St. Rita Catholic School - St. Rita Catholic Community


St. Rita Catholic School - St. Rita Catholic Community
St. Rita Catholic Community
12521 Inwood Road, Dallas, Texas 75244 - Phone 972-934-8388 - Fax 972-934-8965 -
They were exceedingly astonished and said among themselves,
“Then who can be saved?” Jess looked at them and said,
“for human beings it is impossible, but not for God.
All Things are possible for God.:
Mk 10:26-27
Ellos asombraron todavía mas y comentaban entre sí:
“Entonces, ¿Quien puede salvarse?” Jesús, mirándolos fijamente, les dijo:
“es imposible para los hombres, mas no para Dios.
Para Dios todo es posible”.
Mc 10, 26-27
October 11, 2015
Twenty-Eight Sunday in Ordinary
Cycle B
PASTORal Notices
Follow Fr. Bob on Twitter @frbobc
Recent Tweets:
 Being good stewards of what God has given us and done for us
demands us to make radical choices on behalf of others in living
our lives.
 The innocence, openness, and vulnerability of a child - may we
always respect and protect that while cultivating it in our own
 Christ calls us to follow him with undivided hearts; but he calls
each of us individually in our proper circumstances. The Spirit
enables us.
 May the Spirit keep us open to God's law of mercy and love and
always aware of the Church's missionary efforts even if from afar.
 Angels - to light and guard, to rule and guide at our side.
Saturday Vigil: 5:30 p.m.
Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:45 a.m.,
12:30 p.m. (Bilingual) & 5:30 p.m.
(Nursery: 9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. for Sunday Masses)
Monday - Friday
6:25 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. (Vigil)
This Week:
Holy Days: 6:25 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 12:10 p.m.,
5:30 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. (Bilingual)
 Wednesday, October 14th – Optional Memorial of St. Callistus I, +222,
organized the first official cemetery in Rome and today there are
catacombs there named after him
 Thursday, October 15th – Memorial of St. Teresa of Jesus, +1582,
perhaps better known as Teresa of Avila, great mystic and reformer of
the Carmelites with the assistance of her friend St. John of the Cross
 Friday, October 16th – Optional Memorial of St. Hedwig, +1243,
Bavarian saint dedicated to the poor and prisoners; Optional Memorial
of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, +1690, French mystic who promoted
devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and First Friday devotion
 Saturday, October 17th – Memorial of St. Ignatius of Antioch,
+ca.107first to use the term “Catholic Church”, mentioned in the
Roman Canon
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Thursday - 7:30 p.m.
Saturday - 9:00 a.m.
Holy Hour
Thursday - 7:30 p.m.
First Friday Adoration
Eucharistic Adoration after 8:00 a.m. Mass
until before the 5:30 p.m. Mass
At Next Weekend’s Masses:
 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
 World Mission Sunday – second collection to benefit the work of the
A warm St. Rita welcome to all
worldwide Society for the Propagation of the Faith
 In-pew listening sessions immediately following 10:45 a.m.,
Visitors and Newcomers!
12:30 p.m., and 5:30 p.m. Sunday Masses
Membership registration packets are available in the Church narthex, or you
may call the parish office, 972-934-8388 and request one by mail.
Fr. Bob
Next week’s
Parish Ministry
“Who is My Neighbor?”
This question is posed to Jesus and he answers with the Parable of
the Good Samaritan (Luke 10). We will ask this question after Masses
on the weekends of October 18th (at the 10:45 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and
5:30 p.m. Masses) and on October 24th (at 5:30 p.m. Mass) &
October 25th (7:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Masses).
Spiritual Life
The Saint Rita Pastoral Council is currently
seeking nominations for new Council members
The Parish Pastoral Council assists the Pastor in guiding the overall
direction of parish activity through prayerful reflection and consensus
building among its members. Members of the Council are selected by
a process of prayerful discernment by individual candidates and
current Council members, all under the leadership of our pastor.
You are invited to nominate those parishioners you feel would make
effective Pastoral Council members (including yourself). Nominees should
be individuals who are active in the practice of their faith and able to
consider prayerfully the needs of the Saint Rita Parish Community.
We ask this questions so that we can meet those who worship around
us week after week and become a community “called by name.” We
do not worship anonymously and in isolation, but rather we worship
in community as the collective Body of Christ.
After Mass you will be invited to stay in the sanctuary for about 15
minutes if you are able, and introduce yourself by name to your
fellow worshipers and dialogue briefly about your life in the
Nominees must attend the Evening of Discernment, Friday,
October 16th at 6:30 p.m. Pastoral Council meetings are held on the
This activity flows from our Listening Sessions of last Lent when
people mentioned how challenging it is to know each other in a large
parish. Here is a simple opportunity to tear down a few walls, meet
your church neighbors, and build up our community in faith.
