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View PDF - Madison Public Library Foundation
Madison Public Library and Madison Public Library Foundation
Expanding, Evolving, Engaging
Staff & volunteers pass out free ice cream and
popcorn at Goodman South Madison’s Backyard
Event Committee Member Lainie Barber and
friend Annie Levihn sample a local brew at Ex
Libris: A Review of Beer & Chocolate, which
netted $20,000 for the foundation.
Steve Goldberg and Jenni Collins present
Foundation Board Member Tripp Widder with
his Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser Award
at the 2011 AFP Philanthropy Day Awards.
Madison Public Library Mission
Madison Public Library Foundation Mission
Madison Public Library promotes lifelong learning by creating
welcoming spaces that offer collections and services to inform,
inspire, enrich, and entertain.
The Madison Public Library Foundation promotes and supports
Madison’s library facilities, services and programs.
Madison Public Library Foundation Vision
Madison Public Library Vision
Madison Public Library is a leader in building and sustaining
a literate citizenry, transforming lives through knowledge and
information and enhancing Madison’s high quality of life.
The Madison Public Library Foundation provides leadership
and resources to help develop and sustain a world-class library
2011-2012 Library Board
Madison Public Library Foundation Board
Theodore (Tripp) Widder III, President
David Wallner, Vice-President
Lawrence (Larry) Palm, Secretary/Treasurer
& City Council Member
Ann Falconer, Director
Barbara Karlen, Director
Tracy K. Kuczenski, Director
Gregory Markle, Director
Beth Moss, Director
Al Friedman, President
Jessica MacNaughton,
Richard Chandler, Immediate
Past President
Tom DeChant, Secretary
Ted Crabb, Treasurer
Theodore (Tripp) Widder III,
Campaign Chair
Richard Arnesen
Sheila Boothby Stevens
Cover Art: Nikki Johnson
Design: Tsela Barr
Editor: Courtney Davis
Copy Editors: Courtney Davis, Tana Elias, Meredith Lee, Callie Padway
Nancy Carpenter
Enrique Gandara
Judy Plaenert Olson
James Ruhly
Andrew Seaborg
Robert Stroud
Susan Titus
Matt Weygandt
Pam Woodman
Janice Zmrazek
Dear Friends:
The science fiction writer Ray Bradbury passed away in June of this year at the age of 92. He left behind a prolific
and wide-ranging collection of stories and was one of the most celebrated 20th century American writers. Bradbury
grew up in Waukegan, Illinois, and spent much of his youth in the Waukegan Public Library where he discovered,
among other writers, Edger Allan Poe. He once remarked, “Without libraries, what have we? We have no past and
no future.”
In many ways, the Madison Public Library still houses our past. In the new Central Library, an entire section will
be devoted to local history. Public libraries provide a unique collection point for chronicling our collective histories
through novels, newspapers, maps, music, encyclopedias, cookbooks, and even comic books (another favorite genre
of Bradbury) but libraries also expand and evolve with an eye to the future.
The libraries of Ray Bradbury’s youth have changed, and the Madison Public Library is no exception. As the
community’s needs grow and change, the library adapts. Today’s library is much more than books and traditional
media. It is a community gathering space, it is technologically advanced, and yet, it can still provide a quiet space for
simply browsing the bookshelves or reading a newspaper.
At Madison Public Library, we have always believed that the best way to determine the community’s needs is to
ask. This year saw the completion of extensive research conducted by an outside firm talking to library patrons
to learn what they currently like about the library, what kind of programs they would like to see, how they would
like collections to change and improve and what additional resources they think are important for the library.
Additionally, the design for the new Central Library emerged from a number of very well-attended public design
meetings. The results will, we think, be extremely well-received when the new Central Library opens in September
of 2013 and will be consistent with its citizens’ collective input.
An additional opportunity for the library to reexamine its role in the community occurred this past year through
a grant jointly funded by the Madison Public Library and the Madison Public Library Foundation to conduct a
rebranding process for the library, its branches and various support organizations, including the Madison Public
Library Foundation. A wide variety of users, including patrons, librarians, and administrators were asked about
what the Madison Public Library meant to them. The answers were as varied as the populations that the library
serves, but one theme emerged - all who come through the doors of the library are seeking something, whether it be
knowledge, respite, entertainment, access to the Internet, or a better future.
As always, Madison Public Library strives to listen and answer to the many evolving needs of our community.
It’s a big job, and we couldn’t do it without your support. Thank you.
Theodore (Tripp) Widder III
President, Library Board of Directors
Madison Public Library
Greg Mickells
Library Director
Madison Public Library
Dear Friends:
There is one question everyone asks that we can’t ignore: “What will a library be in the coming decades?” Nobody
suggests we don’t need libraries, but everyone wonders because of some real concern. Hearing the question almost
every day challenges us to be both deliberate and innovative as we move forward.
The Madison Public Library Foundation participated in many conversations in the past year to guide us in
answering the question. Of course the rebuilding of Central Library asks the question in many ways. Who will use
it? How big does it need to be? What happens to the books? What activities should take place in a state-of-the-art
public library? As with the recent building of Goodman South Madison and Sequoya branches, we took advantage of
community meetings and suggestions to discover how the Foundation could help.
We also participated in strategic planning efforts with Madison Public Library while adopting a strategic plan for
the foundation itself. At the same time, the foundation co-sponsored a co-branding initiative with Madison Public
Library. More than just a logo, this exercise moved us to host internal and external discussions about the quality and
qualities of Madison’s libraries.
All of this necessary conversation and collaboration gives us the confidence we need to plan where and how we
fit in Madison’s array of library services. Madison Public Library administration works to maintain a baseline of
services, introduce new technologies, and answer changing needs at each branch. Through careful coordination,
the foundation assists in all of these priorities. For example, we assist with programming and even provide direct
funding for extended hours at some branches. We also provide funding for eBooks and grants for librarians to take
their services to the next level. And we help with the ultimate change – new buildings.
While new buildings (and regular mail and email from us) are important and most noticeable, it is your support
that speaks the loudest. Whether it is your donation, your corporate sponsorship, or your valuable partnership, we
will put your contribution to good use in the evolution of our city’s library services. More than ever we answer the
call to be stewards not only of your generosity, but also of a fluid, evolving idea. We thank you again this year for
entrusting Madison Public Library Foundation with this responsibility.
Al Friedman
President of the Board of Directors
Madison Public Library Foundation
Jennifer J. Collins
Executive Director
Madison Public Library Foundation
Better Buildings, Bigger Impact
$9M for a New Central Library
Movin’ Out
2011 kicked off Learning for a Lifetime: The Capital
Campaign for a New Central Library. The $9 million
in private donations raised through this campaign
will go toward the $30 million complete renovation
of Central Library. With community needs in mind,
architects from Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle and
Potter Lawson have designed a bigger, brighter,
more technologically advanced and environmentally
friendly Central Library.
In November, Madison’s Central Library relocated
to 126 S. Hamilton St. The interim location contains
some of Central Library’s most popular collections,
22 public computers and its regular reference and
checkout services during all open hours.
The New Central Library will open on
September 21, 2013.
The new building will have all the features of a
modern, 21st century library including a removable
floor that will allow for easy upgrades as technology
The new library will expand from 90,000 to 120,000
square feet, doubling the amount of public space
available to the public. This includes more than 20 small
meeting and study rooms, a 75-seat meeting room, and
a 250-person auditorium on the completely new third
floor. The number of computers will be tripled with
plenty of fully powered study tables for laptops.
Backyard Bash a Smash
In September, the Goodman South Madison Library celebrated a
year of success since its opening in 2010 with a “Backyard Bash.”
The event, hosted by the Madison Public Library Foundation, was
a thank-you to the donors and community members who made the
new library possible. Attendees enjoyed free hot dogs, ice cream,
and lemonade between jumping in the bouncy castle, getting their
faces painted and watching performances.
Libraries of the Future
Going Digital: Library eBooks on
the Rise
Expanding Playaway Collections
Make Audiobooks Even Easier
Always on the forefront of technology, Madison Public
Library joined the state-wide effort to make ebooks
more available in 2011. As part of the Wisconsin Public
Library Consortium, which raised over $1 million for
the purchasing of new ebooks and audiobooks, the
library’s collection now hosts over 8,000 titles. The
collection is compatible with PCs or Macs and mobile
devices such as the Nook, iPad, Kindle, and more.
A high-tech but simple way to enjoy audiobooks,
popular Playaway collections give patrons access to over
1,700 audiobook titles at the push of a button. The
preloaded, easy-to-play gadgets allow users to listen to
an entire book through a small mobile device.
A grant from the Alliant Energy Foundation allowed the
Hawthorne and Ashman branches to purchase several
eReaders and iPads for demo and training purposes.
Many branches offer classes demonstrating how to
use this technology and librarians at every branch help
people in individualized training sessions and more in
person, over the phone or through email.
Thanks to a generous grant in 2011 from the Madison
Community Foundation, the Monroe Street Library
now has its very own Playaways in addition to the
existing collections at Sequoya and Pinney.
Inspiration for Young Minds
Focus on Youth Inside Library Walls and Out
As a part of a community that so highly values education, Madison
Public Library recognizes how important it is to expose young minds
to reading early in life.
In 2011 Ruth Sias, a youth services librarian at Goodman South
Madison Library, received the Frances de Usabel Outreach Services
Award for her work with children and families in local hospitals
promoting early literacy. Sias trained hospital volunteers to engage
children and parents in stories, meanwhile expanding the knowledge
of public library services in the community.
Each year, thousands take advantage of programming for children
and families at Madison Public Library. Over 44,000 attended a
combined 1,857 library programs for children at all nine libraries in
2011. What the average Madisonian may not know is that another
25,000 participated in children’s outreach programming out in the
Examples of this outreach include mobile libraries, activities stations
during children’s events at the Overture Center, and storytimes
at community centers, classrooms, and childcare centers. To help
prepare future librarians to engage children effectively in these types
of activities, the library hosted a “Storytime Bootcamp” in 2011.
