FULFORD TIDE TABLE OCT JH. Nelson, RR #], Ganges, facts
FULFORD TIDE TABLE OCT JH. Nelson, RR #], Ganges, facts
J -H. Nelson, R . R . #], Ganges, FULFORD TIDE TABLE OCT D^y F. Hi. Day Time 1120 .&• 9 21 M. 003^ 5-1 0326 10-3 1340 8-6 1741 9-4 Time 1650 9-7 -2336 3-6 1Q 0649'10-0 1202 7- r . ba. 1707 9-7 2O ~ f'73^ 1247 1723 10-2 8-1 9-5. 22 °106 _ lu Ht. 3 1 ' 0920 10-4 - 1450 9-0 1755 9-3 C145 3-2 1019 10-5 W. 1637 9-1 1803 9 - 2 Thursday, October facts, fables and foible^ 3-4 24 0231 School bus drivers 1119 10-6 Th. H . Carlin, G . Shove, \V cfl' F. Morris and J. Smith were highly commended by the Board of School Trustees for their careful and conscientious execution of their duties and the concern they show for their passengers. Most of the drivers have been on the job for over 10 years and are constantly aware of the hazards connected with operation of a school bus. The board is endeavouring to work with the Dept. of Highways to get all routes in a safe condition for the buses . . . and the old days of chewing tobacco in the ink wells was brought to mind during a discussion of smoking in classrooms at night school. To keep danger of fire at a minimum, smoking will be permitted only in corridors. Thanksgiving Friday was a busy one. Passengers for the "Salt bpting Queen" lined up at Tsawwassen at 4 p.m. for the 7:30 sailing, finally ar/ fc*i.i rived at Long Harbour about 2 p.m. The "Queen" made two trips to the other of School Islands,returning to Tsawwas- various districts # 64 (Gulf Islands) sen for a final run to Salt District will be scheduled during the Spring after midnight. Many of the Island visitors were re- last week of October and the routed via Swartz Bay and first week in November. Detai Is of dates and times Fuiford .These fortunate ones of the meetings are: arrived ot Fulford before 1 a.m. It was reported that Fulford-Octobei 28th-8PM. foot passengeis who boarded Fulford Hall- October 29th. Pender, 4; P. M. Pender the "Q:,-eeri of the Islands "for School, Saturna 8:00 PM. Long Hrirbc'-.;i got a real barSaturna Community Hall. gain- th^v rode the ferry for October 30th-Galiano-4:P. almost 7 hours. Mr. F.H.A. Collins who M.-Galiano School-Mayne is visiting Montreal for the 8P.M.-Mayne Island School. November 4th-Ganges-8:P. first time In five years says 1 h-: isn't comiiiQ back until he M. - Mahon Hall. .VMS homesick. He notes that Five trustees are to be Montreal has changed for the elected this year, each for better si nee he was there last. a two year term.Trustees G. Visitor 1 ; at the United Heinekey, T. L. Jansch, of Church for Thanksgiving SunSalt Spring Island complete day were Premier & Mrs. W. their terms of office and R. \. Bennett. M. Patterson, elected last October 18,1962 was the year to complete the unexpirfirst issue of DRIFTWOOD ed portion of A. D. Dane's pri nted on the 'offset' method. terrriof office,will also comWoody and Marshal Sharp had plete the term spentabusy weekend getting Trustees will be elected 'pictures of the damage left at Saturna and Mayne Islands, by "Freida1 to print in that where J .M.Campbell and W. H. Morson respectively are ****** ** ** ** present trustees for these IsSCHOOL DISTRICT lands. ANNUAL MEETINGS * * -.•,- * * * * * * * * A n n u a l meetinq, in the I \ _ SUGGESTED LAYOUT FOR NEW PARK AT GANC' Charles Moat - Chairman of Special projects, C of Commerce. At present,the land between the new boat bcuin and the road at Ganges belongs to the Federal Government. However your local Chamber of Commerce is very comc'ous of the advantages of having this cnea developed as o space for automobile parkin:?, and additional S| a customs house, to be bi;Hl at a ft ^ .-! !hat the Provincial Government -//ill ave if ' .', over to them, and that (hey in turn will your local chamber in ir$ development. : If we have any say in this projeci a >ucij ' y o j t for such a park is submitted in the above, and suggestions 3<",<i i decs are requested for the best use fo the bent-! ' >l .1!! residents. Since it is almost certain that rhe cos* o' such c project will have to be bom b/ fh<-; ioco! people end most So of the work and maintenance done by them, we tail our thinking to the simple'' pici"*. The local Lions Club has shown vorie int?re : ;i in i ' l i s park development, and we hope that rhis iniere't wili develop and that they will make it one of thri- major projects, as it could not be in bette; hands than this-very pub i i C H I M ed group, and it will take suv.h a qroup av tnis *a hrina project inio fruition. if the Lions C!ub should take t s proje und^ r h\eir W n ' 9 they can be assured of the fullest cooperation from Chamber of Commerce and all the residents of thij A park such as this wil! do much to improve the village of Ganges, and generally increase its attractiveness. POLIO ORAL VACCINE TO BE MADE AVAILABLE It was reported at the School Board meeting October 10 that the Victoria Metropolitan Board of Health will be offering a series of Sabin oral vaccine for polio immunization. The vaccine wili be available to everyone, end will be in a series of two closes. For those who formerly had Sa!k vaccine immunization, it wil! act as a boo.'-v:. . (Cont'd on Page 2) Thursday, October •COMING AND GOING by Elsie Worth ington. Mr.& Mrs. Harold Price, Beddis Rd., spent several days visiting friends up Island, HAYWARD'S B.C. FUNERAL CO. LTD. "Serving Since 1867" DIGNIFIED SERVICE WITHIN THE MEANS OF EVERY FAMILY EV, 6 - 3 5 0 5 BULBS ^-^ NOW IN! ! Gulf Islands F l o r i s t s Phone: 118, Ganges. 1 7 t h ,1963 D R I F T W O O D Vol travelling cs far 05 Campbell Capt. and Mrs. V.C.Best, River and Sproat Lake. The Alders,Ganges, enjoyed * * * * * * * * * * * * a visit from several members Dr.&Mrs.T. LJansch,Ganges; of their family at ThanksMr. &Mrs.Robt.Patterson ,Fu I- giving. Here from Vancouver ford Harbour, and Mr.George .For the week end were Mr. £ Heinekey, Vesuvius Bay,were Mrs. Alan Best, with son; in Vancouver last week for Robin and Stephen, also Dr. B.C. School Trustees annual Raymond Best and his thref convention,held Oct. 7-9. boys,Robert,Peter and Alan. * * * * * * * * * * * * *********** Mrs. C.D.Devine,Ganges,acMisses Jennifer and Susan companied by her son-in-law Graham, Vancouver, spent and daughter,Mr.&Mrs.Michthe holiday week end with ael Giegerich, Vancouver, their parents,Mr. &Mrs. W. H. spent an enjoyable vacation Bradley,Scott Point Marina. in the B.C.Interior.The party The young ladies were accomincluded Barkerville in their panied by their friend, Miss ltinery,and found the restorPatricia Young, also of Vaned historic site most interestcouver. ing.. .Mrs.E.Middieton, and *********** her son, Mr. Derek Warner, Miss Elizabeth Beech came Victoria,were guests of Mrs. from Victoria to spend ThanksDevine at the holiday week giving with her parents,. Mr. end. &Mrs. Cyril Beech,Ganges. * * * * * * * * * * X if * * * •;,- * * * * * * * BAILEY, MONTEITH, HOLMS & CO. Chartered Accountants ! 