Directions - Women`s Board - Women`s Board | Wolfson Children`s
Directions - Women`s Board - Women`s Board | Wolfson Children`s
Directions THE WOMEN’S BOARD of Wolfson Children’s Hospital Summer 2012 F THE 2012-13 FLORIDA FORUM A “TOUR DE FORCE” ollowing Dr. Condoleezza Rice’s final lecture of the superbly successful 2011-12 Florida Forum season, The Women’s Board President Jackie Bargas and incoming Florida Forum Chairs Martha Baker and Sharon Lucie announced the speakers for the coming year. The 2012-13 Florida Forum opens October 2 with Walter Isaacson, whose exclusive biography of Steve Jobs has remained on the New York Times and Publisher’s Weekly bestseller lists since its release in October 2011. He is currently president and CEO of the Aspen Institute WALTER ISAACSON and chairman of the board of Teach for America, and he has served as CEO of CNN and editor OCTOBER 2, 2012 - 7 P.M. PRESENTED BY FLORIDA BLUE of Time magazine. He also wrote the acclaimed Benjamin Franklin: An American Life, Kissinger: A Biography and Einstein: His Life and Universe. On February 2, 2013, The Women’s Board welcomes former Secretary of Defense and former CIA Director Dr. Robert M. Gates. Considered “The Soldier’s Secretary” for his commitment to placing men and women in uniform as his top priority, Gates made significant advances in soldier safety, including replacing vehicles in the field that reduced roadside bomb attacks and fatalities by almost 90 percent. Further successes include reshaping U.S. nuclear weapons policies, the removal of troops from Iraq and the resurgence of troops in Afghanistan. He is the only career officer in the CIA’s history to rise from entry level employee to director and has served a total of eight presidents. He currently serves as chancellor of The College of William and Mary. The Florida Forum season concludes on March 4, 2013, with famed cyclist, cancer DR. ROBERT M. GATES FEBRUARY 2, 2013 - 7 P.M. survivor and healthy-lifestyle advocate Lance Armstrong. He catapulted to international PRESENTED BY LANDSTAR SYSTEM, INC. stardom in the process of becoming the first and only professional cyclist to win the Tour de France seven times. Driven by his personal struggle with and triumph over cancer, Armstrong continues to be a leader and activist on behalf of cancer survivors around the world. His partnership with Nike to develop the LIVESTRONG brand has rapidly become a global movement and has raised millions of dollars for cancer research. Proceeds from the 2012-13 Florida Forum will provide funding for programs at Wolfson Children’s Hospital and will complete the final of a five-year, four million dollar commitment by The Women’s Board to the Larry J. Freeman Behavioral Health Center. This new state-ofthe-art clinical facility will house an extraordinary team of behavioral health specialists who will provide mental health services for children facing surgery, chronic and terminal illnesses, loss and bereavement, and other psychological issues. The upcoming Forum will again be held at the Times-Union Center for the Performing LANCE ARMSTRONG MARCH 4, 2013 - 7 P.M. Arts. Series tickets are now available in various subscription packages, which may be purchased PRESENTED BY WELLS FARGO online at or by calling The Women’s Board office at 904.202.2886. ® A LETTER FROM OUR PRESIDENT Dear Friends of Wolfson Children’s Hospital, O n May 31st, the 201112 Florida Forum Chairs Beth Langley and Connie Phillips, 2011 Art & Antiques Show Chairs Roxane Andrade and Grace Sarber, and Immediate Past President Susan Smathers presented the board of Wolfson Children’s Hospital a check in the amount of $1,139,092.82. I want to take a moment to congratulate each of these women—their dedication, sacrifice and hard work has culminated in an impressive donation to Wolfson Children’s Hospital by The Women’s Board. This check contributes vital funds for program and clinical equipment needs and marks the fourth payment of a five-year, four million dollar pledge toward the Larry J. Freeman Behavioral Health Center. I extend congratulations to Wolfson Children’s Hospital as well, for its recent recognition by U.S. News & World Report for excellence in the following specialty areas: urology, pulmonology, neurology/ neurosurgery, diabetes/endocrinology, cardiology/ heart surgery and cancer. Looking ahead, the new leadership team in place for the 2012 Art & Antiques Show, Josie Duncan, Benham Purcell and Linda Street, are celebrating all things Scottish at this year’s gleefully-themed “Highland Fling.” Changes are afoot for the 2012 Show, including new Show management for a fresh take and direction, new features and highlights, and— due to its immense popularity—a new venue and date for our beloved Children’s Fashion Show, which will be held independently on Saturday, November 3rd at UNF’s Lazzara Performance Hall. Meanwhile, 2012-13 Florida Forum Chairs Martha Baker and Sharon Lucie have assembled a “Tour de Force” for the upcoming season. On October 2nd, the multifaceted Walter Isaacson will speak, followed by the highly decorated Dr. Robert Gates on February 2nd and