September 11, 2016 - John Patrick Publishing Company
September 11, 2016 - John Patrick Publishing Company
October 16,2016 2016 October 16, 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 1489 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania 19422 Phone: 610-275-7711 Persistance in Prayer Luke 18:1-8 Web Site: Email: [email protected] Fax: 610-275-7610 School Phone: 610-279-3345 PREP Phone: 610-279-3870 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 16, 2016 Parish Mission Statement One Family United as members of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, we are committed, as ONE FAMILY, to be messengers of God’s love and presence in the world, and to welcome and invite others to become part of this family and this mission. One Heart Called by our Baptism to a life of service in the Lord, we are committed, with ONE HEART, to live in charity, practice the works of mercy, and work for peace and justice. One Faith Strengthened by God’s Word and nourished by His Sacraments, we are committed, in ONE FAITH, to promote lives of learning, living, and proclaiming the Gospel message, as we continue to grow in the knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of all that embodies these awe-inspiring truths. BAPTISM: Baptisms are celebrated the second Sunday of each month after the 11:00 AM Mass. Please stop by the Parish Office for information on scheduling Baptism for your child. Pre-Jordan classes are required for parents and optional for godparents and are usually offered the first Monday of the month at 7:30 PM in the Education Center. Call to register for class. Letters of eligibility are due at the Parish Office before a date can be confirmed for Baptism. PARISH STAFF Parish Priest: Rev. Msgr. Joseph J. Nicolo Parochial Vicar: Rev. Tadeusz Gorka Parish Deacon: Deacon A. Kenneth Belanger School Principal: Sr. Cathe Shoulberg, RSM Director of Religious Education: Mrs. Madeleine Fitzgerald Business Manager: Ms. Cathy Neugebauer Facilites Director: Mr. Vince Thompson Parish Administrative Asst: Gina Malony, Stephanie Donley School Secretary: Mrs. Phyllis Cissone Director of Youth/Young Adults/Adults: Mr. Kurt Zampier M ARRIAGE: Arrangements must be made with a priest at least six months prior to your desired wedding date. The Archdiocese requires that all couples attend Pre-Cana class. Please contact Rob & Lena Gelenberg at [email protected] or 610-292-8359 for class information and registration. M ASS SCHEDULE: Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, & 11:00 AM Weekdays: Mon - Sat 9:00 AM St. Theresa Chapel Holy Day Vigil: 7:00 PM Holy Day: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, & 12:15 PM ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Arrangements can be made by calling the Parish Office. DEVOTIONS IN THE ST. THERESA CHAPEL Most Holy Rosary: Mon - Sat 8:25 AM RECONCILIATION/CONFESSION: Saturdays 4:00 - 4:30 PM in the Church or any time upon Adoration: Mon. - Fri. 9:30 AM - 7:30 PM request. Call the Parish Office for an appointment. Divine Mercy Chaplet: 3:00 PM Mondays PARISH OFFICE HOURS CHAPEL HOURS: The St. Theresa Chapel is open Monday Monday through Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM through Friday from 6:15 AM to 9:00 PM; Saturday from (closed for lunch 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM) 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM; and Sunday from 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Contributions October 9: Prior Year Contributions: $18,386.00 $21,849.00 “TITHING IS GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVING” “Generosity is a ‘large’ word. So is gratefulness. Both words seem connected. Thank you for your gratefulness to God as evidenced by your generosity as Tithers.” Msgr. Nicolo “The parish gives to me, my husband and children, and my community. The parish offers me a community of worship and prayer, and financially I want to help it continue to operate. Also, my parish gives to the sick, poor, and others, and I want to be part of that.” Parishioner 2 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 16, 2016 NIC NOTES deep devotion to our Blessed Mother. As you notice in our Church and in our Chapel Our Blessed Mother is crowned as well as holding a Rosary of flowers. It is important that each and every family in our parish realize that praying the Rosary is a wonderful devotion. I strongly encourage each family to pray the rosary or at least one decade of the Rosary each day. Dear Parishioners, Last Saturday, a number of our parishioners brought their pets to the St. Francis Shrine. Father Gorka through the intercession of St. Francis blessed our parishioner’s pets. I know that everyone who was present was delighted. This past Sunday at the 9 AM Mass we had the Anointing of the Sick. It was a very grace filled time for all those who were Anointed. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is one of the seven Sacraments of the church. Through this wondrous Sacrament there is always a healing, first and foremost spiritual and sometimes physical. We do this Mass with the Anointing of the Sick twice a year. In October it is at the 9 AM Mass and in the month of May it is at the 11 AM Mass. This weekend we are having a Missionary to speak to us on behalf of the Missions. The focus this year will be the theme of "Witnesses of God's Mercy". The missionary will be from the Diocese of Kumbo, Cameroon, Africa. You are being asked to remember the missions in your prayers as well as to prayerfully consider how you can assist them financially. And envelope has been provided in your packet. Please drop that in with your Sunday Collection. This weekend we will also have the blessing of new drivers and the blessing of cars. Please consider participating in the Designer Bag Bingo which will take place Sunday, October 23 beginning at 2 PM. Last year was the first time we had this and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Why not join the fun and make new friends? The Ladies of Helena sponsor this bingo which assists those in need. As a parish we are actively involved involved in forming two new ministries. The first one is Reach More and the other is Unbounded. I am very grateful for those who are willing to be trained so that these two ministries can be of assistance to our parishioners as well as those in our community. Our grade school students as well as our PREP students received a Rosary this month which is dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary. It is important that our children learn to have a May God, through the intercession of St. Helena, bless us. Love and Prayers, Msgr. Nicolo Pray For Our Deceased Please remember in your prayers all of our deceased Parishioners and Patricia Nelson, Gerald Brentwood, and John McCormick. Mass Intentions for the Week MON, Oct 17 St. Ignatius of Antioch 9:00 AM Margaret Mack Req. by Eleanor Reilley TUE, Oct 18 Saint Luke Evangelist 9:00 AM Katherine Batzel Req. by Mike & Peggy Piskai WED, Oct 19 Saints John de Brebeuf and Isaac Jogues 9:00 AM Joseph Cellucci Req. by Latham Realty Associates THU, Oct 20 Saint Paul of the Cross 9:00 AM Paul W. Shoup, Sr. Req. by Kate & James Williams FRI, Oct 21 9:00 AM Lee Schmalbach Req. by his parents SAT, Oct 22 Saint John Paul II 9:00 AM For all living & deceased members of the St. Theresa Guild Msgr. Nicolo celebrates Mass every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation for the People of Saint Helena Parish. 3 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 16, 2016 KEN’S CACHE Memorials for the Week of October 16, 2016 Like other books of the Pentateuch, which both Jewish and Christian traditions attach to the name of Moses, Numbers is a compilation of several sources embodying material from different stages of Israel’s history. It is even misleading and anachronistic to call Numbers a “book” as we understand the term today; we should rather speak of a very complex assemblage of historical, legal and liturgical conditions spanning a period of approximately 1000 years. The Sanctuary Candle in the Church burns this week in honor of Jim & Kathleen Fenerty on at the request of their children. The Sanctuary Candle in the Chapel burns this week in memory of Noreen Matoney at the request of Donna & Bill Matoney. Bread and Wine this week are in memory of Lee Schmalbach at the request of his parents. Given the complex character of these conditions, it would be out of place to speak of one man, Moses, as the author of the book, understanding the word “author” in our modern, individualistic sense. Rather, this account is Israel’s cherished memory of her past, the recollected traditions of the community that experienced these awesome and saving events. The historical books preserve the living memory of that experience articulated by a very complex process of divine inspiration. Pray For Our Sick Please keep in your prayers our sick, homebound, & those in healthcare facilities including: Patrick Banicki, Patricia McCarthy, Marge Brady, Phyllis Donofrio, Tony Bello, Albert Lewullis, Mary Ellen Kraft, Phyllis Galanti, Matthew McNamee, Miguel de Castro, Sandy McIlvaine, Al Hirsch, Elizabeth Manjardi, Rosa Maria Santos, Ann Buckley, Katie Lartigue, David O’Brien, Therese Schapers, Vincent Scaramuzzo, Jen McAlary, Michelle Young, Anthony Greco, Mike Hudson, Mary McDonnell, Rebecca Levis, Jenny Amiot, Michelle Maher, Drew Donovan, Kaytie O’Hara, Aubrey Fells, Baby Skey Nicole Butler, Edwina Krol Smith, Charles Thomas Nentwig, Fion Welch, Jason Taylor, Mary Kretsch, Robert Souders, Peter McVeigh, Lexy Guenther, Marie Delciotio, Frank McDevitt, Jerry Sulock, Jr., John Hilferty, Dee Piscano, Gerry and Mike Martinello, Flossy Meehan, Diane Bambino, Marie Litman, Marie Marrongelli, John McLaughlin, Al Slusarz, Baby Soren Zimmerman, Michael Martinello, Hilda Carr, Maureen Michelle, Sue Eason, Elizabeth Foster, Fernando (Fred) Lombardi, and Sister Andrea Curran. More next week. God Bless You, Deacon Ken IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO ENTER AND WIN BIG! Our annual raffle is in full swing, but it’s not too late to enter! We appreciate your support and encourage you to participate as best you can. You should have received your raffle tickets by mail in late August. Our final drawing is coming up on October 30 with a Grand Prize of $2,000! Pray For Our Military Please pray for these and all our Military personnel: Pvt. Mathew Loggins, Sgt. Ross Gallagher, Lt. Bert Geis, Capt. Rimas Radzius, Maj. Michael Magee, Lt. Col. Michael Dehner, Sgt. David Gentner, Sgt. David Carlson, PO3 Elizabeth Fenerty, Capt. Kevin Maguire, 1st Lt. Steven Zahuranec, Maj. Pamela DiPatrizo, Capt. Christopher Jones, Cpl. Angelo Pastella, 1st Lt Andrew B. Gray, Maj. Nathan Edwards, Lt. Brian Asman, 2nd Lt. Timothy Fallon, SSgt. Joshua Wartchow, Capt. David Collins, Lt. Joseph Pawke, Lt. Daniel Neverosky, Ryan Calef, Pvt. Brian D. Quinn and Corporal Jonathan Healy. Attention Parishioners: No one is ever given permission to put flyers on cars or distribute them outside of Church. If you see someone, please call the police and report the activity. 