Annual Report 2007


Annual Report 2007
cutting edge care
utting edge care
that our clinicians are up to date on the latest medical treatments, and
use the best technologies possible to deliver efficient “hands on” home
health care services that are competently and caringly provided to
thousands of patients on the South Shore of Massachusetts each year.
Providing care in a person’s home, where they feel most comfortable allows us to fully focus on each patient and family, one at a time;
blending the oldest form of care delivery – neighbors caring for their
neighbors with many of the same medical innovations available only in
hospitals until a few years ago. To enhance “cutting edge care”,
our clinicians are able to learn and practice on a life-like simulator and
are able to utilize our E-learning portal right from their homes. The tremendous talents of our clinical managers, support and field staff, who
are responsible for the delivery of patient-focused care 24 hours a day,
365 days a year, have made it possible for another year of “awardwinning care”. Norwell VNA field clinicians were again, VNANE
Pinnacle Award Winners for highest patient satisfaction in all of New
At the same time our clinicians helped educate students from the
University of Massachusetts Boston undergraduate nursing program
and the Boston College Graduate School of Social Work. And for
the second year in a row, the Norwell VNA was recognized as a
Home Care Elite award winner, ranking in the top 25% of all home
care organizations in the nation for achieving quality outcomes and
fiscal objectives.
Cutting Edge Care and Successes
Our successes over the years have been based on the Norwell VNA
leadership, volunteer board of directors, professional advisors and
senior managers who strategically assess and address the health
and social service needs of our community. The board voted this year
to reinvest in the community by adding and funding the start up of
hospice care to our services, based on an increased demand for end
of life care, and recognizing the added value to our existing services for
patients. Achieving strategic initiatives such as starting a new core
service involves the dedication and talents of the entire organization. We are more than pleased to announce the recent
licensing of the Norwell VNA Hospice Program.
Fulfilling Our Charitable Mission:
Value of Community Benefits
Program Grows $1,440,000
Home health services are now being recognized as part of the answer
to the problem of controlling healthcare expenditures and are in
demand because they are more “patient friendly” and provide a lower
cost alternative to nursing homes, hospitals and other institutional
settings. Yet, many of our services remain inadequately reimbursed by
insurers and government payers. In 2007 alone, over $1,000,000 of
free care was provided to covered HMO, managed-care and Medicaid
patients, whose insurers continue to underpay for medically necessary
services at home. As a non-profit health organization, we offer free
educational and health screening programs including Diabetes Management, Blood Pressure Clinics, support groups: Brain Aneurysm,
Alzheimer’s Support, Area Aging Conferences/Collaborative, emergency preparedness, Falls Prevention, Norwell High School internships,
free telemedicine monitoring for more that 100 persons per day, as well
as 26 Health Fairs and Bone Density screenings conducted in local
communities all over the South Shore, worth over $440,000 for
professional services alone.
Each year we continue to be inspired by our patients and we are
deeply grateful for their trust in our care. We are enormously
appreciative of the generosity of our contributors and supporters who
make it possible for us to provide significant differences in the lives of
people right here in our own community, every single day.
Bruce W. Graham
President, Board of Directors
Meg Doherty
Chief Executive Officer
cutting edge care
Board of Directors
Finance Committee Members
Professional Advisory Committee
Bruce Graham, President
Robert Dwyer, Chair
Ann Allegrini
Jeff Helm, Vice-President
David Barcomb
Kevin Callanan, Esq.
Robert Dwyer, Treasurer
Christopher Fahey
Lola Cohen, LICSW
Robert Norris, Secretary
Bruce Graham
Sue Carson, RN
David Barcomb
Ralph Gordon
Francine Coluci, RN, BSN, MSM
Susan Carson
David Tagliamonte, CFO
Jackie Crossen-Sills, PT, MS, PhD
Kevin Callanan
Jeff Helm
Joanne Dalton, RN, PhD
Kathleen Donahue
B. Jean Snow
Meg Doherty, MSN, ANP, MBA
Chris Fahey
Richard Sulc
Ralph Gordon
Gerard B. Hayes, MD, MPH
Ralph Tedeschi
Ellen Hoadley
Ellen Hoadley
Meg Doherty, CEO
Ronald Kearns, Esq.
Carol MacNeill
Francine Coluci, COO
Elaine Kelter, RN, MS
Chris Perkett
Dr. Robert Lille, MD
B. Jean Snow
Shelley MacDonald
Ilana Quirk
Kara Connerty, OT
Therese Redmond
Dr. Michelle Mudgett, MD
Sharon Ross
Thomas O’Regan
M. Jean Roy, RN, MS, M.Ed
Dr. Richard Seibert, MD
Richard Sulc
Irene Toomey, RN, MBA
Denise West, RPh
V-Learning at the Norwell VNA
The Norwell VNA added another venue for education and
Alzheimer’s Program receives
Federal Grants
training in 2007: cyberspace! The agency developed a
Development and design of an all-day forum on Alzheimer’s
V-Learning site where NVNA in-service presentations and
and dementia met the approval of South Shore Elder
advanced learning modules are viewed online from the
Services who administered the Title IIIE and IIID grants
New CFO Brings
Extensive Healthcare
Financial Management
Experience to
Norwell VNA
convenience of staff computers or employees’ home
of the Older Americans Act. Members of the NVNA Alzheimer’s
With over 30 years experience in healthcare finances, includ-
computers. Training for accessing this important mobile
Team worked through the fall to coordinate speakers and a
ing two years of consulting for the NVNA, David Tagliamonte,
learning tool is offered to all employees so they can
program to be offered in the spring of 2008 that could benefit
MA, MBA, joined the agency in the beginning of 2007 as Chief
participate in the agency education program at their
family caregivers and professional caregivers alike.
