an analysis of the translation of sexual terms in the movie
an analysis of the translation of sexual terms in the movie AN ANALYSIS OF THE TRANSLATION OF SEXUAL TERMS IN THE MOVIE “THE UGLY TRUTH” THESIS Submitted as a Partial of the Requirements for Sarjana Sastra Degree of English Department Faculty of Letter and Fine Arts Sebelas Maret University By: NOVIKA TRISKY HARDIKA C0306006 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF LETTERS AND FINE ARTS SEBELAS MARET UNIVERSITY SURAKARTA 2012 commit to user commit to user ii commit to user iii PRONOUNCEMENT Name : Novika Trisky Hardika NIM : C0306006 States truthfully that the thesis entitled “Analysis of Translation Technique and Quality of Sexual Terms in the Movie Entitled The Ugly Truth” is originally written by the researcher. It is neither a plagiarism nor made by others. The statements which do not belong to the researcher are written in quotation and included within the bibliography. If in the future it is proved that the reseacher cheats, the researcher is ready to accept the academic sanction. Surakarta, May 2nd 2012 The researcher Novika Trisky Hardika commit to user iv MOTTO God is with me. Nothing to worry. commit to user v DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to: My beloved Papah & Ibu commit to user vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT All praise is due to Allah SWT for giving all of the knowledge. I also would like to say thank you to all of the followings for making all this possible. 1. Drs. Riyadi Santoso, M.Ed, Ph.D. as the dean of Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts for approving my thesis. 2. Drs. Agus Hari, M.A., Ph.D. as the head of English Department for supporting the completion of my thesis. 3. Prof. Drs. MR. Nababan, M.Ed, M.A., Ph.D. for being my thesis supervisor and teaching me the valuable knowledge and skill of translation. 4. All of my lectures in English Department of UNS, thank you for teaching and educating me. 5. My beloved parents, my sisters (mbak Shinta and mbak Shanty), and my little brother, Shoffin. I thank for all the prayers and supports. I am so happy to have you all as my family. One day, I will make you proud. I promise. 6. Love of my life, Sayidillah Akhmad, S.E. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are amazing. 7. Cindy, Ikha, Ayud, Nina, Dian, Faat, Diva, and Elita. You guys are the best gank ever. Thank you for always supporting me, all the good and bad times we have been through together. 8. Mbak Puspa, VIP (mas Itok and Pondra), Tim Mie Ayam. Thank you guys. You rock!! Lol. commit to user vii 9. My second family, mbak Lina, mbak Ita, mbak Lidya, Mandez. You guys are crazy. Thank for the warmth and comfort, laugh and cry, friends and family. I love u. Itu! 10. My boo (Dila, Lala, Rini, Beka, Ata, Anita, Ima), Vendra, Bimo, Wisnu., and all of my ED 06 friends. You guys are awesome. Such a nice class we had together. My angel in heaven, Wulan. I miss you so much hunny. This is for you, for us. 11. The big family of @SELISOLORAYA. Never thought that we have been through this far. Thank you for all the adventures. Keep going guys. Keep cycling. Go Green! 12. All the raters that have made time for filling out my questionnaires and sharing your knowledge and experience. It means alot. 13. All the wonderful people that can not be mentioned one by one. Thank you for making my thesis possible. Surakarta, May 2nd 2012 The researcher Novika Trisky Hardika commit to user viii TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE ........................................................................................................................ i APPROVAL OF THE ADVISOR ............................................................................ ii APPROVAL OF THE EXAMINERS ...................................................................... iii PRONOUNCEMENT ................................................................................................ iv MOTTO ...................................................................................................................... v DEDICATION ............................................................................................................ vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT ........................................................................................... vii TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................................. ix LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................... xii ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................... xiii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Research Background........................................................................................... 1 B. Research Limitation ............................................................................................. 5 C. Problem Statement ............................................................................................... 5 D. Objectives of the Research ................................................................................... 6 E. Research Benefit .................................................................................................. 6 F. Thesis Organization ............................................................................................. 7 CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW A. Translation ............................................................................................................ 9 B. Translating .......................................................................................................... 10 C. Sexual Terms ...................................................................................................... 11 commit to user D. Subtitle ............................................................................................................... 12 ix E. Translation Technique ........................................................................................ 12 F. Translation Assessment ...................................................................................... 20 G. Summary ............................................................................................................ 21 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research Type and Design ................................................................................. 23 B. Data and Source of Data ..................................................................................... 24 C. Sampling Technique ........................................................................................... 25 D. Method of Data Collection ................................................................................. 25 E. Technique of Data Analysis................................................................................ 27 F. Research Procedure ............................................................................................. 29 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS A. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 31 B. Research Findings and Discussion ...................................................................... 31 1. Classification of Sexual Terms........................................................................ 31 1.1 Sexual Organs ........................................................................................... 32 1.2 Sexual Activities ....................................................................................... 33 1.3 Sexual Orientation .................................................................................... 34 1.4 Sex Characters .......................................................................................... 35 1.5 Sexual Attractions..................................................................................... 35 1.6 Sexual Equipments ................................................................................... 36 1.7 Sexual Emotions ....................................................................................... 36 1.8 Sexual Disease .......................................................................................... 37 2. The Analysis of Translation Techniques Used in the Translaton of Sexual Terms ................................................................................................................... 37 2.1 Literal ........................................................................................................ 39 commit to user x 2.2 Adaptation................................................................................................. 41 2.3 Borrowing ................................................................................................. 43 2.4 Calque ....................................................................................................... 47 2.5 Addition .................................................................................................... 49 2.6 Subtraction or Omission or Deletion ........................................................ 51 2.7 Synonym ................................................................................................... 52 2.8 Particularization ........................................................................................ 54 3. The Analysis of Accuracy and Acceptability Level in the Translation of Sexual Terms .................................................................................................... 55 Accuracy ...................................................................................... 59 Acceptability................................................................................ 64 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 5.1 Research Conclucion .......................................................................................... 71 5.2 Suggestion .......................................................................................................... 74 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDICES commit to user xi LIST OF TABLES Tabel 4.1 Sexual Organs .......................................................................................... 32 Tabel 4.2 Sexual Activities ...................................................................................... 33 Tabel 4.3 Sexual Orientation ................................................................................... 34 Tabel 4.4 Sex Character ........................................................................................... 35 Tabel 4.5 Sexual Attractions .................................................................................... 36 Tabel 4.6 Sexual Equipments................................................................................... 36 Tabel 4.7 Sexual Emotions ...................................................................................... 37 Tabel 4.8 Sexual Disease ......................................................................................... 37 Tabel 4.9 Techniques Used to Translate Sexual Terms in Subtitle of the Movie The Ugly Truth ......................................................................................................... 38 Tabel 4.10 Literal Techniques Used to Translate Sexual Terms ............................. 40 Tabel 4.11 Adaptation Techniques Used to Translate Sexual Terms ...................... 43 Tabel 4.12 Pure Borrowing Techniques Used to Translate Sexual Terms .............. 45 Tabel 4.13 Naturalization Borrowing Techniques Used to Translate Sexual Terms47 Tabel 4.14 Calque Techniques Used to Translate Sexual Terms............................. 49 Tabel 4.15 Addition Techniques Used to Translate Sexual Terms .......................... 50 Tabel 4.16 Subtraction Techniques Used to Translate Sexual Terms ..................... 52 Tabel 4.17 Synonym Techniques Used to Translate Sexual Terms......................... 54 Tabel 4.18 Pure Borrowing Techniques Used to Translate Sexual Terms .............. 55 Tabel 4.19 The Effect of The Translation Techniques and the Level of Accuracy and Acceptability of the Sexual Terms in the Movie The Ugly Truth ..................... 55 Tabel 4.20 Accuracy Classification of Sexual Terms Translation in The Movie The Ugly Truth ......................................................................................................... 