concluding March 4th with famed cyclist Lance Armstrong. Aesop is attributed with the saying: “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” With this in mind, I thank you for all you do for the children’s hospital, from buying tickets to purchasing corporate sponsorships to sponsoring a child in the fashion show, from providing in-kind services to donating your valuable—and highly valued—time. Your generosity contributes to this magnificent hospital we are so fortunate to have in our community. Thank you so much for supporting Wolfson Children’s Hospital. I look forward to seeing you on October 2nd when we welcome Walter Isaacson to Jacksonville. Sincerely, Jacqueline Bargas 2011-12 FLORIDA FORUM SPEAKERS VISIT HOSPITAL Ted Koppel Ted Koppel reads The Cat in the Hat to a young patient at Wolfson, and he discussed Winnie-the-Pooh with another boy, stating that his favorite character is Eeyore. Steve Forbes Steve Forbes reads to a patient during his visit to Wolfson Children’s Hospital. Dr. Condoleezza Rice Dr. Rice paused during her visit to Wolfson Children’s Hospital to talk with patient Jonathon Cameron Korn. T FOUNDER AND HUSBAND HONORED BY 35TH ANNIVERSARY ART & ANTIQUES SHOW he 35th Anniversary Art & Antiques Show was dedicated to Founder Emerita Ellen Cavert and her husband, Tillman. Beloved by all who know them, Ellen and Tillman, now 92 and 96, are a true inspiration. Show Chairs Roxane Andrade and Grace Sarber, along with Immediate Past President Susan Smathers, gave a special presentation to the Caverts on Sunday afternoon of the Show weekend during the Jazz Brunch. Said Susan Smathers, “Most of what we learned about volunteer service and fund raising, we learned from Ellen...Her greatest The Advisory Board of The Women's Board: Karen contribution…is her constant reminder that if we just get our relationships Wolfson, Kaye Glover, Diane Graham, Susan Smathers, Mary Pietan, Wendy Durden, Kathy Storm, Mary Connell, right, we can’t help but be successful as an organization and as people.” Polly Stein, Cathy Brinton, Vicki Martin, Jackie Bargas Said the Caverts’ granddaughter Grace Sarber, “We are here to and (seated) Ellen Cavert, Chair Emerita. honor two people whose example has inspired us all not just in the way we serve The Women’s Board and the hospital, but in the way we live our lives... You started something 35 years ago that has touched all our lives in extraordinary ways, and that has changed the lives of thousands upon thousands of people. Your vision, example, leadership, service, heart, faith and 'Sweet Spirits' are foundations on which we continue to build The Women’s Board.” 35 years of Past Chairs of the A&AS celebrated the dedication of the 35th Show to Ellen and Tillman Cavert. Each chair was given a "diamond" pin featuring her year to wear during the Show. Mr. and Mrs. Tillman Cavert Jr. 2011-12 GIFT TO WOLFSON: ALMOST $1.2 MILLION! Chairs of the 20th Anniversary Florida Forum Beth Langley and Connie Phillips present their check for $427,171.14. T Susan Smathers and the four chairs present to Michael Aubin, president of Wolfson Children’s Hospital, the Grand Total of $1,139,092.82. 35th Anniversary Art & Antiques Show Chairs Roxane Andrade and Grace Sarber present their gift of $589,458.05. he Women’s Board once again surpassed the million dollar mark in its annual gift to Wolfson Children’s Hospital. In May, Immediate Past President Susan Smathers, along with Art & Antiques Show Chairs Roxane Andrade and Grace Sarber and Florida Forum Chairs Beth Langley and Connie Phillips, were thrilled to present their checks, totaling almost $1.2 million, to the Wolfson Children’s Hospital board. Says Susan Smathers, “The goal of making this gift to Wolfson is what we work so hard each year to accomplish. Many thanks to the talented and diligent chairs of the 2011 events for enabling us to fulfill year four of The Women’s Board’s fiveyear pledge to the Larry J. Freeman Behavioral Health Center. Excess funds will provide seed money for the new Center for Medically Complex Children, as well as additional funding for the Larry J. Freeman Endowment for Education.” “DIAMONDS IN THEIR EYES” 2011 CHILDREN’S FASHION SHOW Mr. T. Wayne Davis, Children’s Fashion Show Master of Ceremonies, escorts Joshua Barber. Dr. David Wood, representing Dr. Thomas Chiu, escorts Navaeh Beck. Mr. John Collins, Landstar System, Inc., CFS Presenter, escorts Liam Gonzalez with his mom, Teri. Ms. Giselle Carson, representing Mary Virginia Terry and Marks Gray, P.A., CFS Reception sponsor, escorts Rives Martin. Dr. Sal Goodwin, Chair of the Nemours Dept. of Anesthesiology, escorts Elijah Wick. Jacob Sandoval is escorted by his doctor, Dr. Eric Loveless, representing Carepoint Occupational Medicine. Dr. Nick Poulos, Nemours Dept. of Pediatric Surgery, escorts daughter Alexis Levea. Mr. Hugh Greene, representing Susan and Hugh Greene, escorts Amira Betancort. Mr. Michael Aubin, Wolfson Children’s Hospital President, escorts Dionna Jones. Caitlyn Cohick is escorted by Mr. Ben McClung, representing Roger and Evelyn McClung. Mr. Bill Green, representing Sally and Bill