topsider - Avalon Yacht Club
Avalon Yacht Club TOPSIDER July 1, 2014 • Volume 73, Issue 5 JULY Restaurant Hours DINING ROOM Thursday 5:30PM to 9:30 PM (4 course -Wine Dinner Night $60) Friday & Saturday 5:30PM to 9:30 PM Sunday - 5:30PM to 9 PM GRILL ROOM Monday - 5:30 to 10 PM ( Mexican Monday) Wednesday - 5:30 to 10 PM ($7 pitchers) Thursday - 5:30 to 10 PM Friday - 5:30 to 10 PM Saturday - Noon to 10 PM (Happy Hour Beer Specials from 12-4 PM) Sunday - Noon to 9 PM (Wings & Beer Specials from 12-4 PM) Dining Room and Grill Room Specials will be advertised on the website and through email blasts. Please call the Club (967-4444) for reservations in the Dining Room! Dear AYC Members, Angie and I hope that everyone is geared up for a fantastic Summer and that you all had a wonderful Father’s Day weekend, despite the power outage caused by a runaway truck that regrettably closed the Club on Friday evening! Thanks to some quick thinking, our dedicated staff brought in generators and with the assistance of some purveyors and good neighbors like the Princeton saved all of our food and provisions. Many thanks for a job well done! Our annual Flag Raising Ceremony remembered some very dear Members and Past Commodore Paul Gossin who have recently and regrettably passed away. We then welcomed the beginning of a new season for all! Some updates on entertainment and events around the Club: • Chef Peter and Manager Brian have revamped the Dining and Grill Room menus, so please try something new and give Brian and your Flag Officers some feedback as we mingle in the Dining Room. • The 7 Mile Jitney Service will be making hourly pickups at our Club this summer on Fridays and Saturdays. This new Jitney service will provide reliable, affordable, eco-friendly transportation for our Members. Depending on eventual schedule, fares range from $2-$4. Tipping the drivers is very strongly encouraged to keep this service viable as they are making a 15-block detour for our benefit!! The 2014 Avalon Yacht Club Calendars are completed and set - here is a sampling: • Sailing & Regattas • Frank Sinatra Impersonator and Italian Dinner Show (Reserve your Table now!) Thursday July, 3rd • BLACKTHORN Saturday, July 19th • Avalon Cup July, 26th • AYC Tennis Tournament Friday, August 1st • Fashion Show: “Hot Havana Nights” Tuesday, August 5th Please take full advantage of everything the Club has to offer this summer. Check the Calendar section of the 2014 Yearbook, the Topsider, the Website and the Lobby posters often! Best regards, Gerry PLEASE BE CONSIDERATE OF OUR NEIGHBORS! Please take note, slow down and exercise caution. 7th Street is a residential street, busy with children, grandchildren, homeowners and pets. Please slow down when travelling on 7th Street, especially when entering and exiting the parking lot. 704 7th Street, Avalon, NJ 08202 • (609) 967-4444 • 1 Avalon Yacht Club TOPSIDER July 1, 2014 • Volume 73, Issue 5 GRILL ROOM AND DINING ROOM ACTIVITIES Mexican Mondays: In addition to our Grill Room menu, we will have a Mexican themed special menu and $4 Margarita drink specials and Corona Light bottles for $4 each. Wednesday nights in the Grill Room, will be a mix of Quizzo and Crab nights throughout the summer. Quizzo with Frank will be on 7/2 and 7/23 with a special buffet served from 5:30–7:30pm. Crab night featuring all you can eat Snow Crab Clusters will be on 7/16 for $ 29.95 (plus tax & gratuity). Every Wednesday will have $7 Miller Lite & Coor’s Light Pitchers. Thursday night will be our 4 course Wine & Dinner night in the Dining Room. We will have a complete dinner for 2 for $60. This will include a shared appetizer, 2 AYC house salads, 2 entrees, 2 desserts, and a featured bottle of wine. Saturdays. We will have draft beer specials from 12-4pm. $2 Miller Light, Yuengling, and Coors Light draft pints. $3 beers: Stella Artois, Blue Moon, and Cape May IPA. Sunday will be Wing Day. We will offer wings at a reduced price and $4 Bloody Marys and Mimosas. All $2 Miller Light and Coors Light draft pints. $3 beers: Stella Artois, Blue Moon, and Cape May IPA. Sinatra AYC Italian Night THURSDAY, JULY 3rd Dinner at 6pm followed by show at 8pm Dinner and Show: All inclusive: Entertainment and Italian Buffet! $29.95 (excluding tax & gratuity). Limited availability. Please, call for reservations. 