60 Tabel 4.21 Accuracy Classification of Sexual commit to userTerms Translation in The Movie The Ugly Truth ......................................................................................................... 66 xii ABSTRACT Novika Trisky Hardika. 2012. An Analysis of The Translation of Sexual Terms in the Movie “The Ugly Truth”. Undergraduate Thesis. Surakarta: English Department. Faculty of Letters and Fine Art, SebelasMaret University. This research discusses about the translation techniques of sexual terms in the movie The Ugly Truth and the assessment quality in terms of accuracy and acceptability. The research design is descriptive qualitative that uses two kinds of data sources. The first is in the form of document consisting of the VCD of the movie The Ugly Truth, script, and subtitle of the movie’s dialogue. The second are from the closed-ended questionnaires about the assessment quality of the translation fulfilled by three raters who are competent in the field of translation. There are 102 data obtained from data sources. There are two results of this research. First is the presence of eight techniques used in sexual terms translated in the movie. They are literal (37.25%), adaptation (3.92%), borrowing (24.51%), calque (9.80%), addition (0.98%), subtraction (9.80%), synonym (12.75%), and particularization (0.98%). The second is the findings that there are 57 data (55.88%) are accurate, 36 data (35.29%) are less accurate, and 9 data (8.82%) are inaccurate. There are also 65 data (63.73%) are acceptable, 29 data (28.43%) are less acceptable, and 8 data (7.84%) are unacceptable. commit to user xiii AN ANALYSIS OF THE TRANSLATION OF SEXUAL TERMS IN THE MOVIE “THE UGLY TRUTH” Novika Trisky Hardika1 Drs. Agus Hari Wibowo, M.A, Ph.D.2 ABSTRACT 2012. An Analysis of The Translation of Sexual Terms in the Movie “The Ugly Truth”. Undergraduate Thesis. Surakarta: English Department. Faculty of Letters and Fine Art, SebelasMaret University. This research discusses about the translation techniques of sexual terms in the movie The Ugly Truth and the assessment quality in terms of accuracy and acceptability. The research design is descriptive qualitative that uses two kinds of data sources. The first is in the form of document consisting of the VCD of the movie The Ugly Truth, script, and subtitle of the movie’s dialogue. The second are from the closed-ended questionnaires about the assessment quality of the translation fulfilled by three raters who are competent in the field of translation. There are 102 data obtained from data sources. There are two results of this research. First is the presence of eight techniques used in sexual terms translated in the movie. They are literal (37.25%), adaptation (3.92%), borrowing (24.51%), calque (9.80%), addition (0.98%), subtraction (9.80%), synonym (12.75%), and particularization (0.98%). The second is the findings that there are 57 data (55.88%) are accurate, 36 data (35.29%) are less accurate, and 9 data (8.82%) are inaccurate. There are also 65 data (63.73%) are acceptable, 29 data (28.43%) are less acceptable, and 8 data (7.84%) are unacceptable. 1 2 Mahasiswa Jurusan Sastra Inggris dengan NIM C0306006 Dosen Pembimbing CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Research Background It cannot be denied that translation is instrumental in the development of science and technology today. Lots of texts, books and other written media are deliberately translated to increase knowledge and support in-depth study of a science or technology. This is where the role of the translator is very big. Translator is not only required to be able to change text from one language into another language, but also to send the right message from the source text into the target text. If the translator cannot convey the message properly, misunderstandings are possible to occur. It does not stop at that point. A translator must also be able to make the target text as natural as the source text. In order to achieve such results, the translator needs to learn and understand cultures, the culture of the country of origin of the source text, and culture of the country of origin of the target text. If this can be achieved, then the translation result will look natural, not contrived, and it will be easier to understand because the reader will feel like he is reading texts originating from its territory. commit to user 1 2 As explained by Haltom Basil and Ian Mason (1990: 223) in their book entitled Discourse and the Translator: Most obviously, the translator has not only a bilingual ability but also a bi-cultural vision. Translators mediate between cultures (including ideologies, moral systems, and socio-political structures), seeking to overcome those incompatibilities which stand in the way of transfer meaning. Therefore, the translator must also understand well the culture of the languages involved in the translation process when it comes to translate the terms that are considered sensitive by the target readers for example, sexual term which is considered taboo and vulgar in Indonesia. Sex, one word might reveal a lot of questions and statements. Maybe some people will react indifferently and ordinarily when they hear that “sex” word but in our environment that still adhered to western cultures, the “sex” word is considered vulgar and taboo for many people. These days, Indonesia is facing an intense period of development, those in terms of economic, politic and sociocultural development. One aspect of social changes marked in Indonesia is related to sex. Teenagers and young people change their attitudes, ideas, and behaviors in relation to sex. A number of associated social problems have emerged such as high rates of unplanned teen’s pregnancy, high rates of transmission of Sexually Transmitted Infections including HIV/AIDS, and a general lack of understanding about sex. These aspects reveal a lack of a sufficient Sexual and Reproductive Health Education program across schools of Indonesia. Along with changing times, much less supported by the introduction of advanced technology, a lot of commit to user 3 western cultural influences coming into our country and then change the mindset of people about things that are taboo and vulgar like sex itself. There are so many elements of western culture coming into our country and in between cannot escape the element of sex. Novels, music, and movies are some of the media elements that are more frequently exposed to sex itself. Sex in the movies for example, is regarded as an important insertion although the film did not raise the same theme. Although just a kiss or hug affectionately, it can be separated from the romantic side of sex. The writer wishes to discuss the sexual terms in the film, is not to highlight vulgar side of these terms. It is because there is still little discussion about these terms, they have ambiguous meaning, and Indonesian language only has sexual terms far fewer than the sexual terms used in the United States that uses English as their mother language. The sexual terms are also commonly used in medical science and psychology field. The examples of sexual terms used in medical science are syphilis, vagina, penis, etc. While, the examples of sexual terms used in psychology are puberty, pedophilia, sexophobia, etc. The writer would like to eliminate the slight feeling of taboo and vulgar terms in discussing sex and a glimpse of it for educational purposes and it is not due solely to pay attention to the vulgar only. Here are some examples of sexual terms taken from the movie The Ugly Truth: commit to user 4 1. Context : This utterance is spoken by a saleswoman who is offering Abby Richter a cocktail dress. Data number : 048/ TUT/ 00:36:18 SL : Vag says you're trying too hard. TL : Kalau kau perlihatkan, itu tandanya kau putus asa. The word vag above is a continuation of the vagina that is popular language in the source language is abbreviated such a manner. Moreover in the subtitle, the word is adapted and compensated into a new expression. It makes the results of the translation is acceptable but not accurate. 2. Context : Mike Chadway addressed to two sexy girls who walked with him speaks this utterance. Data number : 028/ TUT/ 00:28:15 SL : I smell threesome. TL : Aku mencium threesome. The word threesome is not changed at all from the source language into the target language. This is called borrowing, often done if there is no equivalent word in the target language. The use of this borrowing could be accurate but may be less acceptable to some people who still lay with the term. Whereas, if it is described in the Indonesian language it then becomes three people who perform a sexual activity at the same time. commit to user 3. Context 5 : Mike Chadway to Abby Richter says the sentence when they talk about Abby's sex life. Data number : 075/ TUT/ 00:47:07 SL : Abby, what could be more personal than you flicking your bean? TL : Apa yang lebih pribadi dari masturbasi? The phrase flicking bean in the source language is translated as masturbasi. This is done because of flicking bean is an idiomatic phrase to masturbasi. Therefore, the term is acceptable and accurate. The movie was chosen because the film has a number of data needed to meet the standards of research data and because the movie does not present many sex scenes. B. Research Limitation The scope of this research is limited to the analysis of the techniques used by the translator in translating sexual terms in subtitle of the movie The Ugly Truth from English into Indonesian language and its quality in terms of accuracy and acceptability. C. Problem Statement According to the background, thus the researcher made an analysis related commit to user to the movie The Ugly Truth by raising two questions: 1. 6 What techniques does the translator use in translating sexual terms in subtitle of the movie The Ugly Truth from English into Indonesian language? 2. How is the translation quality of sexual terms in subtitle of the movie The Ugly Truth from English into Indonesian language? D. Objectives of the Research This analysis of sexual terms in subtitle of the movie The Ugly Truth has two objectives, they are: 1. to find out the techniques used by the translator in translating sexual terms in subtitle of the movie The Ugly Truth from English into Indonesian language. 2. to find out the translation quality of sexual terms in subtitle of the movie The Ugly Truth from English into Indonesian language. E. Research Benefits This research is not intended only for the researcher purposes of final assignment, but it is also expected to be useful to several parties, such as: 1. Other researcher This research can be used to add information and reference about the translation, subtitling, or sexual terms discussed in it for those who need it. commit to user 2. 7 The lecturers This research is expected to be a reference and additional information for lecturers in the teaching process. 3. The translator This research is expected to be the input for translators in translation techniques apply to sexual terms. F. Thesis Organization 1. Chapter I: INTRODUCTION It consists of Research Background, Research Limitation, Problem Statement, Objectives of the Research, Research Benefits, and Thesis Organization. 2. Chapter II: LITERATURE REVIEW It consists of the definition and explanation about Translation, Translating, Sexual Terms, Subtitle, Translation Technique, Translation Assessments, and Summary. 3. Chapter III: RESEARCH METHODOLODY It consists of Research Type and Design, Data and Source of Data, Sampling Technique, Method of Data Collection, Technique of Data Analysis, commit to user and Research Procedure. 8 4. Chapter IV: ANALYSIS It consists of Introduction and Research Findings and Discussion. 