4 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 16, 2016 PARISH CALENDAR OF EVENTS WEEK OF OCTOBER 16, 2016 MINISTRIES SCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER 22 - OCTOBER 23 SUNDAY, October 16 x Blessing of New Drivers At All Masses - Church x Blessing of Cars: After All Masses - Parking Lot x Designer Bag Bingo Ticket Sales: After All Masses Narthex x Knights of Columbus Fr. James Martin Book Sale: After All Masses - Narthex x Stocks Cakes Sales: After All Masses - Narthex x Landon’s Kickball Classic: 1:30 PM - Parish Field behind Education Center x CYO Volleyball: 1:30 PM - Social and Recreation Center CELEBRANT 5:00 PM Msgr. Nicolo (Deacon Ken) 7:30 AM Fr. Scott 9:00 AM Msgr. Nicolo 11:00 AM** Fr. Gorka **Holy Communion offered under both Species. EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION 5:00 PM J. Pinciotti, P., Pinciotti, J. Smith, T. Smith 7:30 AM M. Catalde, L. Filoon, J. Oberlies 9:00 AM P. Van Haute, A. Perkinson, T. Perkinson, K. McWilliams, H. McWilliams 11:00 AM L. Iannello, S. Iannello, T. Reigle, V. Thompson, L. Geiger, B. Geiger, Sr. C. Shoulberg MONDAY, October 17 x 3rd Grade Girl Scouts: 6:00 PM - Cafeteria x CYO Volleyball: 6:00 PM - Social and Recreation Center TUESDAY, October 18 x PREP: 6:30 - 8:00 PM - Education Center x Men’s Book Review: 7:00 PM - Parish Meeting Room x Stephen Ministry Peer Group: 7:00 PM - Counting Room x Young Adult Basketball: 6:30 PM - Social & Recreation Center x Adult Basketball: 7:30 PM - Social & Recreation Center LECTORS AND MUSIC 5:00 PM Warren, Kain 7:30 AM McCloskey 9:00 AM Nyman, Mooney 11:00 AM Heleniak, Heleniak WEDNESDAY, October 19 x Reach More Leader Training: 7:00 PM - Library x RCIA: 7:00 PM - Parish Meeting Room Organ/Cantor Organ/Cantor Contemporary Organ/Cantor ALTAR SERVERS 5:00 PM Schilling, Schoppe, Shapiro, Shields 7:30 AM Stack, Tomlinson, Tulio 9:00 AM Seaman, Tronoski, Wenz, Wenz 11:00 AM Wagner, Wagner, Winkowski, Bachand THURSDAY, October 20 x Girl Scouts Parents Meeting: 7:00 PM - Teacher’s Lounge x Scripture Study: 7:00 PM - Parish Meeting Room x CYO Volleyball: 6:00 PM - Social and Recreation Center Calendar (continued) FRIDAY, October 21 x Communion and Liberation: 8:00 PM - Parish Meeting Room x CYO Volleyball: 6:00 PM - Social and Recreation Center x CYO Volleyball: 12:30 PM - Social and Recreation Center x Knights of Columbus Fr. James Martin Book Sale: After 5:00 PM Mass - Narthex SATURDAY, October 22 x Men’s Fellowship Group: 7:00 AM - Parish Meeting Room x High School Youth Group Leadership Event: 8:00 AM - Offsite SUNDAY, October 23 x Ladies of Helena Designer Bag Bingo: 2:00 PM - Social and Recreation Center x Knights of Columbus Fr. James Martin Book Sale: After All Masses - Narthex 5 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 16, 2016 CATHE’S CORNER On Monday, October 4, Our Pre K 4 children went to Solebury Farms in Bucks County. While there, they learned all about the lifecycle of an apple!! This was enough information to cause a few to want to become “Future Botanists.” They also had the opportunity to pick and sample some apples while there – it seems like more of them would enjoy being a chef! A beautiful day was had by all! With love and God’s blessings, Sister Cathe MADELEINE’S MESSAGE The Rosary is a prayer to remind us that Jesus loved us so much that He died on the cross for us. The rosary tells the story of Jesus’ life in four parts: The Joyful Mysteries The Sorrowful Mysteries The Glorious Mysteries The Luminous Mysteries Catholics have been given a very special gift in the Rosary. Each time we pray the Rosary we should focus on Jesus’ life as well as a special person or intention that we want to pray for. Our PREP classes say one decade of the rosary during the month of October. A special thank you to Monsignor Nicolo who gave each student a rosary in Honor of Mary our Blessed Mother. Have a great week! Madeleine 6 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 16, 2016 CYO Winter Sports FINAL CHANCE TO REGISTER! St. Helena Halloween Family Bingo Hosted by PREP Friday, October 28, 2016 Registration is currently open for CYO Basketball: x Boys and Girls JV (5th/6th grade) x Boys and Girls Varsity (7th/8th grade) x Boys and Girls Parish (7th/8th grade) x High School (9th/10th and 11th/12th grade) Registration is open until October 17th, so register now! A late fee of $50.00 will be charged for registrations between October 18 - 24; no registrations will be accepted after October 24. Doors Open 5:45 pm Parish Social & Recreation Center Halloween Parade 6:50 pm Bingo Games begin immediately following Parade. Come in Costume Register at There will be a Halloween Parade so don’t forget to bring a treat for all the little trick-or-treaters who stop by your table. Still Available!!!! LIMITED EDITION Byers Choice St. Helena Caroler Cost: $5.00 per person (includes Bingo Cards for all games) Pizza Treat for the Family ~ $15 (Advance Order only) Water & Soft drinks will be available to purchase that evening. ~ Limited seating available ~ Custom made for St. Helena! There are still a few carolers available for purchase - get your early Christmas gifts now! Carolers are $72 each and are available with either blonde or brunette hair. Form can be returned to PREP office on Tuesday evenings Checks made payable to St. Helena PREP. Please do not send cash. If