inside pages BEST.indd - Lustgarten Foundation


inside pages BEST.indd - Lustgarten Foundation
A Focused Mission
and Valued Partnership
After Cablevision Systems Corporation and The Madison Square Garden Company Executive Marc Lustgarten was
diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 1998, he and Cablevision Chairman Charles Dolan and Chief Executive Officer
James Dolan established The Lustgarten Foundation.
Today, The Lustgarten Foundation is America’s largest private funder of pancreatic cancer research. Our mission
is to advance the scientific and medical research related to the diagnosis, treatment, cure and prevention of
pancreatic cancer by:
• Increasing funding and support of research into the biological mechanisms and clinical
strategies related to diagnosis, treatment and prevention
• Facilitating and enhancing the dialogue among members of the medical and scientific
communities about basic and clinical research efforts
• Heightening public awareness of pancreatic cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prevention
and providing informational support for patients, their families, and friends
100 percent
goes directly to
pancreatic cancer research
Since the Foundation’s inception, Cablevision has continued to be a valued partner, from initiating our awardwinning curePC campaign, which leverages Cablevision’s media and telecommunications assets to increase
awareness, to providing underwriting support for the Foundation’s administrative expenses so that 100 percent
of every dollar donated to the Foundation goes directly to pancreatic cancer research.
Dear Friends,
We are pleased to share with you our 2014 annual report, which showcases our commitment to advancing the
scientific and medical research related to the diagnosis, treatment, cure, and prevention of pancreatic cancer.
When The Lustgarten Foundation was founded in 1998, very little was known about pancreatic cancer and the field
of pancreatic cancer research was largely ignored, with only a handful of scientists working part-time in projects
peripherally relevant to the disease.
Today that has changed. More than 1,000 researchers are working to find a cure, and we have supported in excess
of 200 research projects at more than 60 institutions worldwide that have made promising advancements in research.
Also, thanks to the generosity of our loyal donors and our valued partnership with Cablevision Systems Corporation,
The Lustgarten Foundation’s new commitments to pancreatic cancer research contributions approached $35 million
in 2014, bringing our total commitment to $110 million since inception. With only two percent of the National Cancer
Institute (NCI) funding directed at the nation’s fourth-leading cause of cancer deaths, the work supported by The
Lustgarten Foundation has played a critical role in understanding pancreatic cancer and in promoting discoveries
that have led to new therapies.
On the pages that follow, we have highlighted the research we have funded with your support, such as our early
detection efforts to develop a blood test to detect DNA mutations commonly seen in pancreatic cancer patients;
innovative approaches within the field of immunotherapy, including treatments promoting the activation of tumorkilling T cells in the body; and new methods of drug delivery to ensure medication reaches the pancreatic tumor.
We report on the ongoing outstanding work conducted at The Lustgarten Foundation Pancreatic Cancer Research
Laboratory at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory by our first Distinguished Scholar, The Lustgarten Foundation’s Research
Director Dr. David Tuveson. Other scientists selected as Distinguished Scholars who received funding this year for their
groundbreaking research include: Dr. Ronald Evans, Salk Institute for Biological Studies; Dr. Douglas Fearon, Cold Spring
Harbor Laboratory and Weill Cornell Medical College; and Dr. Bert Vogelstein, The Johns Hopkins University School
of Medicine. Thirteen additional deserving Research Investigators were awarded grants this year, based on their work
in one of our targeted research areas including risk factors, early detection, discovery of therapeutic targets, drug
development, drug delivery, and clinical trials.
We also celebrate our expanding relationship with Stand Up To Cancer, which now extends to the co-funding of
another Pancreatic Cancer Dream Team to develop new therapies leveraging the promising field of immunology.
We wish to express our gratitude to our many friends – our generous supporters, volunteers, Board of Directors, and
Scientific Advisory Board. As a result of your dedication, we once again reached an all-time fundraising high of more
than $14 million in 2014, and with the support of Cablevision, 100 percent of every dollar donated to The Lustgarten
Foundation goes directly to pancreatic cancer research.
In honor of all of the members of our patient community and their loved ones, we will continue to remain steadfast in
our mission and will share more news about our continued efforts throughout the coming year.
Together, with the support of Cablevision and the help of our loyal donors and volunteers, we will change the
outcome for those diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
Charles F. Dolan
Robert F. Vizza, Ph.D.
President &
Chief Executive Officer
Kerri Kaplan
Executive Director &
Chief Operating Officer
Since The Lustgarten Foundation was founded, the scientific
research we have invested in has produced a number of
significant advances, but our work is not done. Nearly 49,000
Americans will be diagnosed this year, and more than
40,000 will die from pancreatic cancer. In fact, the overall
five-year survival rate for the disease is just 7 percent.
The only way to provide hope for patients and their families
and to reach our ultimate goal of finding a cure for pancreatic
cancer is through scientific research. To fulfill this mission,
we assembled a Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) comprised
of leading scientists and clinicians in the field of cancer
research and then adopted a Focused Research Strategy
and a Research Map to identify critical areas of research
that when successfully completed, will bring us more
quickly to a cure. Our Research Map encompasses
the key areas of early detection and risk factors,
improvements in drug delivery, new drug development,
and clinical trials.
The Foundation invites leading scientists to design a
research proposal that addresses one of these key areas
of research. The competitive grants are reviewed by our
SAB and then the best proposals receive funding. In that
way, we focus on funding what we deem as “important”
research, rather than merely “interesting” research.
We thank you for your continued support in this mission
and share more research program details on the pages
that follow.
“We have to develop more effective therapies and
diagnostics in order to stop the disease from progressing...
Gina Motisi/Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
the only
path forward.
and then finally to conquer it.
That is the only path forward.”
Tobiloba Oni, Graduate Student,
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
— David Tuveson, M.D., Ph.D.
Gina Motisi/Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
The Lustgarten Foundation
Pancreatic Cancer Research Laboratory
David Tuveson, M.D., Ph.D.,
Director of The Lustgarten Foundation Pancreatic Cancer
Research Laboratory at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory,
Professor and Deputy Director of the Cancer Center at
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Dr. David Tuveson with Chang-Il Hwang, Ph.D.,
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
The Lustgarten Foundation’s dedicated Pancreatic
Cancer Research Laboratory is housed at Cold Spring
Harbor Laboratory, the world-renowned cancer research
institution on the north shore of Long Island, and is led by
our first Distinguished Scholar David Tuveson, M.D., Ph.D.
Dr. Tuveson also serves as the Director of Research for
The Lustgarten Foundation and has an appointment at
an “organoid,” which allows pancreatic cancer to be grown
from human tissue. This newly innovative model provides
researchers with the means to better understand the
disease outside of the human and inside the laboratory.
Published in the prestigious journal Cell and hailed as
a breakthrough for pancreatic cancer, this work offers
the potential to change the way pancreatic cancer
translational research is done in the lab and in the clinic.
The development of the organoid system is a monumental
step forward in pancreatic cancer research because it
brings the laboratory closer to the clinic, as it allows for
different therapies to be tested indefinitely on a patient’s
organoid in the laboratory before they are administered
to him or her in the clinic. Because the organoid is made
from a patient’s tumor, ideally, an effective therapy that
kills the organoid should kill the patient’s tumor. This
translational technology offers the hope of personalized
cancer treatments for patients in the future.
Because the organoid technology is being used successfully
in pancreatic cancer, as well as other cancers, there is much
interest from laboratories across the country to incorporate
pancreatic organoids into their research program. Dr. Tuveson
and his team have now made the pancreatic organoid
“The development of the organoid
system is a monumental step forward
in pancreatic cancer research...”
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City,
where he conducts clinical trials with patients. As a
physician-scientist, Dr. Tuveson merges his laboratory
research with his clinical research, bringing new options
to patients more rapidly. Dr. Tuveson leads a team
of researchers and clinical fellows at The Lustgarten
Foundation dedicated laboratory, and is continuing to
make strides in developing better therapies to more
effectively combat pancreatic cancer.
Early in his career, Dr. Tuveson and
his team generated the first mouse
model for human pancreatic cancer,
which for the first time allowed
researchers to study pancreatic
cancer in a living organism. He has
since used this mouse model to make
major discoveries. One significant
breakthrough was his discovery that
targeting the stroma, a physical
barrier that surrounds the tumor, can
increase the amount of chemotherapy
that can enter the tumor and kill the
pancreatic cancer cells. One of these
drugs is now being used in multiple
clinical trials across the country.
In line with his research goal to
improve the way we study pancreatic
cancer, Dr. Tuveson developed a threedimensional cell culture system, called
technology available to the entire pancreatic cancer
research community through an educational course
offered at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
In addition to this groundbreaking research with the organoid
models, Dr. Tuveson and his team are also investigating
methods for early detection, including identifying a
pancreatic cancer-specific biomarker and new targets and
therapeutic approaches, such as targeting the cancer cellspecific fuel sources that they use to support their growth.
Gina Motisi/Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Ben Asen
major discoveries...
significant breakthroughs
Daniel Olund, Ph.D. with Dea Filippini, Graduate Student,
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Distinguished Scholars
Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Ronald M. Evans, Ph.D.
In 2014, The Lustgarten Foundation announced the appointment of three scientists as part of our Distinguished Scholars
program. Through this program, world-class scientists who have led today’s most exciting research breakthroughs are
recruited to apply their expertise to pancreatic cancer research.
“The history of medicine is
that once one understands
the disease, it is only a matter
of time before that disease is
conquered…I am absolutely
confident that there will
be progress.” — Bert Vogelstein, M.D.
“Progress in the science of
pancreatic cancer places us
at the precipice of a new era
in both the understanding
and treatment of the disease.
The excitement is palpable.”
— Ronald M. Evans, Ph.D.
Bert Vogelstein, M.D.
Dr. Vogelstein is a Howard Hughes Investigator, Clayton
Professor of Oncology and Pathology, and Director of the
Ludwig Center for Cancer Genetics and Therapeutics at the
Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center of the Johns
Hopkins University School of Medicine. Dr. Vogelstein has
received numerous awards for his research, most notably the
Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences in 2013 and the Warren
Triennial Prize in 2014.
diagnosis. They investigated the genetic makeup
of pancreatic metastases and their relationship to
the original tumor in the pancreas. Published in the
prestigious journal Nature, this seminal research
resulted in the surprising discovery that patients often
have pancreatic tumors for 10-15 years before they
metastasize, revealing a huge diagnostic window for
early detection.
Dr. Vogelstein’s pioneering studies of the genetic causes of
human cancer have placed him among the most influential
scientists in the world. The Foundation initially recruited
Dr. Vogelstein to serve as the Principal Investigator of The
Lustgarten Foundation’s Pancreatic Cancer Genome Project.
