FAIR HOOSIlNG NEWS - Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit
FAIR HOOSIlNG NEWS - Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit
Q FAIR HOOSIlNG NEWS ! u l lH letter 0if t.h ... tur ~u'nOUSIf1;g .II Cen~eJj,(}II'1etropo l~~if\"K Hews itan Silite 1311.' \ ~ " ~. I Jd\ Detroit. 9\ 'fas~~gton ~o~vara\ ~tfOit, N1ichigan:4J~Z;Zli~ (313) 963-1274 Fax (313) 963-4817 [email protected] II H Volume 29, No.2 September, 2007 FHC's TENTH ANNUAL FAIR HOUSING LEADERSHIP AWARDS RECEPTION SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEMBER 19, 2007 On September 19, 2007 the Michigan Association of Realtors (MAR), its President, Furhad Waquad and its Chief Executive Officer, Bill Martin will be added to the group of 30 other individuals and organizations that have received FHC Fair Housing Leadership Awards during the past ten years. The Association and its executives are being honored for the leadership they have provided in developing and implementing the first state realtor sponsored fair housing testing program in the United States. Fair housing testing was, and still is, looked at with fear and distrust by many people in the housing industry. Yet, without testing, real estate brokers have little way of knowing if they, or the agents that they employ, may be treating potential customers differently because of their race, religion, national origin or other legally protected characteristic. In 2005 MAR began negotiations with representatives of the Michigan Fair Housing Centers, assisted by representatives from the Michigan Department of Civil Rights and the National Fair Housing Alliance, to see if the groups could design a fair housing testing program that would help identify differences in treatment provided to (~the testers by real estate firms and their agents without exposing the participating firms to legal actions by the fair housing groups. Furhad Waquad, Chairperson, Association of Realtors. Michigan Securing the support of a sufficient number of members of the Michigan Association of Realtors to authorize the program was a challenging task that was led by Mr. Waquad and Mr. Martin. After nearly 18 months of negotiations an agreement was reached and covert fair housing testing has begun at real estate offices in Michigan that have volunteered to participate in the MAR program. The participating Michigan FHCs have agreed to conduct the fair housing tests and forward the results to MAR for its use with member groups. If the project proves successful, it may be that other state realtor associations will wish to engage private, non-profit fair housing testing organizations in their areas in similar real estate testing projects. Furhad Waquad is a licensed real estate agent with Real EstateOne. His one year term as President of MAR follows several years as a member of the MAR Board of Directors in which he has consistently pushed for greater attention to fair housing issues. A native of Pakistan who rose to the rank of Major in Pakistan's Army, Mr. Waquad emigrated to the U.S. and has been a full-time realtor since 1988. Mr. Martin served in the U.S. Army, was a trooper with the Michigan State Police, served four terms as a member of the Michigan House of Representatives, was appointed by former Governor John Engler to head the Michigan State Lottery and later, the Michigan Department of Corrections. Mr. Martin has been the CEO of the Michigan Association of Realtors since March, 2002. ~ Also being honored at the Tenth Awards Reception is Karen Johnson Moore, who, is the fourth recipient of the Marvin Thomas Service Award. That award is given to retired FHC "testers" who have faithfully served FHC as a tester in the tradition of the late Marvin Thomas, FHC's Coordinator ofTesting from 1980 to his death in 2004. Both Karen and her husband of 34 years, Columbus Moore, have served as FHC testers since 1984 and, in 1989, Ms. Moore served as the Detroit area Test Coordinator for FHC's participation in the second national fair housing study funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development the "Housing Discrimination Study". In 1987, working with FHC-Detroit, Ms. Moore wrote and edited the Detroit Multi-Family Housing Resource Guide for the Detroit Community Housing Resource Board, and later (continued on page 4) Bill Martin, Chief Executive Officer, Michigan Association of Realtors. Karen Johnson Moore, Executive Holistic Development Center. Director, Fair Housing News Page2 Builder and Architect Agr.eeTo Retrofit Units And Pay $25,000 Fine To U.S. Poverty and Race Publishes Articles By Fair Housing Practitioners On August 6, 2007 Federal Judge Paul V. Gadola signed a Consent Order that was negotiated and agreed to by the parties in an "accessibility" discrimination