FEATURE A Letter From The President


FEATURE A Letter From The President
A Letter from the President
Dear SFCC family and friends,
When I took office 18 months ago as State
Fair Community College’s
fourth president, the mantra
for my presidency was,
“Shape the Future. Together.”
Living up to that slogan has
required a lot of listening and
a lot of learning. What a busy,
interesting time it’s been!
If I were to change anything
about that mantra now, it
would be to say, “Shape Our
Future. Together,” with ‘Our’
standing for all the communities in our 14-county area.
educational organizations from kindergarten through four-year colleges. We already
have several wonderful partnerships, but
we need more like these:
• Our partnership with local
and area hospitals helped us
get our radiologic technology
program in place.
• Our partnership with
Whiteman Air Force Base
enables students there to
earn associate of arts
degrees from State Fair
Community College.
The majority of our graduates go on to
CMSU; this will simply start that process
earlier and provide students on both
campuses with more opportunities.
We’d like to see more of these types of
partnerships, so that they become what we
are about and who we are. We want
people to think of SFCC as a catalyst for
positive growth and development in their
In our community meetings, people are
positive and upbeat about what the college
does. However, there is a huge contingent
that doesn’t know who we are. We have
recently made two major changes to help
get our message across: we’ve adopted a
new logo and created a new Web site.
• The federally funded
Upward Bound program
We started the “listening and
Dr. Marsha Drennon motivates, supports and
prepares first-generation
The new logo actually says State Fair
learning” process a year ago
Smith-Cotton High School
Community College, instead of just the
with gatherings in Warsaw,
students to be successful college students.
letters, ‘SFCC.’ The new Web site
Cole Camp, and Clinton. We have contin(www.sfccmo.edu) is colorful and userued those conversations in even more
• There’s a wonderful partnership developfriendly, with information about student
communities, meeting with residents, city
services, online
ing now
and school administrators, teachers,
between SFCC
parents, students, and business and
and Central
classes, and
industry representatives.
everything you
Missouri State
need to know
University in
Why do we keep asking for input?
about the
Because our focus has been and always
college. It’s
that we hope
will be on the ‘community’ in State Fair
will become a
Community College and how that impacts
—SFCC President Dr. Marsha Drennon
measure of
our services to these communities. We
how we have
model of how
don’t want to move forward thinking we
two-year and
made SFCC
know the answers; we want to truly
four-year colleges can work together. It
more accessible to everyone, including
understand the needs of our residents.
folks who have difficulty traveling.
includes dual enrollment for students, who
may then participate in athletic events and
Our work this year is clear cut: To think
share library resources and other support
These past months have been both
strategically, act audaciously, and commuenjoyable and challenging. We have had to
services at both schools.
nicate aggressively, both to internal and
make some difficult decisions on behalf of
external communities. Once we have a
the college, but have always focused on
Our goal is that it also will include joint
strong strategic plan, then we can focus on
serving our students by providing quality,
advisement to assist students in making a
crucial tasks: creating partnerships,
seamless transition from SFCC to CMSU
cost-effective programs that are sustainconducting fund raising, and developing
and ensure that they take the appropriate
able in the future. I continue to enjoy
resources. By thinking outside the box, we
getting to know the college, the students,
course work for their degree programs.
can discover ways to share resources,
There will be sharing of time and
and communities of supportive citizens.
expertise, and the cost of educating
resources, as well as teaching opportunicommunities of students.
As we greet 2005 together, remember:
ties between the two campuses We’re
constantly needing adjunct faculty here at
Think strategically, act audaciously, and
The first key element is to create substanSFCC; they have graduate assistants who
communicate aggressively. By doing so,
tial partnerships with economic developwould be wonderful teachers here.
we can “Shape Our Future. Together.” ■
ment, work force development, and
work this year…is to think
‘ Our
strategically, act audaciously,
and communicate aggressively.
Science/Allied Health Center on Tap
tate Fair Community College hopes to
build a new Science and Allied Health
Center to ease overcrowding and
create new science labs to meet the need
for trained allied health graduates.
The board of trustees has approved part
one of a proposed three-part project to
renovate the Yeater Learning Center and
build a two-story, 42,000-square-foot
Science and Allied Health Center. The new
building will connect the Yeater Learning
Center and the Fielding Technical Center.
Cramped classrooms, outdated science
labs, inadequate storage space and an
antiquated heating and cooling system
signal a long-overdue facelift for Yeater
and a need for more space, says Keith
Swanson, dean of Academic Affairs.
Phase I—Begin Yeater remodeling
“The Yeater Center is nearly 30 years old,”
he says. “Its heating/cooling system is
antiquated. Phase one will be to close
down the instructional halls on the north
and east wings this summer and install
new heating and cooling. We’ll replace
boilers, chillers, and ductwork; give the
classrooms and hallways a facelift; and
install new wiring and cabling to support
multimedia classrooms at a later date.”
Renovation on the south and west wings of
the building can’t be done at the same time
because the building can’t be vacated;
classrooms have a 95 percent occupancy
rate from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. Monday
through Friday, says Swanson.
“We can’t shut the rest of the building
down because there’s no place on campus
to put those students, and no place to put
the additional classes we need,” he says.
Phase II—New science/health center
Construction of a new academic building,
complete with up to six state-of-the-art
science labs and additional classroom
space would come next, says Swanson.
Target date to open is fall 2007.
“The science labs in the Yeater Learning
An architect’s rendering of the proposed new Science and Allied Health Center.
Center are in dire need of upgrading,” he
says. “They lack proper ventilation hoods,
incubators for crucial biotechnology
experiments, and even rudimentary
equipment. Gas lines to the labs don’t
work, so it’s impossible to maintain
controlled temperatures for experiments.
“Flexible scheduling is impossible; there’s
inadequate storage, preparation, and lab
space,” says Swanson. “Setting up
multiple labs at once is futile. A chemistry
lab needs to be dedicated to chemistry;
trying to follow a chemistry lab at 8 a.m.
with a biology lab at 10 a.m. creates chaos
and frustration. Students are crammed on
top of each other trying to get out of one
class into another. There’s no time or room
for changeover. When the building was
built, we had about 1,000 students and few
science classes. Now we have more than
2,300 students on campus.”
SFCC also must meet the rapidly expanding need for more allied health classes
such as anatomy and physiology, says
SFCC President Dr. Marsha Drennon.
“One of the greatest needs in our community is for allied health workers,” says
Drennon. “We could graduate twice the
number we do if we had adequate facilities. Our ability to recruit faculty into those
programs also is limited without enough
science labs. New, modern classroom
space will enable SFCC to train and
graduate students in math, science, allied
health and technology programs.”
Phase III—Complete Yeater remodeling
Once the science center opens, the rest of
Yeater’s occupants—including the library,
adult and developmental education
programs, and others—could be temporarily reassigned to the new building so the
south and west wings could be renovated.
“That also will allow us to open up the
south side of campus, creating a second
‘front door,’” says Swanson.
Cost of the total project is estimated at
between $10 and $11 million, says Mary
McIntosh, vice president for Institutional
“We’ll be looking at a configuration of
funding opportunities, both public and
private, to address these needs,” she
says. ■
he State Fair Community College
Foundation has come a long way in
its 20 years of existence, and no one
appreciates it more than the students who
continue to benefit from its generosity.
After two decades, the Foundation is
growing strong, says Mary McIntosh, vice
president for Institutional Advancement.
Indeed, it all began with a single gift.
In the early 1980s, Sedalian J. Higdon
Potter and his wife Bernice gave SFCC
$2,000. It was a gift from their hearts, and
it carried with it a pledge and a promise.
The pledge? To continue supporting
SFCC. The promise? To help the college
help itself by creating a visionary vehicle
for fund raising and development.
That vehicle became the J. Higdon Potter
Educational Foundation, incorporated in
1981. Today, more than two decades later,
the SFCC Foundation has almost $6
million in endowed assets.
“The generosity of the patrons of this
district has been exceptional,” says
McIntosh. Because of ongoing support, the
Foundation has been able to:
• Provide scholarships for almost 800
students. In 2004 alone, students
received more than $69,700 in
scholarship funds.
• Facilitate construction of four buildings
• Resurface the walking track
• Provide $16,000 annually for professional faculty and staff development.
Foundation Marks 20 Years
Scholarship to Honor Memory of Son
On May 14, 2003,
the last day of his
freshman year at
19-year-old Troy
Cooley was killed
in a car accident.
His parents,
Frank and Jane
Cooley, recently
Troy Cooley
donated $10,000
to the SFCC
Foundation to create the Franklin Troy
Cooley Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Fund so others will remember their son,
a special young man who enjoyed
people and life.
education at
wanted a way
to remember
our son and
help other
achieve their
goals at the
same time.”
The family has
asked that
scholarship recipients be enrolled in
welding or ag-related courses, both
interests of their son, and maintain a
2.5 GPA.
“There was just something about him,”
says his mom. “He usually had a pretty
upbeat attitude about most things, and
he could relate to just about anybody.
We thought he was getting a good
“Few people knew it, but Troy had a
learning disability and was still at the top
of his class,” says his mom. “If somebody else is willing to work that hard, we
want to be able to help them.” ■
In 1987, the Foundation expanded the
number of seats on the board to 25 and
began fund raising in earnest. Several
milestones in its history contributed
significantly to its success:
• In 1988, the college received a bequest
of $638,000 from the estate of Duane
and Beulah Ewing to be used for
agriculture scholarships.
When Potter died in 1983, he left his wife a
200-acre farm to be given to the Foundation when she died. Mrs. Potter chose to
give the farm to SFCC immediately to use
in the college agriculture program.
• In 1989, SFCC received an unrestricted
gift of $400,000 from the estate of
Mildred Goddard, for whom the
Goddard Gallery later was named.
In 1984 SFCC appointed its first director of
development. In 1985 an official Office of
Development was established with funds
from a Title III grant awarded by the U.S.
Department of Education.
• In 1992, the college received a
$3 million bequest from the estate of Dr.
C. Gordon and Lucille Stauffacher to
construct a fine arts center. The
Stauffacher Center for the Fine Arts
opened in 1994.
• In 1995 the Potter-Ewing Agriculture
building was dedicated.
“As we look to the future, we will continue
to try to increase our scholarship endowment to enable us aid more students,”
says McIntosh. “We also will help garner
public and private support for any construction projects that might be planned,
such as the Science and Allied Health
Center.” (see page 2)
Donations to existing endowed funds and
scholarship funds are welcome. Gifts given
in honor of or in memory of friends and
loved ones will keep giving in perpetuity.
“Making a planned gift to benefit SFCC or
funding an endowed scholarship is one of
the most important gifts you’ll ever give,”
she says. ■
For more information on planned giving and scholarships, please call Mary McIntosh at (660) 530-5800, ext. 249.
New Web Site, Logo Enhance Image
home page that’s always fresh and
changing, breaking news, more
photos, testimonials, and an up-todate calendar of events are just a few of
the features of SFCC’s new user-friendly
Web site, live since Aug. 23.
The site (www.sfccmo.edu), along with a
new State Fair Community College logo, is
a key element in a marketing initiative
designed to enhance the
college’s image and boost
recruitment efforts.
• Download an application
• Look up course schedules, search for
classes, and view their schedules
• Find a list of required courses for each
academic degree program
• Find scholarship applications
• Update contact information
• Order books from the
“This is just a basic list,”
says Kelchner. “There also
is information on clubs and
organizations, the residence hall, student
activities, and what
classes are offered at
extended campus sites,
to name just a few other
Dana Kelchner, SFCC’s new
director of Marketing and
Communications, says the site
is more organized, featuring a
consistent look throughout that
makes it easier for students to
find information.
