toru The year seventeen hundred fifty
Transcription toru The year seventeen hundred fifty toru The year seventeen hundred fifty-four, the third day of December, in the forenoon , at the req11est o,f' Ca thertne Cheval, Widow of Sieur Etienne, Bosseron, known as Major, in.his lifetime a resident of Pointe Co 1-pee, in her own name on account of the com'71on ownership of assets be tween the said Deceased , her husband, and hersel,f, as well a s because of her being guardian of Etienne , aged seven years , of Pi e rre, aged six years , and of Jean Pierre , aged about fOllr years , ell minor children of the said Deceased and herself, except as she has accepted it if she deems i ·t appropriate 1;,pon cotmsel, or renounced it, insofar as the community of property between her and the said deceased is concerned , and in the presence of Louis Renaud Duval, rna terna 1 r1.ncl e, snper·ior guardian. of the said minors, t he said Catherine Cheval and the said Lon is Renaud Duval tl18 said commies ton (responsibility) on the advice o.f' relatives a nd friends of the said minors , con..{iT'f'Tied by the act of guardianship of this day , as a consequence of wJz.ich the act of acc(Jptance o.f the commission which they have made is ac c> epted by Char·les Benoist , carrying 012t the functions o ~f Recorder and Notary in the said locality, on the same day, th~ said minors capable of bearing them.~elves as heirs of the sai d deceased Etienne Bosseron , the tr .father. (blurred from preceding page) inventory and exact description of all the movable and immovable eqr:tipmen t, utensils, clo thino., 1 inens, garments, wearing apparel, minted and un'71inted 8 tive ~, livestocK, letters , and paper, instructions and other things left after r-he death of the deceased Etienne Bosseron and which were the common property of him and the said Tiidow on the day of his death , found in the h07J,Se where the said Widow ts resid i ng, and in which the sa trJ. deceased died the twen ty-seoond o.f last September, shown and exhibited to the said Notary by the said Catherine Cheval, Widow of the said Deceased Bosseron, anii after an oath taKen bll her be.fore the said Notary in the presence o,f u. Claude Trevannay (?) Chanfret, Ju.dge and the sc id port of Pointe Co ·pee, to lnve shown and exhtbt ted all the said assets wi tho11t hiding or divertin,q anything , subjecting herself, !f it should be .fou,nd o therwtse, to the penal ttes prescribed in S11c h a case, wh to h have been expla i ned to her b 1 the sa td Notary, items estirr.a.ted and a rprotsed by Messrs Pierre Ricard, Henry Girard, and Francois Emond, all three residents o.f the said place , acting as appraising bailiffs, who have appraised and estirrnted them in their sonls and consctences, having due regard fort he present time (i . e . , contemporary values) , as follows (in the body of the inventory) , ant they have sig ned thq droft of the present doctmwnt with the exception of the said Fro nco is Emond, who has declared himself nnable to write or to sign this doc1;,ment as is c·1stomary. Thue si pned by Ca thertne Cheval, Duval, Ricard, Gerorvt, 2'revanna y, Cho nfre t , and Char·les Benoist, Jvotary, with flonrisn (i . e . , adrierJ to signatnre) . (Signed) Charles Beno tst Notary (a Firstly, within the hor.lse wher-e the said Major died , are found : Six old straw stuffed chairs, estimated at twenty-five sons each 7:10 An old armchair, estimated at three pounds 3: An (clerical error) armoire of cypress, estimated at fifteen po~nds 15: A wlnut sideboard, :vith loc"'K o nd two drawers, estimated at thirty five pounds 35: A walnut annotr with ironwork anrJ lock, estimated at one hundred fifty pounds A ~ozen tin pla t es with and three pans (basins) three pounds , est tma ted ma "Ires fa rt y-n i n,e pormds 150: three platters (or trays) weighing, togethe r, thirty at thirty sorU3; the to tal ten so us 49: 10 ~hree copper chandeliers ~ i t h candle-snufrerhol~ers, estimated , in all, twelve p011.nds 