Financial Officer. Dave’s industry experience and knowledge
of the agency’s operations has created a formidable financial
most convenient times.
Community Wellness
Always committed to the communities it serves, Norwell
VNA continued to reach out to meet the educational and
wellness needs of residents throughout the South Shore.
The support group for Caregivers of Mid-Stage Alzheimer’s
Emphasizing the importance of communication, teamwork and
and budgeting.
Halifax to Braintree. Diabetics and family members who
attended the Diabetes Support Group. And the Brain
Aneurysm Support Group remained as the only support
group on the South Shore to offer education and counsel
to aneurysm survivors and their families.
coordination in successful discharge planning, Norwell VNA
Norwell VNA
continued to grow its membership, which expands from
live as far south as the Cape and north beyond Quincy
Home Healthcare Nurse
Publishes NVNA-authored Article
structure for reporting, reimbursements, cash management
CMS Home Health Compare
American Diabetes Association
awards Education Recognition
The NVNA Diabetic Self Management Education Program
wrote an article to highlight the creativity and flexibility of
Corporate health fairs and flu clinics filled the Norwell VNA’s
received certification by the American Diabetes Association,
a home care team to deliver quality care to a patient after
clinical calendar in 2007, while educational programs for
enabling the agency to now bill Medicare for this invaluable
hospitalization. Published in the April 2007 issue, “Home Care
consumers and professional practitioners were scheduled
teaching tool. Taught by the NVNA certified diabetic educator
Today: Showcasing Interdisciplinary Management in Home
each month at senior centers, community centers, assisted
and offered to the community at large, participants learn skills
Care” was authored by Jackie Crossen-Sills, PT, PhD with
living facilities and physician offices across the South Shore.
to better manage their diabetes and become their own best
input from Jennifer Rosebach, RN, Linda Sims, RN, Wilma
Bilton, OT and Michelle Bickford, PT.
advocates for care.
Certifications Fortify Geriatric
Care Management Program
Public Health & Safety
The National Association of Professional Geriatric Care
with Norwell Police and Fire Departments and in 2007 it only
Managers (NPGCM) certified Norwell VNA nurses Noreen
grew stronger. The relationship extended into a continuation
Cataldo, RN, Mary O’Malley, RN and Sheila DeWolfe, RN as
of the development and coordination of the town’s emer-
Geriatric Care Managers. NPGCM is an organization whose
gency preparedness plan, in which the Norwell VNA plays a
goal is to provide expert assistance to older adults and their
pivotal role.
Norwell VNA has always has a strong working relationship
Norwell names
Meg Doherty
Citizen of the Year
As Executive Director and CEO of the
Norwell VNA, Meg Doherty has grown the
agency from six to over 150 staff members
while initiating various community support
families. Members must meet strict certification requirements. This credentialing offers the Norwell VNA community
The agency also continued to manage clinical responsibilities
groups, wellness clinics, an annual Babysit-
yet another level of professionalism and expertise.
for the Norwell Board of Health, ordering and administering
ting Program, and numerous fundraising
all necessary vaccines, hosting flu clinics, and maintaining
events to benefit the residents of Norwell.
disease tracking for Norwell residents. Monthly Board of
2007 VNANE Pinnacle Award
2007 Pat/Stat Best Practice Achievement
Award of Distinction for superior performance
in patient satisfaction
2007 Home Care Elite
Health blood pressure and glucose screening clinics at senior
housing and the Norwell COA were provided by Norwell VNA
nurses, who also performed Board of Health visits to homebound residents of Norwell as needed.
