AWESOME! - Community Baptist Maylene
AWESOME! - Community Baptist Maylene
REV. BO BROWN, P a s to r 663.2340 (H) • 427.2340 (C) • [email protected] JONATHAN LOWERY, Y o u t h M i n i s t e r & A s s o c i at e P a s to r 670-7027 (H) • 283-8396 (C) • Jjlowery2121@char MELISSA CALTON, C h i l d r e n ’ s M i n i s t e r & A s s o c i at e P a s to r 620.6022 (H) • 790.5419 (C) • [email protected] Matt Monk • E d u c at i o n M i n i s t e r 663-7490 (H) • 368-8785 (C) • [email protected] DAVE MILLER, M u s i c M i n i s t e r & A s s o c i at e P a s to r 478-4775 (C) • cbcmusic@char LISA SHADIX • C h u r c h S e c r e ta ry 837.4762(C) • ssecretar [email protected] DAVE SHORT, Custodian 663-0050 (H) • 682-0778 (C) DEACONS M I K E ( DA N A ) H O L L I N G S WO RT H , Chairman 6 6 3 - 4 6 7 2 ( H ) • 2 4 0 - 0 4 9 6 (C) m ike l e e h o l l i n g s wo r t h @ a t B R I A N ( M A N DY ) M E A L E R , V i c e Chairman 2 4 3 - 8 1 6 1 ( H ) • 2 4 3 - 3 5 7 6 (C) [email protected] B R I A N ( M A R I O N ) B A R N E TT 396-8494 (C) b b a r n e t t 9 2 4 6 @ c h a r t e r . net M I K E ( B O B B I E ) C A RT E R 6 6 3 - 4 3 7 7 ( H ) • 3 6 9 - 3 1 0 9 (C) J AY [ C H E RY L ] C O F I E L D 936-3822 (C) [email protected] R U S S ( A L I S A ) C O M P TO N 4 2 5 - 2 2 3 4 ( H ) • 5 1 5 - 5 3 4 5 (C) [email protected] BOB EMRICK 441-8027 (C) [email protected] A N DY [ D O N A ] G A R R E T T 229-2366 (C) g a r r e t t _ a n d y @ y a h o o . c om BRAD [TINA] GOGGINS 3 5 8 - 8 2 8 8 ( H ) • 5 3 3 - 0 3 3 0 (C) br a d @ s n o o z y b o o k s t o r e . c om ROB [LEE] JOLLEY 215-0476 (C) [email protected] J I M [ S H A R O N ] K I L PAT R I CK 6 6 3 - 6 8 7 9 ( H ) • 2 2 2 - 6 5 7 4 (C) [email protected] DAV I D M A N N I N G 383-5000 (C) [email protected] D O U G ( T E R R I ) M C G A U G HY 999-0962 (C) d o u g m c g a u g hy @ g m a i l . c om B I L L Y [ B R E N DA ] M I M S 307-9253 (C) [email protected] JACKIE (GWYN) MIMS 6 8 5 - 9 0 0 6 ( H ) • 5 8 7 - 1 3 3 8 (C) m i m s 9 0 0 6 @ b e l l s o u t h . n et TO M [ C L A R A ] P O S E Y 4 2 5 - 3 9 1 9 ( H ) • 6 4 3 - 8 6 6 7 (C) t o m p o s ey 3 9 1 9 @ a t t . n e t DA N N Y ( D E N B Y ) P OT T S 6 2 0 - 1 3 0 2 ( H ) • 5 4 1 - 4 8 4 3 (C) Tr e k N o i d @ a o l . c o m DON [LISA] SHADIX 540-2884 (C) [email protected] PAT ( R H O N DA ) WA R D 6 2 0 - 3 4 5 6 ( H ) • 4 8 2 - 5 6 0 6 (C) [email protected] CH R I S [ J E N N I F E R ] WO F F ORD 6 2 1 - 3 6 9 4 ( H ) • 6 1 3 - 0 9 3 7 (C) c h r i s t o p h e r . wo f f o r d @ i p a c c .com NON-PROFIT ORG . U.S . POSTAGE PAID ALABASTER, AL 35007 PERMIT NO. 9 G od I s Go od. . . A ll t h e T i m e! 8 2 5 4 H i g h w a y 1 7 • P. O . B o x 1 5 9 • M a y l e n e , AL 3 5 114 • 205.664.1675 BE SURE TO VISIT US at www.communitybaptistmaylene .com MA R C H 2 0 1 4 SUNDAY SCHOOL • 9:45 / WORSHIP • 8:30 & 11:00 AM • 6:00 PM • WED. BIBLE STUDY • 6:30 PM AW E S O M E ! DR. FRED LUTER VISITS DR. FRED LUTER, JR., PRESIDENT OF THE SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTIION AND SENIOR PASTOR OF FRANKLIN AVENUE BAPTISRT CHURCH IN NEW ORLEANS(LEFT) AND BRO. BO TAKE A MOMENT FOR A PICTURE TOGETHER AFTER BRO. FRED DELIVERED A STIRRING MESSAGE AT OUR SPECIAL MIDWEEK WORSHIP SERVICE FEBRUARY 26TH. FOR MORE ABOUT THE SPECIAL EVENING, SEE PAGE 5. (PHOTO folks folks just just like like you you Page A Fond Farewell Ma r c h 2014 A Fond Farewell daniel elijah johns J anuary 16, 2014 F ebruary 1, 2014 Kara and Shaun Johns excitedly approached the arrival of their third child–son, Daniel Eric Johns–and he arrived to their delight on Januar y 16, 2014. The couple’s delight was dampened soon thereafter when Daniel demonstrated symptoms of hear t problems and a series of effor ts to address his medical difficulties ensued. Over his shor t 16-day lifespan, Daniel demonstrated a warrior’s fight in his struggle to remain here, but , in time, that battle was lost and he escaped to God’s welcoming arms on Saturday, Februar y 1st. In addition to his parents, Daniel left behind an older brother, Ian, and sister, Kaitlyn, paternal grandmother, Betty Johns, and maternal grandparents, Buddy and Donna Brantley. He also left behind a legacy of strength and struggle that touched and inspired ever yone who came in contact with one of God’s “blue babies.” Although we may personally find it challenging to understand the passing of one so small, we were blessed to have known him for a while as he fulfilled God’s purpose for his brief sojourn here. INSIDE Fond Farewells From Your Pastor’s Heart CBC Newsbits Fred Luter Visit Senior Adults The Birds Nest Community Women Connecting Youth Kids New Members Discipleship Training Birth Announcements Joe McKeever Missions Outreach Passion Week Mrs. Ann Burnett Big Dog Speaks Community Opportunities 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 10 12 14 15 16 18 20 21 22 23 24 loval lowe JUNE 26, 1929 - FEBRUARY 8, 2014 Mrs. Loval Lowe, who had been a long-time member of the First Baptist Church of Helena, joined Community Baptist on October 24, 2010, and was a faithful member of the Senior Adult Sunday School class. She lost her husband of 59 years, Lloyd Cecil Lowe, on November 9, 2011, and had also been predeceased by a son, Jerr y Lowe. She also left behind two sons, David and Paul, four grandchildren and numerous other family members and friends. A sweet lady who had devoted much time and attention to her husband’s care in the failing health of his later years, Mrs. Loval was a warm and pleasant lady who laughed easily and was well-respected and -loved. The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Psalm 126:3 P.O. BOX 159 • MAYLENE, AL 35114 205.664.1675 Periodicals postage paid at Alabaster, AL 35007. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHRUCH P.O. BOX 159 • MAYLENE, AL 35114 Published periodically by Community Baptist Church 8254 Highway 17 (P.O. Box 159) • Maylene, AL 35114 Ma r c h 2 0 1 4 Page WHAT A WONDERFUL BEGINNING From Your Pastor’s Heart RevERAND Bo B r own What a wonderful beginning to our year here at CBC! We have been blessed with incredible guest speakers, have welcomed many new members to our church family, and have witnessed both young and old give their hearts to Christ for the first time. Truly we have been blessed, but such is the history of our Church. God has had his hand on this place for a long time, but as remarkable as it has already been, God has only just begun. We could rest on our laurels and sing praises of what has taken place, or we can look in faith to a future that God holds in His hands. I don’t know about you, but as I grow older I want to look back and rest, get comfortable, and keep the status quo, but that is not the Biblical mandate we have been given. Instead we are tasked with continuing the challenge placed before us, searching for God’s direction and following passionately after His will and reaching His people. We may have been blessed, but God is not done. We may have seen God move, but God still is moving. We may have thought we have seen the mountain top, but God says keep on climbing. As your Pastor I am excited about what God is doing , and even more excited about what He is going to do! Let us be found not staring back, but in conviction continuing the faith walk that has defined our Church. It is within that step of faith that we truly can say – G od is G ood ~ A ll the T ime . “Brothers, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead, I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus. Therefore, all who are mature should think this way. And if you think differently about anything, God will reveal this also to you.” Philippians 3:13-15 Thankful and Blessed to be your Pastor, Brother Bo G od is G ood - A ll the T ime !!! Page Ma r c h 2014 Bulletins from All Over! COMMUNITY BAPTIST NEWSBITS . . . • more than 50 couples participate in inaugural married couples valentines date night More than four times the number of couples Bro. Bo had hoped to have be part of our first-ever Married Couples Valentines Date Night were on hand the evening of February 14th in the sanctuary. Following a special meal and some skits by the Drama Team, marriage and family counselor and therapist, Paul Johnson, led everyone through a light-hearted but insightful exercise designed to help everyone better understand the type of relationship and social animal they and their spouses are. It was a unique and beneficial evening, and follow-up evaluations are in progress now. • scott davis brings levity to church on super bowl sunday Comedian Scott Davis dropped past CBC on Sunday evening, February 5th and provided folks in attendance a time of great fun and humor that proved to be far better than the Freezer Bowl between the Seahawks and the Broncos that same evening. After providing a lot of laughter and some uncomfortable glances when some things hit a little close to home, Scott closed by singing his own arrangement of George Beverly