Newsletter Winter/Advent, 2015


Newsletter Winter/Advent, 2015
A DV E N T / C H R I S T M A S E D I T I O N
December, 2015
639 Grey Street
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 2E4
Message from Rev. Susan Mattinson - Minister
Greetings, Friends:
“Somewhere over the rainbow
The hope of life did shine
A star led searchers and wise ones
The joy of the world to find.
Inside this issue:
Minister Message
Board of Managers
Various Notes
Worship Committee
Advent Journey
Church activities
For everyone who would come to him
Salvation from a life of sin
Would free them always.
What’s What
Somewhere over the rainbow
We live again
Singing with angel choirs
Our hallelujahs to the King.”
Lloyd Jones
December Calendar
Somewhere over the rainbow
Peace broke through
Love and faith found meaning
In the birth of a baby new.
The angels sang with greatest joy
To share the news of the heavenly boy
Who blessed them
L.S. Atkinson (2006)
Tune: “Somewhere over the Rainbow”
At its heart, the Christmas story is a great mystery and wonder
wrapped in joy and expectation. And yet, as we hear the story year after
year, it becomes a familiar tune. At our Christmas Eve Family Service
at 7:00pm, we will have the honour of seeing the Christmas scriptures
illustrated by artwork from people in our own congregation. As we see
a variety of creative expressions, it is my prayer that the birth of our
Saviour will speak to us with a new and touching vision.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Church Office: 623-0717
Church Fax: 623-2658
Email: [email protected]
Rev. Susan Mattinson
Office Hours:
Monday to Friday
1:00—4:00 pm
Board of Managers
Much has been accomplished , much more needs to be done. Work around the building and premises is never complete. We are thank full to all those who so willingly help us with physical and financial
support. Those who keep the building in good repair , cut the grass , clean the kitchen ,take out the garbage, and take on special projects all without being asked. These not so little things are to numerous to
Again we express our thanks to the Karen congregation not only for their generous financial support but for cleaning all the Church windows inside and out.
Our appreciation and thanks to Richard Noy for replacing the windows at the front entrance. The
cladding should be done in the near future.
As most of you are already aware a congregational meeting was held re church finances and
other items. Some adjustments were made to the 2015 budget. This was a very positive meeting, which
evoked good thoughtful discussion not only on finances but other subjects as well. All things were discussed in a respectful Christian manner.
Your board is committed to trying to operate within our income. This would be made much easier if
our income was to increase 10%. Many items are already in progress to help us meet this objective.
On other positive matters we expect the Stewardship by Design group to have more information and
design on a new church sign early next spring. Many things are happening behind the scenes which will
reflect positively on our congregation and building. We look forward to 2016 as we work to present a
realistic balanced budget .
We invite every one to sign up for the annual Christmas dinner to be held 13 Dec, after morning service.
Submitted on behalf of board of managers
2016 Yard Sale
Our next yard sale will be on Sat. May 28, 2016,
so be sure to save your treasures for the sale.
We are still looking for pots for the plant sale.
Contact Linda Rydholm or Janet Racey for more
Visit our website to view
calendar of events, newsletters,
bulletins from past weeks, photos, upcoming events, news and more.
Page 2
Once again we will be publishing in the Sunday
Bulletin the names of family and friends that are
arriving to spend the Christmas holidays. Please let
Laura know the particulars so that we can
acknowledge their arrival in the bulletin
on December 20th
There has been some confusion regarding
the blanks on our offering envelopes.
From left to right: the amount placed in the
"Operating Budget" blank goes to operating.
From there it can be used wherever it is
required. The amount placed in
"Presbyterians Sharing" goes towards the
total amount that was pledged to
Presbyterians Sharing at our Annual General
Meeting. Presbyterians Sharing supports the
ministries of our national church--everything
from General Assembly to the formation of
new churches. In the third box, you are
welcomed to designate another ministry of
your choice: Presbyterian World Service and
Development (PWS&D), any special projects,
etc. Thank you for your financial support of
our church and its ministries!
The Elders' Districts have been assigned
with changes, mostly due to some elders
stepping down from active service and new
elders agreeing to serve for the next 6
years. If your current elder has not yet
communicated with you and you are
wondering who he/she is, please check with
the church secretary Laura at 623-0717.