Global navigation links
help steer users to the
areas in which they’re
interested, she says.
“Statistics show Web sites are
now the number one way prospective students search for information
on colleges,” says Kelchner. “It’s so
important to have a unified look and
feel to draw students in.”
Although she is proud of the site’s
bright, inviting design, the information
that’s now available online and the
enhanced search capabilities are what
make the site valuable, says Kelchner.
“If you need answers to questions,
information about campus events, or want
to look at next semester’s schedule, just
go to www.sfccmo.edu and you’ll find what
you need,” she says. For instance,
students can now go online to:
Alumni and community members also can
find lots of information, such as:
The Artist and Lecturer Series
Theatre and Music Arts programs
Daum Museum exhibits
Short courses
Library resources
Athletic events and schedules
Special community events on campus
How to update alumni information
Listen to Roadrunner Basketball Games Online
SFCC basketball fans can now listen to
Roadrunner basketball games online.
KDRO 1490 AM Radio is streaming this
season’s games. Some are live, and
some are delayed due to other games.
For the link to listen and a complete
The new logo was designed to provide a
fresh visual identity for SFCC’s Sedalia
and extended campus sites.
basketball streaming schedule, go to
www.sfccmo.edu and click on Athletics,
then Web Radio.
A link to listen and the schedule also
are available at www.kdro.com. ■
“People surf sites
differently, based on who they are
and what information they’re seeking,”
says Kelchner. “There are different links for
alumni, business and industry, athletics,
the Foundation, community, and future and
current students.
Work on the new site began in January
2004. A Web committee chaired by
Kelchner included three subcommittees of
60 total staff members.
Bob Paulson, chief information officer for
SFCC’s Educational Technology Services,
says the biggest improvement in the site is
its consistency.
“The old site was put together by different
people in different pieces; it was not
unified,” he says. “Now, each academic
department posts its own content following
specific standards and procedures. It’s well
laid out, and should go a long way toward
helping market the college. Technology
changes rapidly, and now SFCC is ready
to change with it.” ■
Teams Walk 22,741 Miles in SFCC’s
Sedalia ‘Fitness Challenge’
or 12 weeks last winter, the walking
track in SFCC’s Fred E. Davis
Multipurpose Center attracted a
strange clientele.
Kevin Bucher, Jim Ellis, Steve Kucynda
and Debbie Vaughan, who walked 1,439.9
miles. The second-place team walked
1,352.8 miles. First-place “losers” were
team members from Memorial Park
Cemetery, playfully named “Dead Weight.”
Together they lost 94 pounds. The secondplace team lost almost 83 pounds.
The “Energizer Bunnies” were regulars,
along with the “Walking Wonders,” the
“Walking Wizards” and the “Prima Donna
Mommas.” The “Relay Queens,” the
“Queen Bees” and “Dead Weight” hiked
the tenth-of-a-mile oval almost daily.
These folks and others—a whopping 364
in all—were participants in the Sedalia
Fitness Challenge sponsored by the
multipurpose staff at SFCC. Its goal? To
motivate people to be more active—and
to lose weight, if they wanted.
The challenge was such a success that a
sequel is planned for 2005, says Page.
“Our second annual Fitness Challenge is
set to kick off Jan. 10,” she says. “We’re
calling it the Supreme Fitness Challenge
because we’re adding lifetime activities—
swimming, volleyball, basketball, billiards,
bowling, aerobics, dodge ball, wiffle ball,
darts, eight-ball pool, a tug of war and a 5K
run/walk—that folks can participate in one
evening a week to earn extra points.”
A total of 110 four-person teams began the
challenge Jan. 20 and 91 teams stuck it
out, reporting team mileage and weight
loss each Monday through April 19.
Participants walked a grand total of
22,741.8 miles and lost 1,079.5 pounds,
says Dana Page, assistant center
supervisor. First place walkers were the
“Bad Boys Plus 1,” the SFCC team of
Dana Page, left, and Kevin Bucher, Multipurpose Center assistant supervisor and director, show off a display of photos and news
clippings from the 2004 SFCC Fitness Challenge.
Are you up to the challenge? If so, call
Page today at (660) 530-5800, ext. 440,
for more information. ■
Craft Show a Success
Fred E. Davis Multipurpose Center Named
ore than 1,700 arts and crafts
lovers shopped for creative
Christmas handmade gifts at
SFCC’s first Holiday Arts & Crafts
Show Dec. 4 in the Fred E. Davis
Multipurpose Center.
Eighty-five vendors from all over the
state filled both levels of the 57,000square-foot building when the doors
opened at 9 a.m., says Dana Page,
assistant center supervisor.
“We had a terrific turnout, with a big
rush right after the Christmas parade
and steady traffic all day,” she says.
“We’re already planning for Dec. 3
next year!” ■
tate Fair Community College has
proudly honored its founding president, Fred E. Davis, naming for him
the building he always dreamed would be
built on the campus he helped create.
On July 26 the college’s three-year-old
multipurpose center was christened the
Fred E. Davis Multipurpose Center in an
informal ceremony outside the center.
Speakers included SFCC Board of
Trustees President David Decker; David
Curry, one of the original Sedalia Jaycees
members responsible for helping create
SFCC; and President Emeritus Davis, who
was joined by his wife Marge and son Tom
and family.
Fred E. Davis
Although a multipurpose center was a
focus of the college’s
first master plan in the
1970s, it remained a
dream for 30 years.
Physical education
classes and sports
activities continued to
be held on the Fairgrounds and wherever
space could be found.
Thanks to a Foundation capital campaign
that ended in 1999, the final piece of the
master plan puzzle—now the Fred E.
Davis Multipurpose Center—was built in
2001. ■
SFCC-Camdenton to Offer A.A. Degree
ake of the Ozarks residents can now
earn a degree from State Fair
Community College right in their own
back yards.
Missouri’s Coordinating Board for Higher
Education in October authorized SFCC to
offer an associate of arts degree in general
studies at its extended campus site in
Students will be able to complete A.A.
degrees in the lake area rather than
traveling to Sedalia. The 64 credit hours
required will be available through classroom, ITV and online instruction.
SFCC also hopes to move its Camdenton
campus this summer to a new site in a
central location, vacating the space it has
occupied in the Lake Area Career Technical Center on the Camdenton R-III school
district campus, says Deborah DeGanDixon, dean of Extended Campus.
Having more classroom space will enable
the college to expand its operation, offering
more daytime and evening courses.
“We’ve always had a great relationship
with the Camdenton school district and
hope to continue our partnership,” she
says. “We will continue to offer dual credit
and college credit in the high school, and
hope to use the articulation agreements
we have with the technical center so
students can have a seamless transition
from high school to college and can take
credits with them as they come to SFCC.”
A continuing presence
Jim Dinsdale, Camdenton site coordinator,
said SFCC has had a continuing presence
in the Camdenton community for more
than 21 years.
“SFCC began offering classes in
Camdenton in 1983 through Camdenton
school district’s adult and community
education division, and in 1998 named
Camdenton an official extended campus
site,” he says. “Now we offer everything
from general education to technical
classes and have 80 to
100 students. We’ve
had several graduate
from SFCC by taking
the majority of their
classes in Camdenton.
“It will be so much
easier now to take all
their classes here,” says
Dinsdale. “SFCC is a
great value for area
students. Classes are
small; teachers are
local; and the prices are
the best in the area.
When the folks at SFCC
say, ‘We’re here for
you!’ they mean it.”
From left, Janice Ganther, SFCC-Camdenton administrative
assistant; Jim Dinsdale, SFCC-Camdenton site coordinator;
Dr. Marsha Drennon, SFCC president; and Dr. John Bell,
SFCC Extended Campus director.
Being able to earn an
A.A. degree from SFCCCamdenton doesn’t limit
students to taking classes only at that site,
said DeGan-Dixon; it actually gives
students even more flexibility.
A combo of classes
“In the past, students could take all but 12
hours at the Camdenton campus, but had
to take the final 12 credits from the Sedalia
campus to be granted a degree,” she says.
“Now they can take credits from one or a
combination of SFCC campuses, but can
complete their degrees at SFCC-Sedalia,
SFCC-Camdenton or online. It’s a huge
advantage for folks in the lake area.”
Dr. John Bell, director of Extended
Campus for SFCC, said the college’s new
degree program and impending move offer
a fantastic opportunity for students.
“Students from Camdenton, Eldon,
Versailles and Jefferson City who are part
of the A+ scholarship program can use
their scholarships while staying close to
home,” he said. “We look forward to
serving not only recent high school
graduates, but also the nontraditional adult
population looking to upgrade skills in
certain areas once we get more technical
programs up and running.”
Ron Hendrix, superintendent of the
Camdenton R-III school district, said SFCC
has provided great opportunities for
students who couldn’t afford to go to a
four-year institution or drive long distances
to further their educations.
DeGan-Dixon said SFCC has experienced
tremendous support in the area through
advisory group meetings and conversations with area residents.
‘We continue to listen’
“Early on we invited every individual and
organization who was interested in
assisting us in any way to be a part of the
planning process as we expand programming over the next year,” she said. “We
continue to listen as they give us insight on
demographics and needs in the area and
help us determine what our expansion
effort will be.”
Anyone who would like more information
about SFCC’s lake area expansion efforts
or would like to serve on the advisory
committee may contact Mr. Dinsdale or
Janice Ganther, administrative assistant
for SFCC-Camdenton, at (573) 317-1300
or e-mail [email protected]. ■
SFCC: Economic Impact Adds Up
tate Fair Community College contributes more than $11.4 million annually
in earnings to the area economy,
according to a landmark economic impact
study released in 2004.
The study was commissioned by SFCC
and completed by CC
Benefits, Inc., as part of an
examination of all 12 state
community colleges. It
• The college pays $11.4
million annually in salaries
and benefits, and accounts
for an additional $71.3
million in off-campus
earnings throughout its 14county service area. That
amounts to 3,351 jobs with a total
economic impact of $82.7 million.
• In what is called a “ripple effect,” SFCC’s
payroll generates an additional $15.3
million, or 789 more jobs.
• Local and state governments invested
$7.5 million in tax dollars in SFCC during
2003, the year of the study. The taxpayers’
rate of return was 14.5 percent. Every
dollar of state and local tax money
invested in SFCC today will return $2.36
over the next eight and a half years.
• For every education dollar a student
spends at SFCC, the student gets $7.56
back in the form of
higher earnings over the
next 30 years.
• The college saves the
state $2.2 million
annually in reduced
welfare and unemployment and lowered
SFCC President Dr.
Marsha Drennon says
the college’s economic impact on the
community—and on each individual
student’s earning potential—is significant.
“After leaving college, the majority of
SFCC graduates stay in the area in the
work force an average of 35 years,” she
says. “The study shows that a student who
leaves with a two-year college degree will
earn $320,819 more than someone with a
high school diploma or GED. An investment in SFCC is truly an investment in our
surrounding community and in our future.
What’s more, SFCC continues to repay
taxpayers year after year because our
graduates continue to live, work and pay
taxes in Missouri.”
SFCC students receive an above-average
return on their educational investment,
adds Drennon, a direct result of the college
striving to keep tuition as low as possible.
Overall, business sales in the SFCC
service area are $191 million greater, and
labor income is $83 million greater, due to
the past and present operations of SFCC,
according to the study.