2nd Monday of every month at 7p.m. To submit a nomination please fill out
a Pastoral Council Member Nomination Card found on the Mass leaflet
table in the narthex.
Nominations will be accepted through Sunday, October 11th.
St. Rita Catholic Community
October 11, 2015
12521 Inwood Road, Dallas TX 75244
Phone: 972-934-8388 Fax: 972-934-8965
Eucharist for the sick and shut-ins and requests for hospital
visitors, please contact the Fr. Josh at 972-934-8388, ext. 6506.
MATRIMONY: Register in the Parish and become a member of
the Sunday worshipping community three months before
contacting a priest or deacon. Then contact the priest or deacon
at least eight months prior to the date of the wedding.
BAPTISM: The Baptism Class in English will be held on October 11,
2015 in the Pastoral Center Lounge from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Babysitting will not be available. (Classes may be taken before
the baby is born.)
 Both Parents must attend the Baptism Class before the
Baptism, Godparents are encouraged to do so.
 Godparents are to be (1) fully initiated into the Catholic
Church; baptized, received 1st Communion and Confirmation,
(2) be at least 16 years old, (3) practicing the faith, and (4) if
married - must be in accordance with the Catholic Church.
Rev. Msgr. Bob Coerver, x6516
[email protected]
Rev. Luca Simbula, x6509
Rev. Joshua Whitfield, x6506
[email protected]
[email protected]
Deacon Charles Sylvester
Deacon Moses Chung
Deacon Bill Fobes
Deacon Doug Breckenridge
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Parish Administrator
Deacon Denis Corbin, x6510
[email protected]
Director of Safe Environment, Administrator of Sacramental
Records & Coordinator of RCIA
Ms. Susan Podkrash, x6514
[email protected]
Special Assistant, Pastoral Services
Mrs. Gena Maguire, x6523
[email protected]
Business Manager
Mrs. Helaine Blizzard, x6513
[email protected]
Assistant Business Manager
Mr. Steve Brockett, x6512
[email protected]
Mrs. Vilma Ricciardi, x6511
[email protected]
Director of Music Ministry
Dr. Alfred Calabrese, x6518
[email protected]
Organist, Associate Director of Music
Mr. Wesley Beal, x6519
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant, Music Department
Mrs. Mindy Hatzmann, x6555
[email protected]
Coordinator of Children’s Faith Formation
Mrs. Susan Sheetz, x6502
[email protected]
Coordinator of Youth Ministry
Mrs. Maribel Waldon, x6507
[email protected]
Adm. Assistant, Faith Formation
Mrs. Holly Finegan, x6528
[email protected]
Facilities Manager
Mr. Steve Niles, FMP, x6581
[email protected]
Facilities Setup Supervisor
Mr. Joe Bartush, x6505
[email protected]
Facilities Maintenance Supervisor
Mr. Neil Lyle, x6533
[email protected]
Director of Communication
Mrs. Michelle Kocurek, x6504
[email protected]
Director of Technology
Mr. Andrew Peña, x6525
[email protected]
Liaison for Spanish Speaking Parishioners
Mrs. Margarita Rodríguez, x6515
[email protected]
Mrs. Jeri Wray, x6501
[email protected]
Mrs. Margaret Saliba, x6520
[email protected]
An appointment needs to be made for your child to baptized.
Please call the Pastoral Center Office at 972 934-8388, ext.
6514 to set a date.
Baptisms are held most Sundays at 2:00 p. m.
living intention /  deceased intention
intención en vida /  intención por difuntos
If our Priest cannot offer the Mass you have scheduled due to an
emergency or other commitment, be assured that your Mass intention will
be said elsewhere. Any questions, please call the Pastoral Center Office.
Mon. Oct 12/Rom 1:1-7, Ps 98:1-4, Lk 11:29-32
6:25 a.m. Antonio Guerrero+
5:30 p.m. Jim Kernan+
Tues. Oct 13/Rom 1:16-25, Ps 19:2-5, Lk 11:37-41
6:25 a.m. Jesus Guerrero+
5:30 p.m. Rita Wischmeyer+
Wed. Oct 14/Rom 2:1-11, Ps 62:2-9, Lk 11:42-46
6:25 a.m. Geraldine Venskus+
5:30 p.m. Leslie Mudd Johnston+
Thur. Oct 15/Rom 3:21-30, Ps 130:1-6, Lk 11:47-54
6:25 a.m. Chris Costanzo+
5:30 p.m. Betty Hamilton+
Fri. Oct 16/Rom 4:1-8, Ps 32:1-11, Lk 12:1-7
6:25 a.m. Joseph Anthony Rodriguez*
5:30 p.m. Tom Sexton+
Sat. Oct 17/Rom 4:13-18, Ps 105:6-43, Lk 12: 8-12
8:00 a.m. Marie & Rudolph Billi+
5:30 p.m. Roland Cupaioli Sr.+
Sun. Oct 18/Isa 53:10-11, Ps 33:4-22, Heb 4:14-16, Mk 10:35-45
7:30 a.m. Mike Rodriguez+
9:00 a.m. Shirley Collier+
10:45 a.m. Helen Allatin+
12:30 p.m. People of the Parish+
5:30 p.m. Rose Churry+
ST. RITA SCHOOL – 972-239-3203
Dr. Elena C. Hines
Did you know you can read and listen to
St. Rita Homilies online?