Working with Norwell Police and Fire, she
helped develop one of the state’s first
emergency preparedness plans that encompassed the whole community. In May 2007,
the Norwell Chamber of Commerce cited her
“unwavering commitment and dedication to
the Norwell community” as it elected her
“2007 Citizen of the Year”.
cutting edge care
Patients who improve at getting in and out of bed
Norwell VNA
Licensed by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health
Accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
Member of
Visiting Nurse Association of America
CMS Home Health Compare
Visiting Nurse Association of New England
Visiting Nurse Association Consortium
Home and Health Care Alliance of Massachusetts
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
National Association of Professional Geratric Care Managers
Patients who are short of breath less often
Norwell VNA
CMS Home Health Compare
Patients who improve at taking their medicine
correctly (by mouth)
Norwell VNA
CMS Home Health Compare
Statistics of Note
S/P Visits
Underfunded/Free Care
Total Telemed Expense
Financial Performance
Patient Service Revenue
Other Operating Revenue
Realized Gains on Investments
Unrealized Gains on Investments Investment Income
2006 vs 2007
$ 273,017
25 %
Serving the towns of
Total Income
2007 2006
$ 9,799,570
$ 10,848,361
Salaries & Benefits
Other Operating Expenses
Total Expenses
Increase in Unrestricted Net Assets
$ 2,055,827
2007 Annual Appeal
$40,120.00 from 449 donors for an average gift of $89.35
(Gross amount, expenses not deducted)
$ 1,644,439
Platinum Circle $2,000+
Mr. David Barcomb
Mrs. John D. Brewer Jr.
Mrs. Susan J. Carson
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. David Lizotte
Ms. Mildred Mallen
Dr. Bradford Selland
Mr. Ralph Tedeschi
Tri-Town Hanover Rotary Club
Chapman Waterproofing
Our Donors
January 1 - December 31, 2007
Gold Circle $1,000 - $1,999
Mr. Anton Arapoff
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Callanan
Mr. Richard Canastra
Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Colton
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Donahue Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gaudette
Mrs. Ellen Hoadley
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Roche
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Seibert
Prof. John Stilgoe
Ron Davis, Davis Property Group, LLC
Federated Securities Corp.
Silver Circle $500 - $999
Patients who get better at bathing
Norwell VNA
CMS Home Health Compare
Mr. Jim Barrett
Ms. Robin Baxter
Mr. David Burr
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Carey
Mr. David Colella
Mr. Michael Collins
Mr. Steven Currie
Mr. Robert Doak
Mrs. Mary Donovan
Mr. Paul Falkowski
Mr. Myles Ferrick
Ms. Caryl Gaudette
Ms. Barbara Graham
Mr. James Heineman
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kavanaugh
Mr. John Koulopoulos
Mr. Paul Ledenko
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen LeVangie
Mr. Jeff Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Owens
Ms. Ilana Quirk
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Smith
Mr. & Mrs. John Spurr Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sweeney
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Wilderoter
320 Advisors, Inc.
AIG Matching Grants Program
Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.
Burr Memorial Fund
Claymore Securities, Inc.
Medline Foundation
Norwell Women’s Club
Visiting Angels
Living Assistance Services
Copper Circle $1 - $499
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Abbott
Ms. Carol Adley
Mrs. Winifred Ainslie
Ms. PatriciaAizenstadt
Ms. Susie Alemian-Deluca
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. James Allen
Ms. MiriamAllen
Mr. Robert Alvanas
The Amato Family
Ms. Ruth Amelang
Ms. Rita Andersen
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Anderson
Ms. Marion Anderson
Mr. Michael Anderson
Mrs. Pauline Anderson
Mrs. Joan Ankner
Mr. & Mrs. John Antoine
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Antoniello
Ms. Judith Appleton
Mr. & Mrs. John Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. William Austin
Dr. Frederick Ayers MD
Ms. Shirley Baer
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Baker
Mr. Donald Baltucci
Mr. & Mrs. John Banda
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Barbary
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Barden
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Bardsley
Mr. Chris Barry
Mr. & Mrs. John Barry
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Barry
Mr. Stephen Barth
Mr. Gino Bastanza
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Batchelder
Mr. & Mrs. James Beal
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Beale
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Beaudette
Mr. & Mrs. William Beauregard
Mr. Norman Bedford
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Belyea
Ms. Alice Bennett
Ms. Mary Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bennett
Dr. George Benoit DMD
Ms. Lois Bernard
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Bidmead
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bigger
Mr. & Mrs. A. Birtwell
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Birtwell
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Bizzozero
Mrs. Kim Blakeslee
Ms. Anne Bliven
Mr. Lincoln Bloomfield
Mr. Fred Blossom
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Blucke
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bogaty
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bohan
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bohan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Boland Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth Borrelli
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Borst
Ms. Ruth Bossio
Mr. James Boudreau
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bourgault
Mr. James Bournazos
Mrs. Alice Bowker
Mrs. Cecile Boyce
Ms. Betty Brabazon
Mrs. Doris Brackett
Mr. & Mrs. John Brady
Mr. William Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Braley
Ms. Linda Breen
Ms. Louise Breen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Breen
Mr. William Breheny
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Brennan Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Brenton
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bresnahan
