nsion firiisputoot by new me hung changes
nsion firiisputoot by new me hung changes
"THE HERALD COVERS HILLSDALE LIKE A ROOF" HILLSDALE'S ONLY NEWSPAPER VoL V, No.; 16, Whole No. 323 NSION Hills dale, Jersey, FIRIISPUTOOT BY NEW ME DRUNKEN DRIVING I BRINGS $200 FINE! .J Jesse G. Freer, of Roosevelt avenue, | Westwood, was fined $200 and $7 costs jfayJustice of the Peace Joseph. Marrese on Saturday night, on a charge of driving without having a driver's or .Taradash Tells Republicans owner's license in bis possession. The charges grew out of an accident Nothing Can Stop Them If that happened in Hillsdale on SaturThey Keep United Front. day evening, when Freer's car collided with a car driven by Henry Telgheder, iof Chestnut Ridge Road, Woodcliff Lake, at a point on Broadway about MEETING VERY FRANK 400 feet south of Lawrence street. Telgheder was driving south on ut New Thursday, April IS, Single Copy, Three Cents HUNG CHANGES- Westwood Firemen Subdue Hillsdale Council Plans To Hillsdale Blaze With Tanks Allow 30-Foot Buildings Carried on Backs. On 50-Foot Lots. AT OVERBROOK CLUB 25 FEET FORMER Hunter' R e f u s e s Broadway was passing another ear Building Now Disused Threatn u n t e i r^erases ^ ^ W , and .car , eri JID nar,lomT ie Freer's loomed upOTlt outo foft Jthe 183 LIMIT! OH Stores in Weremus Road Section Is Asked By Residents There. They're All At It Ping Pong Craze Reaches Prominent Citizens Suave Talker Told Hillsdale Woman She Would Be Vn- der No Obligation. SO SHE SIGNED PAPER H, B u t ened When Brush Catches darkness, Telgheder alleging that Freer night were failing | When Workmen Arrived The shades of was driving without lights. Fire. fast To Resurface Her House. Both cars were badly damaged. . .-.-.j.., I As through the town of Hillsdale Telgheder's car being damaged in the She Called Police. passed The Hillsdale Republican Club unan- rear fender, spring and runningboard, j . A menacing brush fire broke out The Hillsdale Mayor and Council! A youth who bore, the crowd amid, and Preer's ear being smashed in front. J around the Overbrook Country imously endorsed the report of its A bos with this upon the l i d Club passed a resolution on Tuesday even- j James W. building on Sunday morning, that ing, authorizing the Borough Attorney j j A suave-talking, high-pressure sales~ Candidate Committee in recommend- Freer was taken to Dr. Ping Pong. for examination, the doctor i man for a Hackensack roofing concern, and threatened surrounding houses and to prepare an ordinance covering two i ing a ticket for the primaries, consisting of John G. Hansen for Mayor, and j pronounced ihim under the influence called forth the entire equipment of amendments to the present zoning or- I Yff' sir\ t h e . P in § P o n § . c r a z s -- re_ ; covered too much territory and took cen-tly revived in many sections of the •too much for granted in one of his inWilliam B. Terry and J. H. Ewald for j of liquor. He was then taken before | the Westwood Fire Department before dinance. East Councilmen, at a meeting of the club JJudge Marrese, R Recorder Melntyre, - h a s reached Hillsdale, and ping terviews with Mrs. C. Hartwick, -of d M d M l t of f it was thoroughly quenched. Although i O r . e oi t h e ordinances is a change in j formed, pong clubs be ^ in the Station Hall last Thursday eve- | Hillsdale, being out of town at the the Overbrook place is in Hillsdale, the j t h e r e s t r l ctions regarding side yards/ " may soon '"" " ' with ' " ; Magnolia avenue, Hillsdale, on Monfc Valley > day, a n d when the company's truck ning. Mitchell Taradash presided at j time. Freer was unable to pay the Hillsdale Fire Department was n o t j provides for a the possibility of a T h s . p r e s e r l t ordinance the meeting as President of the club,! fine on Saturday night, and was lodged called to the scene. league being established.; came on Tuesday morning with mabuilding front of only 25 feet on a 50- jE o pong a e and conducted his last official meeting overnight in the Borough jail. On SanIt is believed the fire was started by Ifoot lot. to allow for a side yard b e - ic r ^J P = Kenesaw Mountain Landis,! terial and men to resurface the ex- Hartley Robinson, for "Thar's , ^rior•oi the Hart?.wick house at a cost as President with his usual poise and day morning he was released after he!some youths who were burning off the tween houses of 25 feet. The proposed i grass on the baseball diamond at the amendment increases the width of t h e ! 8 ^ '^ them thai- hills.'j produced the $207. j of $280, they were met by the local adroitness. Overbrook, and left some of the brush p front to 30 feet in the erec- i z e Alr eady some of the prominent citi-ii Police, who restrained them from proThe endorsement caine after a n s o f smouldering. are engaged several \ ceeding with the work, of a story and a half lengthy discussion, which was friendly t l o n O f\ouses ings a w e e k h men produced a contract which i The flames soon spread down the with the side walls limited to I2~feet ike vl3e n ln Practicing the art of! The but. frank, and prevented the much rua embankxrfent to the brook and along from the ground where the oof starts i « P S celluloid ball on breakfast! Mrs. Hartwick had signed, but Mrs. mored talk of dissension and strife [both sides of the brook until it reached and the roof sloping not less than 45 ' ta.b)e with bat the size of aflyswatter, I Hartwick told the police she had signthat had been1 predicted. It also offset and they say that the exercise in j ed the paper without reading the condangerously close to several recently; degrees. the possibility of a competitive ticket erected buildings. feeing placed in the field, as some of This change was recommended by crawling under the piano and the ra- j tents, and claimed the salesman was the members whose names had been j When the Fire Department arrived, by tiie Zoning Adv'isory Board, in adlo to recover the ball is better than: guilty of misrepresentation. Mrs. mentioned as probable candidates on a j J _ e h m a r l I 1 B e v p h o l t z W e s t o H ' t i l e fire nsLs3- r e a c n e c i some timber that letter. Charles Geel and Franklin golf for reducing the waist line and' Hartwick admitted signing t he conj tract, .but said the salesman had told second ticket emphatically announced ilay close to the Overbrook clubhouse, Myers, members of the Zoning Com- improving one's stance. that they would not enter .the race. j and Jahelka Will Serve On I and the quick action of the firemen mission, both spoke personally on be- This week the office of this paner has ; her when she signed that she was unhad several inquiries regarding ping;<tei' no obligation, Mr. Taradash stated that the Candi- ! j prevented what might soon -have been half of the change. Mr. Geel stated!"" Committee. pong, such as what the regulation j "The salesman talked so fast and so •aate Committee had made its selection j ! the destruction of the building. that some change is necessary as the and where one can ; much that I did not pay much attenof the table after a careful consideration of many! i The firemen successfully used for the j local contractors are not disposer w jsize , . ^iu , . to what I was signing," Mrs. Hartpersons, and that its findings were j Woodman spare that tree, j first time new individual tanks in put-| e r e 2 t 25-foot buildings on 50-foot lots. I ? ^ \ S ™ £ * l™ u m Om i e d^ ?h aT t " ' wick said •unanimous after a complete discussion j (ting out the spreading flames. These J m , Geel pointed out that a 50-foot j £ £ J X * t ™ ^ ^ one , wick said. "It was understood that Touch not a single bough | prominent, official is getting out of pol-1 the salesman was to get a price and of • every piiase of the situation. He j back of the i tanks are carried on the In youth it sheltered me, lot means a. land investment of at itics to go into ping pong, for the rea- ] submit it so that we could decide if it i said the ticket had been selected with.! building lot ij son , that he believes it a"better racket, j would be desirable to have the work And I'll protect it IIO?J. ! firemen and are connected with a hand least $17G0, while a 25-foot ^ the idea in mind of obtaining a united! j pump which casts a strong spray of of such value can front for the Republican Party i n ; The tree-minded youth of history, ] water several feet. The tanks proved bring in a proper not be erected to j f O u t s i d e i y o u m a £ : e p a p a m i s s w i t h . i done. That was my understanding, revenue, as it pre-; j.j, a t j ja n c l l t n e n e x t morning the truck drew n^ Eiilsdale and for the good of Hillsdale. j who was the inspiration for the famous i very efficient in handling the blaze. vents the erection of an attractive j, And so the greatest compliment that j «P a t * h e house and the men began "I have heard it said that I am anti- jpoem, a verse of which is quoted above, j The Overbrook Country Club House type of building. getting ready to do the work. Of course this and anti-that," Mr. Taradash said, j would not have to worry over his fa- j has been unoccupied for some consid- It was also stated that, a very at-1! s o o, n m a. y b e s a i d o f o u r leaders will be,' y 11 immediately called the police, and "but I want to say here openly that I vorite tree if he happened to live in ] erable time, and is fast becoming dila- tractive type of building can be erect- n c t h a f Q n e h a gb e e n s u c c e s s f l l l ] dog catcher, but that | forbade the men to proceed with the am not anti-anything. I am -pro- Hillsdale to-day—or, at least, after to-Jpidated. Every vestige of inside fur- ed if the building width is increased | jjl"^"^^ fond, but proud Mamma, j w o r ^ - " Hillsdale. I want the best possible ad- jda 5s for Hillsdale now has four men j nishings have (been removed, and every s f o r s u c l l t y p e o f building to 30 feet,'j • It developed that Mrs. Hartwick had ministration for the Borough we live whose duty it now is to look out for j window has been broken. Doors have' and that there are several such build- j He -beat his adequate Papa; actually signed the contract. ] been torn down and some carted away, ings to be erected if the zoning ordi-|'His sister Jane and brother Pat in. It is our home and we should work the interest of local trees. He r e a d 3 1 defeated ' The representatives of the roofing together for its interests, not as poll- j These men were named as members i and locks and other hardware has been nance is amended. j Ping Pong, i cempany agreed to abandon any attieians, but as public spirited citizens, j of a Shade Tree Committee on Tuesday j removed. The club house was some After a discussion of the important j — | tempt to do the work when the police "If anything defeats us at the No-j e v e n i n § by Mayor W. "W. Iivengood. i years ago one of the attractions of the phases of the problem, it was the unan- ] ! authorities had a talk with them, and vember elections it will be dissension j They are, R. Lehmann, Edgar A. Berg- i community. At that time the brook imcus opinion that the suggested iT I left with their truck and material. in our own party. Bat if we can agree iholtz, Thomas Weston and Councilman.! was dammed and a large lake was ajnendment would be advantageous! J_ •upon a ticket of* candidates and go jRobert Jahelka. ••""'"'" jformed, wWeh furnished boating in fls and would not affect the light space! forth as a united body for the good of! The committee has been formed to j summer and skating in the winter. between houses, which was the pur- j ORCHESTRA AND CHOIR Hiilsdale, nothing can stop us." | study the requirements of the Bar-j pose of the original restriction affect- j I RENDER FINE CONCERT After the adoption of the Candidate jcugh from a landscape and beautifica- | p p . ~ . ing side yards, and the resolution for] AT anmittee's report Mr. Taradash eall-|«on standpoint, and to make recom-h ^^tf't the amendment was passed unani-j Comm by the Council. ! Declines to Run for Westwood An enjoyable concert of vocal and. three candidates for a! mentations to the Mayor and Council. ] F . 1 . A , ed upon the CARD PARTY mously instrumental numbers was given jointMayor Livengood then proposed ani *-, ., statement, and each. responded, out- importance Mayor Livengood, of the of suchinaspeaking committee, as-ij A card party was given on Friday other amendment, stating that he has] Council- -Business Prevents: ly by the Methodist church choir and the Bergen Symphony Orchestra, unlining their local activities and their that they would j evening at the Parish Hall in Hillsdale been petitioned by a number of prop-| Him, He Says. der direction of Miss Margaret Woodideas about the offices they have been j sured the members ruff, on Friday evening of last week, named for. They were well received. ;I receive every possible co-operation and j by the local P.-T. Association, for ben- erty owners. I t has to do with the R. j in the church, for the benefit of the The Nominating Comm'ttee was then consideration from the Mayor and j efit of .the field day fund. The affair S. district of zoning and pertains to a j of property the extreme end of i ofE.the H.E. Leddy, of Westwood, proprietor called upon for its report and submit- i Council in carrying out would any reasonable conducted bycommittee Mrs. C. Gustafson, reccmmendation that enhance ]I was chairman, and a of ladies, j piece Hillsdale avenue, atnear the Weremus; H. Leddy Coal Company, of I ~DuJldiI?§' fundted the following names: Fred Hunter t h e An appreciative audience heard the eneraI for President, to succeed Mr. T a r a - ! § appearance of the Bor- > -^lio served refreshments at- the close 1 Read. Thispa rticular parcel of land; Hfflsdale, and Recorder of Westwood, artistic rendition of several violin se; cash; Mrs. Charles Hiilabrant, First ough, through the planning and care j of the evening. j was zoned for the erection of a com- who has been sought by the Republi- lections by Carl Albert, of New York. Vice'President; Mayor W. W. Liven- of trees. j A ^oor p r j z e > a beautiful nlant, was j oination store and residence, and was j can Party of Westwood as a candidate ge'e'd,- Second Vice President; Andrew; And as a beginning o: the work of ] won by Mrs. T.' E. Mullen, of Hillsdale, 1SD zoned for the erection of a store ; for Councilman, to run with B. G. sang a group of selections, 'Tis Now, Kinbacher, Third Vice President; Ar-i landscape beautification, the Mayor' and a $2.50 gold piece was won by Mrs. ! i n the future if such need should arise j Ringrose for re-election as Mayor, and by Geibel; Asleep in the Deep, by as the town developed. Property own-! C. F. Trimble for re-siection as CounCoiod, Fourth Vice President; l&nd Council agreed to accept Mr. Lsh; K . H. Ray, of Westwood. t-iur ers in that neighborhood petitioned j cilman, has declined to be a candidate, Petrie; and The Drum, by Gibson. At intervals on the programme, the William Diefenbach, Treasurer; Mrs. | mann's offer of a number of privet | prizes to non-players_ _went to Mrs.that this restriction be cancelled, inas- j on the grounds that the demands of E. Wolf, Secretary. These were unan- \ hedge plants to be planted along j g_ j _ Hammerstein, Mrs. H. Steih, Mrs. much as the type of homes at present j his business would prevent him being orchestra ensemble contributed with a Klemming and Mrs. C. Hillabrant. in that neighborhood embrace rather I able to give the time and proper atten- number of bright and snappy tunes. • imptisly elected, the Secretary being in-"I Broadway in front of the railroad J An added attraction was a group of strutted to cast one ballot for each. ! tracks south of the station, to hide the j High scores in pinochle were attain- Isrge grounds, and the erection of a j tion to the office that it requires. Mr. Hunter, who had protested when ; rather _ unsightly appearance on t h e ! e d b y Mrs. C. Johnson, Edna Meyer, selections sung in harmony by the Ms name was proposed, that he would i o t t i e r £ i d e o ft i i e t r a c k j Mrs. L. Unger, Mrs. A. Goedecker, E. small store and residence would tend i Mr. Leddy was considered a desir- choir, which included Kreisler's "Old to interfere with the value of such res- | able candidate, having gained a repu- i „ - . , . , not be able to accept the office on ac- j Mi-. Lehmann's offer was made in a | G. Beaven, H Stefa, W. Connolly, Mrs. idences. This amendment was alsojtation of stability that has made him B e f r a l n > t h e b n d a l c h o r u sfr™ " court of business and other civic ac- i letter to the Mayor and Council, in i c. Plunkett, Mrs. F. O'Neill, Miss B. . , • „ >.. n He has also merited much Maiden," by Coven; "Londonderry Air;" "West of the Great Divide;" and tivities, refused to accept the office of: which he spoke of the condition and | Diefenbach, Mrs. F. W. Hunter, MrsJunammously agreed upon, affecting, of'popular. u r s e 0Tl President, and the action of the club j termed it, "an eyesore to the town asjH. Applegate, Mrs. H. Johanson, Mrs.i c oAn -ordinance ^ tlus providing P a b u l a r location. \ favorable m the manner in "I'd Love to be a Monkey in the Zoo," for the ex-! which he comment has administered the office was rescinded and the office left open j o n e approaches from Westwood." • j M. Herter, M. Diefenbach, Mrs. H.tension of water and gas mains on Ev- ] of Recorder. In politics he is regarded by W'a'te; also, Wood's "Brown Bird until the next meeting, when the •' "Please don't refer this letter to a j Fender, Mrs. C. Brockmeyer, W. Moul- erdell avenue a distance south of ] as one who would keep peace in the Singing." Rhythm Band, a group of youngNominating Committee willAfter bring Mr. in j• cemmittee to die," ton, A. Meyer, Win. Rita Moulton, S. Traanother recommendation. in his letter, "but .Mr. act- Lehmann at once." urged The!| volta, Mrs. C. Ward, O'Neill, Mrs. Washington avenue of 353 feet, more j ranks, and his presence on the ticket erThe playtrs, gave a few selections, and Hunter had refused, a number of names, Mayor and Council acted and accepted I Bachman, Mrs. D. Leonard, Mrs. Miller, or less, was introduced and passed its I was deemed an asset because of theHoward Durie very artistically played -ere proposed but each refused to ac-1 ills offer of the plants, which will be j Mrs. G. Storms, Mrs. S. Michell, Mrs. first reading. A public hearing on the! County situation, a piano solo, "The Hungarian Rhapcept. Amcns those who refused were i transplanted by tiie Borough and al-1K Heiser, Mrs. Beavens, Mrs. M. Boyce ordinance was set for Tuesday evening, j While Mr. Leddy will not enter the sod r b y April 28, at 9:30. j field for the primary it is considered j 3 >" Lisst. In conclusion the SexCharles W. Ward. Ed. Davis and James flowed to grow to their natural height, and Charles Ward. resolution to hold a public hearing j certain that he will be an ardent I t e t f r o m "Lucia" was played by six Stewart. i This will form a high hedge which will Prizes for bridge were won by Mrs. onAthe report of the Assessment Com- j worker for Mayor Ringrose in his cam- members of the orchestra, Mr. Kinbacher gave a very complete ! improve the appearance of the south- E. Brower, Mrs. Cavallaro, Mrs. H. rnissioners' assessment for the improve-] p?ign for re-election, ern report of the plans to hold a sociable: approach to Hillsdale and hide the i Wright, G. Collet, Mrs. W. White, Mrs. ment of Kinderkamack Road at the j Ex-Mayor Louis Kuckner has been ! dance at Kuhn's Restaurant, on Wed- barren waste behind the railroad • L. Wandell, Mrs. W. Collins, Mrs. H. same meeting, %vas also passed. ] mentioned as a possible candidate for PUT CHRISTMAS ROSES . JRay, Mrs. O. Cobleigh, Mrs. H. Sloat, An ordinance to provide for the j the Westwcod Council, to fill the va- IN GROUND IN SPRING nesday evening, April 22. Tickets for : tracks. this affair are $1.25, and Mr. Kin- ! Another beautification measure was [ Mrs. O. Schumm, Eleanor Schmidt, numbering of houses in Hillsdale was j cancy on the ticket, and his political baeher stated that the Entertainment i Passed when the Mayor and Council; Mrs. C. Gustafson, H. C. Sloat, Mrs. presented at the meeting and was read I friends affirm that he is .seriously con- "The right time to plant HelleboresCemmittee planned to give patrons; approved a recommendation made b y j j . Wolf, Mrs. Brietenbaeh, Mrs. W. informally. Action on the ordinance! sidering the move. He has also been (Christmas Toses), is in the spring," full :value and did not expect to show i Councilman Jahelka for the appro- ! Siemers, Mrs. T. Mullen, Mrs. E. Tewes, was laid over until the next meeting, j mentioned as the possible head of asays T. A. Weston, of Hillsdale, in the much-of "a tsrofit. A fine'rerjast, good | priation of $50 for landscape work to j Mrs. Black, G. Frost, Mrs. Hourtoule, A delegation of residents of the i second ticket, in which case he would I April issue of New Jersey Garden, "for music and some specialty numbers are!1 b e d o n e o nt h e e a s t s I d e o f ^ e Bor- • Viola Gustafson, Mrs. G. Collet, Jac- Overbrook section attended the Coun-renter the race as a candidate for the: the plants then have a chance to esough Hall, and $75 for the erection of j queline Ellin, Fred Meese, Miss S. oil, and its spokesman, Albert L. Kent, j Republican nomination promised, he said. for Mayor tablish themselves and develop flower A number of other minor matters! a base for the sun dial in the park, ] Marra, Mrs. C. Gardenier, C. Hilla- asked the Council to consider placing a j against Mayor Ringrose. This is con- buds, As a rule, the roots sold are with suitable shrubbery effects. The;brandt, H. H. Ray, Miss A. Marra and were handled at the meeting. After j fire hydrant in that section. He stat- sidered as a remote possibility, how- single crowns and under the best of" the election of officers was held, Mr. Isun dial was offered to the Borough by!Mrs. Wheeler. ed the nearest hydrant is some 1500 ever, and might only happen if an open conditions, such closely propagated aa& was the Garden Club 11 Domino prizes went to George .Steih, feet distant, on Beuna Vista avenue, break develops in the race for the ;stock cannot do much in the way of Taradash relinquished the chair to! (Lillian Ward:, Mrs. Gantefoehr, H. W. Mrs. Hillabrant, elected First Vices some, time ago. pointed out that- a serious brush j nomination for Bergen County Sena- flowering for two or three years; i f jPender, Mrs. Stewart, Betty .Hammer- He President, after Mr. Hunter had de-i fire broke out in the Overbrook on! tor, between Douglas Thomson and divided in the fall and the leaves are | stein and Carolyn Kleminingi . ..clined to serve as President. i Sunday morning and menaced several j Ralph W. Chandless, with both men cut off, the chances are that such diANOTHER WESTPHAL acuses. Be also requested two lights entering the race as Senator caiidi- visions will not make any progress for" several years. When buying Helle-WAS REFERRED TQj FRED KIESOW DANCE in the neighborhood, and asked for j dates. boras roots, endeavor to get them in a n y BOETTGER HEADS | ^_ { minor rod repairs. j Mr. Ruckner refuses to make the spring even if you have to take' Louis Westphal, of Hillsdale, wlio has GREAT SUCCESS The Fire Chief's report for March j statement regarding his intentions, SCOUT ADVISORS! been connected with the Erie Railroad. listed 13 brush fires, 1 automobile fire j and will probably not make a definite single crowns, and demand the foliageThe surprise dance given on.Satur- and 1 air compressor fire. The police j decision until clcse to the time limit intact. "So far as the actual culture ©£ 'Mel-' at Headquarters, Park report for March accounted for 5 acci- I lor filing petitions, leborus niger is concerned, there fe dents and 1 arrest, and the buildings d 1 b Ridge, by nothing to it. A good loamy soil wifti the Association, was very well.- . attended. report showed that 5 permits fcr build-I abundance of rotted leaves and decayPROCLAMATION Many surprises were enjoyed during ings and 3 for alterations had been ised 'manure will encourage •-strong ' ! t he North Bergen County^Council, B o * ! ^ , " , ^ £ * , £ . L S the evening, wiiich,created a lot of fun.. sued during March. ... I Be it hereby proclaimed that, begin- growth, and a position *lierfe they are Novelty souvenirs were distributed from the afternoon sun is" dee gave the • ' ""•''" ' ;!ning midnight of • Saturday, April 25, shaded•among those, present, and many prizes sirable, though they can stand great < police HiiJsSale as his residence. Among the youngsters '-quarantined j 1931, and ending at midnight of Sat.were awarded m those--with lucky numheat so long as they are not allowed to prominent men for dinner at the Swiss bers.,- Dancing continued: until a late this week'with measles arid ciflcken-' urday, September 26, 1931, Daylight Chalet, in order that they, too, migiht Saving-Time shall constitute and be suffer for want of water," pox are Betty'Terry, Irma Anderson, hear the story of the serious, critical At a meeting of the Exempt Pire- hour, and refreshments were served. George Graf, Billy Dubler, Pauline the legal time far the Borough of Hillsroan's Auxiliary on Monday, birthdays _ -_. _ n s Auxiliary on Monday, birthdays The committee in .charge was A. Sarridge, Marie Beck, Jean We=t»rveit problem now facing this' character ] ; Mrs. F. Holland- Lee and daughter, dale, N. J. : building .organization, and share with [off two of the members, Mrs. C- Potter Bartz,. chairman; J. ZiKiaernian, MrsJ Billy Terry, Allan Bamhart. Florence' W. W. LIVENGOOD, Doris, of Taylor street, last, week'vishi and tbe Executive Board, the solv- and Mrs. j . G. Ackerccan, were ceie-. S. Norman,;Mrs. F. E3erow:.and,Hofert.