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Peruvian Agriculture Potential A Global Opportunity LUIS FELIPE SANCHEZ ARAUJO Vice minister of Agriculture Why Peru? WORLD GROWTH (% CHANGE) PRIVATE INVESTMENT GROWTH (%) EXPORTS 2007 KEY INVESTMENT VARIABLES Macroeconomic results NET INTERNATIONAL RESERVES (MILLIONS OF US $) FISCAL DEFICIT (% GDP) Peru: a country with “Investment Grade” JP MORGAN EMBI +INDEX (BASIC POINTS, DIFERENTIAL ABOVE US TREASURY BONDS) CREDIT CLASSIFICATION LATIN AMERICA COMPARISON Source: Standard & Poor's, Moody's and Fitch Rating August 2008 Peru Offers A Favorable Legal Framework for foreign investment Non discriminatory treatment Unrestrictive access to most economic sectors No performance requirements Free transfer of capital Free competition Guarantee for private property Freedom to purchase stocks from locals Freedom to access internal and external credit Freedom to pay royalties Network of investment agreements and member of ICSID and MIGA A Favourable Legal Framework for the Agricultural Sector Law Nº 27360 Tax Incentives: 1. Income tax shall be determined by applying 15% rate over the net income. 2. Corporate bodies may depreciate 20% per year. 3. During pre-production stage and in a maximum term of 5 years, individuals or corporate bodies may request the refund of the Value Added Tax paid for the acquisition of capital goods, inputs, services and construction contracts. 4. Tax benefits apply up to December 31, 2021. Labour and Social Security regime: - Employers of the agriculture sector are entitled to hire personnel for indefinite or definite term. - A special labour and social security regime, with the following characteristics, has been created: A four-hour working day, vacations of 15 calendar days, compensation equivalent to 15 daily salary per worked year. Monthly contribution to Health Insurance system for workers engaged in agriculture activity, borne by the employer, shall be 4% of each worker’s monthly wage. Regiones productoras (*) Promedio de consumo durante el periodo 2001-2006. Fuente: MINAG-DGPA Amazon Region Law Taxpayers, mainly engaged in the following activities: agro-farming, aquaculture, fishing, tourism; manufacturing activities related to the processing, transformation and commercialization of primary products derived from the before mentioned activities and forestry transformation, provided those products are produced in that zone; and, activities of forestry extraction, shall apply, for purposes of Third Category Income Tax, a 10% or 5% rate. Taxpayers who are mainly engaged in agriculture activities and/or transformation or processing of products considered as native and/alternate culture in such zone, shall be exempt from the Income Tax. In the case of oil palm, coffee and cacao, transformation or processing companies of those products shall apply a 10% or 5% rate. Grow means Peru let me show you why! 1st world exporter of asparagus and 2nd of paprika. 1rst world's productivity of mango, asparagus and sugar cane. Specialized in growing high-value fruits and vegetables. 