 07:07 pm • 01 of July – Lisbon 07:09
am – Águeda 11:11 am or 08:09 am – Águeda
11:06 am Further information in www.cp.pt By
bus from Lisbon (Lisbon - Coimbra + Coimbra Águeda): • 30 of June – Lisbon 03:45 pm –
Águeda 07:15 pm Further information in
www.rede-expressos.pt Porto - Águeda By train
from Porto (Porto - Aveiro + Aveiro - Águeda): •
30 of June – Porto 04:52 pm – Águeda 06:21
pm or Porto 05:45 pm – Águeda 07:07 pm • 01
of July – Porto 08:14 am – Águeda 10:10 am or
Porto 09:43 am – Águeda 11:06 am Further
information in www.cp.pt By bus from Porto
(Porto - Águeda): • 01 of July – Porto 06:45 am
– Águeda 08:25 am Further information in
Number of Volunteers: 20
3. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:July 1, 2008, End: July 15, 2008
Topic: Environment
Pedrógão Adventure 2008, Coimbrão,
Work: Camp’s theme is related to tracks
cleaning and clearing up, biking track
construction, leisure park preparation and
suspended bridges circuit.
Accommodation: Volunteers will be
accommodated in camping tents at Parque de
Campismo do Pedrógão – Pedrógão Camping
Park. Meals will be served in restaurant.
Language: Portuguese and English
Terminal/Region: How to reach Leiria LISBON
- LEIRIA (138 km) Departure: (07:00 am; 08:30
am; 09:00 am; 10:30 am; 12:00; 02:30 pm;
03:45 pm; 04:30 pm; 06:15 pm; 07:00 pm)
Arrival: (09:15 am; 10:15 am; 11:30 am; 12:15
pm; 02:15 pm; 04:45 pm; 05:30 pm; 06:25 pm;
08:15 pm; 09:15 pm). Ticket price: €10.
Frequency: Daily Further Information in
Number of Volunteers: 20
4. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:July 1, 2008, End: July 15, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
The Village and it’s People, Santa Comba
Dão, Portugal
Work: The working part of this Camp is
constituted of 5 working hours at most, per day,
of training, pictures/images collecting and
organisation of the Festival of short movies
called “CURTES”. The methodology of
collecting information and its preservation
through time consists of making short movies,
where the participants of the Camp, together
with other youngsters of the village, will show
their personal ideas about the “Village and it is
People”. Young participants on this project will
benefit, totally free of charge, of special
training, under the format of Technical
Workshops of Video and Multimedia.
Study: The theme of the Camp is about
preservation and valuing the historical and
cultural human heritage,; the assumption and
the consciousness of its vital importance and
the contribution of the preservation of the
cultural identity of a region; developing bounds
of union and sharing among the members of a
Accommodation: lodgement will be assured in
a Youth Centre with several dormitories; main
meals will be made by the volunteers and the
animators, in the Youth Centre which is
properly equipped with a kitchen and dinning
Language: Portuguese and English
Terminal/Region: How to get to Santa Comba
Dão /
Study: Joaninho? Local Animators and
Volunteers will pick up the participants at the
train or bus station of Santa Comba Dão.
Please see www.cp.pt and www.redeexpressos.pt. From Lisbon: 1st option:
Intercidades Train (After arriving at Lisbon
please go (by taxi is the easiest way) to the
Santa Apolónia Train Station. There you have
the following train departures to Santa Comba
Dão: 8h01m and 11h55m. Arriving time to
Santa Comba Dão: 10h53 or 14h47. The cost
of the ticket is €15,50. ; 2nd Option: Express
BUS to Santa Comba Dão. After arriving at
Lisbon please go (by taxi is the easiest way) to
the BUS Station of Sete Rios. There you can
pick an express bus to Santa Comba Dão in the
following time: 10h30m – arriving at Santa
Comba Dão about 14h00. Ticket cost: €11.20
From Oporto: 1st option: Intercidades/ Regional
Train - From this city the itinerary s the
following: Oporto/Campanhã Train Station –
Pampilhosa Train Station (with changing train)
– Santa Comba Dão. Departure from
Oporto/Campanhã: 10h15m; arrinving to
Pampilhosa Station: 11h40m; Departure from
Pampilhosa Station, after changing train:
12h03; arriving Santa Comba Dão: 12h35m.
Ticket cost: From Oporto to Pampilhosa:
€12.50. From Pampilhosa to Santa Comba
Dão: €6.40.
Number of Volunteers: 20
5. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:July 1, 2008, End: July 15, 2008
Topic: Environment
ÉvoraYouth in Action´, Évora, Portugal
Work: sportive events liveliness and promotion
for Evora young people living near green areas.
We will do sportive animation addressed to
children and young people that are in green
areas of évora, will be done as well as
experiences exchanging between participants.
Accommodation: Volunteers will be
accommodated at Évora Senior University
building. Meals will be served in the same
place, prepared by a catering company.
Language: Portuguese, English and French
Terminal/Region: How to reach Évora?
LISBON – ÉVORA (131 km) By train: Lisbon/
Oriente Railway Station – Évora Railway
Station; Train (Intercidades): Departure (07:51
am; 01:51 pm; 05:51 pm). Arrival (09:50 am;
03:50 pm; 07:50 pm). Ticket price: €10,00 Train
(Intercidades and Regional): Departure (06:51
pm). Arrival (08:57 pm). Ticket price: €11,50
Further Information in www.cp.pt By bus:
Lisbon/ Sete Rios Bus Station – Évora Bus
Station; Departure: (08:00 am; 08:30 am; 09:30
am; 10:30 am; 11:45 am; 12:00; 01:45 pm;
02:15 pm; 04:00 pm; 05:15 pm; 05:45 pm;
07:30 pm; 08:30 pm; 10:00 pm) Arrival: (09:30
am; 10:15 am; 11:00 am; 12:15 pm; 01:35 pm;
01:30 pm; 03:15 pm; 04:50 pm; 05:45 pm;
07:00 pm; 07:15 pm; 09:00 pm; 10:15 pm;
11:45 pm). Ticket price: 10.80 €. Frequency:
Daily Further Information in http://www.redeexpressos.pt/
Number of Volunteers: 20
6. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:July 8, 2008, End: July 22, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Revitalizing Villages from Pulo do Lobo,
Mértola, Portugal
Work: Tasks of up-keeping and recovery the
natural and constructed heritage of Amendoeira
da Serra, Mosteira, Corte Gafo de Baixo, Corte
Gafo de Cima Villages. Some of these activities
may be physically demanding.
Accommodation: Hosting Center - Centro de
Acolhimento da Amendoeira da Serra (CAAS),
in Amendoeira da Serra – Mértola.
Language: Portuguese and English
Extra info: Camp responsible Marta Afonso
Phone: 00 351 286 610 000 Email: [email protected] Auxiliar contact Patrícia Turra
Phone: 00 351 286 610 000 Email: [email protected]
Number of Volunteers: 14
7. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:July 14, 2008, End: July 28, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Work: We want with this project promoting
intercultural dialogue and create spaces to
promote a intercultural learning; to raise to
awareness and mutual respect for diversity,
and allow the knowledge of other cultures and
regions. The organization prepared some
workshops in order to prepare and improve the
performance of young people in the fieldwork
and to interact with the people and with the
Accommodation: The accommodation will be
in the headquarters of the Association, in rooms
equipped with 8 / 10 single beds, access to
bathrooms, locker rooms, kitchen and gym.
Each volunteer will have available a set of
sheets and a pillow. The food will be made by
participants with the help of a cook and / or in
the restaurant.
Language: Portuguese and English
Terminal/Region: How to reach to Sanguedo?
Option 1: Train | Lisbon - Sanguedo Board
Station of Oriente destined to Porto Campanhã (regular times between 6:00 and
21:30). Then, should embark on the train of
Porto - Campanhã to Porto Study: Bento (Regular Hours, intervals of
approximately 5 minutes). Then moving up walk
(about 5 minutes) to Batalha Square where
they will have to take a bus from the Alsa City
(preferably) to Sanguedo (Church) and go
about 500 meters to the place of the field.
Optionally may travel on buses from Auto
Viação Feirense, but they have less regular
schedules for Lourosa / Sanguedo. More
information www.cp.pt Option 2: Bus | Lisbon Sanguedo Board Station of Oriente, catch the
coach from Renex destined to Feira/Porto.
Then moving up walk (about 10 minutes) to the
Hospital where you should embark on a bus of
Auto Viação Feirense destined for Lourosa /
Sanguedo. More information on www.renex.pt
(only available in Portuguese)
Extra info: Do not advise travel after the 15:00
for departures in Lisbon since buses between
Porto - Sanguedo and Santa Maria Fair Sanguedo cease to operate after the 19:30.
The trip by taxi is more expensive, and the
approximately € 0.42 per km.
Number of Volunteers: 20
8. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:July 14, 2008, End: July 28, 2008
Topic: Environment
Arqueoroma, freixo de Numão, Portugal
Work: The objective of this program is to give
continuity to an archeological research project
and the desire to turn the archeological place
into a museum that has been developed since
1980. - Maintenance and restoration aiming at
turning the archeological place into a museum;
- Methodological digging, with an archaeologist
help; - Soil riddling and floating aiming at
collecting different elements (coals, seeds,
bones …) for analysis; - Materials washing and
Accommodation: volunteers will be
accommodated at ACDR Youth Centre,
composed of 2 dormitories and 8 rooms. Meals
will be served in the youth centre restaurant.
Terminal/Region: How to reach Freixo de
Numão: 1st option – By car - Coming from
Porto use A25 road until Celorico da Beira
turning to Vila Nova de Foz Côa. 4 Km before
Vila Nova de Foz Côa use national road 222
towards Freixo de Numão. - Coming from
Lisbon or south use A23 road in Torres Vedras
towards Guarda and use A25 road until
Celorico da Beira changing to IP2 road towards
Vila Nova de Foz Côa. 4 Km before Vila Nova
de Foz Côa use national road 222 towards
Freixo de Numão. - Coming from Spain use
A25 road until Celorico da Beira and turn to IP2
road towards Vila Nova de Foz Côa. 4 Km
before Vila Nova de Foz Côa use national road
222 towards Freixo de Numão. 2nd option – By
bus Coming from anywhere in Portugal, catch a
bus to Vila Nova de Foz Côa. Please contact
ACDR (phone no. 00351 279 789 573) in
advance so that we can pick you up at the Bus
Station. Coming from abroad take your way to
Guarda where you will catch a bus to Vila Nova
de Foz Côa. Please contact ACDR (phone no.
00351 279 789 573) in advance so that we can
pick you up at the Bus Station. 3rd option – By
train Coming from Porto catch a bus at Douro’s
line, Campanhã Railway Station or
Study: Bento Railway Station until Freixo de
Numão – Mós do Douro Railway Station.
Please contact ACDR (phone no. 00351 279
789 573) in advance so that we can pick you up
at the Railway Station because there are no
other transfers to Freixo de Numão. Coming
from abroad take your way to Guarda and catch
a bus to Vila Nova de Foz Côa. Please contact
ACDR (phone no. 00351 279 789 573) in
advance so that we can pick you up at the Bus
Number of Volunteers: 20
9. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:July 14, 2008, End: July 28, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
The Fantasy World, Santa Comba Dão,
Work: The Camp subject is about
communitarian and social intervention and it’s
objectives are: to develop artistic workshops,
for a two week period of time, lasting 5 hours a
day, involving different age groups: children
from 6 to 10 and youngsters from 12 to 17, but
also adults over 65. With this we aim to
promote intergenerational contacts among
different age groups. The youngsters who will
participate in the International Work Camp will
have a double role on it: on one hand they will
be the promoters and mediators of the non
formal educational process and simultaneously
the direct participants both on planning and
evaluating of the artist workshops, contributing
with their own personal experiences and social
and cultural realities, through the promotion of
effective moments of reflexion and Intercultural
Dialogue. This work camp also includes four
artistic workshops: Drama, Environmental
Education, Dancing and Musical Expression
“The sounds of the world”. The Workshop on
Dancing and Musical Expression will take place
at the same time.
Accommodation: lodgement will be assured in
a Youth Centre with several dormitories; main
meals will be made by the volunteers and the
animators, in the Youth Centre which is
properly equipped with a kitchen and dinning
Language: Portuguese and English
Terminal/Region: How to get to Santa Comba
Dão /
Study: Joaninho? Local Animators and
Volunteers will pick up the participants at the
train or bus station of Santa Comba Dão.
Please see www.cp.pt and www.redeexpresos.pt. From Lisbon: 1st option:
Intercidades Train (After arriving at Lisbon
please go (by taxi is the easiest way) to the
Santa Apolónia Train Station. There you have
the following train departures to Santa Comba
Dão: 8h01m and 11h55m. Arriving time to
Santa Comba Dão: 10h53 or 14h47. The cost
of the ticket is €15,50. ; 2nd Option: Express
BUS to Santa Comba Dão. After arriving at
Lisbon please go (by taxi is the easiest way) to
the BUS Station of Sete Rios. There you can
pick an express bus to Santa Comba Dão in the
following time: 10h30m – arriving at Santa
Comba Dão about 14h00. Ticket cost: €11.20
From Oporto: 1st option: Intercidades/ Regional
Train - From this city the itinerary s the
following: Oporto/Campanhã Train Station –
Pampilhosa Train Station (with changing train)
– Santa Comba Dão. Departure from
Oporto/Campanhã: 10h15m; arrinving to
Pampilhosa Station: 11h40m; Departure from
Pampilhosa Station, after changing train:
12h03; arriving Santa Comba Dão: 12h35m.
Ticket cost: From Oporto to Pampilhosa:
€12.50. From Pampilhosa to Santa Comba
Dão: €6.40.
Number of Volunteers: 20
10. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:July 14, 2008, End: July 28, 2008
Topic: Environment
A Moving Village, Santa Comba Dão,
Work: The camp subject is about social and
communitarian intervention, Sports and Health
– Intergenerational Contacts and Equal
Opportunities. This Camp intends to benefit
every one involved, both direct and indirectly,
with two weeks in Movement, by giving to the
entire community a Show of different sports,
happening simultaneously in different grounds
of the Municipality of Santa Comba Dão.
Different Sports, from the most radical ones,
like Slide, Rappel, TT, to the most traditional
ones like traditional community games,
promoting this way the intergenerational
contacts and the richness of tits knowledge and
life experiences.
Language: Portuguese and English
Terminal/Region: How to get to Santa Comba
Dão /
Study: Joaninho? Local Animators and
Volunteers will pick up the participants at the
train or bus station of Santa Comba Dão.
Please see www.cp.pt and www.redeexpressos.pt. From Lisbon: 1st option:
Intercidades Train (After arriving at Lisbon
please go (by taxi is the easiest way) to the
Santa Apolónia Train Station. There you have
the following train departures to Santa Comba
Dão: 8h01m and 11h55m. Arriving time to
Santa Comba Dão: 10h53 or 14h47. The cost
of the ticket is €15,50. ; 2nd Option: Express
BUS to Santa Comba Dão. After arriving at
Lisbon please go (by taxi is the easiest way) to
the BUS Station of Sete Rios. There you can
pick an express bus to Santa Comba Dão in the
following time: 10h30m – arriving at Santa
Comba Dão about 14h00. Ticket cost: €11.20
From Oporto: 1st option: Intercidades/ Regional
Train - From this city the itinerary s the
following: Oporto/Campanhã Train Station –
Pampilhosa Train Station (with changing train)
– Santa Comba Dão. Departure from
Oporto/Campanhã: 10h15m; arrinving to
Pampilhosa Station: 11h40m; Departure from
Pampilhosa Station, after changing train:
12h03; arriving Santa Comba Dão: 12h35m.
Ticket cost: From Oporto to Pampilhosa:
€12.50. From Pampilhosa to Santa Comba
Dão: €6.40.
Number of Volunteers: 20
11. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:July 14, 2008, End: July 28, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Dream of Jazz, Loulé, Portugal
Work: The project Dream of Jazz is strictly
connected to the International Loulé Jazz
Festival, mostly because this one was created
to help in the promotion of the Festival. Besides
the tasks of promotion/publicity, in the days of
the shows part of the logistic of the Festival will
be also in charge of the volunteers of the camp,
but always saving time so that the participants
can assist the shows.
Accommodation: The accommodation will be
in a Gym of a school, and the food will be
prepared by a cooker.
Language: English
Terminal/Region: FARO Airport distances 15
KM from Loulé The organization will provide
transportation from Faro airport to Loulé, for
that to happen the participants must contact the
organization to inform the hour of the arrival.
LISBON-LOULÈ By train: Lisbon/ Station
Oriente (08:40; 10:20; 13:20; 17:20; 18:40) =
Price changes between 19€ or 17,50€ By train:
Porto/Loulé (05:47; 06:52; 09:47; 13:47; 15:47)
= Price changes between 46,50€ / 37,00€ or
45,00€ (More information’s in: http://www.cp.pt)
By Bus (daily): Lisbon (08:15; 10:30; 12:30;
15:15; 18:30) = Price 17.50€ By Bus (Monday
to Friday, except Holidays): Porto (06:00;
08:00; 10:30; 14:00) = Price 24€ (More
information’s in: http://www.rede-expressos.pt )
Number of Volunteers: 14
12. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:July 16, 2008, End: July 31, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Dialogues between cultures, S. Pedro da
Cova, Porto, Portugal
Work: The general objective of this project is to
foster intercultural dialogue as a process that
enables a more opened and complex cultural
environment to function. Conference, seminars
and debates on the contexts of multiculturalism.
Workshop of inquiry and publications (edition of
a Bulletin and a page in the Internet) on the
topic of multiculturalism in Portugal and Europe.
Workshops and training courses which focus on
the needs of children and young people.
Festivals and reviews presenting and
introducing the faces of multiculturality.
Language: Portuguese and English
Terminal/Region: How to reach
Study: Pedro da Cova - Gondomar? PORTO –
Study: PEDRO DA COVA (by bus) Bus Line
801 (
Study: Bento Railway Station) - 15/15 minutes
Study: Pedro da Cova - Ticket price: € 1,35
Study: PEDRO DA COVA (by metro) Metro
Line E (Aeroport Francisco Sá Carneiro) –
15/15 minuts – Campo 24 Agosto - Ticket price:
€ 1,45 Bus Line 801 (Campo 24 Agosto) 15/15 minutes –
Study: Pedro da Cova - Ticket price: € 1,35
Further information in http://www.stcp.pt /
Extra info: What to bring: Pillow, sleeping bag,
sportive clothes and comfortable shoes,
swimsults, articles personal hygiene, health
card (E111) and identity card.
Number of Volunteers: 20
13. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:July 16, 2008, End: July 31, 2008
Topic: Environment
Mãos À Obra – Let’s do itt, Vilar Formoso,
Work: Our aim is to improve our sports facilities
by creating a new area which will allow us to
organize other kind of outdoor activities like
mini-golf and athletics and some extreme
sports such as sliding, escalade, rappel and
Accommodation: They’re assured by the
association and the community center
Language: Portuguese, French and Spanish
Terminal/Region: How to get here By train:
from Lisbon, Porto or abroad. Take the train to
Vilar Formoso. You can hop off in Aldeia de
Study: Sebastiao or Vilar Formoso. Call us and
we’ll pick you up at the train station. By bus or
car: From Lisbon: take the highway A1 to
Torres Novas and then pick the A23 to Guarda,
when you get there take the A25 to Vilar
Formoso From Porto: take the highway A1 to
Mealhada and then take the A25 to Vilar
Formoso From abroad: Vilar Formoso is the
Portuguese town in the border with Spain, ring
us when you get there and we’ll pick you up.
Number of Volunteers: 20
14. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:July 16, 2008, End: July 30, 2008
Topic: Environment
YouthEvora: Sport for all!, Évora, Portugal
Work: Organization main aims for this work
camp are: sportive events liveliness and
promotion for young people living in rural areas
near Évora. The activities will be done in the
green areas of the rural areas.
Accommodation: Volunteers will be
accommodated at Évora Senior University
building. Meals will be served in the same
place, prepared by a catering company
Language: Portuguese, English and French
Terminal/Region: How to reach Évora?
LISBON – ÉVORA (131 km) By train: Lisbon/
Oriente Railway Station – Évora Railway
Station; Train (Intercidades): Departure (07:51
am; 01:51 pm; 05:51 pm). Arrival (09:50 am;
03:50 pm; 07:50 pm). Ticket price: €10,00 Train
(Intercidades and Regional): Departure (06:51
pm). Arrival (08:57 pm). Ticket price: €11,50
Further Information in www.cp.pt By bus:
Lisbon/ Sete Rios Bus Station – Évora Bus
Station; Departure: (08:00 am; 08:30 am; 09:30
am; 10:30 am; 11:45 am; 12:00; 01:45 pm;
02:15 pm; 04:00 pm; 05:15 pm; 05:45 pm;
07:30 pm; 08:30 pm; 10:00 pm) Arrival: (09:30
am; 10:15 am; 11:00 am; 12:15 pm; 01:35 pm;
01:30 pm; 03:15 pm; 04:50 pm; 05:45 pm;
07:00 pm; 07:15 pm; 09:00 pm; 10:15 pm;
11:45 pm). Ticket price: 10.80 €. Frequency:
Daily Further Information in http://www.redeexpressos.pt/
Number of Volunteers: 20
15. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:July 17, 2008, End: July 31, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Avanca 2008 International Work camp,
Avanca, Portugal
Study: With more than two decades of
existence, Cine-Club of Avanca produces,
distributes and exhibits cinema works and
audiovisuals beyond organizing, since 1997,
the International Meeting of Cinema, Television,
Video and Multimedia&;. Volunteers in this work
camp are involved in various levels of the
organization, providing a determinant support
for the success of this International Meeting.
Being AVANCA an idea sharing favored space,
creative fusion and cultural interchange
between, professionals, students and cinema
and multimedia lovers, IWC volunteers will
naturally participate and dive in this
international, culture and creative atmosphere.
Accommodation: lodgment will be in tents in a
specific place of Egas Moniz School, in Avanca
School cook will provide meals. Some of these
meals will take place in restaurants of Avanca
Language: Portuguese, English, French and
Terminal/Region: How to get to Avanca? To
Foreign Volunteers that travel to Portugal by
plane: Getting to Avanca since the International
Airport of Lisbon www.ana.pt 1.Bus transfer to
the train station of Lisboa-Santa Apolónia;.
www.carris.pt or by Taxi. 2.Intercity Train
Lisboa–Santa Apolónia – Aveiro or ALFA
service train Lisboa-Santa Apolónia – Aveiro
www.cp.pt 3.Urban Train North railway - AveiroAvanca www.cp.pt Getting to Avanca since the
International Airport of Oporto www.ana.pt
1.Surface subway transfer to the train station of
Porto- São Bento www.metrodoporto.pt or by
Taxi. 2.Urban Train North railway - Porto - São
Bento - Avanca www.cp.pt
Number of Volunteers: 20
16. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 3, 2008
Topic: Environment
PALOMBAR – Recover of a traditional
pigeon house, Pena Branca, Portugal
Work: Activities Dinamization of environmental
education with young people; maintenance of
pigeon houses; Training in areas of
ecoconstrution; Participation in cultural events;
Organization of the International fields of work.
Development actions for the conservation of
birds of prey.
Accommodation: For some leisure activities
and camp outgoings, camping in tents will be
arranged. For most of working days people will
be accommodated near Vilar Seco with minimal
necessary conditions (electricity, hot and cold
water, bathroom, kitchen, tables and chairs).
We recommend volunteers to bring sleeping
bags and camping tents; main meals will be
prepared by volunteers with youth leaders’
Language: Portuguese, English, French and
Terminal/Region: How to reach Vimioso?
Accommodation: bus from LISBOA to
MIRANDA DO DOURO (531 km) By bus (Rede
Nacional de Expressos): Information in:
http://www.rede-expressos.pt/ E-mail:
[email protected] Option
Extra info: bus from PORTO to MIRANDA DO
DOURO (359 km) By bus (Rede Nacional de
Expressos): Information in: http://www.redeexpressos.pt/ E-mail:
[email protected] From Porto,
also you can look in: www.rodonorte.pt
Number of Volunteers: 18
17. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 3, 2008
Topic: Environment
Chã da Bica, Montalvo, Portugal
Work: This work aims at continuing the digging
started in 1999 in Chã da Bica archaeological
station. Discoveries allow us to say that we are
in the presence of a tardo roman thermal
building of middle of III/IV century a.C. Field
work will essentially consist of digging,
gathering and registration of cultural materials,
temporary storage of findings, design,
topography and topographical survey.
Accommodation: Volunteers will be
accommodated in their own camping tents at
Constância Camping Park. Lunch and dinner
will be served at Constância E.B.2.3/S Luis de
Camões School.
Language: Portuguese, English and French
Terminal/Region: How to reach Constância?
Prior to reach Constância, you must reach
Entroncamento. To reach Entroncamento: By
train from Lisbon: 1st option Intercidades Train.
Departure from Oriente Railway Station
(Lisbon) - 01.04 pm. Arrival to Entroncamento
Railway Station - 02.04 pm. Ticket price 10€.
After your arrival to Entroncamento Railway
Station please contact us (914738379 or
962873840) and we will pick you up. 2nd option
Regional Train. Departure from Oriente Railway
Station (Lisbon) - 01.22 pm. Arrival to
Entroncamento Railway Station – 02.41 pm.
Ticket price: € 7,50. After your arrival to
Entroncamento Railway Station please contact
us (914738379 or 962873840) and we will pick
you up.
Number of Volunteers: 20
18. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:July 25, 2008, End: August 3, 2008
Topic: Environment
Óbidos for everyone, Óbidos, Portugal
Work: -Offering thematic visits to get familiar
with the Portuguese region. -Offering the
contact with nature in many ways, such as the
speleological way. -Having contact with other
Accommodation: Volunteers will be
accomodated in the Óbidos sport complex
Language: Portuguese, English, French
Terminal/Region: How to reach Óbidos: -Train
– DEPARTURE, Gare do oriente station,
Lisbon (5:38, 6:38, 9:57, 17:17, 19:57)
ARRIVAL Óbidos(8:16, 9:32, 13:03, 19:57,
22:48) -Bus (Rápida Verde) – DEPARTURE,
Campo Grande station, Lisbon (8:15, 9:30,
12:00, 13:15, 15:45, 17:15, 18:15, 19:15, 20:15,
21:00) ARRIVAL Óbidos(9:20, 10:35, 13:10,
14:20, 16:55, 18:20, 19:25, 20:25, 21:20,
22:05) Furter information: Trains www.cp.pt
Bus- www.rodotejo.pt and http://redeexpressos.pt
Number of Volunteers: 20
19. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:July 28, 2008, End: August 11, 2008
Topic: Environment
Baco – Vale de Mouro, Coriscada, Portugal
Work: Camp main objectives are: invigorating
Vale do Mouro archeological project, divulging
this patrimony, the local culture and the council.
Accommodation: Volunteers will be
accommodated in building. They will be in
charge of its organization and maintenance and
main meals will be prepared by workers of the
Language: Portuguese and French
Terminal/Region: By train, from Lisbon to
Celorico da Beira Railway Station or to Vila
Franca das Naves Railway Station. Then catch
a taxi (CSC may transport you in case of being
contacted). In case you are coming from Porto
you have to change train in Pampilhosa
Railway Station. By bus (Joaltur), leaving
Lisbon at 08:00 am near Sete Rios towards Vila
Nova de Foz Côa. You must leave the bus in
Rabaçal cross-roads (Meda Council) by 02:00
pm and proceed on foot during 15 minutes (you
may contact the association for transport).
Lisboa – Guarda train schedule
Number of Volunteers: 20
20. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:July 28, 2008, End: August 3, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Dancing in the world, Carvalhais, Portugal
Work: The camp’s theme is connected to the
preparation and organization of a international
world dance festival. Participants will have the
opportunity to know the region’s natural and
cultural patrimony. The program will include
entertainment and inter cultural exchange of
activities as well as dance workshops.
Accommodation: Volunteers will be
accommodated in tents at Parque de
Campismo do Bioparque – Bioparque
Camping. Main meals will be prepared by
participants with youth leaders’ help.
Language: Portuguese, English and French
Terminal/Region: How to reach Carvalhais?
By bus from Lisbon 1st option Express Bus
(Rede Expressos): Lisbon –
Study: Pedro do Sul Departure – 02:00 pm;
Arrival – 06:15 pm By bus from Porto 1st option
Express Bus (Rede Expressos): Porto Study: Pedro do Sul Departure – 05:15 pm
(bus changing in Albergaria); Arrival – 07:20 pm
Go to: www.rede-expressos.pt
Number of Volunteers: 20
21. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:August 1, 2008, End: August 15, 2008
Topic: Environment
Chalcedony, Braga, Portugal
Work: The camp’s theme is related to
environment and consists of infesting cleaning
tasks in Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês –
National Park of Peneda-Gerês, Park’s nursery
up-keeping, works for Associação Pedras
Brancas – Association White Rocks (involving
linen cycle), works in the newer Garrano centre,
fluvial beach cleaning.
Accommodation: participants will be
accommodated at Associação Pedras Brancas
– White Rocks Association; food will be
prepared by volunteers with the responsible
cooker help.
Language: Portuguese and English
Terminal/Region: How to reach Braga? From
Lisbon: 1st option (Train) Lisbon / Oriente
Railway Station - Braga: Catch a train
(Intercidades or Alfa Pendular) to Braga’s
Railway Station. Information in http://www.cp.pt
2nd option (Bus) 31 of July: Lisbon / Oriente
Railway Station (01:00 pm) – Braga (05:30 pm):
ticket price: € 17.50 01 of August: Lisbon /
Oriente Railway Station (09:00 am) – Braga
(01:30 pm); ticket price: € 17.50 Information in
http://www.renex.pt From Porto: 1st option
(Train) Porto Campanhã – Braga Catch a train
(Intercidades or Alfa Pendular or Urbano) to
Braga’s Railway Station. Information in
http://www.cp.pt 2nd option (Bus) 31 of July:
Porto (04:30 pm) – Braga (05:30 pm); ticket
price: € 4.50 01 of Agosto: Porto (12h00 am) –
Braga (01h30 pm); ticket price: € 4.50
Information In http://www.renex.pt
Number of Volunteers: 20
22. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:August 1, 2008, End: August 15, 2008
Topic: Environment
Nature Conservation in the National Park of
Peneda Gerês, Ponte da Barca, Portugal
Work: The main objective of this project is to
allow young people the opportunity to
contribute to nature conservation in Portugal´s
only national park, by carrying out activities that
follow the principles of nature conservation and
sustainability in line with local traditions and by
involving the residents of the local rural
community. In the morning, participants will be
involved in volunteer work.The volunteers’
tasks will consist of defining, cleaning and
interpret walking trails and possibly identify
other opportunities for activities in the natural
Language: Portuguese and English
Terminal/Region: How to reach Lindoso? To
get to Lindoso, you must first reach Ponte da
Barca, except if you are traveling on Eurolines
which has a stop in Lindoso. To get to Ponte da
Barca: From Lisbon By train (option A): Lisboa
St.ª Apolónia - Braga (option B): Lisboa St.ª
Apolónia - Viana do Castelo (via Porto)
Information at http://www.cp.pt By bus
(Barquense): Lisboa (Gare do Oriente) at
13h00-Ponte daBarca Information at
http://www.barquenseviagens.com or
[email protected] or tel. 00 351
258 452842 From Porto- By train (option A):
Porto Campanhã - Braga (option B): Porto
Campanhã - Viana do Castelo Information at
http://www.cp.pt By bus (Barquense): Porto
(Campo Mártires da Pátria) at 17h45-Ponte da
Barca From Braga By bus: Braga (several
departure times)-Ponte da Barca on Salvador
Alves Pereira (tel. 00 351 258 521504 or 00
351 258 521 303) or Barquense at 19h00.
From Viana do Castelo- By bus (Barquense):
Viana (12h15)-Ponte da Barca By bus (AV
Cura): Viana (12h30 and 13h30)-Ponte da
Barca. More information at
[email protected] or tel. 00 351 258 806
839 From Ponte da Barca – By bus: Ponte da
Barca (12h10 and 18h20) to (Parada) Lindoso
on Salvador Alves Pereira (tel. 00 351 258
521504 or 00 351 258 521 303)
Extra info: Mobile phone no.: +351.96 70 50
038 E-mail: [email protected] Contact
person: Carlos Fernandes
Number of Volunteers: 20
23. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:August 1, 2008, End: August 15, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Flavours of Native Land, Santa Comba Dão,
Work: This Camp intends to preserve the
history and the ancient recipes and put them in
real practice, exhibiting the products in a
Gastronomy Fair, basically of desserts.
Interviews and practical workshops have as
main objectives to collect testimonies and life
stories about traditional cooking practices,
enhancing the “Hows”, the whys” and the “what
for”, promoting real intercultural dialogues at
the dinning table, around the most delicious
desserts of ancient times, from today and
perhaps from the future…All the recipes will be
preserved on a DVD e the special flavours can
be tasted in the Gastronomic Fair.
Accommodation: lodgement will be assured in
a Youth Centre with several dormitories; main
meals will be made by the volunteers and the
animators, in the Youth Centre which is
properly equipped with a kitchen and dinning
Language: Portuguese and English
Terminal/Region: How to get to Santa Comba
Dão /
Study: Joaninho? Local Animators and
Volunteers will pick up the participants at the
train or bus station of Santa Comba Dão.
Please see www.cp.pt and www.redeexpressos.pt. From Lisbon: 1st option:
Intercidades Train (After arriving at Lisbon
please go (by taxi is the easiest way) to the
Santa Apolónia Train Station. There you have
the following train departures to Santa Comba
Dão: 8h01m and 11h55m. Arriving time to
Santa Comba Dão: 10h53 or 14h47. The cost
of the ticket is €15,50. ; 2nd Option: Express
BUS to Santa Comba Dão. After arriving at
Lisbon please go (by taxi is the easiest way) to
the BUS Station of Sete Rios. There you can
pick an express bus to Santa Comba Dão in the
following time: 10h30m – arriving at Santa
Comba Dão about 14h00. Ticket cost: €11.20
From Oporto: 1st option: Intercidades/ Regional
Train - From this city the itinerary s the
following: Oporto/Campanhã Train Station –
Pampilhosa Train Station (with changing train)
– Santa Comba Dão. Departure from
Oporto/Campanhã: 10h15m; arrinving to
Pampilhosa Station: 11h40m; Departure from
Pampilhosa Station, after changing train:
12h03; arriving Santa Comba Dão: 12h35m.
Ticket cost: From Oporto to Pampilhosa:
€12.50. From Pampilhosa to Santa Comba
Dão: €6.40
Number of Volunteers: 20
24. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:August 1, 2008, End: August 15, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
A village meeting: São Lourenço’s Party,
Santa Comba Dão, Portugal
Study: This Camp intends to preserve a
tradition – St. Lawrence Party. In 2007, for
several reason the celebrations of St. Lawrence
day didn’t take place. The Youth Association
intends, in 2008, to bring back the tradition and
with it bring together a whole village.
Accommodation: lodgement will be assured in
a Youth Centre with several dormitories; main
meals will be made by the volunteers and the
animators, in the Youth Centre which is
properly equipped with a kitchen and dinning
Language: Portuguese and English
Terminal/Region: How to get to Santa Comba
Dão /
Study: Joaninho? Local Animators and
Volunteers will pick up the participants at the
train or bus station of Santa Comba Dão.
Please see www.cp.pt and www.redeexpresos.pt. From Lisbon: 1st option:
Intercidades Train (After arriving at Lisbon
please go (by taxi is the easiest way) to the
Santa Apolónia Train Station. There you have
the following train departures to Santa Comba
Dão: 8h01m and 11h55m. Arriving time to
Santa Comba Dão: 10h53 or 14h47. The cost
of the ticket is €15,50. ; 2nd Option: Express
BUS to Santa Comba Dão. After arriving at
Lisbon please go (by taxi is the easiest way) to
the BUS Station of Sete Rios. There you can
pick an express bus to Santa Comba Dão in the
following time: 10h30m – arriving at Santa
Comba Dão about 14h00. Ticket cost: €11.20
From Oporto: 1st option: Intercidades/ Regional
Train - From this city the itinerary s the
following: Oporto/Campanhã Train Station –
Pampilhosa Train Station (with changing train)
– Santa Comba Dão. Departure from
Oporto/Campanhã: 10h15m; arrinving to
Pampilhosa Station: 11h40m; Departure from
Pampilhosa Station, after changing train:
12h03; arriving Santa Comba Dão: 12h35m.
Ticket cost: From Oporto to Pampilhosa:
€12.50. From Pampilhosa to Santa Comba
Dão: €6.40
Number of Volunteers: 20
25. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:August 2, 2008, End: August 16, 2008
Topic: Environment
Apple\'s Route, Bragança, Portugal
Work: The theme of the field is related to the
environment and the natural environment in
general the purpose is to supply to a greater
approximation of the various communities and
to drawing up for Community. The specific
objectives of the healthy field proceed to the
cleaning up of the edges of the Maças river,
maintenance of mills, tourist environmental
walks, a warm welcoming with the local
community, cleaning of left garbage, leisure
times on kayaks walks, trips to the frontier
villages between Portugal and Spain, debates
on the river maças and his edges, finishing with
a acquaintance next to this river.
Accommodation: The accommodation will be
at the communitarian home and eventually
some days in tents in the Camping Park. The
food will be made by volunteers and the
presenters, as well as in restaurant.
Language: Portuguese / Spanish / French
Terminal/Region: How to get to Quintanilha
Via Portugal Lisbon/Porto By train: Lisbon (Stª
Apolónia) toward to Porto (Camapnhã) By bus
(East Station) toward to Porto (Batalha Square
or Trav. Passos Manuel) Timetable of the
“Rede de Expressos e Rodo Norte”, 5 to 6 daily
buses Porto/Bragança By bus (Praça da
Batalha ou Trav Passos Manuel) toward to
Bragança Timetable of the “Rede de Expressos
e Rodo Norte”, 5 to 6 daily buses
Bragança/Quintanilha By bus (Station) toward
to Quintanilha Timetable of the “Rodo Norte”,
departure at 16,30 Via Spain Madrid/Zamora
By bus Zamora/International bridge to
Quintanilha By bus 90 Km International bridge
to Quintanilha/Quintanilha
Number of Volunteers: 15
26. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:August 4, 2008, End: August 18, 2008
Topic: Others
Solidarity!, Granja do Ulmeiro, Portugal
Work: In what concerns specific objectives of
August 2008 work camp, these combine in the
promotion of a global, active and understanding
volunteering. Thus the specific objectives are:
Promoting co-responsible volunteering and
youth understanding; Promoting a work camp
to educate and train youngsters for local
intervention; Persuading youngsters to be
multipliers of social and understanding
economies practices; Placing the camp at the
disposal of Granja do Ulmeiro community;
Promoting intercultural learning.
Accommodation: Volunteers will be
accommodated at AJP International Centre
building. Meals will be prepared by volunteers
with youth leaders’ help.
Language: Portuguese, English and Spanish
Terminal/Region: How to reach Granja do
Ulmeiro/Alfarelos? From LISBON By train
(Lisbon-Oporto): Lisbon / Oriente Railway
Station (02:09 pm; 03:39 pm; 04:09 pm) –
Coimbra B (03:45 pm; 05:31 pm; 05:45 pm).
Ticket prices: € 20,00 / € 15,00. (Further
information in http://www.cp.pt ) By Bus: Lisbon
(02:00 pm; 02:30 pm; 03:15 pm) – Coimbra
(04:25 pm; 04:50 pm; 05:40 pm). Ticket price: €
10,80 (Further information in http://www.redeexpressos.pt ) To Granja do Ulmeiro/Alfarelos:
By train: Coimbra B (04:43 pm; 05:25 pm;
06:23 pm) – Alfarelos (05:09 pm; 05:45 pm;
06:40 pm). Tichet price: € 1,32. From PORTO
By train (Porto-Lisbon): Porto (02:52 pm; 03:47
pm; 04:47 pm) – Coimbra B (03:56 pm; 04:44
pm; 05:44 pm) Ticket price: € 15 / € 10,5;
(Further information in http://www.cp.pt ) By
Bus: Porto (02:00 pm; 02:30 pm; 04:30 pm) –
Coimbra (03:25 pm; 03:55 pm; 05:55 pm).
Ticket price: € 10 (Further information in
http://www.rede-expressos.pt ) To Granja do
Ulmeiro/Alfarelos: By train: Coimbra B (04:43
pm; 05:25 pm; 06:23 pm) – Alfarelos (05:09
pm; 05:45 pm; 06:40 pm). Ticket price: € 1,32
Number of Volunteers: 20
27. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:August 4, 2008, End: August 15, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
Intercutural Dialogue, Lisboa, Portugal
Work: The workcamp will be in the Cultural
Centre of Bairro da Quinta da Fonte, Apelação,
in which the children and teenagers from the
nearby social neighbourhood spend their free
time. More or less 15,6% of the neighbourhood
residents are foreigners, particularly from the
Portuguese-speaking African countries During
two weeks, the volunteers will participate in the
implementation of certain activities that were
previously planned and organized, for the
children and teenagers that live in Bairro da
Quinta da Fonte, Apelação. Additionally, the
volunteers are expected to organise, as a team,
leisure activities with the children and
teenagers who use to go to the Centre.
Accommodation: The volunteers will be
hosted in the school of Apelação (15 minutes
on foot from the Cultural Centre, where they will
work). Tends will be provided by the school.
Please bring your own sleeping bags and
towels.Breakfast and dinner: will be prepared
by the volunteers. lunch: Provided by the
Language: English
Terminal/Region: BY PLAIN: Once you are at
the Lisbon Airport, You must take the bus
number 208 or 750 (the bus costs more or less
1,35 euros and the travel lasts around 15 min)
to Estação do Oriente and get off in the last
stop. If you are planning to arrive to Apelação
by different means, please inform us in
advance to give you further details. CAMP
Study: Patrícia: Tel (00351) 91 791 65 20;
[email protected] Ana Castanho:
Tel (00351) 96 313 96 88;
[email protected]
Number of Volunteers: 10
28. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:August 11, 2008, End: August 25, 2008
Topic: Environment
Arqueovento, Freixo de Numão, Portugal
Work: The objective of this program is to give
continuity to an archeological research project
and the desire to turn the archeological place
into a museum that has been developed since
1980 with the permanent support of this
association and the Portuguese Youth Institute.
-Maintenance and restoration aiming at turning
the archeological place into a museum; Methodological digging, with an archaeologist
help; -Soil riddling and floating aiming at
collecting different elements (coals, seeds,
bones …) for analysis; -Materials washing and
Accommodation: volunteers will be
accommodated at ACDR Youth Centre,
composed of 2 dormitories and 8 rooms. Meals
will be served in the youth centre restaurant.
Language: Portuguese, English and French
Terminal/Region: 1st option – By car - Coming
from Porto use A25 road until Celorico da Beira
turning to Vila Nova de Foz Côa. 4 Km before
Vila Nova de Foz Côa use national road 222
towards Freixo de Numão. - Coming from
Lisbon or south use A23 road in Torres Vedras
towards Guarda and use A25 road until
Celorico da Beira changing to IP2 road towards
Vila Nova de Foz Côa. 4 Km before Vila Nova
de Foz Côa use national road 222 towards
Freixo de Numão. - Coming from Spain use
A25 road until Celorico da Beira and turn to IP2
road towards Vila Nova de Foz Côa. 4 Km
before Vila Nova de Foz Côa use national road
222 towards Freixo de Numão. 2nd option – By
bus Coming from anywhere in Portugal, catch a
bus to Vila Nova de Foz Côa. Please contact
ACDR (phone no. 00351 279 789 573) in
advance so that we can pick you up at the Bus
Station. Coming from abroad take your way to
Guarda where you will catch a bus to Vila Nova
de Foz Côa. Please contact ACDR (phone no.
00351 279 789 573) in advance so that we can
pick you up at the Bus Station. 3rd option – By
train Coming from Porto catch a bus at Douro’s
line, Campanhã Railway Station or
Study: Bento Railway Station until Freixo de
Numão – Mós do Douro Railway Station.
Please contact ACDR (phone no. 00351 279
789 573) in advance so that we can pick you up
at the Railway Station because there are no
other transfers to Freixo de Numão. Coming
from abroad take your way to Guarda and catch
a bus to Vila Nova de Foz Côa. Please contact
ACDR (phone no. 00351 279 789 573) in
advance so that we can pick you up at the Bus
Number of Volunteers: 20
29. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:August 13, 2008, End: August 26, 2008
Topic: Environment
Penha Garcia – On the route of fossils 2008,
Idanha-a-Nova, Portugal
Work: The work planification includes the
turistic guide to icnofossils, paleozoic museum
maintenance, and paleontologist patrimony
cleanning. We also have planned some visits to
Monsanto and Idanha-a-Velha historical
villages, “Parque Natural do Tejo Internacional”
and “Gardunha” mountain.
Accommodation: Accomodation will be
provided in a particular house placed in a
Penha Garcia farm. Meals will be prepared by
participants with monitors help.
Language: Portuguese, English and Spanish
Terminal/Region: How to reach Penha Garcia:
We wait you to arrive the 13th of August, till
17:00 o´clock, in the Castelo Branco Railway
Station. The organization will provide the
transport to Penha Garcia. To reach Castelo
Branco city you can travel by train from Lisbon /
Oriente Railway Station at 9:56 or 13:27
(further information in: www.cp.pt), or by bus
from Lisbon (near the zoo) at 9:50, 13:00 or
14:00 and from Porto at 10:00 or 10:45 (further
information in: www.rede-expressos.pt). It
would be great if you could, previously, inform
us about the prevision for your arrival.
Number of Volunteers: 16
30. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:August 13, 2008, End: August 27, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Traditional we also, Pechão, Portugal
Work: The camp theme is related to Pechão
Traditional Parties. There are different
activities: cleaning, painting and signaling of the
surrounding area as well as “small bridges”
near the sport zone cleaning and painting.
These activities will certainly give to young
people a new contact with a different culture
inserting them in an intercultural learning mind.