The Elders are Bill Burn, Bobbie Casella,
Lorne Clifford, Meta Evans, Ken House,
Cyril Johnson, Debbie Linkletter, Kathleen
Noy, Janet Racey, Brenda SnowdenSeabrook, Linda Rydholm and Carol
Wehrstedt. Please communicate with them
and offer prayerful support.
The Presbyterian Church in Canada's study
guide on human sexuality, titled "Body, Mind,
and Soul", is now available for free PDF
download at:
Our national church is strongly encouraging a
time of study and discernment on this issue,
with the deadline for survey responses being
Feb. 15, 2016. Rev. Susan will be leading a
study group in the new year, details to be
Memorial Fund would like to
extend a “Thank you” to
everyone who has donated in
2015 in memory of the loved
Funds in the Memorial fund
are used within the church
under the direction of session.
Faithfully yours,
Brenda Seabrook
Please join us for a tour of the
Conservatory's Christmas display on
Tuesday Dec. 8 at 1:00pm. Our tour will be
followed by communion and refreshments
at the church. All are welcome!
Transportation is available: please contact
Bill Burn (577-5839) or Rev. Susan.
More volunteers are needed for
our Board of Managers. Please
speak to Jim Sutton, Doug
Brown, or Rev. Susan if you are
able to help support our
congregation in this way.
Food Bank Donations
Thank you for your continued support
of the Thunder Bay Food Bank.
Donations of non-perishable items
(cereal, canned goods, crackers, baby
food and formula, pasta and sauce,
etc) can be brought to Church on the
last Sunday of the month.
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Worship Committee
The Advent Season is just around the corner so we want to let you know about upcoming events at First Church:
Saturday, November 28 @ 2:00 pm — Church Decorating party. There will be coffee and cookies
Sunday, November 29 ( First Sunday of Advent) — 11 am - Worship
Last day to donate for In Memoriam poinsettias
Sunday, December 6 (Second Sunday of Advent) — 11 am - Worship and Communion
Sunday, December 13 (Third Sunday of Advent) — 11 am - Intergenerational Worship service
Noon - Potluck Congregation Christmas Dinner
Sunday, December 20 (Fourth Sunday of Advent) — 11 am - Worship
Thursday, December 24 - Christmas Eve
7 pm
— Christmas Eve Family Service
11 pm — Christmas Eve Communion Service
We wish you a joyful Christmas this year.
- From your Worship Committee
If you want a tax receipt
for 2015, your donation
has to be received by
December 31st
If you require 2015
reimbursement or
payment, your paperwork needs to be in by
December 18th.
Page 4
Start the Christmas Season off on a musical note
Upcoming Christmas Concerts
Lakehead Choral Group
“The Spirit of Christmas”
December 2nd - 7:30 pm
St. Agnes Church (corner of Mary and Brown Streets)
Tickets are $15 in advance ($18 at the door) and are
available from Rollason Flowers, Music World Academy,
Finnish Bookstore/Kitchen Nook, Circle of Friends Quit
Shoppe and all Lakehead Choral Group members, or
phone 622-5988 for more information.
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Regional Food
Distribution Association.
Fort William Male Choir
"Prelude to Christmas"
Don’t forget to save
your stamps
for the Leprosy
Mission of Canada
The holiday season will soon
be upon us and with it the
traditional exchange of letters,
cards and parcels. Please take
the time to remove the stamps,
leaving a 1/4 to 1/2 inch paper
border and deposit them in the
basket in the foyer
of the church.
Tell your friends about the
program and ask them to save
stamps for you.
The Music of the 70’s
December 4th & 5th - 7:30 pm
Thunder Bay Community Auditorium
The Gospel Christmas Music of the King
Starring Daylin James
Sat., Dec. 19th @ 7 pm @ St. Paul’s United Church
Sun., Dec. 20th @ 4 pm @ Broadway United Church
Share the Love - Spread the Warmth
CAROL SING-ALONG - Friday, DEC. 4, 7:30 p.m.
at Lakeview Presbyterian Church.
Sing your favourite carols! Enjoy hot cider & cookies!
With ThunderBrass, Polyphony Singers, and Lakeview &
Friends Choir.
