2013 Annual Report - Freestore Foodbank


2013 Annual Report - Freestore Foodbank
News and Information for Friends of the Freestore Foodbank
Hard Choices
Bloom-Vernon Elementary, a
One of the more common issues
Freestore Foodbank community
facing many of these families is
agency partner, sits on a hill near the
chronic hunger, and Ava is not
small town of South Webster in Scioto the only child at Bloom-Vernon
County, shining like an old treasure
Elementary struggling with hunger.
that has been well-cared for. The staff
Bloom-Vernon is one of nearly 100
at this school, most of them having
schools in
worked here for many years, all feel a
the Freestore
sense of ownership and responsibility,
as Bloom-Vernon serves as the heart
territory that
and soul of this small rural community. provides
Recently while preparing for the
Power Packs
busy Monday morning Sandy Smith,
on Friday to
assistant principal
of Bloom-Vernon
Elementary, took a
call. A bus driver
reported that Ava,
a four year-old little
girl on her route, was
seen eating paper on
the way into school.
Bella, Helen, Tommy and Mark.
It became clear
after visiting the
students who are most
home that afternoon
food insecure. “Very
that Ava was in
often,” says Maria Swick,
need of immediate
Power Pack Coordinator
for Bloom-Vernon, “A
Sandy has a 28Power Pack determines
year track record at
whether or not they’ll eat
the school and has lived and worked
that weekend. The kids will stop me in
in South Webster her entire life. She
the hall and ask, ‘Is today the day? Are
knows all of the children’s families –
we doing it again?’”
where they live, where they work –
When the students come get their
and what their needs are.
Power Packs, they are happy and
“Bloom-Vernon Elementary earned excited to see what’s in them. Each
an ‘Excellent with Distinction’ rating
Power Pack contains 10-12 food
last year, even though we’re in a very
items, which are shelf-stable and easy
impoverished Appalachian area,”
to prepare. These Power Packs are a
she says. “The culture here is not
comfort to the children who receive
about money, or the lack of it. Our
them and their parents.
expectations for performance are high,
Helen has lived in South Webster
and if a family is facing a challenge
her whole life and has two children at
that affects our student’s performance, Bloom-Vernon. She is raising ten yearwe usually know about it and help
old Bella and three year-old Tommy,
when we can.”
while struggling to get by. Helen works
as a house cleaner and her husband
Mark takes on any odd job he can find,
due to lack of work in his field. Today,
he is off to chop firewood to sell.
“The winter is hardest for us here,”
says Helen. “I have to
pick and choose what is
most crucial at any given
time – buying warm coats
for the kids, paying the
electric bill, or feeding
the kids.”
“Helen’s children don’t
miss school,” says Sandy.
“She is very invested
in their success and is
such a strong advocate
for similar working-class
families. She is breaking
the cycle. It will happen
eventually. Good things
are happening.”
Careful with every dime, Helen
takes responsibility to get all the bills
paid on time. “The power can’t be shut
off, because I’m now on a budget that
ensures that will never happen.”
“But my kids come first,” she says.
“I make sure they don’t go hungry.”
No waste is allowed. “If you ask for
it, you’re going to eat it.” Bella and
Tommy bring home a Power Pack
each Friday. If they need to, the
family will visit a nearby pantry that
is a partner agency of the Freestore
Foodbank to supplement their meals.
“Helen and Mark represent all
of the honest, working-class families
that still don’t make enough to make
ends meet,” says Sandy. “I wish people
could see and understand how great
the need is, and like me, have the
privilege of knowing families like
this – who are trying so hard to do the
right thing with dignity and pride.” n
We provide food and services, create stability
and further self-reliance for people in crisis.
Board of Trustees
Message from the President & CEO
We provide food and services, create stability and further self-reliance for people in
crisis. Our mission statement is more than a lofty goal, it is a philosophy that we embrace
and that our entire community helps us achieve! I attended a dinner a few months back
that honored the “Difference Makers” in our community and I was thrilled to see so many
of our volunteers and community partners being recognized for the work that they do each
and every day to support our mission! Over the past year we had over 6,200 Difference
Makers, that we call volunteers, help us bring Food – Connection – Hope to life in the
communities that we serve.
I hope you’ve had a great start to the New Year! I want to thank you for the generosity
you have shown to the Freestore Foodbank throughout the year and especially during the
recent holiday season. The holidays are a time when families and friends share a meal,
reflect on the things for which they are thankful, share gifts with one another and challenge
ourselves to “do better” in the coming year. For us and the neighbors who we serve, the
holidays allow us to focus attention on the impact of hunger in our community that is
with us year-round. We use this “family time” to encourage the Difference Makers in our
community to make a difference for our neighbors in need. It is a time when there is an
abundance of graciousness from the community and a good reminder that it takes many
people with a common goal to make the Freestore work.
Our volunteer program remains very strong, with companies, universities, schools,
religious organizations and individuals donating their time and resources to help us
distribute a record amount of food. And the support we receive from the food industry,
farmers and through food drives is critical.
Still, the need remains great.
Every day, we help working-class families who never expected to visit a food pantry. We
see seniors who are struggling to pay rising medical bills and still afford groceries. And we
see children on Friday afternoons who know they’re going home to empty cupboards.
At times, the faces of hunger are overshadowed by statistics and data. When thinking of
the Freestore, it is important for us to visualize the 300,000 people that we serve each year.
We must remember the face of the 7 year-old who is happy to receive a Power Pack full of
nutritious food on Friday after school for the weekend; the face of the senior who can afford
her medicine this week because she will receive food from her neighborhood pantry. Or the
faces of family members who can share a meal together tonight because of the help they
received from one of our 275 community partners in 20 counties across the Tri-State.
Today, there are too many faces of hunger in the Tri-State. Thank you for joining me in
our fight against hunger in our community! Together, we can bring food to our neighbors
in need and make a connection that will help us transform these “faces of hunger” into
faces of hope. No matter how you choose to support our work, you can make a significant
difference in so many local lives and you can be a Difference Maker!
Thank you for believing in our mission and for helping us fight
hunger right here in our own backyard.
Larry Williams
Board Chair
Brandicorp, LLC
Jim Dressman
Chair-Elect; Vice-Chair, Foodbank
DBL Law Firm
Ramon Rodriguez
Committee on Trusteeship
Damon Allen
Vice-Chair, Customer Connections
Federal Home Loan Bank
Henry Karamanoukian
Vice-Chair, Development
Procter & Gamble
Tom Kirkwood
Board Secretary
Thompson Hine
Warren Weber
PNC Bank
Jeanette Altenau
Cassandra Barham
Benefits Rights
Advocacy Group
Jeff Busch
Caruso Inc.
Anthony Cole
Anthony Cole Training
Anne Lilly Cone
Anne Lilly Cone & Co.,
Allan Cook
The Kroger Company
Marsha Croxton
Women’s Crisis Center of
Northern Kentucky
Bill Dankworth
Retired, The Kroger Co.
Chris Dolle
AXA Advisors
Marty Dunn
Dinsmore & Shohl LLP
Bob Edwards
AXA Advisors
Terry Garcia Crews
Metro Cincinnati
Scot Hendricks
The Kroger Co.
Melissa Klein, MD
Cincinnati Children’s
Hospital Medical Center
Karen F. Maier
Frisch’s Restaurants, Inc.
Bob Maly
Retired, Great American
Trish Martindell
Tim Massa
The Kroger Co.
Paula Neises
Cassidy Turley
David Olson
Frost Brown Todd LLC
Dan Pfau
Cincinnati Fan
Richard Rosenthal
Uptown Arts
Marianne Rowe
Nonprofit Fundraising
PG Sittenfeld
Cincinnati City Council
Teresa Tanner
Fifth Third Bank
David Taylor
Procter & Gamble
John Young
CEO Emeritus
Please call 513-482-7539 with any questions
or to change the frequency of your mailings
from the Freestore Foodbank.
Kurt Reiber
President & CEO
Donated HeaterMeals
Used for Homeless Youth Outreach
A caseworker riding in the Lighthouse outreach van gets
a call from a Hamilton County police officer. A homeless
youth camp has been found and the officers want to know if
Lighthouse can get there before the kids have to be moved by
law enforcement.
Since receiving an inventory of HeaterMeals from the
Freestore Foodbank back in the spring, the Lighthouse Sheakley
Center for Youth (LSCFY) staff has been trying to engage the
youth with, ‘Hey, are you hungry?’ “These hot
meals are an amazing tool,” says John Keuffer,
Program Director for Lighthouse Sheakley
Center for Youth, a division of Lighthouse Youth
Services and partner agency of the Freestore
Foodbank. “They allow us to break the ice and
establish a connection.”
The Freestore Foodbank received the
unanticipated donation last spring – a total of
nearly 20,000 HeaterMeals. HeaterMeals are a
brand of self-heating meals produced by Innotech
Products, Ltd., headquartered in Cincinnati.
Intended for men and women serving in the
U.S. Army, the HeaterMeals are designed to
be high in calories and nutrients. Added
water activates the patented heating
element and the packaged food heats for
about ten minutes in the boxed ‘oven.’
The boxes continue to provide heat
long after the meal is over, and many
servicemen use the units to provide extra
warmth underneath their coats.
“We think that using our HeaterMeals
as a tool to reach homeless youth is
a terrific idea,” says Tim Zimmerman,
President at Innotech Products, Ltd. “Many
Innotech employees regularly volunteer for the
Freestore Foodbank, so we are pleased to learn
that we have donated a product that is being used as an
outreach tool to help area homeless youth.”
LSCFY uses these meals as a tool for engaging homeless
youth. Ideally, the encounter will lead the youth to come into
their 28-bed shelter and use their services. Once in the building,
a caseworker focuses on engaging that person even further by
offering a program that allows them to stay at the center for up
to 30 days and receive services aimed at finding employment
and stable housing.
“These kids have usually suffered a great deal of trauma,” says
John an outreach worker for LSCFY. “We have to build their
trust. A hot meal can chip away at that wall of pain and hurt.
It’s a real connection.”
Sometimes, the kids will accept the opportunity to go to the
shelter. “Some experience a moment of clarity,” says Sidney
Taylor, Assistant Program Director for LSCFY. “It’s a very short
window of time where we might be successful in giving them
hope for a better future.”
“With a mind-set of ‘fix me right now,’ food really works.
Having effective tools are important when we’re working to lead
them down the road to becoming productive citizens vs. the
alternative, which is arrest and warehousing.”
The downtown Cincinnati Public Library is a regular spot
where homeless youth congregate. Antoine, another LSCFY
outreach worker, approaches a young man sitting on the bench
who appears to have all he owns on his back. Mark is 19, and a
Louisville native. Although he’s finding sporadic work through a
day labor agency, he does not have
a permanent place to stay. His dad
may be on his way up sometime
soon, but right now, he’s hungry and
Mark agrees to follow Antoine to
the Lighthouse van, where Ethan,
a LSCFY intern and UC student,
offers him a HeaterMeal. Mark is
very appreciative, and although
he isn’t ready to visit the center
today, he takes the agency information.
“Relationship building takes awhile,”
Ethan says. “We try to keep in touch
with the kids we meet
on the streets because we know
they are homeless and we’re
developing a rapport.”
Jarrett Spisak is the Street
Strategies Supervisor for
Brighten Center Inc. Youth
Services in Covington. One of
the few Kentucky agencies that
conduct active street outreach,
Brighton specializes in serving
homeless children, many of whom are
runaways or mandated by the state to
receive services at their center.
Last January Brighton received an inventory
of HeaterMeals from the Freestore Foodbank which
proved to be a very useful tool in finding homeless kids in the
middle of winter. “Word on the street spread,” says Jarrett.
“If they agreed to talk with us, they would get a hot meal,
which is very appealing when it’s below freezing outside.
It’s nourishment.”
Jarrett and his team have been rationing their remaining
supply for the winter months when a hot meal is most needed.
The primary goal is to get youth in for services, but if
anything, the encounter opens the door for when they are ready.
“Younger people haven’t burned all their bridges yet,” says
Jarrett. “They can often still stay with families at this point.
The older they get, the bridges start to burn.”
As an organization the Freestore Foodbank believes food
is a vehicle for a larger conversation, aimed at helping create
stability and self-reliance for our neighbors in need. These
HeaterMeals are opening the door for a powerful conversation
to be had with youth in our community. n
WINTER 20143
Community Support:
Making Our Efforts Possible Day After Day
For 42 years, the Freestore Foodbank
has served our neighbors in need,
starting in Cincinnati and expanding
to a 20-county region. Thanks to the
generosity of a caring community, we
have been able to initiate programs and
add services that address the pressing
issues related to poverty—issues that
ultimately affect us all. Generous gifts
from corporations and foundations
have provided essential funding,
giving hope and stability to more than
300,000 individuals and families across
our region.
Unrestricted grants provide the
Freestore Foodbank with much-needed
flexibility, allowing us to respond
to urgent needs and community
emergencies. Unrestricted gifts were
provided by a number of generous
foundations, including
the John J. and Mary
R. Schiff Foundation
($125,000), the
Robert and Adele
Schiff Family
($50,000), the
Meshewa Farm
($35,000) and the
A.W. Anderson
As part of a
national initiative
by Feeding America,
the Power Pack program distributes
essential food to 4,000 children each
week, providing 10 to 12 diverse and
nutritious food items. For students in
grades K-8 who may not be getting
enough food at home, these Power Packs
supplement school feeding programs,
ensuring no child goes hungry over the
weekend. Crucial support for this program
was received by the Farmer Family
Foundation ($40,000), the Daniel and
Susan Pfau Foundation ($40,000),
the H.B., E.W. and F.R. Luther
Charitable Foundation, Fifth Third
Bank, and Narley L. Haley, Co-Trustees
(30,000), the Patricia Kisker Foundation
($25,000), the Crosset Family Fund
of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation
($20,000), the Marge and Charles J.
Schott Foundation ($20,000), the
Hyatt Hotels Foundation ($15,000),
the Frank J. Kloenne and Jacqueline
Dawson Kloenne Foundation, Fifth
Third Bank and Narley L. Haley,
Co-Trustees ($15,000), the Thomas J.
Emery Memorial Fund of the Greater
Cincinnati Foundation ($10,000) and
Ethicon Endo-Surgery ($10,000).
The Customer Connection Center on
Liberty Street
in Over-theRhine provides
food and
services to our
neighbors in
need, including
rent assistance,
and more.
Dick and Lois Rosenthal
have provided vital
assistance to the Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program (SNAP) through a
grant of $300,000 and additional support
was provided by the Walmart Foundation
through a Feeding America Grant
Opportunity ($50,000).
As a means to assist unemployed
and underemployed members of our
community, the Freestore Foodbank
created the Cincinnati COOKS!
culinary training course in 2001.
Approximately 130 students each year
learn the mechanics of the kitchen, as
well as essential skills, including food
inventory and storage, basic nutrition
and knife skills. These skills provide a
second chance and enable students to
enroll in the Second Course program
or continue their culinary education at
Freestore Foodbank
Cincinnati State for a promising future
with marketable skills. Cincinnati
COOKS! and Second Course are made
possible through ongoing support from
Dick and Lois Rosenthal, contributions
from Horseshoe Casino ($40,000) and
the KeyBank Foundation ($25,000), and
a $25,000 Second Course matching grant
from Mike & Marilyn Kremzar.
Students of the Cincinnati COOKS!
program train for a job in the culinary
field by preparing more than 150,000
meals each year for our after-school
feeding program, Kids Cafe. Children who
may not know where they will find their
next meal are given hot and nutritious
food each day after school, as well as
tutoring and mentoring at each
of our 16 Kids Cafe sites. This program
is supported by the P&G Fund of the
Greater Cincinnati Foundation ($50,000),
the Andrew Jergens Foundation of
the Greater Cincinnati Foundation
($15,000) and the William P. Anderson
Foundation ($10,000).
The Freestore Foodbank’s
Health and Hygiene program
provides basic hygiene items,
including soap, toothpaste,
lotion and much more to families
who may be unable to purchase
these necessities. The P&G
Fund of the Greater Cincinnati
Foundation ($100,000) and
InterAct for Health ($16,000)
made this program possible.
Thanks to the generous assistance of
the Bank of Kentucky through a golf
outing fundraiser ($30,000) and Agrium
($10,000), the Giving Fields was able to
offer 200,000 pounds of fresh produce
to our community partners in Northern
Kentucky. Through the support of the the
P&G Fund of the Greater Cincinnati
Foundation ($50,000), the Freestore
Foodbank has initiated a new program
to establish food pantries inside
local schools as a resource for our
region’s families.
The Freestore Foodbank would like
to thank each and every supporter who
has given financial assistance, as well as
volunteered their time. Your efforts truly
make the difference for our neighbors in
need. Our work would not be possible
without you! n
Freestore Foodbank
Foundation Board 2013
A Message from the Board Chair
I always find it difficult to balance all the great work that the Freestore Foodbank
and our partners achieve with the fact that more help is needed.
These pages are filled with donors, volunteers and others who continue to
contribute significantly to fight hunger. From the largest donations to the smallest,
we are able to put 95 percent of all donations towards direct services. We remind
ourselves every day at the Freestore that we are allowed to do this important work
because individuals, companies, foundations and other organizations contribute
their time, funds, food and services.
The effort that goes into every distribution – during the holidays and year-round
– is staggering. Perhaps most astonishing is that volunteers fuel the response on the
ground. As we enter the New Year, we face another year of unprecedented need.
But dedicated volunteers and hard-working organizations give us hope.
Our challenges are many, and our supporters are generous and caring, so we will
continue to take pride in reaching as many people as we can with the resources
available. Thank you for your support of these vital efforts.
Larry Williams
Board Chair
Bill Cloppert
David Olson
Vice President
Marianne Rowe
Cove Heilbronner
Who are we,
and what do we do?
