Performing Arts Market in Seoul 2006
Performing Arts Market in Seoul 2006
Performing Arts Market in Seoul 2006 October.11-14 Performing Arts Market in Seoul 2006 October. 11-14 Arko Arts Theater Arko Art Center, Daehangno District Secretariat of Performing Arts Market in Seoul Marronnier bldg. 4F 5F, 1-100 Dongsung-dong Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-809, Korea Tel. +82-(0)2-745-5971 Fax. +82-(0)2-744-3471 Email. [email protected] 와 함께 하는 2006 서울국제공연예술제 THE 6TH SEOUL PERFORMING ARTS FESTIVAL 2006.10.7-10.29 02-766-0228, 0298 아르코예술극장|서강대학교메리홀|드라마센터|국립극장해오름극장 동덕여자대학교공연예술센터|마로니에공원외 주최 주관| 서울국제공연예술제 후원| 협력| 협찬| 한국공연예술축제협의회 서울연극협회 EBS 서울평양연극제 추진위원회 한국연극평론가협회 한국춤평론가회 서울국제즉흥춤축제 사무국 한국춤정책연구소 전국소공연장연합회 한국사보협회 THEATER THE OTHER 한국브레이트학회 예매|인터파크 티켓링크 사랑티켓 아르코예술극장 홈페이지 Painted by Kim Jung Wook 주한 벨기에대사관 망우청소년수련관 (사)대학로문화발전위원회 주한 이스라엘대사관 Performing Arts Market in Seoul 2006 art beat in seoul Information Performing Arts Market in Seoul 2006 Organization art beat in Seoul ● President, 2006 Board of Directors ● Members, 2006 Board of Directors Chul-lee Kim | Artistic Director | Seoul Performing Arts Festival Jong-ho Lee | Artistic Director | SIDance (Seoul International Dance Festival) Performing Arts Market in Seoul (PAMS) was launched in 2005 to build a platform for effective promotion of Korea's performing arts groups in domestic and international arenas. The 2nd edition of Performing Arts Market in Seoul is held in Daehangno district, which is one of the most vibrant areas in Seoul, buzzing with the energy of Korea performing arts. PAMS 2006 is mostly designed to introduce dynamic and diverse currency of Korean performing arts along with PAMS Choice performances selected for their artistic quality, accomplishments, creativity and, most of all, contemporariness. Booth Exhibitions Gyu Seog Lee | President | Korea Arts Management Service Ja Hung Koo | Chairman | Korean BESETO Committee of the BESETO Theatre Festival Jung-Suk Kwack | Secretarial General | National Association of Cultural & Arts Center Shin-Eui Park | Committee Member | Arts Council Korea Byung-Kwon Lee | Executive Director | Korean Business Council for the Arts In-Joo Chang | Dance Columnist Chin-A Lee | Theater Critic | AITC-Korea Jay-youn Joo | Managing Director | Nanjang Cultures, Inc. S. Kyu Choi | Deputy Artistic Director | Chuncheon International Mime Festival Main programs of PAMS 2006 include Booth Exhibitions which performing arts companies and organizations run promotion, Showcases of selected works as PAMS Choice 2006 from Korea and of overseas performing groups from Japan and Mexico. Seminars and forums are events where you can get information on currency of international performing arts markets and networks. PAMS 2006 Orientation and PT(PromoTe yourself), such casual receptions with meetings as opening events, lunch meetings and closing party will provide opportunities for intimate networking between participants. ● Secretary In Gyo Shin | Arts Promotion Division, Arts Bureau, Ministry of Culture and Tourism ● Secretariat of Performing Arts Market in Seoul PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Jin-Sik Lee | Director | Arts Promotion Division, Arts Bureau, Ministry of Culture and Tourism Specifically, PAMS Choice Showcases are trial performance stages for 29 chosen performances as PAMS Choice that will intensively show diverse, dynamic, and concurrent performing arts of Korea. PAMS Choice also reflect creative infrastructure of Korean performing arts where approximately 1,508 performing arts companies and groups produce and stage 7,419 works in present Korea (based on the statistics from Research on Korean Performing Arts in 2005 released by the Ministry of Culture & Tourism (Korea) and Korea Culture and Tourism Policy). Secretary General | Jiyun Wie | Secretary General & Programs Programs | Jooyoung Koh | Coordinator of Programs | Min K. Shin | Coordinator of Programs Communications | So Yeon Kim | Director of Communications | So Jin Ju | Coordinator of Communications Seminar & Forum | Jin Bok Lee | Assistant Operations | Seok-Jo Chang | Director of Operations 2006 Programs of PAMS | Ji Woo Kim | Coordinator of Operations | Ju Young Park | Assistant Guest Relations | Bo Hyun Yoo | Director of Guest Relations | Rasun Park | Coordinator of Guest Relations | Jeong Hey Yun | Assistant | Shin- ae Kim | Assistant Program Venue Booth Exhibitions Arko Art Center |The 1st & 2nd Gallery PAMS Choice & Arko Arts Theater|Large & Small Theater, SSTheater, HOAM Art Hall, LIG Art Hall, Overseas Showcases Marronnier Park Seminars & Forum Somerset Palace Seoul|Seminar Room Performing Arts Market in Seoul Seminar I. Korea - Japan Exchanges in Performing Arts Other Event Seminar II. International Performing Arts Market hosted by PAMS 2006 Board of Directors Asia Performing Arts Forum organized by Other Events Arko Arts Theater|Large Theater & Lobby Opening Events l Opening Ceremony, Opening Showcase, Opening Reception supported by in association with The Korea Committee of the BeSeTo Theatre Festival PMC Daehangno JAU Theater Arko Art Center|Seminar Room PAMS 2006 Orientation Arko Art Center|the 1st Gallery PT (PromoTe yourself) Theater The Other|Cafe Lunch Meeting Somerset Palace Seoul|Bärlin Closing Party sponsored by 2 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 3 Contents 1 C o n t e n t s 1 06 PAMS 2006 Schedule 08 Tips for PAMS 2006 Booth Exhibition 12 Booth Exhibition - Map of The 1st Gallery 13 Booth Exhibition - Map of The 2nd Gallery The 1st Gallery 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Rootone-Full Monty l Pungmulsorisawy Extreme Romeo and Juliet l Dance-cal SA. CHOOM Gyeonggi Arts Center l MAGIC FOCUS Fusion Concert - Sympathy 21 l Domino Look Corporal Theatre Momggol l Creative Group NONI Total Theater Alice|Sungmin Hong l Noridan Canada Council for the Arts l Quebec on Stage-CINARS Hellenic Culture Organization l Mexico: Gateway to the Americas Japan Foundation l Tokyo Performing Arts Market l EAI INC. The National Drama Company of Korea l The National Canggeuk Company of Korea The National Dance Company of Korea l The National Orchestra of Korea The Beautiful World Theatre Company l The Prince Puzzle The Play of Art 21 - Halfmoon that rise in the daytime l ARIRANG Theatre Company Gogol Trilogy l Gyeonggi Provincial Theater Company showBT l Musical HWANG-JEENY BARIDEGI l Sadari Movement Laboratory Nottle Theatre Company l BeSeTo Theatre Festival Performance Group TUIDA l Theatre Moollee Yohangza Theatre Company l Baeksukwangbu BST Company l Street Theatre Troupe The 2nd Gallery 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 4 Asian Culture Hub City l National Association of Cultural & Arts Center Korean Business Council for the Arts l The 6th Seoul Performing Arts Festival Seoul International Dance Festival (SIDance) l Korea Arts Management Service The Forrest l Kang Eun Il Haegumplus Korean World Music Group O-Gam-do l Kore Hana Performing Arts Team CultureBiz l Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra Musical The Lower Depths l MUSICAL KID Ticket Issuing System l DB Musical Company STAFFSEOUL - Stage Technical Consulting l Performing Art Groups of Sejong Center Sejong Center for the Performing Arts l The Hanmoe ARAM Complex Chongdong Theater l Scan-The empty LIG Art Hall l Changmu Arts Center Seoul Ballet Company l Gyeonggi Provincial Dance Company Jung Je Man Dance Company l THE LITTLE ANGELS Universal Ballet l Seoul Ballet Theatre A-soon Dance Company l Trust Dance Company Dance Theatre ON l Lee Kyung-Ok Dance Company Hong Dance Company l Plastic Zoo Project Kim Yoon Jin Dance Company l WON Kim/Group Collaboration OR Sungsoo Ahn Pick-up Group l Dance Company The Body UBIN Dance l Lee K. Dance Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Contents 2 C o n t e n t s 2 PAMS Chocie & Overseas Showcases 56 PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 Beautiful Soul Mate - Street Theatre Troupe Gamoonjang - BST Company Green Bench - Baeksukwangbu Karma - Yohangza Theatre Company Lady Macbeth - Theatre Moollee The Return - Nottle Theatre Company The Tale of Haruk - Performance Group TUIDA Woyzeck - Sadari Movement Laboratory Ah Q - Dance Theatre ON Born Again - Trust Dance Company Circle-After the Other - A-soon Dance Company Cube - Plastic Zoo Project Hybrid - Hong Dance Company Janghwa Hongryun - Lee Kyung-Ok Dance Company Lost Children - Sungsoo Ahn Pick-up Company Shadows - Won Kim/Group Collaboration OR The Old Song Book - Kim Yoon Jin Dance Company The Two-Between - Lee K. Dance Trace - UBIN Dance Waiting Room II - Dance Company The Body Echo - The Forest Remembrance of Future - Kang Eun Il Haegumplus The Beginning of the Passion - Korean World Music Group O-Gam-Do Clay Play for Children - Domino Look Handcart, Overturned - Corporal Theatre Momggol Kok Du - Creative Group Noni Total Theater Alice - Sungmin Hong Wit & Beat - Noridan Hamutsun Serve (Japan) Hitoride Dekirumon (Japan) Na’rimbo (Mexico) Seminar & Forum 90 Seminar I. Korea-Japan Exchanges in Performing Arts 91 Seminar II. International Performing Arts Markets 92 Asian Performing Arts Forum Other Events 94 PAMS 2006 Orientation 95 PromoTe yourself 96 Opening Ceremony | Lunch Meeting | Closing Party Contents 5 PAMS 2006 Schedule October 11 Wednesday PAMS 2006 opens October 13 Friday 09:00∼18:00 Arko Art Center Registration 09:00∼18:00 Arko Art Center Registration 10:00∼18:00 Arko Art Center|The 1st & the 2nd Gallery Booth Exhibition 09:30∼12:00 Somerset Palace Seoul|Seminar Room 10:00∼12:00 Arko Art Center|Seminar Room PAMS 2006 Orientation Seminar II. International Performing Arts Markets 13:30∼15:30 Arko Arts Theater|Large Theater, Lobby Opening Events 10:00∼18:00 Arko Art Center|The 1st & the 2nd Gallery Booth Exhibition & PromoTe yourself 12:30∼13:30 Theater The Other Lunch Meeting 15:00∼15:30 SSTheater Korean World Music Group O-Gam-Do The Beginning of the Passion Opening Showcase - Trust Dance Company Born Again Opening Reception PAMS Choice Showcases PAMS Choice Showcase 16:00∼17:00 Arko Arts Theater|Large Theater A-soon Dance Company Circle-After the other Dance Theatre ON Ah Q 16:30∼17:30 SSTheater Baeksukwangbu Green Bench Nottle Theatre Company The Return (PT) 17:30∼18:30 Arko Arts Theater|Large Theater Sadari Movement Laboratory Woyzeck Yohangza Theatre Company Karma Street Theatre Troupe Beautiful Soul Mate 20:00 20:00 Arko Arts Theater|Large Theater Kim Yoon Jin Dance Company The Old Song Book HOAM Art Hall Sungsoo Ahn Pick-up Group Lost Children 19:00∼19:30 15:30∼16:00 16:30∼17:00 17:30∼18:30 Arko Arts Theater|Large Theater 20:00 LIG Art Hall Arko Arts Theater|Small Stage Arko Arts Theater|Small Stage Arko Arts Theater|Small Stage Dance Company The Body Waiting Roon II Performance Group TUIDA The Tale of Haruk Lee Kyung-Ok Dance Company Janghwa Hongryun UBIN Dance Trace Plastic Zoo Project Cube 09:00∼18:00 Arko Art Center Registration 09:30∼12:00 Somerset Palace Seoul|Seminar Room Asia Performing Arts Forum 10:00∼18:00 Arko Art Center|The 1st & the 2nd Gallery Booth Exhibition & PromoTe Yourself 15:00∼16:00 SSTheater Creative Group NONI Kok Du Domino Look Clay Play for Children (PT) PAMS Choice Showcases October 12 Thursday 6 October 14 Saturday 09:00∼18:00 Arko Art Center Registration 09:30∼12:00 Somerset Palace Seoul|Seminar Room Seminar I. Korea-Japan Exchanges in Performing Arts 16:30∼18:30 SSTheater 10:00∼18:00 Arko Art Center|The 1st & the 2nd Gallery Booth Exhibition & PromoTe yourself 12:30∼13:30 Lunch Meeting 18:00 20:00 Arko Arts Theater|Large Theater Theater The Other Marronnier Park BST Company Gamoonjang Theatre Moollee Lady Macbeth (PT) Corporal Theatre Momggol Handcart Overturned Kim Yoon Jin Dance Company The Old Song Book Sungmin Hong Total Theater Alice PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases 22:00 Somerset Palace Seoul|Bärlin Closing Party 15:00-16:00 Arko Arts Theater|Small Theater 16:30-17:30 Arko Arts Theater|Small Theater 15:30-16:00 16:30-17:00 17:30-18:00 18:30-19:00 20:00 SSTheater Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 SSTheater SSTheater SSTheater HOAM Art Hall Won Kim / Group Collaboration OR Shadows Lee. K Dance The Two - Between Hong Dance Company Hybrid Hamutsun Serve & Hitoride Dekirumon (Japan) Tokyo Mixed Style * It may subject to change. The Forest Echo Kang Eun Il Haegumplus Remembrance of Future Noridan Wit & Beat Na’ rimbo (Mexico) Sungsoo Ahn Pick-up Group Lost Children PAMS 2006 Schedule 7 Information Tips for PAMS 2006 ● PAMS Pass PAMS Pass Booth Exhibitor | Green Visitor | Yellow Guest | Gold Artist | Red Press | Purple Staff | Blue Pamsian | Pink Providing tables and chairs for business meetings Booth Exhibitions You must carry your PAMS Pass in order to go to venues of booth exhibitions, showcases and other operational facilities. PAMS Passes are issued on the Registration Desk in front of Arko Art Center (venue of booth exhibitions). Meeting Room Location | The 1st & 2nd Gallery at Arko Art Center Working Days & Hours | October 11-14, 10am till 6pm Mail Box Only for international delegates Location | The 2nd Gallery at Arko Art Center Working Days & Hours | October 11-14, 10am till 6pm Depository for Delegates’ Baggage Providing storage service for one day | charge of a service KRW 1,000 For the guest at the Somerset Palace Seoul with free delivery to guest rooms at Somerset Palace Seoul at 6:30pm Location | The 2nd Gallery at Arko Art Center ● PAMSIAN PAMSIAN wearing Blue T-Shirts and Pink PAMS Passes assists you with general information. Specifically, voluntary interpreters helps you communicate in English. ● Facilities PAMS Office (on-site)_Information & Supports PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases PAMSIAN serves as voluntaries supporting operations of PAMS 2006 events. Working Days & Hours | October 11-14, 10am till 6pm with payment Postal Service Location | front of Arko Art Center Working Days & Hours | October 14, 5pm to 7pm Shuttle Bus Circulating from Daehangno to Somerset Palace Seoul Location | October 11-14 Location | Front of Arko Arts Theater Working Days & Hours | October 11-14, 9am till 7pm Website for Other Information Registration Desk Airport Limousine | Location | Front of Arko Art Center Working Days & Hours | October 14, 5pm to 7pm Working Days & Hours | October 11-14, 9am till 6pm Tour, Accommodation, Restaurants & Bars (Seoul) | Bus (Seoul) | Seminar & Forum Tour & Accommodation (Korea) | Guests of Somerset Palace Seoul may use exclusively : Registration Desk on the ground of Somerset Palace Seoul Phone Number for Other Information Working Days & Hours |October 10-14, 9am till 6pm Tour Info | 1330 (Language Service) International Call | 001 or 002-(national code)-(local code)-(phone number) On-site Registration with payment Location | Outdoor Space in front of Arko Arts Theater Working Days & Hours | October 11-14, 9am till 6pm Information Desk Location | PAMS Office (on-site), Arko Art Center, Arko Arts Theater, SSTheater & Somerset Palace Seoul Working Days & Hours | October 11-14, 9am till 7pm Other Event NOTICE Information Desk in showcases venues Working Days & Hours | one hour before and after showcases Press Center Providing press packets, a phone and computers with wired internet connection 8 3 Showcases of The Old Song Book, Cube and Lost Children are needed to make a ticket reservation and pay but discounts are available with your PAMS Pass. The Old Song Book Location | The 1st floor at Theater The Other Cube & Lost Children KRW 5,000 Off Working Days & Hours | October 11-14, 10am till 6pm 10% Off Seat Availability Info & Ticket Reservation Tel. +82-2-6406-3306 Seat Availability info & Ticket Reservation Tel. +82-2-3215-1185 Or buy tickets with your credit card at (Click Enlish on the top) Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Tips for PAMS 2006 9 Performing Arts Market in Seoul 2006 Arko Art Centerㅣ The 1st & the 2nd Gallery Boot h Exhibitors PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcase S e m i n a rs & Fo r u m Ot her Events 10 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Booth Exhibitions Information Booth Exhibitions October 11 Wednesday - 14 Saturday 10am~6pm | Arko Art Center, the 1st & 2nd Gallery The 1st Gallery The 2nd Gallery Booth Exhibitions by Theater, Multi-disciplinary Arts and others Information Desk PT Area Meeting Room Booth Exhibitions by Dance, Music and others Information Desk Meeting Room Booth Exhibitions Arts Organizations and performing arts companies of various genres inform their missions, activities and rosters to domestic and international delegates of PAMS 2006. It is a place for marketing and exchanges of resources where they hand out promotional materials and proceed negotiation with interested presenters. PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases 19 20 21 12 Name of Booth ROOTONE - Full Monty Pungmulsorisawy Extreme Romeo and Juliet Dance-cal SA. CHOOM Gyeonggi Arts Center MAGIC FOCUS Fusion Concert - Sympathy 21 Domino Look Corporal Theatre Momggol Creative Group NONI Total Theater Alice|Sungmin Hong Noridan Canada Council for the Arts Canada Council for the Arts Quebec on Stage-CINARS Hellenic Culture Organization Mexico: Gateway to the Americas Japan Foundation / Tokyo Performing Arts Market EAI INC. The National Drama Company of Korea / The National Canggeuk Company of Korea The National Dance Company of Korea / The National Orchestra of Korea Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 NO 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Name of Booth The Beautiful World Theatre Company The Prince Puzzle The Play of Art 21 - Halfmoon that rise in the daytime ARIRANG Theatre Company Gogol Trilogy Gyeonggi Provincial Theater Company showBT Musical HWANG-JEENY BARIDEGI Sadari Movement Laboratory Nottle Theatre Company BeSeTo Theatre Festival Performance Group TUIDA Theatre Moollee Yonhangza Theatre Company Baeksukwangbu BST Company Street Theatre Troupe NO Name of Booth NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Asian Culture Hub City National Association of Cultural & Arts Center National Association of Cultural & Arts Center Korean Business Council for the Arts The 6th Seoul Performing Arts Festival Seoul International Dance Festival (SIDance) Korea Arts Management Service The Forrest Kang Eun Il Haegumplus Korean World Music Group O-Gam-do Kore Hana Performing Arts Team CultureBiz Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra Musical The Lower Depths MUSICAL KID 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Ticket Issuing System DB Musical Company STAFFSEOUL - Stage Technical Consulting Performing Art Groups of Sejong Center Sejong Center for the Performing Arts The Hanmoe ARAM Complex Chongdong Theater Scan - The empty LIG Art Hall Name of Booth Changmu Arts Center Seoul Ballet Company Gyeonggi Provincial Dance Company Jung Je Man Dance Company THE LITTLE ANGELS Universal Ballet Seoul Ballet Theatre A-soon Dance Company Trust Dance Company Dance Theatre ON Lee Kyung-Ok Dance Company Hong Dance Company Plastic Zoo Project Kim Yoon Jin Dance Company Won Kim/Group Collaboration OR Sungsoo Ahn Pick-up Group Dance Company The Body UBIN Dance Lee K. Dance Other Event 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Seminar & Forum NO Booth Exhibitions 13 루트원-풀몬티 익스트림 로미오와 줄리엣 In the year 2000, Theatrical Company Ensemble started its career as NG Ensemble. It was originally a cultural project group, but now it has become a professional production company for creating performances. Theatrical Company Ensemble shows many performances from small-theater plays to large-theater performances. Its boundary is verbal plays, musicals and some new performances. It has been holding the“Two-Men-Play festival”every year since 2000, and their main repertories are musical‘CUBIX’ s Big Adventure’ , scientific musical ‘Weather Adventure of Pandora’ , and‘Extreme [Romeo and Juliet]’ ,‘Tango’and‘les chaises and El Ballet de Buby Baton’ . 1 3 Contact Contact Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.3 Signboard | Extreme Romeo and Juliet Representatives | Jin Man Kim / President Contact Person | Gye Young Lee / Vice Representative Address | #267, Samseon-dong 5(o)-ga, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-045, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-921-3110 Fax | +82-(0)2-921-3110 Email | [email protected] Website | 풍물소리사위 댄스컬 사랑하면 춤을 춰라 Contact Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.2 Signboard | Pungmulsorisawy Representatives | Deok Hyun Park / President Contact Person | Min Jung Woo / Planner Address | #601, Kyeong-won Bldg., 5-29, Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-100, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-516-1540 Fax | +82-(0)2-516-3776 Email | [email protected] 14 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 The only Language that surpasses time and space... Dance! ‘SA.CHOOM’ is a performance that doesn’t use any vocal language. This dance is used as a means to express the emotions of birth, growth, and love. Rather than playing with words and inducing intelligent reasoning, ‘SA.CHOOM’ delightfully harmonize the many genre of dance such as Hip-Hop, Jazz, Modern, Break-dance, and Pop-dance into a simple story.During 100 minutes of a breathtaking show, the audience will be engulfed by explosive festival, composed of pleasure and fun. Aiming for global sympathy, it is a well thought out experiment that created the new genre called Dance-cal with the skeletal structure of a musical eliminating the vocal language. Other Event 2 Seminar & Forum Based on Korean traditional music, Pungmulsorisawy has strived to originate a new way of performance through vigorous cultural exchange with other types of art forms such as a dance or a play as well as to succeed and develop Korean traditional music and art. In addition, it has played prominent activities contributing not only to the growth of local cultures but also to the education and popularity of Korean traditional culture both home and abroad. Dance-cal SA.CHOOM PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.1 Signboard | ROOTONE-Full Monty Representatives | Ho Choi / President Contact Person | Hyun Jong Kim / Assistant Manager Address | #403, Isoniplaza Bldg., 609, Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-894, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-516-1501 Fax | +82-(0)2-516-0510 Email | [email protected] Website | Pungmulsorisawy Booth Exhibitions Rootone has developed a new way focused on 다양한 어린이 performance by introducing a brand-new type of multigenre project consisting of performance, movie and music. Currently working with a cultural contents specialist, Rootone are planning and producing with professionals who have unique creativity in their field such as writers, producers, composers and artists. Rootone creates a profit model of high value-added products of entertainment as well as making realistic products through business analysis and execution of images and dreams. Extreme Romeo and Juliet Information ROOTONE-Full Monty 4 Contact Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.4 Signboard | Dance-cal SA.CHOOM Representatives | Gwang Il Choi / President Contact Person | Hye Jin Kim / Producer Address | #1-131, B1 Yuri Bldg., Dongsung-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-809, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-2128-7616 Fax | +82-(0)2-6008-7105 Email | [email protected] Website | Booth Exhibions 15 경기도문화의전당 퓨전콘서트 공감21 5 Contact The Korean Traditional Percussion Institute was established in 1996 with the aim of diffusing the originality and excellence of rhythm, inheriting and developing traditional Korean percussion music, and studying it systematically and academically. All members majored in Korean traditional music and dance, and through systematic and professional education, won first prize at competitions such as the 10th Seoul Traditional Music Competition and the All-Korea Nongak Competition. The percussion group has also participated in various international events such as HDQ of United Nations in New York, Spain, Japan, Israel, Sri Lanka, Mongolia and Malaysia. The group have also performed 500 times such venues in Korea as Chongdong Theater, National Theater of Korea and Gyeonggi Provincial Art Center. 