Carplus: Annual survey of car clubs 2014/15 – London
Carplus: Annual survey of car clubs 2014/15 – London
Carplus annual survey of car clubs 2014/15 London Prepared for Carplus by Steer Davies Gleave Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 Carplus Report April 2015 Our ref: 22734601 Prepared by: Prepared for: Steer Davies Gleave 67 Albion Street Leeds LS1 5AA Carplus Ebor Court Westgate Leeds LS1 4ND Cover image courtesy of easyCar Club +44 113 389 6400 www.steerdaviesgleave.comwww.steer daviesgleave.comwww.steerdaviesglea ve.comwww.steerdaviesgleave.comww Steer Davies Gleave has prepared this work for Carplus. This work may only be used within the context and scope of work for which Steer Davies Gleave was commissioned and may not be relied upon in part or whole by any third party or be used for any other purpose. Any person choosing to use any part of this work without the express and written permission of Steer Davies Gleave shall be deemed to confirm their agreement to indemnify Steer Davies Gleave for all loss or damage resulting therefrom. Steer Davies Gleave has prepared this work using professional practices and procedures using information available to it at the time and as such any new information could alter the validity of the results and conclusions made. Contents Foreword ...................................................................................................................................... i The Carplus Annual Survey 2014/15 .............................................................................................ii Executive Summary..................................................................................................................... iii 1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 6 2 Members’ Survey ............................................................................................................... 9 Impact of car clubs on car ownership ......................................................................................... 11 Impact of car clubs on car purchasing ........................................................................................ 13 Impact of car clubs on miles travelled ........................................................................................ 15 Mileage prior to joining a car club .............................................................................................. 16 Impact of car clubs on travel behaviour: new members ............................................................ 17 Impact of car clubs on travel behaviour: longer-term members ............................................... 18 Use of other shared mobility ...................................................................................................... 19 Profile of car club users .............................................................................................................. 20 How car club vehicles are used .................................................................................................. 21 Reasons for joining a car club: new members ............................................................................ 22 Joining a car club at ‘life change’ moments: new members ...................................................... 23 The experience of joining a car club: new members .................................................................. 24 Experiences of using electric and hybrid vehicles ...................................................................... 25 Preferences for types of vehicles................................................................................................ 26 3 Peer-to-Peer Members’ Survey ......................................................................................... 27 Impact of peer-to-peer car clubs on car ownership and purchasing ......................................... 28 Impact of peer-to-peer car clubs on miles travelled .................................................................. 29 Impact of peer-to-peer car clubs on travel behaviour ............................................................... 30 How peer-to-peer car clubs are used ......................................................................................... 31 4 Corporate Members’ Survey ............................................................................................. 32 How corporate members use car clubs ...................................................................................... 33 Impacts of corporate car club membership on travel behaviour ............................................... 34 Impacts of corporate car club membership on travel behaviour ............................................... 35 April 2015 5 Corporate Administrators’ Survey ..................................................................................... 36 Perceived benefits of joining a corporate car club ..................................................................... 37 Impacts of joining a corporate car club ...................................................................................... 38 6 Operators’ Survey............................................................................................................. 39 Characteristics of car club members .......................................................................................... 40 How car clubs are used ............................................................................................................... 41 How car clubs are used ............................................................................................................... 42 7 Emissions Analysis and Profiling ........................................................................................ 43 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 43 Car club vehicle fleet profile ....................................................................................................... 44 Carbon savings ............................................................................................................................ 45 Safety .......................................................................................................................................... 46 Appendices A Detailed Tables and Figures B Survey Questionnaires C Emissions Analysis and Profiling April 2015 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Foreword London is the largest market in Europe for round-trip car clubs (known as car sharing outside of the United Kingdom) and the second largest globally. Over the past decade, there has been sustained growth in both car club membership and the geographical coverage of car clubs across London. In spite of a difficult economic environment for growth, during 2014 further progress has been made in terms of member numbers, network coverage and sector innovation. Member numbers grew to almost 155,000 using a network of more than 2,300 cars across the capital1. It is estimated that 50% of Londoners now have access to a car club car within five minutes’ walk of where they live. Several boroughs are now served by more than one operator and free floating one-way models are expanding their coverage across the City with the launch of DriveNow in December 2014. Car clubs are no longer seen as an ‘alternative’ option, but rather a common sense approach for getting from A to B that complements walking, cycling and public transport. Forward thinking policies by City Hall, Transport for London (TfL) and Boroughs mixed with ambition and entrepreneurship of private sector operators have given London a leadership position in the global car club market. Importantly, car clubs continue to make a unique and significant contribution to the achievement of TfL’s objectives on carbon reduction, improving air quality and reducing private car dependence as part of promoting a broad range of sustainable transport options. TfL’s 2008 Car Club Strategy provided the framework for much of the progress achieved to date. TfL and City Hall, in partnership with Carplus and the car club operators, are now working collaboratively to ensure that, five years on, car clubs are given the renewed strategic direction and support that will allow their identified potential to be realised. In order to kickstart the debate about future strategy for car clubs in London, Car-Lite London was launched in the summer of 2014. Led by Zipcar, it set out a future vision for how the capital’s development could embrace low-car living and working with the strategic expansion and diversification of the car sharing sector. As a result of Car-Lite, the London Car Club Coalition was formed, led by TfL and comprising the existing and emerging operators and representation of the 33 London Boroughs as well as Carplus. The Coalition’s mandate was to develop a new London Car Club Strategy set in the context of London’s projected population of 10 million by 2020, it sets out the ambition of 1 million car club members in London by 2025 and a delivery plan to realise this ambition. A draft strategy, identifying the challenges, opportunities and setting out an action plan, was agreed by London Councils in December 2014, and in March 2015 the final strategy was presented to the Transport and Environment Committee to be reviewed and approved. In terms of innovation, the past year has seen an acceleration of the roll out of low emission vehicles across London with the expansion of E-Car club in London and the continued expansion of City Car Club’s hybrid fleet. Whilst financial and operational barriers do still exist to widespread adoption of electric and hybrid vehicles as part of the car club fleet, the market is committed to their adoption and progress has continued towards this goal2. The average 1 There are two membership figures quoted within this report. The total quoted here is from January 2015 whilst the figures included in Chapter 7 are from November 2014. 2 For further information see the Carplus guidance document – Electric Vehicles in Car Clubs (available to members only). April 2015 | i Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report carbon emissions of the car club fleets in London in 2014 are 31% lower than the national average car. Whilst this figure is 1% higher than the London car club average for 2013 this reflects the shift by London car clubs away from diesel to petrol vehicles which has accelerated over the past year. Whilst petrol vehicles have slightly higher carbon emissions they have significantly lower particulate and nitrogen oxide emissions – this is a positive change as air quality remains a very significant issue in London. The most exciting part of the car club story is what is still to be achieved. Market observers such as Frost and Sullivan predict a further 10-fold rise in car club membership by 2020, based on an expanding range of car sharing models. The rise of the sharing economy and new models of car clubs such as peer to peer and flexible as well as evidence from countries such as Germany, Austria and Switzerland, indicate significant untapped potential of car clubs to reduce the impacts of car traffic, support active travel and facilitate modal integration. The Carplus Annual Survey 2014/15 The Carplus Annual Survey is the most comprehensive dataset collected across the car club sector on an annual basis since 2007. This year’s report presents data from round-trip members and operators only. It is our hope that in future years we will be able to present data on one way operations too. This report represents an expansion of the data collected in previous years with the collection of data on journey purpose, use (and interest in using) EVs and hybrid vehicles. It also includes a more detailed survey of corporate users and administrators together with an expanded profile of the emissions of car club fleets. Since its establishment, the Carplus Annual Surveys have highlighted the important and growing role that car clubs play in improving air quality, reducing private car ownership and congestion whilst also providing access to a car as a transport option when a journey cannot be made by other modes. Year by year, the annual surveys build a comprehensive, robust and impartial evidence base upon which policy and funding priorities can be based. Alistair Kirkbride, Executive Director, April 2015 April 2015 | ii Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Executive Summary The Carplus Annual Survey 2014/15 was completed by over 2,600 round-trip car club users in London, including individual members, corporate members and corporate administrators. Fewer private cars on the road For each car club vehicle, 8.6 cars have been removed from the road as a result of car club members who have sold a car - that's 20,150 private cars removed from London’s streets. Just under a third of car club members reported that they would have bought a private car if they had not joined a car club meaning a deferred purchase of a further 46,500 cars, or 19.8 cars for each car club vehicle. Lower levels of car ownership Joining a car club car leads to lower levels of car ownership. Only 20% of long term members now own a car, compared to almost half owning a car before joining a car club. Fewer miles travelled by car The annual average mileage driven by new members after joining a car club was 2,190 miles; 37% less than before joining. Members reported a net reduction in miles driven of 1,617 miles a year representing an annual carbon saving of 410kg CO2 (based on an average UK car). Average annual mileage for car club members is 2,200 miles, less than half the London average of 5,000 miles. Greater use of public transport, more walking and cycling After joining a car club, new members reduce their car use and increase use of sustainable travel modes. Before joining a car club, 25% travel by car at least once a week, falling to 18% after joining. Car club members use public transport and walk and cycle more than the average Londoner. Travel by Underground and train is more than double the London average, with bus use 25% higher than average. Car club members are three times more likely than the average Londoner to be regular cyclists. A cleaner, safer fleet Car clubs emit one tonne of carbon a year less than an average car for the same mileage and carbon emissions of London club cars are on average a third lower than the typical private car. Eight out of ten London car club vehicles are in the lowest three emission bands: A, B and C, with half in band A. Car club cars are cleaner than the average private car: in the UK fleet the majority of vehicles are in bands E to M. Since 2013 all car club operators have moved away from diesel to petrol powered cars – diesel cars account for less than half of the car club fleet – and average carbon emissions of London car club cars are 16% lower than in 2011/12. Car club cars are safer: 85% of the London fleet meet the NCAP 5+ Star or 5 Star standard. April 2015 | iii Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Car club members include a diverse range of people Car club members reflect where car club provision is greatest with many drawn from households in accessible inner suburbs. Based on Mosaic profiling3, many car club members are ambitious young people in their 20s and 30s, known as Metropolitan High Flyers in the Mosaic classification. One in four members is in this Mosaic group compared to only one in ten of the London population. Members are also attracted from more diverse backgrounds with 7.4% of members from the Crowded Kaleidoscope Mosaic group, which includes families in social housing and 7% from the Flexible Workplace group, which is characterised by young people starting out in industries such as local government. Car clubs attract a young profile of members – 16% of UK members are aged 50+ years compared to 46% of licence holders nationally. The market for car clubs is predominantly amongst the 25-44 age group (70% of members, compared to 35% of national licence holders). Men are more likely to join car clubs than women - 69% of car club members are men compared to 54% of UK licence holders. More efficient car use Car club cars are used by more people with an average occupancy of 2.3 people compared to 1.6 people for private cars. Car clubs are used for a wide range of purposes including personal business (30%), visiting friends/family (29%), shopping (26%) and leisure (22%). Half of members were transporting bulky objects on their most recent trip. Car club cars are used as a part of a portfolio of transport modes with three quarters of members using a car club vehicle 5 times a year or less. Two thirds of hires are for trips of 25 miles or less. Improving accessibility Car clubs provide access to a car without the cost of ownership. The two most popular reasons for joining were to hire cars on a short-term basis (68%) and to make trips that can’t be made by other modes (42%), such as when transporting bulky objects or journeys that are not straightforward by public transport. Approximately a third of new members had moved to a new area prior to joining a car club and this was the most popular ‘main reason’ for joining a car club. The second most common occurrence prior to joining a car club was a change of job/retirement (13%). Importance of word of mouth One in three members found out about a car club through word of mouth, one in four via the internet and one in four saw a car club vehicle in the street. New members were satisfied with the process of joining – nine out of ten stated that they found the process ‘good’ or ‘very good’. 