The Collie Nose - Collie Rescue of Greater Illinois


The Collie Nose - Collie Rescue of Greater Illinois
Collie Nose
A Newsletter from Collie Rescue of Greater Illinois
20th Anniversary Edition/ Summer 2015
In This
Anniversary Year 1
Grunts &Groans
Hot Dogs
Canine Influenza 13
20 Years of Collie Rescue in Illinois
By Ellen Keirnan
This year Collie Rescue
of Greater Illinois, Inc. is
celebrating 20 years of rescuing our favorite
herder, the collie. We’ll celebrate this milestone
at our Annual CRGI Picnic and share the success
of this great rescue organization with our members.
Our collies inspire the loyalty, dedication,
perseverance, hard work and inner peace that is
needed to support an organization that is strictly
voluntary and has grown from a single person's
passion to a multi-faceted organization with over
a hundred volunteers. The fact that after 20 years
this organization is thriving, even through the
most severe economic recession in U.S. history,
is a testament to its leadership.
CRGI has affected the lives of collies not
only in the greater Illinois area, but throughout the
Midwest, including states as far away as Texas,
Louisiana, Missouri, Ohio, etc. When the distress
Kids’ Corner
call is received from shelters, individuals and other rescue organizations that are suddenly overwhelmed by hoarding situations, or sudden unanticipated events, such as hurricanes, floods or
earthquakes, CRGI has been ready and willing to
assist. This is a tribute to the strength of the organization and its leadership that has been
demonstrated constantly over the past two decades. Its reputation in the Rescue Community is
its legacy.
Could Tina Kiselka, as the founder and
spearhead for starting the first collie rescue organization in Illinois, have envisioned her impact?
From humble beginnings in June, 1995 when she
rescued that first collie from certain death at a kill
shelter, a driven Tina recognized the need to protect and serve this noble breed and she worked
hard to start up the fledgling rescue organization.
She studied other rescue organizations,
(Continued on page 12)
Throughout this online newsletter, watch for clickable links to more information! The text will
be in color, and underlined. Plus, Click on our logo
whenever you want to come
back to page 1!
Memorable Moments of CRGI
Volunteers Matter
The Collie Rescue of Greater Illinois, Inc. Board
members know the importance of those that give
their time and resources for the love of our furry
friends. Without people stepping up to serve, an
organization wouldn’t have the structure it needs
to exist. Aside from
the founding member
and board, the organization is made up of
many volunteers. No
role’s too small to go
Each year Collie Rescue puts on a Volunteer Appreciation Party. This
year 52 volunteers showed up for a time of fellowship, fun, and food.
Volunteer, George Hayes, secured a fantastic room for us with ample space again this
year. One by one, those attending gave their
By Kym McNabney
One volunteer reminded everyone that we are a
great family with a common goal.
Gift bags were given to those that give
their time and skills to creating The Collie Nose
newsletter. An engraved pen was presented to
each attendee as a heartfelt token. Event Coordinator, Kim Nelson, awarded mint candy party favors, displaying words such as “commit-mint, involve-mint, and accomplish-mint.” Kim’s creative
and clever play on words successfully described
our volunteers.
Cheers of
excitement were
heard when someone won a round
of Bingo or a
game, receiving a
fun-filled bag of
goodies. Kids had
Fun times
a ball! And what’s
a party without food?
Pizza and beverages were provided, while
all attending brought an item to share. Some
brought appetizers, while others satisfied our
sweet-tooth with yummy desserts. Everything
was delicious! BUT nothing drew more attention
than the colorful homemade cake depicting a
sweet collie made by talented Karen Rivera. Her
well-chosen words in red frosting captured the
spirit of the luncheon and could not have expressed it any better: “Volunteers do not get
paid, NOT because they are worthless, but
Inspirational cake!
because they are priceless.”
names, shared what they do, and a few even
A good time was had by all and apprecia“fessed up” to being foster failures (those who
tion for what everyone contributes was evident!
adopt their foster). This was a great way to put
From the volunteers, to the board members who
names to faces and learn how others contribute keep us organized, we all play a part and contribto our organization.
ute to the success of CRGI.
Whether volunteers work directly with the
As we celebrate our 20th Anniversary, we
dogs or work behind the scenes, this event cele- look forward to another meaningful
brates the value of the many significant roles our year of being a “priceless” part of Colvolunteers play in making our organization work. lie Rescue of Greater Illinois, Inc.