Accommodation: Volunteers will be
accommodated in male and female dormitories
with cabins especially placed in Pechão Sport
Zone multivalent rooms.Some meals will be
prepared at Brejo’s Social Centre and in the
camp and others will take place in restaurants.
Some meals will be prepared with volunteers
participation, namely in the Centre and in the
camp. Menu will be composed of regional food
but always considering participants’ nourishing
needs and habits.
Language: Portuguese, English and French
Terminal/Region: How to reach Pechão? By
train or bus from Lisbon: 1st option Lisbon /
Oriente Railway Station – Faro / Olhão: Catch a
train (Intercidades or Alfa) for Faro or Olhão
Railway Station; then catch a bus from Faro or
Olhão to Pechão (schedules and prices in
Annex A) 2nd option Lisbon / Oriente Railway
Station – Faro / Olhão: Catch a bus (Eva or
Renex) for Faro or Olhão Bus Station; then
catch another bus from Faro or Olhão to
Pechão (schedules and prices in Annex A) By
bus from Faro (airport): Option Faro Airport –
Faro: Catch a bus (Urban) to Faro’s bus station;
catch another bus from Faro to Pechão
Number of Volunteers: 20
31. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:August 16, 2008, End: August 30, 2008
Topic: Environment
Adventure and Patrimony, Pombal, Portugal
Work: Volunteers’ tasks will consist of cleaning
the Anços River that springs up near Redinha.
The participants will camp over at the
installations of Quinta Sant’Ana.
Language: Portuguese and English
Terminal/Region: How to reach Pombal?
LISBON - POMBAL (by train) AP N0. 123
Lisbon (Santa Apolonia Railway Station) 08:00 am – Pombal Railway Station - 09:28 –
Ticket price: € 26 IC N0. 511 Lisbon (Santa
Apolonia Railway Station) - 08:30 am – Pombal
Railway Station 10:12 - Ticket price: € 17 IC
N0. 523 Lisbon (Santa Apolonia Railway
Station) - 09:30 am – Pombal Railway Station
11:08 – Ticket price: € 17 Further information in
Extra info: Phone no.: +351.236 216 609 Fax
no.: +351.236 216 609 e-mail:
[email protected] Contact person: Gil
Number of Volunteers: 20
32. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:August 18, 2008, End: September 1,
Topic: Art, culture, history
3 Points… environment, animation and
culture 2008, Arcos de Valdevez, Portugal
Work: Phase I – “The village of Arcos de
Valdevez” - preparation of the working spaces definition of the animation types - preparation of
the animation activities to develop with children
Phase II – “Monte do Castelo Track Cleaning” pedestrian track recognition and cleaning cleaning of leisure spaces Phase III –
“Community and Environment” - environmental
and cultural sensitizing workshops - Rio Vez
leisure spaces cleaning - Development of the
animation activities near the children and the
Accommodation: the volunteers will stay in
“Pousadinha” a kind of Youth Hostel that
belongs to the organization. This building was
capacity to receive 30 persons at the same
time; it was 7 rooms, 8 bathrooms, 1 kitchen, 1
dinner room and a living room. Food: meals will
be prepared by the volunteers with the help of
the young leaders and/or the cook
Language: Portuguese and English
Terminal/Region: How to arrive in Arcos de
Valdevez? LISBON – BRAGA Train:
Lisbon/Orient Railway Station (08:04; 14:04;
19:04) – Braga (11:55; 17:45; 22:45) (for further
information consult www.cp.pt) Bus:
Lisbon/Orient Railway Station (07:00; 08:30;
13:00; 15:00; 16:30) – Braga (11:30; 13:40;
17:30; 19:30; 22:10) (for further information
consult www.renex.pt) In order to obtain
information about the trip that you must do to
come to Arcos de Valdevez you must contact
us to the e-mail:
[email protected] or to the phone
number: 00351 258514026, we will give you all
the information necessary.
Number of Volunteers: 20
33. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:August 18, 2008, End: September 1,
Topic: Art, culture, history
Work: The Camp subject is about social and
communitarian intervention and Intercultural
Dialogue. The camp aims to promote mobility
and youth exchange of Portuguese and
European youngsters and intercultural
dialogue, without words, through non-formal
educational processes – Mimicks and Clown
Techniques. Youngsters will participate in
several workshops of Clown Techniques and
Circus Arts and they will prepare a final
exercise on the theme Cultural Diversity that
will be integrated in the 9th Theatre Festival of
the Youth Association that will be presented to
the whole Local Community.
Language: Portuguese and English
Terminal/Region: How to get to Santa Comba
Dão /
Study: Joaninho? Local Animators and
Volunteers will pick up the participants at the
train or bus station of Santa Comba Dão.
Please see www.cp.pt and www.redeexpresos.pt. From Lisbon: 1st option:
Intercidades Train (After arriving at Lisbon
please go (by taxi is the easiest way) to the
Santa Apolónia Train Station. There you have
the following train departures to Santa Comba
Dão: 8h01m and 11h55m. Arriving time to
Santa Comba Dão: 10h53 or 14h47. The cost
of the ticket is €15,50. ; 2nd Option: Express
BUS to Santa Comba Dão. After arriving at
Lisbon please go (by taxi is the easiest way) to
the BUS Station of Sete Rios. There you can
pick an express bus to Santa Comba Dão in the
following time: 10h30m – arriving at Santa
Comba Dão about 14h00. Ticket cost: €11.20
From Oporto: 1st option: Intercidades/ Regional
Train - From this city the itinerary s the
following: Oporto/Campanhã Train Station –
Pampilhosa Train Station (with changing train)
– Santa Comba Dão. Departure from
Oporto/Campanhã: 10h15m; arrinving to
Pampilhosa Station: 11h40m; Departure from
Pampilhosa Station, after changing train:
12h03; arriving Santa Comba Dão: 12h35m.
Ticket cost: From Oporto to Pampilhosa:
€12.50. From Pampilhosa to Santa Comba
Dão: €6.40.
Extra info: Camp Responsible Sónia Tomás
Emergency Contacts 00 351 96 4072072 00
351 96 2545555
Number of Volunteers: 20
34. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:August 18, 2008, End: September 1,
Topic: Environment
Euro.Abrantes III, Abrantes, Portugal
Work: The camps’ theme is related to
environment protection. It aims at carrying out
environmental and leisure parks cleaning and
maintaining tasks; rivulet fauna and flora
cleaning and acknowledgement; ash trays
cleaning and distribution at Nazaré beach;
buildings façades and walls cleaning; waste
gathering in Castelo de Almourol – Almourol
Castle and Abrantes village; surveillance
actions against fire, among others.
Accommodation: Volunteers will be
accommodated in an apartment leased by
Cres.Ser and meals will be prepared by
volunteers with a cooker’s help.
Language: English and Portuguese
Terminal/Region: How to reach Abrantes? By
train from Lisbon: Train (Intercidades) (Lisboa –
Oriente Railway Station – 07:18 pm – Abrantes
– 08:49 pm) or Inter-Regional (Lisboa – Oriente
Railway Station 12:18 pm – Abrantes 01:58
pm) Average ticket price: 10€ By bus from
Lisbon: Sete Rios Bus Station (Rede Expresso
– Lisbon) – 01:00 pm – Abrantes Bus Station –
02:15 pm; Average ticket price – 8€
Number of Volunteers: 18
35. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:August 31, 2008, End: September 14,
Topic: Environment
Gândaras open to the World, Lousâ,
Work: This Camp is developed attending to
promotion citizenship for young people that was
related to international dimension as a way to
do citizenship pratices. Volunteers’ tasks will
be: cleaning the mill and surrounding area;
leisure activities; social communication with
local community; cultural visits in the region.
Accommodation: Volunteers will be
accommodated in building. Meals will be
prepared by volunteers with youth leaders help.
Language: Portuguese and English
Terminal/Region: How to reach Lousã? Prior
to reach Lousã, you must reach Coimbra. And
to reach Coimbra: By train: Lisbon/ Oriente
Railway Station (11:04 am; 01:04 pm; 02:04
pm; 03:04 pm; 04:04 pm; 06:04 pm) – Coimbra
B Railway Station (12:55 pm; 03:10 pm; 03:51
pm; 05:12 pm; 05:59 pm; 08:09 pm). Ticket
price: € 18 / €15. Porto/ Campanhã Railway
Station (10:15 am; 12:10 pm; 02:15 pm; 03:10
pm; 04:15 pm; 06:15 pm) – Coimbra B Railway
Station (11:20 am; 01:25 pm; 03:20 pm; 04:30
pm; 05:17 pm; 07:20 pm) Ticket price: € 13/ €
10; (Further information in http://www.cp.pt ) By
bus: Lisboa Bus Station (02:00 pm; 02:30 pm;
03:15 pm) – Coimbra Bus Station (04:25 pm;
04:50 pm; 05:40 pm). Ticket price: € 10,80
Porto Bus Station (02:00 pm; 02:30 pm; 04:30
pm) – Coimbra Bus Station (03:25 pm; 03:55
pm; 05:55 pm). Ticket price: € 10 (Further
information in http://www.rede-expressos.pt )
Number of Volunteers: 15
36. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:September 1, 2008, End: September 15,
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Dialog for an intercultural suburb, Lousâ,
Work: Regarding the objectives of the
workcamp: We want to: –o promote intercultural
learning -to organize pedagogical activities for
children and young people –To develop non
formal education methodologies –To motivate
for responsible and active participation –To
valorize the potential, creativity and dynamism
of a group of young people from disadvantaged
backgrounds –To give to know other kind of
realities and forms of doing and working on
social inclusion –To improve the physical and
human conditions of the living contexts in this
Accommodation: Volunteers will be
accommodated in a flat provided by the
municipality. Meals will be prepared by
volunteers with youth leaders’ help.
Language: Portuguese, English , french and
Terminal/Region: How to reach Coimbra /
Bairros do Planalto? LISBON By train: Lisbon /
Oriente Railway Station – Coimbra B / Ticket
prices: € 20,00 / € 15,00. (Further information in
http://www.cp.pt ) By Bus: Lisbon – Coimbra Ticket price: € 10,80 (Further information in
http://www.rede-expressos.pt ) PORTO By
train: Porto – Coimbra B - Ticket price: € 13 / €
14; (Further information in http://www.cp.pt ) By
Bus: Porto – Coimbra - Ticket price: € 10
(Further information in http://www.redeexpressos.pt )
Number of Volunteers: 20
37. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:September 1, 2008, End: September 15,
Topic: Others
Intercultural Granja, Granja do Ulmeiro,
Study: In what concerns specific objectives of
September 2008 work camp, these combine in
the promotion of a global, active and
understanding volunteering. Thus the specific
objectives are: Promoting co-responsible
volunteering and youth understanding;
Promoting a work camp to educate and train
youth for local intervention; Persuading youth to
be multipliers of social and understanding
economies practices; Placing the camp at the
disposal of Granja do Ulmeiro community;
Promoting intercultural learning.
Accommodation: Volunteers will be
accommodated at AJP International Centre
building. Meals will be prepared by volunteers
with youth leaders’ help.
Language: Portuguese, English and Spanish
Terminal/Region: How to reach Ganja do
Ulmeiro/Alfarelos? From LISBON By train
(Lisbon-Oporto): Lisbon / Oriente Railway
Station (02:09 pm; 03:39 pm; 04:09 pm) –
Coimbra B (03:45 pm; 05:31 pm; 05:45 pm).
Ticket prices: € 20,00 / € 15,00. (Further
information in http://www.cp.pt ) By Bus: Lisbon
(02:00 pm; 02:30 pm; 03:15 pm) – Coimbra
(04:25 pm; 04:50 pm; 05:40 pm). Ticket price: €
10,80 (Further information in http://www.redeexpressos.pt ) To Granja do Ulmeiro/Alfarelos:
By train: Coimbra B (04:43 pm; 05:25 pm;
06:23 pm) – Alfarelos (05:09 pm; 05:45 pm;
06:40 pm). Tichet price: € 1,32. From PORTO
By train (Porto-Lisbon): Porto (02:52 pm; 03:47
pm; 04:47 pm) – Coimbra B (03:56 pm; 04:44
pm; 05:44 pm) Ticket price: € 15 / € 10,5;
(Further information in http://www.cp.pt ) By
Bus: Porto (02:00 pm; 02:30 pm; 04:30 pm) –
Coimbra (03:25 pm; 03:55 pm; 05:55 pm).
Ticket price: € 10 (Further information in
http://www.rede-expressos.pt ) To Granja do
Ulmeiro/Alfarelos: By train: Coimbra B (04:43
pm; 05:25 pm; 06:23 pm) – Alfarelos (05:09
pm; 05:45 pm; 06:40 pm). Ticket price: € 1,32.
Number of Volunteers: 20
38. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:September 1, 2008, End: September 15,
Topic: Environment
Biological agriculture, Carvalhais, Portugal
Work: The camp’s theme is connected to learn
techniques and advantages of the biological
Accommodation: Volunteers will be
accommodated in student’s residence and/or
tents at Parque de Campismo do Bioparque –
Bioparque Camping. Main meals will be
prepared by participants with youth leaders’
Language: Portuguese, English and French
Terminal/Region: How to reach Carvalhais?
By bus from Lisbon 1st option Express Bus
(Rede Expressos): Lisbon –
Study: Pedro do Sul -Departure – 02:00 pm;
Arrival – 06:15 pm By bus from Porto 1st option
Express Bus (Rede Expressos): Porto Study: Pedro do Sul -Departure – 05:15 pm
(bus changing in Albergaria); Arrival – 07:20 pm
Go to: www.rede-expressos.pt The ply between
Study: Pedro do Sul and Carvalhais will be
arranged by the Centre.
Number of Volunteers: 20
39. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:September 5, 2008, End: September 19,
Topic: Others
Fair Trade and Bio Festivities, Amarante,
Work: The theme of this International
Workcamp is related to Fair Trade and
Biological Production.Its objectives and tasks
will be to know and spread the concepts
sustaining Fair Trade and Biological
Production, to help small biological producers
of Amarante (vintage, cleaning, fruit and
vegetables gathering, aromatic herbs picking,
etc.), to organize during 2\3 days an Fair and
Biological Trade Market and visit stores and
places selling Fair and Biological Trade
Accommodation: volunteers will be
accommodated at Casa de Cultura e Juventude
de Amarante – Amarante's Youth and Culture
House and main meals will be prepared by an
fair trade organization (Cor de Tangerina)
managing a vegetarian and biological
Language: Portuguese and English
Terminal/Region: How to reach Amarante?
The reference will always be the Amarante
Tourism Station (Amarante Town Hall building
– Alameda Teixeira de Pascoaes) and the
contact phone will always be the mobile phone
no. (+351) 913 051 999 (Miguel Pinto). LISBON
- PORTO By train: Lisbon / Oriente Railway
Station (every hour beginning at 05:55 am until
06:55 pm) – Porto / Campanhã Railway Station
(hour beginning at 09:05 am until 09:05 pm
09:05) – Ticket price: from € 19,50 to €27,50
(For further information see http://www.cp.pt)
By bus: Lisbon (every hour starting at 07:00 am
until 12:00 am and 03:00 pm) – Porto (10:25
am; 11:30 am; 12:25 am; 03:30 pm; 06:30 pm)
– Ticket price: € 15,50 (For further information
see http://www.rede-expressos.pt) PORTOAMARANTE By train: Porto (07:26 am; 11:26
am; 03:26 pm) - Changing at Livração Amarante: (08:54 am; 12:54 pm; 04:54 pm).
Ticket price: € 6,87 (For further information see
http://www.cp.pt) By bus: Porto (07:00 am;
08:00 am; 09:00 am; 10:00 am; 11:00 am;
01:00 pm; 03:00 pm) – Amarante (07:50 am;
08:50 am; 09:50 am; 10:50 am; 11:50 am;
01:50 pm; 03:50 pm) – Ticket price: € 5,20 (For
further information see http://www.rodonorte.pt)
Number of Volunteers: 20
40. Portugal - IPJ Portugal
Begin:September 14, 2008, End: September
28, 2008
Topic: Environment
Serra da Lousã Mills Track III, Lousâ,
Work: Volunteers’ tasks will be: cleaning the
mills and surrounding area; equip mills track
with signs; leisure activities; social
communication with local community; cultural
visits in the region.
Accommodation: Volunteers will be
accommodated in building. Meals will be
prepared by volunteers with youth leaders help.
Language: Portuguese and English
Terminal/Region: How to reach Lousã? Prior
to reach Lousã, you must reach Coimbra. And
to reach Coimbra: By train: Lisbon/ Oriente
Railway Station (11:04 am; 01:04 pm; 02:04
pm; 03:04 pm; 04:04 pm; 06:04 pm) – Coimbra
B Railway Station (12:55 pm; 03:10 pm; 03:51
pm; 05:12 pm; 05:59 pm; 08:09 pm). Ticket
price: € 18 / €15. Porto/ Campanhã Railway
Station (10:15 am; 12:10 pm; 02:15 pm; 03:10
pm; 04:15 pm; 06:15 pm) – Coimbra B Railway
Station (11:20 am; 01:25 pm; 03:20 pm; 04:30
pm; 05:17 pm; 07:20 pm) Ticket price: € 13/ €
10; (Further information in http://www.cp.pt ) By
bus: Lisboa Bus Station (02:00 pm; 02:30 pm;
03:15 pm) – Coimbra Bus Station (04:25 pm;
04:50 pm; 05:40 pm). Ticket price: € 10,80
Porto Bus Station (02:00 pm; 02:30 pm; 04:30
pm) – Coimbra Bus Station (03:25 pm; 03:55
pm; 05:55 pm). Ticket price: € 10 (Further
information in http://www.rede-expressos.pt )
From Coimbra to Lousã: You must catch a sub
urban train in Coimbra Parque Railway Station
(near the river, in front of Parque Verde
Mondego). The trip lasts for 50 minutes and
you must leave the train in Lousã A Railway
Station (the next one after Meiral Railway
Station). Train schedule for Sunday: 7:09 am,
8:59 am, 10:19 am, 12:59 pm, 03:44 pm, 05:11
pm, 06:39 pm, 09:15 pm, 12:20 am. Ticket
price: €2.08
Number of Volunteers: 20
. Romania - SCI Romania
Begin:July 15, 2008, End: July 30, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Mãþãu is a village based south part of
Romania, near Campulung Muscel. It is know
for the highest hill in Romania (1017 m) and
also for the largest number of intellectuals in
the country.
Accommodation: The volunteers will be
hosted in a students' shelter. Toilets and
washing places will be available.
Work: During the workcamp the volunteers will
help arranging a park for the people in Matau
with benches and places where children can
play. Study part: Meting local people who also
participate in the works around the camp,
presentation of the local traditions. The camp
will also be visited by a Peace Messenger from
Language: English
Number of Volunteers: 10
1. Russia - Passage Zebra Russia
Begin:June 5, 2008, End: June 21, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
The festival Empty Hills(Kaluga region).
Recently there have appeared more and more
musicians whose style cannot be described
within the frames of standard pop-culture. At
the same time various original ways of
promoting ideas have developed. These
conditions were enough to start an annual nonformat music festival Empty Hills. The 5-day
open-air event in June 2007 gathered 15000
people and more than 100 bands on 4 stages.
The atmosphere of freedom, culture diversity,
friendship, esthetical enjoyment and unity gave
rise to a huge volunteer movement. The festival
background developed into exceptional
conditions for creative forms of promoting ideas
of peace, human rights, environmental
Language: The festival camp is situated in the
countryside among the cities of Moscow,
Kaluga and Tula. It is far from civilization
although the ambulance and the police will be
present there. W. Volunteers will work about 6
hours a day and help with installing the stages,
putting the decorations, registration of the
participants, collecting garbage, selling T-shirts,
distributing leaflets, taking lots of pictures and
making notes. 2 volunteers of the group will
help daily in the open-air canteen. After the
event you will move to Kaluga or Moscow (to be
confirmed) and make reports about the festival
in English. These reports will be used on the
English version of the website . Please note,
that the work during the festival can be
physically hard (but all open-air!) and the
working schedule can vary from a day to a day
(sometimes the help is necessary in the early
morning when the trash from the night party is
to be picked up). Please bring your camera!
Accommodation: The conditions of your stay
are very basic, even survival. You will stay in
tents for 7 or 8 days – and in host families in
Tula/Kaluga/Moscow (to be confirmed). A
sleeping bag and a sleeping mat are absolutely
necessary. The eco-toilet will be available, but
the shower will be naturally heated from the
sun. Generally everybody at the festival swims
in the river (please take your swimming suite, a
cap and sun cream – it’s going to be sunny and
hot!). Please note, that no Internet access and
no telephone connection (except for emergent
calls) will be available during the festival days,
but you can easily use both during the city part.
F. Volunteers will have meals in the open-air
canteen of the festival. Please, inform us in
advance if you are vegetarian. During the home
stay the meals will be provided with the host
family. E. The festival provides a wide range of
entertainments: apart from high-quality music it
offers drums and dance workshops, fire shows,
etc. During your stay in a host family you will
have a chance to try traditional Russian food
and to learn more about the Russian culture.
NB. Please note that the camp is not
recommended to people with the poor health
since the physical work is all in the open air
(take a raincoat and hard shoes and long
trousers & long-sleeved coat in case of a rain,
mosquitoes and cross-country strolls), it can be
hot during the day and the working schedule
can be split into several sessions some of
which are to be done even late at night or early
in the morning.
Number of Volunteers: 6
2. Russia - World 4U Russia
Begin:June 5, 2008, End: June 17, 2008
Topic: Environment
Moscow backwoods, Moscow
Nature-historical park “Bitsevski Les” is situated
in the south-west of Moscow. It’s a forest
unique with its landscapes and interesting
environment. There are ponds and springs, hills
and meadows, you can easily meet lots of
squirrels and birds in the forest. The park
authority is located on the edge of the forest.
It’s an enclosed territory where you can find
squirrels, pheasants, ducks in the open-air
cages, a pharmaceutical garden, exposition of
rare plants, and benches perfect for sunbathing
in free time :)The park authority is close to the
metro station and a food/clothes market. The
group task is to make a path to the class under
open sky (about 5 m long); to make a ground
under the class and to plant some bushes and
flowers around it; to start verandah construction
by the ecocentre building. Other time you will
also take care of flowers and herbs, clean
forest, plant the grass, cut bushes, and dig the
ground round the trees. Also possible is one or
two days visiting and helping some other
Moscow parks.The camp will start from Russian
language lessons to make you feel here more
comfortable. The group will live in a school 2030 minutes walking (or 1 stop by metro) from
the park authority in two classes on the floor on
sport mats. Shower is very small with warm (not
really hot) water. If the weather is fine and if
you want it will be also possible to stay in tents
in the territory of the park authority. You will do
cooking by your own (so don’t forget recipes of
your traditional food). Shopping will be done by
the camp coordinators in the open-air market or
supermarket with help of the kitchen team. We
have Internet-access in the park authority, so
it’s not a problem for mailing in the evenings.
Sightseeing tour to Moscow famous places,
including Kremlin and Red Square at the first
weekend of the camp, excursions in the park
and the city center, Moscow River small cruise,
visiting Tretiakov Gallery and other museums,
Moscow Zoo, going to the ballet, playing
paintball, having traditional dinner in Russian
families. Also possible are Night clubs, seeing
small towns and monasteries in Moscow
surrounding, visiting traditional Russian sauna
(banya) in countryside and other activities you
wish. Some excursions are free, for entering
museums you will have to pay. The camp
schedule is quite flexible, so it will be possible
to combine work and free time due to the group
wishes and museums’ opening times. 1. Only
MOTIVATED volunteers are welcome. If you
want to explore Moscow only, please visit it with
your travel agent.2. Living conditions are very
simple! Please be ready to this.3. Please bring
working clothes, sleeping bag, mat (if you plan
to stay in a tent for some nights), photos and
cards of your country & city/town, your favourite
music etс. Don’t forget good mood and creative
ideas!Motivation letter is required!
Number of Volunteers: 10
3. Russia - SFERA Russia
Begin:June 9, 2008, End: June 22, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
\"CENTAUR-1\", Karelia, Petrozavodsk
Republic of Karelia is situated in the north-west
part of Russia. The most of the territory is Taiga
area and half of it is covered with forests of
pines and birch trees. It is often said that
Karelia consists of stones, lakes and forests.
The region is famous for its high ecology and
diversity of flora and fauna. The camp takes
place in Petrozavodsk, the capital of Karelia
republic which has been found by Piter the
Great simultaneously with St.Petersburg in
1703. Initially it was a small settlement
supplying the weapon factory. Nowadays it is a
very nice, modern and clean city with highly
developed industry and very active social life.
The project is organized in cooperation with
youth organization "Centaur" which is active in
the field of work with disabled children
especially using the method of horsing therapy.
Work: Volunteers are expected to help to
conduct the work with disabled children in a
day-to-day life as well as during the horsing
therapy as horse-breeders. Furthermore
participants will look after the horses - help with
cleaning, feeding and taking care of them. Also
volunteers will be involved in renovation of fans
of the riding-hall for horses, cleaning the
territory for the new riding hall and probably in
construction of the consumer services building.
Study: Volunteers will be trained with the basic
principles of conducting activities with children
with disabilities as well as will get to know how
to work with horses and use the horsingtherapy. Leisure time: Excursions round
Petrozavodsk city and visits to local museums.
Boat trips to islands. Sport activities and games
such as football, volleyball, badminton etc.
Accommodation: Volunteers will live in the
wood building of the youth organization (3
persons per room). The canteen is situated in
the same building, volunteers will be asked to
help with cooking. The shower is available in
the next building of orphanage. In case of
necessity volunteers could be hosted by
families of Russian participants of the work
Language: English, any level of Russian is
Terminal/Region: Petrozavodsk train station
and airport.
Location: Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia,
Extra info: Don't forget to take a sleeping bag,
warm and waterproof clothes, national music
CDs, games and good mood.
Number of Volunteers: 10
4. Russia - Ecocenter Zapovedniks Russia
Begin:June 16, 2008, End: June 29, 2008
Topic: Environment
Dealing with forest fire (Moscow region)
The project is organized by Ecological Center
Zapovedniks (ECZ) in cooperation with
Greenpeace Russia and Administration of
protected areas of Taldom. Nature Reserve
Zhuravlinaya Rodina; and joined territory suffer
from fire every summer. Often it happens
because of local people, who burn dry grass.
Every year hundreds of birds and animals die
because of people's foolishness. There were
also cases of people deaths and houses are
burnt quiet often. The grey crane and many
rare and Red Book's birds nest on the territory
of the Reserve. That's why this place attracts
eco-tourists and birdwatchers. The main aim of
the work camp is to teach volunteers how to
deal with fire on the nature territories, including
preventive measures against fire. We will work
out a plan how to protect other green territories
from fire in those regions, from which
volunteers come from and where they can
initiate such work upon return.
Language: English, Russian could be useful.
Work: lectures and practical trainings on
extinguishing of fire; reconstruction of
ecological trail, rubbish on river banks cleaning,
help in a forest nursery in the ecologic station,
ecologic lessons for local people.
Accommodation: wooden house with beds.
The house is in a village, the nearest town is in
10 km, Moscow is in 120 km. Toilet and shower
are outside and very simple. Water from well.
Banya (Russia sauna) is possible. Swimming in
the pond. Cooking by themselves. Separate
rubbish collecting.
Study: Lecture or film about ecologic system in
Russia, study trips, bird watching and plants
learning, the Crane museum, excursion to the
fire station.
Terminal/Region: Moscow train station or
Qualifications: Motivation letter on separate
list explaining how you plan to use this
knowledge in future. 11 vols will be Russian.
Number of Volunteers: 22
5. Russia - SFERA Russia
Begin:June 21, 2008, End: July 12, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
\"FAR-FAR EAST\", Republic of Saha
The republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is part of Far
East Federal district of the Russian Federation.
The area of Yakutia territory is more than 3
million square kilometers; it is the fifth part of
the country. The territory of Republic occupies
almost all northeast part of the Asian continent,
having stretched with the north on the south on
2000 km and from the west to the east - on
2500 km. Republic of Sakha is not only the
biggest region of Russia, but also the most
severe on climatic conditions. In the sharp continental climate of Yakutia the amplitude of
fluctuations of temperature of air makes 100°C
(from +40°C in the summer up to-60°C in the
winter). The republic has rich natural resources
such as diamonds, gold, stone and brown coal,
iron ores, natural gas, tin, tungsten etc. The
camp is organized in cooperation with Yityk
Kuel village school on the base of the literary
and art museum reserve.
Work: The general aim of the workcamp is the
creation of the Internet website of virtual
museum of the culture, traditions and history of
the ancient Yakut nationality - Olonkho. With
this purpose volunteers will be asked to make
digital pictures of the exhibits of the literary and
art museum, to translate descriptions of the
exhibits for the virtual museum, to research the
daily life of the inhabitants of the village in order
to write articles for publishing in the Internet
and to make a small movie about the life in
Yakutia. Another kind of work for volunteers is
organizing language workshops and
presentations of the countries they come from
for local youth.
Study: Volunteers will get acquainted with
specific Yakut culture. Also volunteers will
participate in handicraft workshops. Leisure
time: Excursions to the unique open-air
memorial museum of the political reference.
Volunteers will participate in rafting by the river
Amga and night show. Also volunteers will have
opportunity to play Yakutsk national musical
instrument - khomus. They will have meetings
with the unique alive carrier of the Yakut heroic
epos Olonkho.
Accommodation: building with simple
conditions: washstand, toilet and summer
showers are outside. The meal will be prepared
by local cooker, volunteers will have chance to
try national meat and vegetarian cuisine.
Language: English, any level of Russian is
Terminal/Region: Yakutsk airport, train station.
Location: Yityk Kuel village, Tattinskiy ulus,
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia.
Extra info: Don't forget to bring sleeping bags.
The bus trip from Yakutsk to the workcamp
place will be organized and will take 5 hours.
Number of Volunteers: 10
6. Russia - SFERA Russia
Begin:June 23, 2008, End: July 6, 2008
Topic: Environment
Krasnoyarsk, the river Mana
Krasnoyarsk is the largest industrial and
cultural center of Eastern Siberia, capital of
Krasnoyarsk region. The jail was founded in
1628 in the center of Russia between small
river Kachi and great Yenisei. The status of the
city of Krasnoyarsk has received in 1690 when
Siberia has been finally attached to Russia. In
1822 it became the center of the Yenisei
province. There are unique landscapes,
mountain landscapes, a mighty Siberian wood
and well-known reserve "Stolby". This creation
of the nature represents exotic rocky
eminences among a taiga in spurs of East
Sayan Mountains. Territory of reserve is 47 000
hectares. The camp is organized in cooperation
with Ecological - computer center of
Krasnoyarsk city which is working in the field of
ecological education for youth.
Work: The camp consists of 2 parts- ecological
events in the Krasnoyarsk city and rafting along
the river Mana. During work in city the
volunteers will be asked to help in preparation
for ecological campaigns and educational work
for visitors of the reserve "Stolby" park of flora
and fauna "Roev Ruchey", tourist complex
"Bobrovyi Log". During rafting by the river Mana
the volunteers will have educational work
among tourists, cleaning banks of the river.
Also, volunteers will be asked to organize
English and German lessons for Russians
students participants of the camp.
Study: Volunteers will get acquainted with
specific Russian Siberian culture. Also
volunteers will participate in ecological
workshops. Leisure time: excursions round the
city Krasnoyarsk, to museums, natural reserve
"Stolby". During rafting by the river the
volunteers will participate in carnival, play
volleyball, traditional Russian games, walk in
the forest.
Accommodation: in Krasnoyarsk volunteers
will live in the Russians families of camp's
participants. During rafting along the river
volunteers will live in tents, food will be
prepared on fire.
Language: English, Russian is welcome.
Terminal/Region: Krasnoyarsk train station,
Location: Krasnoyarsk region, Krasnoyarsk,
Area Mansky, river Mana.
Extra info: An encephalitis vacation is strongly
recommended! Don't forget to take a sleeping
bag, warm and waterproof clothes, crème
against mosquitoes, national music CDs,
games and good mood. Also it would be great if
volunteers can bring a plate, a spoon and a cup
(metal or plastic ones to use while rafting).
Number of Volunteers: 8
7. Russia - Ecocenter Zapovedniks Russia
Begin:June 23, 2008, End: July 5, 2008
Topic: Environment
Park Kuz’minki, Moscow
The project is organized by Ecological Center
Zapovedniki (ECZ) and Nature Historical Park
Kuz’minki. Kuz’minki is unique territory with
beautiful nature and old architecture. The
archeologists found steps of bee-hunters tribes
who lived there in XI – XIII. Since that time
beekeeping is very popular in there. In XVII
Peter I presented these lands to the barons
Stroganov’s when farmsteads were
established. There are many rare birds and
plants which are registered in the Red Book. In
2006 2 ecological trails were opened, one of
them for handicapped children. Now Park is
very famous and favorite recreation zone for
many people. This fact has a back side –
garbage in the Park and destroyed culture and
nature objects. People can’t keep the Park in
order enough to prevent all possible destruction
and that’s why help of volunteers is very
necessary and important. The aim of the project
is to help the Park stuff take care of the Park
territory, to promote volunteers ideas among
local people and pay more attention to the
Park’s life. The main work activity will take
place in the Park administration (EcoCenter).
The nearest metro station is in 30 minutes’ walk
or in 15 min by bus.
Language: English
Work: volunteers will take care of flower
garden and work in tree garden, to keep the
farmstead and Park in order – to cut bushes, to
improve landscape, to renovate an ecological
tourist trail, to build duck-house; to organize
and participate in the ecological action with and
for the locals.
Accommodation: kindergarten or school. More
details about the accommodation TBC.
Lunches in canteen, breakfasts and dinners
cooked by yourself.
Study: ecological and historical excursions –
“one day from the real forester’s life”, Horses
Yard, the Museum of ancient cars, Kuzminki
farmstead; excursions to the Moscow Parks,
Zoo and Dolphin show; Kremlin, Mausoleum,
boat trip on the Moscow River. English
Terminal/Region: Moscow train station or
Number of Volunteers: 12
8. Russia - Siberian Creative Group Russia
Begin:June 28, 2008, End: July 17, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
“Nukher gathers friends,” Barguzin valley
Barguzin and Kurumkan regions of the
Republic of Buryatia are situated to the northeast of lake Baikal in a picturesque valley of
Barguzin river between two snow-covered
mountain ridges. The valley is rich in natural
and archeological monuments. Among them
there are sacred places of Buryats: a bullstone, healing mineral springs, and ancient rock
paintings. Buryats constitute 30% of the 30,000
population of the valley. “Nukher” in BuryatMongolian means “friend,” “guard”. In 2006
“The First Nukher of Chingis khan” was
produced by Ulan-Ude film studio “Urga”
dedicated to the beginning of life-long
friendship between Chingis khan – Temijin and
Boorchu, his 1st knight. Since it is the 1st film in
Buryat devoted to the heroic forefathers of
Buryat nation it has become an important
phenomenon in contemporary life of the
Buryats. What is it to be a modern nukher?
How to adapt new ideas to ancient traditions?
The main idea of the workcamp “Nukher
gathers friends” is to promote liberal values,
human rights education and intercultural
dialogue. Being a part of the YTNF project the
workcamp will contribute to the overcoming of
isolation of Buryat villagers and their inclusion
into global democratic processes. Volunteers
should bring with them materials in order to
present situation with human rights in their
countries in an innovative and creative way.
Study: The vols will stay in a typical Buryat
village and will learn Buryat culture via
communication with local inhabitants and vols.
They will also have a short introduction into
Buryat history and traditions. Horse has always
had an important place in Buryat-Mongolian life
and culture being a close friend of a nomad. As
Buryat epics say, a hero and his destrier are
born on the same day. Many poetic words and
songs are devoted to the horse in Buryat oral
tradition. The vols will learn the Buryat way of
horse rearing and horsemanship.
Work: traveling on horseback to Buryat villages
giving HR presentations. In order to promote
Buryat culture and language “The First Nukher
of Chingis khan” will be shown in Buryat
villages as a part of HR presentations.
Accommodation: In a village school. Sleeping
bags are required.
Number of Volunteers: 24
9. Russia - World 4U Russia
Begin:July 1, 2008, End: July 13, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Groooooshine Grooooove,Samara region
Samara Region is situated in the midland of
Russia. It is considered one of the most
beautiful places in the country because of its
picturesque landscapes and favorable
geographical position. Long rows of Zhiguli
Mountains stretch along the biggest river in
Europe - Volga. Samara has a rich history and
cultural life. There are many historical
monuments, old buildings and museums,
theatres and exhibitions here. Every summer,
Samara hosts the Grushin Festival, devoted to
a musical genre called "Bard singing". These
are lyrical songs usually accompanied by the
guitar and comparable with the French
chanson. Some 150 thousand fans from all
over the Russia, Ukraine and other countries
come to listen to performances by the most
famous artists in the genre. People live in tents
during the festival and while direct personal
contact among the fans and performers is a big
part of the fun.
Work: The project consists of two parts: first,
the assistance in organizing the Grushin
festival, the annual national festival of bard
music. The second part of the project will deal
with preparation of the performance of the
modern Russian children fairy- tale and later on
the international and Russian volunteers will
visit some children summer camps of Samara
region with the show.
Accommodation: For the period of the festival
you will live in tents and cook by yourselves.
Please, bring the national recipes. When the
festival is over you will be engaged in the
territory cleaning together with the rest of the
staff. Then you go back to Samara and will live
in the SSTTU dormitory. For the boarding
school #117 in Samara accommodation will be
provided in a classrooms. Girls will live in one
room and boys in another with shared toilet and
bathroom. You will cook by your own in a
kitchen of the school. Free time activities.
Festival: you can take sunbaths and swim in
the river Volga as well as take part in concerts
and sports competitions (football, boating,
sailing etc). There is a grand final show where
you can take pictures of the winners of the
festival. Samara: you will enjoy a cultural
program in Samara including river trips, visits of
Stalin Bunker, different museums etc.
Language: English R: Do not forget to take a
sleeping bag, a tent, spoons and plates,
musical instruments and national costumes with
Location: Samara region , the Volga river
Terminal/Region: 31 June (Moscow, World4U
office) or 1 July (Samara)
Number of Volunteers: 10
10. Russia - Passage Zebra Russia
Begin:July 2, 2008, End: July 13, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
MUSIC APPRENTICE, Krasnoyarsky krai
“The Sayan Ring Festival”, Krasnoyarsky krai.
The 5-day-long festival demonstrates
performing arts of the South-East Siberia
including traditional overtone singing, playing
folk instruments, ritual dancing, shamanistic
ceremonies – and apart from this - outstanding
world-music players from Russia and from
abroad (e.g. last year they had guests from
France, Scotland, etc.).
Language: The fest takes place in
Shushenskoe – a small town situated in 80km
from the capital of Khakassy, Abakan. This part
of South-East Siberia is covered in taiga
forests, while the town itself is very near the
world-known Yenisey river. W. Volunteers will
work 4-6 hours a day, during which they will be
involved into the technical support of the
festival (installing the stage, picking up
garbage), as well as actively participating in the
informational area, e.g. preparing seminars and
performing, talking to the participants and mass
media representatives, taking pictures, writing
reports in English. These reports will be used
for the English version of the website. Please
note, that the work during the festival can be
physically hard (but all open-air!) and the
working schedule can vary from a day to a day.
Please bring your camera!
Accommodation: You will live in bungalows in
the holiday center situated near by the festival
place. The holyday center has much in
common with a camping: shower and toilet are
outside. F. The meals will be provided by the
Festival Commettee, 3 times/day in the
canteen. ). Please note that vegetarian food is
not easily available in the canteen since it’s not
really popular in Siberia. E. The festival
provides a wide range of entertainments: apart
from music it offers drums and dance jamsessions, fire shows, bonfires, etc. Local people
are very hospitable and will give you many
chances to learn something about Siberian
culture. Please bring your national games and
recepies, CDs (we will burn a DVD with the
shared music and pictures), music instruments
if you play any (there going to be jam sessions)
and funny light clothes to wear during the
festival. NB. Please note that the camp is not
recommended to people with the poor health
since the physical work is all in the open air
(take a raincoat, hard shoes and long trousers
& long-sleeved coat in case of a rain,
mosquitoes and cross-country strolls), it can be
hot during the day and the working schedule
can be split into several sessions some of
which are to be done even late at night or early
in the morning. Another important note is that
the crime rate in South-East Siberia is quite
high. Although the security of the festival is
ensured by the great number of police we
advise you not to bring expensive things and to
keep your camera and ID with you every time
you leave the camp. You should be open to a
totally different culture background. People with
photography skills and the experience of writing
reports are required! If you can perform you are
the most welcome!
Number of Volunteers: 10
11. Russia - SFERA Russia
Begin:July 4, 2008, End: July 20, 2008
Topic: Environment
\"TAJMAZI\", Caucasus,North Osetia-Alania
Northern Osetia-Alania is the republic of
Russian Federation situated in the Northern
part of Caucasus mountains. The half of its
territory consists of middle and high mountains
and canyons. It is a very wild land with the
variety of flora and fauna. The camp takes
place in one of the picturesque canyons on the
base of youth sport camp called "Tajmazi"
situated 2000 m above the sea level where
students of Taganrog State university spent
summer holidays living and working together.
The idea of the workcamp is an intercultural
communication and promotion of voluntary
work among youth.
Work: Volunteers together with students will
help in camp renovation: repair summer
houses, renovate kitchen, arrange footpaths
and local road to the village.
Study: Volunteers will get acquainted not only
with Russian culture, but will also learn specific
of Caucasus region and its lifestyle. Leisure
time: Volunteers can go hiking to mountains
and waterfalls, explore the surrounding and
enjoy the beauty of nature, spend evenings
near the fireplace singing songs with the guitar,
play football or ping-pang. There is also the
possibility to visit local mountain village and
learn the specific life there. The bravest ones
could have a chance to try paragliding from the
mountains in a pair with the experienced
Accommodation: Volunteers will live in
summer wood houses, shower and toilets are
outside, also possible to use Russian banya
(sauna) instead of shower. The meals will be
cooked by cookers in the canteen, but
volunteers will also have chance to prepare
their own dishes.
Language: English.
Terminal/Region: Rostov-on-Don airport or
train station, Taganrog train station.
Location: 2000 m above sea level, Tajmazi
canyon, Northern Osetia-Alania Republic,
Extra info: Bring warm and waterproof clothes,
working shoes and clothes, national music
CDs, games and good mood.
Number of Volunteers: 6
12. Russia - World 4U Russia
Begin:July 5, 2008, End: July 15, 2008
Topic: Environment
WONDER MOUNTAINS, Voronezh region
Voronezh is situated in the centre of Russia
and officially called the center of Black Soil
Region. Besides Voronezh was the most
important boundary fortress of Russia from the
8-th century up to the 17-th century.
"Divnogorie" is The National museum and
nature preserve in the open air, with sufficient
historical meaning (http://divnogorie.narod.ru).
It's 130 km from Voronezh. There are
archeological, architectural monuments in
Divnogorie, such as cave temples of the 17
century, Mayatskoye settlement (dates back to
the 9 century), Bronze Age mounds. For the
last 10 years the children theme-camping
"Ancient Slavs" has been organized in
Divnogorie in summer.
Work: The idea of the project appeared 2 years
ago. The theme-camping "Ancient Slavs" is
provided to give the children an opportunity to
find out the Motherland history, their roots by
playing the role-game. When children know
their past, they are more confident about their
future. International volunteers bring invaluable
role of native speakers in order to acquaint kids
with other traditions and cultures. On the other
hand, you will have the possibility to get in
touch with Russian Ancient culture, to know
about traditions, customs, crafts of the Slavs of
the 9th century. The volunteers will be involved
in working with children (including participating
in Slavic holidays - song festival, Ivan Kupala's
Day (midsummer). You are expected to provide
some national spare time activities for the
children. Also, volunteers will be engaged into
ecological work: clearing and renovating the
territory of the camp.
Accommodation: Accomodation will be
provided in tents (3-4 persons per one). You
will live on the territory of Slavic camp (100
Food: You'll cook by yourselves on the campfire.
Language: English R: Please bring sleeping
bags and working clothes, strong and rubber
boots, mosquito repellent. Favorite CDs, guitars
and other musical instruments are always
welcomed. Besides Slavic costumes are
welcomed too. Excursions to cave temples,
national reserve "Divnogorie", training Slavic
crafts, mountain climbing, swimming (the rivers
Tikhaya Sosna and Don).
Location: Voronezh region
Terminal/Region: 4 July (Moscow, World4U
office, 10:00 - 17:00) or 5 July (Voronezh, 10:00
- 12:00)
Number of Volunteers: 10
13. Russia - SFERA Russia
Begin:July 6, 2008, End: July 18, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
\"BREAD AND SALT\", Karelia, Pitkaranta
Republic of Karelia is situated in the north-west
part of Russia. The most of the territory is Taiga
area and half of it is covered with forests of
pines and birch trees. It is often said that
Karelia consists of stones, lakes and forests.
The region is famous for its high ecology and
diversity of flora and fauna. Pitkaranta city is
situated 200 km apart of Petrozavodsk at the
bank of the picturesque Ladojskoe Lake. The
most beautiful place nearby is Valaam Island the spiritual center of Russian Orthodox
Church. The project is realized on the base of
Pitkaranta Creative Centre for Kids. It aims not
only to help in organizing activities with local
kids, but also to allow Russians and Poles to
live and work together. This is Russian-Polish
bilateral workcamp, Russians are recruited by
SFERA and Poles - by OWA-Poland. However
it is also listed in the workcamp summer
program because it can happen that not
enough volunteers from the "invited countries"
will apply and in that case the volunteers of the
other countries will get an opportunity to join the
camp. In this case sending organizations will be
informed on time. The special topic of the camp
is Russian-Polish relations.
Work: The task of the volunteers is to elaborate
out and fulfill different cultural, educational and
entertainment activities with children such as
language workshops, country presentations,
sport activities and games. Participants will be
also involved in a staging of a theater play in
English. The performance will be played with
the participation of volunteers and children from
the Creative Centre for Kids and could be
connected with Russian-Polish relations.
Study: Volunteers will research and learn a lot
about the history and modern stage of RussianPolish bilateral relations in different aspects of
life: traditions, perspectives, historical
background, existing situation and stereotypes
towards each other's cultures. Leisure time:
Excursions round the city and its surroundings.