Mr. & Mrs. William Brewer
Mr. & Mrs. William Brickley
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Brown
Ms. Lisa Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Carleton Bryant Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Buchanan
Ms. Mary Buckley
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Buell
Ms. Gail Bunten
Mr. Thomas Bunting
Ms. Evelyn Burckhart
Ms. Marion Burdett
cutting edge care
Mr. & Mrs. David Burg
Mr. & Mrs. William Burgess
Ms. Andrea Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Sherwood Burnett
Mr. Jeffrey Burns
Mr. & Mrs. L. Thomas Byers
Ms. Judith Calcutt
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Callahan
Ms. Wendy Callahan
Ms. Nancy Cambria
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Campanelli
Mr. James Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. David Capaldo
Ms. Mary Anne Cariolo
Ms. Denise Caristi
Dr. & Mrs. A. Alden Carpenter
Ms. Elaine Carr
Mr. John Casey
Ms. Noreen Cataldo
Ms. Muriel Chapman
Ms. Michelle Cheney
Ms. Susan Chessler
Ms. Jane Chinetti
Mr. & Mrs. James Christiano
Ms. Susanne Churchill
Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Cina
Ms. Bernice Cinquegrano
Ms. Joan Cipriano
Ms. Clara Clapp
Ms. Patricia Clark
Mr. & Mrs. James Cleary
Ms. Nancy Clifford
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Clifford
Ms. Ruth Cochran
Mr. & Mrs. John Coffey
Mr. Francis Cogliano
Mr. Gregg Cohn
Mr. Laurence Collins
Ms. Francine Colucci
Ms. Evelyne Commoss
Mrs. Dwight Conant
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Conlon
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Conlon
Mr. Cornelius Connolly
Ms. Barbara Connor
Mrs. Mary Considine
Ms. L. Elizabeth Cookson
Ms. Anne Coon
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cooper
Ms. Selma Cooperband
Mr. Robert Cope Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Corbin
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Corey
Mr. Martin G. Corry Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Cortissoz
Mr. & Mrs. Stavros Cosmopoulos
Mrs. Cathleen Cote
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Coughlin
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Coutu
Ms. Jean Coyle
Mr. & Mrs. Basil Cronin
Ms. Pauline Cronin
Mr. & Mrs. Wylie Cronk
Dr. Jacqueline Crossen-Sills
Mr. Arnold Crowley
Mr. Joseph Crowley
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Crowley
Mr. & Mrs. James Cummings
Ms. Mary Ann Curby
Mr. & Mrs. David Curry
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Curtin
Ms. Lorraine Cutler
Ms. Ebba Damon
Mr. Charles B. Damrell
Mrs. Anne Stewart Dana
Ms. Gertrude Daneau
Mr. & Mrs. John Danieli
Mr. & Mrs. James Danna
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Darcy
Ms. Elvira Darmiento
Mr. & Mrs. James Daubenspeck
Ms. Elizabeth Davey
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dawley
Ms. Margaret Dawson
Ms. Diana Decker
Mr. Joseph Deery
Ms. Norma Demaggio
Ms. Marion Dempsey
Mr. & Mrs. John Desmond
Mr. William Dickie
Ms. Dorothy Dickson
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Dillon
Mr. Rob Dixon
Mrs. Kathleen Dodds
Mr. and Mrs.Daniel Doherty
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Dolan
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Donahue
Mr. & Mrs. David Donahue
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Donahue
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Donahue Sr.
Ms. Judith Donahue
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Donahue
Mr. Harold Dondero
Mr. Leo Donovan
Ms. Lillian Donovan
Mrs. Patricia Donovan
Mr. Stephen Donovan
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dooley
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Doolin
Mr. & Mrs. William Doyle
Mr. John Draheim
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Drea
Mr. Ronald Dubois
Ms. Mary Duggan
Dr. Judy Dunal
Ms. Dianne Duncan
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Duval
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dwyer
Mrs. Edith Earle
Mr. William Earle
Mrs. Teri Eaton
Mr. William Eaton
Mr. A. Edward Ecclestone
Mr. Francis Ellard
Ms. Olive Elliot
Mr. Robert Emerson III
Ms. Olga Emmel
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Engstrom
Mr. David Ennis, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George Erickson
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Evans
Mr. Benson Fairbanks
Ms. Carol Fanning
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Fantucchio
Ms. Karen Farmer
Mr. Ronald Farnum
Mr. & Mrs. William Fay
Mrs. Dale Fenno
Mr. & Mrs. Gar Ferguson
The Ferrick Family
Mr. George Ferris
Mr. William Finn
Mr. & Mrs. John Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. James Fitzpatrick
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Fitzwilliam
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fleischmann
Ms. Nicole Florescu
Ms. Judith Flynn
Mr. William Flynn
Mr. Chris Foley
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Foley
Mr. & Mrs. Augustino Forcucci
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Ford
Mr. & Mrs. John Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ford
Mr. Lee Forker Jr.
Mr. Ray Forsberg
Ms. Janet Frankenfield
Mr. D.A. Freeman
Ms. Rebecca Freer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Frehill
Mr. Donald Freiter
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fridgen
Dr. & Mrs. Adolph Friedman
Ms. Kim Frye
Ms. Rebecca Fujitani
Mr. Charles Furlong
Ms. Joan Gabriel
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gainor
Mr. Harold Galligan
Ms. Ann Gallup
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Galvin
Mr. & Mrs. John Galvin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gardner
Ms. Martha Garran
Ms. Nancy Garrison
Mr. & Mrs. W.L. Garside
Ms. Dorothy Gaughan
Ms. Eleanor Gay
Mr. Kenneth Gay
Mr. Brian Geany
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Genereux
Mr. John Genest
Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Ghilardi
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Ghilardi
Mr. Dino Gigante
Mr. & Mrs. William Gill
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Gilligan
Mrs. MurielGilligan
Mrs. Charlotte Gillis
Ms. Cathleen Gilman
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Gilmartin
Ms. Donna Gilmour
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Ginches Sr.
