AnnuAl RepoRt - The Home for Little Wanderers


AnnuAl RepoRt - The Home for Little Wanderers
Annual Report
we’re needed
Have suffered abuse or neglect
Struggle with mental health and
behavioral issues
Have learning challenges that
require special attention
Strong families.
Strong life.
For more than 200 years, we’ve earned a reputation for doing whatever it takes to strengthen vulnerable families and keep children safe.
We provide a full network of services for children from birth through age 22 — and beyond.
Seek support for parenting skills
Need help taking care of behaviorally
challenged children
Require access to community resources
and long-term supports for a child
we help
adoption & foster care
Child placement services ensure children of all ages
are placed and secure in a nurturing home. Whether
starting a family or adding to their own, parents are
supported throughout the process with training,
counseling and support groups.
family counseling
In-home and clinical services help families
improve communication, solve problems and
cope with difficult situations. In a time of crisis,
counselors meet with the family in the home
and collaborate with emergency medical teams
to ensure the safety of the children and stability
of the home.
mental health services
Our trained team of mental health counselors
help children of all ages, in a range of settings,
who are struggling with emotional, behavioral
and social difficulties. Full neuropsychological
testing and medication evaluations augment our
counseling programs when needed.
special education
Education is an integral part of any child’s
ability to succeed. Our two highly structured,
year-round schools ensure children in our
care who face academic challenges receive
the educational and therapeutic services
necessary to reach their fullest academic
and social potential.
residential programs
Residential programs that range from group
homes to intensive treatment facilities offer a
safe, home-like environment where children
from 5-18 can receive therapeutic services
that emphasize positive social skills and
reduce behavioral regression.
case management
By providing a single point of entry for services,
our case managers work closely with families to
develop an individualized treatment plan. By
accessing an array of community services, the
case worker builds a team around the family
and together they facilitate the plan to meet the
family’s vision for their child’s future.
independent living
Comprehensive vocational and life skills
training programs help youth who are
aging out of state systems of care to
transition from dependent living to
independence and adulthood.
Children able to be
safe and secure
Families strengthened
and stabilized
Social and life
skills enhanced
success achieved
Successful transition
made to independence
from the chief executive officer
Dear Friends,
I am happy to report another great fiscal
year for The Home for Little Wanderers. We
expanded awareness of our mission through a
robust rebranding campaign; we broadened our
influence on public policy affecting children and
families; we advanced our reputation for expertise
and excellence through invitations to present at
a number of industry conferences; we developed
and hosted two symposia of our own; and our
signature fundraising event hit an all-time revenue high.
The Home was given a unique opportunity to make a positive impact
on how children access mental health services. I had the honor of being
appointed by Governor Patrick to serve as co-chair of the Families and
Children Requiring Assistance Advisory Board. The board was created
as part of a new law that will reform the 40-year-old Children in Need of
Services (CHINS) program, an antiquated system that forced parents and
teachers to enter the complex world of the juvenile justice system simply
to access the most basic of mental health services for their children.
The Board will advise the Secretary of Health and Human Services in
designing and implementing a community-based service network and
family resource pilot program.
In a year of many doors opening for The Home, there was one sad closure:
we said goodbye to John Hailer as our Board Chair of eight years — but we
didn’t say goodbye to John as our friend and great supporter of our work for
more than 20 years. He will remain on the Board as Chairman Emeritus
and we are grateful to Pamela Herbst for stepping in as interim Chair.
The year marked a major milestone for me personally: in February I
celebrated the 10th year of my service as the President and CEO of The
Home and I took the opportunity to reflect on the many changes we’ve seen
in the last decade, both internally and externally, particularly in the field of
child welfare. But one thing that has not changed during the last 10 years is
the unwavering loyalty and generosity of our many friends who believe in
The Home’s mission. I was impressed by this level of support when I first
joined the agency and it remains an inspiration to me every day.
from the chairman emeritus
Dear Friends,
At the end of Fiscal Year 2013, I stepped down as
Chairman of the Board of The Home for Little
Wanderers, an organization that has been dear
to me for more than 20 years. I was introduced
to The Home back in 1989 when I made my first
charitable donation. It felt good to give, but it was
when I started volunteering and spending time
with the kids that everything changed for me. I’ve
gotten so much more from The Home than I’ve
ever given.
I was proud to be honored at this year’s Voices & Visions gala, and I said
at the time that one person with passion is as powerful as an army. The
Home has been around for more than 200 years because someone cared
enough about the children in need in Boston all those years ago. And
for two centuries, enough people have cared to keep The Home growing
and improving. Because of The Home, children today facing enormous
challenges have never had more support and a better chance to succeed.
A major milestone during the last fiscal year was the opening of the new
Longview Farm in Walpole, which has been a particular passion of mine.
It’s a place where kids can be exactly what they should be — kids. It’s a
place where they can learn and grow, be surrounded by loving teachers
and volunteers, and most importantly feel that they belong. I am proud
of the part that the Board played in making that happen. Since opening
in September 2012, Longview has already seen a large increase in the
number of children being served, both in the residential program and
also in the special education school.
Although I will no longer serve as Chair of the Board, I’m not going
far. I will continue to do everything I can as a board member and as
an advocate for the children and families that benefit from the services
of The Home. I’d like to thank everyone at The Home, my fellow
board directors, and the many thousands of generous individuals and
organizations who support our work, for allowing me the opportunity to
play a role in improving the lives of those most vulnerable among us.
Thank you.
Joan Wallace-Benjamin
President and CEO
John Thomas Hailer
Chairman Emeritus
around the home
Pathways to Vocation
The New
Longview Farm
Since opening, More kids are living
at longview farm...
5-13 age group
A vision many years in the making became a
reality just before the start of the school year in
September 2012 when we opened the doors to the
new Longview Farm campus in Walpole.
Photos by Gregg Shupe
Support Groups for Adolescents
of capacity
Adolescence is a turbulent time for all kids, but is often
especially hard on those that come into our programs.
At the Child & Family Counseling Center, The Home
has formed several new support groups where youth
can come together, discuss their issues and develop
skills to manage their problems. One of these is the
“Keep It Cool” group, focused on anger management
and regulating emotions. Another is the “Friendship
Group” for girls to help with managing bullying and
developing self-assertive skills. The goal is to help
these youth navigate adolescence and learn how to
support themselves and each other.
of capacity
... and More kids are learning here
Lower School (5-13 age group)
of capacity
of capacity
Upper School (14-17 age group)
Figures compare data from April 2012 to April 2013.
of capacity
of capacity
The Home is truly grateful to our many generous
friends and supporters, the Board of Directors and
our dedicated staff, without whom this magnificent
transformation would not have been possible.
Thank you for making Longview
Farm a better place for our kids.
14-17 age group
The renovations and enhancements, made possible
by a successful $23 million capital campaign,
include a new educational center and four cottagestyle residences. The school facilities employ
the most up-to-date technology and include new
dedicated areas such as art and music rooms and
speech therapy spaces. The residences, with their
modern amenities and peaceful surroundings, help
the children to feel safe and secure.
Both Southeast Campus and Longview Farm have
made great strides this year in this initiative, aimed at
providing youth with hands-on experience in various
trades. At SEC, the Carpentry Program worked on
building backyard sheds and Adirondack chairs; the
Culinary elective worked with the chef to understand
the running of a kitchen and dining hall; and students
in the IT class learned how to design websites, record
and edit videos, and mix music. At Longview Farm
Campus, the Auto Shop students prepared the snow
blowers for winter and tuned the lawn mowers; the
Wood Shop youth made lock boxes and are repairing
and building various furniture items.
of capacity
of capacity
We speak your language
The Home aims to help all children and families;
towards that end, our employees speak many
languages and come from a wide range of cultural
backgrounds. For example, the Community Service
Agency program has the only Vietnamese-speaking
Intensive Care Coordinator in the state. The
program teamed up with Dorchester House to
run a focus group with Vietnamese families to
better understand how our services can be used to
help that community. Other languages The Home
accommodates include Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian
Creole, Mandarin and French.
one family’s experience
at waltham house
Waltham House
celebrates 10 years
Waltham House, our group home for gay, lesbian,
bisexual, transgender and questioning (GLBTQ) youth,
celebrated its 10th anniversary in October 2012. When
it opened in 2002, it was the first program of its kind in
New England and only the third in the nation. Today,
Waltham House continues to uphold its principles of
responsibility, respect and pride, with the belief that
all children deserve to live in an environment in which
they feel safe, respected, supported and cared for.
At age 15, our transgender daughter, Ghia, was
exhibiting disrespectful, defiant, oppositional behavior;
running away from home overnight; truancy and failing
grades in school; daily substance abuse; refusal to
take her prescribed medications or engage in therapy;
poor self-esteem and hopelessness. After four months
in a wilderness therapy program in Utah, where her
therapist described her as one of the hardest cases
he had worked with, she had begun to make some
progress but was unable to maintain positive behavior
consistently beyond a week or two. We were very
concerned for her health and safety. She clearly needed
to continue in a supervised therapeutic program before
she was ready to return home. The program needed to
be one with expertise in the area of gender dysphoria in
order to support her transgender transition.
This year, 100% of youth at Waltham House progressed
to the next grade level and one youth passed the GED
exam. Here’s to many more years of helping GLBTQ
youth find a safe space to be themselves.
Young Adults Moving Ahead
The Home’s Young Adult Resource Network celebrated
its first college graduate this year, from Roxbury
Community College. Another youth graduated from
the Benjamin Franklin Technical Institute and two
others received their high school diplomas after
completing a credit recovery process through the ReEngagement Center, a program of the Boston Public
Schools. In addition to these educational successes,
nearly 80% of young adults at YARN made progress
on their employment goals this spring. We salute their
continued growth and progress.
Now that’s SMART!
The Marigold Foundation awarded a grant to The
Home’s Preschool Outreach Program to provide
Sensory Motor Arousal Response Training (SMART)
for clinicians. SMART is a type of play therapy for
young children with complex trauma, using a special
SMART room with large pillows, fitness balls and
other sensory motor equipment. The grant also
provides for setting up one of these environments
so we can better treat children who need help with
regulating their emotions and behavior.
The Home’s Waltham House program for GLBTQ
adolescents provided a safe, supportive, structured,
therapeutic living environment with 24-hour
supervision. Ghia was able to live in a home with
other teens like herself and to meet adult mentors
who shared their experiences with her and offered
their support as role models. While the separation
between us in Michigan and Ghia in Massachusetts
was extremely stressful for everyone in our family,
the clinical and administrative staff maintained close
communication with us to reassure us constantly
of her safety and worked in partnership with us to
develop, implement and modify her treatment plan
and coach us in setting limits and communicating
with her. Ghia was able to continue her medical
transition (hormone blockers, estrogen therapy), to
make up credits at school, to work part time, and to go
bicycling and swimming at the YMCA for exercise.
After eight months in Waltham House, at age 16, we
have our happy self-confident daughter of 2-3 years
ago back! Ghia has re-united successfully with our
family and is making a successful transition back
into the community. She is behaving appropriately,
communicating respectfully (well, normally for
a 16-year-old teenaged girl!), engaging in healthy
living, and demonstrating positive coping
skills. She is returning to school, getting a job
and looking forward to sex reassignment surgery
After eight months in Waltham
House, at age 16, we have our
happy self-confident daughter of
2-3 years ago back!
(SRS). She is able to open up and articulate her
feelings. We can tell from conversations with her
that she has learned a lot about trauma, self-esteem,
substance abuse, anger management, healthy living,
safe sex, and tobacco cessation and knows from her own
experience that she can use her coping skills and control
her own behavior. She has experienced and enjoyed
things about GLBTQ culture that we would have been
unable to teach her.