Different sport events, evening programs,
fishing, swimming, boating.
Accommodation: Volunteers will live in the
Creative Centre for Kids with all the facilities.
The food is provided in the dining room,
volunteers will eat together with local kids.
Language: English, any level of Russian is
Terminal/Region: Petrozavodsk train station
and airport.
Location: Pitkaranta, Republic of Karelia,
Extra info: don't forget to take a sleeping bag,
warm and waterproof clothes, crème against
mosquitoes, national music CDs, games and
good mood.
Number of Volunteers: 10
14. Russia - SFERA Russia
Begin:July 7, 2008, End: July 20, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
\"CENTAUR-2\", Karelia, Petrozavodsk
"CENTAUR-2" Republic of Karelia is situated in
the north-west part of Russia. The most of the
territory is Taiga area and half of it is covered
with forests of pines and birch trees. It is often
said that Karelia consists of stones, lakes and
forests. The region is famous for its high
ecology and diversity of flora and fauna. The
camp takes place in Petrozavodsk, the capital
of Karelia republic which has been found by
Piter the Great simultaneously with
St.Petersburg in 1703. Initially it was a small
settlement supplying the weapon factory.
Nowadays it is a very nice, modern and clean
city with highly developed industry and very
active social life. The project is organized in
cooperation with youth organization "Centaur"
which is active in the field of work with disabled
children especially using the method of horsing
Work: Volunteers are expected to help to
conduct the work with disabled children in a
day-to-day life as well as during the horsing
therapy as horse-breeders. Furthermore
participants will look after the horses - help with
cleaning, feeding and taking care of them. Also
volunteers will be involved in renovation of fans
of the riding-hall for horses, cleaning the
territory for the new riding hall and probably in
construction of the consumer services building.
Study: volunteers will be trained with the basic
principles of conducting activities with children
with disabilities as well as will get to know how
to work with horses and use the horsingtherapy. Leisure time: Excursions round
Petrozavodsk city and visits to local museums.
Boat trips to islands. Sport activities and games
such as football, volleyball, badminton etc.
Accommodation: Volunteers will live in the
wood building of the youth organization (3
persons per room). The shower is available in
the next building of orphanage. The canteen is
situated in the same building, volunteers will be
asked to help with cooking. In case of necessity
volunteers could be hosted by families of
Russian participants of the work camp.
Language: English, any level of Russian is
Terminal/Region: Petrozavodsk train station
and airport.
Location: Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia,
Extra info: don't forget to take a sleeping bag,
warm and waterproof clothes, national music
CDs, games and good mood.
Number of Volunteers: 10
15. Russia - Siberian Creative Group Russia
Begin:July 8, 2008, End: July 21, 2008
Topic: Environment
Chivyrkuy Bay, Lake Baikal
The Eastern Siberian Baikal Trail (ESBT) is an
non-profit organization, with a mission to
promote local sustainable development of Lake
Baikal and surrounding areas through lowimpact ecotourism. This mission is grounded in
building environmentally friendly trails that are
safe and enjoyable for hikers of all ages and
levels of experience. ESBT is carrying out trailbuilding projects around Baikal in two-week
summer camps composed of international
volunteer crews. ESBT projects concentrate on
environmental education, restoration, social
responsibility and leadership, on improving the
health and well-being of local people,
preserving indigenous peoples, their cultures
and traditions, as well as promoting intercultural
interaction. It all began with a simple yet
daunting idea - to build a trail circumventing
one of the oldest and most beautiful lakes on
Earth, “the pearl of Siberia” - Lake Baikal. A trail
over 2000 kilometers long, connecting seven
national parks and reserves and providing easy
access to Baikal’s breath-taking views and
panoramas. For more than 30 years this idea
was nothing but a dream, dismissed as
Quixotian, impractical, overly ambitious, and
just crazy. And yet, for the past five years, a
group of enthusiastic local environmentalists along with hundreds of volunteers - have been
transforming the impossible dream into reality.
It’s called the Eastern Siberian Baikal Trail
(ESBT). Workcamp is organized on the territory
of Zabaikalski National Park on the shore of
Chivyrkuy Bay. One of the tasks of ZNP is the
protection and preservation of nerpa (sweet
water seal, Baikal endemic) population. To the
west of Svyatoy Nos peninsula Ushkanyi
islands are situated, with the largest nerpa
breeding ground. Chivyrkuy is one of the most
beautiful places on Lake Baikal. Remote and
peaceful, it is framed by the majestic bluegreen Barguzin mountain range to the east and
the steep Holy Nose range to the west.
Although becoming more popular with tourists,
this is still a remote area, inhabited mostly by
brown bears, moose, red deer, ermine, sable,
muskrat, and alpine hare. The workcamp is set
on a sandy beach of the bay. The main
objective of the project is to build a comfortable
and safe trail from Monakhovo to Zmeevaya
Bay where a healing hot spring is situated.
Work: Building of a 2-3 km long section of the
trail, cleaning the trail corridor, forming the trail.
Accommodation: in a stationary tent camp.
Note that there are no hot showers at this camp
- but you can always heat water for bathing or
take a refreshing swim in Baikal!
Extra info: Participation Fee: 250 Euro
Number of Volunteers: 15
16. Russia - World 4U Russia
Begin:July 8, 2008, End: July 28, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Samara region is situated in the middle of
Russia on the cost of biggest European river Volga. This is one of the most beautiful places
in country because of its landscapes and
favorable geographical position. Samara has its
own reach history (It was founded in 1586) and
for that reason the city is famous for its culture.
This is one of the biggest city in Russia
(population more than 1,5 million).
Work: The main idea of the camp is a Cultural
exchange. On the one hand to give Russian
children a glimpse to different cultures, on the
other - to show foreign volunteers Russian
culture. Every day (excepting weekend)
international and Russian volunteers will be
sent to different children camps in Samara
region with prepared culture program on the
topic "Cultures of different countries" (showprogram for children with many games and
competitions). One Program will take about 3-4
hours. The program supposes your active
participation and willing to communicate with
children. Positive mind and good mood are
necessary. The national symbols of your
country and your own ideas about variants of
activities with kids are very-very welcome.
Accommodation: The rooms for 3-4 persons
in the students hostel of Samara State
University of economics.
Food: 3 times a day in the university canteen.
Free time activities: The Russian students have
prepared the great cultural program for you,
visiting the bunker of Stalin, National park
"Samarskyaia Luka", etc. The rest of the time is
full by different excursions, Interesting lection
about Russian culture.
Language: English R: It would be nice to bring
with you some parts of the national clothes,
pictures, songs, music and national games of
your country. Motivation letter is required!
Special medical requirements: All volunteers
are involved in work with children of any kind
have to take medical certificates with their
resent vaccinations and tests indicated.
According to the Russian Committee of Health
Control in Education all teachers/consolers are
obliged to have HIV test annually updated, so
you have to bring HIV- test certificate with them
or pass it in Russia.
Location: Russia, Samara
Terminal/Region: 7 July (Moscow, World4U
office) or 8 July (Samara)
Number of Volunteers: 10
17. Russia - World 4U Russia
Begin:July 10, 2008, End: July 24, 2008
Topic: Others
Naberezhnye Chelny City is located in the
centre part of Russia. Two great cultures
(Russian and Tatar) and religions (Orthodox
and Muslim) get together very well in this city.
Many Russian artists and poets made their
masterpieces in this picturesque place. N.
Chelny is famous for the KamAZ cars (winners
of rally "Paris-Dakar") plant.
Work: The project is organized in co-operation
with Russian student organization. Volunteers
will work in Baby asylum and National park.
National park "Nizhnyaya Kama" is a park of
unique plants, trees and bushes. You will take
care of them, protect of vermins. Besides
sometimes we will clean riverbank and do some
construction work on the territory of park. Baby
asylum: age of babies 0-4 years. You will walk
with children, organize different games,
adopted to their age. Besides do easy
construction work on the territory of asylum.
Accommodation: You will live in the territory of
National park in wooden houses with restroom,
shower, canteen, bedrooms. Free time
activities: We prepared wide entertainment
program to you to learn great Russian culture
for 2 weeks. Visiting famous museums, KAmaZ
plant, Ice Palace, Organ Hole, and finally great
party in your honor:-)!
Language: English R: Please bring working
clothes, swimming suit and the games for your
future friends and ourselves?, cards with sights
of your Counties & Cities etc. All volunteers are
involved in work with children of any kind have
to take medical certificates with their resent
vaccinations and tests indicated. According to
the Russian Committee of Health Control in
Education all teachers/consolers are obliged to
have HIV test annually updated, so you have to
bring HIV- test certificate with them.
Location: Russia, Republic of Tatarstan,
Naberezhnye Chelny city
Terminal/Region: 9 July 10:00 - 16:30,
Moscow, World4U office
Number of Volunteers: 10
18. Russia - Passage Zebra Russia
Begin:July 13, 2008, End: July 28, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
NOMAD\'S SONG, Tuva, Chadan
Number of Volunteers: 6
19. Russia - Youth Memorial Russia
Begin:July 13, 2008, End: July 27, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
“Learning from history”- Kutschino, near
Perm, Urals
The Center for the Support of Democratic
Youth Initiatives (Youth Memorial) is a civic
non-profit organization established in 1998 by
the Perm branch of the International Society
“Memorial”. The aim of the “Youth Memorial” is
to engage young people in social and political
activities, in civil actions and protection of
young people’s rights. No one knows how many
people suffered and died in the Soviet Gulag
camps. Historians estimate that between 12
and 20 million people were sent to the Gulag
between 1928-1953, and as many as 95
percent may have perished. Under Khrushchev
and Brezhnev the numbers dropped off sharply.
Nevertheless about 10,000 people were sent to
the camps for political offenses, and thousands
more were committed to mental hospitals. Until
now, not one of the Gulag camps in the former
Soviet Union has been turned into a memorial
museum, which could serve both as a reminder
of the past and a warning for the future. The
Memorial Museum of the History of Political
Repression and Totalitarianism in the USSR,
located in Russia’s Ural region on the site of the
Perm-36 Gulag camp, seeks to address this
need. In 1972, Perm-36 was converted into the
main Soviet camp for political prisoners, and
many of the USSR’s most prominent dissidents,
including Vladimir Bukovsky, Sergei Kovalev,
Anatoly Marchenko, Yury Orlov, Anatoly
Scharansky, Vasyl Stus, and Gleb Yakunin,
served time there.
Work: help with restoration and repair-andrenewal operations, land improvement on the
territory of the formal political prison. An
average working day is about 5 hours.
Study: history of political repressions in USSR,
guided tours at the museum Perm 36, studying
of its exhibitions, video materials etc., meeting
with the employees of the Museum and human
rights activists, with the experts and the former
political prisoners, discussions on the topic
totalitarianism and terrorism in the history and
today, democracy in Russia and Europe
yesterday and today.
Extra info: participating in games, sport
activities, swimming, excursions to the city
Perm, to the cloister “Uspenskiy”.
Accommodation: in wooden houses on the
riverside near the village, the volunteer will
reside in 2 rooms with 5-6 two-level-beds in
each. The shower and the toilet are outside of
the house. There is also Russia “banja” on the
camp. Cooking, cleaning will be done by the
volunteers themselves. A computer for films
and so on is available. Sleeping bags are
Number of Volunteers: 20
20. Russia - World 4U Russia
Begin:July 13, 2008, End: July 29, 2008
Topic: Others
Tver Region is the soul of Russia. It has
numerous monuments of history, architecture,
archeology and culture. It is also a spiritual
center due to the temples and monasteries,
among which the Nilova Pustyn Monastery, the
national relic of Russia, has the exceptional
value. The area has a favorable geographical
position between Moscow and St. Petersburg.
The distance up to Moscow is 167 km and up to
St. Petersburg is 485 km. The area has several
hundred lakes; the largest and most famous
among them is the pearl of the Central Russia
the Seliger Lake - Russian nature heritage.
Work: You will renovate an ancient monument
-Nilostolbenskiy monastery. It is situated on the
small island in the middle of the beautiful and
one of the most attractive lakes in Russia Seliger. Few years ago the participant from
Korea have found a grave cast iron plate of
17th century during her volunteer work. Fair to
say it was quite impressive discovery! You are
supposed to participate in all these kind of
works: masonry, brickwork, carpentry work and
Accommodation: Accommodation will be
provided in tents (3-4 persons per one).
Food: You will cook for yourself on fire and eat
in the self-organized canteen right in the camp.
Please bring sleeping bags and mats. The
specific of your work and accommodation is
quite interesting: the monastery is situated on
the island and your camp - on the mainland.
Therefore, every morning you as a member of a
small fleet consisted of boats, canoes, rafts and
so on will travel from the one bank to another to your working place. The travel time is
approximately 40-50 minutes one way.
Language: English R: Volunteers should be
patient to orthodox religion. Please bring
working clothes, mosquito repellent, your
favourite games, musical instruments,
swimming suit, more extra socks and
underwear, raincoat.
Location: Tver region, Ostashkov area, Neprie
Terminal/Region: 13 July 10:00 - 14:30,
Moscow, World4U office
Number of Volunteers: 10
21. Russia - Siberian Creative Group Russia
Begin:July 14, 2008, End: July 27, 2008
Topic: Environment
”Kika trail”, Kika settlement, Lake Baikal
The Eastern Siberian Baikal Trail (ESBT) is an
non-profit organization, with a mission to
promote local sustainable development of Lake
Baikal and surrounding areas through lowimpact ecotourism. This mission is grounded in
building environmentally friendly trails that are
safe and enjoyable for hikers of all ages and
levels of experience. ESBT is carrying out trailbuilding projects around Baikal in two-week
summer camps composed of international
volunteer crews. ESBT projects concentrate on
environmental education, restoration, social
responsibility and leadership, on improving the
health and well-being of local people,
preserving indigenous peoples, their cultures
and traditions, as well as promoting intercultural
interaction. It all began with a simple yet
daunting idea - to build a trail circumventing
one of the oldest and most beautiful lakes on
Earth, “the pearl of Siberia” - Lake Baikal. A trail
over 2000 kilometers long, connecting seven
national parks and reserves and providing easy
access to Baikal’s breath-taking views and
panoramas. For more than 30 years this idea
was nothing but a dream, dismissed as
Quixotian, impractical, overly ambitious, and
just crazy. And yet, for the past five years, a
group of enthusiastic local environmentalists along with hundreds of volunteers - have been
transforming the impossible dream into reality.
It’s called the Eastern Siberian Baikal Trail
(ESBT). Vols will be living in the Siberian taiga
on the shore of a mountain river. This is a
wonderful location for exploring one of the most
beautiful areas of Baikal region while having
access to conveniences of civilization. This
project takes place on the southeastern shore
of Lake Baikal, along mountain river Kika that
flows into Lake Baikal near the Turka
settlement. The existing trail starts near the
Kika settlement (40 kilometers from Lake
Baikal) and follows a scenic route up the river
for about 22 kilometers, leading to a waterfall
and a cave in the vicinity of Bull’s lakes and
Bull’s mountain (1771 meters). The trail is of
low to medium difficulty. It is part of a new
‘Special Economic Zone’, created recently to
encourage recreational tourism in this area.
The local population use the trail for
recreational (hiking, picnicking, horse riding,
rafting) and economic (wild berries, cedar nuts,
herbs) purposes. However, the trail is not
reinforced and not very safe. The local
administration approached the GBT for
assistance in improving the trail in accordance
with international standards for hiking trails.
Work: This season the volunteers will be
improving the existing trail, constructing
drainage structures, building log bridges and
planting trees.
Accommodation: in a stationary tent camp at
an equipped camp site. The camp site will be
near Kika settlement. Note that there are no hot
showers at this camp - but you can always boil
the water yourself or take a refreshing swim in
the mountain river!
Extra info: Vols will be taken to the hot springs
at Goryachinsk, swim in Baikal, or work on their
fishing skills. Participation Fee: 230 Euro
Number of Volunteers: 15
22. Russia - Ecocenter Zapovedniks Russia
Begin:July 14, 2008, End: July 27, 2008
Topic: Environment
VOLGA RIVER (Samara region)
The project is organized by Moscow Ecological
Center Zapovedniks and Samarskaya Luka
National Park. The park is situated in the center
of European part of Russia, where the Zhiguli
Mountains and the Volga River makes a
peculiar peninsula with astonishing landscapes
and splendid scenes. The Samarskaya Luka
National Park – is the biosphere reservation of
UNESCO. The territory is rich of archeological
monuments and associates with the names of
such legendary persons in Russian History as
Ermak, Razin, Pugachev, painter Repin. In the
Soviet Union time at the Usinskiy Tumulus (the
place of the camp) there was a tourist base,
that was lost over time during the Perestroika
economic crisis, and now there are the ruins of
buildings and heaps of rubbish. The main idea
of the project is: cleaning of the territory as it
possible and reequipping the clearing in the
educational ecological field center for children,
youth and tourists, and, creating of the
recreational zone for the park visitors.
Language: English.
Work: improvement of the territory – installation
of benches, toilets, info-boards, cutting of
shrubs and brushwood, cleaning of the
construction rubbish, creation and renovation of
the camp, help in construction and renovation
of eco-trail in Park.
Study: excursions on the eco-trails in the Park
and Zhigulevsky Reserve, 2days study tour up
to the Zhiguli Mountains; seminars about
recycling and ecological using of the nature
resources. Excursion to the archaized
Bogatirskaya Sloboda – traditional Russian
fight, costume show, boating on the Volga
River; excursions to the Museum of the famous
painter Repin, in the Stepan Razin’s cave and
to the Ethnographical Museum.
Accommodation: at the meadow on the
Usinskiy Kurgan at the Volga bank (7 km to the
nearest village) in the tents, bring your one
(optional). Cooking by themselves on a open
fire, use a Volga River as a bath. Toilet is
outside and very simple. No electricity. As the
camp place a bit far from civilization, your
ideas, games and music instruments for
evening programs more then welcome!
Terminal/Region: Samara, Zhigulevsk
Extra info: A vaccination for encephalitis is
Qualifications: This camp is ONLY for the wild
nature lovers; for healthy and rich of spirit
persons, who want to test themselves in
extreme conditions of wild nature. 10 vols will
be Russian.
Number of Volunteers: 20
23. Russia - World 4U Russia
Begin:July 14, 2008, End: August 3, 2008
Topic: Others
OLD MANOR, N.Novgorod
Podviazie is an old village situated on the steep
bank of Oka river, just half an hour far from
Nizhny Novgorod, regional capital, near Dudin
monastery. The village is placed between steep
bank and fathomless pit. The manor in
Podviazie has being changed its owners from
the 14th century, however always being the
most ancient, largest and the most notable
manor in the region. The most important
innovators for the manor were Priklonskie,
family of the Moscow State University Head,
who owned the manor in the 18th century. His
successor, regional tycoon Rukovishnkov has
implemented in the manor the most innovative
technical and architecture decision. The manor
has gained its new view in the 19th century.
Unfortunately during the Russian revolution and
Wars the manor was destroyed, so that just
ruins remind us about the former glory of
Work: Project implies two main directions. First
is renovation of the manor, which includes: Cleaning of the territory; - Cutting down the
verdure in the park; - Masonry work in the
manor; - Making bricks from the loam for the
paths. Second is preparation of volunteer
festival, ethnic open-air, devoted to the manor
and promoting of volunteer movement. This
work will be done partly with local volunteers.
This direction of work will include: - Preparation
of territory for the stage; - Preparation the place
for guest-camping; - Organizing places for
parking and infrastructure for camping; Support to local volunteers in other preparatory
work; - Cleaning the place after festival.
Volunteers are also welcome to participate in
the festival itself. People with creative way of
thinking are more than welcomed! Your artistic,
musician and other talents will be supported!
The work is going to be intensive, sometimes
hard, but interesting and energetic! We are
looking for really motivated volunteers who are
interested in history, archeology, architecture
and ready to share with people their positive
energy! You will be deeply diving in the
medieval Russia!
Accommodation: Accommodation in one of
the buildings in the manor, sleeping on the
floor, so PLEASE bring your sleeping bags and
Food: Food is self-prepared, you will be
provided with products. As often as you wish
there is a Russian bath (banya) prepared in
original Russian style. River is in 2 km far from
the place. At the end of the camp you will have
an excursion in Nizhny Novgorod.
Language: English R: Please bring working
clothes, mosquito repellent, your favourite
music, games and musical instruments, etc.
Everything (in reasonable wage) that you need
for country-side life for 3 weeks. Participation
fee 50 euro
Location: Nizhegorodskaya area, Bogorodsk
district, village Podviazie
Terminal/Region: 13 July (10:00 - 16:00,
Moscow, World4U office) / 14 July (N.
Number of Volunteers: 10
24. Russia - SFERA Russia
Begin:July 15, 2008, End: August 1, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
\"VERAS\", Nizhny Novgorod
Nizhniy Novgorod was founded in 1221 at the
place of fusion of two Great Russian RiversVolga and Oka. From 1932 till 1990 it was
named Gorky in Great Russian writer Maxim
Gorky honor. It is situated 500 km from
Moscow. The city has a rich history and more
then 600 historical, architectural and cultural
sights testify to it. The city is inscribed in the list
of 100 cities of the world with high cultural and
historical profile by UNESKO. It is famous by its
traditional handicrafts such as "Hohloma" and
"Gorodetskaya". The workcamp is organized in
cooperation with charitable organization
"Rainbow" which aims to help and social
rehabilitation of children and youth with
Work: Volunteers will be involved in renewing
of the rooms of the center for disabled children.
They will work together with local students from
the engineering academy. The concrete task
are moving furniture, leveling the walls,
reflooring rooms, gluing the wallpapers, placing
the ceiling, cleaning etc.
Study: Volunteers will get to know how to live
and work with disabled children. Leisure time:
Excursions round Nizhny Novgorod city and
visits to local museums, swimming in Volga
river. On weekends volunteers could take part
in trips to small towns of the region and visit the
handicraft factories. Also there are a lot of
cinemas and theatres in the city.
Accommodation: Volunteers will live in the city
in the families which have children with
disabilities. They will eat together with the
members of the family and also can cook
traditional dishes.
Language: English, any level of Russian is
Terminal/Region: Nizhny Novgorod train
station and airport.
Location: Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Extra info: Take working shoes and clothes,
national music CDs, games and good mood.
Number of Volunteers: 7
25. Russia - World 4U Russia
Begin:July 15, 2008, End: July 29, 2008
Topic: Environment
Siberia... A huge area on the map of Russia
and a huge white spot in the mind of a
foreigner. It is very often associated with a 500C frost, "Siberian barber" - the famous film
Study:Mikhalkov, bears and wild beardy
Russian people in felt boots and furry hats :) Its
scope takes your breath away, its nature is not
similar to anything you have ever seen, its
people are absolutely unique and very
hospitable. So... you have a chance to feel it by
your own :) Krasnoyarsk, founded in early XVII
century, is an industrial, scientific and cultural
center of the Krasnoyarsk region in Eastern
Siberia. The region alone is ten times as big as
Great Britain and 4.5 times as big as France. Its
territory stretches for 4.000 kms from north to
south and encompasses a variety of climatic
zones - steppe and taiga, tundra and arctic
desert. Krasnoyarsk is situated on the banks of
one of the greatest Russian rivers the Yenisei.
The state nature reserve "Stolby"(translated as
"pillars") boasts a hundred of quaintly-shaped
rocks found in taiga, it is one of the main
attractions of the city favoured by citizens and
visitors. The city counts with a bit less than a
million people. In 2003 it was named "The most
accommodated among Russian cities".
Nowadays it also deserves the name of The
city of fountains, as there are 140 of them
around the city. It's a major cultural and
educational center with 5 theatres, 3 concert
halls, many museums, galleries and around 13
higher educational institutions. Uyar is a local
city of just 60 years old. The Trans-Siberian
Railway "Moscow - Vladivostok" passes
through it. So you will arrive right to the project
site by a direct train form Moscow. But!!! The
distance is a little bit big :) So please, be
prepared for a 3-4 day train. In fact traveling
across Russia and "living" in a train is a unique
experience, a wonderful chance to see the
country and to make a united volunteer team
even before the project has started!
Work: Your task will be to plant 16 000 :) seeds
of conifers (pine, cedar, fir-tree) on the territory
of a national reserve. So you will experience
working in a forester's shoes. Besides you will
have a chance to take part in a territory
cleaning, ploughing up virgin land and building
Accommodation: Most probably in tents (2-4
persons). Please bring sleeping bags and mats.
Another possible option is living in a local
school and eating in the canteen. You should
be prepared for both?
Food: You'll cook for yourself on fire and eat in
a self - organized canteen right in the camp.
Free time activities: Rafting on Mana river,
taking part in a singing competition and festival
(three days), ethnic holiday. Excursions to
Taiga :), orthodox churches, nature reserve
Language: English R: Motivation letter is
required! Please, bring working clothes,
mosquito repellent, your favorite games,
musical instruments, swimming suit, extra
socks and underwear, raincoat.
Location: Uyar city - 100 km from Krasnoyarsk
Terminal/Region: 11 July 10:00 - 16:00,
Moscow, World4U office
Number of Volunteers: 6
26. Russia - SFERA Russia
Begin:July 16, 2008, End: August 5, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
\"HOBBY-CENTER\", Nizhnevartovsk region
"HOBBY-CENTER" Nizhnevartovsk is the
modern, well arranged, dynamically developing
city. It is large industrial, cultural, and business
centre. The city is located on the bank of the
big and beautiful river Ob'. The workcamp is
organized on the base of sanatorium camp for
children and teenagers from 7 till 15 years old
"Samotlor" which is situated 30 km from
Nizhnevartovsk city. In the camp children have
some medical procedures and the pedagogical
program aims to development of creative
abilities and self-realization of the child. The
camp is situated in the pine forest on the bank
of the river Vakh.
Work: Volunteers will work daily 3-4 hours.
There will be different kinds of activities with
children. Volunteers will be asked to organize
linguistic lessons in an interactive way, to make
the presentations of different cultures, customs
and traditions as well as to conduct creative
measures such as workshops on
choreography, vocal, painting etc. Thus
participants will create so called "Hobby-center"
together with the teaching staff of camp and
define workshops which will be conducted
during the camp according the abilities of the
Study: Volunteers will get acquainted with
Russian culture and get new experience in
work with children. Leisure time: Volunteers will
have an opportunity to meet culture and a
lifestyle of radical people of the Far North Hanty and Mansi, to visit the open-air museum
in Agan town. Also, the trip to national
settlement Variegan» will be organized.
Volunteers will participate in excursion program
to museums of Russian traditional life-style and
round Nizhnevartovsk city. There are
possibilities for sport games and swimming.
Accommodation: Volunteers will live in the
hostel (2-4 persons per room). Bathroom will be
available in a room or on the floor. The hostel is
located in the city of Izluchinsk very close to the
camp place (10 minutes by bus).
Language: English, any level of Russian is
Terminal/Region: Nizhnevartovsk train station,
Location: 30 km from Nizhnevartovsk, Russia.
Extra info: Volunteers should have the official
medical paper which allows working with
children! Please bring with you national music
CDs, games, good mood and your ideas for
having nice time together.
Number of Volunteers: 8
27. Russia - World 4U Russia
Begin:July 16, 2008, End: July 26, 2008
Topic: Others
Voronezh is situated in the centre of Russia
and officially called the center of Black Soil
Region. Besides Voronezh was the most
important boundary fortress of Russia from the
8-th century up to the 17-th century.
"Divnogorie" is The National museum and
nature preserve in the open air, with sufficient
historical meaning (http://divnogorie.narod.ru).
It's 130 km from Voronezh. There are
archeological, architectural monuments in
Divnogorie, such as cave temples of the 17
century, Mayatskoye settlement (dates back to
the 9 century), Bronze Age mounds.
Work: Mayatskoye settlement was first
mentioned at the end of the 14th century. There
are medieval fortress' remains, settlement, craft
manufacture centre referential to the SaltovoMayatskaya archeological culture, which is
well-known all over the world and has been
investigated since 1975 by Soviet and
Bulgarian and Hungarian expedition under the
leadership of Pletneva
Accommodation: 2008-year excavations are
organized in collaboration with Lipetsk
Teachers Training University, under the
leadership of professor Bessudnov
Accommodation:N. and Belgorod State
Institute. Volunteers will do different kinds of
archeological works together with the students
of historical departments.
Accommodation: Accommodation will be
provided in tents (3-4 persons per one). You
will live together with the archeological group
(60 participants).
Food: You'll cook by yourselves on the campfire. Free time activities: Excursions to cave
temples, national reserve "Divnogorie", training
Slavic crafts, mountain climbing, swimming in
the rivers Tikhaya Sosna and Don.
Language: English R: Please bring sleeping
bags and working clothes, strong and rubber
boots, mosquito repellent, suntan lotion.
Favorite CDs, guitars and other musical
instruments are always welcomed. Historical
costumes are welcomed too. Fee 70 euros
Location: Voronezh region
Terminal/Region: 15 July (10:00 - 17:00,
Moscow, World4U office) or 16 July (Voronezh)
Number of Volunteers: 10
28. Russia - Passage Zebra Russia
Begin:July 17, 2008, End: July 30, 2008
Topic: Environment
Language: The camp will take place in the
countryside in the south of the Voronezh
region. It is a small village which is
nevertheless is known allover the south of
Russia for its unusual landscape, miraculous
chalk formations, Red List species of animals
and plants, rich history and archeological
heritage which includes a church carved in the
chalk rocks. A small part of the territory is a
preserve which includes an open-air museum.
All the rest represents outstanding leisure
opportunities for hiking, swimming (since the
place is situated around the infall of two rivers),
camping (there are 2 natural springs with the
drinking water), photographing. Nowadays the
place is very popular with tourists but their
chaotic visits and camping at the nonsanctioned places pose a serious threat to the
nature and the monuments. The aim of the
program is to develop the leisure opportunities
which can be offered by the administration of
the preserve on the legal basis. W. Volunteers
will work about 6 hours a day and help with
marking the walking paths, picking up garbage,
preparing the camping sites. They will be also
involved in preparation of the Night of Museums
; an open-air event with a number of performing
activities, live music and a bonfire. For the last
3 days of the camp you will move to Voronezh
city and make reports about the camp and the
place in English. These reports will be used on
the English version of the Divnogorie official
website . Please note, that the work can be
physically hard (but all open-air!) and the
working schedule can vary from a day to a day
depending on the weather (Since it can be very
hot during the day and the work will be split into
2 sessions which are to be done early in the
morning and in the evening). Please bring your
Accommodation: The conditions of your stay
are very basic. You will stay in tents for the
whole duration of the camp – and in host
families in Voronezh-city during the last 3 days.
A sleeping bag and a sleeping mat are
absolutely necessary. The eco-toilet will be
available, the water for the shower will be
naturally heated in the ). Generally it isϑtank by
the sun (depending on the weather
recommended to swim in the river (please take
your swimming suite and a cap – it’s going to
be sunny and hot!). Please note, that no
Internet access and no telephone connection
(except for emergent calls) will be available
during the camp, but you can easily use both
during the city stay. F. Volunteers will cook for
themselves, the kitchen facilities will be
provided. During the homestay the meals will
be provided by the host family. Vegetarian food
is available. E. The place itself provides a wide
range of entertainments: apart from hiking and
swimming you will have a chance to visit all the
open-air sights, the monastery, etc. A particular
event is the Night of Museums which will
involve artists, actors, musicians and offer
traditional food and drinks. During your stay in a
host family you will have a chance to try
Russian food and to learn more about the
Russian culture. NB. Please note that the camp
is not recommended to people with the poor
health since the physical work is all in the open
air (take a raincoat and hard shoes and long
trousers & long-sleeved coat).
Number of Volunteers: 10
29. Russia - Siberian Creative Group Russia
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 10, 2008
Topic: Environment
Ulan-Ude, Baikal
The Artistic Youth Theatre of Ulan-Ude was
founded in 1980. The current 60-80 seat
theatre was dug out of a basement and
constructed over a five year period by the
actors themselves. Besides a stage it houses
an art gallery and a bar now. The theatre is a
place of social happenings education and
assistance for non-profit organisations. It was
one of the first theatres in Russia, which gained
financial independence. This year the Youth
Theatre of Ulan-Ude organizes a volunteer post
at a picturesque shore of lake Baikal with the
aim to protect unique nature of the lake. Baikal
often called a sacred sea of Siberia is the
deepest and most ancient lake in the world.
More then a half of participants of the
workcamp will be local volunteers.
Work: building special places for garbage,
collecting rubbish, talk to tourists and local
people about the importance of not leaving
garbage at the shore of the lake.
Accommodation: primitive and basic
accommodation in tents
Extra info: Vegetarian food is not available. No
Number of Volunteers: 20
30. Russia - World 4U Russia
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 10, 2008
Topic: Environment
Ryazan is situated in the very center of the
European part of Russia, is often referred to as
the symbol of Russian province. Ryazan is the
old picturesque town with many churches,
museums and theatres. It was founded over
900 years ago. The Kremlin is the most ancient
place of interest in Ryazan. Ryazan is a
birthplace of a famous Russian poet Sergey
Esenin. Some of the Nobel Prize laureates
were born here too. The population is over half
a million people. There are several national
parks and reserves around Ryazan region. The
National park "Mescherskiy" is famous for the
beautiful lakes and rivers (some of them are
with "peat water"), coniferous forests, animals
from the Red Book.
Work: The project is organized in co-operation
with the RCEA (Ryazan creative education
Association). Our group will travel along the
river Pra by the canoes and sport catamarans
with the family camp (children with their parents
and group of the students). Our group (together
with the Russian students) task aims at helping
the National park. The work will consist of
cleaning river bank, construction and
renovating recreation places, possibly, plant
trees on the fire places (there were some big
fires in 2007). The communication with the
children from the camp (national plays and
songs), eco-studies for students are also
planed. A,
Food: We will live in tents and cook by
ourselves (with the members of the camp) on
the fire. Accommodation will be provided in the
classrooms in Ryazan. Shopping - there are
many supermarkets in Ryazan, but no one
shop and pharmacy on our way along the river.
Cleaning in the river, sometimes - moving
tourist douche. There are Internet-cafes and
post-offices in Ryazan. Free time activities:
International cultural events, friendly evenings
with Ryazan people near the fire with guitars,
fishing, stars observing on the river-bank:-), etc.
Language: English R: Please bring working
clothes, sleeping bag and tourist carpet, spoon
and plate, knife, mosquito repellents, swimming
suit, extra socks and underwear from wool and
cotton, raincoat, quick dry pumps, closed ankle
boots or trainers, wool sweater, scarf or sun
hat, torch and matches ... ...and the games for
the children and ourselves:), cards with sights
of your Counties & Cities, musical instruments
(not big:) etc. Volunteers with experience in
water tourism, renovation work, with manual
skills are really welcomed! Volunteers with
heavy diseases are not recommended to take
part in this workcamp, it could be hard to get to
hospital very fast.
Location: National park "Mescherskiy". Ryazan
region (in 40-80 km apart of Ryazan)
Terminal/Region: 19 July 10:00 - 16:30,
Moscow, World4U office
Number of Volunteers: 10
31. Russia - Siberian Creative Group Russia
Begin:July 21, 2008, End: August 1, 2008
Topic: Environment
Barguzin, near Lake Baikal
Baikal Charity Fund (BCF), noncommercial
organization, officially started its work in 2000.
The main activity of Baikal Fund is rehabilitation
of disabled children. The Fund is trying to help
and support them in their full development.
They organize different sport, tourist and
cultural activity for children, provide them and
their families with material, professional
psychological and methodic help, realize
projects on social rehabilitation, support
scientific researching, work with volunteers and
cooperate with other organizations. On the
base of BCF Baikal Fund of Local Community
was established. Its basic goal is to support
initiatives coming from local people on
competition base. Since last year Youth Bank
of Baikal fund of Local Community started its
work. They look for interesting youth initiatives
oriented on youth situation improvement and
support them financially. This year Youth Bank
of Baikal Fund of Local Community organize a
tent camp in Barguzin Forest on Lake Baikal.
The goal of this project is integration of youth
from different backgrounds, exchange of ideas
and experience between local youth,
representatives from other regions of Russia
and other countries for collaboration and then
for carrying out of joint programs for youth.
After teambuilding and social designing
training, learning how to write mini-projects for
their routes, young people will take part in
campaigns on foot to St. Nose peninsula, on
catamarans along the lakeshore, in ecologic
actions and in building of a Big Baikal Path.
Besides that there will be common campfire,
Work: common project planning with local
youth, ecological actions and building of a Big
Baikal Path
Accommodation: in tents
Extra info: we invite communicative young
people, who love working with youth.
Knowledge of basic Russian is desirable.
Translation is possible. Bring a sleeping bag,
sleeping mat, musical instruments and
interesting games. Vegetarian food is not
available. No alcohol. Participation fee – 150
Number of Volunteers: 60
32. Russia - Siberian Creative Group Russia
Begin:July 21, 2008, End: August 3, 2008
Topic: Environment
Svyatoy Nos, Lake Baikal
The Eastern Siberian Baikal Trail (ESBT) is an
non-profit organization, with a mission to
promote local sustainable development of Lake
Baikal and surrounding areas through lowimpact ecotourism. This mission is grounded in
building environmentally friendly trails that are
safe and enjoyable for hikers of all ages and
levels of experience. ESBT is carrying out trailbuilding projects around Baikal in two-week
summer camps composed of international
volunteer crews. ESBT projects concentrate on
environmental education, restoration, social
responsibility and leadership, on improving the
health and well-being of local people,
preserving indigenous peoples, their cultures
and traditions, as well as promoting intercultural
interaction. It all began with a simple yet
daunting idea - to build a trail circumventing
one of the oldest and most beautiful lakes on
Earth, “the pearl of Siberia” - Lake Baikal. A trail
over 2000 kilometers long, connecting seven
national parks and reserves and providing easy
access to Baikal’s breath-taking views and
panoramas. For more than 30 years this idea
was nothing but a dream, dismissed as
Quixotian, impractical, overly ambitious, and
just crazy. And yet, for the past five years, a
group of enthusiastic local environmentalists along with hundreds of volunteers - have been
transforming the impossible dream into reality.
It’s called the Eastern Siberian Baikal Trail
(ESBT). Svyatoy Nos is the biggest peninsula
in Baikal. To both sides of it there are two
largest bays: Chivyrkuy and Barguzin.
Workcamp is organized on the territory of
Zabaikalski National Park at the bed of the
peninsula. One of the tasks of ZNP is the
protection and preservation of nerpa (sweet
water seal, Baikal endemic) population. To the
west of Svyatoy Nos peninsula Ushkanyi
islands are situated, with the largest nerpa
breeding ground. Zabaikalski National Park is
also an important bird conservation area.
Among its rare species are black stork, golden
eagle, peregrine falcon, white-tailed sea eagle,
and hooded crane. A route up to the Svytoy
Nos plateau is one of the most popular at
Baikal. Its peak is situated at the height of 1877
m over the sea level, and on a sunny day there
is a wonderful view to Baikal and Olkhon island.
If you are strong enough for the ascent it will
take from 3 to 5 hours to the peak. This year
workcamp will be set at the bed of the plateau.
The work will be carried out mostly at a flat
section of the ascension route, 4-5 km long.
Vols will work in 2-4 kms from the camp.
Work: cleaning of the trail corridor, widening
and marking of the trail, building bridges.
Accommodation: in a stationary tent camp.
Note that there are no hot showers at this camp
- but you can always heat water for bathing or
take a refreshing swim in Baikal!
Extra info: Participation Fee: 250 Euro
Number of Volunteers: 15
33. Russia - World 4U Russia
Begin:July 21, 2008, End: August 4, 2008
Topic: Others
NUN\'S YARD-1, Moscow region
The building of the Homestead is the realization
of Grand Duchess Elizaveta Fedorovna
Romanova desires, the granddaughter of
Victory, the Queen of Great Britain. She was
thinking about the building of this homestead,
but her tragic death in 1918 prevented the
realization of this project. In 1992 the social
service in the Marfo-Mariinsky Homestead was
recommenced. A brief historical commentary:
Grand Duchess Elizaveta Fedorovna shared
her martyr death in the mine in Alapaevsk with
3 sons of Grand Duke Konstantine
Konstankinovish.- Princes Ioann, Igor and
Konstantin. The sister of Grand Duke K.K.Grand Duchess Olga was grand-grandmother
of Prince Charles (Great Britain).
Work: You will deal with the reconstruction of
the Cathedral (the end of 18 c.), the building of
Monastic blocks, priest's house, the opening of
craft workshop (icon-painting, embroidery), the
building of household constructions, the
development of the charter lands, the
accomplishment of the territory, the provision of
Convent's life.
Accommodation: Summerhouses where you
will live are pretty simply equipped so do not
expect many luxury:). Kitchen, dining room,
shower, bio-toilet are in separate buildings.
Food: 3 meals a day and even more :) will be
provided, vegetarian food and cooking by
yourself is also possible.
Language: English R: Volunteers should be
patient to orthodox religion. Some skills in
carpentry and masonry are welcomed but not
necessarily. Take with you some repellents.
Free-time activities: Visiting the Kremlin in
Volokolamsk, the orphanage and having tea
there; Borodino museum - place where the
biggest battle between Russian and Napoleon's
forces at 1812 Patriotic war took place. In 1 km
apart of the Homestead there is a forest with a
beautiful lake. It's possible to swim, catch fish,
and gather berries and mushrooms.
Location: 143627, Moscow region. The
Homestead of the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent of
Charity. 125 km from Moscow
Terminal/Region: 20 July 10:00 - 13:00,
Moscow, World4U office
Number of Volunteers: 10
34. Russia - World 4U Russia
Begin:July 25, 2008, End: August 15, 2008
Topic: Environment
Altai - one of the mountain region of Russia, is
located on the south part of Siberia near China
and Mongolia boarders. You can find almost all
types of the Eurasian landscapes in this region
on the small distance. You'll live on the
protected territory on the slope of the highest
mountain of Altai - Beluha (4506 m). You'll
meet people with the old Russian religion and
style of life. The place is very popular among
the tourist from all over the world. On the 1
August 2008 this region will be one of the best
place for the Sun eclipse observing.
Work: The work will consist of cleaning
mountain foot, river bank, construction and
renovating recreation places, taking out
Accommodation: Accommodation will be
provided in tents (3-4 persons per one).
Food: You'll cook by yourselves on the campfire. You'll visit Russian Bunya (sauna) in the
village. Free time activities: International
cultural events, friendly evenings with local
people with guitars, fishing, stars observing?
Language: English R: Please bring warm
sleeping bags and working clothes, tourist
carpet, spoon and plate, knife, strong boots,
wool sweater, scarf or sun hat, torch and
matches, swimming suit, extra socks and
underwear from wool and cotton, raincoat,
mosquito repellent, suntan lotion, sunglasses
and glasses for eclipse, guitars and other
musical instruments. Climbing equipment and
experience are welcome!:). Volunteers with
experience in tourism, with manual skills are
really welcomed! Volunteers with heavy
diseases are not recommended to take part in
this workcamp, it could be hard to get to
hospital very fast. Motivation letter is required!
Please, take into consideration that this place is
very popular to visit. Therefore we should be
sure about your 100% participation till the 1st of
June!!! In order to book a train ticket
beforehand. Fee 50 euros
Location: Altai mountains, p. Tunegur, 350 km
from Biysk town
Terminal/Region: 21 July 10:00 - 17:00,
Moscow, World4U office
Number of Volunteers: 8
35. Russia - SFERA Russia
Begin:July 25, 2008, End: August 11, 2008
Topic: Others
\"ARSKOE\", Ulianovsk, Arskoe
Ulianovsk is one of the oldest cities in Russia
(founded in 1648). It is famous by its culture
and beautiful Churches and Temples.
Ulianovsk is also well known by the fact that
Vladimir Lenin was born and lived first 17 years
here. The camp is situated in village Arskoe 15 km. from the Ulianovsk town. The camp is
organized in close cooperation and on the
territory of the Orthodox Temple complex of
Ksenia Peterburgskaya (XVII century). In 2002
the priest Alexey Kormishin has organized the
works on the territory of the complex in order to
build the new building of the Temple and it has
been finished in 2003. Nowadays the territory of
the Temple complex needs to be renewed.
People working in the Temple are orthodox, but
they are very open-minded and tolerant, they
respect all religions and traditions. On the other
hand they expect volunteers to respect
Orthodox traditions.
Extra info: no drugs or alcohol allowed!
Work: help with renewing the territory of the
Temple complex such as planting trees and
gardens, taking care of flower-beds, placing the
stairs, collecting garbage on the territory of the
complex, plastering the walls and storing the
firewood for a winter etc. Also volunteers are
expected to work with children from the
parochial school in order to organize small work
shops, entertainment etc. Volunteers will be
able to choose which kind of work to do.
Accommodation: Volunteers will live in the
building of school all together (up to 10 people)
in one or two rooms. The food will be provided
in the canteen by the cook of the Temple,
volunteers will be asked to help with the
cooking and present their national dishes. Cold
summer shower and bathrooms are available
only outside. Once per week volunteers can
take a real Russian banya (sauna).
Qualifications: not required
Language: English, Russian
Study: According to the wishes volunteers can
participate in the workshops about Orthodox
traditions as well as painting, embroider basic
principles of looking after cows and horses.
Leisure time: various excursions in to historical
and cultural places of interest of Ulianovsk,
sport activities, swimming, swimming in the
saint springs, exhibitions, plays, and other
entertaining activities concerning intercultural
Terminal/Region: Ulianovsk train station
Number of Volunteers: 8
36. Russia - SFERA Russia
Begin:July 26, 2008, End: August 15, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
\'FRIENDSHIP 2008\", Nizhny Novgorod
"FRIENDSHIP 2008" Nizhniy Novgorod was
founded in 1221 at the place of fusion of two
Great Russian Rivers -Volga and Oka. From
1932 till 1990 it was named Gorky in Great
Russian writer Maxim Gorky honor. It is
situated 500 km from Moscow. The city has a
rich history and more then 600 historical,
architectural and cultural sights testify to it. The
city is inscribed in the list of 100 cities of the
world with high cultural and historical profile by
UNESKO. It is famous by its traditional
handicrafts such as Hohloma and
Gorodetskaya Diveevo is a small town in
Nizhny Novgorod region, it is famous for its
orthodox ancient Serafimovo-Diveevsky
monastery and saint spring of Serafim
Sarovsky. The project is organized on the base
of children summer camp "Lighthouse" which is
situated 50 km from Nizhny Novgorod, not far
from Diveevo. The workcamp is run in
cooperation with public organization "Linguistic
abilities developing center" which is working in
the field of organizing linguistic activities for
children and youth.
