WWW.SUPERBIKESCHOOL.CO.UK - California Superbike School


WWW.SUPERBIKESCHOOL.CO.UK - California Superbike School
The Schools were started in 1980 by our founder, Keith
Code in the USA, California to be exact, hence the
name! Back then the Schools were loosely based on the
Books Code had written at the time. Needless to say that
over the last 26 years the Schools have developed quite
a lot both in content, coaching training programs, the
teaching programs and have found Worldwide success.
The Schools arrived in this part of the world in 1996
after our School Director, Andy Ibbott went to the USA
and attended Level One of the school in November 1995
and decided that UK riders needed to learn the skills he
had been taught. The first Schools were held in 1996 at
Brands Hatch and Cadwell Park and the students on
these first Schools soon saw the improvements the
techniques could make. Ibbott believed so much in
what could be gained and was so encouraged by the
results of these first schools that he ran them again the
following year and the response was increased again.
This lead to him training to be a Riding Coach and then
a classroom seminarist for the Schools. Since then the
Schools have expanded their dates and locations across
Europe, the Middle East and South Africa with more
countries on the horizon.
Welcome to California Superbike Schools, there are
now more CSS Schools across the World than ever
before and we are expanding all the time. More and
more riders are Discovering the Art of Cornering the
more places we go to on the planet. This last year has
seen our cornering techniques work at the highest
levels, the British SuperSport Championship was won
by student Leon Camier. In the 125 Moto GP class
fantastic gains were made with Swiss rider Thomas
Luthi, a Championship Contender. There have been
numerous Club level wins in numerous different
classes. But the Schools have had stunning successes
with all levels of road riders too.
The secret to this broad success?
Simple. At the California Superbike Schools we simply
teach Cornering techniques. Cornering techniques that
simply work. Track, road racing or just riding for fun
what we have is a proven, workable series of technical
drills taught in an efficient and effective manner to
bring you to your Cornering goals. It's all about the
confidence we know we can instil in you with excellent
Coaching skills both on and off track.
Want to go faster? We can do that. Want to feel more
confident in the corner? We can do that too. All we need
from you is a day of your time and a willingness to
Discover the art, it's not complicated!
Andy Ibbott
What is your job as a rider? What does your bike need
from you? Level One is all about the primary riding goal
- Bike stability. The more stable the bike in the corner
the more your confidence will grow.
skills, to make sure you have all the techniques from
Levels 1, 2 and 3 completely under your control. It's
going to get personal. We will be demanding the
highest commitment from you and we will be relentless
to get that result you desire from your riding.
So you have got the bike stable from your Level One
course, now it's time to work on the eyes and the
amount of space you create in a corner. How do you feel
with a lot of space? Does a big wide open corner feel
good? Why does a tight hairpin feel less comfortable
even though the speed is lower? We give you the
techniques needed to control and create more space.
Of all the Levels this is the ultimate key to corner speed.
• Turn up at 7am at your chosen School.
• Sign on, get your riding kit and your bike
checked over.
• Be ready in the classroom for your first lecture
and safety briefing.
• Listen and learn.
• Get out on to track for the first of your
5 riding sessions.
Now the eyes are working we coach you in effective
body position techniques. With the bike stable it's time
to get you stable on the bike too and to use the body to
help the bike with it's cornering abilities. Some of the
techniques taught in Level Three are completely new to
riding. Discovered by our Founder, Keith Code, these
new techniques will open the door to fast, clean and
smooth transfer of the body.
You will have a riding Coach assigned to you for the day.
He will want to see you improve! At the end of your
session your Riding Coach will de-brief you. Time to
get back in the classroom for your next improvement.
You will have an off track drill to complete during
the day. At the end of the day (roughly 5.30pm) we
will have a school de-brief. Ride home and be amazed
at the difference!
Ok, now it's time to get serious! You have all the skills,
you have the toolkit you need to make cornering an art
form. We use Level Four to really hone down those
Pick your date then
book on line at www.superbikeschool.co.uk
or call 08700 671 061 to reserve your place
The starting point of the School and not a reflection of
anyone's ability! This is where James Toseland started,
Leon Camier and Thomas Luthi. It's where over 10,000
road riders have started in the last 11 years here in
Europe. It's the beginning of your journey to
Discovering the Art of Cornering. It's not simple, it's not
hard. It's not complicated, it's not easy. It can best be
described as the Foundation skills needed to allow you
to build a strong understanding and application of
Cornering techniques.
We have six foundation techniques to teach here in
Level One. We have the six most common riding and
cornering errors to tackle. And we have a full day to do
it in!
• Today we will tackle your throttle control. Why is it
so important? What is good throttle control. Today
you will unlock this fundamental skill set.
• Today we will stop the corner taking command of
your entry point We will stop the corner inducing
Survival reactions to make you having to make
steering corrections in the middle and at the end
of the turn.
• Today we will give you the ultimate but missing
survival skill of Quick Turning.
• Today we will show you why you feel you physically
tired after a spirited ride.
