Revelation Song
Revelation Song
Lead Sheet /I]( (based on the recording from the Hosanna! Music album "Living For You" with Gateway Church) Jennie Lee Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith Slow and majestic iWORSH!P™ count-in: 8 beats Verse D 1x - pno only 2x, 3x - add lite time, pads D 1,2. Wor - thy is Pno/pads. only 3. Clothed A m7 C the in rain - bows G (1x, 2x - stay soft until chorus) 3x - Gtrs. Lamb Who was slain; Ho - ly, ho - ly is He; 3 4 of liv - ing col - or, flash - es of light - ning, rolls of thun - der; A m7 D (3x - kick/bass) Sing a song new to Him Who sits on 7 add duet Bless - ing (bottom note) and hon - or, strength and glo - ry pow - er be Chorus G C and D (3x - drive thru) + Big gtrs. 6ITIEX\S Heav - en's mer - cy seat. Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly 9 to You, the on - ly wise King. © 2004 Jenni Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music (all adm by Integrity's Praise! Music) c/o Integrity Media, Inc., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695. All rights reserved. Used by permission. With a CCLI license, the original purchaser of this chart may make only the copies necessary for his/her local corporate worship needs (this does NOT include choral performance). Duplication outside of this purpose is not allowed. Lead Sheet Revelation Song - page 2 of 3 A m7 Key: D C 12 is the Lord G God Al - might - y Who was A m7 D and is and is to come; 2x,3x - add punches 14 With all cre - a - tion I praise to the King of kings; 1 - Repeat to Verse 4th X to Coda C sing G E.G. solo D 17 You are my ev - 'ry - thing A m7 and I will C a - dore You. to 1 G 2 - to Verse 4 D E.G. solo 8va 20 A m7 C G 24 3 1a Verse 27 D Soft pno, pads only LITE time! A m7 W.L. only 4. Filled with won - der, G D C awe - struck won - der, 30 at the men - tion of Your Name; A m7 + Bass Je - sus, Your Name + DUET 3 is pow - er, breath and liv - ing wa - ter, Lead Sheet Revelation Song - page 3 of 3 C a D.S. al Coda G E.G. 16th chunks, drums BUILD! such Key: D mar - v'lous mys - - - ter - y, yeah. 33 Coda 2a Chorus G Drums only D 35 I will a - dore You. Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly 37 is the Lord God Al-might - y Who was D and is and is to come; A m7 E.G/Bass chunks (16ths) 40 With all cre - a - tion I sing praise to the King of kings; 2b Chorus C G D 42 You are my ev - 'ry - thing and I will A m7 a - dore You. Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly C 45 is the G Lord God Al - might - y Who was and is and is to G B A m7 D 47 With all cre - a - tion I C sing praise to Rit. 50 You are my ev - 'ry - thing and I the King of D G will come; a-dore You. kings; %& /I]( !"#$ '( 7PS[ERHQENIWXMG :IVWI M;367,4}GSYRXMRFIEXW ;SV XL] MW ( XLI ( " " ! # $ .IRRM0II6MHHPI'VIEXI4YFPMWLMRK-RXIKVMX]W4VEMWI1YWMGEPPEHQF]-RXIKVMX]W4VEMWI1YWMG "#$#%""#"#& '(()*$&+$,- "$ %$$&'()(* ((+,-(./(((. %& ().#$ % & ) * /I]( " + ! ( ! 6ITIEX\S " " -# , . $ Piano, Vocal Revelation Song - page 3 of 8 Key: D 2 Chorus Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly is the Lord God Al-might - y Who was A m7 D and is and is C 11 With all G cre - a - tion I sing praise to the King of kings; A m7 D 14 1 - Repeat to Verse 4th X to Coda You are C 17 my ev - 'ry - thing and I G will a - dore You. D to come; Piano, Vocal Revelation Song - page 4 of 8 Key: D to 1 A m7 C G 2 - to Verse 4 D 20 A m7 C G 24 1a Verse W.L. only 4. Filled with won - der, D 27 awe - struck won - der, A m7 at the men - tion of C Your Name; Piano, Vocal Revelation Song - page 5 of 8 Je - sus, Your Name Key: D is pow - er, breath and liv - ing wa - ter, + DUET G A m7 D 30 D.S. al Coda such C 33 a mar - v'lous mys - - - G ter - y, yeah. Piano, Vocal Revelation Song - page 6 of 8 Coda Key: D 2a Chorus I will a - dore You. Ho G - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly D Drums only 35 is the Lord God Al - might - y Who A m7 was and is and is to come; C 37 With all G 39 D cre - a - tion I sing Piano, Vocal Revelation Song - page 7 of 8 praise to the King of kings; Key: D You A m7 are my ev - 'ry - thing and C 41 2b Chorus I will a - dore You. Ho G - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly D 43 is A m7 45 the Lord God Al - might - y Who C was and is and is to come; Piano, Vocal Revelation Song - page 8 of 8 With all G cre - a - tion I sing Key: D praise to A m7 D the King of kings; 3 3 47 You C are my ev - 'ry - thing and I will a - dore D G Rit. 50 You. G B 3 3 Key: D Revelation Song #!'!*+, # -.$'/0 -!1! ! ) * + 7PS[ERHQENIWXMG 1 Verse M;367,4}GSYRXMRFIEXW ( ( % Q ! " ' # % Q ( ! ""# 2 Chorus ' $ (Repeat 1xo) % Q ( %&'' $! ' % Q ( ' 4th X to Coda % ! & ' ' ( % Q ( to 1 ' ( ( % Q ' ()$ .IRRM0II6MHHPI'VIEXI4YFPMWLMRK-RXIKVMX]W4VEMWI1YWMGEPPEHQF]-RXIKVMX]W4VEMWI1YWMG "#$#%""#"#& '(()*$&+$,- "$ 2!11.3!' !!!"