July - St. Joseph County
July - St. Joseph County
THE AREA PLAN COMMISSION OF ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, IN AGENDA Tuesday, July 21, 2009 3:30 p.m. Fourth-Floor Council Chambers County-City Building., South Bend, IN PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Rezonings: A. A proposed ordinance and site development plan of Patricia A. McAllister, Trustee, Madgel C. McAllister Trust to zone from A Agricultural District to L Light Industrial District, property located at the northeast corner of Walnut Road and Chicago South Shore and South Bend Railroad, St. Joseph County APC # 2519-09 B. A proposed ordinance and site development plan of Tiberius & Sorin Mihalache to zone from SF1 Single Family and Two Family District to O Office District, property located at 1351 and 1355 Pyle Avenue and the adjacent vacant lot lying to the north, City of South Bend - APC # 2520-09 C. A proposed ordinance amending and supplementing Title 26, Zoning, of the St. Joseph County Code, as amended: To clarify the conditional use sections in Article 1, Division 1 and Article 10, Division 3; To update requirements for nonconforming buildable lots; To clarify certain uses and to add concentrated animal feeding operation to the A - Agricultural and R - Single Family Districts; To correct a scrivener error in Article 4, Division 3 - Business District; To remove secondary approval time limits on Planned Unit Developments in Article 6, Division 1 – Planned Unit Developments; To restrict the location of adult businesses in Article 9, Division 2 - Adult Business Use; To add subdivision control ordinance to duties in Article 10, Division 1; and To add and revise definitions in Article 12 – Definitions – APC #2521-09 D. A proposed ordinance amending and supplementing Title 26, Zoning, of the St. Joseph County Code, as amended: to add a new Division 4 within Article 9 – Special Regulations, regulating the installation and use of wind energy conversion systems; amending various Articles to include the placement of wind energy conversion systems in all zoning districts; to add related definitions to Article 12 – Definitions - APC #2522-09 ITEMS NOT REQUIRING A PUBLIC HEARING 1. MISCELLANEOUS: A. A Resolution of the Area Plan Commission of St. Joseph County, Indiana, approving Written Commitments for the property located at 3454 Douglas Road, City of South Bend – APC #2487-08 B. A Resolution of the Area Plan Commission of St. Joseph County, Indiana, approving Written Commitments for the property located at the southeasterly corner of Ivy Court and Twyckenham Drive, City of South Bend – APC #2494-08 C. A Resolution of the Area Plan Commission of St. Joseph County, Indiana, establishing filing fees for subdivisions, rezoning petitions, final site plans and other review items in the City of South Bend, participating Towns, and the unincorporated areas of St. Joseph County, Indiana to defray the cost of processing these items – APC #R199-09 D. A Resolution of the St. Joseph County Area Plan Commission approving a Resolution of the South Bend Redevelopment Commission amending the development plan for the South Bend Central Development area and adding one or more parcels to the list of parcels to be acquired – APC #R200-09 E. A Resolution of the St. Joseph County Area Plan Commission approving a Resolution of the South Bend Redevelopment Commission amending the development plan for the Airport Economic Development area and adding one or more parcels to the list of parcels to be acquired – APC #R201-09 2. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT: 3. MINUTES AND EXPENDITURES: 4. ADJOURNMENT: Staff Report APC # Owner: Location: Jurisdiction: 2519-09 Patricia A. McAllister, Trustee, Madgel C. McAllister Trust the northeast corner of Walnut Road and Chicago South Shore and South Bend Railroad St. Joseph County Requested Action: The petitioner is requesting a zone change from A Agricultural District to L Light Industrial District to allow grain processing facility. Land Uses and Zoning: On site: On site is a vacant field. North: To the north are single family homes zoned A Agricultural District. East: To the east is a cultivated field zoned A Agricultural District. South: To the south is a grain storage facility zoned A Agricultural District and two sets of railroad tracks (not zoned). West: To the west is a cultivated field zoned LI Light Industrial District in the Town of New Carlisle. District uses and development standards: The L: Light Industrial District is established to provide for development of office/warehouse, warehouse/distribution, wholesale, assembly and manufacturing or processing facilities which are clean, quiet, free of hazardous or objectionable elements such as noise, odor, dust, smoke, or glare. Permitted uses in this district tend to generate heavy traffic, require extensive community facilities, and may require limited amounts of outdoor storage. The L: Light Industrial District is also intended to function as a transitional district between the more intense general industrial districts and other less intense districts. Site plan description: The total area is 30.82 acres. Buildings for grain storage (102,400), fertilizer storage (6,328), an office (2,600) and storage/maintenance (5,020) combine for a total of 116,368 square feet or 9% of the site. Twelve parking spaces are located near the office building. Parking and drives cover 220,846 square feet or 17% of the site. The remaining 74% of the site is open space. The entrance to this site is approximately 400 feet south of U.S. 20. Zoning and land use history & trends: Earlier this year, the Area Plan Commission initiated a rezoning to correct the zoning on the west side of Walnut Road, between the railroad tracks, to M Manufacturing Industrial District. Traffic and transportation considerations: Walnut Road is a two lane road. There are two railroad crossings to the south of this site. Utilities: This site will be served by an on-site well and septic system. Patricia A. McAllister, Trustee, Madgel C. McAllister Trust #2519-09 Page 1 of 1 5 Criteria (per IC 36-7-4-603): 1. Comprehensive Plan: Policy Plan: Comprehensive Plan for Suth Bend and St. Joseph County, Indiana, April 2002 Goal 2: Encourage the economic development of the County and its municipalities. Objective A: Ensure that suitable areas are available for future industrial development. Policy vi: No fewer than three areas in the County will be reserved for new and/or expanding light industrial uses. Land Use Plan: The Future Land Use Plan shows this area as Industrial Growth Area. 2. Current conditions and character: The site is vacant, and not currently being farmed. There are two high voltage lines crossing the property. A grain storage facility is currently operating directly to the south, and fertilizer production to the southwest across Walnut Road. 3. Most desirable use: The most desirable use is industrial. The area is identified as a an Industrial Growth Area on the Future Land Use Map. 4. Conservation of property values: The surrounding property values may be affected. 