2 EVERY SUNDAY IN JULY July 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th Music and Magic - 7:00-8:00pm. Magic & Balloon Creations by Ken Northridge Music with DJ Tommy B 704 7th Street, Avalon, NJ 08202 • (609) 967-4444 • Avalon Yacht Club TOPSIDER WOMEN’S AUXILIARY SUMMER 2014 CALENDAR JULY 7 Mah Jongg Dinner, 6pm. Play, 7pm 7 Bridge, 7pm 12 Women’s Auxiliary Meeting, 10am 14 Mah Jongg Dinner, 6pm. Play, 7pm 14 Bridge, 7pm July 1, 2014 Volume 73, Issue 5 WOMEN’S AUXILIARY BOOK CLUB 2014 Book Club is a group who gets together three times throughout the summer season on Monday mornings at 9:30am in the upstairs Club Room. The meetings begin with homemade baked goods from our members and hot coffee. We enjoy lively discussions each time. Book Club is open to everyone at Avalon Yacht Club and we look forward to seeing fresh faces each meeting! If you have questions, please contact Melinda Black at melindablack@ and she will be more then happy to help you. 21 Book Club, 9:30am The selection for July is as follows: 21 Mah Jongg Dinner, 6pm. Play, 7pm MONDAY, JULY 21 21 Bridge, 7pm 30 Bunko Night, 6pm The Chaperone (about the woman who chaperoned silent film star Louise Brooks in New York City in the 1920s) by Laura Moriarty AYC Women’s Auxiliary Fashion Show The AYC’s Annual Fashion Show “HOT NIGHT in HAVANA” is Tuesday, August 5th at 5:00 pm. BOC Productions will present fashions by Marlene’s of Collingswood. AVALON YACHT CLUB AUXILIARY FASHION SHOW Tuesday, August 5th, 2014 Cocktails 5PM followed by Dinner 6PM BOC Productions will present fashions provided by Marlene’s of Collingswood Due to space limitations, reservations are required along with a one guest per member policy. The ticket price is $55.00 per person. For reservations, please contact Sandy Finley at [email protected] or 609-967-4241. If you would like to donate an item or a basket for the Chinese auction, it would be greatly appreciated. Please drop off items at the club before Monday, July 28th. 704 7th Street, Avalon, NJ 08202 • (609) 967-4444 • 3 Avalon Yacht Club TOPSIDER July 1, 2014 Volume 73, Issue 5 Youth & Sailing The Sailing and Arts & Crafts program is off to a great start with about 90 children enrolled in the program. Kevin and his team have been working hard to organize the classes and get the kids (and parents) off to the MAYRA regattas. The kids have spent the last week learning and reviewing the fundamentals of sailing and safety on the water. The Arts & Crafts kids are helping their parents decorate their homes with some great seashore craft projects. If you drop by the club during the day from Monday through Thursday, you’ll notice a lot more activity both on and off the water. Parents and guardians should be sure to read the weekly Summer Sailing Snippets for a report of what’s going on in the program and other valuable information. If you would like to receive an e-mail edition of Summer Sailing Snippets, send an e-mail to [email protected] and we will put you on the list. Also, follow AYC sailing on Twitter @aycsailing. “AYC Summer Series” for Optis, Sunfish, Lasers, 420s, & Flying Scots Show your patriotic spirit and sail in the Independence Day Regatta - Saturday, July 5, 10am. Let’s