!!! !!456 !7 ! % % Rhythm Revelation Song - page 2 of 2 Key: D 1a Verse G A m7 D C Soft pno, pads only LITE time! 26 4. "Filled with wonder..." G A m7 D C E.G. 16th chunks, drums BUILD! + Bass 30 D.S. al Coda G 2a Chorus Coda G D 35 Drums only "Holy, holy, holy..." A m7 D 39 E.G/Bass chunks (16ths) 2b Chorus C G D 42 "Holy, holy, holy..." A m7 C G D 45 G B A m7 C 49 3 3 D G Rit. Key: D Revelation Song #!'!*+, # -.$'/0 -!1! ! ) * + 7PS[ERHQENIWXMG 1 Verse M;367,4}GSYRXMRFIEXW ( ( % Q ! " ' # % Q ( ! ""# 2 Chorus ' $ (Repeat 1xo) % Q ( %&'' $! ' % Q ( ' 4th X to Coda % ! & ' ' ( % Q ( to 1 ' ( ( % Q ' ()$ .IRRM0II6MHHPI'VIEXI4YFPMWLMRK-RXIKVMX]W4VEMWI1YWMGEPPEHQF]-RXIKVMX]W4VEMWI1YWMG "#$#%""#"#& '(()*$&+$,- "$ 2!11.3!' !!!"!!! !!456 !7 ! % % Ac. Guitar Revelation Song - page 2 of 2 Key: D 1a Verse G A m7 D C Soft pno, pads only LITE time! 26 4. "Filled with wonder..." G A m7 D C E.G. 16th chunks, drums BUILD! + Bass 30 D.S. al Coda G 2a Chorus Coda G D 35 Drums only "Holy, holy, holy..." A m7 D 39 E.G/Bass chunks (16ths) 2b Chorus C G D 42 "Holy, holy, holy..." A m7 C G D 45 G B A m7 C 49 3 3 D G Rit. Trumpet 1-2 Key: D Revelation Song (based on the recording from the Hosanna! Music album "Living For You" with Gateway Church) Jennie Lee Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith Slow and majestic 1 Verse 3x only 2 1,2. "Worthy is the..." 2. "Clothed in rainbows..." (Repeat 1xo) 3rd X only 7 2 Chorus All times + Cued notes 2x, 3x 11 "Holy, holy, holy..." 2x, 3x - play cued notes 1 - Repeat to Verse 4th X to Coda 16 to 1 2 - to Verse 4 20 D.S. al Coda 1a Verse 7 4. "Filled with wonder..." 25 Coda 2a Chorus 4 35 "Holy, holy, holy..." © 2004 Jenni Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music (all adm by Integrity's Praise! Music) c/o Integrity Media, Inc., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695. All rights reserved. Used by permission. With a CCLI license, the original purchaser of this chart may make only the copies necessary for his/her local corporate worship needs (this does NOT include choral performance). Duplication outside of this purpose is not allowed. Trumpet 1-2 Revelation Song - page 2 of 2 Key: D 2b Chorus 42 "Holy, holy, holy..." 3 46 3 1st - ad lib. over held ending like a "battle call" 50 Rit. Alto Sax Key: D Revelation Song (based on the recording from the Hosanna! Music album "Living For You" with Gateway Church) Jennie Lee Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith Slow and majestic 1 Verse 3x only 2 1,2. "Worthy is the..." 2. "Clothed in rainbows..." (Repeat 1xo) 3rd X only 7 2 Chorus All times 11 "Holy, holy, holy..." 1 - Repeat to Verse 4th X to Coda 2x, 3x - play cued notes 16 to 1 2 - to Verse 4 21 D.S. al Coda 1a Verse 7 4. "Filled with wonder..." 25 Coda 2a Chorus 4 35 "Holy, holy, holy..." © 2004 Jenni Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music (all adm by Integrity's Praise! Music) c/o Integrity Media, Inc., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695. All rights reserved. Used by permission. With a CCLI license, the original purchaser of this chart may make only the copies necessary for his/her local corporate worship needs (this does NOT include choral performance). Duplication outside of this purpose is not allowed. Alto Sax Revelation Song - page 2 of 2 Key: D 2b Chorus 42 "Holy, holy, holy..." 46 49 3 3 Rit. Trumpet 3 Key: D Revelation Song (based on the recording from the Hosanna! Music album "Living For You" with Gateway Church) Jennie Lee Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith Slow and majestic 1 Verse 3x only 2 1,2. "Worthy is the..." 2. "Clothed in rainbows..." (Repeat 1xo) 3rd X only 7 2 Chorus All times 11 "Holy, holy, holy..." 1 - Repeat to Verse 4th X to Coda 2x, 3x - play cued notes 16 to 1 2 - to Verse 4 21 D.S. al Coda 1a Verse 7 4. "Filled with wonder..." 25 Coda 2a Chorus 4 35 "Holy, holy, holy..." © 2004 Jenni Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music (all adm by Integrity's Praise! Music) c/o Integrity Media, Inc., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695. All rights reserved. Used by permission. With a CCLI license, the original purchaser of this chart may make only the copies necessary for his/her local corporate worship needs (this does NOT include choral performance). Duplication outside of this purpose is not allowed. Trumpet 3 Revelation Song - page 2 of 2 Key: D 2b Chorus 42 "Holy, holy, holy..." 3 46 3 50 Rit. Trombone 1-2 Key: D Revelation Song (based on the recording from the Hosanna! Music album "Living For You" with Gateway Church) Jennie Lee Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith Slow and majestic 1 Verse 3x only 2 1,2. "Worthy is the..." 2. "Clothed in rainbows..." 