Green, escorts Ripley Guckenberger. Mrs. Irene Lazzara, Lazzara Family Foundation, CFS Program Sponsor, escorts Emily Czerkawski. Mrs. Heather Geraghty, CFS Gallery Sponsor, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, escorts Antjuan Sanders. Josiah Middleton is escorted by Dr. Stephen Cochran of Setzer and Cochran, pediatric dental practice. Anida Pollo is escorted by Mr. Jeff Timm, Belk-Southern Division, CFS Sponsor. Mr. Bill Bond escorts Ivory Sekamanzi. Master Mac Walters is escorted by Ms. Lori Hariton, Ballard Designs, St. Johns Town Center. Mr. Don Wolfson, Wolfson Family Foundation, escorts Leoncio McClarnon. Mr. Morrie Zimmerman, Zimmerman Family Foundation, escorts Bryce Williams. Ms. Marla Buchanan, Rogers Towers, P.A., escorts Shanathia Thornton. Aubry Sekamanzi is escorted by Mrs. Sandy Bond. Mr. Bruce Smathers, representing pediatric dentist Dr. Howard Schneider, escorts Kynlee Hurst. PATIENT PROFILE A NEW HOME for HEALING by Michael De La Hunt, MD — Division Chief, Division of Pediatric Behavioral Health, Department of Pediatrics at Nemours Children’s Clinic and Medical Director, Pediatric Health Services at Wolfson Children’s Hospital E ditor’s Note: The success of the 35th Anniversary Art & Antiques Show and the 20th Anniversary Florida Forum marks year four of a five-year commitment to raise $4 million for the new Larry J. Faceless self-portrait, by a Wolfson behavioral Freeman Behavioral Health Center at health patient. Wolfson Children’s Hospital. This cutting-edge facility, to be unveiled in 2012, will transform the outdated nine-bed clinic and separate Daystay program into a state-of-the-art behavioral health unit. Below is a description of the new center, as described by Dr. Michael De La Hunt, a much beloved Wolfson doctor who heads the behavioral health unit. Integrating family-centered care and greatly expanding the number of available beds, including the number of private rooms, the new Larry J. Freeman Behavioral Health Center will pull together care space, programs and offices that currently are spread across the downtown campus. The greatest aspect of the new unit will be the combining of the inpatient unit and the Daystay program into one location, allowing patients to transition more easily from one unit to the other. In addition, several upgrades will be integrated, including a modernized, multipurpose kitchen, art therapy room, activities room, playroom, dayroom and outside courtyard area, as well as engaging new furniture and decor. A further E ach year The Women’s Board collects diapers for Wolfson Children’s Hospital through Diaper Day, an event spearheaded by longtime Women’s Board member and supporter Kitty Davis. This spring The Women’s Board collected more than 5,900 diapers! We extend our most heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped make this another great success. enhancement will be an observation room with a one-way window from which parents or trainees can observe childadult interaction, behavioral modification techniques and interviewing skills. New office space will be designated for staff, and a private exam room and therapy rooms for clinical providers will be included, allowing staff members a private space to complete administrative and clinical duties while allowing them to be directly available. These new spaces also offer a quiet place to interact with patients and their families in an appropriate setting, contrasting sharply with the makeshift use of space in the current unit. In addition to these significant space improvements, services also will be modernized with an effort to provide family-centered and holistic care programs that will provide greater likelihood for lasting change in the patients and families served. The new unit will provide a brighter, more cheerful and pleasant surrounding for children and their families going through difficult personal crises. A joining of currently disparate programs into an innovative and cutting-edge environment, the new Larry J. Freeman Behavioral Health Center symbolizes a unification of support for the patients by Wolfson’s healthcare “family” in a hopeful, safe and private place to heal. We eagerly look forward to our new home for healing. NEW MEMBERS WELCOMED The 2012 new members were welcomed at a coffee held in March, as well as at The Women’s Board’s Spring Luncheon. We are thrilled to have join our ranks Susan Batten, Emily Colyer, Chris Hieb and Leigh Rosenbloom. Leigh Rosenbloom and her mother, Norma Farnell, also a Women’s Board member, at the coffee. Emily Colyer, Chris Hieb and Susan Batten at the Spring Luncheon. 2012 SPRING LUNCHEON Members of the 2012 Executive Committee of The Women’s Board before the Spring Luncheon. Founder Emerita Ellen Cavert with granddaughter Grace Sarber, 2011 Art & Antiques Show Chair. 2012-13 President Jackie Bargas “crowns” outgoing President Susan Smathers. Connie Phillips and Beth Langley, 2011-12 Florida Forum chairs, with Michael Aubin, President of Wolfson Children’s Hospital. 2011 Art & Antiques Show Chair Roxane Andrade with 2012-13 President Jackie Bargas. Jackie Bargas with Hugh Greene, President and CEO of Baptist Health . 