Best of all, Ghia feels good about herself again, and
specifically, good about herself as a transgender girl.
She enjoys showing off her new cooking skills. She
is confident that she can get a job, is proud that she
was able to maintain one, and plans to use the same
skills to succeed in school. She says Waltham House
(and Camp Lightbulb) is the first time in her life that
she felt that she “really fit in”; and she wants to be a
mentor to other transgender youth next summer after
she has her SRS. If she continues on her present,
positive path, she herself will become an awesome role
model thanks to Waltham House!
Donna, Ghia's mother
Happenings at the home
Every year The Home is able to help children and families in our care in ways above and beyond what is prescribed
in treatment plans or provided for in state contracts. We are very grateful for the tremendous support we receive
from our donors, both individual and corporate, which make these extra opportunities possible. The following are
just a few of the events that helped us raise awareness and dollars in FY13:
◀ Voices & Visions 2013
Photo by Cheryl Richards
The annual fundraising gala, Voices & Visions, once again
broke all previous records for both attendance and dollars
raised. The theme “A Journey through the Ancient Past” gave
full rein to the kids’ imagination in the form of dinosaurs,
trilobytes and prehistoric humans. We were proud to honor a
great longtime friend and supporter: John T. Hailer, President
and CEO of Natixis Global Asset Management and Chairman
of our Board of Directors from 2005 through June of 2013.
We also paid tribute to the importance of education by
recognizing 18 young adults from our programs who are now
attending college.
▼ outdoor fun and fundraising
Our two annual sports outings always provide a much
anticipated fun “day away from it all” for a good cause. In FY13,
the Generous Masters Golf Tournament and the women’s
Home in One event raised a combined total of $223,000.
Photo by Melissa Ostrow
▲ back-to-school generosity
Once again, going back to school was made a little easier by
the generous donations of hundred of backpacks filled with
supplies. Many of the youth in our care come from families
who are struggling to make ends meet. Thanks to everyone
who made this one less thing to worry about for them.
▶ Big Wishes Gift Drive
Help came in many forms and from many sources for the 2012
Big Wishes for Little Wanderers holiday campaign. Individuals,
community groups and corporations gave cash donations,
gifts to fulfill children’s wishes, much-needed essentials for
families, and participated in our gift card challenge. Countless
hours were given freely by our dedicated volunteers. We had
huge support from our corporate sponsors, Coldwell Banker
Residential Brokerage and Bernie & Phyl’s Furniture, and our
media partners, WCVB-TV Channel 5, MAGIC 106.7 and the
Boston Herald. And we had a great location for the Toy Room,
thanks to the generosity of Legacy Place!
evaluating OUR impact
The Home has a strong
commitment to measuring our
impact on children and families,
researching the outcomes, and
communicating the results to
staff, stakeholders and clients.
Our dedicated Risk Management,
Evaluation, & Outcomes (RMEO)
team pursues this vital information
with projects including:
Agency Goal Setting
Evaluation staff work with program
leadership to develop annual goals
and outcomes. Staff measure
clients’ progress over time in
several areas, such as how children
and youth are functioning at home,
school, and in the community. The
Home uses research-based tools
such as the Child and Adolescent
The research and evaluation team (top
to bottom): Heidi Ferreira, J.D., Doğa
Functional Assessment Scale,
Sonmez, Ph.D. and Kara Sabalauskas, MSW
the Brief Symptom Inventory, the
Adverse Childhood Experiences
checklist and the Child PTSD Symptom Scale to assess mental health
functioning, adverse childhood experiences, trauma symptoms and
many other domains. The evaluation team presents findings quarterly
and hosts discussions of results so that staff can use information
gathered for quality improvement and program design.
Evaluating Services for
Transition-Age Youth
The evaluation and research team works closely with The Home’s three
programs that serve youth who are transitioning to adulthood. The
evaluation focuses on how young adults are faring on employment,
education, housing, life skills, and wellness goals. The evaluation
and research team will be presenting results at the 19th National
Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect in the spring of 2014.
Follow-Up Initiative
The Home implemented a client follow-up initiative one year ago. RMEO
staff calls parents of children and youth after discharge to complete a
phone interview to see how the child is doing in a variety of areas. The
follow-up initiative provides information as to what extent clients were
able to maintain successes made in school, home, and the community,
post discharge. Information about how former clients are doing helps
program staff to determine whether to continue, enhance, or replace
treatment interventions and components. Findings may also highlight
unmet needs that could contribute to the development of new services.
cheering for
the home team
The Home is proud to employ some
of the best and brightest clinicians,
social workers, program directors,
and administrative staff in the
Commonwealth. Here are just a few
employee highlights:
Erica Nazzaro, LMHC, Program
Director of the Young Adult Resource
Network, spoke at the State House at the
request of the Massachusetts Coalition
for the Homeless on their Youth on The
Hill Day; she also brought three young
adults from the YARN program who all
shared their stories of homelessness.
Janet Novotny, LMHC, Clinical
Coordinator at Safe at Home, led
a training on Trauma & Expressive
Therapies as part of Health Imperatives’
Trauma Training Series.
Elliot Pittel, M.D., one of The
Home’s psychiatrists, contributed to a
series of 10 brochures produced by the
Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS).
Elliot is Chair of MMS’ Committee on
Violence Intervention and Prevention.
Samantha Schneider, LICSW,
a clinician at the Preschool Outreach
Program, attended the 18th International
Consortium for Social Development
Conference in Kampala, Uganda as part
of her doctoral work at Simmons College.
Barbara Sumler, Direct Care
Supervisor at Longview Farm, was the
recipient of the 2012 Providers’ Council
(Massachusetts Council of Human
Service Providers) Gerry Wright Direct
Service Employee Award.
Joan Wallace-Benjamin, Ph.D.,
President and CEO, was awarded an
honorary doctor of humanities degree
from New England Law | Boston at the
school’s 102nd Commencement.
FY13 financial statement
The Home for Little Wanderers’ Schedule of Operations
2013 Operating Revenue
Years Ended June 30, 2013 and 2012
We provided
105 breakfasts...
(Reported in 000’s)
108 lunches...
...and 105 dinners
$ 33,246
$ 31,417
Fundraising (portion for operations)
Endowment Draw
Program Revenue
Total Revenues
14 youth
attended our Special Education schools
received after school supports
Administrative and General
Total Expenses
Our clinicians delivered
39 children
in Boston Public Schools
were in one of our Intensive Foster
Care placements
93 hours of therapy
Operating Surplus1
6 youth
received emergency short-term
housing, evaluation and supports
while remaining in their home schools
59 aging-out youth
Investment activity
Total Non-Operating Items
Change in Unrestricted Net Assets
$ 5,891
$ 2,358
Change in Permanently Restricted Net Assets
received academic, vocational and/or life skills support
Change in Net Assets
in their child’s treatment at the Children’s
Community Support Collaborative
96% of Department of Children &
Families’ workers surveyed agreed or
strongly agreed that Park Street Family
Networks services met their clients’ needs
providers felt that the consultation from
the Preschool Outreach Program
sometimes or frequently increased their
understanding of children’s experiences
and feelings
100% of school liaisons felt the
Child & Family Counseling Center’s
school-based counseling sometimes or
frequently improved students’ ability to
regulate their moods and emotions
2013 Operating Expenses
Administrative Fundraising
and General
For internal management and budgeting purposes, The Home uses the Operating Surplus/(Deficit) line.
Included in the balance of other non-operating items in FY2013 is $856,738 of activity released for plant and equipment acquisitions, net of other
non-operating expenses. In FY2012, the activity released for plant and equipment acquisitions, net of other non-operating expenses was $10,949,202.
Included in the change in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets in FY2013 is $4,241,443 of additional Investment activity, $999,498 of additional
Fundraising activity, ($527,152) of activity related to Net Asset released from restriction for program operations, ($1,847,827) of activity related to Net
Asset released for appropriation of Endowment appreciation, and ($856,738) of activity related to Net Asset released for plant and equipment acquisition.
In FY2012, the change in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets included $16,939 of additional Investment activity, $5,391,341 of additional Fundraising
activity, ($695,778) of activity related to Net Asset released from restriction for program operations,($2,012,465) of activity related to Net Asset released for
appropriation of Endowment appreciation, and ($10,949,202) of activity related to Net Asset released for plant and equipment acquisition.
The change in Permanently Restricted Net Assets in FY2013 of $749,490 consisists of additional Investment Activity. In FY2012, the change in
Permanently Restricted Net assets included ($544,288) of additional Investment activity and $448,534 of additional fundraising activity.
98% of parents/caregivers were engaged 89% of teachers and early childhood
Change in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets3
received supportive housing
Non-Operating Items
8 aging-out youth
Program revenue
108 students
The information reported above has been obtained and summarized from the June 30, 2013 and 2012 audited
financial statements of The Home for Little Wanderers. For complete audited financial statements, please contact
the Development Department at 617-927-0663.
Thank you
We gratefully recognize all our donors who gave in fiscal year 2013.
Thank you for your generosity to the children and families in our care.
Leadership Circle of Hope
The Leadership Circle of Hope is The Home’s recognition
society for donors contributing $1,000 or more within a given
fiscal year. The following list reflects all gifts and pledges
received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013.
($500,000 and Above)
Estate of John Edward Bradbury
Yawkey Foundation
($200,000 to $499,999)
Natixis Global Asset Management
Trust of Edna Betts Talbot
United Way of Massachusetts Bay &
Merrimack Valley
($100,000 to $199,999)
Estate of Guenter Arndt
Trust of Elisha V. Ashton
Tushara Canekeratne
Trust under Will of
Elizabeth H. Hayward
Estate of Virginia M. Jones
The Thrift Shop of Boston, Inc.
Mrs. Paddy V. Wade
($50,000 to $99,999)
Estate of Patricia Aymond
The Bank of New York Mellon
Bowdoin Construction Corp
Pasquale Franchi
Mary Beth and Chris Gordon
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
Libra Foundation, Inc.
Marinella Family Foundation
Natixis Global Asset Management
Elisabeth and Thomas Niedermeyer
Thomas and Carlotta Soviero
Anne and Laurence Sperry
Penny Windle and John Kline
($25,000 to $49,999)
Anonymous (1)
Deborah and Steven Barnes
Trust of Robert B. Brigham
Drs. Beverly A. and Robert A. Brown
Cedar Street Foundation
Citizens Bank Foundation
The Clifford Foundation
Coldwell Banker Residential
Brokerage Cares
Cummings Foundation
Brian and Barbara Davis
Doe Family Foundation
Susan and Digger Donahue
Estate of Helen E. Drury
Christopher and Jean Egan
Foundation To Be Named Later
John T. Hailer
George Harrington Trust
John J. Hitchcock
The Hyams Foundation
Patricia Jabar and Wayne Smith
Estate of Camille Marinella
Markley Group
MFS Investment Management
Mary Ann Milano-Picardi
Oliver W. Mink Trust
Putnam Investments
Bertha Slade Fund
Alfred and Gilda Slifka
Louise C. Slotnick and Family
The Seth Sprague Educational and
Charitable Foundation
Suffolk Construction Company
Paul and Susan Sugarman
The TJX Companies, Inc.
The TJX Foundation, Inc.
Jack Williams Endowment for
Wednesday’s Child, Inc.
($10,000 to $24,999)
Anonymous (3)
Admirals Bank
AEW Capital Management, L.P.
John W. Alden Trust
Estate of Joseph L. Amodeo
Arthur J. Fisher Fund
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
Beacon Hill Circle for Charity, Inc.
Dale and Beverly Bearden
Richard K. Bendetson
Estate of William M. Bennett
Blue Cross Blue Shield of
Stephen Blyth and Anita Gajdecki
Boston Magazine
Boston Parks & Recreation Dept.