Shea’s “I’d Rather Have Jesus.” • cbc men The CBC Men held their quarterly breakfast meeting on Saturday morning, January 11th. The food was great and the devotional time was special. Time was also devoted to discussing future plans. The group’s next quarterly breakfast meeting is scheduled for Saturday, April 5th, starting at 7:30 a.m. • spring work day Our Spring church-wide Work Day at the church will be held Saturday, April 12th, beginning at 7:30 p.m. If possible, make plans to join other members of the church family as we spruce up the church premises for the fast-approaching Easter season and coming summer. As usual, there will be cleaning and painting and straightening and purging and landscaping and who-knows-what-else to be done. But it always makes the day go better and more quickly when a good number of folks are on hand and ready to work. Hope we’ll see you then. • NOMINATING As we’ve hit the mid-point of the current church year, our Nominating Team is gearing up to work through the process of locating and engaging members to assume positions of teaching and ministry during the 2014-2015 church year. As we’ve grown in number and ministries, so has our need for individuals with a heart for teaching and ministering. So if you believe you might be interested in taking on a role in our continuing growth and development, please contact Bro. Matt Monk. DVD RECORDINGS OF OUR SPECIAL MIDWEEK SERVICE WITH DR. FRED LUTER ARE AVAILABLE FREE. PLEASE CONTACT THE CHURCH OFFICE IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO OBTAIN ONE. • new member and prospects classes If you’re curious about the details of our denominational history and principles, our own church’s history, vision, and beliefs, the structure of the church organization and its various opportunities for service and growth, and a variety of other beneficial types of information our New Members and Prospects Class is for you. Those classes will be offered on two Wednesday evenings: March 5th and March 19th, beginning at 6:30 p.m. both evenings, taught by Pastor Bo Brown in the King’s Palace. Ma r c h 2 0 1 4 Page SBC President Fred Luter, Jr., Visits CBC and Brings an Awesome Message in Special Midweek Worship Service Well, it finally happened, thanks to Bro. Bo’s persistence, according to Southern Baptist Convention President, Dr. Fred Luter. While passing out various compliments at the outset of his message in our special midweek worship ser vice, Februar y 26th, Bro. Fred was quick to note that it was Bro. Bo’s persistence that had resulted in his coming to visit Maylene. Well, that and the fact that his daughter, Kimberly, lives and teaches in the Birmingham area. Kimberly and several of her Bible study friends were in the congregation, which literally filled the sanctuar y. Following a worship ser vice that included great congregational worship and special music offerings by Cindy Bierman and the Worship Choir, Bro. Fred shared a message based upon Jesus’ Good Shepherd illustration found in John 10. Over the 40 minute sermon, Bro. Fred demonstrated the hear t-felt passion and unique preaching gifts and style that have well-earned him the reputation of being one of the most engaging pulpit preachers in the countr y. Following the ser vice, he was warmly greeted by those who’d shared the mar velous evening, and he was patient and understanding in visiting with the several hundred folks who sought him out for a handshake or hug or both, and having pictures made. IN no time a variety of postings on Facebook popped up, praising his preaching and the evening’s ser vice as a whole (samples adjoining). Dr. Luter, who was first-elected SBC President in June 2012, was re-elected at last June’s convention to ser ve a second term and was unopposed when the election took place. He noted that his term will end in five months, adding that his wife wishes it would be in five days. He shared that he has spoken all over the countr y during his tenure and commended his staff at Franklin Avenue Baptist Church for the patient, understanding, and willingness to enable him to spend so much time away form the church while he fulfills his denominational responsibilities. He took time to note that Rebekah Parr’s dad, Steve Loggins, who is the Director of Missions for Nor th Birmingham Association, ser ves with Luter on the denomination’s Executive Board. Bro. Steve was on hand, but Bro. Fred shared that he suspected Bro. Steve more likely was seizing the oppor tunity to visit with his granddaughter, Olivia. He and his wife, Elizabeth, have two adult children. Daughter, Kimberly, teaches fifth grade at Avondale Elementar y School in Birmingham. Their son, Fred Luter III, known as “Chip,” is also a Baptist pastor, who ser ves as Youth Minister at Franklin Avenue. He and his wife, Jasmine, have given Bro. Fred and Mrs. Elizabeth their first grandson, Fred IV. Page CBC Ma 2014 r c h SENIOR ADULTS AND WE’RE OFF.... B iscuit B uddies is back on T hursday M orn ings ....@ 9 a . m .! C ome share a biscuit with a buddy ! S o far this year we have had our pictures taken in a CRAZY PHOTO BOOTH... we have had surprise SCAVENGER HUNTS... we always have fun with our GAMES and end our T hursday mornings PRAISING the LORD together ! C ome join this incredible group of JOINT HEIRS!!! J anuary S hopping the S ales on our monthly outing ....F ebruary we ran out to T he S outhern M useum O f F light ... which was FABULOUS! O ur M arch trip has been postponed BUT O n A pril 3 rd we will be heading to GLORY 2014 with F rank J ones and folks like F iddlers in the parlor !!! SIGN UP TODAY!!! SIGN found us 5 5 ‘ n ’ S t a y i n ’ A l i v e (IN C H RI S T ) UP SHEET H all !! T his is in hallway next to F ellowship winter has really been tough on so many of us ... please let me know if you have a need ! We do our best to reach out to everyone .. but I understand from time to time we miss someone ! Y ou are LOVED and if you have a need we will do our best to help ! P lug into a such great S unday S chool cl ass !! W e have T eachers and these small groups are where we have those special moments and memo ries with each other by enjoying GOD as family ! THE WORD OF HE LOVES U, HE LOVES U, HE LOVES U... I, M rs . M elissa and so do THE BI RD S ’ NEST CBC EAGLES The EAGLES will not gather in March but will gather on May 17 (weather permitting) at 4 p.m. for a road trip to our favorite restaurant near Prattville with a stop on the way back at the Peach Park. In June we will pick blueberries (weather permitting) at the Lee farm near Wilton. This date will depend on the blueberries ripening so be ready for a short notice to don your sneakers and hats and pick those sweet treats. Reminders and more info on each event will be shared closer to the actual date. CBC DOVES The DOVES continue to serve the members of CBC through phone calls, cards, visits and distribution of Bible Study lessons on DVD to our homebound courtesy of Dave Bachelor and his SS class. Our homebound ministry will be referred to in the future as the CBC H earthside M inistry . We chose “H earthside ” as the name for this ministry because in the past, the hearth was considered the heart of the home since so many activities took place near the hearth. By naming it H earthside , we are acknowledging that we are going into the home and sharing whatever God has led us there to do in His Name. Anyone with questions or the desire to help, please contact Reba Hatcher at 663-0067. Community Women Connecting Ma r c h 2 0 1 4 As the mid-point of our church year has arrived (How is that possible?), the delight and gratitude we feel in what Community Women Connecting has meant thus far is exceeded by our excitement at what lies in the months ahead. The Community Women Connecting Leadership Team is busy working on the remainder of this church year’s activities. Thus far our year’s activities have included creating a quilt that symbolizes how women of all stages of life can come together to create something beautiful; hearing about the stages of a woman’s life told by the storyteller, Dolores Hydock; preparing care packages and ministering to the women from the Shelby County Work Release program; and enjoying a brunch at which our own Stephanie Brown shared about our growing through studying God’s word. The women of CBC have just begun a study of God’s word together as part of our winter Discipleship Training offerings. The study by Angela Thomas entitled, Stronger, examines our ability to meet life’s struggles more ably once we accept the fact that God’s strength is greater than any struggle we face. An exceptional Bible student and teacher, Angela draws from personal experience as a long-term single mother and her study reflects her desire to engage the students, not jut teach them. The study is offered on Sunday evenings, beginning at 4:30 p.m., led by Viki Pate and Debbie Reeves, and is also available on Tuesday mornings at 9 a.m., led