“SFCC’s economic impact on the community is like a three-legged stool,” says
Drennon. “Our mission is certainly educating students, but we also promote economic development and train our
workforce. What we do translates into
added earning potential for our graduates
job and investment opportunities, increased business revenues, greater
availability of public funds, and an eased
tax burden.” ■
Students Help Build Bridge of Memories
wo SFCC Engineering
Club members became
official “Friends of the
Covered Bridge” last May
when they helped build a
replica of Sedalia’s historical
covered bridge in Centennial
Sophomores Jake Martin and Brian Allen,
both Construction Management majors,
donated a day’s labor to the project,
helping with welding and other tasks.
“Both these young men are graduates of
Jefferson City High School, and both have
aspirations of establishing their own
construction companies once their studies
are completed,” says
volunteer Bill Noland, who
posted photos and a story
about them on the bridge
Web site. “We thank State
Fair Community College for
introducing us to Jake and
Brian, two fine young men,
indeed.” The bridge, built primarily by
volunteers 60 or older, was dedicated July
4, 2004. The community project was
funded by donations. ■
Above : Jake Martin, left, and Brian Allen.
Top right: Brian makes cuts to resize the
footbridge’s walkway planks to allow for
additional space for the replica bridge’s
sides, while Jake assists.
Bottom right: the finished bridge.
Music Arts
ach year through donations to the
Stauffacher Artist and Lecturer
Endowment Fund, state grants, and
tuition revenue, SFCC brings quality
performances to the stage in the form of
the Stauffacher Artist & Lecturer Series.
Now in its 10th season, the annual series
has provided students and the surrounding communities with more than 38
opportunities to be educated and
Remaining in the 2004-2005 season:
Artist and Lecturer Series 2004-2005
ticket information:
Admission: $8 for general audience
$4 for SFCC students and staff
All performances are held in the theater in
the Stauffacher Center for the Fine Arts
Tickets for each performance go on sale
two weeks prior to the event. For tickets,
call the Stauffacher Box Office at (660)
530-5814. Hours: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Monday through Friday.
Your support of the Stauffacher Artist and
Lecturer Endowment Fund will help bring
quality performances to the community
SFCC serves. For more information on
how to make a gift to this fund, click on the
SFCC Foundation page.
■ Stauffacher
Patron Saint
For contributions of $1000 or more
■ Stauffacher Angel
For contributions of $500 to $999
■ Stauffacher Good Fellow
For contributions of $100 to $490
■ Stauffacher Friend
For contributions up to $99
■ Saint Petersburg Classic
Saturday, February 26, 2005, 7:30 p.m.
The Saint Petersburg Classic Ballet, a 12dancer chamber ballet company formed in
1996, is planning its fourth tour of North
America in spring 2005. The artists and
staff are a cross section of the best of the
Russian tradition in classical ballet. Under
the artistic direction of founder and prima
ballerina Marina Medvetskaya, the
company offers a classical ballet gala
program that includes both famous and
familiar works. The dancers have performed to acclaim throughout Russia, the
states of the former Soviet Union,
Scandinavia, and the U.S.
Paris on an Impulse!
About 35 lucky travelers have signed
up for the 2005 “Paris on an Impulse” cultural tour sponsored by the
Daum Museum of Contemporary Art.
From Feb. 21-28 the group will tour
everything from the Eiffel Tower and
the Palace of Versailles to a host of
famous museums, like Musee du
Louvre, the Musee d’Orsay, and the
Musee Picasso. A portion of the cost
of each trip goes to support the
Daum Museum.
Want to be on the mailing list for the
next trip? Just call the museum at
(660) 530-5888. Bon voyage!
The Sounds of Music
Top to bottom: The Almost Famous
Singers, Concert Chorale, Men’s Vocal
Ensemble and JazzRunners jazz combo
presented three beautiful winter concerts
Dec. 2, 3 and 4. Director Brian Casey, in
his first year at SFCC, invites you to come
hear and see for yourself SFCC’s talented
Spring Concert
May 4, 5, 6, 7— 7:30 p.m.
C. Gordon Stauffacher Theatre
Theatre Arts
A classic family drama!
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
• Tennessee Williams
Feb. 17-19 & 23-25, 2005—7:30 p.m.
Dinner Theater, Feb. 19, 2005—6 p.m.
Senior Matinee, Feb. 20, 2005—2 p.m.
Judy Onofrio
Feb. 5 – May 15, 2005
Public Opening—Feb. 5, 1-5 p.m.
Artist Lecture—Feb. 5, 2 p.m.
Judy Onofrio • “Mermaid,” 2003,
54”h x 96”w x 18”d, hand-carved wood,
ceramic, glass beads, shell
Family members are celebrating the 65th
birthday of “Big Daddy,” as they sentimentally dub him. Although the tone is gay, the
mood is somber as they ignore the truths
that surround them—sins of the past, and
greedy hopes for the future. This drama is
an exercise in human communication.
* * *
A hilarious farce!
Moon Over Buffalo • Ken Ludwig
April 14-16 & 20-22, 2005—7:30 p.m.
Dinner Theater, April 16, 2005—6 p.m.
Senior Matinee, April 17, 2005—2 p.m.
Museum hours:
11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday-Friday
1-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday
Closed Mondays
Judy Onofrio • “I See Good
Fortune In Your Future,” 2003,
41”h x 27”w x 12.5”d,
hand-carved wood, glass,
beads, enamel paint
Acting couple Charlotte and George Hay
are on tour in Buffalo, New York, in 1953,
performing a repertory of Cyrano de
Bergerac and Noel Coward’s Private Lives.
As fate would have it, they get a shot at
stardom when Frank Capra considers
them for starring roles in his latest movie.
When Capra attends their matinee in
Buffalo, hilarity and chaos ensue.
* * *
Student Theater Showcase
April 28-29, 2005—7:30 p.m.
Join us for an evening of one-act plays
directed by SFCC theater students!
* * *
For more information about the museum
or how you can become a member,
call (660) 530-5888
or visit www.daummuseum.org
Financial assistance for these projects
has been provided by the
Missouri Arts Council, a state agency.
Vera Klement
Oct. 2, 2004 – Jan. 16, 2005
Vera Klement
“Autumn Swimmer,” 1991,
diptych, 84” x 144”,
oil on canvas,
Collection of Daum Museum
of Contemporary Art
Tickets are $5 for general admission and $13 for
dinner theater. For information on becoming a
valuable part of SFCC Theatre Arts by making a
contribution, call (660) 530-5814 today.
Joyce Jablonski
Oct. 2, 2004 – Jan. 16,
SFCC student actors portray Bob the Sheep;
Binky, boy genius; and pal Vivian in David
Mamet’s hit children’s show “Revenge of the
Space Pandas” performed Nov. 19-20.
Joyce Jablonski • “Bakers
Dozen,” 2001, 56” x 20” x 18” terra
cotta, slips, glazes, plexiglass,
steel, porcelain, insulator
Joyce Jablonski • “Catacomb
#1,” 2001, 60” x 18” x 18” terra
cotta, slips, glazes, plexiglass,
steel, porcelain, insulator
More Activities Enrich Campus Life
uct tape, cans of soup and a desire
to raise awareness about hunger
and homelessness brought a
cardboard community to life this fall on the
SFCC campus.
More than 50 students, faculty, and
community members participated in an allnight event Oct. 15 called “Shanty Town.”
They built shelters out of cardboard,
shared a soup supper, heard speakers,
and collected cash and food donations.
Many then slept outdoors in shelters for
much of the rainy, 40-degree night.
“It was all about the
experience,” says Mindy
Maddux, director of
Residential Life and
Campus Activities and
Student Government
Association sponsor. “We
wanted to stop our busy
world long enough to focus Mindy Maddux
on something as important
as area hunger and homelessness.”
Shanty Town was just one of many
activities last fall designed to enrich
student life, share information, and have
fun along the way. This year Maddux has
help; two graduate assistants are working
with her part-time to re-energize the
program and expand activities.
“What’s easy are the really fun, social
things,” says Maddux. “When we can do
things that are both fun and educational,
it’s an added bonus.” Other activities:
• Student Activities Fair—This first-time
event Aug. 25 was designed to get new
students involved in clubs and organizations from the beginning. Studies
show if students feel engaged and part
of the institution the first six weeks of
school, they’re more likely to complete
a degree, says Maddux.
• Roadrunner Roast—Music, free lunch,
carnival events and entertainment were
on the menu for the annual fall student
appreciation day Oct. 20.
Campus Activities
Clockwise, from top: Students build shelters at Shanty Town; a simulated car crash during
Alcohol Awareness Week; Dental Hygiene students staff an information booth at the Student Activities Fair.
• Alcohol Awareness Week—“Put a
Cork in It” was the theme of SFCC’s
second alcohol awareness week Oct.
23-29. A car crash simulation, speakers
and other daily activities focused on the
dangers of alcohol consumption and
alternatives to drinking.
• Halloween Safe House and Haunted
Hayride—More than 200 elementaryage kids showed up for the Residence
Hall Advisory Council’s free Halloween
Safe House Oct. 31. The event featured
20 trick-or-treat stations, fun activities
and snacks. Although hayrides offered
by students in the Horticulture, Agriculture and CAT Ag clubs were sabotaged
by mud, the first two rides were great!
• Nontraditional Student Week — The
first-ever SFCC event included information booths, a luncheon with SFCC
President Dr. Marsha Drennon, an
essay contest, seminars, focus groups,
and free tickets to athletic events.
“We’ve had an exciting year,” says
Maddux. “I’m so impressed at how giving
and supportive this community is toward
the students and the college. I’m consistently amazed; people call and show up to
help without ever being asked.”
Plans for next semester include a student
leadership retreat Jan. 21; Homecoming
Week Feb. 14-19; Wellness Week March
7-11; and Spring Fling April 13. ■
Where is She Now?
Strauss: Instructor of Year
oug Strauss has the good
fortune of loving his job
and enjoying his life—
whether he’s teaching, hiking
the Rocky Mountains, bicycling,
or cooking vegetarian foods. He
appreciates everything he’s
worked for and been given.
advisor to psychology, social
work and early childhood
development students. He
was 2003-2004 president of
the SFCC faculty association
and serves on numerous
committees, councils and
“To argue over what you don’t
He received a bachelor of
have is to waste what you do
educational studies degree
have,” says Dr. Strauss, sharing
in counseling and personnel
Dr. Doug Strauss
a favorite quote. Students say
services in 1981 from the
he shares his zest for learning and life
University of Missouri-Columbia. He
every day through teaching and advising.
received a master of education degree in
educational and counseling psychology in
Dr. Strauss, chairman of State Fair
1986 from UMC, and in 1994 received a
Community College’s Fine Arts,
doctorate of education degree in behavHumanities and Social Sciences
ioral studies and developmental processes
department, was named 2003-2004
from the University of Missouri-St. Louis.
Instructor of the Year. He received the
award in April at SFCC’s Honors
He also has been an adjunct instructor at
Convocation. He was chosen from nine
St. Louis Community College-Meramec
nominees representing both the Sedalia
and the University of Missouri-St. Louis; a
campus and extended campus sites.
professional counselor; and a performance
development specialist and trainer.
On Dec. 1 he received the Governor’s
SFCC psychology/education major
Award for Excellence in Teaching. Missouri
Michelle Schmidgall said in his classes, Dr.
Gov. Bob Holden presented the award
Strauss always is “dedicated and passionduring a ceremony in Columbia at the
ate, professional, enthusiastic, cheerful,
governor’s conference on higher
and a pleasure to learn from.
