Celebrating 60 years of HOPE Services


Celebrating 60 years of HOPE Services
Celebrating 60 years of HOPE Services
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2011–201 2
Our Mission
HOPE Services assists individuals with developmental disabilities to
live and participate fully in their communities.
Our History
Founded in 1952, HOPE Services was one of the first preschools in California to serve only children with
developmental disabilities. HOPE Services has evolved into a multi-faceted organization addressing the
evolving, life-long needs of infants, children, teens, adults, and seniors with developmental disabilities
in Santa Clara, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Benito and Alameda counties.
Our Services
Celebrating our 60th year of service, HOPE provides a full range of services that aim to improve the
lives of our participants by facilitating both their healthy cognitive and physical development and
their inclusion and participation in their communities. HOPE’s programs include: Children’s Services,
After-School Services, Employment Services, Mental Health Services, Senior Services, Community Living
Services, and multiple Day Activity programs.
Program Enrollment 2012
Employment & Training.............................................. 967
Developmental Activities............................................. 425
Children’s Services........ 115 + 405 family members = 520
After-School Services.......... 22 + 44 family members = 66
Community Learning Services..................................... 190
Mental Health Services. 786 + 100 family members = 886
Senior Services.............................................................. 87
Total: 3,141 clients
Our Financials Fiscal Year 2012
Sources of Funding
Allocation of Expenses
Public Funds (State/County)
66.2% $25,738,004
Commercial Operations
18.5% $7,179,746
Retail & Salvage 13.1% $5,091,960
Donations 1.6% $617,646
Miscellaneous 0.7% $272,566
Total: $38,899,922
Program Services
75.5% $30,219,743
Retail & Salvage
12.4% $4,962,851
G&A 10.4% $4,176,469
Fund Development
1.7% $693,257
Total: $40,052,320
District and Program Highlights: Central County
Programs: Community-Based Day Activity Programs, Vocational Services and Senior Services. District Office: San Jose, CA.
District Director: Lori Arnberg.
Day Programs: The Silicon Valley
Diversified Network (SVDN) serves
33 participants in a variety of paid,
volunteer or healthy living activities.
Participants currently volunteer at 11
different organizations throughout
San Jose.
HOPE Services has also been able
to provide opportunities for paid and
volunteer work through the expansion
of the green business program to the
Central District. Through generous
grants from the Yahoo! Employees
Foundation and NISH, HOPE was able
to provide 1,271 hours of paid work
to 55 participants.
HOPE’s Afterschool Program
served 22 individuals ages 13 through
22 with developmental disabilities. It
also provided volunteer opportunities
to 15 high school students without
disabilities. The impact this program
is making is reflected in the comments
we receive from the parents in their
annual satisfaction survey, Patricia
Sera wrote, “It is hard to find
appropriate programs for our 12-22
year old children with special needs.
The one thing I love most about the
afterschool program is how HOPE has
incorporated so many aspects into
one program, we aren’t running all
over town, at all different hours, to
find pieces of the program that HOPE
has put together.”
HOPE’s Senior program served
59 individuals this year. Activities are
designed and planned to enhance the
health, safety, social, and recreational
opportunities for the seniors we
serve. Community Membership and
volunteerism remain the center focus
of our program. The Senior Center
participants provided approximately
one hundred hours of volunteer work
in their community each month.
Vocational Services: In spite of
the challenging economy, HOPE
continued to work with individuals
who wished to work in their
community. HOPE was able to place
four participants, who had previously
worked in the workshop, in jobs in
the community. Several participants
passed their 10 year mark at Safeway
and Lucky’s, this means 10 years of
being a wage earner and tax payer!
District and Program Highlights: North County and Half Moon Bay
Programs: Community-Based Day Activity Programs and Vocational Services. District Office: Mountain View and Half Moon Bay, CA.
District Director: Suanne Rinta.
North County provides four
Community-Based Integrated Day
program options: the Half Moon BayPeninsula Diversified Network (HPDN)
in San Mateo County, the Mountain
View Diversified Network (MVDN)
and the Alfred St. and Mountain View
Community Access Network services
(CAN). Individuals participating in
these four programs contributed
7,540 community volunteer hours this
fiscal year. In addition, our volunteer
efforts were recognized and honored
by the Pacifica Beach Coalition, the
Lions Club of Mountain View and the
Don Edwards Wildlife Refuge.
Community-Based, Integrated
Day Programs: Our e-Waste to
Wages green business also expanded
thanks to grants from NISH and the
Yahoo! Employees Foundation. This
innovative program provided 1,271
hours of paid work to 50 clients.
The HPDN program was successful
in assisting two individuals to find
part time employment in Half Moon
Bay, CA. One of those people is
Sean. When she started with HOPE
Services, she was very shy, avoided
social situations, and direct contact
with her community. Instead, she
opted for activities that allowed her
to isolate herself. HOPE supported
Sean in obtaining positions that led
to employment at a local farm and
library, but it was her keen attention
to detail and strong work ethic that
made the difference. Now, confident,
Sean expresses her opinions and
seeks out new relationships without
support. The MVDN program was
also able to increase paid work hours
at Safeway providing 30% more paid
work for participants.
The Tyco Work Activity contract
on the Tyco Electronic’s campus in
Menlo Park, CA assembled 247,891
spools this year for Tyco Electronic’s
Wiring and Harnessing division and
provided paid work 84% of the time.
The Cycles of HOPE bike project at
our Alfred St. Program posted record
sales of $43,700 and provided 4,405
hours or 14% of the workshop’s paid
work. Clients participated in weekend
bike sales events with local businesses
such as Yamagami’s Nursery, HOPE
Station, and the YMCA to increase
sales and community awareness of
the program.
District and Program Highlights: South Valley
Programs: Community-Based Day Activity Programs and Vocational Services. District Office: Gilroy, CA.
District Director: Kristi Alarid
The Community Access Network
(CAN) programs served 43 individuals,
providing 30 hours of service monthly
to each client enrolled. The South
Valley CAN groups play an active role
in giving back to the community.
During the year, South Valley clients
provided 6,300 hours of service to
their community and non-profit
groups. HOPE clients received awards
and recognition at several events
hosted by the Hollister Downtown
Association and the City of Gilroy for
their outstanding community service.
Vocational Services: The South
Valley District supported 60 individuals
who are employed at several local
businesses, including: Syngenta,
North Coast Medical, Safeway,
Specialized Bicycle Components and
MC Electronics. Opportunities, such
as these, provide people like Gilbert
an avenue to pursue community
employment to develop employable
skills while exploring vocational
interests. Gilbert who is a valued
employee at a box assembly plant
in Hollister, CA. In fact, he is such a
valued employee that he has taken
on additional responsibilities in other
areas at his job site at his manager’s
request. Gilbert isn’t stopping there!
