September 15 - St. Helena`s Church
September 15 - St. Helena`s Church
1489 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania 19422 Phone: 610-275-7711 Fax: 610-275-7610 School Phone: 610-279-3345 PREP Phone: 610-279-3870 Web Site: Email: [email protected] The Forgiving Father Parish Mission Statement One Family United as members of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, we are committed, as ONE FAMILY, to be messengers of God’s love and presence in the world, and to welcome and invite others to become part of this family and this mission. One Heart Called by our Baptism to a life of service in the Lord, we are committed, with ONE HEART, to live in charity, practice the works of mercy, and work for peace and justice. One Faith Strengthened by God’s Word and nourished by His Sacraments, we are committed, in ONE FAITH, to promote lives of learning, living, and proclaiming the Gospel message, as we continue to grow in the knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of all that embodies these awe-inspiring truths. By the grace of God, may we be what we proclaim! SEPTEMBER 15, 2013 THE TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PARISH STAFF Parish Priest: Rev. Msgr. Joseph J. Nicolo Parochial Vicar: Rev. George J. Szparagowski Weekend Ministry: Rev. Joseph Eddy, O. de M. Parish Deacon: Deacon A. Kenneth Belanger Deacon: Deacon Donald Kretsch Parish Secretaries: Ms. Gina Malony & Ms. Tracy Wilton School Principal: Sr. Cathe Shoulberg, RSM School Secretary: Mrs. Phyllis Cissone Director of Religious Education: Mrs. Madeleine Fitzgerald Business Manager: Mr. Nicholas Semchuk Director of Music: Mrs. Cheryl Platco Director of Youth/Young Adults/Adults: Mr. Kurt Zampier CHAPEL HOURS: The St. Theresa Chapel is open Monday through Friday from 6:15 AM to 9:00 PM; Saturday from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM; and Sunday from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM. All are welcome to spend time with our Lord during these hours. M ASS SCHEDULE: Saturday Vigil: Sunday: M ARRIAGE: Arrangements must be made with a priest at least six months prior to your desired wedding date. The Archdiocese requires that all couples attend Pre-Cana class. St. Helena offers a Pre-Cana Day which fulfills the Archdiocesan requirements. The topics for the day will consist of Communications, Life Adjustments, Sexuality, and Spirituality. You’ll begin the day at 9AM with coffee and donuts, enjoy a catered lunch, and end the day with 5:00 PM Mass and a special blessing. Please contact Rob & Lena Gelenberg at [email protected] or 610-2928359 for class information and registration. Our next PreCana class is scheduled for October 12, 2013. BAPTISM: Baptisms are celebrated the second Sunday of each month after the 11:00 AM Mass. Please stop by the Parish Office for information on scheduling Baptism for your child. Pre-Jordan classes are required for parents and optional for godparents and are usually offered the first Monday of the month at 7:30 PM in the Education Center. Call to register for class. Letters of eligibility are due at the Parish Office before a date can be confirmed for Baptism. 5:00 PM 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, & 11:00 AM Weekdays: Mon. through Sat. 9:00 AM St. Theresa Chapel Holy Day Vigil: Holy Day: 7:00 PM 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, & 12:15 PM DEVOTIONS: St. Theresa Chapel Following daily Mass Adoration: Mon. through Fri. Concluding at 7:30 PM Most Holy Rosary: Mon. through Sat. 8:25 AM Divine Mercy Chaplet: Mon. 3:00 PM St. Peregrine Novena: Mon. Following daily Mass Religious Vocations: Tues. Following daily Mass Family & Parish: Wed. Following daily Mass Most Precious Blood: Thurs. Following daily Mass Sacred Heart of Jesus: Fri. Following daily Mass St. Theresa : Sat. Following daily Mass ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Arrangements can be made by calling the Parish Office. RECONCILIATION/CONFESSION: Saturdays 4:00-4:30 PM or any time upon request. Call the Parish Office for an appointment. PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday through Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Closed for lunch 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM) Pray for Our Military Pray For Our Sick Please pray for these and all our Military personnel: Tony Mitchell, Kevin O’Brien, CPO Richard Lindberg, Lt. Daniel Neverosky, Pvt. Mathew Loggins, Sgt. Ross Gallagher, Lt Bert Geis, Capt Rimas Radzius, Maj Michael Magee, Lt. Col. Michael Dehner, Maj. James M. Asman, Sgt. David Gentner, Sgt. David Carlson, PO3 Elizabeth K. Fenerty, Capt. Kevin P. Maguire, Jr., 1st Lt. Steven J. Zahuranec, Jr.; 1st Lt. Gregory Gehring, Maj. Pamela DiPatrizo, Capt Karl Van Haute, Lt Christopher Jones, Cpl Angelo Pastella, Tony Winston, US Navy SAR Cadet; Timothy Kopp, 1st Lt Andrew B. Gray, Maj Nathan Edwards, Lt Brian C Asman, 2nd Lt. Timothy E. Fallon-Marines, 1st Lt. Chris Giamo, SSgt. Joshua S Wartchow, Capt. David Collins and Joseph C. Pawkl. In your prayers, please keep in mind our sick, homebound, and those in healthcare facilities including: Patricia Vozzo, Gasper Scardino, Brody Moran, Teresa Stong, Arline Marinari, Patrick Banicki, Gloria Wesley, Michael Forchetti, Mary Eddy, Gloria Forchetti, Lee Pergiel, Sr. Rosemary Collins, SSJ., Betsy Mace, Phyllis D’Amico, Earl T Mignogna, Michael Ciaccio, Sr., Bonnie Wykstra, Rocco DiGuglielmo, Esteban Villalba, Bernadine Marusak, Baby Anthony, Rose Decio, Katie Trammell, Larry Baruffi, Rose DiIorio, Tony Pulosa Alex Piermani, Joe Baum, Nghia Le, Sheila Shoulberg, Agnes Ferrara, Jack Vigilante, Catherine Quinn, Vincent Polo, Robert Yarsinski, Helene Pileggi, James Beyer, Alberta McCool, Raymond Uccelletti, Jr., Baby Ava, Michael McGrail, Sr., LaVal Bowman, Vince