Ms. Mary Ann Glynn
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Glynn
Ms. Suzanne Gnospelius
Mr. & Mrs. Carleton Goff
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Good Jr.
Ms. V. Linnea Goodwin
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Gordon
Ms. Barbara Gorichs
Ms. Lydia Gorman
Ms. Mary Gorman
Ms. Marian Graczyk
Mr. Bruce Graham
Ms. Carol Graham
Mr. James Graham
Ms. Stacy Grant
Ms. Mary Grassie
Ms. Lisa Gray
Mr. Michael Gray
Mr. R. David Grayson
Mr. Richard Green
Mr. Robert Green
Mr. & Mrs. John Greene II
Ms. Alice Grey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Grier
Ms. Beatrice Griffiths
Mr. & Mrs. John Grigalunas
Mr. WilliamGrimm
Ms. Mary Groden
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Guilbault
Ms. Leona Guild
Ms. Catherine Guiney
Mrs. Betty Gulick
Ms. Dorothy Gullicksen
Mr. John Gunn
Mr. & Mrs. David Gunville
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Gurney
Ms. Madeleine Hagar
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hainer
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Hall
Mr. & Mrs. William Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hanak
Ms. Doris Handy
Mr. & Mrs. William Handy
Ms. Barbara Hannan
Ms. Margaret Hansbury
Ms. Virginia Hansell
Mr. & Mrs. Torben Hansen
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Hanson
Ms. Carolyn Harbour
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Harding
Ms. Madeline Hargadon
Mr. George Hargraves
Mr. J. Edward Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Hart
Ms. Monica Hart
Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Hartigan
Ms. Lillian Hartsone
Mrs. Lillian Hartstone
Ms. Virginia Harvey
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Haskell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hassey
Mr. George Hauptfuhrer
Ms. Phyllis Hawk
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Healy
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hearns
Ms. Virginia Heffernan
Mr. Lee Heiler CPA
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Helm
Mr. William Hendry
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hernan
Mr. Richard Higbee
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Higgins
Mr. Ralph Hill
Ms. Phyllis Hilton
Mr. David Hines
Mrs. Charles Hird
Ms. Lauren Hirshberg
Mr. & Mrs. William Hogan
Mr. Theodore Holland
Mr. Robert Holthaus
Ms. Marion Hopkins
Mr. & Mrs. John Hopkins, III
Ms. Mary Horne
Ms. Gail Ann Houlahan
Ms. June Hubbard
Mr. John Hudanich
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hudson
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hudson
Mr. & Mrs. David Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Huie
Ms. Alice Humez
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. William Hurd
Ms. Barbara Hurley Childs
Ms. Rhoda Hutchison
Ms. Florence Iacono
Ms. Jacqueline Ibbitson
Mr. Carl Isihara
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jackman
Ms. Hilda Jackson
Ms. Susan Jacobellis
Ms. Sallie Jardim
Mr. & Mrs. Curt Jarva
Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Jenkins III
Mr. & Mrs. James Jenkins
Ms. Suzanne Jevne
Ms. Elizabeth Johndrow
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Johnson
Mr. Harold Jones
Ms. Patricia Jones
Ms. Deborah Jordan
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Jordan
Mr. & Mrs. E. Arnold Joseph
Mr. John Joseph
Mr. Richard Joseph
Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Joseph
Ms. Shirley Joyce
Mr. & Mrs. George Kalos
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Karas
Ms. Margaret Karns
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Kauff MD
Mr. Kevin Kavanagh
Mr. & Mrs. Denis Kearns
Ms. Ann Keefe
Mrs. Daniel Keeler
Ms. Mary Keeley
Ms. Elizabeth Keene & Family
Mr. & Mrs. William Keirnan
Mr. & Mrs. Kendall Kellaway Sr.