2 0 7 Do u g I a s S t r e e t Zenith 6411 r'. Bailey, F. C. A. W. G. Holms, C. A. J . A. W o o d , B. C o r n . , C .A . YAKOLEY PRE-OmiSTMAS COLOGNES & LUXURIES "V OCT. 15th to NOY.16th GANGES PH/VRMACY ready-mix CONCRETE ' 266 PHONE: 116-W or ALSO ROAD GRAVEL FILL BACKHOE WORK SHALE LMSON Mr.Terry Newman, Vancouver, was a holiday week end guest of his parents,Mr.&Mrs.T~. H. Newman, Sharpe Rd. * * * A -,V * ••>• •:: -.'.- -.': * * .4 N o . 31 Page- 2 SCUBA CtUBNEvVS SSI Fathom Phantoms member Steve La Fortune recently caught a 41-lb ling cod at Vesuvius Bay. Shortly after making his catch Steve spotted a 300-ib anchor believed to have been part of a pile driver used in cc struction of Vesuvius wharf several years ago. Tfie anchor was brought to the surface with the help of two club members/ Don Irwin and Ian Foubister.The trio worked from the "Scott isle", owned by another club member, Harry Extell. IODE MARATHON BRIDGE Bridge games will commence during the coming week of Oct. 21, it v/as announced by conveners Mrs. Ed. Richardson and Mrs. Earle Hardie. Anyone v/ishina to enter please phone 143-G or 200-Q. Players already* listed will be notified as io time arid place of games. Thanksgiving guests of Mrs. J. ;. * * * * * W. Baker,Robinson Rd., inHATS FOR HERSELF cluded her daughter, Miss Fridayat 3:30 p.m. sees Linda Baker, and nephew/ the beginning of a course of Mr. Keith Baker with Mrs. 20 lessons in Millinery. The* Bakerandfamily, all of Viccourse will be offered by the toria, and her brother, Dr = J. Night School under the Neil Fletcher, Courtenay, -'auspices of the School B.C. District No. 64". * * * * * * * * * * * The course is being held Mr. & Mrs. B. Earle Hardie have returned to thei r Southey in the afternoon to give those Point home after a month's people who find it difficult a vacation spent visiting rela- to get out in the evening f chance to \> ' ; r:<. tive'; and friends on theprair! he c :>ur?.e will iesandinthe Interior of B.C. include ways to cover hat * * * * * * * * *** forms, alterold hats, blocking Mr.Trevor Nash, Vancouver, and decorating hats. with son Pat, and daughter According to Mrs. C. Linda, spent Thanksgiving Wrightson,the very capable week end with Mr.& Mrs. instructor, millinery has beWalter Stone, Scott Road. come almost a dead art in *********** recent years. She says, ":>'<Mrs.George Laundry,FuSford dividuai help will be given Harbour,accompanied by her to students. What they make daughter,Miss Irene Laundry, will depend on their c-.n Victoria, spent several days individual taste and artistic with her son and daughterability". Mrs. Wrightson in-law, Mr. & Mrs. George served her apprenticeship in Laundry,Cranbrook, B.C. her mo'hsr's 's sho shop at DicL* * * * * * * * * * * Miss Dorothy McClean and -.'.• :•- * * * * * * * : Mrs. Dale Leech,Calgaty, (Ccn!-'d from Page 1) were week - end guests of Kathleen and Bob Watson at According to Dr. Ted their St. Mary Lake Home. Jamch, the new vaccine has * * * * * * * * * * * Mr. N. A.Howiand, North been thoroughly tested over several years and has proved End Road,has returned home completely successful. after a prolonged stay in Accord! ng to some medical hospital in Victoria, he wishes authorities, if everyone took to thank friends and neighbours theSabin Vaccine,poliocould for kind messages sent during be wiped out once and for his illness. ************** ************* Thursday , Octobe r SALTSPRING ISLAND PUBLIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION A committee representing the various women's organizations of Saltspring Island organized a public library , and on November 24th, 1959 it was opened with 1300 books and seven dollars in the bank. The following February, the (Library was granted a charter fromthe Public Library Commission of B.C., and since that date has received a crant of $ 300. a year. It also received a gift of $1,103.29 fromthe Centennial Committee; apart from these gifts no support has been received from any organized group or from the business firms of the Island. The Library now has over 5000books,and has circulated over 30,000 books.Valuable gifts of books from England, Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta and many parts of B.C. show the interest taken in this Library. After many months of trying to find a suitable building for the rapidly growing library, finally a conveniently located building was found, price $ 2,300. At that time the Library had $!',500 in its Building fund,and permission was received from the Library Commission to purchase the building .Generous unsolicited gifts enabled the Library Committee to pay the full price for the building, and there is now over $500 in the bank and no outstanding debts. A furthersum of $3,500 would provide for the heating, insulationplumbingandall necessary finishing for an at- 17th, 1963 D RI F T W O O D tractive Library building 20 feet by 47. Gifts to the Building Fund are tax deductible, and the Library Committee is now appealing to all the firms doing business on the Island for financial support. Cheques may be sent to the Saltspring Island Public Library Association or to any other member of the Library Board or to Mr.W.M. Mouat Chairman of the Building Fund. 'kft'ltieit'jt'$f$cic3cir$c PARK EXPERT SPEAKS TO 'MUM CLUB W. H. Warren, Victoria City Park Administrator,delighted an audience numbering about fifty, at S.S.I. Chrysanthemum Society Meeting, Oct. 9, with an illustrated account of a visit to parks and gardens of Great Britain, France and Holland, Dr.R.W.Bradley chaired the ' meeting held in Ganges Vol. United Church Hall. Included in a number of pictures of special interest shown by Mr. Warren were those of a rose bush, now growing in a Dublin Park, the bloom of which inspired Sir Thomas More's famous poem, "The Last Rose of Summer"; large attractive containers filled with blooming plants which adorn continental European city streets, and knot gardens, popular in England and Europe,a replica of which Mr, Warren hopes to create in Victoria's City Square. The speaker was introducec by Mr. P.G. (Jack) James, who praised Mr. Warren's successful work in making "Beacon Hill Park an internationally - known beauty spot. A discussion' period followed the address, after which refreshments were served. 