CSX Cumberland Coal Business Unit ETT #3 5-1
CSX Cumberland Coal Business Unit ETT #3 5-1
CSX TRANSPORTATION CUMBERLAND COAL BUSINESS UNIT TIMETABLE No.3 EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, MAY L, L997 AT OOO1 HOURS CSX STANDARD TIME 177(t D.S. Green General Manager V.W. Mason III Superintendent Operations Cumberland Coal Business Unit Olficers. ..... . - . . 46 D|STB|CTS . ....... 46 SUBDIVISIONS 1040.04. STATE LAWS ... . 47 BRIDGEPORTSUBDIVISTON-PU ......... 1040.17. STRETCH BRAKTNG . ... .... 47 COWENSUBDIVISION-CJ. .......3 1040.18. MTSCELLANEOUS ....... 47 FAIRMONT SUBDIVISION-FT . ....7 PHONE NUMBERS GEORGESCREEKSUBDIVISION-CK .....9 ii 1O4O.OO. MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUCTIONS 1040.03. BULLETTNS 1 HAMPSHIRESUBDIVISION-HP ...11 KINGWOODSUBDIVISION-KG ...13 MARIETTA SUBDIVISION.MV ....15 SUBDIVISION-MT ...17 oHro RtvER suBDtvrstoN-oR .. ..... .23 MOUNTAIN PICKENSSUBDIVISION-PK ...,..29 . .. .31 RrcHwooDSUBDIV|SrON-RW ...33 POMEROY SUBDIVISION-PV sc&M suBDtvtstoN-sz . .. . .. . .3s SHORT LINE SUBDIVISION-SO .. .97 STONYRIVERSUBDTVTSION-SR .......39 THOMAS WILLIAMS SUBDIVISION-TM .....41 RTVER SUBDIVISION-WR . .. .43 Emergency only: CCBU Chief Train Dispatcher Jacksonville Police and Fire 1-€00-593-6189 Departments 1-800-593-6i89 Non-Emergency situatio ns CCBU Chief Dispatcher Jacksonville-(Bell) 1-904-381-4}51o1 4A52 (Company) (BNX 388)-4051o1 4052 (Fax) (RNX 388)-4051o1 4052 : (Prinreo op4 CCBU Safety Hot Line Cumberland Grafton 301-759-2178 304-265-0334 OPERATION RED BLOCK CAPTAINS 1000.00. TRATN SPEEDS . . .45 PLACEMENT RESTRICTIONS.....45 1003.01.D|ESELUNITS ....45 Name 1003.00. EQUIPMENT system coordinators 1OO4.OO. EQUIPMENT Team Captains HANDLING RESTRICTIONS- .....45 SHIPMENTS-.. -. ......45 ...45 1004.04. DOUBLE STACK AND MULTILEVEL MOVEMENTS ,..45 1004.07. DITCHER-SPREADER CARS USED TO PLOWSNOW 1004.17. SPERRY 1006.00. ...46 RAILTESTCAR_ .... .46 .. .46 RADTOS 1006.02. SELECTTNG CHANNEL NUMBERS- .. . 46 1006.04. INITIATING A RADIO . . .46 1q)6.05. EMERGENCY RADIO CALL-IN CALL_IN PROCEDURE-.. - E.S. Pack 3044454604 G.L. Muneio 941-741-8195 - Brooklyn Jct., WV. 614-69s-29U A.S. Vcelka 1004.02. CLEARNACE TMPLTCATED 1004.03.csxTRA|N DOCUMENTS Phone .....46 -l- Cowen-Bu rnsvil te-Al lingdale L.B. Boggs 304-364-8305 Cumberland, MD. J.F. Narolly Il 301-777-3984 Grafton, WV. H.L. Rickman Parkersburg, S. Casto 304-265-1 390 IAIV. 304464-543s CUMBERLAND COAL BUSINESS UNIT 722 VIRGINIA AVENUE CUMBERLAND, MD 21502-4595 or 1-8U)- CSX-Coat Cumberland Coal Business Unit Officers D.S. Green General Manager G.J. Melodini Supt. Mech & Engr V.W. Mason lll Superintendent Operations J. A. Blomgren. S-afety K. M. Silvious Chief Train Dispatcher Manager Location and Names Brooklyn Junction, WV W.W. Yates Title Location and Names Parkersburg, WV Trainmaster C.F. McDowell Cumberland, MD E.W Knick G.L. Mulvey S. H. Eilber Trainmaster Fload Foreman of Engines Asst. Trainmaster Grafton, WV S.E. Truitt J. P. Harr J.D. Greathouse F.R. Mazurik F. B. Fowler Director Administration Senior Trainmaster Road Foreman of Engines Trainmaster Assistant Trainmaster -ll- Title Trainmaster R.Q. Queen Trainmaster K' M' BobeY Assistant Trainmaster 12.3 SUSPENSTON OF STGNAL SYISIEM . (AND MOVEMENTS AGATNST CURRENT OF TRAFFTC) 11.0 STATIONS LISTII{G AND DIAGRAM. uP/ I ctr pr wr<r t STATIONS 84281.6 84291.5 Be*eley Run Jsl xo. r OOUEISD llo.2 H 84299.0 Lo, r 9.9 rE2 Lodgadlle g7 Clarksburg MDTouer o5 iD1lT( 13.0 SPEEDS o2 BA3(2.9 wYlrp WAS RS Tower and BA301.0 8A301.0 and BA303.5 7.5 57I,1 BA30S.4 BA283.0 and WAS RS Tower RS Tower SSEI lD rnlct( SrrGt BA9/}2,.7 SDG CAP (FT} I3.I MAXMUM AUTHORIZED Table 4. Maximum Authorized Speed Between Location/Mlle Post Berkeley Run Jct. and End ofTrack J Tower 57U o.t BA3B.5 Shqt Line Jct. SPEED s,TD g€FTUTC so 13.8 ENGINE SPEED INDICATORS AND ODOMETERS 219 f,lLES Engine speed indicators, odometers and HTD eguipment must be checked at the first encountered mile post location listed below: BEHKHST BUN JCT. TO SI{ORTLINE SD .I I.1 DIAGRAM CROSS.REFERENCE BA293 and BA294 14.0 EQU| PMENT RESTRICT|O]{S Table 1. Diagram Cross-Reference Table 5 (Page 1 of 2). Equipment Plate F cars, High side gondolas, Open top hoppers, or 12.0 METHOD OF OPERATION AUTI{ORITY FOR MOVEMENT loaded with 95 tons or more '2.1 Table 2. Authority br Restrictions and having a Movement cubic capacity of 3800 cubic feet or Berkeley Run Jct. and YL 8A283.0 BA283.0 and RS Tower BA291.5 RS Tower BA291.5 and End of Track BA303.5 Note: 1. Permission must be obtained from the 'CJ'Train Dis- 6-Axle units 830-7,U30-8, patcher before entering main track. 2. On-Track Equipment lnstructions - Main track between limits as outlined in Note 1 must not be occupied Clarksburg Branch Jct to End of Track without written authority as prescribed by Rule 704. U23B Cars with gross weight exceed- ing 251,000 lbs. CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 1O.O BRIDGEPORT 1 SUBDIVISION.PU Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 I6.0 MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUCTIONS Table 5 (Page 2 of 2). Equipment Restrictions Westward Trains Central Supply Co. Trestle No. 7Bl1 Eastward Trains Stretch braking may be used between the lollowing locations: 8A290.5 to EAS RS Tower 15.0 INSTRUCTIONS REI.ATING TO OPERATING RULES NOTES: 15.1 SIANDARD CLOCKS Table 6. Standard Clocks Station Location Grafton 15,E3.A TRAIN BULLETIN AND RELEASE FORM Trains must receive Train bulletin and Release Form befure leaving stations listed below: 1. Grafton: Eastward and Westward Trains. 15.105 USE OF SPECIFIED TRACKS Clarkburg: 1. The bllowing tracks are designated as other than main tracks and rule 105 will govern movemenq Grasselli lndustrail Track W VA & P lndustrial Track 2. Grasselli lndustrial Tracks must get permission from the train dispatcher bebre entering. Crews in an eastward direction must get permission from the train dispatcher and report when clear. 15.'100 RADIo STATIONS AND TNSTRUCIONS All road trains will monitor channel 08. Table 7. Radio Stations and lnstructions Note: CJ Train Dispatcher call-in No. is 8. Belltelephone No. is 90+381-2681. CJ Train Dispatcher toll free No. is 1-800-85+5699. CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 1 O.O BRIDGEPORT SUBDIVISION.PU 2 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 21.0 STATIOIIIS LISNNG AND DIAGRAM. liP/ .:h Dt t BUCO.0 ERDGEPOET Table 8. Diagram Cross-Reference SDG wrsr t f:AD STATIONS 'FTT BerkeleyJct 53 Knight BUC5.0 g7a47ix 4100 22.0 METHOD OF OPERATIO}.I c.t BUCl1.1 Benyburg Jct. 6nb6t'2, &5 BUCl9.6 Tygart Jct 6t2t$1fr .tl BUC23..7 CenUryJct 57!9 7.5 BUC312 Stnitt Summit ,t10$r17 ao BUC362 &rd<hanmn 74€,5 22.1 AUTHORITY FOR MOVEMENT 4500 Table 9. Authority Movement Berkeley Run Jct. and BUC42.1 BUU2.1and 7*0 BUC72.1 YL BUC72.1 and YL BUC74.6 BUC74.6 and BUCl15.0 1.9 Upshur BUCg8.1 br 4100 YL 8UC115.0 and YL BUC1'18.2 12 BUC39.3 CapitalMine 5716 23 BtJc4l.9 Hampbn BUG0.0 and BUGl.0 Note: Jct 1. Permission must be obtained ftom the 'Cl" Train Dis- 10.5 ''l5 BUCaSi?.4 NO Frcndtton patcher before entering main track. 2. On-Track Equipment lnsturc{ions - Main track between limits as outlined in Note 1 must not be occupied 5.5 BUC57.9 *12 Creurbrd without written authority as prescribed by Rule 704. t5.1 BUC73.0 3. Rules 265-271 are Berryburg Jct. Bumwille Jct. ELXiD. IErcI( o:l Bumwille BUC73.7 Centalia .8, s250 EI'EB Erbaoon 5100 I ,o.o ULLNE 8UC106.5 IID TH< 8UC116.5 8UC118.2 6. Former \Mlliams River Main Track between BUG0.0 and BUGl.0 is designated as the Wlliams river lndus- trial Track. 42.2 DTC BLOCK UMITS 1.O Cowen ilERSD ncltrcoo siding Burnsville without permission of dispatcher. lfll'l Tower tlJl F 8UC117.5 and 4. Signal 442 is equiped with A.P.P. marker. 5. Burnsville - Eastward trains will not pass east switch 5460 ?2-5 [email protected] in effect on sidings at Knight Betueen Bucrtil.l and BUCi15.0 o.7 Rk$wood SD 1 of 21. DTC Block Limits 1165 ililLES BERKELEY JCT. TO BICI{WOOD SD *BUC98 ard BUG99 just west of Centalia are omitted. Distance lrom BUC97 to BUC100 is 6,833 feet. BUC74.6 and BUC81.0 21.1 DIAGRAM CROSS.REFERENCE BUC81.0 and BUC82.5 Table 8. Diagram Cross-Reference BUC82.5 and BUC95.4 BUC95.4 and BUC105.4 8UC105.4 and BUC106.5 CSX Transportation CCBU fimetable No. 3 2O.O COWEN SUBDIVISION{J 3 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 24.0 EQUIPMENT RESTRICTTONS Table 10 (Page 2 of 2). DTC Block Umits Betueen Location/Mile Post Table 8UC106.5 and 8UC115.0 22.3 SUSPENSTON OF StcNAL SYSTEiI . (AND MOVEMENTS AGATNST CURRENT OF TRAFFTC) Run Jct. and BUC13.4 BUCl3.4 and BUC31.1 BUC31.1 and BUOI2.1 14. Restrictions Location Equipment Rawhide 6-Axle units Buckhannon 5-Axle units Adrian mine 6-Arle units Gilmer Elk lndustrial 6-Axle units Restriction Must not operate 200 feet west of derail Must not operate on yard tracks other than Must not operate Must not operate on West leg of Wye Must not operate Track Shaversville 23.0 SPEEDS Spur Track 6 Axle units Wolfe Creek Mine Equipment Chute must be 23.1 MA)(IMUM AUTHORIZED SPEED fully retracted before oassino Table 12. Maximum Authorized Between LocationlMile Post Berkley Run Jct. and WN Tower MPH Chute must be Brooks Run Mine Engines Evergreen Mine Engines fully retracted bebre Dassino Loading chute 23.2 SPEED RESTRICTIONS must be tully retracted bebre passing Train Classlfication - Empty 80 feet and ionger cars will be hauled on rear of train. Loaded trains handling empty cars will have empty cars, other than 80 feet or longer empty cars, more than 15 cars from head end of train. BUCl3.4 and BUCl4.6 BUC18.2 and BUCl8.4 25.0 INSTRUCNONS REIATING TO OPERANNG RULES 25.I STANDARD CL@KS BUC41.9 and BUC42.1 Table 15. Standard Clocks BUC53.9 and BUC55.0 BUC55.0 and BUC55.1 BUC72.7 and BUC73.1 Station Location Burnsville Crew room Cowen Crew room 25.93 YARD LIMITS Cowen Terminal Yard limits are between BUC1 15.0 and BUC118.2. Knight Passing Siding BUC4.6 and BUC5.5 23.8 ENGINE SPEED INDICATORS AND ODOMETERS Engine speed indicators, odometers and HTD equipment must be checked between the first encountered mile post locations listed below: BUC3.0 and BUC4.0 BUC110.0 and BUCl11.0 CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 2O.O COI'VEN SUBDIVISION€J 4 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 25.99 FLAGGING 25.'IOO RADIO STATIONS AND INSIRUCTIONS All road trains will monitor channel 08. Table 17. Radio Stations and lnstructions Mile Post Hours of Channel Hampton Jct. and BUC96.2 BUC96.2 and BUCl15.5 Location BUCI15.5 and Heaters Type Station Monitored Operation Open 1700 to 0100 Cowen Yard Clerk 25.100 ROAD CROSSINGS AT GRADE Dispatcher (Cl) Mon thru Fri, Closed Sat, Sun and Holidays Continuous AAR 08 Terminal AAR 14 Wayside Note: Cl Train Dispatcher ca!!-in number is 2. Bell telephone No. is 90+381-2683. Buckhannon Yard, Route Cl Train Dispatcher toll free No. is 1-800-8521-5690. 20, (146 818C) Comply with rule 100-D 25.650 AIR BRAKE INSTRUCNONS 1. Coal Trains Departing Cowen Yard . Engineers of eastbound coal trains departing Cowen Yard may start 25,104 SWTCHES 1. Burnwille Jct. - All trains must approach east and west switch passing sidings expecting switch lined for siding. Jc't. - Trains will not foul junction switch until permission is received from train dispatcher. 2. Burnsvllle 3. Adrian - Adrian Mine - The normal position of the runaway track switch is lor movement into the runaway track 4. Century lndustrial Track Hinge type derail at BUO2.3 is secured with dual locks. 5. Cowen Terminal Normal position for Williams River Jct. switch will be lined from dead leg of wye to Wlliams River lndustrial Track 25.105 USE OF SPECIFIED TRACK 1. The following tracks are designated as other than main tracks and Rule 105 will govern movement: train five minutes after the guage on rear reads 75 pounds. Once entire ffain is started, a minimum brake pipe reduction will be made by the time the lead unit reaches the east corssover in Cowen Yard. Train speed will be kept at or below 5 mph until engineer is satisfied that train brakes are functioning properly. Speed may then be increased to not exceeding 10 mph until lead unit reaches mile post 115, by use of the dynamic brake and additional brake pipe reductions as needed. After passing mile post 115, every attempt should be made to control speed not to exceed 23 mph until head end of train passes mile post 101 .5 lf the engineer is not satisfied with the brakng effort of his train, train must be stop@ and inspected with train brakes left applied. When ready to proceed, train brakes will be recharged as prescribed by special instructions. After recharging, train will be restarted and a minimum reduction made before train speed exceeds 5 mph. Train will then be controlled as described above. A running release of the train air brake will not be made on eastbound loaded freight trains between Berryburg lndustrial Track Century Industrial Track Elk lndustrial Track Cowen and BUCl09, located at Wainsville and between 2. Century Mine Track - When the private lock on the derail at BUO2.3 is removed, trains may enter the Century Mine Track BUC105, located east of Erbacon and 8UC101.5, located west of Centralia unless under 10 mph and less than 12 lb. reduction. Refer to THR 1 Rule 3.1.5 B-2 br maximum brake pipe reduction. 2. Use Of Presslre Retaining Valves - Requirements br Brake Pipe Pressure and Pressure Retaining Valves: Table 18 {Page I of 2). Retainer Valves Location Percent of Retaining Valves Position of Retaining Valves 100 direct Berkley Run Jct. to Burnsville CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 2O.O COWEN SUBDIVISIONC.J 5 Slow Speed Restriction When Retaining Valves Used 25 Effective May 1, 1997 {c) Copyright 1997 BACK.UP MOVEMENTS Table 18 (Page 2 of 2). Retainer Valves Location Percent ol Retaining Valves Position of Retaining Valves Train Handling Rules, Rule 3.4.5. modified Speed Restriction When the movement. Retaining Valves Used Westbound Cowen Crews Position Frenchton to Chapman for both 100 Westbound trains exceeding 90 cars that cannot make a continuous movement through Burnsville must stop east of the lst road crossing east of BUC66.0. 