C-Line R3 - Peerless
C-Line R3 - Peerless
Section 3 Double Reduction Units Model Page CBO e TO 72 . •••• 74 CVO. ,_ ...•• 76 MCTO-M CTOW 78 MCVO-Me VOW.SO C8l( . , . 82 CTX- SCu . ".. 84 CVX-lX . • _. 86 081 ...... ..... 88 SFD-SFX .•.• .. 90 STD-Sen .•••• 9 MSF[)' MSFOW . . ...... 94 MSTOMSTDW ....... 96 LO·LX ... •.••• 98 MlD-MLDW •• 100 I Double Reduction Units 3 WINSMITH !WI B-71 double reduction SERIES : ceo GEAR RATIOS AVAILABLE 50:1 THRU 3600:1 COMPLETE TORQUE AND HP RATINGS • . • ..•.•.• .• PAGES 152· 222 OVERHUNG LOAD RATINGS • • ••••.•.. • .•. • .• • .•. , PAGES 153-223 SERVICE FACTORS • .•..•.•. •• .•..•.•. • . • .• ••• . • .•.. PAGE 230 COUPLING ADAPTERS .. • .. • . . . • . •. ....... . . . .. . . . . . . PAGE 120 HYDRAULIC MOTOR ADAPTERS •.••.•.•.••••.•.•....• . PAGE 116 Um No< Weirl!1 TABLE OF WEIGHTS , 3 , 5 6 25 26 40 60 77 7 8 9 120 157 180 10 " 12 13 14 265 300 468 500 681 1235 Um/s=3, 4. 5, 6.7. 8,9, 10. and 12areavallable w!lhhollOWQ(ltPUl snails, see page 90· 92. Alloy steel slow speed sha/ts available. I DIMENSIONS: GUASE Fin ING G RE ASE HTTlNG5 o .~"',"<:::Mf~~~fr h.ll V;=~~~'[: I J j L"OO--LI.§~F~..~~F~TL~_~f-;;,~ ~o,"~""oo ~'~I'~<~A~£~.(I=H~'~::c:"_J -< SPEED REOUCER DIMENSIONS (In Inches) ",.. , ,• , , , , • ,." " ," , , .-• , '''" ""... .-, ", , '','" '''', '" , , .- '"'" " 6Y. , gYo" "• " , "ro '" ,." '" ."'" '''' ,. , '" 131'1 5.161, "''", '"""• " " " , ", , , , , " 121'"1 " , ... SY. . 3 , ,~ ,~ 3 3 .. . .. D Refer to 0 Line lor Ihese Sizes • ", .-, , , ". , • Kep., "•• .,. ,•• " •.. ,,' ' " " ,," .-'", ", ,'y" •.. .- '.-" ... ,. 6'11. .. ,,,.- , '" "", " '" ,. , 141'"1 "'" I I', .'" ,. , y" , "' 10'\\0 , , "'" , "'... 8'\1, Yo '''' ," , ..... lOY. .... 1211, .'.," '" 101''"1 .- ,w. "", '''' ....x . .- ,"" 21 !1! II II- 12% I" '''' , 71-1. 1311 12\\ ". '"'" '.t ,,. "", , " "'" 1&1'1 ,,. 191', '" .-• lY''''" " " "'" '" lY,'" y•• " 1711, " , , , • ......" " .,. "m" ," """ •.. ... • "" ",. "" '" , , ". ''''m •. "'" ,'y" ..,. '" " '" ,', ''''''" '" ,n• " ,. "'" ,. "'" "'. "'"'" . .,., .. .. 3'~. 5% ., Yo Yo OM 7V. S.3!\O gy. 8.917 ',," 101'1 l aY. ',," 111'1 " Yo I II, .. 14'.t 1211> 14V, 151'1 16Yo .... .. . B-72 5167 81-1. .. III. 8Y, 17'At .. .. . .. . .. . ". SY, 8"h1 ~ lOY. 6\!' ',," IhYt. ~ x ;r,. .. '.t . ~ , , ,. '" , ,. " Slow Spud Shi n W' 16Yo .... .. .... '" ,. , 2'%. II', m MIJWa, ••• .... " ,. ..'" .. ... ..., .-.'" " . " . , .... '" , ." '", ..'" ,. .. ., II.. ~ '"• , " " " '" ,." , , " " '" or, , '" ", " " , • " " " " " '" 'Shaft d'am."r lol.... " c• •••000· .001. f or ( on, ,,",,,crion purpose. se nd for Certified Dime" . io" Sh .... I•• " 1'1 16\0\ ,,.. IIlth Spu d Shin II•• ,. ..... x ~. 4V, 4h II !Yo Yo , \\. 3Yo ~ x 'l> V• • II 1'1 . 'I. \l dl 5% 2V, "' y,. ~ 31'. ~ 2V, 'f, ,", '11 , 110 7Yo ,,, xv.. double reduction PARTS LIST : 1 2 PARTS INDEX PII.I N o. 1 2 Part. No. Descr iplion HQu$ ing Slow Speild Cove. - Open Slow Speed Cover CI<)$ed - Not Shown 5 Intermediate Cover Closed SA Inlermediate Adapter - Not Shown Used Wi\h In ter. Cover Clo$ed Units 10 TIl.u 15 Incl. 6 Slow Speed Sha lt - Oouble Extens ion 7 Slow Speed Sha lt - Single Exten$ ion - Not Shown J 9 . 11 12 13 15 16 Oil Sui - Slow Speed Roller aur lng_ln termediate Speed Roller Bearing -Slow Speed SLow Speed Spacer Slow Speed Worm Gear - B,onze Intermediate Speed Worm and Shaft Integral Oescrlplion 18 19 20 H,gll Speed Attachment Housing High Speed Attachment HouSIng Cover High Speed COIle. - Open 21 High Speed COlIer _ 22 23 24 2S 26 3 Closed High Speed Worm and Shalt - Integral High Speed Worm Gear - Bronze 0,1 Seal - HISt. Speed Rone. Bearing - High Speed Intermediate Lock Nut _ Not Shown Used On UniU 10 Thru t 5 ' n~1. • Series 2 Thru 9 Uses 2 SlOgle Row Bear inss . Series 10 Thrut5 Uses I Sin sle and I Two Row Bunng. 4 SHAFT ARRANGEMENTS : ~~~ {~fV.T'O ~ (AI The Reducer Is viewed looking at the attachment housing. OPTIONAL (BI STANDARD Ie ) The input shal' may be driven ineitherd ireclion . (D) Units may be mounted in any position. (ceiling. sidewall . elc.1. if specified when ordered. 5 No eKtra charge for standard assemblies provided the shall eKtensions are of standard length. STANDARD 6 WINSMITH I!«I B-73 double reduction CTD SERIES : GEAR RATIOS AVAILABLE 50: 1 THRU 3600:1 COMPLETE T ORQUE AN D HP RATINGS •.••.•..... . PAGES 152-222 OVERHUNG LOAD RATINGS ...••••••••.•••••••• . PAGES 153·223 SERVICE FACTORS •.. .. ......••..•.•.•.••••.•.•.• .• PAGE 230 COUPL ING A DAPTER S ..•.••.••• •••. ............••••• PAGE 120 . PAGE 11 6 HYDRAUU C MOTOR ADAPTER S . . • . • . . • . • . • • . •• . 23456 UnlI 25 26 40 65 76 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 142 156 173 Umls =3. 4. 5. 6. 7.8,9. 10, and 12 are avallal)lo IVlIh hollowOUI()VI shalls, see page 9()'92. All oy sleel slO\'I speed shalls avaIlable DIMENSIONS : ,GREAn fiTTING - . . -- - L. p p --+---; f~r l-bJ . ":;] Vl ~ r'f-- -',, ~TI/1 ~ , 'Y: -F=- "'r--- _. S - ,[ ~~ f-. -<I»" ,- - GUASE FITTING 8 SPEED REOUCER DIMENSIONS (in Inches) '"', , A 0 L'::..:--;- <- " J H "",. of IIOt.U I Refer to 0 linlt for these sizes. • c, Ie. ,I. I. I. • , ,I ., 1" I" I_ I'V, '~I"3 .~. I ' Y. I2lf. I Y, I%I "' I·~ I'Y,' 0 , • , '16 I .' I ' I 'K. I V,' • " I'" I.. 'Sholl dio ....'.' '01. ,011'., +.000 -.001 . Fo. cOII".uctioll ...... PO.....lid 10. C""fI.d Oi .... II.ioll Sh.." . B-74 fiTTINGS .~. C 5T- 1-5=1 z . l...- ~GUA SE [('- . • u~ D ' ''---' '.K.I ~ I 'y, I ~•• ," double reduction PARTS LIST : 1 2 PARTS INDEX Part No. Part No. Description I Housing 2 3 5 5A 6 1 Slow Speed Cover - Open Slow Speed Cover - Closed - Not Shown Intermediate Coyer _ Closed Intermediate Adapter - Not Shown Used Wilh Inter. Cover - Closed Units 10 ThfU 15 Inc1. Slow Speed Shaft _ Double Extension Slow Speed Shaft - 8 9 "11 12 13 15 Intermediate Speed Worm and Shaft Integral 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 High Speed AtUchmenl Hoosl ng High Speed Attachment HOU Sing Cover High Speed Cover - Open High Speed Cover - Closed High Speed Worm and Sllef! Integral High Speed Worm Ge ar - BrallU 011 Seal - High Speed 25 26 Single btension- Not Shown Oil Seal-Intermediate Speed Oil Sea l - Slow Speed Roller Bearing-Intermediate Speed Roller Bearing_Slow Speed Description 16 3 Roller Bearing - High Speed Intermediate Lock Nut - Not Shown Used On Units 10 Thru i5 Ine1. Series 2 thru 9 Uses 2 Single Row Bearings. Series 10 thru 15 Uses 1 Single and 1 Two Row Bearing. Slow Speed Spac., Slow Speed Worm Gear- Bronze 4 SHAFT ARRANGEMENTS : i1PK6PIOllQfJ OPTIONAL IAI The Reducer is viewed looking at the auachmen! housing. (8) No extra charge for standard assemblies provided the shaft ex tensions are of standard length. (e ) The input shalt may be driven in either direclion . 5 (D ) Units may be mounted in any position . (ceiling. sidewall. etc.). il specified when o rdered . STANDARD STANDARD r"'IlJ~' "U -~ CJD- ron[~)O"-~r' If "D - ~ If L D- L 6 WINSMITH~1 B-75 double reduction SERIES : eVD GEAR RATIO S AVAILABLE 50:1 THRU 3600 :1 COMPLETE TORQUE AND HP RATINGS .. . ... PAGES 152-222 OVERHUNG LOAD RATINGS ...... .... . . ... . ..... PAGES 153-223 SER VICE FACTORS . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. PAGE 230 COUPLING A DAPTERS •.. •.••••••.••.• , ••• •••. •.•.•.. PAGE 120 HYDRAULIC MOTOR ADAPTERS .•.••• _, ..•.• • .•. • . •..