4 No. 31 Page 3 / C H A R L E S R. HOREL NOTARY PUBLIC Wills - Mortgages Conveyancing - Documents P H O N E : 52 We cannot tell some people what it is we believe, partly because they are too stupid to understand, partly because we are too proudly vague to explain. Robert Frost. VOGUE ILEANERS W E E K L Y PICK-UP and DELIVERY EVERY WEDNESDAY PHONE 156 FREE MOTHPROOFING fisso) Island Garage Complete Automotive Service -FOR SAFE AND TROUBLE FREE WINTER DRIVING - to YOU to visit our NEW STORE READY-TO-WEAR BRING YOUR CAR TO US FORA COMPLETE CHECK-UP RIGHT NEXT DOOR to Miss Frith's Millinery at 1619 Douglas, with all the latest Fall Styles in Dresses, Coats, Suits, Slacks and Sweaters PHONE: 84 at MOUAT BROS. SUMMER TOGS for LADIES - GENTS - CHILDREN ODDMENTS of Plastic & r SPECIAL . • <; • China Items ' FINE ENGLISH BONE CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS reg .98* NOW-2 for $1.75 Thursday, O c t o b e r 1 7 t h , 1963 Published weekly on Salt Spring Island, G.A. Ward, Editor, P.O. Box 250, Ganges, B.C., Canada. Phone: 176 Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Depf., Ottawa, postage paid at Ganges, B.C. Duncan representative Mrs L._ Lo j s& 1I e, VJ c f o ri a representative Miss Merida Cummmgs E Twoappealsfor DIT O RTAT funds appear this week in DRIFTWOOD. W O O D Vol . 4 No. 31 Page CONTRIBUTORS COLUMN The rain the dawn the trees the sun The clouds the sea the mountains blue The leaf that falls on autumns breeze I long for the careless freedom of my youth Unbound by all the care that leaves wrinkle on the brow And yet as the oak tree weathers on the hill I know that, time must, take it's toll To leave a tired heart & greying hair The hand that wirise the bread, Is weary of the towering task that lies before But greet the new day knowing full well That without this care the day is not so clear And being a man is not so fine. Both are for worthy endeavours - one national, one local. The local appeal comes from the Salt Spring island Library,, The Library Board now have a building to house their books but it requires some renovation and additions, A Library isan invaluable port of any community. A growing library such as ours, needs room for expansion. The Library Board are looking to the future with their new building. In four years thay have added 3700 boob to the library and have averaged a circulation of7500bookseachyear.lt would appear by these figures that Islanders are using and W H A T ' S COOKING ON SALT SPRING? enjoying their Library. by Elsie Worthington November 24th is the anniversary of the opening of the The following recipe makes a light but satisfying dessert Library. With the support of all concerned, rhe fourth for two or three people: anniversary can be a time of celebration - Let's assist the MARMALADE PUDDING: Cream together 2 tbls. butter or Board in their projecl to offer improved library facilities margarine and 2 tbls. sugar add 2 beaten eggs and blend to the citizens Breakaslice of bread (minus crust) into tiny pieces and chop The national appeal comes from C.N mixture.Stir in 2 tbls. flour, w?fh m|x| fh National Institute for the Blmd has staged a tag day on the baking powder and a pinch of salt, sifted together. Island for many years past If desired, add a pinch of your favourite spice or 1/4 teas, The local chapter of the I.O.D.E. sponsors the tag day flavouring. Warm 2 tbls. marmalade (or golden syrup) in the here, assisted by L.A. to the Roya! Canadian Legion. Last top of a double saucepan over boiling water; pour in batter, yeaf the ladies collected a record $259.69 on their Saturday cover with lid and steam for 1 1/2 hours. tag day.This year they will again be busy on Saturday next. This is one of my favourite puddings, either hot or cold, C.N.I.B. needs your contribution to carry on their work in is easy to make - a boon on busy days! If quantity is increased, use a fairly wide-bottom pan over boiling water , to keep thickness of layer of marmalade in proportion to that On our front page this week, we show a much reduced of the batter. sketch of Mr. Charles Moat's drawing of a suggested plan ****** ********************* for a park in the boat basin fill area. If you want to see the original drawing if will be on display in the window of DRIFTWOOD. WORDS OF INSPIRATION: The Special Projects Committee of the Chamber of "The eternal God is thy refuge,end underneath are the everCommerce invites comment on their suggested plan. Now lasting arms."' Deut. 33:27. is the time for comment. "The everlasting Arms." I think of that whenever rest is The plan has purposely been kept simple in order to sweet. How the whole earth and the strength of it is beneath keep maintenance costs low. And yet, simplicity may lend every tired creature to give it rest; holding us always! No itself to -further expansion and development if and when thought of God is closer than that. No human tenderness or funds become available. patience is greater than that which gathers in its arms a little At any rate, here is a projected plan to retain one of child, and holds it, heed less of weariness. God fills the great our Island's most valuable attributes - a beautiful land- earth, and all upon it,with this unseen force of His love, so scape. It can only be achieved if the citizens of Salt Spring that everywhere we may lie down in His boscm, and be Island are in favour - if they will give their whole-heart- comforted. A. D. T. Whitney. ed support to the efforts of those willingto work fora park************************** and if they are willing to contribute to maintaining what C H U_R C H E S is fast becoming a rare thing in B.C. - a beauty spot in the midst of a town. SUNDAY, O C T O B E R 20th, 1963 The Salt Spring Island Lion's Club has declared itself ANGLICAN - St. Mark's: 11:00 a.m., Holy Communion; a strong supporter of the idea. They have their chairman of St. George's: 8:30 a.m., Holy Communion, 7:30 p.m. the Civic Improvement Committee, Slim Thorburn, hard at Evensong; St. Mary's: 2:30 p.m., Evensong. work to find cut just what the Lions will be able to do. UNITED - Ganges, 11:00 a.m.; Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. President Harold Hoffman visualizes a typical service club ROMAN CATHOLIC Our Lady of Grcce: Holy Mass, park with an area for children's playground and a quiet 10:45 a.m. "St. Pau!'s(Fu!ford Harbour) - 9:00 a.m. recreation area for the older folk. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE - Mahon Hal!, l:OCa.m. With the local Chamber of Commerce and the Lions FULL GOSPEL CHAPEL Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. Club both working at establishing a Park, our community Evening Service, 7:30 p, m. is very fortunate. We feel optimistic that it will become a JEHOVAH WITNESSES - Mahon Hall 2:00 reality within a few years at most. October 17th,1963 D R I F T W O O D Vol.. 4 No. 31 P a g e 5. CAN YOU READ THIS? though the loss of his arm LO1SELLE BREAKS RECORD that class. October 6th saw the last "After 21 years of min- " .would mean an extra handlJim was presented with a ing, Fred Forbes had to start cap. Fred hcs been manag- drag races of the season on .beautiful trophy for beating all over again - an under- ing his canteen for some years Vancouver Island at the Bam- all competitors in the Top berton cement highway near Eliminator. ground accident nearly killed now. him.He recovered but came Fred taught himself to Duncan. Any Islanders interesled A hot Model "A" driven in drag racing information out blind and crippled." curl again pushing out his "The accident swept away left stump for balance. For by Jim LoiselSe, son of Mr. - should contact Jim Loiselie-1 sight, his place at the fishing he invented a device &Mrs.L. Loiselfe, Fernwood at Sox 360, Duncan. head of his family, his abi- for holding the rod on his ran in b/Gas class. The "A" ************ lity to read and the curling artificial left arm leaving his is powered bya 1963, 327 cu. in .modified Corvette engine, People love the DOMINION and fishing he loved so much, " right hand free to reel. HOTEL IN VICTORIA said Mr.W. Tymchuk,CN!B 1962 Chev transmission and "Fred'sowncourage was Field Representative for this the leading force in his reMerc rear end. Jim won his excellent food-very central yet quiet and relaxing district. class with an E.t. of 13:95 habilitation, 'said Mr.TyrnYet today, six years chuk, "but along with it establishing a new record in Mcke if your HEADQUARTERS later,Fred stands behind the went numerous C ,N .1 ,B. serServing counterofaC.N.I.B.canteen vices and trained experts who Gulf Islands located in a well known in- knew how to help Fred face • dustry.He manages the busi- his problems. __ ness ,directs five employees The members of the local JOHNand earns a satisfactory liv- Branch of the Canadian Natr RAINSFORD ing. He supports his wife and ional Institute for the Blind four children and once again ask you to "take a share" in curls,and fishes. More dead the welfare of blind persons 'Phone 753-4621 # than alive he survived the in our province. You can do R.R. 2Nanaimo,B.C, sufferings of the first two this through your support.of nights after the accident. the SSI annual tag day for A year of hospital and CNJB, Saturday OCT. 19th. MISSING treatment followed.When he Please give generously. was discharged, besides beA LINK IN YOUR ************ ing blind, Fred had lost his In this, day and age it's high FURNACB OIL SERVICB? left arm up to his elbow. productive efficiency — not high brings shout our high Check the extra benefits you get with Whilestillin the hospital he wages-—that standard of living. our Shell Heat'n-c-hurry Furnace began putting together through Oil Service. sound and touch, the world he could not see. The C.N. Automatic keep filled I.B. Field Secretary and MFAT MARKET service Home Teacher, also blind, on Jackson Avenue 24 hour maintenance speeded up the road back, PHONE; 253 service He was taught to read by I | Free Senitor protection Braille and to tell time by F O R F S N E M E A T S a touch-type watch. He (Government Inspected) learned to dress himself by For trouble-free heating comfort all touch. winter long, phone ] 24 QUALITY With his new skills and DAIRY PRODUCTS his old brains, Fred decided to go back to work. C.N.I. B. agreed to train him for Open Wednesday canteen management even 'Thursday, airffiiiiMiiiiiiiiii 'W^-.-tfUrmf" ALEC'S ^f I^BUII. i «iwj.i..(!* D a McMANUS SHELL ATTENTION- SALT SPHIMG RESIDENTS INVEST IN YOUR OWN ISLAND ACREAGES Start ing At: ' 40 Acres - '10 Cleared 4 Acres - Water Front —Ask for Jim, Harold or Gil in REAL ESTATE our Office, INSURANCE FIRE AUTO MARINE LIABILITY SALT SPRING LANDS PHONE 52 131-W NIGHTS October Thursday, D R I F T W O O D 17th Vol . 4 CLASSIFIED THURSDAY-October Appie Presses - NEW - $32.00 plus Motor. Contact R.C. Ryder,old shed behind Fulford Drive-Inn - Fulford-Ganges, Road, or call - 22-M. After 6 P,M. Radio-Record Player Combination - 10 gallon stoneware crock, Kitchen Table & 4 chairs - 22 Calibre Rifle repeater Dqrmeyer Mix-Master with juicer & meat grinder-Phone 149-Y. : 1947 M^oTTh -$100. Phone-F. Ross" U4-Y. 8 P.M. Fulford Hal! - All AJults Welcome. __ SCHOOL DISTRICT # 64 (GULF ISLANDS) ANNUAL MEETINGS Monday, O c t o b e r 2 8 t h , 1963 FULFORD 8:00 P.M.-Fulford Hail Tuesday, October 29th, 1963. PENDER 4:00 P.M.-Pender School SATURNA 8:00 P.M.-Saturna Community Hall. Wednesday, October 30th, 1963. GALIANO 4:OOP.M.-Galiano Schoo! MAYNE 8:OOP.M.-Mayrie Is.Schoo Monday, November 4 t h , 1963. GANGES 8:00 P.M.-Mohan Hall, NOTICES BlhlC-O-Sponsored by C . W . L . at Catholic Church Hall Friday October 18 at 8 P.M. 50% proceeds as prizes. Refreshments wi II be served . , Vr:i'R: Bring your beer bottles to Salt Spring Sales Re•-•• , : .Phillips Ave. (Rex Theatre BIdg.)rree Pick-upon 20 cas": or more. Phone 177. ^ WANTED British Military Medals previous to 1914, Kindly write to: J. S. Brawn, 4046 Dundas Street, North Burnaby,2, B.C. dlscribing Medal as f u l l y as possible and state price. Acreage or farmland with or without Buildings-Apply Dept. B. - Box 250-Ganges. Good Horns for 6 week old, Crossed-Lab & Spaniel pups- Ph-vie - 62-M. nodern Cottage for rent-Phone Zenkie-210-K. _. NEW RURAL DELIVERY POSTMAN Mr.John P. Waterfall wil! take over rural mail delivery on R . R .# 1 and # 2, Ganges, on October 21st. Insta I Jati ons -Re-pa i n -Ap p I i cine es orNIGHT3C-M j . \ A O L L ! 5 ON •-.iy-Mix Concrete - Cement Gravel - Fill - Shale - Freight P HO N E : 266 or 116' - W GULF PLUMBING & HEATING FRED LUDDINGTON Furnace & Oil Burner Service FREE E S T I M A T E S PHONE 62-M PAN ABODE R.R. 1 , GANGES. E A ID ¥IrHE TO BUY SELL . N. I. B. TAG D A Y - S E P T E M B E R 19,19.: C H U R C H N EW S Next Sunday, Oct. 20, has been set aside as Lay me-.', Sunday in Anglican Churches throughout Canada. (| M Harry Sylvester, Victoria, will be the speaker at oil se^vic.••.-• in Salt Spring bland Parish. On the following Sunday, Oct. 27, a Thanksgiving !•• Marriage service will be held at St. Georce's Churc••• 3PM. ALL ARE WELCOME. E R N I E B O O T H PLUMBING & HEATING INSTALLATIONS - REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES ^jjONjj—L^Q HARRY'S WATER TAX! TWO FAST BOATS "Crackerjack 11" & "Crackeriii!" Ganges Phone: 150 RADIO CONTROLLED MAGIC MIRROR-Beauty Salon pecializmg in-Permanent Waving Hair Styling,Tinting, Cutting. n 6 days a week-Friday to 9 p. m. PHONE: 746-4811 - Duncan Plaza. Fuller Brush Agent BUI LulNGS L I D . Est i mat es . J. H. LAMB. # £ BUSINESS DIRECTORY DAVID 'PALLOT CERTIFIED Class-A ELECTRICIAN COMPLETE ELECTRICAL SERVICE " 17th-Old Age Pensioners-St .George's FRIDAY- October 18th, 1963 -Camera Club Meet'mg-&P.M St. George's Parish Hall.