A fund-raiser for the DEW DROP INN and the RFDA
(Regional Food Distribution Assoc.)
Donation at the door. Info: 251-0566
The Craft and Conversation Group will once
again be collecting items of warmth (hats,
mitts, socks, scarves, sweaters) to distribute to
organizations within our community. Boxes will
be available at the back of the church beginning Sunday, November 29th. Clothing will be
distributed after worship service on Sunday,
December 13. Items donated can be purchased, handmade or gently used.
FYI - The Schedule of Groups Using the Church Facilities
- Mondays (1:30 pm) and Tuesdays (8:00 pm)
- Wednesdays (8:30 pm) and Fridays (8:00 pm)
- Mondays (6:30 to 8:30 pm)
- Wednesdays (6:30 to 8:00 pm)
- Thursdays (6:30 to 7:30 pm)
- Sundays (1:00 to 4:00 pm)
In Memoriam Poinsettias
The deadline to arrange for poinsettias in
memory of loved ones is November 29th.
They will be placed in the Sanctuary midDecember. You may take your plant after the Christmas Eve service to enjoy at
Page 5
Church activities
Don't spend your afternoons alone! There are some activities at the church you can participate in:
*Craft and Conversation meets the 2nd and 4th Friday at 1:00. Bring a project and have a chat and a cup
of tea with us.
* Games/Cards meets the 2nd and 4th Monday at 1:00. A variety of card games are played and coffee is
* Glad Tiding's Mission study on Social Justice meets the third Tuesday at 1:30.
What’s What: Session, Board of Managers and Committees
- by Rev. Susan Mattinson
It has been suggested to me that a refresher on our church government would be helpful. And so,
I have compiled some basic information from the Presbyterian Church in Canada documents “Equipping
Elders” and the “Board of Managers Handbook”. To download and read the full documents for free,
please visit:
Session: Session is made up of “ruling elders” and its meetings are moderated by the “teaching
elder” (the minister). The Book of Forms outlines the many tasks and responsibilities of the session: supervision and oversight of the congregation, membership and pastoral care, worship, Christian education,
stewardship and mission (109–113). The session is also responsible for carrying out such duties as may
be directed to it by a higher court of the church (114–114.8). This includes providing records to the presbytery, completing the annual statistical report, transmitting any petitions and appeals to the presbytery,
and acting on remits and referrals from the General Assembly. We believe that each elder on session has
been given gifts by God and those gifts have been recognized by the congregation. By working together
and sharing gifts, session responsibilities are carried out.
Board of Managers: It is the board’s responsibility to look after the temporal and financial affairs of the
congregation; to cooperate closely with the session in encouraging the congregation to generously support
the ministry of the congregation; to disburse all moneys received for this purpose, subject to congregational approval; to provide for the ministers stipend and other salaries; and to administer all other matters
committed to them by the congregation (162). It is also the board’s responsibility to care for the church
buildings and ensure that they are kept in good condition and repair (163). Simply put, it is the work of
the session to provide leadership and direction in the life of the congregation. This includes the church’s
finances and property. It is the work of the board of managers to look after the finances and property honestly, wisely and in accordance with the direction of the session.
the parameters that have been determined. Consequently, session can receive reports of decisions already
taken rather than deliberating about them.
cont’d on next page ……….
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What’s What (cont’d)
Committees: There are a number of committees that report to session: Fellowship, Worship, Leading
with Care, Christian Education, Mission, Memorial Fund, and the Karen People Refugee Sponsorship
Foundation. Each committee includes one elder who may or may not serve as the committee chair. These
committees also carry out session policies and the session gives them authority to make decisions within
the parameters that have been determined. Consequently, session can receive reports of decisions already
taken rather than deliberating about them.
You are invited to pray regularly for the courts and committees of our church. As we believe that
Jesus Christ is the only king and head of the church, we strive to conduct the business of the church
through prayer and discernment as well as “decently and in order”.
“The gifts he gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and
teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until all of us
come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of the
full stature of Christ.” –Ephesians 4:11-13 (NRSV)
Page 7
Travel Light
- by Lloyd Jones
There’s no luggage rack on a hearse.
When a horse dies, dismount.
