BUF FFALO O SHORES S GA AZETT TE Old dest Setttlementt in Sco ott Cou unty------Buffaalo, Iow wa Rural Pearl of thee Month: “ “Don’t fin nd fault, find a remedy; anyb body can com mplain.”– Henry H Ford d. EMAIL ME E TO BE ADD DED TO THE E DISTRIBUT TION LIST! C Chrisc2865@m msn.com Our paper can c be viewedd online at httpp://echobluffrancch.com/BUFFALOO_SHORES_GAZEETTE.htm Volume e 12, Issue 4 June 15 – J July 14 2013 free MONTHLY BUFFALO TTRIVIA QUES STION OF TH HE MONTH: For what w was John Priggnitz known in Buffalo? ANSWER TO O LAST MON NTH’S TRIVIA A QUESTION In thhe summer oof 1833, Capt.. Benjamin C Clark raised corn, c beanss, peas and oother vegetabbles, the firstt produce raised in Scott County. In 11834 he had 100 acres off wild land brroken. FROM THE PARK BOARD Unfortunately we lost 7 trees from the storm at the park on Dodge. Clean-up was done quick and efficient. New mulch for around play equipment looks great. Planted wild flower seeds in park planters. Hope flowers come on before July 4. Please carry a bag with you when you walk your pet. There is a city ordinance to clean up. And when you mow please don't blow grass into street or ally. It clogs our river and streams. Next meeting is July 11 @ 6:00 p.m. Thank You, Cheryl Meador BUFFALO SCHOOL REUNION The Buffalo Alumni-School Reunion will be September 21, 2013. It will be held at the Buffalo Community Center. Doors will open at 4:00 for catching up with classmates. The committee will be sending out forms for the banquet early this summer as we will need the information for our reunion book. We need reservations for supper by midAugust. Information and reservation forms will be available at a later date. For specific information, contacts are: Annette Wrage Rickeberg - Chairperson-Reunion Book, Bonnie Awbrey Cooley - Change of Address or Contact Information, Helen Willich Joiner Secretary-Treasurer, Betty Ann Hudson Upshaw -Banquet Food and Entertainment. FOOD PANTRY Open every Tuesday from 9-12. Angie's Daycare, State Registered Provider *Transports to/from local schools *One mile north of Buffalo School off Coon's *Participates in Child Adult Care Food Program *References available Angie Webster 8034 119th St. (Eagle Lane) Blue Grass Call for more information 563.505.6485 BVFD Notes . We spent 377 man-hours responding to a record 43 emergency calls in May. We responded to 29 EMS calls, 4 Structure Fires, 1 Vehicle Fire, 1 Grass Fire and 8 Miscellaneous calls for a CO Detector, Wires Down, Missing Child, Transformer Fire and Flood Pumping, Wires Down and an Alarm Malfunction. The members also spent 24 man-hours performing station and vehicle maintenance with their assigned duty crew. As the summer heat moves in upon us, here are a few tips to beat the heat: ♦ Dress for the heat. Wear lightweight, light-colored clothing. Light colors will reflect away some of the sun's energy. It is also a good idea to wear hats or to use an umbrella. ♦ Drink water. Carry water or juice with you and drink continuously even if you do not feel thirsty. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, which dehydrate the body. Avoid using salt tablets unless directed to do so by a physician. ♦ Eat small meals and eat more often. Avoid high-protein foods, which increase metabolic heat. ♦ Slow down. Avoid strenuous activity. If you must do strenuous activity, do it during the coolest part of the day, which is usually in the morning between 4 and 7 a.m. ♦ Stay indoors when possible. If airconditioning is not available, stay on the lowest floor out of the sunshine. Remember that electric fans do not cool, they simply circulate the air. Be a good neighbor. During heat waves, check in on elderly residents in your neighborhood and those who do not