Adcrm Rcryner himself with KEF`s pioneering Uni-Q
Adcrm Rcryner himself with KEF`s pioneering Uni-Q
5# Itttlmetoform anorderlyQ-, Adcrm Rcryner ra/^rral-rr rrri ntc rLU f vuv\4uvrf himselfwith KEF's pioneeringUni-Q driver technoloqy - crno.enloys plcKlng crndchoosing his 'I r-I -\ | v.r .\TTfr7"\ \-/vvrt 'l' ' f'f1'T.t'-f\Z vf rvl ,;:#A" for once,I am goingto give Tust tIt ' vou the meat and potatoes *&'!+ ':,1* -"ri "'+ "'" I straiehtawav,we canwaitfor a momentfor the narrative... Thesespeakers arebloodybrittiant, in manywaysandon a goodfew levets. Theydrawuponlotsof their predecessors' technotogy, andwhi[e goingrightup KEFmakesspeakers J ..* r. .E ,:, t tn r-nst-no-nhier-t lpvels this new O Sericslas aeainst the stilt-sotd .f-la<<ie fl V (eriac'\ J L! , uJ / 1 2 1 7 p [v 1c ^t r^l l | , qv e -r-1a I l l quE keenpriceforwhat to a remarkabty theydo.Thishasbeendoneboth wherepossibte by cuttingcorners (thegrittes aren'tmagnetic, for proven instance) and usingevolved, designcunningfor the sonicresutt to be so amazingty uncompromised a\/or\/\A/ncre ptqc \* Memorylane KEFwasoneof the veryfirst high-quatity UKspeaker I everheardof. manufacturers Backin the day,my mate'sdad was a typesetterfor the FinanciaL Ilmes,whichenabtedhimto raise hisfivekidsin a poshhousein the Therewasa pairof KEFs shires. in histivingroomandtheywere A listento PinkFtoyd deticious. afterwardswas atwayspart of the pteasure of goingoverthereto chopwoodfor the Agato earnmy S u n d a y[ u n c h ! Thon : forar \/o:r<:on I h:r{ tn on to KEFto review its mighty fortyH O M E C I N E M A C H O I C E F E B R U A R Y2 O 1 2 *:{i f'r' t REVIEWS59 AV/CV PRODUCN 5.1mid-range speaker array POSITION: XQ Betowthe andRSeries PEERS: B&W683; MonitorAudio RX8: PSBlmagine thousandpound(wettit wasback then... ) Reference svstemin full 7.2 glory.Usingthe DenonAVP/POA pre-power combo(dubbedThe DeathStarby the PRman)to run turned it on,| lovedit andpracticatty with sound the roomspherical pressure duringtesting.Putit this looked way- the receptionist scaredof me whenwe cameout of the room. OneReference customermade the 'yes'decision the weekthe review cameout - so perhapsKEFhasa softspotforHCC.Thatmightexplain why,whenaskedto supplythe new Q Seriesfor usto reviewtheyatl but sentthe lot [er,actualtythat was my f a u t t- E d l . Yousee,I do have72 capabitity i n m y h o m ew i t h m y P i o n e e r LX-series AVRdrivinga sizeabte five-channeI externat amptifier andanotherbig-bottomed stereo amp (asthe on-boardampsof the Pioneer arebtoodygoodbut not : !*,* as'referencd as I need- | useif justfor the awesomeprocessing). Butmy homeisset up to havethe cinemadominateoneendof a typicaIsuburban through-[ounge, with the sofaagainstthe watlas againstftoatingin midftoor.So, personatly, I favourreviewing a 5.1systemas it doesn'tinvotve So rearranging alI my furniture. whenI got sent imaginemy surprise l3.l channels of speakers! Pickingmy poison Here'swhat I got andwhat I actually wasa triedout.First,the inventory pairof the Q7O0towers,two pairs of the Q500 towers,a bigQ6O0C dipotes centre,two pairsof QSOOds to anda setof Q300 bookshetfers go with the Q40Obsubwoofer. WhewlI coutdhavetried7l with towersa[[round,or sidetowersand rearbookshelf,or 7.1with two pairsof dipotes. As it was,I went 5.]with the as rears, speakers Q3OObookshelf out frontand the Q700and Q6OOC 2O0W the seeming[y undergunned 10inQ40Obsubwoofer on [ow-end I alsotriedout the duty.Afterwards, dipotesas rears, too. Thiswascoolfor my roomas of it matchesthe configuration myriadsetsof speakersI have testedand meantthat the fabulously sweetUni-Qdriverarrays werea[[the samesize.I canhear the stightdifference in unmatched tweetersand midband,evenwith genuineeffortsmadeby makersto achieveevenvoicing. Thatsaid,loU can assemble % ::t ,*. i'F;ti any system you want to fit your world, as that Uni-Q driver array is a work of -! .;,i-,-'.:. beauty. Hardtyanygubbinsinside to getin thewayof the soundas the drivers'rolloffshavea lot to do with the control.I gatherthe passive crossovers areverybasic. Andthe cabinetsarecleverly made.ThemanuaIcaItsthem 'BassReflex' in the specifications but that isthe sameterm breakdown mostmanufacturers useto describe a oortedsoeaker. Onewith a holein - atthough it,tikethe Q300speakers thesedo comewith a foamport bungso youcansealthemup and havethem ptaya bit flatterand reach I teftmineported, a bit deeper. figuringI'dratherbenefitfromport gaincatcutated by a