topsider - Avalon Yacht Club
topsider - Avalon Yacht Club
Avalon Yacht Club TOPSIDER July 1, 2015 • Volume 74, Issue 5 Dear AYC friends, JULY Restaurant Hours DINING ROOM Thursday 5:30PM to 9:30 PM (4 course -Wine Dinner Night $60) Friday & Saturday 5:30PM to 9:30 PM Sunday - 5:30PM to 9 PM GRILL ROOM Monday - 5:30 to 10 PM (Mexican Monday) Wednesday - 5:30 to 10 PM Thursday - 5:30 to 10 PM Friday - 5:30 to 10 PM The 2015 summer season is in full swing, and the past month has been a wonderful time to reconnect with so many of you since last summer. We also welcomed a number of our newest members at a recent cocktail reception, and are thrilled to have them as part of the AYC family! The next few weeks at AYC are chock full of activities and events for all to enjoy: • Our youth sailing and activities kick off their first summer session; we expect over 90 young sailors and future sailors (aka "the arts and crafts crowd") for the first four weeks, and 110+ participants for session 2 (if your children/grandchildren want to sign up, contact the Club office for details). The South Jersey Summer Series and the youth racing schedule are about to commence as well; special sailing events for July include the Poker Regatta and Twilight Sail (all sailors welcome to participate) on Friday, July 17th, and the annual Avalon Cup Regatta on Saturday, July 25th. • The Women's Auxiliary activities for 2015 are off to a great start, with details about upcoming events and meetings (including the House tour and the Fashion Show) included in this month's Topsider. MahJong, Bridge, Book Club, and Bunco are also getting under way - call the Club office for details on how you can be a part of the fun! • July's social calendar features a variety of family events and entertainment - especially as we start the month and celebrate the Independence Day weekend. Quizzo (a popular barroom trivia game) returns on Wednesday, July 1st (and again on Wednesday, July 22nd). On Thursday, July 2nd, bring the family out for an All-American Clambake and BBQ dinner at the Club; DJ Dan will spin the tunes, and there will be entertainment for the kids. Dueling Pianos are here on Friday, July 3rd - I believe it may be a sellout! And don't forget - the Club will be open for lunch on the 4th. This month's deck party features the return of Blackthorn, Philly's favorite Celtic rock band - always a crowd favorite at the AYC - on Saturday, July 18th. As for the dining room and grill room, check out the new "healthy options" on our menu - look for the AYC burghee next to the item. The popular Thursday wine dinner specials are back this year, with ballroom dancing lessons being offered on the 30th. Also, we have made some recent additions to our wine lists, and are looking at some adjustments in drink pricing as well (in response to member queries). Brian, Chef Peter and his staff, and Jarod and Sean in the bar are eager to serve and assist with any concerns or special requests you might have. Saturday - Noon to 10 PM (Happy Hour Beer Specials from 12-5 PM) I've enjoyed seeing so many of you over these early summer weekends, and look forward to catching up with you and your families as the summer progresses. See you at the Club! Sunday - Noon to 9 PM (Happy Hour Beer Specials from 12-5 PM) Warm regards, Pat McAleer, Commodore PLEASE BE CONSIDERATE OF OUR NEIGHBORS! Please call the Club (967-4444) for reservations in the Dining Room! Please take note, slow down and exercise caution. 