Starrett Precision Hand Tool Promo
Starrett Precision Hand Tool Promo
Promo 2016.2C PRECISION HAND TOOL PROMOTION Micrometers 124 INSIDE MICROMETER •Insulated rods marked with length •Adjustable for length •6-1/2" (165mm) long handle is available •Measuring rods are solid •Graduations: .001" Cat. No. 124AZ 124DZ 124MAZ 124MDZ EDP 50542 50554 56141 56144 Range 2-8" 2-32" 50-200mm 50-800mm 124AZ Screw Movement 1/2" 1/2" and 1" (2 heads) 13mm 13mm and 25mm (2 heads) 210 SCREW THREAD COMPARATOR MICROMETER •60° conical anvil, spindle faces with 1/64" (0.4mm) flats on the ends of the points •Extremely hard and stable one-piece spindle •Advanced sleeve design with staggered lines and distinct figures for precise, easy readability •Balanced frame design for comfortable, accurate measuring Spacing Collars Rods One 1/2" 6 Set 124A and 124C One 12mm 6 Comprised of set 124MA and 124MC Sale Price 304.10 958.27 304.10 958.27 220 MUL-T-ANVIL MICROMETERS •Handles a wide variety of measurements impossible to obtain with regular micrometers •Rigid one-piece frame of drop forged steel •Extremely hard and stable one-piece spindle •Micro-lapped measuring faces 210AP Cat. No. 210AP EDP 50731 Range 0-7/8 Grad. 0.001 220XFL-1 Accuracy Sale Price ±.002" 199.60 Cat. No. EDP 220XFL-1 50746 Range 0-1" Grad. .001" Accuracy ±.0002" 224 INTERCHANGEABLE ANVIL MICROMETERS •Suitable wrenches are furnished to make necessary adjustments •Combination ratchet and speeder for uniform pressure and quicker adjustment •Advanced sleeve design with staggered lines and distinct figures for precise and easy readability Cat. No. 224AARLZ 224ARLZ 224.1BRLZ 224.1GRLZ 224.1CRLZ 224.1DRLZ 224.1ERLZ 224.1JRLZ 224MAARLZ 224MARLZ 224.1MGRLZ 224.1MDRLZ EDP 50770 50772 72700 72704 72701 72702 72703 72705 50771 50773 72708 72706 Range 0-4" 2-6" 6-9" 6-12" 9-12" 12-16" 16-20" 20-24" 0-100mm 50-150mm 150-300mm 300-400mm Grads. .001" .001" .001" .001" .001" .001" .001" .001" 0.01mm 0.01mm 0.01mm 0.01mm *Standards included 2 Prices effective June 15 - August 31, 2016 | Specifications subject to change. Sale Price 319.77 224AARLZ Standards* 1", 2", 3" 2", 3", 4", 5" 6", 7", 8" 6", 7", 8", 9", 10", 11" 9", 10", 11" 12", 13", 14", 15" 16", 17", 18", 19" 20", 21", 22", 23" 25, 50, 75mm 50, 75, 100, 125mm 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 275mm 300, 325, 350, 375mm Sale Price 538.18 591.47 784.80 1,170.40 889.30 1,102.48 1,367.91 1,611.39 602.97 610.28 1,170.40 1,123.38 Cat. No. 430XLZ-1 Range Mic. 0-1" EDP 72533 Resolution Mic. .0001" Indic. ±.0020" T444 OUTSIDE MICROMETERS New! •No-glare satin chrome finish, which resists rust •Advanced sleeve design with staggered lines and distinct figures for precise and easy readability •Balanced frame and thimble design to ensure easy handling and better readability •Insulated frame for prevention of temperature related expansion and contraction •Provides quick and easy adjustment •Reading in ten-thousandths of an inch (.0001") with vernier scale on the sleeve New! 430XLZ-1 Indic. .00005" Sale Price 960.20 Micrometers 430 INDICATING MICROMETER •Retractable, quick release anvil for uniform, consistent, and fast measurement •Insulated frame to prevent thermal expansion/contraction •Balanced frame and thimble design for ease of use •Carbide measuring finish on anvils •Friction thimble •Satin chrome finish for rust and glare resistance •Spindle lock •Supplied with custom wooden case 445 DEPTH MICROMETERS •Depths of holes, slots, shoulders and projections can be measured to .001" (0.01mm) •Furnished with choices of 3" (75mm), 4" (100mm), and 6" bases and have 5/32" (4mm) diameter measuring rods •Combination ratchet and speeder for uniform pressure and quicker adjustment •Ring-type lock nut for quick and sure