Holy Cross Catholic Church
Holy Cross Catholic Church
FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT • FEBRUARY 22, 2015 HOLY CROSS C AT H O L I C C H U R C H Iglesia Católica de La Sant a Cruz 1244 SOUTH POWER ROAD • MESA, ARIZONA 85206 Interim Parochial Administrator Reverend Thielo Ramirez In Residence—Care Ministry Reverend Matthew Jacob, D.S. Pastoral Associate Deacon Gene Messer Deacons James Gersitz, Tom Ferreira, Bill Finnegan & Ciso Macia Joe Scaccia retired, Richard Conn, retired Parish Office (480)981-2021 Religious Education Office (480)325-5375 Fax (480)981-6844 Website www.holycrossmesa.org MISSION STATEMENT Holy Cross Parish is a multi-generational and multi-cultural Catholic Community of the Diocese of Phoenix. We live out our potential as Stewards to continue the Mission of Jesus through our worship, education, service and outreach. 2 HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC CHURCH DIRECTORY Holy Cross Catholic Church 1244 South Power Road • Mesa, Arizona 85206 Parish Office................................................... (480)981-2021 RE Office......................................................... (480)325-5375 Fax .................................................................. (480)981-6844 Website ............................................ www.holycrossmesa.org Parish Office Hours Monday-Thursday ..................................... 8:30 am—5:00 pm (closed 12:00-1:00 pm) Friday ...................................................... 8:30 am—12:00 pm Parish Secretary, Laura Shirling .............................. ext. 201 E-mail ..................................... [email protected] Priests Interim Parochial Administrator, Fr. Thielo Ramirez E-mail ................................... [email protected] In Residence—Care Ministry, Reverend Matthew Jacob D. S. E-mail ................................ [email protected] Deacons Pastoral Associate, Deacon Gene Messer ............. ext. 206 E-mail .................................... [email protected] Small Church Communities, Deacon Tom Ferreira ........ ext. 218 E-mail ..................................... [email protected] Coord. of Hispanic and Mulitcultural Ministry , Deacon Ciso Macia ....................................................... ext. 221 E-mail ...................................... [email protected] Cursillo Representatives, Deacon Jim & Mimi Gersitz ........ ext. 201 Mass Schedule Saturday (vigil) .................................................... 4:00 pm Sunday 6:30 am, 8:00 am*, 10:00 am, 12:00 noon, 2:00 pm (Spanish), 4:00 pm (Youth) Daily ....................................... Monday-Saturday 8:30 am Holy Days ........................................................ see bulletin * Interpreted for the deaf/hard of hearing. Confessions Saturday from 9:00-10:00 am or anytime by appointment. Call the parish office at (480)981-2021. Infant Baptism Parents requesting that their child be baptized must be registered parishioners who are actively participating in the life of Holy Cross Church. Baptism preparation classes are required. Please call the parish office for additional information. Marriage, Marriage Preparation and Annulments Couples seeking the sacrament of marriage must be registered parishioners who are actively participating in the life of Holy Cross Church. Notification of intent to marry must be provided nine months in advance. For more information on the marriage preparation process, please call the parish office. Communion to the Sick Parish Administration If you or someone you know is sick, hospitalized or homebound, please call for the assistance of a Minister of Care. Ministers of Care bring communion to those who cannot come to mass. Please call the parish office to arrange a scheduled Minister of Care visit. Parish Manager/Human Resources, Kathy Knapp ....... ext. 205 E-mail ...................................... [email protected] Emergency Anointing of the Sick Religious Education Coord. of RE & Evangelization, Cynthia Benzing ............ ext. 214 E-mail .................................... [email protected] Coord. of Elementary Faith Formation Catalina Zepeda .......................................................... ext. 209 E-mail .................................... [email protected] Coord. of Youth Faith Formation Patti Phillips ......... ext. 213 E-mail .................................... [email protected] If you or someone you know is in critical condition or near death, call (480)981-2021. After 4:00 pm and weekends, Press 4 when instructed to do so. Leave a detailed message, including a contact name and telephone number, that will be heard by the priest on call. Please do not use this service for any other reason. Federal Privacy Regulation Director of Music, Jaime Cortez .............................. ext. 215 E-mail ....................................... [email protected] HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act), prohibits all hospitals from informing churches of a patient’s presence unless the patient gives permission for the hospital to do so. If you are admitted to a hospital and would like a member of the clergy or a caregiver to visit you, please notify the hospital or call the parish office. Liturgy St. Vincent de Paul Society Director of Liturgical Ministries, Jackie Shelley .... ext. 216 E-mail ...................................... [email protected] The St. Vincent de Paul Society provides food, clothing, and other assistance to the poor and needy. Located at the north end of the grounds, their hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00-11:00 am. Their direct number is (480)985-4259. Call to make an appointment. Music “Don’t forget to check out our parish website at www.holycrossmesa.org” 3 LITURGY & MUSIC Jaime’s Music Notes Notes About Music In The Church – Part 2. We have now begun our Season of Lent. I would like to elaborate a bit on the Welcome Sheets that we begin using this season. The Welcome Sheets will give you important information for you to participate in the Mass and also on occasion, will let you know of important events happening in our parish, or perhaps if there will be a 2nd collection or an important activity in the courtyard after Mass. The Welcome Sheet will tell you which Sunday of the liturgical year we will be celebrating and it will give you the list of antiphons and songs for your particular Mass. In general, we will have a list of songs for the Saturday and Sunday Morning Masses; at Noon we usually change some of our songs, so the Noon Mass will have a separate list of songs, and of course, the Mass at 2pm is in Spanish, so it will show a different list for that Mass too. One new thing that the Welcome Sheets will have is the text of the Antiphons. These are short scriptures that the Roman Missal has which are to be sung at the Entrance procession, and at the Communion procession. You will find those texts in the sheet. Of course the most important thing as we enter Lent is that we would like to observe a bit more silence during our Masses, so we will not be announcing the numbers of the songs anymore. Those numbers will be in the Welcome Sheets and you will have to refer to the sheet in order to find the song in the hymnal. Have a blessed week Jaime Reflexiones de Jaime Ideas Acerca De La Música En La Iglesia – Segunda Parte. Hemos ya comenzado la estación de la cuaresma. Quisiera explicar un poco más estas Hojitas de Alabanza que ahora estamos usando. La Hojita de Alabanza les dará importante información para poder participar en la Misa y de vez en cuando dará información acerca de alguna actividad importante en la vida de la parroquia. Puede ser que haya una segunda colecta, o tal vez alguna actividad en el patio de la Iglesia después de Misa. Las Hojitas de Alabanza nos indicarán cuál domingo del año litúrgico celebramos y nos dará la lista de cantos que usaremos en la Misa. En general, la hoja tendrá la lista de cantos para las Misas del domingo en la mañana. A las doce, usualmente cambiamos algunos cantos, por lo que habrá una lista separada para la Misa de las doce; después estará la lista para la Misa en español, y finalmente la de las cuatro de la tarde. Otra cosa que se va a notar particularmente en la lista de las 2pm, es que vamos a cantar dos o tres aclamaciones en latín. Desgraciadamente nuestro libro de Flor y Canto o nuestro libro de Unidos en Cristo no tienen estos textos tradicionales; por lo que nosotros vamos a tener que usar el libro en inglés para estas aclamaciones particulares. El libro en inglés se llama Breaking Bread (Partiendo el Pan), y tendremos que usarlo al menos hasta que nos acostumbremos a cantar el Santo en Latín (SANCTUS) y el Cordero de Dios (Agnus Dei). Poco a poco espero que nos acostumbremos y que aprendamos estos cantos de memoria. Pero por ahora vamos a tener que usar el Flor y Canto para algunas cosas de la Misa y el libro Breaking Bread para las aclamaciones en Latín. Que tengan una semana llena de bendiciones. Jaime Holy Cross Catholic Church/ La Iglesia De La Santa Cruz February 18th, 2015 Ash Wednesday / Miércoles de Ceniza Welcome to our parish./Bienvenido a nuestra parroquia. Today we will distribute ashes