Gerry - Avalon Yacht Club
Gerry - Avalon Yacht Club
2&72%(5 92/80(,668( CO M M O DO RE’ S L O G FALL HOURS The Grill Room // Friday evenings Food Service 5:30-9:30pm Grill Room menu as well as dinner specials. Dear AYC Members, Bar 5:30pm til closing &OXE2I¿FH Wednesday & Thursday // 10am until 2pm Friday & Saturday // 10am until 5pm Come celebrate Oktoberfest during the month of October. Chef peter and his staff will be serving German inspired specials on Friday nights throughout the month! Our annual Holiday Party will be on December 6 look for details in the next issue! ANNUAL SURVEY In the next few weeks, the annual survey will be emailed to all members who receive the Topsider via email. If you would rather have a paper survey mailed to you, please contact the Club RI¿FHRQRUHPDLO%ULDQ-XOLDQRDW [email protected] We look forward to hearing from you about your experiences of 2013! 704 7 t h Street, Avalon, NJ 08202 It has already been a busy fall around the AYC, it seems with the great weather folks are not ready to say goodbye to Summer, Avalon or the Club. Friday evenings have been packed in the Grill Room and Brian and the staff have been busy with weddings and other outside events. Despite the poor playing by the Eagles and other teams in the NFC and throughout the NFL, we will still be hosting three Eagles 1pm, Sunday Tailgate parties in October: October 6th versus the Giants, we will be having a "Meatball Contest" if you dare to display your cooking prowess in public, please bring a crock-‐pot of your Mother or Grandmother's famous meatballs and compete against others for bragging rites, October 13th versus TampaBay "Chilli Contest" and October 20th versus Dallas "Contest To Be Determined". Take care, hope to see you at the Club on Fridays and for tailgate parties, have a great Fall and Winter ! Gerry (609) 967 -4444 Avalon Yacht Club 7236,'(5 2FWREHU 92/80(,668( GIRLS ON FIRE! Sheila Straub, Kathy O’Donnell, and Carol Hartel ZHUHGH¿QLWHO\RQ¿UHIRUWKLVVHDVRQ¶VIDVKLRQVKRZ The fashions by Louella looked fabulous on our lovely models, the tablescapes were exquisite, and the menu ZDVSHUIHFW7KHUDIÀHEDVNHWVDQGGRRUSUL]HVFUH- ated quite a stir as attendees hastily purchased tickets in hopes of taking home one of these beautifully displayed items. We are fortunate to have so many generous members at the club and the surrounding community who donated the prizes. We all know it takes a village to handle an event like this. Thank you to all who sup- ported Sheila, Kathy, and Carol throughout the whole process. FLY EAGLES FLY!! Although the season is regrettably over, the Club will be open Friday evenings through December in the Grill Room and for (3) Eagles Potluck Tailgate Parties on Sundays in October. We will have Philly themed prizes, DUDIÀHPHDWEDOODQGFKLOL cooking contests while we watch the Eagles destroy the Giants, 7DPSD%D\DQG'DOODV *2%,5'6 Football Tailgates 10/6 Sun 1pm AT GIANTS 10/13 Sun SP$77DPSD%D\ 10/20 Sun 1pm Home v. Dallas FOR THE YEARBOOK…. Anyone and everyone is encouraged to send photos from any events or candids around the Club to: [email protected]. Phone:302-740-1078 Also, if anyone has a particularly good, but large group of photos, there will be thumb drives at the Front Desk and photos can be copied and dropped off with ATTN:Gerry Cullen. 704 7 t h Street, Avalon, NJ 08202 (609) 967 -4444 Avalon Yacht Club 7236,'(5 2FWREHU 92/80(,668( WOMEN’S AUXILIARY The Women’s Auxiliary is looking for homes, volunteers and potential Co-Chairpersons for the +RXVH7RXU Women’s Auxiliary Book Club 2014 Also, the Women's Auxiliary is donating a Christmas Tree for charity at the annual Avalon Festive Friday on November 29, 2013. They need donations of nautical and AYC related tree ornaments... Book Club is a group who gets together three times throughout the summer season on Monday mornings at 9:30am in the upstairs Club Room. The meetings begin with homemade baked goods from our members and hot coffee. We enjoy lively discussions each time. Book Club is open to everyone at Avalon Yacht Club and we look forward to seeing fresh faces each meeting! If you have questions, please contact Melinda Black at [email protected] and she will be more then happy to help you. The selections for 2014 are as follows: Monday, June 23 