Considered a turning point in pancreatic cancer research,
Now, Dr. Vogelstein is leading our early detection
initiative to exploit this diagnostic window. To do this,
he is conducting an international clinical trial to identify
the early presence of pancreatic cancer with a simple
blood test. Preliminary results of this test, published
early in 2014 in Science Translational Medicine, have
shown the ability to detect DNA mutations commonly
seen in pancreas cancer in the blood of more than 75
percent of patients with advanced cancer and 48 percent
of patients with early stage disease. Dr. Vogelstein and
his team continue to look to improve the sensitivity of
this test so that it can become the first blood test used
routinely, similar to the PSA test for prostate cancer.
early detection
Dr. Vogelstein and his team were the first to sequence the
genetic makeup of pancreatic cancer. Follow-up from this
landmark research has led to developing a pancreatic cancerspecific early detection test, screening of families with a
history of pancreatic cancer, and the design of targeted
therapies against cancer-causing mutations. Sequencing
the pancreatic cancer genome led Dr. Vogelstein and his
colleague, Dr. Christine Iacubuzio-Donahue, to investigate
how long it takes for a tumor in the pancreas to metastasize
in hopes of finding a window of opportunity for early
In addition, Dr. Vogelstein will continue conducting a
clinical trial to distinguish benign cysts from potentially
cancerous ones. By developing a dependable test,
difficult surgery could be avoided in patients with benign
cysts, while patients with potentially malignant cysts
(about 20 percent) could benefit from early surgical
vitamin D
Dr. Evans’ project aims to better understand the factors
that dictate the relationship between pancreatic cancer
cells and the cells living in the tumor that surrounds the
stroma. Dr. Evans has discovered that treating mice with
a synthetic derivative of vitamin D, called paricalcitol,
can inactivate their pancreatic stromal cells, enabling
medication to directly reach the pancreatic tumor. When
combined with chemotherapy, this treatment showed a
57 percent increase in lifespan compared to chemotherapy
alone. This promising discovery was published in the
prestigious journal Cell. Dr. Evans is currently expanding
these studies by conducting clinical trials of paricalcitol
in pancreatic cancer patients across the country.
Douglas T. Fearon, M.D.
Dr. Fearon is an internationally known expert in the field
of immunology who holds a joint position at Cold Spring
Harbor Laboratory and Weill Cornell Medical College. He
has been widely recognized for his work, including his
election as a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1999 and a
member of the United States National Academy of Sciences.
Dr. Fearon’s research has expanded our understanding of
the immune system, specifically how it protects us and
how it can fail. His more recent work has focused on the
intersection of cancer and the immune system.
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Selected by The Lustgarten Foundation’s Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), each grantee receives significant funding
over five years, enabling these scientists to pursue high-risk high-reward science, dedicate more of their time and
focus to pancreatic cancer research, and accelerate a path to a cure. We are pleased to highlight the work of our 2014
Distinguished Scholars, Bert Vogelstein, M.D., Ronald M. Evans, Ph.D. and Douglas T. Fearon, M.D.
Dr. Evans is a Howard Hughes Investigator, March of
Dimes Chair in Developmental and Molecular Biology, and a
Professor and Director of the Gene Expression Laboratory
at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies. Dr. Evans has
received numerous awards for his research, most notably
the Albert Lasker Award for Basic Medical Research in
2004 and the Wolf Prize in Medicine in 2012. Dr. Evans
is an expert on hormone biology and how hormones
communicate signals in the body. Several of the hormone
signals Dr. Evans discovered are primary targets in the
treatment of breast cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic
cancer and leukemia, as well as osteoporosis and asthma.
research “Enabling the body to use its
Dr. Fearon has shown that pancreatic cancer cells specifically
suppress our immune system and make it difficult for cancer
immunotherapy drugs to effectively kill them. His research
has demonstrated that treating mice with AMD3100 (also
known as Plerixafor) in combination with another immunealtering drug promoted the activation of tumor-killing
T cells and effectively shrank their pancreatic tumors.
Dr. Fearon and his team are conducting clinical trials to test
this new drug combination in pancreatic cancer patients,
as well as treating pancreatic cancer by enabling the body’s
own immune system to attack and kill cancer cells.
own defenses to attack cancer,
this approach has the potential
to greatly improve treatment
of tumors.” — Douglas T. Fearon, M.D.
Research Investigators
In 2014, The Lustgarten Foundation funded 13 prominent scientists based at top institutions across the United States,
through our newly launched Research Investigator program. The Research Investigator award recipients complement
a research portfolio of more than 200 projects conducted since inception. Researchers were nominated by either the
director of one of the 68 National Cancer Institute (NCI) designated cancer centers nationwide or members of the
Foundation’s Scientific Advisory Board. The program awards three-year grants of up to $1.5 million each for studies
that reflect our Focused Research Strategy.
Risk Factors And Early Detection
detection studies this year, Hidde Ploegh, Ph.D.’s (Massachusetts
Institute of Technology) study aims to design an innovative,
noninvasive imaging technique for early diagnosis and disease
monitoring. Also, Diane Simeone, M.D. (University of Michigan)
is testing a novel approach for indicators of cancer in a patient’s
blood sample. Identifying risk factors and creating noninvasive
tests will provide patients with the opportunity to be regularly
screened and potentially find the pancreatic cancer in its earliest
and most treatable stages.
In 2014, The Lustgarten Foundation expanded our
fruitful collaboration with Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C)
and announced the joint funding of a second pancreatic
cancer research Dream Team, in conjunction with the
Fox Family Cancer Research Funding Trust. The SU2CLustgarten Foundation Pancreatic Cancer Convergence
Dream Team Translational Research Grant will provide
$8 million in funding over three years for an innovative
project titled, “Transforming Pancreatic Cancer to a
Treatable Disease,” which aims to develop new therapies
using patients’ own immune cells to treat their cancers.
They will conduct combination clinical trials in patients
which will focus on novel immune-suppressive pathways
within the tumor.
University of Michigan
screening programs
non-invasive tests
Collaboration With Stand Up To Cancer
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Particular groups of individuals are known to be at higher risk of
developing pancreatic cancer. To address these groups, Alison
Klein, Ph.D., M.H.S. (Johns Hopkins University) is developing a
routine screening program to identify high risk individuals for
pancreatic cancer, and Charles S. Fuchs, M.D., M.P.H. (Dana-Farber
Cancer Institute) is investigating the link between obesity and
pancreatic cancer. In addition to Dr. Vogelstein’s early
Scott W. Lowe, Ph.D., Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Diane Simeone, M.D., University of Michigan
Lewis C. Cantley, Ph.D. (Weill Cornell Medical College), Channing
J. Der, Ph.D. (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) and
Stephen W. Fesik, Ph.D. (Vanderbilt University Medical Center) are
all trying to find different targeting approaches to cancer-causing
proteins that have not previously responded to drug therapies.
Tony Hunter, Ph.D. (Salk Institute for Biological Studies) is studying
the interaction between pancreatic cancer cells and the cells that
surround the membrane. These Research Investigators’ projects aim
to discover new drug targets and effective drug combinations so
they can be tested in patients as soon as possible.
Salk Institute for Biological Studies
effective combinations
new drug targets
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
There is an unmet clinical need to design drugs that can effectively
target the pancreatic cancer tumors. We have several Research
Investigators who are working on this problem. Tyler Jacks, Ph.D.
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Steven D. Leach, M.D.
(Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center), Scott W. Lowe, Ph.D.
(Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center), Frank McCormick, Ph.D.,
F.R.S. (University of California, San Francisco), and Julien Sage, Ph.D.
(Stanford University) are using new-age screening technologies to
find new drug targets and effective combinations of drugs.
Charles S. Fuchs, M.D., M.P.H., Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
These trials will also establish a national bio-bank for
identification of immune biomarkers. The Dream Team will
use a “convergence,”
approach by bringing
together leading
individuals in the fields
of immunotherapy,
genetics, informatics,
trials, cancer biology,
and pathology from
nine institutions: Johns
Hopkins University;
Abramson Cancer
Center of the University
of Pennsylvania;
Washington University
in St. Louis; University
of California, San
Francisco; Oregon
Health & Science University; NYU Langone Medical Center;
Stanford University; University of Cambridge, United
Kingdom; and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
Elizabeth M. Jaffee, M.D., The Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine and Robert H. Vonderheide, M.D.,
D.Phil., University of Pennsylvania will co-lead the project.
American Association for Cancer Research
pancreatic cancer to
a treatable disease
Tony Hunter, Ph.D., Salk Institute for Biological Studies
curePC Courage Project
The curePC Courage Project is an online video series
featuring pancreatic cancer survivors and individuals
who lost loved ones to the disease. These extraordinary
people have something in common: courage. It is the
courage in how they live or lived their lives, the courage
in how they battle or battled this disease, and the
courage in sharing their personal stories.
The Lustgarten Foundation and Cablevision Systems Corporation, a leading media and
telecommunications company, are partners in the curePC campaign, an award-winning public
service campaign that raises awareness about pancreatic cancer and the Foundation’s efforts
in the battle against this disease.
To watch these powerful videos and share your story,
New PSA Series
With Bryan Cranston
Emmy and Tony award-winning actor Bryan Cranston
has again lent his support to the curePC campaign
by participating in a new series of public service
announcements (PSA) for television entitled, “Let’s
Change the Facts.” The PSA series focuses on the
grim facts about pancreatic cancer and how research
is the way to change these facts, providing hope.
Visit to watch these compelling
spots featuring Mr. Cranston.
As part of the curePC campaign, multifaceted marketing
and publicity efforts continued to help raise awareness of the
Foundation’s largest walks. Among them is the Foundation’s
premier walk held on Long Island in October, which broke
records again in 2014 welcoming 8,000 participants and
raising $1.3 million, the most money ever raised in the history
of the Foundation’s walks.
For more on the Foundation’s national walk series, see page 14.
Online •
Twitter • @curePCcampaign
YouTube •
Pinterest • pinterest/curePCcampaign
Instagram •
Help us spread the word about the fight
against pancreatic cancer.
With the support of Cablevision, 100% of every dollar donated to
The Lustgarten Foundation goes directly to pancreatic cancer research.
Ben Asen
Ben Asen
Holiday Rock & Roll Bash
On December 3rd, Cablevision Systems Corporation, The
Madison Square Garden Company (MSG), and AMC Networks
once again came together to host another fantastic Holiday
Rock & Roll Bash, The Lustgarten Foundation’s premier annual
event. Held at the legendary Hard Rock Cafe, amidst the
holiday hustle and bustle of New York City’s Times Square,
the event raised more than $2 million, breaking its previous
all-time fundraising record. The 1,100 friends and supporters
in attendance enjoyed the rock-and-roll sounds of The Brian
Mitchell Band, which featured a jam session with Cablevision
CEO and MSG Executive Chairman James Dolan.
Ben Asen
Marcia, Andrew, and Jessica Lustgarten
at Party in the Penthouse
The Lustgarten
Foundation’s premier
annual benefit
Avi Gerver
More than 1,100 guests gathered at New York City’s
Hard Rock Cafe to support The Lustgarten Foundation.
Jennie Fortunoff
A loving tribute to Louis W. Fortunoff
Louis W. Fortunoff Family Fun Day
On May 18th, The Louis W. Fortunoff Family
Fun Day was held at Old Westbury Gardens in
Westbury, NY. The event was organized by
Jennie Fortunoff, in honor of her late husband
Louis, who succumbed to pancreatic cancer at
the young age of 47, in 2012. The theme reflected
Louis’s passion for his family and friendships, and
highlights of the day included carnival games,
music, a delicious BBQ, and silent auction. In an
emotional tribute, Lara & Jonathan Fortunoff
led a ceremonial balloon release in memory
of their dad. More than 700 people came out
to show their support and helped raise nearly
$400,000 for The Lustgarten Foundation.
Rocking the Foundation
John Holderer
Rebecca Taylor/MSG Photos
Rebecca Taylor/MSG Photos
A Night At The Forum
Honoree Peter Grosslight with
legendary performer Joan Baez.
Spring Toward a Cure
Lauren and Larry Talve at Spring Toward a Cure
The legendary Rockettes performed at the 14th
annual Holiday Rock & Roll Bash.