have air conditioning. Terry Adams, Fire Chief Visit us at www.BVFDFIRE.COM Girls Scouts For info, contact [email protected] Phone: 563.726.1335 2 Buffalo Library News June 2013 Summer activities are heating up! There’s still time to sign up for the Summer Reading Program. Over 90 kids have, so far. Mark your calendar, and bring the kids in to take part in these FREE activities! WEDNESDAYS: Every Wednesday at 10:00 am – our usual Story Hour. Hear a story, and make a craft. MONDAYS: Starting Monday, June 10, and running through July 29: Each Monday will offer a free ‘Make & Take Craft Time’. Stop in, and make something fun to take home. No registration, no cost! June 11, 2:30 - LEGOs at the Library. Come in and build with the Library’s Legos\Duplos, or bring your own. June 20, 2:30 - People of the Past. Watch for details. June 26, 10:00 am – Enjoy a visit from Pete the Cat, star of several kids’ books! June 27, 2:30 - Mystery Movie! Come see a family-friendly movie on the big screen. July 9, 2:30 - LEGOs at the Library July 10, 10:00 am – Charlie’s Heroes Puppet Show. Enjoy a fun puppet presentation from the Mississippi Valley Blood Center. The shows are appropriate for all ages. July 11, 2:30 – A visit with our friends from LaFarge. Get a close up look at a piece of excavating equipment, and hear about how cement is produced. July 16, 2:30 - Down the Rabbit Hole. A live animal presentation. July 22, 3:00 – Origami. Kids will learn to fold paper flowers from an origami expert. July 25, 2:30 - Mystery Movie II A fun summer! Take advantage of your Buffalo Library! Library Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 2:00 to 7:00 pm Wednesday: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, then 2:00 to 7:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am to Noon 381-1797 - Cindy Mosier, Branch Associate BUCKAROO B NEWS The story of the Am merican Cow wboy It all beg gan in what t is now Flor rida in 149 93 when th he first Spaniards s arrived. They let do own the gan ng plank and d unloaded their longh horn cattle e. alusa native Indian tribe attacked the The Ca ship, b but the Spa aniards escaped, ret treating to Spain. U Upon retur rning to th he New World in 1512 2, the Spa aniards sa aw hundreds s of the cattle they y had left t behind. This time they were able to be b friend ds with th he Indians. . They called their cattle C Criollos, meaning Sp panish cattle born in i the ne ew world. They T are noted for their t wild colorat tion, long horns, and their ha ardiness to survive without human h inter rvention. The Spanis sh cowboys [Vaqueros] Vaca for r cattle, cueros is a working person teaching whi ite natives descende ed from Sco otland and Ireland their skill ls of moving cattle e. These co owboys where called Crackers, hence the Florid da Crackers name for r cracking there bullwhips to move the herds. The first cattle e drives started in central Florida to Tampa, S St Augustin ne, Gainesville, Man natee, Cuba, Punta Rasa, and Savannah to Atlanta a Georgia. About 40 00 hundred d years lat ter Texas entered th he scene w with some of longhor rns from Florida and d brought t the Hereford and other o English breeds s from Europe. To T this day y, Florida has the largest cattle ra anch in the e country, having th he highest number ca attle on ha and. Back in the day y, my gre eat grandf father owne ed 4 sections [2000 acres] ] by Cross city abou ut 25 miles east of Horses shoe Beach h, Dixie Co ounty, Florida. The Longhorn n is noted to be of highest pr rotein and a third d of fat and a cholest terol than English breeds s. Grass fe ed cattle have highe er omega-3 which fi ights free radicals that cause e cancer and other ailments. There are still tho ousands of cowboys in