5. Chapter V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION It consists of Research Conclusion and Suggestion. commit to user CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Translation There is no definite definition of translation. However, some experts try to give an idea about translation. Bell (1991: 5) suggests that the translation is the expression in another language (or target language) of what has been expressed in another, source language, preserving semantic and stylistic equivalence. Catford (1965: 20) gives simpler definition about translation. He states that translation is an operation performed on languages; a process of substituting a text in one language for a text in another. His definition does not cover meaning, style, and form of the text. It only mentions about the changing of a language into another language. Translation can be applied in many manners. Newmark (1991) also believes that translation is a cover term that comprises any method of transfer, oral or written, from writing to speech, from speech to writing, or message from one language to another. This is done by going from the form of the first language to the form of the second language by way of semantic structure (Larson, 1984). Therefore, it transfers source language into target language without changing its meaning, but only its form. commit to user 9 10 From the definitions mentioned above, it can be concluded that the translation is a cover term that comprises method of transferring message from one language (source language) into another language (target language), oral or written, preserving semantic and stylistic equivalence. Before finding equivalent word, phrase, clause, or sentence in target language, a translator needs to analyze the meaning contained in the form that will be translated (Simatupang, 2000). Therefore, the translator must be able to convey the message properly and correctly, with language style that is not rigid so that the readers or the listeners will feel comfortable to enjoy the result of the translation. B. Translating All products require a process before they can be consumed. So is the translation, which requires a process to produce it. Translating consists of reproducing in receptor language the closest equivalent of the source language message, first in term of meaning and the secondly in term of style (Nida and Taber, 1974). In other words, it is a process of imitating the meaning of source text into target text‟s language and style. Simatupang (2000: 2) describes that translating is transferring meaning of source language into target language to express it back in target language with target language‟s forms as natural as possible according to rules applicable in target language. He emphasizes about the importance of meaning that has to be delivered by translator from source language into target language. commit to user 11 It is important to notice that language tends to differ most in generic terminology, rather than in specific. When translating relatively specific words, it is usually easier to find a close equivalent (Larson, 1984). This relates to the fact that specific vocabulary has more exact equivalent in target language rather than generic vocabulary does. C. Sexual Terms A term, defined in Terminology for Translators— an Implementation of ISO 12620 (2000), can have a range of related meanings depending on the area of specialization. A term is also identified as technical word because the term can only be used in certain field. Concerning sexual terms, Fromkin and Rodman in Tatan Mutakin (2009), state: “Words relating to sex, sex organs, and natural bodily functions make up a large part of the set of the taboo words of many cultures. Some languages have no native words to mean “sexual intercourse” but do borrow such words from neighboring people. Other languages have many words for this common and universal act, most of which are considered taboo.” Newmark (1988) explains that a translator must be careful about translating the terms directly into the TL, if they already exist but have quite different functions in the TL culture. Thus, besides understanding translation theory and technique, translator also has to know each culture (source language culture and target language culture) so that translator can minimize the problem faced in translating terms. commit to user D. Subtitle Subtitle is a text of dialogue description written in television program or movie that appears onscreen. Luyken et al as cited in Koolstra‟s (The Pros and Cons of Dubbing and Subtitling) journal state that an advantage of subtitling is that a subtitled program is more „real‟ and more closely resembles the original program than a dubbed program, because actors, presenters, etc. are heard with their own voices (1991). Koolstra et al, in The Pros and Cons of Dubbing and Subtitling (2002) states that the language used in subtitles is different from the language used in books: subtitles comprise colloquial speech instead of written language. Language used in subtitle is simpler than the language used in books because it usually contains of daily utterance. E. Translation Technique Translation techniques, which are used to translate subtitle, have an effect on the translation product in term of its quality. Molina and Albir (2002: 509) permit that translation techniques are procedures to analyze and classify how translation equivalence works. There are techniques used by translator to translate source language into target language. Translation scholars offer various translation techniques. They can be applied individually or simultaneously to complement each other. There commit to user 12 13 are some translations techniques according to the classified list of translation techniques as defined: 1. Literal translation Literal translation is applied to translate a word or an expression word for word (Molina and Albir, 2002: 510). In other words, lexical words translated by using word-to-word. While the structure of grammar and syntax adapted from the structure of the source language into target language structure. That is as same as what Wills (1977: 98) explains about this technique that emphasizes the change of syntactic structure. He calls it as traduction litterale. It means the replacement of SL syntactic structures, normally on the clause or sentence scale, by TL syntactic structures which are isomorphic (or near isomorphic) concerning number and type of speech and are synonymous in terms of content. For example, cat is kucing in the Indonesian language and should not be interpreted in more than a small-bodied four-legged animal, and is in a feline family (Suryawinata, 2003: 40). 2. Adaptation Adaptation is the replacement of a ST cultural element with one from the target culture (Molina and Albir, 2002: 509). For example, as white as snow, is translated into seputih kapas, not seputih salju because there is no snow in the target language. commit to user 3. Borrowing Borrowing technique is a translation technique that take a word or expression straight from another language. It can be pure (without any change) or it can be naturalized (to to fit the spelling rules in the TL) (Molina and Albir, 2002: 510). It also called as emprunt that is the carry-over of SL lexical lexemes or lexeme combination into the TL normally without formal or semantic modification (Wills, 1977: 97). Borrowing technique is applied because the translator want to show respect for those words or because of TL does not have the equivalence. There are two types of borrowing, as follow: a. Transliteration or pure borrowing is a technique of translation that defends the originality of target language words. For example, keyboard is still translated directly into keyboard. b. Naturalization is a translation technique, which the term is borrowed and modified. For example, calculator is translated into kalkulator of which the pronunciation and spelling have been modified. 4. Calque (loan translation) It is applied to translate phrases or words from source language literally into target language (Molina and Albir, 2002: 510). Wills (1981) offers more detail about calque. It is loan translation (linear substitution) of morphologically analyzable SL syntagms (primarily noun compounds and adjective-nouncollocation) which are often accepted or at least tolerated by the TL community. commit to user For example, interest rate is translated into tingkat suku bunga. 14 5. 15 Modulation Modulation involves a shift in perspective and changes the semantics in the TT, even though the basic meaning of the ST segment remains unchanged (Munday, 2009: 208). Translator have to understand the source language text then conveys the message contained in it by changing the angle of view of the phrase, clause, or sentence so that the resulting translation will feel more natural than if it is translated literally. It is applied to change the point of view, focus or cognitive category in relation to the source language text (lexical or structural) (Molina and Albir, 2002: 509-511). For example, I broke my leg is translated into Kakiku patah, not Aku mematahkan kakiku. 6. Transposition Transposition is applied to change a grammatical category (Molina and Albir, 2002: 511). It is an option if it is done for only the reasons of style. It renders an SL element by syntactico-syntagmatic structures, which have the same meaning but do not correspond formally (because of the change in the class of words used) (Wills, 1977: 98). For example, a verb in the target language text is converted into a noun in the target language text. 7. Addition This type of addition is not a matter of choice but a necessity (Suryawinata, 2003: 67). For example, the sentence Saya guru in Indonesian language as source language will be translated as I am a teacher. The addition occurring in that commit to user example does not make any change of meaning. The addition occurred because of differences in grammatical structure of the source language that requires the presence of the word "am" and "a". 8. Subtraction or Omission or Deletion Subtraction means a subtraction in the structural elements in the target language. Similar to addition, subtraction is a necessity (Suryawinata, 2003: 68). The subtraction here is the subtraction of the words in the target language. For example, the sentence You should go home will be translated as Kamu harus pulang. The word go is subtracted in target language. Translators can also eliminate phrase, clause, or even a sentence that is considered unimportant. However, if this is done, it may result the message within a text will not be conveyed accurately. 9. Synonym A synonym is only appropriate where literal translation is not possible and because the word is not important enough for componential analysis (Newmark, 1988: 84). Synonymy is not only used in one common language, as it is often found in Indonesian language, but it can also be applied in translating words from one language into another language. A synonym is a word that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word in the language (Duran, 2006:156). For example, the sentence What a cute baby you’ve got! that will be translated as Alangkah lucunya bayi Anda! (Suryawinata, 2003: 73). commit to user 16 10. 17 Description Description is a translation technique that is aplied to replace a term or expression with a description of its form or/ and function (Molina and Albir, 2002: 510). The translation explains the source language. For example, Academy Award is translated into penghargaan film paling besar di Amerika. 11. Amplification It is a translation technique, which makes explicit or paraphrase of implicit information in source language. It provides implicit information, which is not in the source text (Molina and Albir, 2002: 509-511). It introduces details that are not formulated in the source language. For example, Ramadan is translated into Muslim month of fasting or bulan puasa kaum muslim. 12. Compensation It is used when something cannot be translated from source language into target language, and the meaning that is lost in the translation is expressed somewhere else in the target language (Molina and Albir, 2002: 509-511). For example, the sentence Never did he visit his father is translated into Pria itu sungguh tega tidak menemui ayahnya. 13. Discursive creation It is a translation technique applied to establish a temporary equivalence that user and Albir, 2002: 510). This is totally unpredictable out of commit context to(Molina technique is applied in order to increase its attractiveness as well. For example, Sophie Weston‟s novel entitled The Independent Bride that is translated into Kekasih Pilihan. 14. Established Equivalent It is to use a term or expression recognized as an equivalent in the target language (Molina and Albir, 2002: 509-511). For example, ringtone is translated into nada dering 15. Generalization It is to use a more general or neutral term. It transfers subordinate term in source language into super ordinate term in target language (Molina and Albir, 2002: 510). It is an opposite technique to particularization. For example, pen (specific) which is translated into alat tulis (general). 