Thompson, Kathleen DePietro, Kristen Scipione and her unborn child, Josephine Purcell, Julie McNeil, Landon Vargas, Joanne Chinoy, Gary Parks, Edward J. Mitchell, Sr., Esther Tofini, Nancy Venezia, Bruce Achuff, Donna Lodice, Jeanne Hiesler, Deloris Ecock, Antonia Iannucci, Steve Hedrick, Bob Collins, Patrick Sweeney, Carol Pishock, Elizabeth Armbruster, Veronica O’Donnell, Patricia Thomas Moore, Vince Gayeski, Rita Mesthos, Sue Eason, the Eveland family, and John Evans, III. “Lord, hold our troops in Your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen." Pray For Our Deceased Please also remember in your prayers our beloved deceased including: Domenic N. Acciarito, Sr Marie Fidelis, SCC; Julia Eveland, Sr Theresa Gormley, RSM, Susan Martin, Family, Friends, and Casualties of War. May God, through the intercession of St Helena, bless them. Amen 2 SEPTEMBER 15, 2013 THE TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NIC NOTES Mass Dear Parishioners, The academic year for St. Helen School as well as St. Helena PREP has begun. Both of these ministries are extremely important to our Parish. The religious formation of our children is one of the hallmarks of what parishes should be doing. To form children in the Gospel, is primarily the responsibility of parents. As a parish, we do all that we can to assist parents in their duties as a Christian mother and father. We sincerely request parents, and in fact, remind them of their duty to bring their children to Mass regularly. Church attendance, even for the very young, is extremely important. They need to be socialized properly in Church. We realize that little children’s attention spans are short; therefore, we recommend the use of children's prayer books, rosaries, or other religious material. At times, it could be challenging for parents to bring their children to the church; but, as we read in the Sacred Scriptures, Jesus said to bring the little children to Me. He did not say send them to Me; He said bring them to Me. A parent’s good example speaks volumes to children. It is not saying, “Do as I tell you; but do as I do.” The Holy Mass is the foundation upon which everything else is built. Let all of us in the parish be an example to all our children of the importance of Holy Mass. This past Wednesday, the Knights of Columbus sponsored the Blue Mass. It was a golden opportunity for all of us in St. Helena Parish to show our appreciation to the Police, Fire, and Rescue personnel. It was also a time to pray for an end to terrorism in our land and every land. Immediately following the Mass, there was a reception in the Empress Room for all of our guests. It was a pleasure and honor for us as a parish to be able to do this for these brave men and women. May God continue to bless them for all that they do for us. Intentions MON., Sep 16 Ss. Cornelius and Cyprian 9:00 AM Marlin & Brad Souders Req. by the Souders family TUE., Sep 17 St. Robert Bellarmine 9:00 AM James A Zelinskie Req. by Tracy Wilton WED., Sep 18 9:00 AM Helen Thomas Carango Req. by Barbara & Dennis THU., Sep 19 St. Januarius 9:00 AM Gene & Santina Berti Req. by Gene & Theresa Berti FRI., Sep 20 Ss. Andrew Kim Tae-gon, Paul Chong Ha-sang, and Companions 9:00 AM In Celebration of Ginny & Tom Lynch Req. by the Davey & Matthew families SAT., Sep 21 St. Matthew 9:00 AM For all living and deceased members of the St. Theresa Guild. Msgr. Nicolo celebrates Mass every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation for the People of Saint Helena Parish. Stewardship is a Way of Life ONE FAMILY, ONE HEART, ONE FAITH Total Contributions Week of September 8 Prior Year Contributions: Please remember to mark your calendars for our Forty Hours Devotions. They will begin on Sunday, October 6. On Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, there will be special devotions at 7 PM. Father Christopher Walsh will be the homilist at the evening services. Please make every effort to attend. Also remember that during those days, you are encouraged to make visits to the Most Blessed Sacrament in the Church. $ 25,724 $ 22,908 Thank you for tithing – 5% to God’s Church and 5% to God’s other good works, e.g., Archdiocesan Campaign, Diocesan Collections, Capital Campaign, Poor Box, Parochial School Tuition, Breast Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Leukemia Society, Aids, Habitat for Humanity, etc. “TITHING IS GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVING.” May God, through the intercession of Saint Helena, bless us. “How do we do it? How are we able to run a $3 million per year parish? - By God’s grace and your generosity. Thank you for tithing!” ~Msgr. Nicolo Love & Prayers, Msgr. Nicolo The 2014 MASS BOOK Is OPEN! “Prayer moves mountains. Tithing allows God’s Works to be done.” ~a Parishioner We have opened our 2014 Mass Book! You are welcome to come into the Parish Office during office hours to request Masses, Sanctuary Candles, and Bread & Wine Offerings for 2014. Please, no phone calls. Also available are Mass Cards for Healing and for your Special Intentions. “Your care, concern, and commitment to Saint Helena Parish are evident and greatly appreciated. Thank you all for your continuing generosity to our Parish Family.” May God bless you! Msgr. Nicolo 3 SEPTEMBER 15, 2013 THE TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME CATHE’S CORNER Another piece of literary genius from one of my Sisters, Sister Renee Yann. Renee is a gifted writer and always reminds me of what is really important in my living! Frames Yesterday I watched the March on Washington, just as I did fifty years ago. Yesterday, I was unable physically to walk with the thousands. And fifty years ago, I didn't understand my need to. I had just turned eighteen and had spent my entire life framed by a White, Irish-Catholic world. I