3 Mosaic is a geodemographic profiling tool which classified residential postcodes into one of 66 types, based on demographics, attitudes and a wide range of other data from commercial and public statistics. April 2015 | iv Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Members welcome alternative vehicle technologies Of those who had used an alternative vehicle, nine out of ten rated their experience of driving a hybrid as ‘good’ or ‘very good’. Seven out of ten rated the EV driving experience as ‘good’ or ‘very good’. Electric vehicle charging infrastructure, however, was only rated as ‘good’ or ‘very good’ by four out of ten users. Amongst those who had not used an electric or hybrid vehicle, two thirds stated they are ‘interested’ or ‘very interested’ in using one. Peer-to-peer car clubs achieve similar benefits A survey of peer-to-peer car club members4 revealed similar results to the survey of traditional round-trip members. Peer-to-peer members: Make more regular use of sustainable travel modes and fewer car journeys than the average Londoner; Reduce their private car mileage after joining; and Use peer-to-peer cars more efficiently (2.7 passengers per car based on the last journey made) than the average private car (1.6 passengers). The key behavioural difference is that peer-to-peer cars are used for longer: 50.4 hours compared to 6.5 hours for round-trip car clubs. Corporate members reduce private car use Before joining a car club, 30% of corporate members in London used their own car for business journeys at least once a week. This fell to 15% after joining. 22% of corporate members in London use car clubs at least once a week compared to 9% of individual members. Corporate car club membership provides financial benefits Administrators of corporate car club accounts identified benefits that car clubs had brought to their organisation. One in four identified the benefits of reduced business mileage claims and reduced parking needs and one in five noted the reduced administrative burden of being car clubs members. A third of organisations had made a change to their business travel arrangements since joining the car club. Around one in ten had replaced pool cars with use of car club cars and started to actively discourage use of employees own cars (the grey fleet). 4 In a peer-to-peer car club, members can either rent out their own car(s), rent other people’s cars or both. April 2015 | v Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report 1 Introduction 1.1 This is the eighth edition of the Carplus Annual Survey and covers the period December 2013 – November 2014. It has been administered by consultants Steer Davies Gleave on behalf of Carplus. 1.2 The data collected from the Carplus Annual Survey is compiled into three reports covering: 1.3 London England and Wales (excluding London); and Scotland. This report provides the results of the 2014/15 Carplus Annual Survey for London. All three versions of the Annual Survey are available from Carplus. For more information, visit the Carplus website: About Carplus 1.4 Carplus promotes car clubs and shared transport. We work for accessible shared mobility including car clubs, 2+ car sharing, bike sharing and taxi sharing. Carplus believes that new approaches to car use and ownership complement public transport, cycling and walking. They contribute significantly to reducing congestion and the unwelcome environmental, social and health costs of motoring today. 1.5 Carplus provides technical support, best practice guidance and practical advice to car club operators, community groups, local authorities and transport authorities to assist in setting up and developing car clubs. Carplus is also a resource centre on 2+ car sharing, bike, sharing and the integration of shared mobility schemes. The Carplus Annual Survey 1.6 Carplus is committed to a standardised data collection system to assess the impacts of car clubs and inform development of car clubs in the UK. Since 2007, Carplus has worked with car clubs to collect a range of data from car club members about their travel habits and use of car clubs, through an online survey sent to all members of car clubs based in London. 1.7 The members’ survey was completed by members of round-trip car clubs, often referred to as the traditional model of car clubs. In round-trip car clubs, cars are located at on-street (provided by local authorities) or off-street bays (in private car parks and developments). At the end of the hire period, users must return the car to bay they picked it up from. Members of fixed one-way and floating one-way car clubs were not included in this year’s survey but it is hoped that future annual surveys will incorporate these models of car club. 1.8 Table 1.1 summarises the surveys that were undertaken in 2014/15, topics covered and number of respondents. April 2015 | 6 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Table 1.1: Carplus Annual Surveys 2014/15 Survey name Respondents Topics Individual, private members and new members of ‘roundtrip’ car clubs. Members’ Survey Survey has specific questions for: members (members for over six months) new members (member for less than six months). Peer-to-Peer Survey Corporate Members’ Survey Individual, private members of ‘peerto-peer’ car club. Members can either rent out their own car(s), rent other people’s cars or both. Individual car club members whose membership is provided through their employer. Corporate Administrators’ Survey Employees responsible for administrating car club corporate accounts Number of respondents 2014/15 The last car club journey you made: purpose, number passengers, luggage Use of and experiences of using electric and hybrid vehicles and charging infrastructure Satisfaction with car clubs Car mileage travelled using car club cars and private cars Influence of car clubs on car ownership choices and miles travelled Use of other modes of transport Use of other shared mobility options Reasons for joining a car club (new members only) Personal circumstances when joining a car club (new members only) London: 2,241 England & Wales (excluding London): 1,324 The last car club journey you made: purpose, number passengers, luggage Satisfaction with car clubs Car mileage travelled using car club cars and private cars Influence of car clubs on car ownership choices and miles travelled Use of other modes of transport Use of other shared mobility options Reasons for joining a car club Personal circumstances when joining a car club England (including London), Wales and Scotland: 84 Satisfaction with car clubs Frequency of car club use Modes of travel used for work-related trips before and after joining a car club Types of car club vehicles used Impacts of joining a car club on workrelated travel behaviour Changes in policies or business travel arrangements London: 301 England & Wales (excluding London): 653 Scotland: 90 Business sector and number of employees; Number of car club members in the organisation Perceived benefits of joining a car club Business mileage travelled using car club cars Whether travel plans or other green travel policies are in place Types of travel policies and any changes since joining the car club England (including London), Wales and Scotland: 84 Scotland: 604 April 2015 | 7 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Survey name Operators’ Survey Respondents Car club operators Topics Gender profile of members Age profile of members Number of hires per member per year Miles travelled per hire Emission profiles of vehicle fleet Number of respondents 2014/15 Information provided for Great Britain operations by: City Car Club Co-wheels E-car club Enterprise CarShare Hertz 24/7 Zipcar. Structure of this report 1.9 Following this introduction, the report is structured as follows: Section 2 contains the results of the members’ and new members’ survey for individual, private members in London; Section 3 contains a summary of the peer-to-peer members’ survey results for Great Britain; Section 4 contains the results of the corporate members’ survey for London; Section 5 contains the results of the corporate administrators’ survey for Great Britain; Section 6 contains the results of the operators’ survey for Great Britain; and Section 7 contains the emissions analysis and profiling of the Great Britain car club fleet. 1.10 The results of the members’ and new members’ survey and the corporate members’ survey are London specific. The results of the peer-to-peer, corporate administrators’ and operators’ surveys are not disaggregated by reporting region given the sample size; the results represent the responses of the Great Britain sample. April 2015 | 8 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report 2 Members’ Survey Introduction 2.1 This section provides the results of the surveys completed by 2,241 individual round-trip car club members in London. Separate reports are available containing the results of the surveys completed by members in England & Wales and Scotland. Please visit the Carplus website at for more information. 2.2 The survey was completed by 1,906 members and 335 new members of car clubs who joined from July 2014. New members who joined after July 2014 were asked slightly different questions relating to their recent experience of joining a car club. A full set of survey questions is contained in Appendix B. 2.3 Appendix A contains all of the data collected as part of the survey. This section contains the key findings, including headline results and key trends (showing comparisons with previous annual surveys) for the following topics: 2.4 Impact of car clubs on car ownership; Impact of car clubs on car purchasing; Impact of car clubs on miles travelled; Impact of car clubs on travel behaviour: members; Impact of car clubs on travel behaviour: new members; Use of other shared mobility; Profile of car club users; How car club vehicles are used; Reasons for joining a car club: new members; Joining a car club at “life change” moments: new members; The experience of joining a car club: new members; Experiences of using electric and hybrid vehicles; and Preferences for types of vehicles. All data presented are for 2014/15 unless otherwise stated. Home locations of survey respondents 2.5 The map overleaf shows the home postcodes of survey respondents. Almost a quarter of all respondents were based in Camden, Wandsworth or Lambeth with each of those boroughs accounting for 8% of survey responses. Of the Outer London boroughs, Ealing and Haringey had the greatest number of respondents accounting for 5% and 4% of the sample respectively. 2.6 Overall, 64% of responses were received from members in Inner London boroughs and 36% from members in Outer London boroughs. April 2015 | 9 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report London respondents - home locations April 2015 | 10 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Impact of car clubs on car ownership Headlines Car ownership amongst new members falls after joining 46% of new members owned at least one car before joining, falling to just 28% afterwards, as shown in the graph below. Car ownership remains low amongst longer term members Trends 2.7 Longer-term members have lower levels of car ownership. 48% of longerterm members owned at least one car before joining, falling to just 20% afterwards. Longer-term members are those who have been members for at least six months – many have been members for a number of years. 13% of longer-term members stated that they had sold or disposed of a car in the 12 months prior to completing the survey. Of these, one in three stated that their car club membership was either the main reason or a major factor in their decision to sell or dispose of their car. Car clubs continue to reduce car ownership As shown in the table below, the change in car ownership of new members has followed a similar trend since 2011/12. Year Owned at least one car Change (+/- % point) Before After 2011/12 46% 29% -17% 2012/13 46% 31% -15% 2013/14 42% 27% -15% 2014/15 46% 28% -18% Car ownership before and after joining a car club 100% 90% 3% 9% 16% 4% 10% 21% 80% 70% 6% 37% 32% 60% 3 cars or more 50% 2 cars 40% 30% 80% 72% No cars 54% 52% 1 car 20% 10% 0% Before Members After Before After New Members The infographic overleaf uses annual survey results to illustrate how car club cars remove private cars from London’s roads. April 2015 | 11 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report April 2015 | 12 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Impact of car clubs on car purchasing Headlines Trends 2.8 Car clubs reduce the need to purchase a private car 30% of new and longer-term members would have bought a private car if they had not joined a car club. Longer term members were slightly more likely to state that they would have bought a private car (31%) compared to new members (28%). The graph below shows the results for members, new members and overall. As shown in the second table, 64% of longer-term members stated that, as a consequence of joining a car club, their household would be less likely to buy a car in the next few years. Car clubs help to defer future car purchase by members As shown in the table below, results from the 2014/15 survey are consistent with results from previous years, with car clubs reducing the likelihood of purchasing a car. Members (overall) for whom joining a car club has made it less likely that they will buy a car in the next few years Year 2011/12 62% 2012/13 66% 2013/14 61% 2014/15 62% Intention to buy a private car Members 31% New Members 28% 47% 25% All 30% 45% 25% 45% 0% 50% No Yes 24% 100% Don't know Likelihood of buying a private car in the next few years Do you think that joining the car club has made it more or less likely that you will buy a car in the next few years? Members New members All More likely 8% 12% 8% Less likely 64% 50% 62% No effect 24% 30% 25% Don’t know 4% 9% 5% 100% 100% 100% Total The infographic overleaf uses annual survey results to illustrate how car clubs contribute to a reduction in the number of private cars purchased in London. April 2015 | 13 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report April 2015 | 14 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Impact of car clubs on miles travelled Headlines Trends Car clubs reduce annual car mileage travelled The net average change in annual car mileage reported after joining was a decrease of 1,617 miles. This net change is derived from estimated changes in mileage provided by the 31% of longer-term members who reported a decrease in their mileage after joining a car club and the 21% who reported an increase. Members who increase mileage may have joined in order to make trips by car that they could not otherwise make, hence an increase in mileage. The distribution of change is shown in the graph below; the average increase in annual mileage was 795 miles whilst the average decrease was 3,393 miles. This represents a carbon saving of 410kg CO2/annum (UK average car). 