Stephanie L. Brown Foundation
Clemmie and James Cash
The Chubb Corporation
Jane B. Cook Charitable Trusts
Estate of Gladys A. Cushman
Deloitte LLP
Melissa and David Druley
Durant Family Foundation
Educational Toyland
Trust of George Emerson
Nancy and Neal Foster
David and Wendy Giunta
Give With Liberty Employees
Global Partners LP
Goodwin Procter LLP
Granite Steps Foundation
Greenberg Traurig LLP
The Hamilton Company Charitable
HRH Foundation
The Hubbell Group
Geoffrey F. Ide and Peggy Hernandez
Stacey H. Jacobson
Esther B. Kahn Charitable Foundation
KDSA Consulting, LLC
Caren and Guy Leedom
Marigold Charitable Trust
The Mashikian Family
Massachusetts Charitable Society
Lisa K. Matthews and Andrew Byrne
McGladrey LLP
McKinsey & Company
Christopher and Catherine Milton
Lauren and Timothy Miner
Elizabeth Childs Murphy Trust
National Home Furnishings
Harry D. Neary Fund
The New England Patriots Charitable
The Nokomis Fund
Richard S. Noone, Jr. and
Leslie D. Damon
Paula J. O’Keeffe
Carol and John O’Neil
The Pabis Foundation
Robert A. Paolucci
Thomas Anthony Pappas
Charitable Foundation
G. Gorham Peters Trust
James Pinney
Pioneer Investments
Robert and Elizabeth Pozen
Procter and Gamble/Gillette
Rideout Foundation For Families
Eileen and Bud Roche Family Fund
John J. Sacco and Edith L. Sacco
Charitable Foundation
Gregory and Karen Salvucci
SAP America, Inc.
Saquish Foundation
Deborah Stein Sharpe and
James M. Sharpe
Laurie and Eric Slifka
State Street Corporation
Isabell Stawicki
Stop and Shop Corporation,
New England Division
Raymond M. Sullivan
Sun Life Financial
United Way of Tri-State, Inc.
Anne H. and Raimund G.
Vanderweil, Jr.
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Edwin S. Webster Foundation
John and Ann Webster
Wells Fargo Capital Finance
Henry T. Wiggin Charitable Trust
Barbara and Ed Wilson
($5,000 to $9,999)
Anonymous (6)
AEW Capital Management Employees
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Anderson
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Shelley Barrows
Dale and Beverly Bearden
Joshua & Anita Bekenstein
Charitable Fund
The Bennett Family Foundation
Paul and Rebecca Bidwell-Hanson
The Boston Bruins
Boston Celtics Shamrock Foundation
Boston Financial Data Services
Boston Medical Center
Boston Private Bank & Trust Co
Boston Properties
Boston Scientific Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Brooks
James and Deborah Burrows
Charles River Associates
Charles River Laboratories
Laura and Chris Choma
Citizens Bank
Matthew and Diana Coldren
Colliers International
Combined Federal Campaign
Commonwealth Financial Network
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Connolly, Jr.
Eileen and Jack Connors, Jr.
Doris Drescher Cook
Josephine and Louise Crane
Kevin and Patricia Cronin
Dean Foundation for Little Children
Delta Dental of Massachusetts
Susan A. DeRoche
Devany Energy
Duane Morris, LLP
EMD Millipore
Edmond English
Execuspace Construction Corp
Robert and Iris Fanger
Amy Fardella
Tracey and Joe Flaherty
Americo J. Francisco Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter
Freiberg, III, Ph.D., J.D.
Gil and Alli Fronzaglia
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ganjei
General Electric Foundation
Give With Liberty
The Gould Charitable Foundation
Deborah and Charles Gray
The Julia & Seymour Gross
Foundation Inc.
Harbor Capital Advisors, Inc.
John and Carol Harrington
Kathleen A. Harrington
Scholarship Fund
John and Christina Hennessey
Herb Chambers Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Robert and Pamela Herbst
Hill, Holliday, Connors,
Cosmopulos, Inc.
Joseph and Linda Hooley
Barbara and Amos Hostetter
June S. Hubbard
John Hancock Financial Services
Jones Lang LaSalle
JP Morgan Chase & Co.
Lori and Stewart Karger
Christian and Alexandra Klee
Kramer Portraits
Leggat McCall Properties, Inc.
The Lenox Hotel
Lia Sophia
Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.
LPL Financial Services
Raymond and Susan Lynds
Michael R. Mach
George and Ann Macomber
Mandarin Oriental Boston
Marsh USA
Maggie and Roger Merrill
John C. Morrison & Eunice B.
Morrison Charitable Foundation
Richard and Jill Murphy
The New England Council
Next Generation Children’s Centers
Northstar Project & Real
Estate Services
Novack Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Osterberg
David and Virginia Packer
Jamie Pierce and Rick Cresswell
Pitney Bowes, Inc.
Sandra P. Polimeno
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Red Sox Foundation
The Reebok Foundation
Bridie Rielly Charitable Trust
Sarah W. Rollins
Ropes & Gray LLP
Joseph and Terry Chen Rothchild
Roundel 47, LLC
Terry and Larry Salvucci
Nicola and Whitney Savignano
The Savings Bank Life Insurance
Company of Massachusetts
Seaport Companies
Robert and Jean Sheridan
Shorenstein Realty Services
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Shriver
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Slifka
Shirley Spero
Staples Foundation for Learning, Inc.
Steward Health Care System
Stewart Title
TD Bank Boston Office
J. Owen and Eileen Todd
Tufts Health Plan
UBS Financial Services
United Way of Rhode Island
Valley of the Sun United Way
VHB/Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.
Vinson & Elkins LLP
Mrs. Carole Waite
Mr. and Mrs. Liam J. Walsh
Vila B. Webber Charitable Trust
Webster Bank
Elizabeth Weiler
Wells Fargo Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Wells, III
Westfield Capital Management
Company, Inc
Weston Patrick, P.A.
Clara B. Winthrop Charitable Trust
($2,500 to $4,999)
Anonymous (5)
1376 River Trust Condo Association
360 Public Relations LLC
Michael Acton and Miriam Smith
The Dr. Anne H. Addington Fund
Dennis and Catherine Arinella
Bank of America United
Way Campaign
Allison Barry
Samantha Bendetson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Berlinguet
Bernie & Phyl’s Furniture
A.U. Bird Trust
Bob and Karen Boudreau
Boston Herald
Breckinridge Capital Advisors, Inc.
Bunker Hill Community College
William Carroll
The Cash Catalyst, LLC
Cellai Law Offices
Claudine M. Ciccia
Cheryl Clark
Columbian Lodge A.F. & A.M.
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Employees Charitable Campaign
Consolidated Service Corporation
Alicia M. Cooney and
Stephen Quigley
Stephen Darr and Linda Fermery
Jonathan and Margot Davis
Diesel Direct
Donna Karan
Downey Capital Management, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Emerman
Mark and Jill Engerman
Edward and Helene Faneuil
First Parish of Arlington
Lionel and Judith Fortin
Foundation for Metrowest
The Fuller Foundation
Grimshaw-Gudewicz Charitable
Ian and Dianne Gutterman
Harvard University Employees
High Pointe Foundation
Hirsch Roberts Weinstein LLP
Trust of Adelaide B. Howland
HUB International New England, LLC
IBM Employee Services Center
Ricki Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Jacobson
John Hancock Matching Gifts Program
Christopher Johnson and
Kenneth Repp
Katsiroubas Brothers Wholesale
Fruit & Produce
Ellen King
Xanthra Kolk
Christina Larson and John Kelly
Lighthouse Wealth Management
George and Ilse Lohrer
Raymond and Susan Lynds
Teri and Ian Macduff
Mandarin Oriental Foundation
Marcus Partners
Michelle McDonough and
Cynthia Mulica
Joan McLaughlin
E.F. Merkert 1996 Charitable
Randy S. Meyers and Jeffrey Rand
MIT Federal Credit Union
Drs. Anna J. Mitus and Jay D. Orlander
Barbara Moore and
Jack VanWoerkom
Nahikian Family Foundation
Giovanni P. Olivei
Kathleen O’Sullivan
Papa Gino’s INC.
Joseph Perini Memorial Foundation
Pillsbury Charitable Trust
Margot C. Pyle
Michael P. Quercio
Richard and Joanne Ramsey
Janne and Matthew Rigatti
Lisa K. Rowan-Gillis and Gary M. Gillis
Happy and Will Rowe
The Ruggles Family Foundation
Salvucci Masonry Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David Schelzi
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schmidt
Joanne Sewell
Warren C. Shoop
Trust of Laura Sibbel Fiske
Silvertone Bar & Grill
Adam and Gail Slifka
Barry F. Smith and Susan
James and Susan Smith
Mrs. Beatrice F. Spiller
State Street Matching Gift Program
Structure Consulting Group
Lesli Suggs
John and Cathleen Sullivan
TD Ameritrade Clearing
Tech Mechanical Systems, Inc
Patricia E. Trebino
Trinity Partners
Matthew and Denise Troxell
Turf Technologies
UGL Services
W.T. Phelan & Co. Insurance
Agency, Inc.
Wayfair, LLC
Diane Welsh
Janet and James Wheeler
Whole Foods Market, North Atlantic
Robert H. Willoughby
Sharon and Wesley Wratchford
($1,000 to $2,499)
Anonymous (30)
6one7 Productions
Dr. Ralph Aarons and
Dr. Elizabeth Aarons
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Abber
Adage Capital Management, L.P.
Robert E. Alan
Algonquin Regional High School
Allison Family Fund
Jeff Alpaugh
Altman-Stiller Foundation
David and Holly Ambler
Ameriprise Financial, Inc. Corporate
Giving Program
Elizabeth M. Ames
David and Melinda Anderson
Gaille Anderson
The Andover – Green’s Fund
The APAS Foundation
Aquanor Marketing, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Arakelian
Arbella Insurance Group Charitable
Hillary Ashton
Atlantic Associates, Inc.
Dennis and Susan Ausiello
Diane Ayache
Sibylle Baier
Charles D. Baker
Cole and Avery Barbeau
Jeffrey and Ruth Barker
Cornelia Barnard
Barter Family Trust
James and Eloise Barter
Henry and Terri Baybutt
Beals and Thomas, Inc.
Robert and Ruth Benker
Stephen and Lurana Bergson
Michael Biagioni
Michael Bianca
Kelly Bierly
Richard Bijjani
Leadership Circle of Hope (continued)
Birchwood Charitable Trust
Lawrence R. Bisbee, Jr.
Mark Bissell
Peter J. Black and Christine C.
BlackRock Foundation
Edward and Barbara Boches
Bohler Engineering MA, LLC
Charles S. Boit
Bootcamp Super Santas
Shelly Booth
The Boston Educational Development
The Boston Lawyers Group
William H. Brack and Jessica
Anne Ladd
Dan Bradley
Shawn and Kathleen Bragdon
Ellen Brezniak
Brigham and Women’s Hospital –
Joshua and Fiona Brooks
Andrew Buckman
Build-A-Bear Foundation
Buildium, LLC
Mrs. Ellen Bullard
Doug and Connie Burton
Susan O. Bush
Cain Brothers & Company, Inc.