• PAGE 116 TABLE Of WEIGHTS 2 3 4 5 • 7 25 27 43 63 80 116 "m' No< W.llht B 9 10 11 12 148 200 305 392 498 13 14 15 680 920 1230 Alloy steel slow speed shafts available. DIMENSIONS : GRUSE fIHlNG- ......,, - -- ..-_ '--- . , Refer 10 D line for these sizes. " " ,. , ,. ,. 'SIuI!! .. lem,Lt r L"'.,ance + .000_.001 . 1'0< conllNC llon ""'PO"'. "no la. c.nlUed d(mentlon U.0fI1 • . B-76 • , . A , -l I double reduction PARTS LIST : 1 2 PARTS INDE X Part No. Description I HouSing Part No. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 Slow Speed Cover - Open Slow Speed Cover - elastd 5 Intermedia te Cover - Closed 5A Intermediate Adaplar - NO! ShownUHd with Inter. Covlr-Cloud Units 10 Ttlru I !; Inel. l 6 Slow Speed Shalt - 7 Slow Speed Sh," - 9 0 11 Seal - 011 12 13 14 15 16 Top btenslon Bottom bten,ion Descrlplion High Speed ArtBcllmen! Housing High Speed Art.cllment HQu,lng Cover High Speed Cover - Open High Speed Cover - Closed High Speed Worm and Shaft In tegral High Speed Worm Gee. _ Bron ze Oi l Sl!al _ High Speed Roller Snrlng - High Speed Intermediate Lock Nut - Not Shown 3 S. S. 511aft Roller Bearing - Intermediate Speed Roller SUring-Slow Speed Slow Speed Spacer - Short Slow SJ)Hd Spacer -Lonl Slow Speed Worm Gear _ Series 2 thru 9 uses 2 Sinlle Row Bearillgs. Series 10 thru 15 uses 1 $Ingle end 1 Two Row e",aring. BIOflle Intermediate Speed Worm and Shalt Integral SHAFT ARRANGEMENTS : ~~ .dt ! ! EL EVATI ON IIU·lU RD·lU ~ RU · LO lU ·lU l D· l U LU4D lP-qJ ,,,. LD. LO ltU ... U 1tJ lU-RU ~~ RD·RU 4 ! LD-RU ~1tJ ~~ RU. RD W · RD RD· RD lD-RO IA) The Reducer is viewed looking at the anachment housing. IB) No eKtra charge lor these assem· blies provided the shalt extensions are 01 standard lenglh. ,eJ 5 The input shaft may be driven in either direction. ,DJ Units may be mounted in any posHion. (ceiling. sidewall. etc.l. it specified when ordered. 6 WINSMITH 1*1 B-77 double reduction- motorized and gearmotor SERIES MCTDMCTDW (WITH M OTOR) GEAR RATI OS AVAI LABLE 50;1 THRU 3600:1 COMPLETE T ORQUE AND HP RATINGS .•.........• PAGES 152·222 OVERHUNG L. OAD RATINGS . . . . ......... . ... , PAGES 153·223 S ERVICE FACTORS . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . ........ PAGE 230 COUPLING ADAPTERS •..•.••.•.........• ,... . . . . . PAGE 120 HYDRAULIC MOTOR ADA PTERS ..•.•..•.•.•.•.•••• .. .. PAGE 11 6 2 Unit WeiRht 3 , 5 , 6 " 8 9 '" 75 Unirs . . 3. 4, S. 6, 7, 8. 9, 10. and 12 IIrll /lvai/ab/II with hollow olilpur shlllls. See 01198 98. Alloy sl8el slow spnd shalls available. Hydrillilic Moror Flanges IIvllilable, 5811 PBges 116-" 8. • W eights iJre without motor. Units 2 through /Savai/able in "C" /lange coupling type. DIMENSIONS : see page 120. H Dime n sio n s a pp ly t o speed r e d uce r on lv . For m oto r d imens ions see next pag e . " 'MI S'«. ""0 I "It H'" 'IIIN' .... & .. HIlI LS 001<,01 • • ,NDH "'¥IS IVIO & .. """S '''' H'N • • lIIDlA • ..-•• ..•• ,.••, ,.•• ••,• ••,• • • •. , '" ••• '. • •• . ••• FII . ME K~ 'fW"'Y nd BORE OIMENSION S 11:1" '- ~ " " • • • '"N - ..... + .001 'tllC llm . ," mIt IUI<I ' ""<I ' • "'JJ 1.111" ! -~ I...i I P'lLIC 1..[' ' .. 1 ~ I~l= [_.. J t!-~A ~ i"."'L- ~ ,-,--, , • • D , , Refer to Section 0 for these sizes. • " ., ' Slow spud shoft diom . , •• lol,.on •• +.000 - .001. F" r . .. no, ... <li" n pu.p ......end for <e" ifi ,d dimen,ion .h.,... B-78 i.~ r::+--r ~ ,.J, U rU OllfilLtR B VENI ~m~ "~~~,,,,,,=:jx:~:::J":1 OiL L['Ill " ..nl 1_ 88 _ " SPEEO REDU CER DIMENS IONS (in inch e.) Unit No. , I' 2I!IC SH IA8l.t fOR INPUt SIOOI BORt & KEYW.f SUE double reduction motorized and gearmotor MOTOR OIMENSIONS: 'I. H ,P. (p} 1800 .,'" Ph"'8 .. . '",% . '. v, 'I, . ., ... ... ... Sin gl, Th r.. Sin gl e Th r.. Single Th.n Single Th , u . , v, AG ,v, ,% 8'14 BV. 6'){.. . , Si ng le Th " , ' V, .. Three ". , .. ,y, Th ree Th r.. Three Th r.. 10"1. 10"" 12V. " ," " ," " ," 6'X. " ," " ," "," "," , , , f en ,I • ro. m010r h <0 D<I.o r . totl Dim ~• I0 ' 0 . 10 S,ng lop o o p • •Mota.. <on b. fu" •• ,hod OpOn ",;pp'ool or o"do••"d. ~ W" D'oaap,dpp/)<) " " .9J{, • S'J{, , - - ..- - ; , , 1 13'1. lO'J{, 10'J{, 1 PARTS LIST : 2 . 1 PAR TS I NDEX Part No . Part No. Description 1 H ouSing 3 Slow Speed Cover-Close d -No t Shown 5 Intermedi~ te 2 Slow Speed Cove. _ Open Cove. - Closed 5A In termediate Adapter _ Not Shown Used With Inler. Cover - Closed Unit s 10 Thru 15 Incl. 6 7 Slow Speed Shalt _ Slow Speed 511all _ Double Extension Single EKtension- No t Shown 8 Oil Seal _ 9 Oil Seal Slow Speed - II Rolter Bearing - SlOW Speed SlOW Sp(!ed Spacer Slow Speed Worm Ge ar - Bronze Intermediate Sp(!ed Worm and Sh"' t Integral High Sp(!ed Attachment Hou sing High Speed At tachment Housing Cover High Speed Cover - Clos.ed High Speed Worm and Shall I ntegr~1 High Speed Worm Gea r - Bronze High Speed Oil Seal Roller Bea ring _ High Speed 18 19 21 22 23 Intermedia te Speed Roller Beari ng Speed Sha ft 12 13 15 16 24 25 Intermedia te Description Pari No. ~riplion 26 Hillll Speed loc k Nut 3 2 Molor Adapter 326 Malar Adapler Spacer (Sizes 7. e & 9 only ) 34 Intermedifte Speed l oc k Nut_Not Shown Used on Un\ts 10 Thru 15 Inc!. 3 5 Intermediate Speed l oe k Washer Not Shown Used on Units 10 Thru 15 Incl. • Series 2 thru 9 incl. use 2 Single Row Bear· i ngs. Series 10 thru 15 i nel. use 1 Single Row Bnd 1 Oouble Row Bearing. SHAFT ARRANGEMENTS: $-$WASSEMBLY lU-LR ASSEMBLY lU_R .nh-~ ASSEMBLY lU-L $v- ~ - ASSEMBLY ItU-l lt ASSEMBLY RU _R .~ ~ ASSEMBLY UL-LR · ... " VIEW ~- ~ - ASSEMBLY U1_R· OPTIONAL STANDA RD The Reducer is viewed looking alttle attaChment housing. No e~ lra charge lOr standard assem· blies provided Shaft eXlensions are standard lenglh. (C) The Input shalt may be driven in either direct ion . 101 Units mllY be mounted In any' oosl tlon. Icellin g, sidewall e l C.I 'f sPlclfied wh en ordered . ASSEMBLY LO_I ASSEMBLY RO · L ASSEMBLY UR-L· ~ For largllr sizlIs. USII CTOM (Page 120). 5 STANDARD ~ ElEVATION 4 (8) ASSEMBLY UR-R· ~ - .~.ASSEMBLY UL_L· ASSEMBLY RU-L (A) ASSEMBLY UR_Ut" . 3 -Theae assembles Clll n be supplied In Units 2·8 only . For lerger units use Model CTDM. See Pege 120. ~, ~ 6 WINSMITH IWI. B-79 double reduction - motorized and gearmotor MCVDMCVDW SERIES : (WITH MOTOR ) GEAR RATIOS AVAILABLE 50:1 THRU 3600:1 COMPLETE TORQUE AND HP RATINGS .•.•.••••••• PAGES 152·222 OVERHUNG LOAD RATINGS ......... ,_ ......... . , PAGES 153·223 SERVICE FACTORS .. ••• . .••.••.•.••••.•.• . . . . . ..•.. PAGE 230 COUPL.ING ADAPTERS . ...• . . . .••.••.•.•...•.•.•..... PAGE 120 HYDRAULIC MOTOR ADAPTERS ••..••••.•••••• . •.. . . . . PAGE 116 TABLE OF WEIGHTS u.... No< 2 3 4 5 6 27 28 46 65 82 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 118 150 200 305 392 498 680 Alloy steel slow speed shafts available. HydrauliC Motor Flanges available, see pages' '6- / 18. CV DMW Units 2 through IS available in "e" flange coupling type, see page 720. 01 MENSIONS : -- -.... .. • FR ME. KEYW4Y _ • M M • • • -- ~~ - + .... , ,.•• •• ••• ,., , •'"., . ". "" '. Dimensions apply 10 5I)00(I re<lucor only. For molor dimension see nexl page. tftlf ltmt: N •• •• • '. • •• '.11"' , ,..- - ' BOllE DIMENSIONS I UTt H ! lt See 08ge 120 ll nt mle • -, l- IT .L _Ll -'. N •• ..•.. '.'- r "••• ' ... ". -. - ri - r·· .. \ 111L ..---'I- -.:JIf.I:'I:::'" c=J Refer to 0 Une for these sizes, " " " ,\ I ' B-80 ........ -'- -.~- .