3rd X only (Repeat 1xo) 7 2 Chorus 11 All times "Holy, holy, holy..." 2x, 3x - play cued notes 4th X to Coda 1 - Repeat to Verse 15 to 1 2 - to Verse 4 20 D.S. al Coda 1a Verse 7 25 4. "Filled with wonder..." Coda 2a Chorus 4 35 "Holy, holy, holy..." © 2004 Jenni Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music (all adm by Integrity's Praise! Music) c/o Integrity Media, Inc., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695. All rights reserved. Used by permission. With a CCLI license, the original purchaser of this chart may make only the copies necessary for his/her local corporate worship needs (this does NOT include choral performance). Duplication outside of this purpose is not allowed. Trombone 1-2 Revelation Song - page 2 of 2 Key: D 2b Chorus 42 "Holy, holy, holy..." 3 46 50 Rit. 3 Tenor Sax 1-2 Key: D Revelation Song (based on the recording from the Hosanna! Music album "Living For You" with Gateway Church) Jennie Lee Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith Slow and majestic 1 Verse 3x only 2 1,2. "Worthy is the..." 2. "Clothed in rainbows..." (Repeat 1xo) 3rd X only 7 2 Chorus All times 11 "Holy, holy, holy..." 2x, 3x - play cued notes 1 - Repeat to Verse 4th X to Coda 15 to 1 2 - to Verse 4 20 D.S. al Coda 1a Verse 7 25 4. "Filled with wonder..." Coda 2a Chorus 4 35 "Holy, holy, holy..." © 2004 Jenni Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music (all adm by Integrity's Praise! Music) c/o Integrity Media, Inc., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695. All rights reserved. Used by permission. With a CCLI license, the original purchaser of this chart may make only the copies necessary for his/her local corporate worship needs (this does NOT include choral performance). Duplication outside of this purpose is not allowed. Tenor Sax 1-2 Revelation Song - page 2 of 2 Key: D 2b Chorus 42 "Holy, holy, holy..." 46 3 50 Rit. 3 Trombone 3, Tuba Key: D Revelation Song (based on the recording from the Hosanna! Music album "Living For You" with Gateway Church) Jennie Lee Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith Slow and majestic 1 Verse 2 (Repeat 1xo) 4 1,2. "Worthy is the..." 2. "Clothed in rainbows..." 2 Chorus 11 "Holy, holy, holy..." 1 - Repeat to Verse 4th X to Coda 2x, 3x - play cued notes 16 to 1 2 - to Verse 4 20 D.S. al Coda 1a Verse 7 25 4. "Filled with wonder..." 2a Chorus Coda 6 35 "Holy, holy, holy..." 2b Chorus 44 "Holy, holy, holy..." 3 49 3 Rit. © 2004 Jenni Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music (all adm by Integrity's Praise! Music) c/o Integrity Media, Inc., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695. All rights reserved. Used by permission. With a CCLI license, the original purchaser of this chart may make only the copies necessary for his/her local corporate worship needs (this does NOT include choral performance). Duplication outside of this purpose is not allowed. Bari Sax Key: D Revelation Song (based on the recording from the Hosanna! Music album "Living For You" with Gateway Church) Jennie Lee Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith Slow and majestic 1 Verse 2 (Repeat 1xo) 4 1,2. "Worthy is the..." 2. "Clothed in rainbows..." 2 Chorus 11 "Holy, holy, holy..." 1 - Repeat to Verse 4th X to Coda 2x, 3x - play cued notes 16 to 1 2 - to Verse 4 20 D.S. al Coda 1a Verse 7 25 4. "Filled with wonder..." Coda 2a Chorus 6 35 "Holy, holy, holy..." 2b Chorus 44 "Holy, holy, holy..." 3 49 3 Rit. © 2004 Jenni Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music (all adm by Integrity's Praise! Music) c/o Integrity Media, Inc., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695. All rights reserved. Used by permission. With a CCLI license, the original purchaser of this chart may make only the copies necessary for his/her local corporate worship needs (this does NOT include choral performance). Duplication outside of this purpose is not allowed. Percussion Key: D Revelation Song (based on the recording from the Hosanna! Music album "Living For You" with Gateway Church) Jennie Lee Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith Slow and majestic 1 Verse All times - small shaker Various ambient textures 1x, 2x - ambient sounds continue 1,2. "Worthy is the..." 2. "Clothed in rainbows..." 