in many liturgies. Hoy habrá distribución de cenizas en varias liturgias. The 1st Sunday of Lent is this Sunday, February 22nd. El primer domingo de cuaresma será este domingo, 22 de febrero. Music for Mass Gathering Song: Now Is The Acceptable Time #139 Entrance Antiphon: Your mercy extends to all things, O Lord, And you despise not of the things you have made. You overlook the sins of men for the sake of repentance. You grant them your pardon, because you are the Lord our God. Psalm 51. Be Merciful O Lord, For We Have Sinned. Distribution of Ashes: Antiphons on pp. 75 of Breaking Bread. Leave the Past In Ashes. # 117 & With These Ashes. #115 Preparation of Gifts: Hosea # 675 SANCTUS. #855 Communion Antiphon: He who meditates day and night on the law of the Lord, Shall bear fruit in due season. Communion Songs: Remember Your Love # 671 Loving & Forgiving. # 674 Recessional Song: During Lent, we will observe a solemn silence as we exit. MUSIC PARA LA MISA EN ESPANOL Canto de Entrada: A Quién Iremos. # 714 Salmo 50. Misericordia, Señor. Hemos pecado. Distribución de las cenizas: Con estas cenizas, Señor, renunciamos al pecado. Con estas cenizas, Señor, nos acercamos a ti. Canto de Ofertorio: Dios No Quiere La Muerte. # 346 SANCTUS: # 855 en el libro Breaking Bread. Por tu cruz y resurrección, nos has salvado. Nos has salvado, Señor AMEN Cantos De Comunión: Ven Al Banquete # 600 Al Partir El Pan. Canto de Salida: Durante la cuaresma, salimos en solemne silencio. 4 THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE Monday, February 23rd 8:00 am Morning Prayer 9:00 am Parish Mission 7:00 pm Parish Mission LITURGY & MUSIC Rm. D Church Church Week of February 23rd—March 1st Tuesday, February 24th 8:00 am Morning Prayer 9:00 am Parish Mission 7:00 pm Parish Mission Rm. D Church Church Wednesday, February 25th 8:00 am Morning Prayer 9:00 am Parish Mission 9:15 am Intercessory Prayer 12:00 pm SVdP Meeting 7:00 pm Parish Mission Rm. D Church Rm. D Rm. G Church Thursday, February 26th 8:00 am Morning Prayer Rm. D 9:00 am Parish Mission Church 5:00 pm El Shaddai Rm. E 5:30 pm Groupo de Oracion Charismatico Rm. F 6:00 pm English Charismatic Prayer Rm. H 7:00 pm Parish Mission Church Friday, February 27th 8:00 am Morning Prayer Saturday, February 28th 2:30 pm Encuentro Personal con Jesús Rm. D Wellens Sunday, March 1st Have a Great Day! Pray the Rosary Come join us each morning at 7:50am to pray the Rosary in the Church Mon: Tues: Wed: 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 6:00 pm Thurs: 8:30 am Fri: 8:30 am Sat: 8:30 am 4:00 pm Sun: 6:30 am 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 2:00 pm 4:00 pm Anderson Hall Sat: 4:00 pm Sun: 8:00 am 10:00 am † † † † † † † † † † † † † Felipa Manlapaz John E. Scott Danilo Alcodo Souls in Purgatory Anthony Ciero Anthony Taitano Lee R. Polacheck Dick Williams Marion Giordono Dennis Betley Marcella Waters Ed & Mercedes Edwards Parishioners of Holy Cross(SI) James Combs † † † Violet Frankson Clemente Saenz Shawn Larstone Weekly Liturgies During Lent During Lent, please join us for Mass every Wednesday, at 6:00pm (Confessions from 5:00 – 5:45 pm) Come and pray the Stations of the Cross every Friday during Lent at 3:30pm and 6:30pm. And (Spanish) 7:00pm! THE TRINITY OF STEWARDSHIP A Stewardship Moment: In today’s Gospel, Jesus urges his listeners to do two things: to believe in the Good News and to repent. The steward is called to repent: to acquire an openness to begin anew, to change existing attitudes and habits, and to act with faith in the Gospel. In this season of Lent, now is the time to ask ourselves whether or not we truly believe in the Gospel; and if we do, to what extent are we willing to change our prevailing habits and be more faithful to the Gospel? Readings for the Week of February 22 Sunday: Gn 9:8-15/1 Pt 3:18-22/Mk 1:12-15 Monday: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18/Mt 25:31-46 Tuesday: Is 55:10-11/Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10/Lk 11:29-32 Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25/Mt 7:7-12 Friday: Ez 18:21-28/Mt 5:20-26 Saturday: Dt 26:16-19/Mt 5:43-48 Next Sunday: Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/ Rom 8:31b-34/Mk 9:2-10 6th Annual Nun Run March 7 6th Annual Nun Run: beginning at 6:30 a.m. at Kiwanis Park, 95 W. Baseline Road, Tempe. This family friendly race is for the novice runner and the competitive racer alike, benefiting the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration of Our Lady of Solitude Monastery. More: desertnunrun.com. THE TRINITY OF STEWARDSHIP 5 The Holy Cross Stewardship Committee fosters the mission of Holy Cross Catholic Church by INFORMING the parish of ministries taking place, by INVITING people into new and existing ministries, by SUPPORTING people in their ministries, by PROVIDING information regarding the financial situation of the parish and to INCREASE financial support of the parish. 