Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Holy Trinity Catholic Church 101 Walt Banks Road / Peachtree City, GA 30269 Parish Office (770) 487-7672 Faith Formation (770) 487-0175 Hispanic Ministry (770) 487-5352 Preschool (770) 631-4380 Website www.HolyTrinityPTC.org E-Mail [email protected] April 10, 2016 Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday 4:00 pm Vigil 5:30 pm Vigil Sunday 7:15 am 8:45 am 10:30 am 12:15 pm 1:45 pm Español 4:30 pm LifeTeen Daily Mass Schedule Mon. - Thurs. 9am & 6:30 pm Friday Noon & 6:30 pm Saturday 9 am Holy Hours of Adoration Fri: 12:45pm - Sat 9am in Sanctuary Rosary Mon.-Thurs. & Sat. after 9am Mass Mondays after the 6:30pm Mass “Rosary for Life” Fridays at 11 am in the Adoration Chapel Divine Mercy Chaplet Fridays at 3pm Reconciliation Fridays, 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm Saturdays, 9:45 am - 10:30 am or by appointment with a priest. Healing Mass Schedule 2nd week of each month Tuesday @ 6:30pm & Friday @ 12 noon April 12 & 15 Pastor: Father J ohn Mur phy Parochial Vicars: Father Dair o Rico, Father Pavol Br enkus Deacons: Ter r y Blind, Tony Cuomo, Gene Dicker son, Mar k Fr iedlein, Mar k Sholander Deacons Emeritus: Ben Gr oss, Mike Landaiche, Don Kelsey, Tom Zawor ski Holy Trinity Catholic Church Schedule & Intentions Saturday April 9 9:00 pm Irene Kernan 4:00 pm Estelle Szolek 5:30 pm Alan Paluska Sunday April 10 7:15 am Patti Larsen (SI) 8:45 am Sarah Fox Klein 10:30 am Charlie Vicari 12:15 pm Rita Holloway 1:45 pm Parish Family 4:30 pm Brett Thomas Monday April 11 9:00 am Tom Hughey 6:30 pm Bob Fulopp Tuesday April 12 9:00 am Brett Thomas 6:30 pm Jack & Margaret Gorham Wednesday April 13 9:00 am Shirley Fox 6:30 pm Patricia Lytle Dunn Thursday April 14 9:00 am Mary Lynne Roberts 6:30 pm Tony McLellan Friday April 15 12:00 pm Albert Stevens 6:30 pm Jaimy Singleton (SI) Saturday April 16 9:00 am Elizabeth Humphries (SI) 4:00 pm Brett & Miriam Bartels (SI) 5:30 pm Parish Family Sunday April 17 7:15 am Tom Huey 8:45 am Andres Ricards 10:30 am Noah Buller 12:15 pm Mary Barth 1:45 pm Elsie Guzmán de Ramos 4:30 pm Fr. Joseph Peek = Deceased (SI) = Special Intentions Third Sunday of Easter Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41; Ps 30:2,4-6,11-13; Rv 5:11-14; Jn 21:1-19 or 21:1-14 Mon Saint Stanislaus Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24,26-27,29-30; Jn 6:22-29 Tues Acts 7:51-8:1a; Ps 31:3-8a,17,21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Wed Saint Martin I, Pope Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a,4-7a; Jn 6:35-40 Thurs Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 Fri Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 Sat Acts 9:31-42; Ps 116:12-13, 1415, 16-17; Jn 6:60-69 Sun Fourth Sunday of Easter Acts 13:14, 43-52; Ps 100:1-2, 3, 5; Rv 7:9, 14b-17; Jn 10:27-30 Jesus appears to seven of his disciples, among them Peter who proclaims his unfailing love for the Lord. Jesus commissions him to feed the sheep. Later, in the face of persecution, Peter and the apostles proclaim the name of Jesus, the Lamb who was slain and who rescues us from death. Peachtree City, Georgia April 10, 2016 Olga Acevedo, Linda Bar nes, Emily Beer s, Sharon Butcavage, Dcn. Gene Dickerson, Henry Farfan, Fannie Ferrara, Jack Freeze, Remember Baby James Gaines, Shannon Gaines, Joe Gill, Msgr. Frank Giusta, in Prayer Jerry Greenwell, Betty Jorgensen, Dcn. Don Kelsey, Dcn. Mike Landaiche, Jeanne Lewis, Mia Lonergan, Kristi Martin, Nicky Murray, Damon Oliver, Walter Page, Neisa Pamfil, Lar r y Rebok, J er r y Robinson, José Rodriguez, Roseann Schum, Ed Secor, Fr. James Sexstone, Tommy Stroud, Ginny Swinford, Donna Tambascio, Don Ventura, Mae Wise, Barb Yglesias, Carolyn Zabawa, Helen & Tom Zaworski Please pray for those who have died Jackie Anderson, mother of Tr ish Weisheit Mother Mary Angelica Mary Barth Richard Senger, husband of Kather ine Senger Rev. William Werth and all the wonderful caregivers If you would like to add someone to the Sick List in the Bulletin, contact the Parish office at (770) 487-7672. The name will be published in the bulletin for 6 weeks. You may call at anytime and have the name removed. Ongoing illnesses and special intentions may be placed in the Prayer Intention book located in the back of the church. If you want to be holy, if you seek meaning in your life, start looking into your own life and attacking your pride in all of its many forms. God will give you extraordinary light and the ultimate reward of holiness. For your holiness relies not on what you do, but on what you allow God to do through you. Have courage. God will perfect you. ~Mother Angelica~ Healing Masses Tuesday, April 12, 6:30pm and Friday, April 15, 12pm. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be available during Mass for every baptized Catholic over the age of reason. Prayer teams will also be available immediately after Mass to pray with people for healing and other needs. Thanks for your generosity! ¡Gracias por su generosidad! Offertory / Ofrenda FY2015/2016 Offertory Weekly and Actual to Date Ofertorio: Semanal y Cifra Real Offertory / Ofertorio March 13, 2016 $50,662 To Date Actual / Cifra Real Prior Year Comparison 3/15/2015 $1,853,838 $1,782,648 Second Collection: Deb Reduction/Mortgage Payment - $7,675 Upcoming Second Collection: April 24 - Catholic Home Mission To sign up for Online Giving, please contact Michelle Gadoury at [email protected] or (678) 466-1707 Third Sunday of Easter Holy Trinity welcomes our newest parishioners! Thoughts From this Sunday’s Readings by Fr. John Previous reflections can be found on his blog at FrJohnMurphy.blogspot.com Carlos & Gabriela Cerezo In his announcement for the Jubilee Year of Mercy our Holy Father Pope Francis wrote, “Do not forget that God forgives all, and God forgives always. Let us never tire of asking forgiveness” (March 13, 2015). Last week we celebrated Divine Mercy Sunday. From the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception December 8, 2015 until the Solemnity of Christ the King November 20, 2016 we are celebrating a Jubilee Year of Mercy, “a time of grace, peace, conversion and joy.” And as Pope Francis reminds us “There are no walls or distances which can prevent the Father’s mercy from reaching and embracing us.” One of the most beautiful stories about mercy occurs in the long version of today’s Gospel from John 21:1-19. The first part of the Gospel presents some of the disciples in their third encounter with the resurrected Christ. But the focus is really on Peter and his “up close and personal” interaction with Jesus. Before this meeting Peter was ready to go back to his old routine – fishing. Jesus had other plans. He turned Peter around and directed him on a new This weekend is our Loaves and Fishes Weekend. Donations may be placed in the basket in the Vestibule this weekend or at any time! The Knights will be selling coffee and donuts after the Sunday morning Masses. The Knights of Columbus will hold their annual Community Charity Golf Classic on Friday, April 22 at Whitewater Creek Country Club. Sponsor and Team Info can be found at www.HolyTrinityPTC.com. For more information, contact Rick Binfield at (678) 462-7425. from 12pm to 6pm in Loreto Hall. Donors should be 18+ years of age (16 with parental permission). For answers to questions, to signup or to volunteer to help, contact Ron Plues at (770) 487-2590 or [email protected]. blessings God will bestow on our parish during this pilgrimage. Wednesday Morning Social. Come join our Parish Community for Mass at 9am every Wednesday morning followed by breakfast of assorted pastries, fruit, juice and coffee. Hearing Devices are available for your convenience located in the back of the Church Circle of Friends is expanding its ministr y to include a new branch. The Circle of Love will provide food on a short-term basis for our sick or injured in the parish. To volunteer for the Circle of Love, please contact Jennifer Chapman at (770) 330-0851 or [email protected]. Pope Francis’ Prayer Intentions for April Universal: Small Farmers That small farmers may receive a just reward for their precious labor. Evangelization: African Christians That Christians in Africa may give witness to love and faith in Jesus Christ amid political-religious conflicts. Peter had the strength and courage to take up his new mission. St Paul wrote in his Epistle to the Romans, “What will separate us from the love of Christ? Will anguish, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or the sword? … No, in all these things we conquer overwhelmingly through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor present things, nor future things, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to separate us We have the opportunity to encounter Jesus every time we participate in the sacraments. Like Peter we can experience Jesus’ healing power of mercy, forgiveness and reconciliation. We can share a meal with Jesus through the Eucharist and experience the full meaning of sacrificial love. And finally Jesus asks us the same question he asked Peter, “Do you love me”? Let us pray that through our experience of the Risen Christ we have the strength and courage to say, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you” and follow Jesus where ever He may lead us. Jubilee Year of Mercy Lord, Jesus Christ, You have taught us to be merciful like the heavenly father and have told us that whoever sees you sees Him. Let the Church be your visible face in the world. Send your spirit so that the Jubilee Year of Mercy may be a year of grace from the Lord, and your church, with renewed enthusiasm, bring good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed, and restore sight to the blind. We ask this through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Mercy, you who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen Holy Trinity Catholic Church Peachtree City, Georgia Nuestro Ministerio Hispano 770-487-5352, 770-487-7672 Exts. 303 678-466-1703 (Horario: 8:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m. - lunes a jueves; 11:00 am a 1:00 pm - domingos) en español: domingos 1:45 pm Confesiones: todos los viernes a las 5:30 pm, sábados 9:45am, o por cita llamando al 770-487-7672 Ext. 311. Bautizos: Favor de llamar o pasar por la Oficina parroquial para anotarse para la plática o para información sobre los bautizos. Misas de Sanación – Holy Trinity martes, 12 abril, 6:30pm viernes, 15 abril, 12pm Inscripciones de Catecismo: Las inscripciones/matrícula para las clases de catecismo que comenzarán en agosto 2016 ya comenzaron. Como un incentivo, se ofrecerá un descuento familiar de $15 para los que se inscriban antes del 16 de mayo. El horario del catecismo en español permanecerá igual, domingos de 12pm1:30pm. Más información: 678-466-1704. Congreso Eucarístico 2016: El Congreso Eucarístico es una gran celebración anual en donde los católicos de la Arquidiócesis de Atlanta de todas las razas, culturas e idiomas se reúnen en compañía del Arzobispo Wilton Gregory, el obispo auxiliar Luis Zarama, el obispo auxiliar David Talley, nuestros sacerdotes, diáconos, religiosos, religiosas, seminaristas y diversos grupos y movimientos religiosos, para alabar y adorar al Señor Jesucristo, presente en la Eucaristía. Este año, el Congreso se llevará a cabo el 3 y 4 de junio, en el Georgia International Convention Center, en College Park. Se ofrecerá información adicional en los próximos boletines. Mes Nacional de la prevención del abuso infantil: Los niños son objeto de trata para trabajo forzado, trabajo doméstico, como soldados, o para la mendicidad, pero la mayoría de los niños son objeto de trata con fines de explotación sexual. Hay una demanda de víctimas cada vez más jóvenes en todo el mundo que proviene de un número creciente de clientes en la industria del sexo. Oremos por los niños del mundo. Visita el sitio web de las Hermanas Católicas de los Estados Unidos en contra del Tráfico Humano en: sistersagainsttrafficking.org Reserven la fecha: 22 de mayo Domingo de la Santísima Trinidad PARROQUIAL Más información en los próximos boletines parroquiales. San Vicente de Paúl: Línea de ayuda: 678-466-1750 ó 770-487-7672 Ext.450 April 10, 2016 Reflexiones sobre las lecturas de este domingo del Padre Rico. 10 de abril 2016 Tercer Domingo de Pascua Aprender a Alabar. Este tiempo de Pascua es como una prolongada contemplación de la gloria de Cristo y de su victoria. El Señor vive, se ha levantado de entre los muertos, y como él mismo dijo, una vez levantado, ha atraído a todos y a todo hacia sí. Cristo se levanta y con él el pueblo que confía en su Nombre; Cristo se levanta y su victoria da unidad a la creación ya renovada, para presentarla como ofrenda solemne en el altar del cielo. Pascua es el tiempo más propicio para reunir nuestras voces con los coros de los ángeles en el cielo. A todo lo largo de la Pascua descubrimos de manera nueva que no hay sino una Iglesia, que es el Cuerpo de Cristo, o mejor: el Cristo total, como gustaba de decir san Agustín de Hipona. Tales la grandiosa visión de la que escuchábamos en el texto de la segunda lectura: << Y todas las criaturas del cielo y de la tierra, de debajo de la tierra y del mar, oí que también decían: Al que está sentado en el trono y al Cordero, alabanza, honor, gloria y poder por los siglos de los siglos.