Memorable Moments of CRGI
Fun for Funds:
Annual Collie Crystal Bowl
Each year the “Collie
Crystal Bowl” "strikes"
up a good time raising
much-needed funds
used to "spare" lives and
re-home rescued collies.
This is a major fundraising event each year for
Collie Rescue of Greater
Illinois, Inc. and this year
over $2,000 was raised to support Collie Rescue!
Kim Nelson and Tina Kiselka fabulously organized a day that "rolled" along with ease. Although they made it look easy, we all knew it was
lots of work. Along the "lanes" Caroline Lewis
and her helpers prepared and presented attractively displayed winning baskets on our raffle tables. Caroline’s beautifully decorated desserts
were a real treat as well. Jan Melhan and Nicole
Belizaire kept those raffle tickets comin’ and
Karen Hayes and Susie Moncek patrolled the
lanes for that winning red pin. Gail Diedrichsen.
played our “Pink Poodle-Bunny” and sold 50/50
raffle tickets. Tom won that raffle and generously
donated 50% of his winnings back to the organization. As always CRGI thanks the people who
came early to set up, and stayed late to clean up.
Also, thanks to Gail D. for her "lane" signs and
decorations - she knows how to dress a festive
Thanks to our host, Fox Bowl. Our lunch provider, Stella’s Pizza and Pub served a bountiful
and delicious feast for the participants.
Most of all, thanks to all who participated
and supported this event. When you show up,
put those shoes on, and pick up that bowling ball,
know that you have made a difference to CRGI
and the collies who need us!
We owe a heartfelt thanks to our lane sponsors:
The Aichingers —Greenway Recycling
Nelson’s Rainbow Bridge
Verlo Mattress Factory —Smith Family
Kerri Foster —Keller Williams Realty, Infinity
Grunts ‘n Groans by George —Hayes Family
Puppy Mill Project
Dee Santucci
Faithful Faces Pet Portraits
BuddiesForLife —Colleen, Spirit & Ailie
Pet Supplies Plus –George Lennon
I See Something Inc.—books for kids
Artistic Creations– Naperville
Glen Ellyn Animal Hospital
We’d also like to thank our raffle donors:
Kim Nelson
The Udelle Family
The Hansas Family
Karen Rivera
Lost Mountain
PapaNicholas Coffee
Stan Wozniak
Mary Zwirn
Joanie Schulfer
Caroline Lewis
Butch Kiselka
Kate Torcom & Aligned Modern Health
Michelle Hirsch
Einstein Bros. Bagels
I See Something Inc. (books for kids)
Two Bostons
Visit us online at,
and on Facebook at,
where we enjoy the company of our
fans and foster homes!
Memorable Moments of CRGI
Celtic Collies celebrate St. Pat’s Day
Above —The CRGI delegation;
Left —Brody’s selfie with the man himself;
Below —Mike takes it easy, and
Bottom Left —collies Cooper and Miss Bonnie show
Megan Gessler and Ruth Meek around the festivities.
CRGI Volunteers marched with
their Scottish collies dressed in Emerald Isle green during the Naperville St.
Patrick’s Day Parade, sponsored by the
West Suburban Irish.
St. Patrick’s Day celebrates Irish
immigrants who came to this country
with hopes for a better life. Many arrived very poor, but worked hard to
make a new home for themselves in a foreign land. That
brave spirit and hope is found in many of our rescued
collies. They’ve had a rough beginning, but their proud
spirit shines through.
Every collie marching had a story to tell about a
tough start. But, even so, the loving homes they have
today shows in their shiny, elegant coats, sweet dispositions, and beautiful collie smiles.
As we made our way through the streets, hundreds
of spectators met us with enthusiastic applause.
Thanks to the volunteers who came out to proudly
represent our organization. Also, Thanks to the Diedrichsens for offering their home as our launching pad. With
plenty of hot coffee, Irish soda bread, and scones, we
had a fun day.
A Day in the Life of a Collie
By George Hayes
Hhhmmmm, groannnn, hhhmmm, grunt, rrrumble, rrrumble, twitch … zzzz… What? What? Oh
ok, that buzzer thing is ringing again. Come on
everyone up out of bed. I like how all of us fit
squished together.
Hi, I’m Rox-eeee. I’m a Tri... Sweet, loyal,
& beautiful. They sometimes call me “Roxeee
Hush Hush Quiet Hush.” I can’t help it - I like to
talk. And that other collie over there is my k-9
sister. The humans call her “AAAnnnneee AAAnnnneee Come.” She likes to stay outside a
long time and they are always calling her name.
