Solicitation DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 Barcode
Solicitation DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 Barcode
State of California Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 5 Solicitation DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 Barcode Scanners Bid designation: Public State of California 6 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 1 State of California Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 5 Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 Barcode Scanners Bid Number DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 Bid Title Barcode Scanners Bid Start Date Nov 20, 2014 5:18:36 PM PST Bid End Date Dec 3, 2014 2:00:00 PM PST Question & Answer End Nov 25, 2014 10:00:00 AM PST Date Bid Contact Cathleen Guilday 916-657-0304 [email protected] Standard Disclaimer The State of California advises that prospective bidders periodically check the websites, including but not limited to Bidsync, and/or other state department links for modifications to bid documents. The State of California is not responsible for a prospective bidder's misunderstanding of the bid solicitation or nonresponsive bid due to failure to check these websites for updates or amendments to bid documents, and/or other information regarding the bid solicitations. Failure to periodically check these websites will be at the bidder's sole risk. The information published and/or responded to on these websites is public information. Confidential questions/issues/concerns should be directed to the contact on the ad. Description DMV is looking to purchase barcode scanners for the Field Offices. 6 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 2 State of California Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 STATE OF CALIFORNIA Department of Motor Vehicles REQUEST FOR QUOTATION – ISD14-0119 QUOTE DUE DATE: December 3, 2014 Supplier name and address: Contact: Phone: Fax: Name (Print): Sealed Bid Responses must be delivered before 10:00AM on the due date to: Cathleen Guilday ASD IT Acquisitions Department of Motor Vehicles 2415 First Ave, Mail Stop E184 Sacramento, CA 95818 Phone# (916) 657-0304 Fax# (916) 657-6840 [email protected] _______________________________ Title: _______________________________ SOLICITATION #: ISD14-0119 REV. #: 0 DATE: November 20, 2014 Signature: _____________________ Date: _______ Federal Employer Identification Number: IS BIDDER CLAIMING PREFERENCE AS A SMALL BUSINESS: YES ________ NO ________ IF YES, MANUFACTURER? YES ________ NO ________ IS BIDDER A NON-SMALL BUSINESS CLAIMING AT LEAST 25% SMALL BUSINESS SUBCONTRACTOR PREFERENCE? YES ________ NO ________ $_________________________ SECTION 14838 ET SEQ. OF THE CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE REQUIRES THAT A 5% PREFERENCE BE GIVEN TO BIDDERS WHO QUALIFY AS A SMALL BUSINESS AS A NON-SMALL BUSINESS CLAIMINIG AT LEAST 25% CALIFORNIA CERTIFIED SMALL BUSINESS PARTICIPATION FOR REQUIREMENTS SEE TITLE 2, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS SECTION 1896 ET SEQ. THE REQUIREMENTS FOR NONPROFIT VETERAN SERVICE AGENCIES QUALIFYING AS A SMALL BUSINESS ARE CONTAINED IN SECTION 999.50 ET SEQ. OF THE MILITARY AND VETERANS CODE. _______________________________ Bidder offers and agrees if this response is accepted within 45 calendar days following the date the response is due to furnish all the items upon which prices are quoted, at the prices set opposite each item, delivered at the designated point(s) by the method of delivery and within the times specified and subject to the attached General Provisions. DECLARATIONS UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY; By signing above, with inclusion of the date of signature, the above signed bidder DECLARES UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California as follows: (1) (STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE). The above signed as complied with the non-discrimination program requirements of Government Code 12990 and Title 2, California Administrative Code Section 8103, and such declaration is true and correct. (2) The National Labor Relations Board declaration set forth in Paragraph 48 of the General Provisions is true and correct. (3) If a claim is made for the Small Business or Disabled Veterans Business preference, the information set forth within is true and correct. DESCRIPTION The purpose of this Request for Quotation (RFQ) for Information Technology (IT) Goods is to provide Motorola Bar Code Scanners to include the flash of each scanner to ensure that each scanner functions with DMV’s thin client technology. The following Sections are incorporated as part of this Request for Quotation: Section I: Section II: Section III: Section IV: General Information Evaluation Information Statement of Work Attachments Page 1 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 3 State of California State of California Department of Motor Vehicles SECTION I A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 RFQ ISD14-0119 GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................3 PURPOSE OF THIS REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) ..................................................................................3 PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE AND AVAILABILITY .............................................................................................3 KEY ACTION DATES ........................................................................................................................................3 WRITTEN QUESTIONS .....................................................................................................................................3 BIDDER’S INSTRUCTIONS AND PROVISIONS ...................................................................................................4 AWARD OF CONTRACT ...................................................................................................................................4 PROTESTS .......................................................................................................................................................4 RFQ RESPONSE GUIDELINES ........................................................................................................................5 RFQ RESPONSE CONTENT ............................................................................................................................5 1) ATTACHMENT 1 – COVER LETTER ..................................................................................................5 2) ATTACHMENT 2 – COST SHEET .......................................................................................................5 3) ATTACHMENT 3 – PAYEE DATA RECORD .....................................................................................5 4) ATTACHMENT 4 – CALIFORNIA SELLER’S PERMIT....................................................................5 5) ATTACHMENT 5 – BIDDER DECLARATION FORM......................................................................6 6) ATTACHMENT 6 - DVBE SUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ......................................................6 7) ATTACHMENT 7 – SMALL BUSINESS AND NON-SMALL BUSINESS PREFERENCE (SUBMIT ONLY IF BIDDER IS CLAIMING PREFERENCE) .....................................................................6 8) ATTACHMENT 8 – DVBE REQUIREMENT AND INCENTIVE .......................................................7 9) ATTACHMENT 9 – COMMERCIALLY USEFUL FUNCTION FOR SMALL BUSINESS AND/OR DVBE SUBCONTRACTORS .........................................................................................................8 10) ATTACHMENT 10 –TACPA (SUBMIT ONLY IF BIDDER IS CLAIMING PREFERENCE) ...8 SECTION II A) B) EVALUATION INFORMATION/RESPONSE CHECKLIST ..................................................9 EVALUATION....................................................................................................................................................9 AWARD ............................................................................................................................................................9 SECTION III STATEMENT OF WORK ........................................................................................................... 