Work: Volunteers will be involved in organizing
animating and educational activities for
children. They are expected to conduct
linguistic workshops and presentation of their
countries for children. Another task for the
volunteers is to elaborate and organize the
days of their own countries for all children in the
camp. On the other hand participants will be
also asked to help with the renovation of the
camp buildings (art paintings on the walls) and
cleaning the lake on the territory of the camp.
Study: Volunteers will get acquainted with
Russian culture and get new experience in
work with children. Leisure time: Excursions to
Nizhny Novgorod city and Diveevo town,
swimming in the saint spring. Different sport
games, parties, plays and other entertaining
activities concerning intercultural learning.
Accommodation: Volunteers will live in
buildings on the territory of the camp (2-3
persons per room). Shower and bathroom are
available on the same floor with the living
rooms. The food will be provided in the
Language: English, any level of Russian is
Terminal/Region: Nizhny Novgorod train
station and airport.
Location: Diveevo district, Nizhny Novgorod
region, Russia
Extra info: Bring with you working shoes and
clothes, national music CDs, games, materials
for the presentation of your country and good
Number of Volunteers: 10
37. Russia - Siberian Creative Group Russia
Begin:July 28, 2008, End: August 10, 2008
Topic: Environment
“On the enchanted shore”, Baikal Trail
The Eastern Siberian Baikal Trail (ESBT) is an
non-profit organization, with a mission to
promote local sustainable development of Lake
Baikal and surrounding areas through lowimpact ecotourism. This mission is grounded in
building environmentally friendly trails that are
safe and enjoyable for hikers of all ages and
levels of experience. ESBT is carrying out trailbuilding projects around Baikal in two-week
summer camps composed of international
volunteer crews. ESBT projects concentrate on
environmental education, restoration, social
responsibility and leadership, on improving the
health and well-being of local people,
preserving indigenous peoples, their cultures
and traditions, as well as promoting intercultural
interaction. It all began with a simple yet
daunting idea - to build a trail circumventing
one of the oldest and most beautiful lakes on
Earth, “the pearl of Siberia” - Lake Baikal. A trail
over 2000 kilometers long, connecting seven
national parks and reserves and providing easy
access to Baikal’s breath-taking views and
panoramas. For more than 30 years this idea
was nothing but a dream, dismissed as
Quixotian, impractical, overly ambitious, and
just crazy. And yet, for the past five years, a
group of enthusiastic local environmentalists along with hundreds of volunteers - have been
transforming the impossible dream into reality.
It’s called the Eastern Siberian Baikal Trail
(ESBT). The trail is connecting 2 large villages
on the eastern shore of Baikal: Turka and
Goryachinsk. The trail under construction is
mostly intended for tourists who rest at
Goryachinsk resort. It is planned to make a part
of it accessible for people in wheel-chairs.
Workcamp will be set in one of the most
picturesque sites on Baikal shore, not far from
the well-known natural monument “Turtle”. vols
will work in 2-4 kms from the camp.
Work: cleaning of the trail corridor,
strengthening the trail, building log-paths.
Accommodation: in a stationary tent camp.
Note that there are no hot showers at this camp
- but you can always heat water for bathing or
take a refreshing swim in Baikal! Participation
Fee: 230 Euro
Number of Volunteers: 15
38. Russia - Passage Zebra Russia
Begin:July 30, 2008, End: August 14, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
The Ambassador from B-612, Altai
The project takes place in the republic of Altai
in the South-East Syberia. It is held in
cooperation with the Russian Office of Exupery
Heritage Association and the Ministry of
Education of the Altai republic. One third of the
population of the republic are Altaians, the
official language is Altaian. Although the Altaian
language is widely used in everyday life (mass
media, schools) it is pushed out by the Russian
language which has a higher social status than
the native one. The annual amount of the
literature issued in Altaian has seriously
decreased. The mission of the camp is to
distribute the recently issued Altaian translation
of “The Little Prince” by Antoine de SaintExupery among the schools in remote villages
and towns.
Language: The republic of Altai is situated in
the South-East Siberia, near the Mongolian and
Kazakh borders. It is famous for its mountains
and natural resources, as well as for its unique
culture. The camp itself doesn’t really have a
permanent location since you will move from
one village from another. You will start from the
capital of the republic Gorno-Altaisk and move
along the route established. W. You will
prepare the presentation of the book and a
small performance to be shown to the
schoolchildren. You will also write a camp diary
and make a report about your impressions. You
will probably talk to the mass media
Accommodation: You will stay at the schools
and host families. Mats and shower will be
provided, but the sleeping bag is necessary. F.
Food will be provided by the schools, but there
is a chance that sometimes you will have to
prepare the food yourself in the shared kitchen.
Please note that the vegetarian food is not
easily available in Altai since vegetarianism
historically is not popular in that area. E. You
will have a couple of free days in Gorno-Altaisk
as well as a number of days camping in the
Altaian nature which is famous for its
exceptional natural beauty. During the camp
you will have a chance to learn about the
traditional Altaian arts & skills (khoomey,
dances, shaman ceremonies, etc.) N
Extra info: Please note, that this is not a typical
camp. You should be ready to adapt quickly to
a new environment every evening, although it
may seem stressful. You should be open to a
totally different culture background. People with
photography skills and the experience of writing
reports as well as performers and animators
are the most welcome! You should be initiative
in proposing ideas and able to cooperate with
the other team members.
Number of Volunteers: 6
39. Russia - World 4U Russia
Begin:August 2, 2008, End: August 15, 2008
Topic: Environment
Siberia... A huge area on the map of Russia
and a huge white spot in the mind of a
foreigner. It is very often associated with a 500C frost, bears and wild beardy Russian
people in felt boots and furry hats :) Its scope
takes your breath away, its nature is not similar
to anything you have ever seen, its people are
very hospitable. You have got a chance to
discover it on your own :) Shushenskoe is a
small village with about 19 thousand citizens in
the south of Krasnoyarsky region. It is close to
Khakasia, the land of lakes and spacious fields
and part of the Sayan mountain system.
Founded in the middle of the XVIII century it is
widely known as a place of a 3-year exile of
Vladimir Lenin, famous Russian revolutionary
and founder of the Bolshevik party. Today there
is a big historical and ethnographical museum
in the open air which is a preserved central part
of a XIX century village. Be prepared for a 2.5
day train trip to Krasnoyarsk (a big city 60
kilometers from Shushenskoe) across half of
Russia. In fact "living" in a train is a unique
experience, a wonderful chance to see the
country and to build a united volunteer team
even before the project has started!
Work: You will work outdoors together with
Russian volunteers in a beautiful nature park
"Shushensky forest", part of the unique
Shushensky biospheric nature reserve. The
work will vary not to make you bored.
Accommodation: You will not live in a tent in
the forest but in a house in town:)
Food: Homemade food provided.
Language: English R: Please bring working
and sports clothes. Forget the myth that Russia
is snow-covered twelve months a year and do
not forget shorts, t-shirts and a swimming suit.
If there is need for sleeping bags we will let you
know beforehand. Please bring photo-video
materials and any kind of information about
your countries and home towns. There will be a
constant culture exchange with hospitable local
people! Free time activities: Trips to the
mountains and\or lakes around the area, an
excursion to Krasnoyarsk, cultural parties and
Location: Russia, Siberia, Shushenskoe,
nature park "Shushensky forest".
Terminal/Region: 16-17 July, Moscow
Number of Volunteers: 10
40. Russia - SFERA Russia
Begin:August 3, 2008, End: August 17, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
\"SAILING THE DREAM\", Kirov region
Kirov was founded in 1374 and named Vyatka
by the name of the river. It is a big industrial
Russian city. Kirov is famous abroad for its
traditional handicrafts such as "Dymkovskaya"
toy. The project is organized in collaboration
with Association of young journalists in Kirov
region which works in the field of youth
journalism. The Association exists the third year
and today it covers about 500 persons. The
Association is a member of the Russian public
organization "League of young journalists" and
"The Union of journalists of Russia". The
biggest action which the Association does
every year is the Festival of youth press
"Sailing the dream". The second year the
festival is opened for foreign volunteers who
are expected to take part in it along with
Russian participants.
Work: The workcamp consists of 3 parts. The
1st part is preparatory. Volunteers and young
journalists will get acquainted with activity of the
youth organizations, youth editing. After each
visiting volunteers will be offered to write
articles about their impressions. The 2nd part is
participation in festival of children's and youthful
press "Sailing the dream" which will take place
out of the city in the children's camp "Eagle".
During this part volunteers will be the
participants of round tables, seminars, press
conferences, meetings with well known
journalists of the city and country, social actors.
The 3rd part is final. Volunteers with young
journalists will work under creation of special
newspaper about youth which is called "The
youth word". The newspaper will be printed in
Russian and English languages.
Study: Volunteers will get acquainted with
Russian culture and way of journalism. Leisure
time: Visiting historical places of Kirov and
traditional handicraft factories, evening fires,
parties sport games and other entertaining
activities concerning intercultural learning.
Accommodation: during the first and last parts
of the workcamp volunteers will be hosted by
families of local volunteers, during the festival:
in the wooden houses with all facilities (2-3
persons per room).
Language: English.
Terminal/Region: Moscow train station and
airport (the meeting point in Moscow is
planned), Kirov train station.
Location: Kirov, Russia
Extra info: Please bring with you national
music instruments and CDs, games, good
mood and your ideas for having nice time
Number of Volunteers: 7
41. Russia - Passage Zebra Russia
Begin:August 3, 2008, End: August 16, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
PHOTOMARATHON, Nerechta, Kostroma
A group of vols is invited to participate in a
photomarathon in which many local participants
will take part with the aim to attract the attention
to the problems of the city (pollution, transport,
poverty, unemployment), to its historical
heritage and with new eyes to fall in love with
its beauty. Please, take your cameras with you!
The volunteers will take walks around the city
being included into groups of Russians. The
goal of the camp is a photo exhibition in one of
the most visited places of Nerekhta. The
example of similar photomarathon tasks you
could download from here
4.html . The results of the camp will be shown
on the open air presentation in one of the most
populated district of Nerekhta city.
Language: Nerekhta is a town of the Kostroma
region. Population: ca. 30 000 inhabitants. It is
easy to reach from Moscow or Nizhni
Novgorod. It is one of the most interesting
places not only in the region but likewise in
Central Russia. Nerekhta is a town-museum
with centuries-old history. W. Volunteers will
have to reflect their impressions of the city with
photos. Their task will be also to prepare the
photo exhibition. Please, be prepared for long
walking, flexible time schedule (early morning
photo sessions, night photographing).
Accommodation: You will stay in the youth
center with showers, toilets, bed linen and
centralized canteen. The youth center provides
diversity of workshops like ceramic, painting
and other handcrafts, also traditional Russian.
Host organization “Peoples Planet” Foundation
http://www.nerehtaplaneta.ru/index.php?m1=volanters F. Meals 3
times a day, no need to cook. Vegetarian food
available. N
Extra info: 40 Euro extra fee, motivation letter!
provide with films volunteers who bring not a
digital camera. Please bring your smiles, good
mood, imagination and of course, warm
clothes, mosquito repellent, your favorite tapes,
CDs, games, musical instruments and cooking
recipes from your home country.
Number of Volunteers: 10
42. Russia - SFERA Russia
Begin:August 4, 2008, End: August 18, 2008
Topic: Others
\"KUNGUR\", Perm region, Kungur
Kungur is an ancient town on western Ural
founded in 1648. It is located in a place of
merge of the rivers Sylva and Irene,
approximately in 100 km from Perm.
Remarkable beauty of this place, the historical
and architectural monuments, and also world
famous Ice cave attracts the tourists from all
over the world. Kungur is a large industrial and
trading center of the Perm region located on the
crossing of transport ways, connecting the
European part of the country with Siberia. The
camp is organized by the Perm city public
charitable organization "Centre of support of
democratic youth initiatives", which is active in
the field of social help and services to the aged
and ill people, who injured within political
reprisals. This camp has been organizing every
year since 2001.
Work: The participants will renovate the flats of
elderly people who have suffered from the
political repressions. The work includes painting
the walls, ceilings, floors, window frames. As
not everyone is familiar with this craft, so the
leaders form little teams of 3 or 4 with at least
one who has already gathered some
experience in it and can teach them.
Study: The educational part of the workcamp
program will include discussions among
volunteers about the basic ideas of the camp
(for example, "Overcoming of the totalitarian
past"), meeting with active workers of the
organizers "Memorial" and other Perm public
organizations. Leisure time: visiting of the
Memorial museum of history of political
reprisals "Perm - 36", excursion round Perm
city and Kungur town, architectural
constructions of 18-19 centuries: temples and
churches, merchant manors etc., meeting with
local artists and sculptors, trip to Belogorskiy
Accommodation: Volunteers will live in the
house of youth tourism and excursions,
bathrooms are available on the floor.
Volunteers will cook by themselves.
Language: English.
Terminal/Region: Perm airport, train station
Location: Kungur, Perm region, Russia.
Extra info: Please bring with you a sleeping
bag, working shoes and clothes, national music
CDs, games and good mood!
Number of Volunteers: 10
43. Russia - Ecocenter Zapovedniks Russia
Begin:August 4, 2008, End: August 17, 2008
Topic: Environment
The project is organized by the Moscow
Ecological Center Zapovedniks (ECZ) in
cooperation with the Bol’shaya Kokshaga
Reserve. For many years in order to preserve
biodiversity and natural forest renewal the entry
on the territory of the Reserve was forbidden.
But recently an active ecological work with
children and students is held, a net of
ecological educational trails and excursion
routes are developed.
Language: English. Russian language skills
could be useful.
Work: main group will live and work in
Starozhil’sk. Main tasks are to develop
ecological trails - to install benches and infoboards, to develop tourist sites, to collect
garbage on the tourist trails. Also design work
on the interior of the visit-center and landscape
design are possible. 2 small groups (at will) will
live and work deep in the Reserve: ranger work
with inspectors and improvement work on the
cordon and territory.
Accommodation: Starozhil’sk – a small
settlement about 40 km from the capital of Mari
El Republic – Yoshkar-Ola. There are food
shops, post office. No Internet. Main group in
Starozhil’sk will live in a big house with a
wooden beds, mattresses and blankets. No
sleeping sheets. Electricity. Toilet is outside
and very simple. Shower in the nearest River
Kokshaga. Banya (Russian sauna) is provided.
Cooking by themselves in a fully-equipped
place. Small groups will live at the cordon in the
wooden houses at about 10 km from
Starozhil’sk. As the camp place is a bit far from
civilization, your ideas, games and music
instruments for evening programs are more
then welcomed!
Study: study trips deep to the Reserve, lecture
and films about fauna and flora of this region;
about history, traditions and culture of Mari El
people. Excursion to Yoshkar-Ola,
Ethnographical Museum, mini-Zoo and trip to
the Volga River.
Language: English. Russian language skills
could be useful.
Terminal/Region: Yoshkar-Ola 12 vols will be
Number of Volunteers: 24
44. Russia - World 4U Russia
Begin:August 4, 2008, End: August 18, 2008
Topic: Others
NUN\'S YARD-2, Moscow region
The building of the Homestead is the realization
of Grand Duchess Elizaveta Fedorovna
Romanova desires, the granddaughter of
Victory, the Queen of Great Britain. She was
thinking about the building of this homestead,
but her tragic death in 1918 prevented the
realization of this project. In 1992 the social
service in the Marfo-Mariinsky Homestead was
recommenced. A brief historical commentary:
Grand Duchess Elizaveta Fedorovna shared
her martyr death in the mine in Alapaevsk with
3 sons of Grand Duke Konstantine
Konstankinovish.- Princes Ioann, Igor and
Konstantin. The sister of Grand Duke K.K.Grand Duchess Olga was grand-grandmother
of Prince Charles (Great Britain).
Work: You will deal with the reconstruction of
the Cathedral (the end of 18 c.), the building of
Monastic blocks, priest's house, the opening of
craft workshop (icon-painting, embroidery), the
building of household constructions, the
development of the charter lands, the
accomplishment of the territory, the provision of
Convent's life.
Accommodation: Summerhouses where you
will live are pretty simply equipped so do not
expect many luxury:). Kitchen, dining room,
shower, bio-toilet are in separate buildings.
Food: 3 meals a day and even more :) will be
provided, vegetarian food and cooking by
yourself is also possible.
Language: English R: Volunteers should be
patient to orthodox religion. Some skills in
carpentry and masonry are welcomed but not
necessarily. Take with you some repellents.
Free-time activities: Visiting the Kremlin in
Volokolamsk, the orphanage and having tea
there; Borodino museum - place where the
biggest battle between Russian and Napoleon's
forces at 1812 Patriotic war took place. In 1 km
apart of the Homestead there is a forest with a
beautiful lake. It's possible to swim, catch fish,
and gather berries and mushrooms.
Location: Moscow region. The Homestead of
the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent of Charity. 125 km
from Moscow
Terminal/Region: 3 August 10:00 - 13:00,
Moscow, World4U office
Number of Volunteers: 10
45. Russia - World 4U Russia
Begin:August 10, 2008, End: August 20, 2008
Topic: Environment
Black sea coast in general and Anapa in
particular is a Russian national resort. Beautiful
weather, warm sea, fine sand, diversity of fruits
etc. There are a lot of places to visit here mineral mud lake, waterfalls, rich flora and
fauna. Besides this the area is very rich with a
historical objects.
Work: SUNCITY is a creative, ecological and
social project. The idea to hold a festival
appeared more than three years ago. In August
2006, twenty five persons participated in the
festival SUNCITY. There were built more than
50 sand sculptures and compositions. In 2007,
the organizers plan to extend the scale of the
festival. We invite young people to reveal ones'
talents, make a contribution to the cleanliness
of the environment, and just to spend positively
ten days at the coast of the beautiful Black Sea.
- creative - the construction of sandcastles on
the Black Sea coast; - ecological - garbage
removal from the wild beach. To promote the
idea that ecology is much more mentality than
science; - social - we are for the development
of freedom spirit, personal merits, on the one
hand, and for mutual understanding and
community cohesion, on the another. Visit our
website: www.suncityfest.ru Approx. schedule:
* 7.30 a.m. - Wake up! * 7.30 a.m.- 8.30 a.m. building of the foundation for sand
compositions * 8.30 a.m. -9.00 a.m. - breakfast
* 9.00 a.m.- 10.00 a.m. - cleaning the sea coast
* 10.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. - building sand
compositions * 1.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. - lunch
time and siesta * 5.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. - sport
activities * 7.00 p.m. - 8.00 p.m. - camp
accomplishment activities * 8.00 p.m. - 8.30
p.m. - dinner after 8.00 p.m. - party time
Accommodation: You will live in tents on the
Black Sea coast.
Food: The cooking will be done by your own.
Collective food prepared on camp fire and gas
cooker. Free time activities: Sports (water
sports competitions, beach volleyball and
football), music (contest of musical talents,
singing, playing guitar, discotheque),
excursions (national reserve park Utrish, Anapa
city), body-art.
Language: English R: Motivation letter is
required! Please, take into consideration that
Anapa is a resort area. Therefore we should be
sure about your 100% participation till the 1st of
June!!! In order to book a train ticket
beforehand. Average temperature in August
Location: the Black Sea coast, Vityazevo
village, Anapa, the Krasnodar Territory
Terminal/Region: 8 August 10:00 - 16:00,
Moscow, World4U office
Number of Volunteers: 25
46. Russia - SFERA Russia
Begin:August 12, 2008, End: August 29, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Nizhniy Novgorod was founded in 1221 at the
place of fusion of two Great Russian Rivers
:Volga and Oka. From 1932 till 1990 it was
named Gorky in Great Russian writer Maxim
Gorky honor. It is situated 500 km from
Moscow. The city has a rich history and more
then 600 historical, architectural and cultural
sights testify to it. The city is inscribed in the list
of 100 cities of the world with high cultural and
historical profile by UNESKO. It is famous by its
traditional handicrafts such as "Hohloma" and
"Gorodetskaya". The workcamp aims to
organize the festival of world cultures in Nizhny
Novgorod in order to promote international
voluntary movement, intercultural awareness
and tolerance.
Work: Volunteers are expected to participate in
different cultural events and meetings with
public people of the city with the purpose to
introduce the experience of work with youth
abroad. Participants will prepare the exhibition
of the countries they come from and organize
the presentations of their cultures for the
inhabitants of the city. A group of the volunteers
will also create a short movie about the
workcamp and other social activities which will
be held simultaneously in the city.
Study: Volunteers will learn a lot about Russian
and other participants' cultures. Leisure time:
Excursions round Nizhny Novgorod city and
visits to local museums, swimming in Volga
river. On weekends volunteers could take part
in trips to small towns of the region and visit the
handicraft factories. Also there are a lot of
cinemas and theatres in the city.
Accommodation: Volunteers will live in the
hostel with all facilities (3 persons per room).
There is one canteen per floor and volunteers
will cook breakfast and supper by themselves.
Lunches will be organized additionally in the
Language: English, any level of Russian is
Terminal/Region: Nizhny Novgorod train
station and airport.
Location: Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Extra info: Please bring with you national
music CDs, games, any useful information or
materials for presentation of your country and
good mood.
Number of Volunteers: 10
47. Russia - Siberian Creative Group Russia
Begin:August 13, 2008, End: August 26, 2008
Topic: Environment
Krokhalinaya Bay, Lake Baikal
The Eastern Siberian Baikal Trail (ESBT) is an
non-profit organization, with a mission to
promote local sustainable development of Lake
Baikal and surrounding areas through lowimpact ecotourism. This mission is grounded in
building environmentally friendly trails that are
safe and enjoyable for hikers of all ages and
levels of experience. ESBT is carrying out trailbuilding projects around Baikal in two-week
summer camps composed of international
volunteer crews. ESBT projects concentrate on
environmental education, restoration, social
responsibility and leadership, on improving the
health and well-being of local people,
preserving indigenous peoples, their cultures
and traditions, as well as promoting intercultural
interaction. It all began with a simple yet
daunting idea - to build a trail circumventing
one of the oldest and most beautiful lakes on
Earth, “the pearl of Siberia” - Lake Baikal. A trail
over 2000 kilometers long, connecting seven
national parks and reserves and providing easy
access to Baikal’s breath-taking views and
panoramas. For more than 30 years this idea
was nothing but a dream, dismissed as
Quixotian, impractical, overly ambitious, and
just crazy. And yet, for the past five years, a
group of enthusiastic local environmentalists along with hundreds of volunteers - have been
transforming the impossible dream into reality.
It’s called the Eastern Siberian Baikal Trail
(ESBT). Workcamp is organized on the territory
of Zabaikalski National Park on the shore of
Krokhalinaya Bay at the bed of Svyatoy Nos,
the biggest peninsula in Baikal. One of the
tasks of ZNP is the protection and preservation
of nerpa (sweet water seal, Baikal endemic)
population. To the west of Svyatoy Nos
peninsula Ushkanyi islands are situated, with
the largest nerpa breeding ground. Zabaikalski
National Park is also an important bird
conservation area. Among its rare species are
black stork, golden eagle, peregrine falcon,
white-tailed sea eagle, and hooded crane. The
workcamp will be set in Krokhalinaya Bay, vols
will work in a forest area in 2-4 kms from the
Work: Building of a 4-5 km long section of the
trail Bargizin – Krokhalinaya Bay, building
bridges, widening and marking the trail.
Accommodation: in a stationary tent camp.
Note that there are no hot showers at this camp
- but you can always heat water for bathing or
take a refreshing swim in Baikal! Participation
Fee: 250 Euro
Number of Volunteers: 15
48. Russia - Siberian Creative Group Russia
Begin:August 15, 2008, End: August 28, 2008
Topic: Environment
Path to clean Baikal, Zabaikalski National
Park (ZNP)
The Eastern Siberian Baikal Trail (ESBT) is an
non-profit organization, with a mission to
promote local sustainable development of Lake
Baikal and surrounding areas through lowimpact ecotourism. This mission is grounded in
building environmentally friendly trails that are
safe and enjoyable for hikers of all ages and
levels of experience. ESBT is carrying out trailbuilding projects around Baikal in two-week
summer camps composed of international
volunteer crews. ESBT projects concentrate on
environmental education, restoration, social
responsibility and leadership, on improving the
health and well-being of local people,
preserving indigenous peoples, their cultures
and traditions, as well as promoting intercultural
interaction. It all began with a simple yet
daunting idea - to build a trail circumventing
one of the oldest and most beautiful lakes on
Earth, “the pearl of Siberia” - Lake Baikal. A trail
over 2000 kilometers long, connecting seven
national parks and reserves and providing easy
access to Baikal’s breath-taking views and
panoramas. For more than 30 years this idea
was nothing but a dream, dismissed as
Quixotian, impractical, overly ambitious, and
just crazy. And yet, for the past five years, a
group of enthusiastic local environmentalists along with hundreds of volunteers - have been
transforming the impossible dream into reality.
It’s called the Eastern Siberian Baikal Trail
Work: widening and renovating the trail and
building bridges, camping areas, steps, and
toilets. The trail begins in the mountain
wilderness of Zabaikalski National Park and
ends on the shores of Chivyrkuisky Gulf. The
project starts from the settlement of UstBarguzin. From there, project participants will
take a forest road to the trailhead and begin a
54-kilometer hike through wild taiga forest. You
will traverse the pass over the Barguzin
mountain range while carrying your personal
belongings, camping equipment (tent, sleeping
bag, etc.), tools (axes, saws, shovels), and all
of the food for the entire project. Covering 2-15
kilometers a day, you will clear and mark the
trail as you walk, building rest stops and
campsites and constructing small bridges.
Although the trip is demanding, you will be
greatly rewarded by the untouched, quiet
beauty of snowy mountain tops, the endless
seas of Siberian pines, exquisitely fresh and
fragrant air, and perhaps some encounters with
Siberian wildlife! At the end of the hike, on the
shores of Chivyrkuy Gulf, is the breathtaking
(and warm) Khrohalinaya Bay. For two weeks
you will live and work together in some of the
most beautiful places around Lake Baikal. You
can fish, go for a quick dip in the river after a
day of satisfying work, or pick berries and
mushrooms in the woods.
Accommodation: in a temporary camp sites
along the way, vols will share two-person tents.
Note that there are no hot showers at this camp
- but you can always heat water for bathing or
take a refreshing swim in the river!
Extra info: The first half of the project is
extremely difficult, and you must be in good
physical shape to hike through taiga with a
heavy backpack. Age limit 45. Participation
Fee: 250 Euro
Number of Volunteers: 15
49. Russia - World 4U Russia
Begin:August 24, 2008, End: September 10,
Topic: Others
Project will take place at the fantastic island of
Valaam - one of the most picturesque places
and beautiful monasteries in the Northwest of
Russia. It is sometimes called "Mount Athos of
the North". Valaam, surrounded by the
archipelago of more than 50 beautiful small
islands, is situated in Ladoga Lake - the biggest
freshwater lake in Europe with the average
width of 83km!! and maximum depth of 230m!.
During its centuries-old history, the Monastery
has undergone devastation and desolation time
and again. But, by God's mercy, every time it
revived again. In atheistic Soviet Union
Monastery has also undergone devastation.
But on December 14, 1989, a ship moored in
the harbour, there were the first six monks on
board and gradually monastic life started to
revive. Since that day, the new history of
Valaam began. A great amount of temples and
churches are situated here, a lot of pilgrims
come every summer to visit Holy Earth and to
help in renovation works. You can see photos
of Valaam at www.valaam.ru
Work: The distance from St.Petersburg to
Valaam is approximately 220km. A lot of monks
live here today, some of them renovate old
churches, other work in the fields. A lot of
people help them to save cultural heritage, and
due to them a lot of churches of Valaam are
already renovated. You task will be to help the
monks in cleaning the fields, cutting down
grass, preparing firewood. You will work in the
kitchen, with domestic animals, in the garden.
Very often volunteers are asked to help at the
monastery farm, which is known by its
wonderful atmosphere and kitchen! Attention:
the physical work is really PHYSICAL! Besides
this, according to the monastery rules you
should be wearied in a proper way. What
means: no open torso for boys (and for girls of
course). So, boys are asked to have long
trousers and T-shirts and girls are asked to
have skirts and headscarves. Fairly speaking,
this rule is much more helpful than strict - it is
not hot this time on Valaam:-). During the free
time you will have a chance to visit different
churches and temples situated at Valaam and
learn much about Russian orthodox culture.
Accommodation: On the island
accommodation will be provided in the
dormitory (3-20 persons in one room). You
should take sleeping bags, working gloves and
clothes with you.
Food: The monastery provides vegetarian
food. Shower is available twice a week.
Language: English R: Volunteers should be
patient to orthodox religion. Volunteers with
heavy diseases are not recommended to take
part in this workcamp, because monastery is
isolated and it could be hard to get to hospital
very fast.
Location: Russia, Republic of Karelia,
Sortavala, Valaam island, Monastery
Terminal/Region: 24 August, 07:00,
St.Petersburg, Ploshad Lenina, near Big
Monument of Lenin
Number of Volunteers: 15
50. Russia - SFERA Russia
Begin:September 8, 2008, End: September 20,
Topic: Art, culture, history
\"MIX OF CULTURES\", Karelia,
Republic of Karelia is situated in the north-west
part of Russia. The most of the territory is Taiga
area and half of it is covered with forests of
pines and birch trees. It is often said that
Karelia consists of stones, lakes and forests.
The region is famous for its high ecology and
diversity of flora and fauna. The camp takes
place in Petrozavodsk- the capital of Karelia
republic which has been found by Piter the
Great simultaneously with St.Petersburg in
1703. Initially it was a small settlement
supplying the weapon factory. Nowadays it is a
very nice, modern and clean city with highly
developed industry and very active social life.
The project is organized in cooperation with
regional public organization "Initiative", which is
working in the field of promotion and
development of volunteering as well as
organizing and strengthening of international
youth cultural exchanges. The camp aims to
foster intercultural awareness and
Work: Volunteers will prepare and conduct
cultural presentations and language workshops
for youth in schools of Petrozavodsk city. The
topics of presentations are the cultures of
volunteers' countries, voluntary movement
abroad etc. Also participants of the camp are
expected to conduct the days of intercultural
communication in schools of the city. Another
type of activity for volunteers is preparation and
demonstration of photo-exhibition about their
countries, cultures and traditions.
Study: Volunteers will learn a lot about Russian
and other participants' cultures. Leisure time:
Excursions round Petrozavodsk city, visits to
local museums (historical museum, museum of
local lore, art museum). There are possibilities
for walking trips outside the city, sport activities,
cinema etc.
Accommodation: Volunteers will live in the
hostel of Pedagogical college (3 persons per
room). The canteen, bathroom and shower are
available on the same floor with living rooms.
Volunteers will cook for them self.
Language: English, any level of Russian is
Terminal/Region: Petrozavodsk train station
and airport.
Location: Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia,
Extra info: Don't forget to take warm and
waterproof clothes, national music CDs, games,
any useful information or materials for
presentation of your country and good mood.
Number of Volunteers: 10
51. Russia - World 4U Russia
Begin:September 10, 2008, End: September
30, 2008
Topic: Others
Project will take place at the fantastic island of
Valaam - one of the most picturesque places
and beautiful monasteries in the Northwest of
Russia. It is sometimes called "Mount Athos of
the North". Valaam, surrounded by the
archipelago of more than 50 beautiful small
islands, is situated in Ladoga Lake - the biggest
freshwater lake in Europe with the average
width of 83km!! and maximum depth of 230m!.
During its centuries-old history, the Monastery
has undergone devastation and desolation time
and again. But, by God's mercy, every time it
revived again. In atheistic Soviet Union
Monastery has also undergone devastation.
But on December 14, 1989, a ship moored in
the harbour, there were the first six monks on
board and gradually monastic life started to
revive. Since that day, the new history of
Valaam began. A great amount of temples and
churches are situated here, a lot of pilgrims
come every summer to visit Holy Earth and to
help in renovation works. You can see photos
of Valaam at www.valaam.ru
Work: The distance from St.Petersburg to
Valaam is approximately 220km. A lot of monks
live here today, some of them renovate old
churches, other work in the fields. A lot of
people help them to save cultural heritage, and
due to them a lot of churches of Valaam are
already renovated. You task will be to help the
monks in cleaning the fields, cutting down
grass, preparing firewood. You will work in the
kitchen, with domestic animals, in the garden.
Very often volunteers are asked to help at the
monastery farm, which is known by its
wonderful atmosphere and kitchen! Attention:
the physical work is really PHYSICAL! Besides
this, according to the monastery rules you
should be wearied in a proper way. What
means: no open torso for boys (and for girls of
course). So, boys are asked to have long
trousers and T-shirts and girls are asked to
have skirts and headscarves. Fairly speaking,
this rule is much more helpful than strict - it is
not hot this time on Valaam:-). During the free
time you will have a chance to visit different
churches and temples situated at Valaam and
learn much about Russian orthodox culture.
Accommodation: On the island
accommodation will be provided in the
dormitory (3-20 persons in one room). You
should take sleeping bags, working gloves and
clothes with you.
Food: The monastery provides vegetarian
food. Shower is available twice a week.
Language: English R: Volunteers should be
patient to orthodox religion. Volunteers with
heavy diseases are not recommended to take
part in this workcamp, because monastery is
isolated and it could be hard to get to hospital
very fast.
Location: Russia, Republic of Karelia,
Sortavala, Valaam island, Monastery
Terminal/Region: 10 September, 07:00,
St.Petersburg, Ploshad Lenina, near Big
Monument of Lenin
Number of Volunteers: 15
52. Russia - SFERA Russia
Begin:September 18, 2008, End: September
29, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
\"Golden autumn\", Nizhny Novgorod
region, Semenov district
Nizhniy Novgorod was founded in 1221 at the
place of fusion of two Great Russian Rivers:
Volga and Oka. From 1932 till 1990 it was
named Gorky in Great Russian writer Maxim
Gorky honor. The city has a rich history and
more then 600 historical, architectural and
cultural sights testify to it. It was inscribe in the
list of 100 cities of the world with high cultural
and historical profile by UNESKO. Semenov is
a small town not far from Nizhniy Novgorod. It
is located at the Sanakhta River. It was founded
in 17 century. The city is famous for its factory
of hohloma painting, which is one of ancient
kinds of Russian skills all over the world. The
camp is organized by the Regional Center of
family and children support "Young
Nizhegorodets". It was opened in 1981 as a
children's health- improving camp. Since 2006
it became a rehabilitation centre for children.
Every year the center hosts about 3000
children with their parents, partly they are from
socially disadvantaged families and
orphanages. The others are children suffering
from disordered motor function, they are
accompanied by their parents. The center is
located in a very picturesque place not far from
the Kerzhenskyi reserved area on the river
shore. There is an oak-wood and birch grove
around the center.
Work: The volunteers are expected to help to
organize a role game titled "Fairy tales of
Kerzhenskyi forest" for children and their
parents. Also the volunteers will be offered to
make the entertaining activities and sport
games for children as well as to support the
decoration of the children's rooms. Horsing
therapy is one of the ways of children treatment
in "Young Nizhegorodets" so work as a horsebreeder is the other possible activity for the
Location: Nizhny Novgorod region, Semenov
district, Belasovka village. The distances:
100km from Nizhniy Novgorod, 25 km from
Accommodation: in the center building, in
rooms for 3-4 persons, bathroom available.
Meal is prepared in the canteen. Leisure time:
Walking in the forest, visiting of a gymnasium.
The volunteers will be able to ride horses. Also
it's possible to make a tour of the Semenov and
Nizhniy Novgorod and Gorodetc town, to visit
Semenov factory of hohloma painting and to
paint a matreshka by your self.
Language: English, Russian are welcome.
Terminal/Region: Nizhny Novgorod train
station/ airport
Number of Volunteers: 8
Begin:May 19, 2008, End: May 29, 2008
Topic: Environment
TRSIC, Loznica
Trsic is a small village famous as the birthplace
of Vuk Karadzic, the reformist of Serbian
language and orthography. Because of its
historical importance, this village has turned
into a museum. Today it is a place frequently
visited by tourists. The local partner
organization (www.trsic.com) works on
development and improvement of rural and eco
tourism. This workcamp’s goal is to educate
local people in the field of preserving heritage
and other values for the sake of generations to
Work: Volunteers will work on cleaning the
forest from garbage, clearing the vegetation
and marking the paths connecting Vuk’s birth
house and 5 km distant XIV century Tronosa
monastery. Apart of the manual work, the
volunteers will take part in educative workshops
together with the locals. That is why the
students of Serbian and other Slavic languages
are very welcome.
Accommodation: In a house nearby, built in
the same style as Vuk’s house from the
eighteenth century. Volunteers will prepare food
Language: English
Location: Trsic is situated close to Loznica in
the western part of Serbia
Terminal/Region: Belgrade
Number of Volunteers: 10
Begin:June 15, 2008, End: June 23, 2008
Topic: Environment
LUDAS LAKE I, Subotica
Lake Ludas, an eolic lake surrounded with
marsh, steppe and forest habitats, is famous as
an ornithological reserve. It is one of the oldest
protected areas in the world and listed as a
wetland of international importance (Ramsar
Site from 1977). Apart from preserved natural
values (bird, fish and wetland plant species),
the area boasts rich cultural heritage
(archaeological findings, rural and sacral
architecture, traditional culture, especially good
rural cuisine). The beauty of the landscape and
of the lake with the tall reed beds represents a
special value of the Reserve.
Work: Volunteers will be included in the project
of preparing a wooden walkway (wooden pillars
posted in the marsh mud, covered with planks).
This project is a part of the umbrella–project of
bird–monitoring which will continue throughout
the summer.
Accommodation: in the Research Station
“Ludas”. Food will be provided in a local
Language: English
Location: Lake Ludas is located 12 km from
Terminal/Region: Belgrade Participation fee:
15 €
Number of Volunteers: 15
Begin:July 6, 2008, End: July 14, 2008
Topic: Environment
Lake Ludas, an eolic lake surrounded with
marsh, steppe and forest habitats, is famous as
an ornithological reserve. It is one of the oldest
protected areas in the world and listed as a
wetland of international importance (Ramsar
Site from 1977). Apart from preserved natural
values (bird, fish and wetland plant species),
the area boasts rich cultural heritage
(archaeological findings, rural and sacral
architecture, traditional culture, especially good
rural cuisine). The beauty of the landscape and
of the lake with the tall reed beds represents a
special value of the Reserve.
Work: Volunteers will be included in the project
of wet meadows revitalization by removing
reed, tree branches and clearing other
Accommodation: in the Research Station
“Ludas”. Food will be provided in a local
Language: English
Location: Lake Ludas is located 12 km from
Terminal/Region: Belgrade Participation fee:
15 €
Number of Volunteers: 15
Begin:July 7, 2008, End: July 20, 2008
Topic: Others
Cajetina village is situated on the mountain
Zlatibor, a well-known tourist resort near Tara
Mountain National Park and the authentic ethno
village of Sirogojno. Mokra gora and the
famous film director Kusturica’s Ethno–village
Mecavnik are also nearby. Zlatibor offers
unforgettable scenery and a unique climate.
Work: The volunteers will clean the
surrounding of an old spring water fountain.
The project includes revitalization of dry
grasslands by cutting bushes and weeds,
making the signs and marking the walking
paths, construction and installation of garbage
cans, as well as construction of a stone wall.
Accommodation: in a school.
Language: English
Location: Cajetina is a small town in the
western part of Serbia, about 200 km from
Terminal/Region: Belgrade Special remarks:
There is a possibility for long walks and a lot of
opportunities to discover flora and fauna of this
mountain region. Local volunteers will be
involved in the work. Participation fee: 15 €
Number of Volunteers: 12
Begin:July 10, 2008, End: July 20, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
RAVNI I, Uzice
Ravni village is situated on the mountain
Zlatibor, a well-known tourist resort near Tara
Mountain National Park and the authentic ethno
village of Sirogojno. Mokra gora and the
famous film director Kusturica’s Ethno–village
Mecavnik are also nearby. Zlatibor offers
unforgettable scenery and a unique climate.
The Ravni summer camp aims to provide fun,
education and safe environment for children, in
order for them to enjoy the school holidays
period. The children are between 10 and 15
years old and the scheme is open to 40
children per one camp.
Work: The international volunteers will work on
preparing the summer camp activities together
with the staff (educators, organizers, a nurse
and a doctor) and local volunteers. The
volunteers will help in supervising the group of
children while doing a variety of indoor and
outdoor activities (arts, field studies on local
biodiversity and environment, crafts and
games, sport events and excursions).
Volunteers will supervise the children, help
them to develop their English language skills
and will conduct some workshops for children
on their own. Tasks will also include helping in
daily preparations of the scheme and cleaning
up after it.
Accommodation: In a school with beds.
Sleeping bags are required for two nights
outdoor – in tents near the bank of the river
Rzav. Number of volunteers: 5 international + 5
Language: English
Location: Ravni village is located 230 km from
Terminal/Region: Belgrade
Qualifications: Volunteers must send a
motivation letter that describes their experience
in working with kids, as well as their thoughts
and suggestions for specific activities (games,
sports, crafts, etc.)
Extra info: Volunteers must have a good level
of English and be very motivated to work with
children. Smoking and drinking of alcohol is
permitted only when volunteers are away from
the children.
Number of Volunteers: 5
6. Serbia - Volunteers Centre of Vojvodina
Begin:July 14, 2008, End: July 26, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Despotovac is a town and a municipality
located in Serbia, around 130 kilometres southeastern of Belgrade. Its name stems from word
"Despot" in Serbian, which means supreme
ruler. The town has a total population of 4,363
people. Near Despotovac, there is the Manasija
monastery, founded by Despot Stefan
Lazarevic between 1407. and 1418. Another
interesting point is the waterfall of Lisine, the
highest one in Serbia. Concept of this camp is
organising photography workshops by
international and local volunteers, with the aims
to discover new potentials and values of
Despotovac and to point out some intercultural
values through a creative process.
Work: Volunteers will be divided in small
groups each day, and every group will get a
thematic task for photographing on that day.
Second part of daily activities will be selection
of the best photographs of that day in order to
form a collection for main exhibition of
photographs and presentation of selected
Study: In the afternoon hours, volunteers will
be able to spend time in creative artworkshops, which will be organised for local
children. In that way volunteers can be of great
help to artist who will run the workshops. Also,
volunteers can use football and basketball
fields. There will also be visits to the historical,
cultural and environmental sites.
Accommodation: Accommodation with
showers will be provided, volunteers will cook
for themselves (perhaps one meal per day can
be provided in some restaurant).
Terminal/Region: Despotovac
Qualifications: It would be good if you have
some experience in photography. You will need
to bring your camera with you.
Number of Volunteers: 8
7. Serbia - Volunteers Centre of Vojvodina
Begin:July 15, 2008, End: July 28, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Becej is typical, multinational town in Vojvodina,
more than 900 years old, situated on right bank
of river Tisa, 53km north from Novi Sad. There
are a numerous cultural –historical monuments,
more than 12 different nationalities and it is an
example of tolerant town in the heart of
Vojvodina. With this camp volunteers work will
encourage non-affirmed artists to expose
themselves and not to be afraid of critics –
volunteers will give them the example! Main
subject of the camp and volunteers work will be
peace. Promoting peace in multiethnic town like
Becej is more than necessary because of lack
of intercultural communication.
Work: We will work in groups or all together.
During the camp our job will be easy, painting,
wood cracking and painting murals. Through
our art-works and behaviour we will promote
peace. Local artists will come to visit us and
help them if needed. Also non-affirmed artists
will be more than welcome to join us. At the end
of camp there will be big exhibition of all art
products in a gallery.
Study: We will have workshops on peace,
intercultural learning and conflict resolution. We
will make visits to a castle near Becej, Novi
Becej – town next to Becej, Novi Sad, lake and
river Tisa.
Accommodation: We are going to sleep in
tents in Goranski park near youth club.
Sleeping mats and sleeping bags are
necessary. Toilets and showers are next to the
park, in sports centre. We will make our own
Language: English.
Qualifications: We are looking for volunteers
who are deeply interested in topics of peace,
intercultural learning and conflict resolution.
Terminal/Region: Novi Sad
Extra info: This is a PVP camp – a motivation
letter is needed! Please bring something that
will represent your culture and country.
Number of Volunteers: 10
8. Serbia - Volunteers Centre of Vojvodina
Begin:July 16, 2008, End: July 28, 2008
Topic: Others
CULTURE (Backo Petrovo Selo)
Backo Petrovo Selo (Petereve - Hungarian) is
typical multinational settlement in the
municipality of Becej, more than 900 years old,
with 7318 inhabitants. Backo Petrovo Selo
stands on right bank of river Tisa, 62km from
Novi Sad, the capital of Vojvodina. There are a
numerous cultural and historical monuments,
more than 12 different nationalities and it is
perfect example of tolerant place. During the
summer, Backo Petrovo Selo (BPS) is a quite
active village, with several summer festival
dedicated to its multicultural wealth with
participation of few hundred kids and youth.
BPS has three active ethno-artistic societies
which are the stakes of cultural life. All of them
are practicing in the “Culture house” which is
the place of theatre, dance, painting, youth etc.
The aim of this work camp is giving new colour
of “Culture house” and through work motivation
of youth and kids from BPS to take active role.
Work: Volunteers will work on painting the
interior of „Culture house“. Volunteers will also
be involved in preparation of intercultural
evenings, parties, film projections...
Study: Various workshops, pool and Tisa river
visits, excursion to »Fantast« lake and castle.
Volunteers will visit orthodox monastery and
catholic church and town hall. Volunteers will
have opportunity to enjoy in the festival
»Cucumber days«. Volunteers will be
introduced with our traditions and customs.