Go to
and click on the Homily Icon.
[email protected]
Mrs. Sonbol Mannas, x6544
[email protected]
For information on our parish’s Safe Environment process,
please contact Susan Podkrash at [email protected].
Twenty-Eight Sunday in Ordinary
Cycle B
Wednesday Morning Bible Study
Please join us for our next study
Bible Study
A Biblical Walk Through the Mass
by Dr. Edward Sri
“Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother”
Wednesdays at 9:15 a.m.
in the Pastoral Center Lounge
Questions? Eumabel Colberg 972-788-2843
See what life was like for Mary and understand
what she felt at each dramatic moment in
Scripture! This study will deepen your devotion to
Mary as you discover her in a uniquely personal
way while she leads you to a more profound and
personal relationship with her Son. (Video,
facilitated discussion and life application all add
to this beautiful Advent experience with our
Blessed Mother.) Don’t miss it.
The Pastoral Center Lounge
3:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.
For more information contact
Kali Schnieders at [email protected]
St. Rita Young Adults
Monthly Events
All young adults in their 20s and 30s are invited to join our group as we
connect and grow in faith and fellowship! There is an to join us each week!
Tuesday, October 13 - Lectio Divina
Saturday, October 17 - State Fair
Tuesday, October 27 - Speaker Night
For detailed updates and reminders, connect with us!
Twitter: @StRitaYA
Join the Email List by contacting [email protected].
St. Paul's Letters to Imperfect Christians:
The First and Second Epistles to the Corinthians
Bishop Robert Barron’s
Join us as we dive in to Paul’s letters to the
Christians in Corinth. These letters are
inspired and timely, and they will deepen your
understanding of Scripture and of God’s
involvement in your life and the life of the
Church! This is a great opportunity!
Who God Is and Why He Matters
You have two opportunities to join this study!
This fall, the Saint Rita Men’s Christian Leadership Group will begin
the Mystery of God: Who God Is and Why He Matters, program. Our
ministry provides an environment for men to build relationships and
discuss how our Catholic faith impacts our roles as husbands, fathers, and leaders in the community.
First and Third Thursdays 6:15 a.m. - 7:15 p.m.
In the Reception Area of the Pastoral Center
Thursday mornings - Parish Dining Hall
5:45 a.m. – 7:15 a.m.
Sundays at 10:45 a.m.— Pastoral Lounge
To find out more information regarding the program or the group, please contact
Bill Dowd [email protected], (972) 467-8953
Matt Molash [email protected], (214) 704-7912
Contact Lawson Taitte at [email protected]
972-690-3316 or cell 469-222-2660
World Youth Day North TX
October 25, 2015
Reading the Tradition
Levitt Pavilion for the Performing Arts - Arlington, TX
Study, learn, and share in the St. Rita Theology Guild
with Fr. Joshua
Activities by Group Dynamix
per person
$27.50 *t-shirt not included
Join us this fall as we read together the essential texts of Church’s understanding of
marriage. Beginning with the study of Scripture, we will move on to read and explore the
writings of several Church fathers, Catholic and Protestant texts from the early modern
period, and then texts from Vatican II as well as contemporary works. The goal is to
familiarize ourselves with the actual writings which form the basis of the Church’s
theology and practice. Marriage, obviously, has been a topic of some debate recently.
This class provides a unique opportunity to explore the “primary sources” of our tradition
and to form one’s opinions more deeply and knowledgeably…beyond shallow thinking
and sound bites. This class offers a remarkable and timely opportunity.
For More Information Please
Maribel Waldon:
[email protected]
Sponsored by the Dioceses of Ft. Worth & Dallas
You will not need to buy a book! All texts will be provided!
The Theology Guild meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month.
7:00 p.m. in the St. Rita Dining Hall.
Youth Ministry
For more information, contact Fr. Joshua!
[email protected]
Adoration, Confession, Praise & Worship every 2nd
Thursday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the church.
St. Rita Catholic Community
October 11, 2015
St. Rita
======== HIGH
St. Rita Welcome Committee
SCHOOL ========
6:30 P.M.
From welcoming our newest members to
greeting at Mass, we hope to make
For more information about the
Welcome Committee and ways
to participate, contact:
8:00 P.M.
Mindy Hatzmann
[email protected]
======= DINNER EVERY WEEK =======
St Rita Mother ’s Ministry
Are you a mom looking to build relationships with fellow
mothers? Need a little spiritual boost?