2015 Charity and Development Appeal The Charity and Development Appeal (CDA) provides each and every family the opportunity to put their faith into action. Every gift makes a difference. For example, $75 can provide an opportunity for a pregnant woman to see her unborn baby for the first time. Our parish goal is 100% participation and $145,000. Currently 25% or our parish has raised $35,807 toward our goal. Please take time to make your gift today. Gifts can be made online at www.diocesephoenix.org/cda or by completing a pledge card. Thank you for your support of the Charity and Development Appeal. Our Lenten Journey Called to Be “Islands of Mercy” During Lent 2015, Pope Francis challenges us with this plea: “How greatly I desire that all those places where the Church is present may become islands of mercy in the midst of the sea of indifference!” For more than 80 years, Catholic Charities has provided these “islands” for those in our community who struggle with homelessness, violence, trafficking, lack of familial support or parenting skills—and so many other barriers that hinder living a life of dignity and abundance. Catholic Charities treats each person as an unique, individual, created in the image of God! We do this in the name of the Catholic community. This Lent we are called to turn our hearts of stone into God’s own merciful, loving and compassion heart. ! Prayer: Please pray for the Catholic Charities family this year. This includes the more than 107,000 we serve, the thousands of volunteers, hundreds of staff and the community that supports the mission. Prayer lifts and sustains us! ! Sacrifice: Please go to CatholicCharitiesAZ.org/blog and join your life story with the stories of real people in our communities. Let reading about these individuals touch and heal your broken heart—knowing that when you risk knowing others, entering into another’s life, that this is the sacrifice God calls us to for shattering our worlds of indifference. ! Charity: Let your sacrifice move you to giving of yourself in a brand new way to a specialized cause in the name of the Catholic faithful, such as helping veterans, homeless, sex trafficking, foster kids and others. At the end of the Pope’s Lenten message, he says, “The answer to indifference is to pray, help others, and recognize our need for God.” Blessings on the journey! CatholicCharitiesAZ.org Welcome to Holy Cross Catholic Church! If you are new to the parish, we want to get to know you and serve you. Parish registration is the official way to join the Holy Cross community. Registering as a parishioner is as easy as completing an enrollment form and faithfully contributing to the parish with your time, talent, and treasure. Parish registration is expected for all who come to Holy Cross on a regular basis and consider this their parish. Registering is a statement of confidence and desire to take part in the life and work of the parish. It allows us to communicate information about parish events, sacramental preparation and year end contribution statements. Registration forms are available in the Parish Office and on our website at www.holycrossmesa.org If you are currently a member of Holy Cross Church and have had changes (i.e. address, telephone number, e-mail address, new family members, etc.) or you have moved out of the area, please contact the Parish Office as soon as possible to make the changes. Please continue to support our parish with your prayers, your presence, and your talents. Saint Vincent de Paul Holy Cross Conference, 480-985-4259 The two fundamental sources of St. Vincent’s teaching are the GOSPEL and LIFE. He wanted his followers to put the whole of the Gospel into the whole of their lives, and he never wearied of deepening both with all the faith that God had put into his heart. That is why all that St. Vincent says to us has the simplicity of our everyday life and the penetrating strength of the Word of God. Parish Stewardship of Treasure For the weekend of February 21st & February 22nd Envelope Contributions ........................................ $12,247.50 Loose Cash/Checks ............................................. $15,275.16 Total Plate Collection: ......................................... $27,522.66 Special Collection: Past Special Collections ............................................. $243.00 Paving & Painting .................................................... $8,539.38 Please remember Holy Cross parish in your estate planning and thank you for your continued support of Holy Cross Catholic Church. 6 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: ELEMENTARY AND YOUTH FORMATION God Bless our RCIA Catechumens Congratulations to the Catechumens (the Elect) who have chosen to go forward to the Easter sacraments. Over the past year, these 22 parishioners, ages 8 to 45, have been preparing to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion at the Easter Vigil. The Rite of Sending for Election for Catechumens will be held today, Sunday, February 22nd at the10:00 a.m. Mass. When the parish community takes part in this discernment process, they continue to understand that it is the entire Church’s responsibility and privilege of initiating new members. Following the mass, the Catechumens will travel to the Cathedral to celebrate the Rite of Election with Bishop Thomas Olmsted. This rite gives public acknowledgement to the fact that God has “elected” or chosen these people. Please continue to keep in prayer all those who are preparing to receive sacraments during the upcoming Easter season. 2015 Walk-a-thon! Thank you Walk-a-thon Walkers & Supporters!! Holy Cross 6th Annual Walk-a-thon took place on Feb. 7, 2015. It was a sunny, fun-filled day as we came together as a community. Clergy, students, and parents walked to raise funds for Holy Cross Religious Education Programs. Heartfelt thanks to all the volunteers who helped make this a successful and fun event! We also want to thank the following local merchants who supported our Walk-a-thon through their generous donations: Coco’s Chili Denny’s Organ Stop Pizza Amazing Jakes Food & Fun The Cheesecake Factory SBarro Pizza Moreno’s Gecko Grill Babbo Italian Eatery Fat Willy’s Family Sports Grill Peter Piper Pizza No.1 Eastern Super Buffet Native Grill & Wings Anonymous Parishioners IHOP Little Ceasars Pizza Chick-fil-A On The Border Charley’s Grill Panda Express Lanette Schenellbach~Avon Representative Holy Cross Library Whether you are new to the parish or a long-time parishioner, our library has something for everyone. If you are new to the faith, you might discover answers you are seeking in our Apologetics section. If you enjoy quiet moments of silent prayer, try our Meditation section. There is a section for Bible Study and Scripture as well as Reference materials to assist your faith development. Preparing for the Sacraments? Try our Sacrament section. Looking for some parenting or personal guidance? Try our Self-Help section. If you need a light read, we have Inspirational Stories to refresh and inspire you. And, for our youngest members, check out “ Kid’s Korner” with a hundred different titles from toddler picture books to devotionals for teens. The library is located next to the RE offices and is currently available for browsing most Monday and Thursday mornings from 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. and Tuesday afternoons from 1:00 – 6:00 p.m. For more information contact Cindy in the RE office, 480-981-2021 x 214. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: ADULT FAITH FORMATION AND SPIRITUALITY ATTENTION WINTER VISITORS SMALL CHURCH COMMUNITIES We have an opening in one of our Winter Visitors Small Church Community. The group meets twice a month on Monday afternoons at 1:30 p.m.. Please contact: Marie Slowiak 480-986-9565 or Deacon Tom at 480-981-2021 [email protected] March 14-15 3rd Annual Magno Congreso: at the Xavier College Preparatory, 4710 North 5th St., Phoenix, with Dr. Fernando Casanova (EWTN-Espanol), Alejandro Bermudez, Fr. Ernesto Maria Caro, and Fr. Octavio Diaz. Price $25. Register online or by contacting the catechetical leader in your parish. More: catequesisfamiliarphx.org or (602) 354-2120. Being a disciple means being constantly ready to bring the love of Jesus to others, and this can happen unexpectedly and in any place: on the street, in a city square, during work, on a journey. —Evangelii Gaudium, "The Joy of the Gospel" (127) Religious Education office 480-325-5375. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: ADULT FAITH FORMATION AND SPIRITUALITY 7 Trust 100% in God. The impact of participating in a Cursillo can be shared by listening to others who have already made a Cursillo. You may hear stories similar to: “It was overpowering, beautiful experience. Peaceful, deeply moving. It touched my whole being. There was overwhelming peacefulness. It deepened my faith and made it more personal. It became a way of Life. My faith became my priority. At night I took out the cross and held it in my hand and looked at it. I was changed. Suddenly something happened to me that cannot be explained. I was filled with love and I knew that God loved me. I started to cry and knew something happened. I knew why I was here and that I had a purpose. I realized that I was tied to others and have a sense of awareness. My old self died and my new self is to see the loveable in each person and to see the unlovelable as lovable. To see people as God sees them and not as I see the surface.” Next Cursillos: Men’s—March 5th—8th Women’s—March 19th –22nd Call 480-396-0173 fir further information. PARISH & COMMUNITY EVENTS BABY BOTTLE DRIVE Holy Cross Respect Life Ministry offers you and your family an opportunity to help save the life of a baby-in-thewomb. 9 out of 10 mothers, who see the Ultra Sound image of their baby in the womb, choose LIFE. At the end of Each day, during these first 4 weeks of Lent, collect the family’s change in your baby bottle. We ask you then, to bring the Baby Bottle, with Your donation, to Holy Cross Church before any Mass on the weekend of MARCH 14TH – 15TH Make Donation Checks to: Holy Cross Knights of Columbus For benefit of: Aid to Women’s Center, Life Choices Women’s Center & Hope Mobile Unit *Prenatal Care *Counseling and education *Low cost Women's tests *Free ultra sounds *Free Pregnancy tests *Direct aid to mothers “ Thank you for your Love & Generosity” Communal Penance for the East Valley. Parish St. Bridget Queen of Peace Our Lady of Guadalupe Queen Creek St. Margaret Christ the King Holy Cross Resurrection St. Timothy’s All Saints Day/Date/Time Tuesday February 24, 2015 7pm Tuesday March 10, 2015 7pm Monday March 23, 2015 7pm Monday February 23, 2015 7pm Wednesday February 25, 2015 7pm Monday March 16, 2015 2pm and 7pm Wednesday March 18, 2015 7pm Tuesday March 24, 2015 7pm Tuesday March 17, 2015 2pm and 7pm ....for the AZ East Valley Pro-Life Alliance’s Pro-life Inter-Faith Conference: When: Saturday, March 14, 2015 Time: 10:00 am ~ 4:00 pm Where: Windemere Hotel & Conference Center 5750 East Main Street, Mesa, AZ 85205 Please join us for a full day of professional speakers who will speak only on Pro-Life, Pro-Family, and Pro-Religious Freedom topics that will educate and inspire! Additional invited guest speakers will be added to this awesome list as they are confirmed. Register @ www.evprolifealliance.org or call: 480-216-7217. There are eight “pro-life” vendor tables available. If interested in reserving a “vendor” table please call: 480-216-7217. There is a $10.00 fee added to the nominal registration fee for a vendor table. For information on table sponsorships please call: 480-216-7217. NOTE: This event is not a fundraiser; nominal registration fee covers only Continental Breakfast and Luncheon Buffet. Ladies, Join Us for a Morning of Reflection on Saturday February 28th. We will begin by attending the 8:30 Mass at All Saints Church, followed by a continental breakfast in the church hall. Then we will have a very interesting presentation by Sr. Jean Marie, ECF from St. Stephen Byzantine Catholic Cathedral in Phoenix : “ONE CHURCH, TWO TRADITIONS” Sister will share with us a comparison of the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Catholic traditions. Call Avis Mobley 480-248-7038 to reserve your seat. Sponsored by the Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court Our Lady of the Desert #2164 Free will donations accepted. 8 PARISH & COMMUNITY EVENTS End of Year Contribution Statements 2014 Holy Cross Contribution statements are available now upon request. The statements can be mailed or e-mailed to you. Requests can be made by contacting the parish office or by e-mail to [email protected]. Once a request is made, statements are processed within 3-5 business days. Please include your address and envelope number when e-mailing your request. 