55% of all longer-term members’ households travelled 500 miles or fewer in car club vehicles in the 12 months prior to completing the survey. Based on data provided by operators, the average annual mileage in car club cars per member in the UK was 347 miles. This is notably lower than survey members’ average estimate of 1,080 miles. The estimated average annual mileage travelled by members (in their primary household car) is 1,110 miles – this average includes members who travelled no miles and excludes one outlier. When added to the estimated miles travelled in car club cars, the annual average is 2,190 miles. This is substantially lower than the London average of 5,029 miles driven per year among households with at least one full driving licence holder (National Travel Survey). It should be noted that many people do not accurately record private car or car club mileage and are likely to have provided estimated responses. Average household mileage of car club members remains low The average annual household mileage in any vehicle of 2,190 miles is similar to 2013/14 (2,165 miles). Miles per year Average change in longer-term members’ annual mileage following joining a car club 1500 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -2000 -2500 -3000 -3500 -4000 795 -1617 -3393 Increase Decrease Net April 2015 | 15 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Mileage prior to joining a car club Headlines Car clubs attract people who drive low mileage Annual average mileage after joining a car club was 2,190 miles; 37% less than before joining. Amongst new members, only 23% travelled more than 6,000 miles in any vehicle in the 12 months prior to joining a car club. This is shown in the graph below. Average annual mileage prior to joining a car club as estimated by new members was 3,490 miles; 31% less than the London average of 5,029 miles (National Travel Survey). This suggests that car clubs attract low mileage drivers – who further reduce their household mileage on joining the car club. A growing proportion of new members drive low mileage before joining Trends Since 2012/13, there has been an increased proportion of new members driving fewer than 6,000 miles in the 12 months prior to joining. Proportion of new members in London who drove fewer than 6,000 miles in any vehicles in the 12 months before joining 2012/13 68% 2013/14 70% 2014/15 75% New members’ mileage in any vehicle in the 12 months prior to joining 40% 32% 30% 20% 13% 6% 6% 6% 2% 3% 3% Don't know 7% 20,001-25,000 5% 15,001-20,000 9% 9% 10% 10,001-15,000 8,001-10,000 6,001-8,000 4,001-6,000 2,001-4,000 1,001-2,000 501-1,000 1-500 0 0% April 2015 | 16 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Impact of car clubs on travel behaviour: new members Headlines New members travel by private car less after joining After joining a car club, new members reduce their car use. Before joining a car club, 25% travel by private car at least once a week, falling to 18% after joining New members increase their use of sustainable travel New members tended to already be frequent users of sustainable travel modes. The proportion of members walking, cycling and using the Underground at least once a week also increased after joining a car club. New members use the Underground and rail more often and cars less often than the average Londoner Trends After joining the car club 71% of new members travel by Underground at least once a week, compared to 36% of Londoners. Weekly rail use is also higher at 69% compared to 57% of Londoners. 18% use a private car at least once a week, compared to 36% of Londoners. New members continue to reduce car driver trips after joining The reduction in frequency of car driver trips and increase in the proportion of new members reporting walking, cycling and using the Underground following joining a car club are consistent with 2013/14 results. Proportion of new members using transport modes at least once a week after joining a car club compared with before (percentage point change)5 Walking 6% Underground 3% Bus -1% Train <-1% Bicycle 1% Taxi Car driver (private) 5 -2% -7% The data from which these numbers are derived can be found in Appendix A. April 2015 | 17 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Impact of car clubs on travel behaviour: longer-term members Headlines Car club members make frequent use of sustainable travel modes Trends Car club members make more use of public transport and less use of private cars than the average Londoner as shown in the graph below. 75% travel by Underground / tram at least once a week compared to 36% of London’s population (London Travel Demand Survey (LTDS) 2013/14); 72% travel by bus at least once a week compared to 57% of the London population; and 37% travel by train at least once a week, more than twice the London average of 16%. Approximately a third of members are regular cyclists: 28% cycle at least once a week, nearly three times the London average of 10%. Longer-term members frequently walk for 20 minutes or more: 56% make such journeys three or more times a week and 25% at least once a week. The annual survey asks about frequency of walking for 20 minutes or more so comparison with LTDS data, where walking refers to walks of at least 5 minutes, is not possible whether or not as part of trips using other modes. Car club members still use cars (74% had made a trip as a car driver in the last month) but less regularly than the London population (15% of members travel by private car at least once a week compared to 36% of Londoners). Higher use of sustainable travel by members since 2007 Frequency of mode use among longer-term members has remained consistent with higher than average frequency of travel by all sustainable travel modes since the survey began in 2007. Proportion of members using transport modes at least once a week compared with average Londoner (percentage point difference, 2014/15 survey)6 Underground 39% Bus 15% Train 21% Bicycle 18% Taxi Car driver (private) 6 12% -21% The data from which these numbers are derived can be found in Appendix A. April 2015 | 18 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Use of other shared mobility Headlines Trends Car club members also use other shared mobility modes The graph below shows that 72% of members use round-trip car hire at least once a year. More London members (both new and longer-term members) make weekly use of cycle hire and 2+ car-sharing (i.e. giving or receiving a lift in a private vehicle) than other forms of shared transport. A reasonably high proportion (6%) of car club members use cycle hire (most likely to be Santander Cycles, though this wasn’t specified) at least once a week. However, less than half of car club members stated that they use cycle hire at least once a year. Around 10% use 2+ car-sharing at least once a week (giving or receiving a lift in a private vehicle) Just under half of members stated that they car-share informally (borrowing a car from a friend or relative) at least once a year with a small proportion (less than 5%) stating that they do this at least once a week. Use of shared mobility modes remains similar to last year Members’ use of other shared mobility modes is similar to that reported in 2013/14, which was the first time this question was asked. Use of other shared mobility modes (all members) Informal car-sharing 3% 10% Traditional car hire 24% 12% 2+ car-sharing 2% 7% 57% 24% Cycle hire 3%3% 9% Peer-to-peer 28% 18% 3% 0% 10% 20% 3 or more times per week At least once per month 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 1-2 times per week At least once per year April 2015 | 19 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Profile of car club users Headlines Car club members include a diverse range of people Based on analysis of members’ postcodes using Mosaic7 the characteristics of London car club members are shown in the table below and include: Trends Young professionals in their 20s and 30s (Metropolitan High-Flyers - 25%). Prosperous households in accessible inner suburbs (Uptown Elite – 15%). Professional people in central London (Penthouse Chic - 12%). Other Mosaic types include multi-cultural households (Crowded Kaleidoscope - 7.4%) and self-starting young people working in the service sector (Flexible Workforce - 7.0%). New version of Mosaic: similar group profile A new version of Mosaic was used to profile members in 2014/15. The most common types in 2013/14 were similar: Urban Cool, Bright Young Things, Global Power Brokers, Crash Pad Professionals and Multicultural Towers. Mosaic profile of London car club members: key types Type % of London members % of London population Description Metropolitan High-Flyers 25% 9.4% Young professionals in their 20 and 30s renting in inner London boroughs. Uptown Elite 15% 8.3% Established home owners living in accessible inner suburbs where they enjoy the attractions of city life. Penthouse Chic 12% 3.4% Singletons living in flats in prestige central locations with high incomes and outgoings. World-Class Wealth 10% 4.5% Global high flyers and privileged families living luxurious lifestyles. Crowded Kaleidoscope 7.4% 9.5% Multi-cultural households with children renting social flats in over-crowded conditions. Flexible Workforce 7.0% 8.7% Self-starting young renters ready to move to follow worthwhile incomes in service sector. Inner City Stalwarts 6.8% 5.8% Longer-term renters of inner city social flats who have witnessed many changes. New Foundations 1.9% 0.8% Couples with middle incomes living in newly built flats in both inner and outer London, many with children. Central Pulse 1.7% 0.9% Young graduates starting out, often living in rented flats in lower income parts of inner London boroughs. 7 Mosaic is a geodemographic profiling tool which classified residential postcodes into one of 66 Types, based on demographics, attitudes and a wide range of other data from commercial and public statistics. April 2015 | 20 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report How car club vehicles are used Headlines Car club cars in London are used more efficiently than private cars Car club cars have an average occupancy of 2.3 people (based on the last car club journey made by respondents) compared to 1.6 for private cars (LTDS, 2013/14). This is shown in the first table below. Car clubs enable members to get around with large items 49% reported that they were transporting bulky objects on their most recent trip. Car clubs are not generally used for commuting As shown in the second table below, personal business (30%), visiting friends/family (29%), shopping (26%) and leisure (22%) are the most popular car club journey purposes. Just over 1% use car clubs for commuting. Respondents could choose more than one journey purpose for this question. Compared to journey purposes reported in the London Travel Demand Survey, fewer car club journeys are made for education and commuting purposes. A separate survey was completed by corporate members of car clubs who use car clubs as part of their work. Top journey purposes remain unchanged Trends The top four journey purposes (shopping, personal business, visiting friends and family and leisure) remain the same as in 2013/14, which was the first time the question was asked. Average vehicle occupancy London car club members (based on last trip made in a car club car) London population (based on annual private car trips from LTDS) 2.3 1.6 Comparison of journey purposes Annual survey (based on last trip made) London population (based on annual trips from LTDS) 30% personal business 26% shopping 27% Visiting friends/family 29% N/A Leisure 22% 29% Business 8% 7% Education 3% 8% Commuting 1% 15% Purpose Shopping and personal business April 2015 | 21 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Reasons for joining a car club: new members Headlines Trends Members join car clubs to improve accessibility The graph below shows that the two most popular reasons for joining were to hire cars on a short-term basis (68%) and to make trips that can’t be made by other modes (42%). Only 14% joined because they had sold or disposed of a vehicle. Members in London join car clubs to increase their travel options, not always as a direct replacement for private car travel. Members already tend to be regular users of sustainable travel modes, and joining a car club is an addition to a range of travel options already used. Respondents could choose more than one reason for joining. Other reasons provided in free text responses included to be able to make multimodal journeys e.g. a train from London to Manchester and having a car available at the other end, and to put off buying a private car. Increased impact of personal finances on members’ decision making The top two reasons that new members join a car club are the same as in 2013/14. In 2014/15 more respondents chose “to reduce travel expenditure” as a reason for joining (+3% points on 2013/14) and fewer respondents chose “it was recommended to me” (-9% points on 2013/14), suggesting an increase in the impact of personal finances on members’ decision making. New members’ reasons for joining a car club Hire cars on short-term basis 68% Make trips I can't by other modes 42% Reduce travel expenditure 19% Choice of vehicles 16% It was recommended to me 16% I sold/disposed of a vehicle 14% To be environmentally friendly 14% Problems parking locally 8% Other 6% Reduce car use 5% None of the above 1% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%100% April 2015 | 22 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Joining a car club at ‘life change’ moments: new members Headlines Many car club members join when moving to a new area Approximately a third of new members had moved to a new area prior to joining a car club and this was a popular ‘main reason’ for joining a car club, as shown in the graph below. The second most common change in recent circumstances was changing jobs/retiring (13%), as shown in the table. Moving to new area and changing jobs are key life events Trends As in previous years, moving to a new area and changing jobs/retiring remain the common ‘life events’ occurring prior to car club membership. Respondents were first asked to state whether they had experienced a “life change” moment, then they were asked to state whether it was a factor in their decision to join a car club. Changes in personal circumstances when joining Change % Moved to a new area 30% Changed jobs/retired 13% Change in family circumstances 9% Other 7% Change in financial circumstances 6% Respondent left home for the first time 3% Respondent’s child started at new school 2% Influence of change in personal circumstances on decision to join a car club Other 45% I moved to a new area 27% 39% Family circumstances changed 30% 28% 24% I changed jobs/retired 24% 20% I left home for the first time 22% 22% My child(ren) started at a new school 13% Financial circumstances changed 10% 0% 25% 20% 20% Main reason 14% 20% 21% 18% 22% 25% 40% 40% 60% Major factor 80% 100% Minor factor April 2015 | 23 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report The experience of joining a car club: new members Headlines Word of mouth, the internet and seeing cars on-street encourage members to join As shown in the graph below, 37% of new members discovered their car club through word of mouth, highlighting the importance of an operator’s reputation in its ability to attract new members. 25% found out via the internet and 25% saw a car club vehicle in the street, highlighting the importance of visible branding of car club cars in attracting new members. New members are satisfied with the joining process Car clubs are achieving high levels of satisfaction amongst new members with 92% stating that they found the joining process ‘good’ or ‘very good’ and 89% stating that the quality of information they received before and during their initial bookings was ‘good’ or ‘very good’. Satisfaction with car clubs remains high Trends Satisfaction with the joining process and quality of information received has remained consistently high with between 89%-95% of members rating these factors as ‘good; or ‘very good’ in the last 3 years. How new members found out about their car club Word of mouth 37% Internet search engine 25% Seeing a car club vehicle on-street 25% Referred by a friend 12% Car club operator's website 9% Other 7% Social media 6% Email 4% Leaflet 3% Outdoor advertising 3% Through my employer 1% Attended promotional event 1% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Perception of the joining process and information received Rating Joining process Quality of information received before and during early bookings Very good Good Average Poor Very poor 60% 32% 7% 1% 1% 59% 30% 10% 1% <1% April 2015 | 24 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Experiences of using electric and hybrid vehicles Headlines Members rate hybrids higher than Electric Vehicles (EVs) As shown in the graph below, 86% have had a ‘good’ or ‘very good’ experience of a hybrid in contrast to 66% of those who have tried an electric vehicle (EV). This may be influenced by experience of using EV charging infrastructure, which just 38% rated as ‘good’ or ‘very good’. 