The Eagles perform to a huge crowd gathered to raise
money to advance pancreatic cancer research.
On January 30th, more than 200 people
attended Party in the Penthouse, The Lustgarten
Foundation’s second annual winter fundraiser in
New York City. Held at Manhattan Penthouse,
the event featured stunning city views, a silent
auction, and the classic rock and roll sounds
of The Legendary Murphys. With more than
$100,000 raised for pancreatic cancer research,
including a presenting sponsorship from
Celgene, the event was a huge success.
On May 1st, The Lustgarten Foundation held
the Spring Toward a Cure gala in Bethpage,
NY, and raised more than $108,000. The event
was attended by 200 guests who enjoyed a
silent auction and amazing entertainment by
mentalist and magician, Ken Salaz. Mr. Larry
Talve, who lost his father to pancreatic cancer
in 2012, served as the evening’s honoree.
To add to the holiday spirit, special appearances were made by
the world-famous Radio City Rockettes and a very jolly Santa
Claus. In the most touching moment of the evening, Jessica
and Andrew Lustgarten joined Mr. Dolan on stage to speak in
tribute of their father, Marc Lustgarten. They expressed their
deep appreciation to the corporate sponsors whose generous
donations in support of the Bash help fund the Foundation’s
promising research and its mission to find a cure. Since its
inception in 2001, the Holiday Rock & Roll Bash has raised
nearly $19 million for pancreatic cancer research.
On January 13th, A Night At The Forum, the inaugural West
Coast fundraiser to benefit The Lustgarten Foundation, was
held at the newly renovated Forum in California. More than
1,250 guests attended the sold-out gala, which raised nearly
$2.5 million for pancreatic cancer research. This premiere event
featured the legendary Eagles performing in honor of their
former agent, Peter Grosslight, who subsequently lost his battle
to pancreatic cancer in August. The gala was hosted by Chris
Harrison from ABC’s The Bachelor and featured performances
by Joan Baez and JD & The Straight Shot, as well as opening
remarks from Nobel Laureate Dr. James Watson on the topic
of curing cancer. This fundraiser would not have been possible
without its dedicated co-chairs: Irving Azoff, CEO, Azoff MSG
Entertainment; James L. Dolan, Executive Chairman, The Madison
Square Garden Company, and President and CEO, Cablevision
Systems Corporation; Peter Grosslight, Director, William Morris
Endeavor Entertainment; and William H. Isacoff, MD.
Party in the Penthouse
Hank “Lightning” Goldsmith’s former cover band
On June 11th, family, friends and colleagues
gathered at Manhattan Penthouse in New
York City for the Rocking the Foundation
event, which commemorated the life of Hank
“Lightning” Goldsmith, who died in 2013 of
pancreatic cancer at only 50 years old. This
event brought together 200 people and raised
nearly $70,000 for research. Rocking the
Foundation paid tribute to Hank’s passion for
music by including cover bands and hits from
musicians that Hank loved.
Ben Asen
Ben Asen
Tatiana Flowers
Walk/Run Locations
Thank you to all the organizers and volunteers and congratulations
to all those who participated in the 2014 events, the most successful
walks and runs in The Lustgarten Foundation’s history!
Albany, NY
Boston, MA
Brooklyn, NY
Cedar Rapids, IA
Chicago, IL
Cromwell, CT
Denver, CO
Dutchess County, NY
Fairfield County, CT
Fremont, CA
Ft. Myers, FL
Green Valley, AZ
Howard County, MD
Indianapolis, IN
Lehigh Valley, PA
Lincoln, NE
Liverpool, NY
Long Island, NY
Milford, CT
Monmouth County, NJ
Naperville, IL
New York City, NY
Paramus, NJ
Pemberville, OH
Pennsauken, NJ
Phoenix, AZ
Plano, TX
Skowhegan, ME
St. Louis, MO
Westboro, MA
Westchester, NY
Westlake Village, CA
Daniel Lefkowitz
Ben Asen
Amanda Howard/Memories Through Time Photography
Kevin Kennedy
Ben Asen
The Lustgarten Foundation’s nationwide walk program brings together patients, their families and loved ones, community
leaders, corporations, and business owners in the fight against pancreatic cancer. The events, which raise vital funds for
The Lustgarten Foundation’s mission of funding research, also significantly increase awareness for pancreatic cancer in
big cities, suburban communities, and rural areas throughout the country. In 2014, more than 17,000 people came out
to participate in our 32 walks. With events in 18 states, representing every corner of the country, the Pancreatic Cancer
Research Walk series raised more than $3.6 million in our quest to find a cure for pancreatic cancer. This brings our walk
program total to nearly $27 million since our first walk was held 2001 in Long Island, NY.
# of teams:
# of walkers:
2014 Total:
Cumulative Walk
Program: $26,981,051
2014 Financial Highlights
Cash, Investments and Receivables
Total Awarded Grants Outstanding
Unrestricted Undesignated Net Assets
New Grants Awarded During the Year
The audited financial statements of The Lustgarten Foundation are available on our website or upon request.
Charles F. Dolan
Cablevision Systems Corporation
The Honorable Jimmy Carter
Honorary Chairman
Ronald M. Evans, Ph.D.
Salk Institute for Biological Studies
William Bell
Retired Vice Chairman
Cablevision Systems Corporation
Frank A. Bennack, Jr.
Executive Vice Chairman and
Former CEO
Hearst Corporation
Douglas T. Fearon, M.D.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory &
Weill Cornell Medical College
James L. Dolan
Chief Executive Officer
Cablevision Systems Corporation
Barry Diller
Chairman and Senior Executive
IAC/InterActiveCorp and Expedia, Inc.
Jennie Fortunoff
Esterow Events & Consulting, Inc.
Anne Glauber
Managing Partner and Founder,
Corporate Social Responsibility and
Social Impact Practice
Finn Partners
Kerri Kaplan
Executive Director and Chief
Operating Officer
The Lustgarten Foundation
Andrew Lustgarten
Executive Vice President, Corporate
Development and Strategy
The Madison Square Garden Company
Jessica Lustgarten
Manager, Strategy and Analysis
Marcia Lustgarten
Director, Public Affairs
Cablevision Systems Corporation
Sheila Mahony
Retired Executive Vice President,
Communication, Government,
and Public Affairs
Cablevision Systems Corporation
Charles R. Schueler
Executive Vice President, Media
and Community Relations
Cablevision Systems Corporation
Adam Silver
National Basketball Association
Executive Chairman
The Madison Square Garden Company
John S. Hendricks
Discovery Communications
Mel Karmazin
Retired Chief Executive Officer
Sirius XM Radio, Inc.
Infinity Broadcasting
Gerald M. Levin
Retired Chief Executive Officer
Time Warner, Inc.
John C. Malone
Liberty Media Corporation
Tyler Jacks, Ph.D.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
David Paul Kelsen, M.D.
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer
Robert J. Mayer, M.D.
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute &
Harvard Medical School
Bruce Stillman, Ph.D.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
David Tuveson, M.D., Ph.D.
The Lustgarten Foundation Pancreatic
Cancer Research Laboratory,
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Bert Vogelstein, M.D.
The Johns Hopkins University School
of Medicine
Rupert Murdoch
Executive Chairman
News Corp
Chairman and CEO
21st Century Fox
Sumner M. Redstone
Executive Chairman of the Board
and Founder
Viacom, Inc.
Executive Chairman of the Board
CBS Corporation
Tom Rogers
President and Chief Executive Officer
TiVo, Inc.
Sir Howard Stringer
Retired Chairman of the Board
Sony Corporation
Robert C. Wright
Retired Vice Chairman of the Board
and Executive Officer
General Electric
Robert F. Vizza, Ph.D.
President and Chief Executive Officer
The Lustgarten Foundation
The donor listings on the following
pages reflect contributions from
January 1 through December 31, 2014.
The Lustgarten Foundation is at the forefront of pancreatic cancer research and continues to be the largest private
funder with the help of our supporters and friends. This important mission could not be accomplished without the
assistance of the many generous individuals, foundations, corporations, volunteers and organizations that support us.
We wish there was enough space to thank each individual who has ever made a gift, however please know that each gift
is deeply appreciated and that 100 percent of every dollar goes toward research.
Bill and Ellen Bell
Cablevision Systems Corporation
Charles B. Wang Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick DeMatteis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hostetter
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lockton III
McMullen Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Randolph Jr.
The Lustgarten Family
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Tow
PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE $100,000 + Cumulative since inception
AMC Networks
Mrs. Cornelia T. Bailey
Bank of America
Barbara Montani Santaniello Research Fund Inc.
Bear Stearns Companies, Inc.
Bill and Ellen Bell
Black Twig Communications, LLC
Brindell Roberts Gottlieb Trust
Brisbin Brook Beynon, Architects
Cablevision Systems Corporation
Celgene Corporation
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Clare Rose Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Dorothy Daly
Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
Deloitte & Touche
DevelopOnBox LLC
Discovery Communications
Disney and ESPN Media Networks
Eli Lilly and Company
Estate of Florence E. Wilson
Estate of John A. Ryvik
Estate of Judith Bandel
Estate of Laurie Lima
Estate of Lucille L. Tirkfield
Estate of Maxine Stein-Kohler
Estate of Patricia C. Galgan
Estate of Roberta Coppola
Fashion Accessories Benefit Ball
Frank J. Antun Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Frankel
Frontier Touring
Gardner Nelson & Partners, Inc.
Genentech, Inc.
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, LLP
Greater Hartford Community Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Leo A. Guthart
H. J. Kalikow & Co., LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hostetter
Howard Shapiro Memorial Fund
Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP
IBM Employee Charitable Contribution
ImClone Systems Incorporated
James S. Swinehart Memorial Fund
JP Morgan Chase
Jeffrey Rosenzweig Foundation For Pancreatic
Cancer Research
Jones Day
Kansys, Inc.
Karen Zissu-Magidson Memorial Fund
Kauff McGuire & Margolis LLP
Lazarus Marketing, Inc.
Levon Graphics Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lockton III
Loeb & Loeb LLP
Mark Abrams Memorial Foundation
Mark Broxmeyer Memorial Fund
McMullen Family Foundation
Merrill Lynch
Michael Rolfe Pancreatic Cancer Foundation
Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and
Popeo, P.C.
Miramax Films
Morgan Stanley
Morgan, Lewis & Brockius LLP
MTV Networks, Inc.
NBA Cares
Neil M. Klatskin Foundation, Inc.
News Corporation
Nokia Siemens Networks
OSI Foundation
Mr. Robert F. Penardi
Pharmacia & Upjohn Co.
Mrs. Richardson Pratt
Mrs. F. F. Randolph, Jr.
Ropes & Gray LLP
Mr. and Mrs. David Salmanson
Ms. Kathryn Schulberg
Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.
Setauket Yacht Club Foundation
Shearman & Sterling LLP
Sloane & Company
Stephen & Mary Birch Foundation
Sullivan & Cromwell LLP
Sun Microsystems
The Antoinette E. (“Mimi”) & Herman Boehm
The Benjamin Neuhausen Fund for Pancreatic
Cancer Research
The Bernard Lee Schwartz Foundation, Inc.
The Bernice and Milton Stern Foundation
The Harry T. Barbaris, M.D. Memorial Fund
The Lefkofsky Foundation
The Lustgarten Family
The Madison Square Garden Company
The Mancheski Foundation, Inc.
The Marc Haas Foundation
The Perelman Family Foundation, Inc.