12th Annual DinnerAuction-Casino Night Childcare is available for the 7:00 p.m. sessions for infants through 6 year olds. Children 7 years and older are welcomed to attend the parish mission with their family. Please join us at Christ the King Catholic School’s 12th Annual Dinner-Auction-Casino Night Fundraiser on March 7, 2015 at 5:00pm at the Windemere Hotel & Conference Center in Mesa. Everyone is welcome… but especially CTK Alumni! Event includes a delicious dinner of prime rib, stuffed sonoran chicken or hot pasta primavera, silent and live auctions, live music, Las Vegas-style casino games and more! See complete event details and purchase tickets securely online at www.ctkfundraiser.weebly.com. Use Promo Code CATHOLIC for 15% off registration! “Don’t forget to check out our Holy Cross Council No. 7904 “Do not stop praying as long as, by God's grace, the fire and the water [i.e. fervor and tears] have not been exhausted, for it may happen that never again in your whole life will you have such a chance to ask for the forgiveness for your sins." Saint John Climacus Join the KofC Friday 2/27 from 4PM-6:30PM for a Lenten Fish Fry Dinner in Wellens Hall after the Stations of the Cross. All Are Welcome. Join us in the courtyard after Sunday Mass for Coffee & Donuts; Enjoy Fellowship and Help Support Our Parish Seminarians. parish website at www.holycrossmesa.org” The Holy Cross Knights of Columbus will be selling our annual State raffle tickets to support local Charities. The drawing will be held May 16th. Prizes range from $10K to $1K with four $500 prizes. Half of all money collected is returned to Holy Cross. Please ask any Knight of Columbus if you are interested. Ticket Sales - Feb 28 and March 1 after all Masses Ticket Sales - April 11/12 after all Masses Donation is $5 per ticket or $20 for a book of 5. PARISH & COMMUNITY EVENTS 9 PRAYER FOR HOLY CROSS PARISH Lord, I ask your blessing on our community of Holy Cross Parish. Send your peace into our families, especially those who are struggling in any particular way. Bless our youth and protect them from harmful and destructive behavior. Help our young adults to recognize your will for them, and grant many vocations to the religious life and the priesthood and the permanent diaconate from our parish for the future of our Church. Bless those who live a single life with a deep sense of your love for them and your presence in their lives. Send your healing of body and spirit into those who are suffering from any illness, especially those with chronic pain. Comfort those who are close to death. Bless our country and our world with peace and a profound sense of justice and respect for every human life from conception to natural death. Let us rejoice in your love for each of us, whatever our circumstances, and may every one of us at Holy Cross do our part, through the intercession of Mary, our Mother, and by the power of your grace, to build up the Kingdom of God on our earth. We ask this through Christ, our Lord Amen COMUNIDAD LATINA/HISPANA La Campaña de Caridad y Desarrollo 2015 La Campaña de Caridad y Desarrollo (CDA) provee a una y cada familia la oportunidad de poner su fe en acción. Cada donación hace la diferencia. Por ejemplo, $75 puede proveer una oportunidad para una mujer embarazada de ver su bebe en el vientre por primer vez. Nuestra meta parroquial es de 100% participación y $145,000. Hasta hoy, el 25% de nuestra parroquia ha recaudado $35,807 de nuestra meta. Por favor temo un tiempo para hacer su donación hoy. Las donaciones se pueden hacer en www.diocesephoenix.org/cda o al completar una tarjeta de donación. Gracias por su apoyo a la Campaña de Caridad y Desarrollo. 3er Magno Congreso: en Xavier Prep College, 4710 Norte Calle 5 Phoenix, con el Dr. Fernando Casanova, (EWTNEspañol), Alejandro Bermúdez, Padre Ernesto María Caro y Padre Octavio Díaz. Entrada: $25. Inscripciones en línea o con el líder catequético de la parroquia. Más: catequesisfamiliarphx.org o (602) 354-2120. Los Caballeros de Colón de la Iglesia de la Santa Cruz estarán vendiendo boletos de su Rifa Anual para apoyar a diferentes localidades de caridad. La rifa se dará a cabo el 16 de mayo. Hay premios desde diezmil dólares hasta mil, y hay cuatro premios de quinientos dólares. La mitad del dinero que se colecta se regresa a la parroquia de la Santa Cruz. Los tiquetes cuestan $5.00 cada uno o se pueden comprar cinco por $20.00. Pueden consultar a cualquier miembro de los Caballeros de Colón si tienen preguntas. Ser un discípulo quiere decir estar constantemente listo para traer el amor de Jesús a otros, y esto puede ocurrir sin esperar y en cualquier sitio: en una calle, en una plaza, durante el trabajo, en un camino. —Evangelii Gaudium, “La Alegría del Evangelio” (127) Para los padres de familia que inscriben a sus hijos para el año escolar 2015-2016, por favor tengan en cuenta lo siguiente: para recibir una reducción de la Taza de Matricula Católica de la escuela, su párroco deberá determinar si su familia cumple con el criterio definido por la parroquia sobre miembros Inscritos, Activos y Participando. La definición de “inscrito, activo y participando” variá por parroquia, pero normalmente