7 Contact 매직 포커스 도미노 룩 Seminar & Forum Pyong Kuk Chong leads Magic Focus which was established in 2001 and has successfully presented Advanced Magic Concert of the Summer Night since Arts Council Korea selected it as Nationwide Touring Works for the Cultural Estranged. The company also presents educational program using Magic as a method and the program was selected as Choice by National Association of Cultural and Arts Centers. The company has made more artistic and entertaining works for broad audiences, new style of performances, and grown as one of the leading performing groups of Korea Domino Look PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.7 Signboard | Fusion Concert - Sympathy 21 Representatives | Seung Hwan Bang / President Contact Person | Jeong Hui Kim / Manager and Performer Address | #180-22, Bugahyeon-3dong, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 120-193, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-313-5447 Fax | +82-(0)2-364-5693 Email | [email protected] Website | Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.5 Signboard | Gyeonggi Arts Center Representatives | In Gun Park / President Contact Person | You Ri Son / Staff Performance Planning Team, Jae Hoon Shim/Staff, Performance Planning Team Address | #1117, Ingye-dong, Paldal-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do 442-835, Korea Tel | +82-(0)31-230-3264 Fax | +82-(0)31-230-3275 Email | [email protected] Website | MAGIC FOCUS Booth Exhibitions Gyeonggi Arts Center, which had served to develop the arts and culture for Gyeonggi provincial residents since 1991, has transformed into the Gyeonggi Arts Center Foundation in June, 2004. The center carefully selects performances and exhibitions both domestic and international, and plans a variety of cultural and art events in order to create a space where audience can feel and enjoy live cultural events. The center operates with 4 resident art companies including Gyeonggido Drama Company, Gyeonggido Korean Dance Company, Gyeonggido Korean Music Orchestra and Gyeonggido Philharmonic Orchestra. Each year, companies hold regular and special performances and invite renowned foreign artists and trainers to improve their capacity. Fusion Concert - Sympathy 21 Information Gyeonggi Arts Center Established in 2006 by Young Ran Lee, Domino Look has created The Object Theatre, an unique concept of art, where they pushed the boundaries of puppet shows, statue exhibitions and stage performances. Especially, it has been giving great opportunities for children to engage in fun activities with various materials such as clay, flour, lights and water to nurture their imagination and creativity. Other Event PT | Oct. 14 Sat. 3:30pm~4pm | SSTheater 6 Contact Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.6 Signboard | MAGIC FOCUS Representatives | Pyong Kuk Chong / President Contact Person | Sung Kwon Choi / General Manager Address | 1F #698-7, Seoksa-dong, Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do 200-936, Korea Tel | +82-(0)33-262-8295 Fax | +82-(0)33-262-8298 Email | [email protected] Website | 16 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 8 Contact Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.8 Signboard | Domino Look Representatives | Young Lan Lee / President Contact Person | Sun Young Go Address | 226-90, Seongbuk 2(i)-dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-824, Korea, Tel | +82-(0)16-348-7302 Email | [email protected] Website | Booth Exhibions 17 코포럴 씨어터 몸꼴 토탈씨어터 앨리스/홍성민 Established in 2002, the company has awaken us to realize the great importance of physical acting to maximize the use of different human body parts and visual images by minimizing the use of verbal words. It also opened up the new experimental world of imagination, using free body movements and various objects. ‘Orpheus’ by Corporal Theatre Momggol was selected as one of the PAMS Choice 2005 performances. Total Theater Alice/Sungmin Hong Booth Exhibitions Sungmin Hong, a media artist, is a professor in the Department of Time Arts at Kaywon School of Arts and Design. He has worked with various artists from different fields including theatre, dance, music and visual arts. He stirred many sensations and applause from both of art professionals and audiences when he first presented Total Theater Alice in Ssamziegil, a fascinating shopping and art center in 2005 to cover all its indoor and outdoor space as the performing stage. Since then, he has contributed himself to the minor theatre performances as well as big major ones including Gwangju and Busan Bienalles. Full-length Performance | Oct. 14 Sat. 8pm | Marronnier Park Showcase | Oct. 14 Sat. 5:30pm~6pm | SSTheater 9 11 Contact Contact Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.11 Signboard | Total Theater Alice / Sungmin Hong Representatives | Sungmin Hong / President Contact Person | Say-ok Lee Address | Department of Time Art, Kaywon School Of Art And Design, San 125, Naesondong, Uiwang-si, Gyeonggi-do 437-712, Korea Tel | +82-(0)11-9610-646 Email | [email protected] Website | Creative Group NONI 창작그룹 노니 노리단 Showcase | Oct. 12 Thur. 5:30pm~6pm | SSTheater 10 18 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Other Event With its main concept of that anything can be instruments, this ecological music performance group has provided constant pleasures and live energy from adopting new attempts of recycling nature and culture since 2004. It recycles industrial wastes such as old car wheels and PE pipes to convert them to musical instruments, which is environmental friendly. Noridan’s professional performing team consists of 30 members in a wide range of ages from nine to forty. The group was based the Haja Center, The Seoul Youth Factory for Alternative Culture but now has independently run 3 professional performing teams as its branch. It is spreading its environmental friendly themed-arts through various performances and activities. Showcase | Oct. 14 Sat. 3pm~3:30pm | SSTheater Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.10 Signboard | Creative Group NONI Representatives | Kyung Hee Kim / President Contact Person | Hyun Ju Sim / Manager Address | #605, Woojung Plaza, 760-3 Singok-dong, Uijeongbu-si, Kyunggi-do 480-070, Korea Tel | +82-(0)31-853-4881 Fax | +82-(0)31-853-4886 Email | [email protected] Seminar & Forum Creative Group NONI was formed with the graduates from the Korean National University of Arts, who had majored in Performing arts & stage design. All the members have profound understanding in wide range of traditional cultures including dance and music. Creative Group NONI has also widened its artistic capacities to create unique collaborations between traditional performances and various modern methods while bringing out the best of Korean arts. Noridan PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.9 Signboard | Corporal Theatre Momggol Representatives | Jong Yeon Yoon / President Contact Person | Myung Hwa Shin / Artistic Manager Address | 3rd Fl. Momggol Studio, 54-46, Mullae-dong 3(sam)-ga, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul 150-093, Korea, Tel | +82-(0)2-2636-4861 Fax | +82-(0)2-2636-4861 Email | [email protected] Website | Contact Information Corporal Theatre Momggol 12 Contact Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.12 Signboard | Noridan Representatives | Jong Whee Kim / President Contact Person | Miya Shin Address | #106, Haja Center, 57, Yeongdeungpo-dong 7-ga, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul 150-137, Korea, Tel | +82-(0)2-2677-9200 Fax | +82-(0)2-2679-9300 Email | [email protected] Website | Booth Exhibions 19 캐나다 예술위원회 헬레닉 문화기구 The role of the Canada Council for the Arts is to foster and promote the study and enjoyment of, and the production of works in, the arts. To fulfill this mandate, the Council offers a broad range of grants and services to professional Canadian artists and arts organizations in dance, interdisciplinary and performance arts, media arts, music, theatre, visual arts, and writing and publishing. Catherine LaPointe (Boulev’ art) | Jim Smith (Eponymous) | John Lambert (John Lambert & Associates) | Krystyna Cappello (Kids’ Entertainement) | Colin McIntyre (McIntye International Arts Management) | Louise Dubeau (Diagramme Gestion culturelle) | Menno Plukker (Menno Plukker Theatre Agent) | Norman Armour (PuSH International Performing Arts Festival) 14 16 Contact Contact Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.16 Signboard | Hellenic Culture Organization Contact Person | Yiannis Kolotouras Address | 42, BOUBOULINAS str. ATHENS ATHENS GREECE, 106 82 Tel | +30-210-88-94-909 Fax | +30-210-88-94-955 Email | [email protected] Website | Quebec on Stage - CINARS 시나르 멕시코 게이트웨이 Patrice Saint-Pierre’ DynamO Theatre’ Marketing Director | Paul Tanguay’ Compagnie Marie Chouinard’ Director | Roger Lacroix’ Internationa’ Arts Management’ Agent | Tina Diab’ Les 7 Doigts de la Main | Business Development Manager Franz Schulle’ Dobacaracol Band Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.15 Signboard | Quebec on Stage - CINARS Contact Person | Alain Pare Address | 3575 ST-LAURENT SUITE 216 MONTREAL QUEBEC CANADA, H2X 2T7 Tel | +514-842-5866 Fax | +514-843-3168 Email | [email protected] Website | 20 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Mexico: Gateway to the Americas is a biannual cultural initiative, which brings together ideas, resources and people to create greater opportunities for the music, theater, and dance of the Americas within the hemisphere and internationally. Coordinated by Mexico’ s National Council for the Culture and the Arts, the National Fund for Culture and the Arts (FONCA), the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and the U.S. Mexico Foundation for Culture, Gateway will occur in New York City in January 2007, during the Association of Performing Arts Presenters Annual Conference. Other Event 15 Seminar & Forum The mission of CINARS is to promote cultural productions from the performing arts sector and strengthen their marketing, and business exchanges between producer and presenter organizations and to make Montreal an international focal point for the performing arts. Mexico: Gateway to the Americas PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.13, 14 Signboard | Canada Council for the Arts Contact Person | Sandra Bender Address | 350 Albert Street, P.O. Box 1047 Ottawa Ontario Canada, K1P 5V8 Tel | +1-613-566-4414(ext 5272) Fax | +1-613-566-4390 Email | [email protected] Website | Contact Booth Exhibitions The Hellenic Culture Organization (H.C.O.) is a Societe Anonyme, supervised by the Ministry of Culture. Its operation commenced in 2000, with the objective being the promotion of the cultural heritage and the contemporary cultural resources of the country. The H.C.O., since its inception till the end of 2004 focused on the realization of the programme of the Cultural Olympiad, in cooperation with institutions, organizations and individuals, both from Greece and abroad. Re-assessing its goals after the completion of the Cultural Olympiad, the H.C.O. emerges as an outstanding institution for the support and promotion of the Greek Culture, reinforcing its presence in the international cultural environment, by highlighting the cultural reserves of the country. Elisabeth Comtois (Agence Station Bleue), Uriel Luft (Atmo Productions) | Marie- 13 Hellenic Culture Organization Information Canada Council for the Arts 17 Contact Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.17 Signboard | Mexico: Gateway to the Americas Contact Person | Mario Espinosa Ricalde Address | Hamburgo 115, Col. Juarez Mexico City Mexico, 06600 Tel | +52-55-12-53-90-31 Fax | +52-55-12-53-90-54 Email | [email protected] Website | Booth Exhibions 21 The National Drama Company of Korea 일본국제교류기금 / 동경예술견본시 18 The National Changgeuk Company of Korea The National Drama Company of Korea is the only national drama organization that was established with The National Theater of Korea in 1950. It has not only performed the main role of Korean modern drama history, but also made various stars of Korean playing art. Since its founding in 1962, the National Changgeuk Company of Korea has pursued the standardization and globalization of Changgeuk. By consistently staging both traditional performances and new plays based on tradition, it has made a vital contribution to the promotion of Changgeuk and diffusion of traditional Korean performance culture around the world. 20 The National Dance Company of Korea EAI 주식회사 국립무용단 / 국립국악관현악단 Functioning as the Cultural Bridge between East and West * On the Roster Opera “MAGIC FLUTE from KOREA” | The 5th New York International Choral Festival(Lincoln Center) | Eurydice Opera Festival of New York | Broadway in Paris, Dance & Singing Ensemble from France | Youssou N’Dour, African Hip Hop, Jazz and Soul | Cic Alfonso de Cuba, Dance Ensemble | Hungarian National Folk Dance Ensemble | Vietnamese National Folk Dance Ensemble | Glen Cortese, Conductor Julian Yu, Pianist Joanna Lawrynowicz, Pianist Lambroula Papas, Soprano Park Soo Kwan, Eastern Korean Folk Songs Contact Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.19 Signboard | EAI Inc. Contact Person | Sammy Choi Address | 252 East 204th Street Bronx NY USA, 10458 Tel | (NY) +1-718-220-5980, (Seoul) +82-(0)10-7755-9497 Fax | +1-718-367-3272 Email | [email protected] Website | Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 The National Dance Company of Korea (NDC), which was established in 1962, upholds Korean dance traditions, bases its spirit, sublimates its creative works in today’s wide range of arts and hopes that they will be able to continue with these aims. The National Dance Company has participated in various world festivals and made every effort to create dance productions that stand for Korea by playing periodical performances, performances for teenager, and performances for national events. Established in 1995, The National Orchestra Company of Korea has attempted to accomplish the popularity and globalization of Korean traditional music through various efforts, such as creating new styles of traditional music and improving traditional instruments. 21 Other Event 19 Seminar & Forum * Our Mission The National Orchestra of Korea PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.18 Signboard | Japan Foundation / Tokyo Performing Arts Market Contact Person | Hiromi Maruoka Address | 3-1-2-3F, Ebisu-Minami, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 150-0022 Tel | +81-3-5724-4660 Fax | +81-3-5724-4661 Email | [email protected] Website | 22 Contact Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.20 Signboard | The National Drama Company of Korea / The National Changgeuk Company of Korea Representatives | Tae Suk Oh / Art Director (The National Drama Company of Korea) Young Dai You / Art Director (The National Changgeuk Company of Korea) Contact Person | Young Joo Bae / Performance Programing Division Address | San 14-67, Jangchung-dong 2(i)-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul 100 -857, Korea, Tel | +82-(0)2-2280-4115 Fax | +82-(0)2-2280-4009 Email | [email protected] Website | Contact EAI Inc. Booth Exhibitions Tokyo Performing Arts Market (TPAM) is one of the major arts markets around the world, and will celebrate its 11th meeting in 2007. Since it’s inception in 1995, TPAM has been designed to be an ideal place to distribute works of performing arts including theater, dance, music, and other mixed art forms by gathering national and international theater practitioners and introducing emerging artists in a unique and innovative way. The Japan Foundation, one of the TPAM organizers, was established in 1972 as a special legal entity to undertake international cultural exchange. the organizational structures consist of promotion of cultural and arts exchange, promotion of overseas Japanese-language education, promotion of overseas Japanese studies and intellectual exchange and support of collection and provision of international exchange. 국립극단 / 국립창극단 Information Japan Foundation / Tokyo Performing Arts Market Contact Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.21 Signboard | The National Dance Company of Korea / The National Orchestra of Korea Representatives | Jung Hye Bae / Art Director (The National Dance Company of Korea) Byung Ki Hwang / Art Director (The National Orchestra Company of Korea) Contact Person | Young Joo Bae / Performance Programming Division Address | San 14-67, Jangchung-dong 2(i)-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul 100 -857, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-2280-4115 Fax | +82-(0)2-2280-4009 Email | [email protected] Website | Booth Exhibions 23 극단 아름다운세상 The play of art 21 - Halfmoon that rise in the daytime The Play of Art 21 is so extreme that they sell out in original work performances and re-creation performances in no time. With supervisors who gather intent of each field cooperation creation do by knowing form work make. Main target of importance to The Play of Art 21 is the theme of family. Family play now that undergo a change to society of family center form, breaking conversation analysis differing with eye-level through play, we think that it is an important culture industry that lead interlocution of combination furthermore. The world that The Play of Art 21 dreams of is a world in which the father, mother, and child can talk together and laugh, and is amused and will see us perform again through the family play. 22 24 Contact Contact Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.24 Signboard | The play of art 21 - Halfmoon that rise in the daytime Representatives | Young Jun Jeon / President Contact Person | Hyun Joo Jang / manager Address | #52-35, Gocheok-1dong, Guro-gu, Seoul 158-824, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-2681-4781 Fax | +82-(0)2-2681-4744 Email | [email protected] Website | www. 왕세자 실종사건 극단 아리랑 Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.23 Signboard | The Prince Puzzle Representatives | Yong Bae Kim / President Contact Person | Seok Jung Choi / Assistant Manager-Programming of Performing Arts Address | 2406, Nambu Soonwhan-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul 137-070, Korea, Tel | +82-(0)2-580-1244 Fax | +82-(0)2-580-1240 Email | [email protected] Website | 24 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 23 Since establishing in 1986, Arirang Theater Company has staged sound and original works with “Korean Identity”. In past years Arirang worked into people’s common thought and emotion to offer the audience a contemporary vision through joyous stages such as ‘Fire and Flower’, a Dancing Scarecrow, ‘Magic Zoo’ and ‘First Love’. Celebrating its 20th anniversary, Arirang intends to provide ‘future-oriented’ work, to young adolescents. Currently it has a large repertory including ‘Butterfly’, ‘JYY Project’, musical ‘the Watch’ and ‘Mr. Kim from Republic of Korea’. Other Event Contact Seminar & Forum ‘The Prince Puzzle’ is the 4th play of ‘Jayu Young Play Series’ presented and produced by Seoul Arts Center. ‘The Prince Puzzle’ shows the behavior of ourselves caring about our own interests than the essential matter of serious incidents, The writer Ah-reum Han and the director Jae-hyung Seo are two rising theatrical people in Korea and ‘The Prince Puzzle’ is the second play of the combination ‘Han Ah-reum’ and ‘Seo Jae-hyung’. You can feel a vivid stage through various visual and auditory images with repeated reflex techniques, fast and slow motion and live music play of percussion group ‘Gong Myung’. The Prince Puzzle is fun and touching, and also makes your upgraded fusion historical play. ARIRANG Theatre Company PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.22 Signboard | The Beautiful World Theatre Company Representatives | Eun Young Seo / President Contact Person | Won Young Jung / Planner Address | 91, Samseon-dong5(o)-ga, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-045, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-953-1245 Fax | +82-(0)2-926-1345 Email | [email protected] Website | The Prince Puzzle Booth Exhibitions The Beautiful World Theatre Company was established in October 2002 to present fun, exciting and educational performances in various genres to children to inspire them to cherish beautiful dreams in their heart. Its purpose is to provoke future hope for ‘children to recognize what we lose, what we forget, and the most precious is through the ‘stage’. The BWTC produces puppet, drama, musical, mime, and biblical drama that induce and satisfy children’s curiosity and open their heart to see beautiful world. The theatre group has created ‘The Treasure of the East’ and the puppet play ‘AgiDdongPul’, and was officially invited to Performing Arts Festival for Young Audiences Seoul 2004 and Puppet Festival Chuncheon 2003. 극단 21 - 낮에 나온 반달 Information The Beautiful World Theatre Company 25 Contact Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.25 Signboard | ARIRANG Theatre Company Representatives | Tea Won Kwon / President Contact Person | Soo Jin Kim / Creative Director Address | #14, Samseon-dong 2(i)-ga, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-042, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-741-5332 Fax | +82-(0)2-763-6055 Email | [email protected] Website | Booth Exhibions 25 고골 3부작 (주)쇼비티 The time of culture has begun. The most powerful culture contents which are invisible but able to lead the whole world are wriggling.