you are interested in purchasing one of these delightful collectables, please contact Maureen Dever at [email protected] or Susie Wenz at 215-385-2795. All orders must be received by Tuesday, October 25. You can pick up your Bingo cards at the door. DESIGNER BAG BINGO! Come enjoy an afternoon of fun and fellowship as The Ladies of Helena will again be sponsoring a Designer Bag Bingo on October 23, 2016 from 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM in the Saint Helena Social and Recreation Center. Tickets are $20.00 in advance or $25.00 at the door. Tickets will be on sale in the Narthex on October 15 and 16 or register online at http:// For more information, contact Joan O’Neill at [email protected] or 267/738.1487. Family Name ___________________ Phone # ____________________ Exact number of people in your group who will need a seat even if they are not playing ____ @ $5 = _______ I would like to order ______ Whole Pizza/s @ $15 = _______ Total amount enclosed = _______ BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS Interested in posting a bulletin announcement? Please email [email protected] with the word “bulletin” and the date(s) for publication in the subject line. Requests are due on Thursdays - 10 days prior to publication. 7 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 16, 2016 Youth & Young Adult Ministry News High School Youth Group What’s Up Next Weekend Saint Helena’s Young Adult Group Saturday, October 22 For all men & women in their 20’s & 30’s. Teen Leadership Conference 4K^Z;V/T5IZUHKX Corpus Christi Parish, Lansdale 8 AM to 4:30 PM $20/person Our Monthly Dinner Out This year's conference comes with a certificate, which is great for character references/ hours desired by National Honors Society, Student Councils, and it looks great on applications and resumes! RSVP by Friday, October 21. Signed waiver needed. E-Mail: [email protected] to RSVP :N[XYJG_5IZUHKX燧燬GZ燬 燥燥63 144 W. Germantown Pike East Norriton, PA Stay Connected with 89<6LUXHUZNUXKOZNKX Receive texts when Youth Group is: CSC O M [For all 5th-8th Grade Parish students] HALLOWEEN PROJECT T S, O 16 3:00-4:30 ; S C 2 8 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 16, 2016 Attention Parents of 6th Grade Students Attending Private Catholic School SENIOR CLUB TRIP St. Helena's Senior Club is sponsoring a morning bus trip to the American Music Theater in Lancaster, PA on December 14, 2016 for the Christmas show called "Winter Wonderland". Includes an all you can eat buffet lunch at Golden Corral in Lancaster. Price is $75.00 which also includes taxes, gratuity, and bus driver’s tip. For information see the bulletin and it is never to early to reserve a seat by calling Mary McKenna - 610-275-0121. Do you have a child in 6th grade who attends a PRIVATE Catholic School, and you would like your child to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in Spring 2017? If so, please call the St. Helena School Office at 610-279-3345 ASAP and give Mrs. Cissone, the school secretary, the following information: Child’s Name Address Phone Number Parent Email Attending School In early November, we will email you a Confirmation Packet that has a “To Do” list for Confirmation, in addition to necessary dates to receive all information. There will be a meeting for parents of children receiving Confirmation in early 2017 - details to follow. 9th Annual Communion Breakfast Sponsored by the St. Helena Council Knights of Columbus Date: Sunday November 6, 2016 Time: following 11:00 AM Mass Location: Empress Room Thank you in advance for preparing your child for this “next step” on their Spiritual Journey. “Encountering Jesus: Meeting the Christ of Faith and Jesus of History” Please don’t hesitate to contact Sister Cathe if you have any questions or concerns! Speaker: Fr. James Martin, S.J. Editor at Large, America Media Bestselling author of Jesus: A Pilgrimage SPIRITUAL ADOPTION Thank you to everyone who has/will spiritually adopted a baby! From the moment of conception, a new life is created. This new life has his/her own DNA and blood type. Please remember to pray every day for the life of this baby, which you have spiritually adopted: Enjoy a delicious hot and cold breakfast buffet $20 for Adults/$10 Kids 3-12 One free book with table of 10 reservation Jesus: A Pilgrimage will be available for purchase for $15. Books can be signed after the presentation. For tickets/reservations: K of C table in Narthex Contact Don DeBrakeleer at [email protected] x Walk-ins welcome but advance ticket purchases encouraged O my Jesus, by the intercession of Mary, Your mother, who bore You so lovingly and of St. Joseph, strong man of faith, who protected You both, I pray to You for the life of the unborn child I have spiritually adopted, who is in danger of abortion. Please give the parents of this child the grace and courage they need to bring their baby to birth. Amen. x x LOW-GLUTEN HOSTS There is good news for Catholics with Celiac disease! It is possible for you to receive Holy Communion with a lowgluten host. Please call Msgr. Nicolo at 610-275-7711 to arrange a time when he can review the procedure with you. 9 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 16, 2016 JOURNEY TO JOY - FIVE STEPS We Remember And we gratefully acknowledge the following families who so thoughtfully asked that donations in memory of their loved one be sent to St. Helena Church. We ask that you please keep them in your prayers: Please join us on Saturday, November 5th in the