America a that are riding ha ard to bring free ran nge grass fed cattle e to your plate. Fro om t the saddle, , ADIOS. (reprint from Feeb 2012) From my Saddle, Seenor Esteban FRO OG FFluent Reading Our Goal Summ mer Youth LLiteracy Proggram June 100th, 2013 thro ough July 17 7th, 2013 Mondayss and Wednesdays 2:00‐‐4:00 pm Buffalo Public Library WE N NEED Voluntteers ‐ to su upervise literracy activitiees AND to provide one onn one readin ng with students. No expperience neeeded: Trainiing will be p provided Spons orships ‐ Funds will be n needed to provide prograam/craft materials and ssnacks for th he children. $ $40 will heelp defray th he costs of m materials and d snacks for o one week. Since we arre a non‐profit organizattion, all dona ations are taxx deductiblee. Please contact Estellla Novak 309 9‐737‐7326 if you would lik ke to help. (FFROG, PO Box 164, Buffalo, IA 52728) C CALVAR RY LUTH HERAN C CHURCH H The Co ommunity D Dinner willl be held o on One Spay at a Time Ju une 27, 4 - 6:30. We willl be servin ng Pork Loin, L Potatoees, gravy, green beaans, salads, d desserts, aand beveraages. Offering a LOW W COST spay y/neuter clinic for cats in the Buffalo/Blue Grass G area. American Leg gion hall in Blue e Grass. Please call 56 63-650-5720 for an appointme ent in advance.. Female cats $50 $ Male cats $25 5; added smalll breed dogs. The costs fo or dogs is Males s: $50 and Fe emales: $75. Rabies vacc cination $10 Post-operatiive pain medica ation, deworming and ear mitte treatment are e all available for an addition nal fee. Please visit www.onespaya atatime.com fo or more informa ation and to download a copy of the pre e- and post-surrgical instructio on sheet. ( Dr. Hedges onespay@a aol.com www.onespa ayatatime.com D Donations are w welcome. Evveryone is enco ouraged to atten nd. 563-650-57 720 3 QUILT SHOW New E Era Lutheran C Church will hold its 12th Annuaal Quilt Show on o July 12-13. The show will feature quilts ffrom local quilteers and antique e quilts. Guests may view quiltts on Friday, Juuly 12, from 9 aam-8 pm. A lunch will be served from 11 am – 2 pm, aand supper from m 4:30-7 pm. On Satu rday, July 13, tthe quilt show w will be open froom 9 am-4 pm,, with lunchh served from 111 am-2 pm. TTicket prices arre $4.00 for the e quilt show w only and $8..00 for the quiltt show and a m meal. The public is invited. The chuurch is located at 3455 New E Era Road, Musscatine, ¼ mile west of the uppper entrance too Wildcat Den S State Park. Foor more informa ation, or if you w would like to puut a quilt on display, contact B Becki Petersen at 563299-1664, or Sue Kirk at 563-823--1099. H HERITAGE E QC WEST T Fruit Happens June 2 23 JOY June 30 0 PEACE July 7 PATIENCE July 14 K KINDNESS July 21 FAIITHFULNESS July 28 GE ENTLENESS Aug. 4 SEL LF-CONTROL We e are coming g to Blue Grrass! Startting July 7th, w we will be meeting at th he Blue Grass Com mmunity Ce enter at 10 0am. H Hope to see e you there e! ----------------------------For Jun ne 16, 23 and 30th, we still m meet at B Buffalo Eleme entary Schoo ol 1000 Jefferson Street Buffalo, IA 52728 qcwestinfo@h heritageqc.com visit us on n Facebook “Fo or where two o or three arre gathered together in my name, th here am I in n the midst o of them.” Carter’ ’s Café (N Next to Shell l gas station n) 1106 W. F Front St. Buffal lo, IA (563)38 81-1555 Grea at food! G Great pric ces! Come e in and try our t tasty home emade sou ups! Great pl lace for f family & f friends! 