12: Two cypress tables, estimated ten pormde tor both 10: A small ~ 7:10 ter-jar estirna ted seven pozznds ten sotlS A powder mill , out of service, as a keepsa"'Jre (no valne) 3: A lantern (beacon) of tin, estimated at three pounds A syringe, estimated a,t ten po,znds 10: A pair of and irons, with a scoop and tongs, estimated together at twenty pounds PO: A mirrcr wt th carved and gilded frame, esttma. ted at twen~y pounds PO: 'l1hree rifles,a pistol, and a cuff (?), all estimated at thirty-five pounds 35: A si lver goblet weighing two and one-half otmces, estimated at twelve po1.1,nds ten sous 12: 10 In rrJJnted silver and in neQotiable assets (or '~eposit receipts, etc.), three hundred poun,ds 300 : \, Two pairs of breeches of (illegible word) , somewhat worn, an1 estimated at seven po~nds ten sous pe r pair Two ;ta irs of breeches of gray 1 inen, ro the r new, es tin a ted at ten pounds for the two I' 15: 10: (3 Thre e ~ t rs of new breeches, pounds ten sous estt~~ted at twelve An old JXl ir of same, estimated at three pozmds 37:10 3: Three UXJ. is tcoa ts , one of Calen.derie (?) , one of 1 in.en., and one of dimity, all estimated at thirty-seven pounds ten sous 37: 10 A cload of cadto (cloth or style?), estimated at thirty-five pounds 35: A unistcoa t of donble thicknesses of red serge, estimated at twenty-five pounds 25: A lMlistcoast o~f black calrnande (?) estimated at twenty-two pounds ten. sons 22:10 Six decorated shirts, estimated at twelve pounds ten. soua each 75: Five shirt.a of Jinga (?), estimated at four fnan.cs (sic) each 20: Fou.r pairs o.f long breeches, estirrnted at three pounds fifteen soua each 15: Four cotton caps , new, estimated at three pounds each 12 : Two cotton. caps, rather worn. , estimated at forty sous each 4: A tortoise-shell snuff-box, ornamented wi th Pilver, estimated at twenty-five pounds 25: A pair of silver buckles , of which the tong:UJ (I') is steel, estimated at ten pounds 10: A wicker chest, of which the handle is silver, estimated at twenty pounds 20: t.:··(, pairs of stockings, one of silk and the other oj' (cotton.) thread, the two ;ooirs estimat~i at ten. pounds 10: Six blrle cotton. handkerchiefs, esttma ted at fonr froncs (sic) each 24: Six small oo tton. ha nditerchiefs, est inn ted at thirty sous each 9: A dozen. an.:i a half plates, esttma ted at five pounds oor dozen. 7:10 A dozen. cups with their saucers, estimated ot fifteen pounds 15: (4 Two fine tablecloths, estimated at seventeen pou.nds, ten so us 35: A spit, a frying pan , a gridiron, two kettles , one small and the other medium, estimated at seventeen. pou.n.ds 17: Eighteen tablecloths, of which stx, embroidered, ro ther worn, and the other twelve o,;" or>dinary cloth, also worn , all estimated at forty-fonr p07lnds 44 : Eight nap?dns, err,bro idered and worn, a .Zl estimated at thrt3e po,'ls 3: 'l'welve joinea (?) napkins, estirnt7 ted at six pounds 6: A ;;u. i r of shoes estimated at .five pounds 5: A at three pounds , ro.. the r- 1.zsed, e f' tima ted 3: Ten C'lr·tains of heavy cloth, rother worn, et: t ima ted at five ,:ou.nds per piece (half curtain) making Forty quarters of in groin. , estimated at five ponnds per UJUarter, rr.aking Fo1.zrteen quarters of five po•mds ~er Q'Ulrter , ma"lrtng 50: 200: estima t Prt at Two hu,ndred bundles of tobacco wei,qhtng seven. hundred por.mds at the rote of seven so•J,S ner porznd , ma 7dng 70: 245: A cask of tobacco estimated at one hundred fifty po1mds 150: Al so , fifteen. bundles of tobacco weighing forty-five pounds, at seven sous, making 16:15 In the Smithy Two clamps (?), an anvil , a bellows, five hamrners, three (pairs of) tongs, estimated together at the sum of five hundred fifty pounds 550: Three hundred pou.n.d.