• Today we will show you the key to useful, non
Survival Reaction lead information gathering about
the corner you are going to tackle.
• Today we will look at how you can improve your
corner entry speed. How going in too fast and too
slow will become a thing of the past.
Now we have built the Foundation Skills with Level One
it's time to train the most simple but most effective area
of anyone's Cornering abilities, the eyes. The eyes we
use at such a basic, unconscious level that we rarely, if
ever, address this important part of your riding skills
set. When was the last time you really, REALLY thought
about what you were looking at in a corner? What you
could and just as importantly, you couldn't see?
When you came and completed Level One with us you
learnt just how important it is to keep unwanted rider
input to a minimum. However there are times and
places on the track and on the road when we need to
move our bodies and we need to move them quickly.
Done incorrectly this can cause the bike to become
unstable and you can remember how much fun that
wasn't in a corner before your Level One!
• Today we discover the usefulness and effectiveness
of good solid Reference points. This is not new and
it is something you already do, just not as well as
you should and could because it is done on an
unconscious level. We bring this to the fore to
improve it.
• Today we will see how we can use the upper
body to create a change of arc, line or radius in
the corner and at the turn entry point. This will
allow you to keep the bike stable and change
direction without messing with the handlebars
creating instability.
• Today we will see how much space you really do
have under your command. We will see exactly how
limited you use your eyes in a corner and create
more space and more comfort on one simple 20
minute drill. Ever wanted to find a better line? We
show you how and the restrictions you have placed
on yourself in the past.
• Today we will see how important it is to keep
the hip stable at all times and how to create a
more efficient and effective steering action with
hip stability.
• Today we look for the Vanishing points. Yes,
points? There is more than one way this useful
illusion appears and the recognition of these
will open (sic) a new level of cornering confidence
to you.
• Today we will be tackling and solving one of our
most dangerous Survival Reactions - TARGET
FIXATION. Of all the natural reactions we have, this
is the one that will create the most problems for our
riding and cornering survival. We know why it
occurs and we know how to reduce your reaction to
it. It's a real eye opener!
• Today we will show you how to get REAL drive off a
corner. It's a full on World class riding technique
and once mastered you will think your bike has
developed an extra 20 horsepower on the exit of
any corner It's amazing.
• Today we will learn how we can move across the
bike without using the handlebars as a leverage
point. The handlebars are not there to support your
weight, they are not there to give you a leverage
point, they are there as a convenient place to put
all the controls.
• Today, now we have you move across the bike in a
smooth and controlled manner we unlock just how
this can be done with speed, skill and precision.
Today we will coach you on the final part of the
cornering puzzle, Attack or Approach angles. This
will show you why there have been times you have
done all the prior drills well but the corner still
didn't feel perfect. This is the one to educate you
as to why. Listen up!
There is no hiding now. With 2 Coaches at your disposal
(one on track and one off track) there will be no
excuses for not improving by the end of the day. As well
as 2 Coaches you will also have your riding video’d
by one of your coaches. Now you really cannot hide
and if you cannot see the problem we will rewind the
tape until you can. This is the closest you will get to
private tuition and we see students time and time again
to keep the level of riding on an upward trend!
Still not enough for you? After the success of the
1 to 1 tuition days of 2005 we are going to be running a
limited number again in 2006.
1 to 1 days does exactly what it says on the tin. You will
have a coach assigned to you, for your riding sessions, all
day. That’s one Coach to one rider, all day, every
riding session, all the time. In addition our School Director,
Andy Ibbott will be on hand to further educate you during
your off track time too. If you want really personal and
unrelentless input and improvement then this is as close to
Private Coaching you can get.
• On the 1 to 1 days we include the price one of our
fine Yamaha R6s for you to ride, and your own
private Riding Coach for every single riding session
of the day.
• Seven on track riding sessions, each lasting 30
minutes, that’s a lot of track time! A clear track!
• More room on track than you ever thought
possible. The day also includes snacks,
refreshments and lunch.
The best way to describe the 2 Day Camps is the most
intensively relaxed 48 hours of Cornering improvement
you are ever likely to experience.
• Video and reviews by our video coach (This is
awesome coaching. Can't see the problem?
We rewind it until you can)
• Riding the Lean Machine
Naturally we start out with the foundation skills for first
timers but if you have seen us before you can continue
your progress through our cornering techniques,
revisit earlier levels or do 2 days of Level 4. With only
32 students split into 2 groups and 8 on track Coaches
plus nearly half again the amount of track time of the
regular schools and video and using the Lean Bike and
the Slide Bike, riders experience a complete refit of
their riding skills. We include the hotel, the meals,
can arrange travel, bike hire or transport and the most
effective coaching in existence.
• Riding the Slide Machine, if you are up to it
• Maximum group size of 16riders on track
• Assigned on-track riding Coach - 2 students
per Coach max
• 2 nights half board hotel accommodation
• Food and refreshments at the track
• Seven 30 minute on-track sessions each day
• The option to ride our beautifully prepared 2006
Yamaha R6's, with Dunlop 208RR's or we can
transport your bike there
• The finest training available on Earth
Not sure whether to bring your own bike or Hire one of
our Yamaha R6 Hire bikes?