16. Linguistic Amplification It is applied by adding linguistic elements into the target language (Molina and Albir, 2002: 509-511). This technique is commonly used in consecutive interpreting or dubbing. For example, broken heart is translated into patah hati. 17. Linguistic Compression It is a translation technique, which can be applied in simultaneous interpreting or subtitling by synthesizing linguistic elements in the target language commit to user 18 (Molina and Albir, 2002: 509-511). For example, Shut your mouth! is translated into Diam!. 18. Particularization It is applied to use a more precise or concrete term (Molina and Albir, 2002: 510). It translates super ordinate word in source language into subordinate word in target language. It is in opposition to generalization. For example, padi, beras, nasi are tranlated into rice . 19. Reduction It is applied to suppress a source language information item in the target language (Molina and Albir, 2002: 509-511). It is in opposition to amplification. For example, Muslim month of fasting or bulan puasa kaum muslim is translated into Ramadan. 20. Substitution It is a translation technique which is applied by changing the elements of linguistic and paralinguistic (intonations or signs) (Molina and Albir, 2002: 511). For example, someone shows his two fingers (index finger and middle finger) to say peace. commit to user 19 F. Translation Assessments Larson (1984) proposes there are three conditions that have to be fulfilled to make a good translation. Those three conditions are: 1. The translation has to apply target language form properly. 2. The translation has to communicate meaning as much as the source language does in the same manner as meant by source language speaker to target language speaker. 3. The translation has to preserve the dynamic of source text of which source language speaker obtains the impression. Nababan (1999) says that translation quality assessment is focused on three main factors, they are: 1. The accuracy of transferring message 2. The accuracy of expressing the message in target language 3. The naturalness of translation The explanation above covers all the measurement of translation quality; they are accuracy, readability, and acceptability. These three features are important throughout the translation, so the entire translation must be checked for each one (Larson, 1984). Accuracy is concerned with the equivalence and appropriation of a translation in transferring message from source language into target language. In commit to user 20 translation assessment, it is important to consider whether the contain of the translation is accurate or not (Simatupang, 2000). A good translation is a translation which can convey the message of source text into target text with language form and style as same as target language culture so that target readers will feel like reading an original text. Where it is inaccurate, it is defective, either due to the translator‟s ignorance or due to negligence, or because one or more of the factors is out of focus in relation to the translator‟s intention (Newmark, 1991). Toury (1997) states that acceptable translation is the one fulfilling the requirement of „reading as an original‟ written in the TL and sound natural for the target reader rather that of „reading as the original‟ in SL. An acceptable translation is a translation that employs form and style language from target language, and has diction commonly used and familiar in target language. G. Summary In Sacramento, the producer of a morning show Abby Richter (Katherine Heigl) is a controller that has a checklist with items about the ideal man for her. However, she cannot find any man that fulfills her prerequisites. Her show has problems with the low ratings and the TV direction hires the cynical chauvinist Mike Chadway (Gerard Butler) that hosts the popular and gross mannish show "The Ugly Truth" about what men and women really want in a relationship. Abby has frictions with Mike and he proposes to help her to get her attractive commit to user 21 22 2 neighbour, Colin, who fulfills her checklist; in return, she would support him in the show. Abby dates Colin but when Mike is invited to participate in the Craig Ferguson's Late Late Show in San Francisco, they get closer and fall in love for each other. commit to user CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research Type and Design This research is a descriptive qualitative research because the expected outcome would not be in the form of numbers, but in the form of a description quality of a translation product, especially in terms of acceptability and accuracy. Although it used statistical data but this research was qualitative rather than quantitative research because a descriptive research is a research of which the aim is to describe something (Malhotra, 2007). The results from a descriptive research cannot be used as a definitive answer or to disprove a hypothesis but if the limitations are understood, they can still be a useful tool in many areas of scientific research. The design of this research was a case study. It is a study explores an issue with detailed restrictions, has a depth of data collection, and includes various sources of information (Moleong, 2000). It also could evolve according to the situation on the field. This design was only used as an assumption for doing research. That is why it has to be flexible and open. commit to user 23 B. Data and Source of Data One of the most important ideas in a research project was data and source of data. Data are notes about the facts of the phenomenon or circumstance that are observed or researched. While, source of data is someone or something that the researcher can obtain information and data s/he needs then. There are two types of source of data observed in this research, they are: 1. Document The documents employed in this research are the VCD of movie The Ugly Truth, script, and subtitle of the movie's dialogue. The script was found from a web Moreover, the subtitle was available in the movie itself. From these documents, the sexual terms were collected. 2. Informants There were three raters who are competent in the field of translation would be asked their opinion about the quality of translations of sexual terms in the movie The Ugly Truth in term of accuracy and acceptability. Their opinions are noted in the form of questionnaires. commit to user 24 C. 25 Sampling Technique Sampling is the technique of selecting one or more research subjects as a representative of the population so that the resulting sample is a representative population. Therefore, the data used in this research are informative and they represent the population of the one taken in it. Population, as Zuriah (2007: 116) explains, is all the data that concern researcher in a scope and time set. Sampling technique is the way to select sample from population. The selected data from population are known as sample. This research used total sampling technique because the data were heterogenic and the researcher did not take only one or some of the data to represent the population but the data taken were the whole utterance containing sexual terms in the movie The Ugly Truth. Each of data included in population could be called as element. D. Method of Data Collection Method of data collection is a procedure that the researcher accomplished in gathering data for this research. During gathering the data, the researcher had to do some methods. According to Djoko Dwiyanto (2010), there are two techniques of data collection; they are literature study and field study. Literature study is done by reviewing the written data. Literature study conducted in this research was reviewing script and subtitle of the movie The Ugly Truth. The researcher needed commit to user the written data of its script and subtitle so that she could easily read and 26 compared its utterance and context with the spoken dialogue in the movie. The researcher selected all utterance containing sexual dialogue terms from the written data of the movie script (source language) and subtitle (target language) then make a note of the data. In this study, data were collected by direct contact from researcher with the ground situation. There were two ways taken to collect data, such as: 1. Observation The data were examined by watching the whole movie from beginning to end. This was done to determine and to get the point of its content story The Ugly Truth and the context of each conversation that is used in this movie. 2. Questionnaire This research used closed-ended questionnaire that encourage a simple answer. The criteria of the raters involved in this research are as follows: a. Raters agree to participate in this research. b. Raters have a good ability in mastering source language (English) and target language (Indonesian language). c. Raters comprehend about translation theory and technique. d. Raters have at least one professional experience in translation. commit to user 27 In questionnaire, raters gave score for each data to find out the accuracy and acceptability level of the sexual terms translation in form of scale determined as follows: Scale 3 2 1 Scale 3 2 1 E. Description Accurate The sexual term translation is equal and appropriate. Less accurate The sexual term translation is not clear enough. Inaccurate The sexual term translation is not equal and not appropriate. Description Acceptable The sexual term translation is commonly utilized in target language. Less acceptable The sexual term translation is infrequently utilized in target language. Unacceptable The sexual term translation is certainly not utilized in target language. Technique of Data Analysis Data analyses in qualitative research were inductive and sustainable to generate understanding and concept. After all the data containing sexual terms were collected, they would be processed again with the following steps: 1. Classifying the data into smaller groups The purpose of classifying the data into smaller groups is to make researcher more easily in analyzing the data based on their function in sentences that contain that term. After data classified, data were given data number. For example, data number: 010/ TUT/ 00:37:52. It means that the datum is contained commit user at 37th minute and 52nd second. in the number 10 from the movie The UglytoTruth 2. Adjusting the data with the context of conversation throughout the movie The data were adjusted from source language and target language one-byone then each pair of data was adjusted again with the context of the conversation in the movie The Ugly Truth. 3. Comparing data derived from the subtitle script contained in the movie The Ugly Truth After all the data adjusted with the context of the conversation, they were compared to get assessments in terms of accuracy and acceptability. 4. Making questionnaire Questionnaires were constructed and then they were given to the three raters. In those questionnaires, number scales were created ranging from 3 to 1 to facilitate the provision of value to the quality of translation of sexual terms in the movie The Ugly Truth. 5. Counting and describing the result of the questionnaires Once the questionnaires were completed giving score by the raters, the score would be calculated to determine the percentage of translation quality of sexual terms in the movie. Data were examined using Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Afterward, the results of the translation quality assessment were analyzed and described. commit to user 28 F. Research Procedure In this study, the researcher needed to do some procedures that consist of systematically intellectual activities, among others: 1. Determining the topic and problem statements Before the topic determined, source data were examined to find phenomenon by researcher. After that, the topic was indentified to be examined and then problem statements were made by the researcher. 2. Doing research literature The theories and quotations were collected. They had to relate to the topic of discussion and formulation of the problem for this research. The research literature was obtained from some various books and journals related to the topic. 