4% of members had driven an electric car club vehicle and 21% a hybrid. EVs are a curiosity; hybrids are convenient ‘I was curious to try an electric vehicle’ was the most popular reason for choosing an EV (57% of members), compared to 34% who stated this for hybrids. Hybrid users were more likely to state that ‘it was the closest vehicle available to me’, perhaps reflecting greater availability of hybrids 4% of London car club cars are hybrids whilst only 0.5% are EVs. Members continue to be receptive to new technologies Trends As in 2013/14, car club members expressed a willingness to try new vehicle technologies. Experience of hybrids in London is often more positive than EVs – possibly due to difficulties using EV charging points. Reasons for choosing an electric or hybrid vehicle Reason Electric Hybrid It was the closest vehicle available to me 32% 65% I was curious to try an electric/hybrid vehicle 57% 34% It is more environmentally friendly 39% 33% The size/type of vehicle 18% 34% I prefer driving electric/hybrid vehicles 24% 22% It was the only option 19% 26% I did not realise it was an electric/hybrid vehicle when booking 10% 18% 4% 3% Other 8 Experience of using an electric or hybrid vehicle EV charging infrastructure 17% EVs 21% 40% Hybrids 36% 26% 65% 0% Very good 12% 14% 20% 6% 9% 21% 11% 50% Good Average 100% Poor Very poor 8 The most common ‘other’ reason amongst electric car users was that it was the cheapest option whilst for hybrid users it was the vehicle’s automatic transmission. April 2015 | 25 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Preferences for types of vehicles Headlines Members are interested in using alternative vehicles Amongst members who have not used an electric or hybrid vehicle, two thirds stated they are ‘interested’ or ‘very interested’ in using one. Car club members are open to driving different types of vehicle - 35% have no preference. Electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids are least preferred by members The graph below shows that, amongst members who do have a preference, hybrids are the most popular (29% prefer these), followed by petrol (25%) and diesel (22%). Electric vehicles (20%) and plug-in hybrids (12%) are least preferred, though only a small number of members had experience of using these upon which to base their preference. This was a new question in the 2014/15 survey. Vehicle preference Hybrid 29% Petrol 25% Diesel 22% Electric 20% Plug-in Hybrid 12% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Respondents could choose more than one option. April 2015 | 26 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report 3 Peer-to-Peer Members’ Survey Introduction 3.1 A peer-to-peer car club allows car owners to make better use of their under-utilised vehicles by renting them out to other local drivers. This model can work well particularly in locations where there is not seen to be sufficient density of users to support a round-trip car club. 3.2 A survey of easyCar club members, containing similar questions to the round-trip member survey, was completed by 84 members. 3.3 As there was no peer-to-peer survey in 2013/14, the following sections provide comparisons between peer-to-peer members and round-trip members, rather than trends. 3.4 Where comparisons are made it is with the London round-trip car club members or, for comparison with the general population, the London Travel Demand Survey since the majority of peer-to-peer car club members reside in London. 3.5 The peer-to-peer survey was only issued to members who rent cars, not those who rent them out to others. April 2015 | 27 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Impact of peer-to-peer car clubs on car ownership and purchasing Headlines Peer-to-peer car clubs attract people who don’t own a car Most members (69%) did not own a car before joining and this figure rose to 80% after joining, as shown in the graph below. Peer-to-peer members less likely to buy a car When asked if they were more or less likely to buy a car in future, 56% stated that they were less likely compared to 15% who stated that they were more likely. 15% of members stated that they would have bought a private car if they had not joined the car club. 20% of members stated that they had sold or disposed of a car in the 12 months prior to joining the car club, though only one respondent stated that joining the peer-to-peer car club was the main reason for selling their car. Peer-to-peer has similar car ownership impact as to round-trip Comparison The profile of car ownership amongst peer-to-peer members after joining with rounda peer-to-peer car club is very similar to round-trip members. Prior to trip members joining, peer-to-peer members are less likely to own a car with 30% owning one or more cars compared with 48% of round-trip car club members. Number of cars owned before and after joining 100% 7% 90% 80% 4% 16% 23% 70% 60% 2 cars 50% 1 car 40% 30% 80% No cars 69% 20% 10% 0% Before After April 2015 | 28 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Impact of peer-to-peer car clubs on miles travelled Headlines Peer-to-peer car clubs reduce annual car mileage travelled Comparison with roundtrip members On average, peer-to-peer members reduced their annual car mileage travelled by 662 miles, after joining a peer-to-peer car club. For those who increased their mileage (25%) the average increase in annual mileage was 1,119 miles. For those who decreased their mileage (15%) the average decrease was 3,538 miles. Therefore the net change in annual car mileage travelled after joining was a decrease of 662 miles. Peer-to-peer members’ average mileage in peer-to-peer car club cars was 1,280 miles. Average mileage in household cars was 1,230 miles giving an estimated average annual mileage of 2,510 miles, only slightly higher than round-trip members in London (2,190 miles). Although the average increase and decrease in annual mileage amongst peer-to-peer members was broadly similar to round-trip members, the net change was different at a reduction of approximately 660 miles (compared with -1,600 for round-trip members in London). This is due to some large decreases in mileage amongst round-trip members. A peer-topeer survey was not carried out in 2013/14. Peer-to-peer members’ change in annual mileage after joining a car club 2000 1119 Miles per year 1000 0 -662 -1000 -2000 -3000 -3538 -4000 Increase Decrease Net April 2015 | 29 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Impact of peer-to-peer car clubs on travel behaviour Headlines Peer-to-peer members use sustainable travel modes regularly Peer-to-peer car club members make more use of public transport and less use of private cars than the average Londoner as shown in the graph below. 76% travel by Underground / Tram at least once a week compared to 36% of the London population (LTDS 2013/14); 65% travel by bus at least once a week compared to 57% of the London population; and 33% travel by train at least once a week, approximately twice the London average of 16%. Over a third of members are regular cyclists: 40% use a bicycle at least once a week, which is four times greater than the London average. Members frequently walk for 20 minutes or more: 51% make such journeys three or more times a week and 24% one to two times a week. 39% of peer-to-peer members also belong to another car club. Peer-to-peer members also use other shared mobility modes Comparison with roundtrip members 76% of members use round-trip car hire at least once a year. More members make weekly use of cycle hire than other forms of shared transport. Peer-to-peer members’ use of transport modes is broadly similar to round-trip members although the former are more likely to use a bicycle at least once a week whilst the latter are more likely to make frequent use of the bus. Proportion of peer-to-peer members using transport modes at least once a week compared with average Londoner (percentage point difference) Underground 40% Bus 8% Train 17% Bicycle 30% Taxi Car driver (private) 11% -22% April 2015 | 30 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report How peer-to-peer car clubs are used Headlines Peer-to-peer cars are used more efficiently than private cars Peer-to-peer cars have an average occupancy of 2.7 people (based on the last peer-to-peer car club journey made by respondents) compared to 2.3 for round-trip car club cars in London and 1.6 for private cars (LTDS, 2013/14), as shown in the first table below. Peer-to-peer cars enable members to get around with large items 42% reported that they were transporting bulky objects on their most recent trip. If they had not been able to use a car club vehicle, 34% would not have made the journey at all. Peer-to-peer cars are used for non-work journeys As shown in the second table below, visiting friends/family (51%), leisure (36%) and personal business (19%) are the most popular purposes. Members joined a peer-to-peer car club to make journeys they can’t make by other modes The two most popular reasons for joining were to hire cars on a shortterm basis (79%) and to make trips I can’t make by other modes (67%). Peer-to-peer journey car clubs are used for leisure journeys Comparison Peer-to-peer cars are more likely to be used for visiting friends/family, with roundleisure and business than round-trip cars which are most likely to be used trip members for personal business. As with round-trip car club cars, peer-to-peer cars are used more efficiently than the average private car. Average vehicle occupancy Peer-to-peer car club members London car club members (roundtrip) London population (LTDS) 2.7 2.3 1.6 Comparison of journey purposes Annual survey (last journey) LTDS (annual trips) Visiting friends/family 51% N/A Leisure 36% 29% 19% personal business 13% shopping 27% Business 18% 7% Education 2% 8% - 15% Purpose Shopping and personal business Commuting April 2015 | 31 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report 4 Corporate Members’ Survey 4.1 The corporate members’ survey was completed by respondents who are members of a car club through their employer. Often the membership is paid for by the employer and the car club cars are used as pool cars for work-related journeys during the working day. As such, they are a different user group from individual private members so a separate corporate members’ survey was issued to them (although some respondents may also hold an individual, private membership). Car club operators were responsible for identifying corporate members and ensuring the survey was sent to the appropriate respondents. 4.2 Corporate membership is not available to all members (it is only offered by operators in certain locations). Adoption of sustainable travel policies may have an influence on take-up of corporate car club membership. The survey is therefore not representative of all businesses, only those who are corporate car club members. 4.3 This section contains the results of the corporate members’ survey in London (301 respondents). April 2015 | 32 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report How corporate members use car clubs Headlines Trends Corporate members use car clubs more frequently than individual members The table below shows that 22% of corporate members use car clubs at least once a week compared to 9% of individual members. 84% of corporate members use a car most often with 15% using a van most often, a swing towards car use of 5% points in comparison to last year. 2% of respondents did not answer this question. Corporate members are satisfied with their car club operator with 92% stating that their operator is ‘good’ or ‘very good’. Satisfaction remains high As shown in the pie chart below, with 92% of members rating their car club as ‘good’ or ‘very good’, satisfaction is slightly higher than in 2013/14 (90%), though the proportion stating ‘very good’ is lower this year (55% compared to 60% last year). With 22% using the car club at least once a week, frequency of use is the same as in 2013/14. Frequency of car club use: corporate members and individual members Frequency of using a car club Corporate members Individual members 3 or more times a week 6% 2% 1-2 times a week 16% 7% At least once a month 45% 40% At least once a year 31% 37% No trips made - 7% Don’t know - 6% No response 2% - Satisfaction with car clubs Average 6% Good 37% Poor 1% No response 1% Very Good 55% April 2015 | 33 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Impacts of corporate car club membership on travel behaviour Headlines Corporate members reduce their private car use after joining a car club Before joining a car club, 30% used their own car for business journeys at least once a week. This fell to 15% after joining, as shown in the graph below. Public transport remains the mode of travel that members used most frequently, though regular public transport use fell slightly (62% used public transport at least once a week, falling to 55% after joining). The frequency of regular cycle use remained the same. Reducing frequency of private car use remains the greatest impact Trends As with the 2013/14 survey, the impact of corporate membership on frequency of private car use was the greatest impact identified; last year 34% use their own car at least once a week before joining, falling to 13% after. The reduction in frequency of traditional car rental use was less pronounced in this year’s survey compared to 2013/14. Use of modes, at least once a week, before and after joining the car club 70% 60% 50% 40% 62% 30% 55% 47% 20% 44% 30% 22% 22% Walk Cycle Taxi Before After 1% Other After After 1% After Before 8% Before After Own Car Company Employer Traditional Public Car Car Rental Transport After 1% Before 2% After 4% Before 4% After 3% Before 5% Before After Before 0% 22% 12% After 15% Before 10% Car club April 2015 | 34 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Impacts of corporate car club membership on travel behaviour Headlines Corporate members make more work-related trips after joining 21% of members make more work-related trips since joining whilst 8% make fewer trips, as shown in the first graph below. Many members will have joined the car club because they had a need to make car trips during the working day. Car clubs enable such trips to be made without the need to commute by car – 10% stated they now travel to work by car less often. 2 in 5 corporate members stated that they have started to use car clubs for private (non- work-related) trips in addition to work trips since joining. Over a third stated that they had sold or disposed of a car since joining. A minority of employers use car clubs as part of initiatives to reduce car use Trends 10% of members stated their employer actively discourages employees from using their own cars: 7% had replaced pool cars with car club cars. Less influence of corporate car clubs on car club use for personal trips Compared to the 2013/14 survey, members were less likely to state that they now use a car club for private (non-work related) trips (51% in 2013/14). Influence on travel behaviour I now use a car club for private trips 39% It has not changed my habits 35% I have sold/disposed of my car 35% I make more work-related trips 21% I travel to work by car less often 10% I make fewer work-related trips 8% 0% 20% % of respondents 40% Influence on business travel arrangements Employees discouraged from using own cars 10% Pool cars have been replaced by club cars 7% Number of company cars has reduced 6% Other changes have been made to travel policy 4% Mileage allowance rates have been reduced 3% 0% 10% % of respondents 20% April 2015 | 35 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report 5 Corporate Administrators’ Survey Introduction 5.1 In addition to understanding the views of corporate members, a survey of employees who are responsible for administering their organisation’s corporate membership was also carried out. The survey was designed to find out more about how and why corporate members use car clubs, the perceived benefits of membership and how membership is related to other travel policies at the organisation. 5.2 The corporate administrator survey was completed by representatives from 84 organisations across Great Britain (England and Wales, Scotland and London) and the results for Great Britain are reported in this section. Respondent profile 5.3 Responses were received from 84 organisations, of which 65% were in the private sector, 24% in the public sector and 11% from the third sector as shown below. 63% of the responding organisations were from London, 30% from England & Wales (outside London) and 6% from Scotland with one unspecified. Third sector 11% Public sector 24% Private sector 65% 5.4 Half the sample had fewer than 10 employees whilst 23% had between 11-49 employees. There was a small number of very large employers (13%) with over 1,000 employees. 5.5 18% of responding organisations had a travel plan and 36% had a travel policy covering travel during the working day. 37% of organisations also provided prepay public transport tickets, 17% provided pool bikes, 13% company leased cars, 19% pool cars and 2% provided cars through a “salary sacrifice” scheme. 27% of organisations provided no benefits. April 2015 | 36 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Perceived benefits of joining a corporate car club Headlines Trends Organisations with corporate membership identify financial benefits 71% identified at least one financial benefit from corporate car club membership and 68% identified at least one other type of benefit. The first graph below shows that a reduction in business mileage claims was the most popular financial benefit, identified by 26%, followed by reduced parking required (23%) and reduced admin burden (19%). The most commonly stated other benefit was enhanced staff mobility (39%) followed by improved employee satisfaction (33%) and reduced CO2 emissions (21%), as shown in the second graph. Reduced expenditure on taxis was the main “other” benefit cited. Importance of parking benefits is greater than in 2013/14 Compared to 2013/14, a higher proportion of respondents identified ‘reduced parking required’ as a benefit. Financial benefits9 and other benefits 36% 39% Enhanced staff mobility 28% Employee satisfaction 27% 26% Fewer mileage claims 15% Less parking required 23% 14% Reduced CO2 emissions 21% Deferred car purchase 19% Less admin 19% Less mileage 12% 14% Other 15% 12% 5% Risk management 0% 9 33% 24% 2013/14 2014/15 8% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Money saved through deferred car purchase was not an option in the 2013/14 survey April 2015 | 37 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Impacts of joining a corporate car club Headlines Trends Car clubs used to replace pool cars and discourage grey fleet use One in three organisations had made a change to their business travel arrangements since joining the car club as shown below. This includes 14% who replaced pool cars with use of car club cars and 10% who actively discourage use of employees’ own cars (the grey fleet). On average, 36% of organisations’ car mileage was travelled by car club car. Larger employers were more likely to rely on grey fleet than smaller employers (46% and 24% of mileage respectively). 