4 SEN NIOR MOMENTS This is thhe Year of the Senniors and a lot is ggoing on. Senior V Voice has lots of activities and I even went to a S Senior Prom at Riddgecrest on N>W> > Blvd. and the runner up wass 104 years old annd even danced. It was theirr first Prom. Thee M.V.F. is here again and lots of Events, New Horse e Ring, and lots of Changes, aand great talent. TThe entry in craftss, vegeetables, flowers, leeather, etc. is onlyy 25 cents and there are manny divisions. ENTR RIES must be madde by July 15th to the t Fair ok. officee. and the times too take them in aree printed in the boo Therre is something for Everyone of eveery AGE. Moost things must bee taken in on Sundday or Mon before the fair. G General office on Locust Street, Davenport, 563-326-5338. Onnly $40 includes TToby Keith, Josh TTurner, Dwight Yoakam, Lynyrd Skynyrd, D Diamond Rio and Jake Owen, all starting aat 8pm. Fair Fun C Cards are $40 thruu July 1 and $45 thereafterr. That includes FFree fair admissionn, grandstand shoows and parkiing for All 6 Days. You can even geet the Fun Cards aat Hy-Vee. The National Belggium Horse Show is a favorite, 4-H Bldg. andd Much Much moree. It is in its 94th Y Year..... Some off the City old builddings are being torrn down and Elections are this year for 3 Council Personss and the Mayor. S Sign up is in Augu ust. There aree Camp Abe Lincooln camps for residdents this year and the FROG Program for reading hhelp at the BAC. TThe Tornado took a lot of trees and some homes and the rain just keepss coming. Basem ments are a challennge for many. Sandbags are on hand and it is scary too put them away. If they ever do, thhey could come too the farm on the hill. h Everyonee is so tired of mudd, but....gardens aand pastures are ggrowing. Keeping weeds down is a challenge. I was neeeded to help at a Y Youth show at Shoones Friendship FFarms for the Quad d City All Breed Asssn. and it was funn and great to see so many YOUTH showing and having fun with horsees and ponies. I w was amazed at thee talent, and the rriding abilities of alll the Youth andd some with disabbilities but they weere great Horses aand Ponies (plus other o animals) tteach so much annd keep youth outsside and exercisinng. I was so proud d to help and answ wer questions and meet the parents and children that rode bareback, English and Westtern and showed iin Halter and Gam mes. The next shoow is at the Y M.V.FFairgrounds June 30th for OPEN annd Aug. 25th for Youth only. The costume claass photo is soo cute and a show stopper. (Policceman and Carrott Thief) I jusst saw and want too congratulate the Buffalo Youth tha at just Graduated from Scott C Community collegge. They are: Cattherine Kimees, Fylisha Meadorr, Nicholas Ouart, and Dawn Shaferr. Keep up the Learning. We aare proud of you. m selling rabbits annd other small animals with cages and a trying I am to cutt down. All reasonnable offers on annimals or Horse an nd Pony equippment will be conssidered. Your Seenior Council Mem mber and Farmer o n the Hill, DanaJoo Great plaace for Graduation giftts, Birthday ys, Wedding gs, Anniverssary gifts, Spoil yoursellf gifts….Fa ashion, shoees, purses, jeewelry, and d much more! 10 003 Park Av venue Muscatine,, IA Hours 9:00am – 6:00pm 563-506-81 145 BUFFALO HISTORIC CAL SOCIE ETY Our Memoriial Day servicce was a greatt success. Than nks to all who o helped! Ou ur next mee eting is June 20 2 at 6:30. Museum hours are Sund days 1-4. Calll Chris at 381 1-8074 or 579 9-3588 if you u would like to visit the mu useum durin ng other time es. BRICK ORD DER FORM can c be accesse ed @ http://echobluffra anch.com/BUFFALO_SHORES_GAZETTE.htm Or simply seend a note/emaill, with a check fo or $35; of what you y want engraveed (limiteed to 3 lines, 15 spaces s each). TuuF-A- Nuf BAR RNYARD SAL LE The Saale must go on! There are horsses, ponies, muules, goats, rabbbits and saddless, halters, bridlees, saddle or coover blankets, aand books, photos, etc. Quieet but unbrokenn ponies start at $50. All w will be wormed, trimmed