35TH ANNIVERSARY ART & ANTIQUES SHOW PARTNER Tine W. Davis Family Foundation OPENING NIGHT PARTY PRESENTER BB&T Rick and Marcia Morales, Kitty and Wayne Davis CHILDREN’S FASHION SHOW PRESENTER Landstar System, Inc. DECO EXHIBIT PRESENTER Batson-Cook Company PROGRAM PRESENTER Nemours DESIGN PRESENTER Ballard Designs, St. Johns Town Center MYSTERY BLUE BOX PRESENTER TIFFANY & CO. Past President Vicki Martin, Don FOUNDER EMERITUS PRESENTER Show Chair Roxane Andrade, Wolfson, Past President Karen The Cavert Family Foundation Wolfson Immediate Past President ART & ANTIQUES SHOW PRESENTERS Susan Smathers, Show Chair Baptist Health Grace Sarber Alfred I. duPont Foundation, Inc. The Hartley Press, Inc. Mrs. D. Williams Parker Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc. Sight & Sound Productions University of Florida College of Medicine at Jacksonville, Department of Pediatrics Wolfson Children’s Hospital CHILDREN’S FASHION SHOW GALLERY PRESENTER Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida (now Florida Blue) KICKOFF PARTY PRESENTER Wells Fargo Founder Emerita Ellen Cavert and husband Tillman (in BENEFACTOR PREVIEW RECEPTION PRESENTERS front) with their three daughters and two sons-in law: Premier Beverage Company and Bacardi Bottling Corporation Albert and BaBa McCaffrey, Grace Nelson, and Ray and CHILDREN’S FASHION SHOW SPONSOR Richard Martin Belk, Inc. – Southern Division MEDIA PRESENTERS Arbus Magazine The Jacksonville Business Journal The Florida Times-Union Jacksonville Luxury Living WJCT Public Broadcasting LECTURE SPONSORS Fifth Third Bank Regions Bank SunTrust ART & ANTIQUES SHOW SPONSORS Coca-Cola Refreshments ETHAN ALLEN Design Center of Jacksonville Susan Michal Portrait Artist Troy Andrade, Show Chair Roxane Andrade, Johnny Sarber, Show OPENING NIGHT PARTY SPONSORS Chair Grace Sarber, President Susan Smathers, Bruce Smathers, Tracey Tionna Davis Hatchett and William R. Hatchett IV Mason, Robert Mason/Market President BB&T, Cherryl Ruble, Mike Savor…Jacksonville Ruble/Wealth Management Team Director BB&T Sysco Jacksonville YOUNG COLLECTORS PARTY SPONSOR Scott-McRae Group | Duval Dealers PATIENT PROFILE SPONSORS Bank of America/Merrill Lynch Brooks Rehabilitation St. Vincent’s HealthCare FOUNDER PLATINUM SPONSORS Hugh Greene, President Hillary Aubin, Michael Mrs. Edward W. Lane Jr. Aubin, President of Wolfson and CEO of Baptist The Jean H. McCormick Family Children’s Hospital Health, with wife Susan CHILDREN’S FASHION SHOW RECEPTION SPONSOR Marks Gray, P.A. PLATINUM SPONSORS Adler Interior Design Associates Beaver Street Fisheries, Inc. The Brumos Companies Dixie Egg Company Mr. and Mrs. T. O’Neal Douglas DuBow Family Foundation Florida Financial Group, Inc. Fogle Fine Art Consultants FreshPoint North Florida Mr. and Mrs. John M. Godfrey James Michael Howard Interiors Mac Papers Seaonus Susan and Bruce Smathers troy spurlin INTERIORS Carl S. Swisher Foundation, Inc. Vistakon Division of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc. CHILDREN’S FASHION SHOW PROGRAM SPONSOR The Lazzara Family Foundation CHILDREN’S FASHION SHOW PATIENT SPONSORS Ballard Designs, St. Johns Town Center Sandy and Bill Bond Carepoint Occupational Medicine Children’s Cancer Cooperative, Inc. Thomas Chiu, M.D., MBA, Chair, Pediatrics, UF-COM Jacksonville T. Wayne Davis Sally and Bill Green Susan and A. Hugh Greene Evelyn and Roger L. McClung Members of the Nemours Department of Anesthesiology Nemours Children’s Clinic Pediatric Surgery Rogers Towers, P.A. Dr. and Mrs. Howard Schneider Barry P. Setzer, D.D.S. and Stephen D. Cochran, D.M.D., PA Mary Virginia Terry Wolfson Children’s Hospital Wolfson Family Foundation Morrie Zimmerman GOLD SPONSORS Mr. and Mrs. Troy Andrade Anonymous B. Langston Estate Sale and Auction Services B&L Landscape Co. Baptist Pharmacy – Pavilion The Brick Restaurant Catlin Design CenterState Bank Mr. and Mrs. Claude W. Collier Jr. Emergency Resources Group Executive Food Service FIS GrayRobinson, P.A. Harby Jewelers Intrepid Capital Management, Inc. Jacksonville Jaguars, LTD Jacksonville Magazine Kuhn Flowers Laney & Duke Allen and Delores Lastinger Levy Jewelers Miller Electric Company Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. Newton Jr. North Light Studio Pajcic and Pajcic, P.A. The Patio at Pastiche Paul Figura Photography Raymond James & Associates Rayonier Ring Power Corporation S & L Classics Mr. and Mrs. L. Johnson Sarber III James L. Schumacher, D.M.D. Shaw’s Southern Belle Frozen Foods, Inc. John and Patsy Shields Smith Hulsey & Busey Stein Mart Taste! at 645 Atlantic Turner Pest Control Mary Jane and Jack Uible Zurich Insurance Services, Inc. and US Assure SILVER SPONSORS Ameri-Force American Hospice Barco-Duval Engineering, Inc. Mary and Bruce Bower C.F. Knight, Inc. The Carithers Pediatric Group Claude Nolan Cadillac Cross Creek Restaurant Danita Brooks Photography Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Swift Davis/ Cancer Specialist of North Florida Driver, McAfee, Peek & Hawthorne The Mary Hahn Dunlap Family Deborah Pass