89% estimated the mileage figures with 11% providing responses based on data collected. One in three organisations stated that they collect data on grey fleet mileage consumption and one in three collect car club mileage data. Just under half (48%) stated that they collect no car mileage data. Larger organisations more likely to collect business mileage data Smaller organisations continue to be less likely to collect data on mileage for business-related car travel compared to large organisations. Changes made as a result of joining a car club Change % Pool cars replaced with car club Detail/Examples 5.614% Total reduction of 19 pool cars across 12 organisations. Use of own cars actively discouraged 10% For one organisation, use of an employee’s own car must be approved by a Director whilst use car club use does not require approval. This created a "path of least resistance/hassle" in favour of car club cars. Company cars reduced 4% No detail provided. Other 4% Use of vans to replace contract delivery runs, reduced use of taxis. Mileage allowance reduced 2% From 60p to 45p a mile. From engine-size based to 45p a mile Average proportion of car business miles travelled by type of car and employer size 4% Taxi Pool car 12% Fewer than 50 employees 15% 4% Traditional car hire More than 50 employees 7% 15% Car club 41% Grey Fleet 46% 24% 0% 10% 20% 30% % of miles travelled 46% 40% 50% April 2015 | 38 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report 6 Operators’ Survey Introduction 6.1 This section contains the information provided by car club operators about their service. Each car club operator provided details of their vehicle fleet, membership numbers and characteristics of members and data regarding use of car clubs by their members such as mileage travelled. The data was collected across England, Wales, Scotland and London by means of a self-completion questionnaire. 6.2 London remains the UK’s primary market for car clubs with approximately four in five car club members residing in London. With 81% of members, London’s dominance of the market is less than in 2012/13 when 84% of members were in London. The remaining members are in England & Wales (15%) and Scotland (4%). 6.3 Data about NOX, CO2 and PM10 emissions of car club fleets were collected separately through the emissions analysis and profiling process and is reported in section 7. 6.4 Peer-to-peer operator easyCar provided a partial response to the operator survey, providing detail on the number of members, age and gender profile and average length of hire. Member numbers, age and gender profiles are included in the overall operator dataset reported in this section, but average duration of hire is reported separately. 6.5 Information on the average distance per hire, average hires per active member, distribution of hires and total mileage was not provided by easyCar. April 2015 | 39 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Characteristics of car club members Headlines Car clubs attract a young profile of members The first graph below shows that there are fewer car club members aged 50+ years old compared to the profile of licence holders nationally. The market for car clubs is predominantly amongst the 25-44 age group. Men are more likely to join car clubs than women Trends 69% of car club members are men compared to 54% of UK licence holders who are men, as shown in the second graph. Members are getting older Members aged 35+ increased from 46% in 2010/11 to 56% in 2014/15. Age profile of members (2010/11 – 2014/15) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 3% 3% 4% 8% 28% 4% 4% 6% 9% 4% 4% 6% 9% 4% 4% 6% 10% 5% 4% 7% 9% 27% 9% 29% 30% 31% 31% 10% 11% 23% 19% 6% 3% 22% 16% 6% 3% 24% 60+ 55 to 59 50 to 54 45 to 49 35 to 44 30 to 34 23% 23% 18% 17% 16% 6% 5% 5% 20% 8% 7% 5% 3% 25 to 29 21 to 24 Under 21 Not specified 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 National Licence Holders Gender profile of members (2010/11 – 2014/15) 100% 90% 80% 31% 31% 32% 30% 31% 46% 70% Female 60% 50% Male 40% 30% 69% 67% 61% 67% 69% 54% 20% Not specified 10% 0% 7% 3% 2% 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 National Licence Holders April 2015 | 40 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report How car clubs are used Headlines Trends Round-trip car club members typically make short trips The average duration of hire for round-trip car clubs is 6.5 hours and the average distance travelled per hire 34.1 miles, as shown in the table below. The average duration of hire of peer-to-peer car club trips (50.4 hours) is almost eight times greater than round-trip car clubs (6.5 hours). It appears that peer-to-peer car club members are more likely to hire a car for a weekend trip, whereas round-trip members may hire a car for a few hours. This may be related to the pricing of peer-to-peer car clubs which can be set by owner-members to attract longer term hires. Members are making more trips: the number of hires per member continues to increase and with this the implied miles per member per year. Members now make an average of 10.6 hires a year compared to 6.7 hires a year in 2011/12. The average duration of round-trip car club hire has decreased from 6.8 hours in 2011/12 to 6.5 hours in 2014/15. The average distance per hire has reduced to a lesser extent from 34.5 miles in 2011/12 to 34.1 in 2014/15. Vehicle usage Model Round-trip car clubs Measure 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 Average duration of hire 6.8 hours 6.7 hours 6.2 hours 6.5 hours Average distance per hire 34.5 miles 37.8 miles 34.9 miles 34.1 miles Average number of hires per active member 6.7 hires 8.2 hires 9.2 hires 10.6 hires 237 miles 305 miles 316 miles 347 miles - - - 50.4 hours Implied miles per member per year Peer-to-peer car clubs (for round trips) 10 Average duration of hire 10 Calculated as average duration of hire multiplied by average distance per hire. April 2015 | 41 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report How car clubs are used Headlines Trends Car club vehicles provide for occasional and low mileage use The first graph below shows that 75% of members use a car club vehicle fewer than 6 times a year though there is a small group of members (6%) who make more than 20 car club trips a year. Two thirds of hires are for trips of 25 miles or less, as shown in the second graph. However, 16% of trips are over 51 miles which means that the average trip length is 34.1 miles. Little change in miles travelled per hire The profile of miles travelled per hire is almost identical to that observed in 2013/14, though there is a slightly higher proportion of hires that are less than five miles in 2014/15 (17%) than in 2013/14 (15%). The number of members who made no hires in the 12 month reporting period is slightly higher this year (31%) than last year (29%). Number of hires per member, per year 50% 44% 30% 31% 20% 11% 10% Unknown 100+ 51 to 100 26 to 50 21 to 25 6 to 10 1 to 5 None 0% 16 to 20 5% 3% 2% 3% 1% <1% <1% 11 to 15 % of hires 40% Miles travelled per hire 20% 17% 10% 10% 7% 9% 8% 100+ 15% 14% 51 to 100 20% 26 to 50 21 to 25 16 to 20 11 to 15 6 to 10 0% 0 to 5 % of hires 30% April 2015 | 42 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report 7 Emissions Analysis and Profiling Introduction 7.1 The following section reports on the emissions profiles of the national car club operators in London. It is based on a comprehensive set of emissions data that has been collected about UK car clubs. The data has been independently verified by Gfleet Services Ltd using vehicle registration marks (VRM) and published datasets from the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency), VCA (Vehicle Certification Agency) and vehicle manufacturers which enables the production of fuller and more accurate profiling (including NOX and Particulate PM10). 7.2 All car club operators were requested to provide the vehicle registration marks of the vehicles operational on the 1st November 2014, and the clubs were also asked to provide vehicle mileage for the period 1st June 2014 to 31st October 2014 (5 months). All six of the UK national car club operators supplied this data although, as last year, one was not able to provide accurate mileage data. The VRM data was then submitted to CarweB and a full performance and environmental data set was obtained for each vehicle based on the data held by the DVLA and the manufacturer. Where the air quality emission data (Nitrogen Oxides NOX and Particulate PM10) was not available from CarweB the data was obtained from the VCA published emission figures for the year and model of vehicle. 7.3 The vehicles’ safety performance in the European New Car Assessment Programme (NCAP) was also established. The data presented in the following section relates to the fleets of the five car club operators with vehicles in London. All data is anonymous to protect the identity of the car club operators. April 2015 | 43 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Car club vehicle fleet profile Headlines The London car club vehicle fleet is cleaner than the UK private car fleet Most London car club vehicles (80%) are in the lowest three emission bands (A, B and C) with the greatest proportion (39%) in Band A. In the UK fleet the largest proportion of vehicles (17%) is in Band G (151-165 g/km). In November 2014 the average carbon emissions of a London club car was 31% lower than the 2013 UK average car. London car club fleet is 100% Euro 5 or 6 compliant Trends 99% of London car club cars are Euro 5 compliant with 1% Euro 6 compliant. Vehicles achieving EU Emissions Standard Euro 6 emit the lowest amount of toxic emissions. 24 car club cars are low emission cars (Euro 5 or 6 cars emitting less than 75g CO2/km) exempt from the congestion charge. More petrol, fewer diesel cars In 2013 the fleet was 60% diesel and 35% petrol. In 2014 that had shifted to 47% diesel and 49% petrol with hybrid and electric vehicles down from 4.8% to 4.5% (although there were more cars in these categories than in previous years). Unlike in previous years, in 2014, the emissions data for 2014 shown below includes “zero emission” vehicles. Carbon emissions of London car club cars are 16% lower than in 2011. Comparison of London Car Club VED Band Profile with UK Fleet DfT UK Fleet 2013 London Car Club Fleet Percentage of fleet 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% A B C D E F G H I J K L M No Data Carbon emission band Fuel Type and Carbon Emissions London Car Club Fleet Diesel Electric Petrol Petrol/Electric Average CO2 g/km 47% <1% 49% 4% 108.3 Average Carbon Emissions of London Car Clubs 2011 2012 2013 2014 London Car Clubs 129.6 110.1 107.3 108.3 UK Car Fleet 162.8 160.1 157.0 No data April 2015 | 44 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Carbon savings Headlines Carbon emissions of car club cars are lower – by one tonne per car each year Trends Car clubs in London save 2,480 tonnes of carbon dioxide each year (about 1 tonne/car) on driven mileage alone without considering the impact of modal change by members (increased walking, cycling and use of public transport). Based on data provided by operators, the car club fleet emits an estimated 5,500 tonnes of carbon dioxide in a year. Assuming the same annual mileage was driven by the average UK car, the total CO2e emissions would have been 7,980 tonnes. Carbon savings increasing In 2013/14 the average carbon saving was 2,262 tonnes, slightly lower than the saving identified in 2014/15 of 2,480. Carbon emissions and mileage of the London car club fleet Total car club miles Jun-Oct kg CO2 Jun-Oct Annual mileage Average annual mileage/car Annual kg CO2 9,938,104 2,078,201 26,105,195 11,311 5,507,185 April 2015 | 45 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Safety Headlines Trends Car club cars are safer 85% of the London fleet meet the NCAP 5+ Star or 5 Star standard and 13% the acceptable NCAP 4+ Star standard. NCAP is European New Car Assessment Programme covering vehicle safety in terms of occupant safety and pedestrian protection. NCAP 5+ is the highest safety rating. The NCAP profile of the car club fleet is shown in the figure below. Change in NCAP assessment means fewer cars achieve 5 Star rating Following an upgrading of the NCAP assessment, a smaller proportion of the car club fleet achieves NCAP 5+ or 5 Star (85% compared to 99% under the previous assessment). This is due to the rapid growth of the Vauxhall Corsa fleet which achieved NCAP 4+ Star when assessed in 2014 (the older model’s pre-2009 assessment was 5 Star). Further detail is provided in Appendix C. NCAP profile of the London car club fleet 3+ Star 2% 4+ Star 13% 5 Star 10% 5+ Star 75% April 2015 | 46 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Appendices April 2015 | 47 Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report A Detailed Tables and Figures Respondents’ home locations Table A.1: Respondents’ home locations: all members Borough Number of respondents % of respondents Camden 188 8 Wandsworth 176 8 Lambeth 173 8 Tower Hamlets 141 6 Southwark 134 6 Islington 133 6 Hackney 124 6 Kensington & Chelsea 123 5 Westminster 121 5 Ealing 110 5 Lewisham 91 4 Haringey 86 4 Richmond upon Thames 74 3 Hammersmith & Fulham 74 3 Brent 56 2 Greenwich 54 2 Newham 51 2 Merton 39 2 Hounslow 38 2 Waltham Forest 33 1 Barnet 31 1 None provided 30 1 City of London 28 1 Bromley 20 1 Croydon 19 1 Enfield 18 1 Kingston upon Thames 17 1 Sutton 14 1 Hillingdon 12 1 Redbridge 10 0 April 2015 | Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Borough Number of respondents % of respondents Barking & Dagenham 10 0 Harrow 7 0 Havering 4 0 Bexley 2 0 Total 1,294 100% Impact of car clubs on car ownership Figure A.1: Car ownership before and after joining a car club: all members 100% 90% 4% 10% 3% 9% 16% 6% 21% 80% 70% 37% 32% 60% 3 cars or more 50% 2 cars 40% 80% 30% 1 car 72% No cars 54% 52% 20% 10% 0% Before After Before Members After New Members Table A.2: Sold or disposed of a car in the last twelve months: members Number % Yes 244 13% No 1608 84% Not Answered 54 3% Total 1906 100% April 2015 | Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Impact of car clubs on car purchasing Figure A.2: Would have bought a private car if hadn’t joined a car club: all members Members 31% New Members 45% 28% All 47% 30% 0% 24% 25% 45% 20% 40% Yes 25% 60% No 80% Don't know 100% Figure A.3: Likelihood of buying a private car in the future: all members Members 8% New Members All 24% 12% 8% 0% 64% 30% 4% 50% 25% 9% 62% 20% 40% More likely No effect 60% Less likely 5% 80% 100% Don't know April 2015 | Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Impact of car clubs on miles travelled Figure A.4: Estimated household mileage by primary household car and car club cars: members11 60% Car Club Car Primary Household Car 49% 50% 40% 30% 20% 1% 1% 2% <1% <1% <1%<1% >25,000 1% 20,001-25,000 2,001-4,000 1,001-2,000 501-1,000 2% 15,001-20,000 2% 11% 10,001-15,000 6% 12% 8,001-10,000 11% 10%10% 8% 5% 1% 0 0% 6% 1-500 10% 18% 6,001-8,000 20% 4,001-6,000 23% Figure A.5: Change in household mileage since joining the car club: members 100% 90% 21% 21% 21% 36% 34% 33% 80% 70% 60% No change 50% Decreased 40% 30% Increased Don't know 29% 28% 31% 8% 6% 14% 12% 3% 3% 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 No response 20% 10% 0% 11 Mileage for primary household car excludes respondents who had sold/disposed of a car in the previous 12 months. April 2015 | Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Figure A.6: Average change in annual mileage since joining the car club: members 1500 795 1000 500 Miles per year 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -1617 -2000 -2500 -3000 -3500 -3393 -4000 Increase Decrease Net Figure A.7: Estimated household mileage by primary household car in 12 months prior to joining: new members 40% 32% 30% 20% 13% 6% 6% 6% 2% 3% 3% Don't know 7% 20,001-25,000 5% 15,001-20,000 9% 9% 10% 10,001-15,000 8,001-10,000 6,001-8,000 4,001-6,000 2,001-4,000 1,001-2,000 501-1,000 1-500 0 0% April 2015 | Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Impact of car clubs on travel behaviour: longer-term members Figure A.8: Frequency of travel by mode: members Walking 56% Underground 25% 53% Bus 