7th Street is a residential street, busy with children, grandchildren, homeowners and pets. Please slow down when travelling on 7th Street, especially when entering and exiting the parking lot. 704 7th Street, Avalon, NJ 08202 • (609) 967-4444 • 1 Avalon Yacht Club TOPSIDER July 1, 2015 • Volume 74, Issue 5 GRILL ROOM AND DINING ROOM ACTIVITIES Mexican Mondays: In addition to our Grill Room menu, we will have a Mexican themed special menu and $4 Margarita drink specials and Corona Light bottles for $4 each. Wednesday nights in the Grill Room, will be a mix of Quizzo and Crab nights throughout the summer. Quizzo with Dan Ryan will be on 7/1 and 7/21 beginning at 7pm. Thursday night will be our 4 course Wine & Dinner night in the Dining Room. We will have a complete dinner for 2 for $60. This will include a shared appetizer, 2 AYC house salads, 2 entrees, 2 desserts, and a featured bottle of wine. Saturdays and Sundays. We will have draft beer specials from 12-5pm. $2 Miller Light and Yuengling. $3 beers: Stella Artois, Blue Moon, Cape May IPA, and Cape May Blonde Ale. Music and Magic EVERY SUNDAY IN JULY July 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th Magic & Balloon Creations by Ken Northridge Music with DJ Tommy B PLEASE WELCOME OUR NEW MEMBERS! ANNE & RAYMOND HYER • SUSAN & TOM HOOD • DONNA & THOMAS ARMSTRONG • SCHELLEY HOLLYDAY • ANN & JIM NUGENT • MOIRA & MARK RUBIO • MARILOU & JACK SMITH • KATHERINE & PIERRE COANT • LYNN & JOHN HOLT • SUSAN & MICHAEL HOLT • KAREN & BRIAN SULLIVAN • ALISON & STEVE CIMINERO • BONNIE & PAUL OFFIT • JANICE & JAMES DALLEPAZZE • ARLENE TANCREDI • APRIL & JOSEPH DENNY • RENEE & THOMAS OHNTRUP • SARAH & SAMUEL SCOTT • KELLIE-ANN & CHRIS DAVIS • MARY & MARC FRANZEN • JANE & GREGORY GINSBERG MEET YOU VERY SOON! 2 704 7th Street, Avalon, NJ 08202 • (609) 967-4444 • Avalon Yacht Club TOPSIDER July 1, 2015 Volume 74, Issue 5 SUMMER HOUSE TOUR - JULY 10, 2015 The AYC Magical Mystery House Tour is Friday, July 10th. Tickets are on sale now. Please call Sue Brown at (609) 967-8326 to reserve yours. Ticket cost is $40 per person and limited to four tickets per member. Payment is due now and checks payable to AYC Women's Auxiliary should be mailed to Sue Brown at 365 24th Street, Avalon, New Jersey, 08202, or dropped at the club office to Sue's attention. You may pick up your tickets, booties, and program beginning Wednesday, July 8th at the club office. FASHION SHOW AUGUST 4 Come Sail Away with us on August 4th, 2015 for the AYC’s Women’s Auxiliary Fashion Show featuring the boutique, Skirt and men’s clothing from Hassis, starting with cocktails at 5:30pm, with dinner at 6:30pm. Please make your reservation for this wonderful event by e-mailing co-chair Julie Donatelli at [email protected]. Seating will be done on a first come, first served basis unless you indicate with whom you would like to be seated in your email to Julie. Please know we will do our best to accommodate you with friends! The cost is $60 per person, limited to 2 tickets for one member and one guest due to space limitations. Checks payable to AYC Women's Auxiliary can be dropped at the club office to Julie Donatelli’s attention. We can’t wait to Sail Away with you! WOMEN’S AUXILIARY BOOK CLUB 2015 Book Club is a group who gets together three times throughout the summer season on Monday mornings at 9:30am in the upstairs Club Room. The meetings begin with homemade baked goods from our members and hot coffee. We enjoy lively discussions each time. Book Club is open to everyone at Avalon Yacht Club and we look forward to seeing fresh faces each meeting! If you have questions, please contact Melinda Black at [email protected] and she will be more then happy to help you. THE SELECTION FOR THE SUMMER 2015: June 22: Home with Henry: A Memoir By Anne Kaier July 20: The Dovekeepers By Alice Hoffman August 17: The Perfume Collector By Kathleen Tessar AYC WOMEN’S AUXILIARY SUNSHINE COMMITTEE Many of our members remember Mary Fallon who recently passed away, but for those who never met her: Mary was the AYC Women’s Auxiliary President in 1980 while her husband, John, was commodore. Mary was very active in AYC and in 1994, Mary started the Sunshine Committee as part of the Auxiliary, a committee which she chaired for over 21 years. Mary generously used her own funds to send well wishes to members in need. Many members would call her to let her know who was in the hospital or who had recently passed away. Mary would send a card to let them know that they were remembered by the Women’s Auxiliary and the AYC. That kind of caring is never forgotten, and in honor of Mary, Marie Flannigan and Janet Sikora will carry on her tradition. Members should email Marie at [email protected] or Janet at [email protected] if they are aware of members who many need a little AYC sunshine in their life. SAVE THE DATE SAVE THE DATE for the AYC Tennis Tournament on Friday, July 24th @ 3:00pm and the Golf Tournament on Friday, August 14th. 2015 WOMEN’S AUXILIARY SUMMER CALENDAR July 6 Bridge; Mah Jongg July 10 HOUSE TOUR July 13 Bridge; Mah Jongg 7pm July 18 Women’s Auxiliary Meeting 10am July 20 2nd Book Club Meeting 9:30am July 20 Bridge: Mah Jongg July 29 Bunko 7pm 7pm 704 7th Street, Avalon, NJ 08202 • (609) 967-4444 • 3 Spend Your July 1, 2015 Volume 74, Issue 5 @AYC TOPSIDER Avalon Yacht Club @AYC FOURTH FOURTH Spend Your Independence Week at the Club is all about “the pursuit of happiness”! JUNE 30 Tuesday – YOUTH ACTIVITIES NIGHT - All young members of the AYC are welcome to participate; schedule of events to be announced. Independence Week at the Club is all about “the pursuit of happiness”! JULY JUNE Wednesday - QUIZZO IS BACK!!! Welcome our Tuesday – YOUTH ACTIVITIES NIGHT - All young new Quizmaster, Dan Ryan, for a night of trivia, members of the AYC are welcome to participate; tunes and tasty food in the Grill Room. schedule of events to be announced. JULY JULY Thursday – ALL-AMERICAN CLAM BAKE & BBQ - QUIZZO IS BACK!!!inspired Welcome BringWednesday the family for a New-England clamour new Quizmaster, Dan Ryan, for a night of bake – Jersey Style! DJ Dan will spin the tunes,trivia, and tunes tasty food in the Grillfor Room. there’s faceand painting and surprises the kids. JULY JULY Friday - DUELING PIANOS – LIVE! Come out and Thursday – ALL-AMERICAN CLAM BAKE & BBQ join the fun when Tony T and Wildman Joe go headto head, the ivories. High energyinspired sing-along Bringtickling the family for a New-England clam fun! bake Space–isJersey limited; reservations Style! DJ Dan willrequired. spin the tunes, and there’s face painting and surprises for the kids. Saturday – HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMERICA!!! Celebrate independence lunch in the Fridayyour - DUELING PIANOS with – LIVE! Come outGrill and Room. join the fun when Tony T and Wildman Joe go head to head, tickling the ivories. High energy sing-along fun! Space is limited; reservations required. Sunday - FAMILY NIGHT – Music and Magic in the Dining Room! –Sunday at theAMERICA!!! AYC – make it Saturday HAPPYdinner BIRTHDAY, your family’s summer tradition! Celebrate your independence with lunch in the Grill Room. 130 21 3 2 JULY JULY 4 3 JULY JULY 5 ADULT WINE CLINIC 4 JULY 5 Please join us on the North Deck Thursday, July 9 at 6PM for a Wine Tasting and Education Hour. Rochelle Sotter from Winebow Distributors will be introducing several new wines that will be available to our members at the club this season. Come sip and savor the fruit of the vines as we watch the sunset from the best view on the island! AYC Ship Store Sunday - FAMILY NIGHT – Music and Magic in the Dining Room! Sunday dinner at the AYC – make it your family’s summer tradition! Thank you for your continued support of the store. Proceeds from the store benefit the AYC Youth and Sailing program. Along with beautiful clothing, don’t forget our Tervis items, as well as our many home accents. They make terrific hostess gifts! Special Items for the Holidays will be a part of our Christmas in July Weekend, starting July 24th! You won’t want to miss this special weekend! Have a wonderful Fourth of July holiday! Special Hours for the beginning of the Month: Wednesday, July 1: 6pm-9pm Thursday, July 2: 6pm-9pm Friday, July 3: 6pm-9pm Saturday, July 4: CLOSED Sunday, July 5: 6pm-9pm A Tha Wee Normal Hours for the remainder of the Month: We are busy replenishing Fridays: 6pm-9pm Saturdays: 10am-1pm & 6pm-9pm Sundays: 6pm-9pm 4 adding new things weekly Don’t forget Dad! We h him! 704 7th Street, Avalon, NJ 08202 • (609) 967-4444 • June Hours: Avalon Yacht Club