10 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................................... 10 CONTRACT DESCRIPTION AND SCOPE ...................................................................................................... 10 PAYMENT SCHEDULE ...................................................................................................................................... 12 SECTION IV ATTACHMENTS ............................................................................................................................ 23 ATTACHMENT 1 – COVER SHEET ................................................................................................................. 23 ATTACHMENT 2 – COST SHEET .................................................................................................................... 24 ATTACHMENT 3 – PAYEE DATA RECORD, STD. 204 ................................................................................ 25 ATTACHMENT 4 – CALIFORNIA SELLER’S PERMIT ........................................................................... 26 ATTACHMENT 5 – BIDDER DECLARATION FORM .................................................................................... 27 ATTACHMENT 7 – SMALL BUSINESS / NON-SMALL BUSINESS PREFERENCES ............................ 29 ATTACHMENT 8 - CALIFORNIA DISABLED VETERAN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (DVBE) .............. 30 PROGRAM INCENTIVE .................................................................................................................................... 30 ATTACHMENT 9 – COMMERCIALLY USEFUL FUNCTION FOR ........................................................... 31 SMALL BUSINESS AND/OR DVBE SUBCONTRACTORS .......................................................................... 31 ATTACHMENT 10 – TACPA PREFERENCE .................................................................................................. 32 Page 2 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 4 State of California State of California Department of Motor Vehicles SECTION I Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 RFQ ISD14-0119 GENERAL INFORMATION You are invited to review and respond to this Request for Quotation, entitled ISD14-0119. In submitting your quote, you must comply with the instructions found herein. The services required are delineated in the Statement of Work. Please read the enclosed document carefully. Quotes must be received no later than the date and time specified on the face of this RFQ and in Section I.C. Key Action Dates. A) Purpose of this Request for Quotation (RFQ) The State of California, Department of Motor Vehicles requires the services of a Contractor to provide Motorola Bar Code Scanners to include the flash of each scanner to ensure that each scanner functions with DMV’s thin client technology. B) Period of Performance and Availability The term of this Agreement will be six months. C) Key Action Dates Listed below are the key action dates and times by which the actions must be taken or completed. If the State finds it necessary to change any of these dates, it will be accomplished via an addendum to this RFQ. Key Action Dates 1. Submission of written questions 4. Issue Intent to Award Date/Time November 25, 2014 @ 10:00 AM PST November 26, 2014 @ 2:00 PM PST December 3, 2014 @ 2:00 PM PST December 4, 2014 5. Contract Award December 11, 2014 2. Departments response to written questions 3. Submission of Quotes *Note: ALL DATES AFTER THE SUBMISSION OF QUOTES DEADLINE (#3 IN THE KEY ACTION DATES TABLE) ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY BE CHANGED IF NEEDED TO ALLOW THE STATE ADDITIONAL TIME FOR EVALUATION AND CONTRACT EXECUTION, WITHOUT ADDENDUM TO THIS RFQ. D) Written Questions All questions regarding the content of this RFQ must be submitted electronically to the Department of General Services eprocurement system ( All questions must be received by the Key Action Date identified above. Questions not submitted in writing by the Key Action Date for submission of written questions (#2 in the Key Action Date matrix above) shall be answered at the State’s option. When the State has completed its review of the questions, all questions and answers will be posted to the Department of General Services’ eProcurement System at the following website: Page 3 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 5 State of California State of California Department of Motor Vehicles Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 RFQ ISD14-0119 E) Bidder’s Instructions and Provisions The following information is incorporated into this RFQ. Please read the documents carefully. By signing Section IV - Attachment 1 – Cover Sheet, bidders agree to the terms and conditions listed below: Bidder’s Instructions: General Provisions – Information Technology F) Award of Contract Award of contract, if made, will be in accordance with the RFQ information on Evaluation to a responsible bidder whose bid complies with all the requirements of the RFQ documents and an addenda thereto, except for such immaterial defects as may be waived by the State. Award, if made, will be made within forty-five (45) days after the scheduled date for Contract Award as specified in the RFQ; however, a bidder may extend the offer beyond 45 days in the event of a delay of contract award. The State reserves the right to determine the successful bidder(s) either on the basis of individual items or on the basis of all items included in its RFQ, unless otherwise expressly provided in the State’s RFQ. Unless the bidder specifies otherwise in its bid, the State may accept any item or group of items of any bid. The State reserves the right to modify or cancel in whole or in part it’s RFQ. Written notification of the State’s intent to award will be made to all bidders. If a bidder, having submitted a bid, can show that its bid, instead of the bid selected by the State, should be selected for contract award, the bidder will be allowed five (5) working days to submit a protest to the Intent to Award, according to the instructions contained in the paragraph titled “Protests” of this RFQ. Note 1: If the winning vendor cannot fulfill the terms of the contract then the contract may be awarded to the next responsive lowest bid response. Note 2: If a single response is received, the department will not post an Intent to Award notification. G) Protests Any bidder’s issues regarding solicitation requirements must be resolved (or attempts to resolve them must have been made) before a protest may be submitted according to the procedure below. These issues will first be resolved by the contact for the solicitation or if they result in a protest, the protest will be submitted to DGS Procurement Division Deputy Director to hear and resolve issues and whose decision will be final. If a bidder has submitted a bid which it believes to be totally responsive to the requirements of the RFQ and to be the bid that should have been selected according to the evaluation procedure in the solicitation section on Evaluation and the bidder believes the State has incorrectly selected another bidder for award, the bidder may submit a protest of the selection as described below. Protests regarding selection of the “successful vendor” will be heard and resolved by the Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board whose decision will be final. All protests of award must be made in writing, signed by an individual authorized to bind the bidder contractually and financially, and contain a statement of the reason(s) for protest; citing the law, rule, regulation or procedure on which the protest is based. The protester must provide facts and evidence to support the claim. Protests must be mailed or delivered to: Page 4 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 6 State of California State of California Department of Motor Vehicles Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 RFQ ISD14-0119 Street and Mailing Address: Deputy Director Procurement Division 707 Third Street, Second Floor South West Sacramento, CA 95605 Facsimile No.: (916) 375-4611 All protests to the RFQ or protests concerning the evaluation, recommendation, or other aspects of the selection process must be received by the DGS Procurement Division Deputy Director as promptly as possible, but not later than the date indicated in the Notification of Intent to Award. Certified or registered mail must be used unless delivered in person, in which case the protester should obtain a receipt of delivery. H) RFQ Response Guidelines This RFQ and the Contractor’s quote in response to this document will be made a part of the contract. Responses to this RFQ must contain all data/information requested and must conform to the format described in this RFQ. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to provide all required data and any other information deemed necessary for the State’s evaluation team to determine and verify the Contractor’s ability to perform the tasks and activities defined in the Contractor’s Statement of Work. At the State’s option prior to award, bidders may be required to submit additional written clarifying information. Failure to submit the required written information as specified may be grounds for bid rejection. It is the vendor’s responsibility to ensure responses are received by the due date and time. Postmark dates are not acceptable. FACSIMILE MACHINE BIDS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. BIDS MUST BE SEALED. I) RFQ Response Content Acceptable responses to this RFQ must contain one (1) original of all data/information requested. Refer to Section IV – Attachments – for more information on the documents required for the RFQ Response Content. To be deemed responsive, the following items must be submitted with your RFQ response: 1) ATTACHMENT 1 – COVER LETTER Complete and attach the cover letter included in this RFQ as Attachment 1 2) ATTACHMENT 2 – COST SHEET Bidder must complete the cost sheet using the format in Attachment 2 – Cost Sheet. Project costs related to items such as shipping costs, programming of the software/firmware on the scanners and flashing each scanner to use the code, along with attaching the cable/wedge to each unit are costs that need to be included within the cost of each barcode scanner. DMV shall not pay for such costs as a separate item. 3) ATTACHMENT 3 – PAYEE DATA RECORD Bidder must submit a Payee Data Record, Std. 204, listing their Taxpayer Identification Number as Attachment 3. 4) ATTACHMENT 4 – CALIFORNIA SELLER’S PERMIT Page 5 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 7 State of California State of California Department of Motor Vehicles Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 RFQ ISD14-0119 A copy of each bidder’s (and any affiliate that makes sales for delivery into California as applicable) current seller’s permit or certification of registration issued by the California State Board of Equalization must be included in the bidder’s response as Attachment 4. This solicitation and any resulting contract shall be subject to all requirements as set forth in Sections 6487, 7101 and Sections 6452.1, 6487.3, 18510 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, and Section 10295.1 of the Public Contract Code. 5) ATTACHMENT 5 – BIDDER DECLARATION FORM All bidders must complete the Bidder Declaration GSPD-05-105 and include it with the bid response as Attachment 5, even if no subcontractors are being submitted. When completing the declaration, bidders must identify all subcontractors proposed for participation in the contract and a description of the product and/or services the subcontractor will provide in the solicitation. Bidders awarded a contract are contractually obligated to use the subcontractors for the corresponding work identified unless the State agrees to a substitution and it is incorporated by amendment to the contract. 6) ATTACHMENT 6 - DVBE SUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT If utilizing a DVBE subcontractor, as indicated in method A1.c or A2.c in the link provided, bidder must submit the signed (by the prime and DVBE subcontractor) agreement from Attachment 6 with bid response. Refer to this website for additional information: 7) ATTACHMENT 7 – SMALL BUSINESS AND NON-SMALL BUSINESS PREFERENCE (SUBMIT ONLY IF BIDDER IS CLAIMING PREFERENCE) (a) REGULATIONS The Small Business regulations, located in the California Code of Regulations (Title 2, Division 2, Chapter 3, Subchapter 8, Section 1896 et. seq.), concerning the application and calculation of the small business preference, small business certification, responsibilities of small business, department certification, and appeals are revised, effective 09/09/04. The new regulations can be viewed at ( Access the regulations by Clicking on “Small Business Regulations” in the right sidebar. For those without Internet access, a copy of the regulations can be obtained by calling the Office of Small Business and DVBE Services at (916) 375-4940. (b) SMALL BUSINESS CERTIFICATION Bidders claiming the 5% small business preference must be certified by California as a small business or must commit to subcontract at least 25% of the net bid price with one or more California certified small businesses. Completed certification applications and required support documents must be submitted to the Office of Small Business and DVBE Services (OSDS) no later than 5:00 p.m. on the bid due date, and the OSDS must be able to approve the application as submitted Small business nonprofit veteran service agencies (SB/NVSA) claiming the small business preference must possess certification by California prior to the day and time bids are due. Questions regarding certification should be directed to the OSDS at (916) 375-4940. (c) NON-SMALL BUSINESS SUBCONTACTOR PREFERENCE Page 6 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 8 State of California Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 State of California Department of Motor Vehicles RFQ ISD14-0119 A 5% bid preference is now available to a non-small business claiming 25% California certified small business subcontractor participation. If applicable, claim the preference in the box on the right hand side of the first page of this solicitation. If claiming the non-small business subcontractor preference, the form must list all of the California certified small businesses with which the bidder commits to subcontract in an amount of at least twenty-give percent (25%) of the net bid price. All certified small businesses must perform a “commercially useful function” in the performance of the contract as defined in Government Code Section 14837(d)(4). (d) SMALL BUSINESS NONPROFIT VETERAN SERVICE AGENCIES (SB/NVSA) SB/NVSA prime bidders meeting requirements specified in the Military and Veterans Code Section 999.50 et seq. and obtaining a California certification as a small business are eligible for the 5% small business preference. If applicable, claim the preference in the box on the right hand side of the first page of this solicitation. All certified small businesses must perform a “commercially useful function” in the performance of the contract as defined in Government Code Section 14837(d)(4). 8) ATTACHMENT 8 – DVBE REQUIREMENT AND INCENTIVE THE CA DVBE REQUIREMENT HAS BEEN WAIVED FOR THIS SOLICITATION) DVBE INCENTIVE: In order to meet the California Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Incentive, bidders must be, or partner with, a California Certified DVBE. All certified DVBE’s must perform a “commercially useful function” in the performance of the contract. For more information regarding the DVBE incentive, please review the Department of General’s website at Note: DVBE Incentive is applied during the evaluation process and is only applied for responsive bids from responsible bidders proposing the percentage(s) of DVBE participation for the incentive(s) specified below: Confirmed DVBE Participation of: DVBE Incentive: 5% and Over 4% - 4.99% inclusive 3% - 3.99% inclusive 5% 4% 3% ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Certified small businesses and disabled veteran businesses listed as subcontractors must perform a "commercially useful function" in the performance of the contract. The term “commercially useful function” is defined in Government Code Section 14837(d) (4) and in Military and Veterans Code Section 999(b) (5) (B). The Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Declarations (STD. 843) form is completed by a California certified DVBE owner and DVBE managers of the DVBE who will be participating in the awarded purchase document. The Std 843 must be submitted with the bid response if the bidder is either a certified CA DVBE or