knew Martin Luther King was a brave man and that he pushed before him a huge wave of critical change. But I didn't know that it was I who needed to change. I was led out of my ignorance by grace, the grace of hundreds of life stories who wove their songs into my silence over these fifty years. Their names flow across my heart like the Balm of Gilead about which they taught me to sing. I will tell you of just two such stories. Ruby was my hospice patient. A septuagenarian herself, she lived with her ninety-five year old invalid mother. Until her terminal illness, Ruby had been the caregiver. A visit to Ruby was a visit to Miss Eunice as well, each now confined to their separate bedrooms a hallway - and a world - apart. In Eunice's bedroom hung a large, beautiful picture - an old Black man in a straw hat, leaning on a broom handle. It was clear that an original photo had been enlarged and enhanced to frame the man in a soft halo of light. To make conversation, I asked about the picture. Eunice explained, "That's my great-granddaddy he lived in the ‘slavey’ days. You might not be able to understand what that picture means to me." I asked her to try to tell me. Over the next few hours, Miss Eunice brought her granddaddy out of his frame and allowed him to change me. The gift of her ensuing stories remains as one of the great treasures of my ministerial life. Joe Cherry, a former Pullman porter, gave me another treasure. Tested by blindness and terminal cancer, he was ever a man of deep faith, hope and love. He would ask me to pray with him and then so outdo me in his prayers that I told him he was in charge of the praying. He told me stories too, many full of joy; but some, too, about the frames he was not allowed to cross in his life because of his color. Late in his illness, his appetite was failing. But he loved Deitz and Watson hot dogs. So I arrived with some one afternoon and cooked us a feast in his simple kitchen. Looking at him across the table, I knew it was almost his last meal and tears washed silently over me. Cherry - as he liked to be called - said, "You 're crying, aren't you?" I said, "How do you know?" He answered, "My heart's not blind. But don't cry. We'll eat together - ALL of us someday - in the Kingdom." MADELEINE’S MESSAGE ST. HELENA RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM As members of Saint Helena Parish, our love extends to all persons. This love calls us to proclaim the Kingdom of God in a special way to the children and families that our program embraces. The Church clearly teaches that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the source and summit of all we do; thus, there is a strong emphasis on, and connection to, Sunday Mass in all our classes. Reverence for persons motivates us to create an environment which promotes the development of a community of faith. Inspired by this reverence and supported by faith, we work with others in search of what is true and meaningful for our PREP students, here, at Saint Helena. We wish to welcome back all our teachers and staff who give their time and talents for our PREP children. Welcome to all new students and returning students in grades one through eight! PREP CLASSES Tuesdays 6:30—8:00 PM FAMILY BINGO NIGHT Hosted by Saint Helena PREP will be Friday, October 25, 2013 at 6 PM. Again, anyone who wants to donate new games or toys for our prize baskets, please let me know. Remember to keep this date in mind because it comes around fast. Thank you and God bless our families. Have a great week! Madeleine Fitzgerald ATTENTION PARENTS OF PRIVATE CATHOLIC SCHOOL STUDENTS Sixth (6th) Grade Students attending private Catholic School need to call the Saint Helena School Office (610-279-3345) to register to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Spring. My hope is that this reflection brings into our perception the vital importance of our basic Gospel value, and a glimpse inside the frame of our future – All of us someday, together in the Reign of God! Have a wonderful week! With love, Sister Cathe 4 SEPTEMBER 15, 2013 THE TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME KEN’S CACHE The annual Lemonade Stand, in memory of Erin Moore, will be set up next weekend outside the church following all Masses. Children and volunteers will be accepting donations for the Erin Delia Moore Fund to help children with cancer and their families. The parishioners of the Saint Helena Church community have been very supportive since this annual fundraiser began in 2005. Thank you for your continued generosity in battling childhood cancer. Cash donations, as well as checks made out to “The Philadelphia Foundation” with Erin Delia Moore Fund noted on the memo line are most appreciated. Erin’s This week we’ll look at the characteristics of a Stephen Leader in the Stephen Ministries Program. Stephen Leaders are clergy and lay Christians trained at a weeklong Leader’s Training Course to implement Stephen Ministry on behalf of the parish and to recruit, select, train and supervise Stephen Ministers for the parish. Stephen Leaders carry out a variety of tasks to begin and maintain successful Stephen Ministry in the parish. In some parishes, every Stephen Leader helps do all the tasks. In others, some leadership tasks (such as teaching) may be shared by all Stephen Leaders, while others (such as coordinating referrals) are handled by one Stephen Leader. The Leader’s Training Course provides extensive training in each task that Stephen Leaders do. In all there are 6 tasks that Stephen Ministers are trained to do. They are: Planning Ministry. and administering the overall KURT’S WORD Stephen JMJ This week and next, teens from our High School Youth Group will be in the Narthex for a meet and greet as both weekends give us the opportunity to “talk up” our High School Youth