David and Patricia Cameron
Mary and Chris Canavan
John G. and Peggy Carberry
Keith F. Carlson
Ian T. Carnathan
Joseph Carper and Susan McKittrick
Michael and Margaret Carrington
Carroll Charitable Foundation
Francis R. Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Carvalho
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Catanese
Lucille T. Cesari
Mrs. Joanna Chanis and
Dr. Vasilios Mourmoutis
Charles River Apparel
Joshua Childs
Kathleen Childs
Anjali and Yash Chitre
Christina and Tim Cohen
The Christopher Catanese Children’s
City of Boston Employees’ Charitable
Eugene and Meredith Clapp
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cleary
Sherryl and Gerard Cohen
Tim and Christina Cohen
Victor and Janet Coletti
Charles and Camilla Collova
Concert Pharmaceuticals
Jeff Conklin
Christian Connors
Charles M. Cook
Cool Cow Ice Cream
CoxLevin LLC
David and Janet Coyle
Michael and Mary Coyne
Mary A. Crabtree Fund
Eileen Crittle
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cullinane
Christopher G. Cunniff
Richard D. Curran
Randi and Joel Cutler
CVS Caremark
Todd E. Dambrauskas
Bruce Daniel and Susan Dacey
William and Kathleen Davidson
Amy Davis and Frank Dunau
Michael K. Davis
John and Margaret Dawson
Dedham Institution for Savings
Margaret Degou
David and Deborah Deitz
Vinita Deodhar and Ajay Joshi
Dylan DeSimone
Thomas and Laurie DesRosier
Clayton G. Deutsch
Mr. and Mrs. James Devaney
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M. Devine, Jr.
Peter Diana
Molly Diggins and Mark Duggan
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Diggins
DiGiovanni Family
Ted and Coleen Dinneen
William and Julie Doe
Mrs. Kathy Doherty
Kevin and Joan Donahue
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Donovan
R. Michael Dorsch
Mark Doyle
Ken Drucker
Joseph P. Duffey
Mr. and Mrs. James Dufort
Dun-Rite Cleaning
Eaton Vance Investment Managers
James and Kathleen Elcock
Ronald F. Enemark
Equity Office Properties Trust
Esherick Family Fund
Pamela D. Everhart
Frank and Eileen Faggiano
Charles and Anne Farrington
Edward and Kate Farrington
Sharon and Morton Fearey
Federal Street Advisors, Inc.
David and Vinita Ferrera
Festive Adventures, Inc.
William M. Fitzgerald
Foliage Software Systems
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Foster
Mary I. Fulton
Patricia L. Furness
Kathleen M. Gallagher
Robert and Catherine Gallagher
Nicholas and Meghan Gambino
Sandy and Dozier Gardner
Anthony Gemma
Gina Gesamondo
The Giving Common
Keith Glover and Lenore Hill
Bill Goebel
Daniel L. Goldberg
Carolyn Golden Hebsgaard
Jonathan Goodman and
Elizabeth Silverman
Michael and Karen Gorton
Nathaniel and Jodi Gorton
Grandin Family Foundation
Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo
Nancy and Gary Greenberg
Michelle Greenspun
Patricia A. Griffin
Grousbeck Trust
Guido Guidotti
Mark Gunn
H.M.L. Associates
Stuart Haber
Eileen F. Haggerty
Robert Hallsworth
Anne K. Halvorsen
Estate of Eugene B. Hamilton
Richard Merrill Haney, Ph.D. and
Merle Marie McConnell, M.L.S.
The Hartford
Antoine Hatoun and Andrea Levitt
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hawes
Health Policy Associates, Inc.
Teresa Heinz and John Kerry
Denis and Elizabeth Helm
Hewlett Family Charitable Gift Fund
Hicks Family Charitable Foundation
Hiram Youth Development Center
Evelyn F. Hitchcock
Hollingsworth & Vose Company
Linda Cotone Hoyt
Krista Huff and Gregory McGurk
John Hughes
Robert M. Hussey
Joseph A. Imbimbo
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Dept Assoc L.A.P.M. of MA
Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Insurance Fraud Bureau of
Edie Janas
JD Cordage, LLC
Amy and Rob Job
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce K. Johnson
Nancy and William Johnston
David Johst and Denise Bordonaro
Jolie & Company
Cynthia Jones
Joymark Inc.
Leila R. Kamal
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Karlberg
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kaseta
Loretta Keane
Chris Keeley
Cynthia Kelliher, Esq.
Mary E. Kelly
Michael Kelly
Donna and Ronald Kendall
Christine E. Kenny
The Kenwood Foundation
Amina Khan
Susan Kincaid and Ralph Luongo
King Spruce Company
Bonnie E. Kirchner CFP, MST
KNC Mechanical
James T. Knowles
George and Carolyn Koehler
Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Kotler
Frederick and Susan Kramer
Mrs. Luella S. Kramer
KSP Financial Consultants
Stephen and Mary Ann La Pierre
Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Lambert
John and Caroline Langan
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Lanuto
Andrew Larson and Steven Gray
The Lassor & Fanny Agoos
Charity Fund
John P. and Craig F. Lawrence
Leader Bank
Henry and Mary Lee
Scott Levy
Gardner Lewis
Mrs. Dorothy L’Homme and
Melissa M. L’Homme
James G. Liebau
Trust of Alfred V. Lincoln
Linedata Services, Inc.
Mark H. Lippolt
The LJS Family Fund
Ian and Isabelle Loring
Barbara and Antonio J. Lorusso, Jr.
F. Cameron Ludwig
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Lynn
Elizabeth and John Mace
MacFarlane Energy
Mr. and Mrs. Loran B. Macumber
Thomas and Joanne Magliozzi
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Maguire
Carly Maher
Bridget R. Maillet
Gregory P. Mailloux
Mandarin Oriental San Francisco
Mrs. Polly S. Mapes
Michael Marcella
Robert and Donna Maresca
Massport Public Services
Christine McCormick
Maureen McGovern
Thomas J. McNichol
Nelson Mead Fund
Honorable Marty Meehan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Melaugh
Robert P. Melendy
Merkle Inc.
Ethan Meyers
The Miami Dolphins
MIB Group, Inc.
Barbara Carter Moore
Jennette Morgan
Morgan Stanley
Mormann Family Fund
Joseph Morris
Mrs. Clara J. Motter
Carolyn G. Mugar
Timothy and Sara Mulcahy
Mullen Advertising, Inc.
John and Catherine Murphy
Irfan Nafrullah
Jennifer A. Nassour and
Charles J. Brucato
Paula Nelson
New England Office Connection, Inc.
New England Revolution
New England Sports Network
Susane K. Newell
The Newman School
Newton Running Company
Nolan Sheehan Patten LLP
Northeastern University
Gary and Martha Oberstein
The Family of Francis P. O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Ian O’Keeffe
Charles A. Olsson
One Beacon Charitable Trust
O’Neill and Associates
Maureen F. O’Neill
Wyn O’Shea
Linda and Edward Owens
Oxford Fund, Inc.
Mary Palmer
William J. Pananos
The Pappas Family Charitable Fund
Peter D. Parker and Susan Clare
Parkway Message Center, Inc.
Kim Payson
Charles H. Pearson Foundation Fund
Trust of Louise Pease
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Penna
Alfonso and Monica Perillo
Law Offices of Stephanie A. Petty, LLC
Gretchen Pfuetze and Ethan Thurow
The Piwinski Family
Plimpton-Shattuck Fund
Plumb House, Inc.
Kimberly R. Plummer
Tiziana Polizio
Mrs. Kathryn M. Portle
Kate Poverman and Raphael Bueno
Paula A. and Michael D. Price
Shelly Rainen
Kelley and Hamilton Ray
Katherine C. Raymond
Roger and Hannelore Reiser
Yvonne and Richard Renwick
Kennedy P. Richardson
The Ritz Carlton Boston Common
Joyce L. Robsham
Barbara and Pat Roche
Rota Portrait Design
Karen and Richard Ruben
David and Sandra Rullo
Kathleen M. Russo
Miss Theresa M. Sabean
Barbara J. Saint Andre
Suzanne Salvucci
Gerald and Lucille Sands
Joshua Santana
Mr. and Mrs. Hans P. Schaefer
The Schechter Foundation – Gail
and David Schechter
Frederick and Kathleen Schultz
SCOOP Management, LLC
Laura J. Sen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Senechal
Michael and Jennifer Sexton
Timothy D. Shay
Henry and Joyce Shepherd
Sheraton Framingham Hotel
Ross and Kathleen Sherbrooke
The Simpson Corporation
Erik Sirri
Slade Gorton & Company, Inc.
Jane and Gordon Slaney
The Slater Foundation Inc.
Samuel Slater
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Sliwa, III
Peter and Maria Smail
Beatriz Pina Smith
Joseph M. Smith and Scott A.
Mark Snyder
Naomi Sobel and Diana Doty
Michael E. Solomon
Lilyane and Peter Soltz
Farzaneh A. Sorond and
Soad F. Kousheshi
Carolyn and Andrew Spangler
Sparrow Enterprises, Ltd.
Sports Club, L.A.
The Abbott & Leslie Sprague Family
Trust under the Will of Barbara
Martin C. Stanger
James and Joan Stanley
Nora Stanulonis
Staples, Inc.
Deborah and Ben Starr
Nadine and Alexander Steffan
Seth and Jennifer Stier
Nicole and Ted Stimpson
Strategic Benefit Advisors, Inc
Genevieve and Stephen Sweeney
Kevin and Joan Symmons
Sandra A. Tamer
Taylor & Luongo Charitable Gift Fund
Gavin A. Taylor
Carol A. Thomas
Thomas Fallon Photography
Thomas Fund of the Princeton Area
Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas
Tim and Bonnie Thomas
David and Nancy Thyng
Tocci, Goss & Lee PC
Gene and Susan Tremblay
Brian and Anne Trinque
United Parish of Auburndale
United Way Suncoast
Jerome Urvoy and Marc-Andre
Kristin Kellogg Valdmanis
Patricia and Stephen Villani
Mrs. Cynthia Walker
Joan Wallace-Benjamin, Ph.D. and
Milton J. Benjamin, Jr.
Walsh Brothers, Inc.
The Wang Center for the
Performing Arts
Alvin and Judy Warren
Alexander B. Wayman
Rick and Patti Wayne
WCVB-TV Channel 5
The Frederick E. Weber Charities
Eric Weiss
Wells Family Foundation
Beth K. Werths
The Whistler Fund
LeRoy White, Jr.
Whittier Family Charitable Gift Fund
Duncan and Kim Wilkinson
Lee Wise and Elaine M. Sullivan
Kent B. Wittler
Mrs. Arlene Wolk
Valerie A. Yarashus
Paula Zavrl
Think Differently —
Give Differently
Many of our generous donors have devised quite creative
ways of ensuring that The Home is remembered — both now
and in the future. Some examples:
Earmarking their Social Security check to come
to The Home on a monthly basis
Making The Home the beneficiary of their
Establishing a charitable gift annuity
Bequeathing the balance in their savings account
to The Home
insurance policy
Circle of Hope
The Home proudly acknowledges members of the Circle of Hope
recognition society who have contributed $250 to $999 within a
given fiscal year. The following list reflects all gifts and pledges
received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013.
($500 to $999)
Anonymous (19)
Brian J. Abbanat
Sonia S. Abrams
ABTS Convention Services
AcuIty Business Integration, Inc.
Karen and Brian Adams
Aetna Foundation
Marcia T. Allen and Kevin J. Doherty
Stephen C. Allen
AlphaSimplex Group, LLC
Kara L. Amara
David and Elizabeth Ames
Santhosh Anand
Paul C. Anderson
Joanne Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. T.K. Ankner
Ken Ansin
Gail Arnold
Jacqueline Arocho
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan J. Arvai
Jonathan and Colleen Ash
Adrienne Atkinson
Atwood & Cherny
AvalonBay Communities, Inc
Steven and Angela Bader
Steve and Deborah Baker
Banana Republic — Boston
Robert Banaski
Anthony Barbagallo and
Kristen Fowks
Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Barbaro
Dr. Rosalind Barnett
Sharon Batchelder
The Bay State Federal Savings
Charitable Foundation
Jeffrey Beale
Kurt P. Belken
Christopher Belmonte
Donna Belmonte
Benchmark Assisted Living LLC
The Bennett-Hemenway School
Paula Bentinck-Smith
Bergen County United Way
Patricia Bernazzani
Paul D. Bertoli, Jr.