‘Funky Funky’is one of the representatives of original Korean musicals which has given laughter and fun to over 150,000 audiences since October, 2003. The delightful and refreshing romantic comedy of show musical, the 2006‘Funky Funky’ produces big laughs from the audience. ‘Jack and His Magic Savings Box’ helps children to understand about the economy and realize the importance of saving. Show comedy a cappella,‘SHOWCOLLA’is also an initial performance which is totally different from other a capellas. 26 28 Contact 경기도립극단 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Standing Company Co. always prepares a performance, giving a touching moment for audiences, and often receive standing ovations from the audience who understand the big impression. As our first work, we have been preparing the musical‘HWANG-JEENY’for 3 years to present to our audiences. The musical ‘HWANG-JEENY’is a story of beautiful woman who sways the Joseon Dynasty period, and it has a very unique story. In‘HWANG-JEENY’, her innocent love and artistic soul will be expressed fantastically by analyzing her love and life in sharp contrast. We will show a new dimensions of Korean musical to the audience with mysticism style with the medium of songs and stage settings. Other Event 26 27 Musical HWANG-JEENY Seminar & Forum Gyeonggido Drama Company since its foundation in 1990, has done more than 50 regular performances and hundreds of national tours. In May 2004, Russian director Kouzine was invited to put a play titled ‘Inspector General’ on stage. In addition, director Tae Joon Jo’s ‘How Many Times Have the Cherry Blossoms Come and Gone’ and ‘Spring, Spring, Spring of Kim Yoo Jeong’ have been incorporated into the upgraded repertoire of the company which takes the lead in allowing Korean culture be better known to the global audience. In order to enhance competency the Company will also invite Valery Fokin, Russian director who won the most Golden Mask Awards of Russia and present the master piece of plays ‘The Marriage’ by Gogol. 뮤지컬 황진이 PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Gyeonggi Provincial Theater Company Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.27 Signboard | Gyeonggi Provincial Theater Company Representatives | Moon Soo Kim / President, Hyung Dong Cho / Artistic Director Contact Person | Jin Sook Lee / Drama Company Planner Address | #1117 Ingye-dong, Paldal-gu, Suwon, Gyeonggi-do 442-835, Korea Tel | +82-(0)31-2303-297 Fax | +82-(0)31-2303-275 Email | [email protected] Website | Contact Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.28 Signboard | showBT Representatives | Sung Han Geong / President Contact Person | Yong Hwan Geong / Performance Planning Team leader Address | 3,4,5F Unesco Bldg, 50-14, Myeong-dong 2(i)-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul 100-810, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-319-9880 Fax | +82-(0)2-319-9854 Email | [email protected] Website | Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.26 Signboard | Gogol Trilogy Representatives | Weon Cuk Kim / President Contact Person | Yune A Choi / Producer Address | #213-1, Samseon-dong 2(i)-ga, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-042, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-3673-2003 Fax | +82-(0)2-3673-2003 Email | [email protected] Website | Contact Booth Exhibitions Weon Cuk Kim is Director of Myungpum Thearical Company who is the first Korean director who made a debut in Moscow. Korean actors who most have been graduated from Russia and Russian staffs from Bernisagii Theater where Weon Cuk Kim worked as executive director are also joining. Through various festivals in Korea, The company has been introduced performances created in Bernisagii, Knyachev and Varagin studio and has made such a strong impression to spectators in Korea. Myungpum Theater Company has started its beginning in Korea since 2005. ‘Gogol Trilogy’ is a genuine repertory in korea and proceeds with Gogol’s other great stories, which surely will make a new trend of enjoying plays. showBT Information Gogol Trilogy 29 Contact Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.29 Signboard | Musical HWANG-JEENY Representatives | Sung Ju Kim / President Contact Person | Bo Kyung Lee / Planning Manager Address | #304, Hyoryong B/D, 984-3, Bangbae-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul 137-060, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-598-1110 Fax | +82-(0)2-523-3111 Email | [email protected] Website | www. Booth Exhibions 27 바리데기 극단 노뜰 NOTTLE, Founded in 1993. Not adhered only to the ‘Word’taking it for the sole and absolute theatrical language, lt tries to find a new form of‘universal’ language such as voice, contemporary dance, mime, percussion. Also, its repertories are full of spiritual insight into life, vibrant movement and a lot of unique imagination. Its artistic goal is not esoteric view or mysterious Orientalism but an accessible and sympathetic theatre. Its means wherever it visits, the audiences can communicate with the stage and share a universal truth beyond any distinction. Booth Exhibitions This drama company was established under the name of Theatre Kyungsung in October 1995, consisting of graduates of Kyungsung University majoring in theater and film. Later, the name was changed to present Busan Theater Production’s Dongneok in 1998 and has been involved in more active productions so far. Different from other companies with only one director, Dongneok has several directors and they create or choose works that are suitable for them. Experimental plays, environment plays, musicals and Korean traditional performances along with group creations have been created with partication of Excellent actors and actresses. Since its advanced into the international market in 2005, it is scheduled to tour through Tokyo, Osaka and Busan with a Korea-Japan joint production in 2006. Nottle Theatre Company Information BARIDEGI PT | Oct. 13 Fri. 5pm~5:30pm | SSTheater 30 32 Contact Contact Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.32 Signboard | Nottle Theatre Company Representatives | Young Oh Won Contact Person | Kyung Suk Baek / Producer Address | 389, Hooyong-ri, Munmack-eup, Wonju, Kangwon-do 220-804, Korea Tel | +82-(0)33-732-0827 Fax | +82-(0)33-732-2773 Email | [email protected] Website | Sadari Movement Laboratory 사다리움직임연구소 베세토연극제 Seminar & Forum BeSeTo Theatre Festival was set up in 1994, with the aims of encouraging creativity in performance arts, searching after identities and esthetic possibilities of the oriental theatre, and increasing mental and emotional understanding among Korea, China, and Japan to overcome their history of conflict through theatrical exchanges. The festival strives to provide the audience with opportunities to give thought to‘our lives’and‘the future of human beings’, together in the rapidly changing world with identification of the oriental theatre. Seminars and discussion meetings and international committee meeting takes place during the fastival peried with inivtaion of European theatrical people. Other Event In the search of new and progressive language for the future of the art. Sadari Movement Laboratory has won acclaim with its new and innovative experiments in modern Korean theatre. Especially, the company has presented symbolic figures on stage and created the imaginary space through an object-actor movement. By doing so, the company has aimed to provide the higher quality of performances to the contemporary audiences. Also, the company’s persistent and systematical trainings show that we greatly needs more new theatres as well as the new universal language, suitable to the modern stages. And, at the same time, it’s still trying to gain global interests and positive feedbacks towards Korean Performing arts. BeSeTo Theatre Festival Showcase | Oct. 11 Wed. 5:30pm~6pm | Arko Arts Theater|Large Theater 31 Contact Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.31 Signboard | Sadari Movement Laboratory Representatives | Do Wan Im Contact Person | Ji Sun Park / AsiaNow Producer Address | 16-148, Jeongneung-1dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-101, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-912-3094 Fax | +82-(0)2-912-3094 Email | [email protected] Website | 28 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.30 Signboard | BARIDEGI Representatives | Yong Hun Park / President Contact Person | Yu Hyun Kong / Planner & Marketer Address | #186-7, Gwangan2-dong, Suyoung-gu, Busan 613-805, Korea Tel | +82-(0)51-751-0858 Fax | +82-(0)51-751-0858 Email | [email protected] Website | 33 Contact Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.33 Signboard | BeSeTo Theatre Festival Representatives | Ja Hung Koo / President Contact Person | Jeong Hee Baek / Organizer Address | #303, 114-2 Hyehwa-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-530, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-755-5055 Fax | +82-(0)2-742-9875 Email | [email protected] Website | www. Booth Exhibions 29 공연창작집단 뛰다 극단 여행자 Yohangza Theatre Company is a young and promising Korean theatre group, established in 1997 by Jung Ung Yang, a writer / director. Winning the best production of year 2003 in the Cairo International Festival of Experimental Theatre as well as numerous local awards, its performances have struck the chord with both Korean and international audiences and have quickly gained a reputation for itself. Recently, its writer won S. Korea’s Best Young Playwriter of the Year Award. Also, in November 2003, the company were invited to Japan to perform their unique version of‘A midsummer Nights dream’. Reworking of existing Korean styles and themes infused with contemporary elements and driven by a thirst for another experiment is the key of Yohangza. Booth Exhibitions TUIDA performance group is already well-knowned for claiming 2 best prizes in Seoul Children’s Theatre Play Awards back in year 2002 and 2004, as well as having been invited to many local & overseas theatre festivals. Using the various objects including masks and puppets in their performances, it always delivers the new form of theatre, whether they bring out the theater to the audience or trying to make it more environmental friendly. It also runs under the strong community spirit with its policy of co-production, co-distribution and 100% agreement between members. Yohangza Theatre Company Showcase | Oct. 11 Wed. 6pm~6:30pm | Arko Arts Theater|Large Theater Showcase | Oct. 11 Wed. 4:30pm~5pm | Arko Arts Theater|Small Theater 34 36 Contact Contact Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.36 Signboard | Yohangza Theatre Company Representatives | Jung Ung Yang Contact Person | Ji Sun Park / AsiaNow Producer Address | #203, 33-95, Myoungryun-dong 1(il)-ga, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-521, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-3673-1390 Fax | +82-(0)2-3673-1392 Email | [email protected] Website | 극단 물리 극단 백수광부 Showcase | Oct. 13 Fri. 4:30pm~5pm | SSTheater 35 Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.35 Signboard | Theatre Moollee Representatives | Tae Sook Han Contact Person | Soo Hee Kim / Assistant Director & Stage Manager Address | #1-809, SamIk APT, 896, Dogok-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul 135-270, Korea Tel | +82-(0)11-9080-9159 Email | [email protected] 30 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Other Event In 1996, Seoung-Yeol Lee, a director, opened an experimental theatre company called Baeksukwangbu with young actors. The company has concentrated itself to create de-constructed play by body movements and improvisation, which resulted in ‘Good Morning Chekhov’ while the company has also worked on reconstruction of modern theatre languages, especially focusing on creating accurate realism. Also it has been successful with its unusual and serious stage settings. They have acclaimed so many prizes ‘Green Bench’-the New Director’ s Awards | ‘The story of a whale living in a fish bowl’-the New Director and the Best Prize of the Korean Play Organization| | ‘You are special’-the Best Actor/Actress of Korean Youth Theatre Festival and many. PT | Oct. 14 Wed. 5pm~5:30pm | SSTheater Contact Seminar & Forum As shown in its name“Moollee”which means the essence of every creation, the experimental theatre company“Moollee”aims to define and explain the principles and phenomenas of various things in this universe, originally formed by Tae Sook Han, a playwriter-director. It produced the first theatre work What happened to those sisters? in 1997. Since then, it has been officially invited to perform Lady Macbeth in 2002 Kontakt Festival and its Train For Xian has won four different major prizes in 2003 Dong-A Stage Theatre Awards as well. Until now, Moollee hasn’t stopped entertaining audiences every year with its own unique and experimental performances. Baeksukwangbu PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.34 Signboard | Performance Group TUIDA Representatives | Hye Ran Hwang Contact Person | Hyun Ju Shim Address | #605 Woojung Plaza, 760-3, Singok-dong, Uijeongbu-si, Gyeonggi-do 480-070, Korea Tel | +82-(0)31-853-4881 Fax | +82-(0)31-853-4886 Email | [email protected] Website | Theatre Moollee Information Performance Group TUIDA 37 Contact Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.37 Signboard | Baeksukwangbu Representatives | Seong Yeol Lee Contact Person | Sung Jin Yu Address | B1 Fl.,231-170, Norangjin 1(il)-dong, Dongjak-gu, Seoul 156-051, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-813-1674 Fax | +82-(0)2-813-1674 Email | [email protected] Booth Exhibions 31 BST Company 극단 북새통 It was established in 2002 with many helps of graduates from The Korean National University of Arts, which is the only place to major in the Children and Youth Theater Program. Believing the fact that children often learn the different aspects of life through their own dramatic plays, BST Company seeks for the culture in which the whole family can participate. BST Company encourages children to experience with creative dramas in art, enables children to witness theatre performances as the extended process of creative drama and explores various Korean legends and traditional games to meet creative drama with theatre performance. Showcase | Oct. 14 Sat. 4:30pm~5pm | SSTheater 38 Contact Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.38 Signboard | BST Company Representatives | In Woo Nam Contact Person | In Woo Nam Address | #332-677, Seokgwan-dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-150, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-969-3997 Fax | +82-(0)2-969-3998 Email | [email protected] Website | Street Theatre Troupe 연희단거리패 Established in Busan since 1986, Street Theatre Troupe has devoted itself to drag out the performing arts of theatre to expose it in open public areas, whether in Korea or overseas. They are always on the move and ready for any kind of outdoor performances. Thanks to its great live energy, its explosive vibes, intense movements and rhythmical mixture of traditional and new sounds, they are surely recognized as one of the unique and modern performers in Korea. Showcase | Oct. 11 Wed. 7pm~7:30pm | Arko Arts Theater|Large Theater 38 39 Contact Booth Number | 1st Gallery No.39 Signboard | Street Theatre Troupe Representatives | Mi Jeong Nam Contact Person | Sung Taek Oh Address | Miryang Theatre Village, 78, Gasan-ri, Bubuk-myeon, Miryang-si, Gyeongsangnam-do 627-851, Korea Tel | +82-(0)55-355-2308 Fax | +82-(0)55-355-4176 Email | [email protected] Website | 32 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 아시아문화중심도시 한국메세나협의회 Korean Business Council for the Arts (KOBCA), founded in 1994, is a national non-for-profit organization that brings business and arts together. It develops and advances mutual benefits between business and arts to increase international competitive power of Korean arts business. Booth Exhibitions Asian Culture Hub City Development Project has been promoted by the nations objective for balanced regional development and the needs for establishing a common cultural value of Asia. Asian Culture Hub City, Gwangju will become a model city for future city development through dynamic cultural exchanges with City residents and Asian arts professionals Asian Culture Hub City Project will progressively realize construction of 5 facilities. Among them, Asian Culture Complex is a core facility which will become a cultural headquarter for interchange, creation, research and education of Asian culture. Further more, it will evolve into the symbol of culturally developed Korea and the Culture City of Gwangju. Korean Business Council for the Arts 1 4 Contact Contact Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.4 Signboard | Korean Business Council for the Arts Representatives | Byeong Kwon Lee / Secretary General Contact Person | Hye Min Lee / Staff Address | 18th floor FKI B/D, 28-1, Yeouido-dong, Youngdungpo-gu, Seoul 150-756, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-784-1510 Fax | +82+(0)2-773-2853 Email | [email protected] Website | , National Association of Cultural & Arts Center 전국문예회관연합회 2006 서울국제공연예술제 Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.2 & 3 Signboard | National Association of Cultural & Arts Center Representatives | Yong-Bae Kim Contact Person | Hyun Ju Kim / Programming & Promotions Manager Address | 700, Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul 137-718, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-586-5991 Fax | +82-(0)2-586-5996 Email | [email protected] Website | 34 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Seoul Performing Arts Festival(SPAF) is an annual international performing arts festival held every autumn in Seoul. SPAF aims to establish an international performing arts market which will introduce and dynamically mediate contemporary artistic imaginations of the highest international reputation. SPAF recognizes the uniqueness of each individual performing arts genre. At the same time, SPAF actively supports innovative trends and values manifested through a powerful interactivity of different genres within a broader field of performing arts. Other Event 2 Seminar & Forum Since its establishment in November 1995, National Association of Cultural & Arts Center(NACAC) has contributed to development of local culture and arts by helping local cultural arts centers professionally and efficiently conduct their operations and nationwide expand arts markets. NACAC encourages its member arts centers to exchange information, co-work in holding events, educate employees, carry out surveys or research projects and share storage space for stage scenery, props and costumes. In addition, NACAC is looking for opportunities to exchanges with its counterparts from overseas. Specifically since 2004, the association has provided supports toward cultural arts activities for less privileged people through funds earned from lottery businesses. The 6th Seoul Performing Arts Festival PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.1 Signboard | Asian Culture Hub City Representatives | Ki Sook Son / Chairperson Contact Person | Eun Ha Ku / Researcher Address | 1-57, Sejongno, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-789, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-3704-3455 Fax | +82-(0)2-3704-3419, 3459 Email | [email protected] Website | Contact Information Asian Culture Hub City 3 5 Contact Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.5 Signboard | The 6th Seoul Performing Arts Festival Representatives | Jeong Ock Kim/ President Contact Person | Kyung Hwa Seo / Planning & Admin Team Address | Seokma B/D 4F, 1-89, Dongsung-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-809, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-3673-2561 Fax | +82-(0)2-745-7924 Email | [email protected] Website | Booth Exhibions 35 서울세계무용축제 The Forest The Forest, Traditional Cross-over band Founded in 2001, the Forest presents the unique sound and rhythms of Korean traditional music while pursuing a new-age music, using traditional instruments to create lyrical & pictorial music. With its first album released in Sep. 2002, the Forest has got 5 sold-out concerts under its name and have been performing continuously in many local festivals and various events. In June 2005, the band was invited to perform at the opening ceremony of the Asian Arts Mart (Singapore) and later that year, they also performed at“The Concert for Peace”held at the prestigious Lincoln Center in New York. Booth Exhibitions Seoul International Dance Festival (SIDance) has been hosted by CID-UNESCO Korea Chapter annually during Autumn at prestigious venues including Seoul Arts Center and Hoam Art Hall as a 4-week long event. SIDance has grown into the biggest and the most substantial dance festival in Korea since its establ is hment in 1998. Key dance figures from Europe and Asia including Jean-Claude Gallota, Philipe Decoupfle, Josef Nadj, Susanne Linke, Maurice Bejart, Inbal Pinto, Teshigawara Saburo, H. R. Chaos and Condors, were invited to SIDance and none of them ever failed to fascinate Korean audiences. The advanced operation skills and programming strategies are also major appeals of the festival. 퓨전국악그룹 The林(그림) Information Seoul International Dance Festival (SIDance) Showcase | Oct. 12 Thur. 3:30pm~4pm | SSTheater Contact 6 8 Contact Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.8 Signboard | The Forest Representatives | Chang Yool Shin Contact Person | Chang Yool Shin / Team Leader Address | B1 Fl., 255-10, Yangjae-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul 137-130, Korea Tel | +82-(0)16-418-2935 Fax | +82-(0)2-574-4013 Email | [email protected] Website | Korea Arts Management Service (재)예술경영지원센터 Kang Eun Il Haegumplus Kang Eun Il Haegumplus mixes several genres of arts with the sound of Haegum and other oriental &western instruments. It preserves a strong insight into the past of Korean music, which the band values, to create the better now & future music. This popular fusion group is also trying to re-discover the forgotten beauty of Korean traditional music. Through these works, they are eager to bring out the balance and harmony of old & new Korean music. Other Event Showcase | Oct. 12 Thur. 4:30pm~5pm | SSTheater Contact Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.7 Signboard | Korea Arts Management Service Representatives | Gyu Seog Lee / President Contact Person | Chan-Doo Kim(Director Reserach & Consulting) / Jin-Young Kim Address | Seoul Calligraphy Art Museum 3F, Seoul Arts Center, 700 Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul 137-718, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-525-9820 Fax | +82-(0)2-525-3085 Email | [email protected] / [email protected] Website | 36 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Seminar & Forum Korea Arts Management Service (KAMS) was established in January 2006 with support from Ministry of Culture and Tourism. KAMS offers multifaceted assistance for the purpose of bolstering the sustainability of arts groups and organizations, while strengthening their competitive advantages by developing diverse and effective support systems for more efficient arts management. KAMS enables performing arts companies in Korea to broaden their horizon and presence by evaluating their management strategy, offering consultant services, and expanding their market capability through innovative distribution networks in domestic and overseas markets. KAMS also started projects for developing Asian performing arts exchanges. 