express our gratitude to our Past Commodores… Past Commodores’ Regatta… Saturday July 12 at 10am Skippers’ Meetings start promptly at 10am! Get there early and get your boat ready to launch…we are hoping to sail 3 races! Everyone is invited to gather for a Sailors’ Lunch featuring new NorthDeck Menu @ 1pm & Award Presentation 1:30pm. Adult sailors with some experience are always welcome to come out and sail in the “AYC Summer Series.” These regattas are scheduled for Saturdays at 10 am on July 5, July 12, August 2, and August 9. Patrol boats are on the water. Practice your new sailing skills, and then enjoy a Sailors’ Lunch @ 1pm on the North Deck and Awards Presentation @ 1:30pm. Are you interested in helping the Race Committee and Safety Patrol? If you would like to volunteer, please contact Bryan Eshelman [email protected] who is coordinating the patrols that we need for the regattas throughout the summer. Memorial Day Regatta Results Flying Scot: 1. Dave Mohr& Mike Mandell 2. Mitch Shiles & Richard Weston (Riverton Yacht Club) 420: 1. Sam Mandell & Joseph Loeper 2. Angela Kenney & Kate Bennett 3. Jake Bennett, Luke Follman, Sean Groskoph Radial Laser: 1. Brian Loeper Sunday, May 25, 2014 4.7 Laser: Shannon Groskoph & Mary Jane Tague Master Sunfish: 1. John Leonard 2. Tom Leonard 3. Linda Tozour 4. Larry Kenney 5. Bud Thalman 6. Dave Helwig 7. Steve Ramsey Opti Gold: 1. Madison Mundenar 2. Sloane Duzy 3. Sophie Sheffer Opti Silver: 1. Grace Finely 2. Ryan Maher 3. Meg Cirii 4. Liz Cirii Thank you to Principal Race Officer John Groskoph, Finish Boat- Frank Cirri and Patrol Volunteers: Joe Loeper, Lew Tozour, the Follman’s, Marzulli’s and crews. Also- special thanks to Kristen Sheffer for assuming the role this season of providing the awards; the sailors loved the Zinka and gift cards! 4 704 7th Street, Avalon, NJ 08202 • (609) 967-4444 • TOPSIDER Avalon Yacht Club July 1, 2014 Volume 73, Issue 5 “AYC SUMMER SERIES” Notice of Regatta 2014 FLEETS and DIVISIONS: Flying Scots Club 420s Laser:*Full Rig, Radial Rig (Adults & Juniors scored separately) and 4.7 rig Sunfish: Master Sunfish, Alumni Sunfish (under age 40), Junior Sunfish Optimists:* Opti Sailors will be divided into 2 Fleets by level (not age)- Opti Gold& Opti Silver *Depending on the fleet size, Optimist divisions (Gold/Silver) & Laser divisions (Full/Radial/4.7) may be sailed together but will be scored separately. SCHEDULE: “AYC SUMMER SERIES” FOR FLYING SCOTS, 420S, LASERS, SUNFISH & OPTIS All sailors are encouraged to participate in the AYC Summer Series, which consists of 5 Saturday regattas scheduled during the course of the Youth Sailing Program. There are prizes each week, as well as several coveted Perpetual Awards based on the participation and performance in this regatta series. Skippers’ Meetings start promptly at 10am; arrive early to rig your boat and get it set to launch. We would like to start the races as soon as possible. Patrol boats are on the water, so come out and practice your sailing skills. Sailors, families, spectators and Race Committee are invited to the Sailors’ Lunch @1pm and the Award Presentation @ 1:30pm on the North Deck! JUNE: Saturday 28–10am Olivia Constants Foundation, AUGUST: Saturday 2–10am Pirate Regatta Pizza & Ice Cream Regatta Saturday 9–10am Commodore’s Regatta JULY: Independence Day Regatta Past-Commodore’s Regatta Saturday 5–10am Saturday 12–10am Weekly Regatta Scoring: Up to 3 races will be run for each weekly regatta. Each competitor will receive the number of points equivalent to that competitor’s finish position in the FLEET for each race (1st place is one point, 2nd place is two points, etc). The results for the day are calculated by totaling the points received in each race for each competitor. First place