3. Collecting data All data were collected from the sources then they were filtered again become necessary data. The collected data must be also ensured that they were in accordance with those of the source data. In this stage, it took a few systematic intellectual methods as has been described before. commit to user 30 4. Analyzing data After all the data of sexual terms were collected and obtained, they were analyzed in terms of acceptability and accuracy from the raters’ questionnaires results. 5. Making conclusions Conclusions were made from the data analysis that had been done. The conclusions were acquired from the answers of the problem statements that were proposed by the researcher before. 6. Creating report A report were made after the research finished. That report restrained of the explanations about the processes and the results of the research. It was written by using the adjusted applicable provisions. commit to user CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS A. Introduction In this chapter, researcher will analyze and discuss about her findings in this research to answer the problem statements mentioned in the first chapter about the translation techniques used by the translator and the translation quality assessment (accuracy and acceptability) of sexual terms in subtitle of the movie The Ugly Truth from English into Indonesian language. B. Research Findings and Discussion 1. Classification of Sexual Terms This chapter consists of the classification of sexual terms found in the movie The Ugly Truth. There are eight classifications of sexual terms in the movie. The first classification is sexual organs, the second classification is sexual activities, the third classification is sexual orientation, the forth classification is sex characters, the fifth classification is sexual attractions, the sixth classification is sexual equipments, the seventh classification is sexual emotions, and the last classification is sexual disease. commit to user 31 32 1.1. Sexual Organs A sex organ or primary sexual characteristic is any of the anatomical parts of the body that are involved in sexual reproduction and constitute the reproductive system in a complex organism ( wiki/Sex_organ). There are twenty-seven sexual organs found in the movie. Table 4.1 Sexual Organs in the movie The Ugly Truth No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. SL balls tits ass vagina breast butt breasts boobies vagina vagina ass ass dick ass ass penis tits crotch crotch cock cock cock cock cock cock penis penis commit to user Data Number 001/ TUT/ 00:02:23 005/ TUT/ 00:09:21 006/ TUT/ 00:09:21 013/ TUT/ 00:15:12 031/ TUT/ 00:29:06 032/ TUT/ 00:31:56 044/ TUT/ 00:35:41 046/ TUT/ 00:36:01 047/ TUT/ 00:35:11 048/ TUT/ 00:36:18 049/ TUT/ 00:36:20 050/ TUT/ 00:36:26 051/ TUT/ 00:36:40 052/ TUT/ 00:37:04 061/ TUT/ 00:38:21 064/ TUT/ 00:41:40 065/ TUT/ 00:42:51 066/ TUT/ 00:43:07 067/ TUT/ 00:43:07 084/TUT/ 00:58:33 085/ TUT/ 00:58:49 086/ TUT/ 00:58:49 087/ TUT/ 00:58:55 089/ TUT/ 00:59:00 090/ TUT/ 00:59:01 093/ TUT/ 00:62:10 094/ TUT/ 00:62:58 33 1.2. Sexual Activities It refers to activities associated with sexual intercourse ( Human sexual activities, human sexual practices, or human sexual behavior refers to the manner in which humans experience and express their sexuality. There are forty-seven sexual activities found in the movie. Table 4.2 Sexual Activities in the movie The Ugly Truth No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. SL blowjob sexual-harassment sexually harassing sex hooking up had sex erection erection erections erection dump-ass kiss kiss puberty blowjob threesome naked naked orgasm orgasm orgasm orgasm orgasm erection erection sexually teasing flirting commit to user Data Number 007/ TUT/ 00:09:31 011/ TUT/ 00:13:38 012/ TUT/ 00:13:38 014/ TUT/ 00:16:14 015/ TUT/ 00:17:40 016/ TUT/ 00:17:44 017/ TUT/ 00:17:49 018/ TUT/ 00:17:52 019/ TUT/ 00:17:54 020/ TUT/ 00:17:56 021/ TUT/ 00:18:06 022/ TUT/ 00:18:45 023/ TUT/ 00:18:51 026/ TUT/ 00:21:28 027/ TUT/ 00:25:39 028/ TUT/ 00:28:15 029/ TUT/ 00:29:06 030/ TUT/ 00:28:50 038/ TUT/ 00:34:59 039/ TUT/ 00:35:00 040/ TUT/ 00:35:03 041/ TUT/ 00:35:04 042/ TUT/ 00:35:05 053/ TUT/ 00:37:14 054/ TUT/ 00:37:53 056/ TUT/ 00:38:01 057/ TUT/ 00:38:07 34 No. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. SL Data Number 058/ TUT/ 00:38:08 059/ TUT/ 00:38:09 062/ TUT/ 00:38:24 063/ TUT/ 00:38:46 068/ TUT/ 00:44:15 069/ TUT/ 00:44:18 070/ TUT/ 00:44:22 071/ TUT/ 00:45:49 074/ TUT/ 00:46:43 075/ TUT/ 00:47:07 076/ TUT/ 00:47:18 078/ TUT/ 00:50:29 079/ TUT/ 00:50:32 091/ TUT/ 00:59:06 095/ TUT/ 00:63:26 096/ TUT/ 00:64:06 098/ TUT/ 01:03:15 099/ TUT/ 01:09:48 100/ TUT/ 01:11:16 102/ TUT/ 01:26:19 flirt flirt ass-grabbing turning on sex sex gangbang have sex masturbating flicking bean have sex oral sex oral sex slept sexually frustrated having sex naked have sex had sex fuck 1.3. Sexual Orientation Sexual orientation describes an enduring pattern of attraction – emotional, romantic, sexual, or some combination of these – to the opposite sex, the same sex, both, or neither, and the genders that accompany them ( There is one sexual orientation found in the movie. Table 4.3 Sexual Orientation in the movie The Ugly Truth No. 1. SL lesbian commit to user Data Number 008/ TUT/ 00:10:38 35 1.4. Sex Characters Sex characters are those characteristics (both anatomical and psycologycal) that are strongly associated with one sex ( relative There to are the other eleven sex characters found in the movie. Table 4.4 Sex Characters in the movie The Ugly Truth No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. SL Data Number 010/ TUT/ 00:12:58 033/ TUT/ 00:33:33 034/ TUT/ 00:33:34 035/ TUT/ 00:33:35 055/ TUT/ 00:37:53 072/ TUT/ 00:46:01 073/ TUT/ 00:46:11 080/ TUT/ 00:58:08 081/ TUT/ 00:58:11 082/ TUT/ 00:58:22 092/ TUT/ 00:59:33 whores bitch bitch bitch stripper deviant deviant man-whore man-whore man-whores slut 1.5. Sexual Attractions Sexual attraction or sex appeal is atrraction based on sexual desire or the quality of arousing such interest. It may be to a person’s looks or movement or to their voice or smell, besides other factors ( There are three sexual attractions found in the movie. commit to user 36 Table 4.5 Sexual Attraction in the movie The Ugly Truth No. 1. 2. 3. 4. SL hot hot hot slutty Data Number 009/ TUT/ 00:11:26 024/ TUT/ 00:21:06 025/ TUT/ 00:21:14 083/ TUT/ 00:58:33 1.6. Sexual Equipments Sexual equipment refers to every tools which are involved to give seduction, pleasure, and satisfaction in sexual activity. It is also called as sex toy which is an object or device that is primarily used to facilitate human sexual pleasure ( The equipment can be wore (such as underwear, bra, lingerie, bikini, etc) and can be used in sexual activity (such as vibrator, dildo, etc). There are seven sexual equipments found in the movie. Table 4.6 Sexual Equipments in the movie The Ugly Truth No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. SL lingerie bras bra. underwear brief vibrator Data Number 004/ TUT/ 00:09:10 043/ TUT/ 00:35:41 045/ TUT/ 00:35:58 060/ TUT/ 00:38:19 077/ TUT/ 00:47:58 088/ TUT/ 00:58:58 1.7. Sexual Emotions Sexual emotion is any expression, condition, or action that debouches sexual passion (such as seduction, lust, etc), emotions involving sex ( There are four sexual emotions found in the movie. commit to user 37 Table 4.7 Sexual Emotions in the movie The Ugly Truth No. 1. 2. 3. 4. SL lust seduction lust passion Data Number 036/ TUT/ 00:33:45 037/ TUT/ 00:33:45 097/ TUT/ 01:05:11 101/ TUT/ 01:24:13 1.8. Sexual Disease It is most commonly caused by bacteria or virus that is transmitted through sexual contact, or direct contact with any objects that contain a virus disease ( There are two sexual diseases found in the movie. Table 4.8 Sexual Diseases in the movie The Ugly Truth No. 1. 2. SL syphilis syphilis Data Number 002/ TUT/ 00:02:56 003/ TUT/ 00:02:58 2. The Analysis of Translation Techniques Used in The Translation of Sexual Terms From the analysis done by researcher, there are eight translation techniques used by the translator to translate sexual terms in subtitle of the movie The Ugly Truth from English into Indonesian language. Most of the techniques are used because of the limitation of sexual terms in the target language. There are eight techniques used by the translator to translate the sexual in the movie. They are literal, adaptation, borrowing, calque, addition, subtraction or omission or deletion, synonym, and particularization. commit to user 38 Table 4.9 Techniques Used To Translate Sexual Terms in Subtitle of The Movie The Ugly Truth No. Translation Techniques Data Number Amount of Data Percentage 001, 004, 005, 006, 010, 011, 012, 015, 022, 023, 024, 025, 029, 030, 031, 032, 036, 037, 044, 047, 049, 050, 052, 055, 056, 057, 058, 061, 062, 063, 064, 065, 066, 067, 077, 083, 091, 095, 098, 101, 102 41 40.20% 1. Literal 2. Adaptation 021, 051, 075 3 2.94% 3. Borrowing 002, 003, 008, 013, 014, 017, 018, 019, 020, 026, 028, 038, 039, 040, 041, 042, 043, 045, 046, 053, 054, 068, 074, 078, 079, 088, 093, 094 28 27.45% 4. Calque 007, 016, 027, 070, 071, 076, 097, 100 8 7.84% 5. Addition 096 1 0.98% 6. Subtraction or Omission or Deletion 048, 059, 069, 087, 090, 092 6 5.88% 7. Synonym 009, 033, 034, 035, 072, 073, 080, 081, 082, 084, 085, 086, 089 13 12.75% 8. Particularization 060 1 0.98% 102 100% TOTAL commit to user 39 2.1. Literal This translation is almost the same as the word-to-word. Literal translation is applied to translate a word or an expression word for word (Molina and Albir, 2002: 510).The difference is in the replacement of grammar structure of the source language that is adjusted by the target language grammar structure. For example: 1. Context : Abby emphasizes that she knows how to flirt. Data number : 058/ TUT/ 00:38:08 SL : I know how to flirt. TL : Aku tahu cara menggoda. The sexual activity term flirt is translated into menggoda by literal technique. It is considered equal because in TL the word menggoda is commonly used. Based on Cambridge Online Dictionary, flirt is to behave as if sexually attracted to someone, although not seriously ( dictionary/british/flirt_1?q=flirt). 2. Context : Mike does not like Abby’s trick and tries to avoid it. Data number : 061/ TUT/ 00:38:21 SL : You know what? I wouldn't say that and I wouldn't grab ass. commit to user 40 TL : Aku tak akan katakan itu, dan aku juga tak akan memegang bokong. The sexual organ term ass is translated into bokong in Indonesian language. The translation is easy to be understood by the target language readers. The term ass is also usually translated into pantat. It refers to the fleshy part of the human body that someone sits on ( Forty one sexual terms (40.20% of data) are translated by literal technique. They consist of 16 sexual organs, 14 sexual activities, 2 sex characters, 3 sexual attractions, 2 sexual equipments, and 4 sexual emotions. TABLE 4.10 Literal Techniques Used to Translate Sexual Terms Sexual Terms Sexual Organs Data Number 001/ TUT/ 00:02:23 SL balls 005/ TUT/ 00:09:21 006/ TUT/ 00:09:22 031/ TUT/ 00:29:06 032/ TUT/ 00:31:56 044/ TUT/ 00:35:41 047/ TUT/ 00:36:01 049/ TUT/ 00:36:20 050/ TUT/ 00:36:26 052/ TUT/ 00:37:04 061/ TUT/ 00:38:21 062/ TUT/ 00:38:24 064/ TUT/ 00:41:40 065/ TUT/ 00:42:51 066/ TUT/ 00:43:07 067/ TUT/ 00:43:55 tits ass breast butt breast boobies ass ass ass ass ass penis tits crotch crotch commit to user TL keberanian (bola) Payudara bokongmu dada bokong dada payudara bokong bokong bokong bokong bokong penis payudara selakangan selakangan 41 Sexual Terms Sexual Activities Data Number 011/ TUT/ 00:13:38 015/ TUT/ 00:17:44 022/ TUT/ 00:18:45 023/ TUT/ 00:18:51 029/ TUT/ 00:28:45 030/ TUT/ 00:28:50 056/ TUT/ 00:38:01 SL sexualharassment sexually harassing hooking up kiss kiss naked naked sexually teasing 057/ TUT/ 00:38:07 058/ TUT/ 00:38:08 063/ TUT/ 00:38:46 091/ TUT/ 00:59:06 095/ TUT/ 01:03:15 102/ TUT/ 01:26:19 flirting flirt turning on slept naked fuck berkencan cium cium telanjang telanjang menggoda secara seksual menggoda menggoda bernafsu tidur telanjang bercinta Sex Characters 010/ TUT/ 00:12:58 055/ TUT/ 00:37:53 whores stripper pelacur penari telanjang Sexual Attractions 024/ TUT/ 00: 21:06 025/ TUT/ 00:21:14 083/ TUT/ 00:58:33 hot hot slutty