20 loads and empties Elk River Railroad - lnterchange with the Elk River Railroad will be interchanged at Gilmer Station. CSX crews will announce over the radio channel 1 'CSX entering Position Heaters to Shaversville Centralia to Cowen br both loads and empties High pressure 100 100 2A Gilmer Station mile post 4'. Elk River Railroad will announce 'Elk River entering Gilmer Station mile post o. 15 Note: 1. NOTES: The use of retaining valves will not be required on empty trains operating between Cowen and Berkeley Run Jct., providing the controlling unit of the lead motive consist is when making back-up movements with more than 50 cars, not more than 18 powered axles may be used to make loco equipped with operative pressure maintaining feature. The use of retaining valves will not be required on westbound loaded trains operating between Frenchton and Chapman, providing the controlling unit of the lead locomotive consist is equip@ with operative pressure maintaining feature and the locomotive consist has a minimum of 6 traction motors operating in dynamic braking. The use of retaining valves will not be required on eastbound loaded trains operating between Heaters and Berkeley Run Jct. when controlling unit of the lead locomotive consist is equipped with operative pressure maintaining feature and the locomotive consist has a minimum of 4 traction motors operating in dynamic braking. 4. The use of retaining valves will not be required on eastbound loaded trains operating between Cowen and Heaters when the controlling unit of the lead locorno tive consist is equipped with operative pressure main- taining feature and the locomotive consist has a minimum of 6 traction motors operating in dynamic braking. 26.0 MISCELI-ANEOUS I NSTRUCT|ONS HELPER SERVICE 1. When helper service is required between Burnsville and Abbott, the followang instructions will apply: Helper engine coupled on rear of train will be limited to 18 powered axles in motoring. When 80 foot or longer cars are handled in trains requiring rear- end helper, the helper will be cut in ahead of such cars. Loaded trains exceeding 95 cars will cut helper in behind 80 cars. 2. All eastbound trains reguiring a helper, to be cut off on the fly, operated between Burnsville (BUC73.7) and Hampton Junction (8UC41.9), requires a two way endof-train device (ETD 2) on the rear of their train. Trains not requiring helpers, or trains moving helper through to Grafton on the rear or head+nd will not be restricted by this reguirement. CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 2O.O COWEN SUBDIVISION.CJ 6 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 3O.O FAIR.MONT 31.0 STATIOiIS LISTING AND DIAGRAM. SUEDIVISION.FT 32.2 DTC BLOCK LIMITS Between 852843 and 85300.4 t?t eh Pt I SDG wrsr I STATIONS D Tower Table 21. DTC Block Limits Betueen Location/Mile Post cap lFr} za BS284.3 and BS288.8 Block Names Coff Fetennan 8S288.8 and BS300.4 Gaston 8S280.1 Bs'?82,.7 1.5 BSA4.2 CYTorer 8Si,00.9 Gaston [email protected] Faimfit BS3G}.4 tltlD Tower 16.7 33.0 SPEEDS Jct 12 33..I MAXMUM AUTHORIZED SPEED 1.3 eoinAr- 85306.3 29 Table 22. Maximum Authorized Speed Betueen Locationlllile Post CdanlcaJct. D Tower and BS300.4 26.2 UTLES D TOWER TO CATAWABA JCT. MPH 30 33.8 ENGINE SPEED INDICATORS AND ODOMETERS Engine speed indicators, odometers and HTD equipment must be checked between the first encountered mile post 31.1 DIAGRAM CROSS.REFERENCE locations listed below. BS283 and BS284 34.0 EQUIPMENT RESTRICTIONS DEEX Equipment: 32.0 METHOD OF OPERATION DEEX open top hoppers are permitted to move between D Tower and WD Tower with the bllowing restrictions: 32.I AUTHORITY FOR MOVEMENT 1. Must not exceed 25 MPH - When Loaded 2. Must not exceed 10 MPH - VUhen diverging Table 20. Authority for Movernent through crossovers and all yard tracks. 35.0 INSTRUCNONS REI.ATING TO OPERATTNG D-251 D Tower and 85282.5 (93) See Notes 1 & 2 RULES D-151 35.36 SPRING SWTCHES (93) See Notes I & and going 2 Table 23. Spring Switches CY Tower and YL BS284.3 Designated Speed in Normal Position Note: Normal Position for Movement on Location 1. Permission must be obtained from the'Cl'Train patcher before entering main track. 2. On-Track Equipment Res{rictions Dis- CY Tower: WEDT No. 2 Track Facing YUhen Movement Springing 30 MPH 25 MPH . Main track between limits as ouflined in Note 1 must not be occupied without written authority as prescribed by Rule 704. CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 30.O FAIRMONT SU BDIV]SION-FT 7 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyrisht 1997 35.51 THRU.TRUSS BRIDGES NOTES: 35.105 USE OF SPECIFIED TRACKS 1. The following tracks are designated as other than main tracks and Rule 105 will govern movement -American Fibers lndustrial Track 35.t100 RADIO STATIONS AND INSIRUCnONS All road trains will monitor channel 08. Table 24. Radio Stations and lnstructions Note: Cl Train Dispatcher call-in number is 1. Bell telephone No. is 90+381-2683. ClTrain Dispatcher toll ftee No. is 1{00-85+5690. NOTES: CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 3O.O FAl RMONT SU BDIVTSION-FT 8 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyrisht 1997 4O.O GEOR.GES CREEK SUEDIVISION.GK 4i1.2 DTC BL@K LIMITS 41.0 STATIONS LISNNG AND DIAGRAM. Between BAl27.0 and Conso! No. uPt ch Pr i nrrsr t SDG CAD TFII STATIONS BAt31.5 Table 27. DTC Block Limits Betureen Location/Mile Post BAl27.0 and BAl18.7 Westemport 03 BAr30.7 Block Names Franldin zs '[2.4 Ivbrisons BN?8.,4 EXCEPTED TRACKS Georges Creek Subdivison zl Davson BAt25.3 4:}.0 SPEEDS E8 BAt22.5 Jad<son Jct 'lil.l o.5 BAt22.0 Knapps Mcadorl Between Location/f,lile Post BAt21.4 Westernport and Consol No. 10 oa BAt20.6 MA)OMUM AUTHORIZED SPEED Table 28. Maximum Authorized o.a Mdard I 43.2 SPEED RESTRICTIONS OJ 8419.9 Ocean Table 29. Speed Restrictions Betueen LocationlMile Post Westernport, over Main Street (Applies to head end of train 8A126.8 over State Route 36 03 I Carlos BAr19.3 0-5 BAt18.8 _l BAt18.7 E{D Of rR Ptdllips Plant o.t Consolllo. 10 cx 12.8 'I4.0 4'.1 DIAGRAM MPH 5 8 rtLES WESTEFNPORT TO OOilSCII. NO. 10 EQUIPMENT RESTRICNONS able CROSS.REFERENCE Table 25. Diagram Cross-Reference 42.0 METHOD OF OPERATION 'UI.1 l0 30. Restrictions Location Equipment Restriction Entire Subdivision 6-Axle units Cars 70 ft. or longer Must not operate Consol No. 10 coal track Engines Must not operate under tipple, conveyor or ramP tracks 1 & 2 Mine No. 5 Engines operate under Mine No. 5 All movements Must not operate over 5 AUTHORITY FOR MOVEMENT Must not Table 26. Authority for Movement Between LocationlMile Post Rules 93 See Notes 1 & 2 BAl31.5 and BA127.0 MPH BAl27.0 and BAl18.7 45.0 INSTRUCTIONS RELATING TO OPERATING Note: 1. Permission must be obtained from the 'Cl' Train RULES Dis- patcher before entering main track. 2. On-Track Equipment lnstructions - /t5.1OO ROAD CROSSINGS Main track between limits as outlined in Note 1 must not be occupied signals are working properly bebre passing over. without written authority as prescribed by Rule 704. CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 4O.O GEORGES AT GRADE 1. Due to rusty rail conditions, be sure road crossing CREEK SUBDIVISION-GK I Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 rt5.104 SWTCHES NOTES: Rules 104-4, 10+D AND 10zt-E Modified: Trains entering or leaving the Georges Creek Subdivision may leave the main track switch at Westernport lined as last used. Trains will approach this switch expecting to find it lined against their movement '15.'tOO RADIO STATIONS AND INSTRUCNONS All road trains will monitor channel 08. Table 31. Radio Stations and lnstructions Note: Cl Train Dispatcher call-in number is 5. Bell telephone No. is 90+381-2683. Cl Train Dispatcher toll free No. is 1{00-85+5690. MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mine No. 5 - The locomotives should be moved over the road crossing on the mine lead bebre shoving empties across the road crossing. NOTES: CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 4O.O GEORGES CREEK SUBDIVISION.GK 10 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 5O.O HAMPSHIRE SUBDIVISION-HP 51.0 STATIONS LISTING AND DIAGRAM. 52.2 DTC BLOCK LIMITS Between Twenty-First And Westernport ltP/ clrPr t wesr t E'UtrI alg BAHI9,5 STATIONS SDG CAP (FT) Table 34. DTC Block Umits Twenty-first tt BAH21.3 Itlc€oole B,$t%.7 24 Eliggs BAH19.5 and BAH23.0 sil.o SPEEDS 1t BAH25.1 BAlt26.5 Poland 53.I MAXMUM AUTHORIZED SPEED 1T GPreE3 Westemport cnEExS0 Table 35. Maximum Authorized Between Locationlllile Post t.o Lr*e BAlt27.5 BAH27.9 ilPH Twenty-First and BAH23.7 O.il 25 W.YaGohlJci. zo Harnoahire BAH29.9 53.2 SPEED RES]RICIIONS 10.4 U|LES TWENTY-FIBST TO HAIIPI}HIHE TaHe 36. Speed Restrictions East Switch Biggs to West end Hampshire 5'.1 DIAGRAM CROSS.REFERENCE s4.0 EQUTPMENT RESTRTCTTONS Between Luke and Hampshire, WVA 52.0 METHOD OF OPERATIOI{ 52.1 AUTHORITY FOR MOVEMENT Cars with gross weight exceed- Table 33. Au for Movement Between Location/Mile Post ing 240,000 lbs. Rules BAH19.5 and BAH27.0 120-132 BAH27.0 and BAH29.9 Note: 1. Permission must be obtained from the'Cl'Train 2. Dis- patcher before entering main track. On-Track Equiprrent lnstructions - Main track between 55.0 INSTRUCTIOilS RELATING TO OPERATING RULES limits as outlined in Note 1 must not be ccupied without written authority as prescribed by Rule 704. 55.104 SWTCHES Trains will approach main track switch governing movement to the Georges Creek Subdivision expecting to find it lined against their movement. Switch will be relined and locked for movement on the Hampshire Subdivision. CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 5O.O HAMPSHIRE SUBDIVISION.HP 11 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 55.I05 USE OF SPECIFIED TRACKS The following tracks are designated as other than main tracks and Rule 105 will govern movement: Hampshlre NOTES: lndustrial Track 55./t00 RADIO STATIONS AND INSTRUCTTONS All road trains will monitor channel 08. Table 38. Radio Stations and lnstructions Mile Post Type Station Location Wayside Dispatcher Wayside Note: Cl Train Dispatcher call-in number is 5. Bell telephone No. is 904-381-2683. Cl Train Dispatcher toll free No. is 1{00-854-5690. 55.650 AIR BRAKE INSIRUCTIONS Air must be coupled through all cars handled in Westvaco Plant at Luke. NOTES: CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 5O.O HAMPSHIRE SUBDIVISION-HP 12 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyrisht 1997 60.0 KTNGWOOD SUBD|VIS|ON-KG 64.0 EQUTPMEiIT RESTRTCTTONS rlP/ Ctr Pt t STATIONS nAtr sD Rwlesburg BA,|O.O Table 4il. Equipment Restrictions SDG rr=sr t cap fFil Albright Preparation &6 BA'8.6 Preslon I BA.r1l.6 BAJ14.O BA,l14,3 3.O 2A Abtigtrt 03 65.0 II{STRUCTIONS RELATING TO OPERATING Endof Trrck aDot : TRICX 143 BAJ0.0 and BAJl4.3 Cadddl RULES MTLES BOWLE}BURG TO ENDOF TRACK 65.105 USE OF SPECIFIED TRACKS West of 14.3 Rule 105 applies. 65.'100 RADIO STATIONS AND TNSTRUCnONS 61.1 DIAGRAM CROSS.REFERENCE All road trains will monitor channel 08. Table 44. Radio Stations and lnstructions Mile Post Hours of Channel Location Operation Disatpcher (Cl) 62.0 METHOD OF OPERATION Continuous Monitored AAR 14 Type Station Wayside Note: Cl Train Dispatcher call-in number is 4. 62.1 AUTHORITY FOR MOVEMENT Bell Telephone No. is 904-381-2683. ClTrain Dispatcher toll free No. is 1-800-85+5690. Betueen Location/Mile Post Rules 66.0 MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUCTIONS BA0.0 and BA.r14.3 Salety Rule T-? 62.2 DTC BLOCK LIMITS Due to severe grade and tonnage which results in extreme train handling problems while stopping and starting, safety Table 41. DTC Block Limits Between Location/Mile Post BA.J0.0 Rowlesburg and BAJ14.3 End of Track rule T-7 is modified as follow. Block Names Mounting or dismounting eguipment will be permitted in accordance with rule T-7 only when necessary to avoid severe train handling problems associated with physical characteristics of the specific location and to avoid injury due to slack action. 63.0 SPEEDS Mounting or dismounting moving eguipment will not be permitted when speeds or conditions render it unsafe. 63.1 MA)OMUM AUTHORIZED SPEED Table 42. Maximum Authorized Speed Betueen Location/Mile Post NOTES: MPH Rowlesburg and End ofTrack CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 60.0 KINGWOOD SUBDIVISION.KG 13 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 NOTES: CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No.3 NOTES: 60.0 KINGWOOD SUBD]VISION.KG 14 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 7O.O MARIETTA SUBDIVISION.iliV 7'.0 STATIONS LISTING AND DIAGRAM. Table 46. Authority for Movement Between Location/Mile Post uP/ I Clr Dt 88194.1 SDG rrrsr I IIU(EBSAUFG Note: Parkersburg 1. Former main track between BUS0.0 and BUS3.0 is designated as the 'Marietta Running TracK. Trains must have permission from the yardmaster at Parkersburg befure occupying this track. When yardmaster is not on 13 - ucc BUSo.1 entrance of AEP Loop Track ca9 tFil STATIONS Belpre 7.5 duty, permission will obtained from the train dispatcher. OTE Authority as prescribed by Rule 704 is required from Parkersburg Yardmaster bebre occu- Bakdite BUS7.s t-1 iloores Jct. BUS8.9 23 BUSl1.7 W Marietta o.7 BUSl2.4 Harmer 3. On-Track Equipment lnstruc.tions . Main track between limits as outlined in Note 1 must not be occupied without written authority as prescribed by Rule 704. 