5 3rd X only - Timpani 2 Chorus Sus. Cym. 2 9 all times - Timpani "Holy, holy, holy..." (Repeat 1xo) 1 - Repeat to Verse 4th X to Coda Timp - 2x, 3x only 15 to 1 2 - to Verse 4 Tamb. 2 20 Wind chimes or rainstick Sus. Cym. 25 1a Verse small shaker Ambient textures - lightly 4. "Filled with wonder..." D.S. al Coda (7) 30 © 2004 Jenni Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music (all adm by Integrity's Praise! Music) c/o Integrity Media, Inc., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695. All rights reserved. Used by permission. With a CCLI license, the original purchaser of this chart may make only the copies necessary for his/her local corporate worship needs (this does NOT include choral performance). Duplication outside of this purpose is not allowed. Percussion Revelation Song - page 2 of 2 Key: D 2a Chorus Coda 35 "Holy, holy, holy..." 38 2b Chorus tamb. on 16ths - - -> 42 Timp. "Holy, holy, holy..." 45 3 3 49 Rit. Horn 1-2 Key: D Revelation Song (based on the recording from the Hosanna! Music album "Living For You" with Gateway Church) Jennie Lee Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith Slow and majestic 1 Verse 3rd X only 2 1,2. "Worthy is the..." 2. "Clothed in rainbows..." (Repeat 1xo) 2nd X only 6 2 Chorus All times "Holy, holy, holy..." 11 1 - Repeat to Verse 4th X to Coda 2x, 3x - play cued notes 16 to 1 2 - to Verse 4 20 D.S. al Coda 1a Verse 6 4. "Filled with wonder..." 25 Coda 2a Chorus stopped 4 35 "Holy, holy, holy..." © 2004 Jenni Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music (all adm by Integrity's Praise! Music) c/o Integrity Media, Inc., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695. All rights reserved. Used by permission. With a CCLI license, the original purchaser of this chart may make only the copies necessary for his/her local corporate worship needs (this does NOT include choral performance). Duplication outside of this purpose is not allowed. Horn 1-2 Revelation Song - page 2 of 2 2b Chorus open Key: D "Holy, holy, holy..." 43 3 48 3 Rit. Flute (Oboe) 1-3 Key: D Revelation Song (based on the recording from the Hosanna! Music album "Living For You" with Gateway Church) Jennie Lee Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith Slow and majestic 1 Verse 3x only 2 1,2. "Worthy is the..." 2. "Clothed in rainbows..." 1xo - Oboe solo 3xo - Tutti (Repeat 1xo) 7 2 Chorus 11 "Holy, holy, holy..." 2x, 3x - play cued notes 4th X to Coda 15 5 1 - Repeat to Verse to 1 19 2 - to Verse 4 1a Verse 3 23 4. "Filled with wonder..." D.S. al Coda 5 Oboe solo 30 © 2004 Jenni Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music (all adm by Integrity's Praise! Music) c/o Integrity Media, Inc., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695. All rights reserved. Used by permission. With a CCLI license, the original purchaser of this chart may make only the copies necessary for his/her local corporate worship needs (this does NOT include choral performance). Duplication outside of this purpose is not allowed. Flute (Oboe) 1-3 Revelation Song - page 2 of 2 Key: D 2a Chorus Coda 4 35 "Holy, holy, holy..." 2b Chorus 41 6 45 49 3 3 Rit. "Holy, holy, holy..." Clarinet Key: D Revelation Song (based on the recording from the Hosanna! Music album "Living For You" with Gateway Church) Jennie Lee Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith Slow and majestic 1 Verse 3x only 2 1,2. "Worthy is the..." 2. "Clothed in rainbows..." 1xo - Oboe solo 3xo - Tutti (Repeat 1xo) 7 2 Chorus 11 "Holy, holy, holy..." 2x, 3x - play cued notes 4th X to Coda 15 5 1 - Repeat to Verse to 1 19 2 - to Verse 4 1a Verse 3 23 4. "Filled with wonder..." Oboe Solo D.S. al Coda 5 30 © 2004 Jenni Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music (all adm by Integrity's Praise! Music) c/o Integrity Media, Inc., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695. All rights reserved. Used by permission. With a CCLI license, the original purchaser of this chart may make only the copies necessary for his/her local corporate worship needs (this does NOT include choral performance). Duplication outside of this purpose is not allowed. Clarinet Revelation Song - page 2 of 2 Key: D 2a Chorus Coda 4 35 "Holy, holy, holy..." 2b Chorus 41 6 45 49 3 3 Rit. "Holy, holy, holy..." Strings (Synth) Key: D Revelation Song (based on the recording from the Hosanna! Music album "Living For You" with Gateway Church) Jennie Lee Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith Slow and majestic 1 Verse 1,2. "Worthy is the..." 2. "Clothed in rainbows..." 2x, 3x only 2 2 (Repeat 1xo) 7 2 Chorus "Holy, holy, holy..." 11 4th X to Coda 1 - Repeat to Verse 2x, 3x - play cued notes 5 16 © 2004 Jenni Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music (all adm by Integrity's Praise! Music) c/o Integrity Media, Inc., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695. All rights reserved. Used by permission. With a CCLI license, the original purchaser of this chart may make only the copies necessary for his/her local corporate worship needs (this does NOT include choral performance). Duplication outside of this purpose is not allowed. Strings (Synth) Revelation Song - page 2 of 3 to 1 Key: D 2 - to Verse 4 21 1a Verse 4. "Filled with wonder..." 