I used to know a professor who kept his garage filled with collectibles. He was no different from my uncle Ralph who couldn’t
throw away anything: newspapers, love letters, correspondence, books. He stored them in his attic until there was no room for
anything else. My professor friend, Phil, a learned physics teacher, stored anything imaginable in his garage including an older
car which became covered with the rest of the junk.
My late wife Willa and I did a lot of travelling together. I had always been impressed by how little she took-just the essentials. Usually they were
clothes that could be recycled, or even thrown away when they became dirty. Only one time can I recall that we went on a trip and she took
bags and bags of used clothing …for the poor people in Mexico, she explained. The transporting of the bundles of clothes after we arrived in Cancun became a logistical nightmare. The taxi driver who took us to the Isla Mujeres ferry, a few Mayan children on the boat, and trishaw worker
who transported our luggage from the ferry dock to our hotel all benefited from the bundles until they were all gone.
Our Sarawakian relatives always managed to load us down with rice and pepper as a parting gift. On one plane trip the rice was so heavy that
we exceeded the allowable weight. You need only to pay the surcharge on the Singapore-Hong Kong sector, the ticket agent had said, feeling generous
and identifying with our plight. So it is with our lives. Our journeys wear us out because of the baggage we carry with us.
Most of us would like our journey through life to be simpler than it really is. How easy it is to collect all kinds of things that we never use! They
can fill our closet and garage space to overflowing. J.K. Jerome said, Let your boat of life be light, packed only with what you need‑a homey home and
simple pleasures, one or two friends worth the name, someone to love and someone to love you. When we lack such a simple list of good things, how
prone we are to begin to collect stuff and fill our attics and basements with unused possessions.
To come to the point of possessing only what we need is never an easy task; we need changes of clothing for each season, a place to live, food
and the other necessities of life. But besides these material requirements we need good friends and someone to love and someone to love us.
When we lack these latter essentials, our lives often cease to be simple, causing us to fill our attics instead of our hearts. Empty spirits usually
lead to full closets.
If our boat of life is to ride high in the water, we must make sure that it is buoyed by the essentials of life. When we have good friends to love
and to love us, how much easier it is to find delight in poverty of spirit. In fact, once we attend to the true blessings of life, getting rid of non‑essentials can enhance our happiness. We are familiar with spring-cleaning, but maybe a good winter cleaning might be an occasion to enrich
the soul. Keep in mind the words of Gandhi that if people possess something they do not use, they become thieves. For the poor have need of
such possessions and keeping them in storage robs the poor of their rightful possession of goods.
Our boat of life will ride higher in the water and we catch the breeze of the blessed when we live with only what we need. And dresses, coats,
shirts, shoes, pots and pans which find their happiness only in being used will sing a special song of joy as we open the closet‑prison of their
captivity and let them find new homes.
If we do not attempt to find simplicity this winter and do not have a homey home with simple pleasures and the opportunity to
love and be loved, by spring our empty closets may once again be full.
Sunday December 13th @ noon (after the service)
Please sign up on the sheet at the back of the Church
and indicate the # of persons in your party.
If your last name begins with "A"
If your last name begins with "N"
to "M", please bring a salad.
to "Z", please bring a dessert.
The Church will provide ham, turkey, gravy and a beverage. A free will
offering will be accepted this year at the door.
Please Note:
Because some of our congregation have severe allergic reactions to products containing nuts, please
ensure no nuts or peanut cooking oil are used in the salads or desserts. Also those who volunteered to
cook turkeys are reminded to ensure no nuts are used in the stuffing.
Page 8
2nd Sunday of
Communion Service
No cards
First Day
of Winter
afternoon 1 pm
13 3rd Sun. of Advent 14
Service at 11 am
4th Sunday of
Noon– Congregational
Christmas potluck
Food Bank
11 am Carols and
Reflections service
World aids day
More than Mission
1 pm
Conservatory Tour
followed by communion
and refreshments
Meeting 6 pm
and Session
Joint Board
10 am - Bible Study
Human Rights Day
7:30 pm - Choir Practice
7:30 pm - Choir Practice
Christmas Eve
7:30 pm - Choir Practice
Family Service - 7 pm
Communion Service 11 pm
31 New Years Eve
Unicef’s 69th
Boxing Day
Scouts Christmas
Craft sale
11 am-3 pm
Crafts and
1 pm
25 Christmas