2006 - 2007 - Portal Page SCDC | Hawthorne Ministries
2006 - 2007 - Portal Page SCDC | Hawthorne Ministries
Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Dr. Charles E. Hawthorne Board President Pastor, Labor of Love Ministries Min. Jonathan Wynne, MACM Board Vice-President Public Schools Liaison Ford Motor Company Dr. Kenneth Brostrom Board Secretary Professor Wayne State University DeVera Long Board Treasurer Administrator Labor of Love Church Ron Williams Educator The U of M Medical Center Reverend Michael Coleman Sr., LLPC Board Member Pastor, Greenfield Avenue Church of God Veronica Smith, MSW Executive Director The purpose of the Samaritan Community Development Corporation (SCDC) is to make compassion visible through the provision of human services that will develop and empower individuals and families in the community. PAGE 2 FI S C A L Y E A R 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7 Words from the Board President The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 3:1 that, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” This holds true for non-profit organizations as well as for individuals. Organizations go through different seasons, especially seasons of change. For them to survive, they must learn how to embrace change and adapt to it. Changes in the external environment can force an organization to make internal changes. Such has been the challenge for SCDC this past year. We have been in the midst of a “mega shift” or major change, especially with regard to programming. It is disappointing to report that we were not successful in offering all of the programs that we planned to offer this year. (See our Executive Director’s Report for details). Nevertheless, we thank God for the special events that we were able to sponsor. These included a Benefit Gospel Concert, our first ever Golf Outing and our Annual Bowl-a-thon. We also made a concerted effort to increase individual contributions via United Way. While these fund raising events and activities did not reach their projected goal, they were instrumental in bringing much needed monies to our organization. I want to thank my fellow board members for their financial contributions and personal efforts towards the achievement of our fund development objectives this year. Speaking of our board, we really made an attempt to improve ourselves. For one, we added to our number. Rev. Michael Coleman of Ypsilanti, Township was elected to our board this fiscal year. He has been a valuable asset and has made positive contributions inside and outside of board meetings. In addition to increasing our numbers, we sought to increase our performance as board members. This was achieved through the assignment of tasks at the close of board meetings. Board members were also sent a reminder of their assigned tasks through email. Thanks to the efforts of Dr. Ken Brostrom, our Board Secretary, this made a definite difference in our overall performance this year. If I had my way, individuals and organizations would never have a seasonal “downer” - a down day or down year. Every step on the mountain of success would be a step up. But I am learning that sometimes the way up is down. There are ebbs and flows in life. To succeed, you must learn how to flow with the ebb as well as the flow. You must learn how to abase and abound (Phil. 4:12). Like a captain on a ship in the midst of a storm-tossed sea, you must learn how to remain steady on your course, no matter what is going on with you or around you. You don’t give up or give in. You keep on sailing! This is what we have done as an organization and this is what we will continue to do. We invite you to join us on this adventurous journey of faith. Together we will do our best to SAIL ON! FI S C A L Y E A R 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7 PAGE 3 Words from the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Have you ever been in a season in your life when you wondered, “when will this end?” As this fiscal year ended, I think I wondered more about how things would look when all of the changes were completed. It seemed as though there was no light at the end of the tunnel.... We also scheduled a grief seminar that was to be facilitated by Angelita Jacobs from our TurningPoint Counseling Program. Sadly, her brother passed away, unexpectedly, the week prior to this. Consequently, the seminar was canceled. Additionally, a workshop was scheduled for The Financial Series, but there were not enough participants to convene. In 2006, I accepted a full-time position, as a therapist, while trying to maintain my duties at SCDC and at my local church. This proved to be quite overwhelming. As a result, I was very concerned about the effects that my lack of availability would have upon SCDC. In lieu of having limited staff and resources, I felt very strongly that we should reduce the number of