He is also working toward earning
his driver’s license so he can be more
independent and travel, which he
loves to do!
Over the past year the Gilroy work
center was active with a significant
volume of production work. We
developed a new business partnership
with Replico, a fulfillment center
located in Gilroy. This packaging/
assembly contract required extensive
inventory control, as well quick
production turn-around time. The
South Valley team demonstrated
outstanding customer service by
delivering an excellent service within
tight production timelines.
The South Valley Mattress
recycling project continued to
expand operations throughout the
year. In addition to product received
from community residents, we are
now accepting mattresses from
Costco, Pacific Coast Recycling, and
Recology. Over the course of the
year, we processed more than 800
mattresses; providing paid work for
a daily crew of eight to 10 clients.
In addition, the South Valley District
collected 23,450 lbs. of e-Waste
providing 100 hours of paid work and
education for clients involved with this
environmentally friendly program.
District and Program Highlights: Monterey County
Client Served: 249. Programs: Community-Based Day Activity Programs and Vocational Services. District Office: Monterey and Salinas,
CA. District Director: George Molano.
The Monterey County District
continues to be the leader of HOPE’s
Green Business initiatives, which
include e-Waste recycling, mattress
recycling and Adopt-A-Road efforts.
Last fiscal year, 13,000 mattresses
and over 250 tons of e-waste
were recycled.
HOPE’s Monterey district continues
to focus on community membership
for participants through work
opportunities. Last fiscal year we paid
$1,075,000 in wages to participants.
HOPE’s Community Integration
Training (CIT) program was awarded
the Giving Tree Award from Meals
on Wheels for their volunteer efforts
in delivering meals to housebound
seniors. HOPE’s CIT program assists
individuals like Jonathan. Jonathan is
a bright, charismatic young man with
cerebral palsy. Although he uses a
wheel chair for transportation and can
sometimes be difficult to understand,
these challenges have not prevented
him from being active. Jonathan is a
Meals on Wheels volunteer, swims at
a local fitness center, and takes classes
at Monterey Peninsula College. He is
passionate about raising awareness
about people with developmental
disabilities and participates in disability
awareness trainings at local schools. He
and his team speak to children about
living with a disabilities and how they
are able to overcome considerable
challenges and still positively impact
their community.
District and Program Highlights: Santa Cruz County
Programs: Community-Based Day Activity Programs, Vocational Services and Senior Services. District Office: Santa Cruz, Aptos, and
Watsonville, CA. District Director: Sally French.
The Santa Cruz district provides four
Community-Based, Integrated Day
program options to approximately
140 clients who are served in our
day programs.
The Mobile Work Group spends
approximately half their day working
in the community for a variety of
recycling and service contracts. They
also participate in assembling green
fireplace starter kits that are sold to
high-end resorts.
The Community Membership
and Media Program has taken off
with lots of interest by clients, families
and funders. They have had a full year
engaging in a wide variety of media
events. Highlights include: Receiving
the Western Access Video Excellence
Award (WAVE) for a Community
Television Show the clients produced
and a featured article in the February
NISH Workplace magazine.
Vocational Services: The Santa
Cruz District serves approximately 75
individuals in either a group setting
like our Downtown Litter Abatement
Crew or an individual placement
model. These services help people
like Sarah and her fellow Downtown
Litter Abatement Crew (DTLA)
members who clean Pacific Ave. and
adjacent streets, maintaining the
beauty of our downtown area and
adding to the sense of community
with their greetings and good-will.
HOPE has been successful in
implementing a mentoring approach
that allows participants to work
independently in companies, stores
and businesses. A mentor is an
employee who already works at the
business and who agrees to provide
on-the-spot coaching for the client.
The mentor is able to intercede at just
the right moment, giving the client
the best learning experience possible.
We currently have six mentors with
plans to bring on two more.
District and Program Highlights: Homestart
Program Delivery: San Jose, Gilroy, Hollister, Mountain View, CA.
Program Manager: Vickey Perkins.
On average, Homestart served
approximately 124 children per month
during the 2011-2012 fiscal year. Of
the 154 developmental assessments
that were administered, all children
demonstrated growth in their skill
set. Of those assessed by our team of
specialists, 79% met 50% or more of
their developmental outcomes, which
show that we are helping children to
close the developmental gap and
reach their full potential.
The Homestart program not only
provides services to children, but also
to family members and caretakers.
There are often many challenges
associated with raising a child
with special needs. Such as those
experienced by “J” and his family.
“J” who was diagnosed with Down’s
Syndrome was having trouble with
oral motor skills and as a result was not
meeting developmental milestones
with regard to his weight. Thanks to
a grant from The Valley Foundation,
“J” was able to access and use specific
feeding equipment to help overcome
this challenge. Now, his weight is up
and appropriate for his age; he eats
all table foods, feeds himself and
drinks only from a cup. His progress
would not have been possible without
early intervention.
This year, we expanded our avenues
of funding to include medical insurance
and private pay so that we don’t have
to solely rely on income from San
Andreas Regional Center (SARC). In
addition to diversifying our means of
income, Homestart expanded services
to include assessing children, as
assigned by SARC, to determine initial
eligibility and/ or ongoing eligibility
for Early Start services.
District and Program Highlights: Community Living Services
Program Delivery in Santa Clara and Santa Cruz, San Benito and Monterey Counties.
Director of Community Living Services: Linda Siino.
Independent Living Service (ILS)
is a program designed to provide
training that enables individuals with
developmental disabilities to increase
their independence at home and
in their community. We serve 152
people throughout our service area.
On average we provide approximately
122 service hours per day throughout
the four counties. Ellen is a typical
individual served by the ILS program
but typical does not define the success
Ellen has achieved with HOPE Services.
Before coming to HOPE, Ellen lived
with family members, sleeping nightly
on the couch. She was often isolated
and withdrawn. Ellen was a participant
in our Work Activity Program but she
only made it to the program about
40% of time. She began to build a
one-on-one relationship with her ILS
staff member. This has truly allowed
Ellen to blossom, and she now lives
in her own studio apartment and is
much more friendly and social. With
the added assistance, Ellen makes it to
the program almost 100% of the time.
Supported Living Services (SLS)
is a program that provides support
to 38 individuals with developmental
disabilities in Santa Clara and Santa
Cruz counties, like Christa, who live
in homes they own or rent.
When Christa was at Sonoma
Development Center she lived in a
large unit with several other women.
She talked very little and repeated
others in most of her conversations.
As a named defendant in the Coffelt
Settlement (a class-action suit for
moving adults from development
centers to the community), she was
referred to HOPE for supported living
services, approximately 15 years ago.