“Because of his positive disposition, his
Strauss was one of 73 outstanding faculty
reflective way of operating, his passion
from postsecondary schools, colleges and
and knowledge in the field of psychology,
universities in Missouri selected by their
and all of the character traits that make
institutions for their effective teaching and
him so special, Dr. Strauss serves as a
advising, innovative course design and
model and mentor for others striving for
delivery, service to the institutional
goals and dreams of their own.”
community, commitment to high standards
of excellence, and success in nurturing
“I don’t expect my students to remember
student achievement.
all that I teach them,” says Dr. Strauss,
who believes enthusiasm is crucial in
Dr. Strauss has been department chair at
teaching. “Research clearly indicates that
SFCC since 2000. Since 1998 he has
more than 80 percent of what students
been a full-time instructor in the Social
learn is lost within two weeks. However, if
Science department. He developed new
we teach them how to learn and how to
curricula for Web-based classes and
think we are giving them tools that they
instructional television, and is faculty
can use for the rest of their lives.” ■
For Barbara
Schulz, life after
retirement has
been filled with
volunteer work,
travel, golf, and a
great deal of joy.
Schulz, 67,
retired in 1997
Barbara Schulz
after 27 years at
SFCC after being diagnosed with
Parkinson’s disease. She vowed to
savor every moment, realizing that
“the present is a present,” and
continues to live life to the fullest.
She started a Parkinson’s support
group, which meets monthly for
programs and fellowship. She’s on
the executive board of the Center for
Human Services, has just gone off
the board for Liberty and Tambo
Elderly Housing, and is actively
involved at First Christian Church.
She gardens, plays the piano, golfs
with husband Skip, and delights in
spending time with their three
daughters and four grandchildren.
The Schulzes love to travel (“We
recommend Venice, the most
romantic, beautiful city!”) and have
been to Hawaii, Alaska, Mexico, Italy,
England, Australia, New Zealand,
and Florida, where they spend time
each winter.
She has “nothing but good memories
from State Fair. I loved my job,” says
Schulz, who was head of the
Information Management Technology
department when she retired. She
feels fortunate that she is doing well,
and is a staunch supporter of
Parkinson’s Foundation research.
“Anybody who had Parkinson’s 15
years ago didn’t have all the medications we have now,” she says. “I think
when you have something shake
you, as I did, you realize how
precious life is. You want to really live
every day.” ■
Horton: Alumna of Year
graduate of State Fair Community
College who has “stayed connected” to her alma mater for 25
years was named its 20032004 Distinguished Alumna.
Susan G. Horton received
the award at the college’s
35th commencement
ceremony in May, at which
she was the featured
speaker. She has been
clinic administrator for G&R
Health Associates in Sedalia
since 1991 and owns a
business on Ebay.
seminar, and a course introducing her
to Ebay. She is a member of the First
United Methodist Church and the
Fellowship of Christian
Martial Artists, and is
working on her black belt
in martial arts. She rides
her own Harley Davidson
and belongs to four
motorcycle organizations.
She also is a member of
the Alpha Gamma Delta
chapter of Beta Sigma Phi
and Ladies of the Moose
Lodge 1242. She is
married to Jerry Horton
Susan Horton
and has eight grandchildren.
“I’m deeply grateful for the
many ways this college has helped
shape my life and my career,” says
Horton. “SFCC afforded me the chance
to change the direction of my life.”
Horton was a 29-year-old divorced
mother of two children when she
entered SFCC’s vocational program in
1979. She attended college by day and
worked nights to complete her first year
and received a professional clerical
skills certificate. She later received a
second professional certificate and an
associate of applied science degree in
medical office administration.
“We all have a story…we all have
advice,” she says. “And the best advice
I can give anyone is to stay connected.”
Horton has been a member of an SFCC
advisory council since 1980. She has
suggested changes in curriculum,
hosted interns, participated in the Job
Shadow program, donated used books
and materials, and recruited business
associates to donate free software. She
has taken dance and art classes,
computer courses, a motorcycle safety
During the 25-plus years she has
managed local medical practices, she
has been regarded as “one of Sedalia’s
finest,” says coworker Sandy Burleigh.
“Her continued determination to
balance career, education and family
has earned her the respect of her
peers, family and friends.”
Horton urges other SFCC alumni to
stay connected by donating time,
books, or money, and by encouraging
students. “It will enrich your life to be a
part of their success,” she says. ■
* * *
SFCC is now accepting nominations
for the 2004-2005 Distinguished
Alumni Award, given annually at
commencement in May. You may
download award guidelines and a
nomination form at www.sfccmo.edu or
call Lesli Hill, director of Development
and Alumni Relations, at (660) 5305800, ext. 375.
SFCC’s 2005 commencement is set for
May 13.
New Web Site
Helps Alumni
Stay Connected
he new SFCC Web site includes a
number of pages created just for
alumni to make staying connected
even easier. Just go to www.sfccmo.edu
and click on Alumni to explore these links:
• Keeping in Touch. Update your
personal information online for the
SFCC directory or for Class Notes.
• Distinguished Alumni Award. Keep
up-to-date on who the latest winner is,
and download guidelines and a form to
nominate a deserving graduate for the
next award.
• Alumnus Profile. Check out what your
fellow graduates are doing and let us
know about other graduates we can
profile on this page.
• Ways to Support SFCC through the
Annual Fund.
• Publications. Order your copy of The
Legacy of Plywood U: A History of State
Fair Community College 1966-2002.
The cost is $20 per book.
E-mail Cathy at
[email protected]
to order a copy. Tax
and shipping
charges will be
added. Books also
are available at the
SFCC Bookstore,
Sedalia Book and Toy, and the Sedalia
Area Chamber of Commerce.
• Transcript Request. Request a copy of
your SFCC transcript, which you may
need when transferring to other
colleges or applying for jobs. ■
Paul Siron, A.A.S., 1972, is plant manager of a
chemical company in the state of California. He
has three children and four grandchildren.
Jennifer S. (Robertson) Maassen, A.A.S.,
1974, is the president and CEO of McCallie
Associates, Inc., headquartered in Bellevue,
Neb. McCallie is primarily an information
technology service provider using fully integrated, self-managed work teams to deliver a
full range of business innovation-focused
Leonard Dixon,
A.A., 1977, has been
named the new
director of the Bureau
of Juvenile Justice for
the Michigan Family
Agency. Dixon
previously had been
director of the Wayne County (Mich.) juvenile
detention facility since 1995 and influenced the
design of the new facility, which has drawn
praise as a national model since it opened in
1998. Dixon has been an adjunct professor at
Wayne County Community College in Detroit
and is a consultant for both the U.S. Department
of Justice and the National Juvenile Detention
Association. While at SFCC, Dixon played
basketball for Coach Bill Barton. After completing his associate of arts degree, Dixon received
a bachelor of science degree in sociology/
psychology from Southwest Baptist University,
Bolivar, Mo., and a master’s degree in child and
youth care administration from Nova University
in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. In 1992 he received the
SFCC Distinguished Alumni Award.
Anthony (Tony) D. Lynn, A.A., 1977, has been
elected a board member of the Missouri Society
of Certified Public Accountants. He will serve a
three-year term. Lynn is the managing partner
with Davis, Lynn & Moots, P.C., a Springfield,
Mo., accounting firm. A Sedalia native, Lynn
graduated from South-west Missouri State
University in 1979 with a bachelor of science
degree in accounting.
Wilson Jones, Jr., A.A., 1979, is the public
works director for the city of Buckner, Mo. Jones
holds a Missouri class A water and wastewater
license and is a certified flood plain manager.
He and his wife, Dawne, live in Buckner. They
have three children and two grandchildren.
Mark A. Marcum, A.A., 1979, was a social
studies teacher and coach at Natalia ISD in
Natalia, Tex., from 1982-2003. He also was the
athletic director and head basketball coach from
1996-2001 and golf coach in 2001.
Richard Nelson, A.A., 1980, was formerly the
president of the Noonday Optimist Club in
Sedalia and is still an active member. He is a
stay-at-home father to his two children.
Jamie (Miller) Steuerwald, certificate, 1981;
A.A.S., 1984. Jamie married in 1984 and moved
to Germany for three years. She moved back to
the United States, had a daughter, and worked
in various nursing positions in Colorado, New
Hampshire, and New Mexico. Currently, Jamie
works for the University of Missouri Hospital in
Columbia, as a supervisor for the Health
Connect 24/Admission Advisors.
(continued on next page)
SFCC Alumni Information Form
Attention alumni! You can now go online to update your address or submit a class note. Go to www.sfccmo.edu and select
Alumni. On the left you will find a link called Keeping in Touch. Fill out the online form and you’re done!
Other options include sending an e-mail to Lesli Hill, director, Development and Alumni Relations, at [email protected] or mailing this form
to SFCC Alumni, State Fair Community College, 3201 West 16th, Sedalia, MO 65301.
Address Change
Class Notes
(Include additional degrees, honors and awards, promotions, marriages, births, retirement. Send photographs where appropriate.
Black and white head shots preferred. Photos will be returned if mailed with self-addressed envelope.)
I am recommending a student(s) for contact by the Office of Admissions.
(Please include a separate sheet with contact information, class year, high school, how you know the student, etc.)
Class of / Degree
Name at graduation
Phone (H)
Details (job, promotion, marriage, birth, honor, retirement, new address)
(continued from page 13)
Dawn (Brandt) Porter, A.A.S., 1981, is a buyer
and inventory control specialist for Mid-Am
Building Supply in Moberly, Mo., and has been
with the company for 15 years. Dawn is married
and has three sons, Jermyn, 22, Josh, 18, and
Jaden, 9. While at SFCC, Dawn played
basketball for the 1979-1980 season.
Vally Kay (Faulconer) Covert, A.A.S., 1984,
received a certificate in 1991 as a women’s
healthcare practitioner from Texas Women’s
University, Dallas, and a bachelor of science
degree in nursing in 2001 from the University of
South Florida. She is pursuing a master’s
degree in public health at the University of
South Florida and works at the University of
Brenda Bader, A.A.S., 1986, has been the
owner and accountant for Double B Bookkeeping and Tax Service for 10 years. For seven
years she was an investment representative and
controller for Midway Enterprise. She is married
to Bill Bader and they have two children, Hailey,
11, and Reed, 6. They also own an 80-acre farm
in Pilot Grove, Mo.
Ronda K. (Ruff) Weinmann, A.A.S., 1987, is a
systems coordinator for Central Missouri State
University, Warrensburg.
Jackie (Cashell) Penland, A.A., 1987, received
a master’s degree in social work from Kansas
University. Penland is a team leader at a
homeless support project through Truman
Medical Center and works with homeless
individuals with chronic mental illness.
Howard Hall, A.A., 1988, received a bachelor’s
degree in psychology from Central Missouri
State University in 1991. He graduated from
Shelby State Community College in Memphis,
Tenn., with a certificate in prosthetics in 1992
and became a certified prosthetist in 1993. Hall
lives in Lee’s Summit and works as the office
manager for the Hanger Orthopedic Group, a
national provider of orthotics and prosthetics. He
is married and has two children.
Amy (Dove) Jackson, A.A., 1992, received
bachelor of science degrees in management
and marketing from Central Missouri State
University. She is director of marketing for MidMissouri Telephone Company and I-Land
Internet Services. She also serves as the
secretary of the Tile Time Corporation. Amy is
married to Derek Jackson and they have three
children, Blake, 6, Brook, 4, and Briara, 1.
a nurse agency doing emergency room relief
and lives in Pikesville, Md. He also makes
furniture in his spare time.