5. Responsible development and growth: It is responsible development and growth follows the goals of the Future Land Use Plan. Recommendation: Based on information available prior to the public hearing, the staff recommends that the petition be sent to the County Council with a favorable recommendation. Analysis: The proposed facility is adjacent to an industrial area, with a grain storage and a fertilizer preparation facility nearby. The larger area has been identified in the Future Land Use Plan as an area set aside for industrial growth. Patricia A. McAllister, Trustee, Madgel C. McAllister Trust #2519-09 Page 2 of 2 Staff Report APC # Owner: Location: Jurisdiction: 2520-09 Tiberius & Sorin Mihalache 1351 and 1355 Pyle Avenue and the adjacent vacant lot lying to the north City of South Bend Requested Action: The petitioner is requesting a zone change from SF1 Single Family and Two Family District to O Office District to allow for the construction of an office building Land Uses and Zoning: On site: On site is one vacant lot on the north end, and two single family homes on the south end, zoned SF1 Single Family and Two Family District North: To the north is a United States Post Office, and an office building zoned CB Community Business District. East: To the east are single family homes zoned SF1 Single Family and Two Family District. South: To the south are single family homes zoned SF1 Single Family and Two Family District West: To the west is a vacant lot and a gas station zoned CB Community Business District. District uses and development standards: The "O" Office District is established to promote the development of: general office uses and complexes; professional health care uses and complexes; limited public and semi-public uses; and, other uses which are generally compatible in physical appearance and service requirements to office uses. The potential for the development of multifamily dwellings is also provided. Site plan description: The site is approximately 0.76 acres. 31 parking spaces have been proposed on the northern portion of the lot. Parking and drives consist of 40.5% of the site. A 6,336 square foot building is proposed for the site, which accounts for 19.2% of the site. The remaining 40.3% of the site is open space. Zoning and land use history & trends: In 1994, a portion of the subject property (Lot A) located on the southwest corner of Edison Rd. and Pyle Ave., was rezoned from Residential to Office. The subject property reverted back to Residential due to lack of development. In 2005 the subject property was petitioned to be rezoned from SF1 Single Family & Two Family District to MU Mixed Use District. This petition was denied by the City Council. Traffic and transportation considerations: Edison Rd. has four lanes. Pyle Ave. has two lanes. Utilities: City water and sewer is available. Additional information: (Agency comments) City Engineer: Change entrance to Edison Road. Drainage approval is needed. Tiberius & Sorin Mihalache #2520-09 Page 1 of 1 1. Comprehensive Plan: Policy Plan: Objective LU 2: Encourage a compatible mix of land uses in the community. Policy LU 2.4: Provide buffer spaces between non-compatible land uses. Objective H2: Maintain South Bend's housing stock in good condition. Policy H 2.5 Pursue alternatives to the demolition of structurally sound housing. This petition is not consistent with the City of South Bend Comprehensive Plan (City Plan). The petition involves the demolition of two seemingly structurally sound single family homes, and offers inadequate buffering. Land Use Plan: City of South Bend Comprehensive Plan, November 2006 Future Land Use Plan: The map shows this property as residential. The rezoning is not consistent with the Future Land Use Map. 2. Current conditions and character: The petitioned property is located at the northern and western edge of a single family residential neighborhood. The area centered around the intersection of Ironwood Rd. and Edison Rd. consists of commercial and office uses. Commercial and office uses continue east from Ironwood to the western border of the petitioned property as well as to the north of Edison Rd from the petitioned property. 3. Most desirable use: The most desirable use for this property is maintain the existing single family homes with a possible small office use on the northern vacant lot. 4. Conservation of property values: The approval of this rezoning may have a negative impact on surrounding residential property values. 5. Responsible development and growth: It is responsible development and growth to allow sites to be appropriately redeveloped in keeping with the surrounding area, but at the same time preserving neighborhood stability while protecting entryways. Recommendation: Based on information available prior to the public hearing staff recommends that this petition be sent to the Common Council with an unfavorable recommendation. Analysis: The rezoning would intrude too deep into an established single family residential neighborhood. Office uses to this depth would adversely impact the residential uses on the east side of Pyle Avenue as well as the properties bordering this area to the south. The O Office district allows for higher intensity uses that are not compatible with the surrounding single family neighborhood. The impact on the neighborhood could also come from commercial traffic generated by this site traveling through the surrounding residential areas. Tiberius & Sorin Mihalache #2520-09 Page 2 of 2 Staff Report APC # Owner: Location: Jurisdiction: 2521-09 APC Initiated text amendment St. Joseph County Requested Action: The Area Plan Commission is initiating a text amendment to make various changes to the St. Joseph County Zoning Ordinance. Additional information: o The requirements and criteria for “Conditional Uses” was listed in two different sections in the Ordinance. Requirements and criteria have been combined into in one section. o A new subdivision ordinance was approved in June of 2008. References to the subdivision ordinance needed to be updated. o The Health Department passed an ordinance with regards to Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) and Confined Feeding Operations (CFO). These terms are defined in accordance with the Health Department’s ordinance. A CAFO is a Special Use in the R Single Family Residential District and a permitted use in the A Agricultural District. o The time limit for obtaining Secondary Approval on Planned Unit Developments was removed. Planned Unit Developments are large projects which can take a long time to complete, and since all phases must meet the requirements of the initial proposal, the Staff saw no need to continue to require a time limit. o Certain criteria that would determine major/minor change to an existing Planned Unit Development site plan were removed. More changes can now be made to site plans without having to go through the rezoning process again. o Religious use, school use, and park use were added to uses that an Adult Business must be 500 feet away from. o The definitions of “Dwelling Unit” and “Dwelling, Single Family” were changed to match the City of South Bend definitions. o The definition of “Conditional Use” specifically