Friends - NewsLetter


Friends - NewsLetter
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live,
and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die."
John 11:25–26 (ESV)
せ い し ょ
Arisa Kusakai (Anita)
Friends Club 28th Graduating Class (2000)
Maruyama Campus
Arisa Kusakai
“I want to make friends with
people all over the world.”
ゆ さ
草階 有佐(丸山28回 Anita)
Moral Lessons
from the Bible
If a shy girl like me can make her dream come true, I know you can too!
Looking at me now, you would probably
often wrote back and forth to each other. I had
dream for the future. I didn’t give up on my
so much fun on the US trip, and it made me
dream, and thankfully, I was able to graduate.
girl, and that English was my favorite subject
want to study English even more so I could
I made many friends from all over the world
in school. In fact, I currently work for a foreign
communicate freely with my new friends.
during my four years at college, and my En-
company in Japan and I communicate with
If you are serious about pursuing your
glish ability and pronunciation improved to the
clients in English every day. The truth is that
dream, it can come true. When I was in the
point where I was often mistaken for a native
as a child, I was extremely shy. I constantly
10th grade, I applied for MeySen’s one-year
worried about things and was very reserved. In
study abroad program and passed the test.
kindergarten and my first years of Friends Club,
My friends and teachers at MeySen, as well
I cried almost every day, and was a source of
as my family, must have been very surprised
concern for both my teachers and my parents.
that the shy girl they knew from Friends Club
Just thinking about going to school each day
would even think about doing something
made me feel depressed. But, my years at
like this. The reality of living in America for
MeySen helped me to change.
a year didn’t really hit me until I arrived, and
I am completely different now. My daily work
What the Bible says about
Money and Wealth
us that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Money-related
troubles can destroy families and ruin friendships, and are often the
cause of conflict and sadness. Money cannot bring true happiness, and
it cannot prolong a life by even a single day.
Many of our interests, desires, and worries are related to money.
Here are two examples:
Of course, money is necessary and we cannot live without it. But
And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against
we can easily get caught up in the desire for money and wealth.
all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance
Countless people believe that if they just had enough money, they
of his possessions.” (Luke 12:15 ESV)
would be happy. They dream of winning the lottery.
For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit
However, the Bible teaches that wealth gained without effort
his soul? (Mark 8:36 ESV)
does not last. It also teaches that an abundance of money and
possessions will not bring happiness, and warns that those who
I had quite a difficult time adjusting to the
love money will come to ruin:
challenges I faced at first. Fortunately, I had a
foreign countries. It was my experience at Mey-
very supportive host family. Soon I was able to
Sen that allows me to do what I do today and
make many wonderful friends, and my English
My college major helped me find a job with
nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the
be the more sociable person I have become.
But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought
steadily improved. Living apart from my family
a world-class US hotel in China, in a position
world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be
The big shift in my attitude towards English
for an entire year taught me many valuable
that utilized both my Japanese and English
content. But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation,
happened when I went on the 7th Grade
lessons. I can definitely say that the experience
ability. Eventually I was given the opportunity
into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that
study trip to the United States. Although I was
toughened me mentally and helped me mature
to become manager of my section.
plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money
terribly shy, it was my dream to make friends
as an individual. It also gave me the motivation
with people all over the world. So, inspired
to take the next step towards my dream.
Next year I will be transferred to the Aus-
is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some
“Life” as used in these passages refers to eternal life. Jesus is telling us
that even if you are the richest person in the world, your wealth is meaningless if you cannot enter heaven. No matter how much money you may
have, you cannot buy back your life (soul).
It is the death of Jesus Christ on the cross that saves our lives from ruin.
Those who accept him as their savior are promised the forgiveness of
sins and everlasting life. It is this eternal life (heaven) that we must truly
tralian branch of my company. I also have a
by my dream, I did something during the
I came back to Japan with a solid English
new dream: to learn a third language! I am
one-week camp that surprised even me: I took
foundation and a new goal: to study academic
thankful that I have always had the opportuni-
the initiative to make friends and to speak to
and business English so I could fulfill my
ty to pursue my goals, and to live life without
the American kids. As a result, I was able to
childhood dream of making friends all over
regret. I owe that to my family and friends for
really enjoy the intercultural camp and make
the world. Upon graduating from high school,
their support, and of course to MeySen as well.
it an experience like no other I had ever had
I enrolled in a four-year college in the United
Without MeySen, I would have never learned
in Japan. After the week of camp ended, my
States. Working part-time jobs to cover my
English the way I have and I would have never
MeySen classmates and I were taken on a tour
living expenses while studying and trying to
dreamed such big dreams. I want to express
of a variety of famous places and sites. That
spend time with friends was a very big chal-
my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has
too, was an experience that I will never forget.
lenge. Sometimes I was homesick and I often
helped me live my dream.