- double reduction motorized and gearmotor MOTOR DIMENSIONS : H,' , f$!! 1100.,/11 'h.... . AG . '" 'I. 'h V. . '",,,. ''1. ' 'h "'" ,,,. ,v. "'" BV. 6'JC. '"" J(. 8¥. ." " J(. " J(. , ¥. Single lh ••• S;~91. TI.... Si ~gl. Th,.. Sing'e lh .. . S,n9 le 9V.. " J(. , , , ,v. Three Thr •• Thr •• . 'J(. 9¥. .'J(. .'. - Thre. "" . 'J(. "" .'J(. TI.... Thru 1211. 13;r. 10% 10% ~ ~---j ._-_ .. ~ I 1 2 PARTS INDEX Pan No. Description 1 2 Housing Slow Speed Cover - Open 3 Slow Speed C!We. - Closed ,.",. 15 5 Int ermediate Cover Closed 5A In termediate Adapter - Not Shown Uwd With Inter. Cover_Closed Units 10 Thru 15 Incl. 6 SlOW Speed ShMt - Top Extension 7 9 " II 12 " """24 19 Slow Spelld Shalt - Bottom ElrtenSion Oil $eal _ Slow Speed Roller Bearing - Intermedia te Speed Shan Roller Bearing - " Slow Speed Pari. No. Descri p tion Slow Speed Space. - Short Slow Speed Spacer - Long Slow Speed Worm Gear - B.onzlI Inte.mediate Speed Worm and Shalt Integ.al High Speed Allachment Housing High Speed AttaC hment Housing COIle. High SPHd COlIer - Closed High Speed Worm and Shaft Integ.el Hillh Speed Wo.m Gea. - B.onle High Speed Oil Seal Rolle. Bea. ing - High Speed 26 32 Hilth Speed Loc:k Nut MOtor A<Iaole. 328 Motor Adapter Spacer (Sizes 7. e 6 9 Only) 34 Intermediate Speed Lock NutNot Shown Used on Uni ts iO Thru 15 Ind. 35 Intermediate Speed Lock WashllrNOt Shown Used on Units 10 Th.u 15 Incl. 3 SlIdes 2 th.u 9 incl. use 2 Single Row Bea.· ings. Series 10 th.u 15 incl. use I Single Row and I Double Row Bea.ing. SHAFT ARRANGEMENTS : 4 'lAN VIEW (A) The .educer is viewed looking at the allachment housi ng. ASS£M81'r IU_IU ASSEMII'r LU-RU ASUMllT RO-IU AUEMIIY 100IU ASSEM'IT UI· IU AUEMIIT UI· RU (B) No u t r . c h •• ge l o r illus t rate d assemb lies prOYided sha ft u tensions a.e standard. (C) The input shaft may be d.iven in either di.ecti on . its m ay be m o unt ed I n any >D' Un PO$llIon. Ic eliing. sldew.1I etc.) 11 5 sped/ jed wh lln ordere d . ASSEMIIY IU. ID ASUM l tY W_RD ASS(MU Y UI_tD ASSEMUY UI_ID ASSEMIlY UI.ID ASUMI1Y UR. ID (((VATION 6 WINSMITH 1iiI. B-81 double reduction - helical and worm gear SERIES : CBX GEAR RATIOS AVAILABLE 50:1 THRU 180:1 COMPLETE TORQUE ANO HP RATIN GS ....•.•• PAGES 152·222 OVERHUNG LOAD RATINGS ••.•••• •.••.•...• ,PAGES 153·223 SERVICE FACTORS .•..•••.•.•.••••••••.•.••.•... PAGE 230 COUPL.ING ADAPTERS •.••.•...•....... . .••.•. . .• PAGE 120 HYDRAUL.IC MOTOR ADAPTERS ......... . ..... PAGE 116 u.." N~ Weight CBXM See page 120. TABLE OF WEIGHTS , 6 7 60 aD 107 • 9 10 149 170 11 12 13 14 260 345 370 413 672 Units II~. 6, 7, e, 9. 10. and 128'8 avallable with hollowoutpur sha fls. SOB page 90-92. Alloy steel slow speed shafts available. Umts 5 - 14 avaIlable In "C" I/anga coupling type (CBX M), see page 120. Umls 5- 10 & 12 avaIlable In 'C ' I/anga coupling typo (SCBX MW1. see SC BXMW See pago 120. page 120. DIMENSIONS : M GUASE fITTI N ~ L, L. N OJ, 'Uf. /'lUG flflING 0 ~v I -. I• U_ ." I lEVU z, u e 01\ I EVR Z. "'0 I , j- , "'0 , , 1)1.1. . • 1I000l S I I .1 ono~ "'0 • 'A SPEED REDU CER DIMENSION S (In Inches) • • ,c, • • el{ Uft;' ,• , 9l{ ,~ e, H~ , 0 IV. IV. , • • , , " 3)1 1> X. • • ,~ 3Y. 2Y. , y, l V. 12X ...0 lYo 3Y. 3X 9)1 13)1 .5 .1 67 ' ll 3)1 6y' . y. J< ••X. 10 10 10 .~ I .. I, .. M • , z, z, " ,, .J< .5V. 3X "'.. , , 3X 3,/•• Y.Yo 'K I! 3}i Y. ,K. , ""')1 7J4 9X 3X Y. 2l!. , N 3'.';, ·K. ' K. IOl{ lOX · X ' 1> 3 ~. 1!.1 7Y. 5X ·IU. nYz 8.3.5 9y' 6Y. 1oJ(. 12X 3~ . 9.917 {ll{ 6X lo'K. 12M 3!.1 3Y,. lOY, lOX Ill{ I.IJ(. IBX {IX -~ Yo 12)1 1.5){, Po lI X lOX o!.1 . V. Yo 12y' 9}1 !3 'K. 16l{ , ~ I Yo Yo u y, 14M IOl{ I·U. 3!.1 ..v. Yo u y. 16M 11M 16X l< , , " 'K. 'K. 'v • " , .Yz " •6X , • - , Yo 'K. W. " 12)1 " , , 7X I % " u )1 " 7Yt , • •5X B 'K. " " 16)1 " BY. , , 6X {I Yo ' " " . V. J< .5)1 Y. 6 Y. 6X II H1t h I,.-.! S.... h I, ' 7y' ,.. , .. " • , , ·K. • • "v. "v. ~ Sh"fl dio",., •• lol •• oft ••• +.000- .001. for cO" " nI"io" pu.po . . . .t"d fo r C . .. ifled Dj",." .;o" Sh ..I•• B-82 Yo 2l!. , , 'X. 2X , 2X ••" 2}1 , ••" , yo I , I>J<. 2!.1 lCey_, SI.w i,.-.! Shoft W' • , ~'''~ IX 2V. 2M ~.x~ IX ' J< 3l{ ){"'''~ I y' 3V. 3M )f. " ~I IX 3V. ' Yo J(." Jb -Yo . l{ 2l{ l{ " y. -l< ..)1 ,y, y' " J1 ~ y. . J1 2X ' Yo 5)1 y..J1 J1 6 y' . y, 3l{ l< . y, , • , .,.w. , X''¥. X,, )f. X" )f. Y. ,, )f. X -y. x l{ }I X - X. Iv. . ){. M·X M· X double reduction helical and worm gear PARTS LIST : 1 2 PARTS INDEX Part No. Description 1 Housing 3 Sfow SpUd Cover - 2 Slow Speed Cove. _ Open Closed - Not Shown 5 Intermediate COlIer - Closed SA Intermediate Adapter - Not Shown Used with Inter. Cover 6 7 9 ° 11 12 13 15 Closed Units 10 TII. u 14 Inel. Slow Speed Shaft - Double Extension Stow Speed Shaft _ Single ExtenSion _ Not Shown Oi l ~al - Slow Speed Roller Bearing _ Intermediate Speed 16 18 19 Inlermedlate Speed Worm and Shaft Integral High Speed Attaehment Housing 3 High Speed Attachment H ousi ng Cover 20 High Speed Cover - 22 High Speed Pinion end Shaft Integral 23 Intermediate Helical Gear 24 25 Oil Seal - High Speed Roller Burlng - High Speed 26 Intermedia te Lock Nut - Not Shown Used On Units 10 Th ... 14 I ncl. Roll!!, Bearing _S low Speed Speed Spacer $Slow '_ $"" .. d W,,,m Gear - Description Pari No. Open Series I Thru 9 Incl. U ses 2 Single Row e nrings, Series 10 Thru J4 l ocI. Use 1 Single Row and I Double Row Bearing, B'Oflze 4 SHAFT ARRANGEMENTS : OPTIONAL STANDARD STANDARD PLAN t t t (A ) The reducer Is viewed IOOkln.., III Ihe HIgh Speed Shall wh ieh has II single exlension only IB) No exira charge 10' abQve usem biles prov ided shall extensIons are 0 1 ,'andard leng,h, Ie ) Inpul shalt may be rotated in ellher direeTion (0 ) Uni ts may be mounted In any pos;t lon, ( eelling, sidewall , etc I. il specihed when ordored t E) Helical hOUSing can be rPI aied In Ipu ' separate posltlons - howeve. hOUSing inl erle'ences OCCur In ce' IPin si~n _ if 8ssemblies are reQUired o ther than shown , eonsull factory VI~W ELEVATION ~fr~ 5 u-U 6 WINSMITH IWI B-83 double reduction- helical and worm gear seTX SERIES : CTX GEAR RATIOS AVAIL.ABL.E 50:1 THRU 180:1 COMPLETE TORQUE AND HP RATINGS .•••.•.• PAGES 152·222 OVERHUNG LOAD RATINGS . . . ... . . .......... PAGES 153-223 SERVICE FACTORS . . .. . . ...... . .. . . . . . . . .... . . . . PAGE 230 COUPLING ADAPTERS ...•.••.•••.... •. • . ••.... . . PAGE 120 HYDRAUL.IC MOTOR ADAPTERS ••.•......•.••••••• PAGE 116 SCTXMW See page 120 TABL E O F WEIGHTS Unit N., We ight 5 6 65 80 , 7 108 148 10 9 11 12 13 14 170 263 338 367 502 670 Umls;:S, 6, 7, B, 9 , 10. and 12 are available with holloWQulpul shalls. see page 92. Alloy steel slow speed shafts ava ilable Umts 5-ISllvailab/e In "C" /Iange coupling type (CTXM ). see page 120. UmlS 5-10 & 12 available In "C" flange couplmg type (SC TXM ). see Additional Series Available: Series SCTX (Double Reduction - Hollow Shaft) and SFX(Double Reduction - Hollow Shaft). For SCTX and SFX output stage dimensions. see STD page 92 and SFD page 90respeclively. For SCTX and SFX inpu t stage dimensions. see CTX dimensions below. For construction purposes send fo r certi fied dimen- 120. DIMENSIONS : SPEED REDUCER DIMENSIO N S (in Inches) , , , , , •• • ," IV." ,• • •~ ~. • • ",. ' '.X• 3}) lYa , "y. ~ ~. ,, )1 7y' "X •, , , 7Yo 9U. 7 IYa 2Yo " Yo ~ ~. • " 10. 