She doesn’t jump around as much as me. Or
talk as much as me, but she likes to take naps.
And I like to take naps. And “dad” likes to take
naps. Cool, that’s why I keep them.
What? I heard that word “vet”. I like that
word … at least most times. It has its up side. I
get to go bye-bye in the car. And when we get
there, I love all the smells. I sniff and sniff. I
show my humans which way to go to follow the
smells. They keep going the wrong way cuz they
don’t know nothin' about good smells. Inside the
building I put my front feet up on the counter so I
can say hi to all the humans inside the pen
before I go sit on the seat next to “Dad”.
Cool, we’re eye level and all those other
dogs are down on the floor. Hey, what? Ok ok I’ll
get down there too. It’s my turn now to stand on
a wiggly board so “Dad” can call me chunky.
Best of all the human in the white coat calls me
a great dog. Over and over, a great dog. Cool.
Another car ride home so I can tell everyone all
about my adventures at the “vet” and having a
yelling match with that motor cycle. Roxeeee
Hush Hush Quiet Hush. Yep, that’s me.
I like this place. I got the humans trained
just like they should be. They pet me a lot, talk
sweet to me and they are pretty good on a
leash. They take me bye-bye in the car with the
windows down only a little bit. They don’t know
it’s fun jumping out of
them. Oh and they gave
me a k-9 friend. Ok Anneee, you were here first. Will you let
me tell MY story? Oh and they gave
me the cat upstairs. Well really Anneeee and I only met it once. I call
him to come down to play with us but
he’s stuck up. Get it? … stuck “up”! Stupid cat.
Eat food. Chew my bone. Drink some water. Spin around, spin around, take a nap. Chase
the stranger-critters away from our yard. OMG,
that same one is back again. He comes here
every day. He makes me so mad, he never
learns. I sure tell him a thing or two. And after
walking up our stairs he walks right back down
again and goes away. I showed him. I told him to
go and he went. “Dad” calls him “Mail's Here”.
“Dad” seems ok with it – go figure. Eat food.
Chew my bone. Drink some water. Spin around,
spin around, take a nap – sighhhhh, what a life.
Oh good, “Mom” is home. I have to tell
her all about my day. Ok Ann-eee you can tell
her too. But she calls my name more than yours.
Roxeeee Hush Hush Quiet Hush ... Roxeeeeee.
Now It’s dark out. It’s time for all of us to
nap around the big box. Sometimes there is another collie but he’s in the box. They call that
one Lass-eeee. I like that one, wish he could
come here to play. I could show him my jumps
and we could talk. Hhhmmmm, hhmm, grunt,
grooooan, …. What? What? Oh ok, they are on
the move again. It’s time for the
humans to go to bed. Yep, I like
how all of us fit squished together.
I made these humans fall
in love with me. I like it when they
get all sappy and hug me, and Ann-eee too. I
have met other collies as lucky as me. We all
belong to an extraordinary pack called COLLIE
Summertime Safety:
HOT Dogs
Summer should be a fun time for you and
your pooch. But just as heat and sun can be dangerous to your health, the summer can leave your
dog vulnerable to a number of heat-related illnesses including heat stroke, heat exhaustion,
and heat cramps that occur after exposure to
high temperatures. Thankfully, these illnesses
can be prevented if you take the right precautions
and know your dog's limits and recognize the
danger signs.
Spring temperatures are now rising and
we can be caught off guard, an example is leaving a dog in a car. Often people leave their dogs
in the car while they shop or run errands, but this
can be a dog's death sentence. The President
and CEO of United Animal Nations (UAN), Nicole
Forsyth, has offered several reasons why leaving
a dog in a hot car should be avoided. Since dogs
can cool off only by panting and through their
footpads, they are especially vulnerable to heat.
Even on seemingly mild days, an enclosed
car can be deadly. According to a Stanford University study, when it was 72° F outside, a car
with windows closed reached an internal temperature of 116° F within one hour. In another study,
by San Francisco State University, when the outside temperature was 80° F, an enclosed car
rose to 99° F in 10 minutes. This means that a
stop for an errand with our dog along must be
done very quickly in hot weather or should be
avoided altogether.
You probably know that a dog’s normal
body temperature is between 101 to 102.5° F.