names the Board of Zoning Appeals as the approval body instead of the legislative body. o A number of scrivener errors were corrected. Recommendation: Based on information available prior to the public hearing, the Staff recommends that the petition be sent to the County Council with a favorable recommendation. Analysis: These changes are based on changes to other supporting documents are small changes that came do light by using the ordinance day to day. APC Initiated #2521-09 Page 1 of 1 Staff Report APC # Owner: Location: Jurisdiction: 2522-09 APC Initiated text amendment County Requested Action: The Area Plan Commission is requesting a text amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance to allow include the regulation of Small Wind Energy Conversion Systems and Wind Energy Facilities. Additional information: Over the past year, there has been considerable interest from property owners in St. Joseph County to install alternative sources of energy, such as wind turbines. There already have been a number of residential installations, all occurring in the agriculturally-zoned areas. This ordinance differentiates between a Small Wind Energy Conversion System (SWEC), and a Wind Energy Facility (WEF). A SWEC is allowed as an accessory use for the on-site consumption of the power that it generates. A WEF, commonly known as a wind farm, is allowed only as a special use in certain districts. This staff report concentrates on the SWECsized systems. The larger turbines found on wind farms will undergo a rigorous review through the Special Use process. Wind turbines are a significant investment, and their very presence can have a potential effect, both real and perceived, on adjacent properties. It should be noted that only a very small percentage of properties in the more built-up areas of the County will be able to take advantage of this technology. Although the technology of these appliances has improved, and will continue to improve, there are a number of issues related to SWECS: Noise – most turbines begin to operate around a wind speed of around 7 m.p.h. The noise levels of most turbines measure close to the ambient noise level, which is around 52 to 55 decibels. For comparison, a typical residential air conditioner is 60 decibels at a roughly 10 foot distance, at ground level. The ordinance requires that a wind turbine not exceed 60 decibels, measured at the closest property line. Safety – a wind turbine system is built for durability, and manufacturers and installers have a professional stake in assuring that these structures are safely installed. They are generally engineered to withstand wind velocities of 100+ miles per hour. Other structures, such as roofs, fences, signs and trees will begin to, or have already failed at or below 100 MPH. Some systems have brakes on the rotor which will activate at a preset maximum speed. The ordinance requires installation by an installer certified by the manufacturer; requires manufacturer’s specifications; statements certifying compliance with the rules and regulations of the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission; conforms to the national Electrical Code; and that the electric utility provider has been notified. APC Initiated #2522-09 Page 1 of 1 Aesthetics – The prop and turbine components of the SWEC have to be anywhere from 30 feet to 120’ up in the air in order to catch the most advantageous winds. The required height is highly dependent on the site location. Towers can be of monopole or lattice design. The impact of this type of structure on adjacent properties can be significant, especially in a typical subdivision. The ordinance requires a monopole design, with a maximum height of 60’. 80’ will be permitted on bigger sized lots. Bright colors and signs are prohibited, and the number of SWECs on a property are restricted. In addition, setback requirements, in conjunction with property location requirements, are a part of the ordinance. Recommendation: Based on information available prior to the public hearing, the Staff recommends approval. Analysis: The wind energy conversion ordinance establishes reasonable standards for the placement of wind turbines on individual properties, and provides property owners an opportunity to take advantage of an alternative energy source. WEFs can be approved only as a Special Use permit, after public hearings before the Area Board of Zoning Appeals and the County Council APC Initiated #2522-09 Page 2 of 2 RESOLUTION NO. 197-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE AREA PLAN COMMISSION OF ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, INDIANA, APPROVING WRITTEN COMMITMENTS FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3454 DOUGLAS ROAD, CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA APC # 2487-08 WHEREAS, Chapter 21, Section 09.02 (D) has established provisions for written commitments concerning the use and development of real property pursuant to Indiana Code 36-7-4-613 Seq.; and WHEREAS, the Common Council of The City of South Bend at its meeting on June 8, 2009 approved the Douglas Road Partner’s, Inc. petition to rezone to C Commercial District (2487-08) with the requirement of the following written commitments: 1. That there shall be no vehicular or pedestrian ingress or egress to or from the subject property, and both Elkins Street and McErlain Street; 2. That there shall be a cross access easement from the subject property to neighboring lots with Tax Key Numbers 24-2023-0548 and 24-2023-0548.01; 3. That no controlled uses are allowed on the southern 260 feet of the subject property; 4. That the only controlled uses that will be allowed on the rest of the site are: bar/tavern and billiard hall; 5. That an earthen mound be constructed and maintained near and along the southern boundary of the non-residential zoning area where no mound currently exists. However, if the existing mound is removed, a new earthen mound shall be constructed and shaped by September 1, 2009, as shown on Exhibit A. Access paths made of serviceable materials with sufficient strength shall be provided as shown on Exhibit A to allow the City of South Bend to perform maintenance and inspection with heavy equipment. Evergreen trees with a minimum height of 6 feet shall be planted in a staggered pattern, where achievable, on the new mound every 15 feet by November 15, 2009. Trees shall be replaced with new 6 foot high trees as needed. 