Group program. Ask them about the summer events they participated in or the youth conference they attended. Learn about what we really do at our monthly meetings and why they enjoy being a part of this group. I’d challenge our Parish teens – who haven’t come to a meeting or avoided coming – to stop over and see for yourself what High School Youth Group is truly all about. We’ll be having our kickoff event next Sunday, Sept. 22nd at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish Meeting Room of the School Building. SAVE THAT DATE AND JOIN US FOR A WONDERFUL EVENING Plus, who can turn down free pretzels and water ice! Publicizing Stephen Ministry in the parish. Recruiting and Selecting Stephen Ministers Teaching Linking Stephen Ministers to Care Receivers. Coordinating Small Group Peer Supervision. Next week we will look at the qualities of and Effective Stephen Leader. God Bless You! Deacon Ken PARISH RAFFLE TIME! Our first drawing takes place today! Additional drawing dates are: Oct. 13 and 27. CASH Prizes will be awarded Oct. 27. You need not be present to win, but you do need to play to win. So far, this year’s prizes include: 4 Free Passes from the Ambler Theater Brunch for 2 from the Bay Pony Inn Golf Package for 4 from the Blue Bell Country Club Zumba Package and articles from Curves in East Norriton Gift Cards for Dinner/Fun from Facenda Whitaker Lanes Series of Flower Arrangements from Floral Sampler A Romance Package “Get-away” from Hansen Properties A Laptop Computer from Jen-Tech A Gift Certificate from Dr Mash at MJM Skin/Body Wellness Bagels/Cream Cheese from Manhattan Bagel Gift Cards from Menchie’s Yogurt Gift Certificates from Philly Pretzel in Plymouth Meeting Free Pizzas from Pizza Mia in Norriston A Gift Certificate for Roses from Plaza Flowers Gift Certificates from Simply Twisted Frozen Yogurt A Gift Certificate from Valley Green Flowers and Gifts and Gift Certificates from these additional area restaurants: Broad Axe Tavern, From the Boot, Mirna’s Café Pudge’s, Radice, San Marco, L’Angolo Blue Capt’n Chucky’s, Wawa and CASH PRIZES in the amount of $250, $500, and $2,000 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Children’s Liturgy of the Word is seeking volunteers for the 9 and 11 AM Masses. If you can donate one hour or so of your time per month, please contact Marie Kushnerick at 610-270-3035 or [email protected]. If you cannot give of your time, your prayers are greatly appreciated. LOW-GLUTEN HOSTS There is good news for Catholics with Celiac disease! It is possible for you to receive Holy Communion with a low-gluten host. Please call Msgr. Nicolo at 610-2757711 to arrange a time when he can review the procedure with you. 5 SEPTEMBER 15, 2013 Baptisms THE TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Welcome to the newest members of our parish family: Rory Mae-Marie Conneen, daughter of Kathleen Adams and Brian Conneen Jack William Cossman, son of Joanna Herzig and Christopher Cossman Joseph Francis Cossman, son of Joanna Herzig and Christopher Cossman Adam Joseph Fennell, son of Malgorzata Barganowska and James J Fennell Kayla Brielle Fenstermacher, son of Mary Kate Canniere and James Fenstermacher Christopher James Fraclose, son of Erin Duggan and Michael Fraclose Madison Andrea Greene, daughter of Laura Miller and Benjamin Greene Kacie Alexandra Katsock, daughter of Courtney Lombardo and Allan Katsock Congratulations and God Bless you all! RCIA—Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults RESUMES SCRIPTURE STUDY Our Scripture Study program will resume on Thursday evening, September 19th at 7:30 PM in the Parish Meeting Room. This fall’s subject is the continuation of the Gospel of Matthew. If our past experiences are a guide, our discussions around this book promise to be lively and spiritually rewarding. Scripture study can be extremely interesting and rewarding when approached from a group perspective. Coming to the class prepared to discuss the reading from the view of how it enhances our daily lives presents a chance to uncover God’s presence in remarkable ways. To join our group, please contact the Parish Office or Deacon Ken at [email protected] or (610) 2798042 to register. RCIA is a process of instruction, prayer, and faith sharing; a journey towards full communion with the Catholic Church. If you have considered becoming Catholic or learning about the Catholic faith in more detail, consider RCIA. The St. Helena RCIA process will resume classes on September 18th at 7:30 PM in the Parish Meeting Room in the Education Center. True to our heritage, this year’s group of candidates promises to bring questions, and stories and enthusiasm and enjoy the fruit of God’s Spirit in our inviting atmosphere. For information or to register, please call the Parish Office at 610-275-7711. SENIOR CLUB MUSIC NOTES: The Saint Helena Adult Choir , Handbell Choir, and Children’s Chime Choir are welcoming new members. The Adult Choir rehearses Monday evenings 7-9 PM in the church. The Handbell Choir rehearses Thursday evenings 7-9 PM in the church. The Children’s Chime Choir rehearses Thursday evenings 7-8 PM in the church. Cantor auditions are also available by appointment. Contact Cheryl Platco for more information (610 505 3038, [email protected]) St. Helena Senior Club is sponsoring a trip to Bethlehem on Dec. 12, 2013. A Christmas show with lunch will be held at the Musikfest Café. Afterward, there will be a 2-hour stop at the Christkindlmarkt (100 artisans, live holiday music, glassblowing, ice sculpting, shopping and more). For more information, call Mary McKenna at 610-275-0121 or see the bulletin on the board in the Information Room. Cost is $95. SAINT MARTHA CLEANERS HELP NEEDED! PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY The Prayer Shawl Ministry invites all who love to knit or crochet to offer their time and special talent by making blankets for our newly baptized babies and for the families of our sick and departed. Knitting/Crocheting can be done at home. Sizes can be gotten from Sr. Francis. The group meets Mondays at noon in the Parish Meeting Room. The first meeting is September 23rd. All who love to crochet and/or knit are welcome! All who would like to learn to knit or crochet are also welcome! We’ll see you on the 23rd! Due to illness, retirements, and relocation, we are in need of new members for our cleaning ministry: Light housekeeping ONE Friday/month 7—9 AM in the Chapel and Church If you are able to donate your time and efforts during this time frame, or if you would like more information, please contact Anne Burr at 610-279-3616. 