So, a dog can withstand a high body temperature
for only a short time before suffering severe effects or even death. Studies have shown that
cracking the windows open has little effect
on a car’s internal temperature. For example, a car can heat up 30° F in 10 minutes,
even with windows cracked.
One of our Collie Nose writers has an
important story to tell. "Years ago when I
By Dale Mohr
was a graduate student I pulled into a parking
space. It was one of those really hot summer
days. I looked over at the car next to mine and
noticed a dog panting heavily and in distress. The
windows were cracked slightly. This was long before cell phones and I needed to get into a building to call the campus police. I went back to that
car and decided the dog could not wait. I was
able to reach into the car and unlock the door. I
took the dog to some shade under a tree and
asked some people walking by to get me some
water which they did. There was no sign of the
police for a long time, but they finally showed up.
The dog would have been dead if I had waited.
The police officer decided to look for the owner of
the car, but he made me wait just in case they
wanted to press charges for breaking and entering. In the meantime, I was late for my meeting
and finally a young man and his girlfriend appeared and admitted they became distracted, forgetting all about the dog. It was somewhat heartening to hear the campus cop read them the riot
act for being stupid in bringing the dog to campus
on a hot day. The owners did not press charges
and I was not arrested, but I did have a talk with
them. I offered to take the dog off their hands, but
they said they loved the dog and promised it
would never happen again."
Illinois has a state law that reads as follows: (Section 7.1): Confinement in motorvehicle- Any animal confined in a motor vehicle in such a manner that places it in a life or
health threatening situation by exposure to a
prolonged period of extreme heat or cold,
without proper ventilation or other protection
from such heat or cold
> A person convicted of violating this law (Section ) is guilty of
a Class C misdemeanor.
(Continued on page 7)
Taking a dog's temperature will quickly tell
you if there is a serious problem. Dogs' temperatures should not be allowed to get over 104°. If
your dog's temperature rises this high, follow the
instructions for treating heatstroke. Move your
pet into the shade or an air-conditioned area. Apply ice packs or cold towels to the head, neck,
and chest or run cool (not cold) water over it. Encourage drinking small amounts of cool water or
licking ice cubes. The next step should be a veterinarian.
Summertime Safety, (Continued from page 6)
> A second or subsequent violation is a
Class B misdemeanor.
An animal control officer, law enforcement
officer, or Department investigator has authority to enter such motor vehicle by any
reasonable means under the circumstances
after making a reasonable effort to locate the
owner or other person responsible.
Exposure to excessive heat causes the dog's
body cells to stop working properly and to release dangerous chemicals. These can lead to
 If your pet has to be in a hot environment,
provide a cooling body wrap, vest, or mat
nerve damage, heart problems, liver damage,
(such as the Keep Cool Mat). Soak these
brain damage and even death. When the dog’s
products in cool water, and they'll stay
organ systems are shutting down, the dog may
cool for up to three days. If your dog
exhibit signs of distress, including excessive
doesn't find baths stressful, it should enjoy
panting and drooling, increased heart rate, troua cooling soak.
ble breathing, disorientation, loss of conscious Limit exercise on hot days. Adjust intensity
ness, seizure, or respiratory arrest.
and duration of exercise in accordance
Humidity can increase the danger. Dr.
with the temperature. On very hot days,
limit exercise to early morning or evening
Barry Kellogg, VMD, of the Humane Society Vethours. Asphalt gets very hot and can burn
erinary Medical Association states, "It's important
your pet's paws, so walk your dog on the
to remember that it's not just the ambient tempergrass if possible. Always carry water with
ature but also the humidity that can affect your
you to keep your dog from dehydrating.
pet... Animals pant to evaporate moisture from
Dogs are at particular risk for heat stroke if
their lungs, which takes heat away from their
they are very old, very young, overweight,
body. If the humidity (as well as the temperature)
not conditioned to prolonged exercise, or
have heart or respiratory disease. Dogs
is too high, they are unable to cool themselves,
with short muzzles—will have a much
and their temperature will skyrocket to dangerous
harder time breathing in extreme heat.
levels—very quickly."
 Don't rely on a fan. Pets respond differently to heat than humans do. Fans don't cool
off pets as effectively as they do people.
 Prepare for power outages. Before a summer storm takes out the power in your
home, create a disaster plan to keep you
and your pets safe from heat stroke and
other temperature-related trouble.