6. That no structure, building or sign exceeding 24 feet in height shall be constructed or placed on the southern 150 feet of subject property. Lighting on the southern side of any structure within the southern one hundred and fifty feet (150’) of the subject property shall be cut-off type. Example attached showing cut-off type and mound as Exhibit B. All parking lot lighting will comply with dark skies recommendations and be constructed so as to not allow any direct rays of light to be seen from the lens in the lighting fixture or the bulb itself from any presently developed adjacent residential property on the south side of McErlain Street. Lighting on the western side of any structure adjacent to Elkins Street shall be of cut-off type shown on Exhibit B. WHEREAS, the Common Council of The City of South Bend approved said rezoning petition with a requirement that written commitments be approved by the St. Joseph County Area Plan Commission and recorded by the petitioner; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Area Plan Commission of St. Joseph County, Indiana that the written commitments for rezoning 2487-08 are in all respects approved, ratified, and confirmed. Passed by the Area Plan Commission of St. Joseph County, Indiana, this 21st day of July, 2009. __________________________ Karl King, President Area Plan Commission of St. Joseph County ATTEST: _______________________ John W. Byorni, Secretary RESOLUTION NO. 198-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE AREA PLAN COMMISSION OF ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, INDIANA, APPROVING WRITTEN COMMITMENTS FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF IVY COURT AND TWYCKENHAM DRIVE, CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA APC # 2494-08 WHEREAS, Chapter 21, Section 09.02 (D) has established provisions for written commitments concerning the use and development of real property pursuant to Indiana Code 36-7-4-613 Seq.; and WHEREAS, the Common Council of The City of South Bend at its meeting on February 2, 2009 approved the John and Leona Rappelli and Rosemary Mandrici petition to rezone to MU Mixed Use District (2494-08) with the requirement of the following written commitments: 1. Provide access easements to Jameson House on Tax Key Parcel No. 024-1008-066801. 2. Relocation of Dumpster so that it does not obstruct the view from the Jameson House Building on Tax Key Parcel No. 024-1008-066801. 3. No Controlled uses or liquor stores as defined in the City of South Bend Zoning Ordinance. WHEREAS, the Common Council of The City of South Bend approved said rezoning petition with a requirement that written commitments be approved by the St. Joseph County Area Plan Commission and recorded by the petitioner; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Area Plan Commission of St. Joseph County, Indiana that the written commitments for rezoning 24948 are in all respects approved, ratified, and confirmed. Passed by the Area Plan Commission of St. Joseph County, Indiana, this 21st day of July, 2009. __________________________ Karl King, President Area Plan Commission of St. Joseph County ATTEST: _______________________ John W. Byorni, Secretary RESOLUTION NO. 199-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE AREA PLAN COMMISSION OF ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, INDIANA, ESTABLISHING FILING FEES FOR SUBDIVISIONS, REZONING PETITIONS, FINAL SITE PLANS AND OTHER REVIEW ITEMS IN THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, PARTICIPATING TOWNS, AND THE UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, INDIANA TO DEFRAY THE COST OF PROCESSING THESE ITEMS WHEREAS, IC 36-7-4-704 and Chapter 2.20 of the St. Joseph County Code requires the Area Plan Commission to establish a schedule of fees to defray the cost of processing proposed subdivisions and rezoning petitions; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Area Plan Commission of St. Joseph County, Indiana that at the time of filing a Minor Subdivision, Major Subdivision, Subdivision Replat, Corrective Plat, Subdivision Rerecording, Request for Plat Vacation, Rezoning Petition, Planned Unit Development Petition, Final Site Plan Submittal, Request for Written Zoning Verification, and Filing of Written Commitments in the City of South Bend, participating Towns, and the unincorporated area of St. Joseph County, Indiana, each particular type of submission shall be accompanied by cash or checks payable to the Area Plan Commission of St. Joseph County in the amounts prescribed as follows: Petition Type SUBDIVISIONS Major Primary Major Secondary Minor Primary Minor Secondary Replat Primary Replat Secondary Re-recording Type 1 Corrective Type 2 Corrective Type 3 Corrective Plat Vacation REZONING Single Family Other than SF Planned Unit Development(PUD) 2009 2012 2014 $600 + $5/Lot $600 + $10/Lot $300 No Fee $200 No Fee $50 $50 $50 $75 $100 $600 + $10/Lot $600 + $15/Lot $350 No Fee $225 No Fee $60 $60 $60 $85 $125 $650 + $10/Lot $650 + $15/Lot $400 No Fee $250 No Fee $75 $75 $75 $100 $150 $150 + $25/ac $300 + $25/ac $500 + $25/ac $150 + $30/ac $300 + $30/ac $500 + $30/ac $175 + $30/ac $350 + $30/ac $600 + $30/ac SITE PLANS Final - Towns Final - County Prior 6/13/2005 PUD OTHER FEES Written Commitments Zoning Verification Letter $50 $100 $60 $125 $60 $125 $250 $275 $300 $50 $25 $60 $30 $75 $35 Passed by the Area Plan Commission of St. Joseph County, Indiana this _____ day of ____________, 2009. _________________________________ Karl G. King, President Area Plan Commission of St. Joseph County, Indiana ATTEST: ____________________ John W. Byorni Secretary RESOLUTION NO. 200-09 RESOLUTION OF THE ST. JOSEPH COUNTY AREA PLAN COMMISSION APPROVING A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH BEND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AMENDING THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE SOUTH BEND CENTRAL DEVELOPMENT AREA AND ADDING ONE OR MORE PARCELS TO THE LIST OF PARCELS TO BE ACQUIRED _____________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, the St. Joseph County Area Plan Commission (the “Plan Commission”), is the body charged with the duty of developing a general plan of development for the City of South Bend, Indiana (the “City”); and WHEREAS, the South Bend Redevelopment Commission (the “Commission”), is the governing body of the South Bend Department of Redevelopment (the “Department”): and WHEREAS, on July 14, 2009, the Commission approved and adopted its Resolution No. 2551 entitled “A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH BEND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AMENDING THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE SOUTH BEND CENTRAL DEVELOPMENT AREA AND ADDING ONE OR MORE PARCELS TO THE LIST OF PARCELS TO BE ACQUIRED” (the “Declaratory Resolution”); and WHEREAS, the Declaratory Resolution amends the acquisition list contained in the South Bend Central Development Area Development Plan (the “Plan”) for the South Bend Central Development Area (the “Area”), identifies parcels located within the Area as parcels necessary for the implementation of the Plan and adopts an amendment to the Plan (Exhibit A to Commission Resolution No. 2551) (the “Plan Amendment”); and WHEREAS, the Commission has submitted the Declaratory Resolution to the Plan Commission for approval pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code 36-7-14 (the “Act”); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions to the Act, the Plan Commission desires to issue its written order approving the Declaratory Resolution and the Plan, as amended by the Declaratory Resolution; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the St. Joseph County Area Plan Commission, as follows: 1. The Declaratory Resolution and Plan, as amended by the Declaratory Resolution, conform to the plan of development for the City. 2. The Declaratory Resolution and Plan Amendment are in all respects approved, ratified and confirmed. 