the first powerpoint. - Lisa Burman Consultants
the first powerpoint. - Lisa Burman Consultants
Learning The Most From PART 1 | MAGIC Running Records … LESSON 1 Tapping Into Your Genius. Presenter: Angela Kernahan Welcome! • A little about me… • A little about you… [email protected] | Learning Intentions • Understanding what a proficient reader is.. • Identifying your purpose for using running records.. • Analysing running records beyond the first level… [email protected] | What is your definition of a proficient reader? Fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulacity uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg The phaonmnael pweor of the hmaun mnid, aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrgide uinevrtisy, it dsenot mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltetres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tinhg is taht the frsit and lsat lteter be in teh rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and yuo cna siltl raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the rod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuot slpeling was ipmorant! [email protected] | What strategies did you use? A krinklejup was parling a tristlebin. A barjam stipped. The barjam grupped ‘Minto’ to the kringlejup. The krinklejup zisked zoelly. • • • • What was the krinklejug doing? What stipped? What did the barjam grup? How did the krinklejup zisk? [email protected] | Running records as authentic assessment... The running record was developed by Dr. Marie Clay as a “neutral observation tool” to allow teachers to make systematic and useful observations of their students’ reading. Systematic – implying routine, regularity... Differentiation – occurs because the RR gives an individual picture of a particular child’s reading and therefore future instruction for that child. [email protected] | Running records as authentic assessment... “In every way the information produced by a systematic observation reduces our uncertainties and improves our instruction.” Marie Clay “Stand aside for a while and leave room for learning, observe carefully what children do, and then, if you have understood well, perhaps teaching will be different than before.” Loris Malaguzzi [email protected] | Running records as authentic assessment... Chat about your purpose for running records.. § What do I want to find out? § When do I do them? § What book do I use? § What about older children? § Commercial kits vs current book/novel being read § Do the children view it as a test? § How much prompting do I do? § How and when do I give feedback? [email protected] | Running records as authentic assessment... Literacy Secretariat ‘While the same procedure for taking a Running Record is always used, the information we gain from the Running Record is used for two distinctly different purposes: 1. Site report data collection 2. Informing our classroom programs.’ Thoughts..? [email protected] | Running records as authentic assessment... Formative assessment – ongoing and not approached as a test. First viewing of Running Record with Riley Note my language of inviting the child into the reading...not viewed as a test. [email protected] | cc! [email protected] | Running records as authentic assessment... Chat about what you noticed...... [email protected] | What are the levels of running record analysis? First level A simple mathematical calculation showing error/accuracy rate, self correction rate difficulty (accountability?) What and are thetext three level levels ofof running record analysis? ! [email protected] | What are the levels of running record analysis? Second level Looking at whether the child is responding to the different sources of information inWhat print: Meaning, Structure, are the three levels of running recordVisual analysis?information. ! [email protected] | Using three sources of information: 3 cueing system Meaning The child's attempt makes sense up to the point of error. It Includes word meanings, story background, information from the pictures and real world knowledge Does this make sense up to the point of error? Does this fit with what has gone before? Is this what the author intended? Example Child: This is my teddy. Text: This is my bear. [email protected] | Using three sources of information: 3 cueing system Structure Structure refers to the way language works. Some refer to this information source as syntax because unconscious knowledge of the rules of the grammar of the language the reader speaks allows him to eliminate alternatives. Does this sound right? Can we say it like that? Example Child: It rolls out (of) the door. Text: It rolls out the door. [email protected] | Visual Using three sources of information: 3 cueing system Visual information includes the way the letters and words look. Readers use their knowledge of visual features of words and letters and connect these features to their knowledge of the way words and letters sound when spoken. If the letters in the child's attempt are visually similar to the letters in the word in the text (for example, if it begins with the same letter or has a similar cluster of letters), it is likely that the reader has used visual information. Does this look right? Do the sounds I want to say match the letters on the page? Example Child: The wheel is on the track. Text: The wheel is on the truck. [email protected] | Using three sources of information: 3 cueing system Jigsaw Activity – Match the strategies to M S or V Jigsaw Activity – Match the strategies to M S or V! [email protected] | Using three sources of information: 3 cueing system Meaning § Includes word meanings, subject specific vocabulary, figurative vocabulary and real world knowledge § Does this make sense? Does this fit with what has gone before? Structure § Includes text organisation, sentence structure, word order and agreement of verb and subject. § Does this sound right? Can we say it like that? Visual § Includes graphological-phonological information (sounds, letters, letter clusters, whole words) § Does this look right? Do the sounds I want to say match the letters on the page? [email protected] | What are the levels of running record analysis? Third and Fourth level Looking at the reading behaviours and thinking about what they mean in terms of knowledge of the reading process. What are the three levels of running record analysis?! How was the child using the information sources and how was the child actively carrying out the reading work? What strategic activity is the child using in their reading? [email protected] | What are the levels of running record analysis? Third and fourth level... Self-monitoring - the reader confirms whether he/she is reading the story accurately. They are consistently using meaning, structure, and visual information to confirm their reading. This is not a conscious process, but their internal system tells them whether the reading makes sense, sounds right, and looks right. What are the three levels of running record analysis?! ie “Listening to themselves read...” Searching - the reader searches and looks for information that will help problem solve in some way. They search for and use all kinds of information sources, including meaning, visual information, and their knowledge of syntax/grammar of language. ie appealing is not a first response.. Self-correcting – the reader's ability to notice mismatches, search further and find a good solution with information already known. Fountas and Pinnell, 1996 [email protected] | Running records as authentic assessment... Looking at reading behaviours.... Child 1 and Child 2 [email protected] | Running records as authentic assessment... Viewing Riley again..... § analysing accuracy, § analysing sources of information used § analysing strategic behaviours – monitoring, self correcting, searching § noting other information gained through side how the reading sounded.. § recording the analysis for future direction at the top of the RR [email protected] | cc! [email protected] | [email protected] | Running records as authentic assessment... It is always YOUR best educated guess... ‘You should not spend a great deal of time trying to figure out each miscue, searching for the "right" analysis. The idea is to reflect on the child's behavior, make your best hypothesis, and then look at data through the whole reading and over time.’ (Fountas and Pinnell) A tool for conversation to have with the child regarding their next step towards developing independence and meaningful reading. [email protected] | Running records as authentic assessment... Conferencing and Goal setting Setting up a conference folder ... [email protected] | Running records as authentic assessment... Lastly.......record any further wonderings or comments you have to help guide our next session – tailor it to your needs. Bring at least two (or more) running records to the next session as it will be very practical and hopefully we will be able to analyse a few running records. [email protected] |