Accommodation: Workcamp will be situated
on five minutes from the centre of Backo
Petrovo Selo, in the rooms of local football club.
Sleeping bags are necessary. All meals will be
prepared by volunteers. Showers and toilettes
are available.
Language: English.
Qualifications: No special qualifications are
required. Craft in painting the walls is welcome
Terminal/Region: Novi Sad
Extra info: Please bring some characteristic
games and/or food from your country.
Number of Volunteers: 10
9. Serbia - Volunteers Centre of Vojvodina
Begin:July 19, 2008, End: August 2, 2008
Topic: Others
Ruski Krstur is a village of 5000 people located
70km northwest from Novi Sad, the capital of
Vojvodina. It is inhabited by the Ruthenian
national minority (98% of the village). These
people speak their own language and have
their own customs. Once you get to know them,
they are open and friendly people, but their
community is still closed to the outside. In 2007
we did our first workcamp there. For most local
people it was first chance to show and open
themselves to different cultures, traditions and
characters. There is a swimming pool built on
the Danube-Tisa-Danube canal at the end of
the village, which is meeting place of the people
during summer. However, the place needs
reconstruction and repairs.
Work: The main work is that together with
people from Ruski Krstur volunteers make
some repairs including painting, cleaning,
making wooden benches and a walking path
and doing some smaller construction work to
fulfil the space around the swimming pool.
Study: There will be few different workshops
created by the locals to show Ruthenian culture
and tradition. Volunteers will have an excursion
to Novi Sad, second largest city in Serbia, with
visits to historical, cultural and environmental
Accommodation: In local school's dormitory,
which is half an hour away by walk from the
workcamp place, so participants will be
provided with bicycles. Sleeping bags are not
necessary. Food will be prepared by locals and
camp volunteers.
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Novi Sad
Number of Volunteers: 10
10. Serbia - Volunteers Centre of Vojvodina
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 8, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Morovic is a village of 3000 people, located
about 70km southwest from Novi Sad, near the
border with Bosnia and Croatia. Two rivers flow
through the village, Bosut and Studva. The
village is surrounded by wonderful forests and a
network of canals, but despite the natural
beauty, the riverbanks have been neglected
and ignored by local people. There is a general
feeling of disinterest among the village people
towards the problems and the potentials of the
local community. Intensive communication and
interaction with the local people should help
them adopt a more positive attitude towards
their own village.
Work: We will organize an art colony (a group
of international and local volunteer artists) to
create paintings on topics of natural beauty,
healthy environment, etc... We should also
make some creative workshops with the local
kids. In addition, we will spend a smaller
amount of time on manual work - cleaning and
arranging the riverbanks.
Study: Workshops on painting, knitting
hammocks, introduction to local folklore and
dances, getting to know the centuries-old oak
forests, practice in preparing typical local fish
stew. Visits to Novi Sad
Accommodation: A local ecological
organization has transferred two used railway
coaches to the riverbank and re-arranged them
as a sleeping place, an office and a cafeteria.
Volunteers will be placed there. No need for
sleeping bags. On some days, we will make our
own food. On other days, local people will be
proud to present their cuisine and cooking
Language: English
Qualifications: Artistic talent in painting is
welcome! :)
Number of Volunteers: 10
11. Serbia - Volunteers Centre of Vojvodina
Begin:July 21, 2008, End: August 3, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Sajkas is a village with 5000 inhabitants located
near Novi Sad, the capital of Vojvodina. Near
Sajkas are rivers Danube and Tisa. In this
project local youth will be take part, kids from
10 to 15 years old. They will be helping
volunteers with their work, volunteers will be
teaching them to paint and also they will play
games and/or have workshops with the
Work: Volunteers will be working together with
local kids on painting a border wall in a park
and walls in a youth club and they will have all
the freedom to paint whatever they like. Also,
they will be working on planting some trees in
the park. During this workcamp, there will be a
rock concert, and volunteers will be helping with
Study: In the afternoons, volunteers will make
some workshops or games with/for the children.
There will be visits to the orthodox monastery of
Kovilj, local cultural and historical sites, nearby
rivers, Novi Sad city and presentations of
traditions and local culture.
Accommodation: Sleeping is in the school on
mattresses. Volunteers will need to bring their
own sleeping bag. Also, showers, toilets and
kitchen are provided. Volunteers will be
preparing food for themselves in a school
Terminal/Region: Novi Sad.
Qualifications: Some talent for painting, and
motivation to work with kids. Therefore, a
motivation letter is necessary.
Number of Volunteers: 10
Begin:July 21, 2008, End: July 31, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Ravni village is situated on the mountain
Zlatibor, a well-known tourist resort near Tara
Mountain National Park and the authentic ethno
village of Sirogojno. Mokra gora and the
famous film director Kusturica’s Ethno–village
Mecavnik are also nearby. Zlatibor offers
unforgettable scenery and a unique climate.
The Ravni summer camp aims to provide fun,
education and safe environment for children, in
order for them to enjoy the school holidays
period. The children are between 10 and 15
years old and the scheme is open to 40
children per one camp.
Work: The international volunteers will work on
preparing the summer camp activities together
with the staff (educators, organizers, a nurse
and a doctor) and local volunteers. The
volunteers will help in supervising the group of
children while doing a variety of indoor and
outdoor activities (arts, field studies on local
biodiversity and environment, crafts and
games, sport events and excursions).
Volunteers will supervise the children, help
them to develop their English language skills
and will conduct some workshops for children
on their own. Tasks will also include helping in
daily preparations of the scheme and cleaning
up after it.
Accommodation: In a school with beds.
Sleeping bags are required for two nights
outdoor – in tents near the bank of the river
Rzav. Number of volunteers: 5 international + 5
Language: English
Location: Ravni village is located 230 km from
Terminal/Region: Belgrade
Qualifications: Volunteers must send a
motivation letter that describes their experience
in working with kids, as well as their thoughts
and suggestions for specific activities (games,
sports, crafts, etc.)
Extra info: Volunteers must have a good level
of English and be very motivated to work with
children. Smoking and drinking of alcohol is
permitted only when volunteers are away from
the children.
Number of Volunteers: 5
13. Serbia - Volunteers Centre of Vojvodina
Begin:July 27, 2008, End: August 5, 2008
Topic: Environment
Ljig is a small town of 5000 people in central
Serbia at the foot of Rajac mountain. It is place
85km south of Belgrade. Ljig also the location
of one of the youngest spas in Serbia. A
location ecological organization is trying to
protect the Ljig river through various activities.
Work: Volunteers will explore the current
situation of the river pollution, collect and
update data on pollution. They will work
together with local experts.
Study: Knowledge and skills needed for the
work (in biology, geography, environment
protection, etc) will be practiced through the
work with the local experts. Depending on your
interest, there could be additional workshops on
these topics. There will also be introductions to
the local culture and folklore and visits to
historical and environmental sites.
Accommodation: In a rented house in the
town, with showers and kitchen. Volunteers will
make their own meals.
Terminal/Region: Belgrade
Number of Volunteers: 8
Begin:July 27, 2008, End: August 8, 2008
Topic: Environment
SURCIN, Belgrade
Surcin is the youngest Belgrade municipality.
It’s located 17 km west from the city centre.
Sava River is close by. The place is surrounded
by a cultivated area and remnants of old oak
forests. It represents real oasis of fresh air. The
area of the Sport Centre is a very pleasant
place ideal for camping, sports and picnic
Work: The volunteers will repair the existing
and construct new resting places and benches,
clean the Tvrdenjava lake surroundings within
the Sport Centre and should take part in putting
in order vegetation nearby the foot and bike
Accommodation: in a school, sleeping bags
and mats are needed; breakfast and dinner will
be prepared by the volunteers themselves in
the school, lunch will be provided in the local
restaurant within the Sport Centre.
Language: English
Location: Surcin
Terminal/Region: Belgrade Participation fee:
15 €
Number of Volunteers: 12
Begin:July 27, 2008, End: July 9, 2008
Topic: Environment
GRZA, Paracin
Grza well is one of the largest karst springs in
Serbia. In the last 15 years the maintenance of
Grza has been quite neglected. The
mountaineer’s home and the track to the spring
are in a very bad shape. Intensified unplanned
building of summer cottages ruins the
environment and illegal tree cutting intensifies
Work: Project consists of several phases:
making trash bins, clearing forest trails and
vegetation; marking tracking paths. In the last
phase of the project, volunteers will make
photos of the area, which will be used for
promo material (postcards, brochures,
exhibition, etc.).
Accommodation: In the mountaineer’s
cottage: a local cook will be in charge of
preparing food.
Language: English
Location: Grza is situated 25 km from Paracin
and 3km from the nearest village.
Terminal/Region: Belgrade Special remarks:
Visits to monasteries in the surroundings,
tracking tours and visits to nearby villages, the
fair and local concerts in Paracin are planned.
Special requirements: Volunteers should have
any kind of photo camera with them and be
interested in photography. Participation fee: 15
Number of Volunteers: 10
16. Serbia - Volunteers Centre of Vojvodina
Begin:July 31, 2008, End: August 11, 2008
Topic: Environment
Becej is typical, multinational town in Vojvodina,
more than 900 years old, situated on right bank
of river Tisa, 53km north from Novi Sad. There
are a numerous cultural –historical monuments,
more than 12 different nationalities and it is an
example of tolerant town in the heart of
Vojvodina. Becej is a town with a big number of
abandoned dogs, so local community started to
deal with that problem. There are only two
employed people who have all the obligations,
so the main idea of the camp is helping them
and the dogs. There are about 120 dogs in the
dog shelter.
Work: General work will be taking care of dogs,
building and painting houses, cleaning, cutting
grass, arranging the garden in the shelter and
making dog collars.
Study: Various workshops, pools and the Tisa
river visits, excursions to «Fantast» castle, and
the nearby town Novi Becej. Volunteers will visit
orthodox and catholic churches, cultural centre
and town hall. Also, volunteers will have a tour
on the river Tisa by boats and we will go to visit
the dog shelter in village Djurdjevo.
Accommodation: Workcamp will be situated in
the centre in one of the biggest parks in Becej,
under the tents. Sleeping bags and sleeping
mats are necessary. Showers and toilettes are
nearby. Food will be prepared by volunteers
and it will be mainly vegetarian.
Language: English.
Qualifications: It is important that you are not
afraid of dogs!
Terminal/Region: Novi Sad
Extra info: Please bring information about
dogs, games and/or food from your country.
Number of Volunteers: 10
Begin:August 1, 2008, End: August 15, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Kosjeric is a small town in the western part of
Serbia, well known for its beautiful nature. A
group of young people initiated workcamps to
increase and affirm cultural and tourism
potentials through interaction between the
citizens and the volunteers in an international
Work: The idea for the music workshop is
based on image and sound interaction and
wider communication, as well as on a possible
collaboration with other workshops taking place
in Kosjeric camps (mural, graffiti and theatre
workshop). The work process will be divided
into three phases: a) Sound and spaces – the
participants would create music for the video
material that will be recorded in various
localities; b) Sound and movement – the
participants will make several improvisations
together with the theatre workshop that will take
in hand stage movement; c) Sound and colour
– in cooperation with the mural workshop; the
participants will produce several compositions
connected to murals and graffiti and they will be
performed during the camp. There will be a mini
lecture on synthesis and interaction among
different kinds of art expressions. Visit:
Accommodation: local host families
Language: English
Location: Kosjeric, a small town in Western
Serbia, 130 km south of Belgrade
Terminal/Region: Belgrade
Qualifications: It is necessary to be able to
play at least one instrument.
Number of Volunteers: 7
Begin:August 1, 2008, End: August 15, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
workshop), Uzice
Kosjeric is a small town in the western part of
Serbia, well known for its beautiful nature. A
group of young people initiated workcamps to
increase and affirm cultural and tourism
potentials through interaction between the
citizens and the volunteers in an international
Work: The aim of the workshop is to create
permanent art installations on different town
sites. The idea is to present
gradation/degradation of the human living soul
through its life stages. On the specific town
locations, every stage of the human life would
be presented through a symbol: childhood
(rocking chair), love life (bench), sorrow (altered
piece of rock), festivity (table) and old age. The
workshop will consist of two phases. In the first
– brainstorming for ideas, leaning on our past
experiences and building up the theme. In the
second – implementing the idea either in the
studio or in the open. The materials used could
be wood, stone, ceramic tiles, glass, etc. The
main goal is to create discrete and enduring
interactive town exhibition that is to stay with
the Kosjeric locals. Visit:
Accommodation: local host families
Language: English
Location: Kosjeric, a small town in Eestern
Serbia, 130 km from Belgrade
Terminal/Region: Belgrade
Qualifications: basic tool skills, basics in
drawing, painting... (It is not necessary to be a
professional, especially not a sculptor, nothing
classical anyway).
Number of Volunteers: 7
Begin:August 1, 2008, End: August 15, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
and art of making graffiti, Uzice
Kosjeric is a small town in the western part of
Serbia, well known for its beautiful nature. A
group of young people initiated workcamps to
increase and affirm cultural and tourism
potentials through interaction between the
citizens and the volunteers in an international
Work: The workshop will consist of two groups
organized around the idea of “street galleries”.
First group’s task will be painting murals and
introducing innovations to the technical
procedure of the wall painting itself. The basic
medium shall be acrylic façade painting.
However, interventions and experiments with
the third dimension are also sought after. The
primary goal of the second group work is
introducing new forms of expression, graffiti art
and spreading popular culture through
interaction with young people. An art that’s
been marginalized throughout decades and
classified as subculture gets its own legitimate
place and recognition through a phenomenon
of a “street gallery”. Synthesis and collaboration
between these two groups is possible
depending on ideas and agreement among
members. According to their own affinities, the
participants will decide between two groups in
order to express their creativity to the full
extent. First camp days will pass in getting
acquainted with basics of mural painting and
graffiti, as well as in exchanging ideas among
participants themselves. Apart from the
masterpiece, there is also a possibility of
creating stencils, tags. Visit:
Accommodation: local host families
Language: English
Location: Kosjeric, a small town in Western
Serbia, 130 km from Belgrade
Terminal/Region: Belgrade
Qualifications: Participants are expected to
have basic art skills
Number of Volunteers: 7
Begin:August 1, 2008, End: August 15, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Kosjeric is a small town in the western part of
Serbia, well known for its beautiful nature. A
group of young people initiated workcamps to
increase and affirm cultural and tourism
potentials through interaction between the
citizens and the volunteers in an international
Work: Throughout the series of the specific
performing techniques and improvisation
process, the work will explore the possibilities
of creating theatre images and stories in
everyday life situations (on the park bench, in
the restaurant, etc.) Within easy-to-follow
theatre games and workshops, the participants
will create a material which will not depend on
text. Dramaturgy based on a dream–like logic
allows combining theatre images, actions,
sound and text. The accent is put on exploring
the interaction between the performers
themselves and the relationship performers–
audience–space, rather than on creating a
finished theatre piece. Visit:
Accommodation: local host families
Language: English
Location: Kosjeric, a small town in Western
Serbia, 130 km from Belgrade
Terminal/Region: Belgrade Special
requirements: The workshop is intended for
non–actors, but also for experienced
performers willing to enjoy group dynamics.
Number of Volunteers: 7
Begin:August 3, 2008, End: August 13, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Serbia once was a part of the great Roman
Empire. Some of the emperors were born in
Eastern Serbia where important archeological
sites still exist, such as Viminacium, Felix
Romuliana, Timacum Minus. Knjazevac is a
region of indescribable beauty, a mixture of
ethno motifs and tradition with these late
Roman archaeological sites and monuments.
The Regional Museum in Knjazevac is in
charge of preserving Timacum Minus and as
the host of this workcamp plans to involve
volunteers in the project “Roman emperors’
Work: Volunteers will work close to this late–
antique Timacum Minus site. The work will
include its promotion by presenting the Roman
garments (dresses, suits, togas), which they will
make by themselves, and the promotion of
Roman celebrations (religious and other
important days).
Accommodation: In a renovated school for
students of archeology.
Language: English
Location: village Ravna, 8 km from Knjazevac
in Eastern Serbia, 280 km from Belgrade.
Terminal/Region: Belgrade Special remark:
Volunteers with special interest in archeology
are welcome. Participation fee: 15 €
Number of Volunteers: 10
Begin:August 3, 2008, End: August 13, 2008
Topic: Environment
Special Nature Reserve Obedska Bara is one
of the oldest protected areas in the world and a
wetland of international importance (listed as a
Ramsar site). Obedska bara, a famous
ornithological site, is an oxbow lake surrounded
by marsh and forest habitats. Wetlands are
among the world’s most threatened ecosystems
and this one has been gravely degraded, the
most important problem being the overgrowing
and disappearance of wet meadows.
Work: Volunteers will be included in the project
of wet meadows revitalization “Return of the
Ibis’’ by removing tree branches and clearing
other vegetation. This will be the eleventh camp
we organize here; because of our activities,
several bird species have returned so far and
the working site has the richest bird fauna in the
Accommodation: in the hotel “Obedska bara”.
Food will be provided in the hotel restaurant.
Language: English
Location: Obedska bara is located 50km from
Terminal/Region: Belgrade Special remarks:
Lectures on wetlands and Obedska Bara’s
recent environmental problems will be given.
An excursion to a medieval church and a
fortress in the area, a visit to the local bread
museum and a trip to the nearby Belgrade are
foreseen as well. Volunteers can also swim in
the lake and the Sava River, row a boat across
the lake, watch the birds and explore the
beautiful nature of the area. Participation fee:
15 €
Number of Volunteers: 15
Begin:August 4, 2008, End: August 13, 2008
Topic: Environment
ZASAVICA, Sremska Mitrovica
The Special Nature Reserve Zasavica is
located west of Belgrade, along the Sava River,
and covers 671 ha. This is one of the reserves
with a very strong management system and in
the last five years it organized very successful
international voluntary workcamps. Surrounded
by the fragments of marshes, hygrophilous
forests and meadows, the river ecosystem
dominates the area. It is characterized by the
presence of rare and endemic species of
animals, being endangered not only in Serbia
but also in Europe, such as the fish Umbra
krameri and others. However, scientists
discovered that a number of invasive alien
species spread on account of native species.
This condition made us realize the need for
clearing the Reserve from the introduced
Work: The volunteers will clean the Reserve
Zasavica from invasive alien species that
adversely affect the habitats they invade
economically, environmentally or ecologically.
Accommodation: In a house inside the
Reserve, with several bedrooms.
Location: Zasavica (www.zasavica.org.yu) is
located one hour by bus from Belgrade.
Terminal/Region: Belgrade Special remark:
This area offers educational and recreational
possibilities, including bird watching (with a
short course), sport fishing, camping and
hiking. Participation fee: 15 €
Language: English
Number of Volunteers: 12
24. Serbia - Volunteers Centre of Vojvodina
Begin:August 11, 2008, End: August 22, 2008
Topic: Others
KINDERGARTEN BG (Backo Gradiste)
Backo Gradiste (Bacsfoldvar-Hungarian) is
typical multinational settlement in the
municipality of Becej, more than 900 years old,
with 5455 inhabitants. It is situated on right
bank of river Tisa, 35km from Novi Sad, the
capital of Vojvodina. There are a numerous
cultural and historical monuments, more than
12 different nationalities and it is perfect
example of tolerant place in the heart of
Vojvodina. Kindergarten which will be
renovated is a part of this thinking and one idea
of creating beautiful and safe environment for
kids of Backo Gradiste.
Work: Volunteers will work on designing and
reconstruction of the one part of the
kindergarten yard which is overgrown in weed.
Work will consist of digging (to prepare the
land) and planting, and painting the swings and
little train, etc. Also, painting a new wall is
considered as well as a brand new stork nest.
Volunteers will have professional help in
arranging the place. Volunteers will also be
involved in preparation of intercultural evenings
in the park, parties, film projections.
Study: Various workshops, visit to swimming
pool in Becej and river Tisa, excursions by
bikes to »Pearl island« and Becej-mere. Also,
volunteers will have opportunity to visit
orthodox and catholic churches. During the
camp, volunteers will have opportunity to enjoy
in the night life in Backo Gradiste and to meet
local inhabitants through the two
manifestations, »Fish dish« contest and
traditional village celebration. Volunteers will
have a visit to local municipality. Volunteers will
be introduced with our traditions and customs.
Accommodation: Workcamp will be situated in
the kindergarten near the centre of Backo
Gradiste. Sleeping bags are necessary. All
meals will be made by volunteers in the
kindergarten kitchen. Showers and toilettes are
Language: English.
Terminal/Region: Novi Sad
Extra info: Please bring some characteristic
games and/or food from your country.
Number of Volunteers: 10
Begin:August 15, 2008, End: August 25, 2008
Topic: Others
YOUTH CENTER – Making Tradition, Valjevo
On its 35th anniversary, the local NGO
(www.istrazivaci.co.yu), started reconstructing
their old premises and establishing the Valjevo
Youth Center. Since 2005 workcamps give their
contribution to its construction.
Work: This year Research Society organizes
the camp with the same aim as in the previous
two years – finishing this building construction
and promoting it. Volunteers will help creation
of this building in many different ways – from
the work on its promotion to some real
construction work.
Accommodation: in the family houses of the
Youth Center members; food by local
municipality or in restaurants or in camp
Language: English
Location: Valjevo, small town in western
Serbia approximately 100 km South West from
Belgrade. Special remarks: Several days of the
camp will be organized in such a way as to
introduce participants to the Research Society
activities including special excursions
(considering trekking, caving, watching stars,
etc.); participation of the locals included in the
project. Participation fee: 15 €
Number of Volunteers: 10
Begin:August 17, 2008, End: August 27, 2008
Topic: Environment
Stara planina is the largest and most beautiful
mountain in Eastern Serbia. It is a Nature park,
protected for its extraordinary natural values.
Unfortunately, this area is neglected and most
of the natural and tourist potentials are
unrecognized and unused. The idea is to show
values and possibilities of sustainable tourism
Work: The group will continue with the last
year’s workcamp activities: reconstruction of
tracking paths, creation of marking signs.
Volunteers will also help old local people in
their everyday duties in the countryside.
Accommodation: In a renovated school.
Language: English
Location: village Custica, 30 km from
Knjazevac in eastern Serbia, 280 km from
Terminal/Region: Belgrade Special remarks:
Volunteers with special interest in sustainable
tourism and with certain experience in this
subject. Participation fee: 15 €
Number of Volunteers: 10
Begin:August 17, 2008, End: August 31, 2008
Topic: Environment
Deliblatska pescara (Deliblato Sands) used to
be a real small desert some 150 years ago,
when most of its area (approx. 300 km2) was
forested to prevent sand from further spreading
by wind. However, some of its habitats have
remained untouched and are under protection
as special nature reserves. Its precious natural
resources have not been used sufficiently for
educational purposes. This camp is the
continuation of the activities of Young
Researchers of Serbia on revitalizing the
Deliblato Sands areas.
Work: The volunteers will assist in constructing
a house – the information point at the entrance
of this protected area – and in renovating forest
Accommodation: In a house.
Language: English
Location: Deliblato is between towns of Kovin
and Vrsac, 70 km away from Belgrade.
Terminal/Region: Belgrade Special remarks:
During the workcamp the participants will be
shown the area of Deliblato Sands. Excursions
to lakes near the town of Bela Crkva and the
Danube (and swimming there) are foreseen.
Workshops and lectures on nature conservation
of this endangered habitat are planned as well.
Special requirements: Some experience in
manual and handicraft work, not obligatory.
Participation fee: 15 €
Number of Volunteers: 15
28. Serbia - Volunteers Centre of Vojvodina
Begin:August 22, 2008, End: September 4,
Topic: Others
Zrenjanin is a town of 100.000 people, 50km
northeast from Novi Sad. At the end of summer
it is hosting a beer festival, which incorporates
music and folklore performances, art exhibitions
and sport events and competitions. We would
like to have international volunteers working
together with the local ones. This would give a
chance for the (generally isolated) young local
people to be a part of an international team,
make friends, work and learn together with their
peers from abroad.
Work: Helping in technical organization of the
international folklore music and dance festival
(which is one part of the «big» event). This
includes setting up stages and equipment,
giving out promotional material on the streets of
Zrenjanin, watching over the instruments and
costumes, communicating etc.
Study: Introduction to the environmental and
cultural diversity of the area – visits to the
protected nature parks and orthodox
monasteries around Zrenjanin. Attending the
folklore and other events and performances
during the festival.
Accommodation: In a sports centre, with
showers and toilets. Meals will be available in a
sport club's restaurant.
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Zrenjanin
Number of Volunteers: 10
1. Slovakia - INEX Slovakia
Begin:June 15, 2008, End: June 28, 2008
Topic: Others
Bojnice, Bojnice
Description: ENVI/MANU
Work: Cleaning, gardening and maintenance
work at the castle and its surroundings.
Accommodation: Lodging will be provided in
the castle, with all facilities needed. Sleeping
bag and mat are needed. Volunteers will
prepare meals themselves in the kitchen from
supplies provided. Vegetarian catering is
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Airport, train, bus station
Bratislava; Bojnice bus stop. The castle Bojnice
is located in the city Bojnice nearby the city
Prievidza, approximately 150 km north-east of
Extra info: Age limit: 18+ For more info about
the location and for the photos of the castle
visit: eng.bojnice.sk or www.bojnicecastle.sk
Number of Volunteers: 10
2. Slovakia - INEX Slovakia
Begin:June 22, 2008, End: July 5, 2008
Topic: Environment
Sihla, Sihla
Description: ENVI/MANU
Work: Manual work at the horse farm: repair
fences, and cleaning meadows. Maintenance
works in the village Sihla. Helping with the
organization of exhibition and the horse race.
Accommodation: Probably in the local school
in Lom nad Rimavicou. Sleeping bag and mat
are needed.
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Airport, bus and train station
Bratislava; Sihla bus stop. Sihla is
approximately 280 km east from Bratislava. The
nearest bigger city is Brezno.
Extra info: Age limit: 20+ For more info about
the location: www.sihla.sk, www.hucul.sk
Number of Volunteers: 10
3. Slovakia - INEX Slovakia
Begin:June 29, 2008, End: July 12, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
Integra, Bratislava
Description: DISA
Work: The volunteers will organize free time
activities (e.g. workshops, trips, games etc.) for
mentally and physically disabled children.
Volunteers who want to help them in social
integration are welcomed.
Accommodation: Lodging will be provided
directly in the building of the facility for disabled
children. Sleeping bag and mat are needed.
Meals will be provided by the local partner in
the local canteen. Vegetarian catering is
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Airport, bus and train station
in Bratislava. The capital of Slovakia –
Bratislava is situated in south-western part of
Slovakia next to the border with Austria and
Extra info: Age limit: 18+ For more info about
Bratislava: www.bratislava.sk
Number of Volunteers: 6
4. Slovakia - INEX Slovakia
Begin:July 6, 2008, End: July 19, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Black Castle 1, Zlatno
Description: RENO/ENVI
Work: Reconstruction works in the area of an
ancient castle – “Black Castle“. It will involve
manual works, such as walling, digging,
cleaning the area, cutting the grass.
Accommodation: Lodging will be provided in
tents, on a meadow. Warm sleeping bag and
mat are needed. Field toilet, showers and
drinking water will be provided. However it is far
from the civilization so there is no electricity and
no public transport. All meals will be prepared
by the volunteers themselves, field kitchen is
available. Vegetarian catering is possible.
Language: English
Qualifications: HDW - Hard Work;
Terminal/Region: Airport, bus and train station
in Bratislava; Zlatno Bus stop. The camp will
take place in the middle of the forest close to
the village Zlatno, approximately 130 km east
from Bratislava.
Extra info: Age limit: 18+ The camp is for
history and nature lovers and for those who are
not afraid to rise to the challenge of living in
difficult conditions for two weeks! For more info
about the location and also photos from
previous workcamps: www.ciernyhrad.sk
Number of Volunteers: 10
5. Slovakia - INEX Slovakia
Begin:July 21, 2008, End: August 3, 2008
Topic: Environment
Senne, Senne
Description: ENVI
Work: Monitoring birds, doing environmental
works in meadows (raking, making hays,
cutting grass) cleaning, maintenance work in
the surroundings of the village Senne,
reconstruction of the walking paths and of an
ornithological building.
Accommodation: Lodging will be provided in a
local school/kindergarden. Sleeping bag and
mat are needed. Volunteers will prepare food
themselves from supplies provided. Vegetarian
catering is possible.
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Airport, bus and train
station, Bratislava or Kosice, Senne bus station.
The small village Senne is 15 km far away from
the town Michalovce in the eastern part of
Slovakia. The nearest big city is Kosice.
Extra info: Age limit: 18+ If you have pollen
allergy you may have a hard time here. For
more info about the project:
Number of Volunteers: 10
6. Slovakia - INEX Slovakia
Begin:July 21, 2008, End: August 4, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Levice, Levice
Description: ENVI/MANU
Work: Manual and environmental works in the
area of an old local Calvary.
Accommodation: Lodging will be provided in a
dormitory in the town centre. Sleeping bag
needed. The volunteers will prepare all the
meals by themselves from supplies provided.
Vegetarian catering is possible.
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Airport, bus and train station
in Bratislava; Levice train/bus station. The town
Levice is 132 km far away from Bratislava, in
the southern part of Slovakia.
Extra info: Age limit: 18+ For more info about
the location: www.levice.sk
Number of Volunteers: 10
7. Slovakia - INEX Slovakia
Begin:July 27, 2008, End: August 9, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
SPOSA, Stiavnicke Bane
Description: SOCI
Work: Volunteers will prepare free-time
activities for a summer camp for autistic
children with their families. They will be a
support and help for parents and siblings of
these children during the therapy and creative
workshops. Volunteers who want to take part in
the camp with autistic children and their families
are welcomed.
Accommodation: Lodging will be provided by
the local partner in the cottage. It is surrounded
by beautiful nature and mountains. Meals will
be provided by the local partner in the canteen
of the cottage. Vegetarian catering is possible.
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Airport, bus and train
station, Bratislava, Stiavnicke Bane bus station.
The camp is located in Siavnicke Bane – 4 km
from Banska Stiavnica.
Extra info: Age limit: 18+ For more info about
the location: www.banskastiavnica.sk
Number of Volunteers: 5
8. Slovakia - INEX Slovakia
Begin:July 27, 2008, End: August 9, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Sklabina 1, Sklabina
Description: RENO/ENVI
Work: Renovation and reconstruction of an old
historical building and the ruins of the Sklabina
Castle from the 13th century. Gardening works
and taking care of livestock (goats).
Accommodation: Lodging will be provided
where the workcamp will take place, in an old
building. Sleeping bag and mat are needed.
The volunteers will prepare all the meals by
themselves from supplies provided. Vegetarian
catering is possible.
Language: English
Qualifications: HDW - Hard Work
Terminal/Region: Airport, bus and train
station, Bratislava; Sklabina bus station.
Sklabina is situated about 230 km north - east
from Bratislava, close to the city Martin.
Extra info: Age limit: 18+ People with dust
allergy can have a hard time here. For more
info about the location: www.martin.sk,
Number of Volunteers: 10
9. Slovakia - INEX Slovakia
Begin:August 3, 2008, End: August 16, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Casta, Casta
Description: RENO/MANU
Work: Renovation of an old Jewish cemetery:
renovating the old walls and the gate, cutting
grass and tree, marking the walking path.
Making the records on the cemetery and the
Study: Holocaust and history of World War 2
Accommodation: Lodging will be provided in a
local school. Sleeping bag and mat are needed.
Volunteers will prepare food themselves from
supplies provided. Vegetarian catering is
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Airport, bus and train station
in Bratislava; Casta bus station. Casta is a
village situated in the West - very close to
Bratislava and to a nice town Pezinok.
Extra info: Age limit: 18+ For more info about
the location: http://www.obec-casta.sk
Number of Volunteers: 10
10. Slovakia - INEX Slovakia
Begin:August 3, 2008, End: August 16, 2008
Topic: Environment
MOTYCKY, Motycky
Description: ENVI
Work: Marking tourist paths, bike paths,
cleaning the paths.
Accommodation: Probably in a local cottage.
Sleeping bag and mat are needed. The
volunteers will prepare all the meals by
themselves from supplies provided. Vegetarian
catering is possible.
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Airport, bus and train station
in Bratislava; Motycky bus station. Motycky is a
village very close to Banska Bystrica.
Extra info: Age limit: 18+ For more info about
the location: www.motycky.wgz.cz
Number of Volunteers: 10
11. Slovakia - INEX Slovakia
Begin:August 9, 2008, End: August 23, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Saris, Velky Saris
Description: RENO/ENVI
Work: Revitalizing the old ruins of the Saris
Castle in Slovak Carpathians: Renovation
works, cleaning the area, making wooden
fences, taking care of livestock (goats), making
records about tourists, making the records of
fauna and flora, collecting certain river stones.
Accommodation: The Saris Castle is situated
on the top of 300 m high volcanic hill, covered
by old forest (it is Nature Reserve) upon the
river Torysa. Lodging will be provided in little
double-bedded scout cottages or tents, on a
meadow amidst the ruins of the castle. Warm
sleeping bag and mat are needed. Field toilet,
showers and drinking water will be provided.
However it is 3 km far from the civilization so
there is no electricity, no water-supply and no
public transport. All meals will be prepared by
the volunteers themselves, field kitchen is
available. Vegetarian catering is possible.
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Airport, bus and train station
in Bratislava or Kosice; train to Presov; Velky
Saris bus station. Velky Saris is a little town
near Presov located in the Eastern part of
Slovakia. From Velky Saris you can get to the
ruins of the Saris Castle – the place of the
Extra info: Age limit: 18+ The camp is for
history and nature lovers and for those who are
not afraid to rise to the challenge of living in
difficult conditions for two weeks! For more info
and pictures about the project:
Number of Volunteers: 10
12. Slovakia - INEX Slovakia
Begin:August 10, 2008, End: August 23, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Sklabina 2, Sklabina
Description: RENO/ENVI
Work: Renovation and reconstruction of an old
historical building and the ruins of the Sklabina
Castle from the 13th century. Gardening works
and taking care of livestock (goats).
Accommodation: Lodging will be provided
where the workcamp will take place, in an old
building. Sleeping bag and mat are needed.
The volunteers will prepare all the meals by
themselves from supplies provided. Vegetarian
catering is possible.
Language: English
Qualifications: HDW - Hard Work
Terminal/Region: Airport, bus and train
station, Bratislava; Sklabina bus station.
Sklabina is situated about 230 km north - east
from Bratislava, close to the city Martin.
Extra info: Age limit: 18+ People with dust
allergy can have a hard time here. For more
info about the location: www.martin.sk,
Number of Volunteers: 10
13. Slovakia - INEX Slovakia
Begin:August 13, 2008, End: August 23, 2008
Topic: Others
SK-INE 11.2 ZILINA Stanica 13/08/2008 –
23/08/2008 Vols: 10 Description: ENVI/MANU
Work: Gardening, cleaning, cutting, building
garden furnitures (benches, tables)
ENVIRONMENT The project is to work in a
natural space which is in the center of a city,
surrounded by roundels where the automobile
activity is important. How to build a creative,
safe, high quality open space ? The aim will be
to clean and to make it more attractive for
Zilina's citizen, walkers, animals, families by
planting trees and flowers, refurbish space,
create gardening furnitures (benches, tables).
How create a peaceful space in an urban
environment ? ART & LANDSCAPE
Furthermore, this garden belongs to Stanica, a
cultural space so the second theme will be the
link between art and nature. How transform this
open space in a temporary stage for cultural
events ? Could a garden be an exhibition
gallery ?
Accommodation: In a room in Stanica or tents
in the garden. Sleeping bag needed. The
volunteers will prepare all the meals by
themselves from supplies provided. Vegetarian
catering is possible.
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Airport, bus and train station
in Bratislava; Zilina train station.
Extra info: Age limit: 18 + For more info about
the location: www.stanica.sk
Number of Volunteers: 10
14. Slovakia - INEX Slovakia
Begin:August 18, 2008, End: August 27, 2008
Topic: Environment
Teenage Camp Cunovo, Hrusovska zdrz
Description: ENVI
Work: Monitoring birds, doing environmental
works in meadows (raking, making hays,
cutting grass, cleaning).
Accommodation: Lodging will be provided in
tents, on a meadow. Warm sleeping bag and
mat are needed. Field toilet, field shower and
drinking water will be provided. However it is far
from the civilization so there is no electricity and
no public transport. All meals will be prepared
by the volunteers themselves, field kitchen is
available. Vegetarian catering is possible.
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Airport, bus and train station
in Bratislava; Cunovo bus station. Near to the
village Cunovo which is located very close to
the capital Bratislava, there is the river Danube
with an islands area with many birds Hrusovska zdrz. Volunteers will be transported
by a boat there :)
Extra info: Age limit: 16 - 18 No alcohol, no
drugs Fee: € 80 If you have pollen allergy you
may have a hard time here. The camp is for
history and nature lovers and for those who are
not afraid to rise to the challenge of living in
difficult conditions for two weeks! For more info
about the project:
Number of Volunteers: 10
15. Slovakia - INEX Slovakia
Begin:September 7, 2008, End: September 20,
Topic: Art, culture, history
Banska Stiavnica, Banska Stiavnica
Description: MANU/ENVI
Work: Manual works in the area of a Calvary in
Banska Stiavnica, manual and gardening works
in the area of a Scout House.
Accommodation: Lodging will be provided in
the Scout House in the centre of Banska
Stiavnica. Sleeping bag and mat are needed.
All the meals will be prepared by the volunteers
themselves from supplies provided. Vegetarian
catering is possible.
Language: English
Qualifications: HDW - Hard Work
Terminal/Region: Airport, bus and train
station, Bratislava, Banska Stiavnica bus
station. The old mining and gold city Banska
Stiavnica is located about 180 km east of
Extra info: Age limit: 18+ For more info about
the location: www.banskastiavnica.sk
Number of Volunteers: 10
1. Slovenia - SCI Slovenia
Begin:June 23, 2008, End: July 10, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
Dva topola 1, Izola
Muscular Dystrophy Association of Slovenia
bought an old former hospital with a park
situated close by the shore of Izola. Project has
been established to organize physical
assistance to the disabled for their daily routine
and to provide social rehabilitation for them in
contacts and conversation with young people
from other countries with different views, ways
of thinking, culture and knowledge. One of the
basic aims is that the disabled and the
volunteers spend some pleasant weeks by the
Work: Assistance in moving around, assistance
in swimming in the sea, assistance in
distributing food and tiding, organising
entertainment, cultural events and various
social occasions (games, courses,...).
Study: workshop on muscular dystrophy
Accommodation: in the centre Dva topla
Language: English
Qualifications: good organisation, creativity
and a sense of responsibility are necessary.
Terminal/Region: Ljubljana, Trieste x: Early
Number of Volunteers: 6
2. Slovenia - SCI Slovenia
Begin:June 27, 2008, End: July 6, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Jeziki na obisku, Pisece
Pi¹ece is a small town in a demografic
endangered pat of Slovenia. For years now,
local community is organising different activities
connected with Slovene language with the aim
to enrich activities in local community,
especially for youth. This year they will organise
a workcamp for youth and students who are
studing Slovene language/speaks Slovenian as
foreign language and give them an opportunity
to study and improve their knowlege of Slovene
in Slovenia.
Work: assistance at reconstruction of the
hayrack and Slovene language workshops.
Study: art, culture, history
Accommodation: in aschool (sleeping rooms,
bathroom). Sleeping bags are needed. Lunch
will be provided in a school kitchen, breakfast
and diner is prepared by volunteers
Language: Slovene, Croatian, Serbian, English
(basic knowledge of Slovene is needed)
Qualifications: basic knowledge of Slovene,
students of Slovene language
Terminal/Region: Ljubljana, Zagreb
Extra info: only volunteers with the knowledge
of Slovene language
Number of Volunteers: 24
3. Slovenia - SCI Slovenia
Begin:June 30, 2008, End: July 18, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Igralnica Nove Poljane, Ljubljana
Every summer we organise a camp for children
who spend their holidays at home in Ljubljana,
who are mostly poor children from big parts of
Ljubljana which are grown in the age of the so
called transition. The neighbourhood Poljane is
very big, there are a lot of children, families that
are not very communicative.
Work: we offer activities for this children. Our
camp intends to help children from poor
families to increase their socialisation. This
camp wants to offer this children equal
opportunities also to enjoy holidays full of
freedom, fun and creativity.
Accommodation: student rooms, good to bring
sleeping bags too
Language: English
Qualifications: Camp is not accessible for
wheelchair users, volunteers from 20 and more
years old, experiences with children and
organising workshops for children
Terminal/Region: Ljubljana
Number of Volunteers: 6
4. Slovenia - SCI Slovenia
Begin:July 10, 2008, End: July 27, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
Dva topola 2, Izola
Muscular Dystrophy Association of Slovenia
bought an old former hospital with a park
situated close by the shore of Izola. Project has
been established to organize physical
assistance to the disabled for their daily routine
and to provide social rehabilitation for them in
contacts and conversation with young people
from other countries with different views, ways
of thinking, culture and knowledge. One of the
basic aims is that the disabled and the
volunteers spend some pleasant weeks by the
Work: Assistance in moving around, assistance
in swimming in the sea, assistance in
distributing food and tiding, organising
entertainment, cultural events and various
social occasions (games, courses,...).
Study: workshop on muscular dystrophy
Accommodation: in the centre Dva topla
Language: English
Qualifications: good organisation, creativity
and a sense of responsibility are necessary.
Terminal/Region: Ljubljana, Trieste
Number of Volunteers: 6
5. Slovenia - SCI Slovenia
Begin:July 13, 2008, End: July 25, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Grascina Podgrad, Vransko
The manor house Podgrad in Vransko was for
a long time abandoned and not used by local
community. Now it is in the process of
renovation. The aim of this process is to create
a cultural center that will enrich life in a small
town Vransko with different artistic acticities.
Work: renovation of the wooden window
frames and sutters at manor house; the work
will mainly consist of sanddusting and painting.
Cleaning of tha manor park, remobing old
plants and planting new trees. s: preservation
of historic buildings, arhitectual interventions in
historically rich environment
Accommodation: basic dormitory-like
accomodation in the manor house
Language: English (organising team speak
Japanese, Freanch and Italian)
Terminal/Region: Ljubljana airport
Extra info: Weelchair accessability is poor.
Families are welcome, provided they are willing
to participate in baby-sitting activities.
Number of Volunteers: 16
6. Slovenia - SCI Slovenia
Begin:July 14, 2008, End: July 27, 2008
Topic: Environment
Saltpans, Secovlje
The saltpans of Secovlje are a technical and
ethnological patrimony (UNESCO Convention
on wetlands), which is of great importance for
substainance of the littoral ecosystem. The
camp will help stopping the disappearance of
picturesque Mediterranean landscape.
Volunteers will contribute to reactivation of
saltpans with the aim of recreate the traditional
way of producing salt.
Work: Work will consist of reconstruction of
some saltpans pools, helping Rinaldo, the last
saltman by the traditional salt harvest and
raising awareness among people through the
media. Work will be very demanding especially
because of the summer heat (aver. temp. is
above 30C).
Study: Getting familiar with saltpans
ecosystem, study trips in the vicinity.
Accommodation: Old house near the sea
used for storing the salt, no electricity and no
running water (showers will not be provided
every day). The volunteers will prepare food by
Language: English
Qualifications: Highly motivated volunteers
with a sense for self-initiative at work and also
at the study case. Camp is not accessible for
wheelchair users
Terminal/Region: Ljubljana (Slovenia), Trieste
Number of Volunteers: 6
7. Slovenia - SCI Slovenia
Begin:July 27, 2008, End: August 13, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
Dva topola 3, Izola
Muscular Dystrophy Association of Slovenia
bought an old former hospital with a park
situated close by the shore of Izola. Project has
been established to organize physical
assistance to the disabled for their daily routine
and to provide social rehabilitation for them in
contacts and conversation with young people
from other countries with different views, ways
of thinking, culture and knowledge. One of the
basic aims is that the disabled and the
volunteers spend some pleasant weeks by the
Work: Assistance in moving around, assistance
in swimming in the sea, assistance in
distributing food and tiding, organising
entertainment, cultural events and various
social occasions (games, courses,...).
Study: workshop on muscular dystrophy
Accommodation: in the centre Dva topla
Language: English
Qualifications: good organisation, creativity
and a sense of responsibility are necessary.
Terminal/Region: Ljubljana, Trieste
Number of Volunteers: 6
8. Slovenia - SCI Slovenia
Begin:August 13, 2008, End: August 30, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
Dva topola 4, Izola
Muscular Dystrophy Association of Slovenia
bought an old former hospital with a park
situated close by the shore of Izola. Project has
been established to organize physical
assistance to the disabled for their daily routine
and to provide social rehabilitation for them in
contacts and conversation with young people
from other countries with different views, ways
of thinking, culture and knowledge. One of the
basic aims is that the disabled and the
volunteers spend some pleasant weeks by the
Work: Assistance in moving around, assistance
in swimming in the sea, assistance in
distributing food and tiding, organising
entertainment, cultural events and various
social occasions (games, courses,...).
Study: workshop on muscular dystrophy
Accommodation: in the centre Dva topla
Language: English
Qualifications: good organisation, creativity
and a sense of responsibility are necessary.
Terminal/Region: Ljubljana, Trieste
Number of Volunteers: 6
9. Slovenia - SCI Slovenia
Begin:September 12, 2008, End: September
19, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
Semic, Semic
The aim of the camp is to organize physical
assistance to the disabled, paraplegics and
tetraplegics, for their daily routine and to
provide social rehabilitation for them through
contacts and conversation with volunteers.
Work: The vols will help paraplegics and
tetraplegics (the members of our association).
They will talk with them and spend time
together, play chess and cards. The volunteers
will not need to help our members in a sense of
personal hygiene. During the camp we will
organize some tours around Bela Krajina and
South of Slovenia.
Study: the volunteers will learn about problems
of day to day life of our members.