Celso Doria, A.A., 1992, works for Morgan
Stanley/Technology and lives in Sao Paolo,
Brazil. He is responsible for the technology
management of all 28 Morgan Stanley branches
in the United States (except for the New York
headquarters), Latin America, and Canada.
Celso and his wife, the former Marcelle
Robinson of Sedalia, have three children: twin
boys, Alex and Lucas, 7, and Juliana, 5. At
SFCC, Celso played basketball for Coach Bill
Craig Heitman, A.A., 2000, graduated from
Southeast Missouri State University in May
2004 with a bachelor’s degree in agriculture
business with a horticulture emphasis. He lives
in Lodi, Calif., where he works as assistant
superintendent of golf course maintenance at
Woodbridge Golf and Country Club.
DJ Walker, A.A., 2000, is the CEO of Bounce
Pass, LLC. Walker has started his own shoe
company and will be ready for business by
summer 2005.
Melissa Jennings, certificate, 1993, is the
director of respiratory therapy for Cass Medical
Center in Harrisonville, Mo. She is an ACLS
instructor, a CPR instructor, and is certified as
an asthma educator.
Lawrie Ann Knox, A.A., 2001, is a radiologic
technologist at Bothwell Regional Health Center
and a clinical instructor for the SFCC radiologic
technology program.
Doug D. DePriest, A.A., 1994, is the director of
planning and information management at
Eastern Idaho Technical College in Idaho Falls,
Emily Bergsieker, A.A., 2002, is the secretary
to the chief admissions officer at Central
Missouri State University. Emily lives in
Ray J. Ross, A.A., 1986; certificate, 1994;
A.A.S., 1995, worked for 17 years at Bothwell
Regional Health Center in Sedalia and now
works full time in the emergency room at St.
Mary’s Hospital in Blue Springs. He recently was
promoted to Clinician III/RN/ER.
Rebecca Newman, A.A.S., 2002, is an internal
auditor for Leggett & Platt in Carthage, Mo.
William H. Paxton, Jr., certificate, 1996,
received a bachelor of science degree in
nursing from Kansas University in 2003. He is
pursuing a master’s degree in nurse anesthesia
at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. He
lives in Lee’s Summit with his wife and son.
C. Les Harrison, A.A., 1997, received a
bachelor of science degree in criminal justice
from Central Missouri State University. He is a
deputy juvenile officer for the 26th Judicial Circuit
Court-Juvenile Division.
Crissina Buckner, A.A.S., 1998, is a membership coordinator at Central Missouri State
Josie Doss, certificate, 1998; A.A.S., 1999,
graduated with a master’s degree in maternal
infant nursing education from Troy State
University in Troy, Ala., in December 2002. She
is an assistant professor of nursing in the ADN
program at Macon State College in Macon, Ga.
Her teaching responsibilities include women’s
health and pediatrics.
Christopher Martin, A.A.S., 2000, received the
Rookie of the Year award while working at
Boncerores Hospital in Baltimore. He works for
Melissa L. (Girard) Fontaine, A.A.S., 2003, is
an associate at Wal-Mart in Sedalia.
Carmen Johnson, A.A., 2003, is a senior at
Emporia State University working toward a
bachelor’s degree in psychology. She works as
a sales and Web consultant for Jeff Reid/Trailer
Connections LLC.
Mitzi Dawson, A.A., 2003, is the director of the
Melita Day Preschool and Nursery, Sedalia.
Jamie Appleberry, A.A., 2004, is pursuing a
degree in corporate recreation wellness at
Northwest Missouri State University. She also is
an independent beauty consultant for Mary Kay.
Ashley Barnes, A.A.S., 2004, is an insurance
agent with American Family Insurance.
Nicole Evans, A.A., 2004, received an
individual achievement award from the
Governor’s Council on Workforce Development
in October 2004. Evans was one of only 14
regional winners honored. To be considered for
the award, individuals had to be successful in
reaching employment or training goals while
overcoming significant obstacles through the
use of determination, fortitude and ingenuity in
leveraging resources. Evans is majoring in
secondary education and psychology at Central
Missouri State University and works part time on
the Upward Bound staff at Smith-Cotton High
School. ■
SFCC Alum Meets With President
Steve Platt, A.A., 2003, had the chance to visit with President
George W. Bush Sept. 7, 2004, during Bush’s town hall-style
campaign stop at the Fairgrounds in Sedalia. President Bush
questioned Platt about using federal student loans to go back to
school. Sabrina received a practical nursing certificate in 1998
from SFCC. Platt, his wife Sabrina, and their children Brianna and
Riley are shown with the president.
“It was a moment I’ll never forget,” says Platt. “Meeting President
Bush was spectacular…it was a very special thing.”
Platt and his wife attended a holiday reception Dec. 15 at the
White House as guests of the president and first lady in
appreciation for his help at the meeting.
Platt earned a bachelor’s degree in management and human
resources in May 2004 from MidAmerica Nazarene University in
Olathe, Kan.
Honor Roll of Donors ~ 2003-04
Gift clubs have been established in order to recognize donors who have made a contribution to the SFCC Foundation
between July 1, 2003, and June 30, 2004. Membership levels are SFCC Builders Club, up to $99; Bronze Century Club,
$100-$249; Silver Century Club, $250-$499; Gold Century Club, $500-$999; and 21st Century Club, $1,000-above.
21st Century Club
Adco, Inc.
American Compressed
Rob & Sally Baird
Sue Barr Parrish
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Beach
Bryant Motor Company
Calvary Episcopal Church
Dr. & Mrs. A. J. Campbell
Jerry & Karen Case
Community Bank of Pettis
Lamy Farms
County Distributing
Company, Inc.
D & D Beverage
Dr. Harold F. Daum
Delta Dental of Missouri
Ditzfeld Transfer, Inc.
Dr. Marsha K. Drennon
Randy & Marsha Eaton
Dr. & Mrs. Marvin Fielding
Joe & Susan Fischer
Carol Rae Fisher
Gardner Denver Company
HAFIF Family Foundation
C.D. Hieronymus Estate
Tuck Higgins
Insurance & Benefits
Group, LLC
Chuck & Sherry Kempton
Mark & Krista Kempton
Kilby Electric
Floyd & Geraldine Lively
Lanny & Katy Maness
Jack & Mary McIntosh
Mrs. Frances Messerly
Missouri Arts Council
Missouri Pressed Metals,
Drs. Thomas G. Prater &
Primavera Systems, Inc.
James M. Rose
Ms. Catherine Scott
The Sedalia Democrat
Septagon Industries, Inc.
Starline Inc.
State Farm Companies
Mr. & Mrs. Louis H. Tempel,
Third National Bank
George & Margaret
Union Savings Bank
US Bank
John P. Walk Estate
Wal-Mart Foundation
Waterloo Industries Inc.
Bill, Margaret & Teresa Wills
W-K Chevrolet Buick
Gold Century Club
Dr. Brent E. Bates
Robert & Cathy Berlin
Don & Bonnie Brandes
Mr. & Mrs. Fred E. Davis
Elliott Management
Ron & Pat Gillman
Jerry & Kay Greer
Stuart & Madge Gressley
Bob & Virginia Hoskins
Industrial Management
(Continued on next page)
Honor Roll of Donors ~ 2003-04
(Continued from page 15)
Steve & Rhonda Kucynda
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Malmo
Dr. Doug Strauss
Chip & Pam Thompson
M. Herman Walters
Westlake Ace Hardware
Silver Century Club
Lisa Adams
Carla McCaghren Allen
Paul & Kim Allen
Bret & Debbie Appleton
Janet Rae Banks
Christina, Nicole and
Zachery Brandt
Kay Breshears
Susan Callis
James & Jodi Cole
Edward C. Robison D.D.S.
Terry & Marsha Emo
Gerald & Shirley Evans
Walter & Joyce Foster
Doug & Nina Freed
Mike & Polly Grapes
Kevin & Becky Haulotte
Annelise Homan
Ethelene M. Jagels
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Keating
Dana & Mark Kelchner
Dale Kimberling
John K. Kumia
Esther Maxwell
Mr. & Mrs. James W.
Page III
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Paulson
Sharon Peacock
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Proctor
Tony & Shirley Sahlfeld
Steve & Marina Scheiner
Jim & Carol Schibi
Janelle Strathman
Dean & Jodi Stucker
Keith & Valarie Swanson
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley H.
Swift, Jr.
Laura Taylor
Sandy & Murray Whitehead
Bronze Century Club
David & Betty Albrecht
Joe & Becky Arbisi
Steven E. Beck
Berry R. & Judy L. Beebe
Ross & Joanne
Steve Bloess
Bryan & Margaret Bowles
Duane & Linda Bowman
Ken & Martha Brown
Brenda L. Bryan
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard C.
Bill & Shiela Bunker
S. Mitchell Callis
Kevin & Marlis Carl
Central Missouri
Community Credit Union
Rhonda Chalfant
John & Sandy Chappell
Gary & Bonnie Christian
John S. Cook
Roger & Julie Cook
Randy & Julie Crawshaw
Brenda & Kenneth Dake
Deborah Degan-Dixon
Ronald & Valerie Dent
Kevin Dinsdale
Leroy Donley
Eastgate Middle School
James Ellis
Gary & Ann Fleming
Rhonda J. Frazelle
Stephen & Rena Galloway
Steve & Patricia Gardner
Dan Gentges
Golfing Friends at the
Sedalia Country Club
Nancy Gordon
Jason L. Hansen
Matthew S. Heck
Darla Honn
Kevin Howard
Celesta L. Hunt
Allen & Joan Hunter
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hurley
Bill & Becky Imhauser
Mr. & Mrs. Cam Jennings
Michael Jilg
Jerrie & Joyce Jones
Dr. Salma Kamal
Abe Kropp
Randy & Boni Lee
Jon & Heather Lloyd
Glenn A. Longworth II
Luper Family
Davijean Lyles
Anthony & Debbie Lynn
Lina F. Mahnken
John Matthews
Chuck & Tina Mattingly
Cindy McClain
Tom & Katherine Menefee
Robert P. Mock
James Monroe
Moore’s Greenhouse &
Flower Shop
Kathy Morris
Don & Deloris Morton
Glenn & Modene Murphy
John & Sherlyn Nail
Jauhn M. Nash
Bill & Joan Nicely
Gary & Debbie Noland
Robert & Lisa Oesterle
Darren & Sara Pannier
Douglas L. Paxton
Elaine Paxton
Dr. & Mrs. D.C. Payne
Bobby & Amanda Peeples
John Pelham
Bob & Cathy Pierce
Dan & Georgia Pilliard
Terri Porter
PPG Industries Foundation
Bernard J. Reuter
Peggy D. Richardson
Matt Robertson
Dan & Grace Robinson
Barbara Rohr
Frank G. Rouchka, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Eldor
Polly & Milton (Bud) Scott
Edward & Mary Proctor See
Jim & Lisa Shoemaker
Wayne A. & Karen M.
Mrs. Mary Frances Sneed
Bob & Rose Ann Solomon
Lynelle Sommer
Kenneth & Brenda Sprinkle
Melissa St. Pierre
Gary & Carolyn Starke
P. C. & Thankam Thomas
Rick & Libet Thompson
James E. Trujillo
Uniforms & More
Nancy Van Dyne
Vieth Bros. Inc.