Marin Blitzer
Joshua D. Bogen
Philip and Carol Bois
Boston Celtics
The Boston Sisters Convent
Boston University College of
Sean and Tany Boulger
Richard and Deborah Boutilier
Doris E. Bouwensch
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Boyce
Susan Boyle
David and Barbara Brierley
James M. Broderick and
Karen A. Johnson
Jean Brodnax
Myles A. Brown and Judy Garber
Pat Bryant
Heather and Christopher Buder
Tom and Judy Bullitt
David and Ethel Butler
Thomas J. Butters
David and Moira Byer
Byrne Financial Freedom, LLC
Joseph and Jeannine Byrne
C. E. Floyd Co., Inc.
Cabot-Wellington, LLC
Brian W. Calvert
Jennifer Calvo
Paul D. Cammarata D.M.D.
Elizabeth and Ronald Campbell
Patrick Campbell
Sybil A. Campbell
Leslie and Lynn Cannon
Cardinal Medeiros Transitional
Laura and Andrew Carnase
Emily Carroll
Ishrat Cheema
Peter J. Cheever
George and Mary Chin
Bernard C. Chioccariello
Jennifer Christie
Mirza and Nora Cifric
Clarion Healthcare Employees
Claudia G. Clark
Sandra Clarke
Terry Hart Cogan
Jerome D. Cohen
Joel and Stephanie Cohen
Jason Colbert
Coldwell Banker Duxbury
Dr. James M. Coleman
Christine Collins
Janice L. Colombi
Deborah A. Colony
Combined Federal Campaign of
Rhode Island and SE MA
Marlies I. Comjean
Commercial Construction
Consulting, Inc.
Edward R. Comstock
Mark Coneeny
Congress Wealth Management, LLC
George Conner
Dr. Patricia A. Connolly
Maureen A. Conroy
J. Linzee Coolidge
Patricia Cornelison
Mr. and Mrs. Russell V. Corsini, Jr.
Armand Cortina
Kerstin Cotran
Mr. and Mrs. W. Read Coughlin
Vivian Cournoyer
F. Richard Couture
Todd and Amy Cowgill
Jennifer Cox
Lynda M. Coye
Nancy Coyle
Daniel R. Coyne
Adam and Lisa Crane
Dr. and Mrs. Keith Crawford
Gary and Jeanne Cronin
Kate Crowley
Miss Stacy L. Cuffe
William F. Cummings
Marion O. Cunningham
Curis, Inc.
Randolph Cutress
Paula and John Daher
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. D’Angelo
Steven and Helena D’Angelo
Danversport Yacht Club, Inc.
Rich Davey
Estate of Charles Davis
Christopher J. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund B. Davis
Kelly Davis
Mary Dawley
Denis Deagle
Mr. and Mrs. Domenic DeAngelo
Megan DeGrass
Mr. Sean Delaney
Valerie Denomy
Department of Transitional Assistance
Anna T. Dern
Alfred W. Descenza
Thomas and Mary DeSimone
Matthew DeSutter and Donna Paglia
Robert J. Devaney, Jr.
Mrs. Gloria Di Geronimo
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard John DiCarlo
Mark C. Dickson
Mrs. Elinor A. Dilorio
Lynn Dionne
Julie B. Doran and Friends
Paul and Barbara Dowling
Christopher Downey
Alysa E. Doyle, Ph.D.
Kyle Draeger
David Duclos
Robert Duffy
Elizabeth Duggan
Michael Dunn
William and Leah Dusett
Scott and Kathleen Edwards
Dawn M. Egan
Marjorie W. Egan
Thomas and Margaret Egan
Michael Elkin
Jenny Elkus
Constance Emmett
John L. Ennis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eshbach
Estabrook Advisors, LLC
Nelson and Ellie Everts
Laurie Ewald
Laura Fahey
Kerry P. Falco
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Fanning
Joseph W. Fantasia
William A. Farrell
Lori Favreau
Carol Fazio
Amanda Fernandez
Heidi and Tony Ferreira
Karen M. Ferrera
Fibus Family Foundation
Fifteen Beacon Hotel
Alfred J. Filiaggi
Jeff Filmore
First Chance Foundation
First Harbor Company
Mark Fisher
Daniel P. Fitzgerald
Kevin Fitzgerald
Daniel J. Fitzpatrick
Michael J. Fitzpatrick
Patrick J. Fitzsimons
Jeffrey Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Flynn
Glendon A. Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Forde
Forest Foundation
Fortune Personnel Consultants
Marc Foster
Susan B. Furtado
Judi Gale
Joshua Ganjei
Gary Darman Company
Card Gerald
Lisa Gheringhelli
Ted Giese
Jill and Michael Glazer
Rober and Beth Goldberg
Hannah Goodale
Julie Hume Gordon and Phil Gordon
Kenneth and Ann Gorson
Mrs. Charlotte Heaton Gowen
Philip and Barbara Graceffa
Dr. William and Mrs. Linda Green
Melanie and Richard Green
Linda and Alberto Grignolo
Marina and Andrew Gross
Virginia Guarino
Ranjay Gulati
Diane T Gulinello
Clifton S. Gustafson
Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro
George F. Hailer
Yasmin Hamed
Bonnie N. Hanisch
Leonard F. Hanna
Robert and Margaret Hannemann
John M. Hannigan
Kent F. Hansen, Ph.D.
Trevor Harlow
Harvard Pilgrim — Care
Management Staff
Debra E. Harvey
Jessica Hawks
William Heinz
Mary E. Heiser
John J. Hennessey
John and Linnea Hennessy
Henry F. Owens, Inc.
Elizabeth J. Herlihy
Nancy L. Herring
James and Marilyn Heskett
Stephen and Donna Hickox
Rosemary H. Higginson
Highfields Capital Management LP
Jennifer S. Hilton
Stephen and Ann Hogan
Hong Kong at Faneuil Hall
Steven and Heather Horan
Michael Horowitz
Robert Houde
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Houk
Michael and Susan Houle
Steven Hudberg
David K. Hudson
David Hugh Fund
Alison Husid
Walter and Suzanne Huskins
Robert Hyland
Michele Iacopino
Jeannette Iles
James P. Ingram
ISD - Knowledge Management
J.M. Services, CO., LLC
Duane and Deborah C. Jackson
Janis Research Company
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Januszewski
Joseph R. Jenkins
David Jennings and Jennifer Krebs
Nancy and Peter Jeton
Steven Jilcott
Georgia M. Johnson
Lynne A. Johnson
Hilary Johnston
Holly and Bruce Johnstone
Jones Lang LaSalle Americas
Maureen A. Joyce
Kerri Judge
Denise Kaigler
Eileen M. Kane
Kathryn M. Karazia
Steve Karnolt
Eric Karnowski
Mrs. Susan Kaufman
Christopher A. Kazantis
Donna and Walter Kelleher
Morris and Elizabeth Kellogg
Alice Kelly
Barbara M. Kelly
William Kennedy
Kenneth Berman Photography
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kenney
Mr. and Mrs. David Kettner
Scott and Jennifer Kirwin
The Klein Family Charitable Fund
Carmella A. Kletjian
Wendell J. Knox and Lucy Algere
Byron Koh and Fran Wall
Helen R. Krasinski
Krokidas & Bluestein LLP
Kronos Incorporated
Nobuko O. Kuhn
Joseph Kvedar
Elizabeth and James Ladd
David F. Lafferty
Dr. Lorna Lally
Raymond and Marie Lambert
Peter Landry
Latham & Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Lawrence
Paul Le Vie
Laura L. Lester
Pamela W. Levine
Ralph Levoy
Robert Lieberman and
Marcia Lieberman
The Life Initiative
Andrew Limeri
Denis and Rebecca Lin
Jeffery K. Lines
Cyrus B. Linscott
Mr. and Mrs. John LoConte
Timothy R. Loff
Kai Lopes
The Loring Family Fund
Douglas and Linsey Low
Ralph W. Lowry
Elisabeth A. Luick
Joanna Lussier
Daniel G. Lynch
Bryan MacCormack
Luke Macdonald
Douglas Mackie
Janet MacQuarrie
Mike MacWade
Dave Mankoff
Mann & Rogers Funeral Home
Jamie J. Manning
Deborah L. Marshall
John B. Martin
Peter J. Martin
Massachusetts Capital
Resource Company
Massachusetts Municipal Association
Stephen Matheson
Samuel J. Matthews
Ross Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard P. McCarthy
Robert B. McCauley
Kevin F. McCune
Carol C. McDonough
Jeffrey McHarg and Elaine Dors
Kathryn McKenna
Amy McLaughlin
Pamela Mclaurin
Stephen J. McMahon
Carol McNeil
Mary A. McQueston
The Stephen Mead Charitable Fund
Arthur and Jeanne Meehan
Michael J. Meehan
John and Christen Meola
Merck Partnership for Giving
Merrill Lynch
Merrimac Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Meskell
Katherine P. Messenger
Nicholas Middleton
Midriff Records Corp.
Mill Street Investment Management
Millennium Partners Sports
Club Management
Michael Miller
D. Quinn H. Mills
MIT Community Services Office
Pierre Monfils
Stephen Mongeau and Janice Ruell
John Montgomery
Jill and Paul Morelli
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Morgan
Morgan Stanley
Eliott Morra
Dawn Mortimer
George and Beth Murnaghan
Eric A. Murphy
Gerald Murphy
Kathryn Cochrane Murphy
Robert J. Murray
Patricia Nassau
National Facility Services, Inc.
Stephen Nawrocki
Cara Nelson
Sarah Nethercote
Lance A. and Deborah C. Neumann
New Covenant Foundation, Inc.
Richard L. Newman
Nimble Partners
Nina McLemore LLC
NPR Digital Services
NSTAR Foundation
Nutter, McClennen & Fish LLP
Megan and Robert O’Block
Mr. and Mrs. James O’Brien
O’Connor & Drew, P.C.
David O’Donahoe and Diane Pienta
Mary O’Donnell
Marsha P. Oest
Kevin A. O’Laughlin
Audrey E. Olsen
Mrs. Lynne Osborn
Mary O’Sullivan
Maryann Ouellette
Michelle R. Ouellette
Deborah S. Palmer
Diane Palombi
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pankievich, Sr.
Sam Patel
George C. Patsouris &
George M. Bennett
Allison and Stephen Pellegrino
Sara and Daniel Pellegrom
Nancy E. Petronio
John Petrowsky and Thomas Vise
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts
Pfizer Inc. — Cardiovascular and
Metabolic Disease Research
Beth L. Phillips
Physical Sciences, Inc.
Alaina J. Giampapa Pica
Kasper Pilibosian
Marsha Pliakas
Plymouth Congregational Church
of Belmont
Poduska Family Foundation Inc.
Jennifer Pollock
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred J. Pouliot, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Price
Frederick and Ruthann Prifty
Pro Tools & Supply
Mr. and Mrs. John Quint
Fred Ramos
Deni Randall
Raymond James Financial, Inc.