subcontracting with a certified CA DVBE. The STD 843 may be found on the following website: Page 7 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 9 State of California State of California Department of Motor Vehicles Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 RFQ ISD14-0119 Note: Per Senate Bill 548…If for this agreement contractor made a commitment to achieve disabled veteran business enterprise (DVBE) participation, then contractor must within 60 days of receiving final payment under this agreement (or within such other time period as may be specified elsewhere in this agreement) certify in a report to the awarding department: (1) the total amount the prime contractor received under the contract; (2) the name and address of the DVBE(s) that participated in the performance of the contract; (3) the amount each DVBE received from the prime contractor; (4) that all payments under the contract have been made to the DVBE(s); and (5) the actual percentage of DVBE participation that was achieved. A person or entity that knowingly provides false information shall be subject to a civil penalty for each violation. (Military & Veterans Code (M&VC) § 999.5(d)). Contractor understands and agrees that should award of this contract be based in part on their commitment to use the Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) subcontractor(s) identified in their bid or offer, per Military and Veterans Code 999.5 (e), a DVBE subcontractor may only be replaced by another DVBE subcontractor and must be approved by the Department of General Services (DGS). Changes to the scope of work that impact the DVBE subcontractor(s) identified in the bid or offer and approved DVBE substitutions will be documented by contract amendment. Failure of Contractor to seek substitution and adhere to the DVBE participation level identified in the bid or offer may be cause for contract termination, recovery of damages under rights and remedies due to the State, and penalties as outlined in M&VC § 999.9; Public Contract Code (PCC) § 10115.10. 9) ATTACHMENT 9 – COMMERCIALLY USEFUL FUNCTION FOR SMALL BUSINESS AND/OR DVBE SUBCONTRACTORS Bidder must provide a written explanation delineating what Commercially Useful Function each certified small business or certified disabled veteran business will provide for this RFQ. In addition, please answer the questions on Attachment 9 for each certified small business and/or certified DVBE subcontractor listed on the bid response. 10) ATTACHMENT 10 –TACPA (SUBMIT ONLY IF BIDDER IS CLAIMING PREFERENCE) If bidders qualify for more than one bidding preference (TACPA, Small Business), the maximum preference allowed by law is 15% or $100,000. If any of these “acts” apply complete the appropriate form and attach it to the response. (a) TARGET AREA CONTRACT PREFERENCES ACT (TACPA) Preference will be granted to California-based Contractors in accordance with Government Code Section 4530 whenever contract for goods and services are in excess of $85,000 and the Contractor meets certain requirements as defined in the California Code (Title 2, Section 1896.30) regarding labor needed to produce the goods or provide the services being procured. Bidders desiring to claim Target Area Contract Preferences Act shall complete Std. Form 830 and submit it with the bid response. Page 8 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 10 State of California State of California Department of Motor Vehicles SECTION II Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 RFQ ISD14-0119 EVALUATION INFORMATION/RESPONSE CHECKLIST A) Evaluation Each RFQ ISD14-0119 response will be checked for the presence of required information in conformance with the submission requirements of this RFQ. The department will evaluate each RFQ ISD14-0119 bid response to determine its responsiveness to the requirements. Only bids quoted on the State’s own quotation forms will be considered. Bids MUST be submitted in a SEALED envelope/package with the solicitation number and the bid due date and time clearly marked on the outside of the envelope/package, faxed orders will not be accepted. The bid response must be completely sealed. One (1) printed copy must be submitted by the time and date identified in Section I.C: Key Action Dates. Mail or deliver bid responses to the DMV Procurement Official listed on Page 1 of this RFQ. Bids received after the bid submission date and time will not be considered. 1. Administrative Requirements Evaluation Criteria (Pass/Fail) Administrative Requirements Attachment has been submitted & is complete Attachment has not been submitted or is not complete Is Bidder claiming Preference*? (yes or no) Attachment 1 – Cover Letter (Required) Attachment 2 – Cost Sheet (Required) Attachment 3 – Payee Data Record Std 204 Payee Data Record (Required) Attachment 4 – Seller’s Permit (Required) Attachment 5 – Bidder Declaration Form (GSPD-05-105) Bidder Declaration (Required) Attachment 6 – DVBE Subcontractor (submit only if utilizing a DVBE) Signed Bidder/DVBE Subcontractor Agreement per DVBE Method A1.c and A2.c Attachment 7 – Small Business and Non-Small Business Preference* (submit only if bidder is claiming preference) If bidder is subcontracting with a certified CA small Business to obtain the 5% credit, bidder must provide A description of the sub’s commercially useful function (refer to Attachment 10) Attachment 8 – DVBE Incentive (provide only if bidder claiming incentive) Std 843 Attachment 9 – Commercially Useful Function (submit only if Bidder is including a certified small business and/or DVBE As part of bid response) Attachment 10 – TACPA (submit only if bidder is claiming preference) Std. 830 TACPA DGS/PD 526 Bidder’s Summary DGS/PD 525 Manufacturer’s Summary B) Award The award will be made to the lowest cost after meeting all requirements. Refer to Section I.F regarding Award of Contract Language. Page 9 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 11 State of California State of California Department of Motor Vehicles SECTION III Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 RFQ ISD14-0119 STATEMENT OF WORK EXHIBIT A – STATEMENT OF WORK BACKGROUND The Department of Motor Vehicles utilizes Hewlett-Packard t5745 thin client computing devices as the primary method of interfacing with the two programs used to process customer transactions. The t5745s provide the platform for accessing the DMV Automation (DMVA) program and the Enterprise Application Services Environment (EASE) at the customer point of contact within DMV Field Offices (FO). Barcodes are utilized on standard DMV forms such as the Driver License or Identification Card Application and various renewal forms. These barcodes enable FO technicians to process customer information in an expedient and error-free fashion. The DMVA and EASE applications, running on thin client technology, can accept as input, the output from barcode technology that adheres to international standards, in this case UCC Code 39 and Code 128 barcodes. DMV technicians today have a mix of legacy scanners from Motorola/Symbol that are in various states of disrepair. This disrepair has resulted in many of the existing barcode readers being rendered unusable by FO personnel, resulting in longer transaction processing times. Recent legislation, specifically Assembly Bill 60 (AB-60 2013) will have an appreciable impact to DMV FOs and the Driver License and Identification Card (DL/ID) and Vehicle Registration (VR) processing completed in each office. To better manage the impact of this legislation to DL/ID and VR processing in FOs, new barcode scanners are necessary. In addition, requirements associated with AB60 to read and transcode diacritical marks from foreign identity documents require the procurement of new barcode readers to accept the new input. This Statement of Work and accompanying Contract seeks to define the barcode scanner technology necessary to meet the demands associated with the implementation of this legislation. CONTRACT DESCRIPTION AND SCOPE The purpose of this contract is to acquire technical and professional services to develop the appropriate barcode reader firmware and/or software to successfully implement barcode readers on DMV’s HP T5745 thin clients. The contract seeks the provisioning of a specific model barcode scanner – the Motorola DL4308, the Parsing PS/2 Scanner Kit (Wedge) cable, and the professional services necessary to program the software/firmware on the scanners to read Code 39 (USS Code 39) and Code 128 (UCC(GS1)-128) barcodes as well as diacritical marks as specified in the attached Bid Specification Exhibit B. The contract vendor, on successful completion of software/firmware code development, will flash each scanner to use the software/firmware code, and attach the cable to each unit, and ship units to DMV FOs at addresses and in quantities identified in Exhibit C Delivery Addresses. The term of the contract shall be six (6) months from the date of contract execution. Contractor tasks include the following: Page 10 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 12 State of California State of California Department of Motor Vehicles Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 RFQ ISD14-0119 1. Develop the software and/or firmware necessary to allow the Motorola DL4308 barcode scanner to read Code 39 (USS Code 39) and Code 128 (UCC(GS1)-128) barcodes, and diacritical marks consistently. 