lawsuit filed by the United Statesagainst the builders, Palazzolo and Lombardi and the architect, Robert Lipka in relation to the construction ofThe Preserves, a condominium development, in Sterling Heights, Michigan. In the federal housing discrimination complaint the U.S. had charged the defendants with violations of the Fair Housing Act by " ...failing to design and constructThe Preserves in such a manner that: Poverty and Race is a bi-monthly national newsletter published by the Poverty and Race Research Action Council. The bi-monthly newsletter was established "to facilitate and encourage communications among researchers, among activists/advocates, and between the two groups ..." who are working on issues of race and poverty. The first issue was published in March, 1992, and while many of the issues have contained articles about "fair housing" the May/June, 2007 issueof P & R is the first to have included articles by three Directors of fair housing organizations in the United States. a.the public use and common use portions of the dwellings are readily accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities; b.all doors are designed to allow passage into and within the ground-floor units sufficiently wide to allow passage by handicapped persons in wheelchairs; c.all premises within such ground floor dwellings contain the following features of adaptive design: i.an accessible route into and through the dwelling; ii.1ight switches, electrical outlets, thermostats and other environmental controls in accessible locations; iii.reinforcements in bathroom walls to allow later installation of grab bars; and iv.usable kitchens, such that an individual wheelchair can maneuver about the space." using a Testing by FHC-Detroit, under a contract funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, identified problems in the construction of the units, leading to negotiations by the U.S. Department of Justice with the defendants that produced the Consent Order. Prior to the signing of the Consent Order the defendants had already expended in excess of $800,000 for accessibility modifications to the property. The Consent Order calls on the defendants to: make interior changes to over 40 units, construct ramps to allow entry to 28 units, install handrails and properly positioned doorbells where needed, conduct fair housing training for all employees, pay the U.S. a $25,000 penalty and establish a $25,000 fund for persons who were " ...discouraged from living atThe Preservesbecause of the inaccessibility problems" or who were " ...inconvenienced while living atThe Preserves by the inaccessibility problems." In addition, the Consent Order requires the defendants to place over $96,000 into a Retrofit Fund, to administered by the Philip F. Greco Company, that will be used to remedy violations inside of 12 ground floor units where ownership has already been transferred to the individual owners of the condo units. Congratulations to U.S. Assistant Attorney Judith E. Levy and to Stephen J. Murphy, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan for leading the local investigation and negotiations in this case. Congratulations also to U.S. Assistant Attorney General Wan J. Kim and his staff in Washington, D.C. for their efforts in reaching a very successful resolution in this matter. Attorney Levy reports that the defendants, once informed of the violations, began to immediately make corrections in the development and have cooperated with the Department of Justice in reaching an agreement. Rob Breymaier, Executive Director of the Oak Park, Illinois Regional Housing Center and President of the Chicago Area Fair Housing Alliance, contributed an article entitled "Affirmatively Furthering of Fair Housing: The 21 st Century Challenge". Using the Chicago area as an example, Mr. Breymaier noted the "dearth of affirmative action programs" by communities that receive federal Community Development Block Grants and, as a condition of receiving those funds, sign assurancesto "affirmatively further fair housing". He noted that if "a suburb that is 95% white does nothing to promote itself affirmatively, it is essentially maintaining regional segregation patterns." "Payday Lending in Ohio" is an article in the same issue of P & R by Jeffrey Dillmam, Executive Director of the Housing Research & Advocacy Center in Cleveland, Ohio, that noted/'\ the explosive growth of payday lenders throughout the State of Ohio, including the rural areas. The report noted that Ohio law allows interest rates for some payday loans to exceed an annual percentage rate of 300%. Mr. Dillman reports that the Ohio Coalition for Responsible Lending is currently working to develop legislation to limit payday lending in Ohio. Cliff