seksi seksi seronok Sexual Equipments 004/ TUT/ 00:09:10 077/ TUT/ 00:47:58 lingerie brief pakaian dalam celana dalam Sexual Emotions 036/ TUT/ 00:33:45 037/ TUT/ 00:33:46 098/ TUT/ 01:05:11 101/ TUT/ 01:24:13 lust seduction lust passion nafsu godaan nafsu nafsu 012/ TUT/ 00:13:44 TL pelecehan seksual melecehkan 2.2. Adaptation Adaptation is a translation technique that replaces the cultural element of a source langauge with another that is appropriate with the target language. Adaptation is the replacement of a ST cultural element with one from the target culture (Molina and Albir, 2002: 509). In this movie, the adaptation technique is commit to user applied for translating idioms. For examples: 42 1. Context : On the set, Mike to Georgia. He tries to reveal Georgia and Larry’s house hold. Data number : 021/ TUT/ 00:18:06 SL : I mean, sure, you could dump his ass but, honey, have you seen the eligible men in Sacramento? Oh, God. TL : Ia bisa kau depak. Tapi apa di Sacramento ini ada pria yang memenuhi syarat? Astaga. The idiom above dump his ass is translated into kau depak because in the target language the target readers accept the translated idiom. The meaning of the idioms is to not appear ( 2. Context : Abby and Mike walk down the street. Mike gives suggestion to Abby. Data number : 051/ TUT/ 00:36:40 SL : When we ask you how you’re doing, it’s guy code for: "Let me stick my dick in your ass." TL : Saat kami bertanya “apa kabarmu”, itu cuma kode untuk berhubungan seks. The idiom let me stick my dick in your ass has berhubungan seks as its equivalence in Indonesian language. The equivalence is considered as accepted and easy to be understood by target readers. It is also considered more polite rather than if it is literally translated. The meaning of the idiom is sexual intercourse ( commit to user 43 3. Context : Mike throws her a look. Abby catches on. He explains to Abby and makes her confidence turn up. Data number : 075/ TUT/ 00:47:07 SL : Abby, what could be more personal than you flicking your bean? TL : Apa yang lebih pribadi dari masturbasi? The use of the idiom is considered accurate and acceptable because the meaning is conveyed in accordance with what is meant by the character in the movie. The idiom flicking bean comes from flick the bean that is meant as a form of masturbation of a female where she massages (flicks) the clitoris (bean) ( Three sexual activity terms (2.94%) are translated by adaptation technique. TABLE 4.11 Adaptation Techniques Used to Translate Sexual Terms Sexual Terms Sexual Activities Data Number 021/ TUT/ 00:18:06 051/ TUT/ 00:36:40 075/ TUT/ 00:47:07 SL dump-ass stick my dick in your ass flicking your bean TL depak berhubungan seks masturbasi 2.3. Borrowing Borrowing technique is a translation technique that take a word or expression straight from another language. It can be pure (without any change) or it can be naturalized (to to fit the spelling rules in the TL) (Molina and Albir, 2002: 510). It is usually performed because of the limited terms owned by the target language. commit to user 44 a. Pure borrowing Transliteration or pure borrowing is a technique of translation that defends the originality of target language words. For examples: 1. Context : Mike Chadway, in his TV program namely The Ugly Truth, answers Abby’s phone call. Data number : 008/ TUT/ 00:10:38 SL : You're a lesbian. TL : Kau lesbian. The word lesbian is translated the same as lesbian. The source language word is borrowed exactly the same withouth changing its structure. Only the pronounciation is adjusted with the target language vowel, from /ˈlɛ zbɪ ən/ into /lésbian/. The word may be used as a noun, to refer to women who identify themselves or who are characterized by others as having the primary attribute of female homosexuality ( Otherwise, it is an adjective, to describe characteristics of an object or activity related to female same-sex desire. The word also sounds familiar among the target readers. 2. Context : Mike holds two sexy girls in his arms while entering studio’s door. Data number : 028/ TUT/ 00:28:15 SL commit to user : Chemistry. I smell threesome. 45 TL : Aku mencium threesome. The word threesome is borrowed precisely from source language into target language. It does not change any of its structure or pronunciation. The word threesome refers to an occasion on which three people engage in sexual activity together ( Nine sexual terms (8.82%) are translated by applying pure borrowing technique. They consist of 4 sexual organs, 1 sexual activity, 1 sexual orientation, and 3 sexual equipments. TABLE 4.12 Pure Borrowing Techniques Used to Translate Sexual Terms Sexual Terms Sexual Organs Data Number 013/ TUT/ 00:15:12 046/ TUT/ 00:35:11 093/ TUT/ 01:02:10 094/ TUT/ 00:62:58 SL vagina vagina penis penis TL vagina vagina penis penis Sexual Activity 028/ TUT/ 00:28:15 threesome threesome Sexual Orientation 008/ TUT/ 00:10:38 lesbian lesbian Sexual Equipments 043/ TUT/ 00:35:41 045/ TUT/ 00:35:58 088/ TUT/ 00:58:58 bras bra vibrator bra bra vibrator b. Naturalization Naturalization borrowing is a tranlation technique of which the term is borrowed and modified. For examples: 1. Context : Mike Chadway explains in Larry and Georgia’s TV program commit to user about the ugly truth of what relationship is like. 46 Data number : 014/ TUT/ 00:16:14 SL : It's about social pressure,status and sex. If it weren't for these three things,men and women wouldn't even speak. TL : Itu hanya soal tekanan sosial, status, dan seks. Jika bukan karena hal ini, pria dan wanita tak akan bicara. The word sex is borrowed by the target language, and then the spell is adjusted into seks in Indonesian language. The changing does not have any deal with the meaning and the pronunciation. The word sex refers to the property or quality by which organisms are classified as female or male on the basis of their reproductive organs and functions ( 2. Context : In the control room, Abby looks like she’s going to pass out. Data number : 018/ TUT/ 00:17:52 SL : She just said "erection" on television. TL : Dia baru saja bilang „ereksi‟ di televisi. The word erection is translated as ereksi. The spelling of the word changed from the source language into the target language. In the Indonesian language, words in foreign languages that have the suffix -ion will be replaced by the suffix -si. For examples; erosion will be translated into the word erosi, navigation will be translated into navigasi, adaptation will be translated into adaptasi, and so on. commit to user 47 The word erection refers to the arousal of sexual desires in preparation for sexual behavior ( Nineteen sexual terms (18.63%) are translated by naturalization borrowing technique. They consists of 17 sexual activities and 2 sexual diseases. TABLE 4.13 Naturalization Borrowing Techniques Used to Translate Sexual Terms Sexual Terms Sexual Activities Sexual Disease Data Number 014/ TUT/ 00:16:14 017/ TUT/ 00:17:49 018/ TUT/ 00:17:52 019/ TUT/ 00:17:54 020/ TUT/ 00:17:56 026/ TUT/ 00:21:28 038/ TUT/ 00:34:59 039/ TUT/ 00:35:00 040/ TUT/ 00:35:03 041/ TUT/ 00:35:03 042/ TUT/ 00:35:04 053/ TUT/ 00:37:14 054/ TUT/ 00:37:16 068/ TUT/ 00:44:15 074/ TUT/ 00:46:43 078/ TUT/ 00:50:29 SL sex erection erection erection erection puberty orgasm orgasm orgasm orgasm orgasm erection erection sex masturbating implants 079/ TUT/ 00:50:32 oral sex TL seks ereksi ereksi ereksi ereksi puber orgasme orgasme orgasme orgasme orgasme ereksi ereksi seks masturbasi operasi implantasi oral seks 002/ TUT/ 00:02:56 003/ TUT/ 00:02:58 syphilis syphilis sipilis sipilis 2.4. Calque It is applied to translate phrases or words from source language literally into target language (Molina and Albir, 2002: 510). This technique is usually used to translate the term of source language that has equivalent term in the target language. For examples: commit to user 48 1. Context : Mike lights a match and tosses it on the books, setting them ablaze. Then opens up his jacket and takes out a stick with a marshmallow. Begins roasting the marshmallow on the flame. Data number : 007/ TUT/ 00:09:31 SL : So you wanna win a man over,you don't need 10 steps. You need one and it’s called a blowjob. TL : Jika ingin dapatkan lelaki, tak butuh sepuluh langkah. Cukup satu. Namanya adalah oral seks. The term blowjob in the source language is translated into oral seks. In the Oxford Online Dictionary, the word blowjob is regarded as vulgar slang and is defined as an act of fellatio that is in the target language more commonly known as oral seks ( 2. Context : A cage of randy Bonobos getting it on. Mike, in a gorilla suit, does a segment, explains about Bonobos, a kind of monkey, and how they live. Data number : 070/ TUT/ 00:44:22 SL : In fact, when they come upon a new food source they have a gangbang in order to decrease tension. commit to user 49 TL : Bahkan, jika mereka menemukan sumber makanan baru, mereka lakukan seks masal untuk redakan ketegangan. The term gangbang in the source language is translated into seks masal. Oxford Online Dictionary defines gangbang as the successive rape of one person by a group of people or a sexual orgy involving changes of partners, which are in the target language it can be simplified into seks masal ( Eight sexual activity terms (7.84%) are translated by applying calque technique. TABLE 4.14 Calque Techniques Used to Translate Sexual Terms Sexual Terms Sexual Activities Data Number 007/ TUT/ 00:09:31 016/ TUT/ 00:17:44 SL blowjob had sex 027/ TUT/ 00:25:39 070/ TUT/ 00:44:22 071/ TUT/ 00:45:49 blowjob gangbang have sex 076/ TUT/ 00:47:18 097/ TUT/ 01:04:05 have sex have sex 100/ TUT/ 01:11:16 had sex TL oral seks berhubungan seks oral seks seks massal berhubungan seks bercinta berhubungan seks berhubungan seks 2.5. Addition The addition here is the addition of the words in the target language because it needs to. This type of addition is not a matter of choice but a necessity commit to user 50 (Suryawinata, 2003: 67). There is only one sexual term (0.98%) which is translated by applying addition technique. 1. Context : Mike practices being interviewed by Craig Ferguson. Data number : 096/ TUT/ 01:03:26 SL : She thinks I'm a genius on days when she's not sexually frustrated. TL : Dia anggap aku jenius jika tak sedang frustasi pada kehidupan seksualnya. The verb phrase sexually frustrated is translated as frustasi pada kehidupan seksualnya. The addition occuring in that translation does not make any change of meaning. The meaning of the utterance is a person who is generally stressed out or frustrated due to either lack of sex/sexual encounters or due to bad sex ( The addition occured because of the differences in the source language grammatical structure that required the presence of the words pada and kehidupan. It is not the matter of choice but a necessity. TABLE 4.15 Addition Techniques Used to Translate Sexual Terms Sexual Terms Sexual Activity Data Number 096/ TUT/ 01:03:26 SL sexually frustrated commit to user TL frustasi pada kehidupan seksualnya 51 2.6. Substraction or Omission or Deletion Deletion means an omission of word or part of a text of SL in the text of TL (Suryawinata, 2003: 75). This technique occurs when the SL word is considered less important and difficult to translate. The translator applies deletion technique in order to avoid producing a confusing translation for the target readers. Deletion in the data above is used because it was considered less important and it does not reduce the message. 1. Context : Mike gives advice to Abby about her apperance. Data number : 048/ TUT/ 00:36:18 SL : Vagina says you're trying too hard. TL : Kalau kau perlihatkan, itu tandanya kau putus asa. The word vagina is omitted for reason of modesty contained in the target language. The word vagina refers to the muscular tube leading from the external genitals to the cervix of the uterus in women and most female mammals ( It is refined eliminating the word without changing the meaning conveyed in the sentence. 