Larry & Toni Walter
Bob & Arthea Wasson
Diane Watkins
Gary & Renee Weller
Tim Wells
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Wesner
Steve & Linda Wheeler
Jennifer Wilbanks
John Wilferth
Charles & Beverly
Dan & Deb Williams
Cathy Wilson
Thomas M. Wolfe
Jennifer & Eric Yazell
SFCC Builders Club
Mary Pat Abele
Steve K. Abraham
Lori A. Ackley
Roger & Ronnie Alewel
Steven & Amy Alexander
Gertraud & Dickie Allgaier
Dr. & Mrs. Alan A. Allmon
Jeanette Alpers
Jay & Jane Appleton
Kendra K. Arnett
Lloyd & Thresa Arvin
Lou A. Atkinson
Melinda G. Aulenbach
Marcia L.M. Azan
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Azan
Brenda K. Bader
Darrell L. Baker
Rand & Sandi Bankovich
Ethel V. Barnett
Sharon E. Barnett
Lillian Barrick
(Continued on next page)
Honor Roll of Donors ~ 2003-04
(Continued from page 16)
Laurie A. Beach
Tony & Jane Beaudette
Carolyn Beaudette
Kyle G. Behm
Frank O. Bell
Jill A. Bentch
David M. Bentley
Lorie A. Bergman
Debora A. Bergmann
Shawn K. Bestgen
Dorothy Beykirch
Paul & Kathy Beykirch
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Buckley
Loretta F. Billingsley
Bruce & Linda Bird
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Blackwell
Tommie Bloess
Mrs. Barbara S. Bock
Mr. & Mrs. Russell H.
Bogard, Jr.
Cynthia S. Bohn
Courtney Borts
Bothwell Regional Health
Dana J. Braby
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Brant
Dick & Leora Bremer
Ruth Bremer
Diane J. Brockman
Gary W. Brodersen
Rebecca A. Bron
Kathleen C. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Morris L. Brown
Mae V. & Charles Bruce
Edward J. Bruehl
Norman K. Brunkhorst
Doris A. Burgess
Mr. & Mrs. Morris Byrum
Anna Mae Cain
T. J. Callahan
Jim & Cynthia Callis
Tyrone & Alice Carter
Gayle B. Casner
Sue L. Castaneda
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth
Mary C. Childs
Dana & Frances Christian
Delores R. Claas
Howard Claas
Sandra K. Clark
Tony & Evann Clayton
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony E.
Mike & Cathy Clements
Joel N. Clements
Helen M. Cline
Harlan M. Close II
David M. Coke
Deedrae R. Colliver
Larry & Polly Colozza
Community Retired
Markie Cook
Kay Covert
John & Jeana Cox
Mr. & Mrs. George T.
J. Gregory Crane
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E.
Crane & Kevin M.J.
Larry D. Crouch
Les Curtis
Shonna J. Dady
Francis & Carolyn Dahm
John W. Dale
Dan Daugherity
Michelle A. Day
Linda L. Decker
Lenard A. Dedrick
Robert Travis DeMoss
Henry O. Deuschle, Jr.
Marvin E. Dieckman
Gary & Sharon Dodd
Fred & Barbara J. Doty
Christopher L. Draffen
Kenneth & Beth Draffen
Rodney Drennon
Larry Drenon
Leroy Dulaban
Jeffrey & Diane Durrill
Barbara Ebeling
Troy Ebeling
Dean & Connie Eckhoff
Donya R. Eckhoff
Richard P. Eckhoff
Kristen L. Edwards
Jim Eichler
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Eickhoff
Wesley Eifert
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Elliott
Esther P. Ellison
Phil L. English
John M. Ennis
David E. Esser
Virginia Esser
Richard Evans
Nancy A. Faaborg
Peter & Clyte Kay Felton
Jill D. Fields
Kele M. First
Dan & Paula Fischer
Nancy H. Fleming
Sue A. Florea
Linda J. Fluty
Virginia M. Fowler
Carol B. Franken
Rose Franzen
Pamela K. Frerking
Amy L. Frett
Gail & Steve Fritz
Linda L. Fry
Volney V. Gage, Jr.
Janice Ganther
Donald C. Garst
Pauline E. Gausman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A.
Mr. Thomas H. Gerke
Larry Gerken
Catherine Gibbons
Patricia A. (Trish) Gibbons
Darren L. Goans
Elizabeth Gray
Jody Green
Jennifer A. Gregory
Kelly N. Gregory
Kevin & Barbara Gregory
Martha and Michael
Gary J. Griffith
Timothy L. Grissum
Fred Gruhn
Phillip & Melissa Gudde
Bill & Kathy Haas
Bonnie R. Hadaller
Rosemary K. Hagen
William A. Hainen
Jim Haldiman
Millicent A. Hale
Howard E. Hall
Eric & LuAnn Hammersland
Michelle Y. Hammond
Connie Hampy
Kent & Deanna Harbit
Samuel J. Hargrave
Brent A. Harms
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Harter
John H. Harvey
Agnes C. Hausam
Benigna Hausam
Debra A. Hays
Joseph P. G. Hebert
Kim R. Heimsoth
Charles A. Helphrey
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Herrick
Debra A. Hesse
Barbara & Joe Hewett
Cheryl Hibbard
Bonnie Hibdon
Betty Hickam
John R. Higgins
Mr. & Mrs. Larry L.
Jerry & Mildred Hitt
Shirley, Pam, Phyllis &
Joyce A. Hollingsworth
Rick & Betty Holt
Sara J. Hoos
Dorothy Hopkins
Mrs. Mildred Z. Hopkins
Joe Horacek
Phil & Margie Hornbostel
Shirley J. Horton
Jennifer L. Huhmann
Nancy L. Hunholz
Robert R. Hunt
Frederick W. Irby
Teresa A. Ittner
Julie C. Ives
Delbert L. Jamison
Wayne A. Jansen
Ivan & Kathy Johnson
Kristy L. Johnson
Lucille K. Johnson
(Continued on next page)
Honor Roll of Donors ~ 2003-04
(Continued from page 17)
Elaine Jones
Sharon K. Jordan
Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Mark R. Kanenbley
Jacqueline Kauffman
Barbara L. Keele
Mary E. Kehl
Nicki Kelley
Kathy & John Loveland
Michelle L. Kincaid
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Kipping
Tama G. Knipp
Lori A. Knollmeyer
Marna J. Koechner
Barbara Koeller
Timothy W. Koelling
Dick Koll
Rick Koll
Cynthia C. Kreisel
Britt Kroenke
Lynn Kroenke
Lola Labus
Maurine E. Lane
Valeri Lane
Karen Larson
Hope D. Lecchi
Randal & Holly Lenz
James D. Lenz
Mike Letourneau
Bert Levine
Barbara J. Little
Stephanie J. Louiselle
Hope R. Lukenbill
Farand Lutjen
Vanessa J. Lutton
Jennifer S. Maassen
Mary L. Maples
Dana A. Marcum
George & Yvonne Marcum
Mark Marcum
Greg A. Maring
Imogene Martensen
Turf & JoAnn Martin
Mrs. Emerson Matthews
Rick McBride
Shirley A. McCown
Beverly Y. McCoy
Carolyn McGarrah
Pam McGrath
John McGraw
Otis & Julie McNew
Connie E. Mefford
Phillip D. Mefford
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A.
Charles & Rita Mergen
Lela Merrell
Melissa R. Meyer
Rhonda M. Meyer
Eunice Miller
Richard A. Miller
Patricia A. Minor
Max & Debbie Mitchell
Judy Mitts
Mrs. Colleen Mooney
Charles E. Mooneyhan
Patricia A. Moore
Dwayne A. Morrison
Tammie A. Morrison
William & Nancy Moss
Jean Mowry
Glenn G. Muenks
Mary R. Mullins
Shawn E. Mullins
Tom & Becky Munson
Ronnie L. Murphy
Rhonda L. Myers
Richard L. Nelson
Oral Nichols
Emily Niebruegge
NKC Elementary Vocal
Music Staff
Jeffrey S. Nold
Jennifer L. Nold
John Norbury
Oakwood Manor
Elementary School
Doris E. Odil
Jack & Sherri Osborn
Nancy D. Osborn
Marilyn Owen
Donna S. Owens
P.E.O. Chapter I.P. MO.
Rosemary M. Painter
Eldo & Beth Palmer
Robert D. Parker
Bette G. Patterson
Terri & Dennis Paul
Karen R. Paxton
Jamie A. Peace
Mary S. Pemberton
Deborah K. Pena
Roxanna Pena
Dena R. Perkins
Christopher E. Peterman
Derick D. Petersen
Deborah E. Phillips
Terri L. Phillips
Carol E. Pinkston
Donna R. Plummer
Mark G. Pottorff
Phyllis J. Prusia
Bill Putnam
Jerry Rank
Mark Rasmussen
Neil Rasmussen
Barbara Ratcliff
Roger Readenour
Jonathan E. Rear
Martha J. Reissen
Rick Reno
Jim Reser
Kevin H. Reusch
Michael E. Reynolds
Alta Richardson
Sharon Richardson
Janet A. Richter
John Roberts
Jack & Judy Robinson
Mike & Lynn Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Rodgers
Ricky W. Rollins
Doug & Becky Rose
Ali Roth
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan D.
Sarah R. Sarantakos
Kelly Saunders
Donna K. Sawford
Sharon E. Sawford
David Schlender
Mary K. Schnell
Cindy Schroeder
Dr. & Ms. Stefan Schuber
Cindy K. Schuknecht
Russell K. Schupp
Rhonda & Dennis Scott
Sedalia Jolly Elders
Janice L. Shanley
Elizabeth A. Sharp
Heather Shields
Kelly L. Shrimpton
Melvin L. Simon
Glenn E. Simpson
Janice K. Simpson
Paul S. Singer
Paul D. Siron
Debra J. Skouby
Mr. & Mrs. Duane A. Slagel
Janet M. Sloan
Jacqueline A. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Smith
Lisa K. Snell
Darla K. Snider
Dale & Connie Soendker
Garry G. Sorrell
Carolyn (Walch) Sperry
Sprint Foundation
Steven D. Starke
Sandy Starkebaum
Christopher D. Staus
Randy Steffens
Nancy L. Steidley
Sarah E. Stephens
Dennis R. Stevens
Jessica Stevens
Nadine A. Stilfield
Michael D. Stock
Rebekah L. Stone
Melinda S. Strange
David R. Strobel
Paul E. Stuart
Patsy Sutton
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D.
Kenneth & Vicki Swanson
Mr. & Mrs. H. W.
Brian P. Sweeney
Robert T. Swisher
Ju Ann L. Tankersley
Pamela M. Tarr
Mr. & Mrs. Gerry L. Tavener
Clifford E. Taylor, Jr.
Dianne Taylor
Regina E. Tebow
David & Tammy Teeter
Wilma G. Teter
(Continued on next page)
Honor Roll of Donors ~ 2003-04
(Continued from page 18)
Lisa C. Thomas
Richard J. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. P. C. Thomas
Hillary Tindle
Justin S. Tinney
Janice A. Trautmann
Bruce W. Traxler
Rusty & Myra Tuggle
Jeannie C. Tunis
Linda D. Turley
Bruce Twenter
Denise M. Twenter
Herbert Twenter
Robert D. Tylar
Joan E. Uta
Carolyne S. Uyeda
Elmer H. Van Dyke
Susan M. Van Horn
Gerald & Angela Vick
DeVeral B. Wagner
Nancy K. Wakley
Jennifer L. Walker
Liz Wallenburn Frazier
Sandra K. Walsh
Carolyn E. Walters
Ernest E. Walther, Jr.