locking T444.1XRL-1 445AZ-6RL Cat. No. T444.1XRL-1 T444.1XRL-2 T444.1XRL-3 T444.1XRL-4 T444.1XRL-5 T444.1XRL-6 EDP 52083 52084 52085 52086 52087 52088 Range 0-1" 1-2" 2-3" 3-4" 4-5" 5-6" Grads. .0001" .0001" .0001" .0001" .0001" .0001" Sale Price 125.40 146.30 161.98 187.06 202.73 225.72 Cat. No. 445AZ-3RL 445AZ-6RL 445AZ-9RL 445AZ-12RL 445BZ-3RL 445BZ-6RL 445BZ-9RL 445BZ-12RL EDP 52208 52212 52216 67117 52220 52224 52228 67118 486 BLADE TYPE MICROMETERS •The blades are .030" (0.8mm) thick •Blades will measure to 5/16" (8mm) depths •Balanced frame and thimble design ensure easy handling and better readability •Speeder for quicker adjustment on all sizes Cat. No. 486P-1 486P-2 486P-3 486P-4 EDP 52499 52501 52503 52505 Range 0-1" 1-2" 2-3" 3-4" Range 0-3" 0-6" 0-9" 0-12" 0-3" 0-6" 0-9" 0-12" Sale Price 297.83 359.48 445.17 597.74 319.77 376.20 469.21 621.78 486P-1 Sale Price 488.02 503.69 517.28 545.49 3 Micrometers 762 ELECTRONIC MICROMETER HEADS •Starrett satin chrome finish - no glare - resists rust on all reading surfaces •Extremely hard and stable one-piece spindle (the heart of our accuracy and long life) •Micro-lapped measuring face for flatness and squareness •Inch/millimeter conversion •PRESET button to install any reading at any position •Measurement HOLD button •RS232 data output port Cat. No. 762XFL 762XFL-2 762MEXFL-25 762MEXFL-50 Range in 0-1 0-2 0-1 0-2 EDP 65058 65062 66077 66137 mm 0-25 0-50 0-25 0-50 Sale Price 509.96 775.39 509.96 775.39 3732 ELECTRONIC MICROMETERS Without Output •Balanced frame design for comfortable and accurate measuring •Large, easy-to-read, high-contrast LCD digital readout •No-glare black wrinkle finish on frame •Hard and stable one-piece friction thimble permits one-hand operation of micrometer and uniform contact pressure Cat. No. 3732XFL-1 3732XFL-2 3732XFL-3 3732XFL-4 EDP 12268 12269 12270 12271 Range 0-1" 1-2" 2-3" 3-4" 762XFL-2 Resolution 0.00005" 0.00005" 0.00005" 0.00005" 3732XFL-1 Accuracy ± 0.0001" ± 0.0001" ± 0.0001" ± 0.00015" 3206 OUTSIDE MICROMETER STAND •Converts outside micrometers to a sturdy bench gage for batch inspection of small parts •Useful as a handy bench vise or assembly fixture •Secure gripping surfaces •Ball joint construction allows head to be positioned as much as 30° off perpendicular in any direction •Positive lock on the base •Base Dimensions: 6-3/8" long x 3-1/2" wide x 3/4" thick (162mm long x 89mm wide x 19mm thick) •Tilting head clamping: 3/4" thick x 1" throat depth (19mm thick x 25mm throat depth) •Accommodates all Starrett 1/2" (13mm) and 1" (25mm) outside micrometers, 2 and 2A 2" Outside Micrometers and 210, 220, 483, 485, 569 Special Purpose Outside Micrometers Cat. No. 3206 4 EDP 68917 Prices effective June 15 - August 31, 2016 | Specifications subject to change. Description Outside micrometer stand Sale Price 163.02 221.54 282.15 314.55 3206 Sale Price 125.40 Cat. No. 798A-6/150 798A-8/200 798A-12/300 798B-6/150 798B-8/200 798B-12/300 798BX-6/150 EDP 20798 20799 20800 12521 12523 12525 12782 Range 6" 8" 12" 6" 8" 12" 0-6" 798A-6/150 Resolution .0005" .0005" .0005" .0005" .0005" .0005" .0005" Output x x x x EC799 ELECTRONIC CALIPERS •Lightweight, ergonomic design •Inch/millimeter conversion reads .0005" or 0.01mm •Easy access to the single, long-life battery •Last measuring position retained when shut off •Hardened stainless steel body for long life •Find adjustment thumb wheel •Lock screw to hold the slide in position •Resolution: .0005" (0.01mm) •Zero at any position Cat. No. EC799A-6/150 EC799A-8/200 EC799A-12/300 EC799B-6/150 EC799B-8/200 EC799B-12/300 EDP 00142 00145 00148 00143 00146 00149 Range 0-6" 0-8" 0-12" 0-6" 0-8" 0-12" Slide Calipers 798 ELECTRONIC CALIPERS •IP67 level of protection against, coolant, dirt