Fiscal Year 2013
Jim Dressman
Tom Kahle
Gary Miller
Michael Oyster
P.G. Sittenfeld
Larry Williams
Freestore Foodbank
Board of Trustees 2013
Larry Williams
Anne Lily Cone
Vice Chair, Customer Connections
Henry Karamanoukian
Vice Chair, Development
Jim Dressman
Vice-Chair, Foodbank
Ramon Rodriguez
Committee on Trusteeship
Marsha Croxton
Tom Kirkwood
Damon Allen
Jeanette Altenau
Cassandra Barham
Rich Boehne
Allan Cook
John Cranley
Bill Dankworth
Chris Dolle
Marty Dunn
Bob Edwards
Terry Garcia Crew
Scot Hendricks
Melissa Klein
Barry Kohn
Karen Maier
Bob Maly
Trish Martindell
Paula Neises
David Olson
Dan Pfau
Dick Rosenthal
Marianne Rowe
Phil Schworer
P.G. Sittenfeld
David Taylor
Beth Van Oflen
Warren Weber
John Young
Corwine Foundation
Board 2013
Tom Powers, Chair
Marty Dunn, Secretary
Bill Dankworth
Bob Habel
Grant Hesser Tom Kirkwood
Gary Millard
Paula Neises
Dan Pfau
Larry Williams
Advisory Board 2013
Jeffrey Anderson
Dick Antoine
Gibson Carey
Steve Jemison
Tom Kahle
Cheryl Harden-Love
David Mann
William T. Robinson
Kurt L. Reiber, President & CEO
Member Agencies July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013
July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013
Freestore Foodbank, Inc. and Affiliates
Freestore Foodbank, Inc. and Affiliates
for the year ended June 30, 2013
Public Support:
Contributions and grants United Way/Community Chest
Change in interest in Irrevocable Trusts
Total Public Support
$ 6,374,004
$ 6,788,593
Program services:
Government agencies Private organizations
Member agency fees/product resale
Client services – Individuals
Cooks catering
Special events
Less: special events direct expenses
In-kind goods and services:
Advertising services
Foodbank and Food Room donations – food and products
Interest and dividend income
Net unrealized gain on investments
Net loss on disposal of property & equipment
Total Revenues
Total public support and revenues
$ 1,960,434
Client Services
Cincinnati COOKS!/Catering
In-kind expenses Foodbank supportive services
Management and General
Total Expenses
Change in net assets
$ 2,510,550
Net assets at beginning of year
Net assets at end of year
Public Support
$6,788,593 11%
In-kind Services
$50,686,242 80%
General Activities
$5,633,551 9%
$ 2,745,884
June 30, 2013
Cash and cash equivalents
Restricted cash
Accounts receivable
Pledges receivable
Prepaid expenses
Total current assets
Building and improvements
Furniture, fixtures and equipment
Construction in process
Less accumulated depreciation
Total property and equipment
Beneficial interest in charitable trust
Cash surrender value of life insurance policy
Other assets
Total other assets
Current portion of long-term debt
& capital lease obligation
Accounts payable
Amounts held for others
Accrued expenses
Total current liabilities
Non-current portion of long-term debt
& capital lease obligation
Total liabilities
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total net assets
Management &
General Activities
$1,442,431 2%
$ 537,540
Distribution Center
$54,091,265 89%
Customer Connection
$2,745,884 5%
$1,287,441 2%
Cincinnati COOKS!/Catering
$1,030,815 2%
Adams County Shelter
for Homeless, Inc.
Community Care Center
Interfaith House
Peebles Community Food Pantry
West Union Church of the Nazarene
Winchester Baptist Church
Winchester Church of Christ
Hope Ministries of Northern Kentucky
Impact Storehouse
M.I.S.S.I.O.N Church of God
Vineyard Christian Church
Abundant Life Ministry
BBC Soup Kitchen
Brooksville Baptist Church
New Life Fellowship
Adams & Brown County Head Start
Helping Hands In Christian Service
Hope Emergency Program
Mt. Orab UMC
Westfork Baptist Outreach Pantry
C.A.R.E. Mission Inc.
Campbell Lodge Boy’s Home
First Assembly of God
Holly Hill Children’s Services
Holy Family Home
Holy Spirit Outreach Ministry
Inter Church Organization
New Hope United Methodist Church
Northern KY Community Action
Commission Head Start
Plum Creek Christian Center
St. Bernard Parish
St. John Pantry
St. John’s Outreach Ministries
St. Paul’s Pantry
Transitions, Inc.
Cincinnati Teen Challenge
Clermont Adult Residential
Home: Hengsen
Felicty Community Mission
First Baptist Church
Goshen United Methodist Church
Holy Trinity St. Vincent De Paul
Mercy Works Eastgate
New Richmond Village Food Pantry
Newtonsville Church of the Nazarene
Salvation Army: Batavia
Saul’s Homeless Shelter
St. Andrew St. Vincent De Paul
St. Bernadette St. Vincent De Paul
St. Elizabeth Seton St. Vincent De Paul
St. Veronica’s St. Vincent De Paul
Food Pantry
Williamsburg Church of the Nazarene
Williamsburg Emergency Mission
YWCA: Eastern Area
YWCA: House of Peace
Blanchester Community Food Pantry
Clinton County Community Action
Food Pantry
Clinton County Homeless Shelter
Feed My Sheep Food Pantry
Living Waters Worship Center
New Vienna UMC
Dillsboro Community Food Pantry
Heart House
Moore’s Hill Food Pantry
North Dearborn Pantry
Southeast Indiana Economic
Opportunities Corporation
Grant County Helping Hands
Have a Heart Pantry
Larry H. Spears Foundation
Vineyard Church in Grant County
7 Hills Neighborhood Houses
Adventist Outreach
Allen Temple AME Church
Alpha II Housing Alternatives
Anderson Ferry Church of Christ
Bell Home for Sightless
Bethany House Services, Inc.
Bethel Baptist Church
Bethesda House
Bethlehem Baptist Church
Bond Hill Food Pantry
Boys Hope/Girls Hope of
Greater Cincinnati
Caring Hearts Adult Day Care
CCAT: Center for Chemical
Addicts Treatment
Christ Church Cathedral:5000 Club
Christ Community In College Hill
Christian Outreach Ministries, Inc.
Church of Our Savior
Churches Active in Northside
Cincinnati Islamic Center
Cincinnati Restoration Church
Cincinnati Union Bethel:
Off The Streets
Cincinnati Urban Promise
City Of Refuge: Joyfull Harvest
Corpus Christi Food Pantry
Creek Road Baptist: Pantry
Crossroads Center
Daystar Worship Center
Drop Inn Center
Presbyterian Church
Every Child Succeeds
Fairmount Day Care Center
Faith Food Pantry
First Lutheran Church
Freestore Foodbank Food Room
Gray Road Church of Christ
Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health
Grtr New Hope Missionary
Baptist Church
Holy Family St. Vincent De Paul
Imani Family Center
Immanuel UCC: South Fairmont
Inter Parish Ministry
Jewish Family Service
Kelly Youth Services
LIFE Food Pantry
Little Flower St. Vincent De Paul
Little Sisters of the Poor Nursing Home
Madisonville Education &
Assistance Ctr
Manna Outreach, Inc. Pantry
Mercy Franciscan at St. John
Mercy Neighborhood:
HOME Program
Morning Star Baptist Church
Mt. Healthy Alliance, Inc.
Mt. Hope Baptist Church
My Brother’s Keeper
My Neighbors Place Food Pantry
Nast Trinity UMC
New Jerusalem: Hancock House
New Life Temple Sharing & Caring
Norwood Service League: Food Closet
Oakley Community Food Pantry
Open Door Ministries
Our Lady of the Woods, Inc.
Over the Rhine Soup Kitchen
Peaslee Neighborhood Center
Prince of Peace Catholic School
Reach N Teach
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Roselawn Food Pantry
Salvation Army
SEM Food Pantry
Services To Adults and Youth, Inc.
Society of St. Vincent De Paul
SON Ministries
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Pantry
St. Boniface St. Vincent De Paul
St. Francis DeSales School
St. Francis Soup Kitchen
St. Francis/St. Joseph House
St. George Interfaith Food Pantry
St. Leo Church Pantry
St. Michael and All Angels
St. Paul UCC
St. William St. Vincent De Paul
Su Casa
Talbert House
The Caring Place
The Children’s Home: Cincinnati
The Church of the Resurrection:
The Healing Center
The Lord’s Pantry
The Women’s Connection, Inc.
Tri-County Soul Ministries
Troy Residential Home
Union Baptist Food and
Clothing Ministry
Valley Interfaith
Visions Community Services
Walnut Hills Kitchen
Washington United Church
of Christ Pantry
Power Pack Locations
Collins Elementary
R.A. Jones Middle School
Dayton High School
Lincoln Elementary
Newport Intermediate School
Newport Middle School
Newport Primary School
Denver Place Elementary
East End Elementary
Roy E. Holmes Elementary
Holly Hill Elementary
Sherman Elementary
Academy of World Languages
Alliance Academy
Bevis Elementary
Bond Hill Academy Elementary School
Carson School
Chase Elementary School
Cheviot School
Cincinnati Leadership Academy
West College Hill
Neighborhood Services
West End Emergency Center
Wynn Child Development Center
YMCA: Christ Child Day Nursery
York Street United Methodist Church
YWCA: Battered Women Shelter
Zion Baptist Church
Zion United Church of Christ
Because He Lives
Carmel Church of God
Daily Bread of Hillsboro
Greenfield Area Christian Center
Highland County Community Action
Highland County Homeless Shelter
Samaritan Outreach Services
Action Ministries
Be Concerned, Inc.
Brighton Center: Homeward Bound
Children, Inc. Montessori Elementary
Learning Academy
Children’s Home of Northern Kentucky
Community Pentecostal Church
Diocesan Catholic Children’s Home
Faith Christian Center
First Baptist Church
Garrard Street Church of Christ
Harvest Ministries
Northern Kentucky Baptist Church
Sisters of Notre Dame
South Side Baptist Church: Pantry
St. Augustine School
St. Vincent De Paul Northern KY
The Point
United Ministries
Welcome House of Northern KY
Women’s Crisis Center: Covington
Christian Outreach Center
Butler United Methodist Church
Northern Kentucky Community Action
Commission Pendleton Pantry
Bridgehaven Homeless Shelter
Lighthouse: Paint Creek Youth Center
Overflow Mission
Pike County Community Action
Food Pantry
Pike County Outreach Council
Community of Christ
Counseling Center: Marsh House
Counseling Center: Stepping
Stone House
God’s Pantry
Hopewell House
Manna from Heaven Food Pantry
Mc Dermott Freewill Baptist Church
Mt. Zion Apostolic Church Pantry
Neighbor To Neighbor Ministries
Operation Safety Net Scioto County
Homeless Shelter
Our Father’s Bounty Food Pantry
Salvation Army: Portsmouth
St. Mary’s Food Pantry
St. Monica Church St. Vincent De Paul
The Potter’s House
Wheelersburg United Methodist
Quercus Grove United Methodist
Kids Cafe Locations
College Hill Fundamental
Corryville Catholic Elementary
Elmwood Place Elementary School
Evanston Academy
Frederick Douglass Elem School
Hays-Porter Elementary
Heritage Hill Elementary School
Holy Family School
Horizon Science Academy - Cincinnati
John P Parker
King Academy Community School
Mt. Airy Elementary School
Mt. Auburn International Academy
Mt. Washington School
North Elementary
Norwood Middle School
Norwood View
Orion Academy
Our Daily Bread
Oyler School
Pleasant Hill Academy
Prince of Peace
Reading Central Elementary School
Rees E. Price Elementary
Resurrection School
Riverside Academy
Riverview East Academy
Roberts Paideia Academy
Rockdale Academy Elem School
Roll Hill School
Roselawn Condon
Elementary School
Rothenberg Preparatory Academy
St. Boniface
St. Francis De Sales School
St. Francis Seraph
St. Joseph Catholic School
St. Lawrence Elementary School
Sharpsburg Elementary/ Primary
Silverton Paideia Academy
South Avondale Elementary School
South Elementary
Struble Elementary
Taylor Elementary School
V L T Academy
Washington United Church of Christ
Weigel Elementary
Westwood Elementary School
William H Taft Elementary School
Williams Ave Elementary
Winton Hills Academy
AJ Lindeman Elementary
Arnett Elementary
Early Childhood Center
Glenn O. Swing Elementary
Holmes Middle School
Howell Elementary
John G Carlisle Elementary
Latonia Elementary
Ludlow Elementary School
Ninth District Elementary
Sixth District Elementary
Community Action Committee
of Pike County
Waverly Primary
Bloom-Vernon Elementary
Clay Elementary
East Portsmouth Elementary
Green Elementary
Minford Elementary
Northwest Elementary School
Oak Intermediate New Boston Local
Portsmouth Elementary
Stanton Primary - New Boston Local
Valley Elementary
West Portsmouth Elementary
Central Clinic - Ethel Taylor Academy
Children’s Home - Silverton Paideia
Cincinnati Early Learning Center Oyler School
FamiliesFORWARD Bond Hill Academy
FamiliesFORWARD - Carson School
FamiliesFORWARD - Evanston/
Hoffman-Parham School
FamiliesFORWARD - Hays-Porter
Elementary School
FamiliesFORWARD - Withrow
University High
GLAD House
ProjectGRAD Cincinnati Western Hills High School
Talbert House - Shroder High School
UC PASS - Academy of World
Languages (AWL)
Glenn O. Swing
Holmes Campus
John G. Carlisle Elementary School
Ninth District Elementary
Children’s Summer Feeding Program
CMAP: Central Assembly of God
CPS: Deer Park Library
CPS: Elmwood Place Library
CPS: Forest Park Library
CPS: Groesbeck Library
CPS: North Central Library
CPS: Reading Library
CPS: Sharonville Library
Faces Without Places/
St. Francis de Sales
Music Resource Center
Skyline Community Center /YMCA
YOLO: First Unitarian Church
Supplemental Food Programs for Seniors
Allen Temple
Freestore Foodbank - Customer
Connection Center
Freestore Foodbank - Tennessee Ave.
Madisonville Education and
Assistance Center
Mt. Healthy
The Caring Place
West College Hill Neighborhood
Winton House
Donations of Food and Product July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013
7 Hills Upper School
Abbott Nutrition
ACOSTA Marketing Group
Adult Parole Authority
Advanced Testing Lab,Inc
Airport Fast Park
Alcohol and Tobacco
Tax and Trade Bureau
All Saints Parrish
Anderson Ferry Church of Christ
Anderson Hills
United Methodist Church
Anthem Blue Cross
AP Technology
Aristech Acrylics
Atlantic Foods
Atlantic International
Audi Connection
Aunt Millie’s Baking
Avon Products, Inc.
Bank of America
Barilla America
Belcan Corp.
Benchmark Outfitters
Besse Medical
Bethesda Oak Hospital
Big Lots
Blue Ash Commons
Blue Grass Quality Meats
Boy Scouts
Branstrator Farms
Brenda Shonfield
Cabbage, Inc.
Campbell Soup
Caruso, Inc.
Cassidy Turley
Castellini Produce
Check Smart
Chenese Bean
Chiquita, Inc.
Chocolate Festival
Christina Rodriguez
Church & Dwight Co., Inc.
The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints
Cincinnati Ballet
Cincinnati Bar Association
Cincinnati Bell Technologies
Cincinnati Bengals
Cincinnati Bulk Mail
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Cincinnati Dentistry
Cincinnati E.A.T.S.
Cincinnati Freezer Corporation
Cincinnati Public Schools
Cincinnati Reds
Cincinnati State Technical
and Community College
Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
Cincinnati Waldorf School
Cincinnati Zoo
Cincinnatian Hotel
City Of Montgomery
The Clorox Company
Club Chef, Inc.
Coffee Break Services
ConAgra Foods
Congregation Bnai Tzeker
Congregation Ohav Shalom
Contemporary Arts Center
Coupons Inc. Cincinnati
Crave America Restaurant
Crayons to Computers
Crosset Co., Inc.
CSR Academy
Boy Scouts of America
Cura Bella Salon
Current at the Banks
Dater Montessori
David J.Joseph Company
Dhelias Food.
Domino’s Pizza
Duke Realty Corporation
E.H. Greene Intermediate School
Earth Connection
Elegant Fare
Environmental Protection Agency
Erickson Academy
Ethicon Endo-Surgery
Everdry Waterproofing
Executive Jet Management
FareWalk for Allergies
Feed the Children
Feld Entertainment
Fidelity Investments
Fifth Third Bank
Finneytown Key Club
First Financial Bank
First Group America
Flowers Baking Co.
Flowers Foods
Forest Pharmacuticals
Formica Corporation
The Forum Apts
The Fresh Market
Fresh Sausage Specialists
Frito-Lay, Inc.
Frost Brown Todd, LLC
FRS Healthy Performance
Frutarom USA
Fun Factory
Galerie Au Chocolat
Gardner School
General Mills
General Revenue Corporation
General Services Administration
Gentile Brothers
Gingerbread Academy
Giorgio Foods
Girl Scouts Of America
Givaudan Flavors
Glockner Family Dentistry
Goddard School
Gold Star Chili
Goodwill Industries
Grant County Foods, LLC
Graphic PKG International
Great Oaks Career Campus
Green Bean Delivery
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters
Grippo Foods Inc.
Volunteers July 1, 2012- June 30, 2013
Haire Bohmer Wealth
Management Group
Hamilton County Business Center
Harpers Point Apartments
The Hartz Mountain Corp
Heater Meals, Inc.