 Prevent sunburn. Animals can get sunburned, especially short-haired dogs, or
pets with pink skin and white hair. Limit
your pet’s exposure when the sun is unusually strong, and ask your veterinarian
about an appropriate brand of nonirritating sun block to apply to the dog's
ears and nose 30 minutes before going
(Continued on page 8)
or security guards and ask them to try finding the
car's owner. If the owner can't be found, call the
non-emergency number of the local police or animal control and wait at the car for them to arrive.
Cats exhibit many of the same symptoms
as dogs when stressed by the heat. Early signs
of heat stroke can be excessive panting, anxiety
and pacing, increased heartbeat, respiratory distress or hyperventilation, lethargy, and an increased body temperature. And, oddly enough,
cats affected by heat may actually drink less
when they should be drinking more. You can encourage kitty to drink by dabbing a little water at
the corner of his or her mouth.
For more information on this subject, is a repository of free resources to help people spread the word about
the dangers of leaving dogs in hot cars. There
are other ways to help - get informed and learn
your town's laws about leaving pets in hot cars. If
your town doesn't have an ordinance prohibiting
pets in parked cars, contact your local representatives to start lobbying for one.
With just a few extra precautions, you and
your four-legged family members can have
a happy and safe time this summer.
Summertime Safety, (Continued from page 7)
outside. Be especially careful with pets
with white-colored ears, who are more
susceptible to skin cancer, and shortnosed pets, who typically have difficulty
 Provide ample shade and water. Any time
your dog is outside, make sure it has
shade and plenty of fresh, cold water. During heat waves, add ice to water when
possible. Tree shade and tarps are ideal
because they don't obstruct air flow. Try
spraying down favorite shaded areas during the day to create an outdoor
“evaporative cooling system.” For outdoor
dogs, try filling a kiddy pool with water and
leaving it in the shade. Be sure to change
the water often enough to prevent raising
a new batch of mosquitoes. Remember a
doghouse may not provide relief from
heat—it can make things worse.
 Hot weather treat. Whip up a batch of
quick and easy peanut butter popsicles for
dogs. Always provide water, whether your
pets are inside or out with you.
If you see a pet in a hot car, take down the car's
make, model, color and license number. If there
are businesses or neighbors nearby, notify them
Natural Flea, Tick, covered with both. His skin was very inflamed
and he had developed a significant skin infection.
and Today he is adopted and living happily with the
Zwirn family. They make sure he's protected so
Mosquito that he will never suffer again.
In regards to natural preventatives vs
preventatives, Dr. Erin O'Connor of ViPrevention chemical
tality Chiropractic Center, reminds us that “there
He came to Collie Rescue of Greater Illinois, Inc.
—by Amy Zurita
is no such thing as a 100% guaranteed method,”
Summer is here, which means the weather is
but she likes to avoid experfect for all sorts of outdoor activities. Cookposure to unnecessary
outs and camping can be fun for the whole famichemicals. Dr. O'Connor
ly, dogs included, but don't let summertime pests
suggests the use of essenruin the festivities! Try these natural repellants to
tial oils to prevent fleas
help ward off fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes while
and ticks. She urges the
avoiding harsh chemicals.
importance of using therapeutic grade essential oils,
such as Young Living esFleas and ticks can cause serious health consential oils, which differ
cerns if left untreated. Take Scout for example.
(Continued on page 9)
Fleas and ticks:
Prevention, (Continued from page 8)
from the aromatic grade oils available at most
health food stores.
Lavender or purification oil is recommended to help repel fleas and ticks. These oils may
be used in various manners for flea and tick prevention. A mist can be made by filling a small
metal spray bottle with distilled water and adding
15 drops of the essential oil. This mist can then
be spritzed over the dog's coat. If a spray bottle
is unavailable, a few drops of the essential oil
can be placed onto the hands and rubbed onto
the dog's coat behind the head and neck. Alternately, a few drops of the oil can be placed onto
the dog's collar for the same preventative effects.
If the idea of using essential oils is intimidating, you can try this natural, homemade powder recipe published by Dogs Naturally Magazine: It is effective at preventing not only fleas
and ticks, but also mosquitoes. Simply mix together equal parts of food-grade diatomaceous earth, neem powder, and yarrow powder. This mixture can be stored in a shaker jar
and ruffled into the dog's neck and shoulders
monthly, though take care to
reapply the powder if your dog
gets wet. According to Dogs
Naturally Magazine, a teaspoon
of this powder is sufficient for
medium sized dogs.