Join us as we read Walking with Purpose by
Lisa Brenninkmeyer over the next few months. We have
several dates and locations available, email us at
[email protected]
to find one that works best for you.
St. Rita Stephen Ministry
Get Together:
Some activities are better done alone, like brushing your teeth or
playing solitaire. Some activities are better and more satisfying when
you work with others. Stephen Ministry is one of those get-it-donetogether ministries. Stephen Ministers meet regularly with another
person to provide care. They also meet with other Stephen Ministers
to support and encourage one another. Stephen Leaders provide
training and supervision. When Stephen Leaders and Stephen Ministers
work together, God accomplishes wonderful things! Is God calling you
to get together with this team?
Good Samaritan
Unable to attend Mass and receive the Holy Eucharist?
The Good Samaritans will visit you in your home or nursing facility to
enable you to receive this sacrament.
Contact: Regina Bissey: 214-232-6320, [email protected]
Or Elaine Mele: 214-357-5612, [email protected]
Please join us in the
Pastoral Center Lounge at 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, October 13th
for an information session
For more information contact
Jeannette Lynch, 214-207-3805, [email protected]
Jim Doyle, 214-500-0947, [email protected]
St. Rita Stephen Ministry
Join us for our fall series:
This week…
Living Sacramentally
St. Rita has parishioners with the gifts and potential to
provide one-to-one Christ-centered care to community
members who are experiencing difficult times.
The Stephen Ministry is seeking applications from those
with an interest in being trained to minister to hurting
people with the love of Christ. Our first training class will
begin November 3rd.
Sharing God’s graces with our families
2nd Tuesday of each month at 7p.m.
October 13th - November 10th
Childcare is provided
Want more info?
[email protected]
To learn more, join us at the
Stephen Ministry Information Session
Conversational Spanish Class
Tuesday, October 13, at 7:00 PM
St. Rita Pastoral Center Lounge.
Your Stephen Leader Team: Jeannette Lynch, Jenny Priddy,
Lawson Taitte, Mary Doyle and Jim Doyle
For more information, contact Jim Doyle at
[email protected] 214-500-0947
The Honduras Ministry's Conversational Spanish Classes are free and
open to all adults who would like to get basic conversations in the
Spanish language or just practice it. We are also looking for those
already bilingual in Spanish who want to facilitate conversation
sessions and guide students.
Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Dining Hall.
For more information and to register
please email [email protected].
Twenty-Eight Sunday in Ordinary
Cycle B
St. Rita Business Network
and Career Ministry
Tuesday October 20, 2015 Happy Hour Networking
Picasso’s 12300 Inwood Rd. 6:00 p.m. -8:00 p.m.
12521 Inwood Rd., Dallas, TX 75244
Sacramental Marriage Preparation Weekend Program
Appetizers provided
The Business Network meetings held on the second Saturday morning
of the month will resume November 14th.
Come and meet fellow parishioners interested in sharing, mentoring
and discussing business experience in Catholic context.
For engaged couples or couples considering marriage.
Are you preparing for marriage in the church or are you considering
marriage? Whether you are working toward completing the church’s
marriage preparation requirements, or simply want to further explore the
direction of your relationship, St. Rita offers its Sacramental Marriage
Preparation - Weekend program. This is a program for engaged couples
and couples discerning marriage to have an opportunity to discuss their
future life in the context of church teachings on the sacrament of
marriage and practical tips offered by married couples.
November 14-15, 2015
8:30 am – 5:00 pm on Saturday (breakfast & lunch are provided)
9:00 am – Noon on Sunday (breakfast is provided)
Sweeney Hall, St. Rita
How much: $150 per couple
To register: contact Susan Podkrash at [email protected],
or call 972-934-8388, or obtain a registration form on the St. Rita
Questions? Contact Phil Taken at [email protected]
The mission of St. Rita Business Network and Career Ministry
is to foster a network of parishioners, active in or retired from business,
who mentor to others, share expertise in their fields or industries,
and actively encourage daily application of
Christian values in the workplace.
If you would like additional information, please contact Yong Wan Chang at
[email protected]
Experience the Evening
Prayer of the Church.
Couples are encouraged to register early for this program St. Rita is a
loving community, committed to the support of sacramental marriages.
Choral Vespers
Sunday, October 11th
We Welcome
7:00 p.m.
Jackson Luke Porter
Harrison Frederick Fletcher
Who were baptized into Jesus Christ
St. Ignatius Silent
Retreat for Women
“The Knights of Columbus
are hosting a
St. Rita’s pastor, Mgr. Bob Coerver, and Montserrat Jesuit Retreat House
cordially invite all women to attend a three-day silent retreat on Nov. 5-8,
directed by Fr. Bob at Montserrat on the beautiful and peaceful shores of
Lake Lewisville. The silent retreat will be based on the Spiritual
Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola. Private accommodations, meals, prayer
talks and individual spiritual direction all included. It begins Thursday
evening November 5th and ends Sunday November 8th after Mass and
lunch. Please register online at
at the Parish Dining Hall - 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Please come by for an upgraded, healthier spread,
featuring fresh fruit, granola, yogurt, eggs, pancakes,
sausage, orange juice and premium coffee.”