|Stewart. Audrey Badiinan 'aid Je; . • • '• M a y o r . ited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. The©, ' of. f this problem. bt HG^son. .... S5^ry GuJiagher. brated. .. ' ;.-• Order-Ed by Council April "14, 1S3I=? . Windgeiider, of Rlitherfcrfi. Presidency of Club—So Office Is Left Open. S^JL^^^ ^^!^^^^^*^^^ K ITSO PAGE IERRY QUIPS TRIPLE ATTACK ON GAME RAIDING BILL PEN POINTS I F A V O R I T E D O G BREEDS I starchy or soupy foods and sweets, and. *?I?\n? h ? f?F\ Q V iT'CMCT TC jprovide fresh, clean water at all times. REVEALED BY CENSUS Iibeen B Mon i just famous m0¥ie d o & such a regime for theCondemning the committee substiTime heals all heartaeaes. What are New Jerseys most popular 'past eight years, and >-day, at 13; ForeJ tute for Senate Bill No. 208, as a men"Come on, Joe, I'm gonna try my of age, is in physical conace to game resources of New Jersey r of a survey of pure bred ! Pride goeth. before destrnetion. I new outboard motor!" than many several that have been built up. by years of dogs in this State, just"completed l "Hm-m-m—putting practice, eh?" State effort and at the expense of li- On a good bargain think twice. i the Chappel Kennel Foundation, Bock- \ censed sportsmen, three important ori ford, III., the answer to this oft-asked j Callers ganizations have lodged with legislaThe old maid is always a matchless i Suesticn can now be given. The New i H i s t o r i a n Sees S y m b o l "Eow about Dintler? Is he pop- tors a statement protesting against woiMB. j Jersey survey was part of the nation- \ in "Sciag- of Niheluzigs" ular?" the enactment of the measure. i wide "dog breed census," covering '• "Yes, everybody goes to see him trie The opposing units include the State Keepine np appearances may be '• 44>SS8 dogs kept for companionship or ! A strange rhpory. according to whichfirst of the month." Pish and Game Commission, repre- merely bogus. I exhibition. Over 70 different breeds [ senting the licensed sportsmen of New '"were listed. j is piLL'tlv a symbolic d(;Scr"pt:on of" Wondering Jersey, the New Jersey Fish and Gams Seagulls are sordid creatures, but I F o r convenience in . tabulating, the • metallurgical proeessps, has beeii "These shoes were made in prison.'' Conservation League, representing or- they look celestial. WARNING i various breeds were broken down into ; published by the German historian, "Oh, did it take you long?" ganized fishing and hunting clubs and — • i seven recognized groups, namely: non-; Carl Ludwig Ante. While Herr Ant?; TICKETS the New Jersey Audubon Society, repSecret of half the good cooking is i sporting dogs, terriers, toys, bird-dogs, • does not deny that some of the perresenting organized bird lovers. Sports- the temperature of the oven. On the Other Hand ; hounds, working dogs and farm-ranch | sonalities and motives of the sor.jr m recant weeks motorists halted on men are saici to be practically a unit "He V,-<JO Jjiiigiis 2ast laughs best." : dogs, i h e playful Boston Terrier i n ; may have a historical background, his: i'.ie highways by Motor Vetiicle Depart'Teal], but iie soon gets a reputa- against the bill in any form. aces of «in are prettv hMi for ''• n u m t > e r I e a ds all New Jersey dogs as thesis is that the poet of the Xibement Iijspestors for violations of the tion for beinpr dumb." There was- an outburst of disapproval j t j j O s e W)JO ho are set *o quell 'it. ° ~ 'w e l * a s i t s o w n non-sporting classifi- | Umgs used old fairy tales and myths ;r.ctor vehicle ana traffic laws, have refiom sportsmen when the bill was first j cation, although the Chow Chow, of! merely as a garment The life oE Siegceived pink warning tickets instead of Knew Nothing introduced. The measure is reputed to j All men can sing "Sweet Adeline" as striking Chinese appearance, is becom- i fried. Herr Antz contends, is full nf T.hits Kurt summonses. have been -drawn up at the behest of they can sing "Old Joe Bowers." "Then you beiieve in nothing?" ing quite popular. The Wire Fox i such indications. In his opinion, it is This marks the inauguration of the "I believe only in what I know."' ncii-residents, under the pretext of Terrier and the Scottie, strong favor-; highly remarkable that metals have :::;al phase of a new policy in New Jsrpromoting the breeding of game birds, "Xiiiit's what I mean." You don't know what your ideal is ites in urban homes, easily lead the j been mined in the territory aronntl the eey motor vehicle administration wjiicii j somewhat after the plan on European terrier group, with Pox Terriers num- city of Worms, the seat of the Nibeuntil yon find some one I i?dd dorm when I became Commis- | estates. The protest now filed with bering two to every Scottie. Among lungs. for several thousand years. Got His Wish t:onsr a year ago. j , . . . . , . . . ,'the smaller breeds, the Pekingese, an Siegfried's fight against the dragon is "What lias become of Joe? He was law makers declares it will encourage private shooting privileges and will I said then—and experience has con- j always anxious to shine." It is the library where the books Oriental toy dog of great antiquity, is explained as a symbolic interpretaopen the way for the game-bootlegger :~Lined my belief—that the great ma- ' •e hit or miss that has been the most it h e reigning favorite, with the Fomer- tion of mining. Brunhilde. who lived "Ee's a bootblack now." ia< in Brittany (not in Iceland), is deand the market hunter to make a ;:rity of motorists mean to be Iaw^I anian holding a strong second place. scribed as the queen of tin, and Siegwholesale raid on the game of the ;: hiding, that thej' make an honest ef— I Setters and Pointers retain their Short fried conquers her for Guntlier, the State. :crt to observe the multitude of reguA blessing that does not have to | long-time supremacy as bird dogs, but "What's your name, son?" king of copper. Gunther (copper) lations which faave been found necesThe protest is signed by Commis- Most appearagreeable. as a blessing in disguise is the j\ with the merry "John. They tall me Johnny popular and welllittle liked Cocker in bothSpaniel urban marries Brunhilde (tin) and the resary to insure safety of those on the sioner Alexander H. Phillips, of the short." and rural sections. The Beagle, whose sult is bronze. Alberich, the dwarf, is ii-ighways and to facilitate the raoveBoard of Fish and Game CommissionWhen a young man finds folly and musical bark thrills the hunter, is the a miner who reveals the secret es r.-.ent of traffic. j ers; Arthur J. Neu, of the Legislative sin a bore, there you have one of the favorite of hounds. Most numerous of mining to Siegfried. TKe Woman Pays I believe that the deliberate violator,; Committee of the Conservation League . i-_ ] working dogs is the German Shepherd, "Does your wife take to bridge?" the invariably careless, the selfishly j and E. S. Bowdish, Secretary of the c M C l e n o f h = • while the Collie continues as the fa"She takes a lot more than she Audubon Society. An independent- and reckless motorist, is in a minority. Most i A city reporter knows not the joy ! vorite of farm dogs. Much Milk Spoiled bitter attack on the bill and the methriiotarists want to observe t"ae law. j brings back." of the country reporter in just brows- ! Some interesting facts were brought It is estimated tluit there is a 340:ods of its presentation has been sent to That many of them so often fail to do ; out by the Foundation survey. Pure 000,000 loss yearly through the souring Interesting Conversationalist Senators and Assemblymen by Robert ing about for news. . EZ cannot be denied, but the causes for ihred (Jogs are definitely on the in-of milk and the developing of unpleas"Does Eose find anything to talk Tewalt, also a member of the legislaliilure are not alwaj^s viciousness or Very stubborn people are stubborn. ! crease. This fact is corroborated by ant flavors. about?" tive Committee of the Conservation carelessness. not because they are right, bnt be-increased registrations on the stud "Not a thing. And shetalks League. At any rate, the traffic officer or Mo- j cause they are wrong. | books of the American Kennel Club tec- Vehicle Inspector who regards ev- | about it." In their combined statement the j and American Field. The larger and cry violation, no matter how trivial, as j •H. BRIED three organizations cite the following Laziness, if it is of the exalted i more heavily coated breeds predomir, personal affront, to be avenged by | reasons for opposing the bill: Long-Lost Painting Found Building Contractor sort, thinks of this universe nnd of jnate in the rural sections, while the :cud abuse has no place in modern en- i "Instead of the bill being an act to The rediscovery, by William Saj smaller breeds and those having Alterations and Repairs rorcement work. And it is to be seri- | witzty, art expert of New torlc. of a encourage the propogation of game the individual, "What's the use?" Ismooth, wiry or silky coats are found FAIBVIEW AYE., WESTWOOD cuEly questioned whether an arrest I long-lost painting by Gilbert Stuart birds, we consider it an act to provide Tel. Westwood 43-H, -Most people don't want to regulate j largely in the centers of population. *,2ts as an effective deterrent in every has been announced by the Babcocl; special shooting privileges. others unless they are annoyed by ,; Fug dogs and mastiffs, at the height case. "Any person who is the owner or art galleries of >~e\v York, vrho nave j of popularity at the opening of the As a recent book published by the acquired the picture. lessee of land may, by building a twe- them. They are not concerned for the i present century, have now all but diswelfare of the ''others." National Safety Council points out, the It is a bust-size portrait of Caleb inch mesh wire fence, six feet high, i appeared. CESSPOOL CLEANING majority of people respond to politearound his land, thereby making it a Whitefoord (1734-1S10), the learned It sometimes happens when a man ! The house dog is the answer to ness and the officer who is sincere in CF TO DATE APPARATUS wholly enclosed preserve as defined in his politeness usually can win a vio- London wine merchant, who was a this act, shoot and sell game birds, in- gets home after the guests of the tea j present-day small home and apartlifelong intimate friend of Benjamin GEO. BUSCHBAUM lator to Ills paint of view without much party are gone, that he makes his j ment living, and keeping a dog within Franklin and a member of the Amer- cluding pheasants, quail and grouse, j the home is tout a small problem if difficulty. bred or raised in such preserve the sapper on three kinds of cake. Hillsdale, N. J. ican Philosophical society in Philadelj certain simple but essential principles Believing that courtesy would prove year around, without regard for sex or Tel. Westwoad 1374 phia, and who played such an impori axe observed. The dog should have :ncre effective in turning bad drivers! bag limit, and without regard for allScientists Learn More P. O. Box, HOisdale 277 | his own little nook for rest and for :ntG good drivers, I instructed the mo- j tant and successful part in the peace laws governing other hunters. This, I receiving his meals. His sleeping place. lor vehicle force to assume the role cf j negotiations between "The Thirteen cf course, would include game birds of Volcanic Phenomena educators. After halting an offending United States of America" and En;r- that have been propagated by the Sitting by the bedside of a volcano | should be clean and dry and protected land in 17S2. HERING & WESTPHAL motorist, inspectors are under orders State, if they happen to be found with> against draft. The portrait was painted durinj: in this preserve, as there is no way to and feeling its pulse for 20 years isto point out his mistake in detail, exshould , e given to have its moments of « d t f i 't Civil Engineers and Surveyors plaining ijh-3 law to him courteously the very year of the peace negotia- distinguish between game birds proj every day. Fifteen minutes of hearty 261 BROADWAY End, if his offense is not grave, to send tions and then exhibited by Stuart pagated by the State and those bred ment, ana" Dr. T. A. .Tagger, vok-anol- I romping will do him more good than ogist at Kilanea, Hawaii, admits that several miles at a slow walk. A meal Phone 534 him on his way after he ihas promised at the Royal academy. It measures or raised by the licensee. lie has had many such moments. ~.oi to err again. 25 by 30 inches and shows Whiteof a prepared, well balanced meat food WESTWOOD, N. X "Game birds bred or raised in a But from this ciose study of Ameri,To haul a motorist into court every foord at the age of forty-eight. wholly enclosed preserve, as defined in ca's most famous crater has come a in the evening and some dog biscuits in the morning is all a dog needs in time he slips up on the law and fine this act, may be shot at any time dur- vast increase in scientific knowledge the way of foods. Avoid table scraps, him a dollar or two is ineffective, it ing the year for private consumption of seismic action. John A. Schlotterbeck seems to me, for two reasons. In the Average Person Happiest on the premises, without the necessity the United States Interior deSxst place, if the offense warranted Dr. Eleanor Wembridge, girls' ref- of tagging. Furthermore, any land Prime Meats and Poultry r.rrest, the fine is inadequate. In tihe eree in Cuyahoga County (Ohio) Juve- owner, by building the before-mention- partment is asking for additional funds HARRY RANDALL BROADWAY — : — HILLSDALE J second place, if the offense did notnile court, declares that the happiest ed fence around his farm could lease to carry on the voicanological work in Lawyer warrant arrest, the experience leaves state, and also the one least likely to shooting rights, which would permit the Hawaii ^National park, one of thu -Phone Westwood 180 chief features of which is Kilauea. Westwood Trust Braiding the motorist resentful, and his willing- produce delinquents. Is to be beauti- the shooter to kill all game birds found However, during the last few years r.ess to co-operate with enforcement fully, totally average in everything thereon during the year, regardless of WESXWOOB the park's nonactive volcanic phenomauthorities, who must have public coTel. Westwood 761 from height and weight to mental open season, bag limits, or the protec- ena, such as gigantic lava tubes, sulcueration to achieve success, is lestion of female pheasants, and such HENRY HINCK voltage and emotional stability. phur baths and beds, the flora of the sened. ame But there is alwavs zoins; to be :; | § could be sold for food throughout volcanic region, have become as potent This brings us back to the pink H i i! it were tagged in "Real Estate arid Insurance the ™*"" year, ™™ provided ^** ' "" '• ™"- • < — " ' " drawing cards as the live crater. I '.vaxning tickets, wfnich are being dis- j fringe of the "subs" and the" "supers." accordance with this act. Phone Westwood 601 •tributed to several hundred Motor Ve- | so we might as v,-ell be philosophien! So the national park service is ex- ' "This would mean the complete com-"-.ieie Inspectors, both paid and special, j about it. panding its facilities for visitors and j mercialization of game birds and nat18 WESTWOOD AVE. "There is a very substantial place AND They are designated as warning reurally will encourage game bootlegging campers, besides endeavoring to ex- \ in the world for the good and dull." ports and are to be filled out in duplipand its volcanoiogicai observation. | and pat-hunting. WESTWOOD, N. J. cate by the inspector. They contain | Doctor Wemhridse declared. "AftPr "Should the State establish public Mainland as well us loesii visitors t« j all, our standards of intelligence arc coace for the name, address, registra- j the park have rolled up a new record, j hunting grounds, an individual under tion sad license number of the oper- purely relative. the provisions of this act, could lease "It is worth noting that any Over 2o years cf experience at ROCKLAND and BERGEN epidemic of crime is not en»inwrr.l ^ s u r r o u n d i n g territory and fence it your service. Outside painting Silow appears: "Your attention is b.v the dull people. Our difficimie* " 'm a c c o r d a n c e ™ t h t h l s a c t ' « * h e Oxygen FataS to MosqtiiSaes WINDOW CLEANERS and all insiae decorations, old Crested to your operation of a motor with delinquent children do not arise and his friends could shoot game birds Oxygen, usually essential to life, is SPRING VALLEY, N. Y. and mc-fiern p r i v a t e homes, vehicle in violation of the law, to wit:" the year through without regard for from a Jack of intelligence but from theatres and churches of all and space is provided for a specific desex or bag limit, while the licensed fatal to mosquitoes in the wi^gler Window and General denominations. scription of the violation. Under the bad social standards." sportsmen on the public shooting stage, it has been found at. Cornell £ ps.ee provided for tihe inspector's sigCleaning grounds could only hunt during the university, says Popular Mechanics If work is not what agreed for, Valuabie Silkworm nature appsars this statement: "A copy open season, would be confined to bag Magazine. The discovery introduces it will not cost yon one cent. A silkworm cultivator. Vittorin Zam- limits, and in the case of ring-neck a bottom-growing plant, called chant. GLAZING IN ALL cf this warning will be forwarded to Sketches furnished on request which gives ore minute hubbies of osythe Commissioner of Motor "Vehicles helli. at Verona, Italy, boasts of hav- pheasants, to male birds only. ITS BRANCHES sad filed with your duplicate license." ing- the most highly educated and pro"The adoption of this act will mean sen. In pools of water where ehara VINCENT ORFINI Prices Based on Present Day Clerks will be assigned to maintain gressive silkworm in existence. The the destruction of the entire fabric of was growing, no mosquito larvae were EOX 711 Conditions a constant check on the warning dupli- worm, instead of spinning its silk in our present system of providing game, found, while others that contained no cates attached to the license records, the customary coccoon form, has which has been wholly financed by our chara were prolific breeding places. Telephone Spring Valley 811 HILLSDALE, N. J. and when they show repeated warn- turned out an elegant piece of ribbon sportsmen through license fees. I t will It was thought that the oxygen proings have not cured a motorist's three and a half yards Ion?: and bix mean that our fair State of New Jer- duced by the plant might be responsithoughtlessness or carelessness he will inches wide. The worm is of the rare sey will take the lead in legislating the ble, and to prove it. mosquito larvae be summoned to Trenton to explain kind known as weaver-worm, and has sale of dead game birds, which, is a. were placed in jars filled with water. End to receive adequate treatment. Chinese blood in its veins. condition that every State in the Union Oxygen bubbles were admitted to some After each warning has been issued, has declared illegal. of the containers, while the others the operator will receive a letter from "The six-foot fence required by this were left undisturbed. Tn a few days After Many Years the Department, calling his attention During the Cvil war a soidier cut act would mean nothing, as the wild the larvae from the jars without oxysgain to the violation, informing him his name, "Moats," in a 50-cent piece. game birds of the State and the game Ken emerged as mosquitoes, bat all that the Department is watcfaing his For 30 years thereafter Ire thought no birds bred and reared within this enin the other .iara had died. conduct, and asking courteously for his more about, it, when one day the post- closure could intermingle, so that cc-operation in preventing a repetition master of Scotch Grove, Iowa, where there could be no distinction between Pin Episode PHONE WESTWOOD 1090 cf the offense. SInnts conducted a hlacksmith shop, preserve game birds and -wild game "Why didn't, you hire that man? He Of course, these warning tickets foave showed him a 50-c-ent piece with the birds. picked up a pin." "The enactment of this bill will enr.ct, nor will they, supercede the regu- word cut in it—"Moats." "I don't know just what moral "to courage persons desiring special shootlation court summonses which all Moing privileges to purchase and lease flraw." tor Vehicle Inspectors are> empowered "Hey?" That's Different! -. ; large acreages of land to the detriment to issue for appearance before the "He picked it up in our store and The old-fashioned farmer was hard of the average sportsman, who is now Ccirahissioner or any Police Magisdidn't turn it in." to convince. "No," declared he. "I'll cramped for shooting areas. Theretrate. Reckless speeders and otfcers MANUFACTURERS OF have no such contraption in my house. fore, in a short time the best hunting Eui'ty of serious offensss will toe dealt Anything to Oblige Planners are bad things." i lands in New Jersey would be taken up T.ith without kid gloves, as will drrrers "Dad may I go out, and play with "Oh, but father,'1 protested his and controlled toy a monopoly of who become insolent or try to brazen daughter, "this is an unright piano."— wealthy persons. I t will legalize un- Hans?" their way out of a situation in wtiiehi "No, you know I don't like Hans." restricted hunting under the pretense v~-~y ?.ve c'wxusly guilty. .'. j , Edinburgh Scotsman. "Then may I go and fight with I Concrete Bricks and Well Tiles—Septic Tank Cesspool* of raising game. r I t is ho-psd that the'•warning tickets' him?" "The licensee under the provisions Caught the Crowd | SAND and TOPSOIL will prove an elucational fores in call- j "So Benny got out of a joband of this act will deliver to his patrons -Ing attention of drivers -to dangerous' Needs tne Sleep who hire shooting privileges, unreH HILLSDALE, N. J. Phone Westwcsd 9S4 cr illegal practices, and that the meth- took to selling apples on the side- stricted rights throughout the entire "I'll have to give up slumber parod of handling their offenses will in- walk." year, which are denied the ordinary ties," sighed Mazie. "Yes, but not like the other chaps. spire their eagerness to correct bad hunter depending upon open ground "Why?" asked Dasie. PSDJt^5^s = = - = si= = = ^5=g=gs=?=i = = -driving habits and a readiness to co- Benny cooked his apples and stuck up or public shooting grounds. "Ihe doctor says I will have to get operate in tfiie observance and enforce- the sign: 'Fire Sale.'" "In addition to the above, the Na- more sleep," she replied. STEPHEN J. LYONS PHONE WESTWOOD 30© ment of the motor vehicle and traffic tional Association of Audubon SoeieWhat He Meant Jaws. ties especially objects to the word "disMeow! You advertise for a man who can | turbing" in Line 2, Section 6." Mabel—I'm on my -way to the beauring the bell?" tician's. ' " One Temptation Mi»*ed "Yes." Mazie—Dearie, that's unfair to the "It is attributed to the Fattier of "What is it?" Setting It Straight Non-Sectarian Onr Country, that he never told a lie," "House-to-house canvassing; Fdr the purpose of setting tne rec- beaiitician, you ought to hunt up a miracle worker. reminds a doubter to the Lynden Tribord straight, we hereby set down what tene, "but tell me," he demands, "did In Ring Language was one of Kin Hubbard's best, bestCOMPLETELY EQUIPPED MORTUARY Better Yet lie undergo the same temptations that Madge—I just saw that French tooown, and much misquoted, much we have today?" "Not ths same, no," nobleman who's after Doris—he's a stolen paragraph: "Tell Binkley ar"Don't open your bank, WITH PIPE ORGAN informs the editor. "No one ever knockout. rivefl at the poorhouse in his $3,000 There's no sense in that!" naked Gpnrge Washington how many •"jta, t>v& there's a dime, an' two tele-I Kinderkamack Road and Je fferson Ave., Westwood Mame—Ton said it, and Doris is limousine too late to see his mother miles he got;to ihe gnllon." die,"—F. P. A. in New York World. phone slugs in i t " going to take the coxmt. ; LEON ERNST The Druggist of Westwood Ackerman Concrete Product Co., Inc. I I HAYDITE BLOCKS I LYONS FUNERAL HOME PAGE THRE2 p.: THAT'S HOW IT LOOKS SPRING FASHIONS MUCH-ADORNED WITH PEARL BUTTONS AND BUCKLES To the Man Looking: On Business depression brings inactivity: .and inactivity results in lack of news. Under such conditions the enterprising .newspaperman sometimes creates news. Occasionally such news is created in' advertently. Many years ago we happened to be •coasting down a steep hill in the heart of Liverpool, and turned suddenly to eater a narrow side street. It was xaining at the time and the cobble-stcnes on the street were slippery. The bicycle skidded, and instead of entering the side street we ran up on the pavement. It chanced that just at that moment a man was crouched with his hands upon his knees gazing earnestly into a shop window filled -with bargains in .men's suits. The front wheel of our bicycle ran under the chest of the man .and lifted him up neatly. The forward motion of the velocipede turned the man over in the air and delivered 'him. "in the street flat on his back. We can still see the look of sudden surprise on that man's face as he lay sprawled fiat on the ground probably .realizing that if there was any doubt about his needing a new suit before, .that doubt ihad been removed in unusual fashion. When the man arose to his feet we tried as gravely as possible to explain the situation, but the smile refused to Jade from our lips. The black eye we displayed to the editor as we handed •over the copy almost killed the story. ,* _* * . HIGHWAY CHATTER A WOMAN TO BLAME? By J. HARTLEY ROBINSON Spring Fever It's here! The old spring fever is back again judging from the way some of the moon-faced creatures are now slowly tearing up the highways. They apparently have nothing to do and all week to do it. With the green stalks peeping out! of the earth, with young sprouts push-1 ing their way through the tree bark,! and with the many other little trifles i that make up Old Man Spring, these [ lazy creatures block traffic and crowds, j and they think of posies and dande-j lions. Tra la—oops. i To exhibit for your view, our inner-, most feeling, we almost believe that] the fever has struck us, too. But that ] doesn't help us any. The «ditor wants j this copy on the desk at the proper i | time and we can't hesitate while fid- j dling away with imaginary drumsticks | Grow Callous and Calluses I or invisible spiral staircases. ! OTHER-of-pearl buttons A native of India, a lay preacher, in So we have to dump spring fever buckles and slides are his sermon said: "When we are in out of the first window, bang down the i being featured as high style sash, and get to work. the morning of life we sow our seeds, ornamentation for spring by and in life's evening we cut our corns." Which above paragraphs aren't such leading couturiers in this —Boston Transcript. a bad introduction to the story we; country and abroad. Designwant to write. Ahh! : (©. 