100 5 )1 Yo % 5)1 9Y. 10.l<. •, • . Un;, 6~ a~ ,~ 9~ ,~ 1 2}~ .... ,~ ,~ ,~, 3~ • , ,• • • " " " ." , " • " " , , lSy: , , 'X.% ey: " " , Sy' , , " " , " 6y' , 'X. ' Yo " " .y, 13).0) 5.161 . " IV. 11 .161 . 12).-1 . B-84 ,~ 6X Yo % Yo % 7 ~ 1X 7~ 14)1 7~ 16!1 By' I){. IB y' IX Hig h SPMd S""ft M 1D ~ IOV. s}~ II}) 6~ 12 ~ 0 9X " " . 14)1 9~ 6M 10!){1 12y' lOy' 'X. 12 ~ 14')( 18X 12)1 IS){. lO Yo 12 ~ 'X. 20 9!1 13'J{. 16~ 21!1 I" y' lOy' 14U. " " 16y' n y' IWI 19){, • " '. 0 ' SV. 3).0) 3'11. ~ 7 3 X 3'1..! 7 )1 3)1 3'ft. 8X , 3X 3'ft 3)1 3'ft ~ "Yo 11M " Yo 13X "Ya " " "Yo ".". ,, ". , .~ 2'1.. , , 2'ft. KI X ~1 2'ft. .l{1 " J» Iy' 3Yo 3y' Yo ~ .l{. .l{.,,~ lYo 3y' 3Yo V. ".l{. V , " , " , ", 2'11. ," "Ya ". , 10)1 • 2y', Slo... SPMd ShoJI W' I(.y...o , N 2'111 .l{1".'Jh I ~ 2Yo KI " J» ,y, , 3 y' 3y' ' Yo "y. 2Y. . V. 1('1""'0, ~xy' Y. ~ ;I(I X ~ ~ ~A . 2 ).0) ~"y' 2'/" ,~ y. " .l{, m.. 2)1 ~"y. 2y' s Yo sX Yo " .l<. ~ " y. 2!1 2'1.. 2!1 ~"v. m.. , 2!1 X"v. 3 X sy. .~ lti xl{ , ' Yo 0 Yo _Yo 6X 6X Yo,,¥. double reduction helical and worm gear PARTS LIST: 1 2 PARTS INDEX Part No. Pari No. Description 1 !-Iou,;ng 2 3 5 5A Slow Speed Cover - Open Slow Speed Cover _ Closed _ Not Shown Intermediate Cover - Closed Intermediate Adapler _ Not Shown Us.ed With Inter. Cover - GloRd , 7 8 , "" - 11 15 Description 16 18 19 20 22 23 Intermediate Speed Worm and Shaft Integrel High SpUd Att.chment Hou slna High Speed AttKhmen! Housing COY1I f High Speed Cover - Open High Speed Pinion Shift Integral Intermediate He lical Gear Units 10 Thru. 14 Incl . 24 Oil Seal - SlOW Speed Shift - Dooble UltrlSIOl'l Slow Speed Shift - Single Extension 011 Seal - Intermediate Speed Oil Seal - Slow Speed Roller Burlng - Intermediate Speed 25 26 RoUer Bearing - High Speed Intermediate Lock Nut - Not Show n Us.ed OJl Units 10 Thru . 14 Inel. Not Shown SHAFT ARRANGEMENTS , High Speed Seriu 5 Thru 9 Us.es 2 Single Row Searing5. Serie5 10 Thru 14 Uses 1 Single and 1 Two Row Be&ring. Roller 8earlng- Slow Speed Slow Speed Spacer Slow Speed Worm Gear - 3 Bronte OPTIONAL STANDARD 4 STANDARO PLAN VIEW The Reducer Is viewed looking 01 tho High 5poed Shall which has a single oxtension ooly. No ext"' ehorgo for slllndard 05sem· blies provided the shall eXlensions !Ire 01 SUlrld!lrd langlh. (e ) Inp ul shaH may be rolaled In eilher dlreclion. (A) ELE VATIO N t O-LO t t '" (D ) Unlls may be mounled in any POI ilion. (cei l ing. sldewllL ele.). 1\ soeeil ied when ordered . {E ) Helical Hou.lng e.n be 'ol&led in lou' Se08rl l e 00sil;on1 - il dulred arrangemenl II nOI shown . consull faclory . 5 6 0< WINSMITH 1iiI. B-85 double reduction- helical and worm gear LX SERIES : CVX VERTICAL DROP 8EARING GEAR RATIOS AVAILABLE 50 :1 T HRU 180:1 COMPLETE TORQUE AND HP RATINGS ....... PAGES 152·222 OVERHUNG LOAO RATINGS ••.. .. ... ..... •. , PAGES 153·223 SERVICE FACTORS . . . . . . ................. '" PAGE 230 COUPLING ADAPTERS ....... . . ............ PAGE 120 HYDRAULIC MOTOR ADAPTERS . .... .....•••.•.• PAGE 116 LXM See page 120. TA B L E OF W EI GHTS Add itiona l Series Avai lable: Se ries LX (Dou ble A ed uction - Dro p Bearing Type - H e lica l and Worm) 65 77 111 141 185 280 409 500 615 740 For LX output stage dimensions. see LD page 98. W"laflt For LX input stage dimensions. see CVX dimensions Alloy $foel slow speed shafts available. below. Umts 5-/4 available in "C" flange coupling type ( CVXM). see page 120. For construction purposes send for Certified Di· Units 5-10 & 12 available In "C" flange coupling type ( LXM). see mension sheets. page 120. 5 Unit 7 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 N.' DIMENSIONS : C, 1(, OIL LEVU ",UG SPEED REDUCER DIMENSIONS (i n inches) ~. , < <, 7Yo .!~ ' Yo , -Yo 3Y, , -" 0 • 9)1, lOy' - ~. • Il }S n )l, , y, ' .00 • " " n y, 16Yo ' Yo lOY, 'Yo " " U }i 17Y, " " '. nYo " " "» " " " 21 Y, B-86 t, < .., ...... ., • -., .. .. , , , , ... '" .• ., ... .. -" , ,," '., ... ". , " , ..... .. . .,•• , , . , ,- •" . '., , .. '., t, 0 • " " • lY. Y, 'Yo ' Yo ' X ,y, • ' X 'Yo l~~ Y, ,y, (y, ' Yo , yo -Yo X 4Y, I ~' ~. 5.167 I'~ 6Yo Y, , ' Yo , ".., -X ' Yo "i , , , 6Yo 7}~ Ill{ .~, 12Y, " 9~~ , • " " .,., X 6y' 'X .., 7Yo l Y. 'l(, 'A. lOy' , 'X " " , 0\1 • , ~ Hlo1o S.-! M 0 10 Yo 6y' 10,", , y, p ~, " Yo lOy' M ' Yo , W, 12Yo " 'l{. 1l Y, 7'l(. " 15l{• 12li 15 Yo .,~ , ,.'~ 16Yo I_Yo ll Yo 16)' Illy, "v. " 13Y, lOY, , l,Y, ll Y, 'Yo 1'<, ¥.. 17Yo Yo ro ' Yo , '-\I, " ". 'M 19'(, 9'~ ," 3\1 . '110 2%. I !~ 3Y, 3',1,. '" 2'A, 9'i , y, 3',1, • '10 2,/;. . y, ' .., " Y, 14'1(. Il Yo SI .... s,....I_1t ""YIi, w·IYo " 6Y, " l"}i " o · " , t;'1(. 3\1, 2\1, 'X , 7Yo , y, 3',1, '\00 2%. , J{•• 'Yo n y, 'Yo ' Yo ' Yo 12Yo c: s,",,, 10 ' . 'Yo ..'. "" , , , , 2Y, , ~, 2'" ••• , "', , , "16Y, ' X .}, , "'",.. 2}, 13Y, -~; . ~, . 2 '~ 2}~ ~ ~ J(• • Jb 0, 0, , ,y, 2~~ 2Y. Yo . Yo !C ...... , ' X 3Y. ' Yo l1. • Jr. Yo. Jr. ' Yo 3 !~ - I y' 3y' J(,. Jb 1!t. 3~~ 3 ~~ 3 ~~ " • Jr. . Yo ' Yo y, . y. Yo . y! 2Yo -~. 4h 4Y, ~ Yo . y. 2Y, ' Yo Yo • Jo(. .sy, Yo YO . YO 2l~ ' Yo ' Yo . 1(, YO . YO 'x , Yo d'. Yo .:., , yo ' }I to }) 6', J~ • Yo K• • Jb 2 . ~, , , , , double reduction helical and worm gear PARTS LIST : 1 2 Pari No. PARTS INDEX Part No. Description 1 Hou sing 2 J 5 Slow Speed Cove, - Open Slow Speed Cover - Closed Intermediate Cover - Cloud 18 19 5A Inlermfldiate Adapter _ No t Shown UWd With Inter, Cover Closed 6 7 9 - 11 Units 10 Tl'lru 14 Illei. Slow Speed Shaft - Top Extension Slow Speed Shaft - Bottom EJtens;on 011 Seal- S. S. Shaft - Top Extension Roile r Bea,ing - I ntermediate Speed 12 Roller Bearing- Slow Speed 13 14 15 Slow Speed Space r - Short Slow Speed Spac"" - long Slow Speed Worm Gur-Bronu ,." " " "" 2J Description Intermediate Speed Worm and Shaft Integral H!lIh Speed Attachment Hous!"S High Speed Attachment HOUSing COY!!' 3 ISold a. aet only. High Speed COlIer - Open High Speed Pinion and Shalt Integral Intermediate Helical Gear 0 11 Seal - High Speed Roile. Bearing - High Speed Intermediate Speed Lock Nut - Not Shown URd On Units 10 Thru 14 Inc1. Series 5 Thru 9 101(.1, UR 2 Single Row Bearings. Series 10 Thru 14 InCl. Use 1 Single Row and 1 Double Row Bearinl/.. 4 SHAFT ARRANGEMENTS : PlAN VIEW fA J The reducer II viewed lOOking 3• •he High Speed $ h3f1 whi(;h hilS 3 sIngle e~ l en510n only tBl ElEVATIO N (e ) No e.,re cherge 10' above asse mblies IlrOVlded the shaU e.tensions are 01 standard tength . tnllut shalt may be rotaled In ellher directIon. (0 ) UnIts may btl mounted In an y position . (ce Olng . 8idewatt . elc ,). 11 specilied when o rdered (E) Helic al housing can Oe rota l ed ,n l ou r separate I)Ositions - it deSired a" angement IS not show n. consult lactory 5 6 WINSMITH 1*1 B-87 double reduction parallel shafts SEAlES OBI WORM GEAR TYPE - 9 SIZES .04 H,P. to 8.75 H.P. RATIO RANG E 25:1 to 3850:1 MAX. OUTPUT TORQUE RANGE 14610 34,290 In. Ibs. TA BLE OF WEIGHTS ... """ w.... , 2 3 4 4X 5 12 19 44 63 72 90 • • 6 195 23. 760 Alloy steel slow speed shaftsallallable. DIMENSIONS: r L.,---t- CS L. 0 U~~B~ -~ ~ ~ ..1 G 0 ~ Q w 0 ,' E 'H'DIA- 4""', E=yR I A J J SPEED REDUCER DIMENSIONS (i n Inches) H;~ u .... A • " C, C. (I 0 • , " '. 0 H J l, l. M 0 ~ , y. .. • 2!1 X2 2X X I 3y' IV. ' Yo IX oS 1}~ I~ XI % ,,)1 ' Yo 7V. ~ 1.333 U33 2 ~ I~ 1~ 2!{ l l(. n~ 7 2)(. 2)(. 7(. 'JG 3l(, 2W. 29(. ..~ .s)!, <10M J oS 9}:\ X ' XI 2)4 3 , 2 I X 1 Y. 3M X ''Sl , 1'J(. 3)(. 