Brenda K. Ward
Donald R. Warren
Michael D. Watring
Paul W. Weaver
Jeffrey A. Wehking
Daniel P. Welpman
Brenda West
Shawn R. West
Jack R. Westerhold
Debbie K. Wheeler
Wanda D. Whitaker
Susan E. Whitcomb
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Wiedeman
David C. Wiesing
Deborah J. Wilken
Mary Elizabeth Wilkie
JoAnn L. Williams
Merrilyn B. Williams
Sarah Williams
Teri S. Williamson
Rep. & Mrs. Larry D. Wilson
Linda L. Wilson
Rick D. Wilson
George Windsor
Sue Wise
Debbi A. Wiskur
Glen E. Wissman, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Glen E.
Wissman, Jr.
Sheri L. Witcher
Derek & Shawna Witt
Sam A. Wollard
Reva M. Woodward
Ann Wright
Myles S. Yates
Angela M. Young
Gloria Young
Maggie M. Young
Sandy Young
Aileen Yuille
Janice L. Zeikle
Jacquelyn L. Zellmer
Matina K. Zimmerman
Wendell S. Zimmerman
Daum Museum of Contemporary Art Memberships
Membership levels have been established to recognize those donors who have joined the Daum Museum of Contemporary Art. Memberships are valid from September 1, 2004, to August 30, 2005. The membership listing is current as of December 2004.
Membership levels for Daum Museum memberships are: Season Underwriter, $5,000 or more; Exhibition Sponsor, $1,000 or more;
Benefactor, $500-$999; Associate, $250-$499; Friend, $100-$249; Family, $60-99; Individual, $50-59; and Student, $35-49.
Season Underwriter
Brewer Science Inc.
Kelly & Carlene Edwards
David & Betty Albrecht
Dr. Harold F. Daum
Rod & Becky Hartman
Lynn Robinson Interiors
Tom & Katherine Menefee
Doug & Nina Freed
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald W.
50 Plus Family Pharmacy
Dorothy Beykirch
Bill Greer Motors Inc.
Jim & Cynthia Callis
Maureen & Mark Callis
Dr. & Mrs. A. J. Campbell
Rhonda Chalfant
David & Emma Curry
Brenda & Kenneth Dake
David Lusk Gallery
John M. Dawes
Sidney Dickerson
Dr. J. Robert Farkas
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Fischer
Carol Rae Fisher
B. Yvonne Fowler
Robert & Helena Franke
Justin & Christine Freed
Jerry & Kay Greer
Gregory G. Gunn
H. Hadley Sleight ASID
Gil & Evelyn Haines
Sylvia Y. Hopkins
Mark & Krista Kempton
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Malmo
Senator & Mrs. Jim
Jack & Mary McIntosh
Jan Walker McNiel
David & Vera Menefee
Dorothie M. Miller
Kevin & Melinda Moore
Moore’s Greenhouse &
Flower Shop
Drs. Thomas G. Prater &
Kimberley A. Prater
Queen City Electric
Reed & Sons Jewelers
Rick Koenig Law Office
Dan & Grace Robinson
Jack & Judy Robinson
Robert & Sarah Schwartz
Jim & Lisa Shoemaker
Ken Sidorowicz
Robert B. Stanley
Sullivan Creative
George & Margaret
Rick & Libet Thompson
Union Savings Bank
Alan & Vicki Weaver
Lee & Teresa Aldrich
Paul & Kim Allen
Harry & Sara Antibus
Marcia & Abraham N. Azan
Roy & Faith Bemiss
Vernon & Marie Bingaman
Lynne Boone
(Continued on next page)
Honor Roll of Donors ~ 2003-04
(Continued from page 19)
Dave & Ruth Brockmeier
Steve & Dee Cain
Lamy Farms
Avery & Lenore Danziger
Downtown Antiques
Sharon Dyer
Vicki Esser
James R. Estes
Gerald & Shirley Evans
Clell & Arlene Furnell
Robert & Joanne Gardner
Ron & Pat Gillman
Stuart & Madge Gressley
Shirley Gunderson
Kyle & Roxanne Herrick
Lesli & Tom Hill
Dean & Sofia Hopkins
Phil & Margie Hornbostel
Richard & Alice Jacks
Van & Betty Bob Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kendrick
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Kimball
Barney & Barb Knight
Mr. & Mrs. C.A.
Mr. & Mrs. Eldon C. Leiter
Turf & JoAnn Martin
Mark & Charlyn Mason
Steve & Cindy Morris
John & Sherlyn Nail
Jack & Sherri Osborn
Mark & Ann Pearce
Richard & Janet Potter
Marie C. Prater
Tony & Shirley Sahlfeld
Maren Schenewark & Jean
Lisa Schmidt
Fred Schoell
James Shannon
Margaret Sneed & Joe
Mary Elizabeth Van Dyne
Frankie & Rena Vanderpool
Loren & Betty Sue Viterna
Nancy, Rodney & Nicholas
Gary & Renee Weller
Larry & Chriss Wheeler
Donald G. Callis
Charlotte Carter
Century 21-Curry Realty
Linda M. Christle
Robert Clark
Curry’s Gifts
Daniel Pilliard, CPA
Dr. Marsha K. Drennon
Virginia R. Giokaris
Mary Hayden
Allen Holland
Betty J. Hopkins
Shirley J. Horton
Joyce Jablonski
Tavi Karpilow
Carol Kennedy
Jorge Luis Leyva
Sally Lockett-Branson
Mary McLaughlin
Patricia’s Mexican
Catherine Scott
Cindy Sell
Sarena Simpson
Smith-Cotton Class of 1959
Mary Frances Sneed
Carolyn (Walch) Sperry
Jo Stealey
Dr. Doug Strauss
Linda Turner
Nancy Van Dyne
Jim Wiseman
Priscilla Young
Sonna Faith Kates
Memorial Gifts
Gifts were donated in memory of these individuals during the past fiscal year, beginning July 1, 2003, and ending June 30, 2004.
In Memory Of:
Herbert Berlin
D.R. Edwards
Donald S. Lamm
Thomas H. Proctor
Robert & Cathy Berlin
Mr. & Mrs. Fred E. Davis
Virginia Bloom
Bertha Fielding
Elizabeth Gray
Mrs. Mary Frances Sneed
Mrs. Aileen Yuille
Dr. & Mrs. Marvin Fielding
Gerald & Shirley Evans
Jack & Mary McIntosh
Bette G. Patterson
Sharon Peacock
Mattie Greer
Robert Maxwell
Esther Maxwell
Bill, Margaret & Teresa
Mr. & Mrs. Fred E. Davis
Gerald & Shirley Evans
Joe Horacek
Davijean Lyles
Inez Brown
Tracy Jaynes
Virginia Moore
Susan Callis
Bill & Josephine Dey
Ken & Martha Brown
James M. Rose
Ron Kropp
Michael C. Proctor
Gerald & Shirley Evans
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Proctor
Tony & Jane Beaudette
Carolyn Beaudette
Dorothy Beykirch
Bothwell Regional Health
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Brant
Dick & Leora Bremer
Mrs. Ruth Bremer
Jim & Cynthia Callis
Markie Cook
Mr. & Mrs. George T.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E.
Crane & Kevin M.J.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred E. Davis
Mark Jason Brewer
Josh Eberting
Pearl McQueen
Anna Mae Cain
Calvary Episcopal Church
(Continued on next page)
Honor Roll of Donors ~ 2003-04
Kay Rhoads
(Continued from page 20)
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Elliott
Gerald & Shirley Evans
Dr. & Mrs. Marvin Fielding
Golfing Friends at the
Sedalia Country Club
Betty Hickam
Shirley, Pam, Phyllis &
Mrs. Mildred Z. Hopkins
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Keating
Barbara L. Keele
Lola Labus
Pam McGrath
Jack & Mary McIntosh
Eunice Miller
Bette G. Patterson
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Proctor
Ms. Barbara Ratcliff
Edward & Mary Proctor See
Carolyn E. Walters
Mr. & Mrs. Glen E.
Wissman, Jr.
Maxine Ramseyer
Tom & Katherine Menefee
PPG Industries Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Ryan
Sedalia Jolly Elders
Alan Schnakenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Eldor
Geraldine Schrader
Jay & Jane Appleton
Lillian Barrick
Paul & Kathy Beykirch
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Blackwell
Mr. & Mrs. Russell H.
Bogard, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Morris Byrum
Anna Mae Cain
Susan Callis
Mr. & Mrs. Fred E. Davis
Eastgate Middle School
Dr. & Mrs. Marvin Fielding
Jerry & Kay Greer
Barbara & Joe Hewett
Mr. & Mrs. Larry L.
Dorothy Hopkins
Bob & Virginia Hoskins
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Keating
Lamy Farms
Kathy & John Loveland
Ms. Maurine E. Lane
Davijean Lyles
Mrs. Emerson Matthews
Jack & Mary McIntosh
Mrs. Colleen Mooney
Jean Mowry
NKC Elementary Vocal
Music Staff
Oakwood Manor
Elementary School
Nancy D. Osborn
Eldo & Beth Palmer
Sharon Peacock
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Proctor
Jack & Judy Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Rodgers
Jim & Lisa Shoemaker
Mr. & Mrs. Duane A. Slagel
Janet M. Sloan
Mr. & Mrs. Fred E. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Smith
Bob & Rose Ann Solomon
Lou Scotten
Mr. & Mrs. Fred E. Davis
Jack & Mary McIntosh
Sharon Peacock
Polly & Milton (Bud) Scott
John Sneed
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Eickhoff
Sharon Peacock
Alice Warner
Dr. & Mrs. Marvin Fielding
Edna Wills
Gerald & Shirley Evans
Virginia Woodard
Anna Mae Cain
In Honor Of:
Donald Proctor
Edward & Mary Proctor See
SFCC Foundation Lifetime Giving
~ The Society of Honorary Trustees ~
Gift clubs have been established in order to recognize donors who have contributed a cumulative amount of $500 or more to
the SFCC Foundation. The membership listing is current as of June 30, 2004.
Membership levels in the Society of Honorary Trustees are: Distinguished Patron, $500,000 or more; Honored Advocate,
$250,000-$499,000; Benefactor, $100,000-$249,000; Associate, $50,000-$99,000; Sustaining Member, $10,000-$49,000;
Member, $5,000-$9,999.
Distinguished Patron
Dr. Harold F. Daum
Beulah & Duane Ewing
C.D. Hieronymus Estate
Missouri Arts Council
Richard & Judy Parkhurst
Bernice Potter Estate
C. Gordon & Lucille
Stauffacher Estate
Charles & Elizabeth Yeater
Honored Advocate
Mildred Goddard Estate
Tuck Higgins Estate
Jeff Jarrett
Gardner Denver Company
C.B. Lueck Jr. Estate
Drs. Antonio & Luz Racela
Sabra Stevens Estate
Tyson Foods
Bryant Motor Company
HAFIF Family Foundation
Bill & Nikki Hayden
Sue Heckart
Kilby Electric
Sherry Rawson
Septagon Industries, Inc.
Steve & Debbie Biermann
(Continued on next page)
Honor Roll of Donors ~ 2003-04
(Continued from page 21)
Dr. Cynthia Stauffacher
Third National Bank
Union Savings Bank
Waterloo Industries Inc.
Sustaining Member
Adco, Inc.
Agronomy Service Bureau
Alcan Cable
American Compressed
Scott Andoe
Howard Angel
Companies, Inc.