After returning home, I continued to keep
experienced setbacks. What kept me going
during those difficult times was my hope and
While money in itself is neither good nor evil, the passage above tells
Jesus taught much on the relation between life, money, and wealth.
requires me to use English and even travel to
in touch with the friends I had made, and we
many pangs. (1 Timothy 6:6–10, ESV)
Daniel Fanger, School Principal
Part 5
think that growing up I was a very outgoing
have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with
If I can do it, you can too! Keep working hard
to reach your dreams!
Chairman John Broman Meets
President of Myanmar
The visit of the Foreign Affairs Minister of Myanmar to MeySen two years ago remains
fresh in the memories of the staff at MeySen, and GrapeSEED educational materials have
been adopted by a number of private schools in Myanmar in recent years.
Acknowledging the benefits of GrapeSEED, Myanmar President U Thein Sein received
Seminar on Applying to
Foreign Universities
On November 29, Mr. Katsushi Tada of diBec Inc. gave a seminar at the Maruyama
campus on the subject of long-term study at universities in the United States, United
Kingdom, Australia, and Canada.
Mr. Tada, himself a graduate of a US university, spoke in detail to an audience
of about 70 people on how to select and apply to universities, the cost of higher
education, and other things necessary for student planning and preparation.
After the talk, many from the audience remained to speak directly to Mr. Tada
and ask specific questions. The session provided an excellent opportunity to learn
about studying abroad.
a delegation led by MeySen Chairman John Broman on October 13, 2014. During the
meeting, the president announced to the cabinet ministers and many others gathered in
the audience that he hoped to do even more
to promote the use of GrapeSEED materials in
public education.
MeySen cherishes its ties of friendship
with Myanmar and will continue to support
the children of Myanmar in developing their
English language skills.
Cover: Do you like music? Music lightens our hearts and brings joy to our souls, whether it is through playing an instrument,
singing, or even just listening to it. Why not try listening to some new and different styles of music than you usually do?
Let’s enjoy all kinds of music!
Published by
Publication Date: January 10, 2015
Friends is the MeySen Academy newsletter and publishes the latest news and event announcements for all members of our community, including students, alumni, teachers, and interested friends of MeySen.
This year, MeySen students enjoyed the music of a wind quintet,
consisting of a flute, oboe, clarinet, French horn, and bassoon.
The concert began with a composition by Mozart, a divertimento
that melded the tones of the five instruments in a lighthearted melody—a hallmark of wind quintets. The musicians then introduced
the five instruments, and explained in detail how each creates its
unique sound. Next was an unusual piece featuring the clarinet,
known as “Always Smaller.” The clarinet is gradually dismantled
and reduced in size until finally only the mouthpiece is left. The
entire audience joined in as the quintet played “Let It Go” from the
film Frozen and a Christmas medley. The exciting concert ended
with a long ovation from an appreciative audience.
What's hot in Winter?!
Have you ever woken up in the morning and opened the curtains to see a world covered in snow?
Grown-ups may groan but children love it! Snow in Sendai stays for only a short time.
Instead of just bundling up, let’s get outside and enjoy it!
Two Musical Concerts
Kindergarten, Friends Club and Premier
School students dive into the snow with
sleds at Izumigatake.
On October 21 and 22, a special concert was held
with Tommy Cash at Takamori MeySen Hall. Tommy is
the younger brother of the late Johnny Cash, the famous
American country musician. Tommy, like his brother, is
also a professional musician, and is involved in a variety
of activities in the country music industry.
I am a big fan of country music, both new and old.
Most people don't know that “country music", as it is
known in America, has its beginnings in gospel (Christian)
music of the 1920's, 30's and 40's. At the recent concert,
Cash delighted all who came with a mix of both gospelthemed songs, and his own original songs, along with a
few more famous numbers from his brother, such as "Ring
of Fire" and "Folsom Prison Blues”. Personally, I really
enjoyed his show.
Starting out the evening was an opening act of three
musicians. They really got the audience ready for the
country music sound and style with some lively guitar
playing and blended vocal harmonies. They even played
two songs that most of the MeySen students know from
summer camp - "Country Roads" and "She'll Be Comin'
around the Mountain".
After the opening, Tommy Cash came out and played
for about an hour, with his sister and niece singing
When was the last time you said “thank
you” to your father and mother, your
brothers and sisters, or your friends? Have
you told them recently how much you love
them? If not, Valentine’s Day on February 14
is a good chance to tell them.
In Friends Club and Premier
School, we will be making cards
to exchange with friends. Why not
do the same at home? Try making
some special cards to give to your family
members to show them how much you care.
background vocals. Supporting Cash were two
professional players, one on bass guitar and the other
on lead guitar. The lead guitarist was very skilled and
delivered some great solos on his "Stratocaster" guitar.
The rhythmic music got the audience clapping along
to songs such as "Rise and Shine". A highlight of the
evening was an original song by Tommy Cash, "Thank
God for Kids".
After the final song, MeySen students presented
bouquets to Cash and his band members. The MeySen
communit y will fondly remember Tommy Cash
performing at our school, giving
us a glimpse of the American
tradition of country music!