6}{ sKI s ){ 3M .. 1M 9)1 X 2M ..)1 5)4 3)4 8M IX 2M HI !l11 2M 3y' loX goy. .s'J(. 2'C. 2M ,~ 3M 1')(,1 ')(, . . 'Shaft di..........01., ...... + .000 - .001. ",. c .."" ... ffioft plI 'poN' N ftd for C. rtill..t Di_ftfion S....... B-88 H U' , ...... Shoo" V Sloow SpH4 Sh.ft lCeywoy W' IV. J,i .. }(. ~ 2 S T • ..,...,y 'X J(I . ~ X " I<. Yo 2 " )( JI'. .. JU X 3K. ' Yo JI'. .. 'Sl I 2)(. 'Yo V. X Yo 3 2y' Jr, ,, ~ 1 21<, 2Yo Yo .. Xi 2).(. 2 JI double reduction parallel shafts PARTS LIST: 1 2 PARTS INDEX Part No. DescrlpUon 1 2 3 Housing Slow Speed Cover Slow Speed Cove . - !Ii Interme-diate Speed Cover 7 Slow Speed Shaft 9 11 12 13 Part No. Open CloiJed 011 Snl- Slow Speed Roller Bfllflna -1ntermedlate Speed Roller Bearing - Slow Speed Slow Speed Spacer Description 15 16 Slow Speed Worm Gea,- Bronze Intermediate Speed Worm and Shaft Integral 20 High Speed Cover - 21 High Speed Cover _ Closed 22 23 High Speed Worm and StltH InteR'" HlglI Speed Worm Gee. _ Bronze 3 Open 24 Oil Seal- Hlljlh Speed 25 Ball Beerlng - 26 Intermediate Speed Spaeer Hig11 Speed 4 SHAFT ARRANGEMENTS : ASSfMllY l .... ,., •• .., (A) The reducer is viewed from Ihe side nearest to and at r ight angles tothehighspeedshall. (8 ) No extra charge lor the above assemblies provided Ihe shaft ex tensions are 01standard length. (e l The input shaft may be driven in either direct ion. (D) Units may be mounted In any pOsition. (ceiling. sidewall. etc.). ifspecil iedwhenordered. 5 6 WINSMITH I!«I. B-89 double reduction-hollow shaft SFD SFD SERIES: GEAA RATI OS AVAILABLE 50:1 THAU 3600:1 COMPLETE TORQUE AND HP RATINGS .... . PAGES 152-222 OVERHUNG LOAD RATINGS ............ . .. PAGES 153·223 SER VICE FACTOR S ........................ .. . PAGE 230 COUPLING ADAPTERS.... .... . . ... . .... PAGE 120 HYDRAULIC MOTOR ADAPTERS ••.•.•.. .. •.• . .• PAGE 116 TABLE OF W EIGHT S Unit 3 , Net 27 43 Weight 5 6 7 73 82 8 9 10 Additional Series Available: Series SFT (Triple Reduction) and SFX (Double ReductionHelical and Worm). 12 143 156 245 265 400 For SFT and SFX output and in termediate stage d imensions, see SFD dimensions below. For SFT and SFX input stage dimensions, see page 104 and CTX page 86 respectively. Forconst ruc tion pu rposes send for certified dimension sheets. AlSO available with 100f mounted housing IICB· CT type. consult lac/ory. cn DIMENSIONS : h' T::~~ u:~E~ !a-::,~=-----rl • ..J 0 0 . - ';~ :Y h -, o , OIl" r:;= .bilc" .."" ...e"..ct;-i ,- ........ ••• . , .... •, 'v.. , Unit A 8 <, <, 8, 'Yo 'Yo 3'K• .df. 7Yo ay' ' Yo sY, 7 SfD lOY, 13 bY, 9J{. a Sf!) 7y' IO~", 6 SfD B-90 ' >I by' 7Y, 3)4 IO}, " 12Y. 14y' ." 0 0, '" .y, 5.95a , trJ !J Yo F d;, G 6}1i " 7.458 9~~ " ll V, • ",.. ,10. 1 11.725 •• 9 SFD 12Y, IS Y, 7y' I I'K. 5.167 10 SF!) 14y' 11l{ aM 12y' 12 SfD 16!1 21 J4 0 1• 15 ~: 10 8 I n~ ' Yo , ,• ", \ " ISY, 1 'v. "f,x;l), , >1;1), 2K. 2 e Sf!) Yo 2K. 2 J{.x k', Yo 2)). 2 J{.,J;, 95fD 'i.C '-:.:;, , , , " " • " ," "•. .,. ' .. "•. ," "., .'•.I"" '" , '" , H 105fO y' l X. 12 Sf 0 I, '", '>I ~, ~~ Y. • ·K. 4H , "Y-sy, , y, ' Yo ." . y, 'X". >, ' Yo Y, K. 'K. 4)1 ' Yo S 3 '~ '}f, Yo '1f. 6 14 7 .,. . y, ' Yo I, 6 ;~ 1'J{, lY. M 0 I 2~. 'Yo 10'K. 3' ){.b •• " I'Y, I" 3'}f.3 .'" I", 4!{. 3'<. 3" 5~~ 5 by' 4Y, , sYo "u y, ,,'}I" . y, 4W . sH ' ... •..',. " 7'A. 21 Y, , 11K. 3't\.6 4,. 8, '>I .~ "X 'Yo aK, 2M "Yo 9'K. 3'){. 6 'K. Il'!". 7h , , 14'<. bli". I, pK. I'Y, 2,", '>I }S K•• . ..." , '.. " " 11 .167 13.792 .,., 7 SfD J i' V J{.x ~, Y, J(.lt~, Y, ,xv. Refer to D line for these sizes , , , • 1.33 4 SFD X l y' ~j D }S I' K. I Y, XxK. Y, I 'X", ,v, X xX. 6 SfD ,~ SPEED REDUCER DIMENSIONS (in inches) .yw~, 3 SfD N ~.~ JC;".It-- I ' i L~=t'-'fli : .. ! .'. OOI. LML Sh~ft U' .5 SFD L... " Hillh Spud Unit 14 ,~ 3'.1{. . bY, 18Y, 6"[. sK, 7Y. 8 y' 7 9)1, 8 6,f. II )/, 8 , I • ,\ 'Yo ,, ~ " , 7A '"."''Yo" II'K. I'" , 3y' 14li". W. 4Yo IS){. p•• 10')(. 57. 16Y. s ~", IBM , i. 6A "". ". double reduction hollow shaft PARTS LIST : PARts l NO U • 1 " " , / r,' '@> >; " ~ ...:E._ : j 00 " 1 - I T "51:,,,,,3 .hfU 9u_ 2 5'ng... I1.,,,,, &.""91 Set... 10 at\<I12 U.... 1 S,ngl.ond I Doubl. Row DIMENSIONS : 3 SFO WI ~ 'Yo. '. , "f•• 1'A, ..., v. I~ ,~, S LOW SPEED SHAFT BOR ES (In Inch •• , 4 Sf 0 . WI Lelllllll 1',\, 'I, .. ,. 2V" 2\1" m 3';'. S"I.. •1'" Ih'lo 6' '1" Vo . ,/o Ih'lo ... .~, 6' '1,. 6"1.. 6''1" 6 Y'l, ' Fli. ... m 1"/ .. 6'Y" , ~ '. 6' '1., 1~, 1.ilC'J. ~y,. ,ow ... '-- 5SFD ,-- 20/;. " 'ow '" " '" ,.. " 1¥•• ¥o>¥,. ,- "" m "" ,." 1''11, 'My" ..... V" ,." ....~" ..... 14 . '1, . ..... " 0/.. 1' 125FD L,"gth Wo' 2"{,. "",y" .." ...... 'ow 2'"{,. 3 '!b ¥. ,ow 3¥.. 3Y.. '''''1" ••• "'" '" '" '" ••• '" .." ''''';'. ".". WI 2'Y,. ,. 2'Y" 3 ""'.,.,. '101. '1, 3t., 3Y. . 3''1'.. ••• 4'1,. . '-- , ,,. '1.. ' '1'" 'No'I,. , .'.W. ". ". ". ,,. ,,. ". ,,. \~' I'I 14.'/0 ,(,..-n, ......!i. '11' '(,' %J¥.. ... .....·A . w•• ..."\,, "".'t. • WI ,-.. • • " • • ,". , 2¥.. l"A. 1''1'.. 0 •0 •• ", 2'/,. ",/" f ..f" "Yo. %>:"" ... . "" Wo' w" w" w.w rolf.. long," ,m; ..W '" '" %JY" w•• '" <ow '"ow , ,... ow ."••• ,.....w ow ,. .......... ,"w 2Vo. I~ 1'";'. ,m; \h\~ 20/,. '"ow ,~ '1..1(.. %0'1,. ... ". 2" 11. 3 .,." 4 \t SHAFT ARRANGEMENTS : ,",......,- mhiSlY l lJ.OII P~N ~ tt r- VOEW m v."ON ' ,t tit , ~ CUSTOMERS / ', ~ _ MAC HIN!: .J c":m '.C: ............- CU'TOM'" - "'m,nSEMBLY 41 / l lJ.DR MAC HI NE 3 .,. ,"w<ow... ,. ,... ,. 2'\1" • -t 2 8SFD WI Length '-- 'gill ,"",hOW" In bold IT\II (IUPI' RJndll1'l!1I_"'"'"' _Iblt. Some ,,,mI"",.S.. ,1%0 IIsI 10, dtlll(,. h ngth LoIIIIIII 1 Be.. Totell",e. + .000. + .002. fOt Implllftd onIl ... MIty. SPtdIY bollllra .... ' "qui". KI)'WlI' .... ,'. 20/•• 2y'. 'ow W.. 1100% . ,- ".. .,. ..... ,- ". ..."'. . 'ow wI ,. ,.- .. 7 Sf 0 6SFD ,, ~. , 6' Y" 6'Y" 10 SFD •...Y.. ""- 0'", 1'A. WI LenQIII .., .., w.. ,.2'Y,. "",2'Y.. "''' ,.. 1iI. Y. \,10'1. Ih 'It 9 Sf 0 WI '-- ." L."~ WI ,..... " ,"v.. " '" w•• "ow ,,- Vo"10 w•• ow '1,,'1, '" o. ••• o. " "%lv,. .... ••• o. m \l.<"" I 'Yo, "" " ...Yo. Be~"ng '''''. AssEMlllY • '~ ' - , • .j NO·" 5 '''''. lSSI:M!lLY "." (A) Af.lducer lliewed looking at the BltBchmunt housing. (B) No extra charge lor the illustrated assemblies provided shall extensions are standard. (e) The input shalt may be driven in either dir&ction. NOTE : Stanoard mounting position Is exacHV as shown. tl motoc Is to be oc iented In any other position. so stale Dn ordel. WINSMITH~ B-91 6 double reduction-hollow shaft SERIES : STD GEAR RATIO S AVAILABLE 50:1 THRU 3600:1 COMPLETE TOROUE AND HP RATING S ••••. PAGES 152· 22 2 OVERHU~G LOAD RATING S ............... PAGES 153·223 SER VICE FACTORS ••••.••.•.••••.•.•.•..•.••• PAGE 230 COUPLING ADAPTERS... ............... . . . PAGE 120 HYDRAULIC MOTOR ADAPTERS . .... •.•. • ...... PAGE 116 TAB LE Of WE IGHTS Unit 3 4 5 6 Nel 27 43 73 82 Weight 7 8 9 10 12 143 156 245 265 400 Also IJvsllao/e with loot mounted housing fCB - CT type, consult factory. rles STT (Triple Reduction) IJnd STX {Double Reducllon· Helical and Worm) see plcture lnsel. For STT and SCTX output and Intermediate stage dimensions, see STO dimensions below. For STT and SCTX input stage dimensions, see err page 104 and CTX page 84 respectively. Forconstruction purposes send lorcertilieddimensionsheets. DIMENSI ' Output anlll aI'IOuld rotlt. ln. dirllC\lon that keeps the torque reaction arm In tension. 