3. This Resolution is hereby designated and constitutes the written order of the Area Plan Commission approving the Declaratory Resolution and the Plan, as amended by the Declaratory Resolution, pursuant to the requirements of Section 16 of the Act. 4. The Secretary of the Area Plan Commission is hereby directed to forward a copy of this Resolution together with the Declaratory Resolution to the South Bend City Common Council for its consideration. 5. The Secretary is hereby directed to file a copy of said Declaratory Resolution with the minutes of this meeting. ADOPTED, APPROVED AND ISSUED by the St. Joseph County Area Plan Commission this 21st day of July, 2009. ST. JOSEPH COUNTY AREA PLAN COMMISSION _______________________________________ President ATTEST: ______________________________ Secretary -2- RESOLUTION NO. 2551 A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH BEND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AMENDING THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE SOUTH BEND CENTRAL DEVELOPMENT AREA AND ADDING ONE OR MORE PARCELS TO THE LIST OF PARCELS TO BE ACQUIRED WHEREAS, the South Bend Redevelopment Commission ("Commission"), governing body of the City of South Bend Department of Redevelopment ("Department"), on May 10, 1985, adopted Resolution No. 737 declaring the South Bend Central Development Area ("Area") in the City of South Bend, Indiana ("City") to be a blighted area within the meaning of the Redevelopment of Cities and Towns Act of 1953, as amended, I.C. 36-7-14 ("Act"); and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 and the South Bend Central Development Area Development Plan ("Development Plan") adopted by Resolution No. 737 on May 10, 1985, were confirmed by Resolution No. 739 adopted on June 14, 1985; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was amended by Resolution No. 745, adopted on August 9, 1985 and confirmed by Resolution No. 750, adopted on September 30, 1985; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 751, adopted on November 8, 1985 and confirmed by Resolution No. 757, adopted December 20, 1985; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 795, adopted on February 27, 1987, and confirmed by Resolution No. 798, adopted on April 10, 1987; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 800, adopted on April 24, 1987, and confirmed by Resolution No. 803, adopted on June 26, 1987; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 834, adopted on March 11, 1988 and confirmed by Resolution No. 836, adopted on April 15, 1988, and said resolutions expanded the South Bend Central Development Area by adding Expansion Area No. 1; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 867, adopted on February 10, 1989, and confirmed by Resolution No. 874, adopted on March 24, 1989; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 881, adopted on July 28, 1989; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 893, adopted on October 27, 1989 and said Resolution No. 893 expanded the South Bend Central Development Area by adding Expansion Area No. 2 and Expansion Area No. 3; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 921 adopted on March 23, 1990; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Substitute Resolution No. 944 adopted on July 27, 1990; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 974 adopted on January 25, 1991; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 1019 adopted on October 11, 1991; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 1077 adopted on July 24, 1992; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 1205 adopted on January 4, 1994; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 1284 adopted on September 2, 1994; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 1547 adopted on November 21, 1997; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 1559 adopted on December 19, 1997; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 1562 adopted on February 24, 1998; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 1723 adopted on December 17, 1999; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 1737 adopted on February 18, 2000 and said Resolution No. 1737 expanded the South Bend Central Development Area by adding Expansion Area No. 4; WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 1758 adopted on July 7, 2000: and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 1783 adopted on August 4, 2000; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 1843 adopted 2 on September 7, 2001; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 1901 adopted on September 6, 2002; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 1922 adopted on December 6, 2002; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 1952 adopted on March 7, 2003; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 1973 adopted on June 6, 2003; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 2001 adopted on October 3, 2003; and said Resolution No. 2001 expanded the South Bend Central Development Area by adding Expansion Area No. 5; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 2014 adopted on November 17, 2003; and said Resolution No. 2014 expanded the South Bend Central Development Area by adding Expansion Area No. 6; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 2015 adopted on December 19, 2003; and said Resolution No. 2015 contracted the South Bend Central Development Area by removing Reduction Area No. 1; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 2105 adopted on November 5, 2004; and said Resolution No. 2105 expanded the South Bend Central Development Area by adding Expansion Area No. 7; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 2145 adopted on March 4, 2005; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 2185 adopted on October 7, 2005; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 2192 adopted on December 2, 2005; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 2328 adopted on May 18, 2007; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 2374 adopted on July 7, 2004; and 3 WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 2385 adopted on November 2, 2007; and said Resolution No. 2385 expanded the South Bend Central Development Area by adding Expansion Area No. 8; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 2425 adopted on January 18, 2008; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 2441 adopted on March 28, 2008; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 737 was further amended by Resolution No. 2467 adopted on July 18, 2008; and WHEREAS, the Development Plan includes a list of parcels of property to be acquired; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to modify the list of parcels of property to be acquired by adding additional parcels of property to the acquisition list; and WHEREAS, the Commission previously adopted the Development Plan and now desires to amend the Development Plan to provide for the acquisition of the parcels of property set forth