>>Y así como durante la Cuaresma nos invitaba al ayuno y el arrepentimiento de nuestras culpas, ahora, llegada la Pascua, se nos invita a ejercitarnos en la alabanza y en la acción de gracias, porque una cosa es cierta: tanto necesita nuestro corazón aprender a alegrarse en el bien como necesita aprender a rechazar el mal. Amor del Bueno. Los apóstoles ciertamente habían aprendido muy bien estas lecciones, pues, después de ser injusta y cruelmente azotados <> como oímos en la primera lectura de hoy. Fortalecidos por el don del Espíritu Santo, fueron capaces no sólo de dar testimonio sino de sufrir, e incluso gozarse en el sufrimiento, como un modo máximo de dar testimonio de Aquel que les concedía tal fortaleza y tal alegría. Todo, pues, depende de la calidad de amor que nos mueve, como lo muestra el evangelio de hoy. Tres veces negó Pedro a Jesús, cuando llegaba la hora suprema de la dolorosa Pasión; tres veces preguntó Jesús a Pedro si le amaba, cuando la tormenta había ya pasado. Aquel testimonio de amor tenía una razón de ser muy clara: sanar las heridas que habían causado el miedo, la vanidad y el orgullo. Y de aquí podemos tomar una segunda lección muy importante sobre el sentido del tiempo pascual: buscar amor que sea digno de ese nombre. De hecho, el tiempo pascual es como un inmenso arco tendido entre la Resurrección del Señor y Pentecostés. Estos límites cronológicos tienen una razón de ser: tanto la resurrección como la efusión maravillosa del Espíritu Santo son las más grandes expresiones del amor que vence sobre el pecado y la muerte. Amén. Promesa de proteger, Compromiso de sanar: Queremos ayudarte a recuperar. Tú importas. Tú eres familia. Para reportar abuso por parte del personal de la Iglesia: por favor, llame a la Línea Directa de 24 horas de la Arquidiócesis de Atlanta: 888-437-0764 ¡Estamos para escucharte y tomar acción! Third Sunday of Easter 2016 Vía Crucis Saint Peregrine Cancer Support Group. Next Meeting: Tuesday, April 19, Meetings ar e held on the 3r d Tuesday of the month: Morning session 10am-11am (after Trinity Sunday morning Mass) or Evening session 7pm-8pm (after evenMay 22 ing Mass). Room #103 (left of the Faith Formation office). Mission statement: Lend spir itual suppor t to anyone Volunteers are needed! affected by cancer at any phase of his or her journey. This program Contact: will help you work through the emotions that occur at the varying [email protected] stages of this disease through prayers and discussion in the grace of (770) 487-7672 the Holy Spirit. For more information, please contact June Round at [email protected] or Norma Greenwell at NormaLarge Print Missalettes. For your convenience, we [email protected]. have a supply of large-print Missalettes. If you would prefer to use one, ask your Greeter for one as you enter What Do I Live for Now? God is our healthe church on Sunday. During the week they can be er, He mends broken hearts and is the source found on the lower shelf of the Missalette cart. Feel of all hope. What is His plan for you? free to take one and return it after Mass. Please join us. Sessions are offered on either Wednesdays, 7-9pm or on Fridays, 9:30-11:30am in room #102 in the Faith Formation If you would like to be notified by e-mail of upcoming Building. Contact Gayle Reddy at (770) 631-8251 or glredFunerals at Holy Trinity, please contact the front office to [email protected] for more information. be added to our Funeral e-mail list. The Embrace Families ministers ar e her e to embrace families who have lost a child through Childcare is available at Holy Tr inity dur ing many miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death. We classes and events. Check the schedule on the door "companion" the family through this difficult time; in the Childcare Hallway for events, dates and times. If you need childcare for your ministry or event, surrounding these families with help, support, and prayer as they contact Tina Terrell