The program, created in partnership with the UW-Madison School
of Library & Information Studies, gives library students tools to
confidently share stories with children.
The Library Kidspage, distributed three times a year to the local
community, promotes these many programs for children, encouraging
them to engage in learning opportunities inside and outside the library
Community Connections
Reaching out to Teens
Teen librarian, Jesse Vieau, impacts teens both in
the library and outside its walls. He assists with
technology training for incarcerated youth through a
partnership with the Madison Metropolitan School
District and trains teens in technology through library
classes and the MediaWorks program at Goodman
Community Center. He also helps young adults
explore careers, connecting them with internships
and volunteer opportunities. In 2011, attendance at
Jesse’s teen programs increased 322%, proof of his
effectiveness when connecting to teens.
Bringing Library to the
Many of Madison’s elderly population have been coming
to the library since they were very young. Madison
Public Library Home Services program was developed to
keep these patrons engaged in the library community by
bringing library resources to them.
This program organizes monthly deliveries of books to
26 homebound individuals and 31 retirement facilities
in the Madison community. Librarian Jane Jorgenson,
program coordinator, organizes 19 volunteers who choose
and deliver over 2000 books each month. It also hosts five
Retirement Loan Collections at area facilities that trade
books among each other to keep collections fresh.
Library staff also collaborate with the Madison Senior
Center to provide technology training and financial
resource workshops for elderly community members.
Your Donations in Action
2011 Foundation Grants
Community Partnerships
Each year the Madison Public Library Foundation
awards grants based on requests made by the library
director and management team. These grants support
collections and programs at all nine Madison Public
Library branches.
A $3,000 combined grant from The Cap Times Kids’
Fund and St. Mary’s Hospital funded Family Fun Nights
at Goodman South Madison Library in fall 2011. The
weekly programs included story times, arts and crafts,
musicians, jugglers and even dancing dogs. 370 people,
from toddlers in strollers to grandparents, participated
in the series – an average of 37 attendees per event.
Madison Public Library Foundation Grants in 2011
totaled $45,000 including funding for:
• Strategic planning research surrounding library
• A collaborative effort with the library and foundation
to re-brand the image of Madison Public
Library that was unveiled in 2012
• Sunday hours at Pinney Library for fall 2011 and
spring 2012
• Participation in the statewide initiative to purchase
e-books and downloadable audiobooks
• iPads with early childhood software for the
Hawthorne Library
“We encourage all parents to take advantage
of Family Fun Night. It’s a great opportunity
for families to have fun with each other in
an environment that’s both educational and
stimulating for creative young minds.’’
Paul A. Yochum, President of
The Cap Times Kids Fund
In August, The Alliant Energy Foundation awarded
the Madison Public Library Foundation $3,475 toward
technology education. These funds helped pay for guest
speakers, promotional materials, and supplies for over
50 programs, including iPads and Kindles for teaching
patrons how to access library books on their eReaders.
Program topics ranged from navigating online tools like
Craigslist and Facebook, creating your own web site or
blog, and finding a job online. Over 250 patrons took
advantage of these opportunities.
Embracing the Mission
Local Friends Groups Support
Their Branches
The Friends of the Madison Public Library provide
volunteer support and recognition, advocacy, and
supplemental funds for special projects and collections
that the Library could otherwise not afford. Here are some
highlights from 2011:
• The Central Library Friends group gave a $100,000 gift to
Learning for a Lifetime: The Community Campaign for a New
Central Library, the largest in the group’s history. Famous
for their Friendshop used book store in Central Library,
the group raised $11,500 in a final blow-out sale before
the big move.
“The library works so hard for the
community. When we are able to give
back, it builds the community even
Nadine Pfotenhauer, President of
the Friends of Sequoya
• With funds from their semi-annual book sales, the Alicia
Ashman Friends group made grants totaling $12,300
to the branch for the first half of 2011 for collection
development, programming, the summer library program,
subscriptions for BookPage and The New York Times,
and the license necessary to show movies including the
popular “Best of the Fests” series.
• Every Thursday morning, the Sequoya Library Friends
group hauls, unpacks, and sorts over 40 boxes of donated
books for their monthly book sales in Westgate Mall.
In 2011, they contributed $6,500 to the Madison Public
Library Foundation to extend Sunday hours at Sequoya.
With help from kids in the Summer Reading Club the
Friends donated beehives to needy families around the
world to provide a source of income through the sale of
honey, beeswax and pollen.
• In fall of 2011, the Monroe Street Library League
generously donated $10,000 to seed an endowment fund
for their neighborhood branch as an investment in its
future. The Madison Community Foundation currently
manages endowment funds for Sequoya, Lakeview,
Hawthorne, and Pinney Libraries, as well as funds for
special collections. These funds ensure a perpetual stream
of income to support collections, programs and other
library needs of coming generations.
Madison Public Library Foundation
Statement of Financial Position
Unconditional Promises to give (net)
Prepaid Expenses
Beneficial interest in assets held by
Furniture and equipment (net)
Accounts Payable
Net Assets
Grants Payable
Accrued Expenses
Revenue and
Investment Return
Program services
Management and
Madison Public Library Foundation
Hawthorne Branch
Lakeview Branch
Pinney Branch Endowment
Sequoya Branch
Goodman South Madison Branch
Large Print Books Purchase Fund
Judy P. Olson Book Discussion Kit Fund
Mohaupt Fund for the Sequoya Branch Library
Elizabeth Moon Proctor Scholarship
and General
Program Services
Madison Public Library
City of Madison Library
2011 IN
In 2011 patrons from
Madison, Dane County
and beyond made
2.25 million visits to
Madison Public Library,
checked out nearly
4.4 million items,
and used the internet
721,431 times.
Almost 90,000 of
those visits were
kids, teens, and
adults participating
in the library’s 3,809
Dane County Library Service
South Central Library System
Contractual Services
LINK contractual Services
Fines and Fees
Reserves applied
Salaries and Benefits
Library Books, Media
and Databases
LINK cat online computer
Debt Retirement
Supplies, Capital Assets
Purchased Services,
Fund Balance Generated
Barb Dimick Retires after 30 Years
with Madison Public Library
2011 marked the end of Barb Dimick’s remarkable
career with the Madison Public Library that spanned
from her original position as a library page through her
16 years as Library Director. Over the years, Dimick
has changed the face of the Madison Public Library.
She has expanded community partnerships, increased
technology access, and ensured a welcoming and
educational environment for all.
Under her supervision, initiatives with communitywide importance were born. Summer reading
participation increased over 120% through outreach to
schools and preschools. She established early childhood
story activities and various programs, bringing the
library directly to Madison neighborhoods. Dimick also
physically expanded, improved, and relocated existing
library locations and added an entirely new branch,
Alicia Ashman.
Molly Warren, a former student of Dimick’s at the
UW-Madison School of Library & Information
Sciences and current library employee describes her as
“extraordinary” and says that among the students, “her
time as a children’s librarian and manager of the Youth
Services Department at Madison Public Library was
“When I was a student,
I could not have been
more proud to be an
employee of Madison
Public Library and claim
Barb as my boss,” says
Warren, “and I’m just as
proud today.”
Silas Pinney Society Established
One year after Helen Rupp
bequested the Madison
Public Library Foundation
more than $3.4 million –
the largest gift in library
history – the foundation
founded the Silas Pinney
Society as a way to
recognize and honor those
who have chosen to make
planned gifts during their
Named in honor of the
Mayor credited with founding Madison’s first library
in 1875, the Silas Pinney Society recognizes planned
giving in all its shapes and sizes. Planned giving can be
quite simple, like leaving estate proceeds in a will or
making a stock gift during your lifetime. Other gifts take
a bit more planning and expertise, like a charitable gift
annuity or a gift of life insurance.
Donors who are already engaged in planned giving or
interested in becoming a member of the Silas Pinney
Society, are encouraged to contact the Foundation.
While Foundation staff cannot provide tax or legal
advice, they can work with donors, their family, and
professional advisors to establish a library legacy.
The Madison Public Library Foundation holds two Annual Fund drives each year, one
in the spring and one in the fall, that support collections and programming at all nine
libraries. Thanks to the following donors, these drives raised over $165,000 in 2011.
$1,000 and up
Anonymous - 3
Mr. James Cain & Ms. Miriam Simmons
Allen Chase
Barbara & Ted Crabb
Shirley Dieter
Russ & Jean Endres
Epic Systems
Richard Erney
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Essock
George Fait
Jeanette Foster
Dick Goldberg & Lisa Munro
Herbert H. Kohl Charities, Inc.
James & Joan Horsfall
John J. Frautschi Family Foundation
Jesse Kaysen & Nevin Olson
Robert Keller
James & Renee Knight
Marvin Levy
James Luckow
Madison Community Foundation
Nelson G. & Vera C. Hicks Charitable
Glenn Reinl & Sara Krebsbach
Joan Schmit
Peter Stephenson & Mary Massey
Strand Associates, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. George Tesar
The Douglas Stewart Co., Inc.
Anne Traynor
Pam & Clint Woodman
Woodman’s Markets
Anne Zellhoefer
Marnie & Chuck Hulan
Ronald Jetty & Tammy Kempfert
Jewish Federation of Madison
Charles Kalish & Maria Cancian
Amy Kaster
Susan Kidder
Kathe King
Joseph Krupp & Diana Grove
Joseph & Joan Nagle
Diane Nienow
Bob O’Neill
Mary Ellen Peters
Karen & Tom Ragatz
Jim & Carol Ruhly
James & Donna Schroeder
Loris Schultz
Elizabeth Shema
Emily Smith
Sub-Zero Wolf Foundation, Inc.