Hillshire Farms
Hilton Netherland
Hindu Temple of Greater Cincinnati
Holman Motors
Holmes Middle School
HoneyBaked Ham Company
Hormel Foods
Hoxworth Blood Center
Housing Urban Development
Hyde Park School
Imperial Oaks Condo Associaton
Indian Hill Middle School
Indian Hill Winter Club
Indy HoneyComb
Integrated Research
International Hoof-Care Summit
Internal Revenue Service
Isaac M. Wise Temple
The J.M. Smucker Company
Jaguar Land Rover Cincinnati
Jaia Washington
Jake Sweeney BMW
James H.Linne
Jane Packer
John Morrell & Company
Johnson & Johnson
Joseph Buick
JWP Federal Building
KDM P.O.P. Solutions Group
Keebler Company
Kellogg Company
The Kenwood
Kings Hammer Soccer Club
Klosterman Bakery
Kraft Foods
Kroger Company
Lerner, Sampson & Rothfuss
Luxottica Group
Mailender, Inc.
Main Street Market
Mars, Incorporated
Marsh Super Markets
McHale’s Catering
McKnight Property Management
Mead Johnson Nutrition
Meadowbrook Care Center
Mercedes Benz
Meyer Dairy
Meyer Tool/Red Cross
Michele Jenkins
Millenium Hotel
Miller Valentine
Mondelez International
Nash Finch Company
National Association of
Letter Carriers
National Pork Board
Nestle USA, Inc.
The Nielsen Company
NKU Dining Chartwells
Northern Kentucky Area
Development District
Norwood Church of Christ
Ocean Spray
Office of Disability Adjudication
and Review
Ohio National Financial Services
Olde Montgomery Apartments
Orgain, Inc.
Occupational Safety and
Health Administration
OSU Alumni Club Cincinnati
Otis Spunkmeyer, Inc.
Packaging Unlimited
The Palace at the Cincinnatian
Parking Company of America
Peet’s Coffee
Peg Hubbard
Peppridge Farms
Pepsi Cola Co.
The Phoenix
Pierre Foods
Pizza Hut
Pleasant Hill Academy
Plum Street Temple
PPG Industries
Pratt Display
Primrose School of Mason
Primrose School of Symmes
Primrose School of West Chester
Procter & Gamble
Public Library of Cincinnati and
Hamilton County
Qdoba Mexican Grill
Quaker Oats
Rascals NY Deli
Red Sun Farm
Reinhart Foodservice LLC
Richard’s Industries
Rockdale Temple
Rockwern Academy
Ross Medical Education Center
Saalfeld Paper Co
Sam’s Club
The Finley, Iyneris, and
Sandymar Families
Sara Lee Foodservice
School for the Creative &
Performing Arts
School Outfitters
Seneca Foods Corporation
Siemans Industries
Silverton Block Watch
Skyline Chili
Smithfield Foods
Social Security Administration
Sonja Barnes
Sonoco Display
South Avondale School
Southgate House
Spartan Chemical Co
St. Elizabeth Hospital
Stantec Consulting
Starbucks Coffee Company
Steve Phelan
Summit Behavioral Healthcare
Sur La Table
Sycamore National Honor Society
Sysco Food Service
Taylor Warehouse
Techwood Circle
Thompson Hine, LLP
Our Donors July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013
Timber Trails
Toyota Motor Sales
Toyota North American Auto Parts
Trader Joe’s
Transportation Security
Tri State Ingredients
Tri-Health Heart Institute
Tristate Orthopaedic
Treatment Center
Tropicana Products, Inc.
Tryed Stone Church
Turning Point Church of Zion
U.S. Department of Energy
U.S. Department of Labor
U.S. Department of Treasury
U.S. Food & Drug Administration
U.S. Trustees
UHR Rents
Union Springs
United Dairy Farmers
United Healthcare
United Way
University of Cincinnati
US Foods
VA Medical Center
Vega America
Veteran’s Hospital
Volunteers for Veggies
Wall 2 Wall Soccer
Walnut Street Grille
Wayne Hall
Western & Southern Financial Group
The Westin
Weston Art Gallery
White Castle
White Wave Foods
Whole Foods
Wild Penguin, LLC
Wing Eye Care
Xavier University
Zion Global Ministries
Zombie Walk - Cincinnati
Zombie Walk - Northern Kentucky
Zwanenberg Food Group
The following individuals and organizations contributed substantially to our volunteer efforts in fiscal year 2013. We are grateful for their
support as well as that of the thousands of other volunteers who assist throughout the year
Pam Alexander
Anthony Allen
Vicki Aug
Shaye Babb
Jessica Baynes
David Benjamin
Lynncoyia Bradley
Marketa Brown
Pat Ciccarella
Patrick Clark
David Cooper
Alex Cussen
Terri Dahlem
Dexter Daniels
Saundra Davis
Gwen Dean
Frederick Espy
Lisa Estep
Cathy Eubanks
Mary Gerson
Jaime Godinez
Patricia Golder
Paul Gottbrath
Bob Griffin
Tom Hahn
Douglas Hale
Alice Harris
Gregory Hill
Dale Hoyt
Lois Korengel
Kym Kuenning
Sam Lemaster
Frank Lenkerd
Jamie Lydenberg
Brandy Mallory
Steve Martin
Sarah Mattina
Mike McComas
Ellie Megerle
Victoria Meyer
Polly Micelli
Betty Mincey
Lynn Minea
Regine Moulton
Tanner Nelson
Melanie Onnen
Darryl Pettway
DeShawna Pruett
Cameron Riley
Susan Sizemore
Marla St. Martin
Laura Soward
Jennifer Thompson
Teresa Valentine
Nicol Valerio
Timothy Wharton
Larry Williams
Aaron Windeler
Michael Wiesmann
AdvancePierre Foods
Alliance Data
Alpha Kappa Alpha
American Mortgage
American Red Cross
Ameriprise Financial
Ascension & Holy
Trinity Church
Bank of America
The Bank of Kentucky
Be Concerned
Because We Care
Bishop Brossert
High School
BodyMind Balance
Boy Scouts Troop 598
Brighton Center
Building Hope In the City
Cambridge Square
Campbell County Life
Teen Youth Group
Campbell Soup
Cardinal Solutions
Cassidy Turley
Cast-Fab Technologies Inc
Catalina Marketing
Catholic Health Partners
Cheviot Savings Bank
Children’s Hospital
Children’s Hunger Alliance
Cincinnati Arts Association
Cincinnati Bell
Cincinnati Bengals
Cincinnati Country
Day School
Cincinnati Hills
Christian Academy
Cincinnati HOGS
Cincinnati World
Affairs Council
City of Cincinnati
Clark Montessori
Clark Schaefer Hackett
ClarkDietrich Building
Clopay Corporation
Coca Cola
College of Mt. St. Joseph
Colloquy/Alliance Data
Communicare of Clifton
Conner High School
Cooperative Business Services
Dassault Systemes Simulia
Del Monte
Delta Airlines
Delta Phi Lambda
Delta Sigma Theta
Dinsmore and Shohl LLP
Downtown Cincinnati
Social Group
The Drexelius
Dr. Pepper/Snapple
Droder & Miller Co. LPA
Duke Energy
Ernst and Young
Ethicon Endo-Surgery
Executive Jet Management
Federal Home Loan
Bank of Cincinnati
Fidelity Investments
Fifth Third Bank
First Baptist Ft. Thomas
Flagel Huber Flagel
Flipside Products
Fox Sports
Franciscan for the Poor
Friends for Life Group
Ft. Washington
Investment Advisors
The Gathering
General Electric
General Mills
Gifts From The Heart
Good Samaritan
Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Greater Cincinnati
Health Council
Group Week of Hope
Hamilton Co. Probation
Heritage Presbyterian Church
HHS Drama
Hillman Group
Holmes Middle School
Hormel Foods
Hyatt Regency
Immaculate Heart
of Mary School
Indian Hill High School
Jewish Hospital
King’s High School
Knights of Columbus
Kohl’s Eastgate
LaSalle High School
Latter Day Saints (Westwood)
Leadership Cincinnati
Lexis Nexis
Liberty Mutual Insurance
Lincoln College of Technology
Lincoln Heights Missionary
Baptist Church
Mariemont High School
Master Gardeners
Mayerson Foundation
Mayerson High School
Service-Learning Program
McAuley High School
Media Star Promotions
Mentor Baptist Church
Merrill Lynch
Messer Construction
Miami University
Mike Albert’s Chevrolet
Miller Valentine Group
Minford Elementary
Mount Notre Dame
High School
Mt. Carmel Baptist Church
Mt. Healthy High School
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
National Day of Service
News America
North Carolina A&T Alumni
Northern Kentucky University
Northwestern Mutual
Nutro Company
Oak Hills High School
Oak Pavillon Nursing Center
Ohio Association
of Foodbanks
Ohio Valley Beer Company
Ohio Wesleyan University
Omnicare Inc
Peaslee Neighborhood Center
People to People
Phillip Edison
Pinkerman South Webster
Community Church
PL Marketing
PNC Bank
Powers Agency
Purcell Marion High School
Quandel Construction
Raymond James & Associates
Rendigs Fry Kiely &
Dennis L.L.P.
Risk Management Associates
Roger Bacon High School
Rose Garden Mission
Safety Net Alliance
Saint Bernard Pantry
Sam’s Club
Scarlet Oaks
Senior Employment
Seton High School
Setson / Tau House
Sherwin Williams
Smart IT
Smith & Schaefer
Southern Baptist Church
SS and G Public
Accounting Firm
St. Bernard
St. Christopher Church
Youth Group
St. Columban School
St. Henry District High School
St. James School White Oak
St. John’s Outreach Ministries
St. Paul’s Food Pantry
St. Thomas More Catholic
Newman Center
St. Xavier High School
Standard Retirement
Starfire Council
Sycamore High School
Sysco Foods
TCH/UC Family Medicine
Thomas Moore College
Thomas More College
Trinity United Methodist
Turner Construction
U.S. Bank
UC Clermont
United Ministries
United Way of
Greater Cincinnati
University of Akron
University of Cincinnati
University of Colorado Boulder
University of WisconsinRiver Falls
US Bank
US Coast Guard
US Department of Energy
UT Arlington
Vineyard Youth Group
Viterbo University
Warren County ESC
Wells Fargo
Western and Southern
Western Hills High School
WhiteWave Foods
Whole Foods
Winton Woods High School
Wise Temple
Woodrow Wilson High School
Woodward Career Technical
High School
Wyoming City School
Wyoming Middle School
Xavier University
Xtreme Volleyball
Yellow Ribbon Support
Gifts received after July 1, 2013 will be included in the 2014 Annual Report.
Special thanks to sponsors and supporters of the 2012 Rubber Duck Regatta which raised $750,000 in its eighteenth year.
We received bequests from the estates
of the following generous individuals in
Fiscal Year 2013. These gifts will help
the Freestore Foodbank Foundation fight
hunger for years and years to come.
Susan Berman-Sill
M. Patricia Conneighton
Alberta Harker
Carroll T. Higgs
Jeanne H. Strout
The Freestore Foodbank has established
the Tomorrow’s Harvest Society to
honor individuals who have made a
planned gift to our organization. We will
recognize these society members in future
annual reports.
Individuals who annually
contribute $5,000 or more.
Gifts of $500,000 or more
Manuel D. & Rhoda Mayerson Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rosenthal
Gifts of $100,000 or more
The Kroger Co.
Newman’s Own Foundation
P&G Fund of The Greater
Cincinnati Foundation
John J. & Mary R. Schiff Foundation
Wal-Mart Foundation
Willoughby Charitable Remainder Trust
Gifts of $50,000 or more
Anonymous (2)
BV Wines/Diageo North America
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Lambrinides
Procter & Gamble
Robert and Adele Schiff Family
Foundation, Inc.
Gifts of $25,000 or more
Church & Dwight Co., Inc.
M. Patricia Conneighton Estate
Charles and Gail Conner
Group, LP
Farmer Family Foundation
GE Foundation
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile, Jr./
US Bancorp Foundation
Alberta Harker Estate
Carroll T. Higgs Estate
Steven A. Hunter Hope Fund
LaRosa’s, Inc.
H.B., E.W. and F.R. Luther Foundation
Macy’s Corporate Services Inc.
Meshewa Farm Foundation
Daniel and Susan Pfau Foundation
Horsershoe Casino/Rock Ohio Caesars
Cincinnati, LLC
John A. Schroth Family Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Wolterman
Gifts of $10,000 or more
Anonymous Fund of The Greater
Cincinnati Foundation
William P. Anderson Foundation
Richard A. Busemeyer Atheist Foundation
Marjorie & Steven Carleton Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Cast Fab Technologies, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Castellini
Cheviot Savings Bank
Cincinnati Bengals, Inc.
Cincinnati International Wine Festival
Catholic Inner City Schools Education Fund
Clay Alliance
Colgate-Palmolive Company
Crate & Barrel
Crosset Family Fund of The Greater
Cincinnati Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Cryder, D.D.S.
The Dannon Company Inc.
Charles H. Dater Foundation, Inc.
Del Monte Foods
Robert and Jeanne Diesel Foundation
Dr. Pepper Snapple
Dunnhumby USA
Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc.
Ms. Melissa Fabe
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Friedlander
Give With Liberty, Employee Donations
Gould & Smith Crane Rental, Inc.
Hazel Grimm Charitable Trust
Ms. Alison Goss Herschede
Hillshire Brands
InterAct for Health
Isidor-Kaltman Philanthropic Fund
of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
Diana Jaeger Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Andrew Jergens Foundation
Joiner Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Karamanoukian
Kemba Credit Union
Frank J. & Jacqueline D. Kloenne
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Kremzar
Terry and Elizabeth Lilly Fund of
The Pikes Peak Community Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Umesh M. Marathe
MH Foundation, Inc.
Monster Energy/Hansen Beverage Company
Mt. Olive Pickle Company, Inc.
Oliver Family Foundation
Ms. Marilyn Z. Ott
Panera/Breads of the World, L.L.C.
Pepper Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Joseph A. and Susan E. Pichler Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Post Foods, LLC
Red Bull North America, Inc.
S.C. Johnson & Sons, Inc.
SC Ministry Foundation
Marge & Charles J. Schott Foundation
Charles E. and Mary Elizabeth Scripps
Foundation Miramar Services, Inc.
Scripps Howard Foundation
Louise Taft Semple Foundation
Ms. Louella Shaw
Skyline Chili, Inc.
Ms. Barbara R. Sporck-Stegnaier
St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Standley
Ms. Paula M. Steiner
Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Sullivan
Sutphin Family Foundation
Thaman Family Foundation of
SEI Giving Fund
Tippett Family Charitable Fund
Mr. Chris Toncheff
Ms. Charlene A. Williams
Wohlgemuth/Herschede Foundation
Glen Wright Donor Advised Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Yard House Cincinnati, LLC
Eric B. Yeiser Family Foundation
Wellpoint Foundation
Gifts of $5,000 or more
Anonymous (2)
Advantage Sales & Marketing
Agrium U.S. Inc.
American Scaffolding, Inc.
Amigis Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Andrews
Apartment Association Outreach
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Barnes
Robert T. & Sandra A. Blanchard Fund
of the Vanguard Charitable
Endowment Program
Rich & Lisa Boehne Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Louis N. Bolognini
Edward C. and Robert C. Bott Fund
Mr. Earl Branch
Cincinnati Brass Band
Cincinnati Dreams Come True, Inc.
Cold Jet
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Comte
Convergys Corp.
Ruth J. & Robert A. Conway Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Crouch
Darden Family Restaurants
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Finke
Mr. William R. Francis in memory of
Emily “Byllie” Francis
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis L. French
Frisch’s Restaurants, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Glassmann
Haire-Bohmer Wealth Management
Group, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hart
Hayfields Foundation
Ms. Mary Maureen Heekin
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Heiser
Harvey C. Hubbell Trust
Hunger Related Events Taste of NFL
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Hutton
Marianne and Donald James
Catherine & Reuven Katz Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Kellogg Company
Keystone Bar & Grill
KFM Fund of The Greater
Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Knochenmuss
Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Kohn
Kopco Graphics, Inc.
Kraft Electrical Contracting
Ms. Linda E. Lauch
Mr. Lawrence A. Leser
Linnemann Family Foundation
LKC Foundation
Maruchan, Inc.
Mercy Health Partners
Mr. David E. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pease
Pepsi Cola
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Pfau
PFI, Inc.
Mr. John O. Priest and Ms. Lynne A. Boles
Quaker Foods
RCL Fund of The Greater
Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Rodenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Rodriguez
Dorothy G. & Joseph A. Roth
Donor Advised Fund via
The Catholic Foundation
William S. Rowe Foundation
Ruth’s Chris Steak House, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Scherer
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schiff, Jr.
Mr. Mike Schlotman
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sedziol
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Seinen
Ellen Pease & V. Clark Sole, Jr. Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Solo Operating Corporation
Stagnaro Distributing
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Stegman
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob K. Stein
Joseph S. Stern, Jr. Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Jeanne H. Strout Estate
US Bank Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Todd Wandstrat
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. White
Woodforest Charitable Foundation
Individuals who annually
contribute $2,500 - $4,999.
Gifts of $2,500 or more
American Counseling Association
Ms. Barbara R. Apking
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Bank of America United Way Campaign
Belcan Corporation Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Berghoff
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Berte
Bioworks, Inc.
Mr. R. Gregoire Blackmore
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Briggs, Jr.
Buch Construction
Burgess & Niple Charitable Gift Fund
of Fidelity Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Burleigh
Michael E. and Carolyn R. Burns
Charitable Fund via Fidelity Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Busam
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Byerly, Jr.
Kenneth R. & Joan L. Campbell Foundation
Campbell’s Sales Company
Cargill Salt Cincinnati
Cassidy Turley
Alan & Elizabeth Chambers Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Cheesecake Factory Foundation
Church of the Redeemer
Cincinnati Women’s Club
Classic Brands
Clermont County Farm Bureau
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred B. Closson, Jr.