6 SEPTEMBER 15, 2013 THE TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME We Remember Word of Life And we gratefully acknowledge the following families who so thoughtfully asked that donations in memory of their loved one be sent to St. Helena Church. We ask that you please keep them in your prayers: Dear brothers and sisters, let us look to God as the God of Life, let us look to his law, to the Gospel message, as the way to freedom and life. The Living God sets us free! Let us say “Yes” to love and not selfishness. Let us say “Yes” to life and not death. Let us say “Yes” to freedom and not enslavement to the many idols of our time. In a word, let us say “Yes” to the God who is love, life and freedom, and who never disappoints …; let us say “Yes” to the God who is the Living One and the Merciful One. James Adams, John Botto, Mary Ellen Brogan, Dr. Elwin S. Carlin, Audrey F. Crause, Harry DeFazio, Ann Kelly, Jennie Dinardo, Michael Frawley, Nicholas Grant, Ann Gerlach, Eugene P. Kenworthy Sr., Peter J. Kelly, Sr., Orville Johnson, John S. Maguire, Jane O’Doherty, Lucille Mazur, Grace Migliarese, George T. McCool, Jean P. McQuade, Dorothy Nicolo, Thomas Oakes, Joanna F. Roth, Matilda M. Schoppet, Mary Ellen Sullivan, Gertrude Usher, Virginia Valentine, Louise Vanelli, Jean Vereb, Mary C. & Raymond F. Uccelletti, Sr., Margaret Wright, Carmen Pagliaro, Dottie Monastra, William Curran, Shawn Henry, Jack Gambone, Gasper Butera, Helen Borkowski, Mary Ryan, Edward Garbacz, John Cantarini, Dave Landers, Joseph Nicolo, Sr., Ron Miles, Harold Rodgers, Marge Fitzpatrick, Mildred Dulin, Candida Barone, Stanley Lentz, Sr., Walter P. Piecyk, Henry Orzechowski, Gasper Sclafani, Rose Trombetta, Brad Souders, Peter Nicolo, Joseph Yaccarino, Irene Koziol, Frances Lavin, Anna Silvaggio, Vincent J. Petrone, Stanely Toscani, Rita Rego, Charles Halfpenny, Sr.,Gerard Geisel, Carol Piskai, Stephen Imms, Betty Haly, Ed Sciarra, Ralph Martino, Thomas Keane, Mary Russo, Marlin Souders, William Guerrini, William Schmitz, Jr., Andy Ortlieb, Nicola Rocco, Richard Duszak, Salvatore Giuffrida, Harry Neff, Sr., Ronald Lattanze, Katherine Roth, Maria Begley, Peggy Guerrini, Daniel Staffieri, Norma Leuallen, John Frawley, Rae Bordo, Veronica Graff, Thomas Yuengling, Francis Nolan, Thomas Swan, Dixie Katrina, Anna Marie Esposito, and Karen DeGennaro, Catherine Murphy, Rita Curran, Ann Yaccarino, Tom Gaasche, Catherine Swanick, Agnes Dougherty, Vera Lentz, Marg Agresti, James Frawley, Suzanne Bottinger, Jack Fitzpatrick, Antoinette Cannon, Harvey Kreitzer, Nancy Cavan, Theresa Tomczak, John Barry, Nicholas Machion, Daniel Begley, Joseph Monastra, Catherine Frawley, Rev. John T. Coates, Linda Taormina Kuhn, Dorena Colonnello, and Marian Curran. ~ Pope Francis, homily for “Evangelium Vitae Day,” June 16, 2013 SANCTUARY CANDLES The Sanctuary Candle in the Church burns this week in celebration of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Tom & Antoinette Perkinson at the request of Jim & Kathleen Fenerty. The Sanctuary Candle in the Chapel burns this week in celebration of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Tom & Antoinette Perkinson at the request of Jim & Kathleen Fenerty Next week begins the next 40 Days for Life prayer campaign. Did you know that Planned Parenthood performs “chemical abortions” at 1221 Powell St. in Norristown? ...that approximately 20 women come to Norristown seeking abortions every Thursday morning? Did you also know that your prayers can save these children? Your presence is needed! Your prayer just may save someone’s life! For more information on overcoming the fear of praying on the sidewalk, go to Visit the website for daily devotions and prayers. The following people made bequests in their will to Saint Helena Church. Please remember them in prayer as well. MEMORIALS Vivian Becker, Alice P. Devlin, Mary E. Flanagan, Hon. Robert W. Honeyman, Concetta Marchesani, Mary Ellen Sullivan, Laura E. Wisniewski, Estelle Noska, Elizabeth Ann Quillinan, Jean Stock, Lawrence Marinari, and Catherine Frawley. ALTAR FLOWERS: If you wish to place flowers in memory of a loved one or for a special occasion, please call Theresa Smith at 215-646-7636. BREAD AND WINE MEMORIAL: If you wish to participate in the ancient tradition of providing the Bread and Wine for our liturgies, please come to the Parish Office. An offering of $50 is requested. SANCTUARY CANDLES: If you wish to have a Sanctuary Candle burn in memory of a loved one, please come to the Parish Office. An offering of $20 is requested. ST. THERESA GUILD: If you wish to honor someone with a membership in the St. Theresa Guild where they will benefit from sharing perpetually in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, please come to the Parish Office. An offering of $25 is requested. Bequests Would you like to remember Saint Helena in your will? Ask your attorney to include such words as these in your will: “I give, devise, or bequeath to Saint Helena Church, 1489 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422 for its general purposes all (or state a fraction or percentage) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, whether real or personal.” OR “I give to Saint Helena Church, 1489 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422 ($ X.00 ) to be used for the general purposes of Saint Helena Parish.” 