Matthew Metzler
Kindergarten English Teacher
(Takamori Campus)
Maybe you can even include a present.
oda Village in Kunohe-gun, Iwate Prefecture, was devastated in the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11,
2011. Responding to the disaster, MeySen loaded up a truck
with relief goods and sent it to the Shimo-Akka community
of Noda Village, where 18 of the 36 houses were swept
away by the tsunami.
Noda’s main economic activity is fishing, and the community has gradually been rebuilding their fishing industry
over the last three years. But, last spring, the president of the
local fisherman’s cooperative came to MeySen with one last
request for assistance. He said the community needed a forklift,
and explained that a single forklift would go a long way toward
improving the efficiency of unloading and moving heavy
containers of fish and marine products.
MeySen immediately started a fund drive, calling on
organizations and individuals who had worked with
MeySen on previous earthquake relief efforts, such as
the international relief organization Samaritan’s Purse,
GrapeCity Inc., and Bryan Oxley. The donations were used
to purchase a secondhand forklift (for about 1 million
yen), which was presented to the fisherman’s cooperative
on October 20. At the event, Regent Board Chairman John
Broman and Vice-Principal Nathan Broman were presented
with letters of appreciation from the cooperative, as many
residents of the Shimo-Akka community looked on.
obiru Kindergarten located in the Nobiru section of HigashiMatsushima was completely destroyed by the tsunami. A new
kindergarten building was completed in April 2014 with the support of
the Miyagi Warasukko Project led by Professor Isobe of Miyagi Gakuin
Women’s University. Prof. Isobe called on MeySen Kindergarten for
assistance in procuring kitchen
and cooking equipment for the
newly rebuilt kindergarten.
As an institution committed to
supporting the future of children,
MeySen is proud to have participated in the reconstruction of Nobiru
Earthquake Relief Report
MeySen presents a forklift to Noda
Village in Iwate Prefecture
Assisting Higashi Matsushima’s Nobiru
Kindergarten in rebuilding its kitchen
See (in Japanese)
for information on Miyagi Warasukko Project
Behind the Scenes
at MeySen Academy
Wind Quintet
Part 3
Reunion of Former
A number of events are being held to celebrate the
50th anniversary of MeySen Academy in 2016. The first
of these events, a reunion of former teachers and staff,
was held on Saturday, September 6. About 80 teachers
and staff members gathered to enjoy a barbecue and
share stories from the past.
2014 Kindergarten Christmas Pageant
The K4/K5 student Christmas Pageant is held
in early December every year. Practice begins in
late October, and is incorporated as part of the
students’ curriculum. Of course practice does not
take up all of the children’s time; English classes,
kanji lessons, and sports activities all
continue. Each class has its own unique
performance, a few examples of which
are singing, hand-bell performances,
plays, and Japanese dancing. The children
enthusiastically follow the instructions of
their teachers and work hard to express
themselves in their acting. On the day of
the play, the children often surprise the
audience with their highly expressive
Of course unexpected things happen,
but generally, upon completing their performance on stage, the children have gained a
real sense of achievement, and their growth
is apparent to friends and family.
MeySen Pallette Puppet Theater Group Receives
Certificate of Appreciation from School for Visually Impaired
MeySen Pallette, a puppet theater group comprised of
MeySen mothers, received a certificate of
appreciation from the Miyagi Prefectural School
for the Visually Impaired. MeySen Pallette has
performed puppet plays at the school for the
past 29 years. The school’s children eagerly
look forward to the plays every year, enjoying
the movements and liveliness of the puppets
operated by the mothers.
The staff of MeySen Academy hope that MeySen
Pallette will continue to delight audiences of
children for years to come, entertaining groups at
MeySen Kindergarten, the School for the Visually
Impaired, and many other schools and venues.
The office team
at each campus
interacts with the
students of MeyS e n’s m u l t i p l e
programs and
their families, as
well as with familie s intere s ted
in enrolling their
children at MeySen Academy in the future.
Whether it is a regular weekday class time, or a holiday
weekend during a special event on campus, if something
is happening at MeySen, the office team is there hard at
work. They perform a wide range of tasks, from answering the phone and receiving visitors to maintaining inventory and ordering new school supplies.
The MeySen office team is committed to meeting the
business needs of each person coming to MeySen Academy, smoothly and professionally. If you are on campus,
don’t hesitate to call on them!
Maruyama Office
Ms. Satoko Takano
Mr. Tomoyuki Kanada
Ms. Mariko Yoshino
Ms. Haruka Saeki
What is a Piñata?
At a Friends Club Christmas
Party, elation reaches a peak
when the piñata is brought in.
Many alumni fondly remember
it as the most exciting part of
school parties.
The Friends Club piñata is
a large paper bag stuffed with
goodies. The custom goes
back to the countries of South
America where piñatas shaped
in the form of stars and animals
are used in all sorts of festive
occasions for children. The
traditional piñata contains not
only cookies and sweets, but
also toys.