1331. West. ' [Iniun.l ers are enthusiastic about * *** ! the fashion possibilities of Conviction brings a silent, indeAvoid Settling Disputes beauty Into faces made of motlier-of-pearl, first, beYou always like to read about things ] finable the commonest human clay: the "He who is truly u-i.se," said Hi Ho, cause it provides wide dithat you know intimately or they must j devout worshiper at any shrine the sage of Chinatown, "conceals his versity both in black and be interestingly foreign to you. j reflects something of its golden wisdom when men engaged in contenwhite and vivid colorings to If we went ahead and mentioned j glow, even as the glory of a noble tion seek some one to decide their disshines like a sort of light contrast or harmonize with your name and your license number j love from a -woman's face.—Balzac. putes."—Washington Star. the color and texture of tlis jiou'd run to your friend and say, 'See' fabric it trims, and second, ihere, that's ME." < FISH AND FISH SAUCES A story of the Ridgewood News of because it is a genuine maIf we printed a lot of matters about; .last week tells of two High School terial which cannot be imithe Yankees or the price of ice in ! Fish is always in season, as canned, Telephone Westwood 572 boys that shot holes in 23 windows of tated. Greenland, you'd go to your neighbor pickled and smoked fish are available the George Washington school. When I. L. LOGAN Both from a useful and discovered the boys admitted they had (that is, if you go), and say, "Look, in almost any inland city an ornamental standpoint, shot at the windows with air rifles for Attorney-at-Law when the fresh ones are Lustrous mother-of-pearl slides in what do you think of this? This guy the spring- style program emphaticalfun on Easter Monday- Perhaps the not to be found in the Westwood Trust Building delicate shapes and natural rainbow thinks its funny." ly declares the importance of buttons. school authorities should plant a few market. There are occairrideseence are being employed by So we will -wait until we have enough WESTWOOD, N. J. Buttons especially lend a brightness cherry trees around that school. sions other than in hot leading fashionists to fasten belts for * * * egotistic humans from' around this am! new interest to active and specweather when jellied fish formal afternoon and evening wear, i section who have enough egotism to tator sportswear in cottons, linens, Which story takes us back on anis desirable; the followespecially in connection with the very I send in that little coupon we printed j ~j Roofing and Remodeling shantungs, liemberg weaves and the icther Teminiscent trip when we were in ing is a favorite: chic black-and-white ensembles and SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS I!lastYou week. new worsted and silk costumes. i;he same predicament at a much remember the one we mean? Jellied Fish.—Remove for the formal dinner pajamas and No Down Payment Required younger age. We, with other boys, had Gleaming motber-oi'-pearl buttons j Send in your license number and we'll | the bones and skin of a two-pound hostess goivn. thrown stones at windows of a buildand a buckle in matching color tones Certified Material — Work Guaranteed tell you all about it. fish. Chop fine ana add a half cupful An admiring audience at a recent ing under course of construction. We distinguishes the attractive sports RAYMOND CONSTRUCTION CO. spring style show of note was par- Despite all this ;busy advertising we of water, a teaspoonful of grated o n "were all discovered and brought before model in the picture. This gay and j have given this unique idea, we believe ; ion, two dozen blanched and finely Hillsdale, N. J. ticularly charmed with a dinner paa Justice of the Peace, accompanied by stunning costume is fashioned of a Phone: Westwood 1S0S jama ensemble of pale green, satin | that we won't get one letter about it. chopped almonds and a dash of cayour parents. All admitted the offence whipped twill of bernberg and silk in enne. When all these ingredients are crepe of bemberg with a jacket of lame iWe, of course, refer to spring fever. except one little fellow, who, when red and white. The generous uses of well blended pack into a mold and tissue in green and gold, the same asked by the Judge if he had broken buttons which so enhances this smart st ei f o r y n hour ornamented at the belt with a green JAMES N. HALSEY 1 We want all of you to be gay and . "" . " S e r v e o n ie " U( -' e any windows, replied in tears: "I never wlt outfit is indicative of the new trend. Jl mayonnaise dressing. mother-of-pearl lotus flower. j happy. We wish we could tell each of broke any windows, I only cracked Funeral Director JN'ote the unique collar-anrl-scnrf neckFlEh a la Rome.—Put one tableLeading Parisian coutouriers are you four readers of ours that you have •one." line, novel scarf arrangements beinjr •55 CENTER AVE. spoonful of butter into a saucepan and i just inherited a million dollars. And high-lighting grays combined with lle another outstanding characteristic of Westwood ^ n melted add one tablespoonful of pink colorings. Exquisite mother-of- j that we were delegated to bring it to An article in the current Interborthe mode. flour, mis well and add one cupful of PHONE WESTWOOD 292 ! nearl ornamentation in the way of but- i you. sough Review asks: "When is a man p Speaking of the exist™?. fl:iir for tons, slides, and buckles is blended brave," and proceeds to answer the That would be strange, wouldn't it? richh milk, stir and cook until smooth. mother-of-pearl dec-oration, sometimes with this fabric tone with striking I Nothing strange about it to us. I t ' Remove from the heat and add the question. He is brave, of course, the a single buckle or slide of unusual effect. article implies, when he marches off iwould seem like a case of spring fever., yolk of one egg and three mushrooms JACOBSENS' EXPRESS design is the only trimmings used, but to war. And brave when he, single CHKRIE NICHOLAS. ! Perhaps some of you wouldn't wish1 finely chopped, a tablespoonful of always with extreme : TRUCKING <(p!, 1931. V.'tjsiern Xe-.v:;paper Union.) -•- 'for a million when you have spring minced parsley, one-half teaspoonful 'handed, attacks a machine gun nest. Brave when "the battle is raging, and ; fever. You'd be satisfied with one hun-; of salt and a {lash of pepper. Add f and this one and one-half cupfuls of linked "bullets axe flying over the trenches. A •! dred thousand. MOVING fish—any cold boiled or canned fish : a ^ is * comrade is out in no man's land, Stood on Monroe Doctrine Early American Government will serve. Heat over hot water and wounded—crying for help. A buddy Senator Bingham, in his book on Telephone Park Ridge 397 . Special note to "Your True Andrew aicLaughHn, historian, says: serve in potato baskets. goes over the top, bullets flying all t i e Monroe doctrine, says it was not "During the whole course of the Rev- I Friend:" This department thanks •about him. He crawls to the rescue of To make roe sauce, wash the roe, until 1S05, during the second adminis- olutionary war the central government : yen most heartily for your six page his comrade. He brings him in." tration of President Cleveland, that a drop into boiling water and simmer was the Second Continental congress. Mrs. L. Jones That's bravery. Then the article con- secretary of state thought it expedient ! contribution. I t comes in handy for twenty minutes; drain and with a y There was no written instrument detinues and makes the application, ap- or necessary to restate the Monroe I at this time of the year. Our wastesilver fork remove nil the membrane; PRACTICAL NURSE | pealing to t i e men to show, the same doctrine and to bring us to the verge fining the power of this body. It used add one-half cupful of butter and such powers as it needed to use or: baskets are not full enough, now to travery in their community that they Washington Township £, place over a dish of hot water; when of a European war by backing it up was permitted to use by the people. ! keep the collector busy, so you see showed on the battle field. Anl here Phone Westwood 1114 (i very hot add a half cupful of cream, with an absolutely uncompromising at- . . . The central government, if govis the act of bravery—join the local titude. Venezuela had had a longI you gave someone a job, bat don't a half teaspoonful of onion juice, a ernment it may be called, was a con- ! worry, o fella, after we wade •Choral Society. "Walk right in. Ask standing teaspoonful of salt, a pinch of mace boundary dispute with British gress composed of delegates annually no questions, and sing your part," the Guiana. Nobody cared very much .appointed b,v the.states and to this j through; all that stuff we'll try to and serve in a sauce boat. Phone Westwood 2283 article concludes. either way until somebody discovered dig" up a few puns for it. Sauce Tartar.—Place four egg yolks, Boys, that would be an act of brav- that in the disputed territory were rich body was given considerable author* * ** four tablespoonfuls of water, and four UPHOLSTERING •ery. Yes, sir, a man would sooner lie gold fields. In the excitement that ity. . . . In this congress each state SHADES and AWNINGS had one vote. . . . No step could be i We wouldn't be a bit surprised to^ tablespoonfuls of olive oil together. in the 1trenches with the tom-toms ensued the Venezuelans appealed to S t a n d l n a d i s h o f l l o t SLIP COVERS ™ter and stir whizzing past close to his scalp, than the United States ana Secretary 01- taken without the consent of a ma-I find some more ambitious youth hasi u n t l i t h e DRAPERIES—CUSHIONS thickens; take from .-stand on a platform and sign while the ney, invoking the Monroe doctrine, jority of the states and for many im- 'taken to writing poetry and wants to t h e heut mixture portant measures the consent of nine isend us -his contributions. We'd be > iiaa a tablespoonful of tar- 418 Fourth Ave. WESTWOOD, N. 3. 'tom-atoes fry around. brought matters to a crisis. of them was necessary. All states niust i glad to set the stuff, but we wouldn't ragon vinegar, two chopped olives* one agree to an amendment or alteration I put it in print. No sir. This column chopped sour pickle and a tablespoonJustice Charles W. Parker has again in the articles. The Continental con- iis not-going to get spring fever, not if' f u l o f capers chopped sot the people of Bergen County guesspp fine;; add one Owl in Squirrel Nest gress continued its formal existence I we have anything to do with it. t a b l e s f l of f finely fil minced i d parsley, ing over his ambiguous remarks made tablespoonful The long-eared owl is of medium until March 2, 17S9. ft fesn Bickered ! We all read the comic section once in charging another Grand Jury. I t half teaspoonfnl of salt and a dash •seems like the only solution to the sit- size with extremely long ear tufts. and went out without any public no- I in a great while if we don't do it every: ofcayenne. Serve at once. They live throughout temperate North tice." uation would be to start another world • week, and we sometimes see one or an"war so the "deer old jedge" could oc- America and breed south to Virginia, I other start to think out some poetry. Arkansas, northern Texas and southcupy his time knitting socks for the i You understand what we are trying to ern California, spend the winter in FUNE^L DIKgmo^, •soldiers. ! get at? No? 'Oh., uh. Tricked! most of their range and south to cenPHONE CALL 4 7 WESTWOOD "Now, you fellows, help yourselves ; Well, if you think it's easy, sit down Remarkable Jaw Power The men's bible classes of New Jer- tral Mexico. The nest, says Mature to the cigars," cried Peters, with a I and try it. • iO4PAEKPJDGE sey met in annual convention at Cam- Magazine, may be that of some large genial smile, after dinner. "They are i If we want a poem, in this column, of East Indian Lizard bird or a squirrel, carelessly repaired; den last Saturday. Too bad they didn't some my wife gave me for a birth- | we'll get it from the Poetry Division strength of jaw of -warmbloodNew York. Phone 1212 Pitzroy get Judge Parker to open with his cele- it is usually in a dense growth of ever- day present." jof this department. I t is hired to do edThe animals cannot compare with tbat brated prayer. "God help Bergen green trees and placed from ten to I that sort of work. Politely but firmly, man after man of reptiles, an article in Pearson's twenty feet up. They are very beneCounty." ; If it didn't get spring fever. ficial, for their food consists largely vowed that he had sworn off smoking, ! It's a good thing that spring, which Weekly points out. The bulldog and Genuine and the dinner party ended in a famous for tlieir strength ! generally includes sticky tar roads, omastiff . are Now women demand recognition in of meadow mice and other small mam- ghasily fizzle. Permanent f a n d t h e h e n a IS s a ! ( J t 0 b e the councils of the Republican Party, mals, insects, spiders, crayfish, small I streets with shell holes, and the like,; 8™P ^ "Whatever did you tell such a fib I only comes once in a year, because we I able to bite through the thigh bone "when the Women's State Republican snakes; frogs, snails and earthworms about those cigars for?" asked Mrs. j would like to pick on the condition of: of an ox to extract the marrow, but Club of New Jersey, meeting in Tren- are known to be taken as well. they take back seats to the power and Peters in surprise, when the guests jtfae streets this week. ton recently, passed a measure dehad departed. "Ton know I gave you i But all in all there is really very lit- j tenacity of a lizard in the Calcutta •manding that a certain number of "women be given appointments. slippers for a birthday present." Odd Movement of Particle* ! tie to condemn this year on the high- ; reptile house. * *= o "Oh, that's all right, Mary!" re- I way. There are lots of new ones, and The lizard was of the sort known The name "Brownian movement" is plied her husband calmly. "That box ! most of the old ones are in fair shape.. as the "go-samp" and weighed Next -week will be observed as Boys' given to the irregular agitation seen of eisrars cost me .$5 and I can't afford JO fella! about 100 pounds. As It was being "Week, and many of the towns will be when minute solid particles, suspended to give any of them away." All we can say is that some of these drawn out of the cage which it run by the enthusiastic youths for an in a liquid, are viewed under a high magnifying power. It is named for : fever-ibitten bugs should stay OS the j shared with the pythons, it seized a Ihour sjr- Swo during one of the days. CORINNE MARIE | streets. We drove a hearse once, and twelve foot snake by the neck. Robert Brown, who observed it in 1827. Trinidad Land of Birds 23 Westwood Avenue ; we had to drive it slowly, but -we thank • Many particles -which are put into a Locked together, the two creatures Xrccor&ing to the Hasbrouck Heights The island of Trinidad is aptly • all that's good and gracious, that we. were drawn out. Keepers made every 'Observer, thieves -broke into the rail- fluid, instead of sinking steadily, ar<; Phone Westwood 599 called the "Land of Humming Birds." i dor.'t drive any more hearses. • effort to lever the jaws of the lizard Toaa station in Hasbrouck Heights endowed with a vigorous motion which The tiny iridescent creatures swarm By the way, the hearse driver is the ; last week and got nothing. Maybe they is haphazard and irregular. The parapart. But it was useless, and the about the roses, hibiscus, poinsettia, | only person in the world who absol- python's neck was flat as a pancake were only trying to find, out when the ticles move to and fro, rotate, rise and crotons, bougainviileas, jasmine and lutely doesn't have to worry about a : w h e n a t , a s t t h e l i z a r d [ej. 5:15 arrives. sink, but show no tendency to rest, GENERAL MOTORS maintaining indefinitely the same aver- other flowers that grow on the island. 'back seat driver. A record illustration of the musOne of the most prosperous of the j Tflat is, providing he doesn't have 'The following- interesting ad is pub- age state of agitation. cular power of the turtle was given West Indies, Trinidad has a strangely I spring fever, and hears soundless lished by the Ridgewood Herald this He and ; by the late Frank Bnllen. "week, as an item under the "Twenty ! great service in the entertainment and mixed population. Here one sees Hin- I things. his mates captured an immense turtle dus, remnants of the East Indian | = £ 4 = ^ ^ "Years Ago To-day" column: i education of the general public since weighing 1,800 pounds and cut it open. FOR SALE—My four-cylinder, fifty Its inception even in having an open slaves introduced into the island in Good folks, if you've read this far They removed all the meat and left 1S39, the men in elaborate turbans, "horsepower, 1910 Kissel car. Close dcor for the access to good books availyou have gotten an idea what spring only the head attached to the shell. coupled, detachable tonneau, wind- j r-.ble without cost. The Newark public silk blouses and flowing robes, the j fever can do to you. Thanks a lot and A young man began examining the shield, shock absorbers, speedometer, library goes still further and has es- women "beautified" with gold rings, j more anyway. head and foolishly put his fingers into top and side curtains, trunk rack and tablished a route which a truck travels. anklets, heavy earrings and silver j. See you next week, when we hope the turtle's mouth. They were bitten trunk, tire holders and tire trunk, ex- This truck is loaded with books and bracelets, which cover tlieir arms from i the feverish, part is over. j off as cleanly as if they had been cut. tra tubes, Presto tank, air bottles for makes regular stops, so that the pub- wrist to elbow. blowing up tires, siren horn, quick de- lic can receive the books in their, No. 6 Vol. IV tachaTb'le rims, magneto and batteries, neighborhood without a trip to the li- • TSTew Jersey license for 1911. I n first brary building. This is service, espe-' Comparison of Weight* class condition. Built with special care cially to those who live some distance A troy ounce weighs 480 grains, while Hamlin Sandwich Thinking They're Thinlcers FIVE CORNERS for exhibition and demonstration pur- from the library 'building and cannot aa avoirdupois otmce weighs 437% Writers are so busy debunking his- j "Thinking is one of the most unpopposes. Four forward- speeds and r e -make the trip. There is room for de- grains. The weight of the grain in tory we may learn soon that those ! ular amusements of the human race," WESTWOOD, N. J. verses. Price reasonable. , velopment of this splendid idea in en- troy, avoirdupois and apothecaries* mice followed the Pied Piper because | asserts Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, * *; * couraging the common people to read weight is the same. An avoirdupois lie hn.il :i clip.-ss Kinflwioh in his hip | Tet it is truly remarkable how many Phona W d 1034 The public library has performed a regularly. lH>c-!:«;.—Iv:v.'.^:s f'iry Tii:;es. ' people think they thin!:. pound is heavier than a troy pound. M ; KARL WETTIG WAVE -s* RADIO© FRIGIDAI RE F. K. LOOMIS VS.GE WOVE,--: Pacific Islanders Go Back to the Primitive ^Entered as second-class mai] matter at Hiilsdale, New Jersey. e Hillsdale Social Nets Park Ridge Dorothy Amolitis, of Louville ave- nue, spent the Easter holiday^ -jvith The disappearance of the sailing relatives in Pennsylvania. -• t ship has wrought a curious change in some of the more Isolated sections of j Mr. and Mrs. Jules Beroud, of RanBern j the world. For instance, on many of April 1 dolpli street, are entertaining ' j the islands in the South Pacific, tiny i ZIMMERMAN—On Thursday, Telephone Westwood 2204 29, to Mr. and Mrs. James Zimmer- mer's niece, who arrived here ..from | palm-crested knobs of greenery sticlcman, of Hillsdale, a daughter—Jane Switzerland on Tuesday, to pay a visit j ing up out of a blue sea, the calendar in this country. . , • Boyd. f-ls "being turned backward. . . . aii-. and Mrs. Jack Moore, of Hills- , dren returned home on Friday, after I. In the clays when . thousands . of" Married Large and appreciative audiences are dale, are enjoying two weeks motoring • a short visit with relatives in Virginia. I -winged freighters ambled leisureiy on KELLER-RECTOR.— On Saturday, this week attending the Mission which through the South. j Mrs. Smith's father, David B . Watson,: their way, many of them from four April 4, Lester Keller, of Pearl River, is being conducted at St. Mary's B. C. •—-— •'' : [of Chincotigue Island, Va.., aceompa-j to six months out, It was customary and Peggy Alys Rector, of Newark, O. church, by Rev. James Sheridan. The The Ladies' Guild is planning a; nied them on the trip home, and isi and often imperative that they heave SLXJMEKBERG-MARKLE — On Sun- Missions are conducted at 6 and 8 A. benefit card party at the Parish Hall,-i planning to spend a few weeks i n | to and send a party ashore to trade i day, April .12, Spbesfc Charles Blum- M., and 8 P. M. or. Friday, April 24. " j Hillsdale. enberg, Jr., of Hillsdale, and Gertobacco, clothing and trinkets for PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY A newspaper devoted to the interests of the people of Hillsdale and vicinity. The Herald's platform is, "A 3ijcsrer: and Better Hillsdale." OFFICE 7 West Hillsdale Avenue Telephone "Westwood -1102. STORMS BROS. PRINTERS and PUBLISHERS Address all communications t o iho Hlilsdal Herald, Hilladale, N . J . Subscription H a t e : 31.00 p e r year, payable an advance; Single copies 3c. To insure insertion, items of local n s w s should be received not later than Wednesday Jioon. Subscribers failing uo receive the 3>aper promptly through t h e mails or from Mrs. Henry their newsdealers, a r e requeued to notify oui* office a t ones. We will greatly appreciate th? j cue, •, spent •~c last co-operation of our readers in notifying us of i W a l t e r births, m a r r i a g e s , deaths a n d social- events-in j ^ a i i e r their localities. . " vegetables, fruft. fresh meat and 3SJ' Gee > of Hillsdale avenue,; Tva ter. a group of friends at her; D u l . i n c t ne course oi a year this week with Mr. and Mrs. sntertamed D u l i n c t ne course oi a year t C 8 sda nn T T e esda trude Markle, of New City. Mr. and Mrs. Diegle, of Louville. aveELLIN-BASSETT—On Thursday, April nue and Fifth street, were in an. auto2, William Ellin, of Hillsdale, and mobile accident in Englewood one. day Grace Easset-t, of Lambertville, Mich. this week, but fortunately escaped perof ?? f f, f ?? K J J ii"" evening evening with with a a de-; de; " ene"(1 onee_ b u t s e v e r a l t i im e s . •sonal injury. However, their car was Jightful bridge party Her guests m ^ contact' leaving it S imprint on ! Mich. • ——~• • I William Furman and Phillip Fur- eluded Moss Helen Wufabe and .; ; Quite badly damaged in the encounter. dly MtJves I a thne. Died Dorothy Larson, of Park Ridge; Miss | ^ i | the rudiments a r i^l e a s o m e o f m, » „ , _.' „ „ , iman, of West Hillsdale, are home again :;; A CONNOLLY—On Tuesday, April 14, The firemen's baseball .team is pracinursday, .April i t s , ±951 j after two weeks spent with relatives in ,. . I of civilization, although the value of Mrs. Isabelle Connolly, of Montvale. Charlotte Foltete, and Mrs. n yS ticing industriously every pleasant i many of them was highly debatable. . ' .' z *' ' j Saratoga. Kugler, of HUlsdale. Sunday. The men are still trying out i Nowadays, life on those islands that for places, and it is not likely that a A Suggestion ! Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hering have reMrs. A. Fedden and daughter, Miss! are not regularly visited by either j real line-up will toe determined for two j turned to their home on Gross street. Edith Westervelt, of Cedar street, are I tourist steamers or trading schooners, Mrs. Isabelle Connoly or three weeks. Games with rival The attention of this paper has been after a few months spent hi Orlando, home again after spending ten days in i constitutes a different picture altocalled by a Hillsdale official to the j Fla. Wcodhaven, L. I., as guests of Mrs. A. i gether, and possibly a happier one. ! Mrs. Isafoele Connolly, wife of G-reg- teams will not begin until some time number of incompleted buildings and; 3. Snowden, who formerly lived Here; ! No more do the roving windjammers ! ory Connolly, of Upper Montvale, died in May. garages are at at present present scattered scattered jj Mi-, MI-, and ana Mrs. Mrs. C. u. Leo Leo Slater Slater and ana iamSnowden, ^ cails ^ __.c_.. j . who • nformerly lived .= _.• Here; _•, i !> No « O r mo tTmir- chnrt- informal t o r i hi St. Luke's Hospital, New York City, garages that that are fam- B. about the Borough, and the suggestion; ily of Maple avenue, are planning to ° e f o r e returning they were joined toy.- paj- eiheir SMIT , The sixtieth alarm since 1931'began, s t e a mers I on Tuesday, after a considerable stay made that the owners of such places! move very soon to a house on B r oda dj-Mass j ^ f B Cedelotte of Great Neck, L. I., | ™f * 8 ^ ^ ' a£* ° £ f ^ ™ I following an operation. Interment called the firemen to the meadow south t h B a n d B Cedelotte of Great Neck L I i need^ ; took place in St. Raymond's Cemetery, I of Park avenue on Saturday afternoon. way visited for a few days with a niece,i have no reason ..o stop, tneir m i J , j , t oopsidpr romnlptina- thpw hniM Mrs. W.WFairelaugh, , ; in the Bronx, on Friday. j The sixty-first fire came on Monday mightby consiaei completing these DUild-j ^ .^w ^of wPittston, ings giving work to some of the lo- i-aj. a , n .^ € j ,, ( r h f l . c t n T 1 1 3 o T , n j prflt «rt storerooms being well stocked Mrs. Walter Rich, Jr., of New York, and also hi Williamsport, Perm., withj with fresh food, their courses being through cal unemployed. (forenoon, when a fire crept This would be an economical way of i has returned after a few days visit in friends, who attended the automobile! figured out to within one day's steamthe woods north of Garret E. Storms' ! and motor boat show in Asbury Park! ing time, WILL RENDER POEMS house on Saddle River Road. Woodcompleting the work and at the same • Hillsdale, as guest of Mrs. B. Rich, of with them. i Living conditions on the more retime aid some of those who are in i Central avenue. OF EDGAR GUEST i <aar Lake. I mote islands, then, have slipped back ! straitened circumstances because of A birthday party was given on Sun-! m t 0 f--ue habits which prevailed before Samuel Meyer's family is back hi its lack of work i Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. j t l i e COmmg of the white man.—Tom I Mayme English-Iillotte will present home at Maple avenue and Market It would also improve the general i Cahalane, of Harrington avenue, were Arbore, of Hillsdale Manor, for the \ -^hlte j n the X\ orth American Review, ia programme of selections from Edgar jA. Guest, at the Parish Hall, Hillsdale, street, after spending the /winter appearance of the Borough by elimin-! J u d § e F 1 °y d Bartram and family, of sixth anniversary of their niece, M i months in New York City. Ros.elyn j this Friday evening, at 8 P. M. ating these incompleted buildings,' Stamford, Conn, mosa C. Giordano. Pretty gifts were; ~ and Phillip, 1?he children, who have I Miss Lillotte needs no introduction which are, at the best, unsightly. Theodore Schulke, who has been presented to Mimosa by her friends,; Australian Finds New We pass -the suggestion along. \ to those who attended her last pro- been with .the Goldberg family to at< seriouslv ill. is reported as improving, the Misses Loretta and Margaret StewWay of Making Living ; gramme in Hillsdale, when a recital tend school in Park Ridge, are again : i after an operation ten days ago at [art, Margaret Fahey, Rina and Norma at the familv home. Carpene, and Masters Gaby di Guera; -A smart British gentleman has in- j of James Whitcomb Riiey's works was I Flower Hospital. and Albert de Matteis. Mrs. J. P. Stew- vented a new way of making a liveli- presented. Elmer C. DeMott, formerly a resiThe renditions on Friday are to ben-dent J a m e s Nutt James Jr and art accompanied her daughter to the hood, reveals the Sydney Bulletin. It of this section, for some time liv> Betty Jane, 3-year-old daughter of i consists of going to church and forj eSt the funds of the graduating class Mi-, and Mrs. Clifford Hutchison, is j Janet, of Conklin avenue, were guests party, and other guests were Mr. and bidding the banns of any prospective j of Hillsdale school, tickets for which ing in Los Angeles, Cal., spent a few still in Hackensack Hospital, hi a j! ° n Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. A. Camp- Mrs. J. de Matteis. of West New York, newlyweds. He merely rises and says j can be had from any of the members, days here this week, calling on old and P. Lusana, of Elizabeth; also P. friends. He came on business conrather serious condition, though it is, ll)e & o f Morsemere. in a hollow tone, "I object," and goes [ A matinee will be given on Friday, afBrun and Mr. Giordano. nected with the insurance line in believed that she will eventually re-'; outsiue and waits. I ter school, for pupils up to the sixth Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hiliabrant and which he is now engaged, arriving; here cover her health. If either principal has anvthing to grade. I sons Homer, Jr., and Jack, of Newark, on Thursday and remaining until SunEUin-Bassett Home talent will furnish entertain- day. He announces that he is e o n e e a i _ a n d most of them have—a Spring/with its usual siege of child- Iw l M formerly lived here, visited relalves : n t o w n o n crushed individual generally comes the West and expects to ish ailments, laid a heavy hand on the I t Sunday, Miss Grace Bassett, of Lambertville, California permanently. young people on Highview avenue.! „ _ _ „ „ „ "TTi7 a r g e a v e m l e . r e - Mich., became the bride of William out, gives him all the money in the j elude An Old Fashioned Welcome, The personal exchequer and implores him Richard Hubbard and Claire Beissler; - " ° ' a e r t Lyons, , after spending a Ellin, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ellin, to keep tlie secret deep and dark. I Yellow Dog, Lullaby, Aw, Gee Whiz, Tnere w a sa are both suffering from measles, and | t l ™ .^°° last Sati Home,, ^ Little She / Powders Stockton street, Hillsdale, on Thurs- Sometimes both the bride and the ,xiuxxi u ^ Wrangles, V,^B-O, ^ • " " " ? " iurday night at the home of Miss Alma C Junior Herpst has the chickennox. week in Long Branch with relatives, of day, April 2, at a quiet ceremony per- bridegroom fork over loose change and j.Her Nose, Tonsils, Ma and the Auto, ^ p * ^ R M g e a v e n u f i i P a r k R l d g e ; Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Flynn. The homes adjoin. j formed at LambertviUe. Mr. and Mrs. even jewelry. • Grandma, The Fairy and the Robin, in honor of her sixteenth ibirtiiday. Ma and Her Check Book, A Boy's Feet, Bessie Heale, of Park Ridge,! Jack Moore, of Hillsdale, attended the Those present consisted of Misses LyThe Woodcliff Lake Branch of the: Miss m s s Of course, if both the man and-the ; g to Laugh At, F o r g e t f u l P a j N o t h i n Morenos Walker of Hills-»bride and groom. Mrs. Moore is a s i s - girl are confident of their respective ; dia Albera, Alma Caressi, Jenny Turale l o c a l Brea(J a n d Saying Don't, rin, Olga Gianonatti, and Gino Musso, j of the groom. Mr. and Mrs Ellin rectitude, he does not get a cent, but tethers, the master jter Hospital will meet at the home of Mrs. <* , . . . .spent , . Brave at Night, and many othplan to make their home m Hillsdale. V. N. Aymar, on Wednesday, April 22, i holidays at Atlantic City, on the whole, the Bulletin says, there j ers, most of which will be done in ap- Louis Binovi, Mario Cassetta, Eddie DeCandido, Nick Nicpla, Americo from 10 to 4, to make surgical dress- ! ^ is a decent living in the business. |propriate costumes. and Mrs Roy Gallagher, oi ColGianonatti, Jimmy DePiero, Rudolph ings. A1?,! the ladies of Montvale, Park I BIumenberg-Markle L DePiero, Maynard Johnson, Joe Cusati Ridge and Woodcliff Lake are cordially \[ weekend Mrs. F. Martin ana Lapel Notches Traced j and Ernest Blanche, of Park Ridge; R,use Saved Indian's Life to attend. | Frances Rustman, of Brooklyn. In tbe presence of a group of relat o F r e n c h D i r e c t o r a t e j Misses Ann Hatton and Lydia Collina There is a legend of New England tives and close friends, Miss Gertrude It v,-as sunny on Saturday afternoon, • .„., „ „ . , ,, . . . , . . and Henry Collina, of Montvale; WilMrs. L. J. Pilkington returned after Markle, daughter of H. Harry Markle, concerning an Indian named Joe Engand a very pleasant day all around, i "Its funny,' said the tailor ' what M a s t i a l i a ! o f J e r s e y city; Misses lish, whose real name was but very few people were tempted to i a visit in Wyckoff, with her son Fred of New City, N. Y., became the bride; odait.es of dress have survived_ their , ^ ^ a n d E(Jna of He was friendly to the colonand family, and is now spending two of Robert Charles Blumenberg, Jr., son: test the waters of our spring brooks. | onginal use or purpose. There is the j H m s d a l e ; j j ^ , . olympia DePiero, 18 a n d w a su s e a a s a g u i d e f o r SQmt ,'' weeks with friends in Ridgewood. ol" Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Blumenberg, of; i? Bowever, eight hardy psople—four slit m the back of our coats, for ex- j y e U a l l o r e t _ R o s e M o r t o r a a O i J o s e _ Patt-erson street, Hillsdale, at a quiet I i n S parties. While hunting he was young men and four young ladies— ; ample. That, as you probably know. { p M n e S e d i t a a n d A i s m e D e P l e i . O i o f At the Sunday evening service of the csremony performed at 4 o'clock Sunj surprised^ by hostile Indians _ and re[,0Cllme a feature "of dress when men i i d b hostile Indians and re donned thEir bathing suits and sported; became a feature of dress when men . Misses I d a a n d Helen Methodist church, installation of the | dsj a ft e rnoon. at St. John's Episcopal: treated, Ms pursuers following him. went horseback a great deal, and G a r f i e l d p-bcat for a long time in the chilly : ; n w ofB OT p aa tt e r s o n . o f C i O ster. Music, dancing =>of th° pond ontb» Old Mill Farm = s oi toe Epwcrtn League j _ _ Batten' Finally he came to a small mountain. churcn N e w city Rev A A t when it was necessary for the coat- a n d r e f r s e were to order and £ W»£mus Road ! w a s conductsd by Rev. Harold N. o f f i c i a t m g . , perhaps a little less than a thousand tail to adjust itself more or less to ! enjoyed by all. I•"--•"Smith. hi white • feet high, on which there was a sharp T h e bride was gowned rim saddle. i* georgette crepe, with a large picture { precipice. The Indians believed that -But ivlio knows why we have Safety First and Always The Hillsdale Democratic Club hat, and carried a shower bouquet of; they had caught Joe English, but as notches in the lapels of our coats? Tuesday evening, April 28, is the meet in the club rooms this Thursday :e roses. She was attended by a i they were about to capture him he Very few people outside my Hue of date set for the entertainment and evening. The monthly card party i sister of the groom, Mrs. F. Fiedler, of. leaped over the precipice and disapThe cornerstone of the new structure wort:, I fancy, and probably nm so free exhibition which the Public Serwhich will be built on the site of t h s j take place on Friday. Everyone is i n - | F e a r i R i v e r , w n o was attired in peach i peared. His pursuers naturally thought | many tailors. TJ^e way of J | tvas this: vice is to hold in the Park Ridge High vited to attend. crepe, with hat to match, and carried that he was dead, but in reality lie had At the outset of their careers there j School auditorium; the affair will bechurch which was burned some tims tea roses and snapdragons. merely jumped to a ledge where he- ' was gi-eat rivalry between Gen. Na- | gin at 7:30. The object is to instruct ago, was laid in the presence of the Miss F. Sorrentino, of New York; The groom was attended by his j remained bidden until his pursuers-, '•: t>i»cou Bopaparte, the young rta!i:m j the public in safety methods and educongregation of St. Margaret's R. C. of .brother-in-law, F. Fiedler, of Pearl j left. At night he returned to the Engchurch on Sunday, high church digniatMier v.ho liad risen rapidly under j cate them what to do when accidents j were visiting for a week with Mr. and taries taking part in the ceremonies. ! lish fort at Old Dunstable. The inci- ' ^hs. iii*£.ct2raie" a n ^ Genernl Jrorean. j occur. Motion pictures will be used to i Mrs. George Seckler and family, of River. There was a parade to the church site I A wedding supper followed the cere- • dent occurred in Vermont, T"Tvho"was in hTgirTavor^wTtlT mar.y 'of 'entertain and to illustrate the lecture from the K. of C. Hall, and after the IConklin avenue. mony, with a reception at title home of I the directors. Each general hart his [ that the experts of the Safety Departcornerstone had been laid and address- ! ; David C, Rowland, the groom's parents, in Hillsdale. ] f.r.i'tisans and eacli |ought for every ' ( :n°nt of the concern maintains for this The couple plan to make their es dehvered by the visiting clergy, re- jp e a r l aa nn dd B u t h R o w l a E l d ) o f T a y l o r Island of tke Nu] j ^.sjsible advantage over the other. Any. | purpose. The public is inyited to atin HUlsdale. '.\:''*.~ turn was made to the K. of C. head-; s t r M t ; s a i l e d l a s t S a f c m - d a y f o i .a v a o a . . ... .._,-. ; : ._. Sardinia is the island of the Na- ' little distinction or difference was j tend and is agSui-gi that the enferJ quarters,, where a reception and dinner; , i o n i n B e m u d a , T h e y a r e stopping Guests included Rev. P. A. Dales,! i ^ j a j i a i i ^ ^ u ^ - ^ ' i ^ t ^ -^They. i Seized upo'u. —.:-, •-«*_„ —»— i tair.ment will be ini€ieMng, •: No adwas held, participated m by over 30Q| at t h e Hamilton Hotel. ' | vicar of Hillsdale Episcopal - church.; i are aswyltfflouFasThe round toWe'fi ' "Tiie followers of GeneiSi lloret-.u . mission nor any other charge will toe persons. I H. H. Markle, T. Markle, Mrs. William! of Ireland or the Druid remains at bloomed forth one day with odd-look- f m ade. 'r | At the annual election of officers on j Young, Miss L. Markle and Frederick j Stonehenge. From the tintiatecl past, ! • Monday evening of Welcome Chapter,j Markle, of New City, N. Y.; Mr. and; Sardinia has had scattered over its I ing coat lapels. These were notched j - ^m m m wi m aa m aa -a. m a ~ Famous Carillon i O. E. S., at Park Ridge Masonic Tem- Mrs. R. C. Blumenberg and family, of i landscape, especially in the Xortli, i in a way that had been previously IB ENTER THE The following are the words as! pie, Miss Florence Ewald, of Hillsdale, Hillsdale; Mr. and Mrs. F. Fiedler, Miss rock towers often rising to a hundred \ unknown. Later on it was revealed g sociated with Big Ben, London's great i that this lapel was a secret badge of j Wanda Bockis, and Mr. and Mrs. Les- feet with a round base. The stones ! was installed as Worthy Matron. Clock, "In all the press of multitudin- . the Morean partisans, but it was not NOW UNDER WAX AT THE ! ter Banta, of Pearl River; Mrs.. Carolyn are unhewn and joined without morous ituy's, Nor fails itie breath of | long until the star of the Coraican so j • Mi-, and Mrs. J. Morris have moved} Van Vorst. of River Tale; Mrs. Wil-tar. There are traces of about S,000 prayer, the sound of praise, Sen>ii« | from Hillsdale and are now living in j liam Schaffer and daughter Emma, of far outshone General Moreau's that ! g VILLA MARCHISIO ' on the island, and they are said to above the city day and night. The ] Harrington Park. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey} Oradell; Mr. and Mrs. H. Kennedy and there was no longer the least thought' , _ HHXSDALE MANOR, N. J. have been burial chambers, temples, Tel. Westwood 773 chimes ring out with every qr.ai-Uu-'s of rivalry. The notched lapel, how- " .Hering and family, of Hillsdale son, of Rockaway; Mr. and Mrs. Law-granaries or refuge places, or perhaps i ^331 BS3L t j m Bi MS B 3 ^rt G 3 EQV CC3 '£^7 flight.; O L<u\] ( , u r (;n^ f;t. ti1()ii (i;ir ! avenue, are now occupying their re- rence Markle, Arthur Lorme, Mrs. ever, caught the fancy of the tailors .inst castles of days of violence long : and remained a feature of men's j guide, Tluit b.v tii.v Jie!p. Sn foot r.'.r.y cently vacated home, two doors below. Lorme and daughter, Miss Agnes Regago. They are cavelike inside and un- dress."—New York Sun. Slide."—Wasliiiisrinri -Shir. gie, Miss Lillian Sallows, and Charles lit by windows, and today only a We call for and deliver youn: Mrs. J. F. Ryder, of Large avenue, B. Osterhoudt, of Brooklyn. clothes ,f storm-beset shepherd will seek them is home again after a motor trip to BROADWAX TAELOKING'CO. out, for they are abandoned to snakes Old Custom of Making Washington, D. C, and many interestEarly Nations! Marches and decay. ing points, including Arlington. Mrs. H. TIGHMAN Offerings to the Moon When Washington was first inauguHILLSBALtf M. E. CHURCH Ryder reported the roads perfect, but : Moon viewing lias been going oat of rated as President in New York in . • Rev. H. NT. Smith, Pastor the rain marred the views somewhat. Fine Custom Tailors fashion like all otter ancient customs Where the Shillelagh Grew 1739, the orchestra leader, a German Sunday school 9:3o A M ! Suits Made to Order at | in this country, says an article in a In County Wicklow in Ireland the Morning service 10:45 A M": Spending the weekend in town, named Pheil, at the John Street theReasonable Prices ., j Tokyo paper, but a great many famtourist way spend one of the most "The President's Evening- service 7:45 p M guests of Mrs. P. Sandison, of Central ater, composed Careful Cleaning—Pressing i ilies, particularly those who have old | charming of Irish holidays. Almost avenue, were Miss Belle Laurenson, of March," in honor of George WashingNeat Eepairing ] persons in them, still cherish mem- i '•DOCTRINE OF ATONE- F a l 1 R i v e r ' Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. Br- ton, and played it when Washington every village is full of diversified ;' ories of the old days when tlie custom | n e s t :Kin HILLSDALE, N. J. MEMT" will be the subject of the i S and daughter Betty Jane, attended the theater. The march im- charms. Especially in the South, let was one of the annual features of the Tel. Westwood 49 Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of ' and Edward T. Ross, of Flushing, L. I. mediately struck the public fancy. In him seek out Rathdfum, perched like a the summer of 17SD a young-man in. Tyrol village on the steep banks of j country by making offerings . to the v ^ s t y Scientist, on;Sunday., April.' •,,-..* W r-'-i i v i M l ' 5 - A n n a Naef, of Zurich, Switzer- i the theater company, for wtom a ben^ i t i i e Avonrnore, the Vale of iAvoca, the | moon. The offerings to the moon.cdnihe : Golden Text;is:"He sent re-:;|land, who has been a visitor at the] efit concert was to he. slven,.,asted.' Devil's .slen. Glenealy, Arklow, and ! sist. of rice dumplings, a kind of pt>- j TAILQR—CLEANER home of her sister, Mrs. F. J. Kleke, of Joseph Hopkinson to -write an orig- even Shillelagh', where was the fa- j tato known as kinokatsugj and other I : nis covenant for ever: j THEI^MA'NTViEISS '" .3ioly and reverend is his name". Hillsdale Manor, plans to sail for her inal song for the occasion. This song, mous blackthorn wood which gave its ; vegetables and fruits. The custom originally came from;-l ! home on Saturday, April 25. She has set to the tune of •'The President's name to the short, nobby sticks which | .''Psalms 111:9). Suits Made to Order b e e n h e r e fOT sbi Among the citations which com I months and enjoyed March," was "Hail Columbia," as we j wn111 recent years, were the iDsepara- i China, where i t already .was popular I From $22.50 in the Third or Fourth century and prise the Lesson-Sermon is the fol- ! l l s r v i s i t vei"y m u c n know it today. It was called "The ble companions of Irish laborers and |j countless HJitSBkLE lowing- from the Bible: "As ye have poems had been written on PAKK STREET others. The wood was cut clown in i President's March" in eontradistine- 1603, but tradition says that the king j the glory of :tlie .moon by Chinese therefore; received Christ Jesas the Tal. Westwood 2386 ' c ' I-prd, so walk ye in him: For in ; onASaturday at the home of Mrs. bridal surprise, shower was given) U o n t o t l i e m a r c h o f t ! l e K e T O l . u t i o n of Leinster sent wood from here to I scholars and litterateurs. It is believed him dwelietH' all the fulness of the '•• Charles Brady, of Washington avenue called "Washington's MarclJ." TTiiliam Eufus for the roof of West- j that, the; «nstom was first observed in Godhead bodily"s(Colossians 2:6,9). in honor of Miss Margaret 'Eckstein: ! the imperial court of ..Tapan In the minster Ball. B. S a r t o r t Construction Co. _ 1 he Lesson-Sermon also includes !of musdale, who is to be ' married' very i Ninth, century. , Acording, to an anthe following passage from ' the soon. The festivities included the General Contractors ' cient record, it was already. one oCthe Poise MASON gird CONCRETE an elaborate Chinese dinner. Retouched | annual features of the imperial eourt | "A friena tells me I lack poise, but WOOBCLIFF LAKE, ,N. j . surroundings were all in keeping.I g e e m s u n a W e ; 1 ; , 0 explain- what poise Hary Jane's aunt noticed the pic- I -under reign of the Emp-eror Btrntafcu Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: ,, . " "The nature of Christianity is peaceP. O. Box 123'. Tel. Westwood 1553 is." It is keeping level-headed in all ture of a little girl on tlje youngster's I (S51-S57J. The Auxiliary of the Active Fire De- j ful and b blessed, s s e d , but in order to enen kinds of situations tlint arise tmexpee- ctesft. It so happened ffiat Mary Jane tter into i h ki the kingdom, the anchor of ) partment plans to serve a supper after tedl y.—Exdi an.ae. had quarreled with the little girl a hope must be cast beyond the veil ! the annual State convention of the short time before. Fruit Supplies "Vitamin of matter into the Shekinah into Exempt Firemen, which is to be held Real Estate and Insurance "What a pretty. little gM!" eswhich Jesus has passed before us; in the Parish Hall. Hillsdale,. this year, Tlie vitamin C that is destroyed' by elaiined the aunt "Xcrar little ftiead1 Agency for Qu-een- Insarattce Go. Simplicity in Home and this advance beyond matter en Sunday, April 28. Speakers will b° . . . Mie boiling of pasteurized milTr, as' it Simplicity should be the first guide is very pretty." must come through the joys and tri- congressmen Randolph Perkins and should be prepared for infants, may lieMrs. A. J. Higgins "Gh, she isn't really pretty," corpost to making homes attractive. The. replaced b.v t h e addition of oranjee HTIXSDAT.E. NEW JEKSETT. ^ ^ !George w-Ssgerattractive home is one that is com- [ reeted Mary Jane. "That piqfaurft .juiopt. and- tomato juice to the d:oT, t i y i i s ' ( p . -SO). Phone Westwood 92 !| Eev. and Mrs, H. N. Smith and chil- fortaWe as well as pleasing to the"e-ya. ' * B 3 t been-retouchea 1" Mann, of Conklin ave- M i s s Pe Obituary Woodcliff Lake Pearl River BOCCI TOURNAMENT CHURCH NOTES j says HyETofh Slnrsn^inp. HILLSDALE HEJBAI.B PAGE FIVE REDUCTION IN MOORE DINNER BOOKWESTWOOD TAXES; TO BE OVATION Democratic Testimonial May Be Biggest Political Affair Westwood Ever Saw. Westwood property owners will en- f joy the benefits of a book: reduction In the tax rate this year, according to the figures issued this week by the County j Board of Taxation. The rate fixed this year is $4.62 per $100, as against $4.71 for last year—an apparent reduction of 9 cents per $100. j This reduction may be enjoyed, only j Held Their Noses SAN JUAN IS OLDEST CITY UNPIBU ? S, FLAG Decaying Meat Nearly Knocks Out Officers Porto Rican Capital Antedates St. Augustine. 