and dust •With and without output •Fine adjustment •Hardened stainless steel measuring surfaces •Large, easy-to-read, high contrast LCD digital readout Sale Price 246.62 313.50 466.07 295.74 358.44 531.91 415.91 New! EC799A-6/150 Output Sale Price 187.06 264.39 395.01 241.56 319.67 452.51 x x x 3202 SLIDE CALIPERS •Provide quick accurate measurement of O.D. and depth •Sharp, clear dial graduations •Sharp, black graduations on satin finished bar •Hardened stainless steel •Lock screws for sliding jaw and dial bezel New! 3202-6 Cat. No. 3202-6 3202-8 3202-12 EDP 61467 61468 61466 Range 0-6" 0-8" 0-12" Grads. .001" .001" .001" Sale Price 121.22 171.38 249.76 5 Depth and Height Gages 3752 ELECTRONIC HEIGHT GAGE •Clear bar graduations in .100" and 5mm increments •Large .380" (9.65mm) easy-to-read LCD display - reads to .0005" or 0.01mm •Instant inch/millimeter conversion •Carrier and scriber designed to read from zero 3752-12/300 Cat. No. 3752-12/300 3752-24/600 EDP 68815 68816 Range 0-12" 0-24" Resolution .0005" .0005" Sale Price 961.40 1,576.91 3753A ELECTRONIC DEPTH GAGES Without Output •Clear, easily-read number, properly sized for the tool •Hardened stainless steel body and slide for long life •Fine adjustment thumb roll for precision measurements •Lock to hold slide in position 3753A-6/150 Cat. No. 3753A-6/150 3753A-8/200 3753A-12/300 EDP 12258 12259 12260 Range 0-6" 0-8" 0-12" Resolution .0005" .0005" .0005" Accuracy ±.001" ±.001" ±.001" Sale Price 338.58 353.21 427.41 3753B ELECTRONIC DEPTH GAGE With Output •Hardened stainless steel bar for long life •Removable hook attachment for measurements from the edge of the slots, grooves, etc. •Lock to hold the slide in position •Fine adjustment thumb roll for precision measurements •Large, easy-to-read LCD, .310" character height •Induction type linear encoder system •Patented non-contact RS-232 data output •CR2032 3-volt battery (>year battery life under normal use) •In/mm conversion 3753B-6/150 •Zero at any position 6 Cat. No. EDP Range Description 3753B-6/150 12690 0-6" Depth gage in case Prices effective June 15 - August 31, 2016 | Specifications subject to change. Sale Price 422.18 196 UNIVERSAL BACK PLUNGER DIAL INDICATORS •One of the most versatile indicators available •Accurate and reliable •Simple to operate •Range: .200" (5mm) •Graduations: .001" (0.02mm) Indicators 81 DIAL INDICATORS •Shockless, hardened steel gear train and jewel bearings •Furnished with a lug-on-center back •Anti-magnetic and special non-shock mechanisms are options available for all models •Double row figure dials •Graduations: .001" 196A1Z 81-111J Cat. No. 81-111J 81-211J 81-136J 81-131J 81-231J 81-145J 81-141J 81-241J EDP 53378 53414 53392 53388 53420 53410 53400 53428 Dial Reading 0-5-0 0-10 0-15-0 0-25-0 0-50 0-25-0 0-50-0 0-100 Range .025" .025" .075" .125" .125" .125" .250" .250" Sale Price 291.56 291.56 199.60 177.65 177.65 177.65 177.65 177.65 Cat. No. 196A1Z 196B1 196A6Z 196B6 196A5Z 196B5 196MA1Z 196MB1 EDP 50697 50699 50701 50702 50714 50717 65251 65252 Reading 0-100 0-100 0-100 0-100 0-50-0 0-50-0 0-100 Yellow dial face 0-100 Yellow dial face Sale Price 290.51 167.20 338.58 217.36 290.51 169.29 300.96 194.37 2900 ELECTRONIC INDICATORS New! •True Absolute Sensor Techology - remembers position and zero set point even during battery replacement. Cannot be "over-sped" into failure. •Intuitive design and layout - easy to learn and use •Positive, tactile-feel button activiation •IP67 protection against dirt, dust, water and coolant to withstand hostile shop environments Cat. No. 2900-1 2900-4 2900-3-1 2900-5-1 2900-6-1 EDP 09980 09983 09963 09967 09969 Range .5" .5" 1" 1" 1" Resolution .00005" .0005"/.0001"/.00005" .0005" .0005" .0005"/.0001"/.00005" Accuracy ±.00012" ±.001" ±.001" ±.001" ±.00012" Sale Price 376.20 482.79 339.63 482.79 665.67 3670 DIAL INDICATOR STANDS •Designed for comparison measurements using a dial indicator or digital indicator •Vertical fine adjustment is standard on all models •8mm stem bushing included •Can be used with any AGD dial or digital indicator •Furnished with a serrated or flat anvil which is ground and lapped and removable Cat. No. 3671 3672 3673 EDP 69901 69902 69903 Description Stand with round, flat anvil Stand with round, serrated anvil Stand with square, serrated anvil Sale Price 613.42 613.42 613.42 2900-1 New! 3671 * Indicator not included. 7 L3 SYSTEMS Starrett L3 systems represent a new and easier solution for creating a test; performing a test; analyzing your test results; and managing test data. L3 Systems meet the requirements of today's research scientist, design engineer, quality manager or technician responsible for material characterization, verification and validation. L2 PLUS SYSTEMS Designed for advanced force measurement and analysis, L2 Plus systems are optimized for quality and engineering personnel. Test setup is intuitive, efficient and non-compromising. Like our L3 systems, L2 Plus measurements and analysis are performed graphically. Create high resolution graphs based on load, distance, height and time. Then measure any point or segment on your graph using a set of analysis tools. Force Measurement + Material Testing L2 SYSTEMS S2 SYSTEMS L2 systems operate using a Windows®-based table PC, load, distance and time-based results are displayed in a large format for easy interpretation. Graphical representation of each test can be displayed. Data tables display results with tolerance and statistical calculations. Standard reports are included, or export data for use with other applications. S2 systems are ideal for high-volume production testing, quality control including incoming inspection verification and validation, and research and design engineering. Our simple, fill-in-theblank test setups let you test and validate your springs in as few as three steps allowing your testing to be performed in seconds. WATCH OUR INFORMATIONAL VIDEOS TO LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR FORCE AND MATERIAL TESTING SOFTWARE! Turnkey system solutions for material testing, force analysis and force measurement. Our systems distinguish themselves from the competition by making it easy to create and perform a test, and manage test results. We offer a full range of test frames, software, load cell sensors, test fixtures and more. Bore Gages 78XT BORE GAGES •Wide measurement range without changing anvils •Tungsten carbide measuring faces •Ratchet stop •Self-centering contacts •Blide bore measuring capability •Extensions available up to 6" (150mm) •Setting rings included •Furnished in a case, complete with setting ring, contacts, wrenches, and instructions Cat. No. 78XTZ-100 78XTZ-312 78XTZ-375 78XTZ-500 78XTZ-625 78XTZ-750 78XTZ-1 78XTZ-138 78XTZ-2 78XTZ-258 78XTZ-5 78XTZ-8 78XTZ-9 EDP 68124 68129 68130 68131 68132 68133 68134 67674 67675 67676 67679 67682 67857 Range .080"-.100" 1/4"-5/16" 5/16"-3/8" 3/8"-1/2" 1/2"-5/8" 5/8"-3/4" 3/4"-1" 1"-1-3/8" 1-3/8"-2" 2"-2-5/8" 4"-5" 7"-8" 8"-9" New! 78XTZ-100 Accuracy .00010" .00015" .00015" .00015" .00015" .00015" .00015" .00015" .00020" .00020" .00025" .00030" .00030" Sale Price 2,101.50 877.80 826.60 831.82 783.75 807.79 911.24 1,262.36 1,288.49 1,583.18 2,187.19 4,665.93 4,745.35 84A DIAL BORE GAGES •Can be easily held to inspect bores and hole sizes without removing the workpiece •Adjustable range screw and two centralizing plungers are of hardened tool steel for wear and spring-loaded for sensitivity •The housing and knurled handle are aluminum for light weight