Susan & Robert Titus
Nick & Betsy Trane
Stephen Wajda & Deborah Brandt
Tripp & Nancy Widder
Theodora Zehner
Anonymous - 7
John & Betty Batson
Linda Baumann
Marcia Bradley
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Campbell
Dan & Pat Cornwell
Tom DeChant
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Marty Fields
Mary Gallagher
Constance Hegerfeld
Duncan Highsmith & Ana Araujo
Anonymous - 16
The American Endowment Foundation
Anne Arnesen
Marie Berman
Maurice & Sybil Better
Dr. & Mrs. William Bird
Caitlin Boettner
Nancy & Charles Carpenter
Richard Chandler & Heidi Pankoke
Margaret Davis
Diane & Robert Dempsey
Barbara Dimick
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Evert
Robert Frank & Jeanne Pitot-Frank
Jed & Deidre Frees
Albert Friedman & Susan Tikalsky
Deirdre Garton
David & Catherine Gillman
Barry Guinn
David Hall & Margie Devereaux
Donald Hausch & Joanne Thomson
Rosemary Heitkemper
Jane Heymann
Penny Hubbard
Joe Daniels Construction Co.
Margaret George Kaufman & Paul Kaufman
Frederick Kelcz & Sheryl Popuch
Helaine Kriegel
Charles Leadholm & Jeanne Parus
Kent Lesandrini
Jane Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. John Lubniewski
Jessica & Scott Mac Naughton
Stewart Macaulay
Macy’s Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Marwell
Bruce Meier & Wendy Fearnside
Donald & Mary Metz
Drs. Thomas & Irene Meyer
John & Elizabeth Moore
Donovan Nagel
Mary Neumann
Leonard Nosal, Jr. & Gretchen Macht
Jane Pearlmutter & Stephen Scheibel
Mr. & Mrs. W. Charles Read
John Reindl
Richard Rhyme & Anne Rodgers-Rhyme
Lorraine & Gary Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Rotter
Dolly Schoenberg
William Sheldon
Paul Sherman & Teresa Perez
Guy Somers
Dorothy Swennes
The Woman’s Club of Madison
Judith Thompson
Christopher Thorn
Bruce Tulloch
Dr. David Watts & Ms. Nancy Dodge
Royce Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Wilson
David Wood & Jane Doughty
Frank & Diane Zillner
Janice Zmrazek
Anonymous - 49
Mrs. Lois Albright
Richard Amasino & Janice Fullenwider
A. Roy Anderson
Charles & Carole Anderson
Louis & Sandra Arrington
James Bakken
Helen Baldwin
Mr. Tino Balio
Linda Balisle
Mark & Jennell Ballering
Nancy Bauer
Warren Bauer
Ellis & Susan Bauman
Bernard Bazan & Julie Shiner-Bazan
BD Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Beecher
Theodore Bernstein
Robb & Kathie Besteman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Boardman
Helen Boley
Sheila Boothby Stevens
Walter & Sandra Borowski
Joan Box
Thomas Boykoff
Bill & Judy Braham
Mike Brennecke & Mary Laedtke
Thomas Broman
Kirk Brown & Lori Diprete Brown
William Brumsickle & Henny Regnier
Warren Buckles & Wendy Rakower
Barbara Buenger
Christopher & Peggy Bugg
Cynthia Bush
Jennifer Buxton
Ronald & Mary Jane Campo
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Carlson
Ian & Joan Carlson
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Carpenter
Dan & Mary Caulfield
David Caulum
Mr. & Mrs. Loren Chapman
Julius & Grace Chosy
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Cis
James Clum
Carol Cohen
Jenni & Chris Collins
Frank & Mary Ann Cook
Tracy Cotter
Nancy Crabb
William Cudlipp
Lynne Beth Cummings
Lois Curtiss
Nora Cusack
James & Nancy Dast
Frederick Davis
Sarah Day
Johan Den Boon & Anne Bilder
Norma Denbrook
Denlinger Drum Family
Michael & Judith Dereszynski
Stephan Deutsch & Judith Burstyn
Wallace & Peggy Douma
William & Alexandra Dove
Stan & Jean Druckenmiller
Neil & Colleen Duffie
Anthony Earl
Frederick & Ivy Edelman
Jane Eisner
Mr. & Mrs. Romaine Ellingson
Jean Espenshade
Mr. & Mrs. James Esser
Robert Esser
Ann Falconer
Jean Farrell-Holtan
Janet Faulhaber
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Fix
Nelson & Ann Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fok
Thurman & Betty Fox
Rachel Friedman
Bruce Frudden
Robert Fry
John & Fanny Garver
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Geier
Edward & Sara Gleason
Sue Goldwomon
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Goren
Beverly Gottlieb
Dan & Alice Gould
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Gould
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Greblo
Dr. Zorko Greblo & Ms. Linda Clauder
Robert Greenler
Bruce & Marsha Gregg
Mr. & Mrs. John Grigas
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Grinde
Mary Ann Halvorson
Gail Harms
Bruce Harville
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Hayden
John & Sally Helgeson
Mitch & Jess Helle-Morrissey
Mr. David Henige & Ms. Janice Behn
Jane Henning
Mr. & Mrs. Noah Hershkowitz
Mark Hill & Susan Dentinger
Lorne Hillier
Elizabeth Himpsel
Enid Hoffman
Michael & Laura Holt
Carol Holtsapple
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Hopkins
Mr. & Mrs. Ulfert Hornemann
Jim & Lucille Hornung
Wm. Pharis Horton & Carolyn D. Horton
William & Kathryn Hoyt
James Hudson & Diane Martin
Susie Fritz Jablonic
Joann Jansen
Dr. & Mrs. Norman Jensen
Nancy Jesse
James & Joan Jones
Lee & Rosemary Jones
Robert Jorgenson
Phil Kammerer
Al & Dolores Kanner
Barbara Karlen
Lois Karn
Murray & Susan Katcher
Roberta Lynn Keller
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kent
Walter Keough
Halora & Andrew Kidder
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kienitz
Richard & Joyce Kiesling
Judith Kimball
Susan Kirkbride
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Klein
Stephen & Judie Kleinmaier
Mr. Allen Knop & Ms. Linda Sweeney
Robert Koehler
Robert & Edith Korn
James & Joan Krikelas
Patricia Krueger
Richard Kunert & Brenda Spychalla
$100-$249 (continued)
Thomas Kurtz
David & Hilda Kuter
Jacqueline Lahr
Annrita Lardy
Laurence & Frances Weinstein Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Barbara Lazewski
Yvonne Lee
Roma Lenehan
Elsa Leverington
Katherine Lindsay
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lloyd
Louis & Frankie Locke
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Love
Anne Lucke
Joan Lundin
Marjory Lyford
Ezra & Stephanie Lyon
Mr. Gary Lyons & Ms. Jayne Squirrell
James & Susan Madden
Arden & Linda Mahlberg
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Mahr
Mary Malaney
William Mallatt
Olvi & Claire Mangasarian
Robert March
Greg Markle & Sor Kuan Goh
Pat Marshall
Leonard Massie
Colleen McCabe
Mrs. Margaret McClung
Brent & Deborah McCown
Richard McCoy
Holly McEntee
Paul & Jane McGann
Katherine McGrath
Esther McIntosh
Chan & Bev McKelvey
Mark & Joyce Messer
Don & Ann Michalski
Mike & Sally Miley
Joel & Deborah Minkoff
Pat & Jim Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Moore
John & Jeanne Morledge
Peter & Donna Napoleone
National Mutual Benefit
David L. Nelson & Brook Soltvedt
Chris & Pam Neumann
Paul & June Neumann
Richard Niess & Laurie Elwell
E.J. & Olive Nordby
James & Monica O’Brien
Linda Baldwin & Vincent O’Hern
Richard Olbrich
Ronald & Wilma Olson
Steven & Pamela Olson
Sandra Osborn
Katherine Parello
Edna Parisi
Seymour & Ruth Parter
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Patterson
Ernest A. Pellegrino, Jr., M.D.
Merle & Barbara Perkins
Kato Perlman
Anne Slaughter Perrote
Susan Peters
Mr. Ralph Petersen & Ms. Helen Horn
Portfolio 21 Investments, Inc.
Jay Poster
Sue Poullette
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Preizler
Judy Rabinowitz
Ken & Nancy Ragland
Joseph Ranney & Rebecca Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Rathke
Nancy Rebholz
Maurice & Arlene Reese
Tom Liebl & Anne Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Vilas Rickey
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Risjord
William & Diane Risley
Peter Ritz & Carrie Macklin Ritz
Ruth Robarts
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey B. Roberts
Robert & Constance Roden
Steve Roffler
Jeff & Pat Roggensack
Nancy Roisum
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick Roseboom
Steve & Kathy Rothering
Michael & Judith Rothschild
Kendall & Mary Rouse
Larry & Marilyn Ryan
Barbara Samuel
William & Leah Sandholm
Louise Schadauer
Eileen Schein
Tom & Lynn Schmidt
Joyce Schneider
Beverly Schrag
Vernice Schreier
John Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Schuette
Lynda Schultz
Steven Schulze & Kim Knorr
William Segar
Ashok Sekhar
Jane Selegue
Louise Shannon
Grace Shaw
Marleigh Sheaff
John & Twila Sheskey
Anne Short
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Siegel
Joe & Jeanne Silverberg
Scot Simpson & Phyllis Davis
Tom & Patti Sinclair
Prof. & Mrs. Marcus Singer
Charles Smalley & Connie Palmer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Smith, Jr.