Durham Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Ellison Jr. FASTSIGNS St. Johns Bluff Fowler White Boggs Dr. and Mrs. Martin A. Garcia Alan and Pam Green Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Y.E. Hall Jr. Harden Heritage Paper The Jacksonville Bank Karen Kurycki, Designer/Illustrator Robin and Jim Love Dr. and Mrs. David Mandel Mr. and Mrs. James N. McGarvey Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paul III and Chris and Erica Paul Colleen and Frank Sanchez Nancy R. Schultz Kim and Carl Spadaro Linda and David Stein Structural Engineers Group, Inc. Suddath Relocation Systems of Jacksonville Mrs. C. Herman Terry Timucuan Asset Management, Inc. Zimmerman Family Foundation – Elli & Charles, Nancy & Seeman, Chase & Morrie ROYAL BENEFACTOR Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Edelman GRAND BENEFACTORS Barbara H. Arnold and Patrick Williams Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Autry Gilchrist Berg Bob and Sylvia Coma Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Dodson Mrs. Bronson Lamb Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Pajcic Ronnie and Jerold Rosenbaum Family Foundation Natalie and Mark Rosenberg Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Sisisky Brooke and Hap Stein Mr. and Mrs. Jay Stein BENEFACTORS Linda R. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. John J. Allen Norman and Ann Anderson Beth and Marc Angelo Dr. and Mrs. George Armstrong Dr. and Mrs. Charles Athey Drs. J. Duncan and Julie R. Baker Martha and Thompson S. Baker Bank of America/Merrill Lynch Jacqueline Bargas Michael and Susan Batten Laurie and Britt Bauguss Lisa and Earl Benton Mr. and Mrs. H. Bradford Berg Suzanne Berglind Dr. and Mrs. Henry Breitmoser Mr. and Mrs. William D. Brinton Dr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Browning Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thomas Bruce Dorothy M. Cahill Joanne and William Cellar Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chupp Vicky C. Commander Mrs. Daniel W. Connell Jr. Helen Dixon Coppedge Linda Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. William L. Dahl Dr. and Mrs. David L. Dalton Kim and Derek Dewan Mr. and Mrs. James Dolan Marcus E. Drewa Josie Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Carle A. Felton Jr. Paul and Victoria Ferber Mrs. Edward T. Finnegan Fowler White Banker Mrs. Karen Kirkland Franklin Mr. and Mrs. George M. Good Jr. Diane M. Graham Mr. Wade Hampton Mr. and Mrs. Wade McKissick Hampton Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Hannon Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Hawthorne Rob and Mary Lynn Heekin Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Helms Ann and David Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Kennon G. Holmes Mrs. J. Alex Howard Laura and Billy Howell Mr. and Mrs. Gene L. Howerton Genie James Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Jensen Martha A. Jones and Carolyn Lindsay Ms. Denise Kowkabany Mrs. Elizabeth H. Langley Mrs. William D. Lovett Dr. and Mrs. R. Stephen Lucie Hank and Jobie Madden Mrs. J. Kirk Martin Karen and Peter Massaniso Susie and Mike Miller Marcia and Ricardo Morales Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Morales III Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. McCart Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. McCart III Mr. and Mrs. T. Parker McCrary Josh and Sacha McGraw Mr. and Mrs. Michael McKenny Mrs. Walter A. McRae Jr. Robert Monsky Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Moore Jr. Susan Norman Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Page Patricia D. Page Sharon and Michael Pentaleri Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Petersen Dr. and Mrs. Michael B. Phillips Jerry and Mary Pietan Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Pohlgeers Marian and Rip Poitevent Susan Ponder-Stansel – Community Hospice NE Randy Randolph Thomas A. Ranney Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Randy C. Reagor Dianne T. Rice Mr. and Mrs. J. Phillip Risley Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rogers Jamie A. Rood Ronnie and Jerold Rosenbaum Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Saswata Roy Cyndi and Kent Schmidt George and Henny Schoonover Mr. and Mrs. Rexford S. Setzer Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Shad Richard Skinner & Associates, Architects Mrs. George Barry Skitsko Dr. and Mrs. Claude K. Slater Jr. Tim and Beverly Sleeth Smith Hulsey & Busey Elsa Conway and Douglas Stanford Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Stapp Mr. and Mrs. Bayard D. Storm Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrison Hunt Street Jr. Tom Strickland Mr. and Mrs. James and Elizabeth Taylor Chris and Karen Verlander Dr. and Mrs. H. Warner Webb Lane Taylor Welch Karen and Don Wolfson PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. William E. Adams Jr. Jan Adams Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bacalis Baptist Health Lori and Tyrie Boyer Mrs. Jody Brandenberg Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Brown Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Cassidy