900,000 VOLT X-RAY Modern Teaching Hen TO Hospital in New York Wil Instrument, Her Stuff in Classroom c-Ci.ss-'""" •-"•"* R- O-—'When Eresidenf On complaint of ; the tenants at 22 Hoover visited the City of San Juan Suoh age-old questions that have up ; New 5ft>r£<^A- 900,000-volt X-ray tube, to be the'largest of its kind in t d avenue tihat a strong odor Wes WOO during his Porto Rico-Virgin Islands to the present baffled scientists as : the United Stfites, is being made for cruise, he paid his respects to the old- Which was first, the egg or the hen? the Memorial hospital,, to be ased in est city m the New woria under the and Why does a chicken cross the 'the treatment of cancer it was anT road? may be answered definitely by ( American flag. Also, the Chief Execuone Westwood futuristic school teacher nounced recently at the dosing sestive sought rest itt the place that •wlx> proposes to bring the hen into the : sions of the joint meeting of the AmerPonce de Leon, Spanfsh explorer, left classroom and supervise the hatching ': ican Physical society and the Optical. to seek the "Fountain of Youtli." of a batch of eggs. : Society of America at Columbia uni"San Juan, the capital of Porto Permission to have the hen housed versity. Rico, was a settlement half a century in the classroom was sought by the : Dr. G. Failla and Dr. P. S. Hensliaw, before St. Augustine, Fla., the oldest teaoher from the Board of Health at physicist and 'oiopltyscist, respectivetown in the 4S states, came into being:, the regular meeting of the Board held ly, at memorial hospital, made the tmand a full century before the Pil- on Tuesday evening. Dr. R. Cone pre- nounoemerit at a session of the optirims landed at Plymouth Rock." says sented the teacher's request. Permis- j cal grcup in a .iohit report on the rela bulletin from the National Geo- sion was granted. ... j ative. biological and health effects of : graphical society. The experiment is expected to be a! X-rays and tlio gamma rays of radium. "Despite San Juan's age, it is a success in practical education for the 1 Tiie tube has been under constructhoroughly modern metropolis of some children, 'and may clear up a number | tion fw several years by the General 114,000 people. Skyscrapers peer over of problems for the youthful minds, j Electric company, and is srxperted to the old Spanish fort that pretends to such as wtoether the Easter rabbit) : !>e in operation for experimental treatguard the entrance to its magnificent really brings eggs and where the rab- ment of cancer this spring. harbor. Bustling traffic fills its nar- | bit gets them, and how they happened '•• 5,000,000 Volt Tuba. row downtown streets, and a network j to be colored. Everything will be fine • The largest X-ray tube now in operj—unless the hen hatches out a brood of modern bus-lines carry hundreds of . ation emitting a stream of raxTfatrons commuters to work from its suburbs | of ducklings. '. is saiil to be one of 600,000 volts at daily. the California Institute of Tedincvlogy, Old and the New. 'although a 5,000,000-volt tube,, which "Many monuments survive from the "emits only a single spark at HI ifime, old regime of the Spaniards, who held has been in operation at the Carnegie the island continuously from 150.9, a •institution, Washington, D. C. few years after Columbus discovered 1 The Rosenberg house, on Oak street, j i Details of the Hew 900,000-voft vtstsm it, until 1S9S. Moss-grown forts, with Park Ridge, received a visit on Thurs- have not been disclosed, but it is- exthick walls and stone sentry boxes, day morning from a group of young ; pected to consist of three tubes of 3001flank the modern city of San Juan. lads who had been playing hi the vicin- . 000 volts each, linked end to end. Convent and cathedral, presidio, pow- ity, and the entire place was ransacked. The tests of X-rays and radium rays der house, and hand-paved military The owners have been away from j ; Fine Anniversary Party Held j fully to the warts assigned them. | roads that -wind over the entire island home for some time, but on returning I •at the hospital, as reported by Doctor The question of the disposal of cessThe cast consists of Anne and Cher- j of Porto Rico—all of these are an- found everything upset, and notified Failla and Doctor Hensliaw, indicated the police. Chief Salimone soon lo- that, as far as the effect on the skin pool matter has become a grave probry Martin (sisters), Mrs. S. L. Wester-j cient Spanish works. cated the boys, and they admitted the of a patient is concerned. X-rays anti lem confronting the Westwood Board velt and Mrs. John H. Doyno; Susan j "Contrasting sharply with them are ! offence. Thez1' have been summoned to radium rays are nearly equal. of Health, and in an effort to find "a (housekeeper), Mrs. Walter Musson; | 5-and-10 eent stores, Tiuge flying boats The theory that the moon is charged solution, George Kociemba, a member Olga (maid from Sweden), Mrs. Nils j of the mail and passenger lines, and | appear in police court this Friday eveIning, before Recorder Cole. witft electricity that is negative with of the Board, has been delegated to A very enjoyajble birthday party was Pearson; Miss Marjorie North (inval-i pretty Porto Rican girls in one-piece respect to the earth was advanced at --seek the.aid of the Mayor and Council j f c e l ( 1 a t t h f e W e s t w O o d Reformed id), Mrs. T. F. Horskey; Dr. Janet j bathing suits gamboling on the beaches. the physics session by Dr. Harlin T. by obtaining permission to have such | c h u l . c n on Wednesday evening. The North (M. D.), Mrs. Cochran; Mrs. j "American rule lias cheeked disease Stetson, the astronomer, director of .matter emptied into the disposal plant occasion was ..„„ the celebration of „ the Chloe Lanning (poetess), Mrs. H. P.) and brought a measure of prosperity iractice was was formerly formerly permitted permitted ,3_7 t h a n n i v e r s __ the Perkins observatory at Ohio Wesa r y o f the Young People's This practice to Porto Ricans. Since the United tout was stopped because the privilege j c h r i s t i a n Endeavor Society, organized Ograss widow), Mrs. K. Donges; Miss: Ieyair university. He added much in•was abused by some local scavenger, ji n 1 8 9 4 a n d i n a flourishing condition Bins Saddler (detective), Mrs. E. J.; States took over the island the populaThe two Westwood Rotary Club I formation on his previously announcer! tion lias grown from about 900,00ff to Now the scavengers complain they i to-day Sisley; Miss Lela Preston (politician), j 1,544,000. And all of these people meetings held previous to that of. last| observations that radio reception is have no means of disposing of cesspool j T h e ' programme was a mixed one, Mrs. George P. Mahe. j are crowded into an area a third" less Monday were 100 per cent, gatherings, ! weakest when the moon is overhead, it was announced by President William stronger when it is at the horizon and matter, and for that reason are unable; a n d c o n s i s t e d o f xeiigious, vocal and We have not a synopsis of the play i rto clean out cesspools. There are still instrumental numbers. Three young! at hand, but from a glance at the j than that of Connecticut. Passengers Gelnaw, but last Monday's session fell strongest when it is at the opposite on modern air liners can see how many private cesspools used in the I ladies from the Nyack Missionary \ characters outlined above, we see! short because of the absence of several side of the earth. crowded the island really is. witli tiny i members, and it was unged upon the "Borough in spite of the fact that a lo- . Radio Interference. . = institute, sang and played! chances for lots of complications, and! huts standing in every nook and" cran- | others to get after the delinquent j I He1 attributes the moon's interfercal ordinance makes it compulsory for; j n s t r u m e n t s > a n d s e v eral duets and! have no doubt it will be full of fun and \ ny and clinging even to the hilltops | ones and have them make up at other j ence witli- radio strength to the depreshome owners to hock up with the j piano numbers were also given by j well worth seeing. j to save level spacp for crops. Children, ! sewer. sessions of Rotary organizations. I sion of the Kennelly-Heaviside layer members of the Society. fairly swarm. The death rate is Visitors from other Rotary clubsj ot ionization at the outer edge of the A hot supper was prepared by Mrs. j , , , ^ . RATSJC about 23, and the Iiirt.h rate 39, per ; were: G. H. Benson and Bert. Wyman, I .earth's'atmosphere. His theory is that F. E. Wight, Mrs. Carl Gage, Mrs. M. j 1,000. i of Ridgewood; Mr. McNeil and Mr. Ap- the depression of this layer is caused Herring and Mrs. Fred Decker, and' Merging of Small Farms. i pel, of Bayonne; and a guest of Ro- | by a stream of negative electrons from served by the young people. The table j "Porto Rico, like other parts of the : land Myers, Mr. Fletcher, of Tenafly. I the moon.. was decorated with lighted candles \ Advices have been received by the\ world, has undergone great economic I Mr. McNeil urged the members to j ; "And if the moon could carry a sufIn an election Monday of last week, | adorned with crepe paper shades. j jDCal police from the Prosecutor's of- j fhanges in the last two decades. From attend the Rotary Conference to be! ficient charge to produce such a tide Westwood Community Guild voted Ed. I T l l e basement of the -church was j g c e i n Hackensack, concerning air 1910 to 1920 the census shows 17.000 ; field at Asbury Park next week, and i of electrons." he saitf. "it is likely to Mullan as Treasurer, replacing Alfred | decorated with crepe paper and butter- jr jfl es a n a master keys. \ small farms were merged into the bisr i told what is being arranged to make | Spice. Other officers remain the same, j flies arranged in a pretty fashion. A j under the criminal statutes of this; plantations. This is simply the re- i this an interesting and pleasant gath- I have something to cto with the earth's weather:" namely: Mrs. C. B. Hughes, President; |large crepe paper emblem with the let-j state it is unlawful to manufacture,: of the modern tendency of agri- ; ering. He stated that it is expected that' Scientifically the problem of talcing James Sparks, Vice President; Janet; tel'S C E., made prominent with blink- jEen? l i s e himself, loan, give, buy or have ' sult culture everywhere to enlarge the unit : about 2CC0 or 3000 people will attend ! and: projecting pictures in relief, givSweet, Secretary, and Fred Grown,! ing lights, adorned one of the walls, Mn possession, or shoot any air gun, and everything is being arrranged for! of its operations. Asland rose in i while another pretty figure in crepe j s p r j n g gun, pistol or gun, hi which the; ing the illusion of depth, has been Corresponding j Secretary. price, small holders sold' out and took : their comfort and pleasure. The pre- I solved; Dr. Herbert E. Ives of the It was sugi jested -by Mrs. Hughes i paper with the figure 37th adorned an- propelling force is created by air or; jobs on the nigger plantations. liminary meeting will be held Thurs- j that it might'be advantageous for the i other wall, the colors used throughout | spring and ejecting a bullet or missile. I day evening, but the conference will j Bell Telephone laboratories announced, Guild to incorporate. If Ms is done, j the whole being lavender and yellow, j i e s s than three-eighths of an inch in; "Fresh meat is scarce in Porto | not be formally opened until Friday : to the optical session. Since he demMuch land that was once deHarry Randall has offered his services j The President of the Society, Howard \ diameter with sufficient, force to injure \ Rieo. onstrated last fall that he had been v-ifpd to stoek raising has been turned i morning. Group luncheons will be! able to- project such pictures, he has •grat's in drawing up the necessary; Earnes, made a short address of wel-; a person. | held at noon and a grand banquet is over, in recent years, to the cultiva•papers. ! come. The guest speaker of the eve-. _/yso, the sale or distribution or posperfected method.? requiring only one Mayor Ringrose expressed his sin- • ning was Col. E. N. Sanctuary, pub- i session of master keys, commonly; tion of pineapples, citrus fruits, sugar, • to take place in the evening. General photograph, taken with a single, large! Smedley D. Butler will be one of the and tobacco. Even the food of the cere appreciation of the work the Guild j Usher of the pamphlet entitled, "The j ca iied "skeleton" keys, is prohibited. I screened' Pens or concave mirror, withhas done, and School Principal Iippitt! Cigarette." Rev. E. W. Decker a n d j M a n y rObberies have been committed; common people—rice, beans and dried | speakers at the session. On Saturday out moving the camera, as heretofore. i evening the Governor's Ball will be •offered to donate to tire Guild all arti- j George W. Collignon, the oldest Presi- j D y tjOyS w ho have purchased these; codfish—must be imported'. The pictures «m he projected, he said, *Jes found at the schools and not I dent at this gathering, also made ap-1 v e y s from merchants. _ ' "Porto Rico occupies a favored posi- ; held. on a screen- composed of horizontally I Mr. Appel told of the many othtion among American dependencies. claimed. i prcpriate addresses. . j The merchants are being notified of ; er conferences he has attended in his ribbed cylinders, or from the back on Although it is protected from foreign — ; Active, associate and honorary mem- j the provisions of the law. : a screen- <af celluloid in which cylindiinvasion by the United States it pays > eleven years of membership, all 100 per cal grooves are cut. jbers were among those present. Fast: cent., and the great value these iiad, not a cent to this country for this or B O G E R T O N N E W J U R I ; ! Presidents of the Society who attended ip>A1?K' R i n ^ F T N V F N T O R ' any of the various services rendered He appealed to the members to attend j | Dr.- Dimitrr E. Oshevsky of Yaie P A R K E R S T I R S C O U N T Y ! were George W. Collignon, Miss Ame- i rsus*%. is.ii>vi& u i v u i i v . v , it. It may make its own tax laws, : for the good they will receive out of it. i iuniversity demonstrated the new X-ray |lia Cleveland, Miss Ivy Gardner, Mrs. and retain all local revenues, includ- ; Warren H. Stagg, who has been vis- j Itube developed- by him. which is said to embody certain improvements over Harold P. Bogert,. of Westwood, was ! George Heck, Miss Erne Bomm, Mrs. L ; iting that wonderful place where they \ i T. Onderdonk and Arthur Applegate. ! p a r J , R i d g e ^ c o m l n g . t o t h e & o n t ; ing customs, income tax. and internal raise hogs, somewhere down in Texas j the CsolTdge tube-. revenue, which, in territories, so to term Bergen County Grand Jury,! M o ^ r s a n d P a l m s f r o m , t h e in regard to national publicity through; the federal government. In addition, : near the Mexican border line and the i! s w ^ n m by Justice Charles W. Parker j wood Flower Shoppe were also used Qf Porto Rico recently received SI.000.- : Gulf Stream, was called, upon to tell | •' tile j jamin what, be saw and how he enjoyed him- [: p _ Morningstar, of Rocfc avenue,: 000 for roads, made available by a spethis week at Hackensack. Gereaux de i decorations. j has come out into the spotlight of pub- I cial congressional relief fund. Most 'self. During this discourse the mem-;. la Ree, who was included in the panel j : licity through his invention of a ma-: important of all, Porto Kfeo products ; bers had many a laugh at Warry's ex- j I Pueblo. Colo.—Believe it or not, from which the jurymen were selected, 1 \ x / | i | OTTTNJ F O R jc h i n e t h a t l a y s a road in offiierwise; was excused. j may be exported to the TJnited States : pense, especially when he told about;' Jlolin Miller,, pioneer Coloradan, has W lL.Lt i v v j n a ^ A V jc h i n e t h a t l a y s a road in offiw th3 enormous sized hogs raised there. ' worn the- same overcoat for 3S years. Justice Parker's remarks in charging j j p M A Y O R O F M O N T V A L E j impossible places, and then picks up without paying the tariffs." . He stated that these hogs were eight j Miller s-affE the coat has not yet the new Grand Jury created somewhat; | the road and takes it away, to re-lay | feet long and, well, not as large as an j seen its best years. He plans to went1 | .-of a sensation in Bergen County. He \ OTimary political race f o r i " somewhere else. • ox, but large enough to go riding bare- it the irest of his life. He is seventy-intimated he expected further mdict-j of L v o r , became somewhat] The May issues of Popular Science; i back upon if one so desired. Blue bon- three. And when he passes on, his ments growing out of the Lodi Town-, ^ announcement *•*-& Popular Mechanics have quue de-: ; nets. ('Texas State flower) are more son intends to uti!ize it. The coat— ship sewer investigation, saying, "If the r ^ . e tailed occounts of Mr. Mornmgstars E d x v i n L N u s Z i t h a t to Berlin.—Fabulous sums paid to Grand Jury fails to act as it ought t o hat into the ring and machine, and both contain, pictures oT stars are ruining Berlin theaters, the ; profuse that the dandelion, which we made of ehlnchilla—was purchased by. so familiar with, and the citrus lliller when he operated a brewery in. .act, then I say. God help C ^ J - l ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ Other maga.ines and m^harn.al; "Deutsche Buehnenbund," Germany's iI Exe fruit had already blossomed and was Learlville, famous mining camp, fn^ publications have requested details and largest theatrical association, charged forming into the fruit bud when he j Mav 19 in- Pictures for pnblicaUon, ^ ^ at a recent meeting. Investigations by was there; also the many plants of in- 1893. ii ™ tt.T. -.7- *< t i » m r n ix/Tl I j formation, stated that his decision 1 Park! the Buehnenbunff revealed that the terest that are shown to visitors. Use Mine Equipment for Mayor, was at ur- i throughout; prominent members of Berlin's theaHe told how in Texas he ate grapeRidge is being heralded ONLY $1 UNDER WILL ! ^ didateof«his many friends, and ters receive salaries varying from gent requests a can Tombstone, Ariz.—At last a use 7i; fruit and oranges until lie couldn't tne en e u §1,500 to $9,000 per month, which is iArgument was heard in the Surro-j j n yielding to their demands he h a d i ™ ™ ^ stand, and was compelled to lean been found for part of the equipmentconsidered excessive- A move is un•gate's Court in New York City last j m a d e it c i e a r that if elected, his ad-1 M r a.gainst a building for support. As around abandoned stamp mills and ewetnis •week on probating the will of Barney | ministration would be as clean, b u s i - ! der way to e-uf these salaries by 50 j fast as the attendants cut t&e fruit smelters, relics of boom days in f.?tis: Blum, wiho died last December. The jn e s s i i k e a n < i efficient as is in his power j per cent. which the : Into quarters they handed them to him vicinity. Farmers are huying the galquestion of domicile was raised, hi or-1t o m a j£ e a s o . j and he ate until he was thoroughly vanized water storage tanks and ^inof; der to take the probate to Bergen j I n m a k i n g this public announcement i verting them into water tanks top satiated, Warren stated. .County. i to the press, Mr. Nusz stated further, j raneh use. York City, may be ex- j Under the will, the entire estate was jt n a t toe w a s promising to the voters of . Morning-: left to Mrs. Ida Blum, wife of Jacob j Montvale, that with then- help Bridgeport, Conn^—Due to business Fratricide to secure sufficient money ! Blum, from whom Barney Blum, the j before and after the election, there j CKHS A fraternity lad who li-arf been sus- i • ] equip a factory in Parkj depression, Edward Lawrence and Aafataeriirihad long beeB,iestr.anged.;r.T;wo|.WQUj(j ^ n o doubt of an administra- j picious of a brother's maneuvers was i: the manufacture of his ma- j tonio Lawrence told the judge they Weiner and: ^ o n that .would be to their satisfaction, i u daughters—Mrs. Jennie were unable to keep up alimony calling on his regular daft?. The small I ' airs. Mary Siegel—were, cut off -with ia s j ^w a ^ ^jg ^esjre to give to the peo- ; chine. payments. The court took cognizance lad of the household, -.vljo was enter- \ • $1 each/and the childreH of-Mrs. Rosie ; pjg.o f the Borough a voice in t h e ! of the business slump and reduced tainins him while his sister put nn the j li Latrobe. Pa.—A pall of srief 5 Leibowitz, a deceased daughter, •were].p roper management of their municipal j their schedule of payments one-half. finishing touches to her tniiet. said: "I Myrtle in HUtory assuaged for an all too brief in- g -iipt even mentioned: :-• , S affairs. Medicinal virtues are attributed to see you have a pin just like the guy terval by the apparently miracu- $ The testimony was strongly in favor; the myrtle, and its oil had a place M 1 I 1 I I I I I I M"M"H"M"M"t"H"I- who cniTips wfipn vnn'rp not horo." lous revival of Paul Banea's S -of the fact that Blum's home andj among the drugs of the apothecary in. "dead" baby again has en'property were in Bergen County, and! Duties of Church Court* the days of chivalry and incessant shrouded the Bunca residence. •the Surrogate adjourned the case to; Ecclesiastical courts meet to deterFine Old French Coins warfare. Now, however, it is esteemed Monday. * t h friendly advice to the; mine matters of church polity and also Neighbors gathered in the "While workmen were demolishing chiefly for the beauty and sweet fralegatee and contestants to get to-; the action of the eliurch hi conformity Bunca home, crowding arounrl Eome.—One of the finest and several old buildings near Brest, grance of its foliage, and as such is gether and effect a compromise before j with its declaration of principles in the little casket wherein lay the nest-preservea sanctuaries dedFrance, they dug up 2S pieces of gold planted freely atnuil the palaces of tiny body r>f Bunea's. ten-daythat time. . . I regard to social or spiritual matters icated to Apollo yet discovered money issued in the first part of the eastern potentates, as 1ms heen the such -as the stand of the rhiirdi upon old infant daughter. That night, lias been found by the Italian Fourteenth century, more than six cenrule from rraiwrp antiquity. mnrrhijip. birtb control, prohibition, after being reported dead for archeological mission at Cyturips ago. They carried pictures of Signers of Armistice j child wclf:;ro, oihi:-:i>U n. <-i!iir:Ml:'r:iti«!i some hours, the baby turned in PliiHppe VI of Vnlois. rene, the ancient capital of CyThe signers of the armistice which ] and ni.'inv nrlirr HiuvcJi ;i-ini-ip!«"s. the etisket, gurgled, and then Above All, Be True! renaica, Korth Africa. ended the World war Tvere Marshal moaned. Hours Intor it was He that :s hnhiunilyil In UeceptionS It is built on the top of a high Focli and Vice Admiral R. E. Weinyss again pronounced dead. iiinl •iictlfichiliJips in trifles.will try in Date Production rock near a sacred spring and on the Allied side and Mnlhias kr/.A physician worked over the V:SJI to he tr::o in m;:tt:?:-s of imporDate palms which have been cultinot far from it is a large Greek berger. Gen. H. K. A. von Winterfek'. Fz^hxn'ra Ore's L '.'3 5 revived little patient ceaselessly. vated for 4,000 years on the hanks of fi t n : t U i s edifice which it is proposed to :| taiire. :>r a tiiinsr of habit It-.: (• U S 1.if Count Alfred von Olmriidorff and >-*»•;.* 9 Every mo:ms known to medical ! the Euphrates river, now flourish in rr'iher • t si of n-i:i. You trnnnnt in restore. Numerous inscriptions, \v' ! • • III 1 *i •' " t '• :• : M V Jr.val Captain von Salow for T!:L> iiev'1'. i S science wiis tp.Iton in the vain j msiny parts of the world, some of them !!S i nr.d :•'.! <-::;;;• by nr.y sudilcr sculptures, terra-cotta objects, •t f:;s:.:.':i sn:: !•:• I ' . ' ";n. 111. mans. Others msntiim;"il li.-ivhi^ r~ j having borne fruit for more tli:sn n 15 lh;!:t to n:::';e the revival perK;:::;P f<;: t «'i!l fn li ;» truiv if Hi:; haband coins have been found. liepii • jirHsniT 5iirliiili» Mie I-"r'.-i>di go:'n r; 1 n n y:>! ::r !ifi» l:r.s h eira in^:;ice: Uy.— century, nnrl producing np to GOO it ur . . e m I M:i:d:m> U>yg:i:M! :;ml Vo» !!;•!! poumls i:f flatPS ;:n;::ii'y. The demand for tickets for the-testi-j u n M ^ e tax M l arrives, however, for,'. w a s permeating- through the apaft•jnonial dinner to former Governor A. | ™ r e a l l t y ' t h e r e w U 1 ? e a n l n c r ease in ments, apparently arising from the actual amount of taxes paid "of 18 meat market underneath, on Sunday, Harry Moore, to be given by the West West- ij p cents wood Democratic Club in the P e r $ 100 - The reason for this is April 5, Health Officer C. Boudewyns he Nash | tne l a c t tna t the assessed valuation for and Police Officer Butterfield forced an Westwood showrooms on Jefferson i t avenue, on Tuesday evening, May 12, W Westwood has been raised from $ $6,007,- entrance into the market from the is exceeding all expectations. The af- 713-«° t o $6,355,713:00, an increase of rear and found a large quantity of fair promises to be one of the largest I $348,000.00, which is 5.8 per cent. meat fish and sauerkraut in a decaying political events ever staged in West-1 L a s t y e a r t h e property owner paid condition, which (had been left in the wood, " - - •'. ! $4.71 on every $100. This year his $100| p l a c e b y the former tenants when they Since the seating capacity is limited j valuation 'has increased to $105.80, and j abandoned the place about five weeks to a smaller number than will wish to h e ^^ P a y o n $105.80 at the rate of i ago. The odor arising _from the decaying attend, the committee in charge is! S4.62 per $100. He will actually pay urging-that local people purchase their'< t n e n $4-89 f o r w h a t B e p a l d * 4 - 7 1 o n i matter was so strong that the,officers last ear a n tickets promptly. The demand f or i y > actual increase of 18 j w e r e compelled to allow the place to tickets from adjoining towns and other i-cents o n e v e r y WP0 assessed valuation, ja i r be fore entering. T h e •parts of the County may be so large j County Board of Taxations at •been thoroughly T b e pla<;e bas that no places can toe given to late- first proposed to increase West- c i e a ned and fumigated by the Health I •comers. Tickets may be obtained from wood's valuations 12 per sent., but J officer, and the decaying matter de-1 through the persistent efforts of Hen- j gtroyed. I -any of the following: William J Hoeyr James Hylas, Ben-j 1-y Hinck, the Tax Assessor of West- ; T h e f o r m e r tenant, the Municipal! wco(i a 3amin Speir. Kdward Monohan, L. O.j ' compromise was reached a n d j M a r k e t > ^ s t a ted to have gone into the) flnal Hooper, Walter Measday, Jr., Alexan- j t n e increase was set at 5.8 per J hands ot rECe ivers last week. tier P. Sims and George Luxton, of j cent. , Westw6od; Mr. Kinmonth, of BallsOther towns in Bergen County re-j .