The Peter Grosslight Memorial Fund
The Ralph C. Marcove Cancer Research
Fund, Inc.
The Robert & Lynne Grossman Family
The Walter B. Wriston Fund
The Weinstein Company
The William H. Isacoff, MD Research Foundation
Theodore W. Batterman Family Foundation, Inc.
Thomasville Home Furnishings Metro NY
Time Warner, Inc.
Tom’s Cure Pancreatic Cancer Foundation
Mr. Leonard Tow
Turner Broadcasting Systems, Inc.
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Udell of London Jewelers
Verizon Communications
Mr. Charles Wang
West New York Restoration of CT, Inc.
William Morris Endeavor Entertainment
Willkie, Farr & Gallagher, LLP
WLNY TV 10/55
$100,000 +
AMC Networks
Cablevision Systems Corporation
Celgene Corporation
Estate of John A. Ryvik
Estate of Laurie Lima
Estate of Patricia C. Galgan
Estate of Roberta Coppola
Levon Graphics Corporation
Mark Broxmeyer Memorial Fund
Ms. Kathryn Schulberg
The Antoinette E. (“Mimi”) & Herman Boehm
The Madison Square Garden Company
The Marc Haas Foundation
The Perelman Family Foundation, Inc.
The Peter Grosslight Memorial Fund
The William H. Isacoff, MD Research
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
$50,000.00 - $99,999
21st Century Fox America, Inc.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Estate of Edward Snyder
Estate of Richard Spinolas
Estate of Suzanne Rapier
Estate of Thomas J. Furlong, Jr.
Estate of Thomas Zimmerman
George L. Ohrstrom, Jr. Foundation
Greater Hartford Community Foundation, Inc.
Kauff McGuire & Margolis LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Mattison
Michael Rolfe Pancreatic Cancer Foundation
Ropes & Gray LLP
Sullivan & Cromwell LLP
The Bernard Lee Schwartz Foundation, Inc.
The Mancheski Foundation, Inc.
The Ralph C. Marcove Cancer Research
Fund, Inc.
The Weinstein Company
Wasily Family Foundation
William Morris Endeavor Entertainment
Zodiac Interactive
$25,000 - $49,999
Bank of America
Boston Scientific Corporation
CBS Corporation
Creative Artists Agency
Debevoise & Plimpton, LLP
Deloitte & Touche
ESPN, Inc.
Mr. Ian Flooks
Jennie Fortunoff and Family
Foundation For A Better World, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Frankel
Gatsby Gala
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, LLP
Mr. Leo A. Guthart
Hope Foundation
Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP
IBM Corporation
Infinera Corporation
James S. Swinehart Memorial Fund
JP Morgan Chase
Karen Zissu-Magidson Memorial Fund
Kobre & Kim LLP
Lazarus Marketing, Inc.
Mr. David Aron Levine and Mrs. Ruth Miriam
Loeb & Loeb LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Martin
Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and
Popeo, P.C.
MRV Optical Communications Systems
NBA Cares
Neptune Township - NJ
One Step Up, Ltd.
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP
PHD Network
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. David Salmanson
Scotia Capital
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Seck
Setauket Yacht Club Foundation
Mr. Ken Shanley
Shearman & Sterling LLP
The Alan B. Miller Family Foundation
The Clarissa & Edgar Bronfman, Jr. Foundation
The Ergonomic Group
The IDT Charitable Foundation
The Lustgarten Family
Time Warner, Inc.
United Talent Agency, Inc.
Universal Music Group
$10,000 - $24,999
A & E Television Networks
ABM Janitorial Services - Northeast, Inc.
Access It Group
ActiveVideo Networks
AI Media Group, LLC
Al Jazeera America
Alcatel Lucent
Amdocs Broadband Cable & Satellite Division
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Amodio
Anne and John Tatta Family Foundation
Bill and Ellen Bell
Mrs. Linda K. Berger
Bethpage Federal Credit Union
Bicitis Group, Inc.
Mr. Ottavio Biondi Jr.
BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.
Bloomingdale Volunteer Fire Department
BNP Paribus
Bonner Family Private Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Laurel T. Borowick
Brian McGovern Memorial Golf Tourney
Brisbin Brook Beynon, Architects
CamberView Partners
Cardno ATC
Carol B. Smith Memorial Golf Fund
Charlottesville Area Community Foundation
Citigroup Payment Services
Clare Rose Foundation, Inc.
Clark Construction Group, LLC
Clear Channel
Communications Specialists Inc.
Contec Holdings, Ltd.
Creative Bath Products, Inc.
Credit Agricole Corporate Investment Bank
Lucy Criss
Croatian American Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
Discovery Communications, Inc.
Ms. Mary C. Dix
D-Link Systems, Inc.
Dr. P. Foundation, Inc.
Egon Zehnder International, Inc.
Dr. Joan Egrie
Ms. Debbie Elder
Entertainment Industry Foundation
Mr. Carl Eschbacher
Fathom Communications LLC
Film Finances, Inc.
Fischmann Family Foundation
Charlotte and Jeremy Fletcher
Mr. Robert P. Flicker
Forchelli, Curto, Deegan, Schwartz, Mineo,
Cohn & Terrana
Mr. Victor Forte
Fox News Channel
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Frankel
Frenz For A Cause, Inc.
Friedlander Family Fund
Mr. Rob Friedman
Mr. Sidney Friedman
Furniture Concepts, LLC
Genentech, Inc.
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher Foundation
Ms. Anne F. Glauber
Mr. Zale Glauberman
Gloria Swan Pancreatic Cancer Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Goldman
Goldman Sachs
Mr. Michael Goldstein
Steven and Ilanit Goodman
Greenberg Traurig LLP
Mr. Ziv Haparnas
Haynes and Boone, LLP
Henry & Marilyn Taub Foundation
Houlihan Lokey
Howard Shapiro Memorial Fund
Laura and Brian Hull
Mr. Walter J. Husak
IBM Employee Charitable Contribution
iHeart Media
Adam, Jeniece and Rena Ilkowitz
Incognito Software
Insurance Auto
ION Computer Systems
J.T. Hobby, Jr. Endowment Fund
Mrs. Sylvia Jacobs and Family
JEK Communications, Inc.
Jenner & Block LLP
Juniper Networks
Kansys, Inc.
Mrs. Marilyn Kasperick
Kelley Drye & Warren, LLP
Kevin Naquin For Pancreatic Cancer Research
Mr. Kerry J. Kirby
Nicole and Stuart Kovensky
Mr. Gerry Lenfest
Liberty Mutual - Give With Liberty
Dr. Edward Loeb and Family
Loren Findorak Memorial Golf Outing
Ms. Helen Lowenstein
Luau for Pancreatic Cancer Research
Lydia K. Feidler Charitable Trust
Martha Washington Straus-Harry H. Straus
Foundation, Inc.
Marvin L. Baker Family Foundation
Max and Sunny Howard Memorial Foundation
MCD Productions
McMullen Family Foundation
Metaswitch Networks
MGM Resorts International
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Milstein
Morgan, Lewis & Brockius LLP
National Football League
National Hockey League
Natixis North America, Inc.
NetScout Systems, Inc.
Network For Good
PDT Partners, LLC
PPC Broadband, Inc.
Proskauer Rose LLP
PTJ Operations, LLC
Mrs. F. F. Randolph Jr.
RFE Inc.
RBC Capital Markets Corporation
Mr. Marc Rossi
Mr. Jordan Roth
Russell & Katherine Hawken Foundation
Sandvine, Inc.
Mr. Mark Satov
Debbie and Howard Schiller
The Maria Young Memorial Fund
The Schwartz Family Foundation
Scripps Networks Interactive
SevOne, Inc.
Sharon Fay and Maxine Schaffer Family
Shostak Charitable Fund
Mrs. Judith Siegfried
Mr. Adam Silver
Sloane & Company
SME Entertainment Group LLC
Starz Entertainment
Stifel, Nicolaus & Co Inc
Stuart Rae Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Mark R. Sultan
Suntrust Robinson Humphrey
TD Securities
Thalia N. Carlos and Chris M. Carlos
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
The Bowery Presents
The Brooklyn Brothers LLC
The Fidelco Group
The Harold L. & Faye Liss Foundation
The Lefkofsky Foundation
The Prevor Family Foundation
The Richard E. Capri Foundation
The Robert and Marion Schamann Brozowski
The Ryzman Foundation
The Sandra Atlas Bass and Edythe & Sol G.
Atlas Fund, Inc.
The Spionkop Charitable Trust
The Stewart J. Rahr Foundation
The Sundheim Family
The Wolfe Family
Tishman Speyer
TiVo, Inc.
Tom’s Cure Pancreatic Cancer Foundation
Turner Broadcasting Systems, Inc.
Univision Communications
Vartabedian Family Foundation
Vatterott Foundation
VeEX Inc.
Mr. Richard W. Vieser
W. L. Landau Ethan Allen
Ms. Paula H. Wolf
Dr. Lai Ming Yu
$5,000 - $9,999
abc Production AG
AIG Matching Grants Program
American Express Foundation
American Society For Industrial Security
Angels of Hope Foundation
Astellas Pharma US, Inc.
Mr. Daniel Attias
B & F Electric Motors, Inc.
Mr. Lawrence T. Babbio
Bahnik Foundation, Inc.
Baldor Specialty Foods, Inc.
Barclays Capital
Becker Harrow
Mr. and Mrs. Don Berger
Billy Webber Memorial Fund, Inc.
Boas Family Fund
Boyle Family Foundation
Mr. Michael D. Brown
Ms. Jeanie Buss
Ms. Eleanor S. Campbell-Swank
Carol & Jack Kline Fund
Mrs. Carolann Catalogne
The Catapano Family
Mr. Robert B. Catell
Century Bank
Charles and Margaret Levin Family Foundation
Ms. Alana Clegg
Coachella Music Festival, LLC
Collins + Partners, LLC
Combined DBL Resources LTD.
Compass Lexecon
Ms. Mary Ann Crutchlow
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Damast
Davies Family Foundation
Mr. Thomas F. DeGrazia
Mr. Ron Delsener
Mr. Michael Dernburg and Family
Doctor Music
DROR Family Charity Account
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Dusansky
Mr. Alvin Dworman
Edward Darman Co., L.P.
Mrs. Donna E. Edwards
EMC2 Corporation
Ettenberg Foundation
Eyeking LLC
F5 Networks
Fifth Avenue of L.I. Realty Association
Firequench, Inc.
Mr. Marvin Flood
Foremost Footwear LLC
Jenny and P. Jay Fortner
Fox Networks
Frank J. Romano Foundation, Inc.
G. B. Stuart Charitable Foundation
Game Creek Video
Gardner Nelson & Partners, Inc.
George and June Block Family Foundation
Gettinger Family Foundation
Mr. Robert D. Giltner
Mrs. Stephanie Ginsberg
Mrs. Corinne Glassman
Gleason Family Foundation, Inc.
Gotham City Networking Foundation
Mrs. Bernice L. Gotlieb
Mr. Matt Greenhalgh
Ms. Rona M. Guidone
Mr. and Mrs. Arne Haak
Mr. William P. Hannon
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hartman
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Herring
Chip and Debi Hills
Hillview Capital Advisors, LLC
Mr. Alan Hinds
Mr. Ronald Hohmann
Horwith Trucks, Inc.
Ms. Beverly S. Jacobs
JFK Air Cargo Association, Inc.