Elizabeth Lovett Colledge Mrs. Fred M. Cone Jr. Alice Coughlin Mrs. Don B. DeStephano Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dorsie Ms. Kathryn S. Dunham Teresa Emans Mrs. Marsha L. Faulkner Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Gibbs II Kaye Glover Clarence and Corkie Gooden Mr. Art Graham Mr. and Mrs. William L. Green Mary Ann Greene Julia Handley Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stathis Haramis Mrs. James O. Hardwick Jr. The Haskell Company Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Haverty Robert and Suzanne Hinckley Frank and Gayle Houston Wes and Beth Jennison Roland Kennedy Drs. Daniel and Mary-Jane Kohm R. Ward Lariscy Joanne and James Lawson Paula and Charlie Margiotta Raya B. McArthur Susan McCaskill Mrs. Doris Mellion Mrs. Sherri Michaelis Mr. and Mrs. William H. Morris Linda O’Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ramey Mr. and Mrs. Chris L. Regas Ms. Dianne Rice Mrs. J. Stephen Risley Jr. Dick and Ginny Stine Romano Edith Olivia Rose Mr. and Mrs. Doug Roseborough Mrs. Patricia H. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. Sharkey Mrs. Gary Silverfield Anita Snell Clifford Spohr Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Taylor Unni Thomas M.D. Joseph and Mary Thompson Mr. and Mrs. James Patrick Thornton II Dr. and Mrs. Randolph Thornton Carol Cochran Todd Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ullmann Dr. and Mrs. Albert Wilkinson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. P. Craig Williams Mr. Raymond Wood and Dr. Dorothy Wood Mr. and Mrs. E. Ellis Zahra Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Zvara YOUNG COLLECTORS Miss Lauren Bacalis T. Baker Berg Mr. Stuart Boyd Dr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Browning Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Andrew Connell Mr. William Russell Connell Mr. and Mrs. Jed Davis Dr. and Mrs. Laurence Dunn Jr. Miss Page Druce Mrs. Marsha L. Faulkner Nan Freeman Carol and Daniel Gilham Mary Goldsmith Clarence and Corkie Gooden Aimee Green Lori Hariton Elizabeth Hecht Maggie Hightower Mr. and Mrs. James Holt Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hoover Mary Love Houston Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Huddleston Elizabeth Ingram Wes and Beth Jennison Holly Keris Ms. Madeline Kohm Samuel Landsdale Bevan Londergan, M.D. Mr. John Langley and Miss Shannon Michaelis Miss Kristen E. Langley and Mr. Steve Manz Mr. Parker Langley Katherine Lomax Ryland Lucie and Cameron McVey Melissa Mally and Ethan Gregory Courtney McGehee Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Menning Mr. and Mrs. Stewart A. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Reed B. Nelson Erin O’Leary Brian Osborne Ms. Helen Peacock Mr. and Mrs. William L. Reilly Toni and Michael Roberts Mr. and Mrs. C. Carter Rosenbloom Margaret and Jonathan Sacks Mr. Devon Scheible Mr. and Mrs. Jared Sleeth Laurie and Colin Thakkar Lisa Thoele Matthew and Amanda Thoele Mr. and Mrs. Patrick B. Thompson Scott and Stephanie Verlander Mr. and Mrs. John Wesley Wallace Sarah and Brooks Watkins Mrs. Charles Watridge Mr. and Mrs. Lee D. Wedekind III Erin Wolfson Kymberly Wolfson SPECIAL FRIENDS Mike and Joy Abney Charles C. Baggs Dennis and Paula Blackburn Jozette Belt Campbell Maryanne Dokler Dr. and Mrs. Brian Gilligan Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Goldstein William and Gayle Gower Dr. Sanjiva Goyal Dr. and Mrs. Louis Gregory Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hoener Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Horn Dr. Kathryn Huddleston Hector E. James M.D. and Christina L. James Dr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Maddern Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Milam Dr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Namen Kevin and Anna Neal Rajnikant and Mala Patel Dr. Edward and Mary Ellen Smith PSS World Medical FRIENDS George F. Armstrong M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Haywood M. Ball Joy R. Boyne M.D. Snead Y. Davis Dr. Tisha Gallanter Drs. Samer and Nina Garas Mrs. Edwin A. Gee Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Hale May Lynn and Rob Heekin Chris Johns Dr. James and Anne Marie Kirk Jean Montney Anne Mosychuk Nancy Padgett Sandra O. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. R. Ray Washington 20TH ANNIVERSARY FLORIDA FORUM PRESENTERS Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida (now Florida Blue) Landstar System, Inc. Wells Fargo CHILDREN’S PRESENTERS Baptist Health Mr. and Mrs. A. Hugh Greene Wolfson Children’s Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Aubin 2011-12 Forum Chair Connie Phillips; Michael Aubin, president of Wolfson Children’s Hospital; Ted Koppel; Pat Geraghty, president and CEO of Florida Blue, presenter of Steve Forbes’ lecture; and 2011-12 Forum Chair Beth Langley. FLORIDA FORUM PARTNER The Florida Times-Union GRAND THEATER PARTNER Jacksonville University Steve Forbes DIAMOND PARTNERS BB&T CSX Corporation EverBank SAVOR...Jacksonville LITERARY