geeky,gotdenearedKEFengineer. Thecentreand front teft,/right soeakershavewhat tooktike Yettheydon't, multipledrivers. Bass theyhaveABRor Auxitiary F E B R U A R Y2 O ' ] 'H ] OME CINEMA CHOICE i :':*-:: 60 REVIEWS - as haopens acousticshort-circuit belowthetuningof a portedboxyougetthe speakers'driver reaching wilt attow. as low as its suspension Alt thistechtranstatesto driversthat droplowerthan a snake'sbeltywith aptombandcontrol- veryhi-fi. The restof the arraycanshake yourroom,too.I wasthinkingthe Q400b subwooferwas measlyat onty2O0Wbut it hasa heckof a - a l0in jobthat gripsthe transducer andmelodic low-endwith orecision accuracy, whichis far too rarea thing in homesubwoofers! Hey,good-tooking As youcantett,I reattyenjoyedthese anddon'tcarethat they speakers havesquarefrontsratherthat curvy Infact,this swoopywoodwork. 'industrial' design,as it's no doubt called by the marketing department at KEFHQ,is something of a breath of fresh air. lalso lovedthat, unlikea subwooferI recenttyauditioned which used Ebony and offended my these are environmentaIsensibiIities, made from eco-friendtymaterials. Qn e onrocnr rc cpf nf sneakprs Point to prove: The Q700s floorsionders come with optionol spiked feet Who's there?: The Q800ds r]inlaae mnra nrn{f a r]icnarcorl sound{ield Resonators. Thesearedummy cones-in-susoension. Justtikethe coneassembties of the bassdrivers that have50mm voicecoi[son their behinds, exceptABRsjustwobble. ThisI discovered whenprodding them.Youcanseewhichdrivers areconnected, by micro-mimicmovements of the othercones you causedby the backEIvIF createwith an evenshove.But as I pushedone,the otherjustpooched out...interesting. A passiveradiator, as theseare callcd pcnerirallv acts as both port andsea[ed box.Youget the extra [owsfrom the airbeing shifted andyet as thereis no super-Low frequency H O M E C I N E M A C H O I C E F E B R U A R Y2 O 1 2 whoseUni-Qtechnotogy means tinktyhighsof fabu[ous deticate transparency and beauty. They do get a bit harshif youdrive'em too hard.but youwi[[be raising a[[levetsof hettandexcitement beforeyou achievethat. Demomateriatinc[uded the new DeNiromovieLlmltlesson Btu-ray. I hadto screenit twiceso I could takemorenotesas the KEFsystem quicktyhadme suckedintothe tappedup the fitm's stuff excellentstereorear-channeI - in barsand streetscenes- aswe[[ asthe hugefat richness fromthe frontarray. I alsoswappedout the Q300sfor the Q80Odsdlpotes. Theseangutar cabinets, with theirtwo out-ofphase5.25inUni-Qdrivers, are pukka.Theycreatea rearstagethat seemingly disappears. lt'sjust'there'. Britliantty crafted,but I stitttovethat morediscrete sound,so for me,it'd be a f,l50 savingon the useof Q300 ratherthanQ8O0ds. Eitherway,thesenewQ Series speakersarecleartythe offspring of someverycleverparentsand out-performmanysystemsfrom. othermakersat higherprices. And bestof at[,it'satIin a richhi-fiflavour betoved of Britishaudiophites. Clean, grippyyet not overbtown. PureKEF-ness, for a bit lessss +Specifications KEFQTOOfloorstander 1x 6.5inUni-Qmidbass Drive Units: driverwith co-incident Uni-linvented dometweeter;I x 6.5in[ow. frequencydriver;2 x 6.5inAuxitiary BassRadiators Enclosure: Two and a hatf-way bassreftex nse: 4OHz-4Okl1z Frequency Respo Sensitivity: BTdB l30W Power handling: 295(w)x 9]7(h)x 3-l2(d) limensions: l5kg Weight: KEFQ6OOccentre Drive Unit:I x 6.5inUni-Qmidbass driverwith co-incidentUni-linvented dometweeter;I x 6.5in[owfrenrrencvdriverI x 6.5inABR Enciosure: Three-waybassreflex Frequency Respo nse45Hz-4OkHz BTdB Sensitivity: Powerhandting: l5OW cirnensions: 629(w)x 2.l0(h)x 302(d) l4.lkg Weight: KEFQ3OObookshelf I x 6.5inUni-Qmidbass Drive Unit: driverwith co-incident Unilin vented oometweeter , Enctosure: Two-wayported Frequency Respo nse42Hz-4OkHz Sensitivity: BTdB Pcwerhandting: l20W Drmensions: 210(w)x 355(h)x 302(d) 77kg Weight: KEFQ4OObsubwoofer l xi li O DriveUn : in Inclosure: Sealedfront-firing Respo nse:2BHz-1 4OHz Frequency power: Onboard 200 RMSCtassD amp Dimensions: 330(w)x 335(h) x 330(d)mm Weight: 13.6Kg Connecticns: Stereophonoinput(right channelmaybe usedin monofrom and LFEfeedas'SmartConnect') inputviasupptied high-tevet speaker quick-retease ptugsystem HCC VERDICT KEFQ Series5.1 Approxg2,4OO Highs: Wonderfut,deticate gripand controL; transparency; eyecatchingaesthetics gritlesleave[egLows: Non-magnetic hoteswhen removed;cansound harshat veryhightevets Performance: W Designffi.ffi{* Features: Overall:ffi: