Yrt - Our Schools
Yrt - Our Schools
Tb ;"8'sr ltryrulrrohar en. !r c um hr slccors. Inccl lrtilu Lcl3 I 100 ShldeyAwnL€ Sream {]i,lL60107 dr,6lG21l-5s35 Mesagefrom the Principal, Lavonne Sniley hY6lG21l 5646 April 2074 Deat Parcnts afid Guardians: Tefff Middle S.hool i- cited lo be oft'Prin\ o Led ,pring oersion oJ o t fall Sluden! Co Yrt> Tef{t Mission Statement Mooing ell studerts forward, Whatexer it tekes, Together! nfete n ce s I Ac ademi c Show case. Thii i9 a oppo unitu for vou as a parcnl. lo 5cc Poit]ence af lhe acadPmiL g,outh thai yotrr,hitd ha, made aucr the cout>c of fhe la'l achool ycar' \our chilt! ,Ditl bc rcoicwins ailh vau lhe tesl <,ores from lhe quarlPtly (ommon atsc'sments in"readtng and md!h, quatlerlV .tocabulary assessnlents, and quatterly wriling assessments. You t0ill haPe on op\orlunilv to receiuc vour ahild s sprin| NWL4 Mc7sures of A(adcmi( fio2rcx t'uaPt scori. Did yaur .hild rcach lhc lypical |rcwlh lhal was expecte.l for this year? Goat setting is alr integral parl of our academic actioities at.Tefft Middle Schoot. Slldents ar" le|uired f6 sel a quo'lerly goal and lhcn to rPflc(l an fh? Droaregs of lh01 soal. Hns vout chtld mPI hi< het a,7deni( 8o0ls lhs aearl'lI so,; hat p;actiLes ha;? lcd lo lhesucLe"l IJyourch dhos ,hild do dilfe'Pntly to notket thiir Rodls, uhv not: What can ya change the course and get better results? Our fourth annual SpinR SludenI LedConlercnceslA.adefii( Showcas? w l'be held on Thursday, May 22nd ftom 5:00 p m. until 7:00 p'n' fleas( tcJcr lo palps tL-and 1-5 fo, no,e inlormalian lNe are hopefu! thaL lou uill ploh on atlendrnS As alwavs, please do nol hc,tl1te lo ronlocl fic uilh afiy qucslions ot conc",nl vort marl houe. Lan be rea,h,d at 630'21) 5535 cxtcn'ion 5541 or you nay e-nat nrc at llpprltEsuJky!4ELgs Ar lJn Mensaje de la Directora, Lavonne Sniley Es tifi ados P adresl Guar dianes, La Escuela lfitertuedia Tefft esta muy emocionada de estar ofteciettdo uno oct\ton ptinaoPral de nue'lra- Cont'ereneias iviados pot t 05 Fsludu'nlcs y Expa'(ian A dPn a E;e le'P,l1os en el otofio. Lsla e5 una oportu'1i.lad para ttstPd. .omo padrc' Para r?r nadem(o de su htjota'sobte Pl eoitlencia de uir tl rrecimiento curso del aiio pasatlo. Su hrp,a) estafi rcpasa tlo.on ltslctl su'calit'iQtiones da sus cxanenc- dp! !rlnPsLrc v la" cJalu0ciones ?fi lectura v matefidticas, eoalLlacianes de ztocabulatio del trimestte' eaal aciones de escril ra del trinestte. Usted tendri la opottuttidad de aibir lns diJi.a.iatrcs del Lxamen MAIA que su estudianlo lono "l la primnaera. NWLA nredidas del Prcyre'o Acadimico. Usled podri uet si suhijo(a) Iogto el crecituiefifo tipico que se espero q e lo|ltua este afio? t I propon"tsc mel0s es tttr parle inlPgtol potd nuPsltas actiuiiades o(adcnlcas cn la l .cuela lnle,medta TPt' Los estudiantes sofi tequeridos aprcponerse metas y despuis teflexionar sobrc el progreso que l1a teniilo referente a sus mel\s. Su,hiio(d a loRr1do .u iteli. acad?mi.a< para $te aia' Si el o ella lo|ro sus n;tas, que pta,lios uliltzo pnfi ayudatle a sPt ?xi!o5o Si 9u hiio(a) io ha logrado sL$ metas, pot que no? Que puede h\cet su h;jo(a) difercite para cambiat eI c rso ! obtener ejores resultados? Nuestra cuarto afiual "Confeleficias Ptinuaerales GLliadas por I os Lstudiantc' u F\po'i,ion A(ademi(a que lofiaran lu30t el dia lueoes 22 de Mavo, de 5:00 p.m. hasla las 7:00 p,n. Par faaoi, cot'sutre !a< pagina' 14 y 15 pa oblcnct mas inlo,mncion 'Nosol,os ctp"tamos qltc u.led Pl7ncc cn a-i5lir a csla- tont'cren(ns Como siempre, por faaor no dude en ponerse en contacto connliSo con cllolquier pregunta o Preoc paci,n que sted Pueda tenet U<lcd se ptede pontr "r canta(to contnigo al 630-213 5j)5 crlen<ion 5541 o usLed me otttda mandar un cottco-?leclrdnt@ a lnTtonn ?smileu@u 45.ore. [m://sclrools.[.[6.0r!/ms Quesfions for fhe Ass istant Principal, Dave Harshbarger Q: I was called to school to bring my student a pair of pants. My student was wearing a pair of pants that was bought to wear as panls bul looL like paiama bottoms. What is the rulef Ai The student handbook states that students are notallowed to wearclothingthatis intended to wear or look like sleepwear These lnclude showershoes and llip flops. Q: What is the proper len#h for a skirt, shorts or a skort? A: The student may not weara skirt, skofts or shorts that the hemline does not extend to the length, when the arms are fully extended to the sides with is parenVguardian m ust provide transportation to and from Elgin Hith school. Qr when will I know if my son/dau8hter must attend summerschool? I M ill r a I ear h parentTguardran of (tudc'lB thdt l^a\c ld ed for rhes(hoolyiarand must attend,rn mer schoo on Friday, May 16,201,1. Atthattime l will set up an appointmentwith you for Monday or Tuesday, May 19 or 20 to discuss the summerschool enrclJrnent process, A: Q: When will my student know the events for the end of the school year Ior the and recotnition? finge15 extended straight. Q: Whenandwhere bus transpotution provided for Summer school. f is required to attend Summer School, the yourchild summerschoolfor middle school students? A: Summer schoolclasses will be held at Eltin High 8rh grade dance A: All dates are posted in this edition ofthe Tefft newsletter There will be an 8'r'grade meeting on Thursday, May 1, 2014 where ail evenb and requirements will be discussed. School. Q: What ofsummer school? A: Each class for a middle school student costs $50.00. A sludp'] mu,l Iale Mo ,la*e" dunrg each of the summer school sessions. There is no is the cost Q: How many tickets will I be able to obtain for the Recotnition Nithton Thursda, May 29,2014? Ar Since we have moved the reco$ition ceremony to Streamwood High Schoolthere will be no tickers. All are wel.ome fu'stPag o{ School /t - l"st d"9 ;. ad"g, M"g to, zot+. ".h""1 f "l I-h;u ;u u frll d".q of r.hool anJ students are disnisseA at ).1/ V.n. fhe Ll "h;.. Ji" J. .luu.' f Pln$ X0 src c. .' el !i"-"s )o de l,,lago dcl zot+. un Jia complcto Je cscucla 9 lo> est udrantes - "-;f,;F;;;;l;.,, P. Preguntas Para El Asistente De Principal, Dave Harshbarget P: Me hablaron de Ia escuela para traerle un nuevo par de pantdlones a mi estudiante. Mi estudiante tenia pueslos unos pantalones que parecian pantalones de piyamas.:cudl es la regla? Cr Elmanualde estudiantes diceque los estudiantes no puedcr usar ropa quees inteh ionddd pard dorn1ir en clla a la F(cuAla. Lsta regd tdmbien dpr(d referente a las chancletag. P: iQue ldn larga debe de ser la fdlda, panlalones corlos,l skorts para ser apropidda para la escuela? lo\ brdros extendrdo' hacta abajo. Esto tambi€n aplica para lasfaTdas que llevan un panlal6n corto debajo. P: :cuendo y donde tomara lugar la escuela de verano para los estudiantes de las fscuelas lntermedias? C: Las clases de escuela de verano serdn en la Escuela Secu ndaria Elgin. P: icudl crTodas las fechasvienen en esta cana noticiera de la Escuela lntermediaTefft. Habra una reuni6n para lo' e.ludrd'lles dplgrddo I el lueve' I de Mavo del 101a, do.ldc lodo. los elFrto. y o, reqursrtor ,e discutieron. P: icuantos bolelos pod16 recibir pdra la \oche de Re(onocimiento el lueves 29 de Mayo del 2D141 C: La Ceremonia de Reconocimiento acido movida C: Una estudiante no puede usar una falda que no csle gunl de larga que e. h8or dc ld purln de los dedoc (uando trene P: icuindo sabrd mi estudiante de grado 8 sobre Ios eventos del Iin del aio escolar, el baile y el dla de reconocimiento? es el costo para la escuela de verano? C: Cada clase para un estudiante de las Escuelas lntermediar serS de $50.00. El estudianie tendre que tornar dos clases durante cada una de las dos sesrone, de la e"ru"la de rerano. \o hdy nirtd r trdnspone dF dulobu. pdra la escueld de \erano. S e. nc, e.dlloque (u hijod,isLd a ld e5(uela de\prano. el padre/tutor debe proporcionar transporte a la escuela secundaria Elgin. P: :cuindo sabr6 que mi hijo(a) tendrd queasistir a la escuela de verano? C:Yo le habla.e acada padre de un esludiante que reprcbara elario escolar de grado 7 o 8 elViernes 16 de Mayodel2014. En ese momentoyo har6 una cita con usted para el Lunes o Martes, 19 y 20 de Mayo pdra l"dbldr 5obre el proce(ode ns(ripcio'r para la escuela deverano. a la Escuela Secundaria Streamwood y no necesitaran boletos. Todos son bienvenidos. se Vision and Hear- Pr oy e cciSn I Ea aluaci6n de Visi6n y Audici6n ing Sueening An n ual visio n/hearing scree n- ing for all 8th grade students, specral education studenls, rnd rho<e new to Tefft thrs year wrll take place on Apnl 21st and 22nd. lfyour student s prescnbed glasses, contacs or hearing aids, please make sure that these are brought to school and available during these screening dates. lf your student fails vision or hearing screening, or has losvbroken glasses, you will be notified of this by US mail. completed referal forms can be returned io the Nurse s Offrce b€fore the end of the school year or at registration this summer oroyecci6n,L\dlua(idn AnudIdc Vh on/Audrrlon pa a todo. los esrudrdnres de oCtavo g ddo. e'ludtantes deeducacron esoe(ialv lo) nuc\o< a la LscuPla Tefft p,te dio lorrd'a lugar el 2l y 22 dc Abrrl. 5i ,u pr,,.lrdnle ulrL/a ientes con receta. lentes de contactos o audifonos, por favor asegiirese de que 6stos sean traidos a la escuela y est6n disponibles durdnle p,u. fe.ha, de pro) eL( ion. 5rsu edudianle 'T o pa'a la p'oyec< on de v - rjn o de audiencta, o ra p"rdrdo o trpne rotos lo5 anles, \e 'e nolrfrr ari de cllo oor.o(eo de I or Complete ld' ro.mas de referercid ) 'ct'6se as a la oficina de rd enfermera antes a finol del ano escolar o en la inscripci6n este verano. UJcd puede pone^e er .ollacto colmiSo (on ualquier p.e ot upacron d" \ ision o oudi(ion albjo- You can contact me with anyvision or heaF ingconcerns at 630-21 3-5535 ext. 5902. ' Thankyou, Muchas gracias, LauraSchuster, RN Direct Service Nurse Laura Schuster, RN AprilPTTMeeting The next neeting of the parent leadership orgaflizatiotl is: Wednesday, April 16th 5:30 p.m. Fstados Unido!. 213-5535 ext5902. Dlrecto Sewicio Enfermera Reuni6n de PTT para el Mes de Abril La pr'xima reu11i6fi pqla la organizaci6n {1e liderazgo de padres seri El Miercoles 15 de Abril a las 5:30 p.m. Main Office Conference Room Oficina Principal Cuarto de Conferencia Everyone is welcome!! Todos son biefloenidos! ! ! Ur ClouMeet the Special Ed T€achers of Tefft Middle School 5,. bo...", Years s-(-atego;calf eache, C."" '10 yeals in Education: Years at Tefft: 10 years Education: Bachelor' degree in Specidl Fducdlron. Maste19 ol [ducdLional Technology lenioy readingand watching movies in my free time. lam into technology and love bringing itto studentr. lam also a "Camer" and try to keep up with all the games out students are playint and the trends in gaming. K"b K;..h, C'o*-C atego,icalf eac\er Years in Education: 17 years Years at Tefft: Education: v'y r-rndergraduate degree is from lllinois Wesleyan University, and my graduate degree is from Norlhem llhlois Universiry lnvaluable les.ons have been learned throughoul lhe year, and I look forward to manv more as an educator in U-46. I am happily married to my;ife and we have three youngdauthters. l('istin l(rumtingcr, Years $DT"..h". in Educationr 6 yeals B.i. in Special Education frcm Northern lllinois Unive6ity' M.A. in S.hoo leddFbhrp ald Ad'ririrrrdlion f'om Co1.o'd'a l".ive'5:t) \,ld1ied or 5 )ea6 ro my high *\ool 'seerl'ed dnd loge(her we have a I year old dauehter and a I year old son $,.de R'tr... f' ."*-C't.e""."1 T.".he, Ye,rr in Fdu.rtion: 22 vears 13 veaB Years at Tefftl I rJceived my BA from William Patte6on University of New Education: Jerseywith degrees in Elementary and Special Education. lobtained my Master's degree in Educational Curriculum from Aurora University. I am married with two sons. F"r iq 5.1*,.h. C."""-C,t..e".i..1 YeiEin Fdu.riion, 26 veals Tefftr Educatron: Personal: Years at to iea" I .,.h.. Ma.lers of Arts in lcdrnint Di.dbrlllies. St \avier Univer"ity, Bachplors ofSci"nce in Psychology. Loyold Lniversit) I love to lravel and e\pe'rence differenl ( ullu.cs: Ur (lou. Meet the Special Ed Department of Tefft Middle School. 5ue Gonia, Assistant Yeals in Education: 13 years Yea6 at Tefft: 9 years B.S. Accountint from Eastern lllinois University My hu<band and I ju(t celebrdted 25 years of marflage lasl Oc_ Education: Personal: i5 in her tunioryeardl lheCol lesc of St. Bene-drct rn Minne,oLd, sludyinS Ac,ountinS Our ro"n, Ch.istophe'. ,s a senior dl Soulh tl8rn Hith S(hool tober. Our ddughler, Jennifer, L;1""" O.ho', A"";"t..t YeaB in Education: 14 years 10yeaK Years at Tefft: When I am not dt Teffl, I lo\e to redd and spend trme wrrh my daughters, husband and :-year old lwin Srandchildren. ln better weather, I enjoy kayaking! Lu,r" 5.huster, S.hool Years in Educationi 5 yea6 \,r"e 2 vearc Years at Tefft: Bjchelors of Science in Nulsing (8SN, RN) - Elmhurst College Iam rccently manrcd lo my wonde ul husbdnd, leff. ln my time, I |ke lo read and 'pcnd lime wilh mv adorable I i- Education: "pdre year-old godson. C"lleen Years 5,'p""n, 5ocial Wo'Ler in Educatidn: 16 years T€ft: 4 vears Education: NiU for undertraduate and UIC for a masters of socialwork fursonal: Love to tolf ana travel. lama Canadian citizen and have lived in Years at the Us for 26 yea6. Yes I do like hockey. L .ds.,, K".[*.11. 5c\""1 f secl,"logi"t YeaE in Eilu.atron: I vear Teft: Edu.ation: Years at Persondl: t i,ear B.A. in Psvcholoev Lake lore)lCollFee Speriali,tin Schiol Psychology-wFsFrn Illinoi\ Lnrversity li my free lime I love to r"ad. I also enloy ltdvelinS and dm working on planning my next trlP. -End of tfrn 4enr' fth 4i"4rT-itents 8th Grade Dance Friday, May I 6th I Baile de los Estudiantes de Grado ElViernes, 16 de Mayo . 7:00-9:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Crade Re€ognition Awards Assembly Thursday, May 29th . 2:00 p.m. Eh . Reconocimiento de los Estudiantes de Grado 8 r Asamblea de Premios ElJueves,29 de Mayo ' 2:00 p.m. (Parents whose child is receiving an awad will receive a written (Las padres que ten9an a un hijo(a) que rccibie un premio ser'n invitados por escito a invitation to this program.) este r r Recognition Ceremony Thursday, May 29 . 7:00 p.m. Ceremony will be held at Streamwood High School Cymnasiun. 701 W Schaunbu 8Rd. (no tickets needed .) programa,) La Ceremonia de Reconocimiento ElJueves,29 de Mayo . 7:00 p.m. LaCeremoniatomara lugar en el Cimnasio de la escuela secu ndaia de Strcanwood,7o1 W khaunburg Rd. (No se necesitaran boletoi paft asisti ala C? re mo n i a d e Reco n o ci m i e n to. ) IZ#tY,id. Qrgll"l.ffr At the February 246 meetint, the U 46 Board of Education recognized six teachers who have recently achieved de Educaci6n U-46 reconoci6 seis han recientemente nan profesoreg que rccrenlemenre Prole'ore9 National Board Certification and three teachers who have recently renewed NationalBoard Certi{icatron. Thrs rs the hithest cred entra I rn the teachrng professron and may be the mon powerfu I profeeeional development e).pe rience available to teachers. A voluntary process es' Lab|shed by the Natronal Board {or Profes' sronal Teaching Standards, ce(ifrcahon is achreved throLrgh a ngorous performance b)ce.larsessmenl th.rt takes one to three vears to complete. Congralulatrcn' to Mrs lari Henandez SWAS science leacher fiom the House of Cladiatots, who was one of the teachers who renewed National Boarci lor Profes' sional Ieaching stanclarcls Certification in khaal DisttictU-46. T.f{t l}k.s ol\ Z"d En la reuni6n del24 de Febrero,laJunta logrddo la cerlif,cacidn dc la JunU Nd(ional v tres mlestros oue han reno\ado recientemanle la rpnirrcacr<in de la unLa Nacrondl. lslo cs la credencial m5s alta en la profesidn docente y ienc ra de desa ro llo la erper " 'cr mi, polelte drsponibl" pued p rofesiondl pa'a los maenros Un pot el Con'elo proceso \olunLd'o Ni.ronrl o)rr los ".table(ido e,landares de ensenan/a profesiondl, lr cerlrficdcron se logra a traves de una evalua< rdr ngurosa bd'ddo cn el de'empeio que ll"va de uno d lre. aios prrd (o'nplFrar' Henande/. p,ofcsoQ leht;ta' ione. a la SG (le Cencids SWAS d" la^a Casa de 1o' Cladiadores, que tue una de los maetlta' que renoro ia aptiicacrcn )unta Diect'va Nacional paa lo, est'ndares de enseitanza ptufesional en el Distrito EscolarU-16. Qly-piad flace at $cience ix m,dtle hool' lebruary sc 22 o {or School Dr(lrict L-4b wds held on ',r,rh \o\ember DurinS lhe workrng on since lFal hare been studenE .omDerinp wrth sciince oror"cts expeImens, ompetrng rn various 'crence. techOlvr-ioradi studeng took ie,ts and condu.led "cientrfic noioev eneineerine. ond n alhematic5. or S-EM cdlego' es lefftMiddlaSchooleorneda'econdplare frnisl."and ivrll advinre to d srdte screnre olylrpidd c5r"pet'tion to be h"'d al the urrversrtv of llInoi' rn Champaitn-Urbana in April. The f.'st 5(ie'1(e moracJ The lollowing students comprised the TeIft Science OlymPiad Team: jenniferArmenta Dev Patel Itzel Castaneda Roshan Patel Austin Choi Kelman Conzalez Ceorge ieno Nilana Khoxayo Philip Lesniak Oliwia Nazaruk RushiPatel Patrick n nadath KarinaSantana SnehalSomalraju Cassandra Velazquez Mrs. Kari Hernandez, House o{ Cladiators, Mrs. Jolanda Adams, House of Titans, and Mr Mitchell Lazarus, House ofAthena, served as the coaches for the Tefft Team - 9 ,Seltuwttrl, Fehrnary Stwofenh of tke Monfh ^ Tefft Middle School recently named its Students of the Month for February 2014' Students eamed thls rwrrd bv dernons rdtrns e^ceolro,ldl lelll R Re,pe.t beha!ro1: Re'pecl YouFelf Rp'pe(t OlhPa Re soecrtheSchool.lndr\rdualswho"rh,b ted rhe.e bel'r\ior' necded osLdndipdrlaomtl^e(ro$d 'l'ow crlhu(iasrl dT d dplermilalion to achr"\e, and or, ontribule po'rlr\el) ro lhe scFool StLdenG are nomi nalpd b) ted'r. ard dcpd'Jme1L and d'p ecogr/pobvMr' \'rrle\ $ lhd(crlrf'cdte - 7th Crade Kim camalo is a wondedul student who alvvays p,r'1 cipdte5 com"( p epdred for ( ln's.'She' a "nd dnd irrrrlenr uho kno$, $hen rt5 o^ to oe 'il\ when it's time to focus and work. Klm worki well with her pec's and often r-'ume' a leadeal'rp ro e odring g oup $ork. She r. lhe perle(t e\dmple of the Atlantis team spirit." Krislopher Smith '5 (on\unl v !\o'krng ro bcner h rr."lf b) a.Lirs qLre-rron- lo en,urP thdl hP un derstands class material. "He particlpates in class b1 .haring hi. rde,r. *r'r his cld.smile.. t\cn wilh l'* eds\-soi1g dtlr ude he dlud),' nr'\e' ro do lhe best that he can. Kristopher is an asset to team Adantis." Dr. Kuforiii would like to norninate 7th grader o lhe n onlh. '\e's(a r' one orn) be"t.tude,E c\e r< alwdy5 n an up oedt mood and ahav,. d,wav. has a ,n,le on \e, uce sne r, alsau crln.e'ned about her $or. d1d geL lo '.hool edrly ,o tel l-alp f om 1F. led( he's. Shc i. d grear help n AVID and come5 in carl) lo ,lFlp our. She i, dl,o a .nembp' ol lhe AVID C ub. I lnow s1e F a grcal help to her n olhpr be(dJ." ,he r)ll, rhout her I . \ear old brother and l'o$ much she loves him. I think she is an all around great student and deserves to be student of the Yessica Leon 'or suoprt month." led r Ldn" r' hnppy lo nominale Zoe Genabe lor Srudenl oi LheMonth "We hare ,l-oser hp because of her hard work, determination and commitmentto excellence. She embodies the charac re-r,l( ofar outst"ndrng Tefll ,tudenr ord JpLolds lhe I Rl" in h gl^ re.pp( L We leel Lhdl \,lF hac mdde l0 u. prouo by *har .he ha' atrompll.h"d rp to tl^r. pornt d1d !\ ill 'naLp u. e\e1 prouder rn lhe [ulure Mirielle lKyle) Paas 1a. bcpr.hoscn ds SIUdent hc M6nih l_i\ le/m Trrans. \ e have cho5er ^f him because of'hls hard work, determination and commitmentto excellence. He ernbodies the chaF drle i,tic. ol an oubtdnding leffi .ludent dnd upholds rl"c I R { in h eh re'p"cl. We 'ee lhdr he ha' rrade u. prouo br q har he l'n' a(corpli.l^"d up ro th. po ni dnd ll^alp us er"n proudpr i^ lhe 'rll future." Karen comez-Avalos has been chosen forStudent or rr.F Monlh by lerm Alhpnd. \J'cn sl'o$s con_ lrnuo-, mprovemerl lhi" monlh. \Fe r" do'nt$ell rn rll "er ( rd..e.. pdn'( prrFs. drd has rhowl treal .l:croom /nirrde ME SrmDson *ould also lr(p to nominate Karen. "She has shown greatcharacter ird pcr.Fverda( e r'1i5 year while dt leffl. She hd" rac"il rrany ob.ta<.e. .nd done d lre rendou' job adr or atrrg for l.er.e'f. She i. d true .hdmpro'1." Cristian Soto has been seiecied as Student of the Month by Team Athena. "He is a hard workingstu_ dent all year long. He continues to show Sood aftitude, stlck to it drive, and ls a pleasure to have Mrs. Ritter would like to nominate Tyler Hentges d. SlLden oi rhe Morlh. ' Iyler mrdc d con.cientious decision to succ€ed at Teffi, which has caused him to flourish in his classes. He participates, and tries to complete all his assignments. Tefit is proud of Tyer and his accomplishments. Keep up the wonderJulworkl" Team Cladiaiors picks Philip Lesniak as our 7th g'ddFrludenr of IheMontl^.'PhrIprsvervirqur'r- tive and enioys goingabove and beyond in his academrc str,d e'. Phi ip lo\e. lea .lrnt dnd bnnt. hl. enll'uc'a\m nro rhe ( ld,sroom. Pl..Lpenlo1,working with his pee6 and he is one of the most respectful students that Team Cladiatols has. With his leadership skills, Philip led his team to win sec ond place in the Science Olympiad competition. Creatjob, Philiplll" 8ih grade - Taar C ddrrlors pick. Sara Torres as our 8rh grrde Student of'hp Monlh. Ovc' tl'c pdst Mo )ed,,. Sara has blossomed into a very confident young uomd1. *ho slr\p. ro do her best in arl ,LbJe.b. She ha. lcarned ro ask 'noLght p'o\ oling qLe.tion rn r las. (he r, hdrd $orle' $l-o cnjo). ,'\or( n8 silh pFe., she dl$dlr l"a. d smie or l.er fd( F dnd she is a joy to have in class. Keep up the good work, Sara, " AnahiMancera is one of the mostserious students we have in Team Athena. "She :s alwavs fo.uqed. hardwo llng and raFn. to oF dri\er ro her ,uc .fiefrtwrc cess. She is a treat example for all studentsl That rs why she was chosen as Student of the Month." Ryan Castillo ls a dfi ven, hardworkingstudent. "He never needs prompting to get his work done and parlicipates fully in all his classes. He is totally de,e1ing of bcrn8 Tenm Alhpna \ Srudenr ol the Monihl" Tamia Brown is the Student of the Month forTearr Petasus. "Tamia is an all around greatstuden! she is hard-working, conscientrous, and a team player. She truly is a leader ln the classroom and a student that can be counted on to help whenever asked. The teachers of Pegasus are very happy to have Tamia as pa( of the team." Nathan Cuerrero has been chosen as Student of lhe Mor'h .or -cdm Pctd,L.. ThouSh \athdn i. quiet, he leads by example. H€ is a strontstudent he is hard'working, extremeiyconsc entious, and an all-around good pe6on. We are very proud to have Nathan as a part of our team." Esfurtanfu:' fef ^ U^' rt Fehrero La escuela lntermedia Teff! recientemente nombro sus Estudiantes del Mes para Febrero del2Ot4. Los est!diantes que obtuvieron este reconocimiento demostraron comportarnlento Tefft Rr de respeto exc€pcional: Respeto a si mismo, Respeto a los demiis, Respeto a la Escuela. Jndividuos quienes exhiben eno' .orporlirrientos ne.e.a||o. para di.ti.rguiFe dc lo. demd5. mueqtran Fntusrd5n-o ) detFrrr,ndc,on a lograr sus metas, y contribuye positivamente a la escuela. Los estudiantes son nomrnados por los equipos y departam€ntos y son reconocidos por la principal la Sra. Smiley con un cedficado. en la clase comparriendo sus ideas con sus Kim camato es una en!d:ante maravitosa que !9'pa""!9'. de .lase _rnc L,\o con s! actit,,d oerdi-.el.iempre5ee.fuer/aoardhd,erlo.l-ior siernore Dd(,LrDd v riene oreoarada ** ,,f"'* que ouPdd. \ 's oprFr o' rn erar ralor pa'a e 'rl; e'u"a *''';j""re q"; '.b; ';;;" "J"-;;:) roLrpo de Allorri ,e. d\erridd , rr-ao ' "r trabajar. Kim tfabaja bien con sus compa6eros y a ta Dr. Kuforiji sustaria nominar a Yesi€a teon de 7 menudo asume un papel de liderazgo durante el a erado para eiestudiante del mes. "Yesrca e, una trabajo en giupo. Ella es e ejemplo perfecto del de m,5 mejores alumnas. El/a s,empre estii en un espiritu de Equipo de Atlantis." esiado de iinimo optimisra y siempre, siempre tlene Kristophe. Smith este constantemente trabajando !na 5lrn ra en eu rostro Ella 5iempre esta p*o'uo"a" po 'u trabao v eg. a la +'uel" oa'a 'i,oe,a,,e med,dnre o,eeLnra, Dd,d d*".,i.i" remo dno o"rd rF' ibi a\Lddde'J'p'oe'^r"' llri pr'"', ilc que , nmprerde el natl'. + t" I El S.ado 7 "" ^". 'p. ll T:fu/iantet /e[Mu - confinua/a es una gran ayuda en AVID y lega temprano para avudar Tambi6n es miembro del Club de AVID. si! que ela es una gran ayuda a su madre polque aho de edad ella habla sobr€ su hermano de un y cuinto lo ama. Creo qlre es una gran estudiante versetil y merece ser esrudiante del mes." 1l e z de no-rind a Zoe Genabe pd-d cl e,lJdiarrF oe me:. I e hFTo. elpg d,r deo'o^ d 'u drdro 'abajo. de "rmi.r, run \ .orrp'on iso , o_ la e. eler' r". i l " er, ar.: La' .a i, rensri, d. de ur dlJ-1no d\F-rdjrdo de Tefl ) LoLrou Trtanes le sostiene el TRren alto respeto. Sentimos que nos ha hecho orsu loso por lo que ha logrado hastaahora e fLrturo nos hara ain miis orgulosos." Mariell€ (Kyle) Paas ha sido elegido como y en enudiante de mes porel Equipo Titanes. "Lo hemos el.gido por .u a'oLo rrdbd.o de_P'11i1d,iij ' compromiso con la excelencia. El encarna las caracteristica, de un alunrno aventajado de Tefft y sostiene el TRr en aito respeto. Creemos que 6l nos ha convedido orgllloso por lo qLre ha logrado hd5ta a1o r 1 orgulloros." er el ruturo nos hd i "Lr m;' Karen Com€z-Avalos ha sido elegida para ser el estudiante del mes por e Equipo Atenia. "Karen muestra mejoria continua este mes. Ella esta haciendo bien en todas sus clases, pafticipa y ha demostrado una actitud positiva en c ase." La Sra. Simpson tambi€n le gustaria nominar a Karen Comez-Avalos. "Ella ha mostrado gran caracter y pe )e!F d'r, id F. p dio e1 .a Td'r. H" e1rr"nddo y 1s 1. Jn - abdio 'eFe']do abogando por si misma. Es una verdadera mu, 1.l\ ob.r"' L o" Cristian Soto ha s do seleccionado como estud ante d" nFs por el Lq .'po {renia. '1. L1 e.rdd dllP qre ha -aba.ado du'o rl lr'8o der r'u li" Canl demonrar buena actitud, p6gate y conduce y es un place. tenerlo en clase." La Sra. Riftergustaria estudiante de nominal aTyler Hentgesconro mes. "Tay or tom6 una decsi6n consciente para tener 6xito en Tefft, que ha causado ,ld\F'. Pd'li, ipd c rn e'rrd qLc llo.ez(d er , 'rs."r"ds. l.if g' lo'o de ".li oun l'd, iPrdo "dbato rF sus og'os. 5rg ) orrplaLa roodr su. 'l)ler 12 lqu po C aoiadore. el g ti a Philip Lesniak (orro nues o e.rudia_ e oe rep 'no grado rorro esruoidlle de rp'. Pr ip mr1 , urio'o v drJru a ir por e1( irra ) ri. dllr en sLs e'r,dio' ".ddda! o' Philip le encanta aprender y trae sLr entusiasmo al sal6n. Philip disfruta trabajar con sus companeros y e, uno oe lo' Fn rd "nt.- nd5 e,pclJo,o, qJe riere rabilidad de Ldervgo, Lquipo Clad adorc.. for "u Phil,p, onouio 'J Fq ,ipo a gdnar .PEUldo ru8a " er cl , on, Lrso de L O,rrp ddd de C enr,r.. Gr"r " trabajo, Phiipllllll" El grado 8 - lqLrpu Cladrddo'Fs e ige a Sara Torres .omo rJ!.rro e'r ,did'lre de 8!^ grddo , omo erld arrP del mes. "En los illtimos dos arios, Sara se ha transformado en una nrujer joven y muy confada, qLF \F ps .erlo por 1a("r lo rnetor er rodd.'d' na e'd,. -la Jp erdido d hd' F' p Pgur dr que pro!'" an pFnJoriello er t lase. Ls lrdbdtddo y , on 5u. , onpdnero'. l l d iiPlore r'ere -ra )L'1r)r an sL (d'd ) a. -1d dlegnd lene' en case. Sigue con e buen trabajo Sara " Anahi Man(era es Jno dF lo' e-ludrdnle. m"' sero' que e_cno: .n F lqLipo Alenia. '( en D'e e.Ld ' err'dd", -dbd ""do I pa e, e 'e' . ordrctdo a 'r f.i'o. ls .rn S.an e erpl^ pa d rodo. lo' e(rld "nr"i. Es por ello que fue elegida como estudiante del d .r.Lrd lr"bdJd' Ryan Caslillo F. a.o, inpul,rdo r rn estudran e eila ,er nL:tddo r 'd(er su trabajo y partlcipa plenamente ef todas sus clasesEs toialmefte merecedor de ser estudiante dei r')hr N,rn. a ner Equipo Atenia del mesl" Tnmia Brown p, el e'ruoidnlc oP mer pa a el lquipo Pegases. "Tamia es una gran eslLrdiante ve6ati; es n J\ rrao:tadora, , or, ,er zrda ) r 1a jLg"do d de eq ripo. V.roaderamerre e' ,.a enpre-i Id"'F. Fl .alor ) und e5rud arre Fl d que ,e pJ"de , orld' p"ra d)udd' , ualdo \F le p'e8u-ra. los Tre'o, de Pegdte5 e5rr1 m ) ' ollenlo\ dF rFnP' . mia conro parte del equipo." Nathan Guerrero ha sido elegido como estudiante del mes para e Equipo Pegases- 'Aunque Nathan p"r'dnqu lo. rdeid,onelejelplo. F. unesrudidr'e uerrF - cs n r) r."bdj"dor, n r) con( iF'rJdo y una bupnd per'o1d \e,; rl lsrdro- nLy u gLllo'o. dp re, e' \il1f ' omo pare de nJp'l o Fquipo. Canqratulalions to these Tetft Middle 4rhool rtn qralestudenk who have bwn acceplel r*a one o$ the U-+e hiqhsehool arademies! Katrina Ahmen Melissa Atu inaldo Sulaiman Ahmed Jonathan Ayala Nathan Cuerrero PedroCuizar Ryan Cullang Mason Heskin Alexia Hetzei Cydnie Babicz Reave Basa Priya Baxi Ceorge ieno KyJe Benshoof Christopher Burrell Antonio Campagna Azka Khan Christian Kinsey EliSia Kramer Hannah Lau HectorCapistran Andrew Leardi Daniel Charneskey Erandy Lemus Fabiola Lopez Bryan Lopez Tamia Brown Jimmy Chen Austin Choi Luis Cruz jessica Davalos Pamela Andrea Del Rosario Makenna Dolvning DhruviKalariya lovanniLopez MarianaMedina Christine Naio Roshan Patel Casey Pearce Cabrielle Pierr€-Louis Aleksandra Podlasinska Riley Prodanovich Patrick Pynadath Sierra Reutenauer Yetzy Reyes Angel Reyes laclyn Rodriguez lessica Salas Cabrie a Seberger Areeb Shethlvala Nicolas Simon Snehalsomalraju Ljnsey Toondarack SaraTorres ErlcaTroha Oli$ia Nazaruk RaechelUntalan Martin Escobar Makaylah Neal Mayra Villegas Samantha Fagan Jessica Nichohon Wikon Emily Nigliaccio Kayla AmayaCalvan Dev Patel Cassandra Clenn RushiPatel ShivaniPatel Devln Wisniewski AlexaZaragoza Destiny Criftin G Tffi Middle School presents Srorine S+udtn+- Ltdl S+nftr*nets, A".dtolc Sl,roweast andl S+nnrntrnl+y Rtso,rre* Ex;"+ ' Thursday, May 22, 2014 . 5:00 - 7:00 P.m. Parefits: . You have an opportunity to view your child's aoademic progress over the course ofthe schoolyear . You willreceive your child's NWEAl/easure ofAcademic Progress (lvap) Spring scores gth Graile Parcttts: Representatives from Bartlett High School and sheamwood High Schoolwill be presentto distribute registration information. Vh Glode Paleflts: You will be receiving the Tefft N4iddle School registration information for you I child's 8s g rade yea r OftIifie Registratiorl: Com puter labs will be open for on-line rcgistration, which is required for allparents. okiflg fot actioities for yow childten to be inooloeil itt oztet the surnfier? Lo Reprcsentatives from community agencies will be available to distribute information. G Tffi Intermedi a presenta L a E s cuela *+nftr*neias Prircav*ral*s Gtriadas Por L$s Es+udian+rs, Px.p+sleirin-Aead *l hrea y Rte,rrsas C+rntrn.!t farias El Jueves 22 de Mayo del 2014 . 5:00 p.m. -7:00p.m. Padres: . Usted tiene la oportunidad deverelprcgrcso acad6mico a haves delafro escolar . Usted recibird las calificaciones delExamen MAPAv las t -.'t- Medidas del ProgresoAcad6mico NWEA. Padtes d.e -^-.u" ' f,. " -" Estudiantes de Grado 8: Reptesentantes de la Secundaria Badleityde la Secundaria Streamwood estarin presente para diskibuir el informaci6n de lnscripci6n. Padres de Estudiafltes de Grado 7: Usted estard rccibiendo el informaci6n de lnscripci6n de la Escuela lntermedia Tefft para el grado octavo de su hijo. Registfo en Linea: labo€torios de Computaci6n lnformeticos estar6n abiertos para el reg istro en linea, que es necesario para todos los padres. i*f 2Buscando actioidades en las cuales sus hijos pafticipen en el ztercro? Representantes de agencias de la comunidad esta16n disponibles para d istribuir informaci6n. 3 @crno.,rl Distlict Middle School Cholal Festival Wednesday, April 23'd 7:00 - Kenyon Woods Middle School Tefft Middle School Band Concert 7:00 - Wednesday, April 30'h Tefft Middle School Orchesha Concert 7:00 - Tuesday, May 6'h Tefft Middle Choral Concert 7:00 - Tuesday, May 13'h Telft Middle School Gymnasium F'o' the D.rLof th" $tuJent Q$i.. ATTINDANCE POLICY When a student is absent, tardy, or needs to be released from school early, a parent or guardian musr call the Student Office at (630) 213-5535 ext. 5540 by 10:00 a.m. on th€ dayofthe absence. lf a parent does not report an absence by 10:00 a.m., the school will attempt to contact the parent dr lhe )rd crFrtcn.\ fie dbsence telephorc nunbe Brver o1 lhe ll no ( onl,. r has been made. wlll be reSarded as unexcused. , Assignments for excused absences of three or n ore da). rniy b" obtd'npo lh'oJgh rhe slud"r' Orti(e di tl'." rpque(' of he pa ent or guardran. Homework assignments may also be obtained by calling the Homework Hotline (630) 213- 553s ext #3. l6 Cuando un estudiante vaya estar ausente, tarde, o ne(c.rle .alrr t"rrprano de la e-eucla, un padre o puardrin neLe' ta llama'd la Ofrcirr lstudrarril dl ."bJ0r l1J i\J) I\t. 5;10anle. de la: 0:00d.m. en eldia de laausenclaode la salidatemprana. siel padre o guardien no reporta una ausencia antes de las 10:00 a-m., la escuela intentara ponerse en (ontdclo con el padr"'gua dian Sr ro ce h,rrp .onl/, lo n ausena a ger.i mdrLdda 9rn e\cusd I a5 dsrgna.rore( pd a una au.ercra ron permr.o de trp, dr;. o n., pueder scr pedidas por el pad'e guardian llamando a la Oficjna Esiudiantil. Las asignaciones tambi6n pueden ser obtenidas llamando a la Linea de Tarea al (630) 213-5535 Ext, # 3. .i{I\ '\ MIDDLE SCHOOLS luaifi . 2 CHot(P€D Tefft Tohes li Ploce ot Junior Chopped Competition Stud€ nts from seven middle schools in School the "lunior Chopped: A Tefft Tomo ler Lugor en lo Competencio Junior Hochozo Estudiantes de siete escuelas intermedias en el distrito escolar compitieron para ser mejores chefs en €l "Junior Middle School Coo kinS Com Hachazo": Un con March l5satSouth Elgin High curso de Cina de las escuelas intermedias Este evento tomo lugar el silbado, 15 de Marzo schooJ. en la Escuela Secundaria South The competition, which ls a takeofion the Food \etwork show "Chopped," consist€d of four rounds. Students Eltin. petition" held Saturda, La competencia, que es un despegue del programa en el canal Food Network "Chopped", que consistl6 de , ua o ro-da.. \p lc. dro ,,0 n nuto. pari prppardr weregiven 20 minutes to pre un platillo, que tuvo q!e contener, pero no limitado a ingrcdientes sorpresa, presentados al inicio de cada No eliminations were rnade in round one, a sort of warm-up round that featured appe- trzers. The folow ns rounds fear!red a lnacl a breakfast dEh"in.l Lrn.h The Tefft t€am, Tefft Food Fighters of Alera Brown and lohnathan Botello were crowned the first place winners. Second place went to Kenyon Woods and third place to Abbott Middle School. Way to go Alera and No hubo eliminaciones en la primera ronda, una ronda de especie de calentamiento de aperitlvos. Ldc 5igu,e-tp: ro.dd,.onrdron o1 L'l dpe|tr!o, L1 ' p,aLo del oe.al ur o 1 d mJer,,o. tl equipo de Tefft, "tuchadores de Comida" Tefft de Alera Brown y Johnathan Botello fueron ganadores y coronados (on el primer lutdr. (egLndo lugar ',edKF.lyon $ood. y el rer(er -g.r d 'd {bboll E.cueli" lntermedias. Buen trabajo Alera y johnathanl Johnathan. l{TSS At the January 13'i' ronda. al umare... school Multi-Tiered Sys- ofSJppod VI55) d.serrbr). M'. Hn^hbdrgFr (rrdlenged lh dr dL.deFi( Idsl I e(s "ludprL ',\ than 33 students on average per night in PM schoolfor homework. Tefftstudents once again rem accomplished this challenge. The challenge was metwith only27 students in PM Schoolfor home- $o'l ll'. ppr dd). wd( dn p,14 rl.allerge tor Talfl ,rudenL. Dop, o r Ba, drn roLred dLnr8 the week of March 17". Also, the MTSS Store was open on Thursday, March 20r'. Studenh with 100 siampE had the oppo rtu n ity to purchase gift cards from Target, Came Stop, or iTunes. t'l r,#/ /zb*/J, Melissa Atuinaldo Caralohnson oliwia Nazaruk LinseyToondarack RabiaAhmed KatrinaAhmen Corinne Antle Caroline Kaczmarek Chris Kinsey Jaden Kosin Ernesto Olea Jeet Patel SaraTorres Taina Caraballo Lindsay Kovach Pam DelRosario Samantha Fagan Brittney larsen Andrew Leardi Martha Rochel KarinaSantana Cassie Clenn Fabiola Lopez DianaSchmidt Megan Moore Cwen Shirk Anayda Conzalez ho, D" i\"" LeAnnaTran EricaTroha CiannaZamora KristineZamora Jordan Santos 2 ?"t" Q" M^;=l C"qll"W Qrt'^i." Ihe forrrth annual'You Be the Chemisd'Competition was held on March 11th at ElSin High El cuarto concurso anual de "Que Sea El dationj UOB a Hone),well Companyj and PCCR USA. Students qualified to compete in the com- Quimico" se celebr6 el 11 deMarzoen la [scuela Secundaria Elgin. Aproximadamente20 alumnos de seis escuelas intermedias del U 46compitieron en la Abeja Quimrca estjlo Jeopardy. El evento fue patrocinado por la Fundacion Educativa de Quimica; t.lOB una comparira de Honepvell; y Estados Unidos PCCR. Los estudrantes cahficaron para competrr en la competencid pot cacar all,a detition by being a top scorer in a matterhh€mistry exam tiven attheir schools. dado en sus escuelas, School- ADDroximatelv 20 students from six u'-+a mrddle ichook peted rn the leopardy style Chemistry Bee. The eventwas sponsored by the Chemical EducationalFoun- co.