Coca-Cola Enterprises
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cody
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Cohen
Carolyn and Michael Collette Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Craig H. Combs
Mr. John P. Corrigan
Peter Cremer North America, LP
Mr. John Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Dankworth
Duke Energy Foundation
Dye Family Charitable Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Ms. Ann Early
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Edwards
Famous Dave’s
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Finn
Mr. Jeffrey Formey
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Franke
Dr. and Mrs. Randall Franz
Grace United Methodist Church
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Guanciale
Jack Guttman, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hater
Heinz North America Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff R. Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Hildbold
Mr. Thomas E. Hobbins, Jr.
HP YourCause LLC
Forrest W. Huff Living Trust
IBM Employee Services Center
Johann Freestore Foodbank Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Johnson & Johnson
Mr. David Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Juenke
Kokosing Construction Company, Inc.
Kroger Great Lakes Division
Ms. Paula Landry
Lerner Sampson & Rothfus
David Lund
Dr. Max L. & Miriam R. Lurie Philanthropic
Fund, The Jewish Federation Cincinnati
Marketing Research Services, Inc.
Bob and Mamie Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Mayernik
Mr. Thomas Mench
Frank Messer & Sons Construction Co.
Milford High School
Miller-Valentine Group
Graham Edwin and Sharon Janosik Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Moccia
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Morison
Mr. Daniel Moroski
Mr. Frederic D. Mosher
Mt. Washington Presbyterian Church
Ms. Paula Neises
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Olson
Pampered Chef
Mr. Stephan Pelikan and Ms. Anita Buck
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Powers
Pricewaterhouse Coopers
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Przywara
Ms. Sylvia Kay Puryear
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt L. Reiber
Jack and Moe Rouse Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Ms. Ann M. Ruchhoft
Sargento Foods Inc.
Mr. Robert B. Sathe
Sauerland Foundation
Ms. Julie Schaber
Scherr Charitable Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Schiff, Jr.
Sharonville License Bureau
Simply Giving Philanthropic Fund
via The Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
Endowment Fund
Spanda Group, LLC
Gary and Nancy Strassel
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Sturdivant
The Sunflower Group
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tanner
Alyce and Bud Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Tobergte
Mr. Neil W. Tollas and Ms. Janet Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Tracy
Ms. E. W. Marshall Tucker
University of Cincinnati Greek Week
United Way of Metro Chicago
Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Wayne
Mr. and Mrs. Warren F. Weber
Mr. Edward Wells
David F. and Sara K. Weston Fund
WhiteWave Foods Company
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus K. Wilkins
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Williams
Winery Exchange
Isaac M. Wise Temple
Mr. and Mrs. Jay V. Wittenbaum
Ms. Amy Wright
Wyler Family Foundation
Individuals who annually
contribute $1,000 - $2,499
Gifts of $1,000 or more
Anonymous (8)
Anonymous Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
10K TD Run
AdvancePierre Foods
Mrs. Suzanne R. Albert
All Occasions Event Rental
Alliance Data
Alliance of Crop, Soil
and Environmental Science Societies
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Allie
Allusions Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Almquist
Mr. Robert Alonso
Ms. Shannon Altschuler
American Association
of University Professors
Ms. Harriet G. Anderson
Helen T. Andrews Foundation
Armand Antommaria
Dr. and Mrs. Les Appel
Architects Plus, Inc.
Aristech Acrylics LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey N. Armitage
Ms. Uma V. Ashar
Mr. Kevin Atkinson
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Augspurger
Ms. Yvette Ault
AXA Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Bailey
Mrs. Lauren Bailey
Ms. Claire Solot and Mr. Sinjin Bain
Mr. and Mrs. William Bajorek
Bakery Crafts
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Barnes
Barrett & Weber
Mr. Ronald P. Beck and Dr. David Beck
Sandra & Jerry Bedacht Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Michael Beeby
Beech Fork Missionary Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bell
Mr. Craig D. Benhase
Ms. Stacy Beresh
Beresh Pain Management, Inc
Susan Berman-Sill Estate
Mrs. Miriam G. Bernstein
Mr. George M. Berry
Besl Transfer Company
Jennifer and Daniel Beyerbach
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Bierer
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lee Bills
Ms. Victoria Bischoff
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Bish
Bishop Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Katie and Troy Blackburn
Blank Rome Comisky & McCauley
Rosemary H. & Frank Bloom Special Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Blue Ash Protective Association, Inc.
BNY Mellon
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Bodnar
Mrs. Peggy Bohlin
Ms. Martha P. Bolognini
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Bond
Dr. Janet A. Borcherding
Ms. Nancy R. Bowers
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Boymel
Mrs. Ellen Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brady
Brands Insurance Agency, Inc..
Ms. Reeta H. Brendamour
Mrs. Virginia L Brezinski
Mrs. Constance E. Bromberg
Mr. Scott Brooks
Michael R. and Ann Brown
Brown Family Foundation Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thane R. Brown
Drs. Ronald and Melanie Brubaker
Mr. Walter Brueggemann
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Burke
Mr. Brad Burlew
Burress Temple Apostolic Church
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Butkovich
Ms. Angie Butta
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Byczkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Calder
Mr. Mark Caner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Caney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Cash
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Chadwell
Ms. Janet R. Champlin
Mr. Lesta Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Chapel
Chemed Corporation
Chemed Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Chewning
Christ Church Glendale
Church of the Resurrection
Church World Service
Cincinnati Asset Management
Cincinnati Friends of Charity
Cincinnati Interagency FCU
(& US EPA and NIOSH Communities)
Cincinnati Magazine
Cincy Customs Street Machines
Mr. and Mrs. John Clancy
Ms. Norma Clark
Ms. Rheba Clark
Ms. MariaAntionette Clayborne
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Clayton
Mr. William J. Cloppert
Cohen, Todd, Kite & Stanford
Coho Creative
Mr. and Mrs. Alton L. Collins
Community Shares
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Compton
Mr. Philip K. Cone and Mrs. Anne L. Cone
Mr. Michael J. Conliss
Connolly Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Cook
Edgemere Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
David and Yvonne Cooper Fund
of Fidelity Charitable
Albert B. Cord Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. Couch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Coughlin
Mr. Terrence M. Crawford
Mrs. Nanette Crow
Mrs. Shannon Crutchfield
Mr. Glenn Culbertson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Culshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Cuni
Mr. and Mrs. Kent W. Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Curry
Mr. Douglass L. Custis
Ms. Anne Dagenbach
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Darling
Darmanin/Dickerson Family Fund
of Fidelity Charitable
Ms. Mary G. Davis
Day of Caring
Mr. Michael L. Dennemann
Designer Donations for Cincinnati Charities
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Diamond
Mrs. Audrey C. Dierker
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Diesbach
David and Dee Dillon Fund
of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Michael Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Dobranski
Dr. Walter E. Donnelly, Jr.
Deborah J. and Edward F. Donovan
Charitable Gift Fund
Dressman, Benzinger, LaVelle PSC
Mr. Brian Driscoll
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Droege
Dunsker Family Fund of
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
E.B. Miller Contracting, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Ebbeler
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Ebner
Mr. Chopper A. Eckhoff
Mr. Jimmy C. Edwards
Mrs. Karen Edwards
Ms. Mary M. Ehler
Mrs. Katherine Elder
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Ellis, III
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Endres
Erdman Charitable Trust
of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
James E. Evans Foundation
Mr. D. Eugene Ewing
Ms. Claudia K. Eyler
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Faul
Federal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati
Mr. John Russell Feldkamp
Fencl Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Ferguson
First Christian Church
First Financial Bank
Mr. Lee W. Fiser, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fisk
Mr. Steven E. Fleissner
FORPSYCH: A Forensic Psychology Practice
David A. & Maryanne F. Foster Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mrs. Linda Foster
Mr. William Foster
Mr. Michael Fox
Ms. Margaret L. Frede
Our Donors July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012
Mr. and Mrs. James Freson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Friedmann
Ms. Carol S. Friel
Mrs. Lisa Fritz
Harry F. and Mary Ann Fry Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Gailey
Gannett Foundation
Ms. Kelley Gardner
Mr. John Gatch
GCGA Physicians, Inc.
Mr. Larry Geiger
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Geiser
General Electric Company
Mr. and Mrs. W. Brian Gibler
Gibson Family Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Gilman Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Jim and Linda Girbert
Giving Tree Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Glendale Place Care Center, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Gockerman
Ms. Jacqueline Golay
David W. and Frances H. Goldman Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Arlene Golebiewski Fund
of Fidelity Charitable
Mr. Keith Gossage
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gougeon
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Grannan
Grant Thornton LLP
Graydon, Head & Ritchey
General Mills Outnumber Hunger
Mr. Joseph N. Green
Dr. and Mrs. David Greenfield
Ms. Melinda Greenwood
Mr. Donald E. Griffith
Ms. Ann Grimm
Grisemer Family Charitable Trust
Mr. William F. Groneman and
Ms. Maureen Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Grout
Mr. and Mrs. Cary D. Gutbezahl
Mr. Arthur Haack
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hackett
Nick and Barbara Hahn
Mike and Rena Haines, Schwab
Charitable Fund
Mr. Andy Hajjar
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Hammersmith
Mr. Mike Hammond
Hardy Foundation Inc.
Harmann Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Harrison Home Bakery
Mr. Edward A. Harvey
Hattemer Heart Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Douglas & Linda Hawley Family
Donor Advised Fund,
Johnson Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. Craig A. Hayden
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Hayden III
Hayden Family Trust
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Heath
Stan and Sharon Heck
Mr. and Mrs. John Heil
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Heinold
Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Heintzelman
George L. & Anne P. Heldman Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Hengehold
Warren and Bernice Hensel Foundation
Robin Herrell
Heuer Family Fund
Hillman Group
Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Hilvert
Mr. Frederick W. Hinkle
Marilyn P. and Joseph W. Hirschhorn Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Harry R. Hoerr
Mr. Hugh H. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holliday
Homan Foundation
Home City Ice Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Hopping
Ms. Janet Houston
Ms. Mabel T. Howatt
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Hube
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Huesing
Mr. Bradley Hughes and Ms. Karen Hughes
Human Nature
Mr. Steve Huseman
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Hutton
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart W. Jackson, III
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Jacobs
Ms. Dottie L. Janson
Rev. Susan L. Jelinek
Ms. Helgi Jobe
Ms. Susan K. Jocketty
Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Johnson
Mr. Raymond Lee Johnson
Johnson & Johnson
Ms. Tara Johnson-Nitzberg
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Jones
Hon. Nathaniel R. Jones
Steven & Carolyn Jones Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Kahle
Dave and Kathy Kammerer Family
Charitable Fund
Ms. Julia Hawgood and Mr. Harry Kangis
Dr. Daniel S. Kanter and Dr. Mary E. Sutton
Mr. Nolan Kaplan
Mr. Brian Keane and
Ms. Katherine E. Yutzey
Tom and TJ Keen
Ms. Arleene Keller
Ms. Kate A. Kelley
Ms. Ellen Ann Kellogg
Dr. Richard F. Kempczinski
Dr. Susan Kemper
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Kendall, Jr.
Ms. Angela J. Kern
Ms. Sharon A. Kerns and
Mr. Michael W. Birck
KeyBank Foundation
Mr. Ashok Khosla
Mr. Prem K. Khosla and
Dr. Nandini N. Khosla
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. King
Ms. Marilyn G. Kinne
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Kirkpatrick
Mr. Justin Kittle
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Kitzmiller
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Klosterman
Mrs. Anna Klousis
Mr. Kelly Koch
Frederick G. and Joyce G. Koehler Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Ms. Douglas J. Koo
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Koob
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Korn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Kosky
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kramer, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kreeger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Kretschmer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Krone
Mr. Michael Kuechenmeister
Mr. Thomas A. Kuhn
Dr. Thomas J. Kunkel
Mr. and Mrs. George Kurz
Ms. Elesa M. Labanz
Ms. Sally F. Laird
Mrs. Elizabeth H. LaMacchia
John and Susie Lame Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Lammert
Ms. Mary Letty Lavely
Mrs. Jean E. Lemon
J. Timothy and Mary D. Leonard Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Leugers, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry D. Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewellen
Ms. Jenna Lindsey
Saundra and Steve Linn
Dr. Douglas H. Linz and
Dr. Deborah A. Middaugh
Lockspeiser Philanthropic Fund
of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
Lodge Care Center
Lodge Retirement Community
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Loewenstine
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Lovell
Ms. Debra Lower
Mr. Robert D. Lowndes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ludy
Ms. Lizabeth Lukes
Virginia Stix Lurie Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundatin
Harry J. Lyness
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Lyon
Ms. Lindsey W. Lyon
M.C. Steel & Crane Service
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Madden
Mr. John Majoras
Maly Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Manes
Mannequin Boutique
Mrs. Deanna Manning
Market6, Inc.
Marriott International Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Martin
Mr. William Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martini
Ms. Josephine J. Martino
Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Mastman
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Matlock
Matta Foundation
Ms. Eula B. Mattheis
Mr. and Mrs. Randall S. Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang Mayer
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy McCarren
Ms. Erin E. McDonough
Ms. Kaycee McGinley and
Mr. Dwight Ellingwood
Mr. Powell McHenry
Ms. Edith McKee
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McMahon
Mr. Robert A. McMahon
Ms. Amy McManus
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McNerney
Dr. and Mrs. Hayden E. Meeker, III
Web and Rose Meier Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Lewis Mergler
Beryl and Helen Merritt Charitable Fund
of the Bank of America
Dr. and Mrs. Roger Meyer
Miami University
Midwest Textile and Home
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Millard
Mr. Gary H. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mills
Mr. Louis G. Minham
Mrs. Krista Moeller
Ms. Jan T. Montague
Mr. William L. Montague
Mr. Mark Moorman
Mr. and Mrs. David Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Morgan, Jr.
Mr. Marvin Morris
Ms. Suzanne Morrissey
Mrs. Susan S. Mosher
Mr. John Moster
Motch Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Sean Mullins
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mulvey
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Munch
Mr. and Mrs. George Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Murphy
Mr. Brian Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Myers
Nativity CODE
Mrs. Mary T. Naylor
National Christian Foundation
Mr. Charles F. Neffle
New Mission Missionary Baptist Church
Mr. Roger Newport
Mr. Raymond A. Neyer
Agnes Nordloh Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. James Nordlund
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Nordlund
Ms. Suzette Norgren
Oak Creek Terrace
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. O’Brien
Mr. Kevin R. O’Bryan
Episcopal Society of Christ Church
Ohio National Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Olson
Omega Processing Solutions
Ray Osborne
Mr. Nicholas P. Ostrosky
Dr. and Mrs. Albert F. Painter
Ms. Rose Anne Palmieri
St. Saviour Parish
Hyman And Bessie Passman
Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Paternoster
Dr. Bonnie Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. E. Stephen Payne
Mr. David C. Payton
Mr. Jeffrey F. Peck
John W. and Marianne Peck Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Robert C. Pellegrino
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Perbix
Mr. and Mrs. Scot D. Perlman
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Peters
Mr. Stephen J. Peterson
George and Amy Polley Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Dr. Gerald T. Powers
Ms. Gail Prather
Mr. Willets Prosser, Jr.
Quality Towing & Equipment Moving
Mr. Mitchell P. Quint
Ms. Martha H. Ragland
Ms. Judith R. Ragsdale and
Dr. Lesley Doughty
Sue & Jerry Ransohoff Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ray
Dr. Ali Razavi and Mr. Guity Razavi
RBC Capital Markets Corporation
Ms. Rachel M. Reardon
Recreations Outlet
Dr. and Mrs. Joel R. Reginelli
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Reigle
August A. Rendigs, Jr. Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. W. Emerson Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Richter
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Riddle
Mrs. George Rieveschl
Ms. Beverly S. Risner
Mr. Thomas E. Roberts
Ms. Cynthia Robertson
Mrs. Dianna Robertson-Fordyce
Sferra Robinson Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. G. Thomas Rocklin
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Rosenberry
Ms. Laura Rosenblum
Marianne R. Rowe Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Brian and Jill Rowe Foundation
Royal Paper Stock Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Dana Rudolph
Deacon and Mrs. Tom L. Runge
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Rusk
Mr. John M. Russell
Dr. Ronald A. Sachs
Ms. Mary Beth Salyers
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Savage
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Scheper
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Schiess
Ms. Donna L. Schiff
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Schlueter
Peter and Marina Schmid Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Michael and Judith Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Schmitz
Dr. David Schneider
Dr. and Mrs. Meyer R. Schneider
Ms. Diane Schneiderman
Mr. John Schnetzer, Sr.
Ms. Nancy Schofield
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Schulenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Schulman
Mrs. Charlotte Schulman
Elder/Schwarzer Family Fund
of Schwab Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford E. Scott
Mr. and Ms. Brian D. Sebastian
Mr. Randy Seeley
Alvin E. & Margaret H. Seeman Charitable
Foundation, PNC Wealth Management
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Seibert, Jr.
Mr. F. Peter Seidel
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Seith
Ms. Grace Sferra
Mr. and Mrs. Vishnoo W. Shahani
Ms. Susan E. Sharp
Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Sheffer
Mr. and Mrs. Keven E. Shell
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Sinclaire, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Singer
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Sinkula
Ms. Linn M. Sinnott
Ms. Elizabeth Curtis Sittenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Sittenfeld
Ms. Suki Skidmore
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Slageter
Smale Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Smale, Jr.
Dr. Wiley R. Smith, Jr.
Mr. Jonathan and Erin Snelting
Ms. Martha Solano
Southern Gateway Chorus
Ms. Melanie Spaedy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. St. Martin
St. Paul’s Food Pantry
St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Stacey
Ms. Christine Stamler
The Standard Employee Giving Campaign
Employee Donations
Mr. Craig C. Standen
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Stanton
Dr. K. Scott Starks
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Stautberg
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Steffen
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Steinhard
James and Kathleen Stengel Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Jeffrey Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Stevenson
Steves/Ward Charitable Fund,
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Ms. Elizabeth Stoehr
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Stradling, Jr.