to make arrangements at grieve the loss of their precious infant. [email protected] or (678) 466-0724. We can also help the family obtain a Certificate of Life to honor and remember the brief life of their baby. The baby's name will When your world turns upside down, a Stephen then be entered into the Life Register which is housed at the ArchMinister can support you with kindness and compas- diocese of Atlanta. sion. If you or someone you know need a confidential, Christ-centered caregiver, please contact Sandy or [email protected] (English & Spanish) if we can be of service Frank Killoran at (678) 489-8502 for more information about to you or a family you know. More information regarding Embrace Stephen Ministry. Families can be found at www.embracefamilies.com. Save the Date! Holy Trinity Catholic Church Peachtree City, Georgia Join Catholic Charities Atlanta (CCA) for the 2016 CCA Soirée on Saturday, April 30th at the Georgia Aquarium. The theme for this year’s event is Making Waves in the Community and will include a special spotlight on the work that CCA’s does with children in need in our community. Tickets are still available for the agency’s largest fundraising event which will include a cocktail reception, silent auction, dinner, and dancing with The Rupert’s Orchestra. For more information, please visit www.catholiccharitiesatlanta.org/participate/ 2016 soiree. For volunteer or auction donation opportunities, please call Julia Bacce-Mosely at (404) 920-7764. April 10, 2016 Lighthouse CDs. In this infor mative pr esentation, Dr. Tim Gray, Augustine Institute President, shares how Lectio Divina enables you to enter into a dialogue with God. This prayerful reading of Sacred Scripture is a proven means to encounter God in daily life and will benefit those new to prayer and the more experienced alike. CDs can be found in Loreto Hall, the Adult Faith room and by the Faith Formation office. Saint Vincent de Paul (678) 466-1750 to David Plitt at (678) 549-5402 or [email protected]. Volunteers Needed! The 2016 Euchar istic Congr ess comes at the beginning of the summer, just as the entire family is looking for quality and wholesome activities. Please prayerfully consider volunteering at the Congress on Friday, June 3 or Saturday, June 4. The success of the Congress relies greatly on volunteers. Our volunteer registration closes on May 1 to allow completion of paperwork and proper planning. For more information, please visit: congress.archatl.com . More information on job openings below and others can be found at: archatl.com/offices/hr/jobs.html Our Lady of Victory - K-8 teacher Prince of Peace, Flower y Branch - PT Nursery Caregiver - Facility Specialist St. James Preschool 2-wk position, July 11-22 St. John the Evangelist - Certified K-5 Teachers - Curriculum Coordinator/Teacher Lucy Ibotson and Marlene Scheepers will provide no St. Pius X Catholic High School - PT Chorus Teacher charge repairs for your rosaries! Contact the Parish Office - Science Teacher at (770) 487-7672. You can drop them off in the Parish - FT Mathematics Teacher Office and they will be returned after repairs are completed. Transfiguration Catholic Church - FT Business Manager Our Archdiocesan Planning Goals invite us to Know, UGA Catholic Center - PT Business Manager Live, and Share our Faith. A Mar r iage Encounter Weekend will invite you to Know, Live, and Share the A Men’s Spiritual Sacrament of your Marriage and to discover ways to Retreat in the North reconnect and renew the beauty and the power of your sacrament to Georgia Wilderness help Share your Faith and build God’s Kingdom where you live. Thanks to The King's Men, a national organization, the men of the Come join us the weekend of April 15-17 at the Mar r iott Atlanta area will be able to spend time this spring with their Peachtree Corners to get the tools, training, and support needed to friends, and with their sons or grandsons; working together to create your family’s pastoral plan for your personal domestic develop a true masculine spirituality. It will be an authentically church. To register or for more info go to: http:/gatn-wwme.org or Catholic retreat, and all men are invited to attend. There will be call 678-242-WWME. Worldwide Marriage Encounter - Making fishing, outdoor cooking, building projects, map & compass Good Marriages