Sometimes, regardless of preventative
measures, fleas or ticks may find their ways onto
our furry friends. In case of ticks on your dog or
any other animal, Dr. O'Connor recommends applying one drop of Young Living purification oil to
the tick. This will cause the tick to remove its
head from the animal's skin, leaving it easy to remove from the animal.
To address fleas on your pet, Dr. O'Connor suggests washing your dog with organic apple cider vinegar and rinsing the coat out thoroughly. Then mist a 50/50 dilution of the apple
cider vinegar and water onto the coat. After bathing and misting the dog, apply a few drops of
Young Living purification oil to the palms and rub
it into the neck and shoulders of the dog's coat.
Mosquito bites can ruin an evening of fun
in no time, but mosquito bites have the potential
to cause even bigger problems in pets, as mosquitoes carry the heartworm parasite. It is important to keep up with heartworm preventative
year-round, but the following natural mosquito
repellants can help prevent itchy mosquito bites
on you and your dog.
Dogs Naturally Magazine recommends
Repel lemon eucalyptus as a mosquito repellant
for dogs. Though it is manufactured for human
use, the ingredients in Repel are safe and effective for use on dogs as well. Dogs Naturally magazine does advise using caution when applying
Repel to your dog, as the spray does have a
strong smell, which may irritate your dog's nose.
A company called animalEO creates essential oil blends designated for use with animals. They have created a blend called Away,
which can be used to repel mosquitoes and
gnats, as well as to help freshen up a stinky pet!
The animalEO website suggests diluting the oil in
a water-based mist, applying the drops to the fur
after rubbing it on your hands, or mixing some oil
into coconut oil or ointment.
Neem is also effective in mosquito prevention. It can be purchased in oil form, which can
be blended into coconut oil and smoothed onto
your dog's fur, as well as onto your own skin, to
repel mosquitos. Neem oil can also be mixed
with water in a garden-sprayer and sprayed
around doorways to repel mosquitoes that may
try to enter the house.
Mosquitoes are bad enough outside, but
nothing is more annoying than mosquitoes in the
house! Our own Gail Diedrichsen has shared this
simple, effective mosquito trap. Place a bowl of
water underneath a desk lamp, and add a few
drops of dish soap to the water. The moisture
from the water attracts mosquitoes, as does the
light's reflection on the water. The addition of the
dish soap to the water causes the surface to become sticky, which traps the pesky insects.
Simply leave the lamp on overnight when everyone has gone to bed, and the trap should
take care of any intrusive mosquitoes!
As the old adage
goes, “Do what you
Volunteer Profile:
Meet Sherylee Dodge,
Artist and Volunteer
love and you’ll never
work a day in your life.”
Collie rescue of
By Gail Diedrichsen
Greater Illinois, inc. is
blessed with the good fortune to have a volunteer named Sherylee
Dodge in our rescue family. That, we owe to a dog named Angel, one
smart mother, and a God-given talent.
Blessed with a love for pets, especially collies, Sherylee Dodge
joined the CRGI team several years ago. She’s a fosterer, a transporter, designs our Constant Contacts email, and has joined our
newsletter team as layout artist. Her creative genius is something our
The artist and her original collies benefit from everyday, while Sherylee not only sees her efforts
CRGI dog, Coal (formerly
as fun, but satisfying.
In addition, Sherylee’s business, Faithful Faces Pet Portraits, has
grown leaps and bounds in a few short years. Sharing how her business was first launched,
Sherylee recalls, “I opened the door to opportunity and I fell into it.” Interestingly, her childhood collie, Angel, and her volunteer experience for our organization were the sparks that ignited her rewarding venture as a pet portrait artist.
Sherylee grew up in semi- rural Indiana, the oldest of three sisters. There had been some
crime reported in her neighborhood and her dad said, “We’re getting a gun or a dog.” Sherylee’s
mom, a smart lady, had grown up watching Lassie, so a collie it was. Sable and white rough, Angel,
gladly accepted her position as sentry. Sherylee closely bonded with Angel, paving the way for her
love of the breed.
Sherylee has fostered about fifteen dogs in three years. We jokingly call her one of our “foster
failures” because she’s adopted three fosters. Sherylee recalls, “I wanted a female, sable, rough
collie. I ended up with a smooth, tricolor, male!” Coal, her first foster, needed a home and Sherylee
could not say no to this sweet dog. Cleo, a rough tricolor joined her clan next. Third time’s a charm
—the Dodges adopted Carissa and Sherylee finally fulfilled her original female, sable, rough wish!