and ggo with leads annd/or halters. Call C for apt to ssee what I havee. I must cut doown to be able tto enjoy the few w I will be keepping and be ablle to show. I w will trade almostt anything for dry d hay delivereed. There will be all sizes andd breeds of goatts and many wiith or to have kids. Call Danna at 563-349-88068. If would like your name in ou ur paper, donate or loan some hisstorical items to our o museum! Thank you to the family y of Harold T Clearman. They don nated many historical h ite ems from the e estate in ncluding an original o Bufffalo police uniform, u dufffel bags from m WWII, Bu uffalo VFW Legion L hat, army y uniform, wo ooden pegs frrom the old barn th hat used to be behind Cle earman’s store, man ny more itemss and a myste ery item! Guess w what this is in n the picture on o the right! To see these e treeasures, along g with otherss, visit our mu useum! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Think how many bllameless livess are brighteened by the blazing inndiscretions oof other peoplle. “Be soo good they can't ignore you!” 5 Flag Essay E at Buffalo Elem mentary School: On Tuesday, T 28 May, M 2013 3, the Blue Grrass Amerrican Legion Post P 711 partiicipated in thee Buffalo Sch hool awardss program by presenting th he Americann Legions 5th Grade G Flag Essay E contest w winners. Adj djutant Waynee F. Kraft & 2nd Vice Commander Al A McDonnell presented th he awards- Medals, Ribbons & Certificates. 1st Place winner w was Emm ma Ray, daug ghter of Shawn n& Erika R Ray, also received a check of $50.00. 2nd Place win nner- Macken nzie Holmes Booos, daughter of Adam & Shelly S Sowell allso received a check of $25 5.00. n, 3rd Placce winner waas Evie Nelson daughterr of Brian Hollem & Katherrine Robertso on. Buffalo Scchool had a to otal of 37 stud dents particippate. The remainder of th he students also received d a Certificatee of Participattion. Teacheers, Lisa Hatlett & Lindsaay Geunnther, were prresented with h Certificaates of Appreeciation for th heir particcipation with the program. Superinteendent Sheri Sanders was also a preseented with a Certificate C of Apppreciation for her support. Offerring classes in n: Ballet, Ta ap, Jazz, Hip H Hop, Poms and Tumblin ng Lyrical, Musical Theaater 710 Weest Mayne Strreet Blu ue Grass, IA Call Today! 563-381--4565 www.jenny ysdanceacadem my.com Blu ue Grass Ame erican Legion & Auxiliary Post 711 Clerk’s Corrner from City Hall Utility bills were calculated incorrecttly and the correctionns are reflected on this billing cycle and nexxt months billing cycle. If you have additional qquestions please conntact us. Community Deveelopment had a greaat turnout for the dayy camp program at Camp Abe Lincoln. We would w like to say thaank you to everyone whoo signed up. City Hall will be cclosed Thursday Julyy 4th in observance of o Independence D Day. 702 Front St. is sset up to have the assbestos removal on July 19th, 2013 and thhe demolition the folllowing week. The City is seeking PT Seasonal Woorkers for Public Works. Must be 18 yrs. O Old and it will be appproximately 30 hrs. per p week. Please seend applications to City C Hall or completee application from the website www.buuffaloiowa.org. Buffalo Days will be July 5th – 7th. Friday night is Biike Night featuring thhe band Simon sayss Uncle. Saturday there w will be kids’ games, craft c vendors, fireworks at dusk, and the baand Vodkaseven. Sunday will be thhe parade starting att noon. For sign up information pleasse contact David Ericson at 563-210-53331 Programmable Thermostats: You can save ass much as 10% a yeaar on heating and coooling by simply turning yoour thermostat back 7o-10oF for 8 hourss a day from where you w would normally set. (If you have a heat pump, p