11 Olherwll8, contact the I,clory. . ~ .- 001. 0 .... " - ,, ~ i. 1 .... SPEED REDUC ER DIMEN SIONS (In Inches) B-92 .. High S~ 35'" "'" "'" "'" "'" "'" 'SlO Shaft N "" 1"11, 1''11, V ..,.., ,,,. 'II, '" '" ''' a •" • , .. " , " , , "" . . ... '" "4 "4 2'11, 2'11, 'II. Of, ~, . 'ht Of, ~, . ~ Yo 2'1\. 2'/• OOSlO '4 2'JI. "SlO ~ ~ II.. ¥» lIu l'Io 'I•• '4 double reduction hollow shaft PARTS LIST : INDE~ PARTS Desc:riptlon Part No. Housi ng 1 2 • ,, •" , ~ " -,. ~ t: Slow Speed Cover - 7 8 e all Seal _ Slow Speed ." Roiler Bearing - Roller Burin! _ Slow Speed Slow Speed pace. (N 01 used on 3 STO or 1 STD ) "" ,. Slow Speed Worm Gear - Bronze High Speed Attachment Housing High Speed Attachment Housing Cove. High Speed Cover - Open 21 ,.,.. High Speed Cove. - Cloud 22 23 31 High Speed Worm and Shaft Integra l High Speed Worm Gear - Bron~e Oi l Seal - High Speed Roller Bea rl'lll - H I~h Speed Torque Arm umbue Ie Torque Arm Rod End - Right Hand & Left Hand 32 Floor Support 25 ' S''''as 3 Ih,u 9 use, 2 Slng!e Row Sea , in05. Series 10 and 12 .,se 1 Single .nd 1 Double Row Baaring . SLOW SPEED SHAFT BORES (in inches' ., ..... . 1 Intermed ia te Speed Worm and Shalt Integ'" 18 19 ~ Intermediate Speed 12 13 ~ oro;" Slow Speed Cover _ C O$ed - Not StlQWn Intermediate Cove . - Closed Intermediate Adapter _ Not Shown - U$ed With Inter. Cover - Cloud - Units 10 Thru 14 Inel. Slow Speed Shaft - Double Exten~ i on Slow Speed Shaft - Single Extension - Not SlIown a ll Seal-Intermediate SPHd 2 DIMENSIONS· • ST. 3 STD wI ...... ""- ., ...... ,. wI ..... • wI ,. ,. " ,..... W. V""" ,. H'" "'y,. "' • '" m e'y" m , ST• , ST. , . .. '"' '•.. .••" "" '. •. " .. " '" " . ... . ..... " ,. ... ." ......,. '" . .. """ ,'" •••••• length ~ f",VR 'V.. f, ..v.. ' 1'/,. ~~~ I ",'It IV" IhY, IhY. "0'/. V,oI<~ 'Io.Y. '10 . \'0 'IY" " \(t. Y, \(t, \'o 6'Y" 6'Y" 6'Y" 6'V., If.. I I f .. %OV.. I W. %lV., f.. y" 1'1.. 6'Y" H' m 6"1" ''Ii. '~'4 6''Ii, ,"', 6'Y.. I'Y" PA. 1"/" '. V.o," IhY, I'V.. I~ ~"'. I 1 "'Ii. 20/0, •• V.. V.. , ~ %lV" '" 20/0 • '"21/" ,. I 2"'Ii. 2'1'.. %xV" .,...V.. I',," ,~ ,. 2'Y" 2'f" 3 3Y" 3'1" ......., ........ ....... "".... ., ...... ..."". ,",.. ,. ,..v._."',v• ". ,. "" . "',. ,.... '" ,..v. ". , ."'. . . . "". ... " . '" .." ,,..... , ....., ,,. ,""... .. .." ... ". . 9SID 10 STD 20/0. 2%. 2'V.. %1:'1" 2'".. ..... II. 2'V.. ,~ 3"" II • 3'!., 'A' f. II. 3'V" 4V" 4'/" '40'1.. " "",,, 2' '1., \i.o,.. 3r., 31/" '4>1/" 'Nel/" UnOIll , ,". ,". ,". ,". S.. PIA" VIIW .~ ~1Ic. llillo' 'rt.IIll . ~~c_;'-CU"O"''' """""""",- ASSEMnT • LII-DR ....t H'HI H" ~~ • - " "- "'""..,AUIIilILT e='" '' ...-- .~ '~ :. . ------,;mIllILT CU ll_as I -~ LD·DR - :._ 5 t UIVAllO". RU·Dl fLOOR .....:M'N.~ ~ T>Io _ _ d~~""'''_''~ ' __ .... ....".d>orgOl"'IIIo_.' .... ............ ....... lCl T.. ,...,.. .... .... _d._ CBI for ImIlfV'*l mllIIIWHy. 1i*1t, bOl1.w.,I"",,, 10 boI4 type leu"" IIInIllnlIj . ~, poalblt. Son>t ~rtmklm . SHAFT ARRANGEMENTS: «"I t eol1 ToItl1nces + .OOG. + .002. DoII1 sUIIIIIIY !1<Iull1 I 4 12 STO wi OMV" ... ••• '''' ••• "" 3 ., ". ,v. ' %>V.. ,~ I I ••• 1<1;', I. ""'...'" .... . ......... ........ 3 ••• ... '''' ",,'I,. ... ... 1'1It. , I• 2%. I •",.••y, V.. Y.. %lY" V.. V.. 20/0, • ST. Kern, ., I I "'-'¥.. 7 ST • 1''1" I ¥.oV.. %xV.. ..... "... .'. ... ....'"•• ......• .•• '" ...."" •• lenOth IhY, 6'Y" 1 1'1;, Ib'lt 6'V" l V, IV,. l enoth Ho . . ~ ~ y ... _ ... 6 toOl E, s.-", _oInU ".,...., Ie .....". .. _ . H..-. ItIOIIO"';O"...,"'otIY _ _ .............. WINSMITH I!«l B-93 double reduction-hollow shaftmotorized and gearmotor SERI E S : MSFDMSFDW (WITH MOTOA ) GEAR RATIOS AVAILABLE 50:1 THRU 3600:1 COMPLETE TORQUE AND HP RATIN GS ••••• PAGES 152·222 OVERHUNG LOAD RATING S •.•••.••••••••• PAGES 153·223 SERVICE FACTORS ........................... PAGE 230 COUPLING ADAPTERS ........................ PAGE 120 HYDRAULIC MOTOR ADAPTERS .•••............ PAGE 116 S FDMW See page 120 Additional Series Available: Series MSFT (Triple Reduction) ho..__+--+__+--1__~__t--+__+--+~ TA8lE U nit 3 <I 5 6 Net 27 43 7S 82 Weight 7 B 9 10 12 For MSFT ou tput and intermediate stage dimensions, see MS FD dimensions below. For MSFT input stage dimensions, see Men page 145 156 24 7 265 400 OF WEI GHTS Hydraulic Motor Flanges avallaO/e. see pages I 16-1 18. Um ls 3 - 10& 12 ava,laOla m "C" flange couplmg Iype. see page 120. Also ava,laOle wah 1001 mounted housing :ca • CT Iype. consul/l ac/ory. DIMENSIONS : 108 . For construction purposes send for certi fied dimension sheets. Dimensions apply 10 speed reducor only. • ,• ,. ' I - ,- -- ...-::: - ', --':==~-S;·-r-:::· 'p'._: • fl ' -r .I' -~ .. ~ .e " q . • • • _ '-+.001 .•. - .~ "'''11 ~I'W l ~I" ::l~:. I 11' '. c=J Reier to 0 Une lor these sizes. SPEED REDUCER DIMENSIONS " ,, " MOTOR DIMENSIONS : 'V.('" ItoO"M ' h.... . 'G , /0 . '''' ,"" ~ , , , , " "" .. .. · .,. ,. ".. '''' '" .... .'1/. .'1/. .'1/. '".'1/. '''' "" loll:' .'1/. . '1/. .'1/. " . ." Si nol. Th,.. Sin,l. Tl" •• Sin,l. Th,.. Sin,l. Th,u Sin,l. Th, . . . '''' '" .511$1 .51l{1 .'. .'. s ll{l 911. ,"" ,"" Th,. . Th, .. 121,. 10% I O'l{1 ' S,~gl. p"o •• mG'O'" 'OPO"'O' """. D,M.Mlon. o •• ~o .. n Gt. 10' O,,"n d" pp'oof .n, lo .", • . Mo'o" <o~ b. f",,,I , h.d op." d,;pp,ool .. , .... Io •• d. B-94 Th, . . ~ ...•• ~ ~ "="""",',, I ... _".... FRAM E ItEYWAVIInCI BO RE DIM EN SIONS •• ~ ." ~." . ~ I' l l e 11ll( II lTe ..l"lt ncr· •• '" •• ,.. ~ ." . .»"." •• InTU' ~ • .,. ~ • •• 1.IU,. double reduction hollow shaft-motorized and PARTS LIST: De_lplk,m Part No . , ,,, ::,;~~:~';~;; ~"o,." _ OA , "" " """ "" "" " "'"" " " Used with Intermed iate 0 0 ." . DIMENSIONS : 3 MSfD WI ~ '., " ", I ", I', '". " .... ....., " • "y. ,''f,• 11001'. , I. IhY, V.. lV,. v. 2 'f. 2'" 2', \1"'10 II.. Y. "'.',(, \1. ' 1'0 \Io' Y. 6' y,. ,~ 6'1'" I. 6' Y.. 6'1'" 6"/ .. I'A. %of,. M, 6' \'" 6' '1.. 6'",• ,'v.. ",', 6''/,. I~ Keyway Length WI 'I,"/. 'h I'/. 10'/, 2'" 'h.'/. 2 '1. 'h -'/. '" 2"l. 10'.4 I I'/, 2'1. '1o)(l~. 10 '4 2',. II '/. ~. 10'.1. 2 '1• ''4"!. '''' • • \bl'o • •• '. ......•., '. ........, >,j)c'f1l • • • • ¥o.<'f.. HI 0 20/.. 0 '" .",.,. 13' .4 2-" 'I":>" 13'4 3 ''/oX'Io I.""" 13' t. 13'.1. 'Io" l. 1>'t, 13'/, 1' '1. 13'/, 1.0'1. 13' /. 2" 'Io" ~. 10 't. 2" 'Io"'~. I I'/, 3'," 2 ",," '1.>'10 10'.4 2 "l. '!,x 'lo 11'1. 3 'll. 3 'loX'Io 10'/. 3 '/,x'/t 11'4 3'" 3', " '1•• '10 3'," '/,x'" I I'/. 3'," ',,"'A. 11'.1. 3'," 4'" 4 '," 8 MSFD wI "y" %0",. 1"/.. 'f..'!.. I ~ %lV,. M, ,"Ii. '"I'V.. 2 .... _.,,. ...... ,,..... . ...,'..., ,,.,,.... 3 ... ,,. ... ,. ...."", '" ,.'. ....,, '"'"'" ,'" , ... '" ..., '"'" " .. " '" ,. "'''' .. 7 MSfO wI ~nn 2fi. 2't1. 2\1,. ""'flO 2%. "'..'f.. ~'f.. 2' \" • Of..'f.. "'2''A. ,ow ,,. w.. w., 3 4 SHAFT ARRANGEMENTS : length '' ',. 0 2 Keyway ,.% 2 "1. ,...... '.1. 11.... . .. .. . .. 12 MSFO 11'4 ......, l' lJi. wt '''''1.. l 'f,. ""'''IO Length '",,'A. Series 10 - - ",",flO 1''/.. Keyway I.' ,.% N o t Shown _ U,&d On 6 MSfO wi 'YoIEV.. 10 MSFD ."... , !..S~~~ ~h~!n9 ~ntl;ed on ,.IV" VU'/, " ", " 1% ,..... ""II, "", " 1'A. "'., " ¥oIeY" " ,." "1'0. "' "" ,. 1II, ."', ,. \Iox'A &'Y., 6'Y" ."",~. 2 ",," .... 5 MSFD WI luGl' m 9 MSFD wI 2',. .... ., 4 MSfD wI 1 " SLOW SPEED SHAFT BORES lin inch. ., " '" . ... ." .. ... .. '. ...... ,. " ... '. ,~'" 'f, ..