~ o;r ingot iron, at the rote of thirty ;francs (sic) Der hrzndred , making the s1un o.f ninety PO ':lnd& 90: Seven plaq1zes estimated at ten pounds, ma"J.t;ing the sum of seventy pounds 70: (8 Th r ee axes , estimated at s e ven each , making pou~is ten sous 2 2 :1 0 Six p i ck axes at two pounds ten so·zs each , TTIC'ktng 1 5: One hay scythe, estimated at five po1mris 5: Four dozen poker·s (?) , estimated at t·,;enty-five sous each, ma7dn,q 5: Fi ve rifle lock.s at five po1.znds each 31 :5 Six padlocks estimated at two pounds ten sous ~a~h, making 1 5: Two rolls of material estirrnted at three por.m ds each, m.a.king six pounds 6: Pt.fty ponnds of lead at four sou.s each , rr.a k t ng ten po•;,nds 10: A millstone, with its handle , estimated at seven teen po,znds 1 7: Twelve files nr.all as well os large , estimated at twenty f ive sous each , TMking 1 5~ Forty .flasks of wine at forty sons per flask , rna lring eighty fr'ancs (sic) 80: Fortu empty bottles at .forty francs in all, mnktng 16: Five empty gl ass demijohns , estimated at six ronnds five so t~s each , TT'.aktng 31:5 .A ( blurred) estima t ed at five pounds (?) (?) 5: estimated at two Two pounds ten sous each 5: S i x ail containers, estinnted at ttventy sous each, making 6: Because of the fact that it is noon we have stoppe~ inventorying t he contents for the interi m; everything hos been left in the keepi ng and poseessi on of the 1sa tr~ Widow of the Ma,jor, with the consent of the said Guardian, who (she) t s vol lntarily responsible for it , a nd ~fiB promised to report everything when and to whom it may be c onvep"i en t ( apnroprta te) , and they have s tgned , wt th the except ion of t.hrJJ said Emond , who decla red that he does not kno.u a n y t hing 1 ( 1 (6 abou.t this inqu.iry, and these have signeil. the d raft of this docu.ment: Catherine, !)'.J..val, Ricard, Geror'~, Trevannay, Chanfr'et , nncl Charles Benoi['t, Notary, with flourish (bel ouJ signa Charles Benotst Notary And at the en a of the said day and year at t'..l'o o ' c.l ock in the a,tternoon we have, in the presence of the 8(1 i "~ Widow and Guardian and Appraisers, we have continued the preJXI.rotion of the Inventory and they have signed with the exception of the said Emon~, who has declnr•ed himself unable to write nor to sign this Inqr.liry according to ( abbrevia tton) and these have signed the dro.ft of the present rfocumen t: Ca thertne Cheval, Du.ool, Ricard, Gero.rd, Treoonnay, Ohanfret, a nd Charles Benoist, Notary, with flourish . Charles Benois t Notary Acttve Debts The sa t d Iltdow declares that there ts Olh'Bri to her by, S t eur Farragtn (?), accor-ding to ri8 note of the thirtieth of last October, the Sllln of seventeen p011.nds, designated A 17: By Sieur Normand, according to his note of the 12th of last September , the S 1Jm of twenty-two pounds, detJ . B 22: Also the sa td Normand owes, for two chests and a JX1. tr of pictures, the sum of sever1. po•;,nds ten sotJ.s, des . 0 7: 10 By George Baron, according to his note the sum of fortyseven pounds ten sorJ.S, des . D 47:10 By Da.vtd, according to his no te o.r the 8th o.f laE;t Au;ust , the B7JJn of thirty-five pou.nds , des . E 35: By the one called Goguet, traveller, according to his note of the 21st o-r laEt August, the sume of one hundred pounds, de~ . P ,By Stenr Perthuto, J·zntor, according to his note of the 2nd of l:lst September·, the S7.lm of thirteen pounds , des . G By Steur Soileau, according to his note dated the 30th of July, 1753, the 18th of F'ebruaray and the 31st of tMay Of la:Jt year, and by an undated letter, tn which he acknowledges receiving a ''pteoe d 'Inde '' (a certa. i.n 100: 30: (7 type of sla ve) t he whole amoun ting to t hree hundred seventy- two pou,nds, des . H By the one called Al vi n acco rd ing to his notes dated the 18th of last March, the sum of' forty-two pounds ten sotJS, des . I 372: 4 2 : 10 By N. Benoist, according ta his note of the 22nd of last March , the swn of one hundred t wen tu pou.nds , des . L 120: By the one named Gall i e n , according to his note of the 25th of last March , the snm o.f one hu,ndred pou.nds, des . H 100: By the one named Peraul t , acco r d i ng to his note of the 15th of 1JJst Apr il , the swn of ten pou.nds , des . N 10: By the one named Boulo, acco r ry, i ng to his note of the lOth of Jttly (anpJ. rently) , 1753 , thB quanti ty of t " • ~:erhtdes, estimate!' at t wenty soud eac h , des . 