Psychopomp 2012 Detailed catalogue with description.


Psychopomp 2012 Detailed catalogue with description.
MEAD CARNEY FINE ART | 45 Dover street London W1S 4FF | [email protected]
Psychopomp represents three series of multi media sculptural works: Memories of Life On Earth, Lady Psychopomp & Ascension figures.
Memories of Life On Earth
Each shell has a motion sensor that triggers different sounds within the shells. The various audio tracks represent conscious and unconscious memories.
These combined states can be harmonious, clashing and/or co-exisiting. The hands are casts of the artist’s own hands.
Discord, 2012
mixed media, ceramic & audio
76 x 36 x 30 cm
Audio - Frightened animals crashing into loud motor vehicals emphasize the clash between the natural and man made worlds.
Eros, 2012
mixed media, ceramic & audio
76 x 36 x 30 cm
Audio - A couple making love for the first time and their unspoken thoughts during the act.
Hangover, 2012
mixed media, ceramic & audio
76 x 36 x 30 cm
Audio - Voice of an ex-drug addict who is contemplating his varying states of existence.
Tide of Consciousness, 2012
mixed media, ceramic & audio
76 x 36 x 30 cm
Audio - Shamanic chanting mixed with waves, representing the connection between humans and nature.
Anima II, 2012
mixed media, ceramic & audio
76 x 36 x 30 cm
Audio - A woman breathing and swimming, each breath is precious, representing the struggle of life.
Halcyon, 2012
mixed media, ceramic & audio
76 x 36 x 30 cm
Audio - Temple bells and birds chirping, representing peace, stillness and fulfillment.
Unconscious, 2012
mixed media, ceramic & audio
76 x 36 x 30 cm
Audio - A man in blissful sleep, snoring and snorting, entering a state of unconscious.
Edge of Existence, 2012
mixed media, ceramic & audio
76 x 36 x 30 cm
Audio - Echos of a girl talking to her grandfather in a hollow tunnel as she is having a near death experience. She is then resuscitated.
Anima I, 2012
mixed media, ceramic & audio
76 x 36 x 30 cm
Audio - Dolphins swimming and a crying baby represent every adult’s lost and repressed inner child.
General info about Lady Psychopomps
The roots in the lady psychopomps act as anchors, grounding the figure.Making this connection between Mary and the earth symbolizes spirituality as attainable,
rather than over purification, common in other religions. The back of each scull is replaced by an animal’s head: hawks, owls, cats.The animalistic side of humanity
portrays divinity and intuition.
Videos in the Lady psychopomps
The videos in Lady Psychopomp works depict the divine mother as a soul - seeker and angel of awakening. She reminds us of our intuitive being, represented by the
flashing light of her 3rd eye. As she draws you inwards, you are taken on a transformative journey by way of fire, your soul is later released into the universe.
Every Psychopomp also has a shrine in her back where dedications take place. The following text explains each shrine in more detail.
Lady Psychopomp: Ascension, 2012
mixed media & video
153 x 81 x 81 cm
Guardian of Ascension:
The souls of the tiny dolls, with halos above their
heads has attained enlightenment and are being
guided into heaven. The eleventh star on the
psychopomp’s coat relates to heaven and the
higher realm.
Lady Psychopomp: Innocence, 2012
mixed media & video
153 x 81 x 81 cm
Guardian of Adolescence:
A mother is shamefully hiding in the
cupboard because she feels inadequate to
emotionally care for her two children who
are developing adolescent insecurities.
Lady Psychopomp: Nightmares, 2012
mixed media & video
153 x 81 x 81 cm
Guardian of Sleep:
The shadow of the psyche is revealed
in nightmares, lucid and premonition
Lady Psychopomp: Prayers, 2012
mixed media & video
153 x 81 x 81 cm
Guardian of Prayers:
Three teenage girls are praying for
specific and meaningful wishes.
A deer is assisting them to achieve their
desires and to connect with a higher
Lady Psychopomp: Reincarnation, 2012
mixed media & video
153 x 81 x 81 cm
Guardian of Reincarnation:
The souls covered in karma webs are
ready to be reincarnated as they wait in
their tiny coffins. Three saints appear in
the purity pool to aid their transition into
the next life.
Lady Psychopomp: Ascension, 2012
mixed media & video
153 x 81 x 81 cm
Guardian of Fertilization and Birth:
This Psychopomp asssits in the birth of newly
reincarnated souls.
Ascension Figures
The three figures illustrate the three transitional stages of spiritual ascension. First the removal of the pain body, second the spiritual transformation of the soul
within ones lifetime and psyche and finally the ascension into pure cosmic matter.
Videos in Ascension Figures
The videos in all three ascension figures show the passage of the soul transcending from earth into the next phase.
Ascension I, 2012
mixed media & video
170 x 71 x 33 cm
The first ascension figure represents the elimination of the pain body and suffering, represented by the deep blood rivers.
The drawings depict the first stage of the purification or transformative process, the removal of “projections”, or other unwanted negative energies.
Healing serpents on her arm allow the the outer layers to shed and further delve into the psyche. Crows remove emotional pain symbolised by metal nails.
Drawings on the length of the figure depict the journey of deeper self discovery in an attempt to achieve oneness with the universe.
Ascension II, 2012
mixed media & video
170 x 71 x 33 cm
The second figure represent development and rebirth. Paintings within mini coffins depict transformations while the empty coffins are symbolic of the
end of the transformative cycle – after ‘death’. Ceramic flowers with eyeballs act as observational spirits during this process.
The archetypes of the male/female figure who is joined at the hip, merges Anima and Animus, the two primary
anthropomorphic archetypes of the unconscious mind, present in every human.
The deer represents purity and intuition while the tiger with the human face merges the animalistic side, or in shamanic cultures, the higher self of spirit-helper
with the human self.
Ascension III, 2012
mixed media & video
170 x 71 x 33 cm
The final figure illustrates the combination of experiences and the knowledge collected from all souls encountered during one’s lifetime.
Represented by reincarnated butterflies and their flight to heaven, cubic zicronia and gem stones aid in the transformation to pure crystaline matter or carbon.
The miniature dolls in the centre of the butterflies were excavated from Germany, dating back to approximately 1830. These “frozen charlottes” are particularly
significant, because they have been resurrected from the earth and offered a second chance for reincarnation on earth, like this figure is currently experiencing.
Tina Tsang was born in 1981 in Singapore, and currently lives and works in London. She is the director of Undergrowth Design, which breathes life
into everyday objects that become household conversational pieces. Her practice comprises on an interdisciplinary approach to art and design,
exemplifying her diverse training and breadth of interests. Having graduated from Central Saint Martins in animation and illustration in 2005,
Tsang has subsequently worked and practiced in film, painting, animation, photography, costume and fashion design. Tsang is renowned for her
eccentric and theatrical ceramic designs and has exhibited worldwide.
Psychopomp exhibition: Mead Carney Fine Art, London 11th July - 15th August, 2012.