Fourth Sunday Of Advent - St. Philip the Apostle
Fourth Sunday Of Advent - St. Philip the Apostle
St. Bernard Parish/St. Philip The Apostle Parish Parroquia de San Bernardo/Parroquia de San Felipe el Apóstol December 22 & 23, 2012 Fourth Sunday Of Advent St. Bernard Parish St. Philip the Apostle Parish 2040 Hillside Lane, Green Bay, WI 54302 Mass Schedule Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 8:45, 10:30 am & 6:30 pm Monday & Tuesday: 8:45 am Word/Communion Service Wednesday-Friday: 8:45 am Mass 312 Victoria St., Green Bay, WI 54302 Mass Schedule Saturday: 4:00 pm Sunday: 8:00, 9:30 am & 12:00 pm (Spanish) Monday & Tuesday: 7:30 am Word/Communion Service Wednesday-Friday: 7:30 am Mass St. Philip Parish Office-(920)468-7848 Fax-468-1025 Web Hours: 8:00 am-4:00 pm-Monday-Thursday Pastor…………..………………..Fr. Mark Vander Steeg Parochial Vicar…………......Fr. José Antonio Castañeda Operations Manager………………….………...Bill Noel Pastoral Minister…………...…………..Sr. Helen Keyzer Hispanic Ministry……………..Sr.Patricia Vanden Bergh Faith Formation………….…………………..Mary Peters Office/Volunteer Coordinator……………...Lynn Corroy Parish Bookkeeper………………………….Mary Chizek Director of Music…..………………......Antonio Saldaña St. Bernard Parish Office-(920) 468-4811 Religious Education Office-(920) 468-4390 Fax-468-1396 Hours: 8:00 am-4:30 pm-Monday-Thursday Fridays: 8:00 am-12:00 pm School Office-(920) 468-5026 Web Pastor………………..…………..Fr. Mark Vander Steeg Parochial Vicar……………..Fr. José Antonio Castañeda Deacons……….......Keith Holschbach, John Laurant and Larry Mastalish Pastoral Associate………...…Sr. Caroline Castellini O.P. Music & Liturgy Coordinator………………..Joe LeBeau Operations Manager……………………….…...Bill Noel Business Manager………………...………...Ginny Gigot Parish Nurse……………………...……...Ann Kaufmann School Principal…………..…………………..Kay Franz Director of Religious Education……..……….Amy Matz Adult Education/RCIA………...……...Joanne Griesbach Children’s Liturgy of the Word………..…...Holly Meyer Receptionist/Office…………….…………Tina Drewiske Publications/Office……...………………….Lori Froelich Sacrament of Reconciliation St. Philip: Saturdays from 3:15-3:45 pm St. Bernard: watch the bulletin Sacrament of Marriage Contact the Parish Office at least 6 months prior to date. Sacrament of Baptism St. Philip: contact Mary Peters or Sr. Patricia Vanden Bergh at 468-7848 St. Bernard: contact Deacon Larry Mastalish at 468-4922 ST. BERNARD AND ST. PHILIP PARISHES Mass Intentions The saving graces of the Mass are for: SP=St. Philip SB=St. Bernard Monday, December 24—Christmas Eve SP 4:00 pm for the Parish 7:00 pm (Spanish) for the Parish SB 4:00 pm the soul of Cheri Campshure † (Church) 4:00 pm the soul of Jo & Carl Graan and Matt Gersek † (MPR) 6:00 pm the souls of Arnie Wolff and Clarence Jerabek † the souls of Dan & Diane McGuire † Tuesday, December 25—Christmas Day SP 8:00 am for the Parish 9:30 am for the Parish 12:00 pm (Spanish) for the Parish SB 8:45 am the soul of Harold Bins † 10:30 am the soul of David Haven † Wednesday, December 26 SP 7:30 am the souls of Mary & Jim Bania † SB 8:45 am the souls of the Gillis Family † Thursday, December 27 SP 7:30 am the souls of Mildred & Russell Peterson † 8:45 am the soul for Sally Schaetz † Friday, December 28 SP 7:30 am for Health and Peace in 2013 SB 8:45 am the soul of John McGuire † 2:00 pm Bornemann Nursing Home-Mass Saturday, December 29 SP 4:00 pm the soul of Katie Vanden Heuvel † SB 4:30 pm the soul of Deacon Bob Jacqmin † the soul of Raymond VanBellinger † Sunday, December 30 SP 8:00 am the souls of Mildred & Russell Peterson † 9:30 am the souls of Earl & Dottie Edges † the soul of Michael Connelly † 12:00 pm Spanish Mass for the Parish SB 8:45 am the soul of Pat Massart † the souls of Harry & Lorraine Bero † 10:30 am the soul of Patricia Gilson † 6:30 pm the souls of Richard & Helen Molle † Christmas Concerts There will be a concert