27 D.S. al Coda 5 32 Coda 2a Chorus "Holy, holy, holy..." 35 Strings (Synth) Revelation Song - page 3 of 3 Key: D 38 2b Chorus 6 "Holy, holy, holy..." 42 46 3 3 Rit. 49 3 3 Lead Sheet /I]( (based on the recording from the Hosanna! Music album "Living For You" with Gateway Church) Jennie Lee Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith Slow and majestic iWORSH!P™ count-in: 8 beats Verse D 1x - pno only 2x, 3x - add lite time, pads D 1,2. Wor - thy is Pno/pads. only 3. Clothed A m7 C the in rain - bows G (1x, 2x - stay soft until chorus) 3x - Gtrs. Lamb Who was slain; Ho - ly, ho - ly is He; 3 4 of liv - ing col - or, flash - es of light - ning, rolls of thun - der; A m7 D (3x - kick/bass) Sing a song new to Him Who sits on 7 add duet Bless - ing (bottom note) and hon - or, strength and glo - ry pow - er be Chorus G C and D (3x - drive thru) + Big gtrs. 6ITIEX\S Heav - en's mer - cy seat. Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly 9 to You, the on - ly wise King. © 2004 Jenni Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music (all adm by Integrity's Praise! Music) c/o Integrity Media, Inc., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695. All rights reserved. Used by permission. With a CCLI license, the original purchaser of this chart may make only the copies necessary for his/her local corporate worship needs (this does NOT include choral performance). Duplication outside of this purpose is not allowed. Lead Sheet Revelation Song - page 2 of 3 A m7 Key: D C 12 is the Lord G God Al - might - y Who was A m7 D and is and is to come; 2x,3x - add punches 14 With all cre - a - tion I praise to the King of kings; 1 - Repeat to Verse 4th X to Coda C sing G E.G. solo D 17 You are my ev - 'ry - thing A m7 and I will C a - dore You. to 1 G 2 - to Verse 4 D E.G. solo 8va 20 A m7 C G 24 3 1a Verse 27 D Soft pno, pads only LITE time! A m7 W.L. only 4. Filled with won - der, G D C awe - struck won - der, 30 at the men - tion of Your Name; A m7 + Bass Je - sus, Your Name + DUET 3 is pow - er, breath and liv - ing wa - ter, Lead Sheet Revelation Song - page 3 of 3 C a D.S. al Coda G E.G. 16th chunks, drums BUILD! such Key: D mar - v'lous mys - - - ter - y, yeah. 33 Coda 2a Chorus G Drums only D 35 I will a - dore You. Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly 37 is the Lord God Al-might - y Who was D and is and is to come; A m7 E.G/Bass chunks (16ths) 40 With all cre - a - tion I sing praise to the King of kings; 2b Chorus C G D 42 You are my ev - 'ry - thing and I will A m7 a - dore You. Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly C 45 is the G Lord God Al - might - y Who was and is and is to G B A m7 D 47 With all cre - a - tion I C sing praise to Rit. 50 You are my ev - 'ry - thing and I the King of D G will come; a-dore You. kings; %& /I]( !"#$ '( 7PS[ERHQENIWXMG :IVWI M;367,4}GSYRXMRFIEXW ;SV XL] MW ( XLI ( " " ! # $ .IRRM0II6MHHPI'VIEXI4YFPMWLMRK-RXIKVMX]W4VEMWI1YWMGEPPEHQF]-RXIKVMX]W4VEMWI1YWMG "#$#%""#"#& '(()*$&+$,- "$ %$$&'()(* ((+,-(./(((. %& ().#$ % & ) * /I]( " + ! ( ! 6ITIEX\S " " -# , . $ Piano, Vocal Revelation Song - page 3 of 8 Key: D 2 Chorus Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly is the Lord God Al-might - y Who was A m7 D and is and is C 11 With all G cre - a - tion I sing praise to the King of kings; A m7 D 14 1 - Repeat to Verse 4th X to Coda You are C 17 my ev - 'ry - thing and I G will a - dore You. D to come; Piano, Vocal Revelation Song - page 4 of 8 Key: D to 1 A m7 C G 2 - to Verse 4 D 20 A m7 C G 24 1a Verse W.L. only 4. Filled with won - der, D 27 awe - struck won - der, A m7 at the men - tion of C Your Name; Piano, Vocal Revelation Song - page 5 of 8 Je - sus, Your Name Key: D is pow - er, breath and liv - ing wa - ter, + DUET G A m7 D 30 D.S. al Coda such C 33 a mar - v'lous mys - - - G ter - y, yeah. Piano, Vocal Revelation Song - page 6 of 8 Coda Key: D 2a Chorus I will a - dore You. Ho G - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly D Drums only 35 is the Lord God Al - might - y Who A m7 was and is and is to come; C 37 With all G 39 D cre - a - tion I sing Piano, Vocal Revelation Song - page 7 of 8 praise to the King of kings; Key: D You A m7 are my ev - 'ry - thing and C 41 2b Chorus I will a - dore You. Ho G - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly D 43 is A m7 45 the Lord God Al - might - y Who C was and is and is to come; Piano, Vocal Revelation Song - page 8 of 8 With all G cre - a - tion I sing Key: D praise to A m7 D the King of kings; 3 3 47 You C are my ev - 'ry - thing and I will a - dore D G Rit. 50 You. G B 3 3 Key: D Revelation Song #!'!*+, # -.$'/0 -!1! ! ) * + 7PS[ERHQENIWXMG 1 Verse M;367,4}GSYRXMRFIEXW ( ( % Q ! " ' # % Q ( ! ""# 2 Chorus ' $ (Repeat 1xo) % Q ( %&'' $! ' % Q ( ' 4th X to Coda % ! & ' ' ( % Q ( to 1 ' ( ( % Q ' ()$ .IRRM0II6MHHPI'VIEXI4YFPMWLMRK-RXIKVMX]W4VEMWI1YWMGEPPEHQF]-RXIKVMX]W4VEMWI1YWMG "#$#%""#"#& '(()*$&+$,- "$ 2!11.3!' !!!"