For further information, please contact
Anthony Valencia at 940-321-6020 and
[email protected],
or Susie Andrews, [email protected].
Bulletin Submissions
Please email bulletin submissions to the Director of
Communications, Michelle Kocurek at
[email protected] and to Margarita Rodriguez at
[email protected] 10 days in advance.
Follow us on Twitter
@frbob @frjoshTX
In 1926 Pope Pius XI instituted Mission Sunday for the
whole Church with the first worldwide Mission Sunday
collection taking place in October 1927. This day is
celebrated in all the local Churches as the feast of
catholicity and universal solidarity so Christians the
world over will recognize their common responsibility
with regard to the evangelization of the world.
Please use the special envelope dated October 18,
2015 which is included in your September/October
envelope packets. Thank you for your generosity.
And on Facebook
St. Rita’s Annual Audit Report
is posted on our website at
St. Rita Catholic Community
October 11, 2015
St. Rita has starting using a new messaging system called
Flocknotes. It allows us to send out text messages and/or emails to
our parishioners for upcoming events & updates on construction.
“The listing of these events by a permitted Non-Parish Based Organization (NPBO)
does not imply the endorsement by St. Rita Catholic Community, or knowledge of
the activities of the said group.”
Join our “Flock” today by texting
Proclaim to 84576 or visit
Costume Drive
Girl Scouts will be collecting Dress Up
clothes & accessories such as capes, crowns,
hats, boas, wings and dresses for girls and
boys ages 5-12. Please leave your donations
in the bins provided in the back of the
Narthex after all Masses on Saturday,
October 31st & Sunday, November 1st.
Thank you for your support!!
to sign-up.
Eucharistic Holy Hour
and Confessions
A NEW WAY TO LOVE: For Catholic Couples.
Thursday, October 15th at 7:30 p.m.
Join us for a Catholic marriage enrichment retreat, called A NEW
WAY TO LOVE: For Catholic Couples. It will be held at the University
of Dallas, October 23-24: Friday, 6-9 pm and Saturday, 9 am-5 pm.
The cost is $50 per couple, covering the workbooks and Saturday's
Through prayer, we are united as a community of faith. Through prayer, we are
comforted and we become stronger in our walk with God.
Learn more about it online:
Dianne Leminger, Catherine Conrad, Patrice Conrad, Beckett Grimett,
Kathy Novotny, Pedro Cárdenas, Arturo Guerrero, Mary Lou Jones-Sumner,
Lucia Al Solis, Pat Corey, BJ Fain, Angela Diego, George Caldwell, Bill Nolan,
Luis Gabriel Herrera, Jack Shiner, Carrie Fisher, Charles Louw, Elvira Sample,
Margaret Moser, Cristina Domínguez, Lucia Fisher, Dave Adams, Mary Hoffman,
Dick Terwilliger, Mark Kulyk, Ignacio Koch, and Barbara Hynal.
Please consider giving this gift to your marriage. While
it is not therapy, it is a profound way to bring new levels of
personal intimacy, trust and joy to your marriage. Please RSVP to
Kathryn Rombs at [email protected] to save your spot.
Please contact Michelle Kocurek [email protected], or call 972-934-8388 x6504,
if you would like to be included in our list for prayer for the sick and homebound.
We Pray for our loved ones serving
in the Armed Forces
Protect them that
you may be the
joy of those who
love your name.
~ Psalm 5:12b
MAJOR Tase Bailey III
LT Emily Boehm
LT Matthew Boehm
CAPT Sarah C. Compton
LTJG Patrick F. Gargan, USN
LT Christine B. Gargan, USN
LT Michael Meyer
A CHARTERED GUILD of the Catholic Medical Association
LT Eric Schortmann,USAF
Capt. Jeff Schortmann, USAF
CMDR Frank Volpe
Michael Roland
CAPT Rusty Meyer
LT Charles Waltrip, USMC
The Catholic Physicians Guild of Dallas will hold its annual White Mass
for Healthcare Professionals this October 17th at the 5 PM Mass at the
Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe. The Mass will be celebrated
by Bishop Kevin Farrell, and attendees are asked to wear their white
coats (for which the “White” Mass is named). All Healthcare
Professionals (clinical staff, business staff, ancillary staff, students, etc.)
and their families are invited. A dinner reception with pastoral
reflection will follow at the Grand Salon next to the sanctuary. Costs $15 per adult. Visit for more information or
email/RSVP [email protected]
Come pray the Rosary after Mass during the
week in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.
come meet our
Wednesday, October 21st - 5:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Register at
St. Rita Catholic School
Spartan Spotlight
 The St. Rita Class of 2016 visited The Pines Catholic Camp for a
St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton Singles Halloween Dance
three day retreat. Thank you to all the faculty, staff, and parents
for making this trip a special and memorable experience for our
8th graders.