0 10: By M. de Nantonil l et the swn of fifteen pounds 15: By N . Papi on the BI)}Tl of seven pounds ten sous 7:10 By Sieur Gerard the swn of ten po•mds 10: By d ' Er bonne s ixieen pou.n.ds ten so1zs 16:10 By the Widow Relatte for n i ne of twenty- two po,:md:g ten sous pot~ of oil , the S7Mm 22:1 0 From a sheet of paper servi ng as an aocormt of furnis't i ngP a nd work done by ihe :::o id Major for varions individuals o.f tl?. i ~ port, amounti ng a l togethe r to the swn of three hundred sixteen ponnds , n i l"e s ous 31 6 . 9 Deb t s Paz.piJ1e The Wi dow of th:> J.fajor declares that she owes to Germa i n the s um of two thor.zsan1 pot:mds 2000: Xo Fro nco is Mayeux tha IJ ( 8nl''l) of ten pounds To Jean, Decuir (?) that of ten pounds To 'l .. Sicard that of eight pounds .'.Co Sieur Gera .,-.d tha. t o.r fo.,-.ty pounds j I ' I i ~ To S ieur Drw a l that of five pou,nds 10: 10: 8: 40: 5: (8 S1av~s The one named George, "piece d'Inde", with Suzanne , his wife, the to tal estimated at the s1un of three thonsand five hnndred pounds 3500 ; 00 'I'he one named Be.Zler·ose, and Angelique, his wife, estimated together at the liJWn of one tho,lsond eight hlJ.,ndred ponncs 1800: The one named Nicolas, In~ian (savage), estimated at the szzm of one thorzsand two hundred pou,nds 1200: Lives took A pair of young oxen, 1zn.tamPd, estimated together at the sum of on,P h•.mdred twenty ponnds 120: Eight mother cows, estima ter? tocether at the sum of four hundred eighty ponnds 480: Two bulls, two calves, and two heifers, estimated together at the s~m of one hundre1 eighty pounds lBO: Four hogs, of which one is large and three medium, estimat?d together at ihe sum of forty-seven pounds 47: Fifteen tobacco cor·ds (?)with linens , estimated together at the sum of forty ;francs (sto) 40: Forty chickens, hens, and capons, estimated at twentyfive sous each, ma.ldng 50: Five turkeys, o,f which there are a cocJt" and fom·· females, Gstimated at four por;,nds each, rr.aking 22:10 Lands and Buildings Fo1zr a rpen ts of land, approximate 1 y, by frontage, with the usual depth, on which there are a of thir'ty feet in length by sixteen feet in depth, of posts in the gr'or.znd, walled in with mud (adobe) all around, planking of stakes high an0 low, covered l ikewise, a cabin se.,.ving as a kitchen, enclosed with stakes covered 1 ikewise; a srr~ll builcing se.,.ving as a smithy, enclosed as above and covered the same u:ay, a shed of sixty feet in length, a.lso covered u;i th stakes, two poor cabin€, of which one ser've:= cs a henho•, estiTln ted all toge the.,. at the sum of one tho•1.sand five hundred pounds , 1, 500 : ·And on the said third day of December' of the said year , before u~, Claude T.,.evannay Chanfr'et, judge an~ sub-del~gate of the said poit of I . I (9 Pointe Cor::,pee, there has appeared the said Catherine Cheval , Widow of the said Stear Etienne Bosseron, known os Ma.jor, who, after an oath ta~en by her to tell the truth, has declared that ehe has no ~nowledge of other l'arnishtngs or effec~s o.f the stz.ccesston and community property between her and the so tr1 deceosed than those contained in the present inventory, amounting to the sum of fourteen thousand seven hundred ninety-nine no•1.nds fonrteen so u.s, of which declaro tion we have given h6r certificate, and in conseq1zence havq considered the tnventor·y as closed, and the said JXIrties have signed, with thP. exception of the said Emond, who has declared that he ~068 not know ho.v to write or to sign the inq1ziry according to law (apparently), onfi thus these have siqned the dr-a,tt of the present document: Catherine Cheval, Duva.l, r.icard, Gerord, Trevanny Chanfret, and Charles Beno tst, Notary, w1: th flour ish. Cha. rles Be no tst Notary (other faderl notes at bottom)