!!! !!456 !7 ! % % Rhythm Revelation Song - page 2 of 2 Key: D 1a Verse G A m7 D C Soft pno, pads only LITE time! 26 4. "Filled with wonder..." G A m7 D C E.G. 16th chunks, drums BUILD! + Bass 30 D.S. al Coda G 2a Chorus Coda G D 35 Drums only "Holy, holy, holy..." A m7 D 39 E.G/Bass chunks (16ths) 2b Chorus C G D 42 "Holy, holy, holy..." A m7 C G D 45 G B A m7 C 49 3 3 D G Rit. Key: D Revelation Song #!'!*+, # -.$'/0 -!1! ! ) * + 7PS[ERHQENIWXMG 1 Verse M;367,4}GSYRXMRFIEXW ( ( % Q ! " ' # % Q ( ! ""# 2 Chorus ' $ (Repeat 1xo) % Q ( %&'' $! ' % Q ( ' 4th X to Coda % ! & ' ' ( % Q ( to 1 ' ( ( % Q ' ()$ .IRRM0II6MHHPI'VIEXI4YFPMWLMRK-RXIKVMX]W4VEMWI1YWMGEPPEHQF]-RXIKVMX]W4VEMWI1YWMG "#$#%""#"#& '(()*$&+$,- "$ 2!11.3!' !!!"!!! !!456 !7 ! % % Ac. Guitar Revelation Song - page 2 of 2 Key: D 1a Verse G A m7 D C Soft pno, pads only LITE time! 26 4. "Filled with wonder..." G A m7 D C E.G. 16th chunks, drums BUILD! + Bass 30 D.S. al Coda G 2a Chorus Coda G D 35 Drums only "Holy, holy, holy..." A m7 D 39 E.G/Bass chunks (16ths) 2b Chorus C G D 42 "Holy, holy, holy..." A m7 C G D 45 G B A m7 C 49 3 3 D G Rit. Trumpet 1-2 Key: D Revelation Song (based on the recording from the Hosanna! Music album "Living For You" with Gateway Church) Jennie Lee Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith Slow and majestic 1 Verse 3x only 2 1,2. "Worthy is the..." 2. "Clothed in rainbows..." (Repeat 1xo) 3rd X only 7 2 Chorus All times + Cued notes 2x, 3x 11 "Holy, holy, holy..." 2x, 3x - play cued notes 1 - Repeat to Verse 4th X to Coda 16 to 1 2 - to Verse 4 20 D.S. al Coda 1a Verse 7 4. "Filled with wonder..." 25 Coda 2a Chorus 4 35 "Holy, holy, holy..." © 2004 Jenni Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music (all adm by Integrity's Praise! Music) c/o Integrity Media, Inc., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695. All rights reserved. Used by permission. With a CCLI license, the original purchaser of this chart may make only the copies necessary for his/her local corporate worship needs (this does NOT include choral performance). Duplication outside of this purpose is not allowed. Trumpet 1-2 Revelation Song - page 2 of 2 Key: D 2b Chorus 42 "Holy, holy, holy..." 3 46 3 1st - ad lib. over held ending like a "battle call" 50 Rit. Alto Sax Key: D Revelation Song (based on the recording from the Hosanna! Music album "Living For You" with Gateway Church) Jennie Lee Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith Slow and majestic 1 Verse 3x only 2 1,2. "Worthy is the..." 2. "Clothed in rainbows..." (Repeat 1xo) 3rd X only 7 2 Chorus All times 11 "Holy, holy, holy..." 1 - Repeat to Verse 4th X to Coda 2x, 3x - play cued notes 16 to 1 2 - to Verse 4 21 D.S. al Coda 1a Verse 7 4. "Filled with wonder..." 25 Coda 2a Chorus 4 35 "Holy, holy, holy..." © 2004 Jenni Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music (all adm by Integrity's Praise! Music) c/o Integrity Media, Inc., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695. All rights reserved. Used by permission. With a CCLI license, the original purchaser of this chart may make only the copies necessary for his/her local corporate worship needs (this does NOT include choral performance). Duplication outside of this purpose is not allowed. Alto Sax Revelation Song - page 2 of 2 Key: D 2b Chorus 42 "Holy, holy, holy..." 46 49 3 3 Rit. Trumpet 3 Key: D Revelation Song (based on the recording from the Hosanna! Music album "Living For You" with Gateway Church) Jennie Lee Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith Slow and majestic 1 Verse 3x only 2 1,2. "Worthy is the..." 2. "Clothed in rainbows..." (Repeat 1xo) 3rd X only 7 2 Chorus All times 11 "Holy, holy, holy..." 1 - Repeat to Verse 4th X to Coda 2x, 3x - play cued notes 16 to 1 2 - to Verse 4 21 D.S. al Coda 1a Verse 7 4. "Filled with wonder..." 25 Coda 2a Chorus 4 35 "Holy, holy, holy..." © 2004 Jenni Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music (all adm by Integrity's Praise! Music) c/o Integrity Media, Inc., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695. All rights reserved. Used by permission. With a CCLI license, the original purchaser of this chart may make only the copies necessary for his/her local corporate worship needs (this does NOT include choral performance). Duplication outside of this purpose is not allowed. Trumpet 3 Revelation Song - page 2 of 2 Key: D 2b Chorus 42 "Holy, holy, holy..." 3 46 3 50 Rit. Trombone 1-2 Key: D Revelation Song (based on the recording from the Hosanna! Music album "Living For You" with Gateway Church) Jennie Lee Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith Slow and majestic 1 Verse 3x only 2 1,2. "Worthy is the..." 2. "Clothed in rainbows..." 