Jones Day
Jones Lang LaSalle Americas
K. James Yager Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kabat
Mr. and Mrs. Armenag Kalaydjian
Ms. Debra A. Karlstein
Kirkland & Ellis Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lawrence
Ms. Mildred Lucchesi
Magda and Edward Bleier/Dana Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Malison
Mark and Gayle Lerch Famiy Foundation
Marshall Arts Ltd
Maureen Data Systems, Inc.
Mrs. Susan Melchner
Midlands Community Foundation
Mrs. Diane Miller and Family
Ms. Phyllis W. Miller
MoloLamken, LLP
Mr. Jason Morey
Mr. Stuart M. Morgan and Family
Mike and Julie Moriarty
Moritt Hock & Hamroff LLP
MSC Industrial Direct
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Nebenzahl
New York Thoroughbred Horsemen’s
Association, Inc.
Newmark & Company Realty
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp.
Oak Hills Local School District
Old Westbury Golf & Country Club
Omega Fi
OWN, Inc.
P/Kaufmann, Inc.
Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP
Penino & Moynihan, LLP
Mr. Doniel Perl
Ms. Roslyn Persky
Peter Rieger Konzertagentur GmbH & Co. KG
Pine Hollow Charity Fund, Inc.
Ms. Lynn G. Platzner and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Hy Portnoy
Mr. John Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore J. Pranzo
Prospect Park, LLC
Rawson Charitable Foundation
Rensselaer Honda
Republic National Distributing Company
Foundation, Inc.
Riverdale Country Day School
Ms. Lauren J. Roberts
Mr. Kenneth Rosheisen
Mr. Tom E. Ross
Mr. James Rowley
Dr. Charles Salem
Mr. Thomas Schlafly
Mrs. Anne Schnesel
Score For The Cure in Pennington, New Jersey
Sebonack Foundation
Michael and Jana Sheppard
Sherry Shumaker Memorial Fund
SJM Concerts
Mrs. Kari Sorboro
Mr. and Mrs. Ari Spar
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Sperry
SportsNet New York
Dr. Zelig Steinberg and Mrs. Pamela J. Steinberg
Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox PLLC
Ms. Stephanie F. Strauchen
Mr. Martin E. Tanzer and Family
The Aboodi & Hoffman Families
The Bob Swartz Memorial Fund
The Hanna Charitable Fund
The Ivan Seidenberg Foundation, Inc.
The James and Bernadette Harrison
Charitable Fund
The Otis Booth Foundation
The Paul B. Greetin and Beryl S. Greetin
The Paul Soros Family Trust
The Raviv Family
The Robert & Lynne Grossman Family
The Virginia Metzler Family Charitable
The Walter B. Wriston Fund
Mr. Alexander H. Tisch
Tri Star Sports & Entertainment Group, Inc.
Tribune Broadcasting Company
Mr. Robert S. Trump
U.S. Bank
Valley Radiotherapy Associates/Vantage
Robert and Miriam Waldman
Mr. Christian Wall
Mr. and Mrs. Damian E. Wall
Ms. Sandra Weingarten
West Haven B.P.O.E. 1537 - Elks Lodge
Mrs. Maria Wilcox
William C. Dowling Jr. Foundation
Mr. David S. Winter
Winthrop University Hospital
WMA Golf Classic IV 2007
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wright
WTS Holdings LLC
X-Ray Touring
Mrs. Monica Yandow
Dr. Hilma M. Yu
$2,500 - $4,999
58A JVD Industries, LTD
Mr. Laurence J. Abzug
Mr. Howard Adler
AEW Capital Management, L.P.
Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, L.L.P.
Albany Gastroenterology Consultants, PLLC
Alvin J. Bart & Sons, Inc.
Andrea Anastasio Charitable Fund
Mrs. Marcy Antonucci
Apex Systems Inc
Archway Marketing Services, Inc.
Arista Enterprises, Inc.
ATX Networks
Automated Merchant Services, Inc.
Avram & Rhoda Freedberg Fund
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Bank of America Foundation Matching Gifts
Mrs. Evelyn Barrow
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Barshay
Basketball Properties, LTD
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Becker
Ms. Elizabeth Bellamy
Belmark, Inc.
Ms. Amy Berko Iles
Ms. Susan Bick
Mr. Jay D. Bienstock and Family
Mr. Mel Bienstock and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blomquist
Mr. John W. Bloom
BNY Mellon Wealth Management
Bohler Engineering
Ms. Taryn Bostjancic
Mr. Evan Bower
Brown Rudnick
Mr. Dennis Burt
Canter for a Cure
Mr. Gary A. Chanowitz
Charles A. Dailey Foundation
Charles River Laboratories
Clearpool Group
Collection Bureau of the Hudson Valley, Inc.
Mrs. Carla Cooper
Credit Suisse First Boston
Mr. David Cummins
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cytryn
Dallastown Area Basketball Booster
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Danker
Data-Mail, Inc.
DeMattia Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Desmond
Direct Management Group
Disney Worldwide Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Donner
Mr. and Mrs. Howie Elman
Engel Burman at Sayville LLC
EPIQ Systems, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Esterow
FNZ Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Ellen S. Fox
Mr. Gerald Frankel
Friends of John V. Duffy
Fross Zelnick Lehrman & Zissu, P.C.
Ms. April E. Galda
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Gannon
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gardill
Ms. Jessica Garzillo
GE Foundation Matching Gifts Program
GEICO Philanthropic Foundation
Mr. Michael Genatt
Genatt V LLC
Glen Oaks Philanthropic Fund
Ms. Barbara Goglio
Mr. Paul J. Greco
Eugene and Barbara Greene
Ms. Gail F. Harms
Ms. Elizabeth P. Hatton
Dr. Jason T. Heckman
Mr. Edward Heffner
Mr. Harvey R. Heller
Mr. Merrit Heminway
Hershey Family Fund
Hinckley & Heisenberg LLP
Hogan Lovells US LLP
Integrated Broadband Services, Inc.
J. Horowitz & E. Hardin Fund
James and Debbie MacGregor
Jeffrey Rosenzweig Foundation For Pancreatic
Cancer Research
John & Hilda Arnold Foundation
Johnson & Johnson
JPMorgan Chase & Co. Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Mrs. Louise Kaminow and Family
Mr. Jeffrey Kan
Kansas City Life Insurance Company
Mrs. Dolores Karp
Dr. Rebecca L. Keim
Mrs. Suzanne N. Kennedy
Mrs. Sandi Klein
Kleinknecht Electric Company, Inc.
Knights of Columbus No. 5989
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Korval
Mr. Douglas Kotte
Mrs. Yolanda J. Kunz
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kushnick
Mr. Todd J. LaPietra
Leopold Friedman & Ruth Friedman Foundation
Mrs. Elizabeth P. Levengood
Mr. Robert J. Levitt
Live Nation España
Ms. Rosalind Massow Luger
Mrs. Chrissy M. MacTaggart
Maltin Wealth Management
Mr. Joseph Mastriano
Max & Ruth B. Stern Philanthropic Fund
Ms. Meghan McNally
Ms. Christa Meinzinger
Mr. Al Mengarelli
Metropolitan Valuation Services
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Meyerhoff
Mr. Edward Miller
Ms. Jean Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Moehling
Mulligan Security Corporation
My Tribute Gift Foundation, Inc.
N.E.K. Pancreatic Cancer Crush
National Grid USA Service Company, Inc.
Oak Creek Foundation
Oceanside Union Free School District
Mr. and Mrs. James O’Connor
Open Society Foundations
Patricia Armstrong Dressler Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Bret D. Pearlman
Mr. Jason D. Peckenpaugh
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Phoenix Communications
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Pliskin
Pyramid Foundation, Inc.
Quadrangle Group Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Quinn
Mrs. Michelle Rafferty and Family
RDWM America, Inc.
RFC Fine, Inc.
Robert R. McCormick Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Mrs. Eve K. Robinson and Mr. Joshua Wiener
Mr. Gregory Rush
S & A Agate Foundation
Schenck, Price, Smith & King LLP
Mr. Don Schneider
Mr. Ernest N. Schnesel
Mr. William Schwalbe
Mr. Tom Shapiro
Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton
Siena Engineering Group, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Sifonios
Mr. Charles Solon and Family
Mr. Richard K. Spiniolas
Steel Equities
Mr. Mark J. Stein
Mrs. Carol Sternberg
Mr. Frank Stiebel
Mr. Robert Stone
Mr. and Mrs. William Strecker
Mr. C. David Strupeck
Mr. Charles C. Swicker
Ms. Cathleen M. Taff
Ted & Ruth Johnson Family Foundation
The Bane Foundation
The David & Leslie Fastenberg Family Fund
The Grimaldi Foundation
The Heidi J. Nolte Fund
The Honorable Rudolph Giuliani and Mrs. Giuliani
The Leonard Friedland Foundation
The Northwind Group, LLC
The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts
The Riese Organization
The Thalia and George Liberatos Foundation
Times Fiber Communications, Inc.
Towers Watson
TPG Architecture, LLP
Tri State Survivor
Tulip Corporation
Ms. Kelli Turner
UBS Matching & Employee Gifts Program
Mr. Alan Uhlman
University of Pennsylvania, Abramson
Cancer Center
Alexis and Lou Ventre
Verizon Foundation
Ms. Alexanderina Vigh
Waldner’s Business Environments
Mr. Joe Wanderling
Mr. William B. Webster
Westchester Mechanics Association of Local
Union No. 3
Ms. Megan Wisdom
Mr. Bryan E. Wong
WVSOM Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Carole Yaley Corso
Ms. Shari Zimmerman
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Zissu
Ms. Karen Zupko
ZwillGen PLLC
$1,000 - $2,499
A & D Restorations, LLC
Access Wealth Planning, LLC
Accolade Building Maintenance
Ades Foundation
Adler Family Fund
Mr. Darel C. Agresta
Ms. Kimberly Agresta
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Alberti
Alex and Ani Charity By Design
Alive Entertainment
Alliantie Technical Group, Inc.
Allied Beverage Tanks, Inc.
Alnor Oil Company, Inc.
Mrs. Susan Altamore Carusi
Mr. Daniel Ambauen
American Cruisers Corporation
American Metals Supply Co., Inc.
American Security Programs, Inc.
America’s Charities
Mr. Donald Anaronian
Ancient Order of Hibernians Div. # 2
Anders Media, Inc.
Ms. Quinta E. Andersen
Mr. Drew C. Anderson
Mr. Joshua J. Angel
AON Foundation - Matching Gifts Program
AON Risk Services, Inc. of NY
Aristeia Capital, LLC
Mr. Veeraraghavan Arun
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Atwood
Mrs. Augusta Austin
Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Azralon
Mr. Brian Bae
Mr. Patrick Baldwin
Mr. Wayne Ballinger
Ms. Nancy Barcelo
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bardwil
Barnabas Health Behavorial Health Center
Barnes & Thornburg LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Barnett
Barry & Teri Volpert Foundation
Mr. David Barshay
Mr. William Bartfield
Mr. Troy Bartley
Mr. William Bassett
Ms. Judith M. Bavaria
Baylis Charitable Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell Bayroff
BBC Worldwide
Ms. Ellen Becker and Mr. Howard Hamburger
Mr. John Becker
Mr. Michael Becker
Ms. Clyda Bell
Ms. Jill Bender
Mr. Gerard Beninati
Dr. Brian Berberian
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Berman
Mr. Lee Berman and Ms. Karly Chesin
Bernard and Carol Kossar Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Wendy B. Bernstein and Ms. Sue Spaulding
Beverly J. Gepfer Charitable Foundation
Jeffrey and Elizabeth Bier
Ms. Phyllis Bilus
Biogen Idec Foundation
Mr. Steven Bissonnette
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey R. Blau
Blechman-Morenoff Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Audrey Blecker
Mrs. Leslie Blum
Blumenfeld Development Group, Ltd.