9.5 72.ZDTC BLOCK LtMtTS Waterrod 47 L BUS38.0 pying running track. Permission must be obtained from the (Gl) Train Dispatcher before entering main track. Lowell BUS3II.9 BUS37.6 2. l2,O I BUS24.4 Rules Table 47. DTC Block Limits Re[d OA BUS3.0 and BUS9.0 End OlTrad( 37p UTLES BUS9.0 and BUS15.4 PABKEFSBURG TO END OF TFACK BUS15.4 and BUS24.4 BUS24.4 and BUS33.4 BUS33.4 and BUS37.0 71.1 DIAGRAM CROSS.REFERENCE 7i].0 SPEEDS Table 45. Diagram Cross-Reference 73.1 MA)OMUM AUTHORIZED SPEED Table 48. Maximum Authorized Speed Between Location/Mile Post 72.0 METHOD OF OPERATION MPH 72.1 AUTHORITY FOR MOVEMENT Table 46. 73.2 SPEED RESTRICTIONS for Movement Between Location/Mile Post BUSO.O AND YL BUS3.O Rules Table 105 See Note Restrictions 49. Between Location/M ile Post 1 BUS3.0 and BUS37.0 MPH BUS0.0 and BUS3.0 20 BUS20.0 and BUS38.0 (Excepted Track) 10 Market street and Route 7 road crossing Marietta Note:There bridges. CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 7O.O is a 10 MPH speed restriction on the bllowing Bridge Number Mile Post 475 BU58.2 64 BU519.8 MARIETIA SUBDIVISION-MV 15 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 75,400 RADIO STATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS All road trains will monitor channel 08. Table 52. Radio Stations and lnstructions Channel Mile Post Hours ol Location Dispatcher (CJ) Operation Continuous Monitored 14 Type Station Wayside Note: 1. Gl Train Dispatcher call-in number is 5. Gl Train Dispatcher telephone No. is 1{00-854-5689. 74.0 EQUIPMENT RESTRICTIONS Trains handling loaded 95-ton or greater capacity hi-cube 3800 to 4800 cubic feet covered hoppers will comply with NOTES: RER 34. Table 50. Equipment Restrictions 75.0 INSTRUCNONS REI.ATING TO OPERATING RULES 75.98 JUI{CTIONS, DRAIA'BRIDGES AND RAILROAD CROSSINGS AT GRADE (l) Railroad Crossings At Grade TaHe 51 . Railroad Crossing at Grade State of Ohio -At railroad crossings and drawbridges not equipped with approved interlehng, all trains or engines will stop not less than 200 feet or more than 800 feet from the crossing or drawbridge, and will not proceed until the route is clear. 75.100 ROAD CRqSSINGS AT GRADE 1. Marietta, Oh. - Approach Wood Street, Marietta, Oh. a) Approach Wood Street, Marietta, Oh. prepared to stop. Look out b) br tractor trailers fouling crossing. When approaching Market Street, Marietta, Oh., all trains must be sure crossing gates are down and lights flashing before proceeding through crossing. CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 7O.O MARI ETTA SU BD 16 IVISION-MV Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 EO.O MOUNTAIN SUBDIVISION-MT 81.0 STATIONS LISTING AND DIAGRAM. rP/ I wrsr I CE Pt MP/ SDG ck Pt CAP (Ft} EAI /U.5 STATIONS lEeall st 84180.9 1,. lxdrysptnsfi.B 84280.5 lz.s 84281.6 84191.5 CAP {FtI STATIOIIIS LJ I ourer EAzEO.1 oa Beech St. Gsg 4756 1.1 ln*tm" Be*eley Rrn Jc lr., 84198.6 SDG t wesr I 102.1iilLES BEALL ST. TO BEBKELEY RUN JGT. lTwenty First Iqo 8A201.6 lx"y"* I BA200.1 I RA2NA A Btco7.8 r.s 81.1 DIAGRAM CROSS.REFERENCE lWest Keyser e.s Table 53. Diagram Cross-Reference lpi"cr,onr 1,, l*.r.",-* lo, BA2(E.6 84212.6 la*ring'ton l*o lBond lr.o 8A219.6 ls*t,-on lze BAur.4 lnrt 23 Btc,I6..2 eA*E .) ',*r 82.0 METHOD OF OPERATION Deer Park a0 82.1 AUTHORITY FOR MOVEMENT Oakland 82 BDC/tz.0 TenaAta Table 54 (Page 1 of 2). Authori 6.0 Bte47.O Rodemer Beall Street, 8A179.5 and YL 8A200.4 E6 BA2sS.si Buleoburg YL BA200-4 and West Keyser 5.O BA2s8.el Blaser o^r*rol Tunnelbn 1.4 West Keyser and Piedmont No. 1 Track 1.7 WestEnd 5C ffi;l ;;t BM77.7l Newhrg West Keyser and Piedmont No. 2 Track 12 lndeperdence D-2s1(e3) 74 Piedmont and YL B,A207.1 1&2 Hanlnan 73 YL 8A207.1 and Terra A,lta Terra Alta and McMillan No. 1 Track Terra Alta and McMillan No. 2 Track McMillan and Rorrrlesburg No. 1 Track East Graflon zzl BArso.Ol See Notes Gratton o.r I I McMillan and Rowlesburg No. 2 Track CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No.3 8O.O MOUNTAIN SUBDIMSION.MT 17 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyrisht 1997 83.0 SPEEDS 2 ot 2). Authority for Movement 83.1 MA)(IMUM AUTHORIZED SPEED West End and Newburg No. 1 Track Table 56. Maximum Authorized Speed and Hardman No. 1 Track Between Location/Mile Post 8A179.5 and Berkdey Run Jct Newburg and Hardman No. 2 Track Hardman andYL277.4 83.2 SPEED RESTRICTIONS YL277.4 and East Grafton Table 57. Speed Restrictions East Grafton and D Tower D Tower and Berkeley Run Jct. 8A179.5 and BA'180.7 Note: 8A180.9 and BA186.0 BA186.0 and BA187 Permission must be obtained from patcher before entering main track. the'Cl'Train Dis- - Main track between limits as outlined in Note 1 must not be occupied On-Track Equipment Restrictions BA192.0 and BA199.7 BA199.7 and 84201.0 without written authority as prescribed by Rule 704. Rules 26$271 are in effect on Siding between Beech St. and Berkeley Run Jct. 4. Authority br using 'X' track must be obtained 8A206.2 and BA2l9.8 by Grafton Yardmaster- 8A231.6 andBA242.7 82.2 SUSPENSIOil OF StcNAL SYSTEM-(AND MOVEMENI1S AGATNST CURRENT OF TRAFFTC) Table 55. Suspension of Signal System-(and Movements against Current of Traffic) 8,4274.7 andBA277.7 BAl79.5 Beall Street and BAl91.5 Rawlings (Block sign located at Westbound lntermediate B4191.5 Through lnterlocking Limits D Tower 83.8 ENGINE SPEED INDICATORS AND ODOMETERS West Switch Altamont and 8A229.6 East Switch East crossover Mountain Lake Park B,A.223.4 Engine speed indicators, odometers and HTD equipment must be checked at the first encountered mile post location listed below: 8A229.6 East Switch East crossover Mountain Lake Park and BA242.O Terra Alta BA190 and BA191 BA273 andBA272 84.0 EQUIPMENT RESTRICTIONS BA252.5 East Switch McMillan and 8A253.9 West Switch Rowlesburg (WEDT) Table 58 BA253.9 West Switch Restric'tion Single units only 8A262.0 West End and 8A267.3 East Switch Newburg Oakland: crossover No. 2 Team Trk 8A267.3 East Switch Newburg and 8A269.8 East Switch Hardman 8A269.8 East Switch Hardman and YLBPA77.4 CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 1 ot 21. Equipment Restrictions Location Rowlesburg (WEDT) and BA258.9 Blazer 84258.9 Blazer and 84262.0 West End may through over move crossswitch account lateral drawbar force on curve 8O.O MOUNTAIN SUBDIVISION-MT 18 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 able 5E (Fage 2 of 2). Equipment Location Equipment 8,4270.2 and BA271.6 No. 1 Trk Plate F Box cars, High side gondolas, open top hoppers, or covered hoppers loaded with 95 tons or more and having a cubic capacity of 3800 cubic feet or greater. Agway Spur lndustrial Par( Keyser, VW. Engines/Cars Single Unit Locomotives Table 60. Defect Detectors Res trictions Restriction Must comply with Rule 34 Restricted Equip r Note: Trains crossing over to the Hampshire Subdivision at Twenty-First that are stop@ while activating the defect detector at Dawson at 8A198.6, will proceed without performing a walking inspection of the train if a malfunction message is received from the detector. ment Engines will not go beyond derail. Reachers cars will be used to make set off and pick up. Cars will be spotted just east of derail. 85.83.4 TRAIN BULLETIN AND RELEASE FORM Trains will receive train bulletin and release leaving stations listed below. brm bebre Trains originating at Rowlesburg, Keyser and Grafton. 85.98 JUNCTIONS, DRAWBRIDGES AND RAILROAD CROIiSINGS AT GRADE Only single unit Locomotives may occupy. (See note) JUNCTIONS Eastward movements from the Hampshire Subdivision will not bul the Piedmont Connection Track at lIV VA Central Jct. without permission of operator at West Keyser (city phone No. 302$-788-2424)and will report clear after using Note: Exception: Mother-Slug combination will be considered as a single unit locomotive. interchange. 85.0 INSTRUCTIONS RELATING TO OPERANNG RULES 85.100 ROAD CROSSINGS AT GRADE Eastward trains using Piedmont Connection Track will use 15 seconds between Enter Traffic Control Signal and road crossing and ascertain that crossing gates are down before fouling road crossing at Piedmont. 85.1 CLOCK When necessary to stop, eastward trains on No. 1 or No. 2 Track will stop west of west end of Piedmont to keep from operating automatic traffic control devices ctossing. at Piedmont Eastward trains using Piedmont Connection Track without signal indication must provide crossing protection with member of crew before fouling road crossing at Piedmont. 85.58 DETECTORS Dragging Equipment Detec{or 1. Rawlings - Dragging equipment detector on No. 2 Track. Eastward trains activating detector will stop at dragging equipment detector sign at McKnezie and communicate with'Cl' Train Dispatc{rer. 2. Bloomington - Dragging equipment detector on No. 2 track. Eastward trains activating detector will stop at 85.255 INTERLOCKING OFFICES signal West Mrginia Central Jct. and communacate with 'Cl'Train Dispatcher. Table 60. Defect Detectors 85.268 REVERSE MOVEMENT Location ol lndicators/ Personnel Reading Charts Helper engines on rear of eastward trains on No. 2 track will cut off East of road crossing at Terra Alta and oommunicate with the operator at Rowlesburg Tower or Train Dispatcher for permission to reverse direction to McMillan. Wilson,B,A,221.9 Eastward Helpers on No. 1 Track that are to cut off at Terra Alta must move East of white post (located on the north side of No. 1 track 869 feet east of the westward intermeCSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 8O.O MOUNTAIN SUBDIVISION-MT 19 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyrisht 1997 diate signal) before returning west to activate the crossing brakes must be set on both the head end and rear end of the train bebre the recharging procedure is initiated. Should the train separate a sufficient number of hand brakes must be applied promptly to all portions of the train to hold each section on the grade. protection on Main Street. 85.'IOO RADIO STATIONS AilD INSTRUCTIONS All road trains will monitor channel 08. c) TyPe Location Station Operation Monitored Keyser-OP Continuous AAR 08 Continuous Continuous AAR 08 Hardman-OP AAR 08 l/Yayside Grafton-YM Continuous AAR 08 Terminal Continuous AAR 08 Wayside Continuous AAR 14 Wayside Grafton D Tower-OP Dispatcher (Cl) Note: Cl Train Dispatcher call-in number is Helper Locomotive - Between Hardman and Terra Alta. Table 61. Radio Stations and lnstructions Mile Post Hours ol Channel 1) Manilest Trains - When a threeunit SD50 helper is used, the helper engineer will limit to 1,000 amperes loadmeter reading, using trainlined power reduction. lf other than a three.unit SD50 helper is used, power will be Iimited as follows: power Wayside 5. Bell telephone No. is 904-381-2683 or 2651. Cl Train Dispatcher tollfree No. is 1{00-85+5690. 86.0 MISCELLANEOUS I NSTRUCTTONS 1. THR-I Rule 3.1.5. Dynamic Brake Operation 2) IRAILER TRAINS - When a three-unit SD5{) helper is on the rear of the train, the helper engineer will limit power to 800 amperes loadmeter reading, using trainlined power reduction. lf other than a threeunit SD50 helper is used, power will be limited as B.1 Modified When consist includes one or more SD-50, SD€O, Dash 8 or Dash 9 locomotives, dynamic braking limited to 21 axles. 2. will be HELPER ENGINES follows: a) Helper locomotives used to shove the rear of trains on the Mountain Subdivision are limited to 18 axles of porver. New CW44AC locomotives have a 9 axle rating. lf a helper consist has mwe than 18 axles of power (one or more Cl/lPt4AC units in the consist). the helper must be cut into the train. The train dispatcher will determine the exact location to cut the in-train helper in the train through communications with either the road foreman of engines or trainmaster. Amperage eguivalents for AC locomotives measure in pounds tractive effort. For the purpose will govern: of limiting are d) pourer, the following trains containing restricted loaded cars, unless a speed of 22 MPH or greater can be maintained, listed in Restricted Equipment Rule 34. e) Rowlesburg Tower - Helper engineers assisting trains off siding at Rowlesburg will use only sufficient power to start train. After train is started, helper will not exceed third throttle position until east of plant at McMillan. 1000 amps : 120,000 lbs per AC locomotive 800 amps - 90,000 lbs per AC locomotive 650 amps - 72,0o0lbs per AC locomotive When in-train helper on eastward trains is to be cut out at Rinard, helper will remain attac{red to head portion of train until clear of signal governing movements into Rinard Siding. 3. Grade Operation Eastbound Trains between Grafton and Altamont a) Stopped on Grades . When trains stop on descending Seventeen Mile, Cheat River, Cranberry, and Newburg Grades, proceed signal will not be given until brake pipe is properly 1) Eastbound trains (without rear end and Cranberry grades. 2) Train make-up lor eastbound trains lrom Grafton to Piedmont: Manilest trains - There must be at least 10 loaded cars on the head end of the train, each weighing at least 70 tons, none of which is 80 ft. or longer. There these grades and the locomotive air brake will not hold the train on the grade, a sufficient number of hand CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 8O.O helpers) will not exceed 5000 tons ascending Newburg charged. b) lf a train is stop@ for any reason on - Trainline power reduction will be used by helper engineer to maintain a constant 13 MPH speed within the restricted areas on Newburg and Cranberry Grades on all Trainline Power Reduction MOUNTAIN SUBDIVISION.MT 20 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 must be at least 8 loaded cars on the rear end tons, car is within 15 pounds of the regulating valve setting of the controlling locomotive, as indicated by an accurate gage. Manifest trains exceeding 7,000 tons must have 8 loads of 70 ton or greater, none of which is 80 feet or greater, cut in with helper at the point where tonnage does not exceed 7) Coal Trains Cheat River and 17 Mile Grades A running release of the train brakes will not be made on Eastbound freight trains descending Cheat River grade between MP of the train, each weighing at least 70 none of which is 80 ft. or longer. 