by Debra Short. This study is seven weeks long and worth every minute. It’s been a while since we held a CWC Girls Nite Out, and we have one scheduled for Friday evening, March 14th, beginning at 7 p.m. We’ll share dinner together at the Olive Garden Restaurant in Alabaster and go from there. We need to know how many to expect so we can reserve adequate seating space, so please sign up immediately on the sign-up sheet in the foyer or by contacting a leadership team member. The Women’s Spring Retreat is scheduled for FridaySunday, April 4-6, at Springville Camp and Conference Center in Odenville. We’re delighted to once again welcome Page Hughes as our retreat speaker. She has spoken at earlier CWC events and always touches hearts with her humorous, insightful and spiritual observations about our walks as women of God. This weekend is sure to be a wonderful time of fellowship and renewal. You don’t want to miss this! A limited number of openings to attend are still available on a first come-first serve basis. Please contact a CWC leadership team member for more information. Just as the current year has been speeding past, our new church year will be upon us before we know it. Therefore, we are looking to the future and building our leadership team for the next year. If you have ever thought about serving in the women’s ministry, see a team member for details about serving in this capacity. Page Left: MRS. STEPHANIE WAS DELIGHTED TO HAVE HER DAUGHTER, CLAUDIA, AND MOTHER, SHIRLEY NEWELL, ON HAND AS SHE SPOKE. Ladies, don’t miss our at the Alabaster Friday • March 14 • 7 pm P L E A S E S I G N U P I N T H E F O Y E R T O D AY S O W E C A N R E S E R V E A D E Q UAT E S PAC E Page Ma r c h 2014 M Y H 4 h t u CBC yo Brother Jonathan Lowery Youth Minister mrs. diana helps j-low get ready to cruise Dear Community Family, As I write this, my family and I preparing for our annual Caribbean cruise and we are so excited. It will be wonderful to share time together away. But it has been great to be involved with our Youth group at CBC over recent weeks, and it has been a busy time. Recapping recent events: • Sunday evening, February 9th, was WinterJam at the Birmingham Convention Center. What an awesome night!! For $10 a head we were privileged to experience worship with ten different Christian bands and several thousand like-minded of our closest friends. We had a good time hanging with everyone and listening to some great music!!! • Sunday evening, February 16th, we put on our annual CBC Valentines Banquet. This event is always a great evening with a meal and entertainment and a time of sharing about our Fuge experiences and plans. It is also one of our biggest fund-raisers for our expenses to The 2014 Community Baptist Valentine’s Banquet attend Fuge summer camp. The Youth spent all afternoon that Sunday converting the Sanctuary into a Valentine setting. Special thanks goes out to all the adults who helped us get everything cooked and set up. We were able to raise $1350.00!!!!!! So thanks to those of you who contributed so generously. Our Fuge week at Ridgecrest will be June 16th-21st. Please begin praying now for our youth and leaders as we work toward that special week of fun and spiritual growth. • On Saturday, February 22nd, we had a great time with a unique tandem of activities: Paintball and a Movie! The weather could not have been more perfect than it was that day for a great game of paintball. Just imagine the youths’ delight at being able to take out their frustrations by shooting your Youth Minister with paint balls. Yes, some of them stung and paybacks loom large down the road. LOL!!!! We had a Ma r c h 2 0 1 4 great time being able to hang out and show off some paintball skills. Then that night we went to see the new Lego Movie. Always love hanging with everybody. The phrase, “EVERYTHING IS AWESOME,” became something of a catch-phrase for us after seeing the Lego Movie. If you have seen the movie then you know why this is stuck in all of our heads!!!!! Don’t be surprised if you hear it uttered in our presence from time to time. • On Wednesday, February 26th, we had the privilege of sharing in our special midweek worship service, featuring a sermon from Dr. Fred Luter, the President of the Southern Baptist Convention. It was a remarkable privilege to hear the President of the Southern Baptist Convention speak at our church. He was such a dynamic and engaging individual and speaker. Once my family and I return from our time away, we hit the ground running and look forward to the following upcoming Events: • Sunday, March 16th – S.N.A.C. Time. After that evening’s worship service we will be going out to eat at one of our favorite chow houses for a night of fun and fellowship. • Saturday, March 22nd – Oak Mountain Trip. We’ll meet at the Church at 9 a.m. Everyone should bring a sack lunch and some drinks, and $3 to get in. We will have a fun day at Oak Mountain together. We’ll be in the great outdoors so dressing suitably for outdoor adventures might be a good thing. • Saturday, April 12th - Work Day and a Movie. We’ll gather at the church at 7 a.m. (YES, 7 A.M.!!), and do our part to help in a Work Day at the church, and that will be followed by a trip to the movie. • Saturday, April 26th - Roadtrip to the Page Montgomery Zoo. We’ll gather and leave the church at 8 a.m. heading to the Montgomery Zoo for the day, returning around 5 p.m. For admission fees and eats a total of $30 would likely be wise to have eon hand. The Montgomery Zoo visit has been one of our more enjoyable adventures together an we look forward to going again. • Friday-Saturday, May 2nd-3rd, 7 p.m.-7 a.m. - Rock-a-Thon. Another of our major Fuge fund-raisers is the annual Rock-a-Thon, when our youth are sponsored by various church members and spend the night–overnight–rocking and trying to avoid getting water-gunned for falling asleep. It’s a lot of fun and helps us greatly in raising our funds to go to camp. Remember that Daylight Saving Time returns on Sunday, March 9th. So be sure to re-set your clocks that Saturday evening by “spring forward.” And don’t forget what our normal schedule is, whether it is Standard or Daylight Saving Time: On Sundays: * Sunday School – 9:45 a.m. in the White House * Youth Choir – 4 p.m. in the Sanctuary • Youth Discipleship Training – 5 p.m. in the Church On Wednesdays: • Youth Worship – 6:30 p.m. in the Youth House!!! Just want to say a quick “Thank You” to all of my Youth leaders and parents. Thank you for the time that you sacrifice to be there and help out with everything that we do. Y’all are AWESOME! God has truly blessed us here at Community, and He keeps on blessing. Finally, I have to share that I am so PROUD of each and every one of our Youth. It is such a blessing being able to be your Minister. I can’t say enough about how awesome it is to be able to spend time you. Ya’ll have the Light of Christ and you are not afraid to show it. I n C hrist , B ro . J onathan Page 10 Ma r c h 2014 m rs. me l is sa’s kidz notez MRS. MELISSA CALTON CHILDREN’S MINISTER H ey K ids ( and P arents 2!): 2014 TREMENDOUS ..... so far FIRST TIME TRAVEL trip thru the TARDIS back in BIBLE TIMES. W e stepped in when the T hree W ise men were just coming out of K ing H erod ’ s P alace asking him where the NEW KING was ... he wasn ’ t very happy with them ....BUT they did FIND HIM... and H is name is JESUS!! has been we have been on our F ebruary we loaded up and were off to T he S outhern M useum of F light ... what an incredible experience that was !!! W e learned so much and could have stayed much longer !! If you want a GREAT S aturday trip with your kids ... take them on a day trip back !!! Y ou won ’ t be sorry ! M arch brings SPRING!!!! W e enjoyed a FABULOUS day W ith the critters @ T he CBC S pring F ling !!! I n full CIRCUS fashion ... an incredible group of volun teers welcomed kids and families to our church that may not have come other wise ! the T hanks is just never enough for MANY HOURS that go in behind the I can ’ t M inister to scenes of something like this and tell ya what it means to this have such willing servants , M arch will also provide your kids with BACK in THE BIBLE... M arch 21 st ...PLEASE, SIGN UP UR CRITTER so we have enough for supper .... SIGN UP SHEET @ SIGN N DESK! another adventure VBS M eetings begin in M arch ... if you have not been contacted and want to work PLEASE see me ASAP!!! J ungle S afari is our 2014 VBS!!!! C an ’ t wait .... the vines will begin to appear right before your eyes !!! I AM 2ND M usical is coming along very well ... the children are taking “ baby steps ” toward understanding HE IS FIRST and I am 2 nd ! W e work on the musical W ednes day evenings at 6:30 p . m . and S unday evenings @ 4:30 p . m .! S ervin ’ the The Ringmaster S hepherd , F eedin ’ H is L ambs . MRS. MELISSA : T E G R O F T ’ D ON OI R H C L E G N A D N EA • K I D Z P R AY Z NI G E B S Y A D N U