강은일 해금플러스 7 PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.6 Signboard | Seoul International Dance Festival (SIDance) Representatives | Jong Ho Lee / President Contact Person | Byeong Cheol Hwang / Manager, Planning Division Address | Rm 401, Buam Bldg., 208-42 Buam-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-817, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-3216-1185 Fax | +82-(0)2-3216-1187 Email | [email protected] Website | 9 Contact Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.9 Signboard | Kang Eun Il Haegumplus Representatives | Man Ju Han Contact Person | Tae Hoon Kim / Manager Address | B1F, Jeonglim Bld., 207, Poi-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-963, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-2058-1048 Fax | +82-(0)2-2058-1049 Email | [email protected] Website | Booth Exhibions 37 오감도 Established in 2003, O-Gam-Do is a renowned Korean world music group performing with modern electronic instruments (guitar, bass, drum and keyboard) and traditional instruments (Gayageum, Taepyongso, Geomungo, Piri, Janggo and others), based on Koreanstyled rhythms and melodies. It has 5 electronic players and 7 traditional players. 컬쳐비즈 CultureBiz Booth Exhibitions CultureBiz, the most competitive-professional arts management, is a leading company in Korea in a sense of developing contents and software programs in the culture and arts fields. CultureBiz is also establishing a balanced growth of software development and hardware system in Korean culture & arts market by introducing creative arts business strategies. It also strives to promote Korean musicians into foreign markets. CultureBiz has worked with Cho Piano Trio, Sookmyung Gayagum Orchestra, double bass ensemble MR. BASS, Gayagum player Jung-Sook Kang, Seoul Tutti Ensemble, and cello quartet Blue Clouds. Information Korean World Music Group O-Gam-Do Showcase | Oct. 13 Fri. 3pm~3:30pm | SSTheater 10 12 Contact Contact Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.12 Signboard | CultureBiz Representatives | Catherine Park / President Contact Person | Je Rim Yoo / Manager Address | #805, Sungji Building, 538, Dohwa-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul 121-743, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-701-4879 Fax | +82-(0)2-706-4879 Email | [email protected] Website | Kore Hana Performing Arts Team 겨레하나예술단 (재)서울시립교향악단 Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.11 Signboard | Kore Hana Performing Arts Team Representatives | Nak Hwan Song / President Contact Person | Hee Jin An / Manager Address | #707, CenturyB/D, 869-10, Bongcheon-dong, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 151-836, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-888-9797 Fax | +82-(0)2-888-3323 Email | [email protected] Website | 38 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 The Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, led by Artistic Director Myung-Whun Chung, is the most historic orchestra cherishing the longest and most important traditions of Western music in Korea estabiished in 1945. Under the baton of Maestro Chung, who began his tenure as Music Director in January 2006, the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra has taken a step forward to create a new sound filled with the spirit of music. The Orchestra also introduced a composer-in-residence program for the very first time in Korea. Renowned Grawemeyer winning composer UnSuk Chin was appointed as the Orchestra’s first resident composer to help broaden the repertoire in which musical traditions of the past and present meld into each other. Other Event 11 Contact Seminar & Forum Established in April, 2000. the Korea Hana Performing Arts Team’s aspiration is to unify Korean People From North and South, and to become friends with people all over the globe through their traditional arts and culture. The mystic and fascinating sounds are created by a hundred beautiful and stunning South Korean women in dazzling Korean traditional dresses, Han-Bok, and the beautiful but tear-jerking dance performances of a hundred purely beautiful and strong North Korean women. Throughout its performance of the team concert, the pain and the struggle are reborn as these beautiful performances. You will all be amazed by the beautiful dances and the fascinating and mysterious sounds that the musical scales of the piano could never make. Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.10 Signboard | Korean World Music Group O-Gam-Do Representatives | Tae Sang Ahn Contact Person | Inook Chang Address | 957-1, Seosin-dong, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do 560-170, Korea Tel | +82-(0)63-254-7842 Fax | +82-(0)63-278-9888 Email | [email protected] Website | 13 Contact Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.13 Signboard | Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra Representatives | Pal Seung Lee / President Contact Person | Jong Hyun Kim / PR & Marketing Dept. Address | 4F Sejong Center for the Performing Arts Artist Group B/D, 81-3, Sejongno, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-821, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-3700-6332 Fax | +82-(0)2-3700-6365 Email | [email protected] Website | Booth Exhibions 39 뮤지컬 밑바닥에서 티켓예매발권 시스템 Contact 14 Culturetech Korea, Inc. specializes in on-line ticket reservation and issuing systems. By providing state of the art technology enables an easier ticket-buying experience for customers and more efficient administration and marketing for administrators. Culturetech Korea, Inc. also distributes various ticket printers for the specific needs of their customers and can also provide customized paper tickets for organizations. Booth Exhibitions ‘The Lower Depth’ opened in 2005 drawing critical acclaim. The prolonged performance received public favor as an original musical when too many licensed musicals occupied the Korean musical scene. 2006 started with the establishment of Musical Company Openrun that presented a new version of ‘The Lower Depth with more profound interpretation and refurbished music. Musical Company Openrun and PARK YongJeon (producer, composer, & director) aim to create more original productions with a stronger expertise and competence, which hopefully will contribute to making the Korean musical scene more prosperous. 16 Contact Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.16 Signboard | Ticket Issuing System Representatives | DK Lim Contact Person | DK Lim / CEO Address | #1, 6F, 68-19, Chongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-100, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-3452-1100 Fax | +82-(0)2-3452-1100 Email | [email protected] Website | 뮤지컬 키드 동방뮤지컬컴퍼니 Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.15 Signboard | MUSICAL KID Representatives | Yoon Jeong Choi Contact Person | Justin Kim / Co-President Address | #1706 Paradise B/D, 159-6, Dongkyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul 121-816, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-333-4692 Fax | +82-(0)2-333-4637 Email | [email protected] Website | 40 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Dongbang Musical Company has been opened to contribute to popularization of juvenile musical in 1983 when there was a weak culture for the children who would lead the future. Since then, Dongbang Musical Company has played about 100 times not only in Seoul but also throughout Korea. We are sure that the works of Dongbang Musical Company will give sensibility and purity, which is different from any other non-discernable multimedia. Other Event 15 Contact Seminar & Forum Cultduct Marketing Production was established under the principles of “For happiness of the individuals originated in Culture”, “For success in business originated in culture”, “For local equilibrium originated in Culture”, “For creative Korea originated in Culture”. It comprehends the sensibility of 21st century cultural consumer. Furthermore, It makes ways of creative Korea through art, enterprise and the community. It is a cultural marketing enterprise which was established to develop cultural programs through engrafting code of culture and sensibility on the business field. Cultduct Marketing Production affiliates with art promotion companies and musical production. Recently, the company promote ‘Musical Kid’ DB Musical Company PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.14 Signboard | Musical The Lower Depths Representatives | Yong Jyun Park / President Contact Person | Mi Kyung Yeo / Assistant of Planning Address | B18 business center, 2-4, Dongsung-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-809, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-765-8108 Email | [email protected] Website | MUSICAL KID Ticket Issuing System Information Musical The Lower Depths 17 Contact Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.17 Signboard | DB Musical Company Representatives | Chol Ho Shin / President Contact Person | Da Hee Jeong / Planning Department Address | #33-22, Nogosan-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul 121-806, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-712-3865 Fax | +82-(0)2-707-1132 Email | 7071132@ Website | Booth Exhibions 41 스탭서울 - 무대기술자문 Sejong Center for the Performing Arts Sejong Center for the Performing Arts is ranked first for culture and arts representing Korea since opening in 1978. They have been introducing diversified and high quality performances for the past 30 years and possess 9 performing art groups, boasting the best ability in Korea. Since becoming independent as a foundation in 1999, it has secured competitiveness to stand shoulder to shoulder with world s leading performing arts centers. The Grand Theater, reopened in March 2004, has been recreated as a space providing subtitles for operas and musicals and providing a video service with LCD monitors to each seat The Sejong Chamber Hall, opened on August 14, 2006, is expected to contribute greatly to expansion of classical music population based on the reverberation and voiceless sound level at the world s greatest level. 18 20 Contact 세종문화회관 예술단 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 As part of a long term promotion for the cultural arts of Goyang, the Goyang Cultural Foundation manages the operation of The Goyang SPART Complex and Park and The Hanmoe ARAM Complex. The Goyang SPART Complex and Park is the only facility of its kind in Korea and the largest in Asia which presents performances, exhibitions, public lectures, festival and literary and children’s art competitions. The Hanmoe ARAM Complex is a metropolitan-style cultural center, placing it on the scale of international standards. The grand opening of The Hanmoe ARAM Complex in 2007 will dramatically shift the center of Korean arts. Other Event 42 19 The Hanmoe ARAM Complex Seminar & Forum Sejong Center for the Performing Arts plays a leading role in creative activities for domestic performing arts through a total of 9 performing art groups. ‘Seoul Metropolitan Traditional Music Orchestra’, ‘Seoul Metropolitan Dance Theatre’, ‘Seoul Metropolitan Chorus’, ‘Seoul Metropolitan Musical Theatre’, ‘Seoul Metropolitan Theatre’, and ‘Seoul Metropolitan Opera’. They have preserited their regular and various special performances, while spreading the superiority of Korean culture and arts through their international performances. ‘Seoul Youth Philharmonic Orchestra’, ‘Seoul Metropolitan Junior Chorus’, and ‘Seoul Metropolitan Youth Traditional Music Orchestra’have been contributing to training cultural artists who will represent the future of Korea while carrying out the function of art education together. 아람누리 PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Performing Art Groups of Sejong Center Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.19 Signboard | Performing Art Groups of Sejong Center Representatives | Joo Song Kim / President Contact Person | Ji Ye Kim / Performing Art Group Support Address | #81-3, Sejongno, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-821, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-399-1125 Fax | +82-(0)2-399-1159 Email | [email protected] Website | Contact Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.20 Signboard | Sejong Center for the Performing Arts Representatives | Joo Song Kim / President Contact Person | Ji Ye Kim / Performing Art Group Support Address | #81-3, Sejongno, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-821, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-399-1125 Fax | +82-(0)2-399-1159 Email | [email protected] Website | Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.18 Signboard | STAFFSEOUL - Stage Technical Consulting Representatives | Woong Jip Choi Contact Person | Chanmi Jung Address | #302 UNIVILL, 1487-132 Seocho3-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul 137-869, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-598-7920 Fax | +82-(0)2-598-7921 Email | [email protected] Website | Contact Booth Exhibitions STAFFSEOUL is a staff company where on-stage professionals in performing arts belong. Production directors, technical directors, stage directors, sound directors and sound designers in STAFFSEOUL have top-notched expertise and stage experiences gained by producing, acting and operating performing arts works from various genre. STAFFSEOUL seeks mostly to stage high qualified works through its creative and systematic production process and its operation developed by professionalism of each member. Interactive communication and stimulative action with performing arts groups and organizations is the main objectives of STAFFSEOUL. 세종문화회관 Information STAFFSEOUL - Stage Technical Consulting 21 Contact Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No. 21 Signboard | The Hanmoe ARAM Complex Representatives | Hyun-suk Kang Contact Person | Jee Hye Kim / Team Associate Address | 779-4 Sungsa-dong, Deokyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do 412-020, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-960-9633 Fax | +82-(0)2-960-9629 Email | [email protected] Website | Booth Exhibions 43 정동극장 LIG 아트홀 Contact 22 Since 1998, LG Insurance have been supporting young artists. After officially changing CI to LIG,‘A Little Theater That Dreams’- LIG Art Hall was established to focus on “Mecenat”activities. LIG Art Hall is planning 4 various conceptual programmes that combine all kinds of contemporary performing arts. Featured performances include: Meet world artist - Pole to Pole Series and Homepage to Artists - Tribute Series. Birth of the Jazz: Jazz Battle of the Jazz Bars - J’ S BAR, Reminiscence of the radio DJ - Radio Station Series. LIG Art Hall, young artists’space of fulfilling their dreams, will be the place that the public and performing arts meet casually and become the center of Gang-Nam’ s culture-belt. 24 Contact Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.24 Signboard | LIG Art Hall Representatives | Ki Young Lee / President Contact Person | Min Jung Kang / Staff Address | LIG Tower, #649-11, Yeoksam-dong Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-550, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-6900-3906 Fax | +82-(0)2-6900-3901 Email | [email protected] Website | Scan - The empty 창무예술원 Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.23 Signboard | Scan - The empty Representatives | Sung Han Kim / President Contact Person | Ji Yeon Lee / Manager Address | B1 Namjun Bldg., 795-21, Bangbae-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul 137-060, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-588-6411 Fax | +82-(0)2-588-6412 Email | [email protected] Website | 44 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 The Changmu Dance Company, under the artistic direction of Mae Ja Kim, was founded in December 1976 for the dual purpose of reconstructing dance movement representative of the various periods of Korean history and to create new movements and formats that reflect the thought and lifestyle of our contemporary world. This Company has stimulated a revitalization of creativity in Korean dance, enriching its resources with new idioms of movement and form and creative combinations of dance movement with poetry and painting and based firmly on the solid of all aspects of such traditional Korean dance as shaman dance, Buddhist dance, folk dance, and court dance. Other Event 23 Seminar & Forum Choreography of KIM Sunghan Second Nature Dance Company is a way of living and communicating. It is a key to every mystery that we have gone through in our lives. Our societal character is unveiled on the stage, reborn as it reveals its second nature of beauty, ugliness, purity, seriousness. Refusing to continue with the uniformed gestures and outdated mind set, alive with full of emotions and physicality, yet still locating the individuality. The second nature then surfaces, its delicate aspect hidden under is finally exhibited. Even when we are still walking, twisting, squirming, and gazing, the second nature lives and breathes as it maintains the unique form and touch. The second nature - the essence and the character manifested on the stage. Changmu Arts Center PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.22 Signboard | Chongdong Theater Representatives | Tae Ji Choi / President Contact Person | Ji Eun Son / Performance Planning Division Address | #8-11, Jeong-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul 100-120, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-751-1500 Fax | +82-(0)2-751-1588 Email | [email protected] Website | Contact Booth Exhibitions Chongdong Theater, located at the center of Seoul, is an affiliated organization under the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. For the past 10 years, the theater has brought traditional art into the market with its aggressive marketing and enabled teenagers to experience various performances and find joy. For its 10th anniversary, Jeongdong Theatre, established in 2005, launched its own creative programs such as“Art Frontier”sequence of performances by young artists,“Date in Jongdong with Tae-Ji Choi”, a talk show hosting the life of an artist and his work,‘Band in Bremen’a family musical, and ‘Andersen’s Christmas Story’a family dance theater. LIG Art Hall Information Chongdong Theater 25 Contact Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.25 Signboard | Changmu Arts Center Representatives | Mae Ja Kim / President Contact Person | Jee Yeon Jang / Planning Address | 6F Duksan B/D #5-92, Changjeon-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul 121-190, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-337-5961(2) Fax | +82-(0)2-335-0484 Email | [email protected] Website | Booth Exhibions 45 서울발레단 정재만 댄스 컴퍼니 Byuksa types of dance gives a general name to a dance style of Yeong Sook Han, the last dancer in Chosun (ancient Korea), who is a granddaughter of Han Seong Jun, the father of central type of dance. Byuksa is also the pen name of Yeong Sook Han. Jung Je Man, her disciple, is making assurances doubly sure in order to develop and succeed the Byuksa type of dance. The characteristics of Korean traditional dancing is closely connected with the natural conditions of the district and customs of the times. Byuksa, central type of dance by Jung Je Man Dance Company has elegance and high status as it is graceful and plain at the same time. 26 28 Contact Contact Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.28 Signboard | Jung Je Man Dance Company Representatives | Je Man Jung / President Contact Person | Min Jung Woo / Planner Address | 6F Kyungwon Bldg., 5-29, Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-100, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-516-1540 Fax | +82-(0)2-516-3776 Email | [email protected] Website | Gyeonggi Provincial Dance Company 경기도립무용단 46 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 The Little Angels are a children’s folk ballet company, founded on May 5, 1962. The Little Angels have crisscrossed the five oceans and six continents of the world, completing 50 overseas tours. They have performed in over 50 nations, with more than 5,000 performances and 500 television appearances. The Little Angels are dedicated and spirited young ladies aged from seven to fifteen who have been specially selected. Other Event Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.27 Signboard | Gyeonggi Provincial Dance Company Representatives | Moon-soo Kim / President Contact Person | Hyung-dong Cho / Artistic Director, Sue-kyoung Lim / Dance Company Planner Address | # 1117 Ingye-dong, Paldal-gu, Suwon, Gyeonggi-do 442-835, Korea Tel | +82-(0)31-2303-290 Fax | +82-(0)31-2303-275 Email | [email protected] Website | 27 THE LITTLE ANGELS Seminar & Forum Collection of Korean Traditional Dance -Gyeonggi Provincial Dance Company of Korea Gyeonggi Provincial Dance Company was first established on July 27, 1993 with the aim of show-casing traditional Korean dances and Korean unique regional cultures to promote them overseas. Moreover, Gyeonggi Provincial Dance Company contributes to fostering national identity and historical consciousness through dance. It plays a chief role in helping people living in Gyeonggi Province to have enough sophistication of culture. As the nation’s leading dance company, Gyeonggi Provincial Dance Company consistently strives to represent Korea as one of its cultural ambassadors. 