Ms. Barbara N. Stratman
Mrs. Janet Street
Dr. Susan R. Strick
Mr. and Mrs. George G. Strietmann
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stuparyk
Mr. and Mrs. George Suckarieh
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Swartzel
Mr. Chad Taake
Mr. Robert Tait, III
Ms. Beth Talbert
Mr. David Taylor
Ms. Gail J. Taylor
Techau’s Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William Tedrick, Jr.
TGI Friday’s - Kenwood
TGI Friday’s - Northgate
Mr. and Mrs. Abbot A. Thayer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Theiss, II
Mrs. Lynda Thomas
Thompson Hine LLP
Timberhill Ltd. Foundation
Transducers Direct LLC
Mr. Burr J. Travis
Tri-State Paving
Mr. and Mrs. James Troutt
Marcia Brady Tucker Foundation
UBS Employee Giving Programs
Union Central
United Dairy Farmers
UnitedHealth Group
Dr. Chandrasekar Vaidyanathan
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Van Oflen
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Vanderschueren
Vineyard Christian Church
Herbert Vonderheide Gift Fund
of Fidelity Charitable
Mr. James J. Wahl
Mr. Erich W. Walder
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Walker
Ms. Alberta S. Wardlaw and Ms. Sally Cuni
Ms. Anne E. Weinkam
Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Wendel
Wesner Family Gift Fund
of Fidelity Charitable
Western Hills Retirement Village
Western-Southern Life Ins. Co.
Mr. Franklin H. White
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Whitney
Ms. Carolyn Y. Wiedamann
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Wiggers
Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Wilhelm
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Wilhelm
Mr. William Williams
Ms. Beverly Willson
Mr. Michael G. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Wilson
Winegardner & Hammons, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Winters
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Winters
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Witt, Jr.
Mr. Lothar F. Witt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Witte
Mr. and Mrs. M. Bruce Wittenbaum
Ms. Virginia G. Wittmer
Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Wones
Cheryl Wood
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Wood
T.J. Hilda Wood Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Woods
Mr. George M. Wyatt and
Ms. Cheryl A. Stewart
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Yauss
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Yoder
Mr. and Mrs. Kim William Zerby
Mr. Richard Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Zofkie
Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Zorn, Jr.
Mr. Carl Zugelter
Individuals who annually
contribute $500 - $999
Gifts of $500 or more
Anonymous (12)
Anonymous Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
21c Cincinnati Operations LLC
Ms. Katherine L. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Adams
Mr. James A. Adler
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Ahlrichs
Ms. Robin Ahrens
Mr. William C. Akers
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Albers
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Albin
Mrs. Anne M. Alverson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Ambach
American Modern Home Insurance
Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Anderson, Jr.
Ms. Julia R. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew T. Anderson
Mr. Daniel E. Ansel
Anthony Cole Training Group, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Arken
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Armsey
Arthur Murray Dance Center
Arts’ Rental Equipment
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Assell
Mr. and Mrs. Larry B. Austing
Mr. David J. Backscheider
Ms. Patricia Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bakst
Mr. William S. Ball, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bang
Mr. Richard Barnett
Mr. Randy Bartell
Mr. Daniel J. Bartley
Mrs. Annette R Bartolo
Bassett Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Ms. Minakshi Basu
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bates
Mrs. Joan S. Bath
Mr. Nicholas C. Bauer
Ms. Barbara Bausmith
Ms. Neva Lorraine Becker
Beech Fork Missionary Fund
Ms. Sally D. Belknap
Mrs. Teresa W. Benson and
Mr. Gordon B. Benson
Mr. Leonard H. Berenfield
Mrs. Ellen Berghamer
Mr. David Berry
Richard L. Betagole Philanthropic Fund
of the Jewish Federation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Betagole
Mr. and Mrs. James Betsch
Mr. and Mrs. William Bick
Ms. Eliza L. Biederman
Mrs. Mary Louise Bihn
Ms. Mary Ann Binder
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Binzer
Mr. Jeffrey Bischoff
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Biscopink
Mr. and Mrs. John Bismayer
Eric Bissonette
Mr. Fred W. Blackburn
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Blair
Dr. Maria Blake and Mr. Mel Stampe
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Bloch
Dr. Jeffrey Bloomer
Mrs. Pamela Jeanne Blosser
Blue Ash Educational Building
Ms. Barbara L. Blum
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Boberg
Mr. Mark Bodnar
Mr. James M. Boehm
Mr. Robert L. Bogenschutz
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bolling
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Bookmyer
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Borgemenke
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Bowden
Bowling Portfolio Management LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bowman
Mrs. Linda Bradford
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Bradley, III
Mr. and Mrs. Steve R. Brassfield
Mr. David A. Bray
Ms. Sheila Bray
Mr. Thomas W. Brennaman
Ms. Barbara L. Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. J. Leland Brewster
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Britton
John S. and Elizabeth L. Brod Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Kelly A. Brown
Mr. Kevin Brown
Mr. M. Ray Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brown
Mr. Nate Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Brown, III
Ms. Tia Brueggemann
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brumfield
Mr. Michael L. Bruner
Mr. Alfred Brunner
Mr. Kiel Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Buchanan
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Buffington
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bugenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bunnell
Mr. Charles B. Burford
Mr. Joseph W. Burke
Burke Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Burns
Mrs. Rebecca Bursk
Ms. Priscilla Byer
Mrs. Jacqueline E. Calloway
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G. Calo
Ms. Nettie M. Canada
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Carlson
Ms. Vivienne A. Carlson
Dr. Terry Carrigan
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carroll
Mr. Robert E. Carson
Mr. Russell E. Carson
Mr. Ernest A. Casanta
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Castrucci
Centene Corporation
Ms. Mary Rachel Chambers
Charitable Foundation USA
Sisters Of Charity
Ms. Geraldine V. Chavez
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Chavez Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Chernick
Mrs. Carla Nocera Cherry
Mr. Stanley M. Chesley and
Judge Susan Dlott
Chevron Humankind
Matching Gift Program
John and Cecelia Chewning
Ms. Frances Cheyne
Mr. David W. Chrislip
Cincinnati Chrome Divas
Cincinnati Woman’s Club Foundation
Mr. John Clark
Ms. Alice C. Clay
Mr. Joseph E. Cluxton
COACH Matching Gift Program
Philip and Sheila Cohen Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Coldwell Banker West Shell Foundation
Mr. Robert L. Collins
Dr. and Mrs. V. Franklin Colon
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Colucci
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Comerford
Comey & Shepherd Realtors
Dr. Pearl J. Compaan
Mr. Matthew A. Connor
Peg Conway
Ms. Barbara J. Cook and
Mr. Michael Mooney
Ms. Bernice A. Cooper
Ms. Jill Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Burt T Corbin
Mr. and Mrs. Donald I. Corken, Jr.
Audrey and Barry Cors Family Fund
of the Greater Cincinnati Fouindation
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence R. Cosgrove
Cosmopolitan Hall, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. William Costello
Ms. Betty Coulter
Mrs. and Mrs. Adrian Coxhead
Mr. and Mrs. Jon W. Craig
Ms. Kristine K. Crane
CRAVE - Cincinnati
Croatian Foundation of America
Crown Lift Trucks
Marsha and Kenneth Croxton
Mr. James Crumpler, Sr.
Mrs. Marianna H. Cruse
Mr. Douglas W. Cutshall
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Dahlem
Mr. and Mrs. Denis G. Daly
Mr. Tom Daulton
Mr. Louis M. Dauner
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Davidow
Mr. Ralph Davidow
Ms. Susannah Davids
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Dayton
Ms. Patricia A. Deaton
Dr. Alexander M. Della Bella
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dettmer
Ms. Donna H. Deye
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Dickhoner
Ms. Teresa Dicolandrea
Dinsmore & Shohl LLP
Mr. Griffin Dixon
Judith J. Dockendorff
Mr. Michael A. Doherty
Ms. M. Joyce Donnellon
Mr. Jack Douglass
Mr. Robert G. Driehaus
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Druffel
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Patrick D. Dugan
Ms. Laura E. Dumancic
Mrs. Suzanne F. Dunbar
Mr. Bradley J. Dunn and
Mrs. Karen M. Petrosky
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Dunn
Ms. Judith S. Dusterberg
Lori Dutton
Mr. Michael Thomson Earley
Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Easley
Jennifer and William Ebelhar
Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Eby
Ms. Kathy S. Edelstein
Ms. Claire M. Edgell
Mr. and Mrs. G. Norman Egner
Mr. Donald Eichenseer
Mr. Aaron Eisel
Electrodyne Company, Inc.
Ms. Elizabeth A. Elliott
Tammi Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard A. Ellspermann
Mr. James Elsener
Episcopal Retirement Homes, Inc.
Esselman Family Gift Fund
of Fidelity Charitable
EST Analytical
Mr. Joseph H. Evelo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Faelten
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Fairbanks
Faith Lutheran Church
Mrs. Sylvie H. Falk
Ms. Mary Ann Falter
Fast Park
Feeding Indiana’s Hungry Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Fein
Mr. Robert P. Fetters
Ms. Anna W. Fields
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Filak, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Laughton Fine
First Financial Bank, FFC Fun Committee
Dr. and Mrs. Danny Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Cary G. Fitzhugh
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Fitzpatrick, Jr.
John and Mary Fleischman
Ms. Rebecca A. Flesch
Mr. Winston Folkers
Mr. Dieter Forthuber
Bill and Joy Fotsch Family Fund
of Fidelity Charitable
Mr. J. Kevin Fox
Ms. Brenda Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Franks
Mr. Paul Franz
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Freeman
Ms. Mary Friemoth
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Frooman
Mr. Michael A. Frye
Dr. Rick Fulwiler
Gallagher SKS
Mrs. Janet C. Gallenstein
Mr. Jeffrey Galles
Ms. Deborah E. Gamble
Gamma Phi Beta Sorority
Mrs. Lisa M. Gannon
Ms. Pauline A. Gardner
Ms. Katherine Gates
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gattermeyer
Mrs. Eileen D. Gazzillo
GE United Way Campaign
Mr. Ernst G. Gebhardt and
Ms. Cynthia L. Reinhart
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Gerson
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Gerwin
Ms. Kathleen Gibboney
Mr. Thomas A. Gilchrist
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gillens
Ms. Nancy M. Gilligan
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Ginty
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H. Gist
Sharad and Jasleen Goel
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Goldman
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn S Gollobin
Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Good
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Mr. Louis C. Graeter
Ms. Susan E. Grathwohl
Ms. Stephanie Graves-Hamilton
Mr. John P. Gray
Greater Cincinnati Chief Petty Officers
Greater Cincinnati U.A.W.
Community Action Program
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Grebe
Mr. and Mrs. Darwin E. Grener
Mr. Robert H. Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Groeschen
Mr. Steven R Groh
Ms. Mary Dean Grote
Mr. Jeffrey T. Grothaus
Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Gruber
Mr. Paul Guenther
C. Gustus
Louis and Beth Guttman
Philanthropic Fund of the
Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
Haaf Gift Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Mrs. Sonya J. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hanavan
Hands of Light Chiropractic Care
Mr. Richard H. Haneberg
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Hannan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Hanrahan
Ms. Jennifer Hardenbrook
Ms. Cheryl Harden-Love
Ms. Alicia B. Hardin
Mr. David Harmes
Mr. Steven Harmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Harms
William & Mary Harrington Fund
of the U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
Ms. Martha Harris
Ms. Sandra Hartlaub
Mrs. Christina Hartlieb-Reichardt
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Hartoin
Ms. Robin Haugen
Ms. Louise K. Hausman
Ms. R. M. Haussermann
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Haverkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Head, III
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Healey
Mrs. Debra E. Heidrich
Ms. Bernice W. Heinze
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Heis
Mr. John R Helmick
Henderson Family Fund
of Fidelity Charitable
Dr. Jane Henney and Dr. Robert Graham
Mr. Carl S. Hennigen
Mr. Ted F. Henschen
Ms. Thelma Herbert
Mr. Tom Herbert
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Herche
Mr. and Mrs. William Herkamp
Mary Joan Herzog Charitable Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Hickman Williams & Company
Dr. and Mrs. Todd L. Hicks
Ms. Jennifer L. Hilbish
Ms. Myka Hill
Ms. Mary M. Hilleary
Sue and John Hillis
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Hinger
Barbara S. and Richard G. Hoefinghoff
Family Fund of The Greater
Cincinnati Foundation
Ms. Eileen Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. Hollenbeck
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Holmes, Jr.
Holy Trinity - St. Nicholas
Greek Orthodox Church
Mr. Ralph G. Honican
Ms. Debra S. Horn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Hornung
Mr. Ray C. House
Mr. David C. Hovde
Ms. Larrie M. Howard
Mr. Terrence Howe
Ms. Heather P. Howes
Mr. Dale A. Hoyt
Mr. Charles Huff
Mr. Larry Hug
Ms. Catherine Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Hughes
Ms. Janice M. Huy
Hyatt Regency Cincinnati
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Hyek
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Hynden
Inetu Inc.
Mr. Wilbur H. Ingels
Mr. and Mrs. David A Isaac
Ms. Elizabeth Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart H. Jacobs
Ms. Shena Potter Jaffee
Paula Jameison-Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus S. Jaroszewicz
Mr. Oscar L L. Jenkins
Mr. Raymond A. Jeter
Ms. Laurie Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Jones
Ms. Leslie C. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Julian
Jung Family Donor-Advised Account
of Johnson Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. J. Eric Kamfjord
Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Kant
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kaskie
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Keating
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Keenan
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome W. Keller
Mrs. Kathleen Kelley-Hauer
Don & Rebecca Kelm
Mr. Paul A Kennedy
Mr. Timothy Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Keough
Dr. Carolyn M. Kercsmar and
Dr. Robert E. Bast
Mr. Kenneth H. Kerr
Mr. Timothy Kerr and Dr. Grace B. Kerr
Ms. Jeanine K. Kieffer
Mrs. Georgia S. Kightlinger
Ms. Geneva Kincer
Mr. and Mrs. Lionel R. King
Mrs. Tana Kirkbride
Mr. Barry Kirschner
Mr. John Kling
Mr. David J. Knutson and
Mrs. Anna M. Goldhahn
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Kopke
Mr. Stephen Kralovic
Mr. Curt S. Kuhn
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kwiatkowski
Robert & Chantal Lach Foundation
Mr. Christopher Lahna and
Ms. Meredith Schnug
Mrs. Phyllis C. Landrum
Miss Amethyst Landry
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lane
Mr. Mark Lape
Mrs. Bea Larsen
Laufenburg Family Charitable Fund
Ms. Joyce Laughlin
Mrs. Robert S. Leake
Mr. Brian A. Leary
Mr. Harrison Lee
Ms. Arline LeGere
Lisa and Steve Lemen
Mr. and Mrs. James Lenhoff
Mr. Jim Letton
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Levin
LexisNexis Cares
Ms. Deanne M. Lind
Ms. Andrea E. Lippelman
David & Marianne Locke
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Lockwood
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Loje
LOMA Society of Ohio
Mr. James F. Loomis
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Loos
David & Margaret Lopez Charitable Gift
Account of Fidelity Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart P. Lowitz
Madeleine Ludlow
Mr. and Mrs. John-Peter Lund
Mr. Joseph Lustik
Ms. Dana Lykins
Rev. and Mrs. Damon Lynch, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lynn
Mr. and Mrs. John A. MacLeod, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Maines
Mr. Ronald R. Major
Ms. Joan Mandel
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mandel
Ms. Mary Alice Manley
Ms. Peggy Ann Markstein
Mrs. Morita Marmo
Ms. Marianne Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Martell
Mr. and Mrs. David Martin
Mr. David W. Martin
Mr. Michael Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Martina
Martindell Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Marx
J. Cromer Mashburn Family Foundation
Ms. Sharon Massman
Ms. Jamie Mather
Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Mattis
Ms. Terri Mauntel
Ms. Shelly Maxwell
Dr. Joseph P. Mayer, Jr.
The Mayerson Company
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mayhew
Drs. Brian and Janice McConville
Mr. Gregory J. McCormick
Mr. Patrick McCullough
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R McDonnell
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. McGavran
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McGehee
Mr. and Mrs. Tom F. McGill, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGrath
Ms. Barbara McGrew
Ms. Joyce McIntosh
Mrs. Eileen McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McSwiggin
Mr. Terry Meadors
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Meiners
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Mellott, Jr.
Dr. Kristin R. Melton
Ray and Diane Menchhofer Charitable Fund
of Vanguard Charitable
Mr. Harody S. Mendez
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Menkhaus
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Menninger, Jr.
Merck Employee Giving Campaign
Ms. Sandra M. Mertes
Mr. Peter Mesrin
Ms. Deborah Messmer
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Kent Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Meyer
Ms. L. Pamela Meyers
Beth Meyerson
Microsoft Corporation
Midway School
Ann B. Miller and Karol Mackey
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Miller
Mrs. Jo Ann E. Miller
Dr. Zevi Miller and Ms. Ruth Engel
Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Minnillo
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Mintzer
Byron Mischen
Lincoln Heights Missionary Baptist Church
Mr. Theodore R. Mitchel
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mitchell, III
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Moeggenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Moeller
Ms. Sally Moffitt
Ms. Sharlene Mohr
Mr. Steven Mombach and
Ms. Susan Brenner
Mrs. Sally L. Monroe
Moody’s Foundation Matching Gift Program
Ms. Michelle L. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Moorhead
Moosman Family Farms II LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Richard P. Morin
Ms. Linda Morris
Mr. and Mrs. T. John Morris
George and Sarah Morrison
Janice Coppage Mortenson Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mrs. Elizabeth Mossburger
Mr. John Muench
Jeffrey Muntel
Mr. John Murray
Mr. Jordan Muse
Mr. Gerald J. Mushaben
Nabama Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ken R. Neiheisel
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Nelson
Network For Good
Mrs. Amy Neuzil
Dr. James W. Newberne
Al Neyer, Inc. Foundation
Ms. Anne Niehaus
Mr. Claude Noe
Ms. Catherine Noell
Timothy and Margaret Nolan
Mr. Jerry Nordman
Ms. Martha Jane Nordsieck
Norfolk Southern Corp
Peter Okin
Mr. Dennis G Olver
Kelly O’Neill
Mrs. Karen L. Oney
Mr. David Orr
Mrs. Muriel Osher
Ms. Gale Ossenbeck
Ms. Karen L. Osswald
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Osswald
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Osterman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Ottenjohn
Mrs. M. W. Overhoff
Mr. Wayne J. Owens
Palazzolo Mfg. Co.