PARTNER The Andy and Toni Crawford Grandchildren – Zac, Allie, Meg, Niki and Chloe PHOTOGRAPHY PARTNER Paul Figura Photography Ted Koppel with Michael Aubin, president of Wolfson Children’s Hospital, and Pat Geraghty, president and CEO of Florida Blue. PLATINUM PARTNERS Batson-Cook Company Nemours Premier Beverage Company and Bacardi Bottling Corporation Sight & Sound Productions WJCT Public Broadcasting Beth Langley; Henry Gerkens, president and CEO of Landstar Systems Inc.; Marcia Gerkens; Connie Phillips; Steve Forbes; and Michael Aubin at Wolfson Children’s Hospital. PARTNERS ETHAN ALLEN Design Center of Jacksonville The Frisch Families The Grebe Family Jacksonville Business Journal The LBA Group Momentum Transportation USA, Inc. – Independent Agency of Landstar Scott-McRae Group | Duval Dealers Hugh Greene, president and CEO of Baptist Health; Susan Smathers, 2009-11 president of The Women’s Board; Pat Geraghty, president and CEO of Florida Blue. PATIENT PROFILE SPONSOR Susan and Bruce Smathers Michael Aubin, Wolfson Children’s Hospital president; Michael Madden; Dr. Condoleezza Rice; Kelly Madden, wholesale regional president for Wells Fargo; and Hugh Greene, president and CEO of Baptist Health. STAR STUDENT SPONSORS Children’s Cancer Cooperative, Inc. Fidelity Investments The Lazzara Family Foundation GOLD BENEFACTORS Ron and Hilah Autrey Allen and Delores Lastinger Nancy and Gary Chartrand Dr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Maddern Mr. and Mrs. Reed W. Colley Mayo Clinic Jess and Brewster J. Durkee Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. Newton Jr. Matthew and Karen Fairbairn Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paul III and Fidelity National Financial, Inc. Chris and Erica Paul FIS PGA TOUR Skip and Karen Frantz Dr. and Mrs. Michael B. Phillips Gardner’s of Ortega Regions Bank Mel and Debbie Gottlieb St. Vincent’s HealthCare Ms. Judith R. Haberkorn The Stellar Foundation The Hartley Press, Inc. Jim and Angeline Treace Jacksonville Luxury Living J. Wayne and Delores Barr Weaver Mrs. Edward W. Lane Jr. The Write Touch Mrs. Elizabeth H. Langley SILVER BENEFACTORS Adecco Group North America Auld & White Constructors, LLC Bailey Publishing & Communications, Inc. Martha and Tom Baker Dr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Bargas Donna Barrow Michael and Susan Batten Lisa and Earl Benton Gilchrist Berg Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Blount Henry Bonar Bubbles Car Wash Catering by Liz Elizabeth Lovett Colledge Mr. and Mrs. Claude W. Collier Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Connell Jr. Mort and Renee Crim Mark A. Darr Mr. and Mrs. T. Wayne Davis Jack & Betty Demetree Family Foundation Marcus E. Drewa Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. DuBow Deborah Pass Durham Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Ellison Jr. Emly Benham, Inc. Florida Coastal School of Law Karen Kirkland Franklin The Honorable and Mrs. Paul M. Glenn Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Gordon Betty Lu and George V. Grune Mr. and Mrs. Y. E. Hall Jr. Maryanne Dokler Helffrich Suzanne Hinckley Jacksonville Magazine Kathy Barco Jossim Matthew W. Kane Robin and Jim Love The Main Street America Group Donald and Sandy Mann Susan and Ron Masucci Tania McBride Ray Sutton McGehee Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. McGraw III Dr. Jeffrey and Maureen Michelman Marcia and Dick Morales Dr. and Mrs. Richard Morin Mrs. Richard S. Murray The Gerald L. and Jacqueline W. Nichols Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Nutter Omni Hotel Jacksonville Tom and Betty Petway Raymond James Financial, Inc. Rayonier The Regency Group, Inc. Resident Community News Dianne T. Rice Mrs. Jamie Rood Miyuki Scheidel Nancy Soderberg Mr. and Mrs. David A. Stein Mrs. C. G. Strum The Suddath Companies Dorcas G. Tanner Mrs. C. Herman Terry Lee and Dorothy Thomas Dr. and Mrs. H. Warner Webb Mr. and Mrs. S. Grier Wells Mr. and Mrs. E. Ellis Zahra Jr. BRONZE BENEFACTORS Mr. and Mrs. John J. Allen Grace Aldrich Andersen Norman and Ann Anderson Jan Adams Andrews Gail and Roger Arrowsmith Mr. and Mrs. Steven N. Bacalis Audrey Baker Mr. and Mrs. Willis M. Ball III Beachview Event Rentals & Design Mr. and Mrs. H. Bradford Berg Vance and Clare Berry Capt. and Mrs. Frank L. Boushee USN (Ret.) Mary and Bruce Bower Leslie and Sol Brotman Mrs. Arthur W. Browning Mr. and Mrs. William E. Bryan Brett Buerck Michael and Melissa Callaway The Capital Grille Dr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Chapman Merle and Ron Cherry Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Colyer Jr. Vicky and Charlie Commander E. Gary and Brenda B. Cook John R. Crawford and Sheridan L. Brown Marlise Cusick Dana’s Limousine Service Mr. and Mrs. William M. D’Antignac Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Davis Monica L. Day Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dodson Harold and Lorena Doolittle Katheryne Chappell Drennon and Yancey A. Montgomery Dr. and Mrs. James W. Dyer MG and Mrs. Maurice