- ,rG The following students qualified to represent TeftMiddle School: Christopher Burrell George reno Austin Choi samantha Fagan l8 Q"ra= punludLi6n en un e\amen de ld malerrtquimiu Los siguientes estudiantes calificaron para representar a la escuela lntermedra Teft: Christopher Burrell GmrgeJeno Austin choi Samantha Fagan 7th Grade 3rd Quarter Honor Roll2013-2014 'Prncpal!Ld{:r.r+) + Ceman Acevedo David Adame 'Jasmine Caoili Taina Caraballo * lGrinaAdan " hanklin Aguilar tdwin Atuilerd Stephanie Carlos Paulette Car"anza Yailine carrera Andrea Alfaro Jada Carter Itzel Frata Ch stian calvan * l(mberly Camalo * Austin Carbacz lrvin Garcia lacqueline car€ia clrlos Alfa& He€ror Alfaro luan Almanza * C€nesis Alvizo shaun casey t'i€k Casho * Anthoiy Castrovillari * Jennifer Catotal Naomi Amadei Tania Ambdz va€as * Corinne Antle Stephanie Arellano Brandon ceballos J6smin chaudhry David chea * Amy Chen * Kyle Coates cabriella Armijoc zuleima C.uz Detsy Arreguin Yamilet Cuazitl Al€c Cullitan Brianna Cunanan Ezequiel Cruz ,osh-Aaron Balddc Christophei Barcena3 * Brandon Barera Cristopher Sarrio6 lennifer Baroso Yelka Bello * Ariana Behitez * Lauren Eerybauer * Omar B€.mudez Bmndon Seto * Patri& . Eiedrzycki Heather Birds€ll * lucas Bryan + Erika Bueno lacob Eush Dennis Caamano Kaitlyn Calandda Juan. Camargo Miranda Cammelor * 't tric Damelo,r Jacqueline Davila tuiell Davis Nathaniel Del Rivero * Icin Delgado ca.lo6 Delreal sohum Desai llcole Devine James Carcia Leslie Carcia Ariana Carcia-Nunez Alcjand'o cnytan * Zo€Jiella Cenabe Fianc6co Cheradi Steven Cil Jesenia comez Brandon conzales Christian Conzalez Kelman conzalez * Mac*enzie Creathouse tmy crey Iyler Hentges Edwin Hernandez Stephanie Hernandez * Tiber Hernandez latheiine Hernandez velazquez Angel Hill Sabrina Holden Diana lbarra DanielJang * tauren Dimayuta Ashley Diaz SamanthaJohnson Mireya Juarez Yvette Domingo Michelle Dzik Ca0ettJurina * Caroline Kaczmnrek Jacklyn tllioft ,acob Ens€y Uliana Escobar Kimberly Fajado Aaliyah iean hmularcano Jessica Favela Rachel Kelly Nilana Xhoxayo Gunil Ko 'Jaden Ko6in Lindsay Kovach ' Andriy Kylyushyk l9 7th Grade 3rd Quarter Honor Roll2013-2014 'Prn. r's Haley tauritzen . zad'aly john taventco * Philip teeniak Cody tin Leonardo Lopez lsabella Lowry Tyler Lunsu Liz Macias * Ashley Matarzo Rojus Malik * ,ocelyn Ma{inez *J03eph Martinez * Autumn Mccowan Carloe M€dina Lizbelh Medrano Alan Mejia + Jasmine Mendez Jordan Molina Michelle Montoya Stephanie Montoya Jennah otlda Mari€lle Paas Kevin Nava Brandon ilegron * Braden Mcholson Amy Pascal ' * * Payal Patel R€€ya Patel Shivangi Patel * Vvek Patel Julyssa Pe.ez Amando Ramirez + C-arlo6 Ramirez veroni(a Restrepo Alondra R€yes cody Ri\€lli * Natalie Rock tlizabeth Rodriguez tizbeth Rodrisu€z Maria Rodriguez Camercn Roters Alexis Roldan sandy Rleda 20 Emily Salazar * Maliane Salgado Roman Jesi€a sanchez Angela sanchez-cano Kaiina Santana Diana schmidt Jason Schuberth * Brian Setura Daniela olmedo tr€lyn ortiz 'Joseph Tamras Esteban Oliveros Ma.ia Trejo teticia Trujillo Ktisten Tysch€nko Amanda Ulbert * Aliyah Valdez ,onathan valdez Diego valdez-sanchez seryio Pineda * Kristopher Smith * tunogh Srigopal * Mehvish Syed Joseph o'callahan Jennifer Teran Jonathan firado teslie Torrss chyrna tuftin * Unnati Morkel Alexander Tannhauser * Jocelyn Pala.io6 Annabell Palomo Jaime Pantoia Oliver Pantoia Archana Patel Lsl lil.T ,06iah Vasquez crlleen Vetuilla Kennedy Venable * rayden Mdales sh'rejah ward Malik whitehead * lan w tt't Kyra Wright chanelle Xiong * Mid'ael Yonker sajjad zaidi + Ganna Zamora * Krisrine Zamoh c-arolina Zarate * loee z^tz Cri5tal Zavala Jennifer Zavala * David Zepeda -l 8th Grade 3rd Quarter Honor Roll2013-2014 Cfiistina tuosta * Samantha Aorcsta Ever Aguilar Mdis6a Aguinaldo sulaiman Ahmed + Katrina Ahmen camlvn Alanis cndy' aba Alejand ro ,Alvarez Jonathan Alvarez Ummehani Ansari * Mikaela Aquino * Patricia AFla + Cydnie Eabicz ' teah Baler iJulie Banrelos Jazmine Barajas * Rosana Barrios * Reave Basa * Priya Baxi Adam Bender America Benitez Omar Eenilez * Kyle Benshoof * Ale;randra Bonilla Da ziana Bowens Catom Brown Mikayla Brown * Tamia Bro\ /n Christopher Bunell Nathan Calandria * Maria Camargo Ceorge Cameron Antonio Campagna Abigail Cardenas tucia Carpio Alexandcr Carnsco Rlan Castillo Maria Castro sharissa Catlin Jessi€a ceballos * Daniel Chameskey Abigail Chavez + Jimmy chen ' Austin choi Rudy Cobarrubias Ashley colin , Pnnc rrt isl (j.7 ) * Vanessa C,arcia * Emma Comez Sophie Comez Destiny Cri6in + Nathan Cuerr€ro Ryan Cullang Daryl Harris AbigailHemandez Cbristian Hernandez Cladvs Hernandez cath;rin€ Hernandez Mariel Cristina C-ortes Sigala .lacqueline Cortez * Shannon Crumlett Mason Heskin Stephanie Cuaude * Alexia Hetzel Jar€d Huppen lessicn Davalos Angel Hurtado * luis Cruz Steohen Davis Pa;ela Andrea D€l Rosario Jhon Dino Rose Dino Makenna Downint * Emilio jose Edemni Harry Ehorn Kylah tscobar Martin Escobar ' * ulia , .,asiorski * CeorteJeno * CaraJohnson Devon'ie lordan Melissa Kaitazovic cretolio Estev6 * Dhruvi lftlatiya Jessica F.gan * Samantha Fagan Emilio F.rias Azka Khan * frank F itzmann Christian Knsey * tligia lcamer Beniamin Kr0ngauz ,oc€line tagunas Angelica Landeros callardo Arnaya calvan Dan.'y carcia Jo3e Eriftney Lars€n * Hannah tau Diego CarEia Erandy Lemus Edwad Carcia Elizabeth Carcia lrma carcia cabriela Lemus Carina teon 21 8th Grade 3rd Quarter Honor Roll2013-2014 'Pr n. rr Antelica L€szczynski * Rushi Patel ShiEni Patel Noel Leynes Casey Pearce Daniela Leon Melissa Pena tlisa Lopez tizbeth ropez Ro6a topez Jenna tovanh Brian Lynn ,oel Marsden Rene Martinez Elijha Mccray Dana Per€z Edgal P€r€z teslye Per€z Tanya Perez Uriel Perez Sarbareanna Pickett cabrielle Pie.re-Louis Jonah Medina Cody Miller Tyshaun Miller Bemadette Mique * Marilyn Miranda Jercmy Mudoch { Chrktine Nato Leonado Navarrete * oliwia Nazaruk ' Sierra Reutenauer Angel Reyes Esteven Reyes Yetzy Reyes Mrian Rivas Alenndra Rodriguez Arhley Rodriguez ,essica Nicholson lris Rodriguez Jaclyn Rodriguez Leslie Rodriguez Nicolas Rodrig'lez tmily Nitliaccio Cr'€tal ocampo ,enn)4er ocampo Alondra ojeda tmesto Olea-torre6 vanessa olivas Jarcd oliver Ap.il Olvera Mois€s Ordaz + tuis Oviedo + Aniali Patel Dev Patel Neil Patel Rodhan Patel L5l * Cabriela Seberger Nayeli sencion Cortes VraiShah ' Arceb shethwala Jo6e silva Riclq Silva Niolas Simon Mercedes Skeate * simon Skurski Patryk Solarz * snehal somalraiu Dhara Sonani * Brandon Sounhein Aileen Taboada Crystal Taboada James Tannhauser Beatlice Tay'or * Linsey Toondarack Alejandro Torres sara Torres * Edca Troha * Raechel Untalan Wendy Rivera f'takaylah Neat Andrew Nigliaccio 22 Aleksandra Podlasinska Riley Prcdanovich Patrick rynadath Kaitlyn Repa ' ! Jazmin Rosales Rrahim sadiku samantha saez .lessi€a Salas samantha salgado Jodie Salis David Salomon tllis Sanchez * Jordan Santos D$iree Santoyo Jael Salinana Lubia valenzuela Michelle Vega lvan Velazquez Yuritzy Venegas * Caitlin grace Vllatos M.yra vll as Xaviet Wesley (ay'a wilson layla Wing * Devin Wisniewski Daniel Wolfe Aexa z^ratoz * Uzette Zavala (1./+) hltpri?www.seedsofchan geEranl.co miTheGallew.aspx VOTE FOR Tefft Middle School's Growing Green Hydroponics Club! ll3v e y6.lr avsr seen dte lcsk !n : cftikls tece ihe firsl tlne he liekr i hn€ta trorir the plant? tle lcchs at it v.igr irtere5t, vrcnd€rnrent alr{ BnticiFalien-frFs il ilrtr' his mrsflri jrice arrd see*s start di*tfirt lr.crn hG lits, A srrit€ wir,elc and laq{ile. lfons. By tee€*rhq thrt child to plent e s eed frofi i isrnal€! tsr{ hav€ iss t given him llr€ sF crtr.tli$, ct s Elainahilib atrd the tty e lq rir*e healtlrier tccC chcices. 2l to ncaGn ilign Animel Sus lliios a liialsGlllotaslnas Acailemic Challenges Lead to Success Los Retos Acad6micos Conducen al Exito [ncourage Your Ghild . College cnlranr e reqJrrernenls dre usuallv more 'igorous Il"ar high schoolgraouation requirements. Your child needs to fo'low a specific r ou'sc of .r.rd; Lobeaccepted into college. Yourchild should take no fewer than five solid academic cou rses per semester in high school . determinado para el ingreso garantizar universitario. Revise el recuadro de la p6gina . When ;ou neet with leacl^er5, coLn\elors or advrser,, mdle su.e ll.ey lrow anterior, Debe tomar por lo menos cinco signaturas por semestre en la escuela you'child plan. lo go Lo ro,lege. tuk how you can he'o vour r hild tdlp rhe nght sleps to get there. .Fncourage your child to take courses in high school that are challenging. Taking rigorous academic courses will give your clT rld Lhe confidence and the skills Lo succeed in college. .selectrre college, warl to see I'onor( or Advanced Placemert (AP) rourses and otherevidence that a student can handle college-level work. AP cou rses are college-level ^ fi vI . . . Colleges consider h igh to be the best evidence of a student's achievement, abilities and effort. Help your child see the importance of taking school seriously... and the pay-ofi Relinase con los maestros o consejeros y aseg(rese de que sepan que su hijo o hija planea ir a la universidad. Pretinteles como puedeayudara conseguirlo. Animele a que tome cursos avanzados en la universidad. Las universidades de mayor prestigio piden cu rsos avanzados ya sean losque llaman honor o AP y otras pruebas de que ei estudiante puede desarrollar un universitario que ch ild's school offers AP courses. school grades secundaria que el preparan para la universidad. secundaria. Tomar cursos acad6micamente rigurosos le dara la seguridad en si mismo y las destreza necesarias para tener 6xito en la courses thar can hP laLen rn high school. Find out if your . Los requisitos para ingresar a la universidad son misaltos que los requisitos para graduarse de la secundaria. S hijo o hija deberii seguir un curriculode estudios . se pueden tomar en la secundaria. Averitne si la escuela de su hijo o hija los ofrece. Las universidades consideran que las calificaciones de la secundaria son el mejor reflejo de los logros, capacidad y es{uerzo de !n estudiante. Ayude a su hijo o hija a entenderque es importante tomar la escuela en serio; y a ver los beneficios que conlleva. eso FOCUS ON SCHOOL SAFETY - lnternet and Cell Phone Safety lnternet and cell phone safety - What is it? Who needs it? How do we achiev€ it? These are only a few questions we need to ask ourselves when us ing the lnternet and cell phones. The lnternet and cell phones open the world to us and our children. AlthouSh it is a wondefu tool, we still need to use these technologicalwonders with caution. We can use these features and devices lor research, comm!nication, playing garnes, shopping, and