and good balance •Furnished in finished wood case Cat. No. 84AZ-111-4J 84AZ-111-5J 84AZ-134-5J 84AZ-111-6J 84AZ-134-6J 84AZ-111-7J 84MAZ-161-4J 84MAZ-181-4J 84MAZ-161-5J EDP 00026 00027 00031 00028 00032 00029 00034 00038 00035 Range 1-1/2"-3" 3"-5-1/16" 3"-5-1/16" 5"-8" 5"-8" 8"-12-1/2" 3.175-76.2mm 3.175-76.2mm 76.2-128.58mm 770 ELECTRONIC BORE GAGES •Larger and clearer LCD display •Updated electronics •Standard proximity output •Simple two button operation •4 preset memories Bore Depth 3" 6" 6" 6" 6" 7" 75mm 75mm 150mm New! Sale Price 1,301.03 1,283.26 1,235.19 1,426.43 1,297.89 1,631.25 1,355.37 1,328.20 1,294.76 84AZ-111-5J 3089 DIAL BORE GAGES •All anvils laser marked for easy selection •Gage chart for quick and easy anvil selection •Includes sturdy aluminum case with cut outs for gage and all accessories •Ergonomic design with non-slip insulating grip •Resolution: .0005" 3089Z-131-715J 770XTZ-1 Cat. No. 770XTZ-1 10 EDP 72603 Range 3/4 - 1" Sale Price 2,808.49 Prices effective June 15 - August 31, 2016 | Specifications subject to change. Cat. No. EDP 3089Z-131-1424J 12457 3089Z-131-26J 12458 Range 1.4"-2.4" 2"-6" Sale Price 282.15 314.55 Data Collection DATASURE® WIRELESS DATA COLLECTION DataSure® Facts •DataSure® Wireless Data Collection consists of three primary components: •Miniature radios (End Nodes) attached to the data output port of an electronic tool •A Gateway that connects to a PC •Routers extend the system's range and make the network more robust A Comprehensive, Robust Solution •Works in almost any environment •Maintains data integrity in electronically noisy shops •Data receipt confirmation signal •DataSure® stores several readings •DataSure® adapts to all major electronic measuring tools •"IT" friendly and easily installs on a standard PC Cat. No. 1500-2-N 1500-3A-1N 1500-3A-2N 1500-3A-3N 1500-3A-4N 1500-3A-5N 1500-3A-6N 1500-3A-7N 1500-3A-8N 1500-3A-9N 1500-3A-10N 1500-3A-11N 1500-3A-12N 1500-3A-13N 1500-3A-14N 1500-3A-15N 1500-3A-16N 1500-3A-18N 1500-3A-21N EDP 12059 12530 12531 12532 12533 12534 12535 12536 12537 12538 12539 12540 12541 12542 12543 12544 12545 12565 00046 Description Router, 916 MHZ, 120/240 VAC End Node - Starrett Opto. End Node - Starrett IP67 Micrometer End Node - Starrett 3rd Generation End Node - Starrett 2700 Indicator End Node - Starrett 2000/2001/3752 End Node - Mitutoyo 6-Pin End Node - Mitutoyo without Absolute Encoder End Node - RS232, Jumpered Port Pins End Node - Mitutoyo IP66 Micrometer End Node - Mitutoyo IP65 Micrometer End Node - Digimatic WD/SUB 9 Pin End Node - Universal 10 Pin Connector End Node - Absolute Digimatic Indicator End Node - Mahr Federal UMAXUM Indicator End Node - Opto/Duplex End Node - Mahr Federal EX End Node - Starrett IP67 Caliper End Node - Starrett 2900 Indicator Sale Price 1,180.85 722.10 722.10 722.10 722.10 722.10 762.85 750.31 722.10 790.02 790.02 722.10 722.10 753.45 722.10 722.10 722.10 722.10 722.10 11 Gage Amps and Testers SR160 SURFACE ROUGHNESS TESTER New! •Bluetooth Technology - Quick, reliable communication between traverse and display/ control unit •Tactile measurement button •Detailed graph of measurement area •Charge and transfer data through PC connection, main charger and standard USB charger included •Two-piece, breakaway construction for remote readings 3811A COMPACT HARDNESS TESTER •Combines fast test speeds coupled with ample memory and output •Performs tests that easily convert to most popular hardness scales such as Rockwell, Brinell, Vickers and Shore •Designed to test the hardness of large, hard metal parts •USB output •Automatic conversions to Rockwell, Brinell, Vicker and Shore •Automatic mean value as well as Min. and Max. values SR160 3811A Cat. No. SR160 EDP 72584 Sale Price 2,343.41 3812 