at 5:30 pm before the 6:00 pm Mass on Christmas Eve, also the Voices in Praise Choir will present a mini-concert at 8:30 am, prior to the 8:45 am Mass on Christmas Day. Please plan on coming early to enjoy the presentations as we celebrate the birth of Our Savior. Bulletin Deadlines Because of the Holidays our bulletin deadlines are : Bulletin for Dec. 29-30 due on Dec. 18 Bulletin for Jan. 5-6 due on Dec. 20. Any questions call Lori @ 468-4811. Thank You. PAGE 2 Welcome to all who have come to join us for Christmas Mass! We extend a very special welcome to all who are family and friends of our parishioners and who perhaps are themselves far from home; we hope you feel welcome here. We especially welcome those who are newer to our parish, I pray you more and more find this to be a ‘home’ for you. You are welcome here. Our parish offers exciting opportunities for spiritual development both now and in the near future. Look around the bulletin for opportunities that may interest you or check us out online. Don’t be afraid to contact us in the parish office if you have specific questions. Christmas is the day the Church around the world has chosen to honor the birth of Jesus. Jesus is God the Son became man, for us and for our salvation. Only Christians believe this. God became man specifically at the conception of Jesus within the womb of Mary. We honor his conception on March 25th, nine months before December 25th. This span of nine months recognizes the reality that human life begins at the very moment of conception. It is interesting that even the celebration of our Christian holidays recognizes the reality and dignity of human life from conception. Jesus’ life did not begin at his birth, rather it began the moment he was conceived. So did ours. Following Christmas we enter the traditional “Twelve Days of Christmas”, which I and others often find a bit more relaxing. These twelve days are numbered from December 25 to January 6th. They culminate with the great Feast of the Epiphany on January 6th when we honor the arrival of the Magi or “the three Kings”. So don’t pack up those Christmas decorations too quickly! In fact, maybe this will be your chance to actually enjoy the season in its afterglow. These days seem for a short while to be more relaxing because the push to ‘get it done’ is over. I pray you find a moment or more in the next twelve days ahead to pause and accept the wonder of Christmas. Accept the reality that for those who live and die in Christ, we will live forever. This life begins at our Baptism, is sealed in Confirmation, restored with every Confession and mystically experienced with every Holy Communion. Welcome the comforting truth that in the end, all is well in Christ, and that the passage of time is illusory and merely flows into the non-time of eternity. Try to receive the truth that God is with us and that we are not adrift or alone in the universe. In fact, we are each known by name. Each day we are one day closer to Him who made us and loves us more than we could ever know. This makes for a very merry Christmas indeed, even amidst the trials of life. Continued….. DECEMBER 22 & 23, 2012 PAGE 3 4th Sunday of Advent “You, Bethlehem-Ephrathah, too small to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel.” (Micah 5:1) Lastly, thank you to those who have written Christmas cards to me or dropped off a ‘gift’ for Fr. Jose or myself. Your thoughtfulness means a great deal and we read each card and pray for you. All is appreciated whether in thought, word or deed. On behalf of our entire parish staffs and our GRACE staff I would like to extend a very sincere merry Christmas to each of you. We have enjoyed serving you this past year and be assured of our prayers as we enter the new calendar year. Merry Christmas and may God help you to live a blessed New Year! We may think that the gifts we