more. Hou"\er. rl.e"e tools a.c olen J,ed'or bul\ing. preyinS on the young and innocent, and fraud. ln addition, the lnternet is not governed by any coun try :u r' alou' a LorL of i1'or"ldtior to be po.ted whelhFr ir is lidudl and app'oprid e or ll riond a.d improper. The ony way technologica safety can be monitored is at home and in school. studentr at the middle school age enjoy using the computer and cell phones as these tools ar€ a connection to friends and a van amount of possibilities Io' p\pF e., ing rhe word. A. flenriored p'e\rously, the lnternet and cell phones need to be used with caution just for that matter. Our childr€n en- joy comnrunicating with friends and a way they do that on the lntemet is by blogging (on inejournaling). when it comes to cell phones, texting i5 the quickest and qLrietest way to communicate with frlends withour having lnternet access. There are many online journaling sites, but most familiar to our chidren cuffently is Facebook.com or Twitter.com. Many children already have a Facebook or Iwift€r account without their parents' knowedge. Facebook and Twitter do ofier privacy optiofs that students can set, but lt does not keep them 100 percent safe. Even if they don't knowa per,on eqde.rinS to he f icnd., lhp) 'rrv slill gi\e permission to the "new" friend to view their entire account profile. often umer, children unknowingly share inlormation without meaning to do so. For e\ample. d child ma) ou adl rhdr -l'F lrojdr: won the 8'r' grade basketball game againn Canton lasr night- Even though the child did not mention rhcir ro$r, rdnp or euen y hool, lhe) drd g!c clues as to where they live. Anyone can ook up Trojans and Canton on the lnternet and narrow it down to streamwood, lllinois. - on the other hand, texting provides studenb with a \a'iety of sa)' to serd n".sa8e' to frrerds. Sorre Te$age5 ma) oe .ho'r r,]d 'imple, w\re orher may come with severe consequences. lt G impoF tant that we talk with our children aboutthe approp rale L.e oi le\' _9. A fdir y ie$ qpe o le)lrn8r, called "sexting." "Sext ng" G lllegal and prosecu!able in some states. 'Sexting" is not just inappropriate sexual mesrages, but in some cases graphic i1 narLre. We , "_nor 'o€el abour vberbulvilg. ' Many times our children are on the receiving end of repetitive hurtful messages whether it is texted, emailed, instant rnessaged, or blogged. Often we do not find our about these messages until it is too late. How do we protect our children from potential Internet afd cell phone problems - vir!ses, preda' tors, bulying, etc.? We need to monitor them when l\e) ar. Lelg lhF ']terner dnd ,el pl^one,. One gLideire, ror or rh" bp.r rrlr< lo do'l'i. l. o 'el should be use. Using the lnternet and cell phones d privrle8e nor the no r. Cl'ldrpn should rOl ha!e lnternet d..e'5 in their bedroomr or lalp rheir ceil phones with them to bed at night. Too much can happen when parents are notaware. Ask quesion5. loB onro rle (h ld ( , onpLler "rd . he, k _FF -i.ro0 lFr of uebsirF. vis red. ( o le(! rhe cell onone dt n pht and rev ew the call hrsto^ {receiled d.d dd ed'"ard relr me:dge, a-d ,.rt. ser parental controls. Purchase 'e.e''"a a filter proSram for the computer that would be similar to those used in school. set time limit5 and a low children access to the lnternet only when a pareft is home. As for cell phones, block access to cedain features such as the lnternet, downloads, purchases, data transfers, receipt of rext rnessages with pictures and so on. lt is impotant that lve keep olrr chidren safe, but it is crucial our chl dren know thal it is also thelr responslbilry ro stay sate. lf you wou d like more informat on on any lntemet and cell phone safety issue, please check out isafe.ore and wwwsafeteens.com. One {inal thing to remember: BE NOSY! ENTITTTD! YOU'RT THE PARTNT!! YOU'RE 25 tffu[ ru s.6/ /yu*"t Word Walls Word Walls can be found in almostevery classroom at Tefft Middle School. The use of word walls compliments our focus on Direct Vocabulary lnstrucrion....a rr^ steD rn.lru.irondlsr.alesy lhdt e\pD Iedr'rer hd. bear trdrncd ol La!h 'ubJefl drca has de:ign.rlFd ri'ger vocabulary for"eacl" trddint pPaod Woro \^dls a'e rimply lhe !i'Jdl rl ,nl"r of the"se *ord, o-n bullelrn bodrds a"d lL.; $als of rh" cla* oom. {. Iea( he^ and s udent5 *"'rr ir'rnunt' texts tosether. we need to have the words in full view so that the students can se€ rhemanduierhen. l; l\" Wo,dWalt teachinl\o' abuld,y throuSh /mm". ion. lhepriTd.}a*Pl^f L,irsdWordWall i<as follows: "ll"cWodWall 6 buh uoor lhe sp:rd heoruoimdncnrepei'tror reinlorce. pr"r rousl) led'ncd p in( iplF Student comments about the word Walls: . . . . . . . . . . . Helps studenls learn a better vocabulary lf we need a word to use we can just look at the wall ltexpands ourvocabulary lt helps to see them every day Heips kids to learn and rememb€r stuff more A good way to study words Students improve their vocabulary and become smarter They help me a lot because if I don't know something, I just look at the wall lt really helps you rcmember thints and refer back They heLp you to notfoEet whatyou have learned lt really helps studens to remember something they are a little hazy on Faculty comments about the Word Walls: . They provide visual assistance to kids....a reminder and reinforcement . students need the visuaTs . Vocabulary is accessible to students . Cood idea... the more vocabulary ls seen, heard, and used the better . Makint vocabulary available at alltimes . . . 26 Keeps terms fresh in the students' work I have done this over the years and the students do not lorset the word as easily Helps build vocabulary and is a visual relnforcer ofthe terms the students are learning /'/9/rd/,riltu' I t, a",tl Pared de Palabras L"tpd puede enconrrar la pared de paldb.ds e.| casi todo( lo,,alore. op la L{upia lrlermedid leff. tlu,odp ld pdred de palabra,a)uda cor elpn'oqup de ln(lru,( dn Dirp(tadcVo,abuldrio...p"urae,trategrddF,e, pa.o(dc la cualtodos los maestros han sido entrenados. Cada m;teriatieni designado metas de vocabu la rlo prra (ada penodo de califrcac on. Las paredes devocabulario son simplemente unaexhibicidn visual dF palabras cn cl ublero dF drurcioc o pn la pdred der ,akjn. I oq naasr,o, y pnuo.d.ltes trdbajan JUnLo,sobreo(e\ro..no.onosrc(e,rkmo.rerer'arpddbrd(erplenavi.tdp;aqJelo.enudid'rte, las puedan ver y utilizar EnlaPared de Palabtas En5eiando Voc;bulatio pot Media de tnrr,e6|i.n,la ventaja primordialde utilizarla Pared de Palabras es lasiguiente: "La pared de fulabras esta construida en lateoria €spiralde habilidad repetici6n re,enforzt principales previa me nte aprend idos.,, Comentarios de Los tstudiantes sobre La Pared de Palabras . . . . . . . . . . . Ayuda a los estudiantes S i necesitamos u a aprender mejor elvocabulario na pa labra nosotros podemos en contrarla y utiliza rla viendo la pa red Hace mas grande nuestrovocabularlo Ayuda ver las palabras todos los dias Ayuda a los niios a aprendery recordar mas Jas cosas Es una buena manera de estudiar las palabras Los estudiantes mejoran su vocabularioysu intelitencia Me ayudan mucho por que si yo no se algo, yo solo tengo que ver la pared Te ayuda mucho a recordar y referir cosas Te ayuda a no olvidar lo que haz aprendido Le ayuda mucho a los estu d iantes a recordar algo de lo cual no estaba n muy segu ros Comentarios de La Facultad sobre Las Pared de Palabras . . . . . . . Provee ayuda visualpara los niiios,,,un recordatorio y refuelzo Los estudiantes necesitan los visuales, Elvocabulario es accesible para los estudiantes. Buena idea...entre mas se vea, se escuche, y se utiliza elvocabulario es mejor 5e hace masdjsponibletodo eltiempo elvocabulario Mantiene los t6rminos frescos en eltrabajo de los estudiantes Yo he hecho esto en los a ios pasados y a los estudiantes no se les olvida ta n fici lmente la palabra .Ayudaaconstruirvocabularioyesunvisualderefuerzodelost6rminosquelosesrudiantesest6n aprendiendo 27 /_ Help Us llelp Our School \- We've discovered a terrific way for you to help us raise funds for our school. All you have to do is use your REDcardsM (Target€ Visa@ CrcditCard or 'larget Credrt Card. and ldrgel will dondre up to l % ofthe amountofeach purchaseyou make with your REDcardsM to the elitible K-12 school of your chor( F rhrouth rhc -dkc CFdrgc of Edr cation program, Just visitTarget,com^coe or call 1 800-316-6142 todesiSnateyourschool, and then u,e your RID(drd'" for )ourctuldr pur Don't have a REDcardsla lt's easy to apply.lust popintoany largetstoretoapplyin personorgo to llgcllgqhlply a nd apply i nsta ntly on li ne. HOMEWORK HOTLINE Homework assis'ments can be obtain€d by.alling th€ Homewo.k Hotline at (630) 213-5535, €xt. #3. #1-Atlantis #4-Athena #2 ' Zeus #5 Pegasus #3 - Titans #6 Cladiatorc Assignments for excused absences due to illness of three or more days may tJe obtained by the request ofthe parents or guardlans by ca lingthe Attendan.e Offi.e 2A Crandpa ents. alumnr. nerghbo19 and {riends dre all!1el(o.ne lo parlr.rpale rn this progrdm. { br8 thd.1k you ro rhose s ho dre. LrrrFnl\ paar( rpaling. Check o ut Ta rget.com/tcoe to find out how much money our school has already received. @rarget Take Charge of Education | LINEA TELEFONICA DE TAREA las tareas asignadas pueden ser ohtenid:( lhmen.lo i le linei lelef6ni.a de tarea al (630) 2r3"553s x3. #1 #2 #3 -Atlantis -Zeus -Titans #4 - Athena #5 Pegasus #6 Cladiators Tarea! para estudranteg con ausenciag con e\cu9a que tengan que faltar tres o mis dias, las pueden pedir llamando a la oficina de asistencia. APRIT - Aprill6 