Dr. M. David Kelleher MD
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kelleher
Ms. Alice Kelley
Ms. Alice Haley Kelley
Ms. Claire Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. James Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. Terence Kelley
Mr. Frank Kelly
Ms. Helen Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kelly
Ms. Elaine Kelter
Mr. & Mrs. James Kelty
Mr. & Mrs. George Kennedy
Ms. Claire Kessinger
Mr. & Mrs. John Kibbe
Mr. Paul Kirk
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Kissam
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Knowles
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Knowles
Ms. E. Catherine Kroeger
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Krupczak
Ms. Gertrude Kulberg
Mr. George Kyller
Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse L’Italien
Ms. Barbara LaFleur
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Lamprey
Mr. & Mrs. William Landmann
Ms. June Lane
Mr. Robert Lannin
Mr. Marshall Lapp
Mr. Albert Larocco
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Larosa
Ms. Judith Larson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lavalley
Ms. Jeanine Lavalley
Ms. Rosemary Lavelle
Ms. Janice Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. William Leary
Mrs. Jane Leason
Ms. Patricia Leasure
Mr. A.J. Legere
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Lembo
Mr. & Mrs. John Levanchy
Ms. Mary Levangie
Ms. Lois Levine
Ms. Evelyn Libertine
Dr. Robert Lille MD
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lincoln
Mr. Allen Litchfield
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Litz
Mr. Thomas Livingston
Ms. Amy Locke
Dr. & Mrs. Richard LoGuercio
Mr. Joseph Lombardi
Ms. Mary Londergan
Mr. Ralph Lovejoy
Mrs. Eugenia Ludlow
Mr. Pui Lui
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lundin
Ms. Gayle Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. William Lyttle
Mr. & Mrs. James MacAllen
Mr. and Mrs.Robert MacDonald
Mr. William MacDonald
Mr. & Mrs. David MacKay
Ms. Mary Mackenzie
Mr. & Mrs. William Mackenzie
Ms. Elinor Mackin
Ms. Ruth Maclean
Ms. Annie MacLeod
Mr. & Mrs. William MacNeill
Ms. Margaret Mahmarian
Mr. & Mrs. Mahoney
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mahoney
Ms. Marjorie Mahoney
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mahoney
Mr. Samuel Mancini
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Manfredi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Manning
Ms. Marie Marchesiani
Mrs. Clare Marchionne
Ms. Dawnelle Pompea Margro
Mr. John Mariano
Mrs. David Marshall
Mr. John Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Martin
Ms. Kelly Ann Martin
Mr. John Martini
Mr. Robert Martino
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Masiello
Mr. & Mrs. L. Roger Mason
Mr. & Mrs. John Matchett
Ms. Eleanor Mathews
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Mauch
Mr. Thomas McArdle
Mr. & Mrs. Earle McArthur
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McCann
Mr. George McCarron
Mr. & Mrs. John P. McCarthy
Ms. Patricia McCarthy
Mr. Robert McClellan Jr.
Ms. Ethel McCool
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McCord
Mr. Mark McCormack
Ms. Joan McCormick
Mr. Paul McDermott
Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McDonald
Ms. Margaret McDonnell
Mr. Francis McGeough
Ms. Heather McGowan
Mr. & Mrs. James McGrath
Ms. Renee Mcinnes
Mr. & Mrs. James McKenney
Mr. & Mrs.Herbert McMeekin
Mr. & Mrs. John McNamara
Mr. Brian McNeil
Ms. Marie McNulty
Mr. Bruce Meacham
Dr. & Mrs. James Mensching
Ms. Blanche Merriam
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Merritt
Mr. Richard Merritt
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Merritt
Ms. Margaret Merzbacher
Ms. Linda Mesheau
Mr. Peter Mesheau
Ms. Shirley Mesheau
Ms. Elaine Messina
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Meyer
Ms. Anna Micci
Ms. Patricia Michaud
Mr. & Mrs. John Millard
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Miller
Mr. Jack Mills
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mitchell
Ms. Nancy Monahan
Mr. Adolph Monson
Mr. Juvenal Monteiro
Ms. Maria Montesi
Ms. Marian Montgomery
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. John Morgan
Ms. Mary Morin
Ms. Lucy Morris
Ms. Pamela Morrissey
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mortland
Mr. Edward Mosher II
Ms. Priscilla Mosher
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mullen
Mr. & Mrs. F. Paul Mulligan
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mullin
Mr. Kevin Mulvaney
Mr. & Mrs. James Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. James Murphy
Mr. James Murphy
Mr. Jim Murphy
Mr. Paul Murphy
Patients who improve at walking
or moving around
Norwell VNA
CMS Home Health Compare
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Murphy
Ms. Roberta Murphy
Mr. Natale Muscato
Ms. Louise Muzrall
Mr. James Newman
Ms. Judy Nichols
Ms. Helen Nihill
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Nittel
Ms. Barbara Noel
Ms. Gertrude Nordin
Mr. Edwin Nummelin
Ms. Kymberly O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh O’Connor
Ms. Mary O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. John O’Donnell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. O’Donnell
Ms. Mary O’Donnell-Downey
Ms. Barbara O’Leary
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur O’Neill
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick O’Neil
Ms. Sallie Oberg
Ms. Mary Anne Odell
Mr. Raymond Oothout
Ms. Ann Ornella-Hughes
Ms. Thelma Osborne
Mr. Gene Ouellette
Mr. John Overbagh
Ms. Florence Owen
Mrs. Sandra Owens
Ms. Dina Papadopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Parsons
Mr. & Mrs. William Partridge
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Paskett
Mr. & Mrs. David Patten
Ms. Virginia Patturelli
Ms. Rose Paul
Ms. Adele Peckham
Mr. & Mrs. Fritz Ritter
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Rizzotto
Ms. Marcia Rizzotto
Mrs. Mary Rondileau
Ms. Mary Rose
Mr. & Mrs. R. Edward Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Rosenhek
Mr. Graham Rossano
Mr. A. Michael Rossi
Ms. Elizabeth Rossi
Ms. Winifred Rounds
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Russo
Ms. Julie Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. John Ryans
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Salamone
Ms. Janice Saltalamacchia
Mr. John Salvador
Mr. & Mrs. John Sampson
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Sandy Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Sargent
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Sayrs
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Scammell
Dr. & Mrs. David Schmid
Mr. Ernest Schnell
Ms. A. Louise Scholtes
Mr. Charles Schow
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schow
Mr. & Mrs. David Schultz
Ms. Gerda Schwartz
Ms. Catherine Sclanfani
Ms. Edith Seacord
Ms. June Seitz
Mr. & Mrs. John Sexton
Mr. and Mrs. William Shanley Jr.