7,000 tons. 259 at Blaser and MP exceeding 84{10 tons must have a minimum of 17 traction motors operating in dynamic brake before descending Seventeen 8) Westbound Trains betueen Cumberland and Grafton will reduce power to permit the train to pass the summit of the grade just east of the overhead bridge at Engineers of coal trains a. Ascending 17 mile grade and Cheat Grade. Altamont at no more than 10 MPH as soon as train speed starts to increase, a rear end helpers), except solid empty hopper trains and solid bulk trains, will not exceed 3500 Westbound trains (without minimum reduction of brake pipe pressure will be made and the dynamic brake then applied. Further reductions of the brake pipe pressure tons ascending 17 mile grade and 4500 tons ascending Cheat River Grade. Solid empty hopper trains and solid bulk ffains (without rear end helpers) will not exceed 4800 tons. Merchandise trains over 5000 tons will require a 2 unit helper ascending 17 mile grade. One AC unit is considered and modulation of the dynamic brake will be used attempting to control speed not to exceed 23 MPH between Altamont and Piedmont. !f, at any time, train speed exeeds 23 MPH and the engineer does not feel he has control of the train, the train will be stryped using emergency brake application without hesitation. The train will then be inspected with hand as two units. Note: Westbound solid empty coal car trains between Piedmont and Altamont will be limited to a maximum of 130 cars without a rear end helper. lf the speed of trains handling 116 to 130 cars drops brakes left applied. 5) All Trains - If brake pipe is reduced 18 pounds or more from the standard brake pipe pressure and the train cannot be controlled at the authorized speed, if necessary the train can below 10 MPH or stops, no attempt will be made to restart the train withqlt rear end be brought to a stop using an emergency application. After stopping and applying hand helper. lf no helper is available, the train must be doubled to Mountain Lake Park handling approximately onehalf of the brakes, the train will be recharged and a minimum reduction must be made. Each car will then be visually inspected to determine that brakes are applied, piston travel is within standard, and brake shoes are against each wheel. The train dispatcher must be contacted and the train may advance only after the dispatcher confers with the road foreman of train in the double. b. Helper Engineer will limit power to total of 2,40 amperes (800 per unit 3-SD50), when starting train, and at speeds above 12 MPH; at 12 MPH or below, a total of 2,000 amperes (500 per unit /t€D35, 650 per unit 3€D50), must not be exceeded after train is started. engines. 6) Trains without a rear end helper or functioning c. telemetry device will make a running perbrmance brake test by applying the air brakes at some point between Terra Alta and Mountain Placarded Cars Westbound Merchandise trains requiring helper will not be operated from a Placarded car on the to determine that the train is braking sufficiently to negotiate the grade at Altamont. The application of brakes will be made in conjunction with good train handling and fuel conservation techniques. lf performance test reveals that air brakes are functioning properly, train may proceed without stopping. lf train is stopped after making the performance test, brake pipe pressure on the rear car will be checked to determine that it is within 15 pounds of the regulating valve setting of the controlling locomotive as indi- Lake Park and Bloomington. Mile and Cheat River grades. 4) 2*.4 at Rowlesburg on Seventeen Mile Grade between MP 223 east of Altamont and MP 208 east of 3) Freight trains Cumberland with rear of the train. 9) Freight trains will operate down Seventeen Mile, Cranberry, Cheat River and Newburg Grades without use of hand brakes when pres- sure maintaining is operative on controlling unit and the locomotive consist has a minimum of 12 traction motors operating in dynamic braking on grain, coal and ore trains. Exception: Other than grain, coal and ore trains; cated by an accurate gage. lf performance test reveals that brakes are not functioning properly, train will be stopped and train dispatcher notified. Train will then a. A minimum of 8 traction motors operating in dynamic braking if train size is over 3500 tons. be inspected with air brakes applied. lf inspection reveals that there is a problem with the train, the problem must be corrected before proceeding. Before departing, it must b. 6 traction motors if between 2500 and 3500 tons. c. 4 traction motors if less than 2500 tons. be known that brake pipe pressure on the rear CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 8O.O MOUNTAIN SUBDIVISION.MT 21 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 10) A running release of the train brakes will not be made on Westbound loaded and mixed freight trains descending Cranberry grade between MP 242 at Terra Alta and MP 251 east of McMillan and descending Newburg grade between MP 261 at Kingwood Tunnel NOTES: and MP 267 east of Newburg. 11) Freight trains consisting entirely of empty cars will be operated down Cranberry and Newburg grades without the use of retainers when the pressure maintaining is operative on the controlling unit of the locomotive consist. 12) All lilestbound trains exceeding 100 cars must stop at McMillian and Newburg and make a full service reduction of air brakes if the air has been used previously to control the train on Cranberry or Newburg grades. All other trains making a running release must reduce brake pipe pressure at least 10 pounds. !n either case, brakepipe pressure must be stopped at least 20 seconds bebre brakes are released. 13) Beall Straet - Eastbornd trains being held at Beall Street will stop west of the overhead bridge at BA179.9 away from all residences. 14) Westbound helpers assisting trains between Piedmont and Altamont on number one track will endeavor to cut off bebre passing the westbound intermediate signal at 84223.5 at Altamont and be governed by the train dispatcher's instructions. lf the helper passes the westbound intermediate signal, the train dispatchers permission must be granted before making a reverse movement as proMded by Operating rule 24,6. 15) Expediting coal trains on the Mountain Subdivision - ln order to ex@ite coal trains going through Cumberland Terminal, crews on will inbrm the train disaptcher when departing Terra AIta if there are any problems with their train, locomotives, eastbound trains or ETD. NOTES: CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 8O.O MOUNTAIN SUBDIVISION-MT 22 Effective May'1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 91.0 STATIOI,IS xPt cr Pt LISilNG AilD DIAGRAM. nPt i IUEST BNl 1-9 T wlTEl.iE iDITTRAL TRICK 8N16.3 STATIONS Clr Pt CAtr IFII EN1tZ.7 t't. !"krasanr 8N187.6 11t Apple Grcve lMounclswte la.l lcn"*tut xnl 8N29.1 s940 Ndrium 7420 8N38.0 Hannibal zo Btooklyn 2510 Cox Lmditg I 5.9 BNA1.3 STh. Ave o6 8N211.9 e.9 8N36.0 cap {Fr} 173 8N205.4 Foster lr" SIATIONS 5490 l"o 8N21.3 SDG t wEsT t SDG Guyandote ct oEl 200.0 ttLEs WHEELINGTO HUNTINGION Jct +8 81.142.8 Pden Gty 91.I DIAGRAM CROSS.REFERENCE 9.t 8N51.9 F ierdy L1 8N56.3 Bens Run Table 62. Diagram Cross'Reference s940 7.e BN&1.2 St Ma4/s {a 8N68.8 Eurel<a 8N81.2 IMllamebryn Btl92.9 Parkersfurg 12.1 92.0 METHOD OF OPERATION 11.7 92.' AUTHORITY FOR MOVEMENT t2 Btl94.1 O.R. Jct Table 63 (Page 1 of 2). 5.4 Bi.lSg.9 Washinglon 8.7 8N108.6 Hanis Ferry 8N120.6 Polk BN5.0 and BNl1.9 5715 12,O BNl1.9 and BN35.9 BN35.9 and BN40.4 (Brooklyn Jct. Yard) 7A BNl28.4 Rryenswood BNrt0.4 and BN90.7 7_l 8N134.2 105 See Notes 2,3,4 & 5 l(aiser 3465 4.9 8N144.4 Letart 3.8 8N150.0 Graham 1E2 8N163.2 Lddn 8500 9.5 CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 9O.O OHIO RIVER SUBDIVISIONOR 23 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 Table 63 (Page 2 of 2). Authority for Movement Table 64. DTC Block Limits Between Location/Mile Post BN94.8 and BN211.9 120-132 See Note 7 Note: 1. All train and West switch Millwood and BN14tl.0 BNl49.0 and BN153.0 8N153.0 and BNl64.1 OTE movements between BN5.0 (Benwood Yard) and BNl1.9 will be controlled by verbal authority of the Brooklyn Junction Yardmaster. When yardmaster is not on duty, permission will be obtained from the train dispatcher. OTE authority as prescribed by Rule 704 is required frorn Brooklyn Jct. Yardmaster before occupying Running Track. BNl64.1 and 8N173.0 8N173.0 and BN186.0 BNl86.0 and BNI89.8 8N189.8 and BN204.4 BN204.4 and BN211.9 No. 1 Westbound Running Traclq No. 1B Running Track and No. 2 Eastbound Running Track will not be occupied without permission of the yardmaster Brooklyn Jct. When yardmaster is not on duty, permission will be obtained from the train dispatcher. OTE authority as prescribed by Rule 7(X is required from Brooklyn Jct. Yardmaster before occupying running track Former Main Track between BN35.9 and westend of 93.0 SPEEDS $.1 ilA)(lMUM AUTHORIZED SPEED Table 65. Maximum Authorized double track is designated as No.l Westbound Running Track Between Location/Mile Post BN11.9 and BN211.3 Former Main Track between 8N38.0 and 8N40.4 is designated as 1B Running Track. 93.2 SPEED RES]RICTIONS MPH Former Main Track between 8N35.9 and Big Leg of Wye is designated as No. 2 Eastbound Running Track. 6. Former Main Track between BN90.7 and BNg4.8 has been designated the Parkersburg Running Track. 7. To arroid blocking crossings, westward trains with more than 120 cars will stop clear of the State Route 2 (Gulf) Crossing unless otherwise instructed. Trains and engines must approach westward Absolute Signal at 5th Avenue prepared to stop. Trains and engines must move between Sth Avenue and WAS (Dwarf Signat) Guyandotte, prepared to stop within one.half the range of vision regardless of speed permitted by last signal indication. BN11.2 and BN11.7 BNrt6.8 and BN47.8 8N51.6 and 8N52.3 8N81.0 and BN81.4 BN90.7 and BN94.8 BN117.5 and BNl17.8 92.2 DTC BLOCK LtUtTS 8N128.0 and BN128.7 TaHe 64. DTC Block Limits 8N154.3 and BN155.2 BN134.5 and BN153.7 8N155.2 and BNl57.2 8N11.9 and West Switch Chestnut Hills West Switch Chestnut Hills and 8N24.0 8N157.2 and 8N158.0 BNl58.0 and 8N171.2 BN171.2 and BNl72.7 8N27.0 and BN29.5 BN172.7 and BNl75.0 BN21 1.3 and BN21 1.9 BN50.0 and East Switch Bens Run East Switch Bens Run and BN67.0 BN67.0 and East Switch Wlliamstown East Switch l{lilliamstown and BN90.7 BN94.8 and BN101.0 93.8 ENGINE SPEED INDICATORS AND ODOMETERS BN101.0 and West Switch Harris Engine speed indicators, odometers and HTD eguipment must be checked at the first encountered mile post location West Switch Harris listed below: 8N127.0 and BN132.0 BNl5 and BNl7 BN41 and BN42 BN84 and BN85 BNl32.0 and West switch Millwood CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 9O.O OHIO RIVER SUBDIVISION.OR 24 BNl06 and BNl07 8N206 and BN207 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 94.0 EQUTPMENT RESIRICT|ONS 95.0 INSTRUCTIONS RELATII{G TO OPERATING Unless otherwise instructed, six-axle units will not operate on any indushy track except Pleasants Power, Mitchell Power, Project 1301, Shell Chemical-Apple Grove, and RULES 95.1 STANDARD CLOCKS Parks. Table 68. Standard Clocks Table 67. Equipment Restrictions Station Losation Yard Office Equipment Restric{ion Benwood Brooklyn Jct. Engines Must not operate on curve beyond bridge inside gate Venco Company Engines Must not move through Loading Building, Shaker, Thaw Shed or Rotary Dumper Pittsburgh Plate Cars exceeding Glass 45 feet Bayer Chemical Equipment Location Cresaps: Kammer Plant Foster: Hannibal: Ohio Valley Sand Company Engines Equipment American Alloys Engines Belpre€hell Equipment in exoess of 15ft. change Track Table 69. Spring Switches Location Hannibal-EEDT Brooklyn Jct: WEDT Normal Facing Poshion Speed Trailing Speed No. 1 track 30 25 No. 2 track 20 15 95.58 DEFECT DETECTORS Must not Table 70. Defect Detectors first road Appalachian Power Company Little Kanawah Railroad lnter- 95.36 SPRING SWTCHES 5 MPH over scale track operate beyond Location of lndicators/ Personnel Reading Charts Must not be moved into or out of Track No. 28, No. 2C, No. 2D or Thawing Building Must not operate beyond car shaker Graham: Chemical Bulk unloading facility Must not use crossover between No. 6 and No. 7 Tracks Low & High Yard Offices Must not operate 9in. high and 11 ft wide. 95.100 ROAD CROSSINGS AT GRADE Providing Crossing Protection Must not 6-axle engines oDerate Must be left at lnterchange cars the bottom of the grade Between the following locations trains handling loaded g5 ton or greater capacity hi+ube 3800 to 4800 cubic foot covered hoppers will comply with RER 34. Crews will determine from hazard graph or be furnished a message notifoing them when their train contains any of these restricted cars; Trains will provide protection against vehicular traffic bebre moving over highway or street crossings designated below: Table 71 (Page 1 of 2). Providing Long Reach Route 2 RS&G Jct. Route 2 Protection American Parkersburg---BN93.3 and 8N94.2 Murrayville---BNl 17.5 and CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 BN1 1 8.0 9O.O OHIO RIVER SUBDIVISIONOR 25 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyrisht 1997 (Page Between BA382.4 and 88189.6 former Parkersburg suMivision Main track is designate as Parkersburg 2 of 2). Providi Industrial track. - Al! trains will receive yarding instructions before entering Parkersburg Yard. Parkersburg Transfer track may be used with the perParkersburg Yard Note: Train movements must be flag protected at GE Plastics main road crossing, when switching GE or running mission of the yardmaster. around cars at GE. Note: When necessary to use switch key manual control device on instrument case to cause flashers to operate bebre buling crossing, it is also required after movement is clear of crossing to operate this device to stop operation of flashers. 