ULTRASONIC THICKNESS GAGE •Menu-driven, multi-functional tester with basic measurement capabilities •Measures the thickness of metallic and non-metallic materials such as aluminum, titanium, plastics, ceramics and glass •Accurately display readings in inch or millimeter •Ideal for measuring a wall thickness that would be difficult to gage with conventional hand tools Cat. No. 3811A EDP 69881 Sale Price 2,243.62 3814 ANALOG BENCH HARDNESS TESTER •Ability to hand Rockwell Scales A through H and K •Stable cast iron construction •Ideal basic hardness testing for many typical applications •Easy to use 3812 3814 Cat. No. 3812 12 EDP 67668 Sale Price 1,411.80 Prices effective June 15 - August 31, 2016 | Specifications subject to change. Cat. No. 3814 EDP 67754 Sale Price 3,356.54 C604R PRECISION RULES •Spring-tempered •Satin chrome finish •Quick reading •Rules with double row of inch figures, and each edge represents the bottom edge reading left to right (rules 1" and wider) 3020-3 C604R-24 Cat. No. 3020-3 3020-4 3020-6 3020-12 EDP 12225 12226 12227 12228 Length of Blade* in mm 2-31/32 75 3-31/32 100 5-29/32 150 12-1/32 300 Length of Beam in mm Sale Price 1-31/32 50 88.83 2-31/32 75 111.82 3-29/32 100 163.02 6-7/8 175 335.45 *Length of blade from the inner edge of the beam to the end of the blade. C493 PROTRACTOR AND DEPTH GAGE •Angular measurement is from 0-180° in opposite directions allowing the direct reading of angles and supplementary angles •Depths are measured from a 6" (150mm) blade •Both tools have a flat surface on the back of the head premitting laying the tool flat on paper or work •No-glare satin chrome finish Cat. No. C604R-2 C604R-4 C604R-6 C604R-12 C604R-18 C604R-24 EDP 56465 56467 52678 52679 52680 52681 Length 6" 4" 6" 12" 18" 24" Sale Price 22.99 26.13 28.22 47.55 90.92 119.13 Squares, Rules, protractors and Calipres 3020 TOOLMAKERS' SQUARE •This high quality toolmakers' square is not graduated and offers squareness accuracy to .0002" (0.05mm) for every 6" •They feature hardened, ground and lapped stainless steel construction on both blade and beam •Fitted case 79 "YANKEE" SPRING-TYPE CALIPERS •Made from a high steel and well finished •The bow spring, although flexible, is exceedingly strong to assure reliability •All sizes are available with either spring nut or solid nut •The quick-adjusting, automatic-closing spring nut is designed for making fast, positive adjustments C493 79B-6 Cat. No. C493 C493B EDP 52532 52534 Blade Graduations 32nds, 64ths 32nds, 64ths Sale Price 95.10 96.14 Cat. No. 79B-6 79B-8 79B-12 EDP 50367 50369 50373 Range in 6 8 12 mm 150 200 300 Sale Price 64.79 98.23 104.50 13 Precision Shop Tools S830 SMALL HOLE GAGES •Hardened-ball measuring surface with two-point contact •Smooth, sensitive adjustment for better feel, giving more accurate measurements •The adjustment of the gage beyond their range is restricted by a safety stop that prevents breakage S831 SMALL HOLE GAGES •Hardened-ball measuring surface with two-point contact •Smooth, sensitive adjustment for better feel, giving more accurate measurements •The adjustment of the gage beyond their range is restricted by a safety stop that prevents breakage S830FZ Cat. No. S830FZ EDP 53081 Description Set of 5 in case S831EZ Sale Price 259.16 Cat. No. S831EZ EDP 53087 Description Set of 4 in case Sale Price 198.55 167 RADIUS GAGE •Made of satin finish stainless steel - rust and stain resistant •Each gage is clearly marked with its radius •Each gage has five different gaging surfaces for both convex and concave radii •All gages have precision finished raddi wtih extra smooth, accurate edges Cat. No. S167CZ S167CHZ S167DZ S167MCZ S167MCHZ SD167GZ SD167GHZ EDP 50618 50619 50620 55820 55821 63433 63463 Range 1/32"-17/64"; 