TOPSIDER July 1, 2015 Volume 74, Issue 5 Please note this change!! This Saturday’s Regatta has been rescheduled to SUNDAY, JULY 5 at 10am due to the Avalon Boat Parade and additional boat traffic Independence Day Regatta – SUNDAY, JULY 5 - 10am. Arrive early and get your boat ready to launch…we are hoping to sail 3 races! *** Everyone is invited to the Sailors’ Buffet Lunch at 1pm & Award Presentation at 1:30 “AYC SUMMER SERIES” FOR OPTIS, SUNFISH, LASERS, 420S, & FLYING SCOTS All dinghy fleets are encouraged to participate in the AYC Summer Series, which consists of 5 Saturday Regattas scheduled during the course of the Youth Sailing Program. There are prizes each week, as well as several coveted Perpetual Awards based on the participation and performance in this regatta series. (For details, please refer to the “AYC Summer Series” NOTICE OF REGATTA 2015 which is included in this issue of the Topsider.) Skippers’ Meetings start promptly at 10am; arrive early to rig your boat and get it ready to launch. We would like to start the races started ASAP! Patrol boats are on the water, so come out and practice your sailing skills. Sailors, families, spectators and Race Committee are invited to the Sailors’ Lunch @ 1pm and the Award Presentation @ 1:30 pm on the North Deck! AYC SUMMER SERIES 2015 JULY SUNDAY 5: 10am Saturday 11: 10am Saturday 18: 10am AUGUST Saturday 1: 10am Saturday 15: 10am Independence Day Regatta Olivia Constants Foundation Pizza & Ice Cream Regatta: Past-Commodore’s Regatta Pirate Regatta Commodore’s Regatta RACE COMMITTEE Are you interested in helping the Race Committee and Safety Patrol? We can help you learn what to do… & will show you the ropes! Please contact Bryan Eshelman [email protected] who is coordinating the patrols that we need for the regattas throughout the summer. OLIVIA CONSTANTS FOUNDATION PIZZA & ICE CREAM REGATTA Saturday July 11, Skippers’ Meeting 10am Calling sailors of all ages! Come out for a fun day of sailing while helping others! Arrive early and get your boat ready… we hope to sail three races. The Olivia Constants Foundation- based in Annapolis MD- was founded in 2011 in honor of Olivia Constants, a young sailor who lived her life with a compassion and understanding for others. Though her life ended too soon, the Foundation has been working to continue her positive impact on others through various volunteer efforts. The mission of the foundation is “to do all the good we can, for whomever we can, in the spirit of Olivia”. Please join us for this fun and impactful day! ***Please bring a $5 DONATION for PIZZA & ICE CREAM @ 1pm on North Deck*** (There will also be raffle items and good stuff from OCF sold during lunch.) LEARN TO SAIL… Adult Sailing Lessons AYC adult members are invited to sign up for the Adult Sailing Lessons on Sunday, July 12 and August 2, 11am-1pm. The goals of this clinic are to teach some basic sailing skills and to provide an opportunity for inexperienced and experienced adults to get out on the water. Boat ownership is helpful but not a prerequisite to the class. An advanced reservation is requested; for more information contact Dave Mohr at drm112@ or 732-433-2437. TWILIGHT SAIL/POKER REGATTA & NORTHDECK SUNSET BUFFET All sailors and spectators are welcome to the Twilight Sail/Poker Regatta set for Friday, July 17. Skippers’ Meeting is 5:30 pm. You can WIN without crossing a finish line! Participants in the Y& S Program are encouraged to take their parents for a sunset cruise. Savor the sunset, sipping libation from the infamous “Jay Fish House” Punch Bowl! Everyone is invited to the NorthDeck for Sunset Buffet. ATTENTION “SAILING FRIENDS” The “Sailing Friends Email Reminders” has been discontinued. Information about upcoming AYC Sailing activities will be included in the weekly “AYC E-mail Blasts.” If you are reading this in a Topsider that has been mailed to you via USPS, please contact Sean [email protected] and request that your email address be included. 