Claudio Rebbi
Jeanette Reedy
Regan P. Remillard Foundation
David and Jessica Reilly
Suzanne and Jack Reno
Paul and Donna Resten
Matthew and Andrea Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Robertson
Rodman Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Roman
Heather Roney and Michael Yalon
Paul and Margaret Rosenberg
Robert and Marcia Roy
Stephen and Janet Ruggiero
Kyle Rys and Carrie Rainen
Steven Safren
Robert and Lee Salern
Paul and Kate Santoro
Annmarie Sasdi
Gared Schneberger
Catherine G. Schneider
William R. and Leslie A. Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. Oreon Scott
Dr. and Mrs. R. Michael Scott
Jeannie Seidler
Dr. Eva M. Selhub
Jill Sharif
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sheldon
Elizabeth F. Shephard
Walter A. Shephard
George and Beatrice Sherman
Family Trust
Lucy I. Sherman Charitable Foundation
Norton L. Sherman
Robert A. Sherman and Kim Sawyer
Amy and Everett Shorey
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Shults
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Silver
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Singer
Donna M. Sirutis
Paul and Lisa Slack
Donna Small
Harold T. N. Smith Memorial
Snyder Fund for Charitable Giving
Douglas and Janet Spicer
James W. Spitzer
Richard Sprague
Springfield College
Star of Bethlehem Lodge AF & AM
Walter Grove Fund
Geoffrey and April Stein
Dr. Antonia Stephen
Jay and Julie Stephens
Frank Stevens
Stowe Mountain Lodge
Mary Strachan
Ellen Sugarman
Daniel and Leslie Sullivan
Circle of Hope (continued)
($250 to $499)
Jeanne M. Sullivan
Joe Sullivan
Joseph and Marcia Sullivan
Sarah Sullivan
Suzanne Swift
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Swords
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sylvia
Talia Don
Bernard A. Taradash
Michael and Merle Tarnow
Scott Taylor and Laura Hodges Taylor
Sosi Thoomajanian
ThreeBees Fund
TIAA-CREF Employee Giving
Jennifer and Ethan Titus
Todd & Weld LLP
Richard C. Tolson
Magdalena Tosteson
Travelers Insurance
Matthew Trotter
Arthur and Ingeborg Uhlir
Unitarian Universalist Area Church
United Way of Bergen County
Urban Outfitters Boston
Richard D. Urell
Vanguard Charitable Endowment
Charles VanMeter and Donna Marcin
Verizon Foundation
Marc R. Verreault
Gerard Verweij and Anna Lee Verweij
Luis and Jennifer Vidal
Ernest & Beatrice Von Mertens
Charitable Lead Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Jake and Susan Walsh
William Waters
Watson Printing Co., Inc.
Scott Wayne
Mr. and Mrs. Ross D. Weiler
Mrs. Constance V.R. White
William H. Whitledge
Steven Wildes
David and Lisa Wilk
Donna Williams
Anthony and Susan Wilson
Dawn Wise
The Women’s Alliance First Church
in Chestnut Hill
Wistar Wood
Worthwhile Life Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Wythe
Janice T. Yakel
Michael and Andrea Yanoff
William S. Yerazunis
James and Kathy Yoshizawa
Jane O. Youngren
YourCause, LLC
Za-Beth’s Magic Carpet
Michael Zargaj
Edward Zuker and Judi Rotenberg
Anonymous (29)
A.C Whelan Elementary School
Pamela A. Abenaim
Abendroth, Berns & Warner, LLC
Acadian Asset Management, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Albert Ackil
ACP Cleaning, Inc.
Robin, Kellian & Ashley Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Adler
Lesley M. Ahern
Anjali and Andrew Ahn
Mrs. Susan R. Aidala
Tom Allen
Allstate Giving Campaign
Richard A. Amato
Mrs. Francis Amatucci
Peter Ambrosini
American Contract Group
Amgen Foundation Matching
Gift Program
Thomas R. Amos
Stanford Amstutz
Anchor Capital Advisors, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Anderson
Mary Anderson
Nicholas Andrade
Augusto E. Andres
James and Jane Archambeault
Peter Arden
Victoria Argyrople
Stacey and Nick Arnieri
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Arvanigian
ASAP Environmental Inc.
Bryan Ash
Marny Ashburne
Matthew Asiaf
Astro-Med, Inc
Mrs. Pamela A. Avedisian
Margery B. Avirett
B.W. Kennedy & Co.
Janice E. Badessa
BAE Employee Community Service
Fund, Inc.
Susan Baggett and Richard Sergel
Rosemary Bagnell
Charlie Baker
Robert P. Ball
James P. Ballard
Elena A. Balzac
Banana Republic 8708
Mrs. Julie Barbour-Issa
Paul J. Barlett
Dr. and Mrs. David Barlow
Sandra Barnes
Mrs. Elena Baron
Susan and Rob Barrett
Joseph P. Barri
Joseph and Jeanne Bartolo
Robert A. Barton
Suzanne W. Bates
Bay State Model Railroad Museum
Mrs. Helen R. Beal
Curtis and Karen Beard
Nancy K. Beaumont
Carolyn L. Beckman-Stitson
Carrie Begley
Jessica Bell
Ross S. Bellar
Nancy Benchoff
Benemax, Inc.
Alex Bennett
Maria F. Benotti
Clyde and Rene Bergstresser
Robert W. Berland
David Berman
Nora Bernarducci
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Besser
Mr. and Mrs. Dikran Betzig
Bishop Fenwick High School, Inc.
Elizabeth P. Black
Peter Blau
Amy Blumenthal
Margery Bohan
Kathleen Bohner
William and Lily Bond
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Bonito
Dan Bonnette
Robert and Margaret Bonney
John C. Boothroyd
Boston Athletic Club
Boston By Segway
Dimas Botelho
Gayle A. Bourdeau
Richard and Joan Bowen
George and Aimee Bower
Nancy Boyle
Kathleen Bradley
Susan Brady
Deanna Bragger
Craig Brandon
Nanette C. Braucher
Wayne Bresnahan
Margot H. Brickelmaier
Nancy Brickley
Brigham and Women’s Hospital —
Clinical Sciences
Brilliant Pictures, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Brillo
Richard Brinker
The British School of Boston
Cynthia C. Brown
David A. Brown
Mrs. James F. Brown
Jane M. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Brown
Kathryn Lachelt Brown, Esq.
Dr. Rosalind S. Brown
Stephanie Browne
Georgia G. Bruggeman
Meredith Bryan and Family
Scott Bryson
Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Bubonovich
Oliver Buckley
Katherine A. Burdon
John F. Burke
Judith Burke
Julie Burke
Maribeth Burke
Thomas Burke
Alec Burleigh
Kennett and Barbara Burnes
Bridgit Burns and Calen Pennington
Elizabeth M. Puls Burns
Stephanie Burrell
Nancy A. Busnach and
Joseph D’Ovidio
William C. Butcher
Alan B. Butler
Charles Button
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Byrne
Elizabeth W. Cabot
Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
Matching Gift Programs
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Cahill
Cynthia L. Cajka
Gary and Lynne Callahan
James and Luz Callahan
Mary H. Campbell, OFS
Andrea C. Campenella
Canicula Fund
CAPA International Education
Capital Group Companies Charitable
Gordon Caplan
Vincent and Karen Capozzi
Arthur Carr
Maryann C. Carrazza, D.M.D.
Christine and Larry Carsman
Mary Ann Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G. Cassis
Carlos and Barbara Cevallos
Stanley and Dolores Chaban
Bob Chabot
Sarah M. Chadam
Carolyn and Leo Chaharyn
Mrs. Susan M. Chandler
Nicole Chang
Yuchiao Chang
Thomas S. Chapman
The Charles Hotel
Brent Charriere
Katherine Chaurette
Chestnut Hill Realty Corporation
Francis P. and Debra D. Chiacchieri
Brian F. Chiango
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Chila
The Children of St. Ann’s
Baptist Church
Michelle Choate
David and Jeanine Christian
Spiro A. Christopulos
Mrs. George Chrysanthos
Anthony Cintolo
James F. Clarke, Jr.
Michael and Kathleen Clasby
Jean M. Cleary
Cynthia Clemson
John Clowes
Mr. and Mrs. Neil I. Cochrane
Nancy Colbert
Jason Cole
James G. Coletti
Sarah J. Coletti
Michael and Linda Collins
Colonnade Hotel
Anne E. Colpitts
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Conners
Patricia J. Connolly
Kenneth and Carol Connor
Kelli Connors
Mrs. Rosemary A. Connors-Botto
Did you know?
During FY13, 2,304 clients
and families received clinical
care and coordination so they
could remain in their homes.
Mark Conway
Howard M. Cooper
Thomas F. Corcoran
Mr. and Mrs. Mario J. Cornacchio
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Corrigan
Amy E. Costa
Katharine Cotugno
Courion Corporation
Olga Cozzolino and John Anas
James E. Creutz
Trish Crockan
Patricia M. Crosby
David P. Crosscup
Sharolyn Crotty
Anna and Andreas Cullen-Voyatzakis
Paul L. Cummings
Robert N. Cunjak
Richard Cunningham
Kajaal Cupid
Curry College
Gerald and Jeanne Curtis
Sally Cutter
Cyrus E. Dallin Elementary School
D. J. Walsh Associates, Inc.
Barbara A. Daly
Elizabeth M. Daly
Stephen P. Daly
Marcia Damon
Anita D’Angelo
Anita and Flora D’Angio
David Davies
Joe And Evelyn Davis
Linda Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis
Alan Day
Carrie L. Day
DB&S Lumber & Home
Improvement Centers
Christopher Deady
Daniel J. DeBassio, Jr.
Gloria Deflice
Eunice F. Delaney
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Delaney
Dell Giving
John DelPrete
Deutsche Bank Championship
Mary and Russell Dexter
Manuel Dias
Donald and Paula Dickinson
Maryrose DiDomenico
Mrs. Karen Digravio
Jennifer E. Dilts
Peter DiMarzio
Paul W. DiMaura
Mike Doherty
Philip G. Dole, Sr.
Brian Donegan
Caroline E. Donohue
John A. Donoian
Kevin and Marjorie Dorney
Chris Doucet
Dover-Sherborn Middle School
Duane and Tatiana Downey
William E. Doyle
Brent T. Dragisich
Jinia Drinkwater
James and Sharon Duda
Benjamin J. Dupnik
Ted and Beth Durant
Tom and Noelle Durling
Dineen M. Dusablon
Ruth Anne Dykeman
Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
Eastern Dentists Insurance Company
B. Edelin Events Planning, Inc.
Janet D. Eisendrath
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Elia
Ellen O’Connell Giving Fund
Elliot Badgley Foundation
Ann M. Elliott
Jeffrey Ellowitz
EMC Corporation
Stephen J. Engler and John Lopes
The Essex Culinary Resort and Spa
Dr. Nicholas D. Etcheverry
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Etheridge
Deena Ethridge
Quinn Eureka
Charlie and Peggy Evangelakos
April Evans
Phyllis C. Fairchild
Douglas V. Faller
Mark M. Falzone
and Linda A. Farney
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Farrington
Kathy Faulk
Kevin and Claudia Feeney
Charles B. Feininger
Beth F. Felder and Richard A. Siegel
Laura Felice
Mary and Carolynn Felton
Albert L. Fenn
Pam Ferguson
Ron and Roberta Ferro
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Fillo Financial LLC
Victor Finnemore
Richard Fitzgerald
Five Star Quality Care, Inc
Linda and Paul Flaherty
Agustin and Mariblance Fleites
Christopher L. Flynn
David L. Flynn
FM Global Foundation
Katherine Fogarty
Stephan G. Fopiano, Sr.