The stability of living in her own
apartment, with staff who cared for
and about her, Christa has developed
extensive communication skills and
understanding of money (she likes to
save it!).
District and Program Highlights: Counseling Center
Program: Mental Health Services. District Office: San Jose, CA.
Director of Mental Health Services: Susan Detrick, PhD.
HOPE Services’ Counseling Center
was able to start a project with the
Santa Clara County Mental Health
Department to provide mental health
assessments for adults with autism to
determine if there are co-occurring
mental health disorders. The assessment
tool was developed in England and
never used in clinical settings. HOPE’s
Counseling Center has provided free
assessments to 45 individuals with
autism and co-occurring disorders, and
has given free individualized treatment
including medications, consultations,
follow-up services, art therapy, group
socialization, individual counseling,
family members support groups, and
individual family support to those
served. This project not only helps
families, but also helps clinicians to
have a deeper understanding of cooccurring disorders and will improve
the standards of treatment for this
unique population.
Mental Health Services were also
expanded to Santa Cruz County.
We are currently providing both
therapy and psychiatry to close to
100 clients out of the Lincoln Street
office. HOPE was also able to secure
additional funding from Santa Clara
County to provide services to 20 new
children at our North and Central
district headquarters.
Thank You.
On behalf of the participants of HOPE
Services, Board of Directors, and staff,
we would like to thank the following
donors for the generous gifts we
received this fiscal year. For the last 60
years, our ability to provide services
to individuals with developmental
disabilities was made possible because
of generous support from community
members, like you! Each gift, whether
large or small, is truly appreciated
by all.
The following lists are based on gifts and
pledges for FY 2011/12 (July 1, 2011
to June 30, 2012). For questions about
your donor record please contact the
Resource Development Department at
(408) 284-2850.
HOPE Services regrets any omissions or
errors in this listing.
Sobrato Family
Mericos Foundation
$10,000 – $24,999
City National Bank
Comerica Bank
Community Foundation
of Santa Cruz County
Cupertino Electric
Charitable Trust
George H. Sandy
Marchese Family
New Hampshire
Charitable Foundation
Saratoga-Monte Sereno
Community Foundation
United Way of
Monterey County
United Way
of Santa Cruz County
$5,000 - $9,999
Columbian Foundation
for MRC
Commercial Casework,
Endue Foundation
Safeway, Inc.
Sally Hughes Church
Schwab Fund for
Charitable Giving
Silicon Valley Bank
Speno Family
United Way
of San Benito County
United Way
Silicon Valley
$2,500 – $4,999
Aruba Networks
Fidelity Charitable
Gift Fund
Heritage Bank
of Commerce
IBM Employee
Services Center
Jerome A. Bellotti
& Associates
Knights of Columbus
McNellis Partners
Scharf Investments, LLC
$1,000 – $2,499
Ada’s Café
Adobe Systems Inc.
Matching Gift Program
Advanced Professionals
Agilent Technologies
Alliance Credit Union
CH Reynolds Electric,
Dasher Technologies
Employees Charity
Organization (ECHO)
Gilroy Foundation
Hopkins & Carley
J.Lohr Vineyards
& Wines
Joseph George
Charitable Trust
Knights Of Columbus
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus
Kyoto Palace
Laura Facchini Jimenez
Community Partner
PG&E Corporation
Rotary Club
of Mountain View
San Jose
Water Company
Silicon Valley
Capital Club
South Valley Association
Target Stores
United Way
of Roanoke Valley
UVAS Foundation
Valley Medical Center
Yellow Brick Road
Benefit Shop
$500 – $999
Allison Lee Condit
Bay Federal
Credit Union
Barney & Barney
Bethel Lutheran Church
and School
Colliers International
Hopkins Auto Group
Kiwanis Club
of Los Altos
Knights of Columbus
Project Consulting
Rotary Club
of Los Gatos
Scott Valley Bank
Singer Lewak
SWA Services Group,
United Way
of Southeastern
W.L. Butler
Construction, Inc.
$250 – $499
ADL & Associates, LLC.
Matching Gift Program
AT&T United Way
Employee Giving
Berg & Berg Developers
Cupertino Electric, Inc.
Data Marketing, Inc.
Financia Capital
Graystone Capital
IBM Retiree
Charitable Campaign
Ideas International, Inc.
Interior Commercial
Knights of Columbus
Lighthouse Bank
Morgan Hill
Kiwanis Club
Polycom, Inc.
Save Mart
The Clorox Company
United Way California
Capital Region
United Way for
Southeastern Michigan
Western Digital
$1 – $249
Abbott Fund
Airshow Salinas
AMD Foundation
America’s Charities
Bank of America
Charitable Foundation
Bank of America
United Way Campaign
Brinker International
Caring Hearts
Insurance Agency
De Meo Electric
Deutsche Bank
American Foundation
Digital Peripheral
Solutions, Inc.
Duartes Tavern
Embrace All Abilities,
GE United Way
Gilroy Senior
Craft Store
Gunnagle-AmentNelson Funeral Home
& Crematory
Hollister Lions Club
Home Depot
Intel Volunteer
Grant Program
Jamba Juice Company
Johnson & Johnson
Matching Gifts Program
Juniper Networks
Matching Gifts Program
Kiwanis Action Club
Knights of Columbus
Giving Campaign
Mission Fish
M&M West Coast
Produce, Inc.
Modlin Legal Services
Modutek Corp.
Morgan Autism Center
Network for Good
Matching Gift Program
San Andreas
Regional Center
San Jose Woman’s Club
Tyco Electronics
Matching Gift Program
V. Macken
Commercial Properties
Vistage International
Wells Fargo Community
Support Campaign
William Prusch Jr. Trust
$10,000 – $24,999
Birk S. McCandless
Danner Family Fund
Jeanne Gobalet &
Garth Norton
Chris & Lisa Marchese
Milton Joachim
Memorial Fund
Edward & Helen Owen
The Pauline W. & Henry
W. Parker Fund
The Joseph Sanfilippo
Memorial Fund, an
advised fund of
Saratoga/Monte Sereno
Fred & Mary Schell
Mr. & Mrs.
Daniel J. Warmenhoven
$5,000 – $9,999
Jeffrey Hansen
Lakin Charitable
Remainder Trust
Davidson Foundation
Timothy & Claranne
Joanne Schott
Nick & Diane Speno
$2,500 – $4,999
William & Janice
Roger & Dottie Barney
Bryce & Darla Beck
Tom & Jan Berthold
Karen Cottle
Howard & Linda
Cameron Haste
Meg & John Noonan
William & Ruthie
Eugene & Dianne
Mr. & Mrs.