-_„_„_ dale; James J. O'Conner, of Old Tap-I c e l v e d similar mcreases m assessed; p . J . A . T O P R E S E N T pan; George Noel, of River Vale; Mr.; valuation. Karseh,; of Woodcliff Lake; Mr. j Methudy. of Park Ridge; Mr. Burling- j g~^ | "No Men Admitted," is the name of ton, of Montvale; August Schmidt,, of 11 I the short 3-act comedy which the "Emerson. i members of the Woodcliff Lake P.-T. j A. will (present at the Borough Hall, on j Friday evening, April 24, at 8:30 sharp. j TOWN HAS SEWER BUT Rehearsals are tinder way, and the la- I MANY U S E CESSPOOLS j dies are adapting themselves wonder-! "NO RANSACKED HOUSE, , BOYS HALED TO COURT j MEN ADMITTED" 37 YEARS 0L1 By Organization at the Reformed Church. ROTARIANS TOLD OF COMING CONFERENCE COMMUNITY GUILD . • MAY INCORPORATE AND AIR GUNS SKELETON KEYS GAINS RECOGNITION; Cbloradan Wears Same Overcoat for 38 Years High Salaries of Stars Is Hurting German Theaters ^.CHILDREN RECEIVE Slump Helps Man Get Alimony Payment Cut "Dead" Baby Revive^ | Then It Dies Again § Unearth New Apollo J Sanctuary in Africa $ <.['. V. < •' .|_"'! ;_ l _.„. ii&GE SEC PAGE SIX rides alons the boardwalk that ran Litfie 3t qries - Bedfim parallel to tiie potinding showy ocean, and ask him to give her a good pinch Order of Docket p. around tiie wrist. Was Observed "That's for reality, Fred. Sometimes it all just - doesn't seem real. Life is so pleasant now. So—relaxed." By CHARLES S. RE523 That pleased Fred more than Ue could express to her. It gave him S. 1331. McCIure Ne-,vspaner Syndicate.} enormous sense of the well-being of (VVSti Service.! the producer. He thrilled. with the consciousness of being good-provider iJllACH MELDRUM busied him- : Ey FANNIE HUS3T to tills nice dear girl who was his. self with tracing out visimily a "Fred," she asked him once, again BOB WHITE HAS A THRILL he had been killed, and because they iiL-nvurk of cobwebs against the hi;;'; on a chair ride, tueked under rugs, didn't want their sadness to make the i-ei!ing of die courtroom, while tie i) 1931. aicCIure Newspaper Syndicate-) along the curving shore, "do you ]T\0 i'OU know what a thrill is? It others sad they tried to be as cheer- drummed on liis table with a lead yenWNU Service. cil. There w;is much for him to think . think we are getting smug?" •*-' is an unexpected feeling that ful as of old. Every morning Bob S'liug? Fred was not given to in- makes you tingle all over. There are White whistled trorJ a fence post on alioiit, mid apparently the network ot cobwebs witii its intricate meshes and LL her !ife Helen Dougherty trospectlou. different kinds of thrills, some very the edge of Farmer Brown's wheat hud craved leisure, modish, up"You know, Fred—kind of—fat- nice, and some not nice at all. There field. It was clear, sweet and far tracings, offered a sort of background against which to project the irritating to-ilnte surroundings, a sure minded." are thrills of Joy and gladness. Thers reaching, was that whistle, carrying a figures of bis fancy. Being a young income, freedom from the "I like you plump," said the literal are. thrills of fear. There are thrills message of cheer to al\ the world. lawyer in the midst of an aggregation bickering of a large family of children, Fred and kissed her on the cheek. "Bob White! Bob White! B o b - old of excitement. When you hear the old and highly sophisticated iiirnrand a good husband. "Fred dear' not in public!" clang of the fire engine as it rushes Bob White!" he called, and all the neys. who were wise to nil of the Strangely enough, she achieved "Wiiy not? Let them know how down the street, don't you just shiver green meadows and green forest retricks of the profession, had its diffithem all at a time when, to the casual sweet my gel is. Where will we eat all over with ezcitement? Those de- joiced to hear him. culties. Only three years old in the observer, she was just about to hetonight, honey. I could do with one licious little shivers are thrills. It was ten days after that dreadful practice of law, he nevertheless had come middle-aged and wedded to the of the Sheibourne's big, juicy sirloins When Bob Whita heard the bang! day when the hunters found Bob encountered a number of serious situdestiny of her position as chief op- smothered in fried onions." bang' of the hunter's terrible gun that White's family and shot one. Bob erator in a telephone exchange. Little rills alongside—Helen's tongue morning when one of his children was White was whistling his early-morning ations; but nothing had been quite sf> serious as tht; final aspects of his most It all happened with the velocity, began to run. After all, it was pleas- shot, he felt a sudden thrill, but it was greeting to the great world as usual. important case, that of Mrs. Sailie Rose Hobart of the screen was born the glamor and the dramatics of a ant just to live, surrendering oneself a thrill of fear. All the other Bob Suddenly he nearly lost his breath so Lawrence, charged with tiie murder in New York.city. She comes from a fairy tale. One evening, walking to creature enjoyments. Life had been felt the same kind of a thrill. that he broke a whistle right short off of her Imslifsnd, and convicted of the family of musicians. She was on the home from the telephone exchange to a long and arduous affair for her. "Whites Peter Rabbit knows all- about such in the middle. His keen ears had crime. Meldrum had spent many days stage before entering pictures and the crowded apartment she shared She had done her share in her time caught a sound that sent a thrill all ;md many hours of his nights at work played leads in a number of prominent with her parents, two married sisters, to contribute to the well being of over him, a thrill of great joy and upon the structure of self-defense productions. Her first picture was a brother or two and some growing, others. She was doing her share now. gladness. It was so unexpected that which he feU sure would convince the "Devi! With Women." Miss Hobart is squalling nieces and nephews, she ran Part of her placid happiness was the he couldn't believe it at first. He jury of the innocence of liis client of five feet four and one-half inches tall, into one of her brothers-in-law standknowledge that her father was no thought he must have been mistaken. murderous intent. He had not been weighs 114 pounds, has brown hair ing in front of a large commercial longer obliged to spend the long So lie listened with his head cocked avcis;>. however, to using the f:u?!or and blue eyes. hotel talking to a man to whom he on one side, anil as he listened he of his d e n t ' s rare benuty in the curdhart been trying to sell a life insur- i nights through, dragging his weary old -Oj frame through tours of inspection of fuily wrought structure which he im-J shook all over with excitement. ance policy. j a warehouse. TUrs. Bob had noticed how lie had bnililpcl. That was how Helen met Fred ; Thanks to Fred, bless him; thanks cut that whistle short and she came Sloan. After Fred caught one glimpse I to her. tfie old gentleman was free to S The prosei-utiiis; -attorney liail shuwn hurrying over to find out what it of Helen, who had reddish hair and j end his days in leisure and a certain j with cimsiderahle success thnl the ;u"meant. reddish eyes and a pleasant up- | amount of ease. i "What is it?" she asked anxiously. ruseil had h:i«l n lover with whom s h e turned nose, her brother-in-law sold i It was hard not to feel just a little j oooooo"Have you discovered some new dan- hiifl l>een more tlmn duly infimaie; him the life insurance, but only after ! smug with happiness, even if the j ami th:it her husband, llie nnmlers.t ger?" By LEONARD A. BARRETT Fred Sloan had succeeded in getting { vagrant thought did stray across her j "Be still, and listen with all your num. hurt carried a amsiOUraWe himself invited to the home of the : consciousness occasionally that she i might," commanded Bob. Then he amoiKil of life insurance in her favor. Doughertys for dinner. j was fast becoming of the hotel ! drew a long breath and whistled with It Inn! been a sort of repetition of the CHILD TRAINING Six weeks later, after a whirlwind ] leisure class of idle women whose i ulii. old Story. ;H*cording to the proserutall his might, "Bob-Bob WTiite!". Almost like an echo there came from ing attorney—;i fond :im! mercenary T IS interesting to note the large courtship, Fred and Helen were mar- | major interests are lap dogs and j Whistled With All His Might, "Bob— ; Bob White!" far away, faint but clear, an answer, lover, and si hush:uu[ very murli in tht» number of books and magazine ar- ried in the parlors of the hotel in ! bridge whist. w;j.v. wiJb H vpyy tempting price on h£s "Bob White! Bob White!" ticles being published on child train- front of which they had met and in I But so low beneath the surface of • thrills. So does Danny Meadow Mrs. Bob was so excited she flew henil. On the other li:iml Meldniij) ing. Among the popular theories ad- which Fred had lived for the fifteen i her consciousness ran all this, that it j Mouse. They have had them when right up beside Bob. "It's our lost had shown Hint the hnsli.-inil in rralitv I vanced Is that/utmost freedom should years of his bachelorhood. In a jiffy, ; scarcely left a consciousness dent. they have had narrow escapes from darling!" she cried. "I'd know his wns a brute of iiut]ii:ililied vic-iousriessbe'given to 'a child; that he should be as it were, leaving her friends, her ; So that what happened subsequent- • Fox and Hooty the Owl and voice anywhere. He's alive! He's who was in tiie hribit of abusing his allowed to 'develop just as a tree family, the girls at the telephone ex- I ly came as much out of a clear sky • Reddy Old Man Coyote and Hedtail the alive!" change astounded. Helen Dougherty, wife on ev^ry occasion, rind who In ;i!i grows. The tree subjects itself to the j to Helen herself as it did to Fred, : Such thrills are very unpleasAnd then Bob whistled as he never justice h:id merited the punishment lie laws of growth. Its roots run deep who had worked since she was four- i who iiad come to realize, after his \ Hawk. and no one wants them. But had whistled before, for his heart li:nl received. The jury luiil brought into tiie earth and its branches and teen, found herself with the four req- ! first year of marriage to this big, j ant thrills of joy and gladness are among thrilled with joy, such joy as he could in a verdict of murder in the first tleleaves rise to im- uisites of her dreams—leisure, mod- | amiable woman, that he could refuse i the most beautiful things in life. find no other way of expressing. Kv- in-e«. and willmut a rei-c'immeudution bibe the sunlight:— ish, up-to-date surroundings, a sure \ her nothing. ! Melilnim's client h;i(t thus it grows. la income, freedom from the bickering of i One morning they had taken a mo- '• Boh "White and llrs. Bob had given ery one within hearing noticed it. Pe- for mercy. o t li e r wo r d s, ;it a large family of children, and a tor ride along the beautiful coast line . up all hope of ever seeing again their ter Rabbit, over in the dear Old Briar swooned:" mid ili'hlrnui himself bait baby who had been shot by the hunter. Patch, pricked up his ears. stood in speechless horror. T h e grows by render- good husband. i to visit an orphan asylum that was i Fred was not a rich man in the : known for its picturesque location ; They always spoke of him as_a baby, ing obedience to "My dear," said he to little Mrs. Pe- words of the sentence slill ning in the laws of devel- modern sense of that word, but he I and its worthy work. A group of • although he was quite as big as his ter, "Bob White must have heard some his o:irs: opment. It is its had an income thnt would enable them ! triplets had just been received by the ; mother. It is a way that mothers and glad news. I'm going right over to "I>e:ilh by electrocutlou." nature to do this to live as all her life Helen had i organization, two tow-headed little ; fathers have. For a whole day Bob find out what it is. I never have Melrtnmfs thoughts could not dwell had called and called without ever getdreamed of living. They were able to and must be left : girls and a red-haired boy. Healthy ! ting a reply. So they felt sure that heard him whistle like that before." upon the scene witlnnn ili:it frightful 1 free to act as na- afford, without encroaching on their specimens of youngsters, unique chieffrS) by J. G. Lloyd.)—WNTJ Service. sentence rncki-Iing tliroi!-;!! liis brains. ture intended it to capital, a modern, well-furnished ly because of the trilogy. Me promiiUy iirul inovosl for ;i new : act. This theory of suite of rooms in fin apartment hotel There was never a moment's doubt trial. ;::;ii l::nl i-nt:ie npiui :!ie strong freedom, when ap- that faced the park. For the first j in the mind of Helen Sloan, when she , wall ot; tecliui'Tililies widi which t h e p l i e d t o c h i l d time in her life. Helen Dougherty, who I looked at these three, that she want- 1 bar of 'justice is hedged about.- Ke training, takes it was a tailor-made type of person that ed them. Their appeal to her was ; had set out upon ;i frenziml si'iirch for : ! for granted that had always been obliged to wear swift, sure and devastating. At first, new evidence, and with e.-icli step in the child, w h e n "ready-mades." blossomed forth in tiie idea had struck Fred as too gro- , iiCTiiiirin;; the necessary f a d s , renewl e f t without re- svelte, chic suits designed especially ; tesque for consideration. But before By JEAN NEWTON By H. IRVJNQ K1NQ ing his hard light for a hearing. T h e straint, will do the to her figure. The rings on her fingers . they left that institution two hours : rslHilTs ;:nd delays which li.-ii] beat him were good diamonds mounted in platiCK>O<>O<>0O<K>00OO0<>O0OOO0<>0OC i later, he had been won over to the right thing and shun the wrong. Eehack like r:mip:igeous tidal waves had consideration of an idea that up to straint, according to the philosophy of num. Her wrist watcli was jeweled settled into a veritable nightmare of CLOCK OMENS "HOLDING A CANDLE TO freedom, only hinders development, siml her silver fox the best tliat money ! that day would have appeared fantempestuous activities. Weeks had • could buy. THE SUN" i N MAKT superstitious households kills initiative and restricts the full passed iiml still he had not been beard, : tastie. The Sloans could afford to spend, Eight weeks later three small chil- ; development of personality. It is when on this morning lie s:it in the the sudden striking of a clock long ERB is an interesting phrase three months a year at Atlantic City • dren,. aged four years, four months < silent is regarded as an omen of analogous to placing an obstacle in courtroom waiting as usual while surthat has all the marks of being a veying the cohwebbed ceiling with his the way of the tree's development so in one of the pretentious hostelries j and two days, were formally handed j death; and in many households peothat it would not grow as nature in- overlooking the ocean. Fred loved ! over for legal adoption to Mr. and ; ple who laugh at the superstition nev- brain-child of us moderns. eyes, for his turn on the docket which There are few expressions which had p. strange habit of becoming upset tended it should. This theory may the sea. and the boardwalk gayety of Mrs. Fred Sloan. j ertheless have an uncomfortable feelread well enough in print, for it cer- tlie pleasure resnrt amused him. He It is impossible for the Sloans, on [.ing, even as they laugh, when a silent more aptly convey the thought of an and readjusied iiccorrtinx to circumtainly relieves parents of much strain was proud of Helen. He liked to Tlie budget of their income, any long- ; clock unexpectedly breaks its silence, iittempt to compare one's minor stances of whose manipulation lie nevand anxiety, but it does not work in walk with her into the gaudy dining : pr to maintain the suite of expensive I because some sudden jar or some re- achievements with those which are er had yet learned the secret. His efpractice. All experience is against it. rooms or ride beside her in the wicker j rooms in the sumptuous hotel. The laxing of some part of its interior trtitstanding. forts wit'i the governor for an extenHowever, the phrase is not modern sion of time or stay of execution bad The moral ideals should be taught rolling chairs up and down the beach. ; Sloans now occupy a pleasant six- !mechanism sets its wheels into mochildren early In life. Unrestrained They were a contented pair, living : room apartment on the upper west : tion. This superstition cannot be an —far from it. For we have it from been as fruitless as hat] been his urimpulses are accountable for nine- comfortably on their income, coming side of Kew York. It is a noisy ; old one, as superstitions go, for clocks the classic Greek Proverbia of Dio- gent appeals to the court for a heartenths of the crime and needless sor- and going as they witled, occasionally apartment, filled with the din of three did not come into common use until genhmiis, in whose day it must have ing. The court had been unconscionatoward the close of the Middle Ages— been Quite commonly used. row in the world. In spite of all ar- willing to take a trip to Niagara Falls children. bly curt and severe. A number of times Later (in 1557) it appeared, among he had been inconsiderately squelches! guments as to the effect of environ- or Chicago, or a boat ride to Boston. ; Helen's costumes have gone off a , that is clocks run by interior mechan1 Helen had married well. ment and heredity the theory of freebit in their tailor-made precision. , ism—though they are said to have its earliest recorded popular uses, in by the majestically gowned judge. It was pleasant to be in a position i Fred thinks it all a great joke. To his ; been invented by the Germans in the "A Praise of His Love," written by When he had offered explanations of dom, or do as you please, has dynamite in it. The long-tested principle to help her family. To see to it that j amazement, the former idle days in ' Tenth century. The superstition is the earl of Surrey. the urgency of his case, he had been (Cc). 1931. Bell Syndicate.)—WNU Service. of restraint, which develops self-con- a warm new coat replaced her moth- j the sumptuous hotels seem incredibly j merely an old and primitive idea apcut off with a word, and assured that 1 plied to a comparatively modern control and mastery over inherited Im- er's shabby one, that her father, after vapid to him in retrospect. ' ; he would be heard in his orrn good trivance. pulses, has given us our most noble iiis long, dull day as watchman in a time, that the order of the docket men and women and will continue to warehouse, could come home to the must be observed. Faith of the Child : The first striking docks are said to do so. The adolescent period of child- solid comforts of radio, easy-chair Know you what it is to be a child"? have been of the "alarm" variety and ' So, this morning Meldrum sat waithood is the most favorable time for and good cigars. The nieces and It is to be something very different were designed to awaken priests and ing. There was a pallor on his fac-e. instilling high moral ideals and pur- nephews came in for their share, too. from the man of today. It is to have ! monks that they might arise betimes He had devoted his time almost excluGABBY GERTIE poses. After eighteen the curve of re- Fred wns generous. a spirit yet streaming from the wa-.; in the night to say their "offices." If sively to the Lawrence case, no other ligious conversion turns downward, ters of baptism; it is to believe in love, ' that is so it may have had something considerable interest finding a place in It seemed to Helen that there was to believe in loveliness, to believe in ; which clearly indicates that the earto do with associating the striking of the daily routine of his pursuits; ami lier years are most impressionable and a constant paeon of thanksgiving go- beliefs; it is to be so little that the | a clock with the supernatural in the the strain had told heavily npon his therefore more susceptible to develop- ing on in her heart over this blessed elves can reach to whisper in your minds of men. nervous system. delivery from the wrangling, overear: it is to turn pumpkins into ing influences. crowded, niece-and - nephew - cluttered coaches and mice into horses, iowli- ; Be that as it may the idea that the Meanwhile his client, the pretty Mrs. ((Si. 1931, Western Newspaper Union.) environment of the stuffy little flat she ness into loftiness, and nothing into \ sudden striking of a clock long silent Sadie Lawrence, quite ft way under had called home up to the flay of that everything, for each child has its fairy ; is a "warning," is but a survival of thirty years of age, had' languished in momentous meeting with Fred Sloan godmother in its own soul; it is to j the spiritism common among primitive a celi waiting the day of her execuwho were wont to ascribe a in front of the commercial hotel. tion, amid all of the horrors which live in a nutshell and count yourself '• peoples, certain class of otherwise _ inexplicmight come of such a contemplation, It became inevitable, after a while, rlie king of Infinite space; it is i able phenomena to the spirits of the wif! the uncertainty of reprieve before that Helen and Fred, living the care- To see a -world in a grain or sand. f dead. It is on a par with the superGABBY GERTIE her. For the past two days Mefdnnu And a heaven in a wild flower: free lives of a pair of carefree nomads, stition which says that if a knock infinity in t i e palm of rour hand ! had not visited her. He -could not should sink into the pleasant routine Hold And eternity in a n hour. is heard at the door and we open the have borne the sight of those appealof hotel life. More and more, the —Francis Thompson's "Essay on door and see no one there it is a sign ing eyes. Barely thirty days of life holiday aspect of Atlantic City atShelley." of death. Superstition with regard to had been given her in the sentracted the pair. Fred's philosophy of the rocking by itself of an unoccutence of the court; and these days life was an easy-going one. "We're pied chair is another example. had been vanishing with Imrrmvinjc here today, gone tomorrow. Get all Tell* Time "by Birds j That the spirits of the departed rapidity. Meidrum shuddered ns his you can out of it today." Clocks are not necessary to give ! thoughts ran backward through the The Sloan suite in the gaudy hotel file time in the morning if one under- ! could coaie back,' come back and manievents of those few days. , overlooking the ocean came to mean stands the songs of birds, according ! fest themselves" in various ways was a home. The gay, transient . holiday to a German naturalist who has just \ firm belief of the ancients. To preAt last the call of "Meidrum" arose crowds came and went, but the Sloans completed a schedule of offerings by i vent that return was the object of clearly above the other sounds of the remained, meeting a lobby.civilization, feathered songsters. He says the ! many primitive customs now survivas it poured in and out. Every eve- chaffinch sings at about one-thirty on I ing as current superstitions. It was a Meldrum's* pencil came to rest mid ning at eight, Fred climbed into his summer mornings, and the blackcap ! belief; also, of the ancients that the his gaze came away from the cobwebs dead longed for the companionship of dinner clothes and Helen powdered oil Is an hour later. Between two- •' against the ceiling. It w:is unlie'liev"The modern ring promoter doesn't abie that he was to be heard at liisf. her white neck, dressed herself in rhin.v and three o'clock the quail give '• those whom they had left behind and "came for them" when their hour of approve of hitting in a clinch." modish chiffons or taffetas and deBut the facts were clear. He.hart call, while the hedge sparrows '. dissolution was near. The inexplic(WOT Service.) scended en decollete to the dining their been called forward. He anise a;rd are heard about thirty minutes later. • able striking of y. long silent clock room. It was unbelievably pleasant, The answered to his name. are next followed by I fitted in so exactly with these ideas Chinese Alphabet siting to the strains of good music, larks,blackbirds black-headed titmouse, anil-! that the superstition regarding it easi"The Case of Lawrence, Convicted The Chinese alphabet is not simisurrounded by well-dressed people, finally the sparrows start between I ly took root lar to European alphabets. There is of Murder," sounded the court. "The deferred to by waiters. Tlie Sloans live andthe five-thirty. . . S undoubtedly a system of Chinese char- court is ready for the hearing." farNewspaper Syn;!k-ate.» fattened a little with well-being. (S3 by (WNT7 Service.) acters corresponding to an alphabet, ther dinned the august voice. It seemed to Helen, so quickly dues Uncl« Ebea | Meldrnm's hands dropped! to tiie which consists of three types of charthe human Iniml accustom ifself to you tells de chillun all us. to-•[ acters—pictugrams, idiograms and back of a convenient ehffir and a Given English. Town's new formula of habit, that the old go"When to Sunday school," said Uncle i l^ruton nuri.sh (•IIII:"L-!I. in phonograms—all of which are used, strange smile passed his ePaiituiy Hps. uolso-und-nerve-ruekod days belcm;;t?