5 millions hectare of land, many of them with possibility to schedule crops periods due to optimum climate conditions. Announced investments boom for the development of biofuels (sugar cane and oil palm). Agro Exports 1994-2007 How we grow Millions of US $ FOB • • • Totals Non traditional Traditional Source: Aduanas / Prepared by: MINAG – Does not include woods. Most Important Markets -2007 Where we go Main Products -2007 What we take Peruvian Agro Exporter Companies Keep growing, keep exporting EXPORTER COMPANIES FOB USD 2006 FOB USD 2007 Variation % CAMPOSOL S.A. 98,167,448 113,236,387 15.35 SOCIEDAD AGRICOLA VIRU S.A. 71,642,778 86,930,228 21.34 DANPER TRUJILLO S.A.C. 41,680,664 57,670,309 38.36 SOCIEDAD AGRICOLA DROKASA S.A. 42,488,580 45,417,821 6.89 AGROINDUSTRIAS AIB S.A 27,556,344 29,664,537 7.65 I Q F DEL PERU SA 24,567,220 27,249,150 10.92 COMPLEJO AGROINDUSTRIAL BETA S.A. 15,791,548 25,199,659 59.58 CORPORACION MISKI S.A. 18,424,327 21,985,092 19.33 CONSORCIO DE PRODUCTORES DE FRUTA S.A. 13,686,046 20,860,610 52.42 GANDULES INC. S.A.C 13,622,414 20,822,992 52.86 CORP. PERUANA DE DES. BANANERO S.A.C. 15,313,382 15,843,358 3.46 PROCESADORA LARAN S.A.C 10,666,393 14,851,231 39.23 AGRICOLA ATHOS S.A. 12,943,702 13,826,644 6.82 8,945,938 13,286,489 48.52 TAL S.A. Source: Infotrade /Elaborated by: MINAG . OFI-AFA Comparative Advantages The Peruvian coast is the only dry tropic in the world, with the highest solar radiation and warm temperature, because of the Humboldt Ocean Current and the Andean Range that turns the coast in a natural greenhouse. The short productive processes that exist in Peru facilitate the adoption of technological changes and output improvement. The agriculture campaign seasons allows our products to access international markets before our competitors from the south hemisphere, with a special price. The diversity of ecological steps gives Peru an advantage among other countries because we can cultivate year round. Peru is a mega diverse country, with 84 from the 104 recognized Holdridge’s living zones in the world. We have available natural resources like water, land and energy. Peru has a rich biological diversity and genetic resources. We have 8 million ha. of fertile land. With a huge potential to attend the internal and external demand. The quality of our products is internationally recognized. There is available and capacitated hand labor. Our geographic location An exceptional advantage Our location in the South hemisphere between the Ecuatorial Line and the Tropic of Capricorn, allows us to obtain solar radiation with extra intensity. Because the solar radiation reflects with more intensity from the Equatorial Line to the south and we can get to the markets before the competition. Because of the intensity of the solar radiation and the quality of our light we are unique: the photosynthesis takes place between 10ºC to 30ºC. (50°F to 86°F) With more temperature the photosynthesis is suspended. Photosynthesis means: Productivity and Quality Offseason Opportunities A great advantage VENTAJA: The Peruvian crops from the coast enter the North Hemisphere in opposite season. More globalized More open and more opportunities Up to date, 31 bilateral treaties on the promotion and reciprocal protection of investments have been signed with countries of the Pacific Basin, Europe and Latin America, as well as the FTA with the United States of America . Free of tariff exports to the North American market (ATPDA) and to the 27 th. European Union countries (SGP-PLUS) in the frame of the anti drug battle support. Commercial Promotion Agreement FTA signed with the United States of America (implementation process ends in 2008), includes an Investment Chapter. Association agreement between the Andean Community (Peru) and the European Union in the negotiation process. Peru is a leading nation or "regional hub" in the South American Pacific area. More Free Trade Treaties More Commercial Partners Concluded In Negotiation USA European Union Canada EFTA Singapore China Andean Community México Mercosur Foreseeing (2009) Chile Thailand South Korea Central America Japan Australia More Commercial Partners Unlimited Markets EFTA CANADA CHINA USA JAPAN SOUTH KOREA THAILAND EUROPEAN UNION CENTRAL AMERICA MEXICO ANDEA COMUNITY SINGAPORE AUSTRALIA CHILE Concluded In Negotiation MERCOSUR Foreseeing 2009 Agribusiness A Real Opportunity! 