Lucian W. Taylor
$1,000 – $2,499
Morrie Amodu
Carolyn & Tom Barnes
Dean & Judy Bartee
Roy & Dorothy Billings
Tom & Norma
Misha Burich
Nelson & Michele
Carbonell Family
Mike & Evelyn Chiechi
Stan & Diane Chinchen
Paul & Suzanne
John & Allison Danner
Paul Davies, Jr.
The DLAK Fund, an
advised fund of Silicon
Valley Community
Jack & Nancy Forristel
Charles & Denise
Mr. Fred Gawlick
Craig & Linda Gentner
Paul & Barbara
Bobbe George
William & Linda Giannini
Mr. Scott Hamilton
Patricia & John
Douglas & Barbara
Mr. & Mrs.
Francis J. Harvey
Jim & Kari Hori
Mr. David Izant
Jay & Gerry Lasky
Mr. Philip Letts
Michael & Kico Lin
Marian & Bernie Marren
Mr. & Mrs.
Gregory McCandless
Arthur J. Micheletti
Mr. William R. Norwalk
Joyce Olszewski
Bettie Ott
Valerie & Jeff Peck
William &
Esther Puterbaugh
John & Carol Remy
Ms. Marcia Riedel
Carol Sabatino
Robert Salera
Carl & Susan Sullinger
Gary &
Jane Pauley Trudeau
Ms. Beth Walter
$500 – $999
Anonymous – 2
Ms. Cathlin Atchison
Martin & Vickie
Ms. Vinita Bali
Jann Besson
Christopher & Andrea
David Bunger
Ms. Karen Burns
Jessica Burroughs
Adam Caltabiano
Mr. Daniel J. Caputo, Jr.
Kelly & Mark Carroll
Steve Carter
Robert & Carolyn Case
Tik F. Cho
Mark & Stephanie
Paul & Linda Cole
Dr. & Mrs. John Colwell
Ruth Cook, PhD
Ms. Joan Cotta
Joan Dame
David & Ellen
De Simone
Sam Dennis
Rick Dill
Robert Emens
Mr. Darrell F. Evora
Nick Farwell
Donald Gray
Jeanne Gressens
Rick & Sharon Hanson
Dee Harley
John & Edna Herman
Helen I. Jewell
Thomas & Susan Klein
Eileen Lewis
Jette Meier
Luke & Monica Morey
Brad Mountz
Renee Olivarez
Willard Patterson
Mr. Timothy Pinch
Mary Pizzo
Greg & Danielle
John Ramsbacher
Richard Johnson &
Claudia Franks
Jonathan & Robin Rose
John Sanchez
Jeffrey Schenk &
Vanessa Fumia
Tom & Jami Schott
Bruce & Annette Scott
William & Michal Settles
Ms. Joanna Seymour
Joanne & Philip
Irma Velasquez &
Sherman Chan
Linda Siino
Bradley Smith
Shirley Sparks-Greif
Cynthia Starkey
Jim Taggart
John & Andrea Thomas
DeeAnn Thompson &
Michael Jones
Brendan L Timmer
Lee & Mary Vaage
Blair Vedder
Mary Lou & Mark P.
Mr. Robert M. Englisgh
& Ms. Anna M. Zara
$250 – $499
Alameda Family
Phil & Kristi Alarid
Mr. Larry L. Albert
David & Myra Albrecht
Carol E. Anderson
Anonymous – 4
John & Lois Arao
Lori Arnberg
Rodney Atchison
Asim & Shehla Bajwa
Gina Bayer
Ernest & Lucille Bianco
Ernest & Deborah
Mr. Christopher Browne
Nathan Burr
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Byron
Joe & Theresa
Dr. & Mrs.
James Carrigan
Charles T. Compton
Mr. & Mrs.
Carl Cookson
Norine Degregori
Raymond Dellavecchia
Susan Detrick
Steve Egli
George & Patricia
Sally French
Ernest & Dorothy Funk
Donovan Funston
Donna Geary
Bert & Cyndie George
Arlene Gould
Mr. & Mrs.
Gerald R. Graham
Stacey & Trudy
Kern J. Hamilton
Dori Hamilton
Paul & Sheri Howe
Carole Leigh Hutton
Kristin Johnson
Marnien Kelley
Mary & Frank Lasaga
Natalia Lau
George & Judy
Sally Lowery
Milt & Jeanne Macken
Carelle Karimimanesh
& Mahmood Manesh
Steve & Debbie Manser
Clement Maureal
Nancy McCroskey
Mr. Patrick P. Melvin
Robert & Joan J.
Chris Morin
David & Debbie
Yolande Ngu Le
Dave & Margaret
Youngbok &
Chang-Min Pak
Cindy Paup
Tara & Charles Perkins
Ms. Mary Ellen Peterson
Michelle Peterson
Mel & Barbara Phelps
Tonee Picard
Nancy Pyle
Greg & Molly Rhine
Mr. Alfred A. Richard
Carlee Harder-Brown &
Richard Brown
Suanne Rinta & Mark
Alicia & William Roach
Dorothy Ruby
Ms. Sherri R Sager
Debbie Sallen
Ms. Virgina H. Sapien
Pam & Joseph Sayles
Monica & Keith
Mr. But Singh Dhillon
Mr. David L. Snow
Bambi Cask & Steve
Larry Stone
Dorothy Talbot
Siew Y. Teoh
Charles & Linda
Mr. Paul Trieu
Ashok Venkatachar
Dominick Vo
Jack & Mary Em
Patricia & John Weigen,
Ray & Darlynn Welsh
Dale & Vicki Yoshihara
$1 – $249
Vasant & Nancy
Llouise Adamo
Lynn Adams
Ross & Pamela Adler
Joseph & Marie
Angelo & Patti Aguiar
Kevin L. Ahern
Susan Ahlswede
Rita Alam
Portia Albee
Irineo Alday
Earl & Mushen Aldridge
Camila Alejo
Deirdrian S. Alger
Richard & Barbara
Mr. Donald L. Allari
Sondra Allphin
Karen Altree Piemme
Cassandra Alvarado
Michael J. Alvarado
Jose & Carolyn Alvarez
Boots Amaviska
Ellen T. Ammerman
Harry Amoroso
Golda Anderson
Janice R. Andrus
John Aney
Anonymous – 27
Sylvia Araujo
James Areias
Ms. Marie Argonza
Bruce Arkley
Charlene Arnberg
Elia Arreola
Maria Arroyo
Jim & Lynn Ash
Mr. & Mrs.