 A frequently asked question that the school gets from those
applying or even from those who have been here a while is about
where our graduates go after they leave here. We are proud to say
that most of our graduates this year went on to Catholic high
schools. Here are the statistics for the class of 2015: 5 to Bishop
Lynch, 36 to Jesuit, 12 to John Paul II, 20 to Ursuline, 1 to Booker
T. Washington and 2 to another school of their choice.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Singles wishes to invite everyone age 21 or
over to their annual Halloween Dance! This year's dance is
scheduled on Saturday; October 24, 2015 from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00
a.m. The dance will be held at the Faith Formation Building: 3100
West Spring Creek Parkway; Plano, TX 75023 one block west of the
church. The cost of the dance is $20.00 per person. The cost
includes snacks and two free drink tickets. Cash prizes will be
awarded for the best costumes. For additional information please
call Jaime Campos at (214)-505-4852.
Vigésimo octavo Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario
Ciclo B
Notas PASTORales
Follow Fr. Bob on Twitter @frbobc
 Ser buenos administradores de lo que Dios nos ha dado y hecho por
de Fin de Semana
Misa de Vigilia del Sábado: 5:30 p.m.
Domingo: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:45 a.m.,
12:30 p.m. (bilingüe) y 5:30 p.m.
Guardería: 9:00 a.m. hasta la Misa 12:30 p.m.
nosotros nos exige tomar decisiones radicales en nombre de otros al
vivir nuestras vidas.
La inocencia, la apertura y la vulnerabilidad de un niño - pueden
siempre respetar y proteger eso mientras lo cultivamos en nuestras
propias vidas.
Cristo nos llama a seguirlo con todo el corazón; pero él llama a cada
uno de nosotros individualmente en nuestras propias circunstancias.
El Espíritu nos capacita.
Que el Espíritu nos mantenga abierto a la ley de misericordia y amor
y siempre atentos a los esfuerzos misioneros de la Iglesia, aunque de
sea de lejos.
Los Ángeles - a nuestro lado, alumbran y guardan, cuidan y guían.
lunes a viernes
6:25 a.m. y 5:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. (vigilia)
Días de Precepto : 6:25 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 12:10 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m. (bilingüe)
Sacramento de Reconciliación
Esta Semana:
 miércoles 14 de octubre - Memorial Opcional de San Calixto I, 222+,
Jueves: 7:30 p.m. y Sábado: 9:00 a.m., y con cita
organizó el primer cementerio oficial en Roma y en la actualidad hay
catacumbas que llevan su nombre
 jueves 15 de octubre - Memorial de Santa Teresa de Jesús, 1582,
quizás mejor conocida como Teresa de Ávila, gran mística y reformadora de los Carmelitas con la ayuda de su amigo San Juan de la Cruz
 viernes 16 de octubre - Memorial Opcional de Santa Eduvigis, 1243,
santa bávara dedicada a los pobres y los presos; Memorial Opcional
de Santa Margarita María Alacoque, 1690, mística francés que promovió la devoción al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y el Primer Viernes
 sábado 17 de octubre - Memorial de San Ignacio de Antioquía, +107
primero en utilizar el término "Iglesia Católica", mencionado en el
Canon Romano
Adoración Eucarística
Hora Santa - Jueves
Exposición Eucarística y
Bendición con el Santísimo - 7:30 p.m.
Primer Viernes—Adoración Eucarística
después de la Misa de 8:00 a.m.
hasta antes de la Misa de 5:30 p.m.
Hora Santa y Confesiones
Misas del Próximo Fin de Semana
 Vigésimo noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
 Jornada Misionera Mundial - segunda colecta a beneficio de la obra
jueves 15 de octubre a las 7:30 p. m.
Acompaña a Jesús tan solo una hora…
mundial de la Compaña para la Propagación de la Fe
 Sesiones de escucha en las bancas, inmediatamente después
de las Misas de 10:45 a.m., 12:30 p.m. y 5:30 p.m.
San Vicente de Paul Sirviéndole a Usted
P. Bob
Esta Semana
Los vicentinos sirven a los necesitados dentro de los límites
de la parroquia. Si usted necesita ayuda con comida, renta,
albergue, o servicios, comuníquese a la línea confidencial
972-232-1393 y deje su nombre, dirección y número de teléfono, y un
voluntario se comunicará con usted.
St. Rita Stephen Ministry
Santa Rita tiene feligreses con dones y potencial para proporcionar
atención de uno-a-uno, centrada en Cristo, a miembros de la comunidad que están pasando por momentos difíciles.