Schrupp, Executive Director of FHC-Detroit contributed "Structural Racism: Focusing on the Cause", an article that notes some positive changes by members of housing industry in Michigan as examples of the effectiveness of housing discrimination litigation as a stimulant to help produce significant behavioral changes in relation to the issue of race and white racism as it is practiced in this country. Subscription information for Poverty and Race can be obtained by calling 202-906-8023 or by E-mail: [email protected]. FLASH FHC-Detroit has just received word from Attorney Saul A. Green that a proposed Consent Order in FHC and the u.s. v General Properties has been submitted to and signed by U.S. District Court Judge Gerald Rosen.The Consent Order requires the defendants in this case to pay a total of $725,000 to the U.s:, to FHC and to 21 "aggrieved persons" for damages that they have alleged in relation to their attempts to obtain housing at the Whispering Woods Apartments in Livonia,~ Michigan. Attorney Green and Rivka Schochet of Miller, Canfield Paddock and Stone represented the FHC, while Attorneys Judith E. Levy, Stephen J. Murphy, Joseph Gaeta, Steven H. Rosenbaum and Wan J. Kim represented the U.S. There will be more details about the settlement of this case in the next issue of Fair Housing News. Fair Housing News Page 3 Federal Judge Allows "Affirmatively Further Fair Housing" Lawsuit To Proceed CMS Energy Helps FHC Produce "Fostering Welcoming Communities" Video In a case filed by the Anti-Discrimination Center of Metro New York, Inc., agai nst the County of Westchester, New York, Federal District Court Judge for the Southern District of New York, Denise Cote, has denied the County's motion to dismiss and has allowed the Center's lawsuit under the Federal False Claims Act to proceed. The Center has alleged that the County falsely claimed that it had adequately conducted an analysis of impediments to the exercise of fair housing choice and had failed to affirmatively further fair housing as required of all communities that receive federal funds under the Community Development Block Grant Act. Thanks to CMS Energy and its Senior Vice President for Government and Public Affairs, David Mengebier, FHC now has an 8 minute video to be used to assist in telling the "Fostering Welcoming Communities" story. As readers of this newsletter may recall, far too many of the requests for assistancethat FHC has received have come from persons who are being harassed by neighbors or unknown persons because of their race, national origin, disability status, sex or other personal and legally protected characteristic. Those calls have prompted FHC to develop the "Fostering Welcoming Communities" program as an attempt to organize citizens and groups in the metropolitan Detroit area to provide assistance to victims of hate crimes and to take steps to prevent and eliminate such practices. In her Opinion and Order Judge Cote held " ...that a local government entity that certifies to the federal government that it will affirmatively further fair housing as a condition to its receipt of federal funds must consider the existence and impact of race discrimination on housing opportunities and choice in its jurisdiction." The Center argues that Westchester, an "urban" County under the CDBG program that includes 45 municipal entities, falsely and knowingly claimed and certified to the Federal government that it had compl ied with its assurances to "affirmatively further fair housing." Judge Cote affirmed that "At this stage of the litigation, the Center has sufficiently pled under the FCA that Westchester made false claims 'knowing of [their] falsity."' This is believed to be the first such action brought under the FalseClaims Act against any recipient of CDBG funds. There are over 20 such CDBG Act recipients, including three "urban" counties, in the metropolitan Detroit area. Representing the plaintiffs in this matter are attorneys Michael Allen, Stephen M. Dane and John P. Reiman of Reiman & Dane, PLLC. Mr. Mengebier, Derek Finley, President and CEO of the Finley Manufacturing Group and Robert Mason, Manager of Strategy,Alliances and Business Development for the Chrysler Corporation have been working with FHC staff and Board members to explore ways to identify and develop sources of support, including financial support, for the "Fostering Welcoming Communities" program. Those thoughts prompted the development of a video, featuring the experiences of two persons who had been victims of hate crimes, Stacy Peardon, a Real Estate Consultant with Keller-Williams and Anthony J. Lewis, Esq., of the Anthony J. Lewis Law Office. Gerald W. Smith, Director of Government Affairs for COMCAST Cablevision served as host and interviewer for