James W. Ash
Beverly & Mark Ashcraft
Janet & Charles
Bruce & Ann Augason
Thomas & Antonia
Maria Avina
John Axe
Mr. John M. Bachellor
Ms. Barbara Bagby
Roger & Dagmar Baker
Jason & Michele
James & Marion Ball
Bill Ballas
Paula & Joseph Barbara
Frank & Laura Barich
Marion Barich
Mr. Jack Bariteau
Donna Barkley
Mrs. Gail S. Barklow
Mr. Michael Barnes
Michele Barovsky
Carmen Barrett
Ed & Margie Barrios
Jeanne Barry
Joan Bartmess
Connie Bassett
Fred Baumgartner
Loretta Baxter
Isabel Bayan
Edie Bayer
David & Evelyn Bealby
Jim & Pat Beall
Patricia Beasley
Hattie Bee
Ronald & Susan Beeck
Jane & John Beggs
Maria Bellafronto
Mr. Gary Belowich
Nadia Bensidi
William & Diane Benson
Jo Ann Benson
Yolanda R. Benson
Virginia Bentley
Maxine Bergheim
Hugh & Diane Bergin
Frank Bermontes
Genie Bernardini
Ms. Jane Bernasconi
Mr. Martin M. Berndt
Barbara Besch
Kenneth & Janice
Kathleen Beymer
Christopher Bhirdo
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Bigge
Mr. & Mrs.
Chris C. Billat
Carrie Birkhofer
Roger & Millicent
Christine Blank
Patricia Blomquist
Ms. Ethelyn Bloom
Richard & Rhoda Bobis
Richard & Beverly
Jeff & Susan Bonakdar
Balochie Boone
Mr. & Mrs.
Frank P. Borelli, Jr.
Barbara Borthwick
Mr. & Mrs.
Pete Botsford
Barbara J. Bottini
Ms. Nina Boyd
Steven & Teresa Braccini
Carmen J. Brammer
Sam Brasch
Tom & Karen Breen
Terry & Cheryl Bringazi
Linda Brittain
Janice Broock
James Brooks
Barbara Brothers
Lois J. Brown
Juanita Brownfield
Robert & Mary
Richard Buchner
Daniel & Kim Burchfield
Mr. & Mrs.
Dale C. Burklund
Bo & Lisa Burlingham
Judith A. Burnaman
David Burns
Verda Burr
Brenda Cacy
Ms. Diane Cadei
Randall Cady
Ms. Wendy Callahan
Mr. & Mrs.
Richard Callahan
David Callaway
Ms. Rosalie Campisi
Diane & Stephen
Candace Capogrossi
Greg & Martha Carl
Mr. & Mrs.
Jeff Carmichael
Malkah Carothers
Joyce & Ari Cartun
Ms. Sally CarusoMcCarthy
Anne Casillas
Mr. & Mrs.
Raymond V. Castello
Ben Castellon
Gloria & Arnelito
Diane Cerra
Gary & Patricia Cesari
Deborah Chang
Daniel Chavez
Martin & Sandra Chavez
Luis & Tammy Chavez
Mae Chelbay
Shelley Chen
Charles & Nancy Chen
Anita & Chin Cheng
Mrs. Alice Chetkovich
Ram & Usha Chinchali
Amy & Daniel Chu
Evelyn K. Chu
Jeremy & Tiffany
Maureen Clark
Paula & Howard
Dorothy Claypool
David & Mary Clemson
Stacy Clinton
Jean G. Coblentz
Sandra Cohen
Robert & Linda Cole
Judy Coleman
John & Marilyn Coll
Wilfredo Colorado
Pierre J. Contival
Stan & Diane Cook
Neal Coonerty
Mr. & Mrs.
Alfred W. Cooper
Brian Cordero
Toby Cordone
A.J. Correia
Wendy Costello
Shirley Cotta
Mr. Ivan Covdy
Barbara Crafford
Matilda Crandall
Gay Crawford
Mr. Richard H. Cress
Robert & Marilyn Cross
Tom Crotty
Debbie Crouch
Martha Crum
Joe & Jane Cruz
Jaime & Carmen Cruz
Judith Csimma
Rhonda & James
Donald & Anne-Marie
Gary Cummings
Patricia Curia
Mr. Wallace M. Dale
Ms. Leanne Damiani
Lance & Karen Danbe
Leonard & Karen
Marland Darius
Christopher Dasilva
Vital Dasilva
Larry & Yolanda
Melissa Davidson
Mary Jo & Jim Davis
Janice De Costa
Venus De Vera
Patirica I. DeAngelo
Mr. & Mrs.
Gilbert DeLaRosa
Phillip Delgadillo
Kelly Delgado
Ms. Diane
Della Maggiore
Ray & Lupe Dellanini
Ms. Jean Demichelli
Kevin Dempsey
Ms. Sheila Dermer
William & Sara DeRosa
Mr. & Mrs.
Saurabh Desai
Mrs. Barbara Desantis
Robert & Dee Dewey
Surinder Dhoot
Daniel J. Dickerson
Jacen Dickman
Sue & Eric Digre
Murray C. Dill
Dale & Michelle Dimas
Emerick & Lila Diosi
Mr. & Ms.
Hao-Nhu T Do
Louis Dombro
Allen & Patricia Don
Jed Dooley
Brian Dorcy
Barbara Dorr
John, Nora & Peggy
Patrick & Lyn
Patrick Doyle
Richard & Martha
Ms. Barbara Drewitz
Kristie & Vance Driscoll
Mr. & Mrs.
Guido F. Droira
Mr. Alfred W. Drumm
Mr. & Mrs.
Frederick Duhring
Mr. & Mrs.
Michael Duncan
Aurora Duncov
Jacinto Duran
Paul Duren
Judith & Arthur Dutra
Erika Shjeflo & Dylan
Mr. Ronald L. Earle
Oswaldo Echeverria
Frances Edwards
Ms. Carol Ellenberger
Paul & Carol Elliott
Diane Elward
Roger & June Ely
Kenneth & Loraine
Andrew H. Eschenfelder
Melvin Escobar
Manuel & Mary
Mr. Jerald R. Evans
Paula Evans
Jim Fairbaugh
Mr. Louie Falconi
Mike A. Faritous
Ms. Nancy A. Federspiel
Clarice Felice
Mary Fellini
Robert & Alice Fenton
$1 – $249
Donald & Norma
Rebecca Fernandez
Anna Fernandez
Arlene Ferraiuolo
Sally Jane Ferrari
J.A. Ferrasci
Mrs. Dorothy Fiamengo
Patricia Figueroa
Ms. Alicia Figueroa
Stephen Finamore
Linda Fischetti
Nancy Fitch
Oscar & Victoria
Susan FlanaganCordingley
Mary Flores
Alicia Flores
Danny & Dina Floriano
Dori Fontaine
Marjorie Foskett
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fox
Mark & Debra Franco
Mrs. Ebe Frasse
Bruce & Kelly Frazer
Hal & Hilda Friedman
Varda Friedman
Everett & Colleen
Cassandra Fuentes
Tetsuo Fujimoto
Mr. & Mrs.