Preston and Candice Ford
Paul E. Foskett
Suzanne Foster
Ramsey E. Fountain
Francis L. Fox
Deidre L. Fox
Frances Ray Jules Salon
Maryann Fraticelli
Diane E. Freeman
Barry and Evan Freid
David and Donna Frenette
Fresenius Medical Care North America
Hanna Friedenstein
Mary Fronk and H. H. Smallridge
Mrs. Ellen Furlong
Tim and Tina Fyalkowski
Christina Fyock
James Gajewski
Constance Galanis
Teresa M. Gallinaro
Paul S. Garber
Taunya and Denton Garrett
Matthew S. Garzone
John and Carol Gately
Edward R. Gates
Norma E. Gavazzi
Sharon Gaynor
Michael W. Geis
Lawrence Gelb
Jessica George
James and Kathleen Geraghty
Nancy Ghabai
Lauren Giacopelli
Mrs. Gail Gibbs
Cate S. Gilbane
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gilbert
Craig Gilmartin
Al and Eileen Gineitis
Ginger Betty’s Bakery
William Glatfelter
Deborah C. Gleason
Julie M. Gleason
Peter and Catherine Goldring
Luisa Gonzalez
Mary A. Goodwin
Gordon Brothers Group, LLC
Susan Gordona
Kathryn Gorman
Robin F. Gorman
William and Kathleen Goss
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Gottlieb
William Grant
Carmine A. Greco
Chris Gregg
Luke Griffin
Calvin M. Grimes, Jr.
Kate and Dan Grondin
The Grossman Companies, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Grossman
FY13 Fundraising Facts
The Home had a total of 18,218 donors, of
which 4,495 were added in FY13.
Donors gave a combined $8,996,363 to
support our work with children and families.
Our Cornerstone Society donors — those
giving to The Home for 20 years-plus —
grew to a total of 3,162.
Circle of Hope (continued)
Arthur S. Grove
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Guilbault
Mrs. Margaret Gulla
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Gustus
Ted Hailer
Sandra Haiman
Richard C. Hale
Karen S. Hambleton
Hamilton Primary School
Jim and Amy Hampe
Hanover Middle School
Harvey and Jeanne Hansen
Laura Hansen
Jonathan L. Hargrove
Jennifer and Brian Harkins
David and Joan Harper
Eunice M. Harps
Samantha Harriman
Mrs. Susan Harrington
Michael Hart
Hart Supply Co., Inc.
Manina O. Harvey
Edward Hatch
Haymarket Media
Mike Hays and Shannon Hays
Christopher and Mary Hehman
Horace Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Henderson
Robert Scott Henderson
Edward and Diane Hendriks
Robert R. Henzler
Stephanie Herbst
Walter Heyde
Margaret E. Higgins and
Jeffrey P. Peterson
Deborah Hildebrandt
David Hinds
Hingham Lumber Company, Inc
Kalon Ho
Jane E. Hoffman
Mark Hollick
Mrs. Lucile J. Holliday
Homemaker Services, Inc.
Stephanie and Robert Hood
Kathryn Horgan
John Horvath
Hotel Marlowe
Margaret M. Houlahan
Lisa Housman
Richard H. Howe
Walter Hubley
Emilie Huck
David Hughes
Marilyn Hughes
Michael A. Hunt
Agnes D. Huot
Hurdle Hill Foundation
John T. Hurley
Mrs. Nancy G. Hurlin
Robert N. Husson
Dennis I. Huszar
Mr. and Mrs. John Hutcheson
Hyatt Regency Cambridge
The Inn and Spa at Mill Falls
Invest in Others Charitable
Foundation Inc.
Scott Irvin
Daniel P. Irwin and Sheila M. Howard
Phillip Isom, IV
Gladys and John Jablonski
Ann Jackman
Jennifer M. Jaynes
Melinda S. Jerauld
Jims’ Landscaping Inc.
Frank D. Johnson
Kirk Johnson
Linda Johnson
Diane R. Johnstone-DeRosa
Erik M. Jones
Helen Jones
Tracy L. Jones
B. Glenn and Cindy Jutras
Thomas Kachoris
Richard D. Kahn
Kathy B. Kalimon
Russell L. Kane
Mark Kangas
Daniel and Pamela Kaplan
Maria Katsileros
Mrs. Mary Fay Kattman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Kaufman
Evelyn C. Kaupp
Suzanne J. Kavanagh
Robert D. Keefe
Christopher and Theresa Keenan
Michelle Keenan
Maura Kelley
Chris and Leigh Kelter
Deborah A. Kenny
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Kerwin
Richard M. Kesner
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Keyser
Robert A. Keyworth
Lora Khederian
Mrs. Joyce Kibbe
Matthew E. Kidd
Theresa M. Kiernan
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Kilroy
Sandra T. King and Robert T. Tunis
Steven Kingsley
Daniel and Sharon Kleitman
Knights of Columbus — Winchester
Council #210
Maureen Byrne Kobayashi
Michael J. Kohn
Christopher and Sheryl Kokkinos
Mrs. Vivian Kolovos
Nataliya Kovalchuk
Bill Kracunas
Joyce M. Kraley
Thomas and Linda Kraus
Dr. Jonathan Kruskal
Patricia A. Kurkul
Ambrose Kwong
Landmark Impressions
Judy B. Largesse
Mr. and Mrs. John Larrabee
Dr. Richard Larschan
Douglas A. Lauffenburger and
Linda G. Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lawrence, Jr.
Patricia Lawton
Le Meridien Cambridge
Robert LeBlanc
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lee
Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Legg
Amanda S. Lehman
Mr. and Mrs. William Lemnios
Courtney Lemoine
Beth Lessard
Konstantinos Ligris
Julianne Lindsay
H. Eugene and Nancy M Lindsey
Barrie Little-Gill
Barbara Litwak
Mrs. Edna M. Locke
Karen Lonati
John Lopes and Stephen J. Engler
David Luinis
Christine Lukasevicz
Kenneth W. Lund
Russell and Barbara Lurvey
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Lynch
James Lyndon
William S. Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lytle
Maureen Maas
Brenda MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Peter MacElhiney
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. MacKay
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. MacNevin
Jean E. MacQuiddy
Paula Magnuson
Frances Mahan
Meaghan Maher
Timothy P. Maher
Joseph and Tracey Mahoney
Nicholas Mainieri
Alan and Marion Malkasian
Laura Maltby
Jane Mann
Steven Marando
Mrs. Denise Marchionda
Lisa Maregni
Maria Laurence and Associates LLC
Mrs. Meghan Marquez
Marriott Boston Copley Place
Andrew Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Martin
Joan S. Martinsen
Steven J. Marullo
Alan Marzi
Judith A. Maselli
George E. Maskell
Teri L. Mason
David G. Massad
Stephen J. Mastrocola
Paul F. Matondi
Nancy K. Matthews
James Mattie
Richard and Yasuko Mattione
Mrs. Donna May
Nicholas and Kristen Maynard
Vincent Mazzarella
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McAleer
Margaret E. McCarte
Maryellen McCarthy
Marybeth McConaghy
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan McCourt
Trevor McCourt
Sarah McCoy Waterman
Robert and Elaine McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. John A. McDonough
David and Dena McFadden
Denise McGinnis
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey McKay
The McKenna Group Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. McKinney
Laura Mclean
Margie McLean
Lloyd B. McManus, Jr.
Bradley McMillin
Patrick McNamara
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mead, Jr.
Carol T. Mei
Dr. and Mrs. Peng Mei
Mrs. Patricia Melanson
Mark and Ines Merolli
Beatrice Merriam
Arlene F. Michael
Middlecott Foundation
James and Anna Milbery
Millennium Pharmaceuticals
Matching Gift Program
Donald and Susan Miller
Pamela Milligan
Lee R. Minardi
Rosemary Minnehan
Jeff Mitchell
Paul and Jennifer Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Chandler J. Moisen
Jessica Mols
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Monteiro
Moore Family Foundation
Susan Moore
Gayle C. Moran
Gordon W. Moran
Hannah B. Morehouse
Paul A. Moreno
Michelle Moretto
William and Margaret Morin
Christine Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Morrison
Morse Barnes-Brown & Pendelton PC
Connie Moser
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Mossesian
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mulcahy
Rebecca Mulzer
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Murphy
Miss Alana H. Murphy
Kelley Murphy-Fink
My Tribute Gift Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart C. Myers
Mrs. Jen Mynahan
Clayton Nagle
Benjamin Nastou
National Instruments
Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Navin
Nellie Littlefield Inn & Spa
Robert and Erna Nelson
Dr. Nancy J. Nersessian
Mary D. Neumann
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Newman
Nancy T. Newton
Richard Nilo
Hilary and Sean Noel
Anne Nolen
Mark L. Noonan
William C. Nutting
Stephen and Isabel O’Brien
Judith O’Brien
Ellen O’Connell
John O’Connell
Richard A. O’Connell
John and Jane O’Connor
Frank and Alma O’Glishen
Stephen and Susan O’Hara
Peg O’Hearn
Charles and Dana Oliver
Joseph and Alma O’Loughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Terence P. O’Malley
Online Consulting, Inc.
William Oppenheimer
Clive W. Oram
Jeff and Ardell Otten
Mrs. Edith H. Overly
Kimberly A. Paddock
D. Christopher Page
Judi Palmer
Gary A. Pappas
Mary Parziale
Ronald M. Pastore
Arthur D. Patten
Mrs. Martha Patton
Gerald Paulauskas
Paulist Center & Chapel
Jason Paynich and Rebecca Paynich
Mark and Kerry Payson
Joanne C. Peckarsky
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pefine
Mrs. Roberta Pelkey
Perfect Fuel Chocolate
Paul Perrotta
Ann Peterson
Diane Petrella
Gennaro Petruzziello
Kathleen Pettit
James and Bonnie Philip
John Piccione
Gerald B. Pier
Caesar Pietrangelo
Claudia Piper
Mrs. David Place
Michael and Jennifer Plaster
Maureen Poff
John and Joyce Poles
Walter Pollard
Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Pontolilo
Katie Porter
Declan Power
John Prendergast, Jr.
Daniel Preston
Thomas Pucillo
Tony Pucillo
Philip Pulitzer and Caitlyn Welle
Putnam Investments Matching Gifts
Joan A. Quinlan
R. M. Waite Co., LLC
Deborah Radovsky
Charles and Patricia Rand
Randolph Savings Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ranese
William A. Rangnow
Mary F. Reaney
Charles Reardon
Recruiting Resources Unlimited, LLC
Lawrence Redding
Mr. and Mrs. James Redfern
Ludmila Reed
Robert Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Resnick
Stephen D. Rice
Mrs. Dorothy Rich
Suzanne Rich
Lisa and Paul Richards
Breanne Ricketts
Francis J. Ridge
Aaron Riel and Michelle Lynch
Patricia Riley
Thomas N. Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Riordan
Timothy and Judith Ritchie
Dr. Celeste Robb-Nicholson
Roffi Salon & Spa
Joe and Jan Roller
Mr. and Mrs. John Rooney
Maria Rosato
Michael Rosbash
Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth E. Rosen
Abby Rosenberg
Eric Rosenberger
Eugene Rosenfeld
Samuel and Karen Rosenthal
Carolyn Thayer Ross
James Ross
Lesley Rudner
Mr. and Mrs. William Rudolph
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Rust
Joseph Rutkowski
Michael P. Rutter
Carly Ryan
Jack Ryan
Wendy L. Sabin
Diane Saglio
Salesforce Foundation
Judy Salt
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Sanginario
Charlie Sanguinet
Michael Santos
Angel Santos-Burres
Colette L. Saro
Lori A. Sarsfield
Mrs. Linda Saunders
Geoffrey and Michele Sauter
Lisa Savini
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sayles
Susan Schmidt
John Schneiter
Jennifer Schofield
Teresa Schroeder
Jordan Schulz
Leah Sciaba
Joseph Scott
Sea Glass Fine Art
Megan Secatore
Donna Seim
Senior Aerospace Metal Bellows
Jim Seto and Ashley Seto
Masha Seuderovich
Henry D. Shaw
Arthur O. Shea
Richard C. Shelley
Sheraton Boston
Stanley and Elsa Sidel
Leslie and Jason Silberman
Steven Simard
Shaunna Simek
Tracy L. Sisco
Mr. and Mrs. Erik O. Skramstad
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Slate
Sloane and Walsh, LLP
Fedor Smith
Michelle L. Smith
Patricia G. Smith
Lindsay Snell
Robin Snell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snider
Ellen R. Sokoll
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Sola
Nancy M. Solari
Norman and Joanna Solari
David M. Solomon
Janet Sortor
Debora Spar
Lawrence Spiegel
Judith Spielman
Denise Squillante
Gerry and Ruth Ann Stacy
Elizabeth Stank
Judith and Hanno Steen
Gary and Deborah Stein
Norman Stein and Mindy Lubber
Sterling Golf Management, Inc.