in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, on June 5, 2009, the Commission authorized the Department to conduct surveys and investigations and to thoroughly study the South Bend Central Development Area within the City; WHEREAS, pursuant to the Act, the Department has conducted surveys and investigations and has thoroughly studied the South Bend Central Development Area and the Development Plan; and WHEREAS, upon such surveys, investigations and studies having been made, the Commission finds that the Plan Amendment cannot be achieved by regulatory processes or by the ordinary operations of private enterprise without resort to the powers allowed under the Act and that the public health and welfare will be benefited by the accomplishment of the Plan Amendment which shall include the acquisition of the properties identified in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the Plan Amendment conforms to other development and redevelopment plans for the City, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SOUTH BEND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND DEPARTMENT OF REDEVELOPMENT, AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Commission hereby determines that to accomplish the redevelopment of the 4 Area, it is necessary to acquire additional land within the Area, as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein. 2. The Commission hereby determines that the public health and welfare will be benefited by the accomplishment of the Plan Amendment. 3. The Commission hereby determines that the accomplishment of the Plan Amendment will be of public utility and benefit as measured by: a) the attraction or retention of permanent jobs; b) an increase in the property base; c) improved diversity of the economic base; d) other similar public benefits. 4. The Commission hereby determines that the estimated cost of acquisition and redevelopment of the property being added to the acquisition list is $3,000,000.00. 5. The Commission hereby determines that the Plan Amendment conforms to other development and redevelopment plans for the City. 6. The maps and plats of the South Bend Central Development Area, showing the boundaries, the location of the various parcels of property, streets, alleys and other features affecting the acquisition, clearance, replatting, replanning, rezoning or redevelopment of the Area, that are to be devoted to public ways, levees, sewerage, parks, playgrounds and other public purposes under the Plan, which maps and plats were previously adopted by the Commission, are hereby confirmed by the Commission. 7. The Secretary is hereby directed to file a certified copy of said Development Plan, as amended, with the minutes of this meeting. 8. The officers of the Commission are hereby directed to submit this Resolution, together with supporting data, to the Area Plan Commission and the South Bend City Common Council, as provided by Section 16 of the Act, for the approval of this Resolution and the Plan Amendment, and if approved by both bodies, the Resolution and the Plan Amendment shall be submitted to public hearing and remonstrance as provided by Section 17 and Section 17.5 of the Act and IC 5-3-1 and after all required filings have been made pursuant to Section 17(b) and (c) of the Act. 9. All orders or resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby rescinded, revoked and repealed in so far as such exist. 5 10. This Resolution does not affect any rights or liabilities accrued, penalties incurred, offenses committed or (except as otherwise provided herein) proceedings begun before the effective date of this Resolution. 11. All other findings, determinations and conclusions in Resolution No. 737, as amended, shall remain as stated therein. 12. The United States of America is hereby assured of full compliance by the South Bend Redevelopment Commission with regulations of the Department of Housing and Urban Development effectuating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. (Balance of page intentionally left blank) 6 ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the South Bend Redevelopment Commission held on July 14, 2009, at 1308 County-City Building, 227 West Jefferson Boulevard, South Bend, IN 46601. CITY OF SOUTH BEND, DEPARTMENT OF REDEVELOPMENT ______________________________ Signature ______________________________ Printed Name and Title South Bend Redevelopment Commission ATTEST: ______________________________ Signature ______________________________ Printed Name and Title South Bend Redevelopment Commission 7 EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION NO. 2551 AMENDMENT TO THE SOUTH BEND CENTRAL DEVELOPMENT AREA DEVELOPMENT PLAN Parcel # 18-3012-044003 18-3012-044002 18-3012-0435 18-3012-0445 18-3012-0452 18-3012-0447 18-3009-0305 18-3009-0306 18-3009-0307 18-3009-0311 18-3010-0336 18-3010-0337 18-3009-0308 18-3012-0412 18-3012-0424 18-3012-0425 18-3009-0304 Address 400 Blk Western (A) 400 Blk Western (A) 400 Blk Western (A) 400 Blk Western (A) 300 Blk Western (B) 300 Blk Western (B) 300 Blk Western (C) 300 Blk Western (C) 300 Blk Western (C) 300 Blk Western (D) 118 S William St 118 S William St 325-329 S Lafayette 501 Western 501 Western 501 Western 301 S Lafayette Common Name Gates Toyota Lot Gates Toyota Lot Gates Toyota Lot Gates Toyota Lot Gates Toyota Bldg Gates Toyota Bldg Gates Parking Lot Gates Parking Lot Gates Parking Lot Gates Display Lot The Manor The Manor Schillings Camera Store Fred's Transmission Fred's Transmission Fred's Transmission Nor Systems Computers 8 Owner GMS Realty Inc. GMS Realty Inc. GMS Realty Inc. GMS Realty Inc. GMS Realty Inc. GMS Realty Inc. GMS Realty Inc. GMS Realty Inc. GMS Realty Inc. GMS Realty Inc. Madison Center Inc. Madison Center Inc. Cari Shein Fred’s Shop’s LLC Fred’s Shop’s LLC Fred’s Shop’s LLC Shu Gong & Sun Wei RESOLUTION NO. 201-09 RESOLUTION OF THE ST. JOSEPH COUNTY AREA PLAN COMMISSION APPROVING A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH BEND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AMENDING THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE AIRPORT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AREA AND ADDING ONE OR MORE PARCELS TO THE LIST OF PARCELS TO BE ACQUIRED _____________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, the St. Joseph County Area Plan Commission (the “Plan Commission”), is the body charged with the duty of developing a general plan of development for the City of South Bend, Indiana (the “City”); and WHEREAS, the South Bend Redevelopment Commission (the “Commission”), is the governing body of the South Bend Department of Redevelopment (the “Department”): and WHEREAS, on July 14, 2009, the Commission approved and adopted its Resolution No. 2552 entitled “A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH BEND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AMENDING THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE AIRPORT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AREA AND ADDING ONE OR MORE PARCELS TO THE LIST OF PARCELS TO BE ACQUIRED” (the “Declaratory Resolution”); and WHEREAS, the Declaratory Resolution amends the acquisition list