El Ministerio Stephen busca solicitudes de los interesados en capacitarse para ministrar a lastimar a la gente con el amor de Cristo. Nuestra
primera clase de entrenamiento comenzará 3 de noviembre.
Para aprender más, únete a nosotros en el Stephen Ministerio sesión
informativa el martes 13 de octubre a las 7:00 PM en el Centro Pastoral
Santa Rita Salón.
Su Equipo Líder Stephen: Jeannette Lynch, Jenny Priddy,
Lawson Taitte, Mary Doyle y Jim Doyle
Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Jim Doyle en
[email protected] — 214 500 –2947
Ministerio Parroquial
de la próxima semana
Santa Rita emplea el sistema de mensajes llamado Flocknotes.
Este Sistema nos permite enviar mensajes de textos o correos electrónicos
a nuestros feligreses sobre eventos próximos y avisos sobre la construcción.
Únase a nuestro “Flock” hoy mismo enviando el texto
Proclaim al 84576 o visite
Para inscribirse
A CHARTERED GUILD of the Catholic Medical Association
Comité de Vida Espiritual
El Gremio de Médicos Católicos de Dallas tendrá su Misa anual White
Mass para profesionales de cuidados en la salud el día 17 de Octubre a
las 5 p.m. en la Catedral Shrine de la Virgen de Guadalupe. La Misa será
oficiada por el Obispo Kevin Farrell y se les pide a los asistentes ponerse su bata blanca (razón por cual la Misa es llamada “Blanca”). Todos
los profesionales en la salud (personal clínico, personal de negocio,
personal auxiliar, estudiantes, etc.) sus familias están invitadas. Seguido
a la misa habrá una recepción y cena con reflexión pastoral en el Salón
Grand que está al lado del santuario. Costo- $15 por adulto. Visite para más información o correo electrónico/
RSVP [email protected]
Comunidad Católica Santa Rita
11 de octubre de 2015
St. Rita Catholic School
Spartan Spotlight
La Procesión de la Comunión
 La Clase Santa Rita de 2016 visitó el Campamento Católico The
 La Iglesia entiende la Procesión
Pines para un retiro de tres días. ¡Gracias a todo los profesores, el
personal y los padres para hacer de este viaje una experiencia
especial y memorable para nuestros estudiantes de 8vo grado.
de la Comunión y, de hecho toda
procesión litúrgica, como un
signo de la Iglesia peregrina, el
cuerpo de aquéllos que creen en
Cristo, en su camino hacia la
Jerusalén Celestial.
 Una pregunta frecuente que la escuela recibe de las familias que
se inscriben, o incluso de los que han estado aquí desde hace
tiempo, es a donde van nuestros graduados después de salir de
aquí. Estamos orgullosos de decir que la mayoría de nuestros graduados del año pasado fueron a escuelas secundarias católicas.
Aquí están las estadísticas de la clase de 2015: 5 a Bishop Lynch,
36 a la Jesuita, 12 a Juan Pablo II, 20 a las Ursulinas, 1 a Booker T.
Washington y 2 a otra escuela de su elección.
 A lo largo de nuestras vidas, nosotros, los que creemos en Cristo,
nos movemos en el tiempo hacia
ese momento en que seremos
llevados de este mundo por la
muerte y entraremos en el gozo
de nuestro Señor, al Reino eterno
que nos ha preparado.
Estudio Bíblico
 La asamblea litúrgica de los bauti-
todos los miércoles
zados que vienen a reunirse para
la celebración de la Eucaristía es
un testigo, una manifestación, de la iglesia peregrina.
7:00 - 9:00 p.m. - Centro Pastoral
Estudiamos el Evangelio de Marcos
 Cuando nos movemos en procesión, particularmente, en la procesión
para recibir el cuerpo y la sangre de Cristo en la Comunión, somos un
signo, un símbolo de esa Iglesia peregrina “en camino”.
St. Rita Stephen Ministry
 Para algunos, sin embargo, la experiencia de la Procesión de la Comu-
nión es mucho más trivial y hasta lo mismo con el hacer cola en el supermercado o en la Dirección General de Vehículos Motorizados. Una percepción como ésta es una comprensión terriblemente incorrecta y empobrecida de una acción religiosa significativa.
Por favor acompáñenos en el
Centro Pastoral a las 7:00 p.m.
Martes 13 de octubre
Para una sesión informativa
 La Procesión de la Comunión es una acción del Cuerpo de Cristo. Los
miembros de la comunidad, respondiendo a la invitación del mismo
Cristo por medio del Sacerdote que actúa “en la Persona de Cristo” 1
(Bienaventurados aquéllos que han sido llamados a la cena del Señor) 2,
donde se dará el compartir el alimento sagrado, recibido en el cuerpo y la
sangre de Cristo, señal y fuente de unidad.