Accommodation: in a house together with our
Language: English and Slovenian
Qualifications: the association prefers
students of humanistic sciences, we would be
glad to accept a student which is a paraplegic
too. Volunteers older that 21 years
Terminal/Region: Ljubljana, the association
will take care of the transport from Ljubljana
Extra info: motivation letter obligatory
Number of Volunteers: 6
1. Spain - SCI Catalonia
Begin:May 19, 2008, End: June 1, 2008
Topic: Environment
CAN PIPIRIMOSCA (Valls, Tarragona)
ENVI, AGRI, CONS Can Pipirimosca is an
organic permaculture farm where associations
and individuals can learn and practice an
alternative sustainable lifestyle. The farm is
runned all the year with the help of volunteers.
The different spaces of the farm are also
offered to associations to organize meetings,
activities and seminars related to social, cultural
and environmental issues. It is placed in a
country house that is being arranged to
become a farm-hostel /cultural-centre where
groups of different people from all over the
world can volunteer, share and learn.
Work: Constructing a house using car tires;
joining the daily work on gardening,
Study: Tire house construction, Permaculture.
Accommodation: Very basic accommodation
(big room inside the house), swimming pool,…
Language: English and Spanish.
Extra info:Motivation letter is requiered.
Families and people of mixed ages are
welcome. No accessibility for wheelchairs.
Terminal/Region: The farm is about 2 km far
away from Valls.
Number of Volunteers: 10
2. Spain - SCI Madrid
Begin:May 19, 2008, End: June 1, 2008
Topic: Others
CASA MUNILLA Munilla (Burgos)
Casa Munilla is a group of people that aims to
promote close contact with nature in order to
awaken the healing potential that lies in
everyone. They are reconstructing an old house
to welcome guests that want to experience a
simple community lifestyle and recover inner
balance. The house is in Munilla a small village
in the Valley of Valdebezana.
Work: renovation and also giving a hand at the
orchard. You should like physical work
Study: sustainable life style
Accommodation: in the house
Language: English and Spanish
Extra info: interest in community living
Number of Volunteers: 4
3. Spain - SCI Catalonia
Begin:June 11, 2008, End: June 26, 2008
Topic: Others
MAGIC MARKET (Sta. Susana, Barcelona)
SOCI, ENVI The magic market is organized by
the city council of Santa Susana, which is a
seaside village, situated in the province of
Barcelona. It is an annual event, organized on
the street and free to everybody who wants to
participate. In this “feria” they expect to develop
and to promote those forms of interacting which
enhance a respectful way of relating to other
persons and with the environment.
Work: To help in setting up and to dismantle of
monographics for cultural subjects, to help in
the recreational activities for people with
physical disabilities, to support child activities,
to run circus workshops, to distribute material of
environmental interest …
Study: Culture, ecology and children.
Accommodation: Small houses equipped in
the installations of a camping (Bungalows).
Vegetarian food will be provided.
Qualifications: Excitement in cultural subjects.
Knowledge on information Technology, interest
in natural medicines, knowledge about setting
up and dismantling of stages (musical and
theatrical); free time instructor, social-cultural
entertainers, social educators, fine arts, artistic
Language: High level of Spanish.
Extra info: Demands motivation letter, in which
–in Spanish- you show your excitement in
cultural subjects and the interest in the
foreseen activities.
Number of Volunteers: 18
4. Spain - SCI Catalonia
Begin:June 28, 2008, End: July 13, 2008
Topic: Environment
LITHICA (Ciutadella Menorca)
ENVI, ARCH Líthica is a non lucrative
association that has developed an ambitious
project to restore the "marés" (natural quarries).
Their objectives are recovering the historic and
cultural heritage, executing conservation
projects and spreading the biodiversity in
Menorca, which still preserves a great part of its
natural areas and traditions. Volunteers will
have the possibility to take part in any activity
provided by Líthica, such as tai-chi or
excursions of environmental interest.
Work: Maintaining plants in the botanic garden,
cleaning and loping to restore the paths,
landscaping a little quarry which shall become a
Study: Cultural heritage and biodiversity.
Accommodation: In a house of the City Hall.
Qualifications: Is not required, but is good to
know that the work can be a little bit hard.
Language: Spanish and English.
Extra info: No accessibility for wheelchairs.
Number of Volunteers: 11
5. Spain - SCI Catalonia
Begin:June 29, 2008, End: July 13, 2008
Topic: Others
de les Monges, Urgell)
ARCH, HERI The municipality of Vallbona de
les Monges wants to restore historical parts of
the defence line which passed through the
countryside of Vallbona during the Spanish Civil
War. This work shall contribute to the
awareness-rising of what happened to the local
society of this region in the time of 1938-1975
and make visible bunkers, galleries and
trenches which where used to struggle against
the invading power of the former dictator
Franco. Volunteers will have the opportunity to
talk to historical consultants and witnesses to
understand better the happenings of this time.
Work: Making visible parts of the defence line
through archaeological extraction; removing
earth and stones from the surroundings in order
to have access to the former defence structure,
Study: The Spanish Civil War seen from the
Catalan perspective.
Accommodation: In a hostel which is part of a
monastery. The kitchen will be in another
Language: Spanish and Catalan.
Extra info: No accessibility for wheelchairs.
Number of Volunteers: 10
6. Spain - SCI Catalonia
Begin:June 30, 2008, End: July 14, 2008
Topic: Environment
EL PANAL (La Rioja)
ENVI, ARCH PANAL was founded in the region
of La Rioja, in order to protect and take care of
the natural and cultural heritage of that area. It
tries to integrate the local community in shared
acitivities to recover heritage places for
common socio-cultural use.This organization
collaborates with a local agriculture
cooperative, which means that the volunteers
will also get to know the maintenance of the
traditional agriculture respectful with the
Work: Restoration of pictures, sculptures and
images, recuperation of gardens and woods,
rehabilitation of buildings and development of
other cultural activities.
Study: Sustainable agriculture and biodiversity
of the region.
Accommodation: In an old housing estate,
800m out of the town.Volunteers will have to
cook their meals. Vegetarians welcome.
Language: English and Spanish.
Extra info: Volunteers of different age are
welcome. No accessibility for wheelchairs
Number of Volunteers: 17
7. Spain - SCI Madrid
Begin:June 30, 2008, End: July 14, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
JUST FUN, Madrid and another city
AMPAO is a parent’s association of children
and young adults with mental disabilities (from
10 to 30 y.o.) that aims to reinforce their
learning potential, social development and
wellbeing through free time activities around the
year. Each summer they organise a camp to
discover another place and have fun together.
W. Volunteers will support the teamers
(professionals and also other volunteers) during
all camp activities. Sports, visits, games, nights
out … will be daily part of the hectic program.
Although most of the participants are
independent and autonomous they might need
certain supervision for the everyday activities
(like getting dress…) therefore the volunteers
will also be there to give a hand. Own initiatives
and ideas are very welcome to prepare
workshops. You need also to be
communicative, full of energy and ready to
learn. It will be a great but a very exhausting
time too. Very important: Have in mind that
there won’t be free weekends or days off!!
Accommodation: In a youth-hostel
Study: Spanish is essential
Extra info: Meeting point will be in Madrid and
arriving exactly on the first day 30th of June is
essential. Next day there is training for the
camp that you must not miss. The day after the
whole group (participants and teamers) will
travel together by train to the camp site. Last
day 14th of July is for the volunteer’s departure.
Number of Volunteers: 5
8. Spain - SCI Madrid
Begin:July 1, 2008, End: July 15, 2008
Topic: Environment
CICONIA NIGRA Tarifa (Cadiz)
Since 1997 the environmental group La
Cigüeña Negra (COCN) has been studying and
struggling to preserve the rich wildlife and
ecological biodiversity of Tarifa (very South of
Spain), a well known spot for bird-watching
lovers as most birds migratory routes cross this
area. Their scientific research is focused on
endangered bird species and is done on
voluntary basis. At the same time COCN
carries on an environmental education program
and many environmental voluntary activities. As
a result of their raise awareness campaigns
among the local population, the whole area is
been officially protected as a natural park.
Work: Maintenance and renovation of the birdwatching centre (Estacion Ornitologica de
Tarifa) that needs to get ready for the bird
census campaign of early migratory species of
the season. This means painting, cleaning and
signalising the area.
Study: Environmental problems of the area.
Accommodation: at the Bird-watching centre.
Simple living conditions.
Language: English and Spanish
Extra info: High interest in environment and
nature protection.
Number of Volunteers: 9
9. Spain - SCI Madrid
Begin:July 15, 2008, End: July 30, 2008
Topic: Socially disadvantaged
(Ciudad Real)
BASIDA is an NGO that gives medical and
psychosocial support to HIV-positives and
drugs addicted. Since 1987 they opened three
centres run by multi-professional voluntary
staff. Manzanares, a small village in Castilla-La
Mancha, is the location for one of these
houses. The aims of body and mind recovery
and social rehabilitation are achieved by close
team work, showing that someone really cares,
to those who for a long time have only
experienced social exclusion. There the
residents have found a new frame, where is
possible to regain hope and self-steam.
Work: Sharing everyday life at the Centre:
mainly giving a hand in the maintenance of the
place, like cooking, laundry, cleaning, carpentry
or gardening in a rotational basis. Personal
care of residents who might need it (such as
helping out to get dressed) is also possible, but
only if you really feel prepared for it. Important
part of your stay will be socialising with the
community. International volunteers are a
welcome fresh air to their reduced social life,
therefore knowledge of Spanish is essential.
Accommodation: shared rooms among the
Study: seminar on HIV prevention and sociocultural aspects of the illness
Language: Spanish
Extra info: Alcohol and cigarettes are strictly
forbidden. Any other kind of drug too. Bear in
mind that you will be living in a therapeutic
community and internal regulations must be
taken seriously. Motivation letter to prove high
interest in the project required.
Number of Volunteers: 8
10. Spain - SCI Madrid
Begin:July 15, 2008, End: July 30, 2008
Topic: Socially disadvantaged
CARITAS runs a centre for homeless people in
the city of Salamanca where they offer not only
temporary shelter but personalised approaches
for achieving self-autonomy and wellbeing.
They welcome volunteers to enhance the social
life of the centre and give in return a further
vision of the meaning of poverty and social
exclusion in so called rich countries.
Work: key words are sharing and to be there
for the others: sharing everyday life in the
centre. In practical terms this involves joining
workshops, group dynamics, outdoor visits,
giving a hand at the kitchen, a bit of renovation
tasks, and most important socialising with the
residents. Very important: There won’t be free
weekends as the camp is meant to be a very
intense learning experience. Though there will
be free afternoons during the week.
Accommodation: at the centre
Language: Spanish
Study: poverty and social exclusion in Europe
Extra info: international volunteers will join a
group of local volunteers. Drinking alcohol or
smoking in the centre is forbidden. High and
serious interest in social issues is required.
Send motivation letter.
Number of Volunteers: 2
11. Spain - SCI Catalonia
Begin:July 17, 2008, End: July 31, 2008
Topic: Environment
EL PANAL (Beceite)
ENVI, ARCH PANAL was founded in the region
of La Rioja, in order to protect and take care of
the natural and cultural heritage of that area. It
tries to integrate the local community into
shared acitivities to recover heritage places for
common socio-cultural use. Together with the
town-hall of Beceite the idea of making visible a
big cave which is hidden by nature at the
moment came up. In future there could take
place events arranged by the people from the
Work: Making visible a big cave and cleaning
the surrounding of it.
Study: Ecological Tourism and Sustainable
Accommodation: In a rural house 800m out of
the village. Volunteers will have to cook their
meals. Vegetarians welcome.
Language: English and Spanish.
Extra info: Volunteers of different age are
welcome. No accessibility for wheelchairs.
Number of Volunteers: 17
12. Spain - SCI Catalonia
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 3, 2008
Topic: Others
ARCH, HERI The municipality of Pujalt (Anoia)
has been working on the visibility of historical
places related to the Spanish Civil War for six
years. Its aim is to promote knowledge about
past conflict issues and point out the situation,
especially of the Catalan society in this period,
which was suffering great repression by the
dictator Franco. Volunteers will have the
opportunity to get in touch with historical
consultants and witnesses of this epoch.
Work: Making visible parts of the defence line
structures through archeologically extraction;
removing earth and stones from the
surrounding in order to have access to the
former defence refuges, etc.
Study: The Spanish Civil War seen from the
Catalan perspective.
Accommodation: In shacks of brushwood with
sanitary installations and a kitchen.
Language: Spanish and Catalan.
Extra info: No accessibility for wheelchairs.
Number of Volunteers: 10
13. Spain - SCI Catalonia
Begin:July 28, 2008, End: August 10, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
Servei Sitges Capac (SSC) is part of the town
hall administration and works for defending the
rights of disabled people in order to improve
their life quality. Therefore SSC runs
campaigns to inform the public about the right
of disabled people to get the same work
opportunities as anybody else and struggles for
a better inclusion by providing free-time
activities and trainings for them.
Work: Accompanying a group of disabled
people during their free-time activities and
especially while their staying at the beach.
Study: Training about difficulties disabled
people in Sitges are faced with.
Accommodation: In a house provided by the
town hall with a camping kitchen.
Qualifications: Experience on working with
disabled people.
Language: Catalan, Spanish and English.
Extra info: Open to volunteers only without any
disability. Famílies and people of different age
Terminal/Region: Sitges is a lovely town with
nice beaches not far away from Barcelona.
Number of Volunteers: 10
14. Spain - SCI Catalonia
Begin:July 28, 2008, End: August 16, 2008
Topic: Environment
MASIA LA TORRE (Nogueruelas, Teruel)
ENVI The Association Airina has started their
activities in 2003 to support the rural project in
Masia la Torre, Nogueruelas. During all this
time many environmental, social and cultural
activities have been done: workshops about
medicine plants, therapy of the laughter, art and
nature, baking bread, astronomy, etc. The
place of the Masia la Torre can be used by
social movements from the city as a meeting
point as well. Volunteers will be able to join
activities such as Yoga, painting, corporal
expression, Spanish lessons…
Work: Cleaning the surrounding; gardening
aromatic and autochthonic plants, constructing
benches out of tree trunks; restoration of a
threshing machine as a decorative and
educational tool.
Study: Environmental issues related to the
region of Teruel.
Accommodation: In tents in a camping area
which offers good access to showers and
toilets. The food will be vegetarian; volunteers
will help in cooking.
Language: English and Spanish.
Extra info: Motivation letter is required,
because it is good to be aware about rural
world and being very motivated. Families are
welcome as well as people of mixed age. No
accessibility for wheelchairs.
Number of Volunteers: 4
15. Spain - SCI Catalonia
Begin:July 31, 2008, End: August 9, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
Fundació Catalana per la Parálisi Cerebral
(Sant Carles de la Ràpita)
FCPC (Fundació Catalana per la Paràlisi
Cerebral) is a non lucrative organization that
was created by a group of parents of adult
people with cerebral palsy. Its main objective is
to cover all the aspects of the life of people
affected by cerebral palsy and their families.
FCPC organizes all throughout the year several
activities and projects such as the following:
residential shelter and individual programs for
people with cerebral palsy; learning and
dynamic leisure-time activities; sports activities
for federate players with cerebral palsy;
individual support for adult people with cerebral
palsy; social integration weekly activities and
projects; weekend excursions...FCPC also
organizes conferences, videos and exhibitions
at schools and other public centres in order to
work towards the normalization of life of people
with cerebral palsy.
Work: The main objective of the exchange is to
involve both people with cerebral palsy and
without any disability in an intercultural learning
experience by means of living together during
the whole of the activity, in order to work
towards the normalization of life of people with
cerebral palsy. All the participants in it will
therefore live together 24 hours per day and
take part without distinction in the proposed
sports, leisure and cultural activities. This
experience is for all participants one of personal
growth that will increase their responsibilities,
understanding of our society and personal selfesteem. The exchange, on the one hand, gives
participants without any disability the chance to
know and learn about the difficulties that
disabled people have to overcome in their daily
life. They will learn to take care of the needs of
the others in an intense and rich exchange,
helping them whenever they need to in order to
learn that people with cerebral palsy are not so
different from any non-disabled young.
Participants with cerebral palsy, on the other
hand, will improve their capacities, knowledge
and potential while having fun together with
other young people like them within an adapted
environment. Participants without any disability
will support participants with cerebral palsy in
their daily needs at any time of the day, and
they may help them to get dressed, eat, drink,
go to the bathroom, have a shower or
accomplish the activities. The FCPC will
provide some professionals to be in charge of
the whole group during the exchange, as well
as training on what cerebral palsy is previous to
the beginning of the exchange for all
participants who specifically ask for it.
Study: the reality of cerebral palsy; social
integration among young people from different
nationalities; sport activities as a means of
social integration.
Accommodation: Adapted rooms in the Youth
Hostel Sant Carles de la Ràpita. Participants
don’t need to cook by themselves.
Language: English, Spanish and Catalan.
Basic knowledge of Spanish is advisable.
Qualifications: Motivation letter is required!
Extra info: Wheelchair accessibility; age limit:
30 years old (some exception can be made).
Terminal/Region: Sant Carles de la Rápita is a
small village at the seaside.
Number of Volunteers: 30
16. Spain - SCI Madrid
Begin:August 1, 2008, End: August 15, 2008
Topic: Socially disadvantaged
This is the Centre that BASIDA runs in
Navahondilla, a small village between Madrid
and Avila. Otherwise it is the very same project
description as ES-MAD 8.1. Please read it
Number of Volunteers: 10
17. Spain - SCI Madrid
Begin:August 1, 2008, End: August 15, 2008
Topic: Socially disadvantaged
CARITAS runs a centre for homeless people in
the city of Salamanca where they offer not only
temporary shelter but personalised approaches
for achieving self-autonomy and wellbeing.
They welcome volunteers to enhance the social
life of the centre and give in return a further
vision of the meaning of poverty and social
exclusion in so called rich countries.
Work: key words are sharing and to be there
for the others: sharing everyday life in the
centre. In practical terms this involves joining
workshops, group dynamics, outdoor visits,
giving a hand at the kitchen, a bit of renovation
tasks, and most important socialising with the
residents. Very important: There won’t be free
weekends as the camp is meant to be a very
intense learning experience. Though there will
be free afternoons during the week.
Accommodation: at the centre
Language: Spanish
Study: poverty and social exclusion in Europe
Extra info: international volunteers will join a
group of local volunteers. Drinking alcohol or
smoking in the centre is forbidden. High and
serious interest in social issues is required.
Send motivation letter.
Number of Volunteers: 2
18. Spain - SCI Catalonia
Begin:August 3, 2008, End: August 17, 2008
Topic: Others
ARCH, HERI The municipality of Pujalt (Anoia)
wants to renovate the heritage remains of the
castles, towers and fortresses from the 11th
century, which where used to defend the border
between two cultures: the Christian and the
Arabian. The castle of the Army Pilosa has not
been recovered so far; therefore this workcamp
will be the first archaeological intervention to
make visible great architectonical structures of
the High Middle Ages.
Work: Archaeological recovering of different
parts of the Castle of the Army Pilosa.
Study: The border castles of Catalan territory.
Accommodation: In shacks of brushwood with
sanitary installations and a kitchen.
Language: Spanish and Catalan.
Extra info: No accessibility for wheelchairs.
Number of Volunteers: 10
19. Spain - SCI Madrid
Begin:August 4, 2008, End: August 24, 2008
Topic: Environment
GREFA Majadahonda (Madrid)
GREFA is an environmental association that
focuses on protection of endangered wild
species and conservation of natural habitats
since 1981. Among other projects they run a
hospital and recuperation centre for wounded
animals aiming to their reintroduction into
nature once they are healed. They also
organised trainings and environmental
education activities for all ages.
Work: renovation at the centre: making and
signalising outdoor paths, improving
accessibility for kids and wheelchairs visitors,
gardening, that involves bricks laying, moving
stones, paving, painting and planting. You
should like manual work outdoors.
Accommodation: at the centre
Study: environmental protection
Language: English and Spanish.
Extra info: high interest in environmental
issues. Motivation letter needed.
Number of Volunteers: 14
20. Spain - SCI Catalonia
Begin:August 11, 2008, End: August 20, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
Fundació Catalana per la Parálisi Cerebral
(Sant Carles de la Ràpita)
FCPC (Fundació Catalana per la Paràlisi
Cerebral) is a non lucrative organization that
was created by a group of parents of adult
people with cerebral palsy. Its main objective is
to cover all the aspects of the life of people
affected by cerebral palsy and their families.
FCPC organizes all throughout the year several
activities and projects such as the following:
residential shelter and individual programs for
people with cerebral palsy; learning and
dynamic leisure-time activities; sports activities
for federate players with cerebral palsy;
individual support for adult people with cerebral
palsy; social integration weekly activities and
projects; weekend excursions...FCPC also
organizes conferences, videos and exhibitions
at schools and other public centres in order to
work towards the normalization of life of people
with cerebral palsy.
Work: The main objective of the exchange is to
involve both people with cerebral palsy and
without any disability in an intercultural learning
experience by means of living together during
the whole of the activity, in order to work
towards the normalization of life of people with
cerebral palsy. All the participants in it will
therefore live together 24 hours per day and
take part without distinction in the proposed
sports, leisure and cultural activities. This
experience is for all participants one of personal
growth that will increase their responsibilities,
understanding of our society and personal selfesteem. The exchange, on the one hand, gives
participants without any disability the chance to
know and learn about the difficulties that
disabled people have to overcome in their daily
life. They will learn to take care of the needs of
the others in an intense and rich exchange,
helping them whenever they need to in order to
learn that people with cerebral palsy are not so
different from any non-disabled young.
Participants with cerebral palsy, on the other
hand, will improve their capacities, knowledge
and potential while having fun together with
other young people like them within an adapted
environment. Participants without any disability
will support participants with cerebral palsy in
their daily needs at any time of the day, and
they may help them to get dressed, eat, drink,
go to the bathroom, have a shower or
accomplish the activities. The FCPC will
provide some professionals to be in charge of
the whole group during the exchange, as well
as training on what cerebral palsy is previous to
the beginning of the exchange for all
participants who specifically ask for it.
Study: the reality of cerebral palsy; social
integration among young people from different
nationalities; sport activities as a means of
social integration.
Accommodation: Adapted rooms in the Youth
Hostel Sant Carles de la Ràpita. Participants
don’t need to cook by themselves.
Language: English, Spanish and Catalan.
Basic knowledge of Spanish is advisable.
Qualifications: Motivation letter is required!
Extra info: Wheelchair accessibility; age limit:
30 years old (some exception can be made).
Terminal/Region: Sant Carles de la Rápita is a
small village at the seaside.
Number of Volunteers: 30
21. Spain - SCI Catalonia
Begin:August 11, 2008, End: August 24, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
Servei Sitges Capac (SSC) is part of the town
hall administration and works for defending the
rights of disabled people in order to improve
their life quality. Therefore SSC runs
campaigns to inform the public about the right
of disabled people to get the same work
opportunities as anybody else and struggles for
a better inclusion by providing free-time
activities and trainings for them.
Work: Accompanying a group of disabled
people during their free-time activities and
especially while their staying at the beach.
Study: Training about difficulties disabled
people in Sitges are faced with.
Accommodation: In a house provided by the
town hall with a camping kitchen.
Qualifications: Experience on working with
disabled people.
Language: Catalan, Spanish and English.
Extra info: Open to volunteers only without any
disability. Famílies and people of different age
Terminal/Region: Sitges is a lovely town with
nice beaches not far away from Barcelona.
Number of Volunteers: 10
23. Spain - SCI Madrid
Begin:August 14, 2008, End: August 30, 2008
Topic: Environment
TAMARAGUA Fuerteventura (Canary
The municipality of Puerto del Rosario has
carried out several environmental campaigns to
promote preservation of the coast and ravines.
They want to raise awareness among the local
population of the values of the natural
surroundings and also of the common
responsibility of conservation. The international
volunteers will join their efforts to encourage the
local youth to get involved in active protection
of the environment.
Work: cleaning and maintenance of natural
areas of the seaside and ravines.
Accommodation: in a youth hostel
Study: traditional culture of the island.
Language: English and Spanish
Extra info: for nature lovers, work hard. Age
limit 30 y.o.
Number of Volunteers: 14
24. Spain - SCI Madrid
Begin:August 15, 2008, End: August 30, 2008
Topic: Socially disadvantaged
CARITAS runs a centre for homeless people in
the city of Salamanca where they offer not only
temporary shelter but personalised approaches
for achieving self-autonomy and wellbeing.
They welcome volunteers to enhance the social
life of the centre and give in return a further
vision of the meaning of poverty and social
exclusion in so called rich countries.
Work: key words are sharing and to be there
for the others: sharing everyday life in the
centre. In practical terms this involves joining
workshops, group dynamics, outdoor visits,
giving a hand at the kitchen, a bit of renovation
tasks, and most important socialising with the
residents. Very important: There won’t be free
weekends as the camp is meant to be a very
intense learning experience. Though there will
be free afternoons during the week.
Accommodation: at the centre
Language: Spanish
Study: poverty and social exclusion in Europe
Extra info: international volunteers will join a
group of local volunteers. Drinking alcohol or
smoking in the centre is forbidden. High and
serious interest in social issues is required.
Send motivation letter.
Number of Volunteers: 2
25. Spain - SCI Madrid
Begin:August 16, 2008, End: August 30, 2008
Topic: Socially disadvantaged
BASIDA-ARANJUEZ Aranjuez (Madrid)
This is the Centre that BASIDA runs some km
away from Aranjuez, a nice town between
Madrid and Toledo. This house is isolated in
the middle of the countryside. Otherwise it is
the very same project as description ES-MAD
8.1. Please read it carefully!
Number of Volunteers: 10
26. Spain - SCI Catalonia
Begin:August 21, 2008, End: August 30, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
Fundació Catalana per la Parálisi Cerebral
(Capmany, Girona)
FCPC (Fundació Catalana per la Paràlisi
Cerebral) is a non lucrative organization that
was created by a group of parents of adult
people with cerebral palsy. Its main objective is
to cover all the aspects of the life of people
affected by cerebral palsy and their families.
FCPC organizes all throughout the year several
activities and projects such as the following:
residential shelter and individual programs for
people with cerebral palsy; learning and
dynamic leisure-time activities; sports activities
for federate players with cerebral palsy;
individual support for adult people with cerebral
palsy; social integration weekly activities and
projects; weekend excursions...FCPC also
organizes conferences, videos and exhibitions
at schools and other public centres in order to
work towards the normalization of life of people
with cerebral palsy.
Work: The main objective of the exchange is to
involve both people with cerebral palsy and
without any disability in an intercultural learning
experience by means of living together during
the whole of the activity, in order to work
towards the normalization of life of people with
cerebral palsy. All the participants in it will
therefore live together 24 hours per day and
take part without distinction in the proposed
sports, leisure and cultural activities. This
experience is for all participants one of personal
growth that will increase their responsibilities,
understanding of our society and personal selfesteem. The exchange, on the one hand, gives
participants without any disability the chance to
know and learn about the difficulties that
disabled people have to overcome in their daily
life. They will learn to take care of the needs of
the others in an intense and rich exchange,
helping them whenever they need to in order to
learn that people with cerebral palsy are not so
different from any non-disabled young.
Participants with cerebral palsy, on the other
hand, will improve their capacities, knowledge
and potential while having fun together with
other young people like them within an adapted
environment. Participants without any disability
will support participants with cerebral palsy in
their daily needs at any time of the day, and
they may help them to get dressed, eat, drink,
go to the bathroom, have a shower or
accomplish the activities. The FCPC will
provide some professionals to be in charge of
the whole group during the exchange, as well
as training on what cerebral palsy is previous to
the beginning of the exchange for all
participants who specifically ask for it.
Study: the reality of cerebral palsy; social
integration among young people from different
nationalities; sport activities as a means of
social integration.
Accommodation: Adapted rooms in the Youth
Hostel Sant Carles de la Ràpita. Participants
don’t need to cook by themselves.
Language: English, Spanish and Catalan.
Basic knowledge of Spanish is advisable.
Qualifications: Motivation letter is required!
Extra info: Wheelchair accessibility; age limit:
30 years old (some exception can be made).
Terminal/Region: Sant Carles de la Rápita is a
small village at the seaside.
Number of Volunteers: 30
27. Spain - SCI Madrid
Begin:August 25, 2008, End: September 7,
Topic: Art, culture, history
SPACE FOR GAMES Monleras (Salamanca)
Monleras is a small village that, as many other
in the region of Castilla, is struggling against
unstoppable depopulation and general decay of
rural culture. The whole neighbourhood is
committed to search alternatives for their
common future. Preservation of cultural and
natural resources plays a very important role in
all their planning. Last years they carried out a
research on traditional games of the region
that, in former times, used to be played by
adults and children a like. This meant
strengthening group bonds while having fun
together. Now they want to set an open space
for the community and visitors to start playing
again: Game Territory (El territorio del juego)
Work: Mostly preparation of an outdoor area
where these traditional games will be played.
Other renovation work of community interest
might be done as well. You should like physical
and outdoor work.
Study: Eco-development as an alternative to
Accommodation: Some rooms of the cultural
Language: English
Extra info: Interest in simple rural lifestyle and
community development.
Number of Volunteers: 10
28. Spain - SCI Catalonia
Begin:September 7, 2008, End: September 20,
Topic: Art, culture, history
LA MUGA CAULA (Figueres)
FEST Amics de Les Escaules is a socio-cultural
non-profit organisation which provides activities
for people from the village to develop the
community life. For 3 years it has been
organising the art festival La Muga Caula which
focuses on poetry and performance and wants
to create a space for artists from the local area
and abroad to meet and exchange ideas. The
work camp will take place in a very rural region
and give opportunity to the volunteers to
participate in work shops during the festival and
create their own performance.
Work: Prepare exhibition rooms, help with
catering, run info desk, child care…
Study: Arts and social transformation.
Accommodation: Either in private houses or
Qualifications: Skills on documenting (video,
photo…) are welcome.
Language: English and Spanish.
Extra info: No accessibility for wheelchairs.
Number of Volunteers: 4
1. Sweden - IAL Sweden
Begin:June 14, 2008, End: June 23, 2008
Topic: Environment
EKBO, Stockholm)
60 adults and children living in a former
convalescent hospital, which in 1998 was
rebuilt to form a collective with 32 apartments,
using low resource-demanding, ecological
building methods. However, there is still a lot to
do, both outside and inside. Gebers offer many
fine possibilities for swimming, hiking and
fishing in the beautiful nature around the lakes
Drevviken and Flaten. 15 km by car, bus or
underground from Stockholm.
Work: We will work together with different
projects and you can choose from these
different group activities when you participate:
Outdoors (garden, repairing the house,) Inside
(painting, renovation) and kitchen (cooking food
with us)
Study: A week of a deepening insight into
Accommodation: Volunteers will sleep in the
building or in tent. Beds with mattresses and
pillows are available, but bring a sleeping bag.
Camping space and caravan space is available
near the lakeshore.
Extra info: There will be different themes and
activities during the evenings.
Number of Volunteers: 10
2. Sweden - IAL Sweden
Begin:June 29, 2008, End: July 13, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
The Wadstena Fogelsta Railway Preservation
Society, based in Vadstena at the lake Vättern,
southern Sweden, is restoring and maintaining
the last remaining section of a former narrow
gauge railway system.
Work: Clean the track from vegetation and
change sleepers, which can be physically
Qualifications: People working on the track
must not have any hearing or vision
impairment. The camp is not accessible for
Study: Transportation history.
Extra info: Visit our home page at www.wfj.se
Number of Volunteers: 8
3. Sweden - IAL Sweden
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 3, 2008
Topic: Environment
IAL’s local group in Stockholm and Vita Hästen,
a small collective of 10 residents, are
organising a workcamp to focus on the
connection between ecology, nonviolence,
simple life style, vegetarianism and collective
living. From July 30th to August 3rd the whole
camp, including the Vita Hästen collective, will
travel 500 km north of Stockholm to the Urkult
festival close to Sollefteå.
Work: Starting Sunday 20th in the morning with
two days of studying/exploring nonviolent living.
Then one week of renovation helping Ecocollective Vita Hästen with exterior house
painting, removing an outhouse, window repair
and gardening. At Urkult festival 30th to 3rd
help out with different tasks making the festival
run smoothly.
Study: On the topic of nonviolent living. After
the first two days of study there will be a few
discussion evenings involving local
associations and also practice nonviolent living.
At Urkult festival we will try to somehow spread
the idea and practice of nonviolent living.
Accommodation: At the Eco-collective in
Stockholm: Simple conditions, on mattresses
partly in the eco-collective house, partly to be
determined. At the Urkult festival near Sollefteå:
In a big military tent.
Qualifications: Strong interest in ecology,
nonviolence, simple life style, vegetarianism
and collective living desirable. Street theatre,
performance, renovation and cooking skills
especially welcome.
Extra info: You will need to pay for your own
travel cost Stockholm-Sollefteå, about 60-80
EUR return ticket. Wheelchair accessibility
difficult. Families with children welcome. The
camp food, to be prepared by the volunteers,
will be vegan and/or vegetarian. Opportunities
to participate in morning yoga workshops.
Check search engine for update/changes.
Number of Volunteers: 9
4. Sweden - IAL Sweden
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 2, 2008
Topic: Environment
VÄXHUSET (Söderhamn)
Växhuset is an organisation working with
alternative sources of energy and sustainable
development. Outside Söderhamn, approx.
250km north of Stockholm they’re building an
ecological centre with gardening according to
perm culture methods, café and youth hostel,
using natural materials and sun & wood
heating. It’s situated beautifully in the forest
close to a lake; canoes and boats can be
borrowed as well as bikes for trips around. The
project in located in the countryside but with
good bus connections.
Work: Mainly with the building of our ‘Sun ship’;
a house made or soil, wood, straw and used
materials which will be entirely supported by
sun energy, also a bit of gardening and other
Accommodation: In two tents, toilets and
shower inside. Vegetarian & ecological cooking.
Volunteers will cook for themselves.
Extra info: Read more about the projects on
Number of Volunteers: 12
5. Sweden - IAL Sweden
Begin:July 21, 2008, End: August 1, 2008
Topic: Environment
Färnebo folkhögskola is the school of the
peace, environmental and solidarity movements
in Sweden. The school work for democracy,
international equality, the economical use of the
world´s resources, just peace, equality of the
sexes and human rights. It is situated in
Österfärnebo, a village with about 1500
inhabitants situated 80 km north of Uppsala.
Work: 3/4 work and 1/4 studies. Garden work,
cut trees and hedges and plantation. There will
also be some painting, roofing, repairing and
cleaning work. Working and study time will be
flexible depending on weather. Volunteers will
cook and clean for themselves on a rotate
basis. Volunteers must be aware that some of
the work will be done on roof, ladders and
scaffolding. Therefor volunteers should not be
afraid of hights (the hights will not be very high
and there will be safety arrangements, which
make the working situation secure). The
volunteers need to bring suitable clothes,
preferably older ones that can take stains and
Study: Ecology and environment. There will be
discussions and thoughts about and around the
theme. Some teachers at the school will take
care of a small part of the studies, but it is also
necessary for the vols to take part in them, to
have lectures and workshops of their own
interest. We will also make excursions and
canoeing in the National Park of
Färnebofjärden and visit one ecological project
Extra info: Österfärnebo is situated nearby the
lower Dalälven River and the National Park of
Färnebofjärden. The National Park is a unique
natural complex that teems with life in a mosaic
of special habitats and it’s also one of the
country's most extraordinary and valuable
region from the standpoint of nature
conservation. There are good places for
swimming, fishing and canoeing. The use of
alcohol and drugs is prohibited at the school
and therefore also at the camp.
Number of Volunteers: 15
6. Sweden - IAL Sweden
Begin:August 3, 2008, End: August 16, 2008
Topic: Environment
The West Coast Foundation is a publicly owned
foundation that maintains most nature reserves
in western Sweden. One of these reserves is
Skärbo, nicely located by a lake in a forested
area approximately 180 km north of
Gothenburg. Skärbo is an 18th century farm,
and the historic landscape of the farm will
eventually be restored.
Work: Restoration and preservation of the
surrounding landscape, such as clearing of
overgrown pastures and meadows.
Accommodation: In an old rustic farmhouse.
Qualifications: Interest in nature preservation
and manual work. Ability to swim is desirable.
Number of Volunteers: 8
7. Sweden - IAL Sweden
Begin:August 4, 2008, End: August 17, 2008
Topic: North South solidarity
EMMAUS (Småland)
"Emmaus kvarn" is a solidarity organization
collecting and sending used clothes, shoes,
medical equipment etc. to Third World
countries. There are about 10 people living and
working at Åkvarn, situated in the forest of
Småland, southern Sweden (about 270 km NE
Malmö). A few miles away, there is a nice lake
and in the village we have sauna and a big
room for parties!
Work: The work at the camp will be indoor and
outdoor painting, renovation and garden work.
Accommodation: The group will live together
in a nice house, with modern cooking
equipment and several bedrooms.
Extra info: The camp is unfortunately not
accessible for wheel chairs. We hope that the
group will be a mixed group, both according to
sex and age. If you have an international
driving license, please bring it! The people at
Emmaus are looking forward to a nice meeting!
Number of Volunteers: 10
8. Sweden - IAL Sweden
Begin:August 11, 2008, End: August 23, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
BREDSJÖ (Bergslagen)
Bredsjö is a small village in a mountaineer
mining district in Sweden with lakes and forest
closeby. Here you´ll find a non-profitable
cultural cooperative working for the countryside.
We will offer two weeks filled with experiences
from nature and culture in Sweden.
Work: Renovating our station house.
Study: We offer drama/theatre workshops.
Accommodation: Common, spartanite in a old
Folkets Hus (“peoples house”) in the village.
Showers in a school in the neighbour village.
We will arrange transports.
Extra info: Not accessible for wheelchairs.
Option for vegetarian food. No alcohol or other
Number of Volunteers: 12
1. Switzerland - SCI Switzerland
Begin:June 9, 2008, End: June 20, 2008
Topic: Others
Genève Loisirs is a non-profit association that
offers holiday camps for young people between
5 and 15 years old. The camp prices vary and
they are open for all the young people of the
region. The aims are e.g. to favor the
acquisition of different sports and artistic
activities and to rise the youngsters awareness
of sustainable development.
Work: the installation of the camp makes it
necessary to organize the infrastructure (tents,
equipment etc.) under the supervision of the
responsible. The international volunteers will
work with other volunteers in the construction of
the camp. Work on weekdays from 8.30 a.m.
until 18.00 p.m. with a lunch break. No work
with the children.
Accommodation: in tents, camp kitchen and
camp toilet.
Language: English; local language: French
Terminal/Region: Geneva
Number of Volunteers: 5
2. Switzerland - SCI Switzerland
Begin:June 29, 2008, End: July 14, 2008
Topic: Environment
Description: AGRI, ENVI, The «Jardins de
Cocagne» (dreamland gardens) are a
consumer-producer cooperative founded in
1978. Their aim is to provide their members
(400 families) with organic vegetables through
collective farming of the land. The cooperative
is involved in many development projects and
in farming training with African countries,
advocating the right of food sovereignty in both
the North and South.
Work: work in the fields with about 20 different
vegetables, hoeing, weeding, planting, sowing,
harvesting, irrigation, maintenance of the
nearby environment (hedge, forest), work in the
vineyard and the apple plantation, organisation
of the vegetables distribution.
Accommodation: the volunteers will sleep in
their tents (to bring). There is tap water, toilets
are outside. Workcamp language: English.
Number of Volunteers: 8
activities, practical participation in the daily
camp life
Accommodation: Tents
Qualifications: be motivated, flexible and
responsible to take care of the children during
the days, the evenings and some over-night
watch, appreciate community life, be creative,
sportive and take initiatives during the games,
activities and bricolage, adapt to the
multicultural aspect of the summer camp
(different nationalities, languages and
mentalities), participate in all of the activities
(meetings, cleaning, daily organisation of tools
and materials), be fluent in French and send a
motivation letter in French
Extra info: Minimum age 20
Number of Volunteers: 6
3. Switzerland - SCI Switzerland
Begin:July 13, 2008, End: July 26, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
Refugees who apply for asylum in Switzerland
have to live in so called Transit Centres for
about 6-12 months. During this time their life is
dominated by waiting and uncertainty about
their future. They are not sure if they can stay
or if they have to leave the country and they are
not given a working permission. In the transit
centre in Volketswil live around 100 people,
among them families with children. The aim of
this camp is to organise activities with and for
them and to spend an interesting and joyful
time with the asylum seekers. The workcamp
will take place during the school holidays so the
children will be very happy to have you there to
organise activities for them.
Work: activities with the adults, teenagers and
children of the centre.
Study: Refugees, asylum seekers
Accommodation: an apartment in the transit
Qualifications: high motivation, ability to take
responsibility and doing something on your own
initiative. Creative people with artistic and/or
manual skills are very welcome.
Extra info: minimum age 20
Number of Volunteers: 10
5. Switzerland - SCI Switzerland
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 2, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
„Mühlehalde“ (www.muehlehalde.ch) is a home
for the blind, located in the city of Zurich. It
accommodates around 80 mostly elderly
women and men who have become visually
impaired of blind during their lives. Mühlehalde
offers them the required care, support and
rehabilitation so that they can live as
independently as possible with their visual
Work: The volunteers will be working in the
garden of the home during four days a week.
They will continue a project which aims at
making a part of the garden accessible by
terracing a hillside. Work includes raising the
terrain, constructing a path and possibly
planting vegetation. A professional gardener
will be present to instruct the volunteers. The
physical work which is expecting the volunteers
requires good health. Please bring appropriate
shoes (i.e. hiking shoes) and clothing (also for
rainy days). On one day a week the volunteers
will undertake activities with the residents of the
home, e.g. on the Swiss national holiday on the
1st of August. Encounters will also be possible
on other days, for instance during shared meals
or discussions with the residents.
Study: People with disabilities, welfare policy.
Accommodation: In the youth culture house
„Dynamo“ (see camp CH-9.1), located directly
at the Limmat river (www.dynamo.ch).
Qualifications: High motivation, social
competence. A motivation letter is required.
Language: English, local language is German.
To facilitate communication with the residents,
a basic knowledge of German will be beneficial.
Number of Volunteers: 10
4. Switzerland - SCI Switzerland
Begin:July 19, 2008, End: August 2, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
The asylum sector of the social office of Valais
organizes summer camps in the nature for
about fifty asylum seekers children between 7
and 10 years the first week and about fifty
asylum seekers children between 10 and 14
years the second week..
Work: daily organization of a group of around 8
children with the help of an assistant,
participation in the creation of different
6. Switzerland - SCI Switzerland
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 2, 2008
Topic: Environment
The foundation “Landschaft und Kies” was
founded in 1976 by the Bernese gravel industry
and is still carried by them. The main tasks of
the foundation: formation in ecology, public
relations for promoting the worth of the nature
in gravel pits, practical work within the gravel
pits (constructing a maintaining of ecological
areas, protecting of seldom animals and
plants). Taking care after protected areas
owned by the foundation.
Work: To remove undesirably plants, which are
causing problems to the ecological system, like
the Canadian Goldenrod. U: House for groups
in Belp
Study: Ecology and economy
Terminal/Region: Belp
Extra info: Hard work
Number of Volunteers: 8
7. Switzerland - SCI Switzerland
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 2, 2008
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
Refugees who apply for asylum in Switzerland
have to live in so called "Transit Centres" for
about 6 months. During the time waiting for the
decision about their future (do they have to
leave the country or not?), they are not given a
working permission. Uncertainty about their
future and boredom make these days difficult.
In Embrach are living up to 120 people, mainly
single adults but also families with children.
Sports and games should bring them some fun
and a change to their daily life during the camp.
Work: Organising activities, for adults as well
as for children and teenagers.
Study: Refugees
Accommodation: Near the Centre.
Language: A basic knowledge of German is
Extra info: Your ability to take responsibility
and to do something on your own initiative is
very important and indispensable for the
success of the camp. Experiences in working
with children are very welcome.
Number of Volunteers: 7
8. Switzerland - SCI Switzerland
Begin:July 21, 2008, End: August 5, 2008
Topic: Environment
OEKOTOPIA (Uettligen)
Pro Natura is a private non-profit organization
founded in 1909. It’s the largest nature
conservation organization in Switzerland.
Nature and environment education is an
important field of Pro Natura activities. One of
these activities is “Ecotopia”, a national meeting
of nature conservation groups with 200 - 300
young people. It’s a ten days lasting tent camp
that is mainly organised by volunteers. This
summer it’s taking place at an organic farmers
place near Berne.
Work: Before the camp, the volunteers will set
up small and very big tents and other
infrastructure for the camp. During the camp,
the volunteers will be helping in the kitchen.
After the camp, the volunteers will help to strike
the tents.
Accommodation: In Tents
Study: Environmental education, ecology
Terminal/Region: Uettligen
Number of Volunteers: 8
9. Switzerland - SCI Switzerland
Begin:July 27, 2008, End: August 3, 2008
Topic: Environment
The “Herzberg Centre” on the Jura hills above
the town of Aarau had been founded 70 years
ago in order to have adult education according
to the Scandivian model. Almost as traditional
is its co-operation with SCI Switzerland. All over
the year, the Centre is organising events on
topics like Nature, Philosophy, Culture and
Politics. Another focus is music weeks.
Work: Creation of a herb spiral and other
elements, to cut wood, possibility to take
lessons in felting
Accommodation: In bedrooms of the centre
Language: English; local language is German
Extra info: Especially suitable for volunteers
with children, and for handicapped people!
Number of Volunteers: 12
10. Switzerland - SCI Switzerland
Begin:July 27, 2008, End: August 9, 2008
Topic: Environment
Belle Etoile is a biologically run farm in
mountains of the Jura (1000 m above see
level). The surrounding is very beautiful, the
place is remote: The next village, Moutier, is a 3
hours walk away from the farm. The farm is
owned by a family. They are specialised on
mother cows.
Work: Construction of a pond for amphibians,
fixing of solarpanels, interior works
Study: Ecology and agriculture
Terminal/Region: Moutier
Accommodation: In the house, in the caravan
and eventually in a Tipi
Extra info: Suitable for children
Number of Volunteers: 12
11. Switzerland - SCI Switzerland
Begin:August 3, 2008, End: September 24,
Topic: Environment
The farm „Alma“ is situated in Italian speaking
part of Switzerland. The project “Alma” tries to
find new ways against the difficult situation, in
which a lot of farmers in Europe’s mountains
find themselves. The main aim is to produce in
a sustainable way on the meadows of the Alps.