Florian & Louise Smoczynski
T.J. & Mary Sobota
Phillip Stark
Henry Steinberger & Gail Jacob
Joseph & Jamie Steuer
Elaine Stevens
Lynne Stevens
John Stott & Patricia Sanford
Milton Sunde
Tom & Eileen Sutula
Jeffrey Swiggum & Lori Smetana
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Thacker
Gerald & Priscilla Thain
The Capital Group
Thomson Reuters S&T Technologies Group
Susan Toth & Nancy Jane Peirce
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Traut
Larry & Esther Travis
Elizabeth Tuttle
Mudit Tyagi & Amy Karon
Daniel & Selma Van Eyck
Charles & Susan Varco
Paul & Jackie Vastola
Steven Vedro & Beverly Gordon
Michael & Jane Voichick
Charles & Gloria Waity
John & JoAnn Wall
Karen Warren
George Weidner & Marilyn Yeates
Mr. & Mrs. James Weiland
June & C. H. Weisberger Blanchard
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth West
Paula Wick
Barbara Williams
Paul & Coe Williams
Chandin Wilson & Susan Overlock
Robert J. & Vera Wilson
John & Nancy Woods
Mr. John Yin & Ms. Teresa Lau
Mr. M. Crawford Young
Mr. & Mrs. James Youngerman
Robert Zank
Wilbur Zemlicka
Doris Zumhagen
$99 and under
Anonymous - 107
Mr. & Mrs. William Ahern
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Albert
Mildred Albrecht
Mrs. Nancy Alfano
Alliant Energy Foundation, Inc.
Brian & Luanne Alme
Gordie & Betty Amick
Mrs. Lois Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Andreas
Emy Andrew
Michael & Rima Apple
Barb Arnett & Ellen Sullivan
Stephen & Barbara Arnold
Allen Arntsen
Carole Ayres
Susan Balliette
Jennifer Ballweg
Howard & Lindy Barden
Charles & Elizabeth Barnhill
Jeffrey & Angela Bartell
Susan Barthel
James & Dorothy Batt
Clint Bauch
Margaret Baumgartner
Marvin & Elloise Beatty
Robert Beilman
Mr. John Bell & Ms. Lauren Bern
Lois Bell
Sandy Bell
Molly Belt
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Bender
Sandra Bennett
John Benton & Lori Grapentine
Bridget Berning
Ghita Bessman
Barbara Bickford
Tom & Kathy Bier
Larry Black & Barbara Roeber
Gladys Blanchar
Robert Blank
Linda Bloom
David Blough
Donald & Barbara Boe
Carl & Myrtle Boedecker
Barbara Boehm
Paul & Ann Boyer
Lorraine Bradley
Norma Brantner
Scott & Mary Braucht
Mr. & Mrs. David Braunschweig
Michael Bridgeman
Pauline Bruhnke
Mary Buchner
Paul & Suzanne Buckner
Tim Budke
Catherine Buege
Vladimir & Natalia Bulat
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bunge
Saretta Burke
Zachary Burns
Mr. Michael Cain & Ms. Anita Sprenger
Maureen Calabrese
Ruth Calden
Carrie Callahan
Carol Cameron
Sylvia Cantu Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Max Carbon
Bradley Carl
Sharon Carlson
Eleanor Caro
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Carruthers
Joseph & Mary Cassinelli
Eleanor Cautley
John Cerveny
Sandra Cesnik
Robin Chapman
Phillida Charly
Robert & Susan Chase
John Chladek
Janice Christensen
Jim Christensen
Leonard Cizewski & Cheryl Robinson
Louise Clark
Mr. & Mrs. James Cleasby
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Clemons
Constance & William H. Clune
Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Cohen
Terry Cohn
Mary Collet
James Conway & Katherine Trace
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Cotter
Cecilia Coyle
Joyce Crim
Alan & Karen Crossley
Gordon & Vera Cunningham
Erma Curtis
Annette Czarnecki
Eligio D’Agostino
John Dadmun
Richard & Peggy Daluge
Edward & Elizabeth Daub
Stephen Dembski
Jean DeMerit
Bill Brooks & Jane Dennis
Bea & Gene Dewey
Jane Dickert
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Dillman
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Dilweg
Sarah Dimiceli
Aaron Dobbs
Mr. & Mrs. John Doll
Robert & Nancy Dott
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Downs
Kay Drew
Shirley Dumas
Therese Duranso
Diana Durant
Thomas Eckstein
Mr. & Mrs. David Edie
Bruce Ehlke
Susan Eichhorn
Linda Eisele
Eli Lilly & Company Foundation
Gay Eliason
Charles Elson
Janet Emmerich
Brad & Rita Emmert
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Emmrich
Beverly Engeldinger
Patricia Evans
Mr. & Mrs. David Fahrbach
Linda Fahy
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Falch
Eugene Farley
Hildy Feen
Mary Jo Feeney Gebhardt
Jennifer Feiler
James & Kathleen Felice
Mary Lou Feller
$99 and under (continued)
Anna Femrite
Robert Ferrett & Cynthia Fesemyer
Mark Fiess
Dale & Janine Finke
Edith First
Claudia Fischer
Dianne Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. John O. Fleming
David & Barbara Flesch
Kevin Fliege
Milton & Emily Ford
Carolyn Foster
Barb & Jeff Foster
Robert Fowler
Mr. & Mrs. John Franz
Barbara Fraser
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Freese
Mr. & Mrs. John Frey, III
Hannah Friedlander
Carol Froistad
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Gardner, Jr.
Anna Garner-Strickon
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Gavin
David Gebauer
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Geishirt
Ken & Joan Gelhaus
Lois Gerbitz
Mary Ellen Gerloff
Elizabeth Gill
Steven & Nancy Gloe
Walter & Eleanor Gojmerac
Stanley Goldfarb
James & Laura Good
Thomas Goodwyn
Evangeline Goth
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Graebel
Jennifer & Peter Gray
Aggie & Mark Gretzinger
Mary Beth Griepp
Margaret Griffenhagen
Mr. & Mrs. John Grimm
Jane Griswold
Gay & Mark Gross
Lisa Grueneberg
Katharine Guanella
Lila Gullixson
Roy Gumtow
Dennis Gustin & Sandra Martinson
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Guyot
Timothy Hacker & Carol Chen
Ellen Hadidian & Peter Braugher
Warren Hagstrom & Doleta Chapru
Shirley Haidinger
Lawrence & Arneita Halle
Patricia Halpin
P. Hammer
Clarence & Lucille Hamre
Mr. & Mrs. Cletus Hansen
Don & Mary Harkness
Reta Harring
Inge Harris
Theodore Peterson & Paula Haseman
Rudolph & Ilse Hecht
Donald & Norma Heeren
Simon & Billie Hellerstein
Phyllis Helmer
Michael Helser
Douglas Hemken
Roger & Natalie Hendrickson
Douglas Hendrix & Sherrie Gates-Hendrix
Patricia Herrin
Steve Herschleb
Julia Heusinger
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert R. Hillman
Ruth Hind
Lois Hindhede
Mr. & Mrs. George Hinger
Judy Hoard & Beth Ringgenberg
Ruth Hodgson
Les & Susan Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Hogg
Allen Holzhueter & Kathryn Hartman
Dianne Hopkins
Ruth Horrall
Ja-Ja Howe
Sarah & Brad Hughes
Michael & Lori Hundt
D. William & Marilyn Hurst
John & Marlene Hurst
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ihlenfeld
Irene Ilgen
Betty Iltis
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Iwen
Joanne Jacobson
Sarah Jamison
Dr. Manucher J. Javid
Debra Jellings
Jeffrey Jerred & Yael Gen
Bonnie Jevne
David Johnson
Frances Johnson
Jean Johnson
Johanna Johnson
Ralph Johnson & Nancy Westphal-Johnson
Roberta Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Raleigh Jones
Madhu & Sudha Joshi
Susan Juncer
Axel Junker & Linda Danielson
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Kahn
Mr. & Mrs. Don Kaiser
Mr. & Mrs. William Kakuske
Carol Kalscheur
Shuhsi Kao
David Karbler
Jeanette Kautzer
Elisabeth Kaveggia
Mr. & Mrs. John Kayser
Claude Kazanski & Madelyn Leopold
Sally Kelling
Mr. & Mrs. Leland Kempf
Ann Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kerns
H. Lois Kibbe
Joey & Kelly Kick
Marian Kienitz
William Kilgour
Andrew Kimmel & Suzanne Neumann
Donna Kind
Lesley Kircher
James & Lee Ann Kleeman
Kristina Klehr
Mary Klehr & Allen Cross
Dolores Klein & Delores Robillard
Daniel Lee Kleinman
Helen Knechtges
Heidi Knight
Jean Knoche
Jon Knudsen & Anne Judine-Knudsen
Marilyn Knutson
Lewis Koch
Lisa Koch
Stan & Sharon Koenig
Patricia Kokotailo
Lois Komai
Kevin Komarek & Carol Van Hulle
Cynthia Koschmann
Doris Kox
Esther Kretschmar
Darlene Kriesel
Roland & Irma Krogstad
James & Polly Kuelbs
Charles Kulp
Helen Kuntz
Merilyn Kupferberg
Margaret S. Lacy
William & Maxine Ladwig
Jeffrey Lange & Eileen Marsh
Dr. & Mrs. Charles B. Larkin
Joan Lawrence
Robert & Betsy Lee
Mr. Peter Leeds & Ms. Heidi Luebke
$99 and under (continued)
Yudie Leibovitz
John & Joyce Leichtenberg
Joanne & Bob Lenburg
Victor Levine
Beverly Lewis
Kathleen Lieber
Margaret Lindberg
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lindsay
Barbara Lockwood
Thomas Loeser & Delia Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Longstreth
Alice Lundeen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mahler