Salvatore Furiosi
Mr. & Mrs.
Arthur Furtado
Diana R. Fuzere
Hilda M. Gagnon
Patricia Gainor
Jackie Galbreath
Ms. Marguerite G. Gall
Kathy Gallagher
Frances Galvin
Neva Gambetta
Deepa Vaidhyanathan
& Ganesh
Mr. & Mrs.
Gary Gannon
Bill Garcia
Rajat & Sapna Garg
Ms. Cynthia Garvey
Frank & Kathleen
Ms. Ailene T. Genoff
Matt & Marilyn Gerrior
Mr. & Mrs.
John Giannetto
Mimi Giannini
Chris Gianola
Mr. Joseph D Gibbs
Mack C. Giovanni
John & Dorothy Givens
Alice Glazer
Mr. & Mrs.
Jack Going, Jr.
Rafael Gonzales
Rigoberto Gonzales
Jorge Gonzales
David Gonzalez
Miguel Gonzalez
Cristian Gonzalez
Dea Gonzalez
Brian & Renie Goodwin
Sandra Goodwin
Prachi Gore
Kathleen A. Gorsche
Kristin Goulart
John D. Goulart
Julie Goulart-Acosta
Trudy Grable
Joseph C. Grainger
David Grandey
Edward Greilich
John & Ginny Grigsby
Dean Gross
Mrs. Shirley J. Gross
Ms. Doris J. Groves
Louise Gugat
Vincent & Maureen
Camilo & Lina Guinto
Mr. Lenaitasi Gukisuva
Richard & Dorothy
Jose Guzman
Tinh Thi Ha
Bernie & Ruth Habing
Ms. Heidi Hagenlocher
Bob & Ashley
Anthony & Janet J.
Mrs. Antoinette Hall
Richard Haller
Jerry & Mary Ham
Harvey & June Hammer
Shizuka Hanada
Stephen & Laura
Marjorie H. Hare
Paul & Jynice Harris
Mr. John E. Hasen
Ms. Shelly Hatakeyama
Mike & Carol Haupt
Dorothy Havnen
Micheal Hawkinson
Elizabeth Hayes
Janet Hayes
Robert Hayes
Ms. Doris Heckbert
Ms. Sheryl L.
Thomas Heim
Peggy & Fred Heiman
Anne Hein
Norma & John
Asa & Ruth Henry
Dorothy & Don
Andrea Hensler
Joan A. Herdocia
Ms. Suzan Herrera
Kathleen Hicks
Ms. Miriam B. Hill
Ms. Kathryn B. Hill
Ellen Hill
Leticia Hinojosa
John & Jennifer Hinton
Alvin & Karen Hironaga
Arlene & Lawrence
Patricia J. Hobbs Estate
Monica & Craig
Jennifer Holley
Dana H. Hooper
Kris & Lisa Hopewell
Michael Hornung
Anup Hosangadi
Dave Hoshiwara
Ricky Hosman
Morris Hosoda
Gary R. Hubbard
Mary Gean Hubbell
Joseph Huber
Joseph & Katherine
Oscar Huerta
Mr. Morris J. Ignacio
Mr. Mahesh K. Illuri
Ingrid Isidore
David Jackson
Sharon Jackson
Benjamin F. Jamison
Aram & Florence
Maria Balicka & Janusz
Sylvia Jasso
Irene Jenkins
Stephen & Joan
Marilee Jennings
Joseph & Diana Jew
Dora Jimenez
Silvestre Pena Jimenez
Elisa Jimenez
Lise Belton & John
Mr. Lewis Johnson
Mr. & Mrs.
Norman H. Johnson
John & Joyce Johnson
Henry & Betty Joroski
Morris Kace
Kevin Kaefer
Ms. Mary Kaems
Rudolph & Lois Kalafus
Sandra Kalman
Shirlene Kaneda
Mary F. Kanze
Mrs. Reva Kaufman
Bruce & Josephine
Steve Keim
Thomas & Dana Keitel
Lisa Keller
Ms. Patricia Kelly
Karen Kenyon
Janet Kern
Sarah Caravalho Khan
Erik Khoobyarian
Robert I. Kibrick
Anne & Neal Kimball
Sharon Kip
Marilyn Kjeldgaard
Jerome & Linda F.
Julie Kleis-Bramer
Joyce Klose
Barbara Klyszeiko
Alice Knapp
Al & Deanna
Dennis G. Knight
Helen Knofloch
Mr. & Mrs.
Paul H. Kohlmiller
John & Irene Kolbisen
Michael Korek
Doug & Sandy Korten
Louis Kovan
Ms. Jean C. Kraft
David & Annette
Nancy Krantz
Mrs. Pauline Kraw
Charles & Sandra Krejci
James & Jeanie Krepelka
Charlotte Jarmy
William H. Krohn
Ranjana Kulkarni
Bill & Rita Kull
Robin Kunysz
Ms. Stephanie Kutch
Randall Kuwano
Marion & John Kyffin
Sally & Bob La Mere
Anthony & Lillian
Mr. & Mrs.
Thomas Lackovic
Ms. Linda Laird
Rita Lam
Bev & Jim Landess
Kevin G. Landon, DDS
Alexis Lane
Donald & Nancy
Ms. Teresa M. Lasaga
Barbara Lasseter
Mr. & Mrs. Lau
Mr. Olivier Lauzeral
Joy Law
Nancy T. Le
Tony E. Leanos
Tang Chih Lee
Elvin J. Lee
Debbie Lee-Kavousi
Kathilynn Lehmer
Doreen Leith
Beverly Lenihan
Le Quyen Lenshoek
Morton & Janice Lenske
Melinda Lentz
Paul Leonhardt
Geraldine Levy
Mr. WM Thomas Lewis
Lorraine C. Lewis
Ms. Irene F. Lewis
Jie Li
William & Shirley Liao
Patricia Lim
Amy Lindsay
Diane Lipska
Kathy Llorente
Denise Lochtefeld
Mary Lockhart
Kenneth & Judith
Dr. & Mrs. Guy M.
Mrs. Yvonne
Tony & Elli Lopes
Jose Lopez
Everardo Lopez
James & Sheila Lunny
Ms. Rosemary A. Lutus
Paul Lyles
Marcee Lyon
Ron & Joan Mackin
Tom & BJ Mackle
Apolinar Madamba
Domingo A. Mafnas
Ms. Christine E. Magnin
Huu Van Mai
Alfred & Cecile Maida
William & Patricia
Sara Malaun
Marion & Morton
Sofia Manning
Emil Mansour
Mr.& Mrs. Alan H. Mar
Thomas Servino &
Marcia Rouvell
Cindy E. Marean
Mr. Gordon W.