3rd X only (Repeat 1xo) 7 2 Chorus 11 All times "Holy, holy, holy..." 2x, 3x - play cued notes 4th X to Coda 1 - Repeat to Verse 15 to 1 2 - to Verse 4 20 D.S. al Coda 1a Verse 7 25 4. "Filled with wonder..." Coda 2a Chorus 4 35 "Holy, holy, holy..." © 2004 Jenni Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music (all adm by Integrity's Praise! Music) c/o Integrity Media, Inc., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695. All rights reserved. Used by permission. With a CCLI license, the original purchaser of this chart may make only the copies necessary for his/her local corporate worship needs (this does NOT include choral performance). Duplication outside of this purpose is not allowed. Trombone 1-2 Revelation Song - page 2 of 2 Key: D 2b Chorus 42 "Holy, holy, holy..." 3 46 50 Rit. 3 Tenor Sax 1-2 Key: D Revelation Song (based on the recording from the Hosanna! Music album "Living For You" with Gateway Church) Jennie Lee Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith Slow and majestic 1 Verse 3x only 2 1,2. "Worthy is the..." 2. "Clothed in rainbows..." (Repeat 1xo) 3rd X only 7 2 Chorus All times 11 "Holy, holy, holy..." 2x, 3x - play cued notes 1 - Repeat to Verse 4th X to Coda 15 to 1 2 - to Verse 4 20 D.S. al Coda 1a Verse 7 25 4. "Filled with wonder..." Coda 2a Chorus 4 35 "Holy, holy, holy..." © 2004 Jenni Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music (all adm by Integrity's Praise! Music) c/o Integrity Media, Inc., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695. All rights reserved. Used by permission. With a CCLI license, the original purchaser of this chart may make only the copies necessary for his/her local corporate worship needs (this does NOT include choral performance). Duplication outside of this purpose is not allowed. Tenor Sax 1-2 Revelation Song - page 2 of 2 Key: D 2b Chorus 42 "Holy, holy, holy..." 46 3 50 Rit. 3 Trombone 3, Tuba Key: D Revelation Song (based on the recording from the Hosanna! Music album "Living For You" with Gateway Church) Jennie Lee Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith Slow and majestic 1 Verse 2 (Repeat 1xo) 4 1,2. "Worthy is the..." 2. "Clothed in rainbows..." 2 Chorus 11 "Holy, holy, holy..." 1 - Repeat to Verse 4th X to Coda 2x, 3x - play cued notes 16 to 1 2 - to Verse 4 20 D.S. al Coda 1a Verse 7 25 4. "Filled with wonder..." 2a Chorus Coda 6 35 "Holy, holy, holy..." 2b Chorus 44 "Holy, holy, holy..." 3 49 3 Rit. © 2004 Jenni Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music (all adm by Integrity's Praise! Music) c/o Integrity Media, Inc., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695. All rights reserved. Used by permission. With a CCLI license, the original purchaser of this chart may make only the copies necessary for his/her local corporate worship needs (this does NOT include choral performance). Duplication outside of this purpose is not allowed. Bari Sax Key: D Revelation Song (based on the recording from the Hosanna! Music album "Living For You" with Gateway Church) Jennie Lee Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith Slow and majestic 1 Verse 2 (Repeat 1xo) 4 1,2. "Worthy is the..." 2. "Clothed in rainbows..." 2 Chorus 11 "Holy, holy, holy..." 1 - Repeat to Verse 4th X to Coda 2x, 3x - play cued notes 16 to 1 2 - to Verse 4 20 D.S. al Coda 1a Verse 7 25 4. "Filled with wonder..." Coda 2a Chorus 6 35 "Holy, holy, holy..." 2b Chorus 44 "Holy, holy, holy..." 3 49 3 Rit. © 2004 Jenni Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music (all adm by Integrity's Praise! Music) c/o Integrity Media, Inc., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695. All rights reserved. Used by permission. With a CCLI license, the original purchaser of this chart may make only the copies necessary for his/her local corporate worship needs (this does NOT include choral performance). Duplication outside of this purpose is not allowed. Percussion Key: D Revelation Song (based on the recording from the Hosanna! Music album "Living For You" with Gateway Church) Jennie Lee Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith Slow and majestic 1 Verse All times - small shaker Various ambient textures 1x, 2x - ambient sounds continue 1,2. "Worthy is the..." 2. "Clothed in rainbows..." 