programs that were offered. As a result, we only implemented one program, Girl Power. This Program has a coordinator and therefore could be implemented with my limited availability and support. I cannot say enough about Kim Hambright and her commitment to the young women of Girl Power. Her leadership has been such a blessing to them, to me, and to SCDC as well. During the Annual Board Retreat, the board members strongly encouraged me to take a much needed sabbatical. It was clear that both me and SCDC were suffering due to my continued attempt to ignore the dreaded “burnout” that often plagues those in the social service arena. So, it is with heartfelt appreciation that I thank the board for a much needed rest. I am looking forward to retuning to my duties, in whatever fashion, and at whatever time deemed appropriate by the Board. I truly believe in the work we do at SCDC and I’m committed to fulfilling my purpose for being here. COMMUNITY PROGRAMS During the previous fiscal year, the Girl Power Program hosted a “sleepover and makeover” night. A professional stylist donated her time and skills to provide each girl with a new hairdo. The girls also learned about proper hair maintenance. The girls thoroughly enjoyed this as some had never had the experience of receiving services from a professional stylist. Once again, efforts were made to complete the Girl Power community garden. Unfortunately, it has been very difficult to recruit volunteers that are skilled, knowledgeable, and that have the time to provide assistance. We are hopeful that we will be able complete this project upon favorable weather conditions. Additionally, the girls were also taken to the African American Museum in Detroit, Michigan. They also practiced interviewing skills and discussed self esteem while completing units in their workbooks. FI S C A L Y E A R 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7 PAGE 4 SPECIAL EVENTS By Minister Jonathan Wynne The First Annual Golf Event took place Saturday, May 19, 2007 at Brookside Golf Course in beautiful Saline, Michigan. It was a beautiful day for an afternoon golf event. The board of directors showed great hospitality by greeting the golfers in the clubhouse and on the driving range prior to tee time. The participating golfers enjoyed a tremendous day of golf, food, fun and prizes while learning about S.C.D.C. and its programming for the community. A delicious meal was shared as the golfers were afforded an opportunity to learn about the organization from Our board president, Dr. Charles Hawthorne and Vice President, Jonathan Wynne. All the golfers indicated that they would attend again and bring other golfers with them next year. They indicated that the programs and services provided by S.C.D.C. are worthy of support. We are looking forward to expanding the event in the years to come. PAGE 5 FI S C A L Y E A R 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7 SPECIAL EVENTS The Annual Bowl-A-Thon was held on Saturday, June 16, 2007 at Ypsi/Arbor Lanes. There were three teams competing for the trophy. Participants included adults, college students, teenagers, and children. It was truly an event for those of all ages. The bowling competition was followed with an All-You-CanEat Pizza buffet at the Pizza Hut Restaurant on Washtenaw Avenue in Ypsilanti, Michigan. THE WINNING TEAM (from left to right) Derrick Lindsey, Angelita Jacobs, Anthony Jacobs, Jacqueline ChambersThomas, Trinity Kelso (for Kenneth Kelso) FI S C A L Y E A R 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7 PAGE 6 SPECIAL EVENTS Anitra Bell Detroit, Michigan By Minister Jonathan Wynne Agape Dancers of Bethel A.M.E.- Detroit Gifted Voices of Praise Detroit, MI Angelyn Chisholm The Annual Gospel Benefit Concert was held Saturday, March 23, 2007 at First United Methodist Church in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Special guests included Labor of Love Choir; soprano, Alice McAllister-Tillman; Agape Dancers of Bethel A.M.E.Detroit; Wayne State University music student Angelyn Chisholm, daughter of world renowned gospel singer Jackie Clark-Chisholm of the legendary Clark Sisters, Gifted Voices of Praise; and gospel recording artist Anitra Bell of Detroit, Michigan. Thanks to our sponsors! DeVera Long Senior Tax Advisor-3 H&R Block 6058 Rawsonville Rd. Ypsilanti, MI 48197 $100 Garth Financial Group Inc. 27700 Franklin Rd, Southfield, Michigan $100 Forest Bryson 444 Lodge Dr. Detroit, MI 48214 $50 Alice McAllister-Tillman FI S C A L Y E A R 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7 PAGE 7 GENERAL ACCOUNT INCOME EXPENDITURES PROGRAM ACCOUNT INCOME Bowl-AThon Interest EXPENDITURES Transfer from General Accont Beginning Cash Balance Supplies Comedy Jam Bowl-Athon Supplies Girl Power Program 2032 S. Congress, Suite 1W Ypsilanti, MI 48197 ua nn A TurningPoint Counseling Services n ho -T l-A ow lB Girl Power