St. Helena Social & Recreation Center from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM for a day of prayer, reflection and learning for women. The day will focus on five specific practices to increase spiritual awareness and to facilitate intentional movement toward joy. Participants will learn how to evaluate their emotional states in order to move from anxiety and stress toward inner peace; the routes for processing incoming information in the parts of our brain will be explained; ways to identify, accept and respond to feelings that interfere with prayer and having a felt sense of peace will be explored Time is planned for individual reflection, group discussion and questions. Everyone will leave with five tools to bring joy to their lives and their relationships. James Adams, John Botto, Mary Ellen Brogan, Dr. Elwin S. Carlin, Audrey F. Crause, Harry DeFazio, Ann Kelly, Jennie Dinardo, Michael Frawley, Nicholas Grant, Ann Gerlach, Eugene P. Kenworthy Sr., Peter J. Kelly, Sr., Orville Johnson, John S. Maguire, Jane O’Doherty, Lucille Mazur, Grace Migliarese, George T. McCool, Jean P. McQuade, Dorothy Nicolo, Thomas Oakes, Matilda M. Schoppet, Mary Ellen Sullivan, Gertrude Usher, Virginia Valentine, Louise Vanelli, Jean Vereb, Mary C. & Raymond F. Uccelletti, Sr., Margaret Wright, Carmen Pagliaro, Dottie Monastra, William Curran, Shawn Henry, Jack Gambone, Gasper Butera, Helen Borkowski, Mary Ryan, Edward Garbacz, John Cantarini, Dave Landers, Joseph Nicolo, Sr., Ron Miles, Harold Rodgers, Marge Fitzpatrick, Mildred Dulin, Candida Barone, Stanley Lentz, Sr., Walter P. Piecyk, Henry Orzechowski, Gasper Sclafani, Rose Trombetta, Brad Souders, Peter Nicolo, Joseph Yaccarino, Irene Koziol, Frances Lavin, Anna Silvaggio, Vincent J. Petrone, Stanely Toscani, Rita Rego, Charles Halfpenny, Sr.,Gerard Geisel, Carol Piskai, Stephen Imms, Betty Haly, Ed Sciarra, Ralph Martino, Thomas Keane, Mary Russo, Marlin Souders, William Guerrini, William Schmitz, Jr., Andy Ortlieb, Nicola Rocco, Richard Duszak, Salvatore Giuffrida, Harry Neff, Sr., Ronald Lattanze, Katherine Roth, Maria Begley, Peggy Guerrini, Daniel Staffieri, Norma Leuallen, John Frawley, Rae Bordo, Veronica Graff, Thomas Yuengling, Francis Nolan, Thomas Swan, Dixie Katrina, Anna Marie Esposito, and Karen DeGennaro, Catherine Murphy, Rita Curran, Ann Yaccarino, Tom Gaasche, Catherine Swanick, Agnes Dougherty, Vera Lentz, Marg Agresti, James Frawley, Suzanne Bottinger, Jack Fitzpatrick, Antoinette Cannon, Harvey Kreitzer, Nancy Cavan, Theresa Tomczak, John Barry, Nicholas Machion, Daniel Begley, Joseph Monastra, Catherine Frawley, Rev. John T. Coates, Linda Taormina Kuhn, Dorena Colonnello, Marian Curran, Alexander Piermani, III, Kathleen DePietro, Francis Zuest, Joseph O’Hara, Steve Bacino, Phyllis D’Amico, Emil Bilinski, Carol Mignogna, Edward Stimmler , Marie Neff, Joan Schmitz, Yolanda Marinari, and Deacon Donald Kretsch. The day will be guided by Carol Jensen and Pam Seymour who are trained Ignatian Spirituality Directors. Registration is required and includes lunch, refreshments and printed materials. The cost is $40.00. Contact Carol at [email protected] before October 31st to register and for more information. Details: EVER WONDER ABOUT OUR CHILDREN’S LITURGY PROGRAM? Children’s Liturgy is held during the 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM Masses ONLY x The program runs from Sept. 18 to May 7 x Kids who participate can be 3-4 years old or in the Kindergarten-2nd Grade x We utilize a faith formation program, Pflaum Gospel Weeklies, which has a lesson plan for each weekend’s Gospel. x All our volunteer catechists have their Archdiocesan & State clearances. x Bequests The following people made bequests in their will to Saint Helena Church. Please remember them in prayer as well. Vivian Becker, Alice P. Devlin, Mary E. Flanagan, Hon. Robert W. Honeyman, Concetta Marchesani, Mary Ellen Sullivan, Laura E. Wisniewski, Estelle Noska, Elizabeth Ann Quillinan, Jean Stock, Lawrence Marinari, Catherine Frawley, Mary Rosciola, Marian Curran, Charles Loeper, Rev. John Coates, Kathleen Schoemaker, and Regina Zaleski. Would you like to remember Saint Helena in your will? Ask your attorney to include such words as these in your will: “I give, devise, or bequeath to Saint Helena Church, 1489 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422 for its general purposes all (or state a fraction or percentage) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, whether real or personal.” OR “I give to Saint Helena Church, 1489 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422 ($ X.00 ) to be used for the general purposes of Saint Helena Parish.” Any questions? Contact Kurt Zampier: 610-930-0349 or [email protected] 10 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 16, 2016 11 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 16, 2016 STEWARDSHIP OF TIME & TALENT MINISTRY / ORGANIZATION CONTACT PERSON Adoration Art & Environment Basketball: Adult & Young Adult Basketball: Young Adult Bereavement Ministry Catering/Empress Room Chapel Reposers Collection Counters Agnes Ferrara Theresa Smith Mike O’Brien Joe Oberlies Michele Gerstemeier Joe Paravati Jack Greenleaf Denise Janick Karen Wurtenberg Communion and Liberation Rebecca Cherico Community of Disciples Jo-Ann Belanger Cross Talk Dorothy Barry Discovering/Following Christ Kurt Zampier Divine Mercy Chaplet Barbara Souders Ecumenical Activities Coordinators Tim & MaryAnne Seiders Evangelization