BNY Mellon Community Partnership
Bob Industries
Ms. Susan E. Boerger
Ms. Candice R. Bolte
Mr. Peter BonTempo, Jr.
Mr. Mitchell F. Borger
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Botwinick
Dr. Harriet S. Boxer
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Brand
Ms. Bernardine Brandis
Daniel and Mary Breidegam
Ms. Mallory Brenner
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Broadridge Foundation Matching Gifts
Mr. Michael R. Brosteau
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brown
Bruce Allen Talent
Mr. James A. Bruckner
Mr. Peter C. Bruhn and Family
Mrs. K. C. Bruley
Mr. Gordon F. Brunner
Andrew and Jodi Buchbinder
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell I. Buchbinder
Mr. Steven Buchman
Mr. Paul Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Buechler
Ms. Noreen Burns
CA, Inc.
Mr. Stephen M. Cadden
Ms. Karen Cadora
Caesars Entertainment
Cafco Construction Management, Inc.
Mr. Ben Caiola III
Mr. Joseph Caiozzo
CAK Entertainment
Mr. Kenny Caldwell
Camdenton Police Department
Campbell Employees Federal Credit Union
Ms. Kathleen Canavan
Cancer Treatment Center of America - Eastern
Regional Medical Center
Ms. Barbara Cantacuzi
Capell Barnett Matalon & Schoenfeld LLP
Mr. Gregory Capone
Mr. Oscar Caraan
Carecycle, Inc.
Mr. John T. Carey
Mrs. Laura R. Carmine
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Carnogursky
Mr. Freddy Carrano and Family
Mrs. Emma Catalano
Catholic Health East
John and Jan Cauffman
Cavallo Family Foundation
CE DE Candy, Inc.
Center for Sight of Central IL
Center Island Services, Inc.
Mr. Fred Chaimson
Mr. Aaron J. Chaitovsky
Ms. Andrea Chambers
Charles M Cappellino Foundation, Inc.
Cheetah Technologies
Mr. Thomas Cherner and Ms. Lynn A. Suter
Mr. Andrew Chonofsky
Mr. William J. Christ
Mr. Thomas E. Christman
Chubb & Son, Inc. Matching Gifts Program
Mr. Thomas A. Cifardi
CIGNA Foundation
Cisco Capital
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Claster
Cleaning With Care, Inc.
Mr. Monty C. Cleworth
Mr. and Mrs. John Cobb
Mrs. Sharon Cobb
Cobra Materials, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Cohen
Mr. Jeffrey Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence J. Cohen
Dr. and Mrs. Wayne T. Cohen and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Cola
Mr. William H. Coleman
Mr. William Collier
Columbia Gas of Ohio
Mr. Harold Colvin
Mr. and Mrs. Marcel G. Comire
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Conte
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cooper
Ms. Loretta R. Cormier
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cornell
Mrs. Maureen Cornicelli and Family
Ms. Mary A. Corrado and Ms. Alicia Corrado
Mr. John Costello
Ms. Linda Cote
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Creditor
Crossfire Consulting Corp.
Mr. Cory Cuje and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Cunneen
Mrs. Anastasia K. Cunniff
Ms. Sandra Cunningham
Ms. Susan Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Frank D’Alessandro
Mr. Michael Damken
Mr. Mike P. Damm
Ms. Ellen Danish
Ms. Jo-Ann F. Danzis
Mr. Nicholas E. Danzis
Daphne I. Panagotacos, M.D.
De Soto Council 903
Decilog Inc.
Dell USA L.P.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene DeMark
Mr. John Dennan
Pete and Jamie D’Errico
Mr. Urmil Desai
Mr. Adam DeSanctis
Mr. Mike DeSimone
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
Mr. Peter Devereaux
Mr. and Mrs. Harris Diamond
Di and Gi srl
Mr. John DiDomenico
Mrs. Kathy DiMaio
Mrs. Ann C. DiTroia
Ms. Stephanie Doan
Mr. David M. Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Dolan
Donatic Givalike
Mrs. Louise Donnelly
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Donner
Mr. Scott Donner
Ms. Sandra L. Dosick
Downtown Capital Partners
DST Output
Mr. Richard J. Dunn
Dan Eakes
East Penn Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Eaton Vance Management Matching
Gifts Program
Mr. Walter Egbert III
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eisele
Mrs. Daryl Elliott
Dr. Steve Elliott
Mr. Fred K. Ellis
Elmwood Charity Fund, Inc.
Mr. Curtis A. Elsbernd
Emerson Network Power Liebert Services
Mr. David O. Eng
Mr. and Mrs. Russell R. England
Entourage Talent Associates, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Evans
Evans-Cockerline Foundation
Faber Future Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fader
Falmouth Road Race, Inc.
Mr. Jerry Feldman
Mr. James Felty
Mr. and Mrs. John Ferebee III
Mr. Eric Feuerstein
Dr. and Mrs. Joel Fischer and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Fischer
Dr. Ronald Fischman
Ms. Hanna Fitzgerald
Mr. Michael Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Fleder
Mr. Wayne S. Flick
Charles Forma, Esq.
Mrs. Millicent Fortunoff
Mrs. Ruth Fortunoff-Cooper
Fox Lane High School
Mrs. Nina Frankel
Mr. Kevin Franklin
Mr. Carl Frascogna
Ms. Karen B. Freed
Mr. and Mrs. H. Meade Freeman
Mr. Walter Freeman
Mr. Edward A. Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Friedman and Family
Mr. William Galioto
Mr. Robert Galloway
Mr. Lawrence J. Gannon
Gardiner Charitable Fund
Mr. and Ms. Alan Garfield
Mr. John J. Garthoeffner
Gelfand Rennert & Feldman LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Geller
Mr. Andrew M. Genser
Gerald and Linda Marsden Foundation
Mr. Michael Gerstner
Mrs. Debra Gertler
Mr. Bruce Gifford
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Gilbert
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gilbert
Sharone Gilbert
Mr. Josh Gillon and Family
Giomare Group LLC
Mrs. Geri Giorgio
Girardi Keese
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Girolamo
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Giss
Giuseppe Nigro Home Lodge 2234
Mr. Jay T. Glassman
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Glenn
Ms. Jennifer R. Glose
Mrs. Sherry Gold
Mr. Norman Goldberg
Mr. Samuel Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goldfrank
Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Program
Candy & Richard Goldstein
Mr. Joel Goldstein
Ms. Shirley I. Goldstein
Mr. William Goldstein
Goodhart National Gorman Agency, Inc.
Mr. Robert Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Goodstadt
Gopher Resource, LLC
Ms. Kelsey Gordon
Ms. Kristin M. Gorman
Mr. John Gornell
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gottlieb
Mr. Richard Graff
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Grant
The Gray Family
Green Valley Cooling & Heating, Inc.
Mr. John Greene
Mrs. Pamela W. Greenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Greenwald
Mrs. Jennifer Greenwald
Mr. Jordan Greer
Griffin Financial Group LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Bryant W. Griffin III
Ms. Jane Griffith
Mr. Marc Grill
Mrs. Regina R. Grim
Ms. Barbara Gross
Mr. Bernard Gross
Mr. Eli A. Gross
Allen and Deborah Grubman
Mrs. Annelies Guglberger
Dr. Michael Guttenberg
H&H Ruchman Charitable Foundation
H2 Management
Ms. Teresa H. Hacunda
Ms. Margaret L. Hagen
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Haje
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hall
Mr. Leon Hammett
Hammond Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamwee
Mr. Marc Hanrahan
Ms. Elizabeth Hansen
Harmonic, Inc.
Ms. Pamela M. Harper
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hascoe
Mr. Jeffrey K. Hass
Dr. Caryn Hasselbring
Haugebak Construction Co.
Hauser’s Truck Service
Mr. Spencer B. Hays
Mr. Raymond Hedaya
Mr. Leon Hedvat
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Helfant
Mr. Brian R. Helms
Help is at Hand
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Herbert
Heritage Home Group
Herman Katz Cangemi & Clyne, LLP
Mr. Justin Hernandez
Mr. Benjamin Hershkowitz
Ms. Ilissa A. Herskowitz
Hertz Lichtenstein & Young
Ms. Jacquelyn Herzig
The Herzog Family
Ms. Kathryn L. Hicks
Highline Capital Management, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Hildenbrand, Jr.
Mrs. Iris Hill
Dr. Theresa Hill
Mrs. Susan Hoddinott
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoffer
Mr. Sheldon Hoffman
Jim and Judy Hoke and Family
Mrs. Joann Holman
Mr. Eric Holmes
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Holzman
Home Depot Foundation
Hopewell Baptist Church, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Horowitz
Mrs. Janet R. Hoskins
Mr. and Mrs. John Hourihane
Mrs. Loretta E. Howard
Mr. Robert J. Hrebek
Hub International Northeast Limited
Mr. Frank N. Hughes
The Hughes Family
Mr. Lawrence Hui
Mr. Larry D. Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hutner
Mr. Martin Illick
iN Demand, LLC
Independent Investment Group LLC
Industrial Cooling
ING Capital LLC
InStock Programs
Integrated Health Administrative Services, Inc.
Integrated Professional Services, LLP
International Talent Booking
Ms. Virginia Isler
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Israel
Mr. Stephen Ivanoski
Jack Haley Memorial Fund
Jackoway Tyerman
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Jackson
Mr. Gary C. Jacobs
Dr. Mitchell Jacobs
Mr. Kenneth Jacobson
Ms. Sharon H. Jacquet
Jaffe Tilchin Wealth Mgmt
Mr. Andrew James
Mrs. Sharon K. Jankowski
JB Communications
Mr. Keith Jepsen and Ms. Kathleen Dore
Jerrold A. Salmanson Foundation
Mr. Daryel L. Jesperson
Mr. Manish Jhanji
Jim Alberto Memorial Golf Classic
JJA Leasing, LLC
Joe’s Seafood, Prime Steak & Stone Crab
Joseph P. Catapano Family Foundation
Mr. Leonard A. Johnson
Ms. Shirley K. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. David Jonas
Joseph F. Stein Family Foundation, Inc.