Ms. Barbara Shea
Mr. Charles Shea
Mr. Jeremiah Sheehan
Ms. Lucy Sheehan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sheehan
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Shepherd
Ms. Marion Sherman
Ms. Jean Sherriff
Mr. Paul Shiers
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Shute
Ms. Wendy Silvia
Mrs. Eileen Singleton
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Sisk
Mr. & Mrs. Claude Smith
Mr. & Mrs. James Smith
Ms. Maranda Smith
Ms. Marie Smith
Mr. & Mrs. William Smith
Ms. B. Jean Snow
Mr. & Mrs. William Southworth Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William Spence
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Spigel
Ms. Marcia Sprague
Mr. & Mrs. H.V. Spurway
Ms. Beverly St. Pierre
Ms. Marguerite Staaf
Ms. Beverly Stanley
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Stanley
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Stanney
Mr. Jack Stauss
Mrs. Donna Stearns
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Stempleski
Mr. Frank Stewart
Ms. Jean Stewart
Ms. Ida Stoddard
Ms. Sandra Stohlberg
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stornaiuolo
Ms. Marguerite Stout
Mr. & Mrs. David Stover
Mr. Michael Studley
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sulc
Ms. Cecily Sullivan
Mr. Frederick Sullivan
Ms. Judy Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sullivan
Mr. Benjamin Summers
Ms. Sarah Summers
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Swenson
Ms. Ellen Swider
Mr. & Mrs. David Tack
Mr. David Tagliamonte
Mr. Alex Tanguay
Ms. Myrtle Tasso
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Taylor
Ms. Kathy Tedeschi
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Tedeschi
Mr. Robert Tedeschi
Mr. Francis Terra
Mrs. Roberta Thomae
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Thompson
Ms. Marguerite Thomson
Mr. Carleton Titus
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tolman
Mr. Thomas Trabucco
Mr. Roger Travis
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Troy
Mrs. Edward Tuckerman
Ms. Margaret Turner
Mr. William Turner
Mr. John Twohig
Ms. Yvonne Twomey
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Twyman
Ms. Ann Tyler
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Tyler
Mr. Donald Uppendahl
Mr. Zerrin Uzuner
Ms. Jean Valicenti
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Van Meter
Mrs. Kate Vaughan
Ms. Lee Vigil
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Vines
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Viola
Mr. & Mrs. Willem Visser
Mr. Dan Vitek
Mrs. Mary Voelger
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Vogel
Ms. Elizabeth Von Pier
Mr. David Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Walsh
Ms. Lisa Walter
Mr. & Mrs. James Wasiolek
Ms. Maureen Watts
Mr. & Mrs. D. Reid Weedon Jr.
Mr. William Weeks
Mrs. Marie Welch
Mrs. Rita Welch
Ms. Mary Ellen Wetzel
Mr. James Whelan
Mr. David Whipple
Mr. Arthur Whish
Ms. Linda Whitcomb
Mr. & Mrs. George White
Mr. Stephen White
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas White
Mrs. Audrey Wilber
Mr. Quenton Wilder
Mr. George Wilkinson
Ms. Alice Williams
Mr. & Mrs. L. Ware Williams
Mr. Robert Williams
Mr. Thomas Williams
Ms. Tiffanie Williams
Mr. & Mrs. John Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wilson
Ms. Roslyn Wiseman
Mr. & Mrs. John Wojcik
Mr. William Woomer
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Dale Wooten
Mr. & Mrs. John Wright
Ms. Catherine Wynn
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Yanarella
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Yetman
Mr. Robert Yorke
Mr. John Zampine Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Zarick
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Zona
Mr. Theodore Zylinski
our business supporters
for the people you care about
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pecoraro
Mrs. Michael Peraino
Mr. Thomas Perret
Ms. Christine Peters
Ms. Florence Peterson
Mr. Hart Peterson
Ms. Josephine Petrell
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Petrucci
Ms. Linda Picard
Mr. Steven Picardo
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pietroski Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Pijanowski
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Pike
Mr. Demetrius Pilalas
Mr. Roger Pinkos
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Poitras
Mr. Elmer Pooler
Mr. Thomas Poor
Mr. & Mrs. George Pope
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Pouliot
Mr. & Mrs. Verne Powell
Mrs. Elizabeth Pratt
Ms. Louise Proctor
Mr. John Pugsley Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Queenan
Mr. Carl Raby
Ms. Karen Raccuia
Mr. Gary Rachins
Mr. Sylvester Ramsdell
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Rapoport
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Raymond
Ms. Cynthia Raynor
Mr. Robert Reardon
Ms. Diane Reed
Ms. Fran Reven
Ms. Patricia Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Rice
Mr. & Mrs. C. Thomas Richards
Mr. & Mrs. M.E. Richards
Mr. Stephen Richards
Ms. Carolyn Richardson
Mrs. Dorothy Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. George Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Richardson
Mr. Robert Richardson
Dr. & Mrs. John C. Richmond
Ms. Mary Riddell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rideout
Mr. Eben Riordan
Ms. Margaret Riordan
Mr. John Ritsher
Advanced Energy Systems, Inc.