2000 to 2007 Var. % 205 In the increase of the agricultural exports Representing in 2007: US $ 1 967 Million FOB (Does not include woods) OPPORTUNITIES IN THE COAST If you want a farm in the only dry tropic in the world, this is the place! Asparagus Artichoques Citrus Fruits Table grapes Mangoes Avocado Paprika Piquillo Pepper Organic Banana Sweet Onions Pomegranate Olives OPPORTUNITIES IN THE HIGHLANDS If you want … clean sky, bright sun, pure water, good soils… Andean Native Potatoes Andean Native Corns Quinoa Kiwicha Processed Maca Sugar Snaps Snow Peas Cherimoya Passion Fruit Berries Potential The beauty, sweetness, versatility and healthy characteristics of the berries make them a high potential product for export. •Raspberries: 1 cup of raspberries gives us 40% of the daily need of vitamin C and 32% of the fiber we need. •Blueberries: have 3 times antioxidants than red grapes. more •Strawberries: 8 strawberries have more vitamin C than an orange and gives us 20% of our daily need of folic acid. Canola Tara Alpaca Finest wool Huacaya OPPORTUNITIES IN THE AMAZONIA If you want a challenge… a new world is waiting for you! Gourmet Coffe Aromatic Cocoa Forestry and lumber products Caoba Oil Palm Sugar Cane - Ethanol Sacha Inchi Oil Ω 3 ( 48%) Ω 6 (36%) Ω 9 (9%) + 33% Proteins 55% Antioxidants Camu Camu Processed Cat’s claw Tropical Flowers and Foliages New Demands New Opportunities Natural and Healthy Foods Organic Foods WORLD With 19% annual growl. Sales in 2006 US $ 35,000million. PERU: Ancestral Agricultural Tradition based in Natural Selection. Products: banana, amaranto, cacao, mangoes, among others. quinoa, coffee, The global market of Functional Foods surpasses the 100 billion Euros, and represents more than 5% of the agrifood industry. (Source: FRANTEC -2008) We have: Sacha Inchi, Maca, Camu Camu, Olive Oil, Kiwicha, Quinoa, berries, passion fruit, Cat´s Claw, among others. Bio-fuels Opportunities in: Coast: sugar cane, sweet sorghum. Sierra: canola, sweet potatoes, colza. Jungle: oil palm, cane, soy, jathropha. Peru has: The highest output of sugar cane per hectare FAO (2003). One of the highest outputs of Oil Palm per hectare in the world. Priorities in the Ministry of Agriculture: The promotion of industrial energy crops like: castor oil plant, Barbados nut and sugar cane. Identify and guarantee deforested and degraded lands. Animal Breeding A High Potential Opportunity Cow Meat and Dairy Products Pork Meat Poultry Peru is PRODUCTIVITY Peru is QUALITY Peru is BIODIVERSITY Camu camu Some native products Amaranto Lucuma Cactus pear Soursop Peruvian Hydraulic Infrastructure Potential A Global Opportunity Water Resources Pacific Catchment: 3% - Total Availability: - Sectoral Uses: 39% 36 613 MMC 55% 16 502 MMC 0% 3% Urban Use Industrial Use Surplus Agricultural Use Minin Use Location of Reservoirs Main Agriculture, Biofuel and Forestry Megaprojects 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Irrigation Projects: Olmos Project (27,000 ha). Majes – Siguas Project, 2nd Stage (38,000 ha). Cachi River Project (5,000 ha). Alto Piura Project (15,000 ha). Lagunillas – Puno Project (10,000 ha). Land Sale and Private Initiatives: Majes – Siguas Project, 2nd Stage (1,000 ha). Lands in Lima Region (8,000 ha). Lima – Ica Agricultural Development (25,000 ha). La Libertad Private Initiative (1,000 ha). Jequetepeque – Zaña (4,000 ha). Forestry