-Bingo sponsored by C . W . L . at Catholic Church Hall - 8 P.M. SATURDAY- October 19th-Roller Skating - 8 P.M. Fulford Hall- Wagon Wheels Square dancing-Mahon Hall -9 WEDNESDAY-October 23rd-Aduit Roller Skating Club- 8 Moni.-.s - Female German Shepherd-Cross-very good .with children -$ 10.00 - Phone 205-X. 6,B. Cun, good condition-$5.00. 14 Hardy Boy Books55.00 or 40$ each. Fiberglass Bow-complete with good arrows -$6.00-Phone 199-Q. * * 'age 6 . COMING EVENTS FOR SALE * * -;.- No . 31 R. A. FOULIS 129-M GANGES, B.C. CLASSIIFIIEIDi AE>S TRADE RENT HIRE HELP 75C for the first 20 words 3^ for each additional word DRIFTWOOD P H O N E : 176 DRIFTWOOD * -r AAGE VILLADSEN BUILDING C - ' - h OH Quality Ho1;;- . , ions f Addition;;, Cabinets,Free : , i m ( ; f : GANGES PHONE: : : :'• Radio & T.V. PHONE 244 MARSHALLSHARP PHOTOGRAPHY Portraits, especially ol -rl,. weddings, groups & even's, pcrsports/aerial pictures,gresririj -d old pictures copied. Pjior i e :_5 0 -' '^ I SALT SPRING AUTO WRECKERS R e p a i r C a r s , Farm E q u i p ; tillers, lawnrnowers A c e t y l e n e & or c W e l d i n g 3 H O N E : 6 7 - \, A L E X M A R 3 HONE:67 - A, ^LEX MARCOTTE FOR AL-' YOUR BUILDING NEEDS CONSULT CRUICKSHAtfK CONSTRUCTION PHONE: 133-Q or 205 - Q An Important Message IMPERIAL OIL LTD. AFTER 53 YEARS OIL AND PLANT BY GAS OF CONTINUOUS SERVICE AS INDEPENDENT DEALERS SELLING ESSO O F MOUAT I M P E R I A L OIL BROS. LTD. PRODUCTS, LIMITED HAS NOW THE BULK BEEN P U R C H A S E D A F T E R MORE T H A N HALF A C E N T U R Y O F A S S O C I A T I O N W I T H T H E NAME M O U A T -- IMPERIAL OIL LTD. ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE:T H E NAME O F T H E I R A G E N T W I L L B E M R . N O R M A N G . M O U A T These proud owners r e l i e d on ESSO P R O D U C T S for their cars Photo t a k e n at MOUAT B R O S . Store about 1915 isso A M E S S A G E FROM YOUR E S S O A G E N T : I have e n j o y e d my a s s o c i a t i o n w i t h both Mouat B r o s . L i m i t e d and t h e i r IMPERIAL ESSO customers in the past, and pledge the s a m e f i n e s e r v i c e of | MPE R IA L E SS O p r o d u c ts in the f u t u r e . •X IMPERIAL ESSO AGENT ~ FREE DELIVERY ITALIAN FOODS IMPORT Specializing in Italian and European Foods 1821 Dougloi Street ROYAL OAK GARDEN CENTRE V*456 7J7 Yat., EV 2-5111 385-7923 We «* Saanieh Road . SLEDS CORSAGES FERTILIZER KI:NERAL DKSIUNS HKSH CUT FLOWERS SHRUBS Bl'I.BS 'For Kvery Hluuminff Thlnfi" ., Ca. JhJ. LAVING - SANDING - MARS., . 385-7028 PRESCRIPTIONS TIRES Drop off on way in BALANCING 381-0343 TRUING NEW ADDRUSS 1A13 DOUGJ.AS STRKKT Near "The Hav ALIGNMENT Ft <NITURE AND APPLIANCES PROM Pick up on way out Convenient Location 1 Block South of Roundabout on SV t>P Ll E S at Button S4tmn EV 5-1458 ROBERTS MACHINBtY 2418 Government- St. BUTLER BROTHERS WAREHOUSE TO YOUR HOL'SE HUMO'S FINISHING 479-2053Office Phone'. Lingerie. i;mi_:«vgalB am' Ho»l«i IDE IA»T o* ou«r>»* GR529131—' ... KU-i , «*.< 384-4812 Sidney, B.C. 1 TELEVISION » CT/ ' '-J/7t' ,> . CH1LPRUFE ' COATS 475-1134 • PHONE BV 4-06,8 APPLIANCES • • " RfH(-riaii"ns uilvjsei] H K I . K N A R M S O N . Host. Fnler at F!e<i«'tirnl Parh Mowl MEN'* Ct.OTMIN« ANO H, EV 2-9171 141 Gorge Rd. E. -SAVE ALL WAYS" AT >:EW LOCATION Brid*t - To - B< ... Ev«rythlnr far B5 a OPTICAL DISPENSING LTD. Ofo' IMPORTED ENOLI1BH S 'WOOLLEN«fg * •eft NAVAL Ann MILIMHV T 3 Room GrouTw ' C M . 1'AINTK For your eaihin p|p,i.= Sherwtn-WilUanu A Bapca Painu O«ullty ChlWwn * t totn.n« ]mtun«tl Enctah woolvn* BIRTH — ir, YEARS ' TKI.KYIS1ON R E N T A L R K R V I C K 531 Betfie n Street ^742 FORT »t a • •• Lumber - Hardware 383-7104 VICTORIA. B.C. LTD. ITtO DOUGLAS MITCHELL & ANDERSON TELEPHONE SHOES SPECIALIZING IN Kouiulation Garmen Toot Repair M&M MEN • TIRE STORE E BOX «8 P. C. McEWAN'S 1447 Doug las St. Victoria; B.C. SIDNEY PHARMACY t a W»I«MAM. m.K. f . 6-1622 THESE VICTORIA BUSINESSES ARE HAPPY TO SERVE YOU 5 Floors of Furniture If you bring (hi* Ml wKh you with your t MacDONALDS Room 411, Jones Btdg. 723 Fort Sti H h PSon. 382-6713 ™ 752 Fort Strut Rl'CS in<L CARPRT1NG 1821 COOK STREET 3*5-2435 Major Ladies Wear Appliances P»ru A Servlc. *(bonded) Pied Pip** ea< | 824 Johnson St.. EV 3-7911 TELE-TECH SERVICES LTD. PARTS FOR — Speed Queen Rodex Coats imported Knits Suits - Sweaters Dresses, Etc. Phllco-Bendix G. E. Kirlvinator Moffat Weatinghou« 1202 Wharf Street 385-6783 BarKalni for Bulldera In our HOURIGANS LINOLEUM C \UPF.TS TILF: CERAMIC TILE 715 Drive-in Sal«i B«rn« GORDON ELLIS LTD. 2000 Governnunt St. Victoria, B.C. o42Fort St. PH. 384-2416 FOR LUMIER • PLYWOOD and BIG or teeny HEANEY •urniture & Bui Idina Moyinj; General Cartage Service" 382-4281 Phr Feed - Fertifberi Garden Supplies 335-2742 63 Years in V THE TROPHT SHOP . • i t n c Lines at H«aaonable Price 'Jepenil*hlf Service ALL BUILDING MATERIALS ON NEW HOMES OR IMPROVEMENTS PHONE S C i T T & PEDEN ZENITH 6146 St. (Toll Fr«« Service) DELICIOUS FOODS Comfort & Convenience* Right next to everything in town HOTEL STtATHCONA at Broughton V E T E R I N A R Y SUPPLIES F. W. FRANCIS LTD. n)jtct»r & Sk-k H'^m R«gt»j< JEWELLERS^ EvtrytMn; in J*w*H«ry Hally 1 to IP p.n 2 p.m. tr 6 p.m. W.lch « J.W.I1MT I 4472 WEST 8AANICH 1 BETTY t DOUK CHOttBY «t Royal Oak 384-2261 I684 Douglas vj.LX.jLar BUSINESS FORMS & EQUIPMENT I 'A - I PAt.'f 'rlOf-4t HOTEL GULF ISLANDS FERRY SERVICE • luncheon Summer Schedule — r,ocal Dayliglit Saving Time SALT SPRING ISLAND SERVICE Daily 8 :30 a.m. ID: 30 a.m. 12 30 p..-P. 2:•30 p.-n. 4r 30 p.lTi. -• f 30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. FVLFORD-SWARTZ BAY ,V. Sw.MU llj) ].v EVtrgrMn 5-3013 , )ailv 1ST IN TO VICTORIA" F.llfoid :30 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m.i-v sw at tz n,T :30 1:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 5:30?p.m. Lv- J-""rd 10:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. I,T. Swartz H ' r l l ' 3 0 9:30 o.m. • Dinrwr 3020 Dougln Street : A TR O N I Z E i'llESE STORE1 WHEN IN V I C T O R I A J O c t o b e r 1 7 t h , 1963 T h u r s da y, D R F T W O O D V N were: Chief [L. ploror,Patsy f were: Chief Archer;Second Chief E adorer, j Maria Bennett; Keepers: Log, Terry Anderson; Treasure, Rita Rogers; Roll Ca!!,Lenore Lorensen.Veronica Nickerson is in charge of recreation, with Roberta Cceis as sociai convener. Dutch Beauty Salon OPESNhTue: Wednesday Thursday. DID YOU KNOW That CNIBtrcining services have placed 2000 blind perse;";:, in industry throughout Canada? That many blind persons are entering the profession-,, such as social service, law and teaching? , That fifty blind students are enrolled in Canadian Universities ? Thot blind people are taking a much more active pert in athletics ? That ail interesting result of CNIB training is the acceptance of Llind people in