Great! WWME is the largest pro-Marriage move“Orienteering” training and competition, plus daily Mass, a rosary ment in the world. It has received the Franciscan International procession, confessions available, and great talks: Award recognizing its effectiveness in celebrating and supporting Marriage. Where – Hard Labor Creek State Park, in Rutledge GA When – April 28-May 1 (Thursday night to Sunday noon) April: National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Chil Who – 100 men & boys (11-18) from all parts of Atlanta dren are trafficked for forced labor, domestic work, as Register online, and get more information at child soldiers, and for begging; but most children are www.IntoTheWildWeekend.com trafficked for sexual exploitation. There is a demand for younger and younger victims worldwide, and comes from customers in the growing global sex industry. Please pray for the children Please support our bulletin advertisers! The cost of printing the of the world. For more information, please visit the U.S. Catholic bulletin continues to be covered by the generosity of our advertisers at no cost to the parish. Sisters Against Human Trafficking at sistersagainsttrafficking.org. Sunday of Divine Mercy A Woman’s Call to Holiness Prayer Breakfast Registration Form: Early Registration: $15/person or $120/table of 8 until April 16 Fill out information below and place in a sealed envelope with your payment. Drop in locked white box designated “A Woman’s Call to Holiness Prayer Breakfast Registration Forms.” Locked boxes can be found in the vestibule or outside the faith formation office. You can also register in the Faith Formation Office during regular business hours (Payment due upon registration). If registering more than one person include the following information below for each person. Payment due upon registration: Name: _________________________________ Phone # ___________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________ Check one: ____ cash _____ check (payable to Holy Trinity) $ amount enclosed ________ Childcare is available for this event but there are a limited number of spaces available. Preregistration is necessary. To register for childcare contact Tina Terrell at 678-466-1724 or [email protected] If this is a group registration please list the names of other ladies at your table: “Learn God’s way of handling money!” Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University starting on April 11th, 2016 (Mondays from 7 to 9). Over the course of nine weeks, you'll learn how to beat debt, build wealth, find bargains, invest for the future, give like never before, and much more! This information will change your life. Classes will consist of a DVD lesson and then group discussion. This course for singles, couples, or families with older teens. The registration cost for the course is $93 and you will receive one FPU membership kit per family. Please go to www.daveramsey.com to register. The Course Facilitator will be Bill Lockard. You can contact Bill at [email protected] or 678-850-7985 for details or questions. Holy Trinity Catholic Church Peachtree City, Georgia “Lord, Teach Me To Pray” A Three-Part Ignatian Prayer Series Training-Retreat in the Atlanta Area Or, if you are simply interested in finding out more about Ignatian Prayer and the Lord, Teach Me To Pray (LTMTP) prayer series, you are also invited! Training for Part 1 of the LTMTP Series “Praying Christian Virtues” (Conducted in a Retreat Setting and Discernment Atmosphere) Saturday May 14, 2016 Location FF Chapel When Training-Retreat begins with 9am Mass in the FF Chapel. Training Retreat ends approximately 6:00 p.m. Bring Please bring a sack lunch, drink and snack Reservations Contact: Car ol Weiler at car olweiler @cox.net or (504) 439-5933 There is no charge for the Training Retreat or the materials; however, we ask that you call in advance to reserve a spot to ensure we have sufficient materials on hand. April 10, 2016 “Behold, your Mother” John 19:27 There will be a Consecration and/or Renewal of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary Ceremony after the 9am Mass on Saturday, June 4 the Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This will be a brief ceremony. Either an individual member of the church, or an entire family, ministry or group, may consecrate