95.I[IIO RADIO STATIONS AND INSTRUCTTONS All road trains will monitor channel 08. Table 73. Radio Stations and lnstructions BenwoodMheeling - All grade crossings in Benwood/ Wheeling, with flashing signals, must be protected with flag protection when signals fail to actuate ac@unt of rusty rail conditions. All grade crossings protected with cross bucks in BenwoodA/rlheeling must be flag protected. Parkersburg lndustrial track-Trains or engines must approach crossings prepared to stop and must not foul crossings unless automatic Arade crossing warning devices are operating properly or crossing is protected by a crew member on the ground at the crossing. Mile Post Location Hours of Operation Monitored Brooklyn-YM Jct. Yard Continuous 08 Wayside Parkersburg-YC Continuous 70 Terminal Huntington{P Continuous 08 Terminal Huntington-YM Continuous 70 Terminal Yard Dispatcher (Gl) Continuous 14 Channel Type Station (Note) Note: Gl Train Dipatcher call-in number is 5. 9s.104 SWTCHES CJ Train Dispatcher telephone No. is 1-800-85+5689. Hand-Operated Switches 1. The normal position of hand-operated switches on the following trac*s is br straight track movements on the 95.807 THRU.TRUSS BRIDGES Middle Track. Brooklyn Junction Iable 72. Hand-Operated Switches 96.0 MISCELLAilEOUS t IT|SIRUCTIONS 1. Belpre - Shell Chemical: Plant Oversize Car Warning Systern- Oversize Rail Car Warning System is in service just inside the gate to the south side of the plant on the west end. Upon detection of an oversized car, alarms will be energized. Two rotating blue beacon lights on the support structure will flash. A long horn blast will sound at the support structure. 1. Normal position fur the dividing switch fior br 'OVERSIZE' signs will light up at support structure. Oversized cars will not be placed in plant 2. Eastward trains will not pass BBl94.1 Belpre until they receive yarding instructions fiom yardmaster, When alarms are activated, movement will be stopped at once. Oversized car will be identified and removed from plant area. Alarms can be Parkersburg SD and the Marietta SD will be lined the Marietta SD. the Parkersburg. reset by Shell Employees only. Switching must not proceed until problem is corrected and alarms are 95.105 USE OF SPECIFIED TRACKS reset. 1. Former main track between BN0.6 Wheeling and BNl1.9 Moundville is redesignated as Wheelinglndustrial Track. AKZO NOBEL Chemical Plant . The following pr(lce. dures are in effect for CSX crews switching the AI<ZO NOBEL Chemical Plant: 2. Permission must be obtained from the Wheeling Lake Erie Chief Dispatcher before operating on the prior Wheeling Subdivision at Benwood, WV. Point of entry on this portion is identified as the clearance of the Loop track switch Benwood Yard. CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 2. a) Review these procedures as part of your Job Briefing before switching the plant. b) Confirm that you have a current 'AKZO Safety lndoctrination' card or contact the AKZO NOBEL Transportation Office to receive safety training. 9O.O OHIO RIVER SUBDIVISION.OR 26 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyrisht 1997 c) Wear hard hat, safety glasses with side shields, long sleeve shirts and carry the rescue respirator provided by AKZO NOBEL Chemical at all times while switching AKZO NOBEL Chemical Plant. A plant radio for use by the engineer and personal protective equipment provided by AKZO NOBEL Chemical will be located in the 'Personal Protective Equipment Box' located by the mainline NOTES: entrance gate. d) The engineer or conductor will notifo the'DR1 or Unit 1 Supervisor' that the train crew is at the plant and oonfirm that no product is being loaded, unloaded or vented at the HC'l/Phenol rack before entering tracks 3 or 5 in the loading rack area. e) Turn on the rail activity warning light located on the loading rack nearest the mainline entrance gate. f) lnspect the rail car loading rack nearest the mainline entrance gate and confirm that no chemical is leaking from a yellow loading line or loading lines are connected to tank trucks on this loading rack. lnform AKZO NOBEL Chemical immediately if these conditions have not been met and DO NOT SWITCH any cars in the rail loading racks. g) Turn off the rail activity warning light when h) you have completed switching AKZO NOBEL Chemical. Return provided safety gear and respirators to the AKZO NOBEL "Personal Protertive Equipment Box' before leaving the siding. lf you hear the warning alarm in the NOBEL Chemical Plant, return AKZO to the locomo- tive, close all windows and doors, and exit to mainline entrance gate or other safe area. Report the alarm to the dispatcher and AKZO NOBLE Chemical Plant via radio. - On Friday at 11:30 a.m. the alarm system is tested and the alarm can be ignored Note unless informed otherwise by AKZO NOBLE Chemical. NOTES: CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 9O.O OHIO RIVER SUBDIVISIONOR 27 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 NOTES: CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 NOTES: 9O.O OHlO RIVER SUBDIVISION-OR 28 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 100.o PtcKENs SUEDIVISION.PK 101,0 STATIONS LISTING AND DIAGRAM 103.0 SPEEDS 103.1 MAXMUM AUTHORIZED SPEED wPt allr DI t nresr i SDG CAD STATIONS Table 77. Maximum Authorized Speed 'FTI Hampton Jct BUHO.O Betveen Location/Mile Post BUH2.2 MPH Hampton Jct. and BUHl7.0 22 Sago gt 1 lC.rct. BUH5.6 c.c Table 78. Equipment Restrictions Albn BUH12.2 &6 BUHl5.8 Alexander 12 BUHl7.O E d 04.0 EQUtPMEitT RESTRTCTTONS Location Restric,tion Entire Subdivision Must not operate west of BUHs.O Ot Track Equipment must not move under loading facilities unless chutes are fully re tracted. 17,o ililLES HAMPTON JCT. TO ALE]HTOCN 101.' DIAGRAM Upshur No. 1 Mine CROSS.REFERENCE Equipment Equipment must not be placed on Table 74. Diagram Cross-Reference tail track without permission of mine personnel. Train Classification: Empty 80 feet and longer cars will be hauled on rear of train. Loaded trains handling empty cars will have empty cars, other than 80 foot or longer empty 102.0 METHOD OF OPERATION cars, more than 15 cars from head end of train. 102.1 AUTHORITY FOR MOVEMENT Table 75. Authority br Movement Betueen Location/Mile Post 105.0 INSTRUCTIONS RELATING TO OPERATING RULES Rules Hampton Jct. and BUHI7.0 105.105 USE OF SPECIFIED TRACK 102.2DTC BLOCK LIMITS main tracks and Rule 105 will govern movement. lsland Creek lndustrial Track is designated as other than Betueen BUH2.0 And Pickens 1O5.4OO RADIO STATIONS AND INS]RUCTIONS All road trains will monitor channel Table 76. DTC Block Limits Betrreen Location/Mile Post Hampton Jct. and BUH5.7 Sago BUH5.7 and BUH'!4.6 Alton Block Names 08. 79. Radio Stations and lnstructions Mile Post BUH14.6 and BUH17.0 Location Hours of Operation Ten Mile Continuous Channe! Monitored AAR 08 Type Station Wayside (ct) Continuous l4 Note: Cl Train Dispatcher call-in number is 2. Bell telephone No. is 90+381-2683. Cl Train Dispatcher toll free No. is 1-800-854-5690. CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 1OO.O PICKENS SUBDIVISION.PK 29 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 105.650 AIR BRAKE INSTRUCNONS NOTES: Brake Pipe Pressure Engineers operating eastward trains from Upshur No. 1 Min_e-after making brake test, will set the regulating valve for 90 pounds. When the E.T.D. on rear of train regiJters 75 pounds,_the engineer will be promptly notified and may depart five minutes later. A running release of the traiir brake will not be made on loaded fieight trains between Upshur No. 1 Mine and lC Jct. When a train is stop@ between Upshur No. 1 Mine and lC Jct. for any reason, a sufficient number of hand brakes will be applied to hold the train on the grade during the recharging procedure. 106.0 MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUCTTONS 1. Conductors Arriving Alerander Conductors will promptly notifu train dispatcher of their arrival at Alexander. Bell telephones are 2. available. Back-up Movements Train Handling Rule 3.4.5. modified - When making back-up movements with more than 50 cars, not mor6 than 18 powered axles may be used to make the movement. NOTES: CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 lOO.O PlCKENS SUBDIVISION.PK 30 Effective May 1,1997 (c) Copyright 1997 I 10.0 POMEROY SUBDtVtStON-PV 111.0 STATIONS LISTING AITID DIAGRAM. 113.0 SPEEDS 113.1 MA)OMUM AUTHORIZED SPEED ltP/ Cfr Pf I SDG nmsr i (:ap rErl STATIONS 88E127.9 Table 82. Maximum Authorized Speed Flobson 2.4 BBEI2s.1 Cheshke 6.0 lGnauga 88E119.1 1 2908 Trains handling loaded 9Ston or greater capacity hi-cube 3800 to 4800 cubic feet covered hoppers on the Pomeroy Subdivision will comply with RE Rule 34. 0,t B8E119.0 Kanauga 172 14.0 EQUIPMEITIT RESTRICTIONS Jct MTLES HOBSON TO END OF TRACK 115.0 INSTRUCTIONS REI.ATING TO OPERANNG RULES II'.1 115.105 USE OF SPECIFIED TRACKS DIAGRAM CROSS.REFERENCE Kyger Creek - O.V.E. lnterchange Track - Train will not occupy O.V.E. main tracks beyond east switch of set off track without flag protection. T15./TOO All road trains will monitor channel 112,0 METHOD OF OPERATION 'I2.I RADIO STATIONS AND INSTRUCNONS 08. Table 83. Radio Stations and lnstructions AUTHORIW FOR MOVEMENT Between Location/Mile Post Rules Note: Gl Train Dispatcher call-in number is 5. Hobson 8BE127.9 and 8BE119.0 CJ Train Dispatcher telephone No. is 1{00-85+5689. Note; 1. Permission must be obtained before entering main track. the'CJ'Train Dispatcher On-Track Equipment lnstructions - NOTES: Main track between limits as outlined in Note 1 must not be occupied without written authority as prescribed by Rule 704. Train dispatcher at Jacksonville will control movements on main track between Hobson and Kanauga Jct. Train dispatcher must not permit any opposing movements between Hobson and Kanauga. All trains or engines must report clear after using track section between Hobson and Kanauga Jct. 4. Permission for Conrail trains and engines to operate on section of track between Kanauga Jct. and Hobson will be given by the CSX Train Dispatcher, Jacksonville, through the Conrail train dispatcher. Train Bulletin messages affecting these movement will be furnished to the Conrail train dispatcher for issuance to Conrail crews. Southward Conrail trains will report clear of Kanauga Jct. through the Conrail train dispatcher. Northward Conrail trains will report clear of yard limits at Hobson Yard through the Conrail train dispatcher. CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 1 1O.O POMEROY SUBDIVISION.PV 31 Effective May'1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 NOTES: CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 NOTES: 1 1O.O POMEROY SUBDIVISION-PV 32 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 121.0 STATIONS LISTING AND DIAGRAM. uPt f ch pt urcsr i IL IEt{SO BUC118.' BUCl20.i STATIONS MP 1't8.2 sctf sD BUCl27.( BUCl29.( 123.2 SPEED RESTRICTIONS Table 88. Speed Restrictions Betueen Location/ltrile Post SDG CAP GTI 8UC127.1 and BUCl29.0 z5 124.0 EQU|PMEiTT RESTRTCTTONS LlcOarty Sdg a3 Table Alngdale rRACK Restrictions 89. Location zo End OlTrad( Restriclion Must not operate on other than Main Track except may operate 200 feet on west end of Gauley Mills Storage Siding and Cowen 103 ll|LES BUC1182 TO END OF T?ACK (Brrotzg.o) I 2I.I BUC118.2 and BUC129.0 6-axle Engines DIAGRAM CROSS.REFERENCE Table 84. Diagram Cross-Reference Explosives Siding. Gauley lndustries Unloading Pit Must not 1. Train Classification: Empty 80 feet and longer cars will be hauled on rear of trains. Loaded kains handling empty cars will have empty cars, other than 80 feet or longer empty cars, more than 15 cars from head end of 122.0 METHOD OF OPERATION 122.1 AUTHORITY FOR MOVEMENT train. - Eastward trains with helper on rear, will not exceed 5 MPH over switc-tr and frog of SC&M Suddivisions. When shoving train east with only one unit on East End, helper on rear will not exceed the third throttle position of a three or more unit consist; fourth throttle position of a two unit consist, while train is 2. Allingdale Table 85. Authority br Movement Between LocationlMile Post BUC118.2 and BUCl29.0 moving over this location. 122.2 DTC BLOCK LIMIII; 125.0 INSTRUCTIOilS RELANNG TO OPERATING Between BUC1'18.2 And BUCi29.0 RULES Table 86. DTC Block Limits 125.1 STANDARD CLOCKS Between Location/Mile Post BUCl18.2 and BUC129.0 Table 90. Standard Clocks Station Location 123.0 SPEEDS I23.I MA)(IMUM AUTHORIZED SPEED 125.83.A TRAIN BULLETIN AND RELEASE FORM Table 87. Maximum Authorized Trains originating at Cowen will receive Train Bulletin and Between Location/Mile Post Release Form at Crew Room, WN Tower. 8UC118.2 and BUC129.0 125.104 SWTCHES Hand-Operated Switches br switch from Allingdale Yard is for movement from the lead to main track. 2. Allingdale: Normal position for main track switch is for movement to SC&M main track. 1. Allingdale: Normal position CSX Transportation ccBU Timetable No. 120.0 RICHWOOD SUBDIVISION.RW 3 33 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyrisht 1997 125.q0 RADIO STATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS All road trains will monitor channel NOTES: 08. Table 9'1. Radio Stations and lnstructions Mile Post Hours of Channel Location Operation Monitored Cowen Yard Clerk Open 1700 tt 0100 hours Mon thru Fri Closed Sat. Sun and Holidavs Type Station AAR 08 Terminal (c!) D Continuous AAR 14 Note: Cl Train Dispatcher cal!-in number is 2. Bell telephone No. is 90+381-2683. Cl Train Dispatcher toll free No. is 1-800-85rt-5590. 