7 SEPTEMBER 15, 2013 THE TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Archdiocesan Year of Faith Pilgrimage PARISH CALENDAR OF EVENTS Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Washington, D.C. WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 15, 2013 SUN., Sep 15 -Sign up for High School Youth Group In the Narthex after all Masses -CYO 1 PM in the Social/Rec Center MON., Sep 16 -Legion of Mary 6 PM in the Library -Back to School Night 7 PM in the Education Center -Adult Choir 7 PM in the Church -RCIA Leader Meeting 7 PM in the Parish Meeting Room TUE., Sep 17 -PREP 6:30 PM in the Education Center -Men’s Fellowship Group 7 PM in the Parish Meeting Room -Young Adult Basketball 6:30 PM in the Social/Rec Center -Adult Basketball 7:30 PM in the Social/Rec Center WED., Sep 18 -4th Grade Girl Scouts 6:15 PM in the Cafeteria -CYO 7 PM in the Social/Rec Center -RCIA 7:30 PM in the Parish Meeting Room THU., Sep 19 -Brownie Troop 71219 6 PM in the Cafeteria -CYO 7 PM in the Social/Rec Center -Chimes/Bell Choir Practice 7 PM in the Church -School Volunteer Meeting 7 PM in the Library -Scripture Study 7:30 PM in the Faculty Room FRI., Sep 20 -Mommy & Me 9:15 AM in the Social/Rec Center -Picture Day at School -CYO 6 PM in the Social/Rec Center -Communion & Liberation 7:45 PM in the Parish Meeting Room SAT., Sep 21 -Sign up for High School Youth Group In the Narthex after all Masses -Erin’s Lemonade Stand in front of Church After all Masses -CYO 9 AM in the Social/Rec Center SUN., Sep 22 -Sign up for High School Youth Group In the Narthex after all Masses -High School Youth Night Welcome Night -Erin’s Lemonade Stand in front of Church After all Masses -CSC 3 PM in the Cafeteria Saturday, October 5, 2013 Bus Departs Corpus Christi Parking Lot - 7:15 AM Join laity and clergy from across the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, in this Year of Faith, as we travel as pilgrims to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. The day will begin at noon with a brief Penance Service and the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. A procession, crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and praying of the Rosary will follow. The pilgrimage will conclude with a 3:00 PM Solemn Mass with Archbishop Charles Chaput as celebrant and homilist. We will stop at Union Station in Washington, D.C. for dinner on our return home (at one’s own expense). Cost for this pilgrimage is $30.00 per person (children accompanied by an adult $15.00). Preregistration and pre-payment are required for this event. Payment is non-refundable but is transferrable to another person. Please register through mail (include name, phone, and e-mail); no phone or e-mail reservations will be accepted. Space is limited; please register early so as not to be disappointed! Mail to: Corpus Christi Parish c/o Angela McClellan 900 Sumneytown Pike, Lansdale, PA 19446 What is Spiritual Direction? Spiritual direction is a way to be companioned on our faith journeys as we seek to develop a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God. Through spiritual direction we become more attuned to God’s presence and activity in our daily lives. We learn to recognize God’s voice, to discern God’s desires for us and to appreciate goodness in ourselves and others. Spiritual direction helps us find ways to grow, to expand our images of God and to move from fear of God to a friendship with God. If you would like to find out more about Spiritual Direction, on September 30, 2013 several certified spiritual directors will be present to share their insights and to offer their experiences. This gathering will be in the Parish Meeting Room from 7:008:30 P.M. All are welcome. Please contact Carol Jensen at [email protected] to register or for more information. Have a blessed week! The beautiful Empress and Constantine Rooms in the lower level of Saint Helena Church are available for your function by contacting Joe Paravati at the info below. BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS Paravati Catering Please send your bulletin announcements to the Parish Office by the Thursday 10 days prior to publication. It should be emailed to [email protected] with the word “bulletin” and the date(s) for publication in the subject line. Joseph Paravati 610-666-8112 [email protected] 8 SEPTEMBER 15, 2013 THE TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - - LOOKING AHEAD - - LIFE-AFFIRMING CHOICES: End-of-Life Decision-Making Seminars Designed to Provide an Easy-to-Understand Catholic Guide to Medical Decision-Making TO MINISTRIES FOR THE WEEKEND OF SEPTEMBER 21 & 22 CELEBRANT 5:00 PM 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Thursdays from 7—8:30 PM in the Larkin Center at Visitation BVM, 196 Trooper Road, Norristown SEPTEMBER 19—Advanced Health Care Directives and DNR’s (Do Not Resuscitate Orders) This seminar answers the question: “How do I write a Living Will that will truly protect me and my end-of-life wishes?” It will give guidance as to how to construct a Living Will that will apply one’s wishes, values, and religious beliefs and avoid common pitfalls. Dates and titles of the remaining three seminars are: Msgr. Nicolo w/ Deacon Don Fr. Joseph w/ Deacon Ken Fr. Szparagowski Msgr. Nicolo E.M. OF HOLY COMMUNION 5:00 PM J & T Smith, M Rogge, R Ryan 7:30 AM M Gerstemeier, Sr. Francis 9:00 AM J Coyle, P Van Haute, J Waitkus, J O’Doherty, D DeBrakeleer 11:00 AM ** Sr. Cathe, A Schmalbach, N Harris, B Aquino, B & L Geiger, S Esbensen Oct. 3—Assisted Nutrition and Hydration ** Holy Communion offered under both Sacred Species Oct. 17—Pain Management/Hospice/Palliative Care LECTORS AND MUSIC 5:00 PM C Kain 7:30 AM J McCloskey 9:00 AM J Jones, D Schmidt 11:00 AM R & A Heleniak Nov. 7—Withholding and Withdrawing Treatment The presenter, Adam Dickerson, M.A. is Secretary to the Metropolitan Tribunal, Archdiocese of Philadelphia and Adjunct Professor of Theology at Immaculata University. For questions and/ or to register, please email [email protected] or contact Judy Tartaglia at 610-584-5291 or Kathy Sobocinski at 610-584-4291. More on each seminar as we go on. Organ/Cantor Organ/Cantor Ensemble Adult Choir ALTAR SERVERS 5:00 PM Leiby, Loftus, Saxon, Saxon 7:30 AM Maransky, Mack, Mincarelli 9:00 AM McGilliam, Michini, McKenna, Malloy 11:00 AM McManness, Meiers, Merone, McKenzie MOTHERS’ TWILIGHT RETREAT Pray for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life Retreat to your heart, replenish your spirit, and deepen the understanding of your vocation by participating in this evening of renewal for mothers that includes a catered buffet dinner and a spiritual conference with author and guest speaker, Danielle Bean. Opportunity will be provided for fellowship and conversation with other moms, quiet time before the Blessed Sacrament, and celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Pre-registration and prepayment are required for this event by Friday, November 22, 2013. Payment is non-refundable but is transferable to another person. Cost is $25.00. This event fills quickly so register early so as not to be disappointed. Mail in registration only; no phone or e-mail registrations will be accepted. Friday, December 6, 2013 6 PM to 9 PM Corpus Christi Parish Center and Church Mail payment with name, e-mail/phone number to: Corpus Christi Parish c/o Angela McClellan 900 Sumneytown Pike, Lansdale, PA 19446 Catholic Charities Night at Citizens Bank Park Tuesday evening, Sept. 17 is “Catholic Charities Night” at Citizens Bank Park, and a portion of the proceeds from this game will go directly to the great work of the Appeal. To purchase tickets to this game, please visit: Sincerely yours in Christ, + Charles J. Chaput, OFM Cap DISCERNMENT RETREAT Sisters of IHM Young women (18-35) are invited to join us for this retreat which focuses on the IHM Charism and the importance of listening to God's call and discovering the many ways that God speaks to us. Friday 6PM - Sunday 1PM, Sep 27-29, 2013 Villa Maria House of Studies Please contact Sister Rose Bernadette Mulligan at [email protected] or 610-889-1553. The retreat will provide an opportunity to listen to God's call, a time for personal and communal prayer, as well as an opportunity to interact with the Sisters in Formation. About Our Speaker Danielle Bean, wife and mother of eight, is publisher of Catholic Digest and Creative Catechist magazines. Her books include My Cup of Tea, Mom to Mom, Small Steps for Catholic Moms, and Momnipotent, an exciting new book and women's study published by Ascension Press (Fall 2013). Danielle also hosts a women's talk show, The Gist, on CatholicTV. Danielle has a special heart for mothers, particularly those who struggle. She encourages women of all ages and stages of life to find humor in daily challenges and the joy God intends for every one of us. It is in her primary vocation to marriage and motherhood that Danielle finds the inspiration for all her work. 9 SEPTEMBER 15, 2013 THE TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Please Join Us for Saint Helena’s Second Annual Fall Festival! Sunday, September 29 12pm - 4pm Fun for the Entire Family! Event sponsored by Saint Helena Home and School Association Location: Saint Helena Education Center,1499 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell In parking lot behind the Recreation Center and adjoining fields Rain date: Sunday, October 13, 12pm - 4pm Park in the lots in front of the Education Center and Church Please consider bringing a non-perishable food item that will be donated to the Patrician Society Volunteer and fulfill community service hours! We are in desperate need of clothing donations for our scarecrow contest. Please leave donations after Mass in boxes in the Narthex. Thank you. kin mp ng u P inti Pa Pony and Tractor Rides! on Mo nce! u Bo Chili Cookoff Mu Sa l m e CYO Homecoming Foo d! Games and prizes for the kids! Build a scarecrow to beautify our school and parking lot! FAMILY FOCUS WORD INTO ACTION Family members often experience a need to apologize to one another—to be forgiven and to forgive. In this week’s readings, we hear again about God’s capacity for “loving us anyway” when we have done wrong. This is a good time to look within our own family relationships and examine how willing we are to forgive others, and how willing we are to ask others for forgiveness. Children probably feel that they, more often than their parents, need to apologize for things they did or didn’t do. Put the emphasis this week on how adults also make mistakes and need forgiveness. Begin with examples of times when the adults needed to be forgiven for something. Perhaps a promise was not kept, or a game was forgotten, or a child’s feelings were hurt. Encourage the children to talk about their feelings when these things happened. 