Edmonds Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fawbush Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Ferber Jim and Eileen Ferland Mr. and Mrs. James W. Folds Folio Weekly Football Fanatics Nathan and Linda Franzblau Dr. and Mrs. Martin Garcia Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gartner Kathy and Jim Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Helms Dave and Patte Henry Ann and David Hicks Marsha Evans Holmes Donald Horner III Mr. and Mrs. Gene L. Howerton Shelley Hulihan Mr. and Mrs. J. Curtis Hyers Incepture Dr. and Mrs. Richard Jason Judith Ripka Creations, Inc. Edward A. Kalakauskis Mr. and Mrs. T. Fitch King III Don Lerner Mrs. A. Noody (Betty) Lewis Norma K. Lockwood Dr. Dolores Loveless Dr. and Mrs. R. Stephen Lucie Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Magevney Dr. Jerry and Sandy Maida Sarah and Bill Mallory Ms. Elizabeth R. McCoy and Ms. Margareta E. Alexander Parker and Kendra McCrary Ray Sutton McGehee Foundation Mac and Libby McGriff Margaret Leu Means Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller Mr. and Mrs. Terry Mohr Barbara Mollitt Michael Monaghan and Helen Short Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Narducci Jane and Wayne Novak Drs. Michael and Sue Nussbaum Heather and Michael Olson Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. O’Steen OutintheRain Design Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Page Mrs. Patricia D. Page Drs. Shyam and Sharon Paryani Ms. Rossalyn Paul Ms. Danielle Payne Dr. and Mrs. Jerald H. Pietan Mr. and Mrs. Herb Plotkin Dr. and Mrs. Russell W. Pratt Jack Price, Dr. Miriam Price Ned and Sue Price Leslie Quaritius Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Ramey Mr. and Mrs. Randy C. Reagor Melvin J. Redmond Mr. and Mrs. Thomas James Reilly III Ray and Frances Rivera Susan Roberts James and Vickie Robinson Natalie Rosenberg Cindy Spence Sadler David and Nancy Schachnovsky Dr. and Mrs. Michael Scharf Dr. and Mrs. George Schoonover Dr. Brian and Rebecca Schwam Ryan A. Schwartz Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sekine Andrew Selevan Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Shorstein Mr. and Mrs. G. Barry Skitsko Dr. Edward and Mary Ellen Smith Kent and Marie Smith Bonnie and Michael Solloway Rick and Susan Sontag Brooke and Hap Stein Richard W. Stein Mr. and Mrs. B. DeWitt Storm Hal and Karen Still John and Erlane Tait Tapesouth, Inc. Doris and DeRoy Thomas three Keith and Cathy Tickell Rolf and Neely Towe Dr. and Mrs. N. H. Tucker James and Vicki Van Horn Jane and Paul Vance Mr. and Mrs. Chris A. Verlander Drs. Marty and Ben Walker Leigh Weaver and James Sutton Ed and Mariann Weihenmayer Joyce and Larry Wertz Karen and Don Wolfson Mr. and Mrs. Art Wotiz Chase and Morrie Zimmerman Elli and Charles Zimmerman Nancy and Seeman Zimmerman Barry and Eunice Zisser NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 294 JACKSONVILLE, FL 1325 SAN MARCO BOULEVARD | SUITE 802 JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32207 If you would like to change your address on our list or be removed from it, please call 904.202.2886. THE FLORIDA FORUM 2012-2013 Series Subscription • Includes all 3 Lectures Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts _______ Partner - $7,000 - Six series subscriptions, invitations for six to the private reception after each lecture, eight general seats to each lecture _______ Gold Circle - $4,250 - Four series subscriptions, invitations for four to the private reception after each lecture _______ Silver Circle - $2,125 - Two series subscriptions, invitations for two to the private reception after each lecture _______ Bronze Circle - $850 - Two series subscriptions ______ Preferred Seating - One series subscription $275 per person x _____=_____________ ______ General Seating - One series subscription $200 per person x _____=_____________ ______ Contribution Only Mail to: The Women’s Board 1325 San Marco Blvd., Ste. 802 Jacksonville, FL 32207 Fax to: 904.202.2778 E-mail to: [email protected] Amount of Purchase $__________ Check (payable to Wolfson Children’s Hospital) Visa Mastercard Discover AmEx Name____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Please print name as it should appear in the program) Mailing Address__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip ____________________________________________________________________ Day Telephone No. ___________________________________ Email ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Account No.________________________________________________________________________________________ Exp. Date __________________________ Name on Card ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Credit Card Billing Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (If different than above) For more information: call: 904.202.2886 e-mail: [email protected] visit: Directions is a semi-annual newsletter published by The Women’s Board, a volunteer organization that funds advances in the medical technology and facilities of Wolfson Children’s Hospital. Chair Emerita President Editor Ellen M. Cavert Jacqueline Bargas Grace M. Sarber