5 3rd X only - Timpani 2 Chorus Sus. Cym. 2 9 all times - Timpani "Holy, holy, holy..." (Repeat 1xo) 1 - Repeat to Verse 4th X to Coda Timp - 2x, 3x only 15 to 1 2 - to Verse 4 Tamb. 2 20 Wind chimes or rainstick Sus. Cym. 25 1a Verse small shaker Ambient textures - lightly 4. "Filled with wonder..." D.S. al Coda (7) 30 © 2004 Jenni Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music (all adm by Integrity's Praise! Music) c/o Integrity Media, Inc., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695. All rights reserved. Used by permission. With a CCLI license, the original purchaser of this chart may make only the copies necessary for his/her local corporate worship needs (this does NOT include choral performance). Duplication outside of this purpose is not allowed. Percussion Revelation Song - page 2 of 2 Key: D 2a Chorus Coda 35 "Holy, holy, holy..." 38 2b Chorus tamb. on 16ths - - -> 42 Timp. "Holy, holy, holy..." 45 3 3 49 Rit. Horn 1-2 Key: D Revelation Song (based on the recording from the Hosanna! Music album "Living For You" with Gateway Church) Jennie Lee Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith Slow and majestic 1 Verse 3rd X only 2 1,2. "Worthy is the..." 2. "Clothed in rainbows..." (Repeat 1xo) 2nd X only 6 2 Chorus All times "Holy, holy, holy..." 11 1 - Repeat to Verse 4th X to Coda 2x, 3x - play cued notes 16 to 1 2 - to Verse 4 20 D.S. al Coda 1a Verse 6 4. "Filled with wonder..." 25 Coda 2a Chorus stopped 4 35 "Holy, holy, holy..." © 2004 Jenni Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music (all adm by Integrity's Praise! Music) c/o Integrity Media, Inc., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695. All rights reserved. Used by permission. With a CCLI license, the original purchaser of this chart may make only the copies necessary for his/her local corporate worship needs (this does NOT include choral performance). Duplication outside of this purpose is not allowed. Horn 1-2 Revelation Song - page 2 of 2 2b Chorus open Key: D "Holy, holy, holy..." 43 3 48 3 Rit. Flute (Oboe) 1-3 Key: D Revelation Song (based on the recording from the Hosanna! Music album "Living For You" with Gateway Church) Jennie Lee Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith Slow and majestic 1 Verse 3x only 2 1,2. "Worthy is the..." 2. "Clothed in rainbows..." 1xo - Oboe solo 3xo - Tutti (Repeat 1xo) 7 2 Chorus 11 "Holy, holy, holy..." 2x, 3x - play cued notes 4th X to Coda 15 5 1 - Repeat to Verse to 1 19 2 - to Verse 4 1a Verse 3 23 4. "Filled with wonder..." D.S. al Coda 5 Oboe solo 30 © 2004 Jenni Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music (all adm by Integrity's Praise! Music) c/o Integrity Media, Inc., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695. All rights reserved. Used by permission. With a CCLI license, the original purchaser of this chart may make only the copies necessary for his/her local corporate worship needs (this does NOT include choral performance). Duplication outside of this purpose is not allowed. Flute (Oboe) 1-3 Revelation Song - page 2 of 2 Key: D 2a Chorus Coda 4 35 "Holy, holy, holy..." 2b Chorus 41 6 45 49 3 3 Rit. "Holy, holy, holy..." Clarinet Key: D Revelation Song (based on the recording from the Hosanna! Music album "Living For You" with Gateway Church) Jennie Lee Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith Slow and majestic 1 Verse 3x only 2 1,2. "Worthy is the..." 2. "Clothed in rainbows..." 1xo - Oboe solo 3xo - Tutti (Repeat 1xo) 7 2 Chorus 11 "Holy, holy, holy..." 2x, 3x - play cued notes 4th X to Coda 15 5 1 - Repeat to Verse to 1 19 2 - to Verse 4 1a Verse 3 23 4. "Filled with wonder..." Oboe Solo D.S. al Coda 5 30 © 2004 Jenni Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music (all adm by Integrity's Praise! Music) c/o Integrity Media, Inc., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695. All rights reserved. Used by permission. With a CCLI license, the original purchaser of this chart may make only the copies necessary for his/her local corporate worship needs (this does NOT include choral performance). Duplication outside of this purpose is not allowed. Clarinet Revelation Song - page 2 of 2 Key: D 2a Chorus Coda 4 35 "Holy, holy, holy..." 2b Chorus 41 6 45 49 3 3 Rit. "Holy, holy, holy..." Strings (Synth) Key: D Revelation Song (based on the recording from the Hosanna! Music album "Living For You" with Gateway Church) Jennie Lee Riddle Arr. by Dan Galbraith Slow and majestic 1 Verse 1,2. "Worthy is the..." 2. "Clothed in rainbows..." 2x, 3x only 2 2 (Repeat 1xo) 7 2 Chorus "Holy, holy, holy..." 11 4th X to Coda 1 - Repeat to Verse 2x, 3x - play cued notes 5 16 © 2004 Jenni Lee Riddle Create Publishing/Integrity's Praise! Music (all adm by Integrity's Praise! Music) c/o Integrity Media, Inc., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695. All rights reserved. Used by permission. With a CCLI license, the original purchaser of this chart may make only the copies necessary for his/her local corporate worship needs (this does NOT include choral performance). Duplication outside of this purpose is not allowed. Strings (Synth) Revelation Song - page 2 of 3 to 1 Key: D 2 - to Verse 4 21 1a Verse 4. "Filled with wonder..." 27 D.S. al Coda 5 32 Coda 2a Chorus "Holy, holy, holy..." 35 Strings (Synth) Revelation Song - page 3 of 3 Key: D 38 2b Chorus 6 "Holy, holy, holy..." 42 46 3 3 Rit. 49 3 3