ES P R ACTI C E S A R . M . P 0 3 : 4 T A G NIN AT T R A T S S Y A D S NE • WAC KY W E D S! ! Y A D S E N D E W 6 : 3 0 P. M . ON (ABOVE:) THE USUAL MIX OF INTERESTING CHARACTERS THAT GRACE MOST KIDS ACTIVITIES AT CBC THIS TIME INCLUDED (L-R:) DAVID MANNING, CHRIS WOFFORD, HUMPTY DUMPTY, MRS. MELISSA, MATT MONK, JULIE SIMS AND DWIGHT BARROWS. Ma r c h 2 0 1 4 Page 11 (ABOVE:) ADDISON FRIEDMAN IS ALL SMILES WITH HIS POPCORN IN HAND (BELOW:) BRO. DUB JUST CAN’T KEEP MRS. GLENDA FROM CLOWNING AROUND! (TOP, LEFT:) JESSE MONK AND TIMOTHY AARON ENGAGE IN A FRIENDLY BOUT OF BALLOON BATTLE. (MIDDLE, LEFT:) BRODY HATCHER GETS HIS FACE PAINTED BY ALESIA AARON. (BOTTOM, LEFT:) KIDS OF ALL AGES GATHERED FOR THREE HOURS THE MORNING OF MARCH 1ST AND ENJOYED POPCORN, PICKLES, LEMONADE, COOKIES, MUSIC, FACE-PAINTING, GAMES AND PRIZES. A STEADY STREAM OF CHURCH FAMILIES AND VISITORS KEPT THE FLING WORKERS BUSY ALL MORNING. (RIGHT:) BRO. CHRIS WOFFORD JUST COULDN’T HELP FLASHING THOSE LOVE-FILLED EYES. OF COURSE, WITH WIFE, JENNIFER, AND DAUGHTER, , ON HAND WHO COLD BLAME HIM? (RIGHT:) COOPER THE DOG AND CATHY RAY SHARE A BIG HUG. CATHY’S 4TH BIRTHDAY WAS THE NEXT DAY!! Page 12 Ma r c h 2014 NEW MEMBERS These new pieces have been added to our CBC quilt . . . MIKE & ROBIN EBERHARDT MAYLENE JANUARY 26 ROBYN GRAGG MONTEVALLO JANUARY 26 • Mike and Robin are Georgia natives, who graduated from Elber t County H.S. in 1964 & 1967. • Mike earned degrees in Political Science, a Master’s in Divinity and Masters in Christian Ed and Family Counseling • Robin earned her Bachelor’s from Georgia. • Mike has pastored several churches and the Eberhardts ser ved as International Missionaries in Granada, 1982-1990. • Mike now does intentional interim pastoring. • After Robin retired last May, they moved here in December to be nearer their son David (Suzanne) and their 2 grandsons, Reece (13) and Conner (11). • Robyn turned 26 this month. • Robyn has three children: son Souljer, will be 6 in April; daughter, Gernie is 4; and daughter, Jovie-Ann, will be 1 this month. (More infomration will be forthcoming next issue) Jovie-Ann (1), Robyn, Gernie (4) and Souljer (6) AMY SPIRES maylene JANUARY 26 amy & daniel (9) madi & cassie STACY ALABASTER january 26 cassie & madi • Amy grew up in Florence and earned an Accounting and Computer Science degree from UNA. • She and her husband, Joey, met on a blind date while at UNA and married in 1992. • He is a Accounts Payable Manager at Health South. • Amy is a Senior Accountant at Ebsco where she’s been 3 years, after being a Comptroller at Savela for 12. • Their 14 year old son, Skylar, is a THS 9th grader who likes guitars and Dr. Who. Son, Daniel, is 10, in 5th grade at TIS. He’s into Boy Scouts and football. • Joey likes fishing and dir t bikes. Amy enjoys times with kids. • Madi and Cassie are granddaughters of CBC members, Rober t and Ann Johnson, who joined Community Baptist in June 2005. • Their mother, Carol Reese, is the Johnson’s daughter, and she works as a teacher’s aide at Creekview Elementar y. • After graduating from Thompson H.S. last year, Madi is a freshman at the University of Montevallo interested in accounting. She enjoyed drama club in high school. • Cassie, who was less than 2 pounds at bir th (5 months premature) is now 18 and a junior at THS. She loves ar t and is intent on pursuing it in college. Ma r c h 2 0 1 4 S I ST E RS A N EW! AFTER SHARING THEIR DECISIONS TO ACCEPT JESUS AS SAVIOR ON JANUARY 28TH, CASSIE AND MADI STACY WERE BAPTIZED AS NEW SISTERS IN CHRIST AT THE BEGINNING OF OUR LATE WORSHIP SERVICE MARCH 2ND. ON THE LEFT, CASSIE WAITS PATIENTLY AS MADI IS BAPTIZED. TO THE RIGHT, MADI RETURNS THE FAVOR. PICTURES BY SECOND REFLECTIONS PHOTOGRAPHY. Page 13 KAYLA GALLOWAY SPRINGVILLE FEBRUARY 9 • Kayla was born in Augusta , GA, but grew up in Birmingham from age 4 and graduated from Irwin H.S. in 1999. • She has 3 sons from her marriage soon after graduating: Chase (13) is a 7th grader, Luke (11) a 4th grader, and Jeffrey (9) a 4th grader, all at Springville. • She is engaged to CBC member, Stephen Rylee, and their wedding is scheduled for Januar y 3, 2015, at the church. • Her sons tend toward spor ts: Chase, soccer ; Luke, basketball; Jeffrey, roller blading. • Kayla loves spending time with her boys, with Stephen and doing ar ts and crafts. LANDON HAYS PELHAM MARCH 2 • Landon is the middle of Mike and Mandy Hayes’ three children. His parents joined CBC in April 2010. His older sister, Payton, 12, joined CBC • Landon turned 9 years old in Januar y. He’s in the second grade and is home-schooled. • His younger sister, Br yleigh, is 7. • Landon loves Godzilla, playing soccer, playing with animals and the game, Minecraft. • His dad has just recently taken a salesman position with Renewal, by Andersen Windows, in Oklahoma City, and the family expects to move there in the coming months. BOBBY GIPSON HELENA MARCH 2 • Bobby is the older brother of CBC member, Clara Posey. • He grew up in the Powderly area of Jefferson County and graduated from Jones Valley H.S. in 1953. • After ser ving as a medic in the U.S. Navy, Bobby earned degrees from Birmingham-Southern, UAB, the University of South Alabama, LSU and Shepper ton University in London, including a Masters in Hospital Administration, a nursing degree, and a PhD in philosophy. • He worked as an R.N. and taught at the high school and college levels. • He had four children. He has seven grandchildren. Page 14 EDUC A T I O N & D E V E L O P M E N T Ma r c h 2014 from Brother Matt Monk Education Minister Discipleship Training Opportunities Our new session of Discipleship Training began on Sunday, March 2nd, with a variety of outstanding offerings, from “regular” classes to a variety of small groups. We hope you’ll be interested in becoming a part of one of our class or small group offerings. The classes include: D ebt -P roof L iving (Sunday afternoons thru April 27 at 4:30 PM) This class will be led by Jennifer and Chris Wofford and will deal with personal financial issues many people face. In this class, Jennifer and Chris will show you some of the principles of debt-proof living that they have learned and applied. These principles are Bible-based and will help participants learn how to set up short- and long-term financial goals, develop a spending plan, implement a plan to eliminate debt, create accounts for emergencies and irregular expenses, all while setting aside money for tithing and saving. These principles have made a difference in Chris and Jennifer’s life and they want to share them with you. FAITH E vangelism (Sunday afternoons thru April 27 at 4:30 PM) Led by our Lay Outreach Minister, Mike Fitzgerald, this class will help to equip and mobilize believers in lifestyle evangelism, discipleship, and ministry by guiding them through a simple way of sharing the Gospel message using the acronym FAITH. Members will also learn how to share their personal testimony as well as leading someone to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. S tronger (Sunday afternoons thru April 27 at 4:30 PM) This class will be led by Viki Pate and Debbie Reeves from the Community Women Connecting leadership team. Through biblical teaching and real life application , this study teaches that believers do not have to live in weakness. God is stronger than every struggle you will ever face. All who receive Jesus Christ have been hidden in Him. We have been made alive in Him through the forgiveness of our sin, filled in Him with all the fullness given to Him, brought near to God in Him, and blessed with every spiritual blessing in Him. Today, because of Christ, you can live stronger. This study will guide women into biblical truth through exposition and story, so they live confident, transformed, Christ-radiating lives marked by His strength. Ma r c h 2 0 1 4 Page 15 G o F ish (Sunday afternoons thru April 27 at 4:30 PM) This class will be led by Don Shadix, a member of the CBC Men leadership team, and will view and discuss the Go Fish video series by Andy Stanley. We have all heard the story of someone’s fishing adventures. Many of us like to share these types of stories. But when it comes to talking about our faith, many times we go silent. In this six-part series participants will discover how talking about our faith can come as natural as sharing a fishing story. N ew & P rospective M ember C lass (March 5 and 19th at 6:30 PM) Led by Pastor Bo Brown this class, for new and prospective members, will help participants learn about the history and mission of the church as well as meet leaders of various ministries with the purpose of informing each participant in the ways that God is working at CBC and how they can become involved. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by phone or email. Christ is All B ro . M att (205) 368-8785 [email protected] Welcome to the CBC Family! Jennifer & Todd Riddle are pleased to announce the arrival of their son, M aster Brayden Eric Riddle, Rachel & Matt Lawley were pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter, M iss Ella Jane Lawley, who was born Tuesday, who was born Saturday, Jan. 28th, weighing 7.2 Feb. 1st, weighing 7.75 pounds and pounds and measuring 19.75 inches long. measuring 19.75 inches long. Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow! Page 16 Ma r c h 2014 Get the Love Out: Sometimes Only Words Will Do by Dr. Joe McKeever, Pastor, Author, Artist, Friend “My little children, let us not love in word or tongue (only), but in deed and in truth” (I John 3:18). In our effort to encourage people to “love one another,” we must not leave the impression that words do not count. While deeds of love and other expressions are vital, a lot of people need to hear the actual words. “I love you.” “You have no idea how much you mean to me.” “Thank you for being such a precious friend.” “I treasure you.” Speaking love is a good thing to do. First, something inside me needs to speak words of love. It’s good for me. Back when grandson Grant was a preschooler, grandpa and he maneuvered to spend time together almost every day at the swing in his front yard. We would laugh and sing and make up stories. We had a great time and the memories of those years, and later with his sisters, will remain to my dying day. (To our five grands who lived off in North Carolina and New Hampshire, I would give anything to have done the same with you!) Often I would interrupt our fun time to say something like, “Grant, I love you so much.” One day, when he had heard that yet again, Grant said, “Grandpa, why do you tell me you love me so much?” How perceptive, I thought. And such a good question. Why do I do that? I said, “Grant, the love inside me keeps building up and I have to let it out.” That seemed to satisfy him. And it expresses the truth as well as anything I know. Speaking love to someone dear to us can be a kind of pressure relief value. We will explode if we don’t tell that person of our love. This is why writing a love letter to our sweetheart can be almost as good as getting one from them. To repeat: It’s good for us to say “I love you.” We have all heard stories of a husband saying, “Honey, I love you so much it’s all I can do to keep from telling you.” We want to scream, “Tell her! Tell her!” We’ve all heard the story of a trucker whose rig went off a Colorado mountainside in a snowstorm. He was found several days later, buried in the snow, his truck a crumpled wreck. During the hours before he died, the man had written a note to his wife. He told her how much she meant to him, and added, “I’m so sorry I never told you.” That line is nearly as tragic as the wreck itself. In Dan Fogelberg’s tribute to his father called “The Leader of the Band,” one memorable line goes, “And papa, I don’t think I said ‘I love you’ near enough.” Most of us do not say it nearly enough. In the 17th chapter of John’s Gospel, in what’s called Jesus’ “high priestly prayer,” we are eavesdropping on the Savior’s conversation with the Father. There is nothing else like this in all the Word and it deserves much more attention than most of us have given it. Toward the conclusion, Jesus says: “I have made Thy name known to them, and will make it known, that the love wherewith Thou didst love me may be in them, and I in them.” (John 17:26) Earlier, Jesus had prayed that His followers may know “that Thou didst send Me, and didst love them, even as Thou didst love me” (17:23). Think of that. Jesus wanted us to know that the Father loves us the same way He loves Him! This is as powerful and yet as incomprehensible as anything in the Word. That He could love us like that. Second, people all around us need to hear those words. It’s good for them. Most people long to hear the words “I love you,” particularly from the ones they cherish most. No one is too old, too infirm, too ornery, or too anything not to need love. Hearing the actual words can penetrate a stubborn rebellious heart. Mary Beth was a sixteen-year-old and getting in trouble. She came from a wonderful family and was clearly pushing at the fences, trying to find out where the borders were and who she was. I’ve long since forgotten what was going on at that particular moment, but as she spotted me in the hallway just outside the pastor’s office, the inner conflict was written all over her face. I called to her. “Could you come here just a second.” Now, she just knew she was about to get reamed out for misbehavior. But that was not what I had in mind. I said, “Mary Beth, I love you.” That’s all. Nothing more. She teared up on the spot and her heart broke. Whether she remembers that or not–and she’s now an adult with a wonderful family and serving the Lord–I will never forget it. The power of those little words to penetrate rebellion and summon the wayward heart back home is truly amazing. Third, there are hundreds of ways to convey the words “I love you.” Be creative. Write a personal note. (Remember handwritten notes? The fact that this is a dying art means your letter Ma r c h 2 0 1 4 of love and appreciation will be kept forever, I promise.) E-mail works and so does Facebook. Certainly not as well as the face-to-face or handwritten kind, but it’s a start. A phone call is good. It can’t be kept on a shelf or in a notebook, but if done right, it will be retained in the person’s heart. Best of all is the face-to-face, full-press experience of eyeballing your friend and saying something like, “Hey, look at me. Listen closely. I love you.” Then smile real big. Because if your friends are like mine, they will be taken aback and not know what to say. Or, they’ll mutter a “I love you too,” and experience a slight embarrassment. That’s just fine. It’ll be easier next time. I was in college before I began to realize just how much I loved my mom and dad. We were a close-knit large family (six children born over a 9-year span). On the farm, we had all worked together and argued and fought and enjoyed one another. Now in college, I was missing my parents. This was in the late 1950s when letter-writing was the thing to do. Since I was four hours away from home, we would go six weeks without seeing one another. So, in my letters, I began to say “I love you.” My siblings teased that “Joe is homesick.” True enough. I was. I decided something as a freshman in college: I would tell my parents that I love them. Life was too short–and they were getting old (they must have been in their fifties!)–not to tell them how much they meant to me. Over the years since, all our family but one became skilled in the expression of those words “I love you.” We learned to say them to each other, to hug and to mean it. Mom would often take the initiative. I can still hear her saying, “I love you, Joe.” (Tears now.) Pop did not grow up hearing those words or voicing them. We smile at this memory. I would say, “I love you, my father,” with a big smile. He would say, “All right then” and change the subject. We knew he loved us and he proved it a thousand ways. He was just not good with uttering the actual words. Contrary to the theme of this piece, I suppose, that was perfectly fine with us. Fourth, the words must never be a substitute for “doing love.” One of the strongest teachings of Scripture is that “love is something you do.” In Luke 6:27-38 when our Lord commands His people to love their enemies, He is not calling for affection and emotion, but for action. “Do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who threaten you….” Those who treat their enemies in this manner will frequently make several discoveries: their anger toward the enemy goes away, the enemy (those hating you, cursing you, threatening you, etc) is stunned and does not know how to react, Christ is honored, outsiders are impressed that they are seeing actual Christianity on display, and the devil is infuriated. In time, this loving behavior tends to destroy enemies by turning them into Page 17 friends. First John 3:18, our text for this piece, makes the point that our words of love must not be a replacement for “deeds and truth.” Many an adult who grew up with a shiftless parent who could spout the words of love but would not hold a job, did not provide for the family, and abused the children, has a disdain for hearing words of affection. The words fall on deaf ears; they want to see the evidence. This is understandable. God in Heaven was not content with sending lovenotes from glory to struggling mankind. He did not stop with sending prophets and even angels. Eventually, He “came Himself ” in the person of the Lord Jesus. The opening verses of Hebrews says this so eloquently. (This article is already overly long, so I will forego inserting the verses and encourage readers to enjoy this text in their own Bibles.) How do we know God loves us? Look at Jesus. In particular, look at Him on the cross. No one can ever say again, “God does