Mr. and Mrs. R. David Palmer
Pappas Restaurant, Inc.
Paul A. Pappenheimer, Jr. Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Parks
Ms. Cynthia Parrish
Mr. Matthew Paul
Mr. and Mrs. James Anthony Paulin
Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Paulsen
Ms. Charlotte J. Pearn
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Pedersen
Ms. Anna Peko
Mr. Doug Pendery
Ms. Patricia L. Pendleton
Mr. Leland Person
Ms. Sarah Pfleghaar
Dr. and Mrs. Steven P. Pieper
Pinnacle Solutions Groups, Inc.
Pisegna Family Fund of Fidelity Charitable
PNC Foundation Matching Gift Program
Ms. Eveline Poe
Mr. Hector Acevedo Polanco
Mr. Ken Popham
Mrs. Lisa R Potter
The William Powell Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Prather
Pray Family Charitable Fund
of Fidelity Charitable
Premium Retail Services
Presidential Plaza Associates, LTD
Mr. Joseph J. Prince
Mr. and Mrs. Dale W. Pritchett
Progressive Casuality Insurance Co.
Mr. Kevin E. Prows
Mr. Adam Puccini
Mr. Robert E Puthoff
Drs. Ambrose and Mary Puttmann
Pythian Sisters of Ohio
Ms. Ami Qualls
Mr. Michael R Quinn
Ms. Cynthia A. Radziwon
Marty Rahe
Mr. Robert Raines
Mrs. Sheryl Rainwater
Mr. and Mrs. Jawahar Rajpal
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold L. Ralenkotter
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Randall
Mrs. Ann Reber
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Reed
Mr. Constantine Regas
Rick & Kathy Reinhart Fund
of Fidelity Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Reis
Mr. Michael J. Rench
Mr. Brian J. Resnick
Miss Janet R. Reuter
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Ricke
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Riffe, II
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Riggs
Mr. Nicholas Ripberger
Ms. Alice K. Roberts
Mr. Amos Robinson
Rev. Joseph A. Robinson
Mr. Ken Robinson
Muddie Robinson
Mr. William T. Robinson III
Mr. Wolf Roder
Ms. Judith Roesch
Mr. Greg Rogers
Ms. Ruby Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Rohling
Ms. Jeanne Rosario
Ms. Barbara Rose
Roselle Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Rosenthal
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth W Rothe
Royal Gems & Jewelry Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Rozzi
Dr. Aaron Ruhalter
Mr. Mark J. Rumpke
Dr. Lorraine Rust-Kileen
D. Sangeeta
Mr. Philip Santoro
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sanzere
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A. Saunders, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Savage
Mr. Glenn E. Schaaf
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Schiermyer
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Schlipf
Ms. Karen A. Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Schmitz
Ms. Judith Schneider
Ms. Susan C. Schoenling
Ms. Judy Schulze
Mr. Keith Schutte
Mr. Philip J. Schworer
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Scott
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald B Scott
SCS Construction Services, Inc.
Mr. Robert A. Seaman
Seapine Software, Inc.
Ms. Christine Sech
Mrs. Roland Sedziol
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Selvey
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Sexton
Mr. and Mrs. Mohammed Shamma
Ms. Judith Sharp
Mr. John B. Shea, III
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Sheer
Mr. Robert A. Shingleton
Ralph T. Shipley and Mary Gaskil-Shipley
Mr. and Mrs. Tony L. Shipley
Mr. and Mrs. Bipin S. Shroff
Ms. Hema Shukla
Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Sicking, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Siegmann
Mr. Robert Joseph Siverd, Sr.
Skidmore Sales & Distributing Company, Inc.
Mr. Donald E. Smith
Mrs. Sheila M. Smith
Ms. Connie S. Sneed
Ms. Lydia L. Sowles
Ms. Janet Spadora
Ms. Julie Spanyer
Mr. Jerome H. Sparks
Mr. and Mrs. Willis R. Sparks
Mr. and Mrs. Randal F. Spear
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Sphar
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Spurlock
Mrs. Barbara P. Squeri
Vijay Srinivasa
Starbucks Coffee Company
Ms. Cynthia M. Stark
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Staubach
Ms. Elizabeth A. Stautberg
Ms. Madeline Steel
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Steger
Mr. Mark Stegman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Steiner
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Stenger
Mr. Gregory W. Stephens
Mr. Frank E. Stetter
Stevenson The Color Company
Mr. James J. Stewart
Ms. Jean G. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Ken R. Stiller
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie M. Stone
Stowe Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Strelau
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Stringer
Ms. JoAnn Strong
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Stryker
Superior Home Care Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Sutton
Dr. and Mrs. Jimmy D. Swanson
Mr. Dale A. Swisher
Mr. and Mrs. Mike A. Swofford, Sr.
Mr. Adam Symson
Dr. Thomas A. Tami and Ms. Molly T. Tami
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Tate
Ms. Michelle Taute
Ms. Natasha Taylor
Mrs. Sandra Taylor
Mr. Mark F. Thaman
Theta Phi Alpha Sorority
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Thierauf
Mr. William Thomas
Barb Thomson and Terry Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Ticotsky
Dr. and Mrs. James Tojo
Gary Tomey
Ms. Karen J Tompos
Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment
Mr. Daniel F. Tracey
Tri State Association For Corporate
Renewal, Inc.
Mr. David Troup
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Tucker
Ms. Barbara Tyirin
Ms. Sophie Z. Tyirin
UHR Rents Inc.
US Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Utz
Mr. and Mrs. James Valentine
Mr. and Mrs. Eric E. Van De Bovenkamp
Mr. Fred Van Loan
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Vanderhorst
Dr. Debra Vankuiken
Ms. Sue M. Vanney
Mr. Neal G. Vansaun
Mr. Harold Varnau
Verizon Wireless
Mr. Richard A. Vogele
Mr. Richard Volk
Volkman Family Charity Fund
of Johnson Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Volz
Ms. Carolyn A. Voss
Mr. George Vredeveld
Mr. Gregory Wagner
Ms. Jane A. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Walker
Ms. Andrea L. Wall
Dr. and Mrs. William Wallace
The Wallace Group Dentistry
For Today, Inc.
Mr. Bruce Walters
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Walton
Ms. Ann T. Warinner
Steve F. Warkany Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Victor D. Warner
Dr. Ronald E Warnick
Mr. George H. Warrington and
Ms. Drew Gores
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson B. Watts
Mr. Leonard A. Weakley
Wealth Dimensions Group, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne C. Weber
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Wells
Mr. Paul Wendland
Mr. and Mrs. David Wenning
Mrs. Martha K. Wessels
West Chester Permit, LLC
Ms. Sally Wester
Mr. William J. Weyand
Mr. Gregory Widmeyer
Our Donors July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012
Ms. Joann Wieghaus
Ms. Susan Wiley
Mr. and Mrs. C. Paul Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Williams
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Wilson, Jr.
Ms. Mary Ellen Wilson
Wilson Family Charitable Fund
of Fidelity Charitable
Mr. Charles J. Winger
Mr. Robert J. Wolfram
Robert and Lauren Woodiwiss
Ms. Linda L. Workman
Laurence J. Wulker Fund
of Fidelity Charitable
Yoga Alive
Father Matthew Young
Ms. Judith L. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Yun
Zaenkert Surveying Essentials Inc.
Mr. Denis W. Zahner
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan W. Zapf
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Zeek, Jr.
Theodore B. Zeh, Jr. Giving Fund
of Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Ms. Kim Zembrodt
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Zierolf
Zion Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. John Zorio
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Zumbiel
Gifts of $250 or more
Anonymous (6)
Anonymous Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Abraham
Ms. Jacqueline S. Acree
Imogene and C. George Acus
Ms. Christine O. Adams
Ms. Joan Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Adams
ADEX International
Adleta, Inc.
Ms. Betty Aerni
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Ahlrichs
Mr. David Akers
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Alarie
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Albertson
Dr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Steve R. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Alf
Mr. and Mrs. Damon V. Allen
Ms. Allison Allgier
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Alsobrook
Mr. Sherman J. Alter and
Dr. Kathleen A. Alter
Mr. Steven Alverson
Mr. Nicholas J. Ambrosino
American Express Foundation
Ameriprise Financial Employee
Giving Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ames
Mr. Richard L. Antoine and
Ms. Dorothy O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. William Appleton
Nestor, Althea and Aileen Aquino
Family Fund
Ms. Marcia Arentz
ARIVA Distribution Inc
Ms. Jean C. Ashcraft
Mr. Thomas A. Ashwell
Mr. Gary Atkinson
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Atkinson
Dr. Dallas Auvil
Mr. and Mrs. James Auvil
Dr. John R. Babcock, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Babey
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard B. Bacevich
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Backscheider
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bahm
Mr. and Mrs. Todd H. Bailey
Ms. Deborah M Bailey
Ms. Mary E. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Terry W. Bailey
Dr. and Mrs. Jay W. Baird
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Baker
Jesse Baker
Mr. Mark Edward Baker
William and Beverly Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Balanchuk
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Ball
Ms. Jo Ann Ballinger
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Banke
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bannen
Mr. and Mrs. Avnish K. Bansal
Mrs. Debbie Barklage
Mr. Louis Barnell
Mr. Paul Barth
Mrs. Julie S. Bartish
Mr. and Mrs. David Bartley
Mr. Cern Basher
Ms. Kathryn Basinger
Mr. Dexter K. Bastin
Dr. Eric E. Batchelor
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Batchelor
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Bauer
Ms. Jennifer Lea Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bayliss
Mr. Russell Beach
Dr. and Dr. Andrew F. Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Beck
Mr. Donald E. Beckert
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Beckman
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J Beckmann
Mr. Arthur J. Bedel
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin A. Bedree
Martene A. Beimesch Fund
of Fidelity Charitable
Ms. Lois J. Belbot
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Bell
Mrs. Pamela Bell
Mr. William H. Benagh
Mrs. Dena Benesh
Mrs. Lois G. Benjamin
Dr. John Bennet, Jr.
Ms. Eileen Bens
Ms. Holly Berckman
Andrew & Linda Berger Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Robert F. Bergholz
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Berliant
Neil Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Berns, Jr.
Mr. James T. Berry
Ms. Dawn Bertsche
Norah and Douglas Bertschy
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Besserman
Bethesda North Hospital
Ms. Margaret Betscher
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Beumer
Ms. Jane Beuttel
Ms. Catherine A Bever
John Bibler
Mr. Bret Bicknell
Mr. John L. Biederman
Ms. Nelda A. Billups
Ms. Jenifer Binnion
Mrs. William H. Bischoff
Ms. Diane S. Bishop
Ms. Carol H. Blackburn
Mr. Gifford Blaylock and Ms. Anne Reed
Ms. Marie Blersch
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Blignaut
Mr. and Mrs. David H Blocksom
Mrs. Shirlee C. Bloom
Ms. Tamara Blowers
Ms. F. Jean Bockenstette
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Boehmer
Ms. Katie Bogenschultz
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Boldt
Ms. Carolyn J. Bolten
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Bona-Hatem
Mr. James G. Boney
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Bonventre
Ms. Arlene Bookbinder
Ms. Staci Booth
Mr. William D. Borek and
Ms. Evelyn C. Joseph
Ms. Carol A. Born
Ms. Molly Bostic
Mr. David Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Boylan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boylan
Dr. Robert Brackenbury
Ms. Kathy Bradley
Mr. John T. Brady
Mr. Patrick Brady
Mr. R. William Brady
Mr. Clint A. Bramkamp
Mrs. Jeanne S. Brand
Brandicorp LLC
Mr. Steve K Branson
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Brault
Ms. Elizabeth A. Braunstein
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Breitholle
Ms. Dorothy M. Brinker
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Brinkman
Bristol-Myers Squibb Myers Foundation
Matching Gift Program
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brockert
Mr. Philip F. Brode, III
Mrs. Mary R. Broerman
Mrs. Jenny Broh
Dr. Janie Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Brown, Jr.
Ms. Dianne C. Brown
Ms. Sarah Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Terry E. Bruck
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bruggeman
Ms. Linda Bruggeman and Mr. Thomas Zeno
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brungs
Ms. Shirley W. Bruns
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bryson
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Buchanan
Ms. Juliann Bucher
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Budig
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Buescher
Build A Bear
Ms. Diane E. Bullock
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore D. Bundy
Mr. and Mrs. John Bunyan
Mr. Edward M. Burgess
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Burnett
Ms. Wendy Burnette
Mr. Alan T Burstein
Ms. Eleanor Marie Burt
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Busch
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Butler
Ms. Priscilla Butts
Mr. John Byrne
Mr. John Cahill
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cain, III
CAIN - Churches Active In Northside
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Calhoun
Mark Callahan
Dr. and Mrs. Lanthan D. Camblin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Campbell
Mr. Donald J. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wayne Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Cannon
Ms. Susan E. Cannon
Ms. Shelly Capal
Dr. and Mrs. Peter L. Caples
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Cappel
Mr. Frank Cardo
Care Mission
Mr. and Mrs. G. Gibson Carey, IV
Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Carey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Carlberg
Ms. M. Carmen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Carr
Ms. Elizabeth Carter
Ms. Marilyn Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter
Mr. Richard E. Cashman
Ms. Kayla Caskey
Dr. and Mrs. James P. Cassidy
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Cator
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Chaloult
Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Chambers
Mr. James R. Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Charak
Ms. Ella Charland
Cheney Family
Mr. Alan Chesnut
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew O. Chimsky
Ms. Sherida Chin
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Chrislip
Cincinnati Canstruction
Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
Mr. and Mrs. Denis Clark
Ms. Margaret A. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Clem
Ms. Vera Helen Clements
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Close
Ms. Wilma Cluxton
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cohen
Mr. Cecil R. Cole
Mr. Edward H. Cole, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Marc C. Colegrove
Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Coleman
Marvin Collins and Dean Colville
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Connair
Dr. Beverly Connelly
Ms. Patty Conover
Mr. Robert A. Conway
Mr. John C. Conwell
Mr. David M. Cook
Ms. Heather T. Cooley
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Copeland
Ms. Lois J. Copper
Ms. Amy Corbett
Mr. and Mrs. W. Charles Cordes
Ms. Betty D. Cowgill
Ms. Laura L. Craft
Mr. and Mrs. L. Clifford Craig
Mr. Marvin Crain
Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Crank, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Alvin Crawford
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Crew & Family
Tom and Mary Croft
Ms. Jodelle S. Crosset
Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Crossland
Mr. Matthew Curran
Mr. and Mrs. Victor S. Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Curtiss
Mrs. Janet R. Daly-Klug
Mr. Darryl Daniels
Danis Foundation Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David Danley
Mr. Michael Danowski
Ms. Katie Dart
Ms. K, Meg Davis
Mr. Larry E Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J Deangelo
Mr. Richard DeCoursey
Mr. Michael A. DeFrancesco and
Ms. Martha Fellerhoff
Ms. Kathleen J. Delaura
Dell YourCause, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Dempsey, III
Mr. Jerry Denges
Ms. Vera B. DeNittis
Mr. Vincent DeSalvo
Mr. and Mrs. Noah L. Desch
Ms. Amy Lynn Destein
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Dewees
Thomas And Florence Dewitt
Mr. F. Wayne Dickens
James Diegmueller
Mr. Thomas J. Digman
Mr. Tony Dilbert
Ms. Ellen M. Disque
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Doggett
Mr. Richard L. Doherty
Richard L. Doherty, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Dolan
Ms. Pam Dollard
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Donnellon
Mr. Matthew Dooley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Dorsey
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Douglas
Ms. Lindsey Downs
Mr. Peter C. Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Drake
Mrs. Karen A. Drees
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Dressman III
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dreyer
Ms. Marilyn A. Driehaus
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Driehaus
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Droke
Mr. and Mrs. David Dudenas
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Dufek
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dugan
Mr. Frank P. Duke
Ms. Margo Duke
Duke Energy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Dunavant
Ms. Suzanne Dunham
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Dyrenforth
Mr. Jeff M. Eastep
Stephen S. and B. Christine Eberly
Gift Fund
Mr. John W. Eckert
Ms. Roberta Edrington
Mrs. Lynn C. Egan
Ms. Cristina D. Egbert
Mr. Daniel Eggemeier
Ms. Elaine M. Ehrhard
Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Eilers, III
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Eisenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elfers
Mr. Eric J. Elfner
Ellsworth And Associates, Inc.
Mrs. Constance Elsaesser
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Emerson
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Erschell, Jr.
Mr. Steven A. Ettinger
Mrs. Margie L. Eury
Faith Food Pantry
Ms. Jackie R. Falk and Mr. Steve Watkins
Mr. Kenneth A. Fancher
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Fariello
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Faris
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Farley
Mr. Jerome F. Fatora
Mr. David Faulk
Mr. and Mrs. Ray W. Faulkner
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Favors
Mr. and Mrs. James Fawbush
Ms. Mary E. Fay
Mr. James Fedor
Feinblanking LTD.
Jayne and Marc Feldman
Mrs. Becky Fellerhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Fernandez
Mr. Jonathon J. Fete and
Ms. Kathleen M. Semple
Mr. Kevin Fiehrer
Mr. Luke Field
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Fillion
Ms. Nancy Finke
Ms. Gigiauna M. Fioresi
First Group America
First Presbyterian Church, Glendale
Mr. Brent Firth
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Fischer, Jr.