out 7th grade AWil17 Locler Clea; AprillS April2l SprinS holiday - No SCHOoL Vision/Hearing Screenin8 Vision/Hearing Screening Soccer Picturcs District Cho nl Festival - 7:00 P.m. AWil22 Ap l23 May-l May 2 PTT Meetins 5:30 o.m. May3 May6 District Honors Band Festival South Elgin H.5. - 7:00 P.m. School lmprovement Day NO SCHOOL U-46 SoccerTournament Allday orchestra Concet- 7r00 p.m. April30 Bfh hra/eParenfs - Legart{ing Pfease referto ltage 8t 6g ra {e en f- of-y ea r a cfi u i fi es ! . ---r- / d+' / f21 >7foq, ,1fr75 . . ,^ Is Always Prepared . sets Coa/s Respects /hemse/ve., Others. and the S(hool ' . ls Always lmprcving . . Keeps Data Cets Resu/ts 29 lt$e Gomlin do lsffrdilos Gommon Gore lmilomontNcl6n do . . smndalds Initiatiuc lmplementation and Future Work What do the Common Core State Standards mean for students? I hc'lnndards pro\ idF cldtiiy a1d consi.len.v rn whdl i, e\pFcled ol student lea'nrng acros5 the country lh'. rnrlrari\ e help5 pro!rde allstudent5 wilh dn eqJdl oppodun:ry for dn cducation, rFBardlPs( of Ml^cre rhe' livp rhe common Cor€ SLdte Standards wrll 1ot pre!enl drficrenl le\eh ol a.hrcreme']t dmonS studcnL, but Ihey $ill cnsu p mo,e concl'lcnl e\po.u'F lo materiah dnd ledrnrnBe\perien, e.lh'ou8l^ .Lrrriculun', instrucrion. and tea(her preparation lniciativa y Futuro Trabajo lQu6 significan las norm,s del eslado bare comdn para los estodiantes? y , o"e,en, ir en o I d. normr. propor.,onan , 'iodo qLe 5e e\pp'd dF apre.oildie en lodo e pd s tcld ,.i, ial\" dludd d p opon ord' lodo. lo5 e{udiant"s .on Lnd iquaload de opoaLn oade5 p,'d ld ed d, d. in.lenFid;enrFmenre.l..londe r ran. La, norra' d"l among other estaio n icleo com rin no impediren adiferentes niveles de rer dim "n o d^ ro' e' uoianre'. pero 8d,"nriza'in m;\ , on.l.nlF e\p6, or d mdler d p\ ) F\oa,iencir\ dc .p'Frd'/d.e d .rd\es del , rn cJlo, ,asI tr., io. \ \opor'F\ pdra pn pa icidn p.'z el p'oieso en rp o 'os el aprendiz,ie dc los enudianies. pact teachers? ac6mo las normas delestado ntcleo com[n (CCSS) afectan a los maestrosl su pports fo r student leafiing. Howdoes lheCommon Core Sldle Standards im' Ihe Conmon . CSS Providing goak Las inpacts teachers by: ard benchmdrlc lo en\ute dens a.e aihr"vrng certain bv th€ end ofeach year; 'hll' >lu- and know'edga . namas del estado nnclea con'in afedan a la\ n,ae' Drore)pndn nnras y pL.ro. dc rete,enLid par. ..td. ogrrrdo . Frlo: Loro, ) hdoil,d"de' .l ',.d| de .dda aio. dseFrrd. qup los etuoi,n.ps . HelprnB (olleges d;d professional de\elopment . AvLda.do 'Tie1lo. t". u"i\r'.idddp. y p'og'andr dp d programs better prepare teache15; d;sarrolo profesionalparaprepararnrejoralosmae. Provrdrng the oppodurrty fo tercher.lo be inrohed inll'e deve opment of d*c('mpnts linked ' . io these top-qualrty standard!; Allowi,rg ndles to develop dnd pro\ide bptlel assessments that more accurately measure wheiher or not students have learned what was taupht:and Cu"idirg educalor,loward curricula and tea(h,nt svategias that will give students a deep underslindhg of lhe subtect dnd lhe skll" they need to apply thlrr knowledge. Who will manage the Common Core State Stan' dards lnitiative in the futurel Tl"F Common Cora State Standards lnitiative was and will remain a stateled effort. ln addition to suppoftlng effective implemenlation of the Common Core State Standards, and CCSSO are (o.nmitted to developing a onBrerm sustdindbiIlys[uclure with eader'hrofrorr qovernors, (hie{.Ldle .( hooloffrcers, dnd olhpr ctrte polrcyrrat"rs. There wrll be lr ontorrg state led deve'opment process that (dn support (ontinuous \CA . ' . Ofrecicndo la oportunldad a los profesores nir i, o/, e. " i, r, . e'ro' '1.i,^ a -bord.ron de e\alLdcione5 de rzldad supe iur: "'r"rda,e" a desairollar y proporcionar Permite a Ios enados qJe rider on md)or p'e, i.i01 "\rludLione. mpiu,c. ' oo lo qJe fue \i o ro os cslJdidnlp\ l.an dprend Cuian a los educadorcs hacia los planes de estudio y ensenanza de estategias que daritn a los isrud,anre. ul pro'Lndo , onociri{ro dcl retr. v la5 hrb ,dades que necesitan para ap|car sus Qui6n ad ministrara la iniciativa d€ normas del estado ntcleo comunes en La in elfuturol iclaiiva de es6nd ares de estado n6cleocomrin fue Ln eJue'/o o rg,oo por el .'lado Adend. o"'i"noo apo)ar la irpl"melrd ,dn e,"diva de la' "o.nas, omule, d" e'lddo b*e. NCA y CCSSO e'tin , omo'omerido, a oe,arrol ,' ula pslru.lLrd dp sosle-,oilid.o d d,so plazo (on p ,dF'iz8o de lo' eob"rrado'F., tefe de e-tddo FscJe d ori, idle. y olrd5 ;" .lei e.rr do -1,b,, ui oroce,ooc de,aIo'lo ! seqJird ",i.l,dF, 30 e improvement of the siandards. lmpukado por elestado en curso que puede apoyar Will common assessments be developed? nrejoria continua hao .onsorlrd o'ctnte> are developing (ommon d. sps,mFnts - lhe Panrer,hip lorA.,es,menr of Readi nessforColleSe and Career {PARCC)and the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC). lne5e .Ldle-led (onsorlid on assecsmerl ara RroJndcd rr the following principles: Allow for comparison across students, schools, districts, states and nations Create economies of scale Provide information and support more effective teachintand learning Prepare studenir for college and careers Will CCSSO and NCA be ffeatinS common in- . . . . siructional materials and curricula? States thathave adopled the standards maychoose to work togetherto develop instructional materlals and curricula. As states join together to adopi the same Common Core State Standards, publishe6 of instructional materials and experienced educators will develop new resou rces arou nd th€se sharcd stanDoes the federalBovernmenl play a role in standards implementation? The federal govern me nt had no role in the developmentofthe Common Core State Standards and will not have a .ole in their implementation. The Com- mon Core State Standards lnitiative is a stateled effort that is not parr of No Child Left Behind and adoption ofthe standards is in no way mandatory Are there data colleclion requhements associated with the Common Core State Standards? There are no data collection requirements of staies adoptirg rl"e CCSS Standaro, defrnF e\pe(tdrio1. for whal sludFr$ 5hould kno$ and oe able to do by ihe end ofeach 8rade. lmplementingthe CCSS does not rpqurF dau ollFclro,r. he mea']s of d(ses(rrg ' studentsand the datathatresuils frorn those assessments are up to the discretion of each state and are separate and unique from the CCSS. dc la as normas. ise d€sarlollarrn evaluaciones comunes? Dos consorcios de Enados cnen desatrollando las evaluaciones comunes la Asociaci6n para la evaluaci6n de la preparaci6n para la Universidad y carrera {PARCC) y el consorcio mas inteligente para evaluaci6n eq uiliblada (s BAC). Estos consorcios d idgidos porclestado en laevaluaci6n se basan en lossiguientes . . . . Permiten la comparaci6n entre los estLrdiantes, la, escuelas, d stritos, Estados y Naciones, Crcan economias de escala Proporcionan informaci6n y apoyo m;s cficaces de enseianza y aprcndjzaie; y Preparan a los estudiantes parn iccsso y NGA creara programas y materiales educalivos comunes? Los Estados qrc han adoptado los est;ndares pueden optar por trabajar jrntos para desarcllar los planes de errLrdio\ rdr" ,d e. d d!,1,, o. Comoafi'n) Lnr'{ JU1tos paraadoptar los mismos esttndares de estado nncleo comIn, editores de m atei ales d idecticos y educadorcs experimentados dcsatroilara nucvos recu.sos ahededor de estas normas cotupa idis. itl gobierno federal desempena un papel en la aplicaci6n de las normas? E gobierno fcd eral no trvo ning0n papelen eldesarollo de los enind ares del estado nncleo comtn y notendri un papel en su implementaci6n. La iniciativa dc es6ndares comunes de nucleo estata es un esfuerzo dnigido por el estado que no es pa(e de No Dejar A Nlngun Nino Atr6s y adopci6n de las normas de ninguna manera es obligatoia. itxisten requisitos de colecci6n de datos asociados .on lo. e.tnndrre. delerlado nu.leo.omnn? Noexisten datos colecci6n rcqrisltos de Estados adopien la CCSs. Los estindares definen las expectativas de lo qu€ los estudiantes deberian conocer y ser capa: de hacer al final de.ada grado. lmplementaci6n de la CCSS no requiere la rccolcccl6n de datos. Los medios dp F\dLd d" de lo' e.tcdanr"' 1 lo, ddros qu" o. 