2. Written document displaying successful read of ten (10) random Code 39, ten (10) random Code 128 barcodes and ten (10) diacritical marks based on Latin scripts (i.e. acute, grave, breve, etc.) transcoded into the English equivalent. 3. Procure the appropriate number of Motorola DL4308 barcode scanners to fill the volume requested by the contract. 4. Flash (i.e. install software/firmware) on each Motorola DL4308 barcode scanner to ensure that each scanner functions with DMV’s thin client technology and DMVA and EASE environment. 5. Complete each unit by installing the Parsing PS/2 Scanner Kit (Wedge) onto each barcode scanner and perform burn-in testing. 6. Provide DMV with one (1) flashed complete DL4308 barcode readers with PS/2 cable for validation that software/firmware perform as expected with DMVA and EASE. 7. Test Units Delivery Address: 2415 First Ave., MS B180, Sacramento, CA 95818 8. On DMV acceptance, provide DMV with the completed order (i.e. fully flashed and assembled) of barcode scanners in shipments to each of DMV Field Offices. C. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA The scanners are subject to acceptance testing under the terms of this contract. Acceptance testing is intended to ensure that the bar code scanners acquired under this contract result in implementation and continued satisfactory levels of performance of projects/systems that meet DMV's business requirements, technical specifications and performance requirements; meet the Contractor's specification, performance standards and warranties; and evidence a satisfactory level of performance reliability prior to acceptance by the DMV. Acceptance testing shall include verification by DMV and Contractor management and DMV personnel that each scanner meets the required objective and functional requirements identified the Bid Specification, Exhibit B. Acceptance will include: 1. Delivery of one (1) scanner (1 PS/2) to DMV Contract Manager for testing purposes in DMV Test environment(s) within 15 days of contract execution. 2. On receipt, DMV will install unit into the existing HP t5745 Thin Clients to validate that the unit function together as indicated below: a. Power on without an additional power cable. b. Read DMV DL44 Form which utilizes Code 39 bar code and transmit data accurately to the DMVA/EASE application as pass-through for thin client. c. Read DMV Vehicle Registration Renewal Form which utilizes Code 128 bar code and transmit data accurately to the DMVA/EASE application as pass-through for thin client. d. Read various Latin script diacritical markings, transcode to English characters and pass-through to thin client. e. Perform read functions accurately 95% of reads (19 of 20 reads correctly). Page 11 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 13 State of California State of California Department of Motor Vehicles Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 RFQ ISD14-0119 3. On successful testing under Section C.2., DMV will accept the unit. 4. DMV will not return the test unit, but will accept it as one (1) unit from the total order. 5. If vendor units do not function according to item C.2., vendor will be provided with 15 days to address compatibility issues in the test unit. Following the 15 day period, DMV will test as per item C.2 for acceptance. If vendor unit does not function following second attempt, DMV will reject the unit. PAYMENT SCHEDULE 1. Payment shall be in one lump payment once all Acceptance Criteria in section C.2 are met and all the barcode scanners have been delivered to each Field Office listed in Exhibit C. 2. Project costs related to items such as shipping costs, programming of the software/firmware on the scanners and flashing on each scanner to use the code, along with attaching the cable/wedge to each unit are costs that need to be included within the cost for each barcode scanner. DMV shall not pay for such costs as a separate item. 3. Contractor costs related to items such as travel and per diem are costs of the Contractor and will not be paid as part of this contract. 4. Invoices will be submitted to: Department of Motor Vehicles PO BX 932382 Sacramento, CA 94232-3820 Attn: Accounts Payable M/S F-109 Page 12 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 14 State of California Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 State of California Department of Motor Vehicles RFQ ISD14-0119 Exhibit B - Bid Specification For Motorola Barcode Scanner Units DL4308 Product: as identified by brand below or the equivalent. Description Product Number Brand Name Laser Scanner w/Decoder and Parsing PS/2 Scanner Kit (Wedge) cable DL4308 Motorola Products must meet the specifications as stated below. Laser Scanner: Scanners must be programmed to read Code 128 (UCC(GS1)-128) and Code 39 (USS Code 39) bar codes. Scanners must be capable of reading bar codes printed by laser printers that are 16.75mm X .75mm. Scanner must be programmed to read Latin script diacritical markings (accent, grave, breve, etc.) and transcode into English equivalent. Decoder: Must be pre-programmed to read and display the following information on the DMVA HP T5745 thin client models utilizing virtual terminal emulation to perform input/output of DMV information. Document Display Example Example Application for Driver 10 (1 alpha + X01234567 License (DL44) alphanumeric 9 numeric) 8 characters Driver 8 (1 alpha + I00001234 License/Identification alphanumeric 7 numeric) (DL/ID) Cards characters Vehicle License + last (8 alpha + XABC1111 Renewal/Billing 3 of VIN + File 3 numeric 999X Notice (DMV 83A) Code + Send + 1 alpha) Vehicle Registration License + last (8 alpha XABC111 Documents 3 of VIN + File +3 1999X Code + Send numeric + 1 alpha) Minimum Performance Requirements: Must read and display the required information 95% of the time in one to two attempts. A. Bar Code Laser Scanner: Mis-read on first attempt Non-read one to two attempts Maximum 0% Maximum 5% Assembling Magnetic Stripe Reader/Laser Scanner Units: Vendor agrees to pre-program the decoders, label cable connections (Keyboard or Terminal), assemble and test all units prior to shipping. Page 13 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 15 State of California State of California Department of Motor Vehicles Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 RFQ ISD14-0119 Exhibit C – Field Office Locations Office Alturas Arleta Arvin Auburn Bakersfield Banning Barstow Bell Gardens Bellflower Bishop Blythe Brawley Capitol Office Capitola Carmichael Chico Chula Vista Clovis Coalinga Colusa Address 903 N. West C St. Alturas, 96101 14400 Van Nuys Blvd. Arleta, 91331 317 Campus Dr. Arvin, 93203 11722 Enterprise Dr. Auburn, 95603 3120 F St. Bakersfield, 93301 1034 W. Ramsey St. #B Banning, 92220 528 E. Virginia Wy. Barstow, 92311 6801 S. Garfield Ave. Bell Gardens, 90201 9520 E. Artesia Blvd. Bellflower, 90706 1115 W. Line Street Bishop, 93514 430-B S. Broadway Blythe, 92225 1175 E. Main St. Brawley, 92227 State Capitol 4200 Capitola Rd. Capitola, 95010 5209 North Ave. Carmichael, 95608 107 Parmac Rd. #1 Chico, 95926 30 N. Glover Ave. Chula Vista, 91910 2103 Shaw Avenue Clovis, 93611 406 E. Elm St. Coalinga, 93210 1025 Bridge St, Suite B Colusa, 95932 Scanners Required 3 34 8 9 21 9 6 32 30 4 3 9 2 27 27 13 28 24 8 4 Page 14 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 