리틀엔젤스예술단 PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.26 Signboard | Seoul Ballet Company Representatives | Jae Keun Park / President Contact Person | Ha Na Park / Director of Administrator Address | M-512 #7, Hongji-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-743, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-2287-5188 Fax | +82-(0)2-396-5288 Email | [email protected] Website | Contact Booth Exhibitions Since their initial performance at the Seoul National Theater in 1986, the Seoul Ballet Company has given ballet performances in more than 20 countries all over the world including Europe, Asia and America. The performance are quite diverse, ranging over 35 repertories, from classic to neoclassic and modern ballet. It is much interested in culture exchanges between several countries in the world and particularly in mutual understanding of culture through performances. Public performances have been scheduled in Kazakstan for 2001, 4 major cities in the U.S including Los Angeles and Washington DC for 2002 - 2003, Rome, Napoli and Palermo, Italy for 2004, Estonia tour for 2005 and Hungary, Istanbul for 2006. Jung Je Man Dance Company Information Seoul Ballet Company 29 Contact Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.29 Signboard | THE LITTLE ANGELS Representatives | Se Won Yoon / President Contact Person | Young-K Park / Director Address | #25, Neung-dong, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul 143-847, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-2204-1059 Fax | +82-(0)2-456-6307 Email | [email protected] Website | Booth Exhibions 47 유니버설발레단 안애순무용단 Founded by Ae-Soon Ahn, a choreographer in 1983 and based in Seoul, A-soon Dance Company has been gaining a lot of attentions from the critics worldwide with its unique mix of various Korean traditional cultures and modern dance. One of their distinctive features should be their sincere spirits to search for new trends and dare to experiment on them and communication with both traditional and modern culture It has also been performing world-widely and acclaimed many prizes such as the Best Dancer Prize for“Emptiness”and the Grand Prize for“The 11th Shadow”in Recontres Choreographiques Interantionales De Bagnolet in 1994 and 1998. Also“Encounter” ,“Empty Space” ,“Epitaph” ,” GUTPlay”,“On Time”, to name a few, are created by A-soon Dance Company. Booth Exhibitions Based in Seoul with dancers and staff from more than a dozen countries throughout Europe, the US and Asia, Universal Ballet embodies the blending of the grace and harmony of Asian thought and culture with the strength and beauty of classical Western ballet. Dedicated to preserving the rich traditions in contemporary choreography, the company continues to be the leading force of ballet in Korea. Since its founding in 1984, the company, now led by General Director Julia Moon and Artistic Director Oleg Vinogradov, of the famed Kirov ballet for 23 years, has steadily gained fame and recognition. A-soon Dance Company Information Universal Ballet Showcase | Oct. 11 Wed. 4pm~4:30pm | Arko Arts Theater|Large Theater Contact 30 32 Contact Seoul Ballet Theatre Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.32 Signboard | A-soon Dance Company Representatives | Ae-soon Ahn Contact Person | Dong Hoon Shin / Manager, Space UE Address | B1 Fl., Elite Bldg,. 1605-4, Seocho 1(il)-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul 137-877, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-3141-1770 Fax | +82-(0)2-3141-6642 Email | [email protected] Website | (사)서울발레시어터 트러스트 무용단 Seminar & Forum Seoul Ballet Theatre was established in 1995 with an enthusiasm and passion to create a new field in rigid Korean ballet. During the past decade, the Seoul Ballet Theatre has performed in and out of the country with their own unique contents. The resident Choreographer, James Jeon has exported his pieces to Nevada Ballet Theatre and has been a visiting choreographer of NBT since 2004. The Seoul Ballet Theatre caters for families and young children with performances such as‘Alice in Wonderland’and‘The Nutcracker’, while‘Blue’and ‘Four Seasons’are more suitable for youth and adults. Trust Dance Company Other Event Since established in May 1995, Trust Dance Company have performed in various local cities, especially the ones with poor standard of anything cultural and artistic. In 1999, the company has won the 2nd Best Prize from Saitama International Creative Dance Concours for its work of ‘What we want is...’ along with many great feedbacks from both fans and critics. Also, ‘Born Again’ has won the Grand-Prix for the dance of the year from the Arts Council Korea as well as the Choreographer of The Year from the Korean Organization of Dance Choreographers in 2004. The company have been working on to pioneer the new Korean style modern dances and created a lot of experimental ones including ‘The Silk Road, Re-opened by Dance’ project. Showcase | Oct. 11 Wed. 2pm~2:30pm | Arko Arts Theater|Large Theater 31 Contact Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.31 Signboard | Seoul Ballet Theatre Representatives | In Hee Kim / President Contact Person | Si Jung No / Planning Manager Address | 2F,.Gwacheon Citizen’s Hall, 6-2, Jungang-dong, Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do 427-805, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-3442-2637 Fax | +82-(0)2-525-9497 Email | [email protected] Website | 48 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.30 Signboard | Universal Ballet Representatives | Julia H. Moon / President Contact Person | So Young Lim / RR & Promotion Director Address | #25, Neung-dong, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul 143-847, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-2204-1043 Fax | +82-(0)2-2458-1791 Email | [email protected] Website | 33 Contact Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.33 Signboard | Trust Dance Company Representatives | Yun Gyu Kim Contact Person | Hyeong Hee Kim / Art Director Address | Eunhhye Bldg., 1665-1, Bongchoen 6(yuk)-dong, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 151-849 , Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-879-0613 Fax | +82-(0)2-3474-2892 Email | [email protected] Website | Booth Exhibions 49 댄스씨어터 온 Hong Dance Company 홍댄스 컴퍼니 With its first solo debut in 2004 and originally founded in 2000, Hong Dance Company aims to point out those various episodes in modern society and spread its strong social messages in great humors. Especially Hae-Jeon Hong, a director of this dance company has got a strong point that all the members of the company should not only be performing together but also, more importantly, bring out the best of each dancer’s natural movements, which can be gained only after getting used to each other through shared moments,?common interests and understanding of dance. Based on this philosophy of dance and surely, the best one, Hong dance company never fails to bring out the natural laughter to give us a more easy access to the dance. Booth Exhibitions “Dance Theatre ON shows what we need to create the real dance group. Every single movement of them is highly unique and exquisite”(Lyon Figaro, France, 2000) said Guy Darmet, art director from Lyon Biennale. Darmet became fascinated with Dance Theatre ON and decided to provide financial supports to a foreign group for the very first time in Lyon Biennale’s history. Since its establishment in 1993, Dance Theatre ON has been performing widely in many recognized local and international dance festivals Also, having been selected as one of the supporting groups by Korean Department of Foreign Affairs, the company has contributed significantly to world-wise the Korean modern dance world. Showcase | Oct. 12 Thur. 4:30pm~5pm | Arko Arts Theater | Small Theater Showcase | Oct. 11 Wed. 4:30pm~5pm | Arko Arts Theater|Large Theater 34 36 Contact Contact Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.36 Signboard | Hong Dance Company Representatives | Hye Jeon Hong Contact Person | Seo Ryoung Kim / EO Creative Address | EO Creative #2416 Daewoo Metro The-Oville, 52-1, Shingongdeok-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul 121-852, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-704 6420 Fax | +82-(0)2-704 6444 Email | [email protected] Lee Kyung-Ok Dance Company 이경옥 무용단 Full-Iength Performance | Oct. 11 Wed. 8pm | LIG Art Hall 35 50 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Other Event Created in 2005, Plastic Zoo is a project group that is formed with 4 individual talents, a director, a music composer, and two dancers. Since its debut of dance drama‘Alice in Wonderland’in 2005, it is now expecting 3 new projects in 2006. The credo of the group is“we’re trying to break ourselves free through independent stage performances. We deny the future within links of the past, the present and the future. We move forward from the past and put all of strength of our body and soul in the present. Accordingly, our present persists not to stay at just one point, but exists through the form of the past. The future is only a sugar-coated abstract term to us. We move Forward.” Showcase | Oct. 11 Wed. 5:30pm~6pm | Arko Arts Theater | Small Theater Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.35 Signboard | Lee Kyung-Ok Dance Company Representatives | Kyung Ok Lee Contact Person | Sae-Ryun Kim Address | Rm.202, 2F. Samkyung Bldg., Pil-dong 3-ga, 62-11, Jung-gu, Seoul 100-273, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-2263-4680 Fax | +82-(0)2-2276-1959 Email | [email protected] Plastic Zoo Project Seminar & Forum Lee Kyong-Ok Dance Company genuinely demonstrates Korean culture while interpreting traditional nurse stories into dance movements, often motivated by its critical views on the modern society. The company brought its first production a big sensation. Due to its great success, the company was selected by Korean Culture and Arts Foundation (100% agreement) to receive financial supports to bring it back to the Jayu Theatre of Seoul Arts Center in June 2003. The company has won prizes including the Best Performer of the year in Seoul Dance Festival 2005 and the Arts of the Year 2005 from the Arts Council Korea for its The 3rd Dance Nursery Story for Adults: ‘Chun-Hyang - Play Love’ 플라스틱 주 PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.34 Signboard | Dance Theatre ON Representatives | Sung Yop Hong Contact Person | Da Hae Kang / Administrator Address | B1 Fl., Step Bldg., 115-12, Junggkok 4-dong, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul 143-224, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-3436-9048 Fax | +82-(0)2-3436-9018 Email | [email protected] Website | Contact Information Dance Theatre ON 37 Contact Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.37 Signboard | Plastic Zoo Project Representatives | Chong Gak Park, Jung Min Joo Contact Person | Jung Min Joo Address | #1415-1302 Daewon Apt. Yeonhwa-Maeul, Jung 2-dong, Wonmi-gu, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do 420-761, Korea Tel | +82-(0)11-9861-1772 Email | [email protected] Booth Exhibions 51 김윤진 댄스 컴퍼니 Sungsoo Ahn Pick-up Group Following his previous studies in film, Korean born Sungsoo Ahn received his BFA in dance from the Juilliard School in 1992. In 1991, Ahn established his own dance company called Sungsoo Ahn Pick-up Group which has performed at the Joyce Theater, American Dance Festival and Lincoln Center Outdoor Festival. He was also nominated for the Benois De La Danse Award 2005 as the choreographer with his work‘Bolero’. Most recently, which was performed ‘Bolero’ in the award gala at the Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow in April 2006. Full-Iength Performance | Oct. 13 Fri. 8pm, 14 Sat. 6pm | Arko Arts Theater | Large Theater Booth Exhibitions Established in 2005, Kim Yoon Jin Dance Company recognizes the subjects and spirits of Korean dances but at the same time, consistently explores and dismantles them to find new possibilities for modern Korean performances. Kim has actively attempted intrusion of genres and has extended the contemporary boundaries of Korean dances. ‘Desire’, ‘which was invited to Seoul International Performing Arts Festival 2005, overcomes Korea’s traditionally-created dances. Choreographer Yoon Jin Kim will present her new piece, ‘The Old Song Book’, which expresses the essence of life through love and the heartbreaks of a family. 안성수 픽업그룹 Full-Iength Performance | Oct. 12 Thur. 13 Fri. 8pm | HOAM Art Hall 38 40 Contact Contact Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.40 Signboard | Sung Soo Ahn Pick-up Group Representatives | Sung Soo Ahn Contact Person | Sang Myeong Chun / MCT (Management Co.) Address | Rm. 211 Korean National University of Arts, 1753, Seocho-dong, Seocho-ku, Seoul 137-070, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-2263-4680 Fax | +82-(0)2-2276-1959 Email | [email protected] Won Kim/Group Collaboration OR 김원/Group Collaboration OR 류석훈의 댄스컴퍼니 더 바디 Showcase | Oct. 11 Wed. 3:30pm~4pm | Arko Arts Theater | Small Theater 39 52 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Other Event Dance Company THE BODY, a joint collaboration between modern dance artists, Yun Kyung Lee and Seok Hun Ryu. With endless vitality and solid workmanship, General Director Seok Hun Ryu finds his ideas from everyday life, and integrates them into dance movements. His use of theatrical techniques, various objects and sound effects boosts understanding of his works. Artistic Director, Yun Kyung Lee, famous for numerous on-stage experiences, flexibility and technique, recreates and instills energy into the performance. With their zeal and ideas, this dance company is a unique organization where people from various fields as dance, theater & art converge to form works that communicate with the public. Showcase | Oct. 12 Thur. 3pm~3:30pm | Arko Arts Theater | Small Theater Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.39 Signboard | Won Kim/Group Collaboration OR Representatives | Won Kim Contact Person | Seo Yoon Cho/coordinator Address | Dance Dept., College of Arts, Chonbuk National University, 664-14, Deokjin-dong 1-ga, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do 561-756, Korea Tel | +82-(0)63-270-3749 Fax | +82-(0)63-270-3708 Email | [email protected] Seminar & Forum Won Kim Dance Company was founded in 1986 by artistic director Won Kim, renamed Won Kim/Group Collaboration OR in 1992. The company freely implement the abilities and ideas which are influenced by the spiritual ways of Buddhism. They strive to present a new phase of art-performance as complex-media, i.e. mixing dance and music with computer-technology. The group has developed this multi-arts interpretation and have commissioned experimental performances with a deeper understanding of dance. The group also continues to search for cooperation with various parts of arts and enjoys sharing its ideas to broaden horizons by communicating with artists from all over the world. Dance Company THE BODY PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.38 Signboard | Kim Yoon Jin Dance Company Representatives | Yoon Jin Kim Contact Person | Yoou-Suk Hwang / Planner, Act2b Address | #109-1105, Porun Apt., 719 Ilwon-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul 135-230, Korea Tel | +82-2-6406-3306 Fax | +82-(0)2-588-7572 Email | [email protected] / [email protected] Contact Information Kim Yoon Jin Dance Company 41 Contact Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.41 Signboard | Dance Company THE BODY Representatives | Sung Soo Ahn Contact Person | Dae-gun Nam / P.R & Tour Manager, President of On-stage Address | 6th F1, Sangwon Bldg., 1565-23, Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul 137-847, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-588-6411 Fax | +82-(0)2-588-6412 Email | [email protected] Website | Booth Exhibions 53 UBIN Dance UBIN Dance Yong-In Lee, Director of UBIN Dance, was trained at the prestigious Ewha University in Seoul. The companies which she has worked with, include the Ballett der Landes theater Linz in Austria and the Saarlandisches Staatstheater Ballet in Saarbrucken, Germany. She has also worked with renowned choreographers such as Rui Horta, Marguerite Donlon, Jacopo Godani and Martino Mueller. She has enjoyed tremendous success as a choreographer, winning several prestigious competitions and grants such as the International Solo Tanz Festival in Stuttgart, Germany, and the Rising Artist Fund in her native Korea. She has been invited to dance and choreograph at many international dance festivals and has received high praise and acclaim in the press for her works. Showcase | Oct. 11 Wed. 6pm~6:30pm | Arko Arts Theater | Small Theater 42 Contact Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.42 Signboard | UBIN Dance Representatives | Yong-In Lee / Director Contact Person | Yong-In Lee Address | #109-906, Samsung Apartments, Changjeon-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul 121-778, Korea Tel | +82-(0)10-7566-6689 Email | [email protected] Lee K. Dance Lee K. Dance Kyung-Eun Lee is called a‘spunky rebel in the dance circle’or‘representative for the oncoming generation of Korean contemporary dance’. Her dance world is characterized by explosive energy, purity of emotions, and provocative stage manner praised by both critics and audiences for its popularity and artistry. Whenever Lee creates a dance, she always finds her inspiration from everyday life. Then, she further develops her topic with a deep research and her imagination. Passing through this process, her individual and usual themes are based on social issues while she makes spontaneous movements on the stage. Lee stated her peculiar choreographic direction as“thinking body and expressing mind”. Showcase | Oct. 12 Thur. 3:30pm~4pm | Arko Arts Theater | Small Theater 43 Contact Booth Number | 2nd Gallery No.43 Signboard | Lee K. Dance Representatives | Kyung Eun Lee Contact Person | Sang Myeong Chun / MCT Management Co. Address | Rm.202, 2nd FL.,. Sam Kyung Blod., 62-11 Pil-dong 3(sam)-ga, Jung-ku, Seoul 100-273, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-2263-4680 Fax | +82-(0)2-2276-1959 Email | [email protected] 54 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Performing Arts Market in Seoul 2006 Arko Arts Theater SSTheater LIG Art Hall HOAM Art Hall Marronnier Park PAMS Chocie & Overseas Showcases 3 Showcases of The Old Song Book, Cube and Lost Children are needed to make a ticket reservation and pay but discounts are available with your PAMS Pass. The Old Song Book Cube & Lost Children KRW 5,000 Off 10% Off Seat Availability Info & Ticket Reservation Tel. +82-2-6406-3306 Seat Availability info & Ticket Reservation Tel. +82-2-3215-1185 Or buy tickets with your credit card at (Click Enlish on the top) Information PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Beautiful Soul Mate Street Theatre Troupe October 11 Wednesday Born Again Circle-After the other Ah Q Woyzeck Karma Beautiful Soul Mate Genre | Theater / Music Theater Touring Company | Performers 20 Staff 10 Running time | 110min Size of Stage | W16m×D16m×H8m Required Facilities | Turn table stage, Sound’s equipment Staff | Writer Youn Taek Lee Director Mi Jeong Nam Dance Director Yong Pu Ha Stage Kyoung Park Lighting In Gon Cho Composer·Director of Music Sung Hwan Park Costume Mi Sook Kim Mask·Make-up Jung A Moon Waiting Roon II The Tale of Haruk Janghwa Hongryun Trace Cube October 12 Thursday SSTheater 15:30-16:00 16:30-17:00 17:30-18:00 18:30-19:00 HOAM Art Hall 20:00 Shadows The Two - Between Hybrid Tokyo Mixed Style The Forest Kang Eun Il Haegumplus Noridan Na’rimbo (Mexico) Echo Remembrance of Future Wit & Beat Sungsoo Ahn Pick-up Group Lost Children October 13 Friday Korean World Music Group O-Gam-Do Baeksukwangbu Nottle Theatre Company Arko Arts Theater|Large Theater Kim Yoon Jin Dance Company 20:00 HOAM Art Hall Sungsoo Ahn Pick-up Group 20:00 The Beginning of the Passion Green Bench The Return (PT) The Old Song Book Lost Children Beautiful Soul Mate Beautiful Soul Mate is an experimental theater that explores Korean history and rituals in terms of subjects and forms through contemporary theater. Playwright Youn-Taek Lee reflects his own views to the contemporary world through the historical and epic dramas. Where figures in the ancient Korean state Goryeo, seek self-consciousness against an absurd world and devote their life pursuing the true nature of knowledge. In terms of form, this play contains the traditional singing and dancing along with of melodies, prayers, folk songs and acting with masks, puppetry, martial arts and exorcism. Director Mi Jeong Nam’s intention of using natural sounds, languages and bodies is achieved effortlessly in the performance. Seminar & Forum SSTheater 15:00-15:30 16:30-17:30 PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Arko Arts Theater|Small Theater Won Kim / Group Collaboration OR 15:00-16:00 Lee. K Dance Hong Dance Company 16:30-17:30 Hamutsun Serve & Hitoride Dekirumon (Japan) Booth Exhibitions Arko Arts Theater|Large Theater Opening Showcase Trust Dance Company 14:00-14:30 A-soon Dance Company 16:00-17:00 Dance Theatre ON Sadari Movement Laboratory 17:30-18:30 Yohangza Theatre Company Street Theatre Troupe 19:00-19:30 Arko Arts Theater|Small Theater Dance Company The Body 15:30-16:00 Performance Group TUIDA 16:30-17:00 Lee Kyung-Ok Dance Company 17:30-18:30 UBIN Dance LIG Art Hall Plastic Zoo Project 20:00 Street Theatre Troupe Based in Busan, the Street Theatre Troupe was founded in 1986 by one of the most renowned playwright and director in Korea, Youn-Taek Lee. The company’s mission is to develop an openness of dramatic art forms and has achieved its own theatrical style through the use of dramatic language, acrobatic movements, geometrical direction of space, and traditional Korean ceremonial themes. October 14 Saturday SSTheater 15:00-16:00 Kok Du Clay Play for Children (PT) Gamoonjang Lady Macbeth (PT) Handcart, Overturned Review The possibility of how ideal introspection can be transformed into traditional beauty is the feeling the audience received through Beautiful Soul Mate written by Youn-Taek Lee and directed by Mi Jeong Nam. (The Korean Theatre Journal, 2006 Spring) The Old Song Book Total Theater Alice Contact Representative | Mi Jeong Nam Contact Person | Sung Taek Oh Address | Miryang Theatre Village, 78, Gasan-ri, Bubukmyeon, Miryang-si, Gyeongsangnam-do 627-851, Korea Tel | +82-(0)55-355-2308 Fax | +82-(0)55-355-4176 Email | [email protected] Website | Showcase | Oct. 11 Wed. 7pm~7:30pm | Arko Arts Theater | Large Theater 56 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases 57 Other Event Creative Group NONI Domino Look BST Company 16:30-18:00 Theatre Moollee Corporal Theatre Momggol Arko Arts Theater|Large Theater Kim Yoon Jin Dance Company 18:00 Marronnier Park Sungmin Hong 20:00 Green Bench BST Company Baeksukwangbu Founded in 2002 by graduates of the Children and Youth Theater Program at The Korean National University of Arts, BST Company has experimented with various Korean legends and traditional games to create dramas for theatre performances believing that children will be able to learn the joys of life by experiencing creative dramas and plays. The company is also pursuing a new play culture in which the whole family can participate with enthusiasm. 