Mr. & Mrs. Art Mann
D.W. Marek
Alison Lindsay Mares
Edward Marion & Margaret Maroney
Laurel Mark
Theresa Martell
Doris Marten
Harold Martin
Ann & Tom Martinelli
Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Marty
Roger & Norma Mason
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Matthews
Mr. Edward Mayland
Anne McAleavy
Mary Lou McBride
Marie McCabe
Mr. Ralph McCall & Ms. Beth Horning
Peter & Mary McCanna
Daniel & Mari McCarty
Karen McCarty
Carole McEvoy
Lucile McFee
Nancy A. McGill
Julianne McGowan
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McGraw
Mr. & Mrs. Francis McGuire
Marilyn McIntyre
Judith McMahon
Kathleen McQuade
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Meehan
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Meehan
Meghan Meeker
Tod & Marcia Melotte
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Melton
Michael Meton
Norma Metzen
Michael Best & Friedrich LLP
Bruce & Kay Michaelis
Fred & Judy Middleton
Lisa Miller
Paul & Margaret Miller
Steven Mintz
Bruce & Nuria Moffat
Michael Mogil & Barbra Kronborg-Mogil
Kate Morand
Mel Morgenbesser
James & Mary Moser
Susan Motisi
Susan Mueller
Jay & Jennifer Mulder
Jacqueline Mulhern
Ann Munkres
Earl & Eleanor Munson
Alice Nagel
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Naughton
Geri Naymick
Edward Nelson
Kay Nelson
Allan & Aileen Nettleton
P. A. Neuhengen
Mr. & Mrs. George O. Neumann
Daniel & Gillian Nevers
Robert Newsom
John & Betty Nicka
Niewold Family
Wilbert Noltemeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Notbohm
Daniel O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. David H. O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. John O’Neill
Ray & Star Olderman
Lewy Olfson
James & Sharon Olle
Frances Olsen
Bill Olson
Jim & Judy Olson
Margaret Olson
Norman & Darlene Olson
Richard & Marcia Olson
Steven & Kaaren Oreck
Elayne Orr
Richard & Dianne Ottow
Fred & Lynda Paasch
Donna Paske
Edna Paske & Charles Pruett
Mr. & Mrs. Hamang Patel
Ann Paulen
Laurie Peccini
Donna Peckett
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Peik
Donald & Ina Penberthy
Russel & Joan Perttunen
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Peterson
Joan Phelan
Helene Phelps
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Phelps
Pierce’s Supermarket Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pifer
Kevin & Melissa Pittsley
Katherine Place
Dina Plumb
Guy Plunkett III & Joanne Harper Plunkett
Linda Poehlman
J. Polansky
Patricia Poses
Gary Poulson
Adrienne Pressman
Michael Pressman & Marsha Cohen
Christopher Queram
Imtiaz & Nausheen Qureishi
Debra Rabin
Paul Rabinowitz & Birgit Christensen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Radtke
Ronald T. Raines & Laura L. Kiessling
Elaine Rattunde
Richard & Mary Ann Reale
Melissa Reeder
Maude Regne-Karlsson
Charles & Sheri Rein
Mary Remily
Janet Reschke
Mike & Pam Rewey
Mr. & Mrs. Mikhail Reyfman
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Reynolds
Rayenna Rhys
Kathryn Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Riggs
Jocelyn Riley
Fred Risser
Sylvia Robertson
Richard & Barbara Robinson
Rae Rocca
John Rockenbach
Gaylen Roe
Mark & Dana Roffers
Leroy Rogers
Cynthia Rose
Jules Rosenthal
Richard Ross & Margaret Harrigan
Barbara Roth
Jane & Douglas Roughen
Barry & Joanne Rowe
William Rowe
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Rumbaugh
Catherine Runnels
Evelyn Russell
Morris Sadicario
Ruth Saecker
Toshio & Jeanne Saiki
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Salisbury
Marta Sanyer
David Sauer
$99 and under (continued)
Ruth Saunders
Scott & Carol Sawyer
Lisa Schaefer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Schaefer
Bonita Schey
William & Geraldine Schlecht
Kenneth Schmitt
Robert Schmook
Mr. & Mrs. Hans Schneider
Helen Schneider
Paul & Sylvia Schoff
Steven Schooler & Marsha Mansfield
W. Thomas Schrader & Monica Jaehnig
Eileen Schroeder
Betty Schuchardt
Sarellen Schuh
William Schwab & Leslie Grant
Robert & Sara Schwartz
Robert & Virginia Schweiger
Allan Scidmore
Mr. & Mrs. Sherwood Seigel
Subhra Sengupta
Richard & Natalie Sewell
Patricia Seybold
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Shawkey
Mr. & Mrs. Toby Sherry
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shinners
Dolores Shiveler
Ken & Kelly Sidikman
Geoffrey & Kirsten Siemering
Judy Sikora
Lynn Silverman
Mike & Nancy Sloan
Janine Smiley
Charles Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Smith
Margaret Smith
Patricia Smith
Rose Smith
Carol Snell
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Sokolow
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Solomon
Karen Sorenson-LaValley
Melissa Sosman
Elizabeth Spencer & Lisette Fonder
June Spencer
Joann Spring
Emily Stanley
Richard & Victoria Stauber
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Stege
Charlotte Stein
David Steingass
Mr. & Mrs. Joel V. Stenman
Hattie Stevens
Meg Stevens
Harriet Stoll
David & Luanne Storley
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Stoudt
Jacquelynn Straavaldsen
John Straughn
Paul Strommen & Judith Leimer
Mary Struckmeyer
Mrs. Jean Sumi
Dorothy Sund
Ross Swaney & Elizabeth Greene
Ken Swift & Diane Coccari
Karl Taeuber
Marjorie Thiers
William Thomas
Joseph & Pauline Thome
Kate Thompson
Lou Thornsen
Robert & Margaret Timpane
Mr. & Mrs. John Tolch
Marcia Topel
Barbara Trapp
Marlene Treadaway
Ruth Tsotsis
Diane Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tuttle
Jan & Stan Tymorek
Barbara Unger
Mr. & Mrs. L. M. Unverzagt
Mr. & Mrs. John Van Note
Linda VandenBerg
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Vanderby, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Vandervest
Vicki Vanevenhoven
Georgene Vitense
Yvonne Vitense
Mr. John Voegeli & Ms. Jean Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Von Schneidemesser
Burton & Georgia Wagner
Diane Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Walker
William & Anna Walker
Walter & Sarah Washburn
Dale Waterstreet
Curtis & Janice Weatherhogg
Millie Webb
Laurence Weber
Max Weber & Maureen Griffin
Guy Webster
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Wehrle
Karen Lee Weidig
Allyn Weinert
Sybil Weinstein
Lee Weiss
Nancy Welch
Edward Wellin
Donna & Paul Werth
Mr. & Mrs. William Whisenant
Donald White
Mary White
Russ & Liz Whitesel
Joseph Wiesenfarth
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wilder
Patricia Wilker
David & Carol Williams
Elyn Williams
Marc & Marcia Williamson
David Wilson & Ann Jarvella Wilson
Jeff Wilton & Ann O’Brien
Helen Wineke
Marjorie Winkelhake
Patty Winspur
Lori Wirth
Wisconsin Planned Giving Council
Mary Jane Wiseman
Robert & Martha Witt
Barbara Wogsland
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Wold
Barbara Wolfe
Robert & Patricia Wood
Ms. Charlotte Woolf
Diane Worden
Al & Dale Wortley
Clarice Wortzel
Rolf & Susan Wulfsberg
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Yeazel
Edwin Young
Phyllis Young
Stephen & Janet Zimmerman
Mr. & Mrs. James Zylstra
In memory of Virginia Dymond
Fred & Judy Middleton
Laurie Peccini
Helene Phelps
In memory of Sylvia Epstein
Katherine Parello
Eileen Schein
In memory of Norma Hanson
Stephen & Barbara Arnold
Ray & Mary Evert
Barbara Karlen
Ann Michalski
Steven J. Mintz
Kay Nelson
In memory of David Jamieson
Ray & Mary Evert
Reta Harring
Lois Hindhede
Jacqueline K. Lahr
D.W. Marek
Robert & Virginia Schweiger
Georgene Vitense
In honor of Judith Klehr
Kristina Klehr
Mary Klehr & Allen Cross
In memory of Glenn V. Larson
Halora & Andrew Kidder
Susan B. Kidder
In memory of James G. Marshall
Wisconsin Planned Giving Council
Patricia Marshall
Richard & Dianne Ottow
Christopher Queram
Kenneth & Joan Riggs
Dolores Shiveler
In memory of John L. McClung
Jane Griswold
Lisa Koch
Dina Plumb
Jane & Douglas Roughen
Marta Sanyer
Meg Stevens
Robert & Margaret Timpane
In memory of Helen Navarre
Jenni & Chris Collins
Scott & Carol Sawyer
In memory of George O. Neumann
James & Kathleen Felice
Mark & Aggie Gretzinger
Margaret Griffenhagen
Ellen Hadidian & Peter Braugher
P. Hammer
Andrew Kimmel & Suzanne Neumann
Yudie Leibovitz
Michael Mogil & Barbra Kronborg-Mogil
Chris & Pam Neumann
Mary Neumann
Paul & June Neumann
Charles & Sheri Rein
Gaylen Roe
Louise M. Shannon
Diane Worden