22% 49% Train 25% Bicycle 21% Car driver (private) 8% 7% 11% 13% Taxi 4% 12% 12% Coach 19% 4%4% 42% 6% 17% 49% 6% 39% 28% 12% 5% 5% 35% 7% 26% 40% 5% 4% 4% 4% 3% 88% Car passenger 3%10% 4% 19% 36% Motorbike 3% Car driver (car club) 16% 23% 12% 8% 11% 19% 37% 25% 8% 7% 6% 63% 7% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 3 or more times per week 1-2 times per week At least once per month At least once per year No trips made Don't know Impact of car clubs on travel behaviour: new members Figure A.9: Frequency of travel by mode before joining: new members Underground 51% 16% 13% 4%5% 11% Walking 45% 26% 10% 3%5% 11% Bus 47% 23% 11% 4% 6% 10% Train 26% 14% Bicycle 14% 6% 10% Car driver (private) 16% 10% Car passenger Taxi 6% 13% 7% 11% 15% 15% 15% 44% 16% 29% Motorbike Coach 28% 31% 17% 79% 3%4% 21% 15% 31% 20% 6% 11% 17% 18% 12% 14% 13% 16% 56% 14% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 3 or more times per week 1-2 times per week At least once per month At least once per year No trips made Don't know April 2015 | Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Figure A.10: Frequency of travel by mode after joining: new members Underground 56% Walking 49% Bus 46% Train Car driver (private) Car passenger Taxi 16% 6% 13% 5% 12% 8% 10% 10% 3% 10% 13% 14% 4%4% 9% 32% 14% 13% 36% 31% 5% 15% 5% 9% 43% 18% 19% 34% 21% 38% 22% Motorbike Coach 28% 11% 16% Car driver (car club) 3%7% 13% 3%3%10% 23% 27% Bicycle 15% 12% 17% 13% 16% 13% 16% 82% 5% 10% 13% 23% 57% 13% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 3 or more times per week 1-2 times per week At least once per month At least once per year No trips made Don't know Use of other shared mobility Figure A.11: Use of other shared mobility modes: all members Informal car-sharing 3% 10% Traditional car hire 24% 12% 2+ car-sharing 2% 7% 57% 24% Cycle hire 3%3% 9% Peer-to-peer 28% 18% 3% 0% 10% 20% 3 or more times per week At least once per month 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 1-2 times per week At least once per year April 2015 | Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report How car club vehicles are used Figure A.12: Journey purposes: all members Personal business 30% Visiting friends/family 29% Shopping 26% Leisure 22% Moving house 9% Business 8% Education 3% Commuting 1% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Reasons for joining a car club: new members Figure A.13: Reasons for joining a car club: new members Hire cars on short-term basis 68% Make trips I can't by other modes 42% Reduce travel expenditure 19% Choice of vehicles 16% It was recommended to me 16% I sold/disposed of a vehicle 14% To be environmentally friendly 14% Problems parking locally 8% Other 6% Reduce car use 5% None of the above 1% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%100% April 2015 | Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Joining a car club at ‘life change’ moments: new members Figure A.14: Influence of change in personal circumstances on decision to join a car club: new members Other 45% I moved to a new area 27% 39% Family circumstances changed 30% 28% 24% I changed jobs/retired 24% 20% I left home for the first time 22% 22% My child(ren) started at a new school 13% Financial circumstances changed 10% 0% 25% 20% 14% 20% 21% 18% 22% 25% 40% 20% Main reason 40% 60% Major factor 80% 100% Minor factor The experience of joining a car club: new members Figure A.15: Perception of the joining process: new members Poor <1% Very Poor <1% Average 7% Good 32% Very Good 60% April 2015 | Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Figure A.16: Perception of the quality of information received before and during early bookings: new members Poor Very Poor <1% 1% Average 10% Good 30% Very Good 59% Figure A.17: How new members found out about their car club Word of mouth 37% Internet search engine 25% Seeing a car club vehicle on-street 25% Referred by a friend 12% Car club operator's website 9% Other 7% Social media 6% Email 4% Leaflet 3% Outdoor advertising 3% Through my employer 1% Attended promotional event 1% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% April 2015 | Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Experiences of using electric and hybrid vehicles Figure A.18: Experience of using an electric/hybrid vehicle: all members EV charging infrastructure 17% EVs 21% 36% 40% Hybrids 26% 65% 0% Very good 12% 14% 20% 6% 9% 21% 11% 50% Good Average 100% Poor Very poor Preferences for types of vehicles Figure A.19: Vehicle preference: all members Hybrid 29% Petrol 25% Diesel 22% Electric 20% Plug-in Hybrid 12% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% April 2015 | Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report B Survey Questionnaires Members’ Survey Corporate Members’ Survey Corporate Administrators’ Survey Operators’ Survey April 2015 | ANNUAL SURVEY OF CAR CLUB MEMBERS 2014/15 Intro page It would be great if you could take a few minutes to answer the following questions. This information will help Carplus – the national organisation for shared mobility - and our funding partners, Transport for London and the Department for Transport, to gain a better understanding of how car clubs influence travel patterns, and may help in gaining support for putting more car club cars on the street in the future. In return for completing the survey, you will be entered into a prize draw for a chance to win the following prize(s) Zipcar: 2 prizes of £250 driving credit and 200 prizes £20 driving credit City Car Club: £52 driving credit Hertz 24/7: £100 free driving credit Co-Wheels: £50 driving credit E-car: £50 driving credit Community car clubs: TBC You must enter your membership number if you want to enter the prize draw. The survey closes on 5th January 2015. Survey responses will be kept confidential to each individual’s car club operator, Carplus and our survey partners, Steer Davies Gleave. The survey results will be used for research purposes only, as authorised by Carplus. For further information, contact Kate Gifford, Carplus on 0113 373 1757. Many thanks. PAGE 1 1. What is your car club membership number? FREE TEXT BOX 2. Where do you live? London Barking & Dagenham Hammersmith & Fulham Barnet Haringey Bexley Harrow Brent Havering Bromley Hillingdon Richmond upon Thames Camden Hounslow Southwark City of London Islington Sutton Croydon Kensington & Chelsea Tower Hamlets Ealing Enfield Greenwich Kingston upon Thames Lambeth Hackney Lewisham Merton Newham Redbridge Waltham Forest Wandsworth Westminster Don’t know England (outside London) Bedfordshire Essex Northamptonshire Berkshire Gloucestershire Northumberland Buckinghamshire Greater Manchester North Yorkshire Bristol Hampshire & Isle of Wight Nottinghamshire Cambridgeshire Cheshire Cornwall Cumbria Derbyshire Devon Dorset Durham East Yorkshire Herefordshire Hertfordshire Kent Lancashire Leicestershire Lincolnshire Merseyside Norfolk Oxfordshire Rutland Shropshire Somerset South Yorkshire Staffordshire Suffolk Surrey Sussex Tees Valley West Yorkshire Tyne & Wear Wiltshire Warwickshire Worcestershire West Midlands Other Don’t know Wales Blaenau Gwent Flintshire Powys Bridgend Gwynedd Rhondda Cynon Taff Caerphilly Isle of Anglesey Swansea Cardiff Merthyr Tydfil The Vale of Glamorgan Carmarthenshire Monmouthshire Torfaen Ceredigion Neath Port Talbot Wrexham Conwy Newport Don’t know Denbighshire Pembrokeshire Scotland Aberdeen Edinburgh Orkney Aberdeenshire Falkirk Perth and Kinross Angus Fife Renfrewshire Argyll and Bute Glasgow Scottish Borders Clackmannanshire Highland Shetland Dumfries and Galloway Inverclyde South Ayrshire Dundee Midlothian South Lanarkshire East Ayrshire Moray Stirling East Dunbartonshire Na h-Eileanan Siar West Dunbartonshire East Lothian North Ayrshire West Lothian East Renfrewshire North Lanarkshire Don’t know What is your home postcode? FREE TEXT BOX Please tell us about the last journey you made using a car club 1) What was the purpose of the journey? Choose all that apply Commuting (your journey to/from work) Business (a work-related trip that is not your commute) Education (including doing the school run) Shopping Personal business (e.g., going to the bank, hairdresser’s, dentist etc.) or giving a lift Visiting friends/family Leisure (e.g. going swimming or to the cinema) 2) How many other people were you travelling with? Adults (0-5) Children (under 16 years) (0-5) 3) Were you carrying any large items of luggage or shopping? Yes No 4) Have you ever used…? Yes No Don’t know Electric car club vehicle DIRECT to Q5 DIRECT to Q7 DIRECT to Q7 Hybrid (diesel/petrolelectric) car club vehicle DIRECT to Q5 DIRECT to Q7 DIRECT to Q7 5) Why did you choose to use an electric or hybrid car club vehicle? (tick all that apply) It was the closest available vehicle to me It is more environmentally friendly I was curious to try an electric/hybrid vehicle The size / type of the vehicle It was the only option I did not realise it was an electric/hybrid vehicle when booking I prefer driving electric/hybrid vehicles Other (please state) 6) Please rate your experience of driving an electric or hybrid car club vehicle on the scale below. 1 very poor 2 3 4 5 very good 6a) If you used an electric vehicle, please rate your experience of using the charging points for an electric car club vehicle on the scale below. 1 very poor 2 3 4 5 very good (GO TO Q9) 7) Please rate your interest in using electric car club vehicles 1 not at all interested 2 3 4 5 very interested 8) Please rate your interest in using hybrid car club vehicles 1 not at all interested 2 3 4 5 very interested 9) Thinking about the car club trips that you currently make, what type of vehicle would you generally prefer to use? Electric Plug-in hybrid Non plug-in hybrid Petrol Diesel No preference 10) In the last 12 months, how often have you used the following? 3 or more times per week Informal car sharing (borrowing a car from a friend or relative) Ride sharing (giving or receiving a lift in a private vehicle) Cycle hire (e.g. Barclays Cycle Hire) Peer to peer car clubs (where you can lend out your own vehicle or borrow vehicles belonging to members) Traditional car rental 1-2 times per week Less than that but at least 1 per month Less than that but at least 1 per year Never Don’t Know PAGE 2 11) Which year did you join the car club? 2014 (go to Q12) 2008 (go to Q13) 2002 (go to Q13) 2013 (go to Q13) 2007 (go to Q13) 2001 (go to Q13) 2012 (go to Q13) 2006 (go to Q13) 2000 (go to Q13) 2011 (go to Q13) 2005 (go to Q13) 1999 (go to Q13) 2010 (go to Q13) 2004 (go to Q13) 2009 (go to Q13) 2003 (go to Q13) 12) If response is 2014 – ask “which month in 2014?” January (go to Q13) February (go to Q13) March (go to Q13) April (go to Q13) May (go to Q13) June (go to Q13) July (go to Q13) August (go to joiners survey questions) September (go to joiners survey questions) October (go to joiners survey questions) November (go to joiners survey questions) December (go to joiners survey questions) 13) What is your overall satisfaction with the current service? Very Good Good Average Poor Very Poor 14) How many cars did your household own before joining the car club? (please include lease cars or company cars where appropriate) 0 1 2 3 4 5 or more 15) How many cars does your household own now? (please include lease cars or company cars where appropriate) 0 1 2 3 4 5 or more 16) What was the approximate mileage driven by your household in car club vehicles in the past 12 months? Zero 4,001-6,000 20,001-25,000 1-500 6,001-8,000 25,000+ (Please specify) 501-1,000 8,001-10,000 Don't know 1,001-2,000 10,001-15,000 2,001-4,000 15,001-20,000 PAGE 3 17) For your primary household car i.e. the one your household drives most often, what was the approximate mileage driven in the last 12 months? Zero 1-500 501-1,000 1,001-2000 2,001-4,000 4,001-6,000 6,001-8,000 8,001-10,000 10,001-15,000 15,001-20,000 20,001-25,000 25,000+ (Please specify) Don't know 18) If you have entered 25,000+ in any of the boxes above, please can you give an estimate of the total mileage your household has driven in the last 12 months. FREE TEXT BOX 19) Have you sold or otherwise disposed of a vehicle and in the past 12 months which you have not replaced? I Yes (DIRECT to 20 and 21) I No (DIRECT to 22) 20) Please tell us how many miles you drove in that car in the past 12 months, before you sold / disposed of it? Not Applicable 2,001-4,000 15,001-20,000 Zero 4,001-6,000 20,001-25,000 1-500 6,001-8,000 25,000+ (Please specify) 501—1,000 8,001-10,000 Don't know 1,001-2000 10,001-15,000 21) When you sold / disposed of your car, was the car club: Main reason Major factor Minor factor Not a factor 22) How has your household's annual car driver mileage changed since joining the car club? Increased (DIRECT TO 23) No change (DIRECT TO 24) Don’t know (DIRECT TO 24) Decreased (DIRECT TO 24) 23) If your household’s annual car driver mileage has changed since joining the club, please provide an estimate of the CHANGE in mileage (i.e. the amount of increase or decrease). Not Applicable 2,001-4,000 15,001-20,000 Zero 4,001-6,000 20,001-25,000 1-500 6,001-8,000 25,000+ (Please specify) 501-1,000 8,001-10,000 Don't know 1,001-2000 10,001-15,000 24) If you hadn’t joined the car club, would your household have bought a private car? Yes No Don't know 25) Do you think that joining the car club has made it more or less likely that your household will buy a car (or another car) in the next few years? More likely Less likely No effect Don't know PAGE 4 26) Did you make any trips as a car driver in the last month (in your own car and in car club vehicles / hire cars)? Yes No Don't know 27) Typically, how often do you make a trip by each of these types of transport? (please count a return journey as 2 trips) 3 or more times per week Bus Coach Train Underground, metro or other tram Car driver (private car) Car driver (car club car) Car passenger (either private or car club vehicle) Taxi or minicab Bicycle Walking (for 20 minutes or more without stopping) Motorbike GO TO PAGE 7 and 8 1-2 times per week Less than that but at least 1 per month Less than that but at least 1 per year No trips made Don't Know Joiners’ survey questions PAGE 5 J1 What is your overall satisfaction with the process of joining the car club? Very good Good Average Poor Very poor J2 How good was the information that you received before and during your early bookings? Very good Good Average Poor Very poor J3 How did you find out about the car club? Word of mouth Referred by a friend (promotional referral offer) Through my employer Car club operator’s website Internet search engine Email Social Media Saw a car club car in the street Outdoor advertising Leaflet Attended a promotional event Other (FREE TEXT BOX) J4 How many cars did your household own before joining the car club? 0 1 2 3 4 5 or more J5 How many cars does your household own now? (please include lease cars or company cars where appropriate) 0 1 2 3 4 or more J6 If you hadn’t joined the car club, would your household have bought a private car? Yes No Don't know J7 Do you think that joining the car club has made it more or less likely that your household will buy a car (or another car) in the next few years? More likely Less likely No effect Don't know J8 For any cars that your household owned or used in the 12 months before joining the car club (including rental cars or employer provided pool cars) what was the approximate mileage travelled? Not Applicable Zero 1-500 501-1,000 6,001-8,000 20,001-25,000 1,001-2000 8,001-10,000 25,000+ (Please specify) 2,001-4,000 10,001-15,000 Don't know 4,001-6,000 15,001-20,000 PAGE 6 J9 In the month before joining the car club, did you make any trips as a car driver? Yes No J10 Typically, how often do you make a trip by each of these types of transport? (please count a return journey as 2 trips) 3 or more times per week 1-2 times per week Less than that but at least 1 per month Less than that but at least 1 per year No trips made Don't Know Bus Coach Train Underground, metro or other tram Car driver (private car) Car driver (car club car) Car passenger (either private or car club vehicle) Taxi or minicab Bicycle Walking (for 20 minutes or more without stopping) Motorbike J 11 Before you joined the car club, typically how often did you make a trip by each of these types of transport? (please count a return journey as 2 trips) 3 or more times per week Bus Coach Train Underground, metro or other tram Car driver (private car ) 1-2 times per week Less than that but at least 1 per month Less than that but at least 1 per year No trips made Don't Know Car driver (car club car) Car passenger (either private or car club vehicle) Taxi or minicab Bicycle Walking (for 20 minutes or more without stopping) Motorbike J12 Why did you join a car club? (Tick all that apply) • To reduce the amount I spend on travel • To hire cars on a short term basis • To reduce my car use • To be environmentally friendly • I had to sell / dispose of my own car • I had problems parking my own car where I live • To make trips that I cannot make using other modes • Somebody recommended it to me • To have a greater choice of vehicle types • None of the above Other FREE TEXT BOX J13 At the time of joining the car club, had you recently experienced any of the following? (Tick all that apply) J13b How did this lifestyle change influence your decision to join the car club? Tick I moved to a new area I changed jobs / retired I had a change in family circumstances (e.g. I had children / got divorced) I left home for the first time (e.g. to start University) My children left home My children started at a new Main reason Major factor Minor factor Not a factor school I had a change in financial circumstances (e.g. redundancy) A life event other than the above No particular lifestyle change Other (FREE TEXT BOX) GO to Page 7 and 8 PAGE 7 Up to 3 questions to be provided by operators. Some operators may not provide any questions so this page won’t be needed. City Car Club: Would you pay an additional charge for a vehicle without livery/City Car Club branded stickers? Yes No If you have used a car club van during your membership, would a smaller van have met your needs for the journey? No, Yes, Maybe. Didn’t hire a van Zipcar No questions Co-Wheels Co-Wheels is a Social Enterprise. Please tell us whether this has had a positive impact on your decision to become a member? Yes No Co-wheels aims to support car clubs in less commercially viable locations. Has this outlook had an impact on car club provision in the area that you live? Yes No Do you consider it to be an advantage having a social enterprise operating at a national level? Yes No E-car No questions Hertz 24/7 No questions Community car clubs No questions PAGE 8 Carplus is compiling case studies of car club members to understand more about the people who use car clubs. If you are willing to be contacted about this, please insert your name and email address in the box below Name EMAIL ADDRESS BOX WITH FORMAT CHECKER Thank you for your time and help with this survey. The prize draws are only open to members of the relevant clubs, completing the survey by 5th January 2015. The winners will be selected at random from all fully completed survey responses for each club. Car club membership number is required in order to deliver the prize. The prize winner’s car club accounts will be automatically credited with the driving credits. Prize winners will be notified within 28 days of the closing date by email. The draws will be undertaken by each car club operator, using an independent person. Prize winners’ names will not be publicised. Carplus Annual Survey: business user survey Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions In return for completing the survey, you will be entered into a prize draw, with the winner receiving a Kindle Fire (you must enter your membership number if you want to enter the prize draw). The survey closes on 5th January 2015 This information will help Carplus – the national organisation for shared mobility - and our funding partners, Department for Transport, Transport for London and Transport Scotland, to gain a better understanding of how car clubs influence travel patterns, and may help in gaining support for putting more car club cars on the street in the future. Survey responses will be kept confidential to each individual’s car club operator, Carplus and our survey partners, Steer Davies Gleave. The survey results will be used for research purposes only, as authorised by Carplus. For further information, contact Kate Gifford at Carplus on 0113 373 1757 1. In which location do you primarily use the car club service? I England (outside London) LAs I London boroughs I Scotland LAs I Wales LAs 2. What is your overall satisfaction level with the car club you use for work-related travel? (Choose one) Very Good Good Average Poor Very Poor 3. On average, how often do you use a car club vehicle for work-related trips? (Choose one) 3 or more times a week 1-2 times a week Less than that but at least once a month Less than that but at least once a year 4. Please tell us how you travelled for work-related trips before and after joining the car club. Before 3 or more times a week 1-2 times a week After Less than that but at least once a month Less than that but at least once a year Neve 3 or more1-2 Less r times a times a than week week that but at least once a month Less Nev than er that but at least once a year Used my own car Used a company car Used a pool car owned by my employer Traditional car rental Public transport Walk Cycle Taxi Use a car club car Other (please specify) 5. What type of car club vehicle do you use most often? Car Van 6. Has joining the car club changed your own habits in any of the following ways? (Tick all that apply) I travel to work by car less often I make more work-related trips I make fewer work-related trips I now use a car club for private (non work-related) trips I have sold or disposed of my own car It has not changed my habits 7. Has your organisation made any changes to its business travel arrangements or policies since joining the car club? I Yes, pool cars have been replaced by car club cars I Yes, the number of company cars has been reduced I Yes, car mileage allowance rates have been reduced I Yes, employees are actively discouraged from using their own cars I No changes to travel policies I Yes, other changes to travel policies (please state) I Don’t know 8. To enter the prize for a chance to win a Kindle Fire, enter your car club membership number here (FREE TEXT BOX) Business Survey: questions for administrators Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions. In return for completing the survey, you will be entered into a prize draw, with the winner receiving a Kindle Fire. This information will help Carplus – the national organisation for shared mobility - and our funding partners, Department for Transport, Transport for London and Transport Scotland, to gain a better understanding of how organisations use car clubs. Survey responses will be kept confidential to each individual’s car club operator, Carplus and our survey partners, Steer Davies Gleave. The survey results will be used for research purposes only, as authorised by Carplus. For further information, contact Kate Gifford, Carplus on 0113 373 1757. The survey closes on 5th January 2015. Note: If your organisation has multiple sites, please answer only for the main location where car club cars are available to employees. 1. Where is your organisation based? I England (outside London) LAs I London boroughs I Scotland LAs I Wales LAs 2. Which sector is your organisation in? I Private sector I Public sector I Third sector I Registered social landlord 3. How many staff are employed at your organisation? (at the location where car club cars are available to employees) I FREE TEXT 4. How many employees have joined the car club at your organisation? I FREE TEXT 5. Please indicate whether your organisation collects the following information about car mileage travelled by employees on work-related trips? I Grey fleet (employees’ own cars) mileage I Car club car mileage I Pool car (owned by your organisation) mileage I None of these I Don’t know 6. Does your organisation provide any of the following for employees to use when making work-related trips? (please tick all that apply): I Pool cars I Company / leased cars I Salary Sacrifice Cars I Pool bikes I Pre-paid or advance public transport ticket (e.g. Oyster card) I Other FREE TEXT BOX 7. Please provide details about the proportion of car mileage travelled by staff at your organisation in the following ways. Please ensure the total figure adds up to 100% (sliders) I Grey fleet (employees’ own cars) I Car club car I Traditional hire car I Pool car (owned by your organisation) I Taxi 7a Are the figures provided in question 7a: An approximate estimate Based on data collected 8. Does your organisation have I a Travel Plan (sometimes known as a Transport Strategy / Green Transport Plan?) I a travel policy for work-related travel during the working day 9. Has your organisation made any changes to its business travel arrangements or policies since joining the car club? a) Yes, pool cars have been replaced by car club cars (go to 9a) b) Yes, the number of company cars has been reduced (go to 9a) c) Yes, car mileage allowance rates have been reduced (go to 9a) d) Yes, employees are actively discouraged from using their own cars (go to 9a) e) No changes to travel policies f) Yes, other changes to travel policies (please state) (go to 9a) g) Don’t know 9a For a) and b) only: How many pool cars / company cars did you have before and after joining? FREE TEXT BOX For c): Please describe the reduction (what was the rate before and after joining the car club?) FREE TEXT BOX For d): Please describe how employees are actively discouraged from using the own cars? FREE TEXT BOX For f) Please describe these changes. FREE TEXT BOX 10. Has your organisation gained any of the following financial savings as a result of joining the car club? Reduction in the overall amount claimed by staff for business mileage using private vehicles Reduced administrative burden of mileage claims Reduction in the number of parking spaces required Money saved on the deferred purchase of new vehicles Money saved on motoring costs (relating to insurance, tax, servicing, fuel etc.) Other (please state) 11. Has your organisation gained any other benefits? I Reduced CO2 emissions I Reduced overall levels of business mileage I Enhanced mobility of staff I Improved employee satisfaction I Risk management benefits (e.g. through improved health and safety for staff when travelling for work) I Reduced reputational risk/responsibility for grey fleet vehicles I Other (please state) 12. The Energy Savings Trust offers a free “grey fleet review” service which reviews your organisation’s arrangements for managing the use of vehicles owned by your staff for business journeys. If you are interested in taking part, please provide an email address below. Your email address will be passed on to the EST who will contact you. EMAIL BOX WITH FORMAT-CHECKER Carplus is compiling case studies of car club members to understand more about the people and organisations who use car clubs. If you are willing to be contacted about this, please insert your email address in the box below EMAIL BOX WITH FORMAT-CHECKER To enter the prize draw for the chance to win a Kindle Fire, please enter your car club membership number. Operator Survey 2014 th Please complete the form below and return to [email protected] by Monday 15 December 2014. 1. How many members do you have as at end November 2014? Members Number of members Individual Corporate* Total 2. How many members hired a car in the previous 12 months as at end of November 2014? Number of members Members who hired a car in last year 3. Where do car club members live? Member location Number of members London England and Wales (outside London) Scotland Total 4. What is the gender split of members? Gender Number of members Male Female Total 5. How many members are there in each age band, as at end of November 2014? Age Number of members Under 21 Carplus, Ebor Court, Skinner Street, Leeds LS1 4ND 21 to 24 25 to 29 30 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 49 50 to 54 55 to 59 60 or over Total 6. What is the mean average distance travelled per hire (in miles)? Distance in miles (to 2 decimal places) Mean average distance travelled per hire 7. What is the average length of hire period (in hours)? Time in hours (to 2 decimal places) Average length of hire 8. What is the average number of hires per member per year (for those who have hired a car in the last 12 months)? Number of hires (to 2 decimal places) Average hires per ‘active’ member Carplus, Ebor Court, Skinner Street, Leeds LS1 4ND 9. What is the distribution of number of hires per member per year (last year to end November 2014)? Hires in last 12 months Number of members None 1 to 5 6 to 10 11 to 15 16 to 20 21 to 25 26 to 50 51 to 100 100 plus Total 10. What is the distribution of mileage travelled per hire (last year to end November 2014) Mileage Number of hires in last year 0 to 5 6 to 10 11 to 15 16 to 20 21 to 25 26 to 50 51 to 100 100+ Total Carplus, Ebor Court, Skinner Street, Leeds LS1 4ND Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report C Emissions Analysis and Profiling Introduction The following section reports on the emissions profiles of the national car club operators in London. It is based on a comprehensive set of emissions data that has been collected about UK car clubs. The data has been independently verified by Gfleet Services Ltd using vehicle registration marks (VRM) and published datasets from the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency), VCA (Vehicle Certification Agency) and vehicle manufacturers which has enabled the production of more complete and accurate profiling (including NOX and Particulate PM10). All car club operators were requested to provide the vehicle registration marks of the vehicles operational on the 1st November 2014, and the clubs were also asked to provide vehicle mileage for the period 1st June 2014 to 31st October 2014 (5 months). All six of the UK national car club operators supplied this data although, as last year, one was not able to provide accurate mileage data. The VRM data was then submitted to CarweB and a full performance and environmental data set was obtained for each vehicle based on the data held by the DVLA and the manufacturer. Where the air quality emission data (Nitrogen Oxides NOX and Particulate PM10) was not available from CarweB the data was obtained from the VCA published emission figures for the year and model of vehicle. The vehicle’s safety performance in the European New Car Assessment Programme (NCAP) was also established. The data presented in the following section relates to the fleets of the five car club operators with vehicles in London. All data is anonymous to protect the identity of the car club operators. Carbon Emission Profile - Cars When a car is registered with the DVLA its carbon emissions, as measured in grams of carbon dioxide per kilometre (gCO2/km or g/km), must be submitted. The data is supplied by the manufacturer and may vary within a model range depending on the vehicle specification. Since 2001 the carbon emission data has been used to determine the Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) payable on a car. For that purpose the emissions have been broken down into 13 bands from Band A (<= 100 g/km) to Band M (over 255 g/km). No duty is payable on a Band A car while on a Band M car the duty is £500/annum. Cars with carbon emissions under 75 g/km and meeting the Euro 5 or Euro 6 emission standards are currently exempt from the London Congestion Charge. On 1st November 2014 there were 24 London car club cars qualifying for exemption, up from eight in 2013; seven Vauxhall Ampera plug-in petrol/electric series hybrids (27 g/km), one Chevrolet Volt plug-in hybrid (27 g/km), five Toyota Yaris petrol/electric hybrids (75 g/km) and 11 electric vehicles (EVs) which have zero emissions. April 2015 | Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report To achieve a reduction in UK transport carbon dioxide emissions commercial fleet operators are encouraged to select vehicles under 100 g/km (Band A). Carplus accreditation requires that car club operators use vehicles that are less than four years old (for full accreditation) and less than eight years (for basic accreditation). This is to ensure that the best quality, lowest emission vehicles are made available to car club members. All of the major car club operators are currently accredited with Carplus. The table below shows the number and proportion of car club cars in London in each VED emission band. Table C.1: Car club car emission bands CO2 emission band (gCO2/km) Number % Band A <=100 940 39.4% Band B 101-110 310 13.0% Band C 111-120 651 27.3% Band D 121-130 431 18.0% Band E 131-140 54 2.3% Band F 141-150 2 0.1% Band G 151-165 Band H 166-175 Band I 176-185 Band J 186-200 Band K 201-225 Band L 226-255 Band M 256+ No data available Total 2,388 The graph overleaf shows the profile of the London car club fleet in relation to the UK fleet data12. Clearly most London car club vehicles (80%) are in the lowest three emission bands: A, B and C with the greatest proportion (39%) in Band A. In the UK fleet the largest proportion of vehicles is in Band G (151-165 g/km). 