58 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Baeksukwangbu Contact Founded in 1996 by director Seoung-Yeol Lee with young actors and actresses, Baeksukwanbu is one of the leading experimental theater groups in Korea. The company has created deconstructive plays through improvising body movements of the actors and has worked on the reconstruction of modern theater jargon. The company has gained fame throughout Korean theater circles by basing its methods on accurate realism and acute de-constructivism. Representative | In Woo Nam Contact Person | In Woo Nam Address | #332-677, Seokgwan-dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-150, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-969-3997 Fax | +82-(0)2-969-3998 Email | [email protected] Website | Contact Representative | Seong Yeol Lee Contact Person | Sung Jin Yu Address | B1 Fl.,231-170, Norangjin 1(il)dong, Dongjak-gu, Seoul 156-051, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-813-1674 Fax | +82-(0)2-813-1674 Email | [email protected] Showcase | Oct. 13 Fri. 4:30pm~5pm | SSTheater PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases 59 Other Event Showcase | Oct. 14 Sat. 4:30pm~5pm | SSTheater Seminar & Forum The play Green Bench is based on the original drama written by Korean-Japanese playwright and novelist Mi-Ri Yu. Green Bench gained acclaim in 2005 by being awarded with five prizes in the Seoul Theater Festival in the categories of Excellent Drama, Directing, Acting, Stage Design and New Face. The successful premier of the play in 2005 has encouraged the company Baeksukwangbu to demonstrate the uniqueness of the piece in domestic and international stages. Green Bench is a story revolving around the daily lives of an autistic family and leads to a murder that reflects to the breakdown of the family. The scenes of the play are filled with realistic and surreal moods as well as asserting emphatically the realness of the family. Most of all, the scene where they play tennis is particularly dynamic and elegant. The settings also help to harmonize the realistic and symbolic elements of the play. Yu’s psychological and poetic jargon was analyzed and recreated by the actors of Baeksukwangbu into language which is more common in daily life. BST Company It seems simple and plain but full of energy and life force. Also making actors, dancers, singers and musicians use their full bodies looks more than perfect. (The Korean Theatre Journal) PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Green Bench Gamoonjang is based on a story about the Goddess of Wisdom and Courage who embarks on an adventure to find her identity. While presenting authentic Korean cultural aspects, including properties of the antique style, folk songs and the festivities of Jeju Island, the performance fully materializes Korean aesthetics with traditional musicians of The National Center for Traditional Korean Performing Arts. This performance was also optimized for families and children by professionals with academic backgrounds in the Children and Youth Theater Program at The Korean National University of Arts. BST was invited to perform Gamoonjang at the Okinawa International Festival for Young Audience of 2005 in Japan and the International Children and Youth Theater Festival (Shone Aussicht) of 2006 in Germany. Review Booth Exhibitions Genre | Theater / Adapted Theater Touring Company | Performers 4 Staff 6 Running time | 95min Size of Stage | W106m×D96m×H5m Required Facilities | Turn table stage, Sound’s equipment Staff | Writer Mi Ri Yu Director Seong Yeol Lee Set Ho Seoung Son Lighting Dong Woon Kim Assistance of Director Joo Youn Ryu Genre | Theater / Children and Youth Theater Touring Company | Performers 4 Staff 3 Running time | 60min Size of Stage | W8m×D8m×H6m Required Facilities | Mic 1EA, Low stand 1EA Staff | Writing Soon Duk Ko Director In Woo Nam Puppet·Prop Hyun ji Lee Stage Joung Hwa Kang Gamoonjang Information Gamoonjang Lady Macbeth Yohangza Theatre Company Theatre Moollee Booth Exhibitions Genre | Theater / Object Theater Touring Company | Performers 8 Staff 7 Running time | 80min Size of Stage | W12m×D12m×H5m Required Facilities | Variable according to the format, structure and size of theater Staff | Recreator·Director Tae Sook Han Stage Designer Tae Sup Lee Music·Sound Il Won, Gong-Myung Objets Young Ran Lee Genre | Theater / Non-verbal Theater Touring Company | Performers 12 Staff 7 Running time | 80min Size of Stage | W10m×D9m×H10m Required Facilities | Turn table stage, Sound’s equipment Staff | Writer·Director Jung Ung Yang PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Karma Information Karma Lady Macbeth “The final destination of murder... Where does this nightmare lead?” Lady Macbeth has a special charm as a movement theater, tightening the dramatic tension and knotting the characters’ psychology through delicate yet energetic movements of the actors. This work is filled with a uniquely expressive style that uses objects to symbolize death and purification. The fusion of a live percussion performance, which are the roots of Korean music, serves to function as another characteristic in this piece, one that dramatizes the aural world of the play so powerfully that the audience is able to feel the drama even with their eyes closed. Seminar & Forum Karma represents the rites of passage in the circle of life that human beings go through: birth, growth, marriage, and death. Rather than focusing on spoken words, Karma expresses itself through gestures, movements and facial expressions in a very experimental yet convincing manner. The highlight of the performance is simply observing the physical expressions and energies of the highly trained actors. Performed by the Theatre Company Yohangza, this piece was awarded the Grand Prix (Best Production Award) in the 15th Cairo International Festival of Experimental Theatre (CIFEX) in 2003. Its premiere performance in the 3rd Physical Theater Festival in Japan, in November 2001, was also highly acclaimed by international audiences and critics. Theatre Moollee Yohangza Theatre company Organized by playwright and director Tae-Sook Han, Theatre Moollee is an experimental theater company that has been striving to define and materialize the principles and phenomena of all things in the universe. Since its foundation, the company has created controversial yet inventive theater pieces that have drawn much attention within contemporary theater circles. Lady Macbeth was officially invited to the Kontakt Festival in 2002. Yohangza Theatre Company was established in 1997 by, director and writer Jung Ung Yang. With his signature piece A Midsummer Night’s Dream being selected for the PAMS Choice performance of 2005 and being invited to the Barbican Centre in London in 2006, the company has placed an importance on the actors’ understanding of their bodies, creativity, musical abilities and communication methods with audiences while at the same time finding common ground between oriental and western theatrical styles. 60 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Contact Representative | Tae Sook Han Contact Person | Soo Hee Kim / Assistant Director & Stage Manager Address | #1-809, 896, SamIk APT, Dogokdong Kangnam-gu, Seoul 135-270, Korea Tel | +82-(0)11-9080-9159 Email | [email protected] PT | Oct. 14 Sat. 5pm~5:30pm | SSTheater PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases 61 Other Event Showcase | Oct. 11 Wed. 6pm~6:30pm | Arko Arts Theater | Large Theater Contact Representative | Jung Ung Yang Contact Person | Ji Sun Park / AsiaNow Producer Address | #203, 33-95, Myoungryun-dong Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-521, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-3673-1390 Fax | +82-(0)2-3673-1392 Email | [email protected] Website | The Tale of Haruk Nottle Theatre Company Performance Group TUIDA Nottle Theatre Company was founded in 1993 with the mission of discovering new forms of communication in universal languages such as voice, contemporary dance, mime, and percussive sounds. In each of its pieces, spiritual insights of life and unique imagination are illustrated through vibrant movements and uses of space. The company’s main goal is to use simple and accessible themes so that the public will easily understand and connect with the performance. Performance Group TUIDA Founded in 2001, Performance Group TUIDA is known for its communal ways of managing the company, including production and distribution, based on the common consent of company members. Its repertoire includes A Midsummer Night’s Dream in a Box, A tale of the Haruk, A Sweet Story in a Big Book, Ttochaebi Norumnolee, Hamlet Cantabile and Shadow Shadow. Review Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Contact Representative | Young Oh Won Contact Person | Kyung Suk Baek / Producer Address | 389, Hooyong-ri, Munmack-eup, Wonju, Kangwon-do, Korea, 220-804 Tel | +82-(0)33-732-0827 Fax | +82-(0)33-732-2773 Email | [email protected] Website | Review Well-refined form, creative ideas, and an extremely original plot have produced a very unique and touching play. The audiences jaw will be agape at the sight of the cloth inflating to fill the stage when Haruk devours everything around him. (Hankook Ilbo). Contact Representative | Hye Ran Hwang Contact Person | Hyun Ju Shim Address | #605 Woojung Plaza, 760-3, Singokdong, Uijeongbu-si, Gyeonggi-do 480-070, Korea Tel | +82-(0)31-853-4881 Fax | +82-(0)31-853-4886 Email | [email protected] Website | Showcase | Oct. 11 Wed. 4:30pm~5pm | Arko Arts Theater | Small Theater PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases 63 Other Event 62 Seminar & Forum The Tale of Haruk is inspired by the question of whether the world is actually outside the world or inside the world. The answer is simple in the performance. The world can be both inside and outside the world, and even everything in the world has its own world inside it. To convey this philosophical idea, this play leads the audience to imaginative stages that stimulate their tension. Intimate communications with the audience also facilitate understandings of entangled storytelling about languages, taboos, myths, and other social and cultural values. Traditional Korean puppets made of paper, unique native masks from local areas in Hahoe and Bukcheong, and various percussion instruments made by recycled items are also impressive and enjoyable must-sees in the play. A Tale of the Haruk won the Best Production at Seoul Children’s Theatre Awards of 2004 and was invited to perform at the BeSeTo Theater Festival of 2005 in China and the ASSITEJ Tokyo of 2003 in Japan. Nottle Theatre PT | Oct. 13 Fri. 5pm~5:30pm | SSTheater PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases The Tale of Haruk The Return is based on German playwright Bertolt Brecht’s epic Legend of the Dead Soldier. The performance focuses on how to live a happy life in modern society where wars are ceaselessly waged while at the same time questioning the concepts of life and war. Also, it evokes the universal sympathy of human life using various theatrical languages on stage such as physical theater, mime and music from the accordion. The Return was invited to the Theatre Iwato in Japan 2005. They have also been invited to perform at the Ionesco Biennial of 2006 in Moldova, the Sibiu International Theatre Festival of 2006 in Romania, and the Flipside 2006 of the Esplanade in Singapore. Inspired by Brecht’s Legend of the Dead Soldier, they give the poem a rich re-working largely as physical theatre. Some Korean is spoken, with a little English to signpost the way. This impressive cast mixes ghastly scenes with vivid moments of humor and a snail’s pace movement with frenzied dance. (Tim Lioyd, The Advertiser, Feb. 2004) Booth Exhibitions Genre | Theater / Children’s Theater Touring Company | Performers 6 Staff 5 Running time | 70min Size of Stage | W10m×D10m×H6m Required Facilities | Turn table stage, Sound’s equipment Staff | Write·Director Yo Sup Bae Stage Designer Kyung Hee Kim Costume Designer Jin Hee Lree Puppet Designer Kyung Hee Kim Genre | Theater / Physical Theater Touring Company | Performers 8 Staff 3 Running time | 60 min Size of Stage | W10m×D10m Required Facilities | Dance floor Staff | Writer·Director Young Oh Won The Return Information The Return Ah Q Sadari Movement Laboratory Dance Theatre ON Genre | Theater / Physical Image Theater Touring Company | Performers 11 Staff 5 Running time | 80min Size of Stage | W10m×D10m×H6m Required Facilities | Dance floor, CDP 2, Microphone 1, Monitor speaker, Staff | Director Do Wan Im Assistant Director Chang Seok Ko Stage Manager Jong Ho Lee Sound Designer Yo Chan Kim (Original Music by Astor Piazzolla) Lighting Designer Youn Wha Kong Scenic Designer Jae Yun Cho Costume Designer Hae Ju Kim Makeup Designer Song Hwa Chae Photographer Eun Sun Choi Managing Director Jin Hee Yun Genre | Dance / Contemporary Dance Touring Company | Performers 14 Staff 8 Running time | 75min Size of Stage | W11m×D10m×H7m Required Facilities | Legs(black) Dance floor(gray) Head curtains(black) CD player Staff | Choreographer·Artistic Director Sung Yop Hong Music Composer Tae Kuen Kim Set Designer Jin Seon Eom Light Designer Seong Hwan Shin Booth Exhibitions PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Woyzeck Information Woyzeck Ah Q Woyzeck, by Sadari Movement Laboratory, is an experimental piece based on the dynamic movements of actors and the innovative use of space and rhythm caused by the extreme characters and their intense conflicts. The simple and innovative use of objects and the actors’ deft and dynamic ensemble movements had Woyzeck win acclaim not only in domestic stages but also abroad. In 2005 it was invited to perform in The Theatre Mummenschanz and The Theatre Rigiblick in Switzerland and the Tottori Performing Arts Festival in Japan. There are plans to start an Australian tour in 2006. Sadari Movement Laboratory Seminar & Forum Ah Q is inspired by the Chinese novel Ah Q Zheng Zhuan (The True Story of Ah Q) written by Chinese novelist Luxun (1881-1936). The main theme of the novel revolves around the ignorance of human beings and the lightness of existence. In order to articulate the theme of ignorance, choreographer Sung-Yup Hong experiments with dance forms. He employs images that combine those of flowers, swords and triangular hoods. Hong’s unique ideas concerning the theme are also expressed with the dancers’ sophisticated movements and pleasant atmosphere. Ah Q is the newest dancing performance in 2006 and is jointly produced with the LG Arts Center of Korea. Dance Theatre ON Sadari Movement Laboratory has won acclaim with its new and innovative experiments in contemporary Korean theater. In particular, the company has presented symbolic figures onstage and has created imaginary spaces through objects and the movements of actors. The company’s persistent and systematic training and daring experimentations correspond significantly to the urgent need of a new theater and the search of a new universal language that is suitable to contemporary stage. Since its establishment in 1993, Dance Theatre ON (Choreographer: Sung-Yup Hong) has been performing actively in recognized dance festivals including the Seoul International Dance Festival. Its performance in Lyon Biennale de la Danse 2000 in France received rave reviews from both the public and the local media. The company has since toured in Denmark (2003), Finland (2003), Canada (2005), Germany (2005) and is planning to have a performance in Spain and Portugal in 2006. Tour Schedule 2006 Oct Canada 2007 Feb Australia Sydney Opera House Tour Schedule 2007 Jun LG Art Center, Seoul Korea Representative | Do Wan Im Contact Person | Ji Sun Park / AsiaNow Producer Address | 16-148, Jeongneung-1dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-841, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-912-3094 Fax | +82-(0)2-912-3094 Email | [email protected] Website | Showcase | Oct. 11 Wed. 5:30pm~6pm | Arko Arts Theater | Large Theater 64 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Contact Representative | Sung Yop Hong Contact Person | Da Hae Kang / Administrator Address | Step B/D, B1 Fl., 115-12, Jungkok 4-dong, Kwangjin-gu, Seoul 143-224, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-3436-9048 Fax | +82-(0)2-3436-9018 Email | [email protected] Website | Showcase | Oct. 11 Wed. 4:30pm~5pm | Arko Arts Theater | Large Theater PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases 65 Other Event Contact Circle-After the Other Trust Dance Company A-soon Dance Company As one of the most successful productions of Choreographer Ae-soon Ahn, Circle-After the Other is inspired by the concept of the circle. Choreography begins with the idea of water to imply a mind in peace, a cognitive aspect of the Korean spirit. This is followed by staging contrasting and disorderly images of modern Korea, and this different direction leads to the display of body movements that depict the degenerated modern Korean society. Established in 1995, the Trust Dance Company has been actively performing all across Europe and Asia, communicating its unique and creative style with the audience. In 1999, the company was awarded the 2nd Best Prize from the Saitama International Creative Dance Contest for the piece What we want to is… winning over audiences and critics alike. The company continues to create and experiment with new pieces that include The Silk Road, Opened Again Through Dance. A-soon Dance Company Founded by Choreographer Ae-soon Ahn in 1983, A-soon Dance Company has produced many pieces that include The 11th Shadow, Circle-after the Other and Just amongst others. The company has been receiving the attention of critics for its unique style, using various themes and meanings from traditional Korean culture and adopting them into the form of contemporary dance. Contact Contact Representative | Yun Gyu Kim Contact Person | Hyeong Hee Kim / Art Director Address | Eunhhye B/D, 1665-1, Bongchun 6-dong, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 151-849 , Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-879-0613 Fax | +82-(0)2-3474-2892 Email | [email protected] Website | Representative | Ae-soon Ahn Contact Person | Dong Hoon Shin / Space UE Address | B1 Elite Bldg., 1605-4, Seocho 1-dong, seocho-gu, Seoul 137-877, Korea Tel | 82-(0)2-3141-1770 Fax | 82-(0)2-3141-6642 Email | [email protected] Website | Showcase | Oct. 11 Wed. 4pm~4:30pm | Arko Arts Theater | Large Theater PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases 67 Other Event Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Seminar & Forum Through this performance, choreographer Ahn raises the question concerning which direction Korean contemporary dance is, and should be, heading as she exhibits her talent and ability to illuminate Korean contemporary dance. Her continuous accomplishments had results in many invitations, especially regarding Circle-after the Other, that include the Asia-Pacific Week in Berlin (2005), the Singapore Arts Festival (2004) and the Cervantino International Festival (2004). Trust Dance Company 66 PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Circle-After the Other Born Again explores the meaning of human reincarnation based on Eastern philosophies. The visualization of Asian spirit and thought is also the principle behind the dance style, stage design and sound. Choreographer and dancer Yun Gyu Kim has sought new methods of dance while traveling through Mongolia, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan. Kim is also trained in such disciplines as Mask Dance, Tai Chi and Yoga, all of which has helped to embody the Asian style of Born Again. Much acclaim and awards have been brought to the Trust Dance Company particularly in 2004, when the company was awarded with the Grand Prix for Dance of The Year from the Arts Council Korea and Choreographer Of The Year from the Korean Organization of Dance Choreographers. Showcase | Oct. 11 Wed. 2pm~2:30pm | Arko Arts Theater | Large Theater Booth Exhibitions Genre | Dance / Contemporary Dance Touring Company | Performers 11 Staff 6 Running time | 40min Size of Stage | W12m×D7m×H12m Required Facilities | Linoleum for floor Moving light 7ea Profile 20ea CD player Staff | Choreograph Ae Soon Ahn Stage Design Jong Suk Kim Lighting Design In yeon Lee Music Hong Gip Kim Costume Design Sun Ok Lim Genre | Dance / Contemporary Dance Touring Company | Performers 6 Staff 4 Running time | 35min Size of Stage | W17m×D17m×H8m Required Facilities | Turn table stage, Sound’s equipment Staff | Script·Choreograph Yun Gyu KimArts Director Hyeong Hee Kim Born Again Information Born Again Hybrid Plastic Zoo Project Hong Dance Company Booth Exhibitions Genre | Dance / Contemporary Dance Touring Company | Performers 5 Staff 5 Running time | 28min Size of Stage | W16m×D16m×H8m Required Facilities | Trigonal-shaped pole(170cm) Cube box(30cm) Table (45cm*45cm*120cm) Beam projector*2 Staff | Choreograph Jung Min Joo Script·Director Chong Gak Music So Yeon Park Stage Young Gue Ham Media art U-Joo, Hee Ypung Im Genre | Dance / Contemporary Dance Touring Company | Performers 10 Staff 4 Running time | 60min Size of Stage | W10m×D10m×H10m Staff | Choreography Hye Jeon Hong Lighting Design Sang Bong Lee Lighting Director Jung Hwa Kim Set Design In Ha Ko PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Cube Information Cube Hybrid Cube, premiered at the Seoul International Dance Festival in October 2006, and is based on melancholy and the loss of lives. The Plastic Zoo Project shows an imaginary object of a cube on stage, which represents encapsulation of human beings. The cube can be a metaphor for hypocrisies that dull our sense of lives. Cube emphasizes a new attempt of a production process in which two media artists have been offered with only the scenario of Cube and asked to create media works while interactively sharing improvisational yet very intimate communications on stage with Choreographer Jung Min Joo. Being hybrid is the notion of sustaining coexistence of differences, and Choreographer Hye-Jeon Hong applies this notion to the creative tension of producing the piece Hybrid. The highlight of the performance is the stage equipment, which includes a spectacular four-meter-high steel structure. Watching six superb male dancers jumping and dancing on the set is sure to captivate the audience. The piece was created in such a way whereby the audience will be able to enjoy its humor yet receive heart-warming messages, a signature of Hong’s unique dancing style. Seminar & Forum Plastic Zoo Project Hong Dance Company Plastic Zoo was founded in 2005 by four tremendously talented individuals of a director, a composer, and two dancers. Starting with a dance drama named Alice In Wonderland, the group is expected to perform three new plays in 2006. All of their performances are in accordance with their concept, that is, real freedom of independent stage art. The philosophy of the project team is that links to the past and present are denied for the future, identifying the future as a sweet but abstract notion. Its production process moves forward for the freedom of artistic expressions. Hong