\o\o :,~,:::::~ 1MSFOJ S : : : ilt- 13'/, 13'4 t ~-FLODfI 'U".......,"til-DR FlOOR UiOllLY til-DR •tal. h. 1m,,,",, ••,lIlI/lIlIy, lPICllf"" 11111 . - II klld ITJl l aapo, IllIIdlnl.) _ ...., POWbl" So ... .... ..... "'" ....1111 , lIml••• ' " ,~ ... list I.. "1I11s. t ~ , ~ -- .t:~-- ~ ElEVATtON CUSTOMERS MACHINE CUSTOMERS MACHINE -- ,~ .. " "iilS~""'Il~'- --$ f~·ot. ~ -" 5 WOIILV AD·1Il (A) Th~ rud\>CXIr I, viowod Iooklni III Iho Ollllt:hmon l houslng, (e) No extra charge lor the above usemblle! provided shalt e.tenslons a,e standard. (C) The Input lIhalt may be driven In ellher direction , NOTE: Standard mounting poSition i&exactly as Shown. n motor Is to be oriented In any other position, so state on order. WINSMITH I!«I. B-95 6 double reduction-hollow shaftmotorized and gearmotor SERIES : MSTDW (WITH MOTOR) GEAR RATIOS AVAILABLE 50:1 THRU 3600:1 COMPLETE TORQUE AND HP RATINGS . •.•• PAGES 152-222 OVERHUNG LOAD RATINGS •.•.•.••.•.••• , PAGES 153·223 SEA VICE FACTOAS .. • . ••.•.•••.••.•.•.• .• •.•. PAGE 230 COUPLING ADAPTERS .. . . ........ PAGE 120 HYD RAULI C MOTOR ADAPTER S.. PAGE 116 Unit 3 4 5 6 Weigh t 27 43 75 82 7 8 9 10 12 STDMW See Additional Series Available: Series MSTT (Triple Reduction) see picture inset. TABLE rN c.::,,;--t--i---t--t-+-+-t--i--i---tOF WEIGHTS For Msn output and intermediate stage dimensions. see MSTD dimensions below. For Msn input stage dimensions. see Men page 108 . For construction purposes send for certified dimension sheels. 145 156 247 265 400 Hydraulic Motor Flanges available. see pages 1 16-' 18. Also available with /001 mounted housing ;CB - CT type, consu/r factory. Units 3 - 70& 12 av,11lable in "C" U::mqe coupling type, see page 120. 01 M ENSIONS : _...-..!l'_.",,,....,......,. IYW...... ..-....... . Dimensions apply to speed reducer only. '. " .,- "~ ,•, ,I • "I ; 'OUIPU! shall should rOlale In a dlreCllon Ihal keeps Ihe lorq arm in lension. II Otherwise. eon lacllhe lactory. J FRAME, KEYWAY and BORE DIMEN SIONS I_HC 145ft \SUC lUTe 2lJ TCZ' 2IS l eZ- AK "., 4Y) 8'h 00 ¥.. ¥" ¥" ., j aD ... ~ n)6<: ..."c l " .. c HOI" .. HOI(! DU11'OO •• •Ntll> "a, , Keyway ~ , -.001 - ,000 a~ . D Refer to D Line for these sizes. MOTOR DIMENSIONS : II .' ,@ 1100 R'M ....u AG AO . '"Th, .. Singl. n, "n "'" ' 'l(, . v. 'n . . , ." Singl_ Thr.. Singl. Thr.. Sin gl. Th, .. Singl. Th , .. Th , .. '" sllf, 81(. 8lf. ~~, 6')(. *S'ngl. pha .. m,, ' ''' "copac,'", "'"", lu,nl. hod opo. d,ipp,oof 0' "nclond. B-96 'h '" "J(. " J(. '" '" 6')(., 9'1. 9'1. .'J(. .'J(. "h , , , n,.. Th r•• Th,.. Th,.. '" "" .'J(. "" .'J(. 6' )(. 1211. "" 10'li, lO'li', D,mo."on. 0 •• how. 010 la, "P'. dttpprool .n do. u'e . Mo'o" con b. . '. N o, '"C Frame r , .1 '" 120. " ",,, ¥" ,~, ¥., ' %~ .6255 7Y, 9 ~ '~, "h~ y,,-lhl Y," '4 .8755 1. 1255- double reduction hollow shaft-motorized and gearmotor PARTS LIST : Pin No. , o..crlpllon _$ong 2 Slow Speed Cover 3 STOw Spee<I eove, WIth Torque Arm lug 5 Inlermedl.'t Cop-Closed 5" Inle,med,alt Adapte, Nol S!lown _ lJSe<I With In'8f, cap ClosI<I-Unlls 10 and 12 6 SlOw SI)eed ShII1- HOII"w 8 0;1 SeII-lnltrmedi.,1 Shill g Oil Sell-SlOw SI>te<I Rolle' Bea'I"!I. - lnIOfme<li.l~ $pee<l Roller 68 •• I"!I.-$IO .. SI>"'! SlOw Seteo SPice, (No! Ule<I On 3MSTO Or 7MSTO) Slow Speed Worm Ge,r-B,on,e ., 1 12 13 1~ 18 S~ Inl. 'medilt, WOlf.. ~ M Shi n In'"9'.1 18 High $pee<I AUachtn\lnl HOv3ing 19 High Speed Attach"""" HOus,ng eo.", High Si>8fl<l C.p_ CIO£e<I 1i4~11 SpHa Worm and 511111Inl"9,.1 Hi1hSPHdWOrmGear - BrOnze ~1 22 23 2. 25 1 0; Sell-Hilll, SPH<! Ron. , Be,ring-High SPH<I tilgh S _ LOC:~ N"u! 3,2 MoIO' Adapler 32B Mo.o. A<I,,,>lm SPicer ISi,es 1. 6 A 9 onl y1 3<1 Inle,mediale lock Nul_ NO! Shown-U.ed on uni," 100M 12 ~ Inle.mOOI.le Loc~ W.' M.-Nol 5~0 ..n-Used on Unl," 10 Ind 12 26 '!\&,les3 TII.y 9U1ao 2 SInol8 Row Bearing • . Serl ... 10 ar.d \2 UNO \ Singl•• nd 1 DOub" ROW e.Irlng. DIMENSIONS : ...., •. ... , ,.. .., .. " ,. " ,. .., " " '" ~ M'» ' 'f,.. ~ >1. ,\" ,,'1., ' lenoth 4 MSTO Xeywl, l,noth ''I" V•• y, 6' Y" ,y,. 110, '11 lIo.y, S' y" I'd ll, 6'Y" lV., I V. v..v. v..v. IV. v.,v. v..\I, 1';" V."1e W.. ...., 5 MSTD wI 'Woo " 1Io' ~ Torque Arm T"rnbuckle Torque Am> FlOO End 38 Floor Supoon 6"100 6"100 wI .. ' f" " IhY, 11..'11 'I,tx'!., , ~, ¥..",,, '" ¥.. ¥" %x'f.. I' Y" 'I.. ¥" '1,tx'!.. %x'f" 5'Y" 6'Y" 6' Y" '" m Y..'1" 6"/" , ~, 1% \10" 6' Y,. l' 'Ii. ,,"" 6"/" '1..'1'" "'.. ¥.. . l,noth ....., 6 MSTO wI 7 MSTO wI , , " , , p, l"nlth 8 MSTD .. . ..... . 9 MSTD Keywl, 2'1.. ••• ~\,,, ,~ 2"1,. ,. , 2''\'.. 3'1" 3'11, t Bo~ '" VoXY" 'IoX'I" VoX'\'" ll nglh ,. , .. . ".."" "',Y, '/..'1" ". ,~ wI 2' Y" . .., ". KIPI, YaxY" .'" ".". ", "".".. ... . 3V" 12 MSTD l ing'" ••• ". ," "2'1.. %xV" , .- %>:'1" , 2"1i , V..'1" ,". 2''1" '1'"....'1":y, , , "" .". ,.,. 31f,. ",.y, ... ... '/ol'l" 2'1i. Kr,wIY \,..'1" '10>"'" ~'V" ".".". ". Kep", l.engll> I' Y,. f ..f" "" ". ". ,., "" f.. ,. ,,." m %oof " p, ••• '1,tx'!.. f ..f,. ,* ,. ' 11'" %l<'Ii, '" ." ,. , '", ,"Ii, ••• %x¥.. •• • '" "' , , ••• m 2'1" ••• '" f.. ,, "'.v. m " m ¥..v., ,. ,>, ." , "2'/,. Y.. \,., ,.m 211'" %>:'1,.'1,. %>:'1',. ,' ''Ii, " ,, %xV" "2'Y.. ." , 2'1,. 1';" v..'11 , ~ 11, , '11 I' Y" . 'f" . ... . ... ". '1..'1" 1"/" .. 1 1''1" 20/,. V" \"'11. . ,~ Y.. 2' 11. ", . 101 10 MSTD wI wI lenglh Kepi', 3V" 3'1<. J'Y" 'Y.. ~'I.. "'.f, 'Itx \,,, ". "".. l.e ngll> " ". ,,. ". ". ". ". ". Tole .. ncOi + .000 . + .002. " ,., ,., ~ """ lSS!MILV llJ.DII {A) {B) A ~ 4 .;;;.;;, \- "~:,. " 5 _" ~_ - ~ • """ASSEMBlY Y"W 3 ". ". ". ,., SHAFT ARRANGEMENTS: ~ PLAN l[).DII f '" Imp~d .qU. blliIJ. "'"liff b",. situ sh{lllrn in bold lVII' I"'PI' 1l.,~ td IJ wb.nl¥l' pol$lbl•. SomI bore 11m tTIIY rlqu lre. premium. $.. p ri~, HII !~ r dll ~ll. ... , Ib. ,/. wI 2 SLOW SPEED S HAFT BOR ES Un Inc h ••) 3MSTO WI 36 37 ~_ CUSTOMUS MACHI NE RU·Dl ~ ' "'-":rn' "' """,ASStMBlY • _~ RD·\!\. Rooucer viewed looking at Ihe anachment hoUSing. No e~tra charge ror the above assemblies >lrovidad sh8!t e~lension5 .. re standa'd . (e) The Input shall may be driven In ellher dlre<:tion. NOTE: Standard mounting position Is elactly as shown. If motor Is to be oriented in any olher position. so state on order. WINSMITH~. B-97 6 double reduction-drop bearing LD SERIES: GEAR RATIOS AVAILABLE 50:1 T HRU 3600: 1 COMPLETE TORQUE AND HP RATINGS ....• PAGES 152-222 OVERHUNG LOAD RATINGS . .............. PAGES 153-223 SERVICE FACTORS •.• .••........•.•.••••.•.•. PAGE 230 COUPLING ADAPTERS ....•••• ••••. .........•• PAGE 120 HYDRA ULIC MOTO R ADAPTE RS ...... . . . .. ... . Nol Wei hi Additional Series Available: Series LT (Tri ple Reduction) and LX (Double ReductionHelica l and Worm). TABLE OF WE I G HT S , Unit PAGE'16 5 as 5' , 7 6 9 '0 '2 For LT and LX output and intermediate stage dimensions, see LD dimensions below. 115 150 20' 263 3S< 527 For LT and LX input stage dimensions, see CVT page 106 and CVX page 86 respectively. For construction purposes. send for certified dimension sheet. Alloy sleel slow speed shafts . .,. X DIM ENSIONS DIMENSIONS: U ~ ;I " " C, -- " '"' , '"' ,CO c. - L. - , , Z G. ' ,- L, --' "..- (UlU.H .,n1NG$ . '1'- ~ 18 "" IS" l ." 16 no -/ ~ ~l \4"" 20'" . OLO ,eo 16" Yo.""_ 16 IOLD IUD %",. 16" 'lI>" " 16" 0 , '- 1 I G 5 ., --:",;- , s, I , - Ir , ,- " ,- A SPEED REDUCER DIMENSIONS (in inches) Unit ' 10 SU> A , '"" G, G. 0 2Y. 1.33 .. 3 3 , 5y' 15 y' ,. ,',., • '" lOU> 16V, ~ 12lD 21 J1 7 ' CO no ." " 3)1 " ~. Yo s),'. .. 