9/32"-1/2" 1/64"-17/64"; 9/32"-1/2" 1/32"-1/2" 1-7mm; 8-15mm 0.5-7mm; 8-15mm .010-.025mm; .030-.100mm .120-.300mm; .350-.500mm Gages 24 25 16 21 22 26 26 185 TIME SAVER® TAP AND DRILL GAGE •Correct sizing of tap drill for any common size machine screw in "NF" National Fine or "NC" National Coarse Thread Series •Leaves the right amount of stock for approximately 65% full thread •Shows correct drill body size •60 holes with number sizes and decimal equivalents •Hardened tool steel construction Sale Price 174.52 213.18 123.31 180.79 217.36 247.67 270.66 186 DRILL AND STEEL WIRE GAGE •Widely used by mechanics for twist drills and drill rod •Similar to the 185, without the tap and drill information •60 holes from 1 to 60 •Marked with number sizes and decimal equivalents •Hardened tool steel construction 185 Cat. No. 185 14 EDP 50675 Sale Price 82.56 Prices effective June 15 - August 31, 2016 | Specifications subject to change. S167CZ Cat. No. 186 EDP 50676 186 Sale Price 79.42 C391 CENTER GAGE •Extremely handy for use in grinding and setting screw cutting tools •Meet American National or U.S. 60°, Whitworth or English 55°, and Metric 60° standards •Very useful for finding number of threads per inch through graduations in 14ths, 20ths, and 32nds of an inch •Table of double depths of threads determining size of tap drills •Made of spring-tempered steel with satin chrome finish •Ground gaging surfaces 187 Cat. No. 187 EDP 50677 Sale Price 78.38 C391 Cat. No. EDP Description Sale Price C391 51475 American Unified National Standard, 60° 28.22 472 SCREW PITCH GAGE •Consists of a substantial steel with a number of folding leaves at both ends, each leaf having teeth corresponding to a definite pitch, marked on each leaf •Locking device at both ends of the case, so leaves can be securely locked in position for use •Leaves have a special narrow design, permitting checking internal threads in nuts, etc. as well as external threads Cat. No. EDP 472 52484 Description With locking device and 11-1/2 and 27 pipe thread pitches Sale Price 94.05 473 SCREW PITCH GAGE •Consists of a substantial steel case wtih a number of folding leaves at both ends, each leaf having teeth corresponding to a definate pitch, marked on each leaf •Positive stop design at both ends of the cse in position for use •Leaves have special narrow design, permitting checking internal threads in nuts, etc., as well as external threads Cat. No. EDP 473 52485 Description With positive stop and 11-1/2 and 27 pipe thread pitches Description With locking device and 11-1/2 and 27 pipe thread pitches 472 473 Sale Price 55.39 474 SCREW PITCH GAGE •Consists of a substantial steel case with a number of folding leaves at both ends, each leaf having teeth corresponding to a definite pitch, marked on each leaf •Features a locking device at both ends of the case, so leaves can be securely locked in position for use •Leaves have a special narrow design, permitting checking internal threads in nuts, etc., as well as external threads Cat. No. EDP 474 52486 Fixed Gage Standards 187 JOBBERS' DRILL GAGE •Quick sizing of any twist drill from 1/16"-1/2" by 64ths •29 holes marked with drill size inches and decimal equivalents •Rigidly tested after hardening •Black matte finish with gage information steel stamped on one side and white marked on reverse side for quick, clear reading Sale Price 50.16 474 15 PROMO 2016.2C THE L.S. STARRETT COMPANY - CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS Phone: (978) 249-3551 | Fax: (978) 249-8495 121 Crescent Street - Athol, MA 01331 - USA Promotion valid through June 15 - August 31, 2016. Promo 2016.2C 05/16 5M/Q The L.S. Starrett Company 2016© Specifications subject to change.
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