the short video, and FHC Board Chairperson, Noel J. Saleh explained how the "Fostering Welcoming Communities" program can help heal and prevent hate crimes in the metro Detroit area. The video was filmed in the law offices of Wood Kull Herschfus Obee and Kull, with special thanks to FHC Board member Attorney John Obee for hosting the filming session. The production, filming and editing of the video was in the very capable hands of the Corporate Communications office at CMS Energy, led by Mr. William Crane, Media Programs Director. For more information about the video or to inquire about a showing of the video, please contact Cliff Schrupp at the FHC office: 313-963-1274. National Recovery Now Reaches "$245,000,000 and Counting" The 13th edition of the national litigation log produced for the National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA) by FHC-Detroit, $245,000,000 and Counting, was released at the June, 2007 annual meeting of the NFHA and is available from FHC-Detroit at $6/copy. The log includes aggregated information on the 2,443 housing discrimination lawsuits that were assistedby the fair housing organizational members of NFHA since 1990, including information on the 1,780 lawsuits with $245,111,065 in disclosed financial recovery for the plaintiffs. The report includes case by case information on each of the 1,380 lawsuits that were "open" or have been filed between 1/1/2000 and 12131/06. Since 11112000 there have been 726 closed cases with disclosed financial recovery of $78,385,458 for the plaintiffs. In a letter of "Greetings" included in the log from the Chairperson of the NFHA Board of Directors, Jim McCarthy, President and CEO of the Miami Valley FHC in Dayton, Ohio, Mr. McCarthy noted that "This report demonstrates that the private fair housing ~~ovement is not only ready, but uniquely qualified to partner with industry and government to address the problem of housing , 'discrimination." The log includes brief summaries of some of the litigations, including a summary of a $6,260,000 settlement in Hope and the u.S. v Arlington Park Race Course near Chicago, Illinois, that was assisted by the HOPE Fair Housing Center in Wheaton, Illinois. Just over 100 private, non-profit fair housing groups from 34 states and the District of Columbia provided information on assisted litigations for $245,000,000 and Counting. Michael Olshan, FHC's Legal Services Coordinator, compiled the data for the report that was entered by FHC's Computer Services Coordinator, Timothy Davis, into a computer program prepared by Dr. Nigel Hinds of the IBM Corporation. Fair Housing News Page4 Tenth Annual leadership Awards Reception (continued from page 1) served in several appointed positions under the administration of former Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer. Ms. Moore is currently the Executive Director of the Holistic Community Development Center. The Tenth Reception will, once again, be held at the Renaissance Club located in the 200 Tower of the Renaissance Center on Jefferson Avenue in downtown Detroit, thanks to the assistance of Attorney Reuben Munday, a member of the Club. The Reception will be held on September 19, 2007, beginning with hors d'oeuvres and a cash bar at 5:00 PM, with the Awards to be presented at 6:00 PM. The Reception will conclude by 7:00. For ticket information, or to order tickets at $50/each, please contact FHC by phone (313-963-1274) or by Email: [email protected]. Patron Sponsors AAA Michigan The Associated Management Company Century 21 - Town & Country Down River Association of Realtors Franklin Bank Green Hill Apartments Group Five Management Hannett, Wilson & Whitehouse, Realtors Independent Management Services LR Management Services Corp. McDonald Management FHC extends its thanks to the Corporate and Organizational Sponsors for the Tenth Reception. They are: Midwest Management L.L.C. SiIver Sponsors Pearl Insurance COMERICA Charitable Foundation Presbyterian Villages of Michigan LaSalle Bank River Bend Apartments Bronze Sponsors Additional Sponsors are welcome. Please contact Cliff Schrupp at the FHC office: 313-963-1274. New Detroit, Inc. ACCESS Flagstar Bank Fourmidable Huntington Bank Lautrec, LTD Metropolitan Consolidated Association of Realtors Michigan Association of Realtors Michigan State Housing Development Authority National City Bank FAIR HOUSING IS THE LAW Village Green Management Company Wood Kull Herschfus Obee & Kull Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit 1249 WASHINGTON BLVD STE 1312 DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48226-1860 Return Service Requested ®~33 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Detroit, MI Permit No. 1341
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