Dance Company was established in 2000 under the direction of choreographer HyeJeon Hong to express the modern Korean culture and mentality, combined with western culture. Hong Dance Company is one of the fastest growing contemporary dance companies in Korea, delivering strong messages with cheerful laughter on various episodes of life in our society. Review Representative | Chong Gak Park, Jung Min Joo Contact Person | Jung Min Joo Address | #1415-1302 Daewon Apts Yeonhwamaeul, Jung 2-dong ,Wonmi-gu, Bucheon-Si, Gyeonggi-do, 420-761, Korea Tel | +82-(0)11-9861-1772 Email | [email protected] Full-length Performance | Oct. 11 Wed. 8pm | LIG Art Hall 68 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Contact Representative | Hye Jeon Hong Contact Person | Seo Ryoung Kim/ EO Creative Address | EO Creative #2416 Daewoo Metro The-Oville, 52-1, Shingongdeok-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul 121-852, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-704 6420 Fax | +82-(0)2-704 6444 Email | [email protected] Showcase | Oct. 12 Thur. 4:30pm~5pm | Arko Arts Theate | Small Theater PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases 69 Other Event Contact Hybrid is a 60-minute piece but it never becomes boring as it explores the choreographer’s and dancers’ energy without repetitive images or movements. Hong combines the musical composition to further the scenic atmosphere with extraordinary settings, thus harmonizing all the elements. (Choom) Lost Children Lee Kyung-Ok Dance Company Sungsoo Ahn Pick-up Company Booth Exhibitions Genre | Dance / Contemporary Dance Touring Company | Performers 8 Staff 12 Running time | 70min Required Facilities | Dance floor Staff | Choreographer Kyung Ok Lee Theatre·Custome Design Jin Kook Han Music Whool Lighting Jun-Tak Gong etc. Genre | Dance / Contemporary Dance Touring Company | Performers 4 Staff 1 Running time | 20min Size of Stage | W11m×D11m Staff | Artistic Director Sung Soo Ahn PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Janghwa Hongryun Information Janghwa Hongryun Lost Children Lost Children, premiered in the Seoul International Dance Festival in October 2006. It is based on the dance piece Femme, which was presented in the International Modern Dance Festival (2002), this performance is about the furies and revenge of four women who were tormented and murdered. Lost Children is, however, a newly created piece which projects a peaceful story of the four women in Femme when they were still young and not yet tormented. Set against Ravel’s music, choreographer Sungsoo Ahn suggests that the most peaceful time of his formal protagonists is through choreographic emphasis on the contrasts of movements between the upper and lower part of a human body. Seminar & Forum Janghwa Hongryun is based on an old Korean tale of the same title about the revenge of two sisters murdered by villains. This old tale is known as one of the most didactic stories to sublimate Han, indicative of the grudge in a traditional Korean context that has also been justified and beautified. This performance, however, deconstructs the previous meanings of the tale and re-constructs the entire process of the revenge with different forms of movements, through which Choreographer Kyung-Ok Lee emphasizes the presentation of grudges being continuously reborn to question the true nature of the subjects. This performance is also recognized and identified as combining the comical movements of traditional and contemporary Korean dance with the live music of a young Korean percussion group. Sungsoo Ahn Pick-up Company Lee Kyung-Ok Dance Company Lee Kyung-Ok Dance Company genuinely demonstrates the Korean culture by interpreting traditional stories into dance pieces that include social criticism. In 2002, the company presented its first piece The 1st Dance Nursery Story for Adults: Single ShoeShim Chung, a story that combines the Korean traditional tale Kongji and Patji with the western fairy tale Cinderella, a production that was a great success. Review Showcase | Oct. 11 Wed. 5:30pm~6pm | Arko Arts Theater | Small Theater 70 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Contact Representative | Kyung Ok Lee Contact Person | Sae Ryun Kim Address | Rm.202, 2F. Samkyung Bldg., 3ga, 6211, Pil-dong, jung-gu, Seoul 100-273, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-2263-4680 Fax | +82-(0)2-2276-1959 Email | [email protected] Contact Representative | Sung Soo Ahn Contact Person | Sang Myeong Chun MCT (Management Co.) Address | Rm.211 Korean National University of Arts, 1753, Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul 137-070, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-2263-4680 Fax | +82-(0)2-2276-1959 Email | [email protected] Full-length Performance | Oct. 12 Thur & 13 Fri. 8pm | HOAM Art Hall PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases 71 Other Event In Janghwa Hongryun, Lee demonstrates her complete understanding of everything that is happening onstage. She maximizes the effect of dancing while playing through various usages of broader meanings of theaters. She also adds theatrical humor and wit to the dance piece when she re-interprets Korean folk dance and contemporary dance movements, resulting Lee Kyung-ok to achieve her own uniqueness. (Momm, July 2004, In-Hwa Yoo) After completing an education in dance and film, choreographer Sungsoo Ahn established his own dance company, the Sungsoo Ahn Pick-up Group with the graduates from the Juilliard School in 1992. The company has since performed at numerous venues that include, amongst others, the Joyce Theater, the American Dance Festival, and the Lincoln Center Outdoor Festival. In 1996, Sungsoon Ahn Pick-up Company was re-established with the dancers who were trained in Korean dance and Ballet. Ahn and the dancers have sought to develop their own style and movements. Awards he received in Korea include the Korean Dance Critic’s Award (2001), for his piece Beyond My Control and the Dance Art Award of 2005 and the Best Arts Award of the Year (2005), for his dance production My Funeral. He was nominated for the Benois De La Danse Award 2005 for choreography with his dance piece Bolero, which the Sungsoo Ahn Pick-up Group performed in the award gala at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow in April, 2006. The Old Song Book Won Kim/Group Collaboration OR Kim Yoon Jin Dance Company Genre | Dance / Contemporary Dance Touring Company | Performers 9 Staff 7 Running time | 65min Size of Stage | W17m×D17m×H8m Staff | Choreographer Yoon Jin Kim Music Director Ki Young Kim Assistant Choreographer So Yeoun Im Stage Design Jong Seok Kim Stage Lighting Hee Sun Go Costume La Young Hwang Make-up Moon Hee Choi Musician Jin Seok Kim PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases The Old Song Book The Old Song Book approaches truth of life by exploring relationships within a family. Nostalgia for the past, memories on enduring wounds and frustration in the past days, grief and pain of life are pictured in warmhearted insight. Actors and dancers reciprocate between daily lives and theatrical realities as variation of rhythms are played. As poor life in the outskirts of a city in the 1980s of Korea is portrayed with fantasy of Schumann’s Kinderszenen. The Old Song Book shows co-existence of current Korean dance, while expanding self-conscious aesthetics of Korean traditional dance. Seminar & Forum Shadows premiered in the Korean Dances Meet World Music, a festival organized by CIDUNESCO, and was created with the aim to seriously understand global cultures and artistically accomplishing a creative and rigorous piece. Shadows eliminates stories and employs its own way of phrasing abstract dance images based on artistic meditation to express unique and active body movements that constantly maintains a circulation of breathing and fills the space on the stage. Working with a Mexican composer also adds visual variety, with the dancers improvising to the new melodies and rhythms, the fusion of this special music and dance exceeds all expectations. Kim Yoon Jin Dance Company Won Kim / Group Collaboration OR Established in 2005, Kim Yoon Jin Dance Company has explored to find new genres and possibilities in modern Korean dance, and Kim has been active in attempting to adapt the formal and stylistic boundaries of modern dance to traditional Korean dance. These efforts have landed the company an invitation to the Seoul International Performing Arts Festival in 2005 to perform Desire and Stay Still, and the company is invited to the same festival this year with Kim’s new piece, The Old Song Book. Since the foundation of the company in 1986 by Choreographer Won Kim, to be renamed Won Kim / Group Collaboration OR in 1992, the company has tried to present a new phase of arts performances while experimenting and creating a new genre of complex-media that mixes dance, music, and computer-technology. The company has also continued to search for diverse artists from all over the world to cooperate and open a new chapter for the arts. Booth Exhibitions Genre | Dance / Contemporary Dance Touring Company | Performers 2 Staff 2 Running time | 18min Size of Stage | W10m×D10m×H5m Required Facilities | Black dance floor, Black back drop Staff | Choreograph Won Kim Music Helio Monroy Technical Director·Stage Design Jeong Suk Kim Lighting Design Chol Hee Kim Costume Jae Young Yang Photograph Jin Hwang Shadows Information Shadows Review Showcase | Oct. 12 Thur. 3pm~3:30pm | Arko Arts Theater | Small Theater 72 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Contact Contact Representative | Won Kim Contact Person | Seo Yoon Cho / Coordinator Address | Dance Dept., College of Arts, Chonbuk National University, 664-14, Deokjin-dong 1-ga, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do 561-756, Korea Tel | +82-(0)63-270-3749 Fax | +82-(0)63-270-3708 Email | [email protected] Representative | Yoon Jin Kim Contact Person | Yoou-Suk Hwang Planner, Ac2b Address | #401, 1588-11, Seocho3-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul 137-873, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-6406-3306 Fax | +82-(0)2-588-7572 Email | [email protected] / [email protected] Full-length Performance | Oct. 13 Fri. 8pm, 14 Sat. 6pm | Arko Arts Theater | Large Theater PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases 73 Other Event Won Kim’s dance in Shadowsis actualized through an intimate relationship with the music. The melody and the rhythm go hand in hand with the dance in this piece whereby the dancing interacts with the music, at times holding and at times releasing it to create diversions and variations in the music. (Choom) Trace Lee K. Dance UBIN Dance Booth Exhibitions Genre | Dance / Contemporary Dance Touring Company | Performers 2 Staff 8 Running time | 20min Staff | Choreographer·Trifling article manufacturer Kyung Eun Lee, Saito Eiji Music Congnamul Factory Han Suk Kim Won Uk Park Lighting Ho Shin Genre | Dance / Contemporary Dance Touring Company | Performers 2 Staff 1 Running time | 14min Size of Stage | W16m×D16m×H8m Staff | Choreography Yong In Lee Light Design Chul Hee Kim PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases The Two-Between Information The Two-Between Trace Sympathy of sentiments and texture of expression are both presented at the same time through an equal combination of dance and music. The Two-Between, a report on developmental phases of human relationships, presents two strangers who close the gap that exists between them by using identical objects from various angles along with the flow of wit, joy, and death. The performance merges female dancer Kyung-Eun Lee’s powerful energy with male dancer Saito Eiji’s mild tenderness. The creative ideas of the two dancers and choreographers demonstrate such a wonderful mixture of delicacy and wit that it is difficult to believe the piece is actually a collaboration of dance companies from Korea and Japan. The duet piece Trace was created in 2005 by choreographer Yong-In Lee and is about the influences that are given and taken in relationships. The key point of this piece is Lee’s body, with which she uses to create unique yet intuitive movements that have their own logic and metaphors. These are fluidly expanded into two bodies onstage to convey a sense of intensity and density. Seminar & Forum UBIN Dance Following her success as a solo artist and choreographer, Yong-In Lee founded the UBIN Dance in 2004 and premiered Trace in 2005. UBIN Dance has established own style in a short space of time owing in no small part to Lee’s experiences as the principal dancer in several international companies in Europe and further experiences as a freelancer. Her pieces deliver diversely picturesque images through a mastery of movements that do without theatrical expressions or mimed explanations. At a time when dancing becomes absent in more and more dance pieces, her works are purely devoted to movements, which she considers to be very essence of dance. Lee K. Dance The works of Lee K. Dance are characterized by explosive energy, pure emotions, and provocative stage manners. Choreographer Kyung-Eun Lee has described her peculiar choreographic direction as a way of thinking with the body and using research to express the mind. Her themes and topics are mostly drawn from everyday life and social issues that people confront in their everyday lives. Her newest work The Two-Between will be touring Switzerland, England and Canada in 2007. Review Review Tour Schedule 2007 March UK / Swiss 2007 Jun Canada Showcase | Oct. 12 Thur. 3:30pm~4pm | Arko Arts Theater | Small Theater 74 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Contact Representative | Kyung Eun Lee Contact Person | Sang Myeong Chun / MCT (Management Co.) Address | Rm.202, 2F. Sam Kyung Bldg., 62-11 Pil-dong 3ga, Jung-gu, Seoul 100-273, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-2263-4680 Fax | +82-(0)2-2276-1959 Email | [email protected] Contact Representative | Yong-In Lee Contact Person | Yong-In Lee Address | #109-906, Samsung Apartments, Changjeon-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul 121-778, Korea Tel | +82-(0)10-7566-6689 Email | [email protected] Showcase | Oct. 11 Wed. 6pm~6:30pm | Arko Arts Theater | Small Theater PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases 75 Other Event As demonstrated in The Two-Between, Lee displays the thorough enjoyment of her strength and passion on stage. We expect her to be as confident and energetic in all her future performances. (Choom, 2005, Nov) Her exceptional use of the body and individual muscles allows her choreography to display an uncanny crispness and sharpness to her movements. (Choom, June 2006, In-Hwa Yoo) Echo Dance Company The Body The Forest Booth Exhibitions Genre | Dance / Contemporary Dance Touring Company | Performers 4 Staff 4 Running time | 35min Size of Stage | W15m×D10m×H7m Required Facilities | Black Dance Floor White Tape(10cm width) White Pole(7m length) Staff | Artistic Director Yun Kyung Lee Stage Manager Yeo Hun ighting Chul Hee Kim Stage Design Jong Seok Kim Costumes Kwan Yoon Visual Hwa Chung Ji Photo In Ho Song P.R Dae Gun Nam, Ji Yeon Lee Genre | Dance / Traditional Crossover Music Touring Company | Performers 9 Staff PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Waiting Room II Information Waiting Room II Echo Waiting Room II is inspired by the drama Waiting For Godot by Samuel Beckett. The performance portrays the strenuous waiting of human lives and the despair caused by the waiting through intricate yet repetitive and reserved movements. A very sophisticated stage with a stable rectangular structure and wooden poles from the top symbolize the space from which residents (dancers) wish to escape but. The Forest focuses on maintaining unique sounds of each instrument and using them to create a new type of music that utilizes the beautiful harmonies of all. The natural howl of traditional wooden instruments mask the metallic sounds of modern electronic instruments, which in turn lend power to the traditional lyrical instruments. As for percussive sounds, The Forest uses Latin inspired music and other countries’ traditional percussion styles to make their own sound lighter and fresher while still retaining the traditional rhythm deep within. This wondrous music is rich and full of variety. Seminar & Forum Dance Company The Body Musician Chang Yool Shin, Suk Jin GO, Joo Ri Kim, Woo Jin Park, Chan Yun Park, Hyun Jung Shin, Founded in 2004, Dance Company The Body is a joint collaboration between modern dancers Yun-Kyung Lee and Seok-Hun Ryu, renowned for their exceptional skill and perfect harmony. The company now consists of artists with various backgrounds in such disciplines as painting, theater and dance. With endless vitality, the company has discovered its ideas from our everyday lives and has also sought to facilitate communications between audiences and dancers in its performances. Joon Hyung Im, Hye Sim Jung, Sung Moo Choi The Forest Founded in 2001, The Forest, a traditional crossover band, presents the unique sounds and sensations of Korean music while simultaneously pursuing a new-age sound using traditional instruments to create a lyrical and pictorial performance. The Forest was invited in 2005 to perform at the opening ceremony for the Asian Arts Mart in Singapore. Later that year, they performed for The Concert for Peace at the Lincoln Center in New York. Review This performance is a very good example of highly trained dancers performing out of their senses even during motionless moments. (The Performing Arts & Film Review) Contact Showcase | Oct. 11 Wed. 3:30pm~4pm | Arko Arts Theater | Small Theater 76 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Representative | Chang Yool Shin Contact Person | Chang Yool Shin / Team Leader Address | B1 Fl., 255-10, Yangjae-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul 137-130, Korea Tel | +82-(0)16-418-2935 Fax | +82-(0)2-578-2935 Email | [email protected] Website | Showcase | Oct. 12 Thur. 3:30pm~4pm | SSTheater PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases 77 Other Event Contact Representative | Sung Soo Ahn Contact Person | Dae-gun Nam / P.R & Tour Manager, President of On-stage Address | 6F, #1565-23, Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul 137-847, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-588-6411 Fax | +82-(0)2-588-6412 Email | [email protected] Website | The Beginning of the Passion Kang Eun Il Haegumplus The group O-Gam-Do consists of young traditional musicians and various artists based in Jeonju-si, known as the City of Sound, where values of Korean traditional melodies and rhythms are preserved. These musicians and artists have been sought to discover and develop a new value for Korean traditional music in the contemporary world. Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Contact Contact Representative | Man Ju Han Contact Person | Tae Hoon Kim / Manager Address | B1F, Jeonglim Bld., 207, Poi-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-963, Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-2058-1048 Fax | +82-(0)2-2058-1049 Email | [email protected] Website | Representative | Tae Sang Ahn Contact Person | Inook Chang Address | 957-1, Seosin-dong, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-city 560-170, Korea Tel | +82-(0)63-254-7842 Fax | +82-(0)63-278-9888 Email | [email protected] Website | Showcase | Oct. 13 Fri. 3pm~3:30pm | SSTheater PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases 79 Other Event 78 Seminar & Forum Korean World Music Group O-Gam-Do Kang Eun Il Haegumplus has explored several genres with the Haegum and other instruments from the East and West as a means of communication that transcends both time and space. Its performances present an opportunity to explore and to trace the footsteps of traditional Korean music. The company has been attempting to seek a balanced development while creating new harmonies between traditional and modern musical elements. One of the company’s most important achievements was winning the Korean Traditional Music Grand Prix from KBS (Korean Broadcasting System) in 2005. Showcase | Oct. 12 Thur. 4:30pm~5pm | SSTheater PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases The Beginning of the Passion is the first part of the Korean World Music Group O-GamDo’s trilogy Departure, which deals with the great proposition of life. It is composite performance combining the harmonies of traditional Korean musical and electronic instruments with such multidisciplinary elements as Pansori (Korean vocal music encompassing literature, music, and drama), Korean traditional dance, theater action, and projection images. Kang Eun Il Haegumplus New Zealand (Wellington, Oakland) Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) United Arab Emirates (Dubai) Japan (Tokyo) Booth Exhibitions The Beginning of the Passion (Departure: Episode 1) Remembrance of Future by Kang Eun Il’s company Haegumplus takes traditional Korean music as a text and creates a crossover musical experience that spans the East and West. Bandleader Kang’s music demonstrates the possibilities of the Korean string instrument Haegum. Although the Haegum’s tone is actually rough, Eun-Il Kang has adopted its tone into a new music full of beautiful melodies and temperance so that the music approaches the audience as a lyrical poem. Her strong and gracious bowing will delight audiences who are already familiar with Korean music, with a new understanding of Korean music’s potentials. For audiences who are unfamiliar with such music, Kang provides them with the opportunity to share in the universal language of music. Tour Schedule Korean World Music Group O-Gam-Do Genre | Music / Korean World music Touring Company | Performers 13 Staff 3 Running time | 100min Size of Stage | W25m×D20m×H12m Required Facilities | Console (more than 32 channel) Mike Outboard Light Drums Bass amp Guitar amp Staff | Composer Tae Sang Ahn Director·Script·Arrangement Hyo Sang Yun Executive Manager In Ook Chang Genre | Music / Korean Crossover Music Touring Company | Performers 10 Staff 7 Running time | 90min Size of Stage | W10m×D10m×H6m Required Facilities | Sound, Lights, Stage Staff | Executive Producer Man Ju Han Producer Sung Shin Choi Music Director Hyung Sun Ryu Sound Director Cheol Ryu Lights Director Youn Wha Kong Assistant Producer Tae Hoon Kim Coordinator Eun Hee Chai Remembrance of Future Information Remembrance of Future Handcart, Overturned Domino Look Corporal Theatre Momggol Booth Exhibitions Genre | Multidisciplinary Arts Physical Theatre Touring Company | Performers 4 Staff 4 Running time | 60min Size of Stage | W16m×D16m×H8m Required Facilities | Double cassette & CD player Staff | Diretor Jong Yeon Yoon Artistic Manager Myung Hwa Shin Genre | Multidsciplinary Arts / Experimental Play Touring Company | Performers 11 Staff 5 Running time | 80min Size of Stage | Squared theatre space (approx. 