<! Kben. only natural curiosity foh I i>urjj, V a . , w n s m i m e d i n ni>:iiir u f r!n» ! the first-named referring to objects, "I am here." he fregaft In- sepulchral lo another era of ):er consciousness. 'I'm to'"it's peek around a little to maUe . misses the train by NIIH !i.;;-d to snuggle her him,] mirier, s;irt* you Luslwelis, v/jm wv.re >I-:I i:: t!i-'it"«i, the second tf> symbols and the third tones, "to inform the Most High co«r£; that my client. Mrs. Sadie luwreiice, *,o sounds. her UissfoawVs oc their twilight chair- ton Stac. was at church."—Washing- counly of Sumerae!., K was executed an tioar ago.*1 THEY <y A For Meditation I WHY of SUPERSTITIONS I How It Started H PAGE SEVEN 3PAGE SEVEN Hillsdale Social News Telephone Westwood 2304 Why Boys Leave Home FIZZLE IN ENGLAND AVIATION AIDED BY 13 Y T JGEAKCH5BALD Considered Craze and HeMen Turn Up Noses. Moire Than Most Famous Flyers. London.—Midget golf- in England Washington.—Although John W. Curhas failed. rell, sixty, ex-marine and veteran of Members of the Jolly Pinochle Olubj two wars, has never fiown in an airLouise Michel, of Magnolia avenue, It is estimated that. 5750,000 has plime, lie has contributed more, perwas hostess on Wednesday to a group motored to HUlburn, N. Y., on Wednes-' heen lost by promoters vainly trying day, and were entertained, by Mrs. M. j to make it a craze. haps, to the field of aviation than of her school chums. Pittman, at the home of her daughter, j some of the world's famous flyers. The outdoor game which swept the Audrey Bachman and Betty Terry, United States like a plague last sumThree new aerial bomb inventions Sunday guests at the home of Mr. j mer never became more than a "nineQt Ma=nolia avenue, are recovering he perfected were submitted recently and Mrs. C. Custafson, of G-lenbrook I nicely after an attack of the measles. ihiy wonder" here. to Maj. Gen. Samuel Hof, chief of the irark, was a cousin, Mrs. A. Knude and ! army ordnance department. All deal The reason is hard to define. Some Raymond Mullen, of Conklin avenue, sons Everett and Elmer, of Tea-neck, i say the "ballyhoo" which preceded its with bombs of a tj-pe to be used chief<T3°nt the past weekend with Mr. and ly against anti-aircraft batteries and migration from America led the pubMr. and Mrs. James Zimmerman, of I 'Mrs. B. Roorback, of Brooklyn. airplanes, parked on the ground. lic to look askance at anything so Large avenue, are receiving congratu-1 "crazy." Even before the first course These three inventions are the latest lations on the birth of a daughter, j of the former enlisted man of the T"ie W. O. N. Bridge Club was en-Jane Boyd, born Thursday, April 9, a t !was laid in England reports of failmarines, who is regarded as a wizard ures of midget golf concerns in Amertertained on Tuesday a t Mrs. Herman Hackensack Hospital. i ica were being published here. in his line. Breaning's home, on Conklin avenue. Those who have lost money say With Marine Corps. Leslie J. Forbes, of the Crest, cele- now that the real reason why the exWhile serving with the United States Marine corps in China during I., ana era-i*. nu^^u- , ; day, wita a group of friends and rela- pected craze failed was that too many the Boxer rebellion in 1000, Curreil spent the weekend as guests ot Mi. ana; , people tried to exploit it. Another reason is that the toy links satisfied saw a contingent of Russian troops Mrs. F. W. Mullan, of Magnolia avenue. ] the demand for a few weeks, but that launch an observation balloon over the city of Tsin-sin. Mr. and Mrs. i±. b w a a a n , . < " " « » • I MrS. H . Hagerman and daughter I after that interest in them departed because they had become somewhat During the battle he foresaw the adlyn, spent the weekend with Mr. aaa S M returned t o Brooklyn, after j childish. vantage nf a high powered explosive Mrs. E. G. Whiting, of Washington s p e n < J i n g ^ h o l i d a y s witiL*^ p a . ! "He-Men" Spurn !t. which could have been dropped from rents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wolf, of j avenue. Real "he-man" golfers would not ! the aircraft, and with the thought was Cedar Lane. ** © McCIurs Newspaper Syndicate patronize them, while newcomers to born the idea of the aerial bomb. Mrs M Huntoon, of Orange, and Mr. the game complained that the things and Mrs. G. Smith of Ridgefield P ^ After consulting his commanding Qf G]enbrook missing were variety and the. sort of were Sunday guests of Mr. and officer Curreil started working on a .,. _ , returne(J Q n S u an{J convaIes hazard that would be encountered on bomb which in 1911 was accepted by H. SteiH, of Conklin avenue. ^ Service.> a c c i d e n t | a permanent outdoor course. the War department. . T -cr- »;„<• wihicli she suffered while spending a I Only a few months ago toy courses The ex-marine began his research in Rita, daughter of Mrs. A. J. Higgiru, w e e k w i f t l ^ a!Q& M r s _ A M o p t r m e r | could be found in all parts of London an improvised laboratory at Pekin in of Conklin avenue, resumed her stud- Q f B r o o l d y n _ j and the provinces, and for a time it 1901. and three years later he was sent es on M o n y , a t Oak Knoll School <-es on Monday, . looked as if a number of fortunes to Washington where he obtained patin Summit, after the Easter t t holidays. hlid Mr. and Mrs. W. Henderson, -of Yon- I would be made. ents for the first aircraft weapon to kers, and Mrs. L. Herman, of Jersey i he invented. m e Ladies' Guild of Holy Trinity City, were visiting on Sunday with Mr. j Then everybody with a knack of " I t is scarcely an exaggeration t o say By DOUGLAS MALLOCH church will meet on Tuesday evening and Mrs. John Wulff and family, of j carpentering or with what seemed to t h a t many matters which, asitate t h e pubEnlisted in Navy. mind a r e not worth a thought in comat the Parish Hall for regular monthly t Washington avenue. Lack of money forced Curreil to | be a new idea ."jumped into the busi- lic parison with dietary questions tu Tvhicli ness, and the result is that today inabandon his attempts at further inbusiness session. door courses are almost as difficult a thought is seldom given." T KNOW no words that you can say vention, and in 1917 he enljsted in the Mrs. G. McCurdy, Sr., of Oradell, j Mrs. Louis Meyer, of Lawrence to discover as water in a desert. •* Before an altar that will hold States navy as a gunner's mate. was hostess on Wednesday to the la- j Even some of the biggest have closed GOOD THINGS TO EAT Tour hearts together: know no way, United street," and her daughter, Mrs. E. He was assigned to the Seamen dies of the Temple Luncheon Club, down, while options on sites that had Springer, are enjoying a visit this week who include Mrs. W. Pa4tman, of Not even this bright band of gold, Gunner's school at the Washington. ERE is a cottage cheese pie that To keep yon one in that far day heen taken in London and in the ••with relatives in Pennsylvania. .Vavy yard by special order of AsHillsdale; Mrs. W. Ramsden and Mrs.!country have been allowed to lapse. everybody will like, because it is When you grow old. sistant Secretary Truman E. NewMrs. Walter Winkler is convalescing G. Wolf, of River Vale; Mrs. M. Naples, : different: Want it at No Price. berry and ordered to complete his reof Hohokus; Mrs. C. King, of Oradell; Cottage Cheese Pie. at" her home on Large avenue, after a To marry you must more than wed, It was one of the peculiarities of search in high explosives. Mrs. A. Duncan, of Park Ridge; Mrs. Beat three eggs, add one cupful recent operation performed at Hack- M. Burbank, Mrs. A. Pritchard and • miniature golf that there were certain To marry means some stronger In 192S Curreil had perfected a suhof cottage cheese, nine tabiespoonfuls ensack Hospital. | Mrs. G. Waterman, of Westwood. bond, marine bomb that was immediately j towns in Britain, particularly at the seaside, that would not have it at any of sugar, one cupful of freshly grated To marry you must look ahead adopted by the navy and used with MIS L Barrett, of Westwood; Mrs.) „ _ - , , . , . • i price, and many instances could be coconut, one teaspoonful of nutmeg, a Up life's long hillside, and beyond. success in the North sea. " and Mrs. E. G. Whiting, j *•**. monthly -card party was given, given of courses that did not even pay cupful of coconut milk and a cupful Oh, can you, youth and beauty fled, When, in 1919, Curreil was honorb t h R d on Thursday of Mrs. J - \ M d Still be as fond? sihly discharged from the navy, the j Altar Guild of St. John's R. C. church. their way from the moment they were of rich milk, or use as much of the Wolfangel, of Beigen street. milk as the nut contains and add Post Office department had under conj Twelve tables were in play. Pinochle installed. ci deration a plan to carry mail by air. One of the first to promote midget enough cow's milk to make two cup- Your yes must be the yes of years, Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Prizes went to Mxs. J. Trunk, Stephen fuls of liquid. Add a pinch of salt Of years you cannot know or guess, The chief objection was that the mait i -white of Large avenue, were Mr. j Lyons, Neil Brown, A. Van Baal, J.: golf in this country was H. Lester, and more sugar if it is not sweet, Remember all the sighs, the tears, could not be carried by planes at ' Mrs' A Koenig, of Bogota, and Ellberg, George Heins, Miss Margaret still head of Lester's Midget Golf enough. A grating of lemon peel may Misfortune and nnhappiness, night. ' of New Milford. O'Brien, Miss Pricci, Mrs. M. Wicks, | company. He had premises just off Alfred Spahr, be used instead of the nutmeg if that And, if the thought but more endears, Mrs. J. O'Neill, Mrs. B. Breitenback, i Piccadilly circus in the heart of the Curreil in a few years perfected a is not liked. Pour into n deep pastry Ah, then say yes. system of beacon lights whereby air Charles Johanson, of Glenbrook Mrs. Le Roy Unger, Mrs. W. Moulton,! theater district. "Fortunately," he said, "we have lined pie plate and bake as for cus- (g). 1931. Douglas Malloch.)—WOT Service. mail pilots could be guided while flyPark, while visiting with his daughter, Jr., Mrs. A. Van Baal and Miss Anna. Eckstein. Bridge prizes were won by j done better than most. But the mar- tard pie. ing at night. This system was adoptMrs. Charles Isberg, of New York, was Mrs. James Wolf, Mrs. J. T. Buckley, j ket was killed by the number who ed by the Post Office department, far taken suddenly ill, and is now reported Robert Davies, Miss ^Francis Buckley, j leaped into it, and the truth is that Crisp Molasses Cookies. which Curreil was given a congresin a serious condition. John R-iley and Harold Smith. I n j we gave up our big premises because Take two and one-half cupfuls of sional vote of thanks. pastry flour, one-fourth cupful of Andrew Kinbacher, Jr., of Conklin dominoes prizes went to Mrs. J. Gante- j they were not paying. avenue is h o m e after spending a week f°ehr and Rita O'Neill Miss Corcoran | "Nothing will ever again induce us bread flour, one teaspoonful each of 4- BY HUGH HUTTON + with Mr. and Mrs. Holdridge and fam- and W. TrV-rne were high scorers i n . to invest a penny in indoor sport, for baking powder and salt, two teaspoon- H Story of Hard Summer ily of Plainfield, who formerly lived euchre fcon-players prizes went to J . | it has been definitely proved to us fnls of ginger, then sift all again. Heat T £ i - Buckley, Mrs. N. Brown and Mrs. C.jnow that the average Briton will one cupful of molasses, add one-half Told in U. S. Reports THE TEUTONIC — ere | Brady. A set of china was won by 1 have nothing to do with a game that cupful of butter and two teaspoonfuls Washington.—It was a long, hard SCHWEINHUND of soda. Add the flour gradually and On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. J. WulffJMrs. E. Burton. j is not played in the open." summer, to say the least. when well mixed, chill. Roll very of Washington avenue, entertained Mr. j Forty states had less than normal ERE is a creature tnat has been thin and cut with a cooky cutter. and Mrs. R. J. Hillman, of Emerson, Old New Orleans Bank rainfall. j France to Have First shamefully neglected by most Bake ten minutes. and Vis. and Mrs. John Haberli, of Seven of them were drier than they Outlived Stormy Days j natural history experts, although there Eackensack. had ever been before. Union Station for Boats was probably no animal mentioned in When the war clouds of 1S61 rolled ! Orange Sponge Cake. Five others were drier than th-sy Lille, France.—The first waterway Mr. and Mrs. G. Griffiths,, Mr. and across the port of New Orleans, the i Beat two egg yolks with four table- the press so often during the war. The had been since 1S94. nnion station in the world is beinit term was applied by the Germans to Mrs. A. Griffiths, Jean and Allen, Jr., bank that was situated at Royal and j spoonfuls of orange juice and oneThese figures, telling the story of L-onstructed here at the crossing of of Blauvelt, N. Y., were visiting this IbervUle streets, linked its fortunes j tlie 1030 drought, were assembled by tlie waterways of Europe and soon all half tablespoonful of lemon juice unwith the Confederacy. When General j week with Mr. and Mrs. X>. K. Leonard, til thick; mix three-fourths of a cupthe weather bureau for its annual reButler, Union leader, was in com- j the canal boats will tie up at quays ful of sugar with one-half teaspoonof Large avenue. view. in a great central station, with quays tnand of New Orleans, he ordered the ! ful of grated orange rind and add Other figures collected include: A Presidents' meeting of the P.-T.Banques des Citoyens to turn over to j for express har^res and other wharves gradually to the egg yolks; add the Twenty-four states reported temAssociations of the District was held him any money or property in its pos- I for slower freight carriers. stiffly beaten whites of the eggs and peratures of more than 100 degrees this Thursday, at the home of Mrs. session belonging to anyone who had ! The new union station is cm the site cut and fold in one cupful of flour, for more than 20 days during the sumHerbert Fender, the local President. aided the Confederacy. The forced i :>f demolished fortifications which once • sifted four times with one-fourth of mer. Texas, with 111 days of over Mrs. H. Henninger, of Emerson, Coun- contribution amounted to S21o,S20. j walled in the city. The station will a teaspoonful of soda. Pour into a •100 degree temperatures, led. ty Counselor, also attended. Later 5306,400 was contributed by the j be nearly a mile lonjr, with a basin buttered cake pan and bake in a Nine states set new high temperadictates of General Butler. Another j 110 feet wide and deep enough to ac- moderate oven. ture marks for July. Eight set new The Junior Disciples met on Friday j order for $37,600 was filled. To Gen- J commodate 600-ton barges. records for August. The port will he fitted with all modfor a social evening at George Steih's ' era! Banks, at General Butler's -com- | Lemon Pie. Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee. home, on Conklin avenue. Present mand. $lll,4Sf> was turned over by ern hydraulic machinery for fast loadTake one and one-half cupfnls of Mississippi, West Virginia, Virginia, were H. W. Smith, George Durie, Ken- the order of Federal Genera! Canhy. ing. There will be grain elevators and fireproof merchandise warehouse?. bread crumbs, cover with one cupful wood Arnold, Robert Norman, Anthony the British soldier, although he in no and Maryland set new records for lack Tiie bank voluntarily contributed Manahan, Eiobert Bachman and S2r>O,OO0 to the Confederacy in iSfit; Railroad tracks will be run in so that of boiling water and let stand until way resembles the true sebweinhund. of rain. Michigan, Illinois, Indiana soft. Mix one cupful of sugar and Ohio and Pennsylvania hadn't been so George Mullen. it loaned the South .$325,000 in coin there will be hut a single operation one and one-half teaspoonfuls of corn- It was not until this year that a dry since 1894. in changing from the freight carrier genuine schweinhun/1 was captured in in 1S62; it paid pay rolls of various starch, add two egg yolks well beaten The Westdale Bridge Club met for of the railways and waterways. East Prussia by an expedition from divisions of the Confederate army. luncheon and cards on Tuesday at- the In northeastern France, where rivers and cbe juice and grated rind of a The American Museum of Nutty NatWith aH these outgoings and no in- are navigable and canals have been lemon. Combine the mixtures and ural History, and mounted in the mu- Peasants Freed of Debt home of Mrs. J. Hylas, of Westwood. Present were Mesdames A. Meyers, B. comings, the old bank stood its grocnd used for freight carrying for centuries, make in one crust. seum as shown above. Little, however, as Wedding Present Spier, G. Green and W. Hoey, of West- and lived out its charter, which ex- the barges carry a greater tonnage is known-of its habits. Sofia, Bulgaria.—Instead of sendwood: E. P. Davis, T. Mullen and H. pired on January SO, 1011. It gave than the railways. To further this A coconut forms the body of the ing a wedding present to the kingup then because it was impossible to Sehuette, of Hillsdale. traffic another great canal is to be schweinhund, to which is fastened a and queen of Bulgaria, a wealthy have its charter renewed due to the (©, 1931, Western Newspaper Union.) built between Saint Omer and the sea paper-shell pecan head with split navy peasant of Pleven, to whom about 20 Principal and Mrs. George G. White unprecedented liberality of its grant at Dunkirk. Q villagers owed comparatively large bean eyes and clove horns. The tail No other charter of its kind has ever and daughter Alice, of Magnolia aveand legs are toothpicks and the feet sums of money, decided unconditionalnue, spent the holidays -with Mrs. been issued in this country.—New are split almond kernels. The mu- ly to release them from their debts. Dodges R-101 Disaster, White's parents, in Boston, during Orleans Times-Pieayvrae. seum has an expedition out now to His action was due to his interpre•which time Alice was quite ill with the Killed in Auto Crash collect more sehweinhunds and if pos- tation of King Boris' wish that no measles. Mr. Whits returned on SunWorstead, Norfolk. — Granville money should be spent on gifts to sible a TeufelhuDd. day morning and spent the day with I D a n g e r in D i e t i n g F a d Watts, who declined an offer to be a them in view of the hard times<(£> Metropolitan Newspaper Service.) his parents in Dover. WSlli Service. When Carried Too Far member of the crew of the ill fated throughout the country. His examplehas heen followed by several otherWhile you are dieting to lose R-101 which crashed in France, was Guests at Betty Banta's birthday peasants. party on Saturday were Ruth Jaeger, pounds beware that you do not also killed here in an auto crash. Watts was a member of the crew of Dorothy Storms, Bernice Anderson, lose your health. Rigid diets are enthe R-32 when it fell on Mount Arrat, Madeline Horn, Winifred Kinmonth, tirely unscientific and are lacking in ! Engineer Says Mile-High was on the R-33 when it broke from Jeannette Goedeeker, Gladys Acker- the principles that keep the body well man, Dorothy Weatheral and Marie and strong, writes Prances B. Floore its moorings and drifted for 30 hours, | Steel Tower Practical" and crossed the Atlantic in the A-10. Beck. in Hygeia Magazine. ... .-_ • >-•i Pittsburgh.—Not only are oar presHe refused to make the R-101 flight Diet victims are numerous. They are SOFT varnish brush with a string ] ent skyscrapers practical, but a steel; Mrs. A. Kinbaeher, of Conklin ave- the debilitated rundown nervous creabecause he was not satisfied with the or wire through the handle to ] tower one mile high is entirely pracnue, entertained on Tuesday with a tures who rejoice over the loss of ship's condition. hang it by is a desirable utensil in ev- | tical from an engineering standpoint,delightful luncheon and bridge party. weight and yet wonder why they have ery pantry to be used for brushing i according to Gilbert D. Fish, strueHer guests included her sister, Mrs. C. lost their pep. It is unfortunate that bread, roils and pastry with melted j tura! engineer for Westinghouse Elee— Geel. Mrs. A. E. Kirkpatrick, of River dieting has become a fad, because Dinosaur Tracks Found | trie and Manufacturing company here. butter. Vale; Mrs. W. Eckerson, of Tappan; now the art of dieting for health has in Canadian Rockies i Such a tower would require 19.000 tons = MTS.'E. Whitleig, of Teaneck; Mrs. H. fallen into disrepute, says Miss Floore. Ottawa.—Far up the Peace river in Staley and Mrs. D. Horridge, of RidgeInstead of squeezing lemons when- I of steel, wonlcl stand on a base 528.' The eighteen-day aiet was analyzed British Columbia, among tlie foothills field Paxk, and Mrs. W. Dwyer, of ever a drink of lemonade is wanted, I feet square and have four huge maiip of the Eoekies, O. M. Sternberg, Canaby Miss Floore and she came to these Hillsdale. squeeze several lemons at a time, ] posts supporting I t dian government palaeontologist, has conclusions: It is low in calories ana strain the juice and keep it in a botdiscovered the footprints of dinosaurs. Mr. and Mrs. P. Kiesow, of Hillsdale causes a too rapid loss of weight and, tle for future use. He Ends Row by Slaying It is the most northerly point in the consequently, wrinkles appear; it Manor, had as guests on Sunday, C. world where signs of dinosaurs have lacks protein to repair worn body tisFamily, Wife's Kin, Self Braun. of Union Hill; Mrs. M. HeubSave all lamb f a t It makes excelbeen found. Berlin.—A family qnarrel ended iu sher, Herbert Heubsher and R. Till- sue; It lacks calcium, iron and phoslent shortening for gingerbread and SHE HAS HEARD THAT— tragedy recently when Friedrich Fal= man, of New York; Mr. and Mrs. J. phorus, all of which are needed lor cookies. Children All "O. K." Norman. Mrs. A. Edwards, of Hacken- the blood, bones and teeth, and it •mer. a workman, shot and killed his In India when a couple are about to Mr. and Mrs. E. Bross, of Ora- lacks the essential vitamin A, which Doeville, Tean.—R. B. Pleasant's Grease stains on leather may be re wife and their two children. The indeli: Mr. and Mrs. A. Ruth, of Wood- is so necessary in building a resist- nine children are all O. K. The girls j be married, they swear eternal fidelity moved by applying benzine or pure furiated man next shot dead his moth« to each other by pourinu milk on their cliff Lake; Mr. and Mrs. F, Krauss, of ance to safeguard a person from the are OlTa, Ova and Ona. turpentine. Wash the spots afterward er-in-law and sister-in-law, seriocsl^ | head&—maybe that: ie where the milk infections tiat are met witti in everyWellington; Mr. and Mrs. S. Eismont, 33ie boys are Kyle, King, Karle, "1 of human kindness originated. with the well-beaten white of an egg wounding a,< brpther-in-law He the'; ' of Hillsdale Manor, and Miss Ida Dux- day life. i turned the'gun on himself and coajr ' JEale, K*5>~s~aBfl Klan. or a good leather reviver. eCSure Newspaper Syndicate.) fiss, of B&ckensack. ndtted suicide. . (Copyright.)—WNV Service. --WNTJ Service.