not love me,” unless in ignorance. “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). “God demonstrates His own love toward us in that while we were sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). “Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed on us, that we should be called the children of God!” (I John 3:1). “Thank you for loving us, Our Father. We love you, too. Now, help us to show You how much we love you in the way Jesus taught us.” Fifth, the Lord Jesus made it very clear how we are to love Him. In the Upper Room discourse, His almostfinal teachings to the disciples, our Lord made this point repeatedly…. –”If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15). –”He who has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me” (John 14:21). –”If anyone loves me, he will keep my word” (John 14:23). –”He who does not love me does not keep my words” (John 14:24). –”If you keep my commandments you will abide in my love” (John 15:10). –”You are my friends if you do what I command you” (John 15:14). –”This I command you, that you love one another” (John 15:17). Anyone see a theme here? The next time you hear someone (or are tempted to do this yourself ) saying, “Well, I know I’m not living for the Lord, but He knows I love Him,” consider pointing out to them that Jesus says otherwise. Words can be cheap. They can fall off our lips too easily and carry no meaning. So, let us not love in words or in tongue only–the clear intent of First John 3:18– but in deeds and in truth. Amen. Page 18 M i s s i o Ma r c h 2014 n s Russ Compton Shares About February medical Mission to nicaragua Russ Compton, Sr., a CBC Deacon and member of our Missions Team, was a member of a medical mission that flew to Nicaragua February 1-8 to serve natives there. It was a life-altering event for everyone concerned. He submitted the following account of the mission: When folks have asked if the mission trip successful, I tend to first share some statistics of the trip in terms of the number of people who received medical and dental care during those six days of clinics (1275) or the number of people who accepted the gift of salvation (206) or the number of prescriptions filled (nearly 4,000). However, numbers don’t always convey the real impact of a mission trip on the lives of those touched, both receiving as well as giving care. Yes, this mission trip was successful, in terms of both the numbers as well as the real impact-changed lives for Christ. The team included both American, and Nicaraguan believers. The six churches that hosted the clinics were all small villages (3,000 to 4,000 people) located 45 minutes to 2 hours from the city of Nueva Guinea where the team stayed. Some of the churches that hosted clinics were newly established without a physical building, some trying to restart, and some established. In most villages, we held the clinic in the church, but in several, we held the clinic in a school and in a home. Travel to several of the clinics could be made by bus where the roads were in good enough shape. However, half of the villages were only accessible by roads filled with mud holes that were 2 to 3 feet deep. On those days we traveled by 4-wheel drive trucks that looked similar to troop transports you might see in an old war movie. By the time all of the equipment and supplies were loaded, some had to stand for the journey, which was probably more comfortable than sitting on the wooden benches as we bounced along. The people who came to the clinic were of all ages, very poor and in need of care. Some had to be carried in by friends or relatives. Everyone who came received the Good News of Jesus Christ from a team of evangelists, which included one American (myself) aided by an interpreter. Many who came needed spiritual healing more than they needed physical healing. Those who made a decision to accept Jesus Christ will be followed up by the local church so that the disciple- ship process will continue. Vacation Bible school activities were held in the morning and afternoon for the children. They also received the Gospel, and a number of them were saved. At every stop, the presence of the Lord was powerfully felt. The woman, who volunteered her house to host the clinic in her village, had a small store attached which she closed for that day. During the course of the day, her 14-year-old daughter was saved, as was her 10-year-old son. Before the day was done, the woman also gave her life to Christ as Lord and Savior. On another day, a 55-year-old woman was carried into the clinic because she was too weak to walk. She had mental issues and in effect was starving herself to death. There was little that could be done medically however, the doctor and others prayed with her before she left. She died later that night. These are just a few examples of the lives impacted by the trip. For the twelve American team members who made the trip, it was the first trip to Nicaragua for five and the first foreign mission trip for two. We were also accompanied Tim Prewitt, the director of World Reach; and a missionary family from Honduras. From Nicaraguan two doctors, a dentist and his wife, a pharmacist and a nurse. Also the district superintendent of the Federation of Evangelical Churches in Central America and members of his staff. For many it was a time to renew and strengthen friendships and to form new ones For all, it was an exhausting, rewarding, and fulfilling experience and strengthened air resolve to be all that we can be for our Lord. He certainly showed us his power and glory. None of this would have been possible without the support and prayers of our church family as well as members of our faith community. Thousands of dollars were donated in direct support of the team members. Vitamins and supplements worth several thousand dollars were donated by several area pharmacists. Most importantly, we were strengthened by all the prayers that were offered up on our behalf. God’s hand and blessing was most certainly on this trip. G od Bless Y ou All Russ Ma r c h 2 0 1 4 boston ION S S I M BC ON C 2014 July 2-7 Page 19 M i s s i o n s AN INFORMATIONAL MEETING ABOUT THE BOSTON MISSION TRIP WILL BE HELD ON SUNDAY, MARCH 9TH AT 3:30 PM IN THE MEN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSROOM SIGN-UP DEADLINE & DEPOSIT DUE SUNDAY APRIL 6TH Last July a contingent of CBC members spent a life-changing week on mission in the Boston, MA, metro area. The 17 person-strong group travelled to the Boston suburb of Chelmsford, MA, where they conducted Vacation Bible School for more than 100 Arabic children whose parents were attending a conference hosted by the Arabic Evangelical Baptist Church of West Roxbury. Reusing our own VBS materials and adapting the plans to fit the conference schedule and hotel spaces made available, the group touched the lives of countless children and their families. We’ve been requested to send another group this summer, and plans have been made to do so July 2nd - 7th. This remarkable and memorable opportunity to serve and impact the lives of these children and their families can be life-changing for our people as well. Please prayerfully consider whether you can be a participant, or, at a minimum, please support the effort through prayer and financial support. SOME OF THE DETAILS: • ESTIMATED COST PER PERSON: $700 (Includes Air Fare, Hotel and Meals) • WILL FLY FROM BIRMINGHAM TO BOSTON EARLY ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 2ND. • HOME-BOUND FLIGHT WILL DEPART BOSTON MONDAY MORNING, JULY 7TH. PLEASE CONTACT DEBBIE REEVES BY PHONE AT (205) 527-4637 OR BY EMAIL AT [email protected] FOR MORE INFORMATION Christmas Gift Shop 2013 We were privileged to participate in and support the Shelby Baptist Association Christmas Gift Shop 2013. In her letter of thanks for our contributions to this unique ministry, Debbie Snyder shared the following details about the ministry: • 371 families interviewed for Christmas Gift Shop and 286 families qualified. • 693 children and youth from these families received gifts. • The Gospel story was shared with 357 moms and dads , as a result of which there were: • 4 re-dedications, and • 46 professions of faith; 12 of the 46 were 6 couples. • $37,100 in designated contributions were received for Christmas Gift Shop. • $46,300 was spent for gifts. (The $9,200 deficiency was recovered from Earthly Treasures Thrift Store earnings.) • 5,000-plus hours were donated by about 300 volunteers working in intake, processing applications and serving at Christmas Gift Shop. • 207 volunteers served at Christmas Gift Shop during the 15 appointment days. • 2,000 hours and hundreds of volunteers, in addition to those who served at Christmas Gift Shop, served at Walmart and Jack’s to staff Christmas trees at these locations, shopped and purchased clothing, made stockings and stocking-stuffers, shopped and purchased popcorn and cookies, made homemade