10 SEPTEMBER 15, 2013 THE TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME How Would I Feel? Can you find the words in CAPITAL letters in the puzzle? R E H T A F R N L O Y A L E D G A FATHER had TWO SONS. One was FOOLISH R B S R U O Y O O L D E R H N A and GREEDY. E C Z H A R D W O R K WORKING. AFTER the YOUNGER son WASTED H E S T I I N G U V H T H E S U A C E B O E L R R F R O R E H T A F W F One was LOYAL and HARD- all his MONEY, he RETURNED HOME. F FATHER was OVERJOYED to see him and THREW O E E Z A X M R D E N R U T E R him a big PARTY. R B G M T D E T S A W R E T F A THIS MADE the OLDER son ANGRY. B R N O H R J C T H A T S O W T D A U N E D E Y O J R E V O N I him a PARTY. “THAT’S NOT FAIR!” he said. The FATHER SAID to him, “SON, ALL that I HAVE A E Y Y Y F Y D E E R G M A D E I is YOURS, but YOUR BROTHER was LOST and S H M Q P A R T Y R NOW Y R G N A D E K R O W E V A H H D T O N E V E R F A T H E R I He had WORKED HARD, but his FATHER NEVER GAVE R T O E R A P A R T Y S N O S W H F O O L The is FOUND. CELEBRATE!” T 11 BECAUSE of THIS, we SEPTEMBER 15, 2013 THE TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME STEWARDSHIP OF TIME & TALENT MINISTRY / ORGANIZATION CONTACT PERSON PHONE NO. Adoration Art & Environment Basketball: Adult Young Adult Bereavement Ministry Bible Study Catering/Empress Room Chapel Reposers Collection Counters Communion and Liberation Community of Disciples Cross Talk Divine Mercy Chaplet Ecumenical Activities Coordinators Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Church Mercy Suburban. Hospital Nursing/Private Home Visits Evangelization Ministry Facilities Committee Finance Council Fundraising Garden Club Governmental Affairs Greeters Home & School Association Hospitality Knights of Columbus Ladies of Helena Lectors Lending Library Liturgical Dance Liturgy Committee Men’s Fellowship Group Mommy & Me Music Ministry Adult Choir Bell Choir Cantors (Scheduling) Children’s Chime Choir Contemporary Music Ensemble School Chorus New Beginnings II Parish Nurse Program Parish Pastoral Council Parish Youth Ministry St. Helena School Director of Youth/Young Adults/Adults Parish Religious Ed. Program (PREP) Children’s Liturgy of the Word Altar Servers Youth Lectors High School Youth Group CYO / Community Service Corps CYO / Sports - Athletic Director Brownies / Girl Scouts Cub / Boy Scouts Photography Club Prayer Shawl Ministry Pre Cana Team Pre-Jordan Team Agnes Ferrara Theresa Smith Kevin Wisniewski John Oberlies Michele Gerstemeier Deacon Ken Belanger Joe Paravati Deacon Don Kretsch George Haly Rebecca Cherico Jo-Ann Belanger Dorothy Barry Barbara Souders Tim & MaryAnne Seiders Msgr. Nicolo Jim Pinciotti Fr. Szparagowski Parish Office Jo-Ann Belanger Anthony Taormina Msgr. Nicolo Nick Semchuk Theresa Smith Dick Stauffer Herb Mace Meg Yezzi Gina Malony Joe Brogan Theresa Smith Pat Lorenzo Donna Matoney Jackie Spada Msgr. Nicolo Joe Bushner Becky Bushner Cheryl Platco Cheryl Platco Cheryl Platco Jim Siewert Cheryl Platco Dick Lentz Jennifer Lau Rita Kurek Terry Shomberg, R.N. Msgr. Nicolo 215-699-6128 215-646-7636 215 699-0559 215-756-7194 610-584-0862 610-279-8042 610-666-8112 610-539-7365 610-831-1490 484-231-8807 610-279-8042 610-275-3689 215-646-3437 215-699-6993 610-275-7711 610-275-9813 610-275-7711 610 275-7711 610-279-8042 610-256-0886 610-275-7711 610-275-7711 215-646-7636 610-272-7585 610-275-2297 215-699-7017 610-275-7711 610-239-0131 215-646-7636 215 653-0987 610-275-7711 610-589-4917 610-275-7711 484-684-6118 484-684-6118 610-505-3038 610-505-3038 610-505-3038 610-277-6265 610-505-3038 215-822-6751 610-279-3345 610-279-5897 215-699-5024 610-275-7711 Sr. Cathe Shoulberg Kurt Zampier Madeleine Fitzgerald Marie Kushnerick Becky Bushner Angela Walker Kurt Zampier Marianne Smith Matt Brogan Susan Hughes Ken Brooke Theresa Smith Sr. Francis Reinhardt, O.S.F. Lena & Rob Gelenberg Debbie & Corey Furlan 610-279-3345 610-930-0349 610-277-3573 610-270-3035 484-684-6118 215-628-2797 610-930-0349 610-278-0718 215-514-5233 610-279-5564 610-476-6987 215-646-7636 610-279-1804 610-292-8359 610-277-1291 12 E-MAIL / WORK NO [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] or 215-652-7507 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] SEPTEMBER 15, 2013 MINISTRY / ORGANIZATION THE TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME CONTACT PERSON PHONE NO. Prison Ministry Ray Van Haute Respect Life Activities Bill Bogle RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Deacon Ken Belanger Senior Citizens Club Marion Novelli Serving Our Community—SOC Micki Burns St. Anne Sewing Club Theresa Smith St. Martha Cleaners Anne Burr Time & Talent Coordinator Joe Walker Tithing Coordinators Elaine & Vince Thompson Ushers Herb Mace Wedding Rehearsal Coordinators Cindy Lejman Women of the Gospel Carol Jensen 215-641-0356 610-272-1106 610-279-8042 610-277-1279 610-272-5408 215-646-7636 610-279-3616 215-628-2797 610-277-5814 610-275-2297 215-699-9063 610-277-4833 E-MAIL / WORK NO [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] PARISH MEMBERSHIP Please remember….In order to receive the Sacrament of Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, and Matrimony; or, to be granted Letters of Eligibility for sponsorship at Baptism or Confirmation, or to have the priest give you a personal recommendation, it is necessary that you be registered in the parish and practicing your faith. Please call the Parish Office for an appointment if you need to register. If you move, change your phone number or e-mail address, please notify the Parish Office so our records can be brought current. Parish Office hours are 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Monday through Friday (closed 12 to 1 PM). WELCOME TO SAINT HELENA PARISH We are glad you decided to celebrate with our Parish Family. If you have recently moved into the parish area, live within the parish boundaries, and would like to register as a parishioner, please fill in the information below and place the form in the collection basket. Someone from the Parish Office will call you. You are also welcome to call the Parish Office at 610-275-7711 if you have questions. Also, be sure to visit our Parish website at NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE/ZIP: PHONE #: CELL: E-MAIL ADDRESS: 13