community life? .... .That your doibrs have assisted in these and other f f - c c i s of C N f B rehabilitation? CNi'B TAG DAY OCT. 19fru Please give generously. •:• ••: -'•; ••: -A ;'• * * # ************** EXPLORER AWARDS is spent with the study book A Certificate of Recog- "Land of Silence", which ,H.ion has been received by deals with the work of a •' '?s United Church Ex- special department for deaf •5 from the Christian children in a public school. L-Juc-ation Committee of Games and refreshments are enjoyed in Mouat Park as United Church B.C. Conference, for a full report on part of the expedition. An initiation ceremony xpeditions. The Explorers, in charge was held Oct. 8 for new members; also officers were cf Mrs. Gordon Scarff,holds an expedition each Tuesday electedforthe coming year. • - i . Part of ^e time Chosen to serve the group y , I jying or selling proper!) Salt Spcin.i or fhe other Gulf Islands HOWARD BYRON AT DOUGLAS KAWKES LTD. REAL ESI ATE 817 - A FORT ST. VICTORIA, B.G.' Ev. 4-71/3 RES. GANGES 1J4-R. A story of daring men who carved their SALT home in the wilderness of Salt Spring Island. SPRING by FUG A. ROBERTS SAGA wood STEAM PERMANENTS Ti N'T I KG . & STYLING Nelly & Frank Schwagly "DISTINCTIVE STYLING" AVAILABLE AT ;LAND PRIDE BAKERY as w e l l a s ALL LOCAL STORES ISLAND WELL DRILLING W A T E R Owner-Operated Rig FREE W E L L S Reasonable Rate'. ESTIMATES W r i t e ; RR # !, Ladysmith Phone: CH Fi-'T.TP. W.J. WILLIAMS WJ. WILi AUTOMATIC GIVE QU!ET, DEPENDABLE. HEAT Trouble-free and v/hisper-quiei>-th8t'a Airco. Good for years of heating comfort, becft'.jso Airco furnaces contiiiu the finest part.; ;,nd controls. And < part is laboratory tested to ensure, quiet, economical operation. There's more, too attractive styling thai adds to the appearance of your home, and a guarantee on all parts. For heating comfort you can take for granted, contact our office. A trained heating men will advise you on the proper size and style of.' furnace for your Jhome. - Call without obligation A WZSTERH CANADIAN PRODUCT EARL KATE f EASY TO BUY SIMPLE TO CASH GOOD TO KEEP You can buy Canada Savings Bonds for cash or on instalments. Buy them on the Payroll Savings Plan at work—or at banks, authorized investment dealers, stockbrokers, trust or loan companies.. They .come in denominations of $50 $100, $500, $1,000 and $5,000 up ,o a limit of $10,000 per person. They fit every pocket book! You can cash Canada Savings Bonds anytime at their full face value plus earned interest. When ready money is required all you have to do is complete the redemption form on the Bond, and present it to your Bank. You will receive your money immediately. Canada Savings Bonds are better than cash' You get interest on Canada Savings Bonds on November 1st each year —4>4% for each of the first 2 years; 5% for each of the next 6 years and 5%% for each of the remaining 4 years—giving an average return of 5.03% a year when held to maturity. In 12 years with accumulated interest every $100 Bond will be worth $161.00 » CANADA SAYINGS BONDS/63 CSft-6 ' j ge ^ 0 Thursday, Octobe r D R I F T W O O D V o l . 4 No. 31 P a g e 11 charge of S.S.I, fall sale to be held on Nov. Fraser were tested and passed were in by Mrs. Shaw, for their swim- United Church some years ago, 30th were well in hand. 17th, 1963 W.AMEMBER HONOURED Mrs. J. Byron,devoted member of the Anglican WoMiss Herd's missionary mers badge. Lynda Watson] talk was about India, She and Wendy Lindsay joined the :man's Auxiliary, was made introduced 2 study books on pack. ia diocesan W.A. life member AUTO WR CO. LTD. the missionary subject which at a special service in St. Girl's between the ages George's Church, held falis "Partners in Asia" of 8-11 interested in Brownies lowi^fs the regular business India Ceylcn & Nepal. come to St. Georges's Hailmeeting, Oct. 11. The serThe meeting closed with a Tuesday at 3:15 to 5: o'clock. vice was conducted by the prayer by Mrs. Zenkie and & ACCESSORIES * * * * * * * * * * * tea was served by Mrs. J. D. Mrs. C.Leggett,convener of rector,Rev. S.J.Leech, asW* SpetMtM Is ' Lets Mode! Wrtekj Reid and Mrs. J. Wallace. the United Church Fall Sale sisted by Mrs. F.A.Goodwin, < Victoria, president of W.A. has been advised that Mrs. J. * * * * * * * * * * * * Exchanges On Sunday October 13th, G. G. Bompas has accepted diocesan board. Mrs. W. a well attended Thanksgiving an invitation to open the sale. • Transmissions Norton read the citation Reverend and Mrs. Bompas Service was conducted by Dr. • Wctef Pumps which commended Mrs. Byron N. Hughes at Burgoyne Bay • Fuel Ptimps for her faithful work with the United Church. • intcrnatfono! W.A. and Sunday School. Mufflers As in previous years the Bonded Mrs. H.Ashby presented the • Major. 8&tf«ri«t little old place of worship A U C T I O N E E R S gold badge to the honoured ,€ i truly portrayed the season Since 1902 member. with a rich harvest display. Contents of homes Parti for AH Msi«* At the close of the busi0* Can eat purchased for cash or Bringing additional pleasure ness meeting, held in the cash advances made on to those present was a solo Parish Hall and chaired by consignments for auction. by Miss C. Scarff, AccomMrs. E. Worthington, Mrs. 731 Johnson St. panied by Mrs. C. Arnell , Goodwin addressed the mem- EV 4-5446 EV 4-5921 EV 4-1621 and two selections by Miss bers on W.A. work, with ss4 Vcmcowttr Victoria Col leen Lee on her accordion. special reference to welfare A most cordial welcome work among Hong Kong reto attend Burgoyne Bay serfugees. vices on the 2nd and 4th Following the church serSundays, is extended to all. vice tea was served in the * * * * * * * * * * * * Parish Hall by Mrs. Norton CWLTO HOLD TWICEandMrs. Ashby. During teaT ; ;E MONTHLY BINGO GAMES N'D'S • time an informative talk on Mrs. Bob Marcotte was in aval Iqble W.A.literature was Niaht given by Mrs. N.W. Life, the chair for the regular meeting of Catholic Women's diocesan educational secreLeague held Oct. 8 in our tary. A warm vote of thanks Lady of Grace Church Hall. was tendered to the visiting G U L F S LA ICWL director, Rev. Father officers. W-Mudge,opened the meet* * * * * * * * * * * ing with the league prayer. CHURCH NEWS It was decided to use the Regular meeting of the spiritual period at each meetMizpah Unit of the Ganges ing for discussion of the work U.C.W. was held at the of the Ecumenical Council. home of Mrs. F. Zenkie. Nov. 29 and 30 MAHON HALL Members agreed to hold semiThere were 14 members and COMPETITION CLASSES monthly bingo games, com(Colour Slides Only) 1 visitor present. Mrs. Zenkie mencing Oct. 18. Following 1. Flowers and/or Gardens 5, Animal Life was in the chair and the dethe meeting refreshments were 2. Scenic 6. Peopleat work or