125.650 AIR BRAKE INSTRUCNONS When a train stopped on a grade for any reason and the locomotive brake will not hold the train, a sufficient number of hand brakes will be applied to both the rear end and head end of the train to hold it during the recharging procedure, NOTES: CSX Transportation ccBU Timetable No. 3 1 2O.O RICHWOOD SUBDIVISION.RW 34 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 131.0 STATIONS LISTING Al{D DIAGRAM. I 34.0 EQUTPMEiIT RESTRTCTTONS 1. Six-axle units must not operate on the SC&M Subdivision. uPt Ga? DI BUEO.O t rrpsr t BCIIUOODSD Erception: Six axle units may operate on SC&M Subdivision between Allingdale, BUE0.0 and 1000 feet West SDG f:49 fE l STATIONS Altngdale of State Route 20 road crossing Allingdale. Six axle units may be operated in the yard e3 BUE6.3 BeryerCrkWye 2. Allingdale - Eastward trains with helper on rear, will 1a,2 not exceed 5 MPH over switch and frog of SC&M Sub divisions. When shoving train east with only one unit on east end, helper on rear will not exceed the third throtUe position of a three or more unit consist; fourth throttle position of a two unit consist, while train is Amarda BUE20.5 at Allingdale. 20.5 rtLES ALLINGDALE TO AUANDA moving over this location. ,I31.1 DIAGRA]II CROSS.REFERENCE 135.0 IT{STRUCTIONS REI.ATING TO OPERATING RULES Table 92. Diagram Cross-Reference 135.33 YARD LIMITS 1. Allingdale - Eastward trains will contact yard clerk at Cowen (when on duty) for disposition of their train. 132.0 METHOD OF OPERANON 135.'1OO RADIO STATIONS .I32.I AUTHORITY FOR MOVEMENT AND INSTRUCNONS All road trains will monitor channel Table 93. Authority for Movement Between LocationlMile Post Allingdale BUE0.0 and 08. Table 96. Radio Stations and lnstructions United Eagle Mine BUE20.5 Note: Cl Train Dispatcher call in number is 2. 132.2DTC BLOCK LtMtTS Table 94. DTC Block Limits Betueen Location/Mile Post Allingdale BUE0.0 and BUE5.0 BUE5.0 and BUE15.0 BUE15.0 and BUE20.5 Bell telephone No. is 90+381-2683. ClTrain Dispatcher toll free No. is 1{00-854-5690. Block Names NOTES: Stroud Spruce 133.0 SPEEDS 133.1 MAXMUM AUTHORIZED SPEED Table 95. Maximum Authorized Between Location/Mile Post CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 130.0 sc&M suBDtvlsloN-sz 35 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 NOTES: CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 NOTES: 130.0 SC&M SUBDIVISION.SZ 36 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 ,41.0 STANONS LISTING AND DIAGRAM. 142.2 DTC BLOCK LIMTTS Betueen Short Line Jct. And Brooklyn TP/ t rrar Ea ..r=o- i unps! BNA58.O Shst Line Jct BNA2.6 and BAN14.5 Hepzibatr BNAl4.5 and BNA21.8 TNACX +9 BNA21.8 and BNA39.2 Btft llDtlsrEA[ 92 IIDIJS'THAL .X. RB'|3OII BNA48.8 r*"* BNA39.6 Table 99. DTC Block Limits alar,Erl +9 !{AYmOO BNA5!1.1 SDG STATIONS kving [ 5000 17,E Jacksanbug BNA22.3 1tt3.0 SPEEDS 6100 {5 BNAl7.8 1'8.1 MAXMUM AUTI{ORIZED Pine Grwe zg BNAl4.9 Allen BNAd.7 SPEED Table 100. Maximum Authorized 5500 102 Between LocationlMile Post Bard Short Une Jct. and Brooklyn Jct. 3.7 BNA1.O Roberts 1'8.2 SPEED RESTRICTIONS 1.0 Brooklvn Jct. BNAO.O Table 101. Speed Restrictions 58.0 iilLES SHOBT UNE JCT. TO BROOI(LYN JCT. BNAl0.7 and BNA10.9 BNA16.1 and BNAl6.3 141.1 DIAGRAM CROSS.REFERENCE BNAl9.8 and BNA21.7 Table 97. Diagram Cross-Reference BNA51.6 and BNA52.2 142.0 METHOD OF OPERATION I/lil.8 1'I,iI.l AUTHORIW FOR MOVEMET{T Table 98. Authority br Engine speed indicators, odometers and HTD equipment must be checked between the first enoountered mile post location listed below: BNA54.0 and BNA53.0 BNA4.0 and BNA3.0 Movement Between Location/Mile Post BNA58.0 and YL BNA2.6 Rules 120-132 ,''4.0 BNA2.6 and Brmklyn Jct. EQUI PMEiIT RESTRI CTIONS 1. Entire Subdivision - Loaded or empty gSton or greater capacity hi-cube 3800 to 4800 cubic foot covered Note: 1. ENGINE SPEED INDICATORS AND ODOMETERS hopper cars may be operated on the Short Line Subdi- Former main track between BNA0.0 and BNA2.6 is designated the Short Line Running Track Authority as prescribed by Rule 704 is required from the Brmklyn Jct. yardmaster before occupying running track. When the yardmaster is not on duty, permission will be obtained from the train dispatcher. vision providing the dimensions do not exceed Plate 'C'which is: -At 15 feet 6 inches above top of rail,7 feet wide at the level; 14 feet 8 inches above top of rail, 10 feet wide at that level; -At -At 14 feet 2 inches above top of rail, 10 feet 8 inches wide at that level. CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 140.0 SHORT LINE SUBDIVISION-SO 37 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 Table 102. Equipment Restrictions Table 105. Hand Operated Switches 1'T5.0 INSTRUCTIONS REIATING TO OPERATING RULES 1'T5.1 STANDARD CLOCKS Table 103. Standard Clocks I'15.105 USE OF SPECIFIED ]RACKS 1. The bllowing tracks are designated as other than main tracks and Rule 105 will govern movement: 1'I5.5I THRU.TRUSS BRIDGES Hayward lndustrial Track Robinson Run lndushial Track 1'15./OO RADIO STATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS All road trains will monitor channel 08. 1'15.58 DEFECT DETECTORS Table 106. Radio Stations and lnstructions Mile Post Hours ol Channel Table 1(X. Defect Detectors Location Operation Monitored Location ol lndicatorsl Personnel Reading Charts Brmklyn Jct. Continuous AAR 08 Dispatcher (CJ) Continuous AAR 14 Voice lnstructions (Note 1) Note: Gl Train Dispatcher call-in number is 3. Bdl telephone No. is 90+381-2681. Gi Train Dispatcher toll free No. is 1{00-85+5689. Note: 1. While making train meets at Jacksonburg, if a train is passing o\rer or stopping on the defect detector at BNA23.4 and receives a message indicating a malfunc- Type Station Wayside NOTES: tion at the defect detector, train will preeed without perturming a walking inspection per operating Rule 60-A paragraph (D) modified. 2. Train going to or coming from Haywood lndustrial traclq while passing over or stopping on the defect detector at Lumberport BNA48.5 and a message indicating a malfunction of the defect detector is received, trains will proceed without performing a walking inspection per operating Rule 60-A, paragraph (D) modified. 1'II'.83.A TRAIN BULLETIN AND RELEASE FORiI Trains originating at Brooklyn JcL must receive Train Bul- letin and Release Form at Crew Room, Brooklyn Jct. 145.104 SWTTCHES Hand-Operated SwiGhes '1. Brooklyn Jct switches: - Normal position of CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 handoperated 140.0 SHORT LINE SUBDIVISION€O 38 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 lso.o sToNY RIVER SUBDIVISION-SR 151.0 STATIONS LISTING AND DIAGRAM. 153.2 SPEED RESTRICTIONS Table 111. Speed Restrictions uPt etr l,r BAUo.0 t wrsr t Tt€r ssD Betueen Location/Mile Post sDo (:AD STATIONS 'FTI Bayad 92 1 I{crh Brancfi BAU3.2 BAUl6.7 s4.0 EQUTPMENT RESTRTCTTONS 1. Unless otherwise authorized by the is restricted 13.5 Operations, eguipment Stony Rlver tracks, bridges, and trestles as bllows: 16.7IrllLES Superintendent in the use o, Table 112. Equipment Restrictions BAYAFD TO STONY RIVER I51.1 DIAGRAM CROSS.REFERENCE Table 1 07. Diagram Cross-Reference Must not move cars standing west of thawing shed or dumper Must not exceed ,52.0 METHOD OF OPERATION 152.1 AUTHORITY FOR MOVEMENT 1O MPH Table 108. Authority br Movement Betueen LocationlMile Post 155.0 II{STRUCTIONS REL'\TING TO OPERANNG Rules RULES 93 See Notes 1 & 2 Jct. switch Bayard and BAUI.0 155.83-A TRAIN BULLENN AND RELEASE FORM BAU1.0 and Stony River Trains originating will receive Train Bulletin and Release Form at Cumberland Crew Room and/or Bayard Crew Room or as instructed by train dispatcher. l{ote: 1. Permission must be obtained from the'Cl'Train Dis- patcher before entering main track. 155.400 RADIO STATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS 2. On-Track Equipment lnstructions - Main track between limits as outlined in Note 1 must not be occupied All road trains will monitor channel without written authority as prescribed by Rule 704. 08. Table 113. Radio Stations and lnstructions 152.2D'tC BLOCK LIMITS Between BAU1.0 And BAU15.8 Note: Cl Train Dispatcher call-in number is 5. Bell telephone No. is 904-381-2683. Cl Train Dispatcher toll free No. is 1-800-854-5690. BAU1.0 and BAU3.9 1. 153.0 SPEEDS 153.1 MA)(IMUM AUTHORIZED SPEED 156.0 MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUCTIONS Back-Up Movements Train Handling Rule 3.4.5. modified - When making back-up movements with more than 50 cars, not more than 16 powered axles may be used to make the movement. Salety Rule T-7 Modilied - Due to severe grade and tonnage which results in extreme train handling prob lems while stopping and starting, Safety Rule T-7 is Table 110. Maximum Authorized Speed modified as follows: CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 150.0 STONY RIVER SUBDIVISION.SR 39 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 Mounting or dismounting moving eguipment will be permitted in accordance with Safety Rule T-7 only when necessary to avoid severe train handling prob lems associated with physical characteristics of the specific location and to avoid potential injury due to NOTES: slack action. 3. Mounting or dismounting moving equipment will not be permitted when speed or conditions render it unsafe. Helper Service lnstructions . Helper on rear of train will not exceed 16 axles. CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 150.0 STONY RIVER SUBDIVISTON.SR 4 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 160.0 THOMAS SUBDtVtStON:Tti 162.2 DTC BL@K LIMITS 161.0 STATIONS LISTING AND DIAGRAM. Between BAH2S.9 And BAH69.0 HP/ Cf" Dt t w=sr t qrnE BAlt2g.9 8D SDG CAD STATIONS Hampshire Table 116. DTC Block Limits fFfi 8.4 F* 'l BAH38.3 B,4t144.7 BAt-r4s.6 ,..., Xai Chalfee BAH4/..7 and BAH46,3 '3.o Baine 0.9 PobmacManor 162.3 EXCEPIED TRACKS a1 BAt-t46.3 ) Hanison Sincel lndustrial Track Elk Run lndustrial Track 12,1 BAH58.7 Gorman I srorv ll nmso I BAlt62.0 l- 3.3 163.0 SPEEDS Bayild 4550 163.1 MAXIMUM AUTHORIZED SPEED 1.7 BAH63.7 Siincel E.rH'lI TDTRTCI( BAH66.8 9.t Table 117. Maximum Authorized Speed ElkRm Between Locatlon/Mile Post 22 BAH69.O EI{D OFTNTCK Henrv 9500 37.0 trLES HATFSHIHE TO HEilHY 163.2 SPEED RESTRICTIONS Table 118. Speed Restrictions Between LocationllUl ile Post Note: MP BAH41 and BAH42 are omitted. MPH BAH49.7 and BAH51.2 15 161.1 DIAGRAM CROSS.REFERENCE 10 BAH66.6 and BAH69.0 (End of track) Table 114. Diagram Cross-Reference ,63.8 ENGINE SPEED INDICATORS AND ODOMETERS Engine speed indicators, odometers and HTD eguipment must be checked between the first encountered mile post location listed below: 162.0 METHOD OF OPERATION BAH30 and BAH31 162.1 AUTHORITY FOR MOVEMENT 1 1. Unless otherwise authorized by the Superintendent Operations, equipment is restricted in the use of Table 115. Authority for Movement Eetween Location/Mile Post BAH29.9 and BAH61.0 64.0 EQUI PMEI{T RES]R I GTtOttlS Rules tracks, bridges, and trestles as bllows: 120-132 93 See YL BAH61.0 and BAH64.0 Notes I&2 BAH64.0 and BAH69.0 Note: 1. Permission must be obtained from the 'Cl' Train Dis- Tipple chutes must be raised patcher before entering main track. 2. On-Track Equipment lnstructions . Main track between limits as outlined in Note 1 must not be occupied to clear without written authority as prescribed by Rule 704. CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 1 60.0 THOMAS SU BDIVISION.TM 41 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 2. Trains handling 9*ton or greater capacity hi-cube 3800 to 4800 cubic fmt covered hoppers will comply with Restricted Equipment Rule 34 over entire subdivision. 1 1. Back-Up Movements Train Handling Rule RULES Alpine Mine able 120. Sprinq Switches Normal Posltion Blaine(EEDT) No. 1 Track 25 25 (wEDT) No. 2 Track 25 25 ^Sincel Main Track 20 15 Facing Speed viding track is clear. BAH29.9 and BAH37.0 BAH47.5 and BAH47.6 BAH45.2 and BAH45.5 3. Salety Rule T-7 Modilied - Due to severe grade and tonnage which results in extreme train handling prob lems while stopping and starting, Safety Rule T-7 is modified as follows on the Thomas Subdivision. Note: ' Trains enroute to Sincel lndustrial Track must hand operate spring switch to reverse position, then lock switch. After movement to lndustrial Track is completed, switch must be returned to normal position. to restrictions apply when 2. At the following locations approach prepared to stop short of obstructions looking out br rocks or slides coming in on track. Proceed at authorized speed pro- Location 165.99 FLAGGING - The following placing empties in the mine: 12 powered axles - sho\re not more than 60 cars. 16 powered axles - shove not more than 75 cars. 165.36 SPRING SWTCHES When neoessary 3.4.S. modi- fied - When making back-up movement with more than 50 cars, not more than 't6 powered axles may be used to make the movement. 165.0 INSTRUCTIONS RELATING TO OPERATING Harrison- 66.0 MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUCTIONS Mounting or dismounting moving equipment will be permitted in accordance with Safety Rule T-7 only when necessary to avoid severe train handling prob lems associated with physical characteristics of the specific location and to avoid potential injury due to provide rear end protection, the flagman must go back not less than the bllowing distance: slack action. Mounting or dismounting moving eguipment will not be permitted when speed or conditions render it unsafe. 4. Empty hopper train without helpers will not exceed 120 cars. lf more than 120 cars, helper will be cut in at a location determined by the road foreman of engines or fainmaster. 