Joseph L. Muscarelle Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Jigna Joshi
Mr. Harold Jupiter
Ms. Maxine Kabol
Mr. Robert A. Kadison
Mr. Eric Kaneps
Ms. Ingrid Kaneps
Mr. Mathew Kaphan
Karen & Dan Davis Family Philanthropic Fund
Mr. Gary M. Karlitz
Mr. Kenneth Karlstein
Ms. Daryl Karter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kasirer
Mr. Burton R. Kassell
Mr. Gary Katcher
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Katz
Mr. Steven Katz
Mr. Howard Kaye
Mr. Ronald A. Kaye
Mrs. Amy Kealey
Mrs. Diane M. Keely
Kelly Family Charitable Foundation
Mr. William Kelly
Ms. Lorri Kerzner
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kewley
Mr. Gregory F. Kiernan
Mrs. Laura Kiesewetter
Mr. Arthur Kilduff
Mr. Michael Kimak
Kimera Salon, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kimmitt
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Kirsch
Mrs. Katherine Klauda
Mr. Andrew M. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Klett
Ms. Nancy Kline
Mr. Thomas Knowles
Mr. James G. Kocher III
Koehler Masonry Corporation
The Kopelman Family
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Kossoy
Ms. Agnes E. Kovacs
KPMG Community Giving Campaign
Mr. Lawrence Kramer
Mr. Ted Kretschmer
Mr. Evan Krinick
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kroin
Mr. and Mrs. Tomislav Kundic
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Kuriloff
Dr. Michael R. Kurman
Kurtz Family Foundation
Ms. Carol L. Lace
Laffitte Management Group
Mr. Nicholas A. Laganella II
Ms. Belinda Lai
Ms. Elizabeth Lamanna
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Lane
Ms. Anna Langenus
Mr. and Mrs. Oren Langer
Mrs. Anna M. Latour
The Laub Family
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Laub
Ms. Rochelle Laufer
Mr. Wesley R. Leach
Dr. and Mrs. Lee Learman
Ms. Dana Lee
Ms. Laura Lee
Mrs. Deborah A. Lee-Goldsmith
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Leifer and Family
Mrs. Caryn Lenefsky
Leonard Park Wines & Spirits, LLC
Mr. Irwin LePow
Ms. Lisa Lerner
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lerner
Ms. Randi Lesnick
Mr. and Mrs. David Levien
Levine Sullivan Koch & Schulz LLP
Dr. Vicki Levine
Mr. Douglas Levinson
Mr. Victor Levinson
Ms. Ellen F. Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Levy
LFP Broadcasting, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Libman
Dr. and Mrs. Laurence M. Lieberman
Mrs. Mindy Lieblein
Lightower Fiber Networks
Mrs. Maria Lima
Mr. Thomas S. Lin
Dr. Victor Lin
Linda Rice Racing
Mr. Halbert D. Lindquist
Mr. Aaron Linsky
Mr. H. Thomas Lint
Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Litt
Live Nation España, S.A.U.
Live Nation Sweden
Mr. Mark A. Lobel
Local One
Mrs. Renee Lockhart
Long Island Retriever Field Trial Club, Inc.
Ms. Martha Lovenheim Siegel
Mrs. Deborah Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lustgarten
Mr. Warren Lutz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mackey
Macy’s & Federated Department Stores
Magicspace Entertainment, Inc.
Mr. Guy Magno
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Mallah
Mallory Alexander Logistics
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Mandor
Mr. David J. Maniaci
Mrs. Claude Mann
Mr. Robert Marcus
Mr. Steven Marentis
Mr. Brian Marino
Ms. Hayley R. Marks
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marks
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Maroney
Marvin Lumber & Cedar Company
Maximus, Inc.
Mayfair Power Systems, Inc.
Mr. Joseph Mazzone
MBIA Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McCarroll
Miss Margaret McCoo
Mr. Doug McDaniel
McGhee Entertainment, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James P. McGillen
Mrs. Mary E. McGinn and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McIntyre
Ms. Elizabeth A. McNally
Mr. Michael McNeal
Mr. and Mrs. David McVane
MDC Partners, Inc.
Ms. Ellen L. Meckler
Ms. Suchen Mei
Mrs. Josephine A. Meilan
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Melidones
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mellick
Mr. Eric Mellott
Mr. Byron Menegakis
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Menowitz
Merck Foundation
Mr. Paul Metselaar
Midlothian Optometric Center
Ms. Janinne Milazzo and Family
Milken Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Miller
Mr. Henry S. Miller
Mr. Timothy Miller
Miss Ariana M. Mintz
MLB Network
Ms. Jo Ellen Moore
Miss Brooke Morgan
Mr. Ryan Morgan
Mr. Scott Morgan
Mrs. Anita E. Motkowski
Mr. Jason Mudd
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Mueller
Ms. Jane Muhrcke
Mr. George Mullen and Family
Mrs. Mary M. Mulvihill
Murphy & Fahy Construction Co., Inc.
Most Reverend William F. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Murstein
Muzio Family Foundation
NAC Enterprises, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Nacht
Ms. Deborah Nadel
NAPMW - Hudson Valley
Mr. Ralph Nappi
Ms. Catherine R. Nathan
Neil Sedaka Foundation, Inc.
Neuberger Berman LLC Matching Gifts Program
New England Interior Specialties, Inc.
New Market Transportation Services, Inc.
New York Racing Association
Jessica and Michael Newshel
Nextworld Entertainment, Inc.
Dr. Tony Nieto
Ms. Theresa E. Nimmo
Ms. Pamela Noble
Mr. James T. Norris, Jr.
Ms. Sue Norris
North Shore-LIJ Cancer Institute
Northrop Grumman - ENGPAC Charitable
Matching Program
Novartis Foundation Matching Gifts
Mr. Steve Novenstein
NYK Productions, Inc.
Oakland Volunteer Fire Department
Mrs. Sarah Oey
Ogden Cap Properties, LLC
Ms. Holly O’Keefe
Old Oaks Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Christopher L. Oleaga
Mr. Marc Olin
Ms. Deborah J. Olita
Mr. Patrick J. O’Meara
Mr. Steven Orbuch
Mr. and Mrs. M.G. Orender
Orlin & Cohen
Mr. Greg Orman
Mr. Michael L. O’Shea, Sr.
Ms. Beth Ostrow
Mrs. Brenda J. O’Toole
Outdoor Channel
Mr. Richard Ow
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Padgett
Ms. Jacqueline Page
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Page
Paint Nite LLC
Pamela and Laurence Tarica Foundation
Panas Volleyball Booster Club
Miss Jennifer Pantaleo
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Papson
Pastime Athletic & Social Club, Inc.
Ms. Janice Patrisso
Mr. William G. Paullin
Penford Corporation
Mr. James Pennington
PepsiCo Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Mr. and Mrs. John Perrone
Ms. Susan Petersen-Lubow
Mr. Andrew Petruzzi
Ms. Lisa Pevaroff-Cohn
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Pflieger
Mrs. Karen Pillion
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Plaut
Mr. John P. Pollis II
Ms. Julie Pollitz
Mr. Myron Poloner
Mr. Mark S. Popofsky
Mr. Andrew Poulos, Sr.
Ms. Andrea Pourmoradi
Practicing Law Institute
Ms. Lynn Pressler
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Prior
Dr. and Mrs. Angelo J. Procaccino
Progeny Systems Corporation
Project One, Inc.
Pronto Pizza and Pasta
Ms. Allison Prouty
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Puleio
Pullman & Comley, LLC
Mrs. Ruth Purcell
Ms. Sue F. Quarta
Mrs. Ruth Queen
QVC, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Rabinowitz and Family
Raising Hope for Others
Ralph W. Plotke, Inc.
Dr. Louise Ramm
Mr. Harvey Rappaport
Mr. Marc Rappel
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rathgaber
Mr. Bob Razem
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Realbuto
Realty Three LLC
Ms. Portia T. Redfield
RedPath Integrated Pathology, Inc.
Mr. Ed Regan
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Reilly
Mr. Jason Reinhardt
Ms. Lois Reinis
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reisner
Ms. Georgia Renne
Ms. Brenda B. Rever
Rex and Nelle Jackson Foundation
Ms. Carol A. Rhoads
Richard and Jane Fastiggi Charitable Fund
Mr. Arnie Richman
Ms. Sarah Richter
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Rieger
Ms. Margaret R. Riemer
Right Choice Realty
Mr. James Riley
Mr. Richard Riley
Ritchey Family Foundation, Inc.
Robert J. Eckhardt & Co., P.C.
Ms. Mary Robinson and Mr. Ronald J. Lee
Mrs. Linda Roemer and Family
Ms. Melissa L. Roeters
Mrs. Sylvia Rogers
Romano Family Foundation, Inc.
Ron Miller Memorial 5K
Mrs. Melissa K. Ronacher
Mr. Moe Rosenblum
Ms. Faith Rosenfeld
Rosenfeld Foundation UA
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Rosengard
Ms. Frieda Rosenzweig
Mrs. Cheryl Ross and Family
Mr. Jeffrey Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Ross
Ms. Virginia Bedford Ross
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Roth
Mr. Todd G. Rothman
Mr. Andrew Rowley
Ms. Lynn Rubin-Restuccia
Mr. and Mrs. Kit L. Rudd
Mr. James F. Rudy
Mr. Richard Rush
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Russum
Ms. Kristine M. Ryan
Mr. Peter Ryan
S & J Family Trust
Dr. Michael C. Saharic
Mr. Nicholas J. Salerno
The Salomon Family
Mrs. Frances Samit
Mr. Michael Sampliner
Mrs. Janet Sanders
The Sands Family
Mr. Leonard Santorelli
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt W. Saraceno
Mr. Andrew J. Sarno
Ms. Teresa A. Sarno
Sawyer Motors
Sayreville War Memorial High School
Mrs. Patricia L. Scalia
Ms. Linda Schector
Mrs. Joyce Schickler
Schlachtenhaufen Family
Ms. Harriet Schleifer
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Schneider
Mr. Kenneth M. Schneider
Schneider Mitola LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Schneider
Mr. Stanley Schneider
Ms. Linda Schoenthaler
Schreiber High School - “Future Business
Leaders of America”
Schulman Family Foundation
Mrs. Nancy Schuman
Mr. Robert B. Schumer
Ms. J. Virginia Schurz
Mr. and Mrs. James Schwab
Mr. Jason C. Schwartz
Mr. Tony Schwartz and Mrs. Deborah Pines
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scimo
Mr. John Scotts
Ms. Katherine Sears
Security 101
Securonix, LLC
Mrs. Sydell Sedlitz
Sellers Publishing, Inc.
Mrs. Donna Senter
Mr. Joseph Serino, Jr.
Mr. Scott Shane
Mr. and Mrs. Avi Shapira
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Shapiro
Mrs. Mildred Shaw
Mr. Sunil Shenoi
Dr. Vasudeva Shenoi
Shulman Industries, Inc
Mr. Harvey Silverman
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Simms
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Simon
Sina Drug Corporation
Dr. Karen Singer
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Siskind
Mr. Jeffrey S. Sites
Ms. Sara Skov
Dr. and Mrs. Jim Slater
Reverend William T. Slater
Mrs. Abby Smith
Mr. Brent Smith and Ms. Lisa Engel
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Smith
Mr. Declan Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Smith
Mr. Jervis Smith
Mrs. Ruth A. Smith
Mr. Orin S. Snyder
Solar City Corporation
Soros Fund Charitable Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Soterakis
Ms. Liliana Soto
Dr. Howard Spector
Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Spector
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spicer III
Ms. Anne Spitza
Mrs. Adrienne Spring
Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Squilanti
SS White Dental Inc.
St. John Fisher College
St. Kilian R.C. Church
St. Michael’s Lutheran Church
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church
Ms. Carol Stanzione
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Stark
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Stein
Mrs. Marcia Steinberg
Stellar Solutions Foundation
Mr. Robert Stellato and Ms. Debra Scordino
Mr. Jeffrey Stern
Steven and Beverly Rubenstein Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Stevens & Lee
Stewart Greenblatt Manning Baez
Ms. Sarah J. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Stier
Mr. Dominic Stiller
Mr. Scott Stirling
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Stoopler
Stop & Stor Charitable Fund
Mrs. Elizabeth Straight
Dr. and Mrs. Tom Strickland
Strike Up the Brand
Ms. Heidi E. Strom
Suffolk Games Enterprises, Inc.