16 State of California State of California Department of Motor Vehicles Compton Concord Corte Madera Costa Mesa Crescent City Culver City Daly City Davis Delano El Cajon El Centro El Cerrito El Monte Escondido Eureka Fairfield Fairfield IBC (BSC) Fall River Mills Folsom Fontana Fort Bragg Fremont Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 RFQ ISD14-0119 2111 S. Santa Fe Ave. Compton, 90221 2070 Diamond Blvd. Concord, 94520 75 Tamal Vista Blvd. Corte Madera, 94925 650 W. 19th St. Costa Mesa, 92627 1475 Parkway Dr. Crescent City, 95531 11400 W. Washington Blvd. Los Angeles, 90066 1500 Sullivan Ave. Daly City 94015 505 Pole Line Rd. Davis, 95616 631 Jefferson St. Delano, 93215 1450 Graves Ave. El Cajon, 92021 233 N. Imperial Ave. El Centro, 92243 6400 Manila Ave. El Cerrito, 94530 4000 Arden Drive El Monte, 91731 725 N Escondido, Blvd Escondido, CA 92025 322 W. 15th St. Eureka, 95501 160 Serrano Drive. Fairfield, 94533 4630 West America Ste. E Fairfield 94534 43467 Hwy 299 E. Fall River Mills, 96028 323 E. Bidwell #A Folsom, 95630 8026 Hemlock Ave. Fontana, CA 92335 410 S. Franklin St. Fort Bragg, 95437 4287 Central Ave. Fremont, 94536 23 19 17 28 5 25 25 8 7 24 10 21 20 26 14 16 25 2 17 30 4 19 Page 15 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 17 State of California State of California Department of Motor Vehicles RFQ ISD14-0119 Fresno 655 W. Olive Ave. Fresno, 93728 6420 N. Blackstone Ave. Fresno, 93710 735 E. North St. Fresno, CA 93725 909 W. Valencia Dr. Fullerton, 92832 1180 Evergreen Rd. Ste. A Redway, 95560 6984 Chestnut St., Suite A Gilroy, 95020 1335 W. Glenoaks Blvd. Glendale, 91201 7127 Hollister Ave. #24/26 Goleta, 93117 890 Sutton Wy. Grass Valley, 95945 701 W. Hanford Armona Rd. Hanford, 93230 Fresno (North) Fresno CDTC (CDL) Fullerton Garberville Gilroy Glendale Goleta Grass Valley Hanford Hawthorne Hayward Headquarters Hemet Hollister Hollywood Cole only) Indio Inglewood Jackson King City Laguna Hills Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 (DL 3700 W. El Segundo Blvd. Hawthorne, 90250 150 Jackson St. Hayward, 94544 2415 First Ave. Attn: IT Asset Mgmt Sacramento, CA 95818 1200 S. State St. Hemet, 92543 80 N. Sally St. Hollister, 95023 803 N. Cole Ave. Hollywood, 90038 44-480 Jackson St. Indio, 92201 621 N. LaBrea Ave. Inglewood, 90302 201 Clinton Rd. #205 Jackson, 95642 101 E San Antonio Dr. King City, CA 93930 23535 Moulton Pkwy. Laguna Hills, 92653 26 16 3 37 2 12 27 9 5 11 23 29 345 20 10 23 18 27 6 6 21 Page 16 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 18 State of California State of California Department of Motor Vehicles Lake Isabella Lakeport Lancaster Lincoln Park Lodi Lompoc Lompoc DLPC Long Beach Los Angeles Los Angeles DLPC Los Angeles IBC (BSC) Los Banos Los Gatos Madera Manteca Mariposa Mendota (travel run) Merced Modesto Montebello Mount Shasta Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 RFQ ISD14-0119 5520 Lake Isabella Blvd. #G-1 Laske Isabella, 93240 965 Parallel Dr. Lakeport, 95453 1110 West Ave. I Lancaster, 93534 3529 N Mission Rd. Los Angeles 90031 1222 E. Pixley Parkway Lodi, 95240 209 W. Pine Ave. Lompoc, 93436 1601 North H St. Lompoc, CA 93436 3700 E. Willow St. Long Beach, 90815 3615 S. Hope St. Los Angeles, 90007 16201 San Fernando Mission Blvd. Los Angeles, 91344 1365 North Grand Ave. Suite 100 Covina, CA 91724 814 W. L St. Los Banos, 93635 600 N. Santa Cruz Ave. Los Gatos, 95030 1206 W. Maple St. Madera, 93637 955 Davis St. Manteca, 95336 5264 Hwy. 49 North Mariposa, 95338 655 Quince St. Mendota 93640 1313 W. 12th St. Merced, 95340 124 Burney St. Modesto, 95354 424 N. Wilcox Ave. Montebello, 90640 154 Morgan Wy. Mount Shasta, 96067 3 7 17 22 14 7 50 25 28 50 30 8 20 12 13 3 4 16 24 32 3 Page 17 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 19 State of California State of California Department of Motor Vehicles Mountain View IBC (ISC) Napa Needles Newhall Norco Novato Oakland (Claremont) Oakland (Coliseum) Oceanside Orange County DLPC Oroville Oxnard Palm Desert Palm Springs Palmdale Paradise Pasadena Paso Robles Petaluma Pittsburg Placerville Pleasanton Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 RFQ ISD14-0119 595 Showers Dr. Mountain View, 94040 2550 Napa Valley Corporate Dr. Napa, 94558 1040 E. Broadway Needles, 92363 24427 Newhall Ave. Newhall, 91321 3201 Horseless Carriage Dr. Norco, 92860 936 7th St. Ste. A Novato, 94947 5300 Claremont Ave. 1st Floor Oakland, 94618 501 85th Ave. Oakland, 94621 4005 Plaza Dr. Oceanside, 92056 12645 Beach Blvd. Stanton, 775 Mitchell Ave. Oroville, 95965 4050 S. Saviers Rd. Oxnard, 93033 74-740 Technology Dr. Palm Desert, 92211 950 N. Farrell Dr. Palm Springs, 92262 2260-D E. Palmdale Blvd. Palmdale, 93550 5921 Clark Rd. #A Paradise, 95967 49 S. Rosemead Blvd. Pasadena, 91107 841 Park St. Paso Robles, 93446 715-J Southpoint Blvd. Petaluma, 94954 1399 Buchanan Rd. Pittsburg, 94565 2919 Cold Springs Rd. Placerville, 95667 6300 W. Las Positas Blvd. Pleasanton, 94588 4 12 3 15 19 11 33 25 25 50 7 19 13 17 13 6 25 8 10 13 8 14 Page 18 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 20 State of California State of California Department of Motor Vehicles Pomona Porterville Poway Quincy Rancho Cucamonga Rancho San Diego IBC (ISC) Red Bluff Redding Redlands Redwood City Reedley Ridgecrest Riverside Riverside (East) Rocklin Roseville Sacramento Sacramento (South) Salinas San Andreas San Bernardino Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 RFQ ISD14-0119 1600 S. Garey Ave. Pomona, 91766 329 E. Olive Ave. Porterville, 93257 13461 Community Rd. Poway, 92064 1953 E Main St. #3. Quincy, 95971 8629 Hellman Ave. Rancho Cucamonga, 91730 1530 Hilton Head Rd Suite 101 El Cajon, 92019 675 Monroe St. Red Bluff, 96080 2135 Civic Center Dr. Redding, 96001 1659 W. Lugonia Ave. Redlands, 92374 300 Brewster Ave. Redwood City, 94063 558 E. Dinuba Ave. Reedley, 93654 540 Perdew Ave. #A Ridgecrest, 93555 6280 Brockton Ave. Riverside, 92506 6425 Sycamore Canyon Blvd. Riverside, 92507 5245 S Grove Street Rocklin, 95677 7200 Galilee Road Roseville, CA 95678 4700 Broadway Sacramento, 95820 7775 La Mancha Way Sacramento, 95823 260 E. Laurel Dr. Salinas, 93906 745 Mountain Ranch Rd. San Andreas, 95249 1310 N. Waterman Ave. San Bernardino, 92404 23 10 20 4 25 10 7 12 17 37 12 5 19 25 15 24 25 12 14 4 16 Page 19 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 21 State of California State of California Department of Motor Vehicles San Bernardino CDTC (CDL) San Clemente San Diego San Diego (Clairemont) San Francisco San Jose San Jose DLPC San Luis Obispo San Mateo San Pedro San Ysidro Santa Ana Santa Barbara Santa Clara Santa Maria Santa Monica Santa Paula Santa Rosa Santa Teresa Seaside Shafter Simi Valley Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 RFQ ISD14-0119 930 S. Arrowhead Ave. San Bernardino, CA 92408 2727 Via Cascadita San Clemente, 92672 3960 Normal St. San Diego, 92103 4375 Derrick Dr. San Diego, 92117 1377 Fell St. San Francisco, 94117 111 W. Alma Ave. San Jose, 95110 2222 Senter Road San Jose, 95112 3190 S. Higuera St. San Luis Obispo, 93401 425 N. Amphlett Blvd. San Mateo, 94401 1511 N. Gaffey St. San Pedro, 90731 6111 Business Center Ct. San Diego, 92154 1330 E. 1st St. Santa Ana, 92701 535 Castillo St. Santa Barbara, 93101 3665 Flora Vista Ave. Santa Clara, 95051 523 S. McClelland St. Santa Maria, 93454 2235 Colorado Ave. Santa Monica, 90404 250 W. Harvard Blvd. #A Santa Paula, 93060 2570 Corby Ave. Santa Rosa, 95407 180 Martinvale Ln. San Jose, 95119 1180 Canyon Del Rey Seaside, 93955 548 Walker St. Shafter, 93263 3855-D Alamo St. Simi Valley, 93063 3 14 26 32 27 31 50 16 18 15 28 37 14 32 9 31 15 20 16 16 9 19 Page 20 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 22 State of California State of California Department of Motor Vehicles Sonora South Lake Tahoe Stanton DLPC Stockton Susanville SW Bakersfield Taft Temecula Thousand Oaks Torrance Tracy Truckee Tulare Turlock Twenty Nine Palms Ukiah Vacaville Vallejo Van Nuys Ventura Victorville Visalia Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 RFQ ISD14-0119 885 Morning Star Dr. Sonora, 95370 3344 Lake Tahoe Blvd. #B South Lake Tahoe, 96150 12645 Beach Blvd. Stanton, CA 90680 55 South Lincoln Street Stockton, 95203 2615 Main St. Susanville, 96130 7000 Schirra Ct. Bakersfield 93313 165 Center St. Taft, 93268 27851 Diaz