Mr. Howard W. Fishburn
Ms. Evelyn Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Fisher
Ms. Susan Fisher
Dr. David C. Flaspohler and
Dr. Cynthia L. Crown
Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Flaspohler
Mrs. Irma L. Fleischer
Flyco Management Corp
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Foley
Ms. Adell Ford
Mr. Eric Alan Ford
Mr. Kevin A Ford
Dr. and Mrs. Starr Ford, Jr.
Mr. Chase A. Forgrave
Mr. William N. Forsstrom
Ms. Rose Fort
Mr. and Mrs. Philip L Foster
Mr. William Foster
Ms. Doris M. Fox
Ms. Rochelle Fradkin
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Frazier
Mr. George Fredrick
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Freeland
Ms. Kathryn L. Freemon
Mr. Donald A. French
Mutzig-Frey Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Robert P. Frey
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Froehle
Mr. Thomas P. Frolo
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Fuersich
Ms. Nancy Fultz
Mr. Michael Funderburke
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis F. Furey
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Fussinger
Ms. Eleanor Gabriel
Mr. Larry M. Gache
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Gaffney
Gail Myers Public Relations, LLC
Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation
Ms. Jennifer Gallo
Ms. Donna M. Gamble
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Gardner
Mr. Timothy A. Garry
Mr. David Gaston
GE Aviation
Mr. Brian Geary
Mrs. Marjorie Gebhart
Ms. Geraldine I. Gehrich
Ms. Mary Geisen
Ms. Jodi Geiser
Mr. Andy Georgin
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Gerberick
Mr. Frank A. Gerson and
Ms. Constance A. Wischmann
Dr. and Mrs. Myron C. Gerson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerwe
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gettelfinger
Mrs. Teresa H. Gettelfinger
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Gibbons, III
Mrs. Wilma Gieseke
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Gimpel
Mr. and Ms. Philip W. Glasgo
Mrs. Mary Glazer
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gleason
Mr. Steve Godfrey
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Godwin
Mr. Paul J. Goedde
Mr. John M. Goettle
Dr. Jeffrey Goldsmith
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Good
Mr. Marvin C. Good
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goodhart
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Goodridge
Ms. Misty L. Gooley
Mr. Gary R. Gordon
Ms. Lynn G. Gosnell
Ms. Gayle Grabowski
Grace Episcopal Church
Mrs. Kim Graham
Grange Insurance
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Gribleer
Ms. Ann M. Griep
Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Griffiths
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Grigson
Ms. Teresa Grimmer
Polly and Klaus Grismayer
Dr. Lisa Groger
Miss Catherine Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Gross
Ms. Martha J. Grove
Mr. Doug Guenther
Mr. Raymond M. Gundrum
Byron and Jolynn Gustin Donor
Advised Fund of Johnson Charitable
Dr. and Mrs. W. Mark Gutowski
Ms. Paula C Gyuro
Ms. Arielle Haas
Ms. Lynne Haber
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Hackman, Jr.
Ms. Patty Haggard
Judge Deidra L. Hair
Deborah Hall Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Ms. Jennifer Hamann
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Hamilton
Ms. Virginia Hamlin
Mr. David W. Hammer
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bradley Hammond
Ms. Margaret B. Hammond
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hammons
Mr. Sidney A. Hannah
Mrs. Amy L. Hanson
Ms. Ann Lee Hanson
Mr. William M. Hanson
Ms. Elizabeth Haradon and Mr. Paul Fiorelli
Mr. Carl Harbour
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Hardin
Mr. Timothy L. Hardman
Ms. Brigid M. Harmon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hartmann
Ms. Valta R. Hartstern
Ms. Pam Harwood
Mr. Art Hasinski
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Hastings
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haught
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hayden
J Hayes
Mr. R. Thomas Hayes
Ms. Rachael M. Healey
Health Sports Massage
Ms. Janet Heiden
Heidt Family Foundation via Miramar
Mr. Donald J. Heimbrock
Ms. Carolyn Heitz
Mr. Timothy J. Hellmann
Ms. Elizabeth Henderson
Mr. Peter M. Hendrickson
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hendy
Ms. Shari Hennekes
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Henry
Mrs. Carol A Hensey
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Henshaw
Ms. Linda A. Herring
Mark P. Herschede Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. R. Frank Hess
Mr. and Mrs. Grant V. Hesser
Dr. and Mrs. Phillip G. Hester
Ms. Laura Bolt Heuer
Ms. Elaine M. Hickey
Ms. Kim Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hieber
Mrs. Shelly Higgins
Mr. Christopher Hilberg
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Hill
Mrs. Rebecca D. Hill
Ms. Sallie Hilvers
Ms. Mary R. Hilvert
Mr. Mark Hinchee
Mr. Charles Hines, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Hoeh
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey A. Hoff
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Hoffman
Ms. Jeanne A. Hoffmann
Ms. Jorie Hofmann
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Hogan
Ms. Lynn Holman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Holubeck
Mr. and Mrs. Kent F. Holwadel
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hondorf
Dr. Sandra L. Honsa-Schulz
Mr. Stanley A. Hooker, III
Mr. Derry L Hooks
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Hoppenjans
Mr. Daniel W. Horn and Ms. Julie A. Holt
Mr. Keith Horst
Mrs. Cynthia Hoskin
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Hoskins
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Hostetler
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Howe
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Howe
HRW Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Ms. Maggie Huether
Mr. Ken Hughes
Mrs. Sherry Hughes
Mr. Donald W. Hughett
Ms. Bonnie S Hugus
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Huhn
Mr. Steven C. Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hunting
Mr. John Hurd
Ms. Pamela M. Hutton
Ms. Sue Hyzdu
Dr. Adam Ingraffea
Mr. Bart A. Inwood
Bob Ivory
Ms. Phyllis Jacks
Ms. Gayle B. Jackson
Robert and Susan Jackson
Mr. Thomas Miles Jackson
Dr. and Mrs. Ron Jaekle
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jamieson
Mr. Benjamin Jaspers
Mr. Tim Jeckering and Ms. Barbara R. Huels
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Jeffers
Jefferson Hall Kentucky LLC
Mr. Steve W. Jemison
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Jenkins
Ms. Kristi Jennings
Andrew MacAoidh Jergens Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Jet Lithocolor Inc.
Mr. Akshat Jhaveri
Ms. Kathryn S. Bernard Jinkinson
Mr. C.R. Johnson
Miss Nita Johnson
Mr. Robert Paul Johnson
Wayne Johnson
Mr. Charles M. Johnston
Mr. Henry C. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Johnstone
Mr. and Mrs. Everett L. Jones
Mrs. Ruth A. Jones
Mr. John P. Jordan
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Jose
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Joseph
JP Morgan Chase
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kahn
Mr. Robert A. Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Sharatkumar Kale
Vidula S. Kale
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Z. Kamholtz
Robert & Lynne Kanter Philanthropic Fund
of the Jewish Federation
Mr. Howard A. Kapp
Mrs. Mary Lee Karle
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Martin Karpen
Mr. Kenneth Kaser
Mr. and Mrs. Bill E. Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart M. Katz
Ms. Joyce A. Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kautzmann
Dr. Jeffrey T. Keller and
Mrs. Adele M. Beiting
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Keller
Ms. Ruth Keller
Mr. Craig Kelley
Mr. Theodore Michael Kelly, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Kenkel
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Kenney
Kerman Family Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kerr
Mr. Robert P Kessler
Ms. Joann Keys
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Kidd
Ms. Kathryn Kien and
Mr. William D. Magnuszewski
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Kiener
Ms. Nancy Kincannon
Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Kirschbaum
Ms. Yolanda Kirschner
Kiwanis Club of Riverview - Delhi Hills
Mr. Barry Klein
Ms. Kristin Klein
Mrs. Christine Klueh
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Klug
Ms. Pattie Knapp
Ms. Anna Knue
Mr. Marty Kochevar
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kocoshis
Mr. Kenneth Koehler
Mrs. William K. Koffel
Mr. Walter F. Kohl, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kohlan
Mr. and Mrs. John Kohlman
Ms. Bonnie J Kolloff
Ms. Krista L. Konerman
Mr. and Mrs. John Kornbluh
Ms. Carol W. Kortekamp
Mr. Jeff Krahenbuhl
Dr. Slammin John Kraimer, Sr.
Ms. Gerrie M. Kramer
Judy and Paul Kraus
Mr. and Mrs. David Krebs
Ms. Kate Kreimer
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Kroeger
Kroger Co. Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Krohn
Ms. Gail Kruempelman
Ms. Linda Kruthaupt and Mr. Greg Menz
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Kuby, M.D.
Mr. Thomas Kuechly
Mr. and Mrs. Werner Kummerle
Mr. Edward G. Kunkemoeller
Tom Kwll
Dr. Christine Labowsky
Mr. and Mrs. John P. LaMacchia
Ms. Lori A. Lambert
Ms. Lynn E Lambert
Mr. Roger D. Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Dave C. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Langmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lanier
Ms. Karen Larsen
Mr. Matthew O Latham
Richard I. & Susan J. Lauf Fund
of Fidelity Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Leary
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W LeBlond
Ms. Olga Lebron
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Leeman
Mr. Alan R. Leist
Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton H. Lempert
Dr. Robert S. Lenobel
Ms. Bonnie Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Lett
Ms. Andrea Levenson
Mr. John Levine
Liben Music Publications
Mr. Robert Lillis
John Lilly
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Lilly
Mr. Chris M. Linck
Mr. Gregg Allen Lindle
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Linger
Ms. Dawn Link
Ms. Adele Elizabeth Lippert
Mr. Bob Lippert
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Little
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Littmann
Local Southeastern Conference
Alumni Event
Mr. Ellsworth Lockwood
Ms. Mary E. Loescher
Dr. Jennifer Loggie
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip K. Longworth
Mr. Alfonso Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Loughran, Jr.
Ms. Sandy Luckett
Mr. William H. Luerssen and
Ms. Susan B. Small
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Luther
Mr. Dave Lutomski and
Mrs. Suzanne Wernke
Mr. Larry Lutz and Ms. Mary Lutz
Ms. Cynthia Lykins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Lynch, Jr.
Lyondellbasell Chemical Company
Ms. Kathleen A. Mabjish
Mr. Eric MacKnight
Dr. and Mrs. John A. MacLeod
Macy’s Logistics & Operations
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Magella
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H Maguire, III
Mr. Kenneth Mahler
Mr. Donald R. Mai
Mr. Thomas R. Malench
Ms. Leslie Maloney
Ms. Jane Marcum
Ms. Nancy S. Greiwe and
Mr. William Markovits
Mr. Melvin E. Marmer
Ms. Veda Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Marshall, Jr.
Mr. Douglas Martin
Ms. Linda L. Martin
Mrs. Lisa M. Martin
Mr. James W. Martis
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Masterson
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Mathile
Ms. Mary-Morse Matthews
Ms. Minda Matthews-Smith
Jan & Jon Mauch
Ms. Linda Mauntel
Ms. Victoria Mayall
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. McCaffrey
Mr. and Mrs. Gene N. McCann
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. McCluskey, Sr.
Mr. John W. McCracken
Ms. Mary R. McCray
Mr. Doug McFaddin
Ms. Lynn McInturf
Ms. Lois A. McKnight and
Mr. Donald J. Brickweg
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMahon
Ms. Denise E. McNeill
Dr. and Mrs. O. Redmond McNeill
Ms. Mary Ann Meanwell
Ms. Cecile D. Mear
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Meckes
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mellott
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mendelsohn
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mendelsohn
Ms. Melissa Merriman
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Merten
Jeanie & Steven Messer Fund
of Fidelity Charitable
Ms. Lisa Metzger
Ms. Jayne B. Meyer
Ms. Julia A. Meyer
Mr. Maxim Meyers
Ms. Judy M. Middendorf
Ms. Nadine A. Middendorf
Mr. and Mrs. Don Middlemas
Ms. Margaret Miller
Ms. Marjorie Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Minges
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mohr
Ms. Cynthia Molloy
Mr. J. Keith Molloy
Mr. Michael J. Monahan
Mr. and Mrs. Joel K. Monteith
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Moore
Ms. Jennifer Moore
Emily Moosbrugger and Matt Meier
Mr. Richard T. Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Morand
Mr. and Mrs. Danny P. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Morris
Mr. Donald J. Morrison
Ms. Mary Sue Morrow
Mr. and Ms. John E. Moseley
William Moser
Mr. and Mrs. Erie B. Moss
Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church
Ms. Caroline V. Mueller
Ms. Julie D. Mueller
Ms. Mary Ann Muething
Faheemah S. Muhammad
Mr. James G. Mundstock
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Murray
Ms. Patricia L. Murray
Ms. Michele Musgrove
Miss Ellen Naffziger
Mr. Stephen M. Nagel
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Naylor
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Neilson
Mrs. Mary D. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Nelson
Ms. A. Stella Neltner
Dr. Scott A. Neltner
Ms. Mary H. Nemeth
New Friends of Northern Kentucky
Mr. Gerald E. Newfarmer and
Ms. Amy C. Paul
Ms. Deborah Newkirk
Ms. Mary A. Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Simon L. Newman
Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Nickley
Niehaus Financial Services, LLC
Ms. Rebecca S. Niehoff
Mr. Brian Noel
North Dearborn Food Pantry
Northern Kentucky University
Northwest Community Church
Walter M. Norton
Ms. Donna Noyes
Mr. Patrick J. Nunner
Mr. Ronald O’Banion
Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Oberjohann
Mr. and Ms. Frederick M. Oehler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Off
Dr. and Mrs. Yoichi Oikawa
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Okenfuss
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Oppito
Mr. Leonard Orme
Mrs. Isabel Overhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pahutski
Mr. William Painer
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Panos
Mr. Keith A. Pape
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Parker
Ms. Carol A. Parobek
Mrs. Erin Pasch
Mr. Mark Patlan
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Patterson
Ms. Amy Cohen Paul
Paulin & Goldman, LLC
Mr. Rick Pawlak
Dr. Paul Payne
Ms. Gayle Paytes
Pedal Wagon
Mr. David Lee Pelgen
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Pellegrini
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pendle
Ms. Monetta J. Pennington
Mr. Olivier Perichon
Mr. James H. Perkins
Jennifer Perry
Ms. Sally Ann Perry
Ms. Mary F. Persinger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Peters
Ms. Linda A. Petrosky
Mr. Ron Pfleghaar and Mrs. Kathy O’Malley
Pharmacy Over the Rhine
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Philip
Ms. Michelle Philpot
Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Pickett
Mr. Donald Piening
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Pierce
Mrs. Susan Pierman
Ms. Mary Piper
Ms. Karen L. Pitzer
Ms. Jessica Place
Mr. Douglas R. Pohlman
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Poleyeff
Dr. Judson B. Pollock
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Poppe
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Powers
Ms. Penny L. Prass
Mr. John E. Prather
Ms. Mary Alice Prazynski
Mr. and Mrs. Bill G. Pressler
The Preview Group, Inc.
Ms. Inma C. Prieto
Ms. Janet Prindle
Drs. Marcia Kaplan and Michael D. Privitera
Mr. Ron Prybal
Ms. Lucy Putnam
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Quehl
Dr. Debra Quiles
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Quilty
Ms. Josephine V. Radice
Mr. Mark C. Radtke and
Ms. Cynthia L. Eddy
Mrs. Donna M. Raishart
Mr. and Mrs. T.M. Rajkumar
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Rash
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Raterman
Emily Rauch
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Rauch
Ms. Audrey E. Reddy
Ms. Julie Redfern
Ms. Beth M. Redwine
Ms. Kay A. Reeves
Mrs. Ann C. Regan
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Reichard
Ms. Shauna Reilly
Mr. Patrick Reis
Ms. Juanita Renaker
Ms. Thelma S. Renner
Mr. Douglas W. Rennie
Mr. Christopher R. Resch
D. Thomas Retford and Earlene J. Retford
Ms. Lori M. Reuss
Ms. Dorothy Reynolds
Ms. Janet R Reynolds
Ms. Nancy E. Reynolds
Mr. Brian J Rhoads
Ms. Elizabeth Merrell Ricci
Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. Rice
Ms. Janet Rich
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Ricketts
Opal A. Riggins
Mr. Pete R. Rightmire and
Ms. Nannette E. Bernalese
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rigney
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rindsberg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Rinear
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Rishel
Ms. Dolores I. Ritchie
Mrs. Ed Robbe
Ms. Alice L. Robbins
Mr. Mark Robinson
Ms. Nancy P. Robinson
Mr. Terrill Edgar Rocker
Mrs. Judith Rodenberg
Mr. James D. Rodgers
Mr. Richard F. Roehr
Ms. Deborah Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Rohde
Mr. and Mrs. John Rolf
Ms. Kathryn Rolf
Mr. Stanley E. Rolfes
Mr. Constantine Romanos
Charles E. and Justine S. Romer Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. Charles Rooks
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Rose
Mr. Sven-Erik Rose and
Ms. Claire Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rosenthal
Ms. Ilene Ross
Ms. Stephanie F. Ross
Mr. Stanley C. Rouse
Mr. Glenn Roush
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley G. Rubin
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rudolph
Ms. Martha Ruehrwein
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Ruffing
Mr. Michael A Rundle
Mr. Jeffrey M. Rupel
Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Russell
Mrs. Jennifer M. Russell
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Charles Russell
Ms. Willa Russell
John Rutherford
Dr. and Mrs. James J. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Safferman
Ms. Joyce A. Salg
Ms. Patty Sammons
Mr. Bruce Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sanderson
Mr. E Santi
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sauerbeck
Mr. Lincoln Saunders
Mr. and Mrs. David Schacherer
Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Schaefer
Mr. James F. Schaeffner
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schandler
Ms. Rosemary Schatzel
Mr. Michael C. Schenk
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Scherocman
Mr. Richard J. Schiesl
Ms. Ginnell Schiller
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schmidt
Mr. Mike Schmitt
Rev. George R. Schmitz
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Schneider
Schneider Electric Square D Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schoettelkotte
Ms. Helen M Schramm
Mr. Hugh E. Schramm
Mr. Jess Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry O. Schuehler
Ms. Cynthia Schuler
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Schulte
Mr. Michael L. Schumacher
Ms. Linda Schuster
Mr. Philip J. Schutte
Ms. Alice M. Schwab
Mr. Thomas M. Schwarber
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Schweitzer
Mrs. Chelsea K. Scully
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Seeley
Mrs. Mary S. Sehlhorst
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Seidel
Ms. Barbara R Seiver
Mrs. Phyllis Sewell
Shahin and Syed Shareef
Ms. Peggy Sharer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shayeson
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Shea
Sheakley Group Inc.