495m2 / W20m×D25m) Staff | Sun Young Ko and 3 performers PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Clay Play for Children Information Clay Play for Children Handcart, Overturned Clay Play for Children is designed to engage the audience to get in touch with such fundamental elements as water, light and soil, which have been the basis of emotions and traditions. The nature of clay can inspire people to reach deep inside to connect with their instinct and creativity, and the key of the performance is actually touching the clay and feeling its texture and properties. Through such activities as looking, stepping, throwing, drawing, molding and slipping on clay in the performance, children are able to nurture their imagination while adults can reminisce a certain innocence they may have lost long ago. Seminar & Forum Poverty has a nostalgic element to it, and a handcart, which usually symbolizes the poverty of Korea in the past, allows various possibilities of dramatic movements and images through a different approach in its balance and usage. Handcart, Overturned focuses on employing the handcart to inspire more lively physical movements and the real space of the performance is also changed into a space that has poetic connotations. The extension of metaphors in the performance leads the audience to go beyond the limits of imagination. The audience also has an interactive experience arranged in and out of the theater space, and they are requested to participate beyond the stage barriers. Domino Look Corporal Theatre Momggol Established in 2006 by artist Young Ran Lee, Domino Look has endeavored to give an opportunity for children to engage in activities with such diverse tools as clay, flour, light and water to nurture their imagination and creativity. The company has created an original scene of the object theater, staging new ideas about plays in theaters and galleries. 80 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Contact Contact Representative | Young Lan Lee Contact Person | Sun Young Go Address | #226-90, Seongbuk 2-dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-824, Korea Tel | +82-(0)16-348-7302 Email | [email protected] Website | Representative | Jong Yeon Yoon Contact Person | Myung Hwa Shin / Artistic Manager Address | 3F, Momggol Studio, 54-46, Mullae-dong 3(sam)-ga, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul 150-834 , Korea Tel | +82-(0)2-2636-4861 Fax | +82-(0)2-2636-4861 Email | [email protected] Website | Showcase | Oct. 14 Sat. 5:30pm~6pm | SSTheater PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases 81 Other Event PT | Oct. 14 Sat. 3:30pm~4pm | SSTheater Established in 2002, the company has sought to discover, and recognized the importance of physical acting by minimizing the use of words and expanding the use of the human body and visual images. Corporal Theatre Momggol’s Orpheus was also one of the PAMS Choice performances in 2005. Total Theater Alice Creative Group NONI Sungmin Hong Booth Exhibitions Genre | Multidisciplinary Arts Traditional Korean Puppetry Touring Company | Performers 11 Staff 2 Running time | 70min Size of Stage | W10.5m×D16.5m×H3.8m Staff | Director Kyun Hee Kim Musician Kyung Jin So Stage Designer Sun Hwa Hong Costume Designer Young Ju Woo Light Designer Hyun Sun Shin Genre | Multidisciplinary Arts Total Theater Touring Company | Performers 30 Staff 20 Running time | 80min Size of Stage | Variable Required Facilities | Video equipments Lift car Basic theater conditions PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Kok Du Information Kok Du Total Theater Alice Total Theater Alice is not a typical theater work based on a text with a linear narrative. It is a spectacular open-air performance combining different elements of various genre such as theater, contemporary dance and video arts. It also applies the notion of the cruelty by Antonin Artaud and the out-door festivities of the Kut (Korean traditional performance of exorcism) to the performance. The trans-gender Alice sings a song with lip-synch, a Korea traditional crossover band produces explosive sounds, and the Little Prince, who is portrayed as a dwarf in the performance, delivers a pretty play. This ironical style leads audiences to the time and space beyond a common sense, which is indecipherable and inexplicable. At the same time, however, they can experience fresh enlightenment through this experimental art form of overlapping and colliding differences. Seminar & Forum Audiences have been thrilled with Kok Du, a lively performance filled with delightful music and brilliant wit. Kok Du, which is also the name of a traditional Korean puppet, is led mainly by one musician and two puppeteers who characterize three clowns. The performance begins with the clowns invoking the spirit of the deceased for them to immerse into the puppets. The clowns then embark on their adventurous journey with those puppets, which eventually ends with them fulfilling the spirits’ dreams that they were unable to while they were still alive. Since all the puppets employed in the performance depict the spirits of a traditional Korean funeral bier, they are carved out of wood and decorated with a traditional Korean design called the Dancheong. Creative Group NONI Sungmin Hong The members of Noni are graduates of the Korean National University of Arts who have majored in Performing Arts and Stage Design. All the artists in the company have a profound understanding in a wide range of traditional Korean culture, especially in dance and music. Noni has been striving to broaden their artistic capacities to create collaborations of traditional performance methods with modern visual languages. 82 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Contact Contact Representative | Kyung Hee Kim Contact Person | Hyun Ju Sim / Manager Address | #605, Woojung Plaza, 760-3 Singokdong, Uijeongbu-si, Gyeonggi-do 480-070, Korea Tel | +82-(0)31-853-4881 Fax | +82-(0)31-853-4886 Email | [email protected] Representative | Sung Min Hong / President Contact Person | Say-Ok Lee Address | Department Time Art, Kaywon School Of Art And Design, San 125, Naesondong, Uiwang-si, Gyeonggi-do 437-712 , Korea Tel | +82-(0)11-9610-6467 Email | [email protected] Website | Full-length Performance | Oct. 14 Sat. 8pm | Marronnier Park PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases 83 Other Event Showcase | Oct. 14 Sat. 3pm~3:30pm | SSTheater Sugnmin Hong is a media artist and has worked with diverse artists from the field of theater, dance, music and visual arts. Hong first presented Total Theater Alice in a fascinating shopping and arts center, the Ssanziegil in 2005, by applying all its indoor and outdoor space to the stage of the performance, which raised many sensations and applauses from both arts professionals and audiences. He is also a professor in the Department of Time Art at the Kaywon School of Art and Design and provides a study on the fields of video art, interactive art and performance. Hamutsun Serve Noridan Information Wit & Beat Japan Booth Exhibitions Genre | Multidisciplinary Performance Touring Company | Performers 7 Staff 6 Running time | 70min Size of Stage | W14m×D12m×H10m Staff | Producer Chul Ki Choi Director Won Kil Paek Music Director Seok Hee Ahn PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Wit & Beat Genre | Dance / Street Dance Hamutsun Serve The journey between theater, music, fantasy, and reality is perfectly presented in Wit & Beat, produced by Chul-Ki Choi and directed by Won Kil Paek of Cookin’ and Jump that have been sold-out performances in the Edinburgh Fringe and the London Westwood in 2004 and 2005. The story of a blind boy, Wit & Beat presents creative visual images onstage where imaginary sounds invite audiences to the world of music without notation and rendition without instruments. Sets and objects on the stage are turned into musical instruments while superb mimes and comical dramas delight the audience. Hamutsun Serve, comprised of Rikiccho and Dayoshi, has attracted audience by their animation dance technique, such as Slow Motion, Ticking, MoonWalk, and their selfinvented movement. Their ‘Grotesque’ dance world along with original pieces, which proved his talents as a musician, are widely acclaimed not only within Japan, but also worldwide. They are planning to perform in Germany and Brazil at the end of 2006. They have won a number of prizes at top-level competitions throughout Japan. Seminar & Forum Noridan Noridan’s creed is that anything can be used as instruments, and since 2004 this ecological music performance group has derived constant pleasure and energy by adopting new attempts of recycling nature and culture. Industrial wastes such as car wheels and PE pipes are reused and reinterpreted as musical instruments. Noridan’s professional performance team consists of 30 members in a wide range of ages from nine to forty, and the team is based in the Haja Center, The Seoul Youth Factory for Alternative Culture, which is run by the Center for Youth and Cultural Studies at Yonsei University. 84 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Contact Contact Person | EX GROOVE Address | BALTIC STONE-building annex 4F, 3-14-37, kamiosaki, shinagawa-gu, TOKYO, JAPAN, Zip141-0021 Tel | +81-3-5447-2630 Fax | +81-3-5447-2631 Email | [email protected] Website | Showcase | Oct. 12 Thur. 5pm~5:30pm | Arko Art Theater | Small Theater PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases 85 Other Event Showcase | Oct. 12 Thur. 5:30pm~6pm | SSTheater Contact Representative | Jong Whee Kim / President Contact Person | Miya Shin Address | #106, Haja Center, 57, Yeongdeungpodong 7-ga, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul 150-137, Korea, Tel | +82-(0)2-2677-9200 Fax | +82-(0)2-2679-9300 Email | [email protected] Website | Na’rimbo Japan Information Hitoride Dekirumon Mexico Booth Exhibitions Genre | Music Touring Company | Performers 8 Genre | Dance / Street Dance PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Hitoride Dekirumon Na’rimbo Hitoride Dekirumon is a mysterious masked dancer. Although the audience tends to focus on his comic feature, he actually has an excellent dancing skill. He continues to attract his fans with his amusing and comical performances. Seminar & Forum Fusion of Latin Jazz with traditional marimba folk music from the Southeast of Mexico. The group Na’rimbo whose name, in the Chiapa language means Hormiguillo, a type of tree, from whose wood the bars of the marimba are crafted) was founded in 1998 by young marimba players who have studied the contemporary and classical techniques of the instrument, and who posses a strong background in the traditions of marimba music from Chiapas, Mexico. During its short but outstanding career, Na’rimbo has performed in numerous national and international festivals in Cannes, Belfort, Paris, Hasselt, Ribaroja, Zaragoza, Amsterdam, New York, Washington and Beijing. Musician Israel Moreno | Marimba, vibraphone and musical director Miguel Cruz | Percussion Luis Rojas | Marimba Felipe Martinez | Piano Gustavo Grajales | Drums Humberto Albores | Bass Guillermo Gomez | Marimba, Percussion Alejandrina Grajales Nandayapa | Saxophone Review Contact Person | Mr. Ryohei Takemura Email | [email protected] Showcase | Oct. 12 Thur. 5pm~5:30pm | Arko Art Theater | Small Theater 86 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Contact Contact Person | ISRAEL Moreno / Director Address | Calle Benito Juarez No. 158 Chiapa de Corzo, C.P.29160 Chiapas, MEXICO Tel | +52-961-61-619-66 Chiapas Mexico Email | [email protected] [email protected] Showcase | Oct. 12 Thur. 6:30pm~7pm | SSTheater PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases 87 Other Event Contact “Na’ rimbo’s Magic” (Article by Alberto Noriega for newspaper O Cuarto Poder, State of Chiapas) ‘Na’ rimbo’s turn came up and their musical proposal caused an explosion of joy among the audience at the Teatro de la Ciudad” (La Jornada) Performing Arts Market in Seoul 2006 Seminar I. Korea-Japan Exchanges in Performing Arts Seminar II. International Performing Arts Markets Asian Performing Arts Forum Seminar & Forum Information 인포메이션 Seminar I. Seminar II. Korea-Japan Exchanges in Performing Arts International Performing Arts Markets Booth Exhibitions 부스전 시 Japan’s examples of international performing arts exchange based on regions will be the main topic and proceed with presentations. The presentations will mainly focus on international collaborative projects between Japan’s local arts centers and foreign centers or foreign performing groups. In addition, cases of domestic and international tour programs and effective promotion and marketing strategies to overseas arts markets will be presented. With current international performing arts market and their program policies as a theme, leading organizers of such arts markets as Asian Arts Mart(Singapore), Tokyo Performing Arts Market(Japan), Mexico : Gateway to the Americas(Mexico), CINARS(Canada), Balkan Performing Arts Market(Greece) will give a presentation on each nation’s state. From this seminar, you will obtain more concrete and precise information for the basis of fruitful international promotions. Date and Venue October. 13(Fri.) 9:30am ~ noon October. 12 ( Thur.) 9:30am ~ noon Somerset Palace Seoul, Seminar Room PAMS Choice Overseas Showcases PAMS Choice& 및 해외 쇼케이스 Date and Venue Somerset Palace Seoul, Seminar Room Theme Guest Speakers The present status and program policies of international performing arts markets Yasuyo Kondo Chief Program Coordinator|21st Century Museum of Contemporary Arts, Kanazawa 1) overview (mission, program etc.) Masato Kishi Theatre Director|Yamaguchi Center for the Arts and Media 2) the present status (period, venue and participants) Ayumu Sawafuji Producer|Kitakyushu Performing Arts Center 3) expecting effects of participation 4) criteria for booth and showcase selection etc. Moderator Sung-yeop Lee Professor|Department of Theatre Studies, The Korea National University of Arts Program opening speech | Mr. Gyu Seog Lee president, PAMS 2006 Board of Directors & Korean Arts Management Service Seminar & Forum 학술행사 Simultaneous Interpretation session 1. International performing arts markets : Asia and Australia (09:40~10:40) Tokyo Performing Arts Market - Ms. Hiromi Maruoka / chief director Asian Arts Mart - Mr. Neo Kim Seng / programming officer Australian Performing Arts Market - Ms. Annette Tripodi / operations & program manager coffee break (10:40~10:55) session 2. International performing arts markets : America and Europe (10:55~11:55) CINARS - Ms. Barbara Scales / secretary of board of directors Mexico: Gateway to the Americas - Mr. Mario Espinosa / president Balkan Performing Arts Market - Mr. Yiannis Kolotouras / execitive staff Other Event 부대행 사 Simultaneous Interpretation 90 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Seminar & Forum 91 Forum Asian Performing Arts Forum Performing arts professionals and experts from Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and other Asian countries will come together in this forum and discuss methods to diversify interchange and cooperation of performing arts in Asia. Cases of various networking and collaborative working activities in current performing arts scene of Asia will mainly be introduced and proceed with further discussion about future outlooks. In addition, the project of Asia Culture Hub City, Gwangju and the master plan of Asia Artplex will be introduced. Date and Venue October. 14 Sat. 9:30am ~ 11:50am Somerset Palace Seoul, Seminar Room Theme Asian Performing Arts Networking, its Achievement and Prospect Moderator Benny Chia Director|Hong Kong City Festival Guest Speaker Kyung-Nyun Son l Director General l Culture City Planning & Managing Bureau (Korea) Introduction of the Cultural City Gwangju and the Asian Culture Complex Marion D’Cruz l Excutive Producer l Five Arts Center (Malaysia) Asian Performing Arts Networking Kirtsty Ellem l Deputy Director l Asia Link Center (Australia) Asia Link Center's Artists Residence Program in Asian Countries Huey-Mei Lee l Programming Manager l Nat’l Chiang Kai-Sheck Cultural Center (Taiwan) From Little Asia to Homeless Dance Company Pham Bich Huyen l Visiting Research Fellow l Korea Cultural and Tourism Policy Institute (Vietnam) The need and prospects of Asian Performing Arts Management collaboration- A case study of Vietnam 92 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Performing Arts Market in Seoul 2006 Arko Art Center Arko Arts Theater Theater The Other Somersat Palace Seoul Other Events Arko Art Center, Seminar Room An introductory event presenting trend of this year’s PAMS Choice and program outline of Performing Arts Market in Seoul (PAMS) 2006. All programs of PAMS 2006 including booth exhibitions, PAMS Choice and overseas showcases, seminars and forums and special events such as opening ceremony, lunch meetings, closing party and other events are introduced. PAMS 2006 Orientation will also provide an opportunity to take a look at trend of 29 works chosen as this year’s PAMS Choice. PromoTe yourself Booth Exhibitions October 11 Wed. 10am - noon Information PAMS 2006 Orientation October 12 Thur. 2pm - 2:40pm, 13 Fri. 1:30pm - 3:40pm, 14 Sat. 2pm - 2:40pm Arko Art Center, the 1st Gallery, PT Area PromoTe yourself allows partigpating groups and organizations of booth exhibition to promote and present their works and activities through presentation. PromoTe yourself will take place in a PT area inside the booth exhibition hall at Arko Art Center. Approximately 20 organizations will give presentations during the arts market period. Each booth exhibitors may give 10-minute presentation. Characteristics of PAMS 2006 | Jiyun Wie | Secretary General & Programs, Secretariat of Performing Arts Market in Seoul Manager, International Relations, Korea Arts Management Service Trend of Korean Performing Arts | Jun-ho Choi | Department of Theatre Studies, The Korean National University of Arts. PAMS Choice & Overseas Showcases Theme & Speaker October 12 Thur. 2pm-2:40pm Gogol Trilogy BARIDEGI Chungdong Theater Universal Ballet PAMS Choice 2006 Chin-A Lee | Theater Program Directors of PAMS 2006 October 13, Fri. 1:30pm-2:30pm PAMS 2006 Board of Directors Gyeonggi Arts Center Theater Critic Kore Hana Performing Arts Team THE LITTLE ANGELS In-Joo Chang | Dance Program Director of PAMS 2006 CultureBiz PAMS 2006 Board of Directors Gyeonggi Provincial Theater Company Dance Columnist Gyeonggi Provincial Dance Company Seminar & Forum Jay-youn Joo | Music Program Director of PAMS 2006 October 13 Fri. 2:50pm-3:40pm PAMS 2006 Board of Directors, Changmu Arts Center Managing Director, Nanjang Cultures, Inc. Extreme Romeo and Juliet The National Drama Company of Korea & The National Changgeuk Company of Korea S. Kyu Choi | Multidisciplinary Arts Program Director PAMS 2006 Board of Directors, The National Dance Company of Korea & The National Orchestra of Korea Seoul Ballet Theatre Deputy Artistic Director, Chuncheon International Mime Festival October 14 Sat. 2pm-2:40pm MUSICAL KID The Play of Art 21 - Halfmoon that rise in the day time Ticket Issuing System Musical HWANG-JEENY Musical The Lower Depth Other Event 94 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Other Event 95 Opening Ceremony Lunch Meeting Closing Party ● Opening MEMO Ceremony October 11 Wednesday 1:30pm~3:30pm | Arko Arts Theater, Large Theater & Lobby An opening ceremony announcing the beginning of PAMS 2006 will start with a welcoming speech and proceed to the opening showcase and opening reception. Born Again, one of the works from PAMS Choice 2006 by Trust Dance Company will be performed as the opening showcase. The opening reception with a buffet at the lobby of Arko arts theater will be the first place where participants of the second edition of PAMS from near and far will greet each other and witness the opening of Performing Arts Market in Seoul 2006. ● Lunch Meeting October 12 Thursday &13 Friday 12:30pm~1:30pm | Theater The Other Lunch meeting is a networking event where domestic and international delegates can meet casually. Lunch meetings of PAMS 2006 will take place in the cafe on the first floor of Theater The Other and share personal exchanges based on the various information congregated through booth exhibitions, PTs, showcases and seminars. Furthermore, this is an event where you can meet domestic and international presenters and proceed specific negotiation for exchanges. **Lunch Meeting on the 12th of October supported by the Canadian Embassy in Seoul Korea. the 13th of October supported by the Korean Performing Arts Festivals. ● Closing Party October 14 Saturday 10pm | Somerset Palace Seoul A party to conclude four days of PAMS 2006 and expect next year reconfirming possibilities of exchanges between domestic and international performing arts and expecting the more developed future in 2007. Welcom all participants at PAMS 2006. 96 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 MEMO 97 MEMO 98 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 MEMO MEMO 99 MEMO 100 Performing Art Market in Seoul 2006 Organized by CID-UNESCO Korea Chapter Hosted by Organizing Committee of SIDance 2006 SIDance2006 The 9th Seoul International Dance Festival Dancing out of the box-tear down your expectation! SIDance 2006 proudly presents enchanting worldwide dance collections. Indulge yourself by joining 16 days of fantastic journey to dance enriched with array of cultural treats from digital art to African music, salsa to Stravinsky, Hungarian literature to hip hop. Soak up the off-limit dance vibe. Feel the difference! Ticket Information Organizing Committee of SIDance 2006 02-3216-1185 Ticketlink 1588-7890 Interpark 1544-1555 Club balcony 02-751-9607~10 Theater YONG 1544-5955 (Compagnie Käfig only) ★ Schedule Oct. 10~Oct. 25 2006 Seoul Arts Center|Hoam Art Hall|LIG Art Hall National Theater of Korea|Theater YONG Supported by Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Arts Council Korea, Korea Foundation, Korea Foundation Cultural Center, Seoul Metropolitan Government and Business AgencySeoul Help Center for Foreigners, Korea National Tourism Organization, AFAA, British Council, Festival Montpellier Danse, National Arts Council Singapore, Singapore Arts Festival, Agency for Cultural Affairs in Japan, España Cooperación Cultural Exterior, Ambassade de France en Corée, Embassy of Finland-Seoul, Embassy of Spain-Seoul, South African Embassy-Seoul, Embassy of Israel-Seoul, Japan Foundation-Seoul, Samsung Life Insurance, Hoam Art Hall, * The performance of Compagnie Käfig is co-organized by Theater YONG & SIDance * The performance of An Evening of Contemporary Ballet Ⅴ is co-organized by Universal Ballet & SIDance * The performances at LIG Art Hall are co-hosted by LIG Art Hall and SIDance