Rd. Temecula, 92590 1810 E. Avenida de Los Arboles Thousand Oaks, 91362 1785 W. 220th St. Torrance, 90501 2785 Auto Plaza Drive Tracy, 95304 11357 Donner Pass Rd. #1 Truckee, 96162 274 E. Cross Ave. Tulare, 93274 825 E. Monte Vista Ave. Turlock, 95382 3668 Adobe Rd. #G-J Twentynine Palms, 92277 542 S. Orchard Ave. Ukiah, 95482 621 Orange Dr. Vacaville, 95687 200 Couch St. Vallejo, 94590 14920 Vanowen St. Van Nuys, 91405 4260 Market St. Ventura, 93003 14855 Corta Drive Victorville, 92395 1711 E. Main Visalia, 93292 8 8 50 25 4 18 7 17 16 26 13 8 11 16 7 9 14 12 27 18 15 14 Page 21 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 23 State of California Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 State of California Department of Motor Vehicles Walnut Creek Watsonville Weaverville West Covina West Hollywood West Sacramento CDTC (CDL) Westminster Whittier Willows Winnetka Winnetka IBC Woodland Yreka Yuba City RFQ ISD14-0119 1910 N. Broadway Walnut Creek, 94596 90 Alta Vista Ave. Watsonville, 95076 1511 Main St. Weaverville, 96093 800 S. Glendora Ave. West Covina, 91790 936 N. Formosa Ave. W. Hollywood, 90046 2528 Evergreen Ave. West Sacramento, 95691 13700 Hoover St. Westminster, 92683 9338 S. Painter Ave. Whittier, 90605 815 N. Humboldt Ave. Willows, 95988 20725 Sherman Wy. Winnetka, 91306 20725 Sherman Wy. Winnetka, 91306 825 East St. #306 Woodland, 95695 1848 S. Fort Jones Rd. Yreka, 96097 1570 Poole Blvd. Yuba City, 95993 15 18 2 27 24 3 37 24 6 30 8 7 4 18 Total 3480 Page 22 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 24 State of California Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 State of California Department of Motor Vehicles RFQ ISD14-0119 SECTION IV ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT 1 – COVER SHEET The submission of this quote does not obligate the Department of Motor Vehicles to fund the proposed contract. If the quote is approved for funding, a contract will be executed between the State of California and the bidder. When funding is authorized, the bidder will be expected to adhere to the terms of the executed contract. By signing Attachment 1 - Cover Sheet, bidders agree to the terms and conditions listed in Section I.E Bidders Instructions and Provisions. The undersigned bidder hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials, tools and equipment, to provide the products and services in accordance with the specifications and provisions received with the RFQ. 1. Full Legal Name of Bidder’s Organization: 2. Mailing Address: Street City State Telephone FAX Zip Email 3. Federal Taxpayer Identification Number: 4. Principal who is authorized to bind the bidder: Typed Name Title Original Signature Date 5. Bidder’s contact person shall be: (Name and Phone Number) Page 23 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 25 State of California Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 State of California Department of Motor Vehicles RFQ ISD14-0119 ATTACHMENT 2 – COST SHEET Project costs related to items such as shipping costs, programming of the software/firmware on the scanners and flashing each scanner to use the code, along with attaching the cable/wedge to each unit are costs that need to be included within the cost for each barcode scanner. DMV shall not pay for such costs as a separate item. Quantity 3,480 Description Unit Price Extended Price Motorola Scanner #DL4308 to include the Parsing PS/2 Scanner Kit (Wedge) and Intellistand attached to each scanner prior to delivery to DMV. Project costs related to items such as shipping costs to185 Field Offices, programming of the software/firmware on the scanners and flashing each scanner to use the code, along with attaching the cable/wedge to each unit are costs that need to be included within the cost for each barcode scanner. DMV shall not pay for such costs as a separate item. For details see the attached Statement of Work, Section III, Exhibit A. Subtotal Tax 8.5% Total This purchase order may be amended to add funds if sales tax amount increase. Note: It is unlawful for any person engaged in business within this state to sell or use any article or product as a “loss leader” as defined in Section 17030 of the Business and Professions Code. Page 24 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 26 State of California State of California Department of Motor Vehicles Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 RFQ ISD14-0119 ATTACHMENT 3 – PAYEE DATA RECORD, STD. 204 All bidders must provide a signed copy of the Payee Data Record with their response as Attachment 3. The form is available at this website link: Page 25 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 27 State of California State of California Department of Motor Vehicles Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 RFQ ISD14-0119 ATTACHMENT 4 – CALIFORNIA SELLER’S PERMIT A copy of each bidder’s (and any affiliate that makes sales for delivery into California as applicable) current seller’s permit or certification of registration issued by the California State Board of Equalization must be included in the bidder’s response as Attachment 4. This solicitation and any resulting contract shall be subject to all requirements as set forth in Sections 6487, 7101 and Sections 6452.1, 6487.3, 18510 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, and Section 10295.1 of the Public Contract Code. Page 26 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 28 State of California State of California Department of Motor Vehicles Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 RFQ ISD14-0119 ATTACHMENT 5 – BIDDER DECLARATION FORM All Bidders must complete the Bidder Declaration GSPD-05-105 and include it with the bid response as Attachment 5. Page 27 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 29 State of California Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 State of California Department of Motor Vehicles RFQ ISD14-0119 ATTACHMENT 6 - DVBE SUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT PART A: NAMED PARTIES This Agreement is entered into between Contractor: , hereinafter referred (Contractor Name) to as Bidder, and DVBE subcontractor: , hereinafter referred (DVBE Subcontractor Name) to as Subcontractor, on: , consisting of the following conditions: (Date) 1. Bidder has bid or intends to bid on a solicitation issued by the State of California, Department of Motor Vehicles, hereinafter referred to as DMV. The DMV will enter into a contract (the primary agreement) with the Bidder if the Bidder is awarded the contract. 2. Bidder has proposed the Subcontractor as a disabled veteran business enterprise subcontractor in the bid; and Bidder intends to employ the subcontractor to perform certain work or services under the primary agreement if the Bidder is awarded the DMV contract. 3. Subcontractor intends to provide certain work or services or products/goods under the primary agreement if the contract is awarded to the Bidder. PART B: The State requires the Bidder to provide, prior to the contract award, a written agreement signed by the Bidder and each disabled veteran business enterprise subcontractor proposed by the Bidder in the bid proposal submitted to the State, to include certain terms and conditions specified below. These written agreements shall become null and void if the Bidder is not awarded a contract as result of this bid invitation. Bidder and the Subcontractor agree that, in the event the DMV awards the primary agreement to the Bidder, the Bidder will employ the Subcontractor to provide goods and/or services in accordance with the following terms and conditions: 1. The term of this Agreement is: . The parties estimate that the goods and/or services will be provided/performed by the Subcontractor within the contract term. 2. The parties estimate that the goods and/or services will be provided/performed by the Subcontractor commencing on: / / and completed by: / / 3. The rate and conditions of payment by the Bidder to the Subcontractor are: 4. The percentage of the entire primary contract to be awarded to the Subcontractor is: %. (Must commit at least 3% of the entire bid amount unless otherwise specified within the solicitation.) 