for the regatta is assigned to the sailor with the lowest total points, 2nd place goes to the next lowest total, etc. Depending on the FLEET size, the awards for that day will be will be broken down by DIVISION. If, for some reason, a sailor is on the water but does not start (DNS) or does not finish (DNF) he/she will receive points equal to the number of finishing sailors in that FLEET plus 1 for that individual race. This modifies RRS Appendix A. Perpetual Fleet Champion Awards will be based on the combined over-all standing of the results for each Regatta. Breaking of Ties: A tie in either daily or season scoring shall be broken as follows: The boat with the greatest number of 1st places wins the tie. If the tie is still unbroken, then the boat with the greatest number of 2nd places wins the tie, and so on through the placements until the tie is broken. If the tie remains unbroken, the boat with the better finish in the last race in which they both sailed shall win the tie. (If a tie still remains unbroken, refer to RRS Appendix A7) Time Limits: There will be no time limits for the first boat to finish; however, if a race no longer becomes a test of skill, the Race Committee has the discretion to abandon the race. Boats failing to finish within 20 minutes of the first boat to sail the course and finish, will be scored Time Limit Expired (TLE) and will receive points equal to the number of finishing sailors in the FLEET plus 1 for that individual race. This modifies RRS Appendix A. Additional Seasonal Scoring Considerations: There are no throw outs or byes. If a sailor does not participate in a weekend regatta, he/she will be scored a Did Not Compete (DNC): points equal the number of sailors registered in that DIVISION (for example Optimist Gold, not all Optimists) for that day plus 1. “Sailing Friends” e-mail list: E-mail reminders for sailing activities are sent throughout the season. If you would like to add your name, contact Linda Tozour at [email protected]. 704 7th Street, Avalon, NJ 08202 • (609) 967-4444 • 5 Avalon Yacht Club TOPSIDER July 1, 2014 Volume 73, Issue 5 Adult Sailing Lesson Learn to sail… All AYC adult members are welcome! The goal of this sailing clinic is to teach some basic sailing skills and to provide an opportunity for inexperienced and experienced adults to get out on the water. Sailboats are welcome; however boat ownership is not a prerequisite to the class. Clinic dates: Sunday, July 13 and Sunday August 3, 2014 Time: 11:00am to 1:00pm Fee: There will be no charge for the class this year; however a reservation is recommended. RSVP: Kindly let me know if you are interested, if you have any sailing experience and if you have access to a sailboat. This will help us to plan accordingly. You should bring a life jacket and wear water shoes. BOAT STORAGE ON CLUB GROUNDS REMINDER! The policy of the Avalon Yacht Club is that any boat stored on the grounds of the club must have a sticker purchased from the club. This includes sunfish, lasers, optis, kayaks, Flying Scots, rowboats, and any other boat. Stickers are available at the club office. Large boat trailers are not permitted to be stored at the club. We need the space for sailboats and trailers used by the youth program. If you do not use your boat for the youth program, please store it in the graveyard so space along the bulkhead is available for the kids in the program. There are a number of rudders and centerboards in the shed that have not been used for a while. If you left any equipment in the shed, and do not use it, please remove it. We will be disposing of any unused equipment and any boats without stickers in the next few weeks. 