The farm is bringing up Scottish highland cows
and is using horses to transport material to the
Alps. Another important activity lies in
cultivating the chestnut trees and their fruits.
Work: Working on the meadows and in the
valley: cultivating the chestnuts; ameliorate the
roads, reconstruction of a fountain
Study: Alpine economy, chestnut
Accommodation: At the Alps in barns, in the
valley in a civil protection building
Number of Volunteers: 8
12. Switzerland - SCI Switzerland
Begin:August 3, 2008, End: August 16, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
The Youth Culture House Dynamo is a centre
for different culture activities. There are
different events and offers taking place there:
Dance, theatre, concerts, workshops for media
and web design, metal constructions, jewellery
making. If you want to get an insight view into
an institution for youth cultural work, which
should have a preventive and integrative effect,
this is the right camp for you.
Work: Design of the surrounding: pedestrians,
visitors and users of the Dynamo shall receive
an entertaining, humorous and interesting
attention. This will be done by paintings and
small renovation works. You will get know how
in technical work. In the second phase of the
camp a creative community project will be
Accommodation: In the centre
Qualifications: technical interest, interest in
youth culture
Terminal/Region: Zurich
Number of Volunteers: 8
13. Switzerland - SCI Switzerland
Begin:August 10, 2008, End: August 22, 2008
Topic: Peace and disarmament
Broc is situated in the French-speaking part of
Switzerland between Fribourg and Lausanne in
an agricultural countryside, 700 meters above
sea level. It lies near the famous old county of
Gruyères and the Lake Gruyère. Since its
foundation in 1983, the association “Peace
Village” has been working for peace
construction. Its focus lies on the following
aspects: solidarity, non-violence, intercultural
exchange, a simple life style and spirituality.
Work: mainly renovation work in and around
the buildings
Study: peace and conflict resolution
Accommodation: dormitories.
Language: English, French, German. It’s
possible to take part with children.
Extra info: Participation for volunteers with
children is possible
Number of Volunteers: 12
14. Switzerland - SCI Switzerland
Begin:August 17, 2008, End: August 30, 2008
Topic: Peace and disarmament
NO MORE WAR (Ehrendingen)
The military budgets are rising, new weapons
are tested, foreign and interior policy are
militarised, intolerance is spreading around the
world. SCI Switzerland is offering in the frame
of this study camp the possibility to discuss new
concepts of peace policy with different
perspectives and activists from different
organisations. The volunteers will live at the cooperative “Gipsgrueb” in Ehrendingen, near
Work: 50% of the time helping the co-operative
in helping to work in the biological garden und
to bring in firewood. 50% of the time is
dedicated to the study part.
Study: Peace Policy, antimilitarism &
globalisation, Human Rights. Meetings with
different representatives of NGOs.
Accommodation: Simple, in the barn or in
Extra info: Please write a motivation letter
Terminal/Region: Oberehrendingen
Number of Volunteers: 10
15. Switzerland - SCI Switzerland
Begin:August 17, 2008, End: September 7,
Topic: Environment
Since more than 10 years now, the cooperative
“Pianta Monda” is gradually realising its vision
of a communitarian and ecological lifestyle on a
formerly abandoned alpage in the Vallemaggia
(Ticino Alps). Their main activities are:
renovation the buildings and preservation of the
environment, with growing organic vegetables
and herbs, and with ecological tourism.
Work: Renovate stone walls for terraces, clean
the site from bushes, various building and
renovating tasks in houses and paths, cutting
wood, haying and garden work (some of it is
physically hard work)
Accommodation: In one of the houses, very
simple conditions (cooking on fire, ecological
toilet, no hot water, no electricity).
Language: English; the project people speak
German, English, French and Italian. local
language is Italian
Number of Volunteers: 10
1. Ukraine - Alternative Ukraine
Begin:July 6, 2008, End: July 19, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Brody, Lviv region
Project partner: Lviv regional youth labour
centre. Project: The project will take place in
Brody, a town located 130 km from Lviv. The
city is well known due to its cultural and
historical places, such as Brody Castle.
Work: The volunteers will carry out maintaining
and renovation works on the territory and inside
work. The project will be realised in cooperation
with Ukrainian and international volunteers.
Accommodation: Volunteers will be
accommodated in a student hostel. Food will be
provided in the canteen three times a day.
Location: Brody is 130 km to the east from
Lviv Leisure time: In their free time, the
volunteers will be able to get to know the
environment, play sports, meet local youth, and
visit local discos. What to bring: working
clothes, gloves, strong shoes, swimming suit,
mosquito repellents, flesh light, musical
instruments, detailed information about your
country, your flag (will be used for geographical
and historical quizzes), national games and
recipes, good mood and motivation!
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Lviv Nearest Airport: Lviv
International Airport (web: www.airport.lviv.ua )
Meeting point: On 6 of July in Lviv. Place to be
specified in the infosheet.
Number of Volunteers: 20
2. Ukraine - Alternative Ukraine
Begin:July 6, 2008, End: July 19, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
HIV/AIDS prevention campaign, Kyiv Region
Project: Ukraine is the country of Europe with
the highest rate of HIV infection spreading. With
this workcamp we continue the work we started
in 2002. The feedback we got last time inspired
us to make a similar camp this year. Many
teenagers in Ukraine are attending camps in
summer. We want the volunteers – people of
approximately same age – to explain the
danger of AIDS to them, as well as raise
awareness about ways of prevention of getting
HIV infected.
Work: The volunteers will be visiting the
summer camps in Kyiv region. There they will
carry out work on raising awareness of the
teenagers by performing a play, prepared by
professional stage director. Thus to be
expected from volunteers to perform on stage.
This moving camp will first start with
preparation activities. With the help of the AIDS
experts, volunteers will work out the plan of
actions – inventing the types of events they can
carry out: games, competitions, performances,
etc. Volunteers will visit about 6-8 summer
Accommodation: Sport base or on the territory
of the visited teenager camps. Leisure time:
excursions in Kyiv, sunbathing, etc. What to
bring: Sleeping bag, mat, sportswear,
swimming suit, mosquito repellents, and all the
stuff you find necessary for organising the work,
musical instruments, CDs and whatever you
Language: English Special requirements:
MOTIVATION LETTER, performance skills
preferable, skills on HIV prevention, possible
theatre experience of activities of this kind.
Terminal/Region: Kyiv Passenger (Kyiv-Pas
Railway Station) Nearest Airport: Kyiv Boryspil
(KBP) http://www.kbp.kiev.ua/ Meeting point:
On 06.07 in Kiev. Place to be specified in the
Number of Volunteers: 15
3. Ukraine - Alternative Ukraine
Begin:July 6, 2008, End: July 19, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Summer with English, Kharkiv region
Project partner: Regional Youth Centre of
European Cooperation “Planet XXI”. Project:
Sports summer center “Boyko school” is
situated in a picturesque place 30 km from
Kharkiv, eastern part of Ukraine. The Center
was founded in 1987 on the territory of the
former duke’s estate. On the territory of the
Center there is a pond with a lot of fish – so you
can go fishing there. There are also stables
with 12 horses, a riding school for children. The
camp hosts about 200 children at a time. The
camp works by the program of the summer
English language school.
Work: Every volunteer together with two
Ukrainian leaders will take care of 15-20
teenagers. The main task of the volunteers will
be to help in organising everyday life of the
camp and leisure time activities, such as
workshops, sport competitions, contests,
activities connected with culture, history,
traditions of the volunteers’ countries. The
volunteers will also assist teachers to teach
English in the course of lessons. We expect
from volunteers new ideas and enthusiasm in
organising children’s leisure time to make it
meaningful and useful. Every volunteer must be
ready to help children in organising the Day of
Culture of the volunteer’s country (national
games, songs, dances, recipes of the national
food – should be easy to cook!). If you have
experience, but most important desire to work
with children, this project is for YOU! Working
hours: 6 hours a day, 6 working days a week.
Accommodation: Volunteers will be lodged in
4-bed rooms. Food will be provided in the camp
canteen four times a day! Leisure time: Lots of
sport facilities are available, in the evening
cultural meetings with the campers and staff will
be organised, etc.
Language: English What to bring: musical
instruments, detailed information about your
country, flags, national music, postcards (will be
used for geographical and historical quizzes),
national games and recipes, sleeping bag for
hikes. Special requirements: aged from 20 to
45, motivation letter, basic knowledge of
Russian or Ukrainian is an advantage, but not
Terminal/Region: Kharkiv Nearest airport:
Kharkiv International Airport
Number of Volunteers: 5
4. Ukraine - Alternative Ukraine
Begin:July 13, 2008, End: July 26, 2008
Topic: Environment
Kharkiv Zoo, Kharkiv
Project partner: Regional Youth Center of
European Cooperation “Planet XXI”. Project: It
is the third experience of our collaboration with
the Zoo in Kharkiv. The previous three were
dedicated to its 110th anniversary. This time we
will continue the tradition for improving leaving
conditions of animals. This will include
reconstruction of old cages and to build new
ones. Our main aims is: to reach the perfect
conditions for animals, to be an integral part of
the nature, observe the happy lives of our fourfooted friends, their reproduction and growing
of their quantity.
Work: The work of the group will include the
renovation and reconstruction of animal
expositions: some open-air cages. Maybe some
cleaning and weeding, making a flower-bed.
The Zoo is located in the park zone in the
center of the city.
Accommodation: A city hall building (rooms
for 3-6 persons with common toilet sink and
shower in the corridor). Meals - 3 times per day.
Leisure time: activities in the group, intercultural
learning, meetings with Ukrainian students,
sightseeing, sport and cultural activities, disco,
swimming pool, weekend with paddling down
the river Severskij Donets and everything what
we will able to create for ourselves to make our
camp exciting.
Language: English (Russian, Ukrainian).
Special requirements: Here you can find some
information about: - Kharkiv Zoo
http://www.zoo.kharkov.ua/ (in Russian) Kharkiv http://www.kharkov.ua/index-e.phtml
Terminal/Region: Kharkiv Nearest airport:
Kharkiv International Airport
www.aeroport.kharkov.ua Meeting point: On the
13en of July in Kharkiv. Place to be specified in
the infosheet
Number of Volunteers: 12
5. Ukraine - Alternative Ukraine
Begin:July 13, 2008, End: July 26, 2008
Topic: Environment
Khortytsya, Zaporizhzhya
Project: The project will take place on
Khortytsya Island which Island includes the
Cossack fortress, the Cathedral of St.Nicholas,
the Museum of History of Cossacks with
authentic items pertinent to every-day life of
Cossacks. On the island of Khortytsya, in the
middle of the Dnipro River, on the WesternSouthern part of the city, the headquarters
(sich) of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks was based
between 16th and 18th cent. (The word
Zaporizhzhya means "beyond the rapids," i.e.,
of the Dnipro.) For nearly three centuries the
Zaporizhzhya Cossacks served as the rallying
point for Ukrainian struggles against social,
national, and religious oppression.
Work: Volunteers will do cleaning work around
the riverside of the river Dnipro. Duration of
work 5 hrs a day, 5-6 day a week. It is also
planned that volunteers will attend evaluation
seminar by the end of work camp where
journalists will be present. Accomodation: will
be provided on the territory of the recreation
centre. Toilets and showers are available inside
the building. Unfortunately, there could be
difficulties with hot water. The food will be
provided at the recreation centre.
Location: Zaporizhzhya. Leisure time: You can
learn history, culture and life of Zaporizhzhya.
Visits to numerous museums, exhibitions,
preserve, boat trip around the Island on the
Dnieper River will be organised.
Language: English What to bring: musical
instruments, national games, info on your
country, working clothes, gloves, thin paintbrushes, swimming suit, good mood and
Terminal/Region: Dnipropetrovsk Nearest
Airport: Dnipropetrovsk Meeting point: On the
13en of July in Zaporizhzhya. Place to be
specified in the infosheet.
Number of Volunteers: 12
6. Ukraine - Alternative Ukraine
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 2, 2008
Topic: Others
Dzherela, Kyiv region and Kyiv
Project partner: Charity Association for people
with learning, emotional and behavioural
disabilities “Djerela”. http://www.djerela.kiev.ua/
Project: Djerela” was founded in 1994. Its
mission is to develop and fulfill separate
actions, projects and programs designed to
protect human rights of people with learning,
emotional and behavioral disabilities as well as
their families, provide their rehabilitation and
social adaptation; to focus public attention on
the problems of above mentioned people.
”Djerela’s” main activities include program of
early intervention; respite care and fostering
programs; family support services
(psychological and juridical consulting);
integrated education, etc. Project will take place
in two Djerela’s buidings in Kyiv region
(Boguslav) and in Kyiv.
Work: During first week volunteers will be
doing environmental work in Kyiv region, town
Boguslav (renovation work in small house and
cleaning forest which is nearby). During second
week volunteers will do renovation wok in Kyiv
city in mini-hostel. Volunteers will be working on
maintenance of two building and surrounding
area (sometimes work will be physically hard).
There will be a possibility to see the work of
social workers if volunteers are interested.
Board and lodging Volunteers will be
accommodated indoors but please, bring
sleeping bags. Food will be partly organised by
volunteers, partly prepared.
Location: Boguslav, Kyiv region and Kyiv,
more info http://www.airportborispol.kiev.ua/about-kiev.html Leisure time:
excursions around the city, picnics, swimming
in Dnipro river, learning history, culture and life
of Kyiv city and Boguslav. You will be able to
explore the night life of Kyiv, visit Opera,
Museum of Chernobyl and many other
interesting places!
Language: English. What to bring: musical
instruments, national games, info about your
country, working clothes, gloves, swimming
suit, good mood and motivation.
Terminal/Region: Kyiv Passenger (Kyiv-Pas
Railway Station) Nearest Airport: Kyiv Boryspil
(KBP) http://www.kbp.kiev.ua/ Meeting point:
On the 20th of July in Kyiv, place to be
specified in the infosheet
Number of Volunteers: 12
7. Ukraine - Alternative Ukraine
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 9, 2008
Topic: Others
Teterivka & Nova Borova, Zhytomyr Region
& Rivne Region
Project: Within this project we aim to create
better social and ecological conditions in the
orphanages. Since 2003 “Ecoclub” is running
renovation workcamps in orphanages in
Western part of Ukraine (renovating windows
by installing heat insulation). This work camp
will be held in Zhytomyr Region of Ukraine
(renovating windows by installing heat
insulation). The project will be in Teterivka
orphanage for boys and Nova Borova
orphanage for girls.
Work: Together with Ukrainians international
volunteers will do windows renovation.
Sometimes work can be hard, 6 hours a day.
Accomodation: participants of the work camp
will be placed in the house of the orphanage in
two separate rooms for boys and girls. There is
a toilet and a shower. The food will be provided.
But it is supposed that volunteers will prepare
light breakfasts themselves. During the work
camp volunteers will have chance to taste
traditional food.
Location: Teterivka and Nova Borova,
Zhytomyr region Leisure time: forest walking,
outing to the local reservoir, familiarizing with
local traditions, fire games, Ukrainian songs
learning, games, entertainment, dancing. By
the end of work volunteers and the members of
eco-club will have a picnic outdoors.
Language: English What to bring: working
clothes, gloves, sleeping-bag, comfortable
footwear, bathing / swimming suit, musical
instruments, flash-light, traditions of your native
Terminal/Region: Zhytomyr Nearest Airport:
Kyiv Boryspil (KBP) http://www.kbp.kiev.ua/
Meeting point: Zhytomyr city on 20th of July.
The place will be specified in the infosheet.
Number of Volunteers: 15
8. Ukraine - Alternative Ukraine
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 3, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Lviv, Lviv city
Project partner: Lviv Regional Youth Labour
Centre Project: The city of Lviv, founded in the
late Middle Ages, was a flourishing
administrative, religious and commercial centre
for several centuries. The medieval urban
topography has been preserved virtually intact
(in particular, there is evidence of the different
ethnic communities who lived there), along with
many fine Baroque and later buildings. The
territory of central part of Lviv – 120ha of the
property at its centre now listed as a part of the
World Heritage, was designated as a National
Historical and Architectural Reserve
Work: The volunteers will be working on the
territory of the Historical Centre of Lviv City.
They will be involved in performing wide variety
of tasks aiming at preservation and restoration
of the parts of Ensemble of the Historic Centre:
- earthworks, - painting, plastering, masonry
works, not requiring high skills and
qualifications. Volunteers will work 5-6 hrs per
day 5 days a week. It is also planned that
volunteers will attend evaluation seminar in Lviv
by the end of workcamp where journalists will
be present. Accomodation: Student Hostel, the
food will be provided
Location: Lviv (Halychyna), Ukraine. Leisure
time: There will an opportunity to visit many of
museums and other interesting places in Lviv.
Language: English What to bring: working
gloves, comfortable footwear (strong shoes),
working clothes, CD’s, DVD’s etc, musical
instruments, detailed information about your
country, national games, good mood and
Terminal/Region: Lviv Nearest Airport: Lviv
International Airport (web: www.airport.lviv.ua )
Meeting point: On the 20th of July in Lviv. Place
to be specified in the infosheet.
Number of Volunteers: 30
9. Ukraine - SVIT Ukraine
Begin:July 27, 2008, End: August 12, 2008
Topic: Disabilities
RADUGA (Donetsk region)
DISA, ENVI, SPORT The project is realized
jointly with Raduga NGO from Donetsk, which
is running rehabilitation center for children and
young people with disabilities (cerebral palsy,
autism etc.). In the center, disabled children
and young people regularly meet and do
different crafts, also some sport and music
exercises. Due to financial reasons and also a
lot of support and care needed for these
people, their families cannot afford to take them
for vacation in the summer. The project is
aimed to assist Raduga to organize vacation
camp for them in natural area.
Work: sport and games in the nature, crafts,
cooking and care for disabled, organizing
different free-time activities and intercultural
Study: information about nature and history of
the region, support and care system for
disabled in Ukraine. Special on-arrival program
will be organized for volunteers and disabled at
the beginning of the project to get to know each
Accommodation: in the tents, bring sleeping
bag. Volunteers will cook for themselves.
Kitchen and sanitation facilities are available.
Number of Volunteers: 13
10. Ukraine - Alternative Ukraine
Begin:July 27, 2008, End: August 9, 2008
Topic: Others
Orphanage, Odesa
Project partner: Odesa Centre of Social
Services for Youth Project: The orphanage is
located at the resort district of the city Odesa,
500 m from the sea zone and a beach zone
“Lanjeron”. The orphanage is placed inside the
building of a former kinder garden. It adopts the
“children of street”, the children who
experienced violence in the family and those
who came themselves or where brought here.
The main aim of the orphanage is to help
children and teenagers that appeared in the
crisis situations. Nowadays it is a place where
any child that became alone could receive food
and lodging.
Work: Cleaning courtyard territory, painting of
summerhouses, planting of greenery. We
expect volunteers that have some skills in
painting and art. Accomodation: volunteers will
live in the house of orphanage. The food will be
provided there.
Location: Odesa Leisure time: in the free time
the tours to the central part of the city are
planned, visiting of the theatres/museums is
also possible. Trips to discotheque, cater trips,
trips to the beach. It is also possible that will be
a journey for a few days to the children of
orphanage that will have a rest on Kimborska
Kosa in the Mykolaiv region.
Language: English What to bring: gloves,
comfortable footwear (strong shoes), working
clothes, sun protection cream and a cap,
sleeping bag, swimming suit.
Terminal/Region: Odesa Nearest Airport:
Odesa Meeting point: in Odesa on 27.07.08.
The place will be specified in the infosheet.
Number of Volunteers: 12
11. Ukraine - Alternative Ukraine
Begin:July 27, 2008, End: August 9, 2008
Topic: Others
Club of young naturalists, Kharkiv
Project partner: Regional Youth Centre of
European Cooperation “Planet XXI”. Project :
This year YCEC “Planet XXI” is going to
organize the 5th international volunteer project
in Kharkiv Zoo. In 2005 Kharkiv Zoo celebrated
its 110th anniversary. Kharkiv Club of young
naturalists was one of the first in the world.
During the years many youngsters who
followed this naturalists school became
outstanding specialists in biology. Since 1925
year thousands of boys and girls, having been
the members of this club, became professional
biologists of the highest level. But unfortunately,
a building, where this club was situated, is
burned. This year was made a new project of
the club of young naturalists. The group of
volunteers will help in some construction and
cleaning works.
Work: The work of the group will include
finishing renovation works inside the building.
This may include painting, cleaning, washing
and so on. Volunteers might help with arranging
flower beds outside the club. The Zoo is located
in the park zone in the center of the city.
Accomodation&Food: A city hall building
(rooms for 4-6 persons with common toilet sink
and shower in the corridor). Meals - 3 times a
Location: Kharkiv is the second largest city in
Ukraine and its first capital. It can truly be
named a Ukrainian megapolis. It’s situated in
North-East of Ukraine in the confluence of three
rivers. Its population is 1470000 people. It’s
one of the biggest scientific and cultural
centers. Kharkiv is the city of student’s and has
80 higher educational establishments. The city
is famous for its great traditions and
extraordinary historical past. In 2004 Kharkiv
celebrated its 350th anniversary. One of the
most important points if interest in Kharkiv is a
city Zoo which is located in the center of the city
in the park area. Leisure time: Lots of sport
facilities are available, swimming pool,
rollerblade, , picnics, swimming and paddling in
river, meetings with Ukrainian people,
excursions around the city, disco and
everything what we will able to create for
ourselves to make our camp exciting.
Language: English (Russian, Ukrainian).
Special requirements: Here you can find some
information about: - Kharkiv Zoo
http://www.zoo.kharkov.ua/ (in Russian) Kharkiv http://www.kharkov.ua/index-e.phtml
What to bring: musical instruments, detailed
information about your country, your flag (will
be used for geographical and historical
quizzes), national games and recipes, good
mood and motivation.
Terminal/Region: Kharkiv Nearest airport:
Kharkiv International Airport
www.aeroport.kharkov.ua Meeting point: in
Kharkiv on 27.07.08. The place will be specified
in the infosheet.
Number of Volunteers: 12
12. Ukraine - Alternative Ukraine
Begin:July 27, 2008, End: August 10, 2008
Topic: Environment
Forest’s friends, Dnipropetrovsk region
Project partner: Dnipropetrovsk association for
regions development Project: Dnipropetrovsk
region is one of the most developed in Ukraine.
It has favorable geographic location, high
industrial and scientific potential, highly
developed agriculture, it is also reach in natural
resources. Dnipropetrovsk is one of the largest
and most beautiful cities in Ukraine. It is
situated on the Dnieper River and has 1.5
million inhabitants. Dnipropetrovsk was founded
by the Russian empress Ekaterina II. It was the
place where the first European democratic
republic emerged – Zaporiz’ka Sich (Cossacks
republic). Dnipropetrovsk region has rich flora
and fauna. The project will be held on the basis
of a forestry, which is located near the big
regional centre Dnipropetrovsk (200 km). It is
one of the most picturesque places in
Dnipropetrovsk region. Vast green plantations,
boundless fields with crops, clean lakes and
absence of industrial plants and transport – all
that gives feeling of complete unity with nature.
Work: There is a forest outpost on the territory
of the forestry, which is intended for protection
of a wood from poachers, fires, for the control
over population of animals and vegetative fund.
Volunteers will be busy with cleaning of territory
of the forest area from garbage.
Accommodation: Accommodation is tents,
food will be cooked on a campfire by the
volunteers. It is also possible to observe
vegetarian diet. Very simple facilities: toilet and
open-air shower. Delivery of drinking –water is
provided. Leisure time: Volunteers will be
offered different leisure opportunities for
weekend and work days, for example
attendance of an equestrian centre, the village
cultural events, a community centre, youth
centre and sports complex, they will become
familiar with Ukrainian culture (folklore
ensemble, national cuisine). Besides volunteers
will be able to take part in different sport
activities, to go swimming at the lake nearby,
and many other things.
Language: English. Special requirements: We
would appreciate to know about your
motivations, ideas, hobbies and experiences
from motivation letter attached to application
form when you apply. Participants should be
ready for simple living conditions and should be
flexible for changes in the camp schedule.
Good motivation letter is your advantage to get
a place with this project. We look for creative,
open minded and active participants to make it
the best experience 2008! What to bring:
Sleeping bag, rug (mat), pocket torch , raincoat,
work gloves, work and warm clothing,
swimming suit, mosquito protection, eating
tools (plate, folk, knife and cup), rucksack,
musical instruments, national games, info on
your country, and good mood.
Terminal/Region: Dnipropetrovsk Nearest
Airport: Dnipropetrovsk Meeting point: On
August 3th 2008 in Dnipropetrovsk. Place will
specified in the infosheet.
Number of Volunteers: 15
13. Ukraine - Alternative Ukraine
Begin:July 27, 2008, End: August 9, 2008
Topic: Others
Orphanage, Kharkiv
Project partner: Regional Youth Center of
European Cooperation “Planet XXI”, Kharkov
orphanage №14. Project: The project is going
to take place in of the city orphanages, in There
are two main aims of this project. First is to
renovate playground facilities of the orphanage
and second is to socialize with children that
were left without parental care. These kids have
very few communication with the outside world,
especially with foreigners. We aim to introduce
them to different cultures of the world and
broaden their knowledge. We are also hoping
that attention of volunteers, your sheer
enthusiasm and involvement with make those
kids happier
Work: The work of the group will include
improving facilities of the orphanage and its
playgrounds. This may include some painting of
the kid’s rooms, but mostly volunteers will be
busy with making flower beds and fixing up the
playgrounds. Accomodation: In the orphanage
(in the room with common toilet sink and
shower in the corridor). Meals - 3 times a day.
Location: Kharkiv is the second largest city in
Ukraine and its first capital. It can truly be
named a Ukrainian megapolis. It’s situated in
North-East of Ukraine in the confluence of three
rivers. Its population is 1470000 people. It’s
one of the biggest scientific and cultural
centers. Kharkiv is the city of student’s and has
80 higher educational establishments. The city
is famous for its great traditions and
extraordinary historical past. In 2004 Kharkiv
celebrated its 350th anniversary. There are a
lot parks in the city and volunteers will live right
next to a little park which is perfect for those
who like jogging. Here you can find some
information about Kharkiv
http://www.kharkov.ua/index-e.phtml Leisure
time: Lots of sport facilities are available,
swimming pool, rollerblade, picnics, swimming
and paddling in river, meetings with Ukrainian
people, excursions around the city, disco and
everything what we will able to create for
ourselves to make our camp exciting.
Languages: English. Special requirements: You
may be not allowed to smoke and drink
alcohols on the territory of the orphanage What
to bring: detailed information about your
country, your flag (will be used for geographical
and historical quizzes), national games and
recipes, games for the children, arts and crafts
to make with kids, good mood and motivation.
Terminal/Region: Kharkiv Nearest Airport:
Kharkiv Meeting point: On the 27.07.08 in
Kharkiv. Place to be specified in the infosheet.
Number of Volunteers: 12
14. Ukraine - SVIT Ukraine
Begin:August 1, 2008, End: August 14, 2008
Topic: Environment
MEDVEZHANKA (Lugansk region)
ENVI, MANU Medvezhanka is a protected area
located 60 km. from Lugansk. This territory is
remarkable for its picturesque landscapes
typical for steppe, and huge water reservoir.
Since mid nineties regional environmental NGO
“Zeleny Svit” is lobbying for creation of regional
landscape park to raise protected status of this
area, improve possibilities for environmental
protection, scientific work and recreation; local
authorities and population also support this
idea, but there is delay at regional
administration to officially establish the park.
The project is realized in partnership with
“Zeleny Svit” and aimed to do practical work to
improve territory of the future park, and draw
attention of regional administration to the area
and the need to create park for better
preservation of local nature and landscape.
Work: installing information signs and markers
around the territory of Medvezhanka, preparing
site for information center of the Park, preparing
background for ecological and tourist routes
along natural springs, cleaning up the springs
and river.
Study: Information about the protected area,
system of environmental protection and
protected areas in Ukraine, work of
environmental NGOs, history of the region.
Accommodation: in the tents, in field
conditions. Kitchen and sanitation facilities are
available, volunteers will cook for themselves.
Bring a sleeping bag.
Number of Volunteers: 10
15. Ukraine - SVIT Ukraine
Begin:August 1, 2008, End: August 14, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
POTOTSKY PALACE (Chervonograd, Lviv
HERI, RENO, ENVI Pototsky palace is located
in Chervonograd, Lviv region. The palace was
built in XVII century and is nowadays used as
museum. The palace was surrounded by
beautiful park. In Soviet period and first years of
Independence of Ukraine museum was
neglected due to financial situation, which
jeopardized state of both park and palace. In
2007 the palace has got status of National
register of monuments of architecture of
Ukraine, which opens possibilities for
renovation and restoration of both palace and
park. The project is aimed to contribute with
practical work to restoration of the park and
raising awareness among local young people
on its historical and cultural value.
Work: cleaning up territory of the park,
removing trash, preparing territory for
landscape design activities, planning lawns,
installing fence, planning places for trees and
bushes as natural fence.
Study: information about culture and history of
the region and this area, visits to interesting
places in the region (possible excursion to Lviv
during week-end)
Accommodation: at the students’ dormitory.
Volunteers will cook for themselves. Bring a
sleeping bag.
Number of Volunteers: 10
16. Ukraine - Alternative Ukraine
Begin:August 3, 2008, End: August 16, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyy, Kyiv region
Project partner: Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyy
Centre of Social Services for Youth. Project:
The camp is situated in the suburban part of
Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyy. This town has rich
history and a lot of places to see. It is situated
on the banks of one of the most beautiful rivers
in Ukraine - the Dnieper, 100 km to the southeast of Kyiv – the capital of Ukraine. There are
17 museums and 7 magnificent parks, so
volunteers will enjoy this place.
Work: We continue the 11 year project,
repairing the historic objects and cultural
monuments, participating in the work on the
territory of the historic and cultural recreation
area in Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyy. Volunteers
will help the workers of the Museum of
Ukrainian Folk Architecture through different
activities to restore the museum exhibits and to
clean the territory of the museum.
Accommodation: Accommodation will be
provided in student hostel. The volunteers will
cook breakfast and dinner by themselves and a
hot lunch will be provided.
Location: Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyy, 100 km to
the south-east of Kyiv. Leisure time: As it was
mentioned above there are a lot of museums in
Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyy, so volunteers can
explore the history and culture of the Central
Ukraine. Bus trip to Kyiv will be organised.
Sunbathing and swimming in the Dnieper River
and the lake are possible. What to bring:
Working clothes, sleeping bag, swimming suit,
a mat, pocket flashlight, shoes, sportswear,
mosquito protection liquid, tapes, musical
instruments and everything you need…
Terminal/Region: Kyiv Nearest Airport: Kyiv
Boryspil (KBP) http://www.kbp.kiev.ua/ Meeting
point: On the 3rd of August in Kyiv. Place to be
specified in the infosheet
Number of Volunteers: 15
17. Ukraine - Alternative Ukraine
Begin:August 3, 2008, End: August 18, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Sunflower Youth Festival camp,
Dnipropetrovsk region
Project partner: Dnipropetrovsk branch of
Alternative-V Project: The project will be
organised in cooperation with the National
Metallurgical University of Ukraine on the base
of student's summer camp "Druzhba"
(Friendship) - very popular summer time leisure
place among students and graduates. It's
situated on the Samara river bank in the middle
of beautiful forest in the Orlovschina village.
(Dnipropetrovs’ka oblast, Novomoskovskiy
region) with picturesque views of natural
reserve. It is 1 hour by bus from the city of
Dnipropetrovsk (former Ekaterinoslav) - the
biggest city in central Ukraine. It is 1 hour by
bus from the city of Dnipropetrovsk (former
Ekaterinoslav) - the biggest city in central
Ukraine where Empress Kathryn the Second
used to stop on her way to Crimean estates in
the Potemkinskiy castle.
Work: Volunteers will create and organise an
intercultural exchange activities for students
involving them into the actions: intercultural
evenings, exhibitions, discussions, workshops,
concerts, games, sports competition, parties,
disco etc. The idea of the camp is to involve
Ukrainian students into an active intercultural
exchange with the group international
volunteers, to promote volunteering and to give
information on who volunteer is, to extend
students outlook with new ideas for
unforgettable student summer!
Accommodation: All volunteers will be
accommodated in small nice bungalows with
rooms for 3-4 people. Shower and washing
facilities are available on the territory of the
camp. Food will be provided in the camp
canteen. Be ready for simple conditions and
food. Leisure time: You will find the camp as
the place for active leisure time with great
social resources. Camp has different sport
facilities, for example a football field, basketball
and volleyball areas, big and table tennis.
There is a river’s beach in the camp for
sunbathing and swimming. Camp is surrounded
by four(!) other students camps close by. Cross
camp activities will be an open option for
Sunflower team. On week-ends you will have
time to visit Novomoskovsk with city market,
city of Dnipropetrovsk
Language: English Special requirements: We
would appreciate to know about your
motivations, ideas, hobbies and experiences
from motivation letter attached to application
form when you apply. Participants should be
ready for simple living conditions and should be
flexible for changes in the camp schedule.
Good motivation letter is your advantage to get
a place with this project. We look for creative,
open minded and active participants to make it
the best experience 2008! What to bring:
sleeping bags, roll mat (not necessary),
raincoats, caps with peak and sunglasses, sunprotection lotion. Mosquito repellent is highly
recommended to have with you. Musical
instruments, DJs decks, pictures, stories, CDs,
art projects, installations, creative ideas,
national food and drinks etc for the great
cultural exchange! Please take some materials,
pictures, stories or anything else concerning
activities of your local voluntary organizations
or your own voluntary experience to share.
Terminal/Region: Dnipropetrovsk Nearest
Airport: Dnipropetrovsk Meeting point: On the
3rd of August in Dnipropetrovsk. Place and time
is to be specified in the infosheet
Number of Volunteers: 12
18. Ukraine - Alternative Ukraine
Begin:August 4, 2008, End: August 17, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Busk, Lviv region
Project partner: Lviv regional youth labour
centre. Project: The project will be in Busk,
small town located 53 km from Lviv. In October
2005 Busk was celebrating its 1500
anniversary. This town was one of the first in
this region who was granted Magdeburg right in
1411. The symbol of the town is a stork. Town
is situated on the crossroads, and in XV century
it became a fortress. During many years this
land belonged to Austria and Poland that
influenced a lot local history and cultural
Work: The volunteers will carry out maintaining
works in the historical part of the town.
Accomodation: Volunteers will be
accommodated in the hostel in the 2-3 beds
rooms. Food will be provided by the canteen
three times a day.
Location: 53 km to the east from Lviv Leisure
time: In their free time, the volunteers will be
able to get to know the environment, play
sports, and meet local youth. Cultural
programme: A tour of the Olesko Castle (The
beautiful castle is situated on the hill with a
grand view of the valley. At present the castle
houses the museum with weapons, civilian
objects of 18-19th centuries, as well as a
tapestry depicting the famous Vienna battle) is
possible. Besides, the volunteers will be able to
go themselves to Zolochiv and Lviv. Lviv itself
is a beautiful city of authentic architecture,
which used to be a capital of the Ukrainian
state once. What to bring: working clothes,
gloves, strong shoes, swimming suit, mosquito
repellents, pocket torch.
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Lviv Nearest Airport: Lviv
Meeting point: On the 4th of August in LVIV.
Place to be specified in the infosheet
Number of Volunteers: 20
19. Ukraine - Alternative Ukraine
Begin:August 10, 2008, End: August 23, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Kharkiv Philharmonic, Kharkiv
Project: The history of the Kharkiv Philharmonic
was started in 1874 as the first stationary
Opera House. The theater had a big stage, a
four-circle auditorium and unique acoustics. It
was wooden and for this reason the building
was taken apart in 1880th because of fire risk.
During the next 120 years the troupe didn’t
have its own place, but finally the Opera was
“moved” to its actual place. But it was prone to
damage again, complete and rebuild again and
again. Every event, every milestone in the
history caused changes in the architecture,
style and destination of the building. We can
see extraneous features of the different
centuries and different countries (elements from
Tyuirly palace of Paris, portraits of Russian
composers, allegorical agricultural and winemaking pictures and catacombs recondite
under the foundation…). But in spite of its really
hard destiny the unique cultural and
architectural monument of our city fortunately
held out against pitiless time including two
destroying World Wars…From 1991 the
Kharkiv Philharmonic is located in the longsuffering building, but looked like really pure…
Don’t let the spiritual wealth to go to ruin!
Location: Kharkiv is the second largest city in
Ukraine and its first capital. It can truly be
named a Ukrainian megapolis. It’s situated in
North-East of Ukraine in the confluence of three
rivers. Its population is 147000 people. It’s one
of the biggest scientific and cultural centers.
Kharkiv is the city of student’s and has 80
higher educational establishments. The city is
famous for its great traditions and extraordinary
historical past. In 2004 Kharkiv celebrated its
350th anniversary.
Work: We will help to restore the front of the
Philharmonic, build the fountain, which will
located forward of the building, clean and put in
order inside. Maybe painting and some “makeup” work. We will work in the place where every
brick penetrates with history; we will touch
directly the spirit of the classical music, which is
passing the time!
Accommodation: A city hall building (rooms
for 4-6 persons with common toilet sink and
shower in the corridor). Meals - 3 times a day.
Leisure time: activities in the group, intercultural
learning, sightseeing, sport and cultural
activities, swimming pool, weekend with
paddling down the river Severskij Donets and
everything what we will able to create for
ourselves to make our camp exciting. Special
remarks: Here you can find some information
Language: English (Russian, Ukrainian).
Special remarks: Here you can find some
information about: • The Kharkiv Philharmonic
&till= = (in Russian) • Kharkiv
Terminal/Region: Kharkiv Nearest airport:
Kharkiv International Airport
www.aeroport.kharkov.ua Meeting point: on
July 27th in Kharkiv place will be specified in
Number of Volunteers: 12
20. Ukraine - SVIT Ukraine
Begin:August 13, 2008, End: August 27, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
RENO, KIDS, DISA Boarding School for
mentally disabled children is located in
Paraskoveyevka village, 5 kilometers away
from Artemovsk, southeastern Ukraine. There
are about 150 children in the boarding school
aged 7-16 years old, among them 12 orphans.
Children stay at the boarding school during the
whole year and have special education
program. During the workcamp it is planned to
renovate outside playground and sport facilities,
arrange green corner in the school and
organize activities with children.
Work: arranging green corner (building up
shelves for plants and mini-zoo); renovating
playground and installing outside sport
equipment, playing with children.
Study: information about the boarding school
and children, excursions to the salt mines and
local area.
Accommodation: in the boarding school,
kitchen and sanitation facilities are in the
building. Food will be served in loal canteen.
Number of Volunteers: 13
21. Ukraine - SVIT Ukraine
Begin:August 15, 2008, End: August 28, 2008
Topic: Environment
GOMOLSHA (Kharkiv region)
ENVI, MANU National Nature Park
“Gomolshansky lisy” is located in the south-east
of Kharkiv region, was established in 2004. The
territory of the park includes 14 315 hectares.
The area is remarkable for many rare
representatives of flora and fauna, including old
oak-groves aging from 350 to 750 years;
beautiful landscapes to see from the banks of
the Seversky Donetz river and its tributary
Gomolsha, and sites of Cossacks’ history. The
camp will be located in Korobky village in the
estate of 19th century, now belonging to the
park. It is planned to help with renovation of the
estate house, and arranging ecological routes
in the park and assistance with creation of
museum of local history.
Work: renovation of the estate building and
museum rooms. Arranging ecological routes
(installing information signs about the park and
observation points), rest places along the
Study: Information about the park, about local
area and its history.
Accommodation: in the tents at the territory of
estate. Volunteers will cook for themselves.
Kitchen and sanitation facilities are available.
Number of Volunteers: 8
22. Ukraine - Alternative Ukraine
Begin:August 16, 2008, End: August 31, 2008
Topic: Others
and Rivne region
Project Partner: UNITED NATIONS
VOLUNTEERS Project: The project is aimed at
promoting active participation in the social life
among young people, participation in the
development of the local community and at
promoting youth leadership in social, economic
and political spheres.
Work: The core group will consist of 7
international volunteers including 2
campleaders and 2 experts-trainers on
volunteering issues. The age of the participants
will vary from 18 to 30. Volunteers should be
prepared to present their national volunteering
traditions and info on similar projects realized in
their countries; to discuss and share
information about volunteering issues. During
first 3 days volunteers will stay together and will
have an introductory seminar. After this
introductory phase, the group will be travelling
through Zhytomyr and Rivne Regions visiting
Youth Centres. During the first half of the day
international group together with local youth will
be involved in performing community
development tasks, which might include
environmental, construction, renovation, social,
cultural and archaeological work. Later on, in
discussion groups facilitated by the experts,
young people will have the chance to speak
about volunteering issues. Accomodation:
Indoor. Food will be prepared partly by
volunteers, partly organized. Leisure time:
excursions around Zhytomyr and Rivne cities,
picnics, swimming in river, learning history,
culture and life of Zhytomyr and Rivne region.
You will be able to explore the Zhytomyr and
Rivne, visit museums and many other
interesting places!
Language: English. What to bring: musical
instruments, national games, info about your
country, working clothes, gloves, swimming
suit, good mood and motivation. Special
Terminal/Region: Zhytomyr Nearest Airport:
Kyiv Boryspil (KBP) http://www.kbp.kiev.ua/
Meeting point: On 16th or 23rd of August in
Kyiv. Exact date and place to be specified in
the infosheet.
Number of Volunteers: 15
23. Ukraine - SVIT Ukraine
Begin:August 20, 2008, End: September 8,
Topic: Antiracism, antifascism, refugees and
ethnic minorities
DOBRE RAZOM 2 (Kharkiv and Kyiv)
EDU, STUDY, KIDS The camp is organized in
the framework of “Youth Transcending New
Frontiers” project, which is taking place in
Ukraine, Moldova, Russia and Belarus. In the
project framework volunteer groups are
organizing activities on human rights education,
social inclusion, racism and xenophobia. During
the workcamp it is planned to address the
problem of racism in Ukraine through making a
film about racism. The film will include research
and comparing situation, attitudes with other
European countries, information events for
students, schoolchildren and local NGOs,
public actions. Activities and filming will take
place in Kharkiv and Kyiv. During the workcamp
it is planned to do filming, cut will be made at
later stage, and film will be used for educational
activities in schools in Ukraine.
Work: detailed elaboration of scenario, filming,
preparing and running workshops and public
Study: information about situation with racism
and anti-racism movement in Ukraine,
comparison of situation with other European
Accommodation: at the students’ dormitories,
schools. Volunteers will cook for themselves.
Bring a sleeping bag.
Qualifications: experience in anti-racism field
or strong motivation; creative skills, skills or
experience in making films would be an asset.
Motivation statement is needed.
Number of Volunteers: 10
24. Ukraine - SVIT Ukraine
Begin:September 12, 2008, End: September
25, 2008
Topic: Sexuality and Gender
EDU, KIDS, STUDY The camp will be held in
Kharkiv. Women from small cities of Ukraine
have insufficiently advanced active vital
position. The purpose of project is to raise
awareness and level of knowledge of young
people on gender issues, initiate discussion on
roles of male and female in society. This
subject does not receive enough attention in
Ukraine, and is crucially important due to
changes in society and lifestyle, cultural
transformation. Target group of this educational
project is senior pupils of secondary schools.
The project includes preparation and
organization of educational activities at
secondary schools.
Work: elaboration and participation to seminars
and discussions, preparation and participation
to information sessions with creative elements
for young people, distribution of informational
Study: about history and culture of the region,
visits to interesting places around Kharkiv.
Accommodation: in the student dormitory of
university (beds and bed clothes are available),
kitchen and sanitation facilities are in the
house. Volunteers will cook for themselves.
Bring a sleeping bag for excursions.
Number of Volunteers: 8
1. Israel - Baladna Israel
Begin:July 18, 2008, End: July 30, 2008
Topic: Environment
Sakhnen, Heart of the Galilee , Israel
Participation Fee: 150 Euros
Accommodation: In municipal social centre.
Local Community and Project Description:
Sakhnin is a very old town, which dates back
3,500 years. The town is situated in the heart of
the Galilee and has holy sites for Muslims,
Christians and Jews. The town is built over
three hills. It is 200-250 meters above sea level,
and it is located in a valley surrounded by
mountains, the highest of them is 602 meters
high. Today there are over 20,000 inhabitants
in Sakhnin and most of them make a living from
businesses, light industry, and construction
work within the neighboring cities. Work
Description: Volunteers will work on important
site, called The Spring "El-EIN" which lies in the
southeast of the town. This served as the main
source of drinking water for the people of
Sakhnin decades ago. Volunteers will work
together to renovate certain parts of the spring
which have eroded and deteriorated over the
years. Meanwhile the volunteers will help to
develop the surrounding area of the spring into
a small park with benches, plants and flowers.
In addition the work will be at different location
of the town as public gardens, painting
(drawing) walls of schools in order to interact
with the local population and promote the idea
of volunteering. All the projects will not only add
to the village but will benefit the lives of the
people who live there. Cultural Program: Part of
the work camp experience includes engaging
with international youth as well as with the
Arab-Palestinian society. Through projects,
discussions and cultural field trips, you will
learn about your peers and about ArabPalestinian culture while contributing to this
Number of Volunteers: 14
2. Israel - Baladna Israel
Begin:August 16, 2008, End: August 29, 2008
Topic: Others
Fasouta, Northern Israel
Work Type: Educational, Construction.
Participation Fee: 150 Euros.
Accommodation: In a municipal center. Local
Community and Project Description: Fasouta is
an Arab Palestinian Christian village with 3,000
inhabitants, located in the far north of Israel and
right on the border with Lebanon. It is an
isolated town, on a road that leads to nowhere
but Fasouta, The village is about 300 years old,
and sits crowded atop a small hill from which
you can see the Mediterranean Sea as well as
deep into Lebanon
Work: The camp will be divided into two main
activities. First, local and international
participants will engage in the creation of
educational farm for pupils at the elementary
school. These include painting, building and
some maintenance and gardening work in order
to construct the space for the educational farm.