12 DfT Statistics: Table VEH0206. Licensed cars by CO2 emission band, Great Britain, April 2014. Next Update April 2015. April 2015 | Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Figure C.1: Comparison of London car club VED band profile with UK Fleet13 DfT UK Fleet 2013 London Car Club Fleet Percentage of fleet 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% A B C D E F G H I J K L Carbon emission band M No Data The low carbon distribution is reflected in the London car club fleet average carbon emission which is shown in the table below. Table C.2: Average carbon emission of London car club fleet (gCO2/km) 14 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 London car club fleet 129.6 110.1 107.3 108.3 UK car fleet 162.8 160.1 157.0 No data In November 2014 London car club cars’ emissions were on average 31% lower than the 2013/14 UK average car but 1% higher than the London car club average for 2013/14 even though the zero emission electric vehicle fleet was not included in the 2013/14 average. This small increase would seem to be due to a shift by London car clubs away from diesel vehicles to petrol vehicles with slightly higher carbon emissions but significantly lower particulate and nitrogen oxide emissions; this is a positive change as air quality remains a very significant issue in London. There is some variation in the carbon profiles of the five clubs operating in London as can be seen in the bar graph overleaf. 13 “ND” = No data available. 14 Includes “zero emission” electric vehicles. April 2015 | Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Figure C.2: London car club carbon profiles 100% Percentage of Fleet 75% 141 – 150 131 - 140 121 – 130 50% 111 - 120 101 – 110 <= 100 25% 0% Club 1 Club 2 Club 3 Club 4 Club 5 The highest emission vehicles were two 150 g/km Kia Rio hatchbacks. There were 330 petrol powered Vauxhall Corsa which have carbon emissions of 129 g/km. These vehicles contributed to the small increase in average carbon emissions. In addition there were 54 VW Touran and Vauxhall Zafira seven seat MPVs which are diesel powered but have emissions of 134 g/km. In terms of the fuels used, clubs in London also show different strategies but since 2013 all have moved away from diesel to petrol powered cars. In 2013 the fleet was 60% diesel and 35% petrol, but in 2014 that had shifted to 47% diesel and 49% petrol with the overall percentage of hybrid and electric vehicles down from 4.8% to 4.5% (although there were more cars in these categories than in previous years). Table C.3: London car club fuel profiles and emissions Club 1 Club 2 Club 3 Club 4 Club 5 London car club average Diesel 56% 3% 50% 14% 0% 46.9% Electric 0% 0% 5% 0% 100% 0.5% Petrol 44% 74% 45% 71% 0% 48.6% Petrol/Electric 0% 23% 0% 14% 0% 4.0% Average CO2 g/km 109.7 104.5 106.8 91.7 0.0 108.3 Highest CO2 g/km 134.0 134.0 150.0 120.0 0.0 150.0 Fuel type and carbon emissions It is of note that there is no specific combination of fuel types that results in low carbon emissions; in the London fleets it is down to the model of cars selected. In 2014/15 the electric vehicles have been included in the overall average, which reverses the position in 2013/14 when electric vehicles (EVs) were excluded from the average. EVs are rated as zero emission at point of use but their actual carbon impact will depend on the source of the electrical energy used to charge the vehicle. The VCA/DVLA reports electric vehicle energy efficiency as miles/kWh. Performance ranges from 3.6 miles/kWh (2011 Nissan Leaf) to 4.9 miles/kWh (2011 Peugeot iOn and Citroen C-Zero). The Defra UK grid emission factor for 2014 was 494 gCO2e/kWh and (assuming a 21% reduction in the real-world performance of the vehicles) 2014 EV carbon emissions range from 76 g/km (iOn/C-Zero) to 103 g/km (Leaf). April 2015 | Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Carbon Emissions - Vans There is no equivalent carbon banding scheme in place for vans and the car banding is not applicable as it does not reflect the wide range in size and load carrying capability of vans. What would be a very poor emission for a car derived van such as a Ford Fiesta might be excellent for a 3.5 tonne Ford Transit Luton van and any ranking should also take account of Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) size category. Published carbon emission data (g/km) is available for most vans registered since 2009 but was not obligatory until 2010, nine years after cars. In 2014 there were 388 vans available to car club members in London. They included VW Crafters, VW Caddys, VW Transporter T28s and Peugeot Experts. All were diesel powered. The VW Transporter has published carbon emissions of 198 g/km and the VW Caddy 136 g/km. Air Quality – Cars As well as carbon dioxide emissions, internal combustion engines (ICE) also produce a range of other gases, many of which are known toxins, and these also impact on local air quality. The toxic emissions are regulated by the Euro standards. The principal pollutants of concern in the UK’s towns and cities are NOX (Nitrogen oxides and in particular Nitrogen dioxide, NO2) and PM10 (particulates under 10 microns) and their output is measured in milligrams per kilometre (mg/km). There are many areas of the country where levels of one or both of these two pollutants exceed EU maximum permissible limits and local authorities have had to declare an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA). All the authorities within the M25 have declared AQMAs. Air pollution can have a significant adverse impact on public health and it is estimated that in 2008 up to 30,000 people across the UK suffered premature deaths due, at least in part, to poor air quality15. This is clearly many more premature deaths than the number that occur as a direct result of road traffic collisions. A study commissioned by the London Mayor’s Office on the impact of fine particulate emissions (PM2.5 - under 2.5 microns) suggested that in London 4,300 deaths/annum could be partially attributed to poor air quality16. The Euro emission standards for diesel and petrol cars are not the same and for any given standard the diesel vehicle is permitted to be more polluting. For example in 2014, with the introduction of Euro 6, new diesel cars were required to achieve the same NOX emission standard that Euro 4 petrol cars were required to meet in 2005. Concern over the large number of very small (under 2.5 microns) but low mass particles being produced by modern direct injection engines has led to the introduction in 2011 of a limit to the number of particles (PN) per kilometre (Euro 5b) for both fuel types. Particulates can cross from the lungs into the blood and are implicated in coronary disease, stroke and low birth weight. 15 Air quality: A follow up report - Environmental Audit Committee, October 2011. 16 Report on estimation of mortality impacts of particulate air pollution in London, June 2010 April 2015 | Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report As can be seen in the figure below the London car club fleet is now 100% Euro 5 or Euro 6 compliant, an improvement on 2013 when a very small proportion were still Euro 4 compliant. Figure C.3: Euro emission profile of London car club fleet 100% Percentage of fleet 75% EURO 5 50% EURO 6 25% 0% Club 1 Club 2 Club 3 Club 4 Club 5 EURO 6 1% EURO 5 99% April 2015 | Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report The table below shows the impact on air quality emissions of vehicle fuel. Clubs 2 and 5 have predominantly petrol or petrol/electric fleet so their average NOX emissions are low. Petrol/electric hybrids in particular have very low NOX emissions; typically under 10 mg/km. The majority diesel fleets (Clubs 1 and 3) have higher NOX emissions but there has been a substantial reduction in the number and proportion of diesel vehicles since the previous assessment in 2014; e.g. Club 1 has shifted over the three years of this survey from 100% diesel in 2012 to 56% diesel in 2014. Table C.4: Impact of London car club fuel profiles on emissions Club 1 Club 2 Club 3 Club 4 Club 5 London car club average Diesel 56% 3% 50% 14% 0% 46.9% Electric 0% 0% 5% 0% 100% 0.5% Petrol 44% 74% 45% 71% 0% 48.6% Petrol/Electric Hybrid 0% 23% 0% 14% 0% 4.0% Average NOX mg/km 88.5 18.5 86.4 39.3 0 76.7 Maximum NOX mg/km 162 139 152 116 0 162.0 Average PM10 mg/km 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.0 0 0.1 Maximum PM10 mg/km 1.0 0.0 0.8 0.3 0 1.0 Fuel type/air quality Overall the combined average emission data of car club fleets in London (NOX mg/km = 76.7, PM10 mg/km = 0.1) meets the minimum requirements of the Euro 5 diesel standard (NOX mg/km = 180, PM10 mg/km = 5.0). Air Quality – Vans All the car club vans available in London met the current Euro 5 air quality emission standard. However, unlike the car fleet, the van fleet is 100% diesel and there are no electric or petrol models available to car club members. The range of petrol and electric vans is limited but there are a small and medium vans available in the market, e.g. Nissan e-NV200. As yet manufacturers have not been obliged to publish van air quality emissions data (NOX and PM10) and with no vehicle specific data no further analysis of van emissions can be carried out. Therefore it is only possible to comment that the current fleet of vans available to club members in London meets the current Euro 5 standard which will be superseded by Euro 6 in September 2016 for new models and for all new vans a year later (some early Euro 6 models are currently available both in the car club fleet and the wider car market). Mileage and Carbon Emissions – Cars All but one commercial car club operator provided mileage data for the period 1st June 2014 to 31st October 2014 (5 months). This represents the mileage driven in that period by the cars on the fleet as at 1st November; it does not identify mileage from vehicles that have been removed over the period. This data was then annualised (based on the age of the vehicle) to give an estimated annual mileage for the whole fleet as shown in the table overleaf. The mileage was also used in conjunction with the published carbon emissions of the vehicle in g/km to estimate actual carbon emissions. The established Defra/EST methodology of uplifting the published carbon emission figure by 21% to reflect “real-world” operation and then multiplying this by the distance driven was used. The uplift has been increased from the April 2015 | Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report 15% used in 2013/14 because the variance between published data and actual data has been increasing year-on-year. In 2001 the difference was 7% but by 2013 it had risen to 30%. In 2014/15 the Defra/EST uplift factor was adjusted to accommodate this17. Table C.5: London car club fleet annual mileage and CO2 emissions Car club Miles Jun-Oct kg CO2 Jun-Oct Annual mileage Average annual mileage/car Annual kg CO2 Club 1 8,910,373 1,880,039 23,385,086 12,340 4,974,928 Club 2 942,258 183,516 2,513,498 6,563 497,293 Club 3 68,349 14,646 163,167 8,158 34,964 Club 4 No Data Club 5 17,124 0 43,444 4,344 0 Total 9,938,104 2,078,201 26,105,195 11,311 5,507,185 It is estimated that the London car club fleet of cars as at 1st November 2014 produces an estimated 5,500 tonnes of carbon dioxide in a year (excluding the Club 4 fleet). Assuming the same annual mileage was driven by the average UK car (which in 2013/14 had average emissions, including 21% uplift, of 190 g/km) the total CO2e emissions would have been 7,980 tonnes. Car club operations in London therefore represent a saving of 2,480 tonnes (31%) or about 1 tonne/car. This saving does not take into account those arising from any modal changes made by car club members. Safety Assessment Advances in vehicle safety are in part responsible for the year on year reduction in the number of fatalities on UK roads. Passive safety features such as seat belts and air bags assist in the survivability of collisions while active features such as Electronic Traction Control help drivers avoid the accident. In coming years a range of new active features will become standard on new cars: e.g. Autonomous Emergency Braking; forward facing radar detects a possible collision and stops or slows the car. Lane Support Systems; warns driver of lane wander (often also linked to a blind spot warning system to detect vehicles in the blind spot). Driver Drowsiness Detection; detects driver behaviour typical of tiredness and warns all occupants. Secondary Collision Brake Assistance; tries to prevent or mitigate secondary impacts following a collision when the vehicle may still be in motion but the occupants unconscious. Pre-Crash Systems; detects driver collision avoidance and prepares vehicle systems for an impact, for example by tensioning seat belts pulling passengers back into seats. 17 From Laboratory to Road, 2013, Mock, German, Bandivadekar, Riemersma, Ligterink, and Lambrecht. ICCT. April 2015 | Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Adaptive Forward Lighting; one set of lights “look” around the corner while additional lights will come on in tight urban manoeuvres. All new cars must meet minimum construction standards but the actual behaviour of a car in a collision is dependent on how well those mandatory standards have been integrated. The European New Car Assessment Programme (NCAP) was introduced in 1996 and has been independently testing cars to see how well they perform in collisions designed to represent the more frequent real-world events; head-on, side impact, pole impact and rear impact. Since February 2009 all new Euro NCAP test results have been reported as a single overall rating that covers Adult Occupant Protection, Child Occupant Protection, Pedestrian Protection and Safety Assist. The new post-2009 assessment incorporates all previous tests and adds a set of Rear Impact (Whiplash) tests. In addition, the availability of Electronic Stability Control (ESC), speed limitation devices and other collision avoidance technology is considered. The pie chart below shows the NCAP profile of the London car club fleet. Since last year the data set has been upgraded to reflect the post-2009 testing. Where a vehicle has achieved a rating since 2009 it is indicated with a “+” sign; e.g. 5+ Star. While 85% of the London fleet meet the NCAP 5+ Star or 5 Star standard and 13% the acceptable NCAP 4+ Star standard (these are almost all 2014 Vauxhall Corsa cars) it was of note that 2% were NCAP 3+ Star. Figure C.4: NCAP profile of the London car club fleet 3+ Star 2% 4+ Star 13% 5 Star 10% 5+ Star 75% The 3+ Star vehicles were all 2012/2013 Toyota Aygo models (also sold as the Citroen C1 and the Peugeot 107). When the new model Aygo/C1/107 was tested in 2012 it was downgraded from a 4 Star vehicle (2005 model) to a 3+ Star vehicle. In 2014 a re-test of the latest model of Aygo resulted in it being upgraded to a NCAP 4+ Star vehicle. In addition the new (2014) model Vauxhall Corsa is a 4+ Star vehicle and there are 320 of those on the fleet (the earlier model was 5 Star). A significant proportion of vehicles in the UK fleet would not meet the NCAP 3 Star standard. April 2015 | Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 | Report Summary of Findings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Overall the car club fleets in London offer members vehicles that are low carbon, meet or exceed the current (Euro 5) air quality standards and offer a high level of safety (NCAP rating). Almost all club cars are in the lowest three VED emission bands: A, B and C with the largest proportion of car club cars in Band A (39.4%). In the UK car fleet the largest proportion of vehicles (17%) are in band G (151-165 g/km). The average carbon emission of the car club fleets in London in 2014/15 is 31% lower than the 2013 UK average car and 16% lower than the car club fleet average reported in 2011/12. Car clubs in London are saving about 2,480 tonnes of carbon dioxide each year on driven mileage alone without considering the impact of modal change by members (increased walking, cycling and use of public transport). The car club fleet in London is 100% Euro 5 (or Euro 6) compliant and there has been a sustained move away from diesel powered vehicles although they still make up 47% of the car fleet and 100% of the van fleet. Clubs must continue to balance climate change (low carbon, fuel efficient), public health (low toxic emissions; notably nitrogen oxides and particulates) and whole life costs (depreciation or lease, insurance, maintenance and repairs) when selecting new cars. In 2014/15 there were 11 electric cars and 96 petrol electric hybrids, including some plugin hybrids, available to car club members in London. This will have introduced many members to these new technologies without them incurring a personal financial risk. Vehicle safety is good but as in 2013/14 could be improved by restricting purchases of new cars to NCAP 5+ Star vehicles. Vans are now being safety tested by NCAP and the NCAP safety rating should also be considered when procuring vans. April 2015 | Control Sheet Document Title Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014/15 Document Type Report Client Contract/Project No. SDG Project/Proposal No. 22734601 Issue history Issue No. Date Details 1.0 26 February 2015 First draft to client 2.0 30 March 2015 Second draft to client 3.0 24 April 2015 Final Review Originator Ian Bewick, Steer Davies Gleave Other Contributors Jennie Rothera, Matthew Clark, Chris Endacott (Gfleet Services) Reviewed by Matthew Clark Distribution Client Steer Davies Gleave U:\Leeds\PROJECTS\227\3\46\01\Work\04 Reporting\London\Carplus Annual Survey of Car Clubs 2014_London_Final1.docx Control Sheet