In honor of James & Judy Olson
Ellis & Susan Bauman
Steven Schooler & Marsha Mansfield
In honor of Jane Pearlmutter
Terry Cohn
Judith Guyot
Anne Reynolds
Maureen Griffin
In memory of Margaret Stephenson
Ann Michalski
Peter Stephenson
Anonymous in memory of Edith Fuller
Anonymous in memory of Lorraine Stoefen
Anonymous in memory of Gertrude Goldstone
Anonymous in memory of Katherine Sieker
Larry Black & Barbara Roeber in honor of
Barbara Besadny
Thomas M. Boykoff in honor of
Jules, Max & Molly Boykoff
Scott & Mary Braucht in honor of Bill Braucht
Sheila & Marcus Cohen in honor of
Gabriel & Isaac Wasserman
Aaron Dobbs in honor of Connie & Bill Lamm
Jennifer Gray in honor of Jeanette Golden
& Janet Sarnow
Jane Henning in honor of Barbara Karlen
Ja-Ja Howe in honor of Kadence Jackson
Sarah Jamison in honor of Jean Espenshade
Paul & Margaret George Kaufman in honor of
A Room of One’s Own
Jane Lewis in honor of Dawn Lewis
Janet & John Lubniewski in honor of
Alexandra Lubniewski
John Morledge in honor of Paul Morledge
John & Betty Nicka in honor of Ginny O’Brien
Diane Nienow in honor of Delores R. Buenger
Daniel O’Connor in honor of Louise Jacobs
Judy Rabinowitz in honor of Patricia A. Pollard
Ruth Saecker in honor of Marguerite Saecker
Joan Schmit in honor of Rebecca Buckman
Ruth Tsotsis in honor of Natalie
& Erica Somerson
Charles & Gloria Waity in honor of
Christina Wagner
Russ & Liz Whitesel in honor of Steve Olson
Patricia Wilker in honor of Wilker
& Turner Bayer
George & Catherine Tesar in memory of
Katherine Krno
Catherine Buege in memory of Dennis Buege
Lois Audrey Nelson in memory of Evelyn Scott
Nancy Ryan in memory of Ted Ryan
Ruth Tsotsis in memory of Kathryn Jane
Mahany Kerrigan
Mildred Albrecht in memory of Norman
Lois M. J. Albright in memory of
Dr. John G. Albright
Robert Jorgenson in memory of
Shirley-Dawn Jorgenson
Marilyn Knutson in memory of John Knutson
Nora Cusack in memory of Kathryn Elwers
Gordie & Betty Amick in memory of
Levi & Minnie Amick & Lester & Vera Moe
Jennifer Ballweg in memory of Charleen Ballweg
Marie Berman in memory of Jeff Lea
Lorraine Bradley in memory of
Mavis Monson & Robert Osterkil
William Brumsickle & Henny Regnier
in memory of Carol Giltz
James Clum in memory of Cynthia M. Clum
William & Constance Clune in memory
of Stephanie Stemberk
Mary Collet in memory of Richard Collet
William S. Cudlipp III in memory of
Harriet Mercer
Thomas DeChant in memory of Marie DeChant
Jane Dennis in memory of Barbara Dennis
Shirley Dieter in memory of Donald G. Dieter
Frederick & Ivy Edelman in memory of Robert
Edelman & Estelle Dreizin
Bruce Ehlke in memory of Jackie Ehlke
Gay Eliason in memory of Madeline Wallace
Janet Emmerich in memory of Paul Emmerich
Richard Erney in memory of Alice Craig Erney
George Fait in memory of Mitzi Fait
John & Catherine Frey in memory of
David Schwab
Timothy & Jean Gavin in memory of Veryl Pfaff
Julia Heusinger in memory of Steven Heusinger
& Brent Vidulich
Bonnie Jevne in memory of Fred
& Thelma Benck
Roberta A. Johnson in memory of Brett Harman
Murray & Susan Katcher in memory of
Ben & Belle Schulak
Thomas & Jennifer Kerns in memory of
Albert Zeier
Annrita Lardy in memory of Hank Lardy
Gary Lyons & Jayne Squirrell in memory of
Norman Lyons
Stewart Macaulay in memory of John Ramsey
Laurel Mark in memory of Dorothy Levy
Colleen McCabe in memory of Jason Paul
Karen McCarty in memory of Thomas Loesch
Paul & Jane McGann in memory of
Helen Irene Schwerzler
Francis & Kay McGuire in memory of
Mary Jane Gordon & Felicita McGuire
Esther McIntosh in memory of
Richard McIntosh
Judith A. McMahon in memory of
David R. Anderson
Alice Nagel in memory of Viola Rohner
Steven & Pamela Olson in memory of
Henry Phillips
Judy Rabinowitz in memory of
Patricia A. Pollard
Jeff & Gail Roberts in memory of
Claire Aubrey Roberts
Barbara Roth in memory of Lawrence Shapiro
Larry & Marilyn Ryan in memory of
Betty Frater
Barbara Samuel in memory of W. T. Lamm
Beverly Schrag in memory of John Schrag
William Schwab & Leslie Grant in memory of
Bernard Schwab
Jane E. Selegue in memory of
Wilbur L. Eberhart
Harvey & Judith Sokolow in memory of
Doris Klassy
June Spencer in memory of Stanley Spencer
Jean Sumi in memory of Harold Sumi
Dorothy Sund in memory of Julian Sund
Judith Thompson in memory of
John & Rebecca Phillips
Paul & Donna Werth in memory of Ken Biba
William & Patricia Whisenant in memory of
Louise C. Boughton
Royce S. Williams in memory of Herbert
& Eve Howe & Theodore Page
Chandin Wilson & Susan Overlock in memory
of David & Jo Wilson
Larry & Donna Wold in memory of
Jeanne Olson
Barbara Wolfe in memory of Gilbert
& Alta Pulvermacher
Clarice Wortzel in memory of Arthur Wortzel
Edwin Young in memory of Phyllis S. Young
Anne Zellhoefer in memory of Helen Zellhoefer
Doris Zumhagen in memory of
Vernon Zumhagen
In 2011, the Learning for a Lifetime Campaign was just beginning, but support was
already pouring in from around the Madison community raising $3.2 million for the
new Central Library. These gifts, including $53,000 from library staff, helped bring
the campaign total to over $4.8 million – more than halfway to the $9 million goal.
Madison Community Foundation • W. Jerome Frautschi Foundation
Mary P. Burke • Cheryl Rosen Weston & Douglas Stewart Company
Anonymous (2) • Friends of the Madison Public Library • Irwin A. and Robert D. Goodman Foundation • Webcrafters-Frautschi Foundation
American Family Insurance
Arntsen Family
Andrew & Anna Burish
CUNA Mutual Foundation
Dick Goldberg & Lisa Munro
Jack Lussier
Stafford Rosenbaum LLP
The Wolman Family in memory of
Anne Wolman
Fred & Mary Mohs
Judy P. & Jim Olson
Tom & Karen Ragatz
Carol & Jim Ruhly in Memory of Velma
& King Ruhly
Tripp & Nancy Widder
David Wood & Jane Doughty in honor of
Mary N. Doughty & Ann E. Wood
Anne Wolman
Dan & Pat Cornwell
Barbara & Ted Crabb
Tom DeChant in memory of Marie DeChant
Susan Tikalsky & Albert Friedman
John & Karen Icke
Thomas J. & Nancy Mohs
Nimick Forbesway Foundation
Barbara Williams
Woodman’s Markets
Barbara Karlen in honor of Barb Dimick
Anne Lucke in memory of Marcie Madden
Jessica & Scott Mac Naughton
The Navarre Family
Dean & Orange Schroeder
Rob & Mary Stroud
Google Community Grants Fund of
Tides Foundation
Dr. Bob & Susan Titus
Michael Verveer
Royce Williams & Family
Mary & David Anderson
Courtier Foundation, Inc.
Marvin Levy
A. Paul Jones Charitable Trust
Anonymous (2)
Susan & Ellis Bauman
Capitol Bank
American Transmission Company
Sally & Tom Basting
Jim & Libby Bradley
Nancy & Chuck Carpenter
Richard G. Chandler & Heidi M. Pankoke
Barbara Dimick
Anonymous (5)
Elizabeth H. & Richard Askey
Mark E. Benno
Niles & Linda Berman
Rebecca M. Holmes & Bennett J. Berson
Sheila Boothby Stevens
Bradley Cantrell & Patrick Flanagan
Carissa & Jay Christner in memory of
Bridget Zinn
Peter Clark
Jenni & Chris Collins
Nora Cusack
Romeo Dais
Carla & Michael DiIorio
John & Monica Dyar
James L. Eggler
Tana Elias & Andrew Clarkowski
Ann Falconer
Marc & Eve Galanter
Jac & Edye Garner
Marc & Christine Gartler
Margie Devereaux & Dave Hall
Sally & Lee Hansen
Lois Hindhede in honor of Lakeview
Library volunteers
Rosemary Johnson
Jane Jorgenson
Charles & Valerie Kime
Mary C. Knapp
Greg Markle & Sor Kuan Goh
Rod Matthews & Marie Sieker in memory of
William E. & Katherine T. Sieker
Lisa Mettauer in memory of
Marie B. Warner
Judith & Paul Moriarty
Norman Bassett Foundation
Christopher L. Pesl in memory of
Lolitta J. Pesl
Richard Linster & Patty Prime
Louise Purdy
Glenn Reinl & Sara Krebsbach
Barbara Rex
Peter Ritz & Carrie Macklin Ritz
Louise Robbins
James & Jane Roeber in memory of
Orrilla Blackshear
Wrede (Bud) & Melissa Smith
Anonymous in memory of Oscar
& Bertha Smithback
Lori Smetana & Jeffrey Swiggum
John & Carol Toussaint
Christina Wagner in memory of
John Ohliger
David Wallner & Anne Katz
Ching Wong & Fred Murray
Janice Zmrazek
Often times, the foundation receives donations designated for a specific branch or
purpose. These gifts are intended to address needs ranging from step stools to reach
particularly high shelves, to more titles for popular collections, to scholarship funds
for aspiring librarians.
Branch and Specially Designated Gifts
Anonymous (31)
James & Sandra Adams
Bill & Jane Albert
Jean Allen
Mary Ann Allexi
Alliant Energy Foundation, Inc.