Here are the Pros and Cons to both sides of the coin:
Your Bike
• You know your bike so you will spend more of your
time and thought processes learning the techniques
we are teaching you. It’s less of a distraction.
• You could drop it.
Our Bike – Yamaha R6
• If you drop it you would lose some of your £500
deposit. Break a lever we charge for a lever. Write it
off and it will cost you £500.
• Not ridden a Yamaha R6 before? It could be a
distraction for you and your learning rate for the
day. You may even feel the need to go out and buy
one after the course!
A Yamaha R6 hire bike will cost you £199 per day. We
also ask for a £500 crash damage deposit which we are
more than happy to return to you at the end of the day
when you bring our bike back unscathed.
Still not sure which of the Schools you should book? What
date you should book? Whether or not to have a Hire Bike?
Then why not ask friends and family for a California
Superbike School gift voucher?
These can be redeemed against Schools (partly or in
whole) against, the Twist of the Wrist books, DVD and
video. Any of our fine CSS Clothing and tyres. Once you
have the voucher the choice is yours. Available in any
denomination from £10 upward.
940 San Fernando Road
Los Angeles
CA 90065
Tel 323 224 2734
PO Box 2068
Australia 3175
Tel 1300 793 423
Greece – www.superbikeschool.gr
Norway – www.superbikeschool.no
Dubai – Contact Petra Van Zoelen – email [email protected]
South Africa – Contact Kevin Taylor – Endo Racing – email [email protected]
Sweden – Contact Jesper Christensen –SMC – email [email protected]
The first of the cornering skills
books to be written by Keith
Code. This book started the
whole School and rider
improvement program Code
has embarked on over the last
23 years. This is the world's
foremost primer on motorcycle
riding. Well written and illustrated, it contains everything
from the five basic road
designs and how to handle them all the way to successful
techniques on braking, steering, cornering, how to use
reference points, sliding, and even how to fall. This book
outlines the basics. It has received more reviews, has been
translated into more languages and sold more copies than any
other book on motorcycling.
95% of racing is in your head
and preparation. Soft Science
looks at you, the racer and
looks at how you need to think
to start on a winning streak.
The Soft Science is an intimate
look at the component parts
of racing and what the racer
must deal with if he wants to
succeed. Thirteen chapters
discuss how you ride, timing, traction, braking, corner speed,
drive and more. It defines basic riding plans and provides
hundreds of questions you can use to supervise your own
progress and trouble shoot any racing situation. It was written
for racers only.
Price: £12.99
Price: £12.99
The Bible of cornering. This is
a must have for anyone who
really wants to improve their
cornering skills. It contains
twenty-six chapters of riding
techniques. Straight to the
point information on how to
make your bike work for you
not against you. Volume II
names and solves the seven
specific riding problems every
rider faces. This is not a warmed over version of the original
Twist material, it is new. You'll use the clearly described
techniques every day - every time you ride.
Price: £12.99
A talking book version of
Twist One. Read by Keith
Code himself with dozens of
NEW NOTES and COMMENTS to clarify and add
depth to this classic instruction manual. Get it straight
from the man in this brand
new audio set of 4 CDs.
Price: £19.99
The first book in visual form.
Shot in the early 80s the
video & DVD bring life and
action to the basics.
Cornering, braking, steering,
riding barriers and ten more
sections open the door to
your riding improvement.
You can see it. The video is
nearly two hours long; you'll
watch it over and over.
On-bike camera positions show the fine points of riding and
400 different action shots bring clarity to all the basic skills.
Just like the book, the video went on to become
the world's best-selling and most widely viewed
instructional tape. YOU CAN SEE IT now in all the clarity and
convenience of DVD format.
Price: £19.99
A talking book version of
Twist Two. This audio CD set
is for everyone who rides.
Read by Keith Code, he
dissected not only what
the bike wants and how it
should respond, but also
identifies the seven deadly
Survival Reactions, which
prevent riders from achieving confidence with their cornering. This is the new classic.
Price: £19.99
All media formats in one.
Contains the text, drawings,
diagrams, illustrations and
photographs from the original
book plus 97 video clips and
75 new audio comments
by Keith. It literally puts this
vital information at your
fingertips. Gain the same
knowledge that countless
street riders and scores of racing champions have used to
identify their barriers and build a solid foundation for riding
confidence in an easy to use PC format.
Price: £19.99
KBC Helmets
Carbon Lorraine
MAL Graphics
R&G Crash protectors www.rg-racing.com
Regina chains
(creating the coffee culture)
Welkom Phakisa
California Superbike School
92 Leyland Trading Estate Wellingborough
Northants NN8 1RT
+44 [0] 8700 671061
+44 [0] 1933 229389
[email protected]
01932 358000
01902 327070
08000 40111
01283 227400
01372 378000
08456 094949
01933 273274
01420 521100
08456 094949
01484 431450
South Africa