For more information contact
Jeannette Lynch, 214-207-3805, [email protected]
Jim Doyle, 214-500-0947, [email protected]
 De hecho, cada vez que nos disponemos para recibir el cuerpo y la san-
gre del Señor, nos unimos a los innumerables rangos de todos los bautizados que han muerto antes que nosotros, nuestros seres queridos, los
santos canonizados y no canonizados a lo largo de los siglos, quienes en
algún momento de la historia formaron parte de este gran multitud de
“Cómo vivir la Eucaristía que nos mandó celebrar el Señor”
 Esta acción del cuerpo de Cristo, la Iglesia reunida para la Eucaristía, se
manifiesta y se apoya en el Himno de la Comunión, un himno de alabanza a Cristo cantado al unísono por las voces de quienes creen en Él y
comparten Su vida. La Instrucción General del Misal Romano toma muy
en serio este himno, estableciendo que debe empezar en el momento de
la Comunión del sacerdote y que debe extenderse hasta que la última
persona haya comulgado.
La Santa Misa: el Misterio de nuestra Fe
 Por las lecturas se prepara para los
 Sin embargo, algunas personas consideran que cantar este himno es una
fieles la mesa de la Palabra de Dios,
y abren para ellos los tesoros de la
Cuando se leen en la Iglesia las
Sagradas Escrituras es Dios mismo
quien habla a su pueblo, y Cristo,
presente en su propia Palabra, quien
anuncia la Buena Nueva.
Las lecturas aclaran la unidad de los
dos Testamentos y de la historia de
la salvación.
Dios habla a su pueblo le desvela
los misterios de la redención y de la salvación, y le ofrece alimento
Los domingos en Sweeney Hall
Convivencia: 9:30 a.m. - Estudio: 10:00 a.m.
intromisión en su propia oración, su propia acción de gracias privada
después de la Comunión. Sin embargo, este himno es oración, la oración
de acción gracias comunitaria de los miembros del Cuerpo de Cristo,
mutuamente unidos. Una y otra vez, las plegarias litúrgicas y las normas
de la Instrucción General enfatizan este concepto fundamental de la
unidad de los bautizados, resaltando que cuando nos reunimos para
participar en la celebración Eucarística, venimos no como individuos sino
como miembros unidos del Cuerpo de Cristo.
 En cada una de las Plegarias Eucarísticas, aunque la petición se presenta
con pequeñas diferencias, se le pide a Dios que envíe Su Espíritu Santo
para hacernos un solo cuerpo, un solo Espíritu; la Instrucción General
invita a los fieles a que “actúen, pues, como un solo cuerpo tanto al escuchar la Palabra de Dios, como al tomar parte en las oraciones y en los
cantos y, en especial, al ofrecer comunitariamente el sacrificio y al participar todos juntos en la mesa del Señor” (IGMR # 96), describe como uno
de los propósitos del canto de entrada a la Misa intensifica la unión
de los que se han reunido 3.
Vigésimo octavo Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario
Ciclo B
Comunión para los enfermos, los que no
pueden salir de sus casas, y para visitas al
hospital, por favor llame al Centro Pastoral
al 972-934-8388, ext. 6515.
MATRIMONIOS: Inscríbase en la Parroquia
o hágase miembro de la comunidad donde
alaba a Dios en la Misa dominical, tres
meses antes de contactar al Sacerdote o
Diácono. Una vez inscrito, contacte al
Sacerdote, por lo menos ocho meses antes
de la fecha de la boda.
en el Centro Pastoral.
BAUTIZOS: Los Bautizos en español son el
Segundo Domingo de cada mes después de la
Misa de 12:30 p.m. Favor de llamar al
972-934-8388, Ext. 6515, para información.
La siguiente clase en español es el domingo
1 de NOVIEMBRE A LAS 2:00 P.M.
bautismal, se recomienda que los Padrinos
también asistan
Los Padrinos deben (1) estar
Los próximos bautizos son el
 Ambos padres deben asistir a la plática pre
Reflexión Bíblica
Viernes de 7:00 a 8:30 p.m.,
en el Salón Comedor de la Parroquia
¡Yo quiero ser Pescador!
La palabra que escucháis no es mía, sino del Padre,
que me ha enviado. (Jn. 14, 24)
Gilberto Salazar - 214-984-2880
completamente iniciados en la Iglesia
Católica, es decir, haber recibido los
sacramentos: Bautismo, Confirmación y
Primera Comunión; (2) tener al menos 16
años de edad, (3) ser practicantes de su fe
Católica; y (4) si están casados, debe ser de
acuerdo a la Iglesia Católica.
Es necesario inscribirse para asistir a la
plática para que su niño sea Bautizado. Por
favor llame al Centro Pastoral al 972-9348388, Ext. 6515 para anotarse.
FELIGRESES NUEVOS: Puede inscribirse al
salir de Misa en la mesa de inscripción, o
Oportunidad para nuevos miembros de todas edades
Las prácticas son
los viernes
Sweeney Hall
7:00—9:00 p.m.