Ministry Jo-Ann Belanger Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Msgr. Nicolo Church Jim Pinciotti Suburban Hospital Fr. Gorka Nursing Home/Private Visit Parish Office Home Visit Jim McLaughlin Facilities Committee Anthony Taormina Finance Council Msgr. Nicolo Fundraising Nick Semchuk Garden Club Theresa Smith Greeters Herb Mace Home & School Association Jen Lynch Knights of Columbus Tony Gallagher Ladies of Helena Theresa Smith Lectors Pat Lorenzo Lending Library Anne Marie Arena Liturgical Dance Dana Leeds Men’s Fellowship Group Joe Bushner Mommy & Me Kim Durski Music Ministry Cheryl Platco Adult Choir Cheryl Platco Bells Cheryl Platco Cantors (Scheduling) Jim Siewert Children’s Chimes Natalie Perez Contemporary Music Ensemble Dick Lentz School Chorus Jennifer Lau New Beginnings II Rita Kurek Parish Nurse Program Terry Shomberg, R.N. Parish Pastoral Council Msgr. Nicolo Parish Youth & Young Adult Ministries St. Helena School Sr. Cathe Shoulberg Parish Religious Ed. Program (PREP) Madeleine Fitzgerald High School Youth Group Kurt Zampier Young Adult Group Kurt Zampier Children’s Liturgy of the Word Kurt Zampier Altar Servers Becky Bushner Youth Lectors Angela Walker CYO / Community Service Corps Susan Hughes CYO / Sports - President Ryan Major CYO / Sports - Athletic Director Chris Massella (boys) Maria Saxon (girls) Brownies / Girl Scouts Susan Hughes Cub / Boy Scouts Shawn Connaghan Vacation Bible School Kurt Zampier Photography Club Theresa Smith Prayer Shawl Ministry Sr. Francis Reinhardt, O.S.F. Pre Cana Team Lena & Rob Gelenberg 12 PHONE NO. E-MAIL / WORK NO 215-699-6128 215-646-7636 610-247-3570 215-756-7194 610-584-0862 610-666-8112 610-292-9606 610-733-1968 610-322-5951 484-231-8807 610-279-8042 610-275-3689 610-930-0349 215-646-3437 215-699-6993 610-279-8042 610-275-7711 610-275-9813 610-275-7711 610 275-7711 610-587-6186 610-256-0886 610-275-7711 610-275-7711 215-646-7636 610-275-2297 610-292-8403 215-970-6878 215-646-7636 215 653-0987 610-275-6918 215-661-2878 484-684-6118 215-699-6898 610-505-3038 610-505-3038 610-505-3038 610-277-6265 610-639-3932 215-822-6751 610-279-3345 610-279-5897 215-699-5024 610-275-7711 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] or 215-652-7507 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 610-279-3345 610-277-3573 610-930-0349 610-930-0349 610-930-0349 484-684-6118 215-628-2797 610-279-5564 215-872-7115 267-934-1220 610-389-3582 610-279-5564 215-643-3365 610-930-0349 215-646-7636 610-279-1804 610-292-8359 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 16, 2016 MINISTRY / ORGANIZATION CONTACT PERSON PHONE NO. E-MAIL / WORK NO Pre-Jordan Team Prison Ministry RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Respect Life Activities Scripture Study Senior Citizens Club Serving Our Community—SOC Spiritual Direction St. Anne Sewing Club St. Martha Cleaners Stephen Ministry Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained Time & Talent Coordinator Tithing Coordinators Ushers Wedding Rehearsal Coordinators Women of the Gospel Kathy Petz Ray Van Haute Deacon Ken Belanger Bill Bogle Deacon Ken Belanger 610-270-0216 215-641-0356 610-279-8042 610-272-1106 610-279-8042 [email protected] Micki Burns Carol Jensen Theresa Smith Marlene Jeffreys Deacon Ken Belanger Kurt Zampier Joe Walker Elaine & Vince Thompson Herb Mace Cindy Lejman Carol Jensen 267-240-3264 610-277-4833 215-646-7636 610-804-2840 610-279-8042 610-930-0349 215-628-2797 610-277-5814 610-275-2297 610-275-7711 610-277-4833 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] PARISH MEMBERSHIP Please remember….In order to receive the Sacrament of Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, and Matrimony; or, to be granted Letters of Eligibility for sponsorship at Baptism or Confirmation, or to have the priest give you a personal recommendation, it is necessary that you be registered in the parish and practicing your faith. Please call the Parish Office for an appointment if you need to register. If you move, change your phone number or e-mail address, please notify the Parish Office so our records can be brought current. Parish Office hours are 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Monday through Friday (closed 12 to 1 PM). WELCOME TO SAINT HELENA PARISH We are glad you decided to celebrate with our Parish Family. If you have recently moved into the parish area and would like to register as a parishioner, please fill in the information below and place the form in the collection basket. Someone from the Parish Office will call you. You are also welcome to call the Parish Office at 610-275-7711 if you have questions. Please be sure to visit our Parish website at NAME: ________________ ADDRESS: CITY: __________ ______________ PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: _____ STATE/ZIP: CELL: ______________ 13 _____________ 8 8 08 PLUMBING, HEATING, DRAIN CLEANING & AIR CONDITIONING SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT FREE ESTIMATES Ph: (215) 728-1482 Fax: (215) 742-7098 8675 Torresdale Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19136 BENTZ DENTAL IMPLANT & PROSTHODONTIC CENTER Robert M. Bentz, DMD, FACP COOLEY-BENTZ DENTAL ASSOCIATES, P.C. Sara Cooley-Bentz, DMD, FAGD BOYD - HORROX Funeral Home, Inc. 200 W. Germantown Pike Norristown, PA 19401 Richard J. Falicki, Supervisor 2601 DeKalb Pike, East Norriton, PA 19401 • 610-272-6949 Phone: 610-277-7000 610-277-0705 Fall FUNdamentals Skills Training TollFax: Free: 800-GIVNISH Diplomate of the American Board of Prosthodontics Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry Turf @ Aspiring Champions, KOP Sunday Mornings, Sept.