cookies for guest refreshments, made package toppers for gifts, cleaned and decorated the building, made building repairs and renovations over the summer, as well as countless hours given by the Christmas Gift Shop Task Force as they enlisted and trained volunteers. • For the first time, there was no need to solicit for clothing sponsors. • 34 Shelby Baptist Association member-churches along with their members gave and participated in Christmas Gift Shop. • 8 non-Shelby Baptist Association member-churches along with their members gave and participated in Christmas Gift Shop. Thanks to everyone who contributed in any way to this very special and continuing outreach ministry. It is a blessing that keeps on giving well beyond the Advent season. Page 20 O U T R E A C H Ma r c h 2014 from Brother Michael Fitzgerald Lay Outreach Minister The Case for Apologetics Christian fields of study, like secular fields, often have large, confusing names that actually have simple meanings. For example: Ecclesiology means “the study of the Church,” Eschatology means the “study of end times,” Hermeneutics means “Bible interpretation,” and Soteriology means “the study of salvation.” See what I mean? And that’s only a few of them. Words like these can be scary and intimidating when we don’t know what they mean. Another field that is, at times, ignored by large portions of the church is Apologetics. Apologetics is based on the Greek word apologia, which means to “speak in return, defend oneself.” 1 Peter 3:15 says: “Always be prepared to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.” (HCSB) Are you prepared? If someone asks you why bad things happen to good people, can you give a strong response that defends the existence of a loving God with a world full of tragedy, suffering, and death? Christ said, “I assure you: Whoever does not welcome the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” (Luke 18:17, HCSB) That is certainly true. Saving faith is exactly that, and a child is a great example of someone who believes what they are told, without question. However, I’m sure that many parents can attest that while children are generally trusting, they also ask an important question: “Why?” They can ask it to the point where those being asked decide they won’t answer it anymore. It can be maddening, can’t it? “Why? Why? Why? Why?” But it’s a legitimate question, isn’t it? They want to understand, and so should we. We cannot ever fully understand God, but that should not be a reason to be satisfied in ignorance. We should still pursue as much understanding as we can attain. Further looking at the above statement by Christ, it can be determined that we don’t stop there. We must first have the child-like faith, but we surely shouldn’t remain child-like, right? “Like newborn infants, desire the pure spiritual milk, so that you may grow by it for your salvation.” (1 Peter 2:2 HCSB) We begin as children, as infants, as newborns in our faith, but as we ingest the milk, we grow, we gain knowledge, we gain wisdom, we gain answers. “Come, let us discuss this, says the Lord.” (Isaiah 1:18 HCSB) A final criticism of the concept of Apologetics I’d like to address is based on the idea often repeated in scripture, especially in 1 Corinthians, which is this: “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but it is God’s power to us who are being saved.” (1 Corinthians 1:18 HCSB) While yes, the world’s wisdom and philosophies are often used to attack and trivialize the truths found in Scripture, are we supposed to just disregard the reasoning for our beliefs? God is not irrational or unreasonable. His truths can be defended with the tools of reason and logic. Christ, Himself, did not ignore such things. When the Pharisees engaged Him with a question intended to trap Him in Mark 12, He responded with wisdom and amazed them. (Mark 12:13-17) Stephen, on trial before the Sanhedrin after being accused of blasphemy, gave a thorough explanation for his beliefs, before becoming a martyr for Christ. (Acts 7) Perhaps the greatest example of Apologetics demonstrated in Scripture is Paul’s activity in Athens as recorded in Acts 17:16-34. Paul was in one of the central hubs of human wisdom, where many great thinkers lived, studied, and debated. Paul took the stage at the Areopagus, a location of reason and debate, and presented his faith to a crowd of pagan philosophers and thinkers. As we seek to share with others the Good News of Christ, there will undoubtedly be times when folks will question or challenge the Gospel and we should do our best to be equipped to meet such probings and challenges head-on. Christ answered questions reasonably, Stephen presented his case before a hostile court, and Paul shared and defended his faith before some of the greatest minds of the time. Should we not follow their example, and be prepared to give an answer for our faith, which is both logical and reasonable? B lessings in C hrist , B ro . M ike Ma r c h 2 0 1 4 Page 21 Passion Passion Week Week Easter & & PL A N TO S H A R E O U R S PECIAL CBC PASSION WEEK EVENTS: • Palm Sunday • April 13: The Worship Choir Easter Musical • Maundy Thursday • April 17: Maundy Thursday Service & Lord’s Supper Observance • Easter Sunday • April 20: Easter Sunday Celebration Worship Services 6 p.m. 7 p.m. 8:30 & 11 a.m. It is somewhat difficult to accept the fact that Easter season is nearly upon us, but it is. With Fat Tuesday nand Ash Wednesday having been observed this week, we are truly into the long-recognized season of Lent, that culminates with the observance of Easter Sunday on April 20th. As is our custom at Community Baptist we will mark the Passion Week with three special services: • P alm S unday [A pril 13 th ] • W orship C hoir E aster M usical : A rise , M y L ove The Worship Choir will share a very special evening of Easter-themed music through a musical titled, Arise, My Love. Featuring soloists and choral pieces, the musical helps us focus on the remarkable gift that God gave each one of us through His Son’s death in our place. • M aundy T hursday [A pril 17 th ] • M aun dy T hursday S ervice and L ord ’ s S upper O bservance - One of the most meaningful services we share, the Maundy Thursday Service focuses upon the details of our Savior’s final meal with His disciples and the instructions He gave them as He began the final hours of His earthly sojourn before dying on the cross the next day. • E aster S unday [A pril 20 th ] W orship S ervices - In both our 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. services, special music and celebratory worship will mark our commemoration of that special morning when Jesus arose. Everyone is encouraged to bring live flowers that morning or during the day on the Saturday before, so that they may be placed on the flowered cross that is always so beautiful in its representation of Jesus’ victory over death. He is not here; He has risen, just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay. M att h e w 28: 6 P a g e 22 From the Pen & Heart of MRS. ANN BURNETT Ma r c h 2014 Hungering and Thirsting After Righteousness Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. ~ M at thew 5 : 6 F ound in the Beatitudes, this Bible verse says that those shall be filled who have this hunger. It is almost impossible for one who feels this hunger and thirsting to be lukewarm. I say almost, as to recognize that while we dwell in these fleshly bodies, from time to time, we need to rededicate our lives and not cool down. We need to keep ourselves full of passion and determination. This verse paints the picture of a person possessing great faith. Faith such as this also produces obedience, which is what God says He wants above all things from His Children. Adam brought the whole world into sin through his disobedience to God. Sin and death began to reign over the earth. It took the obedience of one Man, the Son of God, to bring back light and life to those who obeyed Him. Building a relationship with the Lord is the fundamental first step in building a faith foundation that will begin to fill you with the passion to serve Him in righteousness. Remember, Christianity is a relationship, not a religion. Actually the Lord will be with you every step of the way. After all, the eyes of the Lord run to and fro in the whole earth seeking to show Himself strong on the behalf of those whose heart is perfect towards Him. (2nd Chronicles 16:9 [KJV]). We may lack perfection in this fleshly body. Nevertheless, we CAN have a heart that is perfect towards Him. King David had this and he was not a perfect person. If a person hungers and thirsts after righteousness, that person will explore every way that they can please the One who is able to fill them–the Lord Jesus, Himself. You always wish to please the one you love. We are told, Jesus Himself is the Word of God. Imagine that: the living, breathing Word of God. We are sanctified through the