Now they all hang with her as she draws.
This artist started her portrait career drawing dogs’ eyes. “I
started drawing some of my fostered dogs’ eyes. Lily was my
first. She was a Pyrenees/collie mix with huge, soulful, amber
eyes. I tried to take a close-up photo, but it didn’t capture her expression like I wanted. So I tried drawing her, instead.” Sherylee
continued drawing other foster dogs’ eyes in great detail, enthralled by the expressions she observed in the gentle eyes of
the many homeless dogs she was caring for. Little did she know,
these images would spark her thriving art business.
“In high school and college I drew animals, especially
horses. I never finished college. I had all this art piling up, and
for what? I got married and had kids, and friends and family
would ask when I was going to draw again. I guess I needed a
reason to do it. But then a few years ago I was looking for something I could make to sell at a fundraiser craft show coming up
Coal’s portrait
(Continued on page 11)
Sherylee is often asked to draw
memorial portraits and she finds these
the followin spring, and my
requests especially rewarding. “People
husband said, ‘Draw someare so moved. In turn, I am so humbled
thing!’ I laughed. I told him I
when I see how the drawing I’ve created
couldn’t do that anymore.
for them is so meaningful. Their reaction
But secretly I gave it a try. It
was so unexpected when I first started
was hard work, and not
out, but I’m so glad I can help people in
coming out like I wanted,
The original Lilly photo and such a meaningful way.”
drawing, from 2011
so I put it away. But evenShe’s drawing dogs (and other pets)
tually, I took it out and tried
from all over the country these days
again. I felt like the pencils
while continuing to volunteer. The deweren’t doing it for me, and
mand for her work is not surprising beI thought 'This needs a ballcause it’s stunning. Her style is realistic
point pen…' And that was
and incredibly dramatic. She works with
all it took. It got easier with
a ballpoint pen creating stark black and
each face I drew. I had a
white images.
few of them under my belt
Ironically for this artist who initialwhen I got invited to a
ly focused on dogs’ eyes, her first
cookie exchange/
adoptee Coal only has one eye, losing
handmade gift event that
the other to genetic complications. Anone of our volunteers was
other ironic portrait she has done is the
hosting before Christmas.
drawing of Halo, a foolishly bred, double
So I knew that would be my
-dilute who was born blind and deaf.
Collie Rescue of the Carolinas commisThat day was pivotal,
sioned a portrait of Halo as an icon for
influencing the direction
their fundraising. Though Halo hardly
she’d take as an artist. She
has an opening for eyes, Sherylee perdescribes, “I arrived at the
ceptively conveyed this dog’s sweet,
event and sheepishly set up
gentle personality in her rendition of this
my drawings, (which were
delicate beauty. Halo glows against a
just close-ups back then).
contrasting, dark background like a
Once I had my display situheavenly creature, not of this world.
ated on a chair in the corSherylee generously shares her
ner, I marked them for $10, and walked away. I
many gifts with CRGI and her contributions are
was shocked to sell five or six that day and drove greatly appreciated. She shares, “Knowing I’ve
home with over fifty dollars in my pocket. I said to been given a gift that for years I sadly did not use
myself, ‘This is crazy-- People give me money for is unfortunate…but now? I know why I’ve been
something I do for FUN?’ Even crazier… people given this blessing.” Sherylee’s entire portfolio
immediately wanted to know if I could draw their and order information are available on her webown dogs.”
She’s come a long way since that cookie
exchange. She’s portrayed dogs from stunning
champions to beloved family mutts, creating
treasured memories. She has also drawn cats,
and even an exotic bearded dragon. She’s waiting anxiously on a request for a horse, which she
feels she could draw with her eyes closed.
(Continued from page 10)
Anniversary, (Continued from page 1)
and with the help of Kim Meziere of A.D.O.P.T.,
Tina learned about rescue, what needed to be
done, legal aspects, etc. She found and organized volunteers to assist in transport, fostering
and communication of the collie rescue mission,
and tapped into resources within the Central
States Collie Club, where she was showing her
dog in conformation. For over 10 years she and
Cheryl Hoglund bonded in this effort to collect donations and build an official Collie Rescue
In November, 1996 Collie Rescue of
Greater Illinois, Inc. was registered as a not-forprofit 501c3 organization in Illinois so that it could
conduct the tax exempt fundraising that would
allow it to grow. The passion that drove Tina was
inspired by the love of the breed and the indomitable spirit she found in that first rescued collie.