Mr. John M. Shepherd
Ms. Teresa Shinkle
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Shoemaker
Ms. Cynthia Sibcy
Mr. David L. Siegel
Mr. David P. Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Siegert
Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael Siegert
Ms. Alma Sievering
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Sill
W. Jim & Emily Silver Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin B. Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Simons, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sims
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Skolnik
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Slaboch
Mr. John D. Slye
Ms. Barbara A. Smith
Mr. Bryant Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Smith
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Smith
Ms. Nancy A. Smith
Mr. R. Michael Smith
Dr. Roger and Margaret Smith
Mr. Stephen E. Smith
Mr. Alan G Smulian
Mr. and Mrs. Chris W. Snow
Ms. Rachel Sohn-Smith
Mr. Harold Sosna
Southside Baptist Church
Ms. Stephanie Spanja
Mr. Joe Spicer
Mrs. Sandra C. Spinner
Mr. Robert J. Spitznagel
Ms. Margo E. Sprague
Mr. Dave Stadtmiller
Ms. Kim Marie Stafford
Mr. Ron Staggs
Mrs. Mary S. Stapanian
Ms. Grace Staples
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Staten
Mr. and Mrs. Ken W. Stecher
Mr. Paul T Stegman
Mr. David Steinert
Ms. Julie Steinmetz
Ms. Allison Stepaniak
Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwin Stephens
Mrs. Reginia Lynn Stevens-Morsie
Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Stewart
Ms. Katherine Stewart
Mr. W. Wilson Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Sticka
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Stigall
Mr. Kevin Stinson
Mr. Lester Stoll
David and Margaret Story
Mr. Marc Stout
Ms. Mary Jane Stover
Ms. Carol Stretch
Mr. and Mrs. John Strubbe
Mr. Louis Stultz, Jr.
Peter and Judith Sturm
Summerside United Methodist Church,
Tri-C Women
Surety Association of Ohio
Mr. Dennis J. Sweeney
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Swinehart
Sysco Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Max J. Tabar, Jr.
Ms. Virginia Tafel
Mr. John A. Tallmadge and
Mrs. Pamela Bach
Ms. Mary Katherine Tarkington
Ms. Delores E. Tate
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander W. Teass
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Tedeschi
Dr. William L. Tedford
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Ten Eyck
Mrs. Lisa Tent
Mr. Kevin Theissen
Ms. Kelly Thibodeaux
Mr. Carl Thiem and Mrs. Sandra F. Hall
Scott Thierauf
Thomas & Ann Thinnes
Mr. Chris Thobe
Ms. Debra Thoma
Ms. Cheryl D. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Thomas
Ms. Katherine Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Thomas
Ms. Brenda V. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Thomson
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Thornton
Mr. Thomas Throop
Ms. Jennifer Tieman
Mrs. Kathleen Tight
Ms. Helga M. Tillinghast
Ms. Cynthia B Tisue
Ms. Amy Tobin
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Todd
Mr. Charles E. Toelke, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tomb
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tomlinson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Townsend
Ms. Ann Marie Tracey and
Mr. Daniel J. Buckley
Ms. Gloria Ann H. Tribble
UC Libraries
Mr. and Ms. Jeff T. Uetrecht
Ms. Dianne M. Ullrich
United Way of Central Ohio
United Way of Greater Knoxville
Unum Matching Gifts Program
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ussel
Ms. Barbara Valerius
Ms. Donna Jeanne Vanfossen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Vank
Mr. John Vanwoensel and
Ms. Laura K. Fidler
Samuel and Susan Varghese
Charitable Trust of Johnson Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Varland
Mr. William G. Verst, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Viel
Vineyard Christian Church
Mr. John B. Vinturella
Viox Services, Inc.
Mr. Gary J. Vissing and
Ms. Margaret A. Prince
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Vitolo
Ms. Victoria Vitucci
Ms. Jane Vollbracht
Vonderhaar Catering Inc.
Ms. Margaret M. Voskuhl
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell G. Voss
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Vuturo
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Wachs
Mr. and Mrs. Marc E. Wagner
Ms. Darla S. Wainscott
Mr. Alan Paul Walker
Mr. David A. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Garret W. Walker
Rev. John E. Wall
Ms. Linda Walsh
Mr. Bruce Walton
Mr. Theodore C. Wanstrath
Mrs. Anita A. Ward
Ms. Mary Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Warfel
Mrs. Loraine Warner
Anthony and Sonya Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Watkins
Mr. Steve Waxler and Ms. Suellen G. Childs
Ms. Shannon R. Wayne
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Weaver
Ms. Elizabeth B. Weber
Mr. Jonathan T. Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Wehling
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Weichert
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Weiss
Ms. Carol J. Welch
Mr. Mark Wellage and Ms. Susan Burt
Mr. Marvin A Wells
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Wessels
Ms. Ann M. West
Ms. Elizabeth Westover
Ms. Rosanne Wetzel
Ms. Kathaleen H. Weyer
Dr. and Mrs. David D. Whang
Ms. Amy Whipple
Ms. Bonnie K. White
Mr. Neal L. White, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Whitsett
Mr. Jonathan Wick
Mr. William Wickert
Ms. Evelyn Widner
Mr. Gene Wiggs
Mr. Donald E. Wilcox
Mr. Carol A. Wilder
Ms. Carolyn R. Williams
Ms. Diane M. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Williams
Mr. James Williams
Mr. Jeffrey B. Williams
Ms. Letitia Williams
Ms. Mia A. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Willis
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Willman
Wilmington College
Ms. Anne N. Wilson
Mr. G Richard Wilson
Wilson Court #45
Mr. Daniel Wines
Ms. and Mrs. Bob Winfree
Dr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Wiot
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Witt
Dr. John R. Wittenbrook
Mr. Kenneth Wolfer
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wolnik
Ms. Eleanor G. Wolowicz
Mr. Sean Woock
Mr. David H. Wood and
Ms. Rebecca S. Seeman
Ms. Tracy A. Wood and
Mr. Nikola Ljubisavljevic
Mr. and Mrs. E. Anthony Woods
Ms. Ashlee Wooten
Carl & Cyndia Wright
Mr. Paul R. Wright and
Ms. Margaret K. Buskey
Mr. Shane Wright
Wrocklage Family Charitable Foundation
Ms. Laura Wulfeck
Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Wurster
Ms. Jean Yacchari
Ms. Cheryl J. Yarborough
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Yeager
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Yoho
Mr. and Mrs. Dale B. Young
Mrs. Gerri Young
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zalot
Ms. Juliet Zavon
Ms. Christine Zevon
Ms. Catherine Zimmer
Ms. Cathy Zimmer
Mr. Richard V. Zimmerman
Ms. Suzanne K. Zimmerman
Mrs. Nancy M. Zwick
Mrs. Janice Zwolshen
Thank you also to the many
other generous financial donors
we were unable to list due to
space constraints.
The above donors made gifts to
the Freestore Foodbank between
July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013.
Every effort was made to provide
the most accurate list possible.
The Freestore Foodbank apologizes
for any exclusions or misspellings.
It started in 1971…
with a man and his truck.
Freestore Foodbank founder Frank Gerson.
John Young, Steve Gibbs, Frank Gerson and Kurt Reiber.
This new Volunteer Welcome area was made possible by John Isidor and Sandy Kathman.
Creating a Legacy
of Generosity
In 1971, Frank Gerson recognized that one person’s trash could be another
person’s treasure. That was the seed that created what is now the Freestore
Foodbank. On October 10, 2013, the Freestore Foodbank honored ‘Freestore
Frankie’ in the new Volunteer Welcome Area at our Mayerson Distribution Center
on Tennessee Avenue. Large murals reflect images from the Freestore Foodbank’s
origins, and a monitor plays new video programming for our volunteers as well as
a one-on-one interview with Frank Gerson. The project will continue as new
panels featuring the Freestore Foodbank’s growth and evolution beyond the early
years are developed for the walls at our Central Parkway location. n
With wise and thoughtful planning, you
have the power to help our neighbors in need
for many years to come. Planned gifts are
pledges for future support that ensure the
Freestore Foodbank will continue to be here
working to eliminate hunger and the causes of hunger.
When you plan a gift to support the Freestore Foodbank in your long-term
estate or financial plans, you’re making sure that the Freestore Foodbank will
continue to be able to serve our community. There are a number of ways to make a
planned gift. You can make a gift through a bequest in your will, you can establish
a trust that will enable you to contribute to the Freestore Foodbank while providing
you with income, or you can designate the Freestore Foodbank as a beneficiary of
your retirement plan, a life insurance policy, or of a bank account or security.
We’re pleased to announce that the Freestore Foodbank is creating a society
to honor donors who have decided to make a planned gift to our organization.
We’d like to count you as one of our founding members if you are planning to or
have already made such a commitment! We’ll be bringing together the founding
members of our Tomorrow’s Harvest Society for an enjoyable
and educational celebration event early this Spring.
To learn more about how a planned gift can assist in
your overall financial and personal goals while ensuring the
Freestore Foodbank can continue to provide vital services
or to become a founding member of our Tomorrow’s Harvest
Society, please contact Mindy Hammer at 513-482-7099 or
mhammer@freestorefoodbank. n
The Importance
of Endowment
The Freestore Foodbank has an
Endowment Fund to assure that the
services of the Freestore Foodbank
continue long into the future as
well as provide both general and
restricted supplemental income for
the Freestore Foodbank.
Gifts to the Endowment Fund are
managed by the Freestore Foodbank
Foundation. Foundation trustees
annually allocate an established
percentage of the income from the
Endowment Fund to the Freestore
Foodbank as a way to ensure a steady
of revenue to accomplish our mission.
Please consider making a gift in
your estate plans that will endow your
annual gift to the Freestore Foodbank
so that the impact you’re making today
can live on long into the future.
We will be happy to work with you
and your financial/legal advisor.
For more information about the
Freestore Foodbank Foundation
Endowment Fund, please contact
Mindy Hammer at 513-482-7099 or
mhammer@freestorefoodbank. n
WINTER 20145
Got To
Give Back
By: Bob Edwards, chair of the Rubber Duck Regatta.
The late sports commentator
and humanitarian “Red”
Barber, among many other
accomplishments, called playby-play for the Cincinnati Reds
Rubber Duck Regatta chair, Bob Edwards.
from 1934 to 1938. He got it
right when he said, “you’ve got to give back.” That quote has
impacted me in a big way. In fact, as I reflect upon the last 19
years as serving as Rubber Duck Regatta chair, Red’s words,
for me, sum up every aspect of our event. Our sponsors cover
all of our expenses so that every penny goes back to helping
children in need. What a prime example of giving back. Our
volunteers selflessly donate their time, whether they’re tagging
our ducks with numbers, manning phone lines at Duck Central
or helping us wash the ducks after they swim in the river. Once
again - giving back. And we certainly can’t forget our donors
generously buying ducks to help the nearly 100,000 children in
our communities who aren’t always sure from where their next
meal is coming. The theme is consistent across the board.
This last summer, I watched the 19th Annual Rubber Duck
Regatta from a duck boat on the Ohio River. Very fitting, I
know. As my eyes were glued to the nearly 150,000 yellow
rubber ducks swimming along the banks, I could not help
but think of the tremendous impact they were about to have
on children and families in need. The ducks that took the
plunge on Sunday, September 1 reflected $875,000 net for the
Freestore Foodbank, the equivalent of more than two million
meals for those who need it most from the urban core to our
rural communities. This was made possible by the nearly 29,000
people who so generously bought ducks for the regatta.
And as the winning ducks were plucked from the river by
Army Spc. Brent Heindel of 737th Engineer Detachment the
giving back theme remained at the forefront. This young man
spent his final day with us before deploying to Afghanistan.
Even the winners, themselves, are great examples of kindness
and generosity. As I got to know them, I learned each has a
unique story that roots back to giving.
Volunteering With a Purpose
Freestore Foodbank volunteer
Derek Fry gives back and does it
with a purpose.
“A lot of us take the things
that we have for granted,” says
Derek. “People don’t know what
it’s like to be hungry. Well, I’ve
been in that situation.”
The father of two was serving
in the military. He found
himself facing hard times after
going through a divorce.
“The feeling of not being
able to support your family and wondering where the next
meal is going to come from is probably the worst feeling in
the world.”
Derek found some relief and compassion from an agency in
South Carolina, where he was living at the time. They provided
him with a basket of food for a holiday meal.
“I didn’t expect to receive help. I wasn’t looking for that.
The fact that somebody took the time to help me made me
want to do anything I possibly could to help others.”
And opportunity knocked.
“In 2000 I retired from the Marines and I was hired at GE,”
Derek says. “One day, there was an opportunity through work
to go to the Freestore Foodbank and help with food sorting.
I saw what they were doing, and said, ‘this is the greatest
organization in the world!’”
From that moment, Derek was hooked. From sorting food
to volunteering at fundraising events, Derek has donated his
time and energy for nearly the past decade to the Freestore
Foodbank. When asked his favorite volunteer opportunity,
he doesn’t think long to respond, “The Quacky Race on
Fountain Square!”
The annual event challenges employees of Rubber Duck
Regatta sponsors with zany duck-themed obstacles.
“It’s a lot of fun and helps to raise awareness.”
It’s one of the many Freestore Foodbank efforts through
which Derek donates his time.
“Anything I can do to help them help the community is the
biggest thing in the world to me. Knowing that I helped one
person, knowing that one child would be able to go to sleep
and be able to have something to eat when they wake up in the
morning, it makes me feel good. In fact, it’s probably the most
joyous thing I do in my life.”
A sentiment so profound, Derek wants you to experience
it, too.
“Volunteer with the Freestore Foodbank just one time and
see what happens. To see the emotion and gratitude from
people receiving help, you will be touched for life!” n
You see, life is truly about creating a
habit of giving. And I truly appreciate
everyone who has embraced this concept
by supporting us with their time and
generosity through the Rubber Duck
Regatta each year. With my most sincere
gratitude, I thank you. Let’s make this New
Year another meaningful one. See you in
the summer. n
Army Spc. Brent Heindel.
One Lucky Duck
Nestled in the suburbs of Boone County is
a place Velma Slayback has called “home” for
the past 26 years. The house, which she shares
with her son and grandson, is rather hard to
miss. A brand new Honda Civic Sedan LX
covered in rubber ducks sits in the driveway.
“I have been blessed my whole life,” Velma
says with a smile.
In fact, some might call Velma a “lucky
duck,” especially after the voicemail she
received on Sunday, September 1. Velma
1st prize winner Velma Slayback
with her winning duck
had just returned home from Lowe’s, where
she works as a cashier 25 hours a week. She hit
the ‘play’ button on her answering machine
to be greeted by the voice of Rubber Duck
Regatta Founder and Chair Bob Edwards.
“It blew me away,” Velma says. “I am still
in awe and shock about it. Every time I tell
someone about it, I get goose bumps.”
Bob’s message was to inform Velma that she
was the first prize winner of the 19th Annual
Rubber Duck Regatta – the second time in her
life she has ever won something (the first time
was a mink stole, which she gave away).
“When I was writing my check to send in
for the Rubber Duck Regatta I thought,
‘you know, it would be nice if one of these
Velma shows off her new
ducks was a winner, but really it is about
Honda Civic Sedan LX.
helping the Freestore Foodbank.’”
Velma was in need of a new car and bought her ducks, six to be exact,
through Florence’s Vineyard Christian Church. Velma volunteers at the
church’s food pantry, a Freestore Foodbank community partner, two days a
week. She says she donates her time because it’s a “good way to give back.”
“What you do for others is returned onto you,” Velma’s grandson
chimes in as he overhears his grandma talking about winning the Rubber
Duck Regatta.
A mother of three, grandmother of six and great grandmother of 18,
Velma is surrounded by family who couldn’t be happier for her and, of course,
supportive of her newest interest.
“I have a new fascination with rubber ducks,” Velma says as she cracks a
giant smile.
So much so, Velma has big plans to remind herself of her prize car’s
roots. The Honda Civic is covered in a special duck wrap, which is typically
removed followed the Regatta. Velma, however, hopes to keep some of the
ducks on her new car. She has also set aside some small rubber ducks and
duck stickers to decorate the interior.
“You never know if one of your ducks is going to be the lucky one. Which
is true, I didn’t. The thought crossed my mind, but never in a million years
did I think my duck would be picked. Buy ‘em! You never know when you
are going to be blessed with something like that!” n
WINTER 20147
We Serve
1. Dearborn
2. Ohio
3. Switzerland
1. Hamilton
2. Clermont
3. Clinton
4. Highland
5. Pike
6. Scioto
7. Adams
8. Brown
1. Boone
2. Kenton
3. Campbell
4. Gallatin
5. Owen
6. Grant
7. Pendleton
8. Bracken
9. Mason
BIG Dates to Remember in 2014!
The Cincinnati Bengals
Check our website for more details and how you can help... www.freestorefoodbank.org