Avipro co ltd
Avipro co ltd
UGANDA :CURLY TOE PARALYSIS MADAGASCAR : SLIPPED TENDON AVIPRO CO LTD CHICK QUALITY THE ENVIRONMENT ON THE BREEDING FARM: BIOSECURITY : WHEN OLD BREEDING FLOCKS ARE SLAUGHTERED ALL POULTRY HOUSES AND EQUIPMENT MUST BE THOROUGHLY CLEANED ,WASHED AND DISINFECTED FOLLOWED BY A RESTING PERIOD OF AT LEAST 10 DAYS. THE DRINKING WATER SYSTEM ( PIPES ) MUST BE CLEANED BY USING A DETERGENT FOLLOWED BY A DISINFECTANT . A CHANGING ROOM MUST BE AVAILABLE AT THE ENTRANCE OF THE FARM .EVERYBODY MUST SHOWER CHANGE CLOTHES AND WEAR UNIFORMS AND BOOTS BEFORE GETTING ACCESS TO THE POULTRY HOUSES. APPLY A RODENT CONTROL SYSTEM : RODENTS CAN BE VECTORS OF NUMEROUS DISEASES. MAINTENANCE OF WATER QUALITY Drinking water at the entrance of the farm can be recontaminated in the tank and pipes: PIPES + BIOFILM WATER WATER HEAT Development of micro-organisms potentially pathogenic Cleaning of tank and pipes with suitable products during the empty period Alkaline-chlorine to remove organic matter Acid to avoid encrusting of minerals + mechanical action from water pressure in closed circuit + rinse AVIPRO CO LTD CHICK QUALITY CARE OF HATCHING EGGS : The nests must be clean with non contaminated nesting material : should be fumigated prior to being added in the nests ,stored in dry conditions in a well ventilated area and protected against wild birds ,rats and other vermin. Replace the nesting material as regularly as possible .Remove faecal matter and any broken egg as soon as possible. Add 5 to 10 grams of para-formaldehyde powder , if not banned , in each nest every fortnight. Collect the eggs four or five times daily .Do not pick floor laid eggs simultaneously with nest eggs. Fumigate the eggs twice daily or better after each collection : most common products used are Para -formaldehyde powder at the rate of 10 grams per m3 or Formalin ( 40 % ) and potassium permanganate at the rate of 45 ml and 30 grams per m3 . Allow a minimum contact time of 20 mins at a temperature between 24 and 35 0 Cen and humidity of 85 to 90 % for a maximum germicidal effect. Litter on the floor must be dry and friable – no damp cakes . NEST BOX WITH FRESH WOOD SHAVINGS CLEAN NESTING MATERIAL AVIPRO CO LTD CHICK QUALITY Caky litter will stick to the toes of the hens. .When they enter the nests to lay they will carry the dirt inside and contaminate the eggs in the nests . When an egg is laid its temperature is around 40 degrees Cen and it will cool to ambient temperature .If the environment is contaminated , bacteria or fungi will enter the egg .When he egg is placed in the incubator the pathogens will grow very quickly and infect the embryo. CAKY LITTER MALES CAN SUFFER FROM BUMBLE FOOT OR PODODERMATITIS CAKED LITTER AVOID WATER SPILLAGE FROM DRINKERS Drinkers must be adjusted to avoid water spillage on the litter. Wet litter should be removed as soon as noticed . Hens will tend to play in the wet litter which contains bacteria the foot pads and nails will be soiled and they will contaminate the eggs in the nests: result“Bangers “in the incubator. WET LITTER MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY HEALTH STATUS OF BREEDERS If the Breeder flocks are not in good health the quality of the hatching eggs will also be affected. Infectious Bronchitis ,Newcastle disease or Egg drop Syndrome will affect the quality of the shells : soft shells , wrinkled eggs , misshapen eggs , discoloured eggs cannot be set in the incubator. Any condition which affect the intestinal wall will also decrease the absorption of vital nutrients necessary for good egg formation and embryonic development : Eg :Chronic Coccidiosis , Necrotic enteritis , Viral infections :adenoviruses, reoviruses, enteroviruses : they will all affect the breakdown of feedstuffs into basic components for absorption through the intestinal wall with consequential adverse effect on the quality of hatching eggs. AVIPRO CO LTD CHICK QUALITY STORAGE OF HATCHING EGGS : Recommended Hatching eggs storage temperature : 1 to 2 days : best at 19 o Cen 70 % Relative Humidity 3 to 6 days : best at 17 o Cen 80 % RH 7 to 12 days : best at 14 o Cen 85 % RH 13 TO 16 days : best at 12 o Cen 90 % RH Storage period longer than 8 days will affect hatchability and chick quality particularly from older flocks. AVIPRO CO LTD CHICK QUALITY TURNING OF EGGS DURING STORAGE: It is generally agreed that turning prevents excessive dehydration and oxidation of the embryo as the yolk is less likely to stick to the shell membranes. Turning eggs during storage particularly from older flocks is a good practice if at all possible. AVIPRO CO LTD CHICK QUALITY Hatching eggs should be transported from the farm to the hatchery in special egg boxes or carton boxes to avoid shocks which can cause hair cracks . At the egg reception room , the eggs must be checked for cracks or for misshapen eggs .Keep only the eggs which are clean and in good shape for incubation. Do not clean dirty or soiled eggs . If the eggs must be kept for period longer than 14 days it is advised to store them small end up so that the yolk remains in contact with the albumen and keeps the ‘’embryo ‘’ away from the shell membrane. AVIPRO CO LTD CHICK QUALITY It is agreed that storage period increases the total incubation time. Mather C. and Laughin K. showed that the embryonic development of of eggs stored for 14 days compared to fresh eggs was delayed by 12 hours : 504 hrs + 12 hours . Egg storage not only interferes with the hatch results but chick quality and subsequent growth as well.It is therefore essential to ensure that storage and incubation conditions be perfectly managed. The day that the eggs will be incubated it is important to preheat them in order to bring the majority of embryos to arrive at more or less the same level of development .The hatch window which is the period between the hatching of the first and last chicks will be shorter. One can just remove the egg trolleys from the cold room some 12 hours before setting time.Preheating reduces the hatch window and thus improves the chick quality.