Ames Stevens and Karen L. Dane
Mrs. Christine P. Stevens
Phyllis Stewart
Richard Stockwood
Kevin Stotts
Timothy and Nancy Stout
Circle of Hope (continued)
Richard R. Stoyle
Christopher and Erin Stulb
Elliot and Janet Suarez
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and
Carol Suitor
James B. Sullivan
Janet Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. and James A. Sullivan
Jared Sullivan
Michele M. Sullivan
Paula Sullivan
Theresa A. & Maurice L. Sullivan
Humanitarian Trust
Marc G. Suprenant
Patricia F. Swaim
Swanson Auto Services, Inc.
Charity Swanson
Janet V. Swanson
Dr. Mary B. Tabacco
Nancy B. Tabarangao
Alexander G. Taft
Talbots, Inc.
Karen Tammaro
Sam Tatelbaum
Elizabeth K. Taylor
Ben and Kate Taylor Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart D. Taylor
Technivend, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Tedeschi
Ten Thousand Villages
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tenney
Thomas and Diane Teuten
Richard Thomas
Christine Thompson and Jim Jones
The Marc C. Thompson Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tierney
Michael Tilley
Susan M. Tobin
Barton Tomlinson
Austin Toole and Kim Kiely
Mrs. Marilyn Toole
Barbara and Jon Trachtenberg
Deborah Trachtenberg
Dr. Salvatore Triolo
Lindsey Troxell
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas M. Tsaparlis
John L. Tufts
Harry M. Tweed, Jr.
Clarence Tyler
U.S. Bank
Robert Ullmann
United Way of Greater Cleveland
United Way of Greater Philadephia &
Southern New Jersey
United Way of Greater Richmond &
United Way of Metro Chicago
United Way of New York City
United Way of Tri-County
Susan Upham
Julio Vega
David Veling
Tamsin Venn
Frederick S. Vetterlein
Gary Videlock and Holly Prentice
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Vincent
Gabriel Vincenzo
Janice Vomacka
Friedrich Klemens Von Gottberg
Ann Von Mehren
Donald F. Vose
Wacky Candy Shack
F. Channing Wagg, III
Mike Walling
Bernard L. Walsh
Thomas H. Walsh
Sophie Wang
Jeffrey Tilton Ward and Michelle
Thomas Ward
Grant Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ware
Anthony Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Washienko
Andrea L. Watson
Mrs. Rosita L. Watson
Jacqueline Waxlax
Alison L. Weaver
Irvin W. Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Weir
Wellington Management
Company, LLP
Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Westin Hotel Copley Place
Susan Westmoreland
Barbara Wetzstein
Thomas F. Whalen
Tamiko M. Whitcomb
White Chiropractic Health Center
Lona T. Whitley
Regina B. Wiedenski
Lindsay Wight
Edward W. Wilchynski
Cary Wilcox
Wilkins Investment Counsel, Inc.
Donna Wilmarth
Steve Wilner
Roger Wilson
Daniel and Wendy Winn
Winslow, Evans & Crocker, Inc.
Amelia D. Winston
Jeremy Wintersteen
Monika Wirtz
Marsha Wiseheart
Katherine Wislocky
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wolff
Glenn M. Wolfset
Muriel Wood
Thomas Wood
Joanne M. Wright
John Wright
Renee and Jim Yourk
Sonya Yu
Michael Zargaj
Joseph F. Zarro
Karen Zarrow
Jane and James Zavistoski
Raymond and Nancy Zemlin
Matching gifts
Many employers sponsor matching gift programs that essentially double the value of any charitable
contributions made by their employees. In the last three years, the following generous companies have
matched gifts to The Home:
Acadian Asset Managment LLC
Adage Capital Management, L.P.
Aetna Foundation
Ameriprise Financial, Inc.
Amgen Foundation
Amica Companies Foundation
Anchor Capital Advisors, Inc.
Arbella Insurance Group
Bank of America
The Bank of New York Mellon
BlackRock Foundation
Boston Financial Data Services
C.R.Bard Foundation, Inc.
Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
Capital Group Companies
Citizens Bank
Computer Associates International
Concentric Energy Advisors
Cummings Properties
Dell Giving
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
Eastern Bank
Eaton Vance Investment Managers
EMD Millipore
FM Global Foundation
Frontier Capital Management Co.,
GAP Foundation
General Electric Foundation
Give With Liberty
Goodrich Foundation
Grand Lodge of Masons In
Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo
Hachette Book Group
Harbor Capital Advisors, Inc.
Highfields Capital Management LP
Highland Capital Partners
The Home Depot Foundation
Houghton Mifflin Company
ING Direct
Institute for Cultural Exchange, Inc.
Instrumentation Laboratory
Invest in Others Charitable
Foundation Inc.
John Hancock Financial Services
Johnson & Johnson
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
KeyBank Foundation
Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.
Macy’s Corporate Services
Mandarin Oriental Foundation
McDonald’s Corporation
McGraw-Hill Companies
Merck Partnership for Giving
Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc.
MFS Investment Management
MIB Group, Inc.
Microwave Development
Laboratories, Inc.
Millennium Pharmaceuticals
Morgan Stanley
National Instruments
Natixis Global Asset Management
NSTAR Foundation
Pfizer Foundation
Pitney Bowes, Inc.
The Plymouth Rock Foundation
Putnam Investments
The Reebok Foundation
Reed Elsevier Inc.
Rinet Company, LLC
Salesforce Foundation
Sentinel Benefits
State Street
Sun Life Financial
Tampa Bay Times Fund
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
Thomson Reuters My
Community Program
TIAA-CREF Employee Giving
Tiff Advisory Services
Travelers Community Connections
U.S. Bank
UBS Financial Services
Velcro USA Inc.
Verizon Foundation
VHB/Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.
Waters Corporation
Wellington Management
Company, LLP
Woodland Partners, LLC
YourCause, LLC
legacy circle
The Legacy Circle honors those friends who have included The Home in their estate plans or have
established a planned gift. This perpetual link between the donor and The Home is a testament to the
donor’s passion to better the lives of vulnerable children and families.
Anonymous (5)
Estate of Joseph L. Amodeo
Estate of Guenter Arndt
Trust of Elisha V. Ashton
Estate of Patricia Aymond
Myron L. Belfer
Estate of William M. Bennett
Helen M. Bouscaren
Estate of John Edward Bradbury
Trust of Robert B. Brigham
Nancy and Gregory Bruett
Jarka and Grayce Burian
Wallace C. Butterfield
Estate of Gordon E. Cadwgan
Doris Drescher Cook
Eileen D. Crittle
Jeffrey Croll
William H. Cruickshank, Jr.
Estate of Gladys A. Cushman
Leo Darr
Estate of Charles Davis
Edward Dinaro
Mary C. Drazy
Estate of Helen E. Drury
Trust of George Emerson
Sharon and Harry Eramian
Gertrude C. Feldman
Trust of Laura Sibbel Fiske
Maurice Fitzgerald
Americo J. Francisco Fund, Estate &
Realty/Charitable Trusts
Estate of Mary T. Franz
Estate of Frederic R. French, Jr.
Robert G. Fuller
Estate of Eugene B. Hamilton
Richard Merrill Haney, Ph.D. and
Merle Marie McConnell, M.L.S.
Trust under Will of
Elizabeth H. Hayward
Thomas and Caroline Hovey
Trust of Adelaide B. Howland
Joanna R. Inches
Dianne Ingalls
Estate of Virginia M. Jones
Cynthia Jones
Christine E. Kenny
Maureen Byrne Kobayashi
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Landay
Estate of Margaret Lewis
Dorothy L’Homme
Melissa M. L’Homme
Marion A. MacLeod
Lisa K. Matthews and
Andrew J. Byrne
Ida M. McCarthy
Robert B. McCauley
Patricia A. Monk
Estate of Margueritte F. Morday
Dr. Nancy J. Nersessian
Joan Paul
media sponsors
Trust of Louise Pease
Robin Pendleton-Hollyer
Russell Peterson
Norman D. Socher
Norman D. Sproul
Charles and Elaine Steeger
Irene R. Sweeney
Anthony Taiani
Trust of Edna Betts Talbot
Alex Taylor
Jean F. Tierney
John Vibberts
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Wells, III
Merrill B. Wilder
Estate of Nancy W. Workman
These companies donated ad space and air time in
fiscal year 2013 to help spread the word about The
Home's programs and services.
Boston Herald
Boston Magazine
MAGIC 106.7
Spirit Magazine
WCVB-TV Channel 5
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of
this listing. Please direct any questions or concerns to:
Janet Suarez
Director of Development Operations
[email protected]
“ All kids need is a little help, a little hope and
somebody who believes in them. ”
—Earvin "Magic" Johnson
Board of Directors
Board of Ambassadors
Pamela Herbst, Acting Chairperson
John T. Hailer, Chairman Emeritus
Lisa K. Matthews, Secretary
James C. Burrows, Treasurer
Molly Diggins, Co-chair
Martin B. Shulkin, Co-chair
Dale Bearden
Richard K. Bendetson
Beverly A. Brown
Tushara Canekeratne
Anjali U. Chitre
Mary Beth Gordon
Deborah E. Gray
Geoffrey F. Ide
Patricia Jabar
Stacey Jacobson
Tim Miner
Stephen J. Pemberton
Laurie Slifka
Jonathan P. Ash
Samantha Bendetson
Marin Blitzer
Deborah Burrows
Joseph Byrne
Susan DeRoche
Susan A. Donahue
David R. Druley
Melissa Druley
Paul P. Epstein
David L. Giunta
Patricia A. Griffin
Dan Grondin
John F. Harrington
Stephen M. Kogon
Christina A. Larson
Caren I. Leedom
Mark H. Lippolt
Kelly S. Mann
Roger Merrill
Christopher H. Milton
Suzanne Pilkerton
Jasmine Punzalan
Sherri Raftery
Kara Lee Rainey
Bronwyn Roberts
Eliza Hapgood S. Rowe
Joan A. Sapir
Sam Slater
Matthew Sliwa
Peter D. Soltz
Patricia E. Trebino
Kristin K. Valdmanis
Joseph J. Wayshak
Chip Weintraub
Michael Weissenburger
Harry E. Wells
Janet G. Wheeler
Executive Management Team
Joan Wallace-Benjamin, Ph.D.
President and Chief Executive Officer
Meredith Bryan
Vice President for Development and Communications
Thomas L. Durling
Vice President for Finance
thank you
Heidi Ferreira, J.D.
Vice President for Performance and Outcomes
Michael L. Pearis, MBA
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Lesli Suggs, LICSW
Vice President for Program Operations
Leonora R. Wise, MA, MLA
Vice President for Human Resources
Top row, l to r: Bryan, Pearis, Durling, Suggs
Bottom row, l to r: Ferreira, Wallace-Benjamin, Wise
for helping us to make a difference
in the lives of children and families.
271 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115
888-HOME-321 |