incluye asistiendo a Misa en forma regular asi como contribuyendo al sostenimiento de la parroquia por medio de su ofrenda en sobre y apoyando a la vida ministerial de la parroquia. Si tiene alguna duda sobre el estatus de su familia, por favor comuníquese con su párroco directamente. (Nota: Todos los alumnos de la secundaria de las escuelas diocesanas quien reciben la taza reducida de la matricula del año entrante, deberán tener su estatus verificado por su párroco antes de que puedan inscribirse como Católicos.) Domingo Misa en Español por Televisión: La Santa Misa en español es transmitida en vivo a las 8 a.m. todos los Domingos desde la parroquia de Santa Maria en Chandler por KPHE-TV 44 (Cox 405, Prism 044), seguido por su programa local católico “Cultura y Fe”, con Cristofer Pereyra. Hay Que Registrarse En La Parroquia Da muchas ventajas el registrarse (matricularse) en la parroquia donde uno asiste a Misa. Los datos personales son privados Y no los compartimos con nadie. Luego, cuando su familia necesita sacramentos, o matricularse para los programas de educación religiosa, o si va a ser padrino en un bautizo, los procedimientos se pueden lograr rápidamente y fácilmente. Venga a la oficina de la parroquia y llene el formulario para registrarse en la Iglesia de la Santa Cruz. Lecturas para la semana del 22 de febrero Domingo: Gn 9, 8-15/1 Pe 3, 18-22/Mc 1, 12-15 Lunes: Lv 19, 1-2. 11-18/Mt 25, 31-46 Martes: Is 55, 10-11/Mt 6, 7-15 Miércoles: Jon 3, 1-10/Lc 11, 29-32 Jueves: Est 4, 17n. p-r. aa-bb. gg-hh Viernes: Ez 18, 21-28/Mt 5, 20-26 Sábado: Dt 26, 16-19/Mt 5, 43-48 Domingo siguiente: Gn 22, 1-2. 9-13. 15-18/Rom 8, 31-34/ Mc 9, 2-10 Pam Johnson Ins Acy Inc DRG Construction DRG Electric Inc. Pamela A Johnson CPCU ChFC CLU, Agent Bus: 480-633-0324 www.pamjohnson.com Some things we all have in common. Love, hope, success, family, security. 1101022 Dr. Rick Jacobi - Dr. Mike Crockett All Types of Remodeling Licensed & Insured Free Estimates 480-807-3453 There’s nobody like me to protect the things we all value. 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Alcoholicos Anonimos es querer dejar de beber De Lunes a Sabado 7:30 a 9PM Domingo de 9:00AM a 10:30PM 602-957-7457 [email protected] Holy Cross Parishioner 2114 W. Apache Trail, Ste. 9 • Apache Junction, AZ 85120 Safe Lock & Key Co. - Since 1958 905 E. Main St. • Mesa, AZ 85203 Ralph Harmon Ph: 480-834-9431 • Fax: 480-833-3644 hough l aw of f ic e s , pl lc Michael H. Hough: Notre Dame ‘90 • Denver Law ‘94 Jacqueline Hough Frame: USD ‘92 • USC Law ‘96 WILLS • TRUSTS • PROBATE ESTATE PLANNING (480) 396-4949 2500 S Power Rd, Ste 114, Mesa, AZ 85209 www.houghlawoffice.com POWER SMOKE SHOP LLC 6671 E. 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Baseline Rd., #104 • Mesa, AZ 85209 480-615-8585 $75 Off Any Service, New Patients Only QUEEN OF HEAVEN CATHOLIC MORTUARY 1562 East Baseline Road • Mesa Proud Providers of The Catholic Heritage Plan™ 1129 South 24th Street • Mesa, AZ 85204 Located in a beautiful, convenient location in the heart of Mesa. • Arizona’s Only Catholic Mortuaries Owned & Operated By The Diocese Of Phoenix • Catholic Funeral Directors On Staff • Traditional Burial & Entombment Services • Cremation Arrangements • Pre-Need Arrangements • Out-Of-State Shipping Arrangements • Service To All Cemeteries • Veteran Arrangements • We Accept Most Major Pre-Need Insurance Programs In Basha’s Plaza, SW Corner of Crismon & Baseline BIONIC BAND Selling Natural Increase In Energy, Balance, Coordination, & Strength Richard Zacofsky (480) 373-1057 Holy Cross Parishioner www.catholiccemeteriesphx.com Please contact the assisted living manager at 480-892-3729 602-677-2774 for a tour of the facility New Mesa Dental Center 1423 S. Higley Rd. #101, Mesa from (Between US 60 & Southern, Across from Lowes) LIVING TRUSTS * WILLS * POWER OF ATTORNEY DENTURES $290 ea Protecting your real assets Upper or Lower Replacement (Money Back Guarantee on our Dentures) 480-396-9900 Call for a free evaluation! Some restrictions may apply. Offer expires 11/30/2015 [email protected] CROWNS DENTAL IMPLANTS AVAILABLE! 25+ Years of Experience from 480-947-7447 $545 ea Some restrictions may apply. Offer expires 11/1/2015 David Chiang, DDS FREE EXAM FREE 4 Bite Wing X-Rays Some restrictions may apply. Offer expires 11/30/2015 (non-transferable) Some restrictions may apply. No Obligation Denture Consultation U Offer good with ad. First time patients. F OR AD INFO C ALL C HUCK R ETTKE AT 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi. COM A 4C 05-0416 HOLY CROSS , M ESA, AZ 0206-2015 15:39:07