Kenneth & Linda Marks
Robert & Renee
Perry & Cheryl Martin
John W. Martin
Harry &Terry Martin
Teresa Martinez
Javier Martinez
Cloyd & Mary Kay
Stuart & Margaret
Walter & Laverne
Bradley Matteoni
Mary Jo May
Harry Mayo
Lloyd & Donna Mc
Trudy McCulloch
Martha R. McAllister
Ms. Toni McAuliffe
Jim & Marge
Charles McCarroll
Kathy McCarthy
Mr. Tim McClenahan
Mary Ellen McCloy
Mary McCreath
Mary & Patrick
Kay McDonald
Jacqueline & William
Ann McEntee
John & Dianne
Michael & Kim
Lise L. McHugh
Robert & Lillian
Mr. & Mrs.
Richard S. McKewan
William McKinley
Karen Meckstroth
Lori Medeiros
Don & Judy Meier
Mr. & Mrs.
James Melehan, Jr.
Manuel Mendes
Ms. Teodolinda
Horace & Sarina
Paul & Frances Meyer
David Mezynski
Ms. Denise M. Michael
Michael & Ina Korek
Foundation Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Miguel
Nancy Minnig
Mr. Richard E. Miranda
Mr. Michael K. Mirsky
Alfred & Ruth Mitchell
Janice Miytake
Mr. & Mrs.
Ernest Montesanto
Mr. & Mrs.
R.J. Montoya
Danny Moon
Charlene Morgan
Edward & Penny
Joanne Morisoli
Ms. Mauna Loa Morris
Mr. Bradford K. Mortz
Rick & Frank Mosebar
Issie & Frank Mosunic
Mac & Saundra Mota
George Moustakas
Tom & Susan Mulhern
Nina Murphy
Cal & Novlyn Murray
Betty Myers
Myron K. Myers
Laura Nachison
Matthew Najera
Kikuko Nakauchi
Kapil & Margaret
Chet Napolitano
Subhash Narang
Patricia Narciso
Michel & Roene Nasr
Mr. Manuel Nathenson
Linda Nauman
Ms. Linda Navarro
Rally Navarro
William & April Neal
Daniel Nelson
Mr. Mike Neunfinger
Ms. Bette P. Newcomer
Michael Nguyen
Buon & Hung Nguyen
Diep H. Nguyen
Thinh Nguyen
Nick Nicolas
Joseph & Maria Nigro
Liam O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs.
Andrew O’Donnell
Lloyd & Annette Oki
Ms. Jan Oldham
Dave & Linda Olney
Diana Olveira
Mr. Aare Onton
Cathleen R. Orlowski
Nancy O’Rourke
Jaimie Ortiz
Edwin Ortiz
Reynaldo E. Oruga
Kathie Osano
Mr. Victor J. Ostini
Toni Ostrom
Ms. Anna B. O’Toole
Charlene & Leo Ott
Jim & Jeanne Ottinger
Mr. & Mrs.
Conrad J. Ouellette
Deolinda Overfelt
Jasmine Ow
M. Oyama
Jen Padgett
Marjorie M. Pagano
Charlie Paisley
Mr. Edward G. Palacio
Eric Palmer
Nicholas Palmer
Spencer Palmer
Lance & Audrey Palmer
James & Joan Palmtag
Mr. & Mrs.
Madhusudan L. Patel
James E. Patterson
Gary & Connie Paulson
Alvin & Judith Payne
Judith Payne
Mr. & Mrs.
John H. Pearson
Diane Pease
Tonhu Pecoraro
Anna Pedersen
Raymundo Pedroza
Mr. & Mrs. Mac Perez
Ms. Laura R. Peskin
Robert & Carolyn
Mr. Donald Peterson
Bob & Dorothy Phillips
Fulton J. Picetti
Mr. Mark Pietsch
Wendy Pippin
Helena & Mike Pisani
Ms. Ruth Plato
Althea Polanski
Jeanne & Joe Polaschek
Mr. Seshadri Polisetty
Ms. Cynthia Porter
Mr. Edmund Porter
Bruce Prather
Mr. John G. Preovolos
Steve Prouty
Mrs. Manjula
Roy Ragsac
Linda Rahmer
Melanie Raley
Marilu Ramirez
Alma Ramirez
Fran Rampy
Sarojamma C. Reddy
Ms. Susan L. Reed
John & Angela Reed
Thomas & Janet Reese
Mr. Ernestine
Mr. & Mrs.
Robert D. Reid
Zeny & Matthew
Mr. & Mrs.
Ricardo A. Rendon
Donald & Eloise Renelle
Mr. Robert Renfer
Megan Rhodes
Donald & Marilyn
Kelly Richter
Reg & Jean Ricket
Pat & Darbie Ricotti
John Riley
Allen Ritter
Leonardo H. Rivera
Paul & Inge Roberts
Mrs. Nikki Robinson
Lauro Robles
Virginia Rochette
Orlando Rodezno
Jeffrey Rodgers
Ms. Dobbie Roisen
Virginia Roja
Jose Romeiro
Louella I. Romero
Mr. & Mrs.
Manuel Rosa
Virginia K. Rose
Mr & Mrs. Martin
Ms. Francine Rosen
Herbert & Ilse
Nicholas Rosenlicht
Barbara B. Rosenlicht
Henry & Patricia L.
Jack & Lynne Rosser
Jim & Mari Rossi
George & Lynn
Joan Rotar
Ms. Patricia L. Roth
Walter & Helga Roth
Mr. Jay D. Rubenstein
Michael & Corrina
Thomas & Janette
Marco Saenz
Marilyn Salyer
Frank & Thelma
Audel Sanchez
Vincent & Vivian
Frank Sandoval
Mr.& Mrs. Dave
Bradford & Janice
Mr.& Mrs. Robert
Joseph Sapena
Lynette Sarandi
Mr. Desikan Saravanan
Dave & Susan Sargent
T. Alice Sasao
Mr. & Mrs. Rich Saso
Diane Satriano
Janet Satterthwaite
Jim & Joan Scattini
Devin & Kim Scattini
Catherine Scattini
Debi Schechtman
Ms. Bonnie L. Scheide
Carmen Scherschel
Mr. & Mrs.
William F. Schick
Courtney Schipper
Mr. Steven Schlosser
Sally Schoenberger
Melina Schoonover
John & Silvia Schroeder
Donald G. Schuller
Andrea Schulz
Mr. Richard F. Schuster
Mr. David Schutt
Joanne Schwartz
Marina Scott
Ms. Ann Sebastian
Mr. & Mrs.