5. Description of services and/or goods to be performed/supplied by the DVBE Subcontractor: (Attach Additional Sheets If Necessary) This Agreement has been executed by the parties identified below: Bidder’s Company Name: By (Authorized Signature): Printed Name and Title of Person Signing: Subcontractor’s Company Name: Date Signed: By (Authorized Signature): Date Signed: Printed Name and Title of Person Signing: Page 28 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 30 State of California Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 State of California Department of Motor Vehicles RFQ ISD14-0119 ATTACHMENT 7 – SMALL BUSINESS / NON-SMALL BUSINESS PREFERENCES If claiming the small business or non-small business preference, bidders must fill out the following information (II and V) and provide the requested documents/explanation (refer to III and IV below). I. NOTICE TO ALL BIDDERS: Per California Government Code Section 14835, et. seq. requires that a five percent (5%) preference be given to contractors who qualify as a certified small business or to non-small business bidders that submits a written commitment to subcontract at least twenty-five percent (25%) of its total bid price with one or more small business (es). Questions regarding Small Business Preference approval and requests for a copy of the regulations should be directed to the Office of Small Business and Disabled Veteran Business Certification (OSDC) under the Department of General Services at (916) 375-4940. II. Bidders desiring to claim preference as a certified small business or non-small business subcontractor must complete the following and return with the bid response to be eligible for the preference. 1. Are you (Prime Contractor) claiming preference as a small business? Yes No If yes, indicate your OSDC Reference Number: _________________________ 2. If applicable, is the subcontractor a certified small business? Yes No If yes, submit a written commitment to subcontract at least twenty-five percent (25%) of its total bid price with one or more small businesses. The required list of California certified small business subcontractors must be attached to the bid response and must include the following: 1) subcontractor name, 2) address, 3) phone number, 4) a description of the work to be performed and/or products supplied, 5) and the dollar amount or percentage of the net bid price (as specified in the solicitation) per subcontractor. Also, indicate the OSDC Reference Number for each subcontractor: _________________ III. Submit a copy of the small business certification approval letter for either the prime contractor or subcontractor issued by the Office of Small Business and Disabled Veteran Business Certification with your bid response. IV. Certified small businesses and disabled veteran businesses listed as subcontractors must perform a "commercially useful function" in the performance of the contract. The term “commercially useful function” is defined in Government Code Section 14837(d) (4) and in Military and Veterans Code Section 999(b) (5) (B). Bidder must provide a written explanation delineating what Commercially Useful Function each certified small business or certified disabled veteran business will provide for this RFQ. IV. DECLARATION: By signing below with inclusion of the date of signature, the undersigned bidder DECLARES UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the information set forth above is true and correct. ___________________________________________________________ Name and Title (Type or Print) ___________________________________________________________ Signature Date ___________________________________________________________ Firm Name _________________________________________________________ Street Address ___________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code ___________________________________________________________ Telephone Number (including Area Code) 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 31 State of California Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 State of California Department of Motor Vehicles RFQ ISD14-0119 ATTACHMENT 8 - CALIFORNIA DISABLED VETERAN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (DVBE) PROGRAM INCENTIVE THE CA DVBE REQUIREMENT HAS BEEN WAIVED FOR THIS SOLICITATION DVBE INCENTIVE: In order to meet the California Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Incentive, bidders must be, or partner with, a California Certified DVBE. All certified DVBE’s must perform a “commercially useful function” in the performance of the contract. For more information regarding the DVBE requirement and incentive, please review the Department of General’s website at If utilizing method A1.c or A2.c in the link provided, submit signed agreement with bid response. Note: DVBE Incentive is applied during the evaluation process and is only applied for responsive bids from responsible bidders proposing the percentage(s) of DVBE participation for the incentive(s) specified below: Confirmed DVBE Participation of: DVBE Incentive: 5% and Over 4% - 4.99% inclusive 3% - 3.99% inclusive 5% 4% 3% Page 30 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 32 State of California State of California Department of Motor Vehicles Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 RFQ ISD14-0119 ATTACHMENT 9 – COMMERCIALLY USEFUL FUNCTION FOR SMALL BUSINESS AND/OR DVBE SUBCONTRACTORS If bidder is utilizing a certified Small Business and/or DVBE subcontractor, the bidder must answer the following questions for subcontractor that is proposed in their response to this solicitation. 1. Provide detailed description and percentage of work to be completed by prime contractor: 2. Provide detailed description and percentage of work to be completed by small business and/or DVBE subcontractor: 3. Explain how subcontractor meets the Commercially Useful Function criteria: Is responsible for a distinct element of the work of the contract Carries out its obligation by actually performing, managing or supervising the work involved Performs work that is normal for its business, services and functions Is not further subcontracting a portion of the work that is greater than that expected to be subcontracted by normal industry practices Is responsible, with respect to products, inventories, materials, and supplies required for the contract, for negotiating price, determining quality and quantity, ordering, installing, if applicable, and making payment. Page 31 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 33 State of California State of California Department of Motor Vehicles Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 RFQ ISD14-0119 ATTACHMENT 10 – TACPA PREFERENCE If claiming this preference, bidders must submit the following forms: A. TARGET AREA CONTRACT PREFERENCES ACT (TACPA) Preference will be granted to California-based Contractors in accordance with Government Code Section 4530 whenever contract for goods and services are in excess of $85,000 and the Contractor meets certain requirements as defined in the California Code (Title 2, Section 1896.30) regarding labor needed to produce the goods or provide the services being procured. Bidders desiring to claim Target Area Contract Preferences Act shall complete Std. Form 830 and submit it with the bid response. Refer to the following website link to obtain the appropriate form: B. BIDDER’S SUMMARY OF CONTRACT ACTIVITIES AND LABOR HOURS If the bidder requests TACPA contract preference; the Bidder’s Summary form must be completed and signed by the bidder for each requested preference. Refer to the following website link to obtain the appropriate form: C. MANUFACTURER’S SUMMARY OF CONTRACT ACTIVITIES AND LABOR HOURS If the bidder requests TACPA contract preference; the completed Manufacturer’s Summary form must be signed by both the manufacturer and the bidder to be eligible for the preferences. The purpose of this form is to give the bidder and the Evaluators a tool to assess the total manufacturing employee labor hours required to complete the contract either inside or outside the preference areas. Refer to the following website link to obtain the appropriate form: Page 32 of 32 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 34 State of California Bid DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 Question and Answers for Bid #DMV RFQ ISD14-0119 - Barcode Scanners 5 OVERALL BID QUESTIONS There are no questions associated with this bid. Question Deadline: Nov 25, 2014 10:00:00 AM PST 6 11/20/2014 6:20 PM p. 35