have to offer may be too small or too inconsequential to give to God. Today we are reminded that God brought forth His greatest gift to mankind, His own Son, through the humble town of Bethlehem. He can also accomplish great things through us if we generously offer our gifts to Him. Father Mark Vander Steeg CHRISTMAS FLOWERS: St. Philip Parish News Names of loved ones will be printed in January. Thank you for your donations for our Christmas flower fund in memory of those who have gone before us. CHRISTMAS AT RIVERSIDE: Everyone in attendance had a wonderfully festive evening. Even Santa stopped by to say “hi”! If you were not in attendance, there is always next year! Thank you to everyone that made this year’s Christmas at Riverside a success. Special thanks to Riverside Ballroom for the wonderful meal they provide each and every year! The cash raffle winners were: $1,000-Dale Delahaut $500-Colleen Hawley $500-Casandra Noel $300-Conrad Umentum, $200-Donna Schlag $100-Dennis Kinney $75 in Scrip-Mary Bohman Casino Trip-Joy Peterson Please help Support the businesses that are so generous in donating: Airport Gift Shop Ashwaubenon Bowl Associated Bank Bake My Day Beernsten’s Candies BMO Harris Bank Brown County Golf Course Captain’s Walk Winery City of Green Bay Clarion Hotel & Restaurant Cold Stone Creamery Cook’s Corner Country Express Truck Stop Cranky Pat’s, Culver’s Fox Hills Resort Funtastic Sales, Inc. Gipper’s Sports Bar & Grill Green Bay Gamblers Green Bay Packers Happy Joe’s Highland Howie’s Pub & Grill Home Interiors-Kathie Bornemann Homestead Décor House of Gold Goldsmiths Interior Motives Ivy Trails JBS/Packerland Jitter Beans Journey’s Unlimited Julie’s Cafe Kroc Center, Kroll’s East Legend’s Los Banditos East/West Mackinaws Grill & Spirits Martin Hardware Natural Beauty Growers Parallel 44 Vineyard & Winery PDQ Car Wash Perkins Restaurant & Bakery Pottery Barn Redwood Inn Riverside Ballroom Rock Gardens Royal Scott Golf Course Sav Half Greeting Cards Schroeder’s Flowers Scray’s Cheese Seroogy’s Chocolates Simply Elegant St. Brendan’s Inn Sunseekers The Bar The Village Grille Titletown Fitness Union State Bank Walmart East Wenz Home Furniture YMCA of Green Bay THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT DONATIONS FOR THE 2012 CALENDAR YEAR NEED TO BE AT THE PARISH BY DECEMBER 31, 2012. Thank you for your continued support of St. Bernard and St. Philip Parishes. The IRS requirements state that all donations need to be at the Parish on Monday, Dec. 31, 2012 in order to be considered for the 2012 calendar year. Any donations that are received on Tuesday, Jan. 1, 2013 will be recorded as a 2013 donation. Please do not back date your check and put it in the Sunday collection – we will need to record it as a 2013 contribution. Holiday Office Hours: St. Bernard Mon. & Tues. Dec. 24 & 25 Closed Wed-Fri. Dec.26, 27 & 28 Open 8:00am-12:00 Noon Mon. Dec. 31 Open 8:00am-Noon Tues. Jan. 1, 2013 Closed PAGE 4 St. Bernard Parish News St. Bernard School Kay Franz-Principal May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace. The gladness of Christmas give you hope. And The warmth of Christmas grant you love. The Faculty, Staff and Families of St. Bernard School wish you a season of blessings from heaven above. Happy Christmas. St. Philip Mon & Tues. Dec. 24 & 25 Closed Wed. & Thurs. Dec. 26 & 27 Open 8:00am Noon Fri. Dec.28 Closed Mon. Dec. 31 Open 8:00-Noon Jan. 1, 2013 Closed Religious Education News Amy Matz, Director-St. Bernard Parish The Week Ahead: December 26, 2012 No Religious Education classes for Grades 1-High School On behalf of the Religious Education Department we wish you and your family a very blessed Christmas and a joyous New Year! Health Ministry Ann Kaufmann, Parish Nurse GIVING THE PERFECT GIFT A small reminder of some of the best gifts we can give… to your friend, loyalty. to your