play votional period was in charge served by Mrs. Bob Marcotte 3. Architecture 7. Portraits of Mrs. H. Ashley, whose 4. Children 8. Miscellaneous iThanksgiving &praise. and Mrs. Geo. St. Denis. S'AN'P'S AUTO PARTS MAYNARD'S •i C: I PICTURAMA A. Herd read a letter from Tang Wai Kam the adopted boy in Hong Kong. Mrs. W. M. Mouat was appointed to be on the U.C.W. executive. Mrs. C. Leggett reported that plans for the ************ BROWNIE NEWS All the Salt Spring Brownies enjoyed a swim at Scott Point Pool on October 1st. Marnie Jarman,Anne Haigh, Leslie Walker and Cathie RULES (a) Competition is open to all Gulf Island residents, (b) Entry fee 10$ per slide; limit of six entries per person per class; former PICTURAMA prize-winning slides not acceptable. (c)Competitioncloses Oct. 20th, Leave entries in sealed container with name and address on outside, and entry fees, at Ganges Pharmacy. NORWICH UNION LIFE INSURANCE SOCIETY W.F.THORBURN Phone 52 DAYS 131-W EVENINGS Thursday, Octobe r FULFORD NEWS by Bea Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. A. Hepburn gave a 21st birthday party in honor of their daughter Mhora, who was home for the Thanksgiving holiday from the U.B C. Vancouver. Guests from Vancouver were Mr. Walter Zelter and Mhora's grand- • father Mr. J. N. Grove. Duncan Hepburn was also home for the week-end. Mr. Jim Hippisley, who was also celebrating his 21st. birthday, was a guest at the party and shared the birthday cake. The young people enjoyed square dancing during the evening. ***** * * * * * * Home from the U.B.C. for the week-end were Jim, Barry and Georgina Burge, Charlie Butt;Kathy Butt came home from North Surrey , where she is teaching. * * * * * * * * * * * And home to visit his family was Les Fraser from the Airport at Lillooet, where he is employed. * * * * * * * * * * * * Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Page and family were at Fulford for the week end spending a part of the holiday at their home on the Isabella Point road. * * * * * * * * * * * * Mr. & Mrs. M, Kroppmanns, with Linda and Ken visited friends in Fulford on Sunday. * * * * * * * * * * * Mr. & Mrs. F. Chope of Victoria spent the week end at their home in Fulford. * * * * * * * * * * * * Dr.Anne Duffieldof Burnaby, 17th, 1963 D R I F t W O O D B.C. spent the Thanksgiving holiday with her aunt, Mrs. W. Hippisley.Also home for the week end was James Hippisley,from the Dept. of Highways at Port Alberni. *********** Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Lee are back home after a glorious week travelling through the Roger's Pass. They spent two days visiting Mr. &Mrs. Roy Lee, at Dawson Creek. And some twenty miles further on, they visited the Maurice McTighe family in Progress B.C. and came home full of beans,having had a wonderful holiday. ************ Mr. & Mrs. P. Nadin spent two weeks at Canim Lake,B. C. visiting Mr. Nadin's family. Vo 1 . 4 to move to North Gafiano with school age children which will cause serious transportation problems on that Island. The committee on transportation was asked to s the matter to see what action will be necessary. * * * * * * * * * * * * BABY NEWS Mr. & Mrs. George Nelson, Churchill Rd., are proud grandparents of a daughter, Tracy Fay, born Oct. 12 to Mr. &Mrs. Gordon Nelson, Victoria. Baby weighed 10 Ibs. 3 oz. at birth. No. 31 Page 12 Island ^ i ntw Irii i . CLEANERS ,OABl£. SERVICE, A , FOR THE WHOLE: iHELj^. SUGG BROTHERS DUMBER LTD; * * * * * * * * * * * * Mr. & Mrs. Pat Lee of Victoria v/ere also over visiting their many relations. All in all everyone seems to have much to be thankful for homes to visit, friends to see and home grown garden produce for a bountiful harvest. ************ And everyone is pleased to hear that Mrs. F.L. Jackson, who is a patient in the Duncan Hospital, is getting along nicely. * * * * * * * * * * * * Lumber & REGULAR DELIVERIES TO THE GULF ISLANDS jJk, Planning - remodelli 'A Complef e Build rerlals ;ing Service For Estimates & Order Desk call Harry Parker collect. • •** — Sidney, B.C. ph.475-1125 SCHOOL BUS NEEDED FOR GALIANO At the School Board meeting October 19th, D.H. New reported that Galiano School bus, now making two trips each day to the north end, is carrying a maximum load. More families are expected ffloufli BROS. L miico GENERAL MERCHANTS, GANGES, B.C. TO OUR OIL CUSTOMERS We wish to announce that the Imperial Oil Company .td.,have purchased a site of land from us and that startinc jOctober 17th, 1963 Mr. Norman Mouat,who is going to b their agent in Ganges, will be supplying you oil, instead of Mouat Bros. Limited. May we take this opportunity of thanking you all for your past patronage in the oil business, and we sincerely trust that we may be of service to you during the future, in the many other parts of our business. We know that Norman Mouat will look after youroi requirements as well or better than we have been able to do, and we hope that you will give him your continued support n-the future, as you have given us in the past. Sincerely yours, NEXT WEEK - O C T . 25-26 DRIFTWOOD BOOK S T O R E W I L L BE C L O S E D WATCH FOR OUR G R A N D OPENING DRIFTWOOD P h o n e 176 Store Closed Thursdays Every Week » Thursday, O c t o b e r 1 7 t h , 1963 D R I F T W O O D V o l . 4 No. 31 Page 1 3 bus. to. I. DOINGS Several good reports of the CIRCUS, n. A place where horses, ponies and elephants are by Bea Hamilton recent Cancer Forum heid by permitted to see men, women and children acting the fool. Fourteen members of the the W.I. were given. It was Ambrose Bierce. local W.I. met at the home noted that the lODEare holdof Mrs. A. McManus Sr. on ing the CNI Btag Day on Oct. Thursday,with president Mrs. 19th. A donation is to be D. Slingsby in the chair. made to the new Library buildReports from all convenors ing at Ganges. showed much had been acThe nexr meeting,second „ complished during the year. Thursday in November, will AvArs.Slingsby, Mrs. Davis be held at the home of Mrs. each $1.25 ind Miss V. Sajliss gave inEVERGREENS W. Low, Isabella Point road. take two for$ 1 .95 eresting reports on the recent Members are supposed to Cham Cyanais - Juniper Compaeta //V.I. Conference held at Colbring a Christmas Table decCham Veitchi - Nestoides - etc. wood. Publicity report given oration- remember, how Mrs. HEATHER large plant eachonlyS .49 by the writer, showed that Large selection in PERENIALS AND ROCKERY PLANTS Jones of the Florists Shop contact had been made with C o m e i n a n d s e e our l a r g e s e l e c t i o n i n showed us how last year? all newspapers and with each tropical plants --pot plants Well,we are supposed to see of the 22 W.I. branches on if we learned anything by Cut Flowers Flower bulbs V. I. A number of W.I. have SiPEOAIL watching her. There will sent in their histories and Iris Wedgewood doz. be a prize for the best effort, 59 $ several of the W.I. Family K i n g A l f r e d D a f f o d i I d o z. so brace up, members, and 59 $ Tree Scrap Books are nearly Tulips, Mixed doz. get busy! 59 $ completed. It was noted that FRUIT TREES RECREATION COMMISSION the Maple leaf design on the The S.S.I. Recreation Roses 100 f o r $4. 