Alonzo & Beatrice Anderson
Edith Anderson
John & Julie Anderson
Dennis Appleton
Rebecca Armstrong
Robin Arnhold
Stephen & Barbara Arnold
Alicia & Hubert Ashman
Elizabeth H. & Richard Askey
Attic Angel Association
Helen Atz
David & Kathleen Baldwin
Mark & Jennell Ballering
Paul & Annemarie Banas
Arlene Banoul
A. Lorraine Barniskis
James & Dorothy Batt
Warren Bauer
Victoria Bear
Verlyn & Lois Belisle
Michael Bell & Diane Mayerfeld
Jim Berbee & Karen Walsh
Virginia Berger
Roland Berns
Peter Berryman & Kristi Seifert
Virginia Bessert
Lynne Bethke
Maurice & Sybil Better
Glenn Beyer
Marilaine Blair-Patrick
Beverly Block
David Blouin & Claire Gervais
Charles & Dianne Boardman
Katherine Bowie
Paul & Ann Boyer
Thomas M. Boykoff
Melaine Brandt
Pamela Bratley
Egon Breckner
Sara Briles
Jack Bromiley
Rosemary Brothers
Tom Brotherton
Jessica E. Brown
Lynn Bucher
Terri Buechner
Catherine Burdick
Stephen & Mary Jane Burrell
James & Debra Butler
Beverly Butor
Edna Canfield
Anthony & Leslie Cao
The Capital Times Kids Fund
Sandra Cesnik
Carol Chapman & William Lauer
John Chladek
Lee & Jean Christensen
Megan Christiansen
Randy Christianson
Jack & Kay Cipperly
Leonard Cizewski & Cheryl Robinson
Lenore Coberly
Teresa Collins
Yvonne Conlin
Ron Cook
Charles & Blanche Cornwell
Robert & Ann Cottingham
Ann Crabb
Elizabeth Crom
Margaret Cullen
Janice Czyscon
Jonathan D’Andries & Beth Godbee
Dane County Credit Union
Leonard & Joanne Danielsen
James & Nancy Dast
Edward & Elizabeth Daub
Kristin Daugherty
Wynn & Loree Davies
Jeannine Denning
Paula Devroy-Everard
Gene & Bea Dewey
Carla & Michael DiIorio
Barbara Dimick
Christopher Dolan & Eileen Hannigan
Lois Doll
Edwin & Linda Drake
Richard Dugan
James & Maria Duncan
Bob & Sue Dunnigan
Allan Durrant
Thomas & Rhonda Ebbers
Paul & Jennifer Eggerling-Boeck
Linda Eisele
Kris Ellefson
Richard & Gayle Ellis
Judy Endle
Tony Ennis
Glenn & Irene Esenther
Walker Evans
Martin & Theresa Evanson
Kathryn Fahey
Mary Ann Fahl
Ann Falconer
Doris Farmiloe
JoAnne Farrell
Janet Faulhaber
David & Marilyn Fayram
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Elaine Fischer
Ellen Fisher
David Flanagan & Maureen McGlynn Flanagan
Robert & Ramona Flanigan
Patrick Flannery & Lynn Freeman
Mark Foster
Michael Foy & Carrie Morgan
Michael & Christine Frankowski
Karl & Judith Frantz
Mark Friedman
Friends of Alicia Ashman Branch Library
Friends of Madison Public Library
Friends of Meadowridge Branch
Friends of Pinney Branch Library
Friends of Sequoya Branch
Friends of the Goodman South Madison
Branch Library
Bruce & Grace Frudden
Pamela Gallagher
Cordelia Gallo
John Gann Jr.
Eric & Julie Gentz
Howard & Pamela Gesbeck
Andy Evenson & Mary Giblin
Karenne Giguere
Deryl Gilligan
Sherri Giordano
Elsie Glass
Valy Goepfrich
Kurt Goetzka & Teresa Adams
Michael Goldsberry
Andrew Goldstein
Sarah Goldstein
Branch and Specially Designated Gifts (continued)
Clifford Goodhart & Elizabeth Miller
Robert B. Gooze
Luba Gordon
Joel Graham
David & Kathryn Granquist
Evan & Deborah Greenland
Craig & Lori Grinde
Patricia Grinyer
Suzanne Hagopian
Arneita Halle
Michael Hammers & Suzanne Bangert
Lee Hansen
James Hansen
Edyth Harb
Gail Harms
Christopher Harrison & Huimin Zeng
Simon & Billie Hellerstein
Rose Helmberger
John Hemming
Jeff Henriques & Laurie Frost
Ramon & Fern Hernandez
Steve Herschleb
Ingrid Hertel
Barry & Diane Hess
Fannie F. Hicklin
R. Tod Highsmith & Joan Braune
Lois Hindhede
Joan Hoffman
Michael & Laura Holt
Randall & Jane Holveck
James & Lucille Hornung
James & Margaret Hrncirik
Beth Hubert
Wayne Hudson
Patricia Huyett
John & Lorrie Hylkema
Charitie V. Hyman
Irene Ilgen
International Foundation for Integrated
Murali & Jayanthi Iyer
Charles James
Jane Rea James
Arthur Janeck
Anne M. Jarmuz
A. Paul & Aileen Jensen
Jeffrey Jerred & Yael Gen
Maggie Jirsa
Gail Jobelius
Ethan Johnson & Maura Ducharme
Howard & Bobbye Johnson
Rosemary Johnson
Marlee Jones
Omer & Mary Jones
Thomas & Sandra Jordan
Mark & Jennifer Kalish
Jocelyn Kane
Joe Kaufman & Emily Feinstein
Edwina Kavanaugh
Claude Kazanski & Madlyn Leopold
Mary Keller
Mary Jane Kelley
Blake & Pat Kellogg
Janet Kennedy
Jane Kessenich
Albert Keup & Betty Thompson
Bill & Linda Keys
Patty King
Dorothy Kittleson
Jerry & Cynthia Klabacka
Marilyn Klement
William & Helen Knechtges
Charles Knipp & Beulah Poulter
Raymond Knudtson
David & Sirgud Knuti
John Koch & Mary Anglim
Mark & Jean Koehl
Karin Kolb
Kevin Komarek & Carol Van Hulle
Nancy Kopp
Gundega Korsts
Peter & Jane Kosolcharoen
Robert Kowal
Philip Krall
Irene Kringle
Christine Krueger
Ginny & John Kruse
Tom & Dee Kuech
Robert Kujawa
Paul & Atsuko Kusuda
David & Hilda Kuter
Margaret Lacy
Jack & Judith Ladinsky
Jane LaFlash
Shannon Lange
Larry & Jennie Lynn Larson
Lindsay Larson
Kathryn Lederhause
Florence Lederman
Rhonda Lee
Laurence & Ann Libert
Sarah Lind
Mary Linder
Tracy Lipinski
Shirley Lipke
Steven & Janel Lipton
Noelle Loconte
Carroll & Elaine Lohr
Adele Loria
Richard & Jean Lottridge
Alice Ellis Lundeen
Liz Lusk & Susanne Dane
Frank & Lenore Lusson
Michele & Steve Lustig
Pam Mache
Madison Civics Club
Madison Community Foundation
Madison Eagles Auxiliary # 623
Theodore Maglio & Sarah Bland
Jeff & Barb Maly
Margaret Marriott
Evan Marschand
David & Shareen Martin
Victor & Vincenza Martinelli
John & Susan Mauritz
Cynthia May
Vada Mayfield
Marie McCabe
Tom & Jeri McCormick
Mary Ann McCoshen
Nancy McCulley
Nancy A. McGill
Michael McLain
William & Cynthia McWilliams
John & Linda Merrill
Gary & Julie Meyer
Kurt Meyer & Astrid Newenhouse
Ann Michalski
Midvale Heights Community Association, Ltd.
Wilton Sanders & Sue Milch
Philip Miles
Sally & Charles Miley
Walter Miner
Steven Mintz
Jack & Patricia Mitchell
Thomas Mitchell & Lisa Alexander
Bruce & Nuria Moffat
The Monroe Street Library League
Bruce & Lucy Moore
William Morrissey
James & Mary Moser
Maureen Mullins
Don Mulseberg
Joan Murphy
Sara Myers & Ben Clary
Patricia Nametz
Helen Navarre
Dipesh Navsaria & Rania Huntington
Geri Naymick
Kay Nelson
Margaret Nelson
Judith Nepokroeff
Agate Nesaule
Branch and Specially Designated Gifts (continued)
Paul Nesja
Allan & Aileen Nettleton
Kelly Newbold
Larry & Kathy Nix
James & Monica O’Brien
Eric Olson
Judy & James Olson
Norman & Darlene Olson
James & Amy Onofrey
Jeffrey Pertl & Bethany Ordaz
Marjon Ornstein
Renee Ostrowski
Elizabeth Paddock
Kimberly Palmer
Sharon Palmer
Park Bank
Gretchen Patey
Mary Pautz
James Peltola
W. H. & Barbara Perloff
John & Patricia Peterman
Douglas Peterson
Harry & Sylvia Peterson
Judy Peterson
Tom Petkus
Lisa Pfaff
Pierce’s Supermarket Inc.
Paul Pingrey & Karen Atz
Hulbert & Deloris Pinkerton
Plato, UW-Madison
Andrea Poehling
Jonathan & Elissia Pollack
Gary Poulson & Sue Wagner
Kenneth Quinn & Mary Alderson Quinn
Mary Radford
Douglas & Laurel Ranney
Anne Rauh & Kellen Backer
Karen Reger
Emily Reich
John Reindl
Margaret Rentmeesters
Hank & Kay Revercomb
Frank Riojas
John & Betty Roberts
Susan Robillard
Susan Robinson
William Robinson & Katherine Magnuson
John Rockenbach
Jennifer A. Rodis
James & Jane Roeber
Ernest & Evelyn Roost
Mary Lee Rossmaessler
Mike Roszkowski & Sheilah Harrington
Douglas & Jane Roughen
Laurie Rouleau
Rouse Management, Inc.