Alperin/Hirsch Family Foundation
Anderson Physical Therapy
Aspect Medical Team
Beijing House Restaurant
Best Western Inn, Longwood Medical Ctr.
Brad Borbidge PA
Brigham’s Inc.
Building #19 Foundation
Camp Hale Alumni Association
Clinical One Home Medical
Cohasset Golf Club
Colonnade Hotel
Community Health Network, Inc.
Dickinson Development Corporation
Fraternal Order of Eagles,
Weymouth Aerie No. 2899
Edgewater Landscaping
Garden Environments
Glynn Tree Experts
Hilliards House of Candy
Hughes & Associates Law Office
Image Resolution
Inside Out
Interactive Digital Systems, Inc.
Jack Conway & Co.
James F. Stearns Co
Joseph’s Pontiac
Loomis, Sayles & Company
McKay Construction Company
McKeon Post
Midtown Hotel
Mohawk Rubber Sales of N.E., Inc.
Museum of Science
Neighborhood Diabetes
New England Curtain
New England Food Foundation, Inc.
North River Home Care
Norwell Grange 410, Patrons of Husbandry
Norwell Town Hall Sunshine Fund
Olden’s Pharmacy
Queen Anne Nursing Home
River Bay Club
Roche Bros. Supermarkets
South Shore Senior News
Southwood At Norwell Nursing Center
Squires of Hanover
Tiny and Sons Glass
TRB Design, Inc.
Van Kampen Securities
Verizon Foundation
Welch Healthcare & Retirement Group, Inc.
Norwell VNA
Henry Ainslie, Jr.
Walter Allen
Robert Alvanas
Roger Apts
Alexaner Barghout
Lucinda Baxter
Earl Beauregard
Elizabeth Bennett
Cristen Benoit
Ruth Bonomi
Beatrice Brady
Rosaline Buckless
Bruce Bunten
Margaret Burr
Frank Cambria
Frank Cambria, Jr.
Joan Casey
Ann Cogliano
Leah Colangelo
Cynthia Collins
Mary Connolly
John Considine
Robert Corbin
Lucille Craig
James Curley
Mary Curley
Betty Daming
William Dana
Rena Davey
Laura Deery
Darby Donahue
Norwell Visiting Nurse Association
91 Longwater Circle
Norwell, MA 02061
Rose Donero
Elizabeth Duffey
Emily Dunal
Elizabeth Dunning
Elise Flannery
Elwood Ford
Harold Galligan
Helen Graham
Jack Guidera
Hazel Gunn
Paul Hansell
Paul Heger
Catherine Holmes
Irene Holthaus
Francis Hurley
Pauline Johnson
Helen Joseph
Josephine Joyce
Tom Keeley
Frances Kennedy
Charles Klemovich
Michael Knapp
Richard LaFleur
Christopher Lincoln
Ann Livingston
Ponziano Loiacono
Dr. Clarence Ludlow
Edith MacDonald
Jean Mae
Mattie Mallen
Millie Mallen
Kay Marshall
Beverly Martini
Linoln Matthews
Roberta McCarron
Ralph MacLeod
Carol Mesheau
Alice Messikian
Earle Michaud
Estelle Mosher
Kenneth Murphy
Helen O’Brien
Raymond Oothout
Christine Picard
Matthew Francis Picard
Viola Pike
Anne Pilalas
Joseph Pilalas
Anna Pooler
Mary Ann Puglsley
Villow Reilly Gray
Emily Kate Rice
Barbara Salvadore
Sue Sautter Kelley
Barbara Schow
Arthur Sewell
George Sherman
William Sinclair
Barbara Smith
Jean Snow
Phil Snow
John Spurr
Betty Spurr
Michael Stanley
Judith Stempleski
Joan Terra
Walter Tyler
All VNA Staff
Hubert Von Pier
Kenneth Walsh
Thomas Welch
Martha Whiting
Jack Wilber
Fran Wilson
Rosemarie Zampine