word of God. We must be sanctified (cleansed and holy) before we can be in the presence of God. His word will do this for us. Jesus said we can know that we have passed from death into life when we love our fellow Christians and will, if necessary, lay down our lives for them. He says we will be identified by the world by the way we love one another. Not by the way we love our neighbors whom we love as we love ourselves and seek to do no harm to self or to others. We must, in obedience, be constant in reading the word and be sanctified by the washing of water by the word. We are told to not forsake the gathering together of the church (i.e., the body of Christ). If we love one another as we are told we must, we will want to be together. In late April, we will be celebrating Easter–the highest holy day in all the Christian world. Our churches will be overflowing with capacity crowds. Beautiful Easter lilies will come in to join us in worship of the Passover Lamb, Jesus the Christ. The one-time sacrifice for all Who will accept the payment of their sin debt by our Savior. Yes, the Easter lilies are indeed beautiful but even more beautiful still are the perennials that are always amongst us, giving Him in gratitude the time He deserves in all seasons, in all our ways. Love in Christ, Mrs. Ann Ma r c h 2 0 1 4 G O O DN E S S “Why do you call Me good?” Jesus asked him. “No one is good but One--God. Luke 18:19 [HCSB] P a g e 23 THE BIG DOG BARKS For far longer than I care to admit, this response of Jesus to the young ruler’s calling Jesus “Good teacher” puzzled me. It seemed during those times that Jesus might well be denying his perfection. by Brother Dave Miller, Music Minister Eventually, I came to understand that such was not the case at all. Jesus truly was divine and holy, yet he was human as well. In fact, what his response to the rich young ruler demonstrated was a divine understanding of the shortcomings of the ruler’s situation. As the conversation unfolds, the ruler rather proudly asserts that he has followed the law of Moses all his life. Then Jesus asks that he sell all he has and come follow. This the ruler could not do and he went away sad. What Jesus attempted to help his followers comprehend in the parables of Luke 18 is that God is the one truly good being, and that our own goodness is not something we may simply conjure up on our own. Instead it requires that we pursue God with all our heart and, through the resulting relationship with Him, the goodness that He is can become an attribute of our own. This remains a bit of a dilemma for some folks. I recall a conversation with my mother, late in her life, in which she affirmed her acceptance of Christ as her personal Savior but then went on to express her hope that she’d achieve heaven in eternity if she’d been “good enough.” That stance made no sense to be because I had finally realized that as Jesus said, in essence, above, none of us are “good enough” on our own. The extent of our goodness seems to be derived from the depth of our relationship with and devotion to God in our daily walks. So here and now, I declare that I am not good enough–by a long shot–on my own. And I’d lay fairly strong odds that neither are any of you. But the great thing, it seems to me, is that we can develop increasing goodness the more we align ourselves with Him. After all, goodness is one of the nine fruits of the spirit that Paul specifically lists. So, along with patience, humility and peace that we’ve explored in prior columns, and love, joy, kindness, faithfulness and self-control that we’ll not doubt address sin the future, they ALL become a part of our being, our essence, the more prevalent God’s Holy Spirit permeates our lives. So the final question begs: What is “good”? There are any number of definitions, most of which are some variation of: “morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; pious.” While at my aunt’s funeral in Illinois last month, a distant relative I’d not seen since we’d gathered for my dad’s funeral more than a decade ago, spoke fondly of Dad with the words, “he was as good a man as I ever knew.” As we drove back south, the many miles afforded ample opportunity to reflect upon that accolade. It was true then. Still is now. And I re-discovered why. Dad spent hours in Bible study. He communed with God regularly, especially when he walked the farmlands where he grew up. He sought to always do the right thing, regardless the personal cost. He loved and cared for people. Deep down part of me wonders if he might not have gone and sold everything he had to follow Jesus, had he been asked. What about us? Page 24 Ma r c h 2014 COMMUNITY’S OPPORTUNITIES SUNDAY ( 3 - 9 ) DAY L I G H T S AV I N G T I M E B E GINS 3 : 3 0 P M M I S S I O N T E A M B O S TO N M I S SION TRIP I N F O R M AT I O N A L M E E T I N G WEDN E S DAY ( 3 - 1 2 ) 6 : 3 0 P M M O N T H L Y C H U R C H B U S I N E S S MEETING FRIDAY ( 3 - 1 4 ) 7 : 0 0 P M C O M M U N I T Y WO M E N C O N N E CTING “ G I R L S ’ nite O U T ” E V E N T at alabaster olive garden restaurant SUNDAY ( 3 - 1 6 ) 7 : 0 0 P M YO U T H S . N . A . C . T I M E TUESDAY ( 3 - 1 8 ) 5 : 3 0 P M C B C WO R K N I G H T AT S H E L BY BAPTIST A S S O C I AT I O N WEDN E S DAY ( 3 - 1 9 ) 6 : 3 0 P M N E W M E M B E R S & P R O S P E C TS CLASS - 2 FRIDAY ( 3 - 2 1 ) 6 - 8 : 3 0 P M C B C K I D S : PA S S P O RT PA L S SATUR DAY ( 3 - 2 2 ) 9 A M - 5 P M YO U T H R OA D T R I P TO OA K MOUNTAIN S TAT E PA R K SUNDAY ( 3 - 3 0 ) W E E K O F P R AY E R F O R N O RT H A M E R I C A N MISSIONS BEGINS NOON C O L L E G E C L A S S O U T TO E AT THURS DAY ( 4 - 3 ) 9 : 3 0 A M – 3 : 4 5 P MS E N I O R S R OA D T R I P TO GLORY 2 0 1 4 AT T H E B A P T I S T C H U RCH AT M C A D O RY FRI-SU N ( 4 - 4 - 4 - 6 ) C W C S P R I N G R E T R E AT AT S P R I N G V I L L E CONFERENCE CENTER, ODENVILLE SATUR DAY ( 4 - 5 ) 7 : 3 0 A M Q U A RT E R L Y M E N ’ S B R E A K FAST SUNDAY ( 4 - 6 ) W E E K O F P R AY E R F O R N O RT H A M E R I C A N MISSIONS C O N C L U D E S W I T H A N N I E A R M S T R O N G E A STER O F F E R I N G WA L K D U R I N G F E L L OW S H I P T IME IN BOTH M O R N I N G WO R S H I P S E R V I C E S . 7 : 0 0 P M YO U T H S . N . A . C T I M E SATUR DAY ( 4 - 1 2 ) 7 : 3 0 P M C H U R C H - W I D E WO R K DAY AT THE CHURCH 7 : 3 0 A M YO U T H WO R K DAY A N D A MOVIE SUNDAY ( 4 - 1 3 ) PA L M S U N DAY 6 : 0 0 P M WO R S H I P C H O I R M U S I C A L TUESDAY ( 4 - 1 5 ) 5 : 3 0 P M C B C WO R K N I G H T AT S H E L BY BAPTIST A S S O C I AT I O N WEDN E S DAY ( 4 - 1 6 ) 6 : 3 0 P M M O N T H L Y C H U R C H B U S I N E S S MEETING THURS DAY ( 4 - 1 7 ) 7 : 0 0 P M M A U N DY T H U R S DAY S E R V I C E SUNDAY ( 4 - 2 0 ) E A S T E R S U N DAY ( N O E V E N ING SERVICE) TUESDAY ( 4 - 2 2 ) 5 : 3 0 P M C B C WO R K N I G H T AT S H E L BY BAPTIST A S S O C I AT I O N FRIDAY ( 4 - 2 5 ) 6 - 8 : 3 0 P M C B C K I D S : PA S S P O RT PA L S 6 : 3 0 P M C O L L E G E C L A S S O U T TO E AT SATUR DAY ( 4 - 2 6 ) 9 A M - 5 P MYO U T H R OA D T R I P TO T H E MONTGOMERY ZOO WEDNESDAY (4-30) 6:30 PM KIDZ PRAYZE MUSICAL: I AM SECOND FRIDAY (5-2) 9 AM - 2 PM SENIORS ROAD TRIP TO CLANTON CIVIL WAR BATTLEGROUND WITH LUNCH FRI-SAT (5-2-3) 7 PM – 7 AM YOUTH ROCK-A-THON SUNDAY (5-4) SENIOR ADULT SUNDAY 6:00 PM JOINT HEIRS CHOIR MUSICAL SUNDAY (5-11) MOTHERS DAY (NO EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE) WEDNESDAY (5-14) 6:30 PM MONTHLY CHURCH BUSINESS MEETING FRIDAY (5-16) 6:30 PM COLLEGE CLASS OUT TO EAT SATURDAY (5-17) 9 AM–2 PM YOUTH MISSION IN THE PARK TIME TBD CBC EAGLES MEETING , SPECIFICS TBD SUNDAY (5-18) TIME TBD college class URBAN PURPOSE ACTIVITY TUESDAY (5-20) 5:30 PM CBC WORK NIGHT AT SH ELBY BAPTIST ASSOCIATION WEDNESDAY (5-21) 7:30 PM PARENTS FUGE MEETING FRIDAY (5-23) 6-8:30 PM CBC KIDS: PASSPORT PALS 7:00 PM YOUTH SCHOOL-YEAR END PARTY SUNDAY (5-25) GRADUATES SUNDAY MONDAY (5-26) MEMORIAL DAY HOLIDAY (OFFICE CLO SED) FRIDAY (5-30) 6-8:30 PM CBC KIDS: PASSPORT PALS SUN-THUR (6-1-6-5) VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL SATURDAY (6-7) 7 PM -? YOUTH LOCK-OUT TUESDAY (6-10) 9 AM-NOON CBC KIDS: SOOPER TOOZDAY MUSIC CAMP – AMERIKIDS WEDNESDAY (6-11) 6:30 PM MONTHLY CHURCH BUSINESS MEETING FRIDAY (6-13) 9-11 PM COLLEGE CLASS OUT TO EAT & AIR WALK SATURDAY (6-14) 9 AM - ? SENIORS ROAD TRIP TO COLUMBIANA FOR HIGH TEA, TRADE DAYS AND FARMERS MARKET SUNDAY (6-15) FATHERS DAY (NO EVENING WORSHIP) MON-SAT (6-16-21) YOUTH TO MFUGE AT RI DGECREST, NC TUESDAY (6-17) 9 AM-NOON CBC KIDS: SOOPER TOOZDAY MUSIC CAMP – AMERIKIDS 5:30 PM CBC WORK NIGHT AT SH ELBY BAPTIST ASSOCIATION SAT-SUN (6-21-22) CWC LEADERS RETREAT TUESDAY (6-24) 9 AM-NOON CBC KIDS: SOOPER TOOZDAY MUSIC CAMP – AMERIKIDS SUNDAY (6-29) 6:00 PM CBC AT THE MOVIES NIGHT TUESDAY (7-1) 9 AM-NOON CBC KIDS: SOOPER TOOZDAY MUSIC CAMP – AMERIKIDS WED-MON (7-2-7) BOSTON MISSION TRIP folks folks just just like like you you