don’t do this withhout a programmablee thermostat). You can c do this automaticallyy by using a program mmable thermostat and a scheduling the times you turn on thee heating or air condiitioning. As a result, the eequipment doesn’t operate as much wheen you are asleep or nott at home. (http://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/eneergy_savers.pdf) Thank you, C City Clerk, Tannaa Leonard American n Legion Unitt 711 106 Sou uth Juniata Strreet Blue Grrass, Iowa 527726 “Th he problem m with m making an exttrinsic rew ward the o only desstination that t mattters is tha at some pe eople will choose the e quickestt route theere, even if itt means ta aking the low roa ad. Indeed d, most of tthe sca andals and d misbehav vior that hav ve seemed d endemic to mo odern life involve i sho ortcuts.” 6 HAPPY BIR RTHDAY! Brittany T Teel June 15th June 19 Kate Mulllanack Judy Jeweett June e 20 Kabri Hasss Jun ne 21 Triston T Teel Ju une 22 Becky Co onger June 23 Dwain Bo ollmman June 25 Jeff Buchanan Jun ne 25 Doug Buchanan Jun ne 28 June 28 Brandon Mangels Daryl Bu uffington June 30 Delores S Scott Jun ne 30 Beulah H Hitchcock Jun ne 30 Bill Boweers Jun ne 30 Gracie Ly ynn Bruce (C Carson) July 1 Randolph h Lee Smith July y1 Mary Betth Hanson July 2 Tom Cong ger July y4 Steve Rem mley July y6 Randy U Upton July J 6 Betty Led dford July 8 Ruth Bra aden July y8 Pat Teel July 10th Andrew B Bernauer July 10 H HAPPY ANNIIVERSARY Richard & Joy Peek Ju une 18 Chris & N Nancy Vick/G Germain Ju une 24 Robert & Marlis Vickk Ju une 25 Ryan & C Charmin Ried desel June 29th Dick & Gale Carson July 3 Jim & Karren Bernaueer July 3 Jack & Jan n Carson July 11 Gary & B Bobi Carson July 11 Dwayne & Shelia Rileey July J 14 ---------------------------- If you would d like to see yours or your loved ones’ Birtthday or Anniverrsary in here, please eemail the info to Chriis at C [email protected] m, or call 381-8074 B Buffalo Hisstory 101 News frrom Echo Bluff Ran nch, BUFFAL LO IA Our barn p painting projeect has not sttarted yet, but wee have the pa aint! IT will be b Barn red, w with a green roof, to matcch the metal rooff on the housee. Some mayy wonder wh hy certain collors are comm mon on barns? In the early 19th 1 century, northern a and mid-Atlan ntic farmers started paiinting their barns b a dark red. r Several th heories exist on o why red was w such a popular co olor for barnss. Some barrn authorities claim it was w the Scandinav vian influencee; they used rred to simula ate brick and wealth. Otthers say it wa as an abunda ance of stock blo ood or iron oxxide that cou uld be mixed with h milk to mak ke red paint. Others sugg gested it wass esthetics - th he red paint ccomplementeed the green fields. Yet anotheer theory sugg gests it was a supply and d demand tra adition. Farm mers, when askeed why they painted p their barns red, replied, “red paint is so available a and cheap.” If paint manufactu urers asked why w they prod duced so much reed paint, theyy said, “becau use so many farm mers want it.” In any eventt, a rich dark reed has becom me the symbo olic barn color in America. What is eveen more excitiing than gettin ng fresh paintt on the barns is that my friiend Sue and heer husband D Dick made us the most beautiful B Barn Quilt to decorate thee peak. For those of you that do not know k what a barrn quilt is, I will w talk about that next month h! Pictured here h is our ba arn quilt, which h will be hung after the ba arn is painted. ON anotheer note, Privyy Digger Davee is interested in digging privies in Buffa alo. Anyone intterested, let me m know! It is i fun to see wha at treasures arre in the old privies. Go o out and gett dirty! Thanks, Ch hris Carson an nd Steve Thorrnton Generations G Area A Agencyy on Aging www.echoblufffranch.com, or visit us on Facebook k. Samual Moore wass born in Belfa ast, Ireland in n 1827. He ccame to Amerrica in 1848, arrriving in Buffa alo in 1852. While W here, M Moore worked various mine es for Capt. Mu urray, Capt. W W.L. Clark and d Capt. Dodge, an nd a Mr. Postten until opening the “Moore C Coal Bank.” M Mr. Moore wa as one of the first coal men in Iowa. “WHEN A TREE FAL LLS IT RE ESOUNDS WITH W A THU UNDERING CRASH; AND YET A W WHOLE FOREST F GR ROWS IN SIL LENCE.” 