6 For reservations and more information, kindly contact Linda Tozour: email: [email protected] or Cell: 609-827-6101. AVALON CUP The Avalon Cup will be held on Saturday, July 26th this year with the Avalon Cup dinner being held the evening before the race on Friday, July 25th. Any sailors or volunteers who are interested in participating should contact PC John Groskoph at [email protected] 704 7th Street, Avalon, NJ 08202 • (609) 967-4444 • TOPSIDER Avalon Yacht Club July 1, 2014 Volume 73, Issue 5 Please join us for the following Youth Activities this month, which are open to children and grandchildren of all members. Be sure to look for updates in the weekly AYC e-mail blasts and on the website, should event details change. Contact / RSVP Michele Lynch at [email protected]. Tuesday, July 1st – Patriotic Tie Dye/Game Night - 7:00-8:00pm. Come to the club for a fun night of outdoor games, and tie dye an AYC shirt! $5 per shirt. RSVP suggested. Tuesday, July 8th – Junior Deck Party – please join us for a night of fun and music on the North Deck! $8 per child. The event starts at 7:00pm. Children 10 and under stay until 9:00pm; older children stay until 10:00pm. Children 8 and under must be accompanied by a guardian. Chaperones and bakers are needed. RSVP suggested. Tuesday, July 15th – Please join us at Go Fish for a round with your friends! Children 5-7 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Saturday, July 19th – Family Day – join us at 10:00am for sailing races and demonstrations, followed by a buffet lunch and award ceremony. Tuesday, July 22nd – Free Bingo Night – 7:00-8:00pm in the Youth Room. Please bring canned goods (protein rich food appreciated) for the Community Food Bank of NJ. Enjoy snacks and win fun prizes! Wednesday, July 30th – Double Event! ‘Tween and Teen Sunset Cruise 6:30 – 8:30pm on the Miss Avalon. $20 per child. Rising 5th graders and up are welcome. Meet at the Avalon Fishing Center, 1400 Ocean Drive. Permission slips are available in the Main Clubhouse as well as the Youth Room. Free Movie Night for 4th grade and under. 5:30-7:30pm in the Youth Room. Popcorn will be served. PLEASE WELCOME OUR NEW MEMBERS! ANNE & JOSEPH SWEENY MICHELLE & JOSEPH NEJMAN SIOBAHN & MICHAEL MURPHY GRETCHEN & ANDREW VAN BUREN KRISTA & GREGORY BEACH NANCY & HARRY SINGER JEAN & JAMES FARNHAM LISA & THOMAS DIERKES KARI & EDWARD NOVAK MEET YOU VERY SOON! 704 7th Street, Avalon, NJ 08202 • (609) 967-4444 • 7 TOPSIDER Avalon Yacht Club July 1, 2014 Volume 73, Issue 5 10th Annual Avalon Yacht Club RUN FROM THE SUN 5K RUN/WALK AND KID SPRINTS For Skin Cancer Awareness SUNDAY, JULY 20, 2014, 8:30 AM Avalon Community Center, 30th and Avalon Avenue • Avalon, NJ 08202 REGISTER: On-line at By mail: entry forms available at the AYC and Community Center July 19, 3:30-5:00 p.m., Avalon Yacht Club Youth Room July 20, 7:00-8:15 a.m., Avalon Community Center $25 Pre, $30 Race Day, $15 Kid Sprints 100% of Proceeds benefit the Skin Cancer Foundation – Learn more at Race information: Sponsor, Volunteer, Questions: [email protected] Like us on Facebook: 10th Annual AYC Run From the Sun 5K Run/Walk and Kid Sprints BUNCO Wednesday, July 30, 2014 at 7pm for PLAY BUNCO is a really easy dice game to learn and fun to play. After each round, players move to a different table which makes for an enjoyable night of playing with everyone. Due to space limitations, we can only have 48 people. So we are offering it to AYC members only until July 16. After that date, members can sign up non-members. Call the club office to make your reservations at 609-967-4444. Why not come to the club early (5:30) and have drinks and dinner before? There will be some BUNCO specials. Questions or more info.? Call Barbara Catanese at 203-241-8009 or 967-0411. 8 704 7th Street, Avalon, NJ 08202 • (609) 967-4444 •
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