enemy, forgiveness. to your boss, service and honesty. to your child, a good example. to your parents, gratitude and devotion. to your spouse, love and faithfulness. to all men and women, charity. to your God, your life. Your light must shine before men so that they may see goodness in your acts and give praise to your heavenly Father. Matthew 5:16 Merry Christmas Please consider putting St. Bernard Parish on your Christmas list. The software we are currently using for the heating and door system its no longer supported by the companies, and must be upgraded. Upgrade of heating system-$3,000 Upgrade of door security system software-$2,200 Computer to run upgrades-$900 Currently replacing insulation on roof duct work-$28,000 Any amount would be appreciated! If you are able to donate to any of these needs, please put in an envelope marked Parish Needs. Thank you and have a Blessed Holiday Season! Deck The Halls at St. Bernard Parish The church environment, whether it is flowers, trees, banners, candles, etc., is an ongoing ministry throughout the year. As we prepare to transform our worship space into an environment suitable to welcome our Savior, many of us may have someone we would like to remember in a special way. All donations will be recognized in the bulletin in January. Please complete and return this form (in an envelope marked “Deck The Halls” in the collection basket or bring to the parish office. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please remember _______________________________ _____________________________________________ Requested ____________________________________ Please find enclosed: $__________________________ WWW.STBERNARDGB.ORG—WWW.STPHILIPGB.ORG PAGE 5 AREA CONFESSION SCHEDULE St. Bernard St. Philip Holy Cross Prince of Peace Resurrection St. Francis Xavier Cathedral St. John the Evangelist St. Mary of the Angels St. Matthew Sts. Peter and Paul St. Willebrord Shrine of Our Lady Of Good Help 1st Tues. of month 6:00 pm Sat. 3:15-3:45 Sat. 3:30-4:00 pm Sat. 3:30-4:00 pm Sat. 3:15-3:45 pm Sat. 2:15-3:30 pm Wed. 6:00-8:30 pm Sat. 3:00-3:30 pm Sat. 11:15 am Sat. 3:30-4:00 pm Sat. 3:30 pm Sun. 7:30 am, 9:30 am, 12pm 1st Fri.& 1st.Sat. of the month 7:30 am Mon.-Fri.7:00 am-11:30am Sat. 7:00 am Sun.-Fri. 10:00-10:45 am Sat. 8:45-10:45 am CD of the Month Matthew Kelly possesses a powerful ability to combine the ageless tool of storytelling with a profound understanding of today's culture and the common yearnings of the human heart. He shows us how to see the challenges in our everyday lives in a new light. He will help elevate and energize you to pursue the highest values of the human spirit and become the best version of yourself. Gary - Zuni, NM ST. BERNARD AND ST. PHILIP ADULT FORMATI ON PRESEN FORMATION CATHOLICISM A one-of-a-kind, global, and intimate video journey. Father Robert Barron seeks to capture the body, heart, and mind of Catholicism, in a style that is faithful to timeless truths while speaking the language of contemporary life. One episode of this 10 part series will be shown each week beginning January 13th at the following times/locations: Sunday, 7:45 —9pm, St. Bernard Church Library Tuesday, 10—11:30am, St. Philip Adult Center Wednesday, 5-6 pm and 6:30-7:30 pm, St. Bernard Church Library (Wednesday time slots are shorter to accommodate parents with children in Religious Education) Thursday, 1-2:30 pm, St. Philip Adult Center Refreshments and conversation accompany each showing. Choose to come anytime that fits your schedule There is no cost (free-will offerings will be accepted to help cover expenses) For planning purposes, signing up ahead of time is appreciated. For your convenience, you may use this form and return to the box labeled “Adult Ed” in the back of the church or mail to: Adult Education, St. Bernard Parish, 2040 Hillside Lane, Green Bay, WI 54302. Or: Contact Joanne Griesbach @ 468-4811 or [email protected] . There will also be an opportunity to sign up in the narthex after mass early in January - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Name ____________________________________________________Email___________________________________ Address (incl. zip) ______________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Please circle the day and time that you will be most likely to attend: Sunday, 7:30pm Tuesday, 10 am Wednesday, 5 pm Wednesday, 6:30 pm Thursday, 1pm PAGE 6 Area News Norbertine Center for Spirituality 1016 N. Broadway De Pere, WI 54115 920.337.4315 We Believe: The Many Faces of Faith Series To celebrate “The Year of Faith,” and in an effort to promote understanding of and respect for other religions, speakers from various faith traditions share their beliefs during this four-part series. Please join us for the first presentation, starting on Tues., Jan. 8 from 6:30 – 8 pm. Presenter: Dr. John Holder Buddhism Cost: Free will Offering (suggested donation $5 per session) Bishop David Ricken and Lectio Divina We are privileged to have with us on our faith journey Bishop David Ricken, teaching one of his favorite prayer forms: Lectio Divina. Through this contemplative method of praying, the Scriptures become the Living Word of God. Thurs., Jan. 17, 6:30 – 8 pm. ADOPTED SEMINARIANS: Our St. Philip “adopted” seminarians would love to receive a Christmas card. Why not add them to your list? José Lopez E-mail: [email protected] Mark Mleziva E-mail: [email protected] St. Francis de Sales Seminary 3257 S. Lake Drive St. Francis, WI 53235-3795 JOIN US FOR THE 19th ECUMENICAL DOWNTOWN CHRISTMAS CHURCH WALK Sat. Dec. 29, 2012 1:00-4:30? pm The walk will begin at St. Francis Xavier Cathedral 139 S. Madison St. and finish at: Divine Temple Church of God in Christ. A bus will be available for those unable to walk. For the bus meet at 12:45 at: Divine Temple Church of God in Christ, 425 Cherry St. Churches being visited St. Francis Xavier Cathedral-St. Willebrord, St. John the Evangelist, Union Congregational, Grace Lutheran, First United Methodist, First Church of Christ, Scientist, Divine Temple Church of God in Christ. For more information call 920-991-0561. A donation of nonperishable food will be appreciated. Pot-Luck Dinner and Praise & Worship Concert Friday, January 11, 2013 Pot-Luck Dinner: 5:30-7 pm Music: 7-10 pm Quad-Parish Youth Center, 1224 12th Ave., Green Bay, WI ALL ages are welcome to join us for some great food, fellowship, and Praise & Worship Music by Lisa Preisnner!! Free will offering at the door. Put on by TEC, Koinonia, and the Charismatic Renewal Center. Contact: Kevin Smits, 920-445-6121. Weekly preschool story time will be held at the GRACE Offices, 1087 Kellogg St. 10:00am to 11:00 am This is open to the public, free of charge, and is for children ages 2-5 and their parents. December 26 - No Story Time January 2 - No Story Time January 9 - Mittens January 16 - Snowmen & Snow January 23 - Penguins January 30 - Polar Animals Please contact Mary McCabe at St. Thomas More School, 432-8242 with any questions. We look forward to seeing you at Story Time! Congratulations To The Raffle Winners! December December December December December December December 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Barb Quigley Cathy Bonno Terry Brusda Rita Knox Kris Hess Kathy Martin Harvey & Joyce Plansky Winners will be notified by mail! Raffle Calendars for 2013, Are now available for purchase at the scrip tables after all masses and in the St. Bernard & St. Philip Parish Offices. Cost is $20.00. Winners are picked daily and notified by mail. Names are published in the bulletin and on the website. Makes a great stocking stuffer! Any questions contact Wendy King at 406-1873, [email protected] or Kaela Collins at 468-6360, [email protected]..