- I THEN SAY YES ! H p NUTTY NATURAL 1 HISTORY H F SUPERSTITIOUS My Nei ^ ^ Says: • A : • PAGE EIGHT HECXSDALE BERAtD PAGE EIGHT affords to the Borough policeman. I t SODERBERG STILL HAS CLUB WOMEN DELIGHT was ordered referred to the Borough HOSPITAL PATIENTS DOG THAT CAUSED FUSS Attorney for advice. The Road Committee will interview! Called before Recorder Cole in Park On Monday afternoon the -There wiU be no refund from the ' Mrs. Wager, trying to have the hedge Eublie Service Gas Company this year on her property, at Glen and "Weremus Eidge Police Court on Friday evening, wood' Woman's Club tirovided to residents -of WoodcIlH Lake, as theRoads cut so that it .will-not offer a n Carl Sode'rberg stated that he stnlfhad For Sale j ^ d°S compjamed rf by Comimssion.., income from. consumers has not been obstructed view,, of. the road . intersec- < er f c s et ° ™ ^ 7 Watts, but.ttat he; Dorothy Furling gave-several enjoyable j woMAN-Wants to take care of chil-! on forautomoMlek fcir'automobiles. . ! . sufficient to reach- tne''quota required tion rod ol - I n . ™ recitations^ which were greatly appre- ,d r e n ^ Jjigbt , T e l _ P a r k B , da 385-wJ p by the company. The announcement Rockland Transit Corporation unexpected to m = ciated by the audience. Moving pic-! i time. The Recorder advised was contained in a letter read at the paid $2,130 for its February franchise short short time ne -Local,-' Park Ridge. (14-17 tures followed, the"film, "Dress Par-j this-Be -done. He commented on the;; meeting of the Borough Council on tax, but pressure will be brought i conflicting, testimony'heard' in the case:; a-de," featuring-WiHiam Boyd and Ees- j Monday evening. But this' fact does bear to have it pay more promptly FOB SALE—2 Walnut desks "and. Automobiles for Sale .... weigh . . . ^_ _ on the , not heavily public, as it the future. The Councilmen will ^{espeiaafflrMW-tapftiHt-Hie licenser-tagi sie Love, beings showntoyWayne Haw- i chairs; 1 typewriter, in good-"condition; kins, of the. Basoack ;'Sieatre, .West- j -—— ;s-realized that gas has been installed Placefl_s^fee..dogs collar, and i t l l d a m i l l e t h e C o c l o r l e s property on Magi: !I™* will-dispose of entire lot for :S25. J. J.. l on wooa. Mrs. G. Iii-.^-awartwout » had || FOB SALE—Ford sedan, cheap, i n - Kehoe. Box 474, Westwood. ' ter-3 fqr only a few months*..-so that nolia-avenue, -• ' as - it:is thought that he - t ™?n rtumnsserf tlw case. (15-17 a * , ^ ^ " .,"« ««. • ; charge of the entertainment. j i j quire W, care Park Ridge Local. (15-tf the revanae; h^s hot had aii<opportu- is. not ! with the zoning ^ ^ ^ . ^ T , «,«, ^ , v , ^ r ^ r , . Another case dismissed was that o£ ic _ „ . complyingagainst Lenz, when young D e p a r t m e n t ;Of t h e j The Dramatic FOR SALE—Surplus etc prize winning nity yet toyraalh the point desired. SALE-Model.-. A 1%ton'Ford gladiolus bulbs. I a m ' t h e .party who \ ] Vehusti, who rode a bicycle, was struck; Woman's Club Hurd came before the over $18.50 for building permits. f Lenz's car, but not seriously injured,: won many prizes at the American Le•Board, askir_g~in the name of Pascack ub The current ibills s "" " to New Brunswick: t o present •'Riiy- ( that gion Flower Show. Smithkowski, Upper iVaUey Posfe A. L., that the Council and were ordered There ,,~i~, . thm,' a one-act play, under direct:'on] M-cntvale, near Tice's. ' (14-19 mate an appropriation of about $54 as also bills from—Tin • Bowe for j the boy was at fault, of M r s . J . H . Huser, of Hilisdale. > the town's share for providing a, band $2725.62, Estate for Sale or Rent S2725.6I for for e n g i n ^ r f e e s in in connecconnec i f ^f ? f 'FOR SALE—Baby Chicks. 10,000 weekOn Tuesday, April 21, a t 2:30, t h e i of music in connection with the Memo- tion wih the" water instillation; also the Recorder stated that alter mvestiSALB-- o r F O R -RENT—S-Raom I J E f r o l n b l e i t o l a 5" White Lfeghorns. rial Day exercises that the Legion in- on. for $25,804.93 from J. P. Bums, | gation ofhos ow^ he was convancei Art D e p a r t m e n t will meet a t t h e h o m e j of Mrs". J . A. Gill, 231 Kinderkamack j b a t h bungalow, all improvements; We'also specialize i n strong, husky, o u t tends to hold on that occasion. The Both j that » **i???.Jasm o «; c t for t h e . work. c o no t raactor the ! Fettigrew WiEiams whom loz&i Westwood, for a programme on* garage; o n Rock Ave., P a r k Ridge. o f danger 2-weefcoId chicks a t small. 5 t r o u g h s of- Montvale and- ParR Ridge w e r e p r o m p t i v p a i d . r ! _ I F r a n k T i c k Tel. 102-M. '(15-tf additional cost. ,.These chicks a r e NOT. 'Interior Decoration." ?wffl each appropriate..^ similar amount,. Th» annual citizen's primary was itcomplained of as threatening a t 2:30, t h e Litera-^—^—'raised i n batteries. Breeders of t r a p end the Woodcliff Lake Councilmen. e0EcideT-sd The retiring men are i e r ' s u f e - The Recorder told Xte Pnese t u rOne ' D-..Wednesday, e n t will convene a t M r s .FOR SALE or FOR RENT—House, 6 nested Leghorn's for t h e past ,20 years.. locked on the plan favorably, y- jMayo- Pish and Councilmen -Van i that he was a nuisance . in his neigpi- -P. O. ePpr ay r' st mhome, 38 Terrace Drive, j rooms a n d bath, all improvements, n e a r Mammoth Hatchery, Wood Bidge, N.. ;Frank Musscin'. made a request ^ waTd^ded Park. J. Tel. Rutherford 2-2159. ~~ ~ , the latter throwmg stones at Westwood, when Mrs. G. L. Swartwout, j Collignon's garage, Montvale that the town reimburse her to thehold a sort of triple session at the Bor-! j People and pudUcly cursing. Condi- of Hilisdale, will review t h r e e recent j F r a n k Tice. Tel. 102-M. Park Ridge. •extent of $15.50 for fowls killed by ough Hall on Monday evening, April il J r;ray dogs. The letter brought out a20, at *hich the Gas Assessment Com- ] tons in his home were not good, and books. Miscelkuieous **„ condition « , „ , « » which — ^ •has - « not — -con— mission will convene at 8 o'clock in the j the .budding itself is on Borough propThe annual plant sale will take place j H2W ironted the Council previously. While balcony of the Ball, to adjust gas as-ierty. The Recorder recommended t h a . Real Estate for Sale there is no question that this is a legi- ESSsmente; the general public will meet j ™l«=ss De Eriese and his wife < ? 2 ^ Westwood. .Contribn- P O R SALE-Choice building lots on] £ timate claim, which would ordinarily o n the main floor at 8:15, to conduct! then- ways, they be committed to the tional-Bank l:e paid at once, it comes a t a time a caucus to name its choice for pri_ j County Home by the Poor Master, when there is no money in the treas-jmary candidates; and the Borough! Hetty Post, 70-odd-year-old inmate y SEVERAL ACRES of land for cultivaCivic and Home Department met at [ ury that can be legally used for this Council will convene in the basement• |' -* the De Priese home who was ordered tion may be had free by inquiring at the home of Mrs. L. O. Hooper, onj p SALE—Fina corner lot near stapurpose. When the Council was conOEr at 8-30, to transact several important) out of town last year, but- had return- Tuesday afternoon. Tentative plans! tion; suitable for business or residence, j the "Local" office, Park Ridge; also sidering passing the new dog ordinance matters, among which are the peti- jed> a n d t o M **** ^ w a sa v a f ^ for a social center in Hegeman Park; J_ C. Storms, Park Ridge. (tf ismall plot for garden, in village. (16-t. it placed all the funds available for tions for water extension, and o r d i - ; given 48 hours grace and warned were discussed, a chairman being ap-j police REMOVED, 1 such an emergency as this in its Sur-ranees regulating hunting and starting!««: V* ™ ^by f that l f ^time. T ^Hetty ^ assured ! pointed to report a t the next meeting j FOR SALE—New house, 6 roams and! ulus Account; and now cannot use it brush and" grass fires. aett town .. Thomas Terlrane, Mid-bath, extra toilet in cellar, city water, j the as to possibilities of same. j lor this purpose. Enacting the dog The Council adjourned at 11:30 P. M . , Recorder that she would leave at Tel. Park Ridge 265-W,. Preceding t h e afternoon's program,,- all improvements; lot 50x200; brook! ordinance makes it necessary to pass i : : ! once for Brooklyn. (14-16and swimming pool; shade trees.! Miss Evangeline Dixey sang a group of j vocal selections, accompanied by Mrs. IMichele Franeaviglia, Walnut Street, SAWS—All kinds filed and set; old (13-16 A. J. Kennedy. I Montvale. s a w s r e t o o t h e c i . made like new on auMrs. S. A. Smith spoke on West-\ FOR SALE—Attractive shingled home, tomatic machines Tools of all kinds: E d s Repan: the burning leaves beyond her wood's possibilities. She showed blue- j 8 large rooms, large closets, tiled bath i s l i a r pened; repairing for the necessary form to be used, and J "Spiral closeups," representing an in-! prints of the new station, plans for; and shower, sun parlor; oak floors,! ^-op, Mill Road, Park Ridge. Tei a t ; notify Mrs. Musson to submit a n e w [ g e l l i o u s manipulation of camera and! Co-ti { chestnut finish in IMngrooms; application in proper form. ! microphone, devised, by Clarence I out the firemen. The Recorder took which will soon be put into effect. the matter under consideration. steam heat, city water; shaded, j CUSTOM HATCHING—Bring us yourE. Li. Mouillesseaux, of West-wood,! Brown's inventive mind, provide novel Mrs. Daniel.Kotz also started a fire, street; terms. E. B. Scott, Mont- i eggs—we will hatch them for 3 cents sent a letter regarding an accident to j camera and sound effects in Greta of water at hand, w: sited (31-tfI each in our modern sanitary electric Ms automobile. He said that there was j Garbo's new Metro -Gold wyn-Mayer j out, went into test sponsored by the Music Depart-1 a trench 12 to 15 inches deep in Pas- j starring vehicle, "Inspiration," incubators: -also blood tasted chicks. r to ment of the State Federation. I Pearl Poultry Farm, Montvale, 2ST. J . The contest numbers sung by t h e ! For Rent Tel. Park Ridge 526. <16-19 ehcruses -were "Come Down, Laughing j senrence Streamlet," and "Summer Noon." \ FOR RENT—House, 6 rooms, all im- I • be towed to a garage. Incidentally, i t [glamorous film takes place within t h e Although the Westwood Choral was' provements; near station; $40. Box 291,! Legal Notice cost $17 to make necessary repairs, a n d jwalls of a n old Latin Quarter pension (15-16! with judged as making a fine showing, i t Park Ridge. GAS REFUNDS WON'T BE MADE THIS YEAR CUSSIF1ED ADVERTISING CAMERA CUMBS CIRCULARJTAKWAY Sfo enter t t he enclosed t h e bill for t h e Council to •:in Paris, Brown built t h e interior set, pay. He said t h a t t h e ditch w a s n o tshewing five flights of winding stairlighted o r otherwise protected, so h eway, upon a hydraulic stage, p e r m i t four city felt t h a t h e w a s entitled to satisfac- ting t h e silent -elevation of camera a n d r : on. TJie m a t t e r was referred t o J . |microphone equipment t o a height of P. Burns, t h e water contractor, who 75 feet within t h e circular enclosure. Tsked was responsible for t h e ditch. On t o p of a perpendicular hydraulic mn^red tne housed b e n e a t h t h e stage level, j Robert Naismith sent a communica- j piston, piston, housed beneath the stage level, j * ™ « into tne_R«ace m n ^ r e d tion, telling of trouble with t h e chick- ' ens of h i s neighbor, George F . Mahe, j Brown had a turntable constructed for thought there was no one there so Borough of Hilisdale FOR RENT—Garage space in vicinity !• bers who made the trip, and enjoyed !i of Mont\'ale station. Daniel Atkins, NOTICE the day immensely were, Timothy W. (2-tfi NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an ordiKnight, director; Mesdames H. Borger, j nance entitled, "An ordinance to provide for C. Van Horn, W. S. Harris, F. M. Kunz,! F O R RENT—Floor, with all improve- the extension or laying of a water mam in. I. Strang, R. Slater, W. Dathe, B. Hoi- j ments. D. W. Hoffman, Ridge Avenue, lander, G. Volger, G. Yates, G. Meyers, Bark Ridge. (16-17 section of Everdeii Avenue, southerly a distance of 353 feet more or less, and to provide W. Kaufman, O. H. Torp, P. Kuntz, M. i for the extensian'ior laying of a gas mam in Heckert, H. Ingram, C. Day, Miss A.'FOR RENT—7-Room house with bath, Everdeii Avenue from the gas main m Washington Avenue at the intersection of Everdeii Rosemund and Mrs. Frank Burch,-ac-jall improvements. M. H. Baumann. Tel. a camera and sound platform which, ^ ^ ^ S % L £ ^ S Avenue southerly a distance of 333 feet more comrjanist. j Park Ridge 150. (14-tf or less in the Borough of Hilisdale, County of Bergen and State of New Jersey; and to proThe monthly meeting of _ the club, vide for the cost and expense thereof, was RENT_6.Room touse, m , Madn and passed on first reading at a in court within two weeks for Tftas held On r n a a j HI , . m Baptist Baptist Church_. c h u r c hs t: _ , a. _l_, , .. , . ,, . introduced Montgomery plays opposite regular meeting of the Borough Council of 1 j breaking glass in a vacant house, which the Borough of Hilisdale held on Tuesday hall Mrs C J Ivimey was ask»a t o ' ' improvements; convenient to Garbo in the pieturization of the 203 his pets. T=l Park evening April 14th, 1981; that it is the i n j case has not- yet been settled. The Re- communicate with ;/• v ~the T i WMayor ^ d a K - uand. " ! station T=l Park Rid«e 203 ( 1 4 t f Charles L'Homme requested renewal modern French romance. [ corder read both the froys and their Ccuncil on the erection of a new pub-I F O R RENT-Bungalow, 5 rooms and " of his building permit application which \ j parents a lecture as to where such con r lie library. and third reading and final passage bath; all improvements J. Feraeallo second has expired. It relates to enlarging thereof, at a regular meeting of the Borough. duct would lead the lads, and told the Council to be held at the Borough Hal on Parfc Two new members, Mrs. C. H. Day Vhirri etf TPI Park RIPIP-P w<t T m f Hyde Park in London t Clis hotel and restaurant at Magnolia Street, Hilisdale, New Jersey, on Tuesdayformer they were responsible for the Mrs. George JufEey, of Hilisdale, j and Prespset avenues. It is in the re- Although there are towns all over I boys' acts. The case was laid ov-sr for and evening, April 2S, 1931, at 8:30 o'clock P. M. were welcomed. FOR RENT—5-Room house, all im-(Daylight Saving Time). At the aforesaid stricted district, so the matter was re- America named Hyde Park, the first ! the present. The Music Department enjoyed approvements; $35 per month rent. Mrs. time and place all persons -who may be interested therein or "whose lands may be affected, ferred to the Zoning Board of Adjust- was and is a real park and not a program of original compositions by Argentina Gianazza, Hilisdale Manor, bv the making of the said improvements, wi'.l town. With its neighbor, Kensington ment: the members at the April meeting, | (5-tf be given^an opportunity to be heard concerning the same. It was reported that Contractor gardens in London, it comprises about LEGION CAMPAIGN when the following ladies contributed.! The purpose of said proposed ordinance is Burns has improved Ida Place by de- j 600 acres and is the city's chief breath__ _ and „ RENT—5-Room cottage, all im-contained Mrs. Frank Burch played in the proposed ordinance, a copy ot ENDS APRIL 18 soni positing 25 loads of cinders on the ] ing space, belonging to the monks of dedicated to the" club."m-s""£°vv\ .Provemente- rent reasonable. J. Keesey, Tvhich follows this notice. The improvements covered by the above SlUsda!e Manor Tel Jackman also very cleverly had written | - Westwoad 775. of to be local improvements, the cost of music -to Mrs. Kaufman's "Song of (13-fa dared which shall be assessed against the property Heard will be notified of the new pro- vvero ahohshec, campaign, on April 18, indications are Spring." Miss Dixey sang and played P O K RENT—House, 10 rooms, 2 baths, benefited thereby, as provided in said proposed •jscted territory, so that fire nuisance that the Bergen County American Le- a group of selections. Mrs. F. Baker, l n c c j e r n improvements; garage; large ordinance. By order of the Mayor and Borough Counpremiums may be reduced as soon as • Hilisdale. gion •will have, by that date, greatly Mrs. H. O. Whiteford, Mrs. J. Musson, p _ o t - concession. Tel. Park Ridge cil of the Borough of GAREETT 1 tlie official inspection has been made.' Indtan Cashes 0 3-tf j exceeded its total enrollment for 1930, Jr., and Mrs. P. Kuntz, added to the 273-R A rider which the casualty insurIt is not known definitely just when was tne view expressed recently by program, which was in charge of Mrs.. ; a nee company offered for annexing to j castes originated in India. Records County Commander Robert Birnn, Jr. A. J. Kennedy. The latter rsad Ralph FOR RENT—1 a r 2 Rooms' with kit- j Dated April 14th, 1931. its policy, covering ascidents to Bor-> al-e not available until the Vedic Arya Waldo Emerson's essay, "Originality." chen; also furnished room, with or The drive to go over the mark of Borough of Hilisdale cugh employees, did not seem very! period, about 1200 B. C. Cnstes weie 3147 members, made last year in Ber- The hostess, Mrs. R. A. Webber, was without board. Edelweiss House. Tel. satisfactory in the protection which it then in ern'stpnrc AN ORDINANCE PROVIDE FOR THE (14-17 EXTENSION OE.TOLAYING gen County, was started on April 1, assisted by Mesdames J. Jaccbs, E. Van Westwood 383. OF A WATER : ~ — Commander Birnn said, adding that Wagoner, D. C. Watt, H. O. Whiteford, F— MAIN IN EVERDELL AVENUE FROM O R PRESENT WATER MAIN LOCATED RENT - Apartment or entire THE while the accurate count will not beW. M. Hoffman and C. Howard. IN WASHINGTON AVENUE AT THE INreally known until the "zero hour," the The Sub-Juniors met on Thursdav h o u s e ; a U improvements; oil burner TERSECTION OF EVERDBLL AVENUE. CREATE AND PROTECT YOUR ESTATE SOUTHERLY A DISTANCE OF 353 FEET incomplete reports have made him afternoon at the home of the Senior h e a t ; Sf3' e t c -APP]>' F - v - Strohsahl, MORE OR LESS, AND TO PROVIDE FOR most optimistic as to the final result. Advisor, Mrs. H. Borger, for the annual Mam St., Park Ridge. EXTENSION OE LAYING OF A GAS (16 THE WITH MAIN IN EVERDELL AVENUE FROM Birnn 'has appointed Harold Eisgrau, election of officers, which- resulted in p ^ R E N T _ W e u b u flt modern house, THE GAS MAIN IN WASHINGTON AVEAT THE INTERSECTION OF EVERof Ridgerield Park, as the official cour- Miss Margaret TJnangst, President; , T O O m S ; b a t h i a n I l e x e d g a l a g e ; attracier to carry the scores of cards yet to be received from the 40s Legion Posts ; Miss Melba Burch, Secretary; , ins, Park Ridge. Tel. 111. (2-tfi THE BOROUGH OF HILLSDALE, COUNA fck TY OF BERGEN AND STATE OF NEV in Bergen County, to Trenton, where Miss JFIora iSpier, Treasurer. AND TO PROVIDE FOR THi: j JERSEY; he will deliver them to Department Several of the members are planning FOR RENT—Apartment of 4 rooms COST AND EXPENSE THEREOF. Commander Theodore R. Crichton, on to attend the Junior Woman's Club and bath, all improvements; central BE IT ORDAINltD by the BorOUgh Council the steps of the State House. convention on Saturday, April 25, atvocation. J. C. Storms, Park rucige. Tel. j f J h e B orou E h of Hilisdale. in the County of 2 0 o r8 8 (38tf ! Bersen and State of New Jersey: NEW YORK LIFE Eisgrau will receive most of the un-the Hotel Monterey, in Ashury Park, a a water mam a be e ' i n 1. That extended or laid The trip Will t)e made by private DllS. ' Everdpll Avenue from the recorded membership cards on Friday h present water RTrNT •* -Rpaiirifjii rnnm=; -"n u Westwood Trust BIdg. ' ! m o i a in at the intersec intersecm , . „ . _ • , !moia in Washington Avenne at the Mrs H Boreer and Mrs E Tlpano-«t Westwood, N. J. night, April 17, at the Bogota BoroughT r a n s p o r t a t i o n Building, P a r k Riage.jtion cr southerly a distance ji r Everdeii E d i i Avenue, A th Hall, but representatives of the several mrs. ±i ±sorger ana lvirs. a.. u n a n s . i , g t h t h t t &b a 1 j h R e a . ; o r approximately 353 feet, in.accordance with 1 ', 4"° plRns and specifications prepared by Herj Fosts will have until 12 noon, Satur- Semor Advisors, Will also attend. & Westphal, Borough Westi W t h l B h Engineers, E i Wt I sonable rent. Apply on premises. (7-tf in.sr wcod, New Jersey, which said plans are enday, to hand in their final results, at. WEEKLY PHOTOPLAY FOR RENT—In Westwood, the County Court House, Hackensack. in Everdeii Avenue, Borough of Hilisdale. ; bungalow; a51 improvements; centrally Bergen Co., N. J.," and which said plans niv1 Eisgrau will leave Hackensack promptGUIDE specifications are now on file in the office ly at 12:01 o'clock, so as to reach Trengarage; $55 a month. Write t h e B o r o n E h EnsSneers and in iSe office"oFtte I P. D. A., ejo "Herald," Hilisdale. (16 I Borough Clerk of the Borough of Hilisdale. Listing Only the "Better Films" ton not later than 3 P. M., the "zero j 2. That a gas main be extended or laid in •hour" for all County couriers to report. Showing in the Theatre Each Week Evprdell Avenue from the present gas main FOR RENT—5-Room house; heat, m Prepared by Washington Avenue at the intersection of Following a public celebration, ComWestwood Better Films Committee Water, gas, electric light, nicely located. Everdeii Avenue, southerly a distance of ai>mander Crichton and his staff will be Will sell very reasonably M r s E V i 3SS fe»t. in accordance with tlv TT^oximaMy ans an Member of the Better Films National hosts to the several couriers, at a prirrmi '' « sspecifications peeifleo pprepared p r e d by erincr & t t k St., c -o«~i cs™i*v, B i,;,iv os< t- T, , . T . . - rr . ^D m . , ' '! plans and by Herincr Fifth Park ge. T e l . j Westphal, Borouch Engineers, 'Westwood. Council, National Board of vate dinner. (50-tf j New Jersey, which said plans are : entitled. 271-R. Motion Pictures ! "Map showing Gas and Water Mains in EverAppropriate ceremonies, in commemWith the Local jC de!l Avenue, Borough of Hillgdale. Berrenn FRDDAX ana SATURDAY SUNDAY and MONDAY oration of -the TJ. S. veterans of all Not Connected i o " N - J->" a n d wn "cli said plans and speciliTheatre V Or cations are now on file in the office of the wars who made ,the supreme sacrifice, , j Borough Engineers and in the oniee of t-Jiewill again be held this Memorial Day, "The Lash," Waxner Brothers. Rich- p O R SALE—'Several 4 b u m p r ,o- n = ! !B c v o u ~ 1 ' Clerk of the Borough of Hilisdale. at the Camp Merritt Memorial Monu- ard Bartheimess, Marion Nixon, Mary ment, Cresskill, on a n even more ex- Astor and: James Rennie. An interest^r=st and expense of said improvements shaU assessed as-ainst the abutting riroperty in tensive scale than Iheretofore,; and will ing story of California, after the Mex- FOR SALE — Sand, crushed stone, be accordance with the benefits received -as p r o be participated in toy all veterans, fravided by the Statutes of the State of Nr—gravel for driveways. ican War, showing the hatred that exJaeobsen Bros., —in— —-and— ' " , Jersey, and the balance, if any. shall be p.-iiif ternal and patriotic organizations as isted between the Americans and thePark'Ridge. Tel. 397. (16-19 for by general taxation: • well as thousands of Bergen County Spaniards. Richard Barthelmess plays 4. There is hereby appropriated the suiti oi" "INSPIRATION" RICHARD BARTHEtMESS residents. the part of Pancho, a grandee, who: .—with— —in— ^ ^ ^ aSerld LIFE INSURANCE AUBREY E. GREEN , 5-ACTS-5 VAUDEVILLE - T I - 1 - T t • T ^ - * • • . * • i « j i i i i * ^ t,uiL ii.-^**MC aL Lilies JIILCXaC^LlUil 1.H GRETA GARBO *£» "THE LASH" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY 'DISHONORED' —with— THURSDAY DOROTHY MACKAHX —in— "ONCE A SINNER" —and— - —and— A GREAT REVIVAL MAURICE CHEVALIER Victor McLaglen "Innocents of Paris" Maiiene Dietrich of un-p nrovements; which said sum shall be raiscl Great State's Early Name bv the iRsi'Mnee f'om time to time during thWisconsin derived its name from scrupulous land agents. Family audicourse of the said improvements of teKinoT.ii-Virginia's Infancy loan notes or bonds, to run for a period - * the principal river, named Mascon^in ence. t,rr— - , , * i-mtre*- than that permitted by law. When the Mayflower reached Ply- and by Pere Marquette, translated "wild shall bear interest at a rate not exceedi"-" per cent, per annum, in accordance w i t s month in 1620 there were between six rushing channel." The present spellthe Statutes of the State of New Jersey in Beware! 1,250 and 2,200 English in Virginia, such, case made and provided: ing: is derived from a misprint. All "Danger lurks in the use of the fam- according to various estimates. Paul All other matters relating to the sale ami early French documents have Ouis"sii-nce K «aid temporary loin notra or ily towel," warns government health .consing or Misf-nnKinc-. Wilstacli, In his "Tidewater Virginia," H not otherwise provided" for Dy resoiti^ offiqials. But everyone knows even says the 1,250 estimate is probably bonds, "_. £ . „ b _, Hef--vn,inPd bv the Mayor Bbr°Hf, h . c , Ierk andB nCollector <if the Boroueh n f more danger l;irte in the use of t i e nrneh npfirer rnrrppt. lv -2 • , 1 . a 1 ' s m the same and affix : Robt. Montgomery •"' — i n — family gnwt t<iw>! .. ;:' v One Point of View Sunshine is delicious; rain is refreshing; wind braces us up; snow is exhilarating; there is realiy no such thins: as had weather—only different kinds of weather. .-.-.- .. . ui; di!m£?el!,; ii .old days nsert to- 1)« ..t";^!?jsiivoiy affair. Nnw it tins .to, v.:.. dose in ail sorts uf places.—Sr.lws .ikpe Sentiriei. Age of Soldzerj According .to statistics rompiletl hy the Veterans', bureau, out of TiM.OOO United States officers and enlisted mep serving in the--World war, (he average age w a s 24.9") ypwrs. tln~ 'Bo-oiigh Real thereto. *• This ord'*pf"cp shall take pfTeet wJu»n parsed and pnblisIW as r«qu>--pd ft" la-"By order of +h<> Borough Council o r ' Urn Borough of HjH<j«in,le WILLIAM W. • (SEAL) sstr.50-