Mrs. Catherine Sullivan
Mr. Joseph Sultan and Ms. Sandy Chilewich
Mr. David Swezey
Mr. and Mrs. Neil A. Swidey
T. M. Chan, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross H. Taff
Ms. Linda S. Tardiff
Dr. Noel Taylor
Mr. S. Michael Taylor
Telco Access Partners LLC
Telecable Inc
Mrs. Rachel Teslenko
Test Force Corporation
The Anbinder Family Foundation
The Anikstein Family Foundation, Inc.
The Apple Matching Gifts Program
The Association of New York State Banking
Department Employees
The Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
The Blaze
The Bobby Grenga Scholarship Fund
The Bowling Family Foundation
The Camp Hill Community Foundation
The Clarett Group LLC
The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation
The Gould-Shenfeld Family Foundation
The Harms Family Foundation
The Hollander Foundation
The Honorable Robert Grayson and Mrs.
The Kennedy/Marshall Company
The Kestrel Foundation
The Niki and Joe Gregory Charitable
The Ray Family Charitable Gift Fund
The Sheba Foundation
The Ware Group/Johnstone Supply
The William & Phyllis Mack Family
Foundation, Inc.
The Woodmere Club Charitable Foundation
The Wool Family Foundation
The Yale & Betty Citrin Foundation
The Yaspan Unterberg Foundation
Theta Chi Epsilon Lambda Chapter
Theta Chi Epsilon Sorority of N. A.
Tiffany & Co.
Ms. Carolyn Tiffany
Tina & Steven Price Charitable Foundation
TK Invitational
TMC Donuts, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Tober
Ms. Suzanne Tobin
Mrs. Gail Tomberg
Tommy Scogs Foundation, Inc.
Toms Family Charitable Fund
Mrs. Theresa Toste
TransAmerica Financial Advisors
Mr. Scott R. Treiber
Trend Landscaping
TriSept Corporation
Trowel Housing Corporation
Tuna Development Corporation
Turner Construction Company
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Tuzzo
TV One
University Physicians, Inc.
Mrs. Elaine Unterman
Valley Preferred
Mr. Anthony Valoroso
Mr. and Mrs. William Van Winkle
Ms. Lisa M. Vandetti
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Mr. Harvey D. Vaught
Mr. Anthony J. Vela
Mr. Bobby Vinton
Mrs. Chris Viola-Weiss
Visible World, Inc.
Mrs. Kathleen C. Voigt
W. B. Engineering & Consulting PLLC
Mrs. Irene T. Wachter Kahn
Mr. John Wallace
Ms. Jennifer Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Walsh
Warner Music Group
Waveguide, Inc.
Ms. Barbara Weaver
Mrs. Alice Weed
Mr. Glen A. Wegworth
Mr. Jason Weiler
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Weinstein
Ms. Joelle C. Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Weiss
Wellfleet Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. JoAnn Welter
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wengrofsky
Westchester Broadway Theatre
Mr. James F. White
Mr. Scott White
White Plains Hospital Center
Mr. David Whitlock
Dr. Mark Wilkinson
Mrs. Jacqueline Willens
William Goldberg Diamond Corp.
Drs. Derek and Valerie Williams
Willinger Talent Agency, Inc.
Wirtz Family Foundation
Mr. Fred Wistow
Wormser Corporation
Dr. Robert H. Worth
Mrs. Janet Wortman
Xenon Investment Corp.
Yanni Management
Mrs. Patricia M. Yarbrough
Dr. and Mrs. Soheil Younai
Mr. Joseph Young
YourCause, LLC Trustee for MasterCard
Mr. Jason Zabler
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Zeitlin
Mr. and Mrs. David Zensky
Mr. Mark Zibner
Mrs. Jennifer Ziegler and Family
Mr. Stanley Zinn
Mr. Irv Zuckerman
Dr. Murray Zung
Community Events (events raising at least $1,000)
Becker Battles for PC Fundraiser
Bedford Pancreatic Cancer Tennis Benefit
Canter for the Cure
Charity Ride at Flywheel
Dr. Bill Ross Memorial Swim Meet
Fundraiser in Memory of Claire Rose Bavaria
Hiking the Colorado Trails
Lacrosse Games McLean and Langley Fundraiser
Making Waves for Cancer Event
Maryland Lacrosse Purple Out
Massapequa High School Basketball “Alumni
Game” Charity Fundraiser
N.E.K. Pancreatic Cancer Crush Charity Swim
Pie in the Sky Event
Purple Ride
Ride for Razor
Score for the Cure - 3v3 Soccer Tournament
Shooting For a Cure For Pancreatic Cancer
Strike Out Pancreatic Cancer
Team sMarty Pants Bowl for a Cure
Terry Rau Sr. Pancreatic Cancer Co-Ed
Washer Tournament
Tour de Pour
Village Cup Regatta - Setauket Yacht Club
White Plains Youth Football Clinic Sponsored
by JF Camps, LLC
Wiffle Ball Tournament in Honor of Steve Brosky, Jr.
Zumbathon Dance Party
Appalachian Duathlon and Triathlon to Fight
Denver Rock and Roll Half Marathon - AB
Iron Girl Sprint Triathlon
Ironman in Memory of Gail Factor - Chris Jerde
Ironman Lake Tahoe - Matt Storey
Ironman Triathlon Arizona - Alan Guenzel
Malibu Triathlon - Lindsay Malison Newbegin
New York City Half Marathon Runners - Brian
and Steven Berman, Anne Fernandez-Holt,
Paul Hellman, Kristen Leibowitz, Mindy
Lieblein, Mackenzie Roth, Thomas Simpson,
Stanley Stilwell, Bonnie Sullivan
New York City Marathon Runner - Michael Zangrillo
RJA Memorial Mighty Montauk Triathlon
Rope Mill Half Marathon - Hank Sforzini
Team Renegaydos Half Marathon and 5K for
Pancreatic Cancer
Al Bressler Memorial Golf Tournament
AOH Div2 Golf Outing in Honor and Memory
of Msgr. Jim Kissane
Brian McGovern Memorial Golf Tournament
Carol B. Smith Memorial Golf Tournament
Croatian American Charitable Foundation
Golf Outing in Memory of Val Blaskovic
Double Bogey
Dr. Michael Pollack Memorial Golf Outing and
Charity Dinner
Eddie Ivanoski Memorial Golf Tournament
Francis Mackin Memorial Golf Outing
Golf for PC
Golf Outing NYC ASIS Chapter
Golf Tournament to Remember Michelle Maxim
Greenwich Women’s Golf Club and Bruce
Women’s Golf Association
GSK IT Dept Golf Tournament in Support of
Tess Waldman
Hit and Run Golf Outing
Howard Shapiro Memorial Golf Outing
Jack Haley Golf Tournament
Jeffrey K. Elder Memorial Golf Tournament
JFK Air Cargo Golf Outing
Jim Alberto Memorial Golf Tournament
Jim Hicks Memorial Golf Tournament
Jim Parker Memorial WCCC 2014
Joanne T. LaMonica Golf and Dinner
John Duffy Memorial Golf Outing
Kevin Naquin for Pancreatic Cancer Research
Golf Event
Lenon/Galas Memorial Golf Tournament
Loren Findorak Pancreatic Cancer Golf Outing
Matthew J. O’Reilly Golf Outing
No One Fights Alone Memorial Golf Outing
Old Oaks Country Club Charity Weekend
Old Westbury Golf and Country Club
Steve Hatje Golf Outing
Terry Hagen Golf Tournament
The Elmwood Charity Fund
The Larry Golf Classic
Thomas Annunziata Memorial Golf Outing
TK Invitational
Tri-State Survivor Charity Golf Classic
Alexandra Lenefsky Bat Mitzvah Project in
Memory of Frances Sulzberger
Bar Mitzvah Swim-a-Thon in Memory of
Marlene Buchman-Smith
Joanne Deluca Memorial - Remembering My
One True Love
Lexi’s Mitzvah Project for Pancreatic Cancer
Mary Serenita Memorial
Sybil Newell’s 90th Birthday Celebration in
Memory of Gary E. Newell
American Poolplayers Association Fundraiser
Americana Manhasset Champions for Charity
A Night to Fight Fundraiser Dinner
A Penny for Your Thoughts
Bags Tournament
Battle of the Bands
Big Daddy’s Poker Tournament
Bring a Buck
Charity Car Show and Fair
Chop and Stout Month at Shoreline Brewery
Concert in Memory of Robert Leifer to Benefit
The Lustgarten Foundation
Crab Pin Fundraiser
Custer’s Cruise-In
Delaney Concert
Family 4 Ever Bar Night
Family FUNdraiser
Family Fundraiser for Kathleen Donohue
Frenz for a Cause Masquerade Extravaganza
Fish and Chip Fundraiser in Honor of
Rosemarie Frapaul
Heeling with Every Step Gloria Swan
Pancreatic Cancer Foundation
International Tabletop Day for a Cause
Katherine’s Potholders for Pancreatic Cancer
Leonard Park Wines and Spirits Event in
Honor of Joseph Larizza
Louis W. Fortunoff Family Fun Day
Luau for Pancreatic Cancer Research
Maryland State Chili Championship Cook-off
Monday Night Football For The Lustgarten
Nancy Wernikoff’s Tea in Memory of Serge
No Shave November for Pancreatic Cancer
North Rockland High School Extension Purple with a Purpose
Oceanside High School T-Shirt Fundraiser
Orna’s Memorial Fundraiser
Pancakes for a Purpose
Pancreatic Cancer Benefit Concert in Memory
of Denise Greco Knowles
Pasta Mania Lunch Fundraiser
Pastime Athletic and Social Club Inc.
Pine Hollow Gala Charity Fund Gala
Purple Pumpkins for Pancreatic Cancer
Awareness and Search for A Cure in Memory
of Joseph T. Alessi and George Solomos
Remembering Bob Through Laughter Stand
Up Comedy Night
Rocking the Foundation
Sal Cannizzo Memorial Barbecue and
Sayreville War Memorial High School Choir
Schreiber High School Fundraiser
Skull and Bones Mepham High School Night
on Broadway
Sourland Spectacular
Sunday at Noon
The Breakfast Players
The Bruces Shave-a-Thon
The Nadine M. Brunner Grant Foundation
Virginia Real Chili Cook-off
Wear Purple for Teresa
5CACIA Run for Pancreatic Cancer at Ohio
5K Beer Run/Walk in Memory of Beth Moore
and Thomas Lesselyong
Bob Kochka Memorial 5K
Freezin 5K Fun Run/Walk and Chillin’ for Chili
HOPE 5K Run/Walk for Pancreatic Cancer
Hope Begins with Me
Howie Levy 5K and Fun Run
Live Love Laugh For Lenore - Walk for the Cure
Making Every Mile Count
Maria Young Walk/Run
Mike Purcell 5K/Walk/Kids Fun Run
Pound the Pavement for Purple 5K Run Walk
Prodoehl/Agozzino Memorial Run/Walk
Purple Ribbon Run/Walk 5K
Raising Hope for Others
Rock and Run 5K
Ron Miller Memorial 5K Run/Walk
Sherry Shumaker Memorial Pancreatic Cancer
5K Run/Walk
BTIG Charity Day in Honor of Harriet Plank
Citrin Cooperman & Company Jeans with a
Twist Day
Legal and General America Employee Giving
Campaign Kick Off Meeting
North Bergen Dress Down Day
RBC Wealth Management Silent Auction
Voxx International Fundraiser in Memory of
Billy Dahan
1111 Stewart Avenue
Bethpage, New York 11714
P: 516-803-2304
F: 516-803-2303