themselves to Our Blessed Mother. This holds much power spiritually. When we ask Mary to be our Mother by consecrating ourselves to Her, we place ourselves under Her care and protection, and allow Her to embrace us even more closely. Consider using the book “33 Days to Morning Glory” to spiritually prepare yourself to make this consecration. It is available in the vestibule for $5/each. The date to begin your 33 day preparation would be Tuesday, May 3. There are wonderful videos that will greatly enrich your 33 day preparation available to you for no cost through our parish subscription to FORMED. Go to www.formed.org and create an account by using our parish code 4Z22ME (all caps). Then go to “Programs” and scroll down to “Exploring the Catholic Faith” where you will find “33 Days to Morning Glory.” Click on that and enjoy! A digital copy of the book is there as well. Consider forming a small group or gather your family and do this preparation together. You will be blessed! A Journey of Conversion For those wanting to be Catholic . Those needing to complete their Sacraments. Anyone wanting to learn more about the Catholic Faith. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): Helping you to live a Gospel inspired life in an increasingly secular world Have you been coming to Mass for awhile and think, “what does it mean to be Catholic?” Are you interested in finding out what Catholics really believe? Join us for Inquiry. Now might be the perfect time to join us. Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm. All sessions are informal and completely commitment free. RCIA topics this week, Wednesday, April 13: Those in Mystagogy will continue with Altaration: The Mysteries of the Mass Revealed. No RCIA or Inquiry session this week, Wednesday, April 6; Enjoy Spring Break! Upcoming RCIA Classes: Apr 13: The Mass & Church Tour Apr 20: Mass & Liturgy Apr 27:The Sacraments Inquiry meets year-round so it’s always the right time to join! What is the Neophyte Year The first year a person enters the Catholic Church, from the day of initiation to the first anniversary of that date, is known as the Neophyte Year. Please pray for those at Holy Trinity who received their sacraments at the Easter Vigil, those preparing to enter the Church at Pentecost, and those currently in formation in our RCIA program. As our newest Catholics reflect on the sacraments they recently received, we can use the Easter Season to consider the importance of the sacraments in our own lives. Need information on Annulments or Convalidations? Contact Joanne @ 678-466-1738 or [email protected] for confidential counseling. Thinking about becoming Catholic or learning more about the Catholic Faith? Third Sunday of Easter Holy Trinity Elementary News Formación de Fe Hispana Para más información, favor de leer la sección de Ministerio de Jóvenes en el boletín de Holy Trinity Elementary Coordinators can be reached at: Sharon Brown at [email protected] or Sachiko Doreste at: [email protected]. 2016-2017 Registration Faith Formation Classes will begin again on Sunday, April 17 and Wednesday, April 20. Regresaremos a las clases el 17 de abril. Registration for the 2016-17 year will be coming up this month. To encourage early registration as class sizes are very limited this year, we will be offering $15 off the registration fee until May 16. Sunday Elementary-Pre-K-5th High School-9th, 10th, 11th, 12th Hispanic (K—12th) June 13—17 13—17 June Registration for Holy Trinity’s VBS is now open for children ages for rising Pre-K thru rising 5th grade students. Forms are located in the Faith Formation office. Adults and High School students are needed to staff our crew of volunteers. Join us for a high-energy, hands -on, week-long adventure! You’ll be sharing and learning along with all kids who will be part of this awesome Cave Quest expedition. Nursery is available only for children ages 1-3 of parents who volunteer at VBS all week long. June 13—17 Cave Quest: 13-17 de junio del 2015 Ya estamos aceptando las Inscripciones para VBS (Campamento Cristiano) en Holy Trinity para los niños de Pre-Kinder hasta 5to grado. Se encuentran los formularios en la oficina de Formación de Fe. Se necesitan adultos y estudiantes de Preparatoria para nuestro grupo de voluntarios. ¡Vengan con nosotros para una semana de Aventura