Marian Anstey Estate
Robert & Cathy Berlin
Marjorie Bintner Estate
Verna Burger Brown Estate
Dr. & Mrs. A.J. Campbell
Jerry & Karen Case
Community Bank of Pettis
Lamy Farms
Marjorie Cunningham
D & D Beverage
D & W Leasing Inc.
Daimler Chrysler
Judy Dalton
Velma Dickman
Ditzfeld Transfer, Inc.
Gerald & Shirley Evans
Dr. & Mrs. Marvin Fielding
Ford Parts & Service
Lester Goldman
Jerry & Kay Greer
Nellie Helm Estate
John Hoffman
Dorothy Hopkins
Mrs. Sylvia Hopkins
Bob & Virginia Hoskins
Insurance & Benefits
Group, LLC
Jan Weiner Gallery
JC Penney Company
Chuck & Sherry Kempton
Mark & Krista Kempton
Kromm Rikimaru &
Lamy Farms, Inc.
John Loague
David Malmo Motors Ltd.
John Mandelker
Lanny & Katy Maness
Mazda Motors of America,
Edna McGuire Estate
Jack & Mary McIntosh
Missouri Pressed Metals,
Olen Howard Charitable
Pepsi-Cola Bottlers Co.
Steve & Donna Poort
Primavera Systems, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Proctor
Ricci Racela & Michael
Jack Rader
Mr. & Mrs. A.L. Robinson
James M. Rose
Warren Rosser
Geraldine Schrader
Sierra Bullets
Mrs. Mary Frances Sneed
Starline Inc.
State Farm Companies
George & Margaret
US Bank
Web & Sons, Inc.
Bill, Margaret & Teresa
Charlie Woodman & Andrea
Robert Wright
Virginia Zurcher Estate
Rob & Sally Baird
Sue Barr Parrish
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Beach
Brewer Science, Inc.
Dorothy Genevieve Bruce
Susan Callis
Calvary Episcopal Church
Fang-Yi Chu
County Distributing
Company, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred E. Davis
Mrs. Mary Edwards
David G. Fielding
First National Bank & Trust
Fischer’s Concrete Service,
Elizabeth Gray
Dr. & Mrs. Rodney Hartman
Shirley J. Horton
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Keating
Floyd & Geraldine Lively
Karen Lybarger Estate
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Malmo
Senator & Mrs. Jim
Mrs. Frances Messerly
Nordyne, Inc.
Martha Osredker
Drs. Thomas G. Prater &
Kimberly A. Prater
Robert A. Treuner Masonry
SBC Foundation
Ms. Catherine Scott
The Sedalia Democrat
Southwestern Bell
Stenograph Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Louis H.
Tempel, Jr.
John P. Walk Estate
Alta Welch Estate
Jack Welpott
Elizabeth A. Woolery
Other gift clubs include the President’s Network, $2,500-$4,999; the Dean’s Council, $1,000-$2,499; and the Founder’s Club,
President’s Network
Ms. Betty Anderson
Bret & Debbie Appleton
Janet Rae Banks
Steve Bloess
Don & Bonnie Brandes
Dick & Leora Bremer
Kay Breshears
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Brooks
Brenda L. Bryan
Bob & Kay Burke
Ching-Yuan Chang
Cooper Electric Motors
Dolphin, Inc.
Phyllis Domann
Duke Manufacturing
Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Farris
First Community Bank
Carol Rae Fisher
Gary & Ann Fleming
Doug & Nina Freed
Ron & Pam Gerstbauer
Gilcrest Manufacturing
Stuart & Madge Gressley
Harmon Electronics, Inc.
Martha Sue Holloway
Annelise Homan
J. A. Lamy Manufacturing
Larry Keisker
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell D.
Steve & Rhonda Kucynda
Faith Lovell
Tony Marsh
Esther Maxwell
Glenn & Modene Murphy
(Continued on next page)
Honor Roll of Donors ~ 2003-04
(Continued from page 22)
Gary & Debbie Noland
Palmer Tool & Supply
Sharon Peacock
John Pelham
Vicki Pennell
Richard A. Florsheim Art
Steve & Marina Scheiner
Maren Schenewark
Siemens Medical Systems
Bob & Rose Ann Solomon
Greg & Elizabeth Stewart
Dean & Jodi Stucker
Laura Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Thomas
Chip & Pam Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Viets
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Westlake Ace Hardware
Sandy & Murray Whitehead
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Wineinger
Dean’s Council
A T & T Foundation
Lisa Adams
Paul & Kim Allen
Jay & Jane Appleton
Bill & Janice Barton
Dr. Brent E. Bates
John & Brenda Baust
Greg & Karen Bell
Paul & Kathy Beykirch
Binswanger/Harding Glass
Blue Cross Blue Shield of
Kansas City
Margaret & Leland Bock
Bryan & Margaret Bowles
Duane & Linda Bowman
S. E. Boyle
Mary Brady
Chuck & Sue Branson
John & Helen Brazos
Broderick & Bascom Rope
Co .
Duane & Cynthia Brodersen
Ken & Martha Brown
Paulena Broyles
Monte Cass
John & Sandy Chappell
Gary & Bonnie Christian
Sandy Comfort
Conner Contemporary Art
Roger & Julie Cook
Dale Crawford
David & Emma Curry
Maria Jose de la Macorra
Sylvia Deitrick
Delta Dental of Missouri
Alma & Bill (Chief) Dey
Marsha K. Drennon
Mr. & Mrs. Les Duke
Randy & Marsha Eaton
Elliot Smith Contemporary
Elliott Management
Jim & Marguerite Ellis
Terry & Marsha Emo
Rhonda Faris
First Community Bank
Joe & Susan Fischer
Foley Plumbing & Heating
Walter & Joyce Foster
Scott & Judy Gardner
Dan Gentges
Ron & Pat Gillman
Joe D. Gordon
L. H. Goudy
Mike & Polly Grapes
Martha Griggs
Gay Groves
Guier Chemical & Fertilizer,
Gil & Evelyn Haines
Gerald & Eunice Harvey
Ron & Cindy Henke
Larry & June Hieronymus
James Hufferd
Ethelene M. Jagels
Mr. & Mrs. Cam Jennings
Jerrie & Joyce Jones
Kempton & Russell
Dale Kimberling
Abe Kropp
Vernon & Sandi Lake
Donald & Connie Lamm
Kenneth & Delores Lumpe
Lina F. Mahnken
F. E. Manatt
Charles & Carolyn Marshall
Chuck & Tina Mattingly
Virginia McAllister
Alan & Mary McCurdy
Mary McLaughlin
Tom & Katherine Menefee
James Monroe
Debbie & Gary Noland
Dorothy Oman Estate
Orthopaedic Surgeons
Jim & Dana Page
Frieda Park
Dan & Georgia Pilliard
Preuitt Insurance Services
Queen City Electric Co.
R & L Siding
Nancy Rabe
Stan & Myrna Ragar
Roosevelt Bank
Hank & Rosann Saddler
Tony & Shirley Sahlfeld
Kirt Salmons
Jim & Carol Schibi
Ken & Wanda Schreiner
Barbara & Ralph Schulz
Polly & Milton (Bud) Scott
Jim & Lisa Shoemaker
Rogene Smith
Gary & Carolyn Starke
Dr. Doug Strauss & Mrs.
Glenna Wentworth
Rhonda & Thomas
Keith & Valarie Swanson
P. C. & Thankam Thomas
Thompson Hills Investment
Rick & Libet Thompson
James E. Trujillo
United States Air Force
Nancy Van Dyne
Debbie S. Vaughan
W & M Welding &
Machining Inc.
Nancy K. Wakley
Wal-Mart Foundation
Bob & Arthea Wasson
Marguerite Welliver
Tim Wells
Wanda D. Whitaker
Virginia Wickliffe
Charles & Beverly
Alyce M. Williams
Jack Williams
Donald Wilson
W-K Chevrolet Buick
Robert & Claudia Wolf
Wolverine World Wide
Robert H. Woolery
Founder’s Club
Joe & Becky Arbisi
Linda Bales
Dorothy Beykirch
BJC Health System
Ross & Joanne
F.R. & Virginia Bloom
M. Dana Branson
Anna Mae Cain
Central Missouri
Community Credit Union
Class of 1940
James & Jodi Cole
Laura Coleman
Continental Research &
Randy Crawshaw
Shonna J. Dady
Dr. & Mrs. David Decker
Deborah Degan-Dixon
Mr. & Mrs. Gail Demand
Joyce Downing
Edward C. Robison D.D.S.
James Ellis
Gerald & Shirley Evans
Fingland Glass Inc
Robert M. Flinn
Eunice Friedly
Stephen & Rena Galloway
Elwood & Juanita Gerke
Barbara Harrison
Robert & Anne Hassell
Kevin & Becky Haulotte
Hayes Lemmerz
International, Inc.
E. Peter Healey
(Continued on next page)
Honor Roll of Donors ~ 2003-04
(Continued from page 23)
Mary Heckart
Betty J. Hopkins
Joe Horacek
David E Houchen
Allen & Joan Hunter
IBM International
I-Land Internet Services
Independent Colleges &
Industrial Management
Dr. Salma Kamal
Dana & Mark Kelchner
Ken Lake Insurance Center
Dr. & Mrs. Doug Kiburz
John & Barbara Knaus
Kay Kozak
James M. Lamy
James P. Lamy
Randy & Boni Lee
Nola P. Lewellen
Little Bit of Everything
Glenn A. Longworth II
Anthony & Debbie Lynn
Lynn Robinson Interiors
David McCandless
Cindy McClain
Mr. & Mrs. Larry McRoy
Glenn Mishler
Don & Deloris Morton
John & Sherlyn Nail
Robert & Lisa Oesterle
Noble J. Olson
Darren & Sara Pannier
Patricia’s Mexican
Douglas L. Paxton
Dr. & Mrs. D.C. Payne
Frank Pennell
Christina Phillips
PPG Industries Foundation
Regina Raetz
Tom & Judy Ragan
Mrs. Dorothy L. Robertson
Steve & Marina Scheiner
Dorothy A. Schroder
Sedalia Electric & Machine
Shop, Inc.
Sedalia Outdoor Sports
Sensor Medics Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Sholly
Roy Simpson
Steve & Kathy Snodgrass
Sprint Foundation
Michael Steffen
Janelle Strathman
Ron Stratton
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley H.
Swift, Jr.
William Sword
Ron Tatum
Virgil Ranidae Foundation
Larry & Toni Walter
M. Herman Walters
Diane Watkins
Marty Watkins
Gary & Renee Weller
Western Missouri Medical
Dan & Deb Williams
Robert Williams
Don & Irma Wood
The Yeater Legacy Society
The Yeater Legacy Society was established in 1990 to recognize individuals who
have arranged a planned gift to benefit State Fair Community College either through
life insurance or a bequest in their wills. The SFCC Foundation is pleased to recognize the following members of The Yeater Legacy Society:
In spite of the Advancement staff’s
extensive efforts to avoid errors
and omissions in this year’s honor
roll of donors, mistakes can occur.
If your name was omitted, listed
incorrectly or misspelled, please
notify us of the error. Gifts received
after June 30, 2004, the conclusion
of our fiscal year, will be included
in the subsequent year’s annual
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Beach
Bryan and Margaret Bowles
Phyllis Domann
Dr. Marsha Drennon
Carol R. Fisher
Dr. Judith Fisher
Jerry and Kay Greer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoskins
Cindy McClain
Harold Ream
Catherine Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Smith
Alumni and friends of SFCC who have made similar provisions and wish to be
recognized should contact the Advancement Office at (660) 530-5800, ext. 249.