704 7th Street, Avalon, NJ 08202 • (609) 967-4444 • 5 TOPSIDER Avalon Yacht Club July 1, 2015 Volume 74, Issue 5 “AYC SUMMER SERIES” NOTICE OF REGATTA 2015 FLEETS and DIVISIONS: Flying Scots Club 420s Laser:*Full Rig, Radial Rig (Adults & Juniors scored separately) and 4.7 rig Sunfish: Master Sunfish, Alumni Sunfish (under age 40), Junior Sunfish Optimists: * Opti Sailors will be divided into 2 Fleets by level (not age)- Opti Gold& Opti Silver * Depending on the fleet size, Optimist divisions (Gold/Silver) & Laser divisions (Full/Radial/4.7) may be sailed together but will be scored separately. Schedule: “AYC Summer Series” for Flying Scots, 420s, Lasers, Sunfish & Optis, All sailors are encouraged to participate in the AYC Summer Series, which consists of 5 Saturday regattas scheduled during the course of the Youth Sailing Program. There are prizes each week, as well as several coveted Perpetual Awards based on the participation and performance in this regatta series. Skippers’ Meetings start promptly at 10am; arrive early to rig your boat and get it set to launch. We would like to start the races as soon as possible. Patrol boats are on the water, so come out and practice your sailing skills. Sailors, families, spectators and race committee are invited to the Sailors’ Lunch @1pm and the Award Presentation @ 1:30pm on the North Deck! AYC Summer Series 2015 JULY SUNDAY 5: 10am Independence Day Regatta Saturday 11: 10am Olivia Constants Foundation Pizza & Ice Cream Regatta: Saturday 18: 10am Past-Commodore’s Regatta AUGUST Saturday 1: 10am Pirate Regatta Saturday 15: 10am Commodore’s Regatta Weekly Regatta Scoring: Up to 3 races will be run for each weekly regatta. Each competitor will receive the number of points equivalent to that competitor’s finish position in the FLEET for each race (1st place is one point, 2nd place is two points, etc). The results for the day are calculated by totaling the points received in each race for each competitor. First place for the regatta is assigned to the sailor with the lowest total points, 2nd place goes to the next lowest total, etc. Depending on the FLEET size, the awards for that day will be will be broken down by DIVISION. If, for some reason, a sailor is on the water but does not start (DNS) or does not finish (DNF) he/she will receive points equal to the number of finishing sailors in that FLEET plus 1 for that individual race. This modifies RRS Appendix A. Perpetual Fleet Champion Awards will be based on the combined over-all standing of the results for each Regatta. Breaking of Ties: A tie in either daily or season scoring shall be broken as follows: The boat with the greatest number of 1st places wins the tie. If the tie is still unbroken, then the boat with the greatest number of 2nd places wins the tie, and so on through the placements until the tie is broken. If the tie remains unbroken, the boat with the better finish in the last race in which they both sailed shall win the tie. (If a tie still remains unbroken, refer to RRS Appendix A7) Time Limits: There will be no time limits for the first boat to finish; however, if a race no longer becomes a test of skill, the Race Committee has the discretion to abandon the race. Boats failing to finish within 20 minutes of the first boat to sail the course and finish, will be scored Time Limit Expired (TLE) and will receive points equal to the number of finishing sailors in the FLEET plus 1 for that individual race. This modifies RRS Appendix A. Additional Seasonal Scoring Considerations: There are no throw outs or byes. If a sailor does not participate in a weekend regatta, he/she will be scored a Did Not Compete (DNC): points equal the number of sailors registered in that DIVISION (for example Optimist Gold, not all Optimists) for that day plus 1. 