activa y de alta energía! Van a compartir y aprender junto con todos los niños que participarán en esta expedición maravillosa de Cave Quest. Tendremos guardería solamente para niños (1-3 años de edad) de los padres que son voluntarios de VBS toda la semana. Wednesday Elementary-Pre-K-5th EDGE-6th, 7th, 8th EDGE-6th, 7th, 8th 8:45-10:15 am 6:00 - 7:30 pm 12:00 - 1:30 pm 4:30-6:00 pm 4:30-6:00 pm 6:30-8:00 pm IMPORTANTE: Inscripción para el año escolar 2016-2017 ya comenzó. Para animarles a las familias que inscriban temprano por la limitación del tamaño de las clases, ofreceremos un descuento de $15 de la cuota de inscripción antes del 16 de mayo. Los horarios de las clases seguirán lo mismo que en 2015-2016. Domingo Inglés Primaria (PreK – 5to) Preparatoria (9no – 12vo) Hispano (K-12vo) Miércoles Inglés Primaria (PreK-5to) EDGE (6to-8vo) EDGE (6to-8vo) 8:45 - 10:15 am 6:00 - 7:30 pm 12:00 – 1:30 pm 4:30 - 6:00 pm 4:30 - 6:00 pm 6:30 - 8:00 pm SUMMER LUNCH 2016 is coming!! MAY 31 thru AUGUST 2. Service days are MONDAY and TUESDAY. More info to follow in the coming weeks. We will again use SignUp genius. We encourage your commitment of time, talent, and treasure. For more information: Contact Win Rorabaugh at 404-610-4896 or [email protected]. Para ayudar como voluntario para “Summer Lunch Program”, vaya al correo electrónico de Win Rorabaugh, [email protected]. Holy Trinity Catholic Church www.HolyTrinityPTC.org Holy Trinity YOUTH MINISTRY News Formación de Fe Hispana: Ministerio de Los Jóvenes High School Middle School ATTENTION! For more details about Youth Ministry news, go to htptc.com. Youth Ministers: Heather Garger: [email protected]. Bridging Ceremony for 8th graders to Life Teen For all Parents and students in 8th Grade Wednesday, April 20, 4:30pm and 6:30pm (during the Edge class times) More information to come. Please see Heather or Megan if you have any questions. Ceremonia de transición del 8vo grado a Life Teen para todos los estudiantes del 8vo grado y sus padres. Miércoles, 20 de abril, de las 4:30pm a las 6:30pm (durante la hora de la clase de EDGE). Próximamente habrá más información. Si tienen preguntas, favor de contactarle a Heather o Megan. Middle School Megan Vilardi: [email protected]. Middle School Retreat Saturday, April 23 * 8:00am-8:00pm Please join us for a Middle School retreat at Our Lady of Mercy. We will meet at Holy Trinity at 8am and return at 8pm. The cost is $10. Registration is open, forms are in the Faith Formation office. For more information, please see Heather or Megan. Vengan con nosotros para el retiro de Secundaria en Our Lady of Mercy. Nos veremos en Holy Trinity a las 8am y regresaremos a las 8 pm. El costo es de $10. La inscripción está abierta y pueden conseguir los formularios en la oficina de Formación de Fe. Para más información favor de ver a Heather. HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS: SAVE THE DATE!! Senior Mass and Dinner will be on May 15. Look for your invitation in the beginning of April. ESTUDIANTES DE ULTIMO AÑO DE LA PREPARATORIA: ¡¡APARTEN LA FECHA!! Habrán Misa y cena el 15 de mayo. Recibirán sus invitaciones al principio de abril. 7:30p—9:30p Sunday, April 17 Matt Fradd Sarah Kroger & John Huynh 7:30pm—9p.m. $5 for food. Register in Faith Formation office. We will meet Holy Trinity at 6p and return at 10p. Registration open until full. Para este evento inscríbase en la oficina de Formación de Fe. Saldremos a las 6:00pm y volveremos a las 10:00 pm. Puede ir a xltatlanta.com para más información y listado de eventos. Costo: $5 para comida. YAG Holy Trinity Youth Adult Group Young Adult XLT Praise and worship with Sarah Kroger, a talk by Matt Fradd and a brief time in Adoration. Friday, April 15th Meet at HT at 6p.m.—10p.m Bring $5 for Chick-fil-A Dinner! Parents are encouraged to attend. [email protected] Cell:772-214-7134 A Crawfish Boil The Trocquet family is generously treating the Young Adult Group to a Louisiana-style crawfish boil! RSVP to the Facebook event by April 24th. Saturday, April 30th Trocquet Household 7pm-10pm Thursday Night Study This study is to strengthen our relationship with Christ. If you are interested in learning and growing in community with other young adults, come on out! Bosco Room at Holy Trinity 7-9p.m. Thursdays
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