Kempton Segerhammer
Larry R. Seiders
Edward & Susan
Ms. Doris G.
Dorothy Sepulveda
Adriana & Eraclio
Ramesh Shamarayar
Mrs. Elizabeth Shanks
Helen Park Shapero
Vivek Sharma
Priscilla W. Shaw
Robert Shelby
Charles & Sherry
Elinore Sherman
Helen Shimeg
Bruce Shimizu
Regina Shirey
Helen Shmidt
Carlyle Shoemaker
Tom Short
Michael Siaweleski
Judith Sibole
Patricia Silva
Dr. J.H. Silveira
Mr. & Mrs.
Lloyd Silveria
June & Weldon
John Simms
Paul & Dolores Simone
John & Carole Simpson
Matt Simpson
Gene & Vilma Sinclair
Ms. Laura Singer
Ms. Lorene Sisson
Charles W. Sizemore
Dr. & Mrs. Austin Smith
Gayle J. Smith
Douglas & Nodelyn
Michelle Smith
Charlie Smith
Rosa Zamudio Solis
Mr. & Mrs.
Henry Solorio
Teresa F. Solorzano
Javier Sosa
Rick & Carole Soss
George & Lorraine
Gary Souza
Bud Souza
Joanna Spafford
Samuel Sparck
Freida & Bob Sparks
Mike & Pat Spencer
Mr. Gary L. Sprader
Steve & Carol Spragens
Penelope Sprague
Robert & Lynn A.
Sreevidhya Visvanathan
& Srikrishnan
Radhika Sriram &
Sriram Aravamudhan
Dennis & Nancy
Dave & Martha Stariha
Don Steele
Laura Stefanski
Nina Steiner
Laura Sternberg
Douglas Stewart
Kristen J. Stewart
Warren & Barbara
Alison Storz
Irene Stout
Peter & Lorraine
Marianne P. Strassman
Daniel J Stringari
Mr. & Mrs.
Len Stromfeld
Joan C. Suellentrop
Mr. & Mrs.
Leland Sullivan
Patricia Sullivan
Jennifer Sullivan
Sara J. Sullivan
Jeanette B. Sullivan
Linda Sweeney
Dan & Maureen Swiger
Roy & Rosie Takamune
Christine Takats
Taketsugu & Lilly Takei
Amy Tam
Hiroko Tanaka
Naomi & Horace
Ms. Sandra R. Taylor
Ron Taylor
Harry & Sandra E.
Taylor, Jr.
George & Carol Teebay
Lynn K. Telford
Fay Tengelsen
Shelly & Mario Terra
Ann I. Thomas
Larry & Susan
Houghton Thompson
Gene & Beth Tognetti
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Toledo
Tuyen Nguyen & Tom
Scott Bauhofer & Tracy
Tom & Betsy Trago
Kathy Tran
Paul Treanor
John Tregenza
Long D. Trinh
Tung Trinh
Trinh Family
Richard & Debora
Nancy Tronson
Gustavo Tunchez
Charles D. Turk
Joseph & Pamela Turner
George Uccelli
Mrs. Sharon L.
Edward & Leona Valdez
Ms. Beatrice Valdivia
Mr.& Mrs. Enes Vallejo
John Vallelunga
Adolff & Marion
van der Heide
Steve Van Dorn
Roxanne Vane
Michael Varela
Pam Vegas
Mary Venkat
Sally Veregge
James & Cheryl Vettel
Janelle Videll
Edward & Shirley Vieira
Narsing K. Vijayrao
Saul & Maria Villanueva
Dai Dang Vo
Brian & Jeanette Voigt
Chau Vu
Holly Wade
Susan Wade
Tom & Lynn Wagner
Kathryn Wahl
Mangal Walavalkar
William Waldorf
Mrs. Muriel Walker
Sandy Wall
Marie Waller
Joan N. Walters
Florence Wan
Anthony Wan
Nobuko Wang
Mr. Wesley R. Warren
Leigh Wasson
Mr. & Mrs.
Thomas K. Watzka
Marilyn Weakley
James & Jana Weber
Steve Wechsler
Diandra Welden
Steve Werk, PhD
Diane Wesson
Virginia West
Dorothy D. Westberg
Jack & Polly Western
Mr.& Mrs. Jeff Whalen
Brian & Danielle
Fred & Connie Whelen
Sean Whelen
Joanne Wickersham
Ms. Kristel Wickham
Mr. Russell Wiitala
Thor & Jan Wiles
Mr. & Mrs.
Robert J. Wiley
Piour Betyadegar &
William Gevargizzadeh
Kay & Jack Williams
Mr. David K. Williams
Randall Williams
David & Deanna
Ruth Winkler
Robert Withrow
Starr Wolf
Solomon Wong
Theresa Woo
Lorraine Wormald
Bill & Sue Worthington
Jeffrey & Diane Wriedt
Christine Wright
Carlos Xavier
Michael A. Yambra
Ms. Shyh Wen Yang
Mr. Sonny Yee
Orit & Gideon Yefet
Ms. Joanna Yeftich
Jeffrey Yoakum
Yvonne Yocom
Woodrow & Ruth Yoder
Robert & Bjorg Yonts
George E. Young, Jr
Autumn D. Young
William & Virginia
Jemima Zafiro
Joyce Zagrzebski
Brian & Margo Zarker
Anna Zavala
Mr. Rex Zimmerman
John & Dulcenia Zink
Alida E. Zut
HOPE Services Board of Directors
Chair – Vinita Bali
Vice Chair – Gene Sinclair
Secretary – Bill Palmer
Treasurer – Sam Dennis
Past Chair – Cathlin Atchison
Jerry Bellotti, Robert Browning,
Paul Christensen, Chris Gianola,
Cameron Haste, Jim Hori, Paul Lyles,
Cloyd Marvin, Nick Speno,
DeeAnn Thompson, Roxanne Vane
CEO – John Christensen
CFO/Controller – Ray Abe
VP/Resource Development – Jenny Luciano
HR/Personnel Director – Sue Bell
Honorary Trustees
Hon. Alden Danner
Hon. Edward Panelli
Trustees Emeriti
Eugene Acronico, Roger Barney, Rose Best,
Diane Chinchen, Gloria Citti, Carl Cookson,
Ann Danner, Michael E. Fox, Bobbe George,
Ann Griffin, Suzy Leupp, Sally Lorenz,
Sally Lucas, Cloyd Marvin, Bettie Ott,
Helen Marchese Owen, Dianne Ravizza,
Marilyn Richardson, George Roupe,
Diane Speno, Jack D. Todd
© 2012 HOPE Services
Administrative Office (408) 284-2850
30 Las Colinas Lane, San Jose, CA 95119