Roland & Ruth Rueckert
Tim Rupinski
Jane Sadusky & Kimberly Bean
Ruth Saecker
Gaspare J. Saladino
Peter Sammataro
Don & Barb Sanford
John & Mary Santarius
Dianne Sattinger
Sauk Creek Neighborhood Assoc.
Louise Schadauer
Mark Schimke
Patricia Schleicher
Christopher Schmidt
Kenneth Schmitt
Peter Schmitt
Darren Schoer & Julie Horst
Orange & Dean Schroeder
Emmett & Mary Ann Schulte
Gwen Schultz
Robert & Sara Schwartz
Judy Schwickerath
Ralph & Esther Scott
Sandy Scott
Richard & Natalie Sewell
Mark Shahan & Laura Brown
Joseph & Grace Shaw
Theresa Sheldon
Joe & Jeanne Silverberg
Susanne Simmons
Tom & Patti Sinclair
Kathi Smith
Louis & Elsbeth Solomon
Larry & Sally Soltis
Guy & Eileen Somers
South Central Library System
Madison South Rotary Foundation
South Metropolitan Planning Council
Mark Spring & Nancy Washburn
St. Mary’s Hospital
Christopher & Kimberly Stalker-Herron
Dan & Beth Standiford
Claudia Standorf
Emily Stanley
Janice Steinberg
Peter Stephenson & Mary Massey
Elaine Stevens
Prudence Stewart
Frank & Anne Stoll
Dennis Stone
Rick & Jeanne Strickland
Nancy Stroud
Susan Stucki
David Sulman & Anne Altshuler
Shirley Sundquist
Jeffrey Swiggum & Lori Smetana
Bob & Jeanne Tabachnick
Christopher Tall
Kenneth Taylor & Kristin Davis
Todd Taylor
Dale & Kathleen Tessmer
Gerald & Priscilla Thain
Gregory Thain & Miriam Levinson
Think Toner & Ink
Amy Thornton
Angela Thorp
Denes Tobie
Marcia E. Topel
John & Carol Toussaint
John & Willeen Tretheway
Thomas & Nancy Turman
Mudit Tyagi & Amy Karon
Earl & Mary Updike
Deborah Uram
Judith Van Blarcom
Marjorie & Robert Van Handel
Edward H. Vidruk
Terry Virlee
Francesco & Jeanne Vitale
Ann Waidelich
Charles & Gloria Waity
Stephen Wajda & Deborah Brandt
J. Randal Wallar
Bailey & Katherine Walsh
Gerri Wanserski
Anne Washbush
Patricia Watkins
Sharon Webster
Dave Wegner
William & Molly Weiler
Marc & Lee Weinberger
Alan Weld & Elizabeth Ludwig
Laurie Wermter
Jack Werner
Westmorland Neighborhood Association
Maurice & Grace White
Russ & Liz Whitesel
Nancy Widmer
Karl & Susan Wigdal
Elyn Williams
David & Judy Williamson
Mary Williamson
Wipfli LLP
Tom Wolfe & Pat Powers
David Allen Wood & Jane Doughty
Frances & George Wood
Pam & Clint Woodman
Michael & Elaine Yankunas
Norman & Evelyn Young
Theodora Zehner
Jerre Ziebelman
Stephen & Janet Zimmerman
Janice Zmrazek
Steven & Marjorie Zwickel
David Zwiefelhofer & Rita Mullen
Branch and Specially Designated Memorial Honors
In memory of Norma Hanson
Friends of Pinney Branch Library
Jane & Douglas Roughen
In memory of John L. McClung
Elizabeth Carroll
Barbara Wich
In memory of Peter Priegel
Dr. & Mrs. Craig Aswegan
Annette Beyer-Mears
John & Eileen Bonine
Jim Briggs & Vicki Fredrick
Barbara Brochtrup
Kathy Caravella
Peter & Carol Carstensen
Amber Carter
David & Joy Drummond
Bruce & Marsha Gregg
Charlie & Joan Haack
Paulette Harder
Charles & Valerie Kime
Robert & Wanda Martinsen
Bonnie Mitchell
Carol O’Leary
Richard & Dianne Ottow
Peter & Sharon Peshek
Nancy Priegel
Ethel Dahir
Margaret Rasch & David Stute
Tom & Judy Reed
Ronald & Carla Reynolds
Henry & Pamela Riepe
Diane Rose
In memory of Elizabeth “Betsy” Proctor
Ted & Kathy Balcom
Dean Clark
James & Mary Clark
Helen Navarre
In honor of June Roohr
Janaan Sampson
Lynn Schten
Steve Schmitt
Michael & Carol Sullivan
Donald & Arleen Williams
Patricia Winkler
Sandra Arnn in honor of Chris Wagner
William & Mary Buchanan in honor of
Sylvia Stalker
Roland Berns & Telise Johnsen in memory of
Robert Berns
Barbra Fess in memory of Alice S. Fess
Grace Fonstad in memory of Wilfred
Todd & Karen Jones in memory of
Claude Humlie
Mark Kliewer in honor of Guy, Len & Gen at
Monroe St. Branch
Susan Knipfer in memory of Albert Boehme
Susan Knipfer in memory of Jean Frances
Langer Boehme
Lesleigh Luttrell in memory of
Dave Schreiner
David & Ami Olson in honor of James Manly
June Roohr in honor of Lynn & Ed Schten
Kenneth & Mary Shapiro in honor of Caitlin,
Ben & Arlo Haskett
John Selegue in memory of
Wilbur L. Eberhart
Ernest J. Spring in memory of
Elinor A. Spring
Ex Libris: A Review of Beer & Chocolate
In October 2011, the library foundation added a culinary twist to their annual fall
fundraising event. The event, now titled Ex Libris: A Review of Beer & Chocolate,
featured a presentation by Madison author Jim Miller and artisanal beer and
chocolate pairings from local brewers and chocolatiers. Thanks to the sponsors,
donors, volunteers and ticket buyers that participated, the event raised $20,000 for
the foundation.
Andrew Clarkowski & Tana Elias
Axley Brynelson, LLP
CUNA Mutual Group
The Capital Group
EZ Office Products
Mohs, MacDonald, Widder & Paradise
Attorneys at Law
Mortenson Construction
Perkins Coie Charitable Foundation
Potter Lawson, Inc.
Quarles & Brady
Wegner CPAs & Consultants
Wipfli LLP
Gail Ambrosius Chocolatier
Gigis Cupcakes
Sharon & Oliver Goldsmith
Kevin Henkes
Herbert H. Kohl Charities, Inc.
Ila Handbags
Imperial Gardens West
Just the 2 of Us Jewelry
Little Luxuries, Inc.
Madison B-Cycle
Madison Children’s Museum
The Madison Club
Madison Concourse Hotel and Governor’s
Madison Magazine
Madison Mallards Baseball Club
Madison Museum of Contemporary Art
Madison Opera
Mallatt Pharmacy and Costume
David & Linda Maraniss
Jim Murphy & Rosa Garner
Nails 4 U
Nakoma Golf Club
New Concepts Salon
New Glarus Brewing Company
Olbrich Gardens
Oliva Restaurant
Orange Tree Imports
Organic Valley
Pacific Cycle
pc/nametag, inc.
Pizza Brutta
Potosi Brewing Company
Carol & Dean Schroeder
The Soap Opera
Sony Creative Software Inc
Sprecher’s Restaurant & Pub
Steenbock’s on Orchard
Storybook Ballet
Studio Jewelers Ltd.
Taliesin Preservation
Taste of India
Susan & Robert Titus
University Book Store
Ron & Peg Wallace
Whole Foods Market
Wisconsin Historical Museum
The Wisconsin Union
Woodman’s Markets
A Room of One’s Own
A Stone’s Throw
Alan Koa
Ale Asylum
American Players Theater
Bach Dancing & Dynamite
Badger Sports Properties
Blackbird Family Yoga
Boardman & Clark LLP
Brasserie V
Brennan’s Market
The Camera Company
Candinas Chocolatier Inc.
Capitol Kids
Circolo Catering
Claddagh Irish Pub
Craig’s Cake Shop
Edouard & Jeannine Desautels
Dotty Dumpling’s Dowry
Doubletree by Hilton Madison
Douglas Art & Frame
Driftless Studio
Francesca’s al Lago
Furthermore Beer
In-Kind Gifts
Of course, not all donations are delivered via check or credit card. Much of what the foundation
accomplishes with its events and outreach depends on the generosity of individuals and businesses who
donate their goods and services from catering events to hosting them in their home.
Barriques Wine Cave
Marjorie Devereaux & Dave Hall
Tom & Lisa Linfield
Schoep’s Ice Cream Co.
Interim Central Library
126 S. Hamilton Street
Madison, WI 53703
(608) 266-6300
Monroe Street Library
1705 Monroe St.
Madison, WI 53711
(608) 266-6390
Alicia Ashman Library
733 N. High Point Road
Madison, WI 53717
(608) 824-1780
Pinney Library
204 Cottage Grove Rd.
Madison, WI 53716
(608) 224-7100
Hawthorne Library
2707 E. Washington Ave.
Madison, WI 53704
(608) 246-4548
Sequoya Library
4340 Tokay Blvd.
Madison, WI 53711
(608) 266-6385
Lakeview Library
2845 N. Sherman Ave.
Madison, WI 53704
(608) 246-4547
Goodman South Madison Library
2222 S. Park St.
Madison, WI 53713
(608) 266-6395
Meadowridge Library
5740 Raymond Rd.
Madison, WI 53711
(608) 288-6160