165.'t04 SWTCHES 1. Switches at Henry east end will be left as last used. 2. A'FlopOn'derail has been installed on the top end of No. 3 Hill Track at Mettiki Mine. This derail wil! be applied whenever a train is moved fiom Mettiki and the split derail on the east end of No. 3 track will be 5. Helper Service lnstruc,tions - Helper on rear of train will not exceed 16 axles. NOTES: left in the nonderailing position. The new derail will be left in the non-derailing position whenever light engines depart the mine and the split derail on the east end of No. 3 track witl be lined in the derailing position. .I65.105 USE OF SPECIFIED TRACKS The bllowing trac*s are designated as other than main tracks and Rule 105 will govern movement. - Sincel lndustria! Track - Elk Run lndustrial Track 165.t100 RADIO STATIONS AND INSTRUdTOilS All road trains will monitor channel 08. Table 121. Radio Stations and lnstructions Note: Cl Train Dispatcher call-in number is 5. Bell telephone No. is 90+381-2683. Cl Train Dispatcher toll free No. is 1{00-854-5690. CSX Transportation ccBU Timetable No. 3 160.0 THOMAS SUBDIVISION-TM 42 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 170.O WILLIAMS RIVER SUBDIVISION.WR 171.0 STATIONS LISTING AND DIAGRAM. 175.0 INSTRUCTIONS REI-ATING TO OPERATING RULES 175.1 STANDARD CLOCKS ltP/ (!h Dr BUGl.O t wrsr t SDG .:a9 rFil sTATtOr{S Table 126. Standard Clocks Corven SD Station zl Location Donaldson BUG3.1 8.4 BUGlO.5 ETD OF TRI€I( 175.83.A TRAIN BULLENN AND RELEASE FORIT End ofTrack 95 ttLES cowEN sD To END OF TRACK (BUG105) Trains originating at Cowen will receive Train Bulletin and Release Form at Crew Room at Cowen. 175.105 USE OF SPECIFIED TRACKS 1 71.1 DIAGRAM CROSS.REFERENCE Track between BUG8.6 and BUG10.5, the Williams River lndustrial track, will be used only on permission of the train dispatcher. Rule 105 will apply. RADIO STATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS 175.'1OO All road trains will monitor channel METHOD OF OPERATIOil Table 127. Radio Stations and lnstructions '72,0 Mile Post 172.1 AUTI{ORITY FOR MOVEMENT br Table 123. Au Location Movement Betueen Location/Mile Post BUGl.0 and BUG8.6 Rules Cowen Yard Clerk 172.2DTC BLOCK LIMITS Hours of Operation Open 1700 tr 0100 hours Mon thru Fri Closed Sat and Sun and Holidays Channel Monitored AAR 08 (cl) Di Continuous AAR 14 Note: Cl Train Dispatcher call-in number is 2. Between BUGl.0 and BUG8.6 Table 124. DTC Block Limits Betueen Location/Mile Post BUG1.0 and BUG8.5 08. TyPe Station Terminal Wayside BellTelephone No. is 90+381-2683. Cl Train Dispatcher toll free No. is 1400-85+5690. Block Names 176.0 MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUCTIONS HELPER SERVICE When helper service is required between end of track and Donaldson, helper engines on eastward trains between BUG10.5 and BUG3.0 will retain one unit under power not to exceed fl throttle position. Other units must be shut down unless temperature is anticipated to drop below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. 17t1.0 SPEEDS 173.1 MA)(IMUM AUTHORIZED SPEED Table 125. Maximum Authorized Speed Between LocationlMile Post WN Tower and End of Track NOTES: 174.0 EQUTPMENT RESTRTCTTONS Six-axle units must not operate on the Wlliams River Subdivision west of BUG2.9. CSX Transportation CCBU T'imetable No. 3 1 7O.O WILLIAMS RIVER SUBDIVISION.WR 4it Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 NOTES: CSX Transportation ccBU Timetable No. 3 NOTES: 170.0 W]LLIAMS R]VER SUBDIVISION.WR 4 Effective May 1, 1997 (c)Copyright 1997 1OOO.OO. TRAIN SPEEDS Helper Placement Train Makeup When moving over industrial bridges and trestles Through turnouts, crossovers and sidings except where signal indications or special instructions permits higher speed All tracks other than main tracks except when special instructions or signal indication more favorable than Restricting permits higher speed I 003.00. EQUTpMENT PLACEMENT RESTRTCTTONS 1003.01 Diesel Units - (a) A maximum of eight units may be used in a locomotive consist in multiple control. Erception 1: A maximum of twelve units may be used in a lmomotive consist with multiple control on the following Solid empty bulk commodity trains, Trains without cars with single axle trucks, Eastbound mixed trains with empty cars in rear 20 cars, Westbound mixed trains with rear 20 cars Up to 12 axles-on rear. Exceeding 12 axles+ut in train. (Note) loaded. Note: When cufting in helper in trains it will be cut in at that point in the train where the tonnage behind the helper would be as close as possible to the tonnage rating of all helper units except the lead unit of the helper. HANDLING RESTRICTIONS subdivisions: 1OO4.OO. EQUIPMENT Bridgeport 1004.02. Clearance lmplicated Shipments Mountain Ohio River Procedures and guide lines covering the movement of Clearance lmplicated Shipments are located in the Short Une Restricted Equipment Rules. Thomas 1. Prior (b) Light Diesel Unlts When making extended movements with light diesel units, movement will be controlled from cab of leading unit in direction of movement when possible. (c) Helper Placement lnstrudions: Solid loaded bulk commodity trains Helper Placement VYestbound-up to 18 axles-on rear Eastboun&up to 20 axle+on rear ln excess of the above axles-cut in.(Note) Trains with cars trucks such as Westbound mixed trains with empty cars in rear 20 cars minal areas, the Chief Train Dispatcher/Yardmaster must be notified. 1004.03. CSX Train Documents will have codes and dimensions clearance implicated shipment. Clearance instructions will be made part of the crews CSX Train Documentation. lf the clearance instructions covering a clearance implicated shipment, is not received, the appropriate Transportation Department personnel must provide clearance instructions to the train crew prior to the indicating the car is a train's departure. Engineer, conductor and crew members must examine their CSX Train Documentation with single axles TTFX, TTOX and TTUX and dimensional/restricted shipment being CSX Train Documentation (Except Cowen, Mountain and Thomas Subdivisions) Train to a loaded on tracks adjacent to the main line or in ter- to determine all pertinent inbr- mation concerning their train as per train Handling Rules. Up to 6 axles-on rear. Up to 12 axles-cut in train or split helper adding one to head end and one to rear trains. (Note) 1004.04. Double Stack and Multileve! ltovements Unless otherwise authorized by a Clearance Bureau l/Vire or by the Director System Control, the following are the maximum double stack and multi-level heights allowed on the Cumberland Coal Business Unit Main Tracks and Sidings. CSXT Train Documentation will list this equipment as restricted and will show applicable height dimensions. Table 128. Double Stack and Multilevel Movements CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 CCBU SPECIAL INSTRUCI1ONS 45 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 2. Wthin ten seconds after a call in has been performed, an answer back tone would be heard. Wait for the control station to answer the call. lf the answer back 1004.07. Ditcher-Spreader Cars Being Used To Plow Snow (a) When plowing, must not: --Have short hood of tone is not heard, the caller should wait locomotive against ditcher and try again. spreader; -Be shoved by a locomotive consist exceeding two units; -Handle more than 5 cars, including ditcher spreader br one minute 1006.05.Emergency Radio Call-ln Procedures in Operating Rule 415, the folloring prodedure will be used to initiate an emergency Call-ln to the train dispatcher. When an emergency arises as defined and caboose; -Exceed track speed and will be governed by instructions of supervisor accompanying the movement as to further speed reductions. 1. Select the appropriate train dispatcher channel and when using; 1004.17. Sperry Rail Test Car a) Restricted equipment Rule 40 will be applied when these vehicles are operating as a train which limits the operating speed to 30 MPH. When operating these vehicles as ontrack equipment, Rule 720 will be applied, which will limit the operating speed to 112 the range of vision not Trackstar lll radio set 'DTMF-Tone' switch in 'DTMF'position. Press the'SELECT' button until the call number 9 is displayed Press the 'SEND' button for two seconds and release. exceeding 40 MPH. b) 1006.00 RADIO PROCEDURES Motorola MCXs (Early Model), rotate the TONE' switch until the call number 9 is displayed and the light to the left of the tone display indicates 'DTMF'. Press'DISP' button for two seconds and 1006.02. Selec{ing Channels Numbers release. Employees are reguired to monitor the radio channel desigrnation assigned to the area in whicfr they are working. lf necessary to use another channel designation temporarily, they must immediately return to the assigned channel designation after transmission is completed. c) Motorola (Late Model) and Aerotron Radios, press the call number 9 button for two seconds and release. d) Mobile radios eguipped with TOUCH-TONE' phones, press the call number seconds and release. Engineering production unit employee in charge will monitor the appropriate road radio channel designation Micre 9 button br two 2. An answer-back tone will not be heard. 3. During the next 20 seconds, the radio is directed onto the train dispatcher's monitor speaker and the employee will immediately broadcast his emergency number as outlined below. ALL CHAI{NEL RADIO POSITIONS message in accordance with Operating Rule 415, iden- tifying; Table 129. AAR Radio Channel Usage a) Transmitting unit (train identification or title and name), b) Precise lmation, c) Specific train dispatcher consde A Radio Call-ln 1. After selecting the appropriate dispatcher channel, the following will govern the procedure for initiating a 1006.04. lnitiating d) lll Radio - Set 'DTMF-TONE' switch in 'DTMF'position. Press the'select' button until the call-in number is displayed. Press the 'send' a) Trackstar Call-ln. I 0'10.00. MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUCTIONS button for two seconds and release. b) Motorola MCXs (early model radio) - Rotate 'tone' switch until the call-in number is displayed and the light to the left of tone display indicates 'DTMF'. Press the'DISP' button ior two seconds 1 Bridgeport Motorola (late model) and Aerotron radios - Press and hold the call-in number push-button for two Cowen Fairmont Georges Creek Hampshire Kingwood Marietta Mountain Orio River seconds and release. micro- phones, press and hold the call-in number pushbutton for two seconds. lt is not necessary to operate push-to-talk switch when using this type of microphone. CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 0t10.03. Bulletin Districts (a).CCBU sUBDlvlSIONs and release. d) Mobile radiosequipped with 'touch tone' Nature of the emergency. 4. When call number t has been transmitted, an ernergency call indication will appear and remain on the train dispatcher's console until he acknowledges the radio call-in: c) (several may be coded in), and CCBU SPECIAL I NSTRUCTIONS 6 Pickens Pomeroy Richwood SC&M Short Line Stony River Thomas Wlliams River Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyrisht 1997 equipped, but also permits helper link equipment to transmit emergency signals to rear car. 10t10.04. State Laws Cabooses ln The State Ol West Mrginia b) lnstallation of Equipment: The TweWay' end of train device attaches to casting holes in the side of the drawhead of the rear car in a similar manner as previous CSXT ln the state of West Mrginia, cabooses in service regularly requiring them to be shoved a distance of one mile or more outside of yard limits, during the period one hour bebre sunset and one hour after sun rise, the leading end of a train must be provided with a light on the leading end of such cabmse. The light must be capable of illuminating the track ahead br a distance of at least 250 feet under clear atmospheric conditions. Such light must be illuminated at all times when the caboose is in motion on the end-of-train devices (ETD). Once attached, the air hose of the Two-Way' device must be connected to the brake,pipe hose on the rear car and the angle cock opened. At the time of initial installation, a test br aocuracy and continuity must be performed as per THR-1 Rule 1.2.12. leading end of the train. The'Helper Link'box attaches to the helper locomotive end being coupled to the rear car of the train. The box is held in place by small chains placed around upright handrail stanchions. This box incorporates three hoses. The first hose marked main reservoir must be coupled to the main reservoir equalizing hose on the locomotive and end cock opened. The second hose marked brake pipe will be coupled to the brakepipe hose on the helper locomotive and angle cock opened. The third hose is permanently connected to the pin-lift mechanism but must also be coupled to the 1040,17. Stretch Braking 1. To prevent stalling, stretch braking is permitted on descending grade where running release of train brakes is prohibited. 2. 1 On descending grades, where speed restrictions are in effect requiring a speed of Iess than 25 MPH, stretch braking will be permitted through the limits of the restrictions. 0t10.'l 1. 8. M helper link box during installation. The helper locomotive jumper cable must now be inserted into the iscellaenous Hand operated switches: The only switches that may be trailed through are switches designated as spring switches. Althcugh at certain locations we may have hand-operated switches that in the past were designated as 'run through switches', these switches must be operated by hand before eguipment passes over 'Helper Link' box receptacle. The 'Helper Link' box also incorporates a coupler-lift mechanism. The pin-lift mechanism mounts under the walkway and above the drawbar, held in place by two clamps that attach to the underside of the walkway. The mechanism has a lifting hook that must be attached to the coupler-pin lift loop on the locomotive coupler. A visual check must be made to insure that all hoses and jumper cables will not interfere with the operation of the lift chain which the switches. 