2. Context : Mike does not believe Abby’s ability in flirting. Data number : 059/ TUT/ 00:38:09 SL : You know how to flirt? TL : Kau tahu? commit to user by 52 The word is omitted for reason of repetition of the same word in the previous sentence. The omission is considered to be accurate but less acceptable. It has been found not to reduce the message of the sentence but less acceptable because of the word can be translated as menggoda. The word flirt refers to behaviour as though sexually attracted to someone, but playfully rather than with serious intentions ( Six sexual terms (5.88%) are translated by applying substraction technique. They consist of 3 sexual organs, 2 sexual activities, and 1 sex character. TABLE 4.16 Subtraction Techniques Used to Translate Sexual Terms Sexual Terms Sexual Organs Data Number 048/ TUT/ 00:36:18 087/ TUT/ 00:58:55 090/ TUT/ 00:59:01 SL vagina cock cock TL - Sexual Activities 059/ TUT/ 00:38:09 069/ TUT/ 00:44:18 flirt sex - Sex Character 092/ TUT/ 00:59:33 slut - 2.7. Synonym A synonym is only appropriate where literal translation is not possible and because the word is not important enough for componential analysis (Newmark, 1988: 84). For examples: 1. Context : Abby does not agree with Mike’s opinion. Data number : 034/ TUT/ 00:33:34 commit to user 53 SL : Colin would never be a bitch. TL : Collin tak akan pernah jadi budak. The word bitch is translated as budak. Literally, bitch is defined as a pelacur but in the example above translator does not translate that way. The word bitch refers to one's unwilling sexual partner, usually referring to male-on-male rape ( Translator prefers the word budak that is considered less acceptable and inaccuracy. 2. Context : Mike gives suggestion to Abby about what she needs to do toward Collin. Data number : 072/ TUT/ 00:45:49 SL : But then show him that beneath that control-freak exterior of yours that there's a sexual deviant waiting to be unleashed. TL : Lalu tunjukkan bahwa di balik sikapmu yang suka mengatur, tersembunyi orang gila seks yang menunggu untuk dibebaskan. The noun phrase a sexual deviant is translated into orang gila seks. If a sexual deviant is translated into the target language literally, it will be orang yang menyimpang secara seksual. The word deviant refers to somebody with a particularly disturbing sexual preference or straying abnormally far from the commit to user norm ( The translation 54 result is considered as less acceptable because of the message is not well conveyed. Thirtteen sexual terms (12.75%) are translated by applying synonym technique. They consist of 4 sexual organs, 8 sex characters, and 1 sexual emotion. TABLE 4.17 Synonym Techniques Used to Translate Sexual Terms Sexual Terms Sexual Organs Data Number 084/ TUT/ 00:58:33 085/ TUT/ 00:58:46 086/ TUT/ 00:58:49 089/ TUT/ 00:59:00 SL cock cock cock cock TL penis penis penis penis Sex Character 033/ TUT/ 00:33:33 034/ TUT/ 00:33:34 035/ TUT/ 00:33:35 072/ TUT/ 00:46:11 073/ TUT/ 00:46:11 080/ TUT/ 00:58:08 081/ TUT/ 00:58:11 082/ TUT/ 00:58:33 bitch bitch bitch deviant deviant man-whore man-whore man-whore budak budak budak orang gila gila gigolo gigolo gigolo Sexual Emotion 009/ TUT/ 00:11:26 hot cantik 2.8. Particularization It is applied to use a more precise or concrete term (Molina and Albir, 2002: 510). It transfers super ordinate term in source language into subordinate term in target language. It is in opposition to generalization. There is only one sexual equipment term (0.98%) which is translated by applying particularization technique. It is: commit to user 55 1. Context : Abby tries to flirt Mike with her trick. She acts like a guy flirting to a girl. Data number : 060/ TUT/ 00:38:19 SL : Hey, babe, you wearing any underwear? TL : Hai sayang, kau pakai celana dalam? The word underwear is a superordinate of the word celana dalam or panties in the source language that acts as a subordinate. The word underwear refers to undergarments some people wear under their outer clothing, consisting of bra and panties for women or shorts and T-shirts for men ( TABLE 4.18 Particularization Techniques Used to Translate Sexual Terms Sexual Terms Sexual Equipment Data Number 060/ TUT/ 00:38:19 SL underwear TL celana dalam 3. The Analysis of Accuracy and Acceptability Level in The Translation of Sexual Terms Researcher measured accuracy and acceptability by questionnairing three raters who have criterias as mentioned in the previous chapter. They are symbolized as R1, R2, and R3. This research used closed-ended questionnaire with scale from 3, 2, and 1. commit to user Table 4.19 The Effect of The Translation Techniques and the Level of Accuracy and Acceptability of the Sexual Terms in the Movie The Ugly Truth Translation Accurate Data Quality Technique Literal Total/Percentage Adaptation Total/Percentage 004, 005, 006, 011, 015, 022, 023, 024, 025, 029, 031, 036, 050, 052, 055, 057, 058, 063, 064, 065, 066, 067, 077, 083, 098, 101 26 (63.41%) 075 1 (33.33%) Less Accurate Data Inaccurate Data Acceptable Data Less Acceptable Data 001, 010, 012, 030, 032, 037, 044, 047, 049, 056, 061, 062, 091, 095, 102 001, 004, 005, 006, 010, 011, 022, 023, 029, 030, 031, 036, 037, 044, 047, 050, 052, 055, 057, 058, 061, 062, 063, 064, 066, 067, 095, 098, 101, 102 012, 015, 024, 025, 032, 049, 056, 065, 077, 083, 091 15 (36.59%) 30 (73.17%) 11 (26.83%) 021, 051 2 (66.67%) 075 1 (33.33%) 021, 051 2 (66.67%) Unacceptabl e Data 32 Translation Accurate Data Quality Technique Borrowing Total/Percentage Calque Total/Percentage Addition Total/Percentage Less Accurate Data 008, 014, 017, 018, 019, 020, 026, 028, 038, 002, 003, 013, 039, 040, 041, 043, 046, 078, 042, 045, 053, 093 054, 068, 074, 079, 088, 094 21 (75%) 7 (25%) 007, 027, 097, 016, 070, 071, 099, 100 076 5 4 (55.56%) (44.44%) 096 1 (100%) Inaccurate Data Acceptable Data 002, 003, 008, 014, 017, 018, 019, 020, 026, 040, 041, 042, 043, 045, 046, 053, 054, 068, 074, 079, 088, 094 22 (78.57%) 007, 027, 097 3 (33.33%) 096 1 (100%) Less Acceptable Data Unacceptabl e Data 013, 038, 039, 078, 093 028 5 (17.86%) 1 (3.57%) 016, 071, 076, 099, 100 5 (55.56%) 070 1 (11.11%) 33 048 Subtraction 1 (16.67%) Total/Percentage Translation Quality Technique Accurate Data 084, 085, 086 Synonym Total/Percentage 3 (23.08%) Less Accurate Data 059, 069, 087, 090, 092 5 (83.33%) 048 059, 092 069, 087, 090 1 (16.67%) 2 (33.33%) Inaccurate Data Acceptable Data Less Acceptable Data 3 (50%) Unacceptabl e 080, 081, 082, 084, 085, 086 6 (46.15%) 009, 072, 073, 089 4 (30.77%) 009, 072, 080, 033, 034, 035, 081, 082, 089 073 6 4 (46.15%) (30.77%) 060 1 (100%) Particularization Total/Percentage Data 033, 034, 035 3 (23.08%) 060 1 (100%) 3.1. Accuracy The accuracy assesment of sexual terms translation used in the questionnai re is based on the following scale and description. Scale 3 2 1 Description Accurate The sexual terms translation is equal and appropriate. Less accurate The sexual terms translation is not clear enough and less expressive. Inaccurate The sexual terms translation is not equal and not appropriate. The accuracy level of sexual terms translation in the movie The Ugly Truth is obtained from the average scale of each data provided by three raters. The average scale of each data will be processed again and then they will be calculated to acquire the total average overall. The accuracy level of sexual terms translation can be classified as follows: a. Classification A The sexual terms translation is acurate if the average scale of data ranging from 2.4 to 3.0 b. Classification B The sexual terms translation is less acurate if the average scale of data ranging from 1.7 to 2.3 c. Classification C The sexual terms translation is inacurate if the average scale of data ranging from 1.0 to 1.6 commit to user 32 TABLE 4.20 ACCURACY CLASSIFICATION OF SEXUAL TERMS TRANSLATION IN THE MOVIE THE UGLY TRUTH No. Classification Data Numbers Total Percentage A 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 011, 014, 015, 017, 018, 019, 020, 022, 023, 024, 025, 026, 027, 028, 029, 031, 036, 038, 039, 040, 041, 042, 045, 050, 052, 053, 054, 055, 057, 058, 063, 064, 065, 066, 067, 068, 074, 075, 077, 079, 083, 084, 085, 086, 088, 094, 096, 097, 098, 099, 100, 101 57 55.88% 2. B 001, 002, 003, 009, 010, 012, 013, 016, 021, 030, 032, 037, 043, 044, 046, 047, 048, 049, 051, 056, 060, 061, 062, 070, 071, 072, 076, 078, 080, 081, 082, 089, 091, 093, 095, 102 36 35.29% 3. C 033, 034, 035, 059, 069, 073, 087, 090, 092 9 8.82% 102 100% 1. TOTAL From the classification table above, it can be seen that the classification A, a total of 57 sexual terms data (55.88%) are regarded as accurate. On the classification B, 36 sexual terms data (35.29%) are considered less accurate translation. The rest 9 sexual terms data (8.82%) are translated inaccurately. 3.1.1. Classification A commit to user 33 The data included in this classification is accurately and appropriately translated with an average scale of 2.4 to 3.0. In this classification, there are 57 sexual terms of data or approximately 55.88%. For example: Context : Abby asks to all the person in the meeting room because she feels insulted by Mike’s words. Data number : 011/ TUT/ 00:11:26 SL : Were you all not there last year for our sexual harassment meeting? TL : Apa kalian tak datang waktu rapat tentang pelecehan seksual? The data is translated correctly since the target language has an equivalent for the term. Sexual harassment, which is translated into pelecehan seksual, is also considered accurate because of the translation is appropriate to the context, and it does not reduce any expression to be conveyed. The meaning of those words are harrassment (typically of a woman) in a workplace, or other professional or social situation, involving the making of unwanted sexual advance or obscene remarks ( harassment?q=sexual+harassment). From 57 data considered accurate by the raters, there are 26 data (45.61%) translated using literal technique, 21 data (36.84%) applied borrowing technique, 5 data (8.77%) used calque technique, 3 data (5.26%) translated by synonym commit to user 34 technique, 1 data (1.75%) applied adaptation technique, and 1 data (1.75%) used addition technique. 57 data considered accurate by the raters consist of 32 sexual activities (56.14%), 13 sexual organs (22.81%), 4 sexual equipments (7.02%), 3 sexual attractions (5.26%), 3 sexual emotions (5.26%), and 1 sexual orientation (1.75%), 1 sex character (1.75%). 3.1.2. Classification B Classificarion B consists of data that has a scale on average from 1.7 to 2.3. In this classification, there were 36 data of sexual terms or about 35.29% that is considered less accurate because of less convey meaning from the source languge into target language. The following is examples of the less accurate translations. For example: Context : Mike Chadway, in his TV program namely The Ugly Truth, answers Abby’s phone call. Data number : 009/ TUT/ 00:10:38 SL : If you were hot, you would be out breaking some poor schmuck's heart. TL : Jika kau cantik, kau akan mematahkan hati lelaki. commit to user 35 The word hot in the source language will usually be translated as sexy or someone who is sexually attractive ( term=hot). Altough it was contextually appropriate but it made the message became less accurate because cantik in the source language is equaled with beautiful instead of hot. From 36 data considered less accurate by the raters, there are 15 data (41.67%) translated using literal technique, 8 data (22.22%) applied borrowing technique, 6 data (16.67%) translated by synonym technique, 4 data (11.11%) used calque technique, 2 data (5.56%) translated by adaptation technique, 1 data (2.78%) applied subtraction technique, and 1 data (2.78%)used particularization technique. 36 data considered less accurate by the raters consist of 17 sexual activities (47.22%), 12 sexual organs (33.33%), 2 sexual equipments (5.56%), 2 sexual emotions, 2 sexual diseases (5.56%), and 1 sex character (2.78%). 3.1.3. Classification C Data entered into this classification is the data that has an average scale from 1.0 to 1.6. The amount of data included in this classification is nine sexual terms data or in other words, approximately 8.82% of the total data. Below is the example of sexual term of data that are considered inacurate. For example: Context : Mike conviences Abby to follow his every single step to get commit to user attention from a guy. 36 Data number : 034/ TUT/ 00:33:35 SL : I don’t want a bitch. TL : Aku tak mau budak. The example is also not much different from the previous example. The three raters considered that its meaning is not conveyed accurately. Bitch in the target language is equivalent to pelacur, while budak in the source language is equivalent to slave. The word bitch refers to one's unwilling sexual partner, usually referring to male-on-male rape ( meaning-definition-of/bitch). Translator prefers the word budak that is considered less acceptable and inaccuracy. From 9 data considered inaccurate by the raters, there are 5 data (55.56%) used subtraction technique and 4 data (44.44%) translated by synonym technique. 