7 Local Service andd Great Rates Call us todayy at (563) 381-31500 or stop by to find d out how we can saave you money onn all of your loan needs. n Deb H Hinds [email protected] om Jim Mattthys [email protected] Harland Joohnson hJohnson@ @buffalosavingsbank.com CALEND DAR OF EV VENTS SUND DAY 16 June e MONDAY 17 7 BINGO GEN AGE CA AFÉ-BAC 23 24 4 BINGO GA A CAFÉ Presidents’ Day y TUESDA AY 18 RECYCLE E WEDNESDAY 19 Food Pantry y 9-12 GEN N AGE CA AFÉ-BAC FREE CLOTH HES 9-12 FREE E CLOTHES 9-12 25 26 GEN NAGE CAFÉ THURSDA AY 21 Free clothhes GEN AGE CAFÉ É/ -------------------------- 28 N AGE GEN CAF FÉ/ 29 5 G.A. CAFÉ Buffa alo Days 6 June Buffalo Days s 12 G.A A. CAFÉ 13 19 G.A A. CAFÉ 20 5-7 Hist mtg 6:330 30 1 July 2 4 3 HES 9-12 G.A FREE cloth A. CAFÉ hes CIITY COUNCIIL FREE CLOTH Food Pan ntry 9-12 Free MT TG 7PM e Clothes 9-12 2 5-7 RECYCLE E nce Independen Day! 7 Buffalo D Days 8 14 G.A. CAFÉ 9 BIN NGO FREE CLOTH HES 9-12 15 BINGO 16 G.A A. CAFÉ FREE CLOTH HES 9-12 10 11 G.A A. CAFÉ Food Pan ntry 9-12 Free e Clothes 9-12 2 Food Pan ntry 9-12 17 G.A. G CAFÉ Free CLOTHES 9-12 SATURDA AY 15 27 FREE cloth hes Food Pan ntry 9-12 FRE EE CLTHS 9-12 2 5-7 CLC Dinne er FREE CLOTH HES 9-12 FR RIDAY 20 22 Free clothess 5-7 18 Free clothess 5-7 RECYCLE E ALL BUF FFALO BU USINESS ADS WILL BE FREE! From m MOTHER’S COOKBOO OK Appple Butter WE WAN NT TO PROMO OTE THE BUSINESSES IN OUR TOWN AN ND IN TURN P PROMOTE OU UR TOWN! WE E WILL PLACE E ADS IN PAPE ER AS SPACE E IS AVAILABL LE. IF SPACE E RUNS SHORT T, WE WILL ROTATE A ADS. WE WILL L BE AS FAIR AS WE CAN. Paper distributed d on 15th of month. m 3 gallons cooked aapples 5 pounds brown suggar 1 qua rt of Cideer vinegar Boil down 1/3. Season wwith cinnammon, allspice, clove s, nutmeg Clara M Miller circa 19936 *ALSO, p please accep pt our apolog gy for any errrors that may appear in n this issue. ELECTE ED CONTA ACTS FOR THE T CITY OF O BUFFALO O: 381-3839 mayor@buffal m loiowa.org COUNCIL MEMBERS S: KIM BUC CHANAN 381 1-5204 kbucha anan@buffalo oiowa.org DANA JO O SMITH 381--3245 dsmith@ @buffaloiowa a.org DAVE STICKROD 275-9271 dstickrrod@buffaloio owa.org JUDY HA AMMONS 381 1-1465 jhamm mons@buffalo oiowa.org OLIN ME EADOR 940-5901 omeador@ @buffaloiowa a.org MAYOR: D DOUG ANDERSO ON (Recipes froom old Buffalo womeen’s’ cookbook, dated JJune 1921, which was ppassed to me from myy late grandmothher, Virginia Carson. See Jan/Feb edition ffor more info) BU UFFALO COMM MUNITY Y CENTE ER! SENIOR M MEALS SERVED D M-W-F AT NOON AT THE SEENIOR MEAL SITE S IN THE BA ACK. IF YOU NEED DELIVERY Y, CALL 24 HO OURS AHEAD: PHONE NU UMBERS- 324 4-9085, 381-4594, RECEP PTIONS, BIR RTHDAY PAR RTIES ANNIV VERSARIES,, GRADUAT TIONS FAMILY RE EUNIONS B BINGO EVER RY MONDAY Y DOORS OP PEN AT 4:00 B BINGO STAR RTS AT 6:00 C CALL CONNIIE at 381-39677 OR 3700-0194 Submiissions to o the pap per shou uld be sent to o: chrisc2865@m msn.com Or call C Chris at 381 1-8074 Provide your emaiil to be add ded to distriibution listt! ----------------------------------------------------- - Calll for AUCTION N dates and tim mes Support OUR O LOCAL POST OFFIC CE! Meetings are the last Sundayy of each month at 4:00 pm! 8
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