2. Before leaving equipment unattended on any main track, the conductor or engineer must convey the following infurmation to the control station: a) The specific location of head end and rear end (if has been connected to the coupler. Once installed, the 'Helper LinK equipment must be tested as known) of train. b) Number bllows: of engines on train, including the lead 1) Knuckle must be closed on the locomotive end c) Number cars in train. d) Any unusual facts about train, such as oversize with'Helper Link'box. 2) The train power reduction rheostat knob on the helper locomotive must be positioned to tull power. engine number. shipments, speed restrictions, and ETD not present or malfunctioning. 3. lndructions lor installation and use of "Helper Link" 3) Position power reduction toggle switch Equipment a) 4) lnspection must be made to determine that knuckle has been operated by the coupler-lift Description of eguipment mechanism. Helper link equipment is designed to permit helper locomotives to be attached and detached from road trains without making brakepipe hose connections between the rear car and the helper consist. This will enable helper consist to detach from the train while still moving. For this to be 5) lf coupler prin has lifted, equipment is ready for use, and if not, re-check main reservoir equalizing end cock and jumper cable connection from helper locomotive to 'Helper Link' box and re.try steps 2 through 4. 6) Turn trainline power reduction switch to off possible, two pieces of equipment must be used. The first piece of equipment, a 'Helper Link' box, is to be mounted on the helper locomotive on the end to be coupled to the road train. The second position. c) piece of eguipment, a "TweWay' rear-end telemetry device, is mounted on the rear car, thereby establishing a complete Two-Way' Operation of Equipment: Bebre attaching to the rear of the train, the engineer will make a safety stop, and then ascertain that the knuckle on the helper locomotive is open on the end to be attached to the train. After coupling to rear of train, stretch slack to insure that coupling has been made and position the helper locomotive brake equipment per THR-2 Rule 8.0.0. A-1. The helper engineer will then make a visual inspection from the walkway of the helper locome telemetry system. This TwoWay' system enables the locomotive engineer to initiate an emergency brake application beginning at the rear car by properly positioning an emergency command switch found on a 'TweWay' head of train devise (HTD) on the controlling locomotive when CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 to trainline (all units). CCBU SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 47 Effective May 1, '1997 (c) Copyright 1997 tive to see that the telemetry device is still matic brake valve handle to release and cut in brake valve cut-out valve. The engineer will gradually reduce power allowing ample time between throttle changes to allow slack to stretch. As rear car separates, stop will be made by gradually in place and none of the hoses will be affected by the coupler once movement begins. Helper engineer will open the'Helper Link' box lid and perfurm the following start-up tasks: applying independent brake. 1) Thumbwheel switch assembly numbers must be the same as the lD code number on the Note: No emergency brake application wil! take place from the separation of equipment. Control independent brake cylinder pressure to prevent sliding of locomotive wheels as the locomotive end-of-train device. 2) Check the communication between the 'Helper Link' and rear-of-train telemetry device by pressing the com/check (communications separates from the train. check) push button. The alphanumeric display will say 'Com OK'. lf the disday shows 'No Com', tlris indicates the helper link is not communicating with the rear device. lf this occurs, brake-pipe hose of rear car will be coupled to helper locsnotive brake.pipe hose and both angle ccks will be opened. Brake test and train operation will be performed in conventional manner, as if helper link equipment was not on helper. Engineer alarm feature: Once the'Helper-Link' has established communication with the two-way ETD on the rear of the train, if the ETD or helper link box malfunction, the alarm bell will ring in the helper locomotive cab indicating a problem. lf this occurs and trouble cannot be corrected, train will be stopped and comply with section B of this instructiqr. 4. When the temperature is 10 degrees or lower, bebre departing any location with a loaded unit train that has been assembled and tested by a crew other than the road crew assigned to that train, a further air brake test will be made as fiollows: 3) Start the electronic signal by pressing the enable button. At this time, the Helper Link's enable light is illuminated indicating the electronic signal is connected. This connection estab, lishes the signal that will maintain the helper Note: The road crew taking charge of the train will make an additional inspection of the air brakes to determine that all brakes apply and release on each car from a locomotive's brake pipe pressure at the same level as brake pipe pressure at rear of train. 4) Close'Helper Link'box pipe pressure and notify the engineer on lead loco. motive consast when helper is ready for helper service brake test per THR-I 1.2.7. Brakes should apply and release on helper locomotive as if brake pipe air hoses were coupled between helper loce motive and rear car. Once brake test is completed, train is now ready to proceed. Note: During train movement, if necessary for helper locomotive engineer to initiate an emer- gency brake application, the automatic brake must be placed in emergency position on the helper locomotive. The 'Helper Link' will transmit an emergency brake application reguest via electronic signal to the two-way device located within the ETD. Similarly, the lead engineer, when making a service or emergency brake reduction, will cause the Two-Way" E-fD to transmit the drop in brake pipe pressure to the'Helper Link'thereby causing the helper brakes to apply. When approaching the location where the helper is to detach, it will not be necessary to stop train to cut off helper locornotive. The helper engineer, when approaching the 'Cut-Off location, will turn the power reduction knob to full power and position the toggle switch to trainline power reduction. This will activate the 'Pin-Lift' mechanism lifting the helper locomotive coupler pin. Once the signal is received in the helper link box to 'Lift the Pin", 130-140 PSI air pressure will be forced into pinpuller air line to activate it. Simultaneously to that, the helper link will disconnect mmmunication between it and the two-way ETD device. At that point, the helper engineer will receive an audible alarm bell signal ur the locomotive. When that signal is received while still moving and before reducing throttle, helper engineer will palce autoCSX Transportation Exception: Trains operating between Huntington and Benwood are exempt from this inspection in Lid. Upon returning to the operating cab of the helper locomotive, helper engineer will observe brake CCBU Timetable No. 3 20 pound brake pipe reduction. Huntington and Parkersburg Terminals. 5. Personnel Riding Train Locomotives a) All requests br cdnpany omcers, employees or outside parties to ride trains or locomotives wil! have to be made in writing and addressed to the general manager of the CCBU or the general manager€perating practices in Jaclsonville. A reguest for authority may be submitted in either writing or by telephone to the general manager, and must indicate the riders name, trip purpose, train identification and the origin and destination of the train trip. lf approved, the general manager's authorization will be in a brm letter or rnessage addressed to the conductors and engineers of the affected trains. A copy of the authorization letter or message will be given to the individual making the train trip, which must be pre sented to the conductor or engineer before being to ride. lf the trip is to be made by sorneone who is unfamiliar with the railroad operating conditions, the person should be accompanied by an office who is familiar with the territory, allowed generally a trainmaster or road breman engines off the affected division. of b) A list of company officers whose duties reguire them to regularly ride trains and locomotives witt be established. fiose officers will be issued an authorization card which provides their identification, and can be shown to conductors and engineers when it is necessary for the officers to ride the trains. This officer authorization card can be accepted in lieu of a general manager's letter or mesrsage authorizing a train ride. c) Federal and state government inspectors for the department of transportation, in the pursuit of their regulatory activities, will be allowed to ride CSXT trains and locomotives when they present their CCBU SPECIAL I NSTRUCTIONS 48 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 agencies' proper identification/badge to ride - Train has a locomotive problem that will affect this trains performance but not delay other b) Yellow the train. trains. During periods of snowfall accumulation in excess of 24 inches, track where heavy descending grades are three miles or longer and 1.5% or greater should be plowed with a spreader or other plow when possible. Snow plows on locomotives should only be used as a last resort as they do not move snow away from track structure sufficiently to protect freight car braking systems. This plowing should be done at least ten miles prior to and include the heavy descending grade when possible. This is done ahead of the grade in order that the brake system can be warmed by a train brake application without re-icing prior to grade c) Green - An incident ot or condition of a locomotive which will not affect the trains performance but which must be addressed at the next terminal. The employee will determine with the crew the priority of the locomotive problem, either a 'RED" or 'YELLOW alert, and the engineer descent. mechanical desk via the road channel radio. in a timely manner, report 'GREEN' locomotive incidents to the train dispather using the bllowing codes and their respective defects T&E employees will, only as listed below. The train dispatcher will then report the defect to the mechanical desk via C.A.D.S. using the'DSLR' tunction. ALD - Alerter Defect does not exceed 24 inches. c) Grades subject to snow plowing on APP - Air Pressure Problem the ARD - Air Conditioner Defect Cumberland Coal Business Unit are: BHD - Bell/Horn (except lead unit) 1) Cowen SuMivision 3) 4) BUC116.5 to BUC96.0 BRD - Brake Shoe/Rigging Hand Brake Defect Mountain Subdivision 8A269.0 to 84242.0 84223.0 to BA207.0 CHD - Cab Heater Defect CRD - Cab Door Wndow/Seat DLD - CrossingAltlarning Ught(s) Defective SC&M Subdivision BUEl5.O tO BUEO.O - Dwors Related Problem ERP - Exhaust Related Problem DWP Thomas SuMivision BAH69.0 to BAH29.0 7. the where equip@ and advise the alert condition and type of defects. lf unable to contact the mechanical desk via mobile access, the T&E employee will contact the train dispatcher who will connect them with the When snow accumulations have exceeded 24 inches, no trains, except lite engines may descent these grades until the following: a) The grade and track 5 miles preceding the grade have been traversed not more than t hour previous to additional train movements, or b) lt has been determined that roadbed snow level 2) will contact mechanical desk at extension 5555 via mobile access FLP - Flange Lubrication Problem All coal unit trains being interchanged to Consolidated Railroad (Conrail) at Lurgan, Pa. will carry an air brake inspection and test certificate on the lead unit in accordance with train handling Rule 1.2.4. Jacksonville Terminal Service Center will issue both work orders and computer generated air brake inspection and test certificate to the crew pulling and making the test at the origin {mine). This air certification will remain with the train to the final destination. Trains will be clearly identified as train \/)()OfiY (V identirys train as a Conrail Train, )OO( identifies the unit train and W the date) to all crews pulling these trains from the mine. Crew change locations where locomotives are left on the train, inbound engineer will make arrangements with yardmaster, or train dispatcher, as to where the certificate is to be left. lf another air brake inspection - Fuel Sensor Component Failure FWD - Flat Wheel Defect FSC HCD - Hump Control Defect HLD - Head Light Defect HTD - Head Of Train Device Defect - Lighting Problem PSD - Pacesetter Problem LIP - Radio Related Defect RDD - RDU Related Defect RAD SRP - Sand lnoperative/Out Of SandAlllet Sand TOD - Toilet Defective and test certificate beomes necessary, the yardmaster, operator, or train dispatcher will notify the Jacksonville Terminal Service Center who will issue another certificate to the outbound engineer. The outbound engineer will notify the proper authority if he (she) does WCP - Water Cooler Problem WWP - Wndshield Wiper Problem not receive a blank air certificate slip for his (her) train. lt must be reported to the train dispatcher. For reporting purposes and the prioritizing of locomotive defects, these defect priority assignments have NOTES: been established as follows: a) Red - Train has a locomotive problem that will delay this train and other trains will be delayed as a result. CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 CCBU SPEC]AL INSTRUCT]ONS 4!' Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyright 1997 NOTES: CSX Transportation CCBU Timetable No. 3 NOTES: CCBU SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 50 Effective May 1, 1997 (c) Copyrisht 1997