75 covers are the work of local Commission is looking for S P E C I A L SALE S T A R T I N G OCTOBER 20th artist, Miss Gwen Ruckle. some young person who would The members like to avail himself of free decided they would get busy training in the field of recreon road safety programmes. ation. Instruction is given at Hans W i l k i n g points on Vancouver Island. It v/as mentioned that all The purpose of the traincars and trucks should stop to ing is to find a young man or let school children get safely woman who will be willing COMPLETE LINE IN NURSERY STOCK, GARDEN SUPPLY out of the buses. No car to give instruction in the AND FLORIST SUPPLY local community in sports & should pass a stationary School See our Chrysanthemum Show this week-about 75 varieties physical trcim'ng. Wide Open Fall Bargains fakbidge Garden Centre Duncan Plaza Opiy COME TO THI THE DUKAI PLAZA 2" Annivenarg nsie W MEflHiOly CLEAiNiEIRS PHONE: 746-4732 IDIUIINICAINI FAMII1LT PMAtMACY PHONE: 746-5331 PEILlCAfESSEN PHONE: 746-6252 BDIUJINJCAINI FPAHiNil SIUISPSPILY PHONE: 746-5521 fNJOWlAffHi JEWE!L!LEf£S PHONE: 746-5751 (NEWCASTLE iSEALIY PHONE: 746-4411 MAGIIC MIIRROR PHONE: 746-4811 iPSLAZA PHONE: 746-7431 tOSHSNiSOINi 5 PHONE: 746-7921 Thursday, October S K A T I N G NEWS The Adult Roller Club has a ball To rue osiers' Waltz in the Fulford Hall The music's lilting. How great it feels To go 'round and 'round on whirring wheels Perhaps you've skated years before Oi . iewalk, road, or maple floor Come try it again and you'll find out You've not forgotten what it's all about So Father and Mother, Daughter and Son Come join the Club if you're twenty-one Come with us Wednesday nights at eight And you'll have fun on a roller skate! * * * * * * * * * * AWARDS TO YOUNG GARDENERS ' A school assembly was held inMahon Hall, October 4th for presentation of awards for the annual PTA School Garden Contest. The contest is open to Grades 1 to 7. Mrs. S.Rogers who convened the project reported that 37 of the 46 gardens entered had reached maturity and were judged by Mr. W.M.Palmer and Mr, George St. Denis. A cup and large certificate went to each first prize winner;a small certificate to each second and third prize winners. Awards were presented torGrade !-A Special class)- 1. Roberta Malcolmson, 86; 2. Nancy Shaw, 78; S.John Tupper, 75, Class 1Dimitri Stevens, 89; jeffery Lacy,89; Raymond Holmberg 88. Class 2 - Elizabeth Lee, 99;TeddyMo!let, 83;Richard Kyler, 82. Class 3 - Frank Reynolds,87;Linda Ginn,86; Gillian French, 67. Mrs. Fletcher Bennett, * * * * * vice-president who was introduced by J .M.Evans,president,presented the awards. Assisting Mrs.Rogers with the garden project were Mrs. R. Atkins, Mrs. J.D. Reid, Mrs. J. Stevens, Mrs. I. Holmberg.Seeds were donated by Buckerfields. *********** IODE MEETING Mrs.F. K. Parker, former IODE officer from Kelowna B.C. ,was received into membership by HMS . Ganges Chapter at the October 8 meeting held in Ganges United Church Hall,with Mrs. V.C. Best, regent, in the chair.True to the IODE pledge of service, Mrs. Parker accepted appointment as Echoes secretary. Vice-regent Mrs. O.L. Stanton reported an arrangements now underway for CNIB Tag day to be held Oct. 19. Mrs. George St, Denis,services convener, reported three boxes of books sent to Canadian troops in Germany. Annual report on Emerson Limited are pleased to announce that commencing NOVEMBER 1st 1963 a NEW and MORE efficient service will be offered to their many friends on Saltspring Island. Our new service will offer WEEKLY REGULAR deliveries to all Saltspring Island points. A retail outlet for small lot feeds, fertilizers, seeds etc. through S.S.I. Trading Co. TOLL FREE Zenith phone number to our Duncan warehouse . ZENITH 6292 [jBEMEMBfR ! ! FOR ALL YOUR F A R / AND .-.GARDEN S U P P L I E S BUCKEF HOLD'S FIRST1* SSI TRA Sony WATCH FOR COMING M O NA M E L PAINT SALE COMMENCING House, IODE Vancouver homeforelderly women, was read by Mrs. W.M» Mouat. It was decided to send a donation to SSI Library building fund. The Regent reminded members of Armistice Day parade Nov. 11 at the Cenotaph . World affairs convener, Mrs. G. H. Holmes, read a paper on "Hong 'Kong - A Miracle", in which the history of the Crown Colony was reviewed from fhe time Capt. Elliot chose the site in 184] as Britain's new trading post. through the1 period of harsh criticism from the press , A second paper read by Mrs.Holmestoid the story of one of the Royal Navy's training establishments, "HMS Ganges", located near Ipswich, England. Nine times a year 250 to 300 teen-age boys enter the school to train for a naval career, Opportunities are present for boys to reach the highest ranks. "HMS Ganges" makes the proud claim that more !~han 25 "Ganges" boys have hecome captains, and several have achieved the exalted rank of admiral . The original "HMS Ganges", the last of the sailing line • of battleships and the first of the training vessels, began her career as a navy school in 1899. Following the meeting tea was served by Dr. Norah Hughes and Miss Mary Lees. Mv. W. M. Mouat was in Next meeting wi held Nov. 12 at 2 p.m. in Ganges United Church Half. Mr. W. Tymchuk, CN13 field officer will be special speaker. The general public is invited to hear Mr. Tyrnchuk speak during the latter part of the meeting, * * * * •% * -.'• * * * * * ' B A B Y NEWS Mr.& Mrs.' George NHson,Churchili Pd », are proud grandparents of a daughter,; tracy Fay, born Oct. 12 to f'.Ar-& Mrs. Gordon Nelson, Victoria. Be by weighed 10 I bs. 3oz. at bi rth. Materna 1 grandparents are Mr. & Mrs. A. House, Portsmouth, England!. •': •'' * * :'; -.V / * '. ft * THE "BEFORE" LOOK AT THE LIBRARY Residents of Salt Spri Island ere invitee! by Library board toc'ttenc 1 ''-. House",Fridqy Oct. 1fJ ( 1C a.m. to 12:30 p.m. a* the n<:- vty acquired • buiIding on McPhillips A've., opposite the old theaire. The 40-foot long building was recently purchjwed outright as a new site FdfKSer library,The Board is currently conducting ,a campaign for funds to provide heating, insulation and furnishings for the building.The purpose of Friday's "Open House" is to acquaint Sait Spring Islanders with the new location and to explain plans for development of the building. Coffee will be served. Dr. O.L. Stanton is chairman of the Library Bocrd. •i. ,.*.- v. j. J- ,'.t *.'•• --a. «'- .*- -if A