The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics by Daniel James Brown Monday, July 21 The Chaperone (about the woman who EJCRGTQPGFUKNGPVſNOUVCT.QWKUG$TQQMU KP0GY;QTM%KV[KPVJGUD[.CWTC Moriarty Monday, August 18 The Painted Girls: A Novel (about two sisters in 1878 Belle Époque Paris) by Cathy Marie Buchanan 704 7 t h Street, Avalon, NJ 08202 Thanks in advance and I can be contacted at [email protected] or by cellphone -Angie Cullen, President WIN YOUR OWN PARKING SPOT Historically, members have always joked about the "perks" of being a Flag Of- ¿FHULWVYROXQWDU\XQSDLG you get to wear really cool white clothing and most importantly you get a parking spot close to the Club's entrance. This off-season the Women's Auxiliary as a fund raiser for the Youth & Sailing Program has FKRVHQWRUDIÀHRIIRQHRIWKHFRYHWHGSDUNLQJ spots next to the Most Recent Past Commodore. Tickets will be $10 each available next weekend and throughout the offseason with an expected -XQHGUDZLQJGDWHVRSOHDVHJHWWKHPZKLOH\RX FDQEHQH¿WDJUHDWFDXVHDQGKRSHIXOO\SDUNLQ D9,3VSRWIRUWKH6HDVRQ (609) 967 -4444 Avalon Yacht Club 7236,'(5 2013 MOTHERS & FATHERS REGATTA 6XQ¿VK -XOLH5DPVH\6WHYH5DPVH\ 2. Danny Ragone & Dan Ragone LABOR DAY REGATTA RESULTS Sunday, September 1, 2013 Laser -RQ+HUU/L]]LH+HUU 2. Madison Mundenar & -LOO0XQGHQDU %ODNH(VKHOPDQ Flying Scot 1. Mitch Shiles & Sam Mandell 2. Dave & Marlene Mohr, Mike Mandell OLD TIMERS REGATTA 6XQ¿VK -HII:KLWHZD\ -XOLH5DPVH\6WHYH5DPVH\ 3. Larry Kenney /LQGD7R]RXU 2FWREHU 92/80(,668( Opti %ULDQ/RHSHU -DFNVRQ(VKHOPDQ 420 -DNH*URVNRSK Shannon Groskoph 4.7 Laser: %ODNH(VKHOPDQ Master Laser -RQ+HUU Master Laser: -RKQ*URVNRSK THANK YOU RaceCommittee & Safety Patrol !! 3ULQFLSDO5DFH2I¿FHU'RQ(FKHYDUULD 6WDUW)LQLVK%RDWV%U\DQ(VKHOPDQ'UHZ+DUWHO0&0F'RQDOG 0LNH0XQGHQDU%HY(JEHUW 3DWURO%RDWV%XG7KDOPDQ/HZ7R]RXU Many thanks to Gerry Cullen who has been providing the regatta trophies WKHVHSDVWWZR\HDUV7KHQHZ$<&ORJRURFNJODVVHVZHUHWHUUL¿F 2013 OLD TIMERS REGATTA COVETED PERPETUAL AWARDS: Recipient should sign & date the trophy, and return it at this time next year. “Order of the Broken Spar” Award: -HII:KLWHZD\ “I should have never left the Bulkhead” Award: Dan Ragone 3HU¿GLRXV3DWURO3UR¿FLHQF\$ZDUGV: Lew Tozour The “Bulkhead Bench” Award: -RH)LQHO\ You’re a “Lifesaver” Award: MC McDonald, Drew Hartel with thanks to all the Instructors who helped on Saturdays Should of gone Fishing Award: Don Echevarria Junior Laser %ODNH(VKHOPDQ -DNH%HQQHWW6HDQ Groskoph 0DVWHU6XQ¿VK -HII:KLWHZD\ -RKQ/HRQDUG 3. Linda Tozour /DUU\.HQQH\ 5. Dave Helwig -RH/RHSHU,,, 'HLUGUH0F$OHHU $OXPQL6XQ¿VK 1. Mike Gillin -DFN0DU]XOOL -R\FH3ROVHQEHUJ 'RQQ\(FKHYDUULD 5. Carrie & Frank Camp -RKQ2¶5HLOO\ -HQ-RKQVRQ0F*RQLJOH 8. Emily Marzulli 9. Drew Heim Opti Gold 1. Madison Mundenar .DWH%HQQHWW 3. Angela Kenney -DNH0F%ULGH 0DU\-DQH7DJXH Opti Silver 1. Grace Finely 2. Skylar Mundenar 3. Sophie Sheffer /L]&LULL -DFNVRQ(VKHOPDQ 6. Meg Cirii 5. Ryan Maher -DVRQ.HQQHG\ 1DWDOLH+HUU 8. Sam Eshelman Thank you to Principal 5DFH2I¿FHU-RKQ *URVNRSK)LQLVK%RDW Frank Cirri & Don Echevarria and Patrol Volunteers: Lew Tozour, %U\DQ(VKHOPDQ-RKQ Ledwith, Matt Ryan and crews. Also, we have appreciated the efforts of Race Committee Chairman %U\DQ(VKHOPDQZKRKDV organized the volunteers for the sailing events. SPECIAL RECOGNITION AWARDS: “The OLD Salt” Award: Larry Kenney The Youngest Sailor in the Regatta: Sam Eshelman Sailor in possession of the oldest AYC T-shirt: Don Echevarria Sailor wearing the oldest AYC T-shirt: Gavin Loeper AYC Gold-Card Discount Award:%XG7KDOPDQ “Bud’s Towing” Discount Card: Tom Leonard Sailor with the oldest boat: -HII:KLWHZD\ “Don’t throw in the towel yet” Award: Larry Kenney “GIRLS Rule” Sailing Award: Skylar Mundenar, Isa Demalo, 0DUJDUHW$QQH%RUQHPDQ 704 7 t h Street, Avalon, NJ 08202 “Sir Walter Raleigh” Gentleman Sailing Award: -DFNVRQ6DP%ODNH(VKHOPDQ-RKQ*URVNRSK%U\DQ (VKHOPDQ%ULDQ-XOLDQR Great Sailing Team: -RQ+HUU/L]]LH+HUU Most Inspiring Crew: 0DGLVRQ0XQGHQDU-LOO0XQGHQDU Most Improved Sailor: %ULDQ/RHSHU Best New Sailor: Grace Finely Most Dependable Skipper: Danny Ragone “Stick with Sailing” Award: -XOLH5DPVH\6WHYH5DPVH\ “You light up our Sailing Program” Award: Linda Loeper “AYC Mug” Gratitude Award: Commodore Alan Shaeffer (609) 967 -4444
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