Secondly they will be involved in different field
trip visits. Cultural Program: The majority of the
work camp will be in Fasouta. However, to
enhance participants’ understanding of the
Arab-Palestinian situation within Israel, they will
visit nearby villages and cities. Beyond the work
camp, throughout the experience, participants
will become aware of the original Arab
Palestinian way of life in the area. Every night,
after a hard day of work and intensive
education, participants will learn about
traditional Palestinian culture via several
activities and visits. Youth participating in the
work-camp will also learn about the economic,
social and political realities faced by
Palestinians in Israel, will learn about issues
such as the confiscation of Arab lands by the
state, and engage in cultural and social
activities illustrating the region’s historic
Number of Volunteers: 12
3. Israel - Baladna Israel
Begin:September 6, 2008, End: September 19,
Topic: Art, culture, history
Nazareth old city, Israel
Work Type: Renovation, Art. Participation Fee:
150 Euros.
Accommodation: centre at the old city. Local
Community &Project Description: Nazareth,
famous as the home town of Jesus, is today a
city offering visitors a wealth of important
religious and historic sites combined with the
attractions of a thriving modern Arab city. There
are 75 thousand people living in Nazareth and
is considered the largest Arab city in Israel. The
Old Market The historic heart of the Old City is
still a thriving modern market (souk), however
due to several reasons it is no longer as it use
to be (center of the Galilee).
Work: The workcamp will take place at the old
city of Nazareth and the participants will be
involve in painting, drawing and decorating
empty spaces at the old city. In addition
engaged with the local in workshops and field
study visits. Cultural Program: Part of the work
camp experience includes engaging with
international youth as well as with the ArabPalestinian society. Through projects,
discussions and cultural field trips, you will
learn about your peers and about ArabPalestinian culture while contributing to this
Number of Volunteers: 12
1. Morocco - CSM Morocco
Begin:April 6, 2008, End: May 1, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
An Arabic language session is a special activity
that CSM organize every year. Some 80 people
coming from different countries participate in
them. The objectives of this activity are: Giving to people the opportunity to get basic
knowledge about Arabic language. That
knowledge could be useful for him in their
studies or in their daily life or in their travels in
countries speaking this language. - Giving the
opportunity to people to get in touch with the
Moroccan culture and its way of life, and in
consequences achieve a fruitful cultural
exchange. - Giving the opportunity to people
has some basic knowledge about this language
to brush up it and be adapted to different ways
to use it. accomodation and food FAMILLE
D’ACCEUIL / HOST FAMILY location - Venue:
Rabat Rabat is the capital of Morocco it’s
situated on the Atlantic Ocean. The climate is
normally hot in summer; however, warm closes
are advised to be used in some fresh nights.
When you arrive to Rabat railway station
“Rabat ville” from the Casablanca airport or
when you arrive by international bus to Rabat
bus station. Telephone to our office 037262398
or to the persons responsible of the camps: Izat
0021267443837, someone will come to take
you to your hosting family OR SEND AN EMAIL
TO: [email protected] or
[email protected] requirements NONE
camp address 13 rue almoahidine , Hassan
Rabat centre (
Extra info: 300 euros to be paid at the arrival
of the participant )
Number of Volunteers: 10
2. Morocco - CSM Morocco
Begin:May 6, 2008, End: June 1, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
An Arabic language session is a special activity
that CSM organize every year. Some 80 people
coming from different countries participate in
them. The objectives of this activity are: Giving to people the opportunity to get basic
knowledge about Arabic language. That
knowledge could be useful for him in their
studies or in their daily life or in their travels in
countries speaking this language. - Giving the
opportunity to people to get in touch with the
Moroccan culture and its way of life, and in
consequences achieve a fruitful cultural
exchange. - Giving the opportunity to people
has some basic knowledge about this language
to brush up it and be adapted to different ways
to use it. accomodation and food FAMILLE
D’ACCEUIL / HOST FAMILY location - Venue:
Rabat Rabat is the capital of Morocco it’s
situated on the Atlantic Ocean. The climate is
normally hot in summer; however, warm closes
are advised to be used in some fresh nights.
When you arrive to Rabat railway station
“Rabat ville” from the Casablanca airport or
when you arrive by international bus to Rabat
bus station. Telephone to our office 037262398
or to the persons responsible of the camps: Izat
0021267443837, someone will come to take
you to your hosting family OR SEND AN EMAIL
TO: [email protected] or
[email protected] requirements NONE
camp address 13 rue almoahidine , Hassan
Rabat centre (
Extra info: 300 euros to be paid at the arrival
of the participant )
Number of Volunteers: 10
5. Morocco - CSM Morocco
Begin:July 1, 2008, End: August 1, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Ain aouda
Work: After the successful of CSM experience
in this field, and according to people’s
requirements , our association will go on
organizing English courses to young people
aged from 15 to 18 years old with less
education sustain opportunities
Study: Teaching English Language/EDULANG
Accommodation: The participants lodge and
eat in hosts families .
Language: French & English
Terminal/Region: 8 cities : Ain aouda,
Errachidia, Zagora, Rabat, Salé, Casablanca,
Kenitra, Ahfir
Extra info: Paricipation fee is 50 Euros
Number of Volunteers: 10
6. Morocco - CSM Morocco
Begin:July 1, 2008, End: August 1, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Ain aouda, Errachidia, Zagora
Work: After the successful of CSM experience
in this field, and according to people’s
requirements , our association will go on
organizing French courses to young people and
childrens aged from 10 to 18 years old with less
education sustain opportunities
Study: Teaching French Language/EDU-LANG
Accommodation: The participants lodge and
eat in hosts families
Language: French
Terminal/Region: 8 cities : Ain aouda,
Errachidia, Zagora, Rabat, Salé, Casablanca,
Kenitra, Ahfir.
Extra info: Participation fee is 50 Euros
Number of Volunteers: 5
20. Morocco - CJM Morocco
Begin:July 6, 2008, End: July 30, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
El Houceima1
Work: Creating a small garden in the city
center and visiting patients in the children
Accommodation: The volunteers will be
lodged in “ institut de technologie
appliquée”,quartier Mirador, houceima
Language: English
Terminal/Region: From Casablanca
Mohammed V airport take the train to
Casablanca voyageurs railway station and get
off there , there take a small taxi (red color) to
the CTM bus station , from there take a bus to
Al Houceima CTM station, we will wait you
there, see the train timetable
Extra info: CJM fee 45 euros to be paid by
volunteer on arrival.
Number of Volunteers: 20
21. Morocco - CSM Morocco
Begin:July 14, 2008, End: July 28, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Errachidia , Casablanca, Rabat, Salé
Work: The Workshops of Drama and Animation
is a special activity that CSM organize for the
third year. Some 20 people coming from
different countries participate in them last year
Study: Drama and Animation/ART-KIDS-Youth
Accommodation: The participants lodge and
eat in hosts families .
Language: French
Terminal/Region: Located at Errachidia ,
Casablanca, Rabat, Salé.
Terminal/Region: Casablanca Mohamed 5
international airport.
Extra info: Participation fee is 100 Euros
Number of Volunteers: 10
27. Morocco - CJM Morocco
Begin:July 16, 2008, End: July 30, 2008
Topic: Environment
Nador/Dar Kebdani
Work: The work consists of painting some
frescoes in the village , collecting dirt and
sensibilizing the inhabitants on cleanliness
Accommodation: volunteers will be lodged in
College El Farabi-Dar Kebdani
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Dar Kabdani is a small
village 15 km the Mediteranean coast. Its 30km
away from Nador which is an important city
east of Morocco. Chantiers jeunesse Maroc is
organizing a workcamp with the collabotation
with rural council of Dar Kabdani.
Extra info: CJM fee 45 euros to be paid by
volunteer on arrival.
Number of Volunteers: 20
28. Morocco - CJM Morocco
Begin:July 16, 2008, End: July 30, 2008
Topic: Environment
Ain Leuh
Work: The work consists to built a wall to
prevent from rain erosion. The work will be
going hand in hand with other activities which
will be undertaken by the volunteers
themselves :outings , family visits.
Accommodation: The 20 volunteers will be
staying in " Dar Ettalib" quartier administratif Aïn Leuh centre. Meals will be prepared by
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Ain Leuh is a village situated
in the middle Atlas at 95 kms to the south of
Fes; and 25 km from Azrou .Iti is famous for the
snowfall during winter and middle temperature
in summer . The middle Atlas big summits :
Michlifen, Hibri and Habri are at a height of
2000 m.
Extra info: CJM fee: 45 euros to be paid by
volunteer on arrival. You will also have to bring
with you working clothes, a sleeping bag , and
anything which could contribute to the good
progress of the workcamp (game sets , musical
instruments cooking recipe etc….)
Number of Volunteers: 20
34. Morocco - CJM Morocco
Begin:July 20, 2008, End: August 13, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
El Houceima2
Work: You will also have to bring with you
working clothes , a sleeping bag, and anything
which could contribute to the good progress of
the workcamp (game sets , musical
instruments, cooking recipe , etc….)
Accommodation: The volunteers will be
lodged in “ institut de technologie appliquée”,
quartier Mirador
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Al Houceima is a town on
the Mediteranean coast East of Morocco on the
Rif chain of Mountains.
Extra info: CJM fee 45 euros to be paid by
volunteer on arrival.
Number of Volunteers: 20
41. Morocco - CJM Morocco
Begin:July 30, 2008, End: August 13, 2008
Topic: Environment
FES, El Bali
Work: The work consists of draining the badly
engaged ground , making land more fertile
planting and watering
Accommodation: Volunteers will be lodged in
Lycée Technique , route de Sefrou
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Fes was the first capital of
Morocco as well as the oldest city of the
country built in 809. Again in the 13th century
during the reign of the Merinid dynasty, and in
the 14th century, and in the 14th century , the
city became the spirituel and cultural centre of
traditional Morocco.
Extra info: CJM fee 45 euros to be paid by
volunteer on arrival.
Number of Volunteers: 20
42. Morocco - CJM Morocco
Begin:July 30, 2008, End: August 13, 2008
Topic: Others
Boulmane, Morocco
Work: The work consists of a painting
classrooms, gardening and painting some
frescoes in a primary school.
Accommodation: The 20 volunteers will be
staying in a “Internat collège mixte Boulmane”Boulmane
Language: English
Terminal/Region: Boulmane is small Town
situated in the middle Atlas at 85 kms to the
south- east of Fes. Iti is famous for the snowfall
during winter and mild temperature in summer.
Extra info: CJM fee: 45 euros to be paid by
volunteer on arrival. Meals will be prepared by
volunteers. you will also have to bring with them
working clothes , a sleeping bag , and anything
which could contribute to the good progress of
the workcamp (game sets , musical instruments
cooking recipe , etc….)
Number of Volunteers: 20
43. Morocco - ACJ Morocco
Begin:August 1, 2008, End: August 15, 2008
Topic: Others
Salì, Rabat
Salì was a corsair town, it’s 2 Km from the
capital Rabat, on the Atlantic, they are
separated by a river: Bouregreg. Salì is known
by the old town, traditional markets and pirates
locals. Work : the volunteers will do two kind of
work : 1) some works of maintaining in school+
drawing 2) the volunteers participate to animate
with kids( sports….). Partner : the regional
delegation of education- Municipality
Accommodation : in the school.
Number of Volunteers: 15
44. Morocco - CSM Morocco
Begin:August 2, 2008, End: August 16, 2008
Topic: Others
Work: The project will be organized in
collaboration with the local delegation of
education, it will take place in a center for
orphan children, and it consists on painting and
cleaning the Classrooms and the surrounded
area of the school and the orphanage.
Accommodation: The full accommodation will
be in the local youth house. The food will be
prepared by the volunteers’ themselves (2v or
3v per day).
Language: French / English
Terminal/Region: Marrakech is a very
beautiful town situated in the south region of
Morocco, it is well known b its nice and
animated place Jamaa Elfna
Extra info: Participation fee is 50 Euros
Number of Volunteers: 15
53. Morocco - ACJ Morocco
Begin:August 3, 2008, End: August 17, 2008
Topic: Others
Benslimane, Morocco
IBenslimane, Morocco is 40 km from Rabat and
25 km from Casablanca WORK:
Gardening+Painting the youth house
Accomodation : in youth house.
Recommendations to Volunteers: 1) Sleeping
bag, working Clothes and every things whish
could contribute to the good progress of the
work-camps are required. 2) Meals will be
prepared by volunteers. 3) The volunteer has to
pay 40 Euros to ACJ as Fees participation on
arrival in the work-camp.
Number of Volunteers: 15
1. Turkey - GENCTUR Turkey
Begin:April 10, 2008, End: April 18, 2008
Topic: Others
A nation wide Youth Festival called “Gepgenç
(Ever Young) Festival” was held last year for
the first time and going to be held again this
year. GENÇTUR is one of the organizing
members. The first festival’s theme was “All
Equal – All Different” and hosted 5000 young
visitors. It was a 6 days ongoing festival and it
consisted of 86 workshops on art, music,
dance, human rights, peace, etc., 1 panel, a
best practice conference based on youth work
activities in Turkey, 3 theatre performance, 5
dance shows. 151 NGOs from all around
Turkey participated in the festival. This year the
festival is going to be an international one, with
the participation of 150 NGOs from all over the
world. The theme of this year’s festival is
“Neighbourliness”. The festival program will
consist of workshops, success stories of youth
projects, concerts, games, forums, discussions
and other activities. Gepgenç Festival will be
held in the premises of private Istanbul Bilgi
University located in Eyup “Golden Horn”, a
historical and natural site in Istanbul.
Work: Helping to the organization committee
for realizing the festival i.e. to prepare the
festival area, to set up stands in the fair area,
general cleaning. In order to create an
awareness about the pollution, a big “garbage
man” statue will be created by the volunteers at
the end of the festival by putting together the
daily collected garbage.
Accommodation: will be in a hostel, sleeping
bag and mat are not necessary. The daily
transfers between the hostel & the festival area
will be arranged and covered by the festival
Food: Breakfasts will be served at the hostel,
packed lunches and dinners at the university.
Language: English
Location: Istanbul AG
Extra info: 18-30
Number of Volunteers: 15
3. Turkey - GENCTUR Turkey
Begin:May 24, 2008, End: June 7, 2008
Topic: Others
24.05 - 07.06 RENO – SOCI Well known
Turkish humorist-author Aziz Nesin whose
books have been translated into 32 languages
has established a foundation
(http://www.nesinvakfi.org) for taking care the
children and supporting them from pre-school
education until they graduate from university.
Donations, copyrights and sale incomes of his
books are the main sources of the foundation.
Apart from supplying free of charge
accommodation, food and education the
foundation is also keen of the social
development of the children. Thus many
different social, artistic and cultural activities are
organized for the children. There ‘s also a farm
belonging to the foundation.
Work: There are various tasks for the
volunteers in this camp. They will be directed
by the staff to work on different fields daily. First
of all an old barn of the farm is going to be
converted to an artist home containing an
atelier, a living room and a bed room. Feeding
animals, helping in the kitchen, serving meals,
general cleaning duties, painting and white
washing, simple repairing works, garden
landscaping, organizing social activities for the
children etc. might be the side works during the
Accommodation: In the dormitories of the
foundation. 4-5 bedded rooms with common
showers and toilets. Sleeping bags and mats
are not necessary.
Food: Will be supplied in the refectory.
Language: English.
Location: The foundation is in Catalca town,
where is 1 hour from Istanbul.
Number of Volunteers: 12
2. Turkey - GENCTUR Turkey
Begin:April 13, 2008, End: April 28, 2008
Topic: Others
4. Turkey - GENCTUR Turkey
Begin:May 24, 2008, End: May 31, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
TR-GEN 9.AW101 FETHIYE 24.05 - 31.05
ARTS 15 Photography + Kilim Weaving +
Traditional Ottoman Waterpainting called Ebru
+ Leather Mask Making + Wood carving +
Metal Enameling Extra fee for this 1 week camp
is 160 Euro. Kayaköy Art Camp is a place
where different art workshops are held during
the summer for international participants.
Please note that there is no work in these
camps but the mentioned activities are taught
to the participants. Thus, in order to cover the
cost of accommodation, food and materials
there is an extra fee of 320 €. These camps are
suitable for creative people both amateur or
skilled artists who are interested in
photography, painting, water painting, pottery,
carpet weaving, drama, yoga, meditation, Reiki,
Tai Chi, Astrology, rhythm and Salsa. But
please note that not all fields are found in all
periods. People who like to share experience
and learn from each other are welcome. Sight
seeing tours, excursions, dia shows, and discos
are being organized after the workshops.
Swimming is a daily activity that the participants
can do by their own apart from the organized
Work: No manual work. Workshops will be held
in the fields of arts mentioned above, before
noon. Different social activities are run after the
Accommodation: In the garden of the
campsite under a clear sky and many stars.
Sleeping bag and mat are necessary. Tents are
supplied but you can also bring your own if you
want privacy. You can also sleep on the
wooden beds provided under a bowel
Food: Home made, delicious food is served.
Location: Fethiye is by the south Aegean Sea
coast. The campsite Kayakoy is a small village
and an ancient Greek settlement. Nearest city
is Mugla.
Accommodation: English Fee: An extra fee of
EURO 160.- will be charged on arrival to cover
the cost of accommodation, food, and
materials. It is possible to join in the following
term with a discount of EURO 50.-.
Terminal/Region: Istanbul.
Number of Volunteers: 15
5. Turkey - GENCTUR Turkey
Begin:May 31, 2008, End: June 14, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
TR-GEN 9.AW102 FETHIYE 31.05 - 14.06
ARTS 15 Photography + Kilim Weaving +
Traditional Ottoman Waterpainting called Ebru
+ Leather Mask Making + Wood carving +
Metal Enameling + Rhythm Kayaköy Art Camp
is a place where different art workshops are
held during the summer for international
participants. Please note that there is no work
in these camps but the mentioned activities are
taught to the participants. Thus, in order to
cover the cost of accommodation, food and
materials there is an extra fee of 320 €. These
camps are suitable for creative people both
amateur or skilled artists who are interested in
photography, painting, water painting, pottery,
carpet weaving, drama, yoga, meditation, Reiki,
Tai Chi, Astrology, rhythm and Salsa. But
please note that not all fields are found in all
periods. People who like to share experience
and learn from each other are welcome. Sight
6. Turkey - GSM Turkey
Begin:June 13, 2008, End: July 27, 2008
Topic: Others
Partner: This is the first time that we are
organizing an international voluntary workcamp
in cooperation with Giresun University. For
more information about university please visit:
Work: Giresun University, one of the brand
new universities of Turkey, has been
established in 2006. Beside the education, the
senate of University aims to raise the
development of the city Giresun as well as its
surroundings. Therefore the University
organizes many restoration and renovation
activities in different villages of Giresun. During
the workcamp the volunteers will take part in
renovation of village clinic of Avluca. Food and
Accommodation: in cafeteria / in guesthouse
Location: The surrounding region has a rich
agriculture, growing most of Turkey's hazelnuts
as well as walnuts, cherries, leather and timber,
and the port of Giresun has long handled these
products. Like everywhere else on this Black
Sea coast it rains in Giresun all the time and
the surrounding countryside has rich green
hillsides. As soon as you get beyond the city
buildings you get into the hazelnut growing
area and the high plateaus (yayla) further in the
mountains are gorgeous.
Terminal/Region: The nearest international
airport: Trabzon or Istanbul
Number of Volunteers: 18
7. Turkey - GENCTUR Turkey
Begin:June 14, 2008, End: June 28, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
TR-GEN 9.AW103 FETHIYE 14.06 - 28.06
ARTS 15 Photography + Kilim Weaving +
Traditional Ottoman Waterpainting called Ebru
+ Rhythm + Pottery + Leather Mask Making +
Wood carving + Metal Enameling + Yoga
Kayaköy Art Camp is a place where different art
workshops are held during the summer for
international participants. Please note that
there is no work in these camps but the
mentioned activities are taught to the
participants. Thus, in order to cover the cost of
accommodation, food and materials there is an
extra fee of 320 €. These camps are suitable
for creative people both amateur or skilled
artists who are interested in photography,
painting, water painting, pottery, carpet
weaving, drama, yoga, meditation, Reiki, Tai
Chi, Astrology, rhythm and Salsa. But please
note that not all fields are found in all periods.
People who like to share experience and learn
from each other are welcome. Sight seeing
tours, excursions, dia shows, and discos are
being organized after the workshops.
Swimming is a daily activity that the participants
can do by their own apart from the organized
Work: No manual work. Workshops will be held
in the fields of arts mentioned above, before
noon. Different social activities are run after the
Accommodation: In the garden of the
campsite under a clear sky and many stars.
Sleeping bag and mat are necessary. Tents are
supplied but you can also bring your own if you
want privacy. You can also sleep on the
wooden beds provided under a bowel
Food: Home made, delicious food is served.
Location: Fethiye is by the south Aegean Sea
coast. The campsite Kayakoy is a small village
and an ancient Greek settlement. Nearest city
is Mugla.
Accommodation: English Fee: An extra fee of
EURO 320.- will be charged on arrival to cover
the cost of accommodation, food, and
materials. It is possible to join in the following
term with a discount of EURO 50.-.
Terminal/Region: Istanbul.
Number of Volunteers: 15
8. Turkey - GENCTUR Turkey
Begin:June 20, 2008, End: July 5, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
Can is a town with 30.000 inhabitants and
famous for its ceramic factory. The English
language teachers of the 2 different high
schools are willing their pupils of 14-17 age
group to practice English by close contacts with
foreigners. GENCTUR is looking for at least 20
years old volunteers who have a good level of
English to realize this aim.
Work: Practising English with the teenagers.
Accommodation: In the Teachers’ Guest
House. In triple rooms with hot showers and
toilets. The sleeping bag and mat are not
Food: Will be supplied at the venue, some
dinners may be offered by the families of the
Language: English. Special Requirement:
Volunteers need not to be a native speaker but
must have a good level of English and keen on
speaking and teaching. A motivation letter must
be sent with the application form.
Location: Can is in the northwest of Turkey &
not very far from Troy. Nearest city is
Terminal/Region: Istanbul.
Extra info: No alcohol is permitted during the
camp at the campsite and the accommodation
venue. Smoking is not allowed while volunteers
are with the pupils.
9. Turkey - GSM Turkey
Begin:June 20, 2008, End: July 5, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Partner: This is the first time that we are
organizing an international voluntary workcamp
in cooperation with Finike Municipality.
Work: Since 1998 Festival of Finike has been
organized with the support of Finike
Municipality in cooperation with schools and
non governmental organizations. During the
first years the Festival had the concept of a fair
but later on with the participation of different
institutions the concept changed and the
Festival reahced its present concept which
includes folk dance performances, photo
exhibitions, concerts and cultural nights. The
Festival lasts for 1 week and during the camp
the volunteers will take part in the promotion of
the Festival as well as the preparation of the
Festival area and logistic support for festival
such as decoration of stage and construction of
the stands. Food and
Accommodation: in cafeteria / in dormitory
Location: Finike is a district on the
Mediterranean coast of Antalya Province of
Turkey, 90 minutes west of the city of Antalya.
Finike is located in the south of the Teke
Peninsula, and the coast here is a popular
tourist destination. However, Finike is bestknown for its oranges, the symbol of the town.
Terminal/Region: The nearest international
airport; Antalya or Istanbul
Number of Volunteers: 18
10. Turkey - GSM Turkey
Begin:June 22, 2008, End: July 6, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
Partner: We cooperated with Didim Municipality
since 1998. In order to have more information
please visit: www.didim-bld.gov.tr
Work: Didim Municipality is one of the partners
of the roving Festival named "Forum
Meandros'08 Encounter of History and Art at
the Delta of Civilizations". In order to have more
information about the Festival please visit:
http://www.forummeandros.org . During the
camp the volunteers will take part in the
promotion of the Festival as well as the
preparation of the Festival area and logistic
support for festival such as decoration of stage
and construction of the stands. In addition, the
volunteers will be responsible to assist the
sculptors who will be participating in the
'Sculpture Symposium' under the frame of the
Festival. Food and accommodation: in a
restaurant / guest house
Location: Didim (Didyma) was one of the
luckiest settlements of antiquity since it
sheltered one of the most sacred spots of those
times, it is the Temple of Apollo, still standing in
Didim with its impressive view, though it has
been attacked and burned several times. This
lovely Aegean village at the cost welcomes
visitors with its history and beautiful beaches.
Terminal/Region: the nearest international
airport, Izmir or Istanbul
Number of Volunteers: 18
11. Turkey - GENCTUR Turkey
Begin:June 28, 2008, End: July 12, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
TR-GEN 9.AW104 FETHIYE 28.06 - 12.07
ARTS 15 Photography + Kilim Weaving +
Traditional Ottoman Waterpainting called Ebru
+ Rhythm + Pottery + Leather Mask Making +
Wood carving + Metal Enameling + Yoga
Kayaköy Art Camp is a place where different art
workshops are held during the summer for
international participants. Please note that
there is no work in these camps but the
mentioned activities are taught to the
participants. Thus, in order to cover the cost of
accommodation, food and materials there is an
extra fee of 320 €. These camps are suitable
for creative people both amateur or skilled
artists who are interested in photography,
painting, water painting, pottery, carpet
weaving, drama, yoga, meditation, Reiki, Tai
Chi, Astrology, rhythm and Salsa. But please
note that not all fields are found in all periods.
People who like to share experience and learn
from each other are welcome. Sight seeing
tours, excursions, dia shows, and discos are
being organized after the workshops.
Swimming is a daily activity that the participants
can do by their own apart from the organized
Work: No manual work. Workshops will be held
in the fields of arts mentioned above, before
noon. Different social activities are run after the
Accommodation: In the garden of the
campsite under a clear sky and many stars.
Sleeping bag and mat are necessary. Tents are
supplied but you can also bring your own if you
want privacy. You can also sleep on the
wooden beds provided under a bowel
Food: Home made, delicious food is served.
Location: Fethiye is by the south Aegean Sea
coast. The campsite Kayakoy is a small village
and an ancient Greek settlement. Nearest city
is Mugla.
Accommodation: English Fee: An extra fee of
EURO 320.- will be charged on arrival to cover
the cost of accommodation, food, and
materials. It is possible to join in the following
term with a discount of EURO 50.-.
Terminal/Region: Istanbul.
Number of Volunteers: 15
12. Turkey - GENCTUR Turkey
Begin:June 30, 2008, End: July 11, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
30.06. – 11.07 SOCI / KIDS 5 VOLS
GENCTUR is going to organize a summer
camp for a group of kids between 10-14 years
old whose families are financially supporting for
this holiday in a youth centre by the seaside. If
you like children, these camps are very good
opportunity for you to spend your time at a very
beautiful camp site, in order to offer the kids an
active holiday by teaching them to use their
own abilities while sharing your life experiences
with them. Practising English will be part of your
job as well. You will be assisting the camp
leaders to take care a group of kids during the
trips outside of the camp- site as well as all
kinds of activities during the camp. We are
looking for vols who are at least 20 years old
with a good command of English and some
abilities on one of the following fields: any
sports (like basketball, volleyball, swimming,
football, table tennis, etc.) fine arts, handicrafts,
music, dance, drama, photography and group
games. Volunteers must be able to lead at least
13. Turkey - GENCTUR Turkey
Begin:June 30, 2008, End: July 11, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
30.06-11.07 KIDS 15 KIDS (Aged 10-14)
GENCTUR opens the traditional & national kids
camp to international kids of 10-14 age group.
The main project of the camp is photography
although the daily program of the camp consist
of different activities like sport, handicrafts,
creative drama, music, fine arts, etc. Some
days are reserved for trekking and sight seeing
tours. International volunteers will be leading or
assisting the daily activities. The camp-site is a
secure place and kids will not be allowed to
leave the camp site by their own. All
participants will be met at the airport on the day
of arrival and taken to the airport for departure.
Accommodation: In Afacan Youth Centre
(www.afacan.info ) in 3-4 bedded rooms with
toilet and shower. Sleeping bag and mat are
not necessary.
Food: Will be supplied at the campsite.
Language: English.
Location: Yeni Sakran is by the Aegean Sea,
in west of Turkey. The next city is Izmir.
Terminal/Region: Istanbul. Extra Fee:...... Euro
(To be announced later)
Number of Volunteers: 15
14. Turkey - GENCTUR Turkey
Begin:July 3, 2008, End: June 21, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
TR-GEN 5.07 TEACH CAMP-2 TATVAN 03.0721.07 RENO 5 VOLS Tatvan is a lake side
town by the biggest lake of Turkey. The
municipality is keen of hosting international
volunteers in order to broaden the minds of the
local youth. The town hosted a work camp last
year and want to host 2 more this year.
Work: The project of the first camp of this year
is practicing English with the local youth. The
volunteers will use English as a tool to
encourage the local youngsters to learn foreign
languages. Apart from the scheduled daily
practices, volunteers must be ready to spent
some of their free time with the locals as well.
This camp offers intensively close contact with
the local young population.
Qualifications: Volunteers should have a good
level of English and be keen of teaching.
Accommodation:In a dormitory. Sleeping bag
and mat are not necessary.
Food: Volunteers will prepare the breakfast by
the given food. Lunch & dinners will be supplied
by the municipality.
Language: English.
Location: Tatvan is in the east of Turkey, by
Van Lake. The nearest cities are Bitlis & Van.
Terminal/Region: Istanbul. Volunteers will
travel all over Turkey from west to the east by
coach (22 hours) on the second day of their
arrival. Thus 1 overnight in Istanbul is
compulsory with an extra cost of 10 Euro. The
meals on the way is volunteers responsibility
until the group reaches to the camp site.
Number of Volunteers: 5
15. Turkey - GENCTUR Turkey
Begin:July 3, 2008, End: July 21, 2008
Topic: Environment
03.07-21.07 ENVI/SPORT 10 VOLS This camp
aims to draw attention to the pollution in and
around the Van Lake which is the biggest lake
of Turkey by the Iranian border. The volunteers
have to be fit to ride a bike, around 15 km.s
daily (of course with breaks). The bicycles will
be provided thus there is no need to carry a
bike with. The group will tour around Van Lake,
overnight in different locations on the way, join
in environmental cleaning activities, distribute
brochures and draw attention of the locals.
There will be local environmentalists as well in
the group.
Work: Pedalling around Lake Van and
collecting garbage, distributing brochures.
Food: Will be served by the municipalities on
the way. Lunch boxes will be provided.
Accommodation: In dormitories.
Accommodation: English.
Location: The project will start in Istanbul with
an orientation meeting. Volunteers will travel all
over Turkey from west to the east by coach (22
hours) on the second day of the camp. Thus 1
overnight in Istanbul is compulsory with an
extra cost of 10 Euro on bed & breakfast basis.
The meals on the way is volunteers
responsibility until the group reaches to the
camp site. The rest of the camp days will be
spent in Van province.
Terminal/Region: Istanbul
Number of Volunteers: 10
16. Turkey - GSM Turkey
Begin:July 6, 2008, End: July 20, 2008
Topic: Environment
Partner: Our partner is CBU-Celal Bayar
University. We have been organizing
workcamps with CBU since 1999. For more
information about the university please visit:
Work: CBU-Celal Bayar University has its new
campus area, situated outskirt of the city
Manisa. The University starts its summer
holiday in June till September and it is needed
to take care of the beautiful green areas in the
campus area as well as to do some practical
renovation work during summer. Therefore
during the camp, the volunteers will take part in
some practical environmental and renovation
work in the campus area. Food and
accommodation: in the cafeteria / in a guest
Location: Manisa, situated in the Aegean
Region, is an attractive, modern city with a farreaching past. Since the great Ottoman Sultans
chose Manisa as the training ground for crown
princes, there are many examples of Ottoman
architecture, as well as Seljuk. Celal Bayar
University Campus is located very close to the
city center with its good campus facilities. It
takes only 15 minutes on foot to the center from
the campus also there are buses every 10
minutes to/from the city center.
Terminal/Region: Nearest international airport;
Izmir or Istanbul
Number of Volunteers: 18
17. Turkey - GSM Turkey
Begin:July 6, 2008, End: July 20, 2008
Partner: This is the first time that we organize
international voluntary workcamp in cooperation
with Alasehir Commodity Exchange Foundation
Work: Alasehir Commodity Exchange
Foundation established to increase the capacity
of small and medium size enterprises as well as
to support the vocational training. In addition to
their aim, they also donate to primary schools in
Alasehir in order to support their education
systems. During the workcamp, the volunteers
will take part in the renovation of one of the
primary schools which has been supported by
the Foundation and do some practical
environmental work in Alasehir. Food and
accommodation: in the cafeteria / in dormitory
Location: Alasehir is a town and a district of
Manisa Province in the Aegean region of
Turkey. It is situated in the valley of the
Kuzucay (Cogamus in antiquity), at the foot of
the Bozdag (Mount Tmolus in antiquity). The
city is connected to Izmir by a 105km railway.
Alasehir began as perhaps one of the first
ancient cities with the name Philadelphia. It has
several mosques and Christian churches. From
one of the mineral springs comes heavily
charged water popular around Turkey.
Terminal/Region: The nearest international
airport; Izmir or Istanbul.
Number of Volunteers: 18
18. Turkey - GSM Turkey
Begin:July 6, 2008, End: July 20, 2008
Topic: Environment
Partner: Since 2002 we have been organizing
international voluntary workcamp in cooperation
with SDU-Suleyman Demirel University. For
more information about the university please
visit: www.sdu.edu.tr
Work: SDU-Suleyman Demirel University
would like to enable its students to participate in
an international atmosphere as well as to learn
voluntarism by experiencing. Therefore they
would like to organize international voluntary
workcamp in order to realize their aims. During
this camp, the international volunteers together
with Turkish volunteers will take part in
environmental work in the campus area such as
planting trees, flowering, gardening, painting,
etc and in addition they will be involving in
painting and some practical renovation work.
Food and accommodation: in the cafeteria / in a
guest house
Location: Isparta is one of the prettiest cities in
the Mediterranean region, full of fragrant roses
and beautiful lakes of peaceful waters. It is
surrounded by impressive caves. Isparta leaves
a big impression on the visitors with its Selcuk
fortress, its Byzantine churches, its ancient city
of Antiocheis and Egirdir Lake, which is one of
the most famous lakes for its various kinds of
Terminal/Region: The nearest international
airport; Antalya, Ankara and Istanbul. 18 Vols
(+10 Turkish Vols)
Number of Volunteers: 28
19. Turkey - GENCTUR Turkey
Begin:July 7, 2008, End: July 21, 2008
Topic: Others
07.07-21.07 RENO 15 VOLS Sarkoy is a
seaside town where the population triples in the
summer season. The asphalt material that
covers the roads in the town is planned to be
replaced by paving stones. This is a repeating
project. Last 3 years’ camps were successful
and the municipality decided to host another
international group of volunteers. The
volunteers will help the municipal staff for
paving the roads by the stones.
Work: Paving the roads.
Accommodation: In a dormitory with shared
bathrooms and showers.
Food: Will be supplied in the dormitory.
Language: English.
Location: Sarkoy is in the northwest of Turkey.
The next city is Tekirdag.
Terminal/Region: Istanbul
Number of Volunteers: 15
20. Turkey - GENCTUR Turkey
Begin:July 10, 2008, End: July 25, 2008
Topic: Others
10.07-25.07 RENO 15 VOLS Gomurgen is a
small town in central Anatolia that hosted a
GENCTUR camp already in 2007. Based on
the success of this work camp, the mayor
invited 2 groups in 2008. The first work camp
will be the follow up of last year’s project :
Paving the roads at the open air market place.
At the second work camp volunteers will help to
build a green area in the village. (GEN-19) Both
projects are manual and demanding.
Volunteers will have a chance to experience the
local hospitality. The specialty of this town is its
nomadic life. There are 30.000 sheep in the
town and in the summer people who live in
Gomurgen go to the mountains to graze their
sheep. In free days volunteers may visit the
nomadic people on the mountains and can
participate in the activities like shearing or
milking the sheep.
Work: Paving the roads.
Accommodation: In a guesthouse with shared
bathrooms and showers, in rooms of 6 people.
Sleeping bag and mat are necessary.
Food: Breakfasts & dinners will be prepared by
the volunteers by given food, lunches will
supplied by the municipality. Some dinners may
be supplied by local people.
Language: English.
Location: Gomurgen is located in the middle of
Turkey. The nearest city is Kayseri.
Terminal/Region: Istanbul.
Number of Volunteers: 15
21. Turkey - GENCTUR Turkey
Begin:July 11, 2008, End: July 19, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly people
SAKRAN 11.07 – 19.07 SOCI / ART 3 VOLS
This is a challenging camp, which needs patient
volunteers who are keen or interested in
working with teenagers. Volunteers will be
working alongside the camp leaders of
GENCTUR’s international teenage camp where
the teenage participants create a film in groups.
You are expected to assist and support
program as well as be friends with teenagers.
Previous experience will be preferred and a
motivation letter with a pass size photo should
complete your application form. Please note
that you will be dealing with the teens through
the given & intensive program all day long. You
will spend most of your time with the teens in
the camp area with limited private life. Thus
contact with the local people will not be
possible; however you will have contact with
the other groups and the working people in the
camp-site. Volunteers may have fun together
only after the kids go to the bed and the team
cover the daily staff meeting in the camp-site.
Leaving the camp area is not allowed due to
unexpected emergency cases. There is also a
possibility to combine this camp with the
previous (GEN-04) or following camp (GEN-15)
at the same site.
Work: Assisting the camp leaders in a teenage
Accommodation:At Afacan Youth Center
(www.afacan.info ) , in 3-4 bedded rooms with
showers & toilets.
Food: Will be served in the center.
Language: English. R: Volunteers should be at
least 25 years old. Smoking & alcohol is not
permitted at the camp in front of the kids.
Participants will spend 1 night in a hostel which
costs 10 Euro bed+breakfast basis in Istanbul
as the group will depart to the camp-site on
12.07 in the morning. Return from the campsite is on 19.07 in the morning. The journey to
Istanbul from the camp-site takes about 10
Location: Yenisakran is in the west of Turkey.
The nearest city is Izmir.
Terminal/Region: Istanbul. IMPORTAN
Terminal/Region: All applications for this
camps will be evaluated together on 10th of
May. Volunteers should not expect an earlier
Number of Volunteers: 3
22. Turkey - GENCTUR Turkey
Begin:July 11, 2008, End: July 19, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
SAKRAN 11.07 – 19.07 TEEN/ART 15 VOLS
Teenagers from different countries are invited
to create a “group film” in a youth center.
Afacan youth Center is a place where
GENCTUR hosts various voluntary and youth
camps. www.afacan.info . 15-17 age group
participants will use their creativity & express
their ideas to write their scenario, act, shoot
and direct their films in this camp and the
winners will be awarded with a “Y-Oscar”
(Young Oscar) Prize.
Work: Making a short documentary film about
the camp life by using hand cameras and
Accommodation: At Afacan Youth Center, in
3-4 bedded rooms with showers & toilets.
Food: Will be served in the center.
Language: English. R: Participants will spend 1
night in a hostel which costs 10 Euro
bed+breakfast basis in Istanbul as the group
will depart to the camp-site on 12.07 in the
morning. Departure to Istanbul from the campsite is on 19.07 in the morning. The journey to
Istanbul from the camp-site takes about 10
hours. Smoking & alcohol is not permitted at
the camp.
Location: Yenisakran is in the west of Turkey.
The center is by the sea-side. The nearest city
is Izmir.
Terminal/Region: Istanbul. Extra Fee: 160
Euro, including 1 night hostel accommodation
with breakfast on the day of arrival.
Number of Volunteers: 15
23. Turkey - GENCTUR Turkey
Begin:July 12, 2008, End: July 26, 2008
Topic: Art, culture, history
TR-GEN 9.AW105 FETHIYE 12.07 - 26.07
ARTS 15 Photography + Kilim Weaving +
Traditional Ottoman Waterpainting called Ebru
+ Rhythm + Pottery + Leather Mask Making +
Wood carving + Metal Enameling + Painting
+Yoga Kayaköy Art Camp is a place where
different art workshops are held during the
summer for international participants. Please
note that there is no work in these camps but
the mentioned activities are taught to the
participants. Thus, in order to cover the cost of
accommodation, food and materials there is an
extra fee of 320 €. These camps are suitable
for creative people both amateur or skilled
artists who are interested in photography,
painting, water painting, pottery, carpet
weaving, drama, yoga, meditation, Reiki, Tai
Chi, Astrology, rhythm and Salsa. But please
note that not all fields are found in all periods.
People who like to share experience and learn
from each other are welcome. Sight seeing
tours, excursions, dia shows, and discos are
being organized after the workshops.
Swimming is a daily activity that the participants
can do by their own apart from the organized
Work: No manual work. Workshops will be held
in the fields of arts mentioned above, before
noon. Different social activities are run after the
Accommodation: In the garden of the
campsite under a clear sky and many stars.
Sleeping bag and mat are necessary. Tents are
supplied but you can also bring your own if you
want privacy. You can also sleep on the
wooden beds provided under a bowel
Food: Home made, delicious food is served.
Location: Fethiye is by the south Aegean Sea
coast. The campsite Kayakoy is a small village
and an ancient Greek settlement. Nearest city
is Mugla.
Accommodation: English Fee: An extra fee of
EURO 320.- will be charged on arrival to cover
the cost of accommodation, food, and
materials. It is possible to join in the following
term with a discount of EURO 50.-.
Terminal/Region: Istanbul.
Number of Volunteers: 15
24. Turkey - GENCTUR Turkey
Begin:July 13, 2008, End: July 24, 2008
Topic: Environment
TR-GEN 6.12 FAMILY CAMP ZEYTINLI 13.07 24.07 ENVI 15 VOLS This camp is a call for the
families or single parents who would like to
participate in a work camp with their children.
Accommodation will be more comfortable
comparing the other work camps and special
activities will be arranged for the kids.
Work: Cleaning the beach to create a public
awareness about the pollution.
Accommodation: In the guest house of the
municipality. There will be big rooms reserved
for the kids, mothers and fathers separately.
Food: Will be supplied by the municipality.
Language: English.
Location: Zeytinli is a seaside town by the
Aegean coast. It is in the north west of Turkey.
The nearest city is Balikesir.
Terminal/Region: Istanbul. Extra Fee: 50 € per
Number of Volunteers: 15
25. Turkey - GSM Turkey
Begin:July 13, 2008, End: July 27, 2008
Topic: Environment
Partner: This is the first time that we are
organizing an international voluntary workcamp
in cooperation with Alanya Agriculture
Association. For more information about
association please visit: www.tarim-egitim.org
Work: Alanya Agriculture Association has been
organizing national youth camps for many
years. Their aim is to raise awareness among
young people about farming, to keep the young
people closer to nature as well as to protect
agricultural areas. In order to realize this aim
they organize workshops during summer and
farming together with the participants. This year
they would like to host an international group
within their activity. During the camp the
volunteers will take part in going on agricultural
workshops and farming in the field. Food &
Accomodation: in cafeteria / under tents
Location: Alanya is a seaside resort and
district of Antalya on the Mediterranean region
of Turkey. The relatively moderate
Mediterranean climate, natural attractions, and
historic heritage make Alanya a popular
destination for tourists. There are innumerable
caves and beaches.
Terminal/Region: The nearest international
airport; Antalya or Istanbul Request: Please do
not forget to bring mattress
Number of Volunteers: 18
26. Turkey - GENCTUR Turkey
Begin:July 14, 2008, End: July 29, 2008
Topic: Others
14.07-29.07 RENO-TEACH 15 VOLS The
Regional Boarding Primary School (YIBO) of
Yalvac town hosted a group of international
volunteers last year and it was a success. Thus
the school director would like to host another
group this year for a dual project. The
volunteers will be requested partly to practice
English with the pupils of the secondary school
(12-15 years old) and to landscape the garden
of the school for the other half of the day. The
school has got dormitories, hot showers (like
Turkish bath) and sport fields.
Work: Practising English with pupils and
manual work at the garden. R: Volunteers
should speak at least medium level English for
this camp.
Accommodation: In the dormitory of the
school with common toilets and showers. The
sleeping bag and mat are not necessary.
Food: Will be supplied in the cafeteria of the
dormitory and will be prepared by a cook.
Language: English.
Location: Yalvac is in the southwest of Turkey.
Nearest city is Isparta.
Terminal/Region: Istanbul.
Number of Volunteers: 15
27. Turkey - GENCTUR Turkey
Begin:July 18, 2008, End: August 1, 2008
Topic: Others
18.07-01.08 RENO-CONS 10 VOLS Have you
ever heard of Mathematic Village? Probably
not, because it is unique in the world. If you like
nature and mathematic this is a tailor made
project for you. If you hate mathematic you can
still join in this camp as the project is not related
with math but helping to build a non formal
education center in the nature. Mathematic
village is an idea of a university professor
aiming to endear math to young people. Around
20 math lovers gather in this center in each 2-3
weeks terms, to learn, exercise and study math.
International professors are voluntarily sharing
their knowledge with young students. The
center is still under construction and
international volunteers will help to complete
the construction and the landscaping. You can
also follow the math courses in your free times.
This camp will also give a chance to you to
meet & have very close contact with Turkish
young people. Please be aware that the center
is a bit isolated. No night life, TV or disco are
available at the center. But the next village
Sirince, where is only 15 minutes on foot is a
very attractive one and famous for home made
wines and traditional architecture of its houses.
The nearest town Selcuk is the town of world
famous Ephessus open air museum.
Work: The center is still under construction and
international volunteers will help to complete
the construction and the landscaping. You can
also follow the math courses in your free times.
Accommodation: Under tents. Sleeping bags
and mats are necessary.
Food: Will be prepared by the vols.
Language: English.
Location: Sirince is a small village in the west
of Turkey. Please be aware that the center is a
bit isolated. No night life, TV or disco are
available at the center. But the next village
Sirince, where is only 15 minutes on foot is a
very attractive one and famous for home made
wines and traditional architecture of its houses.
The nearest town Selcuk, is the town of world
famous Ephessus open air museum. The
nearest city is Izmir.
Number of Volunteers: 10
28. Turkey - GENCTUR Turkey
Begin:July 19, 2008, End: July 30, 2008
Topic: Children, teenagers, elderly