Tina recalls: "I continued to show in conformation for a couple of years and was capable
of finishing one champion and short 5 points on
my second collie's championship. I had a lot on
my plate at that time, raising two children, working full time in downtown Chicago, taking care of
my parents (who lived with me). Something had
to eventually give. I chose to stay in rescue because it gave me the most reward—saving the
dogs, meeting their needs, whatever it was— to
give them their second chance. Seeing an adoptive family with their smiles on their faces and the
arms of a child around the neck of their new collie
companion was no match for winning a blue
ribbon in the ring. I knew I belonged in rescue
because I loved people and could not close my
eyes to the smile on that collie’s face who now
found their forever home and family."
Tina served as president until 1998
when the position was handed over to Robert
Olsen, a valued volunteer and Board member. Bob spent the next 14 years promoting
CRGI not only through word of mouth but also
in cyber space, as the world of the internet and
instant communication opened doors for the
young organization.
Next, Bob turned over the leadership
reins to John Cymerman, a long time volunteer who was ready to accept them
and became president in 2012. During
John's term, the Collie Nose newsletter was reborn and participation increased in the number
and size of fundraising events that would continue to spread the word about CRGI's and the related need for additional support. Our family continued to grow.
In 2013 Vicki Wilder became President.
Another long time volunteer, having served 15
years with CRGI, she and her husband lovingly
gave their time and space to the organization.
They built and obtained a kennel license to house
rescued collies.
Then, in 2014, Foster Home Coordinator
Susie Moncek, became the current President
of CRGI. She has been involved as a volunteer
for many years, and has more than proven that
she has what it takes to move CRGI forward.
She continues in the footsteps of past presidents
in her dedication to rescue and hopes to make
educating our volunteers and adopters about collies a big part of CRGI future.
The history of each of over 1000 dogs who
have entered the CRGI family, often describes a
dog who has been deprived of love…Yet they
thrive when loved and given the care they deserve. Those stories feed the passion that fuels
our volunteers, who keep CRGI a healthy organization. Thank you for caring for 20 years and
counting! We’ve made a difference. Thank you
for your continued support.
CollieWare? Collie
WEAR? CollieWhere?
Find fun
CRGIthemed gifts
at the
CRGI Store.
Canine Influenza and CRGI
It has become impossible to watch the news without hearing that the Canine Influenza outbreak across Illinois, Alabama, California, Texas, Massachusetts, New York, Wisconsin, Michigan,
New Jersey, Iowa, Ohio and Indiana is a major concern for all pet owners. It has been advised to
avoid areas frequented by dogs that could have come in contact with an infected animal. Places
such as dog parks and pet stores where animals could have nose to nose contact should be visited
with caution. In an effort to keep our foster dogs safe, Collie Rescue of Greater Illinois, Inc has put
our attendance at our regular events and pet expos on hold. These events and Fundraisers
are vital to bringing awareness to our
organization and raising the necessary funds to keep rescuing and rehoming the Collies that come into our
care. We continue to bring Collies in
need into rescue and we need your
help. Donations can be made on
our website via Paypal http:// or by mailing a check to PO Box 4169 Lisle,
Illinois 60532.
Thank you in advance for helping
us help the Collies!
Kids’ Corner
Have a talented kid in your
family? We would love to display our young members’ art,
poetry, letters or stories.
We invite you to share
with our fans:
[email protected]
Collie Rescue of Greater
Illinois, Inc is:
Board Members:
President and Foster Home
Coordinator Susie Moncek,
Treasurer Tina Kiselka,
Secretary Caroline Lewis, &
Intake Coordinator Melanie Clawson
Adoption Coordinator: Jeana Butler
Events Coordinator: Kim Kiselka
Newsletter Volunteers:
Gail Diedrichsen, Sherylee Dodge,
George Hayes, Ellen Keirnan,
Kym McNabney, Dale Mohr,
Madeline Sibon, & Amy Zurita
This wonderful artwork was created by Karen and
George’s grandson Cayden. He is 6 years old. He explains
that he has two suns not because Roxie barks from sunup
until sundown, but because the yellow sun was not
bright enough. He added the orange one too “cause the
sun is hot” Thanks Cayden for sharing.
Email us your feedback on our latest
Newsletter editions:
[email protected]