'es-llad". oe er., e'dlJ.L one, 5or dirtreL.dn oe " cada estado y son diferentes y [nicos de ]a CCSS. .ll Developing yout Child's Habils of Success rn School, Life a nd Wo* . . . ofthe fusociation for Supervision and Curri.u' cl'ared l2 bysuccesJulpeople rn anywalloflife. Durlum DevelopmFnt, describes characten.ir.s rnpthe.ourseoftheschoolvearoneofLhel2chdrdclcn.l,(srhdlhedescribes$ill befedlured in this monthly parent newslettir. ihe fr-rll artrcle is available at www.natc.orsy'Publications/Parentind Dr. Arthur Costa, author, educator and past president MaO2CoshArticle.odf Persisting: MosI o{ lhe imponanl rhines in the world have been accomplished by peofie who have kept tryinB when therc seemed to be no hope at all." Dale ' on Carne8ie Persigtence contdbutes to success in solvint prob- lems. Efficient problem solverc persevere even when the solution to a problem or challente is not readily apparent. They have learned, and can apply, awide range of problem solving ol solvrng strategresstrategies- Lnrrdren Children often Sive up in despair when a task or ated or collected. Helpyour child by reminding him or her of prevl ous succ€sses with sim ilar taek or prob' lems, that there are many strategies -----------'l to try a nd that they are effective th in k- ers and problem solvers. lt is more helpful to learn three ways to solve ----------J one p.oblem lhan to led rn onewdy lo the solution to a problem oroblem is rs not immediately imme known. You might hearthem say, "lcan'tdothis," "lt's too hard," or, theyjustwant to 8et the task over with as quickly as possible. They lack the ability to analyze a problem orto develop a strategy to accomplish theirgoal. Cl.idren de\e op per.isle'l( e b) increa(inglherr use of allernale stralegies of problem solvint. They.ollecl evroence to rndi(are thdt therr prob- .olve three problem,l Wher you see e\dmple' of persrslen(c rr T\ programs. molror pr, lutp', or sto ies. call it to )our (hild s dflenlion and u.e the word, "pe6isiing" as you dhcuss the behav ior Share with your child examples of how you persist to be successful. Additional rcsources arc available at: www.black'collegian.com/news/ projoesolvingg0S.shvnl rem-soh ng <lralegy i< working. and if one slrdregy doesn'twork, they know how to back up and another. lhey rea|ze tFdl lher slraleg! muy !Ww uoregon.edu/- mou15und/PSBool,l 996/ chapteFl.htm wwwunc.edu.au psyc hology/.taftmalouf(/ be rcteded and anolhe' employed. ll.ey hav. problem.htm tl '\{pfafe on &1torf Carfr Acfuafrztcihn So6re fat tsofeat 3rd quarter report cards \d€re mailed home during spring Break. tas boletas para €l 3er himestre fueron enviadas a casa por correo duratte Descando de Primavera, 4th quarter progress reports will be distributed to students on Thursday, lnformes del cuarto trimestre se distribuiriin a los estudiantes en el 1 de Mayo. May 1st. Fourth quarter report cards will be mailed on June 4th. 32 s}Atematic methods of analyzing a problem, know' ingwaysto begin, and knowint what steps must be performed and what data need to be geneF Tari€tas d€ calificaciones para el Cuarto Trimestre seran enviadas por corr€o el 4 de lunio, T.{+!flor""s of fuarning l6ams Zotr-Zot+ ATHENA - . ATLANTIS . TITANS . PECASUS . ZEUS. CLADIATORS This quarter featuring the teams of PECASUS and TITANS S--\, t.L - r | lousc of a/$ ) legasus /(,(-,--t \-, Nr The 3d quader is finally comrng to a close and Tearn Pegasus has been busy. ln science cTass with Mrs. a€ finishing our unit on motion and beginning to start our science fair projects. We've betun so that we can be prepared for the Stem Expo in Aprill John ieffrey, \'\,e n history with Mn. Anderson, we've been taking tests on the Consttution and learning about the different amendments. We all have been working hard so that everyone will pass the Constitution binomiah, the P),thatorean Theorem, and morel Each day, we are always learning something new and taking a rcn on what we've learned atihe end of the Vveek. Hopefully, this tave you a snapshot of what life is like on Team Petasus. We'realways learningsome thing newlll by Alyssa Perez Testl With Mrs. Byer in English, we have been reading the story, witness and keeping notes on all of the characters- Witness is a story about how the Klu Klux Klan affects a community in Vermont. ln class, ana \ u rng the ,to1. \re \e been dr.(Lr5.ing drd In Mrs. Oruzs readintclass, we have been readint theclassic book, To Killa Mockingbird. we watched the movie and compared it to the story ln class, ue\earalyzed,omeof th"drf ,ult ro.abrlarl r. the book so that we can understand the story bet Wilh M'. Hol|d.r) r math. we har" beer learnint dboul a \allpi) of rhrrt. !le fadonnt. mull p\rrg It's finally the end of 3" quarter, but we're still workifg hardl ln math, with Mr Holliday, we are doirg tl^e rornrl...*e go rn the r la..room and r.nmediately begin the bell ringer After bell ringers, we grade our homework from the previous ni8ht. After, we learn new nraterialand take noteson that rnaterial, leading to a test at the end of each week. ln history, though, we have been Tearning about the Constitution. ln orderto learn the material, we watch different videos, we work on packets and study guides, and then we take tests. Mrs. AndeF son breaks theConstitution intosmaller parls, which is 8ood, but we still need to study. 7'h Sraders, pay l.] attention and make sure you askforthe flash cards. The most difficuh pan was the Bill of Rithts. lt isn't that hard; just make sure you studyll ln science. wirh M1. John leffrev wp are (ludyrng motion and force. The bestpanof thewhole unit is we got to build cals from Knex and then ran them down a rampl lt was totally cooll ln reading with Mrs- Ortiz, we spent a good poF I on of lhc qudrler reading. I he Ci\!r. ln English, wejustfinished readingthe novel, Elqyl er( forAlternon. lt wd. a good book. evel thouth it was pretty difficuh. Mrs. Byer required us to annotate the text as we read, which meantthat we had to mal,e rote< ir rhc book ds redd. u,int "p little symbols and sticky notes. Third quafter has been fun and means that its get ting closer to the end of the schoolyear- Yaylll by Adan Bender ln my oprn ion, it wasn't that great, but it was a book I had never read b€fore, so at least I can say I tried it. )' Hou"" of litans - Teqm Titans Reflections About 3'd Quo.ttet Enelish Dear parenis, grandparents, siblings and studenls. We learned a lot in 3'd quarter. ln retular EnSlish we learned about one ofthe saddest, most hoffific, traumdtiling period. n l,na lhe -olo(duit duing World War ll. We learned how it all happened. From the time he (Hitler) blamed Jews for Cermany's problems to the tlme he killed himselt We got to do a cold reading for a play audition usinS The Diarv of Anne Frank p ay. We all got to 80 to the auditorium and read the scripts; itwas our first time ever seeing the scrlpt tool That means we didnlgetto practice that is called a cold readin8. We also learned aboutfiguraUve language like similes, metaphors, idioms and puns. Forexample, why did the triangle go to the beach? Because it was 90 degreesl Thatwas a pun. by lennah Owda 34 Pre-Aleebra ln 3d - 1 quarter I learned how to find square roots and perfect squares. I had struggled my whole life with math but tharks to Ms. Prado I now know how to find circumference and area of circles. I learned how to convert betlveen fractions, deci mals and percents. I learned how to use the per cent proportion. I learned how to find area and perimeter of rectanSles, parallelograms, triangles and trapezoids. by Btianna Romero Pre'Aleebra 2 ln PrF-AlSebra 2. se lea 'led ra1) drfercnl lhin85 3'd quarter We finally learned how to do slope because it always seems to come up on MAP tes! lng and I had no clue how to solve it before. Now that l've learned how to determine whether rela flou"" o{litans - continueJ tions are a function, graph the relations and functions. use slopF rntercep! from in graphrng a hnear equation and find the slope of a line and coordinates I have a way better understandint of what slope is! Not only did we jusr do algebra stuff, we always tried out some geometry lessons. We got to learn about parallel lines, adjacent antels, vertical artles, conSruent angies, commentary angles, and supplementary angles. Wefound volume, area, and sudace area of shapes and prisms. I ahvays heard ofA2+ 82= C2 but had no clue whatthat really meant. Eutthen I learned it is theformula to find a missing side of a riSht triangle using the Plthatorean Theore m method- A2 and 82 arecon sidered the "legs" of the triantle. C2 represents the hypotenuse which is the lontest side of the triantle. by Natalie Rack read in readingwas Daniel's Storyand it had infoF mation about the Holocaust and that book went well with the theme of courage. Daniel had a lot ofcourdte. We also lcarncd d lol or other.tufftoo like implicitand explicit, we learned abouttextfeatures, text structu res and many kinds of reading strat eties. by Angel Chavez Advanced readins I am in Advanced Reading and letme tellyou it has changed my reading experience a lotl lgotalotof help in roots and now they are as easy to use as pie. My teacher, Ms. Hernandez has ako taught me the meaning of text features and text struc tures. I really enjoy read'nt because when l'm reading l'm in a whole other world where every, thint is easy to understand. Social Studies What I learned about social studies in 3d quarter wa' dboul ldli'] Ame ca d1d ho\r pFople live in Latin America and how they plant crops. I also 'earned thp ruhure and histo] of Lalrn Ameri(d. The culture of Latin America is Spanish. Also we did a power pointabout "Me". Onthe power point I had to write about my culture, religion, history and government, etc. by Lesly Berrum Reeular readine What I learned in 3'd quarter in reading was a lotl As you know the theme of 3'd quarterwas courate and I have to say I have a lot of courage in me. I have to say I had a lot of fun in reading. Ms. Hernandez always picks the right books to read because they're all so interesting. The book we science Tefft Middle School is a fun school to attend, let's jump ritht into the classes and start with science. Du nt quarter 3, we learned fourtopics and spent a lot oftime on them. The firsttopic was the levels of organi,,ation in living tning.. for e\amplc: lintdom and phylum. Our next topic was organelles (cells); we learned many pars about the cell for example: E.R. (endoplasmic reticulum), vacul and ribosomes. Our third topic was diffusion and osmosis. This was my {avorlte topic in science. lt's rery tool to see osmosrs and drFu5ion in dcton My lasttopic in science was classification. Although classification is very difficult you car find it's very fun once you get the hang of it. 35 Jlt*xrL uy fbbtzt G . . 1100 Shirley Avenue Streamwood, lL 60107 ph/63L21 3-5535 laxl630-21 3-5646 www. u-45.o€ltms 36