- Oct. U8, U10, U12, U14 WWW.BILLFRUSCO.COM Thomas Backenstose, DMD Advanced Restorative Dentistry • Implants, Esthetic Reconstructions Welcoming New Patients 901 Sunset Drive • Blue Bell, PA 19422-2043 215-641-0641 • Fax: 215-283-5222 • Life Celebration ® By GIVNISH Personalized Funeral & Cremation Services Blue Bell Physical Therapy BBPT is a direct access provider Nando Addari, MSPT, ATC 1524 Dekalb Pike (Across From St. Helena’s) G CANNON 610-275-0330 ROOFING • SIDING • GUTTERS 484-653-5800 KIDS FIRST® Swim Schools We are dedicated to teaching kids to be safe and proficient in the water! 2905 Dekalb Pike, E. Norriton, PA 19401 610-279-SWIM (7946) • Good for one FREE Game 1 person per visit 15% OFF $75 OFF 20% OFF 25% OFF We Repair Lawn Tractors, Carpet Carpet & Tile & Grout Air Duct & Cleaning Dryer Vent Stretching Upholstery Push Mowers, Snow Blowers, (200 sq ft min) & Repair Cleaning Cleaning Other Lawn Equipment CLEANING SOLUTION INC. Pick-up Service Available ✔ Air Duct Cleaning (helps w/ allergies & sinus issues) Warranty Service for Husqvarna, Troybuilt, MTD, Kohler, Briggs & Stratton, Kawasaki 610-279-2350 • Experience Peace of Mind: Pre-Arrange Your Burial at an Archdiocese of Philadelphia Cemetery. CALL 215-352-4001 TODAY • Save today through pre-planning • Convenient terms for all of your burial needs • Traditional in ground, mausoleum & cremation options available at most cemeteries rch Chu ber m s e M ount c Dis ✔ Carpet Cleaning, Stretching & Repair ✔ Tile & Grout Cleaning - Kitchen, Bath & Shower Re-caulking, Re-grouting, Sealing, Tile Replace & Repair ✔ Dryer Vent Cleaning (major fire hazard!) ✔ Power Washing for Decks, Walkways, Patio & Siding S ENIOR C ITIZEN D ISCOUNT 1.877.490.5599 Licensed & Insured C HURCH M EMBER D ISCOUNT FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured Family Owned and Operated Since 1987 RIGHTWAY WATERPROOFING CO. Waterproofing Mold Remediation Structural Repairs 15% OFF 1.888.799.3056 BASEMENT WATERPROOFING MOLD REMEDIATION FOUNDATION REPAIR 215-427-1727 PRESSURE WASHING PAINTING DECK REFINISHING HANDYMAN for all Home Emergencies Free Estimates ~ Insured John Bolger ~ Parishioner 043 St. Helena - Center Square, PA (3) Rt. Cr 484-686-8046 John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. 800-333-3166 • Carmine’s Italian Grille 751 Arbor Way Blue Bell, PA 19422 Lunch • Dinner Catering • Delivery Diocese Member Richard M. Golebiowski, CPA Parish Member 215-641-8600 [email protected] Diocese Member [email protected] The greatest compliment you can give is a referral. Espinoza’s Landscaping Custom Made Bridal Shoes Christening Shoes Holy Communion Shoes An Elegant Line of Custom Creations Flip Flops • Headpieces Garters • Sashes/Belts Bridal Party Accessories 267-770-3465 [email protected] Residential and Commercial Professionals in all Landscaping and Hardscaping Needs Summer Clean Ups & Lawn Cutting Free Estimates Contact Charlene DiGiacomo-Wendler [email protected] 272-5765 Diocese Member Parishioners Since 1961 Dekalb Pike, Blue Bell 610-279-1811 ’n Chuck y apt “Best Shrimp & Crab in Town” ’s C FINE DENTISTRY New Owners, New Vibe at Blue Bell Location e Give th b! a r C Gift of OPEN HOUSE - OCT. 16 APPLICATION DEADLINE - NOV. 4 ENTRANCE EXAM - NOV. 12/13 Dr. William Baldassano GENERAL DENTISTRY (Entrance on Germantown Pk.) 1301 Skippack Pk., Blue Bell (Next to Kohls) • 610-278-7500 1320 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422 Bus 484674 7034 Fax 484 674 7431 1510 DeKalb Pk. (Across from St. Helena) 610-279-1033 PENN SQUARE DENTAL ASSOC. 4-6pm Sunday - Thursday Michael Groves, Agent NMLS # 383314 WHERE PICTURE FRAMING IS AN ART. Dr. Thomas M. Check Dr. Thomas C. Check Donald E. Moore, Supervisor Senior Citizen Discount tes rtifica Gift Ce able il a v A Try Ch e Weekly f Paul’s Specia ls 1530 Dekalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422 484-684-7177 484 684 7177 Hours: M-F 10am-6:30pm m Sat 9am-4pm Pet Pampering PET SITTING FULL SERVICE LANDSCAPE COMPANY Trust Your Pets To A Pet Lover Sue Hellings, Parishioner Excellent References • Your Home or Mine 610-272-3132 or 610-906-9733 [email protected] OPEN HOUSE LDD CONSTRUCTION LLC EIGHTH GRADE SCHOLARSHIP AND ENTRANCE EXAM 215-353-3252 Sunday, October 2, 2016 Bryn Mawr Women’s Health Assocates Division Jocelyn L. Craparo, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. Kai Q. Wu, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. Joan H. Zeidman, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. Denise Wilks, C.N.M. Margaret A. Burns, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. Tara Bussett, C.R.N.P. Patricia N. Ischiropoulos, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. Denise Wilks, our Midwife, has Immediate Openings in the Havertown Office 919 Conestoga Rd • Building 1, Suite 104 • Rosemont, PA 19010 • t 610-525-6400 • f 610-525-1801 3855 West Chester Pike, Suite 305,• Newtown Square, PA 19073 • t 610-325-3144 • f 610-325-6787 410 West Township Line Rd., Suite 2 • Suite 2 • Havertown, PA 19083 Home Repair & Remodeling All Interior and Exterior Work All Works One Year Warranty ALL JOBS 20% OFF! Please Call: Samuel Saturday, October 29, 2016 Home Improvement Contractor PA003500 215-635-1297 610-313-9923 P.O. Box 158, Blue Bell, PA 19422-0158 Lawn Care Service: reliable, knowledgeable and competitively priced Landscape