contained in the Airport Economic Development Area Development Plan (the “Plan”) for the Airport Economic Development Area (the “Area”), identifies parcels located within the Area as parcels necessary for the implementation of the Plan and adopts an amendment to the Plan (Exhibit A to Commission Resolution No. 2552) (the “Plan Amendment”); and WHEREAS, the Commission has submitted the Declaratory Resolution to the Plan Commission for approval pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code 36-7-14 (the “Act”); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions to the Act, the Plan Commission desires to issue its written order approving the Declaratory Resolution and the Plan, as amended by the Declaratory Resolution; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the St. Joseph County Area Plan Commission, as follows: 1. The Declaratory Resolution and Plan, as amended by the Declaratory Resolution, conform to the plan of development for the City. 2. The Declaratory Resolution and Plan Amendment are in all respects approved, ratified and confirmed. 3. This Resolution is hereby designated and constitutes the written order of the Area Plan Commission approving the Declaratory Resolution and the Plan, as amended by the Declaratory Resolution, pursuant to the requirements of Section 16 of the Act. 4. The Secretary of the Area Plan Commission is hereby directed to forward a copy of this Resolution together with the Declaratory Resolution to the South Bend City Common Council for its consideration. 5. The Secretary is hereby directed to file a copy of said Declaratory Resolution with the minutes of this meeting. ADOPTED, APPROVED AND ISSUED by the St. Joseph County Area Plan Commission this 21st day of July, 2009. ST. JOSEPH COUNTY AREA PLAN COMMISSION _______________________________________ President ATTEST: ______________________________ Secretary -2- RESOLUTION NO. 2552 A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH BEND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AMENDING THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE AIRPORT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AREA AND ADDING ONE OR MORE PARCELS TO THE LIST OF PARCELS TO BE ACQUIRED WHEREAS, the South Bend Redevelopment Commission ("Commission"), governing body of the City of South Bend Department of Redevelopment ("Department"), on February 23, 1990, adopted Resolution No. 919 declaring the Airport Economic Development Area ("Area") in the City of South Bend, Indiana ("City") to be an economic development area within the meaning of the Redevelopment of Cities and Towns Act of 1953, as amended, I.C. § 36–7–14 (the "Act"); and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 and the Airport Economic Development Area Economic Development Plan (the "Development Plan") adopted by Resolution No. 919 on February 23, 1990 were confirmed by Resolution No. 938 adopted on June 27, 1990; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was amended by Resolution No. 965, adopted on November 9, 1990 and confirmed by Resolution No. 971 adopted on January 2, 1991 and said resolutions expanded the Airport Economic Development Area by adding Expansion Area No. 1 and Expansion Area No. 2; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by Resolution No. 1058, adopted on May 22, 1992 and said resolution expanded the Airport Economic Development Area by adding Expansion Area No. 3; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by Resolution No. 1238, adopted on April 15, 1994; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by Resolution No. 1349, adopted on July, 7, 1995 and said resolution expanded the Airport Economic Development Area by adding Expansion Area No. 4; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by Resolution No. 1516 adopted on July 18, 1997; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by Resolution No. 1545, adopted on November 21, 1997 and said resolution expanded the Airport Economic Development Area by adding Expansion Area No. 5; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by Resolution No. 1667, adopted on February 19, 1999 and said resolution expanded the Airport Economic Development Area by adding Expansion Areas No. 6, 7, and 8; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by Resolution No. 1670, adopted on March 5, 1999; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by Resolution No. 1796, adopted on October 20, 2000 and said resolution expanded the Airport Economic Development area by adding Expansion Areas No. 9 and 10; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by Resolution No. 1798, adopted on October 20, 2000; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by Resolution No. 1827, adopted on February 16, 2001 and said resolution expanded the Airport Economic Development Area by adding Expansion Area No. 11; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by Resolution No. 1916, adopted on November 1, 2002 and said resolution expanded the Airport Economic Development Area by adding Expansion Areas No. 12, 13, 14 and 15; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by Resolution No. 1958, adopted on March 7, 2003; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by Resolution No. 1977, adopted on July 18, 2003 and said resolution expanded the Airport Economic Development Area by adding Expansion Area No. 16; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by Resolution No. 2006, adopted on November 7, 2003 and said resolution expanded the Airport Economic Development area by adding Expansion Area No. 17; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by Resolution No. 2019, adopted on December 19, 2003 and said resolution expanded the Airport Economic Development area by adding Expansion Area No. 18; WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by Resolution No. 2064, adopted on July 2, 2004; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by Resolution No. 2090, adopted on October 22, 2004 and said resolution expanded the Airport Economic Development Area by adding Expansion Area No. 19; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by Resolution No. 2091, adopted on October 22, 2004; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by Resolution No. 2106, adopted on November 5, 2004; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by Resolution No. 2144, adopted on March 4, 2005 and said resolution expanded the Airport Economic Development Area by adding 2 Expansion Area No. 20; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by Resolution No. 2245, adopted on July 21, 2006; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by Resolution No. 2254, adopted on August 25, 2006 and said resolution expanded the Airport Economic Development Area by adding Expansion Area No. 21; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by Resolution No. 2279, adopted on December 15, 2006 and said resolution expanded the Airport Economic Development Area by adding Expansion Area No. 22; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by the Resolution No. 2348 and Resolution No. 2351, adopted on June 19, 2007 and July 20, 2007 respectively