4)(. Yo .s!{ ,v, ' Yo 5y' 5!{ Y, S ~ii 1{ •, 7 Yo 'if. Y. 3 7 3Y, a 12J1 4 ' Yo '6' ' Yo , 0, 4~~ 'Yo ,. " ~. % V. 5y' , 6M % K. 7M . v, , , 9J1 I V. IV. Yo 7!{ '"' K. 8y' 5Yz o. 6'X. 7'){. 'K. 9'J{, O. 2~, M , , , , -, ,j< 6')f, 11 )1 s 'Yo tv. 'Yo Uy. sv. 2Y. 8!{ uV. 6!{ , 3'X, 10 5Y, 6y' IO'J{. 3'X. la y' , 6M , 'K. 0 9Y, 1614 IO~~ 16)1 4y' 6y' 4~: 'K. "Yo 9l{, • 8Y. • ."-, • 7!{ II W. 3'X, 11 )(. 1H~ 19J1 1 2~. ' 12J1 12y' 22V, u y. u J{. 23 J1 11 V, 1'A. .. 9Yo a J1 9)1 14'<, 4y' 9Yz 6J1 I IJ{. 1I l{. 12K. 12M IY, IU. ,~, u'K. K. yw .. , M"J,S ".~- '" .co 'co 2l(. '"sy' 12)1 5V, )1x}{ 2'X. 7j< uv, N, , K. ywoy "J(, 'K. , ,, Yo 'K. K. " '11 Yo 'U. 2y' , Yo z. , , 2Y. K. M JI.x'll IX K,x'll x Jfl 2\1,. " 11'l' Z" 4'K. 9X 4'f, Y. " :11'. 1M sv. lOX s}{ Yo"" IV. IOYz sYz Y. ,,)(. V, 1')f. Iy' IV, V. ~~ Iy' 2y' IV. Ji'.xJ:)1 Y, IV. IX IX ;1(, x){, , ." '" '" , "7X 3V, 4'Ji', ,v, High Sp.'" Shol. N %" ,'" , , '", " lOU> HI', 7 ' K. 1.sV, 7)1 ·Sh.. ft d'omele. l orero~ •• +.000 -,00 1. for <.. nSlruction purpo •••• end fo r Ce"ified Dimen.ion Sheets. B-98 'CO 31)f. Refer 10 0 Line fOf these sizes , , , , v. "'," J1 3V," 3'X. G ...". , • 12lD 0 .", Slow Spu d Shah 'W Unit p , , , , , I Bolt Circl • D.pl" IY. 2J1 y.. y. Y. -X, 7V, v." y' double reduction drop bearing PARTS LIST : ~fl ® 0 ® / ® @ CD , • @- @r - , " ~,-(~' -® (3) , @ry!fiJ /1 -@ 1 -® 2 :, I , PARTS INDEX Part No. Descripllon 1 2 3 Housing Slow Speed Cover Slow Speed Cover and Base 5 I"te rmediat" Cover - Part No . Closed 5A Intermediate Adapter - Not Shown Used With Inter . Cover Closed 6 7 9 * 11 12 Description IB Hlgll Speed Attachment Housing 19 High Speed Attachment HO\Js;ng Cover 20 High Speed Cover - 21 22 High Speed Cover - Closed High Speed Worm and Shalt Integral 23 High Speed Worm Gear - BrOl'lle Units 10 tllru 12 InCl. 24 Oil Seal- High Speed Slow Speed Cap Slow Speed Shafl 25 Roller Bearing - 26 Intermed iate Loc k Nut- Not Shown U!>e on Units 10 thru 12 Incl. Oil Seal - Slow Speed Roller Bearing-Intermedia te Speed Roller Bearing _ Slow Speed 3 Open Hi gh Speed • Series 4 t hru 9 U ses 2 Single Row Bearings. Series 10 a nd 12 Uses 1 Single and I Double Row Bearings. 13 Slow Speed Soacer - Short 15 16 Slow Speed Worm Gear - Bronze Intermedia te Speed Worm and Shaft Integral 4 SHAFT ARRANGEMENTS : """ VIEW t t (A I The reducer IS viewed lookIng at the anachment hOUSIng ( 8 ) NoeKtracharg8 lor the above a5sembli!!' provided the shall extensions arl! 01 stan dard length . (e ) The '''PUI shalt may be drive" in either d irection 5 10 ) Utlits may be mounted In any oO$ illon. (ceiling . SIdewa ll. ele .) II speeilled whe" ordered . UIVATION ASSEMBLY RU·lD ASSEMBLY lU·RD 6 WINSMITH~ B-99 double reduction-drop bearing motorized and gearmotor MLDW MLDMLDW (WITH MOTOR ) SERIES: GEAR RATIOS AVAILABLE 50:1 THRU 3600:1 COMPLETE TORQUE AND HP RATING S •.• . . .. PAGES 152·222 OVERHUNG LOAD RATINGS ................. PAGES 153· 223 SERVICE FACTOAS ............................ PAGE 230 COUPLING ADAPTER S .•.••••••••.•..•.•• • . • . •. PAGE 120 HYDRAULIC MOTOR ADAPTERS ....•.•.•.••.•... PAGE 116 LD MW See pape 120. , TA BLE OF WEI GHTS Unit 4 Nol Weight 6 80 120 58 • 8 7 211 268 '" 10 12 35. '32 Additional Series Available: Series MLT (Trip le Ae duction) For MLT output and intermediate stage dimensions, see MLD dimensions below. For Ml T inputstagedimensions, see MCVT page 11O. For conslruction purposes send lor certified dimension sheets. Alloy steel slow speed sha ll!;. Hydraulic Motor Flanges Available. see pages' 16·118. Unils4 through 10& '2avai/able in "C" /Iangecoupling type, seepage 120. 01 MENS IONS: Dime nsions apply 10 speed reducer onl y. For motor dimension see next p8ge. -, -c, - ",- , ~ .. -__ ." -... ~ " •• ~ K • • • ' .. X DIMlNSI ON S ~ Unil ..,., , I·! .. '. '~! S""C""",,'H' " IfH(lUS ,"""""''''.'' ' . ". 18" ~ 5H'·a't ' 0f0 ....... .. _f ......... S'u ' ~." -I?- "'" ''''''0 """....~ ..."" , MLD J ~ .. 16" 8M1D 9 M LD '110" .. 16" 10MLD 12MLD *" .16" ,,"'. 16" J ~ .16· FRAME, F.a",. No. ~ ~ '" ,," ," " '" ," '" '" 143TC I.uTC . .' .' K• -, - - , - " ,~ eo 4' 4' S PEED REDUCER DIMENSIONS (in' InCheS) ~ Reier 10 D Line lor Ihe'$e :i~es. , , , L, • ,e • • • ,. , ... .... " ... " • • • ". • • 50 ... I ... ... e. .,," " • " " •• " •• ,." •• •e •• "''"" "" • 1'"" ••,. ,.., >OW • ,• " ,." • .- 9'1'" ". • '" ., .' ,', .,," "" , , " ,. '"W •, ••• ny" " '''' '" " '" , , " , 'y" '",,, '" "" '" '" " , • , ,. ." • "", ,.\\. '" "" "" - Un~ No . • .. . ... 7 ~ IDMlO 12M1O B-100 167 .. "11. .. .. '. ''f•• -.'" G, G, G ~I\. 10"11. 8\'" 14\'" 5 SlOW SptN SMII C, , .~ 2 2 I ~" "I II.!" 2" ,., ,. , """: ' Yo , Yo • ~ % y. . • , ,_On , , , "110• ,. '" 10m;."" '\\0 .' ., . .. ' ·"f "' ,... ,. ..'''', .- loOxV.. , ,.. " .- ,"",y ". '" .. "" '" ••• . ... ... ...... ..... .. .... .. . ..... ....... . .. •. . . . . . .. . .. . .. .. "'"'", . . . .. . . . . ". . ,.• . G G •• " ".,wa., ••%" ••% +.001 80r. , , A< AI lell Cl.... W' ~V" 2\\. 2'\',. Mul"",,,, G.,.., 7''11. 1451t.1$Ct I'5Tt.I$'C I&STC-I&IC I'STC·I&IC I&HC·21SG I&lTC·2ISC double reduction drop bearing - motorized and gearmotor MOTOR DIMENSIONS : H,'. (<i' 1100 ~'M ,h.... .. AG ,to . . ,'. ", '''' v. Singl. Thr •• Si"gl. t h... ~X, ,S1J{1 jll{} '" Si""I. rio, •• . 8'1. 8V. ~~, " J<. . , p. , ." 'h Singl. Th ... Si"lI l • 11. ... I", '"" J<. ." " J<. " J<. 9'1. 9'1.. " J<. " J<. *S,ngl. "loa •• "'oto." .""",1.", """. D,mon.loM a •• hown ",, 'A' OPO" ,h,,,p'o,,f I', , , _ l Th, .. Th, .. Th, . . f). . . . Th ... 9¥. f O:V.. 17'1. "" "" . 'J<. " J<. cntl".~, • 6" .. lollS', • 10% 1 . Mg,,,,. '0" he lut" l. h.d 01'0" dripp,ool .. r on<lo .. d. r;; j§ S PARTS LIST : ~ i? ~ @ 0. 0v >V @ @ @ @ -B 2 @ @ PARTS I N DEX Part No. I Housing 2 Slow Speed Cover 3 5 Slow Speed Cover lind Base Intermediate Cover - Closed 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 32 328 34 SA Intermediate Adapter - Not Shown Used Will. Inter. Cover Clo$ed 6 7 Units 10 Ihru 12 Incl. Slow Speed Cap Slow Spe.od Shall 9 0,1 SuI - ' 11 12 13 15 16 18 3 o.....:.iplion o..scriplion Slow Speed Roller Bearing- Intermediate Soeed RUIl." B.,""IIII _ 51..,.,. 5....,., ... Slow Speed Spacer - Short Slow Speed Worm Ge~r - Bron~e Intermediate Speed Worm and Shalt integral HIRh Speed Attaehment Housing 35 High Speed Att aehment Housing COlIer High Speed COlIer - Closed High Speed Worm and Shaft Integral High Speed Worm Gear _ Br onze Oi l Seal ~ High Spe<!d Roller Bearing _ High Speed High Speed Lock NUl Motor Adapter Mota' Adapter Space' (S,zes 7. 8 & 9 only) Intermediate Lock Nut _ Not ShownUse on Units 10 thr u 12 incl . Intermedia te LOC k wasner- NOt SnownUse on Units 10 th ,u 12 inel. 4 Se,ies 4 Ihru 9 Uses 2 Single Row Bea, ings. Series 10 and 12 U5<!S 1 Single and 1 Doutlle Row Bearings. SHAFT ARRANGEMENTS : (A ) Tne re(lucer i. viewad look ing allha anaehmenl housing ASSE MBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY it , . . t , 5 (8 ) Noe~lra charge lor Ihe above assembl ies provided tha shall ex te nsions are 01 Standard lenglh (C ) The mpul shall may be dflven in eitner d"eCl ion . ( 0 1 UnITs may be mounted I n any pOSI t Ion. (ceIling . I ldewall. etc .) il speci l ied when Oldered. ( E) Assemblies RU ·L D a nd LU·RD 1~l i llbl. in 11z8l 4·8 0 nlv 6 WINSMITH !WI B-101 INDEX B-102 SPECIFICATIONS AND DIMENSIONS