9 data considered inaccurate by the raters consist of 5 sex characters (55.56%), 2 sexual organs (22.22%), and 2 sexual activities (22.22%). 3.2. Acceptability The acceptablity assesment of sexual terms translation used in the questionnaire is based on the following scale and description. Scale Description 3 Acceptable The sexual terms translation is commonly utilized in target language. commit to user 2 Less acceptable 37 The sexual terms translation is infrequently utilized in target language. Unacceptable The sexual terms translation is certainly not utilized in target language. 1 The acceptability level of sexual terms translation in the movie The Ugly Truth is obtained from the average scale of each data provided by three raters. The average scale of each data will be processed again and then they will be calculated to acquire the total average overall. The acceptability level of sexual terms translation can be classified as follows: a. Classification A The sexual terms translation is acceptable if the average scale of data ranging from 2.4 to 3.0 b. Classification B The sexual terms translation is less acceptable if the average scale of data ranging from 1.7 to 2.3 c. Classification C The sexual terms translation is unacceptable if the average scale of data ranging from 1.0 to 1.6 TABLE 4.21 ACCEPTABILITY CLASSIFICATION OF SEXUAL TERMS TRANSLATION IN THE MOVIE THE UGLY TRUTH commit to user 38 No. Classification Data Numbers Total Percentage A 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 010, 011, 014, 017, 018, 019, 020, 022, 023, 026, 027, 029, 030, 031, 036, 037, 040, 041, 042, 043, 044, 045, 046, 047, 048, 050, 052, 053, 054, 055, 057, 058, 060, 061, 062, 063, 064, 066, 067, 068, 074, 075, 079, 080, 081, 082, 084, 085, 086, 088, 094, 095, 096, 097, 098, 101, 102 65 63.73% 2. B 009, 012, 013, 015, 016, 021, 024, 025, 032, 038, 039, 049, 051, 056, 059, 065, 071, 072, 073, 076, 077, 078, 083, 089, 091, 092, 093, 099, 100 29 28.43% 3. C 028, 033, 034, 035, 069, 070, 087, 090 8 7.84% 102 100% 1. TOTAL From the classification table above, it can be seen that the classification A, 65 data of sexual terms (63.73%) are regarded as accurate. On the classification B, 29 sexual terms data (28.43%) are considered less accurate translation. The rest 8 sexual terms data (7.84%) are translated inaccurately. 3.2.1. Classification A This classification includes translations that are considered acceptable. The acceptabilty is assessed from the average scale of each data ranging from 2.4 to commit to user 39 3.0. There are 65 data of sexual terms or 63.73% included in this classification. For exampe: Context : Mike Chadway, in his TV program namely The Ugly Truth, answers Abby’s phone call. Data number : 008/ TUT/ 00:09:31 SL : You’re a lesbian. TL : Kau lesbian. Although the translation is exactly as same as its source language but the term lesbian is considered acceptable because it is also often used in the target language to express women who identify themselves or who are characterized by others as having the primary attribute of female homosexuality ( From 65 data considered acceptable by the raters, there are 30 data (46.15%) translated using literal technique, 22 data (33.85%) applied borrowing technique, 6 data (9.23%) translated by synonym technique, 3 data (4.62%) used calque technique, 1 data (1.54%) translated by addition technique, 1 data (1.54%) applied subtraction technique, 1 data (1.54%) translated by adaptation technique, and 1 data (1.54%) used particularization technique. 65 data considered acceptable by the raters consist of 28 sexual activities commit to user (43.08%), 19 sexual organs (29.23%), 6 sex characters (9.23%), 5 sexual 40 equipments (7.69%), 4 sexual emotions (6.15%), 2 sexual diseases (3.08%), and 1 sexual orientation (1.54%). 3.2.2. Classification B This classification is a data set that has an average scale from 1.7 to 2.3. The classified data is less acceptable if the data is infrequently utilized in the target language. Amount of data that is less acceptable is 29 data of sexual terms or 28.43%. For example: Context : Mike does not believe Abby’s ability in flirting. Data number : 059/ TUT/ 00:38:08 SL : You know how to flirt? TL : Kau tahu? The example above is considered less acceptable because the term flirt is eliminated. However, it does not have to do with the readability. The word flirt refers to behaviour as though sexually attracted to someone, but playfully rather than with serious intentions ( From 28 data considered less acceptable by the raters, there are 11 data (39.29%) translated using literal technique, 5 data (17.86%) applied borrowing technique, 5 data (17.86%) used calque technique, 4 (14.29%) data translated by commit to user 41 synonym technique, 2 data (7.14%) applied subtraction technique, and 2 data (7.14%) translated by adaptation technique. 28 data considered less acceptable by the raters consist of 14 sexual activities (50%), 6 sexual organs (21.43%), 3 sex characters (10.71%), 3 sexual attractions (10.71%), 1 sexual equipments (3.57%), and 1 sexual emotions (3.57%). 3.2.3. Classification C Data included into this classification is the unacceptable data. Data are considered unacceptable if the average scale ranged from 1.0 to 1.6 and they are certainly not utilized in the target language. There are 8 data of sexual terms that are unacceptable or about 7.84%. For example: Context : Mike holds two sexy girls in his arms while entering studio’s door. Data number : 028/ TUT/ 00:28:45 SL : I smell threesome. TL : Aku mencium threesome. The translation is unacceptable because of the term threesome is not frequently used and it sounds strange to some people who do not understand the meaning of the term. The meaning of threesome in the Oxford Online Dictionary commit to user 42 is an occasion on which three people engage in sexual activity together ( From 8 data considered unacceptable by the raters, there are 3 (37.5%) data translated by synonym technique, 3 data (37.5%) applied subtraction technique, 1 data (12.5%) applied borrowing technique, and 1 data (12.5%) used calque technique. 8 data considered unacceptable by the raters consist of 3 sexual activities (37.5%), 3 sex characters (37.5%), and 2 sexual organs (25%). commit to user CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Research Conclusion After an analysis of the techniques and quality assessment, researcher found the following conclusion: 1. There are eight translation techniques used in translating 102 data of sexual terms in the subtitle of the movie The Ugly Truth. Translation techniques that are frequently used are literal (41.20%) and borrowing (27.45%). While the rest translation techniques used are synonym (12.75%), calque (7.84%), subtraction or omission or deletion (5.88%), adaptation (2.94%), addition (0.98%), and particularization (0.98%). 2. Based on the results of the quality assessment in the questionnaire that had been given to the three raters, it can be seen as follows: a. Accuracy Classification A: The sexual terms translation is accurate translation, consists of 57 data of sexual terms or 55.88% with average scale ranging from 2.4 to 3.0. From 57 data considered accurate by the raters, there are 26 data (45.61%) translated using literal technique, 21 data (36.84%) applied borrowing technique, 5 data (8.77%) used calque technique, 3 data (5.26%) commit to user 71 translated by synonym technique, 1 data (1.75%) applied adaptation technique, and 1 data (1.75%) used addition technique. 57 data considered accurate by the raters consist of 32 sexual activities (56.14%), 13 sexual organs (22.81%), 4 sexual equipments (7.02%), 3 sexual attractions (5.26%), 3 sexual emotions (5.26%), and 1 sexual orientation (1.75%), 1 sex character (1.75%). Classification B: The sexual terms translation is less accurate translation, consists of 36 data of sexual terms or 35.29% with average scale ranging from 1.7 to 2.3. From 36 data considered less accurate by the raters, there are 15 data (41.67%) translated using literal technique, 8 data (22.22%) applied borrowing technique, 6 data (16.67%) translated by synonym technique, 4 data (11.11%) used calque technique, 2 data (5.56%) translated by adaptation technique, 1 data (2.78%) applied subtraction technique, and 1 data (2.78%)used particularization technique. 36 data considered less accurate by the raters consist of 17 sexual activities (47.22%), 12 sexual organs (33.33%), 2 sexual equipments (5.56%), 2 sexual emotions, 2 sexual diseases (5.56%), and 1 sex character (2.78%). Classification C: The sexual terms translation is inaccurate translation, consists of nine data of sexual terms or 8.82% with average scale ranging from 1.0 to 1.7. From 9 data considered inaccurate by the raters, there are 5 data (55.56%) used subtraction technique and 4 data (44.44%) translated by synonym technique. 9 data considered inaccurate by the raters consist of 5 commit to user 72 sex characters (55.56%), 2 sexual organs (22.22%), and 2 sexual activities (22.22%). b. Acceptability Classification A: The sexual terms translation is acceptable translation, consists of 65 data of sexual terms or 63.73% with average scale ranging from 2.4 to 3.0. From 65 data considered acceptable by the raters, there are 30 data (46.15%) translated using literal technique, 22 data (33.85%) applied borrowing technique, 6 data (9.23%) translated by synonym technique, 3 data (4.62%) used calque technique, 1 data (1.54%) translated by addition technique, 1 data (1.54%) applied subtraction technique, 1 data (1.54%) translated by adaptation technique, and 1 data (1.54%) used particularization technique. 65 data considered acceptable by the raters consist of 28 sexual activities (43.08%), 19 sexual organs (29.23%), 6 sex characters (9.23%), 5 sexual equipments (7.69%), 4 sexual emotions (6.15%), 2 sexual diseases (3.08%), and 1 sexual orientation (1.54%). Classification B: The sexual terms translation is less acceptable translation, consists of 29 data of sexual terms or 28.43% with average scale ranging from 1.7 to 2.3. From 28 data considered less acceptable by the raters, there are 11 data (39.29%) translated using literal technique, 5 data (17.86%) applied borrowing technique, 5 data (17.86%) used calque technique, 4 (14.29%) data translated by synonym technique, 2 data (7.14%) applied to user subtraction technique, andcommit 2 data (7.14%) translated by adaptation 73 74 technique. 28 data considered less acceptable by the raters consist of 14 sexual activities (50%), 6 sexual organs (21.43%), 3 sex characters (10.71%), 3 sexual attractions (10.71%), 1 sexual equipments (3.57%), and 1 sexual emotions (3.57%). Classification C: The sexual terms translation is unacceptable translation, consists of 8 data or 7.84% with average scale ranging from 1.0 to 1.6. From 8 data considered unacceptable by the raters, there are 3 (37.5%) data translated by synonym technique, 3 data (37.5%) applied subtraction technique, 1 data (12.5%) applied borrowing technique, and 1 data (12.5%) used calque technique. 8 data considered unacceptable by the raters consist of 3 sexual activities (37.5%), 3 sex characters (37.5%), and 2 sexual organs (25%). B. Suggestion 1. Other researcher The researcher suggests to the other researcher who analyzes same problem to conduct further research on the readability of the translation quality of sexual terms. The other researcher is also suggested to use raters who speak bilingual fluently in the analysis of quality assessment. 2. Lecturers The researcher suggests to the lecturers of translation to give more commit to user understanding and further discussion about the theory of translation. The lecturers are also expected to provide more practice of professional translation either spoken or written. 3. Translator The researcher suggests to the translator to understand not only the translation of sexual terms but also to understand the culture of source language and target language so that the expected outcome can be more accurate and acceptable. commit to user 75