6 704 7th Street, Avalon, NJ 08202 • (609) 967-4444 • TOPSIDER Avalon Yacht Club July 1, 2015 Volume 74, Issue 5 TWILIGHT SAIL/POKER REGATTA & NORTHDECK SUNSET BUFFET All sailors and spectators are welcome to the Twilight Sail/Poker Regatta set for Friday, July 17. Buffet open from 6:30 to 8:30. $16 Adults, $10 Children 12 & Under. Includes tax & gratuity. Set sail for the "Poker Regatta" Skippers Meeting at 5:30pm. You can WIN without crossing a finish line! Boat ownership is not necessary... Hitch a ride on an AYC Sunfish or 420. Participants in the Youth Sailing Program are encourage to take their parents for a sunset cruise. Spectators are invited to gather on the North Deck. Enjoy your favorite drink and cheer for your favorite boat! Pack a collared shirt and dry shorts in your sailbag and savor the sunset libation from the infamous Jay "Fish House" Punchbowl! LEARN TO SAIL… Adult Sailing Lessons All AYC adult members are welcome! The goal of this sailing clinic is to teach some basic sailing skills and to provide an opportunity for inexperienced and experienced adults to get out on the water. Sailboats are welcome; however boat ownership is not a prerequisite to the class. Clinic dates: Sunday, July 12 and Sunday August 2, 2015 Time: 11:00am to 1:00pm Fee: There will be no charge for the class this year; however a reservation is recommended. RSVP: Kindly let me know if you are interested, if you have any sailing experience and if you have access to a sailboat. This will help us to plan accordingly. You should bring a life jacket and wear water shoes. For reservations and more information, kindly contact Dave Mohr at [email protected] or 732-433-2437. 11TH ANNUAL AYC RUN FROM THE SUN 5K & KIDS SPRINTS Sunday, July 19, 2015 We hope you will consider a sponsorship of this worthwhile event. Due to the kindness and valued generosity of our sponsors, $18,000 was raised for the Skin Cancer Foundation last year, enabling them to continue to be the only non-profit organization devoted exclusively to educating the public and medical profession about prevention, detection, and treatment of the world’s most common malignancy. The cumulative amount of funds we have raised over the past 10 events has been in excess of $168,000. If you would like to Sponsor, Volunteer on race day and are interested in making a donation; it will be greatly appreciated and welcome! Please email Sheila Straub at [email protected] and let her know your interest. In the meantime, Sponsorship and Race Forms are available at the Avalon Yacht Club Office. Click here to Sponsor the Run from the Sun. Registration forms available here. Thank You! Please join us for the following Youth Activities this month, which are open to children and grandchildren of all members. Be sure to look for updates in the weekly AYC e-mail blasts and on the website, should event details change. Contact / RSVP Krista Beach or Linda Loeper at [email protected] Tuesday, July 7th – Please join us at Go Fish for a round with your friends! Children under 8 must be accompanied by a chaperone. Please bring $5. Tuesday, July 14th – Junior Deck Party – please join us for a night of fun and music on the North Deck! $8 per child. The event starts at 7:00pm. Children 10 and under stay until 9:00pm; older children stay until 10:00pm. Children 8 and under must be accompanied by a guardian. Chaperones and bakers are needed. RSVP suggested. Tuesday, July 21st – Junior Quizzo – 5 & older are welcome to come test their knowledge. Snacks will be provided. Saturday, July 25th – Family Day – join us at 10:00am for sailing races and demonstrations, followed by a buffet lunch and award ceremony. Wednesday, July 29th – Double Event! ‘Tween and Teen Sunset Cruise 6:30 – 8:30pm on the Miss Avalon. $20 per child. Rising 5th graders and up are welcome. Meet at the Avalon Fishing Center, 1400 Ocean Drive. Permission slips are available in the Main Clubhouse as well as the Youth Room. 8th Street Playground "Play Date" for 4th Grade and younger from 5:30 to 7:30pm. INTERESTED IN AYC HISTORY? The AYC yearbooks from 1953 THRU 2007 are now located online. Check them out through the link on our website History page. about-us 704 7th Street, Avalon, NJ 08202 • (609) 967-4444 • 7
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