Development and Biofuel Areas: Piura Agricultural Park. Cajamarca Agricultural Park. Tarapoto – Yurimaguas Agricultural Forest Park. Ucayali Agricultural Forest Park. Junín Agricultural Park. 11 4 1 13 12 10 14 9 7 15 8 3 5 6 2 1. Chira- Piura Project TALARA RESERVORIO CANAL NORTE ECUADOR POECHOS RIO CHIRA PRESA SULLANA CANAL SUR CANAL DE DERIVACION OCEANO PACIFICO PAITA IRRIGACION PROYECTADA CONGORA C.H. CURUMUY PRESA EJIDOS PIURA -SECHURA REPRESA POECHOS 1,000 MMC Chira – Piura Agricultural Proyects 2. Alto Piura Project M AY A EMBALSE TRONERA da Q L NE INO T U ND m A K AS .5 T R 13 645 m O F IC CI PA .S HU O IC NT LA T A 580 m CH 1 R IO CH 2 H RM UA AC A CENTRAL HIDRO EL ÉCTRICA CASHAPITE AL Q. GRAMAD CENTRAL HIDRO EL ÉCTRICA G RAM ADAL ZONA DE RIEGO ALTO PIURA P RIO EMBALSE MAMAYACO Q. GR AMA DAL 1era. Etapa 2da. Etapa A IUR TOTAL Agricultura CA RR PA NA M E TERA E RICA NA Area con infraestructura Cultivada A incorporar Has. Has. A incorporar Has. 25,000 6,000 25,000 6,000 11,000 11,000 17,000 42,000 438 396 438 396 834 834 Area Nueva TOTAL 25,000 Generación eléctrica CH Cashapite CH Gramadal GW.h GW.h TOTAL 3. Olmos Project Phases of Concession 1 DIVERSION INFRASTRUCTURE CONCESSION (in process) 2 3 HIDROELECTRIC WATER DISTRIBUTION CONCESSION CONCESSION Olmos Project first phase infrastructure location CAJAMARC A PIURA Embalse olmos Embalse Limon Túnel de aducción Túnel de aducción CH1 CH2 37000 ha LAMBAYEQUE Tunel Conmutador transandino 4. Jequetepeque-Zaña Project RESERVORIO POLLOC CAJAMARCA CHICLAYO ZAÑA VALLE DE ZAÑA O C E A N O CAJAMARCA RESERV GALLITO CIEGO DERIV. NAMORA CANAL TALAMBO ZAÑA P A C I F I C O DERIV. CHEPEN VALLE JEQUETEPEQUE CENTRAL HIDROEL. “SAN JUAN” TUNEL PACASMAYO CENTRAL HIDROEL. BOCATOMA TALAMBO “GALLITO CIEGO” TRANSANDINO CANAL TALAMBO ZAÑA REPRESA GALLITO CIEGO (570 MMC) 5. Chavimochic Project 5 Canal Madre 4 4 Planta de Agua Potable 5 3 RIO SANTA 2 1 1 Bocatoma Chavimochic Chavimochic Project PLANTA AGUA POTABLE CANAL MADRE RESERVORIO PALO REDONDO C.H.VIRU Chocope Trujillo TERCERA ETAPA SEGUNDA ETAPA PRIMERA ETAPA COMPLEJO AGROINDUSTRIAL BOCATOMA Chavimochic Agricultural Projects 6. Tambo -Ccaracocha Project 7. Majes Siguas Project PRESA ANGOSTURA Madrigal Lari BOCATOMA TUTI Coporaque Yanque MacaAchoma Cabanaconde Huambo ADUCCION COLCA - SIGUAS ADUCCION ANGOSTURA – COLCA TUNEL TERMINAL PRESA EL PAÑE PRESA CONDOROMA Sibayo Callalli CANAL PAÑE- SUMBAY AFIANZAMIENTO DE LA CUENCA DEL RIO CHILI DIQUE DE ESPAÑOLES CANAL ZAMACOLA C.H. LLUTA PAMPA DE MAJES C.H. LLUCLLA BOCATOMA PITAY PROY.AGROIND. PAMPA BAJA PRESA EL FRAYLE C.H. CHARCANI PRESA AGUADA BLANCA DERIVACION PITAY – SIGUAS PAMPA SIGUAS Leyenda Túnel Proyectado Túneles y/o Canales Ejecutados . Proyectado Central Hidroel. Bocatoma Carretera Panamericana Fecha : 14-01-2003 I Etapa II Etapa No es del P.E. Diseño : PEAE MINI C.H. PAMPA BAJA Contact Information: Investment Office- Agriculture Frontier Extension Ing. Juan Carlos Sevilla Gildemeister [email protected] Address: Av. La Universidad Nº 200 La Molina – Lima 12 Perú. Phone: (511) 613-5800, Ext. 1144; Eco. Carina Vizcarra [email protected] Address: Av. La Universidad Nº 200 La Molina – Lima 12 Perú. Phone: (511) 613-5800, Ext. 1202; Agribusiness and Market Access Unit Ing. Fausto Robles [email protected] Address: Av. Alameda del Corregidor Nº 155 La Molina – Lima 12 Perú. Phone: (511) 349-6223 Ministry of Agriculture Address: Av. La Universidad Nº 200 La Molina – Lima Phone: (511) 613-5800 Address 2: Jr. Yauyos Nº 258 Lima – Lima Phone: (511) 313-5060 / 315-5090 Thank you! Luis Felipe Sanchez Araujo [email protected] December 2008