and said resolution expanded the Airport Economic Development Area by adding Expansion Area No. 23 and consolidating the Sample Ewing Development Area (the “Consolidated Area No. 1”) into the Airport Economic Development Area; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by Resolution No. 2352, adopted on July 20, 2007; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by Resolution No. 2375, adopted on September 7, 2007; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by Resolution No. 2382, adopted on October 19, 2007; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 919 was further amended by Resolution No. 2450, adopted on May 16, 2008; and WHEREAS, the Development Plan includes a list of parcels of property to be acquired; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to modify the list of parcels of property to be acquired by adding additional parcels of property to the acquisition list; and WHEREAS, the Commission previously adopted the Development Plan and now desires to amend the Development Plan to provide for the acquisition of the parcels of property set forth in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, on June 5, 2009, the Commission authorized the Department to conduct surveys and investigations and to thoroughly study the Airport Economic Development Area within the City; WHEREAS, pursuant to the Act, the Department has conducted surveys and investigations 3 and has thoroughly studied the Airport Economic Development Area and the Development Plan; and WHEREAS, upon such surveys, investigations and studies having been made, the Commission finds that the Plan Amendment cannot be achieved by regulatory processes or by the ordinary operations of private enterprise without resort to the powers allowed under the Act and that the public health and welfare will be benefited by the accomplishment of the Plan Amendment which shall include the acquisition of the properties identified in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the Plan Amendment conforms to other development and redevelopment plans for the City, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SOUTH BEND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND DEPARTMENT OF REDEVELOPMENT, AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Commission hereby determines that to accomplish the redevelopment of the Area, it is necessary to acquire additional land within the Area, as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein. 2. The Commission hereby determines that the public health and welfare will be benefited by the accomplishment of the Plan Amendment. 3. The Commission hereby determines that the accomplishment of the Plan Amendment will be of public utility and benefit as measured by: a) the attraction or retention of permanent jobs; b) an increase in the property base; c) improved diversity of the economic base; d) other similar public benefits. 4. The Commission hereby determines that the estimated cost of acquisition and redevelopment of the property being added to the acquisition list is $2,996,000.00. 5. The Commission hereby determines that the Plan Amendment conforms to other development and redevelopment plans for the City. 6. The maps and plats of the Airport Economic Development Area, showing the boundaries, the location of the various parcels of property, streets, alleys and other features affecting the acquisition, clearance, replatting, replanning, rezoning or redevelopment of the Area, that are to be devoted to public ways, levees, sewerage, parks, playgrounds and other public purposes under the Plan, which maps and plats were previously adopted by the Commission, are hereby confirmed by the Commission. 4 7. The Secretary is hereby directed to file a certified copy of said Development Plan, as amended, with the minutes of this meeting. 8. The officers of the Commission are hereby directed to submit this Resolution, together with supporting data, to the Area Plan Commission and the South Bend City Common Council, as provided by Section 16 of the Act, for the approval of this Resolution and the Plan Amendment, and if approved by both bodies, the Resolution and the Plan Amendment shall be submitted to public hearing and remonstrance as provided by Section 17 and Section 17.5 of the Act and IC 5-3-1 and after all required filings have been made pursuant to Section 17(b) and (c) of the Act. 9. All orders or resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby rescinded, revoked and repealed in so far as such exist. 10. This Resolution does not affect any rights or liabilities accrued, penalties incurred, offenses committed or (except as otherwise provided herein) proceedings begun before the effective date of this Resolution. 11. All other findings, determinations and conclusions in Resolution No. 737, as amended, shall remain as stated therein. 12. The United States of America is hereby assured of full compliance by the South Bend Redevelopment Commission with regulations of the Department of Housing and Urban Development effectuating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. (Balance of page intentionally left blank) 5 ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the South Bend Redevelopment Commission held on July 14, 2009, at 1308 County-City Building, 227 West Jefferson Boulevard, South Bend, IN 46601. CITY OF SOUTH BEND, DEPARTMENT OF REDEVELOPMENT ______________________________ Signature ______________________________ Printed Name and Title South Bend Redevelopment Commission ATTEST: ______________________________ Signature ______________________________ Printed Name and Title South Bend Redevelopment Commission 6 EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION NO. 2552 AMENDMENT TO THE AIRPORT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AREA DEVELOPMENT PLAN Address 412 E Sample Street 313 E Ohio Street Property Owners Tax Key # Description Habitat for Humanity 18-7008-0300 Business New Hope Missionary Baptist Church Church Residential 1500 S Taylor Street Arnold & Sally Dorey 18-7008-0301 18-7008-030301 18-7008-0302 18-7008-0303 18-7008-0304 18-7008-0305 18-7008-0306 18-7008-0307 18-7008-0308 18-7008-0309 18-7008-0310 18-7008-0311 18-7001-0007 18-7001-0039 18-7001-000301 18-7008-0279 18-8001-0003 18-8001-0004 18-8001-0005 18-8001-0006 18-8001-0007 18-8001-0008 18-8027-1082 1508 S Taylor Street J & W Properties LLC 18-8027-1083 Residential 1510 S Taylor Street Bill Wooley 18-8027-1084 Residential 1520 S Taylor Street Calvin Peterson Sr. 18-8027-1090 Residential 531 W Indiana Ave John & Jeanette Lymburner 18-8027-1091 Residential 527-529 W Indiana Ave 18-8027-1092 Residential 525 W Indiana Ave Robert Williams & Sharon Pehling Jean Winterrowd Residential 521 W Indiana Ave Willard & Geneva Parchman 18-8027-1093 18-8027-109301 18-8027-1094 509 W Indiana Ave Geraldine White 18-8027-1096 Residential 505 W Indiana Ave Francis Gay 18-8027-1097 Residential 411 W Indiana Ave Engel Ventures LLC 18-8027-1100 18-8027-1101 18-8027-1108 Industrial 222 E Sample Street Philip Magaldi 230 E Sample Street Rick Singleton 914 S Lafayette Blvd Air Gas Inc 7 Business Business Business Residential