Design/Build 10% OFF Irrigation Systems Any New Irrigation or Lighting Landscape Lighting Services System Booked By 7-15-16 New Clients Only Patio and Walkway Construction Please visit our website at for information on scholarships, financial aid, and transportation. George Washington Memorial Park “America’s Premier Inspection Service” Independently Owned & Operated STEVE BALLASY 2 Plots in Good Shepherd Garden Value $9,500. Family moved to Atlanta. Will consider any reasonable offer. (770) 393-9500 Owner / Inspector Parishioner Insured • PA Certified ATTE NTION All Spanish Language Learners Residential • Commercial • Buyer Inspections • Pre-Listing Inspections 610-745-4719 • [email protected] WE REMOVE MOLD PROFESSIONAL INDOOR MOLD & MOLD SPORE CLEANUP • Black Mold Cleanup • Mold Laboratory TesƟng te Mold Comple 9 • Complete DisinfecƟon n $24 io t Inspec 9 8 • Mold Odor EliminaƟon NOW $ • Sewage Cleanup • 24/7 Emergency Flood Cleanup • Guaranteed Workmanship Churcher Membunt Disco Tutoring or Instruction Available for Grades K-12 (all levels) Experienced, 5+ years in classroom, Local, Available most days Contact Cristina at [email protected] Bergin’s Chocolates Fine Hand Craf ted Chocolates Since 1935 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm Sat. 8am-4pm NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL r Senio n Citize nt Discou ELITE WATER DAMAGE RESTORATION INC. 855.354.8383 043 St. Helena - Center Square, PA (i) Rt. Cr 2634 Morris Road West Point, PA • 215-699-3420 Serving PA, NJ & DE 610-696-0100 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 HANDYMAN NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL John Nales • Fully Ins. • Lic.#9757 267-885-3376 “Fellow Christian” Follow us on: DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. 800-333-3166 • W ILLIAM R. M AY FUNERAL HOME, INC. Lena Tella Gelenberg Main St. & Elm Ave. North Wales, PA 19454 Harry M. May, Supervisor Christine M. May, Licensed Director Michael J. McDonald, Supervisor Laura M. Haggerty, Licensed Director 215-884-8410 215-699-3442 Pre-Need Services Available w w w. m a y f u n e r a l h o m e . c o m 610-539-7282 Let a fellow parishioner and neighbor take care of all your Real Estate needs Mention this ad for donation to the parish upon settlement A Family Tradition of Care Easton Rd. & Keswick Ave. Glenside, PA 19038 2113 W. Main St. Jeffersonville Pre Cana Ministry Leader Cell: 610-220-0397 Direct: 610-292-0142 Email: [email protected] Services, Inc. Dave & Henny Cole, RPh Shingles & Flu Shots Available FREE Delivery to Seniors & Blood Pressure Screening We Bill Medicare Vitamin & Herbal Counseling All Prescription Plans Accepted Source of Medical Equipment We Compound Prescriptions & Veterinary Formulations Wheelchairs & Medical Supplies Member of the Parish Fully Insured Bob McGrath’s Tree Service TRIMMING & REMOVAL 721 Cathcart Rd. Blue Bell, PA 19422 (215) 784-9124 (610) 292-9806 A Whole New World of Real Estate Services since 1743 37 Years of Experience SERVING SUNDAY BRUNCH Every Sunday 10am ~ 2pm To See Our Menu or Make Reservations: | 215.646.2010 • Fee Based Investment Management • Income Tax • Planning/Prep • Estate Planning • IRA’s & Small Business Pension Plans Ronald Ritrovato, CFP Certified Financial Planner Jim Gallagher 1995 Morris Rd. Blue Bell 215-542-7700 267-210-7230 215-699-8600 Broker/Owner Securities offered through Cadaret, Grant & Co. Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC Plumbing, Heating & Cooling 610-275-4333 Blue Bell, PA Since 1947 • Parish Member Italian Bakery & Deli Days 2014 Old Arch Rd. Open 7 Norristown, PA 19401 610.275.6664 tr ec El e nc lle Maestro Chiropractic Commercial • Residential • Industrial Master Lic. Electrician • Diocese Member 610-539-4458 610-639-3956 610-270-8888 951 E. Butler Pike Ambler, PA 215-646-1155 Residential 610-776-2000 610.539.CUTS 72 S. TROOPER RD. Betsy Breckenridge 515 Germantown Pike GENERAL CLEANING TROOPER, PA 19403 Lafayette Hill, PA Apts • Houses • Offices Serving Parts of Delaware & Montgomery Counties for 40 Yrs 20% Off 610-874-3643 Parish Member New Clients Only 610-828-1336 710 Dekalb Pike Blue Bell 610-270-8000 We Delivery All Day! order online @ Creating the most meaningful and personalized funeral. State-of-the-art Crematory located on-site for your peace of mind. Christopher J. Ciavarelli, FD William L. Ciavarelli, FD Supervisor William E. Ciavarelli, FD Supervisor Andrea M. Ciavarelli, FD Parish Member 043 St. Helena - Center Square, PA (b) Rt. Cr Industrial GUTTER DOCTO 300 E. Germantown Pike East Norriton, PA 19401 610-834-8425 516 Fayette Street Conshohocken, PA Commercial Hot Water & Steam Heating • Water Heaters • Bathrooms 2130 Carol Lane • (610) 277-2140 An Excellent Choice For Our St. Helena Families Floral 610-239-7700 Sampler Next to LA Fitness Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. ici ce ty Ex John Di Rosato Insured Affordable in Reliable Dependable SALVATORE M. TERRANOVA, SR. 701 Lansdale Avenue, Lansdale, PA We are backed by resources to meet your every need We go the extra mile to make your move less stressful PLUMBING • HEATING BOILERS WATER HEATERS BATHROOM RENOVATIONS SEWER & DRAIN CLEANING 267-228-7287 FAX 610-666-0685 [email protected] $2.00 off any purchase of $5.00 or more (not to be combined with other offers) Exp. 12-15-2016 Exotic Stone Tile • Custom Work 252 E. Main St., Norristown, PA 19401 610-272-3372 • fax: 610-272-0868 John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. 800-333-3166 •